T-IS ISSUE £'67 marks 5 yrs 7 months of uninterrupted publication made possible ty the unstinting support of many readers for whom we are enciiessly thankful.

ALL OUR ERRORS have not been typographical. We are trying to teach our typewriter not to let its just anger and impatience influence its tactics. ¥e shall try to keep our errors small in number and size, and therefore more easily rectifiable, and to correct them as we learn more of Marxist theory and analysis, and witn the continued help from our friends whose constructive criticism is always welcome.

OUR MAILING LIST has grown in inverse proportatiOai to availability of dependable vol­ unteer help to serve it. At3 much as ve dislike doing so, we must drop those who have failed to indicate in sons way their desire to continue receiving our newsletters. The deficit postage has become an intolerable burden on us pensioners whose incomes are below Big Brother's poverty level.

SOME READERS have urged us to increase our $l-a-year postage request, but we don't feel we should because a dollar is a lot of mon^y to many of our most-faithful readers ^such>„as,jpîiçoners, unemployed GIs and some students.. We would appreciate your thought on this question.

KEMIMBER - WE CAN'T REPRINT EVERYTHING that seems to need it. About the best we can do is to capsulate selected items, append our editorial remarks that make a basic point, and indicate source material for follow-up. The reader must take it from there. Venceremosi - and may your troubles all be little ones.


NO UNION LABEL? NO SALE!c - And tell the merchant, why you are taking your trade elsewhere. Pass the word to your friends and neighbors! Support the just demands of the oppressed farm workers!






"SANITY NOW.» U.S. BULK POSTAGE newsletter #67, Dec. 72 a P AID . box è^La Pu ente La>u>n4^C<^ Calif?"9î?£7 T&x^tJrpsV

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"Those vbo cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." -George Santayana i •• ewsletter -cember 72: GUARDIAN!', the nation' s leading independent radical newsweekly, vear of uninterrupted publication, its dedication to the class str &Le se^-vice to all those who work for a living. Dear reader, what's holding you back from a 10-week trial sub, only §1 to the GUARDIAN, 32 W 22 St, NYC 10010 ? A fine holiday gift for your friends as are the following children's books IN SPANISH OR ENGLISH, contains colorful illustrations of fruits and vegetables, and short rhvmes that promote unselfishness and the cooperative spirit, set of six for only $1.80 from GUARDIAN: "Fun in the Garden" (La Fiesta del Rabano)j "It Hap­ pened in a Coconut Grovel'(Cuento bajo los Cocoteros); "The Little Doctor" (Ping-ping Medica); "Secret Bulletin" (El Boletin Secreto); "Flowers in Full Bloom" (las mil Manos Habildosas); a^d "38 sm on Duty Today". Specify the language when ordering. Begin your 10-week trial sub with the GUARDIAN 2A-page Anniversary edition in which Jack Smith starts a series of articles about China's diplomatic achievments: ".....are only the beginning, not the culmination, of China's exterior policy, a means to a larger objective...to transform the•contemporary balance of international power without itself succumbing to big-power chauvinism in the process. But this, too, is only a means....to the worldwide defeat of imperialism." Recommended to those who think that China has "sold out" the socialist revolution. The CLASS character of Ireland's struggle for independence from British colonial rule is not clearly defined in Leahy's article (ibid). In fact, he contributes to the capitalist myth of a RELIGIOUS war by emphasizing the Protestant-Catholic split. The Irish workingclass consists of believers iu BOTH religions who, by the nature of their relations to the principal means and instruments of social production, are both oppressed \y the unholy alliance of British-U.S. imperialism. That they do not'equally suffer is, in our opinion, beside the pointj the basic antagonisms are still there. From the MOVEMENT page (ibid) comes these items, edited and condensed as follows: INDIANA WITCH-HUNT IS ON against signers of the petitions that put the Communist Party on the ballot in 13 states with more expected before Nov 7. Several Indiana swindle sheets have published the names and addresses, thus inviting vigilante action, We salute these persons of conscience who assumed this rink in the exercise of their constitutional rights - Power to them! Under Hitler, even Eotarians and Kiawanis member of Chambers of Commerce were'witch-hunted, beaten and jailed. They thought they were safe from the anti-communist hysteria that gripped Germany in the 30s. We hope the lesson is not wasted on those who read this. TAMPA (Fia) NEW VA HOSPITAL opening was attended ty 150 uninvited guests, mostly WAW and students, protesting the continuing war and insufficient medical care for veterans maimed and injured in its pursuit, (ibid) Camp McCoy 3 come to trial 27 Nov, They are being railroaded to prison, not as suspects in the bombing of facilities at Wise National Guard Training Center, but be­ cause they are dedicated organizers for the American Servicemen's Union (ASU). They would appreciate your letters of support and some folding money for their defense, to 306 N Brooks St. Madison Wise 53715. But do it now! Remember that these special- trained men can be decisive in the battles ahead; we all survive or fall together! L.A. PIGS RAID WOMEM'S HEALTH CENTER, arrest two for "teaching health". For more information, write Women's Center, 1027 Crenshaw, L.A. 90019 or phone 937-3964. 6 WOMEN TRACKSTERS SIT DOW in protest at AAU's rule forbidding women to run in competition with men at NYC s annual marathon race, (ibid) Women are said to be fast­ er on their feet than men - maybe that1 rj it. BLACK TRADE UNION CAUCUS FORMED by 1200 in Chicago, in opposition to AFL-CIO racist neglect of Black workers and Nixon "neutrality" (ibid). It's time they got it together - their time is sunning out OUT OUT! JOYCE-CLAUDE WILLIAMS' HOME BURNED BOW, along with car and personal belongings. Cause of fire said to be "defective wiring"...... The long-time dedicated fighters for civil rights in the South need your help. Send what you can to them at General Deliv­ ery, Alabaster Ala 35007 (ibid). INDIO (Ca) GARRY LAWT0N TRIAL STALLS in 3rd week of jury selection with little hope for better than a conservative all-white jury. Lawton is charged with murder of two white cops* (ibid) Remember: no whiteman has ever been executed for the murder of a Black person. RAMPARTS mag has a standing offer of §5000 for information leading to such arrestj conviction and execution. MAGES »SHAM TRIAL" DELAYED by Judge's refusal to allow Magee to represent him­ self. MACEE said: "I will not cooperate with any court-appointed attorney in such a racist and slave state." Magee is the last of the Soledad Brothers to be tried. His "crime"? Being bom Black and in a constant state of rage as befits all Blacks, at their oppression in a world where 93% of the people are less than lily-white. No white person can be truly free as long as the Black people are in bondage. 5 LOUISVILLE BLACK PANTHERS,GO FREE when prosecution witness admits in court that the police told him what to say on the witness stand. Ben Simmons was acquitted of robbery charges, but \fta Blakemore was convicted and faces 10 yrs in prison, (ibid)

"HOW NIXON GOT TO THE TOP» is a full-page thriller by Carl Davidson (ibid)"I was elected (in 19-47) to smash the labor njpyement" he told a press conference. Nixon' s stint in Congress was noted for its.,eherne chauvinism, racism, anti-labor and anti- coiamunism, a member of the House Un-American Committee, voted for every contempt cita­ tion handed down by that body, and moved to have all remarks critical of its works stricken from the record. Altogether, the best thing to happen to Whittier was when this filthy creature left town. (over please) PAKT 2, newsletter ff€7, December 72: DBTNITIOHS OF CERTAIN WORDS are requested ty readers of our and other newslet­ ters, "wwrdTwhösiT^ meanings are regularly distorted by the opponents of radical social change. We offer the following thumnail sketches of answers that may direct the reader to more complete and authentic sources:

1) TRUTH is the essence of dialectical interpretation of reality as it exists at a given moment in historical experience. Reality continually changes, sometimes abrupt­ ly, sometimes slowly over millions of years, and with those changes goes Truth. Noth­ ing is quite the same fro^ one split-second to the next. What is true in one set of circumstances - in one space-time continuum - may be totally false under other condi­ tions, and vice versa. Nothing is so changeless as change, and therefore there can be no "basic"or "eternal" Truth. This fascinating subject may be pursued ty reading Marx-Engels dissertations in DIALECTICAL AND HISTORICAL MATERIALISE*

2) CAPITALISM is a society in which.the principal means and instruments of social pro­ duction (land, mills, factories, etc) are owned/controlled by a few for the exploita­ tion of the many. In its early competitive stage, capitalism was an advance over pro­ ceeding feudalism, but became monopoly-capitalism with the vast improvements in pro­ ductive capacity - that is, the concentration of wealth and its power over the many in yet fewer hands: the giant trusts, cartels arid corporate conglomerates of today. The reader is directed to that devastating indictment of the capitalist system, THE COMMUNIST MANIFESTO by Marx-Engels, a great historical document and required reading in many universities and colleges that continually astonishes students with its rel­ evancy to the present.-* (50£)

3) IMPERIALISM is the final stage in the historical development of capitalism now dy­ ing from its internal contradictions it is unable to dispell, and which must always expand to stay alive. Imperialism is the export of capital for the domination of for­ eign markets, the plundering of natural resources, and the intensified exploitation of peoples for private corporate profit. That is what the insanity called Vietnam is all about. For an up-to-date evaluation of today's major issues and events, read Gus Hall's IMPERIALISM TODAY.«* (§3)

U) FASCISM is imperialist-capitalist's "lunatic fringe" in action: the open armed ter­ roristic dictatorship of the most reactionary, the most chauvinistic, and the most im­ perialistic elements of finance-capital (Dimitrov). In the sense that all governments are dictatorships, a more-or-iess covert embryonic fascism is practiced daily on the defenseless poor and oppressed, especially on racial minorities. Laws "legalizing" overt fascism, so stringent they would make a Hitler blush with envy, are on trigger awaiting only the authorizing scratch of a Presidential pen to s$ them in motion. Gil Green treats the subject in practical terms in his easy-to-read THE NEW RADICALISM: ANARCHIST OR MARXIST? * (^2.4-5)

5) SOCIALISM is the antithesis of the foregoing. It is a society in which exploita­ tion of Man by Man has been abolished, and the principal means and instruments of so-; cial production are owned and controlled by the workingclass organized as the State, in which all things are produced for use instead of for private corporate profit, and all values accrue to those who produce them, in accordance with the quantity and qual­ ity of their work. It is this system that scares the shit out of the capitalist class of exploiters. Perhaps the best basic work on this subject is Ehgels SOCIALISM: UTOPIAN AND SCIENTIFIC, with THE ORIGIN OF THE FAMILY, PRIVATE PROPERTY and the STATE a close second.* (75^ and &L.35)

6) OTMMUNISM is the historical development of socialism, a society made classless by the liquidation of the capitalists as a class, and thereby the abolition of ALL class­ es along with their destructive conflicts. Communism is a society of abundance for all who work, in accordance with their needs, where things are administered instead of people. In such a society, being that there is no opposing class "bo suppress, the socialist State "withers away" - it becomes "self-policing", and full freedom of the individual and release of the human potential is achieved. "Communism deprives no man of the power to appropriate the products of societyj all that it does is to deprive him of the power to subjugate the labour of others by means of such appropriation." (Communist Manifesto, chap 2 p 51)

7) THE STATff is an oi-ffan of class-gale for the moderation of class conflicts lest society destroy itself in sterile struggle, an organised armed force seemingly above and increasingly alienating itself from the society from which it sprang. Its very necessity proves that classes do exist and that theirjantagonisms are irreconcilable. The capitalist State oppresses the many, the immense Workingclass majority. The so­ cialist State oppresses the few in the interest of the many. In a classless commun­ ist society, there can be no such thing as a "communist state" as some ignorant lib­ eral writers persist in calling China and the Soviet Union, which are socialist and U2Î ï ÇomrramiBt, For more about the State, read V I Lenin's STATE & REVOLUTION.* $1 international PubliaWc, 331 Park Ave. S., New York City 10016 ** Communist Party, U.S.A,, 23 -€& St> ]*w York City lOOlO

(please turn the page) i "DEMOCRACY is a form of the state, one of its varieties,(i.e.,an organ for the oppression of "one class by another -Marx). Consequently, like every other state, it reprsSents on the one hand the organized systematic use of violence against persons; but on the other hand it signifies the formal recognition of equality of citizens, the equal right of all to determine the structure and administration of the state. This in turn results in the fact that at a certain stage in the development of democ­ racy, it first welds together the class that wages a revolutionary struggle against capitalism: the proletariat, and enables it to crush - smash to atoms - wipe off the face of the earth the bourgeois, even the republican bourgeois, state machine, the standing aimy, the police and the bureaucracy, and to substitute for them a MORE dem­ ocratic state machine, but, a state machine nevertheless, in the shape of the aimed masses of workers who develop into a militia in which the entire population takes part. (We see this in Vietnam today -SN) Here 'quantity turns into quality': SUCH a degree of democracy implj.es overstepping the boundaries of bourgeois society, the be­ ginning of it3 socialist reconstruction. If really ALL take part in the administra­ tion of the state, capitalism cannot retain its hold. And the development of capital­ ism, in turn, itself creates the premises'that enable really ALL to take part. Some of these premises are: universal literacy, which has already been achieved in a num­ ber of the most advanced capitalist countries, then the 'training and disciplining' of millions of workers by the huge complex socialized apparatus of the postal service, railways, big factories, large-scale commerce, banking, etc...." But you can read it all and a lot more in Lenin's THE STATE AND REVOLUTION, &L * Beyond debate is the fact that the American people have no effective voice in the administration of the state, even less in its structure. The capitalist class nay liston to public opinion and give it lip service - and then ignores it.

A PROLETARIAN is a propertyless wage-earner, a member of the workingclass, the only revolutionary class that can effect radical social change, who subsistence de­ rives solely from the sale of his labor-power by hand and/or brain, and whose social status rests upon his relationship to the basic means of social production. That he /she may have Paper title to property attendent to his/her subsistance, a title which he is powerless to enforce, or that he/she may temporarily "own" several shares of stock to which he/she was compelled to subscribe as a condition of his/her employment, or that he/she is a salaried manager of production/distribution and deluded into the false belief that he/she is an equal partner with the capitalist owner and perforce a cut or two above the clock-punchers, does not change his/her workingclass status. In futile effort to rise above his/her' class and climb aboard the capitalist bus, he/ she must step on the faces of his/her fellow-workers, only to find every seat on the capitalist bus is taken and a long line waiting, mostly the inheritors of the gigan­ tic fortunes and coupon-clipping parisites, elements of the middleclass trying to prevent their downward slip to the workingclass. For more on this subject, read WAGE-LABOR & CAPITAL and VALUE-PRICE and PROFIT ty Karl Marx.* 50c and 60<ß

DEPRESSIONS AND WARS APE INEVITABLE UNDER CAPITALISM primarily because workers are not paid enough wages to buy back the surplus they created in "overtime", i.e., that time of the workday in excess of what is needed to produce their subsistance wages, part of the entire product appropriated by the capitalist owner. Consequently, capitalism's warehouses bulge with goods that cannot be sold, and banks overflow with idle money that cannot be lent or invested within the national economy and must be exported to foreign lands for domination of new markets, plundering of resources, and exploitation of other peoples. Factories close, workers are laid off, inflation rises and unemployed carpenters are without roofs over their heads because they built too many houses they can not afford, and shoemakers and their families go barefoot because they made too many shoes they were never paid enough wages "to buy. The capitalists can take off on long world tours and never suffer a pang of hunger, while the workers and their families begin to starve the minute their paycheck stops and their meager savings, if any, are used up. Capitalism can not survive without expanding, so it undertakes to prime the economic pump with the blood of our sons in imperialist wars for "the re-division of world markets long since divided and the intensification of exploitation of the un­ employed labor force thru coersion, bribery, and propaganda, jailing or exterminating those who resist. That is how the capitalist system works. In the words of the COMMUNIST MANIFESTO (p.46) "....here it becomes evident that the bourgeoisie (capitalist class -SN) is unfit any longer -fco be the ruling class in society, and to impose its conditions of existence upon society as an over-riding law. It is unfit to rule because it is incompétent to assure an existence to its slave within his slavery - because it cannot help letting liirn sink into such a state that it has to feed him instead of being fed by him. Society can no longer live under this bourgeoisie - in other words, its existence is no longer compatible with society. "The essential condition for the existence and sway of the bourgeois class is the formation and augmentation of capital; the condition for capital is wage-labour; wage labour rests exclusively on competition between the labourers. The advance of indus­ try whose involuntary promoter is the bourgeoisie, replaces the isolation of the la­ bourers due to competition, by their revolutionary combination due to association, The development of Modern Industry, therefore, cuts from under its feet the very founda^- tion on which the bourgeoisie produces and appropriates products. What the bourgeoisie therefore produces above all are its own grave-diggers. Its fall and the victoiy of the proletariat are equally inevitable." Get the book - read it for yourself!

"SANITY NOW!" a left-radical activist education center, box 261 La Puente Ca. 91747 iÊ PART 3, newsletter ##7, 72: 3YJ0T ur more years of imperialist war and the worst corruption in government since..Harding. r these es: :' the 140 million elligible U.S. voters, c % turned out at the polls, the smallest since 194-8. - of that 5551, 61% voted for Nixon, or about 34$ of the elligibles. - of that 31$) an estimated 15% believed Nixon sincere in his alleged quest for peace. - which leaves abput 9% of the 140 million elligible voters who voted for "four more years" of imperialist war and govt corruption, and even some of them had doubts about the validity of their position. Hardly a popular mandate!

McGOVERN'S DEFEAT was due to many related factors, chief of which are these: - his back-tracking on already-weakened positions on issues that had won his nomination in June, thus to alienate large sections of his constituency; - his buttering up to the very .corporate merchants of death he was pledged to oppose, compounding the alienation; - his acceptance of endorsement by old-party hatchetmen like Daley and Judas Johnson, another loss of constituent support; - his contradictory support for arms to imperialist Israel, and - his promise to maintain U.S. armed forces in SE Asia and Europe, and to gener­ ally strengthen U.S. military power elsewhere, and -his failure to vote against the $70 billion military budget that squeeked thru by only 3 Senate votes, and - his vote for the Tonkin resolution that set off the , and -his rejection of amnesty for deserters, all these turned off the anti-war youth who turned thumbs down - "a plague on both your houses", as FDR said. - his vote against repeal of the infamous Section 14-B of the Taft-Hartley Act, - his approval of Nixon's wage-freeze/price-thaw alienated organized labor. - bis promise of federal aid to church schools in direct violation of the 1st Amendment closed the door to many taxpayer votes, and, - his vote for the "no-knock" crime control bill and other repressive "iaw-and- order" police-state measures disillusioned the oppressed minorities. - and finally,the Eagleton choice for V-P, "...and who in hell is Eagleton?"and his vote for &6ÖQ million to pay Thai mercenaries for killing SE Asians, and his vote against banning defolients in Vietnam. McGOVERN'S LETTER TO BTIMONT (Congressional Record 7 Apr 72) really tore it with us. The letter approves as "sound public policy" the creation of "the conditions for business to function effectively" meaning to continue to make gigantic draft-free and largely tax-free profits from the blood, sweat and tears of the American workingclass, and intensification of their,exploitation "ay imperial monopoly-capital. The letter definately obligates McGovern to the capitalist class responsible for the ills of this society, the same evil forces that started and now maintains the Indochina war.

McGOVERN'S DEFEAT again proves our claim that only the most reactionary, the most chauvinistic, and the most imperialistic trusted servant of the criminal capital­ ist class can be elected to top public office in this land of the fee and the home of the slave. Capitalism can not tolerate opposition, and So uses every means and every ounce of its considerable strength to put it down. These mad dogs in human form, caught in the inherent irreconcilable contradictions of their rotten system they are powerless to dispel, will stop at nothing, including assassination and genocidal war, to keep their power over the lives of millions, and you'd better believe it. To think they can be persuaded out of their suicidal course is to perish with them.

OF THE NEWLY-ENFRANCHISED YOUTH, only 40% registered to vote. The drive to reg­ ister them was deliberately sabotaged, and nover got off the ground. Most of the others retreated into their "counter cultures" with their guitars, drugs and wine bot­ tles. Of the estimated 25 million under-25s, 52$ were said to have.voted for Mc­ Govern (LA TIMES 9 Nov). Youth never learned its mistakes of 1968 and their betrayal by the CIA Republicrat Judasgoat Gene •McCarthy, and so repeated them in redoubled spades in 1972.

MORE-THAN-USUAL CHICANABY AT THE POLLS is indicated by this, typical report from a Wisconsin reader on the local election board: "I...had to listen to a lot of hor­ rified remarks when they noted Communist Gus Hall on the ballot. 'How dare they put the Communist Party on?' they, asked, and I replied; 'Why not? It's a .free country, isn't it?' In our precinct we got 7 blank ballots, 3 Peoples Party, 2 Socialist and 2 Communist....my co-workers tried to .dump the 7 as 'spoiled' and the 3.rd-party votes as 'jokes', but I insisted the real jokerwas on' them.... .none of our papers published the 3rd-party results....the editors wept bitterly over the shortness of Nixon's coat tails....." Other reports claim that persons long since dead voted, and others were regis­ tered and'voted in more than one polling place. We have no report of, anyone trying to vote twice in the Same, precinct, but it could have happened. We suffer no illu­ sions about this goddamn capitalist system and its patronage-entrenched electorial Republicrat machine. (over, please) McGOVERN'S BOW TO RACISM in his failure to pick a Black or Chicana for V-P, and to formulate economic guidelines, were major tactical errors contributing to the alienation of his grass-roots electorate. In his attempt to face in two directions at once - to be all things to all people - he ended by being nothing to anybody. This and his willingness to sacrifice principle to political expediency defeated him.

Welcome back to Congress, Bella Abzug! the fighting Irishwoman from Brooklyndwho defeated her GOP opponents, and cheers for Yvonne Braithwaite-Burke of L.A. and Bar­ bara Jordan of Texas whose election to Congress increases to 3 the number of Black Congresswomen. (PW U Nov) Congratulations to the constutuencies who had the good sense to return to office all eleven black Congressmen, (ibid) Democrat Floyd Haskell, who quit the GOP 2 yrs ago when U.S. troops moved into Cambodia, has been elected over GOP incumbent to U.S. Senate from Colorado, and Clai­ borne Pell, anti-war Democratic Senator from Rhode Island who exposed U.S. seeding of clouds over N-Vietnam, came from behind to defeat GOP governor John Chafee. (ibid) The ultra-conservative Margaret Chase Smith of Maine, was defeated for the U.S. Senate by Democrat Vta Hathaway, and Rep. Louise Day, arch-foe of integration, was de­ feated in Boston, (ibid) Both houses of Congress remain Democratic, but California's Senate went republi­ can by one seat. Hall-Tyner ballot count is not yet complete, but those at hand in­ dicate a relatively-significant increase. Returns on other parties still pending. In his concession speech, McGovern warned his followers: "Do not rally to the support of policies we deplore." Too bad he didn't practice his own advice, PROPOSITION 22. designed to crush the farm workers union, was soundly defeated by organized labor, and by the scandal cjf forged signatures and other violations of the election code. But that victory may be short-lived as agri-business leans on the legislature to make the same anti-labor provisions state law, and as four years of intensified oppression and exploitation unfolds across the nation. American nazi members, allegedly tied to the Committee to Elect the President, were initial recruits in the agri-business drive to qualify #22 for the ballot. Read about it in People» s World 11 Nov, 15<£ or #1 for 8-wks trial sub, 1819 10 St Berkeley, Death penalty reinstatement, paradoxically, was voted in but may be kicked out by the superceeding federal law. We hope so, because its victims have always been the oppressed working people and racial ndnorities,

JUST BEFORE EVERT ELECTION, the victims of capitalism's rat race, «too busy" to inform themselves on the issues, come asking us to mark their sample ballots. We gently dry the poor tired myopic eyes of these crying shames and try to instill a few basic facts of contemporary political life so they can mark their own ballots. In ~ most cases we might as well have saved our breath, for they were not looking for facts, leastways those that contradict their cherished prejudices with which they had been programmed from birth. No, they wanted a Messiah to lead them, out of the bewilderness of their frustrations and despondency, "some one we can trust to tell us what to do". These political adolescents of whatever chronological age, habituated to depen­ dency on father-images to do their thinking and be their power, are the meat upon which our capitalist ruling Caesars feed. Not only are they unprepared either ideo­ logically or organizationally to do anything of consequence to break their chains, but refuse to make the time to learn on their own account, either from their's or from other's experiences in struggle. As Thoreau said, they will fret and fume and regret as they wait, well-disposed in their narrow rat-race worlds, for others to remedy the evil so they will no longer have it to fume about and regret, THE NIXON LANDSLIDE may be viewed as counter-revolution insurgency by the pass­ ing bourgeois generation hung up on "law-and-order", "free enterprise", and jingoist patriotism, against the rising tide &f Youth Revolution. Some may see it as a fair measure of the depths of depravity to which that generation has stink, or as an effort at self-abortion of the new society sired by capitalism's insoluable contradictions, and now gestating within it. We can never forget the fear and hatred that sprang from brainwashed adults, like opening a blast-furnace door, when we circulated the vote-at-18 petitions among the local business people. "What! Let THOSE punks vote? Never!" The attitude is re­ flected in the treatment of students and the returning GIs, The measure was adopted as a sop to the young people only when the Republicrat machine was convinced it could contain it and direct it in its favor.

"On the road to the seizure of power, the only weapon available to the masses in the revolution is organization. The hallmark of the revolutionary movement led by the proletariat is its high organizational standard. All activities that bring the masses to the point where they will rise up and overthrow the ruling classes are based on this principle: to ORGANIZEi ORGANIZE! ORGANIZE! The purpose of political propaganda and agitation is indeed to organize the masses. Only ty organizing them in some way will conditions be created for educating them and building the immense strength of the revolution. Once organized, their power will significantly increase...." (Le Duan in THE VIETNAMESE REVOLUTION, quoted in Gil Green's THE NEW RADICALISM: ANARCHIST OR MARX­ IST?, p 14s, $2.45 from International Publishers, 381 Park Av S, NYC 10016)

"SANITY NOW!", a le.f1>-radical activist education center, box 261 La Puente Ca. 91747 PART 4, newsletter #67, 72:

are gaining favor as a tactic of guerilla (peoples') warfare in countries where all peaceful means of redress of grievances have been exhausted, and in - e of which the ruling regime has lost legitimacy in the eyes of its victims. Letter bombs serve notice on imperialist oppressors and their emissaries that they cannot escape just retribution for their crimes by fleeing to other coun­ tries. But our bourgeois brass-check media doesn't present it in that light, and so the "law-and-order" liberals among whom are our potential allies soundly condemn and are alienated by this tactic. Their lifetimes of capitalist indoctrination has severely crippled their ability tovvisualize a situation that would justify its use. "Is individual terror justified as a tactic? To arrive at a sound answer re­ quires discarding at the outset any abstract moral considerations. When we see what our ruling class-is doing in Vietnam, and the ccean.3 of blood flowing there - when we think of the centuries-old oppression, misery and sorrow heaped upon racial minor­ ities - when we remember the oppressive role of U.S. imperialism in Latin-America, Asia and Africa,-.. ...surely any measures-that would hasten the end of this damnable system would be humane and moral, for no amount of violence needed for ending it could compare in magnitude to that employed to keep It alive. Nor can we permit emotional subjective considerations to sway our judgment. Indignation and anger are powerful subjective elements that stoke the fires of revolt, but they cannot determine the nature of the tactics to be used. Nor can impatience and frustration, or the search for emotional outlets, do so. Our determination must be based on a cool, un­ emotional all-sided evaluation of the consequences of each of our actions, with one single objective in mind:- how best to advance the revolutionary cause - how best to bring closer the day when we can take U.S. imperialism by the scruff of the neck, for when we do, it will be a day of rejoicing everywhere." * "Marxism differs from all primitive forms of socialism by not binding the move­ ment to any one particular form of struggle. It recognizes the most varied forms, and it doesn't 'concoct' them but only generalizes, organizes, gives conscious ex­ pression to those forms of struggle which arise of themselves in the course of the movement absolutely hostile to all abstract formulas and doctrinaire recipes, Marx­ ism demands an attentive attitude to.,the mass struggle in progress which, as the movement and class consciousness grows - as economic-political crises become acute,- continually gives rise to new and more varied methods of defense and attack, unknown to the participants of the given period as the situation changes. Marxism learns and builds on mass practice, making no claim whatever to teach the masses forms of struggle invented by 'systernatizers' in the seclusion of their studies.....The con­ crete historical situation determines the forms of struggle at the given moment at the given stage in development. . " Marxism demands an absolute historical examination of the question of the forms of struggle. To treat this question apart from the concrete historical situa­ tion betrays a failure to understand the rudiments of dialectical materialism^***) At different stages of economic evolution, depending on differences in political., national-cultural, living and other conditions, different forms of struggle come to the fore and become the principal forms of struggle; - and in connection with this, thesecondary auxiliary forms of struggle undergo change in their turn. To attempt to answer yes or no to the question whether any particular means of struggle should be used, without first making a detailed examination of the concrete situation of the given moment at the given stage of its development, means to completely abandon the Marxist position." ** Marxism is not dogma to be learned by rote and applied indiscriminately in all situations and under any condition. Marxism is a guide to action, not abstract theory divorced from reality, Marx-Engels et al were not medicine men dispensing a universal elixir, nor were they crystal-ball prohpets altho much of their diagnosti- cal writings have a startling relevancy to the present. For instance, we never cease to be astonished at the accuracies in THE COMMUNIST MANIFESTO, parts of which could have been written yesterday rather than nearly a century and a half ago. (****)

"In the ranks of young radicals, there is a great deal of admiration for the way in which the Vietnamese people have astounded the world with their ability to fight and win against a power that seemed militarily invincible. But they fail to see that this 'miracle' is the product of many years of tireless work, and could not have been possible without winning the support of and drawing the people themselves into strug­ gle. There is no other way - ANYwherel"•*

".»..People are oppressed en masse - they can be freed only en masse. To attempt to alleviate the pain of the individuals alone is to become engaged in unending acts of frustration. There are -too many individuals in pain to attend to them individual­ ly «It is time to think tactically - how to achieve the maximum effect with the minimum effort and risk. It is |ime to think how to use the maximum number of peo­ ple with the minimum concentration of those people in one place. It is time to THINK!

* THE NEW RADICALISM: ANARCHIST OR MARXIST? 'by Gil Green, Int. Publishers, 381 Park • Ave. So., NYC 10016, 18§ pp, $2.45 ** WHERE TO BEGIN? "c^ V. I. Lenin, collected works, quoted sin above pp 93-94

(continued on other side) (continued from other side): *** DIALECTICAL AND HISTORICAL MATERIALISM by Engels, International Publishers, 250 **** THE COMMUNIST MANIFESTO by Marx-Engels, Int. Publishers, 381 Park Av S, NYC 400 ***** REVOLUTIONÄR! NOTES ty Julius Lester, Grove Press B-241, NYC 209PP &1.25

ALL-OUT U.S. RE-INVASION OF VIETNAM is being prepared, literally at jet speed, to take advantage of impending "cease-fire", and secure the country for the U.S. cor­ porate generals (Gen Motors, Gen Electric, Gen Petroleum, Gen Dtnamics, Gen T&T, Gen Foods etc etc). U.S. mine sweepers are standing ty tc clear the N-v7iet harbors for the safe entry of the invr :» SInormous quantities cf both conventional and nuclear weapons are being stockpiled in staging areas thruout the Pacific and aboard the 7th fleet. Guam swanas with giant 8-engine B-52s, each carrying 10 tons of bombs in 6000-mile : ips to Vietnam, refueled in flight ty tanker planes based in Okinawa in vi . . - ese treaty recently concluded. 40 tanks and other heavy military equipment is being rushed to Vietnam via Long Beach and L.A. Tens of thousands of U.S. troops, many of" them withdrawn from Vietnam and held over, are being trained in bases in the Pacific area, Philippines and Korea, in the use of nuclear arms. Weather warfare is still being waged ty U.S. imperialism in Indochina despite Senate ban. Nixon has made his intentions quite clear: to bomb the Vietnam­ ese off the map and into the Stone Age, and that his brand of "peace" is peace of the grave for all who resist. THREE ILLEGAL BOMBING RAIDS OVER N-VIETNAM 200 miles north of MZ, were by planes based on the carrier USS CONSTELLATION, sez ex-Lt Urn Groepper commanding Squadron 165. He told the Senate Armed Services Committee that he was ordered to bomb the target area even if he was not fired upon, and his testimony was backed up by two ex-navt pilots. (LAT 11 Oct) 130 USS CONSTELLATION SAILORS, all but 10 black, went AWOL in rebellion over war maneuvers and racial discrimination. Captain's mast probably will give them short brig time, fine and reduce them in rank, but what will really hurt is the un­ desirable discharges that bar them from GI benefits, severance pay, and getting any but low-paid shit jobs if any. LAVELLS WHITEWASHED, is retired on $3,250 month pension as his reward for his part in bombing the Vietnamese back into the Stone Age, Abrams is kicked up stairs to Army Chief of Staff for helping Mm, the top turd on the dungheap who directed it all gets re-elected, and the suffering public dutifully pay their war tax that makes it possible, wave the flag and blame it all on the communists. That's how this god­ damn imperialist-capitalist system works. - And what became of Galley? BILLY DEAN SMITH FREED OF FRAGGING CHARGE but convicted of assaulting a pig-MP. The military had no more of a case against Billy than the govt had against Angela. JOHN KERRY, famous anti-war activist and witness at Calley trial, lost his first bid for public office in Boston. But when thrown from a horse, the proper rebuttal is to get right back in the saddle. John can be reached thru WAW, 67 Winthrop St. Cambridge Mass 02138. Cheers for Billy and John, and a razzberry for the military. ELLSBERG-RUS3Q TRIAL on charge of espionage by releasing the Pentagon Papers is to resume in Los Angeles in December, The defense needs all the help you can give it. For a s?25 contribution, you get a copy of the 800-page Pentagon Papers. Address them at 125 West 4 St #612, Los Angeles 90013, phone 489-4250 FAMOUS PENN PAPERS proving Perm Univ interlock with Pentagon war research and U.S, merchants of death are now available for 250- from Schuylkill River Express, box 8372 Philadelphia Pa 19101. Also, we can supply xerox of PW 12 Aug 72 article titled PENN U: PENTAGON PARTNER free for postage, guaranteed to boggle the most brainwashed minds addicted to factory-school miseducation. Ben Franklin would turn over in his grave if he knew how the university he founded is being used for mass slaughter of an innocent people. 38 PHILA ANTI-WAR ACTIVISTS SUE RI2Z0 for arresting and holding them 8 hrs with­ out charges, despite a court order affirming their right to picket a Nixon meeting. Suit askes '^100 hr fine for each picketer arrested and contempt charges against Mayor Rizzo and his head pig. (GUARDIAN 8 Nov). The decreased turnouts at demonstrations prove them counter-productive, intimidating rather than inspiring to such action. There are vastly-better ways of fighting back.

8000 GIs BASED IN NORTHERN OKINAWA are uniting with Beheiren Japanese in resis­ tance to U.S. military and Japanese rulingclass oppression. Leading the united front is the new GI newspaper HAN SEN, 358 Kin, KinSon Okinawa-ken, affiliated with SEMPER FI, box 49 Iwakuni-shi Yamaguchi-ken and OMEGA PRESS (or People's House), Yamazato 23 (or box 447) Koza Japan. HAN SEN wants exchange with other GI news­ papers, and needs those books gathering dust on your shelves and the papers, maga­ zines you throw away, such as RAMPARTS, PROGRESSIVE, GUARDIAN, PEOPLE'S WORLD, etc. as well as clippings of interest to Resistance activists. Above all, they need your assurance of support, for Resistance Movement morale is a very precious thing. An aerogram blank is only 150 at your postoffice, good anywhere in the world.... "Man's dearest possession is life. And it is given to him to live only once. He must live so as to feel no torturing regrets for years without purpose; no burning shame for a shabby trivial past. Live, so that when he is dying he can say: 'All my life and all my strength were given to the finest cause in the world - the fight for the liberation of Mankind« ", (quoted ty Dyson Carter from "How the Steel is Tempered", in behalf of the Charlotte Garter Memorial Fund, box 1000, Gravenhurst Ontario. "SANITY NOW!" a left-radical activist education center, box 261 La Puente Ca 91747 PART 5, newsletter #67, December 72: _-Y 15 : -hen the famous civil rights lawyer :s at LONG MARCH CTR, 715 S Parkview, L.A. on the history of the Labor Movement, the lessons learned from it, and their practical application to the present crisis. Bring your contacts! Small nominal donation requested. "THE ENEMY" ty Felix Greene "...makes an almost surgical dissection of imperial­ ism, its aims and methods and Its cure: amputation ty revolution. Very readable highly-instructive book for the non-specialist, a must for lectuerers and discussion groups." sez famous journalist and historian Wilfred Burchett, longtime contributor to the weekly GUARDIAN, America's leading independent radical newspaper no activist can afford to be without.v (Long March Book Ctr, specialists in Marx-Lenin and left literature. Ask them for their free catalog.

BOYCOTT HEARST'S HERALD-EXAMINER and its advertisers among whom are Sears, Akron, Broadway, May Co., Lane Bryant, Two Guys, and Artko. Five yrs ago, this rabidly anti- newspaper locked out the striking pressmen and hired scabs. The strikers have gone to court for retroactive unemployment pay*- it's about time they won SOMEthingi While we condemn the racist policies of this union's leaders, we must not deny the rank- and-file our support. Why not subscribe to the West Coast1s leading UNION labor paper the PEOPLE'S WORLD, 8-wks trial sub only $>1, 1819 10 St. Berkeley? UNEMPLOYMENT AS AMERICAN AS APPLE PIE but not nearly as tasty to workers. Un­ employment is not Japanese-made, sez NYC Asian-Americans protesting ILGWU "Buy -Amer­ ican" ad showing American flag across which were printed the words "Made in Japan". (Guardian 8 Nov) The reactionary leadership of the Int'l Ladies Garment Workers' Union has long been noted for its jingo-racist class-collaborationist policies. It's time the rank-and-file either kicked them out or walked avray from them. AMERICAN FEDERATION OF TEACHERS (AFT) convention supports Equal Rights Amendment and calls for paid maternity leave and ridding schools of sexist books, among other progressive demands. See GUARDIAN 13 Sep, xerox copy for postage) 31 NY TEACHERS.REHIRED. who were witch-hunt victims of the 1950 McCarthy anti- communist hysteria that has carried over to this day. Retroactive back pay would be small compensation for their suffering. Welcome back, folks! (Guardian 4 Oct) 300 FARM WORKERS ARRESTED at White River Farms when they objected to writing in the same destructive provisions of the defeated Proposition #22 in their contract. Read the report in Peoples' World 7 Oct. PHONEY UNION LABEL ON SCAB LETTUCE looks like real thing but omits the words "Farm Workers Union, AFL-CIOV, The union has sued NYC Sloan's Sujper-market chain, Grand Union markets, and Shop-Rite. Consumers are urged to take their trade else­ where - wages don't raise prices, super-profits do! Also report such fake labels to Boycott Central, box 62, Keene Ca 93531, or in L.A, UFW Michigan and Soto, phones 263-2121 and 746-9615. An injury to one is an injury to all! 105.000 EMPLOYED BY HAMBURGER KING McBONALD of which 80% are under 21 and so rate only the minimum wage of §1.60 hr - and that automatically becomes the maximum. So the king kicks in $149,000 of his profits from their wages to re-elect the crime wave called Nixon who is sure to return the favor ty vetoing any move to raise the mini­ mum wage rate, (see Jack Anderson's column, Trib 27 Sep) ORGANIZE THE UNORGANIZED! You have nothing to lose but your chains - and a world of hamburgers to gain! THOSE WHO ADDRESS KING NIXON AS "MR" promote the fallacy that this murdering creature from the lowest depths of hell has ethics and a conscience and so can be reasoned out of his insane course. Like all other tyrants, he responds only to super­ ior physical force, and to believe otherwise is to perish. CUBA'S "GRANMA" weekly newspaper never prints the word Nixon without the "X" be­ ing a swastika. Right on! For there can be no doubt that this madman has stepped into Hitler's shoes, far exceeding him in cunning cruelty and crimes against humanity. In its 8 Oct issue GRANMA quotes Fidel who is Cuba as Cuba is Fidel: "Only socialism and Communism - only a society without exploiters and exploited - only a CLASSLESS society - can solve the problems of Mankind and of the national minorities and major­ ities." In the same issue is .Angela Davis' speech in which she said: "The Cuban rev­ olution has proven to us that our enemy is not invulnerable, and one day,90 miles from your shores, we will be building a socialist U.S.A." FLASH! We have word that our Mexican source of GRANMA has dried up, as did POR QUE? (in Spanish); the bloody hand of yanqui imperialism may have descended, "THE 13-YEARS WAR ON CUBA» (PW 5 Feb) is a 1959-71 chronicle of U.S. aggression against this tiny island-nation, and "WORKERS' DEMOCRACY IN CUBA" (PW 13 Sep) tells how socialism frees the individual. Xerox copies, 250©ach* Also we have xerox re­ prints of GUARDIAN extracts from the revolutionary writings of Karl Marx, V.I.Lenin, Frederick Engels, Eugene V. Debs, Primier II Sung, and others, free for postage.

WHERE ARE THE SOCIALIST ARMED FORCES? At home, guarding their borders, serving their peoples of which they are one and the same, working with them in their fields and factories to build socialist production. WHERE ARE THE IMPERIALIST ARMED FORCES? Everywhere in "the world except at home, deployed in 2000 military bases on foreign soil, furthering the aggressive aims of U.S. corporate monopoly-finance capital, helping the dictators subjugate their peoples and mass-murdering those who resist, THE SOVIETS have a large fleet of short-range fighter-planes - and no matching fleet of aerial-refueling tanker-planes. Obviously for defense purposes only. THE U.S. has a large fleet of long-range missile-carrying bombers, a vast fleet

.(continued on other side) (continued from other side): of refueling tankers based in Okinawa and Philippines, automated battlefields, stock­ piles of atomic weapons, nerve gas and germ canisters in strategic places around the world, and other obviously-aggressive barbaric meens of wholesale mass murder and de­ struction. THE CHINESE have an extensive system of underground air-raid shelters, the Soviet subways serving "the same purpose, all obviously for defense purposes only. The Amer­ icans" have underground s:'los on foreign soil, a; IBCMs some of which are atom- ically-armed and a fleet of missile-launching ;e sutmarines and other deliv­ ery systems, obviously for offense, and are : more. ly ÎTTX- - been reported in the media. The ob not. As y Lends to ponder them - and N tell yoA comes : scciad rid rather than the ugly truth tl r alle. r.ieg heil! Ina is unlike any army in the world, : . Its officers are elected ty their men and se rs, ar. '- style, inseparable fron than. There are no em- blems of: rank, no saluting and no "sirring". Read about it in U.S.-CHINA PEOPLE'S FRI 22 July, 619 S BonnleBraa St., L.A. 90057, 12 issues for v xerox copy free for postage. BUSINESS IS TAKING OVER GOVT FUNCTIONS ses Tribune 15 Sep., because govt is get­ ting too big for its britches and is tending yo become master instead of servant to corporate monopoly-capital. Hence, politicians are being displaced because they can not be depended upon to do the increasingly-bloody dirty work of the capitalists. The Nixon axe is about to fall on those govt heads who are suspected of having a trace of honor and self-respect, to be replaced ty soulless robot-duplicates of the insane mind a gullible public elected to "four more years". Much the same weeding of the imperialist garden is going on quietly at all levels in govt and military, in the pigpens the courts, the jails, penal institutions, the militia and armed forces. Only those with the strongest stomachs and weakest minds will be retained. The proof is in the pig-acticns of the "law-and-order" white - racist uniformed terrorists that make up jbhe occupying armies in the black ghettos and brown barrios. Hardly a day goes by but what some Black or Chicano home is not entered on the "no-knock" by pigs claiming to be looking for a non-existent suspect, the innocent occupants beaten and the places trashed. Many times the victims are too scared to report the incident, and even when they do, the news seldoms get out of the area, and when it does, few of the racist public get uptight about it. THE MURDERERS OF PHILLIP JOHNS CLEARD BY LAPP CHIEF DAVIS who predictably could find nothing wrong about two of his goons breaking into John' s Inglewood apt and shooting unarmed Johns to death in bed, allegedly "by mistake"-- he wasn't the man they said they were looking for. Nor does the fact that one of the killer guns wa3 loaded with illegal high-speed ammo seem to impress chief Davis, ZIONIST THUGS using lead pipes and chains viciously attacked Youth Against War and Fascism meeting of 300 in New York city; invaders were repelled leaving 7 YAWFs injured. (Guardian 8 Nov), More such vigilante crimes can be expected as the shades of fascist night fall over Amerika, "BIG BROTHER WON'T WAIT FOR 198A" (PW 2 Feb) tells about new police technology in the field of mass surveilance, fore-runner of Orwell's roboticized society. Xerox copy of the article, 25

"SANITY NOW!", a left-radical activist education center, box 261 La Puente Ca. 91747 news! A 72: is the very least, we can do to show our respect • Sc.criij.3ed in cur activists have or­ ganized round-tables of ail ages for hend-writing si astages of soli­ darity and 'friendship, such as those shown here,- or paste-up cut-cuts from old cards magazines or newspapers. Get your prisoner's list from PEACEMAKER, 10208 Sylvan Av Cincinnati 0 45241, or from War Register's League, 339.kafayette St NYC. Be sure to enclose a self-addressed stari]6e'd*-lohg envelope^with,your request.


: ''.>'-' Southampton Pa I89I6, appeals urgently •- 7.',-\. for-your finandial" Support". ' 'If; we' can., .7- spend billions for killing, we . s^gl^t,V;to '-^^afford a few doliaÇël icir living. Consider your response'dan inveatmestt -,.- <&~ not merely'.a contribution to "a 'ju&^çaiise'^, '"and of a size to match'your conscience ^and your purse-- plus 'a little blfmore. « " »HELL IS TRUTH SEEN TOO LATE - A'TOTY NEÇLEÇTED IN ITS -SEASON*«/- .Tyrone !Edward ' '•••'-' "' " '"-'• -, ••..' « •.. "•• ; .vdf ••••• ;i "SPAIN - THE UNFINISHED REVOLUTION" by Arthur Landis 'of. .the Abraham'.Lincoln • Brigadej' tells the real history of the brave struggle of the Spanish people'.in the 30s; against fascism, a struggle paralleled by that of the Vietnamese ,pe4psfèi.sagainst U.S. imperialist aggression, a history'that could teach us many invaluable)lessons fast becoming indispensable, if we but reach tpf them. Get the;book from the AMERI­ CAN' VETERANS OF THE ABRAHAM LINCOLN BRIGADE, i{$l N Mariposa, Los Angeles .90029. ¥ou will thank us for the tip! Only §8. , '.' . .;•••> '" i *,' - ^ When reading the followihg"by Virginia Colter (Guardian, 12-Ju&e. ,65).', please try to think of the American people and the Vietnamese victims: ' -, .:'•'• !•t•'• .*,-•.' a a* "I used to wonder what the German people were thinking • -. •> '*'*;• >'"'•<' >'•• Ori that fair-off day In April when Hitler bombed Guernica in neighboiiri'g Spain, • i -• . •Explaining as he did so that he was saving the West ,>::* •• ' •'' * From communion '(in this case meaning ,rthe Spanish Republic) .A-' Now I know: Young women were thinking about what .they would,wea^. If the weather stayed warm. Mothers> thought about baiting a cake " • J* ' v' • Eefoite the children* got home'from school. : Fathers thought about the s.hiny.new • people' s.-car' . r. '.<' ; rv? : ' '' '"' '' '""'' ; ^S^S^TfjFotaX'â*-' &ciliab".daâg^a oittbL'"^»-^'** •.»».•Vr^--'.Vj,'»Vt*;--;wîiii ••'.. •:• 7? • ' But they talked' about-1 the. weather,)" thé stock ä^r^et, and high t^Lxes. ... •• . ,;;>• 4 :•• The teachers 'Kept• thmr' "thoughts tp themseïyeS, tait, theyv.told theirs students •.• - •••Of -their country''s glorious pa§$and' s'^11 more^,,^o|lûusrifuture,:!-; ;.„; ;.;;... J Who csin tell'what the'men'of God were*really "thinking ''I-IJ. \- •.. '-• . •..•;?•• S\v ds-. As they discussed the problems' of increased '..delinquency, .alcpholism,y.:, ;. ...,/; And the "prevalence of pornography " w^chdwas„ corrupting, the..,youth? ,.• ; All this^time blood flowed down the Ebro; .',7 ?,..<.,' • t The peasants of'Guernica were slaughtered in the market place .,..,.'' •- -Felled by .German guns 'manned by German .heroes.' t •..••-.- Back-, home in Germany, no one seemed to be'noticihg., "'.'•. .... - And the rest'-of.-Europe carefully averted "its." eyes.. ,;,-•*. Lest it behold sights'too laarsh* '"' '. 7,7' .7 ,,-.'' .,- <>•.? -'For Christian hearts to bear."' .'' •"'" ,*> •.

Mourn not the dead ! • ' v. But rather mourn-the apathetic throng, The cowed and the meek *' , Who'see the world's great' 'ànigùish and its wrong - rd : , - Yet dare not speak! '.*' (WSP newsletter 3\xly 69) ... < ' • "t '-'• "'•••' '"' ' '- ' \" ••'••. a- •:.*'.. CRY PAXl A Columh1 Without -Rules, iSy Wes Hartley'(National Ca'fcholic 'REPORTER) :• The dead must not move • Corpses must have bullet holes nor even speak repaired and neatly sewn up even when a mourner before morning inspection». steps on his hand. Anyone with a shoelace untied After the news of the day, or who has to pee all the corpses can have kings. should wash their hands A prisoner has rights! and eat their suppers. no fair.shoving ' • •. When the torturing or tickling or talking mean. is concluded, Surprise attacks are Okay..,, : parties must ; , • if the other side is ready. kiss and make up. And if anybody gets killed Children with a napalm burn he has to stay dead which bothers them . , until everybody else dies too, should put some butter and no exceptions!

(over, please) QUOTED BÏ SENATOR YOUNG (D-O) in his Aug 70 newsletter is the following verse * from a popular song blaring forth from tape recorders and sung ty bomber pilots in Vietnam, indicative of the terrible racist poisons with which so many of our troops have been infected ty the capitalist-class criminals in high places: "Napalm sticks to kids - Napalm sticks to kids - Wien will these gooks ever learn? We shoot the sick, the young, the lame, We do our best to kill and main Because the 'kills' all count the same - Napalm sticks tc kids." FROM MARINE ATTACK SQP.f p«fl» ^ f"f»r. wnnfl comes this choice bit, sung to the tune of "Wake the Town"* "Strafe the town and kill the people - Drop the napalm in the school yard - It's the only thing to do; See the children run and shout; Set your gun-sights residential - Note the mass hysteria You'll get more kills if you do. As they try to put it out." NEWSCAST FOR AN QPE.N MICHROPKONE. a satirical piece from L.A. FBEH* Feb 70i "At ten past seven this morning, the bacteriological laboratories reported a mu­ tation in the strain of EX-3. It multiplied so fast it filled the giant plant from wall to wall. The Governor called out the state malitia, evacuated five counties, declared a day of prayer, and mounted cannon on the statehouse steps. The President has called for calm, appointed a commission, and the police are rounding up all the Reds, The Pentagon reports the situation well in hand. The National Chamber of Commerce announces a new slogan: Every Day is Dollar Day« Our listening post on Mars reports anonymous deaths in lonely corners. Time'8 weaving abacus, every bead a skull, sums up the computation. Millions are smothered in a casual death, locked in a deep freeze, mangled in the trick electric iron er between overdue installments. These are voyeurs of the almost-real, the almost-just-as-good, impaled on two- dimensional phalluses in flaming technicolor. And now the weathers Storms from the aurora to the southern cross. Ice is form­ ing on the sea. Smudge pots in the orange groves tonight. Folks, check your oil. Stock up on Miltown, benzendxine and cyanide, just in in case. Tickets now on sale for the Second Coming, and don't forget to send in for your free atomic pisspot. Hurryi Hurryi - stocks are running low« This is absolute» ly the last time we can make this offer. Time is running out - RUNNING OUT-RUNNING OUT! For sale: A world marked down for clearance. Everything must go. - • We've lost our lease. " SENATOR J.W.Fulbright (D-Ark) chairman of Senate Cornaittee on Foreign Relations, in a speech to Am Newspaper Publishers Ass'n 28 Apr 66, said in parts "Under normal circumstances, most people would say HO if asked whether they were proud of their country's ability to kill end destroy. But in a war, all that changes and in the course of dehumanizing an enemy. • • «a man dehumanizes himself. It is not just the naturally bellicose, the thwarted or the twisted personalities that become dehumanized in a war - lt is EVERûnan: the good and decent citizen who looks after his children, who is considerate of his neighbors, and who is kind to animals. It is he who ultimately prays the obscene 'War Prayer' of Mark Twain: 1 •... .0 Lord our God, help us tear their soldiers to bloody shreds with our shells - help us to cover their smiling fields with the pale forms of their patriotic dead • help us to drown the thunder of the guns with the shrieks of their wounded, writhing in pain;- help ua to lay waste their humble homes with a hurricane of fire - help us to wring the hearts of their unoffending widows with unavailing grief - help us to turn them out roofless with their little children to wander unfriended the wastes of their desolated land in rags and hunger and thirst, sports of the sun flames of summer and the icy winds of winter, broken in spirit, worn with travail, Imploring Thee for the refuge of the grave and denied it; — for our sakes who adore Thee, Lord, blast their hopes, protract their bitter pilgrimage, make heavy their steps, water their way with their tears, stain the white snow with the blood of their wounded feett We ask it in the spirit of love of Him Who is the Source of Love, and Who is the evex«- faithful refuge and friend of all that are sore beset and seek His aid with humble and contrite hearts. Amenl ' "Behind the 'War Prayer' is the arrogance of power, the presumption of the very .Strong who confuse power with wisdom and set out upon self-appointed missions to polie« the world, to defeat all tyrannies, to make their fellow men rich and happy and free. • ••••Great nations in the past have set out upon such missions and they have wrought havoc, bringing misery to their intended beneficiaries and destruction upon them-»'.\»•-» selves." ak MARXIST STUDENT will note the complete lack of CLASS analysis of the war he so rightfully condemns, the failure to expose the capitalist CLASS monopoly of the meant and instruments of waging predatory war on a mass scale« Not should we expect a mid» die class liberal Republicrat politician to do so. Even more remote from his under«» standing is the realization of the imperative need for surgical removal of this cancer on the body-politic by revolutionary mass action. His short-sighted deficiency rende» him vulnerable to the very forces of war and fascism against which he fulminates so eloquently, inevitably to propell him into the enemy camp of the capitalist class. We*d better be getting with it FAST before we lose both the ability and the will to fight back. "SANITY NOWl", a left-radical activist educfrtion center, box 261 La Puente Ca. 91747 (continued from other side): %

"THE STORY IS A FAMILIAR OME; we have heard about similar things in Chicago, Los Angeles, Berkeley, San Francisco, San Rafael, New Haven and New York. But we do not . hear about the five men of the Iroquois Confederacy in Philadelphia because they are Indians, and Indians do not have the money or the resources to tell us about these things. On the rare occasions that they do capture a bit of national attention, we tend to forget what they are saying and instead find fault with the way they have said it, or the means they have used to gain cur a n. "America quietly ignores the Indian, . g he was long ago wiped out in the movies. America would ide its shrme at having broken 389 treaties made with sovereign Indian nati dy finger at other nations, ace if - -"rom now - Germany . its exte. In summer day camps and baseball s we do the Indians • (Richard Clemmer, Nov 72)

93? 3 whose iess-than-lilywhite skins mark then as "legiti­ mate11 prey : ist 1% and its imperial-capitalist classes driven by the pa: feer of their acla're war on all peoples of color. What you have read is only one tiny bit of that war that should inspire all oppressed peo­ ples of any and all eolers and none, to ORGANIZE THEMSELVES NOW In resistance of a .ension that will not be denied, NOW before we all are deprived of our ability - even our will - to fight back. ORGANISE - this is imperativel Consider, if you will, U.S. imperial-capitalism's war of extermination being waged against the Indochinese. Ponder the fact of the systematic murdering of the. . • Black Panthers and their allies,:'the deliberate police-shooting to death cf the crip­ pled Vietnam veteran Amie, helpless and unarmed in his wheel chair, and whose murder­ er went around bragging "I got myself a niggerl " Or of lil1 Bobby Huttor. gunned down as he stood naked with his hands up in surrender. Or of Fred Hampton asleep in bis bed. Or of Ruben Salazar, Richard Oakes, Francisco Garcia the list is endlessl WE NEVER TIRE of quoting this passage from Gil Green's book THE MEW RADICALISM: ".....When we see what our ruling class is doing in Vietnam, and the oceans of blood flowing there - when we think of the centuries-old oppression, misery and sor­ row heaped upon racial minorities - when we remember the oppressive role of U.S. im­ perialism in Latin-America, Asia and Africa - ./...surely any measures that would hasten the end of this damnable system would be humane and moral, for no amount of violence needed for ending it could compare in magnitude to that employed to keep it alive. " (p 94) Nor of this by Le Duan, First Secretary cf the Vietnam Worker's Party: "On the road to the seizure of power, the only weapon available to the masses in the revolution is organization. The hallmark of the revolutionary movement led by thé proletariat is Its high organizationalstandard. All activities that bring the masses to the point where they will rise up and overthrow the ruling classes are based on this principle: to organize - organize - ORGANIZE; The purpose of political prop­ aganda and agitation is indeed to organize the masses. Only by organizing them in some way will conditions be created for educating them and building up the immense strength of the revolution. Once organized, their power will significantly increase." (ibid p 149)

"STAT MOBILE. VOCAL AND OUT OF JAIL" is the cogent advise from Martha Gelhorn, j famous war., correspondent and writer for the London MANCHESTER GUARDIAN. " The /time for martyrdom is over. Any more jail for anyone is a total waste of time and a /victory for the enemy. I implore you to listen to mel You must live, work, talk, " I write, organize, educate and convert as hard as you can up to the time when the cops f come to nab you for jail. At that point YCU MUST NOW ABSOLUTELY RUN, whether under­ ground in the U.S. or abroad...... Any further jail is silencing and the news doesn't get out. It is useless - you can be more effective outside, no matter where, and you yourselves remain alive as operational human beings.....It is nonsense to equate jail with courage - your very courage makes you victims. Jail is not the equal of combat. I BEG YOU.ALL TO STOP GOING TO JAIL NOWÎ Keep your freedom 1 You have never seen con­ centration camps, but I have seen how all the best, too brave and too proud and TOO RGANIZED AND TRUSTING to run, were caught and finished To stop ANYthing, you must be mobile and vocal learn from my generation all the tactics of the under- ground and the resistance. This does not necessarily or always mean violence; the presses, the schools and. the rescues were a great part of the anti-nazi resistance, (but we knew what it meant to be caught." (L.A. Free Press 5 Sep 69)

WHY DO WHITS AMERICANS SHRUG OFF THESE CRIMES committed in their name, even when they are informed of them, and especially when the victims are non-white? Because they are steeped in generations of capitalism's false values and evil prejudices that have 'desensitized them to human suffering other than their own. Because capitalism has programmed them from birth to compromise with evil - to tolerate it - to accomo­ date" to it - and finally to accept it as the norm of human behavior. They could learn a lesson.from Dr. Martin Niemcller's experiences before Hitler put him in prison: "I DIDN'T PROTEST when they came for the communists because I was a liberal; I didn't protest when they came for the trade unionists because I wasn't a trade union­ ist; I didn't protest when they came for the Jews because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me, and by that time there was no one;left to protest." (That's hot all of it: when the Rotarians and Kiawanas protested, it was too late and THEÏ were jailed,.

"SANITY NOWi" a left-radical activist education center, box 261 La Puente Ca. 91747 PART 7, newsletter #67, December 72:

was coroner1s verdict in deliberate police-murder of Na­ tive-American st LeRoy Shenandoah and the shooting or beating of 4 of his fell .-:ers in Philadelphia, Mayor Rizzo's "City of Brotherly Love" last March 2. lowing is edited from statement by the victims and survivors. Readers are urged to give this case full publicity by every means at hand. For more information, send a self-addressed stamped long envelope to AKWESASNE NOTES, Mohawk Nation via Roose- veltown NY 13683, or Onondaga Nation, c/o box 152 Nedrow NY 13120. THIS IS NOT AN ISOLATED CASE in imperial capitalism's white-racist war against ALL people of color, but the news seldom gets out of the area where it occurs. That is why the dead-eyed pigs vare trying to shut up AKWESASNE NOTES, the authentic voice of the Native Peoples. Every left-radical worthy of the name should subscribe NOW,

"LeROY SHENANDOAH was brutally murdered on March 2nd in Philadelphia. The Medi­ cal Examiner office has declared LeRoy's death 'excuseable homicide'...,.. "The Colonial Hotel at 1114 Spruce St has been the home of Indian ironworkers for many years. On March 2nd, Bagman Productions was scheduled to make a film there, drawing a large crowd. The Indians'-were invited,.,,,to watch the scene from the bal­ cony outside their apartment, and the owner of the hotel gave his permission...... Suddenly a mattress was thrown down from some 20ft away from where the Indians were peacefully viewing the action below, and who naturally assumed this to be a part of the film. Of all those spectators, the Indians were singled out for the blame, and were immediately attacked by the police stationed there for the filming, "With no provacation ty the Indians, the police shot wildly and viciously beat them up, altho they were told they had permission to be there. LeRoy was shot 5 times in the back and once in the chest, While he was down, his money (some $200) was taken from him, A month later, the police, claiming they never had his wallet, mysteriously turned it up with only §4 in it. LeRoy was repeatedly kicked and his face smashed against the wall. When the police discovered he lived thru that inhuman treatment, the police were heard to say: 'Looki this bastard is still alive'and start­ ed kicking LeRoy again. "Raymond Moses, hearing the comotion, quickly left the shower and was deliber­ ately shot down on sight. John Benedict was shot as he stood with his hands against the wall. Marvin and Maynard who stayed to help their Brothers were maliciously beat­ en with nightsticks and thrown down a flight of stairs while handcuffed. Those who couldn't get away were threatened and later arrested. After the shooting, LeRoy's brother wasn't allowed to enter to see that LeRoy got medical attention. Instead a policeman said 'get the hell out of here or we'll kill you too.' "Ray and John who already had been shot, were beaten before they were brought down and roughly thrown into a paddy wagon. Callously ignoring pleas for an ambulance the police left LeRoy l|- hrs without medical attention that may have saved his life. Altho there were 2 hospitals within if blks either way from the hotel, his body was thrown into a paddy wagon and taken to a hospital 20 miles away. His brother was re­ fused permission to go with LeRoy to see where he was being taken, and instead was forcibly taken to jail. An ambulance was never called. His family was never offic­ ially notified of his death or where he was, altho the police claimed they were, "When his brother asked to identify the body, he was not allowed, to go down and see him and instead was shown a picture on a screen that showed LeRoy1s face a sodden bloody pulp, beaten beyond recognition, "The Indians arrested were held in jail for 17 hrs and deprived of their Consti­ tutional Rights: they were not allowed to make phone calls; they were not advised of their rights; they were questioned without having a lawyer of their choice present, and their statements were not accurately recorded» "John, Ray, Marvin and Maynard are each charged with ten criminal offenses. It seems ridiculously unbelievable that a man just coming out of a shower should be charged with inciting a riot; that a man with his hands against the wall should be charged with resisting arrest, and that two men trying to help their brothers should be charged with assaulting an officer. These are all peaceable family men - how could these policemen go home to their families knowing what they had just done?...... •*' "This incident is only a single example among many of the unjust and inhuman treatment our Native peoples have received at the hands of the police and this govt. It causes us great sadness and great indignation to recall the shameful humiliation and death of Raymond Yellow Thunder, the mistreatment in jail that led to the death of Herbert Dana Farmer, the shooting to death of Michael 'Buriky' Ferris, the sense­ less killing of Elijah Leaureaux who was callously pushed under a bus, "These incidents are all evidence of the police attitude toward Indians and the shocking fact that the people of this land allow such an attitude to be expressed. We are telling about this shameful situation so that no one can claim to be ignorant of what is happening today and almost every day. Everyone who hears of these in­ cidents is asked to support their Brothers and act to end such crimes committed in the name of 'law-and-order', that they should never occur, be overlooked, excused or condoned. " Following this was a short biography of the victims whose ages ranged from 21 to 34 - all good family men in the prime of lifel, Mgh-riso steel workers on 29-story buildings, the most dangerous employment imaginable,

SANITY N0WÏ gratefully acknowledges receipt of this report fromour faithful rea­ der and friend Richard 0 Clemmer, anthropologist. Letters will be 4warded to him,

(over, please) (continued from other side): ,

"THE STORY IS A FAMILIAR ONE; we have heard about similar things in Chicago, Los Angeles, Berkeley, San Francisco, San Rafael, New Haven and New York. But we do not hear about the five men of the Iroquois Confederacy in Philadelphia because they are Indians, and Indians do not have the money or the resources to tell us about these things. On the rare occasions that they do capture a bit of national attention, we tend to forget what they are saying and instead find fault with the way they have said it, or the means they have used to gain cur a: n. "America quietly ignores the Indian, I g he was long ago wiped out in the movies. America would ide its shrme at having broken 389 treaties made with sovereign Indian nati- oody finger at other nations, ace -1 - -"rota now - Germany will glory in its e. 3, and In summer day camps and ba£ the Indians • (Richard Clemmer, Nov 72)

less-than-li e skins mark them as "legiti­ mate" 1st 1% and its imperial-capitalist classes driven by the paranoid fear of their -ing derd.se td declare war on all peoples of color. What yov read is only one tiny bit of that war that should inspire all oppressed peo­ ples of any and all colors and none, to ORGANIZE THEMSELVES NOW in resistance of a ension that will not be denied, NOW before we all are deprived of our ability - m, our will - to fight back. ORGANIZE - this is imperative! Consider, if you will, U.S. imperial-capitalism's war of extermination being waged against the Indochinese. Ponder the fact of the systematic murdering of the. Black Panthers and their allies,' the deliberate police-shooting to death cf the crip­ pled Vietnam veteran Amie, helpless and unarmed In his wheel chair, and whose murder­ er went around bragging "I got myself a niggeri " Or of lil* Bobby Ruttoï. gunned down as he stood naked with his hands up in surrender. Or of Fred Hampton asleep in bis bed. Or of Ruben Salazar, Richard Oakes, Francisco Garcia the list is endlessi WE NEVER TIRE of quoting this passage from Gil Green's book THE NEW RADICALISM: " Wien we see what our ruling class is doing in Vietnam, and the oceanS of blood flowing there - when we think of the centuries-old oppression, misery and sor­ row heaped upon racial minorities - when we remember the oppressive role of U.S. im­ perialism in Latin-America, Asia and Afrida - ,1'...surely any measures that would hasten the end of this damnable system would be humane and moral, for no amount of violence needed for ending it could compare in magnitude to that employed to keep it alive. " (p 94) Nor of this by Le Duan, First Secretary cf the Vietnam Worker's Party: "On the road to the seizure of power, the only weapon available to the masses in the revolution is organization. The hallmerk of the revolutionary movement led by the proletariat is its high organizationalstandard. All activities that bring the masses to the point where they will rise up and overthrow the ruling classes are based on this principle: to organize - organize - ORGANIZE. The purpose of political prop­ aganda and agitation is indeed to organize the masses. Only by organizing them in some way will conditions be created for educating them and building up the immense strength of the revolution. Once organized, their power will significantly increase." (ibid p 149)

"STAY MOBILE. VOCAL AND OUT OF JAIL" is the cogent advise from Martha Gelhorn, famous war.correspondent and writer for the London MANCHESTER GUARDIAN. " The time for martyrdom is over. Any more jail for anyone is a total waste of time and a (_victory for the enemy, I implore you to listen to mei You must live, work, talk, "~ write, organize, educate and convert as hard as you can up to the time when the cops come to nab you for jail. At that point YOU MUST NOW ABSOLUTELY RUN, whether under­ ground in the U.S. or abroad...... Any further jail is silencing and the news doesn't get out. It is useless - you can be more effective outside, no matter where, and you yourselves remain alive as operational human beings.,...It is nonsense to equate jail with courage - your very courage makes you victims. Jail is not the equal of combat. I BEG YOU.ALL TO STOP GOING TO JAIL NOWÎ Keep your freedom! You have never seen con­ centration camps, but I have seen how all the best, too brave and too proud and TOO RGANIZED AND TRUSTING to run, were caught and finished.....To stop ANYthing, you must be mobile and vocal.....learn from my generation all the tactics of the under­ ground and the resistance. This does not necessarily or always mean violence; the presses, the schools and the rescues were a great part of the anti-nazi resistance, but we knew what it meant to be caught." (L.A. Free Press 5 Sep 69)

WHY DO WHITE AMERICANS SHRUG OFF THESE CRIMES committed in their .name, even when they are informed of them, and especially when the victims are non-white? Because they are steeped in generations of capitalism's false values and evil prejudices that have desensitized them to human suffering other than their own. Because capitalism has programmed them from birth to compromise with evil - to tolerate it - to accomo­ date" to it - and finally to accept it as the norm of human behavior. They could learn a lesson from Dr. Martin Niemoller's experiences before Hitler put him in prison: "I DIDN'T PROTEST when they came for the communists because I was a liberal; I didn't protest when they came for the trade unionists because I wasn't a trade union­ ist; I didn't protest when they came for the Jews because I was a Protestant.- Then they came for me, and by that time there was no one,left to protest." (That's hot all of it: when the Rotarians and Kiawanas protested, it was too late and THEÏ were jailed..

