EDITORIAL BOARD OF NSC: Elected at the Third World CONTENTS Congress in 2011 - Canada

Michael Lucas - Editor- in-chief - Appeal for financial help by Canaaa Eduardo Artes, Editor of the George Gruenthal - NSC Spanish Edition in Chile CANADA * USA * MEXICO * CUBA * Webmaster - USA Page 3 'FRANCE’ BELGIUM The ahievements of the THE NETHERLAND5 USSR - Guest Editorial ’SWEDEN* NORWAY Dr. Adelard Paquin, Antonio ’FINLAND Artuso Editors of French NSC - LICHTENSTEIN Canada Pages 4-6 •SPAIN * PORTUGAL Victor Bourenkov Editor of Zyuganov censured by CPRF members 'HUNGARY * CZECH REP. Russian NSC - •SLOVAKIA * ITALY Page 7 •POLAND * RUSSIA Eduardo Artes Brichetti - Editor willing tool for •UKRAINE * GEORGIA of Spanish NSC - Chile NATO expansion TADJIKISTAN ‘GREECE •BYELORUSSIA * ARMENIA Editors of Hindi NSC -Workers Page 8 •AZERBAIJAN * SYRIA and Peasants Party of Nepal West uses :"democracy’’ to •UZBEKISTAN * ROMANIA cover up-_ Lukashenko Helen Lucas, Financial Secretary •BULGARIA • YUGOSLAVIA •LEBANON * ISRAEL Page 9 •PALESTINE * CONGO Pictorial glimpse of anti- •INDIA * PAKISTAN Maria Donchenko - Russia Russian demonstrations •BANGLADESH * JAPAN •SRI LANKA ’AUSTRALIA •PHILIPPINES • BURMA Page 10-13 Harpal Brar- England Skin-bone, tissue for sale in •NEPAL * HAWAII (USA) Ukraine for export Frank Trampus - Canada •ALGERIA * NICARAGUA •SWITZERLAND Page 14 Ray-O-Light - USA •ARGENTINA •DOMINICAN REPUBLIC They and us - opening up TURKEY Russian book library in Toronto Irina Malenko -Northern Ireland •MARTINIQUE * LITHUANIA Page 15 Galina Savchenko - Ukraine •SINGAPORE * MOROCCO •LUXEMBURG The Mole in the Kremlin •GUINEA-BISSAU Don Curie - Canada Page 16-23 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF •SOUTH AFRICA NEW ZEALAND ‘CAMBODIA US has over 70 nuclear bombs INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL in Turkey Michael Lucas - Chairman - Canada Page 26 Michael Opperskalski - Ignominious decline of the USSR Germany Page 27-29 Dr. Adelard Paquin - Canada Documents from 1943 about Victor Bourenkov - Russia the Canada-USSR Association Page 30-31 Maria Donchenko, Russia Friendship news Page 32-33 General Alexei Fomin - International Union of Soviet Letters to the Editor Page 34-35 Officers -Russia YOU CAN DOWNLOAD THE ELECTRONIC VERSION PDF OF NSC FROM OUR WEBSITE - NORTHSTARCOMPASS.ORG - IF YOU HelenTO OUR Lucas, SOVIET Financial FRIENDS - WANT TO READ THE NEXT NSC AFTER ITS PUBLISHED. Secretary - Canada ARISE YOU MIGHTY VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT - WWW.NORTHSTARCOMPASS.ORG Eduardo Artes Brichetti -Chile LAND! Subscription rate for 12 issues is only $25 Ray Berbling - Australia

Zdenek Novotny - Czech Rep.

Manik Mukherjee - India

Harpal Brar - England

Galina Savchenko - Ukraine

Representative of Nepal Workers and Peasants Party

Dr. Angelo D1 Angelo - USA

George Gruenthal - USA

Rose O. Light - USA

Frank Trampus - Canada

Alexei Maikov - Canada


Dear comrades and friends - We are making this Financial as well as the ideological Appeal because our financial struggle of the Marxist-Leninists in Chile and in Latin situation is acute and there is no America. other alternative at this time but We therefore call on all to ask for your sincere and Communists and friends of the generous help. Soviet people in all countries to You know that NSC is being help us collect the funds that will published all these years by the allow us to maintain the dedication of unpaid volunteers remarkable and recognized in all the countries that are presence of Northstar Compass mentioned above. The English in the important sectors of the Edition of NSC was lucky in Latin American people. Toronto because of the Being sure that we can count of Marxism-, based on financial assistance given by the on your internationalist support the glorious achievements of Society of Carpatho-Russian and understanding of our former USSR, and of the current Canadians in whose Friendship comrades from different regions House we are located. After ongoing struggles for its of the world, I send you our extensive financial renovation to restoration, is very crucial for the fraternal Communist greetings. the building they are not able to victory of Socialism in the world. Eduardo Artes help as they did. This struggle has been the noble task of Northstar Dear friends: Editor of the Spanish Edition of Compass, which is published in We publish the Appeal below Northstar Compass 5 different languages. Our by Eduardo Artes, Editor of the Chilean Communist Party Spanish Edition of NSC in Chile struggle must go on and play its (Proletarian Action) -PC/AP" which I sincerely hope will important role. This is why for This Appeal was transited from these many years, we, the convince all the readers of NSC to help to the best of their Chilean Communists, have Spanish into French and English abilities to have NSC being been publishing the Spanish by Antonio Artuso, Editor of published regularly as the voice Edition of NSC and circulating it French Edition of NSC of friendship with the Soviet widely across Chile and in BACK TO THE FUTURE! people since 1918 when the several other countries. The lack of funding for all “Hands Off Russia Committee” BACK TO THE USSR! was established. these publications is a constant obstacle hindering building of “Dear comrades - Socialism and helps the reaction and capitalism. Today in The struggle against imperialism and reaction, for Chile we are trying to overcome democracy and national this obstacle by working hard and relying on our own forces. independence, for Socialism, must be waged on several Due to the financial difficulties that we are facing (as do other levels. The economic, political and ideological struggles are NSC editions - Editor) the Spanish edition was part of the whole, and we must fully be part of all these temporarily suspended. Of struggles. course this has consequences The ideological struggle for for the ideological struggle for the defense and the promotion friendship with the Soviet people GUEST EDITORIAL

I/Vewelcome to NSC Guest Editorial our dear comrades from the Hispano-Soviet Friendship Association! THE ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE USSR By the Hispano-Soviet Friendship Association BIENVENIDO !

We are accustomed to hear, see and read a lot of criticism and lies about what happened in the USSR. I remember reading in the there was no freedom of worship, there was no progress, that people were dying of hunger, were living in fear, it was a , that was a dictator. They were only lies and more lies about the reality that existed in the USSR. In this article, I will discuss the achievements of the Soviet Union and I will show you a reality that the bourgeois media conceal. I will speak first of what I believe was the greatest success not only of socialism, but also of humanity: the Soviet Union was the first country in world history to have completely eliminated hunger, an achievement that countries as "developed" as the United States have never reached. This shows the high efficiency that the socialist system reached at that time. In addition to eradicating hunger, the Soviet Union had been at the forefront of the global campaign for the eradication of smallpox and the establishment of networks of water, electricity, heating and transport almost free. The Soviet Union was the first country to have an entirely literate population. The Soviet education system guaranteed public education, universal, free and compulsory collectivism. The work done by the pioneers (Young Communists) was to bring people together in groups and to provide training collective (not individual) to that person who was behind in school. In addition, training plays an important role, that of forging a new man, with a socialist morality. The USSR was the first country to establish the University of evening allowing workers to study. It is not by chance that the Soviet Union was the country where were sold as many books in the world, exceeded that of all books sold in the country then.

The socialist system allowed to create a society of educated people, educated in the arts and sciences, aware of their importance as members of a society of interdependence. It is interesting to note that within the population, which had increased by 15 percent, the number of technicians has been multiplied by 55. Free sports were one of the pillars of child development. The interest in music was widespread, and almost the entire population could play an instrument. Children's education was entirely free of negative influences, and television showed only educational programs of all kinds and in all forms, including cartoons. It avoided programming topics mediocrity and is not intended to raise the general level, which brutalize people. The socialist system also ensured public health, universal and free, ensuring that the life expectancy had reached the Soviet one of the highest levels in the world. The USSR was the first country where women were not only entitled to a free labor but also a painless childbirth. The first organ transplants were also developed by the glorious Soviet scientists. Under Stalin, for the first time in history, the woman had obtained the same rights as men, including access to education, employment, political participation, as well as pay equity, which still does not exist in the capitalist countries. Soviet physicians have developed treatments based bacteriophage 4 viruses against infectious diseases. Bacteria kill humans, but bacteriophages destroy bacteria. Today, bacteriophages can be the solution to the growing resistance of bacteria to antibiotics.

In the USSR, life expectancy had doubled and infant mortality had been reduced to one-ninth. In 1972, the number of doctors was increased from 135,000 to 484,000, and the number of hospital beds from 791,000 to 2,224,000. The socialist system has made great strides to create a large multinational state free of major conflicts, ethnic, cultural or religious, that characterize capitalist countries. Another important factor was the creation of the "Soviet social security." Immediately after the victory of the October Revolution, the Soviet government had approved more than 100 laws and decrees granting pensions to workers or retired people, and the wounded who had shed their blood in defense of the Revolution. To manage these decrees, the Soviet power had created the "People's Commissariat for Social Welfare" under the direction of Comrade Kollontai.

At its inception, the Office had faced terrible economic difficulties that had prevented it from applying social orders, because of the First World War, civil war and military intervention of 14 capitalist states which invaded the young Soviet Republic to "drown the child while still in the cradle," as Churchill had said about the Soviet Revolution. The new Commissioner was also faced with internal enemies, opponents who engaged in acts of sabotage and officials of the former Ministry of social charity flying resources. Gradually, the Commission could implement the decrees, and over half a million people had begun to receive, for the first time in life, a stable pension, especially to war wounded or working. After the death of Lenin, Comrade Stalin and the Bolsheviks continued to apply the Leninist great plan, and in the early 30s, thanks to the rapid economic growth due to economic planning based on five-year plans, the ambitious plan old age pension was applied. The Soviet Constitution was born in 1936the most progressive in history, which has not been surpassed by any other organization. The USSR was able to create from scratch, a popular army capable of facing the great imperialist armies such as the United States, England, France or Nazi Germany. The USSR had also become a great scientific and industrial power, and one of the powers of the space industry pioneers and pioneers of space, Yuri Gagarin was the first to enter space. The Soviets were the first to launch a satellite into space on October 4,1957, a feat that surprised the world. • 1957: Launch of the first intercontinental ballistic missile R-7 Semyorka.

