
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA Vol. 94, pp. 569–574, January 1997 Genetics

Absence of colony-stimulating factor signaling and development in CCAAT enhancer binding protein ␣-deficient mice


*Division of Hematology͞Oncology, Department of Medicine, Beth Israel Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA 02215; and ‡Departments of Pathology and Molecular and Genetics, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX 77030

Communicated by Steven L. McKnight, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, November 19, 1996 (received for review September 4, 1996)

ABSTRACT Transcription factors are master regulatory (7, 8). C͞EBP␣ transactivates the promoters of hepatocyte and switches of differentiation, including the development of spe- adipocyte specific genes, which are important for energy cific hematopoietic lineages from stem cells. Here we show homeostasis (9–11). C͞EBP␣ is up-regulated in and plays an that mice with targeted disruption of the CCAAT enhancer important role in adipocyte differentiation, and in this cell type binding protein ␣ gene (C͞EBP␣) demonstrate a selective it functions in fully differentiated, nonproliferative cells; inhi- block in differentiation of . Mature neutrophils bition of C͞EBP␣ blocks differentiation and expression of and are not observed in the or fetal liver of C͞EBP␣ induces differentiation (12, 13). c͞ebp␣ knockout mutant animals, while other hematopoietic lineages, including mice lack hepatic glycogen stores and die from hypoglycemia monocytes, are not affected. Instead, most of the white cells in within 8 hr of birth (14). the peripheral blood of mutant mice had the appearance of C͞EBP␣ is part of a family of leucine zipper transcription myeloid blasts. We also observed a selective loss of expression factors, including C͞EBP␤ and C͞EBP␦, which heterodimer- of a critical gene target of CCAAT enhancer binding protein ize and are differentially regulated during differentiation of ␣, the granulocyte colony-stimulating factor receptor. As a adipocytes (12, 15, 16). C͞EBP␣,C͞EBP␤, and C͞EBP␦ are result, multipotential myeloid progenitors from the mutant strongly similar in their C-terminal basic region and leucine fetal liver are unable to respond to granulocyte colony- zipper domains and diverge in the N-terminal transactivation stimulating factor signaling, although they are capable of domain (12, 15, 17–19). The avian homolog of C͞EBP␤ forming granulocyte– and macrophage colonies (NF-M) is a myeloid specific factor that activates the promoter in methylcellulose in response to other growth factors. Finally, for chicken cMGF, a growth factor related to granulocyte we demonstrate that the lack of granulocyte development colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) and 6 (20–23). results from a defect intrinsic to the hematopoietic system; In mammalian cells, C͞EBP␤ (or NF-IL6, the human ho- transplanted fetal liver from mutant mice can reconstitute molog; ref. 16) has low activity until activated by inflammatory lymphoid but not neutrophilic cells in irradiated recipients. stimuli, which induce phosphorylation and translocation to the These studies suggest a model by which transcription factors nucleus, where it can activate multiple gene promot- can direct the differentiation of multipotential precursors ers (16, 24, 25). Studies of mice with a targeted disruption of through activation of expression of a specific growth factor C͞EBP␤ have indicated the importance of C͞EBP␤ for mac- receptor, allowing proliferation and