
INTERNATIONALJOURNAL OF SYSTEMATICBACTERIOLOGY, Oct. 1989, p. 413419 Vol. 39, No. 4 OO20-7713/89/O4O413-07$02.00/0 Copyright 0 1989, International Union of Microbiological Societies

Pyrophosphate-Dependent in Walled Phylogenetically Related to the Wall-Less Bacteria of the Class Mollicutes?


Department of Microbiology, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa 5001 1-321I ,I and National Animal Disease Center, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Ames, Iowa 500102

Some of the wall-less bacteria of the class Mollicutes (mycoplasmas) have pyrophosphate (PP,)-dependent enzymic activities, including PP,-dependent phosphofructokinase (PP,-PFK), PP,-dependent nucleoside , and pyruvate,orthophosphate dikinase (PPDK) activities. In most other bacteria, adenosine 5'-triphosphate (ATP), not PP,, is the of analogous enzymic reactions. Because PP,-dependent enzymes are more common among mollicutes than other bacteria, we describe here an examination of the six walled bacteria that have been reported to be phylogenetically related to the mollicutes (Clostridium innocuum, Clostridium ramosum, Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae, Lactobacillus catenaformis, Lactobacillus vitulinus, and Streptococcus pleomorphus) for PP,-PFK, ATP-dependent PFK, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxytransphosphorylase, PPDK, and PP,- and ATP-dependent acetate . Two anaerobic mollicutes, Anaeroplasma intermedium and Asteroleplasma anuerobium, were also tested. C. innocuum, E. rhusiopathiue, S. pleomorphus, and Anuero- plasma intermedium had PPi-PFK activities, whereas C. ramosum, the two lactobacilli, and Asteroleplasma anaerobium had only ATP-dependent PFK activities. Asteroleplasma anaerobium and all of the walled bacteria except E. rhusiopathiue had PPDK activities. All of the species except Asteroleplasma anaerobium and E. rhusiopathiae also had activities; the effects of allosteric activators were tested. Phosphoe- nolpyruvate carboxytransphosphorylase was detected by using two methods in C. innocuum, C. ramosum, and S. pleomorphus. All of the species tested had ATP-dependent activities, but none had detectable PP,-dependent acetate kinase activity. The occurrence of one or more PPi-dependent enzymes in the mollicutes and their walled relatives is a phenotypic indicator of the phylogenetic relatedness of these organisms. The distribution of these enzymes among members of this group substantiates the subgroups proposed by other workers who used 16s ribosomal ribonucleic acid analysis.

The wall-less eubacteria belonging to the genera Myco- no. P114, 1988). These authors found that Clostridium in- plasma, Ureaplasma, Spiroplasma, Acholeplasma, Anaero- nocuum, Clostridium ramosum, and six species of molli- plasma, and Asteroleplasma are grouped together in the cutes (belonging to four genera) were all resistant to high class Mollicutes. Phylogenetic analyses of 5s and 16s ribo- levels of rifampin. Generally, eubacteria are susceptible to somal ribonucleic acid (rRNA) sequences have revealed that rifampin, an inhibitor of ribonucleic acid ; some the mollicutes cluster with the low-guanine-plus-cytosine mollicutes, however, are resistant (10). content subdivision of gram-positive eubacteria that includes Some members of the orders Mycoplasmatales and the bacillus-lactobacillus-streptococcusbranch (31, 40, 41). Acholeplasrnatales have activities for (deoxy)ribonucleoside Among the members of the low-guanine-plus-cytosine con- kinases that are dependent on pyrophosphate (PP,) as a tent gram-positive eubacteria, the mollicutes are most cofactor (18, 38), and Acholeplasma spp. have PP,-depen- closely related to Clostridium innocuum, Clostridium ramo- dent 6-phosphofructokinase (PP,-PFK) activity (7, 23). sum, Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae, Lactobacillus cat- Among the anaerobic mollicutes, both Anaeroplasma inter- enaformis (Lactobacillus catenaforme), Lactobacillus vitu- medium (18) and