• 1957: First orbiting satellite, Sputnik 1. • 1957: First living in orbit, the dog Laika on Sputnik 2. • 1959: Launch of a missile, the first man-made object to leave the Earth's orbit, Luna 1 • 1959: Telemetry - First communication to and from the ground, Luna 1. • 1959: First object to pass near the moon, and the first object in orbit around the Moon, Luna 1. • 1959: First satellite hit the moon, Luna 2. • 1959: First images of the dark side of the moon, Luna 3. • 1960: First satellite to be launched to Mars, the Marsnik 1. • 1961: First satellite to Venus, Venera 1. • 1961: The first person to enter orbit around the Earth, Yuri Gagarin in Vostok 1. • 1961: The first person to spend a day in orbit, Gherman Titov - Vostok 2. • 1962: First flight of two astronauts (estimate), Vostok 3 and Vostok 4. • 1963: First woman in space, Valentina Tereshkova, Vostok 6. • 1964: First flight of several astronauts (3), Voskhod 1. • 1965: First spacewalk, Aleksei Leonov, Voskhod 2. • 1965: First probe to another planet Venus, Venera 3. • 1966: First probe to descend on the moon and send from there, Luna 9. • 1966: First probe in lunar orbit, Luna 10. • 1967: First meeting of unmanned Cosmos 186/Cosmos 188 (until 2006 this feat was not imitated by the United States). • 1969: First docking and crew exchange in orbit, Soyuz 4 and Soyuz 5 • 1970:. First signals sent to the moon by Luna 16. • 1970: First mobile robot, Lunokhod 1. • 1970: The first data sent by a probe from another planet (Venus), Venera 7. • 1971: First space station, Salyut 1. • 1971: First satellite in orbit around Mars and landing on Mars 2. • 1975: First satellite in orbit around Venus and sending data to earth, Venera 9. • 1984: First woman to walk in space, Svetlana Savitskaja (Salyut 7) • 1986: First team to visit two space stations Salyut and Mir (7). • 1986: First permanent space station in Earth orbit, the MIR orbit from 1986 to 2001.

• 1987: First team to spend more than a year aboard Mir, Vladimir Titov and Musa Manarov. It seems impossible: whereas in Tsarist Russia, people traveled by carriage, 40 years later it was possible to reach space. The Soviets also developed the largest thermonuclear experimental system in the world, 10 Tokamak, a prototype fusion reactor. Tokamak heats the hydrogen at the temperature of the bowels of the sun (tens of millions of degrees) and keep the heated substance for a long time. They also created the first nuclear icebreaker "Lenin", the first in the world, another feat of Soviet engineering, consisting of a giant 19,240 tons of steel, driven by three nuclear reactors using pressurized water. These were the largest industrial and social achievements of the Soviet Union, not to mention the country's reconstruction, destroyed by World War II. Now for the last part of this article, the conclusions. After writing this article, many questions come to mind. Why the bourgeois press is trying to imply that under socialism there is no progress? Why does media lie that people in the Soviet Union are starving while the figures show otherwise? If Joseph Stalin was a dictator, why did he organized literacy of workers and peasants? For a dictatorship is it not better to have illiterate citizens? Is it lying to us? YES! So I decided to write this article, to expose the lies of capitalists and so you know that everything you've been told about the Soviet Union was not true. ONLY THE TEACHINGS OF MARX, ENGELS, LENIN AND STALIN WILL SHOW THE ROAD TOWARDS SOCIALISM AND THE DEFEAT OF CAPITALISM- IMPERIALISM! on permanent basis. The American NEWS FROM FORMER USSR | nuclear-armed warplanes will need only 15-20 minutes to reach Smolensk or Moscow! The Russian Foreign Minister RUSSIA WILL BLOCK ANY blasted for giving parliamentary seats won by CPRF in the elections said that: “This is an unfriendly BID TO USE FORCE to the oligarchic capital and move bv US-NATO. Russia is bureaucrats, instead of giving a waiting for an explanation from US- NATO.” AGAINST IRAN chance to workers, peasants and to From RIA Novosti - Oct. 2012 union leaders. They demanded to hold a new REALLY? W/\KE UP KREMLIN! Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov CPRF Congress to lead the told the world press that Russia struggle for the resurrection of the BELARUS STOPS EU would scuttle any UN Security USSR and Socialism. Council Resolution that would allow MIGRANT H0RDES military action against Iran. “As the Libyan experience had MOST RUSSIANS From BelTA, October 16, 2012 shown, sadly, a military scenario is in the works and a possibility. We HAVE A POSITIVE Every year Belarus stops tens of shall not allow any more such thousands of illegal migrants on dangerous situation. There is VIEW OF STALIN their way to the European Union. absolutely no evidence that Iran President Lukashenko made this From materials in “Interfax North- has any plans to use its nuclear statement to the mass media on West’’ program potential for any attack.” October 16, 2012 in Minsk. Foreign Minister Lavrov and “We stop every one at our Views regarding Stalin in the Russian Chief of Staff of the Armed expense that travels from social consciousness of people Forces, General Nikolai Makarov and other countries have undergone serious changes in exposed the fact that the rebel through Russia into Belarus. We the last 20 years, according to the groups in Syria have foreign-made confiscate explosives, radioactive study by Lev Gudkov, Director of shoulder-launched missile systems, materials, narcotics. These the Analytical Center at a and most of them from United thousands of migrants do not want Conference “The History of USSR to settle in Belarus. They travel via States and ” which took place in Russia to the European Union countries." Leningrad. This survey was done in Many of these migrants penetrated to Lithuania and Poland. COMMENT: August of 2012. A little late too later after the barn “The Western powers and the EU Today this study showed that doors are open and the CIA blame us for temporarily hosting Stalin is viewed as the most inspired horses are galloping. and feeding these migrants in important figure in that Soviet era, sheltered camps, while they in the consciousness of the great instituted harsh sanctions against ZYUGANOV CENSURED RY majority of the people. This is in Belarus.”, concluded President Lukashenko. spite of the daily internal and CPRF MEMBERS OVER HIS external media barrage of negative TIES TO THE OLIGARCHS attacks against J.V. Stalin. A group of former Communist Party members in the CPRF have WHY DO THE AMERICANS SOME FACTS ABOUT PRESENT blasted their ex-leader Gennady SITUATION IN UKRAINE Zyuganov for failing to lead the NEED A NUCLEAR BASE IN recent wave of street POLAND demonstrations and protests and P *More than 70 schools have been for his close opportunistic ties to Voice of Russia, Oct. 17-2012 closed in Ukraine in 2012. In all, the Russian capitalists and to the over 300 rural schools have been Russian church. According to the Polish TV N24 closed in the last 2 years. President They charged that CPRF and Channel, over 200 American Yanukowich called the people who Zyuganov’s lacks military personnel have already opposed the closing on these leadership and mostly approves the arrived at the end of October in schools -provocateurs! present policies of the Russian Poland - mechanical staff, Government. He was blasted also specialists, pilots, plus military * One in four citizens of Ukraine are for betrayal of the Communist nuclear strike force personnel. living below the poverty line. But by ideology, replacing materialism with These US Nuclear European standards, 80% of the idealism and religious dogmas - Bombs and Missiles Depots are population live - or rather, they survive below the poverty line replacing internationalism with stored already at Nine American today. Such data was given by the Russian nationalism. He was also Depots in Six European countries Institute of Demography and Social Studies of the National Academy of GE0RGIA-NAT0 EMBRACE NEW SATRAP Sciences of Ukraine - and this is From Richard Rozoff- Oct. 5,2012 the official data.

*ln 2011, over 10,000 in Ukraine committed suicide - according to Ministry of Internal Affairs. Close to 50,000 people emigrated from Ukraine in the last 3 years.

Of course because of the good life in present Ukraine. AZERBAIJAN IS NOW A WILLING The Commander of US NATO Marine Corps Lt. General John TOOL FOR NATO Paxton meets the new Georgian President Bidzina Ivanishili in the NATO compound in Tbilisi. According to the new President of Georgia he got complemented EXPANSION by the USA Lt. General for keeping two Georgian Army Battalions in Trend News Agency, Oct.30, 2012 Afghanistan as long as NATO wants. The NATO-US Command has been training the Georgian forces for many yeas, as well as Defense Ministry of Azerbaijan arming them with the latest weapons and all pointing at Russia. confirmed that the Azerbaijan President Ivanishvili ended his welcoming remarks with: “We have Armed Forces are now conforming been a very valuable and trusted ally of NATO for many years and to NATO standards in training, we work very closely in Afghanistan and learning the skills of NATO structure and top command. soldiers.” “Azerbaijan Officers in NATO Lt. General Paxton smiled and nodded his head in agreement. headquarters serve as NATO officers - and co-operates militarily with 53 other countries in military training and for coordinated plans.” said Eldar Sabiroglu of the Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan.. Azerbaijan was the first country after the break up of the USSR to have joined NATO.

Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyev and Secretary General of NATO Anders Fogh Rasmussen after joining NATO

NATO had already joint war games with Azerbaijan in 2009 NSC readers suggested that Gorby become a Pimp! More $$$$! WEST USED ‘DEMOCRACY’ TO COVER UP TAKE YOUR DIRTY HANDS ITS POLICIES OF PLUNDER - LUKASHENKO OFF LENIN MAUSOLEUM! MINSK -BelTA - October 22, 2012 With such a slogan the Communists of the City of President Lukashenko said that the talk of democracy by the West is Mineralny Vody reply to the used as a screen to hide its plunder policies: ongoing campaign and attempts coming from Moscow and other “What democracy is there today in Iraq when every day bombs enemies of Socialism. What explode killing hundreds of people and maiming thousands? How many happened to the directive that Putin have been killed? What kind of democracy is this? Who is it for? Iraq had gave ten years ago when he to be destroyed to get access to its abundant oil. Who does not stated - understand this today? “This is not the time yet!" This constant talk about democracy is used as a smokescreen, the Lenin gave birth to the USSR1 cover for absolute plunder.” With the name of Lenin the whole President Lukashenko exposed this fact: “American diplomats came of humanity and its working class is to see me before the crisis in Iraq reached the terrible consequences tied to his teachings. and asked me to state publicly that there were weapons of mass Our presidents demolished the destruction in Iraq. I refused! They even told me mat things would go whole Soviet Union, now they are well for Belarus in terms of Western investments etc. I told them outright demolishing Russia itself. that I knew that there were no Weapons of Mass Destruction in This is understood not only by the Iraq! elder generation, but also by more The same was true about Libya. Why bomb Libya? and more young people. Did the people of Britain, America or France want that threes Time is coming for these present countries be bombed and that their leaders be brutally murdered? But leaders to answer to the Soviet nevertheless these countries were destroyed and left in ashes!” people for their actions. The US ESTABLISHING country exists now because of the revenues still coming in from the GEORGIA AS ITS NATO Obama is not at all trying to hide sale of gas and oil - this giving OUTPOST IN CAUCASUS his plan to turn Georgia into a very these oligarchs some important NATO base and is scraps to throw to the people from their Rick Rozoff- Fars News Agency demanding that other NATO members join totable. strengthen the Georgian armed forces. But this is coming to an end, and Georgia has agreed to receive Georgian armed forces are the people will again turn to Lenin military, technical and CIA help in and his revolutionary teachings! its military structures. working closely with NATO Vladimir Shkarupa US military and multinational occupiers in Afghanistan. NATO Member of the AUCPB corporations have established a also wants Georgia to play a pivotal Georgian Lobby in Washington role in the Turkish and Syrian future which guarantees financial backup conflict. for future expansion in the Caucasus.


