T-IS ISSUE £'67 marks 5 yrs 7 months of uninterrupted publication made possible ty the unstinting support of many readers for whom we are enciiessly thankful. ALL OUR ERRORS have not been typographical. We are trying to teach our typewriter not to let its just anger and impatience influence its tactics. ¥e shall try to keep our errors small in number and size, and therefore more easily rectifiable, and to correct them as we learn more of Marxist theory and analysis, and witn the continued help from our friends whose constructive criticism is always welcome. OUR MAILING LIST has grown in inverse proportatiOai to availability of dependable vol­ unteer help to serve it. At3 much as ve dislike doing so, we must drop those who have failed to indicate in sons way their desire to continue receiving our newsletters. The deficit postage has become an intolerable burden on us pensioners whose incomes are below Big Brother's poverty level. SOME READERS have urged us to increase our $l-a-year postage request, but we don't feel we should because a dollar is a lot of mon^y to many of our most-faithful readers ^such>„as,jpîiçoners, unemployed GIs and some students.. We would appreciate your thought on this question. KEMIMBER - WE CAN'T REPRINT EVERYTHING that seems to need it. About the best we can do is to capsulate selected items, append our editorial remarks that make a basic point, and indicate source material for follow-up. The reader must take it from there. Venceremosi - and may your troubles all be little ones. WAGES DON'T RAISE PRICES SUPER-PROFITS DO BOYCOTT INFLATION'. SILENCE THE CASH REGISTERS AS YOU WOULD THE IMPERIALIST GUNSÎ DON'T BUY SCAB LETTUCE OR GRAPES! LOOK FOR THE UNION LABEL ON WRAPPERS AND CRATESi INSIST ON SEEING ITI WATCH FOR FAKE LABELS - the words "Farm Workers- AFL-CIO» are missing! REPORT ANY YOU SEE TO UFWO - in L.A., phone 381-1136. NO UNION LABEL? NO SALE!c - And tell the merchant, why you are taking your trade elsewhere. Pass the word to your friends and neighbors! Support the just demands of the oppressed farm workers! AN INJURY TO ONE IS AN INJURY TO ALL! TELL YOUR STATE LEGISLATORS IN SACRAMENTO: «DON'T PASS ANY LEGISLATION THAT INCLUDES ANY OF THE PROVISIONS OF DEFEATED PROP. #22!" "VALE MAS MORIR POR LA CAUSA PUS CON UNA BOTELLA EN LA MAI.O 0 CON UKii AGÜJA EN EL BEArdO5' - Corky Gonzales ! PAN Y JÜ3TICIA - - TIERRA Y LIBERTAD ! - Zapata FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THE FAfM UORIERS, WRITE BOYCOTT CENTRAL, box 62, Keene Ca. "SANITY NOW.» U.S. BULK POSTAGE newsletter #67, Dec. 72 a P AID . box è^La Pu ente La>u>n4^C<^ Calif?"9î?£7 T&x^tJrpsV 1///9 SJ'l rt*'c- ÛQ RATE DATED '7/ ssf r Sie T MATERIAL O-ày //i^/o^iBdr/iG. t7/)'LsSr&£e J7a%s9SS4r SSA ts7/c-S'S Cr-*S*SZJrt<iK/y "Those vbo cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." -George Santayana i •• ewsletter -cember 72: GUARDIAN!', the nation' s leading independent radical newsweekly, vear of uninterrupted publication, its dedication to the class str &Le se^-vice to all those who work for a living. Dear reader, what's holding you back from a 10-week trial sub, only §1 to the GUARDIAN, 32 W 22 St, NYC 10010 ? A fine holiday gift for your friends as are the following children's books IN SPANISH OR ENGLISH, contains colorful illustrations of fruits and vegetables, and short rhvmes that promote unselfishness and the cooperative spirit, set of six for only $1.80 from GUARDIAN: "Fun in the Garden" (La Fiesta del Rabano)j "It Hap­ pened in a Coconut Grovel'(Cuento bajo los Cocoteros); "The Little Doctor" (Ping-ping Medica); "Secret Bulletin" (El Boletin Secreto); "Flowers in Full Bloom" (las mil Manos Habildosas); a^d "38 sm on Duty Today". Specify the language when ordering. Begin your 10-week trial sub with the GUARDIAN 2A-page Anniversary edition in which Jack Smith starts a series of articles about China's diplomatic achievments: ".....are only the beginning, not the culmination, of China's exterior policy, a means to a larger objective...to transform the•contemporary balance of international power without itself succumbing to big-power chauvinism in the process. But this, too, is only a means....to the worldwide defeat of imperialism." Recommended to those who think that China has "sold out" the socialist revolution. The CLASS character of Ireland's struggle for independence from British colonial rule is not clearly defined in Leahy's article (ibid). In fact, he contributes to the capitalist myth of a RELIGIOUS war by emphasizing the Protestant-Catholic split. The Irish workingclass consists of believers iu BOTH religions who, by the nature of their relations to the principal means and