Asteroleplasma anaerobium (J. P. Petzel, linus, and Streptococcus pleomorphus (16,31,40-42; W. G. M. C. McElwain, D. DeSantis, J. Manolukas, M. V. Weisburg, J. G. Tully, D. L. Rose, J. P. Petzel, H. Oyaizu, Williams, P. A. Hartman, M. J. Allison, and J. D. Pollack, D. Yang, L. Mandelco, J. Sechrest, T. G. Lawrence, J. Van Arch, Microbiol., in press) have activities for PP,-dependent Etten, J. Maniloff, and C. R. Woese, submitted for publica- nucleoside kinases. Anaeroplasma intermedium also has tion). PP,-PFK activity, whereas Asteroleplasma anaerobium has The mollicutes and their walled phylogenetic relatives activity for a third PP,-dependent , pyruvate ,ortho- have few phenotypic similarities. The only comparative phosphate dikinase (PPDK; Petzel et al., in press). PP,- study of the phenotypes of the mollicutes and their walled dependent nucleoside kinase has not been reported in any phylogenetic relatives was conducted by Pellegrin et al. organism other than some mollicutes (18,22, 38). Adenosine (J. L. Pellegrin, J. Maugein, M. Clerc, B. Leng, and C. 5'-triphosphate (ATP) serves as the phosphate donor in the Bebear, Abstr. 7th Congr. Int. Organ. Mycoplasmol., abstr. phosphofructokinase (PFK) reaction instead of PP, in the great majority of bacteria. PPDK, which converts phospho- enolpyruvate (PEP) to pyruvate, has been reported in only a * Corresponding author. T Dedicated to Isadore M. Robinson. Journal Paper 5-13458of the few procaryotes (43). Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station, Ames Because PP,-dependent enzymes are generally rare among (project 2678). procaryotes but occur more frequently among the molli- $ Present address: Department of Food Science and Nutrition, cutes, and because PP, may be an evolutionary precursor of University of Minnesota, Saint Paul, MN 55108. ATP (14,43), we examined the walled phylogenetic relatives

413 414 PETZEL ET AL. INT.J. SYST. BACTERIOL. of the mollicutes and some members of the family Anaero- tion of the method of Wood et al. (44). The mixture of plasmataceae for the following four PP,-dependent en- KHC03, MgCl,, and potassium phosphate buffer in a serum zymes: PP,-PFK, PPDK, PEP carboxytransphosphorylase, bottle was sparged with CO, for 30 min, the bottle was and PP,-dependent acetate kinase. We also assayed these sealed with a septum, and samples were withdrawn with a bacteria for some analogous ATP-dependent enzyme activ- syringe as needed. In addition, the concentration of CoCl, ities. was reduced to 10 FM, and dithiothreitol was substituted for p-mercaptoethanol. PEP carboxytransphosphorylase was MATERIALS AND METHODS also assayed by determining the appearance of PP,; the assay mixture used for the oxaloacetate assay was modified by Strains. Clostridium innocuum ATCC 14501T (T = type deleting reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide and strain), Lactobacillus catenaformis ATCC 25536T (= DSM malate dehydrogenase and increasing the concentration of 20559T), Lactobacillus vitulinus ATCC 27783T, and Strepto- CoCl, to 100 pM. The reaction mixtures were incubated coccus pleomorphus ATCC 29734T (= DSM 20574T) were under CO, for 30 min at 37°C; mixtures without PEP served obtained from the American Type Culture Collection, Rock- as controls. PP, concentrations were determined with a ville, Md. Anaeroplasma intermedium 5LA and 7LAT (= commercial assay kit (Sigma) according to the directions of ATCC 43166T) (28, 30) and Asteroleplasma anaerobium the manufacturer. Control values were subtracted from the 161T (= ATCC 27880T) (30) were obtained from I. M. values obtained by using complete assay mixtures. ATP- Robinson, National Animal Disease Center, U.S. Depart- dependent acetate kinase (EC reactions in the direc- ment of Agriculture, Ames, Iowa. Erysipelothrix rhusio- tion of acetyl phosphate formation were examined by using pathiae AVR-9 was obtained from R. L. Wood, National the method of Bowman et al. (3), with potassium acetate Animal Disease Center. Clostridium