Guide for Drawing the Acanthus, and Every Description of Ornamental Foliage

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Guide for Drawing the Acanthus, and Every Description of Ornamental Foliage GUIDE FOR DRAWING THE ACANTHUS. GUIDE for foaming THE ACANTHUS, AND EVEKY DESCRIPTION OF OENAMENTAL FOLIAGE; BY I. PAGE, Ornamental Draftsman and Designer. ILLUSTRATED WITH UPWARDS OF TWO HUNDRED WOOD-CUTS AND FIFTY-THREE ETCHINGS ON COPPER, DESCRIPTIVE OF THE VARIOUS CHARACTERS ALLUDED TO. OF THE ITKIVERSITT Xtoitara : BERNARD QUARITCH. re-printed 188(5. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. " WE feel an apology due to Mr. Page, for not before noticing his truly and interesting and highly useful Work, which, (at this period, when the florid ornamental style is so predominant, not only in engravings, but in cabinet work, and in the fittings- up of shops, and interior of houses) must be a valuable instructor, to all inlayers, modellers, cabinet-makers, orna- mental workers, and carvers, and also to students in every department of the fine arts to engravers on wood for designs and instructions for ornamenting capitals, and head and tail- pieces letter-founders,for new and chaste patterns for flowers; and, as the splendidly-ornamental shop-bills which shed such a brilliant lustre on the artistical talent of the last century, are now being happily revived, 'Page's Guide' will be to them of the most vital importance. " The letter-press remarks and instructions in the first part are illustrated by innumerable beautifully engraved specimens of the various schools treated of, designed and engraved by the talented author ; reflecting on him the highest credit as a writer and artist of pure taste and varied talent. " This has our heartiest commendation production ; fearlessly and earnestly recommending it to all lovers of the fine arts. Young ladies with the assistance of the above work, may, with the greatest ease, exercise their judgment by forming fanciful borders for the pages of their scrap-books. vi OPINIONS OF THE PKESS. "It is really gratifying to witness such a concentration of genius emanating from one of the British school, and in that peculiar branch of art wherein we have hitherto looked only to for it foreign countries examples ; proves, also, the truth of our oft-repeated assertion that, if patronized, our artists can rival those of any country. We again especially implore our young and fair readers to cherish and uphold, to the very uttermost of their power, let it be however insignificant, the talent of our beloved country, and not to be led astray by the present fashionable predilection for those innumerable muddy-looking and ugly productions of foreign artists, which unfortunately disgrace the shop-windows of our book and print-sellers, and are purchased and prized merely because they are the works of strangers, whilst our own artists are literally starving for want of employment." Mirror. " The producer of this Work for he is, it appears, the author, editor, designer and engraver of it is one of the masters at the of his School Design ; and object in publishing is to afford easy instruction by certain rules to enable the young draftsman to base his designs on safe and secure founda- It is a creditable tions. most production ; one that will interest all classes, and be of rare value to those whom it more especially concerns. The Author exhibits proofs of great industry as well as of patient research; and where his own inventive powers are applied he is eminently successful. The book abounds in explanatory illustrations of all the subjects con- sidered : the is clear and the style comprehensive ; merest tyro in art may study it with advantage. We rejoice to welcome a of the kind publication ; our English ornamental designers OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. Vll are nearly all of them slavish copyists, and scarcely dream of thinking for themselves, while they can beg, borrow, or steal from the wits of France. The School of Design has already done something to lessen this crying evil, and will, no doubt, ere long achieve much more; meanwhile this cheap work, issued, with upwards of a hundred engravings, and one attract hundred and fifty pages of letter-press, will, we trust, general attention, and recompense the producer of it, by forwarding the purpose for which he labours. We shall refer to it again." Art Union, April 15. " This Work is one of the best and cheapest that has been written on the subject, and from the pen and pencil of a practical man, who has had the advantage of being able to see his instructions carried into effect under his own inspection, as director of the class of ornamental drawing at the School of a further of the it is Design ; as recommendation Work, worthy of mentioning, that the illustrations proceed from the graver, as well as the pencil of Mr. PAGE." Civil Engineer and