
ThePublished U by thekrainian Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal W non-profit associationeekly Vol. LXXX No. 34 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, AUGUST 19, 2012 $1/$2 in Ukraine wins 20 medals at Olympics Language expert at Harvard comments on Ukraine’s new law Following President Viktor Yanukovych’s signing on August 8 of the new law on the principles of state lan- guage policy, which was passed by the Verkhovna Rada on July 3, The Ukrainian Weekly contacted Prof. Michael S. Flier, an expert in Slavic linguistics at Harvard University, to comment on the significance of the new law and offer a prognosis for the . Dr. Flier is the Oleksandr Potebnja Professor of Ukrainian Philology and director of the Ukrainian Research Institute, Harvard University. Following are his answers to questions posed by Roma Hadzewycz.

In your estimation, what is the significance of London2012.com President Viktor Yanukovych’s signing of the law on state language policy? Lightweight boxer Vasyl Lomachenko celebrates his Olympic gold medal in the 60-kg division. Let me begin by saying that the methods by which by Matthew Dubas two bronze medals. the new state language policy was introduced and Oleksandr Usyk won the gold medal in the 91-kg heavy- adopted reveal fundamental flaws in the Ukrainian PARSIPPANY, N.J. – Ukraine’s athletes collected 20 med- weight division, and celebrated his win in a truly Ukrainian political process itself, flaws that must be addressed if als – six gold, five silver and nine bronze medals – at the style – with a Hopak dance. Usyk defeated Clemente Russo Ukraine is ever to function as a democracy that aspires Olympics in , and finished in 12th place in the total of 14-11 in the gold medal match on August 11 and to European standards. For example, Parliament must medals count (14th in the gold medal standings). defeated Tervel Pulev of Bulgaria 21-5 in the semifinal. act in a responsible manner, with deputies physically Ukraine’s boxers put on quite a show at the Olympics in present in order to cast votes. The government must London, and won five medals – two gold, one silver and (Continued on page 12) also distance itself from the ultimately destructive pro- cedures that lead to the rushed passage of imperfect laws intended to be improved sometime in the future. In the case of the language law, the process was car- area residents remember ried out without sufficient public involvement and debate, raising real questions about the legitimacy of the law. These questions must still be addressed by the Sknyliv air show disaster of 2002 Constitutional Court. But one has only to consider the by Zenon Zawada comment of parliamentary leader Oleksander Special to The Ukrainian Weekly Yefremov in reference to the pro-Ukrainian opposition that “we toyed with them like kittens” to understand LVIV – Ruslan Pavlovych had an exceptional interest in the patently political manipulation behind this legisla- flying for a 9-year-old. He had many toy planes, his mother tion. So, the first question to be answered, before any Natalia said, and he would drape a cloth around his shoul- significance can be assigned to the law, is to determine ders for a cape and jump from tables as Superman. whether it is legitimate on constitutional grounds. She remembered how he asked his parents to buy him a How does the president’s call for “amend- paper airplane book. It was from this book that he folded a ments” to the law – to be proposed by a special paper model of the Sukhoi-27 that killed both him and his working group and presented to the Parliament – father a few weeks later on July 27, 2002, at the event that jibe with his decision to sign the bill? How do you became known worldwide as the Sknyliv air show disaster. read this? “My husband helped him because he was young and it was difficult,” Natalia said. “There were many small parts. As I noted above, this flawed law flies in the face of He sat there and struggled with it, unable to put it together. Western practice to spend significant time working Then he left it and said he’d figure it out later. But he never out details before passage as opposed to passing legis- got around to it.” lation that needs immediate remediation. More than 300 mourners gathered at the chapel at the Given the approach of the Yanukovych government Sknyliv airport on Lviv’s southwestern edge to commemo- to all aspects of policy and the law, one cannot help rate the 10th anniversary of the catastrophe that killed 77 thinking that this “special” working group will be com- spectators – 28 of them children – and physically injured posed of carefully selected representatives assigned to 292. Another 230 victims suffered psychological trauma. fill in the details of the new language law. The Soviet Su-27 destroyer jet surged unusually low The primary purpose of the law as presently consti- above the spectators, before looping up again. The pilots tuted is not to protect the but cyni- tipped the plane to its left side as it descended before los- cally to elevate its status in Ukraine while simultane- ing control at an altitude of 450 feet. ously undercutting the status of Ukrainian as the sole The jet’s left wing clipped a tree, then struck the asphalt state language. and dragged four rows of barbed wire that mowed down Is the new law in keeping with the European Zenon Zawada onlookers. It then cartwheeled, struck the nose of a parked Relatives of those killed attend the divine liturgy offered on (Continued on page 8) the 10th anniversary of the Sknyliv air show catastrophe. (Continued on page 4) 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, AUGUST 19, 2012 No. 34


Ruling party, opposition run Russian is regional language in Odesa three months, a conviction may be canceled, released, or even a court of appeal may pass – The Odesa City Council granted a relevant sentence,” the document says. On neck and neck in election race regional status to the Russian language at an August 11, the panel of judges of the Kyiv extraordinary meeting on August 13. The Administrative Court of Appeal rejected by Oleg Varfolomeyev selves as the new faces, which is a serious decision on implementation of provisions of advantage in a country where politicians Batkivshchyna’s suit against the CEC, which Eurasia Daily Monitor the law on state language policy in the city are deeply mistrusted and about one-third has been filed on August 9, for its refusal to of Odesa was supported by 73 out of 111 register Ms. Tymoshenko and Mr. Lutsenko A parliamentary election campaign has of voters remain undecided less than three council deputies. “For 89 percent of resi- as parliamentary candidates. (Ukrinform) been officially under way in Ukraine since months before voting day. “New leaders for dents of Odesa it’s more comfortable to July 30. The ruling Party of Regions of a new country” is Ukraine – Forward’s main speak, read and communicate in Russian. EPP condemns CEC decision Ukraine (PRU) will compete for victory slogan. UDAR trumpets the fact that more There is no doubt that this decision is being with the united opposition formed by sev- than 80 percent of its members have never supported by the vast majority of residents BRUSSELS – The president of the European People’s Party (EPP), Wilfried eral nationalist parties, the largest of which been national deputies (Komsomolskaya of Odesa,” Odesa Mayor Oleksii Kostusev Martens, on August 9 condemned the are Batkivshchyna, which is headed by the Pravda v Ukraine, August 3). Among the six said. The explanatory note to the draft docu- ment states that its adoption “helps increase Central Election Commission (CEC) of imprisoned former Prime Minister Yulia favorites of the race, UDAR’s Mr. Klitschko Ukraine for refusing to register Yulia Tymoshenko, and the Front for Change, is the only leader who has never worked in in the city of Odesa the protection of Russian as a regional language, remove current lin- Tymoshenko and Yurii Lutsenko as candi- whose leader is a former parliamentary the government or been elected to dates of EPP member-party Batkivshchyna guistic contradictions, harmonize language speaker and former foreign affairs minister, Parliament before. for the upcoming parliamentary elections in relations and ensure the rights of most resi- Arseniy Yatsenyuk. Although Mr. Klitschko styles himself as Ukraine. According to Section 3, Article 76 dents of the city to use their native Russian The main intrigue is whether the third an oppositionist, he has rejected an alliance of the Constitution of Ukraine, a “convic- language.” The meeting was attended by a most popular party, Udar (an acronym for with either Batkivshchyna or FU from the tion” can be grounds for refusal of a person co-author of the new language law, National to be elected as a member of Parliament, Ukrainian Democratic Alliance for Reform start. He has also made it clear that UDAR Deputy Vadym Kolesnichenko of the Party but it cannot be grounds for refusal to regis- and a word that means punch) in Ukrainian would cooperate with the PRU in of Regions. According to the population cen- ter a person as a candidate for a member of and Russian), which is headed by boxing Parliament on certain issues if necessary sus of 2001, the Russian language is native Parliament. “Once again, the current regime champion Vitali Klitschko, will side with (UNIAN, August 1). Mr. Klitschko says he for more than 10 percent of the residents of in Ukraine led by Viktor Yanukovych has the opposition in a new Parliament as the finances his party mostly himself (ICTV, the city of Odesa. (Ukrinform) opposition hopes, or whether it will closely August 1), but his would-be opposition reconfirmed its well-known and long- cooperate with the PRU, thus giving partners and journalists doubt that Mr. Opposition appeals decision about CEC standing intention to eliminate opposition leaders. Following the politically motivated President Viktor Yanukovych’s party con- Klitschko, although he’s been a successful KYIV – The United Opposition has filed trials which were staged by the regime, the businessman and the world heavyweight tinued control of the legislature. Another with the Higher Administrative Court an Central Election Commission is now refus- question is whether the election will be boxing champion for years, is so rich. They appeal against the decision of the Kyiv ing to register Yulia Tymoshenko and Yurii free and fair. suspect that UDAR may be secretly backed Administrative Court of Appeal, which Lutsenko as candidates of Batkivshchyna Parliament will be elected on October 28 by the ruling elite (UNIAN, August 3; upheld the decision of the Central Election for the upcoming parliamentary elections, under the new rules that were passed last Zerkalo Nedeli, August 4). Commission to refuse to register Yulia even though it is permitted by the country’s year (see Eurasia Daily Monitor, December The competition will be between faces Tymoshenko and Yurii Lutsenko as candi- Constitution. Needless to say, this is another 14, 2011). This is a mixed system where and sponsors, rather than ideas. Most of the dates for national deputies, the press service serious setback for democracy in Ukraine half of the 450-seat unicameral legislature parties, including the two front-runners, of the political force reported on August 14. and will, of course, have consequences in will be elected from party lists according to promise low taxes, high wages, corruption The appeal, filed by the opposition’s repre- the EU-Ukraine relationship,” Mr. Martens a proportional system, and the other half fighting and the European vector in foreign sentative to the CEC Ruslan Kniazevych, says stated. The EPP is the largest and most will be contested in 225 single-seat constit- policy. The language policy is one of the that the court did not apply the provisions influential European-level political party of uencies according to a first-past-the-post main dividing lines. The PRU in July pushed of the relevant articles of the Constitution of the center-right, which currently includes voting method. This should favor the PRU, through Parliament a controversial law that Ukraine. According to the opposition, Part 3, 73 member-parties from 40 countries. Article 76 of the Constitution imposes whose candidates are likely to be backed gives Russian the status of a regional lan- (EPP) restrictions only on election to the guage. Russian, which is spoken by most by rich businessmen who tend to support Verkhovna Rada of citizens with outstand- Second jail term sought for Lutsenko the government and local authorities that Ukrainians, has thus far had no status at all. ing and not overturned convictions, but not are dominated by the PRU. The threshold The law is a boon to the PRU, whose power KYIV – According to August 10 news on their registration. “Restrictions due to reports, prosecutors have asked for a prison for parties will be 5 percent – the highest base is the eastern and southern conviction shall be applied only to the per- sentence of two and a half years for Ukraine’s ever in Ukraine. It was raised from 3 per- Russophone areas. The united opposition, son with respect to whom a decision is jailed former Internal Affairs Minister Yurii cent in order to prompt smaller parties to UDAR and Svoboda have fiercely opposed made on election as national deputy. After Lutsenko. The verdict will be announced on join larger ones and make the legislature the law, while the Communists support it, all, there is always a chance that during the more predictable. and Ukraine – Forward sits on the fence. electoral process, which lasts more than (Continued on page 15) Four parties are certain to pass the bar- The law’s adoption prompted protests in rier, and two are almost sure. June opinion Kyiv and the national-minded Western polls gave the PRU 16 to 22 percent sup- areas, which subsided by the end of July. port; the united opposition 15 to 20 per- The election will be a test for democracy FOUNDED 1933 cent; UDAR more than 8 percent; the as many, both at home and abroad, fear The Ukrainian Weekly Communists, who are the PRU’s main that Mr. Yanukovych and the PRU will be allies, around 6 percent; the populist party tempted to rig the election if unable to win. An English-language newspaper published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., Ukraine – Forward 3 to 4 percent and the They failed the previous test, the local elec- a non-profit association, at 2200 Route 10, P.O. Box 280, Parsippany, NJ 07054. Yearly subscription rate: $65; for UNA members — $55. far-right party Svoboda around 3 percent. tion in the fall 2010. This and Ms. If elected to Parliament, Ukraine – Tymoshenko’s imprisonment a year ago Periodicals postage paid at Caldwell, NJ 07006 and additional mailing offices. (ISSN — 0273-9348) Forward headed by Natalya Korolevska, a have almost made Mr. Yanukovych an inter- defector from Batkivshchyna, is likely to national pariah, and the process of integra- The Weekly: UNA: join forces with the PRU. Ms. Tymoshenko’s tion into Europe has become all but frozen. Tel: (973) 292-9800; Fax: (973) 644-9510 Tel: (973) 292-9800; Fax: (973) 292-0900 right-hand man Oleksandr Turchynov has European Commission President Jose claimed that Ms. Korolevska is backed by Manuel Barroso and foreign policy chief Postmaster, send address changes to: The Ukrainian Weekly Editor-in-chief: Roma Hadzewycz the administration of President Viktor Catherine Ashton made it clear in a recent 2200 Route 10 Editor: Matthew Dubas Yanukovych (Inter TV, March 16). Svoboda interview that Kyiv may forget about the P.O. Box 280 on the contrary, is likely to oppose the PRU. Ukraine-European Union association and Parsippany, NJ 07054 e-mail: [email protected] In July, Svoboda and the united opposition free trade agreement, which has been ini- agreed not to field candidates against each tialed but not yet signed, if the October The Ukrainian Weekly Archive: www.ukrweekly.com other in the single-seat constituencies elections are not free and fair (Razumkov. (Ukrayinska Pravda, July 26). UDAR did not org.ua, July 20). The Ukrainian Weekly, August 19, 2012, No. 34, Vol. LXXX join them despite months of talks on an Copyright © 2012 The Ukrainian Weekly opposition coalition. The article above is reprinted from UDAR and Ukraine – Forward are the Eurasia Daily Monitor with permission from two youngest parties with the fastest grow- its publisher, the Jamestown Foundation, ing electorates. The two advertise them- www.jamestown.org. ADMINISTRATION OF THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY AND SVOBODA Walter Honcharyk, administrator (973) 292-9800, ext. 3041 e-mail: [email protected] The Ukrainian Weekly in print and online: Walter Honcharyk, advertising manager (973) 292-9800, ext. 3040 fax: (973) 644-9510 Twice as nice for one low price! e-mail: [email protected] Mariyka Pendzola, subscriptions (973) 292-9800, ext. 3042 $70 ($60 for members of the UNA) e-mail: [email protected] No. 34 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, AUGUST 19, 2012 3 NEWS ANALYSIS: Putin confirms invasion of Georgia was preplanned

