
September 2020 come & join us in worship!

Sunday 6th September Sunday 13th September Sunday 20th September Sunday 27th September 13th Sunday after Trinity 14th Sunday after Trinity 15th Sunday after Trinity 16th Sunday after Trinity G G G G WEST 10.00 Holy Communion (DI) 10.00 Morning Worship (PR)

HALSTOCK 10.00 Holy Communion (DI) 9.30 BREAKFAST CHURCH (PR)

E. Chelborough 11.00 Holy Communion (LW) W. Chelborough 09.30 Holy Communion (DI) EAST 10.00 Morning Worship (RC) 11.00 Holy Communion (DI)

M-OSMOND 18.30 Evening Prayer (JD) 9.30 Holy Communion (LW) 9.30 Harvest Festival (DI)

Frome St Quintin 11.15 Holy Communion (LW) Melbury Bubb 11.15 Harvest Service (TG) Rampisham 11.00 Morning Prayer (TG) Wraxall SOUTH M-NEWTON 9.30 FAMILY COMMUNION (TG) *9.30 WORSHIP SERVICE* (LWL/TG) 9.30 Holy Communion (TG)

CATTISTOCK 10.00 Morning Prayer (C/W) 18.00 Holy Communion (TG) 10.00 Holy Communion (TG

Chilfrome 11.00 Morning Prayer (Harvest) (TG) Fr. Vauchurch 16.00 Harvest Service (TG)

OT Ezekiel 33: 7-11 Genesis 50: 15-21 Jonah 3: 10-end of 4 Ezekiel 18:1-4, 25-end Psalm 119: 33-40 103: 1-13 145: 1-8 25: 1-8 Epistle Romans 13: 8- end Romans 14: 1-12 Philippians 1: 21-end Philippians 2: 1-13 Gospel Matthew 18: 15-20 Matthew 18: 21-35 Matthew 20: 1-16 Matthew 21: 23-32

KEY Shaded = Common Worship Service Italics = Prayer Book Service *CAPITALS* '= Other Service usually common worship / free LEADERS TG ( Rev’d Tim Greenslade) DI (Rev’d Daniel Ingles) LW (Rev'd Linda Wilcock) PR (Mr Paul Rendell LLM) JD (Mrs Janet Danks LLM) RC (Mrs Rosemary Clary LLM) LWL (Lay Worship Leaders) CW (Church Wardens) COLLECTS 13th Sunday after Trinity 14th Sunday after Trinity 15th Sunday after Trinity 16th Sunday after Trinity Almighty God, Almighty God, God, who in generous mercy sent the O Lord, we beseech you mercifully to hear who called your Church to bear witness whose only Son has opened for us Holy Spirit upon your Church in the the prayers of your people who call upon you; that you were in Christ reconciling the world a new and living way into your presence: burning fire of your love: grant that your and grant that they may both perceive to yourself: help us to proclaim the good give us pure hearts and steadfast wills people may be fervent in the fellowship of and know what things they ought to do, news of your love, that all who hear it may be to worship you in spirit and in truth; the gospel that, always abiding in you, they and also may have grace and power drawn to you; through him who was through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, may be found steadfast in faith and active in faithfully to fulfil them; lifted up on the cross, and reigns with who is alive and reigns with you, service; through Jesus Christ your through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns who is alive and reigns with you, one God, now and for ever. one God, now and for ever. with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. one God, now and for ever.

C.Y.P. Children & Young People House Groups

West Corscombe Tuesdays 7.30pm Paul: 01935 891 741 & Evershot Monday 1st & 3rd 7.30pm Liz/Tony: 01935 891898 Due to Covid-19, Messy church is suspended until further notice. East Rosemary : 01935 83562 Janet : 01935 83757 South Maiden Newton Thursday (f/n) 11.00am Linda: 01300 321112 Cattistock Thursday (f/n) 10.00am Sue : 01300 321087 Team 'Silence' Last Monday 5pm TBC

Bell Ringers Methodist / URC Roman Catholic Masses Due to Covid-19, private prayer only. Mass each week at & Chideock- West Corscombe Charles Gaskell : 01935 891127 These normally alternate. Halstock TBC Sundays & Wednesday Saturday East Evershot Gareth Evans: 01308 867530 11.00am -12.00pm South Street 6.00 p.m. Beaminster Evening (Vigil) M-Osmond Suzanne Roriston: 01935 83317 Dorchester Sunday South Rampisham Shelia Ellis: 01935 83249 8.30 a.m. Chideock M-Newton Sylvia Fowler: 01300 320 260 10.00 a.m. Cattistock Gareth Evans: 01308 867530 Masks advised but not compulsory.