851 Appendix. Tentative Rules for the Nomenclature of

IUPAC Commission on the Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry and IUPAC-IUB Commission on Biochemical Nomenclature

1. Class of compound ...... 852 2. The stem name ...... 852 3. Specific names; end-group designations . 853 4. Numbering of hydrocarbons . 854 5. Nor-carotenoids and seco-carotenoids 855 6. Changes in hydrogenation level . . . 856 7. Oxygenated derivatives ...... 857 8. Numbering of oxygenated derivatives . 858 9. Retro nomenclature 860 10. Apo nomenclature . 860 11. Higher carotenoids . 861 12. Stereochemistry 862 13. Trivial names . . . 864 852 Appendix. Tentative Rules for the Nomenclature of Carotenoids

Rule Carotenoid 1. Class of compound Carotenoids are a class of hydrocarbons () and their oxygenated derivatives () consisting of eight isoprenoid units joined in such a manner that the arrangement of isoprenoid units is reversed at the centre of the molecule so that the two central methyl groups are in a 1,6 positional relationship and the remaining non-terminal methyl groups are in a 1,5 positional relationship. All carotenoids may be formally derived from the acyclic C40H 56 structure (I), having a long central chain of conjugated double bonds, by (i) hydrogenation, (ii) dehydrogenation, (iii) cyclization, or (iv) oxidation, or any combination of these processes.


The class also includes certain compounds that arise from certain rear• rangements or degradations of the carbon skeleton (I) provided that the two central methyl groups are retained. This excludes (vitamin A) and related C20-compounds. For convenience carotenoid formulae are often written, in a shorthand form, as:


(General formula; broken lines indicate formal division into isoprenoid units)

Rule Carotenoid 2. The stem name All specific names are based on the stem name '', which corre• sponds to the structure and numbering shown in (II), where the broken lines at the two terminations are intended only to represent two 'double-bond equivalents'. Individual compounds may have C9 acyclic end groups with two double bonds at positions 1,2 and 5,6 (e.g. III) or cyclic end groups (such as IV-VIII).

9 11 13 IS 14' 12' 10' .. "'<::::: "'<::::: "'<::::: 13' 10 12 14 "'<:::::, •• "'<::::: "'<:::::... 20'

4 (II) Appendix. Tentative Rules for the Nomenclature of Carotenoids 853

Rule Carotenoid 3. Specific names; end-group designations 3.1. The name of a specific carotenoid hydrocarbon is constructed by adding two greek letters as prefixes to the stem name 'carotene' (defined in Rule Carotenoid 2), these prefixes being characteristic of the two C9 end groups. 3.2. The prefixes are:

Type Prefix Formula Structure

Acyclic 1/1 C9H 15 (III) Cyclohexene {3, e C9H15 (IV), (V) Cyclopentane K C9H!7 (VI) Aryl qJ,X CgHu (VII), (VIII) and correspond to the following end-group modifications: 1d116R 1a11•R 2 6 I. " 11. R : 16 3 ~ 5 18 ..

(III) 1/1 (IV) {3 (V) e

2R 17 17n-;?'1 R R 18 6 tf2 3 1 4 :::::,.... 5 18

(VI) K (VII) qJ (VIII) X

R= ... -'~'·· ... (6) 8 10 12 14

Note: The choice of locants 16 and 17 for the two methyl groups at C-1 is considered in connection with stereochemistry in Rule Carotenoid 12.4. 3.3. The greek-letter prefixes are cited in alphabetical order; the first is separated from the second by a comma, and the second is connected to the stem name by a hyphen. Note: The greek-letter alphabetical order is

J3 (beta), e (epsilon), K (kappa), cp (phi), x (chi), t/1 (psi). Examples:

e,e-Carotene 854 Appendix. Tentative Rules for the Nomenclature of Carotenoids


Notes: (i) The greek-letter prefixes are derived: f3 and e from the symmetrical carotenoids with the trivial names '{3-carotene' and 'e-carotene' " from the symmetrical capsorubin t/1 from t/J- q> for phenyl, and x the next greek letter after q> (ii) a, y and b, from the trivial names a-, y- and b-carotene, are not used. 3.4. When, in a modified or degraded carotenoid, an end group can be derived from more than one specific end group, the end group chosen as the basis of the name is that occurring earliest in the alphabetical order (see Rule Carotenoid 3.3). Example: is a derivative of the {3-end group not the e-end group.

Rule Carotenoid 4. Numbering of carotenoid hydrocarbons The basic system of numbering is that shown in structure (II} of Rule Carotenoid 2; the end groups are numbered as indicated in Rule Carotenoid 3. If the two end groups are dissimilar, lower (unprimed) numbers are given to that end of the molecule which is associated with the greek-letter prefix cited first in the name. (All unprimed locants are cited before primed locants *.) Examples: 4'

9 11 13 15 14' 12' 10' '<::::,0 '<::::,2 '<::::,4 '<::::15' '<:::: 13' '<::::11,

201 19'

4 e,e-Carotene

• IUPAC Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry, Section C, 1970 (published by Butterworths, London), indicates that, in ranking locants for priority, a primed numeral ranks immediately after the same numeral unprimed. In general organic nomenclature the common practice is therefore to cite locants in the order x, x', (x+n), (x+n)'. The established sequence in the caroq:noid field is, however, to cite all unprimed numerals before any primed numerals, and this practice is followed in these rules. Appendix. Tentative Rules for the Nomenclature of Carotenoids 855


19 9 11 13 15 14' 12' 10' 8' 10 12 """14 """15' 13' ~11' 9' """7' """ """ """20' """19' 16'


Note: It is recommended that formulae be drawn so that unprimed numbers are on the left hand side.

Rule Carotenoid 5. Nor-carotenoids and seco-carotenoids a) N or-carotenoids

Elimination of a CH3 , CH2 or a CH group from a carotenoid is indicated by the prefix 'nor', which in all cases is preceded by the locant of the carbon atom that has been eliminated. The prefix is non-detachable. When alternatives are possible, the locant attached to nor is the lowest possible*. The basic numbering of the carotenoid is retained in the nor-carotenoid. Examples:

3' """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ 5 18 2,2'-Dinor-j:l,f:l-carotene

4' 18' 3'

2' """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ 1'

4 16,17,16',17' -Tetranor-e,e-carotene b) Seco-carotenoids Fission of the bond between two adjacent carbon atoms (other than carbon atoms J and 6) of a cyclic end group, with addition of one or more hydrogen atoms at each terminal group thus created, is indicated by the prefix 'seco ', the original carotenoid numbering being retained.

*The contrast with usage (IUPAC-IUB 1967 Revised Rules for Nomenclature of , IUPAC Information Bulletin No. 33, Rule 2S-6, page 52), where the prefix 'nor' is associated with the highest permissible number, is to be noted. 856 Appendix. Tentative Rules for the Nomenclature of Carotenoids



Rule Carotenoid 6. Changes in hydrogenation level Carotenoid hydrocarbons, including carotenoid acetylenes and allenes, that differ in hydrogenation level from the corresponding carotenoid hydro• carbon defined by Rule Carotenoid 3 are named from the latter by use of the prefixes 'hydro' and 'dehydro' together with the locants specifying the carbon atoms at which hydrogen atoms have been added or removed. These prefixes are non-detachable* and immediately precede the gree~­ letter prefixes denoting the end groups, and, if both occur in one name, are cited in the order: dehydro before hydro (multipliers do not affect the order). Example: tetradehydrodihydro. Note: Since, to maintain valency requirements, hydrogen atoms are, formally, always added or removed in pairs these prefixes will always be used with an even-number multiplier, e.g., te~rahydro, didehydro.

Examples: 4' ..


4 5,6,7,8,1',2',3',4',5',6',7',8'-Dodecahydro-P,x-carotene


6, 7-Didehydro-e,e-carotene * IUPAC Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry, Section C, 1970 (published by Butterworths, London), Rule C-16.1, allows the prefix 'hydro' to be detachable or non-detachable, and the former has become the established usage in general organic chemistry. However, the common practice in carotenoid names is now to use this prefix as non-detachable, a practice that is followed in this set of rules. ' Appendix. Tentative Rules for the Nomenclature of Carotenoids 857

Rule Carotenoid 7. Oxygenated derivatives 7.1. Oxygenated (and other) derivatives of carotenoid hydrocarbons are named by use of suffixes and prefixes, according to the rules of general organic chemical nomenclature*. Of the oxygen-containing characteristic groups present, that which occurs earliest in the sequence: Carboxylic acid, ester of carotenoid acid, aldehyde, ketone, alcohol, ester of carotenoid alcohol is chosen as principal group (following IUPAC Rule C-10.3) and is cited by use of a suffix; all other groups are cited as prefixes. Examples:

HO 3-Hydroxy-p,e-caroten-3' -one

3-Hydroxy-3' -oxo-p,e-caroten-16-oic acid

7.2. A non-bridging ether group is named by use of the appropriate alkoxy or aryloxy prefix (Rule C-211.2). Example:


1-Ethoxy-l ,2, 7' ,8' -tetrahydro-1/1 ,1/J-carotene

7.3. Oxygen bridges are indicated by use of the prefix 'epoxy'; this prefix is preceded by the locants of the two carbon atoms that form the bridgeheads of the oxygen bridge. Note: The prefix 'epoxy' denotes replacement, by an oxygen bridge, of a hydrogen atom at each of two carbon atoms already otherwise connected to one another. An epoxide, notionally formed by adding an oxygen atom to a double bond, is therefore an epoxy-dihydro derivative of the original compound.

* IUPAC Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry, Section C, 1970, Subsections C-2 to C-4 (published by Butterworths, London). 858 Appendix. Tentative Rules for the Nomenclature of Carotenoids

Examples: OH


5,6: 5' ,6'-Diepoxy-5,6,5',6' -tetrahydro-p,p-carotene-3,3'-diol

5,8: 5',8' -Diepoxy-5,8,5',8' -tetrahydro-p,p-carotene

7.4. Compounds which may be formally derived from a carotenoid hydro• carbon by the addition of the elements of water (H, OH) or of methanol (H, OCH3) to a double bond are named as 'hydroxy-dihydro' or 'methoxy• dihydro' derivatives. Examples:


3, 7'-Dihydroxy-7',8' -dihydro-p,e-caroten-3'-one

7, 7'-Dimethoxy-7,8, 7' ,8' -tetrahydro-e,e-carotene-3,3'-dione

Rule Carotenoid 8. Numbering of oxygenated derivatives

8.1. If the two C9 end groups of the parent carotenoid hydrocarbon are dissimilar their oxygenated derivatives are numbered according to Rule Carotenoid 4, i.e., the end group designated by the greek letter occurring earlier in the greek alphabet receives unprimed locants. Appendix. Tentative Rules for the Nomenclature of Carotenoids 859


HO p


e p 2,2' ,3'-Trimethoxy-p,e-carotene

8.2. a) If the two C9 end groups of the parent carotenoid hydrocarbon are identical then the lowest* locant possible is assigned to the principal group, cited as suffix. b) If more than one of the group chosen to be cited as suffix is present the numbering is determined by the principle of lowest locants ** applied to the suffixes. c) If no group qualifies to be cited as suffix then the numbering is deter• mined by the principle of lowest locants ** for all groups cited as prefixes. Examples:

a) OCH3

2' -Methoxy-e,e-caroten-3-one (not 2-Methoxy-e,e-caroten-3'-one)


2'-Methoxy-e,e-carotene-2,3' -dione (not 2-Methoxy-e,e-carotene-3,2'-dione) c) CH 3

6' 2' ,,

3,2'-Dimethoxy-1 ,2,5' ,6' -tetrahydro-1/1 ,.p-carotene (not 2,3'-Dimethoxy-5,6,1',2'-tetrahydro-1/1,1/1-carotene; 1,2,3,2',5',6' having priority over 2,5,6,1',2',3') 860 Appendix. Tentative Rules for the Nomenclature of Carotenoids

Notes: * In the carotenoid series all unprimed numbers are cited before primed numbers and the former are therefore considered as 'lower' than primed numbers, e.g. 2, 6, 6, 1', 2', 6' etc. ** When series of locants containing the same number of terms are compared term by term, that series is 'lowest' which contains the lowest number on the occasion of the first difference [IUPAC Rule C-13.1l(e), footnote].

Rule Carotenoid 9. Retro nomenclature 9.1. The prefix 'retro' (printed in italics) and a pair of locants are used to indicate a shift, by one position, of all single and double bonds of the conjugated polyene system delineated by the pair of locants. 9.2. The pair of locants precedes the prefix retro. The first locant is that 9f the carbon atom that has lost a proton, the second that of the carbon atom that has gained one. 9.3. The prefix and its accompanying locants are placed immediately before, and hyphenated to, the greek-letter prefixes of the name defined according to Rule Carotenoid 3. 9.4. The prefix and its associated locants are not detachable from the names defined according to Rule Carotenoid 3. Examples:


3-Hydroxy-6', 7-retro-f3,e-caroten-3' -one

6', 7-retro-B,K-Caroten-3-one

0 I """' c:::?'

8', 11-retro-f3,1/f-Caroten-11-one

Rule Carotenoid 10. Apo nomenclature It is often necessary to designate derivatives in which the carbon skeleton has been shortened by the formal removal of fragments from one or both ends of a carotenoid. Appendix. Tentative Rules for the Nomenclature of Carotenoids 861

10.1. The unitalicized prefix 'apo ', preceded by a locant, is used to indicate that all of the molecule beyond the carbon atom corresponding to that locant has been replaced by hydrogen atoms. A side-chain methyl group is not considered to be 'beyond' the carbon atom to which it is attached. 10.2. The prefix and its locant immediately precede the specific name (Rule Carotenoid 3) unless the locant associated with the prefix 'apo' is greater than 5, in which case there is no need to give a greek-letter end-group desig• nation for that end of the molecule. 10.3. For purposes of numbering etc., an end that has been shortened by 5 or less skeletal carbon atoms is considered a t/1 (acyclic) end group. 10.4. The prefix diapo, preceded by two locants, is used to indicate removal of fragments from both ends of the molecule. 10.5. If, in a diapo compound, the two ends of the carotenoid skeleton have been shortened unequally the lower locant associated with the prefix 'diapo' is unprimed. Examples:

2' CHO

2' -Apo-P,I/f-caroten-2' -al ., HOOC '<:::::: '<:::::: '<:::::: '<:::::: '<:::::: '<:::::: '<:::::: '<:::::: '<:::::: COOCH.

Methyl hydrogen 6,6'-diapocarotene-6,6'-dioate (trans-)

Rule Carotenoid 11. Higher carotenoids The higher carotenoids are a class of hydrocarbons and their oxygenated derivatives consisting of more than eight isoprenoid units joined in a manner similar to that of the C40-carotenoids. They are named as mono- or di-substituted C40-carotenoids. The numbering of the normal carotenoid is retained. Examples:

2-(3-Methyl-2-butenyl)-e,l/f-carotene 862 Appendix. Tentative Rules for the Nomenclature of Carotenoids



2,2' -Bis(3-methylbutyl)-P.P-carotene-3" ,3"' -diol or 2,2'-Bis(3-hydroxy-3-methylbutyl)-p,p-carotene

Rule Carotenoid 12. Stereochemistry 12.1. Absolute cmifiguration at chiral centers. The absolute configuration at chiral centers is designated by use of the RS convention*, the symbols being placed, with the corresponding locants, before the carotenoid name. Example: _6_ I I I I ~ ~ ""'o

(3S,5R,3' S,5' R)-3,3'-Dihydroxy-K,K-carotene-6,6' -dione (Capsorubin)

12.2. Absolute corifiguration of allenic compounds. The absolute configuration around allene groups will be similarly designated, when known. Example:

HO;q··4 , OCOCH 3 5' 3' 6' 2' -9" 1' H ··. -9"• .. · ~~~~~~~


(3'S,5' R,6' R)-3' -Acetoxy-5,6-epoxy-3,5' -dihydroxy-6', 7'• didehydro-5,6, 7,8,5' ,6' -hexahydro-P,P-caroten-8-one ()

* For a discussion on the RS convention and the use of thickened lines, broken lines, wavy lines and wedges in displayed formulae, see IUPAC Tentative Rules for the Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry, Section E, Fundamental Stereochemistry, IUPAC Information Bulletin No. 35, page 68. Appendix. Tentative Rules for the Nomenclature of Carotenoids 863

12.3. Geometrical cmifiguration around double bonds. The stem name 'carotene' implies trans configuration about all double bonds unless the contrary is indicated. Following the designation of absolute configuration (if any) geometrical configuration is indicated by citing the double bond or bonds with a cis configuration. Example:

Natural = 15-cis-7,8,11,12,7',8',11',12' -octahydro-t/J,t/1-carotene

At trisubstituted double bonds the term cis refers to the relative position of the two substituents forming parts of the main chain of carbon atoms. Example: Natural bixin= Methyl hydrogen 9' -cis-6,6' -diapocarotene-6,6' -dioate In the absence of definite information on geometrical configuration, cis isomers may be distinguished by prefixes such as neo A, neo U etc. (cf. Zechmeister, Cis-trans Isomeric Carotenoids, Vitamins A and Arylpolyenes, Springer-Verlag, Vienna, 1962). The stereochemical prefixes E and Z [see footnote to Rule 12.1 and J. Amer. Chern. Soc. 90, 509 (1968)] may be used, especially when the prefixes cis and trans might lead to ambiguity. 12.4. Numbering of gem-dimethyl groups at C-1. In an end group of /3- or e-type, the two methyl groups attached to C-1 are distinguished as follows: When the potential chirality is as shown in formula (A), i.e. with the polyene chain (R) to the right of C-1, the methyl groups below and above the plane of the paper are numbered 16 and 17, respectively. If the end group is as shown in (B), with the polyene chain (R) to the left, these designations are reversed.


H3C ~ (A) (B) 864 Appendix. Tentative Rules for the Nomenclature of Carotenoids

In an acyclic end group, the methyl group which is trans to the main skeletal chain is numbered 16, and the methyl group which is cis is numbered 17, as shown in (C). 3 17 HC CH···· 3 " c=t / 2 to H3C / " H (C)

Rule Carotenoid 13. Trivial names The preceding rules are designed to define precisely the structure of a given carotenoid by its name. Use of the semi-systematic names derived from these rules will greatly assist communication between scientists and enable work to be more readily retrieved from the literature. The appendix contains a list* of the trivial names, currently in use, for naturally occurring carotenoids; it also gives their semi-systematic names and structures. These trivial names will be of value in natural-product and biochemical work but their use in organic or systematic work should be restricted. If trivial names are used in a paper, the semi-systematic name should always be given, in parentheses or in a footnote at the first mention. Whilst the need to coin a new trivial name must occasionally arise (e.g., because the structure of the compound is unknown) the list* in the appendix should not be unnecessarily enlarged, nor should simple derivatives of known carotenoids be named by use of the trivial name or given a new one.

* In this book replaced by Chapter XII, Section A. 865 Author Index

Numbers in parentheses are reference numbers and indicate that an author's work is referred to although his name may not be cited in the text. The complete references are listed at the end of each chapter.

A Allen, M. B., 44 [174, 176] Althausen, T. L., 720 [18], 721 [18] Aasen, A. 1., 34 [ 42], 37 [80], 38 [97], 46 [209], Ames, B. N., 673 [21] 48 [226, 230], 53 [226], 63 [16], 65 [17], Amesz, 1., 687 [117], 693 [174], 695 [185], 69 [105], 77 [16, 105], 79 [105, 184], 82 [195], 696[185], 697[199] 83 [195], 85 [105, 184, 212], 87 [17, 184], Andersen, K., 34[49a], 37 [49a], 53 [49a], 88 [105, 212], 91 [212], 98 [284], 123 [378], 91 [253], 92 [253], 119 [253], 120 [253], 126 [184, 284], 129 [184], 134 [105], 121 [253], 647 [ 49] 150[195], 153[184, 195], 164[212], 166[17], Anderson, D. G., 31 [12], 580[20], 581 [20], 174[16], 177[16], 270[30], 414[326], 583 [20], 584 [20], 591 [124] 416 [326], 452 [369a], 500 [326], 512 [369a], Anderson, I. C., 605[199], 674[34, 37-39] 538 [369 a], 556 [369 a], 557 [326], Anderson, J. M., 67 [51] 559 [369 a], 626 [335] Anderson, 0. R., 735 [155], 736 [155] Abrahamson, E. W., 725 [65], 726 [71], Anderson, R.F., 35[55, 56], 615[289] 728 [83], 729 [71, 87], 730 [71] Anderson, W. A., 239 [26] Achenbach, H., 38 [95], 40 [95], 52 [95], Andre, D., 43 [159], 111 [330], 162 [330], 117[413] 300[141] Acker, L., 749[41], 750[41], 751 [65] Andree, F., 400 [299, 306, 307], 428 [343], Ackermann, W., 760 [176] 438 [343], 470 [299], 471 [306, 307], Adachi, M., 355 [145] 543[299], 544[306, 307] Adams, R. G., 725 [64], 727 [76] Andresen, S., 79[190], 86[190], Addicott, F. T., 527 [430, 432, 435-437] 148 [ 455] Adler, K., 702 [225] Andrewes, A. G., 32 [15], 33 [15], 46 [212, Agranoff, B. W., 583 [66, 69], 584 [73] 213], 53 [213], 174 [524, 529], 257 [54], Ahluwalia, B., 733 [119] 259 [54], 268 [11], 618 [293, 296, 298], Ahmad, B., 606 [225] 619 [298] Ahmad, R., 167 [502], 403 [315], 420[333, Andrews, J. S., 721 [ 41], 731 [101, 102] 334], 429 [344], 430 [344], 431 [333], Antia, N.J., 289[113] 439[334], 466[315, 384], 467[315], Aoe, H., 754 [95] 469[315], 471 [315], 542[315], 544[315] Arcamone, F., 41 [140], 75 [144], 78 [144], Ahrens, R., 168 [508], 281 [74], 433 [350], 152[144], 157[144], 336[67, 68], 499[67, 470[350],543[350],544[350] 68], 552 [67, 68], 555 [67, 68] Aitzetmiiller, K., 44[179, 181, 182, 184], Archer, B. L., 581 [35], 587 [105] 46 [204], 53 [283], 83 [201], 91 [248], Arend, W., 369 [203], 395 [290] 106 [248, 325], 107 [325], 113 [537], Arens, 1. F., 16, 340 [93], 355 [93], 366 [189], 157[201], 161 [549], 163 [549], 251 [48] 369[189,202],376[212],387[189,242, Akhtar, M., 402 [310], 463 [310], 464 [310], 243], 405 [212] 469[310],504[310], 517[310], 519[310], Arigoni, D., 295 [129], 580[13] 558[310], 560[310], 728[80, 82, 84] Arnaki, M., 583 [63] Aksnes, G., 393 [264J Arnold, M., 35 [55, 56], 615 [289] Aldag, H.-J., 430[347], 482 [406], 520[406], Arnold, W., 687 [121] 529[406],531[406],545[406] Arpin, N., 34[47], 40[124, 125], 46[199a], Aldrich, P. E., 579 [11] 52[47, 124, 125], 75[151], 79[207], Alkazov, D. G., 600 [168] 84[204], 85[207], 104[206, 206a], Allais, A., 397 [293] 117[546], 126[208], 128[394], 130[207, Allen, F. H., 295[130] 208, 452], 149 [204], 151 [206a, 464],

Carotenmds 55 866 Author Index

153[423], 155[207], 174[532], 176[532], 501 [70, 309], 509 [309], 514 [309], 273 [ 42], 289 [ 42], 762 [217] 515[309], 516[70], 539[309], 540[309], Arvanitaki, A., 702 [227] 542 [309], 543 [309], 553 [309], 556 [309], Ascarelli, 1., 750[52], 751 [52], 752 [52] 558 [70], 560 [309], 561 [70, 309] Askar, A., 757 [119] Barbier, M., 43 [159], 44[191], 45 [191], Askar, C., 757 [119] 106 [323], 107 [323], 111 [330], 162 [330], Asmundson, C. M., 534 [ 443] 300 [141] Attenburrow, J., 79 [185], 332 [48], 337 [48], Barksdale, A. W., 706 [252] 368 [ 48], 374 [ 48], 375 [ 48], 408 [ 48] Barnard, D., 587 [105] Audley, B. G., 581 [35] Barnett, H. L., 35 [54], 579 [8], 614 [272] Augustine, R. L., 85 [210] Barnett, H. M., 760[158] Aust, H., 747 [34], 757 [116] Bart, J.C.J., 285[89, 91], 286[89, 91], 287[91] Austin, D. G., 707 [256] Bartels, P.O., 675[43, 45], 685[45] Austin, D.J., 50[245], 270[35], 312[35, 178], Bartlett, L., 91 [247], 95 [247], 289 [114], 598 [157], 615 [283], 616 [283], 707 [257, 290 [114], 291 [114], 292 [114], 300 [114], 258] 301 [114], 302 [114], 305 [114], 306 [114], Avron, M., 687[124] 307[114], 308[114], 309[114], 310[114], Ayers, J. E., 51 [261] 311 [114], 312 [114], 341 [106], 360 [106], Ayyoub, N.l., 721 [42] 508 [106], 546 [106] Azuma, M., 727 [73] Bartov, 1., 749 [37, 38], 751 [75] Bartram, K., 286 [93], 328 [ 4], 366 [191], 369 [191], 371 [206], 402 [206], 480 [206], B 545 [206] Bass, J. L., 276 [51] Babtist, J. N., 751 [71] Bassham, J. A., 604 [ 195] Bacharach, A. D. E., 725 [67] Bates, R.B., 275 [48], 276[52] Bader, F., 74 [136], 78 [136], 372 [208], Batra, P.P., 596[151], 620[301], 676[57] 393 [208], 482 [208], 483 [208], 504 [208], Battaile, J ., 581 [38] 554 [208], 560 [208] Battersby,A.R., 584[81] Baer,H.H., 78[169] Bauernfeind, J. C., 641 [28], 745 [10-12], Bagdon, R. E., 641 [27] 748 [264], 749 [73, 89], 751 [57-59, 73, 264], Bailey, G. F., 44[170], 66[19, 22-26, 31], 752 [59], 753 [89], 754 [92], 755 [102, 103], 89[237], 111 [22, 24], 112[24], 114[347], 757[204], 760[160, 169, 181], 761 [12, 102, 269 [27], 762 [216], 763 [218] 103,204,206], 762[204,206] Bailey, W. C., 51 [269] Baxter, J. G., 328 [32], 380 [225] Baillarge, M., 362 [ 170] Baxter, R. M., 63 [15] Baker, E.G., 754[98] Bazhanova, N. V., 600[168], 602[176] Balasubramaniyan, P., 730[97, 98] Beall, G., 747 [22] Balasubramaniyan, V., 730 [97, 98] Beckman, L.D., 623 [316] Baldas,J., 251 [49], 262[49], 263[49], Beeler, D. A., 584 [82, 83], 591 [122, 128], 264[65] 596[147] Ball, S., 380 [224] Beevers, H., 604[190] Baltscheffsky, M., 695 [190] Belie, 1., 328 [6], 484 [6], 486 [6], 545 [6] Bamji, M.S., 71 [112], 602 [182], 603 [182], Bell, W.D., 675[48] 663 [118], 664 [118], 679 [72] Bellin, S.A., 533 [441] Bancher, E., 757 [130-132] Ben-Aziz, A., 602 [172], 610[254], 627 [342], Bannister, T. T., 691 [154] 628 [342] Bara, M., 699 [204] Benedict, C. R., 623 [316], 627 [340] Barber, M.S., 34[39], 42[147], 74[132], Benk, E., 755 [105], 759 [152], 764 [239-247, 78 [174], 121 [371], 122 [373], 123 [373], 253-256] 124[386], 137[132], 204[16], 209[16], Ben-Shaul, Y., 606 [224], 607 [224] 275 [47], 278 [62], 279 [62], 280[62], Benson, A. A., 704 [235] 292 [118], 293 [118], 337 [70], 400 [309], Bentley, K. W., 21 [39] 401 [309], 416 [309], 423 [309], 455 [309], Bentley, R., 91 [254], 92 [254] 456 [309], 465 [309], 468 [309], 469 [386]: Benton, C. H., 386 [238, 238 a] Author Index 867

Benton, F. L., 44 [184], 69 [93-95], 106 [325], [213],95[272-279,282,545], 101[272,278, 107 [325] 279, 282], 114[279], 133 [409], 146[116, 187, Benz, F., 167 [505] 446, 448], 149[275], 150[462], 151 [272, Benz, W., 243 [30], 247 [30], 262 [63] 467], 157[40, 490], 204[14], 312[177] Berg, M. H., 376 [212], 405 [212] Boettger, H., 46 [206], 48 [223], 133 [ 406] Bergan,J.G., 737[168] Bohlmann, F., 286 [93], 328 [3, 4, 14], Berger, R., 750[53] 366 [191], 369 [191, 201], 371 [206], Berges, 0., 400 [304] 387 [201 ], 402 [206], 480 [206], 482 [ 406], Bergman, K., 700 [209], 701 [209] 483[3], 484[3], 520[406, 421], 529[406], Bergmann, R., 759[152], 764[247] 531[406,424], 545[3,206,406] Bergmann, W., 706 [251] Bohlmann, M., 369 [201], 387 [201] Bern, H. A., 736[161] Boling, J. A., 720 [26] Berns, D. S., 701 [212] Bolliger, H. R., 67 [54, 57, 58], 68 [57, 77], Berthod, H., 287 [94] 205 [18], 209 [18], 235 [18], 248 [18], Bertin, D., 397 [293] 252[18], 260[18], 263 [18] Berzelius, J.J., 13 [7], 606 [218] Bonaly, R., 46 [200], 129 [396], 612 [270], Besson, G., 578 [3, 4] 614[270] Bestmann, H.J., 389 [250], 474 [394], 545 [394] Bonner, J., 580 [25], 581 [37], 584 [37], Bey, G. von der, 168 [508], 281 [74], 433 [350, 591 [25] 351],470[350],543[350], 544[350] Bonnett, R., 43[151-153], 44[153], 49[242], Beytia, E., 581 [39], 584 [39] 75[146], 95[146], 104[317], 107[146], Bianchi, M., 614[275] 110[146], 111[146], 148[317], 151[317], Bickoff, E. M., 66 [20], 747 [30], 762 [216], 168 [317], 251 [50], 260 [50], 285 [82], 763 [218] 289[111], 295[111], 296[111], 297[111], Biedermann, R., 752 [77] 299[111], 300[111], 415[327], 452[327], Bielig, H.-J., 21 [40] 456 [327], 511 [327], 512 [327], 513 [327], Biemann, K., 243 [29], 265 [29] 514 [327], 538 [327], 539 [327], 548 [327], Bieri,J.G., 732[113], 733[119], 734[148] 549 [327], 552 [327], 553 [327] Biffi, G., 614 [275] Bonting, S. L., 725 [62], 727 [62, 75] Bijvoet, J. M., 299 [140] Booth, V.H., 31[1], 63[7, 10], 69[99], Bilz, R., 755 [100] 116[356], 764[231] Bird, F. H., 752 [266] Borchgrevink, N.C., 757 [134] Bishop, N. I., 691 [156, 158, 159] B~rdalen, B., 45[196], 72[124], 107[124], Black, C. C., 687 [125] 251 [51] Black, D. M., 337 [72] Borenstein, B., 755 [104], 757 [104], 759 [104], Blain,J.A., 757[114] 760[162], 761 [198, 205], 762[205] Blass, U., 67 [51] Borggreven, J. M.P. M., 725 [62], 727 [62] Blatz, P. E., 190 [1], 727 [77], 728 [77], Bork, S., 370 [205], 431 [349], 482 [ 406], 730[97, 98] 520[406], 529[406], 531[406], 545[406] Blessin, C. W., 763 [225] Bornstein, S., 749 [37, 38], 751 [75] Bletner, J. K., 752 [265], 754 [93] Boschetti, A., 31 [8], 584 [87] Blinks, L. R., 670 [ 4], 674 [30], 687 [ 4, 30, 116, Bose, A. K., 51 [269] 118] Bosshard, A., 333 [53] Bloch, E., 306 [165], 341 [105] Bouchez, M.P., 104[206a], 151 [206a], Bloch, K., 581 [32, 33, 45], 584 [72], 586 [103] 166[541] Blomstrand, R., 720[19] Bougon, M., 748 [260], 753 [260] Blosse, P. T., 728 [80, 82] Bovey, R. W., 675 [ 46], 685 [ 46] Bluhm, H.( 341 [103] Bowden, K., 430 [346] Blum, H. F., 671 [13], 679 [13] Bowden, R., 295 [126] Blum, W.P., 380[225] Bownds, D., 725 [61], 728 [79, 81], 729 [86] Bobbit, J. M., 67 [56], 68 [56] Braconnot, H., 13 [5] Boch, J., 351 [125], 44,3 [367], 448 [367], Braekkan, 0. R., 724 [59] 536[367],537[367] Braithwaite, G. D., 579 [6], 580 [6], 582 [6], Bodea, C., 37 [84], 38 [108], 42 [150], 66 [ 40], 590[6], 623[315] 71 [115, 116], 76[156], 79[187], 81 [40], 85 Brandsma, L., 376 [212], 405 [212] 868 Author Index

Brannock, K. C., 393 [279] Bu'Lock, J.D., 50[245], 270[35], 312 [35, Branson, R. E., 748 [262] 178], 598[157], 615[283], 616[283], Braude, E. A., 284 [79] 707 [256-258] Breckoff, W.E., 332[51], 350[51] Bunnell, R. H., 745 [12], 748 [264], 751 [59, Bredt, J., 295 [128] 264], 752 [59], 755 [104], 757 [104, 204], Breidenbach, R. W., 67 [65], 604 [190] 759[104], 760[160, 169, 181], 761 [12, 198, Brenner, M., 303 [149], 684 [99], 710 [99] 204-206], 762[204-206], 764[237] Bricout, J ., 51 [265, 266], 52 [265] Bunning, E., 699 [201] Bridges, C. D. B., 732 [109] Bunt, J. S., 67 [63] Briggs, W. R., 699 [205], 702 [222] Burchard, R. P., 680 [77] Bril, C., 689 [ 132] Burden, R.S., 50[248a], 305[142a] Britton, G., 32[32], 34[30a, 41, 50], 46[205], Burger, B. V., 49 [242] 89 [230], 103 [295], 116 [230], 123 [544], Burke, P. V., 700[209], 701 [209] 139[422], 148[449], 157[422], 311[176], Burness, D. M., 362 [174], 376 [214], 385 [174], 588 [107], 589 [107, 108], 592 [107, 108, 393 [174] 130, 131], 593 [107], 596 [152], 597 [155], Burnett, J. H., 670 [5], 674 [5], 705 [5] 599 [158], 600 [152, 161], 601 [170], Burns, E. R., 675 [ 47] 602[170-172], 603[155, 161], 605[198], Burrell, J. W. K., 276 [53] 608 [253], 610 [253, 254], 624 [324], Bush, W. V., 95 [283], 101 [283] 625 [324], 626 [326, 327, 332, 333], Businger, A., 362 [ 173] 627[342],628[342] Buss, C. D., 35 [57], 615 [284, 286] Brixius, L., 764 [253-255] Buten, B., 72 [123], 657 [94] Brockmann, H., 37 [83], 49 [233], 66 [ 47], Biitler, R., 578 [5], 579 [5] 77[158], 78[178, 179], 86[179], 87[158], Butler, W. L., 687 [126] 116 [357], 130 [ 400-404], 133 [ 404], Byers, G. W., 728 [78] 146 [158], 167 [500], 606 [217] Brodie, J ., 580 [ 16] Brooks, J., 604 [197], 708 [260-262], c 709[260, 264] Brown, B. 0., 32 [15], 33 [15], 36 [78], Cabell, C. A., 747 [26] 46 [212], 149 [ 460], 174 [524], 257 [54], Caglioti, L., 615 [278, 279] 259 [54], 268 [11], 269 [22], 273 [22], Cahn, R.S., 312[181-184], 313[181-184], 274 [22], 276 [55], 277 [22], 618 [293] 316[181, 182] Brubacher, G., 744 [ 4], 747 [20], 748 [61, 62], Cahnmann, H., 306[165], 341[105] 750[50], 751 [61, 62], 763 [223], 764[50, Cainelli, G., 615 [278, 279] 223,235,236] Calaustro, E. Q., 733 [ 118] Brunnmiiller, F., 394 [282] Calvarono, M., 764 [249] Brzezinka, H., 248 [39], 251 [39], 259 [39], Calvin, M., 67[51], 684[98], 690[139, 146] 260 [39], 264 [39] Cama, H. R., 718 [7], 733 [126] Buchanan, G. A., 675 [ 47] Camerino, B., 41 [140], 75 [144], 78 [144], Buchecker, R., 306 [167], 308 [167 a], 152 [144], 157 [144], 336 [67, 68], 341 [ 107], 364 [ 107], 484 [ 107], 486 [ 107], 499 [67, 68], 552 [67, 68], 555 [67, 68], 487 [107], 489 [107], 546 [107], 547 [107], 615 [278, 279] 548 [ 107], 597 [ 156] Cameron, A. F. B., 79 [185], 332 [48], 337[48], Biichi, G., 394[275] 368 [ 48], 374 [ 48], 375 [ 48], 408 [ 48] Buchta, E., 400[299, 306, 307], 428 [343], Campbell, S.A., 44[191], 45[191], 106[323], 435 [356], 438 [343], 470[299], 471 [306, 107 [323] 307], 543[299], 544[306, 307] Campbell, T. W., 428 [342] Buchwald, H.-E., 696[195] Capeder, A., 762 [207, 209] Buchwald, M., 39 [112], 290 [116], 291 [116] Carington, T. R., 340 [92] Budick, E. M., 759 [153] Carlson, S.D., 734[151] Budzikiewicz, H., 243 [31], 248 [39], 251 [39], Carnahan, H. L., 763 [227] 252[31], 259[39], 260[31, 39] Carns, H. R., 527 [ 430, 432] Buggy, M.J., 584[85a], 589[108], 592[108], Carroll, J., 733 [122], 734[122, 150] 605 [198] Carroll, M. F., 339 [80, 81] Author Index 869

Carter, M. C., 675 [ 47] 603[181], 606[213], 612[266, 269], Cawley, J.D., 338 [74], 352 [128], 359 [128], 613[266],615[284-286,288],616[290], 380[128, 225] 628 [345, 346], 629 [346], 649 [58, 59], Ceccaldi, H. J., 39 [115-117], 657 [95, 99], 690[144, 145],695[144] 659[95, 99, 112], 660[112], 663[112], Cho, S., 111 [339], 277 [56], 304 [154] 703 [233] Cholnoky, L., 36 [72], 42 [144, 149], 43 [155, Cederberg, E., 35 [59] 163, 164], 44[144, 164], 46[201, 203], Cerda-Olmedo, E., 700 [209], 701 [209], 75 [138], 78 [175], 79 [261], 89 [242, 243], 707[255] 91 [242, 243, 246], 111 [243, 246, 331, 332], Chalazonitis, N., 702[227] 114 [243], 116 [243], 125 [261], 137 [261, Chance, B., 68[78], 676[53, 54], 692[171], 413a, 415], 139[175], 148[414, 454], 693 [53, 54, 175, 177, 179], 696 [196] 151 [466], 153[414, 454], 264[65], 270[29], Chandler, B. V., 580[18] 273 [29], 277 [29], 288 [95, 97], 289 [97], Chang, J. L., 89 [235] 293 [122], 295 [29], 296 [132], 300 [132], Chang, M. L., 737 [167] 302[29], 516[419], 559[419], 606[229], Chang, Y. C., 677 [67], 678 [67, 95], 682 [67, 607[229],690[140] 95,96],683[67,96],684[96],685[95,96] Chopard-dit-Jean, L. H., 68 [77], 205 [18], Chanley, J.D., 332 [ 47], 337 [ 47] 209 [18], 235 [18], 248 [18], 252 [18], Chaplin, C. E., 51 [263] 260 [18], 263 [18], 276 [50], 400 [305], Chapman, D.J., 35[63], 44[171, 172], 403 [312], 436 [305], 494 [305], 545 [305], 104[303], 106[320, 321] 546 [305] Chapman, J. H., 79 [185], 332 [ 48], 337 [ 48], Ciegler, A., 35 [55, 56], 614 [273], 615 [289], 368[48], 374[48], 375[48],408[48] 707 [253] Chapon, L., 757 [140] Claes, H., 32 [25], 269 [14, 18], 585 [96], Charley, H., 757 [134] 589 [96, 113-115], 592 [ 113-115], 593 [96, Charlton, J. M., 585 [93], 588 [107], 589 [107], 115, 134], 600[159], 676[51], 677[51, 592[107], 593[107],605[93] 62-64], 678[51, 62-64, 97], 682[63, 97], Chase, G. 0., 338 [77, 78], 339 [77, 78] 683 [62, 63] Chatterjee, G. C., 734 [134] Clausen, J., 733 [127] Chatterjee, 1., 734 [134] Clayton, R. K., 672 [15], 674[15], 677 [60], Chaykin, S., 581 [32, 33] 678[60], 680[15], 693[176], 695[189], Chechak, A.J., 337 [73], 338 [75], 352 [128], 701 [215, 216] 370 [75], 380 [128], 388 [248], 425 [339], Cleland, W. W., 583 [67] 454 [371], 457 [376], 462 [75], 464 [75], Cockbain, E. G., 581 [35], 587 [105] 474 [248], 476 [396], 477 [339], 478 [339, Coggins, C. W., 596 [150] 396],480[339,403],520[403], 522[403], Cohen-Bazire, G., 32 [14], 33 [14], 123 [374], 529 [73, 75], 531 [75], 538 [371], 540 [376], 623 [313, 321], 671 [12], 672 [12, 18], 545 [248, 396], 549 [339], 554 [339, 403], 673 [22] 560 [339, 403] Coleman, J. W., 693 [178] Cheeseman, G. W. H., 364 [184], 408 [318] Colman, A.D., 731 [107] Cheesman, D. F., 14[24], 21 [24], 39[110, 113, Colman, B., 67 [64] 115, 117, 118], 53 [110], 72 [118, 119], Colombi, L., 333 [53] 73 [125], 657 [92, 95, 99, 100], 658 [92, 100], Conradie, W.J., 398 [295] 659 [95, 99, 109], 660 [92], 661 [92], Conti, S. F., 627 [340] 663 [92], 703 [231, 232], 756 [112] Conway, W. G., 649 [73, 74] Chen, S. L., 687 [123] Coon, M.J., 582[50] Chessin, ~-, 680[81], 685[81], 694[81] Cooper, B.S., 709 [263] Chiba, N., 736 [159] Cooper, R.D.G., 41 [126], 78[175], 104[313], Chichester, C. 0., 32 [17], 35 [57, 58], 37 [88], 137 [ 416], 139 [175], 285 [83], 293 [124], 38 [88], 43 [164], 44 [164], 89 [234], 295 [124], 299 [124], 336 [66], 337 [69], 111 [332, 336], 123[336], 143[441], 497 [69], 499 [66], 501 [69], 516 [419], 506[418], 536[41.8], 545[418], 579[9, 10], 522 [66], 523 [66], 546 [66], 547 [66], 580[9, 17], 581 [47], 582[52-59], 548 [66], 549 [66], 559 [419], 562 [69] 583 [52-59, 68], 584 [68, 80, 85], 592 [85], Coover, H. W., 394 [273] 594[137], 600[165-167], 602[181], Corey, E.J., 681 [88] 870 Author Index

