Established October 13, 1875 and Weat Tribune 1 Each Day's Paper Better Than ths Last VOLUME LIV SANTA MONICA, CALIFORNIA. FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 1929 NUMBER 102 &fi*mrmr*4*^^^^ 5 a FAR FLUNG I Concentrate U.S. Troops on Mexican Line i LINE • iiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiu iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimii tiiimiiiiiiiiiimiiiiii 1111111111111111111111111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII iiiiiiiiiiniiimiiii. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII

By Robt. P. Holliday In response to a demand that couldn't be denied, the Leviathian has gone wet. It has long been a mystery how any American passenger ship SAY AIMEE ADMITTED CARMEL TRIP could operate without a bar. UIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIU lUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII llllllll.llllllllllll. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII iitiimiiiiiiimiiiit IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII tiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiii It is safe to say that seventy per cent of our American tourists are spurred on toward Europe -with great glasses of lager and smaller Turn tb Bay Area in Torso Murder Investigation glasses of vintage cham­ pagne as the lure. Inasmuch as they are anxious to start Metis Club Expects Crowd When Transmountain their drinking as soon as pos­ sible it is no wonder that a Field Guns . Dr. Frederick Woellner Speaks Posse Sent Highway Pushed Mrs. Wiseman-Sielatf in majority of them have spurned the dry American Jump into your car or jump any club could hear.'' Dr. Woellner is in th* department By Association ships. to the phone and mak* a res­ ervation today for th* Man'* of education in ths University Arrive at of California in Lee Angelss. "Reseda to the Sea, Incor­ Strange as it may seem, club dinner next Tu**d*y •ve­ To Bridge Testimony Before Senate "Th* ectively retired" is e porated" is th* name of a naw rting in th* Firet Presbyterian our American tourists have new term Mr. Clerk ha* in­ organization in th* San Fer­ forgotten how to drink. It church. vented to d**crib* many of nando valley that ia promoting would seem that with all the Thia is ths advice of officers Santa Moniea'a b**t citisens. a highway and bridle path liquor floating around this Naco Today of th* club and Walter Clark, "A fins specimen of the active­ acro.s the valley and over who will be toastmastar for ly retired," he say*, "ia E. G. Near Palms Tells oi Hardy Interview th* mountains into Santa Mon­ country no one could pos­ th* evening. Unlets you get Carlisle of 415 Twenty-first ica canyon by way of Rustic sibly forget how to handle 1500 Infantrymen Sent to under th* wire with c reserva­ street, who i* chairman of th* Salesman Reports Seeing i canyon. The R««*da News, in Defense Wins a Point in Ruling Out Her alcohol. But that's the Bisbee, Arizona; More tion at one* you may be die- membership committee of th* thi* week's, present* a appointed. A big attendance is Men'* club. His 50 year*' ex­ Cars Parked Near double page advertisement in Alleged Affidavit That She Was Mys­ trouble. Over here people Cavalry on Way expected. Dr. Frederick Woell­ perience in th* management of Lonely Spot promotion of the project. drink to get drunk. Over ner, humorist, lecturer and au­ on* of tho largest fir* insur­ Chambers of commerce and tery Madame X there they sip their wine or thority on education, will be ance companies in th* world other organisation* and indi­ Federals Carry th* speaker. ha* fitted him to handl* this Seek Missing vidual in th* valley Join in beer in an effort to make one "Thi* ought to be th* big­ work with a tact and vigor expressing in this advertise­ I WOMAN APPEARS TO BE NERVOUS drink last as long as possible. Fight to Rebels gest gathering in th* history that are making the Men's club ment their support for th* An American tourist hurried of th* club," aaid Mr. Clark to­ one ef the largest and most highway. active In th* country. The** Parts of Body Declares Judge Smiled When Asked If Hei day. "Or. Woellner it so en­ It will bring valley resident* on by his prohibition appe­ who attend th* Man'* club Horsemen Charge Escobar tertaining and he pours so Second Week of Search t* the Santa Monica b*ach*s tite, will gulp down a whole banquet Tuesday evening will Really Believed Angelus Temple Evan­ much wisdom regarding hu­ in 20 minute*, according te Troops; Capture 100 find Mr. Carlisl* a* active aa a Finds Officers Admitted­ bottle of champagne, while a man being* snd lit* into ua •om* estimate*. Loa Angeles young politician et e conven­ gelist Was Kidnaped Frenchman is disposing of Prisoners thet he muet be counted one ef ly Still Baffled city and eounty aid will b* the greatest attraction* that tion." one tiny glass of liquor. NACO, Ariz., April 12. • fked in furthering the under­ SACRAMENTO, April 12. (AP)—With Mrs. Lorraine Santa Monica police were taking. John L. S. Cook*, *ec- Wisi-man-Sielpff on the stand testifying that she arranged (AP)—An American battery, r*t*ry of th* Santa Monica- today drawn into the investi- Ocean Park Chamber of Com­ with Judge Carlos S. Hardy to produce a "Miss X" in the We had lunch with a prom­ consisting of 93 men and g a t i o n surrounding tbe inent Long Beach citizen at three officers, under com­ Southern Cross Aviators merce, at the meeting of hi* Aimee Semple McPherson kidnaping case, the prosecution i search for the murderer of a director* Monday will atk th* wan blocked today in its attempt to enter as evidence a copy the Miramar yesterday. It mand of Lieut. Thomas F. | woman whose torso was appointment of two r*pr*s*n- was the first time he had** te **rv* a* members ef of the affidavit the Carmel mystery woman was said to Dundy, arrived here early found in the Los Angelee been here since the close of today from Fort Bliss, Tex., Safe; Two Searchers Lost the incorporation that wilt d*- havo signed stating that she accompanied Kenneth Orml­ Baron Long's Sunset Inn. He river when Albin Lundstedt, vote itself to building th* ston to the artist colony. with four French .75 mms. salesman for the Libby, Mc­ highway. was amazed of course at the for border duty. The woman appeared nervous and unwilling to discuss growth of Santa Monica, hut Rivals of Kingsford-Smith Are Believed to Neill and Libby Packing cor­ the ordeal before her beyond saying that she intended tak­ he was sad when he looked at Soldier* on Way Be Down in Wilds of Northern poration, informed Chief of ing the witness stand end telling alt EL PASO, Tex., April 12. (IP)— Police Clarence E. Webb of seeing ahe knows about the evangelist s our beaches. Approximately 500 soldiers from Part of Australia two cars parked near the bridge at Hits Police Car; kidnaping atory. Fort Bliss here were on the march Ccntlnella boulevard and tl. Re­ 23 Hours Now She declared there was no doubt In Long Beach there is no to Hachlta, Vt. M., today to be •MELBOURNE. Victoria, April 12. (,-TV-Two royal air tore* planes left in her mind that Mra. McPherson dondo tracks near Palms about was in Carmel during her disap­ private sand. The city has available with the 150 cavalrymen here to-lay to search for Lieutenant Keith Anderson and Uobert Hitch­ midnight Thursday. The occupants moved heaven and earth to cock, lort in an i.ttempt to find the Southern Cross fliers. 40 Days in Jail Takes You to pearance more than two yeare ago, already stationed there, to protect Thi* first stop of the air force machines was expected to be Alice of the cars were acting mysterious­ that Mrs. McPherson and , her keep the beach in the hands American lives and property on the Springs in the southern part of the northern territory. The Anderson- ly and Lundstedt told the chief that mother, Mrs. Minnie Kennedy, told of the public and the reward Arizona-Mexico border in the event Hitchcock plane has not been reported since it left Newcastle waters, in their peculiar actions caused him Alleged Drinker Denied Al­ St Louis, Mo. her so and that nothing could con­ of a battle between opposing forces to call attention of the Incident to vince her to tho contrary. has been tremendous. He tfie northern part of northern territory. ternative Fine by ST. LOUIS, April 12. (Spa- in the Mexican revolution. LOCATE FLIERS •liis wife. Mrs. Wlseman-Sielaff was at one said the one complaint he cial)—Traevl time b»tw**n St. time named as the mysterious The troops who departed yester­ SYDNEY, N. S. W., April 12. Cp!—-After being lost 11 days in one Two of the men, Lundstedt snlil, Judge Loui*, Kansas City end Loe heard about Santa Monica were emerging from under the "Madame X" companion of Ken­ day, included two battalions of field of tr.e wildest and most inhospitable regions of the world, Captain Angel** will be reduced to e neth Ormlston, radio operator, in was the lack of public sand. artillery and-the remainder ot the Charles Kingsford Smith and his three companions ot the airplane bridge just as his car drove up, SUBDUED AFTER RUN matter of hour* instead of Carmel during the period of Mrs. We have all heard it and we Seventh. Cavalry. The detachment Southern Cross were located today by the plane Canberra, tho largest of while two other persons stepped daya whan th* f**d*r air line McPherson's disappearance. Her will keep on hearing it, until of the cavalrymen dispatched to ____...____.______.______,. -several machines searching for behind their machines, ne said. Im­ te the tran»eontin*nt*l rout* name was later cleared of any con­ Hachlta several daya ago, belong them. mediately after obtaining Lund* Machine Said to Have Hit et Omehe i* inaugurated May nection with the case. we get a population of 150,- to that unit. Brief messages from the Canberra stedt's Information, Detective Lieu­ Other During Pursuit 1, according te announcement Mrs. Wlseman-Sielaff, who came 000. Brigadier General George Van Drama CluVs to a radio receiving station at Dar­ tenants Al Young and Marshall ef Universal Aviation corpor­ here today from Seattle, Wash., was Horn Moscly, commandant at Kort win, northern'territory, related the Moore were detailed to search the by Officer ation h*ra today. The air trip placed upon the atand and testified When that day arrives Bliss, said it would take about six sighting of the missing plane, which vicinity of the bridge. Deputy sher­ eech way between St. Louie that ahe and the Judge arranged '.o there will be enough wealthy days to complete the march. Ho Offering Set once flew from California to Aus­ iffs and Los Angeles police engaged Everett Karrman, 27, a painter, end the coast will b* approxi­ produce the woman who accom­ and enlightened people here said the assignment of the soldiers tralia. The Canberra said the four In the man hunt and the search for who was arrested after crashing mately 23 houra flying time, panied Kenneth Ormlston to Carmel to Hachlta was in the nature of a filers appeared safe and well. Food the missing arms, legs and head of Into a police car. Imperiling the •gainst 70 te 72 hours by rail. during Mrs. McPherson's strange to insist that the beach shall practice march which would put was dropped to them, sufficient to the slain woman, were notified of lives of Officers O. W. Chown and Mail will leave St. Loui* in disappearance in 1926. For April 25 the Information given to the Santa Thomas Carr, was today found either be purchased or wid­ them in a position to continue into satisfy a want which it was feared th* early morning, being de­ Meets Judge ened to entertain the mil­ Arizona if necessary. had become acute. Monica police. guilty of reckless driving by Police livered on th* coast ths next Big Force "The Devil In the Cheese," by The entire Bay District from Judge C. A. M. Spencer. He waa morning before office* ere The witness said she conferred lions who would like to use Captain Holden, piloting the sentenced to term of 40 days ln the with Judge Hardy at his home on CHEYENNE, Wyo., April 12 (/_•**— Tom Cushing, which the Drama Canberra, gave the plane's location Venice to Brentwood was the scene opened. it. infantrymen number­ of a house to house search today, county jail. The court refused to or about July 30. 1926, and talked club of the Evening High school as on a mud flat about 30 miles Coming east, th* departure with him for two hours. Before sh* ing 1500 were ready to leave Kort Intended to produce tonight and to­ following an appeal made by Under suspend sentence or entertain mo­ south from Port George Mission tion for a fine, asserting that the will be in the evening with ar­ left the place. Judge Hardy prom­ Long Beach, by the way, D. A Russell at 11 o'clock this morrow evening in the auditorium station, which ls located on the Sheriff Eugene Biscailuz, detectives, rival in St. Loui* th* next aft­ ised her aid in clearing Mrs. Mc­ morning for Bisbee, Ariz., within a of the high school, has been post­ patrolmen and motorcyelo officers testimony of the patrolmen showed is in the throes of a recall. Prince Regent river about 130 miles that Karrmann had been drinking, ernoon. Within e month after Pherson's name as the woman who short distance of Sonora, Mexico, poned for two weeks, according to east of Derby. This location would this aarvic* open* it is pl*nn*d had accompanied Ormiston to the They have a city manager where a major battle between Mex­ Miss Ruby Loughran, director of Indicate that when Captain Kings­ (Continued on Page 21) and that ho drove his car ln a reckless manner. to mak* it a twice daily aerv- artist colony, she aaid. there, but owing to the city ican federals and rebels is expected the play. ford-Smith sent the message Just ie*, with mail on th* **cond Asked if she knew Judge Hardy. within a few days. The change was made In order before he made his forced landing Karrmann crashed Into the police charter he is unable to keep car Monday night as Patrolmen schedule leaving St. Loui* in she said: Orders to move the troops issued to perfect the performance and nearly two weeks ago that he was Women*s Sextet to th* afternoon and leaving th* Chown and Carr were Investigating "Judge Hardy met me at the door, out of politics. The recall is at San Antonio Wednesday by give lt a real professional finish. "about 100 mllea east of Wyndham" co**t in th* morning, with ar­ asked who I was and then said. Major General William Lassiter, If satisfactory arrangements can be lie was instead hundreds of miles Be Chorus Feature the accident which resulted ln the now in the hands of the su­ death of Mrs. A. Hoffman, 70, of rival at th* oth*r terminal I*** commander of the United States made the play will be given three oft the path from Sydney to Wynd­ than 24 houra leter. (Continued on Page Five) preme court. army eighth corps area. Movement times, Thursday, Friday and Satur­ ham, a. lap which was to be the A sextet of women's voice*, -se- 2519 Washington boulevard. Ocean There are earnest advo­ of troops at l'*ort Bliss, El Paso, day, April 25, 26 and 27. A defi­ first of an attempt to break tho lected .from the Saint Cecilia »inr*> I'ark. Mrs. Hoffmann and two Texas, waa ordered at the same nite announcement will be made as flight record between Australia and era, will be the featured artists with others were struck by a car driven cates of a city manager plan time. soon as possible. Tickets for the England. the community chorus next Monday by It. H. Tobias, a 19-year-old drug Palisades Road Discussion in in Santa Monica. It would General Lassiter described his show are now on sale. New Problem evening, April 15, at the Municipal clerk of 1062 Amorosa place, Ven­ be a good idea, providing the action as "a precautionary measure There was in the sighting of the Auditorium In Ocean Park. ice. to afford adequate protection to our men a reminder ot the death ot Mrs. Joseph Zuckerman, president Hhortly after tho offlcera drove people of this community border in possible emergency." Captain Roald Amundsen on a mis­ of the music organization, has ex­ up to the scene of the accident, Council Reaches No Conclusion can be persuaded to pay the Cavalry Raid Lindbergh Lands; sion of rescue for his former enemy, pressed her full satisfaction with Karrmann came along ln his large manager at least $15,000 a NACO, Sonora, April 12. (/P)— Avoids Camera Men General Umberto Noblle. Lieuten­ these singers, who have been trained touring car. Karrmann's car ap­ Palisades beach road widening and action of some kind should be taken Federal cavalry today carried bat­ ant Keith Anderson, bitter rival of by Leon Rains and form an aggre­ proached at an asserted high rate inclines from the beach to Ocean or the thing dropped and forgotten. year, engage him for a four- of speed, and Officers Chown and But no one favored dropping the tle Into General J. Gonzalo Esco­ "WASHINGTON, April 12 (&).— Kingsford-Smith, himself has been gation of artists not easily sur­ avenue swung Into discussion again year period, allow him to do bar's rebel camp. Ninety cavalry­ missing for more than 48 hours passed. Carr Jumped to the running board this morning at the Santa Monica project, ao the temperature droppol all the hiring and firing men from the federal garrison here Col. Charlea A. Lindbergh landed after flying into the wilds of North- J. Arthur Lewis will direct the of another car as Karrman's ma­ city council session, with no result and a letter from the planning com­ at Boiling Field, Virginia, this aft­ community chorus, and Nora Tlll­ chine crashed Into the police car. except to demonstrate again that mission was filed. without interference from this morning charged Into con­ Karrmann's machine side-swiped tingent of rebel troops on the No­ ernoon. He came from Greensboro, (Continued on Page 21) many wiU be at the piano. the council ls watchfully waiting to Arthur Kerwln, newly elected the council and leave to the the other car, the officers testified. president of the Montana. Avenue gales road, west of San Jose moun­ N. C. They regarded their escape from find the best method of distributing latter body the matter of tain, demoralized the revolution­ the cost. Replying to the urg­ Improvement Association, and Ed. He left for Mitchell Field with­ Injury as a lucky one, they told the Stewart, secretary, came also to the legislating such matters as aries and took approximately 100 court. ent plea of Harry Strangman, he recommends. prisoners. out getting out of his plane. He secretary of the planning com­ council chamber thla morning' to The number ot dead and wounded taxied around to avoid photogra­ Chase Follow* mission, for action to acquire promote Palisades beach roadway In the battle which was fought out phers and spectators gathered to Latest News Off the Wire Karrmann after hitting the police the Pacific Electrfcs right-of- improvement, but they want a Mon­ of eight and hearing of Naco, had watch his landing. Major Thomas car and the other car, wher* the way for the widening of the beach tana avenue Incline Joined wltb H. Commander Radford not been determined definitely. The J. Lanphier, former commandant of officers had taken refuge, fled, and roadway. Mayor Michel said lt is up The president, as spokesman, pre-' federal cavalrymen returned to the Selfridge Field, hung on to the GOVERNMENT ACCEPTS AIRPORT was overtaken after a chase, at to the planners, the Chamber ot sented aeveral reasons why, In hie In Charge of Survey WASHINGTON, April 12. (AP)-*-The offer from the Ashland and Speedway, by Officer Commerce and other civic bodies to opinion, Montana avenue ia the be*>t plane's fuselage and chatted while Tom Carr. Carr waa forced to location for a way up from tbe (Continued on Page 21) Lindbergh taxied lt about the field. city of Long Beach, Cal., for location of air corps reserve roll up their sleeves and help the Lieutenant- Commander Arthur subdue Karrmann before he would council either put over a city-wide beach. W. Radford of the Naval Air sta­ activities which are to be transferred from Clover Field, submit to arrest, the police officer bond issue or a city-wide assess­ The commissioners took th* pool- tion of £an Diego, and son of Mr. Russell Hart New Santa Monica, Cal., to that city, has been accepted by the aaid. ment to carry the load. tion that they should have a petition and Mrs. J. A. Radford ot 322 Los Angeles Officers secretary of war. The accused painter testified that from property owners along Mon­ Twelfth street, Santa Monica, has Rotary President he had not had any sleep for forty- Strangman continued to urge mc* tana and adjacent territory showing been selected to command the sec­ Guilty of Assault eight hours, and had come from a MISCONDUCT CHARGES FILED tlon toward condemnation proceed­ that they want the improvement and ond Alarkan aerial survey expedi­ Ru***ll Hart today wa* job at Wilmington, and that he had ings Independent of any movement are willing to pay for it. tion, which is for the purpose of elected pre*id*nt of th* Santa After an hour and 15 minutea' de­ SACRAMENTO, April 12. (AP)—An affidavit signed taken "several drinks of wine tonic to build Inclines. To which the com­ Commissioner Helton suggested mapping hitherto unserveyed ter­ Moniea Rotary Club at It* liberation a Los Angeles municipal to brace up." missioners answered that neither a that a petlUon be obtained front the court jury today found Kelly Klrk- by Dr. P. Purviance, Berkeley chiropractor, lodging charges ritory ln Southeastern Alaska. weekly luncheon et the Mire* of misconduct in office against State Attorney General U. "I was sleepy and ln a hurry to city-wide bond Issue nor an aasess­ city engineer'* office setting fortl* Tho expedition will be made up mer Hotel. John Kennedy was •ey and E. J. Romero, suspended get home," he explained to the ment over the whole city would sue* ln Ita heading how much eech Pl*se of four specially equipped Boeing named eecretary, and Earl P. police officer*, guilty of assault un­ S. Webb and Superior Judges George H. Cabaniss, Walter court. "My brakea were working ceed unlesa the inclines are brought of property will be required te p*ve, Amphibian planes, and is scheduled Nittenger treasurer. der cover of authority in connection P<>rry Johnson and James G. Conlan, all of San Francisco, badly, else I wouldn't have hit the into it. for the Improvement. And Meearaw, to take off from a local base, with with the beating of Axel Hayrinen car," ho said. He denied that _•* The discussion rose steadily In Kerwln and Stewart aald that their The new officers will be in* was read today to the assembly. The resolution was refer­ waa driving recklessly, or that ho tha next few weeks, for the long etelled at a later meeting. ln the city Jail on the night of temperature, reaching Ua highest would call on the engineer S* flight .to Ketchikan, Alaska. I March %, red to ths judiciary committee. wae Intoxicated. point when Strangman declared that form and f igur*_


aeked to "make It unlawful to retuee Wt'LU HAVS TO 00 UP " Word Exchangers" to obey a pea oe officer'* order to Ask Protection from WASHINGTON. AprU It (ff)-— Start Murder Trial of GoYernment WIU Must Keep Mooingmov e sSf when tte "watd ex­ 'Crazy Auto drivers*Guee e well have to go up ta tap"alp World War Veteran changers" gather o th* ••• * lie Do You like Good Things to Eatf aoon te find room to mora Offi­ • "Moving on" Indefinitely wiU be •treete, sidewalk*, lanes, alleye or Harbor City Chamber of Com* The IniUal ' step ln the legal the activity of those who new en­ public parks.* Exception*, ta tba meree reported to tbe police com* cial figures are that there were pieces* by which the state hopes to TRY Aid Oil Industry joy standing la groups, arguing over amendment make tte meeting* pea* mission that school children, need only 14,4*1,124 motor vehicles- ln tbo •and to the gallowa Loren so P. the Income tax. Babe Ruth, the slble when a permit' le obtained the >tectlon of poliee Officer* country last year. Helpman. World war veteran, tar mayoralty race, Aimee McPhereon flrom the police commission in tM from "crasy auto driver*" who tte murder of W. B. "Dlnty" Moore. Program Started One of Co­ Judge Carlos Hardy, world peace >r tee Angeles cafe maa, wae taken case ot atreet gatherings and from speed up aad down tte streets near placed In tbe dlstrlc addinr 'iat today when te waa brought before Powell's New Parlor operation Rather Than war, along the walk* of dty parka, the park commission In case of park tte Intersections of- Weston street no more police, officers are available Superior Judge Hartley Shaw to Home style cooking, good clean service. Interference if horn Angeles etty eottttd! adopta gatherings. and Bellporte avenue and Bellporte to eerve tbe community at present. enter a plea. the legislation recommended by tte avenue and Wllmlngton-Lomita The council 1* onslderlng ap­ Helpman Is said to have ahot Tea Will Like It police commission today iu a special Builders have found that eea boulevard. Today the commission propriating funds for employment of Moore because the latter refused to They Serve Haydon's lea Cream SURPLUS PROBLEM communication. grass stope sound and keeps build* reported to —oe Angelee city council 200 more police officer* within two give him a free meal at hi* "corned 732 SANTA MONICA BLVD. Amendment of oedlnanoe llltt fa Ing* warm. that one motorcycle officer has been or three months. beef and cabbage" palace. Oil Men Do Not See Dis­ tinction Between Curtail­ ment and Restriction By DAVID LAWRENCE (Copyright 1.29) WASHINGTON, April lt. — The ••dec—I government haa every de •Ire te co-operate with the oft la- dturtry end believe* there ere law- ttt method* of eoivln* the eurplu* problem. The recent conferenoee between representative* of th* Ameriean Petroleum Institute and tke federal ell conservation board are merely the beginning of a program whleh authorities here are anxloua ahall tm one ef co-operation and not in­ terference. TttJ-Ti-. 41 * There le *tlll a mystery a* to why a proposed agreement which eomee into conflict with the Sher­ man anti-trust law should have been pet up te the federal govern* ment, though It was learned today that at the same time eome et the far members et the petroleum insti­ Sues? tute cam* here, eeveral individual tit companies sent word to Washing­ ton that they did not concur ia the step. The upshot ot the matter at pres­ S ent la thet tte oil men did net eee the distinction between curtailment et new production and agreeing emong themselves to restrict th* outputs e| wells already la produc­ tion. Worn unquestioned eourcos tt waa mealed today that than la ae legal bar, ao tar aa th* federal government li concerned, against aa agreement en the part of the oil wen waiters aet to put their properties late production aay more then there la aay law which could be Invoiced ajraiaat the owners ef geeeral building sites It they de- elded they did not wish to construct building* thereon. Ml Tern Off Spigot line Ae outlined now, the only objec­ tion ef the federal government la te restriction* of output whioh le already part of Interstate com­ merce. Official* said that nowhere ta tbe proceedings ot the oil con­ servation board bad there beea tbe slightest »uggestlon that It would be permissible "to turn oft tbe elf spigot/* The entire approach to for the question had been oa tbe aide Sf eeneerving tbe oil ta th* ground. Ttm eemmlttee of lawyer* from tbe American Bar association bad gone Ster the question of curtail Ing pre* duotlon and administration offi- etale were surprised that any pro­ posal should be submitted which appeared to contradict the findings ef tSi* lawyer*' committee of nine. After four years as manager for Browning Baker Tailors, I take II le recognised that tbe Individ­ ual atatee may base tte right te mate lawa compelling production pleasure in announcing that I am now in business for myself, and ua* of ell properties but tt ta doubtful whether auch power could be eonstltutlonally curtained. So and will operate in the future under the firm name of long ae tb* problem et curtailment ta limited to new production, lt la unlikely that tte federal govern­ ment er a atate government would Impose eerloue objectlone but, ea the other band, aa abuse of power leading to high prices might de* velop ell sorts at legislative dlffl- •etttea Saeford J. Flosk Rata Tribunal Tte federal government sees, et eourse, tte possibility that oil transported over state Una* eaa te •object te regulation as to price If TAILOR-MADE CLOTHES . eongrees wishes to eet up a rate tribunal analogous to the I. C. C.I that le, permitting a fair return en tte Investment aad Involving a re­ I have purchased a complete new line of imported and domestic capture clause. But tt may be eaid authorltatlve- br that ao such plan will ever be Woolens, consisting of every wanted weave, and the season's put forward by tbe Hoover admin­ istration and will aot be considered anleee the oU producer* com* to latest patterns. * tte government aad ask for regula­ tion as a way out ot their diffi- eultiee. Conservation ta still uppermost here ea th* controlling con* 1 dera­ In making this announcement I want to impress above all the tion la dealing wltb the oil question. While it is true that President Hoo­ ver did aot announce hia recent pol­ fact that I have engaged craftsmen of the highest ability—men icy ot curtailing production oa gov- | ernment land with tba Idea Of aa- j elating the general problem af the who take a great pride in their work. This ability, under my oil producer*, it is a fact that tte government's policy baa had tbe ef­ fect ef emphasizing the need* for personal supervision, assures you of a well built garment. A conservation. On that (round, measure* looking toward the with­ holding of new wella will aet be garment that you will be proud to wear and to say that it was viewed with disfavor, though tt ia re*H«*d, of course, that the real problem is with tte wild cotter who made by puts hta oil late production net- withstanding tb* desire ef his •etgbbar to keep tte weU from being exploited. Lieenee System The answer given here la that ar* aaagements will have to be made with the statee to eet up a license aystem to govern the production of •BW WOlla The significant thing is j that while some of tte law y ere who earns bore tor tte laat conference thought tho situation was more or Saoford J. Mosk law at a etandst111, tte federal gov­ ernment doee aot share their pes- •tailetlo view aad believes a further aa*_f«r*BO» between the federal coa* TAILOR-MADE CLOTHES oervatloa board and the oil produc- era aad tte atate authorltlea may S*t bring forth a workable program. 1411 Third Street • • Santa Monica

YOUNGEST CONGRESSMAN WASHINGTON. AMI IS (*).— who baby ef oongroo* should te able to pat a tot of see lata aay ****ldfrp tte members may Indulge ta whoa laborloue dutieo eeeae at mtfSSWSjSSm Sted A. Hartley, Jr. Sf flea rati; *"• '•» "te waa M yeara tM laat Washington's btathday, wae a eeprano eetoiet aa a boy aad later a Jaaa oreheotra at Rutgers.