"SANITY NOWl" a left-radical activist education center, box 261 La Puente Ca. 91747 (L**) to» ready in case the dwindling U.S. forces B<»a Nuclear safety officers have also j ~CPJ charges. should be pushed into a Dunkirl beer posted." I However, apparently the government corner." • The "Weapons Branch of the 4 th is far from successful A poll taken on Much more recent is Joseph Alsop's Munition Maintenance Squadron, which Okinawa in July this year by Asahi Shin- Japan vs. A bombs column ("Nixon Looking for a Breaking supplies all munitions for the above 18th j bun, one of the largest newspapers in Ja­ Point" — Sept. 1) comparing the current Tactical Fighter Wing... (which has its pan, shows 59% of the people questk.;ied situation in Vietnam to the use of the headquarters at Kadena Airbase and mun­ expressed their belief that nuclear arms atomic bomb in Japan in 1945. Dropping ition depot facilities... adjacent to the are stockpiled in Okinawa, and 63% ex- Confirmation that "Okinawa has a the bomb, Alsop writes, was the "final base) is a section which is in charge of 1 pressed apprehension" over the exist­ By Vivian Raineri major stockpile of American nuclear wea­ factor in the narrowest possible balance" stockpile and control of tactical nuclear ence of U.S. military bases on Okinawa. pons" was given in March this year by Al that pursuaded the Japanese to surrender. weapons. It stockpiles at least several The questions of U.S. nuclear strategy Hubbard, former U.S. Air Force master That Alsop is generally regarded as a hundreds ti tire m, B43.-B57 and BOI and "nuclear blackmail" were a domin­ t the rear of the Hiroshima hotel is sergeant, and field director of the Viet­ a peaceful, slow-moving river that spokesman for President Nixon lends an tactical nuclear bombs." ant feature of the Gensuikyo 18th World A nam Veterans Against the War. even more ominous note to his remarks. • The "Third Marine Division Conference (August). Under Nixon, ac­ 27 yean ago was clogged with dead and Speaking at a mass anti-war rally in dying alter the Bomb was dropped. It But perhaps most ominous of all was which is stationed on Okinawa (a part of cording to Gensuikyo's detailed general Shizuoka City, Hubbard told an intent to stand in front of the "BDU12B" in which is now off the Gulf of Tonkin) con­ report, there has been "violent expan­ was difficult — standing on the bank in audience, "I have personally flown nu­ the warm night — to imagine how aie hor­ a Tokyo conference hall. "BDU" is the ducts in Okinawa a nuclear launch prac­ sion of the aggression in Vietnam and clear weapons to Kadena Air Base" and abbreviation for "bomb dummy unit." tice with atomic cannons such as 155 mm Indochina... strengthening of a nuclear ror must have been when the sky flashed "can recall at least one occasion when I like a thousand suns. This particular bomb was presented to and 8-inch howitzers, and even Thai artil­ strategic system" providing a basis for landed at Yokota Air Base with a nuclear the conference by the Communist Party lery officers from Thailand receive train­ "nuclear blackmail" and a real "nuclear In the peace museums in Hiroshima weapon on board my airplane. And I have ing in nuclear launch. It was also con­ threat to the people of Vietnam and all and in Nagasaki, we saw the mementos of Japan with accompanying documenta­ landed at Misawa Air Base with a nuclear tion. firmed that there exist nuclear units in other Asian peoples." and pictures of the devastation—the raz­ weapon on board. Also, I know of other According to this, the "BDU12B" has the U.S. ground force and naval force Suspicions are mounting, the report ed cities, the charred bodies. You have crews that have transited Misawa, Chit- stationed in Okinawa." •ecu such pictures: Quang Tri... na- ose, Yokota and Okinawa with nuclear a "parent" or real bomb called the "B57," said, that "nuclear weapons are actually palmed children ... the Plata of Jars. . . weapons." smallest size tactical nuclear bomb in • . stored at U.S. bases in mainland Japan" Indochina: U.S. bombers drop the the U.S. arsenal. It is used for practice in The foregoing charges were formally as well as Okinawa. It also quoted a U.S. „His charges, the first made by an releasing of the B57 nuclear bomb and made by CPJ at the "Okinawa Session " Embassy secretary as telling a Gensuik­ equivalent in tonnage of a Hiroshima-size American with direct knowledge, were bomb every five days. simulates its parent in size, shape and of the Diet last fall (to debate the "Okin­ yo representative last April that there are treated as important and urgent by the weight. For training in loading of the awa Reversion" agreement which went "possibilities that nuclear weapons will Japan: U.S. Air Force personnel en- Japanese peace movement and they re­ .Ufe in "practice" with sham tactical same bomb is the "BDU32E." The into effect May 15). The Liberal Demo­ be used." verberated throughout Japan with exten­ "BDU12B" we saw* was 118 inches long, cratic Government had claimed that Okin­ Wherever we went in Japan, people nuclear weapons. sive press and TV coverage. There 14.75 inches in diameter and about 500 awa would be returned to Japan's control expressed hope that peace and democrat­ jiroshima — No Nagasaki in Indo- were also renewed demands in the Diet china'1 " It is a rallying crv of peace an! pounds. Its explosive power is equal to the "without nuclear weapons." ic forces in the U.S. will take up the slo­ that the Japanese government fully in­ Confronted with concrete evidence democratic forces throughout Japan. Hiroshima bomb. gan and demand, "No Hiroshima — No vestigate. The investigation on nuclear practice and under ' persistent questioning, this Nagasaki in Indochina!" and create the "It must never be overlooked, even While there was no press coverage changed to, "Detailed investigation will for a moment, that the use of nuclear conducted by the CPJ revealed that it conditions here to make that ultimate in this country, an interesting "was confirmed that on January 12,1972, be made," then to, "The U.S. armed for­ horror impossible. weapons forms part of U.S. strategic item did appear in the April 23 issue of ces answered that they are not in a posi­ planning," warned the Venerable Bhikku a releasing practice of BDU8B (sham Parade, Sunday magazine of numerous bomb for releasing practice of the B43 tion to answer whether it is a sham nu­ WORLO MAGAZINE Gyotsu. N. Sato, Buddhist monk and ex­ U.S. newspapers. J I clear bomb or not. " ecutive director of the International Sec­ nuclear parent bomb—2,000 lbs.) was In the "Personality Parade" page, a carried out at Iejima bombing range M-4 NOVEMBER 11, 1972 tion of the Japan Council Against A & H reader asked; "Ä1 Hubbard, who recently | • Kombi (Gensuikyo). (Okinawa)." Moreover, this "energetic caused such disruption in Japan — who is investigation" concerning U.S. military i Then, when the CPJ sent a written "That nuclear weapons have been I inquiry to the government at the time of Published weekly by trie Pacific Publishing he?" Explaining his charges, the an­ bases on Okinawa conducted from April, 1 Foundation, Inc. brought into Japan by the U.S. forces, Executive editor Carl Bloice swer continued: "The U.S. Embassy in 1971, to the beginning of this year, shows "reversion" of the administrative rights both on Okinawa and the Japanese main­ Associate editor Judy Baston Tokyo immediately refuted Hubbard's that: of Okinawa from the U.S. to Japan, the land, ii very confidently held on strong Japanese government "for the first time SEATTLE, Wash., 98122. 1408 18th Ave. statement, explaining that the U.S. has • The "18th Tactical Fighter Wing, Phone EAst »-»505. nn-umilantjal evidence," Reverend revealed that the U.S. side admitted the LOS ANGELES 90013. 215 W. Sth St., Room never brought nuclear weapons into Ja­ which is part of the U.S. tactical air force, 806. Phone 624 Mit). ' Sato say». 'This violates the fundamental pan without consulting the Japanese gov­ fact of the practice of releasing sham BERKELEY 94710.1819 Tenth St. Phone848 statutes of Japan, but the Japanese Gov­ attached at Kadena Air Base of the U.S. 1 nuclear bombs and answered that the U.S. 1373, ¥ ernment — which, of course, is not to say Air Force (literally the largest airfield SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By mail to the ernment always sidesteps the issue and that U.S. nuclear weapons have never armed forcés stated that 'in the light of U.S. and possessions, 1 year $7, six months qwaki of 'trusting the assurances of the in the West Pacific, with two runways of the U.S.-Japanese Security Treaty, the 84. been positioned on Japanese soil or in 12,100 ft. and surpassing the U-Tapao air­ SECOND CLASS postage paid at Berkeley. II | A A That nuclear weapons-equipped training with the use of sham bombs Calif., and at additional mailing offices. Japanese waters." field in Thailand) is on nuclear-attack SEND change of address to 1819 Tenth St., ships and planes operate Irom Japanese should not be banned." Berkeley, Calif. 94710. waters and air cannot be denied. e mission. The schedule of the nuclear- The Liberal Democratic Party con­ bomb releasing practice at Iejima bomb­ Nur can it be denied that regular Widely quoted in Japan is Jack Ander­ tinues to maintain a "sheer fraud" in "SANITY NOW!" son's Washington Post column of April 7 ing range is clearly written in the flight iraining ^[^) simulated nuclear weapons trying to persuade' the Japanese people P. O. BOX 2&1 tai bMBJMuUrly conducted on Okin- stating that contingency plans for nu­ plan of the wing. In addition, a standing that Okinawa reversion meant an end to clear warfare in Indochina "have been operation procedure has been also worked stockpiling of nuclear weapons on Okin- IA PUENTt, CALIFORNIA 9Ï74' constantly revised and updated. Like pre- out for a of U.S. armed ..awa and practice with sham bombs, the . written newspaper obituaries, they are .forces causing an accident at Kadena By TIM WHEELER REVENUE SHARING? WASHINGTON — PieahtMit Nixon blandly proposes Nixon sent to COURT«« this weak "revenue sharing" to offset this Food programs cut a record tM.7 billion budget dtsastrota financial blow to the nation's schools many at tabor Research Association which is larded with Wl.l biffiop Some 26 million Americans "cannot afford to purchase an already v facing f from banhniptf j. adequate diet." i new report entitled "Hunger U.S. A Revisited" has band. Bat be reveal» an elitist and The 52-page report «as recently released by the Citizen's Board racist attitude toward pobbc a of Inquiry into Hunger and Malnutrition in the LAS. published edfattn» when be promises to Z in cooperation with the National Council on Hunger and ram through legislation Malnutrition and the Southern Regional Council in Atlanta Ga. allowing tax credits for tuition The report finds that "there are still 2n million Americans living Ü17 P*£ non-publTc 41 or below federally defined poverty levels and who therefore. If. and elementary and secondary cannot affo to purchase an adequate diet. Over 11.2 million of S _. J the record set during schoolschoolss " them receive no help whatsoever from any federal food, prop-am. 5 the wont year of the Vietnam This is a coded promise to •'It can be said that while 57 percent of the nation's poor are opponents ~oT school reached by one of the two standard family feeding programs, 45 '. astoiaiding. Nixon desegregation percent of the total poor receive enough only to purchase a diet at has projected the 1975 budget Nixon declares in the budget the bare survival level." Some 12 percent receive "less than three- total at Cat billion, with the that "starting in 1973, all em- fourths of the recommended dietary allowances and for 43 percent f> at agon wolfing $85.5 billion, ploye welfare recipients must of the nation's poor there is no federal help at »11,** the report iL s, He proposes »8.8 billion for register to work ~. . Anyone- noted. »capons procurement — in- refusing work or training is A reading of this report reveals how the so-called "discipline of­ eluding a new nuclear aircraft denied further welfare aidA' fne budget" or "budgetary constraints" have resulted in much of the carrier — the CVN 70, the most Nixon's budget anticipate in hunger prevailing in the U.S., despite all the food programs that expensive ship in the world; $7.4 1974 an increase of more than have been operating in the last four years. billion for five new 1,000,000 in the welfare rolls — The "sad truth," it says, is that "every advance made has come Su nuclear missile submarines and from 11,465,838 to 12,534,231, yet only after the most bitter and exhausting kind of bureaucratic in­ .billions for a new B-l strategic his budget proposes to cut total fighting and ultimately Congressional pressure." manned bomber. public assistance expenditures After a detailed description of the ways used to hold down the 9 I Despite the ceasefire in by $1.1 billion. amount of food and money intended for the hungry, the report Vietnam and the inauguration of The budget contains nothing points out that "budgetary discipline," rather than efficient an "all-volunteer" military, for the Labor Department's disbursement of available funds 'is the clearest thread running Nixon projects military man office of Federal Contract through U.S. Department of Agriclture administration of federal power at .2,277,059. only 55,00t Compliance, which is supposed food programs." below last year's personnel to be a watchdog on employment Also, "anti-hunger forces in and out of Congress have had to exert ^eof blacks and other minority constant pressure to keep present levels of funding from being expensive. workers on federally - curtailed." contracted jirojects^ The Agriculture Department, "sometimes through apparent NUCLEAR WEAPONS inertia, more often through arbitrary administrative regulations, has Nixon also sharply increased PEOPLE'S WORLD delayed and sometimes completely thwarted Congressional ap- his requests ^fo r nuclear . propriation mandates to bring more people into the family food weapons development — from FEBRUARY 3, 1973 programs and to increase the level of participation in school lunch $868 million this year to $883 programs." million next year Furthermore, the Agriculture Department lias controlled While fulminating against «fiANJTY NOW." participation in the food stamp program by setting high purchase "extravagance." Nixon, whose prices, low allotment values and delaying acceptance of applicant Counties. Official salary is $250.000 a veprfj _,lwnU CALIFORNIA M7*> proposed for himself $9.11* WJRITC. CAUFOIWW, Tirm* The report gives other examples of Agriculture Department million in taxpayer funds for failures to implement food programs. Only when welfare rights "official entertainment ex­ organizations and Congressional representatives brought pressure penses of the President to be did the department act and then only in a limited numberof cases. accounted for solely in his certificate." He proposed $1.370.000.00 for trimming the lawn, polishing the Workers dig deeper into pockets silver, and repairing and rhe Call percent jump—than before Nixon proclaimed "the refurbishing the White House. Los Angeles price controls" more than one year ago. San Clémente. Key Biscavne. The average family of an industrial worker spends a "Sugar used to cost me about 60 cents." said one and Camp David, all classed as quarter to a third of their income on food alone. This woman, "now look, this bag costs me 71 cents." "executive" necessities. means that the issue of rising prices has become a Another housewife complained, "Ground beef went Nixon's budget declared, "In fighting issue with thousands of people. up ten cents a pound a week ago. Now this week its 1974 the Department of Housing Thus, after one year of supposed price controls, food gone up another ten cents a pound." and Urban Development will not prices are higher than ever before. December One man told The Call, "For a family like ours, we approve any new projects under wholesale prices skyrocketed at their fastest rate m paid $30 a week for groceries one year ago. Now we the following seven programs: have to decide whether we add $5 or $6 a week to our 17 years. Urban renewal, model cities, Questioned by reporters after the announcement of food budget, or cut back. We just can't afford the rehabilitation loans, neigh­ the rise in the wholesale price index, Ron Ziegler, extra—so we cut back!" borhood facilities grants, basic Nixon's press secretary, cautioned against jumping to For those on fixed incomes, the elderly and welfare water and sewer facilities the conclusion that Nixon's price programs had failed. people, the situation has reached a Crisis stage. It is not grants, public facility loans and Pleaded Ziegler, "The economy is healthy." uncommon to see older people buying unusual open space grants. "Healthy" to these imperialists means that they have amounts of "Red Heart" dog food and many articles Nixon added that the school had success in keeping the wages of the workers down have begun to appear in the capitalist press about cases free miJk_program is "re while their own profits double. of actual starvation in this, "the richest country in the tWand nrnnosen- to OT^TJ" While the average U.S. family is cutting back on world." but the budget proposes $18,780 more nutritional foods such as meat, fresh fruits and Every shopper interviewed by The Call told us how each for the House speaker, and vegetables, it seems that a number of the corporate rising food prices had affected their family eating the House majority and food giants are doing great. habits. "Meat is a real luxury now. It's an occasion minority leaders to buy them An article in the Dec. 10 San Francisco Chronicle when I can serve it more than once or twice a week. new limousines next year. described the excellent economic condition of Camp­ I've become a real expert at noodle casseroles," one shopper explained. Nixon'» fiscal 1974 budget. bell's Soup Company, one of the largest and most proposes to liquidate all "new successful food conglomerates in the world. They own To "help us out," Nixon's consumer advisors have not only their own line of soups but scores of other been busy publishing articles in women's journals. commitments" for low ££nt public housing, rent sup­ companies such as V-8 Juice, Franco-American, Recipe These government bureaucrats hafe come up with a thousand-and-one handy tips for how to feed a family of plements, home ownership Dog Food, Pepperidge Farm and chain restaurants. Last year, Campbell's grossed over $1 billion. Unlike four without meat. They want us to "take it in stride." asaiatance, and rental But if the recent demonstrations against the assjgtaryp under the programs the typical working family wjio must go into debt to buy a new house or even to obtain furniture or • car, government by consumer groups ate any indication— of TITé iröusing and Urban this is not a very convincing way put. Development Act of 1965. Campbell's has never once operated in the red. "It's a few cents here and a few cents there—but it all Asked if thev would join a "consumer'consumers rebellionrebellion" His budget proposes a $1.695 adds up!" It's no wonder that the housewives and everyone interviewed answered wiwilji h a definite yes, in billion cut in aid m ri>m>ntary working women in the Los Angeles suburb of Cudahy fact, one angry shopper said, "Sure I'd join—just teü and secondary schools a $502 are outraged. me where to sign up!" million cut in "occupational /ocational and adult With farm and food products in the lead, wholesale education." prices leaped ahead last month, at an annual rate of 7*2 percent. This meant; \\\et the rpte nf inflation for the (The above article is reprinted from Ihtkmmry issue of The basic necessities of life is higher now—bv »IflMint » SO Call, the newspaper of the October Lenges.)


W rV Ü** Il A YEAR POSTAGE FOR 12 ISSUES plus supplements is all ve ask for these news- . letters intended as aids for left-activists in organizing and educating people in anti-imperialist struggle, and to posé scientific socialism as the ultimate solution to society's ills. If you like them, use them« If you don't, tell us and why. These newsletters are not written for the entertainment of arm-chair "leaders", liberal opportunists or peace-hobfcyists, nor are they radical digests for indiscrim­ inate distribution to political unsophisticates. They do not pretend to have all the answers, or that those given are always right. We can do little more than capsulate and edit selected items as launch pads for orbiting workingclass concepts, and to point to other and more detailed comprehensive sources. These newsletters are not forwardable except as "occupant" may do so. No notice of change of address - no Indication of desire to continue to receive them - no news- letterl Ve seldom have complete back copies - only a few parts. Readers are urged to keep a file of them for reference. Readers may reprint for Movement purposes. We are pensioners operating on a very tight budget. If this is a free copy, do not expect another until we get postage. News clips on which is noted the source and date are welcome - press deadline noimally 7 days b4 the first of each month. We re­ serve the right to pre-empt space or reject material. We are endlessly grateful to all those beautiful people who have supported us thruout our nearly 6 yrs of continuous publication. As proletarian internationalists we clasp the hands of all oppressed peoples in solidarity for workingclass power. lObreros, unidos, jamas sera Vencidosl United workers are invinciblel Venceremosl



i, DON'J BUY NON-UNION HEAD LETTUCE OR SCAB WINESJ Look for the union label on wrappers, crates and bottles. NO LABEL? - HO SALE! - and tell the merchant wiry you are taking your trade elsewhere. I VIVA EL BOICOTED! Pass the good word to your friendsl J VIVA LA HUELGAJ

BEWARE FAKE LABELS'. The words «Farm Workers AFL-CIO" are missing'. Report any you see to your local UFWOC chapter.

DON'T BUy Roma, Cresta Bianca, Mendocino, Gar­ rett, Lodi, La Mesa, Ocean Spray, Vin Glogg, Ceremony, Guild, St Mark, Citation, Old S^F, or Parrott V.S. wines and cordials. INI UN PASO DETRASI !N0 PASARANJ

"SANITY NOW!" newsletter #69, Feb. 73 box 261, La Puente Calif. 91747

.--a-. a^_a .„ CC AIRMAIL PAR AVION

DATED OR OCCUPANT MATERIAL S/fyU» '7&icS-w*****'SS»4 Uk$*r Cr**'?'*'}*.?'


• / 'G SOCIETY'S ILLS X, S: is as stupid as blaming them on sun spots or . It's as stùpi 3 wrong nail. Capitalist class misuses science to enslave and mass-rvuraer _es. Socialism uses science for their education and liberation from tha-c slavery ana death. Read the facts that prove this and much more in Dec NC. DBS, 23pp only 60^, box 1000 Gravenhurst Ontario Canada. Also we have xerox copies of such articles for postage.

"Being a man is the continuing battle of one's life. One loses a bit of man­ hood with every stale compromise with the authority of any power in which one does not believe....No slave should die a natural death - there is a point where caution ends and cowardice begins." (H. Rap Brown, in a letter from prison)

"The application of reason toward the comprehension of nature and of society, and the testing of that application thru experiment and practice, are essential to science. But these together are not yet science; fundamental to it and part of its definition is the purpose toward which the reason is applied and the testing conduct­ ed. That purpose must be the ennoblement of Man. "Science is essentially humanistic in its qualities: truthfulness, objectivity, assiduousness, curiosity, and in its purpose to improve the human condition. From this follows the fundamental challenge of Marxism: hitherto philosophers have sought only to comprehend the world, but the point is to change it. "Involved in this is the Marxian insistence that mere contemplation, being pas­ sive and non-participating, cannot be fully comprehending. Involved also is the ab­ solute necessity for practice to ascertain truth - the indispensible unity between theory and practice - the first without the second being abstract and unproven, the second without the first being directionless, disconnected, haphazard, and therefore ineffective. "Involved in this also is the idea that he who understands the world will there­ fore want to change it, - more: that a demonstration of the understanding is the ex­ istence of the effort to change that which one understands. And the test of the un­ derstanding is the capacity to change. "Present here also .... has been in the service of the powers-that-be - for this reason, too, it has hitherto been merely contemplative - passive. Hence its inade­ quacy has had two related roots: it has been a handmaiden of exploitive and oppress­ ive social systems so that its role has not been critical., not dynamic but rather apologetic. "Given the existence of such social systems, dominant theoretical outlooks had; to be false since they served essentially as rationalizations for systems that were un­ just » (Herbert Apthaker on LENIN: SCIENCE AND REVOLUTION, Apr 70 POLITICAL AFFAIRS, Journal of Marxist Thought and Analysis, Int'l Publishers,'"381 Park Av South New Yoik City 10016, 60

"...The real issue is whether individualism or socialism shows more concern for the individual in practice. Those who reject socialism because of its alleged dis­ regard of the individual sentimentalize a great deal about his sacred person, his po­ tentialities, his freedom, his opportunity, but in fact allow him to be turned loose in the rat-race of the modem world to devour or be devoured. On the other hand, it is the contention of socialists that it is because they are so deeply concerned about the individual that they are determined to replace a competitive by a cooperative so­ ciety. To make the individual sacred, it is necessary to destroy the social system that crucifies him .A true revolution is never content with attacking and over­ throwing the political and social institutions of the order which it seeks to supplant, but attacks at their root the values on which the moral authority of that order rests and calls in question its ideals, thus shaking the self-confidence of the defenders of that order and sapping their faith in the sincerity and efficiency of their basic principles...."(John Lewis in SOCIALISE AND THE INDIVIDUAL, Inter'1 Publishers $1)

ON THE LENIN CENTENARY by a whole galaxy of Marxist writers in Apr-May-June 1970 POLITICAL AFFAIRS accurately defines Lenin's place in history, quoting extensively from his writings having pointed revelancy to the present crisis in human affairs. There is simply too much of it for quoting here - after all, this is only a newslet­ ter, not a bookshelf. Besides, as with most of Marxist writings arranged like connec­ ting links in a chain, there is .everywhere to begin and nowhere to break off. Readers simply'must proceed on their own to the higher orders of Marxist thought and analysis.

THE 50th ANNIVERSARY OF THE USSR, a new historical community, how it was born, how it contrasts with USA, and how it leads toward a world union of nations dedicated to peaceful co-existence regardless of their internal ideologies - a union dedicated to living instead of killing. The Maoists say this is impossible - that capitalism and socialism cannot co-exist on the same planet. We say it's worth a try, if for no ..ther reason than to gain time for socialism to, consolidate its gains and to avoid nuclear catastrophe. That is the crux of*the dispute between the socialist states, who must eventually coalate in joint defense or perish. We concur with Kim II Sung - that a shooting war between them is a fantastic impossibility. Those of our readers who think this or that one has over-conceded to U.S. imperialism underestimate the socialist way of thinking and their ability to put their thoughts into practice.

"SANITY NOW." a lefWadical activist education center, box 261 La Puente Ca. 91747 PART 2, newsletter #cÇ, February INC. this time under direct U.S. imperialist MMfaMQt that DO more trusts the Saigon papptttê teqptte the loading with "civilian advisors" than it trusts its former frankenstei^ West Germany, accounting for the occupying forces in those countries, Korea and elsewhere as insurance against sellout. "The Empire in SE Asia is the last large resource area outside the control Çfî any one of the major powers....In the hands of one,....it can upset the balance of the world....I believe the conditions of the Vietnamese people and the direction in .which their future may be going are at this stage secondary." (-Judas Johnson in Congressional Record 17 Feb 65) Picked troops of the are deployed tbruout the Pacific area and in countries adjacent to Vietnam where they are being trained in the use of nuclear weapons stockpiled there, preparatory to a re-invasion of Vietnam if the puppet troops become inadequate to seize and hold the country. "With its archipelagos, SE Asia contains rich natural resources and some 200 million people. Geographically, it has great strategic importance,... more is at stake than preserving the independence of the peoples of SE Asia and preventing the vast resources in that area from being swallowed by those hostile to freedom." (-Dean Rusk, U.S. Dept State pamphlet Aug 65) Clearly/ "freedom" means the right to subjugate and enslave the peoples and plunder their natural resources for the U.S« imperialist war machine. WE PREDICT that U.S. military installations will not be "dismantled or removed" as the Nixonite criminals have promised, because those facilities with their aima-, ments are no longer U.S. property but gifts to the puppet Saigon govt from the U.S. tax-payers, as are the tanks, weapons and other matériels of war with their U.S. in— signias painted outj U.S. B52s, supposedly manned by Saigon personnel, each carrying upward of 10 tons of deadly bombs, will continue their curcuits from Guam, S-Korea, Philippines and other Pacific island bases, air-fueled by U.S. tanker planes based in Okinawa. U.S, 7th fleet with its nuclear weapons and manpower and planes, will continue to patrol Vietnam-coastal waters, giving air and artillery support to puppet troops with their Saigon "civilian advisors" and infiltrating corporate plunderers as in the past, and the American people will be lied to about it as/usual, U.S.-CÏÀ planes will continue to carry mind-killing heroin and. cocaine from Thailand's Golden Triangle for the subversion of the Saigon.mercenaries, at the ex­ pense of U.S. tax-payers and at enormous profit to the Saigon merchants of death and their U.S. "civilian advisors". Mothers and their babies will continue to be massacred, with,bullets, bombs.and napalm labeled "made in U.S.A.", and naked children will continue to flee in terror from the burning consequences» Nice people, we Amerikansi Forests and crops will continue to be destroyed, the land laid waste and turned into the semblance of a moonscape, and contaminated beyond repair for the next several centuries, and innocent peasants will continue to be shot down in their rice paddies and incinerated alive in their huts' - as in the past. Might makes Rightl The great Mekong will continue to flow red with the blood of Vietnamese, Cambo­ dian and Laosian patriots, as did Spain's Ebro with the blocd of nazi-butchered peas­ ants of Guernica, and brainwashed cowed and uninformed Americans luxuriate in the peace and security of God Mammon's lapi .Amerika! Amerika} UCT riles und sieg heilt May God, if there be one, have mercy on their degenerate touls if they have any after "4 more years" of Nixon and Companyi REMEMBER THIS I Altho U.S. imperial capitalism's tactic and faces will change to accomodate a shocked public opinion, the strategy of world conquest for raw materials and new markets will continue as long as it lives, for expansion EXPANSION EXPAN­ SION, is as necessaiy to capitalism as breathing is to you. We beg of youj HAVE NO ILLUSIONS AEOUT THATi Organize. ORGINIZEl ORGANIZE NOW, while you can, to form the giant fist of people to break the chains that bind you to this goddamn capi­ talist systeml This could be the last calli Begin by mobilizing people to demand that Congress forthwith recover and exercise control of this nation's des|Lny in its own behalf - that it strip Presidential auth­ ority down to it Constitutional bare bones - that military aid of all kinds and in any form be denied the client sta|es - that all U.S, military installations on foreign soil be totally dismantled or removed, together'with their personnel civilian and mil­ itary, their weapons and supplies.' But that is only,the beginning. In the end, this mcnstrously-evil capitalist system must be destroyed lock, stock and barrel* and society reconstructed on its ashes according to scientific socialist principles - a society given to living instead of killing - to the administration of things instead of people - to the abolition of Man's exploitation of Man - for the realization of universal Brotherhood. EL BEE JAY1 EL BEE JAYI ; ' HOW MANY CHILDREN DID YOU KILL TODAY? - anti-war chant The passing of this ace war criminal evokes no sorrow or sympathy here. Our compassion is reserved for his victims. "The evil that men do live after them, but the good is oft interred with their bones"(- Mark Anthony)

"SANITY NOWi"' a left-radical activist education center, box 261 La Puente Ça. 91747 THE POWER TO CONSCRIPT young men to fight old men's imperialist wars is alive and well in the hands of the chief gauletier and his obedient Congress, there to be held in contingency in case enough manpower cannot be enticed into the meatgrinder by good pay and huge bonuses in taxpayer's money, or driven to it by unemployment, pri­ vation, inflation and jingoist ostracism. Such is the "volunteer" army of tomorrow, a mercenary armed force directed by the most degenerate dregs of this society. WE SAY AGAIN: The Nixonite imperial capitalists have not abandoned their plans for world conquest. They go something like this: intimidate and bribe puppet govts to use their native troops equipt with the latest weaponry directed ty hordes of U.S» "civilian advisors", to subjugate their populations, and when the native troops re­ volt at killing their own people, send in the U.S. marines to secure the countries for the U.S. corporate generals - Gen Motors, Gen Electric, Gen Petroleum, Gen T&T, Gen Dynamics, Gen Rubber, Gen Foods, etc etc. But it hasn't worked because the arrogant racist nature of imperialists will not allow acceptance of the fact that a people's army is invincible, especially one with a thousand year's expertise at repelling invaders. For every head that falls, 2 more grow in its place. For every hut bombed, 5 angry patriots pick up guns to fight, and if necessary to die, for their priceless freedom. This cannot be said of mercenaries; be they Saigon Vietnamese or -%ericans, for they have no such high- minded motivation» Another lesson imperialists are incapable of learning, and which adds to the certainty of their total defeat, is this: the stronger they are militarily, the weaker they are politically. This is proved by the fact that U.S, hasn't a friend among world peoples, and no nation can exist for long in a hostile world. Even the puppet govts are biding their time when they can become independent of the U.S., France being the first great power to strike off the, chains -that has bound her to U.S. finance-capital, and the growing revolt in the United Nations indicate others: are soon to follow. One indication is the upsurge in the European Common Market. As Marx wrote in the MANIFESTO, "What the bourgeoisie,...,produces above all are its own grave-diggers", so does U.S» imperialism produce its world of frankmsteins who eventually mudbtum on and demolish it. As Marx wrote> "Its fall and the victory of the proletariat are equally inevitable", so also is the fall of U.S. imperialism and the-victory of the world peoples equally and historically inevitable«, THOSE WHOM THE GODS VJOULD DESTROY THEY FIRST MAKE MAD. World capitalism, led ty the U.S., has been spooked into insane activity by the very existence of its social­ ist nemesis in control of the greatest single self-sufficient land mass on earth, a ' standing inspiration to all oppressed working peoples» The capitalist masters know better than their victims that their decadent profit system cannot compete with the socialist new world. Nothing less than its destruction will satisfy the capitalist class. Therefore, all its aggressive policies and actions are directed to that end. Historically, they cannot win because of their inherent self-defeating contradictions»

' WHAT HAPPENS TO THE PEACE MOVEMENT NOW?. We predict that, due to its lack ofclass consciousness and the guiding principles of Marxism to sustain it, it will continue to collapse inward upon itself, its truth dodgers and refugees from proletarian his­ tory "doing their own thing",-determined to stay blissfully ignorant, providing ready grist for capitalism's clever bedpan orderlies and bandaid brigades, co-opted into the rat race with its perverted golden rule of doing others before they do them, to wind up finally as Orwell predicted: drugged robots content with their wine bottles, beer cans and guitars - and loving Big Brother!

CAPITALIST LAWS are made for the capitalists to break and their victims to obey. Everybody knows that, as Art Hoppe would say. So it is also with international agreements that are only as valid as the ability and will to enforce -them. The Na­ tive Americans know that. The Vietnamese knew'it when they agreed to a cease-fire. The Soviets knew it when they signed the non-aggression pact with Hitler in 1939. The ink was hardly dry when the nazi panzers moved eastward into Poland. The Soviets gained time to move their forces into position to resist, and to convince the world of their peaceful intentions, and ultimately to prove the nazi genocidal intentions. The Soviets lost 21 million dead in that war, and their police action in Czechoslo- vacia was aimed solely at preventing it from happening again. But everybody does NOT know that nor are they interested in learning about it and the lessons it teaches. Liberal anti-communist writers like D.F.Fleming flagrantly distort this history while clothing themselves in bourgeois objectivity,

$100 BILLION PENTAGON DEMAND is a 20% increase in planned military spending for bigger and bloodier Vietnams such as Philippines, Chile, Cuba and middle-east nations simmering on imperialist back burners. Weapons systems such as Trident, MIRV, elec­ tronic battlefields with their "smart" bombs, and germ warfare, are being expanded. Being increasingly mass-produced are nuclear bombs, not for defense but for offense, altho there are enough of them stockpiled in U.S. to overkill the entire planet at least 30 times. -And the voters re-elected the Mad Bomber to 4 more years'.

"....An ill-informed and misinformed people may be unable to participate intel­ ligently in decision-making. It bodes ill for the prospects of human survival: a hab­ ituated people may be unable to stop the drift toward a third, thermo-nuclear, world war. It bodes ill for the emotional health of the .American people." (Dr. Isidore Ziferstein in his famous pamphlet on HABITUATION TO WAR with an updated epilogue ty Hon. George E, Brown Jr, a few copies left, 250 each)

"SANITY NOW'.» a left-radical activist education center, box 261 La Puente Ca. 91747 PART 3, newsletter #69, February 73:

THE PARABLE ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THIS SHEET we believe is dangerously over- siaplified and misleading, not being true to the existing situation. Therefore, we suggest the following insertion just ahead of the last paragr?- "But the capitalists also owned the materials the people needed for their own water tank, as well as the land on which to build it, and their way to them was barred by the capitalist servants called POLICE and ARMY. So it came to pass that another group of AGITATORS came forth to the thirsty people, and they were called COMMUNISTS by some and SOCIALISTS by others, and they spake to the people thusly: 'Come ye together in labor unity, all ye who are heavily laden and beholden to the capitalists, and gird thy loins, and seize the capitalist water tank and all that goes with it - the land and the springs and the wells and the buckets - and let not the grass groweth under thy feet in the doing thereof, for ye have nothing to lose but thy chains and a world to gain.'

"The ruling class in this country is quite adept at setting many traps, especial­ ly today when it has learned from recent world history what people can accomplish once they organize, unite, and are guided by revolutionary ideals and a revolutionary strategy and tactics.....It is simplistic to believe that State power rests solely on police guns and soldier's bayonets. In the final analysis it does -i.e, when the ruling class and its State power have lost legitimacy in the eyes of the majority of the people. Then the gun takes command." (Gil Green's THE NEW RADICALISM p 87) The underlines are ours -SN) "We have always known and repeatedly pointed out that the bourgeoisie maintains itself in power not only by force but also by virtue of the lack of class-conscious­ ness and organization, the routinism and downtrodden state of the masses." (V.I.Lenin in "Letters on Tactics" pp 46-47) "A misreading of current history has contributed to lending credence to the mistaken view that small handfuls of intrepid individuals can somehow replace the masses in the making of revolution. In Cuba, a small courageous group led by Fidel Castro did start the guerilla (people's) war. But what is forgotten is that it had the sympathy of the great majority of the people and the active aid of the peasantry (and) the relatively-high level of class consciousness among the workers without which the small band could not have survived a fortnight, let alone grown into a mighty liberating force....Che Guevara...sharply criticized those who believe that against a professional army nothing can be done - who sit down to wait until in some mechanical way all necessary objective and subjective conditions are given for revolu­ tion without working to accelerate them. People must see clearly the futility of maintaining the fight for social goals within the framework of civil debate. Where a govt has come to power thru some form of popular vote, fraudulent or not, and main­ tains at least the appearance of constitutional legality, the guerilla outbreak can not be promoted, since the possibilities of peaceful struggle have not been exhaust­ ed. ...In the ranks of young radicals, there is a great deal cf admiration for the way in which the Vietnamese people have astounded the world with their ability to fight and trin against a power that seemed militarily invincible. But what they fail to see is that this 'miracle' is the product of many years of tireless work, and could not have been possible without winning the support of, and drawing the people themselves into, the struggle. There is no other way - anywherel" (Gil Green ibid)

IS INDIVIDUAL TERROR JUSTIFIED AS A TACTIC in the U.S. today? Gil Green answers it this way: "To arrive at a sound answer to this question requires discarding at the outset any abstract moral considerations. When we see what our ruling class is doing in Vietnam and the ocean of blood flowing there - when we think of the centuir- ies-old oppression, misery and sorrow heaped upon racial minorities in our land - when we remember the oppressive role of U.S. imperialism in Latin America, Africa, Asia and the rest of the world - surely any measures that would hasten the end of this damnable system would be humane and moral, for no amount of violence needed for end­ ing it could compare in magnitude to that employed to keep it alive. Nor can we per­ mit emotional subjective considerations to sway our judgment. Indignation and anger are powerful subjective elements that stoke the fires of revolt and provide drive for carrying on the struggle. But these cannot determine the nature of the -tactics to be used, nor can impatience and frustration do so, or the search for emotional outlets. Our determination must be based on a cool unemotional all-sided evaluation of the con­ sequences of each of our actions, with one single objective in mind: how best to ad­ vance the revolutionary cause - how best to bring closer the day when we can take U.S. imperialism by the scruff of the neck, for when we do, it will be a day of rejoicing everywhere, (ibid THE NEW RADICALI34.pp 94-95)

"Violence is neither good nor evil. It is. So if we are going to fight to human­ ize America -i.e., make revolution, - let us not concern ourselves with moral argu­ ments over the legitimacy of violence. It exists and we acknowledge the fact When we put ourselves in opposition to the violence perpetrated against us, we cannot beg, plead, petition or request the perpetrators of violence to desist. Their vio­ lence will only accelerate itself....." -Julius Lester in REVOLUTIONARY NOTES pp41-42.


"SANITY NOW'." a left-radical activist education center, box 261 La Puente Ca. 91747


Edward Bellamy, - - -1850-1098 THERE WAS A VERY DRY LAND and the peo­ economists said it was caused by over­ ple who lived in it needed water. They production and glut. And the capitalists did nothing but seek water all day, and sent them forth to explain to the people, many perished because they could not find for the people were becoming troublesome. it. But the people said: "Go away, you However, there were certain men in baldheads! Do you mock us? Does plenty this land who were very crafty and sneaky breed famine?" And they took up rocks and they had gathered great stores of wa­ and the soothsayers ran away. When the ter that the others couldn't find, and capitalists saw this, they were afraid, these men were called CAPITALISTS. and they called upon the HOLY MEN and And it came to pass that the people of promised them water if only they would this land came to the capitalists and quiet the people. And the holy men went asked for some of the water lest they per to the people and said that the thirst ish from thirst. But the capitalists an­ was sent by God to heal the souls of the swered them, saying: people, and if the people were only pa­ "Go to, ye silly people! Why should tient that it would come to pass that af­ we give you water which we have gathered, ter they gave up the ghost they -would for then you'd be even with us and we come to a land where there was plenty of would perish with you. But we will make water and no capitalists. But the people a deal. Be our servants and we will give sent them away also. you a little water." And the people said The capitalists came forth themselves "Just give us a little water and we and and dipped the ends of their fingers in our children will serve you." the overflow and scattered the drops a- And so it was. Now the capitalists mong the people, and they called this were pretty smart, so they made some of CHARITY, and it made the people very bit­ the people captains and officers and let ter. them control the dipper, and some carried The capitalists were now terrified and water and others looked for new springs. they sent men among the people to find And they had the people build a giant the mightiest and all who had skill in tank to hold the water, and this they war, and they said to them: "If you will called the MARKET, and it was there that- protect us and our tank which is the mar­ the people came to get water. ket, we'll give you water and you will And then the capitalists said: "For not thirst." and they called these POLICE every bucket of water you bring to the and some they called ARMY. market, we will pay you one penny, and Then, after many days, the water was you may buy a bucket of water from the low in the tank, for the capitalists did tank for only two pennies, and we will waste much on fish ponds and fountains call the difference PROFIT. This will be and bathed very much while the people our reward for doing this for you." thirsted and died. And the people thought this was good The capitalists then said to the peo­ because now their children didn't thirst. ple: "The crisis is ended. We will buy But after many days, the tank overflowed water again and we will make profit and because the people could buy only half as you and your children can again have wa­ much water as they carried for the capi­ ter." And it was so, but the tank soon talists. And the capitalists told the peo overflowed again, and this happened many pie: "Sit down and be patient for we can times until a new group of people were pay no more money for water until the mar born in the land, and these people were ket stops overflowing." And the people called AGITATORS, and their speech was asked: "How can we buy unless you hire us called TRUTH, and these agitators spoke and let us be your servant?" And the say­ to the people, saying: ing was told: "It is a CRISIS." And the people's thirst was great, for "Why do you need these capitalists and the capitalists now owned all the springs politicians and economists and holy men and wells and water wheels and the buck­ and police and army? Why don't you build ets, so no one could get water except at a new tank and share it among yourselves the tank which was the market. And the and carry your own water for you and your people pleaded for water, but the capital children?" ists answered: "No! No profit, no water. .And the people did what the agitators Business is business." But the people suggested and it was called THE GREAT could buy no water, and the capitalists REVOLUTION, and. there was no more thirst were troubled and called to them their in the land. Neither were there any that soothsayers, and they were called POLITI­ were hungry, or cold or in need, end all CIANS and ECONOMISTS, and they were told men were called BROTHER, and all women to explain this crisis. The politicians called SISTER, and they dwelt together in said it was caused by sunspots and some unity and there was peace thruout the said it was lack of confidence, and the land. Then the people became THE PEOPLE and were happy.

(Reprinted from OMEGA PRESS, box 44? Koza, Okinawa Japan, a farrrrr-out GI Resistance newsletter, on the occasion of water rationing in Okinawa Dec 72. Why not send them an encouraging aerogram, only 154 at your postofficeï)

"SANITY NOW!" a left-radical activist education center, box 261 La Puente Ca 91747

./*-* ^y\ * PART 4, newsletter ?69, February 73:

_at 715 Parkview L.A., phone (213) 384-3856 with dancing anr after having been bombed out on 7 Dec with loss of £5000 in films and an arrested suspect. 3adly in need of funds, this leading left-radical education center deserved our reader's support. ON 23 FEB 8:30 va.., there will be a panel discussion on methods of workingclass organizing with speakers from La Raza Unida Party, Black Worker's Congress and the Revolutionary Union. Plan to go and take your contactsl We hope that this -time the rebuilding has included a fire-proof vault, and that nothing be left out of it that cannot afford to be lest - especially people, - and that they will have organized their own adequate police protection»

"NATIONAL LIBERATION AND PROLETARIAN REVOLUTION IN U.S." is a 77pp treatise ty Revolutionary Union, box 3486 Merchandise Mart, Chicago 111. 60654, s?l the copy. It deals most thoroly and systematically with the National Question and the formation of an oppressed Black "nation of a new type"* in the Black Belt, (Guardian 10 Jan) "...It is impossible to abolish national or any other political oppression under capitalism, since this requires the abolition of classes - i.e., the introduction of socialism. But while being based on economics, socialism cannot be reduced to econom­ ics alone. A foundation - socialist production - is essential for the abolition of national oppression, but this foundation must also carry a democratically organized state, a democratic army, etc. By transforming capitalism into socialism, the pro­ letariat creates the possibility of abolishing national oppression} the possibility becomes reality "only" - "only!" - with the establishment of full democracy in all spheres including the delineation of state frontiers in accordance with the "sympa­ thies" of the population, including complete freedom to secede. And this in turn will serve as a basis for developing the practical elimination of even the slightest na­ tional friction and the least national mistrust, for an accelerated drawing together and fusion of nations that will be completed when the state withers away," Lenin in Collected Works, vol. 22 p 325. (Reader please note that he speaks of the socialist state "withers away" with the abolition of all classes, hence of their conflicts, male« ing state power unnecessary. The capitalist state, far from "withering away", must be overthrown by the proletariat.) "In the internationalist education of the workers of the oppressor countries, emphasis must necessarily be laid on their advocating freedom for the oppressed coun­ tries to secede, and their fighting for it. Without this, there can be no internat­ ionalism,,.. On the other hand, a Social-Democrat (i.e., a Communist -Ed) from a small nation must emphasize in his agitation the second word in our general formula: "voluntary integration" of nations he must fight" against small-nation narrow- mindedness, seclusion and isolation.,...(ibid pp 346-347). Lenin laid particular stress on toe responsibility of Communists of oppressor nations to fight unreservedly for toe full equality of all oppressed peoples - to dis­ play the greatest sensitivity toward their needs and their feelings, and to fight for all measures necessary to compensate for the effects cf their oppression, and thus to bring about true equality. Pursue this line of thought vith A. I. Mikoyan in Dec 72 Political Affairs, for we MUST be clear on this subject.

YOUNG PEOPLE'S SOCIALIST LEAGUE (YPSL), youth arm of the Socialist Party, has come full circle in its drift right-ward and into the imperialist enemy camp. At its recent convention, it defeated a resolution calling for U.S. recognition of Cuba, opposed measures to end the cold war, and opposed the McGovem candidacy, not because he represented the capitalist system but because he was too "left"-radicali(PW 6 Jan) SOCIALIST PARTY SHEDS LEFT-CAMOUFLAGE, changes name to Social-Democrats U.S.A., drops the word "Party" because its most influential members are reactionary Democrats, and deleted "socialist" because "it has become hopelessly identified with the Commun­ ist world", condemned McGovern's "radicalism", endorsed Meany's pro-Nixon position in support of U.S. aggression in Indochina, generally becoming indistinguishable from the most chauvinistic, the most imperialistic and the most fascistic elements of U.S, finance-capital. No wonder the liberal president Harrington resigned in disgust! The Socialist Party has been an escalating capitalist bedpan orderly since its support of imperialist WW1 in 1917 and U.S. armed aggression against the infant Rus­ sian socialist revolution. Read the history of its betrayal in Ray Ginger's biogra­ phy of Eugene V Debs THE BENDING CROSS, Rutgers Press, New Brunswick NJ 1949. Try your library for it - it's a mind-blaster!

"VOICES OF REVOLUTION", a weekly feature of the radical GUARDIAN, adds to our list (see our special holiday issue), xerox copies free for postage to subscribers:

17- DuBois in John Brown, an inspiring commemorative excerpt containing a warning that went unheeded. 18- Che Guevara, a passage from his speech "A Common Aspiration" 1965, on proletar­ ian internationalism and other subjects. 19- Mother Jones, an excerpt from her autobiography in which she attacks the oppor­ tunism in Labor's bureauocracy. 20- Wm Z Foster, a selection from his "American Trade Unionism," containing lessons. 21- Truong Chinh-, Vietnamese political leader, discusses tactics of anti-imperialist United Front and their results. 22- Mao TseTung discusses task of remoulding intellectuals in course of revolution.

(please turn the page) PHILIPPINES NEXT VIETNAM sez L.A. veteran in Free Press 8 Dec. Marcos- plans to. cancel 1973 elections under cover of martial law and install himself as supreme dic­ tator. Popular resentment is nearly unanimous and rising to insurgent pitch. U.S, planes from Clark AFB bomb People's Army, xerox copy for postage. "Life under...... a Marcos military dictatorship would be little different from life during the Japanese occupation" Philippines Free Press, a liberal weekly, 23 Jan 1971, quoted in PW 20 Jan 73 which goes on to say that Marcos may indeed be sitting on the biggest social volcano since Batista took over the Cuban govt in 1952, only to find that the more suppressive steps he took, the more united became the Cuban people in opposition to his govt. Philippine inflation skyrockets while 77$ of Filipino families subsist on less than $4& a year, and at least 10% of too se who work the land do not own it. As here in U.S. under Nixon, the Philippine congress gave Marcos the combined powers of the presidency and prime minister for as long as he liked. When martial law was declared last September, rounded up and arrested were not only the leftists but the leading liberals. Newspapers were shut down as in Saigon, and only one TV station is now on the air, all putting out only Marcos-censored news.

"WE WILL NOT USE NUCLEAR WEAPONS sez Liar Nixon, Then why the stockpiles of euch weapons in Korea, Philippines, SE Asia, Okinawa, and aboard the 7th fleet? Why are thousands of picked troops in these areas and in Pacific islands being trained in their use? Why are Korea-based planes equipped to carry only nuclear bombs and so could not come to the aid of the Pueblo? And why are such barbaric weapons of mass Slaughter being made at a prodigious rate in U.S.? Do you believe Nixon? Neither do we. Read "Japan vs A-bombs" in PW mag 11 Nov, xerox copy 25#» . U.S. plans more war In Vietnam, Nixon's lies notwithstanding» Read the facts leading to this conclusion, ty Burchett in GUARDIAN 6 Deo and Ward: in GUARDIAN 20 Dec. Why not begin your trial sub with these issues, only $1 for 8 weeks. CONGRESS REVOLT IN THE MAKING under pressure from disillusioned public has threat ened to cut off war funds« More than that is needed! stripping the Presidential power down to its Constitutional bare bones - Congressional recovery of its preroga­ tives and control over this nation's destiny» Tell your Congressman so. VIETNAM: MEWS & REPORTS, box 324 Stn N, Montreal Quebec Canada, is a bi-weekly 12pp tabloid, regular sub §10 yr, free to prisoners, unemployed and GIs. Its special issue on 12th anniversary NLF gives the manifesto and PRG program for people's war, with illustrations, and 3 pages of "GIs Against the War", information you may have missed, important weapons for shooting down hawkish arguments.

BACH MAI HOSPITAL LEVELED BY 30 U.S. BOMBS, near on 19-22 Dec, killing 25 doctors and nurses and an unknown number of patients, destroying all life-saving e- quipment and supplies. The making of these bombs was financed try American taxes. If you are one of those tax-payers, you are an acces&ry to this atrocity, among a great many more, - to the mass murder of a tiny nation of peaceful peasants you don't know and who never did you any harm - couldn't if they would and wouldn't if they could. A shameful act for a people who call themselves civilized. The least you can do is send your tax money to them instead of to the crime wave called Nixon and his corrupt administration. Address Bach Mai Emergency Relief Fund, a project of Medical Aid to Indochina Committee, 1.40 6 St, Cambridge Mass 02142, Only then can you hope for redemption. THE NEW W-4 FORM (employee's withholding allowance certificate) opens the door to tax resisters for safely claiming a sufficient number of dependents to excuse the employer from withholding any tax at all, for at the bottom of the form is this affi­ davit statement: "I certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the number of withholding allowances claimed on this certificate does not exceed the number to which I am entitled, (signed) " (the underline is ours-SN) Check it out with the WAR TAX RESISTANCE, 339 Lafayette St. NYC 10012. Oct issue of TAX TALK has a full page of suggestions on how to dodge the 1RS rap, xerox copy 25£.

CALENDAR OF DECEIT gives blow by blow toe deliberate lies told us since 26 Oct that peace was just around the Nixon corner, mostly NYTimes reprints, PW mag 6 Jan. xerox copy for postage. Tie this string on your finger! Handy rebuttal. DOCKERS RBH3SE TO UNLOAD U.S. SHIPS in Denmark, Australia, New Zealand and Italy in solidarity with Vietnamese struggle and resistance to U.S. continuing aggression. Seamen's Union has boycotted U.S.. shipping to force a peace settlement, and Aussie postal workers have called for a ban of all U.S. business communications. Similar actions are being proposed in many other countries, (ibid)

"9" is BUDDHIST MAGIC NUMBER, and fully &0% of the Vietnamese are Buddhists. Dictator Thieu preempts this position on :the ballot, giving ignorant Westerners the impression he is being democratic and proves that the elections are "fair". That was in 1967 before the Thieu repression alienated the Buddhists. We'll bet they won't be fooled again by such trickery» magic or no magic.

TRUMAN'S ANTI-COMMUNIST DOCTRINE of imperialist aggression has been the founda­ tion of U.S. foreign policy since Roosevelt, costing U.S. 50,000 dead sons, untold wealth, and the world's respect without which no nation, no matter how militarily strong, can long endure. Some of the history is told by Barry Rubin in GUARDIAN 10 Jan 73. Not Truman's death, but that he lived so long to do such harm, is our great sorrow.

"SANITY NOW!" a left-radical activist education center, La Puente Ca. box 261, 91747 PjAaSt-S, r.ewsl-: ?ruary 73.: •EVERYBODY IS QÖEB IS A LITTLE" is an old expression re: rican people, capitalist-fostered ru us toward ers holding contrary or unorthodox opinions that to be more valid than our own. It is escape from the fear of not able t --in one's own views in reasoned debate. It is one of capitalism's many divide-snd-conquer tactics that in­ hibit communication outside the monopolized media, often leading to cooperative act­ ion in resistance to oppression, and to this rotten system. All about us is^the evi­ dence of how well it has worked for the ruling class. If we don't overcome it soon, we may be deprived of our^ability - even of our desire - to resist. The mere voicing of an opinion does not validate it. The holder is entitled to it only when it can be sustained in free and open debate. Wise up, folks! Not everyone can pi*actice what one teaches - the environment may prohibit it. It can even block the right to expound end solicit support of an idea! "WHERE IGNORANCE IS BLISS, 'TIS FOLU TO BE WISE" is another capitalist-inspired canard that has for ages stood in the way of progress. It is part and parcel of the hedonist doctrine sweeping America that happiness can be secured by dropping out of society, as impossible as escaping from gravity. It is upon the foundation of ignor­ ance that the capitalists have built their coin-operated brainwash laundromat complete with automatic softsoap dispenser and free dry, no less! It is the poison that not only promotes the ignorance but also the desire to remain ignorant, and therefore to shun these "queer" people with disturbing ideas. Marxist dialectics Is the key to that knowledge we must have if we are to sur­ vive and change the environment to meet Humanity' s needs. Ask for the books that ex­ plain it all, from INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHERS, 381 Park Àv S, NIC and NEW OUTLOOK PUB­ LISHERS, 32 Union Square East #801, NYC 10003. Ask for their catalogs. 327 REFUGEES FROM SPANISH CIVIL WAR of 35 yrs ago, now in their old age, are having a rough time existing on starvation dole in southern France, Our past politi­ cal neglect imposes a share of responsibility for their plight. Invest in your own peace of mind hy sending them as large a contribution as you can raise among your friends - plus a little bit more - to Spanish Refugee Aid Inc., 80 E 11 St rm -412 NYC 10003. It's only your money - it's their lives! Which shall it be? Xerox copy of Nancy McDonald's report cf the situation in request. AVANCE is a 4PP report in Spanish, of the'continuing revolution in Spain, from Front Espagnol de Liberation Nationale, boite postale #14 B.E.O. Alger, courtesy of Jose Sargas, xerox copy 254* You'd be surprised at what is going on in Spain! IRISH-AMERICANS "WELCOME" PRIME MINISTER LYNCH visiting U.S. in search of private investments for Ireland. Ail the more for Free Ireland' s socialist expropriation! iViva los Irish y Bumadette Devlin and daughter! Greetings in solidarity! THE UNITED IRISHMAN. 37-76 64 St. Woodside NY 11377, is official newspaper of the struggling Irish Republicans and the IRA. with news of the fighting for* indepen­ dence from 3ritish-U.S. colonialism. $5 yr sub. JAPANESE dSTS WIN 24 MORE SEATS IN PARLIAMENT, bringing their total to 38 and firmly establishing themselves as second-largest opposition party in Japan. Cheers for them and a razzberzy for their bourgeois opponents! (PW 6 Jan) KOK ddlCATION BLOCKED BY U.S.-financed puppet politicians, generals and landowners in SoKorea. Americans are asked to demand Congress cut off all funds to Dictator Park Hee, and to withdraw all U.S. troops and matériels of war from SoKorea forthwith, (abridged reprint from KOREA FOCUS by PW mag 13 Jan. Why not begin jrour $1 trial sub with this issue? which has the 9-point peace treaty agreed to last Oct by U.S. but never signed pending adjustments demanded by U.S. imperialists. BEAR IN MIND that a treaty or agreement is only as good as th3 power and the will to enforce it. U.S. imperialism doesn't have that power - QED. EUROPE'S NATO BUILDS JOINT MILITARY POWER to match its Common Market, in opposi­ tion to U.S. attempts to dominate economic and military policies of cooperation. (GUARDIAN 17 Jan - xerox copy on request) As we see it, this is British-French- West Germany alliance telling U.S, Big Brother to keep his bloody hands off if he wants them to cooperate in a pincers move to destroy USSR» Nuclear WWIII coming up! ANTI-ARAB HYSTERIA sparked by Zionist misleaders is being whipped up in NYC, Arab residents under U.S. surveillance are being hounded by govt agencies to silence them and prevent the news of their homeland oppression from reaching Americans as a part cf Nixon war strategy to eliminate-Palestinian Liberation Movement, 101 Park Av rm 311 NYC 10027. Inclose a stamped self-addressed long envelope with your inquiry. Read about it in PW 25 Oct, xerox for postage. * TITO'S YUGOSLAVIA ANYTHING BUT SOCIALIST, let alone communist, sez Bruner's Bel- \ grade dispatch in CSMonitor 21 Oct headlined "Yugoslavia's Millionaires". It's a kind \ of technocratic dictatorship of salesmen, corporate executives, architects, techni- \ cians and engineers whose wealth could co©e only from exploiting the labor of others. I "Yugoslavia is a model of the transition from socialism to capitalism" sez Barry Rubin in a full-page article in GUARDIAN 24 Jan,, xerox copy on request. "There is un- I employment, growing social differentiation, inflation and capitalist social attitudes / and it needs to export labor and import capitalist investments", Barry sez. Why not / start your $1 trial sub with this issue? - it's great! 32 W 22 St NYC 10010 (over, please) / GRANMA 1.4 Jan 73. official organ CP Cuba (in English), gives 2 tabloid pages of , full text agreements broadening Cuba's trade vith USSR, one being 12yr postponement of credit payments to be paid over 25yr period without interest, 3pp report on Moscow celebration USSR's 50th anniversary, |p Panama people's revolution, a column of Co­ lombia's ELK, \v definitive report on Equatorial Guinea (w map), full page on strug­ gle for oil in"Middle-east, bits on Angela Davis and Billy Dean Smith, and other item? on interest to the world's freedom fighters. Get your copy of GRANMA at Pro­ gressive Books, 1506 West 7th St. or Long March books, 715 S Parkview, L.A., phone 384-3856. Don't put it off - you'll like it! POR QUE? (in Spanish) revista independiente, is 18pp mag with pictures packed with information you will never get from the gringo press. Try the above bookstores or send a $ for sample copies to Mario R Menendez Rodriouez, Editorial Reportaje, S.A. de C.V., Lago Xochimilco £47, Colonia Anahuac, Mexico City 17 D.F. NEVER FORGET that a gain or loss for ANY oppressed'people ANYwhere in the world is a gain or loss for us here. Their fight is as much yours as theirs! Inform your­ self! MAKI3AXA! ' HUWAG MATAKOTi (Straggle! Don't be afraid'.) iViva ia Revolueionl A.P.E.P., AGENCE DE PRESSE ESPAGNE POPULAIRE (in French) from FRAP (Frente Revo- lucionario AntiFaseista y Patriotâ) via Jose Sargas, Boite Postal #14 B.E.O. Alger tells about the resurging Spanish revolution, 12 single-spaced typewritten pages. Be sure to send airmail postage for your copy, - perhaps just a little more, eh? THE PHILIPPINE CRISIS.,, by Juan Razon tferdad,give s background and perspective in the revival of people's revolution against U.S. imperialism and puppet Marcos regime. 50ç5 from Far-East Reporter, box 1536 NYC 10017. Important lessons for us here,

"If you don't like It here, go back to Mexico!" sed Father Patrick Donahue , chancellor at U-Santa Clara (Ca) to Chicana students, 33 of whom had been arrested for protesting the university's racist practices, reports the campus group EL FRENTE, quoted in People's World 9 Dec, 1819 10 St Berkeley, only %\ 8 wks trial sub. Deported without pay in 1971 were 400,000 Mexican'farm hands who had. worked long and hard under slave conditions, at great profit to the gringo agri-businessmen» Note that U.S.«s pappet Mexican govt, helped in this heartless exploitation. (Guardian 20Sep Florida growers import Jamaicans to break farm'wkr's strike, and deports them when they try to unionize, the same right for which the Chicanes are fighting, and of which the battle against deportation is an inseparable part. We are surprised and dis­ mayed that Cesar Chavez doesn't seem to see it that way, according to Ken Lawrence's open letter in Jan SOUTHERN PATRIOT, If the union doesn' t join the Jamaicans in this struggle, against deportation, who will? Will not the Jamaican Wkrs continue to scab and strikebreak for survival? All oppressed peoples -'UNITE! - you have nothing. to lose but your chains and a world to gain! Think about it!

RICARDO FALCON.' S• MURDER and the circumstances that led up to it are recounted in Peoples World 16 Sep, xerox.copy on request. - Lest we forget»...,.., THE MURDERER OF RICHARD OAKES was ^released on $5000 bond» In contrast, Angela Davis was kept in prison ..for 17 months in lieu of $100,000 bail - and she didn't kill anybody! What a crock of capitalist shit that la! Get angry, folks! ORGANIZE! SHOT IN THE BACK as he fled in terror from pig murderers, another Black man was killed by the Akron police for a total of 4 in one month, and hundreds of angry citi­ zens protesting the-brutality blocked traffic as they marched on city hall. The geno- cidal intent of these senseless killings across the nation become clearer by the min­ ute. "Hit-andiron" victims along the hiways - police ^guns that.go off "by accident" - suspects who "hang themselves" after being beaten to death in the seclusion of the jail houses - or who "fall down" and fracture their skulls - unarmed crippled vet shot to death in his wheel chair- homes broken into on the no-knock, their occupants beaten and sometimes murdered, the places trashed, - etc etc - and the news of it seldom gets beyond the area where it happens. Get angry, folks! Organize! ORGANIZE! RAP SHOWN JAILED IN LIEU OF 8200.000 BAIL - and Atty Kunstler* s motion to reduce it was denied. Rap goes to trial this month at 100 Centre St, Manhattan (GUARDIAN 17 Jan) The honkey-gringos are deatoly afraid of Rap Brown's influence among his people. pects rivaling that of the martyred Martin Luther King. Readers pack the courtroom rown supporters. are serving : _ of 133 yrs in prison for pro­ ies ohere 17 months ago, -And now Connie James has been c pig who sez his gun "went off accidentiy" while struggling ..e victim who was protesting the arrest of a brother Black, Details are in a new pamphlet THE RIGHT TO: ORGANIZE: HOW NC TRIES TO WRECK PEOPLE'S MOVEMENTS by SCEF a0 W Broadway Louisville. Ky 40211, donation requested ((Southern PATRIOT Jan 73) WAKSLEY DENIED. BAIL following successful appeal of his conviction for alleged rape in 1962 for which he already has served 10 yrs. (PW 24 Jan) or get details from SCEF. MAGEE HANDCUFFED AND SILENCED in court where he is being tried allegedly for the killing of Judge Haley at Aug 7 1970 shootout escape attempt. CGUARDIAN'24 Jan) ARGENTINE REBELS HT BACK at military," killing a navy admiral who had been "one of the leaders who killed 16 political prisoners in- the i960 upsurge of fascism there. A thumbnail sketch of the facts are given in GUARDIAN 24 Jan# CAMP McCOY 3 TRIAL "ENDS when one,, was freed because he gave testimony against him­ self without having.been informed cf his rights, and the other two pleaded guilty to a lesser charge,. These ASU organizers had been charged with bombing a military fa­ cility of which they could not possibly have been guilty. You can reach them thru the defense committee, 306 N Brooks, Madison Wis»

"SANITY NOW!" a left-radical activist education center, box 261 La Puente Ca. 91747 nary 73: •» IGN' : v p9, referring to a confider. . Chamber fustics Powell, exposed by Jack Anderson a month ago. Powell is dismayed at "the extent tc . the enterprise system (not,e that he omits ,:free" -SN) toléra-ces, if not spates in, its on destruction". He wants Business to go on the offensive against: "the Naders, the Marcuses, and others who openly seek destruction of the system." (Hellzafire! that's US! -SN). Most significantly, he sees the judicial system as "a vast area of oppor­ tunity for the Chamber, if it is willing to undertake the role of spokesman for Amer­ ican business and if, in turn, business is willing to provide the funds." Still quoting from PROGRESSIVE: "What Justice Powell has proposed is nothing less than a blueprint for 'benign' repression — repression that relies not on guns and jails but on economic coercion and intimidation. It may well be the shape of things to come...... " To us, there is nothing new in this baldly-stated article you should read in PROGRESSIVE magazine for November 72. But to a' lot of liberals, it is mind-blasting. In its brutal truth, and in its implications for the next 4 yrs of Herr Nixon & Co» Some it may inspire to organized action, but the majority, true to form, can be ex­ pected to wring their hands in despair, weep in their beer, and "compose themselves" as Thoreau said and wait for others to remove toe evil so they will no longer have it to despair about. Now let us see what Gil Green has to say In his excellent book THE NEW RADICAL­ ISM- ANARCHIST OR MARXIST? page 88: "There is a mistaken belief in some circles of the new radicalism that increased repression is a good thing - should even be provoked to expose more easily the op­ pressive class character of the system. This is a dangerously-mistaken view. Two things are forgotten: first, that a great deal depends upon how the repression comes about - whom the people hold responsible for it. Second, that repression does not lead automatically to greater militancy and resistance. Sometimes, it leads to a feeling of hopelessness and despair, and therefore to tactics of frustration or com­ plete passivity which accomplishes nothing* Fascism in Germany did not lead to revo­ lution - it led to the crushing of the working class and revolutionary movements and then to world war. In Italy likewise, fascism remained in power for 22 yrs and then was overthrown by a combination of internal revolt and allied military invasion. And the problem of revolution in both Italy and West Germany remains unresolved a quar­ ter of a century later. In Spain, Franco' is still in power after more than 30 yrs with the aid of U.S. dollars and anas..'..." *"Nothing" constructive, that is, but it sure as hell has given moribund capi­ talism a new lease on life. It is precisely this frustration and despair that has led to the passivity all around us that concerns us and is the primary motive force be­ hind the writing of these newsletters. In the past decade, dozens cf organizations have sprung up in resistance to the dirty war and then collapsed from lack of a sus­ taining revolutionary CLASS ideology to guide them to more effective strategy and tactics. Frustration and defeat, expei*tly nurtured ty capitalism's public relations sycophants, has won out at least for the moment, THE PERSPECTIVE OF SCIENTIFIC SOCIALISM MUST BE UPHELD - a target to shoot at - NOT something achievable tomorrow or next month but as a long-range goal that may be a lot closer than toe passive realize. This is the antidote to despair and inactivi­ ty - the final solution of the capitalist question - the perspective that has kept us going for the better part of this century as it has others before us and as it must those that follow after. But it is easy to get lost in contemplating this historical inevitability to the neglect of the pressing needs of the here and now, just as it is easy to get side­ tracked and lose sight of the socialist goal in the doing of the immediate tasks. Learn the easy way, from those who fought against capitalism and for socialism all their lives and wrote books about their experiences - Bellamy, Upton Sinclair, Jack London, Frank Norris - Marx, Lenin, Engels and Stalin - Aptheker, Hall, and a great host of other contemporary writers. Follow current events and their working- class analyses in the People's World, Guardian, and other radical publications. Get angry about how capitalism pushes people around, and organize - ORGANIZE!-

THE VIETNAM PROFITEERS by Victor Perlo, New Outlook Publishers, 32 Union Square East, rm 801, NYC 10003, only 50$ 47pp: ".».Without underestimating the importance of military and political factors, it is the purpose of this pamphlet to concentrate on the economic. All three are Inextricably'tied together. The economic factors are least known to the general public, most obscured in official publicity. Yet they are the underlying driving force of U.S. policy in the Far East " This pamphlet deals with U.S. investments in E-Asia, low-wage corporate utopias, Wall Street for the war, how U.S. corporations have moved intoaVietnam, military construction, Labor strikes back, corruption, destruction and war crimes, LBJ's grab-bag, the "painless" war, inflation, colonialism, Pax Americana, and why U.S. must leave Vietnam. AMERICAN LABOR TODAY, also ty Perlo, same publishers 25$, answers the questions: How has it changed? Is it a revolutionary class? Are Marx's views still valid? REBELLION IN THE UNIONS - a handbook for rank-and-file action, by George Morris, same publishers $2.75 159PP, examines in depth the state of the workingclass movement today - the AFL-CIO, its policy, strength,- Alliance for Labor Action, the "new" and old "leftists" - Marcuse's philosophy - the Communist position, toe rising rank&file movements - a chapter on questions ..and answers. (over, please) POD SLAMS DOOR ON CO-Gl DISCHARGES effective 1 Jan 73 (directive #1300-6) as ^v military tightens screws on its war machine, and army lawyers protest because it V -. raises "a serious Constitutional question" denying individual rights and due process, . and by ACLU and CCCO attys. (?W 6 Jan, xerox copy on request). For more info, send a self-addressed stamped long envelope to CCCO, 140 Leavenworth, S-Francisco 94102. SABOTAGE TEST CASE HIJACKED TO PHILIPPINES, "the one place in the world where civilian counsel who have worked on the defense since the beginning, can't go." (PW 13 Jan, xerox free to GIs) The case involves sailer Pa ahenoweth of Puyallup Wa. the first time in the history of the Vietnam wa I is to be tried for sabot­ age (of the attack carrier USS Ranger). ProsecA is not to move closer to witnesses as claimed, but the Marcos dictators!- ill present demonstration on behalf of-the defendant and to pre re-trial publicity ty the Marcos strangle-hold on the Philippine media. THE PHILIPPINE CRISIS, its background and perspective, is exposed ty FAR EAST RE­ PORTER, box 1536 NYC 1X17, with map and photos, only p. ACUPU" »! from same source, juments case histories of the astonishing successes of this -4000-yr-old Chinese treatment for almost every known bodily ill. Also, we have xerox copies on the same subject ty U.S.-China People's Friendship Ass'n July 72 newsltr, 619 BonnieBrae, L.A. 20057, relating how hearing was restored to 157 out of 168 deaf pupils. While unavoidably recognizing the treatment as valid, the U.S. meoical monopoly is impeding its application here by requiring practitioners to pass medical examinations for licenses to operate. Nothing about their competency in the method about which AMA knows next to nothing, nor evidently caring to learn. The old treatment is more profitable! Let's have socialized medicine! 100.000 "SELF-RETIRED" GIs IN W-GEIMANY can be contacted thru THE BRIDGE, Justizvollzugsanstalt ButzBach, 6308 Butzbach, Postfach 320 W-Germany, RITA F. ACT, the W-German GI Resistance, can be reached at D69HD, Marstallstrasse 11-A, Berlin. Other foreign addresses on request. HOW YOUNG WORKERS ARE ALIENATED is told by Donna Ristorucci in PW mag 6 Jan. a real education you won't get in capitalism's "factory" schools» xerox copy 250 or better yet, send a $ to PW 1319 10 St Berkeley for an 8-wks trial sub. "TREND TOWARD GREATER INCOME INEQUALITY" is admitted by U.S. Labor Dept and proved ty Rod Such in GUARDIAN 17 Jan, contradicting the contrary in FORTUNE mag. The Dept« s survey examined earnings of men only and includes merchants and professionals. Nat. Organization of Women has filed suit to recover billions ITT has short-changed its women wkrs by wage discrimination. There is no inflation; no discrimination, no un­ employment in socialist USSR - exploitation of Man by Man has been abolished. NY WOMEN ORGANIZE FOR DAYCARE CENTERS at fees working women can afford to pay. Rep Bella Abzug has introduced a bill exempting such centers from $2g' billion ceil­ ing, and women's lobby will focus on the Issue (Guardian 17 Jan). Congress nearly overrode Nixon's veto of £1.2 billion child care - your ltr or postcard of support to your Congressman might have put it over - who knows? R0NNIE-B3I REAGAN HAS BONE IT AGAIN! The fascist gun in the West has shot down legislation ty which men would enjoy the same protective labor laws as women and min­ ors, and when the federal ERA is ratified, neither will the women workers. (PW 6 Jan) - And this scoundrel could be the next president! Abajoi PENSION FRAUD HITS STEEL WORKERS as it has other industries when factories and work are exported to cheap non-union labor markets here and overseas. Wkrs who paid into these funds, jointly mismanaged ty employers and vehdido piecards for up to 31 yrs are left holding the empty bag. Read about it in USWA» s STEEL LABOR Nov 72 and Cleveland PLAINDEALER 7 Nov 72, xerox copy for postage. Remedy? Organize the unorganized! Build rank-&-file Black-white unity to take charge of their own destiny - and their own pension funds! Get with it, folks! ABOLISH WITCHKUNIING RISC (House Internal Security Committee), sez 365 law profs in 94 law schools, xerox copy of the list 25$» including 153 Congressmen who voted against HISC last yr. Congress is where toe action is - tell 'em YES! IT'S ROUGH BEING OLD IN CAPITALIST U.S. For the poor and non-white, life expect­ ancy cf l^.S» Black and A.sian peoples in 1968 was 63.7 yrs. Read the horrifying de­ tails in our xerox copy of GUARDIAN 15 Sep 71. In contrast, Centenarians in the USSR are as common as Septenarians here. Socialism gives good reason to live longer - and the ways and means of doing so. NORTHERN NEIGHBORS mag tells the story. FOOD PRICES ON UPSWING - in the coming months, chicken will up at least 64 lb, beef 80, eggs another 100, milk 20 qt more, pork another 50 lb, and bread more than a cent a leaf (Guardian 17 Jan) We think these are very conservative estimates. Consum­ er's buying clubs probably will burgeon, led by rank&file trade unionists who see the need for the strike-boycott squeeze on super-profits. Do it NOW! OLEANDER IS DEADLY POISONOUS and especially attrative to children, yet it's plant­ ed around school buildings and playgrounds while govt spends millions to eradicate marijuana plants. What a contradiction! Parents: check your own schools! RADIATION FROM TV SCREENS, especially »color TV, is a hazard to the eyes. Stay at least 6ft away. Better yet, stay 60 ft away to escape the other contaminations. How long has it been since you read a good non-fiction socially-significant book? Make Use of your library - you pay taxes for it. That's all, folks, until next- month. Stencils don't stretch worth a damn.

