SONOLITE, ALLEGHANYITE and LEUCOPHOENICITE from NEW JERSEY1 Devro Coor, Departmentof Geologicalsciences, Haroard

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SONOLITE, ALLEGHANYITE and LEUCOPHOENICITE from NEW JERSEY1 Devro Coor, Departmentof Geologicalsciences, Haroard THE AMERICAN MINERALOGIST, VOL 54, SEPTEMBER_OCTOBER. 1969 SONOLITE, ALLEGHANYITE AND LEUCOPHOENICITE FROM NEW JERSEY1 Devro Coor, Departmentof GeologicalSciences, Haroard. Uniaersity Cambridge, M assachuselts 0Z 1 3 t. ABSTRACT Sonolite anci alleghanyite, the manganese analogues oI clinohumite and chomlrodite respectively, are reported {rom Franklin and sterling Hill, N. J. Sonolite locally may have been an ore mineral at Franklin. The original leucophoenicitt of penfield and warren (1899) is shown to be a valid species, identical with the material oi palache (1910), but the later studies of this mineral by Palache (1928, lg3s) and Moore (1967) arc composite de- scriptions of leucophoenicite, sonoiite and alleghanyite. Some still undescribed chemical variants of minerals in the chondrodite and olivine groups also have been recognized to- gether with the Mn analogue cf humite. Some of these minerals have been confused with leucophoenicite INrnotucrroN A survey by X-ray, optical and spectrochemical methods of 60 mu- seum specimens labelled leucophoenicite from Franklin and Sterling Hill has revealed that sonolite and alleghanyite, not hirtherto reported from theselocalities, have been confusedwith leucophoenicitein many instances.Additional specimensof sonolite and alleghanyite were found in collections as minerals erroneously labelled glaucochroite, hodgkin- sonite and tephroite.In order to obtain a descriptionof authentic ieuco- phoenicite, the type material of Penfield and Warren (1899) preserved at Yale university, and the original specimenslater described as leuco- phoeniciteby Palache(1920, 1928,1935) were reexamined.The type ma_ terial proves to be distinct from sonolite, alleghanyite and other known manganesesilicates and is a valid species.The crystallized leucophoeni- cite describedmorphologically by palache (1910) is identical with the type material. The X-ray crystallography of the crystals measured by Palachehas been describedby Moore (1967).He refers to this material as m-leucophoenicite,in distinction to other kinds of unidentified leuco- phoenicite-likematerial mentionedin this paper. His X-ray study shows that leucophoeniciteis monoclinic,pseudo-ortho-rhombic, which in his setting is related to the humite structure-cellwhen the c-axisis halved. The so-called leucophoenicite,later described morphologically by Palache (1928), comprised two kinds of material. One kind, dull brown to deeptan in color when massive,and showingcrystals of a platy habit, has been here identified as alleghanyite. The other specimen,described as showing deep red monoclinic crystals of prismatic habit, could not be found in the Harvard collection. rn the summary account of reucopho- 1 Mineralogical Contribution No. 465, Harvard University. 1392 SONOLITE,ALLEGHANYITEANDLEUCOPHOENICITE 1393 enicite given by Palache (1935), the crystals of true leucophoenicite de- scribed in 1910 are representedby Figures 151 and 154, the later de- scribed crystals of unverified leucophoeniciteby Figure 152 and 153, and the crystals of alleghanyite by Figure 155-157. The analysis of the mor- phology of leucophoenicite by Moore (1967) is based on the composite data. Palache (1935) also cites two chemical analyses of supposed leuco- phoenicite made in 1926or before by chemistsof the New JerseyZinc Co' The specimensare not crystallized and were not further described. Re- examination of