PERANCANGAN TYPEFACE TERINSPIRASI DARI ALBUM LOST FOREVER // LOST TOGETHER PENCIPTAAN Riza Lukmana PROGRAM STUDI S-1 DESAIN KOMUNIKASI VISUAL JURUSAN DESAIN FAKULTAS SENI RUPA INSTITUT SENI INDONESIA YOGYAKARTA 2015 UPT PERPUSTAKAAN ISI YOGYAKARTA PERANCANGAN TYPEFACE TERINSPIRASI DARI ALBUM LOST FOREVER // LOST TOGETHER PENCIPTAAN Riza Lukmana NIM 1112108024 Tugas Akhir ini diajukan kepada Fakultas Seni Rupa Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta sebagai Salah satu syarat untuk memperoleh gelar sarjana S-1 dalam bidang Desain Komunikasi Visual 2015 i UPT PERPUSTAKAAN ISI YOGYAKARTA Tugas Akhir berjudul PERANCANGAN TYPEFACE TERINSPIRASI DARI ALBUM LOST FOREVER // LOST TOGETHER diajukan oleh Riza Lukmana, NIM 1112108024, Program Studi S-1 Desain Komunikasi Visual, Jurusan Desain, Fakultas Seni Rupa Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta, telah disetujui Tim Pembina Tugas Akhir pada tanggal 1 Juli 2015 dan dinyatakan telah memenuhi syarat untuk diterima. Pembimbing I/Anggota FX. Widyatmoko, S.Sn., M.Sn. NIP 19750710 200501 1 001 Pembimbing II/Anggota Hesti Rahayu, S.Sn., MA. NIP 19740730 199802 2 001 Cognate/Anggota Indiria Maharsi, S.Sn., M.Sn. NIP 19720909 200812 1 001 Ketua Program Studi S-1 Desain Komunikasi Visual/Ketua/Anggota Drs. Hartono Karnadi, M.Sn. NIP 19650209 199512 1 001 Ketua Jurusan Desain Drs. Baskoro SB, M.Sn. NIP 19650522 199203 1 003 Mengetahui, Dekan Fakultas Seni Rupa Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta Dr. Suastiwi, M.Des. NIP 19590802 198803 2 002 ii UPT PERPUSTAKAAN ISI YOGYAKARTA PERNYATAAN KEASLIAN Dengan ini saya menyatakan dengan sesungguhnya bahwa tugas akhir dengan judul PERANCANGAN TYPEFACE TERINSPIRASI DARI ALBUM LOST FOREVER // LOST TOGETHER merupakan hasil penelitian, pemikiran, dan pemaparan asli dari penulis sendiri. Apabila terdapat karya orang lain, penulis akan mencantumkan sumber secara jelas. Pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sesungguhnya dan apabila dikemudian hari terdapat penyimpangan dan ketidakbenaran dalam penyataan ini, maka saya bersedia menerima sanksi akademik sesuai dengan norma yang berlaku di perguruan tinggi ini. Yogyakarta, 3 Juli 2015 Riza Lukmana iii UPT PERPUSTAKAAN ISI YOGYAKARTA “I like the idea of challenging myself and want to motivate people to do the same” Sir Bradley Wiggins iv UPT PERPUSTAKAAN ISI YOGYAKARTA KATA PENGANTAR Puji syukur kehadirat Allah SWT yang selalu melimpahkan rahmat dan karunia-Nya sehingga laporan Tugas Akhir berjudul PERANCANGAN TYPEFACE TERINSPIRASI DARI ALBUM LOST FOREVER // LOST TOGETHER ini berhasil diselesaikan dengan baik dan tepat waktu. Tugas Akhir ini ditujukan sebagai syarat kelulusan S1 program studi Desain Komunikasi Visual, Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta. Kesulitan-kesulitan yang dihadapi selama proses penyusunan tugas akhir ini dijadikan sebagai pelajaran dan pengalaman berharga yang bisa dimanfaatkan di kemudian hari. Rasa terima kasih juga penulis haturkan kepada semua pihak yang telah memberikan dukungan selama proses perancangan karya tugas akhir ini: 1. Allah SWT yang telah memberikan segala ridha dan keberuntungan bagi saya. 2. Bapak Dr. M. Agus Burhan, M.Hum, selaku Rektor Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta 3. Ibu Dr. Suastiwi, M.Des., selaku Dekan Fakultas Seni Rupa Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta. 4. Bapak Drs. Baskoro Suryo Banindro, M.Sn., selaku Ketua Jurusan Desain. 5. Bapak Drs. Hartono Karnadi, M.Sn., selaku Ketua Program Studi Desain Komunikasi Visual. 