25th February 2021 Website – http://www.berkshirehash.co.uk Email –
[email protected] THE HASHLESS TIMES LIGHT AT THE END OF THE DARKEST TUNNEL ithout wishing to tempt Fate into giving us all another damn good kicking I have to say that it looks very likely that we will be Hashing again soon. The Government has defined 4 steps that W should take us out of lockdown – see here for full details. Included in Step 1 (assuming there are no setbacks) is the allowing of 6 people to meet outdoors and ‘people will be able to take part in formally organised outdoor sports’. Cue (virtual) Mexican Wave! The BH3 Committee is meeting (again virtually) next week to discuss safe and legal options so keep any eye out for communications. It will be so nice to Hash again. MEMBERS’ NEWS So what have you all been doing recently? From the Whatsapp video conversations Donut and I have been having with various Hashers it consists of working, walking, running, soup-making, bread baking, wine drinking and house decorating. I’m sure you will all be pleased to know that, along with his very supportive (and long-suffering ) wife, TC, Whinge’s health has been improving and they have been out walking ridiculous distances. Last week, they rang our doorbell (and interrupted a rather pleasant lunchtime cheese toastie) for a chat during one of their walks. Great to see them, even though outside and at a distance. We found out later that they had walked a total of 12.3 miles! Apparently, Whinge was somewhat stiff of muscle the day after.