innocuum 7207 and added to a concentration of 50 mM and sodium succinate (a Clostridium rarnosum 8546 were received from the Anaer- positive effector in Escherichia coli [35]) added to a concen- obe Laboratory, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State tration of 10 mM. For each strain, a second assay mixture University, Blacksburg. containing boiled cell-free extract was used as a blank for the Cultivation and extract preparation. The mollicutes were spectrophotometric determination of acetyl hydroxamate by harvested from 1.2 liters of S-2 broth (10.5% inocula; the method of Skarstedt and Silverstein (35). PP,-dependent incubation for 4 to 6 days at 37°C) as described elsewhere acetate kinase (EC was determined similarly, ex- (Petzel et al., in press). Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae was cept that the concentration of MgC1, was reduced to 0.75 grown (0.8% inoculum; incubation for 2 days at 37°C) in 1.2 mM to prevent precipitation with PP,. Alternatively, to liters of S-2 broth with the following modifications: the circumvent potential inhibition by PP, of color formation in medium was supplemented with 1.7% (voVvo1) heat-inacti- the hydroxylamine assay for acetyl phosphate in the PP,- vated horse serum and 10 mM MES [2-(N-morpholino)eth- dependent acetate kinase reaction, the method of Reeves anesulfonic acid]; the lipids and Na,CO, were deleted, and and Guthrie (25) was used. Sodium dithionite, which report- the culture was incubated without anaerobic precautions. All edly stimulates the reaction in DesuEfotomaculum ruminis other species were grown in 800 ml of S-2 broth without the (15), was added to a concentration of 25 mM. Pyruvate lipids (0.25% inocula; incubation for 20 to 22 h at 37°C). kinase (EC was assayed by using the method of Extracts of the mollicutes were prepared by osmotic lysis Smart and Pritchard (36); PEP was added to a concentration (Petzel et al., in press). Pellets of walled bacteria were of 4 mM. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (EC suspended in the same lysis buffer and were passed through was assayed anaerobically by using the method described a French pressure cell two to four times. Lysates were elsewhere (Petzel et al., in press). clarified by centrifugation at 8,800 x g,, and 4°C for 15 min and then at 230,000 x g,,, and 4°C for 1 h unless noted RESULTS AND DISCUSSION otherwise. Samples of the cell-free extracts were either Weisburg and co-workers (Weisburg et al., submitted) frozen at -75°C or dialyzed against 100 volumes of lysis used 16s rRNA analyses to determine that the walled buffer (20 h, 4"C, one change) before being frozen. Some bacteria which are phylogenetically related to the mollicutes cell-free extracts were frozen under argon; no differences in can be divided into monophyletic subgroups. Clostridium activity were observed between these preparations and innocuum clustered with Streptococcus pleomorphus, and those with which no anaerobic precautions were taken. Clostridium ramosum clustered with Lactobacillus cat- Protein concentrations were determined by using the BCA enaformis and Lactobacillus vitulinus. Erysipelothrix rhusio- protein assay reagent (Pierce Chemical Co., Rockford, Ill.) pathiae did not belong to either cluster, but Weisburg et al. and bovine serum albumin as the standard. (submitted) have reported that there were some data to Enzyme assays. Biochemicals were obtained from Sigma suggest that Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae is more closely Chemical Co., St. Louis, Mo. All potentially labile sub- related to the Clostridium innocuum-Streptococcus pleo- strates and cofactors were prepared in buffers and stored in morphus cluster than to the Clostridium ramosum-lactoba- the manner appropriate for maximum stability (2). ATP was cillus cluster. determined by the method of Trautschold et al. (37). The purpose of the present study was as follows: (i) to ATP-dependent 6-phosphofmctokinase (ATP-PFK) (EC