
Locators in italic refer to charts, maps, tables, and figures. Thus 11map 1b refers to map 1b on page 11. accounting systems see four-column and the zouxiao process 117 balancing system (sizhu jiesuan 四柱結算; see also Three Vaults of the Board of aka four-pillar accounting system); kupiao Revenue (Hubu sanku 户部三庫) (requisition tickets); zouxiao system Board of Rites (Libu 禮部) Aisin Gioro family location of 10map 1a and the imperial guard 81-82 and the reception and consumption of and the Imperial Household Depart- medical materials 257, 267 ment 29, 75 sacrificial vessels produced in porcelain and the military organization of the banner approved by 138 system 76-77, 76n8 Board of Work (Gongbu 工部) 10map 1a Aksu 阿克蘇 (Xinjiang) 13map 3 collaboration with the Imperial Household and the sandalwood Buddha statue 180, Department 31, 51, 228 180n72 and the kilns at Jingdezhen 145 and the southern route through reconfigured as the Ministry of Agriculture, Xinjiang 196 Work, and Commerce (Nong-gong- Archives of the Imperial Workshops of the shang bu 農工商部) 250 Imperial Household Department bondservants and annual ledgers 104, 120 career advancement of 74-75, 80-81 and facsimile reproductions of kupiao 95 defined as servants registered in banner zouxiao process reflected in documents companies (Chinese, zuoling; Manchu, in 117 niru) 49, 74 assemblage see interpenetration of the lineages of 75-76 private (court) and public (state) spheres; numbers in the service of the palace-as-machine – as shifting material emperor 49 and social assemblage sinjeku or bondservants’ slaves (Chinese: xinzheku) 50-51 bannermen specialist skills acquired by 75-76, 81-84, career paths as scribes (bitieshi) and 86-90 imperial guards (shiwei) 78-83 and the transmission of technical Gao-pu corruption case 189-192 skills through collaborative increased population during Daoguang’s mentorship 84-85 reign 90 see also Wanyan 完顏 (Manchu: palace maids affiliated with 50, 56, 71 Wanggiyan) preferential treatment of 57n8 Bullion Vault (Yinku 銀庫) of the Board of shifting configurations of bannerman Revenue see Three Vaults of the Board of experts’ skills 75-76, 81-84, 87-92 Revenue (Hubu sanku 户部三庫) and the transmission of technical skills Bullion Vault of the Imperial Household through collaborative mentorship 84-85 Department (Neiwufu yinku 內務府銀庫) see also Cao Yin; Gao Bin; Jin Jiang; Laoge; and expenses related to the Sixth Panchen Nian Xiyao; Tang Ying; Wanyan Lama’s visit to Rehe 165-166 banner organization see Manchu banner and fines of ‘indulgence gold’ (shuzui jin 贖 system 罪金) 162-163 北京 12map 2; see also Westpark location of 37map1b (Xiyuan 西苑); Xuanwu Gate (Xuanwumen and the melting down of objects to reuse 宣武門) their metal 165-166 Beijing Zoo (Beijing Dongwuyuan 北京動物 and tribute gold 163, 163nn15-16 園) 250, 287-288 — Bullion Vault (Yinku 銀庫) of the Grand Bennett, Jane 24 Storage Office (Guangchusi 廣儲司) Board of Revenue (Hubu 户部) of gold held by the Imperial Household location in the of 10map 1a Department in 158, 165, 166chart 5.1 324 Making the Palace Machine Work

monthly reports (or sizhu jiesuan 四柱 commodified labour 結算) used by 158-159, 162, 163-164, and the Global Collaboratory’s 166chart 5.1 taxonomy 54 bureaucracy and gong 工 (work units) 110-112, 111n40, and family organization at the court see 128 hereditary status and the palace regulations from the the Imperial Household Department as a Guangxu era 58 mirror image of the bureaucracy of the and tributary labour 57 public state 27, 117-123 Court of Control and Punishment (Shenxingsi) tribute campaigns as periodic tests of 279 慎刑司 see also Board of Revenue (Hubu); Board of Board of Law compared with 232 Rites (Libu); Board of Work (Gongbu); location of 10map 1a Garden Bureau (Fengchenyuan); Current Regulations and Precedents from the interpenetration of the private (court) Imperial Household Department see Cur- and public (state) spheres; kupiao 庫 rent Regulations and Precedents (xianxing 票 (requisition tickets); zouxiao 奏銷 zeli 現行則例) system Current Regulations and Precedents (xianxing Bureau of Eunuchs (Jingshifang 敬事房) 59, 62 zeli 現行則例) Bureau of Imperial Gardens and Parks see accounting of labour calculated in Garden Bureau (Fengchenyuan) temporal ‘work’ units (gong) 110-112, Bureau of Weaving and Dyeing (Zhiranju 織染 111n40, 128 局), and reforms imposed on the Imperial compilation of 58-59 Workshops’ accounting system 103 edict on reforms to take place in the Imperial Workshops’ accounting Cao Yin 曹寅 81-82, 91 system 103 