______• ______*;•_•- •. ••mi.m3s^a^:iMSSixaMidSS^i&ili^&m^m^iiA*. FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 1929 .SANTA MONICA EVENING OUTLOOK PACE QUESTION RIGHT OF LEVIATHAN TO SELL UQOO Cm 1/ I tn 1 I ANOTHER OCEAN ATTEMPT FOR EARHART PLANE I J***- .- TT**_ t *** 17^ T~l*7 Stresses\ff_OCe_OC 1/Value ftUlA est ofI.AA/ GoodI iff % ProhibitionD^^LIL:*:****. I7 Enforcement« *_*,._. _._*___*,«.! [\\AOl d ILa «i»wr Vftiaela/Studie. d ( \ Transportation in Talk Authorities Claim Ships InShnler Before Realty Luncheon OfU.S.MustRemainDrySee k to Bring Preacher to Trial for Libel Against Believes Loss Would Not Follow If Busses American Vessels Restricted to Alcoholic Mayor Cryer ' Were to Be Run on to Pershing -———— Beverages for Medicinal A legal opinion gained from SJ- Square, Los Angeles Purposes Only study of reports of taw during the last century waa under preparation The value of transportation facilities, particularly the busses, In the WASHINGTON*, April 12. CPV—The question of the right of Amer­ development of Santa Monica and the Bay District was stressed by Fred In the Loa Angeles city prosecutor'e ican v.ssels to serve liquor as a beverage at sea Is regarded by officials Wilson, at the Santa Monica Bay District Realty Board luncheon at the nnd ob.ervers here as almost certain to be brought vigorously to the at- office today ln an effort to brinff Klks club at noon yesterday. Mr. Wilson, who ls a member of the real­ tenti.n of the new congress when lt meets in special session next week, Rev. B. P. "Bob"' Shuler to trial tors transportation committee, asserted that the operation of more mu­ at in the form of discussion. nicipal busses would not only serve to stimulate Interest in Santa Monica on the first count of a criminal libel re-U estate, but would be a strong factor In attracting new residents to The promptness with which wet and dry organizations and spokesmen charge filed by Mayor George K. the community. for the prohibitionist viewpoint expressed themselves on the decision of the Leviathan'a new owners to abandon the dry policy which governed Cryer. His declaration that the municipal busses which are now serving .he the liner under the shipping board, made such an outcome practically a The count, accusing Shuler of rapidly growing IA Brea and other outlying suburban sections, should foregone conclusion. l/« continued to Tershing Square was received with enthusiasm by the libel in an article printed In hie Prohibition enforcement authorities meanwhile, have shown con­ church magazine, waa dismissed by real tr re. siderable interest in tho statement of the public relations department of "The question of expense should the United States lines, whioh oper municipal court on a demurrer pre­ not be considered In this matter," ates th© liner, that it would be fair sented by the pastor's attorney*. A siad Mr. Wilson, "and while I doubt Woman Justice to assume that, while the ship demurrer to a second count waa that any loss would be sustained, would be dry on its present east- Says Burros overruled. the point I make is that if the Im­ bound voyage and wet only on the provement of transportation brings Charged With The giant tri-motored plane Friendship in which Amelia Earhart and her companions return trip, liquor would be served more people to Santa Monica, both flew the Atlantic has been purchased by an Argentine syndicate. Lieut. Claudie A. going both ways herpafler. Should Carry permanent residents and tourists, The ship, they said, can possess Blackmail Job Mepia (inset), noted Argentine aviator, will attempt to fly it from Buenos Aires to liquor legally within the American •Every Car is a Used Cat" who may later desire to reside here, Spain. three-mile limit only as medicinal Tail Lights th© people who own the busses are stock under a federal permit Such benefited. CHICAGO, April 12 (/P..— Mia* Helen M. Carr, former liquor can be sold, they held, only I! Advertising to fill prescript'*-*'!'' Issued by phyM- Should a desert ret'* burro justic* of the peece of Gal**- carry a tail light? "It is not necessary in my opin­ burg, III., who** marriage to Rift Seen in clans as in the Cnlted States and ion, to face any loss to insure more must be accounted for with *uch "He certainly should." de­ George Lewie after ehe bed Prosecutor Away Angermayer Will clared Attorney Raymond G. busses and new lines and tho ex­ fined him for intoxication waa prescriptions. That applies, lt was tension of the bus line to Pershing Anti-Saloon LaNou* in a Lee Angeles the *ubj*et of new* stories twe declared, whether the liquor ls is­ courtroom. square. Think of the advertising year* ago, is accused of extor- sued on the outgoing or home-com­ alone for Santa Monica busses "Wall, maybe ao," opined tion in an affidavit filed here As Trial Resumed Use Famed Violin ing voyage or in a foreign port. Judge Cerl I. Stutsman. "It all running through the heart of the by D. W. Sullivan. League Ranks metropolitan district. The name No llqquor can be brought wltnln depends. But I'll hav* te delay Santa Monica would become fixed Sullivan, 67 year* eld end re­ the three-mile limit by an Ameri­ th* case until we can make in the mind of the thousands of puted te be one ef Galeaburg'* Jacobson Case Re-opened SAN FRANCISCO, April 12 Instrument Made by Italian can ship, it was emphasized, unless certain thi* prospector end daily visitors as well as those who wealthiest m*n, avers that h* With Dennison in (/Pt.—Th* Examiner today pub­ Maker, Gagliano, Some lt Is provided for by the medicinal perhaps hi* burro have gotten >opWalkm£- have but recently arrived in Los wa* forced to sign a not* for lished a report that Dr. A. H. permit. Thus, Commissioner Doran notice of the suit." Angeles from all parts of t;.e coun­ $25,000 in Mi«* Carr'a favor Sacramento Briggs, superintendent of th* 193 Years Ago of the prohibition bureau explains, Th* attorney appeared in try. Naturally people would be­ whin he wa* trapped, accord­ California organization of th* the Leviathan cannot legally pos­ court, Making a default judg­ Here Are Bargains come interested and use the busses, ing to the affidavit, in her LUCAS GRILLED Anti-Saloon league, is to be sess liquor to serve on such trips. ment for $1100 on behalf of and we would have them come here. home by en uncle, David Far­ displaced by a league official GREAT TONE POWER He saya his bureau will take action. F. P. Cramer, who cherged hia rell. from Arizona because of an al­ Reconditioned cars Who knows how many of these The motive which actuated the automobile wae compl*t*ly visitors would eventually desire to Miss Carr, who was justice Says Councilman Absolved leged aplit with Dr. F. Scott wr*ek*d whin he hed to McBride, general superintend­ John Smallman to Direct new owners of the United States with a reputable buy property and live here." ef th* peace at Galeaburg from Officers at Time lines in their decision is regarded ewerve te eveid craahing Into 1925 to 1928, haa denied ent of the national body. Production at Shrine Harry Emerick, desert pros- Mr. Wilson said he did not care Ths newspaper also declared by many here as having been put firm back of them: through counsel th* charge, . of Arrest Into words in an opinion on the In­ pector, and hia laden burro en to go Into the financial side of the thet the state organization wa* Auditorium a dark night e few monthe ege. atating that the note we* given cident expressed by Vice Chairman matter as that was for the city by Sullivan in payment for har Without the presence of Deputy troubled because of "dissatis­ officials but he thought that it resignation from office "for faction of California Repub­ Nearly 200 years ago, while Plummer of the shipping board. would be a paying proposition In District Attorney E. J. Dennlson. Under treaty arrangements, foreign political reason*." lican leaders over th* adminis­ Johann Sebastian Bach was labor- slsted that when Seedy first an­ the long run to extend the bus lines chief prosecutor of eight defenda»ts tration and policies in the ships are allowed to keep beverage nounced that liquor would be aold and afford other districts the ex­ charged with conspiring the false league in California." in*.; in I eipsic, Germany, on hi* liquor stocks under seal In Ameri­ aboard tho Leviathan, he said the cellent transportation that the arrest of Los Angeles Councilman monumental "Mass tn B Minor," a can waters, but this ls denied to order probably waa being carried Bay District Motors Co4 busses are now affording thoso who One Sounds Like celebrated Italian \k>lln maker, American ships by law nnd under out at that moment. The ship reside along its present routes. Carl T. Jacobson, Superior Judge the supreme court decision of 19.3, CADILLAC AND LA SALLE Y. M. C* A* Forms Ferdinand Gagliano, aat in his attic cleared from New York" at 10 Good Thing Five to Actress Walton J. Wood ordered the trial which held that they wero at liberty o'clock Wednesday morning. DEALERS i "Even If we gave free transpor­ resumed here today. Dennlson, who workshop in Navies whittling out to serve liquor outsldo the three- The number "five" ln the English Student Group The New York Times today said 1115 Wilahire Bird ^ tation to tourists to get them to was called to Sacramento to testify ono of tha flneer instrumental mile limit. language sounds Just like the num­ that "so far aa could be determined, come here and see what we have, ln the Superior Judge Carlos S. The Pacific Southwest Field wrought by human hand. liquor was being sold aboard the Phone 24631 **% we would be doing a constructive ber "one" to her, Olga Baclanova. Hardy Impeachment trial, was de­ Council ot the student Young Men's Tho voices of tht. master com­ NEW TOBK, April 12 (JP).—There Leviathan aa ehe continued to thing. It is well worthy our best Russian film star, told the Los An­ Europe." tained at the capital. Christian association announces the poser. Bach, and the master violin was some mystery today as to thoughts and efforts." gelee superior court today. Miss whether liquor was being sold Ira Miller, vice-president pre­ forming Of a grcjp which is known maker, Gagliano, have been stilled Baclanova was trying to convince Defense counsel, Joseph Ryan and for nearly two centuries, but their aboard the Uner Leviathan on her siding in place of William R. Alex­ the Judge that the contract she as "Students in Industry" which will present trip to Europe. ander, who Is recovering from an Jerry Gelsler, who also were called continue from June 23 to August works live on. Bach's colossal signed with Al Rosen, motion pic­ "Mass ln B Minor" will bo present­ Some statements attributed to illness at Palm Springs, said that a* witnesses by the state senate, re­ 11, under- the leadership of Dean ture manager, was for one year ed, for the first tlnu west of Chi­ Joseph K. Sheedy, executive vice Watch 61 the realtors ot the district and the turned to court and announced that Earl J. Miller of University of board as a whole were vitally in­ only and not five as Rosen, seek­ cago, at Shrine Auditorium on Sat­ president of the United States Our they were ready to resume testi­ Lines, Inc., the new owners of the terested in the improvement and ing a 10 per cent of her salary, California at Los Anc,eles. For th© urday, April 20, by the Los Angeles Window* TAIIY^^r -- vessel, said his orders were that sale extension of transportation facilities claims. mony taking after a one day'* re­ past eight years groups of students Oratorio Society of 250 singers and I fl lill I IJ ahop Soturdoy as outlined by Mr. Wilson. A com­ cess. Deputy District Attorney In various industrial sections of the fifty .*nembers of tho Philharmonic of liquor was not to begin until the "I do not speak this English so return trip. Some newspapers in- mittee will work with the city com­ good," she continued. "I understand Oeorge Bush, who had assisted United States have been formed Orchestra, under direction of John 1451 Third Street, Santa Monica, Calif. missioners to bring about the de­ it not so good." whereby advanced University stu­ Smallman. And the master violin sired improvements and extensions. Dennison, took charge of the prose­ (Formerly Miller'*). We pureha**d thi* *tere from the creditor*, The actress asked for a court or­ dents secure positions of various whittled out by Gagl'uno 193 years cution with Deputy District Attor­ obeolutely und*r n*w own*r*hip, n*w m*rch*ndi*o. Come in arte, Encouraging progress in the fast der revoking the contract which kinds giving full time to their em­ og.. will find voice in the hands of Gibson Not Told developing plans for tho construc­ ney A. H. Van Cott assigned as All-ert Angermayer, leading violinist named Rosen as her manager for a ployer and after the day's work is get acquainted. tion of the breakwater were re­ temporary assistant. Dennison of the Pr.ilharmonic Orcheetra. To Start Parley period of five yeare during which over meeting together in eomenar» ported by Ed Conliss, one of the he was to receive 10 per cent of her probably will return tomorrow. SPECIAL principal projectors of the yacht two or three time a week for tho The ancient violin was received by WASHINGTON, April 12. (.-TV- salary. Defendant and pleasure harbor. Mr. Conliss discussion of problem*, which have the Wurlltzer company recently Ambassador Gibson, as chairman of PURCHASE Dick Lucas, who, with Mrs. Cal­ from New York, lt is In perfect stated that both Senator Charles arisen ir. their actual experience the American delegation to the pre­ Lyons and Assemblyman Walter lie Grimes, Charles Crawford, Al­ condition and valued in excess of liminary arms conference at Gen­ from a sociological standpoint as Little had wired hopeful news from Relatives Seek bert Marco and four other ex-po­ $4000. Mr. Angermayer oombed the eva, has been given no instructions Sacramento that the state legisla­ lice officers, ia a defendant, wae well as fi*>m other angles. It has city for a violin cf exceptional to initiate, any new nava] limitation ture would pass tho necessary leg­ Amnesia Victim called to the stand to resume his proved to be a splen. id opportunity s\veetnes3 of tone and unusual vol­ conference or are there ay negotia­ islation for obtaining the money testimony In his own defense where for many young people who have ume, necessary for solo parts tn the tions either formal or informal now ALE! for the construction of the break­ In the belief that severe pain lt was interrupted Wednesday eve­ bad training in economics and soci­ Bach, "Mass in B Minor." Ho ex­ In progress looking to this end. New Spring and Summer water. Both legislators, Mr. Conliss caused by a sinus ailment might ning by recess. ology. These projects offer a splen­ pressed delight at finding his ideal In high official circles lt wae said said, assured him that they would When subjected to a grilling cross have resulted ln Mrs. Pauline Davis, did opportunity for first hand study in the old Gagliano instrument. today that the sole purpose of the watch the measure carefully and do DO, of 111 North Soto street, Los An­ examnlation at the resumption of of labor problems and create a de­ Tho April 20 program will atart mslslon was to seek to work out everything in their power to have it geles, having fallen victim to am­ the trial, he declared that Jacobeon at 5::)0 p, m. and conclude at 10 technical details which might be­ sire to learn more of the basic COATS enacted at the present session. nesia, her husband and son today himself had absolved police officers p. *m., with an intermission between come the basis for consideration at Acting President Miller assured Mr. Smart new arrivals, well tailored in satins, appealed to the police to aid in the of blame in the morals raid in a economic factors in our industrial 7 and 8:30 o'clock during which din­ a future conference called either Conliss that the realty board would search for her. statement following the raid. Uf.. Special times are set aside for under the auspices of the league of moires. Kashas, velvets, etc. Some wtth co-operate in every way to bring ner or buffet lunch will be served . Tha husband, Morris Davis, and Lucas testified that Jacobson recreational and social activities for nations or participated in Indepen­ throws, capes, fur trimmed and plain: eent about the completion of tho break­ ln the ballroom of Shrine Audi­ to us for this special selling event! AU elsea the son, David, told the officers Mrs. blamed Mrs. Grime* and not police the entire group, thus making the torium. dently by the chief naval power. water in time for the world's Davis disappeared yesterday morn­ and color*. officers, saying that she trapped summer work for thoso enrolled in Olympic games to be held in Los ing and had not been heard from him. Angeles, in 1933. the club profitable fioni an econo­ since. They said she had had pre­ "Mrs. Grime* turnde on the coun­ mic standpoint while combining Its Lecture vious attack of tho sinus trouble cilman and told him he was lying and that the severe pain on those An Interesting lecture on the de­ and that he had telephoned her that educational and recreutive values. $9.75 occasions had Influenced her mind. velopment of a community through he waa coming over," Lucas testi­ The Santa Monica Y. M. C. A. will She was described as five feet the sale of real estate for both in­ fied. "The woman ,said, 'Don't try be glad t) consult wl'.ti any students three inches tall, 155 pounds ln Frederic P. Woellner, Ph.D. vestment and residential purposes to lay all the blame on mo. You are in the Bay District who may desire Your money will be cheerfully re- weight, with brown eyes and dark to the "home folks" was given by as guilty as I am.' " to enroll in such a c'ub. Profe**or of Education at U. C. L. A. funded If you are unhappy with your complexion. Walter Sheehan, manager of the purchase. within three daya after pur- metropolitan office of the Harry H. chase has been made. Duplicate sales Culver company. slip must accompany returned mer- "Sell your city and community to Hoover Looks Over the home people and then you will ULCERS OF THE build powerfully from within," was Farm-Relief Bill the keynote of Mr. Sheehan's ad­ Will Address the dress. WASHINGTON, April 12 im— STOMACH CURED "Take my experience in the small The new farm relief bill drafted by CHIC and MATRON town of Blythe on the desert some a house agriculture subcommittee Mr. T. B. Chew. years ago. There had not been a was presented to President Hoover December 27, 1928. Men's Club town lot sold in ten years. When I today by five members of the sub­ Beverly Hills. Cal. went there I interested the banker, committee which worker! out the Dear Sir: Thte I* to let you and whom DRESSES the bank clerks, the grocery clerks, legislation. They received the pres­ It may concern, know what wonderful railroad men and others and in one ident's assurance that he would ex­ results I obtained from your Herb treat­ year wo sold fifty lots, all to the amine the measure and give them ments. At First Presbyterian Church and 'home towners."" any suggestions as to change* he I have suffered off and on with ulcers thought should be made in lt. of the stomach for over nine years. I April 16th—Banquet—6:30 P. M. After leaving the White House the have tried many remedies and been on ENSEMBLES subcommittee visited Secretary most every diet known, but none of them "77M? Lost Church" Hyde at the department of agricul­ seemed to do me a bit of good, but after ture to discuss the bill with him and taking your Herb Tea for only four Absolutely New Will Be Presented receive his suggestions. The sub­ months I can truthfully say that I bave committee spent less than halt an never felt better ln my life. This Brilliant Young Doctor Beautiful new style, extra large assortment, The drama-pageant, "The Lost hour with the president. Church," is being presented in the I have been a resident of Santa Monica in crepe, prints, georgettes, etc. Bcauiifi'l Ocean Park Methodist Episcopal T. B. CHE./ for over 20 years, and I hope my many P088E8SE8 color combinations. Purchased specially for church, Instead of in the Venice friends there will read thi* letter or Th* Fameue Chine** this selling event. All sizes and colors. church, as announced in last night's Will Make Two Tests some and see me, eo that I can ehow Outlook. The delightful entertain­ On Jones Act Charge H*rb Sp*ci«li*t them what you have done for me. A Striking Personality ment I* being given ln the social CONSULTATION Thanking you many times, I remain, hall of the Ocean Park church t>y FREE (Signed) HARRY W. DAVIES, A Fine Philosophy of Life the young people of the Venice The California test of the new and 2032 Midvale Ave., Westwood. stringent prohibition law waH church. $Q75 launched today when United States A scholarly but understandable language, and a fund of humorous The program begins at 7:80 District Attorney Samuel W. Mc but apropos stores. o'clock and Is being given under the Nabb announced that he was pre­ leadership of Mrs. B. L. Jennings. senting two case* of flagrant vlo- T.B.CHEW There will be solos by Mrs. Price, lalon before the grany Jury and musical numbers by Mrs. Jeaaie would request indictments under Opposite Meeonie Temple Ticket* 75c Inquire at the Church Wlttman and William Wlttman Jr., the Jonea "Five and Ten" act. Offiee Houra 1 to 6 Daily—Cloeed Sunday and Helideye WE SPECIALIZE IN STYLISH STOUTS and quartet selection* by the "In­ The case* will be presented per­ dian" boys' quartet. A Worth-While Program Throughout It will pay you to come te Telly'*, 1461 Third Street, TOMORROW. sonally by the district attorney, In­ 911 Santa Monica Blvd. Phone 25956 When in Lee Angelee vieit our Telly Shop, SSS Se. Sroodwey. 'No admission charge le being dicating th* Importance being at­ HOLLYWOOD OFFICEi 7S21 Santa Menlea Blvd. made but a stiver offering will be tached to theee Intlal prosecutions Offiee Hour*: t to 12 M. Cloeed Sundaye and Helidaye taken. in thla diatrlct. -__i IfiSifliP!-$•?-? ;

MAIN OFFICE—1443 Third Street , United Press. TELEPHONE—8anU Monica 18286 Consolidated Press aad Special Wires Mvete Bashsisjs Connect lag Santa 5fctonica tvening OuHook^&itortal'pagt Serve The Outlook With World-Wide All Outlook Ooaartinente News. _JS

Santa Monica Evening Outlook SO NEAR, AND YET SO FAR SUNDAY MORNING OUTLOOK BANTA MONICA PUBLISHING CO., OWNER AND PUBLISH BR V ROST. P. HOLLIDAY, ARTHUR K. WHYTE. Listen Here! Prealdent and Oeneral Manager Bualneaa Manager *l By CHARLES S. WARREN CHARLES 8. WARREN . Associate Miter . AGAINST EVOLUTION usual, "Tou certainly do need a. SLUM OFFICE. IMS THIRD ST. SANTA MONICA, CALIF. No, the civic Buttermilk league PHONE 232SS new building Tour staff must be SAWTELLE BRANCH. 11140 Santa Monloa Boulevard. Phon* SUM. doea not believe ln evolution. composed of master mind* to pro­ Doubtless evolution Is a fact hut duce »uch a good paper ia th* pres­ Entered aa eeoond-ci*** matter at tke Poet Offiee, Santa Monica, under the the league doea not believe in lt ent surrounding*." aet of March trd, lift. . nevertheless. FULL Of WISDOM MEMBER OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press le exclusU ely entitled to the aaa for publication of all HAS NOT EVOLUTCO Th* Outlook ia extremely grati­ a*w* credited to It or aet otherwl** credited la thl* paper, and auto (he local The reason the league refuses to fied that Santa Monloa ha* with­ aewe published harela. swallow lt la that man has not evo- in Ita borders a banker whose brain Represented nationally by K. C MOC3ENSEN * COMPANY. INC. luted to any convincing degree or la suoh a storehouse ot wisdom. By Ban Franclaoo. Ml Market Street _ Portland, MS Morrison .Street effective purpose. Ho Is still a quad­ way of showing our appreciation I.o* Angeles. Wl South Spring Street Detroit, 1044 West Orand Blvd. Seattle. Mt Stewart Street. Chicago, MO No Michigan Avenu* ruped trying to stand on his hind the master mind* who compose our NEW TORK. IM Baal 42nd Street ^_ lege. Some deft perhapa February Staff conferred this morning oa Cop'** of the Santa Monloa Evening Outlook may b* secured M* any of th*s* office*. wh*r* tall SMS retarding th* Ganta Monica market may also be bad It, tho year SOtM B, C he may whether we should move to the new make a succes* of it But now a* building the machine that makee Is a flivver at it the typographical error* or leave it jw^,,,MM«,,i,«,i«m,,,iMwi,m«iMMi,HH«Hmi,i,i,,Mi,imti,,HiH,ii«»«MiM,«,«*wrto«miiimMMWi«iHMmiii«e Tha attempt fills him wtth a hun­ here la the building to Its fate. _____ dred disease* that other animal* TELLS THE TRUTH never have, wrinkles his face worse The master minds were divided in ' than a prune, makee him cross and opinion. One group insisted that th* The Outlook's Program peevish and a complaining bore, machine must be moved because it DONT LIKE IT often makes suoh good mistakes. Development Always—Exploitation Sever Those philosophical humorlats, The young intellectual of the group Build a Pleasure Breakwater Mark Twain and H. L. Mencken, declared that this machine le tha both say that no animal ia ao little only one In the house that tells tho Develop a Civic Center adapted to his environment a* man. truth, Illuminate ths Streets The civic Buttermilk league does "For instance," said he, "when­ not like evolution, therefore wa do ever we try to bray ln our paper Widen tits Beach Road not believe in IL about uplifting the masse* this Reforest the Bay District good machine leaves off the m and EVERYBODY GLOWS •o telle our readers the exact truth.' »M,,,,|,IM,l»l,,l,l,,,lni,,l,IHI,ll,,M,,,ll,lll,MMlllilIlMIMMIllMIIII,lllim,imllH"IIMimMIIII,IMHMIIIlllHHlMIIMIIII, We shall be sorry when we get ln HE HATES IT th« new Outlook building. Every­ The other master minds have body we meet now says "won't that learned to treat him kindly and not be fine when you get in the new argue with him—he hate* kindness Sinclair in Contempt building," or "when are you going above ail things—so they just smiled to get ia the new building?" at him and satd, "you are so inter­ to get in the new building?" We esting," quite ae though they were ORE than ordinary importance attaches to the de­ hat* to think this will al) quit with looking at a specimen in a museum. cision of the supreme court affirming the finding our arrival tn the palatial hom<* SUCH LUCK M that Sinclair, millionaire oil man, must serve a term The girl la tha restaurant glowed But to return to the aew build- for contempt. Many months ago the sentence was passed With, "That aur* will be grand lag—we shall miss going into tt and upon Mm. Evidently Sinclair never for a moment thought when you get In the aew building." the way everybody rejoices with u* of submitting to the mandate. Had he been a man in ordi­ We were flattered that She thought at the experience. Oae eaa go into nary circumstances he would have been removed to jail we would tit In grand aurroundlngs. a aew suit of clothe* often enough without delay. Long before the present date he would have WILL BE FUNNIER and eome ot our friend* manage paid the penalty in full and the incident havs been forgot- The barbsr remarked, 1 sure am to go Into matrimony pretty often, ten. The matter has been kept in mind through the ef­ glad to see) that new building going hut tke fates, predestination and forts of Sinclair's lawyers to prevent the application of up. You'll be a lot ffinnler when what aot have decreed that it I* tho law to their client, he having been seriously Annoyed by you get In there, won't you?" Tes, given to not mora than one-tenth the intimation that such a course was possible. Diet and Health our Jokes win be muoh easier to of one per cent ot newspaper men Bp LULU HUNT PETERS, M. D. Benny understand. to go tnto a new building even once. To imagine Sinclair as really locked up is a strain on Author Of "Diet aad Health" aad "Diet for Children- the imagination. Already he has verified the truth of the hy Lee Pfcpe MAKES US PROUD Oreat le luck—when It's good The banker wae aa profound aa luck and our good luck. old saying that "it is hard to put money in jail." The ef­ Ordinary Anemia etrengthenlng dally exercises; but fort to substitute the word "impossible" for "hard" is sure R.—While pernleioue anemia IB with you, I don't think I oould ad* to follow, and the outcome to be watched with interest. markedly benefited by the inclu- vise that. Yes, you oan take the hot Seme correspondents seem to take for granted that •ion of liver ee the extract* of liver foot bath, followed by a dip into Fop Wa* smoking aad thlnknlg la the diet, and apparently oured The Way of the World the sentence will be carried out, and that the millionaire as cold water, or take alternate hot Bad X sed, Hay pop. By GROVE PATTERSON a prisoner will fare just as other prisoners. It is quite while lt IB being taken, lt ie aot a and oold dlpa. Tou can massage the That depend*, pop sed, and I aed, thinkable, in the circumstances, that Sinclair may go to apeclftc for ordinary anemia a* lt IB legs nightly. Thla will give you a Do you know what I was just for pernlclou* anemia. However, In UtUe extra exercise whloh will in­ ACROSS THE CHANNEL We hope so. He predicts the ead ot jail. The theory that while there he will have no extra thinking, I waa thinking of different The neweat acheme la tor a bridge privileges, overtaxes human faith. some oaaoa It aeema te help. clude the hands. the legitimate theater. It will go out Tour "too-too-thinne**" oan ee Doat hesitate to take a hot wat­ dreema I had at dlftreat time*, aad aad two island* to connect England ot business In another three yeara, remedied simply by increasing your er has to bed With you tt necessary. I waa thinking It wa* a lucky thing With the continent of Europe. Tear* he eay*. Mr. Glllmore, head of the diet and more rest and Bleep, ua* I know that many think thla ie cod­ for you they was Just dreema In- ago talk began about a tunnel be­ Actor*' Equity association, la an New York's Nickels lesa It 1* due to soma organic dis­ dling yourself, defeating the pur* •ted ot real Ute. For tnstaats one tween England and France. Na­ optimist Th* theater la always order Which must be cleared Up poleon would like to have had such pose (even eome dootore eubaorlbe Ume I dreemed you waa asleep and "doomed," ha saya. It waa tt yeara also, Tour poor appetite will even* to this notion), but I cannot see a tunnel whea he planned his mili­ your bed cawt oa fire aad your ago, so peopls thought Bicycle* HE TRANSIT companies of Njew York wanted to In* tually become a good appetite If you that suffering with cold feet and mustash aad your eyebrow* was tary raid oo Britain. Englishmen crease fares from 5 cents to 7 cents. Such a change will force yourself to eat a little were going to kill It then New it's losing some good slsep will Improve all karat off aad you looked terse. for the most part have not been T would have meant an additional income of $16,292,- more each meal than you want, for the circulation. something else And Mr Glllmore, I sippose X telt rather uncomfort­ much interested in opening their 000 to subway, and $7,180,000 to the elevated. Thess two It la true that the appetite grow* X congratulate you on your gen­ tight Uttle IBM to easy approach hopeful BB be la, is probably alao by what It feed* oa aad for what It able, too pop sed, im glad it waa sums made an aggregate quite cheering for owners of the eral good condition, Mr. W. from the continent. They have had sound in bis Judgment. The motion feede oa, your dreem aad aot mine, he eed, system to contemplate. The public, however, taking its and I sed. Tea sir, aad tor instant* too many bad dream* about Na­ picture* are increasingly more won­ Tou waat to laereaae th* high Mrs. E.—Tou STB going to be dis­ view from a different angle, declined to see merit in the on* time I dreemed you waa wawk- poleon. derful. But they are different They ealorlo foods, especially egg yolks, appointed. Tou sent la tor an arti­ proposed change. The view of the public has been sus­ lng alone and eome robber held you do not take the plaoe ot the living for they are high la iron aad fat; cle and enclosed two cents, but BO PEACE? tained by the supreme court. up With S revolvere aad took all nut*, whloh aro high ia good pro* Belf-addressed stamped envelope; A Michigan woman died the other breathing drama. Why do we have Ic the beginning the carrier concern has made a bar­ your money aad then he took all tola aad fat; cream, high in vita­ yott didn't even sign your name or day after having lived the tt years to give up one good thing becauae gain with the city. The decision of the court means that your clothee except your underahert min* and good fat; and milk, high give your addreaa ia your letter! of har life on two farm* within five WB havs another good thing? aad your aocka. the bargain must be kept. There was a time when finan­ la vitamin*, perfect proteta aad X am sorry, but ao materia] can mile* Bf each other. She waa born WHY THAT? That show* at leaet ha had tha ciers said that the carrier could make a reasonable profit mineral element*. Alio inorease the be sent unless the column rules are on oae, aad when she was married Instinct* ef a gentlemen, pop BBS, A doctor finds a way to tenia ap­ on the basis of a 3-cent fare. The present is an era of foode containing the appetlte-atlm* followed carefully. Will you try moved to tha other where ah* lived and I aed, Te* air, aad another Ume petite to gain weight. That may in­ higher wages. Notwithstanding this, the demand for an u lat Ing vitamin B. again. Mrs, E? the rest ot her long life. It la said tor lnatant* X dreemed you wae rid­ terest a few. Perhaps a way to ourb Increase arose more from the swelling of capitalisation. If It la better to take five er sis •he never was out of tbe county. ing horseback and the horse terned appetite to lose weight would In­ a group of men invest a million dollars in an enterprise •mall meal* a day Instead ot try­ Edit or'a Note: Dr. Peters cannot Oae wonders, la the hurly burly of around and htt a bit peeoe out ot terest more. There Is Uttle under- and then sell stock in the enterprise to the extent of ten ing to take too muoh at one meal, diagnose nor give personal advloe. this world, whether thla woman your leg. eating among human*. Animal* let times the real value of the property, it is plain that the in­ •o get som* ot these foods bt be* Tour questions, If of general inter­ found peace la the quietude ot hot The unmannerly animal, pop eed, their physical needs determine their come satisfactory as return on a million, cannot be tweea your regular meals. The la* est, will ha answered In the column, life—or la peaoe something that la and I Bed, Tea sir, and for instants eating to a greater degree than htte BtrUotlona on gaining and reducing la turn. Requeeta for article* must entirely oa the ioeido, aad la little stretched to supply adequate dividends on ten times as I had another dreem and I dreemed man*. Humane eat with their erne* will give you more detail*. Alao ask be accompanied by a fully aelf-ad- affected by outward circumstance*? much. Tills illustrates the principle upon which metro­ you wae eating a grate big plate tioas. for uor article oo tha Anemia*. dreaaed, stamped eavelope and I NO AOE LIMIT politan lines have been conducted not only in New York of soop with a Uttle htt ot a apoon "CULTURE" The Instruction* on gaining and re* cents In coin for each article, to As to education, by the way, there but other large cities. and aomebody threw a match la It "It Is from cultural relations that duclng will give you more details. cover cost of printing aad hand­ la ao age limit Mr*. Alice Garrett, Aak alao for our article on the and .It lxploded and flew aU over mutual understanding Is establish - ling. For the pamphlet oa reducing 81 years old, Chicago, haa finished Anemia*. and burnt your mustash ett. ad." Se speaks Ambassador De The latest feat of Chicago bandits was to hold up a and gaining, 10 oent* ta coin, with to the elementary grades aad »s What, agen? pop eed, and I Bad, Martina, from Daly, in opening aa church congregation. If there is no safety in such a house 'for a couple of year* past I have fully eelf-addreesed, etamped enve­ qualified to become a high achool exhibition ef 16,000 Italian books. Chicagoans indeed are without a place of refuge. lope, must be Inclosed. Addreee Or, Te* elr, eo when you flag out your freshman. News also comes out of beea troubled with oold feet aad gold watch la still going aad ony There is a copy of "The Divine legs, also oold hands. It trouble* me Peters In oare of this paper*. Chicago that at tha university there Comedy," weighing TS pounda. Hav­ has a little dent la the book aad the Mrs. Etta Adair, Tl years old, has John D. Rockefeller, sr., now gives away a poem along a great deal la connection With my arista! atnt even broke, I gees lt ing a magnificent permanent col­ work (ranching) and at night alao, Just been awarded her degree of lection ot Italian hooka la tola with each of the dimes he bestows. It may be assumed wont eeem eo bad attar all those bachelor et philosophy. Attar all that the coin soon gets into circulation. Z am not ao old—la the early TO _— MAIDEN 1TE1 azaidenta. country te a beautiful gesture of aad I hav* a leas Ufa expectancy eaa should be at least TS te have friendship and peaoe. Meenlng en account of me hav­ learned very muoh. from Inheritance. Bave a good ap. OU nevor bade me hope, *\*S CHANGE OR PR0GRES8? ing dropped it a ahort distant*, and A $2,000,000 GYM There is no fairness In assailing Senator Heflin be­ petite aad generally sleep well. true} Michigan houae of representatives Y pop aed, I Btppose your rite and I Tale la to have a magatfloteat cause his son went upon so spectacular a spree as to get Would hot foot hatha help? I asked you net te swear: paaaes a bill to make hunting with sippose when you realise that in new gymnasium to east 0,000.000. into the news of the day. Heflin is a dry and if his son is "MR. W." But I looked in thoso eyes ef blue, the bow aad arrow legal, Is this the old days they used to boll chil­ It will hats three swimming pool*, a wet to the point of soppiness, the father has trouble indeed you're net ao old, Mr. w. Aad read a promise there. dren tn oil aad akla them alive, 1 progre** er what? Perhapa It Is. enough on that score. While chronologically yeu are la 40 squaah courts, three basketball Perhapa the world would be bettor sippose youll eonelder yourself the floor*, a gallery for nearly 1000 per­ the old-ag* group, physiologically Tho vow should bind, wtth maiden luckiest hoy t>; the world whea you eft with fewer firearm* and more (mentally and physically) you are sighs sona and *o on. Sounds great and bow* aad arrowe. Invention of a fool-proof plane is announced. Doubt­ find out your ony going to gat a Wtll attract etudente to Tela by the SO years younger. And It ts the That maiden Ups have spoken: limited number ot slapa With BJF less planes are being improved right along. None is fool physiologic age that counta. Tour But that which looks trots maiden thousand*. Oaa S-SQdsra tt money proof ind nothing ever invented is fool proof. Folly is in­ •llpp*r. might buy a bettor quality ot teach­ letter, whioh I have excerpted for eyas Being what I «ot. (Slit Hittitfe vincible and incurable. the column, shows you are alert Should last of all be broken. ing la ear great senates and uni- vereltlee. Perhapa money eaaaot mentally aad your being able to —Ceroid Qritfin (ltOt-lttO) Tho largest building in tha world Pulpit Tne estate of the late Frank Munsey will be settled keep up your ranching certainly le a hangar IS .Akron, Ohio. buy It What will get ttt Bow can soon and the Metropolitan museum of art be richer by testifies to the physical side. we oae thess great educational plants to produce better folk*? more than $17,000,000. Munsey never, got much joy out Ordinarily, those who suffer from Reindeer are aald te be replacing I know that the wag et man M not dog* a* sled Alaska. THB THEATER ia hlmeelf; it Is aot Ss maa that of life unless he found happiness in piling up money. Per­ oold toot and handa are sluggish walketh to direct hia atopar—Jere­ haps his millions are destined to create happiness for physically from too little exercise. Probably Mr. Brady, famous the­ The liner Majestic carries ov*r miah 10:11. othen. ao the advice ta to toko eome three tons of oilverware and cutlery. atrical producer Is wrong about It

