Mostar Dubrovnik Budva Rama

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Mostar Dubrovnik Budva Rama MEĐUNARODNIFESTIVALANIMIRANOGFILMAMEĐUNARODNIFESTIVALANIMIRANOGFILMAMEĐUNARODNIFESTIVALANIMIRA NAFF INTERNATIONALANIMATEDFILMFESTIVALINTERNATIONALANIMATEDFILMFESTIVA INTERNATIONALANIMATEDFILMFESTIVAL- Neum Dubrovnik Mostar Prijestonica Cetinje Budva Rama NEUM 27.06.- 03.07.2015. NEUM 27.06.- 03.07.2015. NEUM 27.06.- 03.07.2015. NEUM 27.06.- 03.07.2015. NEUM 27.06.- MEĐUNARODNIFESTIVALANIMIRANOGFILMAMEĐUNARODNIFESTIVALANIMIRANOGFILMA NAFF INTERNATIONALANIMATEDFILMFESTIVALINTERNATIONALANIMATEDFILMFESTIVALINTER NAFF 2015 3 POKROVITELJI UNDER THE AUSPICES PREDSJEDNIK PREDSJEDNIŠTVA BIH FEDERALNO MINISTARSTVO KULTURE I ŠPORTA MINISTARSTVO CIVILNIH POSLOVA BIH FONDACIJA ZA KINEMATOGRAFIJU FBIH FEDERALNO MINISTARSTVO ZAŠTITE OKOLIŠA I TURIZMA VLADA REPUBLIKE HRVATSKE TURISTIČKA ZAJEDNICA HNŽ “Ovaj projekat je omogućila velikodušna podrška američkog naroda putem Američke ambasade u Sarajevu i svi stavovi, mišljenja i zaključci izneseni ovdje ne odražavaju nužno stav Američke ambasade ili Vlade SAD, već isključivo autora” PARTNER FESTIVALA 4 NAFF 2015 5 IMPRESU SADRŽAJ 10. IMPRESUM 10. CONTENTS NAFF 2015 10.INTERNACIONALNI FESTIVAL ANIMIRANOG FILMA _10th INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL OF ANIMATED FILM Organizator osnivač_Organi- Pokrovitelji festivala_ Under the Auspices zation Founder Suradnici_Collaborators Predsjednik predsjedništva BiH STUDIO NEUM, KAN Mostar Federalno ministarstvo kulture i športa FBiH Direktor i umjetnički direktor Rajna Rajič, Martina Deak Aleta Rajič, Dragan Marijanović Ministarstvo civilnih poslova BiH festivala_ Festival Director and Nikolina Lovrić Matić Fondacija za kinematografiju FBiH Art Director Federalno ministarstvo turizma i zaštite okoliša Jurinko Rajič Ambasada SAD-a u BiH Selekciona komisija_Selection Dizajn, idejno rješenje _ Design and Art Concept Aleta Rajič, Sanja Rajič Banjac, Studio Neum Vlada Republike Hrvatske comitee Turistička zajednica HNŽ Namik Kabil Partner Festivala_Partner of Festival Elvedin Nezirović Prijevod na engleski_ translation in English Aleta Rajič OSCE Sara Katić Tehnička služba_Tehnical Department: Generalni sponzor _General sponzor Žiri_Jury Members JosipPutica, Nikola Galić, Predrag Solomun HT Eronet Vlatko Filipović Prijatelji festivala _Friends of the festival Nedžad Begović Tehnički realizator programa_Tehnical realiza- Elektro privreda HZHB, Hercegovina vino Mirza Ibrahimpašić Pjer Žalica tion of the Program doo,OKC Abrašević, Kinematografi Dubrovnik, Rastko Ćirič PALE AV Sistems doo, Sejo Zaklan, Igor Bartulović Hotel Sunce Sarah Van Den Boom Medijski pokrovitelji_ Media Auspices: Jasna Žalica Tiskara_Printing House BH1, FTV, TV1, RTRS, OBN, N1,RBH1, Pink Amina Begović PRINT team, Kartis, Grafit TV, Nova TV, Aljazeera, Oslobođenje, Dnevni Penco Kuncev list, Večenji list, Nezavisne novine, Slobodna Ivan Čačić bosna, Glas srpske PObjEdNIčkI filmovi NAFF-a 2015_THE AwARD Winners OF THE NAFF 27.06.-03.07.2015. 