differentiation in re- rophage functions related to bacterial killing and tumor cyto- sponse to a specific extracellular signal. In addition, the toxicity, but myeloid cell development was not adversely ␤ -c͞ebp␣؊/؊ mice may be useful in understanding the mecha- affected, consistent with a role of C͞EBP in cytokine acti nisms involved in acute myelogenous , in which a vation rather than lineage development (26, 27). block in differentiation of myeloid precursors is a key feature In the hematopoietic system, C͞EBP␣ is known to be of the disease. expressed in myeloid cells (28, 29). We have recently reported the transactivation of promoters of myeloid specific receptors for the growth factors G-CSF, macrophage CSF (M-CSF), and An important question in hematopoiesis is how the function of granulocyte–macrophage CSF (GM-CSF) by C͞EBP family master regulatory transcription factors mediate development members (30–32). In addition, C͞EBP␣ has been noted to and differentiation of specific lineages (1–4). Mature myeloid regulate the promoters for several myeloid granule proteins, cells, consisting of blood monocytes and tissue , including myeloperoxidase and neutrophil elastase, which are as well as the neutrophilic and eosinophilic , expressed at the promyelocytic stage (33, 34). These studies develop from a common myeloid precursor, but the mecha- suggest that C͞EBP␣ might play a role in myeloid cell devel- nisms controlling the transition from bipotential progenitor opment. To understand the role of C͞EBP␣ during hemato- to unipotential granulocyte and monocyte precur- poiesis, and specifically in myeloid differentiation, we analyzed sors have not been identified (5). the hematopoietic system in mice carrying a targeted disrup- The CCAAT enhancer binding protein (C͞EBP) family tion of c͞ebp␣. The c͞ebp␣Ϫ/Ϫ mice do not respond to G-CSF members have a basic leucine zipper structure and bind to growth factor signaling and lack mature granulocytes, but not similar DNA sequences (6). The founding member of this family, C EBP␣, is highly expressed in liver and adipose tissue ͞ Abbreviations: C͞EBP, CCAAT enhancer binding protein; G-, M-, GM-, and GEMM-, granulocyte, macrophage, granulocyte– The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page charge macrophage, and granulocytes, erythrocytes, monocyte͞macrophages, payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked ‘‘advertisement’’ in and megaharyocytes, respectively; CSF, colony-stimulating factor; accordance with 18 U.S.C. §1734 solely to indicate this fact. CFU, colony-forming unit; FACS, fluorescence-activated cell sorting. †D.-E.Z. and P.Z. contributed equally to this work. Copyright ᭧ 1997 by THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE USA §To whom reprint requests should be addressed at: Harvard Institutes 0027-8424͞97͞94569-6$2.00͞0 of Medicine, Room 954, 77 Avenue Louis Pasteur, Boston, MA PNAS is available online at http:͞͞www.pnas.org. 02115. e-mail: [email protected].

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monocytes and macrophages, in both circulating blood and RESULTS hematopoietic organs. Mutation of the C͞EBP␣ Gene Results in a Selective Loss of Granulocyte Development. The construction of c͞ebp␣ MATERIALS AND METHODS hemizygous knockout embryonic stem cells and the generation of homozygous mouse strains were described previously (14). Mice. ␣ C͞EBP ϩ͞Ϫ mice were generated using targeted c͞ebp␣ is a intronless single-exon gene. The targeted disrup- AB2.1 embryonic stem cells injected into C57BL͞6 blastocysts tion