Cori, 0., 581 [39], 584 [39] Dangye-Caye, M.P., see Bouchez, M.P. Cornell, D. G., 658 [103] Daniel, A. F., see Faludi-Dimiel, A. Cornforth, J. W., 304[156], 305[156, 157], Daoud, H. N., 757 [125] 527 [ 430, 433, 434, 438-440], 584 [86], Dartnall, H. J. A., 724 [55] 585 [86, 101, 102], 586 [101, 102], 587 [86, Das, B. C., 49 [243] 10~ 105], 588[1011 589[101] Daumas, R., 39 [116], 659 [112], 660 [112], Cornubert, R., 332[45, 46] 663 [112], 703 [233] Cornwell, D. G., 720 [21] David, C. N., 700 [209], 701 [209] Costes, C., 36 [67], 89 [241], 591 [127], David, J. S. K., 721 [3 7] 600 [164], 756 [111] Davies, A.J., 305 [164], 306 [164] Cotta, E., 41 [140], 75 [144], 78 [144], Davies, B. H., 31 [10, 11], 32 [28-30], 34 [28, 152 [144], 157 [144], 336 [68], 499 [68], 30], 35 [53], 37 [88], 38 [88], 42 [146], 552 [68], 555 [68] 43[146], 63[4], 65[4], 66[4], 67[4], 68[4, Couch, J. R., 747 [27, 28], 749 [79], 752 [79, 80] 72, 73], 69 [100], 70 [ 4], 103 [292], Coulson, C. A., 286 [92] 124[388], 260[61], 261 [61], 584[89, 90], Courtnay, H. V., 748 [262] 585 [89], 594 [138], 596 [144], 609 [248], Coward, W. A., 732 [110], 733 [117], 737 [173] 618 [299], 622 [317], 623 [317], 624 [325], Crain, F. D., 720 [24] 625 [325], 626 [325], 628 [346], 629 [346], Creff, R., 757 [140] 649 [58, 59] Creger, C. R., 752 [80] Davies, R. E., 7 4 7[27, 28] Crescitelli, F., 724 [58], 731 [58] Davis, E. A., 754[93] Criegee, R., 167 [501] Davis, J. B., 14 [22], 31 [13], 41 [126], Critchley, J.P., 163 [497] 89 [240], 101 [286], 103 [290], 104 [313], Crofts, A. R., 696 [ 191] 113 [240], 124 [385], 137 [240], 143 [240], Crounse, J. B., 677 [60, 61], 678 [60, 61] 146[240], 148[385], 155[240], 204[16], Crozier, G. F., 37 [87], 155 [ 471] 209 [16], 268 [10], 269 [10], 275 [10, 47], Curl, A. L., 36 [74], 42 [145], 44[170], 276 [10], 285 [83], 328 [29], 336 [66], 49 [238], 66 [18-34], 78 [171], 85 [32], 400 [296], 401 [296], 421 [296, 335], 89 [237], 111 [22, 24, 28, 30, 335, 341], 423 [296], 426 [296], 428 [296, 335], 112[24], 114[34, 347], 116[33], 155[171], 454 [296, 335], 477 [296, 335], 478 [296, 163[496, 498], 169[32, 498], 269[27], 335], 489 [296, 335], 490 [296, 335], 639 [15] 499 [66], 509 [296, 335], 517 [296], Curry, G. M., 699 [203], 700 [207, 210] 521 [296], 522 [66, 296], 523 [66], 529 [296], Cymerman, J., 403 [311] 538 [296, 335], 546 [66], 547 [66], 548 [66], Czeczuga, B., 649 [63] 549 [66, 296, 335], 550 [296, 335], 589 [109], Czerpak, R., 649 [63] 623 [320] Czygan, F.C., 38 [107], 39 [107], 143 [440], Davis, P., 328 [6], 484 [6], 486 [6], 545 [6] 151 [ 470], 156 [470], 157 [ 470, 492], 585 [971 Davis, P. N., 747 [19] 603 [183], 607 [232], 612 [264], 628 [347, Davydova, L. P., 361 [169], 388 [245 a] 348],645[33-36,38,39,43],649[60] Day, E. J., 749 [39], 753 [91] Day, W. C., 244 [35] deBruijn, H., 681 [85] D Decker, K., 596[145] DeJongh, S., 751 [64] Dabbagh, A. G., 44 [156a, 169], 76 [154, 155], Dekker, E. E., 582 [50] 111 [154], 112 [155, 534] DeLaMar, R.R., 759[151] Daemen, F.J. M., 725 [62], 727 [62, 75] Delbri.ick, M., 596[148], 700[208, 209], Dahle, L., 757 [128] 701 [209, 211], 707 [211] Dahmen, A., 249[41] del Campillo, A., 582 [50] Dale, J., 201 [10], 202 [10] DeLuca, H. F., 720 [33], 721 [35, 36], Dales, R. P., 37 [89] 722 [33, 35, 36], 734 [143], 737 [33, 36, 170, Dallacker, F., 412 [324] 171] Daile, J.-P., 303 [148], 335 [65], 337 [65], DeLuca, L., 735 [153], 736 [163] 341 [65], 343 [65], 344 [113], 360 [168], de Man, J. M., 759 [150] 527 [65], 684 [100-102], 710 [101] Dembiczak, C. M., 747 [22] Author Index 871

Demole, E., 51 [262, 268] Drake, D., 50[245], 312 [178], 615 [283], De Nicola, M.G., see Giudici de Nicola, M. 616 [283], 707 [257] Denney, D. B., 393 [265] Drischel, W., 332[51], 350[51] Dennison, D. S., 701 [209] Driscoll, W., 757 [204], 761 [204], 762 [204] Denny, R. W., 677 [67], 678 [67, 95], 681 [94], Drozdova, N.N., 677[65, 66], 678[66] 682 [67, 94-96], 683 [96], 684 [96], Drumm, P.J., 86[215, 216] 685 [95, 96] Dua, P. N., 753 [91] Denticedi Accadia, F., 645 [41, 42] Dubal, V. L., 753 [91] Deobald, H.J., 757 [126] Duden, R., 757 [137] de Riel, J. K., 730 [99] Duggar, B. M., 687 [119] De Ritter, E., 641 [26, 28], 745 [10], 751 [57], Dunagin, P. E., 721 [ 46] 764[237] Durr, I. F., 580 [14] Deroche, M.E., 756[111] Dutton, H.J., 686[109], 687[119] Dershowitz, S., 394 [274] Duysens, L. N. M., 687 [114, 115], 692 [170] Deschreider, A. R., 757 [129] Dvolaitzky, M., 295 [129] Desplanques, D., 734 [130] Dworkin, M., 673 [23, 24], 680 [77] Deuel, H.J., 658 [102] Dyer, M.A., 751 [76], 753 [76], 763 [76] Deufel, J., 754 [97] Deutsch, A., 49 [232], 78 [165], 87 [227], 146 [165], 167 [227], 288 [105], 308 [105] E DeVille, T. E., 43 [157], 45 [157], 95 [280], 109 [280], 297 [138], 302 [138], 303 [139, Eaton, H. D., 747 [22] 151], 304[139], 305 [139], 307 [139], Eberhard, D., 620 [305] 309 [139], 310[139], 311 [139], 600[163] Eberle, M., 580 [13] de Waard, A., 581 [32, 45], 586 [103] Eddinger, C. C., 352 [128], 380 [128] Dewhurst, P. B., 728 [80, 82], 730 [97, 98] Edisbury, J. R., 49 [241] Dialer, K., 281 [72], 379 [217], 403 [217] Edmunds, F. S., 244 [33], 249 [33] Dickey, J. B., 394 [273] Egger, K., 38 [109], 41 [143], 43 [158], Diehn, B., 702 [221] 44 [156a, 158, 169, 183, 185], 46 [158, 207], Diemair, W., 757 [117] 67 [59-62, 66], 68 [61, 66-70], 76 [154, 155], Dieterle, J. M., 342 [108], 380 [225] 107[535], 111 [154], 112[155, 534], Dietl, R., 764 [255] 113[535, 536], 116[354], 139[420, 421], DiGiacomo, A., 757 [135] 141 [433, 434], 142[433], 143 [433, 439], Dilley, R.A., 696[193] 269 [28], 273 [28], 756 [108] Diment, J., 342 [109], 360 [109], 489 [109], Egger, K. W., 249 [ 43] 490[109], 510[109], 551 [109], 552[109], Eggerer, H., 581 [34], 583 [66, 69], 584 [73, 74] 554[109] Egli, R. H., 51 [265, 266], 52 [265] Diner, B., 46[205], 139 [422], 157 [422] Ehrenberg, L., 583 [60] Dingle,J.T., 704[237], 735[154], 736[160] Ehrreich, S. J ., 703 [228] Dinovo, E. C., 725 [ 68] Ehtisham-ud-din, A. F. M., 704 [239] Djerassi, C., 243 [31 ], 252 [31 ], 260 [31] Eichenberger, W., 606 [216], 755 [106, 107] Doering, W. v. E., 312 [179] Eichhorn, E. L., 285 [85] · Dolge, K. L., 747 [22] Eichmann, G. G., 338 [78], 339 [78] Donninger, C., 585 [101, 102], 586 [101, 102], Eidel'man, Z. M., 600[168], 602[175] 587 [102], 588 [101], 589 [101] Eimhjellen, K. E., 33 [37], 124 [387], 623 [323], Donohue,H.V., 111[336], 114[336], 123[336], 624[323],625[323],626[330,331,337] 602 [181], 603 [181] Eisner, T., 50[254], 303[145], 535[448], Dornand)., 363[177], 377[177], 405[177] 709[265] Dorough, G. D., 69,0[139] Eiter, K., 328 [35], 345 [117], 351 [35], Dorsey, J. A., 583 [70] 352 [35, 130], 357 [35], 362 [35, 175, 176], Dorsey, J. K., 583 [70] 363[175, 178], 364[183], 366[35], Douglas, C. R., 754 [93] 379 [183, 220], 380 [35], 384 [230], 386 [175], Dowling, J. E., 16, 720 [27], 721 [34], 723 [34], 394 [276], 424 [338], 425 [338, 340], 730 [34], 731 [100, 106], 732 [34], 737 [34] 430 [338], 483 [338, 408], 484 [338], Draber, W., 304[156], 305[156], 527[439] 487[338],545[338,408],549[338] 872 Author Index

Ellis, N. R., 747 [26] Evans, R. J., 747 [25] El Ridi, M. S., 268 [ 4, 5] Evans, R.M., 332[48], 337[48], 368[48, 194], Emerick, R. J., 720 [33], 722 [33], 737 [33, 171] 374 [ 48], 375 [ 48], 408 [ 48], 420 [332] Emerson, R., 686[110, 111] Emmons, W. D., 393 [270] Emrich, H. M., 696 [192] F Engel, B. G., 615 [287] Engelhard, H., 393 [269] Fabre, R., 171 [522] Engelmann, T. W., 686 [105, 106, 112], Faigle, H., 93 [270], 137 [ 415 a], 293 [120, 121] 687 [105, 106], 701 [213], 702 [218] F aigle, J. W., 294 [ 125] Enggist, P., 51 [262, 268] Faltis, F., 167 [504], 268 [1] Englert, G., 68 [77], 205 [18, 19], 209 [18, 19], Faludi, B., 674 [33], 677 [33], 678 [33] 210 [19], 213 [19], 226 [19], 235 [18], Faludi-Dimiel, A., 583 [60], 605 [202], 239 [19], 245 [19], 248 [18, 19], 249 [19], 674 [33], 677 [33], 678 [33] 250[19], 251 [19], 252 [18], 259 [19], Farr, F. M., 752 [80] 260[18], 263 [18], 280 [65], 531 [ 425], Farrar, K. R., 369 [200] 535[425], 536[425] Fassler, C., 747 [20, 35] Entschel, R., 42[148], 69[101], 78[176], Faust, M., 269 [23], 391 [259], 564 [259] 79 [192], 95 [288], 98 [192], 137 [176], Favell, D.J., 764[234] 146[288], 151 [192], 156[192, 488a], Feichtmayr, F., 199 [7] 292 [119], 531 [ 428] Feldbau, E., 306 [165], 341 [105] Enzell, C. R., 39 [121], 40[121], 45 [196], Feldbruegge, D. H., 69 [103], 584 [84], 66[41], 69[41], 72[124], 79[41], 83[203], 585 [84] 85[41], 87[41], 88[41], 107[124], 161 [41], Feldman, R. P., 677 [60], 678 [60] 171 [41], 173[41], 246[37], 248[40], Fell, H. B., 735 [157], 736 [162] 250[40, 45, 46], 251 [37, 47, 51], 252[37], Fenical, W., 304[152] 253 [37], 257 [37, 53], 259 [37, 53], 260 [37], Ferguson, T. M., 747 [28] 261 [37], 262 [37], 285 [84] Fernandez, H.R., 734[152] Erdman, J. G., 244 [35] Ferrando, R., 641 [29, 30], 744[5], 750[44], Erickson, K., 50 [254], 303 [145], 535 [ 448], 753 [88] 709 [265] Fetizon, M., 79 [189], 157 [189] Erikson, J. 0., 727 [77], 728 [77] Feuser, B., 620 [308] Ernst, R., 239 [26] Fiasson, J.L., 104[206a], 151 [206a], Ernster, L., 679 [71] 153[423], 166[541], 762[217] Escapini, H., 722 [ 49], 738 [ 49] Fidge, N.H., 719 [11, 15, 17], 721 [15, 17] Escue, R. B., 271 [38], 278 [60], 279 [60] Fields, C. L., 720 [26] Eugster, C. H., 44 [168], 49 [239], 69 [101], Firch, J. G., 763 [224] 103 [294], 104 [304, 305], 111 [342], Fischer, D. R., 747 [32] 116 [353, 355], 168 [507, 543], 269 [23], Fischer, R., 764[248] 306 [166, 167], 308 [167 a], 328 [2], 341 [107], Fishwick, M. J., 51 [261], 606 [210] 364[107, 179, 179a], 391 [258, 259], Fisscher, L. G. M., 352 [133, 134], 354 [134] 392 [261], 424 [337], 425 [341], 429 [345], Fitzpatrick, T. B., 686[104], 710[104] 430 [345], 462 [261], 464 [261], 483 [2, 407], Fleischer, S., 725 [63], 727 [63] 484[107, 179, 179a, 337, 341], 486[107, Fleischman, D.E., 695 [189] 179, 179a, 337], 487 [107, 337, 341, Fles, D., 328 [6], 438 [360], 484 [6], 486 [6], 409-411], 489 [107, 409-411], 522 [258, 259, 494 [360], 545 [6] 421 a], 523 [421 a], 524 [258, 259], 525 [261], Fletcher, G. L., 393 [278] 526 [261], 531 [ 427, 428], 545 [2], 546 [107, Folkers, K., 579 [11] 407, 409, 410), 547 [107, 179, 179a, 337, 411], Foote, C. S., 303 [149], 671, 677 [67], 678 [67, 548[107, 179a], 549[337, 341], 564[258, 95],681[87, 89-91,94],682[67,94-96], 259, 261], 597 [156] 683 [96], 684 [96, 99], 685 [95, 96], 694 [91 ], Euler, H. von, 16, 72[121], 107[121], 114[348], 710 [99] 133[408], 169[512], 171 [512] Foppen, F. H., 36 [66], 37 [85], 104 [307], Evans, M. B., 687 [124] 589 [118] Evans, R. H., 79 [185] Fork, D.C., 687[117], 693[174], 697[199,200] Author Index 873

Fornasir, V., 339 [83] G Forssberg, A., 679 [71] Forsythe, R. H., 7 50 [ 46-48] Gaffron, H., 680 [79] Foster, K. W., 700[209], 701 [209] Gaide-Huguenin, A. C., 725 [ 61] Fox, D. L, 38 [100, 101, 106], 39 [100, 101], Galasko, G., 43 [155, 159], 91 [246, 247], 63 [13], 141 [ 427], 143 [ 427], 146 [ 442], 95 [247], 111 [246, 330], 116 [246], 162 [330], 638[4, 5, 7, 8], 641, 645[40], 647[50], 270 [29], 273 [29], 277 [29], 289 [114], 649[64, 69, 70, 81, 83], 650[83], 652[81], 290 [114], 291 [114], 292 [114], 295 [29], 654 [81], 655 [83], 656 [86] 300[114, 141], 301 [114], 302[29, 114], Fox, H. M., 21 [38] 305[114], 306[114], 307[114], 308[114], Fradkin, L I., 605 [202] 309 [114], 310[114], 311 [114], 312 [114], Frame, H. D., 66[45] 341[106], 360[106],508[106], 546[106] Franceschi, G., 41 [140], 75 [144], 78 [144], Gale, D. M., 275 [ 48], 276 [52] 152 [144], 157 [144], 336 [67, 68], 499 [67, Galliard, T., 604[197] 68], 552 [67, 68], 555 [67, 68] Galmiche, J. M., 694[182] Francis, F.J., 759[151] Galston, A. W., 699 [202, 204] Francis, G. W., 34[49a], 37 [49a], 39 [121], Gammack, D. B., 659[110] 40[121], 45[196], 48[226], 53[49a, 226], Ganguly,J., 36[64], 140[426], 658[102], 66[41], 69[41], 72[124], 75[151], 79[41], 719[14,15], 720[14, 30], 721 [15, 37, 40, 44], 83[202], 85[41, 212], 87[41], 88[41, 212], 722 [30], 733 [116, 125], 734 [125, 128, 129, 91 [212, 253], 92 [253, 262], 93 [271], 133] 104 [206a], 107 [124, 326], 119 [253], Garbers, C. F., 49 [242], 385 [233, 235], 120 [253], 121 [253, 365], 126 [202], 387 [244], 398 [295], 483 [ 407], 487 [ 411], 127 [202, 365], 129 [202], 151 [206a, 464], 489 [ 411], 522 [ 421 a], 523 [ 421 a], 536 [244], 153 [202], 161 [ 41], 164 [212], 169 [517], 546[407], 547[411], 720[20] 171 [ 41, 365], 173 [ 41, 365], 174 [532], Garcia, A. F., 662[113] 176[262, 532], 177[262], 246[37], 248[40], Garner, R.J., 46 [210], 618 [292], 619 [292], 250 [ 40], 251 [37, 51], 252 [37, 40], 253 [37], 620[292] 257 [37, 53], 259 [37, 53], 260 [37], 261 [37], Garwood, R.F., 276[53] 262[37],285[84],645[49] Gay, E. A., 355 [149], 386 [149] Franck, J., 672 [14] Gaylord, N. G., 85 [209] Fredriksen, G., 82 [199] Geisendorff, A., 7 50 [56] Freer, J. H., 704 [238] Geison, R.L, 734[139], 737[139] French, C. S., 691 [157], 702 [223] Geller, S., 734 [138] Freudenberg, K., 293 [123] Gerhardt, W., 177 [533] Freyschlag, H., 341 [99, 100], 357 [100], Gewitz, H.-S., 691 [152] 394 [284-286], 441 [364, 365], 443 [366], Ghosh, N.C., 734[134] 444 [364, 366], 446 [364], 448 [366], Giannone, L, 757 [124] 536[364-366],537[364,366] Giannotti, C., 49 [243] Frey-Wyssling, A., 606 [221], 756 [110] Gibas, J., 123 [337], 333 [62], 342 [62], Friedrich, G., 400[304] 360 [167], 372 [167], 389 [252], 390 [167], Friend, J., 163 [ 497] 408 [167], 456 [374], 477 [167], 479 [167], Froning, J. F., 338 [76] 480 [167], 489 [167], 492 [167], 504 [167], Fiihrer, J., 50 [256] 507 [167], 513 [374], 514 [374], 523 [167], Fujimori, E., 662 [115], 680 [78, 80], 685 [78] 524 [167], 539 [374], 545 [252], 550 [167], Fujita, E., 761 [184] 551 [167, 252], 553 [374], 556 [374], Fujiwara, K., 393 [271], 394 [271] 557 [167, 374], 558 [167, 252], 560 [167], Fukami, H., 51 [264] 561 [167], 563 [167], 564 [167] Fukui, H., 50 [249]. Gibbs, M., 687 [125] Fukui, S., 134[411] Gibbs, M. H., 579 [12] Fiiller, W., 762 [213] Giesberger, G., 626 [329] Furchgott, R. F., 703 [228] Gilchrist, B. M., 37 [89, 90, 92], 629 [350], Furia, T. E., 761 [201] 649 [56], 661 [124] Futterman, S., 721 [41], 723[51], 731 [51, 101, Gillam, A. E., 268 [ 4, 5] 102, 105] Gillingham, J. T., 763 [222] 874 Author Index

Girshin, A.B., 600[168] Gottfried, L., 674 [28] Giudici de Nicola, M., 38 [98], 45 [98], Gould, R.G., 355[155] 142[437], 143[437], 647[55] Graebe, J. E., 585 [94] Glick, D., 734[144] Graham, W., 387 [243] Gloor, U., 754[96] Grandolfo, M., 44[182, 184], 46[204], Glover, J., 606 [212], 638 [1, 2], 640[2], 53 [283], 66 [49], 83 [201], 106 [325], 641 [2], 718 [8] 107 [325], 113 [537], 157 [201], 161 [549], Go, G., 89 [235] 163[549],251[48] Goad, L.J., 593 [132], 609[245] Grangaud, R., 734[130] Godnev, T.N., 600[160] Grant, D. M., 242 [27] Goedheer, J.C., 687 [127], 688 [129, 131], Grassner, H., 341 [100], 357 [100] 689[133, 135, 136],690[129] Grau, R., 759 [154] Goff, 0. E., 754 [93] Gray, J.C., 581 [41], 605 [41] Goldsmith, T. H., 43 [166], 44 [166, 180], Green, A., 168 [543] 111 [334], 141 [435], 734[152] Green, J., 649 [56, 61] Goldstein, W.l., 720[18], 721 [18] Green, M., 662[113] Goldstrohm, D. D., 680 [75] Greenblatt, E., 703 [228] Golfier, M., 79 [189], 157 [189] Grein, A., 41 [140], 75 [144], 78 [144], Goodchild, D.J., 675 [44] 152 [144], 157 [144], 336 [68], 499 [68], Goodell, E. W., 700[209], 701 [209] 552 [68], 555 [68] Goodfellow, D., 289 [115], 311 [176a] Gribanovski-Sassu, 0., 36 [66], 37 [85], Goodman, D.S., 584[75], 640[17, 19], 104[307], 589 [118], 645 [41, 42] 719[9, 11, 15, 17], 720[19, 22, 29], 721 [9, Griffiths, A. E., 594 [143], 607 [235] 15, 17, 29, 45] Griffiths, M., 585 [100], 671 [12], 672 [12, 16], Goodwin, T. W., 12 [2], 15 [2], 21 [37, 42], 684[16] 31 [4, 5, 10, 11], 32[4, 27, 32], 33[4, 5], Grigg, R. W., 63 [13] 34[30a, 40, 41, 50], 35 [4, 5, 51, 53], 36[4, Grimwood, B. E., 91 [250] 5], 38[4, 5], 39[4], 41[4, 5], 42[4, 5], Grob, E. C., 31 [7, 8], 91 [244], 114[244], 43 [5], 44 [172, 174], 46 [205], 52 [5], 53 [5], 141 [431], 578[1-5], 579[5], 580[19], 63 [3], 66 [3], 68 [72, 73], 69 [3, 100], 584 [77, 87], 606 [216], 756 [106, 107] 79 [193], 89 [230], 102 [289], 103 [295], Grogan, C. 0., 749 [39] 104[301], 106 [321], 116 [230], 123 [375, Gronowska-Senger, A., 719 [13] 379, 544], 124 [193, 375], 126 [375], Grossi, F. X., 344 [ 115], 364 [ 115] 139[422, 424], 140[424], 148[375, 379, Gruen, H. E., 700 [207] 449], 157 [ 422], 174 [528], 276 [55], 280 [66, Grundmann, C., 36 [75], 41 [133], 86 [219] 67], 311 [176], 380[224], 579[6], 580[6, 104[314], 149[456, 457], 151 [468], 23], 581 [29-31, 40], 582 [6, 51], 583 [51, 168 [509], 288 [96] 61], 584 [89, 90], 585 [89, 93], 586 [104], Gruner, B.J., 276[52] 588[107], 589[107, 108, 116, 117], 590[6, Grutzner, J. B., 242 [28] 116, 117], 591 [117], 592 [107, 108, 116, 130, Guerrero, C., 48 [222, 223], 133 [ 406] 131], 593 [107, 131 a], 594 [138, 139], Guex, W., 46 [199], 128 [393], 166 [393], 596[152-154], 597[155], 599[158], 281 [72], 379 [217], 400[298], 403 [217], 600[152, 161], 601 [170], 602[170-172], 405 [298], 411 [298], 457 [375, 378], 603 [153-155, 161], 605 [40, 200, 207], 458 [298, 375], 459 [378], 460[378], 606 [211], 607 [230], 608 [253], 609 [245], 461 [298, 378], 472 [389], 511 [298], 610[254, 256,257,260, 261], 612[31, 262, 517 [378], 519 [378], 540[375, 378], 263], 614[271, 277], 615 [277, 282], 541 [298, 375, 378], 542 [298, 378], 618 [295], 622 [311, 312], 623 [314, 315, 544[389], 563[298,378], 762[214] 319],624[324],625[324],626[326-328, Gugelmann, W., 87 [225], 137 [225], 169 [514] 332, 333], 627 [342], 628 [342], 670 [3, 6-8], Gugliemelli, L.A., 747 [31] 674 [6, 7], 688 [130], 701 [217], 705 [242], Guilluy, R., 40 [125], 52 [125], 130 [ 452] 707 [254], 745 [8], 746 [8], 747 [8], 756 [8] Giinther, H., 759 [154] Gordon, A., 603 [186] Gurd, F. R., 658 [104] Gordon, S. A., 680 [77], 687 [125] Gurin, S., 579 [7], 580 [7], 581 [7], 583 [7] Gore, T.S., 21 [41] Gurinovich, G. P., 688 [128] Author Index 875

Gutmann, H., 261 [62], 281 [77], 333 [60], Hartshorn, M., 50 [254], 303 [ 145], 535 [ 448], 388 [247], 393 [262], 394 [247, 262], 709[265] 405 [247], 406 [247], 410 [247, 319, 320], Haslach, H., 641 [31], 745 [9] 411 [247], 412[60], 420[247], 423 [247], Hastings, J. W., 681 [92], 685 [92] 446 [247], 447 [247], 450 [247], 458 [247], Hata, Masahiro, 649 [57] 460 [247], 467 [60, 247], 468 [247], 470 [247, Hata, Mitsuo, 649 [57] 262], 471 [247, 262], 472 [247], 489 [247], Haug, A., 45 [196], 63 [9], 72 [124], 107 [124], 490 [247], 497 [60], 499 [60], 500 [247], 251 [51] 511 [247], 537 [247], 538 [247], 541 [247], Hausheer, W., 759 [156], 760 [156], 761 [156] 542[60, 247], 543[247, 262], 544[247, 262], Hauska, G. A., 696 [194] 545 [60], 549 [60], 557 [247], 563 [247], Havivi, E., 734[146] 564[247] Hawke, J. C., 604 [197] Gyllenberg, H. G., 754[99] Hawks, 0. D., 386 [239] Gyorgyfy, K., 42[144], 43[155, 163, 164], Hawrylyshyn, M., 67 [55] 44[144, 164], 89 [242], 91 [242, 246], Haxo, F., 32[16], 35[63], 38[102], 44[172], 111 [246, 331, 332], 116[246], 270[29], 53 [280, 283], 103 [293], 104 [303], 273 [29], 277 [29], 295 [29], 302 [29] 106[321], 141 [428], 161 [549], 163[549], 165 [539], 585 [98, 99], 644, 687 [118] Hayaishi, 0., 640 [18], 719 [12] H Hayano, M., 600[162] Hayes, B. W., 720 [25] Haag, W., 393 [263] Hayes, E., 760[170] Haagen-Smit, A.J., 581 [37], 584[37] Heckman, R.A., 533 [441] Habermann, H. M., 605 [204, 205], 674 [36] Heftmann, E., 66 [ 43] Haeck, H. H., 366 [192], 440[192, 363], Hege, B.P., 533[441] 444 [368], 457 [368], 536 [192, 363], Hegedus, B., 68 [74] 540[368] Hegge, E., 41 [137], 82[197], 83 [197], Hageman, R.H., 604[192, 193] 104[197], 149[197], 151[197],285[81], Hagenbach, R., 50[256] 627 [343] Hager, A., 63 [11], 68 [11], 107 [548], 199 [8], Heilbron, I., 13, 40[122], 53 [282], 87 [221], 603 [184, 185, 187], 662 [116], 692 [167], 119 [221], 139 [221], 171 [523], 281 [69], 695 [167] 288 [98], 328 [34], 344 [116], 345 [116], Hall, M. 0., 725 [67], 733 [124] 355 [146], 364 [184, 185], 366 [190], Halldal, P., 702[219] 370[190], 403[311], 408[318], 430[346] Haller, A., 332 [ 45] Heilbronner, E., 199[7] Halverson, A. W., 747 [24] Heisenberg, M., 700[209], 701 [209], 707 [255] Hama, T., 155[472] Helfenstein, A., 155 [477, 478], 268 [2], Hamilton, R. H., 675 [ 48] 288 [99] Hamlet, J. C., 369 [200] Heller, J., 725 [66, 70] Hamprecht, G., 395 [291] Hellstrom, H., 72 [121], 107 [121] Hanaoka, M., 52 [278], 332 [50] Hemmer, E., 91 [255] Hanser, E., 749 [ 40] Hemming, F. W., 584[91], 587 [106] Hara, Y., 296[135] Hems, B. A., 79 [185], 332 [ 48], 337 [ 48], Harber, L.C., 686[104], 710[104] 368[48],374[48], 375[48],408[48] Hardin, G., 44[173], 106[324], 163[324], Hen best, H. B., 341 [101 ], 344 [101], 369 [200] 269 [26] Hendrick, C. M., 747 [24] Hardisson, f..., 278 [62], 279 [62], 280 [62], Hendricks, S. B., 687 [124] 469 [386] Hendry, L., 303 [146], 304 [155], 332 [52] Harrington, T. M., 369 [198] Henecka, H., 352 [130] Harris, P. L., 737 [165] Henning, G.L., 596[150] Harris, R. C., 615 [282] Henning, U., 581 [34], 583 [66, 69], 584 [73, Harris, R. S., 18 [30] . 74] Hiirtel, H., 751 [257] Bennion, G. F., 338 [76] Hartmann, H., 352 [131] Henriksen, R. A., 725 [68] Hartmann, M. L., 7 60 [ 158] Herrick, R. B., 734 [147] 876 Author Index

Herring, P.J., 629 [349], 663 [122] Hsu, W.-J., 37 [88], 38 [88], 628 [345, 346], Hertzberg, S., 34 [ 48, 49 a], 3 7 [49 a, 81 ], 629[346],649[58, 59] 38[93, 96, 99, 104], 39[120, 121], 40[93, 96, Huang, H. S., 640[17], 720[19, 22], 721 [45] 120, 121], 47[211], 53[48, 49a, 96], 66[41, Hubbard, R., 704[234], 723[52], 724[52], 46], 69[41], 75[142, 150, 151], 77[46, 142, 727 [74], 729 [86], 731 [104, 106, 107] 150], 78[142, 172], 79[41,46, 142, 172], Huber, H., 249 [ 41] 82 [200], 83 [200], 85 [ 41], 87 [ 41, 142], Huber, W., 281 [72], 328 [1], 362 [173], 88[41], 91[46, 150,200,252, 253], 92[46, 379 [1, 217], 403 [1, 217, 313, 314] 150, 252, 253], 104 [ 46], 114 [200], Hiibner, H., 85 [214] 117 [252], 119 [ 46, 252, 253], 120 [253], Huff, J. W., 579 [12] 121 [253], 134[410], 139 [425], 141 [425], Huisgen, R., 249[41] 142[436], 151 [410], 155[172], 161 [41, Huisman, H.O., 276[51], 352[126, 133, 134], 493], 171 [41, 493], 173[41], 174[142], 354[134], 369[126], 386[241], 387[126] 233 [24], 257 [53, 59], 259 [52, 53], 260 [59, Hull, J. S., 393 [278] 60], 263 [52], 285 [84], 647 [ 44-49] Hummel, G., 395 [291] Herzig, J., 167 [504], 268 [1] Humphlett, W.J., 362[174], 385[174], Hess, J. L., 704 [235] 393 [174] Heumann, W., 157[492] Hunter, M.I.S., 663[121] Higby, W. K., 764 [238] Hiirlimann, H., 49[239], 168 [507] Hill, H. M., 596 [146], 607 [236] Hursthouse, M. B., 43 [157], 45 [157], 77 [161], Hili,J. E., 749 [39], 753 [91] 95 [280], 109 [280], 297 [138], 299 [138, Hindley, N.C., 281 [72], 379 [217], 139], 302[138], 303[139, 151], 304[139], 403 [217] 305 [139], 307 [139], 308 [139], 310 [139], Hirao, S., 155 [472] 311 [139], 600[163] Hirayama, K., 199[9] Huschke, G., 759 [156], 760 [156], 761 [156] Hirtenstein, M.D., 728 [84] Hyde, A., 675 [ 45], 685 [ 45] Hiyama, T., 68 [78] Hyeon, S.B., 51 [267, 270], 303 [147] Hodges, R., 51 [271] Hodgkiss, W., 174[528], 618[295] Hoffer, M., 86 [216], 333 [56] I Hoffman, C. H., 579 [11] Hoffmann, R., 249 [ 42] Ichikawa, H., 51 [267], 303 [147] Holloway, P. W., 583 [71] Ikeda, R. M., 51 [269] Holmes, E. A., 32 [28], 34 [28], 103 [292], Illyes, G., 38 [108], 42 [150], 66 [ 40], 71 [115], 124[388], 260[61], 261 [61], 618[299] 81 [40], 85 [213], 133 [409], 157 [40, 490], Holyer, N. F., 69 [102], 75 [102] 312[177] Holzel, R., 40 [123], 101 [287], 171 [287], Impellizzeri, C., 641 [27] 251[49],262[49],263[49] Ina, K., 51 [264] Hoover, M. W., 757 [122, 123] Ingersoll, R., 534 [ 443] Hoover, T., 753 [84] Ingold,C.K., 312[181-183], 313[181-183], Hopkins, T. S., 38 [100], 39 [100], 141 [ 427], 316 [181, 182] 143[427], 146[427], 638[4], 645[40], Inhoffen, H. H., 14, 168 [508], 281 [74, 76], 647 [50], 649 [83], 650[83], 655 [83] 282 [76], 286 [93], 328 [3-5, 14, 15], Hora, J., 43 [159, 160], 49 [160], 75 [152], 345 [118], 366 [191], 369 [191, 201, 203], 111 [330], 162[152, 330], 300[141, 370 [118, 205], 371 [206], 387 [201], 142], 303 [151], 305 [142] 391 [118], 400[304], 402[206], 430[347], Horii, Z., 52[278], 332[50] 431 [349], 433 [350, 351], 436[357, 358], Houser, A. R., 69 [103], 584 [84], 585 [84] 470[350, 387], 471 [387], 480[206], Hove, E.L., 734[137] 482 [ 404, 406], 483 [3, 5], 486 [3], 494 [ 414], Howell, J. McC., 730 [91-93], 732 [93, 110, 496[414], 506[118, 418], 520[406, 420, 114], 733 [91, 92, 114, 115, 117], 735 [92] 421], 529[406], 531 [406, 424], 536[418], Howes, C. D., 596[151] 543 [350, 387], 544 [350, 387], 545 [3, 5, Hruban, L., 270 [35], 312 [35], 598 [157], 206,404,406, 418], 546[118], 551[414] 707 [258] Inui, M., 50[249] HSatava, M., 751 [67] Irmscher, K., 400[304] Author Index 877

Irreverre, F., 725 [69], 729 [69] 549 [60, 416], 550 [23, 245], 551 [187, 245], Irving, C. S., 728 [78] 554[41, 187,208,359, 405], 555[321], Ishii, H., 51 [272] 557 [188, 247], 559 [321], 560[208], Ishii, R., 583 [64] 562 [385], 563 [23, 44, 247, 298, 378, 385], Ishikawa, S., 155 [475, 476], 344[114] 564 [247, 321, 359], 639 [9], 641 [22, 23], Ishikawa, Y., 354 [143], 355 [150] 718 [5], 755 [101] Ishizaka, 0., 760 [174] Isoe, S., 51 [267, 270], 303 [147] Isler, 0., 18 [31], 19 [35], 36 [65], 46 [199], Ito, M., 52[278], 332[50] 49 [240], 68 [77, 79], 74 [135, 136], 78 [136], 79 [186], 87 [135], 103 [296], 104[296, 306], 128[393], 129[397], J 130[399, 405], 146[444], 151[186, 469], 155[405, 483], 156[186], 166[393], Jackman, L. M., 31 [13], 34 [39, 46], 41 [137], 168[508], 169[397], 191[4], 205[18], 42 [147], 74 [132], 78 [174], 79 [217], 206 [20], 208 [20], 209 [18], 235 [18], 82 [197], 83 [197], 86 [217], 101 [286], 246 [38], 248 [18], 251 [20], 252 [18], 103 [290], 104 [197], 121 [371], 122 [373], 260 [18], 261 [20, 38, 62], 263 [18], 270 [33], 123 [373], 124 [217, 385, 386], 125 [217], 276[50], 281 [68, 71, 72, 74, 77], 289[109, 126 [217], 137 [132, 416], 148 [510], 110], 291 [109, 110], 297[71], 328[1, 7-10, 149 [197], 151 [197], 204 [16], 209 [16], 13, 16-19, 22-24, 31, 37], 329 [24, 38], 213 [23], 268 [10], 269 [10], 275 [10, 47], 332 [41, 44], 333 [60], 340[89, 94], 344 [1], 276 [10, 53], 278 [62, 63], 279 [62], 280 [62], 345[41, 44,119, 120, 122], 347[44], 285 [81], 292 [118], 293 [118, 124], 355 [153], 357 [153, 164, 165], 360 [153], 295 [124], 299 [124], 337 [69, 70], 400 [296, 362[172], 364[41, 119, 122, 186-188], 309], 401 [296, 309], 416 [309], 421 [296, 365[119], 372[41, 119, 186,187, 208], 335], 423 [296, 309], 426 [296], 428 [296, 377[216a], 379[1, 164,217, 221], 380[164], 335], 454 [296, 335], 455 [309], 456 [309], 385 [165], 388 [245, 247], 391 [186, 260], 465 [309], 468 [309], 469 [386], 477 [296, 393 [208, 262, 280], 394[247, 262], 398 [165, 335], 478 [296, 335], 489 [296, 335], 294],400[298,303,305],403[1,217,280, 490 [296, 335], 497 [69], 501 [69, 70, 309], 312-314], 405[247, 298], 406[247], 509 [296, 309, 335], 514 [309], 515 [309], 410 [247, 321], 411 [247, 298], 412 [60, 294], 516 [70], 517 [296], 521 [296], 522 [296], 420[247], 421 [303], 422 [153], 423 [247], 529 [296], 538 [296, 335], 539 [309], 431 [280], 433 [350], 435 [354], 436 [305], 540 [309], 542 [309], 543 [309], 549 [296, 437 [ 44, 359], 438 [245], 442 [280], 445 [188, 335], 550 [296, 335], 553 [309], 556 [309], 369], 446 [247], 447 [247], 448 [188], 558 [70], 560[309], 561 [70, 309], 562 [69], 450[188, 247], 457 [375, 378], 458 [247, 589 [109], 623 [320], 627 [343] 298, 375], 459[13, 378], 460[247, 378], Jackson, H., 40[122], 53 [282], 171 [523] 461 [298, 378], 462 [13, 382], 463 [13, 382], Jackson, J. B., 696 [ 191] 467[60,247],468[247,385],470[247,262, Jacobs, H. A.M., 376[212], 405 [212] 350], 471 [247, 262], 472 [247, 389], Jacobsberg, B., 757 [139] 474 [245], 477 [23], 479 [23], 480 [186], Jaeger, L., 91 [249], 146[443] 482[41, 187,208,245,260, 405], 483 [41, Jaffe, H. H., 273 [45], 274[45] 187, 208], 489 [247], 490[247], 494[305, Jagendorf, A. T., 687 [124] 359], 496[44], 497 [60], 499[60, 416], Jager, A., 762 [208] 500 [247], 503 [385], 504 [153, 208], Jager, H., 614 [276], 615 [276] 506[186, 187,245, 260], 507[245, 260], James, T.L., 249[43] 508 [153], 511 [23, 153, 247, 298], 512 [153], Jamikorn, M., 174 [528], 591 [120], 594 [139], 516 [321],'517 [188, 378], 518 [303, 321], 607 [230], 618 [295] 519 [188, 378], 525 [321, 359], 526 [321, Jansen, A.B.A., 79[185], 332[48], 337[48], 359], 527 [164], 536 [188, 280], 537 [188, 368 [ 48], 374 [ 48], 375 [ 48], 408 [ 48] 247, 369], 538 [188, 247], 540 [375, 378], Jautelat, M., 242[28] 541[13,247,298,375,378],542[60,247, Jeffrey, S. W., 44 [175, 176], 53 [280], 68 [92] 298,378],543[247,262,350,385],544[247, Jencks, W. P., 39 [112], 72 [123], 290[116], 262, 350, 389], 545 [60, 153, 186, 245, 260, 291[116],657[93,94] 305, 359], 546 [153, 305], 547 [153, 303], Jenkin, P., 649 [75] 878 Author Index