6. Bapak FX. Widyatmoko, S.Sn., M.Sn., selaku Dosen Pembimbing I. 7. Ibu Hesti Rahayu, S.Sn., MA., selaku Dosen Pembimbing II. 8. Bapak Indiria Maharsi, S.Sn., M.Sn., selaku Cognate 9. Segenap dosen dan staff di Program Studi Desain Komunikasi Visual, Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta. 10. Orang tua dan keluarga yang secara luar biasa mendukung saya selama ini. 11. Teman-teman DKV ISI Yogyakarta, khususnya angkatan 2011; Akar Pohon, Ardi, Adit, Feryan, Yulius, Jerit, Sabarudin, Subiyantoro yang turut membantu terselesaikannya proyek ini tepat waktu. v UPT PERPUSTAKAAN ISI YOGYAKARTA 12. Teman-teman ujian Tugas Akhir semester genap 2015, 48 orang yang luar biasa (angkatan 2008-2012). 13. Teman-teman di Muntilan, Magelang yang selalu membantu dan menginspirasi. 14. Band Architects, Epitaph Records, UNFD Records, Tony Graystone, Dalai Lama, Carl Jung, atas inspirasi dan ide-ide untuk perancangan Tugas Akhir ini. Jika ada nama yang belum tercantum, penulis mohon maaf yang sebesar- besarnya. Selebihnya tidak ada kata lagi yang bisa terucap selain terima kasih yang tidak terkira atas semua dukungan moral dan materil yang telah diberikan selama ini. Semoga karya Tugas Akhir ini dapat bermanfaat bagi banyak pihak dan khususnya menginspirasi untuk karya-karya sejenis selanjutnya. Yogyakarta, 3 Juli 2015 Riza Lukmana NIM 1112108024 vi UPT PERPUSTAKAAN ISI YOGYAKARTA ABSTRAK Perancangan typeface yang terinspirasi dari karya musik bukanlah hal yang baru tetapi masih jarang dilakukan oleh desainer. Salah satu band dengan karya yang cukup hebat namun memiliki kekurangan dari sisi tipografi sebagai salah satu identitas visual adalah band Architects. Band ini hanya mempunyai sebuah logogram sederhana. Padahal karya mereka, album Lost Forever // Lost Together, adalah album terbaik 2014 versi Kerrang! Awards yang banyak mengandung inspirasi perancangan typeface. Perancangan ini menggunakan metode sederhana yaitu menggunakan ide visual sebagai ide utama perancangan. Ide visual didapat adalah konsep mandala modern dari proses penerjemahan album Lost Forever // Lost Together. Mandala modern dengan gaya line art design yang geometris adalah mandala versi baru hasil interpretasi bangsa barat. Mandala jenis ini tidak terikat kepada satu agama tertentu meskipun pada awalnya mandala identik sebagai simbol spiritual umat Hindu dan Buddha. Konsep mandala as typeface sebagai bagian dari Cosmic Idea merupakan sebuah solusi kreatif bagaimana menciptakan huruf lewat proses mendesain mandala. Hasil akhir perancangan ini adalah huruf bergaya display dengan pengaruh huruf geometric sans serif sebagai representasi musik band Architects yang keras, lugas, tegas, kritis, namun tetap harmonis. Kata kunci: typeface, musik, metalcore, mandala modern vii UPT PERPUSTAKAAN ISI YOGYAKARTA ABSTRACT Typeface design project inspired by music is not new but it is still rarely carried out by the designer. One band with some great works (music) but lack of typography as visual identity is metalcore band, Architects. The band has a simple logogram that used since 2009. Though, their latest work, Lost Lost // Forever Together, is the Best Album 2014 winner of Kerrang! Awards which contains a lot of typeface design inspiration. This project uses a simple method that uses a visual idea as the main idea of the design. Modern mandala concept is a translation of Lost Forever // Lost Together to visual idea. Modern mandala is a newest version of traditional mandala that has a geometric line art design style. This mandala concept is come from western interpretation of mandala. Modern mandala are not tied to one particular religion though initially mandala is identical as a spiritual symbol of Hindus and Buddhists. Mandala as typeface concept as part of the Cosmic Idea is a creative solution how to create typeface through