by Pavel Felgenhauer tube.com/watch?v=OTXPbA9njCw). acting independently in August 2008 with- inside and outside of South Ossetia to the Eurasia Daily Monitor Mr. Putin’s press service immediately out any prompting phone calls from Mr. Russian military and political leadership. Mr. confirmed the “Lost Day” as a genuine docu- Putin. Ms. Timakova accused Russian gener- Putin’s admission of the prewar integration The fourth anniversary of the August mentary. After a meeting with his Armenian als of envying Mr. Medvedev’s successes in of the Ossetian separatist militias into the 2008 Russo-Georgian war has been marked counterpart, Serzh Sargsyan, in the Kremlin, the war with Georgia (Vedomosti, August 9). Russian General Staff war plan puts into by a seemingly open spat between the sup- Mr. Putin confirmed to journalists the accu- This week, while commemorating the question the integrity of the independent porters of President Vladimir Putin and racy of some of the “Lost Day” allegations. anniversary of the war in Tskhinvali, Mr. European Union war report, written by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. In a According to Mr. Putin, the plan to invade Medvedev rejected the narrative of the “Lost Swiss diplomat Heidi Tagliavini that accused 47-minute documentary film of unclear ori- Georgia was prepared in advance and “the Day” film, announcing that the decision to the Georgians of starting the war and attack- gin, “Lost Day,” posted on YouTube, retired Russian side acted within the framework of use force against Georgia was taken “at the ing Russian “peacekeepers,” which, accord- and active service top Russian generals, that plan.” The General Staff of the Armed right time” and “the decision of a rocket ing to Ms. Tagliavini, warranted a Russian including former First Deputy Defense Forces prepared the plan of military action attack was taken at 4 a.m., August 8 [2008].” military response (www.ceiig.ch/pdf/ Minister and Chief of the General Staff Yuri against Georgia “at the end of 2006, and I In the passage about an authorized rocket IIFFMCG_Volume_I.pdf). Baluyevsky, accuse Mr. Medvedev of indeci- authorized it in 2007,” continued Mr. Putin. attack, Mr. Medvedev is apparently referring After agreeing not to seek re-election for a siveness and cowardice during the conflict According to the plan, heavy weaponry to the order to attack Georgian cities and second term as president and becoming with Georgia and praise Mr. Putin. and troops were prepared and mobilized for military bases with ballistic Tochka-M and prime minister last May, Mr. Medvedev has According to Gen. Baluyevsky, a decision the coming invasion. As part of the Russian Iskander missiles. been visibly sidelined on the politi- to invade Georgia was made by Mr. Putin Defense Ministry plan, Ossetian separatist According to Mr. Medvedev, “Those who cal scene and has been struggling to assert before Mr. Medvedev was inaugurated forces were trained and armed to act as aux- speak different, do not know, or are lying – himself. The “Lost Day,” which praises Mr. President and Commander-in-Chief in May iliary forces in the preplanned engagement such decisions are taken by only one man, Putin as the great statesman and brands Mr. 2008. A detailed plan of military action was with the Georgian military. According to Mr. the commander-in-chief, and that was me.” Medvedev a coward, has been interpreted as arranged and unit commanders were given Putin, “Our military specialists believed they Mr. Medvedev insisted the decision was not a move by President Putin’s entourage in the specific orders in advance. [Ossetian separatist militias] could not pro- easy, “since we recognized until August 26 Kremlin to undermine Prime Minister In August 2008, according to Gen. vide assistance in a clash of regular armies, [2008] the foreign state of Georgia [with Medvedev and possibly initiate his ouster Baluyevsky, Mr. Medvedev needed to issue a but they turned out to be much-needed.” Mr. sovereignty over Abkhazia and South (Moskovsky Komsomolets, August 9). simple order – “Go” – and commanders Putin confirmed he phoned from Ossetia].” Mr. Medvedev added, “We had In response to the “Lost Day” controver- would open sealed envelopes with combat several times on August 7 and 8, 2008, to special relations with Abkhazia and South sy, the Georgian Foreign Ministry has issued orders that were given to them beforehand talk with Messrs. Medvedev and Serdyukov Ossetia, but also talked about the territorial a statement calling the international com- to commence the invasion. Instead, (RIA Novosti, August 8). integrity of Georgia, though we understood munity to “demand from non-use of President Medvedev and Defense Minister Mr. Putin’s presidential pool journalists this was practically impossible” (Interfax, force against Georgia” (www.newsgeorgia. Anatoly Serdyukov hesitated, until Mr. Putin, never publicly ask the president unwanted or August 9). ru, August 9). However, President Putin who in August 2008 was attending the open- un-vetted questions. Mr. Putin could have The “Lost Day” film and the comments by does not seem to expect any censure from ing of the Olympics in Beijing, phoned, ignored an anonymous documentary film Messrs. Putin and Medvedev have revealed Brussels or Washington, where the adminis- “kicked their soft place,” recounts Gen. posted on YouTube, but apparently decided a great deal: that the invasion of Georgia in tration of President Barack Obama is con- Baluyevsky, and the invasion began. otherwise, prompting speculation in Moscow August 2008 was indeed a preplanned tinuing to appease Moscow with its luckless According to Gen. Baluyevsky, the top of a serious rift in the so-called ruling “tan- aggression and that so-called “Russian “reset” policy. political and military leadership in Moscow dem” of Messrs. Medvedev and Putin. peacekeepers” in South Ossetia and Most likely the Russian General Staff was hesitant to take responsibility, and “if a Previously Mr. Medvedev publicly insisted Abkhazia were in fact the vanguard of the today has another “plan” of invading and timely command was given, the casualties that he independently took the decision to invading forces that were in blatant viola- occupying the rest of Georgia, while the would have been much smaller.” The “Lost invade Georgia as acting commander-in- tion of Russia’s international obligations and decision to go and when, as last time, will be Day” tells a story about President Medvedev’s chief, and consulted with Mr. Putin much were training and arming the separatist decided by the same single person – “humiliating consultations” with Western later in the evening of August 8, 2008, when forces. Vladimir Putin. leaders in August 2008 and the “enemy” (the the forward Russian tanks had already The admission by Mr. Putin that Ossetian United States) that is always seeking a pre- reached the beleaguered South Ossetian cap- separatist militias acted as an integral part of The article above is reprinted from Eurasia text to attack Russia with nuclear weapons ital Tskhinvali. Mr. Medvedev’s press secre- the Russian military plan transfers legal Daily Monitor with permission from its pub- (http://rutube.ru/video/eddef3b31e4bdff tary Natalya Timakova confirmed this week responsibility for acts of ethnic cleansing of lisher, the Jamestown Foundation, www. 29de4db46ebdd4e44/; http://www.you- (“as a witness”) Mr. Medvedev’s narrative of Georgian civilians and mass marauding jamestown.org. UCCA execs meet with representatives of Romney presidential campaign

Ukrainian National Information Service The UCCA representatives invited Gov. Romney to the upcoming XXI Congress of WASHINGTON – As the U.S. presidential Ukrainians in America and requested a campaign kicks into high gear in the last statement for the 80th anniversary of the three months before the November elec- Ukrainian Famine-Genocide of 1932-1933, tions, members of the executive board of the the Holodomor. Ukrainian Congress Committee of America UCCA President Olexy thanked Dr. (UCCA) met with a representative from the Dobriansky for finding time in her busy Romney campaign in Washington. schedule to discuss issues of concern to the A meeting was held on August 9 with Ukrainian community. “We are very grateful Paula Dobriansky, a Ukrainian American to you for the frank and informative discus- who served as undersecretary of state for sion and to have you as a confidante and global affairs in the George W. Bush admin- role model in our community for all those istration, who is now a senior foreign policy who aspire to achieve such prominence in adviser in Mitt Romney’s presidential cam- U.S. national politics.” paign. The day was dedicated to other meetings Participating in the meeting were Tamara in Washington, including a discussion with Olexy, UCCA president; Andrew Futey, UCCA the chargé d’affaires of the Embassy of executive vice-president; and Michael Ukraine, Vadym Prystaiko. The meeting was UNIS Sawkiw Jr., director of the Ukrainian very timely as a day earlier the president of Dr. Paula Dobriansky (second from left), an adviser to the presidential campaign of National Information Service (UNIS). The Ukraine had signed the law on language pol- Mitt Romney, with (from left) Andrew Futey, Tamara Olexy, former U.S. Ambassador meeting was also attended by Roman icy, which gives minority languages official to Ukraine Roman Popadiuk and Michael Sawkiw Jr. Popadiuk, the first U.S. ambassador to an status within Ukraine. A discussion ensued independent Ukrainian state. regarding the need for a free, fair and trans- Coordinator of U.S. Assistance to Europe and sion and send as many observers as possi- Several topics of concern were raised parent process for the upcoming parliamen- Eurasia. The discussion centered on the ble to monitor the October 28 elections.” during the 90-minute meeting with Dr. tary elections in Ukraine and during the Ukrainian parliamentary elections in While the U.S. government will send Dobriansky, most notably, the trajectory and campaign period; the UCCA’s international October and the U.S. government’s pro- observers, the focus will be on other key ele- foreign policy objectives of the Republican election monitoring program; and efforts by grams to help ensure a free and fair process. ments of transparency, including programs Party’s presumptive nominee for the presi- the Ukrainian government (in cooperation UCCA President Olexy informed the gov- with the Central Election Commission (CEC) dency. Particular attention was placed on with the Ukrainian American community) ernment officials about the UCCA’s continu- and work with indigenous Ukrainian NGOs Mr. Romney’s recent trip to Poland, where to erect a in Washington to the ous efforts to send international election on parallel vote counting. he spoke of regional issues and U.S. engage- victims of the Ukrainian Genocide by the monitors to observe all of Ukraine’s elec- A broader discussion of U.S.-Ukraine rela- ment in Central and Eastern Europe. The autumn of 2013. tions since 1991. “Observers can play a key tions also transpired during the meeting, in discussion also focused on the Obama A very informative dialogue was held at role in helping to ensure that elections are which the State Department officials reas- Administration’s “reset” with Russia and the U.S. Department of State with officials held in a free and fair manner,” stated Ms. sured the Ukrainian community representa- how that policy affects U.S. relations with from the Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova Olexy, “and we encourage the U.S. govern- tives of the strategic partnership between Ukraine. Bureau, as well as at the Office of the ment to support the UCCA’s observer mis- Ukraine and the United States. 4 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, AUGUST 19, 2012 No. 34

UCC commends Canada’s decision to send 500 election observers to Ukraine OTTAWA – The Ukrainian Canadian and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). few weeks to ensure that Canadian observ- Foundation. “Ukrainian Canadians can help Congress and the Canada Ukraine “Ensuring a free and fair election is criti- ers are able to assess the entirety of the elec- make a difference and have an irreplaceable Foundation applauded the decision by the cal to Ukraine’s development as a democra- toral campaign. The work of the CANADEM role to play in the upcoming months in help- government of Canada to send 500 election cy, and we are proud that Canadian election observers is in addition to the work being ing to assess whether the elections can be observers to Ukraine for this fall’s parlia- observers will monitor these elections to undertaken by the Ukrainian Canadian free and fair in Ukraine.” mentary elections, including a record 75 ensure the will of the Ukrainian people is Congress/Canada Ukraine Foundation Canadian election observers from long-term observers. heard,” stated UCC National President Grod. (UCC/CUF) election observer mission. CANADEM and the UCC/CUF have moni- The government of Canada on August 9 “UCC looks forward to working closely with It is also expected that Canadian mem- tored the last several elections in Ukraine. announced that Canada will be sending up the government of Canada to help make this bers of Parliament will be travelling to All the major political parties and the gov- to 500 election observers to monitor the year’s election observation successful. This Ukraine to monitor the October elections. ernment of Ukraine have called upon upcoming parliamentary elections in election observation mission will be as “We are pleased to see that Prime Minister Canada and its Ukrainian Canadian commu- Ukraine. These election observers consist of important to the future of Ukraine’s human [Stephen] Harper has supported the nity to continue playing their important role both long-term observers (LTOs) and short- rights and democratic development, as was Ukrainian people by sending a large as independent, impartial, international term observers (STOs) and will be deployed the historic 2004 presidential election.” Canadian observer mission to this fall’s par- election observers during the parliamentary through CANADEM (Canada’s Civilian The government has indicated that 65 long- liamentary elections,” said Bob Onyschuk, elections in Ukraine. The elections are Reserve) and the Organization for Security term observers will be deployed in the next chairman of the Canada Ukraine scheduled for October 28.