replaced this exon with sequences from the neomycin- as reported previously (14). Mice were subsequently bred with resistant gene. Since the homozygous mutant (Ϫ͞Ϫ) mice died C57BL͞6 animals. For analysis of response of wild-type and within 8 hr of birth, newborn animals were analyzed. No mutant animals to G-CSF, G-CSF (250 ␮g per kg of body difference between wild-type and heterozygote animals was weight) was injected subcutaneously every 12 hr to pregnant detected. At birth, Ϫ͞Ϫ mice were also grossly indistinguish- mice from the day 17 of pregnancy until birth. Control animals able from their littermates. Analysis of peripheral blood from received saline alone. newborn Ϫ͞Ϫ mice showed normal levels of hemoglobin Hematologic Analysis. Blood samples were obtained from (Table 1) and normal appearance of , indicating newborn mice with heparinized microcapillary tubes. The level normal development of the erythrocytic and megakaryocytic of hemoglobin was measured with a Hemoglobinometer lineages. After lysis of red blood cells, samples were prepared (Leica, Buffalo, NY). For white analysis, red blood by cytocentrifugation and stained with Wright–Giemsa as cells were lysed by hypotonic lysis. White blood cells were shown in Fig. 1. The morphology of white blood cells from cytocentrifuged and then stained with Wright–Giemsa. Anal- normal littermates (ϩ͞ϩ or ϩ͞Ϫ genotype) and Ϫ͞Ϫ mice ysis of percentage of apoptotic cells in newborn livers and displayed a striking difference. The normal littermates showed blood was performed by fluorescence microscopy following 87% mature neutrophils, with 0.5% and 12.5% terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase-mediated dUTP nick mature monocytes (Fig. 1A). There were no mature neutro- end labeling (TUNEL assay; Boehringer Mannheim). For phils in the blood of Ϫ͞Ϫ mice, although mature monocytes colony-forming unit (CFU) assays, methylcellulose culture of and lymphocytes can be detected (Fig. 1B). Furthermore, Ϫ͞Ϫ single-cell suspensions of newborn liver cells were performed newborns had normal peritoneal macrophages. In addition, no in Methocult (Stemcell Technologies, Vancouver), and the eosinophils could be detected in Ϫ͞Ϫ mice, although they could be easily seen with Fast green staining of peripheral mixture was cultured at 37ЊCin5%CO2for 10 days. Colony types were confirmed by dispersion of the cells in the colony blood from ϩ͞Ϫ mice. The numbers of monocytes and lymphocytes in Ϫ Ϫ mice was indistinguishable from those of and analysis following cytocentrifugation of the cells onto ͞ normal littermates, but most of the white cells in the blood of slides and staining with Wright–Giemsa. For G-CFU assays, Ϫ͞Ϫ mice had the appearance of immature myeloid cells. A cells were added to IMDM medium containing 0.8% methyl- majority of these immature cells stained positive for Sudan cellulose, 20% fetal bovine serum, and up to 1000 units͞ml of black, a marker of myeloid progenitors. These cells also had human recombinant G-CSF (which is active on murine cells), more myeloid CFU activity than that from wild-type or and colonies were counted daily. G-CFU from wild-type heterozygote blood (see below). These findings indicate that mouse livers were most easily seen 3–5 days later. Fluorescence-Activated Cell Sorting (FACS). Flow cytom- Table 1. Analysis of blood and liver cells of newborn C͞EBP␣ etry analysis was performed on single-cell suspensions of fetal ϩ͞ϩ, ϩ͞Ϫ, and Ϫ͞Ϫ mice and newborn liver, newborn thymus, and newborn , and Percent of cell components blood was collected from