determine whether the walled bacteria that are related to the and PP,-PFK (EC were assayed in the mollicutes possess PP,-dependent enzymes as the mollicutes forward direction by method B of O'Brien et al. (21). do, thereby providing a phenotypic indication of the phylo- PP,-PFK was also assayed in the reverse direction by genetic relatedness of these organisms and (ii) to determine method A (21). PPDK (EC was assayed by deter- whether the distribution of PP,-dependent enzymes among mining the appearance of ATP (8) [(NH4)6M07024was the six walled bacteria which we studied complements the omitted] and by determining the appearance of pyruvate (9) phylogenetic subdivisions of this group proposed by Weis- (the concentration of MgC1, was decreased to 7.4 mM). PEP burg et al. (submitted). carboxytransphosphorylase (EC was assayed by Functional and structural patterns of various enzymes following the appearance of oxaloacetate, using a modifica- have been used as the bases for taxonomic and phylogenetic VOL. 39, 1989 PPi-DEPENDENT ENZYMES IN WALLED MOLLICUTES RELATIVES 415

classifications (4, 11, 39). Weitzman (39) reported that regu- TABLE 1. PFK activities in walled bacteria phylogenetically latory and size characteristics of citrate synthase and succi- related to members of the class Mollicutes nate thiokinase can be used to separate gram-positive from and in anaerobic mollicutes gram-negative bacteria and also aerobic gram-negative bac- PFK activity teria from facultative anaerobes. Jensen and co-workers (4, (nmoVmin per mg)b 11) have performed phylogenetic studies of various groups of bacteria and their pathways for aromatic biosyn- Species" PPi-PFK thesis by studying differences in isozymes, cofactor speci- Forward Reverse ficities, allosteric controls, and alternative biochemical reaction reaction steps; these authors determined that phylogenetic clusters of Clostridium innocuum ATCC 14501T 610 620 0.41' bacteria share distinctive biochemical features. However, Clostridium innocuum 7207 260 340 14' these workers stressed that any conclusions about the phy- Streptococcus pleomorphus ATCC 650 740 14' logeny or evolution of organisms or their biochemical path- 29734T ways must be made within the framework of phylogenetic relationships previously determined by other established Clostridium ramosum 8546 NA~ NA 68 methods, such as rRNA analysis (11). Lactobacillus catenaformis ATCC NA NA 200 The data reported in this paper represent enzyme activi- 25536T ties determined in vitro (i.e., from cell extracts); thus, Lactobacillus vitulinus ATCC 27783T NA NA 53 extrapolations to quantitative conclusions about conditions Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae AVR-9 920 960 NA in vivo would be tenuous. When we could not detect an enzyme activity, when possible, enzyme from a commercial Anaeroplasma intermedium 5LA 3 80 190 39" source or a known-positive organism was added to the Anaeroplasma intermedium 7LAT 120 80 4.2" putatively inactive cell-free extract to determine the efficacy of the assay system. Previous studies have demonstrated Asteroleplasma anaerobium 161T NA NA 37 that, except for well-documented, isolated cases (see refer- " Species are grouped according to the phylogenetic subdivisions deter- ence 1 for an example), most enzymes of carbohydrate mined by Weisburg et al. (submitted). metabolism (including PPi-dependent enzymes) are not 0, Data are the means of determinations from two batches of cells, except for labile (6, 12, 26; Petzel et al., in press). Anaeroplasma intermedium 7LAT and Asteroleplasma anaerobium 161T (single batches of these strains were tested) (see below). See text for details of PFK. Among the walled bacteria, PP,-PFK has previously assays. been detected in a Clostridium sp. isolated from a cockroach ATP-linked PFK activities in Clusrridium innocuum ATCC 14501T and gut (6), Propionibacterium freundenreichii and Propionibac- 7207, Streptococcus pleomorphus ATCC 29734T, and Anaeroplasma interme- terium