75 years of the Gotthard railway [to be continued]

Autor(en): [s.n.]

Objekttyp: Article

Zeitschrift: The Swiss observer : the journal of the Federation of Swiss Societies in the UK

Band (Jahr): - (1957)

Heft 1303

PDF erstellt am: 23.09.2021

Persistenter Link: http://doi.org/10.5169/seals-691663

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http://www.e-periodica.ch August .30th, 1957. TUE SWISS OBSERVER 8973


P/ioto, C.F.F. Federal Councillor Lepori speaks at .

1. Foundation and Financing. Works in Berne, and Mr. Pasquale Lucchini, Civil Engineer in . On the initiative of the Canton Gotthard and Lukmanier. of , the first national Gotthard Cou/erewce The idea of connecting the North and the South was held in Lucerne on the 7th August, 18-53. This of Europe, in the most direct manner, by means of a Conference was attended by representatives of tne railway line through, or over, the Alpine barrier arose Cantons of Lucerne, Berne, , Uri, Obwalden, soon after railways had been invented. Its realization, , Solothurn, Basel-Stndt and Basel-Land, however, was still delayed for several decades. The who decided to give their common support to the original conceptions centred mainly on a railway construction of a Gotthard Railway. through the Gotthard mas.si/, and on one from Coire over the La&mamer Pass, into the Canton of Tessin. Gotthard Union. The laying of rails over the Eastern was put Another Gott/iard Oon/orcMce was held in Olten forward by Mr. Richard La Nicea- of Coire, probably on the 15th September, I860, (o which the Cantons of the first engineer to propose the construction of an Lucerne, Uri, Schwyz, Unterwaiden, , Solothurn, Alpine line based on comprehensive studies. Berne, Fribourg and the Management of the SCB sent The project of a Gotthard Railway was especially their delegates. From amongst the delegates at this supported by the people of Basle and Lucerne. Among meeting, a special GoffTwird Committee was set up, the most prominent personalities to start and to which entrusted Mr. Karl Wetli, Civil Engineer in second a movement in favour of the Gotthard scheme Zurich, with the task of preparing draughts and were : Mr. Johann Jakob Speiser (1813-18G5), estimates for the construction of a railway line from Managing Director of a Bank in Basle and Chairman Fluelen to the Lago Maggiore. Mr. Wet.li's project, of the Board of Administration of the Swiss Central submitted in 1862, provided for a line location being Railway (SCB), Mr. .Josef Zingg, Cantonal Govern- as low as possible and including a long main . ment Councillor in Lucerne, Mr. Gottlieb Koller, On the 7th August, 1863, at a meeting of Engineer at the Federal Department of Posts and interested parties, representing fourteen Cantons, the 8974 THE SWISS OBSERVER Anglist 30th, 1957.