"SANITY NOW!" a left-radical activist education center, box 261 La Puente Ca 91747 *yj U $1 FOR 12 ISSUES A YEAR is all we ask to cover postage for these newsletters in­ tended as aids for Left-activists in organizing and educating people in anti-imperial­ ist straggle, and to pose scientific socialism as the ultimate goal and solution to society's ills. If you like them, use them. If you don't, please tell us and why. These newsletters are not written for the entertainment of arm-chair "leaders", liberal opportunists or peace-hobbyists, nor are they radical digests for indiscrim­ inate distribution to political unsophisticates. They do not pretend to have all toe answers, or that those given are always right. We can do little more than capsulate and edit selected news items as launch pads for orbiting basic workingclass concepts, and to point to other more comprehensive and detailed sources. Readers are expected to carry on from there. These newsletters are not forwardable except as "occupant" may do so, so keep us informed of change of address. No notice - no indication of desire to continue re­ ceiving the newsletter - no newsletter! We seldom have complete back copies - only a few parts - so keep and file them for reference. Readers may quote or reprint for Movement purposes. Feedback from readers is welcome. We are pensioners operating on a tight bidget. If this is a free copy, do not expect another until we hear from you. News clips on which is noted the source and date are welcome - press deadline normally 7 days b4 the first of each month. We re­ serve the right to preempt space or reject material. We are endlessly grateful to all those beautiful people who have supported us thruout our nearly 6 yrs of continuous publication. As proletarian internationalists, we clasp their hands and those of all oppressed peoples, in solidarity for working- class power. iObreros, unidos, jamas sera Vencidosi Venceremos!


BOYCOTT INFLATION! Let the silent cash registers speak your opposition«. SUPPORT THE FAPM WORKER'S STRIKE FOR A LIVING WAGE AND UNION RECOGNITION! Some of them get as little as 700 an hour for the most back-breaking labor on earth.

DON'T BUY SCAB HEAD. LETTUCE!- use other types of greens. LOOK FOR THE UNION LABEL on wrappers and crates. NO LABEL? - NO SALE! -And tell the merchant why you are taking your trade elsewhere. Ask your friends and neighbors to do the same, IViva el Boicoteoi Viva la Huelgai BEWARE FAKE LABELS! The words Farm Workers AFL- CIO are missing! Please report any you see to your local UFWOC chapter or to box 62 Keene Ca,

DON'T BUY SCAB WINES: Roma, Cresta Bianca, Mendo­ cino, Garrett, Lodi, LaMesa, OceanSpray, VinGlogg Ceremony, Guild, S-tMark, Citation, Old S-F, or Parrott V.S. wires and coz-dials,



"SANITY NOW!" U.S. ÖJEK-POSTAGE newsletteaM^Te—^March 73 P A I D " La Puente Ca. Permit #374

D waf--"£i 'S* n HO - D®fc 'i/jA |l s vx- ^ 5" \ CO cr> to DATED t at, MATERIAL cu

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"Whenever there Is conflict between human rights and property rights, human rights must prevail." -Abraham Lincoln PART 1, newsletter filC, March 73: ' . * ANTI-WAR MOVEMENT STANDS FAST, in "readiness to ^enforce cease-fire terms and achieve lasting peace - expects, continued U.S. intervention under new conditions. 1 Writing in GUARDIAN 7 $èh} POPJ s. Sidney Peck outlines these four current tasks; - To see that U.S. abides by the 'agreements, pointing out that U.S. had no com­ punctions about violating the Geneva Accords; "The U.S. will use every pretext possible to continue to intervene militarily and politically" he said (and we must add economically -Sä) Peck cited a "nat- tlonal emergency network" of over 4000 people committed to vigilance and to organize mass action if U.S. violates the accords; - To force the U.S. to withdraw its troops and planes from Thailand and end all military activity in Laos and Cambodia, (which will be easy by simply trans­ ferring U.S. ownership'to the puppet govts and changing GIs to "civilian advisors" SN) - To force U.S. to cut off all a^d to Thieu dictatorship, Congress to cut off all funds for Thieu if Nixon refuses to do so. (U.S. imperialists can cover up such funding in the same way they have hidden gigantic funds in other appropriations. -SN) - To see that hundreds of thousands of political prisoners held by Thieu regime are released, (ignoring the fact that Thieu has reclassified political prisoners to common criminal status and is murdering toe rest. -SN) Peck projects the possibility of pressuring Saigon to release the prisoners. This is unadulterated wishful thinking.- it's like pissing to -windward. Face up to reality., Sidney Peck! Join the movement to-DESTROY this goddamn system, lock, stock and bar­ rel, and build on its ashes a new system along socialist lines that will serve the needs of the peoples of this world, a system for living instead of killing! In our opinion, (or any other country, for that matter), would be committing suicide ty allowing any capitalist penetration, economic or otherwise, under the euphemism of "reconstruction"'or "modernization". Foreign-trade'ië another matter when Conducted in rigid reciprosity. -Never let filthy bloody capitalist hands get a strangle-hold on the economy, as Canada and other nations have done.:The Third World should look to the socialist countries for, aid with no strings attached. The nationalization of foreign investments is only äs• good as the power to enforce it. Capitalists live in constant fear of ' expropriation of their foreign holdings, some of them realizing that their rotten system is on the way to oblivion. As for peace, there can be none as long as capitalism exists in any fonu,

"A LAME DUCK IN TURBULENT WATERS» is a new pamphlet by New Outlook Publishers, 32 Union Square East, #801, a calm dialectical appraisal of four more years of Nixon by Gus Hall that every activist should'read and study. It sez that the 1972 elections "are but a chapter in a book of struggle .....that did not end at the. voting booth... four more years of a racist, anti-labor, anti-democratic, reactionary lame-duck Nixon. ... .We will have four more years of â President who openly and vigorously uses the state-monopoly capitalist structure: in the drive for more productivity - for an inten­ sified exploitation of workers - for' an escalating rate of corporate profits...... a President who leads in the policies Of racism and the drive against the poor.... with an ultra-Right bent. We will have four more years of extreme corruption, thiev­ ery, and skulduggery.... .More than ever, the new Nixon cabinet is ja corporate 'god­ fathers' cabinet....made up of men who have no political background*. The signs,are clear j even Republicans who had ambitions to run for public office have all left, .or have refused to serve in that cabinet. For those with election ambitions, the lame- duck Nixon policy is a sinking ship from which rats scurry." *The "godfathers" are the fascist-minded elements of monopoly finance-capital in control of the giant corporations who are taking over government functions directly and rejecting remote political control thru politicians. We predict that with the in­ evitable breakdown of these moves and the public disclosure of Nixon's perfidious policies, there will be imocsed upon the rebelling aAaerican people a bloody armed fascism far exceeding in bratality and rutolessness anytiiing a dozen Hitlers could possibly have dream: , and that fascist dictai could exist for generations. In preparation for that is the new "volunteer" mercenary army and other measures. But to continue the report: "In view of the enormous powers of the Presidency, four more years.,..are a grave threat, a serious challenge to all forces of progress. But the lame duck is not going to be swimming in calm or placid waters - toe forecast is for stormy seas, high winds, strong under-currents. This is to be expected because there is always the development of the dialectical opposite» It will be four more years of reaction, but it will also be four years of struggle....during which the peo­ ple will coalesce, four years of victories against reaction. Therefore our words of concern are not expressions of pessimism - the flags of warning are not calls for re­ treat." We find little of this optimism among non-Marxists - in fact, among many who consider themselves Marxists -..they •* are overly-impressed, discouraged and frustrated ty a seemingly-invincible power arrayed against them. They should study THE FUNDAMEN­ TALS OF DIALECTICAL AND HISTORICAL MATERIALISM, as well as other extremely important writings ty Marxist masters. Consider if you will, that there would have been no Vietnamese victory over U.S. imperialism if Uncle Ho had submitted to pessimism. Nor would there have been a socialist world if the great Lenin and Mao had given in to de­ spair. There would have been no socialist Cuba had it not been for the Marxist Fidel Castro'and his faithful followers.Gird your loins, you readers! There is a lot of work to do! • f- ..,,.,. ... • -.• "SANITY NOW!" a radical left-activist education center, box 261 La Pu. en te Ca, 91747 [ 2, newsletter ifîO, ÀIS COUNTRY, WITH ITS INSTITUTIONS, BELONGS TC IB ".'/HO INHABIT IT. WHENEVER THEY SHALL GROW WEARY OF THE EXISTING G CAN EXERCISE THEIR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT OF AMENDING IT, OR THEIR R _3NAHY RIGHT TO DISMEMBER OR OVERTHROW IT". -Abraham Lincoln, 1861

TWO OPPOSING CLASSES locked in irreconcilable conflict, make up this country's inhabitants: the immense exploited workingclass majority whose.subsistence comes from the sale of their labor potoer, and the exploiting ruling capitalist class min­ ority whose power derives from its ownership of the principal means and instruments of social production and from its control of the repressive institutions of govt, NEVER THE WAIN CAN MEET in reconciliation, and never in history has a govern­ ment been more deserving of overthrow and dismemberment and its evil institutions destroyed. Thus the rallying cry of "Power to the People" must be amended to read: "POWER TO THE WORKING CLASS" constituted as.the government, what Marx called the dictatorship of the proletariat, remenibering the fact that ALL governments are dic­ tatorships, if not of a personality then of a class. CAPITALISM OPPRESSES THE WORKERS, SOCIALISM OPPRESSES THE CAPITALISTS and leads to their dissolution as a class and the creation cf a classless communist society and thereby the abolition of all destructive class conflicts. Thus the socialist state "withers away". Pursue this fascinating subject in Lenin's STATE AND REVOLUTION. obtainable for only 750 from the Progressive Bookstore, 1506 W 7th St. Los Angeles. TROTSKYISM'S DESTRUCTIVE IDEOLOGY and splitting tactics (See our #68-2) Is no better told than in Art Landis« book SPAIN: THE UNFINISHED REVOLUTION, |8 from the publisher CAMELOT, box 220 BaldwinPk Ca 91706. Altho we bow to no one in our condemnation of trotskyism, Jl^^^â^^labejjed^ JkçpJigJoqjJgs because we refused to back George McGovern, which prc^ptsustoquote Gil Greene's paraphrase of Hamlet's Polonius: THIS ABOVE ALL . ; TO MANKIND'S CAUSE EE TRUE AND IT MUST FOLLOW AS THE NIGHT THE DAY THOU CANST NOT THEN BE FALSE TO- THYSELF OR ANY MM (See page 58, THE NEW RADICALSIM, only &2.45 from International Publishers, 381 Park Av So, NYC 10016. Get it! You'll be glad you did!) BRAIN-FAG is a common ailment afflicting awakening Rp Van Winkles whose rusty minds are programmed from birth to think and act only in predictable capitalist pat­ terns, and who are habituated to dependency on father-images in high places to do their thinking and be their power. Brain-fag comes from extended effort to separate workingclass truth from capitalism's cleverly-rigged and promoted half-truths, dis­ tortions and. downright lies purposely made complex and discouragingly confusing. The brain-fag syndrome is particularly strong in middle-class minds whose life-style inhibits proletarian consciousness and the Marxist dialectical method of analysis. No tiling is as effective in combatting brain-fag as the small Marxist study group where discussions of theory are related to its practice in specific cases. Without revolutionary theory, there can be no revolutionary practice. Also keep in mind that Marxist -theory is not dogma to be learned by rote and applied mechanically, but a guide to action. Today' s password is Organization. Tomorrow, it could be much more than that. Keep truckin', folks!

THE NEW RADICALISM: ANARCHIST OR MARXIST? Is a most remarkable bock, and the more one reads and studies it, the more one becomes impressed with its clearly- defined truths. For example, here is a short polemical passage, pp 63-64: tfjj HM' ' "Anarchism makes its appeal to eternal truth, tut truth.is rooted -inareality;-. in the material conditions of life, (see our #67-2) Truth is concrete. As'terrible as was classical slave society for the slaves, it still was a great leap forward for mankind. For the first time, man had "tamed" nature sufficiently to be able to main­ tain a leisure class. And with everything negative that has flowed from the div­ ision of society into classes, it would be one-sided and wrong to fail to see the historic progression involved. Today, for toe first time in human history, a class­ less state-less society is within man's grasp. For the first time it has become pos­ sible to complete the cycle of class societies Which began when primitive communal society ended. "Tribal society was collective in character, with neither ruling class nor re­ pressive social agency. This was not because men willed it to be such -it had to be. Man's primitive relation to nature, the general conditions of scarcity, made coopera­ tion and collective-cooperative life a matter of life or death. "Once again, a collectivist cooperative society is becoming a matter of life or death for mankind. The breathtaking advances in science and technology - toe ability to produce abundance for all in highly-developed countries, no longer give historic justification for the -continued division of society into conflicting classes. Pro­ duction today is highly social in character - no man can live any longer on what he alone produces. .The latest revolution in science and technology.. .make the private corporate ownership of the productive 'plant and its continued use for private profit an anachronism which becomes more anti-social with each passing year, endangering the continued existence of life on earth," (over, please) ORGANIZE I ORGANIZE I ORGANIZE I ORGANIZE THE PEOPLE'S FIST TO BREAK THE CHAINS THAT BIND THEM TO THIS KILLER SYSTEM!



BEGIN WITH THE LIKE MINDS AROUND YOU - there are more of them than you think! Come together in many small house groups to decide strategy and tactics in coordin­ ated action around mutually-agreeable specific issues and immediate needs from con­ sumer buying to Marxist study, in the course of which you learn how to make friends and influence people. At first, concentrate on learning what people want and not on what you want them to want, Joe Stalin was a master at this. While these many small grass-roots community groups are the basic elements in any mass movement, they "cannot be viewed as a number of separate projects each unto itself, even tho each has its own particular focus. They should be seen as parts of a much greater whole, a common nationwide movement,...... the most important task be­ fore the Left at this time, in our opinion, is to find the ways and means by which to link up the thousands of spontaneous, sporadic, organized, semi-organized and unor­ ganized struggles, and the many movements of onSkind or another that exist, into one vast united independent political movement. The objective should be to tie these disparate efforts into a common strategic approach which singles out where the main blow should be concentrated at a given lame, and toe relationship of immediate ob­ jectives to longer-range goals...... Not a single one of the burning issues of the daycan be solved by itself alone. They impinge upon one another because they all arise from the basic crisis of the system itself...... " (Gil Green in THE NEW RADI­ CALISM p 158-59) Nor can they be solved without concentric rings of allies, shading off from the actives outward to the neutralized inactives, revolving around a demo­ cratically-centralized source of Marxist guidance. Nor can the groups themselves hold together and overcome the frustrations and demoralization that inevitably arise from reform struggle without that guidance and the perspective of the seizure of power and the reconstruction of society along socialist lines. But to continue Green: "To begin means to consciously and actively work for the linklng-up of struggles and movements thru mutual support, common actions, integrated programs and one-for- all, all-for-one spirit. While stressing the fact that such a movement must be con­ ceived of as nationwide in character, it must be built locally (i.e., at the. grass roots as we have said -SN), regionally and nationally at one and the same time..... • Certainly, at a time of mass struggle and repression, when there are literally thous­ ands of political prisoners, frame-ups and trials In every part of the country, there is a tremendous need for coordinated joint unified efforts on every level." (ibid).; *

THE REFORM MOVEMENT for limited objectives is a,"school" where liberals learn from their own bitter experiences that for every such gain made in one direction, much greater losses in other directions offset it, and that freedom and justice cannot be legislated, and that the prime source of oppression and injustice - the capitalist system - like a rotten egg cannot be reformed piecemeal bat must be abolished in all its evil parts and a socialist society built on its ashes. They will leam that be­ hind every reform there lurks in ambush the capitalist bedpan orderlies whose role is to steer the disillusioned into more futile Utopian endeavors, eventually to end up in toe swamp of lost hopes, drugged robots clutching their wine bottles and guitars — and loving Big Brother as Orwell described in his book "1984". THE DUTY OF RADICAL-ACTIVESTS is not to isolate themselves from the reform move­ ment but to be among but not of that movement lest they also become its victims and accessories to betrayal, unwilling tho they may be. The prime duty of radical-activ­ ists is to prove by other's experiences what is sure to be found behind toe closed doors to reform, and to help the victims ^vercome their despondency and adopt new and more effective means of struggle toward the socialist goal. THE SEEMINGLY-INVINCIBLE CAPITALIST STATE POWER has discouraged more of its vic­ tims than it has radicalized, and the evidence is all around us. They have yet to leam that a people, united in resistance to their oppression, led by Marxists, can not be defeated, and the glorious victory of the Vietnamese people over their U.S. imperial aggressors proves it. The victory of the Soviet and Chinese peoples over the U.S.-backed armies against them - the. victory of the Cuban people over the U.S. backed Batista regime - prove it, And so on. These are the historical facts that radical-activists must press home to the American people, that they may join the march of world peoples toward Socialism by defeating their own oppressors.

"SANITY NOW!" a left-radical activist education center, box 261 La Puente Ca. 91747 PaAKT 3, r.ewslette March 73: jjrrTYrS FROM CONG'I8SIN, in answer to our petition calling fnr at.rlppjng tha Prt -A of its authority down to its constito tare bones, reflect the whipped up hysterical'concern for U.S. POWs who could have said "NO!" to this immoral and illegal war as so many of our patriotic sons have done, IN NOT ONE OF THOSE LETTERS is there a single compassionate word for toe Viet­ namese victims of our aggression - not one word for the Saigon Vietnamese prisoners being ruthlessly murdered under the auspices of the CIA - not one word of regret for the wholesale death and destruction we have visited upon these people of a peaceful nation so poor their yearly incomes are less than, our weekly paychecks, a tiny nation of-peaceful peasants who have not harmed us, couldn't if they would and wouldn't if they could, 7 BO YOU BELIEVE that a Congress composed of such heartless barbarians jdjLljre- store the checks and balances in government, break off all aid to the Saigon crimin­ als, or dismantle the U.S, overseas colonial empire? NEITHER DO WE and so we as a nation find ourselves in Hitler's shoes fac- •ing the same fate at the hands of an overpowering armada of angry outraged world of nations. No Peoples' War can be defeated'- and the Vietnamese have proved it, * TELL IT 'TO YOUR CONGRESSMEN - and spare not the language! Timezawastin • MAKE OUR OWN HISTORY - OR IT HILL BE MADE FOR ü'Si BACH MAI HOSPITAL RECONSTRUCTION FUND has passed half-million mark on its way to the estimated $.3 million goal - and still going strong. Instead of paying your goddamned war taxes this year, send the money to Medical Aid for Indochina, I40 6th St. Cambridge Mass 02142. AEOUT 20% of your income tax goes for the continuing U.S. aggression in SE Asia. Some 60% of it goes for bigger and bloodier aggressions, and toe Pentagon is asking for more. For the many ways of dodging the 1RS rap, send a stamped self-addressed long envelope to War Tax Resistance, 339 Lafayette, NYC, and let not the grass grow under toy feet in toe doing thereof. Get your friends'in on the action! "....THE UNION OF VIETNAMESE IN U.S. venerates countless sacrifices of all Viet­ namese who lost their lives for peace, freedom, independence and reunification of Vietnam." (statement ty UVUS, box 4495.» Berkeley Ca 94704, and box 3493, Fullerton Ca 92634.) Xerox copy on request. We join in that statement - so should you,

REGARDING THE CEASE-FIRE. L.A. TIMES has this to say in its editorial 24 Jan: "...To call it welcome is an understatement. It would have been welcome at any time and under almost any circumstances. For it has long been evident that the U.S. armed forces should never have been committed to Indochina.....It would seem that the fu­ ture of Indochina is not significantly different with this peace than under the Geneva peace agreements of 1954, and that its people are irreparably the worse for the mu­ tilation, devastation and carnage....There is the promise of billions of dollars from U.S. and more from other nations. "But there are some tilings that only time will rebuild» For most Americans, the war ended when American casualties dipped below 10 a week. But the dreadful fort­ night of U.S. bombing....in December stirred an uneasy nation with the knowledge that death and destruction continued. The nation must now focus its distorted policies, sharpen its values, hone its sensitivity and compassion, that this war will be a les­ son learned and not an experience rationalized into something else it is not." AN IMPORTANT PART OF THAT LESSON is how we got involved in the first place, ty very gradual escalation in small and seemingly-insignificant steps, each of which steamed from other anall and seemingly-insignificant steps, and each of which laid the base for the next small and seemingly-insignificant step, a process clearly de­ scribed in Dr Ziferstein's famous pamphlet titled PSYCHOLOGICAL HABITUATION TO WAR, 20 pages with a foreword by Hon. George E. Brown Jr. and an updating epilogue by the author, a few copies on hand at 250 each. Let us quote Dr Ziferstein's conclu­ sion: "The gradual habituation - the 'management' of news and information, and themanipulation of public opinion ..... undermine the average American's confidence in his own ability to think clearly ("brain-fag" -SN) and cope with important issues. They foster.....a feeling of helplessness and passivity. All this bodes ill for the democratic process: an ill-informed and misinformed people may be unable to partici­ pate intelligently in decision-making (proved in last year's elections -SN). It bodes ill for the prospects of human survival: a habituated people may be unable to stop the drift toward a third, thermo-nuclear, world war. It bodes ill for the emo­ tional health of the American people, (as we see all around us today -SN)" THE COMPLETE TEXT of the Ziferstein pamphlet was introduced into the Congression­ al Record by Senator Wayne Morse on 21 June 68, #312-125-pp 13232, MOST TAX-PAYING .AMERICANS have an inward sense of their complicity in this, crime of the ages, but they would cut out their tongues rather than admit it, even to them­ selves. Instead, they rationalize their guilt with tortured reasoning based on the warmaker's lies, spread over the years by such capitalist swindlesheets as the L.A. Times, lies devastatingly exposed by toe Ellsbergs and Russos. And so it comes to pass that when the avalanche of facts wipes out «their position, they resort to anger and denunciations, saying "Love-It-Or-Leave-It" and '^Ha.ve faith in your President" and f they wrap themselves in the flag and they turn inward up"5h ^ffiCTsSves^^nTagäinst the* enlightened, and their shriveled souls become calloused to human suffering other than

( over" their own, and they seek escape into "alternate cultures" or solace from Big Bro­ ther' s rat race - ANYthing to avoid involvement In the class struggle against this rotten system and the forceful seizure of workingclass power.


U.S. IMPERIALISM: THE HISTORICAL RECORD is a 3-page list of instances of the use of U.S. armed forces abroad, from 1796 to 1945» Congressional Record of 23 June 69, condensed from the weekly GUARDIAN 7 March 7C, xerox copy d- . This list does net include all U.S. actions carried out under Congress­ ional mandate, the most important omission being : . . Native Peoples (Indians to you). Nor does it include U.S. milit .orvention into the Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Lacs, North Vietnam, Cambodia end Thailand. Nor does it mention the obvious activities of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in Greece, the Congo, Bolivia, etc. The reader must understand that the Military and the CIA is just one arm of U.S. imperialism - the other being economic: the giant corporations, cartels, conglomer­ ates, and banking institutions of U.S. finance-capital. CHRONICLE OF AGGRESSION lists 33 instances of imperialist military intervention from 1945 to 1970, a reprint from PW mag 8 Jan 7? - xerox copy for postage. The U.S. justifies its aid to Thieu's corrupt Saigon govt ty claiming that it is helping to build a more democratic society in SoVieteam» The Nixon adm report to Congress describes in glowing terms the progress made' under the "pacification" pro­ gram toward that end, in which appears this statement: "All of the provinces and municipal bodies now have elected bodies, and 98% of the hamlet chiefs and •'Tillage councils are popularly elected." Now comes this news item in NY TIMES, by Craig Whitney in late Aug ?2j "The South Vietnamese govt, by executive decree, has abolished popular democrat­ ic election of officials at the most basic level - in the country's 10,775 hamlets. Under the new system,, administrative officials from province chiefs down to hamlet level will be appointed by ThieUa" The .substance of the same report is also contained in toe Washington POST 8 Sep 72 by Stanley Karaow. (edited from AFSC Bulletin, 1 Jan 73, 112 S 16 St Philadelphia Pa 19-102) WRITE YOUR CONGRESSMAN, if no more than a postcard, demanding all U.S. aid to the Saigon regime be stopped at once, and that the denial be extended to toe corrupt govts of Cambodia,.Laos and Thailand,

AT LEAST 300.000 POLITICAL PRISONERS FACING EXTERMINATION IN U.S.-THIEU JAILS including a great number ofneutralists and peace advocates and relatives belonging to any of these categories loosely defined as "Communists" by dictator Thieu. They are subjected to the most hideous tortures imaginable before being executed. Read about it in the biweekly VIETNAM tabloid ty the Ass'n of Vietnamese Patriots in Canada, box 324 Stn N, Montreal 129 Quebec, and in People's World 9 Dec, and in the L.A. FREE PRESS 8 Dec, xerox copies free for postage. It'll blow your mind!

"THE OBVIOUS INCOMPETENCE of toe Saigon forces without U.S. support raises the question of the possibility of massive U.S. Intervention again, particularly by U.S. air power. No one can safely predict the future actions of a man like Nixon, but the logic of the forces set in motion ty the peace agreement - including world opin­ ion and even the interests of U.S. imperialism as seen by toe Whitehouse - will mil­ itate against such a move. Furthermore, as the Thieu regime progressively weakens and disintegrates, the use of U.S. forces on a large scale would be recognised as an effort in futility, even by the most bellicose wing of the Nixon ad'm." writes Rich­ ard Ward in GUARDIAN I4 Feb 73» Forgotten here is the meglomanic Nixon's supreme con­ tempt for public and world opinion. True, so far he has been held in check by the more astute of his imperial capitalist class mentors over whose heads hangs the frank­ enstein sword of a closed-circuit fascist dictator.a -se ferocity would exceed anything ever dreamed of ty a doze:: . tten is the sting cf defeat in­ flicted on this monstrously-arrogant r-rc-iature, not to 1 aged by anything short of military victory - and by nuclei .-essary. . ingertips are the -....- AS of A- Ltj the aimed forces net only of this country but of others, the fearsome array of tech. .cal weapons, a rubber-stamp Congress and a loaded Supreme Court» backed ty a gullible public. Either Ward is pulling our leg ox* he is fantasti­ cally nsive, rd ses quite correctly that "the Thieu clique is clinging to power in its zones by maintaining a system of savage repression." Not to be forgotten is that the guiding power of that system comes from U.S. picked troops dressed as "civilian advi­ sors" - and under the command of Nixon's generals. Ward then asks:"How long can this situation last, in the face of the opposition of the whole people, and without massive U.S. military presence?" Precisely! -"without massive U.S. military presence'*! U.S. bombers can soften up for the kill, but they can't take and hold the land. As we have predicted, a massive U.S. re-invasion of Vietnam, on a scale beyond toe human mind to contemplate, is inevitable. For that is how imperial capitalism works, and you'd better believe it and organise again*st it,' But go read the full page report - and much much more in the GUARDIAN, toe na­ tions leading radical weekly, only |l for a trial sub, 32 W 22 St NYC 10010. "SANITY NOW!" a left-radical education center, box 261 La Puente Ca 91747 PART 4, newsletter iflO, March 73: ATE PROFITS HAVE JUMPED ENORMOUSLY in the past decade, from an annual rate of 2.8% -oo nearly 15& today. This could have come about only by a corresponding in­ crease in toe rate of Impoverishment of the working class, particularly of the poor, bearing out toe contention of Marx and Engels in this passage from toe - MAN­ IFESTO, page 21 of the U.S. edition by the. International Publishers, 381 Park Av So, NYC 10016, only 40^. This Center has a supply on hand. "All previous historical movements were movements of minorities, or in the inter­ est of minorities. The proletarian movement is the self-conscious independent move­ ment of the immense majority in the interest cf the immense majority. The proletar­ iat - the lowest stratum of our present society,- cannot stir—cannot raise itself up — without the whole superincumbent strata of official society being sprung into the air....In depicting the most general phases of the development of .the proletariat, we traced toe more or less veiled civil war raging within existing society, up to the point where that war breaks out into open revolution, and where the violent overthrow of the bourgeoisie lays the foundation»for toe sway of the proletariat. "Hitherto, every form of society has been based...... on the antagonism of op­ pressed and oppressing classes. But in order to oppress a class, certain conditions must be assured to it under which it can, at least, continue its slavish existence. The serf in the period of serfdom, raised himself to membership in the commune, just as the petty bourgeois, under the yoke of feudal absolutism, managed to develop into a bourgeois. The modern laborer, on the contrary, Instead of rising with toe pro­ gress of industry, sinks deeper and deeper below the conditions of existence of his own class. He becomes a pauper, and pauperism develops more rapidly than population and wealth. And here it becomes evident that the bourgeoisie is unfit any longer to be the ruling class in society and to impose its conditions of existence upon so­ ciety as an overriding law. It is unfit to rule because it is incompetent to assure an existence to its slave within his slavery — because it cannot help letting him sink into such a state that it has to feed him instead of being fed by him. Society can no longer live under this bourgeoisie — in other words, its existence is no lon­ ger compatible with society.,..." The relevancy cf this great historical document continues to astonish readers. We know of no better way to begin your political education. Read and study it! CONSUMERS OVERPAY $45-60 BILLION A YEAR thru monopolistic pricing, collusion, and market concentration, sez Senator Philip Hart's Anti-trust and Monopoly Sub-com­ mittee, quoted in Santa Barbara NEWS & REVIEW 12 Jan 73. Auto parts and work Improperly done, unnecessary or never performed yet charged for, alone cost consumers ','8-10 billion a year, and to get a dollar' s worth of bene­ fits back from auto insurance, consumers must pay $2.24, compared to $>1,50 for work­ men's compensation and $1.25 for group accident and health. These frauds and rising inflation are driving consumers to seek protection in self-organisation. Food-buying clubs are springing up across the nation. Frank Louis of Modesto claims he feeds his family of 5 on 715 to |20 a week - and they eat beefsteak! - by combining 3harp shopping and quantity buying which he sez can "double your grocery dollar". (Trib 28 July 72) Consumer's Union is more modest, claiming that the food dollar can be stretched to $1,40 which, over a year, can amount to the price of several pairs of shoes. "HOW TO SAVE*OK YOUR FOOD BILL" (CSMonitor 6 Apr 72) and "HOW TO START A FOOD COOP" (News Sc Review 15 Dec 72, .424 N Nopal, Santa Barbara Ca 93103) are obtainable in xerox from this Center free to subscribers for postage. 112 BILLION IMPOUNDED BY NIXON after Congress appropriated it for badly-needed social services, has dismayed and angered a growing bipartisan Congressional bloc led by Senator Sam Erwin (B-SC), Read about it in weekly GUARDIAN 14 Feb 73 in which Carl Davidson predicts Congress will submit to tills executive dictatorship. We sug­ gest that readers and their friends provide the Senator with their postcard ammo of support - seme good may come from it - who knows? While consumer or other purely-economic action cannot displace the need for rev­ olutionary action, it can be a stepping-stone to it, so don't write off consumer or­ ganization as ineffective. Readers are urged to remember that there is positively no limit to the potentialities of well-organized and Marxist-led consumers groups, "THE INTELLIGENT BUYERS' GUIDE TO SELLERS", by Dexter Masters of the Consumers' Union, MtVernon NY is a "moral reader in 3 parts" with supporting text selected and annotated from the works of such writers as Daniel Defoe, Bernard Mandeville, Adam Smith, Oliver Goldsmith, John Stuart Mills, Gustave Flaubert, Edward Bellamy, Thorstein Veblen, H.G.Wells, Alex deTocqueville, Herman Melville,John Steinbeck, Joseph Heller, Arthur Miller, Aldous Huxley and others. Easy humor and highly informative. $1.50 "....deals, not with the surface manifestations of our boisterous salesmanship, but rather with the basic nature of these sales pressures and their historical origin. Taking the reader with him, Mr Masters tracks the soul of toe trader thru time - thru the words of the wise and toe innocent - thru toe conscious and unconscious confess­ ions of the greedy. He seeks to distili toe essence of commercialism. And out of his search comes an engrossing account of ttje impact of our hard-sell culture upon a sensitive individual." -Colston Warne, president of CONSUMERS UNION

"DON'T STEAL! - thou'11 never thus compete successfully in business. CHEAT'." Ambrose Bierce in toe Devil's Dictionary, quoted by Dexter Masters (ibid)

(over, please) IT HAS ALL HAPPENED BEFORE - and indeed will happen again - before enough peo­ ple will become sufiici~.itly angry and informed and organized to stop it. Consider this short excerpt from pll of December PROGRESSIVE magazine: "...We try to tell ourselves, in moments of forced optimism, that it has all happened before, and that the Republic has endured. It recovered its sanity after the Palmer raids that followed WWI "- and after toe McCarthy witchhunts that followed WWII. It coped with toe massive corruption in Grant* s adm, and in Harding' s adm. Still, the feeling persists that something different and far more sinister is now at work in this Capitol - that the power of toe State is wielded ty men who operate by trickery and stealth - who despise even the surface trappings of democracy - who will stop at nothing to subordinate the public interest to their private purposes. The parallels from the past fall short," HELLZAFIRE FOR SURE, for that is toe ONLY way that imperial finance-capital CAN work in order to stay alive at all! The "something different and far more sinister" that so disturbs the PROGRESSIVE editors is FASCISi, defined by Dimitrov as the "open armed dictatorship of the most chauvanistic, the most reactionary, and the most im­ perialistic elements of finance-capital"'and it is time they said so. For all prac­ tical purposes of a fascist dictatorship, toe executive branch of govt has become the State, and as the editors said, "we ain't seen nothin1 yet", Dr Ziferstein in his famous pamphlet of 5 yrs ago said that "....the gross sup­ pressive techniques of previous wars (and this IS a war against the people -SN) have been replaced by more subtle methods which are effective without being offensive — methods whose effectiveness is enhanced by the refinements of the new 'science' of public relations and by the all-pervasiveness of toe mass media»" No question that they have been highly effective - surprisingly so - but they wear thin by the minute and even the media chafes at the executive bit^ ahd the time is not distant when extra-legal methods of enforcing conformity will be the order* of the day and mass violence and murder will stalk this land, and as in nasi Germany, father will not dare talk to son for fear he might be a Nixonite gestapo agent. If you don't see this process in operation around you, then you are living in a fool's world. A lot of history has passed you by in those 5 yrs with more coming up in the next four, and if you do not learn its lessons by now, you are doomed to repeat them in redoubled spades. As Tyrone Edward said, "Hell Is Truth seen too late - a Duty neglected in its season." - *• - - - - - "WAR AND CONDITIONS OF WAR ARE INCOMPATIBLE and inconsistent with our system of democracy bound to be eroded, and an authoritarian system is bound to take its place. We are in that process now, in my opinion*»»..the WhiteHouse and the Pentagon already control a majority of the Congress. Every vote In the Senate that I can re­ call in the last 5 yrs on an Issue in which the military was really interested. they have always won..,." (Senator J.W.Fulbright, Jan PROGRESSIVE) "...The Senate,..,has turned out to be the more responsive dynamic and assertive body (than the House), It was toe Senate that perceived the change in public atti­ tudes toward the Indochina war and passed three end-the-war amendments, all of which met immediate death in the House. It is the Senate which has produced vigorous at­ tempts to reassert Congressional authority over foreign policy, while the House meek­ ly acquiesces in adm initiatives " (Gruenstein-Knoll THE STAGNANT HOUSE (ibid) Readers are cautioned that the PROGRESSIVE is a liberal - not a radical - publi­ cation, but nevertheless a good source of information on what the SOBs are doing in Washington and toe Pentagon, skirting close to radical but never quite making it. fl single copy, flO yr from 408 W Gorham St. Madison Wise, WHY THE LOW CHICANO VOTE? We don't buy the tortured rationalization by Corona, I Torres and Ruiz in PW 6 Jan 73, xerox copy on request. We think it is the damned capitalist-ingrained inferiority complex, the fear and the helplessness pervading the k Chicano community. The antidote is a better grounding in the Marxist interpretation of Mexican revolutionary heritage of Zapata, Juarez and Villa, their glorious striv­ ing for freedom and justice for their people. Be proud to be Mexican! Viva la Razai THREE LEFT PARTI db ..TN BALLOT STATUS in more states than in any previous Presi­ dential election: CPU3A 14; S\T 24; PP 13. (GUARDIAN 8 Nov), It's not toe size of the vote - it's the number of people involved in struggle that counts. THE TUPAMAROS: introduction to an interview ty Center for Information on Latin- America, box 576 Stn N, Montreal 129 Quebec Canada: "El unico hombre libre mientras no tengamos patria libre, nuestra -America libre, el mundo libre, esta en los campos de batalla." - Jose Marti ITT-KENNECOTT FOMENT CHILE CIVIL WAR. Kennecott's initial investment of $30 mil­ lion 42 yrs ago has brought it $14 BILLION in copper profits, sez Allende in PW 16 Dec 72, xerox copy on request. For every dollar these plundering SOBs have invested in South America, Philippines and elsewhere, they have taken out $5 in profits. We favordsxpropriatloh without compensation - if any, it should be other way around. MARCOS GRABS MORE: POWER as he takes over the functions of prime minister, judge and legislature and military commander, sez Felix Razon In Fullpage article In weekly GUARDIAN 14 Feb 73. Sound familiar? Could be Nixon - or IS it? CUBAN ECONOMY SPARKS CAUTIOUS OPTIMISM as it celebrates 14 yrs of revolutionary proletarian rule that has brought an adequate diet, full employment, social welfare, and education to toe Cuban people. But serious problems have arisen - read about them in weekly GUARDIAN 14 Feb 73, only #1 for a trial sub, 32 W 22 St. NYC 10010. READ POR QUE? (in Spanish), news you'll never get in the gringo press. Send $1 to Mario R Menendez Rpdriques, Editorial Reportaje, S.A. de C.V., Lago Xochimilco #47, Colonla Anahuac, Mexico City 17 D.F. for sample copies. "SANITY NOW!" a left-radical activist eduction center, box 261 La Puente Ca 91747 ' 5, ne- 73'. : as told ty d p Joseph in PBCPLL'3 WORLD magasine 26 : , is re on this anniversary of the ïf toe great slave-owning aristocrat. Any resemblance between Augustine Washington 3 capitalist philos­ ophy, and any person or philosophy extant, probably is not coincidenta . WHEN GEORGE WASHINGTON chopped down Truth is a poor man's shackle, George. the cherry tree, all that came down to us It's something we of the elite must de­ was that he told his mother: "I cannot mand from the lowly in order to keep them tell a lie; I did it." We never got the where they are. Truth is the enemy of a whole story. good bargain." When his father Came home from a hard George scratched his head, not : fully day collecting rents on his Rappahannock understanding his father. He turned to­ estates, he saw toe fallen tree and asked ward his mother who was weaving beside a his wife what happened. She told him.. row of candles. She was shaking her head After dinner, George's father Augustine slowly from side to side. Her lips were Washington summoned him to the fireplace taut but she said nothing. for a talk. "Father," George said, "Do you mean I "George, your mother tells me you should have chopped down toe cherry tree chopped down the cherry tree. - Is that and blamed it on little Tommy Jefferson?" true?" •"No," replied his father. "I mean you "Yes, father; I cannot tell a lie; I should not have chopped down the tree, did it." but having done so, you should have pro­ "Now, George, do you know what's worse fessed ignorance as to how it happened. than chopping down your father's prize Let me make myself perfectly clear, cherry tree?" George, The tree was mine. It made me "Lying, father?" angry to see my lawn so defoliated. Con­ "No, George — admitting it!" sequently, I would have sought out the "I don't understand, father." culprit for punishment, I must now pun­ "George, have you ever heard the says- ish you, an act which will grieve me and ing 'The road to hell is paved with good leave your backside raw. There is no intentions'?" profit in it for either of us, "No, I haven't, father." - "As you go thru life and rise to high­ "Well, that saying is quite true," er positions, you may' find it to your ad­ said Augustine, taking out his pipe and vantage to defoliate someone else's land. lighting it with a twig from the hearth. Go ahead and do it, son, but'be sure you "But equally true is the saying 'The road have a cock-and-bull story ready to face to failure is paved with the truth.'" the allegations, "Gee, father," said George, wide-eyed, "I have great expectations for you, "that's not what mother has told me»" , George, and I'd hate to see them dashed "Your mother is a dear woman, George, on the rocks of veracity. Let you rather but she knows nothing of the world of soar to the heights on toe wings of du­ commerce and politics. In here, next to plicity." the fire, it is warm and comfortable. But "I don't understand a lot of those out there, it is cold and hitter. A man words.-, father," said"George. must use his wits and his wiles to sur­ "Don't worry about them now, son." re­ vive. If I had managed my estates in the plied Augustine Washington, "you'll gath­ light of truth, we'd be living on a patch er their meaning in time. Now, out to of weeds in toe backwaters of the river. the woodshed!"

***#•» "What did you learn in school today? Lear little toy of mine? I learned that Washington never lied; I learned that soldiers seldom die; I learned that everybody's free; That's what the teacher said to me." - from a song by Tom Paxton

AUGUSTINE WASHINGTON, and the elite owing class to which he belonged, got their land from the Native Peoples by deceit, fraud and superior force of arms. Modern cap­ italism has developed and refined both - the art of duplicity as Augustine Washington advocated became the cornerstone of its brainwash laundromat it built on the ignor­ ance and stupidity of its victims. The result has been the crisis of unending war abroad and escalating privation and poverty here at home. Capitalist society's gol­ den rule is to do others before they do you. Currently, the Native Peoples are rising to recover toe land guaranteed to them by solemn treaties of long-standing, treaties consistently violated by every U.S. administration Including that of George Washington.But they cannot win against the overwhelming odds-unless they have allies, first and foremost among toe other op­ pressed peoples, and secondly from the general workingclass strata. Follow the.bat­ tles in AKWESASNE NOTES,. box 435 Rooseveltown NY, the leading Indian newspaper of the Native American community, 50$ sample copy. . LAND IS ONE OF THE PRINCIPAL' SOURCES OF LIFE. Publicly necessary, it should be publicly owned. The Soviet Socialist Constitution recognizes this principle in its Article 6: "The land, its mineral wealth, waters, forests - the factories and mines, rail, water and -air transport facilities - the banks means of communication, large

(over, please) state-organized agricultural enterprises (state farms, machine and tractor stations, ? etc), as well as municipal enterprises and the bulk of the dwelling-houses in the cities and industrial localities, are state property, that Is, belonging to the whole people." Also, Article 8: "The land occupied ty the collective farms is made over to them for their free use for an unlimited time, that is, in perpetuity." Also, let*there be any misun­ derstanding, this Article 9: "In addition to toe socialist system of economy, which is the predominant form of economy in the USSR, the law permits the small private undertakings of individ­ ual peasants and handicraftsmen based on their own labour and precluding the exploi­ tation of the labour of others." In capitalist countries, large fortunes are compounded from generation to gen­ eration by inheritance. In socialist countries, inheritance is restricted to only personal property - those things individually used. Here is Article 10: "The right of citizens to own, as their personal property, income and savings derived from work - to own a dwellinghouse and supplementary husbandry, articles of household and articles of personal use and convenience, is protected ty law, as is also the right of citizens to inherit personal property." THE COMMUNIST MANIFESTO, page 25 of the U.S. edition, p 51 of toe China edition, sez this about private property: "You are horrified at our intending to do away with private property (to us meaning private property in toe principal means and instruments of social production1 by which exploitation of the many ty the few takes place -SN) But in your existing society, private property is already done away with for nine-tenths of the population; Its existence for the few Is solely due to Its non-existence in toe hands of those nine-tenths. You reproach us, therefore, with intending to do away with a form of property the necessary condition for whose existence is the non-existence of any prop­ erty for the immense majority of society* In a word, you reproach us with intending to do away with your property, (meaning capitalist property -SN) Precisely so; that is just what we intend. "From the moment when labor can no longer be converted into capital, money, or rent - into a social power capable of being monopolized, - that is, from the moment when Individual property can no longer be transformed into bourgeois properly - into capital - from that moment, you say, individuality vanishes. "You must, -therefore, confess that by 'individual' you mean no other person than the bourgeois - than the middle-class owner of property. This person must indeed be swept away and made impossible. "Communism deprives no man of the power to appropriate the products of society; all that It does is to deprive him of the power to subjugate the labor of others by means of such appropriation." This historical document will amaze you! We have a few copies at 40<2 each, yours while the supply lasts.

MAO TSETUNG BLASTS BOURGEOIS THEORY of an abstract »human nature" standing above and outside the class struggle, saying in part: "To criticize the people's shortcomings is necessary, but in doing so we must truly take the stand of toe people and speak out of whole-hearted eagerness to protect and educate them....»" (GUARDIAN 14 Feb 73» xerox copy on request for postage). The truth of such pronouncements is why we do mt t«VA ^âe* In t,ha S/f^-.'W. *+. disputes for eventually, we believe, they must work together in harmony for their mutual pro­ tection from rampant imperialism. We believe, along with N-Korea' s Premier Kim II Sung, that there cannot - MUST not - be a shooting war between socialist states, such as the Imperialists would dearly love to see. Nor shall we be party to the sniping going on between the ^UgAandlvtoeGUARJg^- certainly not in public. SOVIET'S BGGRANTTjQnQe^ Education and technical training in productive skills are free to Soviet citizens and therefore should not be exportable to hostile capitalist countries without full re-imbursement. F~ On the other hand, U.S, govt's demand that deserters compensate the military for /their training in mass murder is totally unjustified and contrary to any ethical con- / sideration. The blood of millions of innocent people is on this govt's hands. U— CHINA'S CULTURAL REVC I "....did not and could net erase women's traditional dependence, ignorance and passivity. Even '.dth the Party doing everything possible to enhance the position of women, it will take struggle over toe entire historical epoch of socialism to wipe out the inequalities stemming from centuries of class so­ ciety." (Renee Blakkan in GUARDIAN 24 Jan, xerox copy for postage) 1ST ANNIVERSARE OF IRELAND'S "BLOODY SUNDAY» when British troops wantonly fired on unarmed peaceful protesters, killing 13, was observed ty NYCs sympathizers demand­ ing the end to British colonial suppression of dissent. (GUARDIAN 7 Jan 73) For the full unvarnished truth of what is going on in Ireland, send a self-addressed stamped long envelope to UNITED IRISHMAN, 37-76 64 St Woodside NY 11377.

CAMBODIA'S U.S.-LON HOL VIOLATES PARIS AGREEMENT by importing huge shipments of U.S. military equipment and civilian-clothed military "advisers". Do you believe the Indochina war and U.S, involvement in it is over? Neither do we, and anyone who thinks it is needs a shrink before he/she loses ALL his/her marbles« Ask them: why the enormous stockpiles of nuclear weapons and why U.S. troops are being trained in Okinawa on how to use them? Why is the 7th fleet patroling Vietnamese coastal waters and flying support missions for the criminal Thieu? Read about it and much more in SEMPER FI, box 49 Iwakuni-shi, Yamaguchi-ken, Okinawa.

"SANITY NOW!" a left-radical activist education center, box 261 La Puente Ca 91747 PART 6, -tter #7 ^3: ACSEP 1 PEACE PRIZE, as outrageous as proposing to canonize Hitler. If ever anyone deserved to be boiled in oil AC to the lowest depths of hell, it is this master demagogue and soulless murderer of millions of in­ nocent people who have never done us any harm, couldn't if they would and wouldn't if they could. We suggest our. readers tell it to their Congressmen - and don't spare the language. There may be a' swindlesheet editor who will print it.

MILLIONS OF ARMENIANS WERE SLAUGHTERED BY THE TURKISH GOVTJENJLSlj. "The first step in the mass execution was to disarm the people...»Once this was done, the people had no means of defending'"themselves....." (Bulgarian letter to L.A.TIMES 22 Apr 72, xerox copy on request). That is only one of several reasons why we support arms for peoples and disarming of illegitimate govt authority everywhere, ARTICLE II of toe Bill of Rights sez: "A well-regulated militia being necessary to toe security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed," This was written.under'toe assumption that the people are the State and not the present closed-circuit industrial-military complex now ruling them and which well-regulate the militia in its interests. No sensible democratic person would recommend that the NLF give up their arms and submit to Thieu?s murderous "well- regulated militia". No one in his/her right mind can avoid the alienation from this oppressive terroristic capitalist government, nor the necessity of abolishing it in all its evil parts by whatever means are necessary including force of arms. No work­ ingclass person can avoid the conclusion that this government is embarked on a war against them - to subjugate and enslave them in its monopoly-corporate interests, and to submit them to intolerable intensifying exploitation, - and if necessary, to exterminate them as Thieu is doing in Saigon, if they resist. IN NIXONESE, a "free state" is one that can go anywhere any time and do anything to anybody and get away with it. It's ability rests upon its capitalist class owner­ ship and control of the principal means and instruments of social production, and thereby domination over the lives cf workingclass millions. Its security is based on the barbarous jungle law that Might makes Right, and on the subverted golden rule of doing others before they do you. In the words of Marx and Engels, "Society can. no longer live under this bourgeoisie - in other words its existence is no longer com­ patible with society." (Communist MANIFESTO, p 21, U.S. edition) For 40^, we'll send you a copy of this earth-shaking historical document. DISARMAMENT MUST BEGIN ty depriving this government of its illegitimate authority and of the means of waging war in any form. Anything short of that is pissing to wind ward. It is like putting a bandaid on a cancer. It is inviting nuclear WWIII in which there may be no survivers, and possibly no planet left. BANGLADESH REEELS are finding out that they made a terrible mistake In giving up their arms to the reactionary Awami League regime. We still have reprints of "AN EYE WITNESS TO GENOCIDE - 6 Spine-chilling Days" and (on the other side of toe sheet), "Secret Catalogue of Guilt and Disaster over East Pakistan" (KYTimes 4 June 71) free for postage to subscribers. THE SHARPVILLE MASSACRE (see our Special Christmas edition) graphically depicts the benkruptcy of non-viclent resistance in racist SoAfrica whose govt has lost its legitimacy in the eyes of the vast majority of the people, costing them hundreds of deaths. "A slave who dies of natural causes cannot balance two dead flies on the Scales of Eternity. Such a one deserves rather to be pitied than mourned". -Cleaver. We have a few of the reprints free to subscribers for postage. dLCAR CABRAL. REVOLUTIONARY LEADER, was assassinated 20 Jan ty agent3 of Por­ tuguese colonialism in SoAfrica. In tribute to this great man, GUARDIAN 31 Jan re­ prints a selection from his writings containing many lessons for left-radicals striv­ ing to become revolutionaries. Xerox copy free to subscribers for postage, DRUMGO AND PINELL BEATEN BY SAN QUENTIN GUARDS, and a suit to enjoin the pigs from such brutality was dismissed in federal court. (GUARDIAN 31 Jan). "....We can­ not beg, plead, petition or request toe perpetrators of violence to desist. Their vi­ olence will only accelerate itself." -Julius Lester in his.REVOLUTIONARY NOTES p42 On the other hand, "A misreading of current history has contributed to lending cre- dance to toe mistaken view that small handfuls of intrepid individuals can somehow replace the masses in the making of revolution. In Cuba, a small courageous group led by Fidel Castro did start the guerilla (people's) war. But what is forgotten is that it had the sympathy of the great majority of the people and the active aid of the peasantry (and) the relatively-high level of consciousness among the workers..... Without this, the small band could not have survived a fortnight, let alone grown in­ to a mightly liberating force." -Gil Green in his-THE NEW RADICALISM. "TO BE BLACK AND CONSCIOUS IN AMERICA IS TO BE IN A CONSTANT STATE OF RAGE" — James Baldwin« We say it is time for white America likewise to become enraged at the terrible injustices inflicted upon people of color - ANY color. RAP BROWN DRAWS BLACK WOMAN JURY FOREMAN which in itself doesn't guarantee a fair trial under capitalist racist laws rigged against him. Racism comes in all colors and sexes. Moore and Künstler charge "racial motivation" in jury selection, (see the weekly GUARDIAN 31 Jan for the details. NEW TRIAL FOR GENE RAM, SC civil rights organizer framed on marijuana charge, is ordered by U.S. SupCt in reversing lower court denial of Black defendant's right to question prospective jurors about racism, (weekly GUARDIAN 31 Jan) "Justice in this country means 'Just us white folks'" - H, Rap Brown. (over, please) "KEEP SILENT OR NO HELP" is the blackmail ultimatum given civilian POWs bv U.S. State Dopt and denounced ty American Civil Liberties Union. IT'civilian POVJs expect to get toe medical care (such as it is), transportation and other facilities provided for military POWs, they must first agree not to talk to toe press or anyone else a- bout their experiences in Vietnam, (weekly GUARDIAN 14 Feb) Also read Torgoff in same issue on "Press Freedom in Danger". Here is an excellent issue about which to write letters to editors and Congressmen, Get with it, folks! STOP CALIFORNIA'S "INDETERMINATE SENTENCE" by which inmates are given indefinate prison terms and whose parole is subject only to the whim of the Parole Bd. This is one of the reasonable demands by the work stoppage at San Quentin engaged in by at least 2/3rds of the inmates, (weekly GUARDIAN 14 Feb) FREE ALL PRISONERS REGARDLESS OF THEIR OFFENSES! for they are all victims of this goddamn capitalist system, tried and sentenc ar its oppressive laws in toe making of which they and their peers have had no voice, and of which over 90% are made to protect property over human rights - laws to be broken with impunity ty the capitalist class and its minions, and to be obeyed without question ty toe rest of us. For more information about toe class struggle for freedom, write to the ANGELA DAVIS COMMITTEE, box 4643 Memphis Term 38104, OCTOBER 4 ORGANIZATION box 14745 Philadelphia FRENTE UNIDO por Defensa Preso Politicos Puertorriquenos, box 3 Planitarium Sto NYC, EL GRITO DEL NORTE, box 2116 Las Vegas NM, and UNITED PRISONER'S UNION, 3077 24 St, San Francisco 94110, PUNISHMENT FOR RESISTING CAPITALIST OPPRESSION and for advocating radical social change is standard operating policy in U.S» prisons, "Rehabilitation" is a fancy word in pig language meaning toe forced suhnission to capitalist conformity, George Jackson and others went all toe way on a Hobson's choice between death and intolera­ ble oppression. But dead men do not revolt altho their efforts 31 ve long after them, but there are better ways of revolting than hunger strikes and dying. One way of surviving in order to revolt is cultivating the habit of being one person to the en­ emy in public, indistinguishable from the masses in which one circulates, - and quite a different person in private among trusted friends of like minds. This is not easy for inherently-honest working activists, especially those in toe habit of wearing their political hearts on their sleeves. It requires almost super-human concentration and self-discipline. As Martha Gellhorn. said,. "STAY CONSCIOUS, MOBILE AND OUT OF JAIL CHE GUEVARA might be alive today if he had not overly-trusted his allies among the peasants susceptable to bribery, as he himself revors in his last diary ent#,; it takes only one such mistake to end it all. Revolution is no glamourous game for the timid and uncommitted. As Julius Lester correctly sez, the only friend a revolution­ ary has is another revolutionary - and make damn sure he/she IS one! This comes about Ly knowing one's associates, their abilities and their limitations. EXCLUDING cog FROM GI BENEFITS UNCONSTITUTIONAL if .they have completed 2 yrs alternate civilian service, sez Boston federal court, and ACLU that handled toe case from which the ruling derived sez it has been "flooded with calls" from COs seeking their benefits. (GUARDIAN 31 Jan) Pass the good word, folks! But one "benefit» they may not enjoy is looking for non-existent jobs; over a half-million vets are presently unemployed in gainful occupations, or at best part-time and in shit work, PENSION FRAUD HITS PAPER WKRS at Everett Wa. when Simpson-Lee mill closes and cuts off the pension fund into which some had paid for 26 yrs. (PW 17 Feb) TERROR STRIKES FARM WORKERS fired upon from fast-moving car as they peacefully picketed D'Arrigo at CalexLco, but they got the license number and some goons are in for real trouble. (PW 17 Feb) SPANISH "A MONKEY LANGUAGE" is only one of the gringo-racist remarks ty SupCt Judge Kirk wh)issued another injunction further restricting picketing. Lettuce growers in Imperial Valley and Salinas are trying to coerce the workers into leaving UFWOC and joining Teamster's Union (ibid). SUPPORT THE CAMPESINOS - DONT BUY HEAD LETTUCE OR SCAB WINES (see the front cf this newsletter). ATT STUCK FC" AY to employees discriminated against on account of race, nationality or sex, order dor Dept (TIME 29 Jan 73). Also read Oct RAMPARTS article by NOMEN'S NEWS COLLECTIVE, c/o Radio KPFA-FM San Francisco, xerox copy tc stage, d? C doesn't plan to divest itself of investments in U.S, merchants of death like Xerox, ITiT, GS and Nat'l City Bank doing business in apart­ heid SoAfrica despite protests from 6 member churches, (Torgoff in GUARDIAN 31 Jan) We would like to know if Unitarians and Quakers have cleared their folios of such investments, and if not, why not? AUSTRALIAN-NEW ZEALAND LARQR WIN LANDSLIDES in recent elections, first move be­ ing to stop ell persecutions under toe draft laws and to pull their troops out of Vietnam, These countries may become mee'ea for the fed-ups with this country, the 16 million the pollsters say would rather leave it than love it, those dropouts who would rather switch than fight. Perhaps we'll be stronger without them. ANTI-ABORTION LAWS UNCONSTITUTIONAL in 46 states, sez U.S. SupCt to a landmark decision. nA woman is now able to get an abortion anywhere in the country up to the 7th month of pregnancy" sez Renee Blakkan in a full page in GUARDIAN 31 Jan, thus giving women some control over their bodies. It's about time! PENTAGON PAPERS RELEASE did not effect national defense, sez govt report sustain­ ing Ellsberg-Russo claim, and whose attempted suppression by toe prosecution angered Judge Byrne (GUARDIAN 7 Jan) Looks like acquittal of these outstanding patriots. "SANITY NOW!" a left-radical activist education center, box 261 La Puente Ca, 91747 PART 7, newsletter r^70, March 73: NOT PEACE — ONLY AN UNCERTAIN TRUCE has been achieved in Vietnam which "cannot last more than a few months: it must end either with renewal of hostilities or with the beginning of a political contest that, grounded in toe realities of Vietnamese politics, can eventually lead to peace." sez Washington POST 28 Jan, reprinted ty AFSC 112 S 16 St Philadelphia, copies 3i ea. The last bit of that news item is pure wishful thinking that indicates a pro­ found ignorance of the implaccable nature of U.S. imperialism that must continually expand its conquest of sources of raw materials and markets just to stay alive, and that can be done only at the expense of other nations who are sure to resist in the future even more energetically than in the past» Altho Nixon tries to. rationalize his defeat in Vietnam into a victory, his arro­ gant nature rages at being forced to preside at the first defeat in US history, and his racist pride at white-hot heat with the knowledge it was inflicted by a tiny peaceful nation of "inferior" pajama-clad "gooks". That is why we say Nixon is as determined as ever on a military victory in;SE Asia and, as If in answer to this, we hear over KFWB newscast that U.S. planes and U.S. pilots are bombing Cambodian and Laosian villages, said to be at the request of the respective U.S. puppet govts. THERE CAN BE NO PEACE, other than that of the grave, as long as Imperialism lives. - And no nation, no matter how powerful, can long exist in a hostile world.

AGREEMENT ON ENDING THE WAR AND RESTORING. PEACE IN VIETNAM signed ty the four contending parties including Saigon's Minister of Foreign Affairs, is a full-page tabloid-spread in NEWS FROM VIETNAM, a publication of the Association of Vietnamese Patriots in Canada, box 324 Stn N, Montreal 129 Quebec 1 Feb 73, 25$ single copy. CEASE FIRE SPECIAL issued by INDOCHINA PEACE CAMPAIGN, 67a Winthrop St Cambridge Mass., reports: Article 6 of toedagreemonts sez: "The question of the return of Viet­ namese civilian personnel captured and detained in SVietoam will be resolved by the two SVietnamese parties(PRG-NLF and Saigon regime) within 90 days after toe cease­ fire comes into effect." Thieu Is beginning to reclassify some political prisoners as common criminals (Washington POST 23 Jan 73). Other political prisoners have nesr- er been classified as such, but instead were arrested as 'dangerous to toe national defense' under Decree #004/66 ty which General Thieu empowered himself to imprison anyone 'for a maximum period of 2 yrs, which is renewable'. No specific offense con­ cerning political activity and no trial are necessary. Thieu will claim that many of the » civilian personnel captured and detained in SVietnam» do not merit release under the Agreement. There also is great cause for concern over the treatment some of those in prison are receiving. The use of torture is so widespread a practice in Thieu's jails that it finally moved a Saigon judge Tran Thuc Linh to denounce it pub­ licly: 'I have see with my own eyes persons fastened to benches into whose mouths and noses interrogators poured sewage water, soapy and even latrine water, until their stomachs swelled to the bursting point.....I have been eyewitness to toe scene of pris­ oners with .bleeding eounds half-carrying other prisoners more battered and bloody than themselves as they emerged' from interrogation rooms on their way to their cells or to court.' (Catholic Movement for Edification of Peace, Saigon Nov 72) "A man like Thieu who has to rely on a huge police force (trained by CIA 'advis­ ors' -SN) and prison system to remain in power cannot afford to abide by an Agreement which calls for the establishment of democratic rights and free elections, or release from jail of his political opponents. "Nixon, who has supplied Thieu with all the aid and supervisory personnel neces­ sary for carrying out a policy of repression, has made it clear that he will continue to do so. As long as our govt continues to make it possible for Thieu to repress all of his political opposition in order to remain in power, there will be no democratic freedoms - no free elections - no release of political prisoners - and certainly no lasting peace." Send IPC a self-addressed stamped long envelope for your free copy. Same for us for free copy of THIEU's SAIGON - CITY OF TERROR (PW 9 Dec) and THE UNDER­ GROUND UNIVERSITY IN THIEU«S PRISONS (LA FREEP 8 Dec) READ »THE CHALLENGES OF PEACE" and other vital information in March PROGRESSIVE. OVER A MILLION MEN are serving in Thieu».s military and police forces, financed by $660 million a year in U.S. economic aid, and ordered to shoot on sight anyone car­ rying an NLF flag, passing PRG currency or propaganda, or making public statements in support of toe PRG or in opposition to Thieu. (NYTIMES 24 lani via RESIST newsletter, 763 Massachusetts Av Rm 4» Cambridge Mass 02139» Despite the denunciation in toe international press, new and "improved" tiger cages have been built in Camp #8 containing 300-^0 prisoners. Improvement consists of their being at an even smaller height (only very short prisoners can stand upright in them -SN) totally obscure, and with much less air. (ibid) These were built and financed with U.S. tax dollars. HOW CAN YOU PAY YOUR INCOME TAXES, knowing that at least 20$ goes for such purposes?

IMPERIALIST CAPITALISM IS NOT ONLY VIOLENT - IT IS VIOLENCE, not only to the body but to the mind and spirit. If the murderer Thieu tries hard enough, he can create as inhuman conditions in HIS prisons as. the Nixonites have created in theirs, likewise at taxpayers expense.. For Information about what is going on in U.S« prisons, send a self-addressed stamped.long envelope to UNITED PRISONER'S UNION 3077 24 St San Fran­ cisco 94110. - and then DO something about it.