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SEPTEMBER 20 - "Meeting near the Ukrainian Embassy in Moscow to defend Soviet political prisoners in jail since 2002 SEPTEMBER 22 - Project Action "Strategy 22" SEPTEMBER 22 - March and meeting against introduction of “Juvenile Justice in Russia” which means the government' right to take children away from their parents under the excuse of “Child Defense.” SEPTEMBER 23 - “Communists of Russia" meeting on housing communal problems. SEPTEMBER 29 - Workers meeting against the closing of factories in Moscow and in defense of workers against unemployment and very low salaries. OCTOBER 3-4 1993 - Vigil in memory of those Soviet Heroes who died in defending the Moscow “White House" Vigil in memory of those Soviet Patriots who perished fighting against the counter-revolution and Yeltsin’s tanks and cannons.

SKIN, BONES AND ON THE 95th ANNIVERSARY OF THE GREAT OCTOBER TISSUE FOR SALE SOCIALIST REVOLUTION Continued from previous issue of NSC. An expose by the An official Statement was issued by International Consortium of the following Communist and Investigative Journalists Worker’s Parties on the 95th Anniversary of the Great October This illegal industry has flourished, Socialist Revolution, outlining the even though its practices are history, the successes and the illegal, but the underground pipeline causes of the dismemberment of of these corpses' products keeps on the USSR by the internal and going from and through Ukraine. In external enemies, and calling upon the US alone, the biggest market of questions being asked. all parties to unite their efforts in supplies is an estimated 2,000.000 In the US the parts that are struggle against the internal and products derived from black market shipped from Ukraine, these external enemies led by US human tissues are sold each American ground-level body imperialism. year, but this figure has doubled in wranglers get as much as $10,000 the past decade. for each corpse they secure Signatories to this 95th excellent At the centre of these illegal through their contacts in hospitals, statements; trafficking in human tissues is mortuaries or morgues, in Ukraine, Ukraine. The Security Service in as well as in the USA. 'Communist Party of Azerbaijan Ukraine says that the bodies The corpse of 35 year old 'Hungarian Communist Worker’s passing through the morgue in the Alexander Frolov from near Party Nikolaev District, the gritty Vinnitsa had two ribs removed, 'Communist Party of Greece shipbuilding region of Ukraine on two Achilles heels, two elbows, two 'Socialist Party of Latvia the Black Sea, is feeding this trade eardrums and two teeth. The police 'Communist Part of Mexico leaving behind as the Security found this list of tissues taken from 'Russian Communist Worker’s Force said “scores of human sock his body. Party (RCWP-CPSU) puppets” - corpses stripped of 'Communist Party of Syria their reusable parts. www.icij.org/tissue 'Communist Party of the Soviet Despite warnings from doctors in Union some countries that this trade FOR REVOLUTION AGAINST 'Communist Party of allows diseased tissues to infect 'Union of Communists of Ukraine potential recipients, the Ukrainian CAPITALISM TO BE A SUCCESS, 'Union of Revolutionary- authorities have done very little to THE FLAG MUST BE RED! Communists of France eliminate this trade in human tissues. Just a case in point - The grieving parents of 29 year old Sergei Malish, who committed suicide in 2008 - as his parents told us - were left to cope with this discovered reality. At the funeral the parents discovered many deep cuts on Sergei’s body. Later they learned that his body parts had been recycled and shipped off as “anatomical material". His father through tears told us: They make money with our misfortune. From Ukraine the human parts that Slovakia receives they export to Germany, The Germans then export them to the US. South Korea, South Africa, Brazil, Australia - to more than 30 countries. Once the product is in countries of the European Union, they can be shipped all over - to US in particular - without any This Library is asking only a fee of THEY AND US $60. for 5 years. This is just $1. per By Raul Erkimbaev month - to make certain that these books taken out get returned back. The Internet of this Russian On October 26-27, 2012 in St. library can be looked at Petersburg (Leningrad) there took www.delokrat.org. For Maikov, the place the 4th International Congress Director of this Russian Library and of compatriots of former USSR who a member of the Council of the are now living abroad. There were Canadian Friends of the Soviet about 500 delegates from 94 People, this is another step towards countries in the world. The purpose of this Congress was building patriotism of the former to discuss actual questions and Soviet citizens. plan future cooperation, as well as This Library has over 1,500 to adopt a strategy for closer ties books by many authors of former between the immigrants and their USSR. In future there will be added former Motherland. a film section, music section, Red Ribbon cutting ceremony to President Putin said as to how videocassettes. open Russian Books Library by M much Russia appreciates the CFSP has sent out a catalogue of Lucas, Editor of Northstar ongoing attempts to save the Videos, CD’s, DVD’s to close to 60 Compass, Alexei Maikov, Director abroad and the countries of the world - asking of Library - Executive Committee need for constant contacts with the people to buy or rent these Soviet member of Canadian Friends of country of their birth. He also cultural treasures. Soviet People. promised that the Russian government will help the immigrants from 2012 to 2014, and a budget will be put into place. While the delegates were discussing what needs to be done, there are people already outside the Motherland who are already doing work. At the celebration of the 96th Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution, in the Friendship House in Toronto, Canada, 280 Queen St. W. headquarters of the Canadian Friends of Soviet People and the Society of Carpatho-Russian Canadians, there was opened up a Free Library of Russian Books and patriotic literature “Delokrat”. Top- looking at the books and Soviet T-Shirt Bottom - the Room was filled with many members and guests who enjoyed the drinks/ buffet Veteran of the Main Intelligence Department I I. Parinov, who served there over thirty years, said: "West recruited Putin long time ago, and most probably, he was the best success of western secret services Further he explained that spies of this scale are taken out of intelligence service; there are many other, more professional and unnoticeable services. Today it is not important what service recruited Putin. The most important is that this person works for the entire West. As regards to his “decisive struggle against of western influence" and “against of Russia disintegration”, it ;s just showing the “fight against”. It is a cover. It is time to learn to distinguish slogans from real deeds. Which spy will state aloud that he is hostile agent? Or, nevertheless, he will cheer the call “Forward, Russia!" making on the sly everything to disintegrate the country? Let us make this clear; intelligence data has one significant shortcoming - they become outdated very fast. A new secret details received by a spy under risk of life become obsolete after five years. Plans for country defence become outdated in ten years. Information about mistress of ambassador or attache is not interesting after his retirement. We can see that the majority of intelligence successes are short-term. But using the spy of such scale like Putin for achieving short-term goals is not rational.

Lets assume you won the person over to your side and this person became a president of potentially hostile country (of course, not without your support). How would you use the:dent fos agent? Would you demand the nomenclature lists of plants and time-tables of military freightage from him? Or would you start slowly turning the state into the country resigned to you for quite a long time, for the foreseeable future, generations ahead? How is “anti-Americanism” of Putin expressed? In his statements about intrigues of Americans? In his absurd and funny hints on failures of Russian Space Program because Americans secretly knock Russian satellites down and drop GLONASS satellites? In his public stamping of “human rights violations in USA” that no one notices either in USA or in some sort of Finland?

In fables about people being unhappy with his governing, who come to the political meetings, provided to be bought up by enemies, and who do not like Putin only because they are paid for this “dislike”? In this case we were missed while serving as we attended the political meeting but we did not get any money. Though, nobody promised to pay. It is time for Tolyatti residents to rise for a rally; their car factory will become an assembly line for screwdrivers. The entire social protection and auxiliary manufacturing as well as workers will not be needed anymore. Samara along with dying plants and aircraft factory that died in peaceful time is ready for protests. Izhevsk, Yekaterinburg, Kazan, Ufa, Vladivostok, it is impossible to list all cities that are getting ready for rallies against unemployment, poverty and growing prices for utilities, gas, foodstuff. Putin sold control packet of AvtoVAZ shares to foreigners promising to buy new technologies and establish new working places. Instead of the new technologies in Tolyatti there will be NATO base in Ulyanovsk.

Isn’t it clear all these statements obviously are aimed at establishing a country fully dependable on USA, adjunct of America, place of its full control? “Anti-Americanism” is just a cover; theft screams the loudest: “Stop theft"! Economy of Russia is demolished, industry does not exist, Kremlin points at external enemy”, thus, there is no need to correct anything in the country. There is no need to look for errors in the governing and organization of apology for reforms, no need to re-direct funding, fire slackers and bunglers and replace them with qualified specialists, no need to change the environment of intrigues and squabbles in Kremlin.

Nothing should be done! Enemies are guilty in everything. It is enough to reinforce safety precautions, and everything will be in order! Blame Americans in all failures at Putin's order, nothing is properly organized. Timeservers, corruptionists, who occupied the highest government positions by deception, will not be removed. Smart brains will not be promoted; passing of unnecessary laws, national projects, useless reform, beating up the science and education will continue. The entire vicious system will develop further.

Result? Full lagging, degradation and making no headway, subordination of Russia to America even in space, one of the most important development directions for the next hundred year! Scientists, engineers, mathematicians leave the country; those, who stay must work under leadership of slyboots and lickspittle, whose only goal is to try to find the enemies and create intrigues.

You may love opposition or despise it. But protecting rights of opposition is neither a caprice nor a game in "democratic ideals”. Opposition is a basis for country development. Opposition is control of corruption and unnecessary expenses. Only opposition will zealously search for any straw, any splinter in the financial operations of power. Such control means reducing theft and much better spending by the state. Such control ensures country’s development! That is why any normal power never oppresses opposition. There is no even question about denying the right for rally due to repair of pavement. On the contrary, the stronger is opposition, the more powerful is its control over actions of power, the stronger is the state. Threat of opposition coming to power is the most effective stimulus for taking right decisions. When opposition becomes the power, its role comes over to the former power. Currently control is performed by the new opposition that is the former power. Riot police that today provokes the opposition, will be abolished like tax police; somebody will be prosecuted: MIA leaders, who give illegal instructions, will be imprisoned. This is normal. Only idiots do not notice consecutive, purposeful suppression of opposition and preventing its activity in Russia. Some people are happy that the rally was not allowed because of “pavement repair” and that unpleasant opposition member was not registered as a deputy or president candidate. Some people think, it serves the opposition members right! But nobody even tries to dispute the fact of pressure on opposition, deception and machinations of power. Only one reason explains the policy of pressure on opposition: wish to delay the country development. Is there any other reason? Just try to invent another reason, why the head of the state prevents further development of the country, destroying the real opposition. I do not see other reasons; any other version is easily broken. Except for version of Putin’s actions by the orders from outside!

