altcodeunicode.com Press and hold the ALT key, then type ALT Codes Reference Chart the numbers on the numeric keypad. Punctuation Signs Latin Letters with Diacritical Marks ¡ 173 or 0161 Inverted exclamation mark á 160 or 0225 Latin small letter a with acute ¦ 166 Broken bar, parted rule Á 193 Latin capital letter A with acute § 21 or 0167 Section sign à 133 or 0224 Latin small letter a with grave « 174 or 0171 Left-pointing double angle quotation mark À 192 Latin capital letter A with grave » 175 or 0187 Right-pointing double angle quotation mark â 131 or 0226 Latin small letter a with circumflex • 173 Soft hyphen, discretionary hyphen  194 Latin capital letter A with circumflex ° 248 or 0176 Degree sign ä 132 or 0228 Latin small letter a with diaeresis ¶ 20 or 0182 Pilcrow sign, paragraph sign Ä 142 or 0196 Latin capital letter A with diaeresis · 250 or 0183 Middle dot, midpoint ã 227 Latin small letter a with tilde ¿ 168 or 0191 Inverted question mark, turned question mark à 195 Latin capital letter A with tilde – 150 En dash å 134 or 0229 Latin small letter a with ring above — 151 Em dash Å 143 or 0197 Latin capital letter A with ring above ‘ 145 Left single quotation mark æ 145 or 0230 Latin small letter ae, ash (from Old English æsc) ’ 146 Right single quotation mark Æ 146 or 0198 Latin capital letter AE ‚ 130 Single low-9 quotation mark ç 135 or 0231 Latin small letter c with cedilla “ 147 Left double quotation mark Ç 128 or 0199 Latin capital letter C with cedilla ” 148 Right double quotation mark ð 240 Latin small letter eth „ 132 Double low-9 quotation mark Ð 208 Latin capital letter ETH † 134 Dagger, obelisk, cross é 130 or 0233 Latin small letter e with acute ‡ 135 Double dagger, double obelisk, diesis É 144 or 0201 Latin capital letter E with acute • 7 or 149 Bullet è 138 or 0232 Latin small letter e with grave … 133 Horizontal ellipsis, three dot leader È 200 Latin capital letter E with grave ‰ 137 Per mille sign, per thousand ê 136 or 0234 Latin small letter e with circumflex ‹ 139 Single left-pointing angle quotation mark Ê 202 Latin capital letter E with circumflex › 155 Single right-pointing angle quotation mark ë 137 or 0235 Latin small letter e with diaeresis ‼ 19 Double exclamation mark Ë 203 Latin capital letter E with diaeresis Greek Letters ƒ 159 or 0131 Latin small letter f with hook, florin sign, function sign µ 230 or 0181 Micro sign, mu í 161 or 0237 Latin small letter i with acute Γ 226 Greek capital letter gamma Í 205 Latin capital letter I with acute Θ 233 Greek capital letter theta ì 141 or 0236 Latin small letter i with grave Σ 228 Greek capital letter sigma Ì 204 Latin capital letter I with grave τ 231 Greek capital letter tau î 140 or 0238 Latin small letter i with circumflex Φ 232 Greek capital letter phi Î 206 Latin capital letter I with circumflex Ω 234 Greek capital letter omega ï 139 or 0239 Latin small letter i with diaeresis α 224 Greek small letter alpha Ï 207 Latin capital letter I with diaeresis δ 235 Greek small letter delta ñ 164 or 0241 Latin small letter n with tilde, small letter enye ε 238 Greek small letter epsilon Ñ 165 or 0209 Latin capital letter N with tilde, capital letter enye π 227 Greek small letter pi ó 162 or 0243 Latin small letter o with acute σ 229 Greek small letter sigma Ó 211 Latin capital letter O with acute φ 237 Greek small letter phi ò 149 or 0242 Latin small letter o with grave Intellectual Property Symbols Ò 210 Latin capital letter O with grave © 169 Copyright sign ô 147 or 0244 Latin small letter o with circumflex ® 174 Registered sign Ô 212 Latin capital letter O with circumflex ™ 153 Trade mark sign ö 148 or 0246 Latin small letter o with diaeresis Currency Symbols Ö 153 or 0214 Latin capital letter O with diaeresis $ 36 Dollar sign, milréis, escudo õ 245 Latin small letter o with tilde ¢ 155 or 0162 Cent sign Õ 213 Latin capital letter O with tilde £ 156 or 0163 Pound sign, pound sterling, Irish punt, lira sign ø 248 Latin small letter o with stroke ¤ 164 Currency sign Ø 216 Latin capital letter O with stroke ¥ 157 or 0165 Yen sign, yuan sign œ 156 Latin small ligature oe ₧ 158 Peseta sign Œ 140 Latin capital ligature OE € 128 Euro sign š 154 Latin small letter s with caron, s hacek Superscripts Š 138 Latin capital letter S with caron, S hacek ¹ 185 Superscript one ß 225 or 0223 Latin small letter sharp s, eszett ² 253 or 0178 Superscript two, squared þ 254 Latin small letter thorn ³ 179 Superscript three, cubed Þ 222 Latin capital letter THORN ª 166 or 0170 Feminine ordinal indicator ú 163 or 0250 Latin small letter u with acute º 167 or 0186 Masculine ordinal indicator Ú 218 Latin capital letter U with acute ⁿ 252 Superscript Latin small letter n ù 151 or 0249 Latin small letter u with grave Fractions Ù 217 Latin capital letter U with grave ¼ 172 or 0188 Vulgar