THE MAINE Legionnaire MAY 2018 Vol. 33, Issue 2


Please Join Us to Celebrate our 100th Annual State Convention Spectacular Event Center, Bangor June 15-16, 2018

he American Legion, Depart- This promises to be an exciting and ment of Maine is proud to an- eventful convention for all Legion family nounce the 100th Annual De- members and friends. Please celebrate Maine American Legion was partment Convention at the with us by attending The American Le- TSpectacular Event Center, 395 Griffin gion Centennial Parade and take the time Well Represented at St. Louis Caucas Road, Bangor. Department Commander to visit us at our convention center to Randall Kluj will call the convention to learn what The American Legion, Depart- Donald G. Hands, 100th Anniv. Chairman can Legion. Waldemar P. Adams (54th. Ar. C. A. order promptly at noontime on Friday, ment of Maine has to offer all our veter- Special to The Maine Legionnaire June 15. Many activities, guest speakers ans and their families around the state of C), of Portland served on the Finance and recognition to award recipients will Maine. Committee. He also served take place both Friday and Saturday, in- The registration fee to attend the con- he American Legion as the Chairman for the cluding a massive parade to kick off The vention is $10 which covers both sessions T Department of Maine Committee on Name. The American Legion’s 100th Centennial Cel- to be held June 15-16 as well as access to was well represented at St. Committees initial recom- Louis Caucus. mendation for name was ebration. The parade will begin Saturday, coffee and bottled water throughout the Initial discussions as follows: “We, your June 16 at 11:00 a.m. in downtown Ban- day. about forming a veteran’s Committee on Name, gor and will include state-wide Legion- Please show your support to our Vet- organization which would unanimously make the naires, bands, floats, military vehicles, erans and Legionnaires around the State eventually become the following recommenda- and a sea of flags as far as you can see. of Maine by making every effort to at- American Legion were tion, that the name of this The staging area will be located at the tend. held in France. It was de- Organization shall be ‘The intersection of Exchange and State Street. cided there that more work American Legion of needed to be done and that World’s War Veterans’. it should be done stateside. Respectfully submitted, Consequently, a caucus W. P. Adams, of Maine, was held in St. Louis, MO ALBERT GREENLAW Chairman; Roy W. Wood, on May 8 thru May 10, 1st Dept. of Maine Commander of Arkansas, Secretary.” 1919. James L. Boyle of Augusta The State of Maine (Sergeant in the 54 Ar. C. was well represented with A. C.) served as Depart- no less than 10 delegates; ment of Maine Secretary, many of them serving in St. Louis Organization key positions in the for- Committee and the Com- mation of our American mittee on next meeting. Legion. Below is the offi- Committee on next meet- cial listing of committees. ing initially organized the The Advance Commit- first convention. tee recommends commit- Note: James L. Boyle was tees on the following sub- the first Department of jects: Maine Adjutant and served 1. Credentials over 30 years in that posi- 2. Temporary Name of the tion. He was elected Adju- Organization JAMES L. BOYLE tant for the State of Maine Ramsdell Rogers Post 56 in York Post 56 Installation Of Officers: 3. Organization 1st Dept. of Maine Adjutant at the first Annual State York, held their Installation of Officers at the Post home on May 14. Post Com- 4. Resolutions Convention in Bangor on mander Donald G. Hands opened the meeting welcoming all who were present 5. Constitution and By-Laws and Declara- Sept. 24, 1919 and passed the gavel on to State Commander Randall Kluj who performed the tion of Principles Roger A. Greene of Lewiston (Major installation ceremony. Assisting Commander Kluj with installation were Dept. 6. Next Meeting Place and Time in the 101st. San. Tr. 26th. Div.) served on Sgt.-At-Arms Jason Hall and Dept. Americanism Officer Debra Couture. Stand- 7. Publication the Resolutions Committee. ing, left to right, Post Executive Officer Paul Klebaur, Post Executive Officer and 8. Emblem Albert Greenlaw of Eastport (Lt. Membership Chairman Robin Greene, Post Finance Officer Jerry Allen, Post 9. Permanent Headquarters Colonel in Hdq. 26th. Div. Asst. Ch. Staff) Sgt.-at-Arms and Chaplain James Fitzpatrick, Post Commander, Adjutant and 10. Finance served on the Permanent Executive Com- Historian and Dept. 100th Anniversary Chairman Donald Hands, Post Executive Next, I alphabetically presented our mittee and on the Credentials Committee. Officer Chuck Arboch, and State Commander Randall Kluj. Seated, left to right, comrades who served and in what capacity Note: Albert Greenlaw served as the Dept. Judge Advocate Jason Hall, Greg Couture, and Dept. Americanism Officer they served. I hope you will agree with me first Commander for the Department of Debra Couture. Post Americanism Officer Chuck Andrews, Post Service Officer that upon review, there can be no doubt Maine American Legion from 1919-1921. Jimmy Carabello, and Post 2nd Vice Commander Charles Pratt were previously that the State of Maine was well represent- elected and would be installed at a later date. ed in the formation of our beloved Ameri- More on ST. LOUIS CAUCAS, Page 2

2 THE MAINE LEGIONNAIRE, MAY 2018 Commander’s Comments A ‘First’ Look omething would not be possible without the De- y fellow that I pen for the Maine Legionnaire will S to Be partment Adjutant Paul L’Heureux, who M legion- be as Department Commander. But either Proud of— been the driving force in accomplishing naires, this be- way, it truly has been a pleasure to serve Spanning the all these goals. ing my last arti- the Legion in this capacity. past several Past National Commander Tony Jor- cle, I will pen Throughout the past year, I had the years, the De- dan is excited about our recognition on as the Depart- chance to travel and meet a lot of interest- partment of the Nation level and supports all our ment 1st Vice ing Legion, Auxiliary, and S.A.L. mem- Maine, Ameri- new ventures of the Department of Commander. I bers. Hopefully, I helped a few along the can Legion has Maine American Legion. National rec- would like to way and performed my duties to the es- made many ognizes and applauds our efforts to unite take this time to teem that this office deserves. accomplish- the younger veterans to our member- express my Once again, I thank all of you for ments. Our ship. The Department of Maine is one of sincere and your support and allowing me this fantas- compound the few organizations that house The heart-felt thanks SCOTT tic opportunity to serve you. The experi- houses the Le- American Legion Family at one loca- to Commander PARADIS ence was truly one in a life time adventure gion Family, COMMANDER tion. Kluj, Depart- that I will never forget. I can be reached the American RANDALL G. KLUJ At National Convention in Reno, Ne- ment Officers, and The American Legion via email at [email protected], Legion, Sons vada, the Department of Maine was pre- for allowing me this extraordinary oppor- 207-902-2339, or via mail at Scott Para- and Auxiliary. Strides have been made in sented with the award for the #1 newspa- tunity to serve you as the Department 1st dis, 786 Moosehead Trail, Newport, our training, under Past Department Com- per, The Maine Legionnaire. Rachael Cur- Vice. It was a duty that I did not take Maine 04953. mander (PDC) Richard Graves, the Amer- rie and staff are integral parts of the publi- lightly and have thoroughly enjoyed over Thank you for the privilege of your ican Legion Extension Institute Course is cation and do multiple projects to advance the past year. Hopefully my next article time and your service. a requirement for all Department Officers. our organization. The LEAD Program (leadership training) We are an ongoing organization serv- man of this Caucus, that there be placed in has been instituted at our fall conferences. ing veterans, rejuvenating our outreach to ST. LOUIS CAUCAS nomination at this time Colonel Henry D. Our Legislative Committee under the all veterans. To honor our POW/MIA’s, (Continued from Page 1) Lindsley, of Texas. (Applause.) tutelage of PDC Chick Ciciotte has flour- we are planning to construct a monument Frank M Hume of Houlton (Colonel ished, showing continued growth with the at our compound. Many good works have in the 103rd. U. S. Inf.) served on the Com- leadership of PDC Pete Johnson and 2nd been accomplished, and it is to be cele- Roy C. Haines of Ellsworth (Sergeant mittee on Emblem. Vice Commander Matthew Jabaut. The brated! Let’s celebrate our 100th centenni- Asst. Ch. Staff 334th Tank Corp.) served Note: He was instrumental in the for- recent graduates of The American Legion al with post level events, participation in on the Advance Committee. The Advance mation of the Chester L. Briggs American College Course, attended by Matthew the Convention Centennial Parade, mem- Committee is crucial to the event as it or- Legion Post of Houlton, ME. Jabaut, Jason Hall, and Kelly Ela gives bership drive, open house, etc. ganizes and sets the agenda for the meet- William P. Norton of Portland (72nd. these graduates information that they cur- I’ve been honored to serve as your ings. He also served as the Chairman of the Art. C. A. C.) served on the Permanent rently need to teach our new Maine Amer- Commander (2017-2018). The Depart- constitutions Committee, Declaration of Executive Committee representing the ican Legion College course at our Profes- ment of Maine has a solid core of officers Principles and Bylaws committee, and on American Army Association. sional Development Center. working together, striving to do the right the Committee on publications. When The- Carl E. Milliken of Augusta Our Service Office formally led by things to promote the well-being of our odore Roosevelt Jr. declined to serve as the (Governor of Maine) attended as a dele- Amedeo Lauria and currently led by Carl Legion organization. Thank you to all permanent chairman for the caucus, Sgt. gate but I didn’t uncover any committee Curtis and staff is one of the best in the officers and members for your support and Haines spoke up to nominate Col. Henry work. nation and a huge benefit to our veterans. cooperation. And now, I pass the torch on D. Lindsley who was then selected for Note: Milliken was Maine's Governor Our Women Veteran Advisory Com- so others can march forward upholding permanent chair of the caucus. What fol- during World War I. During that war, the mittee has evolved under Tricia Thurston the values of The American Legion’s Four lows is an excerpt from his speech. 103rd Infantry Regiment (of the 26th Divi- in the past 5 years, from one luncheon to Pillars. Sergeant Roy C. Haines (Maine): Mr. sion of the American Expeditionary four luncheons this year, with two more Thank you for a wonderful year, Chairman and Gentlemen of the Caucus. Force), which was composed of Maine on the calendar. All of these ventures Randy The gavel has called us to order so that we residents, was nicknamed the "Milliken may bring into being and into American Regiment". history one of the greatest organizations George M. Presson of Augusta (Adj. the mind of man has yet conceived, an Gen. N. G. of Me.) attended as a delegate organization emanating from the wish of but I didn’t uncover any committee work. Outstanding Service Award: that great, earnest, unselfish, loyal patriot Arthur L. Robinson of Portland State Commander Randall Kluj, left, pre- who is the present temporary Chairman of (Captain in the 7th. A. A. AEF) was the sents State Adjutant Paul L’Heureux with this honored Caucus. I believe we have State of Maine Chairman and on the Per- an Outstanding Service Award from all De- one here who, if Colonel Roosevelt will manent Executive Committee. partment of Maine State Officers for his not serve, can ably preside over the delib- The caucus in St. Louis was crucial extraordinary support and dedication to erations in which we are to participate dur- for the formation of the American Legion Legionnaires and Veterans in the State of ing the coming sessions of this Caucus as it laid the groundwork for what would Maine. The award was presented at the Le- here in St. Louis; a man who has made his be presented and mostly approved at our gion Family Testimonial at Rockland Post 1 way, a man who, when the great call came, first national convention. Including the on May 19. not the call sounded by human voice but advance committee, our fellow legion- the call by the Great Eternal Soul of us all naires from Maine were represented in no responded and from his official duties as less than 9 of the 10 committees involved the Mayor of Dallas, Texas, went to Platts- in the caucus. burg, and then enjoyed a year of honored Source document for Caucus infor- Did you Paul Bunyan Statute In Bangor, Me.: service in France, there to become a Major, mation; Proceeding and Committees; Cau- know that according to the Maine Legionnaire, Paul Bunyan of and to win the Distinguished Service Med- cus of the American Legion St. Louis. Bangor, Me. wore his American Legion hat sometime during al of his Country. I move you, Mr. Chair- Notes are from additional research sources. The American Legion, Department of Maine’s 1990 convention there? If anybody has a picture, the Dept. of Maine would ap- preciate a copy.

Clue: According to the Maine Legionnaire - The Portland Press EMBERSHIP IS Herald on 27 June 1990 carried a picture.

100th Anniversary Chairman, Donald G. Hands


A ‘Second’ Look On the Agenda y Fellow that put an unfair burden on Veterans and JUNE MEETINGS M Legion- their families. naires! It con- 6. Support of laws/regulations that District 3 – Androscoggin: June 10, Auburn Post 153, 2 p.m. tinues to be my improve the quality of life of Disabled District 6 – Knox: June 23, St. George Post 34, 11 a.m.. pleasure to Veterans. District 12 – Hancock: June 12, Southwest Harbor Post 69, 6:30 p.m. dinner, 7:30 serve as your 7. Support state programs that bene- p.m. mtg. 2nd Vice Com- fits the survivors of veterans. District 14 – Piscataquis: June 2, Greenville Post 94, 12 noon lunch, 1 p.m. mtg. mander for the 8. Support educational programs for Department of veterans. Maine. 9. Support state laws and programs Leading Candidate for This edi- that encourage veterans to reside in the tion I wanted to State of Maine. MATTHEW National Commander make sure we 10. Establish a military end strength JABAUT provided a leg- that will transition the NG back to a stra- he Department of Virginia proudly commander for islative update tegic force and ensure that no military T presents our next candidate the 2018-2019 on behalf of your Dept. of Maine Legisla- person will be in combat more than 2 for National Commander of the American Legion year, tive Committee. It is important for you to tours in an enlistment. Legion, Brett P. Reistad. Brett, if elect- have the information on what our organi- 11. Ensure the NG members and fam- Brett has dedicated 37-years of active ed, will have the zation is working for both in Augusta and ily have the services they require when service to the American Legion and its honor of serv- in Washington D.C., especially in election between activation. Currently the NG is programs. His involvement in the Legion ing during the years! Please feel free to use the list be- activated repeatedly but between deploy- began through a chance encounter with a Legion’s centen- low to ask questions of our legislators to ments there is no job security for National WWII veteran and legionnaire who learned nial. He looks see what they are doing to support us. Guardsman nor health insurance coverage of Brett’s U.S. Army Vietnam War era forward to the The American Legion Department of for the families. service, and extended an invitation to join opportunity Maine Legislative delegation also recently 12. Support programs at the state and McLean Post 270 in McLean, Virginia. He of leading the BRETT P. REISTAD had the opportunity to meet with each of Federal level to rate veterans with disabil- was encouraged to attend the next sched- largest wartime of Virginia our Legislators in Washington D.C. We ities before discharge and grant benefits uled meeting, where he was warmly wel- veterans service received a great reception from each of from date of discharge. comed, initiated into membership, and told organization in our legislators and had great conversa- Many of the National priorities are that young veterans of his age will be the the country, comprised of 2 million mem- future of the American Legion. For Brett, bers, with 13,000+ posts located through- tions with them about several areas of covered in a lot of the priorities listed the camaraderie, patriotism and spirit of out the world. Brett has chosen interest to Maine Legionnaires. above. I would like to highlight a few service resonated strongly, and within two “Celebrating Our Legacy” as his theme as 1. Improvement of VA Mental Health specific things that we are discussing that years, he was serving as post commander. the Legion celebrates its centennial, and Treatment at VA Togus, to include in- may or may not be easily tied to our prior- Through the encouragement of men- we ask for your support as he campaigns patient facilities in ME ities. We will continue to fight for full tors, Brett sought opportunities of in- throughout the country. 2. Access to VA Healthcare in all concurrent receipt and inclusion of veter- creased responsibility. In the ensuing areas in the state. ans with less than 50% rating. We will ************************* years, he excelled in leadership roles at the Help support our leading candidate 3. Elimination of Veterans Homeless- continue to push the VA to provide the district, department and national levels – for National Commander Brett P. Reistad ness. best care possible to our veterans and most recently as chairman of the National by donating to the National Command- 4. Establishment of additional Veter- make sure that care remains available to Legislative Commission. With the encour- er’s Campaign. Please send check paya- ans Courts. all part of our state. agement of fellow legionnaires and fami- 5. Elimination of laws/regulations Helping to Drive Maine Forward! ble to The American Legion, Dept. of ly, he was nominated to be a candidate for Maine, 5 Verti Drive, Winslow, Me. national commander. 04901-0727 earmarked for “National As an active candidate for national Commander’s Campaign”.