Cao Xueqin 曹雪芹 Imperial Household Department’s (Honglou meng 紅樓夢) 249-250 regulations distinguished from court classification regulations 59 ‘Five coloured’ patterns (wucai wenyang 五 issuance by individual construction 彩紋樣) of porcelain ritual vessels 142 offices to detail the flow of materials, and the Global Collaboratory’s labour resources, and their monetary taxonomy 54 equivalents 159-160 of field types for taxation 234 limitations of its documentation 74 of goods as an exercise in defining social and the maintenance reports of the palace and political value 219-223 machine 86-88 of kupiao 100-101 and porcelain production cost 88 and the management of imperial and and quantifying palace personnel 47-52, colonial expansion 217-219 49t1.1, 51-52, 56 Clunas, Craig 249 and standardization regulating the status Collected Statues of the Great Ming (Da Ming quo and project management 80 huidian 大明會典) on porcelain replace- on tributary and commodified ments of ritual bronzes 138, 141-142 labour 58-62 Collected Statues of the Great Qing (Da Qing and women employed in the palace 56, huidian 大清會典) 39 62, 66 commerce and the commercial market and fur 220-221 Der Ling (Yu De Ling 裕德齡, Cixi’s Lady-in and the imperial lotus business 226-228, Waiting) 73 233-235, 236-237, 238-244, 238t7.2, on Empress Dowager Cixi and the Russian 250; see also Westpark (Xiyuan 西 circus 284 苑) – lotuses everyday life in the palace described and the interpenetration of the private by 64-65, 69-70 (court) and public (state) spheres 31- family background of 57n28, 65, 70 32, 292 on monetary renumeration of and medical substances 257-261 eunuchs 61n41 salt production and administration 31, 76, photo of Empress Dowager Cixi and her 117, 162, 210 entourage on Middle Lake 244, 245f7.5 see also four-column balancing system on punishment of palace maids and (sizhu jiesuan 四柱結算; aka four-pillar eunuchs 63n48 accounting system) on sons of Manchu officials 56-57n28 I ndex 325

Ding Guangpeng 丁觀鵬, ‘Realm of Ultimate monetary renumeration of 61-62, 61n41 Bliss’ (Jile shijie tu 极樂世界圖) 129-134 and punishments 62-63, 63n48, 66 and Empress Dowager Chongqing’s 70th and sickness and disability 62-63 birthday celebration 132 experts see specialized skill Kesi tapestry of 133fII.1 Dzungaria 13map 3 Forbidden City (Zijincheng 紫禁城) 10map 1a, 11map 1b ecological concerns eunuchs working in palaces of 51n15 and the cycle of porcelain supervisor Tang expulsion of the imperial clan from 64 Ying’s work 91 four-column balancing system (sizhu jiesuan and ‘extracting the maximum use from 四柱結算; aka four-pillar accounting a material’ (wu jin qi yong 物尽其 system) 33, 118-120 用) 262 budgetary disbursement ledgers 104 and lotus cultivation 215 budgetary ledgers of gold and silver 101- and Wanyan Linqing’s flood reduction 104, 102f3.2, 158-159 efforts 92 and the Bullion Vault of the Imperial and Xinjiang officials’ management of jade Household Department 158-159, 162, delivery 190, 197, 202, 204, 206, 208-210 163n15-16, 163-165, 166chart 5.1 Eight Banner system see Manchu banner and the ‘Inventory Register of the Imperial system Workshops of the Yangxin Palace’ 168- elephants 169, 170chart 5.2 Elephant Training Office (Xunxiangsuo 馴 as a microcosm of the fiscal state 292 象所) 12map 2, 28, 282 and the registers of the Three Vaults of the and Empress Dowager Cixi 284 Board of Revenue 118-122 the Imperial Elephant Stables (Xiangfang Fuliang County 浮梁縣 象房 near Xuanwu Gate 宣武 ceramic production centre in see Imperial 門) 12map 2, 273-274, 280-285 Ceramic Manufactory (Yuyaochang 御 tribute elephants 215, 277-280 窯廠) and Western commercial performances and Porcelain Bureau (Fuliang ciju 浮梁瓷 exhibitions 285, 286, 287f9.2a-b 局) 13map 3, 144-145 Elias, Norbert 52, 61 Elliott, Mark C. 27n8, 57n8 Gansu Empress Dowager Chongqing 崇慶皇太后 gold production in 163-164 celebration of the 70th birthday of 130-131, ‘tribute gold’ from 163 132 Gao Bin, 高斌 82, 87, 91 Empress Dowager Cixi 慈禧太后 Garden Bureau (Fengchenyuan 奉宸苑) and the Agricultural Experiment as one of the ‘Three Bureaus’ (三院 Field 250, 287-290 Sanyuan) of the Imperial Household and elephants 284 Department 28, 227, 232 official duties of 55 straw for elephants from imperial fields photo of her with her entourage on Middle managed by 281 Lake 244, 245f7.5 George, Kenneth M. 219n4 renovation of the Ningshou Palace gong 貢 see tribute in preparation for 60th birthday gong 工 (work units) 110-112, 111n40, 128 celebrations 43-45 Grand Council (Junjichu 軍機處) and the eunuchs (taijian 