The Allergic Potential Arising from Proteinous Wine Fining Agents of Milk and Chicken Egg Albumen
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JUSTUS-LIEBIG UNIVERSITY GIESSEN AND HOCHSCHULE GEISENHEIM UNIVERSITY THE ALLERGIC POTENTIAL ARISING FROM PROTEINOUS WINE FINING AGENTS OF MILK AND CHICKEN EGG ALBUMEN by MANUELLA WEBBER WITT M.Sc. Montpellier SupAgro, 2009 Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Dr. agr. 2014 THE ALLERGIC POTENTIAL ARISING FROM PROTEINOUS WINE FINING AGENTS OF MILK AND CHICKEN EGG ALBUMEN Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Dr. agr. 2014 First reviewer Prof Dr. Christmann Hochschule Geisenheim University (Professor for Œnology) Second reviewer Prof. Dr. Schnell Justus Liebig University of Giessen (Professor for General and Soil Microbiology) Declaration “I declare that the dissertation here submitted is entirely my own work, written without any illegitimate help by any third party and solely with materials as indicated in the dissertation. I have indicated in the text where I have used texts from already published sources, either word for word or in substance, and where I have made statements based on oral information given to me. At all times during the investigations carried out by me and described in the dissertation, I have followed the principles of good scientific practice as defined in the “Statutes of the Justus Liebig University Gießen for the Safeguarding of Good Scientific Practice” The 20th of March, 2014 Manuella Webber-Witt Note of thanks I met Prof. Dr. Monika Christmann in 2005 in Brazil. We had a friendly talk and it was the beginning of a long friendship and journey in my life. For all these years and for her patience I would like to thank Frau Christmann. Without her support my education in wine science would certainly not be the same. Vielen lieben Dank! I am grateful that Frau Prof. Dr Schnell accepted me at Justus-Liebig University Giessen. I thank all project partners from Hamburg, Frau Dr. Paschke-Kratzin, Marina Deckwart and Carsten Carstens, likewise the project partners from Munich, Prof Dr. Brockow and Dr. Lisa Eichhorn. For their special advice I would like to thank Frau Dr. Claudia Stein-Hammer, Herrn Dr. Jürgen Meinl and the company Erbsloeh, Begerow and Sartorius, Frau Dr. Ilona Schneider, Herrn Dr. Markus Lacorn and his team. Special thanks to Ms. Creina Stockley, from AWRI. For all co-workers and other departments of the Research Centre of Geisenheim, Herrn Prof. Dr. Dietrich, Isabela, Frau Kurbel, Herrn Dr. Patz, Dr. Volker Schäfer and Natascha. Mein Dank geht an Herrn Seckler für alle Ideen und zahlreichen Hilfestellungen, dem Kellerwirtschafts-Team, Herrn Prof. Dr. Jung und Christoph Schüßler sowie allen Mitarbeitern im Labor und im Keller, insbesondere Herrn Bern, Herrn Keller, und Herrn Weiler, die mir immer hilfsbereit zur Seite standen. For all my friends that supported me during this period, thank you all, Evelyn, Sophie, Carine, Robin, Fritz, Christina, Tanja, Oliver, Libby, Mark and Liz. I also thank for all students that helped, especially Malcolm Salvadori, Pablo, Joschi and wine tasters. Even if I fail to recall someone’s name I am thankful that you helped me during these four years. Ganz besonders möchte ich Ludwig Anselm und Maximilian danken, ohne deren Hilfe und Unterstützung ich meine Promotion nicht angefangen, bzw. die Zeit bis zum Ende nicht durchgestanden hätte. Obrigada pelo apoio moral e financeiro de minha família, além de todo amor e carinho que constantemente me oferecem. Eu dedico esta tese a vocês que são a base da minha educação. Muito obrigada mamãe Eloane, papai Rubem e mano Diogo. Obrigada pelas orações de todos e em especial ao Frei Moacir. Obrigada a todos amigos que de uma forma ou outra estiveram do meu lado, em especial às “Três-Marias”: Elba, Edna e Lorena. Ofereço à Deus todo meu esforço, trabalho e resultados deste trabalho, pois foi ele quem me concedeu a graça e os meios para chegar até aqui. The research project (AiF 16330 N) was funded under the program to promote Industrial Joint Research (IGF) of the Federal Ministry and Technology (via AiF) by Research Association of the German Food Industry (FEI) O amor de Deus repousa em mim. “The eternal mystery of the world is its comprehensibility” -Albert Einstein “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever” -Mahatma Gandhi “It always seems impossible until it's done” -Nelson Mandela Table of Contents 1 Summary .......................................................................................................... 1 2 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 3 3 Literature survey ............................................................................................... 5 3.1 Labelling in Europe .............................................................................................. 5 3.2 Legal situation for wine labelling .......................................................................... 6 3.3 Consumer protection ........................................................................................... 8 3.3.1 HACCP ...................................................................................................................... 9 3.3.2 Residue and contamination ................................................................................... 11 3.3.3 Threshold limit ....................................................................................................... 11 3.3.4 VITAL-Concept ....................................................................................................... 12 3.4 Food Reactions .................................................................................................. 15 3.4.1 Nonallergic food hypersensitivity (food intolerance) ............................................ 16 3.4.2 Food-induced allergic reactions (food allergy) ...................................................... 17 Symptoms ................................................................................................................. 20 Diagnosis ................................................................................................................... 20 Frequency of allergy .................................................................................................. 25 Treatment ................................................................................................................. 25 3.5 Allergens in wine ............................................................................................... 26 3.5.1 Grape origin ........................................................................................................... 26 3.5.2 Microorganism origin ............................................................................................ 27 Biogenic-amine ......................................................................................................... 27 Ethyl Carbamate and Ochratoxin A ........................................................................... 32 3.5.3 From additive or fining agent origin ...................................................................... 33 Sulphite (SO2) ............................................................................................................ 33 Fining agent origin..................................................................................................... 34 3.6 Wine fining treatments ...................................................................................... 34 3.6.1 Oenological use and aims of fining material ......................................................... 35 3.6.2 Goals of fining practice .......................................................................................... 36 3.6.3 OIV Guideline for good fining practice .................................................................. 39 3.6.4 Fining agents of organic origin .............................................................................. 40 Egg origin ................................................................................................................... 41 Lysozyme ................................................................................................................... 43 Milk origin ................................................................................................................. 46 Fish origin .................................................................................................................. 52 Animal gelatine origin ............................................................................................... 54 Vegetal origin ............................................................................................................ 56 Metatartaric acid (E353) ........................................................................................... 58 Carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) ................................................................................ 59 Compounds – mixture of different fining agents ...................................................... 60 3.6.5 Fining agents of inorganic, mineral and synthetic origin ...................................... 60 Silica sol (Kieselsol) .................................................................................................... 60 Bentonite .................................................................................................................