the process of designing the mandala. The final result of this project is a display style typeface with the influence of geometric sans serif font as a representation of the Architects band music style: loud, straightforward, decisive, critical, and yet harmonious. Keywords: typeface, music, metalcore, modern mandala viii UPT PERPUSTAKAAN ISI YOGYAKARTA DAFTAR ISI Halaman Judul ................................................................................................ i Halaman Pengesahan ..................................................................................... ii Pernyataan Keaslian ...................................................................................... iii Motto ............................................................................................................. iv Kata Pengantar ............................................................................................... v Abstrak .......................................................................................................... vii Abstract ........................................................................................................ viii Daftar Isi ........................................................................................................ ix Daftar Gambar .............................................................................................. xiv Daftar Tabel ................................................................................................. xvii BAB I PENDAHULUAN .............................................................................. 1 A. Latar Belakang Masalah ..................................................................... 1 B. Rumusan Masalah .............................................................................. 3 C. Tujuan Perancangan ........................................................................... 4 D. Manfaat Perancangan ......................................................................... 4 E. Lingkup Perancangan ......................................................................... 4 F. Metode Perancangan .......................................................................... 4 G. Skematika Perancangan ...................................................................... 6 BAB II IDENTIFIKASI DAN ANALISIS
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Best-Nr. Künstler Album Preis Release 0001 100 Kilo Herz Weit Weg Von Zu Hause 17,50 € Mai
Best-Nr. Künstler Album Preis release 0001 100 Kilo Herz Weit weg von zu Hause 17,50 € Mai. 21 0002 100 Kilo Herz Stadt Land Flucht 19,00 € Jun. 21 0003 100 Kilo Herz Stadt Land Flucht 19,00 € Jun. 21 0004 100 Kilo Herz Weit weg von Zuhause 17,50 € Jun. 21 0005 100 Kilo Herz Weit weg von Zuhause 17,50 € Jun. 21 0006 123 minut Les 19,00 € 0007 123 minut Les 19,00 € 0008 17 Hippies Anatomy 23,00 € 0009 187 Straßenbande Sampler 5 26,00 € Mai. 21 0010 187 Straßenbande Sampler 5 26,00 € Mai. 21 0011 A day to remember You're welcome (ltd.) 31,50 € Mrz. 21 0012 A day to remember You're welcome 23,00 € Mrz. 21 0013 Abba The studio albums 138,00 € 0014 Aborted Retrogore 20,00 € 0015 Abwärts V8 21,00 € Mrz. 21 0016 AC/DC Black Ice 20,00 € 0017 AC/DC Live At River Plate 28,50 € 0018 AC/DC Who made who 18,50 € 0019 AC/DC High voltage 19,00 € 0020 AC/DC Back in black 17,50 € 0021 AC/DC Who made who 15,00 € 0022 AC/DC Black ice 20,00 € 0023 AC/DC Power Up 55,00 € Nov. 20 0024 AC/DC Power Up 55,00 € Nov. 20 0025 AC/DC Power Up 55,00 € Nov. 20 0026 AC/DC Power Up Limited red 31,50 € Nov. 20 0027 AC/DC Power Up Limited red 31,50 € Nov. 20 0028 AC/DC Power Up Limited red 31,50 € Nov. 20 0029 AC/DC Power Up 27,50 € Nov.
