The lands of

1 Pordenone Strolling along the Corso...

Town life centres around an elegant street with long porticos, beautifully dressed window displays and welcoming coffee houses, whose side lanes are overlooked by characteristic restaurants. Gazing upwards, you see splendidly frescoed palazzos.

ordenone is a bustling, modern town, the ideal place for an unforgettable day trip. P Strolling along the elegant Corso Vittorio Emanuele, considered the centre of the town, you can gaze at the splendidly frescoed facades of the palazzos: multi- coloured, picturesque facades from the fourteenth century and elegant, stately facades dating back to the Venetian period. Sitting at a table in one of the many bars to savour unusual selections of coffee, chocolate or fine wines, just lift your gaze and you will immediately feel immersed in an atmosphere from times gone by, where even just sipping an aperitif, or going for a stroll in the city takes on a special flavour. It is a delight to wander under one of the continuous porticoes, the longest in Europe, and be distracted by the shop windows displaying special products in the ancient palazzos, or to enter the charming alleyways flanking the Corso, in search of one of the excellent trattorias and characteristic restaurants serving local specialities.

Don’t leave Pordenone without first dedicating a few hours to visiting important exhibitions or small museums, to discover the history and culture of a town with a thousand faces… try the Museo Civico d’Arte or the Museo delle Scienze, housed in splendid noble palazzos.

3 Pordenone ... and past charming noble palazzos Ancient edifices, once the homes of wealthy families, are today earmarked for culture and art.

th -century corso Garibaldi 19 is very elegant; it was once home to many wealthy families who built their marvellous stately palazzos there, including Palazzo de’ Spelladi, where Emperor Franz Joseph stayed.

4 5

isitors to Sesto al Reghena feel transported back to another era, back to when the V ancient Romans would stop off there on their long journeys north. The small town was, in fact, once a military outpost and supply station. Today it is the only one of its kind with an abbey complex, a jewel of medieval architecture and art, and this leap back into history is enhanced by the magical atmosphere you feel as you gaze up at the splendid frescoes inside. Breathe in the Venetian atmosphere and admire the sixteenth-century architecture. Wandering through the side streets of Sacile fills you with emotion. From Sesto al Reghena, a military outpost The land and supply station for the ancient Romans, whose of frescoes abbey is a jewel Garden of medieval architecture, to , San Vito al Tagliamento of the a trove of prehistoric, hanks to its millenary history, San Vito al Tagliamento is a small town replete with art, Roman, medieval T boasting noble historic and cultural traditions. Every step you take is like a leap into history: from prehistory and the Roman world, to medieval times, testified to by its and Renaissance city walls and towers. The Chiesa di Santa Maria dei Battuti is just one of the many beautiful Serenissima vestiges. buildings in the town, an unforgettable pearl of Friulian Renaissance.

acile is one of the most beautiful a wonderful place to wander round, across S towns in the region and, thanks to little bridges and down narrow lanes, the Venetian atmosphere found in to discover lovely corners to photograph. many of its corners, it is often called the Each year in August, the town comes to life “Giardino della Serenissima” (Garden of the with one of the oldest sagre held in , Serenissima). Its history, culture and even the traditional Sagra dei Osei (a village its name are linked to the Livenza river. festival dedicated to birds): it combines Visit the Duomo di San Nicolò, dedicated a market show of birds, exhibitions and to the town’s patron saint, and the song contests for the countless specimens. Chiesetta della Madonna della Pietà and Piazza del Popolo, overlooked by beautiful edifices; as evening falls, they glow with patterns of light and shadow, enhancing them with unexpected charm. A renaissance town par excellence, Sacile will surprise you with its host of 16th-century palazzos, including the Loggia Comunale and Palazzo Ragazzoni Flangini Billia. The town is brimming with beautiful Renaissance and Baroque houses and it is

6 7 Casarsa Valvasone della Delizia

A real journey into the Middle Ages.

ndulge in the unforgettable thrill I of immersing yourself in the medieval atmosphere of Valvasone, a small jewel in Venezia Giulia. Following the castle walls, you will come across medieval houses and beautiful palazzos of great historical and architectural interest, enchanting views inspiring poets of times gone by. A land of A little

Places dear illustrious trove to Pasolini… sublimated by his poetry. His homeland. personages

he Pordenone province is also the centre of an intense intellectual activity, the land T of poets and illustrious men. One obvious example is the Centro Studi (study centre) dedicated to the greatest poet and writer born in this land: . At you can set off on an authentic journey into the heart of Pasolini Friuli, in search of the evocative atmospheres which fascinated the author and inspired his poetic creation.