“After 10 years, they remembered just Lviv area residents... before the anniversary,” Mr. Khamyk said. “And when the anniversary is over, it will (Continued from page 1) return to whatever. There won’t be any- jet before exploding. Miraculously, the thing to remember us by and the people pilots ejected and walked away from the will be left to survive on their own.” carnage physically unscathed. The only comparable air show disaster Fates of the Sknyliv air show in history occurred in Ramstein, Germany, organizers in 1988, resulting in 70 deaths and 346 injured. commander of military combat prepara- Most of those attending the 10-year cer- tion,• Gen.retired Volodymyr with a pension Alekseyev, and benefits.the deputy emony were relatives of victims or survi- - vors of the disaster. Serhiy Khamyk, 40, er, was acquitted for lack of evidence dur- came with the aluminum crutch that he’s ing• theOleh 2005 Dziubetskyi, trial. Afterwards, the main flight he filed train a relied on for the last decade. He lost left his lawsuit against the state alleging that it vio- left leg from the knee down and hasn’t lated the law when improperly filing crimi- been able to find consistent employment nal charges against him, which allegedly ever since. ruined his career prospects. He won $5,000 Some who came were nearby residents in compensation for moral damages. who said they simply wanted to pay trib- Zenon Zawada ute. They vividly recalled the shock that Zenoviy Halaiko holds a portrait of his son, Serhiy, who died in the Sknyliv air show the security service of 14th Airborne struck all those working and living nearby, catastrophe at age 17. Division• Anatolii of Lukinykh, the Military the commander Air Force of which was compounded by the sound of Ukraine, was sentenced to a four-year sirens and the cries of grief from those The four generals who organized the conducted pre-trial and trial investigations suspended prison sentence and a $25,000 leaving the field. event eluded criminal conviction in a sepa- that were exceedingly lengthy. penalty. He still works in the air force. The consensus is that extreme negli- rate military tribunal held in 2008 – a ver- With its verdict, the European Court can - gence led to the disaster, starting from dict that was upheld later that year by the impose new guidelines on air shows, as mander of the 14th Airborne Division, pilots Volodymyr Toponar and Yurii Supreme Court of Ukraine. well as eliminate military tribunals in favor received• Gen. two Serhii promotions Onyshchenko, after thethe disas-com Yegorov, who didn’t rehearse their stunts, The victims’ relatives are now waiting of civilian courts for military defendants, ter. In 2005 he was promoted to first dep- and extending up to the four air force gen- for the European Court on Human Rights to Mr. Kozak said. He expects a verdict by the uty commander of Ukraine’s air force. In erals who organized the event so haphaz- reach its verdict on their complaint against year’s end. The court has already divided 2010 President Viktor Yanukovych pro- ardly that the audience was positioned the Ukrainian government and its judiciary. the complaint into 36 cases (based on fami- moted him to commander of Ukraine’s air directly underneath the planes’ path. The complaint cites discrimination by ly), which it has begun to review. force. He was dismissed in June with a Indeed the mistakes were egregious, the Ukrainian government against its own “This is the only way to convince the pension and benefits. experts said. Organizers moved their air citizens. Kyiv paid $200,000 in compensa- Ukrainian government that it treats its citi- - show from a planned location on the field’s tion per each casualty of a commercial jet zens improperly,” Mr. Kozak said. “After the er-in-chief of the Military Air Force, now opposite end to in front of the military flying from Tel Aviv to Novosibirsk in 2001 catastrophe, our government promised a lot serves• Gen. as Viktora consultant Strelnikov, to the the air command force and grandstand to impress the brass, said that was accidentally shot down by – material compensation, free and proper UkrSpetsEksport, the state arms exporter. Serhii Senyk, who worked as a commercial Ukrainian soldiers, killing all 78 passengers medical treatment, resort treatment, psy- pilot at Sknyliv at the time of the accident, on board. The Sknyliv families received chological help, actions to resolve residential received the most severe punishment, a in which he lost his wife and son. financial compensation that averaged issues, and the main thing – an objective 14-year• Volodymyr prison Toponar,sentence, the which main he pilot, has Yet Ukrainian law stipulates that flight $20,000 per victim, said Stefan Kozak, chair investigation and just punishment against been serving in a penal colony. maneuvers should only be performed above of the Sknyliv Tragedy civic organization. those guilty, independent of their rank and He does farming work there, earning money to pay off his $900,000 fine. runways, not crowds, said Yaroslav Yanchak, The compensation was uneven – victims job responsibility. However, the lion’s share - an aviation historian in Lviv who lost his with serious traumas received only $1,250, of these promises was unfulfilled.” hearing as a result of the disaster. Moreover, mander of the 14th Airborne Division, was while those with medium traumas received For some like Zenoviy Halaiko, financial sentenced• Anatolii to sixTretiakov, years’ imprisonment the deputy com and the maneuvers occurred at exceedingly low $31,250. Monthly payments of $37.50 to compensation is not as important as justice altitudes, or at about 2,200 feet. an $87,500 penalty. In 2007 he gained a $62.50 to children who lost their parents being fulfilled. He lost his only son, Serhiy, pardon from former President Viktor Commanders denied Mr. Toponar’s have experienced delays of as much as six who was 17 years old at the time and about request for rehearsals in order to conserve Yushchenko after serving two years. months, Mr. Kozak said. Meanwhile, those to start his freshman year at Lviv jet fuel. He performed the stunts with only - with psychological trauma have difficulty Polytechnic National University. He holds four hours of flight practice that year, his uty commander-in-chief of the Military gaining recognized victim status. out hope for the European Court’s verdict. testimony revealed. He performed the fatal Air• Force,Gen. Oleksander retired in Voloshenko, 2002 with thea mini- dep The complaint alleges that the Ukrainian “We don’t have justice and Ukraine isn’t left loop, a non-standard maneuver, with- mum pension of $100 a month. Retired government violated the victims’ constitu- a lawful state,” he said. “None of the gener- out it being in the program, Mr. Yanchak generals receive far higher pensions. told the ZIK news service. tional right to a fair trial since its three judg- als were punished, yet they were the first Some had the intelligence to foresee es and the prosecutor were employees of who gave the orders to organize all this. of flight operations, was sentenced to five trouble. A pilot who was supposed to per- the Ministry of Defense, just as the defen- How are they not guilty? The pilots say they years’• Yurii imprisonment Yastiuk, the deputy and a commander penalty of form in the air show opted out, citing inad- dants were. aren’t guilty either? Then it turns out that $87,500. He served half the sentence after equate preparation, Mr. Senyk said. Moreover, their rights were violated we’re guilty for allowing our children to go a district court commuted his prison sen- tence in 2007 for “exemplary behavior.” In June 2005, a military court deter- when a separate trial was set up for the four to that event!” He tried to rejoin the air force, but failed a mined that Messrs. Toponar and Yegorov generals and conducted only three years Yet others, like Liudmyla Meyer, aren’t physical exam. were guilty of technical piloting errors later, the purpose being to enable them to the least bit bashful in admitting that she avoid conviction, the complaint alleged. needs the money. She’s a 77-year-old pen- - when executing an unplanned maneuver. tenced to an eight-year prison term and a Two commanders, Maj. Gen. Tretiakov and The state deprived the Sknyliv victims of sioner living on $105.50 a month. their constitutionally guaranteed right to The Lviv City Council announced on July penalty• Yurii of Yegorov, $307,250. the In co-pilot, 2007 President was sen Lt. Col. Yurii Yatsiuk, were also convicted of Yushchenko issued a decree reducing his failing to fulfill their responsibilities. life for failing to provide for safety at the 23 that it will offer additional compensation event, the complaint alleged. Those who of $9,250 to victims’ families, but only after sentence to three and a half years, which Messrs. Yegorov, Tretiakov and Yatsiuk freed Mr. Yegorov in 2008. got their sentences reduced and sat in pris- were present endured inhuman suffering, an investigation determines who needs the on for three years at most, while Mr. including torturous deaths and physical funds. Those attending the commemoration Source: Zakhidna Informatsiyna Korporatsiya Toponar remains incarcerated. and psychological traumas. The state also weren’t especially hopeful about it. No. 34 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, AUGUST 19, 2012 5




За Екзекутивний Комітет УНС: СТЕФАН КАЧАРАЙ – президент 6 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, AUGUST 19, 2012 No. 34

The Ukrainian Weekly FOR THE RECORD: Canadian prime minister greets Canada’s National Ukrainian Festival Ukraine at 21 Prime Minister Stephen Harper issued bration. The Ukrainian Canadian communi- In the year since Ukraine celebrated the 20th anniversary of the renewal of its the following statement to mark the ty cherish the values our country holds independent statehood, the regime of President Viktor Yanukovych has overseen Canada’s National Ukrainian Festival in most dear, such as democracy and the rule dramatic reversals of democracy and taken steps to de-Ukrainianize Ukraine. Dauphin, Manitoba, which began on of law. Our government has been working Last year, writing on the 20th anniversary of independence, we noted that 2010- August 3. to ensure that these values are promoted 2011 in Ukraine saw developments that could be described as the good, the bad and The annual Ukrainian festival is a time throughout the world, including Ukraine. the downright ugly. Sad to say, the situation since then has only gotten worse, with for us to celebrate Canada’s proud The festival is also a time for us to recog- continued politically motivated prosecutions, more anti-constitutional actions by the Ukrainian heritage and to recognize the nize the relationship between Canada and Verkhovna Rada, blatant government pressure on the news media, deliberate cur- important contributions that Ukrainian Ukraine. Canada was the first Western tailment of public protests, an increase in corruption and marked divisiveness Canadians – now more than 1.2 million country to recognize Ukraine’s indepen- across the land. All of this has led to the increased international isolation of Ukraine. U.S. Rep. Chris Smith of New Jersey on July 13 introduced House Resolution 730, strong – have made and continue to make dence from the in 1991. More which calls for visa bans for Ukrainian officials who have violated human rights. to our great country. recently, our government sponsored more Prior to that, eight European leaders declined to attend the summit of heads of Last year, we commemorated 120 years than 300 election observers to monitor vot- Central European states scheduled to be held in May in Yalta. At the beginning of of Ukrainian settlement in Canada, and this ing during the 2010 presidential elections. 2012, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe threatened sanctions if year we mark the centenary of the Plast On this special day, I encourage all Ukraine did not implement its demands regarding democracy and the rule of law. Ukrainian Scouting Organization. The long Canadians to share in our country’s rich And, back in October 2011, soon after opposition leader Yulia Tymoshenko was sen- history of contributions made by the Ukrainian cultural heritage, and I extend tenced to seven years in prison, the European Union abruptly canceled a planned Ukrainian Canadian community to the my best wishes to the organizers and par- visit by Mr. Yanukovych to Brussels. The EU has refrained from signing the building of our country is worthy of cele- ticipants of this year’s festivities. Association Agreement with Ukraine, setting back a process more than five years in the making, and it has taken a wait-and-see attitude, indicating that what happens during Ukraine’s 2012 parliamentary elections, i.e. whether those elections meet LETTER TO THE EDITOR international standards, is key. Certainly, Ukrainian Independence Day 2012 will be marked in the dark shadow of the new law on language policy. “Yanukovych has managed to do everything that spreading the news about the Ukrainian the Russian emperors and the Soviet general secretaries could not do,” Oleh The “Vatican plan” Catholic Church and its emergence from Medvedev, a political strategist for the Batkivshchyna party, said in commenting on the catacombs. He will also be able to share President Yanukovych’s signing of the law. “He has passed a death sentence on the and a new bishop the inspiring stories about the young peo- Ukrainian language.” The law, as Mr. Medvedev explained to ukrainianjournal.com, ple at the Ukrainian Catholic University and discourages millions of people from learning the official state language by “com- Dear Editor: their commitment to the Church, Ukraine and democracy. pletely displacing it from all spheres of civil society.” Regarding the Rev. Borys Gudziak’s In no way will the new bishop remove Already the Odesa City Council has voted to give Russian the status of a regional appointment as bishop for Ukrainian himself from the mission of the Ukrainian language. Russian may now be used in local government offices, on official docu- Catholics in France, Jerry Zinycz writes ments, at schools and universities, and in municipal place names. Thus, for example, Catholic University. This shepherd will about the “Vatican plan” to remove a prom- never abandon his flock, much like a loving inent priest from Ukraine (August 5). tuned, as there is much more to come in this vein. father cannot abandon the child he has To set the record straight, Father OdesaIn yet (Одеса another in signUkrainian) of how canmuch now things be calledhave changed Odessa (Одессаfor the worse, in Russian). Communist Stay nurtured for close to 20 years. Gudziak’s nomination was proposed by the Party Chairman Petro Symonenko is now proposing to hold a national referendum In the last two decades, the Rev. Gudziak Synod of Ukrainian Catholic Bishops and on the main state symbols of Ukraine, its state emblem and its national anthem. has built a team with a shared vision for then approved by the Vatican. Patriarch Yes, on the 21st anniversary of Ukraine’s renewed independence it sure is hard to the Ukrainian Catholic University; during Sviatoslav Shevchuk often talks about the focus on the positive. But, one can still have hope. As Ukraine and Ukrainians world- the past year, he spent much of his time global character of the Ukrainian Catholic wide celebrate Ukrainian Independence Day 2012, we look ahead with hope to the outside of Lviv, yet the university continues Church’s activities, which require ministers parliamentary elections scheduled for October 28. May the citizens of Ukraine go to to flourish and grow. with a global vision and global experience. the polls and choose wisely – for themselves, their children and their nation. It is with the blessing of Patriarch (As The Weekly readers may recall, Sviatoslav and the support of the Ukrainian Patriarch Sviatoslav was sent to Argentina Catholic University community that Father to serve as bishop of the faithful in South Borys heads off to a new and challenging America). assignment, while keeping his finger on the Turning the pages back... The Rev. Dr. Gudziak is among the best Aug. pulse of activities at the Ukrainian Catholic and the brightest priests in the Ukrainian University. Fifteen years ago, on August 24, 1997, Ukraine celebrated its Catholic Church – Harvard-educated and sixth anniversary of its renewed independence. Paul Goble exam- We at the Ukrainian Catholic Education spiritually inspired by such great leaders as ined the incongruence of terms such as “former Soviet Union,” Foundation invite everyone to join Father 24 Patriarch Josyf Slipyj. His elevation to bish- “newly independent states,” “Commonwealth of Independent Borys in Lviv for his episcopal ordination in op is an opportunity for the community 1997 States” and “Eurasia.” Lviv on August 26 and witness the dedica- outside of Lviv to get acquainted with his Continuing to refer to the region as the “former Soviet Union,” tion of the UCU residence college later that charisma and benefit from his many gifts he said, diminishes both the status of the successor states and same day. encourages those in Russia and elsewhere who would like to restore the union. It also over- and talents. states the similarities of those countries, whose only real commonality was Russian and Additionally, his posting for the faithful Marta Kolomayets Soviet occupation, and does not recognize each country’s differences. in France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Chicago The seemingly neutral “newly independent states” is also controversial. Prior to the col- Luxembourg and Switzerland will allow lapse of the Soviet Union, no government in the world referred to independent countries him to reach out to such European institu- The letter-writer is director of programs arising from the ruins of empires as “new independent states.” Instead, those countries were tions as the Council of Europe, the and communications for the Ukrainian quickly viewed as countries much like all others. The use of this term also implies that the European Union and the United Nations, Catholic Education Foundation. relationship between those countries and Moscow is somehow different. This leads many people to wonder whether their states are less equal than others. Mr. Goble also questioned how long a country must be independent before it ceases to be “new.” The grouping term “Eurasia,” indiscriminately lumps together countries that are definite- Quotable notes ly part of the European cultural world with some that most definitely are not. And, histori- “You have about a third of the Russian population and, in a sense, you have made cally, the term was popularized by a Russian nationalist group to suggest that Russia repre- greater progress in your development. You also have, in a sense, an advantage over sented an amalgam of European and Asiatic civilizations and that it had a civilizing mission across the region. Russia. Politically, you are the ‘elder’ brother, while Russia is the ‘younger’ one. Mr. Goble explored that the lack of a fitting term for the region and noted that the search Kyivan Rus’ was the prototype of Ukraine. From this angle, you have had more ties for one highlights three additional problems. with the West, and you can help Russia become part of the democratic West, and play First, it shows the unwillingness of leaders to accept the 1991 events as irreversible. When an important role there. Therefore, your strategic position gives you an opportunity other empires dissolved in the 20th century, few world leaders felt compelled to reiterate sup- to be the creative prime mover of what is required for global stability. Otherwise, the port for the independence and territorial integrity of their successors five years after the fact. Eurasian continent will get unbalanced to a high degree.” No one was saying such things about the successors to the Austro-Hungarian, Ottoman or Russian empires in 1924. But in the post-Soviet case, many leaders have done just that, sending – Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski, former U.S. national security advisor, counselor and trust- a message to those countries that is very different from the one they say they intend to send. ee at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, speaking on the subject of Second, it does not recognize how diverse the countries of the region are and how many Ukrainian-Russian relations with Ihor Samokysh of The Day (Den) in a story dated June have far greater ties with countries beyond the borders of the former Soviet Union than with 7 (see http://www.day.kiev.ua/229551/). countries within those borders. Third, it reflects an unwillingness on the part of some Westerners to challenge the desire of some Moscow circles to remain the dominant power in the region, regardless of the wish- es of the people in those countries. Through instruments such as the CIS and via statements To subscribe to The Ukrainian Weekly, call 973-292-9800, ext. 3042 (Continued on page 15) No. 34 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, AUGUST 19, 2012 7 Ukraine’s national anthem: Its origins 150 years ago by Bohdan Klid versities, were relaxed. Questions related to the undertaking of reforms, such as the This year marks the 150th anniversary of emancipation of the peasantry from serf- the hymn “Sheche Ne Vmerla Ukraina,” dom, changes to land ownership and land which is Ukraine’s national anthem. As most use rights, other relations between peasants people do not know the context in which the and nobles, and self-government, began to lyrics were written, the anthem’s words are be discussed fairly openly in print. not understood well – especially the first line Discussions as to the types of reforms to of the hymn, which has usually been trans- be enacted revealed a divide between those lated as “Ukraine has not yet died.” This favoring conservative, liberal and even qua- seems to hold a negative connotation. Also, si-socialist approaches. In the period lead- most people are not familiar with the origi- ing up to and in the immediate aftermath of nal lyrics. the 1861 emancipation act that freed The words of the official anthem today, as Russia’s serfs, including those in Russian- well as those most of us in the diaspora are ruled Ukraine, tensions and antagonisms familiar with, are variants of the original lyr- between peasants and landowners became ics, which are also much longer. One can com- more acute. As well, intellectual and student pare these with the original text at the end of circles in major cities of the , this article, which focuses on the historical especially at universities, became fertile context in which the song was written. Of areas for the spread of radical ideas. special interest are the activities of the song’s In this same period the national libera- Pavlo Chubynsky author, Pavlo Chubynsky, on the eve of and tion movements of non-Russian peoples during the period he wrote the lyrics. were being established or becoming active. question and peasant emancipation. Others because of their sympathies for the Pavlo Chubynsky (1839-1884) is known Most notable among these was the revival of also sympathized with or actively supported Ukrainian peasantry, left the ranks of the to students of Ukrainian history and folklore the national liberation movement of the the Poles in the pre-insurrection period. Polish student body to merge with the Kyiv as an ethnographer and civic leader. The Poles, whose leaders launched an attempt to Andrii Krasovsky, who was a colonel in the Hromada. year before he wrote the song, Chubynsky resurrect their state, which had been dis- Russian army, for instance, attended Kyiv Although the khlopomany were not a was a law student at St. Petersburg membered by Prussia, Austria and Russia in Hromada meetings and was a supporter of large group, this defection was important. University in Russia. In the spring of 1861 he the late 18th century. The largest part of the the Polish struggle for national emancipa- Antonovych, for instance, continued his civic returned to his father’s country home near former Polish state, which had included tion. He was arrested in 1862 for distribut- activities and became an influential figure , located on the road from Kyiv to much of what is today Right-Bank Ukraine, ing a proclamation to soldiers of the among Ukrainian intellectual circles in the Pereyaslav, to write his dissertation. was at that time part of the Russian Empire. Chernihiv regiment, calling on them to dis- Russian Empire, as well as a historian and Chubynsky was already at that time a The Polish attempt to restore their statehood obey orders to quell peasant disturbances. mentor to several important Ukrainian his- Ukrainophile, being interested and involved ended in an armed rebellion in 1863, which Chubynsky, who attended St. Petersburg torians of the late 19th-early 20th century, in what we would call today Ukrainian stud- was crushed by Russian imperial forces. and then Kyiv hromada meetings, was also including Mykhailo Hrushevsky. ies. He also participated in what has been National feelings of non-Russian Slavs known to have sympathized with the Poles. Antonovych, despite his upbringing as a described as Ukrainian populist activities. were also affected by the growing resistance The question of whether one should sup- Pole, vehemently opposed the Polish plans These included attending meetings of soci- of the Balkan Slavs to Ottoman Turkish rule port, remain neutral or oppose the Polish for insurrection. There were some Kyiv eties of Ukrainian intellectuals and students throughout the 19th century, including the national movement, or, more precisely, the Hromada members or sympathizers, how- called “hromady” (literally, communities or period examined here. The unification of goals set by its leadership as they pertained ever, who wanted to take advantage of the communes) in St. Petersburg and Kyiv, Italy in the late 1850s and early 1860s also to Right-Bank Ukraine, and whether the Polish insurrection to foment rebellion where scholarly, cultural and popular edu- had an influence on the development of Poles should take up arms to achieve their among the Ukrainian peasantry to achieve cation projects and activities were dis- national consciousness among non-Russian goals, was of particular importance to radical social changes and even topple the cussed. The discussions led to hromada- intellectuals and students. Ukrainian intellectuals and to students at tsarist regime. sponsored activities, such as organizing and The leadership of the nascent Ukrainian Kyiv University, where there was a large It was in this politically charged atmo- teaching in Sunday Schools and distributing national liberation movement was initially Polish student body. Polish claims to Right- sphere that Pavlo Chubynsky wrote the lyr- Ukrainian-language popular literature to centered in St. Petersburg, where by 1858 Bank Ukraine and Kyiv, which were support- ics to the future Ukrainian national anthem peasants and city youth. the first hromada was organized. Hromady ed by Polish students at Kyiv University, in 1862 at an apartment in Kyiv during an Ukrainophile activities by hromada activ- were soon afterward organized in major contributed to the creation of a politically evening gathering of Ukrainian and Serbian ists, tolerated for the most part by Russian Ukrainian cities like Kyiv and Kharkiv, but charged atmosphere characterized at times students. According to one memoirist who authorities until 1863, became possible as a also in the provincial towns of Poltava and by boisterous meetings and arguments was present, Chubynsky wrote the words to result of the relaxed political atmosphere Chernihiv. The journal – the first between the Polish students and their the Ukrainian hymn “ex prompto” after following the accession to the tsarist throne publication that provided a forum for Ukrainian and Russian counterparts. These hearing the Serbian students sing a patriotic of Alexander II in 1855. Early in the new Ukrainian intellectuals and students associ- confrontations stimulated the development song, probably the pan-Slavic hymn “Hej, tsar’s reign, censorship and other adminis- ated with the hromady – began appearing in and sharpened a sense of social awareness Sloveni,” which was inspired in part by the trative and police controls over activities of St. Petersburg in 1861. and national consciousness among educated society, including at Russia’s uni- While the core and leadership of the St. Ukrainian students at the university. national anthem. “Hey, Sloveni” was the Petersburg Hromada consisted of the older The vast majority of Kyiv Hromada mem- “Mazureknational anthem Dąbrowskiego,” of Yugoslavia the current after Polish1945, generation of Ukrainian intellectuals that bers came to oppose the Poles not only Bohdan Klid, Ph.D., is assistant director/ and of Serbia and Montenegro until 2004. had belonged to the Ss. Cyril and Methodius because of their claims to the Right Bank, The Polish anthem begins with the words media relations at the Canadian Institute of Society (such as Panteleimon Kulish and but also because the leadership of the Polish Ukrainian Studies, University of Alberta. Mykola Kostomarov), the Kyiv Hromada was national liberation movement, especially in yet died). In a similar vein, “Hej, Sloveni” This article is based in part on the dominated and led by university students, Right-Bank Ukraine, was dominated by the “Jeszczebegins with Polska the nie words zginęła” “Hej, (Poland Sloveni has jos notste author’s article “Songwriting and Singing: or former students, most from Kyiv Polish nobility (szlachta), some of whom zivi” (Hey Slavs, you’re still alive). Ukrainian Revolutionary and Not So University, who were more inclined to were large landowners. In 1861 some Although the Serbian hymn served as the Revolutionary Activities in the 1860s,” entertain radical views. Ukrainophile Poles and Polonized immediate inspiration to Chubynsky, the Journal of Ukrainian Studies, Volumes 33-34 Some of its members became involved in Ukrainians led by Volodymyr Antonovych, (2008-2009), pp. 263-277. revolutionary activities linked to the land who were derisively called khlopomany (Continued on page 9)