By the way, neither dictatorship remained after dictator’s death. Any country was fluctuating feverishly after his death; the country was trying to change its policy in the frames of established by him system, but finally it overstrained itself and collapsed. There is no other way in the state system without serious and fully free opposition. Doesn’t Putin understand this? If he does not, he is an idiot, indeed. But if he understands and beats up the opposition accusing it in corruption, work for external enemy, executing orders from abroad, why he behaves in this way?

There is only one answer: to prevent country from development; only sophisticated enemy may destroy opposition’s control over power! Frankly speaking - it could be a resident agent of hostile intelligence, who penetrated to the country’s power.

Do you think, Putin doesn’t understand that his policy directed at discovering “agents of influence in opposition results in growing corruption in the country as there is nobody to restrain the theft? Don’t make me laugh. Everything is clear for him. But he does not allow keeping corruption under control. This is the answer. We must judge the person by his deed, not by his words. Putin’s patriotic speeches? There is a lot. How many hundreds billions of Russian state’s rubles are kept in the USA banks? It is “reserved stabilization fund”. However, why Russia keeps this fund in USA, but not in China or Germany? In the country that Putin directly accuses in all troubles of Russia! Putin shouts there is no way America will develop its companies in Russia, right? Meanwhile Russian companies occupy significant segment of market in USA and their number is still growing. Half gas-stations in the New York state belong to Russian Lukoil.

Russians better develop structures in USA for their own money investing it into the economy of America, but not vice versa.

By any means Americans invite Russian companies to their country. Russia invests billion dollars into American economy making Americans happy about it. What are they happy about? About benefit they get! Just think, where patriotism in the outcry about “threat of American capital" is and where clear policy directed at prevention of Russian economy development by means of foreign but net own moneyis.

There are a lot of outcries in Russia about “attracting foreign capital”. However, all howls sink into the sand thanks to the simultaneous howls “we will not let foreigners to own enterprises in Russia” as well as thanks to thefts and bribetakers, who are in the great number in Kremlin, and who are appointed as managers of projects related to foreign investments. When those people are grasped by the hand, Putin does not even try to make excuses. He just changes the points or throws mud. In reply to every accusation in corruption against of spies and wreckers who rules the country they throw mud at accusatory changing the point about the need to investigate corruption. I care about one thing in the country ruled by the spy: people lay concrete accusations. They clearly and reasonably indicate that thefts, criminals and swindlers took roots at the power. Accusers support charges with figures and documents. What is power’s response? Power pretends there are no accusations and all accusers act on orders from the Department of State. You must understand, those who unmask corruption do not act on orders from outside, but those who stay in power and do not stop theft and corruption, those who substitute investigation for stories about where and how accusers spend their personal time.

Was Putin able to save the country from enslavement by Americans? You should be ignoramus to believe that Putin did not let USA in Russia. Americans need only one thing - Russian market! Russian market, where they may buy raw materials and sell their commodities. Americans achieved their goal! For the first time in the history! Thanks to Putin!

Today Russia buys everything from Americans and lives on American stuff only! Isn't it so? What a silly words I say? Look at your mobile phones, cars from Germany (new technologies and control stocks of motor car factories belong to USA), at the TV brands, air fleet, cinema repertoire, clothes brands, computers and printers, machine tools, oil extraction systems, coffee grinders, kitchen machines, cranes, juice package plates and forks, skis, skates. Go to the new supermarket and look around. Everything around you is either bought in America or (like in case of vehicles) spare parts and technological solutions sold by Americans to Western Europe and Asia.

Your notebook is manufactured in Thailand? But it was developed in USA; America owns the Thailand plant and namely America gets the lion’s share of benefit from sale of this “Asian computer” to Russia. Did we face this situation 30 years ago? No way! 20 years ago? No! 10 year ago? Not even then, but enslavement started when Putin came to power! Who else except for Putin was recruited by foreign intelligence service7 I have no access to the materials on these people. Almost for sure the senior management of FSS; no wonder, the head of this service always hints for “enemies of Americans”, at the same time not stopping them from penetrating into the country. Or, do you believe in tales that one betrayer ruined over a dozen of Russian intelligence agents? Don't make me laugh. Even homebred terrorists know that nobody in cell should know more than two partners, but in this situation one person ruined ten most important agents!?

FSS management has not suffered. It was so sophisticated! Probably, they got award for Anna Chapman on closed order of the Department of State; she received the Order and was assigned as one of leaders of Yedinaya Russia. They wanted to demonstrate that Russian people are stupid and eat everything. But the people are not stupid, and they laugh at Chapman with disgust, slut! But why FSS management takes part in persecution of opposition, preventing from control of corruption instead of catching spies; just think about it. “Patriotic rhetoric" from Putin and his close ones is aimed only at changing the points. Are external enemies guilty in catastrophes? Means, there is no need to kick the idiots-chiefs out of their posts. Is the activity of opposition paid by the Department of State? Means, there is no need to think about the causes of current situation in the country, to improve the country’s viability, to suppress corruption of senior officials. Is opposition the agents from the West? Means, everything is great in the country, we continue living and buying western commodities paying back with non-renewable resources. If Putin is just worthless politician, why then Russia purposefully and slowly but surely becomes the USA area? Right, slowly! There is no way to fool the people quickly and for a long time. It is possible to fool the people for a month, for a year. But in order to make the future generations living under the heel of USA, the effortful and patient work is required to fool the people. But how can you fool the people if not with "patriotic speeches”?

People in Russia incline to trust the slogans from above. Agent Putin recruited by USA said that opposition is instructed by West, workers immediately suggested to disperse it with tanks. Putin is happy, USA is happy, because it is impossible to find a right development way without strong opposition that finds defects in power. Workers are sure they behaved as real patriots stopping infection. What is ther fault? Experienced spy may lay the smokescreen. The spies fooled even more experience workers.

What is the fault of ordinary people drummers-nashists or the workers who suggested crushing opposition with tanks, or NTV journalists, who persistently hammer the idea of opposition’s harm into masses, or Internet commentators passionately defending "anti-American Putin”? Is their fault in buying the sweet speeches of espionage fraternity? As I said before, spies fooled even more experience people;agents of hostile intelligence involved even more experienced people into their networks by deception and using their sincere delusion. Just think the country lives on American supplies providing billion profits to Americans, indeed. But this is not so bad. What is the worst thing? fhe worst thing is that Russia learned thinking like Americans! Take any computer game - kids use only American terms. Cinema has only "re-makes” and “castings”. Do you think it’s nothing? No, this is propagation of the spirit of America! Who propagates this spirit vigorously for the past ten years? It is your “improper politician Yeltsin said: “Anti-American, you see”! Does USA support Russian opposition and rail at Putin for persecution? US Ambassador invited opposition leaders for visit, is he an idiot as well? He does not understand, his advisors have not suggested him that Russian society does not understand such invitations; that it is impossible to imaging stronger blow to the opposition by USA. I agree all ambassadors of the world meet the leaders of legal opposition; this is their job - to learn the country from all sides. But only in Russia such meetings of American ambassador result in declined prestige of opposition. After all this, do state about “support of opposition by USA”?

Why, why anti-Americanism is propagated so zealously? Just look around and you will see that everyone in Russia rails at America! This excites envy:because people speak so much about America and rail at it, means, there is something attractive, something we lack. Putin’s fraternity skillfully pursue this policy on TV and in mass media. The same skillfully they abase Russia by searching for amphora, rounds by combines, playing badminton for public and kissing boys' tummies, “rolling” by yellow Lada with spare car behind, at truck. If this is the behaviour of the leader, what country deserves? While they teach us that Americans are bad, we do not notice that all door become open for us. Isn't it clear why false anti-Americanism is propagated? Again, it is the smoke screen. Trust me, Americans do not live worse because 90% of Russians yell at all corners that Americans are bad. The only important is that Russian have in their pockets telephones with American technology, TV-sets with American spare parts, panties made by sewing programs sold to Russia by America, junior schoolchildren learn and copy games of America. It is good that you hate America; in this case it is easier for you do not notice that Putin laid you under America long time ago.

Watch TV and count how many times a day you hear the word ‘America’ at each Russian channel. Just think, how many times the word ‘Russia’ is heard at American TV Once a month on local show? Or even less? But in Russia, you hear 'America, America’ every hour. There is no difference if Russians praise or scold at America and Americans. More important, they speak about it. At this point psychology is simple as a stump: when it is praised much, people become sick and tired. People dislike being openly suggested that somebody is good. Wouldn’t you argue against it? The more you are forced to love something, the less you are attracted to forcibly implanted “object of love”. And on the contrary, the more something is scolded at, the more interest, curiosity and inconscient protest against scolding is accumulated in the sub-consciousness.

The best way to achieve set goal is to tell that America is bad on TV, newspapers, radio and books every day. Consider any episode: derailed train or beaten captive terrorist. Write about it. The more mud is thrown towards America on every minor occasion, the better. In 20 years spies will gain their point: all Russian people will look at USA with reverence. Thanks to what? Right, thanks to wise policy of “anti- American” Putin, who indeed, was a recruited trump card, acting for their favour and for the long-term perspective!

I I Parinov ended his interview with the words: “I was fighting for the interests of Russia. As opposed to the enemy of Russia and American agent V.V. Putin. And I am not going to discontinue this fight. I believe there will be a day when Russian authorities unmask this traitor, when military tribunal seal his fate!”

Does Putin Hide the Ominous Treaty with NATO?

We missed a unique sensation. Two active federal laws with identical numbers but different in essence and area of enforcement have passed in Russia. It is something impossible. Yedinaya Russia passed the laws with interval in two years, presidents Putin and Medvedev signed them in agreement with the Council of the Federation. For sure, other politicians knew about the laws - Zyuganov, Zhirinovsky, S.Mironov, Gudkov, Yavlinsky - but kept silence and still keep. Questions: why the laws passed, why politicians keep silence and what does it all mean?

It shouldn’t happen - two different laws having identical numbers. It is nonsense, confusion, chaos, scandal at last. No need to speak about the error of the office. Young secretary of village administration could make a mistake in numbers and correct is after it is found, it is incredible that the offices of the highest authorities of the state power of Russia would make such a mistake with their computer registration systems and dozens of qualified lawyers. Especially as over seven months have passed after the second law was published. There is only one explanation - deliberate actions by Putin and Medvedev. Thus, we have something to talk about.