! se^^mmim^i^^m^msmmmim&^iiii ___i __i_ '^i&^Mm^^Ai^^^^l^. ___*_iJ FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 1929 SANTA MONICA EVENING OUTLOOl. PAGE FIVE the Weetern Air Express Celebrate Air-Mail celebrated by the ob WISCONSIN IS FIFTH STATE TO JOIN WET LINE-UP BEARCAT WRIGHT "Air Mai** Week" beginning "Madame X'Gives Has mm; Anniversary Sunday 14. DEFEATS CUSBY The third anniversary of tbe es­ Mayor Oeorge Cryi-r ot Loe gelee today teeued a prod* tablishment of th* Lo* Angelea-Salt Bearcat Wright one* again dem­ off daily designating the week He Holds Job Lake City air mall ll- e operated by eueh. SenateTestimony onstrated his superiority over Nell Cllsby, colored heavyweight, by de­ (Continued from Page 1) feating him In a gruelling ten-round As Conductor "Why come right in, Mrs. Wiseman. battle for the Paciflo coait negro Although he had inherited You know we are mighty glad to heavyweight championship last $300,000. Edward C. Kohler, 44, WILSHIRE COFFEE SHOP have you com* forward and help night at th* Pasadena arena. Wright remained a str**t cer con­ Mr*. McPherson. holds a knockout over Cllsby. De­ ductor in Lee Angelas until 412 Wilshire Blvd. " 'I think you are doing a wonder­ spite the heavy punishment dealt d**th. ful thing,' the Judge told me. 'Mrs. But for a brief interruption McPherson is a wonderful woman, out by both fighters, no knockdowns for wer eervice, Kohler had Wonderful Chicken or Steak Dinners . 75c and I'd do anything in the world to were scored. been working aa a conductor help her out of this trouble,' he Dud Eades and Kid Esau fought for 15 year*. Fiv* years ago said," Mrs. Wiseman testified. ten fast rounds to a draw ln the an uncle, Conrad Kohler, De Luxe Lunch, only 40c Alleged Captive aemi-final. Hymle Miller scored -. wealthy Naw York druggist, Judge Hardy then asked her If two-round knockout over Danny died, leaving him $300,000. De­ Special Full Course Sunday Dinner . $1.00 «he could produce the woman who Gollndo. Benny Mirks won a six- spite hi* inheritance he con­ went to the Carmel cottage with rounder over Al Herrera. tinued at hi* job until th* be­ Kenneth Ormlston durinp the time ginning of the illness which Mr*. McPherson alleged she was caused hi* death yesterday. held captive by kidnapers. "I think I can and Mrs. Kcnnnly Loses $16 Trying thinks so," Mrs. Wiseman said she NIGHT FLIGHT replied. To Gain Millions MARCH FIELD. April 11 l&V— "Judge Hardy then told me, 'Of Major Millard F. Harmon, Jr., course the woman can be known RESEDA. April 12. (CNS)—J. B.I commander of March Field govern- only as Miss X, because ln his af­ Wiseman tried to make $16 grow '• ment aviation school, announced to-, fidavit that is the only way in which into several million and today jay that a public exhibition of night BOSCH Ormlston refers to or Identifies seems to be "out" the 116. Wiseman flying was planned for an unset da e her,*" the woman who posed as Miss was one of the group who listened at the post, X replied. to the propositions of "title sharks"] Then, she testified. Judge Hardy that the land titlea in San Fer­ offered her the aid of a Burns de­ nando valley were clouded. He| RADIO staked a claim on 160 acres, in­ tective, but, she said, she replied Wisconsin's vote by a 125,000 majority to repeal state dry law enforcement act has raised cluding all of the town of Reseda. that she thought she could handle the number of states to be without local enforcement to five. New York, Montana The recent United States senate rCWDSE the production of the woman alone. Hardy then agreed, she told the and Nevada have repealed their dry enforcement acts. Maryland never has adopted hearing in Los Angeles quieted all •enate, that it would be "better that such an act. Two other states, Massachusetts and Rhode Island, are experiencing doubt as to the legality of the an­ way" and that if more than one cient land titles. person knew of it something was current attempts to strike at prohibition. "bound to leak out." Not Sur* Little Fear Felt "Just before I left Judge Hardy Last Straw Too Much JOE DUNDEE DUCKS KID CHOCOLATE I eaid to him, 'I don't know whether Complete lt la safe to go ahead with this For Friend Husband By Vikings as proposition,'" Mrs. Wlseman-Sielaff TITLE RISK AGAIN FIGHTS GRAHAM said. She quoted the judge as re­ H. R. Singleton didn't mind so Clash With Hawks plying: much h.r.iling his wife to the Los BOSTON, April 12.(_P>—Joe Dun­ NEW \ORK. April 12. (iP>—Ellgio Saidlntaa and Angclo Geraca— $18950 "I am a respected Judge on the Anf-'el<_ city jail so she could de- dee, welterweight champion, tonight With little opposition *x- livtr reading matter to a man friend otherwise Kid Chocolate and Bushy to •uperior bench ln Los Anpeles and will fight Al Mello, Lowell boxer pected, Coach Max Bern's Graham—hope to shed a little light havo a great deal of Influence." who was incarcerated but when she who trounced him when they met ln Samohi Viking baseball nine Tho witness said she asked Judge took $300 from Singleton's bank ac­ on the muoh-muddlod bantam­ waa expected te keep at the Hardy If he really thought Mrs. count and gave it to the other man, this city ihree months ago. No title weight situation tonight They clash top of the Bey league baMball McPherson had been kidnaped and the end was reachel, according to ia Involved. at Jess -dcMahon's New York Coli­ rae* thia afternoon when it met that he smiled and said: his suit for dlvorc. Both camps are brimming with seum ln a 16-round bout which the Redondo Sea Hawk* on th* "Tou know, Mrs. McPherson has confidence and knockout threats. should see one or the other elimi­ form*-'* diamond. done a lot of good for a lot of people Dundee's title haa alrfady boen dis­ nated from the bantr.mwelght pic­ Hank McDonald, one of the and she will continue to do so if she er won a point for the board of outstanding pr*p chuckera in can be cleared of this." managers yesterday securing a rul­ puted by the National Boxing asso­ ture. ED MATHES ciation. Mello, on the other hand, the country, we* slated to tak* ing from Lieutenant-Governor H. L. Indications are that neither will th* mound for th* Viking*, 719 Broadway Verbal Tilt* Loom Carnahan permitting the introduc­ has been promised a chance out­ attempt to make tha class limit of with Ouran behind the plate. SACRAMENTO, April 12 UP— tion of Judge Hardy's testimony, doors at Dundee's title if he can 11*. pounds but there seems little Seifert we* th* Sea Hawk PHONE 25864 •ANTA MONICA Vigorous verbal battles and sensa­ "subject to objection by the de­ again ou .class the Baltimore battler, reason to doubt that both could choice. fense." tions ln series are expected ln the batler. get down to lt If necessary. impeachment trial of Judge Carlo . S. Hardy of Los Angeles If Lorraine Wlseman-Sielaff, the "Madame X" ln Aimee Semple McPherson's kid­ naping story, takes the witness stand SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY today ln the California senate. German Val. Lace /ANTA • MONICA* BLVD* AT* FOURTH '/TREET- /ANTA * tvlONICA-CALIF- Mrs. Wlseman-Sielaff ls to arrlv. at the Capitol sometime today from Sanitary "Chiffon" Rubber Seattle. It was she who was named 6 Yards for 25c as Kenneth Ormiston's companion Apron, 59c at Carmel during the disappearance This lace is charming for underwear, of Mrs. McPherson. The testimony of Mrs. Wlseman- collar and evff sets, etc. Comes in Light weight and durable are these Sielaff, It ls anticipated, will lend white and ecru. Special low price, aprons in flesh color. A Saturday sensations to the impeachment pro BAY DEPARTMENT/TORE 6 yards for 25c. special at 59c. ceeding*. Testimony already pre­ » M E N^H gV-MU RDQC H C O M F-» A N V *» sented during the trial show* that Mrs. Wlseman-Sielaff called at the McPherson home and, after talking with the evangelist and her mother. Mrs. Minnie Kennedy, was directed to see Judge Hardy. What trans­ pired at that meeting only Madame X herself can say. The senate chamber, aire a d y crowded to capacity, is expected to be besieged by crowds of the curious Closing Out Sale Switzer s Apparel seeking to satisfy a desire to get a peek at the most-sought-for woman connected with Mrs. McPherson's alleged kidnaping. Here Is, Indeed, Madame or Miss, an Opportunity! Won't Be Called Mrs. McPherson probably will not be called to testify today, although Continues With Still her appearance previously was so scheduled by the prosecuting board of assembly managers, according to Assemblyman Walter J. Little. He Meadowbrook declared that other witnesses would be called ln her stead, and ln all probability the Angelua Temple lead­ er will not be required until Monday GreaterMark Downs" or Tuesday next week, If at all. Coupled with the coming or Mad­ ame X there ls the additional fea­ Exactly yO Price ture announced to enliven the day's healing—an effort on behalf of the '—Second Floor Fashion Salons prosecution to Introduce Into evi­ dence the transcript of testimony Think of it! Just at the very beginning of the Spring given by Judge Hardy during the Season we are able to offer our patrons the very hearing of the McPherson case In newest styles in the most famous Hats in America at Los Angeles municipal court. half price—125 Hats, no two alike! Assemblyman William Hornblow- Dresses — Gowns Ballibuntls, Imported Viscas Every New Material And every Hat i* n*w—Ju*t errived—Just unpacked Coats - Ensembles Sale Begins Saturday, 9 A. M. Sharp Millinery Salon, 8*cond Floor —All go at these sweeping reductions. Original price Regular retail selling prices $7.50 to $25.00, tags on everything. Switzer goes out of business for on sale good in the Bay District. Fashions selected by Walter At Exactly Switzer in person. You are assured of distinction-style- /o T*m,m*rCmmOy Half Price! rightness-authenticity!. Merchandise bought to sus­ Don't Get Run Down tain the prestige of the Switzer chain of specialty shops. 20 It take* e quick, lively step to avoid being run down theee days of a fait moving buainea* world. A constantly to alert body and mind are essential if Saturday—Last Day one would avoid tbe clanger* in this $25.00 Garments Closing Out at $12.50 to $19.95 age of epeed. Safe-guard your health and vitality $35.00 Garments Closing Out at $17.50 to $27.95 —keep yotir body and mind alert- keep • youthful, epringy atep—that joyoue health that make* life worth $39.75 Garments Closing Out at $19.75 to $31.80 living. If yoa wake up in the morning with $49.75 Garments Closing Out at $24.75 to $39.80 that tired out, run down feeling; ir tha day'a dutiee drag monotonously; if you are eubject to dizzy apclU, ner- $59.75 Garments Closing Out at $29.75 to $47.80 vouaneee, headaches any form of 50^ stomach disorder or constipation, then (Higher Priced Garment* Reduced Accordingly) yoa need a good tonic and energy Off Regular prices builder. "Hy-Pep-Sen" ie all that Ita namr implies. It Puts Pep In People. It SHOE SALE stimulate* tbe digestive tract, aid. 100 pairs Women's Shoes m eliminating bodily waste*, anc nature putt renewed energy into your $5.00 to $8.50 Values Smart Coats to Close at Silk Dresses to Close at body. Your leading druggiat will gladly Most of sizes 2*/_ to 5 — Tweeds — Velveteens — —Dresses of Georgettes, crepes, •imply you with "Hy-Pep-Sen." Kashas — Coats that have satins, some printed, some plain, No Refunds—No Exchanges smartness tailored into every $ 1 Q95 to close at $9.95. Long sleeves $Q95 HARRY D0LS0N line of their sports atmosphere. and sleeveless. A few dance 734 Santa Monica Blvd. —Shoe Department — First Many ensemble coats included. frocks to be included. Sizes 14 Floor at the Bay. Sizes 14 to 42. to 40 at this one low price. HY-PEP-SEN $1.95 SB ESS __a BB **w .-..Bi ; FOUND A MILLION PLAN SCOUT DINNER JUNIORS ENTERTAIN ' SmVSJ TORK. April IS. (*-}—Ja*. Camera Man Must To Aid Metropolitan Tte monthly dinner ot tte Saw­ Film Notables Leave for Sa—telle »ot**si*B ot tte 9aata*L ea Indlanapoite youth, Support Mother \Enginee r Jailed Water District Plan telle- Weetwset Comltteemen oo Say On Business Jaunt World war tba Wilshir* Juniors wM •endei ed ft eaa borne to oeek Ua Scout work wtft be teH la the WUl* entertain Saturday afternoon with a fcrteea. CoM end brok*. he waa Prevision for the maintenance of On April tt, Loe Angeles dty anna hotel April 23. when about bridge party tor whioh ssra_ge- Early completion of tte proposed raente are being mads by Mrs. Paul ea Breadwajr wondering where to hie "4-y«ar-old mother tor the rent council has decld< ' bid* will be thirty m*.mbere god those Interested fat a Job when he found * check of her Ole must be maintained by As Wife Murderer 1(0.000,000 merger of United Artists SiJlliWSllSSI, philanthropy chairman. The bill of tare at the Pacific opened for sale of $2,400,000 worth tn Boy Scout activities ere expected. unite into a single corporation aad Prise*, clgarsttss, candy, fruit and far, a minion, a Blmer O. Dyer, 40-year-old cam­ Tickets tor tte dinner eaa te as* baae (Ma cheek, loot by a broker'* branch of the National Military eraman at Universal City or be will of bridge, water aad power bonda. a substantial am*Jg—maitloa with cooklss tews beea dsssfat hy tha toeeasossr. Jamea looked to a di­ Home haa beea arrang-ed aa follow* hava to serve M dayg ta Jail. Henry Colin Campbell Said The money from 1900,000 ln bridge cured through R. J. Hardacker of Warner Broths, s, was Interpreted In members, who hope to five the ool- saster? and delivered tbe check. Be for the week end ine April SO hy That waa the terms under which bonda will finance oonstruction of tte Engineer*' office In tha City Los Angelss today as the probable dlere aa enjoyable afternoon. Municipal Judge Georgia Bullock of to Have Confessed HaU. •Set thanks, congratulations, $20 Captain Joseph Zieeinf, commi-wiary the Sixth etreet aad Washington outcome St tte ftorthcomlng trip to •nd the promtee of a Job. Loa Angele* granted th« man a sua- to Charge Street bridge serosa th* Lo* Angelea New Task St Joaaph M. Schenck. expected to lnoludo Schenck, Mary of eubslstence: p*nded sentence whea h* appeared river, according to Councilman Ska* remaining bond* to be *oldwl^ala prcaldent, aad otter members of Pickford, Douglas FeJrbanke, Sam­ Bread, butterlne. sauce, eof->* or before bar to plead guilty to a toil* bent who introduced the rsstuUon, Unite* Artists. uel Goldwyn, Gloria Swanson nnd ure-to-provlde charge. HOPED TO PROFIT advancement of tte Metropolitan tea oa tablee Dor eaeh meaL asking that the bond sale be con­ Water district plan to bring —at*r Tba group planning to go Vast to David W«fh OHfflt_. Present plane Sunday summated. to Southern California from the negotiate tha financing of tte merg­ call ter departure of tte party oa Breakfast—Bananas. Carina and HOME POPULATION Also Admits Bigamy When Money from $500,000 worth Of tte Colorado river. er through Blair aad Company Is Sunday. milk, fried pork sausage, Steamed '•resent far duty ..u.. «.. Wr Arrested With Legal potatoes. Prevent lor extra duty i . **** Dinner—Baked ban, mashed po­ Confined la hospital — Wife tatoes, sauerkraut, tapioca pudding. Confined to Barrack* „ tit Supper*—Macaroni soup, crackers, Ahoent wtth l«_ve ...i.lttt EUZABETH, N. J. April U <_"»— hot potato salad, bolofrna sausage, General aoapttal tor ineane , •»* Henry Colin Campbell, to-year-old Look at Your canned apricots. Absent without laave ., *• civil engineer and bigamist, wa* ln Monday Total -tft* ISO today as tte confessed slayer of Breakfaat Apple sauce, oatmeal Temporary at post f** oas of his wives, whom te shot aad HAT and milk, baked hash. set afire. Everyone Else Does Dinner—Boston baked pork and wheat aad milk, fried liver aad The arrest aad confession, police Now's the tims for s nsw Spring It costs FREE air. water, beans, tomatoes, hot cornbread, bacon, hashed brown potatoes. aald, cleared up ths mystery of the road information aad chocolate pudding. Dinner*-Lamb, curry aad rice, killing of a middle-aged woman bonnet. Ours lead In style Supper*—Bean soup. croutons, mashed potatoes, String bean*, corn­ whoa* body, with a bullet wound In and quality. last, but ml least, buttered noodle*. cheese, T. A.. starch pudding. tte hSSS, wa* found blazing Sf ths FREE information and canned apple eauoo. Supper—Macaroni soup, croutons, roadside near Cranford, N. J., oa th* very little to Tue*d*y baked split peas and pork, bologna morning of February IS. advice as to what kind Breakfast—Prune sauce, corn- sausago, rhubarb aauca. Campbell waa arreatod as hs wa*i Allen's Men's Shop af fas, ai and tires to flakae and milk, boiled eggs. Priday about to enter ths apartment where 11322 SANTA MONICA BLVD Dinner—Roast beet, gravy, pars­ Breakfast—Apple sauce, oatmeal te lived with hta first sad legal wife Wsst Uoe Angelee recondition ley potatoee, peaa and carrot*, oot- and milk, boiled agge. and three children. Ha waa token tage pudding and sauce. Dinner fried fish, parsley pota­ tnto custody a few houra after the Supper—Vermicelli soup, crou­ toes, stewed tomatoes, boiled beans, body of tte victim ted been identi­ Allen's Five Points tons, baked codfish, hash, creamed rice pudding. fied as that of Itxs, Benjamin S. Stetsons rice, prune sauce. Supper—Julian soup, crackers, Mowry of Orrenvllle, Pa., a nuns a Model T Wednesday spaghetti Spanish, ooffee cake, can­ Ia his pocket detectives found a Special Breakfaat-—-Apricot sauce, corn- ned apple sauce. loadsd pistol. Service Station meal mush and milk, boiled frank­ Saturday Hoped to Profit $8.50 furters, steamed potatoee. Breakfast—Prune sauoe. corn­ In his eonfsssloa te aaid te te* $5.00 Ford J. W. BRACE Dinner—Boiled New England flakes and milk, fried side pork, came acquainted with Mrs. Mowry dinner, creamed lima beans, bread Stewed potatoes. through a matrimonial agency In THS STYLE CENTER POR MEN Wilshire Blvd. ftt Barry pudding and sauce. Dinner—Beef and vegetable stew, Detroit. He aald he had been In Ave., Sawtelle Supper—Vegetable *>up, crack­ creamed lima beans, green onions, financial difficulties and hoped to ers, chill oon came, apricot sauce. tapioca pudding. clear up his affairs by another mar* The cost of reconditioning the Model Phone 52367 Thur»d*y Supper—Split pea soup, croutons, rlage. After the marriage he re­ Breakfast—Peach sauce, cracked Spanish rice, peach sauce. turned to Weatvllle, N. J., where he T Ford is small because of the low cost waa then living, and ehe returned of Ford parts and the established Ford to Greenville. In February ehe came tn search of him. policy of charging sll Isbor at s While they were driving at about standard flat rate. 4 a. m. on February 23 there waa an argument becauae sh* wanted to ss HARVARD to tho home he had promised to pre* Don't sacrifice your Model T Ford, I; SHOEpar e for her. therefore, just to buy s new car, but Then he shot hsr while she doted in the seat beside htm. He drove a SHOE STORE bring it to us snd let us estimate on short dlatance, stoped the ear and 11353 Santa Moniea Bird. Sawtelle the cost of putting it in A-l shape. dragged tho body to tho roadside. Hs took a oan et gasoline (ran tho You msy find that the expenditure STORE car .poured its contente ever ths of s few dollars will be the means of clothing and aet fire to It, 1416 3rd St.-Santa Monica The body waa discovered by John SEE THESE! giving you thousands of additional Doyle, driver of a bakery wagon. Beautiful Blonde Pumps, and one eyelet Ties of miles of service. eholce kid. Come in high and low heels snd all Just Arrived! Special $5 Value Mahoney Aircraft sizes. This is a real Harvard Special that women It will psy you, therefore, to see us will do well to buy. And they're priced at about your Model T Ford snd havs it Setts Its Holdings only, put in good running order. By doing SAN DIBGO. April 11. UB—T. C. pair —. *9*9oOO$3.85 anuad $4.85 so you will protect and maintain the Ryan, head of the alrriujt company investment you have in your car snd Imported Sandals which boars Us aame, announoed hero that te had purchased B. F. get months, snd perhaps years, of Mahoney Aircraft corporatlone ARCH SUPPORT SHOES pleasant, reliable transportation at a holdings here. The eoneolldatlon That carry aU the atyle ot tha dalntlsst footwear yet IN PLAIN COLORS OR MANY NEW givee San Diego ons ot tte largest give ecientlfic support to the arch. Fitting by a very low cost psr mile. flying acnetol and flight oervlee ln- graduate pracipedle assures sees and comfort. See stltutiona In ths west. Tte deal the** sensible, clever atyle* at the Harvard now. glvee Ryan 11 plane* and IN aerea You'll be delighted. NOVELTY COMBINATIONS ot "airport land." The units will "etain nt their present locait-ons. SawteUe Motor Co. Deserted Husband $5.85 Attempts Suicide Otters at ft MB snd S7M FORD SALES AND SERVICB REMI E. NADEAU, Prop. Charles Glaeeew, tt year eld de­ serted husband, was reported la a MEN'S GOOD SHOES critical condition today from a self- Men and women who buy for men have eome 11726 Santa Monica Blvd.* inflicted gunshot wound, following to know Harvard shoes as being the longest the refusal et his wits to return to Phone 31S74 him. wearing and most comfortable shoe ever offered Giascow shot himself through ths at this low price, d»d AA stomach at VSe terns et his aust, Mr*. Annie Tschbold, E422 Lemon Grove avenue, Lo* Angsles. Accord* Ing to Mrs. Tschbold, Giascow ton* died his infant child tor tears be­ fore putting ths child to sleep and then shooting himself.

aim. IS INJURED Another direct money-saving ex­ Mra Grace E. Smith of 1144 Fit* ample of our large chain store buy­ teenth street, Santa Monies, wae Save Enough to Take Your Vacation! ing power! Imported sandals of gives medical treatment at ths wonderful quality with popular Wsst Los Angeles police etatlon Our First Thought Is to Save You Money—How We Do Its moulded leather soles. Several early yesterday morning for minor RIAL MECHANICS AND LOW OVERHEAD very good stylos to select from— injuries received whea a car ln whloh she was sitting on Wilshire and all sizes. boulevard near Saltalr was rammed PAY CASH—SAVE MONEY No Credit 30 to 90 Days Guarantee from tht roar by a Graham-Paige FLAT RATE LABOR CHARGES FOR AUTOMOBILE REPAIRS BT sedan driven by Oecar LaPotnt* ot 1821 South Lake avenue. Mra. Smith's companion, Lenore Camp­ Direct Czecho-Slovakia Imports bell, was not hui- Ia a western poultry farm 575,000 Square Deal Lawrence's Garage egg* wsrs recently placed at ooa setting. Day and Night Phone 31263 11965 Santa Monica Blvd., SawteUe, Calif* An saatern airplane beacon le vis­ ESTIMATES GIVEN ON ANY CAR

Hand Woven Sandals *• ••" ible to pilots tor tt miles. •; ' -1 i - of- - * a • Higher quality sandals—-careful!y fin* Battory Service, No Chsrgs. c o _• ft . o X Reehsrge Battery, Met 25o Psr Dsy Rent. B X o i_ % ished and well made on proven Amer­ e X • 1 m We Knew a Battery from A te Z. B - 5 <•* o < m fc ican lasts that insure perfect fit* No $ We Know Hew to Repair Any Automobile. X ft 3 5 # M X __ o X J ceo. w summer wardrobe is complete with* Rsdie Bsttsry Recherged, 80s. m 3 1 IS 0 ft 8 3 ii < X >J s_ 3 < 4 < out at least one pair of sandals. 5 o __ X o OS>l O B§ a. Values up to $7.50 included in tho lot. 8 5* 2 9 SI X **• 4 Grind Vslvss end Refseo, Class Cartes, Tons I i I i \4Js9A B I - J _. J J aad dl Motor, Labor __.._...... _...... _...- M0144m S.B0I J. I ISM 8.501 SBOI S JOI SM 6.001 6.601 Take up Crankeheft Bosrinas, Lsbor...... —...... 6.00 SOO! 6.501 SJ50| 6.001 SOW 6.00) 6J00| SJOM SOM MM Fit New Ring* end Wrlet Pins In Connection e.ooii2_o| SMN 6.001 j J J J J | I Famous Brandt $6*50 and $7*50 Values with Job 1 snd 2, Leber...... ——.. SOW SM •Mi 6M| 4JOO| 9M| 6.001 5.M SM\ SJOOI OSM SJ0OJ OJOO| 4.00) 4J0O| f Reline Service Brakes, 2-wheel, Lsbor 2.00| SM ami 7J00| SM| SM| SMj 2M| 1M| SM 2.001 ZOO! SM| _00| SOW SMI SOW ,-,>.•>*; Bccuu—1. K* MM- k pound tote 11* nil* e tt* qrlladtr, Uwrebf Mif ll "Sttraiin2.00* I SOW MEN'S SPORT AND DRESS OVERHAUL MOTOR—Inotudee grind velvee, SW Ml t— plttoni S. Moa mttan eaa *• ntand I* th* Sunii. u UnwM Mill a tie* a* bbtr. S. ttareiihe Omm *B ttatotal (oa r diiacoalMi a tjUnlat .lack m* km: (t) All cjlladtn ana to romd «1tk Sniftt Mil: take up all beering*, rebore cylinder*, fit n*w (I) *U cyllndea ear* brlipa IdantleaK. r thi turn I* a>»; (It. aU orlladar* antt ka perpcndltubr ar "Kuare" witk.tkl rak pistons, rings, pins. Also includee new pis­ OXFORDS __*_. aatt: (41 «Hn and platoaa aant ka allfnt m PKOM flaat fraa dsriat fan Plata, itroka. _*_ ton*, rings snd pins, gs*k*t* snd sil—...... |76.M!75.M|75.00||11575.0075J0;aM!75.00|76.00|76.00| 76.00!75.007B.M!78.00|79MI4SM!4SM| All brand nsw summer Ovorheul G*n*rstor and Undsrcut Armature, I and Children's Labor _..„._ -- - ...,...-. J.J' _J J \ Stylss In your choiee ef 4.MI 4MI 7.60! SOW «SM SM| 7J»| 8.50J 6^)0| 4.M| 4JOO| 4.001 SOW SMI '-OW 4J0| SM| Overhsul Sterling Motor, Labor • • 4.00| IM 7.801 8M| 3M| S6W 7_W 3.50| SM 3J0 3J0| 8.501 SSW *M| SBW SOW SM Imported bleek ar brown celf- Overhsul Resr End, Labor- * ••- ... 8.001 8M| SO0I12MI tSM SOM SOM 8M|1S00| SOM 9.0W 8-OW SSM1BM. SOW SOW SOM ridn sad Md leether* or Overheul Clutch, Lsbor . • • 6.0W 8SW 7M| SOW 8M| tM| SOW 8.M SOM 5.0W 6.00| SOM 740) 7.001 7.60| 4MI SM| nov*lty color combina­ m Overhaul Trenemieeion, Labor- ... SMI 7M| SM| SM| 8M| SM| 9M|10M| 7ioj S80| S7S| 0M| SMj SM| sow sow sow tion* fsr sports wear. Woven All hsv* genuine Good­ TRADE YOUR OLD BATTERY AND $8 FOR A NEW ONE, 6-VOLT BATTERY, 1 YEAR'S GUARANTEE year welt sslss and rub­ We have Our own reboring machine—the fittest improved Stormizer, and have the services of s factory ber heel*. mechanic for the operation of this machine. The work done by this machine is fsur superior to regrindinf. It does not lssve any emery in the cylinders to wear out rings snd pistons. We also have a new lathe which Sandals Insures perfect work. Generstor snd starter testing mschine. Pram Cz*cho - Slovakia. Ovsr 25 *tyl«« Come ia plain colors er We do all kinds of Welding, Body and Fender Work also a 20-ton Press and Piston ts sslsct from novelty oombinetion*. I" either Capt. John Schofield of Cape Alignment Machine. Kwick-Way Valve Grinding Machine. Sis Sis •Welly col* Msy. N. J., skipper of the We do high-class Duco Painting* «•/* to tl 11'/ato2 legists ar eon* yacht Nomad, who had strustlwa see* been lost at sss before We do not eater to high priced advertising, our satisfied customers do it for us, and you get Am heuefit ef it. $2.45 $2.75 torna end Isst*. coast guardsmen picked up TEN MILES FREE TOWING ON WRECK OR BREAKDOWN tits distressed schooner off Cape Msy.

