ALT Codes Reference Chart Press and Hold the ALT Key, Then Type

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ALT Codes Reference Chart Press and Hold the ALT Key, Then Type Press and hold the ALT key, then type ALT Codes Reference Chart the numbers on the numeric keypad. Punctuation Signs Latin Letters with Diacritical Marks ¡ 173 or 0161 Inverted exclamation mark á 160 or 0225 Latin small letter a with acute ¦ 166 Broken bar, parted rule Á 193 Latin capital letter A with acute § 21 or 0167 Section sign à 133 or 0224 Latin small letter a with grave « 174 or 0171 Left-pointing double angle quotation mark À 192 Latin capital letter A with grave » 175 or 0187 Right-pointing double angle quotation mark â 131 or 0226 Latin small letter a with circumflex • 173 Soft hyphen, discretionary hyphen  194 Latin capital letter A with circumflex ° 248 or 0176 Degree sign ä 132 or 0228 Latin small letter a with diaeresis ¶ 20 or 0182 Pilcrow sign, paragraph sign Ä 142 or 0196 Latin capital letter A with diaeresis · 250 or 0183 Middle dot, midpoint ã 227 Latin small letter a with tilde ¿ 168 or 0191 Inverted question mark, turned question mark à 195 Latin capital letter A with tilde – 150 En dash å 134 or 0229 Latin small letter a with ring above — 151 Em dash Å 143 or 0197 Latin capital letter A with ring above ‘ 145 Left single quotation mark æ 145 or 0230 Latin small letter ae, ash (from Old English æsc) ’ 146 Right single quotation mark Æ 146 or 0198 Latin capital letter AE ‚ 130 Single low-9 quotation mark ç 135 or 0231 Latin small letter c with cedilla “ 147 Left double quotation mark Ç 128 or 0199 Latin capital letter C with cedilla ” 148 Right double quotation mark ð 240 Latin small letter eth „ 132 Double low-9 quotation mark Ð 208 Latin capital letter ETH † 134 Dagger, obelisk, cross é 130 or 0233 Latin small letter e with acute ‡ 135 Double dagger, double obelisk, diesis É 144 or 0201 Latin capital letter E with acute • 7 or 149 Bullet è 138 or 0232 Latin small letter e with grave … 133 Horizontal ellipsis, three dot leader È 200 Latin capital letter E with grave ‰ 137 Per mille sign, per thousand ê 136 or 0234 Latin small letter e with circumflex ‹ 139 Single left-pointing angle quotation mark Ê 202 Latin capital letter E with circumflex › 155 Single right-pointing angle quotation mark ë 137 or 0235 Latin small letter e with diaeresis ‼ 19 Double exclamation mark Ë 203 Latin capital letter E with diaeresis Greek Letters ƒ 159 or 0131 Latin small letter f with hook, florin sign, function sign µ 230 or 0181 Micro sign, mu í 161 or 0237 Latin small letter i with acute Γ 226 Greek capital letter gamma Í 205 Latin capital letter I with acute Θ 233 Greek capital letter theta ì 141 or 0236 Latin small letter i with grave Σ 228 Greek capital letter sigma Ì 204 Latin capital letter I with grave τ 231 Greek capital letter tau î 140 or 0238 Latin small letter i with circumflex Φ 232 Greek capital letter phi Î 206 Latin capital letter I with circumflex Ω 234 Greek capital letter omega ï 139 or 0239 Latin small letter i with diaeresis α 224 Greek small letter alpha Ï 207 Latin capital letter I with diaeresis δ 235 Greek small letter delta ñ 164 or 0241 Latin small letter n with tilde, small letter enye ε 238 Greek small letter epsilon Ñ 165 or 0209 Latin capital letter N with tilde, capital letter enye π 227 Greek small letter pi ó 162 or 0243 Latin small letter o with acute σ 229 Greek small letter sigma Ó 211 Latin capital letter O with acute φ 237 Greek small letter phi ò 149 or 0242 Latin small letter o with grave Intellectual Property Symbols Ò 210 Latin capital letter O with grave © 169 Copyright sign ô 147 or 0244 Latin small letter o with circumflex ® 174 Registered sign Ô 212 Latin capital letter O with circumflex ™ 153 Trade mark sign ö 148 or 0246 Latin small letter o with diaeresis Currency Symbols Ö 153 or 0214 Latin capital letter O with diaeresis $ 36 Dollar sign, milréis, escudo õ 245 Latin small letter o with tilde ¢ 155 or 0162 Cent sign Õ 213 Latin capital letter O with tilde £ 156 or 0163 Pound sign, pound sterling, Irish punt, lira sign ø 248 Latin small letter o with stroke ¤ 164 Currency sign Ø 216 Latin capital letter O with stroke ¥ 157 or 0165 Yen sign, yuan sign œ 156 Latin small ligature oe ₧ 158 Peseta sign Œ 140 Latin capital ligature OE € 128 Euro sign š 154 Latin small letter s with caron, s hacek Superscripts Š 138 Latin capital letter S with caron, S hacek ¹ 185 Superscript one ß 225 or 0223 Latin small letter sharp s, eszett ² 253 or 0178 Superscript two, squared þ 254 Latin small letter thorn ³ 179 Superscript three, cubed Þ 222 Latin capital letter THORN ª 166 or 0170 Feminine ordinal indicator ú 163 or 0250 Latin small letter u with acute º 167 or 0186 Masculine ordinal indicator Ú 218 Latin capital letter U with acute ⁿ 252 Superscript Latin small letter n ù 151 or 0249 