EDITORIAL BOARD OF NSC: Elected at the Third World CONTENTS Congress in 2011 - Canada Michael Lucas - Editor- in-chief - Appeal for financial help by Canaaa Eduardo Artes, Editor of the George Gruenthal - NSC Spanish Edition in Chile CANADA * USA * MEXICO * CUBA * Webmaster - USA Page 3 'FRANCE’ BELGIUM The ahievements of the THE NETHERLAND5 USSR - Guest Editorial ’SWEDEN* NORWAY Dr. Adelard Paquin, Antonio ’FINLAND Artuso Editors of French NSC - LICHTENSTEIN Canada Pages 4-6 •SPAIN * PORTUGAL Victor Bourenkov Editor of Zyuganov censured by CPRF members 'HUNGARY * CZECH REP. Russian NSC - Russia •SLOVAKIA * ITALY Page 7 •POLAND * RUSSIA Eduardo Artes Brichetti - Editor Azerbaijan willing tool for •UKRAINE * GEORGIA of Spanish NSC - Chile NATO expansion TADJIKISTAN ‘GREECE •BYELORUSSIA * ARMENIA Editors of Hindi NSC -Workers Page 8 •AZERBAIJAN * SYRIA and Peasants Party of Nepal West uses :"democracy’’ to •UZBEKISTAN * ROMANIA cover up-_ Lukashenko Helen Lucas, Financial Secretary •BULGARIA • YUGOSLAVIA •LEBANON * ISRAEL Page 9 •PALESTINE * CONGO Pictorial glimpse of anti- •INDIA * PAKISTAN Maria Donchenko - Russia Russian demonstrations •BANGLADESH * JAPAN •SRI LANKA ’AUSTRALIA •PHILIPPINES • BURMA Page 10-13 Harpal Brar- England Skin-bone, tissue for sale in •NEPAL * HAWAII (USA) Ukraine for export Frank Trampus - Canada •ALGERIA * NICARAGUA •SWITZERLAND Page 14 Ray-O-Light - USA •ARGENTINA •DOMINICAN REPUBLIC They and us - opening up TURKEY Russian book library in Toronto Irina Malenko -Northern Ireland •MARTINIQUE * LITHUANIA Page 15 Galina Savchenko - Ukraine •SINGAPORE * MOROCCO •LUXEMBURG The Mole in the Kremlin •GUINEA-BISSAU Don Curie - Canada Page 16-23 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF •SOUTH AFRICA NEW ZEALAND ‘CAMBODIA US has over 70 nuclear bombs INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL in Turkey Michael Lucas - Chairman - Canada Page 26 Michael Opperskalski - Ignominious decline of the USSR Germany Page 27-29 Dr. Adelard Paquin - Canada Documents from 1943 about Victor Bourenkov - Russia the Canada-USSR Association Page 30-31 Maria Donchenko, Russia Friendship news Page 32-33 General Alexei Fomin - International Union of Soviet Letters to the Editor Page 34-35 Officers -Russia YOU CAN DOWNLOAD THE ELECTRONIC VERSION PDF OF NSC FROM OUR WEBSITE - NORTHSTARCOMPASS.ORG - IF YOU HelenTO OUR Lucas, SOVIET Financial FRIENDS - WANT TO READ THE NEXT NSC AFTER ITS PUBLISHED. Secretary - Canada ARISE YOU MIGHTY VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT - WWW.NORTHSTARCOMPASS.ORG Eduardo Artes Brichetti -Chile LAND! Subscription rate for 12 issues is only $25 Ray Berbling - Australia Zdenek Novotny - Czech Rep. Manik Mukherjee - India Harpal Brar - England Galina Savchenko - Ukraine Representative of Nepal Workers and Peasants Party Dr. Angelo D1 Angelo - USA George Gruenthal - USA Rose O. Light - USA Frank Trampus - Canada Alexei Maikov - Canada Antonio Artuso - Canada EDITORIAL APPEAL FOR FINANCIAL HELP TO KEEP ON PUBLISHING SPANISH, RUSSIAN, FRENCH, NEPALESE AND ENGLISH EDITIONS OF NSC REGULARLY Dear comrades and friends - We are making this Financial as well as the ideological Appeal because our financial struggle of the Marxist-Leninists in Chile and in Latin situation is acute and there is no America. other alternative at this time but We therefore call on all to ask for your sincere and Communists and friends of the generous help. Soviet people in all countries to You know that NSC is being help us collect the funds that will published all these years by the allow us to maintain the dedication of unpaid volunteers remarkable and recognized in all the countries that are presence of Northstar Compass mentioned above. The English in the important sectors of the Edition of NSC was lucky in Latin American people. Toronto because of the Being sure that we can count of Marxism-Leninism, based on financial assistance given by the on your internationalist support the glorious achievements of Society of Carpatho-Russian and understanding of our former USSR, and of the current Canadians in whose Friendship comrades from different regions House we are located. After ongoing struggles for its of the world, I send you our extensive financial renovation to restoration, is very crucial for the fraternal Communist greetings. the building they are not able to victory of Socialism in the world. Eduardo Artes help as they did. This struggle has been the noble task of Northstar Dear friends: Editor of the Spanish Edition of Compass, which is published in We publish the Appeal below Northstar Compass 5 different languages. Our by Eduardo Artes, Editor of the Chilean Communist Party Spanish Edition of NSC in Chile struggle must go on and play its (Proletarian Action) -PC/AP" which I sincerely hope will important role. This is why for This Appeal was transited from these many years, we, the convince all the readers of NSC to help to the best of their Chilean Communists, have Spanish into French and English abilities to have NSC being been publishing the Spanish by Antonio Artuso, Editor of published regularly as the voice Edition of NSC