太監) connotation of secrecy or concealment of ji Bureau of Eunuchs (Jingshifang 敬事 機 39n1 房) 59, 62 Grand Storage Office (Guangchusi 廣儲司) 82 commodified and indentured labour and the financial administration of the of 57-58, 71-72 Imperial Workshops 98, 101 and the demise of the Qing 67-68 and the functioning of the palace and the Eight Banner system 57, machine 28 57-58n31 see also Bullion Vault (Yinku 銀庫) of the and the imperial kilns during the Grand Storage Office (Guangchusi 廣 Ming 145-146 儲司) and the Ming royal house 28 — Six Vaults (Liuku六庫) numbers of 50-51 artisans assigned to 171 see also Hu Shijie; Sun Yaoting monthly reports of 101, 121 — and palace regulations objects stored in 180, 221-222 326 Making the Palace Machine Work

silver cash, copper, other metals stored Imperial Ceramic Manufactory (Yuyaochang by 98, 168 御窯廠) 13map 3, 127 Guizhou 貴州 during the Jiajing period (1522-1566) 141, 149 and tribute elephants 277, 279 and the jurisdiction of the Huai’an Customs ‘tribute gold’ from 163, 166 House 146, 153-154, 155 Ming dynasty operation of 141-143 Hami 哈密 13map 3 Ming ritual vessels produced at 139-140 grand minister superintendent of Hami, organization and economic structure Fode 佛德 203, 203n41 of 149 and the movement of jade 196, 200, seasonal cycles dictating work at 91 202-203 and state control 150-152 and trade 195-196, 196map 6.1, 196n25, 200, and the transmission of skills through 202-204, 202n37, 207 collaborative mentorship 84-86 He Rong’er 何榮兒 Imperial Dispensary 11map 1b biographical details 64, 64n50 collaborations between departments on entitlements of palace maids 56 of the inner court and civil hierarchical organization and regulation of government 257-258 the palace portrayed by 66, 71 collaborations between skilled doctors and life as a housekeeper in Beiping 72 artisans 66-267 on the machine-like movements of palace medicinal use of elephants and elephant maids 65-66 products 282 on punishments of maids and eu- regulation of medicines proposed by Prince nuchs 63n48, 69 Hongzhou 262 Sun Yaoting’s biographical narrative imperial guards (shiwei 侍衛) compared with her account 67 and the career paths of bannermen 78 hereditary status and Wanyan Ashitan’s lineage 78 and the career advancement of bondser- Imperial Household Department (Neiwufu 內 vants 74-75, 80-81 務府; Manchu Dorgi baita be uheri kadalara and court artisans’ positions in the yamum) 75n4 Imperial Household Department 171, as a mirror image of the bureaucracy of the 183-184 public state 27, 117-123 disruption by social changes of 149 as the ‘ghost in the machine’ 27-29 and government craftsmen (guanjiang zhi the Seven Offices and Three Courts com- 官匠制) in the Yuan dynasty 148-149 prising its hierarchical structure 28 and imperial princes 221, 221n12 staffing by members of the upper three and the monarchic system 54, 71 banners 27, 75 and the shifting configurations bannerman see also Archives of the Imperial Workshops experts’ skills 75-76, 81-84, 87-92 of the Imperial Household Department and the transmission of technical see also Grand Storage Office (Guangchusi skills through collaborative 廣儲司) mentorship 84-85 see also Imperial Ceramic Manufactory see also Aisin Gioro family (Yuyaochang 御窯廠) Hotan/Khotan (present day Hedian 和 see also Imperial Workshops of the Qing 闐) 13map 3 Palace (Zaoban huojichu 造辦活計處; nephrite jade in 188n3, 189 Zaobanchu 造辦處) tribute gold from 164 — Central Administration (Neiwufu zongguan Hu Shijie 胡世傑 43, 43n4 內務府總管) 29 imperial orders issued by 130, 167-168 Garden Bureau supervised by 232, 239, 243 Illustrated Manual of Porcelain Production regulations and precedents see Current (Taoye tushuo 陶冶圖說) inspection and Regulations and Precedents (xianxing quality control facilitated by 87-88 zeli 現行則例) Imperial Armoury (Wubeiyuan 武備院) imperial kilns see Imperial Ceramic bannerman bondservants employed by 88 Manufactory; porcelain production and as one of the ‘Three Bureaus’ (三院 supervision Sanyuan) of the Imperial Household Imperially Commissioned Current Regulations Department 232 and Precedents for the Central Administra- and reforms imposed on the Imperial tion of the Household Department (Qinding Workshops’ accounting system 103 Zongguan Neiwufu xianxing zeli 欽定總管 sharpening sickle blades used in 內務府現行則例) see Current Regulations Westpark 246 and Precedents (xianxing zeli 現行則例) I ndex 327