Legion Talk!: Department 2nd Vice Commander Matthew Jabaut, left, and Department Commander’s Aide Al Benner discuss Legion business at the Legion Family Joint Testimonial held at Rockland Post 1 on May 19.

Investing In Your Post: A note of common stock in James W. Williams Post 12, American Legion, Inc. of Bangor, ME. Many Legionnaires bought “Stock” in Remember: FLAG DAY their post. The money was usually used to finance a post building or some other ma- jor post undertaking. Here George S. Kephart, (who has since passed), bought a sin- gle share for $10.00 on Oct. 5, 1921. June 14, 2018 100th Anniversary Chairman, Donald G. Hands


THE MAINE The Adjutant Speaks e are now nearing the ”kick off” play of Legion items, and you will have Legionnaire W date for our 100th Anniversary no problem recognizing him, as Don & Convention in his wife, Susan will be dressed in Legion

OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER AMERICAN LEGION DEPARTMENT OF MAINE Bangor starting & Auxiliary uniform. Don has spent on the 15th of many hours researching the archives at June. We have State HQ and his time interviewing peo- Official Newspaper of The American Legion, Dept. of Maine. planned a pa- ple from all over the State. If you have a Published at Sun Press, 104 Park Street, Lewiston, Maine, rade on Satur- chance, make sure you take the time to by The American Legion — Department of Maine. day the 16th say “Thank You” for all his work and Business Office, 5 Verti Drive, Winslow, ME 04901-0727 starting at 11:00 dedication to this project. AM. Many of We have also sold 1300 Anniversary the posts locat- coins and the phones have not stopped Website: ed from all over ringing for more. Therefore, we have de- Maine are plan- cided to purchase 500 more. They are Tel.: 207-873-3229 Fax: 207-872-0501 ning to march in PAUL $10.00 each or $15.00 to cover shipping Email: [email protected] this event. L’HEUREUX & handling. Coins are available at State There will be HQ or by visiting Facebook: bands, military vehicles, floats, a sea of You can also purchase some at the State flags and other surprises. If you are inter- Convention. Paul L’Heureux, Editor ested in marching in your 100th Anniver- Another project we have started is a Rachael Currie, Assistant Editor & Layout Editor sary Parade you can show up on Saturday 100th year Commemorative Rifle Raffle at the Spectacular Event Center in Bangor for an Engraved Henry “Golden Boy” before 10:00 a.m. and you will be bused 22LR. Only 1000 tickets were printed and Third Class Postage paid at Waterville, Maine to the starting point. These buses will also we have sold 427 as of this date. These take you back to the Convention Center tickets will also be available at the State Subscription for Maine Legionnaires $2 as a part of their dues. upon completion of the parade. Note: If Convention. you have any military vehicles that you As for the actual Convention, as I Other subscription Rate $10 a year. would like to enter in the parade please said in the last issue of this paper, this contact: Doug Damon at 207-949-4735 or will not be a regular Convention. Even Average Circulation: 22,000. email at [email protected] the Installation of all the State Officers Also during the convention you will will take place immediately after the nor- be given information about the American mal order of business on Saturday. There Legion in Maine. These historical facts will be a social time before and after this Americanism Report are the results of a very dedicated Legion- event. We will be adapting to many naire from Post-56 in York by the name changes that may take place, but the one his is my last article as your Ameri- willingness to defend it against all ene- of Donald Hands. He has been working thing that will make this event a success T canism Of- mies - foreign and domestic; and to pass selfishly on these projects for over a year will be the ATTITUDE & PATIENCE ficer for the on our blessings of liberty to our youth to and has many interesting stories to tell us. that you all show during this Convention. American Le- enable them to understand and cherish our He will have trivia questions to ask and Please keep in mind “we are only 100 gion, Depart- ideals and traditions”. It is a tough job. some facts that I believe no one is aware years once” so come and enjoy the spirit ment of Maine. I During the national meetings in Indianap- of. He has also researched 100 Past State of camaraderie and meet friends & fellow have thoroughly olis last October, Resolution No. 1 was Commanders of The American Legion in veterans that you have not seen in years. enjoyed working introduced by the Americanism Commis- Maine as well as the history of the leader- Please mark your calendar for Friday & with and for all sion. The resolution, titled Reaffirmation ship in the beginning of this organization Saturday June 15th and 16th. of you over the For A Strong America was unanimously back in 1919. Don will also have a dis- See you in Bangor!!! past 2 years. I passed by the National Executive Com- believe totally in mittee. “It urges Americans and freedom- our American loving peoples everywhere to stand united way of life and I in their respect for each other and for our want to pass on military troops and law enforcement of- our many bless- DEBRA ficers who place themselves in harm’s ings to future COUTURE way to protect our nation’s citizenry, val- Husband & generations. I ues and way of life; for those symbols and Wife Team: believe that all of us, as Legionnaires, are customs serving as tangible images of the In 1984-1985, compassionate for our country and our freedom and liberties of these great Unit- Charles and Dora beliefs on Americanism and want to do ed States of America; and for each other Michaud were the what is best for our veterans, our families, as fellow Americans.” first and only hus- our community and our country. We have seen many tragic events band and wife Richard Anderson, our National happening around our country in the re- team to hold the Americanism Chairman, wrote a wonder- cent past. We may have felt that these title of Maine State ful article in March, 2018 and I want to were happening in other places – in the Commander and share parts of it with you. As he said: “So bigger cities but not in our state. We President of the many events have taken place in our na- know that is not true. The tragic death of Maine American tion that are aimed at destroying Ameri- Cpl. Eugene Cole in April in Norridge- Legion Auxiliary can lives, and attack the very basic core wock makes us realize that we are not in the same term. values of freedom, democracy, and re- immune to all that is happening around spect for human life. “ Chairman Ander- our nation and the world. Cpl. Cole was Submitted by 100th Anniv. Chairman, son asks us all to reflect on what it means one of our own. He was one of our “law Donald G. Hands to be an American and to “rededicate our- enforcement officers who place them- selves and our posts to taking action and selves in harm’s way to protect our na- upholding our values on Americanism – tion’s citizenry”. We pray for his family our love of America, allegiance to its flag, More on AMERICANISM, Page 5


American Legion. “Family First” Americanism At this time of year, Americanism is (Continued from Page 4) at the forefront of what we do. Boys State o my Membership is the foundation upon and Flag Day are next month. Memorial fellow which our Four Pillars lie. A strong mem- T and our state and nation. Please continue Day is this month. Please take time to Legion- bership base is needed for everything that to pray for and honor our heroes like Cpl. work with your schools and engage the naires and we do. We could not raise funds to assist Cole and others who continue to serve by children in events that teach them about Legion with natural disasters, operate the most conducting Law Enforcement and Fire these important holidays and Boys State. Family patriotic youth programs in the country or Department Award celebrations. They are Teach them how to properly fold the members in advocate for our veterans without our wonderful and are sincerely appreciated American Flag, what Flag Day means, or the Depart- members. Please tell your Legion-eligible by those who do so much to protect us. ask them to assist with decorating the ment of family members and friends about the Do not forget what our men and graves of our deceased service members. Maine: value and importance of our great organi- women in our armed forces continue to do In this way, we can “pass on our blessings Many zation. We need to be vigilant in working to protect us. As the numbers of troops of liberty to our youth to enable them to of you have to expand benefits for family members deployed to Afghanistan and other third understand and cherish our ideals and heard me who also happen to be caregivers for disa- world countries have decreased, we may traditions”. Remember: “Teach Your speak about bled veterans. We also need to let Con- NATIONAL COMMANDER start to forget how many still must leave Children Well”. They are our future. “Family gress know that we will oppose any at- DENISE ROHAN their families behind and deploy around If I have visited your post, you know First,” but tempt to replace VA with a private sector the world to protect our way of life. Our that I tend to ramble a bit. As you can see, it is a theme that I see carried out on a for-profit system. All elected officials Maine National Guard and Reserve troops I may have done that a bit here. I hope daily basis in American Legion posts, know that numbers matter. continue to deploy several times a year. that Rachael will forgive me as she at- units and squadron throughout the country Next year we will celebrate our 100th They are always in need of assistance. I tempts to fit this article in The Maine Le- and overseas. birthday. It has been truly an amazing have worked with the Child and Youth gionnaire! However, I am passionate It is American Legion volunteers century. Congress recognized the signifi- Program Coordinator for the last two about what I do and believe in and I be- who last year donated their time serving cance and power of our Legion Family by Maine National Guard deployments. The lieve in what we do and stand for in the in VA Medical Centers, clinics, Fisher passing our Commemorative Coin Act, an point of contact is Elizabeth Marcotte. American Legion and what Americanism Houses, Vet Centers and state veterans honor that is given to only two organiza- She can be contacted at Eliza- stands for. I promise that I will continue homes. It is American Legion volunteers tions a year. The American Legion 100th [email protected] or by to help the new Americanism Officer in who contributed 600,000 hours to the Anniversary Commemorative Coin Act phone at 430-5773. Please contact her if whatever way that I can. Veterans Affairs Voluntary Service Pro- received a record number of sponsors and your post wants to reach out to our troops My last comment is for Curtis Mer- gram and saved the government more proceeds from the sale of these collecti- who are about to deploy, are deployed, or rill, District 2 Commander. We have been than $14 million. It is American Legion bles will benefit American Legion pro- are returning home soon. There are many competing on the sale of the fantastic volunteers who conducted blood drives, grams. ways that you can help. She can give you State of Maine, American Legion100th disaster preparedness education and We have many outstanding pro- ideas and assist you in what they may Anniversary Commemorative Coins. Cur- JROTC training. grams but this year I am asking for your need. Their Yellow Ribbon Programs are tis, you are still ahead of me in sales. I We have had enormous legislative support in raising money to provide train- also a wonderful way to connect with will keep trying, but I am not sure if I will success over the last year, and I know that ing for our outstanding corps of service active duty and guard personnel after they catch up with you. Thank you for a job these victories would not have happened officers and temporary financial assis- return home and there is always room for well done. (If anyone needs a coin, you without your hard work and advocacy. tance for children in need. an American Legion table at one of their can contact me. I have a few left. Curtis We now have a modernized veterans ap- I thank you for your service as mili- events. Who does not want new members has some, too!!) peals process which will greatly reduce tary veterans, as Legionnaires and as in their post? This is one way that you can God bless you all and thank you for the backlog claims. We have greater ac- members of the Legion Family. Best meet these service members, welcome all your support over the past 2 years. countability and the current generation of wishes for a productive and enjoyable them home, and help them learn about the veterans can now enjoy a better GI Bill Department Convention. Respectfully, Debra Couture benefit, named after Past National Com- For God and Country, mander Harry W. Colmery. Denise H. Rohan, National Commander 100th National Convention of The American Legion his year's National Convention will be Parking Rate per Day – $28.00—Valet T in Minneapolis, MN Aug. 24 to Aug. only. 30, 2018 The hotel assigned for members If you are thinking about going to from the Department of Maine will be the National Convention, please let The Hilton Garden Inn Downtown, 1101 4th American Legion, Department of Maine Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55404. know by calling (207) 873-3229, or email The hotel room rate is $149 plus Tax [email protected] and we will be Rate of 13.40% per room/night - Doubles sure to put you on the mailing list for the (1-2 persons). Additional Occupant in information. For more information, please Room per day – $10.00 (3-4 persons); visit Rollaway Rate per Day – Not Available; resources.


Celebrating The Legion’s 99th Birthday: Americanism Officer ONLINE TODAY! Debra Couture and Area 4 Commander Gregory Couture celebrate The Ameri- can Legion’s 99th Birthday along with several other Legionnaires and guests at the State House in Augusta on Mar. 15. VISIT WWW.MAINELEGION.ORG OR Photo by Jeffrey Stevenson VISIT WWW.LEGION.ORG/RENEW


President’s Message The American Legion Family pring Is Here and We Need to Start 20 medium Dunkin Donuts Iced Cof- S the Memorial Build! fees Department of Maine We still have POW/MIA Memorial Dinner for two at Texas Road House bricks that 5 months of Netflix POW/MIA Memorial Project need sponsor- One month of Internet ships. If your A year’s subscription of AAA Mem- he American Legion Family, Depart- choose to have us pick who you sponsor. Unit, Post, bership T ment of Maine has joined together in Only one brick per name is available and Squadron, or You can find all the information a joint project to build a POW/MIA Me- the name must come from the official list Chapter hasn’t about sponsoring a brick for the memorial morial at The American Legion Family of Maine Missing POW/MIA’s that we sponsored a on our website at: Maine Headquarters. This memorial is to have compiled*. Names are available on a brick yet, We currently have 349 bricks spon- honor and remember the 479 Mainers first come basis. However, all missing please consider sored with only 131 to go! who are still unaccounted for*. Mainers need to be remem- doing so. If The following Counties still have Each missing Mainer will bered with a brick so we will you have spon- bricks that need to be sponsored: Andros- have a brick listing their name, select an available name if sored brick(s), coggin (5), Aroostook (8), Cumberland branch of service, and war yours is not available and we please consider (43), Hancock (7), Penobscot (25), Pisca- conflict. Please help us keep will notify you of such. The sponsoring one PRESIDENT taquis (5), and York (38. these hero’s memories alive Official List of The American more. I know ANN DUROST WE ARE SO CLOSE!! If every Unit, with this memorial. They have Legion Family, Dept. of many of you Squadron, Post, and Chapter pitched in as given the ultimate sacrifice Maine’s Missing for the are sponsoring bricks from your home a family for just one more brick each we For God and Country. POW/MIA Memorial can be towns or Legion Family home towns. would be at our goal! You can sponsor a perma- found at: Please consider helping other communi- As always, thank you for all that you nent brick for the POW/MIA The list will be updated as ties get their bricks sponsored. All of do and God bless you all! Memorial. Each brick is $50.00 and can bricks are sponsored. these heroes deserve a brick and we can’t For God and Country, be sponsored thru an American Legion For more information on how to begin building without all of them spon- Ann Durost (aka Owner of Man O’ War) Post, American Legion Auxiliary Unit, a sponsor a brick for the POW/MIA Memo- sored. Department President Sons of the American Legion Squadron, rial, please call The American Legion Sponsorships are only $50.00 for P.O. Box 211, Seal Harbor 04675 (669-5686), [email protected] or an American Legion Riders Chapter Auxiliary Department of Maine 207-465- each brick. That is the equivalent of: within the State of Maine. 4966 or visit or You may sponsor a specific name or someone from your area or you can

Legion Family Testimonial At Rockland Post 1: Rockland Post 1 Commander Dane Winslow Sr. welcomes everyone to the Legion Family Testimonial held at the Post home on May 19.