Latin small letter u with grave Fractions Ù 217 Latin capital letter U with grave ¼ 172 or 0188 Vulgar fraction one quarter û 150 or 0251 Latin small letter u with circumflex ½ 171 or 0189 Vulgar fraction one half Û 219 Latin capital letter U with circumflex ¾ 190 Vulgar fraction three quarters ü 129 or 0252 Latin small letter u with diaeresis Gender & Astrological Symbols Ü 154 or 0220 Latin capital letter U with diaeresis ♀ 12 Female sign, venus, alchemical symbol for copper ý 253 Latin small letter y with acute ♂ 11 Male sign, mars, alchemical symbol for iron Ý 221 Latin capital letter Y with acute Emoticon / Emoji Symbols ÿ 152 or 0255 Latin small letter y with diaeresis ☺ 1 White smiling face, smiley face Ÿ 159 Latin capital letter Y with diaeresis ☻ 2 Black smiling face ž 158 Latin small letter z with caron, z hacek Musical Symbols Ž 142 Latin capital letter Z with caron, Z hacek ♪ 13 Eighth note, quaver ♫ 14 Beamed eighth notes/quavers, barred eighth notes Press and hold the ALT key, then type ALT Codes Reference Chart the numbers on the numeric keypad. Math Symbols Arrows + 43 Plus sign ← 27 Leftwards arrow < 60 Less-than sign ↑ 24 Upwards arrow = 61 Equals sign → 26 Rightwards arrow, Z notation total function > 62 Greater-than sign ↓ 25 Downwards arrow | 124 Vertical line, vertical bar ↔ 29 Left right arrow, Z notation relation ~ 126 Tilde ↕ 18 Up down arrow ⌐ 169 Reversed not sign, beginning of line ↨ 23 Up down arrow with base ¬ 170 or 0172 Not sign, angled dash Diacritical / Accent Marks ± 241 or 0177 Plus-minus sign ^ 94 Circumflex accent × 215 Multiplication sign, z notation cartesian product ` 96 Grave accent ÷ 246 or 0247 Division sign, obelus ¨ 168 Diaeresis ∙ 249 Bullet operator ¯ 175 Macron, overline, overbar √ 251 Square root, radical sign ´ 180 Acute accent ∞ 236 Infinity ¸ 184 Cedilla ∟ 28 Right angle ˆ 136 Modifier Letter Circumflex Accent ∩ 239 Intersection ˜ 152 Small tilde ≈ 247 Almost equal to, asymptotic to Geometric Shapes ≡ 240 Identical to ■ 254 Black square ≤ 243 Less-than or equal to ▬ 22 Black rectangle ≥ 242 Greater-than or equal to ▲ 30 Black up-pointing triangle ⌠ 244 Top half integral ► 16 Black right-pointing pointer ⌡ 245 Bottom half integral ▼ 31 Black down-pointing triangle Box Drawings ◄ 17 Black left-pointing pointer ─ 196 Box drawings light horizontal ○ 9 White circle │ 179 Box drawings light vertical ◘ 8 Inverse bullet ┌ 218 Box drawings light down and right ◙ 10 Inverse white circle ┐ 191 Box drawings light down and left Block Elements └ 192 Box drawings light up and right ▀ 223 Upper half block ┘ 217 Box drawings light up and left ▄ 220 Lower half block ├ 195 Box drawings light vertical and right █ 219 Full block, solid block ┤ 180 Box drawings light vertical and left ▌ 221 Left half block ┬ 194 Box drawings light down and horizontal ▐ 222 Right half block ┴ 193 Box drawings light up and horizontal ░ 176 Light shade ┼ 197 Box drawings light vertical and horizontal ▒ 177 Medium shade, speckles fill, dotted fill ═ 205 Box drawings double horizontal ▓ 178 Dark shade ║ 186 Box drawings double vertical Punctuations and Symbols ╒ 213 Box drawings down single and right double 32 Space ╓ 214 Box drawings down double and right single ! 33 Exclamation mark, factorial ╔ 201 Box drawings double down and right " 34 Quotation mark ╕ 184 Box drawings down single and left double # 35 Number sign, pound sign, hash, octothorpe ╖ 183 Box drawings down double and left single % 37 Percent sign ╗ 187 Box drawings double down and left & 38 Ampersand ╘ 212 Box drawings up single and right double ' 39 Apostrophe ╙ 211 Box drawings up double and right single * 42 Asterisk, star ╚ 200 Box drawings double up and right , 44 Comma, decimal separator ╛ 190 Box drawings up single and left double - 45 Hyphen, minus sign ╜ 189 Box drawings up double and left single . 46 Full stop, period, dot, decimal point ╝ 188 Box drawings double up and left / 47 Solidus, slash, forward slash, virgule ╞ 198 Box drawings vertical single and right double : 58 Colon ╟ 199 Box drawings vertical double and right single ; 59 Semicolon ╠ 204 Box drawings double vertical and right ? 63 Question mark ╡ 181 Box drawings vertical single and left double @ 64 Commercial at, at sign ╢ 182 Box drawings vertical double and left single \ 92 Reverse solidus, back slash ╣ 185 Box drawings double vertical and left _ 95 Low line, underscore ╤ 209 Box drawings down single and horizontal double 255 or 0160 No-break space, non-breaking space, nbsp ╥ 210 Box drawings down double and horizontal single ( 40 Left parenthesis, opening parenthesis ╦ 203 Box drawings double down and horizontal ) 41 Right parenthesis, closing parenthesis ╧ 207 Box drawings up single and horizontal double [ 91 Left square bracket, opening square bracket ╨ 208 Box drawings up double and horizontal
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