Federal Register/Vol. 74, No. 236/Thursday, December 10, 2009
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 236 / Thursday, December 10, 2009 / Notices 65589 themselves should write to the Director, extending 14.20 miles between milepost revoke will not automatically stay the Office of Information Programs and QNF 0.00 (at Myricks) and milepost transaction. Petitions for stay must be Services (address above). QNF 14.2 (at Fall River, filed no later than December 17, 1009 (at Massachusetts—Rhode Island state least 7 days before the exemption RECORD SOURCE CATEGORIES: line); (5) the Framingham to Worcester becomes effective). These records contain information segment of the Boston Main Line (the An original and 10 copies of all obtained primarily from the individual BML-West), extending approximately pleadings, referring to STB Finance who is the subject of these records. 22.92 miles between milepost QB 21.38 Docket No. 35312, must be filed with SYSTEMS EXEMPTED FROM CERTAIN PROVISIONS (at Framingham) and milepost QB 44.30 the Surface Transportation Board, 395 E OF THE PRIVACY ACT: (at Worcester); and (6) the track assets, Street, SW., Washington, DC 20423– None. but not the underlying real estate, 0001. In addition, a copy of each constituting the 9.71-mile rail line pleading must be served on Keith G. [FR Doc. E9–29451 Filed 12–9–09; 8:45 am] between milepost QB 1.12 (at CP Cove) O’Brien, Baker & Miller, PLLC, 2401 BILLING CODE 4710–24–P and milepost QB 10.83 (at Newton/ Pennsylvania Avenue, NW., Suite 300, Riverside) (the BML-East). These Washington, DC 20037. properties, which include Board decisions and notices are DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION approximately 71.28 miles of rail line, available on our Web site at: will be referred to collectively as ‘‘the http://www.stb.dot.gov.
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