Detachment Commander’s Department Testimonial Fun: The American Legion Department Testimonial Speech: The Sons of Commander Randall Kluj, left, and Auxiliary Department President Ann Du- the American Legion Detachment rost, right, share a few laughs together, as they reminisce about this years past Commander Ronald Marr speaks about events during the Legion Family Joint Testimonial held at Rockland Post 1 on various happenings that took place during May 19. the 2017-18 membership year as Detachment Commander to those in attendance at the Legion Family Testimonial.

100th Anniversary Patch: ALA Testimonial Past Department President’s Veronica Gurney, left, and Debra Marr, right, Gathering: The Sons of show off a wooden American Legion the American Legion Judge 100th Anniversary patch at the Legion Advocate Don Allisot, center, Family Testimonial at Rockland Post 1 on and 1st Vice Commander May 19. Scott Morton, right, gather for conversation at the Legion Family Testimonial with Past National Commander Anthony “Tony” Jordan.

THE MAINE LEGIONNAIRE, MAY 2018 7 Judge’s Chambers NEC Update Q uiz time!! publicly recognizing these membership s we get stabilize our membership and also to live Don’t worry milestones, you inspire other members to A ready for within our budgets. We need to be inclu- it will be true or strive to earn the same recognition by our 100th Maine sive in our dealings with potential mem- false to the fol- maintaining their membership, too. American Legion bers and try to make them a part of our lowing scenari- 4. A newsletter is a must for your Convention, the organization at all levels. os: members, it keeps them in the loop and time is right to As your representative to the National 1. My Post gives opportunity to continue recognizing reflect on our last Organization, it is my duty to serve the has numerous and appreciating members. Submitting one hundred interests of the members of the State of people running member’s names and stories to the local years and to look Maine as well as the State Organization. for the same newspaper is also important. Not only do forward to our To do this, I need the input from you as positions during you highlight the member’s hard work, you next one hundred the membership. As I travel around the elections? show the community the great work you years. State, please do not be hesitant to bring 2. My Post are doing as a Post. JUDGE ADVOCATE I could fill issues to my attention. It is important that has turned away 5. Get members involved at any level. NEC JASON HALL this page with the issues be brought forward so that they can volunteers due Involved members don't drop out. Your JOHN HARGREAVES things that the be resolved in a manner that is good for to the overwhelming help we get at events? post needs to try to find ways to get mem- American Legion the American Legion as a whole. 3. Our Adjutant cannot keep up with bers involved in a meaningful way without has accomplished. Let me remind us of As a final piece of information, I membership, we gain so many new mem- taking up too much of their time. This is bers all year long? especially true with newer members. just four. First is that our first youth reso- want to remind every post to timely file 4. We have no problem with funding 6. Make sure you capture e-mail ad- lution was to sponsor The Boys Scouts of their Form 990, 990EZ, or 990N as appro- Boys State, Legion Baseball, or any pro- dresses whenever possible. Also, make America; second was our partnering with priate. The importance of this cannot be gram we support? sure your members know your post e-mail the National Education Association to understated. If this is not done for three I will stop with the quiz; I am guess- address so they'll accept e-mail from you. establish National Education Week; third consecutive years, the post’s tax exempt ing I know the answers for most Legion E-mail is the quickest and least expensive was that we drafted and fought for the status will be revoked by the Internal Rev- Posts. method of sending information and docu- Serviceman's Readjustment Act of 1944, enue Service. If this happens, there can be I didn’t mean to depress you, but I can ments to your members and to receive cor- “The GI Bill"; and fourth was that we a number of consequences such as loss of offer some solutions or ideas that could respondence from your members. passed Resolution 169 to support the War- State Sales Tax exemption, loss of State help your Post have more participation, 7. Bring a list of inactive members to riors and their mission in the Global War Gaming Licenses and more. So please file have healthy membership, and with that a post meeting and have members contact on Terror. as appropriate. If you have questions re- comes support and funding for your pro- them. It's an important sign to members When we look to the future, we garding this issue please contact the State grams. when a volunteer leader takes the time to should always remember that change is Headquarters. Any organization is only as good as its contact a member simply to say that the inevitable. We should always strive to On a final, more positive note, I hope members. You have heard this before…… post misses them and to also relay to the leave things better than we found them to see you in Bangor for our one hun- MEMBERSHIP! member that the post is there to assist if and embrace our future for what it gives dredth convention and to celebrate the Let me share some ideas that can help there's anything the member needs. us and those that follow us as we continue great accomplishments of the last hundred your Post out: 8.Get new and inactive members to to serve our Veterans, our Country, and years and anticipate the excitement of the 1. Have a membership chair and com- attend Department Conventions or training our communities. next hundred years for the American Le- mittee, have a team committed to a year- classes in Winslow. They are more likely One of the main challenges that we gion. long membership program. This committee to renew when they witness the importance face at the National, State, and Post levels It is an important thing we do and we should not only focus on new members, of the business conducted at these func- is that of membership and the funding do them well. but focus on retention. Utilize MyL- tions. Even if they don't attend every year, issues associated with the continued de- By John W. Hargreaves, and keep in touch with members the stature of the event and the impression cline in membership. We need to strive to National Executive Committee Member you haven’t seen in a while. New members they get by attending will help remind are great, but keeping the members you them of the benefits of membership. have is equally important. 9. Have an Early Bird Dinner for all 2. Don’t only focus on committee that renewed their dues well ahead of De- members for information and advice, have cember. Waterville, Me. Convention Medal, 1950: Author’s a list of inactive members ready to call or 10. Recognize your members as often collection: the Waterville 1950 convention medal features email and ask for their opinion on how the as possible. Thank them for their participa- post should do something. The fact that the tion in every program or function. Whether the image of the American Legion hall where post # 5 nd post cared enough to contact them might you do it formally or informally, it pays to used to meet. It was minted for the 32 . Dept. of Maine make the difference at renewal time. express appreciation to members whenever Convention. 3. Recognize members who reach possible. It's never too late to show grati- By: Donald G. Hands milestone membership anniversaries. If tude to hard workers! 100th Anniversary Chairman members stay in The American Legion for Remember, The American Legion’s five, ten, twenty or more years, they are success depends entirely on active mem- probably not among those who are likely to bership, participation and volunteerism. drop out. When members reach one of The organization belongs to the people it these membership milestones, it provides serves and the communities in which it two retention opportunities for your post. thrives. First, it is another opportunity to recognize Don’t take a backseat at your Post, a member or group of members for their step up and see what you can do to ensure Rockland, Me. Convention Medal, 1953: Authors continuing support. Doing that solidifies the success of your Post. their membership even more. Also, by Enjoy your day, and the people in it. collection: The Rockland Me. Medal is one of my favor- ites, celebrating the marine heritage of the area as it is an old Ships wheel embellished with a lobster. It is repre- We are the Land of the Free sentative of many medals within the American Legion We are the Home of the Brave which recognize the uniqueness of the area of the con- Let’s pay tribute vention. To our brave American Heroes By: Donald G. Hands On this day and forever 100th Anniversary Chairman Happy Independence Day!

The American Legion Family

8 THE MAINE LEGIONNAIRE, MAY 2018 Service Office Update ood morning, I would like to thank before he or she decides to opt-in. This make reservations by e-mailing me at and have not been appealed within the G the 16 legionnaires who have attend- way, we can discuss the differences and [email protected] appropriate time frame require “New and ed the PSO sem- decide if this program is the best for the You do not have to be a post service Material Evidence” to be reopened. It is inars that I have veteran. Have a great couple of months officer to attend training. You just have to sometimes futile and frustrating to the given this year. I and I hope to see you at the state conven- care and want to make a difference. veteran to keep resubmitting the same have updated the tion. PSO Contact Information. Post claim as it will most likely be denied. material and PLEASE READ AND RESPOND Service Officers, as a minimum, please NEW WAYS TO APPLY FOR VA redefined the TO YOUR MAIL FROM THE VA! send us your full name, Post, telephone HEALTHCARE. Sign up for VA role of the ser- APPEALS OF CLAIMS. Appeals number (your phone number will not be Healthcare. Sign-up for VA Healthcare vice officer. I have very strict time lines. See the at- released) and email address. The purpose can now be done three ways! The Depart- would like to see tached chart! These dates are chiseled in is so that members of your post can con- ment of Veterans Affairs (VA) announced more legion- STONE. Do not lose benefits by waiting tact you for local assistance and also so today it has eliminated paper signature naires sign up too long to appeal the denial of your that I can contact you, by phone or email, requirements for Veterans wishing to en- for the seminar. claim; if warranted. if we hear from a member in your post roll in VA health care. Effective immedi- You do not have  12 months from notification letter, that needs assistance. ately, VA has amended its enrollment to be in the ser- SERVICE OFFICER to file a Notice of Disagreement. DSO Newsletter. To sign up for the regulations to allow Veterans to complete vice officer posi- newsletter, please email your contact in- enrollment applications for enrollment in CARL CURTIS  60 days from Statement of Case to tion; you just file an appeal to the BVA. formation to [email protected] and state VA health care by telephone without the have to care and  30 days from in the body of your need for a paper signature. want to help make a difference. This job Supplemental State- email if you would By adding this telephone application changes lives and you could be a part of it. ment of Case to file like your name option to VA’s regulations with this The next class is the 29th of May. The an appeal to the listed in the news- amendment, VA will now offer three vision I have moving forward is that eve- BVA. letter as well as ways to enroll. This option provides Vet- ryone attends the seminar. Maine is a  120 days permission to link erans a convenient third enrollment op- large state with the population very spread from the mailing to your email ad- tion. out. I cannot be everywhere so I need your date of aa Board of dress through the 1. Paper - VA Form 10-10 EZ. help to find the veteran that need our as- Veterans Appeals newsletter. The 2. Call 1-877-222-VETS (8387), Mon sistance. The reason for the course is so Decision to file to newsletter is -Fri between 8 am and 8 pm, EST. that you have the basic knowledge of the progress to the US emailed out month- 3. On-Line at! programs. Court of Appeals ly. The newsletter TOGUS VA WOMEN’S CLINIC. We all by now should know that the for Veterans Clams. was developed as a If you haven’t already heard, there is a appeals process is going to change in Feb- Contacting the way to stay in touch Women Veterans Clinic here at Togus. It ruary of 2019. Until then the old appeal DSO for Assis- with Post Service specializes in women’s health issues. process is still in effect. That is why I tance by Tele- Officers and to keep Please keep in mind that there are medical have the appeal time line still in the arti- phone: Please just them up to date on conditions that may be claimable for the cle. The Rapid Appeals Modernization leave your name, changes and sources children of women veterans who served in Program (RAMP) continues, it is another phone number, of information that certain areas and/or on certain ships that option for veterans to have their appeal and who you are is of value to our are presumptive for Agent Orange. If you decided. It as a preview of what the ap- working with. veterans. The news- are a woman veteran, it is a good idea to peals process will be like after February. It Financial Assistance. Keep in mind letter contains ac- give us a call or look for more information has changed a little in its development. that requests for financial needs should be tive links to a variety of resources for vet- on When it first started, a veteran had to be directed to your town/city for general as- erans as well as links to you, so you can PLEASE USE THE DSO TO asked to participate and opt-in letters were sistance (GA), and either a local Legion better serve the members of your post. TRANSMIT YOUR CLAIMS/ sent out. The VA has sent out four differ- post for a possible fundraiser or the Amer- We are not doing mailings at this time. EVIDENCE TO THE VA THIS EN- ent groups over the last five months. A ican Legion Department Headquarters. In INTENT TO FILE. Some veterans SURES A PAPER TRAIL AND EVI- message came out two weeks ago that addition, we can make referrals to other are not ready to file a claim or are looking DENCE IT WAS SUBMITTED! You opened up the RAMP program to all vet- service organizations, but we do not have for additional information. In that case can either mail it or drop it off in the of- erans. So now a veteran can ask to be part the funds to pay rent, mortgage, credit you can execute an Intent to File with our fice! of the new appeals process. The veteran card bills or other ongoing bills. If you office. That is NOT a claim for benefits. DSO CONTACT INFORMATION. can choice one of two lanes. The first is have children, mention TFA to the De- You have 1 year to file your claim; one We are located at Togus VA Medical the supplemental claim review lane, and partment Adjutant when you call to see if year period! Failure to file in one year Center, Building 205, Room 318. You can the second is the higher level review lane. you are eligible to apply. starts the clock on your claim from the contact us by telephone at 207-623-5726, They have small differences, but the bot- PSO Training Seminar. The next day you file. DO NOT FORGET TO Fax at 207-621-4821, or by email at tom line is that the standard is that the PSO Training Seminar is scheduled for FOLLOW UP AND FILE YOUR [email protected], appeal will be decided within 125 days. I Tuesday the 29th of May, 2018. This will CLAIM! [email protected], or would ask that the veteran calls the office be the third class of the year. You can NEW AND MATERIAL EVI- DENCE. VA claims that are denied More SERVICE OFFICE UPDATE, Page 9 Post Service Officer Attendees: Post Service Officer class held at State HQ on April 24. In attendance, left to right, Greenville Post 94 Darrell Roath, Waldoboro Post 149 Donna Wallace, Hermon Post 200 Peter Mead, Waldoboro Post 149 Ensley Parker, and Waldoboro Post 149 Jeremey Miller.