Український Конґресовий Комітет Америки щиро вітає українську громаду в США з нагоди ХХI РІЧНИЦІ ВІДНОВЛЕННЯ НЕЗАЛЕЖНОСТИ УКРАЇНИ! Наші вітання шлемо українському народові та віримо, що Боже Провидіння подасть йому силу та мудрість у цей складний час, коли вирішується доля України. Ukrainian Congress Committee of America Ukrainian National Information Service 203 Second Ave. 311 Massachusetts Ave.,N.E New York, N.Y. 10003 Washington, D.C.20002 Phone: (212) 228-6840/6841 Phone: (202) 547-0018 Fax: (212) 254-4721 Fax: (202) 543-5502 www.ucca.org


ART REVIEW: The Ukrainian Museum’s first retrospective of a contemporary artist

by Elaine Kryzhanovsky Ms. Sochynsky’s art is immeasurably inspired by the 1970s American pop art movement (especially James NEW YORK – The current exhibition at The Ukrainian Rosenquist). Ms. Sochynsky’s oeuvre consists of single oil Museum titled, “A Singular Vision: Ilona Sochynsky, paintings, triptychs and oil paintings that belong to a series Retrospective of Painting” is a collection of works by an (“Fetishes”, “Capriccios” and “Fragments”). These meticu- American artist of Ukrainian descent. Ms. Sochynsky is the lously rendered oil paintings with satin reflections and sat- first living artist to have a solo exhibition in The Ukrainian urated hues, in many cases abstract in composition, often Museum’s new modern building. This exhibition was orga- include realistic depictions that reflect influences of photo- nized by the exhibition curator, Jaroslaw Leshko – realism. In the matter of pop art, Ms. Sochynsky’s composi- Professor Emeritus of art at Smith College, and supported tions create tense dramatic situations. by Maria Shust, the museum’s director, both of whom are At first glance, Ms. Sochynsky is fully an American artist, admirers of the artist’s work. schooled at the Rhode Island School of Design and Yale University, whose work reflects important trends in Elaine Kryzhanovsky, a freelance writer, is a recent M.A. American art, but her canvases, perhaps unconsciously, graduate in art history from Hunter College in New York. also reflect a Ukrainian national artistic tradition with ele-

“Metropolitan Night” (1990, oil on linen, 12 by 14 inches). ments that represent Ukrainian mores, surreal and dream- like qualities, superstition and paradox. Rather than a commentary on modernity and mass media, the paintings depict an internal struggle and the road to coming back to one’s consciousness. The exhibition traces the artist’s personal development from 1979 to the new millennium, incorporating Ms. Sochynsky’s most recent uncanny paintings of nets. “A Singular Vision: Ilona Sochynsky, Retrospective of Painting” continues through October 7 at The Ukrainian Museum, 222 E. Sixth St., New York; (212-228-0110, ukrai- “Coney Island” (triptych, 1982, oil on linen, each panel 54 by 48 inches). nianmuseum.org).

policies that would undermine every in Russian-dominated regions such as the If this law remains as written, barring its Language expert... opportunity to develop Ukrainian as a poly- Donbas to remain open. being overturned by the Constitutional valent language for use in education, the It is also obvious that in modern-day Court, it will have a deleterious effect on the (Continued from page 1) arts, science and culture broadly conceived. Ukraine, it is Russian books and periodicals status and use of Ukrainian in Ukraine, Charter for Regional or Minority The 1863 Valuev Circular and the 1876 Ems that predominate over their Ukrainian especially in certain regions, such as the Languages? Is that charter even applica- Decree, as is well known, forbade the publi- counterparts. There are also more Russian Donbas, where Russian predominates. television broadcasts and films produced in ble to the Russian language in Ukraine? cation of most belletristic writings in Ultimately, any marginal gains that have Ukrainian in the Russian Empire until 1905. Ukraine than Ukrainian ones. accrued to Ukrainian over the past two The proposition to see the relationship Under the Soviets, the Ukrainian language Because of this de facto prominence of decades would be rolled back because the between the Russian and Ukrainian lan- suffered brutal Russification during the Russian language and culture on Ukrainian new law would undermine any incentive on guages in Ukraine in the terms laid down by Stalin era and beyond. territory, it is indeed the job of the the part of Russophone residents to learn the European Charter for Regional or It is only with the relative stability of an Ukrainian government to protect and sup- Ukrainian. This practice would increase lin- Minority Languages (ECRML) is highly independent Ukraine in 1991 that port the use of the Ukrainian language in guistic divides regionally within Ukraine problematic. The charter was intended to Ukrainian has been provided with the everyday life and to encourage its spread and would chip away at its legitimacy as the provide protection for languages that were opportunity to thrive and develop as the and increased influence. In so doing, it sole state language. dominated or oppressed by governments. language of the Ukrainian nation and state. should defend the Ukrainian language as the sole state language of Ukraine. Will adoption of this controversial law One can hardly claim such a situation for Given the asymmetrical relationship of affect the unity of the country or, as the Russian language in Ukraine. power between Russian and Ukrainian in Do you agree with High Commissioner some observers have said, have a delete- During very long stretches of East Slavic the past, it is nonsensical to believe in any on National Minorities Knut Vollebaek of rious effect on Ukraine’s very nation- history, it is the Russian language that has scenario that the Russian language is being the Organization for Security and hood? enjoyed the prestige and power of the rul- victimized by Ukrainian in Ukraine. Cooperation in Europe who described ing elites. The Ukrainian language, on the From the perspective of the European the situation surrounding a new lan- At least for now, the notion that the lan- contrary, was subjected to governmental Charter, the Ukrainian-Russian case in guage law in Ukraine as “deeply divisive” guage law will destroy the unity of the oppression and punitive policies over most Ukraine would be the sole example in which and cited its “disproportionate favoring country is overly pessimistic. The Ukrainian of this period. the language of the former oppressor now of the Russian language”? language has a strong track record of sur- claims the status of a victimized minority, vival in perilous times under even more With cues from an entrenched academic Yes, and Mr. Vollebaek has the diplomatic when in fact Russian speakers are free to use tyrannical administrations. But if allowed to establishment that preferred to see and linguistic experience to make an objec- their language in public or private through- stand over time, the law will certainly have Ukrainian as a dialect of Russian rather than tive judgment in this case. He has served as out the country. The notion that Russian is a deleterious effect on Ukrainian as the a separate language, the Russian govern- Norway’s ambassador to the United States threatened or endangered, a primary moti- state language. ment informally and formally established and as foreign minister of Norway. He has vation for the recognition of minority lan- held diplomatic posts in India, Spain, As an expert in linguistics, what is guages under the charter, is a patently cyni- Zimbabwe and Costa Rica. He has complet- your prognosis for the Ukrainian lan- cal and logically unsupportable claim. ed advanced studies in French and Spanish guage in Ukraine and abroad? In view of decades of officially languages and cultures. As long as the people of Ukraine make it imposed Russification, shouldn’t the It is worth noting that in all surveys of a point to use the Ukrainian language in all government of independent Ukraine act public opinion since independence, lan- walks of life in perpetuating the growth of to protect and support the Ukrainian guage issues were not utmost on the minds civil society in Ukraine, it will not only sur- language? of most residents of Ukraine. The constitu- vive but flourish. Ukrainian writers, film- Absolutely, and that is the primary point tionally sanctioned status of Ukrainian as makers, journalists, artists and educators made in the 1996 Constitution that declares the sole state language was upheld, and must continue to use the Ukrainian lan- Ukrainian to be the sole state language. It Ukrainian slowly gained acceptance among guage to develop a culture that will attract provides for the linguistic rights of speakers an ever greater proportion of the population. ever greater numbers of Ukrainian citizens of other languages in Ukraine, but The situation changed radically in 2004 to its fold. Such demonstrable efforts by Ukrainian alone has authoritative status in advance of the national elections when Ukrainian society at large will gain support that must be maintained in all government language use became a political rallying cry abroad as well, helping to nurture offices, the courts and the military. for advancing the position of the Party of Ukrainian language and culture outside of Regions among Russian speakers. A focus on Instruction is allowed in languages other Ukraine. the language issue is a reflection of political than Ukrainian in various regions of These are commitments that must be expediency used for electoral advantage. Ukraine. In fact, Russian-language schools taken seriously. Strong public support for comprise the majority in parts of eastern How will the law on language policy, Ukrainian will provide the greatest bulwark Ukraine and exist in western Ukraine as as now written, affect the future of the against government manipulators intent on well. On the contrary, Ukrainian-language Ukrainian language and culture in weakening the status of Ukrainian for politi- Prof. Michael S. Flier schools have had to struggle against efforts Ukraine? cal gain. No. 34 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, AUGUST 19, 2012 9