Imperially Commissioned Current Regulations and the emperors’ household bureaucracy and Precedents of the Court (Qinding and finances 27-29, 31-32 gongzhong xianxing zeli 欽定宮中現 evidenced in the transportation of jades 行則例) see Current Regulations and confiscated from Gao-pu 197, 205-210 Precedents (xianxing zeli 現行則例) and imperial porcelain production 146- imperial palace 147, 151-155 tangible and intangible meanings of 23-24 and lotus growing 232-233 see also palace-as-machine and the personnel of the palace 51-52 — administrative organization and the recycling of misfired and second- and the palace-as-machine 24-27, 29-30, rate porcelain objects 128, 154, 155 32-34 reflected in information from kupiao 94- see also bondservants; Current Regulations 95, 109-116, 122-123 and Precedents (xianxing zeli 現行則 例); kupiao (requisition tickets) jade (Chinese: yu 玉; Manchu: gu) Imperial Rice Growing Estates (Daotianchang cosmopolitan and multiethnic nature 稻田廠) of the high Qing symbolized by its and reforms imposed on the Imperial acquisition 33 Workshops’ accounting system 103 extraction of jade boulders from the Imperial Stud (Shangsiyuan 上駟院) Mi’erdai Mountains 205-206 imperial guards as personnel of 81 and the Gao-pu corruption case 187-192 as one of the ‘Three Bureaus’ (Sanyuan mineralogical forms of 188, 188n3 三院) of the Imperial Household ji 機 (machines or mechanical devices) Department 28, 232 basic meaning of 39 imperial wives and concubines as a ‘combination of resistant bodies’ 25, allowances paid for the birth of imperial 95n4 offspring 60 and the connotation of secrecy or conceal- status reflected in the number of palace ment (jimi 機密) 39, 39n1 maids assigned to 56 and the connotation of triggering force see also Empress Dowager Chongqing; (jiguan 機關) 39 Empress Dowager Cixi and machine-artistry (jiqiao 機巧) 128 Imperial Workshops of the Palace (Zaoban the machine-body (jiti 機體) as an image huojichu 造辦活計處; Zaobanchu 造辦處) of the Qing palace machine 216, 293, artisans working in 51 293n4 communication regarding ‘Ultimate Bliss’ and the name of the Grand Council by Ding Guangpeng 131-132 (Junjichu 軍機處) 74n1 courtyards of 11map 1b and the pivotal role of skilled labourers in day-to-day transactions see kupiao 庫票 practical statecraft 73-74, 74n1 (requisition tickets) and the role of skilled labourer 74-76, 184 establishment of 28 and traditional military thought 74n1 Imperial (Printing) Workshops of Wuying see also palace-as-machine; palace-as- Palace (Wuying Dian 武英殿) 79-80, machine – as shifting material and 88 social assemblage purchase of labour to complete tasks 99- Jianfu Palace (Jianfu gong 建福宮) 11map 1b, 100, 110-115, 114chart 3.1 42, 43, 132 reforms imposed on the accounting system Jiayu Gate (Jiayu guan 嘉裕關, Gansu) 13map of 103 3, 190, 198 — Treasury of the Imperial Workshops transport system passing through 195-197 (Qianliangku 錢糧庫) 11map 1b Jin Jiang 金簡 88, 243n41 court of 10map 1a financial administration work of 97-98, Karashar 喀喇沙爾 (Xinjiang) 13map 3 103, 103n26 and the movement of jade 196 navy registers (lance 藍冊) archived Kashgar 喀什噶爾 (Xinjiang) 13map 3 at 120n67, 120-121 and the movement of jade 196n25, 196, 203 interior decoration and the southern route through Xinji- regulation of material and equipment of the ang 196, 196n25, 203n39 palace buildings 59 tribute gold from 164 reuse of components in Qing Palaces 41-45 Kucha庫車 (Xinjiang) 13map 3 interpenetration of the private (court) and and the movement of jade 196, 203 public (state) spheres Kuhn, Philip 291 and the border-crossing trajectory of kupiao 庫票 (requisition tickets) medical substances 257-261 brief overview of 93-94 328 Making the Palace Machine Work

classification of 100-101 and military service 76-78 facsimile reproductions of 95 and sula 57 financial bureaucracy of the Imperial see also bannermen Workshops reflected in 95-101 — bannermen lineages interpenetration of the private (court) Gao clan 82 and public (state) spheres reflected see also Wanyan 完顏 in 94-95, 109-116, 122-123 Manchu nobility see Aisin Gioro family size and format of 94n3, 96-97, 96f3.1 Manchukuo (Manzhouguo 滿洲國) 68, 71; see and the Treasury of the Imperial Workshops also of 98-99 Manchuria founding of the Imperial Household labour and labour relations Department in 27 bithesi see scribes (bitieshi 筆帖式; sable furs from 220 Manchu bithesi) Shenyang palace (Shengjing xinggong) in and the French court of the Ancien Shenyang/Mukden 13map 3, 50, 51 Régime 52, 61 material artefacts and the Qing court the Global Collaboratory’s taxonomy classification of goods as an exercise of 52-55 in defining social and political kupiao used for the purchase of