THE MAINE LEGIONNAIRE, MAY 2018 9 The Old American Legion Post Maine Women Veterans Uniforms and Parades Appreciation: Department of niforms and Parades—Part Two “What is the other flag?” I motioned to Maine Assistant U (A teenager learns about the American the one on the right. Service Officer, Legion and asks important questions.) “Oh, that”, he answered as he walked Maureen Malley, At thirteen - almost 14 years old; my over to spread the flag out so I could see it. center, receives the prized possession is my bike. I clean it every “That, he paused, is the American Legion Maine Woman week just like my dad cleans his car. I keep it Flag”. “See, it has the American legion sym- Veterans Certificate oiled and make sure I lock it wherever I go. bol and the post name and number on it.” of Appreciation from Today, I rode my bike across town to see my “What is a post anyway”? the Citizens of grandfather’s friend. “The post is the place the Legionnaires, Maine in recognition I had not been in this neighborhood be- (that what post members were called), would of her honorable services to the Armed Forces of our Country. The certificate fore. The houses were nice but you could tell meet, and the post was usually named after was presented at Department Headquarters on Sat., April 28, by Department they were older than the one I lived in. I the town it was in, or some battle, or the first Americanism Officer Debra Couture, left, and Department Chaplain Patricia locked my bicycle to a tree and knocked on person from the town who died in the war”. Thurston, right. the door. “So who is this post named after”? When the door opened; it was an old “I thought you would ask and am de- Service Office Update hate to miss you. That said, you are al- man; with bright blue eyes. He had a lot of lighted to tell you” “This is the Cowell - Al- ways welcome to stop in the DSO Office. wrinkles and full head of grey hair. He also derman Post”. (Continued from Page 8) REQUESTING A DSO PRESEN- had a really nice smile. “So this is Cowell – Alderman Post TATION AT YOUR AREA/DISTRICT “You must be the Alder’s boy, Robert’s 336” [email protected]. We are here to assist OR SPECIAL EVENT. If you are in- great nephew” “Yes, it is” he paused, “or was”. you Monday through Thursday, 9:00 am – terested in having us speak at your area or “Well, yes I am” “Cowell Alderman – his last name is a 3:00 pm, on Friday the hours are from district meeting or event, just contact us to “You look like him” ”I can see the fami- lot like mine”. 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. We are closed on set up a time and date! Requests are han- ly resemblance.” “Well, I’ll get the keys and “They were two different persons”. Federal Holidays and Patriot’s Day. Just a dled on a first come first serve status; sub- we will go out back”. “One died in the World War One and the reminder, it is always a good idea to make ject to the availability of travel funds. He disappeared from the doorway for a other in World War Two.” “Alderman was an appointment rather than drop in as we Please set aside at least 30 minutes of moment and came back with a set of keys Robert J. Alderman, A lieutenant in the U. S. may be seeing other veterans and would your agenda for the presentation. jingling in one hand and a cane in the other. It Army and your ancestor”. “He was your was funny – he seemed to walk well without uncle.” March Post the cane. . “But his name is different”. Service “Follow me”. He said. “Well, sometimes names change over We walked behind the house; only to time – ask your parents”. Officer Class: see another building you couldn’t see from “Here, here’s something you may want Post Service Officer the road. It was just one floor and not very to see”. “You told me your grandfather and Class held at State big. It had peeling paint and looked like no great grandfather were wearing a uniform”. Headquarters on body lived there anymore. I think it was He opened a closet door and there was a March 27. In abandoned and wondered why I needed to rack of blue uniforms with gold trim on the attendance, front see it. sleeves and a gold stripe on the pants. He row, left to right, Then I noticed the faded sign over the picked one out. Litchfield Post 181 door which had some names on it and said “This is the American Legion uniform”. Roger Line, under them; American Legion Post 336. “They don’t wear them anymore; or I don’t Winthrop Post 40 He tried a few keys till he had the right think they have to.” “You can see here the Allen Hitt, Greenville Post 94 Wayne Labbe-Babin, Monson Post 116 Matt one and door opened with a creaking sound. American legion symbol and post number on Beloia; back row, left to right, Camden Post 30 Jeff Sukeforth, Camden Post 30 Obviously those door hinges needed some the collars.” Also, he pointed out, “The state Cecil Dennison, Augusta Post 2 Al Donnell, Augusta Post 2 Howard Betts, oil. of Maine symbol was on one shoulder”. Monson Post 116 Jim Greenleaf, and Gardiner Post 4 Rick Pierce. The room smelled a little musty and was “Some servicemen put there unit patch on the dusty. He explained that it had been a “long other shoulder”. time” since anyone have been in the building. “What’s a unit patch”? VETERAN OF THE MONTH—May He asked me to help him open some win- “That is a patch that identified what dows to air it out. service they were in and where they were Frederic Owen Wight I looked around the room. There was stationed”. He brought out a few more uni- about 25 or 30 old chairs set up. One end of forms and me unit patches. Some were from So. Paris Veterans Home the room had two doors. The room we were the Army and some were from the Navy. in had a desk in a corner and a podium cen- Some had boats on them and others just num- REDERIC OWEN Medal. He was discharged tered near that same wall. There was a star bers or letters and fancy symbols. F WIGHT, Army—E3 from the service in 1956. like thing on the podium. “Here is a uniform with a World War Corporal Frederic married Sue Lewis “What the star thing on the podium” I One discharge pin on it.” “You see how it is Frederic (Owen) Wight Brooke in 1958. They had asked. similar to the American Legion symbol”. was born in Newry, Maine on three children together and “That star thing”, he answered, “is the “Yes.” April 12, 1932. He attended three children from Sue’s American Legion Symbol”. “It was based on “By the way, During World War One – Gould Academy in Bethel previous marriage. Sue the original World War One discharge pin”. it wasn’t called World War One”. “Nobody and graduated from Gould in passed away in 2005. He “What’s a discharge pin?” knew there was going to be another war”. “In 1950. currently has 11 grandchil- “It’s what they gave the soldier and sail- fact they called it the ‘War to end all wars’ or In 1954, Frederic enlist- dren. ors after the war to show that they were out the ‘Great War’”. ed into the Army and served Frederic was employed by of the service”. “Most people wore them in “What was so great about it”? in the United States at Ft. Benning Geor- the paper mill in Rumford where he parades and sometimes in church or other “I guess the great sacrifices the people gia initially and then at Ft. Dix New Jer- worked as a millwright for 37 years. special occasions like memorials”. made and the great causes they were fighting sey where he was assigned to the motor Frederic came to the Maine Veterans' I saw behind the podium an American for”. pool and worked as a mechanic. During Home in 2016. He enjoys playing bingo, Flag and another flag. They had a gold fringe “Oh.” his service, Frederic earned the Good exercising, going to church and going on and were really dusty. Conduct Medal and the National Defense excursions. More on UNIFORMS & PARADES, Page 10 Thank You Frederic for your service.


The American Legion Department of Maine’s First Convention

1919 American Legion Maine State Convention Schedule

Governor Carl Milliken 1919 American Legion Maine State Convention Featured Speaker

group pictures, individual pictures, and then I Uniforms & Parades noticed some parade pictures. The parade (Continued from Page 9) pictures had people in uniform playing horns and drums like the high school band. He pulled out another uniform. “This “I see parades” one has a ruptured duck”. “Yes, the American Legion had many “A ruptured duck?” parades”. “Usually Memorial Day and Vet- “Well, that what the servicemen used to erans Day”. “During wartime they had a lot call it”. “It is actually the World War Two of parades”. He went back to the closet and discharge pin”. brought out a small suitcase. He opened it e learn from the Convention call Governor Carl Milliken as a featured I looked at it. It was a bird with wings and pulled out a horn. On the bell of the horn W that, the convention is held in the speaker. spread on a circle. was the American Legion symbol. U. C. T. Hall on 24 Sept. 1919 at post For more information on The “So the Legion people were in the Mili- He continued, “Many legionnaires were office square of Bangor Maine. American Legion, Department of Maine’s tary”. in the Drum and Bugle Corps parade group”. Headquarters will be at the Bangor House First Convention, including the official “Well, yes and no.” “They were veter- “Some had different – fancier uniforms and (See below) listing of Posts in Maine at the time of the ans – that means that they were in the mili- vied for medals and ribbons in competi- Posts are allowed one delegate and an convention, Resolutions, Committee tary and got out or as we say were dis- tions”. alternate; beyond that one more delegate members, elected officers, State Exec. charged”. “Do they do that anymore?” per 200 members. Committee Report, etc. please visit “If they weren’t in military anymore – “Maybe in the big cities but not around As a civilian organization; military or contact the then why did they have uniforms”? here.” “In fact this post has been closed since titles and uniforms are not necessary at Department of Maine’s 100th Anniversary “I guess to show they shared the bond of the late 1980’s or early 1990’s”. meetings and conventions. Committee Chairman, Donald G. Hands the American Legion”. “To show that they “So the American Legion was all about James W. Williams Post #12 held a at 207-703-2727 or via e-mail at were proud of their service”. You know to be the parades and the uniforms?” Military Ball later that day at the Bangor [email protected]. uniform or as one.” “No”, he answered, “not at all”. “It is City Hall. (See below). 100th Anniversary Chairman, I walked around and looked at some the about four pillars of the legion”. The 1919 American Legion Maine Donald G. Hands pictures on the walls. There were some State Convention Schedule above lists The Maine Legionnaire Photo/Article Submission ue to the 100th Anniversary planning, State Conven- D tion, Dirigo Boys State and the Maine Legionnaire newspaper, the Department wasn’t able to include all photos and articles for publication in this issue. We will make every Bangor House Bangor City Hall effort to include them in the August issue.


Maine American Legion Baseball — Bits ′N Pieces — Madison Post 39 bers who are in nursing homes. They also 2018 State Tournament donated a $15 Bingo package for the Ma- Madison Post 39 donated $200 to the rine Corps League, $500 to Special Olym- Madison Senior Citizens, $500 to People pics of Maine, $150 to Angel Flight and July 28 – August 1 Who Care, $200 to Center Point Communi- $100 to Somerset Special Olympics. They ty Church (Anson Food Cupboard), $100 to purchased 22 backpacks with various items Husson University the Solon Food Cupboard, $100 to the to put in them such as pajamas, stuffed ani- Starks Food Cupboard, $100 to the Nor- mals, coloring books, crayons, hats, mit- Winkin Complex, Bangor, Maine ridgewock Food Cupboard, $150 worth of tens, etc. for Foster Children at DHHS- coffee to VAVS at Togus, two $500 schol- $266. arships, $2,900 worth of coats and boots for Since last report, Maxine Dube and her DATE GAME TEAMS Time students in need from both Madison and helpers (Marie Wing and Barbara Wyman) Game #1 WC-A vs WC-B 10:00 a.m. Carrabec School Districts. have mailed out $20,232.19 worth of cou- SAL donated $500 to The Maine Chil- Sat. Game #2 NW vs SRU 1:00 p.m. pons. dren’s Home for Little Wanderers, $100 to July 28 Game #3 CW vs NRU 4:00 p.m. Madison Post 39 ALR’s donated $100 YMCA Camp of Maine to help send a mili- to the Coffee and Newspaper Fund at To- Game #4 SW vs CRU 7:00 p.m. tary family’s boy or girl to summer camp, gus, $500 to the Legacy Fund, $200 to the Game #5 Loser G1 vs Loser G2 10:00 a.m. $50 to Skowhegan Chapter of DAR to go YMCA of Maine and $500 to Homeless Sun. Game #6 Loser G3 vs Loser G4 1:00 p.m. toward the repair of the sundial in Coburn Vets. Park, $100 for a Madison eighth grade stu- July 29 Game #7 Winner G1 vs Winner G2 4:00 p.m. Unit 39 Naval Sea Cadet SN Cameron dent who needed financial support for a Smart earned the Presidential Fitness Rib- Game #8 Winner G3 vs Winner G4 7:00 p.m. field trip to Washington, D.C., $100 to the bon for completing the required push-ups Game #9 Winner G7 vs Loser G6 1:00 p.m. Colonel’s (the beloved Yellow Labrador - Mon. and sit-ups and had an impressive mile in Game #10 Winner G5 vs Loser G8 4:00 p.m. service dog owned by Paul and Robin Tu- 6:08 minutes. July 30 Game #11 Winner G6 vs Winner G8 7:00 p.m. rek) surgery, $100 to the Maine Leather- neck Detachment of the Marine Corps Norway Post 82 Tues. Game #12 Loser G11 vs Winner G9 (Note 1) 1:00 p.m. League, and $100 to the VFW for the Luck Many years ago, Norway Post 82 as- July 31 Game #13 Winner G11 vs Winner G10 4:00 p.m. of the Draw Raffle. sumed the responsibility to decorate the Wed. Game #14 Winner G12 vs Winner G13 (Note 2) 1:00 p.m. Thank you to local merchants who Main Street each year with the colors of our Aug. 1 donated heating oil and wood and special Game #15 Winner G14 vs Loser G14 4:00 p.m. nation on holidays and for special remem- (If necessary) thanks to Pit-master Eddie Cowan. brances. It is accomplished by post member *Pairings will be made after play-in games on July 26th AND pairings for 1st day Unit 39 donated $257 to the Sea Ca- Randy without fanfare or turmoil. He also dets, $50 to DAR, Eunice Farnsworth games will not match 2 teams from the same zone until the 3rd day games. makes sure the flags in the memorial area Chapter for restoration of a sundial in Co- (Note 1) pairing for Game 12 and 13 will not match previous opponents unless abso- are raised or lowered and replaced as neces- burn Park, $445 to People Who Care, $245 sary. lutely necessary. to the Anson Food Cupboard, $245 to the (Note 2) if 3 teams remain after Game 13, the winner of Game 11 will receive a bye Solon Food Cupboard, $245 to the Starks Windham Post 148 in game 14. Food Cupboard, $120 to the Norridgewock Unit 148 filled 50 more ditty bags with WC-A (Wild Card A), WC-B (Wild Card B), NW (North Winner), CW (Central Food Cupboard, $25 to Skowhegan Giving health and hygiene items for distribution at Winner), SW (South Winner), NRU (North Runner-up), CRU (Central Runner-up), Tree, $50 to Lobster Dip for Special Olym- the Portland Vet Center. SRU (South Runner-up) pics, $25 to Paralyzed Veterans Assoc., $50 Dick McKeen has a list of Windham towards a Tandem Bike at Maine Veterans cemeteries, some small and some isolated, Regionals—Shrewbury, MA August 8-12, 2018 Home in Augusta, $50 to Veterans Creative that he faithfully visits to honor our depart- World Series—Shelby, NC – August 16-21, 2018 Arts Festival, $50 to the Colonel’s (the be- ed Veterans. loved Yellow Labrador -service dog owned by Paul and Robin Turek) surgery, $40 to Phippsburg Post 216

Camp Tall Pines, two $200 scholarships, Phippsburg Post 216 for their donation $25 to Madison Idol, $100 to an active duty of $50 to Honor Flight of Maine, $50 to Legionnaire who lost his entire home to a Girls State, $50 to Wounded Heroes Pro- fire and bought Christmas gifts for four gram of Maine, $25 to Troop Greeters Mu- veteran members and two Auxiliary mem- seum and $50 to Camp Sunshine. Legionnaires Disease an you imagine a place majority were members of the C and time when; if you convention. The negative pub- wore your legion hat or uni- licity associated with what form – people would avoid became known as you? People would not share "Legionnaires' Disease" an elevator with you. A wait- caused occupancy at the Belle- ress, over hearing a person vue-Stratford to plummet to 4 was legionnaire, used gloves percent and the hotel finally to dispose of his dishes and Bellevue-Stratford closed on November 18, 1976. silverware rather than wash Hotel In 1977, Dr. Joseph McDade them. This happened in south discovered a new bacterium, eastern Pennsylvania during which was identified as the National Legion Membership Awards were presented by Depart- late 1976. Pennsylvania is one of the causative organism. It thrives in hot, damp ment Commander Randall Kluj on Mar. 17 at the District 14 meeting held at stronghold states of the American Legion. places like the water of the cooling towers Sangerville Post 165. Left photo, Department Commander Randall Kluj, right, What could cause this? for the Bellevue-Stratford's air-conditioning presents National award to Monson Post 116 Commander William Ranta. Right The hotel gained worldwide notoriety system, which spread the disease through- photo, Department Commander Randall Kluj presents National award to Sang- in July 1976, when it hosted a Dept. of out the hotel. The bacterium was erville Post 165 Commander Brad Ellis. Pennsylvania convention of the American named Legionella and the dis- Legion. Soon after, a pneumonia-like dis- ease, Legionellosis, after the first victims.

ease killed 29 people and sickened 182 By: Donald G. Hands more who had been in the hotel. The vast 100th Anniversary Chairman

12 THE MAINE LEGIONNAIRE, MAY 2018 Support Veterans in the State of Maine! Make a Difference Today and Contribute to your Favorite Fundraiser or Program of The American Legion Help Keep our Maine American Legion Programs Alive! Support our Veterans and Donate Today!

our donation will help support Vet- button. Y erans in the state of Maine as well as Children & Youth Programs and other You may also mail your check paya- various programs of The American Le- ble to The American Legion, Department gion. A few of our programs are listed of Maine, 5 Verti Drive, Winslow, below. For a complete listing, please visit Maine 04901-0727. Please indicate on the check The American Legion program Maine American Legion Programs: you are contributing to. Support Maine Veterans and Buy General Fund, Vet Aid, Homeless Vets, Thank you in advance for your dona- Legion Baseball, Dirigo Boys State, Ora- tion. It is generous donors like you that your Centennial Coin Today! torical, Jr. Shooting Program, Beals help provide the assistance needed to Hours, and Maine Special Olympics. keep our programs alive so we can contin- he Department of Maine recently TO PAY BY CHECK OR MONEY To pay by credit card, please visit ue to provide support to our fellow Veter- T released a Centennial Coin in cele- ORDER, please send payment in the and select the ans, service members and their families. bration of 100 years of service to Veter- amount of $10/coin, plus $5 shipping and ans, families and local communities. All handling to: The American Legion, De- proceeds will go towards helping Veter- partment of Maine, 5 Verti Drive, Wins- ans in the State of Maine, their families low, Maine 04901-0727. Please make and various programs in The American sure to include a return address for ship- Legion that require much needed assis- ping purposes. tance. Coins can be purchased online by Coins are also available for free pick visiting, calling up at $10 each. You may pick up your Department directly at 207-873-3229 or order at The American Legion, Depart- by check or money order. The coins are ment of Maine, 5 Verti Drive, Winslow, $10 each plus $5 shipping/handing. Maine 04901-0727. Car Donation Fundraising Program

converting that extra car, truck, or RV into a tax deductible donation.. Our affiliate program makes sure your vehicle is properly handled so you get your tax deduction and Veterans in Maine get the benefit of your donation. You can currently donate online by visiting, or call 877-999- 8322 to make your donation. wners of unused vehicles can donate For more information, contact The O them for possible tax credit and ben- American Legion, Department of Maine efit Veterans in the state of Maine. at 207-873-3229 or via email at This is a free, convenient service for [email protected]. Centennial Raffle Program

Get your Engraved Henry Rifle Raffle Ticket Today! re you interested in a Retractable Banner Designed Ticket Price $10 A for your Post or Special Event? Contact your local Post for tickets or call Department HQ - - - - - at 207-873-3229. Please contact Department Headquarters at 207-873-3229 (Banners range from $100—$300)

Drawing will be held All remaining proceeds go towards supporting Maine Veterans, their families June 1, 2019 and Maine American Legion Programs.

