Europe's Greenest Region Gran Sasso E Monti Della Laga National Park Majella National Park Abruzzo, Lazio E Molise Na

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Europe's Greenest Region Gran Sasso E Monti Della Laga National Park Majella National Park Abruzzo, Lazio E Molise Na en_ambiente&natura:Layout 1 3-09-2008 12:33 Pagina 1 Abruzzo: Europe’s 2 greenest region Gran Sasso e Monti della Laga 6 National Park 12 Majella National Park Abruzzo, Lazio e Molise 20 National Park Sirente-Velino 26 Regional Park Regional Reserves and 30 Oases Abruzzo Promozione Turismo - Corso V. Emanuele II, 301 - 65122 Pescara - Email [email protected] en_ambiente&natura:Layout 1 3-09-2008 12:33 Pagina 2 ABRUZZO In Abruzzo nature is a protected resource. With a third of its territory set aside as Park, the region not only holds a cultural and civil record for protection of the environment, but also stands as the biggest nature area in Europe: the real green heart of the Mediterranean. Abruzzo Promozione Turismo - Corso V. Emanuele II, 301 - 65122 Pescara - Email [email protected] en_ambiente&natura:Layout 1 3-09-2008 12:33 Pagina 3 ABRUZZO ITALY 3 Europe’s greenest region In Abruzzo, a third of the territory is set aside in protected areas: three National Parks, a Regional Park and more than 30 Nature Reserves. A visionary and tough decision by those who have made the environment their resource and will project Abruzzo into a major and leading role in “green tourism”. Overall most of this legacy – but not all – is to be found in the mountains, where the landscapes and ecosystems change according to altitude, shifting from typically Mediterranean milieus to outright alpine scenarios, with mugo pine groves and high-altitude steppe. Of all the Apennine regions, Abruzzo is distinctive for its prevalently mountainous nature, with two thirds of its territory found at over 750 metres in altitude.This is due to the unique way that the Apennine develops in its central section, where it continues to proceed along the peninsula’s midline, but also It would be difficult to underestimate expands transversally and creates a complex system of parallel the national and international mountain ridges, surrounding vast tablelands.This great knot of importance of the Abruzzo Parks in mountains lies wholly in Abruzzo and boasts the tallest peaks in the Apennine: Corno Grande (2,912m) on the Gran Sasso range, the protection of the environment and Mount Amaro (2,794m) on the Majella range, Mount Velino of biodiversity, bearing in mind that (2,486m).The main points of the vast system of interior basins and 75% of all Europe’s flora and fauna highlands include: the Fucino plateau, in Marsica, derived from the species are represented in this region! Abruzzo Promozione Turismo - Corso V. Emanuele II, 301 - 65122 Pescara - Email [email protected] en_ambiente&natura:Layout 1 3-09-2008 12:33 Pagina 4 The sheer range of Abruzzo’s natural habitats (marine, river and lake, woods, mountain, high altitude) means that today, more than ever, the region is a sort of wonderful biolaboratory that protects nature and ecosystems. draining of what was Italy’s second biggest lake in 1877, and is A huge number of animals and plants, once widespread on the now one of the most specialized market gardening territories in entire Apennine, have found a final natural refuge in Abruzzo, thus Central Italy; two extensive intramountain basins – L’Aquila and avoiding extinction. Several such cases, and emblems of the the Peligna, as well as many others that are smaller; a complex region, are the chamois, the wolf, the Marisca brown bear: three system of highlands, including the boundless karstic plain of species whose survival has depended totally on the local Campo Imperatore, a pseudo “Tibet” in the heart of the mountains; then we might mention the eagle, the lynx, the otter, Mediterranean, the Rocche plateau, the northern slopes of Velino which still resides in the waters of the Orfento, in Majella National and Sirente, not to mention the enormous and articulated great Park, the griffon, a vulture recently brought back to the Sirente- plateaux system known as the Altipiani Maggiori, southwest of Velino Regional Nature Park. Another unique trait of Abruzzo is Majella.This mighty mountain bed reaches down to just a few to be able to preserve today species typical of northern tundras, kilometres from the coast, with the taller peaks ranged behind like like the tiny rodent snow vole, the charming bird called the dotterel, a spectacular balcony; the rest of the territory is occupied by the or the groves of mugo pine: all species that biologists define as stalwart hills, sloping gently down to the sea.The narrow coastal “glacial relics”, residue of the flora and fauna that lived in strip, with the terminals of the river valleys, are the only low- Mediterranean territory during the last glacial era, and which altitude plains in the region. Abruzzo’s mountains have successfully preserved to the modern This tormented territory and forceful nature, with whom it is day. necessary to coexist, has allowed the survival – in its multiple The region’s integrated network of Parks and Nature Reserves, habitats – of a huge number of flora and fauna, configuring with the incredible variety of its typical complementary natural Abruzzo as a “green” region, the Italian treasure chest of Italian environments, have allowed the conservation and protection of a biodiversity. huge number of resident and migrant species.The overall size of Abruzzo Promozione Turismo - Corso V. Emanuele II, 301 - 65122 Pescara - Email [email protected] en_ambiente&natura:Layout 1 3-09-2008 12:33 Pagina 5 ABRUZZO ITALY 5 the system and the connections amongst the various protected quite alpine in nature, glaciers, volcanisms).This astonishing variety areas, which are not only often in close proximity, but also assured of unspoiled and often wild habitats are the home to rare and by biological corridors, also offer a habitat to very mobile and precious species that Abruzzo’s Parks are