Hungry Nation Benjamin Robert Siegel Index More Information Www
Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-42596-4 — Hungry Nation Benjamin Robert Siegel Index More Information 267 Index Aadhar smart ID card scheme, 223 Lal Bahadur Shastri’s address on, 149 Abbas, K.A., 39 – 41 Rajendra Prasad’s address on, 60 Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action rationing ofi cials’ addresses on, Lab, 224 124 , 130 Abedin, Zainul, 37 All India Radio Jawaharlal Nehru’s Abel, Martin, 216 addresses on, 71 , 76 Abhyankar, N.G., 61 All India School of Hygiene and Public Acheson, Dean, 185 Health, 193 advertising, 71 , 209 All India Trade Union Congress, 123 Agrarian Reforms Committee (1946), 158 Allahabad, 141 agricultural credit, 176 , 197 protests and strikes in, 54 from the baniya (creditor), 7 Allahabad Agricultural Institute, 191 , 193 impeded access to, 217 Ambedkar, B.R. in Kisan Sabha analysis, 155 and Dalit refugees, 65 in the Bengal famine, 26 and Republican Party of India, 181 in the United States, 184 Dalit fast in name of, 214 institutional support from the United Amery, Lord Leo, 42 States, 148 , 169 Amma Canteens, 224 M.R. Masani’s support for Ananthasayanam, M., 78 cooperative, 174 Andhra Pradesh Agricultural Prices Commission, 226 , 227 1951 elections in, 161 agriculture new agricultural strategy in, 209 budget in First Five-Year Plan, 161 Annadurai, C.N., 214 ideologies of improvement, 185 , 200 Annapoorna (restaurant), 110 imagery of, 225 – 226 anthropology of food in South Asia, inputs, 154 , 185 , 200 , 203 16 – 17 , 91 Ahmad, Ijaz, 59 Apte, Hari Narayan, 10 Ahmad, Ziauddin, 56 Argentina Alexander, Horace, 41 CPI criticism of wheat surplus in, 61 All India Agricultural Federation, 175 foodgrain imports from, 74 All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Indian mission to, 58 Kazhagam (AIADMK), 224 artii cial rice, 88 , 97 , 106 All India Institute of Medical Science, 195 trials in Kerala, 106 All India Radio astrology, 203 C.
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