November 1862. was an environment that accelerated to right that wrong, even by sacrificing their Ukraine’s national... Chubynsky’s fate was shared during this national identity formation and facilitated lives. In the fourth verse, in the spirit of period by other Ukrainophiles, such as rapid political and social radicalization and Ukrainian pan-Slavism and of the song “Hej, (Continued from page 7) Oleksandr Konysky of Poltava, and Stepan was conducive to the writing of the patriotic Sloveni,” Chubynsky offers support for the Nis and Ivan Andrushchenko of Chernihiv. hymn by Chubynsky. national liberation struggles of other Slavs, opening line of the future Ukrainian anthem Ukrainophile activities, which at times inter- The Polish national liberation struggle calls for united efforts at liberation, and mimics the Polish hymn’s introduction. It sected or merged with revolutionary acts, proved to be a key catalyst in awakening admonishes Ukrainians not to be left behind can be assumed that Chubynsky’s hymn was such as support for the 1863-1864 Polish national feelings, especially among in this quest. As well, the refrain of today’s written to be sung to the same melody, and uprising, engaging in anti-tsarist activities Ukrainian students at Kyiv University, large- anthem does not contain the last four lines was sung initially to this melody by Kyiv and agitation among the peasantry, con- ly as a reaction to it and to its particular written by Chubynsky, where the author Hromada members. The current music to vinced Russian authorities to resort to manifestations in Ukraine. However, the encourages Ukrainians that it’s time to take Chubynsky’s hymn was composed by the administrative-police measures directed Polish movement also acted as an inspira- up the fight to gain freedom. Galician Ukrainian Greek-Catholic priest and against individual Ukrainophiles they con- tion and model to Ukrainians. We can see Clearly, Chubynsky wrote the words of composer Mykhailo Verbytsky in 1864. sidered to be dangerous, as well as to issue this reflected in Chubynsky’s hymn, which his hymn to inspire Ukrainians to seek Chubynsky’s lyrics set to the music of the Valuev Ukaz in 1863, which was aimed mimics the first line of the Polish anthem. national liberation, as did the authors of the Verbytsky quickly gained popularity in against the entire Ukrainian populist move- Chubynsky’s “Shche Ne Vmerla Ukraina” Polish and pan-Slavic hymns. They were and became the hymn of the ment by curtailing the publication of litera- has three additional versus which are not written in periods when most Slavic peoples Ukrainian National Republic (UNR) and is ture of a religious nature and for popular included in Ukraine’s anthem. The second were under foreign rule and when the today Ukraine’s national anthem. education in Ukrainian. mentions three Kozak and Haidamaka lead- national liberation movements of their Chubynsky’s authorship of “Shche ne The specific events and activities which ers who led rebellions against Polish rule, respective nations were in their infancy. The vmerla…” was not known to Russian author- led to the repressive measures taken against and who symbolically call from their graves meaning of the first line of Chubynsky’s ities at the time he wrote the hymn, even individuals, as well as against the entire to Ukrainians to continue their struggle. In song, then, should be interpreted in a more though he had been placed under police Ukrainian populist movement, occurred in the third, Chubynsky admonishes positive light, in the sense of “Ukraine still surveillance soon after he had returned to the dynamic and politically charged atmo- Khmelnytsky for giving Ukraine away to the lives,” despite its people being oppressed Ukraine from St. Petersburg. It was, there- sphere of the late 1850s and early 1860s. It “bad Muscovites” and calls upon Ukrainians and under foreign rule. fore, probably not the underlying reason that caused authorities to arrest him in late 1862. The first published text of the Suspicions about Chubynsky were lyrics to “Shche Ne Vmerla aroused in part because of what the police Ukraina” written by Pavlo Душу, тіло ми Душу, тіло и д. Душу,The lyrics тіло и ofд. … the national and local landowners viewed as suspicious Chubynsky, but mistakenly положимъ anthem, adopted by Ukraine’s gatherings of young people at his father’s attributed at the time of its pub- За свою свободу Ой Богдане, Богдане, Verkhovna Rada in 2003. И покажемъ, country home near Boryspil. Informants lication to , Славний нашъ гетьмане! що ми браття На-що віддавъ Украіну reported to the police that the Kyiv appeared in the Galician University students who gathered there Козацького роду. Москалям поганимъ?! Ukrainian journal Meta (1863, “walked around in Little Russian Гей-гей, браття миле, Щобъ вернути іі честь, Ще не вмерла України [Ukrainian] garb, sang seditious Little No. 4, pp. 271-272). Нумо братися за діло! Ляжемъ головами, і слава, і воля, Russian [Ukrainian] songs and passed the Гей-гей пора встати, Назовемся Украіни Ще нам, браття молодії, time in boisterous orgies.” The spies also Пора волю добувати! Вірними синами! усміхнеться доля. Згинуть наші воріженьки, reported that Chubynsky and a circle of fol- Ще не вмерла Україна, Наливайко, Залізнякъ Душу, тіло и д. lowers “were stirring up the peasants И слава, и воля! И Тарас Трясило як роса на сонці. against the landowners.” These accusations, Ще намъ, браття-молодці, Кличуть насъ Наші браття Славяне Запануєм і ми, браття, especially those of inciting the peasants, Усміхнеться доля! изъ-за могилъ Вже за зброю взялись; у своїй сторонці. including attributing authorship of the Не діжде ніхто, щобъ ми Згинуть наші вороги, На святеє діло. Приспів: incendiary proclamation “Usim dobrym По-заду зістались. Якъ роса на сонці; Изгадаймо славну смерть Душу й тіло ми положим liudiam” (To all good people) to Chubynsky, Лицарства-козацтва, Поєднаймось разомъ всі, Запануємъ, браття й ми за нашу свободу, convinced the authorities to exile him to the У своїй сторонці. Щобъ не втратить Братчики-Славяне: Arkhangelsk gubernia in northern Russia in марне намъ Нехай гинуть вороги, І покажем, що ми, браття, [Приспів] Своєго юнацтва. Най воля настане! козацького роду. 10 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, AUGUST 19, 2012 No. 34 No. 34 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, AUGUST 19, 2012 11

Oksana Masters: Chornobyl disaster victim now a paralympic rower

by Ihor N. Stelmach abilities. At 5 she was again relocated to a Sport as a savior facility called a boarding school near the vil- Blessed with a competitive spirit, Oksana A dream will be coming true for a young lage of Isiaslav. Most of the bad memories was determined to find a sport. She tried Ukrainian woman headed for the 2012 she longs to forget began here. horseback-riding until one time when she Paralympics in London. Oksana Masters, 23, At the boarding school only seven of 125 fell and was dragged after one of her pros- has demonstrated she has the ambition and children had no parents. Those seven lived thetic legs got stuck in the stirrup. She courage to bring home a medal to Louisville, together. Food was scarce – a little kasha or attempted seated volleyball, but that did not Kentucky. a piece of dry bread if they were lucky. work out. It seems the smacking of the vol- Taking a boat out has become a full-time Oksana was smaller than the others, more leyball brought back painful memories of job for Masters, who has been on the water disobedient than most. Baths were infre- beatings. six days a week for the past several months. quent, as were clean clothes. What was fre- In middle school Oksana tried hard to fit A journey that began on the Ohio River will quent was the beatings. When Oksana was in, but it was hard due to her physical dis- soon move to Dorney Lake in England, site about 6 years old the rapes began, and it abilities. She was stared at and teased a lot. of all rowing events for the 2012 Summer wasn’t always men. Games. She’s been training for six years. She believed if she could find herself a sport Winning a medal will be no easy task. Adopted by an American she would find her place. Father figures emerged in her new life, one of whom was The sport has plenty of tough competitors Gay Masters, Oksana’s adoptive mother, and requires major muscular endurance. Oh, Randy Mills, a local adaptive physical educa- said it was widely believed workers in tion resource teacher. He helped special by the way, neither Masters nor her rowing Eastern European orphanages earned extra partner, U.S. Marine Rob Jones, has legs. needs students find alternative sports like money by pimping out the children to any- adaptive rowing. Born outside of Chornobyl, Ukraine, U.S. Rowing one who would come to the door with Mils introduced Oksana to the adaptive Masters’ birth defects were caused by expo- Oksana Masters rubles. A speech therapist living in Buffalo, sure to leaking radiation from the nuclear rowing group organized by Bob Hurley, a One year and three months after the N.Y., she expressed interest in adopting when power plant. Severe pain eventually led to competitive rower at the Louisville Rowing Chornobyl disaster, in the city of Khmelnytsky, a friend adopted a child from a Russian the amputation of her legs, although she Club at the master’s level. Hurley’s support, orphanage. Despite suspicions of a black refused to be a helpless child. a Ukrainian couple named Bondarchuk con- understanding and motivational techniques market in children, she pursued an adoption. Adopted at age 7, Oksana later relocated ceived a daughter. Birth records showed her proved invaluable for Oksana Masters and a The process took a year and a half from to Louisville and tried adaptive rowing in name to be Oksana Alexandrovna special bond developed. During high school, the first time Masters looked at a photo of eighth grade. Her first experience was not a Bondarchuk. The certificate includes a note she continued rowing and worked two jobs. positive one – she didn’t like practicing an stating, “Relinquished at birth.” Oksana at the orphanage. Now an assistant After graduating high school Oksana’s adaptive sport that was labeled as adaptive. Oksana has never seen a photograph of professor at the University of Louisville, rowing moved from hobby to passion to After she got in the water a few times, her parents, although she knows what the Masters was introduced to a tiny 7-year-old winning competitions. She got in to inten- Masters fell in love with the serenity and Bondarchuks saw at her birth: a baby girl Oksana, 38 inches tall, weighing only 34 sive training and competing. Her routine power of the water. Once she figured out the with six toes on each foot, connected with pounds. Needless to say, the little girl knew became a daily swim of 30 laps around a motion, her competitive spirit and desire to webbing. Each hand had five fingers, also no English. pool with her prosthetic legs standing in a win prevailed. webbed, with no thumbs. Her parents The move to America meant freedom for nearby corner. She regularly lifts weights. Her partner lost his legs after stepping on would never know baby Oksana had horse- Oksana. She would turn lights on and off In February 2010 she set the women’s an IED in Afghanistan in 2010. He, like his shoe-shaped kidneys, no tibia in either leg incessantly simply because she could. She trunk and arm record for indoor rowing. She rowing pal, never looked back. Their rowing or that her right leg had two fibulas. One leg enjoyed picking out stickers to display on then teamed with kayaker Augusto Perez in mixed doubles team defeated Brazil to win had the kneecap on the outside instead of on her bedroom door. For her there was joy in mixed sculling competitions. As mentioned, the World Cup in Serbia in May, qualifying the front, and it was bowed out, making it having the opportunity to make a choice. she won the World Cup in Serbia, qualifying for the Paralympics. They won first place for inches shorter than her other leg. Amid the newfound fun, however, would for the Paralympics. adaptive rowing in the Trunk and Arms The webbing and extra toes were be more difficulties to overcome. The former orphan from Ukraine will Division with a time of 4:11.29, which was removed through surgeries. Webbing from At age 8 one of her legs had to be ampu- now represent the United States in London 6.9 seconds ahead of the competition. her fingers was cut out; one finger from each tated. Despite this setback, Oksana learned in world-class rowing on August 31. Now it is on to England to give it their all hand was amputated, restructured and put to skate wearing a prosthetic. She would How will this chapter of Oksana’s story for 5/8ths of a mile. All out for 1,000 meters back as a thumb. Her hands are functional, jump, spin, push off and land on her real leg. end? but are stiff-looking, scarred and irregularly At 12 Oksana and her mother moved to – four minutes of grueling physical exertion. Sources: ESPN The Magazine, LEO Weekly shaped. Her fingers are too short, making it Louisville, where she entered middle school and U.S. Rowing. A nuclear catastrophe difficult to hold on to things. as a sixth grader. Pain in her other leg grew Master’s life journey is very tragic and When she was 2, Oksana was moved to more intense and by age 14 she had lost Ihor Stelmach may be reached at iman@ quite inspirational. It is a story of an uncon- an orphanage for young children with dis- both legs. sfgsports.com. querable human spirit, a survivor’s tale that has not yet ended. Her odyssey contains chapters of nuclear disaster causing deformities so severe her birth parents would not keep her. Her hor- rific memories are many: living through daily hell at an Eastern European orphanage for the disabled, near-starvation, beatings, rapes, close to 20 surgeries, including two amputations. Even after being adopted, 2012 Labor Day Weekend Events Oksana was bullied by other children. Friday 6-8 PM: Odesa Seafood Night, clams, shrimp, ribs family-style followed by Surf & Turf dinner Oksana’s birth parents were probably (make reservations early, call by 8/30 to pre-order lobsters) sleeping around 1 a.m. on April 26, 1986, 8-10 PM: guest bartenders from Veselka Bowery when workers at the Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant about 100 miles away began a Beach Party Volleyball under the lights routine systems test. A sudden power surge 10 PM: Music by Svitanok on the Tiki Deck triggered an emergency shutdown, leading to a ruptured vessel in reactor No. 4. The Saturday USCAK Swim Races and Tennis Tournament series of explosions that followed exposed Noon-5 PM: BBQ at the Gazebo the reactor to the air, causing it to ignite and release radioactive particles that spread 2 PM: EMCK on the Tiki Deck from the Black Sea all the way to . 5-6 PM: Hot Tub Happy Hour It has been 26 years since the accident 6-8 PM: Chef Snake’s Special in the Main House Dining Room and the assessment of the human, plant and 7:30 PM: Concert featuring Syzokryli animal damage continues. Some scientists 10 PM: Zabava with Hrim claim the amount of radiation which spread was greater than the combined contamina- tion created by the atomic blasts at Sunday 8:30 AM and 10 AM: Catholic Liturgy at Holy Trinity Church Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War 10 AM: Orthodox Service at Soyuzivka Chapel II. And there was a difference: the contami- Noon-5 PM: BBQ at the Gazebo, Spartanky Volleyball Tournament nation lasted longer in Ukraine, affecting all 2 PM: Labor Day weekend tradition continues with Matthew Dubas on accordion on the Tiki Deck organic material. 4 PM: Super Speedo Sake Bomb Sunday Happy Hour on the Tiki Deck A 2011 Time magazine article reported that 27,000 deaths were likely caused by 6-8 PM: Nestor’s Special Meal in the Main House Dining Room Chernobyl, the majority related to thyroid 10 PM: Zabava with Klopit from Chicago cancer. Other reports have suggested the death toll was much higher. 12 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, AUGUST 19, 2012 No. 34