THE MAINE LEGIONNAIRE, MAY 2018 13 Department Officer Candidates 2018

SCOTT PARADIS MATTHEW JABAUT DEBRA COUTURE KIRK THURSTON ALFRED MCKAY JEFFREY STEVENSON KELLY ELA Commander 1st Vice Commander 2nd Vice Commander 2nd Vice Commander Americanism Historian Sergeant-At-Arms Corinna Post 73 Topsham Post 202 Litchfield Post 181 Rumford Post 24 Damariscotta Post 42 Bath Post 21 Naples Post 155

oting: Delegates hat a Delegate may get ballots from arade: Buses will start depart- V Should Bring: This is a the Credentials Committee at W P ing the Convention at 9 a.m., by the Spectacular Event Center short reminder to all legionnaires attending the order of Post # (i.e. 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.) The on Saturday, June 16, 2018. 100th Annual State Convention in Bangor, June parade will kick-off at 11 a.m. All buses The Credentials Committee 15th and 16th. If you are a delegate or alternate should return by 2 p.m. when Convention will be in session for two to this year’s convention, please remember to will reconvene. If you want to watch the hours on Saturday morning, bring your current American Legion member- parade, but not march, you may ride June 16, 2018, from 7:30 a.m. ship card or PUFL card. Attendees should go to down on the buses. For anyone who can- to 9:30 a.m. Each delegate the registration table immediately upon arrival not ride the bus, there will be parking will go to the convention hall and pick up your delegate or alternate package. available on Exchange Street, or along the during the hours specified and Only registered delegates are allowed to vote or parade route. The parade will be held JOHN HARGREAVES RANDALL KLUJ secure ballots. No ballots address the convention. The official uniform of rain or shine. NEC NECA The American Legion is the Legion cap. Richmond Post 132 Milo Post 41 will be issued after 9:30 a.m. The American Legion’s 99th Birthday Celebration

elebrating “American Legion Day” Legion C in Maine: Legionnaires, community members and guests gather at the State House in celebration of The Awareness: American Legion’s 99th Birthday March 15. A reading of Special Projects the Governor’s Proclamation and spreading awareness of Manager and Event Legion programs took place, followed by a 99th Birthday Coordinator for the Cake Cutting Ceremony at Department Headquarters in 99th Birthday Winslow. Small gifts were handed out to show appreciation Celebration Amedeo for those in attendance. Lauria spreads Thanks goes out to The Department of Maine’s Special awareness of Legion Project Manager Amedeo Lauria for organizing this special programs to those in Cake Cutting Ceremony: Headquarters event. attendance at the staff, members, and guests gather for the Cake State House. Cutting Ceremony at Department Headquarters Mar. 15 in celebration of The American Legion’s 99th Birthday. Left to right, Auxiliary Secretary Michelle McRae, Rockland Post 1 Commander Dane Winslow Sr., Dept. Chaplain Patricia Idea Thurston, Office Assistant Sue Risinger, Dept. Commander Randall Kluj, Office Manager Sharing: Rachael Currie, Janet Kluj, Office Assistant Alyssa Dept. Adjutant Currie and District 13 Service Officer Henry Paul L’Heureux, Slininger. left, Dept. Chaplain Special Gifts Patricia Thurston, right, Presented: and Women Special Projects Advisory/Women Manager Amedeo Veterans Lauria presents a Committee small gift to Rep. member Gloria Cathy Nadeau at the Hall, center State House Mar. 15 share a few in appreciation of Attendees: Some of those in attendance at the Legion ideas with each other during the 99th her attendance. State House to celebrate the Legion’s 99th Birthday. Birthday Celebration at the State House.


n accordance with Article IV of the mediately. Delegate’s card, badge, con- I Constitution and By-laws of the Depart- vention registration and your 2018 mem- ment of Maine, The American Legion, the THE AMERICAN LEGION bership card must be displayed during one hundredth Annual Convention is here- voting. by called to convene at Bangor, Maine, Ballot Boxes will close promptly at June 15-17, 2018. 100TH ANNUAL 9:45 a.m. The first business session will be UNIFORM OF THE DAY called to order at 12:00 p.m. Daylight Sav- STATE CONVENTION Uniform of the day during the con- ings Time, on the afternoon of Friday, vention sessions will be The American June 15, 2018, with the final business ses- June 15 — 17, 2018 Legion cap. Only the official representa- sion scheduled for Saturday morning, June tive of another veterans group may wear 16, 2018, at 8:30 a.m. All general business Spectacular Event Center, Bangor the cap of that organization in the conven- sessions of the convention will be held at tion hall. the Spectacular Event Center, Bangor, PLAN NOW TO ATTEND! MEMORIAL SERVICE Maine. The Department Chaplain of The PURPOSE American Legion will conduct a Memorial The convention is called for the pur- delegates and alternates and members of American Legion, 5 Verti Drive, Winslow, Service to be held just prior to conclusion pose of electing Department Officers for The American Legion are invited to attend Maine 04901-0727. to the Saturday session, June 16, 2018. the ensuing year; to elect delegates and the session. Following this public hearing, NOMINATION AND ELECTIONS Posts wishing to have deceased members alternates to the 2018 National Convention the Committee on Resolutions will go into At the first session of Department included in the Post Everlasting Ceremony to be held in Minneapolis, Minnesota; to executive session to vote on resolutions to Convention on Friday, June 15, 2018, are requested to submit a list of the hon- receive reports of all Department Officers be brought before the body. nominations shall be made for the offices ored dead to Department Headquarters. and standing committees; to consider the The Department Executive Commit- of Department Commander; Department Lists must include name of deceased com- resolutions and actions of subordinate tee will hold the first meeting at the Spec- First Vice Commander; Department Sec- rades and conflict served. If your post files bodies and to transact any other business tacular Event Center on Sunday, June 17, ond Vice Commander; Department Histo- a Post Everlasting list for The Maine Le- properly brought before the convention. 2018. All department officers, district rian; Department Americanism Officer; gionnaire and said list is up to date, a sec- REPRESENTATION commanders, area commanders and Past Department Sergeant-at-Arms, National ond list is not necessary. Each post is entitled to one delegate Department Commanders are requested to Executive Committeeman and National LAW AND ORDER and one alternate, and one additional dele- attend. Executive Committeeman Alternate. Order will be maintained at all times gate and alternate for each one hundred CREDENTIALS Nomination of officers shall be made in the convention hall under the direction members or fractional part thereof paid up Each post will fill out the credential by registered delegates elected to represent of the Department Sergeant-at-Arms and to May 16, 2018. A post with less than 15 blank submitted by the Department Adju- the posts of the Department or by dele- his assistants. Delegates, alternates and members is not entitled to any delegates. tant and return same to the Department gates-at-large attending the convention. members attending the convention are All department officers, district command- Headquarters listing the delegates and Nominating speeches are limited to three requested to be courteous to all speakers ers, area commanders and Past Depart- alternates elected to represent the Post. minutes. There will be no seconds to and visitors to the convention. ment Commanders, in good standing, shall All delegates’ registration must be pre- nominations authorized (DEC Mandate PRESS be entitled to vote and have all the rights paid. Jan. 20, 1991) The Department Adjutant’s staff will of delegates in the convention. These of- All credentials must be verified by the All candidates for elective department maintain press facilities during Conven- ficers and Past Department Command- Credentials Committee, which will be in office must file with the Department Adju- tion sessions. The Department Adjutant ers are delegates-at-large and must not session at the Spectacular Event Center, tant, prior to May 16, 2018, a letter of in- must approve all communications from the be named as post delegates. Bangor, Maine, from 7:30 a.m. to 9:30 tent to seek office and furnish a copy of Department Convention. Alternate delegates are entitled to a a.m. on Saturday, June 16, 2018. discharge papers, which makes them eligi- INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS seat in the convention but will have the The Department Adjutant shall issue ble for membership in The American Le- A formal installation ceremony will right to vote only in the absence of the to each Post, 30 days prior to convention, gion. The ballots for the Department Con- be held Saturday, June 16, 2018, at 5:30 duly elected delegates. The decision of a statement of the number of 2018 mem- vention will be pre-printed indicating p.m. All department officers and district the selection of alternate delegates to rep- bership cards, accompanied by state and those candidates who have filed for office. commanders will be sworn into office at resent absent delegates is a matter of deci- national dues, received at Department Any candidate declaring after May 16, that time and will automatically become sion within the respective delegations. All Headquarters on May 16, 2018. Listed 2018 or nominated from the floor of the members of the Department Executive Legionnaires, Auxiliary members, Sons of with the membership report will appear convention, will be a write-in candidate. Committee. the American Legion and guests are invit- the number of delegates allowed each post. Blank spaces will be left for write-in can- RAFFLES OR SALES ITEMS ed to attend convention as guests, but have Credential reports should be filed with didates. (DEC Mandate Jan. 27, 1985). There will be NO sales items or raf- no voice or vote unless delegates. the Department Adjutant as soon as possi- VOTING fles at the Department Convention without RULES OF ORDER ble to allow for inspection and checking, Delegates may get ballots from the specific permission of the Department The rules of procedure at the Depart- thus correcting any errors. If there should Credentials Committee at the Spectacular Adjutant. ment Convention shall be those set forth in be any changes in personnel on the list of Event Center on Saturday, June 16, 2018. This call will be read in all posts and Robert’s Rules of Order, newly revised. delegates or alternates, corrections should The Credentials Committee will be in ses- district organizations and posted upon the MEETINGS be made with the Credentials Committee. sion for two hours on Saturday morning, bulletin boards of all posts. This call is The Resolutions Committee shall hold Delegates must be registered with the con- June 16, 2018, from 7:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. being sent to the officers on record. If new a public hearing on all resolutions submit- vention in order to vote (1975 Convention Each delegate will go to the convention officers have been elected, please transmit ted in accordance with the Constitution Mandate). Registration fee of $10 for hall during the hours specified and secure this information to them. and By-laws at the Spectacular Event Cen- each delegate and alternate may be paid by ballots. No ballots will be issued after Official: ter on Friday, June 15, 2018, at 9 a.m. All sending a check made payable to The 9:30 a.m. Delegates will cast ballots im- Paul L’Heureux, Department Adjutant Randall Kluj, Department Commander

THE MAINE LEGIONNAIRE, MAY 2018 15 THE AMERICAN LEGION, DEPARTMENT OF MAINE 100th Annual State Convention Program June 15-17, 2018 Spectacular Event Center, Bangor TENTATIVE AGENDA Friday, June 15, 2018 Second Session

Resolutions Committee (9 a.m.) Spectacular Event Center, Bangor – Open hearing Saturday, June 16, 2018 Committee Chairman, Terry Knowles Call to Order (8:00 a.m.) Department Commander, Randall Kluj Presentation of Colors Department Sgt.-at-Arms, Alfred McKay First Session Service Officer Update & PSO Award Dept. Service Officer, Carl Curtis Public Service Awards Law & Order Chairman, Kirk Thurston Friday, June 15, 2018 Humanitarian /Humanitarian Citizen Award Chairman, Edward Roach, Jr. Department Finance Update Dept. Finance Officer, Tommy Adkins Call to Order (12:00 p.m. noon) Department Commander, Randall Kluj & DFC Chairman, William O’Connell Opening Ceremonies Department Commander, Randall Kluj Legislative Update Chairman, Matthew Jabaut Presentation of Colors Department Sgt.-at-Arms, Alfred McKay Update on National Security Chairman, David Patch Invocation Department Chaplain, Patricia Thurston Centennial Parade (11:00 a.m.) Staging Area – Intersection of Exchange Pledge of Allegiance ALL St. & State St., Bangor – Boarding at National Anthem District 2 Service Officer, Kelley Ela 9:00 a.m. – Parade begins at 11:00 a.m. POW/MIA Table for One Milo Post 4, Organizer, Randy Kluj Reconvene (2:00-2:30 p.m.) TAPS Milo Post 41, Peter Polk Preamble ALL American Legion Auxiliary Auxiliary President, Ann Durost Report of the Committee on Permanent Rules Sons of The American Legion Detachment Commander, Ronald Marr and Organization Department Judge Advocate, Jason Hall 100th Anniversary Update 100th Anniv. Chairman, Donald Hands Welcome Past Nat’l Commander, Anthony G. Jordan Adjutant of the Year Award Dept. Commander Randall Kluj & Greetings Maine Seniors Magazine, Councilor Dept. Adjutant Paul L’Heureux David Nealley Membership Update/Awards Department Vice Commanders, Scott NEC Report NEC, John Hargreaves Paradis & Matthew Jabaut Post Excellence Award (Report) Department Commander, Randall Kluj 4th Estate Awards PR Chairman, Peter Johnson and Maine Special Olympics President /CEO Phil Geelhoed, Training/ Amedeo Lauria Camp Tall Pines, Ian Frank & Chairman, Jesse Pierce Women’s Advisory Committee Update Chairwoman, Patricia Thurston Maine Blind Camp Update Chairman, Brian Knowlton Americanism Awards Dept. Americanism Officer, Debra History Awards Department Historian, Jeffrey Stevenson Couture & Dept. Cmdr. Randall Kluj Children & Youth Scholarships Roger’s Rangers & Tony’s Tigers Awards PNC Tony Jordan, 1st Vice Scott & Daniel E. Lambert Scholarships Scholarship Chairman, Ronald Caron Paradis, & 2nd Vice Matthew Jabaut Past Commander’s Club Awards: Matt, Scott, Jeffrey Department Commander, Randall Kluj (James V. Day Scholarships) President, Debra Couture, V.P. Patricia Report of Committee Resolutions Committee Chairman, Terry Knowles Thurston, & Sec./Treasury, Paul L’Heureux Ceremony Honoring Outgoing Dept. Cmdr. Department Adjutant, Paul L’Heureux Beals House Beals House President, Eileen Krawczyk Response Department Commander, Randall Kluj Junior Shooting Sports Update Chairman, Joseph Donahue Report of Credentials Committee Chairman, William Alaimo Introduction of Past Dept. Commanders Drawing for Sweepstakes Raffle Memorial Service – Post Everlasting & Past Legionnaires of the Year Past Dept. Commander, Peter Johnson Department Chaplain, Patricia Thurston Legionnaire of the Year Award Past Dept. Commander, Peter Johnson Announcements Department Adjutant, Paul L’Heureux Nomination of Dept. Officers Selected Legionnaires Benediction Department Chaplain, Patricia Thurston Announcements Department Adjutant, Paul L’Heureux Adjournment (Sine Die) 3 p.m. Recess 5 p.m. Social – 6 p.m. Dinner - Legion Family Birthday Bash 5:30 p.m. State Convention Installation Spectacular Event Center, Bangor & Legionnaire of the Year Spectacular Event Center, Bangor Sunday, June 17, 2018 Spectacular Event Center Old Orchard Old Orchard 8:00 a.m. Department Executive Committee Spectacular Event Center, Bangor Beach, Me. Beach, Me. Convention Medal Convention Medal 1941 1949 The American Legion Dirigo Boys State Old Orchard Beach, Me. Convention Medals: Authors Collection: During WWII, as metal was being saved for the war effort, some “medals” were actually plastic and/or paper composites as the Old Orchard Beach medal June 17-21, 2018 of 1941. These two medals have the same basic design while the 1941one is plastic and the 1949 one is metal. By: Donald G. Hands Thomas College, Waterville 100th Anniversary Chairman