marrow-transplanted mice. ϩ͞ϩ ϩ Ϫ Ϫ Ϫ Tissues were broken with syringe plungers, and cells were Cell components c͞ebp␣ and c͞ebp␣ ͞ c͞ebp␣ ͞ filtered through 70-␮m nylon cell strainers. Cells were stained Blood with fluorescein isothiocyanate- or phycoerythrin-conjugated Hemoglobin 13.4 Ϯ 1.9* 12.0 Ϯ 2.2* and analyzed on a FACScan (Becton Dickinson). Total WBC 4.4 Ϯ 1.5† 4.0 Ϯ 2.9† Monoclonal antibodies M1͞70 (Mac-1 ␣M chain, CD11b), Granulocytes 87.0 Ϯ 7.2 0 RB6-8C5 (Gr-1), RA3-6B2 (B220, CD45R), 53-2.1 (Thy-1.2, Monocytes 12.5 Ϯ 7.4 7.8 Ϯ 3.3 CD90), H129.19 (CD4), 53-6.7 (CD8a), TER-119, and 104 Lymphocytes 0.5 Ϯ 0.9 0.5 Ϯ 0.5 (CD45.2) were used according to the supplier’s (PharMingen) Immature cells 0 91.5 Ϯ 2.6 instructions. Ten thousand cells were analyzed in each FACS Platelets 270 Ϯ 96† 429 Ϯ 63† assay. Liver Northern Blot Analysis. Total RNA was isolated from livers Immature of newborn mice, from brain of adult mice, and from cells erythroid 64.6 Ϯ 6.9 79.0 Ϯ 3.3 collected from 48-hr thioglycollate-stimulated mouse perito- Immature myeloid 20.5 Ϯ 8.6 18.4 Ϯ 2.7 neal cavity. RNA was prepared, and Northern blot analysis Monocytes 1.5 Ϯ 1.1 2.5 Ϯ 0.2 performed as described previously (35). Quantitation was Granulocytes 13.6 Ϯ 2.1 0 performed using IMAGEQUANT densitometry software on Northern blots exposed in the linear range of the film. Blood (50 ␮l) was collected from newborn mice into heparinized Analysis of Blood Reconstitution in Sublethally Irradiated microcapillary tubes. Total white blood counts (WBC) were deter- mined from six independent ϩ ϩ and Ϫ Ϫ animals, and Mice. ͞ ͞ Six- to eight-week-old female C57͞BL6J congenic strain counts were determined from two independent ϩ͞Ϫ and Ϫ͞Ϫ animals C57͞B6.SJL PEP3b-BoyJ mice were sublethally irradiated using a Coulter counter. For differential counts, red with a single dose of ␥ irradiation (800 rad) from a 137Cs source blood cells were lysed by hypotonic lysis. White blood cells were (Gammacell 40 Exactor, Nordion Internationa, Kanata, Can- cytocentrifuged and then stained with Wright–Giemsa. Percentages ada). Liver cells (1 ϫ 106) from newborn C͞EBP␣ ϩ͞ϩ, ϩ͞Ϫ, were calculated based on cell morphology of a total of 200 white blood or Ϫ͞Ϫ C57͞BL6J mice in 100 ␮l of IMDM were injected cells. Each data point represents the mean Ϯ SD from at least three independent animals. For liver differential counts, hematopoietic cells intravenously into each irradiated recipient animal. Trans- were analyzed by Wright–Giemsa staining following filtration through planted animals were kept in sterilized cages. The appearance nylon cell strainers as described. of donor origin blood cells was detected by flow cytometry *Values are in g͞dl. analyses. †Values are in 103 cells per ␮l. Downloaded by guest on September 25, 2021 Genetics: Zhang et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 94 (1997) 571

FIG. 1. Lack of mature neutrophils in c͞ebp␣Ϫ/Ϫ mice. Blood was col- lected as described in Table 1. After lysing red blood cells, white blood cells from either c͞ebp␣ϩ/Ϫ (A)or c͞ebp␣Ϫ/Ϫ (B) newborn mice were cy- tocentrifuged onto slides and were stained with Wright–Giemsa for anal- ysis of cell morphology. Newborn liver touch preparations from c͞ebp␣ϩ/Ϫ (C)orc͞ebp␣Ϫ/Ϫ (D) and G-CSF- administered c͞ebp␣ϩ/Ϫ (E)or c͞ebp␣Ϫ/Ϫ (F) mice were stained with Wright–Giemsa. G-CSF (250 ␮g per kg of body weight) was injected sub- cutaneously every 12 hr to pregnant mice from day 17 of pregnancy until birth. Mature neutrophils are indi- cated with an n. Monocytes are indi- cated with an m.