15-22 on August 11. In the semifinal Ukraine wins... Berinchyk defeated Munkh-Erdene Uranchimeg of Mongolia 29-21. The bronze (Continued from page 1) medal was shared by Uranchimeg and Bronze was shared by Pulev and Teymur Vincenzo Mangiacapre of Italy. Mammadov of Azerbaijan. Usyk’s celebra- In the welterweight (68 kg) division, tory Hopak included deep-knee bend kicks Taras Shelestyuk won the bronze medal on and spins, with the fighter bowing in August 12. The bronze was shared with thanks to the supporters, using his finger to Andrey Zamkovoy of Russia. Shelestyuk lost highlight the word Ukraine on the front of to silver medalist Freddie Evans of Great his boxing outfit. Britain 10-11 in the semifinal. Serik Sapiyev Lightweight Vasyl Lomachenko won the of Kazakhstan won the gold medal, defeat- gold in the 60-kg division on August 12. He ing Evans 17-9. defeated Soonchul Han of 19-9 in Oleksandr Hvozdyk won the bronze the gold medal match, and defeated Yasniel medal in the light heavyweight (81 kg) divi- Toledo Lopez of Cuba 14-11 in the semifinal. sion on August 11; Yamaguchi Falco The bronze medal was shared by Toledo Florentino of Brazil also shared the medal. Lopez and Evaldas Petrskas of Lithuania. Hvozdyk tied against silver medalist Light welterweight Denys Berinchyk Adilbek Niyazymbetov of Kazakhstan won the silver medal in the 64-kg division. 13-13, with the winner of the bout deter- noc-ukr.org Berinchyk lost the gold medal match mined by the judges. Egor Mekhontcev of Ukraine’s 4x100 relay bronze medalists Elyzaveta Bryzgina, Olesya Povh, against Roniel Iglesis Sotolongo of Cuba Russia defeated Niyaymbetov after the judg- Hrytsyna Stuy and Mariya Ryemyen. es’ decision was made following a 15-15 semifinal she finished in third place with point draw. 41.360 seconds, and in the final she came in During the final days of Olympic compe- second with a time of 45.053 seconds. tition, Ukraine won two additional medals Valerii Andriitsev won Ukraine’s lone in paddling sports, one gold and one silver. wrestling medal, a silver, in the 96-kg free- Yuri Cheban won the men’s canoe single style event. Andriitsev lost to Jacob Stephen (C1) 200-meter race, defeating Jevgenij Varner of the U.S.A. 0-3 in the gold medal Shuklin of Lithuania (silver) and Ivan Shtyl’ match on August 12. The bronze medal was of Russia (bronze). Cheban qualified with a shared by George Gogshelidze of Georgia time of 41.036 seconds in first place, and and Khetag Gazyumov of Azerbaijan. finished in the semifinals in 40.647 seconds Andriitsev defeated Mohammad Ali Yazdan (also first place), and won the final in Reza of Iran 5-0 in semifinal. 42.291 seconds, outpacing the silver medal- Oleksandr Pyatnytsya won the silver ist by half a boat length. medal in the men’s on August Inna Osypenko-Radomska won her sec- 11, with a distance of 84.51 meters. ond silver medal at the Olympics in London of Trinidad and Tobago in the women’s kayak single (K1) 200- won the gold (84.58 meters) and Antii Ruuskanen of Finland won the bronze meter race. Lisa Carrington of New Zealand (84.12 meters). Pyatnytsya’s six attempts won the gold, and Natasa Douchev-Janics of ranged from 77.47 meters at 84.51 meters. Hungary won the bronze medal. Osypenko- noc-ukr.org boxnews.com.ua Ukraine won the bronze medal in the Super heavyweight wrestler (96 kg) Light heavyweight boxer (81 kg) Radomska finished her qualifier in first Valerii Andriitsev, a silver medalist. Oleksander Hvozdyk, a bronze medalist. place, with a time of 42.119 seconds. In the (Continued on page 13)


Top 10 finishers (5,192 points). Laura Asadauskaite of Ukraine wins... Team Ukraine had nine top-10 finishes Lithuanian won gold (5,408 points), Samantha Murray of Great Britain won sil- (Continued from page 12) in London during the last days of the Olympics, with a total of 28 top-10 finishes ver (5,356 points) and Yane Marques of women’s 4x100-meter relay race on August during the course of the . Brazil won bronze (5,340 points). The 10, setting a national record for Ukraine, Oleksiy Kasyanov finished in seventh modern pentathlon includes swimming, with a time of 42.04 seconds. Ukraine’s run- place in the men’s decathlon with 8,283 shooting, riding, running and fencing. ners were Olesya Povh, Hrytsyna Stuy, points. He finished in fourth place in the Rhythmic gymnasts Alina Maksymenko Mariya Ryemyen and Elyzaveta Bryzgina. 100-meter race (10.56 seconds), fourth in and Hanna Rizatdinova won sixth and 10th The U.S.A. team won gold, and set a new the long jump (7.55 meters), 15th in the places, respectively, in the individual all- world record with 40.82 seconds, and shot put (14.45 meters), 12th in the high around. Maksymenko scored 109.625 Jamaica won silver with 41.41 seconds. jump (1.99 meters), seventh in the 400 points and Rizatdinova scored 107.400. meters (48.44 seconds), fifth in the discus Ukraine finished in fifth place in the group throw (46.72 meters), 15th in the pole all-around with 54.375 points. Russia won vault (4.60 meters), 21st in the javelin gold, Belarus won silver and Italy won throw (54.87 meters) and eighth in the bronze, followed by Spain in fourth place. 1,500-meter race (4:33.68). Ukraine’s team included Olena Dmytrash, Bohdan Bondarenko finished in seventh Yevgeniya Gomon, Valeriia Gudym, place in the men’s high jump, with a height Viktoriia Lenyshyn, Viktoriia Mazur and noc-ukr.org of 2.29 meters. Teammate Andriy Svitlana Prokopova. Light welterweight boxer (64 kg) Denys Protsenko finished in ninth place with a Australian sailing coach Berinchyk, a silver medalist. jump of 2.25 meters. Oleksiy Sokyrskyy finished in fourth Victor Kovalenko, head coach of the crews to win Olympic gold and bronze, place in the men’s hammer throw with a Australian men’s 470 sailing class, was con- respectively, and in 1997 he was asked to distance of 78.25 meters. gratulated by Stefan Romaniw, chairman of coach the Australian 470 crews by the Ukraine’s women’s runners took fourth the Australian Federation of Ukrainian Australian Yachting Federation. Following place in the 4x400-meter race in 3:23.57 Organizations, for his work in training the 2000 Olympics in Sydney he was named seconds. The team included Alina Mathew Belcher and Malcolm Page, who national head coach and Australian Institute Lohvynenko, Olha Zemlyak, Hanna won gold at the Olympics in London. of Sport (AIS) sailing program head coach. Yaroshchuk and Nataliya Pyhda. The U.S.A. Originally from Dnipropetrovsk, Kovalenko In November 2004 he was inducted into the won gold (3:16.87), Russia silver (3:20.23) has resided in Australia since 1991, when he 470 Hall of Fame; in 2008 he was named and Jamaica bronze (3:20.95). coached for the 470 world championships. “Coach of the Year” by the AIS; and this year, noc-ukr.org Oleksandr Pyatnytsya, silver medalist in In the women’s modern pentathlon, In 1996, at the Olympics in Atlanta, he for his contribution to the sport, Kovalenko javelin. Iryna Khokhlova finished in 10th place coached Ukraine’s men’s and women’s 470 received the Order of Australia. More Ukrainian gold-medal performances at the 2012 Olympics aggressive attack that saw him pummel by Ihor N. Stelmach peting since 2003, mostly against more experienced canoeists. In his first year of Bulgaria’s Tervel Pulev in the semifinals. competition he was a world junior silver The attack strategy neutralized Russo’s Cheban wins gold in canoe sprint medalist at Komatsu, Japan, in the C-1 advantage and evened the bout heading Yuri Cheban led from start to finish, and 500-meters. Cheban was selected to repre- into the third and final round. won gold for Ukraine in the men’s canoe sent Ukraine in both C-1 events at the 2004 In a spirited display of punching and single (C1) sprint over 200 meters on Summer Olympics after winning the 2004 counter-punching with both boxers August 11, adding to the world title he cap- European Junior Championships in the C-1 fatigued, Usyk stepped up to deliver several tured in 2009. Cheban, 26, made a great 500-meters and C-1 1,000-meters in decisive left hooks in the last minute to start and held firm to cross the line in Poland. He is a member of the Yuzhne ath- take the bout, 14-11. 42.291 seconds at Dorney Lake, half a letic club. When the final score was announced Usyk danced his customary victory Hopak, length ahead of Lithuania’s Jevgenij Shuklin Usyk gold medalist in boxing and Russia’s Ivan Shtyl. A bronze medalist adding a couple of extra spins. at Beijing in 2008, Cheban flew off the start Oleksandr Usyk won Ukraine’s first gold Losing semifinalists Pulev and Teymur and had his half a length lead by 100 medal in boxing at the London Games on Mammadov of Azerbaijan won bronze meters. August 11, besting Italy’s Clemente Russo. medals. The sprint over 200 meters is new to the For Russo it was his second consecutive Lomachenko wins second gold Olympic program, designed to increase heavyweight silver medal. interest in the sport, with canoeists taking Enjoying a sizeable height advantage Vasyl Lomachenko was the top favorite noc-ukr.org three strokes per second in an explosive over the Italian, the 6-foot-3 Ukrainian coming in to the London Games as a world fight for the finish line. It replaced the 500- adopted a cautious strategy in the first champion in both feather and lightweight Heavyweight boxer (91 kg) Oleksandr Usyk. meter canoe competition. round, resulting in Russo catching him with classes on the heels of the featherweight ond straight Olympics. Shuklin took silver in 42.792 seconds, several swiping left hands. Deemed a bit gold medal he won quite easily in Beijing Known as perhaps the best pound-for- while Shtyl secured bronze in 42.853 sec- lucky to reach the heavyweight finals, four years ago. It was more of the same on pound boxer in men’s amateur boxing, August 12, when he maintained his best in onds. The final was held without reigning Russo showed better boxing skills and Lomachenko was awarded the Val Barker technique in chalking up a two-point lead the amateur ranks status with a rout of world and European champion Valentin Trophy as top boxer in the 2008 Olympics Demyanenko of Azerbaijan, who did not after the initial round. South Korea’s Soon-Chul Han at the ExCel when he outscored his four opponents by a qualify out of his heat. Undaunted, the big Ukrainian opened up Arena in London. cumulative margin of 49-12. In 2012 the The Odesa-born Cheban has been com- in the second round, displaying more of the Ukraine’s heavyweight champion Wladimir Klitschko was a spectator at the results were not as decisive, although the event and gave the victorious Lomachenko Ukrainian was never in any serious trouble, a congratulatory hug at ringside following winning his four bouts by a total of 62-32. the easy 19-9 win. Despite moving up one Lomachenko will be joining the Olympic weight class, Lomachenko barely broke a boxing governing body’s professional sweat in winning his second Olympic gold league next year, meaning he will remain medal. eligible to compete for a third gold medal “The first time I was a bit more excited. I in 2016. He cracked his first smile of the am calmer now, but I am still very happy Olympics when his result was announced. and delighted to win another medal,” He thrust two fingers in the air to symbol- Lomachenko told reporters after his match. ize his second gold medal and the second Lomachenko set the pace right from the gold in boxing for Ukraine. Lomachenko opening bell, taking the first round by a left the arena draped in a Ukrainian flag. score of 7-2 on the judges’ cards. The South “I’m really proud of my countryman Korean was relegated to playing catch-up Lomachenko, it is not a common thing to from there, and it proved to be too tall of an order. Han was 6 points down going into win two times,” Klitschko said from ring- the third and final round and only a knock- side. “It would be really exciting to see him out could have saved him from a loss. The in a professional ring.” Ukrainian countered by stamping an added Vasyl’s father and trainer, Anatoliy, exclamation point on his performance with praised his son’s achievement. “It’s always an 8-4 edge in the last round to seal a dou- harder to protect your position rather than noc-ukr.org ble-digit victory and cement himself as a get it. It’s always harder to stay on top than Yuri Cheban celebrates his gold medal win in the 200-meter canoe sprint. favorite for outstanding boxer for the sec- get there,” he told reporters. 14 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, AUGUST 19, 2012 No. 34

COMMUNITY CHRONICLE UNWLA Philadelphia Regional Council holds annual meeting by Petrusia Sawchak Philadelphia Regional Council hold meet- ings at the Ukrainian Educational and JENKINTOWN, Pa. – The regional council Cultural Center (UECC) in Jenkintown, Pa. of the Ukrainian Nationa Women’s League The other branches are located in Chester, of America located in the Greater Pa.; Bethlehem, Pa.; Trenton, N.J.; Philadelphia Area is just one of the nine Wilmington, Del.; and the Columbia and such councils in the UNWLA, the largest Baltimore area in Maryland. and oldest Ukrainian women’s organiza- On May 6, the Philadelphia Regional tion in the United States. Founded in 1938, Council of the UNWLA reviewed its accom- the Philadelphia Regional Council will cele- plishments for the past year and elected new brate its 75th anniversary on June 5, 2013. officers at its annual meeting held at UECC. Seven of the 14 branches of the An honored guest at the meeting was

Olha Bilinsky At the annual meeting of the Philadelphia Regional Council of the UNWLA are: (first TO PLACE YOUR AD CALL Walter Honcharyk (973) 292-9800 x3040 row, from left) Maria Pazuniak, Vera Kushnir, Oxana Farion, Marianna Zajac, Anna or e-mail [email protected] Suhy, (back row) Petrusia Sawchak, Marta Pelensky, Daria Lissy, Myroslawa Nowakiwsky-Voloshyn, Anna Hawryluk, Christina Pluta, Iryna Buczkowski, Oksana SERVICES PROFESSIONALS Woroch, Anna Maksymowych, Ulana Prociuk, Oksana Mandybur and Halyna Keller. Marianna Zajac, UNWLA president, who retary; Oksana Smolynets treasurer; Olha highlighted the $100,000 endowment Mykhaylyuk, education; Maria Kovalenko, being established by the UNWLA for wom- hospitality; Nadia Luchanko, public rela- en’s/gender studies at the Ukrainian tions; all members of Branch 10, events/ Catholic University in Lviv. programs; Oksana Woroch, culture/muse- The following members were elected to um; Oxana Farion, organizational commit- the Philadelphia Regional Council: Iryna tee; Dr. Daria Lissy, scholarship programs; Buczkowski, president; Myroslawa Danna Yudyna, social welfare; Petrusia Nowakiwsky-Voloshyn, first vice-president; Sawchak, press; Daria Fedak/Christina Pluta Marta Pelensky, second vice-president and and Oksana Mandybur, auditing committee; corresponding secretary; Oxana Farion, sec- and Halyna Keller (member-at-large). UNWLA Branch 30 celebrates 25 years of work