fraction one quarter û 150 or 0251 Latin small letter u with circumflex ½ 171 or 0189 Vulgar fraction one half Û 219 Latin capital letter U with circumflex ¾ 190 Vulgar fraction three quarters ü 129 or 0252 Latin small letter u with diaeresis Gender & Astrological Symbols Ü 154 or 0220 Latin capital letter U with diaeresis ♀ 12 Female sign, venus, alchemical symbol for copper ý 253 Latin small letter y with acute ♂ 11 Male sign, mars, alchemical symbol for iron Ý 221 Latin capital letter Y with acute Emoticon / Emoji Symbols ÿ 152 or 0255 Latin small letter y with diaeresis ☺ 1 White smiling face, smiley face Ÿ 159 Latin capital letter Y with diaeresis ☻ 2 Black smiling face ž 158 Latin small letter z with caron, z hacek Musical Symbols Ž 142 Latin capital letter Z with caron, Z hacek ♪ 13 Eighth note, quaver ♫ 14 Beamed eighth notes/quavers, barred eighth notes altcodeunicode.com altcodeunicode.com Press and hold the ALT key, then type ALT Codes Reference Chart the numbers on the numeric keypad. Math Symbols Arrows + 43 Plus sign ← 27 Leftwards arrow < 60 Less-than sign ↑ 24 Upwards arrow = 61 Equals sign → 26 Rightwards arrow, Z notation total function > 62 Greater-than sign ↓ 25 Downwards arrow | 124 Vertical line, vertical bar ↔ 29 Left right arrow, Z notation relation ~ 126 Tilde ↕ 18 Up down arrow ⌐ 169 Reversed not sign, beginning of line ↨ 23 Up down arrow with base ¬ 170 or 0172 Not sign, angled dash Diacritical / Accent Marks ± 241 or 0177 Plus-minus sign ^ 94 Circumflex accent × 215 Multiplication sign, z notation cartesian product ` 96 Grave accent ÷ 246 or 0247 Division sign, obelus ¨ 168 Diaeresis ∙ 249 Bullet operator ¯ 175 Macron, overline, overbar √ 251 Square root, radical sign ´ 180 Acute accent ∞ 236 Infinity ¸ 184 Cedilla ∟ 28 Right angle ˆ 136 Modifier Letter Circumflex Accent ∩ 239 Intersection ˜ 152 Small tilde ≈ 247 Almost equal to, asymptotic to Geometric Shapes ≡ 240 Identical to ■ 254 Black square ≤ 243 Less-than or equal to ▬ 22 Black rectangle ≥ 242 Greater-than or equal to ▲ 30 Black up-pointing triangle ⌠ 244 Top half integral ► 16 Black right-pointing pointer ⌡ 245 Bottom half integral ▼ 31 Black down-pointing triangle Box Drawings ◄ 17 Black left-pointing pointer ─ 196 Box drawings light horizontal ○ 9 White circle │ 179 Box drawings light vertical ◘ 8 Inverse bullet ┌ 218 Box drawings light down and right ◙ 10 Inverse white circle ┐ 191 Box drawings light down and left Block Elements └ 192 Box drawings light up and right ▀ 223 Upper half block ┘ 217 Box drawings light up and left ▄ 220 Lower half block ├ 195 Box drawings light vertical and right █ 219 Full block, solid block ┤ 180 Box drawings light vertical and left ▌ 221 Left half block ┬ 194 Box drawings light down and horizontal ▐ 222 Right half block ┴ 193 Box drawings light up and horizontal ░ 176 Light shade ┼ 197 Box drawings light vertical and horizontal ▒ 177 Medium shade, speckles fill, dotted fill ═ 205 Box drawings double horizontal ▓ 178 Dark shade ║ 186 Box drawings double vertical Punctuations and Symbols ╒ 213 Box drawings down single and right double 32 Space ╓ 214 Box drawings down double and right single ! 33 Exclamation mark, factorial ╔ 201 Box drawings double down and right " 34 Quotation mark ╕ 184 Box drawings down single and left double # 35 Number sign, pound sign, hash, octothorpe ╖ 183 Box drawings down double and left single % 37 Percent sign ╗ 187 Box drawings double down and left & 38 Ampersand ╘ 212 Box drawings up single and right double ' 39 Apostrophe ╙ 211 Box drawings up double and right single * 42 Asterisk, star ╚ 200 Box drawings double up and right , 44 Comma, decimal separator ╛ 190 Box drawings up single and left double - 45 Hyphen, minus sign ╜ 189 Box drawings up double and left single . 46 Full stop, period, dot, decimal point ╝ 188 Box drawings double up and left / 47 Solidus, slash, forward slash, virgule ╞ 198 Box drawings vertical single and right double : 58 Colon ╟ 199 Box drawings vertical double and right single ; 59 Semicolon ╠ 204 Box drawings double vertical and right ? 63 Question mark ╡ 181 Box drawings vertical single and left double @ 64 Commercial at, at sign ╢ 182 Box drawings vertical double and left single \ 92 Reverse solidus, back slash ╣ 185 Box drawings double vertical and left _ 95 Low line, underscore ╤ 209 Box drawings down single and horizontal double 255 or 0160 No-break space, non-breaking space, nbsp ╥ 210 Box drawings down double and horizontal single ( 40 Left parenthesis, opening parenthesis ╦ 203 Box drawings double down and horizontal ) 41 Right parenthesis, closing parenthesis ╧ 207 Box drawings up single and horizontal double [ 91 Left square bracket, opening square bracket ╨ 208 Box drawings up double and horizontal
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