The first law we consider today is dated by 7 June 2007 # 99-FZ “About Ratification of Agreement between Member-states of North Atlantic Pact and other States Participating in the “Partnership for Peace” Program, about Status of Their Forces as of 19 June 1995 and Additional Protocol”. The passed the Law on 23 May 2007; the Council of the Federation endorsed it on 25 May 2007. Sorry, for bare data.

Tne second Federal Law as of 4 May 2011 # 99-FZ 'About Licensing of Deferent Types of Activity". State Duma passed it on 22 April 2011; the Council of Federation endorsed it on 27 April 2011.

Both Laws # 99-FZ were published in the Russia's Gazeta meaning their entry into force The first one was published on 16 June 2007 at: http://www.rq.ru/2007/06/16/partnerstvo-doc.html. At that, the second Law in no way cancels the first one and even contains no references to it. It is of something unreal, defiance to the civil behaviour norms or special operation.

It is interesting, but you hardly may find evidence of the first Law #99-FZ about NATO in Russian Internet, except for the newspaper archive. Any reference to it, including web-sites of the State duma, were cleaned out a year ago confirming the version of its intentional concealment. The only evidence of this Law existence is its publishing in the Russia’s Gazeta, which is good - means, the Law about NATO exists.

It is significant that the second Law # 99-FZ (About licensing) appeared after the first assessments of traitorous character of the first Law # 99-FZ that ratifies treaty with NATO The first assessments appeared in Internet from really oppositional to Putin people. In particular, General Leonid Ivashov, Colonel Vladimir Kvachkov and late Viktor Ilyukhin spoke about it. Bulletin "SiovetskyiVoin” (Soviet Warrior) - a body of International Union of Soviet Military Officers (MCCO) named after Hero of the Soviet Union Admiral N.I. Hovrin, published this information. Hasn’t this frightened Putin and made him to hide his tracks by any means, let us make it clear. Namely Putin offered the Draft Law about NATO for discussion. Faction of Yedinaya Russia Party

with Putin being its leader passed the Law. The Council of the Federation with senators in fact assigned by Putin endorsed the Law. Putin himself signed the Law. Only Putin is able to issue the duplicate law with identical number as a cover. It is in the spirit of his FSS’ grimaces. Suddenly, great number of service trolls, including Nicolay Starikov started stating there is no Law abut NATO, which directly indicates the special operation of Putin. We should understand, these FSS agents continue scornfully considering people as cattle at the same time fawning upon NATO for sake of safety. What are they hiding? The oddity of passing the Law about NATO.

By the way, the text published in the Russia’s Newspaper doesn’t make clear the essence of the

Law about NATO # 99-FZ as it only constitutes previously adopted NATO documents. RG does not have such documents, even though they discover the real essence of passed Law. I say more, neither deputies when passing the Law, nor senators when endorsing it saw these

documents. Strange to say, the original basic NATO documents with proper translation were not presented even to the legal Departments of the State Duma and the Council of th» Federation that was emphasised in their conclusions. Quite suspicious character of its passing can be seen here. Have ‘Yedinorossy’ passed a ‘pig in a poke’? Or maybe it was not a pig but a larger predatory animal? State Duma re-scheduled passing the Law several times. It was passed inter alia among other

initiatives of low significance; that day it was seventy second. Most probably this day the conference hall was almost empty. Neither heads of profile committees nor of legal department of the Council of the Federation signed the draft law. Evidence documents are still available when typing the phrase “Electronic registration card for the

draft law # 410940-4”. Copies of the State Duma documents are also available. Good that those who understood or suspected the danger of this law as well as unparalleled meanness and venality of current leaders retained these copies. By the way, limited access to electronic references does not mean the law about NATO is not in force

Why is it so? Why did press for this law persistently, but after it passed he suddenly started concealing everything? Nobody can do it except for him. What are the causes for this? Generally speaking, do we deal with a normal person? Or his impudence and defiance have no limits anymore? Does he again need unlimited power and monopoly namely for this?

Putin, of course, earlier also showed courtyard depth when signing international treaties like in case of Gazprom and Neftegas resulted in famous confrontation with Ukraine three years ago http://www.newsland.ru/news/detail/id/330449/ and conviction of Yulia Timoshenko recently (who, by the way, was betrayed by him). But there is different case with involvement of MFA, Government RF, State Duma, the Council of the Federation and their legal departments. The entire NATO was coritra-agent.

What preceded passing the Law about NATO

At that, passing the Law about NATO # 99-FZ was just a final stage in the activities of Vladimir Putin, ana Boris Yeltsin earlier, in this direction. This activity was not a single one - you may see the clear succession of their common steps. Especially of Putin. It was preceded by signing the Agreement between member-states of North Atlantic Treaty and other states participating in the Partnership for Peace Program, status of their forces, as of 19 June 1995 on behalf of Russian Federation in Vilnius on 21 April 2005. The addition protocol was signed in Sophia on 28 April 2006.

Formal meaning of these NATO documents is that 1995 Agreement regulates the legal status of military men, civil personnel and members of their families by one of the parties being on the territory of other party upon its agreement via application of the provisions of Agreement between NATO parties about status of their forces as of 19 June 1951. You may see some documents here http://www.nato.int/docu/other/ru/sofia.htm.

Ominous essence of the law

Article format does not allow investigating solid NATO agreements and protocols. Let us just consider some of them disclosing the essence of the Law # 99-FZ. To begin with, NATO Agreement as of 19 June 1951 reconsiders the equality between its parties; it seems there is no such equality towards Russia.

Yet the explanatory note to the Law about NATO # 99-FZ says: “Activities

Don’t even be embarrassed with the words “cooperation” and "partnership for sake of peace”. As you would see, they presume military activity. NATO itself is a military organization, at that, the most powerful and aggressive in the world out of currently existing organizations. Yugoslavia, Iraq and Libya felt this strongly on themselves. Putin signed the Law # 99-FZ after happenings in Iraq.

Moreover. Putin placed the Draft Law about NATO # 99-FZ for discussion to Duma only a month (!) after his sensational speech in Munich on 27.10.2007 that was considered by many people as beginning of the new cold war between Russia and NATO. In his speech Putin accused NATO and USA in aggression towards other countries and desire to rule the world that inspired supporters of national leader” and FSS agents It was followed by such quiet and unnoticeable initiative on the Law about NATO # 99-FZ Putins speech obviously was a performance and banal deception as a diversionary move Lie hypocrisy and meanness over there indeed have no limits

So, Agreement foresees staying of NATO troops as well as their civil personnel and families members at the territory of Russia. Let me note, this is not required for the parades of 9 May or joint military exercises that end quite fast. Agreement to arrive to our country witn families and service staff is required only in case of long-term NATO staying in Russia Putin agreed on this. Moreover, import of weapons, military equipment, transport and fuel by western alliance is foreseen Not simply foreseen, but as said “subject to exemption from customs fees and taxes" - means, favourable conditions, straight away, without beating about the bush and delays.

It means that NATO troops may stay at the entire territory of Russia for a long time with armament, home fronts and technics, including aviation, ship, heavy strategic weapon as there are no any restrictions in the documents in this regard, except for “kind" will of Vladimir Putin, of course, if he again becomes the president.

In fact,para 6 of the Law about NATO # 99-FZ states: "In accordance with item 11 of Article XI, Russian Federation states that it allows import of oil products to be used during exploitation of service and transport means, aircrafts and ship belonging to Forces to the customs territory of Russian Federation".

“In regards to arrival and departure of forces or family members of personnel, passport and visa requirements do not apply to them, they are not subject to immigration control when coming in and going out of the territory of receiving State” (Article III of the Agreement as of 19 June 1951).

Isn’t it interesting, is it? Doors are opened wide. By the way, even basic Agreement NATO as of 19 June 1951 does not refer to any transport means. This is innovation of Vladimir Putin, expansion of NATO authorities purposefully for Russia. It is also stated in conclusions of legal departments of State Duma and CF.

It is interesting to know, what is the NATO status in Russia according to the Law # 99-FZ - what they can do here, what is prohibited for them and responsibility. Provided to be. in fact, they can do everything allowed to the hostile forces at the territory of occupied country but at that they never have any responsibility before Russia and our people. This is not my guesswork:

According to the Agreements as of 1951 and 1995 “Receiving State [Russia] exercises jurisdiction in any occasions except for cases of committing crimes exclusively against of [USA] state property or safety as well as crimes committed as a result of any action or inaction in course of duty. In regards to these crimes as well as crimes charged under the legislation of sending but not receiving state, the jurisdiction is exercised by the sending state [USA]”.

This complicated for understanding juridical formulation means that in case of attacking NATO personnel in Russia as well as their armament, property or even in case of provocation NATO agents may perform any activities including war crimes on supposedly legal background. At that, they will not be responsible for these actions. USA does not extradite their military men to International Court and do not convict them.