committed to protect, ubiquitous species, who need and are able to undertake lengthy making the region an extraordinary biolaboratory for the journeys, even hundreds kilometres in a few days (a typical preservation of nature and ecosystems, far ahead of the rest of example is the wolf, a predator at the top of European natural the world for the courage and determination of its decisions. food chain). In Abruzzo, the protected nature system today is not only a A concise description of nature in Abruzzo would be most crucial tool for an efficient environmental protection policy, but correct with a definition of it as an anthology of the Euro- also a marvellous chance for economic development, a pioneer of Mediterranean landscape, since its boundaries embrace a that ecological changeover of the economy that opens the way to concentration of natural environments that have no paragon in really sustainable development. In point of fact, the system also the rest of Europe if we consider any other equally limited derived from the need to experiment with and circulate forms of territory.There is a Mediterranean coast with the most varied sustainable development and territorial management that focus habitat (sandy shores, dunes, marshes, pine groves, shoreline on a natural and environmental dimension, but also on social and maquis, cliffs, stacks, low pebbly shores); a hill strip with every level cultural aspects of the various territorial contexts. A decision to of human settlement, precious wetlands (river and lake oases) and direct development not just towards tourism, but also towards fascinating geological features; a vast mountain zone, often with the valorization of quality productions in farming and crafts, untouched nature, also with a wide variety of habitats (forests, cutting the path to the generation of new services, structures and prairies, mountain lakes, enormous karstic highlands, canyons, infrastructures lying on this horizon. cascades, grottoes, peaks and high-altitude environments that are Abruzzo Promozione Turismo - Corso V. Emanuele II, 301 - 65122 Pescara - Email [email protected] en_ambiente&natura:Layout 1 3-09-2008 12:33 Pagina 6 Gran Sasso Park territory is typically mountainous and its scenarios frequently verge on alpine. It comprises two distinct mountain groups: the Gran Sasso d’Italia massif and the group above it, the Laga Mountains. NATIONAL PARK Abruzzo Promozione Turismo - Corso V. Emanuele II, 301 - 65122 Pescara - Email [email protected] en_ambiente&natura:Layout 1 3-09-2008 12:33 Pagina 7 ABRUZZO ITALY 7 e Monti della Laga The Park, established in 1995, has a surface of 148,935 hectares side, steep and sheer in Latium, more rolling and gentler in and marginally includes parts of Latium and the Marches.The Abruzzo, where we find the Morricana,Volpara and Barche Abruzzo section takes up nine tenths of the total area, and takes waterfalls, and east, the Fiori and Campli mountains, separated by in the provinces of Teramo, L’Aquila, Pescara and 41 municipalities the Salinello ravines – they outline a mountain chain that at times (Arsita, Barete, Barisciano, Brittoli, Bussi sul Tirino, Cagnano is difficult and tortuous, with a crest line rising from Mount Amiterno, Calascio, Campli, Campotosto, Capestrano, Capitignano, Comunitore towards the Macera della Morte summit, the border Cappelle Calvisio, Carpineto della Nora, Castel del Monte, of the regions at 2,022 metres, and culminates in Mount Gorzano Castelli, Castelvecchio Calvisio, Castiglione a Casauria, Civitella at 2,458 metres. Casanova, Civitella del Tronto, Cortino, Corvara, Crognaleto, Fano Park territory covers very different natural environments and Adriano, Farindola, Isola del Gran Sasso, L’Aquila, Montebello di consequently, diversified flora and fauna.The range of milieus is Bertona, Montereale, Montorio al Vomano, Ofena, also fostered by the different compositions of the two massifs Pescosansonesco, Pietracamela, Pizzoli, Rocca Santa Maria, Santo that constitute it: the Laga, marly-arenaceous with a rounder Stefano di Sessanio,Teramo,Torricella Sicura,Tossicia,Valle morphology; the Gran Sasso, fundamentally calcareous and Castellana,Villa Celiera and Villa Santa Lucia).
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    Anno XXXIX REPUBBLICA ITALIANA N. 16 Ordinario BOLLETTINO UFFICIALE REGIONE ABRUZZO L’AQUILA, 14 MARZO 2008 Pag. 2 Bollettino Ufficiale della Regione Abruzzo Anno XXXIX - N. 16 (14.03.2008) BOLLETTINO UFFICIALE INFORMAZIONI Il Bollettino Ufficiale della Regione Abruzzo è pubblicato in L'Aquila dalla Presidenza della Giunta Regionale presso cui ha sede il servizio Bollettino che ne cura la direzione, la redazione e l'amministrazione. Le uscite sono differenziate a seconda del contenuto. Il Bollettino Ordinario si compone di 3 parti: I° PARTE: dove vengono pubblicate le leggi e i regolamenti della Regione, i decreti del Presidente della Giunta e del Consiglio e gli atti degli Organi regionali - integralmente o in sintesi - che possono interessare la generalità dei cittadini. II° PARTE: dove vengono pubblicate le leggi e gli atti dello Stato che interessano la Regione. III° PARTE: dove vengono pubblicati gli annunci e gli altri avvisi di interesse della Regione o di terzi la cui inserzione - gratuita o a pagamento - è prevista da leggi e da regolamenti della Regione e dello Stato (nonché quelli liberamente richiesti dagli interessati). Nei Supplementi vengono pubblicati tutti gli atti riguardanti il personale regionale, gli avvisi e i bandi di concorso interno. Questa tipologia di bollettino non è inclusa nell'abbonamento. In caso di necessità si pubblicano altresì numeri Straordinari e Speciali. ABBONAMENTO E PASSWORD E' possibile sottoscrivere abbonamenti in qualunque periodo dell'anno. Il costo annuale è di € 77,47 da versare sul c.c.p. n° 12101671 specificando nella causale: "Nuovo abbonamento". L'attivazione dell'abbonamento decorrerà non prima della ricezione da parte della Redazione dell'attestazione di pagamento.
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