We are seeking a babysitter for our 3 year old son in Bayside, NY. Must speak Ukrainian fluently. Preferably Adrianna Odomirok owns a car. Two days per week - Wednes- The blessing ceremony for UNWLA Branch 30 in Yonkers, N.Y., in St. Michael’s day and Thursday. No. of days to increase Ukrainian Catholic Church with the Very Rev. Kiril Angelov and branch members. in December. Tel. 646-763-0045. by Olia Rudyk Branch 30 and directed by Zhana Huralska performed a number of songs and poems PERSONal YONKERS, N.Y. – Branch 30 of the to the delight of all the guests. The pupils, Ukrainian National Women’s League of age 3-4, enacted of the play “The Mitten.” America (UNWLA) started preparing Members of Branch 30 honored Mrs. I’m 65, good hearted, attracrive, be- months ago for its 25th anniversary cele- Huralska with flowers and a certificate of lieve in God, speak English, wish to bration. appreciation for her dedication to teaching meet an honest gentleman, 80-85 The celebration on Sunday, March 25, for the past 12 years. years, who would share my views began with a religious ceremony conducted Olia Rudyk, mistress of ceremonies and and solitude. Tel:. 201-394-9807 by the Very Rev. Archpriest Kiril Angelov at head of the 25th Anniversary Organizing St. Michael’s Ukrainian Catholic Church in Committee, outlined the work and activi- Yonkers, N.Y. Members of Branch 30, ties of UNWLA Branch 30, including chari- dressed in Ukrainian embroidery, partici- table events, community outreach and cul- pated with other parishioners in the morn- tural projects. ing’s 10 a.m. liturgy. After the services, Father Two members were especially honored ATTORNEY Kiril ceremoniously blessed the members of for the work and dedication within the Branch 30 and christened it in the name of branch and within the organization as a its patroness, Lidia Krushelnytsky. whole. Christina Sonevytsky was recog- ANDRE SHRAMENKO A luncheon followed at the Ukrainian nized for her initiative in founding the Youth Center in Yonkers, with guests and rep- branch 25 years ago and Nadia Cwiach for resentatives of various organizations attend- her many years of dedicated service as 32 Mercer Street ing. After opening remarks by President president (six years) and treasurer (12 Marta Burachok of UNWLA Branch 30, Father Hackensack, NJ 07601 years) of the branch. Kiril led everyone in a prayer, which was fol- UNWLA President Marianna Zajac spoke (201) 488-3200 lowed by the UNWLA prayer and hymn. Children of the Svitlychka sponsored by (Continued on page 21) 205B No. 34 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, AUGUST 19, 2012 15

of a criminal case against the former presi- culture and other spheres of public life. In Symonenko does not like state emblem NEWSBRIEFS dent was illegal. On January 25 of this year, general, the law applies to 18 regional lan- Kyiv’s Court of Appeal upheld the ruling of guages: Russian, Belarusian, Bulgarian, KYIV – The Communist Party of Ukraine (Continued from page 2) the Pechersky District Court on the illegality Armenian, Gagauz, Yiddish, Crimean Tatar, (CPU) proposes to discuss via a national ref- of the criminal case opened against Mr. Moldovan, German, Modern Greek, Polish, erendum the main state symbols of Ukraine: August 17. This is Mr. Lutsenko’s second trial; Kuchma. (Ukrinform) Romani, Romanian, Slovak, Hungarian, the state emblem and the anthem. CPU lead- he is accused of ordering the illegal surveil- Ruthenian, Karaite and Krymchak. The offi- er Petro Symonenko told a press conference lance of suspects while investigating the poi- Yulia’s trial postponed, again cial use of regional or minority languages in in Kharkiv, according to a CPU release dated soning of former President Viktor KHARKIV, Ukraine – A court in Kharkiv a particular area is allowed, provided that August 10, that it is his personal opinion Yushchenko during his presidential cam- has again postponed the tax-evasion trial of the number of its speakers is 10 percent or that the state cannot exist under a symbol paign in 2004. In February, Mr. Lutsenko jailed former Prime Minister Yulia more of the local population. By the decision “with which it met Hitler during the war and was found guilty of embezzlement and Tymoshenko. Judge Kostyantyn Sadovskyi of a local council, in individual cases, taking under which innocent people were killed.” abuse of office, and sentenced to four years announced as the trial resumed on August into account the specific situation, such However, according to Mr. Symonenko, only in jail. He pleaded not guilty in both cases 14 that the trial was postponed until measures can be applied also to a language a referendum can put an end to discussions and says the charges are politically moti- September 11 due to prosecutors’ demand whose users constitute less than 10 percent regarding the state emblem and the vated. Last month, the European Court of that the defendant participate in the trial of the population. The right to initiate mea- Ukrainian anthem. (Ukrinform) Human Rights found Ukrainian authorities via video link. Ms. Tymoshenko, who says sures aimed at the use of regional or minori- guilty of unlawfully detaining Mr. Lutsenko she is not able to take part in the trial due ty languages also belongs to the inhabitants ROC priests refuse to consecrate sign and ordered them to pay him 15,000 euros to her ill health, has been rejecting the of the territory where those languages are ($19,000) in damages. (RFE/RL, based on prosecutors’ demand since July 31. The LVIV – A remembrance meeting and common. As concerns collecting signatures memorial service for people who perished reporting by ITAR-TASS and Interfax) trial has already been postponed several of more than 10 percent of people living in a in Solovky was held near the Solovky stone, times. Prosecutors say Ms. Tymoshenko certain area, the local council is obliged to New criminal case against Kuchma? in front of the burial ground in Sandarmokh, evaded paying millions of dollars in taxes make a relevant decision within 30 days of Russia. According to a correspondent of KYIV – A new criminal case could be in connection with a private energy compa- receipt of the petition list. The actions, or opened against former President Leonid ny she headed during the 1990s. (RFE/RL, inaction, of a local council may be appealed Radio Liberty, shortly before the event, Kuchma, Ukrainian First Deputy Procurator based on reporting by Interfax and UNIAN) in court by way of administrative proceed- priests of the ignored the request of a Ukrainian delega- General Renat Kuzmin announced in an Languages law takes effect ings. (Ukrinform) interview with the Segodnia newspaper on tion to consecrate the Ukrainian memorial Azarov on new language law August 9. “The court found that the case KYIV – The law on the principles of the sign to the victims of the camps. According to the correspondent, the priests consecrat- against Mr. Kuchma [for Heorhii Gongadze’s state language policy came into effect on KYIV – Prime Minister Mykola Azarov August 10, after it was published in the offi- ed a Polish sign but ignored the request of murder] had been opened without suffi- said he is convinced that the signing of the cial parliamentary newspaper Holos the Ukrainian delegation to consecrate the cient grounds. This means that investiga- new law on language policy by the presi- Ukrainy. The national language policy in tors now have the opportunity to complete dent extends rights of citizens. He com- Ukrainian sign. There are memorial signs at the materials and collect sufficient grounds Ukraine is based on the recognition and the site in the Yakut, Polish and Ukrainian comprehensive development of the mented on the topic in Odesa while speak- this time in order to open a new criminal languages. The Ukrainian delegation trav- Ukrainian language as the official state lan- ing with local residents. “Now citizens have case against Mr. Kuchma,” he said. When the possibility to teach children, to read lit- eled to Solovky to remember Ukrainians and guage, and guarantees for the free develop- natives of Ukraine who were shot 75 years asked to specify the charges, Mr. Kuzmin ment of regional or minority languages and erature, to watch TV and to freely commu- said: “Either the same or the other. And we nicate using their native language,” Mr. ago during the “Solovky Deportation” in other languages, as well as the right to lin- Sandarmokh. The people killed included will continue the investigation, taking into guistic identity and language preferences of Azarov underscored, according to August writers Valerian Pidmohylnyi, Mykola Zerov, account the mistakes mentioned by the each person. Ukrainian as the official lan- 14 news reports. He noted that the state court.” On March 21, 2011, the Procurator guage shall be used on the entire territory of will develop a large program for support Hryhorii Epik, , Myroslav General’s Office instituted criminal proceed- Ukraine in the exercise of powers of the leg- and development of the Ukrainian lan- Irchan, stage director , members ings against Mr. Kuchma. He was charged islative, executive and judicial power bodies, guage. “This should be done, because we of the government of the Ukrainian National with abuse of power and office that subse- in international treaties, in the teaching pro- are living in Ukraine and therefore it is nec- Republic, public and Church figures, scien- quently led to the death of Gongadze (Part cess at educational establishments within essary to support the Ukrainian language,” tists and members of the military. (Religious 3, Article 166 of the 1960 Criminal Code). the limits and under the order defined by Mr. Azarov said. (Ukrinform) Information Service of Ukraine) On December 13, 2011, the Pechersky this law. The state promotes the use of the District Court in Kyiv ruled that the opening state language in the mass media, science,

Soviet Union is a single region, with some Turning... circles in Moscow encouraged to believe (Continued from page 6) that the West has recognized Russian claims. For these countries to be encouraged about the relevance of the borders of the for- to develop along their own lines, the West mer Soviet Union, the Russian government should use terms that treat the countries of has advanced a claim to a sphere of influ- the region as separate and unique states. ence across the region. Source: “Forget the ‘former Soviet Union’: a Ділимося сумною новиною, що The West, Mr. Goble argued, uses terms question of proper terminology,” by Paul Goble, that imply the territory once occupied by the The Ukrainian Weekly, September 7, 1997. 11 липня 2012 року, Ділимося після довгої сумною недуги, вiдійшла новиною, у вiчність що 11 липнясв. 2012 п. року, With deepest sorrow we announce that після довгої недуги, вiдійшла у вiчність after a prolonged battle with cancer Ольга Бреславець з родусв. Гноєвих п. Leonid Walter народжена 23 липня 1925 року в селі Bepeщаках, біля Dombrowsky Кіровограду.Ольга Бреславець Похорон вiдбувсяз родув суботу, 14Гноєвих липня 2012 року, в Українській passed into eternity on Saturday, August 4, 2012. Православній Церкві Св. Михаїла і Юрія в Міннеаполісі, Born March 2, 1052, in New York, народженаМіннесота. 23 липня 1925 року в селі Bepeщаках, біля he was a member of the 21st Kurin of Plast Кіровограду.Поминальні Панахиди відбудуться: Похорон вiдбувся• 18 ceрпня в церквісуботу, Св. 14Михаїла липня і Юрія, 2012 Міннеаполіс, року, в Українській Panakhyda was held on Friday, August 10, 2012 Міннесотa at Peter Jarema Funeral Home in NYC. Православній• 9 вересня Церкві в Катедрі Св. Михаїла Св. Андрія, і Силвер Юрія Спринґ,в Міннеаполісі, Funeral services were held on Saturday, August 11, 2012,Міннесота. Мериленд. at St. Andrew’s Ukrainian Catholic Church at Campbell Hall, NY.ПоминальніУ глибокому Панахиди смутку відбудуться:залишилися: Interment services were held at Holy Spirit Cemetery, муж - Павло Бреславець Campbell Hall, NY • 18 ceрпнядіти в церкві - Галина Св.(Артур), Михаїла Катя (Ґай), і Юрія, Олекса (Наталка),Міннеаполіс, Міннесотa In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Марина (Iгор) внучки - Лариса, Александра, Валентина, Кіра, Антонія, St. Joseph’s Hospital Cancer Care Unit in Paterson, NJ. • 9 вересня в Катедрі Св. Андрія, Силвер Спринґ, Мериленд. Соня Vichnaya Pamyat! родина в Америці, Канаді, Україні. He will be deeply missed by his friends! У глибокому смутку залишилися:Вічна Їй пам’ять! муж - Павло Бреславець діти - Галина (Артур), Катя (Ґай), Олекса (Наталка), Марина (Iгор) внучки - Лариса, Александра, Валентина, Кіра, Антонія, Соня родина в Америці, Канаді, Україні. 231B Вічна Їй пам’ять! 8Gr


„...Плекатиму силу і тіла, і духа, Щоб нарід мій вольним, могутнім зростав, Щоб в думах журливих невольнича туга Замовкла, а гордо щоб спів наш лунав...“




Український народ на рідних землях та усіх українців розкинутих по різних країнах світу

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Бажаємо успіхів у всіх заходах для об’єднання національно-державницьких сил, у справі відбудови та закріплення соборної самостійної України.

Ukrainian Institute of America 2 East 79th Street (corner Fifth Avenue)‚ New York City 212-288-8660 www.ukrainianinstitute.org

On the occasion of the 21st ANNIVERSARY OF UKRAINIAN INDEPENDENCE best wishes to all Ukrainians in Ukraine and the Diaspora and to our worldwide Ukrainian Cooperative family. ЦЕНТРАЛЯ УКРАЇНСЬКИХ КООПЕРАТИВ АМЕРИКИ (ЦУКА) UKRAINIAN NATIONAL CREDIT UNION ASSOCIATION 2315 W. Chicago Ave, Chicago, Illinois 60622 Tel. 773 489-0050 • www.uncua.com

Connecticut-Massachusetts Michigan New York New York – New Jersey Pennsylvania – New Jersey Ukrainian Selfreliance New England Ukrainian Selfreliance Michigan Selfreliance (NY) Ukrainian National Ukrainian Selfreliance Federal Credit Union Federal Credit Union Federal Credit Union Federal Credit Union Federal Credit Union 21 Silas Deane Highway 26791 Ryan Road 108 Second Avenue 215 Second Avenue 1729 Cottman Avenue Wethersfield, CT 06109 Warren, MI 48091 New York, NY 10003 New York, NY 10003 Philadelphia, PA 19111 T: 800.405.4714 T: 877. POLTAVA T: 888.SELFREL T: 866.859.5848 T: 888.POLTAVA Branch offices: Branch offices: Branch offices: Branch offices: Branch offices: Westfield, MA; New Britain, CT Hamtramck, MI Kerhonkson, NY; Uniondale, NY; South Bound Brook, NJ Jenkintown, PA www.usnefcu.com Dearborn Heights, MI Astoria, NY; Lindenhurst, NY Brooklyn, NY; Carteret, NJ Philadelphia, PA; Trenton, NJ www.selfrelianceny.org www.ukrnatfcu.org www.ukrfcu.com www.usmfcu.org New York – Connecticut New York Pennsylvania Illinois – New Jersey Michigan Selfreliance Ukrainian American SUMA (Yonkers) Ukrainian Home Ukrainian Selfreliance Ukrainian Future Credit Union Federal Credit Union Federal Credit Union of Western Pennsylvania Federal Credit Union 26495 Ryan Road 2332 West Chicago Ave. 125 Corporate Blvd. 562 Genesee Street Federal Credit Unon Warren, MI 48091 Yonkers, NY 10701 Buffalo, NY 14204 95 South Seventh Street Chicago, IL 60622 T: 586.757.1980 T: 888.222.UKR1 T: 888.644.SUMA T: 877.847.6655 Pittsburgh, PA 15203 Branch offices: T: 412.481.1865 Branch offices: Branch offices: www.uhdfcu.com Hamtramck, MI Spring Valley, NY; Stamford, CT; www.samopomich.com Newark, NJ; Jersey City, NJ; Ohio West Bloomfield, MI New Haven, CT; Yonkers, NY Whippany, NJ; Cleveland Selfreliance Dearborn Heights, MI www.sumafcu.org Federal Credit Union Palatine, IL; Bloomingdale, IL; www.ukrfutcu.org Chicago, IL; Palos Park, IL New York – California 6108 State Road Massachusetts – Oregon www.selfreliance.com New Jersey Parma, OH 44134 Ukrainian Federal Credit Union T: 440.884.9111 Selfreliance (NJ) 824 Ridge Road East www.clevelandselfreliance.com Maryland Federal Credit Union Selfreliance Baltimore Rochester, NY 14621 Ohio 851 Allwood Road T: 877.968.7828 Federal Credit Union Clifton, NJ 07012 Osnova Ukrainian 2345 Eastern Avenue Branch offices: Federal Credit Union T: 888.BANK.UKE Watervliet, NY; Portland, OR; Baltimore, MD 21224 5602 State Road Branch office: Citrus Heights, CA; T: 410.327.9841 Botany Village; Clifton, NJ Parma, OH 44134 Syracuse, NY; Westwood, MA T: 440.842.5888 [email protected] www.bankuke.com www.rufcu.org www.osnovafcu.com No. 34 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, AUGUST 19, 2012 19



Festival in Kyiv where Pani Lida was hon- UNWLA Branch 30... ored with a presidential decree for her sig- nificant contributions to Ukrainian culture (Continued from page 14) and art. Sadly, Pani Lida passed away in about the work and goals of the UNWLA. 2009, and so, members of Branch #30 One of the newest projects under way is a unanimously chose such an honored, joint initiative with the Rev. Dr. Borys respected and talented person as patron- Gudziak to spur the development of a ess of their Branch. women’s/gender studies curriculum in the Ms. Krushelnytsky’s son, Lubomyr humanities department at the Ukrainian Krushelnytsky, along with his wife, Oksana, Catholic University in Lviv. Members of were honored guests. Oksana Branch 30 had unanimously agreed to Krushelnytsky expressed the family’s grati- donate $500 toward the newly established tude and appreciation. endowment fund and presented Ms. Zajac A champagne toast, the singing of with a check towards this very important “Mnohaya Lita” and the cutting of a deli- lectureship program. cious 25th birthday cake was enjoyed by During lunch, Natalka Sonevytsky intro- all. Guests lingered to enjoy the company duced a video prepared by Larysa Zielyk of and lighthearted atmosphere, to view the Lidia Krushelnytsky’s biography. Pani Lida, displays presented by the Svitlychka as director of the New York based Ukrainian well as the exhibit about Branch 30 and its Stage Ensemble, dedicated her life to new patron. youth, Ukrainian language and theater Acknowledgment was expressed for the arts. She produced over 150 plays and generosity of the SUMA Yonkers Federal touched the lives of hundreds of students. Credit Union, sponsors of the anniversary In 2002, the Ensemble participated in the luncheon, as well as all who support the First International Diasporan Theater committed work of members of Branch 30.