Jenkins, J. A., 593 [133], 608 [238, 244], Kahlenberg, O.J., 750[45] 609 [242, 244] Kahn, A., 604[190] Jennings, W. H., 727 [76] Kahn, J. S., 691 [153-155] Jensen, A., 14 [18], 43 [154, 162], 45 [195], Kahn, S.G., 536[450] 63 [5, 6], 65 [6], 66 [6, 39], 68 [5, 6, 87, Kaiser, S., 338 [78], 339 [78] 89-91], 77[160], 84[39], 87[160], 92[262], Kakutani, Y., 591 [125, 126] 103 [5], 107 [39], 110 [39], 111 [328], Kampe, D., 400 [304] 137 [5], 176 [262], 177 [262], 295 [131], Kanai, M., 720[29], 721 [29] 328 [25], 697 [198] Kandutsch, A. A., 584 [72] Jensen, S. L., see Liaaen-Jensen, S. Kanemitsu, T., 754[95] Ji, T. H., 704 [235] Kargl, T. E., 75 [149], 103 [149], 594 [141, Johannes, B., 248 [39], 251 [39], 259 [39], 142], 607 [141, 231], 608 [142, 243], 260 [39], 264 [39] 609[243], 763[224] John, J., 718 [7] Karmakar, G., 93 [268], 104 [268] John, K. V., 718 [7] Karmas, G., 355 [156], 377 [216], 403 [216], Johnson, A. W., 344 [116], 345 [116], 364 [185] 404 [216] Johnson, B. C., 536 [ 450], 733 [121, 131], Karrer, P., 12[1], 13, 14[16], 16,31 [3], 734[121, 131, 135, 139], 736[159], 737[139, 33 [3], 35 [3], 36 [3, 68], 39 [3], 41 [3, 141]~ 167] 42[3, 141, 148], 44[168], 45[193], 46[1971, Johnson, F. H., 50 [253] 49 [3], 53 [3], 63 [2], 66 [2], 69 [2, 101], Johnson, K. W., 610 [252] 74 [2], 75 [2, 137, 148], 76 [2], 77 [2], Johnstone, R. A. W., 244 [33], 249 [33] 78 [167, 176], 79 [191, 192], 84 [2], 85 [214], Jones, D., 31 [10], 68 [73], 584 [89], 585 [89] 87 [2, 214, 223-225], 88 [229], 89 [2, 231, Jones, E. R. H., 284 [79], 344 [116], 345 [116], 236], 91 [249], 93 [266, 270, 271], 95 [2, 355 [146], 364 [184, 185], 366 [190], 231, 288], 98 [192], 102 [2], 103 [2, 266, 369[200], 370[190], 403[311], 408[318], 294], 104[2, 304,305, 312], 111 [342, 360, 420 [332], 430 [346] 361], 113[2, 231, 344], 114[236, 345,346, Jones, R.N., 40 [122], 53 [282], 171 [523] 348, 349], 116 [350-353, 358, 359, 362], Joshi, B.S., 21 [41] 119[364], 121[229, 366-369], 122 Jucker, E., 12 [1], 14, 31 [3], 33 [3], 35 [3], [229], 123 [229, 369], 128 [224, 392], 36 [3], 39 [3], 41 [3], 42 [3], 49 [3], 53 [3], 133 [ 407, 408], 137 [2, 176, 225, 415 a], 63 [2], 66 [2], 69 [2], 74 [2], 75 [2, 148], 143 [2], 146 [2, 223, 288, 443, 445], 76 [2], 77 [2], 84 [2], 87 [2], 89 [2, 236], 148 [366], 151 [192], 155 [2, 148, 474-480, 95[2], 102[2], 103[2], 104[2], 111 [360], 484], 156[167, 192,488, 488a], 157[191], 113 [2, 343, 344], 114 [236, 345, 346, 348, 160[506], 167[2, 505], 168 [2, 362, 543], 349], 116 [350, 352, 359], 137 [2], 143 [2], 169 [512-514], 171 [512], 206[21], 208 [21], 146 [2], 155 [2, 148], 167 [2], 168 [2], 268[2], 269[23], 278[59, 61], 284[61], 278 [61], 284 [61], 288 [61, 104], 300 [144], 288 [61, 99, 102, 104], 289 [112], 292 [119], 328 [20], 370 [204], 387 [204], 670 [1, 2] 293 [120, 121], 294 [125], 300 [143, 144], Julia, M., 355 [146], 362 [170] 306 [166], 308 [175], 328 [2], 364 [179, Julietti, F.J., 91 [250] 179a, 180], 370[204], 387[204], 391[258, Juneja, H.S., 733 [116], 734[129] 259], 392[261], 424[337], 425 [341], Jungalwala, F. B., 268 [12], 584[79], 589 [110], 429 [345], 430 [345], 462 [261], 464 [261], 718 [7] 477 [399, 400], 479 [ 400], 483 [2, 407], Junge, W., 696[192] 484[179, 179a, 180,337, 341], 486[179, Juniper, B. E., 606 [222] 180, 337], 487 [337, 341, 409-411], 489[409-411], 522[258, 259, 421a], 523 [ 421 a], 524 [258, 259], 525 [261], K 526[261], 531 [427, 428], 545 [2, 399], 546[407, 409, 410], 547[179, 179a, 337, Kabbe, H.-J., 364 [183], 379 [183], 424 [338], 411], 548[179a, 180], 549[337, 341], 425 [338, 340], 430 [338], 483 [338, 408], 550[400], 564[258, 259, 261], 606[214], 484 [338], 487 [338], 545 [338, 408], 670[1,2],690[137] 549 [338] Karrer, W., 21 [36], 117 [363] Kadin, H., 751 [58] Karunakaran, A., 591 [123] Author Index 879

Karunakaran, M.E., 591 [123] 250[45], 416 [329], 465 [383], 515 [330a], Kasha, M., 681 [93] 542[383], 553 [330a], 556[330a] Kass, E. H., 686 [104], 710 [104] K!aui, H., 328 [7], 757 [141], 758 [259], Katayama, T., 43 [164], 44 [164], 111 [332], 759[156, 157], 760[156, 161, 165, 166, 179], 143[441] 761 [156, 157, 197, 199, 203], 762 [207, 209, Kato, M., 760[161], 761 [182, 192, 200] 210] Katsumura, S., 51 [267], 303 [147] Kleinig, H., 38 [94, 95], 40 [95], 44 [183, 185], Katz, J.J., 44 [179, 181, 182, 184], 46 [204], 46[207], 52[95], 67[66], 68[66, 69, 71], 53 [283], 69 [93-95], 83 [201], 91 [248], 107 [535], 113 [535], 117 [413], 139 106 [248, 325], 107 [325], 113 [537], [420,421], 141[434],645[43] 157 [201], 161 [549], 163 [549], 251 [48], Klyne, W., 91 [247], 95 [247], 289 [114, 115], 602 [169] 290 [114], 291 [114], 292 [114], 300 [114], Kaufman, S., 394 [277] 301 [114], 302 [114], 305 [114], 306 [114], Kaufmann, W., 156[487], 289[108] 307[114], 308[114], 309[114], 310[114], Kautsky, H., 681 [85, 86] 311 [114], 312[114], 341 [106], 360[106], Kay, R.E., 605 [206], 610 [255] 508 [106], 546 [106] Kayser, F., 612 [267] Knappe, J., 580[15] Ke, B., 662[113], 696[193] Knowles, R. E., 36 [71], 747 [33, 87], 752 [81, Kean,E.L., 734[145] 82], 753 [81, 85, 86], 763 [82, 227] Kearns,D.R., 304[152, 153] Knypl, J. S., 596 [149] Kekwick, R. G. 0., 581 [36, 41], 605 [41] Kobayashi, A., 379 [222] Kelemen, G., 674 [33], 677 [33], Kobrich, G., 332[51], 350[51] 678 [33] Koch, B., 285 [86], 286 [86] Keller, H. J., 759 [146] Koch, G., 747 [23] Keller, V., 578 [3] Koch, H., 760 [177] Kelly, M., 47[219], 68[85], 70[85], 71 [85], Koch, H. P., 284 [79] 75 [85], 77 [85, 163], 78 [85], 79 [190], Kochhar, D. M., 737 [166] 82 [85], 83 [85], 86 [190], 123 [85, 163], Koe, B. K., 93 [264, 265], 269 [13] 148 [ 455], 174 [85, 163] Koen,A.L., 720[31], 721[31], Kemp, T. R., 51 [263] 723[31] Kennedy, D., 702 [226] Koenig, H., 121 [368, 369], 123 [369], Kennedy, M., 736 [159] 155 [ 479] Kenyon, R. L., 340 [86] Kofler, M., 68 [77], 205 [18], 209 [18], Kersten, J. A. H., 687 [120] 235 [18], 248 [18], 252 [18], 260 [18], Kessel, I., 581 [34], 584 [74] 263 [18], 281 [72], 328 [1], 344[1], 379 [1, Kessler, E., 143 [ 440], 585 [97] 217], 403[1, 217, 312-314] Khan, A. U., 681 [93] Kohi,F.G., 13[8] Kharasch, M.S., 331 [ 40] Kohler, G. 0., 747 [33, 87], 749 [263], 752 [81, Khare, A., 45 [191 a] 82], 753 [81, 82, 85, 86], 763 [227] Khodzhaev, A., 602 [175] Komissarov, G. G., 690 [148] Khorlina, I. M., 361 [169], 388 [245a] Kon, S. K., 268 [5] Khosla, M.C., 104[312], 364[180], 484[180], Konaka, R., 79[188] 486 [ 180], 548 [ 180] Kondo, K., 395 [289] Kieckebusch, W., 757 [120] Konig, A., 67 [57, 58], 68 [57, 77], 205 [18], Kikuchi, R., 155 [ 472] 209 [18], 235 [18], 248 [18], 252 [18], Kimbel, R. L., 725 [68], 728 [83] 260 [18], 263 [18] Kimel, W., 338 [77, 78], 339 [77, 78] Konig, H., 380 [226] Kirk,J.T.O., 42[146], 43[146], 604[196], Kornfeld, F., 412 [324] 606[222],609[246,248],615[282] Korver, P.K., 276[51] Kirschner, K., 31 [7], 584[77] Koshimizu, K., 50 [249] Kisaki, T., 604[192-194] Koshland, D. E., 729 [90] Kitamura, S., 379 [22.2], 384 [229] Koski, V. M., 674 [32] Kito, Y., 727 [73], 729 [88] Kosolapoff, G. M., 394 [272] Kj¢sen, H., 48 [225], 53 [283], 103 [538], Koster, H., 333 [54] 149[455a], 161 [549], 163[549], 167[499], Kovats, E., 51 [262] 880 Author Index

Krait, T., 366[192], 440[192, 363], 444[368], Kushwaha, S.C., 581 [49], 591 [129], 457[368], 536[192,363],540[368] 592 [129a], 596 [147], 605 [129] Kramer, H., 477[400], 479[400], 550[400] Kuzmicky, D. D., 752 [81], 753 [81, 85, 86] Krasnovskii, A.A., 677 [59, 65, 66], 678[66] K vakovszky, S., 753 [84] Krasovskaya, T.A., 602[173, 174], 690[141], 695 [141] Kratzer, F. H., 747 [19] L Kratzer, 0., 389 [250], 474[394], 545 [394] Laber, L.J., 675 [48] Krause, H.-J., 431 [349] La Face, D., 306 [170] Krause, R.F., 35 [54], 579 [8], 614[272], Lakshmanan, M. R., 718 [7] 719[16], 720[24], 721 [16] Lambertson, G., 724 [59] Krause-Voith, E., 111 [361] Land, D. G., 51 [261], 79 [193], 123 [379], Krauss, E. von, 289 [112] 124[193], 148 [379], 623 [319] Kreutzer, E., 606[221] Lang, F., 605 [202], 677 [59] Krinsky, N.l., 36 [64], 43 [164, 166], 44 [164, Lang, K., 14 [23], 757 [120] 166, 180], 71 [110-112], 85 [111], 91 [245], Langlet, J., 287 [94] 111 [332-334], 140[426], 141 [432, 435], Lapitskii, G. A., 435 [355], 438 [355] 142[111], 602[179, 180,182], 603[182, Larsen, B., 63 [9] 186], 658 [102, 103], 663 [118, 120], Laurence, J., 36 [67] 664 [118], 665 [120], 670[10], 671 [10], Lavery, H., 764 [234] 672 [17], 674 [10], 675 [ 49, 50], 676 [10], Laves, F., 276[49] 678[49, 68], 679[10, 69], 680[10], 683[10, Law, J., 581 [33] 68], 684 [17], 695 [186, 188], 704 [241], Lawrence, C. W., 720[24] 731 [103] Lawrence, D.J., 736[161] Krippahl, G., 691 [149-152] Lawrence, M.A., 725 [70] Krisammer, R., 749[40] Lebreton, P., 762 [217] Krishna, H.J. V., 340[90] Lederer, E., 14[14, 15, 15a], 39 [119], Krishna Mallia, A., 718 [7] 41 [142], 43 [159, 161], 44 [186, 187, 191], Krogmann, D. W., 687 [125] 45 [186, 187, 191], 46 [198], 49 [243], Kropf, A., 727 [74], 730 [99] 66 [36, 37, 42], 68 [165], 103 [300], 106 [322, Kruger, F. A., 720[21] 323], 107 [323], 111 [322, 329, 330], Kruk, C., 276[51] 128 [300], 139 [329], 146 [165], 155 [482], Krukar, R., 641 [26] 162[330], 171 [521, 522], 288 [101, 103], Krzeminski, L.F., 580[21] 300[141], 656[91] Kucherov, V. F., 333 [57] Lederer, M., 66 [ 42] Kuhlmann, K. F., 242 [27] Lee, C. P., 696 [196] Kiihn,H., 39[111], 72[122] Lee, G. F., 68 [83] Kuhn, R., 13, 36[75], 37 [83], 39[111], Lee, S. W., 344[115], 364[115] 41 [142], 49 [232, 233], 52 [277], 66 [36, 37], Lee, T.-C., 584 [85], 592 [85] 72[117, 122], 74[131], 75[139, 147], Lee, W.L., 14[24], 21 [24], 37[89-91], 77 [158], 78 [165, 168, 169, 178, 179], 39 [110, 114], 53 [110], 72 [120], 73 [125], 79 [183], 86 [117, 179, 215, 216, 219], 142[120], 151 [120], 156[120], 657[92], 87 [158, 227, 228], 88 [117], 116[357], 658 [92, 107, 108], 660[92], 661 [92, 107], 130[400-404],133[404],146[117,158, 663 [92, 119], 703 [231], 756 [112, 113] 165], 149[456, 457], 151 [468], 155[168, Leermakers, P. A., 728 [78] 481,482,485,486], 156[487,489], Lees, A. D., 703 [229] 167[227, 500],168[509, 542], 244[32], Leff, J., 675 [50] 268 [3], 281 [3, 76], 282 [76], 288 [96, 101, Leftwick, A. P., 40 [123], 79 [182], 85 [182], 103, 105], 289 [108], 308 [105], 333 [56], 101 [287], 134 [412], 141 [182], 143 [182], 606[217],656[87,88],658[87,88] 171 [287], 251 [ 49], 262 [ 49], 263 [ 49], Kumamoto, J., 534 [ 443] 456 [373], 463 [373], 464[373], 515 [373], Kunisawa, R., 672 [19], 679 [19] 519 [373], 539 [373], 555 [373], 558 [373], Kupiecki, F.P., 582[50] 559[373] Kurmann, B., 749[40] Lehnert, L., 67 [54] Author Index 881

Leibner, G., 482 [ 406], 520 [ 406], 529 [ 406], 493, 549], 163 [549], 164 [212], 166 [17], 531[406], 545[406] 167[162, 499], 171 [41, 365, 493], 173[41, Leinweber,C.L., 675[46], 685[46] 164, 365], 174 [16, 85, 106, 114, 142, 163, Lemberg, I.K., 600[168] 377, 526, 527, 531, 532], 176[262, 531, 532], Lempka, A., 757 [121] 177 [16, 262], 202 [12], 233 [24, 25], 246 [37], LenhotT,H.M., 71[111], 85[111], 141[432], 248 [40], 250[40, 45, 46], 251 [37, 51], 142 [111], 663 [120] 252 [37, 40], 253 [37], 257 [37, 53, 59], LeRosen,A.L., 36[79], 149[461], 269[16], 259[37, 52, 53], 260[37, 59, 60], 261 [37], 271 [39], 289 [107], 593 [135], 606 [209], 262 [37], 263 [52], 270 [30, 31], 271 [37], 607 [233], 608 [237] 272 [31], 273 [31, 42], 278 [58], 285 [31, 81, Leuenberger, F., 257 [58], 259 [58], 642 [32], 84], 289[42], 290[117], 328[25], 414[326], 645 [37], 649 [80], 650 [84], 655 [85], 416[326, 329], 417[330], 452[369a], 658 [105] 456 [330], 465 [383], 500 [326], 512 [369 a], Leuenberger, H.J., 49 [239], 168 [507] 515[330, 330a], 538[369a], 539[330], Leumann, E., 79 [191], 157 [191] 542 [383], 553 [330, 330a], 556 [330a, 369a], Levi,A.S., 734[138, 141] 557[326], 559[369a], 618[291, 294], Levin, E., 584 [72] 623[313, 321-323], 624[323], 625[323], Lewin, D. R., 730 [93, 96], 732 [93] 626 [330, 334-336], 627 [341, 343, 344], Lewis, C. M., 686 [110, 111] 647 [ 44-49], 670 [9], 674 [9, 198], 697 [198] Lewis, M.S., 725 [69], 729 [69] Lichton, I.J., 733 [118] Liaaen-Jensen,S., 14[17-19], 32[14], 33[14, Lijinsky, W., 74 [130], 582 [51], 583 [51] 34-37], 34[36, 42, 43,46-49, 49a], 37 [49, Lilly, V. G., 35 [54], 579 [8], 614 [272], 49a, 80, 81], 38[93, 96, 97, 99, 104], 39[120, 680[75, 76] 121], 40[34, 93, 96, 120, 121, 124], 41 [49, Lin, M., 730 [97, 98] 130, 131, 135-137, 139, 139a], 45 [49, 195, Lincoln,R.E., 32[26], 589[112], 590[112], 196], 46[49, 199a, 202, 208, 209, 211, 214], 594 [112], 608 [112, 241] 47[49,211,216-219],48[225,226,230], Lindberg, M., 586 [103] 52 [34, 47, 124], 53 [ 48, 49, 49 a, 96, 226, Lindberg, 0., 679[71] 283], 63 [5, 6, 16], 65 [6, 17], 66 [6, 41, 46], Lindemann, 1., 620 [306] 68[5, 6, 85, 90], 69[41, 105, 106], 70[85], Lindlar, H., 74[134-136], 78 [136], 79[186], 71[85, 106,108, 114], 72[124], 74[133], 87 [135], 104 [306], 151 [186, 469], 155 [483], 75 [85, 141, 142, 150, 151, 153], 77 [16, 46, 156 [186], 261 [62], 281 [71, 77], 289 [109, 85, 105, 106, 142, 150, 162-164], 78[85, 106, 110], 297[71], 328[16], 332[41], 333[60], 142,166, 172, 181], 79[41, 46, 105,142, 172, 340[89], 345[41], 364[41, 187], 372[41, 184,190, 194,207,217,260],82[85, 186, 187, 208], 388 [247], 391 [260], 194-198, 200], 83 [85, 196-198, 200, 202, 393 [208, 280], 394 [247], 403 [280], 203], 84[204], 85[41, 105,184, 207,212], 405 [247], 406 [247], 410[247], 411 [247], 86 [190, 217], 87 [17, 41, 142, 184], 412[60], 420[247], 423 [247], 431 [280], 88 [41, 105, 106, 212], 91 [46, 150, 200, 212, 442 [280], 445 [369], 446 [247], 447 [247], 253, 255], 92 [46, 150, 253, 262], 93 [271], 450 [247], 358 [247], 460 [247], 467 [60, 98[284], 103[5, 538], 104[46, 108, 197, 247], 468 [247], 470[247], 471 [247], 206a, 315, 318], 107[124, 326], 111 [340], 472[247], 480[186], 482[41, 187,208,260, 114[200], 117[252], 119[46, 252, 253], 405], 483[41, 187,208, 405], 489[247], 120[253], 121 [253, 365], 122[372], 490 [247], 497 [60], 499 [60], 500 [247], 123 [85, 106, 163, 198, 372, 374, 377, 378, 504 [208], 506 [186, 187, 260], 507 [260], 380, 381], 124 [194, 198, 217, 387], 125 [194, 511 [247], 536 [280], 537 [247, 369], 217,260J, 126[133, 184,202,208,217,284, 538 [247], 541 [247], 542 [60, 247], 543 [247], 390, 391], 127 [202, 365], 128 [394], 544 [247], 545 [60, 186, 260], 549 [60], 129 [184, 202, 398], 130 [207, 208], 133 [391], 551 [187], 554 [ 41, 187, 208, 405], 557 [247], 134[105, 410], 137 [5], 139 [425], 141 [181, 560[208], 563 [247], 564[247], 641 [22] 425], 142 [181, 436], 146 [153, 447], Lindsay,J.K., 384[228] 148[196, 380,453,455,510], 149[197,204, Lingen, C., 679[71] 453, 455a], 150[195, 463], 151 [197, 206a, Linner, E., 103 [294], 425 [341], 484[341], 410,463,464], 152[166], 153[184, 195,196, 487 [341], 549 [341] 202, 453], 155[172, 207], 157[166], 161 [41, Lipp, M., 412 [324]

Carotenmds 56 882 Author Index

Lippe!, K., 721 [38, 39], 732 [39] McConnell, D. G., 725 [63] Lippert, M., 44[168], 111 [342] McCormick, A., 43 [152, 153], 44[153], Liston, J., 174[528], 618 [295] 75 [146], 77 [162], 95 [146], 107 [146], Little, C. 0., 720 [25, 26] 110[146], 111 [146], 167[162], 251 [50], Little, E. P., 736 [163] 260[50], 289[111], 295[111], 296[111], Livingston, A. L., 36 [71], 747 [30, 33, 87], 297[111], 299[111], 300[111] 752 [81, 82], 753 [81, 85, 86], 762 [216], McDaniel, E.G., 732[113] 763 [82, 216, 218, 227] McDermott, J. C. B., 596 [152], 600 [152] Livingston, R., 680 [78, 81 ], 685 [78, 81 ], MacDonald, N. S., 337 [72], 344 [115], 694[81] 364[115] Loeber, D. E., 32 [28], 34 [28], 103 [292], McDonald, R.N., 428 [342] 124[388], 260[61], 261 [61], 303[150], McElhaney, R.N., 704 [240] 342 [109], 360 [109], 489 [109], 490[109], McGhie, J. F., 91 [250] 510[109], 551 [109], 552[109], 554[109], MacGillavry,C.H., 14 [27], 285 [85-87, 89, 91], 618 [299] 286 [89, 91], 287 [86, 91] Loeblich,A.R., 53[279], 163[550] McKeown, G. G., 244 [34], 758 [143], Loewe, L., 87 [223], 146 [223] 759 [147-149] Loncin, M., 757 [139] Mackinney, G., 32[17], 35[57], 506[418], Loomis, W.D., 581 [38] 536[418], 545[418], 579[9], 580[9, 17, 18], Lopatkin, Yu. B., 690 [ 138] 582 [57-59], 583 [57-59], 593 [133], Loran, M. R., 720 [18], 721 [18] 608[238, 244], 609[242, 244], 612[265], Lord,J.M., 604[189] 615[284-286,288],638[8] Lorenz, R., 352[130] McLaren, D. S., 722 [ 49, 50], 732 [50], Losev, A. P., 688 [128] 738 [49] Lotspeich, F.J., 579[8], 719[16], 720[24], McLaughlin, C. I., 730 [92], 733 [92], 721 [16] 735 [92] Low, I., 52 [277], 78 [168], 155 [168] Maclay, W.D., 747[29] Lowry, L., 43 [164], 44[164], 111 [332, 336], MacLead, W. D., 63 [13] 123 [336] McLean, C., 720 [28], 732 [28], 737 [28] Li.ick, H., 761 [202] McMeans, J. L., 257 [ 432] Lucy,J.A., 704[237], 735[154, 156] Macmillan, J ., 50 [251] Luh,B.S., 757[125] Macmillan, J.D., 679 [73] Lui, N. S. T., 735 [155], 736 [155] McQuistan, M., 93 [269], 103 [269], 594[140], Lukton, A., 579 [9], 580 [9, 18], 582 [57, 59], 608[140], 763[224] 583 [57, 59] McSweeney, G.P., 581 [35] Lunde, K., 204[13], 275 [46], 278 [46], 280[46] McWeeny, D.J., 760[171] Lundegardh, H., 691 [160-166], 692 [165, 166] Mader, 1., 244 [36] Lwowski, W., 293 [123] Maercker, A., 329 [39] Lynch, V. H., 691 [157], 692 [172] Maevskaya, A. N., 602 [173, 174], 690[141], Lynen, F., 31 [7], 580[15], 581 [34], 583 [66, 695 [141] 69],584[73, 74, 77] Magid, L., 762 [211] Lyon, J. L., 527 [ 430, 432, 435] Magoon, E. F., 269[15] Lythgoe, B., 87 [221], 119 [221], 139 [221] Mahadevan, S., 720[30], 721 [40, 42, 44], Lythgoe, J. N., 724 [55] 722[30] Mainguy, P., 750[42, 44], 751 [42], 753 [88] Makin, S.M., 351 [124], 370 [124], 376 [124], M 377 [124], 384 [124], 395 [124], 397 [124], 398 [124], 400 [124], 403 [124], 405 [124], MacArthur, J. W., 608 [239] 412 [124], 435 [355], 438 [355] McBeth, J. W., 161 [494], 162[494], 638 [8] Malathi, P., 720[30], 722[30], 734[133] McCall, M.A., 394 [273] Malenge, J.P., 46 [200], 612 [270], 614 [270] McCance, R.A., 746[15] Ma!IT, 1., 7 59 [ 152] McCann, C., 649 [76] Malhotra, H. C., 32[32], 34[30a, 41], McCarty, R.E., 696[194] 103[295], 123[544], 148[449], 592[131], McCollum, E. V., 16 624[324],625[324],626[326,327, 332, 333] Author Index 883

Malia by, R., 527 [ 440] Marusich, W. L., 641 [26, 28], 745 [10, 11], Mallams, A. K., 43 [152, 153, 155, 164], 749 [73, 89], 750[51], 751 [51, 57-59, 73], 44[164, 172, 191], 45[191], 75[146], 752 [59], 753 [89, 90], 763 [144] 91 [246, 247], 95 [146, 247], 106 [321, 323], Marx,J. N., 332 [ 42] 107 [146, 323], 110 [146], 111 [146, 246, 332], Maslova, T.G., 600[168], 695[187] 116[246], 251 [50], 260[50], 270[29], Matet, J., 355 [149], 386 [149] 273 [29], 277 [29], 289 [111, 114], 290 [114], Mathews-Roth, M. M., 620 [302], 673 [20, 291[114], 292[114], 295[29, 111], 296[111], 25-27], 675 [49], 676 [56], 678 [49, 68], 297[111], 299[111], 300[111, 114], 679 [69, 70], 680 [56], 683 [68], 685 [103], 301 [114], 302[29, 114], 305[114], 306[114], 686[104], 704[241], 710[104] 307[114], 308[114], 309[114], 310[114], Mathis, P., 680 [82, 83], 685 [82, 83], 694 [82, 311 [114], 312[114], 341[106], 360[106], 181, 182] 508 [106], 546 [106] Matsuda, K., 675 [ 43] Mallory, R. A., 397 [292] Matsui, M., 379 [222, 223], 384 [229], Manchand, P. S., 34 [39], 103 [299], 121 [371], 444 [368 a], 457 [377], 458 [368 a], 124[386], 125[389], 148[451], 281 [75], 460[368a], 516[368a], 518[368a], 359 [166], 360 [166], 380 [166], 400 [308, 532 [377], 540 [377], 541 [368 a], 309], 401 [309], 409[166], 416[309], 563 [368 a] 422 [166], 423 [309], 450 [166], 452 [166], Matsuura, T., 344[114] 454[166], 455 [166, 309, 372], 456 [309], Matthews, S., 42 [146], 43 [146], 609 [248] 465 [309], 468 [309], 477 [166], 478 [166], Mauge, R. L. H., 355 [149], 386[149] 489 [166, 308], 490 [166, 308], 500 [309], Maxwell, W.A., 679[73, 74] 509 [166, 309], 514[308, 309], 515 [309], Mayer, H., 146 [ 444], 204 [15], 206 [20], 538 [166], 539 [166, 309, 372], 540[309], 208 [20], 251 [20], 257 [57], 259 [57], 542 [309], 543 [309], 547 [166], 548 [166], 261 [20], 332 [ 44], 345 [ 44], 347 [ 44], 549 [166], 553 [309, 372], 556 [308, 309], 398 [294], 412 [294], 437 [ 44], 440 [362], 560 [308, 309], 561 [309], 563 [308], 469 [362], 496 [ 44], 534 [ 444], 563 [ 44] Mani, J.-C., 303 [148], 335 [64, 65], 337 [65], Mayne, B.C., 689[134] 341 [65], 343 [65], 344 [113], 360 [168], Meaux, R., 757 [129] 527 [65], 684 [100-102], 710 [101] Mebane, A. D., 355 [152, 156], 360[152], Manning, W. M., 32 [19], 44[173], 104[302], 376[216], 403 [216], 404[216] 106 [324], 163 [324], 269 [26], 686 [109], Mechtler, H., 51 [265], 52[265] · 687 [119] Mehl, J. W., 658 [102] Manske, R. H. F., 51 [276] Mehner, A., 749[41], 750[41] Manten, A., 701 [214] Meinwald, J., 50 [254], 303 [145, 146], 332 [52], Manz, U., 410[319], 760[172], 761 [203] 535[448], 709[265] Mar bet, R., 261 [62], 339 [82], 340 [84, 85, 89], Meinwald, Y.C., 50[254], 303[145], 535[448], 388 [247], 394[247], 405 [247], 406 [247], 709 [265] 410[247, 320], 411 [247], 420[247], Meissner, G., 596[148], 700[209], 701 [209, 423 [247], 446 [247], 447 [247], 450[247], 211], 707[211] 458 [247], 460 [247], 467 [247], 468 [247], Meister, A., 695 [187] 4 70 [24 7], 4 71 [24 7], 4 72 [247], 489 [24 7], Melin, M., 658[104] 490 [247], 500 [247], 511 [247], 537 [247], Menger, A., 757 [127] 538 [247], 541 [247], 542 [247], 543 [247], Menzi, M., 750[53] 544[247], 557[247], 563[247], 564[247] Mercer, E. I., 31 [11], 68 [72], 581 [30, 31], Maricq, J., 531 [ 426] 584[90],605[200],610[260],612[31] Marion, J ..P., 51 [265, 266], 52 [265] Merkle, M.G., 675 [ 46], 685 [ 46] Mark, E., 758[143], 759[149] Merrett, M.J., 604[189] Markham, M.C., 4l [139a], 46 [202], 126[391], Merrill, A.L., 746[14] 133 [391], 148 [ 453], 149 [ 453], 153 [ 453], Meth, E.-G., 494[414], 496[414], 520[420], 626 [336] 551 [414] Markovac-Prpic, A.; 438 [360], 494 [360], Meyers, M. B., 706 [251] 546 [360] Michel, G., 40[125], 52[125], 117[546], Marquering, B., 752[78] 130[452] Marquet, A., 295 [129] Michniewicz, B. M., 706 [249] 884 Author Index

Mieg, W., 13 [10], 155 [ 473] 504 [208], 506 [186, 187, 245, 260], Mikami, R., 379[222], 444[368a], 457[377], 507[245, 260], 517[188], 519[188], 458[368a], 460[368a], 516[368a], 525 [359], 526 [359], 536 [188, 280], 518 [368a], 532 [377], 540 [377], 541 [368a], 537 [188, 369], 538 [188], 542 [60], 543 [262], 563 [368a] 544 [262], 545 [60, 186, 245, 260, 305, 359], Mikhailov, B. M., 355 [147] 546 [305], 549 [60, 416], 550 [245], Miki, K., 116 [362], 168 [362] 551 [187, 245], 554[41, 187, 208, 359, 405], Miki, T., 296 [135] 557 [188], 560 [208], 563 [44], 564 [359], Milas, N.A., 328 [6, 30], 337 [72], 344[115], 641 [22, 23], 755 [101] 364 [115], 369 [198], 484 [6], 486 [6], Monties, B., 89 [241] 545 [6] Moor, H., 760[161] Milborrow, B. V., 50[250], 304[156], Moore, L.A., 747[22] 305[156, 157], 527[430, 431,433,434,438, Moore, T., 16, 18 [33], 718 [2], 732 [2, 111], 439], 706 [250] 733 [2], 736 [2, 160], 737 [2] Mildner, P., 281 [73], 433 [352], 434 [352] Morf, R., 75 [137], 155 [ 474], 288 [99], Millar, I. T., 87 [220] 289[112] Millar, P. G., 725 [68], 728 [83] Morishima, H., 581 [46] Miller, C. K., 66 [ 45] Morton, R.A., 16 [28], 18 [28], 49 [241], Millerd, A, 675 [ 44] 380 [224], 584 [91], 727 [72], 729 [85], Mills, J. A., 305 [ 158] 730[85] Mirna, H., 760[161], 761 [182-184, 192, Mose, W. P., 91 [247], 95 [247], 289 [114], 200] 290 [114], 291 [114], 292 [114], 300[114], Miropol'skaya, M.A., 368[195] 301 [114], 302 [114], 305 [114], 306 [114], Mirsky, A E., 730 [94] 307 [114], 308 [114], 309 [114], 310 [114], Mitchell, G. E., 720 [25, 26] 311 [114], 312[114], 341 [106], 360[106], Mitchell, G. V., 734 [137] 508 [106], 546 [106] Mitchell, H. L., 747 [31] Moshier, S., 46[205], 139[422], 157[422] Mitchell, R. L., 674 [38, 39] Moslein, E. M., 584 [73] Mitchell, R. P., 752 [265] Moss, B. L., 649 [79] Mitsui, T., 50 [249] Moss, G.P., 45[191a], 289[115], 311 [176a] Miyano, M., 379 [222] Moudgal, N. R., 733 [116] Modi, V. V., 580 [22] Mousseron-Canet, M., 303 [148], 335 [64, 65], Moffa, D. F., 719 [16], 721 [16] 337[65], 341 [65], 343[65], 344[113], Moller, E. F., 74 [131], 86 [216] 360 [168], 363 [177], 366 [193], 369 [196], Moller, F., 364 [183], 379 [183] 377 [177], 384 [193], 387 [196], 405 [177], Mondelli, R., 615 [278, 279] 527 [65], 684 [100-102], 710 [101] Montag, A, 759 [155] Mi.iggler-Chavan, F., 51 [265, 266], Montavon, M., 19 [35], 74 [135, 136], 78 [136], 52 [265] 79[186], 87[135], 104[306], 129[397], Mi.iller, H., 155 [ 480], 206 [21], 208 [21], 146[444], 151 [186, 469], 155[483], 294 [125], 308 [175] 156 [186], 169 [397], 206 [20], 208 [20], Mi.iller, P., 74 [136], 78 [136], 372 [208], 251 [20], 261 [20], 281 [71, 77], 289[109, 393 [208], 482 [208], 483 [208], 504 [208], 110], 291 [109, 110], 297 [71], 328 [16, 18, 554 [208], 560 [208], 761 [196] 19], 332 [ 41, 44], 333 [60], 345 [ 41, 44, 119, Mi.iller, R., 262 [64] 120, 122], 347 [ 44], 364 [ 41, 119, 122, Mi.iller, Z., 751 [67] 186-188], 365 [119], 372[41, 119, 186, 187, Mummery, R. S., 48 [231], 589 [119], 605 [208], 208], 379 [221], 388 [245], 391 [186, 260], 610[258] 393 [208, 262, 280], 394 [262], 400 [305], Mi.inzel, K., 761 [199], 762 [207, 209, 210, 403 [280], 412 [60], 431 [280], 435 [354], 213] 436 [305], 437 [ 44, 359], 438 [245], 442 [280], Murata, N., 696[197], 697[197] 443 [188], 445 [188, 369], 448 [188], Murchison, D. G., 709 [263] 450 [188], 467 [60], 470 [262], 471 [262], Murphey, M.M., 35[61] 474 [245], 480 [186], 482 [ 41, 187, 208, 245, Murray, T. K., 731 [108] 260, 405], 483 [ 41, 187, 208, 405], 494 [305, Murthy,S.K., 721[40], 734[129] 359], 496 [ 44], 497 [60], 499 [60, 416], Myoga, K., 751 [68] Author Index 885