Swiss Central Railway (SCB) and the Swiss North- Financing of the Construction. Eastern Railway (NOB), the former Gotthard Com- The specialists Messrs. Beckh and Gerwig mittee was enlarged into the GoG/wmZ t/mow. This estimated the cost of the construction programme at Union submitted Mr. Wetli's project for examination a total of 187,000,000 francs. The Financial Plan of and completion to two specialists, Mr. K. Beckh of the International Conference provided for the above Stuttgart, Chie'f Engineer of the NOB, and Mr. R. sum to be raised as follows : Gerwig, Construction Director of Karlsruhe, builder 85,000,000 francs swhuenUowari/ contributions, à fonds of the Black Forest Railway, who presented their perdu, 45,000,000 francs from , 20,000,000 report in 1864. francs from the German Reich, and 20,000,000 The Gotthard Union successfully convinced the francs from (Federal Government and people concerned that it was an Alpine line through Railway Companies) ; the Gotthard which would best answer the require- 102,000,000 francs from priuate sources (shares and ments of international transit traffic. The voice of bonds). This private capital, 34,000,000 francs in this Union was well seconded, too, by Dr. Alfred shares and 68,000,000 francs in bonds, was raised Escher (1819-1882), National Councillor, Chairman of by an international syndicate of the three countries the Board of Administration of the NOB and of the concerned, each one contributing an equal part. Credit Bank in Zurich, who had joined the camp of The Gotthard Railway Company (GB), with its supporters and soon became the leading personality Headquarters in Lucerne, was founded on the 6th of the Gotthard Railway movement. December, 1871. Its Board of Directors, acting The Federal Council could not cast a deciding during the construction period, consisted of Dr. A. voice in the battle of opinions regarding the various Escher, National Councillor, as Chairman, of Mr. J. schemes for Alpine lines which were put forward ; Zingg, Cantonal Government Councillor, as Vice- according to the Railway Act of 1852, only the Cantons Chairman, and of Mr. J. Weber, State Councillor of were entitled to grant concessions for the construe- Berne, as a third member. Mr. R. Gerwig, Construe- tion and working of railways. The latter were, how- tion Director, was designated as Head Engineer for ever, unable to come to any agreement on one definite the direction of the construction work. Alpine project. A decision in the matter had to be In August, 1872, the GB entrusted the task of brought about mainly by the influence of the Kingdom constructing the main tunnel (Gotthard Tunnel) to of Italy, which managed to gain support for a definite the " Entreprise du grand tunnel du Gothard Louis Gotthard project from the North German Federation, Favre & Cie " in Geneva, managed by Mr. Louis from Baden and from Württemberg. In fact, these countries sent diplomatic Notes to the Swiss Federal Council, in which they expressed their desire that a Gotthard Rail built. The Swiss Federal Council assented to these requests in so far as it invited the countries concerned to the International Gotthard Conference of 1869 in Berne. This Conference lasted from the 15th September to the 13th October, discussing a proposal of the Swiss Federal Council, based on the documentation which had been supplied by the Committee of the Gotthard Union (Project Wetli/Beckh/Gerwig) on the 22nd April, 1869. The deliberations closed with the approval of an International State Agreement, to be sanctioned by the Parliaments of the Subventionary States and to form the basis of the Gotthard Railway enterprise. Gotthard Railway Network. The State Agreement, ratified by Switzer- land in 1870, by the German Reich and by Italy in 1871, rested on the Gotthard Railway Pro- ject Wetli/Beckh/Gerwig, which provided for a tunnel between Göschenen and Airolo with a length of 14.920 km. (9 miles 477 yds.) and with the culmination point at an altitude of 1,155 metres (3,789 ft.) a.s.l. The proposed network consisted of the main trunk line Immensee-Goldau-Göschenen- Airolo-Bellinzona- and of the direct branch lines (feeder lines) Lucerne-Immensee, Zug-Goldau, Bellinzona-- and Cadenazzo-Dirinella (Swiss/Italian frontier- fäo«, c.f.f. ). General Manager Wichser speaks before the De Vela Monument at Airolo. August 30th, 1957. THE SWISB OBSERVER 8975