labour to value 219-223 complete tasks 99-100, 110-115, 114chart documentation of raw materials required 3.1 by artisans 159-160 non-working as a category 53, 54-55 economic and symbolic values 33-34 numbers and types of positions 48-52, and the interpenetration of the private 49t1.1 (court) and public (state) spheres 32, payment for casual work outside the 146-147, 151-155, 232-233, 250, 282-283, 292 palace 115, 115n49 and multicultural exchange between and the Qing mandate of imperial Chinese, Tibetan, and European craft command over knowledge 39-40 knowledge 158, 160, 173-179, 181-182, and reciprocity see reciprocal labour 181tables 5.1-5.2, 184 and sickness or disability 62-63 objects as assemblages of distributed sinjeku 50, 50n11 responsibilities 246 sula 57 see also Imperial Workshops of the Palace tributary see tributary employment (Zaobanchu); jade (Chinese: yu; Manchu: uprisings in Jingdezhen at the imperial gu); kupiao 庫票 (requisition tickets); kilns 143 porcelain production and supervision; see also bondservants; eunuchs; imperial refining and melting down metal guards (shiwei 侍衛); palace maids — and recycling (gongnü); specialized skill and handles for sickle blades 246 Lai Hui-min (Lai Huimin) on sinjeku 50n11 melting down of decommissioned gold and Laoge 老格 85, 111, 111n39 copperware 165 Latour, Bruno on ‘networks of actants’ 24 of misfired and second-rate porcelain Leshanyuan 樂善園 (Leshan travel palace) objects 128, 154, 155 location of 12map 2, 229 and out-of-date medicines 262-264 sources of lotus income 236-237t7.1 reuse of interior decoration transformation into the Agricultural components 41-45 Experiment Field 288 Meeker, Michael E. 25, 70 Lifanyuan see Ministry for Ruling the Outer Middle Lake (Zhonghai 中海), photo of Provinces Empress Dowager Cixi and her entourage Liu Xiaomeng 劉小萌 76 on Middle Lake 244, 245f7.5 Liu Zhiwei 劉志偉 292n3 Mi’erdai Mountains 密爾岱山 (Xinjiang) Luo Wenhua 羅文華 179 and the Gao-pu case 187, 191, 195, 198 jade stone mined from 187-188, 188n1, 190, machines see ji 機 (machines or mechanical 191n10 devices) location of 13map 3 maiban kupiao 買辦庫票 see kupiao 庫票 Ming 明 Dynasty (1368-1644) (requisition tickets) and the eunuch power structure 28 Manchu banner system expansion of printing during 218 and eunuchs 57, 57-58n31 management reform at the Jingdezhen impoverishment of banner people 57 kilns 145-146 I ndex 329

organization and economic structure of the demarcation of political space and bounda- imperial kilns 149 ries by material objects 220-223 production of Ming ritual vessels in and the machine-body (jiti 機體) 216, porcelain 139-141 293, 293n4 suspension of porcelain production and data in reports of the ‘Regulations and during 153 Precedents’ 86-88 — Jiajing period (1522-1566) and the mobilization of resources for imperial kilns 141, 149, 231 porcelain production 128, 152-153 Westpark fashioned as a Daoist paradise and objects as assemblages of distributed during 229-230 responsibilities 246 Ministry for Ruling the Outer Provinces and the supply chain of medical materials (Lifanyuan 理藩院) 29, 29n14 in the Qing court 33-34, 215, 253-254, location of 10map 1a 264-265, 267-269 monthly reports (yuezhe dang 月摺檔) see three stages of the changing nature of the four-column balancing system (sizhu ruling machine 91-92 jiesuan 四柱結算; aka four-pillar account- and the work of assembled skilled labourers ing system) and artisans 49, 184 see also interpenetration of the private Nian Xiyao 年希堯 84-85, 91 (court) and public (state) spheres Handbook for Calculating Area and Volume palace maids (gongnü 宮女) (Mianti bili bianlan) 84, 85f2.2 bannermen affiliation of 50, 56, 71 Ningshou Palace district (Ningshou gong qu 寧 older maids assigned to manage marketable 壽宮區) 11map 1b, 239 plant species in the Dream of the Red renovations in preparation for 60th Chamber 249 birthday celebrations 43 punishments stipulated in the regula- tions 62, 62n44 palace-as-machine status of imperial wives and concubines as both constraining and enabling for its reflected in the number of palace maids operators 25 assigned to 55-56 and the demise of the Qing 67-68, 290 see also He Rong’er 何榮兒 and the economic and symbolic values of Palace Regulations and Precedents (Qinding material things see kupiao (requisi- gongzhong xianxing zeli 欽定宮中現 tion tickets); material artefacts and the 行則例) see Current Regulations and Qing court Precedents (xianxing zeli 現行則例) the end of Westpark lotus as symbol palace workers see bondservants; eunuchs; of the end of the