IMPORTANT DATES B”H ON THE CALENDAR Thursday, November 1 was Chof (the Shabbat Parshat Chayei Sarah 20th of) Cheshvan. It is the birthday of November 3, 2007 Rabbi Sholom DovBer, the fifth of Candlelighting time: 5:34 p.m. Chabad, in 1861. The Rebbe Rashab, as he is known, is called the Rambam Volume II, Issue 2 (Maimonides) of Chassidic thought because of his remarkable talent at “We’ve always had a FRIDAY NIGHTS OUT explaining and categorizing Chassidic monthly Shabbaton at NOVEMBER LINEUP thought. Some of the most profound Chabad that was very popular. We realize that Chassidic discourses were authored by the SHABBAT DINNER AT DARNA Rebbe Rashab, including the discourses of many people would Friday, November 2, 2007 the years 1906 and 1912. appreciate having the A View of the Old Country: option to eat out on A Peek at Life in the Shtetl He also founded the Lubavitcher Shabbat every week,” with Rabbi Shlomo and Rivka Kugel Yeshivah, Tomchei Temimim, and, in a explained Rabbi Fried, historic talk on the last day of Pesach, the coordinator of the Kabbalat Shabbat (at Chabad): 6:10 PM 1906, said that the students of his weekly Shabbat dinners. Shabbat dinner: 6:40 PM. Yeshivah are like the soldiers of King “So far, we’ve been very David's army. Just as soldiers fight for well attended and judg- SHABBAT DINNER IN THE 70S their king, so too will the students of ing from the growing Friday, November 9, 2007 Tomchei Temimim dedicate themselves to 220 Riverside Blvd (at 70th St) number of attendees, with Rabbi Meir and Sarah Ossey Moshiach (who is a descendant of King appreciated as well!” David) and do everything in their power Chabad has placed ads Kabbalat Shabbat: 5:00 PM. to bring about the final redemption. Shabbat dinner: 5:30 PM. in area papers, including the Jewish Week and Over the past month, Chabad has SHABBAT DINNER AT TALIA'S INEVITABLE, continued from Blueprint. You can help spread the Friday, November 16, 2007 hosted over 230 people in a series of word as well by directing people to "Judaism in Ireland" A Second Field After all, they wonder, what good has weekly Friday night dinners that take, where we Report with Chabad Roving Rabbis been accomplished - is the world getting place in local restaurants on the West post all upcoming events. better? The promise that Moshiach will Side. Kabbalat Shabbat (at Chabad): 5:00 PM. come as a result of all of those Mitzvahs FRIDAY NIGHTS OUT feature See the column on the right for the Shabbat dinner: 5:30 PM. done for the past 3,300 years and change great food, a welcoming crowd, spirit- times, locations and topics of the the world for good seems like a distant ed singing and divrei Torah create a upcoming Shabbat dinners in SHABBAT DINNER AT KASBAH dream. Haven't we waited what seems like warm atmosphere, while the guest November. The cost is $45 per person Friday, November 30, 2007 an eternity? speakers cover a wide variety of inter- and reservations need to be made in "Is Judaism Superstitious?" with Rabbi Yisroel Fried esting topics, from Judaism on the advance on The message of our Parshah is that there Western Canadian prairies, to Kashrut This month boasts a lineup in won- Kabbalat Shabbat (at Chabad): 5:00 PM. is a major difference between an eternity in the 21st Century. and an inevitability. We can be assured Stay tuned for other derful dining establishments with Shabbat dinner: 5:30 PM. that seeds planted through the thousands exciting Chanukah events Chabad Rabbis and their families intriguing topics and great hosts. Be of years of doing Mitzvahs and good and Public Menorah Lightings serve as hosts, welcoming people and sure to come to one, or all of the deeds collectively by the Jewish people MCing the program. events! will certainly bear fruit very soon - and with Chabad of the West Side! that will be with the coming of Moshiach WHAT’S INSIDE: Services and Halachic Times | Condolences | Mazal Tovs | Kiddushes | Halacha Corner - immediately. Inevitable: A Parsha Thought | Birthdays | Women’s Circle | Chabad Children’s Programs | Photos of Events Earliest Tefillin (latest of the week) 6:35 AM SERVICES & HALACHIC TIMES Latest Shma (earliest of the week) 9:06 AM To Daniel and Leah Seliger on the birth of their son. May they merit to bring him into the Brit of Avraham in a good and auspicious