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Dwy< Head Hoin< A j | V y i I *761/iyear,.ir,N th 4 0 - I d a h o ' M e “^wir^ails^ M ondaf), Februar a r y 9 , 1 9 8 1 25^ Dwy< •J * head ; f ■ hoin<i e - - 4 - H B# ______________ — Courirspal a r e s i H writefafte -Sjd f i - '-'w i spi; conuicnction wL ■ ------- tG N D e fH y P H ------i m tionary Court convictedted American writer Cynthia Dwyer of spyings Saa- 'I day. ^ Ho<tever, ll spared berer frfrom a {(eath Eeotence and ordered tierher immediate a v u lsio n . In Washington, tbe SlateSta Depart- ment said Mre. Dwye^ e r . A m herst, N.Y., would be tturned over to the Swiss Embassy toda;oday aod leave “on tbe flnt availablee fliflight out of ' Iran .” In Amherst, N.Y., Mrs.Mrs Dwyer’s husband Jcdm spent thebe (day talcing ____ ra llg onH m n U n g {them to sh a re ------- the news with friends. "She will be leaving' sh<shortly but I — don’t-toow -w ben,”. said-]iid - D y w ,- M ------------------------ 1- ^ : tVNSi5ftAfi:,-rrr,'.-W^--------------------- 1 Reuben Rivera hher e r d s e w e , y o u n g a h e e p a English professor at at the Slate__________ . p « c r o s s p e n a t F la tTt Top < Sheep Co. winter;r headquartersh nearRuRupert on chill Februarju a r y d a y ■ University College ih B uffi “ I feel great, terrific. TheTbe adrenalin -I is really flowing,” be said.Jd. A t F l a t Tfop c S heep Co„ ; In Washington, Statee DDepartment a_s_eas.otLpastiiLhal£w ay_m ark_ spolceswoman Anita Stoctitockman said sbe understood that Mrs.rs. IDwyer was ____Ifll'goodliealth" andduetoletoleavelran ' . ________ almost “Immediately.” -Drearyy Febmlarydoai/petfifectfor “Sbe will be releasedied tomorrow rlambiring morning Iranian time to U VELIPSON On hIs lsr ranch, ll takes m ore than 15 people working of th e Swiss, and tbe Swiss Jews writer night andnd day lo gel through lambimblng season. During airangm eots for ber to getgel <on the first the dayy they1 feed the sheep,I, cleancl- the peiu and , f , available flight out of Iran.an. ' ■ - ------------------------ corrals1 aiand m other and doctoror tbeti lamlTro^jght ^ ”We understand tbat[her bei health Is o.rppnT f tw o m en stays iq) watchatching th'c'eiC ^l By good, th at she h as beenI fed and she’s :r t — It was a cold, drearyy day,da with gray d a light wind. id taking tbe new-bom lambambs inside, r | H had some warm clothesIK thal have tak e constant care,” Buri is perfect lambing weather,”=r," said Dennis ,, ep Burkssald. J . M ' been sent to her. We undersderstand some „ ^ “ «essful lambing operaUonon Islheli keyjbfiuct'rt.'!''._ money was made availa r. ' a "IS-} It1. is. If the temperature:e climbs:cl above business, be said. "A'AsinglfllamVVidcv-;*'” si ' Stocicmansaid. ardly pay its way,” Burks £ , the snow scattered on the« gmindgi .wmdd rks said. The profits in I ‘ Her departure wouldId Ileave one iness come from twins, whic eating a sea of mud, which wouldwou make the 15 which about 60 percent I American citizen still undeaider arrest In wes a re having, aod e very e ry lam : b lhal is s a v e d .......... J — Iran, Afghan-born natinational Zla a-day job of helping the new-born d lhat much tougher, as well as e cold or disease.---------^— N assry. The deaiealh rale among the new-tew-bom lambs is only diplomat con- riskofdlseaIseaseforthe lambs, m In Tehran, a Swiss dlpl' . ' about 2 ]percent, Burks said,d, thankst mainly lo M ere colder, it would Increase th firmed lhal Mrs. Dwyer,r, a self-styled H it were * the Chand a-, penicillinin and the constant care.'re. "I never get away' M )uld be chilled and die before free-lance journalist andnd :m other of iam b would tore It could be from here•re. It’s a problem even nmrun nlng to town lo get | H th ree who cam e to be icnoknown as the hurried insiinside the sheds where the neW' ____ BBKCtlesJeaZBurksaaid___________ ------- ••ssrd-hostagerTnaneave‘a v e 'fo rh o fflf'— a re kept-witlwiththeirmotherefortheirlirsn IretTwffaays. Aboutt eievery half hour belweenm 6 a.m.i and 6 p.m., he H er arrest. The Flat!a t T(q) Sheep Co. northeast of Ru to d a y — 281 days afler he r a If R upert, next to drives ai tractotr r w ith a sled in backbac of it through the . V e River, isjn the midst of lambinj . Iranian prison officialslls iand Iran’s the Snake Rl iblng. The senior_____^'(11130 corcorrals” where the expeccpectanl mothers are K Biu-ks, who h ^ been lam bing' i P a rs news agency said1 MMi rs. Dwyer Dennis Biir: ing at lhal spot grouped1. H1 e's looking for mothe:others thal have jusl |H was convicted on severaliral counts of since Jolninjning h is father in the sheep businessbusii In 1934. given birtliirth or for any signs of troublouble. ^ spying and sentenced lo9 nilnine monlhs said they' pa;passed the halfway point overer thethi weekend. a s he< drivesdi the tractor up to a1 ewe with a new In jail, retroactive lo herer arresta nine This isI whenwt the lambs are combgg alat their fastest lamb, thetie moth e r w atches nervousvously and then starts | M . ------- m onthaagoi-------------------------------------------------- rflter4ie-sai-sakf.