Qing palace labour and labour relations; palace maids machine 250-251 (gongnü) and the ideal of frictionless operation in the Pizhan 闢展 (Xinjiang) 13map 3, 196 face of unexpected occurrences, human plants and animals error, or sub-standard outcomes 40, Agricultural Experiment Field 250, 287-290 188, 198-199, 216, 217-219, 223, 237-239 and the palace-as-machine 33-34 and the machine-like movements of palace see also elephants; Garden Bureau maids 65-66 (Fengchenyuan); Westpark (Xiyuan 西 operating principles of see imperial 苑) – lotuses palace – administrative organization porcelain production and supervision the Ottoman Palace as a machine portrayed and bondservants’ practical skills of com- by Meeker (Michael E.) 25, 70 municating qualitative and quantitative and the pivotal role of skilled labourers in information 84 practical statecraft 74-76, 74n1, 91-92, breakdown of cost in the ‘Regulations and 184 Precedents’ (zeli 則例) 88 and plants and animals see elephants; imperial kilns see Imperial Ceramic Garden Bureau (Fengchenyuan); plants Manufactory and animals; Westpark (Xiyuan) imperial porcelain production outside of – lotuses Jingdezhen 150-152 and Western powers as a threat 30-31 recycling of misfired and second-rate see also ji 機 (machines or mechanical porcelain objects 128, 154, 155 devices) in the 144, 147-148 — as shifting material and social in the Yuan dynasty 144-145, 148-149 assemblage 23-24 see also Tang Ying 330 Making the Palace Machine Work

Precedent Cases of Statues of the Great Qing (Da and the jurisdiction of imperial kilns in Qing huidian shili 大清會典事例) 48, 48n1 Jingdezhen 146, 153-154, 155 on the evolving history of the ‘mixed kupiao used during 95n6, 98-99, 108 incomes’ (zazheng 雜徵) of the Imperial official duties of the emperor 55 Household Department 233-234 officials in the Imperial Household limitations of its documentation 74 Department during 49table 1.1 and nomenclature for additions to the porcelain design preferences of 89 Statutes from the Qianlong era 233n15 zouxiao procedures during the reign of 121 princes and princesses — Qianlong 乾隆 (1736-1795) hereditary status of 221, 221n12 conquest of Dzungaria 164 porcelain wares in princely courts 139- and copper quality used for the Qing 140, 143 court 167-168 Prince Hongzhou 262 edict on reforms to take place in the Prince Yi 154, 168 Imperial Workshops’ accounting see also Der Ling (Yu De Ling 裕德齡, Cixi’s system 103 Lady-in Waiting) emergence of disquieting conditions of Putuo Zongcheng Temple 普陀宗乘之 modernity during 291 廟 13map 3 Gao-pu corruption case during 187-192 gilded roof of the Dugang Hall (Dugang and the hierarchical structure of the dian 都罡殿) of 169, 177-179, 178f5.2 Imperial Household Department 29 Puyi 溥儀 Imperially Commissioned Current Regula- abdication of 64 tions and Precedents of the Court ordered and the demise of the Qing 67-68 by 58 palace buildings as brick-and-mortar exten- lotus growing discussed in Precedent sion of his body in Bertolucci’s ‘The Last Cases 233 Emperor’ 25 — Jiaqing 嘉庆 (1796-1820) edition of ‘Regulations and Precedents’ Qiangqing Palace (Qianqing gong 乾清 produced during 59 宮) 11map 1b, 42 elephants housed in the Imperial Elephant Qing 清 dynasty (1644-1911) Stables 281 and the economic and cultural integration and kupiao 93, 100 of Manchu, Mongolian, Tibetan, Han lotus growing discussed in Precedent Chinese and Europeans in empire Cases 233-234 building 91 and medicinals found in the Dew Room fiscal accounting system see kupiao 庫 (Lufang 露房) of 263-264 票 (requisition tickets); zouxiao 奏銷 officials in the Imperial Household system Department during 49table 1.1 porcelain production and supervision dur- porcelain production during 154 ing 143-144, 146-147, 149-150, 153-155 — Daoguang 道光 (1821-1850) size and complexity of 13map 3, 25 edition of ‘Regulations and Precedents’ see also Empress Dowager Cixi 慈禧太后; produced during 59 princes and princesses; Puyi 溥儀 elephants housed in the Imperial Elephant — Shunzhi 順治 (1644-1661) Stables 281 damaged fabrics from 221-222 memorial on the number of — Kangxi 康熙 (1662-1722) eunuchs 51n15 and the Cao clan 81-82, 81n20 routinization of the inner court bureaus decree issued on the yearly tribute of lotus during 90 roots 233 — Xianfeng 咸豐 (1851-1861) and official duties of the emperor 55 edition of ‘Regulations and Precedents’ officials in the Imperial Household produced during 59 Department during 49table 1.1 elephants housed in the Imperial Elephant and the system of ‘red tickets’ establishing Stables 281 the beginning of kupiao 95 transport of porcelain blocked by the transformation of the Imperial Household Taiping army in Nanjing during 152 Department during 75 — Tongzhi 同治 (1862-1874), edition of ‘Regula- and the Wanyan clan 79-80 tions and Precedents’ produced during 59 — Yongzheng 雍正 (1723-1735) — Guangxu 光緒 (1875-1908) and the hierarchical structure of the editions of ‘Regulations and Precedents’ Imperial Household department 29 produced during 59 I ndex 331

