Louisiana Law Review Volume 2 | Number 1 November 1939 Some Legal Systems That Have Disappeared John H. Wigmore Repository Citation John H. Wigmore, Some Legal Systems That Have Disappeared, 2 La. L. Rev. (1939) Available at: https://digitalcommons.law.lsu.edu/lalrev/vol2/iss1/14 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Law Reviews and Journals at LSU Law Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Louisiana Law Review by an authorized editor of LSU Law Digital Commons. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. Some Legal Systems That Have Disappeared* JoImr H. WIGMOREI I. THE IRANIAN LEGAL SYSTEM This is the story of a legal system crushed in its semi- maturity by external invasion and forcible displacement. 1. On the vast tableland of Iran, ringed with lofty mountain ranges, there lived originally some primitive folk who played no part in history. The precocious Semitic peoples, below on the west in the rich river-lands of the Euphrates and the Tigris (B. C. 3500-500), were building populous cities, creating a varied literature in cuneiform script, and developing an advanced sys- tem of commercial law. But at various periods before B. C. 1000 there drifted in to the tableland, from the wide prairie regions north of the Black and east of the Caspian seas, many tribal groups of a different stock-the "Aryans" or Indo-Iranians, owning a common stock of language-roots and observing the nomadic customs of horse- men and herdsmen ("Ariana" is the name on some of the older maps).