acidipropionici (' 'Propionibacterium arabinosum ") dium 7LAT were detected in only one extract preparation; in Anaeroplasma intermedium SLA, ATP-linked PFK activity was detected in four prepara- (21, 43, 49, some Bacteroides spp. (26), and Deleya spp. tions. See text. (33). Among the bacteria belonging to the class Mollicutes, NA, No activity detected. PPi-PFK has been detected in Acholeplasma spp., but the PFK activities among Mycoplasma spp. and Spiroplasma spp., when present, are active with ATP but not PPi (7, 22, activities in these species (Table 1). Among the other micro- 23; M. H. V. Lake-Bullock, W. T. Blevins, S. K. McGlynn, organisms that have PP,-PFK activities, Clostridium sp. (6), and T. L. Rhoads, Abstr. Annu. Meet. Am. SOC.Microbiol. Euglena gracilis (19), Propionibacterium spp. (21, 49, and 1989, G-39, p. 155). In the anaerobic mollicutes, Asterole- Bacteroides spp. (26) have been reported to also have plasma anaerobium 161T has ATP-PFK activity, and ATP-PFK activities, but Deleya spp. has only PP,-PFK Anaeroplasma intermedium 5LA has PP,-PFK activity (Pet- activity (33). Reeves (24) initially reported that Entamoeba zel et al., in press); PP,-PFK activity has also been detected histolytica has both ATP- and PP,-PFK activities. Subse- in Anaeroplasma bactoclasticum JRT, the type species of quent investigations revealed that the seeming ATP-PFK the genus (Petzel, unpublished results). activity resulted from the generation of PPi from ATP by the In the present study, Clostridium innocuum and Strepto- glycogen-forming apparatus; strong centrifugal forces re- coccus pleomorphus (one of the clusters within the group of moved the ATP-linked activity from the extracts (24). Rob- six bacteria) had PP,-PFK activities in both the forward and erton and Glucina (26) reported that less ATP-PFK activity reverse directions (Table 1). However, Clostridium ramo- was detected in extracts of Bacteroides spp. subjected to a sum, Lactobacillus catenaformis, and Lactobacillus vituli- centrifugal force of 190,000 X g for 1 h than in extracts nus (another cluster) had only ATP-PFK activity (Table 1). subjected to a centrifugal force of 27,000 X g for 20 min. The Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae had PP,-PFK activity (Table l), ATP-PFK activity of Propionibacterium freundenreichii was in agreement with the phylogenetic evidence of Weisburg et stable to a centrifugal force of 124,000 x g for 1 h (21). In the al. (submitted) that suggests that Erysipelothrix rhusio- present study, we routinely used a centrifugal force of pathiae is more closely allied with the Clostridium innocuum 230,000 x g,,, for 1 h. We did not observe any marked cluster than with the Clostridium ramosum cluster. reduction in ATP-linked activity in lysates of Anaeroplasma Parenthetically, PFK activities were sometimes detected intermedium 5LA clarified by a centrifugal force of 330,000 in the two strains of Clostridium innocuum, in Streptococcus x g,,, for 120 min compared with lysates clarified at 27,000 pleomorphus, and in the two strains of Anaeroplasma inter- x g,,, for 20 min (data not shown). medium when ATP was substituted for PP,; this was not To ensure that this ostensive ATP-PFK activity was not observed with Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae. This ATP- caused by contamination of assay components with PP, (24), linked PFK activity was not detected in all extract prepara- we performed the investigations described below. Using a tions of these organisms. Indeed, in a previous study, we did PP, assay kit (Sigma), we did not detect PP, in either the ATP not detect ATP-linked activity in Anaeroplasma interme- stock solutions or in cell-free extracts of Anaeroplasma dium 5LA (Petzel et al., in press). In the present study, the intermedium 5LA. PP,-PFK purified from Propionibacte- ATP-linked activities were always less than the PP,-PFK rium freundenreichii (Sigma) was not active with our ATP 416 PETZEL ET AL. INT, J. SYST. BACTERIOL.