8 9 An ancient mosaic tradition gives life to works adorning various localities worldwide. They are made in the Scuola Mosaicisti, a mosaic school where you can watch masters and students at work. Art and From the green waters of the Livenza river, with its scenes of great beauty at , to the silver blades of , the village famous for its smithery, whose skilled craftsmen have produced knives and blades since the fifteenth mosaic century. Even Venice used to supply its troops with weapons from here. pilimbergo, the city of mosaics par on an artistic tradition whose origins lie in t comes as a surprise to learn that the Pordenone plateau is distinguished for an S excellence, is the capital of mosaic Aquileia, Byzantium and Venice. A visit to the Maniago I ancient tradition of blades and knives. Maniago is the queen of this art, where art in and home school is an unforgettable experience: come blacksmiths have cultivated and perfected a special skill in forging metal and to the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli, an and watch the masters and students at work, shaping tools for farmers and woodmen since the second half of the fifteenth century. internationally famed training centre, carrying as they create important masterpieces. And the Republic of Venice used to commission these exceptional cutlers to produce swords and other weapons for its troops. Don’t leave Pordenone without taking home an example of this extraordinary skill which for centuries has made this land famous abroad. Jewels of the foothills Polcenigo

he waters of the Livenza river flow T gently through the historic centre of Polcenigo, creating very charming spots awash with a green glow. The delightful Sorgenti del Gorgazzo are unique, thanks to the deep blue water bordered by a vivid natural setting of rocks, moss and centuries-old trees.

10 11 Piancavallo and In the most beautiful villages in Italy

Sports of all kinds, in contact with nature of incomparable beauty, Suspended in time. Perfectly estled in the charming setting N of Val Colvera, Poffabro is one very close to Pordenone. Piancavallo can be described with two integrated in an untouched of the Borghi più belli d’Italia colours: green for its mountains in summer and white for its environmental context, Poffabro’s (most beautiful villages in Italy). It has been included in this prestigious snowy peaks in winter. In Barcis, on the other hand, the colour picturesque stone houses are classification thanks to the unusual, green takes on an emerald hue, the emerald of its lake waters. clustered together along charming charming, simple architecture of its stone houses, clustered together in a delightful winding lanes, interweaving the village. As you admire these wonderful harmony between man and nature. hamlets inserted in an unspoilt natural environment, you realise how this valley and its villages epitomize nature and Skiing and lots more man living harmoniously side by side.

iancavallo offers an incredible natural environment for lovers of outdoor activities. P This locality, situated a few kilometres away from Pordenone, stands out for its colours, its green mountains in summer and white snowy peaks in winter. Here you are guaranteed sports of all kinds and great fun on the snow! The panorama from the majestic peak of Monte Cavallo is breathtaking: you can even catch a glimpse of the deep blue sea on the horizon. From Piancavallo proceed to Barcis lake, a pearl offering a holiday in harmony with nature, with stunning views over the bright emerald green lake water.

12 13 Hundreds of steps lead down to the Grotte Verdi di Pradis, a place , Erto and Casso where fairy stories are born. To an enchanting microcosm of tiny bridges, waterfalls, patterns of water and light. The Magredi terrain, on the other hand, is a blanket of gravel stretching right down into the valley where it is bordered by the resurgent springs. The meaning of nature

A stunning “bell he bell tower of Val Montanaia, a recalls October 9th 1963, when the undreds of steps lead down from a T stunning pinnacle eroded by glaciers, mountain slid down into the valley, Pradis H large chamber eroded in the rock by tower” of rock is is the unmistakable emblem of the crushing everything in its path. the slow flow of water, as far as the the symbol of the Parco Naturale delle Dolomiti Friulane, The silence still pervading these spots is heart of the Grotte Verdi di Pradis: real life situated on the mountain range bordered broken every so often by the chiselling of gardens made of small bridges, waterfalls, Parco Naturale by the Tagliamento and Piave rivers. the local craftsmen from Erto and Casso, moss and patterns of water and light delle Dolomiti As you walk along the equipped paths in where you may be lucky enough to bump recalling scenes of spellbinding stories. this natural paradise, you may come across into the famous artist and writer, Mauro Friulane. Where some unusual animals, such as deer, Corona, who will invite you into his studio golden eagles roe deer and chamois, and as you gaze brimming with amazing wood sculptures. upwards, you may well catch a glimpse soar through the of a golden eagle, the symbol of the park, sky and deer and soaring through the sky. roe deer can be Located in the middle of a pretty valley, glimpsed along the village of Andreis is a marvellous Spellbinding example of the fascinating nature, culture the paths. and landscape of Valcellina. The main Travelling through feature of this small, calm and peaceful village, is its spontaneous architecture of Valcellina, past century-old tradition, which takes you back in time to a place where traditions and nature the enchanting flavours are those of time gone by. village of Andreis, you reach the The sadly famous dam lies at the foot of Monte Toc and its name still causes Vajont dam. a shiver of fear: the large cleft in the rock Magredi and Risorgive A realm of eloquent silence, he scenery offered by the Magredi T is completely different but no less broken only by spectacular: its barren terrain is the craftsmen covered by a blanket of gravel where the mountains and plains meet. Here, rivers of . flow underground and re-emerge in the valley, giving rise to the stunning setting of the Resurgent springs.






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DSF design / photo: Comuni di San Vito al Tagliamento, Sesto al Reghena, Casarsa della Delizie, Valvasone, , Archivio Film Commission, Parco delle Dolomiti Friulane / printed by: Grafiche Risma

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