Favre, Civil Engineer ; the work was started at the à fonds perdu, to the amount of 28,000,000 francs, the northern entrance in October, and at the southern remainder of 12,000,000 francs having to be found by entrance in September of the same year. the GB through private subscriptions. The German Reich and Italy provided .10,000,000 francs each, Financial Difficulties. Switzerland 8,000,000 francs, of which 2,000,000 francs It appeared, during the course of 1875, that the were earmarked for the Line. Switzer- sum of 187,000,000 francs was by far insufficient to land's 8,000,000 francs were made up as follows : meet the cost of constructing the Gotthard Railway, contribution of the Federal Government 4,500,000 as conditions had considerably changed since 1869. francs, of the Gotthard Cantons 2,000,000 francs, and Furthermore, the tunnelling work, especially that of of the SCB and the NOB together 1,500,000 francs. excavating and of providing the masonry lining, was In regard to the financing of the Monte Ceneri very much in arrears. Differences of opinion regard- Line, the construction of which should have been ing the interpretation of the not always clearly postponed also, as stated above, a special State stipulated conditions of the construction contract Agreement, was reached between Italy and Switzer- cropped up again and again between the GB Board land on the 6th June, 1876, much earlier than and the tunnel building contractors. The GB Board expected. According to this Agreement, the contract- also strongly disagreed with its Chief Engineer, Mr. ing States had to put up subventions to the amount Gerwig, regarding the delay in finishing the detailed of 6,000,000 francs, i.e. Italy 3,000,000 francs, the drawings and also for exceeding the available credits Swiss Confederation 3,000,000 francs, and the Canton (especially in respect of the " Tessin Valley Lines ", of Tessin 1,000,000 francs. The GB, for its part, i.e. the sections situated in the lower parts of the provided 5,000,000 francs of private capital. As the Canton Tessin). Mr. R. Gerwig had to resign, after Swiss Federal Government was not, in those days, having been Chief Engineer from 1872 to 1875. His entitled to grant subsidies to railways, a special functions were taken over, from 1875 to 1878, by Mr. Law (called Subsidies Act) had to be passed, which Konrad Hellwag, Chief Engineer, of Eutin (Schleswig- was approved by Parliament on the 22nd August, Holstein), former Supervising Construction Engineer 1878, and by the people on the 19th January, 1879. of the Brenner Railway and Director of the North This Act promised the granting, at a future date, of Western Railway of Austria. Mr. Hellwag calculated subsidies for the construction of an Eastern and a that the additional costs would come to 102,000,000 Western Alpine line which would, in each case, francs. And the Gotthard Railway enterprise was, attain the same amount as the one appropriated for thereby, precipitated into a serious financial crisis, the Gotthard Railway. In point of fact, such a which even threatened to bring the work to a com- subsidy was, later on, granted to Western Switzer- plete standstill. GB shares with a nominal value of land during the construction of the Simplon Line. 500 francs, of which only 200 francs had been paid in, After the financial rehabilitation of the Gotthard dropped to 5 francs However, the leading men — scheme, the Construction Budget came to a total of with that remarkable personality, Mr. Alfred Escher, 238,000,000 francs. The Subventionary States at their head — did not lose courage. That their approved, in the course of 1879, an International conscious and unselfish efforts prevailed is proved by Supplementary Agreement to the International the fact that they managed to stem the tide of Gotthard Agreement of 1869, and had also managed adversity, to safeguard the continuation of the work to collect private capital to the amount of 17,000,000 in hand, and to bring it to a successful conclusion. francs, thereby safeguarding the financial basis The Federal Council informed the Subventionary necessary for the completion of the Gotthard Railway. States of the critical financial situation in which the Death of Mr. Louis Favre. common undertaking now found itself and these States agreed, after lengthy negotiations, to provide The daring engineer and tunnel builder, Mr. additional capital. Louis Favre, did not live to see the completion of his great work. He died suddenly of an abdominal Second International Conference of 1877. aneurysm during a tour of inspection inside the At this Conference, which was held at Lucerne, tunnel, on the 19th July, 1879. He not only lost his also his which had the. Federal Council submitted a revised programme, life in the tunnel, but fortune, including considerable restrictions as compared with been invested in the financially unfortunate " Entre- that of 18C9. It reduced the estimated additional costs to 40,000,000 francs, by providing for the follow- ing modifications : the construction, for the time being, of single