N Nishimura, M., 68 [78], 693 [179], 704 [236] Nitsche, H., 43 [158], 44 [158, 169, 185], 155], Nadai, J., 744 [ 4], 745 [ 4, 13] 46[158, 207], 67[62], 68[71], 76[154, Naftali, Y., 606 [224], 607 [224] 106[547], 107[547], 111 [154], 112[155], 273[28] Nagao, M., 535[447] 113[536], 139[421], 269[28], Nagasaki, T., 134[411] Nockels, C. F., 734[147] Nagel, W., 606 [215] Nomine, G., 397 [293] Nagy, E., 36[72], 42[144], 44[144], 111 [331], Norden, D. A, 657 [101], 658 [101] 583 [20] 151[466],606[229],607[229],690[140] Norgard, D. W., 580 [20], 581 [20], 63 [16], Naito, K., 724[57] Norgard, S., 47 [217], 53 [283], 77 [16, 85, Nakagawa, K., 79[188] 68 [85], 70 [85], 71 [85], 75 [85], 92 [262], Nakata, T., 79 [188] 164], 78 [85], 82 [85], 83 [85], 163 [549], Nakayama, T.O.M., 31[6], 32[14, 17, 24], 123 [85], 151 [464], 161 [549], 532], 33[14], 34[45], 35[6, 57, 58], 36[6], 38[6], 173[164], 174[16, 85, 532], 176[262, 41 [6], 42 [6], 43 [6], 89 [234], 123 [374], 177 [16, 262] 124[384], 148[450], 579[9, 10], 580[9], Notthafft, A, 156[488] 582[53-55, 57, 59], 583 [53-55, 68], 584[68], Nozaki, H., 385[237], 395[289] 593 [134], 594 [137], 600[165, 166], Nunez, G., 69[97, 98] 602[181], 603[181], 606[213], 612[265, Niirrenbach, A, 199[7], 341 [100], 354[141], 266, 269], 613 [266], 615 [284, 286], 357 [100], 383 [141], 389 [251], 441 [364, 616[290], 623[313], 674[31], 677[62], 365], 443 [366], 444 [364, 366], 446 [364], 678 [62, 97], 682[97], 683 [62], 690[144, 448 [366], 474[390], 477[141], 536[364- 145], 695 [144] 366],537[364,366],545[141,390] Nandi, D.L., 584[78], 641 [20] Nusbaum-Cassuto, E., 31 [9], 584[88] [166] Narozanski, J. S., 296 [133] Nybraaten, G., 78 [166], 152 [166], 157 Nath,K., 721[47], 737[47] Nathanson, N., 657 [93] Naves, Y.R., 51 [259, 260], 306[168, 169, 171] 0 Nayler, P., 296[134], 504[417] 351 [35], Neamtu, G., 42 [150], 95 [272-275], 101 [272], Oediger, H., 328 [35], 345 [117], 364[183], 133 [ 409], 146 [ 448], 149 [275], 150 [ 462], 352[35, 130], 357[35], 362[35], 384 [230], 151 [272], 204[14] 366 [35], 379 [183, 220], 380 [35], Negelein, E., 686 [107] 394[276] Nelan, D. R., 338 [74] Oeser, A, 604[192, 193] Nelson, G. E. N., 35 [55] Ofner, A, 77 [159], 82 [159], 83 [159], Nelson, J. W., 747 [33, 87], 752 [81], 753 [81, 103 [159], 123 [159, 337], 153 [159], 85], 763 [227] 338 [77, 78], 339 [77, 78], 412 [322, 323], Nelson, R., 730 [99] 414[323], 416[323], 434[353], 456[374], [374], Nelson, T. S., 751 [71] 489 [353], 499 [323], 500 [323], 513 Nemser, S., 677 [61], 678 [61l 514[374], 523[353], 524[353], 531 [426], Neujahr, H. Y., 35 [59] 539 [374], 545 [353], 549 [323], 553 [374], Neumann, J., 696 [193] 555 [323], 556 [374], 557 [323, 374], Newman, R. H., 51 [269] 564 [353], 755 [103], 761 [103] Nichols, B. W., 68[81] Oh, M., 734[136], 736[136] 445, Nicoara, E., 37 [84], 38 [108], 66 [ 40], Ohkuma, K., 527 [ 430, 435-437], 535 [ 71[115, 116], 79[187], 81[40], 85[213], 446] 95 [28?, 545], 101 [282], 146 [116, 187, 446, Ohloff, G., 306[167], 341 [107], 364[107], 448], 151[467], 157[40, 490], 204[14], 484[107], 486[107], 487[107], 489[107], 312 [177] 546 [107], 547 [107], 548 [107], 597[156] Nicol, M., 734[130] Ohnoki, S., 581 [43] Nicolaides, N., 276[49] Ohta, M., 393 [271], 394[271] Nicolaux, G.J. M., 355 [149], 386[149] Ohta, T., 41 [134], 174 [530], 177 [530] Nielsen, N.C., 725[63], 727 [63] Okada, M., 696[197], 697[197] Nimmo, C. C., 581 [37], 584 [37] Okano, S., 355 [145], 379 [222], 444 [368a], Nishibori, K., 44 [188, 189], 45 [188, 189, 194] 457 [377], 458 [368a], 460 [368a], 886 Author Index

516[368a], 518[368a], 532[377], Patel, D. J., 209 [22], 213 [22], 222 [22], 540[377], 541 [368a], 563[368a] 280[64], 287[64] Okukado, N., 41 [132], 104 [316] Pathak, M.A., 686 [104], 710 [104] Okumura, T., 51 [272] Pattenden, G., 167 [503), 276 [54], 281 [54], Olive, J.-L., 335 [64, 65], 337 [65], 341 [65], 283 [78], 284 [54, 78], 385 [233, 234), 343 [65], 363 [177], 366 [193], 369 [196], 393 [234], 395 [288), 398 [234), 400 [234, 377 [177], 384 [193], 387 [196], 405 [177], 300], 401 [234], 405 [288), 425 [288], 527 [65] 469 [288), 4 71 [288], 544 [288] Olson, G., 750[52], 751 [52], 752[52] Patwa, D.K., 580[22) Olson,J.A., 640[18, 123], 719[9, 10, 12], Pauling, L., 271 [39), 272 [ 41 ], 606 [209] 721 [9, 10, 32, 38, 39, 43, 46, 47], 722 [32], Paulus, H., 584 [72) 732[39], 737[47, 172] Pearlman, J. T., 724 [58), 731 [58] Olson,J.S., 696[194] Penco, S., 41 [140], 75 [144), 78 [144], Olson, R.E., 734[132] 152 [144], 157 [144), 336 [68], 499 [68], Oncley, J. L., 658 [103, 104] 552 [68], 555 [68] Oomen, H. A. P. C., 722 [ 48, 49], 738 [ 49] Pennington, D., 627 [339] Oppenheimer, J. R., 687 [121] Pennock,J.F., 584[91] Orchin, M., 273 [45], 274[45] Percy, R. C., 649 [79] Orihara, K., 581 [46] Perret, M.A., 760[161] Oroshnik, W., 17, 328 [33], 355 [152, 156], Perumal,A.S., 733[126] 360[152], 377 [216], 379 [218], 397 [292], Peter, A., 757 [136] 403[216,218],404[216] Peters, J., 682 [96], 683 [96], 684 [96], 685 [96] Orth, A., 747 [23] Petracek, F. J., 71 [109], 78 [170], 79 [170], Osadca, M., 641 [27], 745 [12], 761 [12], 98 [ 170, 285], 140 [285], 141 [285], 764[237] 155 [170] Osgan, M., 50 [257, 258] Petter, H. F. M., 174 [525] O~ianu, D., 95 [545] Petzold, E. N., 36 [70], 93 [269], 103 [269], Oskay, E., 276 [53] 151 [465], 763 [224] Osman,H.G., 32[27], 583[61], 589[116], Pfennig, N., 41 [139a], 126[391], 133 [391], 590 [116], 592 [116], 622 [311, 312], 626[330,334,336] 623 [319] Pflugshaupt, R. P., 141 [431] Oster, R., 394[282] Phaff, H. J ., 612 [265] Ostroy, S.E., 726[71], 729[71], 730[71] Phagpolngarm, S., 44 [174], 605 [207], O'Sullivan, D. G., 366 [190], 370 [190] 610[257], 688 [130] Otting, W., 281 [76], 282 [76] Philips born, W. von, 294 [125] Oyama, Y., 51 [272] Phillips, A. H., 581 [32, 33, 45] Phinney, B., 605 [206], 610 [255] Phipers, R. F., 288 [98] p Pickett, J. M., 702 [223] Pieper, B., 288 [99] Pachler, K., 49 [242] Pinckard, J. H., 36 [64], 140 [426], 269 [17] Page, H.J., 107[327] Pippert, D. L., 190 [1] Page, R. M., 700 [210] Pitt, G. A. J., 718 [3, 6], 727 [72], 729 [85], Painter, T.J., 92[258] 730[3, 85,91-93, 95], 732[93, 110, 114], Pakshina, E. V., 677 [65] 733 [91, 92, 114, 115, 117], 735 [92, 158], Palludan, B., 733 [120] 737 [6, 164] Palmer, L. S., 13 [12], 14 Planta, C. von, 68 [77], 205 [18], 209 [18], P{mczel, M., 42[144], 44[144], 111 [331], 235 [18], 248 [18], 252 [18], 260[18], 606[229],607[229],690[140) 263 [18], 276 [50], 357 [164, 165], 379 [164, Papendick, K., 763 [221) 221], 380[164], 385 [165], 398 [165], Parman, G. K., 760 [173] 403 [312] Parry, G. R., 306 [168) Platt, J. R., 692 [169], 696 [169] Pasedach, H., 340 [95, 96), 355 [151), Plempel, M., 614[274] 394 [282, 283) Poincelot, R. P., 725 [65], 728 [83] Pasternak,C.A., 734[142) Poisson, J ., 50 [252] Author Index 887

Polgar, A., 195 [6], 271 [39], 288 [95], Pratt, H. K., 606 [226] 606[209] Prebble, J., 39 [113], 41 [138], 72 [119], Pollack, 1. D., 704 [240] 92 [257], 151 [257], 659 [109] Pollard, C.1., 581 [37], 584[37] Prelog, V., 50 [256-258], 312 [182, 183], Pommer, H., 199[7], 286[93], 328[4, 5, 21, 313 [182, 183], 316 [182] 36], 333 [55, 58, 59, 61], 340[58, 61, 97, 98], Preobrazhenskii, N. A., 368 [195], 388 [245 a] 341 [99, 100], 345 [98, 121], 352[98, 129], Prialgauskaite, L. L., 602 [174] 354 [138, 140, 141], 355 [148], 357 [100, 158, Price, R. 1., 50 [251] 159, 161-163], 366[129, 159], 370[36], Prieto, A., 614 [275], 615 [278, 279] 371 [159, 206, 207], 373 [36, 209], 374[36, Pritchard, H., 49 [241] 209], 375 [36, 210], 376 [36, 210, 215], Probst, H. P., 750 [50], 764 [50] 380[226], 382[36, 140, 227], 383[141], Prohaszka, L., 751 [70] 384[36, 159, 163,231, 232], 387[36], Prominski, W., 757[121] 388 [246], 393 [138, 140, 211, 266], Pullman, B., 287 [94] 394 [21, 138, 211, 284-286], 395 [36, 290, Pummerer, R., 74[128] 291], 398 [211, 246], 400[58, 211, 227], Purcell, A. E., 67[50], 580[25], 591 [25], 401 [58], 402 [206], 403 [36, 148, 316], 606 [227], 691 [155] 406 [211], 412 [36, 58, 211, 316], 428 [21, 58, 61], 430 [347], 435 [21, 61], 436 [357, 358], 438 [21, 61, 97, 98, 129], 441 [364, 365], Q 443 [366], 444 [364, 366], 446 [364], 448 [366], 467 [21], 470 [21], 471 [21], Quackenbush, F. W., 32 [21, 22], 35 [52], 474[21, 246], 477[21, 141], 480[206], 36[70], 74[126], 75[149], 93[269], 483[3, 5, 21], 484[3], 489[21, 159,161,207, 103 [126, 149, 269], 151 [ 465], 268 [8, 9], 412], 494[414], 496[61, 97, 98, 414], 275 [9], 580 [21], 591 [123], 594 [136, 497 [129], 499 [59], 520 [61, 420, 421], 140-142], 607[141, 231], 608[140, 142, 521 [61], 522[61], 532[98, 129, 159,207, 243], 609 [243], 751 [76], 753 [76, 84], 246, 429], 536 [364-366], 537 [364, 366], 763[76,219,224, 226] 542[21], 543[21], 544[21], 545[3, 5, 21, 61, Quilico, A., 615 [278, 279] 97, 98, 129, 141, 159, 161, 206, 207, 246, 412], 549[59], 551 [414] Pope, C. W., 747 [25] R Popjak, G., 583 [71], 584 [75, 76, 86], 585 [86, 101, 102], 586 [101, 102], 587 [86, 102, 105], Rabinowitch, E. I., 686 [108], 687 [108], 588 [101], 589 [101] 693 [178] Popova, I. A., 600 [168] Rabourn, W. 1., 32 [21, 22], 35 [52], 74 [126], Popova, 0. F., 600 [168] 103 [126, 291], 268 [8, 9], 275 [9], 594 [136], Poretta, A., 757 [124] 763 [224] Porte, A. L., 51 [271] Radda, G., 696[196] Porter, 1. W., 31 [12], 32 [21, 23, 26], 35 [61], Radlick, P., 304 [152] 69 [103, 104], 268 [8, 12], 580 [16, 20], Rafelson, M. E., 615 [281] 581 [20, 48, 49], 583 [20, 67, 70], 584[78, Rai, H., 68 [83] 79, 82-84], 585 [84], 589 [110, 112], Rajan, T. S., 759 [150] 590 [112], 591 [122, 124, 128, 129], Ramirez, F., 394[274] 592[129a], 594[112], 596[147], 605[129], Ramirez,1., 693[173, 180], 694[180], 608 [112, 241], 641 [20, 21] 695 [180] Porter, Q. N., 251 [ 49], 262 [ 49], 263 [ 49], Randerath, K., 68 [76] 264[65] Raper, 1. H., 659 [110] Postel, W., 7 57 [ 117] Rapoport, H., 53 [283], 161 [549], 163 [549] Poulsen, H., 649 [77] Rapp, 1., 729 [87] Pousset, 1. L., 50 [252] Raspe, G., 168 [508], 281 [74], 345 [118], Povarov, L. S., 355 [147] 370[118], 391 [118], 433 [350], 470[350, Powell, 1. E., 394 [275] 387], 471 [387], 482 [ 404], 506 [118], Powell, L. E., 706 [249] 543 [350, 387], 544 [350, 387], 545 [ 404], Prabucki, A. L., 752 [77] 546 [118] 888 Author Index

Ratcliff, R. G., 749 [39] Robeson, C. D., 337 [73], 338 [75], 352 [128], Rau, W., 269 [19], 620[305-310] 359 [128], 370 [75], 376 [214], 380 [128, Rauch, W., 749[41], 750[41] 225], 384 [228], 386 [238, 238 a], 425 [339], Rau-Hund, A., 620[306, 308] 454 [371], 457 [376], 462 [75], 464 [75], Raymundo, L. C., 594 [143], 607 [235] 476[395, 396],477[339,395],478[339, Raz, A., 720 [29], 721 [29] 396], 480 [339, 403], 520 [395, 403], Razin, S., 674 [28], 704 [240], 705 [246] 522 [395, 403], 529 [73, 75], 531 [75], Rebeiz, C. A., 610[259] 538 [371], 540 [376], 545 [395, 396], Rebmann, L., 74[128] 549 [339, 395], 554 [339, 403], 560 [339, 403] Redel, J., 352 [125], 443 [367], 448 [367], Robins<;m, H. V., 720[21] 536 [367], 537 [367] Robinso~. M. I., 702 [220] Redfearn, E. R., 638 [1], 640, 641 [24, 25] Roels, 0. A., 720 [23], 721 [ 42], 722 [23], Reichel, L., 583 [65] 735 [23, 155], 736 [23, 155] Reichenbach, H., 38 [94, 95], 40 [95], 52 [95], Rogers, D., 295 [130] 117[413] Rogers, L.J., 581 [40], 596[146], 604[188], Reif, W., 341 [99, 100], 357 [100], 380[226], 605 [ 40], 607 [236] 389[251], 394[284-286], 441 [364, 365], Rogers, W. E., 732 [113], 734 [139, 140, 148], 443 [366], 444 [364, 366], 446 [364], 737 [139, 167] 448 [366], 4 74 [390], 536 [364-366], Rogier, J. C., 753 [84] 537[364, 366], 545[390] Rollins, M.H., 731 [105] Reiff, H., 355 [144] Romagnoli, A., 645 [ 41, 42] Reindel, W., 74[128] R6nai, A., 36 [73], 43 [155], 78 [173], Reppe, W., 394[281] 91 [246], 111 [246], 116 [246], 155 [173], Reschke, T., 50 [244], 270 [34], 312 [34] 270 [29], 273 [29], 277 [29], 295 [29], Reyes, P., 35 [58], 616 [290] 302 [29] Reymond, D., 51 [265, 266], 52[265] Ronco, A., 281 [72), 328[1], 344[1], 379[1, Richardson, R. W., 284 [79] 217],403[1,217,313,314] Rick, C. M., 608 [244], 609 [242, 244] Root, D. M., 734 [138] Ricketts, T. R., 53 [281], 71 [113] Rosen, E., 306 [ 165], 341 [ 105] Ridley, M. W., 649 [78, 79] Rosenthal, A., 86 [218) Riederer, P., 757 [130-132] Ross, S. T., 393 [265] Rigassi, N., 205 [19], 209 [19], 210 [19], Ross, W.A., 91 [250] 213 [19], 226 [19], 239 [19], 245 [19], Rotfarb, R. M., 600 [ 160] 248 [19], 249 [19], 250 [19], 251 [19], Roth, H., 75 [139, 147], 76[157], 84[205], 257 [55], 259 [19], 261 [62]. 280 [65], 87 [228], 88 [205] 388 [247], 394 [247], 405 [247], 406 [247], Rother, H., 757 [133], 761 [133], 410 [247], 411 [247], 420 [247], 423 [247], 764 [250-252] 446 [247], 447 [247], 450 [247], 458 [247], Rottem, S., 674 [28], 705 [246] 460 [247], 462 [382], 463 [382], 467 [247], Rouques, A., 750[42, 44], 751 [42) 468 [247], 470 [247], 471 [247], 472 [247], Rousseau, J. E., 747 [22] 489[247], 490[247], 500[247], 511 [247], Rowland, R.L., 341 [103, 104] 531 [ 425], 535 [ 425], 536 [ 425], 537 [247], Royals, E. E., 340 [88], 393 [279] 538 [247], 541 [247], 542 [247], 543 [247], Rubenstein, D., 67 [65] 544 [247], 557 [247], 563 [247], 564 [247] Rubin, S. H., 755 [103], 761 [103] Rilling, H. C., 585 [95], 591 [121], 620 [300, Rubinstein, H., 333 [63] 301,304] Rudney, H., 580[14] Rinaldini, L. M., 736 [162] Riiegg, R., 19 [35], 33 [33], 36 [65], 46 [33, Ringelmann, E., 580[15] 199], 48 [33], 49 [33], 68 [77, 79], 74 [135, Rispoli, G., 757[135] 136], 78 [136], 79 [186], 87 [135], 103 [296, Robbins, W.E., 734[151] 299], 104 [296, 306], 128 [393], 129 [395, Roberts, A. B., 721 [35, 36], 722 [35, 36], 397], 130[399], 146[444], 151 [186, 469], 737 [36] 155 [ 483], 156 [186], 166 [393], 168 [395], Roberts, D. L., 343 [112], 533 [ 441] 169 [395, 397], 205 [18], 206 [20], 208 [20], Roberts, J.D., 242 [28] 209 [18], 235 [18], 246 [38], 248 [18], Robertson, D. S., 605 [199, 201], 674 [34, 37] 251 [20], 252[18], 260[18], 261 [20, 38, 62], Author Index 889

263[18], 276[50], 281 [71, 75, 77], 489 [109], 490 [109], 510 [109], 551 [109], 289 [109, 110], 291 [109, 110], 297 [71], 552[109],554[109],600[163], 709[266] 328[13, 16, 22, 23, 37, 41], 332[44], Rutschmann, J., 46 [197], 87 [224], 93 [266], 333[60], 340[94], 345[41, 44, 119, 120, 103 [266], 116 [351, 358], 119 [364], 122], 347 [44], 355 [153], 357 [153, 164, 121 [364], 128 [224, 392], 288 [104] 165], 359[166], 360[153, 166], 364[41, Rutter, L., 68 [88] 119, 122, 186-188], 365 [119], 372 [ 41, 119, Ruzicka, L., 13, 339 [83] 186,187, 208], 379[164, 221], 380[164, 166], Ryback, G., 50[246], 270[36], 304[156], 385 [165], 388 [245, 247], 391 [186, 260], 305[156, 157, 159],527[430,433,434,439, 393 [208, 262, 280], 394 [247, 262], 440], 585 [102], 586 [102], 587 [102], 398 [165], 400 [298, 303, 305], 403 [280, 706[247, 250] 312], 405 [247, 298], 406 [247], 409 [166], Ryser, G., 36 [65], 46 [199], 74 [136], 410 [247], 411 [247, 298], 412 [60], 78 [136], 103 [296], 104 [296], 128 [393], 420 [247], 421 [303], 422 [153, 166], 129 [397], 166 [393], 169 [397], 281 [77], 423[247],431[280],435[354],436[305], 333 [60], 355 [153], 357 [153], 360[153], 437 [ 44, 359], 438 [245], 442 [280], 372 [208], 393 [208, 262], 394 [262], 443 [188], 445 [188, 369], 446 [247], 400[298, 303],405[298],411[298], 447 [247], 448 [188], 450 [166, 188, 247], 412[60], 421 [303], 422[153], 443 [188], 452 [166], 454 [166], 455 [166], 457 [375, 445 [188], 448 [188], 450[188], 457 [375, 378], 458 [247, 298, 375], 459 [13, 378], 378], 458 [298, 375], 461 [298], 467 [60], 460[247, 378], 461 [298, 378], 462[13], 470[262], 471 [262], 472 [389], 482 [208], 463 [13], 467 [60], 468 [247, 385], 470 [262], 483 [208], 497 [60], 499 [60], 504 [153, 208], 471 [247, 262], 472 [247, 389], 474 [245], 508 [153], 511 [153, 298], 512 [153], 477 [23, 166], 478 [166], 479 [23], 480 [186], 516[303], 517[188, 378], 518[303], 482[41, 187,208,245,260,405],483[41, 519[188, 378], 536[188], 537[188], 187,208, 405], 489[166, 247], 490[166, 538 [188], 540 [375, 378], 541 [298, 375, 247], 494 [305, 359], 496 [ 44], 497 [60], 378], 542 [60, 298, 378], 543 [262], 499 [60, 416], 500[247], 503 [385], 544[262, 389], 545 [60, 153], 546[153], 504[153, 208], 506[186, 187, 245, 260], 547 [153, 303], 549 [60], 554 [208], 507 [245, 260], 508 [153], 509 [166], 557 [188], 560[208], 563 [298, 378], 511 [23, 153], 512 [153], 516 [303], 641 [23] 517 [188, 378], 518 [303], 519 [188, 378], Ryvarden, L., 34[43], 82[196], 83[196], 525 [359], 526 [359], 527 [164], 536 [188, 148 [196], 153 [196], 627[341] 280], 537 [188, 247, 369], 538 [166, 188, 247], 539[166], 540[375, 378], 541 [13, 247,298,375, 378], 542[60,247,298, 378], s 543 [247, 262, 385], 544 [247, 262, 389], 545[60, 153, 186,245,260,305,359], Saakov, B.C., 600[168] 546 [153, 305], 547 [153, 166, 303], Saakov, V. S., 602 [177, 178], 690 [142, 143] 548[166], 549[60, 166,416], 550[23,245], Sadana, J. C., 606 [225] 551 [187, 245], 554[41, 187, 208, 359, 405], Sager, R., 676 [52, 54], 693 [54] 557[188,247],560[208],563[23,44,247, Saijo, S., 355 [145] 298, 378, 385], 564 [247, 359], 639 [9], Sakal, E., 344 [ 115], 364 [ 115] 641 [22, 23], 755 [101] Sakan, T., 51 [267, 270], 303 [147] Riiegger, A., 155 [ 484] Sakato, Y., 51 [264] Rummert, G., 286[93], 328 [4], 371 [206], Salaque, A., 44[191], 45[191], 106[323], 402 [20~], 480 [206], 531 [ 424], 545 [206] 107 [323] Riippel, H., 696[195] Salomon, H., 36[68], 160[506] Russell, A., 340 [86] Salomon, K., 657 [96, 97] Russell, S. W., 43 [157], 45 [157], 50 [255], Salontai, T., 37 [84], 79 [187], 95 [282], 95[280, 281], 109[280], 296[133], 101 [282], 146 [187, 446] 297 [136-138], 299 [138, 139], 302 [136, Salton, M. R. J., 704 [238, 239] 138], 303 [139, 150], 304 [136, 139], Salvatori, T., 615 [278, 279] 305 [139], 307 [139], 309 [139], 310 [139], Samokhvalov, G. I., 361 [169], 368 [195], 311 [139], 342 [109, 110], 360 [109], 388 [245a] 890 Author Index

Sander, C., 675 [ 48] Schaltegger, K. H., 68 [82] Sandevoir, C. M. T., 355 [149], 386 [149] Schara, A, 757 [138], 761 [138] Sandoval, A, 32 [20] Scharf, S. S., 584 [92] Saperstein, S., 38 [103], 47 [215], 63 [14], Scheer, B. T., 44 [192] 583[62], 761[194] Schenck, G.O., 680[84] Sapozhnikov, D. I., 600[168], 602[173-176], Schick, E., 370 [204], 387 [204] 690[138, 141, 147], 695 [141] Schiemenz, G. P., 393 [269] Sargent, K. H., 430 [346] Schillinger, A, 756 [118] Sargent, M. L., 702 [222] Schimmer, B. P., 43 [164], 44 [164], 91 [245], Sarnecki, W., 333 [58, 59], 340[58, 97, 98], 111 [332, 333] 341 [100], 345 [98], 352 [98, 129], 357 [100, Schinz, H., 333 [53] 158, 159, 162, 163], 366 [129, 159], Schlag, J., 199 [7] 371 [159, 207], 375 [210], 384[159, 163, Schlegel, H. G., 41 [139] 231, 232], 388 [246], 389 [251 ], 395 [291 ], Schlegel, W., 760[167] 398 [246], 400 [58], 401 [58], 412 [58], Schlesinger, H., 435 [356] 428 [58], 438 [97, 98, 129], 474 [246, 390], Schlesinger, M.J., 582[50] 489 [159, 207, 412], 496 [97, 98, 129], Schlettwein-Gsell, D., 764 [235] 499[59], 532[98, 129, 159,207,246,429], Schmall, M., 67 [55] 545[97,98, 129, 159,207,246,390,412], Schmid, G. H., 702 [224] 549[59] Schmidt, K., 41 [139], 46 [208], 121 [365], Sa to, T., 379 [222] 127 [365], 129 [398], 171 [365], 173 [365], Satoh, D., 51 [272, 273] 626[334] Sauberli, U., 51 [262] Schmidt, P.J., 754[98] Saucy, G., 46 [199], 74 [136], 78 [136], Schneider, D. F., 123 [376], 385 [233, 235], 128 [393], 129 [397], 151 [469, 483], 414[325], 456[325], 499[325], 500[325], 166 [393], 169 [397], 281 [71], 289 [109, 513 [325], 514 [325], 539 [325], 552 [325], 110], 291 [109, 110], 297 [71], 328 [16], 555[325],556[325],557[325] 332[41], 339[82], 340[84, 85, 89], Schneider, H. A W., 68 [84] 345[41, 122], 364[41, 187, 188], 372[41, Schneider, K., 340[95, 96] 187, 208], 379 [221], 393 [208, 280], Schneider, R., 50[256] 403 [280], 431 [280], 442 [280], 443 [188], Schnepf, E., 603 [183] 445 [188, 369], 448 [188], 450 [188], Schoch, T.J., 760[180] 457 [378], 459 [378], 460 [378], 461 [378], Schodder, H., 66[47] 482[41, 187, 208], 483[41, 187, 208], Schollkopf, U., 333 [55] 504[208], 506[187], 517[188, 378], Scholtyssek, S., 749[40] 519 [188, 378], 536 [188, 280], 537 [188, Schon, K., 36[76], 149 [458], 273 [43] 369], 538 [188], 540[378], 541 [378], Schopfer, W.H., 578[1-4] 542[378], 551 [187], 554[41, 187, 208], Schor, N.A, 734[144] 557[188],560[208],563[378],641[22,23] Schroder, W., 691 [149, 150] Saunders, C., 751 [63] Schroeder, W.A, 36[77], 75[140], 149[459], Savolainen, J. E. T., 754 [99] 269[20],271[39],606[209] Sax, N. W., 338 [77, 78], 339 [77, 78] Schroepfer, G.J., 585 [102], 586 [102], Schaeren, S. F., 74 [136], 78 [136], 261 [62], 587 [102] 372 [208], 388 [247], 393 [208, 280], Schuchardt, W., 760[168] 394 [247], 403 [280], 405 [247], 406 [247], Schudel, P., 36 [65], 68 [79], 103 [296], 410 [247], 411 [247], 420 [247], 423 [247], 104[296], 191 [4], 281 [68], 328 [22-24], 431 [280], 442 [280], 446 [247], 44 7 [247], 329 [38], 355 [153], 357 [153], 360 [153], 450 [247], 458 [247], 460 [247], 467 [247], 400[303], 421 [303], 422 [153], 477 [23], 468 [247], 470[247], 471 [247], 472 [247], 479 [23], 504 [153], 508 [153], 511 [23, 153], 482 [208], 483 [208], 489 [247], 490 [247], 512 [153], 516 [303], 518 [303], 545 [153], 500[247], 504[208], 511 [247], 536[280], 546 [153], 547 [153, 303], 550[23], 563 [23] 537 [247], 538 [247], 541 [247], 542 [247], Schwang, H., 305 [163] 543 [247], 544 [247], 554[208], 557 [247], Schwanzara, S.A, 724[56] 560 [208], 563 [247], 564 [247], 641 [22] Schwarting, A E., 605 [203], 674 [35] Schaffner, K., 312 [180] Schwarze, P., 702 [224] Schaible, P.J., 74( [25] Schwarzmann, M., 395 [291] Author Index 891

Schwegler, F., 756 [110] 301 [114], 302 [114], 305 [114], 306 [114], Schwenker, U., 68 [68], 756 [108] 307 [114], 308 [114], 309 [114], 310 [114], Schwieter, U., 18 [31], 19 [35], 36 [65], 311 [114], 312[114], 341 [106], 360[106], 46 [199, 211], 47 [211], 67 [58], 68 [77], 508 [106], 546 [106] 74 [136], 75 [142], 77 [142], 78 [136, 142], Scott, M.L., 750[52], 751 [52], 752[52] 79 [142], 87 [142], 103 [296, 299], 104 [296], Sebek, 0., 614[276], 615 [276] 128 [393], 129 [397], 130 [399, 405], Sebrell, W. H., 18 [30] 155[405], 166[393], 169[397], 174[142, Secor, H. V., 51 [269] 527], 205[18, 19], 209[18, 19], 210[19], Seefelder, M., 355 [151], 394 [283] 213[19],226[19],233[24,251235[18], Seehafer, M. E., 757 [125] 239 [19], 245 [38], 248 [18, 19], 249 [19], Seeliger, A., 78 [169] 250[19], 251 [19], 252[18], 257[56], Seibold, H., 764 [256] 259 [19, 52, 56], 260 [18], 261 [38, 62], Seidel, C. F., 333 [53] 263 [18, 52], 276 [50], 278 [58], 280 [65], Sekoguti, Y., 727 [73], 729 [88] 281 [75], 328 [8, 10, 13, 37], 345 [118], Selva, A., 615 [278, 279] 355[153], 357[15~ 164, 1651 359[166], Semenovskii, A. V., 333 [57] 360[153, 166, 167], 364[188], 370[118, ~erban, M., 38 [108] 205], 372 [167, 208], 379 [164, 221], Seshadri Sastry, P., 721 [ 44] 380 [164, 166], 385 [165], 388 [247], Sestak, Z., 68 [86] 390[167], 391 [118], 393 [208, 280], Seward,C.R., 734[137] 394 [247], 398 [165], 400 [303], 403 [280, Sewell, H. B., 720 [25] 312], 405 [247], 406 [247], 408 [167], Shah, D. H., 583 [67] 409[166], 410[247, 312,320, 321], Shah, D.O., 735 [155], 736 [155] 411 [247], 420 [247], 421 [303], 422 [153, Shah, D. V., 69 [103], 584 [84], 585 [84] 166], 423 [247], 431 [280], 442 [280], Shah, S. P.J., 581 [40], 604[188], 605 [40], 443 [188], 445 [188, 369], 446 [247], 607 [236] 447 [247], 448 [188], 450 [166, 188, 247], Sharman, I. M., 736 [160] 452 [166], 454 [166, 370], 455 [166, 370], Sharpless, N. E., 727 [76] 456 [370], 457 [370, 378], 458 [247], Shaw,C.R., 720[31], 721[31], 723[31] 459 [13, 378], 460 [247, 378], 461 [378], Shaw, G., 708 [259-262], 709 [260, 264] 462 [13, 382], 463 [13, 382], 467 [247], Sherma, J., 66 [ 49], 68 [80], 69 [93-95] 468 [247, 385], 471 [247], 472 [247], Shichi, H., 725 [69], 729 [69] 477[166, 167], 478[166], 479[167], Shields, J. E., 725 [68] 480 [167], 482 [208], 483 [208], 489 [166, Shimamoto, H., 111 [339], 277 [56] 167, 247], 490[166, 247], 492[167], Shimomura, 0., 50[253] 500[247], 503 [385], 504[153, 167, 208], Shiratori, T., 719 [15], 720 [19, 22], 721 [15] 506 [118, 418], 507 [167], 508 [153], Shiryaeva, G. A., 600[168] 509[166], 511 [153, 247], 512[153], Shishido, K., 385 [237], 395 [289] 515 [370], 516 [303, 321], 517 [188, 378], Shneour, E. A., 34 [ 44], 124 [383], 580 [24], 518 [303, 321], 519 [188, 378], 523 [167], 690[146] 524 [167], 525 [3211 526 [321], 527 [164], Shropshire, W., 700 [208], 701 [209] 531 [ 425], 534 [ 444], 535 [ 425], 536 [188, Siddiqui,J.R., 757[137] . 280, 418, 425, 451], 537 [188, 247, 369], Siddons, P. T., 31 [13], 101 [286], 103 [290, 538 [166, 188, 247, 370], 539 [166], 299], 124 [385], 148 [385], 268 [10], 540 [370, 378], 541 [13, 247, 378], 542 [247, 269 [10], 275 [10], 276 [10], 281 [75], 378], 543[247, 385],544[247],545[153, 359[166], 360[166], 380[166], 400[296], 418], 546 [118, 153], 547 [153, 166, 303], 401 [296], 409 [166], 421 [296, 335], 548[166], 549[166], 550[167], 551 [167], 422 [ 166], 423 [296], 426 [296], 428 [296, 554[208], 555[3~1], 557[167, 188, 247], 335], 450[166], 452[166], 454[166, 296, 558[167], 559[321], 560[167, 208, 370], 335], 455 [166], 477 [166, 296, 335], 561 [167], 562[385], 563 [167, 247, 378, 478 [166, 296, 335], 489 [166, 296, 335], 385], 564 [167, 247' 321], 639 [9], 641 [22, 490[166, 296, 335], 509[166, 296, 335], 23], 718 [5], 760 [167] 517 [296], 521 [296], 522 [296], 529 [296], Schwyzer, R., 477 [399], 545 [399] 538[166, 296, 335], 539[166], 547[166], Scopes, P.M., 91 [247], 95 [247], 289 [114], 548[166], 549[166,296,335], 550[296, 290[114], 291 [114], 292[114], 300[114], 335], 589 [109], 623 [320] 892 Author Index

Siegel, A., 675 [ 43] Soucek, M., 306[173] Siekmann, W., 91 [244], 114[244] Spalla, C., 41 [140], 75 [144], 78 [144], Siemer, H., 328 [15] 152 [144], 157 [144], 336 [68], 499 [68], Simmonet, H., 744 [6] 552[68], 555[68], 614[275] Simoni, R., 604[197] Spark, A. A., 43 [151, 153], 44[153], 75 [146], Simpson, K.L., 584[92], 594[137, 143], 95 [146], 104[317], 107 [146], 110[146], 607 [235], 612 [266, 269], 613 [266], 111[146], 148[317], 151[317], 168[317], 614[271] 251 [50], 260[50], 285 [82], 289 [111], Singer, C. E., 673 [21] 295[111], 296[111], 297[111], 299[111], Sissins, M. E., 79 [193], 124[193], 623 [314] 300[111], 415 [327], 452 [327], 456 [327], Sistrom, W. R., 671 [12], 672 [12, 16], 511 [327], 512 [327], 513 [327], 514 [327], 673 [20, 26, 27], 677 [61], 678 [61], 684[16] 538 [327], 539 [327], 548 [327], 549 [327], Skeggs, H. R., 579 [11] 552 [327], 553 [327] Slates, H. L., 352 [127], 369 [127], 387 [127] Spencer, B., 733 [122], 734[122, 149] Sly, W. G., 285 [90] Spencer,C.C., 760[180] Smallidge, R. L., 751 [76], 753 [76], 763 [76] Spencer, D., 675 [ 44] Smit,A., 352[126, 133,134, 136], 354[134], Spicer, F. W., 720[18], 721 [18] 369 [126], 386 [136, 241], 387 [126] Spiess, W. E. L., 757 [119] Smit, V.A., 333 [57] Spinks, A., 344[116], 345 [116], 364[185] Smith, D., 763 [227] Spiteri, J., 69 [98] Smith, E.G., 760[169] Springall, H. D., 87 [220] Smith, F.R., 719[11] Staab, H. A., 281 [76], 282[76] Smith, J. H. C., 121 [370], 192 [5], 674 [32] Stabursvik, A., 48 [224] Smith, L., 692 [171], 693 [173, 180], 694 [180], Stahl, E., 67 [52-54], 68 [53, 75] 695 [180] Stainer, D. W., 731 [108] Smith, L. W., 67 [65] Starn, C. H., 285 [87] Smith, O.E., 527 [430, 432, 435-437], Stanier, R. Y., 32 [14], 33 [14], 123 [374], 534[443] 585 [100], 623 [313, 321], 671 [12], 672 [12, Smith, P. F., 92 [256], 705 [245] 16, 18, 19], 673[22], 674[29], 676[58], Smith, P. G., 609 [247] 678 [58], 679 [19], 684 [16] Smith, T. A., 50 [247], 305 [160], 705 [243], Starr, M.P., 38 [103], 47 [215], 63 [14], 706[243] 583 [62] Smith, V. E., 38 [101], 39 [101], 53 [279], Stary, Z., 583 [63] 63 [13], 163 [550], 638 [5], 649 [81], Steele, K.A., 760[170] 652[81], 654[81] Steele, W. J., 579 [7], 580 [7], 581 [7], 583 [7] Smith, W.O., 51 [263] Steensland, H., 626 [337] Smith, W. T., 51 [263] Steeves, H.R., 734[151] Snatzke, G., 270[35], 305 [163], 312[35, 180], Steffen, K., 606 [220] 598 [157], 707 [258] Steffenson, D., 66 [ 45] Sobotka, H., 306[165], 332[47], 337[47], Steinegger, P., 750[53-55] 341 [105] Steinlin, K., 114[349] Sole, P., 757 [119] Stepp, W., 15 Solms, U., 328 [7, 9] Sterling, C., 285 [88] Solmssen, U., 45 [193], 87 [225], 88 [229], Stern, K. G., 657 [96, 97] 121 [229, 366-368], 122 [229], 123 [229], Stern, M.H., 352[128], 359[128], 380[128], 133[407, 408], 137[225], 146[445], 389[253], 474[253], 476[396, 397], 148[366], 155[479, 484], 169[484, 478 [396], 480 [397], 538 [397], 545 [253, 512-514], 171 [512], 278 [59] 396, 397] Sondheimer, E., 706 [249] Sternhell, S., 213 [23] Sondheimer, F., 284[79], 332[42], 364[184], Stevens, C. L., 332 [ 49] 408[318], 429[344], 430[344] Stilz, W., 354[138, 140], 376[211], 382[140], S~rensen, N.A., 45[196], 72[117, 124], 393 [138, 140, 211], 394[138, 211], 75 [153], 86 [117], 88 [117], 107 [124], 398 [211], 400 [211], 406 [211], 412 [211] 146[117, 153], 251 [51], 656[87, 88], Stobart, A. K., 581 [42], 605 [42] 658 [87, 88] Stoll, A., 13 [ 11 ], 63 [8], 66 [8] Sorensen, T. S., 1~1 [3] Stoll, M., 51 [262] Author Index 893

Stolp, F., 394[284] ~uteu, M., 66[40], 71 [115, 116], 81 [40], Stolz, L. P., 51 [263] 85 [213], 146 [116], 157 [40, 490], 312 [177] Stone, A. L., 725 [69], 729 [69] Sutter, R. P., 615 [281] Straatsma, B. R., 733 [124] Suyama, T., 761 [189-191] Strain, H. H., 32 [19], 35 [62], 37 [82], Suzue, G., 580[26, 27], 581 [43, 44, 46, 48, 49], 43[165, 167],44[173, 177-179,181,182, 591 [26, 126, 129], 592[129a], 605[129] 184], 46[204], 53 [283], 63 [1, 12], 66 [1, 38, Suzuki, N., 269 [21] 44, 45, 48, 49], 69 [93-95], 83 [201], Suzuki, T., 727 [73] 89 [238], 91 [248], 104 [302], 106 [248, Suzuki, Y., 44[190] 324, 325], 107 [325], 111 [1], 113 [537], Svec, W.A., 44[178, 179, 181, 182, 184], 139[44,417-419], 156[491], 157[201], 46 [204], 53 [283], 66[44], 83 [201], 161 [495, 549], 163 [324, 549], 251 [48], 91 [248], 106 [248, 325], 107 [325], 269 [24, 26], 288 [106], 602 [169] 113[537],139[44],157[201], 161[549], Strang, R.H.C., 46[214], 174[531], 176[531] 163[549],251[48] Stransky, H., 107 [548] Swain, T., 51 [261], 163 [497] Straus, W., 756 [109] Swift, G., 91 [250] Strehler, B., 676 [53], 692 [168, 172], Szabo, D., 137 [415] 693 [53, 168] Szabolcs, J., 36 [72, 73], 42 [149], 43 [155, Streiff, K., 748 [61], 750 [56], 751 [61, 74], 163, 164], 44 [164], 46 [203], 75 [138], 752[83] 78 [173, 175], 79 [261], 89 [242, 243], Strel'tsov, R. V., 435 [355], 438 [355] 91 [242, 243, 246, 247], 95 [247], 111 [243, Stricker, K., 74 [136], 78 [136], 372 [208], 246, 332], 114[243], 116[243, 246], 393 [208], 482 [208], 483 [208], 504 [208], 125 [261], 137 [261, 415], 139 [175], 554[208],560[208] 148[454],151[466], 153[454],155[173], Studer, A., 33 [33], 46 [33], 48 [33], 49 [33], 251 [49], 262[49], 263[49], 264[65], 129 [395], 168 [395], 169 [395] 269 [25], 270 [29], 273 [29], 277 [29], Stumpf, P.K., 604[197] 289 [114], 290[114], 291 [114], 292 [114], Subba Rao, K., 733 [125], 734 [125, 128, 132] 293 [122], 295 [29], 296 [132], 300 [114, Subbarayan, C., 581 [49], 591 [129], 132], 301 [114], 302 [29, 114], 305 [114], 592[129a], 596[147], 605[129] 306 [114], 307 [114], 308 [114], 309 [114], Suga, K., 369 [199] 310[114], 311 [114], 312[114], 341 [106], Sundaresan, P.R., 733 [123], 734 [123], 360[106], 508[106], 516[419], 546[106], 737[123, 168, 169] 559[419] Sundt, E., 306 [172] Sunthankar, S. V., 21 [41] Surmatis, J.D., 77 [159], 82 [159], 83 [159], T 103 [159], 123 [159, 337], 153 [159], 328, 333 [62], 338 [77], 339 [77], 341 [102], Tagwerker, F.J., 748 [61], 751 [61] 342 [62, 111], 343 [102], 347 [102], Taha, M.M., 139[424],140[424] 360[167], 364[102], 372[102, 111, 167], Tait, G. H., 604[191] 373 [111], 379 [219], 380 [219], 389 [252, Takagi, M., 729 [88] 254, 255], 390[111, 167, 256], 408 [167], Takahashi, H., 393 [271], 394[271] 412 [322, 323], 414 [323], 416 [323], Takahashi, T., 78 [167], 156 [167] 434 [353], 456 [374], 474 [219, 252, 254, 255], Takamatsu, K., 704 [236] 477[167, 256, 401], 479[167, 256, 401], Takamiya, A., 696[197], 697[197] 480[167], 482[102], 483[102], 489[167, Takeda, T., 761 [191] 353], 4941[167], 499[323], 500[323], Takeda, Y., 41 [133, 134], 104[314], 174[530], 504[111, 167], 507[111,167], 513[374], 177 [530] 514 [374], 523 [167, 353, 422], 524 [167, Tlima~. V., 95 [272-279], 101 [272, 278, 279], 353, 422], 531 [426], 539[374], 545[252, 114[279], 146[448], 149[275], 150[462], 255], 549 [323], 550 [167], 551 [167, 252, 151 [272], 204[14] 401], 553 [374], 554 [102, 256], 555 [323], Tamm, R., 74 [136], 78 [136], 372 [208], 556 [374], 557 [167, 323, 374], 558 [167, 393 [208], 482 [208], 483 [208], 504 [208], 252, 401], 560[167, 256], 561 [102, 167], 554 [208], 560 [208], 760 [167], 761 [196] 563[111, 167], 564[167, 353, 422], Tamura, S., 535 [447] 755 [10.3], 761 [103] Tanaka, A., 134[411] 894 Author Index

