Barrihal Fredk. Augustus, Laurel ho Brickell Thomas, farmer, Church farm Hoare Mary Ka~ (Miss), shopkeeper,. Carver Rev.Hy.Jonathan M.A.Rectory Brickell Thos. jutt. farmr. Grove frm & post office Hopkins John Brown Eleanor Harriett (Mrs.), Glyn Hunt David, farmer, Horders farm Lewis Edward Macfa.rlane, East Arms P .H Hunt Martin, farmer, Buddens farm• Melbury Coombes Jn. road contractor, Cornhill Jeans Chas. (Mrs.), frmr. WTith frm­ COMMERCIAL. Davidge Arth.Tom,farmer,Allen's frm Miles Samuel Everard, farmer Baker Mary A. & Louisa (Misses), Hacker Austin, carpenter Pickford William, fa:rme-r, Mano;r farm farmers, Whitings Hacker Geo.coffee tavern, & plastoo-er (with the hamlet of Woolcombe) cross of Portland stone, 15 feet in height, was erected. is a small village and parish, 2 miles north from Ever- in the churchyard abouJ; 1903. The register dates from shot station on the Weymouth branch of the Great the year 1750. The living is a rectory, annexed in 188,5. Western railway, about 13 north-north-west from Dor- with the chapelry of to the rectory of Frome­ chester, 6 north-west from Cerne and 8 l!()uth-east from St. Quintin, joint net yearly value £38o, with residence­ , in the Western division of the county, hundred and 63 acres of glebe, in the gift of the Earl of Ilchester,. of Yetminster, union and petty sessional division of a.nd held since 1907 by the Rev. William Gilbert Cob­ Cerne, county court district of Yeovil, rural deanery of bett, who resides at Evershot. The Earl of IlchesteP (Abbotsbury portion), archdeaconry of is lord of the manor and the principal landowner. The­ and diocese of Salisbury. The church of St. Mary, soil is chalk; subsoil, sand. The greater part of the rebuilt, with the exception of the tower, in 1854, is a land is in pasture. The area is 1,243 acres; rateable small building of stone in the Gothic style, consisting value, £2,430; population in 19II, 108. of chancel, nave and an embattled southern tower con- taining 4 bells: the windows retain pre-Reformation Letters through Dorchester arrive at 7.30 a.m. The- glass of the time of Edward IV. partly restored in 1887 nearest money order & telegraph office is at ,. by the Earl of Ilchester and in x888 by Dr. and Mrs. about I mile distant Buckler~ a memorial window was placed in 1888 to the The children of this place attend the schools at Evershot late Rev. Barfoot Saunt: there are 100 sittings. A & Chetnole Fownes Mrs. Rectory Broadway William, farmer,Woolcombe Christopher John Cbas. butchr.& frm:t Rogers George William,Hayden lodge Candy Theodore Charles, farmer, Newman Frederick, farmer Woolcombe is a parish and village, 2! present rector: there are I75 sittings. The register- •miles north-west from the Evershot station at Holywell dates from the year 1550. The living is a rectory, with. f on the Weymouth branch of the Great Western railway, and Stockwood annexed, joint ne' 'and 6 south from Yeovil, in the Western division of yearly value £320, with I2I acres of glebe and resi­ . the county, hundred of Tollerford, petty ses- dence, in the gift of the Earl of Ilchester, and held sional division, union, Yeovil county court since 1910 by the Rev. Herbert Foley Napier. Steven­ district, rural deanery (Sherborne portion), son's charity, £45, is distributed at Christmas; Ilton> archdeaconry of Dorset and diocese of Salisbury. The Green's charity, amounting to 6s. 6d. per week, t;o. church, named in honour of St. Osmond, one of the two old people of the parish; Mrs. C. Mews' charity earliest bishops of Sarum, is an ancient edifice of stone of £10 yearly is distributed at Christmas. The Earl of in the Gothic style, consisting of chancel, nave, south Ilchester is lord of the manor and principal la.ndowner. pnrch a.nd an embattled tower containing 5 bells: the The soil is Oxford clay; subsoil, gravel. The land is church was restored in 1888 by the 5th Earl of Ilchester, chiefly in pasture. The area is 1,222 acres; rateable­ the late Sir Arthur Blomfield being the architect: a value, £1,659; population in 19II, 284. beautiful Gothic arch was discovered during the DRIVE END d · · M lb 0 d h restoration, which had been built up, the head being a JOlDS e ury smon on t e east. Parish Clerk, Frederick