"SANITY NOW!" a left-radical activist education center, box 26l La Puente Ca. 91747 PART 7, newsletter #70, March 73: "It is simplistic to believe that State power rests solely on police guns and soldier's bayonets. In the final analysis, it dees;-i.e., when the ruling class and its State power have lost legitimacy in the eyes of the majority of toe people. Then the gun takes command, (underlines ours -SN) But society cannot live and function balanced on toe terror of a bayonet. Every ruling class and every government is con­ cerned therefore with influencing r...KHft optolp^ - seeks to justify its policies and endeavors to win a larger degree of popular support for itself. Those people it can not van over or bribe, it tries to confuse and demoralize so as to neutralize and make them passive, (and to punish those who don't sutmii, -SN) And it always aims to impress people with its own power and durability to show that opposition is futile and that the only alternative to itself is toe deluge."(-Gil Green in JALISM, p87) "We have always known and repeatedly pointed out that the bourgeoisie maintains itself in power not only by force but also by virtue of toe lack of class-conscious­ ness and organization - the routinism and downtrodden state - of the masses" (Lenin in "LETTERS ON TACTICS" pp Wb-Ul) WHAT IS CLASS-CONSCIOUSNESS? It is knowing which end of the capitalist stick you are on - whether you are the beaters or toe beaten. It is knowing your relationship to the principal means of social production - whether you are an owner or a worker. The vast majority of peoples are workers by hand and/or brain whose bare subsistence derives from the sale of their labor power. That they may "own" the means of their subsistence is only temporary - a concession by toe ruling class - and does not change their class status. Such concession is necessary to the ruling class, as Marx and Engels say in toe COMMUNIST MANIFESTO p 21 of the U.S. edition: "The essential condition for the existence and sway of toe bourgeois class is the formation and augmentation of capital. The condition of capital is wage-labor. Wage- labor rests exclusively on competition between the laborers. The advance of industry whose involuntary promoter is toe bourgeoisie, replaces the isolation of the laborers due to competition, by their revolutionary combination due to association (at the points of production where exploitation takes place -SN). The development of modern Industry, therefore, cuts from under its feet the very foundation on which the bour­ geoisie produces and appropriates products. What toe bourgeoisie, therefore produces above all are its own grave-diggers. Its fall and the victory of the proletariat are equally inevitable." On page 15, Marx and Engels say: "In proportion as the bourgeoisie, I.e. capital, is developed, in toe same propor­ tion is the proletariat, the modern working class, developed a class of laborers who live only so long as they find work, and who find work only so long as their labor in­ creases capital...«.."

"WHO ARE OUR ENEMIES? WHO ARE OUR FRIENDS? This is a question of first importance for the revolution." is the way Mao Tsetung posed the task of class analysis and set its priority for the Chinese revolution. The same questions apply to toe revolution­ ary movements in all countries, altho particular answers obviously will vary according to specific national conditions. In the U.S., at least since the period of toe Civil War, the revolutionary move­ ment has had little difficulty in determining that its main enemy is and has been the capitalist class - toe bourgeoisie. What has been more obscure, however, are some of its particular features: its size, Its wealth and power - its. concentration and sub­ divisions." (Carl Davidson in WHICH SIDE ARE YOU ON?, Guardian 20 Dec 72, xerox copy for postage) which goes on to document toe contention, ending with this summation: "The monopoly ruling strata within toe U.S. bourgeoisie constitutes, along with their families, less than 5000 people, of which less than 1000 are toe dominant fi­ nance capitalists. (This shows the concentration of capital since FDR made his famous fireside statement that this country was ruled ty "America's 60 ruling families."-SN) "The bourgeoisie proper, including their families and those of the top managerial capitalists within the large corporations, amounts to less than a half-million or less than one-half of one percent of the population, "This class is surrounded ana obscured by a petty-bourgeois and managerial mass and their families of around 30 million or 10 to 15!$ of toe population, almost none of which will ever become capitalists themselves." IS IS AMERICA'S RULING CLASS whose ill-gotten wealth controls the mass media that "snowed" a sizable segment of the electorate into "4 more years" of the crime wave called Nixon, by seductive appeals to their grossest animal and racist instincts that same ruling class had implanted and fostered in them from their births. LACK OF WORKINGCLASS CONSCIOUSNESS and an ongoing supportive ideology made the antiwar movement vulnerable to this attrition which enabled the capitalist class to unite so firmly behind Nixon's candidacy. As the weekly GUARDIAN 1 Nov sez: "The ab- sorbtion of such a significant section of the anti-war movement into the Democratic Party's campaign has had the precise effect of neutralizing that protest to a point of a 'loyal opposition*. It is small wonder that many of these same forces., are already expressing an elitist contempt for the people, substituting their personal despair for toe process of self-critical political analysis." (xerox copy for postage.! "NO REFORM IS POSSIBLE within the existing parties. History has proven toad no reform was ever yet worked inside the party or sect in which originated the corruption complained of." -Stephen Smith, secy Illinois Farmer State Ass'n 1873

(over, please) 70, March 73: •SURE» T. .TED DRAFT EVADERS AMNi..: 5, BUT YOU MUST B&- WAS à VLRY AI -g Sneyd in AK "AMNESTY? FORGET IT; YOU DON'T FORGIVE A MAN FOR BEENG RIGHT" -Bill Mauldin

CANADIAN IMMIGRATION RULES TIGHTENED - Application for landed immigrant status no longer accepted at border or Internally. For full information on how tc become a Canadian citizen, ask Dept of the Secretary of State, 130 Slater St Ottawa Ontario. A lot of Americans have moved to Canada to escape paying U.S. war taxes. (AMEX) INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE TO FREE SOUTH VIETNAMESE PRISONERS from detention, tor­ ture and death, 52 Elgin Av Toronto Ontario, has been formed to focus world attention on the immediate danger of liquidation of political prisoners in Thieu's jails, and to bring overpowering pressure to bear for their freedom. "Let those who continue to advocate a coalition govt stand up and be counted now. I am certain that the peo­ ple and the army will not let them live for'mere than 5 minutes." said Thieu, speak­ ing last October to a Youth rally in Cholon. (AMEX p 16) "Arrests continue at the rate of 14,000 per month..." TIME mag 10 July 72. "40,000 'communist agents', accord­ ing to Thieu's closest advisor floang Due Nha, "have been arrested in the past few weeks," -Washington POST 10 Nov 72, Thieu has issued a directive to reclassify pris­ oners from political to criminal status, thus increasing the difficulty of achieving substantial pressure from a body like the U.N. The U.S., by the way, provides 6 times as much aid (USAID) for the police/prison system as it does for the educational needs of SVN, sez the article in AMEX* Readers should support this com­ mittee by writing their Congressmen and sending copies to the Committee. American ownership of Canadian industry rose by ...1.24 billion in 1971, to a to­ tal of $24 billion, almost equal to the total American investment in Europe. No won­ der toe slogan KEEP CANADA UN-AMERICAN is increasingly popularj a recent poll showed 47% Canadians oppose U.S, ownership of Canadian business, but 33% approved. This is up from 1969: 33.9% to 42% respectively, (ibid p 21) FRANCE REFUSES TO EXTRADITE POLITICAL OFFENDERS in the landmark case of U.S. citizen Joseph Schock indicted in Idaho for destruction of 29 military vehicles, proved to be a political and not a common criminal act., (Ibid p3l) NOTICE TO 6th fleet sailors: Deserters and AWOLs are returned by WGermans. Interested persons bound for Denmark should first contact Hamburg's "Vietnam Komitee" or students and the Danish Vietnam Committee at Gronnegade 37 Copenhagen. Be sure to keep your identification, (ibid p 31)

"THE RELEVANT LAWYERS" is "a lively presentation of what is happening in our courts when fresh Idea's collide with ancient prejudices. It's anecdotal form con­ trasts brilliantly with the stilted style of most treatises on law" - Judge Robt W Kenny, L.A. Superior Court. 4;9«95 from PUBLICATIONS,- box 673 Berkeley 94701 OCTOBER 4th ORGANIZATION. box 14745 Philadelphia, gets-its name from the citizen's rebellion on that date in 1779 against hording merchants. Hundreds of Kensington people led by Tomas Paine stormed the merchants, siezed their supplies, and distrib­ utee to the people free, 040 takes strong stands on political issues - ask them for their octus and program, and free book catalog, VI ÏÔ6 3tn i", Montreal 129 Quebec Canada, is a tab­ loid contin AM published bi-weekly to inform Americans of toe situât. fter cease-fire as history unfolds ana the Vietnamese re­ cover control of their country. Send them postage for a free sample. POLITE CA. 16 rue Visconti, 75006 Paris France, gives news of the reviving Span­ ish and French revolutions, with these headlines: La Republique Espagnole et la Re­ sistance Française (in French)j La Republics Existe Editorial; Documentos - Declarado por Carrero Blanco, timonel de. la galerà'franqulsta; Apuntes para la historia de la Primera Republica; El espectro de Garcia Lorca; La verdad frente a la Leyenda; iFaris- eostj ÎMonarquia? - 'Republica? - IRepucLicai, un Manifesto de ARDE (Titulo y substi- tulos de esta Redaccion); La République Espagnole et la Resistance Française (in French) Jamas reunçiaremos a la legltimidad Republicana; La Republica, los Republicanos y los otros; etc. Send them one of our depleted dollars for sample copies.

VOCATION EOR SOCIAL CHANGE. Queen« s College, 153*11 61st Rd, Flushing NY 11367 is a new unusually-good 28pp college tabloid With a beautifully-radical perspective, and well-written blurbs on the lettuce strike-boycott, NY taxi drivers, rent hassle, housing in Cuba, Billy Dean Smith, ASU, WTR, Attica fight-back, medical aid. to Indo­ china, drags. Mental health, Environment cleanup, racism at Brown U, Women and Pacif- ica radio» No price; no date. Suggest a id for sample copies. It' s worth it!

-or more mio, wrxue "nenegaae" cox vxy xacama v.'a 90401 or the nation's leading ln< newspaper AKWESASNE NOTES, box 435 Rooseveltcwn NI 13683. »LET IT EL RECORDED THAT I WAS TEL LAST RAN CF MY PEOPLE TO LAI DOWN MY GUN." -Sitting Bull, 1881 (over, please) they at Fort whip Pvt John Ostergren who had collapsed in full battle gear while on a training hike. By the time the pig Layton realized that toe man was suffering a heart attack, Ostergren was dead. Such events are not, uncommon. Next time a vet tells you such "unlikely" stories, - believe him - he was there, Charlie! The ijj2.500 DEMANDED BY THE VETS is hardly compensation for the irreversable dam­ age done to the minds and bodies of these men, the memories of things they have seen and done to innocent people that Will live with them the rest of their lives. The lousy pittance they demandas pennies compared to t -Ion asked of Congress by the crime wave called Nixon - compared to the enormous profit cd up ty the ruling class merchants of death, and compared to the lives yet to be lost in bigger and bloodier Vietnams cooking on toe Pentagon's back burners. Philippines for in­ stance. Chile - Cuba - the middle-East, for instance. Basta Ya! But read about it and a lot more in Feb 12 issue of THE BOND, official organ of the American Ser.lcemen's Union (ASU), 58 W 25'St NIC. The letters from GIs are worth the |3 a year sub. The ASU letter of protest to Col Chas Ippolito, Ft Dix information officer about the Ostergren case that needs every reader's support. ASU MEMBERS! What is keeping you from paying your ij2 yr dues that incluues THE BOND? They need your money to keep publishing! Get with it, you guys! Uncle Shylock isn't going to help you - only such GI orgs as ASU can! LISTEN TO ASU RADIO KHZ, in Korea, Tuesdays 9p» 9515kc (31.5m) and 15159kc (l9.8m) Also on Wednesdays 5pu 654Çkc (45»9&) and 15l59kc (19.urn). Also on Thursdays 7pm and Fridays 6pm on 6540 ke (45«9m) All times are Korean. Some places can hear KHZ on ordinary AM radio, 635kc (472m). When"jammed, be prepared to switch channels. POW: TWO YEARS WITH THE VEETCONG is a 304PP paperback by George E Smith, RAMPARTS Press, box 10128, Palo Alto Ca 94303, only Ü2.95» a unique document that tells it like it is, the first time an American POW has told the whole story of his captivity, writ­ ten in a humorous informal style that makes it very readable - you won't want to lay it down. It's time we had the true word from the men themselves. RETIRED OFFICERS GET aBILLlONS in pensions and "disability" cash. What» s the matter, general? - isn't §25,000 a year enough? Read the story in THE BOND 12 Feb. FROM &6740 TO 01272 A YSAR is the reduction Nixon plans for rank-and-file dis­ abled vets, many of whom lost an entire leg in combat, effective 1 July 73 with fur­ ther cuts to follow, (ibid Bulletin, NY POST 10 Feb 73) ARMY BRASS MOVES TO BREAK GI RESISTANCE IN GEE4ANY with incredibly-repressive measures disguised as "combatting "the drug problem". Here Is the fascist directive: r- "You have been identified as an associate of a known or suspected drug abu­ ser. As a result, the following actions are now taken: "You will remove the door from your room and take it to the supply room; "You are denied and lose all pass privileges; "Your civilian and military driver's licenses are suspended} "You will not wear civilian clothing under any circumstances; »You will live in a bare room and have only a wall locker and bed; "You will not accept or take anything from any other person; "You will go to the community drug and alcohol assistance center for coun­ seling; "You will undergo urine testing at least three times a week. "The above instructions and procedures are lawful orders, and violations are punishable in accordance with UCMJ," (ibid) 2000 VETS DROPPED FROM NY WELFARE ROLLS in the govt's war against the poor dis­ guized in the familiar "combatting toe drug problem" when in fact the govt itself is the pusherman. CIA planes still transport huge quantities of heroin and cocaine from Thailand's Golden Triangle to Saigon at enormous profit to the brass. Read about it in INDOCHINA CHRONICLE 1 Aug 72, 1322 13 St NW, Washington DC 20036, only 50£ cooy, . also in RAMPARTS Apr 71 and in IDCINTFIC March 72.

5370 :S AGAI .anding as of 6 Dec and many more are expected. 4500 of them are listed as fugitives, of whom 2500 are believed to be in Canada, sc , box 187 Sto D Toronto witario, 1973. "...purpose of toe mass indictments at this time was to avoid the 5yr statute of .Limitations on prosecution..." (ibid p23) The belief that it is safe for deserters to return to the "tender" mercies of Big 3rother is still being peddled by wishful-thinkers who seem to be totally ignorant of this govt's imperialist implacability, especially toward the politically-aware and ictive. The Mad Bomber smarts at the resounding defeat he has suffered. His racist rature shrivels at the knowledge it was inflicted - of all things! - ty a tiny nation )f "inferior" peasants. He seeks whipping boys on whom to vent his rage, and don't /ou ever forget it. That rage will show, not so much in the courts but in the studied repression of the rat r*ace for survival in the descending depression that is likely to dwarf all others. For wars and depressions are inevitable in a capitalist society, the cumulation of failure to pay workers enough to buy back the surplus goods they produced in "overtime" - i.e., that time in excess of that required to produce their bare subsistance, often not even that. The letter by Laurence Svirchev of Montreal (ibid p5) contains much truth and a few fallacies we would like to deal with if we had more space. "SANITY NOW!» a left-radical activist education center, box 26l La Puente Ca, 91747 Ir is clc.ii Ili.it loi some lime luetics which une associates they do not "cover their tracks," other clues to their with I1 A flights', the Pueblo, and the Ba?l of Pigs have been identities oltcn appear. One Chicago agent's girlfriend applied lo the Black and anti-war movements. The Govern­ mentioned repeatedly that he was employed by the Police ment's case in the Chicago Conspiracy trial relied primarily Department; movement people refused to believe it. Agents mi evidence gathered or fabricated from wire-tapping, have been discovered through straight-forward credit electronic surveillance, informers, infiltrators, undercover checks: such a credit check recently revealed that two policemen, and agents-provocateurs. Of about 4Ü substan­ "members" of a Chicago MDS (Movement for a Democratic tive witnesses who testified for the prosecution in the Con­ Society) chapter worked for the Chicago Police Depart­ spiracy trial. .'5 were police agents or infiltrators of some ment. Use of money, too, may unmask an agent. One who kind. Tins must be taken politically as proof of the Govern­ had affected the poverty he thought typical of the move­ ment's conspiracy against us. since agents are usually placed ment suddenly had enough money for a plane ticket from into an organization or action well in advance of the com­ Austin, Texas, to Chicago; he had to be in Chicago in time mission lit' any supposedly illegal acts. The Chicago trial to be present at a regular Monday meeting of the Police vindicates those who have seemed the more paranoid Intelligence Unit. While some agents turn in written reports' among us. but it is important that we »void overreaetion to others must report to police headquarters on the same day the realization that the organizations of the movement are every week. Other unexplained absences and/or frequent, penetrated with agents. To begin to totally distrust each often long-distance, telephone calls may give the agent other and to degenerate into agent-baiting only serve one of away. the purposes for which agents are used. It is more appropri­ Behavior toward police Agents usually behave peculiarly ate that we learn to exercise reasonable caution in our around police. They have a strange way of not being1 dis­ political activities, in order that we not inadvertently pro­ turbed by the presence of cops. However, in confrontations vide evidence that can be used for our own prosecutions. _ or wl'en about to be arrested, they may encourage tension Where thev come from Most undercover agents have and promote conflict. Undercover agents often are separ­ predictable affiliations: they come from local police depart­ ated from others after they have been arrested, and they ments the FBI, and various branches, of military intel­ sometimes enjoy other forms of special treatment. One ligence Undoubtedly the C.l.A. also has agents in the agent was seen getting in and out of police cars during the movement, hut it is unlikely that any will surface in the Democratic National Convention but no one drew the near future. The Chicago Police Department occupies a obvious conclusion. special place in undercover surveillance of the movement: Part-time informers are usually more difficult to spot. it employs over 1000 people to gather information from They may or may not be paid.- They might report directly across the nation on "subversive" organizations. Some to the neighborhood police station or central headquarters, agents are full-time employees of the police departments or they might be secondary informers whose information is or the F.B.I.: others are part-time informers or provoca­ passed on to the police through a third party. Often they teurs: others become agents after being arrested and threat­ are either disgruntled or former members of a group (seek­ ened with long prison terms. Some agents have several ing revenge or [establishment grace) or people in'the com­ responsibilities-e.g., intelligence gathering, provocation, munity who have had previous trouble with the law. The and entrapment-while others are simply snoops, picking up latter sometimes inform on an informal basis to avoid whatever information they can but not seeking to influence police harrassment. The only unique clues to these types of or direct policy. Some work full-time with particular informers are "special" relationships with likely secondary groups; others appear only, but consistently, before major agents (deans, counselors, bartenders, etc.) or with the local or national actions; still others merely'report whatever • police. useful information happens to come their way. What to do Such behavior must be taken seriously. Suspicious behavior within a group Agents often act as There is no cause for panic-all radical movements for provocateurs. The police provocateur is almost always the political reform have been subjected to such surveillance- most militant ancTäggTessive m suggesting illegal activities but there is a need for greater awareness and scrutiny. wïïEouï providing a political justificationfor them. In the Possible clues to an agent's identity must be noted and small group which supposedly plotted to blow up the investigated; if this is to happen, movement people must be Statue of Liberty, the deciding vote (and most insistent sensitive to the ways in which agents are likely to give voice) for the sabotage plan was that of a police agent. themselves away. When a person's militancy rises without a corresponding in­ Once identified, an agent must be handled carefully: If crease in theoretical radicalization, suspicions should be he is unmasked he will only be replaced by another, and the raised. Police provocateurs also often try to discredit process of investigation and identification will have to leaders who will not be pushed into action without sound begin all over again. Once you know someone is an agent, it political reasons. And some agents engage in illegal actions- may be smarter to keep him around. Then you know, and e.g., dropping acid or providing grass for other members— can often control, the information to which he has access. in order to win the confidence and respect of the group. And you can respond to his provocative acts with the cer­ (Once an agent's "cover" has been destroyed, he might tain knowledge that they are just that. Once in a great while assist in the prosecution of those with whom he engaged in it might even be possible to win him over and then turn him such activities.) into a counter-agent. Needless to say, this is very risky and Most agents are not interested in radical theory, and few must be handled with extreme care. have a flair for it. One should be very suspicious of mem­ Another possibility, not often considered is that of bers of a group who remain reluctant to be involved in recruiting friendly policemen for counter-intelligence work. theoretical discussion even after heavy attendance at They usually have access to central police department files, meetings and conferences. Agentsjend to be interested in and they can obtain useful information about police potentially illegal activities but not in the rationales for strategy for particular actions and about agents in various tfiëmTT local groups. Even when they cannot learn the individual But one should also be suspicious of leading questions identities of agents in a particular group (all information related to revolutionary actions, especially those planned relating to any intelligence work -an individual might be for the future. Agents want to collect personal statements .involved in is often left out of police department files), encouraging riots, disruption, sabotage, and physical vio­ they can find out how many agents there are in a group. lence. One can safely explain revolutionary theory in great The task of finding and dealing with agents is a serious detail. To be legally damaging, statements must involve one, and it demands our attention. At the same time we- advocacy of actions. Often police agents will pump mem­ must refuse to be distracted from out primary respoty bers of a radical group, hoping to shake loose such state­ ity, which is to continue engaging in those activities and ments. Information gathering is the chief activity of some promoting those ends which gave ourfoes supposed cause_ agents. Membership lists, files, fund-raising contacts, and to spy on us in the first place. Jo 3T" information on the whereabouts of radical militants are -from RESt$f!L-ptS' "fundamental to the work of the police, and crude under­ cover agents often give themselves away by moving too '"3A:4. A MOyV!" quickly to get a group's mailing list or to learn the where­ P. C BOX 2*1 abouts of its contacts in other areas. A PUÇNTT, CALirOHNMr flMpW Inconsistencies in private life Undercover agents neces­ sarily must keep their private lives quite separate from their £ ursue tafJ.£ f ts cir movement activities. Many have wives or girlfriends who •Sue. Dec. 7 , are not involved in the movement, and such agents are fa' especially uncomfortable when they encounter political "friends" while off-duty. If members of a political group seem to hide their private lives from other members, there is, of course, reason for suspicion. If, on the other hand,

•>'£ "inferior" peasants. He seeks whipping hoys on whom to vent his rage, and don't ,rou ever forget it. That rage will show, not so much in the courts hut in the studied r-epression of the rat race for survival in the descending depression that is likely to, dwarf all others. For wars and depressions are inevitable in a capitalist society, the cumulation of failure to pay workers enough to buy back the surplus goods they produced in "overtime" - i.e., that time in excess of that required to produce their bare subsistance, often not even that. The letter by Laurence Svirchev of Montreal (ibid p5) contains much truth and a few fallacies we would like to deal with if we had more space.

»SANITÏ NOW" a left-radical activist education center, box 26l La Puente Ca, 91747 \> MOST AMERICANS ABE POOR LISTENERS with loose tongues and an idealistic false view of therole of law enforcement agencies in capitalist society. In consequence thereof, many innocent people have talked themselves or other innocent people into prison. Whether active in the Movement or not, every citizen should resist that urge to co­ operate with illegitimate authority that is becoming more like a police-state gestapo every day. The following was prepared ty the staff of L.A. NATIONAL LAWYER'S GUILD and published in the L.A. Free Press Vol 2 #L1. It may be helpful to someone.

INFORMATION is a crucial ingredient in Fed' s stupidity that vre invite the pig in the fuel that runs the engine of repress- to ask his questions, and find out what ion. It is important for us to recognize the enemy is up to. Fat chancel Our very that not all the information the pigs ob- questions give the pig information which tain comes from bugs and agents. Some he might never stumble on» times we sisters and brothers of the Move Behind each question is a body of in- ment supply the information. formation which may well be revealed in Tills is how it happens: Some of us get the question itself, or in a seriesrof scared when an FBI agent appears at the questions. Some of our brothers have re- door. We answer a few "simple" questions ported on such interviews; "Man! was that because we are afraid not to — afraid of a dumb pigl He didn't know what he -was committing some crime ty not talking. Our locking for." There are several names fear in this situation distorts our judg- for that kind of arrogance, ment. WHAT SHOULD LTC DO when the FBI comes THERE IS NO LAW requiring us to talk calling? It's really pretty simple. Ex~ with an FBI agent. No crime against the perience has shown that the best response State is committed when the agent is after the caller identifies him self and brushed off and the door shut immediately.flashes his badge is to say "That's nice, However, a crime against our people is and if you have any questions, I'll lis- done when we deal with the situation by ten -fco them in my lawyer' s presence. He answering any of the Fed's questions. or she is (so-and-so). Good tye." Don't No FBI agent asks idle questions, let him in. Don't be afraid." Don't :. be There is no such thing as small talk with arrogant. Any talking you do--may sound a pig. A short answer, a long answer, a like - singing. truthful answer, a lying answer — any of The history of struggle is filled with these will supply some sort of informa- cases of sisters and brothers sent to tion which is of use to the State. The jail and to death on frame-ups based on FBI visitor may be out to make a case on just such circumstantial information, to you, or on a sister or brother — and you give an aura of credibility to the States have "sung" if you answer anything more charges, than "Call my lawyer — good tye." Another line of FBI investigating to Sometimes, when we open the door una- anticipate is the visit to third persons: fraid and ready to brush the pig off, we a parent or friend, employer or neighbor. get caught by an old interrogation trick. Where possible, it is helpful to talk The FBI agent says: "We have information with those likely to be contacted, -and which tends to implicate you in (such-and let them know the best way to deal with -such)a bombing. If you could answer a FBI visitors. Bits and pieces of informa- few questions, I'm sure we can straighten tion from nervous employers and upset par things out." Your mouth drops, your mind ents may malce up a mosaic of trouble for boggles: "Shit, man I didn't do that!" one of us. So try to anticipate the prob- Suddenly you've lost your cool and you lm and handle it ahead of time with enuf are only too glad to tell the pig where tact and humor to ease the situation, you were on Thursday night and whom you Someh ^ everjthing else ve wore wxth. Maybe that's all he wanted to d balance must be struck between know: where you were and if (X) was with g^ p^ranoia œd naive obliviousness, you. Ana, you've gn.ve.nhxm "the inform^ ,j0n/^fore ve are ready, the pigs are tioni Even two-bit gangsters in grace B^ ^ us„ ^ state forces us movies don't rail for that one. ^ . ^ ^ sophistjLcated about de_ Some others of us axe not afraid when ^ ,EelveS. Perhaps the first e CŒaes ln fa 1 06 :f *& ' + ï F " -'f "TS? step in learning about weapons is how to fe are so arrogant about our wits and the ^.^ ^ ^^ on QUr ^.^ •it "3f AC- * * * ;SANITY NOWÏ" a left-radical activist' education center, box 261 La Puente Ca 91747

VaieiXXJ 10.0. 1-fJ.^ >r ••xnrerxor" peasants. He seeks whipping hoys on whom to vent his rage, and don't ,rou ever forget it. That rage will show, not so much in the courts hut in the studied repression of the rat race for survival in the descending depression that is likely to dwarf all others. For wars and depressions are inevitable in a capitalist society, the cumulation of failure to pay workers enough to buy back the surplus goods they produced in "overtime" - i.e., that time in excess of that required to produce their bare subsistance, often not even that. The letter by Laurence Svirchev of Montreal (Ibid p5) contains much truth and a few fallacies we would like to deal with if we had more space.

"SANITY NOWi" a left-radical activist education center, box 26l La Puente Ca, 91747 î?l A YEAR POSTAGE FOR 12 ISSUES plus supplements is all we ask for these news­ letters intended as aids for Left-activists in organizing and educating people in anti-imperialist struggle, and to pose scientific socialism as the ultimate solution to this society's ills. If you like them, use than. If you don't, tell us so and why. These newsletters are not written for the entertainment of arm-chair "leaders", liberal opportunists or peace-hobbyists, nor are they radical digests for indiscrim­ inate distribution to political unsophisticates. They do not pretend to have all the answers, or that those given are 100% right. We can do little more than capsulate and edit selected news items as launch pads for orbiting basic workingclass concepts, and to point to other more comprehensive and detailed scurces. Readers are expected to carry on from there. These newsletters are not forwardable except au ant" may do so. Failure to notify change of address is taken to mean loss of inter. .. cd subs will not be renewed without some indication of desire to c a receiving them. We have no complete back copies - only a few parts left over, - s a file. Readers may quote or reprint for movement purposes only.' Feedback ana news clips on which the source and date is noted, are welcome. We are pensioners on a tight budget. If this is a free copy, do not expect an­ other until we hear from you. Our xerox service is for subscribers only. We are endlessly grateful to all those beautiful people who have supported us thruout our 6 yrs of continuous publication. As proletarian internationalists, we clasp their hands and those of all oppressed peoples In solidarity for workingclass power. iObreros, unidos, jamas sera tfencidosi Jtfenceremosi






"SANITY NOW;» U.S. BULK POSTAGE newsletter #71, April 73 L A _?JB box 20a, La Puente La Puente Ca. Callfas 91747 Permit „31 A,



MATERIAL ÇA*ySWju7to*>*0 V** P&2ÙÙ


THIS NEWSLETTER WAS DELIVERED TO YOU BY AN AGENT OF THE U.S. GOVERNMENT / : r- d. -, April 73: IGHT INFLATION TOGETHER (FIT;, bcx 3342, Simi Ca 93065 phone 34S-4797, is spreading across"the nation like wildfire, sez Radio KABC 10 Mar. the few days following its inception ty three women, it has chapters organizing in 30 states. BRINGING DOWN THE PRICE OF MEAT is the first objective. The chain letter is their key to getting consumers to buy no meat on Tuesdays and Thursdays, beginning now and no meat at all during the first week in April iiark those dates on your cal­ endar - NOW, before you forget iti - tie a reminder-string on your finger before in­ flation ties a rope around, your neck! . ASK THEM FOR THE CHAIN LETTER and any other information you need - and please in close a contribution, no matter how small, with your request. GET ON THE PHONE TO YOUR FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS! Get TRiM in on the action! iViva la Boicoteo! iViva la Huelgai IT WORKS! In the Big Depression of the 30s, Detroit area merchants doubled the retail price of pork. Angered by that, the Women's Auxiliary of the United Auto Wkrs put on a telephone campaign similar to the chain letter, asking people not to buy pork or pork products during a certain week. Unlike most other meats, pork can be held only so long even when frozen. Result: prok prices tumbled lower than they ever were. But then, those were highly self-disciplines workingclass people. The middle class may need more convincing. Get with It, folks!

THERE IS PRACTICALLY NO LIMIT to what a well-organized, self-disciplined and highly-motivated consumer's organization can do, both economically and politically, and especially in coalition with rank-and-file labor organizations. Of course it's not easy - no effective organization is. We can't imagine a better issue at this time than the ridiculously-high price of meat. If it were to keep on, shoppers would have to pay admission price just to LOOK at it,

WAGES DON'T RAISE PRICES — super-profits do! Prices have little to do with the cost of production - they are determined ty how much the consumer will pay. The more he/she is willing to pay, the higher the price, until the cutoff ceiling when sales resistance offsets the profit gain.» Consumers can form the other jaw to the trade union strike for higher wages, a vise that can catch the chiseling merchants.

"HOW TO SAVE ON YOUR FOOD BILL" by Phyllis Ranes'in the Christian Science MONITOR (xerox copy to subscribers for postage) cautions consumers not to let the money saved on "specials" deceive you into thinking it's not worth the shopping effort in the bat­ tle against rising food prices that have taken the largest jump since Nixon let down price controls, in the past 22 yrs. Quoting CONSUMER REPORTS, "Buying house brands over nationally-advertised brands will save the average family :d250 to 1300 a year." We say there is a heap of satisfaction in beating high prices - and have fun doing it. "THE SUPER-MARKET TRAP" ty Jennifer Cross, Indiana University Press ^5.95, sez: "The best buys of all are the weekly specials." and then goes into detail about what to look for. "At the checkout, see that the clerk rings up the sale price rather than the regular price", she sez, to which we add that some merchants take advantage of the customer who is inattentive at the ring-up and does just that. "HOW TO START A FOOD CO-OP" with 6 or more participating families is told in the Santa Barbara NEWS & REVIEW 15 Dec 72, 424 Nopal Santa Barbara Ca 93103, xerox copy free for postage to subscribers of this newsletter. The article ends with an invita­ tion to interested people to contact the paper for more information. "THE INTELLIGENT BUYER'S GUIDE TO SELLERS" by Dexter Masters of CONSUMER'S UNION Mt Vernon NY ïjpl.50, puts the finger on many name brands and lampoons the rip-off s in a very humorous way. Here is a book the consumer won't want to lay aside. Hear tills: I'The essence of the buyer-seller relationship is that the seller, as a professional, is in a position to know things about the product he is selling that the buyer cannot, or at least cannot readily, know as a rule, the buyer has no way of knowing any­ thing meaningful about it (the product) other than what the seller chooses to tell him, aside from what he might pick up from friends no better informed than himself..." So the poor consumer has three call strikes on him before he ever steps up to the plate, for that is how this goddamn capitalist system works. "THE BIG TAX SWINDLE and how to stop it", an analysis and program for action ty Victor Perlo, New Outlook Publishers, 32 Union Square East Rm 801, NYC 10003 25#, which opens with this mind-blaster: "A Mrs Horace Dodge put her entire |5é million auto fortune legacy into tax-free bonds, mid thus was in a position to enjoy over |1^ million yearly income without even reporting it on her tax return." - quoted from "The Great Treasury Raid" by Philip M Stem, Random House 1964. But that' s mere chicken feed compared to Paul Getty, the oil billionaire, who draws down ^300,000 A DAY« Will YOU be paying THEIR taxes come April 15 deadline? THE POWER TO TAX IS THE POWER TO DESTROY! Tax laws are rigged against those least able to pay them: the poor, the working stiff, the dirt farmer, the small home owner, the consumer, and the little businessman? Particularly oppressive is the sales tax which hits everyone "equally" - like the law that prohibits both the millionaire and the tramp from sleeping on park benches, with double penalty for the tramp whose skin is less than lily-white, ddllions lost their life's savings in the Big Depression of the 30s. The next depression will make that one look like a Sundayschool picnic.

"SANITY NOW!" a left-radical activist education center, box 261 La Puente Ca. 91747 Part 2, ne- cil 73:

E: Nixon bills Hanoi -1*400,000 for O.S. expenses in bring­ ing home! îëwscast 14 Mar) >r the bombs that leveled that city last Christmas, killing ands ol amese civilians and nating any friends this nation may have had among v -es. Never has the animal kingdom been so slandered as to call this creature a "pig". Americans seem to forget that WE are the aggressors - that WE meddled in the in­ ternal affairs of another nation - and got our political nose bloodied. The bounden duty of every radical activist is to keep ourselves reminded of that fact. Genera­ tions will pass before thsgre can he any thought of forgiveness. Burchett, reporting in GUARDIAN 7 Mar, sez: "The great question is whether Nixon, having outraged world public opinion by using his B52s in a spectacularly-unsuccess­ ful attempt to try to bomb the Hanoi leadership into submission, is going to further scandalize the world by complicity with Thieu in violating the Paris Agreement....." What has Nixon been doing but involving 'himself up to his eyeballs in the Thieu vio­ lations? Burchett sez in his own words: "The reason for the huge quantity of planes, tanks, artillery and other equipment rushed in to South Vietnam" was to "supply the muscles for the violations of the Agreement by dictator Thieu. In Laos, Nixon did the same thing - waged a unilateral war supported "by U.S. air power including B52s against the Pathet Lao area despite the signature of a cease-fire agreement." THIEU THREATENS TO SHOOT NEWSMEN who try to interview NLF cease-fire delegation being held virtual prisoners, and an NBC camera crew was stopped from entering the ramshackle compound where they are. (News & Review 9 Mar). The International Con­ trol Commission has been consistently denied axcess to areas where alleged violations by Thieu troops are reported, and Canada, one of the four Control Commission nations, has threatened to quit if the situation does not open up this month. In a nation-wide attempt to cut off information "to the press, U.S. Govt has used subpoenas, court orders to reporters to turn over sources of their confidential infor­ mation, police surveillance and suppression, in 30 cases compiled by Reporter's Com­ mittee for Freedom of the Press based in Washington DC. For more information, contact Seymour Hersh, NY TIMES 1920 L St NW, phone 202 293-3100, or George Wilson of the Washington POST, 1150 15 St NW, phone 202 223-6000, and tell 'em SANITY NOW! sent you. BRAZIL-U.S. HEW PRESS CENSORSHIP practically prohibits ?ny public political dis­ cussion critical of the fascist dictatorship. The editor of 0PINA0 sez the regime "fears public reaction if it found out about the abuses being committed in the name of stability." (ibid) BRAZIL: 1964 TO THE PRESENT by Jean Marc Von der Weid, 50pp 750 from Editions Latin America, is reviewed by Susan Collins in GUARDIAN 21 Feb, who sez it "deserves close attention because of its consistent emphasis upon principled unity in the strug­ gle against imperialism and upon the continuity of that struggle....."

"NOTHING IS MORE PRECIOUS THAN INDEPENDENCE AND FREEDOM" - Ho Chi Minn, July '66 Right on, Uncle Ho! Whatever its cost, the blood spilled to achieve it cannot com­ pare to that wasted in keeping slavery alive. A people' s war cannot be defeated! THE BATTLE OF STALINGRAD 30 yrs ago was the turning point.in WWII, not a mere episode as capitalist historians try to make cut. Here, 19"Nov 42, began the decis­ ive gallant Soviet counter-offensive that drove Hitler's seemingly-invincible Wehr­ macht back to Germany. But Western imperialism never learned the lesson it taught - that no conscri.pt predatory army, no matter how militarily strong, can win against a united people led by Marxists. Read about Stalingrad, and many other tilingsth e cap­ italist press doesn't tell you, in PEOPLE'S WORLD mag, 10 Feb, 18.19 10 St Berkeley, trial sub only §!• How can you go wrong?

IRELAND'S STRUGGLE FOR INDEPENDENCE for independence from British colonial rule is not the "religious war" capitalist propaganda claims. Fundamentally and of his­ torical necessity, it is a CLASS, struggle between the oppressors, the majority of whom happen to be Protestants, and the oppressed, the majority of whom happen to be Catholic, and don't let anyone tell you differently. Now comes Win Leahy, writing in GUARDIAN 21 Feb, pushing the "religious war" myth in these words: "Altho North Ireland is a poor area with high unemployment, the main conflict there has not developed along class lines but along religious lines, between the Protestant majority controlled politically by the wealthiest group in the province and the Catholic minority which has fought for civil rights and unification with the rest of Ireland." Leahy ends his most-informative article (xerox copy free to sub­ scribers) with this contradicting admission: "But even tho the conflict....is not at bottom a religious war but a division maintained on behalf of monopoly capital, the conflict is still being fought out on the old religious sectarian grounds." Leahy, who should know better, has helped foster that illusion,

WILFRED BURCHETT. weekly GUARDIAN'S famous staff correspondent and world-renown­ ed journalist, will be the guest of honor at GUARDIAN'S 25th Anniversary luncheon on Sunday 8 Apr 1pm, at FDR Ballroom, 310 W 43 St NYC. For reservations, contact the Committee at 32 W 22 St NYC or phone (2Ï2) 6?l-0404. FUEL CRISIS LARGELY CONTRIVED to raise prices, sez PW mag 10 Feb. U.S. "shale oil»..is sufficient to last a century, the coal supply....5 centuries. Long before those reserves are exhausted, thermo-nuclear energy will be developed with virtually- unlimited ßupply of hydrogen as the basic fuel source" as the Soviets have discovered.

(over, please) > ELECTRICITY DIRECT FROM H-BOMB ENERGY is a fact in socialist Soviet Union: - "The ' standard' way to make electric power from H-bomb units would be to produce steam for turbines to turn regular generators. USSR can bypass that already - they have shown U.S. experts a working 'MRD* unit. A blast of flame produces electricity directly with no turbines or generators." (Northern Neighbors mag, box 1000 Graven- hurst Ontario Canada, xerox copy free to subscribers for postage), SCIENTIFIC SOCIALISM DEFEATS CAPITALISM in all spheres of human endeavor because all surplus value created by socialist economy accrues to the working class that pro­ duces it, rather than into the pockets of greedy capitalists. That is what the class struggle in capitalist countries is all about, ENORMOUS HEAT SOURCES EXIST.under our deserts for the cheap production of elec­ trical energy. Why have not those sources been developed? Because capitalism* s chaotic mode of production finds other methods more profitable, even tho they be vastly more wasteful and polluting the environment. Let's have socialism!

LIFE WITHOUT LANDLORDS by Mike Davidow contrasts the socialist approach to the production of low-cost modern housing in Soviet Union, with capitalist failure to solve the housing crisis in U.S. 32pp, price to be announced, NEW OUTLOOK PUBLISHERS 32 Union Sq East Rm 801, NYC 10003 A MIGHTY UNION OF NATIONS by Jas Jackson is a reprint from POLIIICAL AFFAIRS Dec 72, l6pp 25d also from New Outlook. Tells how unity was achieved between 104 peoples of differing nationalities and races in USSR. Emphasizes liberation of for­ merly-oppressed peoples and socialism's role, how inequality and national hostility is abolished in contrast with Black people's situation in U.S. ARTICLE 123. USSR CONSTITUTION: Equality of rights of citizens of the USSR, ir­ respective of -their nationality or race, in all spheres of economic, government, cul­ tural, political and other social activity, is an indefeasible law. Any direct or in­ direct restriction of the rights of, or conversely the establishment of any direct or indirect privileges for, citizens on account of their race or nationality, as well as any advocacy of racial or national exclus!veness or hatred and contempt, are punish­ able by law. JUDGE EJECTS ALL BLACKS from capitalism's courtroom where Ruchell Magee is on trial for his life, a new blatantly-racist act set-ting a dangerous fascist precedent. Read about it in PW 10 Feb. This could not happen in a soviet America. Racism is the barbaric doctrine that the white race is inherently superior to colored races whose peoples make up 93% of the world's population. Racism is the kingpin of capitalist oppression of all who work for a living.

WOMEN ARE TREATED LIKE 2ad-CLASS" CITIZENS is the opinion of 90% of 120,000 women interviewed in a REDEOOK survey. Read the summation and other goodies in GUARDIAN 28 Feb. ARTICLE 122, USSR CONSTITUTION: Women in USSR are accorded all rights on an e- qual footing with men in all spheres of economic,, government, cultural, political, and other social activity. The .ppgsitiliffi of exercising these rights is ensured by women being accorded the same rights as men to work, payment for work, rest and leis­ ure, social insurance and education, and also by state protection of the interests of mother and child, state aid to mothers of large families and to unmarried mothers, maternity leave with full pay, and the provision of a wide network of maternity homes, nurseries and kindergartens. Today's mother spends only l/7th of her life-span raising children, compared to 1/2 in 1911, according to Colin Bell in Britain's NEW SOCIETY. She sez this is due to earlier and fewer pregnancies and a lengthened life-expectancy, and that most mar­ riages can now anticipate 2 decades of "child-free' existence", whereas 60 yrs ago it was only 5 such years. (RAMPARTS, Dec 72 plO) She is talking about the petty-bour­ geois and bourgeois mothers who can afford the mechanization of housekeeping chores, normally denied working mothers with large families. Read THE WOMAN QUESTION, selec­ ts from the writings of Marx-Ehgels-Lenin-Stalin, 94pp 51.25 from International Publishers, 381 Pa: outh, NYC 10016. Reprints of excerpts and related material free for postage to subscribers« -ELY F- NIXON CUTBACKS of essential social services. Most of the attending 20,000 from across the nation were . or PuertoRican, a fact that une i the prevailing deep-seated white-racist discrimination in this country. 28 Feb). Send a $ for trial sub to Gl. W 22 St NYC 10010. NON-SEXIST CHILDREN'S BOOKS are featured at Sisterhood Bookstore, 1915 Westwood 31vd L.A, Ask us for xerox copy of "Dick & Jane as victims" and "Sex Roles in Kid's Bocks", free to subscribers for postage.

~AL RIGHTS AMENDMENT (ERA) that very simply states: "Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the U.S. or by any state on account of sex" is being attacked by flying-squads of reactionaries led by Phyllis Schlafly who fly from state to state as the Amendment comes up for ratification. 38 states must rat­ ify within 7 yrs to make the Amendment part of the constitution, 27 have so declared with 11 to go. Xerox of GUARDIAN article by.Renee, Blakkan free for postage.

MOST POPULAR MUSIC TODAY IS REACTIONARY and unimaginative, sez Free-for-All, a 20pp tabloid out of Madison Wise, box 962. Published monthly, it subscribes to the services of the Liberation News Service (LNS), Underground Press Syndicate (UPS) and Tri-continental News Service. Frre in Madison, 150 elsewhere.

"SANITY'NOW!" a left-radical activist education center, box 261 La Puente Ca. 91747 ddl has declared his intention to press for legislation i ID be cur official n. . defined in the y as "a sense cf health and well- misleading; be of irrational happiness," Nixon's bill, as outlin .egler, the White house press secretary, would contain the following E ns: — Persons complaining in public to two or more persons, about the Nixon admin­ istration, or programs of that administration, will be liable to a fine of '#50 and sentenced to reading a compilation of Nixon's speeches and news conferences since he tok office. — Public political Vailles will refrain from speeches, signs, banners, bal­ loons, stickers or other communication paraphenalia which criticizes this adminis­ tration or any member of it. Such rallies will not be permitted. Penalties will range from $100 to (',10,000 fine and/or 30 days to 5 years in jail. Parole will de­ pend upon the perpetrator's grade in a course conducted ty Vice-President Agnew on "The Power of Positive Thinking." ' — Newspapers and other publications will be prohibited from printing anything which may give their readers cause to question the leadership of the President or the soundness of his administration's programs and actions. . "Confidential sources" may not be used as a basis for such stories. Publishers and reporters alike will be held accountable. Fines will range from &>100,00Q to Vl million, and all typewriters, typesetting equipment and printing presses will be washed out with soap, — Euphoria will be declared the official national mood. Anyone showing signs of discontent, unhappiness or indifference will be subject to warning, then surveil­ lance, then fine, then imprisonment. Smiles and a generally-improved attitude will be regarded as indications of rehabilitation, Those judged fully rehabilitated will receive autographed color portraits of the President and Vice-President, smiling, (abridged from GET HAPPY - OR ELSE! by Seymour Joseph in PW mag 10 March 73) , Readers who think this is a far-fetched fantasy are hereby sentenced to read • the original text of Hitler' 's MEIN KAMPF from which the idea may have come.

904 VIETNAMESE WOMEN POWs released by Saigon did not come prancing down the gangway like our POWs. Obviously, they had been, cruelly mistreated in Thieu's pri­ sons. They came out hobbling on makeshift crutches, heavily bandaged and in pain. Those with both legs gone were carried by their blinded comrades, led ty others with one or both arms missing. Altho pitifully weak and on the verge of collapse, they mustered the strength at the border checkpoint to storm the Thieu flagpole, tear down the hated emblem, and raised another they had written with the blood from their reopened wounds: "VIETNAM IS ONE COUNTRY» it said. Read some of the details in NEWS & REVIEW 9 Mar, and in GUARDIAN 7 Mar. Every American who paid war taxes must bear a share of the responsibility for their injuries and deaths - As Emerson said, the highest virtue is against the law. »KILL THE COMMUNISTS DOWN TO THE LAST MAN» is Thieu's standing order to his goons. Reader must understand that "Communist" means anyone opposing Thieu's murder­ ous policies and practices. Probably most of bis victims don't know communism from rheumatism. Two French POWs recently released by Saigon (see HIP9-16 Feb) expressed fear that many thousands in Thieu jails -.vill be murdered; "The jailers ana torturers have committed too many crimes already. They know they cannot be forgiven, and they are men who will stop at nothing'.'

TC. is a curare derivative used to e:ctract information from Uruguay political .. First used in California prison system in 1971, its effects are described by journalist Pascual Gutierrez: "First the entire body shakes, then the tongue and eyes become stiff, and the victim is fully conscious of his gradual descent into nothingness as the entire body stops moving. The victim breathes with difficulty until the thorax also becomes rigid and he experiences life and death at the same -time. At this exact second...,the victim is 'helped' with a. bit of oxygen, enough to bring the diaphram back to life, but soon it stiffens again and more oxygen is needed. This is repeated for 10 minutes, the time it takes to kill someone » (HEWS & REVIEW 9 Mar) This recalls the science writer's description in RAMPARTS June 6$, of VX nerve gas that killed 6400 sheep as far downwind as 37 miles from army's Dugway (Utah) Proving Ground where it had been released; "The voluntary muscles go into a state of vibration (shakes) and then becomes paralyzed (stiff). With the involuntary mus­ cles that power the blood vessels and other internal organs, the delicate balance of actuating the deactivating nervous stimulations is upset. The pupils, bladder and alimentary canal constrict, the penis erects, the tear and saliva glands secrete and the heart slows. Cause of death usually is asphyxia following in seconds the paral­ ysis of the respiratory muscles," In short, the victim drowns in his own bodily fluids, TWO 50-Ib canisters of this VX or similar nerve gas were reported to have been dropped on Laos by U.S. pilots. The number of deaths they caused may never be known but it must have been into the tens of thousands.

Americans are supposed to be highly civilized, altho there is a world opinion that would argue the point with considerable justification, for it is inconceivable that ANY civilized people would develop and package such horrendous weapons of mass slaughter. Perhaps most of tiiem shudder at the thought but do nothing to prevent it,


(a satirical' writing ty Art Hoppe in Valley Tribune 19 Jan 73)

The Mr Force has been investigating killed. This is grossly unfair No Am­ Capt. Michael Heck, the B52 pilot who re­ erican President has ever killed a Viet­ fused on the day after Christmas, to drop namese, True, more than a million have any more bombs on Hanoi and . The died this past decade as the result of question is why. Capt. Heck is guilty - our Presidents' policies. But our Presi­ everybody knows that. dents simply have been trying their best The Captain himself freely admits he to prevent a bloodbath and protect Ameri­ refused to obey orders. His only defense can lives. That is their sworn duty. Ev­ is that he felt there had been "enough ery body knows that. suffering" in Vietnam. You might as well blame every American Never has a guilty man offered a more for the people killed by the Captain's specious argument. It has never been up bombs. After all, the Presidents who or­ to the soldier or airman in the field to dered the bombings were our chosen repre­ determine when the enemy has suffered e- sentatives. We elected them under the nough. That decision is made ty older law. But it's our duty to vote. Every­ and wiser men in Washington — Senators body knows •that. Cabinet Secretaries and Presidents. Every It's true that each of us contributed body knows that. taxes to pay for the bombs the Captain Moreover, the Captain implied he felt used -to kill people. But we certainly guilty about killing Vietnamese with his can't be held responsible for that. The bombs. Here, surely, Is guilt bordering law orders us to pay our taxes. It's a on the paranoic. Killing people with crime not to. Everybody knows that. bombs is something to be proud of, not Thus we see that nobody nobody at ashamed. The pilots in the Dresden fire all —> is responsible for killing Vietnam raids, the crew of the Enola Gay, were ese. We the people — the Presidents — decorated as heroes. Everybody knows the Generals — the Colonels - the Majors that. —. the Captains — were merely doing our Furthermore, the Captain was in no way duty under -the law. We were merely car­ responsible for the people his bombs rying out orders. Everybody knows that, killed. He was carrying out orders. A So Cap-tain Heck must understand the soldier who carries out orders Is in no nature of Ms crime. In war, it isn't a way responsible for the people he kills. crime to 1111 people; it's a crime not to Everybody knows that« kill people. Everybody knows that. Presumably, the Captain received his Thus, he's clearly guilty as charged. orders from the Major who briefed him on He committed a crime in time of war. He his specific flight plans. But the Major is a war criminal« An example should be is, of course, not guilty as he was act­ made of him. ing under orders from the Colonel who What if everybody refused to pay his planned the mission. Nor can we blame taxes, do his duty, obey his orders? What the Colonel for doing what the Generals if everyone refused to help kill his fel­ told him to do. And they, In turn, were low man? A race composed entirely of merely obeying the orders of the Presi­ criminals could hot long survive. dent, which is their sworn duty. Every­ Everybody knows that. body knows that. Some might like to blame the Presi­ dent for the people the Captain's bombs * * * * *

ALMOST EVERYONE KNOWS only that which the capitalist ruling class wishes to tell them, thru its monopolized control of the mass media and educational institutions. Manipulation of the public mind over many past generations has been the means ty which the master class has involved us in tho mass murder of innocents. So cleverly-rigged and ail-pervasive are the distortions and lies that the vic­ tims are made to believe that they arrived at their false conclusions thru their own independent thinking, little suspecting the implanted and nurtured fallacies upon which they are based. Not only are so many people ignorant of what goes on beyond their narrow rat-race worlds, but they have been programmed from infancy to remain so — to reject any new ideas that contradict their cherished prejudices. Dr Ziferstein puts It clearly in his conclusion to his famous pamphlet PSYCHOLOGICAL HABITUATION TO WAP. (a few copies available for 25£): "The gradual habituation - the 'management' of news and information - the manip­ ulation of public opinion - produce in the American people a sense of confusion. They undermine the average American's confidence in his own ability to think clearly and to cope with important issues. They foster in the average American a feeling of help lessness and passivity. All this bodes ill for the democratic process: an ill-inform ed and misinformed people may be unable to participate intelligently in decision­ making. It bodes ill for tlje prospects of human survival: a habituated people may be unable to stop the drift toward a third, thermo-nutelear, world war. It bodes ill for the emotional health of the American people."


«SANITY NOW!" a left-radical activist education center, box 261 La Puente Ca. 91747 Part 4, newsletter ^71, April 73: '. ACADEMIC REBELLION IN THE.U_._S., by the young Marxist Bettina Aptheker begins with the provocative question: "Is this rébellion merely an intense version of tra­ ditional forms of academic dissent, or does it reflect the beginnings of a qualitative change in the class positions of the intellectuals as a whole?" Miss Aptheker believes the latter is true, and so it forms the heart of her anal­ ysis of the recent and present campus turmoil. She argues persuasively that intellec­ tuals — students and professors in particular — are being compelled by scientific and technological progress to become an esgjrj&ial part nf. ^l\g...P^2dactive prosgSS» and hence structurally a part„of the working class. With this shift in class identifica­ tion has come a concomitant increase in _gocial consciousness. She also believes that the contemporary student movement has its origins in the resistance to racism in the U.S., finding its roots in the sit-in demonstrations of Black students in the early 60s This book is an extremely important contribution to the student movement, and "must" reading for all activists. (.7.95 from A.I.M.S., 20 E 30 St NYC 10016 We have free-for-postage reprints of her YOUTH REBELLION from Political Affairs Mar-Apr 69 that has proved so popular among students in rebellion. Asie us MARX-LENIN IN SPANISH in the following titles are obtainable from FOUR CONTINENT BOOKS, 156 5 Av NYC, att FCBC. When ordering, refer to Reserve Stock #518: Obras Escogidas en dos Tomas, Marx-Engels (>4, Lenin |9; Contra la Guerra Imper- ialista by Lenin, (1.50$ La Revolucion Espanola ty Marx-Engels -1.25; Gue Hacer? by Lenin, $1.25; Fundamentes del Materialismo Dialectico y Historico by Spirkin (1.60j Semblanza Biografica by Lenin, (1; Lenin Sobre la Educacion de la Juventud by Landa (1; La Doctrina Leninista Sobre el Impérialisme y la Epoea Actual,.600j La Enfermedad Infantil del "Isquierdisao" en el Communisme ty Lenin, 600; Acerca del Estado Social- ista by Lenin, 500; La Doctrina Leninista del Partido y la Epoca Actual, 500; La Cultura Proletaria by Lenin, 500 Available from this Center are xex'ox copies of reports in Spanish and French from Spain and other Latin countries, free to subscribers for postage. For current progress of the Mexican revolution, read POR QUE? (in Spanish). For news of the Cuban revolution, read GRANMA.. For further reading matter, contact Centro de Informacion Latino-Americano, box 576 Stn N, Montreal 129 Quebec Canada,

•EAMSTERS REBEL at leaders signing "sweetheart" contracts with agri-business in violation of 1971 no-raid pact with United Farm Wkrs, contracts that contain no-strike clauses and omitting hiring halls. Among thos leading the rebellion are Rudy Garcia and V-P Pete Naranjo of Cannery Wkrs' local 679 who charged: "These (Teamster) officials do not have Farm Wkrs interests in mind. They have signed infer­ ior contracts without consent of Farm Wkrs involved, and Iiave wasted huge sums of our dues money in the process," WE ASK OUR READERS to support the rebellion and the United Farm Wkrs by boycott­ ing head lettuce and. scab wines, and to help mgn/woman the picket lines at Safeway and other anti-union establishments. iViva la Huelga! EL E0IC0TE0 ES UN ASUNTO DE VIDA 0 MUERTE PARA LOS CAMPESINOS, POR FAVOR AYUDEN A HORA! (The boycott is a life and death matter for Farm Wkrs. Please help NOW!) "VIGILANTE" COMMITTEE AT SAN JOSS, composed of former mayors, councilmen, the retired police chief, city dept heads and executives, and an ex-city manager, all of whom have served the economic elite so well for many years, has been formed to menace and intimidate voters backing a mo re-demo era tic redistricting. (PW 10 Feb) Under these conditions, anything can happen and probably will. If violence breaks out, you can be sure it will be the vigilantes and the police who start it.

UFW DELANO OFFICES DYNAMITED last month, and now the union's office in Terra Bella Ca. has been broken into and trashed. Cesar Chavez said the local police "were asked to arrest those involved but were extremely reluctant to make arrests even tho many witnesses were present." (GUARDIAN 7 Mar) We still say the best and most secure office is under the hat.- vocal, mobile and out of jail. 800 STRIKING PHILLY TEACHERS ARRESTED when they defied repressive court order. One of their main demands - 4.2$ wage increase - has been rejected by the Board of vEducation. (GUARDIAN 28 Feb) British trade unions have sold their apartheid stocks in 6 companies with inter­ ests in racist South Africa. (GUARDIAN 28 Feb)

BOYCOTT SHELL PRODUCTS 1 Tills British-Dutch giant corporation refuses even to bargain with its U.S. employees on health and safety measures, pension reviews and plans agreed to by American oil companies. This appeal comes from OIL, CHEMICAL AND ATOMIC WORKERS International Union, diFL-CIO who ask people to return their credit cards with- the demand that Shell stop its anti-union practices. Pass the word'. TICK CREEK NC FARMER CO-OP DESTROYED BY FIRE 19 Jan urgently needs seeds, carpen­ try tools, garden tools and building materials. Send your contribution to Tick Creek Tribe, Rt#3 box 111A, Pittsboro NC 27312. (Grass Roots Feb 73) Investor-owned cor­ porations whose aim is to ma:imise profits for the investors hates and fears all self- service co-operative enterprises that cut out the greedy middlemen. Moral: Get it together, folks! the coupon-clippers won't.

(over, please) ZIONIST-ISRAELI TERRORISM is chronicled by United Nations document A/c.6/L 876, 22 Nov 72 listing 66 separate incidents since 1941 that resulted in a total of 1593 dead and 1038 wounded Arabs. The list was compiled from various sources, none of which can be said to either oppose or favor the Israelis or Arabs. The list is admittedly incomplete, but the breadth and scope of the offenses which include use of letter^- bc-mbs^, indicate the aggressive nature of the Israeli State against the Arabs gener­ ally and the Palestinians particularly, and in many cases Europens. The American public is being as wantonly misinformed and misled ty !,ne Nixonite "news management" concerning the Middle-east, and for the same nefarious purposes, as they have been abo^t Vietnam. The truth is suppressed, distorted or cosmetized into its opposite. Irtie U.S.-CIA has engineered the climes and then blamed them on the victims, as is the prevailing practice. What a terrible error if the United Nations allowed itself to be pressured into suppressing the rising tide of a people's war against U.S. imperialiaa and Its puppet Israeili govt» all in the name of "stopping international terrorism" caused by the same evil force that urges such actionl The recent visit to Washington by Israeli's Golda Meir is loaded with sinister impllcatiors of which the American people are totally unaware: our involvement in a bigger and bloodier Vietnam in the Middle-east, leading toward a nuclear WwIII and possibly the destruction of this planet. ORGANIZE! Tell Congress to stop all aid to Israeli Urge the United Nations (NY) to reject any imperialist demands for sanctions against people's wars of liberationl ISRAEL HAS HIGHEST PER CAPITA MILITARY SPEEDING in the world: $477 for arms for every man, woman and child in 1970, one-quarter higher than U.S. of §379 • The Soviet Union is third with an outlay of &270. (U.S. Govt Arms Control and Disarmament Agency) MISERY REIGNS IN ISRAEL'S GAZA STRIP where the cut-off from UNRWA rations of 1500 calories daily per person is an income of about ï?60 a month. For more informa­ tion on the plight of the Palestinian refugees in Israel, write to ARAB INFORMATION CENTER 405 Lexington Av NYC 10017. We urge a small donation with your request.

SOVIET JEWS WHO EMIGRATED TO ISRAEL want to return. They write that the con­ ditions and opportunities there are intolerable and not as they were led to expect. Some of them had expected to make a fortune with the specialised training they had received free in USSR, only to find that they were exploited and oppressed along with the other "Jews without money". The grass in the other pasture was an illusion.

THE MIDDLE-EAST: WAR OR PEACE? by Hyman Lumer in Political Affairs May 70 and REVOLUTION IN THE ARAB WORLD by Tom Foley in Political Affairs Aug 70 give in­ valuable insight into the imperialist forces seeking our involvement in the current middle-east crisis, ",..,0f course, there can be no military solution. Continued attempts to find a way out thru military means can lead only to endless and deepening warfare, whatever new victories the Israeli forces may win. Nor, by the same token, can a solution be achieved thru the destruction of the Israeli State. The solution can only be a political one. (as Vietnam has proved -SN) The basis for such a solu­ tion exists in the form of the UN Security Council resolution of Nov 22, 1967. This resolution is grounded in the realities of life in the Middle East, and it offers a feasible means of ending the conflict....." Hyman Lumer goes on to explain the reso­ lution and prove his thesis. Tom Foley begins his article Ahusly: "Profound changes are occurring in the Arab world which are ultimately related to the sharpening con­ tradictions on a world scale between imperialism and socialism. Imperialism is los­ ing its grip on the Middle East, not only in the progressive socialist-oriented Arab states such as the UAR and Syria, but in every other part of the Arab world as well. This general Arab movement to break away from imperialist domination would stand lit­ tle chance on success without the great moral and material support of the socialist countries, first of all the Soviet Union. In the old days, the imperialists would have drowned this movement in blood. They would still like to. Loss of the Arab world would represent a disaster of unparalled magnitude for imperialism, in some re­ spects far worse than its loss of China,....." Foley goes on to give much of the background to counter "the tragic aspect of this deplorable ignorance of the Arab world...." whose future is indissolvably wrapped up with our own. Get these issues of POLITICAL AFFAIRS from 23 W 26 St NYC 10010 - you'll be glad you did! THE MIDEAST CRISIS is the heading of Chapter 10 p 161 of Gus Hall's IMPERIALISM TODAY, 384pp $3.95, International Publishers 331 Park Av So Rm 1301 NYC 10016. It o- pens with An Open Letter to the "Israeli Peace Movement, followed "ay a jam-packed ex­ position of Israeli aggression of which this quotation is typical: "Apologists for im­ perialist aggression tailor their apologies to fit the audience. Some cover up the aggression by speaking about the 'two world powers fighting to dominate the Mideast.» If you can point the finger at 'two big powers', this of course diverts attention from the aggression by Israel supported by the U.S. But It is also a cover for U.S. imper­ ialism because to speak about »two powers' hides the fact that one of the powers,name­ ly U.S. imperialism, Is the aggressor. It is one of those unavoidable truths. The Soviet Union is not after one inch of the Mideast,land or anyone else's land. It is not after even one barrel of oil from the Arab lands. (It has practically inexhausta- ble sources of oil and other sources of energy within its own borders,-SN)"There is a basic difference between enjoying and defending the rich culture of the Jewish people ...... and defending a reactionary bourgeois nationalism that supports policies of im­ perialist aggression....." But get the book! It a real wingding education!

"SANITY NOW!" a left-radical, activist education center, box 261 La Pu*bte Cr« 91747 - 5, newsletter #71, April 73:

RESISTANCE is a double page tabloid spread in WAR TAX MOBTHLY Feb^'iar, 833 Haight St San Francisco 9-4117, 10£ a copy, and of special value to income taxpayers at this time with 15 Apr deadline coming up. There is one gimmick we have not heard publicized that should be considered by wartax resisters who have no taxable incomes, such as pensioners, and it is perfectly safe to use. Write strong letters to 1RS refusing to pay ANY income tax, so worded as to leave the impression you DO owe taxes. This involves the 1RS in a wild goose chase looking for a non-existing taxpayer, while at the same time getting your protest over to them. Copies, or.letters to the editors of the swindlesheets, would com­ pound the hoax. Aside from that is the need to realize that ANY tax is a war tax, inasmuch as it goes to maintain â State power that wages war, whether an economic war at home against the consuming public or a shooting war abroad against people of color, like in SE Asia, If you don't want to be an accessory to war, then don't pay ANY tax you can avoid. WARS ARE INEVITABLE IN CAPITALIST SOCIETY because capitalism, just in order to "stay alive, must continually expand in search and conquest of new markets and sources of raw materials. This is so because; the home market is glutted with goods that can't be sold at a super-profit because the workers who created that surplus in unpaid "over time" (i.e., that time in excess of the time needed to produce their bare subsistance) were never paid enough wages to buy them back. Capitalism has become inextricably "entangled in an insoluable contradiction with itself....cleft into irreconcilable antagonisms which it is powerless to dispel" as Lenin sed in STATE AND REVOLUTION. Its inherent predatory nature cannot help but gen­ erate wars, not only between classes within capitalist countries but between capital- ' ist countries themselves over the spoils of imperialist conquest. It must follow that those countries presently dominated by U.S. Imperialism must eventually band together, probably in alliance with their own working classes, to break those chains and pursue a course of Independent development. The decentralization of world imperialism thus becomes the focus of such many countries under the U.S. yoke - a weakening and even­ tual dissolution of capitalism and the socialist reconstruction of society. That this will involve considerable bloodshed is inevitable and must be understood by the "peace- fu_" revolutionists and advocates of non-violence, for no tyrant has ever given up without such a bloody fight. Joe Stalin has said that "....whereas war between capitalist countries puts in question only the supremacy of certain capitalist countries over others, war with the USSR must certainly put in question the existence of capitalism itself...." Xerox copy free to subscribers for postage - and we have others on tap.

A LESSON FOR GUERILLAS and those aspiring to be such: Amilcar Cabrai was mur­ dered by members of his own party. His younger brother Luiz is quoted in Apr RAMPARTS as saying: "Amilcar Cabrai's death was a result of poor security measures. Numerous deserters from African troops serving Portugal joined the PAIGC without being screened." The lesson: Know the people with whom you work in the Movement! Remember what Julius Lester said: "The only friend a revolutionary has is another revolutionary" We have xerox copies of how to detect and handle enemy infiltrators, free for postage to our subscribers.

"....There are, at the moment, two very different versions of what was signed at Paris (i.e.,"Agreement on Ending the War and Restoring Peace in Vietnam" -SN), The first is the text itself. The second is the version of the Agreements that is being presented by spokesmen for the U.S. govt. The text itself is very close to the posi­ tion the 'enemy' has maintained for more than a decade. Washington's version reflects the long-standing position of the U.S. govt. We must ask whether the U.S. version is merely rhetoric for home consumption or whether it is the framework for policy One factor.,..will be the manner in which U.S. intervention of the past 25 yrs is per­ ceived within the mainstream of opinion in U.S " Noam Chomsky in RAMPARTS April, who claims that the "question of the return of Vietnamese civilian personnel captured or detained in South Vietnam" is left unresolved in the Agreements, whereas the Octo­ ber 9-point plan, Point 3, indicated they were to be released. The Protocol on pris­ oners now states that "All Vietnamese civilian personnel captured and detained in So. Vietnam shall be treated humanely at all times, and in accordance with international practice. They shall be protected against all violence to life and person....." This we know has been consistently violated by the U.S.-Thieu regime. We know now that the U.S.-Thieu axis does not have, never had, nor can ever have any intention of observ­ ing the provisions of the Agreement, any more than it had the 1954 Agreements, in neither the letter or the spirit in which they were formulated and signed, and history is proving it. As with hitler, such Agreements are "mere scraps of paper" to be re­ spected only within the context of the armed forces necessary for their implementation.

ON INCREASING RESPECT FOR THE PRESIDENCY is a satirical short article in April RAMPARTS that opens with this: "It, certainly would be too much to call this country a »pitiful helpless giant' merely because it has been defeated in war "by 'a 2-bit nation', as President Johnson used to say. Still, it is undeniably true that America has suffered a severe setback...and that, in the words of NY TIMES mahatma Jas Reston, 'there has been a sharp decline in respect for authority in U.S. as a result of the war' -specifically, he sez, 'for the civil authority of govt,'" The article goes on in the same vein — but read it yourself - we're out of stencil.

(over, please) CALIFORNIA'S GOV RONALD REAGAN, known in left-radical circles as "the fascist gun in the West", is being groomed to be the next U.S. President. Few greater cal­ amities could befall this nation. In a letter to a religious sect, this Nixonite gauleiter said that "property rights are the very basis of human rights."(copy on request). The workingclass mind Immediately comes to the obvious conclusion: the immense workingclass majority having no property therefore have no human rights that Reagan and his kind are bound to respect. Nor do they, as shown by their budget cuts and elimination of essential public services. ?ment to our February issue for the details of how the burden of Inflation is being -'.lifted to the backs of those least able to bear it. Events cast the:' *e. YDU "ain't seen Aig yet" to what's com­ ing. Marx said in the then, t 'S are victorious, but only for a time. The real fruit cf tneir catties 1 ; in the i .e result but in the ever-expanding union of It • at was needed to centralize the numerous local struggles, all of the same d er, into one na­ tional struggle between classes. But every'class-struggle is a political struggle. Of all the classes that stand face to face with the bourgeoisie today, the pro­ letariat alone is a really revolutionary class. The other classes decay and finally disappear in the face of modem industry; the proletariat is its special and essential product. The lower middle class,- the small manufacturer, the shop-keeper, the arti­ san, the peasant - all these fight against the bourgeoisie to save from extinction their existence as fractions of the middle class. They are therefore not revolution­ ary but conservative. Nay more: they are reactionary, for they try to roll back the wheel of history. If by chance they are revolutionary, they are so only in view of their impending transfer into the proletariat} they thus defend not their present but their future interests...... "

"FJTURE OF THE DRAFT - SSS UNCLEAR" sez NCflD for Jan-Feb. There should be no unclarity about the Hixonian intention to retain the powers of this iniquitous sys­ tem as a contingency measure in case the projected "volunteer" mercenary army fails to materialize in the wanted dimensions. We expect Congress to rubber-stamp the re­ tention on |the specious claim for the need of "national security" when in fact the danger to this nation is not from without but from within, and so a standing army or an inflated militia is for the security of the ruling oppressors, not of their victims, and together with the police, the forward cutting edge of capitalism's "law-and-order". Needed Is the total abolition of the power to conscript young men to fight old men's warsAs Daniel Webster said: "Where is it written in the Constitution - in what arti­ cle or section is it contained, - that you may oake children from their parents and parents from their children, and compel them to fight the battles of any war In which the folly or wickedness of Government may engage it?" Readers are urged to express their opinions on this issue to National Council to Repeal the Draft, 245 2nd St NE, Washington DC 20002, phone (202) 544-5903. Include a contribution for their newsltr.