hour. Shabbat Parshat Chayei Sarah Mazel Torah Reading: Chayei Sarah (Genesis 23:1 - 25:18) Next week at a glance...PARSHAT TOLDOT To Tsvi and Avital Zylberg on the birth of their daughter, Shirelle Rivka. Haftorah: I Kings 1:1-31 Friday, November 9 Candle Lighting 4:25 PM Tov! May they have much nachat from her. Shabbat, November 10 Shabbat ends 5:26 PM FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2 Shabbat Mevarchim: We bless the New Month of Kislev Candle Lighting 5:33 PM HALACHAH CORNER Mincha 5:40 PM KIDDUSH SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES MELTING AND NOLAD Dvar Torah by Rabbi Ossey On behalf of the entire Chabad of the West Side (creating a new substance) on Shabbat Sponsoring a Kiddush is a great way to share your Kabbalat Shabbat 6:10 PM and the Chabad Early Learning Center Community, Certain foods contain fat that gels when the food cools. Simchah or special family event with the community! Followed by Shabbat dinner at Darna we extend our deepest sympathy to our dear friend When such foods are reheated, the gel dissolves and melts. Kiddushim can be sponsored to celebrate a birthday, graduation or to commemorate the Yahrzeit of a SHABBAT, NOVEMBER 2 In addition to the problem of Bishul (cooking), there is Mr. Larry Malitzky loved one. Kiddush sponsors are encouraged to Parshah Class 9:00 AM also in this case the question of Nolad - Creating (i.e., and the entire Malitzky family share some words of Torah at their Kiddush. Shacharit 9:45 AM bringing a new entity into existence). Dvar Torah by Rabbi Fried on the loss of his father, Mr. Harold Malitzky The question of Nolad exists even if the food is not Kiddushim cost $300, $400 or $500. Beginner’s Minyan (see back cover) reheated to the temperature of cooking, known as Yad To sponsor a kiddush, please contact our office at Kids Shul and Junior Minyan 11:00 AM May you be comforted among the Soledet Bo, which is approximately 110 degrees. [email protected]. Kiddush 12:30 PM mourners of Zion and Jerusalem. The rule of Nolad is as follows: A fatty food which when The Kiddush is sponsored by the Russian Block: Marina Klochan, heated releases a substantial amount of liquid fat which can UPCOMING KIDDUSH SCHEDULE Ilya Minevich, Alex Sherman, Ilya Starobinets, Alex Sukhodolsky Rabbi Shlomo and Rivka Kugel be seen, may not be heated on Shabbat. If however the fat Rabbi Meir and Sarah Ossey and Julie Yusupov in appreciation of Chabad's hospitality. is absorbed within the food (e.g., in the case of a pie where CHAYEI SARAH - NOVEMBER 3 Rabbi Yisroel and Esther Miriam Fried Rambam 4:30 PM the oil is absorbed within the pastry) or even if the food Kiddush is sponsored by the Russian Block: Ilya Rabbi Chayim and Sarah Alevsky Mincha 5:30 PM does emit a small amount of oil, it is permitted to be heat- Minevich, Alex Sherman, Ilya Starobinets, Alex Morah Pearl and Ari Stroh Ma'ariv & Havdallah 6:33 PM ed. Sukhodolsky and Julie Yusupov in appreciation of Therefore practically speaking: If one has a piece of cold Chabad's hospitality. cooked chicken or meat around which has gelled some of Weekly Shacharit Minyan its liquid, then it may not be reheated on Shabbat. TOLDOT - NOVEMBER 10 Sunday 9:00 am Kiddush is sponsored by Tsvi and Avital Zylberg in A dry kugel that may emit a small amount of oil may be Monday - Friday 8:00 am honor of the birth of their daughter, Shirelle Rivka. Rosh Chodesh 7:30 am reheated. One may not add fat to a soup, even if it is a Keli Shlishi VAYEITZEI - NOVEMBER 17 Shivah Minyan at the (third vessel) and even if it is not Yad Soledet since the Kiddush is available home of Larry Malitzky melted fat will be noticeable in the soup. 307 West 90th St. Note that reheating can never be done on the stove top, VAYISHLACH - NOVEMBER 24 Kiddush is available Thursday, November 1 even if the stove is covered with a blech. Reheating for the Minchah - Ma'ariv: 5:30 PM sake of our discussion means placing the food on top of a pot which is situated on top of the stove. VAYESHEV - DECEMBER 1 Friday November 2 Kiddush is sponsored by Ilan Nordman Shacharit: 8:00 AM Note that reheating can never be done on the stove top, in honor of the anniversary of his even if the stove is covered with a blech. Reheating for the Sunday, November 4 Bar Mitzvah. sake of our discussion means