_-_-^i'___^>_f_i_____!'« tt£MS_&S_>. r Le^«S______«fi_«fe^«_i__l#^a __J__^______a! ______j____i___i-:''v'-i i.v.-G". v FRIDAY. APRIL 12, 1929 SANTA MONICA EVENING OUTLOOK PAGE

association. Th* artist ia aoheduled BACH AIRCRAFT Sues Otto H.Kahn to make an appeararee next Tuee- Students Cause VAN NUTS, April U. l_V-An- STATIONERY a** Clover Field Association Borissoff Plays Jay afternoon at 3:10 o'clock In Suicide Alarm nounoement from the Baoh plant at OFFICE EQUIPMENT the mun.clapl auditorium In Ocean the Metropolitan Alr-fort near here, indicated today that the third trl- FRED A. DEN1SON Park. PASADENA, April U. ISV-To a motored ten place airpkan* to be 1344 Fourth Street, Serrte Mo«iaS| Refuses to Consider Lieut. Tuesday Concert Thl* 1* th* thir-d erason in which woman who saw th< m with a red put ln use by the Pickwick Airways the music organization of Santa lantern movinH along Ctolorado •A_S near;ing completion. Phene 22101 for Quick Deltvwr Monica under tho capable loader- ship of Mr*. Zuckerman has given street bridge, known as "suicide Sweeley's Offer to Resign Alice Gentle to Close An­ to the students eight conoerte of span," it looked like two more men I _ nual Series of Bay Cities world rei»owned irtlst* for the sum going to their death* Mor* than ; SATURDAY SPECIAL Music Association of one dollar. Two of th* play**** two scores of othe." persona had \ Flyers Are Unanimous That Commander -anoelled their California tour thl* loft the troubles of this world be­ Benson and so Josef Borissoff ajid Remain at Head of Organization hind by leaping into the ravine be­ BORN IN CRIMEA Alice (i >ntle have been substituted During Stay at Airport to close the course. low. Boquet Spring Flowers. $1.00 "Please stop them before they Makes Home in Southland Borlsoff w*o was born In the Lieutenant William R. Sweeley's request that he be allowed to le- Crimea, came to the United Statee Jump!" she telephoned the police. -ifn aa prealder.. of the Clover Field association met with a storm of and Interests Self in ln 1820. He has travelled all ov«r Officer* Wlllam Arthur and John protest at last night's weekly dinner meeting of the local flier* at the the world and played In all ot the Thompecn hurried to the bridge and Development larre muMe center*. .eised two nettled youth*. They Klk* club. Lieutenant Sweeley said he felt that, inasmuch as the army were student* of the California In­ Keeney's ggr would coon be leaving Clover Field lt would be to the best Interest of His appearance here la an im­ the as.cciatlon that another be appointed in hi* ste»d, but his fellows Josef Borissoff. violinist, Is the portant event, for Borissoff h»s stitute of Technology measuring the 1257 Third Street at Arizona would hav* none of it an unanimous vote that he be NOT allowed to next artist to play in the Bay Dis­ made his home in the southland and bridge with a foot rule, they said, trict on the student concert serie* is taking an actlv* next ln th* to gain membership In a secret re»ign resulting. fraternity. Phone 24060 Lieut Sweeley, who presided over last night's meeting. Is a vetersn .sponsored by th* Bay Cities Music j Tiu8li*al development of California. with II years of army flying behind him. He succeeded Lieutenant W. K. Burgess as commanding officer at Clover Field about six weeks ago, coming here from Crissy Field, San Francisco. "I wa* somewhat dubious as to what my reception at Clover Field Rosalinda Morini, concert would be." said Lieutenant Sweeley first of these, donated by the Santa at last nlghfa meeting. "We had re­ Monica Bay District Exchange club, soprano, who has started a ceived many reports at Crissy Field ls being Installed on the water tank mysterious court action to th* effect that the army wa* on the high hill at Montana avenue GREAT OPENING . persona non grata ln Santa Monica and Santa Monica city limits. It against Otto H. Kahn, and that my stay, though short, will be operated for the first time wealthy patron of opera. would be far from pleasant. I want at 7:30 p. m., next Tuesday, Frank to go on record as stating that I Copeland of the Exchange club an­ Mr. Kahn, it is said, once hav* been very agreeably disap­ nounced. The other two beacons denied praise of her voice pointed and that I have enjoyed will be erected at once at Hlllcrest accredited to him in an ad­ every moment of the six week* I Country club and on the Del Key CELEBRATION SALE! hav* been at Clover Field. I am ex­ hllla, respectively. These three pow­ vertisement. tremely sorry that the army is erful beams, converging above Clo­ leaving here. I am powerless to pre­ ver Field, will be a great aid to vent that, muoh a« I would like to." night flying, Lieutenant Willson Town Responds said. SAN1A MONICA Charles V. Town, chler pilot and McMahan Spaak* HOSPITAL AND local manager for Tanner Air Liv­ Secretary T. C. McMahan ot the SANITARIUM ery at Clover Field, responded to Douglas company, spoke on behalf FULL BATTLE CREEK Lieutenant Sweeley's remarks, as­ of his organization, assuring the as­ suring him of the warm regard of sociation of the co-operation of the TREATMENTS the association and expressing re­ local airplane factory. gret at his coming departure for Lieutenant Sweeley announced Long Beach July 1. that a farewell dance and buffet The matter of restricting hangar lunch would be tendered Lieut, and S t e p e peln, rheumatism, space at Clover Field to desirable Mrs. Walter K. Burgess tomorrow neurit!*, lurnbego and poor tenants wan brought up at laat night at Clover Field by the Of­ blood circulation. night'* meeting by Manager Charles ficers' club of the 326th Pursuit $1.00 Bottl* O-YOU-RUB Town of Tanner Air Livery, who Group. Lieutenant Burgess, former suggested that Mutual Air Craft, commandant of Clover Field, is LINIMENT for 75c at James Granger, Swallow Airplane leaving shortly for Urbana, Illinois, BARTHOLOMEW DRUG distributor and his own organisa­ where he will assume command of STORE tion, co-operate In the matter ln or­ the reserve officers' flying school. der to eliminate the promiscuous A token of esteem and a letter of carrying of passengers by pilots not appreciation will be presented to qualified to do so. He lauded the Lieutenant Burgess by the Clover POWER SHOVEL action of James Granger in request­ Field association, lt waa announced EXCAVATING ing Wallace Beery, the ecreen ac­ last night. tor, to take his cabin ship to an­ The next gathering of the asso­ KNEEN other field when he learned that the ciation will be held at the Elks club actor, a tenant of Granger's hangar, Thursday, April 25 at • p. m. lt PAVING CO. had been using hi* ship for passen­ having been decided to hold meet­ ASPHALT PAVEMENTS ger hire. ings semi-monthly Instead ot week­ and Manager Duff Willson of Clover ly hereafter. GENERAL CONTRACTING Field, who has been active in secur­ Office: 216 Dudley Bids. ing directing beacon* for the local Sap from a tree that -grow* In Phene 21S1S airport «*ld that arrangements had Guatemala look* and taste* like been made for the installation of cow'* milk. SANTA MONICA three triangular lights whose beams Muffler cut-outs are unlawful on CALIF. would converge on Clover Field. The all California highways. Free Gifts for all

Ami TOO. wil M ss ussrteset with every purchase sf sew *y*m that Wight ssi To celebrate the opening tomorrow of our new Santa Monica Tire and Automotive Service Plant wejare pksss sot sob- bscasss sf As holding the greatest carnival of gif t-giving and value- giving m the automotive history of the ^Ba*rDistrict beautiful eetiss* Ut ale. the Remember, tomorrow (Saturday) ia the day—and wh at a day it will be for the motorists of this community! Prices ws sis stilt for tfcsss DAINTY PATTERNS. One Full Size Eg 0T\ QN WE ARE OFFERING far SPRING WEAR. BLONDE TUBE FREE With Each Tire Purchased 1*3 ^OD MD, WHITE, BLUE ssi BUCK KID LEATHERS,$48 5 Tomorrow (Saturday) Only | *%mW is strap oiford t_ss, smss* ssd ***sj stfcsn. DM't wife. CMS* SI ee* f or tk* beet ssketioo. One Gallon "Red Devil" l______.___r f} • ,|- Yeu will find IM *wr eseeiel d*mW&us*W**\w •ff*r come vary excellent quel* *y ehoeo In patent—blaek, brown ?ite*t0*j€ and whit* Md l*ethor*. All S*g_AlS •tyl* h**!*, only $2»5 Oil FREE! for Women Dust Goth Free e**om** With Every Purchase of With Every Purchase The Tires That Hold All Wear World Records 5 Gallons of Gas of Any Kind jnrtfmrltefiSM 30x3 Vi Tomorrow (Saturday) Only Tomorrow (Saturday) Only at $ 6.72 DR. GLASS ARCH SUPPORT 31x4 12.00 We want every motorist of Santa Monica to become acquainted with SHOES FOR WOMEN at 32x4 Bland*, brown end eoft patent kid 12.78 our tire and automotive service, and to accomplish this we are making laathcra, gypay ti*, oxford ti* strap at the greatest "get-acquainted" offer on record. The special opening and sther*, ell •!*•• end height 29x4.40 8.22 hsslc, only at 9.17 celebration gifts are for the one day only—tomorrow, Saturday, April 30x4.50 13th. Whatever else you do tomorrow, by all means come in and taka at 13.61 advantage of this event. Men's Oxfords in Black sr 31x5.25 at Brown CaU Leather. All Other Sixes Proportion­ Al*e dr*a* oxford* in fin* p*t*nt ately Low Priced— Souvenirs for the Kiddies leather—many ch*i«* etylee to and Remember a ehooee from. TUBE FREE With Each Tire Purchased BOYS* TENNIS BALS $385 to $485 Fin* wearing rubber sol**, Just th* •hoss fer everydey weer. All six**. 9 to 6, Only 75c w NM CHILDREN'S PUT SHOES see OXFORDS. BscaBsi TIRE & RUBBER CO. Al tfrlss. j N c>- OAiSV SHOES $1.45 . $2.98 SANTAiKONICA AT LINCOLN BOULEVARD 1449 Third Street Santa Monica PHONE — 24210 PAGE EIGHT SANTA MONICA EVENING OUTLOOK • FRIDAY. APRIL 12, 1929

"Simba," Wonder Crowds Fancy EVEN IN THE JUNGLE Film of Jungle, 'Fancy Baggage' SCREEN m STAGE At the Calif ornia On Vltaphone AM that H waa promlssd te ho. Film at Criterion Called snd mors, "Simba," tho motion pie* "The Duke Steps Out" Starts on Dome Screen Todaytare recor d ot four years among ths Fastest Funfest ol wild animals st ths African Jungles, Whole Year filmed hy Martin ead Osa Johnson and produced under tho auaplcee of Fattens of tha Criterion theater ON STAGE SANTA MONICA GIRLS IN NEW DAKW OARING last night gave uproarious evidence the American Museum Of Natural Of their approval of "Fancy Bag­ William Haines la "The History, and current, special attrac­ gage," tba latest Ttta phone talking tion at the Fox California thsatSS. comedy. 8mall wonder that thsy Duke Steps Oat" snd "Vode- Among tho myriad weird and did, tte tbo Jerome Kingston »tory Vsrieties" on the stage will thrilling acenea ehown, many of is swift moving, funny, packed with be the Fox Dome's double them never sssn by eyes oi civilized thrill* and possessed of sustained man before, may be mentioned se* suspense. screen sad stags Mil todsy bra* striped Ilk* owning*, kicking It has to de wltb tba adventures ead tomorrow, sn extra added fea­ like mule*: Grant gazelle* fighting ot a flapper who, finding that her ture ef the stage portion et ths pro­ Ilk* game roosters,* oryx with father is In financial straits through gram te he th* debut of a dosen straight upright horn* like reeds, her own extravagances, sets forth to Santa Monica high achool girls tn ostriches strutting their stuff, lm- right things. Sho finally does un­ a noy Randolph dance ottering. pallao leaping over SO feet at a ravel the tangle whclh baa clouded Theee young iadle* havs been ln time. her tether's honor as well as de­ Oerennk that was never known to pleted his bank account—but Mt rehearsala tor several week* at without some ot the most exciting Randolph's Deauville elub *tudio take a drink, giraffes ambling along' Uks animated lighthouses, elande, and amusing happening* that have mmA tee* a emooth moving, peppy the glante of the antelopes; wllde- over pricked up.tbe ears of a movie ottering. beestes, or gnus, queerest of all ani­ audience. Hollywood'* fam ons Lsctoa ate* mal*; hyena* wrangling with Jack- Pricked up ears Is right, ln this dlum, —ter* Has film colony ssss ala, great ox slate With MIS swipe case, for Vltaphone not only gives A Somburu dandy with a group of admiring flappers as prise fights weekly, eras turned Into of lion's mighty paw, mystic rlteo voice* of the players, but perfectly they sre seen in the African motion picture "Simba" a. picture est for ths filming of "The Ot tribe to Invoke the spirits. records tha -pandemonium of sounds Duke Step* Out," William Halneo' Incident .to a chase whlcb Includes at the California today. new MGM feature. Medicine men exiled because their taxis, yachts, rum craft and revenue | The spectacular fight scene, where sorcery failed, Lumbwa council de­ cutters—as well as furnishing a Stalnea battle* with Jack Roper te claring war to death upon Leo, symphonic accompaniment. McLAGLEN IN the ring before a cheering crowd, frenzied dance of eavages to ac­ Thrss of ths greatest "grouch" RECORDS FOUR was filmed ia Movleland'a fistic quire courage, warriors venturing impersonators Ot ths stage, George temple. Jamas Crura directed the forth armed only with spears, mon­ Fawcett, Edmund Breese and Burr LANGUAGES FOX FILM AT new picture, adapted from Luclan ster lion at bay, spear against fang* Mcintosh, do their stuff to the de­ Cary"e Saturday Evening Poet ro­ and clews; foolhardy native over­ light of everybody. Hallam Cooley ' Talking film cameras la • Holly­ BRENTWOOD taken by pursuing lion, fierce beast and Wallace McDonald make a very wood ar« recording four foreign mance. Joan Crawford la tha her* bristling with spears fighting on, acceptable brace of lover* 'and languages for the sound screens of "Captain Lash," th* Fox produc- 'esse* _. «. m hall ef spear* leaving untouched r .die Grlbbon give* a fine Inter­ the world. Ths eaat Include* Karl Dane, Te­ elusive Hon, Osa fearlessly facing pretation Of an agreeable and amor­ tlon starring Victor McLaglen and furious beaat and Joy ot Lumbwa Russian and Swablll win bo Claire Windsor, ts being shown at non Bolts, Herbert Prior, Bddis ous roughneck. The ladies of tbe heard In the all-dialogue romance, Nugent Luke Cosgrov* aad Dslmor over Osa's deadly aim. evening are those charming Warner the Brentwood theater today. "The Woman Who Needed Killing." "Captain Lash" tells the story ot Dave*. Haines playe a prise fighter "Simba" will be shown at tho Fox stars, Audrey Ferris and Myrna Baclanova, the Russian aetress, .Whs goe* to college to please hi* Loy. Virginia Salea does a "bit" a fifth snglneer on an ocean liner California today, tomorrow sad alnga and speaks several sentence. who is a veritable human whip la o weetheart and meets wlh t many hi - Sunday, continuous programs daily well. "Fancy Baggage" ie eminently worth seeing—and hearing. In her native tongue. During the driving his stokers aboard ship and lariou* adventures tecidsntal to his front S until 11 and on Sunday from scenes tn an African home, Clive a gay Lothario whan ashore. Event­ romance. I p. m. until 11 p. m., and at no Brook speaks ths Swahlli language ually Lash gets Into tea tolls ot advance la prices. of tea natives. Claire Windsor, a daring adven­ | At Rosemary | Mary Brian in Maurice Chevalier, the favored turess, and then there ie trouble. son pf the Parisian follies, wUl Sing The supporting eaat Includes such ! Mother* Role la both French and English for bis favorites as Jane Wtnton, Arthur Karl Dans, William Haines and Joan Crawford in what hss been called oae of the best Municipal Band first screen appearance, "Innocents Stona, Albert Cont!, Frank Hagney M-G-M pictures of the season, "The Duke Steps Out" The film will be shown oa Every step of the motion ploture of Paris." aad Boris Charsky. step ladder has now bean touched Chinese dialogue was recorded by "Runaway Girls," with Shirley tils Dome theater screen, wltb "Vode-Varieties," featuring s bevy of Sants Monies Mason sad Arthur Rankin, is also Th* following programs wtU 'os by Mary Brian, Paramount'* "sweet the sensitive microphones on th-" dancing beauties on tile stage. little Mary" of "Peter Pan" and on ths same program. played by the Santa Monica-Ocean Paramount sound stages for Tomorrow the Brentwood will Park municipal band, under the di­ •cores of pictures since fame. "Chinatown Nights." Wallace Beery show "Tho Baby Cyclone," with rection of Francesco Ferullo, to­ . She has Just played her first and Warner Oland apeak the Ori­ Lew Cody and Alleen Pringle; and MONTE BLUE PAUL BERN NOW LON CHANEY IS night and tomorrow afternoon at ental tongue in several sosnes of Rex the wild horse ln "Wild Blood" the municipal auditorium, Ocean the all-talking, production. AT ROSEMARY MGM PRODUCER ENGINE DRIVER Park. SHOW CYCLE Friday Evening, t e'Cleek mother role. Harry Pollard 1* a director wltb Tannhauser—March ...... •••.Wagner The tag of "The Man 1 Love," ber "The Orsyhound Limited," crack Paul Bern, one of the hest known With a dossa reel* of drama current all talking picture ln which a unique assignment. executive* ln the screen Industry, Lodoletta—-Act I ...... Mascagni He has the distinction of bringing passenger train with Monte Blue at filmed In the big railroad yards la Introduction, Chorus of Children, she le featured with Richard Arlen, the throttle, arrives on ths Fox is to return to Metro-Goldwyn- the East, a practical knowledge ot shows Mary and Dick happy at to tho screen a pictorial history ot Rosemary'* talking screen tonight Mayer. Negotiations have been Sad Boons, Feasant Girls' Chorus the show business that dates back how to drive a locomotive and an Soloists: Slgrs. D'Amico, Curti home after a period of vleolsitudes, and for thrss daya will carry Ross* completed by whloh Bern returns to romping with their youngster. The for many yssrs. mary patrons through a land ot ro* the etudlo as a producer to work on honorary membership te the Broth* aad Margadonna The evolution started with "Tha (a) Celebrated Serenade—Duet..Tltl ehUd is played by Douglas Scott, mance and thrills, talking and Silent picture* with erhood of Railroad Engineers, Lon three year* old, whoss long brown Show Boat" How lt wtll be "Tha Irving G. Thalberg. Solos by Sigrs. Osterman aad la this Warner Brotners Vlta­ Chaney has returned to the Metro- Glampaolo curls aro unique among screen chil­ Minstrel Man," and at the conclu*. phone production Monte Blue is a Bern, who for soma time wa* Goldwyn-Mayer studios to finish Ob Prelude—Aot V—-Xing dren. slon Ot the tetter film Universal railroad engineer who room* and head of the story department at the Interiors on his asw play "Than* Manfred - _..—Rolnecke "The Maa I Love," is a romance haa decided that he shall direct an­ studios, ls famous as a director other film on tho cycle, "The Barn board* with th* mother ot his firs- Set." Romeo and Juliet—Act II...... Gounod of the boxing ring directed by Wll man. Both men are te a way In­ through "The Dressmaker From Prelude, Love Duet and The Ham Wellman. Stormers." Paris," "Flower of Night" and Chaney plays a veteran railroad trigued with the pert blonde hash- engineer la the new ploture, a vivid Farewell sllnger at the quick lunch counter other pictures. Ha recently pro­ Soloists: Slgrs. D'Amico and duced for Paths, making "The drama of railroad life, directed by along tha tracks. The fireman's William Nigh with Phyllis Haver, Margadonna mother bags Monte to alienate the Spieler," with Alan Hale, and other Tho Two Pigeons—Ballet outstanding pictures. Undsr his new James Murray, George Duryea aad Starts girl from her son. He doe* *o re* others ot note in the csst. Muslo — Messager luctantly and the enraged fireman contract hs ts to work on several ot (1) Entry of tbe Gypsies (I) Fox ROSEMARY takes to drink, later being framed the year'* important screen produc­ The exterior scenes were filmed Tonight on the Chicago Sc North Western Scene and Danoe ot tbo Two by a gang of thugs, as the murderer tions. Pigeons of the saloonkeeper in whose place railroad and ita ahop*. Chaney drove a locomotive more than 600 8*turdsy Afternoon, 2:30 o'Clock he hangs out. * Victory—March ..._...... _.M*nolitl mllea ln fit* making of these scene*. Grab tha Scene from "The Orsyhound Tha nooss is about to claim tho The complete assembly of a loco­ Martha—Overture —• ..,.....Ftotow Limited," stsrring Monte lad when through thrilling adven­ TROUBLESLOOM motive In the shops ls among ths (a) Broken Hearted ._.._.. Bendix Rattlar far Blue, aow showing st the tures with thieves, on runaway (fetalis of the new drama, an orig­ (b) Cocoanut Dance ...... Hermand ths Rosemery. trains, in hills and thiokets, Monte FOR COMEDIAN inal by Byron Morgan, (e) Song of the Volga Boat* bee end Hear popular West Coast house finally find* the real culprit aad man ...... _...._...... _...._.Kllckman Thla Meto- in Ocean Park. frees the youth. The girl goes hsr Production work oa "Companion­ Buphonlum Solo by S. drams With own way and the old friendship ls ate Troubles," starring Reginald Puplllo ...... Selected Rearing Aetlan restored between the two men who Denny, ls scheduled to start April Montagne Signs High Jink*—Selection ...... _Friml and Thrills form tho crew of the "Greyhound 2, it waa announced by Universal Intermission 15 Minutea Riding Ability Limited." Pictures Corporation today. Spring Maid—Operetta Reinhardt "Companionate Troubles" wtll be With Paramount n Ftor d'ltalla—Waltz. De Stefano Vltaphone ls terrifically effective (a) La Czarina Mazurka Essential in with voices of players, and with produced under tha direction of William James Craft. Edward Montague, for the past Russe ...... Qanne sounds that mark the progres* of (b)Farandole from Southern films of 1912 the lightning speed melodrama, a* The story, tt ie believed, will of­ four yeara editor-in-chief of ths fer Denny unusual opportunities to Universal story department, wa* France ...... De Longapre well aa in symphonic accompani­ signed today a* edltor-In-chlef at Satanella—Grand. Selectlon..._.BaIfe Sixteen years ago, motion picture ment. make ths most ot his fun-making Greta Garbo and Nils Asther abilities. Denny haa been travel­ tha Paramount atudloa to Holly­ Soloists: Sigrs. D'Amico and player* retina res A, ridss ead teUs. Ths cast Include* Edna Murphy, wood, it ta announoed by B. P. Puplllo in "Wild Orchids" st the Now ttmT rshsnrss Unes and ac- C'.rant Withers, Lucy Beaumont, ing at aa unusually fast pace et lets, Hs recently completed "His Bchulberg. general manager of weat Tivoli theater in Sawtelle. oenta. _ Ernie Shields and Lew Harvey. Al* ooaat production. Ths Potter's wheel it one of the bait Bowson did the story, Anthony Lucky Bay," under the direction of The picture is closing its That to the chief difference ave* Eddie Citne, with LoKayne DuVal, Montagu* will be assigned to the oldest pieces of machinery In ea* Coldeway the scenario and Howard latsncs. run tonight. Un Belhte and* in tho film* of yes­ Bretherton directed. a new Universal "discovery," play­ development of new screen mater* terday and today. Monte Blue, eon of an engineer, ing opposite him. tal, working with authors in tbs Mlsa Selbie entered pictures In and an ex-ra!lroader, gives a mag* "Companionate Troubles," will bs creating of Story possibilities for 1011, wtth ths E-wmay company, made with dialogue. Denny ha* be­ next season's motion picture pro­ rd niflcant portrayal ot the unpre­ ta tho hvy-c—y °* --* riding, •** tentious hero of "The Greyhound come exceptionally enthusiastic ductions. He will have under his dlan-ftghting western, and stepstlok Limited." over the opportunities afforded by direct charge the studio'* atory da* comedies. She has seen ths films tte addiUon of speech to pictures, partment, of which Vivian M. ^^LWWGpCTl/flr^ take on more dignity with added and ia anxious to make the moet of Moees 1* the head. reels: she has watched tbo wane long before he atarted in pictures. tho "talkie" situation. Montague started tn ht* work du­ «f tbe chase, and haa witnessed the Probably he had to forget about it The story of "Companionate ties this week and he will work advent ot sound an 1 the talkers. during hia early experiences in the Troubles" la by Gladys Lehman and directly under Bchulberg and his At present, ehe is playing a char­ films, Just a* I did. Earle BneU. The script Is now be­ executive assistant, David O, Ssls* FoxDOME acter rote in an all-dialogue film, '•Then, there la O. P. Heggie, a ing prepared. nick. T^EJ Paramount's "The Insidious Dr. veteran ot thirty years' stag's ex­ Fu Manchu." perience. He did not come to the **ii R dino AN Important veret-n ur.tll it had reached it* pres­ Wilshire Blvd. at Federal "Riding waa more important than ent growth, but if he had, he would acting te the old days," Miss Sel­ have been forced to wait for tbs Brentwood Heights bie recalls. "Instead of dialogue technical developments, Just Uks WARNER BROS, prevent lines, we practiced flying mount* the rest of us. aad trick fells. "It I* not ths players who bave Tonight—VICTOR McLAGLEN in "CAPTAIN LASH" "One of ths first things X had to changed, but the whole business of And SHIRLEY MASON in "RUNAWAY GIRLS" ' Ss far a picture was driving a four* making pictures. Tbs change ha* horse teem attached to an old atage brought us to rehea*sing dialogue And EDDIE HORTON In "CALL AGAIN'* MONTE BLUE ooach acrose a dry river bed near Instead of riding." Mies, California. AtJlity to stock Saturday—"THE BABY CYCLONE" to tho driver's seat was more im* Stunning gowns of metal may And REX. THS WILD HORSE, In •'WILD BLOOD" in T2__£ po-uunt than tb* capacity te por­ soon be the vogue, It is said. tray emotion*. SUNDAY AND MONDAY—"ALIAS JIMMY VALENTINE" "The microphone* would havo Tba first X-ray motion picture ^Pfea had M> hard time keeping up with machine has been perfected. •to ta some of the ridss I used to NANCY CAft ROLL- GREYHOUND make as tbo original Broncho BlUy Jsjjt Omttsi -mrryortoi, Girl ef the film*. Uto was Just one Girl*, youth, beauty, lov*. chase after another. 'Round a bend aaystyf Tha latest sens> X mould I—te at top speed, with a April Is tke Month of Diamonds nit*. The neweet denes bead ot whooping cowboys about We cannot aU have birthdays in AprU, but ws all can enjoy As possession of step*. Hear LIMITED i o v • I y twenty yards behind ms. Nansy c*r. EDNA MURPHY* r GRANT WITHERS Picture* Growing Up Funfar Perfect Blue Whits Diamonds roll lln* •-Thsy never caught me. Thai Is. Tba ring* pictured ars delightfully unusual cre­ sat SSS hor dan**—and I AND FOR LAPPS the oamerae never showed it. I ations. , . lovely in proportion*. , . . richly howl Mssr Buddy ttn* sv*f engraved by hand. ... smart. . . . alluring ery Instrument aver mad*. STAN LAUREL and OLIVER HARDY wme tempted sometimes to let them —IN— overtake me, Just te beer the direc­ . . . and sat with brilliant sparkling dla tor rave. monda of finest quality. We are showing many other new designs at from IM "Pictures have grown up ln the •THAT'S MY WIFE" te 1500. . . . every one wltb a Funfar TALKING ACTS FOX MOVIETONE NEWS fast sixteen yeara. Thsy have be­ quality Perfect Blue White Dia­ MUTY! V0UTW. *'W-91»i come tbo medium for telling human mond. Trade In yaur diamond on ii etorlos Instead of portraying* a let a larger aaa. ... we allow full sf alam-b.-ig aotlue and fast move* O-Whsngs privilege. 5V*^____„_fi stent. T*rm* te Suit Year Osavsatsnte "Technical development caused Corns la today. ... It Is a pleesur FOR DAYTIME RECREATION R«os THE to shew yoa ... whether or not yo SANTA MONICA MOUNTAIN COACH LINES -bis growth. X had had fifteen pumhsjQ yeara* stage experience before I did $100 Terrains.—aroedwey Union Stege Depot—Oceen Ave. st Bdwy., S. M. «•*_!___ Th* Southern Californle'e Meet Beautiful Oc**n and Mountain Drives. my riding paste for Essanay. Re- The m rstng Unss ta nr. new to me, "Dorothy" •"Beverly" •:M A. M. IdO A. M. 1:30 P. M. 8:30 P. M. S-.30 P. M. te other member* of this oast. •5 e month jftnr5? COHPAHY •10 s month Round Trip*: t MS .75-S1-S. sr StS* M week t-MT Third at., testa Menles er S2.S0 s week Comfortabl* Coach**. Qoavostoat Connection*. Otead knew bew to aot