16 THE MAINE LEGIONNAIRE, MAY 2018 2018 Resolution Index Resolution 1 Organizational Structure interest of The American Legion to involve the officers and secondly: Commanders, Department Adjutant, Depart- RESOLVED, By The American Legion, Post Revitalization team to help the Post or The committee would use The Department ment Finance Officer, Department Judge Advo- Department of Maine Convention assembled in District through a difficult process and second- of Maine job descriptions to determine the cate, Department Service Officer, Department Bangor, Maine, June 15-17, 2018, that the ly: qualification candidates and thirdly; and, be it Historian, Asst. Department Service Officer, American Legion, Department of Maine shall Each member or said Post, District is giv- further Department Chaplain, Department American- appoint an adhoc committee to review, recom- en a minimum of ten (10) days notice prior RESOLVED, By The American Legion ism Officer, Department Sergeant-At-Arms, mend and implement a plan for a sustainable such regular meeting or special meeting at in Department of Maine Convention assembled National Executive Committeeman (ex officio), future structure for the Department of Maine, which the proposal is to be considered, and at in Bangor, Maine June 15-17, 2018, That The National Executive Committeeman Alternate with the following criteria: which proposal is to be considered, and then American Legion, Department of Maine imple- (ex officio), Past Department Commanders The structure must not decrease the repre- will require a two-thirds (2/3) vote of those ment this committee and review beginning with (with voice, Res. 8-94) sented number of non-department officers on present at said meeting to approve or disap- candidates for 2019-2020 offices. Past Department Commander of The De- the Department Executive Committee and sec- prove. Failure to comply with these provisions Submitted by District 8, Department of partment of Maine, The American Legion, in ondly: shall nullify said transaction.”; and, be it fur- Maine good standing, shall be members of the Depart- Districts should be comparable in size and ther Resolution 5 Organizational Structure ment Executive Committee for life with voice number of posts while maintaining alignment RESOLVED, When passed at the annu- RESOLVED, By The American Legion and vote, but shall not be counted or considered to their communities and school districts and al Convention the resolved above (the part in in Department of Maine Convention assembled for the purpose of a quorum. (Res. 2-99) thirdly: quotations) are added to the Department of in Bangor, Maine June 15-17, 2018, That The The practice of naming Honorary Past The Committee will provide its findings Maine By-Laws as ARTICLE XX and current American Legion, Department of Maine Shall Department Commanders is prohibited, but and recommendations for implementation at ARTICLE XX be renumbered as XXI. appoint a committee to review, recommend and those that were elected shall remain as such. A the next Mid-Winter Conference for member- Submitted by Task Force for the Future implement a plan for a sustainable future struc- Legionnaire of the Year Committee, made up ship and Department Executive Committee Resolution 3 Holding More Than One Na- ture for The Department of Maine, with the from the Past Department Commander’s Club, approval; and, be it further tional and/or Department Office at One following criteria: will select a Legionnaire for this honor annual- RESOLVED, When passed at the 2018 Time The structure must not change the repre- ly. Presentation of a Legionnaire of the Year Annual Convention and approved at Mid- RESOLVED, By The American Legion sented number of non-department officers on will revised by Department Convention 6-17- Winter Department Executive Committee, the in The Department of Maine Convention as- the Department Executive Committee and 2017.6 recommendations from the committee will be sembled in secondly: The 24 District Commanders shall be implemented for the 2019—2020 Legion year. Bangor, Maine, June 15-17, 2018, That Districts should be comparable in size and elected at District Conventions held on May lst Submitted by Task Force for the Future Article IV of The Department of Maine Consti- number of Posts while maintaining alignment or later (Res. 3-99, but prior to the upcoming Resolution 2 Transfer of Post, District Prop- tution have the following sentence added fol- to their communities and school districts and annual Department Convention. Delegates erty lowing the list of Department Executive Com- thirdly: chosen to represent their respective Posts at RESOLVED, By The American Legion, mittee Members: No elected or appointed De- The committee will provide its findings District Conventions do not need to be the Department of Maine Convention assembled in partment or National officer in The Department and recommendations for implementation at same as the delegates to the Department Con- Bangor, Maine, June 15-17, 2018, that the of Maine may hold more than one National the Mid-Winter Conference for membership vention. All Past Department Commanders, American Legion, Department of Maine add to and/or Department office at one time; and and Department Executive Committee approv- Department Officers, and District Commanders its By-Laws “In addition to other legal require- therefore be it further al; and, be it further who hold membership in said District, shall ments under existing laws, and the Department RESOLVED, This change is to become RESOLVED, By The American Legion also be delegates to the District Convention and of Maine, no Post, District, or any other hold- effective following the close of the annual De- in Department of Maine Convention assembled these districts shall be comparable in size and ing company, or corporation subordinate there- partment Convention in 2018. in number of Posts while maintaining alignment to, shall purchase, sell or otherwise transfer Submitted by Task Force for the Future Bangor, Maine, June 15-17, 2018, That to their communities and school districts. title or interest in any real estate or private Resolution 4 Organizational Structure The American Legion, Department of Maine The term of office for all District Officers property which is equal to twenty five percent RESOLVED, By The American Legion replace ARTICLE IV, section 5 of the Depart- shall run concurrent from the close of conven- (25%) or more of Posts or Districts net worth in the Department of Maine Convention assem- ment Constitution to read: tion to the close of the next annual convention unless written notice of such proposal has first bled in “The executive power shall be vested in a with the dates designated by The Department been: Bangor, Maine, June 15-17, 2018, That Department Executive Committee to be com- of Maine, The American Legion. Submitted thirty (30) days prior to any The American Legion, Department of Maine posed of 24 District Commanders. District Such selections shall be ratified by resolu- subsequent actions to The Department of shall create a standing personnel committee to Commanders shall be chosen, one for each tion at the annual Department Convention. Maine Commander and then Department Com- review the qualification of potential candidates District, by the Posts in each District at a meet- In the absence of the District Commander, mander shall review any sale, purchase, trans- for any paid Department of Maine office, and ing held before the annual Department Conven- from any District, the Vice Commander shall fer or encumbrances to determine whether such provide a recommendation to The Department tion, and in addition thereto said executive represent the District at any Executive Commit- transactions serve the purposes of the Post, Executive Committee of those candidates for power shall be jointly vested with the Depart- tee meeting with voice and vote. (Res. 1-1994) District, Department of The American Legion approval prior to hire or placement on the bal- ment Officers. Members of the Department Revised by Department Convention 6-17-2017. as prescribed in the National and Department lot with the following criteria: Executive Committee shall be: (Res. 10-1992) 7” By-Laws and Constitution. The Department The committee would consist of all Past Department Commander, First Vice Com- Submitted by District 8, The Department Commander will also determine if it is in best Department Commanders and Past National mander, Second Vice Commander, 24 District of Maine Houlton, Me. Convention Medal 1940: Author’s collection: This medal was issued in Com- memoration of Col. Frank M. Hume. He served during the Spanish American War and later during the “Great War” he served as the Commander of the 103th. Infantry, 26rd Division. After the war he was one of legionnaires Portland, Me. Convention Medal 1933: Authors Collection: who: at the invitation of Gov. Milliken Newly elected State Commander Raymond E. Rendall is shown wearing the attended the St. Louis Caucus of the Portland, ME. Convention medal of 1933. American Legion and was instrumental in the formation of the American Le- Note: Red, White & Blue ribbon indicates American Legion Auxiliary. gion Department of Maine.

By: Donald G. Hands By: Donald G. Hands 100th Anniversary Chairman 100th Anniversary Chairman


The Founding of the Department of Maine

Donald G. Hands, 100th Anniv. Chairman Gen. George McL. Presson of Farming- ton, Me. and Capt. Arthur Lincoln Robin- Special to The Maine Legionnaire son of Portland, Me. At the St. Louis Caucus, The Maine he founders of the American Legion delegation voted Albert Greenlaw to be T who met in Paris decided that they the Chairman, James L. Boyle as Secre- would wait until the American Legion tary, and Walter H. Butler as Treasurer. could be brought stateside to “perfect” the The American Legion Department of organization. Maine was actually born in St. Louis as it One reason for this was to invite the was in St. Louis where it was officially U.S. Navy and U. S. Marine Corps. In recognized by the National office. addition to other U. S. Army personnel Returning back to Maine, Chairman serving stateside. Greenlaw and Secretary Boyle began to The founders de- organize posts in Maine. Sec. Boyle dis- cided to have a tributed Post Application forms and bulle- caucus in St. Lou- tins, collected the .50 cents dues for 1919 is, Missouri on the and distributed American Legion Buttons.. St. Louis Caucas 8th, 9th, and 10th Chair Greenlaw developed contacts and of May 1919. countersigned the work of the fledgling They appealed to Department of Maine. State Governors A meeting was held on July 23, 1919 to send delegates at the Maine State House: to the St. Louis The Department of Maine had 25 Caucus. posts. Listed by post number and city/ Gov. Carl Milliken Maine’s Gover- town: 1. Rockland 2. Augusta 3. Calais 4. of Maine nor attended the St. Gardiner 5. Waterville 6. Hallowell 7. Louis Caucus and Princeton 8.Cherryfield 9. Machias 10. was accompanied by Lt. Colonel Albert Livermore Falls 11. Eastport 12. Bangor Greenlaw of Eastport, Me., Sergeant 13. East Millinocket 14. Fairfield 15. Cari- James. A. Boyle of Augusta, Me., Major bou 16. Skowhegan 17. Portland 18. Artwork by Rachael Currie

The previous elections that were held Sources: in St. Louis were Ratified, Affirmed and Most of this information came direct- Approved. Acceptance and organization of ly from Department of Maine historical additional posts were addressed. Twenty- notes and some articles from the Maine five cents was decided upon to be the tem- Legionnaire. porary assessment per capita. The first Thanks to Commander Kluj and the State Convention would be in Bangor, Me. Department of Maine for allowing me this The convention date was 24 Sept. 1919 – opportunity, Dept. Adjutant Paul L’Heu- Lt. Colonel Sergeant Major Sergeant by then; Maine had 54 posts. reux for his support and guidance in the Albert Greenlaw James. A. Boyle Robert A. Green James. A. Boyle The American Legion, Department of process and Office Manager Racheal Cur- of Eastport, Me. of Augusta, Me. of Lewiston, Me. of Augusta, Me. Maine is celebrating 100 years. We have rie for the use of her graphic and the office reason to pause; look back and be proud of staff for helping me find this information. Robert A. Green of Lewiston, Me., and Vinalhaven 19. Sanford 20. Brunswick 21. our accomplishments. Donald G. Hands Colonel Frank M. Hume of Houlton, Me. Bath 22. Lewiston 23. Woodland 24. Let’s not tarry in the past for the mis- Department of Maine Governor Milliken also sent: Maj. Rumford 25. Bar Harbor. Eighteen (18) of sion is still ahead of us. We need to be 100th. Anniversary Chairman Waldemar P. Adams of Portland, Me., Sgt. the twenty-five (25) posts were represent- about the business of posturing our organ- Roy C. Haines of Ellsworth, Me.. Adj. ed. ization for the next hundred years.

Bangor, Me. Convention Medal 1934: Authors Lewiston, Me. Convention Medal 1936: Authors Collection; this medal is in the shape of the WW1 canteen Collection; this was minted for the 18th department of Maine which would have been familiar to so many legionnaires. It convention. It features a heart, the shape of the state of Maine served both the legionnaire and auxiliary members. It was and a star designating Lewiston as the “industrial heart of th minted for the 16 . Department of Maine Convention. Maine”.

