Afghanistan – Badakhshan Province Operational Coordination Team (OCT) UNAMA Faizabad Meeting Hall 2303016@09;00Am Draft Minutes Participants; Concern WW
Afghanistan – Badakhshan Province Operational Coordination Team (OCT) UNAMA Faizabad meeting hall 2303016@09;00am Draft Minutes Participants; Concern WW. AKDN, UNHCR, GIZ, AKDN, FOCUS, IOM, CHA,UNHCR, Afghan-Aid, SCI, NAC, Mission East, NPO, JH, ARCs, AKDN, WFP, WAW,FAO,CAF, DoR&R, AKHS, WHO # Agenda Discussions Action points 1 Welcome and introduction OCHA warmly welcomed the team and the team introduced themselves to each other. 2 AKDN and WHO will raise the Kasdi AKDN; issue in PHCC meeting, through Clusters updates ( WASH, PHCC meeting Badakhshan PH can Health, Nutrition, FSAC, and AKDN provides health and nutrition services through its projects in Shiwa, Dawlat- request to ARCs. Shelter) Shahi, Arghanchkhow, and Warduj districts of Badakhshan province. AKDN has 39 health centres in its working areas, the AKDN nutrition project is funded by SIDA, OCHA will meet the Badakhshan Nutrition, five OTP and, 23 IPT centres. Shiwa, Dawlatshahi, Arkhanjkhow nutrition provincial governor for finding the not supplied. Warduj and kasdeh not supplied. solution ways for supplying the Kasdi AKDN trained midwives and nurses in its nursing school. clinic. Capacity building for health staff in Baharak, Nosay, and Shighnan districts of Badakhshan. WHO asked AKDN to give information about medical supply; medical supply in Yamgan and Warduj update for Warduj. AKDN; we have supplied the Non-medical materials somehow but for Medical supply there is forbidden by government authorities and therefore AKDN couldn’t supply its clinics in Warduj AKDN has already discussed this issue with Provincial Governor about the constraints in Kasdi area’s clinic and PG did not pay attention on it, the Kasdi Clinic medical staff have resigned.
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