______:______•______. ______m^^^^^'^^^^as&i^^^Jm^M^iiiS^jm^^jHiin FRIDAY. APRIL 12. 192. SANTA MONICA EVENING OUTLOOK VIEWS SCENED IN THIS STATE Universal studio* today an­ nounced th* completion of "Points West." Hoot Gibson's latest star- ring vehicle. The picture I* now ln the cutting room. Al G. Barnes* Circus to Be Here Monday, April 15 "Point* West'' I* aald to be on* of the atar'* most thrilling pictures of the West. The atory wa* written WHOLE OF SANTA MONICA WATCHING FOR THE BIG TOPS by B. M. Bower. Moet of the ecenee were photographed ln the high Si­ erra*. Elephants that play an important part in the perform­ Alberts Vaughn I* leading wom­ an, with Frank Campeau, Jack ance given by the Al G. Barnes big five-ring circus when it Raymond. Martha Franklin, Milt exhibits here on Monday, April 15, for two performances, Brown and Jim Corey ln tb* eup- have their particular wash day. The picture shows Ruth, porting eaat. Arthur Ro**on direct­ one of the members of the three big herds of performing ed the picture. elephant* carried this year by "the ehow that ia different." Rttth, like ell other nice girl*. >a BIG BEN GETS a great favorite among the boy* who flock around her at each per­ TALKIE TEST Some of the girls and elephants of the Al G. Barnes circus rehearsing one of ths stunts* formance, *how«rlng present* of candle*, peanut* and popcorn on The sound of th* chime* of Big The circus, which will be here next Monday for two performances, announces many h*r ladyship. The stage door John- Ben. England'* traditional clock new features this year, principal among which is the spectacle, "Aladdin and thd nice wait ln fact eagerly to watch tower ot parliament, le to be shipped Parade of Gold," in which more than 1000 persons, headed by the Chinese beauty* her a* she strolls nonchalantly from •cross an ocean and a continent for her dressing room on the clrcua Inclusion ln a motion picture. The "Lola Lee Chong," take part. grounds to her berth on the spe­ boom of the hug* bell* 1* to b* cially appointed sleeping car. Ruth "photographed" by London repre­ ture. "City Light*," Lloyd eeeme to splendid box office title, * Juat wink* naughtily at the boy* for sentative* of th* Paramount atu- This and That be doing eome "watchful watting." for the present production until tt •h* knowa she will be In another Ths big thing in Hollywood ie dio* and the aound film will be or rather, close studying. His pic­ wae learned that an "edoeatioaal^ town tomorrow and will have the to 'heng en'." •ent to Hollywood for Richard Dix'* From Hollywood ture of course will be synchronized sex film now tn circulation la start* attention of hundred* of other They neve thi* aign prominently next all talking picture. "The Wheel and will have sound effect*, hut larly labeled. Sines this discovery* males. Ruth belong* to the huge displayed in e unique boulevard of Life." The belts will be heard what use, lt any. will be made of more than 260 title* have been ooa- from the screen ln th* opening ••- By ROBIN COONS dialog la at present a moot question. •ldered. with "Tb* Botanist" hold­ circu* ln the menagerie of which is restaurant frequented by movis The funs may or may not like the the world'* largest traveling zoo, peopl*. quenc* of th* production which From his present indications, he will ing first plac* among them in tbe. take* plac* on th* embankments of tdea ot a screen that speaks, and complete the silent version of ths comedian's favor at preeent. carrying mor* than 2500 wild ani­ It ie e poignant aign te great and that of course will be decided ultl- piece and then will decide whether mate, bird* and reptiles, and the •mall at thi* period ef uneerteinty the Thamee under the ehadow ot the parliamentary towere. I mately at the box the purposes of comedy can beet be only performing herd of xebra* in ceu**d by th* talk)**. ' office*. M e a n- served by dialog or hy silence. thl* country- In th* too ar* to be W« aew Emil Jenninge laughing KEN MAYNARD D 1 while, there are Meanwhile, he displays a etu- •een the greatest attraction ever at thia eign net long ego. apparently many dent'* keen Interest ln the new talk­ presented by an American circus— We thought ef it today when we IS HONORED who are adapting ing film* that ar* released; but ON LOCATION Tusko and the Oreat Tusko—the heerd the report that Emil'* little themselves to the what wtll be hi* ultlmat* decision two largest beasts walking the trip to hie homeland wae a perme* And her name is "Ruth." BY PRESIDENT new era in their as to dialog ln hia own picture re­ Ken Maynard and hia earth today, so huge that two spe­ nent one. After ell, the talkiee heve unsolicited "con­ main* quite a* problematical ee the making "Tha Wagon-master,** at cial railroad cars ar* required to ceueed the jeunt end are eeuelng W. S. Van Dyke, film director, tributions" to the name under whioh the new comedy Universal City, want on location ta transport them from town to town. ue te leee a true artlet what Kai. Krueger .taa been Baying en route to Africa to film "Trader making of pic­ finally will appear. Lon* Pine yesterday. They win ba ever eince he came to Loe Angelee. Thl* year the circus grounds are Fer it ie reported In film eirelee Horn" for Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, tures. gone about two week*. todey thet Jenninge will net return. It te on thle point I ayrae with him waa algnally honored in Washing- Harry J. Brown le directing "Taa eltuated et Michigan* avenue and complete'y. If tho t.uth were only Harold Lloyd, CHRISTENING PROBLEM Fourteenth etreet. He reallsee that hia laek ef knowl­ ton hy President Herbert Hoover. Which reminds. Incidentally, that Wagonmaater," tha tint Weetern ta edge regerding the English len* knirnn I actually rejoice ln that for Instance, every have both aound and dialogue. Tha Hoover was host to the director time lt became practically all Lloyd'a feature pic­ guego would handicap hia work te knowledge. Seattle la a hlUy olty at ths White House and supplied story concern* the wagon frelghtera full of up* and down*. It 11** close known he wae tures hav* progressed to the pre­ telkiee. him with a list ot friends among making a new who carried supplies to mining Curves Are Back Rather than make a fsllure ef a to the Canadian border and I shall the mining engineer* of Africa who view stage before being titled campe ln the pioneer daya ot tba picture, used to finally. "T. N. T.," regarded ae a telkie he hss dselded te' ebenden never forget the first time when may be of aid to him tn the film receive from his west hie Americon ooroor. It le said that t entered ita hospitable portal* be­ project fana dosens of he and Paramount have tern up ing arrested for driving on the Following eonferencea with the suggestions for their contracts by mutual consent wrong rd* of the atreet I might Smithsonian institute regarding de­ "gags," tricks or and he leevee with the beet ef feel* explain that I ha* Oome from tail* of the trip. Van Dyke will *all comic situations ing en both aid**. British Columbia where they were for Africa wher* the film will bs to he Incorporated in the film. Some Emil ie returning te work fer hie driving English buthion, whloh In mad* with , Duncan of these wer* sent frankly ln the **& eld company, UFA, in Oermany. thcee day* was exactly opposite to Renaldo, Edwina Booth and a na­ expectation of remuneration, others And though hie selary will only be gClN6*MUSiC the American. And, therefore, re- tive cast. were offered gratia the eendera ap­ TIVOLI $4000 e week, he will net hav* th* X* * «U-rlCS HAMILTON riSHC* memberi'.g the ten dollars 1 left parently considering their use by * AN : A •' \JI( A BlU' «_ telkiee te oentend with—ee thet ie behind as a fine, I am delighted to of th* masses, l.e says. And the the comedian sufficient and flatter­ something. .now that. Karl Krueger ie conduc­ reeeon ls not merely that the mu»lc ing reward. Not Infrequently, how­ I have never spoken to Debussy, tor of that very progiesslve and up la beautiful and rhythmical, but ever, these "suggestions" were SNDS TONIGHT KATHRYN'S BREAK and ao 1 don't know what kind of to date ?>urg, Seattle. because tho ilmple poetic story by Ideas lifted from previous Lloyd Kathryn Crawford, who 1* un­ cloude -were hie Inspiration for Long may he wave! Poushkin, a* well a* IU musical pictures by absent minded or for­ known aa yet to film fana, will be "Nuagear" one of two nocturne* setting, oome from the hearts of two getful admirer*. Greta Garbo in "Wild Orchids" Paul Whiteman'a leading lady In which Karl Krueger, pinch conduct­ Vera Barstow. viollnlet, will be intensely patriotic and devoted But now, with noisy film* th* ing for Oeorg Schnoevoigt, presented soloist with th* Phllhermonlo or­ Russian*. rag*, Lloyd 1* receiving contribu­ hi* million dollar sound talkie for loot nlgi-t at the thirteenth sym­ universal. chestra of Los Argelee. at th* The Techalkowsky opera la not tion* ot "theme aongs" for the pic­ phony pair. However lt might inter­ thirteenth popular concert, Sunday ture that haa been In process of Though ahe 1* now In film worb, est mon ami Claude Achlllo to know a tragedy Ilk* most operas, although MI** Crawford'* film have not yet afternooi., April 11. Mlsa Barstow there to a duel with a fatal ending. making under the title of • T. N. T." that Hen- Krueger from Seattle ex­ will ho heard In Cecil Burleigh'* The songs are being returned to Feature Preview reached the fan world aad thla Is It le th* atory of th* menUl and celled himreelf ln the rendition of "Concerto No. I, Op. 48" whloh wtU their writer* as rapidly as they ar­ a big break for her. nis very delicate composition. Sad spiritual developmonr. of a -woman. be given firet hearing at that thne. Tatlana, a simple Raeslan country rive, for to all appearance* the She was recently signed by Uni­ to say that doeen't nr-ean very much n*w Lloyd opu* will go It* way un­ Tonight at 8:30 versal, after *he had appeared in because the rest of tht- program waa Thie artlet has achieved interna* girl, falls in love with Eugene One* the stags production of "Hit the tlonal fame for she has appeared gin, a dendy from the capital. She aided or unhindered, according to the a moet unlntereetlng conglomera­ point of view, by a *pecial tuna SATURDAY ONLY Deck," at a Loa Angslss theater. tion of badly performed eompoet- wltb the leading orchestras both ln naively reveal* her lov* in a letter She le a einger and dancer as -lona and standard one* at that. thia country and in Europe. She to him. He le bored, rejects her ROAD SHOW VAUDEVILLE well ae an actress, which qualifies waa tho .first instrumentalist to be advances with cynical advice as to HAROLD IS STUDYING her splendidly for th* role she haa Thia weary traveler on the musi­ choeen by the Hollywood Bowl the wisdom of anting with more Whll* Charlie Chaplin apparently Flash, the Wonder Dog, in "Honeymoon" to play In th* Whitman talkie. cal highway did no. remain for audition board to appear with the maidenly reeerve In future and le definite In hie decision against Oeethovwi's "Fifth Symphony" Bowl Orchestra, and has alnce that leavee her eruefaed with ahame and the ua* of dialog In hi* present pic­ "ROAD SHOW" which formed the eecond part of time been active ln the chamber dlsappoii iment. An admirer, Vladi­ "Broadway Melody," waa auch a tho program. H* had much on his music field and as n member last mir Iionsky, Uk-as ber to a danoe, success that MOM are planning to mind an* too llttlo inside to feel sunwner of tho Levlngs-Bars-tow trio where they meet Onegin. He be­ Matinee Daily, 2:30 film another theatrical talkie with comfortable after Strauee' "Don i»t the Argus Bowl achieved con­ come* Jealously enraged and insults practically the same eaat. Juan." Someone remarked to me siderable success. Onegin. In a duel Lensky ta killed. Fox CRITERION TODAY AND SATURDAY that it waa moet unfair to criticise The rest of the program for that So you will see little Bead* Love a guest conductor. Perhaps that is Tears elapse. At a reception at a and Charles King a* co-star* in Sunday concert will be announoed fashionable bouse n St Peters­ so. Still I didn't invito him and so later. "The Road Show." ho Isn't my guest. Neither do I burg, Onegin le Introduced to th* 4SHF >*AAHreBR»*^W£4/f * Production on the new film will conelder myself tho mayor and oor* reigning belle of Bootety, Prlnoes* begin as soon aa both etara have poratibn of Los Angeles nor am I "Eugene One-gin," Trchalkowsky'e Oromln, In whom he recognised concluded their work ln the "MOM In any way shape o* form related open, which the Glendale Sym­ Tatlana. He falls desperately In love Revue of Revues." to the management ot the Phil­ phony Orcheetra le to give in oon- with hsr. Now he declare* hi* love FANCY BAGGAGE MOM have further plana for both harmonic orcheatra I therefore have form on Monday evening, April tn a letter. It reawakene her Old of theae favorltea and one ot the no compunction to speak my mind 29, le the "National" opera of Rus­ nfatuatlon for him. Sho la in a Valeria LaMarr, one of the plane le to etar Charlee King, late fretly on the subject of Mr. Krueg- sia today, as lt haa been einoe that state of great agitation when One­ of Broadway, ln "Lord Byron of *r'« conducting. night of October 1». 1884, at tbe gin appears and bego ber to fly —DM. FERRIS. MYWtk EOS leaders of the daily fashion Broadway," originally selected ae a mperial Opera House. St Peters­ with him from her elderly husband. parade of the National vehicle to atar William Heine*. Tom dishing In a play called burg, when lt had IU flrat oucoeae, Love aad duty struggle within her, Beauty show. Count the "Th* Devil In tha Cheese" makee according to Modest Altechuler. No but ait the moment ah* oonfessea curves and find an angle if NEW TALKIE •mo of his character* eay: "I am a '.-peratlc composition of any of the her true feeling* ehe breaks away Tou hava read many etorlee great Russian writers enjoys any* from him and leave, htm, baffled you can. about the Foz film "Chasing work te "White Shadows," and the thing like its hold tn the affection and despairing, alone on tho stage. Through Europe," which wa* made recently completed "Bridge of San ln Europe with Nick Stuart te the Lul* Rey." leading role. NOW PLAYING STAGE STAR Now you will hear more about WHAT'S IN A NAMET the film because the film will be The men with the longest name fox CALIFORNIA Until Sunday Night WAS THEIR GAIN IN PICTURE made Into an all-talking nnd Bound in pictures hee been added to the WORTH HER LOSS? film. eaat ef "Thunderbolt," George Ben- Sddl* _eonard, famous minstrel Tou will not only hear the lan­ eroft'e eeeend Paramount talking guage* of each nation, but aoundB vehicle. man. will he starred ln "Harmony and street noises from varloua fam* ehe loved—e_e tUkmi Lane." whleh will go Into produc­ Hs is Ssmusl Sharwenke Reeeiter lappiaee* — Is aew* tion at Universal City on April I, oua cltiee of the world. Strudelle Stewart, negro concert It wa* announced today. Thla will be In line wltb the new plenlet snd veeelist. Stewart ia to th* hoeor ef hee LAUREL and HARDY in "BIG BUSINESS** The picture will be directed by Fox policy—to make all Fox film* play th* part ef a atnging eenviet family nam*. Wa. tb. Robert F. Hill. Mary Nolan will talk. Alfred L. WSrker will direct in the Josef von Sternberg directed Walt Roeaner Morietone Orcheatra and the new production a* David But- psiae worth tbe price* enact the leading feminine role. production. Don't si* mm Foz Moriatona Newa With Fabla Jane La Verne, child **nsatlon of l*r, former director, la now at work In "Thunderbolt," ae e condemned "Show Boat," alao will have a part on another film. eenviet swsiting *x*euti*n, he will tbrilUng COMING SUNDAY—ONE DAY ONLY In the film. eing th* spiritual* whleh are a pert RAQUEL RISES COLLEEN MOORE in "WHY BE GOOD7" The etory of "Harmony Lane" la ef his concert etsge repertoire, snd 1 JSB^S A Vita phon* Picture taken from "The Underetander," by Raquel Torre*, who In on* ehort plsy on the bettered old pieno In Lumbwa Soldiers give bettle Joe Swerllng. The adaptation was year made the leap from the ob­ th* deeth hou**. open veldt while Mertin JehneeUs tsn rsgingHonelgrinde the cameran the ! handled by J. O. Hawk* and Rob­ scurity of an ushsrette ln a Holly­ crest man—at home!" and that is A SCENE YOU WILL NEVER FORGET! ert F. Hill, Hawk* alao writing the wood theater to picture stardom, continuity. has just hsd new honorc hsaped Eddie Leonard, known as ths upon her. foremost minstrel of hie time, left Miss Torrss slgnsd today with STARTS TONIGHT the footllghte to sign a Unlvereal MOM on a nsw long term contract contract. In addition to hia inter­ and ls to play feature and atar roles For Just Two Days! Hurry! national reputation ae a mlnetrel ln a serlee of telkiee suitable to her man. he haa won fame aa a musical talente. Free Circus Tickets! comedy actor and vaudeville elgner. She waa given thle boost after her GAY, GLORIOUS YOUTH! A champ of tha squared circle meets a winner among girls ... he makes an amazing decision . . . and then Just think what that means, an opportunity for every the thing happens that you'd never guess. boy and girl to see the Big Show, Side Show and the Wild West Show absolutely FREE. Just hop out and fltramar Hafrl secure TWO NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS to The Outlook Santa Monica's Hotel for Santa Monican* or Tribune for three months or more at 50 cents per HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL SERVICE CLUBb month.

Luncheons, 12-2 P. M. ... iM»»M*ll»«>l«»»» fl.00 Dinners, 5:30-8 P. M. fl.50 ORDER BLANK I hereby eubeeribe te The Outlook er Sewtetle Tribune fer the period ef three monthe end egree te pey the eerrier for eame et the regular Saturday Night Dinner rate the first ef eech month. SERVED »:IO-» P. M. NAME ADDRESS. Dancing to ths Muslo of tbs Miramar Hotel Dance Orcheetra From 7:10 to Midnight NOTICE—Orders will not be good unless secured from New NO COVER CHARGE AND O *E STAGE scribers. A new subscriber is one who has not had The Outlook deliv­ F. and M. 4 _.G ROY RANDOLPH'S ered for the past 80 days. MORGAN 8. TTLER, Resldsnt Manager VODE-VAR1ETIES SPECIALTY ACTS RACCOON REVUE


wsrs furnished early today by resi­ dent* there, mot one building wa* Mr8. Zane Grey Goes Ocean Park Business Men Common Funerals Isft ot taore than a hundred aad To Meet Her Spouse mty. Uttle Ssvsd Mrs. Zane Grey, wife Of the novel­ - OutgrowBanquet Hall;to Throughout yesterday, those who ist, is en route to San Francisco For Wind Victims were not injured searched among the reins ot their homes. Uttle will today te greet her distinguished ha salvaged from the wreckage, ob­ husband at tha dock Upon bis return KMeet in Larger Quarters Stricken Arkansas Region server* said, so complete wae the from a Bine months' tour In th* Mourns Dead, Plans damage wrought. Whst wsa not South Seas. Orey was scheduled to destroyed or damaged by the wind Association Has Selected Main Dining Salon Rehabilitation was water seeked from a torrential arrive at San Francisco late today. on Mezzanine Floor of Santa seta. He Is coming by steamer from FIRST ACCOUNTS One of the victinw related from Tahiti and plans ta eome to Los An* I Monica Elks Club his cot tn a temporary hospital at geles immediately. \ Batesvllle, the approach of the Storm Cellars Save Many tornado, Weekly lunch and business gatherings of tba Ocean Park Business death list would hava been muoh Men's association have grown ta such aa extent that they oan no longer Ba said It appeared from the From Fury of west down tke White river. Aa lt 'arger bad citizens not taken refuge ha accommodated In "B" banquet room of the Santa Monica B. P. O. -n storm cellars. Many hurried to Uks lodge balldlng and will ln future be heM tn ISs main dining salon on Elements approached, tt *uckeu up ths water Into a whirling spout and the lower tunnels In sandstone quarries and tha meissnlne floor, Manager W. E. Denton of tie* Elks dab announoed escaped." yesterdsy. LITTLE ROCS. Ark.. April 12. (_*. portion ef the village wae drenched. Ths regular Thursday noon meeting yesterday was well attended by —Thrss group funerals ot victims of "One viewing the wreckage after Heavy hail storms occurred over representative buelnesa and amusement ef Ocean Park aad a number of ihe tornado which Wednesday swept the storm passed could not under­ targe areas of the stave, particularly gue*t«. President T. H. Dudley officiating. sections ot North Arkansas taking stand how even a cat could have in Fulton and Izard counties, just, First tat order of business was ths question of free radio publicity a tOU ot lite which stood at fifty escaped," one victim related. "The north of the storm. ever KTM, the heme station of Santa Moniea Bay District. Secretary today, were to be heM this after­ Edenboiough ot the association called attention ta the fact that the two* noon at Guion and Swlfton, two hour period granted Ocean Park vlllagee which bore tbo brunt of the FOR SALE «nd Santa Monica in return for the summer heat by spending vacations storm. radio concession was not being used at Ute beach. Two smaU rural cemeteries near THREE-ROOM HOUSE to capacity ta order to bring tbe Swlfton each are to receive the ooach section to the notice of in* Superintendent of streets W. w. Suitable fer small residence. To be moved. Can be Milliken, stated that he had talked bodies al 11 victims, while at Qulon, land residents, it waa sugftestt-d T ot* of tt-3se who loot" their lives in seen at Clover Held. Call 64881. J. E. GRANGER. that part of thla broadcast time ba hs matter over with Commissioner of Public 'Works Jobn A. Morton the*Storm which rared the entire taken la the evening, inasmuch ae town, are ta be buried. radio reception throughout Imperial who, he said, ls in favor of putting ••>n *uch a publicity campaign. While Meanwhile, ths woik of rehabili­ Valley, Arizona and Nevada waa tation was going forward under di­ very poor during the heat of tha .'.tr. Milliken had tha floor, President Dudley suggested he take some ac­ rection of Red Cross workers, and •lay and it is the r-ee

Women's Shoes ***«* Smart new Spring styles in slippers, pumps and oxfords; loveliest leath­ s»r Water Softeners ers and fabrics, satins, tsCfl "v suedes, kid and patents. Gives Zero $3.85 Up Soft Water 1 Men's Shoes „__ i***** * Yet requires lets care and New models in kid, attention than any water tfere*»* softener made calfskin, elk and patent leathers, tans, brown %tfcey* * _l* "^ji! «**••* and black 6*A AA ^^_S^*iss *** ^ft**? •• ""* ~ bi# ""£ t* to * ^\ Designed and manufactured par­ in all sizes^l sUU Up ticularly for the home by the world's largest manufacturers of *°*~ be *»" * water softeners and water sys­ Z^fr" in- ft***** Tbe»c1 tems. Children's Shoes coi—- Button and lace models in * a i*r **fL ***** DURO also make Semi*Automatic Water Softeners pumps, slippers and ties; •*** Ves ***** *>*•*_t__*d* ^__sitl-fc» •riot requiring a minimum amount of attention that any­ one can afford. kid, calkskin and patents. All styles d»j sr «po» DURO Hand Controlled Water Softeners as leer as $85.00 and sizes. *pleTTw Up lice**** Oa display at the following shops MOS tor *al* by your Plumber: SANTA MONICA OCEAN PARK Onlibest Metheson a Falconer -• 4. Starring 1015 MaWtSBS Ave. 21S Marin* St. Full Fashion Chiffon Hose 1 R. J. Vendor H. B. Fi*h*r *Wr% . ^oou**?* ^ -^_£*-»-******* « 1000 Sent* Menlea Blvd. 1222 M*rln* St. Pure silk-to-the-top, all new spring shades, *>% Mjt E. P. Nittlno*r VENICE **rt^+m**+ ^W ISM Third St. all sizes. Special — -91 afar WIImot Bros. Bay District Distributors "Cro***tt" Sho** far Mw A. P. Shropshire 1221 Washington Blvd. !___». ***** _*_i for •* 10S2 8*nt* Monica Blvd. J. Cordon U. H. Tyler 11» Market Bt. ISt Montana Av*. Herbert Hlckox •ssWm. StilSpeebl , Rancho Malibu«si, oTrtnca Vistas MBeach Msr. , Osl nor ARVAR HIT iota ea SHOE STORES,bc __ ___, M M 1484 Third Street \\-s9 *«tsu m m nm m jTOE DURO COMPANY ^* ^** Santa Menfcn * ^ ^ 1 IMS Santa Meniee Slvd* Sawtelle &Ji 3KB H. Vermont Ave., Lot Angeles, Cal.