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nr kat artysta tytuł title nośnik liczba data supplement nośników premiery 9985841 '77 Nothing's Gonna Stop Us black LP+CD LP / Longplay 2 2015-10-30 9985848 '77 Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Ltd. Edition CD / Longplay 1 2015-10-30 88697636262 *NSYNC The Collection CD / Longplay 1 2010-02-01 88875025882 *NSYNC The Essential *NSYNC Essential Rebrand CD / Longplay 2 2014-11-11 88875143462 12 Cellisten der Hora Cero CD / Longplay 1 2016-06-10 88697919802 2CELLOSBerliner Phil 2CELLOS Three Language CD / Longplay 1 2011-07-04 88843087812 2CELLOS Celloverse Booklet Version CD / Longplay 1 2015-01-27 88875052342 2CELLOS Celloverse Deluxe Version CD / Longplay 2 2015-01-27 88725409442 2CELLOS In2ition CD / Longplay 1 2013-01-08 88883745419 2CELLOS Live at Arena Zagreb DVD-V / Video 1 2013-11-05 88985349122 2CELLOS Score CD / Longplay 1 2017-03-17 0506582 65daysofstatic Wild Light CD / Longplay 1 2013-09-13 0506588 65daysofstatic Wild Light Ltd. Edition CD / Longplay 1 2013-09-13 88985330932 9ELECTRIC The Damaged Ones CD Digipak CD / Longplay 1 2016-07-15 82876535732 A Flock Of Seagulls The Best Of CD / Longplay 1 2003-08-18 88883770552 A Great Big World Is There Anybody Out There? CD / Longplay 1 2014-01-28 88875138782 A Great Big World When the Morning Comes CD / Longplay 1 2015-11-13 82876535502 A Tribe Called Quest Midnight Marauders CD / Longplay 1 2003-08-18 82876535512 A Tribe Called Quest People's Instinctive Travels And CD / Longplay 1 2003-08-18 88875157852 A Tribe Called Quest People'sThe Paths Instinctive Of Rhythm Travels and the CD / Longplay 1 2015-11-20 82876535492 A Tribe Called Quest ThePaths Low of RhythmEnd Theory (25th Anniversary CD / Longplay 1 2003-08-18 88985377872 A Tribe Called Quest We got it from Here..
University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 3-15-1909 Albuquerque Citizen, 03-15-1909 Hughes & McCreight Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Hughes & McCreight. "Albuquerque Citizen, 03-15-1909." (1909). This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. TRAIN ARRIVALS r 1 u f vfiATHER FORECAST No. i p. m-N- J 4 5.50 p. m. No. 7 10.55 p. m. ALBUQUERQUE Oenrer, Colo., March 1 5 Tonight I Cl in No. 8 6.40 p. m Tuesday fair with rising temperatan. No. 9 1 1.45 p. m. WlrC GET THE NEWS Fl iWHil VOLUME 24. ALBUQUEKQUE. NEW MEXICO. MONDAY. MAHCII lo. f i) MJMHm. 53 OF COURT TARIFF SESSION BEGINS COUNCIL PREFERS NO MARCH 1ERM SPEAKER CANNON RE -ELECTED "BABBLING" LADY WARWICK WINS $J,500,000 IN STOCKS FOR BERNALILLO CO. BY MEMBERS OF HOUSE TODAY WITH LARGE CROWD INVESTIGATION OF AT CAPITOL BEGANJODAY TERRITORY . - f ?$&!?.,UWm rf"iPe'lr,Sl Juries Are Organized and Congress Convenes at Call of Turns Down Resolution Urged Start Work Under the the President to Revise by Curry and Pass- Supervision of the Present ed by the Attorneys. Dulles. House. CANNON WILL NOT CHANGE KLOGK TAKtS CHARGE . BY BIG ' THE COUNTY AS THE NEW AlTORfiEY MAJORITY SEAT Efforts of the Insurgents to Defea! Curry Vetoes BUI Regarding Trial of Cases Expected to Begin Sier " Him Proved of No Avail -- ra County and House Without .Much Delay and L, , & i K.
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THE COLLECTED POEMS of HENRIK IBSEN Translated by John Northam
1 THE COLLECTED POEMS OF HENRIK IBSEN Translated by John Northam 2 PREFACE With the exception of a relatively small number of pieces, Ibsen’s copious output as a poet has been little regarded, even in Norway. The English-reading public has been denied access to the whole corpus. That is regrettable, because in it can be traced interesting developments, in style, material and ideas related to the later prose works, and there are several poems, witty, moving, thought provoking, that are attractive in their own right. The earliest poems, written in Grimstad, where Ibsen worked as an assistant to the local apothecary, are what one would expect of a novice. Resignation, Doubt and Hope, Moonlight Voyage on the Sea are, as their titles suggest, exercises in the conventional, introverted melancholy of the unrecognised young poet. Moonlight Mood, To the Star express a yearning for the typically ethereal, unattainable beloved. In The Giant Oak and To Hungary Ibsen exhorts Norway and Hungary to resist the actual and immediate threat of Prussian aggression, but does so in the entirely conventional imagery of the heroic Viking past. From early on, however, signs begin to appear of a more personal and immediate engagement with real life. There is, for instance, a telling juxtaposition of two poems, each of them inspired by a female visitation. It is Over is undeviatingly an exercise in romantic glamour: the poet, wandering by moonlight mid the ruins of a great palace, is visited by the wraith of the noble lady once its occupant; whereupon the ruins are restored to their old splendour.