instruments of social production, are both oppressed \y the unholy alliance of British-U.S. imperialism. That they do not'equally suffer is, in our opinion, beside the pointj the basic antagonisms are still there. From the MOVEMENT page (ibid) comes these items, edited and condensed as follows: INDIANA WITCH-HUNT IS ON against signers of the petitions that put the Communist Party on the ballot in 13 states with more expected before Nov 7. Several Indiana swindle sheets have published the names and addresses, thus inviting vigilante action, We salute these persons of conscience who assumed this rink in the exercise of their constitutional rights - Power to them! Under Hitler, even Eotarians and Kiawanis member of Chambers of Commerce were'witch-hunted, beaten and jailed. They thought they were safe from the anti-communist hysteria that gripped Germany in the 30s. We hope the lesson is not wasted on those who read this. TAMPA (Fia) NEW VA HOSPITAL opening was attended ty 150 uninvited guests, mostly WAW and students, protesting the continuing war and insufficient medical care for veterans maimed and injured in its pursuit, (ibid) Camp McCoy 3 come to trial 27 Nov, They are being railroaded to prison, not as suspects in the bombing of facilities at Wise National Guard Training Center, but be­ cause they are dedicated organizers for the American Servicemen's Union (ASU). They would appreciate your letters of support and some folding money for their defense, to 306 N Brooks St. Madison Wise 53715. But do it now! Remember that these special- trained men can be decisive in the battles ahead; we all survive or fall together! L.A. PIGS RAID WOMEM'S HEALTH CENTER, arrest two for "teaching health". For more information, write Women's Center, 1027 Crenshaw, L.A. 90019 or phone 937-3964. 6 WOMEN TRACKSTERS SIT DOW in protest at AAU's rule forbidding women to run in competition with men at NYC s annual marathon race, (ibid) Women are said to be fast­ er on their feet than men - maybe that1 rj it. BLACK TRADE UNION CAUCUS FORMED by 1200 in Chicago, in opposition to AFL-CIO racist neglect of Black workers and Nixon "neutrality" (ibid). It's time they got it together - their time is sunning out OUT OUT! JOYCE-CLAUDE WILLIAMS' HOME BURNED BOW, along with car and personal belongings. Cause of fire said to be "defective wiring"......The long-time dedicated fighters for civil rights in the South need your help. Send what you can to them at General Deliv­ ery, Alabaster Ala 35007 (ibid). INDIO (Ca) GARRY LAWT0N TRIAL STALLS in 3rd week of jury selection with little hope for better than a conservative all-white jury. Lawton is charged with murder of two white cops* (ibid) Remember: no whiteman has ever been executed for the murder of a Black person. RAMPARTS mag has a standing offer of §5000 for information leading to such arrestj conviction and execution. MAGES »SHAM TRIAL" DELAYED by Judge's refusal to allow Magee to represent him­ self. MACEE said: "I will not cooperate with any court-appointed attorney in such a racist and slave state." Magee is the last of the Soledad Brothers to be tried. His "crime"? Being bom Black and in a constant state of rage as befits all Blacks, at their oppression in a world where 93% of the people are less than lily-white. No white person can be truly free as long as the Black people are in bondage. 5 LOUISVILLE BLACK PANTHERS,GO FREE when prosecution witness admits in court that the police told him what to say on the witness stand. Ben Simmons was acquitted of robbery charges, but \fta Blakemore was convicted and faces 10 yrs in prison, (ibid) "HOW NIXON GOT TO THE TOP» is a full-page thriller by Carl Davidson (ibid)"I was elected (in 19-47) to smash the labor njpyement" he told a press conference. Nixon' s stint in Congress was noted for its.,eherne chauvinism, racism, anti-labor and anti- coiamunism, a member of the House Un-American Committee, voted for every contempt cita­ tion handed down by that body, and moved to have all remarks critical of its works stricken from the record. Altogether, the best thing to happen to Whittier was when this filthy creature left town. (over please) PAKT 2, newsletter ff€7, December 72: DBTNITIOHS OF CERTAIN WORDS are requested ty readers of our and other newslet­ ters, "wwrdTwhösiT^ meanings are regularly distorted by the opponents of radical social change. We offer the following thumnail sketches of answers that may direct the reader to more complete and authentic sources: 1) TRUTH is the essence of dialectical interpretation of reality as it exists at a given moment in historical experience.
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