TABLE 2. PPDK activities in walled bacteria phylogenetically TABLE 3. Effects of three potential allosteric activators on related to members of the class Mollicutes pyruvate kinase activities in walled phylogenetic and in anaerobic mollicutes relatives of members of the class Mollicutes and in anaerobic mollicutes

PPDK activity ~ (nmohin per mg)b Pyruvate kinase activity Speciesa (nmoymin per mg) withb: Assay for Assay for Species" ATP pyruvate No 0.5 mM 1.5 mM 0.5 mM ~ additives Fru-1,6-P2 AMP Glc-6-P Clostridium innocuum ATCC 14501T 9.7 12 Clostridium innocuum 7207 13 12 Clostridium innocuum 7.0 10 49 130 Streptococcus pleomorphus ATCC 29734= 30 30 ATCC 14501T Clostridium innocuum 7207 14 31 43 280 Clostridium ramosum 8546 67 94 Streptococcus pleomorphus 1.3 0.52 NA' 4.4 Lactobacillus catenaformis ATCC 25536* 17 110 ATCC 29734= Lactobacillus vitulinus ATCC 27783= 23 31 Clostridium ramosum 8546 20 19 200 540 Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae AVR-9 NA" NA Lactobacillus catenaformis NA NA 260 NA ATCC 25536T Anaeroplasma intermedium 5LA NA NA Lactobacillus vitulinus 120 320 810 660 Anaeroplasma intermedium 7LAT NA NA ATCC 27783T

Asteroleplasma anaerobium 161T 110 340 Erysipelothriz rhusiopathiae NA NA NA NA AVR-9 a Species are grouped according to the phylogenetic subdivisions deter- mined by Weisburg et al. (submitted). 170 180 Data are the means of determinations from two batches of cells (except for Anaeroplasma intermedium 170 160 Anaeroplasma intermedium ILAT and Asteroleplasma anaerobium 161T; 5LA single batches of these strains were tested). See text for details of assays. Anaeroplasma intermedium 81 85 90 80 NA, No activity detected. 7LAT

Asteroleplasma anaerobium NA NA NA NA solutions. To determine whether extracts of Anaeroplasma 161T intermedium 5LA could generate PP, from ATP, we assayed Species are grouped according to the phylogenetic subdivisions deter- for the appearance of PP, in ATP-PFK reaction mixtures mined by Weisburg et al. (submitted). containing all of the components except fructose 6-phos- Data are the means of determinations from two batches of cells (except Anaeroplasma intermedium ILAT and Asteroleplasma anaerobium 161T; phate; no PPi was detected. (Conversely, extracts of single batches of these strains were tested). See text for details of assay. Anaeroplasma intermedium 5LA and Clostridium innocuum NA, No activity detected. 7207 did not generate detectable amounts of ATP from PP,.) Furthermore, the inclusion of 5 U of inorganic pyro- per ml of PFK assay mixture diminished al., in press) but not in any of the 10 other mollicutes PPi-dependent activities, but not ATP-dependent activities, examined (17). in Anaeroplasma intermedium 5LA and Clostridium innoc- In the present study, PPDK activity was detected in uum 7207 (data not shown). These observations suggest the Clostridium innocuum, Clostridium ramosum, Lactobacillus presence of bona fide ATP-PFK in Clostridium innocuum, catenaformis, Lactobacillus vitulinus, Streptococcus pleo- Streptococcus pleomorphus, and Anaerop lasma interme- morphus, and Asteroleplasma anaerobium, but not in dium; purification of the ATP-dependent activity from the Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae or Anaeroplasma intermedium PPi-dependent activity would provide definite proof. The (Table 2). The activities were detected by assaying for both observations of the putative ATP-PFK aside, the occurrence the conversion of PEP to pyruvate and the conversion of of PP,-PFK among some of the mollicutes and three of their AMP to ATP. The fact that Asteroleplasma anaerobium is six walled relatives is indicative of the phylogenetic related- the only mollicute that has been reported to possess PPDK ness of these organisms. activity is phenotypic evidence that supports the unique The occurrence of PPi-PFK in Acholeplasma spp. (7, 23) phylogenetic status of this organism among the mollicutes and in Anaeroplasma spp. (Petzel et al., in press; this study) (Weisburg et al., submitted). No conclusions about the and the absence of PP,-PFK in other mollicutes (including specific relationship (if indeed any exists) between Asterole- Asteroleplasma anaerobium 161T)(7; Petzel et al., in press) plasma anaerobium and the walled relatives can be made on correlate with the subgroups of mollicutes