1 Uvodna riječ_Introduction 8 Grand prix: 2D film: 3D film: muzika_music: 9 “Oh* Willy” “No* Time for Toys” “Clockwork* Heart” *“Dji Death Fails” Međunarodni žiri_International jury Emma De Swaef & M.James Kari Pieska/ Manuel Šumberac/ Dimitri Voloshin / 2 Roels /Belgia_Belgium Finska_Finland Hrvatska_Croatia Moldavija_Moldova 3 Selekciona komisija_Selection comittee 15 Natjecateljski program_Competition programme 19 special mention avard lutke_doll: grafički art i dizajn_art: stud. film_students film: * * “The* Father” 4 “Boles’’* “The Centipade’’ “A Thing so Smale ” Anna Khmelevskaya / Santiago Bou Grasso/ Špela Čadež / Mizmor Watzman / Francuska_France Brazil_Brasil Slovenija_Slovenia Izrael_Izrael Panorama_Panorama 55 publika_publica 5 “Guida* ” Rosana Urbes /Brazil_Brasil “Self portrate ” Thomas Cotolfa / Prijatelji Festivala_Friends of the Festival 65 Nizozemska_Netherland 6 6 NAFF 2015 7 UVODNA IJEČ 10. INTRODUCTION Dear guests and friends NAFF’s. This is our 10th annual celebration of NAFF and we Dragi gosti i prijatelji NAFF-a. are more than proud of what we have achieved. NAFF has become an important festival, not only Ove godine slavimo deset godina NAFF-a i izuzet- regionally but internationally aswell. no smo ponosni na ono što smo postigli. Postali It wasn’t easy, but we have managed to materialize smo važan Festival animiranog filma, ne samo u our goals and turn them into reality. regiji već mnogo šire. Nije bilo lako, ali smo uspjeli NAFF has presented films from over seventy coun- da ostvarimo naš cilj. Na NAFF-u su prikazivani tries, and invited authors from over 25 countries so najbolji filmovi iz preko sedamdeset zemalja, a far. gosti - autori su nas posjetili iz više od dvadeset- Last year, we had simoultaneous projections in pet zemalja. Neum, Mostar and Dubrovnik, and this year we Prošle godine projekcije NAFF-a bile su u Neumu, will make sure that it can happen again in Rama, Mostaru i Dubrovniku, a ove godine smo se Cetinje and Budva. potrudili da budu i u Rami, Cetinju i Budvi. Želimo we wish our programme could be seen by the big- da naš program vidi što više gledatelja, tako da gest possible number of audience. In this way these su projekcije u tri zemlje regije, tj šest gradova projections in three countries (six cities) are an izuzetna propaganda animiranog filma. Svaki extremely effective propaganda of animated film. STRUČNI ŽIR grad će dodijeliti nagradu svog gledateljstva, a mi Each city will decide on their ‘audience award’ and INTERNATIONAL JURY ćemo nastojati da naši gosti - autori obiđu sve ove we will make sure our guests-authors get to see all destinacije. of these destinations. Dobro nam došli na deseti jubilarni NAFF 2015! welcome to the 10th anniversary of NAFF 2015! Direktor festivala_Festival director JURY ZIRI 8 9 STRUČNI ŽIR STRUČNI ŽIR 10. INTERNATIONAL JURY 10. INTERNATIONAL JURY - Rastko Ćirić was born in Belgrade in 1955. He graduated from Faculty of Rastko Ćirić je rođen 1955. u Beo Fine arts in Belgrade. He is a member Amina Begović rođena je 1963. u gradu. of ULUPUDS,ASIFA, Ekslibris society Sarajevu. Diplomirala je na Akademiji- Diplomirao i završio poslediplomske Belgrade (secretary of the society), YU scenskih umjetnosti u Sarajevu 1986. studije na Fakultetu primjenjenih - Art Director Club. A regular professor Od 1994. stalni je član Drame Narod Amina Begović was born in 1963 in umjetnosti u Beogradu. Clan ULUPUDS, at the FFA for the subject of illustration nog kazališta u Sarajevu. Dobitnik je Sarajevo. She graduated from the Acad- ASIFA, Ekslibris društvo Beograd (ta and professor of animation at the film godišnje nagrade Akademije scenskih - emy of performaing arts in Sarajevo in jnik društva), - school of Dunav Film. Domain of his umjetnosti 1985.u Sarajevu. 