A RITA LETTER from the GI resistance in France claims that the &150Ö enlistment bonus becomes only a memory after the first six months in the service, and 3g yrs to go. "It is the best thing for long-term resistance they ever thought of!" sez the f letter. The writer ignored the effect of these 6 months of intensive indi?f.tTHr'afcir'rl * designed to convince the GI how much better off he was as a garrison soldier with his bodily needs provided and no worries, than on the unemployed breadlines back home. At least, so the story goes, he has a future to look forward to in the service and none at all in civilian life where he must scramble in competition with his peers for bare survival. It's a powerful argument few will be able to resist. By the time he faces the situation where he must kill or be killed, it'll be too late to do anything much about but regret his enlistment. This is the carrot and club technique being used to drive young men into the military which can well afford to allow voluntary separ­ ation they believe few will accept. It is the basic concept for Der Fuehrer» s new "volunteer" Wehrmacht as the screws of inflation and depression are tightened, A Gallup poll has shown that 16 million Americans would rather leave this coun­ try than love it, and a recent report from Bureau of Labor Statistics sez over 1&% of the teen-age population is unemployed, 3^ times the national average. The percen­ tage is much higher among the minorities. VIET VETS LOW MEN ON NIXON TOTEM PCLS. Denied job preference and unemployment benefits, screwed by phony "job fairs", cut off welfare, they are tired of being pissed on by govt they served. They are planning a nation-wide march on Washington 19 May demanding &2500 compensation for their lost years of duty. Readers! Back them up with all you've got - they're our sons, you know - the real wealth of this nation. Let's prove than wrong who say American civilians do not know or care to know anything about servicemen's problems. Inform yourself ty reading THE BOND, voice of the American Servicemen's Union (ASU), 58 W 25 St NYC 10010, phone 675-2520.

"The return of our prisoners is not conditional on the disposition of Vietnamese prisoners in Vietnamese jails on both sides of tHe conflict." said #2 Gaulieter Kis­ singer at his press conference 26 Oct. That isn't the way we read the Agreement that provides for the return of all prisoners "simultaneously with U.S. troop withdrawal." That certainly is clear enough - ALL prisoners including those being tortured in Thieu1 s jails, or being fingered by the CIA for extermination. Tell your Congressmen to demand freedom for Vietnamese prisoners also, but hurry HURRY H U R R Y!

"SANITY NOW!" a left-radical education center, box 261 La Puente Ca. 91747 April 73:

•LTY RESTORED so he can BU is opposition "legally" _ic displeasure over the slow ki_ -ire going U.S, prisons. n's gauleiter Reagan e: ^jr the same reasons as befits the fascist gun in the West, The "1 -order" liberals, rid­ ing high on the crime wave of hysteria, want the death penalty restored because their father-images in govt want it, and anyhow it's no skin off THEIR shins - they think themselves above such a fate. Seemingly-secure in their little narrow individual worlds, they are totally oblivious of the crimes ty their father-images being com­ mitted in their names, like in nazi Germany so clearly described by Virginia Colter in the following account:

"I used to wonder what the German people were thinking On that far-off day in April when Hitler tombed Guernica in neighboring Spain, Explaining as he did so that he was saving the West From communism (in this dase meaning the Spanish Republic), "Now I know: Young women were thinking about what they would wear If the weather stayed warm. Mother's thought about baking a cake Before the children got home from.school. Fathers thought about the shiny new 'people's car' They would some day own "But they talked about the weather, the stock market, and high taxes. The teachers kept their thoughts to themselves, but they told their students Of their country's glorious past and still-more glorious future. "Who can tell what the men of God were really thinking As they discussed the problems of increased delinquency, alcoholism, And the prevalence of pornography which was corrupting the youth? "All this time blood flowed down the Ebro; The peasants of Guernica were slaughtered in the market place, Felled by German guns manned by German heroes. "Back home in Germany, no one seemed to be noticing, And the rest of Europe carefully averted its eyes Lest it behold sights too harsh For Christian hearts to bear,"

THE WRONG PEOPLE ARE IMPRISONED! tried and sentenced under capitalist laws in the making of which neither they nor their peers had any voice - laws rigged for so­ ciety' s real criminals to break and the innocent to obey. They are the imprisoned victims of a vicious unjust system that condemned them.at birth to lives of privation and poverty, finally driving.them tc desperation and adoption of wrong tactics of resistance in the mistaken belief.that, somehow Individual actions can replace the revolt of tho masses - can replace the class struggle. People are oppressed en masse — they can be liberated only En masse. To attempt to liberate them as individuals is to engage in endless frustration; there simply.are too many of them for that. ORGANIZE! - that is the first and most fundamental action. Bring together the many- splintered resistance to form the angry fist that breaks the chains of ALL victims, and to free ALL prisoners, and to tear down the prison walls. Let's get with it!

"WE HATE THEE?, ROTTEN SYSTEM MORE THAN MY MORTALS DO; OUR AM IS NOT TO PATCH IT UP, BUT BDELD IT ALL ANEW " (from a verse of "Solidarity Forever", sung to the tune of Gloiyi Gioxy! Hclllelujalii)

PRISONER'S FREE PRESS, an underground newsletter via Jas Mayberry, box 4731 Philadelphia Pa 19134;. issue d'il, reprints a letter from a prisoner in the federal . penitentiary at Marlon 111, recites the terrible, oppression there, - the denial of all civil rights supposedly guaranteed prisoners by the highest Prison Authorities. Another letter from the same source makes the point that "Any program set up by pris­ on officials, no matter how good it sounds in theory, is doomed to failure as long as it is within the confines of walls, barbed vire and gun -towers." Also, a column on military justice by M.L.Parker that is worth reading. SAN OUMTIN PRISONERS STRIKE in a work stoppage protesting the lousy wages and working conditions. Readers are asked to write strong letters to Warden Nelson sup­ porting the prisoners' demands. "If there the slightest scientific proof that the placement of human beings in boxes or cages for any length of time - even over night - had the slightest benefic­ ial effect, perhaps such a system might be justifiable. There is no such proof." - Prof of Law Gerhard Mueller, NYU, in a concurring opinion by 58 lawyers, professors and public officials in a symposium Cambridge .whose report was published in the Pitts­ burg press dec 72. (ibid) When writing to PEP for more information, please inclose a stamped self-addresst long envelope for reply. Also, £'3,50 for the next 12 issues of their groovy newsltr. EL GRITO DEL NORTE, box 2116 Las Vegas NM 87701 also publishes considerable news of Chicano prisoners. You might send them a small donation for sample copies. UNITED PRISONERS' UNION 3077 24 St San Francisco 94110 has much current info. OUR, NEWSLETTER are generally intercepted and. trashed by the Warden offices — seems they think more words can saw thru bars. But we vill gladly send them to such

(over, please) prisoners who request them and can get them cleared thru the censorship, an effort at which we'll be glad to -cooperate. This has been successful in a few cases, but we hear the screws have been tightened up recently at Leavenworth and elsewhere. King Richard and his minions are somewhat less than pleased with SANITY HOW! JUNK MAIL often includes postage-paid reply envelopes. Some of our readers de­ light in stuffing them with literature or messages dght interest the mail clerks who open them. Many an infantile disorder is cured in WJTJ at least, the good word gets out. Don't throw good stuff away - pa Letters to editors that make a point or t aring to attack it have a much better chance of getting printed, especial own swindlesheets. In reading such letters in the daily press, you might _ :r two for pat­ terns, or for a backup reply or criticism. Do yov. deed for the Movement. ESPIONAGE CHARGES DROPPED in the Eilsberg-Eusso Pentagon Papers trial when the defense showed that prosecution had deliberately and il.le0aily tried to suppress the evidence that proved the Pentagon Papers release to the public did not endanger "nat­ ional security" in any way. (GU. lar). Govt is making every effort to send these two lovable patriots to prison for long terms. The people's right to be mis­ informed must not be abridged! LIFE EXPECTANCY for Black men in Michigan dropped from 64 to 61.4 yrs compared to the national white average of 76 yrs. Officials of the Pub Health Dept said the drop was due mainly to poverty and its accompanying malnutrition. (GUARDIAN 21 Feb) KITTYHAWK BLACKS FACE COURT MARTIAL for "rioting" when wantonly attacked ty white-racist marines following a peaceful captains mast. One white sailor, charged with attacking a Black man, was promptly acquitted. Read the account in INDOCHINA BULLETIN, box ,4400, Berkeley, edition of Feb-Mar., single copy 2% or $5 yr. "Altho Saigon claims that PRG-NLF has violated the cease-fire "more than 4000 times", there has not been a single case in which a foreign journalist witnessed PRG- NLF forces initiating a violation. The Saigon regime has deliberately kept investi­ gative reporter's and supervisory teams out of areas where fighting is said to be go­ ing on, Sevex"al foreign journalists have reported that the violations have been due to Saigon's attempts to grab more territory •after .the cease-fire was put into effect. Several foreign journalists have witnessed unprovoked attacks on PRG villages. Craig Whitney of NYTIMES witnessed air strikes ty Saigon airforce over Highway 1, and Chas Mohr of the same paper reported that Saigon "selectively ignored the cease-fire in attempting to retake roads and territory lost before the cease-fire came into effect. U.S. press has reported up to 200 sorties by Saigon aircraft per day, " (ibid)

U.S.NAVY CRACKS DOW ON DISSENTERS, issues general discharges on which their "undesirability" is noted in code, obvious3.y for the infoxmation of jingoist employ­ ers. To ward off outbreaks and sabotage such as are occurring thruout the services, recruiting tests are rigged to exclude all but the "properly adjusted" brainwashed mlddleclass applicants. The 1970 program to "double the number of Black recruits" has been scrapped, (edited from GUARDIAN 28 Feb) DISABILITY PAY RIP-OFF BY RETIRED BRASS is exposed in Apr RAMPARTS. Xerox copy free to GIs and unemployed Viet vets. Other subscribers for postage. ANN LANDERS DENIED DOCTORATE DEGREE ty St Joseph's Catholic College which with­ drew its offer because of her support of abortion (KFWB). Nothing new — the Catholic church and its immensely-wealthy Vatican State is leading stockholder in God Inc. and the merchants of death, consistently on the side of the most reactionary, the most chauvinistic, and the most imperialistic elements of finance-capital, "LOYALTY TO PETRIFIED OPINIONS never yet broke a chain or freed a human soul — — and never will," -Mark Twain GINSENG, legendary wonder drug, is no myth. The remarkable therapeutic value of this 50C0-yr-old panacea has been firmly established ty 2 Soviet scientists who also discovered in it other previously-unknown beneficial properties which stimulates all of Man's vital functions, invigorating him mentally and physically. (PW 16 Dec.) Ginseng root is expensive because it takes 5 yrs to mature. Now comes a new dis­ covery that is said to out-rival Ginseng: "Rhodiola Rosea", easier to grow and matures in 3 yrs. (Northern Neighbors mag, pll Feb 73) There are 9 Soviet "Firsts" on this one page 11, xerox copy free to subscribers for postage,

TWO MILLION MEN. WOMEN MP YOUTH were elected to all levels of govt ty the Soviet people in 1972, in line with standing policy of involving public in running Socialism. Those 2 million in turn involved over 25 million in all phases of govt administration, (Northern Neighbors mag Dec 72, box 1000 Gravenhurst Ontario Canada, copy 35^)

"WE HAVE RESOURCES of which the whole world stands in desperate need. The world must come to us in the end, Bolshevism or no Bolshevism," (Lenin) It took 52 bitter years for U.S. to face up to that reality. Now we sell wheat and all other manner of commodities to the Soviets at way below world market price, in exchange for Soviet gas to ease our fuel shortage, and Washington picks up the huge losses. Thus capital­ ism is weakened and socialism strengthened. iViva socialism! "SANITY NOW!" a left-radical act!vint education center, box 261 La Puente Ca. 91747 B» KKhmrd E. Ward members of the Commission were attacked Feb. 25 by Gen. Nguyen TW Nnoa »dminisiration is maintaining its two-faced policy of Van Thieu's troops. Four PRG delegates and two others were »crbaBy upholding the Jan. 27 Paris peace agreement on Vietnam wounded by the Saigon forces in this attack near a pre-arranged «tale • promotes the sabotage of the accord. meeting place. More precisely, the administration demands the implementation In the face of these attacks, it is not surprising that the Joint of certain provisions, notably those concerned with the release of Military Commission is gradually being paralyzed. Although the prisoners, but it continues to violate others and maintains all- Nixon administration claimed the prisoner release question was not out support of the Thieu regime which is almost totally disregarding tied to any other question, it became apparent that the U.S. agreed the peace agreement, > to intervene with Saigon on the treatment of DRV and PRG of­ Even U.S. verbal support of the agreement is contradicted by ficials. It was no coincidence that some of the flagrant Saigon utterances of administration spokesmen, including President Nixon provocations ceased and the treatment of DRV and PRG officials himself. On the one hand, the U.S. joined with the 12 governments improved in Saigon at the same time that the U.S. prisoner release at the Paris International Conference on Vietnam, Feb. 26 to March was again on track. 2, and pledged to respect the Paris peace agreement. It has even However, outside of Saigon there is little assurance of security undertaken talks in Paris with the Democratic Republic of Vietnam and most of the DRV and PRG members of the mixed commission for the establishment of a joint economic commission that would be have been withdrawn from or not assigned to its various regional the vehicle for negotiations on U.S. reconstruction assistance. Thus, seats. But the work of the military commission was halted even in at least occasionally in Paris, the U.S. exhibits a peaceful face. Saigon when the DRV and PRG made known that they will not On the other hand, in Washington and South Vietnam, the U.S. attend meetings of the body until the Saigon regime agrees to generally shows a belligerent face, the one which appears to be the release the next quota of POWs it is holding. dominant side of administration policy. During the past week, U.S. The future of the four-party commission, which was supposed to officials in Saigon and Washington have threatened the renewed facilitate a cease-fire and be the vehicle for arranging prisoner use of American military force in Vietnam. At the same time, releases, appears particularly dim since the U.S. has no desire to see administration spokesmen have made clear that they regard the the proper functioning of the body that would be responsible for economic reconstruction assistance, really reparations by another condemning Saigon's violations of the cease-fire. Granted only a name, stipulated in the Paris accord, as a vehicle for threatening the two-month existence under the peace agreement, the four-party DRV. joint military commission is likely to be the focus of contention in At his March 2 news conference. President Nixon implied that its final weeks. Basically, this is because the U.S. is unwilling to do reconstruction aid could be used as a means of compelling the DRV anything beyond tapping Thieu's wrist. While screaming loudly to acquiesce in the U.S. interpretation of the peace agreement. about the delayed release of American POW's the U.S. has done Three days later Defense Secretary Elliot L. Richardson held a nothing at least on the public record, to compel Saigon to fulfill its news conference and in remarks directed to North Vietnam, he said obligantions to release on time POW's as well as other prisonaaers it that "unless the cease-fire agreements are observed, the situation is holds. hardly likely to be one in which we would believe it was appropriate With respect to civilian prisoners, the Saigon regime is still to provide assistance." On the same day, March 5, Deputy Defense resisting making any formal provision for their release. Since the Secretary William P. Clements stated that he was "sure Hanoi cease-fire, additional political prisoners have been arrested and understands" that the U.S. would provide no assistance "to any according to the PRG, there have beCT assassinations of numerous country committing aggression ... or ignoring its international political prisoners. However, for reasons it has not made known, agreements." apparently because it fears impending international inspection of its prisons, Saigon has released a trickle of political prisoners who had Barely concealed threat been severely tortured and maimed while in captivity. The implied threat is barely concealed since in actual practice the Although these former detainees were warned not to go to U.S. is supporting the Saigon regime's efforts to undermine the Saigon, a number were brought there by relatives for medical Paris agreement. In other words, the DRV and the Provisional treatment and some have revealed to Western journalists the Revolutionary Government are expected to submit to Saigon's inhuman tortures they and other prisoners were subjected to. violations of the accords or there will no reconstruction assistance. Thirteen of 124 "conditionally released" prisoners spoke to jour­ But a nation that valiantly stood up to U.S. bombers for more than nalists, despite being warned not to do so by Saigon police. Most of eight years is unlikely to wilt at the threat of no U.S. reparations. these persons who were interviewed were paralyzed from their long More serious are U.S. threats of resorting to force again in years of torture and being kept in irons. Some of the victims had Vietnam. When the release of American prisoners was held up a been in prison as long as 10 years, with much of the time spent in the few days, the U.S. military representative to the four-party Joint "tiger cages" of Con Son Island. Military Commission threatened military action against an anti­ aircraft site in the liberated zone, which he claimed falsely was 'Tiger cages' violating the .cease-fire because it was, he said, installed after the In the "tiger cages" prisoners were beaten with clubs, sprayed cease-fire. It might have appeared that this was an unauthorized with lime and forced to drink their own urine for lack of water. At •-remark if Defense Secretary Richardson had not reiterated on the time of their arrest they had been tortured with electrical March 5 the threat of using U.S. arms again. The chief of the devices and were forced to drink water which was forced out by Pentagon said that if peace proved elusive in Vietnam, then the beatings on their stomachs. Assignment to the "tiger cages" came as administration would conceivably seek supplemental ap­ early as 1967 for the offense of refusing to salute the Saigon flag. propriations to cover future air strikes and naval action. The story of one former prisoner was given at length by Sylvan But the only reason that peace has not been restored in Vietnam Fox in the March 3 New York Times. The case involved a 23-year- is because the U.S. and Saigon are violating the peace accord. The old man who had been jailed in December 1967 while still a Saigon U.S. for example, is continuing reconnaissance flights over Vietnam high school student and who was imprisoned like many others, for in violation of the agreement. Instead of dismantling U.S. military having participated in the anti-government Buddhist struggle bases the U.S. has taken the hypocritical position that this is not movement. necessary on grounds that the bases were turned over to the Saigon "Asserting that he was unable to walk as a result of his treatment regime prior to the cease-fire. .Also in contravention of the while in custody, he related that after his arrest he was taken to the agreement, the U.S. military and para-militarv advisory element in national police headquarters in Saigon and "beaten and tortured on South Vietnam has merely been shifted from direct military and off for a whole year.' auspices to functioning under the cover of the U.S. embassy. "He described the torture as being beaten with a stick 'until I Recently, U.S. consulates were established outside Saigon at the vomited blood or until the blood came out of my eyes or ears,' same places where the U.S. military advisors and "pacification" having soapy water forced into his nose and mouth and being officials had their headquarters corresponding to the military subjected to electric shock. regions of South Vietnam under the Saigon administration. "His torturers accused him of participating in anti-government While U.S. officials mostly stay behind the scenes, much of the activities, he added, and said 'they tortured us to punish us.' overt dirty work is left to the Saigon regime which is maintaining its "Another form of torture employed by the police, the young man military attacks against the PRG zone by both ground and air forces said, was to manacle prisoners' hands behind their backs, then hang in all areas of South Vietnam. Saigon thugs and agents posing as them from the ceiling by the manacles until they lost consciousness. civilian demonstrators have attacked DRV officials on the Joint "After a year in custody ... he said, he was taken to Chi Hoa Military Commission, seriously wounding a number of DRV per­ prison. . . . 'There they chained our feet. ... We had nothing to lie sonnel who had to be evacuated to Hanoi for medical treatment. on and it was filthy and cold. Every day they would open the door The most serious incident of this sort occurred when PRG and send in a bunch of common criminals who would beat us with sticks and kick us.'" m That was the treatment, according to Fox, that the prisoner GUARDIAN - MARCH 14, 1973 - received before being sent to Con Son. This was probably a typical case of one of the hundreds of thousands of political prisoners. While some of the more prominent persons being held in captivity have not been tortured, countless others, including supporters of the National Liberation Front and Buddhist peace advocates, have died of their tortures. It is Gen. Thieu, the chief torturer and jailer of this regime, whomf f the U.S. intends to Apport for the foreseeable future, and who will|| be President Nixon's personal guest at the western White House at" the beginning of next month. / vation land given to us was the poorest there was. Then when you ran out of land you wanted our land again. There is no satisfying By Renée Btakkas you.... What is it with the white people?" "^ Some 250 Oglala-Sioux Indians seized and held the A similar situation prevails in Gallup, N.M. The kidnapping of historic town of Wounded Knee, S.D., for mote üun sev-n Mayor Emmett Garcia resulted in the killing of Larry Casuse and ttays last week the jailing of Robert Nakaidinae, with an $85,000 bond slapped on Joined by (evend leaden of the American Indian him. Casuse was president of the Kiva club, an Indian organization Movement (AIM), tHey staged the apparently Spontaneous on the University of N>--v Mexico campus in Albuquerque and takeover to dramatize century-old grievancet. mainly their president of Indians Against Exploitation, a group in Gallup. abysmal Eviag conditions and guvei ument domination Police claim Casuse shot himself but his friends in Gallop and Tbe town is located inside the Pin. Ridge reservation, Clyde Bellacourt, AIM associate director, told the Guardian Casuse tome to the Sioux Indiana. It ia the second largest would not kill himself and that he was "assassinated while in the act reservation, both in area (2500 sq. mi.) and population of surrender." (11,000), in the country. Immediate cause of the kidnapping—which lasted only a few It was at Wounded Knee, 83 yean ago, that the U.S. 7th hours—was the appointment of the mayor to the board of regents at Cavalry boasted it had stamped out, once and for all. the llÄHtDOffli the university. The Indians had testified he was incompetent. "He Sioux Indians' defense of their homelands in the Black "vigilante group" formed by the whites who have leases on the owns one of lhe most notorious bars right on the doors of the groups that wanted to do it. We all said the tribal government has to" Hills in the Dakotas. The cavalry on Dec. 29, 1890, reservation. "They've been going around with two-way radios in" Navajo reservation," said a member of the Kiva club who did not be changed. We have many rights granted by the government over murdered some 200 unarmed women, children and old communication with the federal agents and the largest shootings want to be identified. this territory but we can never exercise them and they are never men on the prairie hillside. Killing the leaders Big Foot have been provoked by them. "There is a big alcohol problem in Gallup. About 10,000 people enforced. ^ and a short time before. Sitting Bull, the cavalry suc­ "Many of the Indians holding out on the reservation are Vietnam went through the jails last year. Ninety percent were Indians and ceeded in temporarily setting hack the struggles in the "Richard Wilson is president of the Pine Ridge tribal council," he most were in on drunk-related charges. We blame this on the liquor veterans who know how and when to use a gun. They know how to Dakotas. went on, "but two-to-one, the people don't want him." Steele said dealers. There are 42 liquor stores in Gallup and that's too many for impeachment charges against Wilson, considered a puppet of the keep cool," Steele went on. "They don't want to hurt anyone. It's a town tills size. the vigilantes who are making the situation more and more tense." Rebirth of straggle government, had failed. But the Indian community had nine "Many people have died outside Garcia's store. Babies have A week after the takeover the federal agents moved their tanks But since the late 1960s the Native American struggle grievances against him, including nepotism and misuse of funds. frozen ihere, abandoned by drunk mothers. People stand around back and offered the Indians the chance to stack their weapons^ has seen a rebirth. The Wounded Knee action follows Wilson was among the first to condemn the November BIA and drink outside and bother.people living nearby." He pointed out identify themselves and leave the camp, subject to possible militant protests at Custer Mid Rapid City. S.D., last takeover in Washington. Steele said Wilson had a "goon squad" on Garcia is chairman of the Gallup Inter-Agency Alcoholism month, the takeover of the Bureau of Indian Affairs the reservation that firebombed Aaron Desersa's home the night prosecution later on. AIM leader Carter Camp said: "We can't Coordinating Committee and this was a blatant conflict of interest. building in Washington in November and countless armed after the takeover. Desersa was openly opposed to Wilson's rule. consider going out until they deal with the issues that brought us Aboul 2(XX) people marched from the Kiva club to a mortuary and unarmed protests from California to the Fast Coast. "The goons threaten people who are involved in the movement here." He and other leaders burned the Justice Department offer March 3 to protest the death of Casüse. Other causes of protest by Two days after the Wounjied Knee takeover, two here. They Mash tires and smash windows at night. It's like a police and sent back the ashes in an. envelope. the Navajo population include the annual Indian tribal ceremony, Navajo Indians in an unrelated action seized the mayor of stale here." Talks between federal authorities and the Indians seemed to from Aug. 9-12 which Native Americans are "coerced" to perform Gallup, N.M. One was killed and the other held on $85,000 reach a deadlock by the eighth day of the takeover. The issue was for tourists. "These are done out of season and out of context, with bail while the mayor got away unharmed. They were Joblessness an issue the removal of tribal council president Wilson, regarded as a stooge people clapping, bands playing and things like that," said the Kiva protesting the mayor's oppression of the Indian com­ Steele said (he removal of Wilson was the immediate issue, but for the government. The Indians would not leave until Wilson was club member. "The people who run this are mainly businessmen munity through his economic interest in a liquor slore "one of the major things that is wrong on this reservation is that removed and there was a guarantee of a fair election of a new tribal who don't treat the people well. They have customer-merchant outside the gates of the Navajo reservation, and—as in there are no jobs. There is 65.9 percent unemployment and un­ head. rela(iops. South Dakota—their general living conditions. deremployment. We see in the papers that the government gives Washington refused to give in on this point. An Interior "Another thing is there is only one Navajo-speaking policeman in At Wounded Knee (the name according to legend $20 million for this program and for that program, but all it does is Department official said March 6 that the cornerstone of U.S. Gallup. How can Anglo or Spanish-speaking police explain rights to comes from an Indian who was shot in the knee and fell just create directors and four or five secretaries in jobs that last a Indian policy was the electoral structure set up under the Indian the Navajo people who are arrested? And the doors of the courts near a creek which later took the name along with the few years and then are gone. Reorganization Act of 1934. (A Guardian Viewpoint, page 9, ex­ are always locked when our people are on trial. This is ayainst the (own), a caravan of about 250 Indians on the night of Feb. "We need economic development, we need real solutions and not plains how this policy is also the cornerstone of the government's law bul the people don't know that. When they come to the court 27 sacked a trading post of supplies and arms and then just the creation of some program. We need factories to be self- domination and oppression of the Indian people.) and see the door locked, they just go home again." barricaded themselves in the white frame Sacred Heart sustaining. The only two businesses owned by Indians here are a i Reaction by the surrounding community was mixed—the jvhites Larry Emerson, a native American who attended the funeral, Roman Catholic church nearby. Of 11 people at the leather shop and a car repair shop." The largest factory, added pretty much opposed to the protest and the Indians favoring it. A said: "It was something that hasn't been witnessed in 100 years by compound—called "hostages" by federal marshals and Hobart Keith, a former tribal judge, "makes moccasins and dolls J Guardian correspondent in nearby Aberdeen said "It's awfully the Navaho people. Old people who didn't understand English, FBI agents who surrounded the area—eight chose to but it is owned by the Sun-Bell Corp. with headquarters down south. racist out here. About 95 percent of the people here would just as young people who understood the corruption of Gallup and middle- remain with the militants when offered the chance to be The shopping center is a branch of Ideal markets and the service soon see the Indians shot as anything else. When AIM leader 1 aged people in between" all turned out. At the funeral eulogy "freed." station is owned by Huskie Oil. All the profits go off the reservation. Russell Means was beaten up the other day, one of the farmers told Emerson said of young Casuse: "Larry—like Crazy Horse, Immediately after learning of the takeover, the tribal to white people." me they ought to have killed him. The vigilantes are very stirred up. Geronimo and Sitting Bull—was fighting for a sane existence in this police, who have never had any real power, had their Another problem, said Steele, is the white people who lease the 1 went to Custer and a national guardsman told me the only thing he insane society. They were fighting for land, trees, their fellow authority completely suspended. Several hundred federal Indians' land. "They're all mercenaries when it comes to our land," hated was that the Indians didn't do anything so 'we could open up human beings and to save themselves. Lan-y saw drunkards laying marshals, the FBI, BIA, police and ultimately 18 armored he said. In 1970 alone, over 200,000 acres of Indian land in the U.S. on them.'" in the streets. He saw alcohol corrupting people. He had hoped to cars surrounded the historic town. were leased or bought out by white people. But in letters to the Black Hills Press and the Rapid City Journal, unite a reawareness." naddition, federal authorities cut ail telephone communications "What you've got to recognize," Keith told the Calico meeting, "is the Indians were holding their own. A letter by John May claimed: Voting difficulties, long waits in hospitals, high prices and racist the militants. Until about the sixth day they also cut off all at- that a handful of people control our whole government here. That "They (the Indians) were put here with no need for an education. treatment by police were some of the other factors surrounding the ipts by supporters to deliver food and medical supplies. tribal office is not for Indians. It actually belongs to the white man This also applies to life expectancy. The disregard for death among kidnapping of the mayor. Asked why the protests were increasing fhe Indians said they would not leave until three demands were because they are getting all the benefit out of it. the Indians explains this. . . . We (whites) cannot change to live like around the country, Bernard DauBon, a Milwaukee member of t: (1) that a committee headed by Sen. Edward Kennedy (D- "As far as destroying property goes, that won't get us anywhere. the Indian people so the Indians must change to live like white AIM said: "We're tired of being ignored, of being isolated in small ss.) investigate the BIA and its dealings with all the Indian tribes; But deep down in my heart I'll tell you the truth, I've been enjoying people." areas and the government telling us what to do. We're tired of the that a committee headed by Sen. William Fulbright (I) Ark.) it. Up until they burned down part of Custer, I was sympathetic. But government not listening to us over the past years." k into 371 treaties signed by the U.S. government with various deep down every Indian wished they'd burned the whole goddamn 'We were dying for you' «s: and (3) that the tribes be allowed to elect their own officials. lown to the ground." Keith's speech was tape-recorded by William This was answered by Mamie Rupnicki who wrote: "Mr. May, the GUARDIAN - MARCH 14, 1973 - 3 "he takeover was preceded by a meeting at Calico, north of Pine Fisk, who was at the meeting, and printed in the Rapid City Journal. government doesn't take care of the Indian. . . . We are not Ige, where much "strong talk" was heard from the traditional- destroying ourselves. The white man is doing it for us ... by his "SAMTY NOW!" ian leaders, said Terry Steele, an Indian who attended the White vigilantes ' greedy ways and his wars. While you all were getting richer for it we eting. He told the Guardian: "The AIM members were only a Steele told the Guardian the shooting reported in many papers were dying for you. Then you have the nerve to say we are shiftless P. n. aay. 7»\i ill part of the takeover. It was the old chiefs and the civil rights w»s ""' done hv lhe Indians holding Wounded Knee but by a and lazy. Before the white come we were doing fine. The reser­ .A Pi'-.' . WOUNDED KHEE BLOCKADED 3Y NIXONITB GOVLRNdlMl in an obvious attempt to starve out the occupying Native .Americans who are demanding settlement of their just grievances of long-standing arising from persistent violations of over 300 sacred treaties with govt.

Apparently, the goon's efforts are nationally-cordin- ated. Food and badly-needed medical supplies are be­ ing impounded at state borders and the convoys arrested under the fascist police-state "anti-riot" laws.

OPEN SEASON OM INDIANS has been declared by armed and deputized white-racist vigilantes, most of them local ranchers and businessmen. Any Indian suspected of be­ ing sympathetic to the occupants is harassed, beaten and arrested. Presaging tilings to come, a medic aiding the injured Indians was shot by police March 17.

Media news is sure to be loaded with distortions and omissions of fact. At this writing, we have very little news from reliable sources. But what has come thru indicate beyond question that this honkey-gringo government is intent on pursuing its genocidal policy toward people of color who resist their oppression, or show signs of doing so.

IMMEDIATE READER ACTION; solicit support for the embattled Native Americans, from your union or mass organization — food, blankets, medicine, and money for bail bonds and legal defense — wires, letters and resolutions to Congressmen, including South Dakota* s senators McGovem and Abourezk demanding protection and substantial con­ cessions and amnesty for these people vre and our ancestors have so cruelly wronged. Particularly Important are trade union delegations from across *he country to Wounded Knee to insure fair hearings and airing of the people's just grievances. Get the true story from such radical press as AKWESASNE NOTES, PEOPLE'S WORLD, and GUARDIAN, and from the Pacifica radio stations.

AMERICAN .ANTHROPOLOGICAL ASSN Council,, at its 71st annual meeting in Toronto, adopted the following resolution: (PW 17 Mar) "Rarihokwats, also known as Jerry Gambill, editor of the Mohawk newspaper Akwesasne Notes, has been jailed and threatened with deportation as a Canadian citizen because of his unauthorized 'employment as editor of Akwesasne Notes'. "Recognizing this action as political persecution, the Council of the Ameri­ can Anthropological Ass'n urges that Ï.3. authorities, and particularly the NY state tribal trustees, drop the actions planned against Rarihokwats. "We support the struggle of the Mohawk people to publish freely any material vital to the Native American rights and self-determination."

THE STRUGGLE OF THE NATIVE PEOPLES for freedom ana justice is inseparable from our own, and from all other oppressed' anywhere in the world. Any injury to them is an injury to us. Those inclined to give up the struggle in the face of what they think is an "invincible" force have yet to learn the lesson of the glorious victory of the Vietnamese: that a people's war CANNOT BE DEFEATED, especially when organized and led by dedicated Marxists. This word to the wise should be sufficient. DARE TO STRUGGLE DARE TO WIN I "Obreros, unidos, jamas sera vencidosi" -and don't you forget iti

"SANITY NOWi" a left-radical activist educational center, box 261 La Puente Ca. 91747

PS: AKWESASNE NOTES is a AG-page tabloid, single copies 50^, - 20 or more to one ad­ dress, 25yieach, subscription for a contribution. Address Mohawk Nation via Rooseveltown New York 13633. PEOPLE'S WORLD address is 1819 lOSt Berkeley, and GUARDIAN address is 32 W 22 St NYC 10010. Send a i? for trial sub- you'll be glad you did!

~ ^ r. » 3 Ksfcg ^ O B Ü. » s*t *> S & S-al* oS.0 f 3 =.•< C g « ET " rt K'0° 3 B „ a, a i S 3'-S 2 g- - 3 ^1 Öl ? n ? 3 5? » û. « Ä* B. s « S K » **» T 3 s\ w =. o- <" » SA B- -o —'S •4» „ B o a B rt 3 cr S. g ? * -• 2.2. e B S I m 8.8 S;-S » 3 "•s: = •8 5' B' « * S !•? B ? B a: —• S s. ***** = o < rt n -? 2" a» ' ë-3 O "i s* » 3 p n ^ p 5' ôS O » >»P B -° < Ci vi n •» a or s. o ÏÉT.2- » r" -t _ §1 gag ^ _ o-o ï : a Z a ? P 2-ë P a = Ifs a E. < TO 2C fc tr 3. -.i - n B o B C 3 B » C — o *• a * a"" _ p. a P rT ta _ S" a »'S - • **B 3 ' S a» ^ O sr C. ."•»fZ a' « o •< o B a s- a- ? 2 < S 23? tl m F- „, °S ~ 2"° <* s! i 3 7 p a B n Èrolara 5 ™ a. o - •a>0 ÎT P » L- s. = 2! o- 3 a > ias D as n o -a Q, . t Q, B £ sr2Ä ? 5r 5- Ca­ a. » S s-SïdîSs S o " o* a o- — «sa va " * s 5 rt rt p s a^ -. < o ^ ro 3 * 3 S» n _. ig-* eS.?-» ; Cil" "2. 2 P CT "• ff Sa « " S*-la 2 3- ^* sa » X S Ê" C In in .Dû :2 „ B' rT n " 8- s- 3 *• â? S =L 8a-8 s 5' S ° 3 ^r* S!» O . B i 1*9 a a 9? S. X m X 00 tn 5 3«-° llB-gl o S.' P a- O a» ' i co8- 61 S-, g S °-5 iTS "S ». Q. • o V.-0 g B 0 a 2«- 3 H as a g. S, o i aa, (B Û ' o = a ïft a n w »a TOf» ~. 5' i g."? ^ g" S* "'8 agi. a p ! . « 3. a ? <» a 2! 1 5 . ag -o. 2^ <» a _ 0*5.3. • m r. s- o .- 2 P tî n B" 5* 5' o E o.'%" I o a B S 81 il- in _ O ? M g-3 5 CL aa, 3 P S; g S. B O.'S B - 35" '•8 o' o 5 0 • s,! s s S n a a- o S" § S 'S- O aT B ~ 2 as g. I a B a S, a- 3 O » 1 °- .a, .. O. O •ï-s O oo »s 5 C tu •JOO B g " a. n $1 A YEAR POSTAGE for 12 issues plus supplements is all we ask for these news- letters intended as aids for Left-activists'in organizing dpp*educatinA g people in anti-imperialist struggle, and to pose scientific socialism as the ultimate solution to this society's ills» If you like them., use them* If you don't, tell us and why. These newsletters are not written for the entertainment' of aim-chair "leaders", liberal opportunists or peace-hobbyists, nor are they radical digests for general distribution to apolitical unsophisticates. They do not pretend, to have all the ans­ wers, or that those given are 100$ right« With our limited facilities, we can do little more than edit and capsulate selected news itms usually distorted or sup­ pressed, as launch pads for basic workingclass concepts, and to point to other and more comprehensive sources» , Readers are expected to cany on from there» These newsletters are not forwardable except as "occupant" may do so. Failure to notify us of change of address, or subs that expire without seme indication of desire to continue receiving them, will be discontinued. We have no complete back copies - only parts left over, so keep a file. Readers may quote or reprint freely for .love- ment purposes only. Feedback, and news clips on which the source and date are noted, are always welcome. We reserve the right to pre-empt space. We are pensioners on a tight bidget. If this is a free copy, don't expect an­ other until we hear from you. Our xerox service is for subscribers only. We are endlessly grateful to all those beautiful people vho have supported us thruout our 6 yrs of continuous publication. As proletarian internationalists, we clasp your hands and those of all oppressed peoples in solidarity for workingclass power. lObreros, unidos» jamas sera vencidosi Hasta la Victoria Siemprel






"LABOR is prior to and independent of capital. Capital is only the fruit of lsi- bor, and could never have existed if labor had not first existed. Labor is the super­ ior of capital and deserves the higher consideration." - Abraham Lincoln WAGES DON'T RAISE PRICES — SUP E ft—P R 0 F I T S DO I

"SANITY NOW!" U.S. BULK POSTAGE newsletter ;/72, May 73 PAID box 261, La Puente La Puente Ca. Califas 9174-7 Peimit #374.

DATED MATERIAL Return postage if returned within the month is guaranteed.

«LOYALTY TO PETRIFIED OPINIONS NEVER YET BROKE A CHAIN OR FREED A HUMAN SOUL» Mark Twai r PARS 1, newsletter ?,72, May 73» . PIPS OFF CONSUMERS ty mislabeling and pricing lower-cuts of neat at an it of around 10p lb. The evidence was shown on TV in late March: a half- dosen clearly mislabeled packages of meat from Safeway whose grade was obviously a cut or more below the prices marked on them. The management had tried to pass it off as an "accident". Of course! Did you expect a signed and notorized confession? This is not the first time Safeway has been caught cheating. Back in depression days, Safeway was taken to court a number of times for doctoring its meat and selling putrid meat as fit for human consumption.. Old timers will recall the turkeys in their initial stages of decomposition and how they stünk up the whole house. Safeway is infamous for its anti-union opposition to thé United Farm Workers AFL- CIO, and is the biggest commercial buyer of scab lettuce, grapes and other farm pro­ duce raised and picked by.some of the most back-breaking and underpaid labor on earth, This latest meat ripoff should stimulate consumer support for the UFW boycott and strike for union recognition, decent wages and working conditions. DON'T BUY SCAB HEAD LETTUCE. GRAPES OR OTHER non-union farm products without ' seeing the aztec eagle union label on the wx-apper or crate» Insist on it! No label? NO SALE! - and tell the merchant why you ate taking your trade elsewhere. Get your friends and neighbors to do the same. The boycott is a life and death matter for farm workers. Please help now! El; Boicotëo.es un asunto de vida' o muerte. para los Campesinos. Por favor ayuden a hpral !No ccmpré lechugà al menos de que ileve la étiquete de la Uniotti For further information on.how you can heJLp, contact BOYCOTT CENTRAL, box 62, Keene Caè 93541'ör phone (605) Ö22-5571. d '"' ' *" " AN INJURY TO ONE IS AH INJURY TO ALL !

WAGES DON'T.RAISE PRICES* -- - SUPER-PROFETS KU The price of any commodity, in­ cluding labor-power,' is determined by'how much the' consumer, will pay for it, not ty the cost of its production» Fight inflation ty refusing to pay gouging prices. Keep those cash registers sïlentî Help man/woman the strike and .boycott 'picket lines! ORGANIZE! EDUCATE! MOBILIZE! !La Masa tiene la Palabra! : '-•'.'. :.

KEEP UP THE -CONSUMER BOYCOTT OF HIGH PRICES - IT WORKS! not ^önly with meat but with all other necessities of life» Simply refuse to pay them! EÜther shop 'around, find a substitute, or do without. Soy beans have more protein than the best cuts of meat. Dry milk is just as nourishing as the wet» Day-old bread is even more health­ ful than the fresh, and generally sells for half-price, CONSUMER* S -UNION sez you can stretch your food dollar to at least $1,40 ty buying only the specials and the store brands. Read the labels and compare quantity and price. Watch the checker who may try to ling up the regular price. Fight inflation - and have fun doing it! THE MOVEMENT FOR SOCIAL CHANGE IS A MANY-SPLINTERED TUNG - of thousands of or­ ganizations and splinter groups kept apart by sectarian loyalties to ingrained false false values, evil prejudices and narrow concepts, and ty lack of an ongoing world outlook and a living perspective. . Getting them together in struggle for mutually- beneficial limited objectives is a herculian job even for the most dedicated leaders» APRIL'S MEAT BOYCOTT mfiy provide the needed rallying point for thèse splinter • groups in a nationally-coordinated movement with the immédiate aim of rolling back meat prices to 19(f) levels, and don't think it can't be done! - and beyond that to combat other inflationary prices and trends. There should now be enough reliable avail able forces, particularly among housewives, to picket and leaflet eveiy major market in the country, urging consumers to BUY NO MEAT ON TUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS. For more information, contact FIGHT INFLATION TOGEfHER (F.I.T.), box 3342, Simi Ca, 93065, phone 348-4797 - and tau. «em SANITY NOW! sent you.

IT IS NOT AGAINST THE LAW to leaflet on property open to the general public, sez the U.S. Supreme Court, as long as you do not try to force anyone or impede traffic» Leafleters can not be charged with littering when once the leaflet has changed handt-u THE BEST WAY 10 PROTECT THIS CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT IS TO EXERCISE IT. If there are any questions, ask the American Civil Libex-ties Union or National Lawyer's Guild.

THERE IS POSITIVELY NO LIMIT to the power-seizing potential of a nation-wide co­ alition of consumei'v-cooperative groups, rank-and-file organized labor, veterans, the poor and unemployed, the racial minorities, women's lib, etc etc» led ty Marxists, The boycott and strike weapons form the two jaws of the vise that can squeeze gouging merchants down to size and teach them the lesson just who runs this country. The capabilities have been demonstrated time and again in the socialist world and re­ affirmed by the glorious victory of the Vietnamese over a seemingly-invincible inva­ der that has inspired peoples the world over to greater revolutionary action, and teaches the lesson that a people's war of liberation from tyranny, whether it be a foreign power or home-grown inflation, CANNOT BE DEFEATED, iViva la Causa!

THE INTELLIGENT BUYER'S GUIDE TO SELLERS ty Dexter Masters is a breezy 255£p ~book true to its title, dealing not with the surf ace manif estations of our boisterous, sales­ manship but rather with the basic nature of these sales pressures and their histori­ cal origins. It accounts for why the organized merchant class is so contemptuous of its ignorant unorganized customers» Every aspiring consumer-advocate should have it, only §1.50 from CONSUMERS UNION, Mount Vernon NY. You'll be glad you got it! "SANITY NOW!« a left-radical education center, . box 2fl La Puente Ga 91747" A '/ PART 2, newsletter ,72, May 73: "PUNISHMK.T PARK" is a film that is boggling Swedish TV minds, much as the sci­ ence-fiction film "War of the Worlds" did the American viewers seme years ago. Accord­ ing to our Swedish reporter, this film was made ty a German-British camera team in 1971 at a place in Southern California called Mirage Lake. We quote his letter: "....There was a group of youngsters who were accused of conspiracy against the American government, and they got the choice between 15 to 21 yrs in jail or three days in the "Punishment Park". All of them chose the park, and then they got hunted like rabbits by police, national guard, and some deputies. It was the most cruel thing I've ever seen in my life - believe me, I was almost ciying in front of the TV set- Tree? gcddrr1!-! ro+ter ,#,fi,/.-">r3 r'"--t tn-^e yovri^te^a, -: >.tu .-ir': p.-.v reason» They shot them as animals - boys and girls, in the age of about 20. I could hardly believe it was true what I was seeing, because I thought that such tilings had happened only in Hitler's nazi-Germany. Those American officers reminded me of my own childhood in Germany, and the German SS...... " From our preliminary research, it seems that the idea for "Punishment Park" or­ iginated in some degenerate nazi mind and proposed as a course of action to U.S. law enforcement agencies who rejected it in favor of more refined methods of murdering dissenters, such as the drug Tachiflaxin described in our ^71-3, or the mind-destroy­ ing drugs used in U.S. prisons to reduce selected inmates to blubbering idiots, or the slow agonizing torture deaths being practiced in Thieu's jails and reported in such reliable sources as the L.A. Free Press and the People's World, copies free for postage. The intent of the makers of the film "Punishment Park" may have been to show the lengths to which this insane government is willing to go to destroy its opposition. But the lesson to be learned from our reporter's account is how easily we allow our emotions to overcome our reasoning. Self-professed "documentaries" for every Hitler- type Big Lie are a dime a dozen at imperialism's coin-operated brainwash laundromat that demonstrated its efficiency last November, STUDENTS OF HISTORY ARE SHOCKED at the number of Americans who have no good ex­ cuse for being so ignorant, who believe bur involvement in SE Asia war ended with the withdrawal of our unifo^ed troops, the most mercenary and brainwashed of whom are hired by U.S, private firms under contract with the Pentagon as fast as they are dis­ charged, shed uniforms and change to*civvies. Bombs paid for ty American taxpayer's money will continue to rain down on the innocent Indochinese. Only the color of the corpses will have changed,».....»..».» "THE CIVILIANIZATION OF THE WAR" is an 8-page pamphlet that explains it all. Or­ der your copy, only 20-yâ, from NARMIC, 112 S 16 St Philadelphia Pa 19102, The Pentagon arrogantly admits that the function of the new "civilian" advisers will be military, including flying combat missions in aii'force planes with the USAF markings" painted out, gifts from the noble tax-paying Americans, along with the servicing facilities they also paid for... American advisers also will continue to run the "pacification" program — the U. S, shadow govt which parallels the corrupt Saigon ad'm fx-ora top to bottom, coordinat­ ing all military and civilian programs aimed at imposing Saigon control on the popu­ lation by aimed force and terrorism. For all intents and purposes, the United States IS the Saigon govt. Read about it in INDOCHINA 3ULLETIN Apr 73 7/24, free for postage from box 4400 Berkeley Ca 94704. Get your copy today! MA: ^ is the projected role of white-racist U.S. imper- ialian, the wholesale si. of colored peoples ly colcx*ed peoples using tax-paid U.S, weapons and anno, the sublimation of Jay Gould's infamous boast that he could hire one-half the workingclass to kill off the other half. Neither U.S, nor the Thieu dictatorship had any .intentions of observing the cease fire agreements. Tens of thousands of tons of military equipment have been shipped from the U.S, to Saigon via "neutral" puppets like Japan since the cease-fire was signed. That war materiel is being used to commit 46,180 violations of the agreement including 19,-380 ground attacks, 23,648 artillery and 2,648 air strikes against the PRG-NLF zones, many of them observed and reported in the foreign press but suppressed ty the U.S, monopoly media. Only two of the several thousand U.S, mines in Vietnamese harbors have been re­ moved, and that did not begin until6 March, according to NY TIMES THE POLICY OF SLOW DEATH is being carried out in Thieu's prisons. So is the "Phoenix" program of assassination directed at leading opposition. Read the horrid details in NEWS FROM VIETNAM #3 1 March, 25^ from box 220 Stn G, Montreal Q Canada Green Berets are being introduced into Vietnam.in direct violation of the agreements whose full texts are given In the l&-page tabloid VIETNAM NEWS & REPORTS, box 366 Stn N, Montreal 129 Q Canada, GIs, unemployed and prisoners free, others !j?10 yr sub. "The United States •.•ill not continue its military involvement or intervene in the internal affairs of South Vietnam", sez Article 4 of the Agreement» Here, the word "military" lets the U.S. off the hook. We can say: "Look! There's nobody here but us civilians!", a subterfuge that wouldn't pass even in Nixon's law courts. Read about this and many other aspects of the Agreements in INDOCHINA CHRONICLE, #23, ty the Indochina Resource Ctr, 1322 18 ST NW, Washington DC 20036, single copies only 20$ With the above 4 publications, you'll have., all you need to start action. In reply to our petition calling upon Congress to strip Presidential authority down to its bare constitutional bones,27 Congressmen replied in full concun-ance,

(over, please) and hammered away at the POW issue as tho the entire question pivoted on that. In NOT ONE of those 27 letters was there any expression of concern for the 200,000 po­ litical prisoners being tortured to death in Thieu's jails - NOT ONE WORD of regret for the terrible wrongs we have done the Indochinese. So we ask YOU: do you think that such a dehumanized Congress will move to recover its sovereignty from the ex­ ecutive branch of govt? Or that it will withhold funds for the Thieu regime? Or that it will embargo arms to Thieu or any of the client dictatorships? NEITHER DO WE, but in the struggle to try, large masses of people can be organ­ ized and educated to revolutionary strategy and tactics that increasingly demand that the American people take their own destiny into their own hands, regardless of any branch of govt or father-image double-talk. Let's get with it, foiks'. ORGANIZE! U.S. POW ATROCITY STO fill's CLOG THE AIRWAJES, the Pentagon having screened the truth out of them, told ty selected lifer-pilots, and a notoriously-gullible public will believe them because they help to rationalize their complicity in the real crimes against the Indochinese, and because no rebuttal testimony is allowed. If the stories these brass tell were only half-crue, they'd be stretcher cases. Instead, they came prancing down the gangway all in one piece and in apparently- excellent health. In contrast, the Vietnamese POWs shown on our TVs came crawling out in obvious agony from their tortures, many hobbling on make-shift crutches, some with both legs gone and being carried by the blinded who were led by others with one or both arms missing. OF SOME 1200 MlA/s, we may learn in good time that a. considerable number of low- ranking grunts among than have refused repatriation to what they are convinced is a criminal white-racist society and are fighting on the side of the Vietnamese patriots. You can hear their voices sometimes over the Hanoi radio on the following EST sched­ ules: 9:10 pm, 31 and 25-meter bands or 9550 and 11Ö40 kilocycles; 1U;40 pm dittoj 11:40 pm, 25m band or 11760kcj 12:10 am, 25m band or 11840 kcj 2:40 am, 31m band or 9525 kc. For further information, write "The House of Culture, DRVN, 29 Havelska Prague Czechoslovakia. THE INTERNATIONAL CONTROL COMMISSION of 4 non-combat nations set up to enforce the provisions of the Paris Agreements has proved to be as ineffective as the ICC of 1954 of 3 nations set up to enforce the tenus of the Geneva Accords, related in con­ siderable detail in Marvin Gettleman's VIETNAM, Part 5, pages 160 thru 190, from which we quote: "Since I96I, the Commission's teams in South Vietnam have been persistently denied the right to control and inspect, which is a part of their mandatory tasks. Thus these teams, tho they were able to observe the steady and continuous arrival of war materiel, including aircraft carriers with helicopters on board, were unable, in view of the denial of controls, to determine precisely the quantum and nature of war materiel unloaded and intx-oduced in South Vietnam Talcing all facts into consid­ eration, and basing itself on its own observations arid authorized statements made by U.S.A. and the RVN, the Comrission concludes that the RVN has violated Articles 16 and 17 of the Geneva Agreement in receiving the increased military aid from U.S.A. in the absence of any established credit in its favor. The Commission is also of the view that, tho there may not be any formal military alliance between the Governments of U.S.A. and RVN, the establishment of a U.S. Military Assistance Command in South Vietnam, as well as the introduction of a large number of U.S. military personnel be­ yond the stated strength of the MAAG (Military Assistance Advisory Group), amounts to a factual military alliance which is prohibited •under Article 19 of the Geneva Agree­ ment ((Special Report of the ICC, Vietnam #1 1962, Command Paper #1755. In London: Great Britain Parliamentary Sessional Papers XXXIX (1961-62) pp 4-11, 21-22)) The same sabotage pattern by the same culprits is being followed in 1973, with this inconsequential "difference": the shipments of tens of thousands of tons of U.S» var material, instead of going direct to Saigon, are being delivered via Japan and other U.S, imperialist puppet states, and U.S, military personnel now wear civilian clotiling and are hired by private contractors to the Pentagon, and the fighting is being dene between Asian mercenaries paid in U.S. tax dollars and the Vietnamese patriotic armed for*ces. Continu lvement in the SS Asian war is now ty such subterfuges, and i _ go or. can be persuaded to cut off ALL funds and mi -igon ci eta te. . the battle shaping up in Washington as this is v: . 1^ -action of everyone who reads this.

"NOTHING IS MORE PiSClOÜS THAN FSIJJOM AMD INDfcPMPIiNCE." - Ho Chi Minh "They (the Vietnamese patriots) are convinced that the massive (Christmas) bomb­ ing of Hanoi and Haiphong hurts the U.S. militarily more than it did the Vietnamese. The terror bombing caused a drastic increase in international support for the Viet­ namese cause. Even countries allied with the U.S, in NATO and elsewhere, have con­ demned this action. Such tactics also hurt U.S. morale, since they are both inhumane and ineffective. No amount of military pressure will make the Vietnamese yield on their demands for the fundamental right of self-determination» The bombing of cities and civilian populations will not end the war - it will bring only Worldwide shame for the U.S...,..." (Indochina Peace Campaign, 2143 Market St, San Diego Ca 92112.)

THE NIXON ATMJNISTRATION: LIARS INCARNATE, and the overwhelming truth of that charge is to be found in the PENTAGON PAPERS. Send ^25 for the Ellsberg-Russo Defense and get a free 800-page copy of this earth-shaking document. Address 125 W 4 St., #612, Los Angeles 90013» We guarantee: you'll be amazed at how we've been lied to,

"SANITY NOW!" a left-radical activist education center, "box 261 La Puente Ca. 91747 PART 3 , May 73: aid LIVES to the remarkable restraint shown them by their civil­ ize- se cantors. Had the situation been reversed - had the Vietnamese been arrogant mass-fflurdering invaders of this country, - most lively the barbaric Am­ ericans would have "bom them limb from limb. That is the considered judgment of ob­ servers with their eyes and' minds open to realities. As it was, the standing order to U.S. troops was to take no prisoners except a few for interrogation who died under the torture to make them talk. Let us hear no more of the Vietnamese "atrocities" ! Long lives to civilized peoples! THESE BRASS-BOUND POWs were given the red carpet treatment, wined and dined, offered lush civilian jobs with Pentagon contractors, given their accumulated flight pay and bonuses, and upon discharge their faked "disibiliby" allowances, and on re­ tirement their comfortable tax-free pensions. They ha Are it made in the shade! See Apr 73 RAMPARTS p 14, xerox copy free to unemployed GIs, prisoners and subscribers. By contrast, there was not even à lowly shavetail orderly at the airport to greet the returning maimed and crippled GIs - the REALLY-disabled for life. No longer of use to this inhuman capitalist society, they were rejected both by the soulless war machine they had served so faithfully, and often by their own families who saw in them a threat to their hedonist way of life. Now comes forth the head criminal himself, on 29 Jan, announcing 30 to 50$ cuts in disability, compensation to these crippled and maimed GIs, a plan, that has not been dropped as the public has been told, and is scheduled to take effect in July, so sez the BOND, the voice of GIs and vets, 58 W 25 St NYC 10010. Here are some examples: *** Amputation of a leg from the hip, now rated at 90$ disability paid &275 mo,, will be cut to C-106 mo.; Loss of a hand now rated 70% disability drawing ^212 mo. will shrink to ;,106 mo.j An arm gone at the shoulder, now rated at 90% disability and drawing i-275 oo» under the Nixon plan will be only §17*? mo.j Loss of hearing ra­ ted at 90% disability and paid %255 mo., will get V77 mo.j Loss of speech rated 100% and paid &425 mo. •.ill be cut to §212 mo. Other service-connected disorders now ra­ ted 100% disabilities will be cut to 50% or $149 mo., or. 40%,J106 mo, . "YOU STILL HAVE THE OTHER EYE" was the Nixon remark to. a vet who had lost one eye in combat. Row compassionate! How thoughtful and encouraging! -And this creature is the President of the United States! Feel proud of hjtm? Neither do we. 'BILLIONS FOR KILLING - PENNIES FOR VETS is the Nixon answer to the needs of the men and women who fought his goddamned war-and are crippled in body and mind for doing so. What handsome compensation - what just reward - to. the'"selfless, tireless effort and undying devotion to duty" that has brought a "generation cf peace" to this land of the fee and the home of tue slave! It's enough to make a Congressman pulcei Yet in 27 letters from these gentry, there was not one word of compation for these victims, much less an expression of regret for the tenable wrongs we have done the Vietnamese. 2000 VETS TOSSED OFF'WELFARE IN NY STATE"with more prumisea, and setting a vic­ ious racist pattern for the rest of the country, sez THE BOND, Get your free copy of (the NY-NJ Special Edition from American Servicemen's Union, 58 W 25 St NYC 10010. "TODAY'S AiMY CANCELS RIGHTS FDR GI DRUG USERS" is the headline in Harrisburg INDEPENDENT PRESS, 1004 H 3 St Harristarg Pa 17102, xerox copy free to subscribers for postage. Tt tells how GIs "are deprived of legal rights, in some cases for mere association with 'a known or suspected grug abuser.1,..." The army program is de-a. . signed to 'reduce the GI who is suspected of using any kind of prohibited drugs, from a free individual into a mere robot, a tool of his commander, a gestapo-type informer'. "DISABLED 'VIETNAM VET " d.S5-an-hr JOB" (Mple TÄEB) is a first-hand account of a..typical case of attempted d the right to survive, an object lesson in capitalist gratitude. Xerox coty frre to GIs and vets, others for postage» "FASCL tells how lobotomies are performed on prison in­ mates to control their dor, a "rather crude brain surgery in which the frontal lobe is sevex*ed 1 . knife, often turning the patient "into a vegetable with such side è 33 of intelligence, loss of memory, and loss of ability to cc: laly functions such as defecation". Copy free to prisoners and GIs. MAY 1 9 ! MARCH WITH THE ?SIS' ON WASHINGTON! MANDING d2500 COMPENSATION FOR TIME LOST IN SERVICE! DON'T LET THE GOVERNMENT CUT VETERANNS DISABILITY PAY!

READERS: If you can't join the march, at least support them with letters to Congress! Donate - subscribe to THE BOND - be informed on this life-and-death issue!

"WE REJECT THE STATEMENTS made ty tjjg, returning POWs charging the peace movement with lengthening the war. Since the POWs were out of this country and in isolation, they could not be aware of the terrible division in our country and the growing repug­ nance against the war. So their judgment is not made in the context of reality, "To say that the Vietnamese were encouraged to continue the war because of our activity is to fail to understand the driving•force on the,part of che Vietnamese to rid their country of foreign intervention for hundreds of years. The Pentagon Papers reveal that opportunities to end the war were presented to successive administrations but were rejected because administrative policy was to seek an unattainable victory. '"The charge against the peacemovement is spurious and shields those whom the Am­ erican people should hold responsible. The peace movement in fact awoke the American people to the secretive and deceptive nature of our involvement and led them in their ultimate rejection of the war." Women Strike for Peace, 5^99 Pico Blvd. L.A. Calif,

(over, please) KNOWING HOW WE BECAME INVOLVED IN INDOCHINA WAR is the indispensible keyto "^learning how to get un-involved. That key is provided in the famous Zif erstein pamphlet of April 67, 25« a copy from us, from which we quote in part: "It is clear, in retrospect, that the skillfully stage-managed televized press conference of July 28, I965 marked a new phase of open headlong escalation of the war .....But an adverse public reaction to this new development was averted ty skillful manipulation of information. The formula is simple but effective: First step, high­ ly alarming rumors about escalation are 'leaked'. Second sCep, the President offic­ ially and dramatically sets the anxieties to rest by a. ing a much more moderate rate of escalation, and accompanies this announcement zes of the govern­ ment's peaceful intentions. Third step: after the gen of relief, the orig­ inal rumored escalation is gx-adually put into effect after a. "This technique of psychological backing and fil ectsi (l) By the time the originally-leaked figure of, say, ''12 billion, is officially presented by the President in January 1966, the citizen has the^ceai Le feeling of familiarity with it - of being knowledgeable about it. Somewhere, sometime, he has seen and heard this figure before - as indeed he had, in July 65. It has been robbed of its shock effect. The citizen has become habituated to it. (2) The succession of "leaks", de­ nials of leaks and denials of denials, tfioroly confuses the individual. He is left bewildered, helpless, apathetic. "The habituation is further re-inforced by what is politely called 'news manage­ ment1 , but what some newsmen have referred to more frankly as the withholding of in­ formation or the giving out of mi sin formation by the government...... News manage­ ment is not a new phenonemon» It is probably as old as politics itself.... .What is new is the fact that high govt officials openly admit it.....NEWSWEEK 2 Aug 65 quoted the official spokesman for the U.S, mission in Saigon as stating: 'My directive says that our policy is one of minimum candor.* "The open advocacy ty govt leaders of policies of 'minimum candor1 and lying to the people undermines ' the right to know1. The restrictions on his right to know the truth mesh neatly with the citizen's regressive wish to remain unknowing (our empha­ sis -SN), and further facilitate his regression to the pre—adolescent phase of seek- * ing security in the omniscience and omnipotence of the authority figures." The same lying "news management" is going on today in respect "bo the cease­ fire, but with this difference: alienation has forced the mad bomber to adopt a pol­ icy of silence, letting the long-implanted poisons, rumors and speculations fester iri the public mind, thus compounding the confusion and' strengthening the citizen's re­ solve to remain unknowing. But the Nixon strategy of world conquest goes on in prac­ tice, in a kind of psychotic fury of which only homicidal maniacs are capable. Only the tactics have changed. Anyone vith illusions on this score needs a shrink. »AN EXPLANATION OF THE WAR IN VIETNAM FOR PRIilARY SCHOOL CiJLDREN" is one of many poisonous tracts issued ty the U.S. State Dept, Bureau of Public Information. Seldom have so many downright lies been compressed into such a small space. School children in their ignorance are helpless before this "father-image". Combatting this poison is a high-priority task among left-radical educators. Copies are available postpaid from this Center for 25£ in coin or stamps, along with other related matter,

THERE IS NO PEACE IN CAMBODIA, and the U.S. is giving no sign of ending its mil­ itary intervention in support of the tottering Phnom Penh regime of fascist dictator Lon Nol which controls less than l/5th of the country. Writing in NY TIMES 10 Mar, Henry Kamm observes that the patriotic resistance forces have "outmaneuvered and out­ fought" the Lon Nol army of Thi-Cambodian merceneries despite air cover by U.S, planes. Military experts, including Cambodians, believe that it would collapse over night without massive American bombing and war matériels supply - and taxpayers money. "As for the army itself, the greater part of U.S. funds for military pay ends up in the pockets of officers and. officials. As many as 100,000 members of the Lon.Nol • army....exist on paper only with the pay being pocketed ty the corrupt officials..... Further more, many of those actually serving in the army are mere children as young as 9 yrs of age.....serve as virtual child-slaves, being given little or no pay, and just enough food for su: Lie the actua-1 1 is also fatten- ing the pockets of their cout-anders.... ir 73,

AUSTRALIA'S NEW FOREIGN POLICY, the first in it3 history, may have a big effect on the role of U.S. imperialism in the Pacific and Asia. Within the first 100 days in office, the Australian Labor Party recognized the People's Republic of China, the Democratic Republic of (North) Vietnam, and the German Democratic Republic; freed those young men who were jailed for refusing the draft or military service in Vietnam and abolished the draft while withdrawing its military forces from South Vietnam and Cambodia; instructed its delegation to the UN to vote with 3r,o~world nations on ques­ tions of imperialism and neo-colonialism, especially against the racist policies of Soutli Africa and Rhodesia; restored land rights and sweeping powers to the Aborigines for them to run their own affairs. (Burchett in GUARDIAN 28 Mar 73).

PEOPLE - NOT GUNS - UN PEOPLE'S WARS OF LIBERATION. Guns can only increase or reduce the cost and speed. All the guns in the world cannot decisively defeat a peo­ ple' s amy organized and led by Marxists because for every head that falls, at least 2 more grow in its place. In short, the final solution to a people's war can be only political, not military. This is our understanding of Maxrxism-Leninism. Wm Pomeroy in PW 31 March doesnot appear to have that understanding. Xerox copy free to subscri­ bers for postage. Tell us what YOU think,

"SANITY NOW!» a left-radical activist education center, box 261 La Puente Ca. 91747 PART 4, newsletter /72, May 73: » :?I..G FACTOR in every social relation of power is, in the last resert, the superiority of physical force .even when the division into classes is deter­ mined ty the economic position, the political relation of power of the classes is reg­ ulated...... thru the countless intellectual, moral and physical means at the disposal. of the economically-dominant class,..," -Karl Liebknecht, pre-WWI German leftist lea­ der murdered ty the govt, an excerpt from his book "Militarism and Anti-militarism" as reprinted in GUARDIAN 28 Mar 73, copy free to subscribers for postage. Lest there be misinterpretation here, let us quote Lenin's "Letters on Tactics": "We have always known and repeatedly pointed out that the bourgeoisie maintains itself in power not only ty force but also by virtue of the lack of class-conscious­ ness and organization, the routinism and downtrodden state of the masses." Carrying the thought further is this passage from Gil GreeafeTHE NEW RADICALISM": "It is simplistic to believe that State power rests solely on police guns and soldiers bayonets. In the final analysis it does - i.e., when the ruling class and its state power have lost legitimacy in the eyes of the majority of people. Then the gun takes command.* But society cannot live and function balanced on the terror of a bayonet," (* Here Gil Green is talking about guns in the hands of the rulingclass state.) . THERE IS A TENDENCY in Left circles-to see the military aid from socialist coun- tries as the decisive factor in the glorious-.initial triumph of the Vietnamese over their seemingly-invincible enemy. Without in the least belittling that aid, we point to the fact that the Vietnamese insurgents were fighting a winning war with that en­ emy, using homemade and captured weapons,* long before there was any significant social­ ist aid. Appendix D of U.S. State Dept publication ^7839 Feb 65 shows that less than 2|# of the weapons captured from the guerillas in an 18-months period were from so- '1 cialist countries. (See I.F.Stone's weekly -newsletter* 8 Mar 65, pl55 of THE VIETNAM READER ty Raskin and Fall, Vintage #V-3G9)• ' THE MYTHICAL "INVASION FROM THE-NORTH"that U.S; imperialism has continually ad­ vanced as one reason for. our intervention, in fact was a mass exodus of Catholio landed gentry and their retinues whose property had been expropriated and who were fleeing the just wrath of their erstwhile victims. Feasant insurgency in the South originated in the Mekong Delta region, not in the North. The invader was.and is U.S. imperialism. Activists would do well to bone up on the history, related" in Gettleman's VIETNAM, the VIETNAM'READER referred to above, and D.F.Fleming's AMERICA'S RQLE IN ASIA as well as his THE COLD WAR AND ITS ORIGINS in 2 Volumes. Try your library. THE NIXON AIMINISTRATIQN of consumate liars, supremely contemptuous of public opinion that has. proved so easily controlled, Is planning to continue its policies of aggression iri ways as diverse as NATO napalm supplied to Portugal for use in Africa, and economic blockades of Chile and Cuba,' which is preparation for- nothing less than ultimate nuclear war with the USS.R. Nor can U.S. jlmpexialiaa do otherwise, for it can no more tolerate opposition abroad than it can at home and will therefore resort to any and al"1 measures to quell it. But the aggression that hits the American people the hardest is the Nixon Ad'm war on the living standards of the working class. The "war on poverty", whatever promise it might have had, is a dead letter. Instead of cutting back on military spending, the A'ixon Ad'm has cut off almost every essential service, such as daycare centers for work ^hers, disability pay for vets, and health care for the poor, "A PROPOUND CRISIS is shaping up in our land, effecting all aspects of our na­ tional existence - political, economical and social. It is accompanied by a growing militancy among word : in r B to the poverty, racism, violence, corruption and degradation which characterizes life in capitalist U.S.A. today sharply underv. scoring the need for a world.ngclas3 approach - a workingclass view and analysis of these profound developments. More than ever, the workingclass movements need and de­ mand the science of Marxian-Leninism as a tool for social change." "Socialism, having become a science, must be pursued as' a science — that is, it must be studied." -Frederick Engels. Which is what this Center has been saying for the past 6 yrs, and our dog-eared and scrabbled library proves we"are still learning. "...Getting a living under this inexpressibly-cruel and inhuman (capitalist) sys­ tem is so precarious - so uncertain - so fraught with such pain and struggle — that the wonder is not that,so many people become vicious and criminal, but that so many remain in docile submission to such a tyrannous and debasing condition." - Eugene V. Debs in his book CAPITALISM AND CRIME, 1927, as reprinted in GUARDIAN 15 Dec 71, . . copy free to subscribers for postage, UNITY OF WORLD NATIONS AGAINST U.S. IMPERIAL!^ is growing in the United Nations where offensive after offensive by the Nixonites is going down to defeat. The op­ pressed peoples are pressuring their puppet govts into coalitions of opposition. But the union of nations as equals is possible only under socialism. Karl Marx expressed it these words, reprinted In POLITICAL AFFAIRS Dee 72: "For nations to-unite, they must have common interests. For their, interests to be common, the existing property relations must be abolished since (they) make for the exploitation of some nations by others; the workingclass alone Is interested in the abolition of the existing property relations, and it alone is capable of doing this. The victory of the proletariat, over the bourgeois signifies at the same time .- an end to all national and industrial disputes which at px-esent cause enmity among nations." (Marx-Engels WORKS, Russian edition vol 4 p 371, quoted ty E,V.Tadevosyan, "Voprosy Istorii, KPSS #5 1972). • •

"SANITY NOW!" a left-radical activist education center, box 261 La Puente Ca. 91747 EDulJTIONÀL OPPORTUNITIES PROGRAM.iFOP) that opened the door to higher education for thousands of youth, is being quietly being cut back by the Nixoniies, Tuitions have been as much as doubled, and scholarships are being carefully screened to exclude workingclass youth, particularly the racial minorities, who in recent years have time and again successfully challenged the hidebound curricula and intellectual dishonesty of these "factory" institutions. Read the editorial in People's World 31 Mar on this subject - a dollar will get you a 10-wks trial sub from 1819 10 St Berkeley, Also, read the full-page review of Bettina Aptheker' s new book THE ACADMEC RE­ BELLION IN THE U.S., PW 24 Mar which makes the point (among many others) that the revolution in science is forcing intellectuals to become an essential part of the pro­ ductive process itself and thereby causing their shift to workingclass status. Bet­ tina Aptheker was a leading light in the campus revolts, along with Angela Davis. THE FREE SPEECH MOVEMENT is a 445p legal brief on California vs Savio, on mass arrest litigation, basic due process, and the issue of academic freedom, l>5 from LEGAL PUBLICATIONS, box 673, Berkeley Ca 94701. Contains much that was glossed over by the capitalist media or suppressed entirely. Every student-activist should have it, CAMPUS REVOLT IS VERY MUCH .ALIVE - only the tactics have changed to protect the innocent. No longer do students seek confrontation with their aimed enemies to whom they present the outward face of conformity as purely a matter of survival in order to quietly organize themselves and better around an outreaching and ongoing program of action and to coalate with comiiiunity allies, especially with the.rank-and-file of the labor movement» Under such leadership as Bettina Aptheker, they are acquiring a revolutionary workingclass perspective and program - a revolutionary theory without which there can be no revolutionary practice; Marxism-Leninism» Cheers for than and a razzberry for their capitalist-class opponents!


