Afghanistan – Badakhshan Province Operational Coordination Team (OCT) UNAMA Faizabad Meeting Hall 2303016@09;00Am Draft Minutes Participants; Concern WW
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Afghanistan – Badakhshan Province Operational Coordination Team (OCT) UNAMA Faizabad meeting hall 2303016@09;00am Draft Minutes Participants; Concern WW. AKDN, UNHCR, GIZ, AKDN, FOCUS, IOM, CHA,UNHCR, Afghan-Aid, SCI, NAC, Mission East, NPO, JH, ARCs, AKDN, WFP, WAW,FAO,CAF, DoR&R, AKHS, WHO # Agenda Discussions Action points 1 Welcome and introduction OCHA warmly welcomed the team and the team introduced themselves to each other. 2 AKDN and WHO will raise the Kasdi AKDN; issue in PHCC meeting, through Clusters updates ( WASH, PHCC meeting Badakhshan PH can Health, Nutrition, FSAC, and AKDN provides health and nutrition services through its projects in Shiwa, Dawlat- request to ARCs. Shelter) Shahi, Arghanchkhow, and Warduj districts of Badakhshan province. AKDN has 39 health centres in its working areas, the AKDN nutrition project is funded by SIDA, OCHA will meet the Badakhshan Nutrition, five OTP and, 23 IPT centres. Shiwa, Dawlatshahi, Arkhanjkhow nutrition provincial governor for finding the not supplied. Warduj and kasdeh not supplied. solution ways for supplying the Kasdi AKDN trained midwives and nurses in its nursing school. clinic. Capacity building for health staff in Baharak, Nosay, and Shighnan districts of Badakhshan. WHO asked AKDN to give information about medical supply; medical supply in Yamgan and Warduj update for Warduj. AKDN; we have supplied the Non-medical materials somehow but for Medical supply there is forbidden by government authorities and therefore AKDN couldn’t supply its clinics in Warduj AKDN has already discussed this issue with Provincial Governor about the constraints in Kasdi area’s clinic and PG did not pay attention on it, the Kasdi Clinic medical staff have resigned. ARCS ARCs has two mobile clinics which works in close coordination with Badakhshan Public Health Directorate in case the PH requests for covering the Kasdi areas ARCs will provide medical services for the mentioned village. Currently ARCs mobile clinics are deployed Darayem, Argo, Yaftali-Payan districts of Badakhshan province. ACTED; ACTE actively participates in natural disaster and conflict IDP assessment in Badakhshan project, ACECT currently implements the WASH and Shelter projects in Badakhshan province. Shelter project ; Constructing 120 shelters in Yaftali-Bala 1- 72 shelter for landslide affected families in Safid Khak village of Yaftal Bala, which is completed and not handoverred and 48 Shelters in Ebri Dara village of Yaftali Bala 48 80% construction works are progressed. GIZ BNDP updated activities: Exposures visit for a number of GIZ’s project partners comprising 13persons from a number of Badakhshan governmental line departments and targeted districts visited Dushanbe and kolyab on disaster risk management and prevention measures for about one week. In shar-e-Buzurg four Infrastructure project like Check Dam , protection wall , irrigation canal and RCC Intake projects in Jogani, Khasar,Sangdar and Khurdakan villages 100% completed and handover to Distract governor and communities . Work process on reforestation project is ongoing in 4 villages of Koofab and 4 villages of Shukai districts, Four infrastructure project (protection wall) is completed in Khwahan district and will be handover soon. FOCUS; FOCUS working in Natural disaster, Disaster Risk Reductions, FOCUS actively participates in natural assessment and conflict IDP survey in Faizabad and its working areas. Most areas of the border districts do not have access to network communications, in order to keep good communication in emergencies FOCUS has installed; 1- Codons in Shighnan, Shukai, Eshkamsih, Maimai, Zebak, Wakhan, Nosay and in Faizabad. The base of installed Codons are Faizabad FOCUS is in contact with the mentioned Codon points. 2- 83 VSM installed in Wakhan, Shukai, Shighnan, Maimai , Eshkamish and Zebak districts (15 in wakhan, 4 in shukai, 12 in shighann, 13 in maimai, 9in Eshkashim and 9 in Zebak districts). FOCUS has established Disaster team in the mentioned grounds, the communication lead by voluntary team leaders. IOM; IOM is natural disaster lead agency, IOM participates and leads the assessment and provide NFI, Winterization and Blankets as relief for natural disaster affected families. IOM has stated that the assessment format has been changed and IOM will share the new format to OCHA and OCHA will share to all humanitarian partners. CHA; is a local NGO implement the UNHCR protection projects in Badakhshan province. WHO; is supporting health sector in Badakhshan province, it activities are mainly focused on polio elimination in Afghanistan, Providing training for polio. In first quarter of 2016 WHO has provided training for 2000 valentines, the vaccination implemented in close coordination with PH polio which 10000 children. The 9 cold districts’ vaccination postponed to May2016. WHO has sufficient medicine and emergency kits in case of necessity PHCC meeting which leads by PH can request the required medicine and