Architects 1 Journal. " We hail with pleasure this Work, it has been long wanting in the Schools of Art : the rules are explicit, and the matter further on interesting and instructive ; we wish he had treated that ancients doubt the vine leaf, being much used by the ; we not but its success will repay the labours of the Author, who is the Alpha and Omega of the Work." Polytechnic Journal. " ' We have before us an entire and new Work, entitled PAGE'S GUIDE TO OKNAMENTAL DBAWING AND DESIGN,' the plans and Vlll OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. contents are such as must inevitably repair that loss usually of found in our Schools Art ; we wish the spirited and talented Author every success; the letter-press is excellent, and the plates well got up." Literary World. "This is a Work in which great spirit for the benefit of the Arts is shown ; the rules laid down are excellent ; the whole of the Work is completed by the Author, which, to praise too a boast it is illustrated much would appear ; with innumerable wood-cuts and plates. We wish the Work every success, and, in our opinion, no school or student should be without it." Weekly Dispatch. GLOSSARY OF TERMS USEFUL TO DRAFTSMEN. Abacus, the upper member of the Congee, a species of moulding. capital of a column. Corbel heads, the extremities of Acroter, a pedestal on the summit corbel stones, often carved. of a column for supporting a Corbelled, one stone projecting statue. over another to support a super- Acroteria, small pedestals placed incumbent stone. on the apex and other extremi- Corona, the crowning member of ties of a pediment, originally in- the entablature. tended to support statues. Corrugated, wavy or fluted. Antce, pilasters attached to a wall. Croivsteps, the coping stones of a Ashlar work, rough stone laid in gable rising one above another. irregular courses. Crypt, a vault. Bevelled, slopped off. Cumuda, a kind of Hindu circular Buttress, the projecting portion moulding. of a building, used generally to Curbed, contracted towards the strengthen a wall as well as give ceiling by being carried up into effect, in Gothic architecture, the roof. and when separated from the Cuspa, points formed in the upper building by an arched piece, it corners of the window by unit- is termed a flying buttress. ing the two curves. Campa, or Sell, that part of the Cyclopian walls, walls built with Corinthian cap, on which the land stones heaped on each foliage is placed, and on which other without mortar and the abacus rests. irregular. Cap of a Chimney, the upper and Dado, the flat side of a pedestal projecting part of the snaft. between the plinth and the cor- of torus nice also to Capotum, a kind Hindu ; applied the space moulding, with an ornament re- between the skirting and the sembling a pigeon's head at its chairs' back moulding in rooms. termination. Dormar windows, windows in a Cello,, the part enclosed by walls roof. of a Grecian temple. Dressings to windo^vs, mould- Check-plate, the piece of wood in ings, or rather architectural the lintel of a doorway, against lines and forms surrounding which the door shuts. windows, so as to prevent them Chevron moulding, an indented from being "mere holes in a moulding in the Anglo Norman wall." style. .us, a species of moulding. Chimney shafts,ihe part of a chim- 'ngaged columns, columns at- ney which rises above the roof. tached to a wall, and projecting Cincture, a ring or fillet serving from it half or three-quarters to divide the shaft of a column of their diameters. from its capital and base. Entablature, a horizontal mass Clere-story,the centre of a church, placed on Grecian columns : it when it rises above the two consists of three parts the architrave, frieze, and cornice. Clere-story tvindoivs, windows JVpistyliuHi, or architrave. in ditto. Facade, the principal face, front, Coins, corners. or elevation of any building. GLOSSARY OF TERMS. Fascia, the face or principal mem- Mutules, the modillions in the ber of the architrave, generally Doric order are called inutules. divided into three parts, to the Neck of a chimney, the part im- Ionic, Composite and Corinthian. mediately under the cap. Finial, a pointed ornament termi- Newel the turning-post of a stair- nating a gable, in Gothic archi- case. tecture. Octostyle, a building with eight Frets and guillochis. Frets are columns in front. ornaments composed of a series Pagoda caps, caps for ventilation. of fillets small straight ; and Palm-leaf ornaments, leaves of guillochis of a series of curved the palm, in general used by the fillets, intermixed with straight Romans. lines. Patera, an earthen cup, or vessel, Frieze, the plain surface between used by the Romans. the corona and cornice, on which Patera, an ornament something the triglyphs are placed in the like a rose, used to conceal small Doric, and ornaments in the openings.
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