Coombes. cut away for a doorway into the west gallery: on removing the gallery and taking down the steps leading Post & M. 0. Office. Miss Lily Watts, sub-postmistress .. t 11 it from the outside, a Norman font of Ham Hill Letters from Dorchester arrive at 5.50 a.m. & 2.15 stone was discovered built into the masonry, and in p.m.; dispatched at IO.IO a.m. & 7.20 p.m.; sundays, good preservation; the font was replaced in the position arrive at 5.50 a.m.; dispatched at 7.20 p.m. Ever- it occupied a century and a half before, a portion of shot, 2 miles distant, is the nearest telegraph office the arch having been obviously cut out for it to fit in: Elementary School (mixed), for 6o children; Miss Helen- the chancel was lengthened in 1910 at the cost of the Rintoul, mistress Besnett Henry, Strangways Burbidge James Churchill, farmer Peach Martha (Mrs.), shopkeeper Childs Arthur Childs Henry George, carpenter Pitcher John A. mason Napier Rev. Herbert Foley (rector), Christopher Harry,frmr.Northend frm Saunders Henry E. miller (water) .. Rectory Everett George, farmer, Holt Lower Holt Squibb Mrs. Drive end Miller Henry, shoe maker Watts William, shopkeeper Alien Henry, chimney sweeper Newman Herbert, farmer, Holt Westmacott William, farmer MEI..IEURY SAMPFORD (or Upper Melbury) is a since 1910 by the Rev. Herbert Foley Napier, who­ parish and village, I mile north-west from the Evershot resides at Melbury Osmond. Melbury House, the seat • station at Holywell on the Weymouth branch of the of the Earl of Ilchester, principal landowner and lord of' Great Western railway, and 7 miles south from Yeovil, the manor, is a stone mansion, in part of Elizabethan in the Western division of the county, hundred of date; it was enlarged in 1692 by Thomas Watson esq. Tollerford, Sherborne petty sessional division, Bea- and further enlarged since : it stands in a park of 6oo· minster union, Yeovil county court district, rural acres, well stocked with deer, and containing two large deanery of Shaftesbury (She.rborne portion), arch- lakes a.nd four smaller ones. The soil is Oxford clay;. deaconry of Dorset and diocese of Salisbury. St. Mary's subsoil, gravel. The greater part of the land is in church is an ancient cruciform edifice of stone, in the pasture. The area is I ,025 acres of land and 16 of Decorated style, consisting of cba.ncel, nave, south porch, water; rateable value, £I,404; population in Igu, Ioo•. transepts and an embattled western tower: the windows Parish Clerk, George Groves. contain ancient stained glass, and there are many tombs of the Fox-Strangways family: the church was restored Letters through Dorchester arrive at 5·45 a.m. & 2 p.m. in 1878, and affords 51 sittings. The register dates The nearest money order & telegraph office is at from I550. The living is a rectory, annexed in I750 Evershot, about I mile distant to Melbury Osmond, joint net yearly value £320, with The children of this place attend the school at Melburyr residence, in the gift of the Earl of Ilchester, and held Osmond llchester Earl of, Melbury house; & COMMERCIAL. Hill Sidney, gamekeepeT to the Earl Holland house, Kensington W & Rintoul Richd. head grdnr. to the Earf Carlton club SW, London Childs Wilfred W. clerk of the works Stenhouse Jas. farm bailiff to the Earr MELCOMJJE BINGHAM (or Melcombe Horsey) deaconry of Dorset and diocese of Salisbury. Melcombe· constitutes a parish, u miles north-east from Dorchester Bingham, otherwise Bingham's Melcombe, is the easteTn !ltations on the London and South Western and Great portion, in which the church and the old Manor House­ Western railways, 10 east from Cerne and 10 south- are situate. Melcombe Horsey is the western portion, west from Blandford station on the Midland and South and covers the greatest area, including Melcombe Horsey­ Western Junction railway, in the Western division of the House, which is nearly two miles from the church: county, hundred of Whiteway, petty sessional division of originally the whole parish was known by th~ latter­ Cerne, Cerne union, Dorchester county court district, title. The church of St. Andrew is a small building in rural deanery of Whitchurch (Bere Regis portion), arch- the Gothic style, and consists of chancel, nave, twO'