By: Donald G. Hands By: Donald G. Hands 100th Anniversary Chairman 100th Anniversary Chairman


WHAT’S HAPPENING IN YOUR DISTRICT... Commitment To Veterans: Dept. Commander Randall Kluj, left, stands with District 1 Past Dept. Commander James Johnson at an Sanford Post 19; Biddeford Post 26; Limerick Post 55; York Post 56; Old Orchard Post 57; Installation Ceremony held at Ramsdell Rogers Kennebunk Post 74; Berwick Post 79; North Berwick Post 87; Saco Post 96; Kezar Falls Post 123; Post 56 in York on May 14. Past Maine De- Bar Mills Post 130; Alfred Post 134; Wells Post 143; Kennebunkport Post 159; partment Commander James Johnson, (1994- Dayton Post 177; Eliot Post 188; Lebanon Post 214 95) spoke of current initiatives to provide a hospital for Veterans suffering from PTSD, Kennebunk Post 74 Com- alcohol, and drug addiction in New Hampshire. mander Dennis LaMontagne pre- Commander Johnson, now a resident of New sents John Quincy a certificate for Hampshire, is an example of the ongoing com- 60 years membership in The mitment the American Legion has to Veterans. American Legion on April 4. Left to right, Brian McBride, John Fleshman, John Quint, Com- mander Dennis LaMontagne, To Join or Not to Join the American Legion; John Goviea, and Robert Declerq. That is the Question: hen it skeptic’s complaints were true. The W came to government structure of the American joining a Legion is “bottom up”, where ideas come “veteran’s from individual legionnaires and filter up organization”; the organization for consideration. there was a General Pershing did not run for the U. S. significant Presidency. Lastly, The American Legion amount of is a civilian group; not tracking its skepticism and members for governmental and or apathy among the troops. Some felt it military purposes. would be another “top down” group such Apathy for the American Legion as the military; where the leaders would existed largely among overseas personnel, Berwick Chapter 79 Fundraiser: Berwick Riders Chapter 79 recent- form and run the organization despite the who by the end of the Great War only wishes of the grassroots membership. wanted to go home and resume civilian ly held their 2nd Crop for a Cause Scrapbooking fundraiser which raised $500 Others thought the new organization life. After returning, many veterans saw and several hundred pounds of food donations. The Riders packed two SUVs full would be a “voting block” of veterans the good works, benefits, and of food and clothing and delivered it to Preble Street in Portland on April 14. Left formed to support Gen. John J. Pershing, socialization the American Legion offered to right, Director Dennis Ouellette, Sergeant-At-Arms Robert Wright, Safety Of- (shown here) who was considering a run and joined. Today the American Legion ficer Gary Branyen, Stan Sheldon, Daniel Cassady and Ride Coordinator and for the White House. Still others felt that is the largest veteran’s service Public Affairs Officer Beverly Cassady. this was just a way of the U. S. Military to organization with around 2.4 million keep track of them after the war. members. April to present Eliot citizens with liot WWI Veterans History tells us that none of the 100th Anniversary Chairman, Certificates of Appreciation for their help Donald G. Hands E Monument Restored: Eliot and hard work in restoring the Eliot WWI -Kittery Memorial Post 188 recently met Veterans Monument. WHAT’S HAPPENING IN YOUR DISTRICT... at the William Fogg Library this past

Eliot-Kittery Eliot-Kittery District 2 Memorial Post Memorial Post 188 Command- Portland Post 17; So. Portland Post 35; Gorham Post 60; Westbrook Post 62; Bridgton Post 67; 188 Com- Scarborough Post 76; Freeport Post 83; Gray Post 86; Yarmouth Post 91; Standish Post 128; mander Jack er Jack Mer- Harrison Post 139; Peaks Island Post 142; Windham Post 148; Cape Elizabeth Post 152; Mercer, left, cer, left, pre- Naples Post 155; Portland Post 161; Falmouth Post 164; Portland Post 168; Westbrook Post 197 presents Eric sents Ruth Fernandes a Drake a Certif- Certificate of icate of Appre- Appreciation ciation for her for his work help in bring- on restoring ing the condi- 50 Year Certificate: District 2 and South the Eliot WWI tion of the Eliot Portland Post 35 Finance Officer Ken Marston, Veterans Mon- WWI Veterans Monument to the right, receives his 50 year Certificate at the Post Posts attention, and spearheading meeting on Fri., Feb. 16. ument . the project for its restoration.

Eliot-Kittery Memorial Post 188 Commander Jack Mercer, left, pre- Westbrook Post 62 member sents Paul Johnson a Cer- Dennis Marotte entertained with pro- tificate of Appreciation fessional photos of his 13+ years as a for his care of Veterans volunteer of Maine PROJECT ARCH- graves in the Mount ANGEL with the SOVIEL RUSSIA on Pleasant Cemetery, as April 4. Left to right, Jean Souliere, well as his efforts to beau- original leader of the Student Ambassa- tify the landscaping dor Program, Post Commander Rich- around the Post building. WWI Veterans ard Galipeau, Dennis Marotte, and Monument Founder of the Project Danniel Glover.


WHAT’S HAPPENING IN YOUR DISTRICT... Betsy Ann Ross House District 2 continued of Hope Challenge: Windham Post 148 Naples Riders Vet Coffee Social: Post 155 took to Field-Allen Post 148 veter- the road again to ans gather for the Veterans present the first Coffee 2nd Anniversary. check to the For 204 consecutive weeks, Betsy Ann Ross the Vet Coffee Social has House of Hope in been providing an oppor- Augusta in Feb- tunity for local veterans to ruary. Left to gather and socialize over right, Road Cap- coffee and donuts at the Windham Veterans Center (WVC). Around the table, tain Skip Brown, left to right, Post Service Officer and founder of the Vet Coffee Chuck Whynot, Sergeant-At-Arms Vinny Yedynak, Air Force Veteran Carolyn Olsen's (not pic- the newest Post member Richard Drapeau and the oldest Post vet (WWII) Car- tured) grandson Aiden Pack, House of Hope Executive Director Martha Everett- roll McDonald. In the background, some of the 30 plus veterans who stopped by St.Pierre, Legion Rider Director Donald Mulcahy, Finance Officer Bill O'Neil, to celebrate the 2ND Anniversary of the Vets Coffee. All veterans are invited to Bob Ellis, and Secretary Line' Mulcahy. The Riders have challenged the Ameri- drop in any Wed. at the WVC from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. for coffee and donuts. can Legion family and anyone who wishes to donate to this worthy cause. The Riders will match any donation up to $3000.00. The House of Hope is the first established home for female veterans and their children in New England. Please make donations payable to the Betsy Ann Ross House of Hope, c/o American Legion Riders, American Legion Post 155, P.O. Box 164, Naples, ME 04055. Showing The Colors: Field-Allen Post 148 showed its colors at the Town of Windham's Little League opening day ceremonies in East WHAT’S HAPPENING IN YOUR DISTRICT... Windham on Sat., April 28 at 9:00 a.m. Post 148 provided colors for the National Anthem as well as guest speakers, Post 1st Vice Commander District 3 Rebecca Cummings and Post member Wally Livermore Falls Post 10; Lewiston Post 22; Auburn Post 31; Lisbon Falls Post 66; Turner Post 111; Clark. Color Guard, front to back, Sergeant-At- Sabattus Post 135; Mechanic Falls Post 150; Auburn Post 153; Lisbon Post 158; Lewiston Post 210 Arms Roger Timmons, Larry DeHof, Richard Drapeau, Chuck Whynot, and Assistant Ser- 100% Certificate: geant-At-Arms Richard Graves. Area 2 Commander Kirk Thurston, left, and Dis- trict 3 Commander James Veilleux, right, present a certificate for Celebrating St. 100% membership to Patrick’s Day & Edward Stanhope of the Alden M. Gayton Post 31 Windham Post 148 of Auburn during the 80th Anniversary: District meeting held at Field-Allen Post 148 in Lewiston Post 22 on Windham held a St Pat- April 15. rick's Day dinner on Feb. 17 for approximately 100 Veterans, their families and Auburn Post 153 the community. Before the Support Odyssey 10th annual dinner, the Post held a cake cutting Of The Mind ceremony to kick off the Teams: Odyssey of the Windham Post 148 80th Mind teams from the Au- Anniversary Year (1938 to 2018). Ceremonial cake cutters: Past Post Command- burn Edward Little High er Don Rogers with 59 years of Legion service, Rebecca Cummings, one of the School and the Auburn Posts newest member, and Post Commander Mel Greenier. Middle School both came in 1st Place in the Regional Naples Post 155 hosted Competition in Bruns- The Lake Region Chamber of wick. The teams competed Commerce monthly meeting in on April 7 for the State February. A set of granite Competition in Biddeford. coasters with The American The top two teams in each Legion Post 155 logo was division will qualify for awarded to center, left to right, World Competition which is held in Ames, Iowa. In the past two years, the Au- Wendy Gallant, Chamber of burn teams have gone to World Finals where teams from all over the world Commerce Executive Director gather with approximately 15,000 kids competing. The teams thank the William Sue Mercer, and Chamber of J. Rogers Post 153 of Auburn for their continued support. Without Post 153 help Commerce President Dan financially, the teams would not have been able to go to World Finals these past Harden by Naples Post 155 1st few years. Back row, left to right, Tristan Brezovsky, Carl Woodhead, Josh Vice Commander Donald Mul- Brobst, Tom Brann, Adam Runnels; Front row, left to right, Jim Rowe, Callie cahy, left, and District II Ser- Fulcher, Emily Farrington, and Post 153 Bob St. Pierre.

vice Officer Kelly Ela, right. By Emily Farrington, Odyssey of the Mind Team Member


WHAT’S HAPPENING IN YOUR DISTRICT... WHAT’S HAPPENING IN YOUR DISTRICT... District 5 District 7 Rumford Post 24; Buckfield Post 58; Lockemills Post 68; So. Paris Post 72; Bethel Post 81; Norway Post Boothbay Harbor Post 36; Damariscotta Post 42; Wiscasset Post 54; Waldoboro Post 149 82; Dixfield Post 100; Oxford Post 112; Fryeburg Post 137; West Paris Post 151; Peru Post 199

50 Continuous Years: Area 2 Commander Wiscasset Post 54 Commander William Cos- Kirk Thurston, right, presents Peru Post 199 Com- sette, left, receives the 100% Membership Award for mander Jim Scott, left, with a certificate that 2018 from Department Sergeant-At-Arms Alfred marked his 50 continuous years of membership McKay during the Wiscasset Post meeting held in during District 5 meeting held Apr. 18 at Rumford April. Post 24.


Legion Birthday District 8 Celebration At Rumford Brunswick Post 20; Bath Post 21; Harpswell Post 171; Thompson Post 202; Phippsburg Post 216 Post 24: Urbain “Joe” Arse- nault, left and Past Department of Maine Commander Edward J. Roach Jr., right, cut the American Phippsburg Celebrates Law Legion birthday cake at the Napole- Enforcement: At the 46th Annual on Ouellette Post 24 in Rumford on Law Enforcement breakfast held at March 17. Topsham Post 202 May 14, Acting Dis- trict 8 Commander Joe Donahue, left, presents Phippsburg Post 216 Sergeant -At-Arms Comrade David Barnes his WHAT’S HAPPENING IN YOUR DISTRICT... plaque while Chief John Skroski of Phippsburg Police Department reads Citation.

District 6 Photo by Mike Young Rockland Post 1; Vinalhaven Post 18; Camden Post 30; North Haven Post 33; St. George Post 34; Thomaston Post 37; Union Post 110 WHAT’S HAPPENING IN YOUR DISTRICT... Rockland Post 1 Honors Maine State District 9 Trooper & Member Of Augusta Post 2; Gardiner Post 4; Waterville Post 5; Hallowell Post 6; Winthrop Post 40; Oakland Post A 51; Togus Post 90; No. Vassalboro Post 126; Richmond Post 132; So. China Post 179; “The Old Guard”: Litchfield Post 181; Clinton Post 186; China Post 195; Monmouth Post 204; Augusta Post 205 special recognition ceremony was held at the Winslow- Holbrook-Merritt American Legion Post 1 on Sun., April 22. LT Mark Holmquist gave a spe- cial presentation on the 3rd US Infantry Regiment "The Old Augusta Post 2—1936 Guard" and his service in that Flood: Percy Jarvis and Philip unit from 1991 to 1993. He was Gilbert reaching safety from flood- a member of the First Presiden- ed American Legion home at Au- tial Firing Party and was in the gusta. regiment as a Sentinel at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. LT Holmquist, in his capacity as a member of the Maine State Police, was also part of the 2015 and 2016 convoys with Wreaths Across America to Arlington National Cemetery. He currently serves as the Commander of the Major Crimes Unit - South in Gray, Maine. At the conclusion of LT Holmquist's Have You Asked a Veteran presentation, he was surprised and honored by the Lincoln County Quilters with a Quilt of Valor. The quilt was titled "On Stand By" and specially made for LT Holmquist. Approximately 100 legionnaires, auxiliary members, and guests at- TO JOIN Today? tended this wonderful event. Pictured from left to right, Pat Johnston, Lincoln Help us increase membership for 2018! County Quilters member and one of the designers of the quilt, LT Mark Holmquist, Wayne Johnston, Commander Post 1. The quilt in the background is Join online at the Quilt of Valor that was presented to LT Holmquist.


WHAT’S HAPPENING IN YOUR DISTRICT... Guests In Attendance At District District 9 continued 9 Meeting: District 9 held their meeting at Richmond Post 132 on Apr. 11. Guests at August Post 2 the meeting, left to right, Area 2 Commander Kirk Thurston, Department Chaplain Patricia Legion Birthday Thurston, and Department Sergeant-At-Arms Celebration: Fitz- Al McKay.

gerald-Cummings Post 2 of Augusta celebrated the 99th anniversary of the American Legion on March 17 and honored 8 WHAT’S HAPPENING IN YOUR DISTRICT... Post members who were World War II and Kore- an War Veterans. Left to District 11 right, Richard Lorenz, Belfast Post 43; Unity Post 50; Winterport Post 138; Stockton Springs Post 157; Robert Cochran, Post Commander Howard Betts, Leroy Hussey, Francis Har- Palermo Post 163; Brooks Post 183; wood, Arvil Farn, Al Dowling, Henry Breton, and State Bureau of Veterans’ Ser- vices David Richard. Photo by Kristine Nelson Unity Post 50 Donation: Unity Post 50 Augusta Post members, left to right, Ron Cropley, Jerry Parker, and Ran- 2 Veterans dal Parker deliver many boxes of Day Program: non-perishable foods on Feb. 23 Fitzgerald- donated by Waldo County Dis- Cummings Post 2, trict 11 Posts from Unity, Paler- Augusta Veterans mo and Stockton Springs to the Day Program was Gary Owen House in Searsmont, held on Nov. 10 at The Gary Owen House is a tran- Cony High School. The Legion Riders were on the road again from Naples Post sitional shelter for homeless vets in Waldo County that can house up to seven 155. Left to right, Kathy Merrill, Past Post 2 Commander Patrick Eisenhart, Bill veterans. They are delivering the groceries to Director Alexander Allmayer- O'Neil, Kelly Ela, Skip Brown, and Donald Mulcahy. (Resubmitted from Feb. Edition Beck, far right. due to error).

4-Chaplains Ceremony: Smith-Wiley Post 4 of Gardiner held their 4 -Chaplains Event at the Post American Legion home on Feb. 4. Left to right, Ed Allen, Sergeant-At-Arms Jerry W. Dobbins Post 157 Tom Smith, Chaplain Barbara Stockton Springs Kasiola, 2nd Vice Commander Lisa Helm, Deacon Jeff Lewis, Commander Russ Helm.