the original specimenof the material of analyses3 as cited in page Palache(1937), p. 104,proves it to be sonolite.The material of analysis2, preservedin the U.S' National Museum, proves to be true leucophoenicite.This analysis and that of the type material reported by Penfield and Warren (1899) are cited in Table 1. Optical and X-ray powder data for the type material are given in Tables 2 and'3. Additional specimensof leucophoenicitewere identified on the basis of the above information among a large collection of minerals from Frank- lin and. Sterling Hill examined during the present study. The optical properties and X-ray interplanar spacings of this material in part vary somewhat from those of the type material. This variation has beenfound T^.* t.""t"tt"tt ^* SiOz 25.28 26.74 26.31 26.4r 26.36 MnO ffi34 65.19 60.59 ffi.67 60.63 ZnO r39 4.03 3.72 3.87 FeO Tr. .93 Tr. Meo .30 206 .21 .2r CaO 4.26 1.22 5.64 .!./u J. O' Nuro 90 .53 .39 .39 KzO .18 t4' .24 .24 AIzOr 1.45 .78 HrO 2.lo .85 270 2.58 2.& 100.16 99.83 100.11 99.08 100.01 1. Leucophoenicite-Jenkins and Bauer analysis cited by Palache (1935' p' 104' analysis 2) 2. Sonolite-Jenkins and Bauer a.nalysis cited by Palache (1935, p. 104, analysis 3) 3. Leucophoenicite-warren analysis cited by Penfield and warren (1899, p. 351, analysis I) 4. Leucophoenicite-Warren analysis cited in Penfield and Warren (1899, P. 351' analysis II) 5. Average of analyses 4 and 5 1394 DAVID COOK Tl.rl-n 2. Oprrcar, Dara ror LnucoprroeNrcrrr, Ar-lrcrraNlrrrE ANDSonorrrn Zincian Leucophoenicite" Sonoliteb Alleshanvitea ..Zi:tiutt sonolite" al leghanyltee p 3.62-3.93 3. 87-4.00 3.77 3.80 3.70 a l-l.)t l. /o.) 1.695 | 770 r.67 fl 1.771 1 778 r.716 1.782 1.680 t 1.782 r.787 1.725 1.795 1.703 Sign H 5.5-6 5.5 J.J 5.5 5 Color Light pink to Pinkish brown Dark brown Brown to Brownish-pink deeppink to dark red- to brown- pinkish-brown to reddish- dish-brownto black to deep pink pink dark brown (crystals) " Franklin. specific gravity measurement indicates range of all leucophoenicites studied. other data from type specimen at Yale described by penfield and warren (1899) b Franklin. Data from Harvard specimen 89916; analysis 3 given by parache (1935) for leucophoenicite was determined from this specimen " Sterling Hiil. Data from specimen showing typical rim of zincian sonolite around pink zincian tephroite. d Franklin. Data from Harvard specimen 91179; part of the pinkish brown material described by Palache (p. 105) as a vein of leucophoenicite. e Sterling Hill. Data from Harvard specimen 105492; light-colored material. by optical spectrographicand X-ray fluorescenceanalysis to be causedby compositionalvariation, chiefly in the content oIZn, from about 4 to 8 percent ZnO, and of Ca, from about 4 to 14 percent CaO. In addition, another mineral closely resembling leucophoenicitein properties and chemicalcomposition but with an X-ray pattern similar to that of humite was observed.This mineral may be a polytype of leucophoenicite. Most leucophoenicitespecimens show this mineral as a constituent of the small hydrothermal veinletsthat cut the main orebody.A few speci- menswere found, however,in which the leucophoeniciteoccurs in granu- lar willemite-franklinite ore, sometimesmaking up as much as half of the sample.rn this mode of occurrencethe leucophoeniciteclosely resembles tephroite, and doubtlesshas beenmistaken for that mineral in the past. Leucophoenicite probably was a primary ore mineral at Franklin, at Ieastlocally. Sonor,trB This mineral, the manganeseanalogue of clinohumite, was first de- scribed as a new speciesfrom Japan by Yoshinaga (1963). Sonolite is much more abundant than either alleghanyite or