(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,758,584 B2 Kahn Et Al
US008758584B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,758,584 B2 Kahn et al. (45) Date of Patent: Jun. 24, 2014 (54) ELECTROCHEMICAL SENSORS 422/68.1, 83.02, 82.03; 428/149, 1.23, 428/405; 324/438: 257/4 (75) Inventors: Carolyn R. Kahn, San Francisco, CA See application file for complete search history. (US); Elicia Wong, Foster City, CA (US); James A. Wilkins, San Francisco, (56) References Cited CA (US); Vern Norviel, San Francisco, U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS CA (US) 3.682,160 A 8, 1972 Murata (73) Assignee: Sensor Innovations, Inc., Burlingame, 3,926,764 A 12/1975 Ruzicka et al. CA (US) 3,982,960 A 9/1976 Hoekje et al. (Continued) (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this patent is extended or adjusted under 35 FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. DE 10062044 A1 6, 2002 (21) Appl. No.: 13/329,135 DE 10.108539 A1 9, 2002 (Continued) (22) Filed: Dec. 16, 2011 OTHER PUBLICATIONS (65) Prior Publication Data Ward et al. (Biosensors & Bioelectronics 17, 2002, 181-189).* US 2012/O187OOO A1 Jul. 26, 2012 (Continued) Primary Examiner — Jennifer Dieterle Related U.S. Application Data (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & (60) Provisional application No. 61/424,040, filed on Dec. Rosati 16, 2010, provisional application No. 61/550,355, (57) ABSTRACT filed on Oct. 21, 2011. Systems and methods are provided for detecting the presence (51) Int. Cl. ofan analyte in a sample. A solid state electrochemical sensor GOIN 27/333 (2006.01) can include a redox active moiety having an oxidation and/or GOIN 27/26 (2006.01) reduction potential that is sensitive to the presence of an GOIN 27/30 (2006.01) analyte immobilized over a surface of a working electrode.
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