instead of double tracks on the FREIGHT EXPRESS LIMITED approach lines to the Gotthard Tunnel (allowing, however, for a later enlargement of the ) the SHIPOWNERS, BROKERS, to (1 in 37), the increasing gradients up 27% post- CHARTERING AGENTS, poning of the construction of the feeder lines, Zwgr- GoMaw (opened 1897) and Laccrne-Zm»tensee (opened FORWARDING, WHARFAGE 1897), on the northern approaches, as well as that of the I/oafe Oeneri Line (Bellinzona-Lugano, finished 11/12, FENCHURCH STREET, LONDON, E.C.3 1882) on the southern approaches. Phone : MANsion House 7561/7 Telegrams: "Telcoport, Telex, London Financial Rehabilitation. The additional expenditure of 40,000,000 francs Express Wharf, 38, Westferry Road, London, E.I4 (the total outlays attained thereby being 227,000,000 Phone EASt 2422/3 francs) was raised by means of further State subsidies, | 8976 TIIE SWISS OBSERVER August 30th, 1957. prise du grand tunnel du Gotliard L. Favre & Cie struction of the second on the approach lines. A monument in the cemetery of Chêne-Bourg near The whole line between Fluelen and was Geneva recalls his great work. completed in this way by 1896. There followed, immediately afterwards, the construction of the lines Construction Delays. Lucerne-Iminensee and Zug-Arth-Goldau, which were Both advance headings driven forward met on the taken into operation by the GB in 1897. Thus, the 29th February, 1880, at 11.15 a.m. Before engineers whole network of the Gotthard Railway was, after all, and workers passed the opening from one heading- completed, as provided for in the State Agreement of face to the other, a picture of Mr. Louis Favre was 1869. handed across : he was granted this highly merited After its nationalisation by Hie Swiss Govern precedence, though no longer being among the living, ment, the GB network became, on the 1st January, lie would have been pleased to know, had he been 1909, a part of the , where it alive, that the deviation from the alignment was no forms the backbone for international transit traffic more than 33 cm. (13 ins.) horizontally and 5 cm. (2 through Switzerland. ins.) vertically. As could only be expected, the tunnel was not 2. Construction of the Gotthard Railway. completed at the fixed date, the 31st October, 1880. A. Gotthard Tunnel. The contractors asked for a. the prolongation until the main tunnel 9 miles 'list duly, 1881. The actual without It was on (15,002.64m. or tunnel, perman- 562 work started as represented cut in-I ilat ions, finished the 1st yds.) that was first, it way was only on the most and October, i.e. than had by far important time-consuming job 180, more one year later as the whole network. The GB entrusted this been stipulated in the building contract. within work, in August 1872, to the " Entre]irise du grand In the years during which the financial affairs of tunnel du Got hard, R. Louis Favre & Cie which the Gotthard in a enterprise were critical state, the undertook to complete the tunnel within eight years, between the GB Board and understanding its Chief at an all-inclusive price of 48,000.000 francs. Work .Mr. K. 11 el I also Engineer, wag, came to grief. The started on the southern side on the 13th September difference between the be two parties could not and on the northern side on the 9th October, 1872. To bridged, and Mr. Ilellwag had to leave, also, following start the of the rock had to be carried the of his with, drilling example predecessor, Mr. K. Gerwig. His out by hand. Only in spring 1873 could pneumatic position was now taken by Mr. G. Bridel of Bienne, drills (percussion drills) be into operation, which Ch ef of the put Engineer .Jura-Berne-Lucerne Railway. was even then restricted to the heading face for a his Inder leadership, the approach lines to the long time. The achieved, day, i.e. the average progress per Gotthard Tunnel, sections Immensee-Göschenen was 64 to 75 cm. (2 ft. 1 in. to 2 ft. 51, ins.) when and the Monte Airolo-, Ceneri-Line, the section drilling by band, and 3 m. (9 ft. 10 ins.), given very 'o dcnazKO- B w iss frontier (Pino), as well as the Gotthard Tu Miel itself, were completed. The socalled 7V* T7i/7o// Lines " (Biasca-Locarno and Lugano Chiasso) which had been added to the GB network I for niter 1882, had in fact started operations in a> limited Z U R C H way (station buildings still missing) already in 1871. Resignation of Dr. Alfred Escher. INSURANCE Dr. Alfred Esclier, the very soul of the GB scheme, had to give up his positions as Chairman of the GB Board and as Head of the Works Department, even A// c fasses of Accident before the financial reorganisation — which he had insurance transacted planned — was completed. The ever increasing personal antagonisms he had had to meet with during the difficult years of the GB had proved to be too much for him. His health had been badly affected, not only by hard work, but .also by all the disappointments and adversities he had had to go through. He could not even take part in the opening celebrations of the GB, in May 1882, and died in Zurich on the 6th December, 1882.

