Public Notice-Merged.Pdf
No. 30-02/202 0-ws Government of lndia Ministry of Communications Department of Posts (PO Division) Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg New Delhi- 110 001 Dated: 8th September, 2020 PUBLIC NOTICE SUBJECT: SEEKtNG suGGEsrloNs/FEEDBAcK/coMMENTS/|NpursrurEWs FROM GENERAL PUBLIC/STAKEHOLDERS ON THE DRAFT "INDIAN POST OFFICE RULES,2020" The central Government proposes to make a new set of lndian post office Rules' 2020 (lPo Rules, 2020) which wiil be in supersession of lpo Rures, 1933. passage 2- with the of time and induction of technorogy, the working of the post office has changed significanfly since 1933, so there is a need for a new set of rules in sync with the today's environment. 3. ln the new set of rpo Rures, 2020. some new rures have been framed, obsolete rules have been dereted from and many rures have been re- framed/modified in sync with the present scenario. The lndian post office Rules, 2020 will be a new set of Rures which wiil govern the functioning of the post offices henceforth. 4. ln the context of the above, the draft of proposed rpo Rures,2020 is hereby notified for information, seeking suggestions/feedbacucomments/inputs/views from general public/stakehorders/customers. Notice is hereby given that the suggestions/feedbacucomments/inputs/views received with regard to the said draft lPo Rules, 2020 will be taken into consideration tilr 6:00 p.m. of 9th october, 2020. 5. Suggestions/Feedback/comments/rnputsA/iews, if any, may be addressed to Ms. Sukriti Gupta, Assistant Director General (postal Operations, Room No. 340, Third Floor, Dak Bhawan, sansad Marg, New Derhi-i10001 , Ter.
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