placing the food on top of a Shacharit: 9:00 AM pot, on top of the stove. Don’t forget to change More about nolad next week. To ask a question that will be your clock back an hour! addressed in this column, email [email protected] A Torah Thought on Parshat Chaye Sarah HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO... INEVITABLE ONGOING CLASSES Our Parshah of Chayei Sarah tells us that after Sarah's son Yishmael have to be sent away from home because of Josef Goldstein 20 Cheshvan November 1 FOR ADULTS passing, Abraham remarried. However, the identity of his his recalcitrant behavior? Why did he have to send his Yehuda Teitelman 21 Cheshvan November 2 new wife, whom the Torah calls Keturah, is a subject of wife Hagar away? Wouldn't one expect the many years In-Depth with Rabbi Meir Ossey controversy. According to Rashi, Keturah was actually that she and her son spent in Abraham's household to Chayim Alevsky 22 Cheshvan November 2 Monday Evenings, 8:15 PM at the Chabad Shul Abraham's first wife, Hagar. Hagar, Sarah's maidservant, rub off on them - at least to a certain extent? Pathways to the Soul with Rabbi Shlomo Kugel was married to Abraham and she bore him his first son, Joshua Medintz 22 Cheshvan November 3 Wednesday Mornings, 10:45 - 11:30 AM Yishmael. After Yishmael's birth, upon Sarah's advice, Rashi partially answers this question later in our Parshah. Josephine Schizer 22 Cheshvan November 3 At the Shimko home, 500 West End Ave. #8C @ 84th Abraham sent Hagar away from his home (see Gen. Toward the end of our Parshah (25:9), where the Torah discusses the burial of Abraham, the Torah says that 21:10- 21). After that episode, Hagar is not explicitly Zachary Kassai 22 Cheshvan November 3 Practical Halacha with Rabbi Yisroel Fried mentioned in the Torah again. "Isaac and Yishmael buried Abraham," putting Isaac, who was younger, before Yishmael. Rashi comments that by Ariel Zabow 24 Cheshvan November 5 Wednesday Evenings, 8:30 PM Rashi tells us that Hagar was called Keturah because her the time Abraham had passed away, Yishmael had done at the home of Naava & Danny Eckstein, 20 West 87th St., 1B deeds were as beautiful as incense, Teshuvah and had returned to a G- Harry Alsfine 25 Cheshvan November 6 The Chassidic Parsha with Rabbi Yisroel Fried Ketoret, and that, since she had dly lifestyle. He thus recognized that Avigail Kleinman 26 Cheshvan November 7 been married to Abraham, she "tied Even though we may not see Isaac was to be the spiritual heir of Shabbat Mornings, 9:00 AM in the Chabad Shul herself up" - from the word Keter, Abraham and therefore deserved to Keren Stulbach 26 Cheshvan November 7 meaning knot - once she left the positive effects of our go before him at the funeral, though Rambam Shiur with Rabbi Yisroel Fried Abraham's house and refused to he was the senior of the two. Thus Eliana Cepelowicz 27 Cheshvan November 8 Shabbat Afternoons, 1 hour before Mincha services actions immediately - we can be in the Chabad Shul marry anyone else. we see that Abraham ultimately did Sofia Evensen 27 Cheshvan November 8 affect his son Yishmael and he even- The question can be asked: why reassured that eventually our tually became a holy person. does Rashi feel compelled to explain that Keturah was in fact Hagar, good deeds will bear fruit. In a similar vein, Rashi tells us else- Abraham's first wife, and that where that Abraham's father, MIKVAH: Keturah was not her real name? Terach, ultimately repented and Enhancing the Life of How would our understanding of Abraham be different denounced his idolatrous ways. Abraham's rejecting of his if we were to accept the story on its simple level and father's idolatry, many years later, finally had an impact on the Modern Jewish Woman believe that Abraham actually married a third woman later Terach himself and he became a monotheist. Malka Touger, Teacher, Author, Producer of Educational Videos in life? Malka Touger But one can still wonder about Hagar. Why was she - A teacher and lecturer, Malka speaks on the many roles of the The answer lies in a clearer understanding of Abraham, Abraham's very own wife - seemingly outside of Design a festive Chanukah platter Jewish woman. A mother of with local artisan Yael Dunayer seven, her insights on marriage, his life's work and what he stood for. Abraham's