determined by the basis of the present information concerning PPDK. Weisburg et al. (submitted) when 16s rRNA sequence anal- All of the walled relatives of the mollicutes except yses were used. These authors reported that Acholeplasma Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae had pyruvate kinase activity, a laidlawii and Acholeplasma modicum grouped with Anaero- second enzyme activity that interconverts PEP and pyru- plasma spp., to the exclusion of the other mollicutes. vate; the activity for Streptococcus pleomorphus was low PPDK and pyruvate kinase. PPDK converts PEP, adeno- and variable (Table 3). In previous studies, the pyruvate sine 5'-monophosphate (AMP), and PP, to pyruvate, ATP, kinases of Mycoplasma spp., Acholeplasma spp., Urea- and orthophosphate. This enzyme has previously been re- plasma urealyticum, and Anaeroplasma intermedium 5LA ported in Propionibacterium freundenreichii, Propionibacte- (5,17; Petzel et al., in press) were detected in the absence of rium acidipropionici, Clostridium symbiosum (' 'Bacteroides allosteric activators. In contrast, the pyruvate kinase activ- symbiosus") some Acetobacter spp., the clostridium iso- ities in four of five walled bacteria determined in the present lated from a cockroach gut, and three anoxygenic photosyn- study to possess the enzyme were significantly increased by thetic bacteria (6,8,9, 43,45). Among the mollicutes, PPDK one or more activators (Table 3). Fructose 1,6-bisphosphate has been detected in Asteroleplasma anaerobium (Petzel et (Fru-l,dP,) had only moderate effects or no effect on the VOL. 39, 1989 PPj-DEPENDENT ENZYMES IN WALLED MOLLZCUTES RELATIVES 417 pyruvate kinase activities of Clostridium innocuum, Strep- TABLE 4. PEP carboxytransphosphorylase activities in walled tococcus pleomorphus, and Clostridium ramosurn ; AMP and bacteria phylogenetically related to members of the class glucose 6-phosphate (Glc-6-P) were more effective. Mollicutes and in anaerobic mollicutes Fru-l,6-P2 activates pyruvate kinases in a wide variety of PEP carboxytrans- bacteria (32, 36, 46); fewer bacteria have pyruvate kinases phosphorylase activity activated by Glc-6-P but not Fru-1,6-P2 (36,46). Yamada and Species" (nmoVmin per mg)b Carlsson (46) suggested that organisms that have both the Assay for Assay for Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas and pentose phosphate pathways oxaloacetate PPi for the degradation of glucose may use Fru-l,6-P2 as an activator for pyruvate kinase because Glc-6-P is the branch Clostridium innocuum ATCC 14501T 5.5 22 point between the two pathways. However, organisms that Clostridium innocuum 7207 22 81 lack the oxidative portion of the pentose phosphate pathway Streptococcus pleomorphus ATCC 29734= 27 25 may use Glc-6-P as the primary activator for pyruvate Clostridium ramosum 8546 8.2 5.5 kinase. We did not detect Glc-6-P dehydrogenase (the first Lactobacillus catenaformis ATCC 25536= NA" 2.5 enzyme in the oxidative portion of the pentose phosphate Lactobacillus vitulinus ATCC 27783T NA 0.71 pathway) in cell-free extract preparations of any of the bacteria except Streptococcus pleomorphus (4.9 nmoVmin Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae AVR-9 NA NA Per mg). In the two lactobacilli, AMP was the best activator of Anaeroplasma intermedium 5LA NA 7.4 pyruvate kinases; indeed, no activity was observed in ex- Anaeroplasma intermedium 7LAT NA 5.7 tracts of Lactobacillus catenaformis in the absence of AMP Asteroleplasma anaerobium 16IT NA NA (Table 3). Thus, the two lactobacilli differed from the third member of their phylogenetic subgroup, Clostridium ramo- " Species are grouped according to the phylogenetic subdivisions deter- sum. Weisburg et al. (submitted) have reported that although mined by Weisburg et al. (submitted). Data are the means of determinations from two batches of cells (except for the lactobacilli cluster with Clostridium ramosum, they are Anaeroplasma intermedium 7LAT and Asteroleplasma anaerobium 161T; more closely related to each other than to Clostridium single batches of these strains were assayed twice). See text for details of ramosum. as says. The pyruvate kinase activity of Anaeroplasma interme- NA, No activity detected. dium was not significantly increased by any of the three effectors (Table 3). If the absence