LABOR POWER IS A COMMODITY whose price is that which the employer class can be forced to pay ty the united strength of the workingclass. Here is what the MANIFESTO says about it: "In proportion as the bourgeoisie, i,e», capital, is developed, in the same pro­ portion is the modem workingclass developed - a class of laborers who live only so long as they find work, and who find work only so long as their labor increases capi­ tal. These laborer's, who must sell themselves piecemeal, are a commodity like any other article of commerce, and are consequently exposed to all the vicissitudes of competition - to all the fluctuations of the market...... "The essential condition for the existence and sway of the bourgeois'.class is the formation and augmentation of capital. The condition for capital is wage-labor. Wage labor rests exclusively on competition between the laborers. The advance of industry whose involuntary promoter Is the bourgeoisie, replaces the isolation of the laborers due to competition, ty their revolutionary combination due to association. The devel­ opment of modern industry, therefore, cuts from under its feet the very foundation on which the bourgeoisie produces and appropriates products. What the bourgeoisie there­ fore produce, above all, are its own grave-digger3. Its fall and the victory of the proletariat are equally inevitable,"

THE CAPITALIST CLASS - those that FDR called "America» s 60 ruling families" and Eisenhower called the "military-industrial complex" - and its oppressive state power structure, cannot help but increasingly alienate itself from society ty such cutbacks in essential services as EOF, "...And here it becomes evident that the bourgeoisie is unfit any longer to be the ruling class In society and "bo impose its conditions of existence upon society as an overriding law. It is unfit to rule because It is incom­ petent to assure an existence to its slave within his slavery - because it cannot help letting him sink into such a state that it has to feed him instead of being fed ty him» Society can no longer live under this bourgeoisie - in other words, its existence is no longer compatible with society." (ibid)

THE COMMUNIST MANIFESTO is one of the greatest historical documents. As such, it is recuired reading in many colleges and universities. More than that, it is a scientific treatise, not only to be read once or twice but to be studied in relation to the events and realities of today, not as dogma to be learned ty rote and indis­ criminately applied in all cases. Many of our readers are amazed ty its accurate exposition of precisely what is happening in .America and 'che world. We have a few copies of the MANIFESTO available for 40«£ each. As a final quote here is this descrip­ tion of petty-bourgeois "socialism" (p33) as distinguished from proletarian socialism: ".....This school of Socialism dissected with great acuteness the contradictions in the conditions of modern production. It laid bare the hypocritical apologies of economists. It proved incontrovertibly the disasterous effects of machinery and div­ ision of labor; the concentration of capital and land in a few hands; overproduction and crises. It pointed out the inevitable ruin of the petty-bourgeois and peasant, the misery of the proletariat, the anarchy in production, the crying inequalities In the distribution of wealth, the industrial war of extermination between nations, the dissolution of old moral bonds, of the old family relations, of the old nationalities» "In its positive aims, however, this form of Socialism aspires either to restor­ ing the old means of production and of exchange.,,,,or cramping the modern means of production and exchange within the framework of the old property relations...... In either case, it is both reactionary and Utopian..,.-,,"

"SANITY NOW!" a left-radical activist education center, box 261 La Puente Ca, 91747 . PART 5, newsletter n72, May 73: .1 SELLING OF Tl-IL LORD" ty Eugene Meyer, Washington POST correspondent, .May RJMPARIS, '.I from 2054 University Av Berkeley, tells how "the friends of Dilly Graham have gotten together for a well-orchestrated, well-heeled «Christian blitz' this year to replace rebellion with religion, and to fill the philosophical vacuum of the 1970s. All this just happens to fit in quite nicely with Nixon's 4-yr plan." • :. "In fact, the flag and the cross have become so super-imposed in the national psyche that most Americans no longer notice the double exposure", sez Meyer. This institutionalized religion we call God Inc. has been the eager ally of ex­ ploitive ruling classes downv thru the ages, the dispenser of lullaby pills that have addicted millions to the falacious belief that if they will only endure their oppres­ sion without protest in the liere-and-now, they will be rewarded by some supernatural power in some fictitious hereafter - "There'll be pie in the sky bye and tye when you die" is the theme of the siren song, . But an increasing number of the pusherman's victims are taking a closer look at this bait behind the capitalist hook, hence the campaign Meyer writes about. Colored peoples have found this sign on the pearly gates: "Non-whites use side entrance". In the same issue of RAMPARTS: "The American POWs: Their Glory is All Moonshine," told by Ngo Vinh Long who sez: "The very way in which the U.S. treats its POWs as heroes suggests that it is proud of their actions and the criminal policies of the U.S. government." Also other equally-juicy items...... worth the ïjp, folks!

"U.S. TROOPS GUIT VIETNAM AT LONG LAST" is a grossly-misleading headline in 28 March GUARDIAN. The casual reader could easily get the idea that our involvement in Vietnam has ended. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Troops have changed from uniforms to civvies just as the U.S» insignias on planes and tanks have been painted over with the emblem of the murderous Thieu dietatorship...... and every bomb carries the names of the U.S. taxpayers. The Thieu military is still being run ty the U.S,, tiger cages still being built by U.S. contractors, and Thieu's police force being trained and directed by the CIA, and opium is still being transported ty CIA planes from the golden triangle at enormous profit to U.S,-Saigon brass. In the same GÖAHDIAN, the Ellsberg-Russo defense has proved beyond a reasonable doubt that the Pentagon papers were classified "secret" to keep the American public ignorant of the Nixon lies they exposed, and Two lines on "permanent revolution", one by the Trotskyists and one ty the Marx- Leninists. "What are its (Trotskyist) essential features? What separates it from the ideas of the permanent revolution put forward ty Marx and Lenin and, in the final anal­ ysis, what turns it into a counter-revolutionary theory and practice?" followed by copious quotes from Lenin's TWO TACTICS. Better read it for yourself. Also, a condensed report (2 tabloid pages!) of the GUARDIAN FORUM around the question: "What road to building a New Communist Party?", discussed ty 1200 attending, a worthwhile glimse into what's cooking on the Left. Two-tape recordings of the pro­ ceedings are available for C-12.50 (they run for 3 hrs) from 32 W 22 St NYC. Also, hew U.S. imperialism has suffered a major defeat by Panama in regard to the canal (Viewpoint)forcing U.S. to veto U.N. motion supported by overwhelming majority of the General Assonbly, calling for return of canal to Panama. Also, how China's retired workers live well, pointing up the plight of retired workers in the "ric _• being nothing short of criminal, and A disturbing report on che govt' -insurgency conference attended only ty persons with to; -.rices, an event that casts its shadow before. •jQH 524pp C3.95 from G". gires first-hand account of the la tion, a "must" reading for historians. d END" 46d,pp $2.95 from C .! tells about the military planning that threatens to keep U.S. involved in a succession of Vietnams, a well-documented Marxist handbook on the methods of U.S. imperialism in counter-insurgency programs and techniques of control used thruout its empire, A publication of Vintage books. GUARDIAN SUBS: ']! yr for GI or prisoners; ,;i for 10 wks trial; -5 for I yr to students, 410 for 1 yr regular sub or 2 yrs for d-lS. Address 32 W 22 St NYC 10010 V. I. LENIN ON INTERNATIONAL WORKING WOMEN'S DAY. 8 Mar 20, Collected Works Vol 30 pp 408-409, reprinted in POLITICAL AFFAIRS March 73, together with 6 other good articles only 60£ from 23 West 26 St NYC 10010: "Capitalism combines formal equality with economic and,- consequently, social in­ equality. That is one of the principal features of capitalism, deliberately obscured by the supporters of the bourgeoisie, the liberals, and is not understood by petty- bourgeois democrats, »But even in the matter of formal equality (equality before the law - the "equality" of the well-fed and the hungry man - of the man of property and the propertyless), capitalisa canne t be consistent. And one of the most glaring manifestations of this inconsistency is the inequality of women and men. Complete equality has not been granted even by the most progressive republican and democratic bourgeois states. "The Soviet Republic of Russia, on the other hand, at once swept away all legis­ lative traces of the inequality of women without exception, and immediately ensured their complete equality before the law. (see Article 122, USSR Constitution) "It is said that the best criterion of the cultural level is the legal status of women. This aphorism contains a grain of profound truth. In this respect only the dictatorship of the proletariat* - only the socialist state - could attain and has attained, the highest cultural level. (over, please) " It must be said that the Soviet system, and only the Soviet system, guar­ antees democracy. This Is clearly shown by the position of the workingclass and the poor peasants; it is clearly shown by the position of the women, "But the Soviet system is the last decisive struggle for the abolition of class­ es - for economic and social equality*- Democracy,' even for those oppressed by capi­ talism, including the oppressed sex, is not enough for us. "The chief task of the working women1s movement is to fight for economic and so­ cial equality, not only formal equality, for women. The chief thing is to get women to take part in socially-productive labour.— to liberate them from ' domestic slavery' - to free them from their stupefying- and humiliating subjugation "to the eternal drud­ gery of the kitchen and the nursery. "This struggle will be a long one, demanding a radical reconstruction both of social technique and of morals. But it will end in the complete triumph of communian,' * The workingclass organized as the state. Read Lenin on the Dictatorship of the Proletariat, POLITICAL AFFAIRS Apr 70 ty Matthew Hallinan.

ISRAEL MAY NOT BE A NATION according to Joseph Stalin's classic definition (copy on request). According to him, "A nation is a historically-evolved, stable community of language, territory, economic life, and psychological, make-up, manifested in a community of culture, "It goes without saying that a nation, like every other historical phenomenon, Is subject to the law of change - has-Its history, its beginning and end, "It must be emphasized that none of the above characteristics by itself is suf­ ficient to define a nation. On the other hand, it is sufficient for a single one of these characteristics to be absent and. the nation ceases to be a nation." At this point, you should read and study Lenin on "The National Question". Ask yourself if Israel is a hi stori cally-evolved community of people. The matter of self- determination of nations hangs on this question» U.S. GOVT'S WAR ON DISSENT has taken a new twist. According to a paper at hand from Freedom of Expression Committee, Federal Prisoner's Coalition, Marion 111. chap­ ter, "a variety of psychogenocide techniques are being used in both state and federal institutions thruout the D.S. under the guise of treatment and fancy titles of pro­ grams such as Special Treatment and Rehabilitation Training (program START) at the U.S. Medical Center, Springfield Mo.; Guided Interaction Therapy ty the Closed Ado­ lescent Treatment Canter at the Colorado Mount View Girls School, and Transactional Analysis, Synanon Attack-Therapy, Psychodrama, Primal Therapy and Encounter Group Mar­ athon Sensitivity sessions ty Dr Martin .Groder's Asklepieon Society of the U.S. Mar­ ion Penitentiary." The paper goes on to describe the START program (and here's the new twist) as "a positive award approach rather than a negative punishment reaction," in the words^of Dr Albert Scheckenback, Marion prison psychologist, but failed to men­ tion the variety of inhumanities the prisoner is compelled to endure, if he refuses to participate in this program.For refusing, the prisoner is first forcibly injected with mind-destroying tranquilizlng drugs for the purpose of restraint and domination» He is next stripped naked and strapped to a solid steel bed where he must not only eat but also empty his bowels and bladder right there where he lays helpless for sev­ eral daysAfter this "treatment", the prisoner is removed and placed in a cage stripped bare and with only a hole in the floor for a toilet. As the prisoner responds to this "treatment", he is given a mattress and perhaps some clothing. This procedure is re­ peated -until his tormentors are completely satisfied "that the prisoner' s level of awareness and activity has been lowered to the extent that he is unable to physically and mentally resist participation in the START program. In comparing the preceding programs, it can be easily seen that those forced to participate •.ill undergo further alteration of his/her behavior to conform with the rules and regulations, not only of the prison system but thes of the present established social order, a contention sup­ ported ty Dr Peter Breggin, psychiatilst and faculty member, Washing School of Psychi­ atry, who recently seid that behavior modification and "brain studies are not orient­ ed toward liberation of the patient but tc- -ox-der1 and control... to ward protecting society against the so-called radica_ ' (See Feb 72 issue of Ebony).^ "Radical"? llellzafire, that' 5 pages to describe in detail the various phases the new prisoner Het and elsewhere. Those of our re* Orwell's famous book 1« [ 1 see a shocking resemblance between the "treatments" ed in this paper and those administered ty Big Brother to the two rebel" heroes In the story. There is no reasonable doubt in our minds that Amerika is headed hell-bent in that direction.The tortures inflicted are nothing as crude as beatings and pins under the fingernails as in Thieu's prisons. They are re­ fined tortures given ty qualified AMA doctors under prison super-vision, the adminis­ tration of drugs to reduce the patient to a mindless blubbering idiot. Get your copy of the paper from FEDERAL PRISONER'S COALITION, box 1000 Marion 111. or a copy of the Washington DAILY NEWS Feb 16 1973, or any of the journalists listed in Part 9 of #68. Also, for further information, write to PRISONER'S DIGEST INTERNATIONAL, box 89, Iowa City la, and LAW OFFICE, 2156 N flalstead Chicago 111. Also to PRISONERS RIGHTS PROJECT 1450 Pennsylvania St Denver Colo 80203, READERS! Write hot protests to your Congressmen and Senators, and to the UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC AND SOCIAd COUNCIL, United'Nations NYC. DEMAND intercession with U.S. Bureau of Prisons on behalf of the prisoners and the brief they filed with U.N. Even postcards are better than nothing. Let your voices be hoard! * AN INJURY TO TRFM IS AN INJURY TO .ILL OF US ON THE OUTSIDE! SPEAK OUT NOW!

»SANITY NOW!" a lef ^radical activist education center, box 26L La Puente Ca. 91747 PART 6, newsletter ir72, May 73*. MAY l3t: INTERNATIONAL LABOR DAY is as American as apple pie. It grew out of the struggles of working people for a decent life and the 8hr work day. At Chicago's Hayaarket labor rally 87 yrs ago, a provocateur threw a bomb, the rally leaders were arrested and framed for it, and four of them died on the gallows. (Xerox copy of a short history of May Day, PW 1971, free to subscribers for postage). It is precisely for the purpose of throttling dissent that the capitalist crim­ inals and their brainwashed "law-and-order" stooges like Reagan and Nixon want the barbarous death penalty restored - against "treason" among other capital offenses. "The highest virtue is against the law"(Bnerson). Resist illegitimate authority!

BDCHELL MAGEE WINS HUNG JURY, a body blow at white racism. The jury hung up on 11-1 for acquittal on the murder charge, and the lone Blade juryman hung it up on the kidnap rap. .Read the details in PEOPLES'WORLD, the leading West Coast Labor weekly, 1819 10 St Berkeley, only &L for Swks trial sub. You'll thank us for the urging!

INTERNATIONAL RUNAWAY SHOP is a 40^ pamphlet that shows the move ty 0»S. business to set up plants in low-wage Asia, Mexico and SoAfrica and how it effects American workers, and how it is related to the current economic crisis. Exposes phony "Buy aftmericann campaign of the class-colabrotionist labor leaders, and argues that the real solutions lie in unified rank-and-file action and international workingclass solidar*- ity for a unified wage scale that will stop the export of capital. UNITED FRONT PRESS box 40099 San Francisco 94140 which distributes over 75 inexpensive pamphlets and books focusing on workingclass struggles in many parts of the world, against U.S. imperialism. Ask them for their catalogue. Knowledge is power! PACIFIC COUNSELING SERVICE. 1232 Market St #104, San Francisco 94102 wants exper­ ienced GI organizers for 6 project locations in Japan and Okinawa to serve some 200, 000 troops plus dependents who remain in Asia. (GUARDIAN 4 Apr) Workingclass GIs can be the decisive for*ce in overcoming imperialism.

IRANIAN STUDENT WINS RESIDENCY, having convinced U.S. authorities that déporta-*.', to Iran would land him in prison for his outspoken opposition to the Shah and the Viet nam war. "This is an important victory for all foreign students and naturalized cit­ izens, for their democratic right of free speech guaranteed ty U.S. Constitution for all people living on U.S. soil," said a defense spokesman. (PW 7 Apr)

PACIFIC T&F profits up 19# over 1971, yet demands 35$ increase in basic phone rate» Wii& 3000 fewer employees last year, profits jumped but service deteriorated, reported at PUC hearings on the application. U.S. corporate profits in the oast de­ cade have soared at an annual rate from 2.8$ to nearly 15$. See our #70-4» REVENUE-SHARING HUGE FRAUD - no fed surplus funds esdst or are likely to, for bailing out bankrupted cities milked dry ty greedy politicians and business, sez Sen» Proxmire in March PROGRESSIVE. Congress appropriated $30 billion for the purpose with­ out tapping the military budget, which leaves the taxpayers holding the bag. Ralph Nader was right: the Nixon Adm is the most corrupt since Harding. In the same PROGRESSIVE pl7, the following programs were approved by Congress but scuttled ty Presidential decree: *105 million chopped off Model Cities Program when cities are in crisis; The Bureau of Indian Affairs cut more than $53 million at a time complaints about treatment of Indians were surfacing; Howard Univ, the nearly all-black DC college, had £3.7 million held up when the need for improved education for Blacks was obvious; the Federal Prison System had it>4.3 million taken away when even the Chief Justice was speaking out on prison reform; ^20 million for a de-salting plant was impounded just when we need new sources of fresh water; '45 million was ta­ ken from Office of Education's budget; the State Dept lost $27,000 in educational exr- change funds; C300 million ia ux-ban transport money was blocked at a time when the need was never greater; the Veterans Adm was minus more than §8 million elated for grants to states for extended care facilities, all this in addition to cutbacks in welfare and child care centers. Then the March PROGRESSIVE carries articles on Watergate« Unasked Questions, Vio­ lence Take a Holiday; Big Govt, Conservative style; Our Kept Universities; and others. $1 a single copy, subs OlO regular, $6 students and GIs, 408 W Gorham, Madison Wise.

U.S. UNEMPLOYED 11%. not the 6$ reported ty govt, according to Senate Subcommitt­ ee on Baployment, Manpower and Poverty. Read the de-tails in HUH, ,4pp tabloid of the Hawaiian workingclass, $3 yr from 1.202 Palama St Honolulu. HAWAIIAN BANKERS STOP SELLING FOOD STAMPS at 50fs a client. 13,700 families and individuals, most of them children and senior citizens, will be affected, (ibid) BEWARE PHONEY NWBO! "The National Welfare Rights Organization and its local chap­ ters, the largest national org of welfare recipients in U.S., ax-e attacked ty a fink outfit calling -themselves National Caucus of Labor Committees with chapters on or near campuses across the country, well-organized and apparently well-heeled. From the -% letter,ty Schuylkill River Express, seems to us a bircher or itro.tskyite wrecking crew. For more info, write SHE, box 8372, Philadelphia 19104, phone EV6-99ÖX7ä~radical independent W-Plxilly community newspaper formed in 1970, BETTER TO ORGANIZE AND EDUCATE NOW THAN TO WISH YOU HAD LATER!

(over, please) "MASSIVE U.S. TROOP RE-INVASION OF VIETNAM is predicted by Jane Fonda, quoted on KFWB newscast 12 Apr, a forecast we made from the day when we learned that troops supposedly bound for home were being held over in the Pacific area and trained in the use of nuclear weapons stored there; when Saigon's mercenary troops, fed up with kill­ ing their own people, were deserting ty the tens of thousands; when massive bombing had failed to bring the Vietnamese to surrender; when thousands of hand-picked U.S. troops were returned to Saigon as "civilian advisors"; when vast quantities of U.S. war munitions were delivered to Saigon for the purpose of defeating the impending cease-fire; when' U.S. insignias on planes and tanks were replaced ty the hated Saigon emblem; when U.S. installations supposed to have been dismantled or removed were left to the puppet govt intact; and now when it is abundantly clear that the Nixon-Thieu axis has no intention of observing the cease-fire» "NEW CRISIS DEVELOPING IN INDOCHINA...,..composed of several parts, all fashion­ ed in Washington and Saigon.....to retain U.S.-controlled regimes in Saigon, Phnon Penh and Vientiane at whatever the cost in lives and agony to the peoples of Indo­ china" sez GUARDIAN VIEWPOINT 11 Apr. Nothing'new - just a culmination of a whole series of crises macfe inevitable by the very nature of the implaccable forces involv­ ed. U.S. imperialism is beset with inherent contradictions it is powerless to dispel: it has a tiger ty the tail and dares not let go for to do so would be the beginning of the end of its capitalist-world hegemony, and of imperialism itself as a world power. The final solution can be that which befell Hitler» a wox-ld armada of out­ raged and fearful nations to do what the American people so far have not done - the liquidation of the threat and the confining of its leaders to padded cells and straight jackets. We are firm in our belief that nothing less will stop this insan­ ity of protracted war without end. Tire innocent blood spilled in so doing is hardly a drop compared to the oceans of blood being wasted to keep it alive» MARLON BRANDO'S REFUSAL OF OSCAR AWARD condemns the film industry for slandering Indians. Brando is best-known in Left circles for his role in "BURN!" (see our #.48-3) The film industry is one of the kingpins in capitalism's coin-operated brainwash laundromat» Our cheers for Brando and a razsberry for the defamers« WOUNDED KNEE'S NATIVE PIAQPLBS are members of sovereign independent nations, rec­ ognized as such ty 371 solemn treaties with U«S. govt and Article 1 Sec 8 para 3 of the U.S. Constitution» Therefore, they are fully and legally entitled to bear arms in "self-acting" militias, and to enact such laws as they wish and to live their lives as they see fit, within their reservations, without outside interference. We support them In the exercise of those rights» In our opinion, for them to voluntar*- ily give up their arms to a foreign power (U.S,) would be a great mistake, as the BanglaDesh rebels found out wheh they gave in to the reactionary Awami League. Send your contributions to WOUNDED KNEE SUPPORT, 208 11 St Rapid City SD 57701. Also follow developments In GUARDIAN and PEOPLE'S WORLD - see our Apr issue. The Na­ tive Peoples heed all the help and allies we can get. Do your tit!

NIXON FOR 3RD TEflM? Could be if CItizens-foruNixon-76 committee can get the 22nd Amendment repealed - It prohibits a 3rd term. Campaign is slated to begin 4 July, sez FREEPORALL 28 Mar, a 20pp tabloid out of box 962 Madison Wise. "HOSTAGES OF WAR: SAIGON'S POLITICAL PRISONERS", fei,50 from Indochina Mobile Ed­ ucation Project, 1322 18 St NW, Washington DC 20036, details and documents Thieu's police-state laws, barbaric methods of enforcement, the U.S.-inspired Phoenix program of assassination, and the CIA's complicity in all of it. This book is important be­ cause the insane Nixon is taking "this nation the same route. 1200 'GUATEMALANS MURDERED ty Osorio-CIA regime, sez G,1ANMA 3 Dec 72. "They just 'disappeared', a euphemism to describe the murders of the pa trio tic opposition to the fascist dictatorship." GRANMA is the English edition worth reading ty all activists, of the Cuban revolutionary newspaper, Apartado 6260 Ave. Genex-al Sudrez y Territorial plaza de la Revolucioh Jose Marti, Havana, lyr airmail sub, 5»40 Canadian dollars. DEN'VSR PIGS KILL CHICAN0 ACTIVIST, wound 3 others, and jailed 70 people without charges in what appears "to be a deliberate setup "police riot", the target being the CRUSADE FOR JUSTICE, 1567 Downing St., a militant Chicano organization par la Raza. As we've said so often, the honkey-gringos will stop at nothing to destroy opposition. HOW CABLE TV BECOMES A MONSTER SPY JÇ is told in Boston Evening GLOBE and reprinted in P.A.N,I,C NEWS, MIT's Independent coanunity paper 8 Mar 73, xerox copy free to subscribers for postage. More about cable TV in our 7,-59-5«

PHILLY LANDLORDS WIN J& MILLION TAX BREAK as part of Nixonite nationwide program of porkbarrel aid to Big Business while shifting the burden onto those least able to bear it. But that is the least of the ripoffs, Philly banks and mortgage companies will make up to Ù14 million this year thru interest on tax money they should hot have had in the first place» Get the details of this typical shafting of'the poor, from Tax Equity for -America, 1307 Sansom St., Philadelphia 19107, phone (215) KI5-3031. ; flalph Nader-was right in tagging the Nixon Adm as the most corrupt since Harding» But lined up behind the Nixonites are equally-corrupt Hitlerites ready to step into their shoes, for that is how the goddamned capitalist system works, - or did you know? MEAT BOYCOTT 70% EFFECTIVE, the holdouts being .the affluent with more money than sense. Boycott continues Tuesdays and 'Thursdays, along with political action to roll back prices. Keep up with the issue ty writing F.I.T. box 3342 Simi Ca 93065, or read it all In GUARDIAN and PEOPLE'S WORLD. This is not the time to weaken - join the picket lines at markets. If none ORGANIZE IT with your friends and neighbors.

"SANITY NOW!" a left-radical activist education center, box 261 La Puente Ca. 91747 PART 3, newsletter 73:

Fl /PIT AGAINST SOCIAL SECUPITY FRAUD into which they pay 64 tax ,2^ lbs) of gx-ain 'they raise and get nothing for it. No state relief, no medical attention worth no-ting - only one of a family is treated at one time. Intense poverty and starvation ride the backs of "these people. Read about it in POR QUE? (in Spanish), Marzo de 1973: MERIDA — Acaba de denunciarse en esta ciudad, a traves del periodico TRIEUNA OBREEO, una mas de las farsas del présente regimen, esta vez llevada ai cabo por el Seguro Social. En efecto, luego de muchas idas y venidas de Merida al Distrito Federal y vice- versa de encopetados funcidharios, incluyendo al Présidente de la Republica, y tras una gigantesca derrama de dineros del pueblo al traves de la publicidad en la prensa burguesa, el Institute Mexicano del Seguro Social anunaio con bombos y platillos que los beneficios de esta institucion estaban llegando ya a los campesinos yucatecos, en especial a 60 mil ejidatarios que pueblan la pampa henequenera. Claro esta que las "informaciones" periodisticas, no senalaban el hecho de que el Seguro Social, desde siempre, ha estado cobrando 6 centavos por kilo de henequen producido en Yucatan, cuya suma pasa de los cien raillones de pesos, como tempoco se dijo el pesimo servicio medico que se esta prestando al escarnecido ejidatario. La Revista POR QUE?, a traves de su Director Mario Meuendez Rodriguez, ha senal- dodon datos irrebatibles los escandalosos fraudes que los funcionarios publicos han hecho con el agave. tNunca, jamas, se ha puesto fin a esta corrupcion! Nunca, jamas, han sido casügados los eulpablesi......

1500 OAXACA FABMERS RECOVER TITLES to 3,584 acres taken from than ty fraud, ly­ ing and even killing. But starving people on poor- land have a hard time holding on to it because the Mexican law sez they must work it or lose it to others. Students have joined the farmers in the long fight ahead, a fight for a decent living, ty law if possible, by revolution if necessary, (ibid) ZIMATLAN DE ALVAREZ — Mil quinientos campesinos de Zimatlan de Alvarez Oaxaca, han dicho !bastai al engano y al fraude. El dia primero de febrero del présente ano iniciaron el proceso de recuperacion de sus terrenos que se encuentran en manos de los caciques y latifundistas Jose Luis Acevedo, Raul Candiani, Raul Bernabe Hernandez, Hellodoro Lopez y Francisco Gonzalez,'este ultimo ganadero y empleado del gobierno estatal. La comunidad de Zimatlan de Alvarez se dad de Oaxaca y se fundo en I665 por de­ cision del pueblo Magdalena Mixtepec, el cual cedio cerca de cuatro mil hectareas para tal fin. Desde esa fecha existen los titulos de los terrenos comunaies, mismos que por medico de apropiandose los caciques, inclusive sacerdotes y funcionarios publicos. Los comuneros de Zimatlan de Alverez nombraron en 1935 una comision provisional para el reconocimiento de sus antiguos titulos y se les devolvieran los terrenos ile- galmente apropiados por los caciques; pero al ser amenazados de muerte, los inté­ grantes de la comision emigraron del lugar,. Despues de 37 largos arios de gestiones ante las "autoridades", lograron en 1972 que se les reconociera la.validez y vigencia de los titulos originales que amparan 3,584 hectareas. A pesar de este reconocimiento oficial, esos terrenos siguen en poder de los caciques y latifundistas que solapadamante hacen operaciones y subdiv- isiones de los predios en forma ilegal y violatoria de las leyes con la complicidad de todo tipo de authoridades y en particular de las agraxias......

POR QUE? is the weekly magazine voice of Mexico's proletarian revolution, which Roger Menendez Rodriques began publishing 5 years ago. Here are excerpts from a let­ ter to him ty Lucio Cabanas Barrientos in Sierra de Guerrero 13 Feb 73: "....I salute and congratulate you and your collaborators for your valiany atti­ tude toward this bloody dictatorship now dominating Mexico. Especially my best wish­ es to your brother Mario, director of POR QUE? also...to all men and women jailed for their revolutionary activities and not to lose faith....,." "Arturo Garniz has started a new revolution in Chihuahua, and we shall not give UP I would like the farmers, laborers and sugar cane workers to know we are with them all the way, in triumph or defeat, to solve the problems the rich Mexicans and gringos have created ." "My deepest sympathy to the bereaved families of Enrique Cabrera and Joel Arriaga who were assassinated we shall make the government of Luis Echeverria take full responsibility for these crimes, even if it blames Carmelo Cortes and Carlos Ceballos who are revolutionaries, and not assassins as the reactionary newspapers claim ." "'.'Con motivo del quinto aniversario de la fundacion de esta Valiosa Revista, lo saludo y^felicito en union de sus colaboradores por la digna y valiente actitud que han asumido ante la sangrienta dictadura que por hoy domina a nuestro Mexico, Quis- iera que mi saludo 11 égara a su Director, Cro. Mario Menendez Rodric]uez, desterrado en Cuba, para que sepa que en Mexico habemos quienes tomamos muy en cuenta sus gran­ des esfuerzos por crear una prensa libre, honesta y revolucionaria." ""Aprovecho la présente para saludar, a traves de su Revista, a los companeros del siempre sentido y recordado Genaro Vasquez Rojas, tan to a los que se encuentran en Cuba como a los que soportan las carceles del pais, Saludos a hombres y mujeres, encarcelados militantes de otras organizaciones revolucionarias, y les pido que no pierdan la fe en su liberacion y en la del pueblo, Con Arturo Gamiz en Chihuahua com- ensola guerra de la nueva revolucion y no vamos a desanimamos por los golpes del enemigo ni dejaremos de combatir al ejercito opresor del pobre y protector de los tos.. (please turn the page) ""Deseo que los trabajadores caneros de Veracruz sepan que estamos con ellos tanto en sus fracasos como en sus triunfos. Que reciban un saludo los campesinos y obreros que luchan por resolver sus problemas y por sacudirse el yugo de ricos mexi- canos y gringos," •• ""Que a traves de la popular Revista FOR QUE? lleguen mis palabras de sentido pesame a cada esposa y familiäres de los campaÄeros asesinados» Que los familiäres de Enrique Cabrera y Joel Arriaga sepan que compax-timos su dolor por la perdida de estos dos valiosos companeros y que haremos que el gobiertio de Luis Echeverria re- sponda por esos crimenes, Aunque los periodicos reaccionarios han culpado de taies crimenes a Carmelo y Carlos no son asesinos, son revolucionarios que desde su liber- acion de la carcel de Ghilpancingo permanecen en la Brigada Campesina de Adjusti- ciameniento. Cro. Menendez, reitero mi felicitacion tanto a usted como a su hermano y colaboradores. Con la Revolucion Pobrista Lucio Cabanas Barrien to s"" POR' QUE? REVISTA INDEPENDANTE - Director Mario R Mend .nez Rodriguez, publicacion semanaria de Editorial Reportaje S.A. de C.V., Lago Xochimilco nAl, Colonia Anahuac Mexico 17 DF - Apartado Postal 53-122 - Revista authorizada por la Secretaria de Edu- cacion Publica y registrada como Correspondencia de 2 Ciase por la Direccion General de Correos (oficio 8740) con fecha 12 de marzo de 1968. Aparece todos los jueves, cuando el gobiemo no decomisa la edlcion. Preçio del e.jemplar ^3.0.0 - Numeros atra- sados $6.00. TARIFA DE SUSCRIPCIONES: 26 numéros (6 meses) •$»60.00 en todo el pais - Ea Canada, EE. UU., Centro y Sudamerica: 20 dolares por cor*reo aero. - Distribuida en el D.F. por la Union de Expendedores y Voceadores de Mexico, Enrique Gomez Corchado - Distiibucion foranea a cargo de Editorial Reportaje, SA de CV - Meimbro de la Camara Nacional de la Industria Editorial.

"CHICANOS WILL TELL YOU that their culture predates that of the Pilgrims, and that Spanish was spoken in America long before English, and so the 'problem' (of com­ municating) is not theirs but the Anglos who don't speak Spanish." — Ruben Salazar, wantonly murdered ty L.A, police, in bis LA TIMES column 26 Feb 70, xerox copy free for postage, "I HAVE LIVED IN THE MONSTER, AND I KNOW ITS ENTRAILS: - AND MY SLING IS THE SLING OF DA\/ID...... - Jose Marti, 1895

THE GLORIOUS VICTORY OF THE VIETNAMESE over a seemingly-invincible enemy proves that a people's army, organized and led by Marxists, cannot ;be defeated. In conse­ quence thereof, a gigantic upsurge of revolutionär;'- activity is taking place among the exploited and oppressed of the earth. Among them are the Mexican people who are overcoming their fear of the yanqui monster and are backing their valiant guerillas. A victory for them is a victory for us. Viva la Revolucion!

GRANMA. official Cuban revolutionary newspaper, is printing excerpts from the basic writings of world-famous Marxists, in language that even the most illiterate can grasp. We are clipping these excerpts - xerox copies available from this Center for 25*5 each 2-sided sheet. Address: Ave. General Sudrez y Territorial, Plaza de la Revolucion "Jose Marti Apartado 6260 Havana Cuba, subscription via air mail to for­ eign countries: lyr 5.40 Canadian dollars, 2-10 pounds sterling, 20 Swiss frans or 20 German maries (DFR). "HE WHO REFUSES TO BE AN ANVIL MUST, PERFORCE, BECOME A SLEDGEHAMMER " -Granma "WITHOUT A REVOLUTIONARY THEORY, THERE CAN BE NO REVOLUTIONARY PRACTICE"

WHO FIRST SAID THAT? E Germany wants to know: "The. U.S. was the only country to pass from barbarism to decadence without an intervening period of civilization" Ad­ dress your answer to German Democratic Report, 9 Krausenstrasse, DDR 108 Berlin GDR. "If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they don't -want to hear." ^7, Gyrr*^ QnpT 1 - Brutal truth offends many people, even when within their framework of reference, but sometimes that is the only way to reach them and to find later that they are using your same arguments1 UNITED NATIONS: ARENA OF CLASS STRUGGLE, whose chief accomplishaent has been pre­ vention of nuclear '.'dill, lias adopted many anti-imperialist measures ty overwhelming majorities, in one of which U.S. stood alone for the first time in 27 yrs, and was forced to veto a resolution emphasizing the need to "study the underlying causes of those forms of terrorism and acts cf violence which lie in misery, frustration, griev­ ance and despair, and which causes some people to sacrifice human lives including their own, in attempt to effect radical change." The main resolution, adopted 99 to 5 with 33 abstentions, reaffirmed the legitimacy of straggles of colonial peoples, and of peoples under foreign domination, to exercise their right of self-determination ty all necessary means" (our emphasis -SN) and opposed ty U.S. and the colonial oowers. ("Political Affairs" Apr 73, only 60£ from 23 W 26 St NYC) U.S. IMPERIALISM: THE HISTORICAL RECORD in 165 instances of the use of U.S. arms abroad from 1795 to 1945 (Congressional Record 23 June 69, condensed from GUARDIAN 7 Mar 70) U.S. armed action has greatly esCalate'd since 1945. Xerox copy for postage. "LIFE WITHOUT LANDLORDS" is a 32pp 40,4 pamphlet describing how Soviet socialism solved the low-cost housing problem while U.S. capitalism aggravates it. New Outlook publishers, 32 Union Sq East #801, NYC 10003. LOYALTY TO PETRIFIED OPINIONS NEVER BROKE A CHAIN OR FREED A HUMAN SOUL - Mark Twain

"SANITY NOW!" a left-radical activist education center, box 26l La Puente Ca. 91747 H A YEAR POSTAGE for 12 or more issues plus supplements is all we ask for these newsletter's intended as aids to Left-activists in organizing and educating people in anti-imperialist struggle, and to pose scientific socialism as the ul­ timate solution to this society's His. Feedback is welcome. These newsletters are not written for the entertainment of aim-chair "leaders", "law-and-order'1 liberal opportunists or hypocritical peace-hobbyists» They do not pretend to have all the answers, or that all those given are 1002 light» With our limited facilities, we can do little more than edit and capsula te selected news items usually distorted or suppressed, as launch pads for basic workingclass concepts, and to point to other and more comprehensive sources. Readers must take it from there. These newsletters are not forwardable except as "occupant" may do so. Those who fail to notify us of change of address, or who don't express their desire to continue receiving them, will be dropped. This is necessary because we are pensioners on a tight budget. If this is an introductory copy, don't expect another until we hear from you» Our xerox service is for subscribers only. We seldom have any complete back copies ± only a few parts left over as samples, so keep a file* Readers may quote or reprint freely for Movement purposes» News clips noting source and date are solicited - we reserve the right to pre-empt space. We are endlessly grateful to all those beautiful people vho have supported and encouraged us thruout our 6 yrs of continuous publication» As proletarian interna­ tionalists, we clasp their hands, and those of all oppressed peoples, in solidarity for workingclass power» quyet chien! quyet thangl (Dare to struggle- dare to win!) «NEVER DO ANYTHING AÛAINSÎ CONSCIENCE ÊVIW EF THÉ STATE DEMANDS IT. "-Albert Einstein



NO LABEL? NO SALE! - and tell taie merchant tÀy you are taking your trade elsewhere» Support the oppressed farm workers in their strike and boycott for decent wages and safe working ctasditions, and in their right to organise and bargain collectively thru representatives of their own choosing. GET YOUR FRIENDS JtfJD NEIGHBORS Ï0 DO THE SAME! ONE FOR AÜ AND ALL FOR QNEl

EL BOICOTBO ES UN ASUNTO IS «IDA O MUERtE *ARA LOS CAMPESINOS! POR FAVOR AÏUDEN AHORAi OBRERQS, .ÜNJDOS, JÀMAS SERA VENCIDOS! VAGES DON»T RAISE PRICES—SUPERPROFITS D( Prices are rigged according to how much the consumer can be made to pay» They have nothing to do with cost of production or supply and demand* Think about that! Then go help man/woman the boycottjpicket lines at Safeway and other scab markets» For more information, write to BOYCOTT CENTRAL, box 62, Keene Calif»

»SANITY NOW!" newsletter #75, August 73 box 261, La Puente lc IW-7J California 91747

PATSD .HATEfiEAfr Return postage guaranteed if returned within the month

OR .OCCUPANT O & y /S&/Qjrt G *?>*? C-*

ÜJ Cr&*Z/>S)AJ y

LpXALTY TO PETRIFIED OPINIONS NEVER BROKE A CHAIN OR FREED A HUMAN SOUL - Mark Twain PaART 1, newsletter £75, August 73» HIXON'S ARROGANT REFUS-AL TO TESTIFY before the Senate Watergate Committee, no matter how it is cosmetized, perfumed and wrapped in the flag, no matter the spur­ ious reasons of "executi^/e privilege" and "national security", only confirms the pop­ ular judgment that Nixon knows more about Watergate and its coverup than he wants the Committee and the public to know. Furthermore, it tends to sustain the general im­ pression that Nixon himself was the leading light in the Watergate conspiracy months before the breakin, an impression greatly strengthened by the public knowledge that Nixon is a consumate liar, proved so by the Pentagon Papers» POPULAR PRESSURE must bo exerted on the Committee to subpoena Nixon, and if he does not respect and obey it, to charge him with criminal contempt of Congress and to forthwith remove him from office and call new elections. Get busy on it, folks! WE PREDICT that befox"e such action can be 'taken, Nixon T.ill pull the triggers on those "contingency" executive orders we reported in our ;,;64-3 which would establish a fascist police state that for ruthless bloody repression of dissent would fade Hitlers into insignificance. NOW IS ALL THE TIME THERE IS - to organize, educate and fight back before the shades of fascist night overtake you unprepared, and deprive you not •"»•"""only of the means but the will to resist. .Anytime now, this 'can be our last warrilrfg.

"NIXON not only knew about-the ( Watergate) conspiracy — he formulated it" was charged by Gus Hall, CPUöA üenSe'c In a speech to a NYC overflow crowd, and then pro- ceded to cite the evidence to prove it. You should read the report in PW 9 June. "THE MEANING OF WATERGATE» is an 8pp tabloid supplement tc the PEOPLE'S WORLD 16 June 73, a powerful Marxist analysis ty CPUSA Educational Director Jas Jackson who opens with this paragraph: "Watergate is an infield error in a cax'efully-designed game plan to administer a crushing defeat to what r-emains of democratic electoral and legislative contx-ols upon the executive power of the govt in or*der to insure the un­ bridled political domination of the monopoly-capitalist class over the s'tate," Fur­ ther on is this: "The odorous pus-flow from tire ruptured boil on the body-politic that is Watergate is a manifestation of a malignant systemic illnoss of capitalist society, a condition that is not temporary (but)«....terminal.. Tire Watergate eruption is fur­ ther dramatic evidence that 'our major social ills are not temporary historical acci­ dents, but are permanent aad predictable outgrowths of a B&sshapen and inevitably mal­ functioning social body* as pointed cut'by Michael Tanzer in THE SICK SOCIETY (Holt, Rhinehart, Winston.) We plan to quote more fully fx-om this supplement as the con­ spiracy unfolds in the coming weeks,, but don't wait - get your copy'from PW, 1819 10 St Berkeley Caas an opener to your 01 trial sub. You can't lose! ' •

ATTENTION! VETS. GIs & FRIENDS:' Code numbers on discharge papers may blacklist you with employers. We reported this fact in our #60-3 and again in V63-2, but appar­ ently it was not taken seriously. THE BOND, organ of the Mexican Servicemen's Union in its June 73 issue gives a list of nearly a hundred such numbers known to have been used ty the military, with probably many more still secret between the Pentagon and the civilian bossmen. Without offering a shred of evidence, these coded labels are jpinned on EMs who opposed toe war. Ask us for a copy of June BOND, free for postage. If any of these code numbers, or any you can't identify, appear-in the "Reason and AL V for Discharge" block on your DD214, contact the ASU grievance committee 58 W 2 e (217) 675-2520. They may be able to help you. ARTICL J "unconstitutionally vague" sez U.S, Distr Appeals Court. This is the notor epressive "devil's article" designed to entrap £Ms (ibid) JAIL BY SU>friAOT COURT OVERRULED by L.A. Judge David Williams because it denies counsel to the accused« Any 21 so denied and who is serving or has served brig time as a result, should contact a civilian attorney or the ASU. (ibid) NIXDH AM IS TSYtNG TO DESTROY ASU AND WAW with harassments and frame-ups. The very least you can do to keep these indispensible organizations going is to subscribe to THE BOND, $3 yr civilians, free to R&F FMs and dependents, and:to unemployed Viet Vets. The letters column alone is worth it! Anything beyond that would be gratefully received, for these men and women could be decisive in the battles ahead»


"...The use of this barbaric weapon...was of no material assistance to our war against Japan...My own feeling was that in being the first to use it, we had a- dopted the ethical standards common to the barbarians of the Dark Ages." -Adm Wm Leahy, chief of staff to the President 1942 to 1949. "GIVE ME WATER" is a 60pp illustrated and documented pamphlet of eye-witness accounts by survivors of the Hiroshima-Nagasaki holocaust that would curl the hair of the most dehumanized and insensitive .American, a most powerful educational tool ••^dfcra* anti-war activists. Send a modest contribution for your copy, to Ms Fujiko Tochiki, Metropolitan Apt ,%03, 49-19 Horinouchi 3-chome Suginami-ku Tokyo 166 Japan. Limited copies available of our illustrated supplement to our #73 June newsletter. Please include postage — money or stamps, (over, please) PART 2, newsletter jf75, J-ugust 73: WATERGATE HAS SOFTENED UP SOME EDITORS who are now printing letters they would have rejected before. Here are two recent: "Gasoline shortage? Not for war there isn't! According to testimony at a re­ cent Senate hearing, ty Dept of Defense Asst Sec Doolin, 1-44,837 tons of bombs cost­ ing U.S. taxpayers -a 260 million were dropped by USAF planes on Cambodia and Laos since toe beginning of the cease-fire 27 Jan 73. A high percentage if not most of those bombs were of the barbaric napalm type, the chief ingredient of which is gaso­ line. Add to this the enormous amount of fuel to deliver those bombs and you get some idea of the dimensions of the U.S. effort to bomb these people into sutmission, all in the name of that shopworn euphemism "national security". In a civilized so­ ciety such as this is supposed to be, there can be no justification - none whatever - for the killing of people because of their political beliefs. Now is the time to let Congress know that is how we feel about it, -and let not the grass growetb under thy feet in the doing thereof, that your days may be long upon this earth." "88 people picked at random were asked: 'How much do you think it costs to pro­ duce a gallon of gasoline?' 37 said 13 to 14?;j 26 said 8 to lOpj 21 said 5 to lie Only two hit it on the button: 3i> According to toe Harrisburg Independent Press, *It costs the company (California Standard) roughly 75^ to draw an average barrel of crude oil from its California wells, Says Christopher Rand, a former Standard execu­ tive, Robt Custer, a process engineer with Bechtel Corp., one of Standard's contrac­ tors, adds that the company then pays another 50^ to refine a 42-gallon barrel of gasoline. This means that the company can produce and refine 42 gallons of gas for $1.25, or about 3v a gallon. This same gasoline is then marked up &p much as 800% and wholesaled for 20 to 24£ a gallon. The dealer adds a 5 to 6$ markup and tacks on the 13$ sales tax, making the California pump price 38 to 43,- a gallon...... and gloomy petroleum company spokesmen say energy-crisis gasoline now hovering around 400 a gallon may soon go up to 55^»»...... * This is proof that super-profits, not wages, are the prime cause of inflation, not only for gasoline but for all monopoly commod­ ities. Prices are rigged accox-ding to how much toe consumer can be forced to pay - they have nothing to do with the cost of production or toe laws of supply and demand. Also, the price ceiling becomes the floor. We think your readers should know how they are getting ripped off on gasolene»".

"For years the American Left has drawn a picture of the U.S. spied on by a sort of combined super CIA-FBI dominated by lawless and hidden money. Once dismissed as paranoid fantasies, such visions now acquire a touch of night­ marish truth." (TIME magazine, 21 May 73,) July PROGRESSIVE cataaeiits: "Only a touch? The nightmarish truth, as it contin­ ues to seep thru toe cracks of Watergate, surpasses by far toe 'paranoid fantasies' harbored by toe .American Left,»...Who envisioned Richard liilhans Nixon as a prime suspect in a conspiracy with his hirelings in toe WhiteRouse to violate the felony statutes? Our"most 'paranoid fantasies», as TIME would have it, have failed to keep pace with the horrible x-eaiities. Just as toe publication of the Pentagon Pap­ ers two yr ..eu a pattern of official deceit and manipulation»*»»»»«) the revelatic ite demonstrate that we have consistently under-estimated toe threat to our liberties. .ergate compels us to confront the truth that the peril is net prospective - it is present. The name of toe same is 'national security1. Democracy has been subverted ia the name of 'national security'. Our govt has been transformed from one of lavs to one of men to serve the ends of 'national security', The processes of the state have become secretive and sinister* to meet the needs of • 'national security' Mr i'.i:.:on is being criticized for attempting»..• ..to camou-. . flage the sleazy operations of the WhiteHouse's"burglars and buggers behind a facade of 'national security'. There is a suspicion that he will attempt to divert atten­ tion..... by conjuring up toe specter of foreign and domestic enemies who threaten 'national security'.,,.,.,,." "...,,a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditores of all public Money shall be published fron time to time«" (Art 1 Sec 9, clause 7 of the U.S. Constitution) "STANDING UP TO THE CIA", July PROGRESSIVE, sez: »The Act (Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949) provides that toe Office of Management aad Budget (0MB) may free­ ly transfer funds from any agency "to the CIA 'without regard to any provision of law limiting or prohibiting •transfers between appropriations» ' Thus, money Congress thinks it has appropriated for another purpose actually ia being used to fund the CIA, The Act allows the CIA to spend the money 'without regard to the provisions cf law and regulations relating to the expenditure of Government funds.' Nor need the .Agency tell 0M3 what it wants to spend the money for — the expenditures may *be accounted for solely on the certificate of the director (of the CIA) and every such certificate'shall be deemed a sufficient voucher for toe amount therein certi-. fied,' Events of toe past several months, as never before, have starkly revealed to Congress and the American people the grave consequences of a policy of such total secrecy. Only now is it known that the CIA is summoned to perform within toe borders of the U.S., a function from which it is specifically barred ty Congx-ess, "

(over, please) «. WITH PASSAGE OF THE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE ACT, the U.S, was formally em­ barked on a process ox govt by secrecy and stealth. Hencefox-th,...... agents of the govt would perform deeds of which the American people would not be told, for purposes which would not be revealed, at costs which would not be disclosed (estimated to be as much as 111 billion a year -SN). Since then, the 'intelligence community', en­ compassing not only the CIA 'and FBI but the various intelligence services of the De­ fense Dept, the individual armed services, toe State Dept., the Treasury and the At­ omic Lnergy Commission, has steadily grown, according to some Congressional calcula­ tions, it now employs 150,000 persons at an annual cost of more than *6 billion. It must be stressed that the national security state was not conceived by exec­ utive fiat. Congress - Democrats and Republicans alike - willingly acquiesced, stripping itself not only of the right to decide, but even of the right to know. It must be acknowledged, too, that most of those who now vent righteous indignation about toe ugly facts of Watergate had no qualms about such capers - and far more ser­ ious ones - when they were executed abroad or, for that matter, against targets at home who were beyond the pale of political, respecta-ility, NO STATUTORY AUTHORITY EXISTS - none has ever existed - for the domestic surveil­ lance activities of toe FBI, but one can recall no previous outcry on this score, ex­ cept, of course, for the 'paranoid fantasies' of the radical Left to which TIME re­ ferred. "It was 'pragmatic' when the CIA contaminated Cuban sugar shipments. It was »in the national interest' when American agents overthrew governments in Iran, Guatemala, and the Dominican Republic. It was 'shrewd' to manipulate elections in Italy and France. It was 'courageous' of President Kennedy to take the blame for the fiasco at the Bay of Pigs; he would have been acclaimed if the invasion had succeeded. There was inherent logic in the decision of President Nixon's campaign managers to turn to proven veterans of the CIA - and the Bay of Pigs - when skilled hands were required to do political dirty work...... " (ibid p 4) READ IT ALL - and a lot more - for yourself in July PROGRESSIVE, $1 toe copy from 408 W Gorham St, Madison Wise 53703. "NOTES THE CIA DIDN'T WANT? PUBLICIZED" is an excellent thumbnail sketch by the STAFF 8 Oct 71, 6472 Santa Monica Blvd Hollywood Ca 90038, from a text compiled by The Africa Research Group and Liberation News Service from a secret document never intended for publication and which gives., a mind-boggling exposition of the inside workings of toe American intelligence apparatus abroad. Xerox copy of THE STAFF arto icle free to subscribers for postage, A powerful educational, tool for activists. Widely held among informed people is the belief that it was the Kennedy brothers threat to break up toe CIA's bloody playhouse that got them assassinated. "THE INVISIBLE GO VEREBT" that is becoming more visible to more people because of the WTatergate esoposures, is a thick volume by Wise/Ross that gives a detailed and comprehensive look at the CIA since its inception in 1949» £he liberal capitalist authors, while not objecting to the CIA's cold war aims, ax-e concerned lest a frank­ enstein monster has been created that threatens to usurp the authority of toe capi­ talist ruling class. A most valuable treatise for students of radical social change. Excerpts were given in our newsletter #60-7. Try your library for the book. THE CIA-FBI are U.S. imperialism's world-wide neo-fasciut gestapo no less bloody corrupt and ruthless than Hitler's. The time for all peoples to move against it is NOt THE CIA AS AN KlUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER in June 69 Ad-iPARTS is of special inter­ est to Black people, describing how Nixon has made a surprising alliance with certa^ forces of Black militancy - audacious - even dangerous, - like playing with fires of a revolutionary Black consciousness, but in fact is actually a time-tested technique»

"THE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION» ty Max Lowenthal, 1950 by Mm Sloane Asso­ ciates, tells how toe Bureau has functioned as a secret political police agency from its earliest days. The book i3 reviewed in RAMPARTS July 71, which also reports the nerve-gas killing of 6400 sheep in Utah by the U.S. Ajaay,

"IMPERIALI3-i TODAY", toe remarkable 384pp paperback by Gus Hall, exposes the role of toe CIA in connection with the destruction of legitimate fox'eign govts ty blackmail, bribery, mayhem and assassination, always in the name of "national secur­ ity", meaning of course toe security of U.S. corporate interests to plunder and rob. This book clearly shows, in case after case, how toe CIA functions as the hatchet- man for U,S, imperialiüm in scores of foreign countries, and is now extending its operations to the U.S. contrary to law.

"FDR THE CIA, »...no peace agreements exist for Vietnam and Laos", writes the GUARDIAN ' s SE Asia editor Richard E Ward on page 13 of 4 July 73 edition» "More pre­ cisely, it appears that toe U.S. is placing increasingly greater reliance on American supported clandestine and. secretly financed para-military activities to evade the letter of the peace agreements and to sabotage toe provisions it dislikes." Tliis and other press and govt reportsjindicate that the Adm has not yet recog­ nized that it has lost toe war in Indochina. Not only is it trying to continue it by clandestine warfare, but tho Whitehouse is still pursuing the Nixon 'doctrine' of try­ ing to get Asians to fight Asians - for U.S, imperialist aims," It won't work be- oause the mercenaries are deserting wholesale to the NLF-P.aG, quyet chien -quyet thang!

"SANITY NOW!" a left-radical activist education center, box 261 La Puente Ca., 91747 PART 3, newsletter ,175, Aug 73: (continued from other side): (3) This class is surrounded and obscured ty a petty- bourgeois and managerial class and ^3|?ir families of around 30 million or 10 to 15/5 of toe population, almost none of "Which will ever become big capitalists themselves." Just as J Fungus told his son Oscar: "Well, one in a thousand, maybe. One in 500 — something like that a small percentage ...... (see our ,.-74-2). ^ Actually today, it's more like one in a million. Every seat on toe capitalist bus is taken by such tycoons as the billionaire oilman Paul Getty whose income is around ^300,000 a day on which he pays almost no ta:,es, and is inherited from generation to genera­ tion, while the strap-hanging petty bourgeois vainly strive to bump a tycoon out of his seat, and failing that, to hold to his strap lest he be pushed off toe bus and into toe ranks of toe immense workingclass majority at the curb, for that is how this goddamn capitalist system works - or did you know? Great fortunes are made from wage-slavery — from toe blood, sweat and tears of the people of no property - the immense workingclass majority. The struggle to abol­ ish that slavery, and to reconstruct society devoid of exploitation of Man by Man, is the prime duty of every worker and the only justification to be alive today. What ever advances that struggle is worth whatever it costs. No sacrifice for ending this rotten system can compare to toe sacrifices already made to keep it alive, SUPER-PROFITS NOT WAGES CAUSE INFLATION! The proof is in such facts as toe 800% markup on the wholesale price of gasoline by toe oil monopoly (see our ;/-74-3) and that is only the tip of the monopoly iceberg. Over-the-counter drugs are marked up as much as 1500%! Mn't capitalism wonderful? WAGES are the main cost of commodity production - everybody knows that as art Hoppe would say. But toe cost of production, like toe laws of supply and demand, does not determine market prices which are monopoly-rigged according to how much the consumers can be forced to pay. WAGES are paid out of accumulated profits previously realized by the owner at the point of sale (toe market). They cannot be assessed to the consumers of toe cur­ rent commodities altho they are used by the owners as excuse to raise prices. The vicious cycle, from owner-appropriation of toe products of labor to the realization of the profit to the payment of wages, is clearly explained ty the master theoreti­ cian Karl Marx in his pamphlet VALUE, PRICE, AND PROFIT, only 60<^ from Inter»nl Pub­ lishers, 381 Park Ave S, NYC 10016. • Activists must be prepared to combat toe pre­ vailing myth that to strike for higher wages is useless because they are cancelled out by corresponding price increases. THE MARX LABOR THEORY OF VALUE holds that all commodity values result from toe application of labor power to natural resources. Labor itself is such a resource, and labor power the commodity whose price is the wage. The value of a commodity is determined by the quantity of socially-necessary labor power incorporated in it, CAPITAL!SM EVOLVED as a necessary social force due to toe enormous strides in the development of toe means of production. As Marx said on pl3 of the MANIFESTO, "The bourgeoisie, during its rule of scarce one hundred years, has created more mass­ ive and more colossal productive forces than have all preceding generations together...... what earlier century lxad even a presentiment that such productive forces slum­ bered in toe lap of social labor?" In its early stages, capitalism was competitive and progressive. Today, it is monopolistic and reactionary, and badly in need of being replaced by a socialist system. Those who seek to roll back the clock of his­ tory to "toe good old days" are flying In toe face of history. They whistle in fear and frustration thru the graveyard of what has been and can never be again. "WHAT DO THE EXPLOITERS DO WHEN THEIR OWN INSTITUTIONS NO LONGER GUARANTEE THEER DOMINATION? THEY SIMPLY GO AHEAD AND DESTROY THM." (- Fidel Castro in Chile, 1973. His speeches there, in 2 vol­ umes, only d-2.25 from Intern'l Pubiishei-s, 381 Park Av S NYC)

This must be what Lenin meant when he wrote: "....If a revolution is to take place, it is insufficient that the 'lower classes do not wish' but it is necessary that »the upper classes be unable' to continue in the old way," As we see it, it won't take many more Watergates and inflation to reach that stage, here in U.S« Then you can expect to see substantial numbers of petty capitalists in temporary limited alliance with the proletarian revolution, not for the purpose of overtiirowing toe system but of destroying those institutions which prevent them from becoming big cap­ italists - in fact, which drive them downward into the working class, with those al­ ready on the way toer*e striving for re-instatement in their former position. It is here that toe science ox Marxism is indispensible to prevent subornation of toe people's revolution, while at the same time utilizing them as stepping stones to the seizure of power and the x-econstruction of society along scientific socialist lines. Indeed we would be foolish to disdain toe aid of anyone, vacilating tho they may be, in the building of tho revolution, regardless of their- motives, "Marxism....recognises the most varied forms of strugglej and It doesnot 'concoct' them but only generalizes, organizes, gives conscious expression to those forms of struggle of the revolutionary classes which arise of themsel/es in the course of the movement absolutely hostile to all abstract formulas and to all doctrinaire recipes." V. I. Lenin, a partial quota on page 93 of Gil Green's THE NEW RÄDlCALIüM: MARXIST OR ANARCHIST?, $2.45 from Intern'1 Publishers, 381 Park Av S, NYC

"SANITY NOW! " a Left-radical activist education center, box 261 La Puente Ca. 91747 HARDLY ANYONE AWARE. WHEN U. S. WAS SOLD

by Our Man, Arthur Hoppe SGV TRIBUNE 20 June 73 Sale of the United States Government Wasteful poverty programs were cut on to the giant International Peanuts & Pop­ the grounds of "What's poverty ever done corn conglomerate was announced on July 4 for America?" Corporate profits were in­ 1973 bY President Nixon» creased "to help toe little man." And toe "I have long held," Mr, Nixon declared Department of Health, Education Sc Welfare "that the private sector can do the job was replaced by a Sunshine Club of direc­ better. Now we shall prove it." tors' wives who brought comfort and cheer Sale of the faltering government had to the sick, toe illiterate and needy. long been rumored. Debt-ridden, it had Presidential px-ess conferences were of gone into the red virtually every year coux-se, cancelled. But the President was for several decades. Recent scandals at required to deliver an annual State of top-management levels, coupled with un­ tho Conglomerate message to ^ie annual sound fiscal policies, had sent its stock stockholder's meeting. tumbling to record lows on the interna­ Big .unions and big business, being toe tional financial market. majority stockholders, naturally control­ The new venture was called "The Con­ led these meetings. But it seemed only glomerated States of America, Inc." with fair that those who had toe most stock its products and services marketed under had the most say. the catchy brand name "Con America," Abroad, Con America did a vigorous job As is customary in such cases, Mr» selling wheat and machinery to toe Russ­ Nixon was retained as President of the ians and Chinese and arms to every little government division of Con America. But starving country that could afford super­ otherwise, conglomerate officials moved sonic jet fighter's. swiftly to inject modern managerial tech­ Inevitably however, toe deal was chal­ niques in an effort to save toe shaky en­ lenged on toe grounds it was illégal, un­ terprise. constitutional and a violation of toe As a first step, the J. Walter Thomp­ Sherman Anti-trust Act. But the distin­ son men who had boon running the White guished Wall Street law firm of Midge, House affairs were fired and toe account Mudge St Mitchell, which had replaced the given to a new advertising agency, But­ Supreme Court, ruled: (l) Presidents had tons, Buttons, Buttons and Osborne, long sold out to conglomerates; (2)No Am­ They recommended replacing the .Ameri­ erican could claim the loss of his Con­ can eagle as a trade max-k with toe dove gressman if he couldn't x-emember his name of peace clutching a §100 bill — "to put and (3) other countries offered competi­ across toe image of Peace with Profit." tion and if you didn't like Con America, And their company slogan was an allaround you could take your business elsewhere. winners "For Confidence — Con America," So Con America struggled along with Top-level efficiency experts were big unions, big business, senile Congress called in to revitalize management tech­ men and. a silent President advised by ad­ niques. The unwieldy and highly ineffi­ vertising men running things. And, oddly cient Congress was replaced by a 12-man enough, hardly anyone noticed the differ­ Policy Advisory Council composed of the ence, senior Congressional leaders. ******* THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES - of necessity must speak and act only in the interest of the capitalist ruling class — the "conglomerates" — the. giant multi- billion-dollar corporations — whose monopoly control of the mass media and electoral apparatus put him in office, Nixon is toe ideal mouthpiece for capitalism. Just who is this capitalist class that dictates government and whose monopoly ownership of the principal means and instruments of social production gives it toe power of life and death over a nation of working people? GUARDIAN'S Carl Davidson gives a short run-down that includes toe following passage, xerox copy for postage: ",,,,In 'Millionaires and Managers' ty Soviet writer Menshikov published 1969, the author states that about 150,000 stockholders in 1964 had a yearly income of $50,000 or more, of which 4Q% or more came from dividends or profits on stock specula­ tion. Even this figure does not give a füll picture, however, since toe decisive blocks of stock are definetely controlled within the 100 lar-gest U.S, banks merged with 200 largest corporations. Even these are further coalesced into about 20 finan­ cial groups that reign supreme. "Another approach to delineate the size of toe capitalist class is by examining the range of personal fortunes. Using toe figure of $1 million ' as an outer limit, which FORTUNE magazine said hardly distinguishes one frem. the upper ranks o>f toe mid­ dle class in mid-1960s, Menshikov estimates that just under 100,000 individuals in this category. If the grouping is narrowed down to il/10 million or more, it amounts to about 3800, After this reduction, it becomes more appropriate to look at further concentrations in terms of family groups,,,.Among those worth VJ15 million or more are a minimum of 90 families (maximum perhaps 180). Almost all radical and Marxist anal­ ysts agree that this tiny stratum, within which is concentrated less than 10 family groups worth §1 billion or more, forms the hard core of the U.S. ruling class. "What can be roughly summed up from- this -brief sketch? (l) The monopoly ruling strata within the U.S. bourgeoisie constitutes, along with their families, less thai*. 5000 people of which jes.s. than 1000. are the dominant finance-capitalists. (2) The bourgeoisie proper, including their families and those of the top managerial capital­ ists within the large corporations, amounts to less than 500,000 people, or less than one-half of one percent of the population, (continued on other side) PART 4, newsletter #75, August 73: "THE SELLING OF THE LORD" (May RAMPARTS) is a cleverly-orchestrated plan by some of the leading charlatans of God Inc. "to replace rebellion with religion — social unrest with the Peace that Passeto .All Understanding", a step toward establishing an official State religion prohibited by toe U.S. Constitution, "...a theology that is self-righteous - that calls toe end of a war marked by My Lai and saturation bombing 'peace with honor' tut papers over toe nation's cracks, ratholes and sores with, as one critic put it, »a pious affirmation of faith.» It is toe Protestant ethic, but lt is neither protesting or ethical. It holds that the poor get what they deserve — and that only toe deserving poor should get. It is a neo-social Darwinism that sanc­ tifies and excuses toe corporate giants It commends law and order and toe work ethic to the poor but fails to apply the same standards to white-collar crooks, cor­ porate welfare cheaters or Watergate wiretappers. This established religion is, for reasons of self-interest, the religion of the'Establishment. The flag and cross have become so superimposed in toe national psyche that most Americans no longer notice the double exposure. So it's onward Christian soldiers as America marches off to its destiny. At toe head of the column are two standard bearers on horseback: Carrying the flag and Billy Graham bearing toe cross." In the words of the .promoters of this nefarious plan that fits so well into the Nixon game plan: "Our primary target audience Gan be described as those people who are trying to live a meaningful life in toe midst of what often seems to be an urban- technological crossword puzzle...»They are worried about drugs and crime, war and ra­ cial problems, high taxes and overcrowded schools, lack of security. They feel caught in a materialistic value system. They have lost a- sense of toe supernational. Many of them have a personal anguish over old beliefs that have collapsed. They sense that there must be a God, and they want some answers from or about him that can have mean­ ing within their own frustrated lives»" The message is, clear» It is the message of corporate America': Run Jesus up the flagpole and see who salutes. Those who don't are declared enemies of the imperial capitalist State, and their names will appear on a Whitehouse Deajx' s List for harass­ ment and persecution on framed-up charges, for that is how toe system works. But read this mind-blasting article for yourselves: May RAMPARTS, only &1 from 2054 University Ave Berkeley Ca 94704,

THE SUPERSTITIONS OF RELIGIOM that Karl Marx so aptly called "toe opiate of the people" have long been a favored powerful countervinsurgency weapon of tyrants. The The institutions that promote them - the bedpan orderlies of the capitalist system we call God Inc. - have grown immensely wealthy at the expense of their poor and dis­ tressed victims on whom they have saddled obligations payable in slavish subservience, so wealthy In fact that .toe Vatican State can loan money'to toe U.S. Govt.! The modus operandi is simple: Implant in the victims' minds a blind belief in a mythical supreme being and a fictional hereafter where they will be rewarded for en­ during their oppression and miseries in' the here and now, and the fear that if they rock toe capitalist boat, toe pearly gates on which is toe sign "Whites only - col­ ored go to side door" will not open for them. The gullibility of so many people In this respect can be accounted for by the generations of reliance on father-images in high places in govt and church to do their political thinking and be their power. It seems not to occur to them that these "leaders" may not be operating in their best Interests - not to question their motives or wisdom for fear of jeoparding their chances for pie-in-tlie-sky-bye-and-bye-when they-die. But the constant expanding of production attended by intensified exploitation and misery for worker's characteristic of capitalism in these its twilight years is opening their eyes to the cruel reality of their oppression now growing intolerable. As Marx wrote in the MANIFESTO p 12, "...All fixed, fast-frozen relations, with their train of ancient and venex-able prejudices and opinions, are swept away - all new- formedones antiquated before toey can ossify. All that is solid melts into air — all that is holy is profaned — and man Is at last compelled to face with sober sen­ ses his real conditions of life and his relations with his kind." Our readers continually express astonishment at toe relevancy of this scientific historical document to the present, altho it was written over a century ago and is re­ quired reading in many political science courses» Get your copy from Intern'1 Pub­ lishers, 381 Park Av S", NYC 10016, only 40

IT STANDS TO REASON that as we have been outrageously lied to about Vietnam as exposed in toe famous Pentagon Papers, and about this government as exposed ty Water­ gate, that we have been consistently misinformed about toe science of Marxism, the Communists and about Communism. The suppression of the troth should convince any thinking person that there must be something beneficial to them in these ideas, and that they should investigate them with an open mind. Try it!