the mature granulocytic population of peripheral blood has affects hepatocyte function, it could alter the environment of been replaced in C͞EBP␣ Ϫ͞Ϫ mice by a progenitor popu- blood precursor cells during liver hematopoiesis at a late stage lation with myeloid characteristics. of embryogenesis. Therefore, embryonic day 14 liver suspen- Analysis of Fetal and Newborn Liver from C͞EBP␣ ؊͞؊ sion cells were also used in FACS analysis, as shown in Fig. 2 Mice Reveals a Loss of Granulocytes. During embryogenesis, I and J. The results were similar to that seen with newborn liver, definitive blood cells arise mainly from fetal liver, initiating in that no mature granulocyte markers can be detected from around day 12 of gestation (36). The gradually Ϫ͞Ϫ cells. Similar results were obtained with embryonic day assumes most of the animal’s hematopoietic function between 19 fetal livers, which are also not subject to hypoglycemic birth and 2 weeks after birth. Hematopoietic cells in different . Therefore, based on both cell morphology and cell stages of maturation can be found in the normal newborn liver, surface differentiation marker analyses, C͞EBP␣ deficiency including myeloblasts, , and macrophages, as well blocks the maturation of granulocytic lineages, with no effect as mature granulocytes (Fig. 1C). However, in examining a on either or lymphopoiesis. In addition, the total of 46 Ϫ͞Ϫ animals, no mature granulocytes were present morphology of spleen and thymus from Ϫ͞Ϫ mice appeared in newborn liver (Fig. 1D and Table 1). No significant change normal compared with ϩ͞ϩ or ϩ͞Ϫ littermates. in percentage of apoptotic cells was observed in C͞EBP␣ Ϫ͞Ϫ Mutation of C͞EBP␣ Results in a Selective Loss of G-CSF livers and blood compared with ϩ͞Ϫ animals. To quantita- Receptor mRNA Expression and Lack of Response to G-CSF. tively analyze the difference in granulocyte maturation be- Growth factors play important roles in the complex process of tween control and Ϫ͞Ϫ mice, the monocyte͞granulocyte hematopoiesis through signaling via their unique receptors. marker Mac-1 and mature granulocyte marker Gr-1 were used G-CSF, M-CSF, and GM-CSF are three hematopoietic growth in FACS analysis of newborn liver suspension cells. As shown factors specific to myeloid cells due to the specific expression in Fig. 2A, ϩ͞Ϫ mice showed significant numbers of Mac-1ϩ of their receptors on the surface of myeloid precursors and cells and Mac-1ϩ͞Gr-1ϩ cells (similar to that of ϩ͞ϩ mice), mature cells (39–42). C͞EBP␣ can specifically bind to and while only a few single or double positive cells were present in transactivate the promoter of each of these receptor genes Ϫ͞Ϫ mutant liver (Fig. 2B). B development in the (30–32). To examine the molecular basis for the abnormal spleen and T lymphocyte development in the thymus were differentiation of granulocytes in c͞ebp␣Ϫ/Ϫ mice and the role studied with the marker B220 and the markers of C͞EBP␣ in growth factor receptor expression in vivo, CD4 and CD8 by FACS analysis. As shown in Fig. 2 C–F, Ϫ͞Ϫ Northern blots were used to analyze the expression of these mice have normal B and T lymphocyte development. Mutant receptors. As shown in Fig. 3, no differences could be detected mice also have no significant changes in the erythroid marker for M-CSF receptor and GM-CSF receptor mRNA levels TER-119 (Fig. 2 G and H). Since C͞EBP␣ deficiency directly between control C͞EBP␣ ϩ͞ϩ and ϩ͞Ϫ mice and c͞ebp␣Ϫ/Ϫ Downloaded by guest on September 25, 2021 572 Genetics: Zhang et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 94 (1997)