Tanaka, S., 581 [43, 46, 126] Thompson, W. W., 606 [223] Tarr, E., 657 [93] Threlfall, D. R., 581 [28] Tasaki, I., 751 [68] Tiemann, F., 340[87] Tavla, M., 680[80] Tiews, J., 744 (7], 747 [21] Tavormina, P.A., 579[12] Tilak, B.D., 21 [41] Tawney, P. 0., 331 [ 40] Tilney-Bassett, R., 609 [246] Taylor, H. F., 50[247, 248, 248a], 305[142a, Tischer, J., 51 [260a], 87 [222], 114[222], 160, 161], 705 [243], 706 [243, 248] 139[429], 141[429] Taylor, W.C., 681 [88] Tishler, M., 352 [127], 369 [127], 387 [127] Tchen, S.-Y., 352 [125] Tobler, E., 424[337], 484[337], 486[337], Tchen, T. T., 581 [33] 487 [337], 547 [337], 549 [337] Teale, F. W.J., 687 [122], 688 [122] Todd, P. H., 758 [145] Tee,J.L., 43(151-153], 44[153], 75[146], Tolbert, N.E., 604[192-194] 95 [146], 107 [146], 110 [146], 111 (146], Tolibekov, D., 602[175] 251[50], 260(50], 289[111], 295[111], Tollin, G., 702[220] 296[111], 297[111], 299[111], 300[111] Tomes, M.L., 594[140-142], 607[141, 231, Tefft, R.E., 614[271] 234], 608 [140, 142, 234, 243], 609 [234, Terasaki, M., 760[161], 761 [182-184, 192, 200] 243], 610[252] Thaler, H., 757[115] Toogood, J.B., 284[79] Theimer, R.R., 620[310] Torto, F.G., 75 [145] Thiessen, W.E., 527[430, 437] Tortuero, F., 751 [69] Thimann, K. V., 699 [203, 206] T6th, Gy., 43 [155], 89 [243], 91 [243, 246, Thirkell, D., 46[214], 174(531], 176[531], 247], 95[247], 111 [243, 246], 114[243], 663 [121] 116 [243, 246], 269 [25], 270 [29], 273 [29], Thomas, A. F., 262 [64] 277[29], 289[114], 290[114], 291 [114], Thomas, C., 36 [ 67] 292[114], 295[29], 296[132], 300(114, Thomas, D. B., 734[142] 132], 301 [114], 302 [29, 114], 305 [114], Thomas, D.M., 44[172], 106[321], 614[277], 306 [114], 307 [114], 308 [114], 309 [114], 615[277, 282], 707[254] 310 [114], 311 [114], 312 [114], 341 [106], Thomas, D.R., 581 [42], 605 [42] 360 [106], 508 [106], 546 [106] Thomas, J. B., 687 [113] Toube, T.P., 32[28], 34[28], 43[159, 160], Thomas, M. R., 602 [169] 49 [160], 75 [152], 103 [292], 111 [330], Thommen, H., 38 [105], 48 [227], 87 [226], 124[388], 162[152, 330], 260[61], 261 [61], 638 [6], 639 [10, 14], 642 [32], 645 [37], 300[142], 303 (150, 151], 305 [142], 649 [62, 80, 82], 650 [84], 655 [85], 342[109], 360[109], 489[109], 490[109], 658[105, 106], 746[17, 18], 754[96] 510[109], 551 [109], 552(109], 554[109], Thommen, R., 123 [337], 333 [62], 341 (102], 618 [299] 342 [62], 343 [102], 347 [102], 360[167], Tourtellotte, M. E., 704 [240] 364[102], 372[102, 167], 389[252, 255], Trabesinger, P., 751 [66] 390[167], 408[167], 456[374], 474[255], Traettebarg, J., 626 [337] 477 [167], 479 [167], 480[167], 482 [102], Trautmann, K. H., 658 [106] 483 [102], 489 [167], 492 [167], 504 [167], Treharne, K.J., 581 [31], 585 [93], 605 [200], 507 [167], 513 [374], 514[374], 523 [167], 612 [31] 524 [167], 539 [374], 545 [252, 255], Trenner, N. R., 352 [127], 369 [127], 387 [127] 550 [167], 551 [167, 252], 553 [374], Tripett, S., 393 [267, 268], 438 [267] 554 [102], 556 [374], 557 [167, 374], Trischmann, H., 78[168], 155[168] 558 [167, 252], 560[167], 561 [102, 167], Trivedi, A. H., 103 [294], 425 [341], 484[341], 563 [167], 564 [167] 487 [341], 531 [427], 549 [341] Thompson, A. F., 355 [155] Trout, M.E., 735[155], 736[155] Thompson, C. R., 66 [20], 747 [29, 30], Truscheit, E., 328 [35], 351 [35], 352 [35], 762 [216], 763 [218] 357[35], 362[35, 175], 363[175, 178], Thompson, G. A., 580[25], 591 [25] 366 [35], 380 [35], 384 [230], 386 [175], Thompson, J. N., 730 [91-93, 96], 732 [93, 424 [338], 425 [338, 340], 430 [338], 110, 114], 733 [91, 92, 114, 115, 117], 483 [338, 408], 484 [338], 487 [338], 735 [92], 737 [164, 173] 545[338,408],549[338] Thompson, S. Y., (47 [36] Truscott, T.G., 680[81], 685[81], 694[81] Author Index 895

Tscharner, C., 104[305], 306[166, 167], van Niel, C. B., 121 [370], 124[382], 623[314, 341 [107], 364[107, 179a], 484[107, 179a], 318], 627 [338], 701 [217] 486[107, 179a], 487[107], 489[107], van Rij, J. H., 352 [126], 369 [126], 387 [126] 546[107], 547[107, 179a], 548[107, 179a], Varandani, P. T., 733 [121], 734 [121] 597 [156] Varma, T.N.R., 581[47], 584[80] Tsoumanis, A., 757[138], 761 [138] Varsel, C., 51 [269] Tsuchiya, Y., 44 [190] Vaughn, J. R., 701 [212] Tsuda, M., 385 [237], 395 [289] Verne, J., 656[89, 90] Tsukida, K., 89 [232, 233, 239], 91 [251 ], Vernon, A. F., 662[114] 111 [338, 339], 113 [239], 269 [21], 277 [56, Vernon, L.P., 662[113, 114] 57], 304 [154] Vetter, W., 68 [77], 205 [18, 19], 209 [18, 19], Tswett, M., 13 [9], 66 [35] 210[19], 213 [19], 226 [19], 235 [18], Tugwell, R. L., 752 [265] 239 [19], 245 [19], 248 [18, 19], 249 [19], Turchina, V. S., 602 [174] 250 [19], 251 [19], 252 [18], 259 [19], Turner, J. F., 687 [125] 260 [18], 263 [18], 280[65], 531 [425], Tuttobello, L., 645 [41, 42] 535[425], 536[425] Tuzson, P., 48 [228], 74 [127], 82 [127], Vevers, G., 21 [38] 121[127], 169[515], 288[100], 289[100], Viani, R., 51 [265, 266], 52 [265] 639[11] Villanueva, V. R., 43 [159], 111 [330], 162[330], 300[141] Villavicencio, R. U., 751 [60] u Villoutreix, J., 31 [9], 35 [53], 129 [396], 584 [88], 594 [138], 612 [267, 268] Udo, Y., 395 [289] Virgin, H. I., 702 [230] Uehleke, H., 596[145] Vishniac, W., 67 [64] Uhde, G., 306[167], 341 [107], 364[107], Vlad, P., 306 [173] 484 [107], 486 [107], 487 [107], 489 [107], Voigt, H., 67[61], 68[61] 546 [107], 547 [107], 548 [107], 597 [156] Yolk, W.A., 627[339] Upadhyay, R. R., 93 [271], 107 [326] Volker, 0., 36 [69], 37 [69], 38 [69], 39 [69], Urion, E., 757 [140] 638 [3], 641, 649 [65-68, 71, 72], 746 [16], Usher, C. D., 764[234] 754[16] Usher, G., 91 [250] Volker, w., 691 [152] Vollrath, W., 751 [72] Von Abrams, G.J., 606 [226] v Vorob'eva, L. M., 677 [59] Vose,J.R., 593[131a], 599[158] Vacano, E., 731 [105] Vredenberg, W. J., 695 [185], 696 [185] Vacheron, M.J., 40[125], 52[125], 117[546], Vreeland, J., 641 [26] 130[452] Vromen, S., 352 [133] Vail, W. J., 680[76] Vuilleumier,J.P., 747[20], 750[43, 50], Vakulova, L.A., 368 [195], 388 [245a] 763[223], 764[50,223,235] Valadon, L. R. G., 48 [231], 589 [119], 605 [208], 610 [258] Valenzuela, P ., 581 [39], 584 [39] w Vandeberg,J.S., 734[151] Van den Ende, H., 615 [280] Wackenroder, H., 13 [6] VandercoQk:, C. E., 49[236], 169 [516] Wackernagel, H., 38 [105], 638 [6], 645 [37], van der Haak, P.J., 276[51] 649[62, 82], 650[84], 655[85], 746[17,18] van der Merwe, J. P·., 385 [233, 235] Wada, T., 51 [272-274], 305 [162] van der Tuin, A. K., 689 [136] Wadsworth, W. S., 393 [270] van Dorp, D. A., 16, 340 [93], 353 [93], Wahlbaum, H., 86 [218] 366[189],369[189,202],387[189,242,243] Waight, E. S., 43 [155, 163, 164], 44 [164, 172, van Geelen, H. E., 369[197] 191], 45[191], 46[203], 91 [246], 106[321, van ltallie, T. B., 268 [2] 323], 107 [323], 111 [246, 332], 116 [246], van Leeuwen, P. H., 352 [126], 369 [126], 148[454], 153[454], 270[29], 273[29], 387 [126], 440[363], 536 [363] 277 [29], 295 [29], 302 [29] 896 Author Index

Wald, G., 16, 17, 270 [32], 657 [93], 704 [234], 164], 44[153, 156, 164,172, 191], 45[156, 705 [244], 720 [27], 721 [34], 723 [34, 52-54], 157, 191a], 46[212], 49[160, 242], 50[255], 724 [52, 53, 60], 728 [79], 729 [53, 54], 69 [102], 74[132], 75 [102, 145, 146], 730 [34, 60], 732 [34], 737 [34], 738 [60] 78 [174, 175, 177, 180], 79 [182], 85 [182], Waldron, N. M., 91 [250] 89 [242], 91 [242, 246, 247], 95 [146, 247, Walker, D. M., 393 [267, 268], 438 [267] 280, 281], 101 [177, 286, 287], 103 [290, Walker, 0., 75 [137], 133 [407], 288 [102], 292,297, 299], 104[313, 315, 317], 606[214] 106 [319, 321, 323], 107 [146, 323], Walker, T., 79[185], 332[48], 337[48], 109[280], 110[146], 111 [146, 246,319, 330, 368[48], 374[48], 375[48], 408[48] 332], 116 [246, 371], 122 [373], 123 [373, Wallace, R. H., 605 [203, 204], 376], 124 [385, 386, 388], 125 [389], 674[35, 36] 134[412], 137[132, 416], 139[175], Wallcave, L., 79 [259], 93 [267], 141 [259] 140[430], 141 [182, 430], 142[177, 438], Walles, B., 675 [40, 41], 704[40] 148 [317, 385, 451], 149 [460], 151 [317], Wallis, M., 583 [65] 162 [152, 330], 167 [502, 503], 168 [317], Walser, A., 333[62], 342[62, 111], 360[167], 171[287], 174[524], 202[11], 204[16], 372[111, 167], 373[111], 390[111, 167], 205 [17], 206 [17], 208 [17], 209 [16, 17], 408 [167], 477 [167], 479 [167], 480[167], 251 [49, 50], 257 [54], 259 [54], 260 [17, 56. 489[167], 492[167], 504[111, 167], 61], 261 [61], 262 [49], 263 [49], 264[65], 507 [111, 167], 523 [167], 524[167], 268 [10, 11], 269 [10, 22], 270[29], 271 [40], 550[167], 551 [167], 557 [167], 558 [167], 273 [22, 29, 44], 274 [22], 275 [10, 44, 47], 560 [167], 561 [167], 563 [111, 167], 276[10, 53-55], 277 [22, 29], 278 [62], 564[167] 279 [62], 280 [62], 281 [ 40, 69, 70, 73, 75], Walter, F., 606[220] 282 [70], 283 [78], 284 [ 44, 54, 78], Walter, M., 46 [199], 128 [393], 166[393], 285 [82, 83], 289 [111, 114, 115], 290[114], 457 [378], 459 [378], 460 [378], 461 [378], 291 [114], 292 [114, 118], 293 [118, 124], 517[378], 519[378], 540[378], 541 [378], 295[29, 111,124,126, 127], 296[111], 542 [378], 563 [378] 297[136-138], 299[40, 111, 124, 138, 139], Walton, T.J., 46[205], 139[422], 157[422], 300[111, 114, 141], 301 [114], 302[29, 114, 311 [176], 592[130], 600[161], 603[161] 136, 138], 303 [139, 150, 151], 304 [ 40, Warburg, 0., 686 [107], 691 [149-152] 136, 139], 305[114, 139, 142], 306[114, Wareing, P. F., 50 [246], 270 [36], 305 [159], 164], 307 [114, 139], 308 [114, 174], 527[430,434], 706[247] 309[114, 139], 310[114, 139], 311 [40, 114, Warren, C.K., 42[147], 74[132], 78[174, 180], 139, 176a], 312 [114], 328 [12, 26-28, 34], 137[132], 140[430], 141 [430], 292[118], 336 [66], 337 [69, 70], 341 [106], 342 [109, 293 [118], 337 [71], 415 [328], 419 [328, 110], 347[123], 350[27], 354[146], 331], 466 [328], 497 [331], 501 [70, 71, 328], 359[166], 360[106, 109, 166], 364[184], 505 [331 ], 526 [331 ], 529 [331 ], 380 [166], 385 [233, 234], 393 [27, 234], 558[70, 331], 560[331], 561 [70], 395 [288], 398 [234], 400 [234, 296, 297, 562 [71, 328] 300, 308, 309], 401 [234, 296, 309], 402 [310], Washiittl, J., 757 [130-132] 403 [315], 405 [27, 288], 408 [318], Wasmer,A.J.A., 355[149], 386[149] 409[166], 414[325], 415[327, 328], Wassermann, A., 190[1], 191 [2] 416 [309], 419 [328, 331], 420[333, 334], Wassink, E. C., 687[120] 421 [296, 335], 422 [166], 423 [296, 309], Watt,B.K., 746[14] 425 [288], 426 [296], 428 [296, 335], Way, J.E., 167 [503], 283 [78], 284[78], 429 [344], 430 [344], 431 [333], 433 [352], 395 [288], 405 [288], 425 [288], 469 [288], 434 [352], 439 [334], 441 [123], 444[123], 471[288],544[288] 450[166], 452[166, 297, 327], 453[297], Weaver, L., 682 [96], 683 [96], 684 [96], 454 [166, 296, 335], 455 [166, 309, 372], 685 [96] 456 [309, 325, 327, 373], 463 [310, 373], Webb, K.E., 720[26] 464[310, 373], 465 [309], 466[315, 328, Weber, J., 338 [77], 339 [77] 384], 467 [315], 468 [309], 469 [27, 288, 310, Weedon, B.C.L., 14[20, 21], 31 [13], 32[15, 315, 386], 470[12], 471 [27, 288, 315], 28], 33 [38], 34 [28, 39], 36 [78], 37 [86], 477 [166, 296, 335], 478 [166, 296, 335], 40[123], 41 [38, 126, 130], 42 [38, 147], 489[12,27, 109,123, 166,296,308,335], 43 [151-153, 15(), 156, 157, 159, 160, 163, 490 [12, 27, 109, 123, 166, 296, 308, 335], Author Index 897

497[69, 331], 499[66, 325], 500[325], Wiemann, H., 752 [78] 501 [69-71, 309, 328], 504[310], 505 [331], Wiesenfeld, J. R., 729 [87] 508 [28, 106], 509 [28, 166, 296, 309, 335], Wildfeuer, I., 749[41], 750[41], 751 [65] 510[12, 109, 123], 511 [327], 512[327], Wiley, R. H., 278 [63] 513 [325, 327], 514[308, 309, 325, 327], Wilkie, D. W., 37 [87], 155 [471] 515[309, 373], 516[28, 70, 419], 517[296, Wilkinson, H., 49 [241] 310], 518 [12], 519 [310, 373], 521 [296], Wilkinson, P. A., 340 [92] 522[66, 296], 523 [66], 526[331], 529[296, Willhalm, B., 262 [64] 331], 534 [ 444], 537 [123], 538 [166, 296, Williams, D. H., 243 [31 ], 252 [31 ], 260 [31] 327,335], 539[166, 309,325,327, 372,373], Williams, R.J. H., 35 [53], 280 [66], 586 [104], 540 [309], 542 [309, 315], 543 [12, 309], 588[107], 589[107, 117], 590[117], 544 [27, 288, 315], 546 [66, 106], 591 [117], 592 [107], 593 [107], 594 [138], 547 [28, 66, 166], 548 [28, 66, 166, 327], 596[153, 154], 597[155], 601 [170], 549 [66, 166, 296, 327, 335], 550 [296, 335], 602 [170], 603 [153-155] 551 [109, 123], 552 [12, 109, 325, 327], Williams, T. P., 729 [89] 553 [12, 27, 123, 309, 327, 372], 554 [109, Williams, W. P., 747 [27, 28], 749 [27] 123], 555 [123, 325, 373], 556 [12, 308, 309, Williamson, I. P., 581 [36] 325], 557 [325], 558 [70, 310, 331, 373], Willmer, J. S., 591 [120] 559 [12, 28, 373, 419], 560[308-310, 331], Willstatter, R., 13 [10, 11], 63 [8], 66 [8], 561 [70, 309], 562[69, 71, 328], 563 [308], 107 [327], 155 [ 473] 589 [109], 600 [163], 618 [293, 299], Willuhn, G., 607 [232] 623[320], 709[266] Wilson, T., 681 [92], 685 [92] Weeks, 0. B., 32 [15, 31], 33 [15], 46 [210-214], Wilt, F., 724 [57] 47 [211], 53 [213], 75 [142], 77 [142], Wingerd, W.H., 761 [194] 78 [142], 79 [142], 87 [142], 174 [142, 524, Winkelmann, K., 430 [347], 436 [357] 529, 531], 176[531], 233[24], 257[54], Winstanley, D. J., 707 [256] 259[52, 54], 263[52], 268[11], 589[111], Winter, M., 306 [172] 616 [297], 618 [291-293, 296], 619 [292, Winterstein, A., 33 [33], 35 [60], 46 [33, 199], 297],620[292,297] 48 [33], 49 [33], 66 [37], 68 [74], 79 [183], Wegfahrt, P., 53 [283], 161 [549], 163 [549] 87 [228], 103 [298], 128 [393], 129 [395], Wehrli, H., 36[68], 155[477, 478], 288[99] 155[481,482,485-487], 166[393], Weier, T.E., 675[43] 168 [395, 542], 169 [395], 244 [32], 268 [3], Weinheimer, A.J., 332 [49] 281 [3], 288 [101], 289 [108], 457 [378], Weisler, L., 342 [108], 352 [128, 132], 459 [378], 460 [378], 461 [378], 517 [378], 359 [128], 380 [128] 519 [378], 540 [378], 541 [378], 542 [378], Welzel, P., 305 [163] 563 [378], 639 [12, 13] Wendler, N. L., 352 [127], 369 [127], 387 [127] Wiss, 0., 639 [10] Went, F. W., 593 [135], 607 [233], 608 [237, Witt, H. T., 694 [183], 696 [192, 195] 240] Witt, K., 694 [184], 696 [195] Werner, B., 720[19] Wittig, G., 14, 333 [55, 61], 340[61], 352 [131], Westphal, F., 328 [5], 483 [5], 545 [5] 355 [144], 357 [161, 162], 373 [209], Wettstein, A., 155 [ 478] 374 [209], 382 [227], 393 [263, 266], Wettstein, D. von, 675 [42] 400 [227], 428 [61], 435 [61], 438 [61], Wexler, S., 681 [87, 89] 489 [161], 496 [61], 520 [61], 521 [61], White, E. P., 51 [275] 522[61], 545[61, 161] White, M. J., 48 [221, 229], 49 [221, 234-237], Wohlers, H. C., 344[115], 364[115] 85 [2111130 [211], 133 [211], 169 [511, 516, Wolbach, S.B., 732 [112], 736 [112] 518], 170[518-520], 171[520],462[379- Wolf, D. E., 579 [11] 381], 464[379-381], 606[228], 610[249, Wolf, G., 536[450], 719[13], 733[121], 251] 734[121, 131, 138, 141, 146], 735 [153], Whiting, M.C., 296[134], 504[417] 736 [163], 737 [168, 169] Whittingham, C. P., 6.70[11], 687 [11] Wolff, C., 694[183, 184], 696[195] Widdowson,E.M., 746[15] Wolff, I., 764 [254] Widmer, R., 268 [2] Wolfson, A.A., 38[101], 39[101], 638[5], Wie~tkowski, S., 612 [262] 649[81], 652[81], 654[81] Wiegand,.W., 79[183], l56[489] Wolken,J., 662[117] Carotenmds 57 a 898 Author Index

Wollisch, E.G., 67[55] 99], 658 [92, 98], 659 [95, 99, 112], 660 [92, Wong, P. S., 615 [285, 288] 112], 661 [92], 663 [92, 112, 119], 703 [231, Wood,F.W., 759[150] 233], 756 [112, 113] Woods, R.J., 429[344], 430[344] Zakharkin, L. I., 361 [169], 388 [245 a] Woodward, R.B., 249[42] Zalokar, M., 165 [540], 620 [303], 676 [52], Wright,H.F., 344[115], 364[115] 700[209], 701[209] Wright, L. D., 579 [11] Zanetti, G., 750[54, 55] Wright, L. J., 676 [55] Zechmeister, L., 12 [3], 14 [13], 31 [2], 32 [20], Wuhrmann,J.J., 582[52], 583[52] 36 [77, 79], 46 [201], 48 [228], 70[107], Wiirsch, J., 328 [9, 37], 535, 536 [ 449, 451], 71 [109], 74[127, 130], 75[140], 78[170], 615 [287] 79 [170, 259], 82 [127], 89 [239], Wyckoff, R.W.G., 659[111] 93 [263-265, 267, 268], 95 [263, 283], 98 [170, 263, 285], 101 [263, 283], 104 [268], 113[239], 121 [127], 137[413a], 140[285], y 141 [259, 414], 149 [459, 461], 153 [414], 155[170], 169[515], 195[6], 204[13], Yagami, T., 52 [278], 332 [50] 249 [ 44], 268 [6], 269 [6, 13, 15-17, 20], Yagishita, K., 737 [169] 270 [6], 271 [6, 38, 39], 272 [6], 273 [6], Yamaguchi, M., 41 [127-129, 132], 74[129], 274 [6], 275 [6, 46], 278 [ 46, 60], 279 [60], 75[129, 143], 104[129, 143,308-311, 316], 280[46], 281 [6], 284 [6], 285 [6], 288 [95, 285[80], 364[181, 182], 484[181, 182], 97, 100], 289 [97, 100, 107], 328 [11], 486 [181, 182], 487 [182], 489 [182], 593 [135], 606 [209], 607 [233], 608 [237, 548 [181, 182], 549 [182] 240], 639 [11] Yamamoto, H. Y., 46 [206], 89 [234, 235], Zehender, C., 269 [19], 620 [305] 579 [10], 582 [53-56], 583 [53-56], Zeller, P., 74 [135, 136], 78 [136], 79 [186], 600[165-167], 610[250], 690[144, 145], 87[135], 104[306], 151[186,469], 155[483], 695 [144] 156 [186], 168 [508], 281 [71, 74, 77], Yamashita, K., 379 [222] 289 [109, 110], 291 [109, 110], 297 [71], Yamazaki, R. K., 604[192, 193] 328[16, 17], 332[41], 333[60], 345[41, 119, Yanovskaya, L.A., 355 [154] 120, 122], 364[41, 119, 122, 186, 187], Yeadon, A., 708 [259] 365[119], 372[41, 119,187, 208], 388[245], Yokota, M., 89 [232, 233], Ill [338, 339], 391 [186, 260], 393 [208, 262], 394 [262], 277 [56, 57], 304 [154] 400 [305], 412 [60], 433 [350], 435 [354], Yokoyama, H., 43 [164], 44 [164], 46 [206], 436 [305], 437 [359], 438 [245], 467 [60], 48 [221-223, 229], 49 [221, 234-237], 470[262, 350], 471 [262], 474[245], 85 [211], 111 [332, 336], 123 [336], 130 [211], 480[186], 482[41, 187,208,245,260, 405], 133[211, 406], 143[441], 169[511, 516, 518], 483 [ 41, 187, 208, 405], 494 [305, 359], 170[518-520], 171 [520], 308[167a], 497 [60], 499 [60, 416], 504 [208], 462[379-381], 464[379-381], 579[9], 506 [186, 187, 245, 260], 507 [245, 260], 580 [9, 17], 582 [52, 57-59], 583 [57-59, 68], 525 [359], 526 [359], 542 [60], 543 [262, 350], 584[68],596[150],606[228],610[249,251] 544[262,350],545[60, 186,245,260,305, Yonemoto, T., 734 [135, 136], 736 [136] 359], 546 [305], 549 [60, 416], 550 [245], Yonge, C. M., 647 [51-54] 551 [187, 245], 554[41, 187,208,359, 405], Yoshikami, S., 724[58], 731[58], 732[109] 560[208], 564[359] Yoshizawa, T., 723[54], 729[54, 86] Zhikhareva, L. T., 388 [245 a] Young, R. W., 312[179] Zile, M., 720 [33], 722 [33], 734 [143], Yuan, C., 586 [103] 737[33, 170, 171] Yudelevich, A., 581 [39], 584 [39] Zimmermann, G., 757 [118] Zimmermann, M., 615 [287] Zubrys, A., 155 [474], 289 [112] z Zucker, H., 747 [21] Zurcher, P., 74 [136], 78 [136], 372 [208], Zabin, 1., 580 [24] 393 [208], 482 [208], 483 [208], 504 [208], Zachman, R. D., 721 [ 43, 46] 554[208], 560[208] Zagalsky, P.F., 14[24], 21 [24], 39[110, Zurzycki, J., 606 [219] 115-117], 53 [\10], 73 [125], 657 [92, 95, 98, Zweig, G., 68 [80] 899 Subject Index

A P-C 15 -Aldehyde ({J-ionylideneacetaldehyde) cis isomer, 353, 380 syntheses of, 350-355, 361 absolute configuration, 304, 305, 318 syntheses from, 369, 379, 380, 382, 384, 489, biosynthesis, 50, 706 520,522 derivatives, 50 I)(-C 19-Aldehyde, 370 glucoside, 50 P-C 19-Aidehyde, 20 methyl ester, 304 syntheses of, 370-372 function, 706 syntheses from, 388, 442, 448, 480, 506, 507, geometrical isomers, 270, 527, 533, 535 532 labelled compounds, 527, 536 Aldehydes, see also Apocarotenals, Carotenals occurrence, 50,270 p.m.r., 233, 234 syntheses, 335, 343, 52~ 533-535 reactions, 74, 85-87, 128 Abscisin II, see Abscisic acid structures, 128 Abscisyl P-o-glucopyranoside, 50 Aleuriaxanthin (49), 36, 40, 150, 781 Absolute configuration, 288-319 Allenic carotenoids (69, 70, 86, 122, 124, 131, Absorption maxima, 191, 192, 200 178,179,189, 190,246,273) 3-Acetoxyretinaldehyde, 480 biosynthesis, 43, 303 4-Acetoxyretinaldehyde, 390, 477, 479, 480 occurrence, 43 4-Acetoxyretinol, 390 reactions, 75, 106 3-Acetoxytorulene, 153, 155 structure, 106 Acetylenic carotenoids (41, 65, 66, 72, 94, 118, Alloxanthin (65), 784 166, 200, 202, 247, 252) absolute configuration, 291, 305 geometrical isomers, 271, 273 diacetate, 291 occurrence, 44 9,9'-di-cis isomer, 271, 281 reactions, 74, 106, 161 conformation, 284 structure, 106, 161 synthesis, 106, 281, 328, 350, 489, 490, 553 Actidione, 616, 620 i.r., 202, 204 Actinidiol, 51 occurrence, 44 Actinidiolide, 51 structure, 106 Actinioerythrin (272), 830 Amino acids, 582, 583 conformation, 285 Anchovyxanthin, 830 derivatives, 171, 172 Anhydroazafrinone amide, 167 occurrence, 39 Anhydroeschscholtzxanthin (35). 778 reactions, 85, 88 occurrence, 36, 37 structure, 161 syntheses, partial, 93, 95, 157, 160 Actinioerythrol, 39, 40, 171, 172 Anhydrofucoxanthols, 110 Adonirubin (196), 38, 143, 157, 814 Anhydrolutein (38), 779 Adonixanthin (167), 38, 143, 644, 807 Anhydrookenol, 126 I)(-C 14-Aldehyde, 344, 345, 370 Anhydrorhodovibrin (97), 791 P-C 14-Aldehyde, 20 biosynthesis, 621 cis isomer, 233, 234 m.s., 252, 256 derivatives, 345, 347 occurrence, 34 3-acetoxy compound, 345, 494, 496 reactions, 123 3-acetoxy retroeehydro compound, 345,347 structure, 123 diethyl acetal, 364, 370, 492, 494 synthesis, 513, 515, 556 enol ether, 345 Anhydrovitamin A p.m.r., 234 Carr-Price reaction, 190 syntheses of, 344 p.m.r., 212, 218 syntheses from, 361, 364, 368, 370, 371, 379, syntheses of, 374, 477 494,496,520,528,530 synthesis from, 388, 474

Carotenmds 57 b 900 Subject Index

Anhydrowarmingol (63), 784 syntheses from, 21, 169-171, 450,460, 464, Anhydrowarmingone, see Lycopen-20-al 505, 511, 516, 522 Annatto, 49, 755, 758 vitamin A activity, 744, 745 (119), 796 P-Apo-10'-carotenal (256), 827 biosynthesis, 600 biosynthesis, 639 diacetate, 252, 258 genetic studies, 609 geometrical isomers, 269 light absorption, visible, 193 metabolism, 602,603,607,663 metabolism, 639,640,719 m.s., 252, 258 occurrence, 48 occurrence, 41, 42,44 p.m.r., 226,228 reactions, 91 structure, 169 structure, 114 syntheses,444,445,447,450,537 , 63, 747, 757 P-Apo-12'-carotenal (262), 828 Aphanicin, see biosynthesis, 639, 641 Aphanin, see derivatives, 87, 445 Aphanizophyll (94a), 117,791 geometrical isomers, 226, 228, 232, 239 Apo-P-carotenal, see P- light absorption, visible, 193 Apo-ljl-carotenal, see Apolycopenal p.m.r., 226-228, 232 cx-Apo-8'-carotenal, 87 syntheses of, 440-444, 536 cx-Apo-12'-carotenal, 281,450,452, 509, 510, syntheses from, 447,448,450,458,460,461, 538 508,510 P-Apo-2-carotenal, see P-Apo-8'-carotenal vitamin A activity, 744, 745 P-Apo-3-carotenal, see P-Apo-10'-carotenal P-Apo-14-carotenal, 440, 536,639 P-Apo-4-carotenal, see P-Apo-12' -carotenal Apocarotenals (233, 242, 248, 249, 254, 256- P-Apo-2'-carotenal (233), 823 259, 262-264, 267, 268), see also the light absorption, visible, 193 individual Apolycopenals, Hydroxy• m.s., 252, 256 didehydroapocarotenals, Hydroxy• occurrence, 48 didehydrodihydroapolycopenals, reactions, 87 Hydroxydihydroapolycopenals syntheses,450,451, 538 analogous compounds, 451 P-Apo-4' -carotenal biosynthesis, 639, 640 light absorption, visible, 193 light absorption, visible, 193 metabolism, 640,719 metabolism, 639 syntheses of, 166,448-450, 537 occurrence, 639 syntheses from, 516, 518 p.m.r., 226, 228, 280 P-Apo-6'-carotenal, 193,448,449, 537 reactions, 168 P-Apo-8'-carotenal (248), 826 structure, 168 biosynthesis, 639 syntheses, 440-455, 536-538 colouring agent, 19, 749-751, 753, 755, 759, Apo-P-carotenoic acid, see P-Apocarotenoic 761, 762, 764 acid derivatives, 87, 169 P-Apo-2'-carotenoic acid, 128 determination, 753, 764 methyl ester, 455, 461, 542 genetic studies, 609 P-Apo-4'-carotenoic acid, see Neurospora• geometrical isomers xanthin 9-cis, 228, 230, 233 ethyl ester, 455, 460, 541 15,15'-cis, 203,204 methyl ester, see Neurosporaxanthin labelled compound, 536 methyl ester light absorption P-Apo-6'-carotenoic acid i.r., 203, 204 methyl ester, 455, 460, 541 u.v., 196 P-Apo-8'-carotenoic acid (250), 826 visible, 193, 196 ethyl ester, see Ethyl P-apo-8' -carotenoate metabolism, 639-641, 719 metabolism, 639-641 occurrence, 48 methyl ester, see Methyl P-apo-8'• p.m.r., 208, 228-230, 233 carotenoate syntheses of, 21, 139, 169, 445-449, 537' synthesis, 458, 541 Subject Index 901

P-Apo-10'-carotenoic acid (260), 457, 541, 639, Apolycopenoic acid esters (243, 255), 464, 465, 827 824,827 methyl ester, 455, 457, 540 Apo-6'-lycopenol, 167 P-Apo-12'-carotenoic acid (263a), 828 Apo-4'-okenal, 452, 453, 518, 538 isoprenologous compounds, 527, 532 Apo-10'-violaxanthal (259), 163, 827 metabolism, 639, 641 Apo-12'-violaxanthal (263), 163, 828 methyl ester, 444, 455, 457, 540 Apo-2-zeaxanthinal, see P-Citraurin synthesis, 457, 540 Apo-3-zeaxanthinal, see 3-Hydroxy-P-apo- P-Apo-14'-carotenoic acid, 639 10' -carotenal methyl ester, 228,440,455,457, 540 Aromatic carotenoids (6, 13-16, 52-54,79, P-Apocarotenoic acid esters (235, 251), see 164, 180, 181), 40, 104, 285 also the individual P-Apocarotenoic Ascorbic acid, 603, 757 acids and 15,15'-Didehydro-P-apo• Asperxanthin, 830 carotenoic acid esters, Ethyl Astacein (199), 815 15,15' -didehydro-P-apo-carotenoate, Astacene (198), 815 Methyl P-apo-10' -carotenoate biosynthesis, 646, 650, 651 5,6-epoxide, Methyl15,15'-dide• derivatives, 77, 87, 146 hydro-P-apo-8' -carotenoate diacetate, 146 p.m.r., 228 dipalmitate (199), 815 syntheses, 455, 457-461 15,15'-didehydro-, 101 1/t-Apocarotenoic acid esters (243, 255) occurrence,39,40, 146 Apocarotenoic acids (234, 250, 260, 261, partial syntheses of, 88, 101, 141, 146 263a), see also the individual partial syntheses from, 160, 171 Apocarotenoic acids and Hydroxy• reactions, 101 P-apo-8' -carotenoic acid (203), 816 biosynthesis, 639, 640 absolute configuration, 290, 312 metabolism, 639, 640 biosynthesis 612, 628, 638, 642-646, (232-264), see also Diapo- 648-651,653,684 carotenoids in carotenoproteins, 39, 53, 657-659, 663. occurrence, 48, 49 755-757 p.m.r., 226-235 derivatives reactions, 160-169 dimethyl ether, 482, 483, 561 structures, 160-169 esters, 39, 160, 642, 649, 650, 756 syntheses,440-464,536-542 isolation, 72 P-Apo-2'-carotenol (232), 169, 443, 823 light absorption, visible, 290, 291 P-Apo-4'-carotenol, 166, 443 metabolism, 40, 653 P-Apo-6'-carotenol, 443 m.s., 252, 258 P-Apo-8'-carotenol, 169, 195, 197, 228, 443 occurrence,38-40,45,642,649,650,652,655. P-Apo-10'-carotenol, 169,443 656, 754 P-Apo-12'-carotenol, 228,443,444 o.r.d., 290, 291 P-Apo-14'-carotenol, 440 reactions, 81, 85, 88, 143, 146 P-Apocarotenones, 455, 462-464, 519 Asterinic acid (200, 202), 815, 816 Apo-2-lycopenal, see Apo-6'-lycopenal isolation, 72 Apo-3-lycopenal, see Apo-8'-lycopenal occurrence, 45 Apo-15-lycopenals, 453, 454, 538-540 structure, 107, 162 Apo-4'-lycopenals, 455,457, 540 Asteroidenone (154), 38, 142, 804 Apo-6'-ly<;.openal (242), 48, 167, 168, 824 Asym. (-carotene, see 7,8,11,12-Tetrahydro• Apo-8'-lycopenal (254), 826 occurrence, 48 Aurochrome (139), 800 structure, 168 m.s., 252, 258 synthesis of, 455, 456, 539 structure, 14, 113, 114 syntheses from, 465, 513 Auroxanthin (141), 116, 602, 800 Apo-8'-lycopenals, 455, 456, 513-515, 539, 540 Azafrin (261), 828 Apo-12'-lycopenal, 454, 455, 509, 539 absolute configuration, 288 Apo-6'-lycopenoic acid, 167 derivatives, 167 902 Subject Index