Inauguration of Railway Operations. ßr;tfsh Board of Reference The inauguration festivities at Lucerne and JOHN BEDFORD, O.B.E. started on the 23rd May, 1882, and lasted for four H. NORMAN LETTS, O.B.E. Sir ROWLAND SMITH, M.I.Mech.E. days. On the 1st June of the same year, the Gotthard Railway was officially opened to traffic. FAIRFAX HOUSE, FULWOOD PLACE, HIGH HOLBORN, The seventy-five years of the Gotthard Railway, LONDON, W.C.I. celebrate which we this year, are year« o/ operation, Telephone : Chancery 8833 (20 lines) the GB existing actually since the 6th December, 1871. Even the first years of operation brought about Assets Exceed : - - £60,000,000 results that exceeded all expectations. Within a short period, sufficient means were available for the Claims Paid Exceed : £300,000,000 completion of the layout and especially for the con- August 30th, 1957. THE SWISS OBSERVER 8977 favourable rock conditions even 4 m. (13 ft. 1 in.), workings stood under the direction of Mr. von when pneumatic drilling was used. The socalled Stockalper and the southern workings under that of Belgian Tunnelling Method was applied, i.e. a Mr. Bossi, both civil engineers. To start with, the preliminary crown drift, or top heading, was driven, work was carried out. in three eight-hour shifts. widened out sideways to complete the whole arch of Owing to the great heat (up to 32.9° C., or 91° Fahr.) the heading (Calotte), and then the vault was lined and because of the insufficient ventilation, the shifts with masonry ; this was followed by the excavation had to be re-arranged, later on, and reduced to five of the bottom cut, near the centre line of the floor, hours each. Lighting was provided by primitive oil and, subsequently, of the still remaining side portions, lamps. The workers had to buy the oil themselves — the work to be completed with the construction of the a transaction on which the Building Company even masonry abutments. Various types of pneumatic made a profit! Hauling inside the tunnel was carried rock drills were used. It would appear, however, out by steam engines, near to the entrances, and by that percussion drills of the Ferroux and Mackean/ pneumatic locomotives, horses or mules, in the inner Séguin types gave the best results, although they workings. would seem very primitive to-day. Whereas during the construction of the Mont Cenis-Tunnel gumpowder Construction Difficulties. had been the the still used, blasting in Gotthard The construction of the tunnel proved to be much Tunnel was carried out with dynamite. difficult than Mr. Louis Favre had ever expected. served the more Compressed air to ventilate workings, Unfavourable rock conditions, especially rotten strata and to drive rock pneumatic locomotives, and drills, liable to produce pressure, high temperatux-es, heavy pumps. inbursts of which could only be drained off the constructors had broken water, Until actually slowly owiixg to a low (southern side the able very gradient through last rock barrier, they were never to in 1,000), all this the solve the 0.1%, or i provided working problem of producing adequate ventilation, teams with an arduous task indeed. The most the which obtained the waters power for they from dangerous section (to-day entirely safe- of the , Tremola and rivers. This had, pressure guarded by masonry vaults and abutments having a of a adverse effect on the working course, very per- thickness of 3 in., or 9 ft. 10 ins.) is situated formance inside the tunnel. Air conditions in the practically below . The " roof " of the workings were extremely bad, especially in the tunnel i.e. the strata between the floor of sections situated from the face. tunnel, overlying away heading Owing the Andermatt Valley and the ceiling of the bore, to lack of compressed rock drills air, pneumatic shows a thickness of only 300 m. (984 at this spot, could be used at the face for con- ft.) only heading a as of to siderable against one 1,500 to 1,825 m. (4,921 5,987 ft.) period. below some of the peaks of the Gotthard massiv a 2,480 men near At daily average, were working (Kastelhorn). As only one heading was driven the entrances of, inside, the tunnel. The northern or forward, instead of two parallel headings, as later on in the , the boi'ing, the removal of spoil, the supply of construction material, the drain ing off of water, the laying of compressed-air pipes, and the whole movement of persons had, in the KUNZLE approaches to the heading face, to be provided for Insist on the of a Needless to within limits narrow gallery. say that such conditions considerably hindered the process of construction, and work progressed very slowly, much slower than anticipated. In addition to this, power was lacking for dialling purposes, the ventilation was insufficient and the work badly organised. Many and serious differences arose between Mr. Louis Favre and the GB Board, for they could see, soon enough, that the tunnel would not be finished in time, although the building contractors led a heroic battle against the mountain. Working capital was continually short, too, and it appeared at times as if work would have to stop altogether. Nevertheless, the supervising engineers and their men on the spot stuck to the job in hand, even under the most trying conditions. The completion of this great Art tunnel is mainly due to their untiring efforts. It is to his technical staff and to the engineers and men in Dessert the workings that Mr. Louis Favre had to leave the main task of the actual construction, his time being CHOCOLATE ASSORTMENT very much taken up with the difficult financial affairs and with other projects, among them being that of the proposed Simplon Tunnel. A great Iii« Xunz/e Caies — d compliment to Good 7