Means, there will be no reparations, criminal prosecution against of NATO military men how it should be towards aggressor and military criminals in case of war. Putin and Yedinaya Russia members exempted them from this by the Law # 99-FZ. For instance, if the waiter of NATO dining room (civil personnel) will be attacked in the side street - please, receive a volley from rocket launchers at Russian village on legal backgrounds. Somebody took the bayonet away from drunken NATO soldier - wipe Smolensk, Kursk off the face of the earth with no responsibility!?!! than 33,000 were injured, not to mention thousands suffering from INTERNATIONAL NEWS post-traumatic stress disorder. Over 1,000,000 innocent Iraqi civilians were killed. The sectarian UNITED STATES US ARMY SCIENTISTS civil war that the US promoted has ravaged Iraq for over 10 years and AND ITS TERRORIST SECRETLY SPRAYED Iraq became home to al Qaeda. RADIOACTIVE PARTICLES This Iraq War was sold to the CLIENTS American people with easily From The Frontier Post, Oct. 18 FOR YEARS OVER ST. LOUIS disproved lies (as were other wars http://www.legitgov.org instigated by US Imperialism, The American Movers and Shakers Editor). are spearheading their proxy war It was proved then as is against the Soviets, not only roped This chemical warfare technology confirmed now, that Iraq did not in the Muslim zealots all over the experiment over the citizens of St, have Weapons of Mass Destruction world and dumped here for Louis was being carried on for and that Iraq did not have connections to 9/11 and that Iraq was not a threat to the onwards unleashing into many years, exposing these United States. Afghanistan. They also mopped up American citizens to dangerous Though some of the US troops Arab monies in mountains and radioactive compounds, a US Army are back home, the United States pumped those into starting off a researcher revealed these facts only maintains a large presence in Iraq chain of mosques as well as now. These tests were carried on with its soldiers and armaments seminaries in Pakistan to produce during 1960s. through the decision of the State fanatical pupils to fight in A radioactive additive was mixed Department (not the US Congress) Afghanistan, Iraq and other Middle with so-called “harmless zinc besides its thousands of private East countries. cadmium sulfide". Professor Lisa security contractors (Paid for by the Hillary Clinton, the US Secretary Martino-Taylor of the St. Louis US taxpayers - Editor ). of State speaks out of turn as to Community College charged that Now the scenario in Afghanistan why 5,000 Pakistani military officers after \she accrued detailed is the same, also based on laid down their precious lives if they descriptions as well as photographs manufactured lies. US has were not acting against these of the ongoing spraying, which propagated new wars in Pakistan, extremists! Whenwill these Americanexposed eminences to lift the the pious unwitting public, Yemen and Somalia, all under the masks off their faces and admit the predominately the low income and pretext of “War on Terror". The next truth of US policies that brought minority communities in St. Louis step is war against Iran. and are still bringing havoc and death the danger of these radioactive The American people still do to the people? particles. not know the truth!” But the US government is loath This US Army’s secret Cold War NON-ALIGNED MOVEMENT to admit these uncomfortable truths experiments on St. Louisans was a or to confess its sinful role in violation of all medical ethics, all DEMANDS AN END TO spreading this extremism international codes, and US worldwide. Even American so-called objectiveMilitary’s think tanks own are policy at that time. ISRAEL’S IMPUNITY dishonest - they all conveniently The US Army Archives show in Prensa Latina - Oct. 16, 2012 paper over this indigestible reality pictures how the tests were on over that their present “enemies” were Corpus Christi during the 1960s.. The NAM reiterated again to the once their promoted and financed United Nations Security Council the darlings. Osama bin Laden was US need to take immediate action Pentagon’s Poster Boy for their IRAQ: TEN YEARS, ONE against Israel to end its violation of proxy war in Afghanistan. all international laws. NAM also Isn’t it widely known that the US-organizedPakistan MILLIONIntelligence LIVES Agency AND brags about how it supportedhas the petition filed in 2011 infested Pakistan’s tribal territories TRILLION OF DOLLARS to become a full member of the and adjoining settled areas? United Nations Organization. Instead Hillary Clinton should US Democrat - Dennis Kucinich It also noted the lack of any spend more time keeping an eye progress at the UN due to Israel’s on the CIA and its dirty “Ten years ago (October 2, deliberate destruction, its refusal to underground scenarios all over the 2002) the debate over the Iraq War respect the parameters of the world - including the US itself! came to the US Congress in the form peace process and expanding its of a resolution promoted by the territory by its policy of colonization, Bush Administration. This war in the demolition of Palestinian Iraq will cost the United States over homes and its terrorism, racist $5 TRILLION DOLLARS. This hate crimes and constant attacks on the West Bank played a role in spurring the global YOU HAVE AN OPINION ON NSC? financial crisis. Over 4,000. Americans were killed and more IF THESE INSURGENTS IN SYRIA CALL THEMSELVES "FREEDOM FIGHTERS" THEN WHY DO THEY HIDE THEIR FACES? RECAUSE THEY ARE PAID MERCENARIES WHO ARE AFRAID THAT SYRIAN PEOPLE WILL RECOGNIZE THEM AS KILLERS-RAPISTS FOR HIRE RY IMPERIALISM! ONLY GANGSTERS AND MERCENARIES DO NOT WANT TO RE RECOGNIZED.

people. They have close contacts with all failure and over 60% of American CHINESE UYGHUR extremist Islamic groups plus coordination people want to put an end to this with NATO. war immediately! TERRORISTS ARE NOW The Afghan people have endured immeasurable sufferings as well as OPERATING IN SYRIA US VETERANS CALL FOR devastation. BEIJING - Prensa Latina - Oct. 31, 2012 The US Government admitted AN END TO AFGHAN that we are not fighting al-Qaeda BEIJING - Members of the terrorist The people that the US is at war organization operating in Northern China WAR with are the people who do not want have infiltrated Syria and joined the armed Xinhua News Agency to live under foreign domination gangs trying to overthrow the government Octoberof 27, 2012 The Afghan people are not the Bashar e-Assad. enemies of the people of the United This gang of terrorists are from East “US Veterans call for an States! Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM), a immediate end to the Afghan war and The Presidential debate in reality Muslim extremist movement in the slashed both the US presidential was not for the American people It Autonomous Region of Xinjang, which for Candidates for their identical was for the military-industrial years has been seeking the separation of itspositions on the Afghan War. complex, energy companies and territory from the north of the country by They also exposed that the Wall Street investors. Obama and means of violent actions. United States spends over $400 Romney were competing for the This terrorist organization is called “East Million dollars each day, now in its support of those with many, many Turkistan” and has carried out terrorist 11th year, the longest war in US Billions of Dollars to hand over to actions with great losses to the Chinese history. This war in Afghanistan is a their presidential campaigns 95% OF REBELS FIGHTING IN SYRIA ARE FOREIGNERS Berlin - IRI - The German Secret Service BDN admitted on September 30, 2012 to the German newspaper “Die Welt” in a detailed account of the nationalities of the rebels in Syria and their location in the country. Most of the rebels come from African countries, paid as a foreign legion. According to BDN, the number of these rebels is estimated at over 14,800. The photo shows these masked terrorists. If they promote themselves as “freedom fighters” and the Syrian people want them - why cover their faces so that the Syrian people would not see who you really are - ROBBERS. KILLERS. RAPISTS - all in the pay of NATO- IMPERIALISM.