WHO will supply based on PHCC meeting request. UNHCR; UNHCR will share list of conflict The conflict displaced families’ children who have been displaced from Warduj to Baharak displaced families’ children who are they need to continue to their education, UNHCR asked the team to coordinating with the Baharak education department for arranging the IDP’s children in Baharak schools. going to attend their classes in Baharak. OCHA; while UNICEF is absent for this OCT, this issue will be shared with UNICEF colleagues in Faizabad. IOM ; IOM distributed computer and printer for Badakhshan DoR&R , and established a database for entering the conflict IDPs IOM has 500 NIF in its stock and is in the process of providing 500 more NFI. ARCS; has good preparedness for responding the natural disasters. ARCs will implement one ICRC’s project conflict IDPs assessment and responses, still it’s under discussion. Concern Worldwide ; Concern is always committed to take part and response in any emergency in the provinces that Concern works. Please kindly see below plan and information for BDK. We have 111 NFI Kits (including tents) in Yawan office, which will be used for emergency response during the year. For now we don’t have any NFI kits in our Kohistan office however we are currently procuring NFI kits for Kohistan which will be delivered within the next few weeks. Under our emergency funds we have the following intervention Yawan and Kohistan for now. 1. A footbridge have been designed in Zo village of Yawan district with estimated amount of 28,000 USD. which will connect 7 villages 2. A projection wall has been designed in Pas pol village of Kohistan with 80 meter with estimated amount of 27,000 USD which will protect school, houses and other communities assets 3. We re-assessed 7 villages of Argo earthquake affected people during this month with coordination of ANDMA which we will hopefully response winterization and hygiene kits for 40 most affected families in Argu?? Development programme. We have NRM, WASH, education, and resilience projects within the 3 districts. Challenges: we have so many expectation from local official and even from ANDMA referring all single emergency cases to Concern to response. NAC; Works in health, education Natural disaster. NRM , and HID, Natural disaster; implemented the GIZ funded project in DRR, Environment natural disaster. Rehabilitated the established committees. The stocks supplies and still ongoing. NAS plans to provide camera and GPs for ANDMA Badakhshan. DRR project update: Feasibility study on land reclamation for Argu and Darayem rivers have been conducted, the purupose of this study is to see the possibilite of river stabilization and reclamation of eroded lands along the Argu and Darayem River. A training on GIS, Landslide and slope risk assessment is ongoing. The training started today and will be continued by end of next week (6 day training) The NAC is plan to provide some equipment for the disaster response center where NAC was constructed in Yawan, Kohistan, Raghistan and Arghanjkhwa district center. 1 GPS, 1 Camera, 20 office chair, Stabilizer will be provided to governor’s advisory on disaster and environment office Food and Work Project Update: Almost 40000 fruit and non-fruit saplings distributed for community, schools, and government line department. The saplings were distributed from Kishem and Kalafgan farm, community nurseries in Yawan, Argu, Yaftal-e-Payan, Darayem district. A training for 15 CDCs member in Kishem district (2/community) on Law of forestry, how to grow nutritious vegetable and how to manage establish a community nursery. Mission East; Post-Earthquake Response: After the emergency response by Mission East (ME) through the distribution of Hygiene kits, Mission east is also in the process of doing some post-earthquake recovery activities by repairing Water Supply Systems (WSS) and Irrigation Canals in some of the earthquake affected districts. It is assessing to repair 6 WSSs and 3 Irrigation Canal in Kash and Shuhada districts. The WSSs were primarily built by Mission East in previous projects. BDF: Badakhshan Development Forum (BDF) a network of 7 INGOs (AKF, Afghan Aid, Concern, Oxfam, NAC, Mission East, Acted) was decided to close after some bilateral meetings held between Mission East and some of the member INGOs during the end of 2015. Mission East also agreed with the group decision. One of Mission East’s project objectives is Civic Society Capacity building. Mission East intends to achieve this through an informal network of few local CSOs, NGOs and SHGs like the same model of BDF, primarily increasing their capacities to respond to local needs and to participate more actively in the development process. ME Projects: Mission East’s primary working areas are in the field of WASH, Food Security, Livelihood, NRM, Infrastructure, and Civic Society Capacity Building etc. Currently internal assessment activities are going on. This year’s project also includes follow up activities for projects completed in 2014 and 2015 also. WFP FZBD and Takhar Projects are under the process of approval. CAF supplied Voucher. Poor and widows and child head of family.