"ON THE RQ.AD TO THE SEIZURE QF. POWER toe only weapon available to the masses in the revolution is organization. Thé "hallmark of toe revolutionary movement led ty the proletariat is its high organizational standard. AU activities that bring toe mas­ ses to toe point where they will rise up and overthrow the ruling classes are based on this principle: to ORGANIZE - ORGANIZE - ORGANIZE. The purpose of political prop­ aganda and agitation is indeed to organize the masses. Only by organizing them in some way will conditions be created for educating them, and building up the immense strength of the revolution. Once organized, their power will significantly increase," ( over please ) (continued from other side) "One should not hold the oversimplified view that econom­ ic slogans are reformist while only political ones are revolutionary. There can be political slogans with a reformist character, and economic ones that carry a révolu- ' tionary content. The decision Is based on the occasion, context and aim of a given slogan. A genuinely revolutionary party decisively devoted to toe final goal of the revolution can, in one way or another, put the seal of revolution on all slogans and forms of organization and struggle, including toe leas' ical ones, necessary for unifying the masses in a situation not yet favorable for all-out revolutionary actions. (These last two quotations are from THE VIETNAiESE REVOLU jr Le Duan, First Secretary of the Vietnam Worker's Party (Comziiunist), quoted on pps 149-151 of Gil Green's THE NEW RADICALISM: ANARCHIST OR MARXIST? Intern'1 Publishers.)

THE REAL CRIMINALS IN THIS COUNTRY are not in prisons but in toe executive suites of giant corporations and banks. They are toe capitalist class, the owners of toe principal means and instruments of social production upon which society depends for its existence. They are headed by the most reactionary, the most chauvinistic, and toe most imperialistic elements of finance-capital, toe most bloodily-ruthless col­ lection of tyrants this world has ever seen nor likely to ever see again. Every soc­ ial ill can be traced to them and their corrupt and corrupting system. This capitalist class is responsible for creating toe privation and poverty that has driven so many people of no property into toe "convicted class", tried and sen­ tenced under repressive laws in the making of which neither they nor their peers have had a voice. That is why we say .ALL prisoners are political prisoners and must be freed and toe vicious racist penal system and its institutions dismantled. This requires, first of all, their own self-organization around their most press­ ing and immediate needs, and their solidarity in struggle with the "outside" prison­ ers behind the invisible bars of toe ratrace capitalist system. We call upon all people of good conscious, and particularly upon left-activists, to aid them in this endeavor in every possible way, for their own liberation depends upon it.


ANVIL is a tabloid publication of the United Prisoner's Union, 254 from UPÜ, 3077 24 St San Francisco« Its July Issue has a full-page on the special problems of women both inside and out of prison, along with other valuable information you need to help advance the Cause of the Convicted Class, a cause that solidly intertwines with the class struggle of all workers for liberation from capitalist oppression. WRITE YOUR PROTESTS to the Postmaster-General Washington DC objecting to inter­ ference with prisoner free access to the press and toe trashing of prisoner mail. De­ mand enforcement of constitutional rights of prisoners and toe provisions of the Prison Authority directive M1-1220-1A,

ORGANIZING BEHIND BARS is a full-page article by Frank Browning in Feb 72 RAMPARTS magazine, xerox copy for postage. Quoting Jas Testa in THE ANVIL, the article sez; "The real key to release from prison - the quickest way to get 'rehabilitated' - is to learn the 'art' of deception. If a prisoner is expected to be released in a short time as possible, he has to take the pArole board (Adult Authority) a good program. That is to say, he must cooperate to the extent that he becomes an automaton." SANITY NOW! has often advanced f&r consideration the tactic of learning to wear two hate, ohe for the bossmen and another for trusted friends, - of becoming Jekyl- fiydes in a way - - or like a camelion of talcing on the coloration of the environment so as to avoid detection - of appearing indistinguishable from those among whom we circulate and work» The public display of one's political heart on one's sleeve must be abandoned or perish. To some it may not sessn. necessary to go that far in toe pres­ ent period, but isn't it a good idea to practice and get in shape for what is coming? THE HUNGER STRIKE is a questionable tactic. We believe its benefits do not off­ set its losses. Even when the media give it a passing mention, toe reasons behind it are generally suppressed and toe public doesn»t react favorably. The best that can be expected from toe hunger strike tactic is weak neutralization of some of toe pub­ lic's adverse attitudes toward prisoners, and that depends on getting toe message to them strong and clear. Standing in toe way of this is the system's monopoly con­ trol of the mass media. Better that the convicted class preserve their energies. Many an organization has destroyed itself in conflict over tactics. The yard­ stick we use to measure the worth of a tactic is whether toe political gain is com­ mensurate with the sacrifice, its stability and its reach. The decision must come from those who are to implement the tactic being considered in light of the existing objective and subjective conditions pertaining at the time. Here is where Marxism becomes indispensible, and is why we so persistently urge its teachings on our rea­ ders. It is why we keep harping on the necessity of reading and studying communist literature - that of the master theoriticians like Marx and Engels - not as dogma - not as a cure-all - not to be learned ty rote a mechanically applied - but as a de­ pendable guide to action - revolutionary action to abolish toi s damnable capitalist system and to reconstruct society for living instead of killing - for toe administra^ tion of things instead of people - for the abolition of toe exploitation of man by man and all its attending miseries, starvation and death. "SANITY NOW!" a left-radical activist education center, box 261 La Puente Ca., 91747 PART 5, newsletter #75, August 73: TORTUFE IN SAIGON JAILS is told by a 14-yr-old Vietnamese gixi in toe staid and respected L.A.TIMES 2 July p5: "I was beaten on toe chest until I vomited blood pinched on thighs and buttocks until the blood came. They put sandbags on my body anc beat me with a hammer....walked on me with boots, I saw an old woman of 93 dragged by a rope down a hall to toe torture chamber by guards because she couldn't walk. I saw a young girl of 17 hanging naked from the ceiling by her wrists while toe guards burned her breasts vith cigarettes," Her "crime"? She had written words extolling peace! SLOW AGONIZING DEATH BY SUCH TORTURES, taught and directed by the CIA financed by U.S. taxpayers is daily inflicted on at least 200,000 political prisoners in Saigon jails and in ConSon tiger cages built by U.S. contractors» If you pay taxes, you are an accessory to these murders! Think about that a moment! No wonder an angry world sez we are toe first nation to go from barbarism to decadence without having gone thru a period of civilization. Send us an 8é postage stamp for your copy of toe re­ ports on "Thieu's Saigon: City of Terror". DEMAND CONGRESS STOP AIL AID TO SAIGON GOVT! At once! N-O-Wi - and let not the grass groweto under thy feet in toe doing thereof, nor spax-eth the language in toe tea/em. Jbslling^^tâjat thy days may be long upon this earth! "Peace with honor"? The Watergate gangsters are kidding you! We lost our honor when we bombed the first hut and incinerated its occupants with our hellish napalm. We cannot regain that honor as long as this or any other imperialist govt exists. Organize and educate for its destruction while you can, for toe shades of fascist night are falling fast over this country. We warn you now, while we have a voice! WHO'S WHO IN CIA is a biographical reference work on 3000 officers of the civil and military branches of toe secret services of the USA in 120 countries, by Dr. Julius Mader, 1066 Berlin , Mauerstrasse 69.(1968) "....the American intelligence system..,.has at its disposal at least 50,000 specially-selected full-time officials who guide the activities of tens of thousands of agents of various nationalities..,." The book includes diagrams of Structure and Organization of American Intelligence Services, Structure and Functional Plans of toe State Dept's Office of Intelligence Research, of the Military Intelligence Hdqtrs USA, of the National Security Agency, and of the Federal Bureau of Investigation of toe Justice Dept,, and systems of sev­ eral cover organizations used by CIA (1967). These terrible imperialist agencies of repression have been greatly expanded by Nixon. No doubt Dr Mader can supply up-to-date information; write to him. NOTES THE ClA DIDN'T WANT PUBLICIZED is an excerpt from a much larger expose by The Africa Research Group, an independent radical research collective, box 213 Cam­ bridge Mass 02138. Send them a dollar for the complete document which gives an in­ sider's view of toe secret workings of toe American intelligence apparatus abroad. Send us postage for a copy of the excerpt, from STAFF box 46090 Hollywood Ca 90038, Left-activists need this information for informing their contacts of the crimes this govt is committing against them - and in their names! - and in organizing toe anti-imperialist resistance to this illegitimate authority.

3 by a senior POW with refusing orders, collaboration with their Vietnamese captors, acceptance of "privileges", and making anti-war broadcasts and statements. They need your support and encouragement, letters they can use in their defense. Here are their names and addresses - get with it, folks!

Sp/4 Michael Branch, 2302 Wilson Rd, HighlandsHts By SSgt Robt P Chenoweth, c/o Crown, 7227 SE Flavel St Portland Ore 97206 SSgt James A Daly Jr, 532 Madison St. Brooklyn NY 11224- Pvt Frederick L Elbert Jr, 471 Mayflower, Brentwood NY 11717 SSgt lang D Rayford Jr, c/o Lovie May Rayford, 3547 S Federal, Chicago 111 60609 SSgt John A Young, 302 Belvedere, Grayslake 111 -60030 SSgt Alphonso R Riate, 6075 Priory St, Bell Gardens Ca 90201 (The 8th one is missing in this list)

"THE RIGHT TO ORGANIZE: How North Carolina tries to wreck people» s movements" is a 20pp booklet by Carl Braden, SCEF 3210 W Broadway, Louisville Ky 40211, that ex­ plodes toe myth that NC is a liberal state - that NC has the lowest factory wages in the U.S. with fewer than 10$ of its workers organized into unions - with more Black activists in its prisons than any other state - with the harshest judicial-penal sys­ tem in the nation. Left-activists need the lessons this pamphlet helps to teach. ",..,To be revolutionized is to care so much, so intensely, so deeply, that every second of every day is filled with toe pain of seeing what is, and the pain of knowing what isn't "Julius Lester in his REVOLUTIONÄR NOTES p24. "ECOLOGY;,. CAN.WÊ SURVIVE UNDER C API TALI £M? by Gus Hall, 96pp '..,1.25 from Int'l Pub­ lishers, 381 Park Av S, NYC 10Ö16, 'and the answer he gives is NO - and the book gives the facts and the thinking to sustain it. "...The ultimate solution, of course, is the creation of a planned society in vhich the quest for profits has been abolished and imp. the results of our science and technology are used for the benefit of the masses of people of our nation", ^hich is what we have been saying in these newsletters

(over, please) WASSAJA is a new 24pn tohloid monthly national newspaper of Indian America whose format will appeal "to those readers who feel they cannot spare toe time to read thru the 48pp AKWESASNE NOTES published by the Mohawk Nation at Rooseveltown NY and widely circulated across the country. Indian tribes and organized groups can get free bun­ dles by applying to WASSAJA, 1451 Masonic Av San Francisco 94117, subs &10 yr. The FBI and federal marshalls aided in distributing bircher literature calling for violent measures against the Indian occupants of Wounded Knee, and Rep Hobt Berg- land (D-Minn) has demanded an investigation and punishment of the guilty parties. McÇQVBRN'S LETTER TO INJUSTICE DEPT suggesting forceful eviction cf toe occupants of Wounded Knee was published by California Peace & Freedom Party newsletter, xerox copy free to subscribers for postage, with these remarks: nO\-er a year ago, toe Peo­ ple's Party (and PFP) warned that McGovern's reform of toe 'Democratic' party was sim­ ply a strategy to co-opt toe Left. This letter, which speaks for itself, is another bit of evidence that McGovem is as callous and violent aö any other power-hungry ass-kissing flunky of toe Fourth Reich....." There is little doubt that this letter has further alienated McGovem from people of conscience and principle. WOUNDED KNEE ISN'T OVER. U.S. govt has failed to fulfill its promises by which the native peoples were persuaded to abandon the area. The gachupine-goon Wilson was not removed from office, and the murderers of Frank Clearwater and Larry "Buddy" Lsmont have not been brought to justice, and the meetings for resolving the disputes have been sabotaged. Over' .400 people were arrested on federal warrants, three of them being held in jail on impossible bail demands. Read all about it in EL GRITO DEL NORT; June 73, box 2116 Las Vegas Aztlan NM 87701, READERS! Remind yourselves, your friends and your Congressmen that toe native peoples whose lands were secured to them long ago in solemn treaties, are citizens of their own Independent sovereign nations, and therefore entitled to create their own laws and police and militia to enforce them without interference from any other out­ side power including the U.S, This is the pivotal issue at Wounded Knee & elsewhere* We owe it to them and to ourselves to give them all toe aid we can in prosecuting their just claims. Funds are urgently needed ty the Defense, 1556 Kellog St Rapid . City SD 57701. (ibid) LAND GRAB BY TAXATION, trickery and deceit, and toe reduction of the owners to abject poverty and starvation, is toe pattern all-too-familiar to Native Americans, now being followed ty the unholy alliance of this gringo govt with profit-crazed buis- nessmen and land sharks of Taos NM. The conspiracy promises to deliver more water to farmers so they can grow better crops. But the "iaprovemaits" are heavily taxed for this water, so the farmers mu.pt grow better crops to meet the assessments. This calls for expensive machinery and fertilizers, seeds etc which the small farmer can get on­ ly ty borrowing on his land. A bad year comes along, toe bank forecloses or the state takes over in satisfaction of the debt and taxe3. This is how millions of anall far­ mers lost their land in the Big Depression of toe '30s. But that is how toe capitalist system work3 - it's time we all knew that, and organize for Its abolition and for toe socialist reconstruction of society on its ashes Help the Taos farmers with contributions to LOS TRES ASS'N box 784 Taos NM. The Hopi at Hotevilla Ariz successfully defeated such a conspiracy several yrs ago ty a combination of physical resistance and toe uproar they made in Washington. Hopi women threw themselves in toe holes dug for light poles. As it is, their Black Mesa is being strip-isined from under them. See Black Mesa Defense, 107 Cienega St. SantaFe NM 87501, for the latest information» LA ESCUELA TONANTZIN opens at SantaFe, a new school of, ty and for La Raza of Aztlan (El Grito del Norte) where, in sharp contrast to the gringo schools, Chicano children can exercise their right of discovery and leam not only the three RS but their glorious Juarez-Zapata-Villa revolutionary heritage and to be proud to be Chi- canos, for the Mexican "frozen" revolution is thawing out, as you can read (in Span­ ish) in Revista Independiente POR (JBBT !Si se pu edel lhe NLF has shown the way. CHICANO PEOPLE'S HEALTH CORPS has beer, formed to Albu e's barrio of Martin­ ez town. Mala focus will be on free preventative medicine aad dental care. "Some day, there will be an army of our Raza in all the barrio«, dedicating their lives to serv­ ing toe people. Que viva la Gante de Martineztowni (El Gritc ( oe) Julius Lester: "The revolutionary is he/she who has reached that stage of psycho­ social evolution where toe alleviation of his own pain is secondary to alleviating toe pain of others. Unlike toe Christian missionary, the Florence Nightingale, or toe liberal do-gooder, toe revolutionary recognizes that to attempt to alleviate the pain of individuals alone is to become engaged in unending acts of frustration. - There are too many individuals in pain to attend to them individually. People are oppressed en masse, not separately. They can be freed only en masse. Thus, the revolutionary is concerned with a total change in a society's institutions, for it is the institutions which shape the individuals. At the same -time, the revolutionary knows that to change the institutions he must change himself...,,." (from Revolutionary Notes) SCALPING WAS INITIATED BY WHITE MES. - NOT BY INDIANS! In the ear-ly war days to exterminate the native peoples, the U.S, govt had a standing d>25 reward for Indian scalps, A similar barbaric crime was practiced in Vietnam when the U.S. military gave medals for severed Vietnamese ears which were displayed as evidence of valor. Today, in this govt's war to kill its opposition, ' people are framed into prison and there re­ duced to drugged robots, or to mindless vegetables by surgically destroying parts of their brains. We have xerox copies of these reports free to subscribers for postage,

"A CHICANO IS A MEKCAN-AMEEEOAN WHO DOES NOT HAVE AN ANGLO IMAGE OF HIMSELF" - ty the martyred Ruben Salazar in L.A. TIMES, copy free for postage. «SANITY NOW!" a left-radical activist education center, box 261 La Puente Ca. 91747 PART 6, newsletter #75, August 73: TAX CREDITS & TUITION SUBSIDIES to private and parochial school students' par­ ents have been outlawed by the U.S. Supreme Court.which declared them in violation of the First Amendment separation of church and state. This is expected to nullify the California law providing such compensation, and stop the programs promoted ty the Nixon Adm in Pennsylvania and New York, and will kill pending legislation in Congress for a federal tax credit for families of church school pupils, (L.A.TIMES 26 June) This ruling removes toe threat of an added tax burden on public school parents, and the forced indoctrination of their children vith religious superstitutions. Looks like toe Court is reading the writing on the Watergate wall. Cheers!

"THE DIVORCE BETWEEN CHURCH AND STATE OUGHT TO BE ALSOLUTE — so absolute that no church property anywhere should be exempt from taxation? for, if you exempt the property of any church organization, to that extent you' impose a church tax upon the whole community." -Présidait Jas Garfield, quoted in LET US PREY, a 24pp pamph­ let by Madalyn Murray O'Hair, box'2117 Austin Texas» "THE FREEMEN OF AMERICA did not wait till usurped power had strengthened itself by exercise and entangled toe question in precedents. They saw all of the consequen­ ces in the principle, and. avoided toe consequences by denying toe principle. " - Thomas Jefferson (Ibid) METHAQUALONE (QUAALUDE) POTENTIAL DEATH'DRUG sez Distr Atty Joseph Busch who wants the State legislature to adopt measures controlling its sale, and to require users possess a doctor's prescription (L.A,TIMES 14 June) "The problem has reached epidemic proportions in eastern U.S." he said, Th© Harrisburg Independent Press pub­ licized the warning nearly a year ago and we reprinted and included it in our Nov 72 #66 newsletter with the urging that it be given the greatest circulation, especially among young people, (xerox copy for postage) The greatest danger in the use of this popular "down" is in cold-turkey wlthdr&wl which of-ten produces convulsions, stomach hemorrhaging and sometimes death. Contrary to mfr's claim, quaaludes are addictive. FOOD STAMPS CANNOT BE DENIED- TO HIPPIES living in communes, and all members of a household need not be x*elated to receive food stamps, sez U.S, Supreme Court in a 7-2 decision, (CS MONITOR 26 June). • Tnat -should be good news to the fellaheen.

TEAMSTER-GROWER GOON ATTACKS ON UFW STRIKERS BACKFIRE With toe arrest of 30 of them for felonious assault, creating an upsurge in UFW picketing, recruiting, and stimulating the consumer boycott of grapes and lettuce. iViva la huelgai NOW IS THE TIME for all left-activists and others of good will to give the final push to victory for the campesino's right to a decent living and safe working condi­ tions. What can you do? Contact BOXCOTT CENTRAL, box 62, Keene Ca 93531 for info. CAPITALISTS ASSAULT ON WORKER'S EIGHTS reached new heights these past few weeks with mass deportation of 10,000 Mexican farm hands, often without being paid for their work, reported ty Etoily Gibson in L.A. SEN TINIL 28 June. Eor further info, contact Los Angeles Committee for toe Defense of Human Rights, 326 W 3rd St, rm 318, phone 625-21»A . : aceros need union organization - not deportation! "Si se puede! We strongly r- that toe shit and corruption in U.S. be bypassed and that cottpleints on erosion .a rights be addressed to United Nations Economic & Social Council (EOOSOC), attention of Alan McGregor, c/o Centre for Economic & Social Infor­ mation (CESI), United Nations, Palais des Nations, CH-1211 Geneva 10 Switzerland, You not get an immediate response, but you can depend on attention. When requesting d ications (they're free), be sure to specify toe language. .U.OOO NON-EJSTEi.T CAMBODIAN TROOPS PAD U.S. PAYROLLS., toe only sustaining power that keeps toe bankrupt LonNol fascist regime alive, with its fewer than 30,000 active mercenary troops, sez AP dispatch to L.A.TIMES 29 June. More than nine-tenths of Cambodia is controlled by toe Cambodian People's Liberation Armed Forces despite some of the heaviest U.S. bamhing of the Indochina war, which points up several facts: aircraft cannot seize and hold land, and a people's army cannot be defeated no matter how militarily-strong the aggressor, Bao ve chanh queyen nairn dan!

IRISH FREEDOM FROM B.RITISH-U.S. COLONIALISM advanced another step when the Union­ ist Party majority in Ulster elections was reduced to less than one-third representa­ tion in the provincial legislature, (CSMONITOR 3 July) Contrary to capitalist media propaganda, the Irish struggle is class-based, not Protestant vs Catholic. As prole­ tarian internationalists, all workingclass struggles for liberation from capitalist exploitation and oppression are indivisible from our own. La Masa tiene la Palabrai

$Ü&1ILLI0NS F0R...B0MBS — NOT A CEMT FOR THE ORPHANS THEY CREATE is the gist of the complaint by Dick Hughes who has been ministering to Vietoamese street boys since 1968 and who is having trouble raising the minimum expenses of $2,000 a month for that purpose. The war is far from .0Ver for him and toemi sez Jack Leslie in L.A, TIMES 3 July, "It took so long to get people's attention focused on these kid's prob­ lems", Hughes said, "and now when we've got their attention, they say: 'Well, toe war is over,' The bloody fact of the crimes we have committed against toese poor people has not impressed us with our responsibility to right the wrongs and to insure that they will not happen again. From barbarism to decadence at jet speed!

(over, please) ELECTRIC POWER DIRECT FROM FSSSIQNED HTOgOiM.» of which there is a practically unlimited supply, has been achieved by socialist Soviet Union and demonstrated to U.S. experts. No boilers. No turbines. No generators. -And no pollution! H-fuel is deuterium, or heavy hydrogen which we will soon produce at a cost less than |25 lb, at toe rate of SOOlbs per day, more 'power than all now used in North Am­ erica! One pound of the stuff will deliver toe same power as „75,000 worth of coal or gas or oil! (Northern Neighbors mag, box 1000 Gravenhùrst Ontario Canada, a photo copy of the article free to subscribers for 8d postage.) The same article tells about the Soviet laser beams with pulses up to 300 million kilowatts, far more than needed to vaporize a fleet of B-52s. No more POWs - just MIAs! Imperialist aggressors beware! SCIENTIFIC SOCIALISM DEFEATS CAPITALISM in all Spheres of human endeavor because all surplus value created ty socialist economy accrues to the workingclass that pro­ duces it, rather than into capitalist pockets. That is what the class struggle Is all about. The bourgeois ruling class is sinking deeper into its final crisis as it strives frantically and in vain to extricate itself from the destructive consequences of its inherent contradictions it is powerless to dispel. As Marx wrote in toe im­ mortal MANIFESTO: ...... And here it becomes evident that toe bourgeoisie is unfit any longer to be the ruling class In society, and to impose its conditions of existence upon society as an overriding law. It is unfit to rule because it is incompetent to assure an existence to its slave within his slavery - because it cannot help letting him sink into such a state (pauperism) that it has to feed him instead of being fed by him» Society can no longer live under this bourgeoisie - in other words, its ex­ istence is no longer compatible with society « •, • it BLAMING SOCIETY'S ILLS ON SCIENCE as some do, is as stupid as blaming them on sun spots or planet movements. It' s as stupid as blaming to a hammer for hit-ting toe wrong nail» The capitalist class misuses science to enslave and mass-murder peoples. Socialism uses science for their education and liberation from economic slavery and death. Apr 70 POLITICAL -AFFAIRS sez: "The application of reason toward the comprehen­ sion of nature and of society, and the testing of that application thru experiment and practice, are essential to science. But these together are not yet science! fundamen­ tal to it and part of its definition is toe purpose toward which the reason is applied and the testing conducted. That purpose must be the ennoblement of Man, "Science is essentially, humanistic in its qualities: truthfulness, object!vuty, assiduousness, curiosity, and in its purpose to improve toe human condition. From this follows the fundamental challenge of Marxism: hitherto, philosophers have sought only to comprehend the world, but toe point Is to change it, "Involved in this also is the idea that he who understands the world will there­ fore want to change it — more: that a demonstration of the understanding is the ex­ istence of the effort to change that which one understands, ibid the test of the un­ derstanding is the capacity to change, "Present here also .... has been in the service of the powers-that-be — for this reason too it has hitherto been merely contemplative - passive. Hence its inadequacy has had two related roots: it has been a handmaiden of exploitive and oppressive soc­ ial systems so that its role has not been critical - not dynamic but rather apologetic, "Given the existence of such social systems, dominant theoretical outlooks had to be false since they served essentially as rationalizations for unjust systems,,....»"

(From John Lewis in SOCLiLISM AND THE INDIVIDUAL comes this: "...The real issue is whether individualism or socialism shows more concern for the individual in practice. Those who reject socialism because of its alleged disregard of the individual, senti­ mentalize a great deal about lis sacred person, his potentialities, his freedom, his opportunity, but in fact allow him to be turned loose in the rat-raco of the modern world to devour or be devoured. On the other hand, it is the socialist contention that it is because they are so deeply concerned about toe individual that they are deter­ mined to replace a competitive by a cooperative socle ty. To make the individual sa­ cred, it is necessary to destroy to t cx-uci "

MAfjÇI&t IS THE SCIENCE CF SI ased on toe materialist conception of history, according to which "toe determining factor, in toe final instance, is in the production and reproduction of immediate life. This again is of a 2-fold character: on the one side, toe production of the means of existence - of food, clothing and shelter, and the tools necessary for that production; on the other side, toe producta- ion of human beings themselves, the propogation of the species."(Engels in THE ORIGIN OF THE FAMILY', PRIVATE PROPERTY AND THE STATE p71, $2.45 from Intern» 1 Publishers, 381 Park Av S, NYC 10016.)

"THE HISTORY OF AIL HITHERTO-EXISTING SOCIETY IS THE HISTORY OF CLASS STRUGGLES...... The modern bourgeois society that has sprouted from the ruins of feudal society has not done away with class antagonisms. It has but established new classes, new conditions of oppression, new forms of struggle in place of the old ones. " U&rx/ Engels COMMUNIST MANIFESTO p9, only 40^ from Intern'1 Publishers, an immortal histor­ ical scientific document worthy of the most intense study by all social scientists. History is made by the mass movements of peoples to whom their slavish existence has become intolerable, and who accept the new rising scientific socialist future, and from whom has evolved the Marxist leadership to that end, and to which "we mutual­ ly pledge our Lives, our Fortunes, and our Sacred Honor."

"SANITY NOW!» a Left-radical activist education center, box 261 La Puente Ca. 91747 THE CONSPIRACY THAT LED TO WATERGATE

(ty Gus Hall, GenSec CPUSA, "Political Affairs" June 73, Journal of Marxist Thought and Analysis, 23 W 26 St NYC 10010, 6O9. or t»6 yr sub)

The roots of the Watergate conspiracy are deep. It gets its nourishment from the very bowels of monopoly capitalism. It is therefore of toe greatest urgency that these roots be probed and exposed. The wiretapping at Watergate itself is but one minute fiber of toe fabric of the total conspiracy. Each of its fibers is of impor­ tance. But one should not get lost in toe maze of these individual fibers. It is necessary to deal with and understand the overall patterns in the fabric...... Political bugging and burglarizing have become common occurances in our land. These criminal practices - as is the case with most anti-democratic acts - first won acceptance as a weapon against Communists» The attempt to cover up toe crimes is al­ so standard practice. Capitalism's code of ethics is based on covering up its crim­ inal activities. Thus, the bugging and the attempts to cover it up have a special significance here only because they are related to a deep-going long-range conspiracy involving basic policies of U.S. monopoly capitalisa, and going to fundamental ques­ tions of the nature of its class rule» The Watergate affair is but the symptom - it is the conspiracy that is toe essence of the matter, a deep-going well-thought-out conspiracy of monopoly capitalijm. against toe people of toe United States» This conspiracy cannot be understood and its full significance measured by toe yardstick of past conspiracies. It is a "scandal" - but it is much more. It has created a Constitutional crisis — but It has created much mox-e, Ther*e has been the use of dirty electoral tricks and provocations - but toex-e has been much more. There is a serious development towards a presidential dictatorship,- but there is much more» This conspiracy is not like the Teapot Dome affair, a case of oil corporations bribing members of the President's cabinet so that they could drill for oil on govt land. Other acts of corruption were exposed, but they were minute compared to toe Nixon conspiracy. Bribery and corruption have been a part of the affairs of toe U.S, govt from the first day of its organization. In fact, it started with the first pres­ ident. Nor can the roots of the present conspiracy be explained ty differences be­ tween sections of monopoly capitalisa« In its basic sense, it is not a feud between the two old parties of monopoly capitalism» The unfolding of such far-reaching class policies as are reflected by this con­ spiracy cannot be explained ty transitory and secondary factors» It is true there are divisions in the ranks of monopoly capitalism« At times they influence events - they are a factor in this conspiracy. The crisis resulting fron toe explosion will no doubt deepen these fissures. But they do not explain such fundamental develop­ ments as this conspiracy reflects. Politicians from both parities are running for cover. They are making statements that "we must get at the truth". But this doesnot indicate that they liave basically changed their outlook. They must never be permited to forget that toe web of this reactionary conspiracy was woven by the politicians of both parties and "y presidents elected ty both parties. The web of conspiracy was woven under Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson and now Nixon. The "national emer­ gency" which became toe legal "excuse" behind which toe web lias been woven was de­ clared ty Truman. Tils phony "national emergency" is still in effect. The conspiracy is not an incident that will quickly pass. The cracks created by this explosion will remain as a permanent part of toe political landscape of monopoly capital. They will remain because the explosion eiçosed the deep chasm of decay the San Andreas fault of . . capitalism. They will not disappear because the basic factors that led to the conspiracy — the contradictions and toe class forces that fed it — have not disappeared. The Watergate explosion has exposed to millions of people the corruption, the to­ tal lack of social consciousness, the hoodlum mentality, the gangster morality, the acts of desperation which all reflect the decay of capitalisa. They are developments of capitalism in the period of its general crisis — toe crisis of its demise.

The processes that surfaced around Watergate started with the cold war. The Nix­ on Adm has pushed them to a new level. The fibers are many but they add up to a creeping process of destroying or bypassing the Constitution and Bill of fights. The Presidency has usurped the power to make war. The Congress and toe Px-esident' s cab­ inet and, of course, the people are obstacles to toe conduct of reactionary wars of aggression» Tils is one of the important fibers» Another fiber is the militarization of toe country. The Fentegon and its mili­ tary elite have become a powerful force in toe country's political and economic life. The intelligence complex has grown into a powerful political and ideological force. That the CIA and FBI were so completely involved in Nixon' s re-election cam­ paign should surprise no one. It was a ready-made instrument of toe conspiracy be­ cause there ax-e no Congx-essional or public controls over these agencieSa. In their very structures they are a police-state apparatus. The rise of toe National Security Council and toe growth of its powers is anoth­ er fibre of the invisible govt. The second Nixon Adm set up a "super cabinet" and this put the final touches to a structure where all decisions were made behind the scenes ty men totally out of public reach. With toe wage freeze, the President took on dictatorial powers over wage scales. (over, please) These are some of the fibers of the reactionary process. These structural chan­ ges have taken place in support of reactionary monopoly-state capitalist policies in every area....fed by ante-Communism and racism,».»covered up by demagogy about "na­ tional security", "law and order" and "efficiency in government." The false appeal to "national security" has become a shield behind which every possible form of crime is. committed. The present investigation of toe Watergate affair studiously avoids . these basic areas« The mass media have not probed these roots. There is a studied cover-up of these class roots ty all of toe investigating bodies and ty the mass med­ ia. We are going to see many phases of what is now called the Watergate conspiracy. There will be twists and turns....man euvers, further cover-ups and deception. It is clear that we are now going to see a massive effort ty all <^e frightened representa­ tives of both parties of monopoly capital to re-shut toe lid — to keep the investi­ gation "within bounds". Besides the Republicans and toe reactionary Democrats, toe liberal Democrats have already joined toe "cover-uppers". Ihey have lined up with the others because they know the ugly truth, that toe more they dig the more toe in­ vestigation will "get out of hand". They know that it will become obvious to mil­ lions of people that toe. conspiracy has deep roots in their own class - the ruling class. They are aware that the tracks «ill lead to the offices of the biggest corpor­ ations, invest banks, the conglomerates and multWational corporations. They know the investigation will expose toe corruption and cleoay of capitalism as a system. They know it will expose their politics as toe politics of capitalist corruption, (to be continued with "The Offspring ef Capitalist Crisis")

Muskle and Mansfield were the only two of 17 members of the liberal "dqveish" Senate Foreign Relations Committee to vpte against toe compromise measure that allowed Nixon to continue bombing Cambodia, a tiny nation of farmers so poor their per capita yearly incomes are less than our weekly paycheck, and who have done us no harm ~ wouldn't if they could and couldn't if they would» Never trust a liberal, sings Phil Ochs, "They'll turn you in" every time! The day following toe passage of the compromise measure, Nixon escalated the bombing 30%. (GUARDIAN 11 July) WORKINGCLASS UNITY FOR RADICAL SOCIAL CHANGE has not been helped by the Guar­ dian's anti-Soviet mud-slinging. We recall the capitalist fairy tales of some 40 or so years ago, that Soviet Russia was "going capitalist" when they adopted the New Economic Policy ending the forced collectivization of peasants still living in feu­ dalism and lacking the capitalist experience. We expect to see and report on a Marx­ ist rebuttal the distortions, lies and slanders. In transition from capitalism to socialism, we must expect a wide variety of tac­ tics to be chosen by those peoples who best know from their.own peculiar situations what is most likely to promote their best interests. According to Lenin, "Marxism differs from all primitive forms of socialism by not binding the movement to any one particular form of struggle " but read all of it in "Guerilla Warfare" p 83-84, and partly quoted in Gil Green's THE NEW RADICALISM... p 93-94. Nor shall we quarrel with CP leadership whose understandable impatience with their rank-and-file sectarianism and electoral defections seems, according to Dorothy Healy, to have led to distortions in the application of democratic centralism. Those interested in researching this matter will find much in "Party Affairs" Jan 73. Many counter-revolutionary plots have been hatched under cover of "democracy", the best example we know being Czechoslovakia where toe conspiracy had developed to the point of requiring police action by toe Warsaw Pact nations. As Gus Hall wrote in his pamphlet "Czechoslovakia at the Crossroads", "An opportunist position gets the usual flattery of the enemy, the momentary applause of the misled or confused, but it soon erodes the foundation of confidence; it is deadly for the long haul." You can get the pamphlet for 25$, fron New Outlook Publishers, 32 Union Sq E, NYC. "ONE FUNDAMENTAL CRITERION which helps distinguish between Mar.lst-Leninists and opportunists of all hues is whether or not they stand for the use of masses' revolu­ tionary violence to smash toe state machinery of toe exploiting classes (toe bourgeo­ isie and landowner class) and to set up a proletarian dictatorship state,.....With re­ gard to the combination of political and armed struggles in the Vietnamese revolution has gathered the following essential experiences: 1) In toe course of the revolution, one must absolutely mobilize the masses to wage political struggle in many forms, thereby educating, encouraging and organizing them; develop the party and the masses' political organizations (to build a 'mass po­ litical army' ). Only up to a certain point, when conditions are favorable, should one build toe people's revolutionary armed forces and trigger off an armed struggle. The masses' political organizations form toe bases for the people's armed forces. Only in such a way will the fish (the people's armed forces) have water (the grass-roots mass orgs)" in which to swim. -2) One must raise the combination of military and political struggles to.»..com­ bination of actions before, during and after the insurrection....«.." 3) Revolution in any country is essentially toe doing of toe people of that coun­ try .....under the leadership of the Marxist-Leninist party...... (Truong Chinh, Workers« Party North Vietnam, excerpt in GUARDIAN 11 July 73, xerox copy free to subscribers for postage. ) »SANITY NOW!" a Left-radical activist education center, box 261 La Puente Ca, 91747 SHARP VILLE MASSACRE will long live in infexay and in the memories of Black Africans as a prime example of South Africa»? white-racist oppression in practice, in which all-white police fired on a peaceful unarmed demonstration killing S3 civ- iir.s and injuring hundreds. The picture on the other side of this sheet shows only a small part of the slaughtered. Xerox copies of the press reports free for postage. UNITED NATIONS EMBARGO on arms to fascist South Africa has been ignored ty the U.S. imperialists. The South African state is one of the fingers of the bloody hand of genocidal destruction of colored peoples the world over who dare to fight back, described by Wilfred Burchett, the famed journalist and var correspondent, in the weekly GUARDIAN. Black African's family average yearly income is (,'550j - whites, $6,000, The fuse to this powder keg of intolerable poverty, exploitation and oppression, is lit. Its inevitable explosion coinciding with others elsewhere, will rock the world. The white folks who read this may not be asked what degree of hypocritical tokenism they rendered in the past, to the struggle for Black Liberation. Here is what Julius Lester says in part, in his REVOLUTIONARY NOTES pp 66-67: "Perhaps the major reason why it is difficult for whites tc communicate with blacks is the inability or refusal of whites to share the anger of the blacks. There are many whites who understand the nature of imperialism, oppression and exploitation, and all the other concepts, but their understanding does not give them one of the necessary attributes to make them act on what they Intellectual!ze. That attribute is anger - Anger is not the sustaining force of a revolution bat it is the catalyst many, many times. Blacks are angry, and the Orangebarg massacre«- angers even those who have been afraid to be angry. Yet while black anger increases, whites remain only concerned and deeply disturbed. They can analyze what is happening, intellect- ualize what is happening, but somehow what is happening never hits them in toe gat. Or if it does, they roll a. stick or two, pass it around, and watch the smoke spiral around the posters of Che on their walls. And then they get afraid when blacks, an­ gered at what is being done to them daily, start talking about burning the country down. "I'Vt, never done anything against Negroes," they say. "You can't blame me." And in trying to exonerate themselves from all complicity and guilt, they are merely asking: "How can I come out of this alive? How can I save myself?" This is why the black radical reserves his greatest anger for the white who, to all appearances, is sympathetic to him. Whites are scared for their lives instead of trying to fight for them. That is toe difference between whites and blacks today," (-«xerox copy of the Orangeburg massacre free for postage) "To be black and conscious in America is to be in a constant state of rage...... The price cf the liberation of the white people is the liberation of the blacks, the total liberation - in cities,in the towns, before the law and in the mind."— James Baldwin. No white person can possibly know what it means to have a black skin in this racist Amerika. The closest we know is Truman Nelson from whose RIGHT OF REVOLUTION we quote in part: "We (white folks) told them thru their own leaders that they had to match our capacity to inflict suffering on them, by their capacity to endure it — that they had to meet our guns, clubs, dogs, bombs, sadistic police, white mobs like packs of mad animals, corrupt judges, hanging judges — with love - with 'soul' force. When we bombed their homes, threatened and spat upon their little children as they suffered to come unto us - when we dragged them off the roads and beat them to death with chains - we said 'but you must still love us.....you will soon wear us down with your holy capacity to suffer and when you win our hearts and conscience - when we dis­ cover toe turning point in toe longevity of our will to beat you and degrade you, — you will overcome! ' "We (white folks) have been telling them this for 200 yrs, and doing violence to them, simultaneously and continuously, betveen and because of the pious platitudes and programs of self-abnegation we have thrust on them. And we wonder why they hate us! They know that we do not think of them as citizens and men or we would have told Ahem long ago to resist, by force, the tyranny and dictatorship of the landlord, the boss, the cops, judges, draft boards, hucksters, politicians, governors, presidents, und all the rest of us who will not get off their backs. We say that we are the birth right possessors of inalienable rights - we cannot give them away if we wanted to. Resistance to despotism is obedience to God, we say .....to ourselves. But to them we say God is love, so love and hope and suffer in non-violence " (pp 7-8) TIMING IS CRUCIAL. A revolution begun before its time - before the objective and subjective conditions for its success-are present - will be drowned in its own blood. Gil Green in his THE NEW RADICALISM contributes to this sensitive question thusly: "It is simplistic to believe that State power rests solely on police guns and soldier's bayonets. In the final analysis it does - i.e., when toe ruling class and its State power have lost legitimacy in the eyes of the majority of people. Then the gun takes command (to enforce the majority will -SN) But society cannot live and function balanced on the terror of a bayonet. Every ruling class and every govt is concerned with influencing public opinion - seeks to justify its policies - and en­ deavors to win a larger degree of popular support for itself. Thos people it cannot win over or bribe, it tries to confuse and demoralise so as to neutralize and make them passive. And it always aims to impress people with its own power and durability, - to show that opposition is futile, and that the only alternative to itself is the deluge....." (p87) "...the bourgeoisie maintains itself in power...also ty virtue of the lack of class- consciousness and organization, the routinism and downtrodden state of the masses..." (Lenin in "Letters on Tactics" pp 46-47) "SANITY NOW!" a left-radical activist, education center, box 2.61 La Puente Ca. 91747 KENTUCKY *"•""• Walter Collins, a lil for the Southern Conference Educational To help build this fight-back, the Louis­ Fund, has spent two years in prison for . IT/ith the rise of people's movements, ville meeting set up an organizing com­ Louisville Seven, Black Panthers refusing to be drafted. His refusal was " repression is growing all over the mittee, A periodic Southern newsletter charged with robbery for attempting to on the basis that his draft board was country in an effort to silence the voices will be circulated and deal with regional break up dope traffic in the Black com­ all-white in a two-thirds Black parish. of dissent. The need to organize against and national cases. Efforts will be made munity, were acquitted in a trial in This violates the law. Prison authori­ such repression on a national scale has to contact movements in states not repre­ September. The seventh member was ties recently attempted to take away become more and more urgent in recent sented at the October 7 meeting. A fund- convicted and is still imprisoned. five months of good time because of years. A first step toward building an raising tour of the South by Angela Davis his role in a prison sit-down strike in organization to defend the people's move- is being planned for the Spring. Organiz­ the spring Because of worldwide pres­ pment was appropriately taken in the ers from the South will be made avail­ GEORGIA sure, however, his good time was re- I South, at a meeting in Lousiville. Ken­ able to speak in other parts of the coun­ tucky, last month at the Southern Con­ try, particularly on the situation in North Henry Whitlock, was charged with 1 stored and he was freed on Novemberj ference Educational Fund Education Carolina and Florida. murder after being shot at and chased 16. Center. Said Charlene Mitchell, at the Louis­ by Decatur police in January 1971. After i VIRGINIA About thirty people, representing ville meeting, "You have to be able to his arrest he was beaten beyond recog­ ^•ommittees and organizations from half take one of the main weapons of the gov­ nition. He then spent a year in jail the Southern states, gathered there on Thomas Wansley, a young Black man ernment — conspiracy' — and turn it pending trial. He was convicted by an who has been in prison for 10 years October 7, to discuss ways to strengthen around You have to show that the gov­ all-white jury, even though evidence iwtae movement to free all political prison on a phony rape charge, has become a ernment and every one of its arms — the against him was flimsy and he had symbol of the way such charges have ers. police, the courts, the FBI, the gover­ witnesses as to where he was the night The meeting grew from the role the been used against Black movements in nors and the President of the United of the killing. the South He was 17 when charged, and South played in the national struggle to States — are engaged in an unholy al Emily Butler, a young Black woman free Angela Davis. The heartland of ra­ the conviction against him was appa-' liance, a conspiracy They do this to be­ in Atlanta, shot and killed her super­ rently intended to frighten a growing cism — Angela Davis' homeland — has head., set back and get rid of the move­ visor at the Internal Revenue Service already been the scene of two regional movement for civil rights in Lynchburg. ments against repression, against racism after putting up with the supervisor's The Southern Conference Educational meetings to organize fight-back against and the war. When you successfully turn constant pressure and harassment. An­ the frame-ups of Miss Davis and other Fund is mounting a campaign to have that weapon around, then people begin t» gela Davis came to Atlanta and de­ him freedby the Governor. political prisoners. The first meeting was scribed the situation as that between a understand why you're talking about In Norfolk, Samuel Weston is being held in Birmingham, in February, 1971 frame-ups, about political prisoners A' slavemaster and a slave, with Emily The second, in Memphis, in April, 1972. Butler being so mistreated that she charged with a felony resulting from a We here publish a list of some ol the demonstration this spring protesting a , Meeting participants felt that now cases of political oppression in the South snapped and lost her reason. Other wo­ > the rudiments of a United Southern Com- men working at the 1RS office testified festival which supported Portugal's im­ There are many others that have not b*M perialist government, which is carrying rnittee to Free All Political Prisoners ex- investigated or compiled to the fact that she was driven to the ists and established a program of im­ shooting, and that the conditions she on pogroms against, the people of An­ gola. Mozambique and Guinea-Bissau. mediate practical objectives for the South Res/stance to apartheid has a long history. This photo, taken in April 1960, is of the Sharpville Massacre, where police opened worked under and the lack of alterna­ NORTH CAROLINA Charlene Mitchell, national director of lire on unarmed blacks in a peaceful protest. "They must learn their lesson the hard way," commented the local white police\ tive work forced her into a situation of the National United Committee to Free hysteria. , WO BID MAGAZINE NOVEMBER 18, 1972 Angela Davis and All Political Prisoners, chief at the time. Nine Black men and a white woman Ee was in Miami planning for a Black ' proposed a series of regional meetings to in Burgaw have been sentenced to ] it i war" against the State of Mississippi (alized. Both were held incommunicado Published weekly 6/ the Pacific Publishing for 16 days after the incident. They are Student Unity Association convention. Foundation, Inc. aj Ibe held across the country to culminate son terms totaling 242 years ChaifN The UNA members were arrested after TEX.AS Executive editor Carl eloice with a national meeting in March of 1973, a predawn attack by members of the now out of "jail, with their cases on Also in Florida, five young Black Associate editor Judy Baston of conspiracy and of burning a groctr) men from Quincy were jailed late in . when a mass, national united defense store aunng a protest againsi racial Jackson Police Department and FBI appeal. SEATTLE. Wash., 98122. 1408 18th Ave. 1970 after being accused of the murder Willard Jackson, a young Black coach, Phone EASt 9-9505. organization would be formed bias in Wilmington led to the untMi H agentx in which a police officer was Also in Birmingham, police have kill­ LOS ANGELES »0013. 215 W. 5th St., Room of a deputy sheriff. After a trial in a ' is the victim of a rape, robbery and 806. Phone 626 6616 It was decided to hold a series of state A series of other charges are pending killed Three of the RNA citizens have ed seven Black people in the last six hysteria, atmosphere, one of the fivùj assault charge in Dallas. Jackson is the BERKELEY 94710. 1819 Tent-t St. Phone a« conferences in the South in areas where against the Reverend Ben Chaw been sentenced to life imprisonment, months for running from officers or be­ 1373, was sentenced to life in prison, and* scapegoat for several cases the police SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By mail to the defense movements are already under sidered the leader of the protafl Ht .nul i h.irgcs have been dropped against ing at the scene of a crime. A move­ U.S, and possessions, 1 year $?, six months the other to death One of the five is , could not solve, despite the fact he U. way These conferences will elect repre­ and the other defendants are in Jail On i in/en Even though the police ment against police brutality has arisen now in a mental institution because of had witnesses in his favor- and the SECOND CLASS postage paid at Berkeley, sentatives to attend the national confer­ bail being so high that there has been H I'll .in illegal raid, opened fire Calif., and at additional mailing offices. the brutality he experienced in prison. states "evidence" was contradictory. SEND change of address to 1819 Tenth St., ence and select members for a Southern little chance of their getting out <>n UM UNA citizens, and even though Berkeley, Calif. 94710. Three other men were recently charg­ He has been sentenced to 25 years on Steering Committee. The first of these !!»• majority of the RNA citizens charg­ FLORIDA In Charlotte, Jim Grant, T. J. Itrddv ed with the crime, and there is no the rape charge, and is on trial now for conferences is expected to be held in Char­ ed wan not at the scene where an of­ and Charles Parker were sentenced to evidence to link the Quincy Five to the J assault and armed robbery. lotte. N.C., when Angela Davis speaks ficii wis killed, it appears that the Six members of the Vietnam Vete­ 25-, 20-and 10-year prison terms for killing. The charges are so transparent I Fred Bell also of Dallas, has been there December t, in behalf of all politi­ all white juries are bound to rans Against the War have been indict­ their active leadership in building I that authorities are thinking of drop­ j sentenced twice to 10 years in prison cal prisoners in that state. I than, all ed by a Federal grand jury in Talla­ Black political party in the state ne, ping remaining cases, and the chances for his community activism, despite the Tw, other UNA citizens were given hassee with conspiracy" to disrupt the were charged with burning down i of the sentences being overturned are fact that a federal judge has ruled that riding stable, an incident that had taken Hva M'.ir sentences last month for hav- Republican Convention and to attack' good. he can't be given more than six years Participants in the Louisville meet­ place three years earlier Grant wa;! iii,' waapotu under the seat of their police stations, cars and stores in Miami "SANITY NOW!" ing outlined the cases of police brutality, 1 with "bizarre and dangerous weapons. Tommy Vickers was murdered by in prison under the law. Bell was tried also sentenced to 10 years for allegedly car in Miami in front of Sen. George on a trumped up charge of bank robbery. P. O. BOX 261 prison struggles, and political frame-ups helping two young men escape the coun McGovern'i hotel The two denied All six are under high bond, but have Sheriff Willis McCall in Lake County ' 'A PUENTE, CALIFORNIA 917*»" in all areas of the South. Especially noted been released Other WAW members this summer after Vickers was charged His defense says his real "crime" is try after they were charged with pos­ knowledge ol the guns, which were "being a strong community leader." was the drastic situation in North Caro­ session of dynamite produced by FBI agents. The two were who were held in jail for refusing to with not having a proper inspection sticker on his car. He was kicked to Although his first 10-year sentence was lina. There, a conspiracy is under way ön In Ayden, 11 Black yoatks have been it tempting in take their "anti-depres- cooperate with the grand jury have death by McCall. who was tried and overturned, he was re-tried and again the part of state, Federal and local au­ charged with blowing up a school toilet! sioii program toSen. McGovem. been released on order from Supreme thorities to crush the Black Liberation Court Justice Douglass. released by an all-white jury. McCall given 10 years. He is now in jail. SOUTHERN CONFERENCE ED FUND during demonstrations against police] Ernie McMillan, former SNCC or­ movement. They were sentenced to a total of 133 In Miami, Al Feataerstone and four is known for his brutality. In 1951. he 3210 West Broadway- The case of Billy Dean Smith in Cali­ shot two Black men in the back, kill­ ganizer in Dallas was convicted along years in prison, including a 40-yearl ALABAMA members of the defunct Black Afro with Matthew Johnson of a felony re- Louisville Ky 40211 fornia, aad the Vietnam Veterans Against sentence to Donald Smith, 17 Some 80fj Militant Movement (BAMM) have re­ ing one. They had been in his custody, i suiting from the boycott and picketing the War indicted in Florida were noted charges are still pending against people! ceived a bewildering series of sentences charged with rape. Charles Cannon, a member of the of a store. As the result of a few small as dangerous begianingsof a new attempt in Ayden who protested the murder of al for supposedly teaching and (some of Fred Pitts and Wilbert Lee have ( Alabama Black Liberation Front, is I items broken during a demonstration, by the g«vernment to crush anti-war sen­ Black man by a state policeman them) using firebombs on a dimestore been on death row for over nine years charged with killing a service station which the store owner claimed were timent, nuide and outside the military. and high school. Testimony was pro­ for a murder they did not commit. In High Point, members of the Black operator, although he was nowhere worth $50. the two received 10-year These cases will be priorities for the na­ vided by Federal agents provocateurs When arrested both young Black men Panther Party were attacked by armed' near the scene of the crime. He is the sentences by an all-white jury. Ernie tional organization as well as for the against the BAMM members, who haad were advised by a public defender to police in a mass raid They are under third member of the ABLF to face McMillan was also charged for draft Southern regional organization. suggested themselves in a BAMM meet­ plead guilty and get a lesser sentence. high bond and many charges serious charges as the result of his refusal after he was kicked out of a. But the main conclusion of the meet­ political organizing. Two other men. ing that firebombs be used against Fede Another man has now admitted the kill­ ing was that repression is intensifying û ing Several committees are trying to induction center for picketing. Ronnie Williams aad Weyland Bryant, ral property. Featherstone serving six I i work for Pitts' and I.ees' release. oeijuheit. in communities across the MISSISSIPPI have been convicted and sentenced on years at hard labor, and Willie Harris coontry and across the South. Therefore, a number of charges, growing out of an seven years. only a amàfiai, wtM-argaabea" fight-back Eleven citizens of the Republic of incident in which police attacked a Willie Holden, in Gainsville. was linking up the broadest possible spectrum New Africa were jailed over a year house they were in. Williams was shot given a 45-year sentence for supposedly of people, can succeed in defending the ago on charges of murder and "levy of through the neck, and Bryant was bru selling $45 worth of drugs on the day people's rights to speak and organize, ONE DOLLAR POSTAGE for 12 or more issues of this newsletter, plus occasional supplanents is all ve ask of Left-activists for whom they are written as aids in or­ ganizing and educating people in anti-imperialist struggle, and posing scientific socialism as the ultimate solution to this society's ills. Feedback is welcome. We do not pretend to have all the answers, nor that those given are always 100$ right. With our limited facilities, we can do little more than capsulate selected news itaas usually distorted or suppressed, sometimes as launch pads for working- class concepts, and to peint to other and more cosuprehansive sources. Our xerox service is for subscribers only, Readers are expected to take it frsa there. 33e newsle are not forwardable except as "occupant" may do so. Those who fail t& notify us of rest" or who dor. in seme way their de­ sire to continue receiv: sletters, vill be c: is is necessary be­ cause we are pensioner budget. If thi.: JO be an introductory copy, don't expect r until we hear from you. . have d .-ies, only a few parts left over} so keep a file. Readers may quote or reprint for hovaient purposes.- News clips noting source and date are solicited - we reserve the light to pre-e. ce and -to edit. are endlessly grateful to all these beautiful people who have made possible our 6 yrs of contLiuous publication. Without their encouragement, we might have folded long ago. As proletarian internationalists, we clasp their hands and those of all oppressed peoples in soli-daiii^- for woiidngclass power.







Cost of pro auction or supply and demand have nothing to do with prices, which are rigged according to how much the consumer can be .forced to pay.

Price controls are a cruel joke when administered by a govt committed to serve corporate monopoly business in opposi­ tion to the public welfare.


»SA IX POSTAGE newsletter rlô. September 73 PAID box 261, La Pue La Puente Ca. California at Pei-mit ,,374

DATED MATERIAL Return postage guaranteed S/f^^ s^/Se. r if returned OR OCCUPANT within the month 7Z>S 9 //&/&?* 8c/rX-

»NEVER DO ANYTHING ACalHST CONSCIENCE, EVEN IF THE STATE DEMANDS IT." -Albert Einstein PAKT 1, newsletter er 73: fiTT.T.TfHrs üDR TY^iBS - PFdNIES FDR HUMAN WELFARE sez : s al ter-ego Gov. Ron­ nie-boy Reagan, "the fascist gun in the West" as he vetoes or cuts 15 major welfare itaas in the Legislature's state budget including medi-cal, child care, legal aid, .sumers, workers, conservation, migrant labor, prison reform, youth rehabilitation, education, university and college funds, and scholarships for medical students* (lis­ ted in SGV TRIBUNE 1 July) -And this SOB might be the next »chainnan of the board» of the Watergaters; the executive committee for the capitalist ruling classi Several women voters? said they voted for Reagan "because be made such a he-man appearance on TV". They Wouldn't raaauber anything about hie stand on issues. These are the shoppers who give fits to F.I.T. by judging merchandise by its package. THE AIRWAVES BELONG TO THE PEOPLE but you can't prove it by Nixon1s Supreme Court which ruled by 7-2 that» TV and radio stations may continue their censorship practice of refusing paid ads on whatever the station management decides are "contro­ versial" issues. The court said that broadcasters are not common carriers to which any citizen may have access. Chief Justice Burger Justified the decision with this asininitys that if everyone had light of access to the mass media, the system might be monopolized by those who could pay - as tho it was not -«hat way already! .Another decision .;y the Supre&eCt opened the door 'to injunction suits against Congressmen and others who publicly distribute Congressional Reports whose contents might normally be subject -to damage suits or other reason« (CSMoaitor 1 June 73)The vagueness of the language and the loopholes such as "...or other reasons", stamps the decision for what it is: another blow at the people's right-to-lcnow what their govt is doing in their name, thus laying the foundation for total police-state repression of dissent. We have predicted that the SupremeGt will approve Nixon1 s claim of "executive privilege", "national security", and "separation of powers" in his rejection of the Watergate Committee's subpoena, leaving the eotaBittee no option other than to.impeach. Nixon's speech of 15 Aug did not help his popularity poll; the listeners had no trou­ ble identifying the purpose of trying to sidetrack their attention from Watergate. With all that has come out of Watergate so far, the public is ready "to believe any­ thing about the Whitehouse gang including Agnew, We say they are amply justified.

DON'T BUY FARAH PANTSl is th£„appeal, from a growing number of church leaders, and the Nat'l Citizens Committee for Farah Workers chaired ty Sena-tor Gaylord Nelson (D-Wis). HLRB has charged Farah with illegal interference Xrlth union organizing, (CSMonitor 10 July) We ask our readers and their friends to cooperate with the striking Farah workers, most of whom are women, ty observing the boycott appeal. Rumor has it that Senator Nelson is being considered as possible presidential timber. As an independent, okay, but as a Republicrat - oh nol A REMINDER that reply-paid envelopes that often come in junk mail are excellent carriers of political messages for the education of the mail clerks who open thaa. YOl T say the nutritionists, but ation what it is, that means that a lot of us are not much of anything, eh? How to sa\ air food bill is the subject of an article out of C3*lonitcr, xerox copy for I , and a page from World"magasine (Supplément to People's World) sez, a ..er tilings,that "enriched" bread "is only slightly more nutritious than eardtoarcU" Consumer's Union has long been telling us that che food dollar can bo stretched to a dollar-forty without half trying, just by buying only the specials. SOME FACTS ABOUT FATS are given in Santa Barbara HEWS d. REVIEW of a year- ago - xerox copy for postage. HOW SAFE IS YOUR BANK ACCOUNT? Not very safe, sez Danny Burnstein In World maga­ zine 2 Sep 72: "The FEIG Is currently responsible for insuring millions of accounts in over 14,000 banks- -totalling close to $350 billion. FDIC has only some #5 billion to pay off depositors in case of any failures. If things get really bad, it can bor­ row another §3 from the Treasury. " In short, the FDIC "fully" backs only l^cents of every dollar it .insures....." Xerox copy free -to subscribers for postage. ORGANIZING AMONG THE JOBLESS. Guardian 23 Aug 72, is a substantial assist to activists in national workers1 rights organizations, charging that the real unemploy­ ment rate is near 10% of 'die workforce rather than the 5 or 6% the Bureau of Labor Statistics tries to make out because it doesn't take into account those working only part time or in taaporary jobs or in transit from job to job« Xerox copy for postage RAMPANT RACISM IN POSTAL SERVICE accounts for only 34- Indians among 2,573 New Mexico employees, same among 5>000 in Ariz. Postcard protests to Congress are needed. The laying off of .44,000 carriers has doubled the work load of those on the job and the workers are get-ting uptight about it. This accounts for so much of the bad service - don't blame the vorkersl The speedup and stretchout is not THEIR ideal The Guardian 25 Apr 73 has a good article about it - xerox copy for postage. LAETRILE IS A NON-TOJOIC TREAÎ&.T FOR CANCER made from apricot pits and widely used in foreign countries but banned in U.S. by the AMA medical monopoly. A House Committee chaired by Rep H L Fountain (D-NC) and Senators Promire, Mondale and Hart have been investigating the monopoly ban. Write to thaa about it.

"SANITY NOWl " a Left-radical activist education center, box 261 La Puente Ca. 9174-7 PAiïT 2, newsl

: _ an-ests 6 GIs at Iwakuni for cf it. Read the shocking story in FI, a fine GI Resis­ tance newspaoer out of box 4-9, Iwakuni-shi, Yamaguchi- Japan. They'd .1 to hear from you - and don't forget to inclose a contribution with your re-

of the Déclarâratiot n by omitting extraneous remarks or interpretations on the copy other than the notorizatiôn at the bottom which reads something like this: • "This is to certify that the above document is an accurate copy in modern type, of the U.S. Declaration of Independence the original of which in Old English script reposes in tho Library of Congress, (signed).,.. (Seal)" By double-typing it, a slight told-faced emphasis was given "to the phrase "... to alter or abolish it, .,..." A year ago, the Miami AP reported that only one person in 50 approached by a re­ porter on Miami streets, agreed to sign a -typed copy of the Declaration, calling it "Commie junk" "the work of a raver", "rubbish" and "meaningless". The 130 anthropological students at Sacramento State did much better with the Bill of Rights in petition form, getting signatures from 1 out of 3 contacted among 7500 people viho. included a State Legislator who refused to sign, saying that people had too much freedom already, However, very few recognized the petition's princi­ ples as coming from the Bill of Rights, Several other such capers, mostly by students, strongly indicate that if these great historical documents were to come up for vote, they would be defeated, a fair measure of the terrible sickness afflicting this nation. The petition has been highly valuable for finding responsive people and involv­ ing thaa in the movement. Currently, a petition is being circulated calling on Con­ gress to expropriate the food-monopolist blackmailers and roll back meat prices. The Watergate exposures have softened up some editors of swindle sheets who are now printing letters they would have rejected 6 months ago. Two of tha most effect­ ive so far are given as examples in our #75-2, and which project workingclass concepte With some thought and ingenuity, activists can formulate others equally if not more effective. Get with it folks I while the Irons are hot. U.S. CONSTITUTION NEEDS REVISION UPWARD — not downward to its destruction as the Nixonites plan. It needs to make available to the people and their organizations the material means ty which its guarantees can be exercised; somewhat along the lines of the Soviet constitution (see cur V74-3)• Time enough if and when the Congress re­ gains its sovereign powers from the Executive and changes the judicial balance by appointing two progressive judges to the Supreme Couru. PREDICT that the present Supreme Court wi :on and his phoney ex­ cuse of "separation of po'." to sue, and refusal to give up his tapes to the Watergate Consaittee. m exercise his big option cf inking the score or more of contir. . .Te Orders making this a full grown police state - fade Hitler's into ir ..ce. ( ?4>-3) A an saia ' b find a way to make tl cutive branch of govt our servant again, -then the Executive branch will make servants of us". Students of political history question Sheehan's assumption that the Executive branch cf this or any other capitalist govt ever did serve public interests as opposed to those of the capitalist ruling class......

"U.S. GOVERNMENT FOR SALE" sez Common Cause in its latest pitch for membership. Too late by 200 years — every govt this country has ever had, supposedly elected to protect public interests, was sold out to predatory private enterprise before the ballots were counted, "Our system desperately needs cleaning up" sez this capitalist Bandaid Brigade, when in fact it needs cleaning OUT - total abolition in all its evil parts, for its continued existence is no longer compatible with society. Even if its rotten patch- upon-patch fabric could hold the stitches of reform, it would still be the same old corrupt barbaric capitalist system with its irreconciiible class conflicts it is powerless to dispel, its-recurring inflation and depressions, destructive wars and Watergate conspiracies. What we so desperately need is â classless socialist society built on the ashes of the old, a society dedicated to living instead of killing - to production for use instead of for private corporate profit - to the administration of tilings instead of people, a society devoid of exploitation of Man by Man where the workers get the full product of their toll, where there are no booms, busts and ware, and where the Bro­ therhood of Man can become something more substantial than a mere dream. Speed the dayi To believe in the myth of "peaceful revolution" - to believe that a tyrant class will give up its stolen power without a bloody struggle - Is to fly in the face of historical reality. While seme revolutions have been less violent than others, the blood spilled in the peoples' seizure of power is hardly a drop compared to the oceans of blood expended to keep the tyranny alive.