0 liiflii .______}__ ___i______i__i FRIDAY. APRIL 12, 192. SANTA MONICA EVENING OUTLOOK s*AG£ELEVEM SK>TTWG OUTS MRS. BUNDY LEAVES TO RETRACE OLD TM lllllllllllllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllllllllll lUUUIIIIIIUUIIUIH FAMOUS SANTA MONICA TENNIS Pick^ Redondo to Bag Bay Loop Laurels QUEEN OFF TO EUROPE, SEEKS MEXICO ISNT THE ONLY PUCE By ROGER GREENS HARD ON THE THYROID wr RATES WHERE THEY'RE SH00TIN' WILD!! TO REPEAT WORLD CONQUESTS It is pretty disappointing, because here we had a ster­ V1KES THIRD May Sutton Bundy—Santa Monica's illustrious Dow­ ling "hate" all worked up ager Queen of the courts—will leave tomorrow to retraes and our thy­ the trails of her world conquests more than 20 years ago. roid gland or IN BIG MEET Immensely excited, laughingly denying any hope of re­ whatever it Is peating the feat that startled the tennis kingdom in the long that makes By FRANK PINCH ago of 1905, busily packing trunks in her apartment at ths you seethe Coach Kenny Grumbles' Miramar, Mrs. Bundy tonight stands on the threshold of with chagrin, another glorious adventure—the quest for the Wimbledon was hitting Redondo Sea Hawks, 25 points. International championship which she has won twice before. on all six. Accompanied by her daughter, Dorothy, Mrs. Bundy But lt can't he Coach done. Verne Lan- will first strike New York and then set sail for Europe, For you can't dreth _ Hunt­ where she will compete in the major continental and British keep mad at ington Park Isles tournmaente during the coat* anybody with a Spartons, 24 Ing summer month Roger Greene tremulo voice points. FIRST VISIT IN padded with pathos—and that was Angels Nab Loop TWENTY-TWO YEARS Mr. Lou Daro, lntrepeneur of Paci­ Coach The Santa Monica ace, fifth ta fic coast pretieldom, as he talked Charley the United Statee women'* rank­ to us yesterday. Daggs- Samohi ings, will tour with her party Vikings. 13 Top as Chop Oaks It may be hard on tbe thyroid to throughout Europe and wfll flrat points. •hut off the "h_te" abruptly, but That's how exhibit her racqu*t wiiardry In tiSe that's what happened. this writer picks French hard oourt champlonahip Mr. Lou Daro phoned us about the first three 6 to 4; Seals Slug clasale. those Qui Sonnenberg-Stasiak places in ths From there she plan* to go to bout ducats which he promised us Bay League Wimbledon. England, in June tor would be reserved at the box-office Frank Finch track and field Mission Reds, 12-5 th* International till* play. It erf- classic, to be held on the Hunting­ mark her first visit to tbe Ungual* but which turned up mysteriously tenni* capital In 33 years- A. W. O. I_. ton Park cinder path tomorrow aft­ ernoon at 1:10 o'clock. SAN FRANCISCO, April Rumor ha* lt that th* broaaaS His heart was bleeding, aa Pro­ Dowager Queen wtll be picked aa e> moter Claudius Calliope Bridge 12. (AP) —Baseball lots member of the American Wight- would aay. Here'e the "dope *he*t" for north, central and south on man Cup team and that upon her "Oh," he eald, "you cannot un* the classic: 880-yard dash—Space (HP), the Pacific coast, yesterday arrival home ehe will compete to derstend how ead am I. I don't Milton (V), Holt (I). the national championships at For­ knew what happened. I am die- 100-yard dash—Morales (R), echoed and re-echoed to the est Hills. Long Island, in September. tre***d, in pein. It grieves me yeu Kenyon (I), Whalen (HP). crack of busy bats. The Seal The mother ef four children, three 120-yard hurdles—Schell T.'^ run lead. band, Mr. Tom Bundy, himself ana* that? It struok us as sn hsroie Inglewood, IB: Venice, lt; Comp­ Double* by AugI* Walsh, batting tlonal champion In bygone daya, gesture except thet it wee tee cold ton, 4; Woodrow Wilson, S; San for Russ Miller, and Karl Webb, will not accompany Ura. Bundy daa end dempieh. Pedro, I. and a home run by Walter Berger, 1 to pressure of buslnesa. He WtU Well, Mr. Daro Insisted on your -———«^———• left fielder, did the damage. Home SACKS BAG TITLE remain at home and expect* ta haw* correspondent being hi* "personal This prediction may eome a* a run* by Carlyla, Verge* and Arlett their new and palatial home on PTNEIILRST. N. C. April 11. UB gueat" at the pretzel bouts next gave their Oak* their first three Fifth nedr Georglna ready to wel­ surprise for Dick Arnett'e Ingle­ —Mlsa Marjorie Saclv*. young week, exhorted us to deeper rape, runs. Johnny Butler, Angel Infield- come her back wood Sentinel* qualified 22 men, Boston tennis star, won the women's and the thing finally wound up by er. also htt for th* circuit. eight more than Santa Monica, who singles ohampionship of th* United your correspondent feeling like the North and South tennis tournament guilty party! was second. This prediction Is based today bv def em ting her fellicw W L Pet. Anyway, Mr. Lou Daro is a stout on the fact that Inglewood, with WALLACE LOOMS townswoinan, Mise Clara Green­ CMn_F V/£_BCpOl.DNr p Lo* Angelee 11 5 .688 fella—both literally and figurative­ the exception of Casey and Kenyon, DEMPSEY BALLYHOOS Sacramento —_1S 7 .699 span, 4-6, 6-3, 6-S. ASMANOELLFOE ly. has no potential first place winners, MKtW.UI6M.OP IN~TU_ Oekland 0 7 .583 ner, Milton. Holt of Inglewood is Portland 9 7 .688 ***** while Redondo ha* two men cinched MIU.'V... DETROIT, AprU 13. Iff)—Bitty TWENTY YEARS AFTER capable of 2:06 and may surprise. Mieeion . ~_ I 7 -41 for 20 point* and Huntington Park Wallace, trim Uttle Cleveland light- Santa Monicans are going to get FIREWORKS IN Sen Franeieee —7 9 .437 has two good sprint men, a half- weight today le baok In the realm a great kick out of following the MILE RUN BILLED SUPREMEJ1GHT CZAR Seattle . 6 11 -312 mtler, a crack relay team, and plen­ One of the most exciting racee of Hollywood 4 II i!7 of leading contendere far SomSSM progress of Mrs. May Sutton Bundy Mandell's title. He cam* through ty of second and third place ma­ the afternoon should develop ln the Yesterday** Reeult* this summer during her invasion of Uplifters Clash CHICAGO, April 12. (AP)—Jack Dempsey, promoter, with a decisive victory over Tommy European courts. terial. Santa Monica 1* virtually as­ mile with Ashcraft, diminutive Ven­ Lee Angelea 9; Oekland 4. ice runner, and Livingston of Ingle­ is advocating a "boxing czar." Hollywood -Portland, rein. Orogan. game and determined 399 Her *dv*ntur* might wall b* sured of 10 points in the weight* pounder from Omaha In their teat called, "Twenty Y**r* Aft*r," for wood furnishing the firework*. "What boxing needs to save it from decline is a su­ Sen Fren*i*c* 12; Sacramen­ with Johnny Lyman in ahape and round battle nt Olympic e_ree_a IMS it ie two d*cade* sine* th* famous Ashcraft defeated hi* foe once, but With Hollywood preme head, a man of action and power like Landis is in to 6. sessm Santa Moniean hopped a liner has an outside chance to take the had to make the run ln *:*l% to baseball," Dempsey said. "Today, there are too many con­ Miaaion 9; Seattle 1. meet by winning the relay. do lt. Hew Seriee Stand The bout, after an ordinary atari aeroee th* pond end dropped in en trolling boxing organizations and none is in agreement with became o, thriller In tbe electa* Jelly Old England unknown and MORALES "CINCH- Santa Moniea, Huntington Park Lee Angelee 2t Oakland 1. and Redondo ere fevered to win the the other, it seems. Portland 2) Hollywood 0. rounde wtth Wallace opening wp eerteinly not looking the part »h* IN BOTH DASHES In Low-Goal Polo relay, with the Spertene the top "These bodtea should get together. Sen Franeieee 3: Sacramento0. in the *1_th and piling up piilf wa* destined to ploy. Morales, Redondo *prlnt*r, will thereafter that turned the tide In Mr*. Bundy was not without choice. Should Sente Meniee win There Is much to be don* and a Miaaion 2| Seettle 1. win both sprints and incidentally, this event end eome through aa pre­ supreme head, wltb power enough Qemee Today hi* favor Th* verdict ot referee fame on the West Coast Althouph "Cannonball Bill" Linly, Samohi "Slim" McClelland wan popular Just a girl ln her 'teens and pig­ dicted in the other events, the meet Encounter Sunday to make final decisions, could lift Oakland at Lee Angeles. sprinter, won't place unless he will be won by Coach Daggs' Vik­ "Pa" Emanuel in the game up to a higher standard.*" Hollywood at Porttend. wtth the crowd of 14.00*. tails, the pretty little Miss, May shows tremendous improvement tn ing*. It'* worth trying fer. Sutton, had won the Southern Cali­ Paul Prehn, chairman of th* Illi­ Mission et Seettle. form. Linly has two years yet, but 8aoram*nto at San Franeieee. fornia championship and other Johnny Lyman, Santa Monica* Making up in fight and nois atate athletic commission and Isn't ready to etep In such fast com­ president of th* National Boxing FIGHTS LAST NIGHT minor event*. weight ace, 1* practically a cinch reckless riding what they DETROIT. April 13 tffl—BtUy pany. Morales will nose out Martin in both weight event*, with Brown Threat to Delay association, agreed wtth the sug­ But the Pacific elope, at that The victory egalnat th* Senator* Wallace. Cleveland, outpointed and Whalen, Spartan sprinters, In of Compton and Klubnickln of lack in goal-rating, the Up­ gestion. time, wa* not far removed from the wa* th* third defeat of that team In Tommy Grogs n. Omaha. 10. Louie the furlong dash. Huntington Park furnishing him "A good man with the power to Covered Wagon era and the news lifters club and Hollywood three game* thi* week by the Seals, Kid Kaplan. Meridan. Conn, out­ Schell of Redondo should win the competition. Schell of Redondo carry out his Idea* would be a great Hunt and Saddle club mal- despite the eeemingly phenomenal pointed Joey MedilL Chicago, 19. of her prowess had not travelled both hurdle*. He can't be touched will score pointa In the ahot put. Hudkins Bout as asset to the ring," Prehn said. "To­ across the mountains, let alone fact that only last week the Seal* VAVHNHORT, Iowa— Young Jack In the high hurdles, but Capt. Tad "Pop" Squire* ia enthusiastic letmen clash this Sunday on day, there ls too much difference ln across th* ocean. had been beaten on every front Dillon, Louisville, outpointed Kayo Barnum of Santa Monica will make about hi* high Jumper, Heigold, a ths •Lifter greensward In Rustic opinion. The various boxing or­ So May Sutton, ln 1905, clenched lt interesting in the low*. Toung of ganisations should get together, since the start of the season, whll* White, New Orleans, It. Johnnie sophomore. If it's really class and canyon at 2:45 o'clock. her racquet and with cool precision Venice has to be figured too. Broken Hand Ails form a compact organisation and the Sacramento squad brilliantly Fullon. Cedar Rapid*, outpointed not friendship Squire* bases hi* as­ mowed down the flower of Eng­ Although Haden of Woodrow Wil­ Preceding the polo match at 2:15 work ln harmony for the good of took the Coast League lead. Jack Melrose. New Orleans, lt. sumptions on, th* Huntington Park will be a *erl*s of whippet races on PASADENA — Bearcat Wright, land'* women tennis great*. Over­ son hung up the best qualifying jumper should take tbe event. the game." In yesterday'* game the Seal* night ah* became the toast and quarter mile mark, pick Lewis the turf. The Southland's tasteet A right hand still hovered pounded out 11 hit*. Elmer Jacob*, Omaha, won from Nell Cliaby, IUV- Spancer of San Pedro and Rich and "dawge" are entered ln the event* ersld*. 19. the sensation of Great Britain. It Whittier of Santa Monica to win Weber of Santa Monica ar* also to today as a "sword of Da­ popular moundsman. managed to aeemed Incredible that thl* 17-year- the event with Haden second and and some fast mark* are antici­ bat the ball far enough on two oc­ be figured for place*. pated. At the climax of the fourth mocles" over the scheduled old American girl could capture the Sheehan ot Inglewood third. 27 ALL-STARS TO casion* to circle the diamond for a KING LANHAM polo chukka a horse race featuring Wrigley Field battle Monday Wimbledon International champion­ Space of Huntington Park le the SOLE FAVORITE couple of tallies. The Seals batted outstanding league half mller, but the club'* beat rider* of both sexe* Ed Bryan hard and finally drove ship. It was incredible, but it was Casey of Inglewood and King night between Armand ENGAGE CARDINALS will be pushed by the Venice run- will b* bold. him from the mound. also a fact. Lanham of Samohi ehould bave a Among the entriee are Audrey Emanuel, San Francisco New ehe'e going baok—twenty heavyweight, and Ace Hudklne, Twenty-seven track and field The Mission Reds defeated the duet ln the pole vault, with Casey Scott, Danny aoff, Mr*. Frank Seattle Indian*. < to 1. pounding Federal yeers sftsr. And if it ss*m*d in­ Nebraska "wildcat." athletes, the pick of the Southern ere In the world—fifth tn the na­ probably singing the loudest. If Dasey (Agnes Christine Johnson), two pitchers with a barrage of 14 credible thst she oould gein the tional rankings! Lanham comes through it still pats Ann Roark, Bert doff, Arthur Pee- Emanuel's right hand, bruised In conference, left today for Palo Alto, world'* championship in 1906, it I* training, threatened to cause either where they will engage Dick Tern.' hit*. Ik* Boon*, slugging outfielder, The general belief, among those Santa Monica In a dangerous posi­ terre and Harry Simpson. The first garnered four hit*, including three Cut Rate far harder te believe thet more who don't know her, le that ehe tion to win the title. two mentioned are picked to steal postponement or th* calling off of pleton'a Cards tomorrow. than twe decedeo heve reelly •lip- the catchwelght struggle. The Bay . Although the conference aces are doublee. The game waa a close at* won't be able to atand up under the Afner, dusky Venice captain. I* honor*. fair until the ninth Inning, when pad by whan yeu eee thle amating exacting strain of the competition. City barrister-boaer haa been un­ conceded little chance to win. some slated to win the broad jump with Snowy Baker and Hal Roacn. intereatlng race* are anticipated. the Miaaion* gathered in three runs. Cigar Stores Amazon in action today. That belief ie an erretum. Mr*. Taney and McKee of Compton and leading 'Litter mallet swingers, will able to punch aquarely with the hand, and hia father-manager. Hector Dyer of Stanford te expected Hubbell hsld th* Indian* to four 223 Broadway Twenty years from now your ecr- Bundy can and doee pley half a Crum ot Santa Monica pushing him. alternate at the No. 2 position, Bak Charles Emanuel, declared that If It to get more than hia share of com scattered tap*. The victory gave the SANTA MONICA reepondent expects to be panting dosen Beta in one eiege without With the proper breaks, vie., Bar­ er riding the firet four chukkae and petition by dropping both sprint* to Mission* a two to on* lead la the wavering. Sh* hee the vitality of Roach finishing up. George* Musa- waa no better after today'a workout and wheeling after a golf ball, num to win tbe lows, Lanham to he would ask for th* eecond time Nate Oeorge, dusky Whittier demon, eerie* Quantity buying • whole roomful ef women who join phla ha* th* No. 1 position taken probably mountainous of paunch, win the pole vault, place ln tor a postponement. low overhead enable* dyspeptic and creaking of Joints. the Sewing Circle when they be­ both sprints, Santa Monica to win care of, while Lyle Puckett will hold The San Franclaco heavyweight us to sell at those low But twenty year* after ahe flrat come her age! the relay, Santa Monica will win. down the No. 3 berth. Claire Bran­ However, Inglewood. supposedly the son saddle* up at No. 4. boxed several rounds yesterday but prices: hit the height*, Mr*. Bundy 1* -.till Watch for the wire stories tht* favored his right hand. A rigorous ROCHE CHOICE TO REPEAT ON HOMER one of the greatest feminine play* summer. They'll be Interesting. favorite, won't finish better than Although the Lifter* hold a de­ Chesterfield, Camels, third. workout between the rope* was cision over the Ventura boulevard scheduled for today to test out the SHERIDAN IN HOLLYWOOD TOP SPOT Lucky Strike, Old Gold, ailing member. Three Kings, EXPECT RECORD CROWD SUNDAY FOR While the lack of a right hand By MR. WALLOP carton SANTA MONICA'S COAST BOYS' NET oast a shadow over the Emanuel Windy Windsor ha* talked mor* than on* fighter up so muoh that $1.15 BIG SOCCER CLASH AT SAMOHI FIELD camp, the Hudklne' training estab­ the populace was ready to depose the champion and put Windy* bam- Prince Albert AA. lishment was aglow with optimism and-egger on the throne but Windy promise* he* telling the truth thl* or Velvet, Ib. 7VC TEAM CHAMPS IN H1LLCREST MEET and confidence. Th* "wildcat." be tim* wher. he predict* hia latect fighter, Jo* Roche, wtll knock the spot* A record crowd ie anticipated Sunday afternoon when the Spanish llevlng he will finish Emanuel be­ elf melancholic Homer Sheridan tonight at the Hollywood stadium In a Dill's Best or s_f OA Hillcreat Country club wtll stag* an exhibition, Sunday, atartlng at American Bull Fighter* of Los Angelee Invade Santa Monloa to meet fore tbe tenth round bell, has been return affair. 1:10 p m., featuring the Santa Monica Boys' Tennis team. Edf eworth, lb. * I ee_U Coach Bill Manton'* St. Oeorge eoccer eleven. going through hie eparring matte at Sherldin wae kno ked out In a Led by Capt Jay Cohn, Pacific Coaat boy* champion, the team will Granger Rough The match, which will be played on the Samohi Field, starting at a furious pace. couple of round* by Roche a elicit fight at Hollywood that tbe tana consist of Oeorge Trask. Leonard Patterson, Bill Packard, Dale Kasl and I:SO. la the outstanding soccer game of the Bay District seaaon and a It was announced by Jack Doyle, time ago but eaid the punch w«— a were survrleed to aee. the red-head Cut, Ib Sid Levy. Margaret Sturgeon, girl player on the team, will play one of 75c nominal admleslon of IS cents will promoter of the outdoor fight, that flute that landed on hie cheet and •rip Jacki*. Thi* bout ehould etenl the boys In what promises to be a Plow Boy, he charged to help defray expenses the match would not be broadcast •mpalred hi* heerlng to the aatent tbe show. win It would mean a large dent ln feature match. Ute In June. The whole team I* en­ and finance nest season's team. by radio. that he couldn't hear the referee Frank U- Arragon, rapidly oUmb- 14-oz. tia 59c the Spanish eocutflheon and would Lee Smith, ooach and originator tered tn the OJai tourney, and the Chami.onshlp bound, the Steer boost the Salnt'e stock to the eky. oo*tnt. It muet have been eome trur Into the limelight aa a rip- Gee. Washington, Pugilists have no Intention of let­ of the team, haa Juat been appoint­ next exhibition match will be played Manton baa surrounded a power­ quartet. It won't be eo easy to re­ blow. Colima haa refused to meet roaring bantamweight meata Bobby lb. ting the Saints stop them and there­ ed tent* Instructor at Hlllcrsst, at the Uplifters Club early ln May. peat, according to the Hunt club Sheridan *o h* muet be food. Roche I!, rmtn In the epeolal event Ar* Tuxedo, in lies Manton'* .dea hie team will ful gro*i>> of athletes to turn tbe where exhibitions featuring the beet The progres* of th* team will be supporter. Riding at No. 1 will be ** favored to repeat. riitnn recently held the claeey Ig- Ib. _.. win He claim* that the Americana trick. Among them arc Capt. Harry players tn the weet will be held dur­ noted with intereet by the tennis Dave Whyte, at No. 1, lohn Bran- Red Humphries will attempt to nacio Hernandea no a draw at are too over-confident and won't Cooper, .Tim AShforth. Tom Fox. ing the coming season. fans of the Southland, Inasmuch a. All 19c Tebaeee, dels, at No. 3, the three goal star, prove that hie recent victory ov»r Stuck ton and la favored over Her­ he up to snuff tot a rtd-ho'l battle, Andy Lambden, Bd Smith. Bd Thla la the first event on the- play­ the boys will represent the West in 8 fer John Feye and at the back po*l- .Tackle M.tndell was tn the up aad man. A strong eupporttag eerd la the kind the Saint* like to give to Sephton. Walt Hoffman, Frank Bag- ing schedule lined up for this boy*' the boys' team event at Philadelphia tion. Warren Jenninge. alee t* he pneeated. Visiting teem* Fere tits Sons te Urn Tommy Oanoll, aad Osboras. before tt leaves for the late la the eurnmea. u» it'a ao eeWoca Kendall drope a PACE TWELVE SANTA MONICA EVENING OUTLOOK •ts* FRIDAY. APRIL' 12. IM* Talkies Too Much Optometrists WiU HOLD ELECTION Apple Queen BOAT STOPPED BY ARMED MEN Claims Announcer Western Star Circle, Neighbors Radw Chairman ^ For German Star Meet Next Sunday Doesn't Use Name uf Woodcraft, te meeting this eve­ ning at Barker Ball, H42V4 Santa Camilla Horn, German film act­ The California atate board ot op­ An Injunction against J. R. Pou .h Monica t.culevard. to elect delegates ress and former leading lady for tometry plana t* Investigate assert­ of radio station KMIC Snd Dalton's. to the _••».«• Beach convention. May Quit Post John Barry more, Is en route back to ed vl.1l.1t ions ot the sta te optometry Inc., Loe Angelee automobile deal­ the Fatherland today to re-enter law at a probe to ba instituted by ers, waa asked in a suit on file to­ silent movies. TlM coming of tbe the association tomorrow. Dr. T. A. day hi tM superior court by R. Les­ Robinson of Federal Com­ "Undo" la attributed as the chief Krombiich, secretary, announced to­ lie Kelley, owner of the' Kelly Kar mission Said to Be Con­ i reason for the petite blonde Ger- day. TBO California Mate Associa­ company, Who alleged the defend- I Man actress' return to bar native tion ot Optometrlsto will moot ttt anta were -wrongfully refusing .to sidering Offers land. She IB taking with her a executive session at Hotel Alexan­ announce the broadcasting unit over | complete Ixis Angeles-made ward* dria, Loa Angelea Sunday to dis­ the a ir as tbe "Kelly Kay station." UNCONFIRMED robe and a high-powered American cus., plana too the educational oon- After a preliminary recital ot the automobile-, also bough th tn Loa An­ gi ens to be heid nt the University facts, Superior .Tu'i-«*- Marshall F. geles. ot Southern California July 5 and tt. McComb declined to grant a tem­ tbs Adhered Steadfastly to porary mandatory order, compelling the announcement, but fixed Mon­ Opinion Public Should Bank Official Many New Industries day morning at JO o'clock for a Come First hearing before Superior Judge Has Heart Attack In Los Angeles Field Walter S. Gates. By ROBERT MACK Special Correepondent ef the r AS AT. EN A. AprU IS- (CK8)«- Products of more than (5 new Outlook .Tos. ph (•nunt, vice president of the industries added to tho I_s Angeles MAY HAVE TO MOVE (Copyright 1139 by the Consoli­ Security*!*—*at National bank ot t_os Industrial field during the past few SIW TORK, April -S (ff).—An dated Press AsKTi.t Angeles, ls reported seriously 111 at monthe were on exhibit at the The Restless, owned by Stuyvesant Fish, prominent New invasion by apartment houses is WASHINGTON, April 12.-—Per­ hie hone, "32 Plnehurst drive. Tbe Chamber of Commerce building laat likely to drive Mayor Walker out banker suffered a heart attack late night ln conjunction with a dinner Yorker, was searched for liquor by customs guards at of Greenwich Village. He says ba sistent rumors that Chairman Rob- Wednesday while motoring to thla sponsored by the manufacturing New York, Mr. Fish has protested that shots were may have to sell for $50,000 or so it-eon of the federal radio commie* city from Hollywood, According to and Industrial committee of the the old homestead his father bought slon will resign remain unconfirmed hia physician, Dr. J. D. Condlt, chamber of commerce and the Pur­ fired to stop his boat and the search was made during 30 years ago for $18,000, as much although lt la known that he 1* con­ Caunt -will be confined to Ms bad chasing Agents' association of Loa as he hatea to leave the neighbor­ Rosella Corle, 15-year-old Angeles, sidering aeveral offers to return to for at least a month. a general display of firearms. hood. private practice of law. high school girl, has been Latest reports Unking the name elected ruler of the 1929 Ol LOlflBS-OE a.OE-30 E XOEaO-KO] [PESO] EOE of Judge Robinson with a new chain Wenatchee, Wash., Apple XO broadcasting enterprise in New Blossom Festival. She re­ o MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT 4TH AND JOHNSTON'S York are denied. Thi* same report if associates Carl Tl. Bulmun, com­ ceived ths honor for her mission secretary, with thia con­ character, beauty and o cern, recently granted experimental scholarship. PHONE 23270 1425 Fourth St. leave lengths by the commission n and now said to be in process of organization. Both officials have fleon approached by the sponsors of FRIENDS INVITED the enterprise but both discredit the The Ol J Polka Charitable associa­ Free Delivery reports that they Lt any way have tion la holding itB regular Saturday Everywhere PHONES. obligated themaelvee. night dance In Barka hall, 1342.. • Judge Robinson, it is learned on Santa Monica boulevard, on Satur­ Every Day 23-279 excellent authority outside ot day evening, April 13. Johnston Grocery Co. Washington, has been tendered an Offer by tha Congress Sugar com­ Special for Saturday, April 13,1929 pany nf Philadelphia to become it* chief counsel. William 8. Paley, president sf tills company, ales i* president of the Columbia Broad- AT Delicatessen Department o casting system. Judge Robinson YOLANDA RAVIOLIS himself is jion-committnl. It la , SPICED PORK LOINS, lb 60c ! presumed that should Judge Rob- Small Size ...12 /2c Large Size 32V2c ' inson eventually become affiliated These little -"Chicken Piee" are In a class by themselves. They CANNED FRUITS a VEGETABLES LIVER LOAF, lb 40c -With the Paley companies he also received a gold model fer quality—and alwaya reasonably priced would be available to advlae the et Johnston's. Please eccept the Invitation ef our demonstrator Plain.or with sage. Columbia system in ita legal mat­ Taylor's to have a sample when yeu eome to our store. ter*. DEL MONTE DE LUXE PLUMS LONGHORN CHEESE, lb 30c Expansion Program From 7 to 10 A. M. Sam Pickard, former radio com­ No. %Wt Cans 25c MARTIN'S NEW YORK CHEESE missioner, resigned last February Brookfield Butter, lb. 48c to become vice president of the Per Pound 48c Columbia system. Thle chain, the 6cans $1.00 Three-year-old full cream New York Cheese with just the right competitor ot the National Broad­ NUT MARGARINE, lb 15c teng. You can always get it et Johnston's. casting company is now in the D 1929 Introducing thla good oleo at 15c per pound. Regularly priced If Delivered, 6 Cans $1.10 process of a national expansion program. It already ha* a 43 sta­ at 17c at Johnston's, COLD SLAW, per Pint 20c 9 tion chain ln operation aa a coast- DEL MONTE CRUSHED PINEAPPLE It'a Just a bit different and you will like it better, and of couree, O to-coast network. Spring Lamb No. 1 Can lmWtc It's reedy te eerve. M Since he assumed offiee Juat one year ago Chairman Robinson often (rra* Mint) Jell-o or JeDwell has enunciated hia view of publlo Elite Bakery Dept. " eervlce. He has adhered steadfast­ 5 cans 50c ly to the opinion "that publlo serv­ Elite Service is available to you at all times at John­ ice comes first," and at all times 3 packages...... 25c ston's. Birthday Cakes that are works of art, made by has maintained that he would con* LEGS DEL MONTE PINEAPPLE JUICE real artists; lee Cream Cakes, French Pastry, etc, that aider the existing state of condi­ Regular 45c Pound aro incomparable and you can have them delivered at tion* tn radio before relinquishing AU Flavors No. 10 Can 50c voluntarily fate publlo office. Almost one gallon ef pure pineapple juice for 50c. Pour tlmea Johnston's any time, anywhere. Whether or not he plana to retire iC as much ae the ordinary No. 2*/2 can for 20o. Figure it our from publlo life apparently rests for youreelf. with future developments in radio I FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT, No. 2 Can 20c administration. It is most improb­ DEL MONTE JAM, No. 2 Tin 25c able that he will make a decision WoolTs Fruit Salad before summer. 3 cans 50c Hem System This It aweet aa sugar—net oven the bitter tang that yeu are 5 cans $1.00 Large No. V/* Can „ 35c The New Tork enterprise whleh accustomed to In higher priced grapefruit. la represented as having negotiated LOINS Plum, Blackberry or Apricot. for the service* of the two officials, claims the development of a system Regular 60c to 65c FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT JUICE DEL MONTE KRAUT, No. 2 Can 12'/,c 3eans .$1.00 of broadcasting that will revolu­ Pound for Eight different varieties of California fruits, peeked in heavy tionise existing method*. Thia ts syrup. Incomparable in quality and price. understood to be one of several plana regarding local chain broad­ 2 cans 25c 3 cans 30c casting which it has in view. By Just the pure juice of fully ripened sweet Florida grapefruit. employing the principle ot syn­ 49; chronization this company Informed Old Dutch Cleanser the commission that it hope* to LIBBY BAKED HAMS link more than 200 local stations on Whole Hams, lb. .50c Vz Hams, lb. 60c the same channel, thus covering tha Baked in their own juieee. Hermetically ssaled te retain all their Chase and Sanborn Coffee country and effecting a tremendous goodness. No bones, no surplus fat—just delicious Baked Heme. 1 eaving ln channels. Two short Havs a tin in your eupboerd for the unexpected gueet, ae they 4 cans 25c wave channels would be employed •re always ready to eerve. Will keep for a year. to "control" ths broadcasting chan­ (Boneless, Boston Style) nel, and strengthen the emitted 2-lb. can 95c n signals carrying the program. Re­ MAINE SARDINES 4 Cans 25c PURE MOUNTAIN HONEY o cently .the commission granted the Regular 38c Pound for group experimental licenses for thla MUSHROOMS, Choice, Med. $ize 25c GOLDEN DATES 3 Lbs. 25c 10-lb. Can $1.50 work although tts engineers were Yesl That's Johnston's price! You save money by taking thia larger tin and thia ia especially skeptical about tta feasibility. fine quality honey. I 3 cans 57c OLD MONK SYRUP, quarts 85c < The Colosseum at Rome had a Use one part of this syrup te 4 or 6 porta of water, garnish i ocoting capacity of 87,000 epecta- with sliced oranges or pineapple and yeu havo a meat delicioue SEEDLESS RAISINS, 4-lb. Sack 25c tors. These are the Market Day package*—all clean, selected, seedless TROPICAL BLACKBERRIES drink. Uee thla.for the base of punch. It's economical. raisins. Legs of Pork No. 2 Can 15c 'PURE SORGHUM MOLASSES Take all you want at thla price, tool COLORADO STRINGLESS BEANS No. m% Can 40c Squat Cant 1234c Q CUBELETS of SUGAR 3 Lbs. 25c FLAPJACK FLOUR—1 PACKAGE FREE FRESH HAM 100% pure Sorghum, mode from old-fashioned sugar cone. Never Half or Whole CORN BEEF HASH, No. 2 Can 27ftc equaled for a cooking molasses and try It en your flapjacks for 3 cans 30c Regular 38c Pound for Ready to brown. Enough fer alx portione. a naw eensetion. D Store-VENICE PRODUCE CO.-No. 2 HOWARD'S — For Better Meats 1428 Fourth Street, Santa Monica This Week-End Offers the Following Specials: * FRUIT & VEGETABLE DEPARTMENT Champion No* 1 EXTRA FANCY SWEET FRESH PEAS, of S POUNDS J *., .„, ,.. LdC A Not a new product of Swift's, but an Little Pig Pork Shoulders Limit 1000 pounds. EXTRA FANCY NEW POTATOES. ft Steer Beef 4 POUNDS „.„„ _, £ :, ;.'..: -.. ' 25c Mother of old product - put up in a new ways FANCY JUICE ORANGES, POT ROAST Genuine Eastern Pork, lb..... 20c 4 DOZEN ___: _.„••,.. :.r.-_lri^,_..' :.... '„ ; ; 25„ c Eight Boys SWiffs Premium Savor-tite Hams FRESH LARGE BUNCHES GREEN VEGETABLES, Regular 28c Pound for 5 BUNCHES FOR :r: :. ..„;. ,'., •' £l_.10 c *_ read sn sd in die news- FRESH CRANBERRIES, aper and I started taking c Plate or Rib Boiling Beef POUND _. ', ,,„„„.,...... „ 15c Eydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable 8 to 10 lb. can, Ob. 50c Fresh Ripe Strawberries Fancy Asparagus Compound and I will recom­ lb. Artichokes Fresh Spinach , mend this medicine to any And a Limited Number of Extra Fancy U. S. No. 1 Idaho Potatoes woman who is in bad shape And Don't Forget We No. 1 Steer Beef only, lb. 15c BIG SPECIAL like I wss. I used to get 90 Make "The World's tired after s few hours-work that I wss even afraid in tor Bast "ALL-PORK" J SwiffsGrdcTl Leonard Sewell's Fountain Lunch own houss fttt the daytime. I SAUSAGES Cudahy's Rex Pure Lard didn't care if I lived or died. I The Talk of the Town! WHAT? have given birth to eight boys -AT- . • Hockless Picnic Hams la 1-Lb. Cartons sndlfeelstrong rightafter , since I have taken the Compound." To Sell at About..... 41.00 each OUR SPECIAL TURKEY DINNER I —Mrs* Maud Meyers, 469 E. 2 tor 35c 13A Street. Dubuque, loutt. With All the Good Eats to Go With It 9 E. Pinl',,nm Dry-Picked Rhode Island Red Hens and Fryers, Squabs, Rabbits f FOR ONLY 65c Market Phone Your Order Now—Phone 21944 Free Delivery 1423 Fourth Street Think of itt Don't That Make Yon Hungry? 14th 4k Montana Ave. :a!]!e Coiwioiii (In Safewey's) 8-.; [Ol-S-Ol XOl XOl