FIG. 3. Northern blot analysis of mRNA of growth factor receptors. Total liver RNA (10 ␮g) from wild-type (lane 1), c͞ebp␣ϩ/Ϫ (lane 2), or c͞ebp␣Ϫ/Ϫ (lane 3) newborn mice, 10 ␮g of total brain RNA from wild-type mice (lane 4), or 2 ␮g of total peritoneal cell RNA from thioglycollate-stimulated wild-type mice (lane 5) were electrophoresed in 1% agarose͞formaldehyde gels, transferred to nylon membranes, and probed with murine cDNAs of G-CSF receptor (G-CSFr; ref. 43), FIG. 2. Flow cytometry analysis with cell surface markers. Cells erythropoietin receptor (EPOr; ref. 44), GM-CSF receptor ␣ (GM-CSFr; obtained from livers of c͞ebp␣ϩ/Ϫ (A)orc͞ebp␣Ϫ/Ϫ (B) newborns and ref. 45), or M-CSF receptor (M-CSFr; ref. 46). The position of each signal from wild-type (I)orc͞ebp␣Ϫ/Ϫ (J) day 14 embryos were stained with is indicated on the left side. GM-CSF receptor ␣ mRNA is expressed at antibodies to the mature monocyte͞granulocyte surface marker Mac-1 relatively low levels in newborn livers, but densitometry demonstrated (37) and to the mature granulocyte surface marker Gr-1 (38). Cells that the level of GM-CSF receptor ␣ mRNA is not significantly reduced obtained from of c͞ebp␣ϩ/Ϫ (C)orc͞ebp␣Ϫ/Ϫ (D) newborns in Ϫ͞Ϫ liver compared with the ϩ͞ϩ or ϩ͞Ϫ animals. were stained with antibodies to the B lymphocyte marker B220. Cells obtained from thymus of c͞ebp␣ϩ/Ϫ (E)orc͞ebp␣Ϫ/Ϫ (F) newborns Ϫ͞Ϫ mutant mice (Fig. 1 D and F; Fig. 4). To further confirm were stained with T lymphocyte surface markers CD4 and CD8. Cells the lack of the response to G-CSF stimulation in c͞ebp␣Ϫ/Ϫ obtained from livers of c͞ebp␣ϩ/ϩ (G)orc͞ebp␣Ϫ/Ϫ (H) day 16 myeloid precursor cells, liver suspension cells were prepared embryos were stained with antibodies to the erythroid surface marker from both control mice and Ϫ͞Ϫ mice and used for in vitro TER-119. colony assays in the presence of increasing concentrations of mutant mice. In contrast, the G-CSF receptor mRNA expres- G-CSF. Control cells showed an increase of G-CFU when sion in Ϫ͞Ϫ mutant mice was undetectable by Northern blot G-CSF concentrations were increased from 250 to 1000 analysis of newborn liver mRNA. Low levels of G-CSF mRNA units͞ml in the culture medium; no colonies were observed in could be detected in C͞EBP␣ Ϫ͞Ϫ liver RNA by more the absence of added G-CSF. In assays with Ϫ͞Ϫ cells, no sensitive reverse transcriptase-PCR analysis. There was a G-CFU colonies could be found, even the highest level of 4-fold increase in erythropoietin receptor mRNA in livers G-CSF (Table 2). When cells were cultured in medium con- from Ϫ͞Ϫ mice compared with control animals. taining factors sufficient for the development of multiple types The most striking finding was the absence of detectable of colonies, the numbers of erythroid CFU, M-CFU, GM- mRNA for the G-CSF receptor in c͞ebp␣Ϫ/Ϫ mice (Fig. 3). CFU, and GEMM-CFU from control and Ϫ͞Ϫ newborn liver This suggested that lack of G-CSF signaling due to markedly suspension cells were not significantly different (Table 2). diminished expression of G-CSF receptor could contribute to Granulocytes, erythrocytes, monocyte͞macrophages, and the block of granulocytic maturation in Ϫ͞Ϫ mice. During megaharyocytes (GEMM)-CFU and GM-CFU from C͞EBP␣ hematopoiesis, the G-CSF receptor is specifically expressed on Ϫ͞Ϫ mice contained immature granulocytic precursors the surface of granulocytic precursors and mature granulo- (blasts, , and ), but not mature cytes (42, 47, 48). It plays an important role in the proliferation, granulocytes. In addition, peripheral blood from C͞EBP␣ differentiation, and survival of granulocytic cells. To study the Ϫ͞Ϫ animals had 5-to 10-fold higher myeloid CFU per ml effect of G-CSF on in vivo granulocyte differentiation in (GEMM-CFU, GM-CFU, M-CFU) compared with blood c͞ebp␣Ϫ/Ϫ mice, the pregnant ϩ͞Ϫ female mice were admin- from C͞EBP␣ ϩ͞Ϫ animals (data not shown). Compared with istered G-CSF subcutaneously (250 ␮g per kg of body weight) what was observed with C͞EBP␣ ϩ͞Ϫ mice, Wright–Giemsa every 12 hr during the last 4 days of pregnancy (49). G-CSF can analysis of cells from myeloid CFU obtained from the periph- cross the placental barrier (50). A G-CSF-induced increase in eral blood of C͞EBP␣ Ϫ͞Ϫ animals showed a large increase mature granulocytes can be detected in the livers of wild-type in immature myeloid cells that were similar in morphology to newborn mice (Fig. 1 C and E). The population of myeloid the blasts seen in the peripheral blood of C͞EBP␣ Ϫ͞Ϫ marker Mac-1- and granulocyte marker Gr-1-positive cells animals (Fig. 1B), with no mature neutrophils observed. No doubled after G-CSF treatment (Fig. 4). However, there was erythroid CFU were detected from the blood of C͞EBP␣ Ϫ͞Ϫ no response to G-CSF in Ϫ͞Ϫ mutant livers, and no mature mice. These data indicate that C͞EBP␣ is critical for the neutrophils were induced in the circulating blood and livers of differentiation of granulocytic cells in vivo, but is not required Downloaded by guest on September 25, 2021 Genetics: Zhang et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 94 (1997) 573

FIG. 5. Hematopoietic early progenitor cells from c͞ebp␣Ϫ/Ϫ mice do not undergo granulocytic lineage development in sublethally irradiated recipient mice. Flow cytometry analyses were performed by staining the blood cells collected from mice with antibodies against the mature granulocyte marker Gr-1, the T lymphocyte marker Thy1.2, and the congenic strain marker CD45.2 after 4 weeks of bone marrow FIG.4. c͞ebp␣Ϫ/Ϫ mutant mice do not respond to G-CSF stimulation. transplantation. Donor cells are CD45.2ϩ. Pregnant mice had been injected subcutaneously with either phosphate- buffered saline or G-CSF (250 ␮g per kg of body weight) every 12 hr since DISCUSSION day 17 of pregnancy. Cells obtained from livers of newborn mice were Our analysis of the effect of targeted disruption of the C͞EBP␣ stained with fluorescein isothiocyanate- and phycoerythrin-conjugated gene has demonstrated a selective block in the development of IgG ( control) or antibodies to the mature monocyte͞granulocyte surface marker Mac-1 and antibodies to the mature granulocyte surface mature granulocytes. Development of other hematopoietic lin- marker Gr-1, as described in Fig. 2 legend. eages, including monocytes and macrophages, was not affected. In the C͞EBP␣ mutant mice, immature myeloid cells were for the commitment of pluripotent stem cells to myeloid present in the peripheral blood, and no defects were noted in precursors. GEMM-CFU or GM-CFU. These findings demonstrate that The Defect in Granulocyte Development in C͞EBP␣ Mice Is normal myeloid precursors are produced in these animals and Intrinsic to the Hematopoietic System. To demonstrate that that disruption of C͞EBP␣ produces a block in differentiation the defect in observed in c͞ebp␣Ϫ/Ϫ mice is a along the granulocytic lineage. cell autonomous effect, fetal liver cells from C57͞BL6J One striking finding was the