"rad-i-cal(rad'-i-kal) a. pertinent to the root} original} basic} ...... -Webster's Dictionary, "THERE ARE A THOUSAND HACKING AT THE BRANCHES OF EVIL TO ONE WHO IS STWT.KIMQ AT THE ROOT." - Henry David Thoreiju (over, pleo'oe) " THE I C P A R M..AJL.Q-S " is a documentary film made under the most repressive and clandestine conditions by the famous Urban Guerilla freedom-fighters of Uruguay. It tells of the sources and history of their movement, and ex­ amines their very special tactics, a "must" for left-radi­ cals. Contact THE ARCH, 715 S Parkview St LosAngeles 90:57, phone 334-3856, whose hours are: Tues-Wed-Thurs 12 v 12 neon to llpm} Saturday 7 to 11pm} to vi. ir radical bookstore. people who looked the other way, laughing and s: -yl" at ipped off a big bar. road daylicd.:. is said they de rot a U.S.-owied super market AS and een formed with the most-ö x> receive it,- Shades of Pancho Villal Xeroxed excerpts from Carlos Marlgheila's famous MJjadmanual of the street tactics and methods of the Urban Guerilla, as printed in L.A. FREdP 10 Oct 70, ar*e available from "this Center for postage. They may be useful in the battles ahead, GSÎ0CIDE BY STARVATION is in store for the Native Americans of Nevada as this white-racist govt systematically destroys their prime sources of livelyhood. Animals are poisoned or driven away and 52,000 acres of pinyon-juniper whose products are es­ sential to the tribe's existence, have been uprooted by the Bureau of Land Manage­ ment and the Interior Dept. "They won't even let the Indians take away the wood" sez Frank TemoJco, chief of the Western Shoshone, box 52 Carlin Nev 39322. (AKWESASNE NOTES July issue p 17, c/o Mohawk Nation* box 435 Rooseveltowi NY 13633. Sard thaa a |i for this and sample copies, for their battles are no less ours thaa theirs.) This action by this supposedly-civilized govt is no less a barbarous crime than U.S. imperialism's wholesale murder of South .American native peoples in a giant land grab, (ibid p 29) There are many more such informative articles in the 40 pages, too numerous to even list here. Get your copyl

WOUNDED. KNEE was a people's victory to the extent that it brought together many Indians and their allies in a joint effort-to repossess stolen ancestral lands. How­ ever, it also gave the dead-eyes a chance to improve their tarnished image with the "law-and-order" public while atriting the movement by bus-ting its leadership. Also, it gave the prostitute mass media another chance to promote the racist picture cf the Indian as a lawless bloodthirsty and ignorant savage. Not once did we hear an honest accounting of the purpose of the occupation, much loss the history behind it. In approved Watergate style, it laid the blame on the bribed tribal chairmen rather than on- the head criminal Nixon and the racist ruling class behind him, who contrived and dictated the genocidal policies of govt in the first place, July AKWESASNE NOTES p4 sounds this warning: "One of our major concerns today Is the effect present policy has upon our people which is leading to the destruction of the tribes thru financial indebtedness. This is being done without the people having any voice or control in decision-making processes, because the tribal council system is being protected by "the LIA bureaucrats who see that this is the real method to de­ stroy the Indian tribes" then further on, "The Nixon Adm supports the tribal chairmen even while many of them commit criminal acts against their own people," But of course that is what they are hired -bo do. Knowing all this, then why waste our time and substance in appeals to two-tongued worshippers of Go. o wham their Might is Right, and who interpret any peaceful gesture as a wign of weakness, a tactical error in a war without ouarter, -to ".e ruthlessly s . better to devote our selves to bette: and edd. :e of revolutionary social change, the era fist 0: s that will smash this enemy of all menhir. to write Senator xiurezk urging action on SB1102 and to Rep L JOTO« These twt identical bills would transfer .4000 a now held by govt, to the L'Anse Reservation. Please send copies of your letters to Chairman Frederick Dakota, Keweenan Bay Indian Community, Baraga Mich 49903. The story of their struggles is told in July AKWESASNE Notes. Be sure to subscribe to it, and pass it on 'to your friends, IROrUOIS FEDERATION TRADITIONAIS WIN an Ontario SupremeCt decision removing the 6-Nations Reserve near Brantford from official Canadian control that has been giving them a hard time. Read tho inspiring account in Akwesasne Notes page 39, INDIAN SCHOLARSHIPS information available from Tillie Walker, United Scholarship Service, box 13235 Capital Hill Stn, Denver Colo 80218. Wc fjeiieve that any oppress­ ed person's purpose in acquiring a "factory" school education, aside from survival, • should be to learn the Ideological and psychological weapons of the ruling class that oppresses him and his people, for the effective use of those weapons against the en­ emy and Its evil system. The danger of co-option aaist be continually fought, THE AMERICAN INDIAN, has a life expectancy of about 44 yrs, more than 25 yrs be­ low the national average. On most reservations, "50% unemployment is not considered high - it runs to B0% in some places. The per-famiiy income among Indians is just over C?l,500 a year, th« lowest of any group in the country, 20$ of all Indian men have less than 5 yrs schooling, and the dropout rate among Indian children is 60$, "SANITY NOW!" a left-radical activist education conter« box 261 La Puente Ca, 91747 (2nd installment, "The Offspring of Capi­ talist Crisis". : criminal Nixon conspiracy is the maggot offspring fed ty the crisis of U.S. capitalism. It was and is the ultra-Right response to the defeats suffered by U.S. erlalisa in the foreign policy arena a reactionary response to the collapse of the policies based on "cold war". It is monopoly-capitalism's recoil reaction to the fact that U.S. imperialism has been forced to give up the policies of some 55 yrs standing, of trying to stop the growth of world socialism by economic and military blockade. The Iceberg of the cold war policies is thawing out. The conspiracy was a^.desperate response to the shift in the balance of world forces and the problems it creates for world imperialism...... State monopoly-capitalism Is a product of the laws of capitalist development. Just as the growth of monopolization is an inevitable development, so the laws that give rise to monopolies have also given rise to the process leading to state monopoly capitalism - to the intertwining of monopoly capitalism and the state...... the cor­ porate structure increasingly comes under the iron-fisted control of a diminishing number of financial-industrial complexes....»produces changes in both corporate and state structures, resulting in a new relationship...... in which the state more o- penly and directly serves the corporate interests....a more direct factor in tire drive for maximum corporate profits increasingly taking actions that are against the interests of the working class and the people....,the state*s role is to seek so­ lutions to the crisis of capitalism at the expense of the people. It moves to shift the tax burden to the backs of the people and, thru endless channels, to pass on huge - sums to the largest monopoly corporations. It is therefore inevitable that the new state structure would develop in a direc­ tion which would place it beyond democratic influences,,...increasingly tend toward a dictatorial police-type of state.... .increasingly rely on the military and on the more reactionary elements. It is inevitable that such a structure would, of necessity, bypass the elected bodies of govt including the U.S. Congress. That this web would also be the embryo of a structure for the developmait of fascism is self-evident. The increasing usurpation of powers by the executive branch of govt is a feature of the development«,..«paralleling a similar process in the corporate structure. Elec­ ted govt bodies become an encumbrance to carrying out the criulnal policies and the swindles in which the state participates in partnership with monopoly capital. Thus the process thru which 'the executive branch takes on more and more power is rooted in the development of state monopoly-capitalism. 3ecause this process has had...... very little if any opposition from other sec­ tors of capital or of the two old parties, it has increasingly become a state struc­ ture since Truman. These are acts of desperation by a class that sees the hand­ writing on the wall finds it more and more dif to rule as it did in the "good old days". Any meaningful change in monopoly's domination of govt would have to come ty way of stripping away the nain powers of the Presidential office, starting with the powers that it has usurped e~ The c oy has been unusually successful cecause monopoly capitalism in cri­ sis, facing new contradictions and Jjisoluatle p. Cor solutions that rest on à tion, or at least bypassing, of decocrr i Les and processes...... seeks new ways to continue its rule of exploitation a . So the conspir­ acy is net some feather-brained idea, but has its roots in the crisis of capitalism in its dying 3tage of imperialist expansioniaa. :laliaa has been forced to maneuver and retreat in the world arena. In part, the criminal conspiracy was to make sure that thi3 retreat would not spill over -into a rout in the domestic arena. The conspiracy has both shori>- and long-range goals. Before the presidential elections, Nixon conspirators talked about "changing the political landscape for the next 200 yrs." The bugging of Watergate was an incident but the conspiracy it reflected was no casual fly-by-night scheme. Indeed, it was well thought out, carefully executed, most richly funded, centrally orchestrated. In its basic essence, it was anti-democratic and militarily oriented, to the core racist and anti-workingclass, an ultra-Right policestate-like conspiracy. Among its aims was the destruction of the electoral structure. It proceeded to construct a new special state structure staffed mainly by the ultra-Right, FBI- and CIA-trained personnel. Like all such developments, it took on its own inner logic. Each step of covering up led "to a new stage in the con­ spiracy. During moments of crisis, the incubators of U.S, monopoly-capitalism have always hatched such plans. What is new about this conspiracy is that it took root .....that it had the support of monopoly-capital, that it was funded by unlimited dollars, that it was able "to establish its headquarters in the Whitehouse and to es­ tablish a power base in the Supreme Court. What is new is that in large measure it was able to hobble Congress and silence the opposition, including the main elements of the mass media. The spiders of deceit began to spin the web of conspiracy long before Nixon be­ came President. Indeed Nixon's path to the Whitehouse is strewn with skeletons of corruption, provocation, deceit, "pumpkin papers", demagogy, forged documents and doctored typewriters, Nixon has always been identified with the ultra-Right,..the new steps in the conspiracy began to appear on his inaugural day..,,,the fanatical anti-Communist ultra-Right cadres 'from all sections of the country began their trek to Washington, The conspiracy was a factor in every govt decision. The aggression in Vietnam and the forced withdrawal of U.S, troops was cold-bloodedly synchronized to fit into the web of -the conspiracy that included the 1972 Presidential elections.

(over, please) (continued from other side): The first phase of this new stage in tne con- spiracy surfaced during the 1970 Congressional elections. Biaon end Agnew went all- out to blitzkrieg the country* in a sense a "trial run«. They were testing toe tac­ tic of all-out demagogy. But they Had already organized provocations* including the infamous stoning of Nixon's car and the use of the .incident hy Nixon to deliver a hysterical speech written days before the incident but delivered a day before the elections — of course on the subject of »law and order". Tire conspiracy set up the secret center for provocations immediately after Nixon took office. With almost un­ limited funds the center set out to destroy or disrupt all people« s organizations which opposed the reactionary goals of the conspiracy. The CIA transferred a part of its "killer teams" of provocateurs from the foreign service to the home front to be used by the new structure. The 1970 trial run was basically a failure, but the con­ spirators did not give up. They only decided on more drastic measures: if they could not use a govt structure, they proceeded to destroy or bypass it. Not long after the 1970 elections, a story appeared that someone in the Nixon Adm had asked the Rand Corp, the same outfilt that had the Pentagon Papers, to make a study- on the cuestion of "what would happai if the 1972 Presidential elections were canceled."* This story was not an idle rumor - it was part of the preparation of con­ tingency plans for the conspiracy. While this study was being considered, the con­ spiracy plans were going ahead... «plans that included, first, the buidLdup of a secret war chest of hundreds of millions of dollars. The Watergate explosion has unearthed only a very email part of the funds and records. Second, the plan included the setting up of a stable of professional provocateurs*- a secret center for -their criniinal acti­ vities. The basic cadre were CIA- and FBI~trained. The plans included specific con­ tingency provocations against a whole list of political figures,.»...such as feeding the press with faked rumors, use of forged documents, sending paid homosexuals into the opponents» camp, bribery,' the staging of racist reactions against Black Americans, Chicanos and Puerto Ricans — and against the Left and Communists. Third, the plan envisaged the continued creation of a new structure - a new reactionary base of oper­ ations that would bypass all institutions, parties and govt structures.....that were in any way subject to legal restolctions or operated in public view. It was beyond the reach of the public or govt scrutiny. A very important element of this new struc­ ture' was the "Re-Elect the President Committee", get up same 2 yrs before the election campaign, and became one of tire instruments of the conspiracy, bypassing even the closely-controlled boss of the Republican Party. The "Chairman of the Board" of U.S. finance-capital's conspiracy against the American people was Richard Milhous Nixon. (to be continued in a future issue of this newsletter) *Proof of the govt1 s organization of the hard-hat attacks on peace marchers, and of the plot to cancel the 1972 elections if it became necessary to keep the rulingclass Nixpn govt in power, and the plan :to repeal the Bill of Rights, is contained in the infamous Agnew Memo to Rand Corp., xerox copy free for postage, FOR TWO 8ê U.S. POSTAGE STAMPS, we'll mail you a copy of June 16 PEOPLE'S WORLD with its. eight-page supplauent on the Meaning of Watergate, and for another &<ß stamp we* 11 include a xerox of Aug-Sep RAMPART's Watergate editorial, remarkable as much for what it omits as what it sez. Compare with the others and tell us which one you think is most useful to activists.

"THE EXECUTIVE BRANCH (of govt) to all intents and purposes, has become the state..... If we do not find a way to make the Executive branch our servant again, then the Executive branch id.ll make servants of us," sez Neil Sheehan. "Again", he sezl Hellzafirei No govt this country has ever had served the public Interest as opposed to the interests of the predatory ruling class. All govts are dictatorships for the violent oppression of one class by another. That such a force is necessary to prevent mutual extinction is proof that class interests are irreconcilible, and that the solution is a classless society. Read and study Lenin's STATE AND REVOLUTION on thi: .*om Progressive Books, 1506 W 7th, L.A.

"THE FREEMEN OF AMERICA did not wait till usurped power had strengthened itself by exercise and entangled the question in precedents. They saw all of the consequen­ ces in the principle, and avoided the consetjuences by denying the principle," - Thomas Jefferson "Tliis country with its institutions belongs to the people who inhabit it. When­ ever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their consti­ tutional right of amending it, or their revolutionary right to dismember or overthrow it," — Abraham Lincoln, or, as the Declaration of Independence sez: " it is the right of tire people -to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government, lay- its foundations on such principles and organizing its powers in such form as to thaa shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness." "MY KIND OF LOYALTY was loyalty -to one's country, not -to its institutions or its office-holders. The country is the real thing...to care for and watch over.,»Institu­ tions are extraneous - they are its mere clothing and clothing can wear out or become ragged...To be loyal to rags - that is the loyalty of unreason, It is pure animal. The citizen who thinks he sees that the Commonwealth' s political clothes are worn out and yet hold his peace and does not agitate for a new suit, is disloyal} he is a trai­ tor. That he may be the only one who thinks he sees this decay doeohot excuse him} - it is his duly to agitate anyway." Mark Twain

«SANITY NOWl» a left-radical activist education center, box 261 La Puente Ca. 91747 PART #3, newsletter ,#6, September 73: PACKAGING SOCIAL 1 3S and selling it at a tidy profit is shown in an in­ creasing number of board games, allegedly for adults. Here are a few: In "Woman and Man - a Game of Confrontation", players are instructed: "Each wo­ man must accumulate enough status points to prove her equality to men} each man must collect enough Status Quo points to prove once and for tall that a woman's place is beneath his." The explanatory blurb on the box of "Blacks & Whites" exhorts: "Experience the Ghetto I Live on Welfare I Try to buy into a white suburb..... a role of the dice cud bring the news that Mayor" Daley has been reelected, whereupon you are taken directly to the police station for questioning. Or you may get the good word that the Ford Foundation has granted you ^150,000 to study job discrimination in -âlaska." The rules of "Women's Lib" state that in "bargaining sessions" players "may bribe, kick, bite, scratch, buy votes, cheat, etc." And apparently to make sure that no supporter of Women's Lib movement'' buys the game in error, its box cover is adorned with a picture of a naked woman. One playing situation you're supposed to solve in "The Welfare Game" is this: "You are an engineer and you suddenly lose your job due to cutbacks in the aerospace industry. Unable to find a job, you run out of your unemployment checks. You lose your home - you go on welfare. What do you do that makes you d>5 million in 6 yrs? See r/10." Under #10 the rulebook advises that the player should start his own em­ ployment agency, which is a pretty neat trick for someone with no money. "CLASS" is a game about 3ocial status. The object is for social climbers to get to the top of the status ladder without losing all their Integrity as they buy their way into the country club or face a $25,000 bribe. The object of "He-She-I-lim-Her" is for the men to keep the women confined on the playing board to the kitchen, drawing such cards as "Wild Weekend* in which the male "gains a reputation and gains a turn" while the female loses both. Among the other games on the market, allegedly promoting "social awareness", are "Dirty Water", "Who Can Beat Nixon?", "Feds »N« Heads J1 "Ecology", "The Cities Game" and "Rat Race"", Poverty, pollution, prejudice, police brutality — you name it and you can play it. And If the dice aren't rolling your way, you can always try real life. (LNS) Now perhaps you can understand why so many Europeans are saying that U.S. is the first capitalist nation to go frcc"barbari£sa to decadence without experiencing an in­ tervening period of civiJtzatior..

SOME WOMEN'S Id ;iave degenerated into preoccupation with the sexual aspects : Loo with little or nc regard for its class char­ acter. Gil Green in M p!52 accurr. dates our position: "The daaands being rai. j women's movar.ent are essentially democratic and reformist in c'r r Bu1 Ehe net impact of title .le for women's rights is not reformist. Hie reason for s that the status of women is related to the nature of the system itself. The demands being raised are directed to the systaa as such. So long as this movement doesnot permit itself to become diverted into a war retveer. the sexes and recognizes that oppressed women have more in common with ell those oppressed and exploited ty capitalisa, including men, than with the women of the exploiting class, it can be of great révolutionary importance. One or another partial demand of woman can be won under capitalism, but their complete lib­ eration and individual freedom can never be won short of the social revolution and the "ouilding of a classless society."

THE TOMAN QUESTION: Selections from the writings of Karl Marx, Frederick Engels, V.l. Lenin and Joseph Stalin, 96pp, $1,-25, -Intern»I Publishers, 331 Park Av So, NYC "...is intended to serve as an aid in the Marxist understanding of the position of women in contaaporary society. Beginning with the origin of the woman question, the excerpts deal with the evolution of the family, reasons for change in the relations of the sexes, and the social, base of morals...,.the role of women in modern industry,, marriage and divorce, hypocritical bourgeois attitudes toward family life, and social­ ism in relation to women's emancipation," Man or woman, you could not invest fl.25 to any more fruitful advantage!

MALE CHAUVINISM DIES HARD, even in socialist Bast Germany, sez Democratic German Report, xerox copy for postage. They say women's liberation must start in the nur­ sery, teaching füll equality at the earliest possible age,

U.S. BUSINESS RIPS OFF $108 BILLION A YEAR from women workers by paying them about l/3rd less wages than men (quoted from TIME magasine by WOMEN'S CENTER, L.A.) 85$ of unemployed women are housewives. According to Bankem&riaa, these 35 million women work 99 hrs a week, no social security except their husband" s, no insurance, medical or dental plans — and no pay. Yet, in a spot Check of IA housewives in this middleelass area, not one would admit to feeling oppressed. But a REDB0ÛK survey of 120,000 women interviewed, 90^ were,,of the opinion they were being treated like 2nd- class citizens, (see our ;,71-2)


(over, please) ".....Suffering special forms of oppression as women, they seek and need their own special organizations and movement...... The issue of women's liberation has been firmly planted on the agenda of struggle. But where men seek to organize themselves exclusively as men, the purpose and net effect is reactionary. Its aim is to exclude women and thereby perpetuate the notion of male superiority and the practice of hold­ ing women in an inferior and subordinate status." (THE NEW RADICALISM pp 155-156) The most massive body of statistics, facts etc documarting discrimination again st women in U.S. education and employment was published in the Congressional Record in June 1970, as part of hearings in the House oi Representatives for the Equal Rights Amendment which still needs ratification by a number cf states to make it part of the Const! tuti "On the road to the seizure of power, the only weapon available to the masses in the revolution Is organization.....All activities that bring the masses to the point tan they will rise up a. rthrow the ruling classes are based on this principlet to organize, IZE, ORGANIZE. The purpose of political propaganda and agi­ tation is indeed to organize the masses. "Only ty organizing thaa in some way will conditions be created for educating thaa and building up the immense strength of the revolution...... (Le Duan, First Secretary of the Vietnamese Workers' Party, quoted by Gil Green on page 149, ibid) bile there is much organizing to be done, there is much sporadic radical or­ ganization that exists,..,,Movements spring up Ulke mushrooms - the militent women's movement seemed to appear out of thin air.,,,But these come and go - here today and gone tomorrow, (This is for lack of a sustaining revolutionary ideology -SN)The most important task before the Left at this time....is to link up the thousands of spon­ taneous, sporadic, organized and saai-organlzed struggles, and the many existing move ments of one kind or another, into one -vast unified independent political movement.... which singles out where the main blow should be concentrated at a given time, and the relationship of immediate to lon&-range goals."(ibid p 159)

PEOPLE - NOT GUNS - MAKE REVOLUTIONS. "Where a regime still has legitimacy in the eyes of the people - where it appears to be ruling by popular mandate - armed strug­ gle whether of the guerilla or individual terrorist kind - cannot bring about revolu­ tion} only its reverse. A misreading of current history has contributed to the mis­ taken view that small handfuls of intrepid individuals can somehow replace the masses in the making of revolution. In Cuba, a small courageous group led by Fidel Castro did start the guerilla war, but what is fdrgottèn'is that it had the sympathy of the great majority of the people and the active aid of the peasantry and a relatively-high level of consciousness among the workers....Without this, 'tire small band could not have survived a fortnight, let alone grow into a mighty liberating force." (Read the inspiring account in GRANMA, Cuba's official newspaper,-SN) "Che Guevara sharply castigated those who believe 'that against a professional army nothing can be done - who sit down to wait until in some mechanical way all nec­ essary objective and subjective conditions are given for revolution without working to accelerate thaa. People must see clearly the futility of maintaining the fight for social goals within the framework of civil debate, (freedom cannot be legislated - it must be SEIZEDi -SN) Where a govt has come to power thru some form of popular vote, fraudulent or not, and maintains at least an appearance of constitutional legality, the guerilla outbreak (people's war -SN) cannot be promoted, since the possibilities of peaceful struggle have not yet bear exhausted.' "To glorify guns - to stress and overstress them - is -to make oneself a prisoner of rhetoric, that becomes a roadblock to reaching and organizing people. Sometimes it is seen as an alternative to this« (impatience and frustration drivel-SN) aAlso it en­ ables the ruling class to frighten masses with the specter of armed violence coming fr*om the Left, thereby enabling it to get away more easily with its own murderous as­ saults, especially on young Black radicals .«" '•In the ranks of young radicals, liiere is a great deal of adairation for the way in which the Vietnamese e have as* Î world with their ability to fight and win against a power that seaaed n le (bat ically impotent, as we have seen -SN) lut .hey fail to see is that this 'miracd.e* is the product of many years of tireless work and could not have been possible without winning the support and drawing the people themselves into the struggle. There is no other way, ANYWHEREl" (Gil Green's TK. -ADICALI3*i, pages 103 thru 107). We are sure that the author doesnot mean to belittle the monumental material aid from socialist coun­ tries, but we must remember that a large part of the arms used by the Vietnamese figh­ ters were seized from the imperialist invaders or made in their own shops. SOME NEW RADICALS mistakenly believe that increased repression is a good thing - should even be provoked to expose more easily the oppressive class character of the system. Forgotten is the fact that much depends upon how the repression comes about} whom the people hold responsible for it. Repression does not lead automatically to greater militancy and resistance - sometimes it leads to an overpowering feeling of hopelessness and despair, to tactics of frustration or complete passivity which blocks any meaningful revolutionary social change. This is where the peace movement is now, intimidated and bribed into silence and inaction,,. Fascism in Germany did not lead to revolution but to the crushing of the workingclass and its allies. Hitler didnot take power by force of arms - it was handed to him on a silver platter by Von Hindenburg, the very man elected as the liberal "lesser-evil" choice to keep Hitler from power. Be warnedl - it can happen herel .

"SANITY NOW}" a lef Practical activist education center, box 261 LaPuente Ca. 91747 PART 4, newsletter #76, September 73: "BRAIN-FAG" IS A COMMON COMPLAINT among awakening people whose faith in their elected father-images on whom they had depended to do their political thinking and be their power, has been shattered, and who, for the first time in their lives, as Marx said in the MANIFESTO pl2. are "at last compelled to face with sober senses their real conditions of life and'their relations to their kind," Confusion is compounded by false and secondary issues purposely made complicated in order to discourage independent political thought and involve people in futile effort at reform by overloading their minds with details» This is clearly shown in the TV Watergate conspiravcy hearings where so many witnesses like John Dean kept say­ ing "It was my impression that..,,"etc. They have learned to let details filter thru their minds while retaining only their essence, and to concentrate on cataloging and building these impressions into conclusions that motivate their actions. Yet conclusions and their sustaining impressions are themselves transitory in this rapidly-changing world as new evidence unfolds, new impressions arrive, and con­ clusions are confirmed, amended and" abolished. Again quoting Marx, "All fixed fast* frozen relations with their train of ancient and venerable prejudices and opinions, are swept away, all new-formed ones become antiquated before they can ossify. All that is solid melts into air, all that is holy is profaned....." Those activists who are inclined to deny the ability of people to think clearly and cope with vital issues should remember that among them are the people who are go­ ing to make the revolution. To belittle their intelligence is to fall into the fasc­ ist trap, History is made ty the mass movements of peoples whose conditions of life have become intolerable, and who have accepted the new socialist society, and who have developed their own leadership to achieve it. We have reprints of Lenin and others on this questiont free to subscribers for postage* So, in order to avoid "brain-fag", avoid preoccupation with details, keep up with history, cultivate the all-sided workingclass viewpoints and the Marxist method of analysis of events, and practice the self-disoiplines of involvement in revolutionary social change. When your courage fails, remember that many of the seeds of knowledge you cast upon seemingly-sterile ground will sprout and take root under the heat of historical events, to be cultivated and watered by others who follow in your foot­ steps. "THIS ABOVE ALL TO MANKIND'S CAUSE BE TRUE AND IT MUST FOLLOW AS-THE.NIGHT THE DAY THOU CANST NOT THEN BE FALSE TO THYSELF OR ANY MAN." (a paraphrase of Polonius* words in Hamlet, quoted by Gil Green in his book The New Radicalism, p58)

"MÏ DIRECTIVE SAYS THAT OUR POLICY IS ONE OF MINIME* CANDOR" - official statement by spokeaaan for U.S. mission in Saigon, NEWSWEEK 2 Aug 65 "This open advocacy of govt leaders of policies of »minimum candor' and lying to the people undermines the right-to-know. The restrictions.....mesh neatly with the citizen's regressive wish to remain unknowing, and further facilitate his regression to the préadolescent phase of seeking security in the omniscience and omnipotence of the authority figures. " -Dr Ziferstein in PSYCHOLOGICAL HABITUATION TO WAR, a 20-pp pamphlet with introduction by Hon Geo E Brown Jr and a 1970 updating addenda, limited number available from this Center for 254 ea postpaid. IN ITS WAR .AGAINST DISSENT, this imperialist govt has escalated the policy of "minimum candor" into a gigantic secret conspiracy against the people, only a tip of which has been disclosed in Watergate and other crimes ty the Nixon Adm., to the point where the Presidency has in effect become the state vith dictatorial powers* As Dr Ziferstein said, "Each aaall new step in the escalation is presented as a logi­ cal unavoidable result of a cctaniùaent made by a previous «r-an step« The result is acquescence ty the individual, with no feeling that his right to disagree Is being sup pressed The gradual habituation, the 'management' of news and information, and the manipulation of public opinion produce in the American people a sense of confus* • ion. They undermine the average American's confidence in lis own ability to think clearly and cope with important issues. They foster in the average American a feel­ ing of helplessness and passivity. All this bodes Ol for the democratic process: an ill-informed and misinformed people may be unable to participate intelligently in decision-making. It bodes ill for the prospects of human survival: a habituated peo­ ple may be unable to stop the drift toward a third, theimo-nuclear, world war. It bodes ill for the emotional health of the American people...."

"CALAMITY JANES" Is the mildest of many names hur-led at us left-radicals for pointing out the probable consequences of this nation's political neglect that opened the door to a fascist police state in America. For instance, in our Christmas issue we told about a news item in U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT that said the FBI has a compu­ terized potential blacklist of 86 million Americans, only 19 million of whom had ever been arrested for anything, each dossier compounded of vicious rumor and conjecture ty personal enemies. The court order to destroy the files was ignored. Last May 21, the leading spokesman, for U.S« finance-capital, spooked ty the Watergate disclosures, came out wi-6h this acknowledgement: "For years the American Left has drawn a picture of the U.S. spied on ty a sorb of combined super CIA-FBI dominated by lawless and hidden money. Once dismissed as paranoid fantasies, such visions now acquire a touch (siol) of ni^itmarish truth." (see our ,r75-2)

(over, please) THE NEW ORLEANS "ASSASSINATION PLOT"against Nixon has all the earmarks of an­ other put-on to further the myth that offensive violence comes from the LEFT, when in fact the evidence shows it coming from the police, the forward cutting edge of the capitalist state power structure, the instigators and practioners of violence, (see our' pictorial supplement to our last-Xmas issue) But as Malcolm X said, it is crim­ inal to teach a man not to defend himself from police violence. And as Gil Green wrote in his NEW RADICALISM, "It is am ear that knowledge on the part of the police and racist mobs that the Movement v t lift an arm in physical self- defense did not deter - .ence} - *ed them -to greater violence. The question ther B armed self-defense publicly proclaimed, do more to cu: -rdly atte. xning the other " Green tha. answer. Read the bo ok I only .5 from Liter Park Av S, NYC. g, for the line of those waiting to step into hi. îe same imperialist tradition, is long. The .em whose ruling class backs Nixon. Bandaid reforms car. increase the cost of the ultimate victory. e key t 's supreme confidence in the ultimate victory of the peoples over their oppressors is i passage from Stalin's famous DIALECTICAL AND HISTORICAL MATERIAUX-p8: "dhe dialectical method regards as .important primarily not that which at a given moment seems to be durable and yet is already beginning to die away, but that which is rising and developing, even tho at the given moment it may appear to be not durable, for the dialectical method considers invincible only that which is arising and developing." The point is proved ty the glorious victory of the Vietnamese over a seemingly- invincible enemy, and which has inspired peoples all over 'the world to greater revo­ lutionary effort. -And this deer reader, is what has scared the shit out of the cap­ italist world! But get this 4-Gp pamphlet and, along with other great writings by the world's foremost social scientists such as the COMMUNIST MANIFESTO, circle-read and discuss them in organized groups of people who realize at last that if this govt can so outrageously lie about Vietnam and Watergate, it must have lied to thaa about Marxism, the Communists, CoimauAiism, and related "matters. It' s a powerful ideal For capitalism is historically on its way out and socialism now heads the peoples' agenda,

"SOVIETS ARE GOING CAPITALISTI» is the wishful cry of U.S. reaction. Don't you believe itl Consider these statistics frd&' WORLD MABSIST REVIEW Aug 72: In a population of 246 million people of 104 national!-ties, (that's 38 million more than U.S, -SN), there are 2,166,004 Workers and Peasants Deputies from the grass­ roots soviets (committees) of whom 3($>% are workers, 28,8% are collective farmers, 44»5$. are CPSÜ maaber^ and 55*5% are non-members. In the Supreme Soviets of Union Republics, there are 5,879 deputies of whom 29.6$ are workers, 20.8% are collective farmers, 67.5$ are CPSU members and 32.4$ are non-members. In the Supreme soviet of the USSR, there are 1,517 deputies of whom 31*1% are workers, 18.6$ are collective farmers, 72.3% are CPSU members, and 27.7% are non-members. According to Article 142 of the USSR Constitution (1936), any deputy is subject to INSTANT RECALL by vote of a majority of their respective electorates. Compare that •,1th our virtually-impossi­ ble red-tape proceedr.resi There is no illiteracy in the USSR. "The last of the unemployed was registered here over If) yrs ago. The real incomes of factory and office workers have gone up more than 8-fold since 1913, and those of farmers nearly 12-fold. Life expectancy has risen from 32 to 70 yrs." (ibid) All medical service is free. Rent ceiling is l& of income. One can travel all over Moscow for less than 5ç (NN) "The economy is 100% socialist" (ibid; How it could be otherwise in a country where the peoples have such firm control of their system, and where the fruits of la,- bor accrue to those i/ho ere? xa rather ito private corporate pockets, and where the socialist mode Suction has amply demonstrated its superiority over capitalism, Is difficult Q to aA Indeed, as Stalin sai :re invincibleI We call upon the frus take heart in this fact, and to renew their dedication to the clasA lng it about. Spee ay I WITHOUT EXCEPTION, all states are dictatorships (i.e., organized forces for the suppression of one class by another. The very existence of the state proves the ex­ istence of classes whose opposing interests are irreconcilible. Capitalist propagan­ dists spread the lie that "the dictatorship of the proletariat" (i.e., the working class organized as the state) means "the dictatorship of the Communist Party." The CPSU 24th Congress answers in the World Marxist Review Aug 72: "Our Party has never identified itself with state power...... no Party can impose its will on the masses} never -sill millions of people accept a Party's advice if it doesnot conform with what they have learned from their own experience...... The lead­ ing role in the building of socialism and communism was won by the Marxist-Leninist parties in dedicated struggle for the interests of the masses. It is essential be­ cause the Communist Party has in its ranks »• the most advanced and most aware members of the workingclass, the fanners and the intelligensia - because it is the highest » form of socio-political organization - because,-being the bearer of scientific com­ munism, it has a higher theoretical and ideological level thon any other public or­ ganization - because it has-more experience" in political, organizational and educa­ tional work with the masses than any other organisation."

"SANITY NOW!» a left-radical activist education center, box 261 La Puente Ca. 9174? PART 5, newsletter #76, September 73:




STOP THE BOMBING IN INDOCHINA - CANCEL ALL AID TO CORRUPT THIEU-LON NOL REGIMES! v The above text on postcards was sent to 159 Senators and Congressmen selected for their past responsiveness to anti-war appeals and the needs of the American people. Parts of this text or its variations would be good subjects for petitions. The time to call for impeachment of Nixon is when Congress has exhausted all other options. Meantime, STOP FILLING NIXONITEyWASTEEASKETS WITH YOUR PROTESTS! Concen­ trate on providing Congressmen and Senators with your mandate for radical social change - NOW - and don't spare the language in the telling thereofI How are they to know how you feel on these issues if you don't tell them? "With each successive U.S. failure and defeat in Indochina, anti-war sentiment grew at home and reflected in the Congress, Now that the Nixon Adm's whole house of cards seems on the verge of collapsing...... Congress probably will continue to want to wash the blood off its hands and disassociate itself from the Adm's fiasco, "The antl-Adm mood in Congress is real and substantial, but it should not be in­ terpreted as a reason for complacency or as an assumption that Nixon' s hopes of pro­ longing the war in Indochina will automatically be rejected by Congress - only the first steps have been taken, There remains the U,S. support of the puppet regimes and mercenary forces thru economic and military aid, open and clandestine. These have yet to be rejected by Congress. It remains to be seen how much blood Congress will wash from its hands, but the steps already taken indicate that congressional restraints»,,.,can become an increas­ ingly-important factor in the outcome,,,,."- Richard Ward in GU.ARDIAN 22 Aug 73. NEVER HAS THERE mm A BETTER OPPORTUNITY TO ORGANIZE AND EDUCATE PEOPLE! The American people have been so consistently betrayed by their elected "lesser- evil" father-images that many of them have given up politics altogether. This plays directly into the hands of the Whitehouse gang who are intait on wiping out every vestage of democracy, even the phoney kind, and setting up a full-blown fascist po­ lice state which, for ruthless bloody suppression of dissait, would fade Hitler's Into insignificance. The answer is in a broadbased nation-wide united front led by the immense work­ ingclass majority, for independent political action aimed at iiie seizure of state power. Anything less breeds more frustration, despair and defeat. There is no other tQty — anywhere I

Ckaagress and the lesser elements of the ruling class must stand opposed to Nixon fascism because it threatens the continued existence of those democratic processes that so well have served as cover for capitalist exploitation and oppression. Open overt fasciaa can only bring on civil war. CFUSA statemait sez in part: ".....the corruption (of VJatergate) is not limited to the Administration, but also extends to the Congress, including to' many liberal Democrats as well as to the Goldwaters who now call for an ultra-Right pro-fascist takeover in the seats of power. That is why the people have an urgent responsibility to dig deeper into the corrupt­ ion and the police-state conspiracy, the cancerous growth of monopoly, military and presidential power which is destroying the Constitution and bill of Rights, the vital­ ity and democratic aspirations of the people...... " (People's World 25 Aug) Congress is part of the capitalist power structure, and whose function is to make oppressive laws of which over 90% are for the protection of private property at the expense of those who have little or none of it. Its loyalty is not -to the public but to the private interests whose stolen wealth controls the whipsaw electoral ap­ paratus and the mass media which cons a gullible electorate into voting its opportun­ istic father-images into office. Rising Congressional opposition to the Nixon Watergate gang is not because it is a fascist conspiracy against the people but because it is a frankenstein threat to dem­ ocratic institutions and processes which have so well served the ruling class as the best possible cover for exploitation and oppression of the many ty the few. The hypo crisy of this bourgeois danocracy is all about us, manifested every day in every way. The petty-bourgeois even cherishes the illusion that a democratic republic implies "pure democracy", a "free people's, state", the non-class or supra-class rule of the people. Lenin sed: "....As long as there Is private property, even if it is a democrat­ ic republic, is nothing but a machine used by the capitalists to suppress the workers." "Once capital exists, it dominates the whole of society, and no democratic republic can change its nature." (see "Leninon the United States", Intern'1 Publishers.) * "PRIVATE PROPERTY,...IS A CREATURE OF SOCIETY, AND IS SUBJECT TO ITS CALLS WHEN­ EVER ITS NECESSITIES SHALL REHIRE IT, EVEN TO JTS LAST FARTHING" (Benjamin Franklin)

»SANITY NOW!" a left-radical activist education center, box 261 La Puente Ca. 91747 CALIFORNIA PEACE & FREEDOM PARTY STATE CENTRAL COMMITTEE will meet 25-26 Aug. with Party Structure & '74 Campaign Planning Conference at San Jose. We expect "to publish a report of it in our next issue. The PEP Mnftfoyfty Women's Collective has proposed "tho abolition of PFP State Executive Çoiimittee and all titled positions". This is a typical tactic of the anarcho-libertarian wreckers who could not have done a more efficient job of throt­ tling the infant Party in its crib in this Va . 1968 had they bear paid agents of the FBI-CIA. Experience and ccamon sense ser organization of any great size and reach can survive eziC. function without a coordinating centyy ~* *fif1 democrat­ ically-delegated authority. Reliance on spontaneous action and individual responsi- blJLity alone produces nob n. te proposal to form E .evade network of cen­ trally-coordinated and I chart ors, is part of the same plot to splinter and e the Party strength an render it impo­ tent on a state and national basis. a policy initiative, referendum and instant recall should te the exclusive right of the grass-roots z . .eetings of delegated todies should be closed to all but duly-elected functionaries, delegates, alternates and invited guests "HELL IS TRUTH SEEN TOO LATE - A DUTY NEGLECTED B. ITS SEASON" - Tyrone Edwards. PEOPLE'S PARTY national hdqtrs, now located at 1065 31 St NW, Washington DC, will be moving "to Louisville Ky as approved at the Denver Conference by the National Committee. We hope to publish the new street addres'in our next issue. TEAM PLAYERS CAB BURY INDIVIDUAL CONSCIENCE is the heading to Art Hoppe« s col­ umn in 13 June Tribune. This can happen only in capitalist society, the forced ac­ ceptance of whose false values and evil prejudices Is the price of being a respected member of a group or team - indeed, of capitalist society itself. Conformity becomes the prerequisite to survival} "the individual conscience is made -to tolerate evil, then--to accomodate, to it, and finally to, accept it as the norm of human existence. This cannot happon in a socialist society because there is no fundamental disa- greemait; - no conflict of interests between the socialist environment and the indiv­ idual conscience. They are as compatible as apple pie and cheese. For the first time in history, the individual and his conscience can be truly free! "It is nqt Man's conscience that determines "his being} to the contrary, it is the social being that determines Man's conscience" says Earl Marx in his thesis that was the starting point of the materialist concept of history, in GRANMA 1 Apr 73, xerox copy free for postage. The truth of this is expanded in this polemical passage from Gil Green's THE NEW RADICALISii, pp 63-64*. - "Anarchism makes its appeal,to eternal truth, but"truth is'rooted in reality - in the material conditions of life, (see #67-2 -SN) Truth is concrete. As terrible as was classical slave society for the slaves, it still vas a jroat leap fowrard for Mankind. For the first time, y^an has "tamed" nature sufficiently to %e able to main­ tain a leisure class. ..nd with everything negative that has flowed from the divi- son of society into classes, it would be one-sided and -'rong :-o .vail do ..ee the his­ toric progression -involved,' Today, for the first time in-human history, a classless stateless society is mithin Man's grasp. For the first time it has become possible to complete the cycle of class societies which began When primitive communal society ended."Tribal society.was collective in character, with neither ruling class nor re­ pressive social agency. Tiiis was not because mai willed it to be such - IT. HAD TO BE, (Man's primitive relation to nature - the general conditions of scarcity - made Coop­ erative collective life a matter of life and death, "Once again, a collect!vist cooperative scciecy is becoming a matter of life or death for .d. The bo >logy - the ability to produce abundance for aid r give historic justification for t :n of Ating classes. Produc­ tion tc . - • man cc .r on what he alone produc ...... _:e the private corporate ownership o: its conti e profit an anachrtaiiaa vhich becc. -social with each passing year, endangering the continued do on earth."

IMPERIALISM: History's Greatest Obstacle to Human Progress by Gus Hall, are these opening forewords: "We have .landed men and equipment on. the moon - we are put­ ting instruments on Venus and Mars - we are seriously discussing human communities on other planets, and we can now produce- more food than the inhabitants of the world can eat. We can now tap a power source that has no limits, and we now have the medical know-how for.ending the most dreaded diseases. We can make -the deserts bloom, harvest the oceans, and build:Cities in the skies. Yes, we the human race have advanced in science and technology -to a point where we can reise and produce enough of all the necessities for every man, woman and child in the world. We have it made! This is not a dream beyond reality - It, Is physically and technically possible NOW. But it is not being done. Instead of experiencing-this-possible.reality, most of -'die human race lives a nightmare reality ..In the past, most have accepted the nightmare with its values, morals and priorities as inevitable - as a normal way of life...... the best that life could of fer...... These .fairy", tales of the inevitability of hunger and oppression are now being rejected by the millions. The human race is now fighting to restructure Society...«in which human needs will have top priority "

"SANITY NOW!" a left-radical activist education center, bo>: 26ifLa Puente Ca. 91747 PART 6, newsletter ,','76, September 73: SALUTE TO TYSLÜESrETMaPAN;«. America's bi-weekly Finnish language workingclass newspaper on this its 70th anniversary, especially beloved for its contribution to the enactment of the Unemployment Insurance law and Social Security during FDR's New Deal and the building of the cooperative movement, one such being the Consumers Coop of Berkeley, 4809 Central Av Richmond Ca 94806 serving 68,000 families. Here are the addresses of their leading centers: Berkeley: 1414 University Av., 1550 Shattuck Av., and 3000 Telegraph Av. Natural Foods Store, 1581 University Av.; Wilderness Supply 1432 Uni­ versity Av.v Walnut Creek: 1510 Geary Rd., and 1295 S Main St. El Cerrito: 1751 Eastshore Blvd., and Wilderness supply, 47 Tamal Vista Blvd. lastro Valley, 3667 Castre- Valley Blvd. j Corte Madera, 65 Tamal Vista Blvd. READ THEIR HISTORY in the beautiful illustrated cofiaaemorative journal, 601 Tower Ave, Superior Wis 5/4880, and in the People's World of 25 Aug 73 supplement, for they teach lessons every radical-activist should learn in preparation for the battles ahead. We clasp the hands of the members of the TYoMIES Society in proletarian solidarity for the defeat of imperialism and fascism and the victory of scientific socialism. "I'D DO IT AGAIN" sez the bombardier who triggered the JUbomb over Nagasaki (SGVTrib 10 Aug) killing and maiming ever 100,000 Japanese civilians in one of the most barbaric and unnecessary mass murders in history. Either he doesn't know or doesn't care that the Japanese were suing for peace during theo5 months following the Tokyo fire raids. He said he had gotten "a few erank letters" at first but none in a long time. Perhaps some of our readers would like to correct that omission ty writing to LtCol Kermit Bealian (ret), c/o Documentation, Johnson Space Ctr Houston. Adm tta Leahy, chief of staff to the President 1942 to 1949, said: «....the use of this barbarous weapon,.. .was of no material assistance to our war against Japan. The Japanese were already- defeated and ready to surrender...... " LONDON OBSERVER HAS FOUND EVIDENCE that CIA engineered 1967 military coup in (Greecej that at Athens hdctrs of U.S. Military Assistance Group, Premier Geo Papadop- oulos is known ty staff members as "the first CIA agent to. become premier of a Euro­ pean country," (HIP), For confirmation and possibly other information, ask Julius Mader, author of "WHO'S "WHO IN CIA«-, 1066 Berlin W66, Mauerstrasse if), or PAK, bo* 594 Stn Q, Toronto 7 Ontario Canada, voice of the Greek resistance, SANE'S SANFORD GOTTLIEB on Whitehouse list of Nixon's enemies slated for destruc­ tion is an example of a short-sighted desperate ruling class, wounded into a frenzy, attacking the very elaaents in society whose liberal reforms divert people from the class struggle for radical social change, thereby prolonging its life and increasing the cost of inevitable proletarian victory. There was a time not long ago when bourgeois-reformism served as a "school" where liberals learned the hard way from their own bitter bitter experiences that capitalism cannot be reformed but must be abolished in all its evil parts - and that freedom from imperial!- ranglehold cannot be legislated but must be SEIZED. This is no utopian dream but an historical necessity casting its shadow before, for all to see who will .ages of the Pentagon Papers and on the walls of Watergates, DRGAHIZEI Educate in revolutionary theory and practice lest the cost of the peoples' victory be BIL- stian hearts can bear!

SYSTEM has been voted by tire House-Senate Conference comnittee, with the stipulation that none of it will be spent on induction, (NCRD newsltr .Aug 73) Why, when Nixon' s power to conscript ended June 30? Because the abduction machinery must be kept well-greased in case the "volunteer" mercenary amy fails to build up to the size needed for the bigger and bloodier Vietnams coming to a boil on the Pentagon back burners, such as the Philippines, Chile and Cuba, just to name three. Let no one entertain for one second the illusion that U.S. imperialism and its Watergate gang of fascist cutthroats has given up on the armed conquest of the world, the plunder of its natural resources, and the enslavement of its peoples.

"TURN YOUR GUNS OH YOUR OFFICERS" is the leaflet appeal to British colonial troops in N Ireland, from U.S. GIs and British tommies who have taken refuge in Swe­ den. "Don't be used by the rich, the powerful or the brass! See who the real enemy is and turn the guns around" sez the leaflet. The appeal coincides with a nation­ wide mass petition drive in Britain, organized by the troop's wives and mothers, cal­ ling for withdrawal of British troops from Ireland, (LNS in Amex Aug 73) CLASS WAR - NOT A RELIGIOUS WAR in...N Ireland as the media wants us to think. This was our judgment from the first, based on history of religion as cover for ex­ ploitation and oppression, and now confirmed by the UNITED IRISHMAN Apr 73, a 12pp tabloid (1 page in Gaelic) from 30 Gardiner PI Dublin, single copy 25^ Condemns sectarianism, calls for workingclass unity of all Irish of no property to resist the illegitimate authority of the BritishlU.S. colonialists. Viva la IRA! WITCH-HUNTS AIMED AT IRIS^-A^KÇÇMSjis on the rise, What can you do? Ask the IHISH-MERICÀNS 353 W 57 St #311, NYC, - and then DO it! For their struggle for Irish independence is part of the class struggle for freedom of ALL oppressed peoples, "SANITY NOW!" a left-radical education center, box 261 La Puente Ca. 91747 SEPTEMBER 24th - MOBILIZE FOR PUERTO RICO INDEPENDENCE from U.S. colonial rale, United Nation Plaza, New ïork City, sponsored by Puerto Rican Social­ ist Party. Those who cannot attend are asked to write to PN Decolonization Committee insisting that it recommend immediate action by the General Assembly. The injustice of having no vote in U.S. elections is compounded ty conscription to fight U.S. wars, without mentioning the terrible discrimination inflicted on thaa here. We anglos can not be free from our own oppression as long a JO dicans are enslaved. THE WAR TO DESTROY THE DOITED Fdiu'-i W0.T.ER' £ is part of a greater offensive to destroy ALL of organized labor in U.S«, and is now entering a new phase with the cancellation of the Teamster-Grower contract The old Mohawk Valley strike- ing formula* ty Injunction and police terror has not worked - it has tightened the campesino ranks, thened la huelga, and stimulated the consumer boycott of grapes and lettuce. It has unified La'Raza farm workers across the nation as nothing else would, much as the U.S. bombing unified the Vietnamese, Cambodians and Laos peoples. The growers seemed to have finally gotten the message. But they haven't given up - they've-just changed tactics, «Mohawk Formula is de-tailed by Mary Heaton Verse in her "Labor's New Millions" (1938), copy free for postage on request from trade-union left-activists. "IF YOU CAN'T LICK '111,, JOIN 'IM! is the grower' s new gerne plan of embracing the ' UFW in order to strangle it, like the old employer trick of paying over the union scale to discourage union organizing, only to recover it all sevei-al times over in speedup and stretchout, "Seel" they say, "you don't need a union! Why pay dues to pie-cards when we pay you more than they are asking?" -And it has worked! THE BOYCOTT is the farm union's most effective weapon, and the growers know it. This is -to be taken from than by bringing the UFW under NLRE jurisdiction whose rules prohibit boycotts. This leaves the workers only the strike weapon which the growers feel they can defeat by applying updated variations of the Mohawk Valley formula reinforced by anti-labor back-to-work laws existing or in state and federal legislat­ ive hoppers. Hot times acomin', folks! That is why many years ago when Forty Acres .was still on the drawing board that we urged the buiiding-in of fire steps and embra­ sures, for we who have beaa fighting the Beast before many people now living were born have learned a few tilings. !Si se Puedei La Masa tiene la Palabra! EL MALCRIADO (the ill-bred and rude, in gringo terms) is 'the official voice of the United Farmworkers in English or Spanish, box 62, Keene Ca, 93531. Keep on top of the issues effecting farm workers by subscribing to bundles of 50 ©f5 ea, mixed or one language (specify) for distribution to your friends and neighbors or on boycott picket lines. For further Information this area, con-tact UFW, 1411 W Olympic #510, Los Angeles 90015 or phone 381-1136. Your help, no matter how small, is' needed!

"LABOR IS PRIOR TO AND INDEPENDENT OF CAPITAL. Capital is only the fruit of labor and could not have existed if labor had not first existed. Labor is the superior of capital and deserves much the higher consideration." - President Abraham Lincoln "When the Union's inspiration thru the worker's blood shall run There can be no power greater anywhere beneath the sun, Yet what force on earth is weaker than the feeble strength of one? BUT THE UNION MAKES US STRONG!" ("Solidarity Forever") "A DAY WITH UFW STRIKERS" in SanJoaquin valley where over 4000 people have, been arrested, mostly for viola-ting injunctions restricting picketing, some baMngbbeen arrested 4 or 5 times, is told in a full page of GUARDIAN 22 Aug. Said $1 for ten trial issues, 32 W 22 St NIC - it's a bar; he price! FÜLL-BLCUN FASCIST first time when gauleiter Marcos coalition united front of Aged to "regime which was instigated ". e U.S. military sta^ ritar- ianisr. bains and promotes extraordinary pri U.S. imperialists and their puppets. Re. N 22 Aug. Three million Filipinos who didnot vote in the recent elections have until 8 Sep to come up with acceptable excuses or be fined or jailed up to 6 months, (ibid) They might have avoided that had they turned in blank or defaced ballots,

ALLENDE'S CHILE GRIPPED BY RIGHT-WING SABOTAGE AND FASCIST TERROR, the worst crisis yet -to plague the Marxist regime. Paris' newspaper LE MONDE sez: "The goal of the fascists Is not only to bring hardship on the workingclass which supports Aliende by denying them access to food and fuel, but is also aimed at preventing1 Allende from getting any support from the Christian Democrats, the major opposition party The fascists think their terrorist actions will scare off the Christian Democrats, isolate Allende's coalition govt, and thus create favorable conditions for a military coup. The socialist, ccmiaunist and left-wing newspapers say that U.S. embassy is loaded with CIA agents wild are directing the sabotage and terror. A university TV station accused the U.S. embassy of attempting to "overthrow the govt", (ibid) If U.S.-CIA doesn't pull off the military coup, vre think it quite likely that Chile with its enormous resources may be the next Vietnam. We have no illusions about these vampires of empire, and hope you don't either.

"SANITY NOW!" a left-radical activist education center, box 261 La Puente Ca. 91747 PART 7, newsletter j?76, September 73: PRISONER ACCESS TO PRESS EASED when circuit court ruled unconstitutional the Cal­ ifornia prison regulation prohibiting news interviews sought ty prisoners. However, the court rejected contention by newsmen that they have the right to interview specif­ ic prisoners, saying "the press enjoys no greater right of access to news sources than the average citizen". (SGVTrib 21 Aug) We predict this court order, as so many oth­ ers, will be ignored in practice by the prison officials, but it provides a club over their heads which prisoners may find valuable. PRISONER MAIL IS SABOTAGED in violation of 1st Amendment, federal law and postal regulations. Most of ourvnewsletters to prisoners, including many of those sent on permits, ty paid subscribers, are trashed. Some are returned stamped "unacceptable" by the prison censors. One we got back last week was rubber-stamped in large type with the word "bullshit" on every page and every item. The return had been carefully stripped of all identification, but we know it came from a prison because the supple­ ment sent only to prisoners, a xerox copy of RAMPART's "Organizing Behind Bar's "had al­ so been thoroly defaced, THF, RTflTMft TTttF. OF PRISONER REVOLT against the most barbaric tortures this side of Thieu's prisons has created a fantastic paranoia among prison authorities, of which this Is only one indication. The channels of communication both public and private must be maintained. We suggest sending prisoner's mail "certified - to addressee only - return receipt requested", and the receipt or copy sent for checkup to PRISON­ ER'S LAW OFFICE, 2156 N Halstead, Chicago 111, Asa, readers should flood Congress and Postmaster-General with letters and postcards objecting to prison censorship of prisoner mail, &&3 sabotage, and denial of free access to the press of prisoner's choice. We have long contended that AIL prisoners are political prisoners and should be freed, not only because they have been tried and sentenced under laws in the making of which neither they nor their peers have had a voice, but because the capitalist system created the conditions of discrimination, poverty and privation that drove these of the convicted class to do whatever it was they did. FORCED VEGETALIZING OF PRISONER'S MINDS under the guise of "behavior control"is the aim of "Operation START'1 at U.S. Medical Center, Springfield Mo., sez Prisoner's Free Press, box 4731 Philadelphia Pa whose July-Aug newsletter describes the unspeak­ ably-cruel and inhuman program that includes brain surgery and sterilization. The subjects are supposed to be "volunteers" - yeah! like in the Array! When requesting your copy of their newsletter, be sure to inclose an immodest contribution. It's THEIR LIVES, you know - and only your money.

AMY BRASS UPTIGHT OVER RITA (Resistance Inside the Army). In Germany, 3 agents . /d, desertee d to the Movement, describe Watergate-type surveillance conspiracy that has / made headlines in the German press because it violates German sovereignty, (LNS dis- / patch to Harrisburg Independait Press 3-10 Aug, xerox copy free to GIs) More info is LjLn GUARDIAN 22 Aug p 6. GI UNITY BEHIND POLICY OF SABOTAGE is scaring the shit out of the brass. GIs in Europe are refusing strikebreaking duty, much as GIs in Asia refused search-and- destroy missions. You can be sure the B52 bombing of LonNdl troops by U.S, pilots was no mistake. The new "volunteer" army may just turn out to be an army of sabot­ eurs! Young men against militarism may be joining up for reasons other than merely survival. We have long maintained that the decisive force in the defeat of fascism could be these patriots. Think it over,,..,. "PROHIBITED ACTIVITIES: No information shall be acquired about a person or organ­ ization solely because of lawful advocacy of measures in opposition to govt policy,.." '(U.S. Army Intelligence Regulation #381-100 1-6.15A) The obvious loophole is the word "solely" - as stupid as the brass are, they could frame up a persecution on any num­ ber of other phoney charges.....

".•..The North Vietnamese people kept him alive for 5 years. Then he came home and his own people killed him", sez Ms Sandra Kavanaugh whose POW husband killed him­ self because the pressure from U.S. govt and military became too much for him. He was one of 8 POWs charged with aiding and abetting the enemy, charges the govt has dis­ missed following the suicide, (see our #75-5) The full-page story appears in WINTER SOLDIER, Aug 73, a publication by WAW and Winter Soldier Organization, 827 W Newport, Chicago 111. 60657, sub £6 yr, free to GIs and prisoners. Ask for a sample copy.

"The Army, Navy, Marines and Air Force are'nt a neutral 'peacekeeping' force aim.. standing above political and economic ends. They serve imperialism and, in the last analysis, are the backbone of the imperialist state. This has become increasing clear Army units marched thru Detroit during the 1967 Black uprising, thru Chicago dur­ ing the 1963 Democratic convention, and were brought to Miami last year for use again­ st antiwar demonstrators. The National Guard has been used 350 times in the past 20 yrs and, except for a handful of floods and other natural disasters, most of these oc­ casions were for 'population control' - prison rebellions, manhunts, riots raid strikes, This is the fundamental contradiction>in the armed forces. As the world-wide struggle against U.S. imperialism gains, the U.S. ruling class will have to increas­ ingly depend on en armed might based on millions of enlisted men and women whose real interests are opposed to haperialism". (GUARDIAN 11 July 73) The problem is "to get them to see that way - and to -turn their guns around, as the Chilean army has for President Allende, and to align themselves with the workingclass majority»

(over, please) "NOTHING IS MORE PRECIOUS THAN FREEDOM AND INDEPENDENCE" - Uncle Ho Chi Minh But that requires survival for those who seek thaa. "The Vietnam vets are fighting for survival and a decent life" .there has been -tittle or no attention given to the unemployment, drug addiction and alienation which plague 2gj million vets of the Indochina era. Up to now, the appeals of the Vietnam vet have fallen on deaf ears despite the fact that estimates of their unemployment range up to 33% above the national average " -GdauffilAN 4 Aug 73. "....A défini forms of physical punishment toward psychological aa ification' is afoot in the prisons. It is tab ral and state facilities. Recently a federal prisoner sent me a Lng techniques •••••(which) includes forms of isola­ tion a- privation, all calculated to diminish a man's will,to self-determin atior. ville (Ca.) experiments consisted of injections of anectine and pr: . yzes the voluntary muscles for là to 2 minutes. It over- ..i--one-with the sense of drowning.•• .-é.-Prolexin is a personality-altering drug .... administered to 1093 inmates at Vacavi.lie in 1970, while electro-convul­ sive shock was administered to 433 inmates in 1971. 'Ulis punishment is. not necessar- given for medical reasons but as a sanction for violation of rules. Bernard Lner (dATIQN 3 Apr 72) reported that such treatments are aimed at Black and Chicano militants and those in general who refuse to accept the dehumanizing prison system. And Weiner also reported that those who would not consent to "the treatment were given it nonetheless...... " -Catholic Worker, Mar-Apr 13, Now go read Orwell's "1984" which takes and completes the picture. What is urgently needed in today's prisons, in or­ der to forestall 1984, is civilian presence that will deter prison officials from trampling so on prisoner's rights, beginning with their constitutional right to com- . municate and to said and receive communications and the press of their choice without interference or censorship. A class suit on these issues has been filed by the ACLU National Prison Project, suite 404, 1424 16 St NW, Washington DC 20036. They need the support of every radical-active in getting their message out to a public that is so sadly misinformed and uninformed cf their plight. 1,6 ORGANIZATIONS ATTEND SEATTLE .CONFERENCE for radical prison reform, the first conference of Its kind ever held in the U.S. that included Blacks, Chicanos, Indians and whites. In California, ex-prisoners t%s voters can exert a powerful influence in independent politics. Read about it in PW 18 k. VIETNAMESE - U.S. YOUTH PLEDGE SOLIDARITY ii «ati-i fc struggle at Tenth World Youth Festival in GDR Berlin recently, k 3sent were Angela Davis, Richard Bangert of WAW, Ja: „iiiutive sole sur­ vivor of the My Lai massacre,. CS of ner family. The report of the festival is

SEPTEIBER 23; National Anti-laperiaUst Conference in Solidarity with African Liberation will be held in Chicago, to he attended by delegates from most of the ser­ vice unions and the neat-cutters, among others, (ibid) Regrettably, the PW report gave no address - îwport, C'.dcago 60657, phone 312 935-2129. »THF WORKERS . dOd-PRODUCING PROCESS» was the answer to the monop­ oly food blac-micA"' .gel Gutierrez, first national chairman of LA RAZA .L.S.X*A Uiiida Party at a meeting of the California Food Action Campaign, in San Francisco, a coalition of workers, dirt farmers and consumers, affiliated to National Food Action Campaign. Eay Pachtrx -F Consumer Action said: "Among 32,500 food mfrs, the top 50 walk away with 6i£ of the profits ... Consumers aro paying for this concentration of power within the food industry," (ibid) Subscribe to the People's World and read it and muc for yourself - only (>I for a trial sub, 1819 10 St Berkeley,

SAN IN SIX BEATEN IN COURT BY GUARDS, as sadistic and racist- an act of po­ lice m as has ever occurred in this land'-of the fee and home of the slave, a to­ tally unprovoked attack that would curl the hair of a Riinmler, told in VENCEftEMOS, a 16pp revolutionary tabloid from 1969 University Av. E PaloAlto Ca. 94303, 25<2. Readers may write the Six individually, by name and number, San Quentin Prison, Tamal Ca 949&4: Johnny L, Spain, ?0 'box B-8672; Hugo A Finell, PO box A**88401; Bois Talamantez PO box A- 93531; Fleeta Drumgo, PO box B-lo837; David Johnson, PO box E-16381; and Willie Tate, FO box A-89353. They need to know they have outside support. VA OS. ("Together Wo Will Win")23July-12 Aug, is packed with information ev­ ery left-radical activist should have to be worthy of the name. On just a shim-thru: Strikes Faralyze Puerto Rico» 20th .anniversary of Cuban Revolution j Guatailala Armed Peasants Seize Landj Starving Blacks Block Philly Streets? black October Executes ' Drug Pushers; Jury Convicts Two Chino Victims: State of Siegein Uruguay; How to Use the Media for People's Causes; Revolutionary Serve-tfce-People Programs; No Drug Prob­ lem in,Socialist China; Inside a Cuban Factory;- Guns and Politics (this will blister your law-and-order apathy); The Politics Ojf.Unarmed Self-Defense; Detroit Court Bans Psychosurgery; Mental Hospital, Rockefeller's Answer to Attica; and last but not least, The Vencersmos Program in both English and Spanish., (Note: they need someone to translate English to Spanish - so do we! - someone dependable to pick items from the Mexican revolutionary POR QUE? and accurately render "thaa in Spanish. Can do?)

"SANITY NOW!" a Leftr-radical activist education caiter, box 26L La Puente Ca 91747 w v/ TUTS TPip.v THT?~. ._?- "\ - "- Levine's famous indictment of this sick Society gives students ers to re-examine their motives and practices, and in doing so correct their attitude toward Youth, hopefully to *\\y with t**e in united : vit for freedom a..d justice. Marxist Bettina Aptheker in Mar-Aprdl &) "Political affairs" has written beautifully on this subject, as also Gil Green in his recent book"THE NEW RA'TOALIS!: Anarchist or Marxist?" from which we quote as ir ~ i-ation to get this marv__uus writing: "THE MASSIF YOUTH REVOLT....is one cf the most remarkable phenomena of our time ...far from being a passing fancy. It is the young radicals who deserve the main credit for having broken thru the stifling, complacent and conformist mood of a de­ cade ago. They have confronted the Establishment on a thousand different fronts with a freshness, vigor, imagination and audacity beautiful to behold. They have shouted for all to hear that the king is naked and now more and more people see — and admit — that this is so "But the present-day rebellion of so many young people is not just a repepetition of the age-old generational problem. It has a scope, dimension and quality quite different from any revolt of the past. Today, everything is questioned and chal­ lenged; nothing is accepted at face value. The style of the rebellion is also dif­ ferent, with methods often bordering on the shockingly absurd and bizarre." (then the author goes on to review the history of the 30s in explanation of the impassioned revolt and its extended duration.) "...... to one degree or another, the vast majority of Youth today feel a special kinship with each other, flowing from dissatisfaction with the world as it is and with the ways of their parents. It is as if the most intelligent and sensitive of •white middle-class youth had looked into the mirror of their own family lives and recoiled in horror at what they saw. No! never! - it would, not happen to them! They would not succumb to the venality, hypocrisy, callousness and petty concern with trivia that so characterized the lives of their parents Try as the media do to edit and slant the news, they cannot completely block from youth's vision the existence of a barbaric genocide! war in Indochina, the poverty and oppression of the ghetto, and the general corruption and'decay of the society around them...... (from there, Green goes on to explain how Youth has taken on extremes in life styles, the draft resistance, new sex mores, etc etc) " A conscious effort is made to link up and identify with the unemployed ghetto youth. But there is a world of difference between being born in a ghetto or slum from which one cannot escape and just visiting there. Likr the reformer who spends a night in the jug for the sake of ' e^erience1 — he can never exper­ ience what it is to be a lifer! (and we can't refrain from adding, the impossibil­ ity of a white person really knowing what it is like to have a black skin in racist Amerika. Truman Nelson, in his monumental work THE RIGHT OF BE VOLUTION comes as close as we think a white man can. You should read itj) "Lack of consistent world outlook and perspective has become the Movement's greatest weakness. Unless youth's seething restlessness finds expressionin an ide­ ology consistent with historic needs, its immense vitality and potentiality will become diffuse and dissipated.....Revolutionary rhetoric has become a substitute Cor strategy and 'tactics, and a coverup for frustrations and failures..... Small alitist groups making a cult out of their lack of confidence in the ability of the people to decide anything, whether now or in the future, and who view their own self- anointed roles to be a substitute for the people...... Ideologically, the tension is between those who begin to see the struggle in Marxist class terms and those who view it in anarchist, individualistic terms. How this conflict is resolved will tell whether the new radicalism will have lasting impact to build a conscious revolution­ ary Left capable of surviving, and in time winning, against whatever may be thrown it it; or whether it will be broken up and scattered in demoralization...by a ruling ilass cleverly adept at turning anarchist tendencies within the Movement to its own advantage...... ",,1""HI" There Is much more we would like "to reprint but can't. We urge you -vith all our power to GET THE E00K, $2.45 from International Publishers, 381 Park Ave S, New York NY 10016. - and tell'em SANITY HOW! sent you,

"SANITY NOW!" a lefWadicai activist education center, box 261 LaPuente Ca. 91747

"The Army, Navy, Marines and Air Force are'nt a neutral 'peacekeeping' force -stan standing above political and economic ends. They serve imperialism and, in the last analysis, are the backbone of the imperialist state. This has become increasing clear .....Army units marched thru Detroit during the 1967 Black uprising, thru Chicago dur­ ing the I968 Democratic convention, and were brought to Miami last year for use again­ st antiwar demonstrators. The National Guard has been used 350 times in the past 20 yrs and, except for a handful of floods and other natural disasters, most of these oc­ casions were for 'population control' - prison rebellions, manhunts, riots aid strikes. This is the fundamental contradiction.tin the armed forces. As the world-wide struggle against U.S. imperialism gains, the U.S, ruling class will have to increas­ ingly depend on en armed might based on millions of enlisted men and women whose real interests are opposed to imperialism". (GUARDIAN 11 July 73) The problem is to get them to see that way - and to -burn their guns around, as the Chilean army has for President Allende, and to align themselves with the workingclass majority»

(over, please) n^W3tp TOPICAL COMMENT: STUDENT PROTEST pit*' 'Affirming Values You Taught Us'

BY JIELDON E. LEVINE Meldon E. Levine, who holds degrees from conviction. I ask him to witness the intensity UC Berkeley, where he was student body with which it is felt. I ask him to review the 'The streets of our country are in turmoil. president in 1963-64, and Princeton, graduat­ efforts of my classmates. These efforts were The universities art filled with students re­ ed with honors last month from Harvard lam pursued not as a sacrifice, though sacrifices belling end rioting. Communists are seeking school. The text of his commencement were made; not as a risk, though risks were to destroy our country. Russia is threatening address, which attracted national attention, is involved; not to gain praise, though praise us ' ith her might. And the republic is in printed below. they deserve, but because this was necessary danger. Yrs, danger from within and without. to achieve the ideals which you have held Wt need law and order'. . . without law and forth for us. order our nation cannot survive . . ." They chose to work with poor people in students believe It contributes to oppressive Appalachia and with black people in Missis­ These words were spoken in 1932 bv Adolf social policies and most of us feel that it has sippi and in urban ghettoes. They persevered Hitler. become, in an unresponsive system, the only in calling attention to the injustices in We have heard almost every one of those means whereby we can focus attention on the Vietnam, despite accusations of disloyalty to as.*ertions used this year in this country as most serious injustices which continue to their country. And when the price was raised 'ications for repressing student protests. infect our nation. to include physical danger, they exhibited Instead of adjudicating the legitimate causes And the university too has tenaciously courage and did not waver—in Chicago, in of the dissatisfaction, our political and social resisted change. Six years ago, I was elected Berkeley, and in Cambridge. leaders have searched for explanations which president of the student body at Berkeley. I Now, for attempting to achieve the values denv either the validity or the pervasiveness ran on a moderate platform—one calling for which you have taught us to cherish, your of the dissent. educational reform, increased university in­ response has been astounding. It has escalat­ Our society cannot afford to deny this volvement in the community, and student ed from the presence of police on the conflict any longer. You cannot expect it to go participation in academic decision-making. campuses to their use of clubs and of gas. At away by suppressing it. For it is a conflict Since that time, I have received degrees at Berkeley in May, the state ordered a inherent in our consciences—one which exists Berkeley, at Princeton, and at Harvard. And helicopter to gas the campus from the sky and because you have taught us what America I have heard my fellow students raise tha ordered the police to shoot protesters from should stand for. „ the street. Whether the victims had them­ What is this protest all about? selves engaged in violence seems to have It is not a protest to subvert institutions or made little difference. an attempt to challenge values which have When this type of violent repression been affirmed for centuries. We are not—as replaces the search for reasonable alterna­ we have been accused—conspiring to destroy tives, Americans are allowing their most -\merica. We are attempting to do precisely fundamental ideals to be compromised. the reverse: we are affirming the values What do you think that response does to which you have instilled in us and which you students? have taught us to respect. It drives the wedge even deeper. It creates solidarity among a previously divided group, committing the uncommitted and radicalizing Confidence and Respect Gone the moderates. . You have told us repeatedly that trust and courage were standards to emulate. You have 'You Have Convinced TJV convinced us that equality and justice were inviolable concepts. You have taught us that I have asked many of my classmates what authority should be guided by reason and they wanted me to say in this address. "Talk tempered by fairness. And we have taken you with them about hypocrisy," most of them seriously. said. "Tell them they have broken the best We have accepted your principles—and heads in the country, embittered the most have tried to implement them. But we have creative minds, and turned off their most found this task to be less than easy. Almost talented scholars. Tell them they have every one of us has faced the inflexibility and destroyed our confidence and lost our respect. the insensitivity of our system. Tell them that, as they use the phrase, 'law To those who would argue that the system and order' is merely a substitute for reason has been responsive, there is a one-word and an alternative to justice." answer: Vietnam. It is not a weakness but a Continuing to explain the conflict away will strength of American education that enables only serve to heighten the frustration. It can us to understand the absurdity of the Generation gape no longer be denied. Once you recognize that premises which control our policy in Vietnam Erlckwn In Atlanta Journal it pervades the campuses—that it affects and which threaten to embroil us elsewhere. more than a discontented few—how will you We have tried every possible peaceful same issues—time and again. And time and respond? means to change our disastrous course. W

,Ai> 7Z JU* ia-ou(«j .Hugo A 1-inaa.x, ru DO:-: ar*öö4D4.; -Unis Talemantez PO box A- 93537; KLeeta Drumgo, PO box B-loS37; David Johnson, ?0 box E-16381; and Willie Tate, ?0 box &-S9353. They need to know they have outside support. 3 ("Together We lull Win")23July-I2 Aug, is packed with information ev­ ery left-radical activist should have -do be worthy of the name. On just a skim-thru: Strikes Faralyze Puerto Rico; 20th Anniversary of Cuban Revolution; Guatagala Armed Peasants Seize Land| Starving Blacks Block Philly Streets; Black October Executes ' Drug Pushers; Jury Convicts Two Chino 'dictims; State of Siege in Uruguay; How to Use the Media for People's Causes; Revolutionary Serve-tfce-People Programs; No Drug Prob- . ..lern.in. Socialist China; Inside a Cuban Factory;- Guns and Politics (this will blister your law-and-order apathy) ; The Politics o£. Unarmed Self-Defenge; Detroit Court Bans Psychosurgery; Mental Hospital, Rockefeller's Answer to Attica; and last but riot least, The tfenceremos Program in both English and Spanish«, (Note* they need someone to translate English to Spanish - so do wei - someone dependable to pick items from the Mexican revolutionary POR QUE? and accurately render than in Spanish. Can do?)

«SANITY NOIdi» a Left-radical activist education center, box 261 La Pu ente Ca 91747