———————*__l—_____"5___SE»____^^ •'—————————_———i_———____ii_^ HON ESW N E WS^ HllfrEST'VIEWS^fRlieEST^ ADVE RTISING ECTION S*TWO* rrsp pftRSS ifr SANTA MONICA. CALIFORNIA, FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 1929 OUTLOOK CLOSES EIGHTH ANNUAL COOKING SCHOOL -"i PENNSYLVANIA CREW TRAINS FOR SPRING RACES | Helen Morgan to News of Bay Certified Milk Hundreds of Women from \ Region Told Face Trial Next With Brevity Benefits Heard All Parts of Area Gain \

But Texas Guinan, Her Big THE WEATHER Lions Club Addressed by Domestic Science Hints Rival, Is Already Santa Monica Bay District- Expert on Hygienic Fair tonight and Saturday; mod­ Back at Job erate temperature; gentle variable Preparation Radio and Phonograph Music Proves Added winds. ACQUITTED FAST FEW BACTERIA Attraction at Masonic Temple OCEAN TIDES High tides tomorrow, 12:42 Auditorium Invites All Present to Be p. m., .3; 11:39 p. m., 5.9; low Use More Holsteins Than tidee tomorrow, 6:05 e. m., .5; 4:48 Witu a large attendance of women from all over the Greater Santa Guests at Her New p. m., 2.1. Any Other Breed for Monl-a Bay District; keen interest ln the practical talks and demonstra­ Night Club ' Hardiness tions riven by Florence Austin Chase, national authority on all TEMPERATURES of home economics, and evidence of a real appreciation of the benefits N'EW TOTtK, April 12 UB.—Helen Yssterdey's maximum, 63 de- Surrounded by all the scientific of the week's school, the Outlook's Kighth Annual Looking School closed tliis afternoon, after four days of successful meetings. Morgan, singer of plaintive melodies grees; minimum, 43. precautions developed during years of painstaking study, certified milk Whlie the women assembled, many coming early to secure the most and the only -woman ever to BANK CLEARINGS is now one of the most carefully advantageous places in the auditorium of the -Masonic Temple, In which threaten ths laurels of Texas Today, $307,457.70; same day protected and valuable foods used in ail tne sessions have been held, radio music, was provided by the Sa.-ita Oulnnn as the most popular night last yeer, $396,380.01; total for the modern American household, re­ Monica Radio company at the booth which they have maintained at the club hostess on Broadway, -will on month to date, $3,879,993.49. vealed Miss Honorlne La Gier, expert school. Monday stand trial on the same of the Arden Certified Dairy, Inc., o' A feature of the daily gatherings — -—— MEETINGS TONIGHT AND Los Angeles, yesterday noon at the charge of which Texas was acquit­ has been the appearance, each aft­ ted. TOMORROW weekly meeting of the Santa Monica ciples in Cake Making," which she Miss Morgan, musical comedy ac­ Bay Buildere Exchange tonight Lions Club, held ln tho Miramar ernoon, of Maurine Dyer, popular illustrated with practical demon­ tress, ls charged with maintaining at the Miramar hotel for dinner Hotel. George Schelsberg was ln contralto singer of the Ba,y District strations in the baking of cakes and program at 6:30 o'clock. charge of the program. | a nuisance through sale of liquor at and Southern California, who has and making of icings and fillings. the Helen Morgan club at which she Meeting noticee must be in the been heard with pleasure on the was hostess. Hhe quit the night Outlook office by 10 a. m. day of "Milkers, herdsmen and the pro­ Many questions were asked of club business after her arrest last publication. duction methods are required to ad­ concert platform and ln opera ln Mrs. Chase, which she graciously here to the most stringent hygienic fall. many cities throughout the United answered in the ccurse of her talk. Texas was acquitted yesterday In standards. Both cattle and men in States and Europe. After u brief these establishments are medically Pencils and note books ln the hands (it minutes by a jury ot middle- Campaign Started to talk Miss Dyer has, each after­ .iged men who took but two ballots. examined at regular intervals to In­ of all the women were busy noon, played a Brunswick record None had ever been to a night club. Combine Beach Citiessur e the public of wholesome milk," throughout this talk and many The verdict was greeted with cries declared Miss La Gier: carrying two of the favorite hymns wrote busily during the course of "The flavor, quality and food val­ of "whoopee" by the spectators and REDONDO BEACH, April 12.— Left to right: Capt. W. Taeffner, stroke; N. Grill, No. 7; J. Weist, No. 6; T. Lambert, of Mary Pickford and her mother, the domestic art lecture preceding Texas lavishly distributed kisses (ONS)—Planned as a forerunner of ue of milk is rigidly controlled," the as sung by Mlsj Dyer and auto­ nmnng the spectators and jury men. speaker pointed out, "through feed­ No. 5; H. Large, No. 4; J. Olsen, No. 3; R. Sears, No. 2; Deveau, how. Kneeling: the domestic science discussion. overtures to be made to Hermosa graphed by Mary Pickford. This Her only regret, she said, was and Manhattan Beach for a con­ ing the animals a carefully bal­ Trowbridge, coxswain. Inset: Rusty Callow, coach. Both before and after the dis­ that by her acquittal she lost $50,000 solidation of the three communities, anced ration, especially prepared part of the program, provided at the cussions by Mrs. Chase large num­ that had been offered by a news- a campaign has been opened here scientifically, so that the product Camp Leaders Will Ray K. Schafer Brunswick booth, bers of the women visited the 7>aper syndicate to write a series of to change the name of the municl may have both the proper butter­ Discuss Plans for has received a full measure of ap­ booths maintained by various mer­ fat content and essential articles on lifo in Jail. pality to Pacific City. The drive is Meet in Convention preciation at each session. chants and outside firms and To Norman J. Morrison, special being sponsored by the chamber of Uss Holsteins Training School Securing Equipment studied the exhibits displayed, deputy United States attorney gen­ commerce as a means ot acquiring "Holstein cattle are favored hy Home Makers Interested The second annual Los Angeles That virtually every home maker among which were Ray E. Schafer's era!, who prosecuted her, she said: a new community personality un- many certified dairies, since tho Attended by six members of the music store. Bert's market, Spon­ milk from these animals has been camp leaders' conference is to be is deeply Interested in maintaining ''I want to thank you. You were trammeled by factional strife and held in Griffith Park Saturday and Btate advisory committee ot aero­ berg's department store. Coast Out­ a perfect gentleman." found by analysis to correspond Announces Course an attractive breakfaat room and an disagreements. Sunday. Playground leaders. Boy equally attractive kitchen would fitting company. White Roeo bot­ "Miss Guinan," said the prosecu­ more closely to mothers' milk than nautical education, appointed by Scout executives, representatives of seem to bo proved by their close tled water. Morola butter substitute. tor, "you were the toughest cus­ the product of any other breed. Hol­ Gov. C. C. Young, a meeting of tho city schools. Camp Kire Girls, Y. M. attention, this afternoon, to every Southern Counties Gas company. tomer I ever had." steins also have proved to be the Too Much Traffic C. A., Y. W. C. A., Woodcraft Religious Education to Be committee was to be held at Uni­ point ln the address given by Mrs. Bay Cities Guaranty Building Loan She. then Issued an invitation to healthiest and hardiest of all dairy Rangers and other orzanizatlons versity college ln the Transporta­ Chase on the subject, "Attractive company, Santa Monloa Radio all present, lawyers, jurors and On "His Ocean"animals . Launched on Larger will be represented. Breakfast Rooms snd Kitchens." spectators, to pass the evening at "Los Angeles county is recognised tion building, Los Angeles, today at company, Duro "Water Softener Scale This Year After this address Mrs. Chase gave company, Ben-Hur Coffee company. her new night club. NEWPORT BEACH, April 12. by national dairy and medical asso­ 'i p. m. an interesting domestic science talk K C Baking Powder and Ace-Hi The "coming out" party, as Texas (CNS)—There ia too much traffic ciations as being extremely fortu­ Tho chief subject of discussion on the subject, "Scientific Prin­ termed lt, was attended by a crowd on the ocean to suit George D. nate in having a low bacteria count. Los Angeles Has Over KINNE INSTRUCTOR flour. that taxed the capacity of the club Hoffman, wealthy speed boat oper­ Medical supervisors allow a count cf was to be the formulation of plans ator, according to his complaint ten thousand bacteria ln certified Half Million Voters 12 Periods of 50 Minutes for acquiring mechanical equipment OBSCENE LITERATURE lodged with the police department milk, yet the average count in certi­ frcm the army and navy for use by A total of 523,306 men and women RAN DIEGO. April 12. (.TV—Chief today. Hoffman declared that the fied milk in Los Angeles is below s. Each to Be Offered Junior colleges and night schools. of Police Doran todsy was enforc­ constant passing of motor boats thousand." of Los Angeles will be eligible to ing the city ordinance prohibiting outside his beach home disturbs THs Kenneth Monroe, member of the vote at the primary election on May for Students the sale of obscene literature after sleep and the wavea in the wake fourth district Lions convention to 7, according to figure* on registra­ al Council of Religious Education The officers of the Leadership .suing a warning to news dealers of the boats have damaged his own be held soon ln Long Beach, told of tions released today by County and the credits given for each of yesterday. vessel moored to the dock. plans for the event. Registrar ot Voters Kerr. Training School, conducted by the tho five courses here are inter- Bay District Council of Education, ohp.nable in any other euch school have announced the addition, today ln the "nlted States. Standard of a new course "The Curriculum texts are used an* 10 periods of BO . • . • JL on just of Religious Education." Thle will minutes each are required in each course for credit. The echool thle make five courses offered In the COOKING SCHOOL NEWS t epring will offer 13 such 60 mtnuto spring achool which srt&rts next pcrloda All teachers in the school Tuesday evening at the Presby­ have beer, accredited tfaohers of the can't begin to terian church. Because of a number courses they present and certlflcatee of requesta for this additional wi'l be riven at the close of the AI -&**&___n_. mil course, the school has secured tone •sessions on May S for the work iSssv' •**' - : - - '• - "M 1 Wash and dry fish, dredge with of the moet capable men ln south- done. A • ' ;'i.-»H* V?>.__| salt and flour (or cornmeai). Put crn California to present this course, This training school is a fine op­ appreciate IS portunity for every Sunday school mssu - m%Jtti •••*' "SK^ m^mmST Crisco into cold frying pan. To cook Ansel R. Klnne, who is director of ______• __^^^~*'*^______! _____r '*• teacher, leader, office.* or worker to W " **H_| the fish without smoke or scorching, religious education, Immanuel receive up-to-date lnetructlon ln a how enjoyable and u ^ r ^ jpra use enough Crisco to partly cover Presbyteilan chrrch, I.os Angelee. fully accredited school right at tsrsWt it. It will not require the constant Mr. Kinne tau_rl*t one of the most home. Tho echool last fall proved good foF the whole family coffee ______• fi '.4f W'i attention frying does when only a popular courses ln this school last to be a fine success oven more -pop­ | *• "TT" •>*- .. >• w— - * 3 little fat is used. fall on 'Chuch School Administra­ ular than the one in the fall. can be made until you have used ffgM, i ... ^^H • tion." A number of those T*ho E,very effort is being made to se­ f w-pre in the -school laat fall were cure as large an enrollment as poss­ desirous of having another course 1 ** ** < 2 Put frying pan ova low hest. As ible by the opening session of the —the T^eto soon as Crisco is melted put in a under his leadership and he was school next Tuesday evening. Miss • •• !y^.i*..;. £ definitely secured for it tody. Bertha Munro is registrar and re­ '•'••••'SmSSmW'''- •'"•h~i . 11 small piece of bread. When bread IF Conforms gistration blanks giving name, ad­ starts to brown, put in the fish. BEN-HUR • i The training school ln Santa dress and course desired will reach •••-*• m %... Monica conforms to all the stan­ her at 11318 Santa Monloa boule­ dards laid down by the Internatlon- vard. Sawtelle. DRIP fQRJrJ? 1 MARRIAGE DEFEATS DEPORTATION COFFEE -DrF^ l^risCO-fried fish—without smoke or odor —nwdc in the BEN-HUR Healthful

3 Cook slowly? When the fish is Coffee-Maker nearly done, turn to brown the other side. With plenty of Crisco in the pan the fish is easily turned without Our Faith breaking, if you wait until it is almost done. ia your immediately re i i cognuing the superiority _ Strain the Crisco through cheese­ of this coffee ana method cloth or e fine sieve into an empty of making, prompts us to can and use it for the next thing you assume the loss entailed went to fry. No one will know you in making the following have fried fish in it. Special Introductory Offer: Give your grocer $x and take home in exchange a pound can of the new BEN-HUR DRlP COFFEE and a Ben-Hur Healthful CoffeeMaker < WHEN you come to think of it, should CRISCO is used in the —a regular value of $2.60. you ever fry in a fat you are unwilling to Cooking School now being taste? conducted by this paper AU for $1.00 You taste milk. You test eggs. Now, taste Mrs. Florence Austin Chase, of the Crisco—then any other shortening. Then Seed poet card request te JOANNES CORPORATION; SOO you'll understand why Crisco's own sweet, Outlook Cooking School, stresses the importance of modern, cooking Ellen McNeil of Glasgow, Scotland, arrived at Boston, Tues­ 'I radios Avesme, Lee Aagetee, tor high.-? iaterestiag free* fresh flavor so improves the taste of your pamphlet entitled "Htalth in Your Cejfee Luo,"legetkcr«ith method* and modern ingredients. day night, April 2, two days behind schedule. A clause cakes, pies, hot breads, cookies and fried full -Bfoi-jnalino ebon, tke eew BEN-HUR DRIP COFFEE Naturally, then, she uses and recom­ in her passport specified she must be married by 3 aad the Brn-Hur BooUhful Cefee-V«fce». foods. mends Crisco. n clock Wednesday afternoon. Her fiance, William Nisbet of Pawtucktt, R. 1., lost no tine in obtaining *•» jas'iU'-^-smr* Oh minister, and the happy smiles are Un result. iPSPiiffPiP^IWiPiPl PACE FOURTEEN SANTA MONICA EVENING OUTLOOK FRIDAY. APRIL 12. 1929

M*KADO APPROVES NIOHWAY COMPLETED | completion ot tt* connecting link. TOKYO, April ll. (At—The Gets Divorce from I ARCADIA. AprU 11. <_V-Foothill' Between Monro—la and Araadia, of Musk Chb Plans trothal ef Prince V Trick-Riding Wife\ the hnpro-ed Huntington drive at trTOtaot ot Emporer Hlrohlto, cities today Joined ln eetebratlaf tta the Foothill Breakfaat club. Prtnoass Klkuko Tofcugawm wan formalljr announced today With UM The wide open epacee longed tor United Spartan Grocers Spanish Program aanotion of the Bmporer. The wed­ bp Marjorle L Woodhouee. rodeo ding ott take plaoe In the Spring trick rider under the name of Wes h. United Market—144t Third St—Star* No. 409 of ISM. Christy, were bag today. She waa IT is absolutely pure Free Delivery $2 Up Phone 28274 Event to Be Open to Public PHnoe Takamatau ia eo i ln_ divorced before Superior Judge Jo- aboard the battleehlp, rtow eep P. Sproal la Lea Angelee by ber Next Tuesday at Da Iron. He was informed by husband. A. J. Woodhouee, after IT is extremely soft - testimony -teat tbe girl insisted oa Iparta n Sam Sayi: Afternoon radlp of t he Bmporer's appro —. being a cowgirl fa rodeos aU over 1 IT is very pleasant tasting Wa mm eoitm. ta have another Big weloome vo attend the affair. UM treat. Da-menetratlen temorrew ef Bishop's ALL INVITED Polio-wing tta* program: Woodhouee declared on tie* stand Patlota— Aaoeite-i Cakee st*t Sterol*. Land of Jap ~_ Joaquin V«l,verde ha would top to dlesuade hie wife There ie alee many good epeelolo en eale Hl»fh School Oreheatn. from followin gthe "Toundupe" but laweireei and all next weed. Arthur Gripp and Gretchen Arthur C. Nord. Director never could get a aatlafactory talk Rebok-Gripp te CadU ...... ,». ,—,._...- Albanis Wttt her because UM cowboye ta the Tango In b ...... _...... _...... Albenlz outfits would lnstet oa remaining Assist Mable FV>rbur«er, piano wR hthem. Milk _ati«e)lHa .,..i _...—~,_ ponce He also charged aha aaaociated The eecond publlo oonoert glTtn "entirely too muoh" wtth "Idaho White Rose Tall Cans. In Old Madrid ...... Trotere-Garcia by tba Music elub of (be Saute. Qlrle' Olee Club Sandy" aad Montana Red" at tta * «— •.._._._ Monloa hlgb echoot under the di­ Dorothy A- Whall jy, director wild wast ezhlbtlone. Tha too men, rection et Mlee Dorla Moon will ba Pearl _ Malstaey, eooompantat ha Stated, once "held a sua oa him" he'd in tha high eohool auditorium when he tried te persuade hia wife Paprioe flbpagnata...... Moakowefci wife te come back homa. next Tueeday stlttlmes at 1:11 Oene Bruk _>1H, piano Spring Water o'clock. A progran of Spanish Spanish Serenade , , , Frances R. Grant, vice presi­ Oleo EGGS muelc baa been chosen with tbe ...... KrelMer-Chanilnatfa dent of tits Roerich mu­ Silver Nut, Largo, Froth* echool orcheetra, the boye* aad *-*_' Danoe Playent...... Sanaa** seum to New Tork, will Expects to Convict From a natural flowing spring—not Pound ...... glee clube and piano etudente tak­ Arthur Orlpp, rlolln tour art centers in South "Torture" Robbers 15c Dozen ...... 35c ing part, Oretcher Rebok Orlpp, aaeompaalpt from an artesian well or a pump well Voreadar Hole , -„ -„, Trotere America to establish a Assisting artlet tor (ha afternoon Tou ta a Gondola - 0>al—> Announcing that he believed he ia Arthur Orlpp, Tlolinlst, who as­ closer cultural relation­ hat tuffIclent evidence ot prior con­ Ser ita - n - i , ,m„ • mi,. « Bruton ship between Latin-Amer­ victions to aend Roy De Hoag and Corn Cocoa sisted tf hia wife Oretoben Rebok Boye' Olee Club Orlpp, wm alter a group of twto ica and the United States. Walter Dally, alleged "torture"' rob­ Special Cooking School Of fer—Sug­ Bulk, Dorothy A. Whalley, director ber* to prison for Uto under tha Flakes Bteimfft Brend. numbers. Kathryn Pratt, OOOOainSnm' habitual criminal law. Deputy Dis­ Invited by tha music faculty of gested by Mrs. Chase— Kellogg's. Pkg. 7c 2 lbs. 25c Sierra. Morene .-_. F. D. Marebetti trict Attorney Leo Aggeler today the hbjrb achool alt muelc lovere Hlfh School Otcheetna appeared before Superior Judge 2—5-gal. bottles ef White Rose Sprint Water aad frienda af tbe performere are Arthur C. Nwd, director Poliee Investigate Stanley Murray ts _os Angeles pre­ fer Sle delivered by ene of our courteous uni­ Three Traffic Deathspare d to try" the pair on charges ot Small Purez obbery and burarlary. formed agents. Three Uttffle SooAtm today won Tha two committed one of tho Lux Large moot atrocious robberies ln the S.*a... utt dor investigation by _oa Ansel** history of tha courts, according to PI*. „ 9c 22c DAIGLER fottoa Mlas Carmella McCloaker. WITH PIGGLY WIGGLY Aggeler, torturing their alleged vic­ CALIFORNIA SPRING tt. _oa Ancele* WMM killed walking tim, Abraham Zaoharonsky. hy Fourteenth end Montana •sainot traffta alsnaJa. Blanche burning his feet with lighted Graham, SO, ot lto» Anrelee, vraa matches aat olMhlns hie ankles WATER COMPANY Crisco Peas SPECIAL SATURDAY AND MONDAY klUed In MM automobile oo_l«ton, with a raoor blade. t Pound __.. No. 2 Cans. Ollils Hour year ©Id Dcrothy Freaton 4835 Pasadena Ave., Let Angeles Jonas' Dairy Farm Sausage, Froah Fish and Poultry •f Torrance waa crushed beneath Plpestema made from coal hy u, 1V4-IS. pkg.._JSc S tor ... an a-utotnobile is wboaa pe*t*h ahe GArfield 3590 GArfield 6215 22c 25c distilling process ars now being BONELESS SUGAR-CURED CORNED OOl L ___ had walked. BEEF, lb. ... -„~ ...... 6S72C produced. Mayon­ Tomatoes SPRING BROILERS $ 1 00 naise MM Peek. Fresh Dressed X Handall'e 15c Ne. 1 Osa _ 9c 3 HAUSER'S PRIDE BACON Crushed 1-lb. H-Itt Pineappl Malt Bom 40c Bos ...... 20c No. 1 Blue Ribbon, Can ..... Vk »-lb. 58c PRIME RIB ROAST c Fancy Steer Beef 30 lb. Bishop's Assorted Jam Cakee, 1 Pound) POT ROAST BEST STEER BEEF, Pewit SS Berry, Blehop'e Petite Asserted. Wafer* 1 Pound lb. w . . 22V2C t*>toa_ •38c BOTH POR 42c HORMEL CANNED HAMS Bread Cheese Lars* Full Croam """"•'OOC lbe jlfrPooM Oroffon, lb.. 10c 30c QUAUTT MEATS At A GREAT SAVING 4th St Arcade Market HAVE YOU SEEN Special Values for Saturday Free Delivery 1448 Fourth Street, Santa Monica Phone 44436 These Prices Alto Effective at Our Grocery Departments at Mrs. Florence Austin Chase Fourth and Wilshire Lincoln Blvd. and Superba, Venice Wilshire and Stanford DEMONSTRATE VARIOUS PRODUCTS IN THE COOKING SCHOOL CONDUCTED BY THE SANTA MONICA OUTLOOK SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY Meat Dept. She gave you tome valuable information on home economic! and the products the Grocery Dept. Quality Meats ED. SELBy, Mgr. Snappy Service used in her work. Big Money Sating for Saturday, April 13 Special Sale Genuine IN HER DEMONSTRATIONS SHE USED Cane Sugar | BABY BEEF 10 Pounds -.---.—-T.T--T-—T •-••—.-•Iy.I -49c T-Bone Steaks...... Sirloin Steaks ...«-....„..^-. .... Our Special Butter /k *7*T* Round Steaks ...... '•*-*«• * Ik K C Baking Powder Pound ,....- • ^m\T W \m* (Out te Order) Baby Beef SAME PRICE FOR OVER 38 YEARS 5 Banner Milk, Large, 3 for POT ROAST 24Jmm *lb. M.M. Milk, Large, 3 for ... HAMBURGER 25 ounces for 25c 100% Baby Beef 20- Libby's Milk, Large, 3 for , BACON SQUARES ... MRS* CHASE showed you that in using a FREE! DOUBLE ACTION baking powder such as A M*w Edition MM Milk, Small, 6 for .. Sweet and Lean 15S K C you get FINE TEXTURE and LARGE 100% Pure Perk c VOLUME in your bakings-that you can use Tin Cook's Book Libby's Milk, Small, 6 for LESS than you do of high priced brands. LARD,21bs. 29 The K C Ceek Book oantsles ninety excellent recipes bread, muffins, Sunmaid Raisins 7f» cakes and pastry. You oan get e c She showed you that it is not necessary to espy FREE by indicating that yeu Seedless or Puffed, 18-Os. Phg.....„..„...»..... • *«•* SHORTENING, 2 lbs.. pay WAR PRICES for baking powder. are a user of K C Baking Powder Ideal for Baking aad —losing four cents in stamps Ocean View Peas 28 to cover postage and packing. No. S Can. S for...... Now that you have seen Mrs. Chase's demon­ ADDRESS Mother's Delicatessen strations, use K C in the same way in your JAQUES MFG. CO. Bricelyn Corn, No. 2 can SATURDAY SPECIALS own home. Give it the oven test and judge Dept. C-B, Chicago POTATO 8ALAD WITH CELERY, Gentlemen: PIKT -._—.-. 25c by results. Fleaer TEA GARDEN SWEET PICKLED flat White Cooking Figs WATERMELON _...... _...... _._...... 75c DELICI0U8 PICKLED PIGS' S Pounds, Cello Wrapped...... MAYONNAISE, PL 35c PEET, Sh -»~ 25c OUR GOVERNMENT USED MILLIONS HEINZ SWEET mm WISCONSIN CREAM Qt_. MIXED PICKLES. Pt. OUC CHEESE, lb...... ODC OFPpUNDS. Grown Oleomargarine 1 Qp IMPORTED ITALIAN NEW YORK CC_i Pound ,. „... * <*mW%** SALAMI, lb. 85c MARTIN CHEESE, lb. DDC