-In-tolairfiurkHutt-ftbotrt The charges carried a mi aximum They a re; givingglv birth to about 400 lambslbs a day now. her, usingng a long stick wllh a booklOok at the end lo grab m M penally of death. Four IraIranians, for • The Flana t Top Sheep Co. is in the h eartisii <of whal may her by hethe leg. Then be has to wresltrestle the ewe onto its Instance, w ere sentenced to d to death last be the wlntein ter sheep capital of the countr;untry, according back inlolo a compartment on the sled.1 The lamb Is weeic on charges they had spied for to Slan BoyBoyd, executive director of ththe e Idaho Wool picked upjp by1 a leg and put in a smesmaller compartment the United States. Growere As;Association. Several of the mmajor ajc sheepmen behind itsts mother'si bead, By expelling M rs. Dw;Dwyer, Iraji in the slateate have their lambing operaticirations within a Aftera afew minutes, when the sled Is fUled, the seemed to serve notice il w> anted no 2fr-mile-radi'adJus of Burks, he said. m othersi andar lam bs are taken to> one of enclosed sheds — ^more-hostage-crises-with-tth-the-United ---------rB urks-agr tiey-wili-be-putin-aprivatevatei>en-and-watched ------ Stales, analysis said. IW,000 sheetleep in the immediate area. closely ove)ver the nexl two days, ----------Another'U-.S.-citlzem-IrajranlairiMm:^ z=3^s:hes)l!5. H f c ; — ibDi±±treafcitthir=^Tlirnewew-bom Iambs cry and bleibleatrbutull Is -- yas iinpyppi rlcB rtpg/«rihM th<» Irpy fl suCT-of j jcpectediv ac^ __ ^ork,.Bucka ccessfuUambing— -farther-dovjowi}4he4ong^rowof pens18 in the shed.------------------------- quilled of spy charges»s lasl1 week operation-I — gelling aii tho work donele thatth has to be Thelamlimbs will cry until they get ih1 elrflrel drink of ^owed to return lo his wife In done. _________ mother'ss n:milk, Burka said, then theythe) settle down._____________ M other,er, o f f s p r i n g b o t h d o inIng g ffin e ------- Tehran.------------ ---------------- SchooDlequalilization1 could hike\ G3em ta>X bills $11.5i mm i l l i o n . ..ByMARTYTRILLHAASE-;e --------------------calied-for-an-e Jl -equalization-of-school—tloM tloii within the frozen revenue ii e llmiia-— that levycameUtI6s*aii' $18.5 milllon'p'rlM ~m1IIs~br~34r~'Qnd“‘rr verj^■ry~re»r“arc rionrallfip Tlmcs-News writer levies throughoi^oul the slate. Educalion tion,Uori, says Tom Vopat, a finan< rl^‘t7~because that’s some- ance of- tag. approaching the 17 mills oro r. .34. thing we've fll -----------------------DepartmentoffIofficial6-say^>qualizaUoa—Jicer-withJbe_Depflrtm,ent_o_f_E ficcj ve alw ays tried to achieve,” LEdwca:_____ M IHgaUngg thf> j fly Incrfp^ Ilf ____— lbis_means_most_(llslrlisltlctsjDuld— Eald-comrailt. ------------------Is needed becaucause the range belween lion.lion, imlttee-chalrman-Steve-An-— .—: r fact thal taxpayeretax; won’t pay $7 rer( c e iv e additional prop'ropcrty tax tone, R-RupcRupert.' But he questioned i B O ISE — Idaho taxpayerayere may see Ihelowestschoohool d istrict le\ 7 charged-• TlT h e difference in school. Ievl(!vles re* . m illion chargoc rgod to them In 1980 due lo dollaredi if th e Evans equallz.ailiatlon plan whether his committee or-the -- their property lax bills rise another and the highestest Has grown as a result suitssulti ih a disproportlbdate dls:disiribu- a funding shorthortfall at the state level, isis approved. itive-mandate to freeze liontion of state education dollai ^ , Legislatureire «would support the levy j $11.5 million next year In order lo a legislative Hare lo educalion offlcifflcialssay. Providing for equalizatlorItlon of school flpure. addin ■reveauefrat-lSTS-iovds.-'-^-' schoolscbc dlRtrirta.J/fpat8aliL.^ iftdlps an lnrmn6ft 1 in ~thft--------- ^ »i.Mnalntain-^tale-«id4«vei»'f<i»'foF-6chooi-*'^4^°^P^X^i^'' .».«^..,«.»...«Jahl»pre8ent -'district'levls'arwell'as'tsftaHMianng— schdbi levyvy couldc eat away a^ the districts. That move,c, coupledc with the 1980 UiUnder-Evans' proposal, 1levies said 12 districts ricts are lev^ng 1(SB lhan thth o se levies at the level(el Evans Is nllowjblc! levylev for other taxing dl^ i .
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