main Abraham's sphere of influence? To answer this question, family, education and woman’s objective was to educate mankind about monotheism: the Rashi tells us that Hagar was far from being oblivious to issues are not abstract ideas, NOVEMBER 14, 8:00 - 9:45 P.M. but principles applied in her Oneness of G-d, Divine Providence, the fallacy of idola- Abraham's inspiration for Keturah was none other than own home. Hosted by Tova Epstein try, etc. We are all familiar with the famous Midrash that Hagar. Though his affect upon her was delayed, Hagar She is an author of several best- 315 Central Park West #10W (Between 91st and 92nd Streets) selling books in English and tells of Abraham as a child smashing his father, Terach's, eventually became a righteous woman whose deeds, as Hebrew, and is a frequent idols in order to prove to him the uselessness of polythe- indicated by the name Keturah, were pleasant to G-d. contributor to many periodicals $5/couvert ~ Refreshments served and online magazines. In ism. Similarly, throughout his life, everyone who came in RSVP at [email protected] or at 212.864.5010 addition, Malka has produced contact with Abraham was overwhelmed by his faith, his One lesson that can be derived from this narrative is that several children’s videos that no good deed goes to waste. Even though we may not hanuk bring timeless Jewish ideals to kindness and his righteousness. Even the most coarse and ial C ah C life in a kid-friendly format. see the positive effects of our actions immediately - we pec raf unrefined people did not remain the same after interact- S t ing with Abraham. can be reassured that eventually our good deeds will bear Looking forward to seeing you there. fruit. Rivka Kugel ~ Sarah Ossey ~ Esther Miriam Fried But this begs a powerful question. If Abraham had such a great influence on even the most lowly of strangers he There are those cynics that wonder what value there is in Feed your Mind ~ Nourish your Soul ~ Delight your Senses came in contact with, why couldn't he have the same the Mitzvahs and good deeds done by countless Jews AT THE CHABAD WOMEN’S CIRCLE. influence on his own family members? Why did his own throughout the ages. Continued on back page CHABAD CHILDREN’S PROGRAMS

Join us at our weekly Shabbat program 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM. Kids Shul Sarah Alevsky leads children ages 3 - 5 in Tefillah, and a Parsha lesson is brought alive through hands on-fun, story and song! Jr. Minyan Rabbi Alevsky leads our 6 - 9 year olds in joyous Tefillah, followed by interactive Parsha fun! ~~~~~~~~~ Chabad Kid’s Club Event Kids Care for Animals! After we all kiss the Torah and receive our Shabbat November 15, 2007 treat, we sit down to our Kid’s Kiddush. We met some scale-y and slithery Child care is available from 10:45 - end of Musaf. friends with Scales and Snakes, and then made bird feeders from bottles Come see what the buzz is about! and pipe-cleaner imaginary animals. NEW! A delicious dinner followed! It’s the Shabbat Birthday Club!

Every month, we’ll hold a Shabbat Birthday Celebration, complete with a Chabad Hebrew School cake and games, held during will be opening a new class for children ages 3 - 4 Kids Shul/Jr. Minyan for the children who are cel- Tuesdays, 3:30 - 4:30 PM at 166 W. 97th St. ebrating their birthdays during that month. If you If you are interested in having your child join are not sure of your child’s Hebrew Birthday, visit and click on calendar this class, please contact Sarah Alevsky tools to find out the hebrew date. at (212) 864-5010 or [email protected]

If your child has a birthday in the month of ????? PARSHA QUESTIONS ????? Kislev, let us know, and we will include them in Find out the answers to the questions and be sure to tell our Kislev Birthday Party! the Alevskys the answer at Kids Shul! How many camels did Eliezer have? KISLEV Birthday Party! Jewish Women’s Circle on October 16 at the home of Lisa Low November 17, 6 of Kislev How much water does a camel need to drink We fashioned n a Washi Paper Origami Box with local artisan, Jane Blumenstein Shabbat Parshat Vayeitzei to quench his thirst? and enjoyed “The Powerful Legacy of our Matriarchs,” a talk by Yehudis Cohen Chabad Kids Shul membership is included with Chabad Shul Annual Family Membership.