SEPT. 22-28, 2016 FACEBOOK.COM/WHATZUPFORTWAYNE • WWW.WHATZUP.COM ----------------------Feature • Columbia City Haunted Jail --------------------- It’s Harvest Time Again By Mark Hunter “Each year The Master likes to, ahem, dom body parts?” I said. revamp the place,” the man said. “Some new “As you like it, sir.” It’s harvest time at the Columbia City paint, a couple of throw pillows.” Right. I like it when I’m out of there. Haunted Jail. And the crop is blood. “Don’t you mean fresh blood and ran- The place gives me the creeps, probably Yes, it’s hard to believe because it’s lousy with creepers, but it’s been a full year since or stalkers, as the locals call them. the batty one ordered his Even in the relatively well-lighted servants to sow the seeds of gloom, I had the sense I was being death in the halls of the jail. followed, either by practiced acro- But what’s time to a vam- bats or zombie contortionists. Turns pire? The flutter of a wing? out the zombie contortionists were October 15 | 8pm Don’t bother asking Deimos on a break and out of their autopsy Nosferatu. He doesn’t wear a room cages. watch. The tour led up a narrow stair- HE R E COM E The MUMMI E S A year ago Deimos re- case to the third floor where only Sponsored by Jefferson Pointe leased his fellow bloodsuck- VIPs are allowed, for a small fee of and Fort Wayne CW ers to gain control of the zom- course.
i Neoliberal Gothic 99781526113443_pi-214.indd781526113443_pi-214.indd i 22/22/2017/22/2017 22:21:46:21:46 PPMM ii T e Series’ Board of General Editors Elisabeth Bronfen, University of Zurich, Switzerland Steven Bruhm, University of Western Ontario, Canada Ken Gelder, University of Melbourne, Australia Jerrold Hogle , University of Arizona, USA (Chair) Avril Horner , Kingston University, UK William Hughes, Bath Spa University, UK T e Editorial Advisory Board Glennis Byron, University of Stirling, Scotland Robert Miles, University of Victoria, Canada David Punter, University of Bristol, England Andrew Smith, University of Glamorgan, Wales Anne Williams, University of Georgia, USA Previously published Monstrous media/ spectral subjects: imaging gothic f om the nineteenth century to the present Edited by Fred Bot ing and Catherine Spooner Globalgothic Edited by Glennis Byron EcoGothic Edited by Andrew Smith and William Hughes Each volume in this series contains new essays on the many forms assumed by – as well as the most important themes and topics in – the ever-expanding range of international ‘gothic’ f ctions from the eighteenth to the twenty- f rst century. Launched by leading members of the International Gothic Association (IGA) and some editors and advisory board members of its journal, Gothic Studies , this series thus of ers cut ing- edge analyses of the great many variations in the gothic mode over time and all over the world, whether these have occurred in literature, f lm, theatre, art, several forms of cybernetic media, or other manifestations ranging from ‘goth’ group identities to avant garde displays of aesthetic and even political critique. T e ‘gothic story’ began in earnest in 1760s England, both in f ction and in drama, with Horace Walpole’s ef orts to combine the ‘ancient’ or supernatural and the ‘modern’ or realistic romance.
Chapter Five “Days of Future Passed” Chapter 5 Overview The Beatles Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (1967) was a dramatic departure from previous rock music. No longer restricted to teenage dance music, the Sgt. Pepper album ushered in a period of music for listening or "album oriented rock" (AOR) Classic concept albums such as Days of Future Passed by the Moody Blues used orchestral settings and Pink Floyd employed electronic experimentation and the elements of the avant garde. Rock musicals such as Hair, (1967) and rock operas such as Tommy, (1968) elevated rock music to a much higher artistic level. In general, pieces become longer, more complex and experimental often using electronic music, noise, and non-western musical idioms. The hippie subculture's emphasis on visual and musical diversity encouraged rock to splinter into many sub-styles such as heavy metal, glitter/glam, progressive rock, and theatre rock. 1 The End of the Hippie Counter-Culture Movement By 1970, signs that the hippie counterculture was declining became apparent. 1. During a ten month period rock lost three of its legends: Jimi Hendrix, September 18, 1970; Janis Joplin October 4, 1970; and Jim Morrison July 3, 1971 all the result of drug related causes. 2. In 1970 four anti-war protesters were shot to death by National Guardsmen at Kent State University. Most universities were shut down in the resulting nationwide campus protests. Kent State effectively brought to an end the free speech movement at American Universities. 3. The Beatles, in many ways the spokesmen of the counterculture, broke up in 1970.