AMERICA’S PROTECTED TERRORISTS ARE QUEBEC STUDENT LEADER GEARING UP FAST AGAINST IRAN CONVICTED IN AN By Vero Krasheninnikova, Director of the Institute of Foreign Policy OUTRAGEOUS POLITICAL Research - Moscow TRIAL IN CANADA Unsatisfied in crippling Iran with sanctions, the US is setting up for from [email protected] active participation-invasion operations there - with their organized group called ”Mujahadin-e-Khalq which is called “Free Iran Army". Quebec student leader Gabriei This group of "Free Iran Army“ is composed of Islamic militants who Nadeau-Dubois was convicted on are guided to overthrow the leadership of the Islamic Republic of Iran. November 1, 2012 of contempt of In recent years, according to sources such as NBC, this US court for publicly criticizing the sponsored and organized “Free Iran Army” has teemed up with Israel Quebec Court decision issued Secret Service to kill Iranian nuclear scientists. US White House and during 2011 Spring Student Strike. Obama are aware of the assassination campaign but are not saying Nadeau-Dubois was sentenced anything public. on November 9, 2011 to $50,000 Now is the time for Russia and the world to take active political and a possible imprisonment of one measures to prevent the United States from launching another proxy year. This is the first time in the war in the Middle East! history of Quebec student movement that a student leader US HAS OVER 70 NUCLEAR BOMBS IN TURKEY has been convicted of contempt of court. In this highly politicized According to a recent report published by the Nakhlel News Agency, judgment, the court declared that in Turkish sources confirmed that these nuclear bombs are kept at the criticizing the court injunction and Incirlik Air Base in Adana, Turkey. defending the democratic decision These nuclear bombs are 3.53 meters long and the Pentagon considers to strike made by the students in these nuclear bombs as the most significant and the most strategic mass assemblies, he had weapons of the US military and they are all aimed directly at Russia. advocated “anarchy”, encouraged “Civil disobedience”, and all of his comments could be used to pave "I AM NOT A WESTERN interview with these words: ”lf the way to “tyranny. foreign invasion should take place, Nadeau-Dubois has announced PUPPET!” PRESIDENT ASSADit’s going to be more than the whole that he will appeal this conviction, RT - November 8 -2012 world can a afford!” and called on all supporters to donate funds to aid in his defense. In an exclusive interview with RT A website has been established to Syrian President Bashar Assad WHY NOT GIVE A NORTHSTAR publicize statements of support said that he will never leave Syria. COMPASS GIR SUBSCRIPTION and to collect finances. Already “I am not their puppet, I was not TO YOUR LOCAL demonstrations of support have made by the West to go to the LIBRARY? been held both in Quebec and West or any other country they tell elsewhere, including in Toronto, Ontario. me to go to! I was made in Syria Stamps around the world and I will live and die in Syria.” For a small donation to NSC we PRODUCED BY VOLUNTEER LABOUR shall send you a packet! President Assad ended his GULAG. Don't you want to hospice for the homeless? Don't you want to OPEN FORUM die in the street, in the eyes of your countrymen who pass by. and later show. on passionately hold forth about Blaming Stalin s repressionsIGNOMINIOUS is psychological speculation on corpses It is so easy to describe the exiled and shot ones in the warm so-called "horrors of Stalinism" and cozy TV studios? You even give alms in order to get rid of change sipping beer in front of a TV-set — clanking in your pocket; you treat DECLINE 0F THE it requires no efforts and victims. charity as extracommercial, you Homeless people die outside, putrefy alive like wastage, homeless consider "perepost" of picture SOVIET UNION children spend nights in the depicting homeless dogs the top of humanism. By Yelizaveta Alexandrivna-Zorina basements, young children sell You turn away from dirty and stinky themselves for the street drugs, homeless people, holding your Every ruler is one flesh of their people are disassembled in illegal people. Putin embodies small- clinics for organs like vehicles for nose: "lt is their choice!" Stalin's minded, purposeless hard time, spare parts. Don’t their ashes chasteners preyed triggers with the where all people are Putin’s knock you hearts? Everyday the same cold indifference Maybe dreaming of building into the provincial field-hands come to "anti-Stalinists" should firstly corruption vertical. Yeltsin Moscow, the capital’s human squeeze out2 hangman drop by drop from them? personified the country of grabbers: chopper ruins them; thousands of girls some privatized the plants, others seduced by the glamour heavens Emperor Qin ShIHu£ng destroyed were waiting in lines of MMM, but drawn in the glossy magazines all books, so the chronicles of China everyone was exchanging the super conquer brothels and dens. Blessed would begin from his ruling. Our power for 5-kopeck coins Scientists freedom of choice for them boiled rulers went even further: they re­ who leased public toilets in 1980s down to the choice between church wrote the history, squeezing in the are not much better than Gorbachev porch and being a street worker. achievements of super power into advertising pizza. Stalin is — just a I am asked, don't I want a the Black Book of . tip of the Soviet iceberg, the great and Numerous discoverers, interpreters tragic one. Stalin was a cruel ruler. and subverted usurped the The same as his epoch. The same as his people. And we, acting both as prosecutor and a judge, look at them from the height of sausage times. But what if you happen to be at the dock? "Nobody works in Russia" — said one Chinese woman to me. — "£veryone works hard in our country." Not for us but for the future generations! How can we explain to her that their future generations are —today’s us, who squander grandfather's inheritance? Since long time ago the feat for the sake of coming generations in Russia is attributed to psychiatry and the struggle for the social equality is considered as the crime against humanity. How can we, who spend evenings in the social networks and for whom shopping is more passionate than sex, understand people who survived revolutions and wars, starvation and hardships? They built their own, new socialist world, and we live in another virtual world. They had different pain threshold, different emotional sensitivity, and they used to have different views of life. And we are ready to turn even their death into a historical reality at last instance, Stalin got Russia of peasants but chant, justice observes the thieves rewrote it, so that Stalin’s pilots left it a nuclear state. However current laws, punishment without offence became raiders. The one who owns leaders got a nuclear superpower but became offence without the past — owns the present; the will leave it a feudal village of peasants. punishment. Preservation of Russia one who owns the present — owns Of course, in case if Russia will is considered the major merit of the future. Fight for history is outlive their ruling. Putin, but people "forget" about interesting namely from this point of The so-called "Stalin the bloody prices view. " did not exchange generals for oil sharply grown by ten times and about long time living Cult of Stalin today — is a riot for soldiers, but our "e!ites" think under the Veil of Mother of Hydro against the truth as well absolutely that the tears of millions are not carbon. The policy of Putin is hypocritical, a deceitful epoch, worth of happiness of their children. comparison to 1990s. I doubt that against democracy. Democracy is Blood for the water: children of we owe our "stability" personally to for the elite and to blacken the politicians become politicians, kids the Russian president. When the Soviet past by those who do not of bankers become bankers, actors’ Soviet family splits and connecting think about its future. children become actors. But children threads are torn, the first years are of common people remain common especially hard, but later on Sobchak called my speech about people. An ideology of inequality, everyone tries to settle surviving Stalin “a shame”. But is it easy to real social racism is implanted in single-handed. It is the objective be Sobchak? Or young Liberals are Russia and even church inspires law. The parts of dismembered not responsible for pilferers and that everyone is equal in front of family finds its own regeneration in thefts of 1990s? Such people turned God, but some people are more due time. Of course, the level of the entire Russia into GULAG, equal. complexity will be different; but there exiling residents of super power to Glossy conveyer produces is Hungary, Austria, Czech the country of the Third World. They «star» idols, and ordinary people Republic. Milan found itself in took away everything from the pray to the Rublevski icons of style. another state. Neither Ukraine has people and divided it among Was personality cult replaced with fallen into pieces nor Kazakhstan themselves with the slogan: "Take away and thedivide!". cult After of destroying doubtful personality? and even Tajikistan and Kirghizia. the Communist Empire Sobchaks "Leaderism" re-born to the But we are persistently inspired with built communism in a single group, "Starism"? During Stalin times the idea: "The winter ended, summer came, thanks to Putin for where everyone gets everythingpeople were imprisoned for their this!"He might be a lucky chap; are according to his or her demands. If beliefs. But in 1090s people ruined the prices for hydrocarbon fuel his there would be no Stalin, he should themselves by drinking and hung merit as well? be invented — otherwise how can themselves for their beliefs; culture In 1930s, during reign of Stalin’s we justify all spoils? Only one thing triggers and variety vulgar men chasteners, the country held left - to intimidate: "the ghost is initiated the real esthetic genocide industrialization, built cities, plants, wandering .around Russia, the ghost finishing off those who remained hydroplants. Is there any way to of Stalinism". alive. justify current repressions? By de­ As soon as you give a hint of Today there are no beliefs — only industrialization? Feudalization? Stalin, the discussion immediately TV emotions. Soviet people Mental debilitation? Putin’s power is turns into emotional plane; instead believed they lived in a cage but — 96 of $$ dollar billionaires plus de­ of industry and science they turned living in the resort area. electrification of entire country? At achievements people discuss But now we may compare! "Iron that, the President’s speech now useless victims of Stalinism. Maybe Curtain" fell down between the has Stalin’s rhetoric, and the they became useless in 1991, when people: previously we were theKremlin image makers, who are the country, for sake of which those friendly "prison of people", today able to turn even a monkey into a people lived and died, collapsed? everyone has a solitary cell. People politician, draw the image of "strong Why Liberals are afraid of in Russia now serve the term like hand". Strong hand that slips into discussing achievements of Stalin’s convicts. We are the second after our pockets? Or tries to reach for epoch? Because there is nothing to Iraq in the number of those who our throats? say to that? We are told about wish to leave the country; at that, so Our satellites fall down like stars; empire built on blood. But has far the standard of living is higher in industry lies on its beam-end, many anything been built otherwise? our country than in China, Brazil or roads still remember fondly Josef British Empire? French Republic? India. Vissarionovich. But prices for oil United States? We are inspired with soarecf; life became better and the idea that Revolution was Proletarian dictatorship was much funnier. Nobody works in, apocalypses, Soviet epoch — dark replaced with the power of Russia, nothing is produced, time, rulers — ungifted . In criminality that turned the state science sank into oblivion. Everyone this case how can we achieve the treasury into the common fund of a is happy! We want to see the Great world’s leadership? And why now - criminal community, governors into — "prisonersRussia, of but authority", we are mayors not — able into "kingpins". to The first person when "damned" totalitarian epoch of the state speaks the thieves' sacrifice. This schizophrenia is quite left behind, we fly down into abyss? satisfied with T\/-set: we buy foreign wares in the afternoon exchanging them as well But in order to make them for the resources, and in the them flying in the same direction evening we resettle to the fabulously there is a need of the wind. Only strong power. tough, gifted strategists, new Stalin, Life during decay is often sweeter may pull the country out of this than during prosperity. People lived abyss, where it was driven by transit better even at the decline of Roman owners. I do not have any other Empire, at the last emperors, than in rulers for you. the Republic of Punic Wars. Czechs and Austrians do not live worse than their ancestors in Austria-Hungary. US HAS ESTABLISHED A But they do not scream about the QUOTES Great Czechia or the Great Austria. PERMANENT MILITARY It will quickly pass, in one-two generations, when Russia will UNIT IN POLAND “The trouble is that when American consist of Sioeria, Far Eastern- By Dagmara Leszkowicz / Reuters Dollars earn less than six percent in Chinese Republic and the Moscow - Nov. 9, 2012 America, they get restless and go State. overseas to get 100%. The Do Americans want to live in The United States has established a permanentAmerican US troops flag follows the dollar Abraham Lincoln’s times, in the presence in Poland -a US Air Force and US soldiers follow the flag. years of the Civil War? Unlikely. detachment to service its warplanes at this US IMilitary wouldn’t Base near to gocity of to Lodz, war in as central I Poland. However, it does not stop them from Besides the US troops, the base have done before to defend some considering him a great state leader, will also house over 200 military lousy investments of the Wall if he would nominate himself for personnel and civilian contractors. Street Bankers. Americans should election — he would win. But our The Warsaw Government is one fight only to defend our country and people whisper about Stalin and of the most pro-American countries our homes. War for any other are scared that they can be arrested in in Europe. Poland has agreed to reason for Americans is just simply present Russia. Why, when we let NATO Patriot Missiles go through Polanda racket. on route to other speak about the new Stalin the pro-NATO countries in Europe, There isn’t a trick in the imagination draws only the torture Poland has its soldiers taking part racketeering bag that the US chambers of Lubyanko's barbed wire in the US occupation war in Iraq military gang is blind to. US has its and nameless graves, but not the and in Afghanistan. “finger men” to point out enemies, research institutes, schools, plants? American industrial corporations its “brain men” to destroy the Stalin was a gifted strategist are already exploring in Poland for enemies, its "brain men” to plan the working in the specific environment shale gas to serve US preparations for war, and the "Big and he was the best person to know corporations. Boss” - super-nationalistic that something wrong in one capitalism. historical situation may be correct in I spent 33 years in the US another one. However mass media Marines. Most of the time I was the was programmed for the "image-reaction": Yeltsin — sausage, Putin a high-class muscle man for Big — oil, Stalin — shootings Russia Business, for Wall Street and expansion took place during Soviet Bankers, In short I was a racketeer epoch; today the Russian world for capitalism. shrinks like green leather. Cabins I helped purify Nicaragua for the are decorated at the Titanic of International Banking House of Russian civilization instead of Brown Brothers in 1909-1912 I blocking up the holes as Stalin did. helped to make Mexico and Somebody reserved seats in the especially Tampico safe for lifeboats that will be delivered to the American oil interests in 1914 foreign shores; those who have I brought light to the Dominican nowhere to go dash about the deck Republic for American sugar pouring their weakness, despair and interests in 1916. I also helped fear on each other. Or drink in front make Haiti and Cuba a decent of manipulating TV screens, falling place for the National City Bank into dull indifference. Is it the end of boys to collect revenue in. I also our history? helped in the rape of half a dozen ignominious decline of the Empire? Central American Republics for the Society is — air, and people are — benefit of US Imperialism and for molecules, rushing irregularly. You the benefit of Wall Street. may heat the men and they will start moving faster but you may freeze Former US GENERAL R BUTLER PAGES FROM THE PAST

Dear Michael Lucas: Telegram Greetings were read I trust that this finds you in good from Marshal Joseph Stalin.” heath. Sometime ago in my research * The Greetings plus the Poems work at the Archives in Moscow I dedicated to the Great Patriotic stumbled on the documents of the War and personal signatures of the Canadian-Soviet relations during Presidium members of the June 12. the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 1943 mass meetings. Logo of Canada-USSR Association - around the critical time of the Battle for Stalingrad. I copied them TO THE USSR - by Dr. James Allen - Chairman because I knew that they would be of great interest to you comrades in 0 valiant land of valiant heart, Canada. The originals of these Of legions great and strong, documents are in the Stalin Fond, Of mighty men and mighty deeds which is now in the former Central For ever told in song; Committee Party Archives of the Lift high thy glorious Banner CPSU. Please continue your great work O land of warrior sons, - for friendship with former peoples of the Soviet Union and please give my regards to the comrades of Dealer of death and destruction Northstar Compass. Upon the hateful Huns! Yours fraternally Vijay Singh Editor of Revolutionary Democracy Land of Nevsky and Suvarov New Delhi - India Whose valor loud is sung, Below we just publish some archive Of Stalin’s matchless Soviets documents in this issue - showing how the Canada-USSR Association and the Canadian Friends of With heroes old and young; Soviet People kept in regular Above the fiercely clashing din contact with the leadership and with the people of the USSR! Thy Emblem hold unfurled

•Telegram sent to Marshal Joseph To take the glad salutes of men Stalin on June 12, 1943 -signed by Chairman Ellswerth Flavelle Across an endless world1.