Azafrin {261) (continued) caroten-1,1'-diol, see Bisanhydro• derivatives bacterioruberin methyl ester, see Azafnn methyl ester 2,2'-Bis{3-methyl-2-butenyl)-1,2,1 ',2' -tetra• methyl ester methyl ether, 308 hydro-1/1,1/J-carotene-1 ,1 '-diol, see i.r., 308 3,4,3',4'-Tetrahydrobisanhydro• m.s., 252, 256 bacterioruberin occurrence, 49 Bixin {265), 828 p.m.r., 206 colouring agent, 755, 758 reactions, 77, 78, 167, 168 geometrical isomerism, 268, 278-280,469 structure, 167, 168 isolation, 13 Azafrinaldehyde {258), 49, 169, 827 light absorption, visible, 278, 279 Azafrin methyl ester methyl ester, see Methylbixin i.r., 308 occurrence, 31,49 m.s., 252, 256 p.m.r., 278-280 p.m.r., 206, 226, 230 reactions, 167 synthesis, partial, 167 structure, 167 Azafrinone, 167 synthesis, 469 Azafrinone amide, 167 Bixindial {diapo-6,6'-carotenedial) derivatives, 87 m.s., 252, 256 B reactions, 86 syntheses Bacterial phytoene, 830 partial, 121, 122 Bacteriochlorophyll, 33, 671-673, 680, 689, total, 466, 468, 543 690, 701 Blue-light effects, 698 Bacterioerythrin a, 793 Boron trifluoride-carotenoid complexes, 95, Bacterioerythrin p, see Rhodopin 98 Bacteriopurpurin IX, 793 Bacteriopurpurin fJ, 830 Bacterioruberin {231), 822 c biosynthesis, 618, 619 derivatives, 78, 123 Caloxanthin {69), 785 geometrical isomerism, 271 Camphor, 293 occurrence, 47 Camphoronic acid, 293 reactions, 174 Canaryxanthophyll, 642, 831 structure, 174 Canthaxanthin {193), 813 IX-Bacterioruberin, see Bacterioruberin analogue, 526 {3-Bacterioruberin, 830 biosynthesis, 612, 628, 644-647, 649, 651. "IX-Bacterioruberin monomethyl ether", 663,665,684 see OH-Spirilloxanthin in carotenoproteins, 39, 658, 661, 663, 756 Bisanhydrobacterioruberin {228), 47, 174, colouring agent, 19,749-751,753-755,758, 822 759, 761, 762 Bisdehydro-, see also Dehydro-, Didehydro-, conformation, 285, 287 Tetradehydro- derivatives, 87 3,4,3',4' -Bisdehydro-{3-carotene, see 3,4,3',4'• determination, 764 Tetradehydro-fJ,fJ-carotene 15,15'-didehydro-, 93, 503, 504 Bisdehydrolycopene {17), see 3,4,3',4'-Tetra• geometrical isomers, 281, 328 dehydrolycopene labelled compound, 536 Bisdihydrocanthaxanthin, 655, 830 light absorption 2,2'-Bis{ 4-hydroxy-3-methy1- 2-butenyl )-E.E• u.v., visible, 194, 196 carotene, see Decaprenoxanthin metabolism, 651, 653, 663, 665 2,2'-Bis{3-methyl-2-butenyl)-E,E-carotene, m.s., 252, 258 see Sarcinene occurrence,38,39,644,645.647,650,652, 2,2'-Bis{3-methyl-2-butenyl)-3,4,3' ,4' -tetra• 655,656,754 dehydro-1,2, 1',2' -tetrahydro-1/J ,1/J- p.m.r., 235-237 Subject Index 903

reactions, 93, 95, 99 Capsorubol, 81, 137 structure, 98, 141 Capsorubone (210), 137, 818 syntheses Carangoxanthin, 831 partial syntheses of, 78, 98, 141 Carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance, 239, partial syntheses from, 101, 141 242,243 total syntheses, 20, 21, 390, 402, 469, 477, Carbon-carbon double bond. 74. 75 479,480,482,483,497,500,503,560 Carbon-carbon triple bond. 74 X-ray crystallography, 285-287 16' -Carboxyl-3' ,4' -dehydro-J>-carotene, Capsanthin (170), 808 see Torularhodin absolute configuration, 288, 292-295, 308 Carboxylic acids. 85, 87, 128 biosynthesis, 42, 602, 609 see also Apocarotenoic acids, chirality, 292 Torularhodin colouring agent, 755, 759 Carcinoxanthin, see derivatives, 87 Caricaxanthin, see Cryptoxanthin (39) acetate, 137 Carophyll red, 749 3' -epi-, 292 Carophyll yellow, 749 genetic studies, 609 "P-Carotenal", see P-Apo-8'-carotenal i.r., 202, 293 1/J,I/J-Caroten-20-al, see Lycopen-20-al m.s., 252, 258 Carotenals (142-147), 68, 69 occurrence,31,42,52,606.607 see also Aldehydes, Apocarotenals o.r.d., 295, 308 Carotene, 13 reactions, 137 K-Carotene, 831 structure, 137, 292-295 Carotene X, see P-Zeacarotene synthesis, 337, 516, 559 a-Carotene (5), 773 Capsanthin 5,6-epoxide (188), 42, 114, 116, 812 absolute configuration, 288, 306, 315 Capsanthinone, see Capsanthone biosynthesis, 32, 594, 595, 597, 608 Capsanthol, 137 chirality, 292 Capsanthone (197), 814 enantiomer, synthesis of, 341,487, 489, 546 absolute configuration, 292 genetic studies, 608 m.s., 252, 258 geometrical isomerism, 271 occurrence, 42 i.r., 275 structure, 292 metabolism, 51, 308, 654, 684, 719 synthesis, partial, 137, 292 m.s., 252, 258 Capsochrome (191), 812 occurrence, 32,35 Capsolutein, 831 p.m.r., 235-237,239, 241 Capsolutein epoxides, 831 racemate, synthesis of, 487,489, 506, 508. Capsorubin (205), 816 546 absolute configuration. 289.291-295,308, reactions, 75, 93, 101, 116, 133 309, 316 structure, 104, biosynthesis, 42, 609 syntheses chirality, 292 partial syntheses of, 114, 116 colouring agent, 755, 759 partial syntheses from, 93, 116, 133 dipalmitate, 289 total syntheses, 341, 360,428, 487,489. epimer, 501, 562 506,508,564 genetic studies, 609 vitamin A activity, 744, 745 m.s., 252, 258 vitamin A, conversion to, 719 occurrepce,42,607 P-Carotene (3), 773 o.r.d., 291, 308, 309 biosynthesis, 312, 578, 580, 583, 584, 589- racemates, 501, 562 592,594-597,604,608,610,612-615, reactions, 87, 137 627 structure, 137 carbon-13 n.m.r., 242, 243 synthesis, 337, 41&, 466, 497, 501, 562 in carotenoproteins, 53, 640, 658, 704 Capsorubin isomer, see 2,2'-Dihydroxy• colouring agent, 19, 747, 748, 750, 755, K,K-carotene-6,6' -dione 758-762 Capsorubindione, see Capsorubone conformation, 284, 285, 287 904 Subject Index

P-Carotene (3) (continued) y-Carotene (8), 774 determination, 763, 764 biosynthesis, 32, 35, 589, 594, 595, 615 functions, 676, 677, 681-683, 686, 688, conformation, 284 691-693,701 genetic studies, 608 genetic studies, 608, 610 geometrical isomers, 269, 271 geometrical isomers, 271, 682 light absorption 9-cis, 274 u.v., 193, 194 11-cis, synthesis of, 474, 545 visible, 193, 194, 284 13-cis, synthesis of, 474, 545 metabolism, 612, 613 15-cis occurrence,32,35 light absorption, 195, 198, 274 p.m.r., 235-237, 239, 241 m.s., 251 reactions, 75, 76, 93, 95, 103, 151 p.m.r., 236,237, 239 syntheses stereomutation, 271, 682 partial syntheses, 75, 93, 103, 151 synthesis of, 281, 328, 481, 482, 489, 545 total syntheses, 428, 487, 489, 508, 509, 11,11 '-di-cis, synthesis of, 281, 483, 494, 495, 511, 512, 547 546 vitamin A activity, 744, 745 neo-B,269, 745 o-Carotene (11), 774 neo-U, 745 biosynthesis, 35, 591, 595, 608 poly-cis, 269 genetic studies, 608 history, 13 light absorption isoprenologous compounds, 522 u.v., visible, 194, 195 labelled compound, 15,15'-02 occurrence, 3 5 m.s., 250, 251 p.m.r., 235-237, 239, 241 p.m.r., 235-237, 239, 242, 243 reactions, 75, 93, 95, 103 synthesis, 536 structure, 103 light absorption syntheses u.v., 194-198, 200,274 partial syntheses of, 93, 103 visible, 194-198,200,274,284 partial syntheses from, 75, 95, 103 metabolism, 48, 51, 270, 628, 638-642, total syntheses, 450, 477, 478, 509, 548 645-649,651,707-709,718,719 8-Carotene (10), 774 m.s., 244, 246-252, 258,260 absolute configuration, 306 13C n.m.r., 242, 243 biosynthesis, 595 occurrence,30-32,35,607,642,644,645, enantiomer, synthesis of, 341, 484,486, 548 647,650,652,655,748,754,755 light absorption p.m.r., 205, 235-237, 239, 240 u.v., visible, 194, 195 reactions, 75, 93, 95, 98, 101, 113, 130, 133, m.s., 252, 258 140,141,156,169,304 occurrence, 35, 655 stability, 757 p.m.r., 206, 236, 237,239, 240 syntheses racemate, syntheses of, 477,478, 489, 490, partial syntheses of, 91, 114 547 partial syntheses from, 93, 95, 98, 101, structure, 104 113, 130, 133, 140, 141, 156, 169 syntheses,341,428,484,486, 547 total syntheses, 19-21, 364, 428, 436-438, 81 -Carotene, see 8-Carotene 474-477,480-486,488,489,492-498, 8,8-Carotene, see 8-Carotene 504,506,508,545 8,1/f-Carotene, see o-Carotene vitamin A activity, 744-746 (-Carotene (26), 777 as vitamin A precursor, 16, 17,718,719,744 biosynthesis, 93, 589-591, 605, 615, 622, 626 X-ray crystallography, 285, 287 function, 673, 677 p,p-Carotene, see P-Carotene genetic studies, 605, 608 p,y-Carotene (3a), 104, 151, 773 geometrical isomer, 269, 489,490, 550 p,8-Carotene, see

structure, 102 reactions, 102-105 synthesis, 489, 490, 522, 550 related compounds, 526 (-Carotene, asym., see 7 ,8, 11,12-Tetrahydro- syntheses,474-490,492-499,506-509, lycopene 511-513, 545-551

( 1 -Carotene, 831 p,p-Carotene-3,4,3',4' -tetrol, see Crustaxanthin 17-Carotene (4), 35, 104, 773 p,p-Carotene-3,4,3',4'-tetrone, see Astacene 9-Carotene, 831 K,K-Carotene-3,6,3',6'-tetrone (210), 137, 818 K-Carotene, 831 p,p-Carotene-3,4,3' -trio!, 143, 144, 642, 643, ~-Carotene, see Aurochrome, (-Carotene 831 q>,q>-Carotene, see Isorenieratene p,p-Carotene-3,4,4' -trio!, see q>,x-Carotene, see Renieratene 3,4,4'-Trihydroxy-P-carotene q>,l/J-Carotene, see Chlorobactene /J,E-Carotene-2,3,2' -trio!, 831 x,x-Carotene, see Renierapurpurin /J,E-Carotene-3,4,3' -trio!, 831 x,l/J-Carotene, see y- Renierapurpurin /J,E-Carotene-3,19,3' -trio!, see Loroxanthin 1/J,l/1-Carotene, see Lycopene /J,E-Carotene-3,20,3' -trio!, see Pyrenoxanthin P-Carotene 5,6,5',6'-diepoxide (133), 91, 113, P-Carotene-3,8,3' -trio! 5,6-epoxide, see 114, 719, 799 5,6-Epoxy-3,3' -dihydroxy-5,6, 7,8- p,p-Carotene-3,4-diol, see 3,4-Dihydroxy- tetrahydro-p,p-caroten-8-one P-carotene p,p-Carotene-3,4,4' -trione, see Phoeniconone p,p-Carotene-3,3' -diol, see Carotenoic acids, see Carboxylic acids p,p-Carotene-3,4'-diol, 101, 142 Carotenoid F1 , 161 p,p-Carotene-4,4' -diol, see Isozeaxanthin Carotenoids /J,E-Carotene-3,3' -diol, see biosynthesis, 577-636 E,E-Carotene-3,3' -diol, see Tunaxanthin characterization, 69-72 K,K-Carotene-3,3'-diol, 831 colouring agents, 19-21, 746-764 q>,q>-Carotene-3,3' -diol, see 3,3' -Dihydroxy- definition, 48, 852 isorenieratene functions, 669-705, 710 1/1,1/J-Carotene-16,16'-diol, see Lycophyll geometrical isomerism, 268-284 p,p-Carotene-3,4-dione, see 3-Ketoechinenone isolation, 63-73 p,p-Carotene-3,3' -dione light absorption, 192-204 m.s., 252, 258 metabolism, 637-665 partial synthesis of, 86, 146 m.s., 243-265 partial syntheses from, 86, 146 n.m.r., 204-243 total synthesis, 489, 491, 560 nomenclature, 22-24,851-864 p,p-Carotene-4,4' -dione, see Canthaxanthin reactions /J,E-Carotene-3,4-dione (156), 804 group reactions, 73-92 /J,E-Carotene-3,3' -dione, see 4,6' -Dihydro- related compounds, 526-531 vitamin A activities, 744, 745 p,l/J-Carotene-4,4'-dione (194b), 813 as vitamin A precursors, 718, 719, 744-746 E,E-Carotene-3,3' -dione, see 6,6' -Dihydro• C20-Carotenoids, 517 rhodoxanthin C30-Carotenoids, 520-522 K,K-Carotene-6,6'-dione, see 3,3'-Dideoxy- C 34 -Carotenoids, 522, 523 capsorubin C 37 -Carotenoids, 522, 523 1/J,l/J-Carotene-4,4'-dione (194c), 814 C40-Carotenoids (1-216), see also Carotenes, IX-Carotene 5,6-epoxide (115), 42, 116, 795 Xanthophylls IX-Carotene 5,8-epoxide, 42 aryl analogues, 522 P-Carotene 5,6-epoxide (114), 42, 113, 114, 719, occurrence, 30-46 795 reactions, 102-160 P-Carotene 5,8-epoxjde, 42, 95 related compounds, 526 Carotene-lipoprotein complex, 640 structures, 102-160 P-Carotene 15,15'-peroxide, 719 syntheses Carotenes (1-37), 7727779 partial, 93-101 see also Carotenoids total, 474-517, 545-564 biosyntheses, 584-599 C43-Carotenoids, 173 occurrence, 31-36 C44-Carotenoids, 526, 530, 531 906 Subject Index

C45-Carotenoids (216a-219), 819, 820 acetate, see 3-Acetoxytorulene biosynthesis, 47, 616-619 occurrence, 36 occurrence, 46 structure, 149, 150 reactions, 173 syntheses, partial, 119, 120, 150, 153 structures, 173 Chirality, 292, 307-311 C 50-Carotenoids (220-231), 820-822, 831 Chlorellaxanthin (193), 813 biosynthesis, 47, 616-619 Chlorobactene (15), 775 isolation, 71 biosynthesis, 622, 627 occurrence, 46 conformation, 285 reactions, 174 light absorption, 285 structures, 174 m.s., 252, 256 syntheses,522-526, 564 occurrence, 41 C60-Carotenoids, 47, 525, 526, 564 reactions, 104 C 70-Carotenoids, 47 structure, 104 p,p-Caroten-3-ol, see Cryptoxanthin syntheses p,p-Caroten-4-ol, see Isocryptoxanthin partial synthesis, 151 p,e-Caroten-3-ol, see Zeinoxanthin total syntheses, 451, 512, 513, 548 p,e-Caroten-4-ol, 101, 141, 151 Chlorophyll, 33, 65, 304, 612, 645, 671, 674, ' p,e-Caroten-3'-ol (43), 151, 780 675,677,680,682,683,685-692,694~ p,t/J-Caroten-3-ol, see Gazaniaxanthin, 697, 706 Chloroxanthin (58), 783 p,t/J-Caroten-4-ol, 133, 134 biosynthesis, 623 p,t/J-Caroten-3'-ol, 150 occurrence, 34 e,t/J-Caroten-3-ol (51), 782 structure, 148 cp,cp-Caroten-3-ol, see Hydroxyisorenieratene synthesis, 514, 553 t/J,t/J-Caroten-16-ol, see Lycoxanthin Chromatography, 66-69, 273 t/J,t/J-Caroten-20-ol (63), 784 Chrysanthemaxanthin (130), 114, 116, 288, 798 Carotenol esters, see Esters Chrysophlein, 831 Carotenols Circular dichroism (c.d.), 289 reactions, 76-84 Cis peak, 195, 200, 273 Carotenonaldehyde (264), 828 (237), 823 P-Carotenone (216), 819 biosynthesis, 49, 610 derivatives, 87 colouring agent, 19, 749, 751 m.s., 252, 256 genetic studies, 610 occurrence, 48 occurrence, 49 p.m.r., 235-237 reactions, 464 reactions, 130 structure, 169 structure, 130, 131 syntheses,20,21, 169,170,462,464 P-Caroten-3-one, 492, 557 vitamin A activity, 744, 745 p,p-Caroten-4-one, see Echinenone Citranaxanthol, 463, 464 p,e-Caroten-4-one, see Phoenicopterone a-Citraurin, 155 p,t/J-Caroten-4-one = P-Citraurin (249), 826 y-Caroten-4-one, see 4-Keto-y-carotene absolute configuration, 307 Carotenoproteins, 656-665 derivatives, 87 chromoproteins, 53 genetic studies, 610 function, 662, 663, 703 history, 14 isolation, 72, 659 occurrence, 48 light absorption, 660, 661 o.r.d., 307 lipoproteins, 640, 657, 658, 756 structure, 169 molecular weight, 659 syntheses of, 137, 155, 169 occurrence,39,45,53, 755-757 synthesis from, 516 Carr-Price reaction, 16, 18, 190, 191 Citroxanthin, see Mutatochrome C.d., see Circular dichroism Colourants, Colouring agents, see Pigmenters Celaxanthin (44), 780 Colour measurement, 750, 752 absolute configuration, 289 Compound X, 831 Subject Index 907

Conformation, 284-288 biosynthesis, 42 Corynexanthin (227), 46, 53, 174, 618, 821 occurrence, 42 C.p. 435, 831 o.r.d., 291 C.p. 450 (220), 47, 177, 618, 619, 820 reactions, 139 C.p. 450-mono-ol, 831 structure, 139 C.p. 473 (221), 47, 174, 618, 820 synthesis (racemate), 516, 559 C.p. 473-mono-ol, 831 Cryptocapsone, 139 (269), 829 Cryptochrome (140), 114, 800 colouring agent, 21, 755 Cryptoflavin (127), 114, 797 derivatives 1/J-Cryptoflavin, 831 diethyl ester, 195, 197, 469, 470, 543 Cryptomonaxanthin (65), 784 dimethyl ester, see Dimethylcrocetin Cryptoxanthin (39), 779 geometrical isomer, 268, 269, 281 absolute configuration, 288, 289, 291, 307 history, 14 biosynthesis, 311, 600,607,628,647, 648 occurrence, 49 colouring agent, 752 reactions, 168 derivatives structure, 160, 168 acetate, 114 synthesis, 469 palmitate, 95, 101, 151 a-Crocetin, see Crocetin geometrical isomer y-Crocetin, see Dimethylcrocetin 15-cis, 281, 328 Crocetindial = metabolism, 42, 48, 649, 651 Crocetindialdehyde (267), 829 m.s., 252, 258 bis(diethyl acetal), 467, 542 occurrence, 36,607,647,752 light absorption o.r.d., 291, 307 u.v., visible, 195, 196 reactions, 95, 101, 114, 151 m.s., 252, 256 structure, 151 occurrence, 49 syntheses structure, 168 partial syntheses from, 95, 101, 114, syntheses of, 466, 467, 542 151 syntheses from, 446, 451, 452, 455, 456, 469, total syntheses 471,472,496-501,521-523,525,526 15-cis, 281 Crocetindiol, 195, 197 racemate, 504, 506, 510, 551 Crocetinsemialdehyde (268), 49, 168, 829 vitamin A activity, 744, 745 (271), 49, 52, 116, 168, 759, 829 as vitamin A precursor, 744 Crocoxanthin (41), 780 a-Cryptoxanthin (42, 43), 151, 780 absolute configuration, 310, 311 /3-Cryptoxanthin, see Cryptoxanthin geometrical isomer Cryptoxanthin 5,6,5',6'-diepoxide (134), 114, 9-cis, 106, 271, 281, 328, 510, 552 799 occurrence, 44 Cryptoxanthin 5,6,5',8'-diepoxide (137), 799 o.r.d., 310, 311 Cryptoxanthin 5,8,5',8'-diepoxide, see structure, 106 Cryptochrome synthesis (9-cis), 106, 281, 328, 510, 552 Cryptoxanthin 5,6-epoxide (117), 42, 114, 795 Crustacyanin, 39, 657, 659-661 Cryptoxanthin 5,8-epoxide, see Cryptoflavin Crustaxanthin (93), 790 Cucurbitaxanthin (73), 786 absolute configuration, 160, 312 Cyanopsin, 725 biosynthesis, 646 14-Cyanovitamin A acid, 386 conformation, 157 Cyclic (-carotene, 594 derivatives, 157 Cynthiaxanthin (65), 44, 45, 106, 306, 784 metabolism, 64~, 644, 646, 649, 651 occurrence, 38,645 reactions, 79, 81, 157, 160 D structure, 157 synthesis, partial, 160 Damascenone, 51 Cryptocapsin (157), 805 1,2,7,8,11,12,7',8',11 ',12' -Decahydro-1/J,i/1- absolute configuration, 291, 295, 308 carotene, see 1,2-Dihydrophytoene 908 Subject Index

7,8,11,12,15,7',8',11',12',15' -Decahydro- 7',8' ,11 ',12'-Dehydrononaprenoxanthin 1/1,1/J-carotene, see Lycopersene ( = P452) (216a), 617-619, 819 1,2, 7,8,11,12,7' ,8',11 ',12'-Decahydro- 11 ', 12'-Dehydrononaprenoxanthin (217), 819 1/1,1/J-caroten-1-ol, see 1-Hydroxy- biosynthesis, 617, 618 1,2-dihydrophytoene m.s., 252, 256 Decahydrolycopene, 31 occurrence, 46 see also 1,2-Dihydrophytoene, structure, 17 4 Lycopersene 3' ,4' -Dehydro-17'-oxo-y-carotene, Decapreno-P-carotene see Torularhodinaldehyde light absorption, 2'-Dehydrophleixanthophyll, 117 u.v., visible, 200,201 2'-Dehydroplectaniaxanthin (162), 806 syntheses,392,522-526,564 m.s., 252, 256 Decapreno-e-carotene, 522, 524, 564 occurrence, 40 Decaprenoxanthin (226), 821 reactions, 130 absolute configuration, 312 structure, 130 biosynthesis, 617-619 synthesis, 516, 518, 559 geometrical isomerism, 277, 278 3-Dehydroretinaldehyde m.s., 252, 258 formation, 719 occurrence, 46 function, 724, 725 p.m.r., 278 geometrical isomers reactions, 78, 79, 17 4 9-cis, 380, 382 structure, 174 11-cis, 18, 270, 379, 380 Decaprenoxanthindialdehyde, 87, 174,233, 13-cis, 380, 382 234 9,13-di-cis, 380, 382 Decaprenoxanthin monoglucoside, 11,13-di-cis, 379, 380 see Corynexanthin history, 18 Deepoxyneoxanthin (86), 44, 76, 107, 112, 789 physical data, 18 Degraded carotenoids, 48, p.m.r., 216 see also Apocarotenoids, Seco• syntheses,379,380,382 carotenoids, 3-Dehydroretinoic acid, see Vitamin A 2 acid Dehydro-, see also Bisdehydro-, Didehydro-, 3-Dehydroretinol, 718, 731 Monodehydro• geometrical isomers, 276 Dehydroadonirubin (195), 143, 814 9-cis, 220, 224, 380, 382 Dehydroadonixanthin (16Sa), 143, 144, 806 11-cis, 379, 380 Dehydrocarotene III (1), 772 13-cis, 222, 274, 380, 382, 385 Dehydro-P-carotene, see Retrodehydro- 9,13-di-cis, 380, 382 carotene 11,13-di-cis, 222, 225, 379, 380 3',4'-Dehydro-y-carotene, see history, 18 Dehydrocarotenes,93,95 physical data, 18 Dehydroflexixanthin, 88, 134 p.m.r., 216 Dehydrogenans-C-carotene-di-OH, 831 syntheses,379, 380,382,385 Dehydrogenans-C-carotene-mono-OR, 831 Dehydroretrocarotene, see Retrodehydro• Dehydrogenans-P 373, see Nonaprenoxanthin carotene Dehydrogenans-P 422, see 11',12'-Dehydro- 3,4-Dehydrorhodopin (55), 782 nonaprenoxanthin biosynthesis, 621 Dehydrogenans-P 439, see Decaprenoxanthin occurrence, 34 Dehydrohydroxyechinenone, see 3-Keto• reactions, 82 echinenone structure, 148 3'-Dehydrolutein (156a), 155, 252, 258, 804 synthesis, 513, 552 "Dehydrolycopene", see 3,4,3',4'-Tetrade• Dehydrorhodovibrin, see OH-Spirilloxanthin hydrolycopene 3' ,4'-Dehydrorubixanthin, see Celaxanthin 3,4-Dehydrolycopene (18), 775 3-Dehydrovitamin A acid, see Vitamin A 2 occurrence, 33 acid partial syntheses, 93, 103, 124, 149 Demethylated okenone (164), 41, 806 15,15'-Dehydrolycopersene, see Phytoene Demethylated spheroidene (57 a), 623, 783 Subject Index 909

Demethyl carotenoids, see Norcarotenoids occurrence, 44 9-Demethylretinaldehyde, 730 o.r.d., 310 13-Demethylretinaldehyde, 730 structure, 106 9-Demethylvitamin A acid, 214, 225 syntheses 13-Demethylvitamin A acid, 214,225 partial synthesis, 76, 112 4'-Deoxookenone, 505, 512, 556 total synthesis, 504, 510, 554 3'-Deoxycryptocapsin, 516, 558 Didehydro-, see also Dehydro-, Monodehydro- Deoxyflexixanthin (158), 38, 134, 805 3,4-Didehydro-P-C14-aldehyde see also Myxobactone p.m.r., 234 Deoxylutein I (38), 779 syntheses of, 345, 346 Deshydroxydecaprenoxanthin (223), 821 syntheses from, 379,494 biosynthesis, 617 3,4-Didehydro-P-C15-aldehyde (3,4-didehydro• m.s., 252, 258 P-ionylideneacetaldehyde), 357, 369, occurrence, 46 380,384 structure, 174 3' ,4'-Didehydro-/1-apo-2' -carotenal, 4,4'-Diacetoxy-p,p-carotene, see Isozea• see P-Apo-2'-carotenal xanthin, derivatives 15,15' -Didehydro-p-apo-2' -carotenal, 193, 450, Diadinochrome, 76 451, 517, 519 (118), 795 15,15' -Didehydro-P-apo-4'-carotenal, 193, 448, m.s., 251, 258,265 450,461,516,518 occurrence, 44 15,15'-Didehydro-P-apo-6'-carotenal, 193,448, reactions, 91 460 structure, 106, 113 15, 15'-Didehydro-P-apo-8' -carotenal Dianhydrobacterioruberin, see Bisanhydro• geometrical isomer, 233, 234 bacterioruberin light absorption, visible, 193 Dianhydro-P-carotenone, 130 p.m.r., 228, 233, 234 Dianhydroeschscholtzxanthin, synthesis of, 448 see Anhydroeschscholtzxanthin syntheses from, 448,460,461,464, 512 Dianhydro-3,4,3' ,4' -tetrahydrobacterioruberin, 15,15'-Didehydro-P-apo-10' -carotenal see Tetrahydrobisanhydrobacterio• light absorption, 193 ruberin p.m.r., 228 Diapo-2,2'-carotenedial, 466,468, 543 syntheses of, 444, 445, 447, 448, 537 Diapo-4,4'-carotenedial, 121, 122,466, 468, syntheses from, 445, 447, 448, 459 472,503,543 11 ',12'-Didehydro-p-apo-10'-carotenal diethyl Diapo-4,8'-carotenedial(C25), 121, 122,452, acetal, 405, 444, 445 453 15,15'-Didehydro-p-apo-12' -carotenal Diapo-6,6' -carotenedial, see Bixindial derivatives, 442, 445 8,8'-Diapocarotene-8,8'-dial, see Crocetin- light absorption, visible, 193 dialdehyde p.m.r., 228 Diapo-6,6'-carotenedioic acid, see Norbixin syntheses of, 441, 442 Diapo-8,8' -carotenedioic acid, see Crocetin syntheses from, 442,457,458, 460, 504, 508 Diapocarotenedioic acid esters (265-266a, 270), 15,15'-Didehydro-P-apocarotenals, 193 469-472,828,829 15,15' -Didehydro-/1-apocarotenoic acid esters, see also Bixin, Crocetin, Diethyl 228,231,235,458,459 diapo-2,2' -carotenedioate, Diethyl 3',4' -Didehydro-2' -apo-P-caroten-2' -ol (232), diapo-4,4' -carotenedioate, Diethyl• 823 norbixin 15,15'-Didehydroapocarotenones, 463,464, Diapo-8,8' -carotenediol, see Crocetindiol 517,519 Diapocarotenedion.es, 466, 469, 473, 503, 504 15,15'-Didehydro-apo-8'-lycopenal, 456,464, Diapocarotenoids (265-271), 828, 829 539 see also Retro diapocarotenoids 15,15'-Didehydroastacene, 101 occurrence, 49 7,8-Didehydroastaxanthin (202), 816 syntheses,464,466-473,542-544 15,15'-Didehydrocanthaxanthin (66), 785 conformation, 285, 286 absolute configuration 309, 310 syntheses, 93, 503, 504, 560 910 Subject Index

3' ,4'-Didehydro-p,ift-caroten-16' -a!, 3,4-Didehydro-1 ,2-dihydro-1/t ,ift-carotene, see Torularhodinaldehyde see 3,4-Didehydro-1 ,2-dihydro• 3,4-Didehydro-a-carotene, 93 lycopene 3,4-Didehydro-P,P-carotene (2), 772 6, 7-Didehydro-5,6-dihydro-p,p-carotene- occurrence, 36, 104 3,3' -diol (69), 785 syntheses, 93, 504, 506, 507, 545 3',4'-Didehydro-1 ',2' -dihydro-P,ift-carotene- 4,4' -Didehydro-p-carotene, see Retrodehydro• 3,1 '-diol, see Saproxanthin carotene 3',4'-Didehydro-1 ',2' -dihydro-P,ift-carotene- 15, 15'-Didehydro-P-carotene 1',2'-diol, see Plectaniaxanthin carbon-13 n.m.r., 242 3',4' -Didehydro-1 ',2' -dihydro-p,ift-carotene- conformation, 285 4,2'-dione (194a), 813 syntheses, 481, 482, 488, 489, 493, 494, 7' ,8'-Didehydro-5,6-dihydro-p,p-carotene- 496-498,504 3,5,6,3' -tetrol, see Heteroxanthin (94) 15, 15'-Didehydrocarotenes, 209 6,7-Didehydro-5,6-dihydro-p,p-carotene- 3',4' -Didehydro-P,I/t-carotene = 3,5,3'-triol, see Deepoxyneoxanthin (3',4')-Didehydro-y-carotene, 7',8' -Didehydro-5,6-dihydro-p,p-carotene- see Torulene 3,5,3' -trio!, 790 3',4' -Didehydro-.5-carotene, 95 1',16'-Didehydro-1',2' -dihydro-p,ift-caroten- 3,4-Didehydro-1/t,l/t-carotene, 2'-ol, see Aleuriaxanthin see 3,4-Dehydrolycopene 3',4'-Didehydro-1 ',2' -dihydro-P,ift-caroten- 7,8-Didehydro-p,p-carotene-3,3' -diol, 1'-ol (47a), 781 see Diatoxanthin 3',4' -Didehydro-1',2' -dihydro-P,ift-caroten- 7,8-Didehydro-p,e-carotene-3,3' -diol, 2'-ol, 831 see Monadoxanthin 3,4-Didehydro-1 ,2-dihydro-1/t ,1/t-caroten-1-ol, 3',4' -Didehydro-P,ift-caroten-16' -oic acid, see 3,4-Dehydrorhodopin see Torularhodin 3,4-Didehydro-1,2-dihydrolycopene (20), 32, 3',4'-Didehydro-p,p-caroten-3-ol (38), 779 103, 776 7,8-Didehydro-p,e-caroten-3-ol, see Croco• 15,15'-Didehydrodimethylcrocetin 469,477, xanthin 544 3' ,4'-Didehydro-P,I/t-caroten-3-ol, 15,15'-Didehydroechinenone, 517, 519, 558 see Celaxanthin 3',4'-Didehydroechinenone, 141 3',4' -Didehydro-P,ift-caroten-16' -ol (50), 46, "3',4' -Didehydro-18' -hydroxy-y-carotene" 128,517,781 (50),46, 128,517,781 4,4' -Didehydro-P-caroten-3-one, 492, 557 3,4-Didehydroionene, 51 3',4' -Didehydro-p,ift-caroten-4-one, see 3,4-Didehydro-P-ionylideneacetaldehyde, 4-Ketotorulene see 3,4-Didehydro-P-C15-aldehyde 3',4'-Didehydrochlorobactene, 92, 104, 120 3,4-Didehydro-P-C18-ketone, 369 15,15' -Didehydrocrocetindialdehyde, 466-469, 11,12-Didehydro-P-C18-ketone, 368 471,472,496-500,542 7,8-Didehydrolutein, see Monadoxanthin 7,8-Didehydrocryptoxanthin, 504, 510, 551 3,4-Didehydrolycopene, see 3,4-Dehydro- 3',4'-Didehydrocryptoxanthin, 95, 151 lycopene 19, 19'-Didehydrodecapreno-P-carotene, 15,15'-Didehydrophillipsiaxanthin, 503 523-526,564 3,4-Didehydroretinaldehyde, see 3-Dehydro- 15, 15'-Didehydrodianhydro-P-carotenone, retinaldehyde 235-237 11,12-Didehydroretinaldehyde, 377 15,15' -Didehydrodiapo-4,4' -carotenedial, 466, 3,4-Didehydroretinol, see 3-Dehydroretinol 468,503,543 7,8-Didehydroretinol, 375 15,15'-Didehydrodiethylcrocetin, 469, 470, 11,12-Didehydroretinol, 379 544 11,12-Didehydroretinol methyl ether, 376, 404 3,4-Didehydro-7,7' -dihydro-P-carotene, 504, 4' ,5'-Didehydro-4,5' -retro-p,p-carotene, 507,550 see Retrodehydrocarotene 4,4' -Didehydro-4,7-dihydro-p-carotene, 474, 4' ,5'-Didehydro-4,5' -retro-p,p-carotene- 504, 506,.551 3,3' -diol, see Eschscholtzxanthin 5,18-Didehydro-5,6-dihydro-p,p-carotene, 4' ,5'-Didehydro-4,5' -retro-P.P-carotene- see p, y-Carotene 3,3' -dione, see Rhodoxanthin Subject Index 911

4' ,5' Didehydro-4,5'-retro-{1,{1-caroten-3-one, Diethyl diapo-4,4'-carotenedioate, 469, 472, 492,557 544 3,4-Didehydrorhodopin, see 3,4-Dehydro• Diethyl diapo-6,6' -carotenedioate = rhodopin Diethylnorbixin, 469, 471, 544 3',4'-Didehydrorubixanthin palmitate, 95 Digiprolactone, see Loliolide 3',4' -Didehydro-7,8,1',2' -tetrahydro-{1,1/1- Dihydroactinidiolide, 51 carotene-3,4,1',2'-tetrol, 831 3,4-Dihydroanhydrorhodovibrin, see 3,4-Didehydro-1,2,7' ,8' -tetrahydro-r/1 ,r/J• 1-Methoxy-1 ,2-dihydrolycopene caroten-1-ol, see Demethylated 7,8-Dihydroapo-8'-lycopenal, 455, 514 spheroidene 7,8-Dihydroapo-12'-lycopenal, 454, 455, 465, 15,15' -Didehydrotorularhodinaldehyde, 193, 509,539 517 7,8-Dihydroastaxanthin, see Guaraxanthin 15,15'-Didehydrotorularhodin methyl ester, Dihydrobixin, see Eugorgiaenoic acid, 831 517 P-Dihydrocarotene, see 7,7'-Dihydro- 3,4-Didehydrotorulene, 92, 117, 119, 130, P-carotene 134 7,8-Dihydro-P-carotene, 650 7,8-Didehydrozeaxanthin, see Diatoxanthin 7,7'-Dihydro-{1-carotene (37), 779 9,13-Didemethyl-9-ethylvitamin A acid, 216, syntheses,482,494,496,551 225 15,15'-Dihydro-{1-carotene, 438, 494,496, 546 9,13-Didemethylretinaldehyde, 730 7',8' -Dihydro-{1,1/J-carotene = Didemethylspirilloxanthin, see 3,4,3',4'-Tetra• 7',8'-Dihydro-y-carotene, see P-Zeacarotene dehydro-1,2,1 ',2' -tetrahydro- 7',8'-Dihydro-.5-carotene = r/1 ,r/1-carotene-1,1 '-diol 7',8' -Dihydro-e,r/J-carotene, see cx-Zeacarotene 9,13-Didemethylvitamin A acid, 214, 225 1,2-Dihydro-r/J,r/J-carotene, see 1,2-Dihydro- 3,3'-Dideoxycapsorubin, 501, 561 lycopene Diepoxy-{1-carotene = 7,8-Dihydro-r/J,r/J-carotene, see 5,6,5',6'-Diepoxy-5,6,5' ,6' -tetrahydro-{1,{1- 5,6-Dihydro-{1,{1-carotene-5,6-diol, 78 carotene, see {1-Carotene 1,2-Dihydro-1/J ,r/J-carotene-1 ,20-dio I, 5,6,5' ,6' -diepoxide see Rhodopinol 5,6,5' ,8'-Diepoxy-5,6,5' ,8' -tetrahydro• 5,6-Dihydro-1/J ,r/J-carotene-5,6-diol, 101 p,p-carotene, see Luteochrome 5,6-Dihydro-{1,{1-carotene-3,5,3' -trio!, see 5,8,5' ,8'-Diepoxy-5,8,5',8'-tetrahydro• 5-Hydroxy-5,6-dihydrozeaxanthin p,p-carotene, see Aurochrome 5,6-Dihydro-{1,{1-caroten-5-ol, 82, 114 5,6,5' ,6'-Diepoxy-5,6,5' ,6' -tetrahydro• 1',2' -Dihydro-{1,1/J-caroten-1' -ol, see {1,{1-carotene-3,3' -diol, 1'-Hydroxy-l' ,2' -dihydro-y-carotene see 1',2'- Dihydro-cp,r/J-caroten-1 '-ol, see 5,6,5' ,8'-Diepoxy-5,6,5' ,8' -tetrahydro• OH-Chlorobactene {1,{1-carotene-3,3' -diol, 1,2-Dihydro-r/J,r/J-caroten-1-ol, see Rhodopin see Luteoxanthin Dihydro-{1-carotenone, 130 5,8,5',8'-Diepoxy-5,8,5' ,8'-tetrahydro• Dihydrocrocetin, 831 {1,{1-carotene-3,3' -diol, 1,2-Dihydro-3,4-dehydrolycopene, see see Auroxanthin 3,4-Didehydro-1,2-dihydrolycopene 5,6,5' ,6'-Diepoxy-5,6,5' ,6' -tetrahydro• 1,2-Dihydro-3',4' -dehydrolycopene, 831 p,p-caroten-3-ol, see Cryptoxanthin 1,2-Dihydro-3,4-dehydro-1-0H-lycopene, 5,6,5' ,6' -diepoxide see 3,4-Dehydrorhodopin 5,6,5',8'-Diepoxy-5,6,5',8'-tetrahydro• Dihydrodianhydro-f:l-carotenone, 130 PJ-caroten-3-ol (137), 799 1',2'- Dihydro-1 ',2' -dihydroxy-4-ketotorulene 5,8,5' ,8'-Diepoxy-5,8,5' ,8' -tetrahydro• (171a), 808 p,p-carote.n-3-ol, see Cryptochrome 1',2'-Dihydro-4,2'-diketotorulene (194a), 813 5,8,5',8'-Diepoxyzeaxanthin, see Auroxanthin 3'-Dihydro-cx-doradecin, see 4-Ketolutein 3,3'-Diethoxy-3,4,3',4' -tetradehydro• 1',2'-Dihydro-1'-hydroxy-y-carotene (48), 781 p,p-carotene, 489,491 1',2'- Dihydro-1'-hydroxychlorobactene, Diethylcrocetin, see Crocetin, derivatives see OH-Chlorobactene Diethyl diapo-2,2'-carotenedioate, 469, 472, 1',2'-Dihydro-2'-hydroxy-3',4'-dehydro- 544 4-keto-y-carotene (161), 805 912 Subject Index