Empress Dowager Cixi’s 60th birthday in salary for 239 the 18th year of 43 and the staff list of the Imperial lotus growing discussed in Precedent Workshops 171 Cases 233-234 service personnel see bondservants; com- palace regulations on renumeration of modified labour; eunuchs; imperial guards people working in the palaces 58 (shiwei); labour and labour relations; palace — Xuantong 宣統 (1909-1911) see Puyi 溥儀 maids (gongnü); reciprocal labour; scribes Qixiang Palace (Qixiang gong 啟祥宫) 11map (bitieshi; Manchu bithesi); specialized skill; 1b, 132 tributary employment Seven Offices and Three Bureaus (七司三 Rawski, Evelyn S. on groups of workers in the 院 Qisi Sanyuan) see Garden Bureau palace 49-50 (Fengchenyuan 奉宸苑); Imperial Armoury reciprocal labour (Wubeiyuan 武備院); Imperial Stud and commodified labour in the (Shangsiyuan 上駟院) Palace 55-58 Shanxi, ‘tribute gold’ from 163 and the Global Collaboratory’s Sirén, Osvald 250-251 taxonomy 53-54 six boards and harem women 60-61 bannermen participation on 78 recycling see ecological concerns; material individual boards see Board of Revenue artefacts and the Qing court – and recycling (Hubu); Board of Rites (Libu); Board of refining and melting down metal Work (Gongbu) annual deliveries by gold refineries to the Six Vaults of the Grand Storage Office see Board of Revenue 163 Grand Storage Office (Guangchusi) – Six objects melted down by the Bullion Vaults (Liuku) Vault of the Imperial Household skilled labour see specialized skill Department 165 specialized skill ‘Regulations and Precedents’ (zeli 則例) see collaborations between skilled doc- Current Regulations and Precedents tors and artisans in the Imperial (xianxing zeli 現行則例) Dispensary 266-267 Rehe 熱河 (present Chengde) 13map 3 and expertise in the technology of fire and ‘Regulations and Precedents’ (zeli) gilding and forging 184 concerning buildings of palaces at 159, experts from commercial medicine 159n4 shops 33, 260 visit of the Sixth Panchen Lama to 165-166 and hereditary status 90 Reuleaux, Franz on machines as a ‘combination Persian experts in the decorative arts of of resistant bodies’ 25, 95n4, 123 underglazing 148 ritual objects and the shifting configurations bannerman and innovative experimentation by Qing experts’ skills 75-76, 81-84, 87-92 artisans in their production 160-161, and the transmission of technical 167, 173-174, 181-182, 184 skills through collaborative melting down of objects from the Eastern mentorship 84-85 and Western Qing Tombs 165 the work of assembled skilled labourers and porcelains produced for sacrifices at the artisans 149, 184, 266 Imperial Tombs 142-143 — and practical statecraft production of Ming ritual vessels in bannerman specialists 30, 74-76, 91-92, porcelain 139-141 184 see also Board of Rites (Libu 禮部); bondservants’ practical skills of com- Sandalwood Temple municating qualitative and quantitative information 84 salt production and administration 31, 76, multilingual skills of the Wanyan clan 78- 117, 162, 210 80, 89, 91 Sandalwood Temple (Temple of Great Spence, Jonathan 81n20 Benevolence [Hongren si 弘仁寺]) Sun Yaoting 孙耀庭 58n32, 64, 67-69, 72 bells used in ceremonies in 180-182, 183f5.3 Suzhou 肅州 (Gansu) 13map 3, 193n18, 195, location of 10map 2, 179-180 203 sandalwood Buddha statue of 180 Suzhou 蘇州 (Jiangsu) scribes (bitieshi 筆帖式; Manchu bithesi) imperial textile centre in 127, 130, 132 and the career advancement of Imperial Textile Manufactory in (Suzhou bannermen 78-80 zhizao 蘇州織造) 13map3, 82, 132, 210 332 Making the Palace Machine Work

