Papatoetoe Cricket Club (Inc) 109Th Annual Report & Balance Sheet 2014 – 2015
PAPATOETOE CRICKET CLUB (INC) 109TH ANNUAL REPORT & BALANCE SHEET 2014 – 2015 Papatoetoe Cricket Annual Report 2014 - 2015 1 2 Papatoetoe Cricket Annual Report 2014 - 2015 2014/15 NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The 109th Annual General Meeting of the Papatoetoe Cricket Club will be held on the 2nd August at the Papatoetoe Sports Centre at 1.30pm. AGENDA 1. Apologies 2. Confirmation of Minutes from 108th Annual General Meeting 3. Matters Arising 4. Presentation and adoption of Annual Report and Balance Sheet for the 2014/2015 5. Election of officers for the 2015/2016 Season 6. Life Membership 7. General Business 8. Social Hour Papatoetoe Cricket Annual Report 2014 - 2015 3 PAPATOETOE CRICKET CLUB (INC) OFFICE BEARERS 2014/2015 PATRON Guy Ronaldson PRESIDENT Nigel Hurst HONORARY VICE PRESIDENTS P Ambler, M Bennett, D Boyd, P Boyd, M Bradley, I Burnside, R J Cambie, J Crocker, W Cummins, M Deas, P Dullabh, E L Gibbs, P Hannan, P J Havill, E Hope, N Hurst, G Karam, J Lee, T Leitch, W McCormick, I McGechie, L McEntee, A McLaughlin, S McNeilage, R Meiklejohn, G Peach, M Peterson, R Peterson, S Peterson, B Plummer, M Plummer, J Pope, C Price, W Price, A Rewcastle, L Rewcastle, P Rich, R Robertson, N Ronaldson, C Ross, G Speedy, M Sua, M Switzer, P J Walker, K Wallis, S L Watt, S Wickett, J Wright LIFE MEMBERS N V Burnside, D S Currie, G H M Green, I H Plummer, D H Price, R G Ronaldson, F W Stamp, G B Troup, R M Harris, S J Poole, P O’Brien, R.
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