1',2' -Dihydro-1'-hydroxy-3,4-dehydrotorulene Dihydroxycarotenoid C.wH 540 2 , 831 glucoside, see Myxobactin 3,3'-Dihydroxy-p,p-caroten-4-one (167), .642, 1',2' -Dihydro-1' -hydroxy-4-keto-y-carotene, 643,647-649,651,807 see 1'-Hydroxy-1',2'-dihydro• 3,3'-Dihydroxy-p,E-caroten-4-one, y-caroten-4-one see 4-Ketolutein 1',2' -Dihydro-1 '-hydroxy-4-ketotorulene, 3,3' -Dihydroxy-p,K-caroten-6' -one, see Deoxyflexixanthin see Capsanthin 1',2' -Dihydro-1'-hydroxy-4-ketotorulene Dihydroxy-3,4-dehydro-IX-carotene, 831 glucoside, see Myxobactone 3,3'-Dihydroxydehydro-P-carotene, 1,2-Dihydro-1-hydroxylycopene, see Rhodopin see Eschscholtzxanthin 1',2'-Dihydro-1'-hydroxytorulene (47a), 781 3,3 '-Dih ydroxy-2,3-didehydro-P,p-carotene- 1,2-Dihydrolycopene (21), 776 4,4' -dione (201 ), 815 biosynthesis, 622, 626 3,3'-Dihydroxy-7 ,8-didehydro-p,p-carotene- occurrence, 32 4,4'-dione (202), 816 structure, 103 3,3 '-Dihydrox y-2,3-didehydro-p,p-caroten- 7,8-Dihydrolycopene, see Neurosporene 4-one (165a), 143, 144, 806 1,2-Dihydroneurosporene (23), 32, 103, 626, 3,3' -Dihydroxy-7',8' -didehydro-p,p-caroten- 776 4-one (166), 807 13', 14'-Dihydro-20' -nor-13' -apo-P-caroten- 3,4'-Dihydroxy-2,3-didehydro-p,p-caroten- 14'-one, 392,462, 464 4-one (168), 807 2'-Dihydrophillipsiaxanthin (177), 126, 130, 3,3 '-Dihydrox y-2,3-dideh ydro-P,E-caroten- 809 4-one, see IX-Doradecin Dihydrophytoene, see Lycopersene 4,1 '-Dihydroxy-15, 15' -didehydro-1 ',2' -dihydro• 1,2-Dihydrophytoene (33), 32, 626, 778 y-carotene, 504, 505, 515, 555 1,2-Dihydrophytofluene = 3,1' -Dihydroxy-3',4' -didehydro-1',2' -dihydro• "1',2' -Dihydrophytofluene" (31), 32, 626, 777 p,ljf-caroten-4-one, see Flexixanthin 5,6-Dihydroretinaldehyde, 730 1',2'- Dihydroxy-3' ,4' -didehydro-1 ',2' -dihydro• 7,8-Dihydro-8, 7' -retro-P,P-carotene, see {J,Ijl-caroten-4-one (17la), 808 7, 7' -Dihydro-P-carotene 3,5-Dihydroxy-6, 7-didehydro-5,6, 7' ,8'• 7,8-Dihydro-8,1 0-retro-p,p-caroten-1 0-one, tetrahydro-7' -apo-P-caroten-8'-one, see 10-Keto-7,10-dihydro-P-carotene see Paracentrone 7',8'-Dihydrorhodovibrin, see OH-Spheroidene 3,3'-Dihydroxy-5,8,5',8' -diepoxy-P-carotene, 4,4'-Dihydrorhodoxanthin, see p,p-Carotene- see Auroxanthin 3,3'-dione 5,6-Dihydroxy-5,6-dihydro-10' -apo• 4,6'-Dihydrorhodoxanthin, 489, 491, 561 P-caroten-10'-al, see Azafrinal• 6,6'-Dihydrorhodoxanthin, 489,491, 561 dehyde 3,4-Dihydrospheroidene (100), 123, 792 5,6-Dihydroxy-5,6-dihydro-10' -apo• 11',12'-Dihydrospheroidene (101), 34, 123, P-caroten-10'-oic acid, see 124,624,792 Azafrin 3,4-Dihydrospirilloxanthin (109), 124, 794 3,3'-Dihydroxy-7,8-dihydro-p,p-carotene- 1',2'- Dihydrotrihydroxy-4-ketotorulene, 831 4,4'-dione, see Guaraxanthin 3,3'-Dihydroxycanthaxanthin, see Asta- 1',2'- Dihydroxy-1 ',2' -dihydrotorulene, xanthin see Plectaniaxanthin 3,3'-Dihydroxy-IX-carotene, see Lutein 3,3'-Dihydroxy-4,4' -diketo-P-carotene, 3,4-Dihydroxy-P-carotene (64), 38, 142, 784 see Astaxanthin 3,3'-Dihydroxy-P-carotene, see Zeaxanthin 1,1 '-Dihydroxy-6,6' -diketo-1,2,5,6,1',2',5',6'• 4,4'-Dihydroxy-P-carotene, see Isozeaxanthin octahydrolycopene,497,501,562 3,3'-Dihydroxy-E-carotene, see Tunaxanthin 1,1 '-Dihydroxy-2,2' -diketo-1, 1',2,2' -tetrahydro- Dihydroxy-(-carotene, 831 3,3' ,4,4' -tetradehydrolycopene, 3,3'-Dihydroxy-p,p-carotene-4,4' -dione, see Phillipsiaxanthin see Astaxanthin 3,3'-Dihydroxy-2,2' -dinor-p,p-carotene- 2,2'-Dihydroxy-K,K-carotene-6,6' -dione 4,4' -dione 3,3'-diacylate, (capsorubin isomer), 501, 562 see Actinioerythrin 3,3'-Dihydroxy-K,K-carotene-6,6' -dione, 3,3'-Dihydroxyechinenone, see Adonixanthin, see Capsorubin Hydroxyasteroidenone Subject Index 913

3,3'-Dihydroxy-5,6-epoxy-fi-carotene, "Diketobacterioruberin ", see Phillipsia- see Antheraxanthin xanthin 2-(Dihydroxyisopentenyl)-2' -isopentenyl• 3,4-Diketo-IJ(-carotene (156), 804 fi-carotene (220), 47, 177, 618, 619, 3,4-Diketo-fi-carotene, see 3-Ketoechinenone 820 4,4'-Diketo-fi-carotene, see Canthaxanthin 3,3'-Dihydroxyisorenieratene (79), 787 4,4'-Diketo-y-carotene (194b), 813 occurrence, 41 2,2'-Diketo-15,15' -didehydrospirilloxanthin, reactions, 78, 157 502,503 structure, 157 4,10'-Diketo-7',10' -dihydro-fi-carotene, 477, synthesis, 336, 497, 499, 555 479,561 "3,3'-Dihydroxy-4' -keto-1)(-carotene ", 4,4' -Diketolycopene (194c), 814 see 4-Ketolutein Diketopirardixanthin (194), 141, 663, 665, 813 3,3'-Dihydroxy-4-keto-fi-carotene (167), 807 3,3' -Diketoretro-fi-carotene = 3,3'-Dihydroxyluteochrome, see Luteo• 3,3'-Diketoretrodehydro-fi-carotene, xanthin see Rhodoxanthin Dihydroxylycopene (81), 788 2,2'-Diketospirilloxanthin (208), 817 biosynthesis, 626 biosynthesis, 628 m.s., 252, 256 m.s., 246, 247, 252, 256 occurrence, 34 occurrence, 34 reactions, 82, 153 reactions, 125, 126 structure, 153 structure, 125, 126 synthesis, 497, 499, 555 syntheses,489,490, 501-503,563 Dihydroxyneurosporene, 831 10,1 0'-Diketo-7 ,1 0, 7' ,1 0' -tetrahydrodecapreno• Dihydroxypirardixanthin, 831 fi-carotene, 523, 524, 564 Dihydroxyretro-fi-carotene = 6,6'-Diketo-5,6, 5',6' -tetrahydrolycopene, 496, Dihydroxyretrodehydrocarotene, see 501,561 Eschscholtzxanthin 1,1' -Dimethoxy-3,4-didehydro-1,2,1 ',2', 7',8'• 2,2'-Dihydroxyspirilloxanthin, 79, 125 hexahydro-1{!,1{1-carotene, see 3,4,7,8- 3,3'-Dihydroxy-2,3,2',3 '-tetradehydro-/i,/i• Tetrahydrospirilloxanthin carotene-4,4' -dione, see Astacene 1,1 '-Dimethoxy-3,4-didehydro-1,2,1 ',2'• 3,3' -Dihydroxy-7,8,7',8' -tetradehydro-/i,/i• tetrahydro-1{1,1{1-carotene, see carotene-4,4' -dione (200), 815 3,4-Dihydrospirilloxanthin 3,3'-Dihydroxy-2,3,2' ,3' -tetradehydro-/i,/i• 1,1 '-Dimethoxy-1 ,2, 7,8,1 ',2'-hexahydro-1{1 ,!{!• carotene-4,4' -dione dipalmitate (199), carotene (112), 124, 794 815 1,1 '-Dimethoxy-1 ,2, 7 ,8,11,12,1 ',2' -octahydro- 1,1 '-Dihydroxy-3,4,3',4' -tetradehydro-1,2,1 ',2'• 1{1,1{1-carotene, see 3,4,3',4',7',8',11',12'- tetrahydro-1{1 ,!{!-carotene-2,2' -dione, 0ctahydrospirilloxanthin see Phillipsiaxanthin 1,1 '-Dimethoxy-3,4,3' ,4'-tetradehydro-1,2,1 ',2'• 1,1 '-Dihydroxy-3,4,3',4' -tetradehydro-1,2, 1',2'• tetrahydro-1{1,1{1-carotene, see tetrahydrolycopene, see 3,4,3',4'• Spirilloxanthin Tetradehydro-1,2,1',2' -tetrahydro- 1,1 '-Dimethoxy-3,4,3' ,4' -tetradehydro-1 ,2, 1',2'• 1{!,1{1-carotene-1,1 '-diol tetrahydro-1{1 ,!{!-carotene -2,2' -dione, 3,8'-Dihydroxy-5',6', 7',8' -tetrahydro-5'-apo- see 2,2'-Diketospirilloxanthin 18'-nor-fi-caroten-6' -one, see 1,1 '-Dimethoxy-1 ,2,1 ',2' -tetrahydro-1{1 ,1/1- 8' -Hydroxy-7',8' -dihydroreticulata• caroten-20-al, see 3,4,3',4'• xanthin Tetrahydrospirilloxanthin-20-al 1,1 '-DihyQroxy-1 ,2,1 ',2' -tetrahydro• 1,1 '-Dimethoxy-1,2,1 ',2'-tetrahydro-1{1 ,!{!- (-carotene (82), 153, 788 carotene= 3,3' -Dihydroxy-7,8,7',8' -tetrahydro-K,K• 1,1 '-Dimethoxy-1,2,1 ',2' -tetrahydrolycopene, carotene-6,6' -dione (206), 817 see 3,4,3',4'-Tetrahydrospirilloxanthin 1,1 '-Dihydroxy-1,2, 1',2' -tetrahydrolycopene, 1,1 '-Dimethoxy-1,1 ',2,2'- tetrahydroneuro• see Dihydroxylycopene sporene, see 3,4,3',4',7',8'• 16,16' -Diisopropyl-/i,fi-carotene, 526, 530, Hexahydrospirilloxanthin 531 2,2'-Dimethyl-/i,/i-carotene, 526, 530, 531 Diketo-, see also Dioxo- or -dione 16,16'-Dimethyl-fi,fi-carotene, 526, 530, 531 914 Subject Index

2,2'-Dimethyl-a-carotene= occurrence,38,644,645,647,649,651, 2,2'-Dimethyl-e,e-carotene, 235-237, 526, 530, 652,655 531 p.m.r., 235-237 Dimethylcrocetin (270), 829 reactions, 87, 139, 140 geometrical isomers structure, 98, 139 9-cis, 281, 328, 469, 470, 543 syntheses 15-cis, 281, 469, 470, 544 partial, 140, 151 m.s., 244 total, 390,402,464,477,479,505,517, structure, 168 519,558 syntheses,281,469,470,543 vitamin A activity, 745 Dimethylcyclodecapentaene, 249 Eicosahydrolycopene, see Tetrahydro- Dimethyl 6,6' -diapocarotene-6,6'-dioate, see phytoene trans-Methylbixin (266) Electronic spectra, see Light absorption Dimethyl 9-cis-6,6' -diapocarotene-6,6'-dioate, Eloxanthin (120), 796 see 9-cis-Methylbixin (266a) Enzymes, 17,583 Dimethyl 8,8' -diapocarotene-8,8'-dioate, see Carotene cleavage enzyme, 640 Dimethylcrocetin P-Carotene 15,15'-oxygenase, 640,719 Dimethyl retro-diapo-3,3' -carotenedioate, 252, Glucuronyl transferase, 732 256,469,473 Retinaldehyde isomerase, 17, 724, 731 Dimethyl retro-diapo-7,7' -carotenedioate, 469, Retinaldehyde oxidase, 732 473 Retinaldehyde reductase, 719 Dinorcrocetin, 439 Retinol isomerases, 731 , 831 synthetase, 31 Diosphenols, 39, 65, 101, 107, 134, 142, 263 Violaxanthin deepoxidase, 662 Dioxo-, see also Diketo- or -dione Enzymic hydrolysis, 92, 117 5,6-Dioxo-10' -apo-5,6-seco-P-caroten-1 0' -al, Epoxy-, see also epoxide see Carotenonaldehyde Epoxy carotenoids (114-141, 187-191, 259, 3,4-Dioxo-4' -hydroxy-P-carotene, see 263, 273) 4'-Hydroxy-p,p-carotene-3,4-dione biosynthesis, 602, 606 5,6,5' ,6' -Diseco-p,p-carotene-5,6,5' ,6' -tetrone, de-epoxidation, 91, 662 see P-Carotenone epoxidation, 95, 332 Dodecahydro-P-carotene, 831 function, 672, 690 Dodecahydrolycopene (30), 777 metabolism, 602, 662 Dodecapreno-P-carotene m.s., 264 light absorption, 200, 201 occurrence,41,42,610 m.s., 248 p.m.r., 206,228,230 reactions, 95 reactions, 42, 71, 88-91, 113-116, 163, 296 syntheses, 525, 526, 564 structure, 113 -116, 163 IX-Doradecin (168a), 143, 807 syntheses, partial, 95, 332 P-Doradecin (16Sa), 143, 144, 806 9,10-Epoxycanthaxanthin, 95, 99 IX-Doradexanthin, see 4-Ketolutein 13,14-Epoxycanthaxanthin, 95, 99 P-Doradexanthin (167), 807 5,8-Epoxy-IX-carotene, see Flavochrome Dormin, see Abscisic acid 5,8-Epoxy-p-carotene, see Mutatochrome 1,2-Epoxy-1,2, 7,8,11,12,7' ,8' ,11 ',12' -decahydro- 1/1,1/J-carotene, see Phytoene E 1,2-epoxide 5,6-Epoxy-7',8' -didehydro-5,6-dihydro-P,P• Echinenone (148), 803 carotene-3,3'-diol, see Diadino• biosynthesis, 612, 628, 629, 647-649, 651 xanthin derivatives, 87 5',6'-Epoxy-6, 7-didehydro-5,6,5' ,6' -tetrahydro• geometrical isomers, 281 p,p-carotene-3,5,19,3'-tetrol, see light absorption Vaucheriaxanthin u. v., visible, 194-196 5',6' -Epoxy-6, 7-didehydro-5,6,5' ,6' -tetrahydro• metabolism, 645, 646, 663, 665 p,p-carotene-3,5,3' -trio!, see m.s., 252, 258 Subject Index 915

5' ,8'-Epoxy-6, 7-didehydro-5,6,5' ,8' -tetrahydro• Eschscholtzxanthin (84), 788 fJ,fJ-carotene-3,5,3' -trio!, see absolute configuration, 288 Neochrome biosynthesis, 602 5,6-Epoxy-5,6-dihydro-fJ,fJ-carotene, see dipalmitate, 95 fJ-Carotene 5,6-epoxide geometrical isomerism, 275 5,8-Epoxy-5,8-dihydro-fJ,fJ-carotene, see i.r., 275 Mutatochrome occurrence,37,656 5,6-Epoxy-5,6-dihydro-fJ,e-carotene, see reactions, 79, 146, 156 IX-Carotene 5,6-epoxide structure, 156, 469 5,8-Epoxy-5,8-dihydro-fJ,e-carotene, see syntheses, partial, 146, 156 Flavochrome Eschscholtzxanthone (192), 37, 146, 812 5,6-Epoxy-5,6-dihydro-fJ,fJ-carotene-3,3 '-diol, Esters(ofcarotenols)(68, 74,121,175,179,190, see Antheraxanthin 199, 272, 273), 65, 68, 77, 84, 85, 146 5,8-E poxy-5,8-dihydro-fJ,fJ-carotene-3,3' -diol, Ethoxyquin, 747 see Mutatoxanthin Ethyl fJ-apo-8' -carotenoate 5,6-Epoxy-5,6-dih ydro-fJ,e-carotene-3,3 '-diol, determination, 764 see Lutein epoxide, Taraxanthin colouring agent, 19, 749-751, 753, 758-762 5,8-Epoxy-5,8-dihydro-fJ,e-carotene-3,3 '-dio I, labelled compound, 536 see Flavoxanthin light absorption 9,10-Epoxy-9,10-dihydro-fJ,fJ-carotene- u.v., visible, 195, 197-199 4,4'-dione, 95, 99 syntheses, 455, 458, 459, 541 13,14-Epoxy-13, 14-dihydro-fJ,fJ-carotene- vitamin A activity, 744, 745 4,4'-dione, 95,99 Euglenanone, 141, 803, 813, 831 5,6-Epoxy-5,6-dihydro-fJ,e-carotene-3,3' ,6'-trio! Euglenarhodone (198), 815 (123), 797 Eugorgiaenoic acid, 831 5,8-Epoxy-5,8-dihydro-fJ,e-carotene-3,3 ',6'-trio! (132), 798 5,6-Epoxy-5,6-dihydro-fJ,fJ-caroten-3-ol, see F Cryptoxanthin epoxide 5,8-Epoxy-5,8-dihydro-fJ,fJ-caroten-3-ol, see Farnesal, 421 Cryptoflavin Farnesol, 276 5' ,8' -Epoxy-5',8' -dihydro-fJ,fJ-caroten-4-ol, 101 Farnesyl pyrophosphate, 31, 47, SO, 583, 584, 5,8-Epoxy-5,8-dihydro-fJ,t/J-caroten-3-ol, see 586, 588, 611, 641 Rubichrome Fenicotterina, 831 5' ,6'-Epoxy-5' ,6' -dihydro-fJ,t/J-caroten-4-one, Flavacin (125), 114, 797 831 Flavochrome (126), 114, 797 5,8-Epoxy-3,3' -dihydroxy-IX-carotene, see Flavorhodin (22), 776 Flavoxanthin Flavoxanthin (130), 114, 116,288, 798 5,6-Epoxy-3,3' -dihydroxy-5,6-dihydro-fJ,K• Flexixanthin (171), 38, 88, 134, 808 caroten-6'-one, see Capsanthin Foliachrome (131), 252, 258, 798 5,6-epoxide Foliaxanthin, see Neoxanthin 5,8-Epoxy-3,3' -dihydroxy-5,8-dihydro-fJ,K• Fourier transform technique, 239 caroten-6'-one (191), 812 Fucochromes, 108,109,295,296 5,6-Epoxy-3,3'-dihydroxy-5,6,7,8-tetrahydro• Fucoxanthin (190), 812 fJ,fJ-caroten-8-one (187), 106, 107, 811 absolute configuration, 288,289, 295-300, 5,8-Epoxy-3-hydroxy-y-carotene, see 314, 317 Rubichrome biosynthesis, 43, 602, 684 5,6-Epoxy-3-hydroxy-5,6-dihydro-1 0'-apo• derivatives, 87, 107, 108 fJ-caroten-10'-al, see Apo-10'• function, 686, 687 violaxanthal i.r., 202, 204 5,6-Epoxy-3-hydroxy-5,6-dihydro-12' -apo• isolation, 13, 65 fJ-caroten-12'-al, see Apo-12'• metabolism, 49 violaxanthal m.s., 251, 258, 265 5,8-Epoxylutein, see Flavoxanthin occurrence, 31, 43, 44 5,6-Epoxyzeaxanthin, see Antheraxanthin p.m.r., 235-237 916 Subject Index

Fucoxanthin (190) (continued) 7,8,11,12,7',8'-Hexahydro-{J,{J-carotene, see reactions, 75, 106-110, 162, 163,295,297 , cyclic analogue structure, 46, 106-110, 113,295 1,2,7,8,11,12-Hexahydro-Y,,Y,-carotene, see Fucoxanthinol (189), 812 1,2,7,8,11,12-Hexahydrolycopene absolute configuration, 300 1,2,7 ,8,1 ',2' -Hexahydro-Y, ,Y,-carotene, see function, 688 1,2,1 ').'-Tetrahydroneurosporene occurrence, 43 1,2,7,8,7',8'-Hexahydro-Y,,Y,-carotene, see p.m.r., 277 7,8,1';1.',7',8'-Hexahydrolycopene reactions, 107, 109, 295 7,8,11,12,7',8'-Hexahydro-Y,,Y,-carotene, see structure, 107, 109, 113, 295 Phytofluene Fucoxanthols, 108-110,295 1,2, 7',8' ,11 ',12' -Hexahydro-Y, ,Y,-caroten-1-ol, see 1-Hydroxy-1,2,7',8',11',12'• hexahydrolycopene G 1,2,7,8,11,12-Hexahydrolycopene (27), 32, 777 Hexahydrolycopene = Galloxanthin, 831 7,8,11,12,7',8'-Hexahydrolycopene, see Gazaniaxanthin (46), 781 Phytofluene absolute configuration, 307 7,8,1',2',7',8'-Hexahydrolycopene (29), 32, 777, conformation, 284 3,4,3',4' ,7' ,8'-Hexahydrospirilloxanthin (112), geometrical isomerism, 269, 274, 276, 277 124, 794 isolation, 273 1-Hexosyl-1,2-dihydro-3,4-didehydroapo- light absorption, 274, 284 8'-lycopenol (253), 117, 165,826 occurrence, 36 Hill reaction, 687, 691, 702 p.m.r., 276, 277 Hopkinsianone, 161 structure, 149 Hopkinsiaxanthin (247), 161, 825 Geraniol, 276, 584 Hydroxy-, see also OH- or -ol Geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate, 31, 584, 585, Hydroxyactinioerythrin, 831 588,589,592,593,611 3-Hydroxy-IX-apo-12' -carotenal, 510 Geranyl pyrophosphate, 47, 583, 584, 586, 611, 3-Hydroxy-{J-apo-8' -carotenal, see {3-Citraurin 641 3-Hydroxy-{J-apo-10'-carotenal (257), 48, 169, Glover-Redfearn degradation, 638, 639 827 IX-Glycols, 70, 78, 79, 81 3-Hydroxy-{J-apo-12' -carotenal, 510 Glycosides (47, 54, 57, 77, 77a, 90-92, 94a-96, Hydroxy-{J-apo-8'-carotenoic acid, 831 145, 159, 172, 176,225, 227, 253, 16-Hydroxyapo-8'-lycopenal, 455,456, 515, 255, 271), 53, 79, 91, 116, 164, 260 539 Glycosidic apocarotenoids (253, 255, 271), 164 Hydroxyasteroidenone (166, 167), 45, 143, 807 Glycymerin, 45, 807, 831 Hydroxycamphonanic acid, 293, 295 Grasshopper ketone 3-Hydroxycanthaxanthin, see Adonirubin, absolute configuration, 303 Phoenicoxanthin biosynthesis, 304, 709 Hydroxycapsanthin-like compound, 831 function, 709 Hydroxycapsolutein, 831 occurrence, 50, 709 Hydroxycapsolutein 5,6-epoxide, 831 syntheses, 332, 535 Hydroxy-IX-carotene, 831 Guaraxanthin (204), 146, 650, 653, 655, 816 3-Hydroxy-IX-carotene, see Zeinoxanthin 4-Hydroxy-IX-carotene, 101, 141, 151 3'-Hydroxy-IX-carotene (43), 151, 780 H 3-Hydroxy-{J-carotene, see Cryptoxanthin (39) 4-Hydroxy-{J-carotene, see lsocryptoxanthin Haematoxanthin, 831 3-Hydroxy-y-carotene, see Rubixanthin Helenien (74), 155, 786 4-Hydroxy-y-carotene, 133, 134 Heteroxanthin (94), 44, 49, 106, 790; (187), 811 3'-Hydroxy-y-carotene, 150 Hexadecahydrolycopene, see Phytoene 3-Hydroxy-15-carotene (51), 782 2,3,2' ,3' ,4',5'-Hexadehydro-4,5' -retro-{3,{3- Hydroxy-(-carotene, 831 carotene, see Anhydroeschscholtz• 3-Hydroxy-{J,{J-carotene-4,4' -dione, see xanthin Adonirubin, Phoenicoxanthin Subject Index 917

3'-Hydroxy-,B,,B-carotene-3,4-dione (165a), 143, 1'-Hydroxy-3',4'-didehydro-1',2'-dihydro• 144,806 ,B,Y,-caroten-2' -one, see 4'-Hydroxy-,8,,8-carotene-3,4-dione (168), 645, 2'-Dehydroplectaniaxanthin 807 2'-Hydroxy-3' ,4' -didehydro-1 ',2' -dihydro• 3'-Hydroxy-,B,e-carotene-3,4-dione (168a), 143, ,B,Y,-caroten-4-one (161), 805 807 3-Hydroxy-3',4'-didehydrolycopene, 95, 149 3-Hydroxy-,B,K-carotene-3' ,6' -dione, see 3'-Hydroxy-4' ,5' -didehydro-4,5' -retro• Capsanthone ,B,,B-caroten-3-one, see Hydroxy-IX-carotene epoxides, 831 Eschscholtzxanthone 3' -Hydroxy-,8,,8-carotene-3,4,4'-trione (201), 815 3-Hydroxy-5,8,5',8' -diepoxy-,8-carotene, see 3-Hydroxy-,8,,8-caroten-4-one, see 3-Hydroxy- Cryptochrome echinenone 3-Hydroxy-7',8'-dihydro-7' -apo-,B-caroten- 3'-Hydroxy-,B,,B-caroten-4-one, see 8'-one, see 3-Hydroxysintaxanthin 3' -Hydroxyechinenone 1-Hydroxy-1,2-dihydroapo-8'-lycopenal, 455, 4'-Hydroxy-,8,,8-caroten-4-one (155), 804 456,514,539 biosynthesis, 629, 645 3-Hydroxy-5',6' -dihydro-5'-apo-18' -nor• metabolism, 663, 665 ,B-caroten-6' -one, see occurrence, 142,645 Reticulataxanthin reactions, 141 1-Hydroxy-l ,2-dihydro-Y,,Y,-caroten-20-al, see x-Hydroxy-,8,,8-caroten-y-one, 831 Rhodopin-20-al 3-Hydroxy-,B,e-caroten-3' -one, see 5-Hydroxy-5,6-dihydro-,B-carotene, 82, 114 3'-Dehydrolutein 1'-Hydroxy-l ',2' -dihydro-y-carotene (48), 781 3' -Hydroxy-,B,K-caroten-6' -one, see occurrence, 40 Cryptocapsin reactions, 151 Hydroxy-,B,Y,-caroten-4-one, 831 structure, 151 3-Hydroxy-,B,Y,-caroten-4'-one, see synthesis, 505, 511, 552 Rubixanthone 1'-Hydroxy-l' ,2' -dihydro-,B,Y,-caroten-4-one = 3'-Hydroxy-1/t,Y,-caroten-4-one (165), 806 1'- Hydroxy-1',2' -dihydro-y-caroten-4-one 3-Hydroxycitranaxanthin, see Reticulata• (160), 805 xanthin occurrence, 38 3'-Hydroxy-3,4-dehydro-,8-carotene (38), 779 reactions, 133 3-Hydroxy-7 ,8-didehydro-,8-apo-12' -carotenal, structure, 13 3 441, 444, 510, 537 synthesis, 516, 519, 559 4-Hydroxy-15,15' -didehydro-,B-apo- 1'-Hydroxy-l ',2' -dihydro-x,Y,-caroten-4' -one, 8' -carotenal, 515 see OH-Okenone 3-Hydroxy-2,3-didehydro-,B,,B-carotene- 8'-Hydroxy-7',8'-dihydrocitranaxanthin (239), 4,4'-dione, see Dehydroadonirubin, 824 Phoeniconone occurrence, 49 3-Hydroxy-2,3-didehydro-,B,,B-caroten-4-one, reactions, 170 see 3-Ketoechinenone structure, 170 3-Hydroxy-2,3-didehydro-,B,e-caroten-4-one synthesis, 170, 462, 464 (156), 804 1'-Hydroxy-l' ,2' -dihydro-2-isopentenyl- 3-Hydroxy-7 ,8-didehydro-7',8' -dihydro- 2' -(hydroxyisopentenyl)torulene 7' -apo-,B-carotene-4,8' -dione, see (221), 47, 174, 618, 820 Hopkinsiaxanthin 1'-Hydroxy-l ',2' -dihydro-4-keto-y-carotene, 3-Hydroxy-7 ,8-didehydro-7',8' -dihydro- see 1'-Hydroxy-1',2'-dihydro• 7' -apo-,B-caroten-8' -one, see y-caroten-4-one Triophaxanthin 1-Hydroxy-1,2-dihydrolycopene, see 1-Hydroxy-3,4-didehydro-1,2-dihydroapo- Rhodopin 8'-lycopenal, 455,456, 514, 539 1-Hydroxy-1,2-dihydroneurosporene, see 1-Hydroxy-15,15' -didehydro-1,2-dihydroapo- Chloroxanthin 8'-lycopenal,.455, 456, 464, 539 1-Hydroxy-1,2-dihydrophytoene (61), 34, 146, 1'-Hydroxy-3',4'-didehydro-1',2'-dihydro• 626, 783 ,8,1/t-caroten-4-one, see 1-Hydroxy-1,2-dihydrophytofluene (60), 34, Deoxyflexixanthin 146,626,783

Carotenmds 58 918 Subject Index

8'-Hydroxy-?' ,8'-dihydroreticulataxanthin 2-(4-Hydroxy-3-methyl-2-butenyl)- (240), 49, 824 7',8'-dihydro-ll,Y,-carotene, see 1'-Hydroxy-l' ,2' -dihydrospheroidene, see 11',12'-Dehydrononaprenoxanthin OH-Spheroidene 2-(4-Hydroxy-3-methyl-2-butenyl)- 2' -Hydroxy-l',2' -dihydrotorulene, 832 2' -(3-methyl-2-butenyl)-ll,ll-carotene, 5-Hydroxy-5,6-dihydrozeaxanthin (87), 157, see Deshydroxydecaprenoxanthin 789 2'-(4-Hydroxy-3-methyl-2-butenyl)-2- "3-Hydroxy-3',4'-diketo-a-carotene ", see (3-methyl-2-butenyl)-3',4' -didehydro- a-Doradecin 1',2' -dihydro-p,Y,-caroten-1 '-ol, see 3-Hydroxy-4,4'-diketo-P-carotene (196), 814 1'-Hydroxy-1',2'-dihydro- 3'-Hydroxy-3,4-diketo-P-carotene (16Sa), 143, 2-isopentenyl-2'-(hydroxy• 144,806 isopentenyl)torulene 2'-Hydroxy-3,1 '-dimethoxy-3',4' -didehydro- 2-(4-Hydroxy-3-methyl-2-butenyl)-7' ,8',11 ', 12'• 1',2' -dihydro-P,Y,-caroten-4-one (186), tetrahydro-ll,Y,-carotene, see 811 ~onaprenoxanthin 4-Hydroxy-3',4'-dioxo-P-carotene (168), 807 2-(3-Hydroxy-3-methylbutyl)-2' -(3-methyl- 3-Hydroxyechinenone (153), 38, 141,647-649, 2-butenyl)-3,4,3',4' -tetradehydro- 651,804 1,2,1 ',2'-tetrahydro-Y,,Y,-carotene- 3'-Hydroxyechinenone (154), 101, 142, 804 1,1'-diol, see Monoanhydro• 4'-Hydroxyechinenone, see 4'-Hydroxy• bacterioruberin p,p-caroten-4-one 4-Hydroxymyxoxanthophyll (94a), 117,791 Hydroxyflavoxanthin, 832 15-Hydroxy-7',8',9',10',11',12',13',14'• 1-Hydroxy-1,2,7',8',11',12'-hexahydrolycopene octahydro-6'-apo-P-caroten-7' -one (59), 34, 624, 626, 783 (241), 824 2-(4-Hydroxy-3-hydroxymethyl-2-butenyl)- 3'-Hydroxy-4-oxo-P-carotene, see 2' -(3-methyl-2-buteny!)-p,p-carotene, Asteroidenone, 3'-Hydroxy• see 2-(Dihydroxyisopentenyl)- echinenone 2'-isopentenyl-P-carotene 3-Hydroxy-4-oxo-2,3-dehydro-P-carotene, 3-Hydroxyisorenieratene (52), 782 see 3-Ketoechinenone occurrence, 41 4'-Hydroxy-3-oxoechinenone (168), 807 reactions, 78, 152 4-Hydroxyphleixanthophyll, 119 syntheses,336,496,499,552 Hydroxyphytoene (61), 783 3-Hydroxy-3'-keto-a-carotene, see Hydroxyphytofluene (60), 783 3'-Dehydrolutein Hydroxypirardixanthin, 832 3-Hydroxy-4-keto-P-carotene, see Hydroxy-Red, see OH-Spheroidenone 3-Hydroxyechinenone 4-Hydroxyretinal, 390 4-Hydroxy-4'-keto-P-carotene, see 4'-Hydroxy• 3-Hydroxy-4,5'-retro-5' -apo-P-caroten-5'-one, p,p-caroten-4-one see Tangeraxanthin 1'- Hydroxy-4-keto-1 ',2'-dihydro-y-carotene, 3'-Hydroxy-5,6-seco-p,p-carotene-5,6-dione = see 1'-Hydroxy-1',2'-dihydro• 3-Hydroxysemi-P-carotenone, see y-caroten-4-one Triphasiaxanthin 1'- Hydroxy-2-keto-1' ,2' -dihydrotorulene, see 3-Hydroxysintaxanthin (245), 171, 825 2'-Dehydroplectaniaxanthin Hydroxyspheroidene, see OH-Spheroidene 19-Hydroxylutein, see Loroxanthin Hydroxyspheroidenone, see 3-Hydroxylycopene, 148 OH-Spheroidenone 16-Hydroxylycopene, see Lycoxanthin 8'-Hydroxy-5' ,6', 7',8'-tetrahydro-5' -apo- 1'- Hydroxy-1-methoxy-3,4-didehydro- 18'-nor-P-caroten-6' -one, see 1,2,1',2',7',8'-hexahydro-Y,,!/f-caroten- 8' -Hydroxy-7',8' -dihydrocitrana• 2-one, see OH-Spheroidenone xanthin 1'- Hydroxy-1-methoxy-3,4,3',4' -tetradehydro- 1-Hydroxy-1,2,7' ,8' -tetrahydrolycopene, see 1,2,1 ',2' -tetrahydro-Y, ,Y,-caroten- Chi oroxanthin 2-one (184), 811 3-Hydroxytorulene, see Celaxanthin 2-(4-Hydroxy-3-methyl-2-butenyl)-ll,Y,• 3-Hydroxy-3' ,4,4' -triketo-P-carotene (201), carotene, see 7',8',11',12'• 815 Dehydrononaprenoxanthin Hypervitaminosis A, 735 Subject Index 919

3,3'-Isorenieratenediol, see 3,3'-Dihydroxy• isorenieratene Idoxanthin (173), 38, 642,643,649, 651, 809 3-Isorenieratenol, see 3-Hydroxyisorenieratene Illumination, see Light Isozeaxanthin (71), 786 Infrared light absorption, 202 biosynthesis, 629, 645, 646 Intermediates, syntheses of, 331-440 colouring agent, 750 Iodopsin, 725, 731 derivatives IX-Ionone, 34, 51, 306, 337, 341, 371, 533, 534, diacetate, 98, 100, 477, 480, 554, 751 707 diethyl ether, 98, 100 P-Ionone dimethyl ether, 78, 141, 480, 554, 750 biosynthesis, 707 metabolism, 645 as carotenoid precursor, 35, 591, 615, 616 m.s., 252, 258 occurrence, 51 occurrence, 37 syntheses of, 19, 338-341 reactions, 78, 98, 141, 156 syntheses from, 340, 341, 344, 352, 354, 355, structure, 156 357,362,366,376,520 syntheses P-Ionone 5,6-epoxide, 51 partial, 98, 141 P-Ionylideneacetaldehyde, see P-C15-Aldehyde total,390,477,479,482,483,554 P-Ionylidenecrotonic acid, 285,287, 366, 369 l.r., see Infrared light absorption lrone, 51 K Isoanhydrovitamin A, 17 Isobixin (265), 828 Kerogen, 708 Isocarotene, see Retrodehydrocarotene Keto-, see also Oxo- or -one Isocryptoxanthin (40), 779 Ketocapsanthin, see Capsanthone biosynthesis, 629, 645, 646, 684 Ketocapsorubin, see Capsorubone derivatives 4-Keto-IX-carotene, see Phoenicopterone acetate, 477 4-Keto-P-carotene, see Echinenone metabolism, 629, 645, 646 4-Keto-y-carotene (151), 803 occurrence, 37, 629 occurrence, 38 reactions, 140, 141, 151 reactions, 133, 134 structure, 151 syntheses, 505, 515, 516, 519, 558 syntheses Keto carotenoids (148-210, 213-216, 236-241, partial, 140 244-247,252,264,272) total, 477, 479, 551 formation, 628, 629 Isocryptoxanthin 5,8-epoxide, see 5',8'-Epoxy- metabolism, 641-656, 658 5',8' -dihydro-P,P-caroten-4-ol reactions, 71, 85-88, 129-147 Isofucoxanthin (179), 43, 107, 108, 110, 810 structures, 129-147 Isofucoxanthinol (178), 43, 107, 108, 111, 810 10-Keto-7,10-dihydro-P-carotene, 474, 558 Isolutein (120), 796 4-Keto-1',2'-dihydro-1'-hydroxytorulene, see 2-Isopentenyl-3,4-dehydrorhodopin (219), Deoxyflexixanthin 47,173,820 3-Ketoechinenone (152), 141, 142, 803 Isorenieral, 104, 451, 452, 512, 538 4'-Keto-3-hydroxy-y-carotene, see Rubi- Isorenieratene (13), 775 xanthone see also Leprotene 4-Keto-3'-hydroxylycopene (165), 806 conformation, 285 Ketohydroxypirardixanthin, 832 light absorption, 285 4-Ketolutein (169), 143, 808 occurrence, 41 2-Keto-1-methoxy-3,4-didehydro-1,2- structure, 104 dihydroapo-15-lycopenal, 453-457, syntheses,336,428,484,486,496,499,548 538 P-Isorenieratene (6), 773 2-Keto-1-methoxy-3,4-didehydro-1,2- occurrence, 41 dihydroapo-4'-lycopenal, 455, 457, 540 phenyl analogue, 522 2-Keto-1-methoxy-3,4-didehydro- structure, 104 1,2-dihydroapo-8'-lycopenal, 455, synthesis, 504, 511, 546 456,515,540 920 Subject Index

4-Ketomyxol2'-(5-C-methylpentoside) (176), colouring agent, 749, 752, 753 117, 120, 647, 809 derivatives, 155

total, 424, 428, 477, 478, 484, 487, 489, 1'-Methoxy-3',4' -didehydro-1 ',2' -dihydro• 490,497,499,505,513,516,549 y-carotene (96a), 627, 791 Lycopene-16,16' -diol, see Lycophyll 1-Methoxy-3,4-didehydro-1 ',2' -dihydro• Lycopene epoxide, 95, 832 l/l,l/1-carotene, see Anhydro• Lycopen-16-ol, see Lycoxanthin rhodovibrin Lycopen-20-ol (63), 784 x-Methoxy-3,4-didehydro-7',8' -dihydro• Lycopersene (34), 778 p,l/f-caroten-2-one, 832 biosynthesis, 584, 585 1-Methoxy-3,4-didehydro-1,2, 7',8',11',12'• m.s., 256, 261 hexahydro-l/J,l/1-carotene, see occurrence, 31, 102 11',12' -Dihydrospheroidene synthesis, 477, 479, 550 1'- Methoxy-3',4' -didehydro-1,2, 7,8, 1',2'• Lycophyll (83), 788 hexahydro-l/J,l/f-caroten-1-ol, see derivatives OH-Spheroidene diacetate, 153 1-Methoxy-3,4-didehydro-1,2, 7' ,8' -tetrahydro• dipalmitate, 153 l/J,l/f-carotene, see Spheroidene m.s., 252, 256 1'- Methoxy-3',4'-didehydro-1,2, 1',2' -tetrahydro• occurrence, 46 l/1,1/J-caroten-1-ol, see Rhodovibrin structure, 153 1-Methoxy-3,4-didehydro-1,2, 7' ,8'-tetrahydro• synthesis, 556 l/l,l/f-caroten-2-one, see Spheroidenone Lycoxanthin (62), 784 1-Methoxy-1,2-dihydro-l/J,l/f-caroten-20-al, biosynthesis, 602 see Methoxylycopenal derivatives 1-Methoxy-1,2-dihydro-l/f,l/f-carotene, see acetate, 48, 148 1-Methoxy-1 ,2-dihydrolycopene palmitate, 95, 149 1'-Methoxy-1',2' -dihydro-qJ,I/J-caroten-4' -one, tetrahydropyranyl ether, 148, 417, 515, see Thiothece-4 78 553 1'-Methoxy-1',2' -dihydro-x,l/f-caroten-4' -one, m.s., 252, 256 see Okenone occurrence, 46 1' -Methoxy-1',2' -dihydro-3',4' -dehydro• reactions, 79, 148, 149 y-carotene (96a), 627, 791 structure, 47, 148 1-Methoxy-1,2-dihydro-3,4-didehydro• synthesis, 149, 505, 515, 516, 553 lycopen-20-al (145a), 127, 802 Lycoxanthin epoxide, 832 1-Methoxy-1,2-dihydrolycopene (98), 123, 792 1-Methoxy-1,2-dihydroneurosporene, see 3,4-Dihydrospheroidene M 1-Methoxy-1,2-dihydrophytoene (104), 626, 793 Mannosides (253, 255), 53, 165, 826, 827 see also Methoxyphytoene Manool, 306 1-Methoxy-1,2-dihydrophytolluene (103), 626, Mass spectrometry, 68, 243-265, 289 792 Membrane stabilization, 703, 704 see also Methoxyphytolluene Metabolism, 605, 638-665 1'- Methoxy-1 ',2' -dihydrospheroidene, see Metarhodopsins, 726, 728, 729 3,4, 7,8-Tetrahydrospirilloxanthin Methoxy-, see also Monomethoxy- 1-Methoxy-1,2, 7',8',11',12' -hexahydro• 3-Methoxy-/1-Cwaldehyde, 347 l/J,l/f-carotene, see 3,4,11',12'• Methoxy-p,l/f-caroten-4-one, 832 Tetrahydrospheroidene 1-Methoxy-1,2, 7,8,11,12, 7',8',11',12' -decahydro- 1-Methoxy-2-keto-7',8' -dihydro-3,4- 1/J.,I/J-carotene, see 1-Methoxy- dehydrolycopene, see Spheroidenone 1,2-dihydrophytoene Methoxylycopenal (146), 126, 270, 802 1-Methoxy-3,4-didehydro-1 ,2-dihydroapo- 1-Methoxy-1,2, 7,8,7',8',11 ', 12' -octahydro• 8'-lycopenal, 455, 456, 515, 540 l/J,l/f-carotene, see 1-Methoxy- 1-Methoxy-3,4-didehydro-1,2-dihydro• 1,2-dihydrophytolluene l/J,l/f-caroten-20-al (145a), 127, 1-Methoxy-2-oxo-3,4-didehydro-1,2-dihydro- 802 15-apo-1/J-caroten-15-al, see 2-Keto- 1'- Methoxy-3' ,4' -didehydro-1',2' -dihydro• 1-methoxy-3,4-didehydro-1 ,2- /1,1/1-carotene = dihydroapo-15-lycopenal 922 Subject Index