American WHAT’S HAPPENING IN YOUR DISTRICT... Legion Smith-Wiley Post 4 District 12 Gardiner Bar Harbor Post 25; Ellsworth Post 63; Southwest Harbor Post 69; Blue Hill Post 85; Bucksport Post 93; Stonington Post 102; Northeast Harbor Post 103; Trenton Post 207

Bar Harbor Post 25 Presentation: Hallowell Post 6 New George Edwin Kirk Post 25 Vice Commander Member Initiation: New and Acting Commander Barbara MacPike did a member initiation at Goodrich- presentation at the Jessup Library in Bar Har- Caldwell Post 6 of Hallowell on bor in January 2018. The presentation was giv- April 23. Left to right, front row, en to community members on 18 WW1 Veter- Phil Wiseman, Earl Stevens, Scott ans from the island who lost their lives in WW1. Treworgy, Commander Maureen Information and history on the Posts namesake Malley. Left to right, back row, George Edwin Kirk who died in France was Lewis Gipson, Roland Leach, Phil presented, as well as information on the found- Lindley and Past Commander Ger- ing of The American Legion and all that The ald Stuart standing Master of Cere- American Legion stands for.

mony. Also initiated is Brett Photo by Samantha Wanner McGillavary not in photo. (Acting Commander Barbara MacPike’s daughter)



Bangor Post 12; East Millinocket Post 13; Corinna Post 73; Old Town Post 85; Lincoln Post 77; Millinocket Post 80; Orono Post 84; Howland Post 97; Brewer Post 98; Newport Post 105; Etna-Carmel Post 107; East Corinth Post 115; Lee Post 160; Hermon Post 200; Dixmont Post 201; Glenburn Post 211; Hampden Post 213 Bar Harbor Post 25 100% Vietnam Veteran Remembrance Day Membership Award: District 12 Commander Richard Bowden, right, pre- at the State House sents Bar Harbor Post 25 Vice Commander Pamela Farseorth, left, a 100% Member- uring a special ceremony recently at Carl Burrill Post 77 of Lincoln and Mr. ship Award at a recently held District meet- D the Maine State Capital in Augusta, Rhoades is Post 77 Chaplin. Fellow Vet- ing. two local veterans were awarded certifi- eran Hanington, who is also a member of cates of appreciation for their time served Post 77 added "These men proudly con- in Vietnam many years ago. Darrell Sav- tinue to serve the community with integri- age and Robert Rhoades were honored to ty and it was heartwarming to see them meet with other Vietnam Veterans from get the recognition they deserve. It has all areas of Maine. They were congratu- been an honor to get to know and work lated by Major General Douglas Farn- with them and I encourage more veterans Our Building ham, State Representative Sheldon Han- to join the American Legion, it's a place ington and Director of Maine Bureau of where comrades can reflect and honor The Duffy-Wescott Post 85 Veterans Services Adria Horn. other veterans who have made sacrifices Mr. Savage is the Commander of for our country”. he Duffy-Wescott Post 85 of the nature of repairs needed. Also provided T American Legion is located in the was an estimated cost to get the building lovely town of Blue Hill, Maine. The Post back to a point where it is supportable and was chartered February 16, 1934 and more viable as a meeting place, for the Post serves members in the Blue Hill Peninsula and for others in the community. We know area. Its “headquarters” is located in the that some of the costs estimated were per- Bluehill Academy Building (built in 1833) haps “high” but at over $500,000, the esti- located at 13 Tenny Hill Road. The school mate gives us a sense of reality. We also was in operation from 1803 to 1898, and are keenly aware of the unique structural yes, the spelling “Bluehill” is correct. elements of the building, which would not Located in the Historical District of be used today. The last major facelift came Certificate Of Appreciation- the town, the building is in the early 1900’s and Certificate Of Appreciation- used for meetings and some of those structural Rhodes: Left to right, Major Gen- Savage: Left to right, Major Gen- other events organized elements are a part of our eral Douglas Farnam, State Repre- eral Douglas Farnam, State Repre- and/or facilitated through immediate concerns. Our sentative Sheldon Hanington, Lincoln sentative Sheldon Hanington, Lin- the Post. It is unoccupied roof was last replaced 30 Post 77 Chaplin Robert Rhodes, and coln Post 77 Commander Darrell except when in specific years ago. Dir. of Maine Bureau of Veterans Savage, and Dir. of Maine Bureau use, yet is an iconic struc- The building has been Services Adria Horn. of Veterans Services Adria Horn. ture for the town. We fixture in the town and a have a bathroom, kitchen meeting place for visiting WHAT’S HAPPENING IN YOUR DISTRICT... and even heat, though the Legionnaires for a very building’s brick structure long time, yet taken for serves as our insulation. granted. Moving to Maine District 14 Our very first water well permanently in 2014 and was drilled in late 2016 joining the Post that fall, Dover-Foxcroft Post 29; Milo Post 41; Dexter Post 53; Brownville-Jct. Post 92; Greenville Post 94; and put into service the the condition of the build- Monson Post 116; Guilford Post 119; Sangerville Post 165 following spring! ing I had seen virtually The Duffy-Wescott every summer of my life Post 85 took ownership of the property suddenly became that much more evident. from the Trustees of the Bluehill Academy Something needs to be done, with our roof on May 10, 1944. At the time the Post was the first project. We are starting to raise known as the Horace K. Duffy Post 85. local funds and are impacted by the fact we With approximately 30 registered Ameri- are a 501(c) 19 organization, which limits can Legion members assigned, we’re access to grants and funds from some who pressed to keep our heads above water. We are concerned about where their funding is struggle, with perhaps four members who going. That is a reality we are also dealing use email, despite the fact that we have our with. Volunteers with wood, nails and own website! This is Maine and with 501 hammers are not what this building needs. (c) 3’s abounding, we are challenged to That is too easy. support this beautiful building, as deserved. If you want to help us save this won- It is the building’s time! derful building you can. Please send a The photo that follows, as well as oth- check made out to "Duffy-Wescott Post Guilford Post 119 Awards 50 Year Certificate: (Left photo) ers dating back to the Civil War, can also 85" and mail c/o Ellen Best, PO Box 386, Connor-Trafton Post 119 Adjutant Steve Deane, left, and Post 119 1st Vice Com- be found on our website at www.duffy- Blue Hill ME, 04614 and note “Building mander Herbert Libby, right, present Collin Bickford of Abbot, center, with a Fund” on the memo line. Or you can send certificate for 50 years of continuous membership in The American Legion. The As part of a recent effort to determine the same via a check made out to "Duffy- presentation took place at Guilford Post 19 meeting on March 18. (Right Photo) the state of the building – which is all too Wescott Post 85" and mail to Butler shows Mr. Bickford surrounded by his family after the presentation. From left, evident – we spent almost $7,000 to have Smythe, Finance Officer, P.O. Box his daughter Wendy Cupero, granddaughter Cassandra Vachon, and her hus- an assessment made for the immediacy and 531 Blue Hill, ME 04614. band Eric Vachon who were present for this special presentation.

Photo & Article by Butler Smythe Photos by Post 119 Commander Brian Knowlton



Post 3 – Calais Ralph M. Flood WWII Post 99 – Bingham Donald Priest Vietnam Post 8 – Cherryfield Douglas Dowling Vietnam Post 112 – Oxford Edward M. Lyons Korea Post 10 – Livermore Falls Joseph N. Jacques Korea Post 128 – Standish Donald J. Swett Korea Post 13 – East Millinocket Bertram H. Goddard WWII Post 128 – Standish Philip G. Walker WWII/Korea Post 13 – East Millinocket Joseph G. Wildes Korea Post 132 – Richmond Marshall A. Dunn Vietnam Post 15 – Caribou Oliver R. Smith WWII Post 132 – Richmond John F. Baker Korea Post 15 – Caribou Donald Collins WWII Post 132 – Richmond Thomas F. McCormick WWII Post 23 – Baileyville Paul W. Jack Vietnam Post 132 – Richmond Ernest L. Parsons Korea Post 23 – Baileyville Ivars Kake Vietnam Post 132 – Richmond Ernest W. Parks Korea Post 23 – Baileyville Clarence E. Murphy Jr. Post 132 – Richmond Clarence Fickett Vietnam Post 34 – St. George John F. Shea WWII Post 132 – Richmond Charles W. Hutchins Vietnam Post 36 – Boothbay Harbor Leroy H. Yereance WWII Post 148 – Windham Scott Briggs WWII Post 50 – Unity David Fletcher Vietnam Post 149 – Waldoboro Otto Bowden Jr. WWII Post 50 – Unity Gloria M. Pacheco Korea Post 149 – Waldoboro Lauren W. Ruybal Vietnam Post 55 – Limerick Donald R. Wood Korea Post 155 – Naples Irving Neal Korea Post 58 – Buckfield Michael E. Jackson Persian Gulf Post 155 – Naples Richard Staples Korea Post 65 – Lubec Steven Wilcox Vietnam Post 155 – Naples Charles M. Rollins Sr. Korea Post 69 – Southwest Harbor William J. Carroll Vietnam Post 155 – Naples Jerald R. Nadeau Vietnam Post 69 – Southwest Harbor Andrew Mays Lebanon/Grenada Post 171 – Harpswell Daniel J. Boland Korea Post 77 – Lincoln Larry G. Arthurs Vietnam Post 178 – Winslow Earle J. Honey, Jr. WWII Post 80 – Millinocket Harold L. Plourde Korea Post 178 – Winslow Robert McKinney Vietnam Post 80 – Millinocket Ralph M. Cousins WWII Post 178 – Winslow Alberic Pelletier Korea Post 82 – Norway Frank L. Farrington Korea Post 205 – Augusta Thomas A. Shea Vietnam Post 84 – Orono Joseph B. Dupuis WWII Post 205 – Augusta Moril L. Gregoire Korea Post 88 – Presque Isle Eugene McLaughlin Korea Post 205 – Augusta Edwin Tobias Korea Post 91 – Yarmouth Richard Brobst Korea

WHAT’S HAPPENING IN YOUR DISTRICT... attending auto-mechanic training in Detroit He resided in Washington County, when he enlisted (official home of record). Maine prior to the war. This discrepancy is corrected in the biog- He enlisted in the Army on November District 15 raphy above as indicated from written cop- 29, 1940, prior to the war, in Bangor, ies found in the Post 65 Historical record Maine. He was noted, at the time of his Calais Post 3; Cherryfield Post 8; Machias Post 9; Eastport Post 11; Baileyville Post 23; dated July 1959. enlistment, as being employed on a ship Danforth Post 45; Pembroke Post 59; Lubec Post 65; Jonesport Post 108; References: and as Single, without dependents. Vanceboro Post 172; Topsfield Post 191 Corporal Arthur J. Stuart: Post 65 Rexford died in the "Line Of Duty" of Historical Record Book 1, page 1, dated a non-battle related incident during the July 1959. war. Stuart-Green Post 65 Corporal Arthur J. Stuart: Retrieved He was originally interred in Morocco from: and was later repatriated here on June 16, Lubec, Maine hero/14948 on March 21, 2018. 1949. Sergeant Rexford Lloyd Green Service # 31000066 he Stuart-Green Post is aptly named gonne, near Sergy, France, 31 July 1918. Sergeant Rexford Lloyd Green served Reference: after the first two individuals from Although exposed to artillery, machine- as a Staff Sergeant, 58th Ordnance Compa- Sergeant Rexford Lloyd Green: Retrieved T from: Lubec, Maine, who gave all in World War I gun, and rifle fire. Corporal Stuart attempt- ny, U.S. Army during World War II. memorial/2690727 on 20 March 2018 (The Great War) and World ed to carry a wounded man War II respectfully. Brief biog- from within 100 feet of the raphies of each are illustrated German line. He was killed WHAT’S HAPPENING IN YOUR DISTRICT... below collected from the post’s while crawling toward his own historical archives and an hon- lines with his wounded com- ors search on the internet; refer- rade on his back.” District 17 ences are provided. General Orders: War Depart- Van Buren Post 49; Fort Kent Post 133; Stockholm Post 136; Frenchville Post 145; Madawaska Post 147; Yours in Service, S/Dan ment, General Orders No. 116 Eagle Lake Post 176; St. Francis Post 180 McGrath, Historian, Stuart- (1918) Green Post 65, Lubec, Maine Graduated: Lubec High Corporal Arthur J. Stuart School* Van Buren Post 49 Born: July 15, 1896 in Entered service: Detroit, Mich- Community Easter Lubec, Maine* igan Corporal, U.S. Army Death: July 31, 1918 Ham Lunch: Levasseur- Company M, 125TH In- Interred: Farrell Post 49 and Auxiliary fantry Regiment, 32D ‘Red Status: KIA Unit 49 of Van Buren served a Arrow’ Division, A.E.F. He also earned Croix de Guerre w/gilt Community Easter Ham Date of Action: July 31, 1918 star, Order No. 12.334 "D," 15 Dec. '18, Lunch on April 1. It proved to Citation: “The President of the United GHQ, French Armies of the East, “During be a total success and was ap- States of America, authorized by Act of a combat near Sergy on July 31, 1918, he preciated by all. This Post has Congress, July 9, 1918, takes pride in pre- displayed the greatest heroism and zeal in done this community event for senting the Distinguished Service Cross attempting to bring in a wounded man. Was the past 3 years and this year's attendance was the highest. Total people served (Posthumously) to Corporal Arthur J. Stuart killed on entering our lines.” was 145 to include several take-outs to some families who were home bound. (ASN: 363941), United States Army, for *Original data collected from an inter- Helping at the event was, left to right, Post 49 Commander Alphy Durette, Post extraordinary heroism in action while serv- net search indicates Corporal Stuart was Adjutant Roy Doucette, Auxiliary Unit 49 Past DDVP Joan Doucette, and Post ing with Company M, 125th Infantry Regi- from Detroit Michigan. He was in fact from 2nd Vice Commander Camille Lausier Jr. ment, 32d Division, A.E.F., north of Jaul- Lubec, Maine; after high school he was Photo by Post Adjutant Roy Doucette


Department of Maine NON PROFIT American Legion ORANIZATION Attention: Next Deadline is Aug. 3 5 Verti Drive U.S. POSTAGE Winslow, ME 04901-0727 PAID PORTLAND he deadline for material, stories and/ As always, the editorial staff may MAINE T or pictures to be submitted for con- edit all submissions at its discretion. PERMIT NO. 493 sideration for use in the August 2018 We are once again asking for input Issue of The Maine Legionnaire will be from all posts, auxiliary units, S.A.L. August 3, 2018. squadrons, individuals, etc. To make this Please be reminded that only those paper informative to you, it is imperative articles and/or pictures which are sent in that we receive submissions from the proper form will be considered for publi- membership. cation. Photos should be clearly marked as Ineligible stories or pictures that to who’s who in the picture as well as cannot be reproduced will be returned to who took the picture. you. A reminder that stories must be in Anyone interested in submitting a story format, we are unable to compose guest editorial should contact The Maine your information for you. Legionnaire business office at:

CHANGE OF ADDRESS CARD Membership Card No.______Date____/____/____ Post No.____ History of the Freedom Refer to membership register

Member’s Name______Train and Bell Show as entered in membership register

Old Address______he Legion-sponsored Free- Street, Route or P.O. Box T dom Bell goes aboard the Post Office______State______Zip______Freedom Train during its tour of the country in celebration of the New Address______Street, Route or P.O. Box U.S. Bicentennial. Six years later, the bell is dedicated at its perma- Post Office______State______Zip______nent home in Columbus Plaza, Remarks______opposite Union Station in Wash-

To update your address: Complete all sections of the above for and ington. mail it to The American Legion, Department of Maine, 5 Verti Drive, Ticket To See The Winslow, Maine 04901-0727. Freedom Train

he American Legion Freedom Bell Bell Foundry. This replica bell was cast What was the Official Flower of T in Washington D.C. is a gift from by Fred S. Gichner Iron Works. While the American Legion. The bell was great attempts were made to find a The American Legion? created for the 1976 American Free- foundry in the United States to cast the dom train which traveled across the bell, all efforts failed. After its tour on United States from April 1, 1975 to the 1976 American Freedom Train the December 31, 1976. The train held a bell was stored and then placed at Un- wide array of items that represented ion Station. That is because the Ameri- The America’s history from NASA to mov- can Legion wanted the bell placed near ie memorabilia. the National Mall. Poppy The bell is a replica of the Liberty Submitted by Bell which was cast by the Whitechapel 100th Anniv. Chairman, Donald G. Hands Or Freedom Bell Placed Near The Union Station In Washington, American DC. Daisy

nswer: According to the 1921Manual of Ceremonies for the American Dedication A Legion: The American Daisy is the official flower and, where flowers Plaque That are required, should be used. Accompanies Lemuel Bolles National Adjutant The Bell. Submitted by 100th Anniv. Chairman, Donald G. Hands