Zup-Art/i-GoZdau which, although provided for in the including the Lower Bauensfein TanneZ (8,134 m., or International Gotthard Agreement of 1809, had been 5£ miles), cost of construction 28,000,000 francs ; the postponed because of financial difficulties. During the connecting line from the Lower Bauensfein Lünne/ same period, a second track was added to the sections direct to the line OZZen-Aaraw, mainly for freight FZueZeu-BrsZ/eZd and, some years later, to the section traffic (1926. /mmcowee ßn/nnon (finished 1901). The second track C. Electrification. the section Brunnen-FZueZen on followed much later, The SBB in 1912, to the under the decided, already electrify management of the Swiss Federal Railways. Gotthard Line by using single-phase alternating order the the continued In to adapt layout to current with a frequency of about 15 cycles (finally increases GP> the in traffic, the also enlarged stations fixed at 16§ cycles) and with a contact-line tension of BeZZiw^ona of Lucerne, /S'c7iu;t/£, Art7t-Go/dun, Biasea, 15,000 Volts. In fact their predecessors, the GB, had and C7m7/sso, in 1883-1908. previously taken the precaution of securing very important water rights in the Cantons of Uri and 1 B. Swiss Federal Railways 909-1 956). Tessin. The first construction project included the At the time of its nationalisation, on the 1st May, section Erstfeld-Bellinzona and the two railway- 1909, the fixed assets (construction account) of the owned power stations Amsteg and Ritom. When the GB, including all completionary installations and First World War broke out, in 1914, the construction protection works, stood at 300,000,000 francs, in round project for the electrification of the Gotthard Line figures. was ready for the calling of tenders. The matter had The Swiss Federal Railways (SBB) completed and to be postponed, however, and was only taken up re-constructed the Gotthard Line at an expenditure again in 1916. It was not just a question, any longer, which went into numerous millions of francs. This of increasing the efficiency of motive power on steep includes, to mention only the more important works, gradients, but of replacing steam by electric power, t7ie re-construction to (ZoubZe-trac7c (1941-1948), here because of the scarcity and of the tremendous increase put in geographical order : in the price of coal. Electric operation was taken up — of the section Brunnen-FZueZen (11.7 km., or 7^ on the section Erstfeld-Airolo, i.e. on the important miles) along the shores of the Lake of Lucerne (a northern approaches to, and inside, the Gotthard very difficult task from an engineering point of Tunnel, on the 18th September, 1920, and covered the view, as the main portion of the second track had whole line Erstfeld-Bellinzona on the 29th May, 1921. to be located inside the mountain), which came to There followed, within the compass of the Gotthard 29,000,000 francs ; network, the electrification of the sections Lucerne- — of the section G7u7riasco-AZ Sasso-Bwera Erstfeld and Bellinzona-Chiasso, in 1922-1924, and of (1922-1934) and of the second Monte Ceneri Tunnel the sections Zurich-Zug-Arth-Goldau and Basle- (1,692 m., or 1J miles) ; Lucerne, in 1923-1926. — of the section Binera BiVowtco-Lupauo (1922-1944), Electrification enormously increased the efficiency the completion of which was made very difficult, of the Gotthard Line. Electric motive power made it mainly owing to the lack of materials during the possible to increase train loads as well as speed. Second World War; Following the electrification, in 1922, the speed of — of the sections Lupano-I/eZtde and Maroppia- trains was increased on this line by 65 per cent, and 07/iass-o (1912-1915) as well as of 71 isso n e - Ma ropp ta it showed an average increase of even 100 per cent by (opened 1956 ; and 1956, as compared with 1882. In other words, it takes — of the section Giu&iasco-Gadeua«ao (opened 1952). less than half the time to travel over the Gotthard The Gotthard Line from Immensee to Chiasso has Line to-day than it did in 1882. a double-track throughout to-day, except for the short (To he couBwued.) section Melide-Bissone (causeway crossing the Lake of Lugano). The SBB also reconstructed and enlarged the following stations : Lucerne (1926, 1939), Bc7?,«;p2 (1926), Brst/eZcZ (1920), Göscfreuen (1922, and com- prehensive enlargements of the station layout and new motor-car loading ramps are under construction at the present moment), sipuaZ station in the Gott7iard TunneZ (1946), AiroZo (1920, 1956/57), BeZZinsuna (1921, 1929), GiuZuasco (1952), Lupano (1915, 1919, 1934), G7msso (1912, 1914-1923, a further comprehen- sive re-construction scheme is at present in progress) and Locarno (1928). Considering their importance to south-north-south transit traffic, the following constructional schemes must also be mentioned, although they have been, or are being, carried out outside the actual Gotthard Line : the Bas/e-d/uZZemz Mars7ta-Z7iwp Yard, first con- struction stage, the second stage is to follow ; the extension and eZectri/Zcation of the BasZe ConnecZtnp Line; the new Zeadinp-in Zine via the Birs Valley to Bas/e-Butten# Bar.sLaZZwqy Yard; the second track BasZe German Btafiow to BasZe BBS HarsZiaZZmp Yard Famous all the World over for Quality and Tradition (under construction) ; the line /SissacZi-TecTcnau-OZten