Ieucophoeniciteat Franklin and Sterling Hill. It appears to have been a minor ore consti- 1395 SONOLITE,ALLEGIIANYITEANDLEUCOPHOENICITE T,q,rr,B 3. X-uv Powlnn Dera ron LnucopuoENrcrrE, ALLEGHANYTTE, SoNor-rtn eNo ZtNcllN Soxor'rtB Leucophoenicite' Alleghanyiteb Sonolite" Zincian sonolited Id Id dI d 13.715 1 5 251 1 / .6IJ 2.5 5.232 2 2 4.409 0.5 5.196 n 4.632 0.5 6.896 5.158 2 + .1JJ 2.5 5.034 0.5 4.416 2 1 3.951 1 4.382 1 3.984 0.5 4.9rr 2 4.556 J 3 619 1 4.324 2.5 3 .865 1 3.563 0.5 4.128 4 3.616 0.5 4 347 2.5 3.280 1 3.923 I 3.565 1 3.928 0.5 3.239 0.5 3.726 3.5 3.344 2 3.792 0.5 3.186 0.5 3.609 tr..) 3.028 3 3.s47 a 2.966 1 3.505 10 2.869 0.5 3.509 10 2.882 1 3.258 I 2.84r 1 3.421 0.5 2.83r q 3 r27 0.5 2.807 2.5 3.280 3.5 2.745 0. 3.030 5.5 2.699 1 2.972 2 2.717 1 2.950 7 2.651 7 2.822 7.5 2.688 8 2.860 7 2.608 5 2.799 4 2.624 0 .5 2.819 n< 2.504 1 2.740 2.5 2.488 ? 2.773 2.458 3 2.658 a 3.5 2.M8 5 2.725 0.5 2.360 2.63r 2.5 2.423 z 2.700 3.5 2.338 2 -594 3 5 2.374 4 2.670 3.5 2.284 4 2.564 2 2.358 6 2.598 1 2.218 4 2.45r 0.5 2.287 0.5 2.564 1 2.119 4 2.405 0.5 2.2rr 1 2.537 05 2.065 1 2.334 t 2201 0.5 2.5t3 0.5 2.006 5.5 2 30s 0.5 2.172 1 2 472 05 1 948 | 2.238 0.5 2.O54 2.425 0.5 1.898 0.5 2186 0.5 t .99r 3 2.377 0.5 1.884 0.5 2.116 0.5 r.970 5 2.357 05 1.808 0.5 2.079 0 5 r.894 5 2.341 10 1.743 0 5 1.956 0.5 1 879 0.5 2.3tO 2 |.694 0.5 r .923 Fe radiation, Mn filter, in Angstrtirn units. Camera diameter 114.6 mm, film corrected for shrinkage. (1935, p' 104, analysis 3)' u Franklin, Jenkins and Bauer analysis cited by Paiache Specimen C6237-rJ.
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    American Mineralogist, Volume 70, pages 379-387, 1985 Ma_nganesehumites and leucophoenicitesfrom Franklin and Sterling- Hill' NewJersev: 'i"? andimplications ;ifi':il1,;;lfiil11"r's' Perr J. Dullx Department of Mineral Sciences Smithsonian lnstitution, Washington, D. C. 20560 Abstract The manganesehumites, (alleghanyite, manganhumite, and sonolite),together with some Mn-bearing samplesof the Mg-humites,and the related phasesleucophoenicite and jerry- gibbsite,from the orebodiesat Franklin and SterlingHill, New Jersey,are describedtogether with analytical data. Solid solution betweenhumite and manganhumiteis at least partially continuous. Expected Mn/Mg solid solutions between alleghanyiteand chondrodite, and betweensonolite and clinohumite, are discontinuous; they are interrupted by apparently orderedphases. In all cases,the possibleorderings involve Zn as well as Mn and Mg. There are no Mn end-membersof the manganesehumites at this locality. Manganeseis apparently restricted in leucophoenicite(5.42-6.63 Mn per 7 octahedral cations) and in jerrygibbsite (7.79-8.02Mn per 9 octahedralcations). Calcium is common to both leucophoeniciteand jerrygibbsite,but among the Mn-humites,only sonoliteaccepts appreciable Ca (0.65Ca per 9 octahedralcations). There is a "threshold" level ofzinc in all studiedsamples; this "threshold" levelis a constantfor leucophoenicite1-9.3 Znper 3 Si)and alleghanyite(-O.2Zn per 2 Si). No samplesof leucophoeniciteor jerrygibbsite were found to be Zn-ftee,suggesting either that Zn is required for their stability, or that these two phasesmight not be stable as end-members.Fluorine is present in all the Mn-humites and is proportional to the Mg- content,but is absentin leucophoeniciteand jerrygibbsite. Introduction humite speciesoccur there; the Mg-humites occur in the The magnesiumhumite species(norbergite, chondrodite, host Franklin Marble for the most part, and the Mn- humite, and clinohumite) have been well-studiedand re- humites in the orebodiesthemselves.
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