1200 Micrograms 1200 Micrograms 2002 Ibiza Heroes of the Imagination 2003 Active Magic Numbers 2007 the Time Machine 2004
#'s 1200 Micrograms 1200 Micrograms 2002 Ibiza Heroes of the Imagination 2003 Active Magic Numbers 2007 The Time Machine 2004 1349 Beyond the Apocalypse 2004 Norway Hellfire 2005 Active Liberation 2003 Revelations of the Black Flame 2009 36 Crazyfists A Snow Capped Romance 2004 Alaska Bitterness the Star 2002 Active Collisions and Castaways 27/07/2010 Rest Inside the Flames 2006 The Tide and It's Takers 2008 65DaysofStati The Destruction of Small 2007 c Ideals England The Fall of Man 2004 Active One Time for All Time 2008 We Were Exploding Anyway 04/2010 8-bit Operators The Music of Kraftwerk 2007 Collaborative Inactive Music Page 1 A A Forest of Stars The Corpse of Rebirth 2008 United Kingdom Opportunistic Thieves of Spring 2010 Active A Life Once Lost A Great Artist 2003 U.S.A Hunter 2005 Active Iron Gag 2007 Open Your Mouth For the Speechless...In Case of Those 2000 Appointed to Die A Perfect Circle eMOTIVe 2004 U.S.A Mer De Noms 2000 Active Thirteenth Step 2003 Abigail Williams In the Absence of Light 28/09/2010 U.S.A In the Shadow of A Thousand Suns 2008 Active Abigor Channeling the Quintessence of Satan 1999 Austria Fractal Possession 2007 Active Nachthymnen (From the Twilight Kingdom) 1995 Opus IV 1996 Satanized 2001 Supreme Immortal Art 1998 Time Is the Sulphur in the Veins of the Saint... Jan 2010 Verwüstung/Invoke the Dark Age 1994 Aborted The Archaic Abattoir 2005 Belgium Engineering the Dead 2001 Active Goremageddon 2003 The Purity of Perversion 1999 Slaughter & Apparatus: A Methodical Overture 2007 Strychnine.213 2008 Aborym
Lettering to the Max the Art & History of Calligraphy
KORERO PRESS Lettering to the Max Ivan Castro, Alex Trochut Summary Lettering, the drawing, designing, and illustration of words, has a personal uniqueness that is increasingly valued in today's digital society, whether personal or professional. This manual, by the internationally renowned Iván Castro, outlines the basic materials and skills to get you started. Typographical concepts and the principles of construction and composition are decoded. In addition, Ivan outlines several practical projects that allow the reader, not just to practice, but to develop their own ideas. In-depth but accessible, this book is the ideal beginner's guide and an excellent reference for the more well versed. Korero Press 9781912740079 Pub Date: 3/1/21 Contributor Bio On Sale Date: 3/1/21 Ivan Castro is a graphic designer based in Barcelona, Spain, who specializes in calligraphy, lettering, and $32.95 USD typography. His work involves everything from advertising to editorial, and from packaging to logo design and Discount Code: LON gig posters. Although Ivan claims to have no specific style, one could say that he has a strong respect for the Trade Paperback history of popular culture. He has been working in the field for 20 years, and has been teaching calligraphy 128 Pages and lettering for 15 years in the main design schools in Barcelona. He travels frequently, holding workshops Full color throughout Carton Qty: 24 and giving lectures at design festivals and conferences. Alex Trochut was born in 1981 in Barcelona, Spain. Art / Techniques After completing his studies at Elisava Escola Superior de Disseny, Alex established his own design studio in ART003000 Barcelona before relocating to New York City.