Add: V-137, Street-6, Phase, 4, District 6, Shahrak Omed Sabz, Kabul Email:
[email protected] Phone: 0093 (799) 005019/777-005019 Back Page January 28, 2016 Jalalabad Partly Ghazni Chance Kandahar Chance Mazar Chance Herat Partly Bamayan Snow Kabul Chance Cloudy of Rain of Rain Daily of Rain Cloudy of Rain Outlook 17°C 9°C 16°C 6°C 8°C 2°C 8°C Weather °C 7°C -1°C °C 7 0°C -1°C -5 1°C Forcast 35 Areas in Badakhshan Taliban Should Avail Prone to Natural Disasters FAIZABAD - At least 35 areas in northeastern Badakhshan Peace Chance: Abdullah province are prone to natural KABUL - Chief Executive Of- termination to bring peace and disasters amid troubles resi- ficer (CEO) Abdullah Abdullah stability and to defend the coun- dents face in the wake of bor- on Wednesday said the Afghan try. We are honesty and strictly der closure with neighbour- government and the people had in favour of sustainable peace,” ing Tajikistan, officials said a strong will to bring peace and the CEO said, while calling on on Wednesday. stability to the country and mili- the Taliban to get benefit of the Sayed Abdullah Dehqan, tants should avail the chance. chance and quit the war. Afghanistan Natural Dis- Abdullah told a press confer- To a query, Dr. Abdullah said the aster Management Author- ence here that the Taliban and Afghan security personnel had ity (ANDMA) director for other militant groups should not recently inflicted heavy casual- Badakhshan, told Pajhwok miss the opportunity for peace ties on Daesh fighters in eastern Afghan News they had and realise an end to the war Nangarhar province.