selective loss of G-CSF receptor c͞ebp␣Ϫ/Ϫ mice were used in bone marrow transplantation mRNA expression in the major hematopoietic organ in the experiments with a congenic strain, which can be distinguished newborn, the liver. G-CSF receptor mRNA could not be by the cell surface marker CD45 (Ly5; refs. 51 and 52). Liver detected by Northern blot analysis of C͞EBP␣ Ϫ͞Ϫ newborn liver mRNA (Fig. 3), but low levels were detectable by reverse cells from ϩ͞ϩ, ϩ͞Ϫ,orϪ͞Ϫmutant day 17 embryo C57͞ transcriptase-PCR. This decrease in G-CSF receptor mRNA BL6J donors (CD45.2ϩ) were transplanted into sublethally could be a result of decreased expression of G-CSF receptor irradiated recipient mice (CD45.1ϩ). Eight days after trans- mRNA at all stages of myeloid development, consistent with plantation, mature granulocytes (Gr-1ϩ CD45.2ϩ) derived ͞ the presence of a functional binding site for C͞EBP␣ in the from mouse hematopoietic progenitors from ϩ͞ϩ or ϩ͞Ϫ G-CSF receptor promoter (30). Alternatively, the decrease in donors could be detected in the circulating blood of the recipients. G-CSF receptor mRNA could reflect a lack of the cell However, no such population could be detected in the circulating population (mature neutrophils) expressing highest levels of blood of mice receiving fetal liver cells from Ϫ͞Ϫ mice. Four the receptor. Studies are underway to attempt to distinguish weeks after transplantation, although a population of donor- these two explanations. Similarly, the lack of G-CFU could derived T lymphocytes (Thy1ϩ͞CD45.2ϩ) was present in the reflect a deficiency of a committed unipotential G-CFU recipients, there were still no neutrophils of Ϫ͞Ϫ donor origin in progenitor, although multipotential myeloid progenitors the circulating blood of recipients (Fig. 5). These studies show that (GEMM-CFU and GM-CFU) are clearly present. the defect in granulopoiesis is intrinsic to the hematopoietic Although previous studies in cell lines demonstrated func- precursors of the c͞ebp␣Ϫ/Ϫ mice. tional C͞EBP binding sites in the promoters for the M-CSF

Table 2. Analysis of types of CFU colonies in C͞EBP␣-deficient mice Percent of CFU C͞EBP␣ Total Genotype n E-CFU M-CFU GM-CFU GEMM-CFU G-CFU ϩ͞Ϫ 3 23.4 Ϯ 6.7 29.1 Ϯ 8.1 13.0 Ϯ 7.1 34.2 Ϯ 13.7 19.0 Ϯ 4 Ϫ͞Ϫ 3 12.4 Ϯ 3.6 16.5 Ϯ 9.9 22.4 Ϯ 12.0 48.3 Ϯ 11.9 0 P value 0.06 0.16 0.31 0.25 For E-CFU, M-CFU, GM-CFU, and GEMM-CFU assays, newborn liver hematopoietic cells (2 ϫ 104 cells per assay) were suspended in 1 ml of methylcellulose as described. Colonies were counted after 10 days of culture. Approximately 50 colonies were observed in each assay using either ϩ͞Ϫ or Ϫ͞Ϫ liver cells. Colony types were confirmed by morphologic analysis following cytocentrifugation of colonies onto slides and staining with Wright–Giemsa. Results are expressed as mean Ϯ SD. P values were calculated using the Student’s t test. Three animals with each genotype were analyzed, except for results of G-CFU from ϩ͞Ϫ livers (n ϭ 2). Wild-type (ϩ͞ϩ) animals gave results similar to that obtained from heterozygotes (ϩ͞Ϫ). G-CFU assays were performed as described with 1 ϫ 105 cells per assay and 1000 units͞ml of human recombinant G-CSF. No G-CFU were observed in mutant or heterozygote animals in the absence of G-CSF. Results are expressed as total G-CFU per 105 cells. E-CFU, erythroid CFU. Downloaded by guest on September 25, 2021 574 Genetics: Zhang et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 94 (1997)

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