Assembled new beneath the sword "June 12, 1943 To Marshal Joseph Stalin Thy gallant land to fend, God give thee strength of heart and hand The Canadian Council of the Canadian- Soviet Friendship Society which held a very large Until the conflict’s end. gathering in Toronto, June 22, 1943, where there were present Hold fast the dreams of happier days Raymond Davis the Canadian Ambassador to the USSR, Within thy people's breast, plus many representatives on the And then indeed thy lot shall be Canadian Government, Canadian Judges, industrial leaders, trade By Heaven truly blest. union leaders, University Professors and cultural representatives. Down the vale of vanishing years

The horrors shall fade away, As moves the healing hand of Time

Across the future’s day; Forgotten? No, it cannot be -

The anguish and the pain -

But out of this Gethsemane

New Life shall come again.

The War-god's flaming crucible

That gave thy Soul it's test, Has found no haughty arrogance

Within thy mighty breast; Instead thy vast accomplishments

All nations now commend, And honest men the whole world over


Of almost 200 countries, only 22 have never experienced a British invasion. British invaders have nearly over ran the whole world - and their slogan was “The sun never sets on the British Empire1' Almost a quarter of the world land mass and population were under British rule, mainly due to the force of its Navy and its Red-coated Army. The only other nation that has achieved anything approaching the British expansion was France - which unfortunately has the record for having endured the most of the British Empire’s invasions. This photo shows Iceland which was invaded by Britain in 1940. because this neutral nation refused to enter WW II. Many countries which once were part of Spanish domain were part of this list and suffered frequent invasions by British sailors and buccaneers. Countries like Cuba, Costa Rica. El Salvador. Ecuador and other Caribbean Islands were occupied and exploited many times.

This historical research is by Stuart Laycock in his book ”All Countries We've Ever Invaded"

British troops in Iceland in 1940 when they invaded the country - this small country was not even a colony of GB. At right is the cover of this book which detailed the expansion of the Empire.


On Sunday, November 4th, 2012 resurrection. -members and friends of the There was an official opening CFSP and Northstar Compass ceremony by Alexei Maikov of the gathered at the Friendship House Free Russian Book Library - with in Toronto to celebrate this great close to 1,000 Russian Books on historical event for all of mankind the book shelves. and as well as for the Soviet This was followed by people in particular. entertainment provided by Kosta Opening this event and Parousis and Vasile Julea - and welcoming the people was Michael they were joined by the audience Lucas, Editor of NSC who who sang Soviet-Russian songs. introduced Frank Trampus, The atmosphere was jovial and Chairman of the Toronto Branch of happiness was felt all over. the CFSP. He outlined in the detail After that many people went the history of that great historical upstairs to CFSP offices where a achievement of the establishment farewell toast and talks were held of the First Socialist State in the world - as well as the problems that the Soviet Union faced, both external and internal. The tremendously important political role that was played by V I. Lenin and J.V. Stalin in this epic historical event was explained by Frank Trampus. He concluded his remarks by touching upon the traitorous policies followed by Krushchev, Yeltsin, Gorbachev. Yakovlev and the present leaders of Russia, Putin Frank Trampus opening the event and Medvedev. about the Great October Revolution. He concluded his remarks with Alexei Maikov speaking in Russian “Back to the Future' Back to the about what USSR was and what USSR" to the applause of the Russia is now. On the left are two audience. lucky winners in a draw for paintings This was followed by Alexei donated by Michael Lucas. Maikov, member of the Executive of the CFSP who outlined the situation in former USSR and the present economic situation there now. He spoke in Russian since there were many Russian-speaking immigrants from former USSR in the audience. There was a raffle held with prizes of two paintings by Michael Lucas, a beautiful Soviet T-Shirt with Stalin on front; Soviet DVD and Soviet CD music. A very much appreciated Buffet was served to the sound of Soviet music and a great toast was given by Kosta Parousis to the Soviet Union and to its coming

FROM COMMUNIST YOUTH OF LETTERS TO THE EDITOR BOLIVIA Comrade Michael Lucas. Best wishes to all - keep up the FROM ALEXANDROUPOLI Dear comrade, we want to thank good work. I remember one of our you for sending us Northstar trips to the Soviet Union we met Compass. We appreciate the Soviet war veterans as well as GREECE contents of each magazine that some French freedom fighters - my Dear comrades, gives us information on the history schoolboy French did not help Did you know that Gorbachev and current situation on the much - it was in Sochi. recognized the Czarist debt when territories of the former glorious he was head of the USSR? The SOVIET UNION. Comradely yours repudiation of this Czarist debt was On behalf of the militancy of the a great victory for the people of the COMMUNIST YOUTH OF John Beeching Soviet Union - they paid with the BOLIVIA, we thank you for sending blood of over 2,000,000 people FROM UNIVERSITY OF WUHAN us important materials which keeps during the Civil War - while us up to date. Gorbachev recognized it in one Unfortunately the present day, thus betraying the struggles of CHINA economic situation of our the Soviet people. This was Dear comrades at Northstar organization means that we cannot outrageous by this traitor! Compass: help you at this moment the cost of In Greece now we have a long Best comradely greetings from such valuable materials that you term discussion if Greece must far away China where I am send us with NSC - but with time repudiate or not the Greek public teaching as a Guest Professor. I we will collaborate with the debt, because we have lost our am writing a new book on present sacrificed work that you and those national independence to day China. I also thank you for comrades who work with you on Imperialism, International Monetary publishing some information in every issue of NSC are doing. Fund and World Bank. the previous issue of NSC. In China A fraternal hug in the name of Keep NSC going and as soon I the growth and development of militancy of the Communist Youth am able to, I will send NSC a small industry, construction, economic donation - but now we are living in growth is making China a giant in of Bolivia! the world both economically and Gustavo Baldiviezo a great depression in Greece financially. China did not have an Comradely yours economic crisis as did the capitalist General Secretary countries. China is in the transition state FROMCommunist SUNDERLAND Youth of Bolivia Andreas Antypas economically and it is trying to cooe with some problems in its future development. The upcoming UNITED KINGDOM FROM VANCOUVER th 18 Congress of the Communist Dear comrade: Party of China will be very crucial Some years ago, we were CANADA in setting the policy for the future Dear comrades: organizing demonstrations against You might have seen this in the South African rugby team development. playing in Britain, leafleting shops Russian TV, Shaw cable-505 and I will write an article about the it is also on the web - http://rt.com- that sold South Africa goods, from their web site. having trade union resolutions 18th CPC Congress for NSC. passed that condemned apartheid While it has much news similar Comradely yours to our major TV Media, it an carrying out all other activities sometimes carries news that we thought might lift the burdens contradicts the false propaganda that were grinding the black people that is put out. For example: Zbigniew Wiktor of that hellish land into the ground; “Moscow enlists Russian Expats there rose a figure in the country to fight against historical FROM LONDON that we imagined would his people revisionism” - published October out of depravation and into 26, 2-012. The first sentences said: ENGLAND emancipation that would soon lead Dear comrades: ' Efforts to revise history and glorify to the building of towns and cities fascism must be further resisted” Hope that all is well with you worthy of such hard working the Russian Foreign Ministry said. people. It is unfortunate that Harper, comrades at NSC Enclosed please Alas, this man who led his Prime Minister has taken Canada find a donation of $45.. towards the comrades for twenty years and well on the path to open corporate publication of this excellent journal. more, in the heat of the stone governance - fascism! We need a Comradely yours breaking prison, was chosen by the new system, as capitalism is terminally ill! Dermot Hudson white bosses as the Judas Sheep: For challenging their crude FROM NORTHCOTE and his name was Nelson dictation. Mandela. I never read about the leal that was stitched up between AUSTRALIA the Boers and the front man for the Year upon log year your time To my Glorious NSC: South African workers dragged by Greetings from the soon to be As the years rolled on and I. and Surrounded by wonderful comrades the 51 State of America! Please I suppose as many others, note my change of address - I imagined great strides forward in White bosses now learned the end have sold my house and I’ll have health care, education and housing was nigh enough to go to theth 4 World provisions were being made by the For their anachronistic decades Congress if take place in Chile wealth producers of this mineral Here in Australia we are rich land. We were gradually surrounded by bloody revisionists awakened from our coma with TV And that they could through you in the progressive and party glimpses of the actual poverty that sanctify movements. still exists for the black workers in Their rapacious, brutal escapades. The good news is that we have that sad land. sent to NSC Sustaining Fund and Suddenly we saw a mighty They parted you from your explosion and saw dozens of comrades bold NSC Subs $400. workers gunned down! Luxury and flattery were yours Comradely yours What a grand prize Mandela has won for his countrymen! You fell in line as the plot unrolled Ray Berbling - AFSP No wonder that capitalists the FROM ROME world over cannot heap enough praise upon him. Can we be so Could not resist the wiles of the surprised that for a time he was Boers. ITALY never off our TV screens, with his What were the principles you Dear comrade Lucas: bonnie shirts and silly little dance. extolled? Congratulations on your last NSC Whan I read a small item in NSC Were you :harmonizing" friends and issue and many thanks for by John Pilger, I was overjoyed to foes? publishing the article by Secretary know that I did not stand alone in General of the Italian Marxist- my understanding. The charm Now you are wined and dined and Leninist Communist Party about the bracelet of capitalism carries many feted solidarity of the miners in Sardinia. icons, but gradually they are rusting The articles about Russia and and dropping off into the dust of the In the finest paces in the West Putin and the 20 years of awful advancing world's busy streets. capitalism, plus the wonderful photos Freed, accepted, emancipated. about many demonstrations, Yours fraternally With dire poverty of the stark meetings and events are great. I am harvest translating these articles into William Hunt-Vincent For those who had anticipated Italian. Our greetings to Dr. Paquin and to A world where they could thrive LIMITED HORIZONS Antonio Artuso as the new Editor of with the best. By William Hunt-Vincent French NSC. I salute you Michael and all of the Come on Mandela, get into line volunteers of NSC as well as other For Blacks you wanted the equal language editions right Greetings on the 95th Anniversary of With mother Theresa and George With the Whites to exploit those Best the Great October Socialist who toil And all others that we can define Fine said the Boers with disguised Revolution! delight As icons of the wonderful West Fraternal greetings Join out club, help spread the soothing oil Claudio Buttinelli Though the West may stretch out to Bid them to lie down and not fight ANOTHER WAV TO FIGHT combine Japan, South Africa and much of U.S. IMPERIALISM - Help us hide capitalism’s gargoyle. the rest. BOYCOTT U.S. GOODS The charm bracelet of capitalism You fought injustice when you were AND SERVICES WORLD young Holds many baubles to dull our Against your people’s deprivation WIDE! mind It’s a kind of sightless idealism. How noble the songs that were sung There you dangle with your own To stimulate tortured your tortured true kind nation Cultivating your grand egoism Then into prison you were flung Old and more mature but not benign.

Hang in there with their super stars

Let us witness your little dance

Telling us under capitalist laws

South African people will advance

To raise a flag to freedom’s cause

It cannot be done with their finances.