1986. She has been a regular member of YU Art Director Club. Redovni profesor activity are: graphic, fine graphic( il- Igrala u mnogim kazališnim predstava Sarajevo National Theatre’s Drama sec- na FPU za predmet Ilustracija i profe - lustration, trademarks, exlibris, comic ma, TV dramama, serijama, domaćim i tion. She is the acedemy’s annual award sor Animacije u Filmskoj školi Dunav books), animation, music, 29 autono- stranim filmovima. winner in 1958. in Sarajevo. filma. Oblasti djelovanja: grafika, prim mous exhibitions. He is authour of Vodila glumačke radionice i predavala She performed in many theatre plays, jenjena grafika (ilustracija, zastitni several books of animation and director balet pri Srednjoj glazbenoj školi u TV dramas, series, foreign and BiH znakovi, ekslibris, strip), animacija, of 13 animated films. Winner of many Sarajevu. films. She has lead many acting work- muzika, 29 samostalnih izložbi . Autor prizes for animation. Cooperator-illus- shops and taught ballet in music high nekoliko knjiga o animaciji i redatelj - trator of New York TimesBook Review school in Sarajevo. 13 animiranih filmova. Dobitnik više since 2002. nagrada za animaciju. Saradnik-ilustra tor Njujork Tajmsa (New York Times Book Review) od 2002. Rastko Ćirić Amina Begović - Pencho Kunchev is born in Sofia, Bul- Sarah Van den Boom studirala je na garia, in 1951. Metworkshop of Penninghen a zatim Sarah Van den Boom studied in the Met Pencho Kunchev je rođen u Sofiji, Bu He graduates from studies in Film na EcoleNationale des ArtsDecoratifs u workshop of Penninghen and then at garska, 1951. and TV Graphics at the Applied Arts Parizu. the Ecole Nationale des Arts Decoratifs Diplomirao je film i TV grafiku School in Prague, Czechoslovakia, with Diplomirala je 2000.g. a potom radila na in Paris. She got her degree in 2000, na Applied Arts School u Pragu, - animated film “Sonata Facile”, made svom prvom profesionalnom kratkom then worked on her first professional Čehoslovačka, sa animiranim filmom from his drawings of Mozart’s na- filmu ‘Novecento, pijanist’. short film Novecento, pianist. “Sonata Facile”, napravljenim od nje - tive town Salzburg. During the same Radila je kao animator, asistent I diza- She then worked as an animator, as- govih crteža o Mocartovom rodnom period he illustrates a book of Bulgar- jner likova na nekoliko filmova i an- sistant, or character designer on several gradu Salzburgu. Istovremeno objav ian fables, published by Albatros in imirane serije i režirala nekoliko reklama movies or animated series and then ljuje ilustriranu knjigu bugarskih bajki Prague, and starts as animator and za u Hollywoodu. 2006. osniva produkci- directed several commercials for Acme jsku tvrtku “Papy 3D” u suradnji sa u Pragu i počinje raditi kao redatelj- d i r e c t o r a t t h e S o f i a S t u d i o i n B u l g a r i a . Filmworks in Hollywood. svojim
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