and circulating it French Edition of NSC of friendship with the Soviet widely across Chile and in BACK TO THE FUTURE! people since 1918 when the several other countries. The lack of funding for all “Hands Off Russia Committee” BACK TO THE USSR! was established. these publications is a constant obstacle hindering building of “Dear comrades - Socialism and helps the reaction and capitalism. Today in The struggle against imperialism and reaction, for Chile we are trying to overcome democracy and national this obstacle by working hard and relying on our own forces. independence, for Socialism, must be waged on several Due to the financial difficulties that we are facing (as do other levels. The economic, political and ideological struggles are NSC editions - Editor) the Spanish edition was part of the whole, and we must fully be part of all these temporarily suspended. Of struggles. course this has consequences The ideological struggle for for the ideological struggle for the defense and the promotion friendship with the Soviet people GUEST EDITORIAL I/Ve welcome to NSC Guest Editorial our dear comrades from the Hispano-Soviet Friendship Association! THE ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE USSR By the Hispano-Soviet Friendship Association BIENVENIDO ! We are accustomed to hear, see and read a lot of criticism and lies about what happened in the USSR. I remember reading in the Soviet Union there was no freedom of worship, there was no progress, that people were dying of hunger, were living in fear, it was a dictatorship, that Joseph Stalin was a dictator. They were only lies and more lies about the reality that existed in the USSR. In this article, I will discuss the achievements of the Soviet Union and I will show you a reality that the bourgeois media conceal. I will speak first of what I believe was the greatest success not only of socialism, but also of humanity: the Soviet Union was the first country in world history to have completely eliminated hunger, an achievement that countries as "developed" as the United States have never reached. This shows the high efficiency that the socialist system reached at that time. In addition to eradicating hunger, the Soviet Union had been at the forefront of the global campaign for the eradication of smallpox and the establishment of networks of water, electricity, heating and transport almost free. The Soviet Union was the first country to have an entirely literate population. The Soviet education system guaranteed public education, universal, free and compulsory collectivism. The work done by the pioneers (Young Communists) was to bring people together in groups and to provide training collective (not individual) to that person who was behind in school. In addition, training plays an important role, that of forging a new man, with a socialist morality. The USSR was the first country to establish the University of evening allowing workers to study. It is not by chance that the Soviet Union was the country where were sold as many books in the world, exceeded that of all books sold in the country then. The socialist system allowed to create a society of educated people, educated in the arts and sciences, aware of their importance as members of a society of interdependence. It is interesting to note that within the population, which had increased by 15 percent, the number of technicians has been multiplied by 55. Free sports were one of the pillars of child development. The interest in music was widespread, and almost the entire population could play an instrument. Children's education was entirely free of negative influences, and television showed only educational programs of all kinds and in all forms, including cartoons. It avoided programming topics mediocrity and is not intended to raise the general level, which brutalize people. The socialist system also ensured public health, universal and free, ensuring that the life expectancy had reached the Soviet one of the highest levels in the world. The USSR was the first country where women were not only entitled to a free labor but also a painless childbirth. The first organ transplants were also developed by the glorious Soviet scientists. Under Stalin, for the first time in history, the woman had obtained the same rights as men, including access to education, employment, political participation, as well as pay equity, which still does not exist in the capitalist countries. Soviet physicians have developed treatments based bacteriophage 4 viruses against infectious diseases. Bacteria kill humans, but bacteriophages destroy bacteria. Today, bacteriophages can be the solution to the growing resistance of bacteria to antibiotics. In the USSR, life expectancy had doubled and infant mortality had been reduced to one-ninth. In 1972, the number of doctors was increased from 135,000 to 484,000, and the number of hospital beds from 791,000 to 2,224,000. The socialist system has made great strides to create a large multinational state free of major conflicts, ethnic, cultural or religious, that characterize capitalist countries.
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