location 13map 3 the indentured system for eunuchs and and place as factor in the performance of selected specialist distinguished the palace machine 127, 132 from 71-72 renumerations and rewards for 58-59, Tang Ying 唐英 63-64 Illustrated Manual of Porcelain sanctions and punishments 62-64 Production 87-88 and women employed in the palace 55-56 and Laoge 85, 111n39 tribute (gong 貢) on the relevance of porcelain production to and medicinal materials 254-258, 256t8.1, state affairs 135-136, 155 262 strategic information noted in his tribute elephants 215, 277-278 records 83-84 tribute gold in the Bullion Vault of the as supervisor-designer at the imperial kilns Imperial Household Department 163, in Jingdezhen 89, 91, 146-147, 155 163nn15-16 from Yunnan, Guizhou, Shanxi, and and imperial processions 289 Gansu 163, 163n14, 166 location of 12map 2 Turfan 土魯蕃 196, 196map 6.1, 196n25 ritual vessels of 139 Three Vaults of the Board of Revenue (Hubu Ush 烏什 (Xinjiang) sanku 户部三庫) and the Gao-pu corruption case 191 accounting of materials supplied by 121 location of 13map 3, 196 Bullion Vault (Yinku 銀庫) 118n57 Miscellany Vault (Yanliao ku 顏料 Wang Shuqing 50-51 庫) 118n57 Wang Zhonghan 76 monthly reports and annual ledgers Wanshou Hill, 12map 2 42 submitted by 118 Wanyan 完顏 (Manchu: Wanggiyan) Textile Vault (Duanpi ku 緞疋庫), 11map as Aisin Gioro Nurgaqi’s earliest military 1a 118n57 allies 77-78 Tibet and Tibetan Buddhism multilingual skills of 78-80, 89, 91 and the economic and cultural integration Wanyan Ashitan and his lineage 77, of Manchu, Mongolian, Tibetan, Han 78-79, 91 Chinese and Europeans in empire Wanyan Conghou 91-92 building 91 Wanyan Heshiheng 79-80 and multicultural exchange between Wanyan Hesu 79, 80, 91 Chinese, Tibetan, and European craft Wanyan Linqing’s Illustrated Treatise on knowledge 158, 160, 173-179, 181-182, Hydraulic Tools 87, 88 181tables 5.1-5.2, 184 Wanyan Linqing’s Memorials of Yunyin Torbert, Preston M. 29n16, 30n17, 50 Hall 90 transport infrastructure Wanyan Wei 82 and the intangible infrastructure of local Westpark (Xiyuan 西苑) 10map 1a, 12map 2 administration 197 as a Daoist paradise in the Ming 229 and the interpenetration of the private as economically productive and aestheti- (court) and public (state) spheres 151- cally tasteful 249-250 152, 206-208 as Empress Dowager Cixi’s retirement and the localization of Qing ruling power in residence 230-231 Xinjiang 189-191, 194, 209-210 Pavilion of Purple Light (Ziguangge 紫光 main post routes in southern Xinji- 閣) 10map 1a, 230, 239, 247 ang 195-197, 196map 6.1 photo of Empress Dowager Cixi and her and the need for draught entourage on Middle Lake 244, 245f7.5 animals 199-204 see also Middle Lake (Zhonghai 中海) and porcelain production 151-152 — lotuses 33 and the transport of jade stones confiscated the end of Westpark lotus as symbol from Gao-pu 194-197 of the end of the Qing palace and tributary medicines 257 machine 250-251 tributary employment and the financial interests of the palace and ethnic affiliation 69 machine 227-228, 250 and the Global Collaboratory’s and the imperial lotus business 226-228, taxonomy 53-54 233-235, 236-237, 238-244, 238t7.2, 250 I ndex 333

Wolff, Christian 293n4 and Gao-pu’s jade 187, 191-193, 195-196, workers see bondservants; commodified 199f6.1 labour; eunuchs; imperial guards (shiwei); location of 13map 3, 196 labour and labour relations; palace maids nephrite jade in 188n3, 189 (gongnü); reciprocal labour; scribes tribute gold from 164 (bitieshi; Manchu bithesi); specialized skill; Yiheyuan 頤和圓 (New Summer Pal- tributary employment ace) 12map 2, 42 Wuying Palace (Wuying Dian 武英殿) 11map lotus growing in gardens of 234n18 1b Russian circus performance at 284 Dew Room (Lufang 露房) of 263-264 Yiluan Palace 儀鸞殿 10map 1a, 230 Imperial (Printing) Workshops of 79-80, Yuanmingyuan 圓明園 (Old Summer 88 Palace) 12map 2 ceramic vault of 175 Xinjiang 新疆 13map 3 copper stored in the bullion vaults of 169 main post routes in southern Xinji- eunuchs working in 51n15 ang 195-197, 196map 6.1 monthly reports and yellow registers nephrite jade see jade (Chinese: yu 玉; submitted by 121n72 Manchu: gu) ‘Regulations and Precedents’ submitted by see also Aksu; Hami; Karashar; Kashgar; the construction office at 159 Kucha; Mi’erdai Mountains; Pizhan; renovation of the Hangzhou ‘Autumn Moon Turfan; Ush; Yarkand over a Calm Lake’ (Pinghu Quiyue 平湖 Xuanwu Gate (Xuanwumen 宣武門) 秋月) 42 Imperial Elephant Stables near 12map 2, silting up of lotus pond areas 234 273-274, 276, 280-285 Yuan Shikai 67, 71 railway line near 230n9 Yunnan 雲南 copper reserves in 167 Yang Naiji 249 tribute elephants from 278-279 Yangxin Palace (Yangxindian 養心殿) 11map ‘tribute gold’ from 163, 163n14, 166 1b copper in Ceramic Vaults of 168-169, Zhang Xun 67, 71 170chart 5.2 zouxiao 奏銷 system documentation of raw materials required as a microcosm of the fiscal accounting by artisans 159 system of the Qing state 117 Imperial Workshops of 51, 80 navy registers (lance 藍冊) used in 120- Yarkand (Xinjiang) 121, 120n67