1-Methoxy-2-oxo-3,4-didehydro-1,2-dihydro- 2-(3-Methyl-2-butenyl)-3,4-didehydro- 4' -apo-tjt-caroten-4' -a!, see 2-Keto- 1,2-dihydro-tjt,tjt-caroten-1-ol, see 1-methoxy-3,4-didehydro- 2-Isopentenyl-3,4-dehydrorhodopin 1,2-dihydroapo-4' -lycopenal 2'-Methyl-oc-carotene, 252, 258 1-Methoxy-2-oxo-3,4-didehydro-1,2-dihydro- 16-Methyl-p,p-carotene, 526, 530, 531 8'-apo-tjt-caroten-8'-al, see 2-Keto- Methyl carotenoates, see Carboxylic acids, 1-methoxy-3,4-didehydro- Methyl16-lycopenoate 1,2-dihydroapo-8' -lycopenal 2-Methyl carotenoids, 51 Methoxyphytoene (104), 123, 793 Methyll5,15' -didehydro-P-apo-8' -carotenoate, see also 1-Methoxy-1,2-dihydro• 455,458,459,541 phytoene Methyl 3',4' -didehydro-p,tjt-caroten-16' -oate, Methoxyphytofluene (103), 123, 792 see Torularhodin methyl ester see also 1-Methoxy-1,2-dihydro• Methyl 7,8-dihydroapo-8'-lycopenoate, 455, phytofluene 464,465,542 1'- Methoxy-3,4,3' ,4' -tetradehydro-1,2,1 ',2'• Methyll-hexosyloxy-3,4-didehydro-1,2- tetrahydro-tjt,tjt-caroten-1-ol, dihydroapo-8' -lycopenoate (255), 48, see OH-Spirilloxanthin 53, 117, 164, 827 1-Methoxy-1,2, 7' ,8' -tetrahydro-1/t,tjt-carotene, Methyl hydrogen 9' -cis-6,6' -diapocarotene- see 3,4-Dihydrospheroidene 6,6' -dioate, see Bixin Methyl apo-P-carotenoate, see Methyl 3'-0-Methyllutein, 258 P-apocarotenoate Methyl16-lycopenoate, 505, 515 Methyl P-apo-2'-carotenoate, 455,461, 542 Methyl-cis(natural)-bixin, see 9-cis- Methyl P-apo-4' -carotenoate (neurospora• Methylbixin xanthin methyl ester) (235), 165, 455, Methyl y-retinoate, 453, 454, 464 460,541,823 Mevaldic acid, 580 Methyl P-apo-6'-carotenoate, 455, 460, 541 Mevalonic acid, 311, 578-588, 591-594, Methyl P-apo-8'-carotenoate (251), 455, 459, 596-600,602,605,610,611,614,641 541,826 Mevalonic acid 5-pyrophosphate, 581, 582, Methyl P-apo-10'-carotenoate, 455, 457, 540 585 Methyl P-apo-12'-carotenoate, 444, 455, 457, Micronone, 832 540 Microxanthin, 832 Methyl P-apo-14'-carotenoate, 440,455,457, Mill's rule, 305 540 Monadoxanthin (7,8-didehydrolutein) (72), 786 Methyl6'-apo-tjt-caroten-6'-oate, see Methyl absolute configuration, 312 apo-6' -lycopenoate occurrence, 44 Methyl P-apo-10'-carotenoate 5,6-epoxide, structure, 106 209,228,252,256 synthesis, 504, 510, 555 Methyl apo-6'-lycopenoate (243), 824 Monoanhydrobacterioruberin (230), 47, 174, occurrence, 48 822 reactions, 166, 167 Monodehydrolycopene, see 3,4-Dehydro• structure, 166, 167 lycopene synthesis, 464, 465, 542 Monodemethylated spirilloxanthin = Methylbixin (266), 829 Monodemethylspirilloxanthin, see geometrical isomerism, 271, 278, 279 0 H -Spirilloxanthin 9-cis, see 9-cis-Methylbixin Monohydroxy-4-keto-y-carotene, 832 15-cis, 281, 469,471, 544 Monomethoxy-4-keto-y-carotene, 832 p.m.r., 278, 279 M.s., see Mass spectrometry stereomutation, 271, 279 Muconic acid, 278 synthesis, 403, 469, 471, 544 Mutatochrome (125), 14, 113, 114,252, 258, 9-cis-Methylbixin (266a), 829 797 geometrical isomerism, 271, 278, 279 Mutatoxanthin (129), 114, 116, 798 p.m.r., 278, 279 Mycoplasma laidlawii B carotenol, 832 stereomutation, 271, 279 Mycoxanthin, 832 synthesis, 167, 283, 284, 405, 425, 469, 471, Mytiloxanthin, 45, 832 544 Myxobactin (47), 40, 52, 117, 781 Subject Index 923

Myxobactone (159), 38, 52, 117, 805 biosynthesis from, 612, 616, 618, 622, 623, Myxol, 119 625,626 Myxol2'-glucoside (92), 117, 119, 790 function, 673, 677 Myxol 2' -(0-methyi-5-C-methylpentoside) genetic studies, 605, 608 (91), 37, 117, 120, 647, 790 geometrical isomers, 269, 276, 277, 593, 608 Myxol2'-rhamnoside, see Myxoxanthophyll occurrence, 31, 32, 34, 610 Myxoxanthin, see Echinenone p.m.r., 276, 277 Myxoxanthophyll (90) reactions, 93 m.s., 252, 256 structure, 102 occurrence, 37, 53 syntheses,426,477,478,504,509,549 reactions, 92, 117, 119, 120 Nomenclature rules, 22-24, 851-864 structure, 119 Nonaprenoxanthin (218), 820 biosynthesis, 617, 618 m.s., 252, 256 N occurrence, 46 structure, 17 4 Natural methylbixin, see 9-cis-Methylbixin Norbixin (diapo-6,6' -carotenedioic acid), 86, Nea-P-cryptoxanthin A, see Physoxanthin (39) 167, 758, 759 Neochrome (131), 798 see also Diethylnorbixin absolute configuration, 302 Norcarotenoids (272, 273), 160, 171, 527, 531, occurrence, 44 830 reactions, 107, 111, 113, 302 Nostoxanthin (70), 785 structure, 112 Nuclear magnetic resonance, see Proton Neoxanthin (122), 796 magnetic resonance absolute configuration, 302, 314, 317 biosynthesis, 600, 684 colouring agent, 752, 753 0 function, 706 geometrical isomers, 269, 273, 277, 291 1,2, 7,8,11 ,12, 7' ,8' -Octahydro-1/t,l/t-carotene, metabolism, 50, 304, 706 see" 1',2'-Dihydrophytofluene" m.s., 252, 258 7,8,11, 12, 7',8', 11 ', 12' -Octahydro-1/t,l/t-carotene, occurrence, 31, 41, 43, 44, 52, 607 see Phytoene o.r.d., 273, 291 1,2, 7,8, 1',2', 7',8' -Octahydro-1/t ,1/t-carotene- p.m.r., 277, 302 1,1'-diol, see 1,1'-Dihydroxy- reactions, 75, 76, 91, 111, 302, 305 1,2, 1',2' -tetrahydro-(-carotene structure, 44, 106, 107, 111, 113 1,2,7,8,11,12, 7',8' -Octahydro-1/t,l/t-caroten-1-ol, Neurosporaxanthin (234), 823 see 1-Hydroxy-1,2-dihydrophyto• derivatives fluene ethyl ester, 455, 460, 541 Octahydrolycopene, see Phytoene methyl ester, see Neurosporaxanthin "Octahydrolycopene", see 17-Carotene methyl ester "5,6,7,8,5',6', 7',8' -Octahydrolycopene ", m.s., 252, 256 see (-Carotene occurrence, 48 7,8,11,12,7',8',11',12' -Octahydrolycopene, reactions, 165 see Phytoene structure, 165 3,4,3' ,4', 7',8', 11 ', 12' -Octahydrospirilloxanthin syntheses, 455, 460, 541 (113), 123, 124, 794 Neurosporaxanthin methyl ester (235), 823 OH, see also Hydroxy- or -ol reactions, 165 OH-Chlorobactene (53), 782 structure, 165 occurrence, 41, 117 syntheses reactions, 82, 151 partial, 165 structure, 150, 151 total, 455, 460, S41 synthesis, 415, 514, 516, 552 Neurosporene (22), 776 OH-Chlorobactene glucoside (54), 41, 151, 782 biosynthesis of, 32, 34, 590, 592-595, 605, OH-Dihydrocitranaxanthin, see 8'-Hydroxy- 608, 613, 623 7',8' -dihydrocitranaxanthin 924 Subject Index

OH-Lycopene, see Rhodopin 3-0xocanthaxanthin (195), 814 OH-Neurosporene, see Chloroxanthin 8' -Oxo-8,8' -diapocaroten-8-oic acid, see OH-Okenol, 133 Crocetinsemialdehyde OH-Okenone (164), 133, 806 4-0xo-15,15' -didehydro-P-apo-8' -carotenal, OH-P 481, see Rhodovibrin 515 OR-Pigment Y, see OH-Spheroidene 4-0xo-4'-hydroxy-p-carotene, see 4'-Hydroxy• OH-R, see OH-Spheroidenone p,p-caroten-4-one OH-Rhodopin, see Dihydroxylycopene 3-0xo-iso-C14-aldehyde, 345 OH-Spheroidene (107), 793 4-0xoretinaldehyde, 480, 730 biosynthesis, 628 occurrence, 34 reactions, 82, 124 p structure, 124 OH-Spheroidenone (185), 811 p 412, 792 biosynthesis, 628 P 426 (p-Zeacarotene?), 677 occurrence, 34 P 444, see p,y-Carotene reactions, 82, 124 P 450, see Spheroidene structure, 124, 125 P 452, see 7',8',11',12'-Dehydrononapreno• OH-Spirilloxanthin (105), 793 xanthin biosynthesis, 621, 625 P 476, see Myxol2'-(0-methyl-5-C-methyl• m.s., 252, 256 pentoside) occurrence, 34 P 481, see Anhydrorhodovibrin reactions, 123 P 500, see 3,4,3',4'-Tetrahydrospirilloxanthin- structure, 122, 123 20-al synthesis, 514, 516, 556 p 512, 126 OH-Y, see OH-Spheroidene P 518, see 2,2'-Diketospirilloxanthin Okenol, 126, 516, 518, 556 1'-[(x-0- Palmitoyl-P-o-glucopyranosyl)oxy ]- Okenone (181), 810 3' ,4' -didehydro-1 ',2' -dihydro• biosynthesis, 626, 628 p,tjJ-caroten-2' -ol (77 a), 787 m.s., 252, 256 Papilioerythrins, 832 occurrence, 41 Paracentrone (246), 825 reactions, 126 absolute configuration, 300 structure, 121, 126, 127 biosynthesis, 49 syntheses, 451, 453, 504, 512, 516, 518, 559 derivatives Oleoresin, 759 acetate, 162 Opsins, 17, 723-730 occurrence, 43, 49 Optical activity, 288 reactions, 75, 162 Optical rotatory dispersion, 273, 289 structure, 162 O.r.d., see Optical rotatory dispersion Paracentrotin A, B, 832 Oscillaxanthin (95), 791 Pararhodopsin, 726 occurrence, 34 Pectenolone (166), 45, 107, 807 reactions, 92, 117, 121 Pectenoxanthin (65), 44, 45, 106, 306, 784 structure, 53, 120, 121 Pentaxanthin (178), 43, 111, 810 Oscillol, 121, 130 Perhydroazafrin, 167 Oscillol 2,2' -bis(O-methyl-5-C-methyl- Perhydroazafrinone, 167 pentoside) (96), 791 Perhydro-P-carotene,69 metabolism, 647 Perhydro-y-carotene, 69 occurrence, 34, 647 Perhydro carotenoids, 74, 289 reactions, 117, 121 Perhydrocryptoxanthin, 289 structure, 121 Perhydrofucoxanthin, 289 Oscillol 2,2' -dirhamnoside, see Oscillaxanthin Perhydrolutein, 289 Overhauser effect, 242 Perhydrolycopene,69 Ovorubin, 39, 657, 659-661 Perhydronorbixin, 167 Ovoverdin, 39, 656, 657, 659, 661 Perhydrophytoene,69 Oxo-, see also Keto- or -one Perhydrosqualene, 69 Subject Index 925

Perhydrotrollichrome acetate, 111 occurrence, 31, 32,268,671,673,676 Perhydrozeaxanthin, 155,156,289,291 p.m.r., 276 (273), 44, 53, 161, 163, 171, 830 reactions, 93 Persicachrome, 832 structure, 102 Persicaxanthin, 832 synthesis (trans), 426, 477, 478, 517, 550 Petaloxanthin, 832 Phytoene 1,2-epoxide = Phaseic acid, 50 Phytoene 1,2-oxide (116), 34, 113, 116, 610, 795 Phillipsiaxanthin (207), 817 Phytoenol, see 1-Hydroxy-1,2-dihydrophytoene occurrence, 34, 52 Phytofluene (30), 777 reactions, 130 biosynthesis, 589-592,605,608,616,617,622 structure, 130 cyclic analogue, 35 synthesis, 502, 503, 562 function, 673, 676, 677 Philosomaxanthin, see 3' -Dehydrolutein genetic studies, 605, 608 Phleixanthophyll (77) geometrical isomers occurrence, 40, 53 all-trans, 268, 477, 478, 550 reactions, 92, 117-119 occurrence, 31, 32, 673, 676 structure, 92, 117-119 p.m.r., 276 Phoeniconone (195), 814 reactions, 93 metabolism, 649, 651, 655 structure, 102, I 03 occurrence, 143,655 synthesis (trans), 426, 477, 478, 550 reactions, 101, 142 Phytofluenol, 783, 832 structure, 142 Phytol, 276 Phoenicopterin, 832 Picrocrocin, 51, 52 Phoenicopterone (149), 803 Pigment R, see Spheroidenone metabolism, 645, 650, 652-655 Pigment X (/J-Zeacarotene?), 612, 774 occurrence, 38 Pigment Y, see Spheroidene reactions, 141 Pigmenters structure, 141 definition,746 Phoenicoxanthin (196), 814 determination, 762 metabolism, 645, 646, 649-652 in feed, 746-754 occurrence, 38 in food, 754-762 reactions, 142, 143 Pigments, natural, 21 structure, 143 Plectaniaxanthin (76), 787 Photofunctions, 670-703 methyl ether, 516, 518, 555 Photoinhibitions, 702 m.s., 252, 256 Photoperiodism, 703 occurrence, 40, 52 Photoprotection, 671-686 reactions, 79, 130, !55 Photoreception, 702, 703 structure, !53, 155 Photostimulation, 702 synthesis, 516, 518, 555 Photosynthesis, 686-698 Poly-cis-ljf-carotene, see Neurosporene Phototaxis, 701, 702 Polytomaxanthin, 832 Phototropism, 699-701 Porphyrin, 620, 672 Physalien (68), 785 Porphyropsin, 725, 731 colouring agent, 750 Porter-Lincoln pathway, 589 reactions, 95, 156, !57 Prelumirhodopsin, 726, 729 synthesis, 482, 483, 554 Pro-y-carotene, 269 Physoxant)lin (39, 43), 151, 779, 780 Prolycopene, see also Lycopene Phytoene (32), 778 biosynthesis, 593, 608 biosynthesis, 31, 32, 34, 280, 584-586, 588- geometrical isomerism, 271, 275, 276 592,605,608,609,615,618,622,623 occurrence, 269 function, 671, 673, 676, 677 Proneurosporene,269,593,608 genetic studies, 608, 609 see also Neurosporene geometrical isomers Protein deficiency and vitamin A, 720 all-trans, 268, 275, 477, 478, 550 Protein complexes, see Carotenoproteins light absorption, i.r., u. v., 275 Protein stabilization, 703, 704 926 Subject Index

Proton magnetic resonance 9-cis apocarotenoids, 226-233 p.m.r., 218, 224

C40-carotenoids, 235, 236-242 syntheses, 380, 381, 387 chemical shifts 11-cis, 270 aldehydic protons, 233, 234 biogenesis, 738 end-group protons, 205-208 conformation, 287 'in-chain' methyl groups, 209 function, 17, 723, 724, 726, 729 olefinic protons, 209-213 physical data, 18 in conformational analysis, 213, 287 p.m.r., 220, 224 of geometrical isomers, 224, 225, 275, 280, synthesis of, 378, 379 287 synthesis from, 474 vitamin A compounds, 213-225 13-cis Protoplasmic viscosity, 703 p.m.r., 220, 224 Protoporphyria, 686 synthesis of, 380, 381 Provitamin A, 13, 15-19, 744 synthesis from, 474, 476 Pyrenoxanthin (89), 46, 789 9, 13-di -cis Pyrroxanthin, 832 p.m.r., 222, 225 synthesis, 380, 381 11, 13-di-cis R conformation, 287, 288 p.m.r., 222, 225 Renieral history, 16, 17 m.s., 252, 256 metabolism, 638-640, 718, 719 reactions, 104 occurrence, 49 synthesis of, 451, 452, 538 physical data, 18 synthesis from, 512 p.m.r., 214 Renierapurpurin (16), 775 syntheses of, 351, 376, 377, 380, 381, 384, conformation, 285 386,387,390,405 occurrence, 41 syntheses from, 440-447, 457, 458, 464, structure, 104, 105 474-477,479,523,524,526,528 syntheses, 336,484,486,497,499,549 cx-Retinaldehyde, 382, 383,477, 730 {3-Renierapurpurin, 504, 511, 516, 522, 547 y-Retinaldehyde, 216, 454, 477, 478, 538 y-Renierapurpurin, 504, 513, 516, 549 Retinaldehyde 5,6-epoxide, 216, 730 Renieratene (14), 775 Retinaldehyde 5,8-epoxide, 730 conformation, 285 Retinene, Retinene1 , see Retinaldehyde occurrence, 41 Retinene2 , see 3-Dehydroretinaldehyde structure, 104, 105 , see Vitamin A acid syntheses, 487, 489, 497, 499, 548 Retinol, see also 4-Acetoxyretinol, Renieraxanthin, 832 Anhydrovitamin A, Vitamin A Reticulataxanthin (238), 824 analogous compounds, 209, 213-225, 718 absolute configuration, 307 colour reaction, 190 biosynthesis, 610 derivatives, 718, 721 genetic studies, 610 acetate, 17 occurrence, 49 carbon-13 n.m.r., 242 o.r.d., 307 colour reaction, 190 reactions, 169 geometrical isomers structure, 170 9-cis, 379, 384 = 11-cis, 220, 224, 384 Retinaldehyde 13-cis, 220, 224 conformation, 288 11, 13-di-cis, 222, 225 derivatives labelled compound, 536 enol acetate, 390 p.m.r., 213,214 retinylidene-opsin, 726-730 syntheses of, 374, 375, 378, 379, 382, function, 703, 723-730, 732 384,387 geometrical isomers, 270, 280 syntheses from, 389, 474 Subject Index 927

esters, 658, 720, 721 occurrence, 34 ethyl ether, 376, 405 reactions, 82, 148 glucuronide, 721 structure, 148 methyl ether, 214, 228, 376, 377, 388, 403, syntheses 474 partial, 129 palmitate, 17, 708 total, 415, 505, 513, 514, 553 retinyl-opsin, 728 Rhodopinal (144), 801 p-toluenesulphonate, 477 biosynthesis, 626-628 formation, 718, 719 derivatives, 87, 129 function, 731, 732 geometrical isomerism, 270, 272, 273 geometrical isomers, 209, 276, 280 light absorption 7-cis, 536 u.v., visible, 273 9-cis, 17, 281, 380, 381 occurrence, 46 11-cis, 281, 378, 379,724 reactions, 126, 129 13-cis, 17, 274, 381 structure, 129 labelled compound, 536 Rhodopinal n-glucoside (145), 117, 121, 801 p.m.r., 220, 224 Rhodopin glucoside (57), 117, 121,783 syntheses,281, 380,388 Rhodopinol (80), 788 9,13-di-cis, 281, 380, 381 derivatives, 129 11,13-di-cis, 222, 225, 281, 378 geometrical isomerism, 270, 272 labelled compound, 536 occurrence, 46 metabolism, 720-722 reactions, 79, 129 occurrence, 49 structure, 129 physical data, 18 Rhodopsin, 17,270,725-727,731 p.m.r., 213, 214, 276 Rhodopurpurin, 776 syntheses of, 19, 373,378-381, 385-387, Rhodovibrin (106), 793 403,412 biosynthesis, 621, 625 syntheses from, 380, 388-390, 444, 474, 477 m.s., 252, 256 oc-Retinol, 382, 383, 477, 735 occurrence, 34 y-Retinol, 216, 423, 454 reactions, 123 Retroanhydrovitamin A, 17 structure, 123 Retro apocarotenoids, 203, 204 synthesis, 505, 514, 557 see also Tangeraxanthin Rhodoviolascin, see Spirilloxanthin Retrobisdehydro(-{J-)carotene, 93, 151 Rhodoxanthin (209), 817 4,7' -Retro-P,P-carotene, see 4,4' -Didehydro- biosynthesis, 602 4,7-dihydro-P-carotene derivatives, 87 Retro carotenoids (35-37, 84, 192, 209, 236), metabolism, 642, 656 37,79,204,206,563 m.s., 251,258 Retrodehydrocarotene (36), 778 occurrence, 3 7 syntheses p.m.r., 206 partial, 93, 95, 141, 477 reactions, 86, 146, 157 total,477, 480,482,550 syntheses Retrodehydrocryptoxanthin, 95 partial, 86, 95, 146 Retrodehydrododecaprenocarotene, 95 total, 408, 437, 469, 496, 497, 504, 507, 563 Retro-diapo-3,3' -carotenedial, 252, 256, 469, 473 Riboflavin, 591 Retro-diapo-7, 7' -carotenedial, 469, 473 Rosaxanthin, 832 Retro-diapo-5,5'-carotenedione, 252, 256, 469, Rubichrome (128), 114, 798 473 Rubixanthin (45), 780 Retro diapocarotenoids, 440, 469, 473 absolute configuration, 292, 307 Retroretinol, acetate, 218 derivatives Retrovitamin A acid ethyl ester, 388 acetate, 155, 252, 256 Rhamnosides (90, 94a, 95), 53 palmitate, 95 Rhodopin (56), 782 geometrical isomerism, 274, 276, 277 biosynthesis, 621, 626 5' -cis, see Gazaniaxanthin m.s., 252, 256 isolation, 273 928 Subject Index

Rubixanthin (45) (continued) mass spectrometry, 243-265 light absorption nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, u.v., visible, 274 204-243 m.s., 252, 256 ultraviolet absorption spectroscopy, occurrence, 36 192-202 o.r.d., 307 visible light absorption spectroscopy, p.m.r., 276, 277 192-202 reactions, 76, 149 Sphaerobolin, see y-Carotene structure, 149, 150 Spheroidene (99), 792 Rubixanthin 5,6-epoxide, 114 biosynthesis, 623-625, 627 Rubixanthone (163), 133, 806 occurrence, 32, 34 reactions, 124 s structure, 124 synthesis, 505, 514, 556 Salmon acid (198), 815 Spheroidenol, 79, 124, 505, 514, 556 Saproxanthin (75), 786 Spheroidenone (182), 810 acetate, 82, 153, 155 biosynthesis, 620, 622,627, 628 occurrence, 37 m.s., 252, 256 reactions, 153 occurrence, 34 structure, 153 reactions, 79, 124 synthesis, partial, 120 structure, 125 Sarcinaxanthin (224), 47, 174, 176, 821 syntheses,416,423,504,505,509,514,560 Sarcinaxanthindialdehyde, 176 Spirilloxanthin (108), 793 Sarcinaxanthin mono-o-glucoside (225), 177, biosynthesis, 620, 621, 624-628 821 geometrical isomerism, 271 Sarcinene (222), 47, 177, 820 function, 689, 693, 701 5,6-Seco-p,p-carotene-5,6-dione, see Semi• m.s., 248, 252, 256 P-carotenone occurrence,31,32,34 5,6-Seco-P,e-carotene-5,6-dione, see Semi- reactions, 121-123 IX-carotenone structure, 122 Secocarotenoids (213-216, 264), 48 synthesis, 497, 500, 557 Secondary carotenoids, 645 Sporopollenin, 708 Semi-IX-carotenone (214), 48, 133, 308, 819 Squalene Semi-P-carotenone (213), 48, 78, 133, 610, 818 biosynthesis, 21, 584-588 Semifucoxanthols, 108 geometrical isomerism, 275, 280 S.g. 434, 832 occurrence, 31 S.g. 460, 832 perhydro compound, 69 s g 500. 832 S.t. 483, 832 IX-Sinensal, 233, 234 Stanier hypothesis, 671 P-Sinensal, 233, 234 Stereochemistry, 268-319 Sinensiachrome, 832 absolute configuration, 288-319 Sinensiaxanthin, 832 conformation, 284-288 Sintaxanthin (244), 825 geometrical isomerism, 268-284 biosynthesis, 49, 610 Steric distortion, 202 genetic studies, 610 Steric hindrance, 77, 272, 273, 275, 284, 287 occurrence, 49 Steroids, 65 reactions, 170, 171 Sulcatoxanthin (273), 53, 830 structure, 171 synthesis, 462, 464 Sintaxanthol, 171, 462, 464 T Siphonaxanthin (174), 46, 139, 602, 809 Siphonaxanthol, 138, 139 Tangeraxanthin (236), 49, 169, 823 Siphonein (175), 46, 139, 809 Taraxanthin (120), 41, 114, 116, 288, 796 Spectroscopic methods, 190-265 see also Lutein epoxide infrared spectroscopy, 202-204 Taraxanthin dipalmitate= Subject Index 929

Taraxien (121), 116, 796 5,6,5',6'-Tetrahydrocanthaxanthin, see Tareoxanthin (120), 269, 796 Diketopirardixanthin Terpenoids,21,22,610,611 7,8,7',8'-Tetrahydrocapsorubin (206), 817 7,8,7',8'-Tetradehydroastaxanthin, see Tetrahydro-P-carotene = Asterinic acid 7 ,8, 7' ,8'-Tetrahydro-p,p-carotene, Tetradehydro-P-carotene = see 11-Carotene 3,4,3' ,4'-Tetradehydro-p,p-carotene (1 ), 1,2, 7,8-Tetrahydro-1/1 ,i{!-carotene, 772 see 1,2-Dihydroneurosporene occurrence,36, 104 1,2,1 ',2'-Tetrahydro-1/1 ,i{!-carotene, syntheses see 1,2,1',2'-Tetrahydrolycopene partial, 93 5,6,5' ,6'-Tetrahydro-1/1 ,1/1-carotene, total,334,437,482,492,494,496,504, see 5,6,5',6'-Tetrahydrolycopene 507,545 7,8, 11,12-Tetrahydro-1/1 ,1/1-carotene, as vitamin A precursor, 719 see 7,8,11,12-Tetrahydrolycopene 11,12,11',12'-Tetradehydro-P-carotene, 484, 7,8,7',8'-Tetrahydro-1/1,1/1-carotene, 494,495 see (-Carotene 3,4,3' ,4'-Tetradehydro-P,i/1-carotene = 1,2,1 ',2'-Tetrahydro-1/1 ,i{!-carotene-1,1 '-diol, 3,4,3',4'-Tetradehydro-y-carotene, see see Dihydroxylycopene 3' ,4'-Didehydrotorulene 5,6,5' ,6'-Tetrahydro-p,p-carotene-4,4'-dione, 3,4,3',4'-Tetradehydro-1/1,1/1-carotene, see see Diketopirardixanthin 3,4,3',4'-Tetradehydrolycopene 1,2, 7' ,8'-Tetrahydro-i{!,i{!-caroten-1-ol, 7,8, 7' ,8'-Tetradehydro-P,P-carotene-3,3'-diol, see Chloroxanthin see Alloxanthin, Cynthiaxanthin, 1,2,1 ',2'-Tetrahydro-3,4,3',4' -dehydrolycopene, Pectenoxanthin 832 11,12,11',12'-Tetradehydrocrocetindialdehyde, (7,8, 7' ,8'-)Tetrahydrolycopene, see (-Carotene 466,467,471,542 "Tetrahydrolycopene", see Neurosporene 3,4,3',4'-Tetradehydro-7,7'-dihydro• 1,2,1',2'-Tetrahydrolycopene (24), 32, 626, 776 P-carotene,482,550 5,6,5',6'-Tetrahydrolycopene, 103,425, 484, 3,4,3',4'-Tetradehydrolycopene (17), 775 487,549 biosynthesis, 619 7,8,11,12-Tetrahydrolycopene (25), 776 m.s., 256, 261 biosynthesis, 34,617,618,622-624,626 occurrence, 33 occurrence, 32, 103 reactions, 93, 103 structure, 103 syntheses, 103, 412, 497, 499, 549 synthesis, 477,478, 549 3,4,3',4'-Tetradehydro-16,16' -lycopenedial, 489, 1,2,1',2'-Tetrahydroneurosporene (28), 32, 626, 490,497,500,557 777 3,4,3',4'-Tetradehydro-16,16' -lycopenedioic Tetrahydrophytoene, 589, 832 acid diethyl ester, 497, 500, 564 16-(Tetrahydropyranyloxy)apo-8'-lycopenal, 10,11,10',11'-Tetradehydrorhodoxanthin, 504, 455,456,515,539 507,563 3,4,11',12'-Tetrahydrospheroidene (102), 34, 6, 7,6', 7'-Tetradehydro-5,6,5',6' -tetrahydro• 123,124,624,626,792 p,p-carotene-3,3'-diol (70), 785 3,4,7,8-Tetrahydrospirilloxanthin (111), 124, 3,4,3',4'-Tetradehydro-1,2,1 ',2' -tetrahydro- 794 1/1,1/1-carotene-1,1' -diol 3,4,3',4'-Tetrahydrospirilloxanthin (110), 794 (didemethylspirilloxanthin) m.s., 252, 256 m.s., 252, 256 occurrence, 34 reactions, 82, 120, 121 structure, 122, 123 synthesis synthesis, 497, 500, 557 partial, 120, 121 3',4', 7' ,8'-Tetrahydrospirilloxanthin (111 ), 124, total, 497, 499, 555 794 7,8, 7',8'-Tetradehydrozeaxanthin, 444, 489, 3,4,3',4'-Tetrahydrospirilloxanthin-20-al (147), 490,504,51.0,553 126,270,802 see also Alloxanthin 3,4,3',4'-Tetrahydroxy-P-carotene, see (3,4,3',4'-)Tetrahydrobisanhydrobacterio• Crustaxanthin ruberin (229), 174, 822 3,4,3',4'-Tetraketo-P-carotene, see Astacene 930 Subject Index

Theaspirone, 51 3,4,3'-Trihydroxy-cx-carotene, 832 Thiothece-478 (180), 41, 810 3,4,4'-Trihydroxy-fi-carotene (85), 38, 143, 157, Thiothece-484, 832 645,646,789,831 Thiothece-polar-484, 832 3,3' ,4'-Trihydroxy-fi,fi-caroten-4-one, Titanium tetrachloride-carotenoid complexes, see Idoxanthin 95 3,19,3'-Trihydroxy-7 ,8-dihydro-fi,e-caroten- Torularhodin (211), 818 8-one, see Siphonaxanthin biosynthesis, 612-614 3,19,3'-Trihydroxy-7,8-dihydro-fi,e-caroten- derivatives 8-one 19-laurate, see Siphonein ethyl ester 3,3' ,19-Trihydroxy-7 ,8-dihydro-8-oxo• m.s., 252, 256 cx-carotene, see Siphonaxanthin labelled compound, 535, 536 "3,3',5'-Trihydroxy-6'-hydro-7,8-dehydro• synthesis, 505, 511, 563 fi-carotene" (94), 790 methyl ester, see Torularhodin methyl 3,3' ,4'-Trihydroxy-4-keto-fi-carotene, ester see Idoxanthin occurrence, 46 1,1 ',2'-Trihydroxy-3,4,3',4'-tetradehydro- reactions, 128 1,2,1 ',2' -tetrahydro-t/l,t/1-caroten- structure, 128 2-one, see 2'-Dihydrophillipsiaxanthirl. syntheses, 516-519, 563 3,4,4'-Triketo-fi-carotene, see Dehydroadoni• vitamin A activity, 744, 745 rubin, Phoeniconone Torularhodinalcohol (SO), 46, 128,517,781 3,1',2'-Trimethoxy-3',4'-didehydro-1',2'- Torularhodinaldehyde (142), 800 dihydro-fi,t/1-caroten-4-one (183), 811 biosynthesis, 613 2,2,6-Trimethylcyclohexanone, 52 light absorption, visible, 193 Triophaxanthin (252, 244a), 162, 825 metabolism, 640, 719 Triphasiaxanthin (215), 48, 133, 819 occurrence,46, 129 Trisporic acids, 35, 50,270, 312, 578, 598, structure, 128 614-616, 705, 706 syntheses Triticoxanthin, 832 partial, 128 Trivial names, 24, 772, 830-833, 864 total, 505, 511, 517, 519, 557 Trollein (86), 44, 112, 789 as vitamin A precursor, 719 see also Deepoxyneoxanthin Torularhodin methyl ester (212), 818 Trollichrome (131, 132), 107, 111, 113, 798 occurrence, 46 Trolliflavin-like compound, 832 reactions, 128 Trolliflor, 832 syntheses,505,511,517,519,563 Trollixanthin (122, 123), 44, 107, 111, 113, Torulene (7), 774 796, 797 biosynthesis, 612-614 Tugali-carotenoid X, 832 occurrence, 36 Tunaxanthin (78), 37, 155, 787 structure, 103, 104 syntheses partial, 95 u total, 516, 518, 547 "Torulenecarboxylic(l6') acid", see Torula• Unsym. (-carotene, see 7,8,11,12-Tetrahydro• rhodin lycopene Total syntheses, 325-575 apocarotenoids,440-464,536-542 carotenoids, 474-526, 545-564 v carotenoid analogues, 526-535 diapocarotenoids, 464-473, 542-544 Valenciachrome, 832 intermediates, 331-440 Valenciaxanthin, 832 acyclic components, 392-428 Vaucheriaxanthin (124), 43, 44, 46, 107, 113, central components, 428-440 114, 797 cyclic components, 331-392 Violaxanthin (135), 799 Tricyclocrocetin dimethyl ester, 244 absolute configuration, 288, 299-301, 2,3,2'-Trihydroxy-cx-carotene, 832 317 Subject Index 931

biosynthesis, 42, 50, 600, 602, 607, 706 history, 17 colouring agent, 752, 753 isoprenologues, 527 function, 677, 695, 706 labelled compound, 536 geometrical isomerism, 269, 277 metabolism, 638, 639, 721, 722 9-cis, see Violeoxanthin nor compounds, 214, 216, 224, 225 metabolism, 662 physical data, 18 m.s., 252, 258 p.m.r., 213, 214, 225 occurrence, 31,41,607 synthesis, 373, 375, 380, 381, 384 o.r.d., 301 Vitamin A aldehyde, see Retinaldehyde reactions, 91, 116, 300, 301, 305 Vitamin A compounds synthesis, partial, 300 p.m.r., 205, 209, 213-225 Violeoxanthin (135), 269, 799 tx-Vitamin A, see IX-Retinol Violerythrin tx-Vitamin A acid, 214, 220,222, 224, 380, 382, derivatives, 87 383 formation, 40, 88, 172 tx-Vitamin A aldehyde, see tx-Retinaldehyde m.s., 252, 256 y-Vitamin A, see }'-Retinol occurrence, 40 }'-Vitamin A acid, 216,453,454,464 reactions, 171-17 3 Vitamin A 2 , see 3-Dehydroretinol structure, 40, 172 Vitamin A 2 acid Violerythrol, 79, 171, 252, 258 derivatives Visual pigments, 723-731 methyl ester, 276, 384 Visual purple, see Rhodopsin nitrile, 384 Vitamin A, see also 3-Dehydroretinol, geometrical isomers Retinol 9-cis, 380, 382, 384 biological activity, 19, 74, 718, 744, 745 13-cis, 380, 382, 385 deficiency, 722,732-736 9,13-di-cis, 380, 382 determination, 17-19, 762-764 physical data, 18 formation, 638, 639, 718, 719 p.m.r., 216 functions, 704, 722-738, 752 syntheses, 380, 382, 384, 385 history, 15-17 Vitamin A 2 aldehyde, see 3-Dehydroretinal• metabolism, 16, 17, 658, 719-723, 732 dehyde nomenclature, 17, 718, 723 Vomifoliol, 50 Vitamin A acid (retinoic acid) conformation, 285 derivatives w amide, 387 chloride, 388 Warmingol, see Rhodopinol 14-cyano-, 386 Warmingone, see Rhodopinal ethyl ester, 373-376, 384, 385, 387, 388 9-cis, 376 p-glucuronide, 721, 722 X methyl ester, 214, 228, 276, 380, 387 9-cis, 380 Xanthomonas-carotenoid, 832 11-cis, 387 , see Lutein 13-cis, 276, 380 Xanthophyll dipalmitate, see Helenien 9,13-di-cis, 380 Xanthophyll epoxide, see Lutein epoxide nitrile, 382, 383, 386-388 Xanthophylls (38-216), see also Carotenoids formation, 639, 719, 720 absolute configuration, 307-312 function, 723, 733, 735, 737 biosynthesis, 600-603, 627, 628 geometrical isomerism, 276, 280, 385 nomenclature, 852, 857-860 9-cis, 218, 224, 375, 376, 380, 381, 384 occurrence, 33, 34, 36-40 11-cis, 220, 224 . reactions, 105-160 13-cis, 220, 222, 224, 380, 381, 385 structures, 105-160 9,13-di-cis, 222, 225, 380, 381 X-ray crystallography, 77, 109, 285, 292, 297, 11,13-di-cis, 276, 385 299,303 932 Subject Index z geometrical isomer 15-cis, 281, 328 0(-Zeacarotene (12), 774 history, 13 biosynthesis, 35, 594, 595 light absorption, u.v., 289, 290 occurrence, 35 metabolism, 629, 642-644, 649, 651, 662-664 reactions, 93, 103 m.s., 252, 258 structure, 96 occurrence, 31, 36 synthesis, 103, 504, 509, 548 o.r.d., 289-292, 307 P-Zeacarotene (9), 774 p.m.r., 235-237 biosynthesis, 35, 594, 595, 613 reactions, 75, 78, 91, 95, 111, 116, 146, function, 677 155-157,169,300 occurrence, 35 structure, 156 reactions, 76, 93, 103 syntheses structure, 96 partial, 91, 109, 111, 116, 146, 155, 157, synthesis, 103, 504, 508, 547 296,300 vitamin A activity, 744, 745 total, 437, 482, 483,489, 490,494,496, P1-Zeacarotene, see P-Zeacarotene 504,510,554 Zeaxanthin (67), 785 Zeaxanthin diepoxide, see Viola- absolute configuration, 288, 289-292, xanthin 295-300,307,314 Zeaxanthin furanoxide, see Mutato• biosynthesis, 42, 45, 48, 600, 602, 603, 606, xanthin 607,629,662-664,695 Zeaxanthin-like carotenoid, 647 c.d., 289, 290 Zeinoxanthin (42), 780 colouring agent, 750, 752, 753 absolute configuration, 309 derivatives, 156 metabolism, 654 acetate, 300 occurrence, 36 diacetate, 116, 480, 554 o.r.d., 309 dimethyl ether, 78, 156, 482, 483, 554 reactions, 151 dipalmitate, see Physalien structure, 151 methyl ether, 78, 156 synthesis (racemate), 504, 510, 552