You've read the magazine, now join the association dedicated to improving your coding skills. The ACCU is a worldwide non-profit organisation run by programmers for programmers. With full ACCU membership you get: 6 copies of C Vu a year 6 copies of Overload a year The ACCU handbook Reduced rates at our acclaimed annual developers' conference Access to back issues of ACCU periodicals via How to join our web site You can join the ACCU using Access to the mentored developers projects: a our online registration form. chance for developers at all levels to improve their Go to and skills follow the instructions there. Mailing lists ranging from general developer discussion, through programming language use, Also available to job posting information You can now also purchase The chance to participate: write articles, comment exclusive ACCU T-shirts and on what you read, ask questions, and learn from polo shirts. See the web site your peers. for details. Basic membership entitles you to the above benefits, but without Overload. Corporate members receive five copies of each journal, and reduced conference rates for all employees. PERSONAL MEMBERSHIP CORPORATE MEMBERSHIP professionalism in programming Design: Pete Goodliffe Pete Design: STUDENT MEMBERSHIP OVERLOAD CONTENTS OVERLOAD 148 Overload is a publication of the ACCU December 2018 For details of the ACCU, our publications and activities, ISSN 1354-3172 visit the ACCU website: Editor 4 Diseconomies of Scale Frances Buontempo
[email protected] Allan Kelly considers why bigger isn’t always better. Advisors Andy Balaam 6 Flip Model: A Design Pattern
[email protected] Daniele Pallastrelli presents the Flip Model to Balog Pal publish dynamic, complex data to many clients
[email protected] in a threadsafe manner.