З ДНЕМ НЕЗАЛЕЖНОСТИ РІДНА УКРАЇНО! Вітаємо український народ на рідних землях і в діяспорі


a top-10 machine, always featured on golf the final day was over. Kuchar wins Players championship telecasts and competing among the leaders No golfer experienced a bigger rush than on a regular basis. It was difficult to believe Matt Kuchar, bigger than his thrill at the In a perfect world, this could have been nessed that this week.” he had not been a winner for some 18 Masters. Next year at the Players one of those shots that would go down in Certainly Matt Kuchar can now feel a months. Championship will be a rush of a different golfing annals, a moment that would whole lot better about his career. The young His Players title made the above mere sort when he walks through the clubhouse become part of Masters history. The 3-wood smiling amateur shocked the golf world trivia. After the May win, he’s been written on his way to the course. He will pass shot Matt Kuchar hit to the 15th green while when he made a run at the Masters in 1998, into golf history. The eagle putt, the Masters through what is called the champions’ tun- engulfed in the intense glare of the Masters placing 21st overall. Surely this was the first moment, the big smile have been replaced in final round on April 8, followed by the nel where paintings of all the Players win- of many such impressive showings for Kuchar’s highlight video by an even better ners hang on a wall. clutch eagle putt he banged in to briefly tie Kuchar on the sport’s biggest courses. Fast moment from the par-5 16th green on the him for the lead, could have easily been a There, Matt Kuchar’s picture will hang forwarding 14 years, the 2012 Masters and final day of the Players. conversation piece for a long time to come. next year with those of Jack Nicklaus, Lee his remarkable eagle was actually his first Holding a two-shot lead and facing a bird- In the imperfect world of professional Trevino, Phil Mickelson, David Duval, Tiger experience trying to win a major champion- ie putt, Kuchar had to watch Fowler’s birdie golf, smiling Matt Kuchar proceeded to Woods and others. Select company indeed ship. Perhaps he’s a late bloomer who sud- on the 17th hole, getting the latter into a bogey the next hole, settling for a tie for for the young man of partial Ukrainian denly blossomed in a big way. group two shots back. He rolled his 15-foot third place and returning to the category of descent. A wall described as golf’s best of One of golf’s most consistent players, he putt in for a matching birdie, pushing his really-good-but-not-quite-great players the best. We expect Kuchar to be smiling had only won three times prior to his major lead back to three strokes. From there he who sometimes are forgotten. Forgotten widely. coup in Ponte Vedra Beach, Fla., the 2002 bogeyed the 17th, but Fowler missed a late until he puts together four consecutive days Honda Classic, the 2009 Turning Stone putt and Kuchar relaxed on the final hole. Ihor Stelmach may be reached at iman@ of outhitting, outchipping and outputting Championship and the 2010 Barclays. He is After two-putting on the 18th, the rush of sfgsports.com. the entire field, nailing down his first gigan- tic career victory at the Players Championship on May 10-13. Did we men- tion he out-smiled all of his competitors to boot? Tryzub holds 36th annual golf tournament As many in the field zoomed up the lead- erboard, only to fall back, the 33-year-old by Eugene A. Luciw Tournament director Joe Homik and This year’s competition winners were as Kuchar showed consistency, performing in Bohdan Anniuk then proceeded to announce follows: an efficient, smooth and experienced man- HORSHAM, Pa. – On June 9, a brilliant the winners in a boisterous awards ceremo- ner. In the final round his consistency spring Saturday greeted 80 golfers who had ny. The outing also distinguished itself with Warren (on match of cards); shined brightly with only two bogeys on the gathered at Limekiln Golf Club, from no less top-notch door and raffle prizes, a tasty din- • Champion (first place low gross) – Gary way to a two-under 70, a total of 13-under than five states, to participate in the ner and a celebration of fraternity. Pablo Diatel (on match of cards); and a two-shot triumph over Martin Laird, Ukrainian American Sport Center Tryzub’s Mr. Homick thanked his committee mem- • Runner-up (second place low gross) – Zach Johnson, Richie Fowler and Ben Curtis. annual golf outing. The course played well; it bers – Roman Jarymovych, Andrij Zajac, Kos; second place (second low net) – Jim The Players Championship win was his challenged all aspects of the players’ games, Orest Lesiuk, Mr. Anniuk, Mr. Luciw and Alex Gimpel;• A flight first place (first low net) – Zenon biggest title, his biggest tour prize ($1.7 mil- without overwhelming any “second-flight” Woloszczuk – for their hard work and dedi- lion) and his finest hour. The familiar grin on players. cation. Andrusko, second place (second low net) – Kuchar’s face is probably still there to this After golf, everyone gathered at nearby The sponsor for this year’s event was Leo• Gramiak;B flight first place (first low net) – Andrij very day. Tryzubivka grounds in Horsham, Pa., for an perennial supporter, Fletcher-Nasevich “He’s always smiling, that’s the beauty of awards banquet. Tryzub Vice-President Funeral Home. George Lesiuk also donated Biggs; Matt,” said close friend and 2010 Ryder Cup Gene Luciw welcomed the players, thanked some lovely door prizes. • Women’s champion (low gross) – Jane teammate Johnson in a post-tournament them for participating and reminded them Next year’s golf tournament will take place interview with Golf.com. “However, he is as about many exciting sporting, cultural and in June at a date to be announced. (Check Jubinski,• Women’s Joe Homik, low net and – GeneUlana Luciw Warren; (Tryzub); gritty and fierce a competitor as I’ve ever social events at the Ukrainian American Tryzub’s website, www.tryzub.org, for addi- • Team champions – Pablo Diatel, Jim been associated with. We certainly wit- Sport Center. tional details and for upcoming events.) • Longest drive – Bill Haggerty; and • Closest to pin – Joe Homik.

e Ukrainian-American Civic Committee of Metropolitan Detroit cordially invites you to participate in celebrating e 21st Anniversary of Ukraine’s Independence Saturday, August 25, 2012 at 6PM Ukrainian Cultural Center 26601 Ryan Road, Warren, MI 48091

Program: Guest speaker from Kyiv, Ukraine Dr. Volodymyr Shovkoshytny, Political Activist, Scholar & Poet

Trio Soloveyky under the direction of Olga Dubrivna-Solovey

Dance music provided by “Jackpot”

Tickets: $ 40.00 per person, $75.00 per couple; sponsors $50.00 dollars; children up to 12 years $10.00. Dance only $25.00. Available at Selfreliance and Future Credit Unions and at “EKO” Gallery


August 23 Cocktail party, to benefit The Ukrainian Museum, August 25 Ukrainian Independence Day picnic, Ukrainian Wildwood Crest, NJ Pan American Hotel Penthouse, 203-887-1789 Raleigh, NC Association of North Carolina, Lake Montague, or 908-377-7889 www.ncua.inform-decisions.com or 919-923-1316

August 24 All-ages dance, with music by DJ Matej Liteplo Wildwood August 25 Ukrainian Independence Day celebration, Ukrainian Wildwood Crest, NJ Crest Pier Recreation Center, www.xmel.org or Warren, MI American Civic Committee of Metropolitan Detroit, [email protected] Ukrainian Cultural Center, 585-757-1980

August 24 Volleyball tournament, hosted by Lys Sports Academy, August 25-26 Ukrainian Festival, Illinois Division of the Ukrainian Wildwood, NJ Ukrainian Sports Federation of the U.S.A. and Canada, Chicago Congress Committee of America, Smith Park, beach in front of Pan Am Hotel, [email protected] 773-772-4500 or www.socceragency.net/lys August 26 Ukrainian Folk Festival, with stage show and dance, August 24 Ukrainian Independence Day concert, Ukrainian Cultural Horsham, PA Ukrainian American Sports Club - Tryzub, www.tryzub.org Somerset, NJ Center, 732-356-0090 or 267-664-3857

August 24-26 “Uketoberfest,” St. Joseph Ukrainian Catholic Church, August 26 Blessing of flowers, St. Mary Protectress Ukrainian Chicago 773-625-4805 or [email protected] Apopka, FL Catholic Church, 321-217-7787 or [email protected] August 25 Ukrainian Fall Festival, Ukrainian Canadian Congress – Regina, MB Regina branch, Victoria Park, 306-757-8835 or August 26 Ukrainian Day, Golden Gate Park, Music Concourse www.uccruff.ca San Francisco Bandshell, www.stmichaeluocsf.org or 415-330-0905

August 25 Ukrainian Village Parade and Independence Day August 26 Friends’ Ukrainian Music Festival, Ukrainian Cultural Parma, OH celebration, Ukrainian Village Committee, St. Josaphat Edmonton, AB Heritage Village, Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral, www.history.alberta.ca/ukrainianvillage/specialevents/ [email protected] August 26 Ukrainian Independence Day celebration, Slovene August 25 “Flavors of Ukraine,” Ukrainian Independence Day Pittsburgh National Benefit Society Lodge, 412-343-0309 Etobicoke, ON celebration, Ukrainian Canadian Congress – Toronto Branch, Centennial Park, 416-323-4772 or August 30 21st annual Ukrainian Independence Day banquet, www.ucctoronto.ca Montreal keynote speaker Bohdan Onyschuk, of Ukrainian August 25 Ukraine Day in the Park, Ukrainian Canadian Congress – Canadian Congress – Montreal branch, 514-481-5871 or 514-574-0157 Saskatoon, SK Saskatoon Provincial Council, 306-653-1733 or [email protected] Entries in “Out and About” are listed free of charge. Priority is given to events August 25 Concert with cellists Natalia Khoma and Marta Bagratuni, advertised in The Ukrainian Weekly. However, we also welcome submissions Jewett, NY with pianist Volodymyr Vynnytsky, Grazhda Music and from all our readers. Items will be published at the discretion of the editors Art Center, www.grazhdamusicandart.org and as space allows. Please send e-mail to [email protected]. 24 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, AUGUST 19, 2012 No. 34


Thursday, August 23 and much more. Pony rides and children’s Catholic Church will host the parish’s 10th featuring the Hromovytsia dance ensemble WILDWOOD CREST, N.J.: The board of attractions add to the entertainment for the annual Ukrainian Village Fest 2012 on the with Ukrainian School of Dance, and other trustees of The Ukrainian Museum (New whole family. Featured will be performers parish grounds, located in the heart of the local dance groups. Street vendors will fea- York) invites all in Wildwood to come to the from Ukraine and Canada, as well as local tal- Ukrainian Village at 739 N. Oakley Blvd., at ture arts and crafts from all over North penthouse at the Pan American Hotel. Enjoy ent. Celebration of Ukraine’s declaration of the corner of Oakley and Superior streets, America, and local ethnic cuisine will be the wonderful view of the ocean from the independence will begin on Sunday at 1:30 one block south of Chicago Avenue. Festival plentiful. There will be children’s corner, a hours are: Saturday, 1-10 p.m., with indoor penthouse and find out more about The p.m. For more information contact Pavlo T. Grand Lottery first prize drawing of $2,500 and outdoor zabavy (dances), both starting cash and many other surprises. The festival Ukrainian Museum, while sipping wine, Bandriwsky, 773-772-4500. at 9 p.m.; Sunday, 1-10 p.m., with an outdoor entrance fee is $5 per adult (age 13 and chitchatting and having a good time at 7-9 Saturday, September 1 zabava under the big tent. There will be non- older) per day. For more information call the p.m. The Pan Am Hotel is located at 5901 stop stage activity outside under the tent, parish office, 312-829-5209. Ocean Ave., Wildwood Crest NJ 08260; tele- JEWETT, N.Y.: The last concert of the Music phone, 609-522-6936. Space at the pent- and Art Center of Greene County summer house is limited, so RSVP by Wednesday, to season will feature a violin recital with PREVIEW OF EVENTS GUIDELINES Christine Melnyk, 203-887-1789, or Oksana Dmitri Berlinsky, who will play works by Trytjak, 908-377-7889. Cost: $25 per per- Maurice Ravel, Camille Saint-Saens and Peter Preview of Events is a listing of community events open to the public. It is a service son, with proceeds to benefit The Ukrainian Tchaikovsky. Volodymyr Vynnytsky will be at provided at minimal cost ($20 per listing) by The Ukrainian Weekly to the Ukrainian Museum. the piano and Natalia Khoma will join the community. Items should be no more than 100 words long; longer submissions are artists to perform the Ernest Chausson Trio. subject to editing. Items not written in Preview format or submitted without all required Saturday-Sunday, August 24-25 A reception will follow the concert, which information will not be published. Preview items must be received no later than one week CHICAGO: The Ukrainian Congress takes place at the Grazhda Music Hall on the before the desired date of publication. Please include payment for each time the item is to Committee of America, Illinois Division, pres- grounds of St. John the Baptist Ukrainian appear and indicate date(s) of issue(s) in which the item is to be published. Also, senders ents Ukrainian Festival 2012 at Chicago’s Catholic Church. The concert begins at 8 p.m. are asked to include the phone number of a person who may be contacted by The Weekly Smith Park, 2526 W. Grand Ave. (corner of More information is available on the website during daytime hours, as well as their complete mailing address. www.GrazhdaMusicandArt.org. North Campbell Street) from noon to 10 p.m. Information should be sent to: [email protected] or Preview of Events, The both days. This is the largest Ukrainian festi- Saturday-Sunday, September 8-9 Ukrainian Weekly, 2200 Route 10, P.O. Box 280, Parsippany, NJ 07054; fax, 973-644- val in the Midwest. Festivities include: 9510. NB: If e-mailing, please do not send items as attachments; simply type the Ukrainian food, crafts, music, dance groups CHICAGO: Ss. Volodymyr and Olha Ukrainian text into the body of the e-mail message.

216 Foordmore Road P.O. Box 529 Kerhonkson, NY 12446 1-845-626-5641 [email protected] 2012 Summer Events August 19 – August 25 – Josephs School of Dance August 24 – Josephs School of Dance Camp Recital (evening) August 31 – September 3 Labor Day weekend – See ad on page 11 September 10 – September 13 – Gymnasium Reunions: Bayreuth, Berchtesgaden, Karlsfeld, Landshut, Regensburg September 17 – September 19 – Gymnasium Reunions: Mittenwald & Salzburg September 22 – September 23 – KLK Weekend