of allosteric activation of ble 4). Low levels of the enzyme were detected in Lactoba- pyruvate kinase is confirmed for mollicutes in general, this cillus catenaformis, Lactobacillus vitulinus, and the two would indicate that of this enzyme arose strains of Anaeroplasma intermedium by the method which in the walled relatives after the wall-less organism(s) di- detected PP,, but not by the method which detected oxalo- verged from the walled progenitor(s). The absence in Aste- acetate (Table 4). No PEP carboxytransphosphorylase ac- roleplasma anaerobium of pyruvate kinase activity, an en- tivity was detected in Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae or Aste- zyme activity detected in all other mollicute species roleplasma anaerobium (Table 4). Thus, PEP examined, is further phenotypic evidence of the distinct carboxytransphosphorylase is an additional PP,-dependent phylogenetic status of this organism among the members of enzyme that is possessed by some of the walled relatives of the class Mollicutes. the members of the class Mollicutes. We could not detect either PPDK activity or pyruvate Acetate kinase. PP,-dependent acetate kinase activities kinase activity in extracts of Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae have been reported in Entamoeba histolytica (25) and in (Tables 2 and 3). The addition of Glc-6-P, Fru-1,6-P2, or gram-negative sulfate-reducing anaerobes (15, 43). We did AMP had no effect. Robertson and McCullough (27) re- not detect PP,-dependent acetate kinase activity in the ported that Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae degrades glucose direction of acetyl phosphate in any of the organisms which via the Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas pathway, based on the we examined; duplicate extracts of all organisms were tested distribution of 14C among products of [14C]glucosedegrada- by the modified method of Bowman et al. (3), and single tion. In the present study, the absence of detectable PPDK extracts of Clostridium innocuum ATCC 14501T, Clostrid- or pyruvate kinase activity in Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae ium ramosum, Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae, Lactobacillus AVR-9 indicates either that our methods were not suitable catenaformis, and Streptococcus pleomorphus were tested for detecting these enzymes in this organism or that the by using the method of Reeves and Guthrie (25). However, avirulent vaccine strain used in the present study differed all of the species had activity for ATP-dependent acetate from strain S-192, which was used by Robertson and Mc- kinase in the direction of acetyl phosphate, as follows Cullough (27). (means of determinations, in micromoles per minute per PEP carboxytr ansphosphorylase. PEP carb ox y tran sp ho s- milligram, from two batches of cells, except as noted): phorylase occurs in Propionibacterium freundenreichii, Pro- Clostridium innocuum ATCC 14501T, 132; Clostridium in- pionibacterium acidipropionici, some Rhodopseudomonas nocuum 7207, 355; Streptococcus pleomorphus, 228; Clos- spp., Brevibacterium ammoniagenes (' 'Corynebacterium tridium ramosum, 77.9; Lactobacillus catenaformis, 27.2; ammoniagenes"), and the clostridium isolated from a cock- Lactobacillus vitulinus, 16.4; Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae, roach gut (6, 4345). Acholeplasma laidlawii has been re- 155; Anaeroplasma intermedium 5LA, 30.3; Anaeroplasma ported to possess PEP carboxytransphosphorylase activity intermedium 7LAT (single batch), 10.2; and Asteroleplasma (38; K. D. Beaman and J. D. Pollack, Yale J. Biol. Med. anaerobium (single batch), 424. (We did not attempt to 57:897, 1984), but more recently, workers from the same determine ATP-dependent acetate kinase activity in the laboratory have not been able to confirm this activity (17). In direction of acetate and ATP synthesis because of the high the present study, PEP carboxytransphosphorylase activi- levels of activity in extracts of Anaero- ties were detected by two methods in Clostridium innocuum, plasma intermedium 5LA and Asteroleplasma anaerobium Streptococcus pleomorphus, and Clostridium ramosum (Ta- 161T. Adenylate kinase, which converts 2 mol of adenosine 418 PETZEL ET AL. INT.J. SYST.BACTERIOL.

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