______a______j__l FRIDAY, APRIL 12. 1929 SANTA MONICA EVENING OUTLOOK PAGE FIFTEEN Friends Suggest RELEASE OWNER OF YACHT Mfewy _4tBert's Market MARKET Silent Vice President Gets Much Publicity by 1342 Third Street, in the Third Street Public Market Three Convenient Downtown Stores First Action OUR PHONE NUMBER—24356 Santa Monica, Ocean Park, Venice WINS SUPPORT MMH MHai ^ **^ *---««>»B<>«>^MMt_i__i__MMMia_aMH__H_M_d^^ Remember, BERT'S QUALITY MEATS were on display end demon­ Sister Now Sits Next to strated all this week at the Cooking School under the direction of Mrs. The Best Chase. Now for Saturday we are going to offer these high-grade Meats Host at Head of at record-breaking prices, so come early and get your share. Prime Steer Beef Table WASHINGTON, April 12. UPt— Strictly Eastern Meat is one of the essential foods for "I\ S.—Why dont you get married?" children as well as adults. It is vital, In the hundreds of letters which poured tnto the office of Vice Presi­ however* that quality should be the first dent Curtis during his controver­ sies with the state department over consideration* This is why hundreds of the social status of his sister and designated hostess, Mrs. Edward careful housewives patronize LANGS Everett Gann, this naive suggbs- MARKETS daily. If you are a stranger tlon was found more than once. The idea always struck the to LANG'S SERVICE drop in the mar- broadly developed sense of humor ket nearest you and allow us to demon­ of the vice president, but his only response was a chuckle and an oc­ strate economy and dependability of casional reflection "that marriage was one of those things that was trading in markets where quality easier said than dono. counts. Now that it is all over and he has won for his sister equal recog­ BEST STEER BEEF TO BOIL, n__ nition with himself at official din­ 2 POUNDS OoC ners, which was denied her by the BEST STEER BEEF SHORT RIBS, OA ruling of former Secretary Kellogg, the usually quiet Charles Curtis is LelanJ H. Ross, millionaire yachtsman of New York city, POUND ,_&UC realizing that his first declaration BEST STEER BEEF POT ROAST, *%<% as vice president created a real stir. ' was released in Philadelphia by the United States com­ POUND LLC Just looking over his increasing missioner, who held Ross had not violated liquor and stack of mail was enought to con­ customs laws. Ross, shown with Warrant Officer BEST STEER BEEF OVEN ROAST, OC__ vince him that he had said and POUND _9C John J. McSally (in uniform), is owner of the Nomad, done something which at least was whose captain was lost at sea when the yacht founder­ BEST STEER BEEF RIB ROAST, n_ m attracting attention. Intent at righting what he considered a slight ed 11 days. POUND «JDC to his sister, he had not counted on BEST STEER BEEF RIB ROAST Sft a public storm and now he is ROLLED, POUND WC amazed at the widespread interest. Tree Planting to Short-Wave Radio GENUINE SPRING LAMB LEGS, At* The vast majority of his corre­ t spondents suported him. Beautify Highway To Supersede Phone POUND tLC Family Loyalty City and county officials, univer­ Friends of the veteran Kansan sity heads and busnoss leaders of Tho radio as an integral pkrt of In Our Delicatessen Department have insisted all along that ho was the east side were to be present motion picture production developed actuated only by loyalty to family this afternoon at the planting of the today with the issuance of a per­ LANG'S PERFECT MAYONNAISE, OA_. and to office in his public fight for second block of trees by the Los mit for a radio station to the Kox social precedence for his sister, and Angeles Realty board. Beverly Film company for use by the borne PINT JUC he confirms that view in private boulevard, between Valverdo and office for instructions to location Lang's Heme-Made Mayonnaise is so smooth, rich and appe­ conversation. But he is now won­ Concourse avenues, ls to be beauti­ parties. The apparatus will consist tizing that it turns the simplest of salads into a delightful dish. dering if the publicity will ever end. fied by a lane of eucalyptus trees. of a short wave receiving set and He and Mrs. Gann will entertain transmitting unit. In Our Fruit Department at a reception for the diplomatic state department's unofficial activ­ corps tonight, one of the few offi­ ity of recent years in deciding such TOSSES MEDICINE BALL A REAL SUPER SPECIAL cial functions which is not affect­ questions. WASHINGTON. April 18. (*. — 4 POUNDS OF FANCY FRESH GREEN o>C~ ed by the dispute over hor social The dinner was given by Ambas­ Justice Harlan Flske Stone, who rank, as her status as hostess in sador Davila of Chile in honor of once played football for Calvin PEAS FOR LOC the vice president's establishment his government's minister of fi­ Coolidge's alma mater, has lots of was never at issue. nance, Pablo Ramirez, who came stuff at sessions of tho mediclnt" At the first official dinner whtch to Washington to return the cour­ ball cabinet, as Mr. Hoover and In Our Electric Bakery was affected by the situation, Mrs. tesy of President Hoover's pre-in- Hugh Gibson can testify. The story Gann last night was accorded the augural visit to his country. She ls that one Stone toss affected the BRIDGE CAKE, SA same precedence she would have was seated at the right of her host presidential wind and another received if she had been the wife of at one end of the great oval table marked up a diplomatic nose. EACH 4UC In the Pan-American Union, and The winning play is made when the hostess serves that delicious, the vice president. This was ln ac­ cordance with the provisional ar the vice president at the right of his almost forgotten, "like-mother-used-to-bake" flavor brought back hostess at the other end, all other to you again in BRIDGE CAKE. rangement worked out by the dip lomatic corps when Secretary St'm official and diplomatic guests be­ 1son put an end this week to the ing ranked below them. Santa Monica Public Market Humnty Dumpty No 1—1431 Third Street MEAT DEPARTMENT Key Drive-In Market ^Slompe^Semffipfy "Where Quality Counts" 17th Street and Santa Monica Boulevard COMPLETE FOOD STOKES BEEF POT ROAST C SATURDAY SPECIALS After one v_k to Humpty Dumpty you are convinced No. 1 Steer Beef 2 that the suggestions offered you are of tbe very best— Young & Foon Produce Co. thorough inspection daily by tbe attendants so you run MEAT DEPT. GROCERY DEPARTMENT no risk in getting "leftovers" as used to be with tbe "old Store No. 1 BEEF TO BOIL 1625 Santa Moniea Boulevard fashioned" Grocer. Every facility for your convenience Key Drive-In Market SUGAR and prices moet remarkable. Try Humpty Dompty for No. 1 Steer Beef 17*2ft. Store No. 2 SPECIAL distinctive service. ______-_-_-—_-_— 2827 Santa Monica Boulevard Yale Drive-In Market BABY STEER BEEF 10 lbs. for 47c MILK • M & M ©* Pet Milk Store No. 3 M PORK SHOULDER ROAST C 11530 Santa Monica Blvd., Sawtelle Pot Roast, lean and With Other Purchases "Taii 3 Cans 25c Basket Drive-In Market tender, per pound I8V2C (Limit 6 cant to a cintomer) Shank Cuts 1S 2ft. We grow practically all our own produce on our own farms. Buy direct from the grower Standing Rib Roast, and eave the difference. per pound 25c Waldorf Toilet Tissue PEACHES • •"—•• •""* BACON SLICED Blade and Shoulder (Mleed or Halves) MO. JtVz *•• *5C Fancy Idaho Russett Clod Roast, per pound. 22V2C 3 rolls for 15c A itandar-J poach packed ia medium 17 nip Eastern Sugar-Cured 30?Ib. Potatoes, 17 lbs 25c Boiling Beef, Dandy Mavshmallow Cakes 2 Pounds for 35c 2 LARGE SLICES HAM Fancy Green Peas Norwegian Sardines VAH-- ^ 1IK g*mMm ^ "Chocolate bate, frosted white or pink" lb. 25* Swift's Premium Very Tender and Full FANCY EASTERN 2 cans for 25c A product of the Saowflako Baker.. 4 lbs. 25c PORK SPECIALS In Pure Olive Oil, 20c Value MARSHMALLOWS - PORK STEAK Fancy Celery, well bleached and Lean Shoulders, •»• 19c crisp, large stalks, per pound 18V2C Eastern Pork 30f 2 for 15c Brookfield Butter Nica for touting or hot chocolate Choice Legs for Roasting, 0*71/«•»_* Fresh—Fluffy Extra Fancy New Spuds any size, per pound —«I /_ZC a er ID. "iic SILVER NUT MARGARINE C Small Loin of Pork, TRITEX Large Size, 3 lbs... 25c per pound 28c IS ©-.Bottle 14« 2S Smooth Crystal White Soap 30 os. Bottlo SMOKED MEATS Washes and Bleaches -Cutg grease—Softens water Swift's Premium Ham Hocks C Very Sweet and Juicy 10 bars for 38c Butter .HUMPTY DUMPTY lb. 48c Cudahy's Puritan and Hormel Dairy 6S Oranges, 7 dozen ... 25c Brand Eastern Hams, OQl/o_r» GROCETERIA lb. 45c whole or half, per pound CeO l£\, Fancy Rome Beauty Fancy Evergreen Iowa Corn OLIVES-Mo. icon Fruit and Vegetable Department Hormel's Dairy Brand Bacon, whole RICE- Store. No. 1-2.4.15-1S-S3«-46.47-4»-8_.58.64-57-8t Apples, 5 lbs...... 25c Large No. 2 can, per can 10c 2 for 250 lib.Pkg. too Imperial Valley Grapefruit, sweet per pound OO /2C Saratoga Medium IDAHO 171„ 25c and seedless. 1-Lb. Package Hormel's or OldDuteh Cleanser Lax Soap Flakot 12 for 25c Cudahy's Bacon, per pound. 42c Holliday Margarine 2 Can 15c Lge. 250 FANCY PIPPIN Also Strawberries, String Beans, 6 __•. 25c Summer Squash, Asparagus, Sugar-Cured Eastern Bacon Vrleee Effective Ovoeevy Dept.-AprU llth and i»t_ Loquats and Avocados Squares, per pound 15c ssrt: 45c FANCY STRAWBERRY 2 iw 15c Bakery Department HENKEL'S SERVICE STATION SUNKIST ORANGES, 15c PIES, STRAWBERRY Small size. 2 FOR 35c 8HORT CAKE . 20c Oils Tires ASSORTED COOKIES, RAISED DOUGHNUTSOC ARIZONA CACTUS DOZEN - 10c 2 DOZEN — ~...£>4+ 6f«25c Complete Service for the Motorist S-ffS-WpSPSfl r AGE SIXTEEN SANTA MONICA EVENING OUTLOOK FRIDAY. APRIL 12, 1929 w Is?.' . IN APPLE BLOSSOM FESTIVAL Way Cleared for. Youthful Opera Opening Highway With approval *t route and maps, Eldridge POULTRY Market the way has bean cleared for imme­ Star toRetir e diate passage of the ordinanoe of In­ G.B. Johnstone's tention for opening and widening Alive—Droned Quickly Louisiana avenue from Heath ave­ FRESH AND SAVORY Marion Talley, Who Made nue to Bundy drive, Brentwood Heigh ta Aren't Yon Fed Up on Storage Poultry T Fortune in Three Years, Action of property owners ta the Says She Is Through dlatriot. headed by Dr. J. D. Daven­ Cheapest Because Best Market port, Is responsible for muoh at tbe necessary land dedication, according • COMING WEST to David R. Farles of tto traffic EXTRA SPECIAL commission. Louisiana avenue Is ts COLORED snd WHITE FRYERS, J A _ 704 Montana Ave., Santa Monica Unprecedented Action of to a part ef tto Tenth street project to provide ss artery treat the east waif h up te 2 lbs. Lb...... ,.„.„„ _UC 'Buy the isst ft Pays" Lyric Soprano Causes city limits of Los Angeles t* Santa Monica, Sf way of Tenth street, TURKEYS—Fine; while they last, MM Much Comment Country club drive, Louisiana ave­ pound 'ini<-it>?m^*ur*wnii*i^ f, >ipt__*W>l_J •'••'• ^*C /tiorisrt report*-t*t\ nue and Colorado avenue. M**sl NEW YORK, April If _P>—Marlon Send tke Children er Phene—Mott Reliable \0eef9V Prime Steer .Talley, youthful metropolitan opera Oklahoma has an Income of $500,- •tar, wl.oae phenomenal career 000,000 annually from petroleum. 218 Broadway Free Delivery Phone 28963 Boiling Ribs brought har a fortune la three years, haa decided te retli* te a tern. Estimates are that her golden votoa ms made $500,000. since aha ts only f9 yeara old aad t-resumably tn yeara to come would earn hundreds of thousand* more, Hhe haa amazed her concert man- AFEWAY STORE igsi and friends wtth the state­ ment: T I -» I t M I I H'K ntinued In conceit since ars related by Dr. A, 8. Barrett, ins and will not trip or slip. The finish is thunderoua acclaim .-tr ber Oilda In then. Other noted singers have chief of aa expedition of the pub­ "R.goletto." llo museum of Milwaukee. This excellent and the whole stool is easily Missourian made publlo appearances wall Into animal attacks In millions. It ls im­ ! cleaned. Born In Nevada, Mo., Mies Talley middle Vt*. mune to tho white man's tost gun. Hormel's Flavor-Sealed •rave prom ine of fltusloal talent at The New York WM. ld said today It is tha mosquito. an early acre. Sha sang popular In regard to Miss Talley: ( Bath Stool songs at two, 1-egnn the study of "Numerous rumors became cur­ There are la tha United States the piano at five and tha violin rent as to possible causes of her 4,228,029 Jews. when she was seven. decision. One report had it Sto In 1322 she had her first audition was to appear In the talkies. An- (In the Can) before officials of tha Metropolitan. t ther WM that the singer, despite Har lyric soprano was favorably re­ the continued enthusiasm ot tor WONT BE LONG NOW! $Yt Lbs. Average ceived a,*d on advice of Mr. Oattl- public, was herself d ssatlsfled With Carazza- general mbnager of tha the profess she had made ln har Metropolitan, ahe continued her singing—an explanation that would The Original studios tn Naw York and Europe, conform with opinions of hor voice Rexall lc Sale It was announced a year ago that often expressed by oome of tto lier net earnings undei the manage­ critics, who asserted har voice waa WATCH FOR DATE ment of F. C. Coppioua, head of tbe cold and Inflexible. Still another Metropolitan Musical bureau, from report waa that tto announcement Irwin Drug Stores er concert career whioh began In was a publicity atari, designed to the Sprtrg of 192. to February 19.8 Obtain for Mlas Talley mora and THIRD AND BROADWAY were 1194,892. This waa exclusive fatter contracts." Phono 81121 of har contract* with tha Metropoli­ FIFTH AND 8. M. BLVD tan Opera company. Bees te sn Arlsona apiary recent­ Phono 26821 A retirement of a singer ao early ly were devoured, stingers and all, In a stellar career is unprecedented. by pole cats. ra S.andS. Market Only *1- 2024 Montana Avenue FREE DELIVERY PHONE 26306 I gg— Carl's Meat Market N. STEINGART, Prop. JeD The Saving and Service Market Old Gold BLACK ANS WHITE PEACHES, No. 2J_ CAN, Sg8) -° Cigarettes 8 CAN 8 .-,..-~. —_—. _ 57c *^ril_____v I Five Flavors— The Treasure BISHOP'S WHOLE WHEAT RAISIN BAR8, at them aU. 8-POUND BOX ._..-„.--_„-_-_-_ .—- 75c GSPESSSsflfrom fresh, HOLLYWOOD BRAND FANCY SOFT SHELL WAL­ _BSsSss^WP"~ ripe fruits. Limit 8 TOILET TI88UE, 1000 -4(* NUTS—Regular 880 CQ« Packages Look! Look! Look! Shsato to Roll. 4 Rolls Quality. 8 Pounda . OJC IRIS 8LICED PINEAPPLE— THOMPSON'S MALTED "Special Six" Can. MILK—Reg. Mo Sis*. OC_ No Fooling! Yearling Beef It 'Way Down! 8 Cana ...... 33c PerCan46e. 2 Cans... ODC * KJpS • ••• • • ******** a sm\%S^LmW^SSmO Pkgs

3 A BISHOP'S ROSE CARNIVAL MARSHMALLOWS, si 1 THINK OF IT! I PER PACKAGE -^——..— —. 17c Remember, Pot Roast, tender, lb* 16%c and up TROPIC BRAND 8TRINQLES8 BEANS—FINE FOR SALADS. 8 CANS ••„. ,„ , -... 39c Asparagus Tips Corn Rump Roast, tender, lb* 22c C. AND H. SUGAR, Safeway—Tender, California can­ BAM Park Maine Corn. Quality 18 POUNDS w.~~—~. - SOc Prime Rib Roast, Rolled, No Bones, lb...... 32c ned—the world's most popular is foremost in B ft M Products and NEWMARK'8 SPECIAL EXTRA LOGANBERRIES, 19c salad and vegetable delicacy. 10V4- Swiss Steak, lb 32c No. 8 OAN . «..—.«~».-~~——- os. picnic tins. we ars offering you an exceptional NEWMARK'8 8PE0IAL EXTRA RED TART PLUMS, | A value. No. 2 eaa. Sirloin Tip for Roast or Steak, lb...... 35c Ne. 2'/s CAN ~~„~.~.^. «— 1«J* Can 15c Sirloin Steak, lb...... -...... _.--...... 25c Cans •*»... tmt§Q FRUIT AND VEGETABLE DEPT. 3 Cans ...... -.-».. •*?** •« * •**3e T-Bone Steaks, lb. * 30c SWEET SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT, Hamburger, All Yearling Beef, lb 20c 10 FOR —_^.— —_.—~ ,.... _-,—., 25c Pears Cream of Wheat EXTRA FANCY TELEPHONE PEAS, Every boy and girl needs a hot ce­ SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY ONLY 8 POUNDS ...... 1. -_•,...-,,•,••, 25c Highway Brand — Delicious snd real breakfast. Cream of Wheat Is LARGE FANCY ARTICHOKES, tempting. Good wholesome fruit quickly Mid easily digested, even Milk Lamb Leg, lb...... 32%c and up 8 FOR ...... — ~. ,.,. - 25c Large No. 2% cans. by tits most delicate stomach. Milk Lamb Roast, lb „ 24^_c LARGE WHITE CELERY, STALK , „„_— ... • - 10c £* \jans »« • • * •• • • e • _• • • ^j-%J\r 28-oz. 24c Milk Lamb Chops, lb 30c FANCY RUSSET POTATOES, Pkg. Chicken Veal Roast, lb lTVac and up 14 POUNDS -_..—-_. —••... — .. 25c CARROTS, TURNIPS, BEETS, RADI8HE8, SPINACH— Peach Sundae Chicken Veal Leg for Roast, lb...... 27%c 3 BUNCHES ...... •.•_••.•—•. ,-. •..»,.— 10c Apricots JUICE ORANGES, GOOD SIZE. A new chocolate-coated cookie, fill­ Chicken Veal Chops, lb 27V4c 4 DOZEN _...... ,, 25c ed with marshmallow and peaches. Highway Brand. A most delicious A Bishop product fresh from Uks i fruit—apricots are at their best Pork Roast, 7 Lbs. Average, lb 18%c Pansy Strawberries, Asparagus, Summer Squssh St Ressonsble Prices ami Boot Quality oven. At a special pries. when canned* both for flavor snd Pork Chops, Small, lb...... 27&C firmness. Large No. 2V4 cans. Pork Leg whole, lb. _. 2S%c Lb. 23c C M MEAT DEPARTMENT 2 Lb*. .4Se 2 * .-—.—... 35c Remember, Big Sale and Fancy Hams and Bacon SWIFTS PREMIUM REGULAR HAMS* POUND ..,, , ....— _27e Fancy Eastern Bacon, Sliced, lb ...... 27^20 SHOULDER ROAST PIG PORK. Cudahy Fancy Bacon, whole or half, lb...... 27%e POUND _. • I8V2C Seven-Piece Water Set BABY BESP SHOULDER POT ROAST* An inviting special in an attractive seven-piece Water Set in the cool­ Cudahy Fancy Skinned Hams, whole or half, lb* 27V_c POUND —~-, _. - — _23c ing color of Springtime Green. KINGAN'S 8UGAR-CURED BACON, Remember, s seven-piece set—a ha If-gallon pitcher and six glasses, all A Big Slice Swiff s Premium Ham...... 25c WHOLE OR HALF, POUND .,.„—. _31c in ttt delightful eolor of Springtime Green. KINGAN'S SUGAR-CURED BACON, SLICED, POUND ,, - :,•_. _37c 3 Big Broilers, only 95c FRESH KILLED DRY-PICKED CHICKENS, This Set for .89c POUND — •..,_, , _38c 100% PURE PORK SAUSAGE, ABig Milk Fed Hen, only 90c POUND . ,, _28c Telephone Your Meat Orders— Ws Fill Thsm Corrsctly

mWmJi^^mEimm^^aid^s£ FRIDAY. APRIL 12, 1929 SANTA MONICA EVENING OUTLOOK PAGE SEVENTEEN NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OP Entertain Parent' to state officials of the association Carmel and Miss Anna A. Hlll.l It Is estimated 400* BUNION POPPERS COLLETT, WILLS PARTNERSHIP f» f_ _./•/* * I I*1 *n "*rt appreciation" luncheon president of the Laguna Beach Art wars produced IB tha VntteS Great Lakes Said Notice Is hereby given that the I CaCtier UltlCiaiS today. Mrs. A. Marshall president | association. la 1»2<. HEAD INTO OHIO LEAVE TOGETHER co-partnership heretofore existing of the local association and art —— —— j ______between W. D Flynn. W. Pete Skov LACUNA BEACH. April It. chairman of the state body was to Several nationally known penal Caring-for sick Son Is aaa at WHEELING, W. V». April 12. UP> NEW YORK. April 12 UP>.—Glen and J. F. Ryno under firm name of (CNS)—Tha Laguna Beach Parent-1 preside. Addresses were to be de-1 experts claim fresh air la one im dtitles of the Berlin Society tor tM To Be Over Full —Having completed 499.3 miles of na Collett and Helen Wills, national General Garage, which satd co-part­ Teacher association was to be host I llvered by Mrs. Robert Cardiff, of I portant cure for crime. women's champions ln golf and nership was engaged in the general Prevention of Cruelty to .*-«•—»••** the S400 mile trek to the Pacific tennis, will leave for Europe aboard garage, repairing and motor car Reported Drying Up TwoCoast . C. C. Pyle'.. trans-continental the same liner. They have passage agency business at 1414 Second Years Ago, Inland Seas foot rac-rs cross another state line on the Aquitanla, leaving New York Street, City of Santa Monica, Los today. next Wednesday. Miss Wills' party Angeles County, State of Califor­ Have Risen 4 Feet will Include her mother and Miss nia, has been this day dissolved by They iiead tor Cambridge, Ohio, Avenue Edith Cross, young San Francisco mutual consent. Said W. D. Flynn DAMAGE CAUSED fifty mil. s from here, after upending star, who will be the national and W. Pete Skov are retired from the night In Wheeling champion's playing partner on her said partnership, firm *_nd business Chicago Claims Diversion of Ed Gardner, SeattK Wash., negro coming European Invasion. Miss conducted under the above name, Quality continued to set the pace in Collett will be accompanied by her hut that the said J. F. Ryno will Water Benefits All elapsed time. I'et.- Gavuzzi of mother and Miss Bernice Wall of continue the business at the same England, is creeping up, however, Oshkosh, Wis. Miss Collett and place and under the same firm Lake Cities name. Public an* already has oust.-d Johnny Salo, Miss Wall are to play tn the Brit­ Montana By OWEN L. SCOTT Passaic. N. J., Policeman, from ish women's championship at St. Dated: Santa Monica, California, MarkeEE DEUVERYt Special Correspondent of Outlook second p'acc. Andrews. April 12, 1929. Phone* 2395 DEUVER1 or 2514V 6 927.929 MONTANA AVE r^ Copyright, 1929, by the ConHolidate 1 W. D. FLYNN FREE 23951 or 25146 Saturday Special* Press Association served on two occasions to cause for purely local purposes were not J. F. RYNO. Open Saturday Till 9 P. M. Week Daya Till 7:30 P. M. CHICAGO, April 12.—The Great heavy damage to lake front prop­ provided for. Lakes, which two years og ap­ erty and to protective works, owing Charles Evans Hughes is now peared to be drying up, now are to the high waters. Hundreds of actnlg as master In chancery, to de­ GROCERY DEPARTMENT reported on the verge ot over­ thousands of dollars ln drives and cide what volume ot water may be Pure Cane C. and H. Brand Sugar, CO — 2 Cans Barbara Peas..._ _ _, 35c I Cans National Club Country flowing. walks were washed out along the diverted. Chicago is rather hoping 10 lbs. „ „ DLC 1 Package Kellogg's Rice Krlsples 15-. north shore. Several Lake Erl. Shipping then was severely that some cities may request that And we give you cane sugsr when we Gentleman Corn ..85c points reported flooding due to high the santlary district increase Its handicapped by shallow harbors. At advertiss cane. Total _ 50c 1-lb. Box Bishop's Marshmallows^ 30c present lt faces some handicaps winds which dashed waves over the diversion temporarily to lower the Today's Special— «jp» beaches. lake levels. owing to damage to docks by wind Waldorf Toilet Tissue, CAj» All for _. «I«)C Total 66c driven high water. Property own­ "If such a request ls made It Chicago Ready 9 Rolls for _ , DUC Today's Special— M g ers previously had serious com­ This Is a situation that finds Chi­ would be of great help In the legal Quick Naptha Soap Chips, m*\ All for *_DC plaints because the lake seemed to cago prepared to take advantage of battle before the supreme court," Hill's Bros. Coffee, C 9*» 8 large packages _ *)\jC be running away from their water it. The sanitary district which di­ said Edward J. Kelly, chief engi­ Red Can. Lb U.&C Buy thi* deal and savs 16c. Golden Rod Peaches, sliced or *]f* -

Fanning'* Bread and Kellogg _ All Bran Butter Pickles, 19c __«ia.„ Sugar i° 49 Regular 25c Value NOTICE—This la Pure Granulated Sugar MUFFIN PAN Free with DEW Large DROP SI 1 Pkg. KAgg's Pep 12.c Large 15c No. 2 Tin Kraut Juice, 6' Iowa Corn Tin (Limit 5 Cant) 1 Pkg. Kellogg's Rice Krispies... .12|c (Limit 5 Cant to Customer) 1 Large Pkg. Kellogg's All Bran....20c 8 White Q lO0C< S Brooms 35 King 30ftp bars OO (Limit Two With Grocery Order) 1 Muffin Pan Silver L White King O large QC, Bar Machine uOcUj 45c pkg. oJO Absolutely Free Sliced Peaches f (Limit 1 Deal to Cuatomer) (Limit 2 Package* With Grocery Order) (Limit 3 Cant to Customer) WestfalFs MEAT DEPARTMENT Star Packing Co, Where Quality Is Higher Than Price SMOKED MEATS FRESH PORK ROAST SPECIALS Smoked Bacon Squares 15c pound Fresh Picnic Hams 19c pound Baby Beef Short Ribs 18c pound Morrell Picnic Hams 25c pound Fresh Legs of Pork 27c pound Baby Beef Pot Roast 25c pound Puritan Skinned Hams 32c pound Fresh Loin of Pork 28c pound Baby Beef Roll Roast 30c ROCK and RED FRYING CHICKENS, 48c lb.; FAT YOUNG HENS, 48c lb.; FRYING RAB3ITS, 42c lb.-FRESHLY DRESSED P'JSCB.



30 SI 32 33 Z 34 35 36 i 37 5S 39 40 4T !J 42 ^ 49 45 46 47 4S -_ 45 SO 51 52 % SS 34 iS3 J6 57 av 59 6<5 •I 62 63 _2 I as er 6» ro 7' 7-: __ Bound to Win— THE FIGURE IN THE LODGE By EDWIN ALGER __ —_J— • JL 73 74 KVVL _OOM BB DARK 'GOLLY, HE'S GOING UPSTAIRS! _i 'e-NO-SH FOR ME TO CREEP AND I'D FIGURED THAfT \F I ' UP Tb THE LODGE — \\M [ CAME T& THIS WINDOWS tT> SURE *~~ ACROSS *—Measures of type WATCHED rr ALL DAY LONG i-_w*ia 9— Larsre bundle .SEE H\S FACE11 VJONOER YJHO ® Ar-40 HAVENT SEEN A SV_N _HE IS! I RECKON THE ISLAND •—flrat year student ot U. * 10—Essences OFAt>JVBOOYBuT\'MSURE 12—Title of respect l .SNT SAFE FOR NE Naval Academy THERE'S SOMEONe IN tl—Valley* It—.Name of hero of "The Forty Thieves" •BECAUSE OF THE M oste SMOKC TH«T CftME • li—To bear abundantly 14—*Took measured strides IS—Corroded OUT OP THB CHIMNEY IT—Summer capital of India THIS MORNING! 1*—Thin, narrow piece of wood 18—Parent SI—Distilled product ot organic ma* 20—Enthusiasm terlals 22—Float aloft SS—Certain bodies of water 23—Impudent talk (cclloq.) S4—To mistake 10—Apportions SS—By 12—Portions of medicine »*—Digit •1—Olowlng coal SI—To brine forth yoong oe * shwp it—Small ff boring animal SS—Before M—Aet IS—Possesses • IS A color 41—Color* SI—A public i 44—A flower S4—Tort 4S—Knilt of a palm 4«—Image of worship tl—An allotted 47—Completed SS—Uotssro ot 48—Cloth fabric (plural) **• Like »l—Stem 41—Exit* IS—Made level 4S—A degree *S— Billow 4S—Lost color «1—Htuptd fellow W Manila «S—Province of Caned .) «S—Bcaat of tardea. SO—Car* eonfldenoo «S—Jewel SS—A point cf tbo cen •4—Stack MUGGS McGINNlS HE HAD EVERYTHING By WALLY BISHOP »« lYononn 00—Japanese coin *S—Employed an find SS—Kind of meat M Oatli 70—Suffix need to form some plurals lAM'LooKtT.' THERES YBAl AM'THKT WASRT V IS—Toward •T—A A C_SEAS_-TONSILS! 6«s! I >t€o) 1 «•—Oood newa. eepectalry the OOOTMI Answes• to Yesterday 'a Pass 1* AM'X SOT SOME •4—Projection ea which something EVER p A N T i *6 7 ADEROVOS ALSO'.! 1 may be bung A M A s s A « J fACSHMATED?; jfli flalwr A B A S) E % A 1 T ^ w © R S E W —J. IflT—Oty in aermawy H O H K E L % R A 1 N S C % V ^ 0 u E /iT A T T 1 N fit 8. B E T \0m e T C H % E A P S % **> 1 N 0 1—Solid opaqae body, aaeh aa gold, K H U D 1 S 1 D eee. & % o S N O R E 0 T 1 L E R8. *S t»--T»at „ % 94-Cupdaa A % 1? A 1 % T E A M % E a o 1 S T % •- %e N E M A S DOWN N % O • K % P <5 %A N A %t. •|.i tlato mSm aaav-ttaa R A 1 0 M o R A T 1 R E % • r3 N A N N %F U R N i S H 8. JL .paalah rtsflnWl article 6 O VAw 1 O > % S H O e 8s_A O -Made a home, aa a bird E o 0, A * s o T % S i_ 1 OB -Talks trtflingly m E O e A s. E. s T S H e L T ft tw,¥/l MISS INFORMATION I WANT SOMt RIGHT! *JT IVOrW fl—LIAKO THE ILf pWMfTI flAU*. .SAY, IT ARE ON STRIKC •- i9y £7Z> WHEELAN MOST TAKE A MHO WE CAN'T MINUTE MOVIES fiCT ANY NOW LOT or tuftm* TTT COVERED VMM DUST AKrtTbMAKt 'AiO.&Y fiODFREy - VDU C**mfT9 1 TwRteTlMes »H ANDGRlNE. AU.THB RMM.SHS CUAN__t> eZTT .VOO-RB AXJT IVANTBD^f_r ^ •* BlLUARO OlM RODE, UP IN THIS PABTy. HIS MOUNT. Ar© BMA» Tb MexRffDBM. ~ RAU>.INS " so. i™ ^^ »__^__ >&HD ABWBD IP SCi MB OOULD SILL fTLWCDW CF TMR TMRiD _^ GO OllTH THEM _:OU)M&eUH t»y, HB cwe» » *r^ ^>OPBSCN TOOK "**e •WK ^e EPISODE CO^ERECS •t.







. Tomorrow—*>tis Lovss Childrsn!" (CoyrrlgM fer S*uWio tmCs*r}

? isaM ^;|#%_sil_^^fe^^^-^^^-'ii FRIDAY. APRIL 12, 1929 SANTA MONICA EVENING OUTLOOK PAGE NINETEEN Log Of The Home Economics Good Ship Life OF INTEREST g WOMEN Housewife Aids By Estelle Lawton Lindsey COLLARLESS COATS BRING BACK BRIMMED HATS Phone Employes By Florence Austin Chase Enjoy Big Party Communications Relative to Thi* Communications Relative to This A very enjoyable time waa hai Department Should Be Addressed to last evening In the loge section of Department Should Be Addressed to the Venice Ballroom by members Florence Austin Chase in Care of Estelle Lawton Lindsey in Care of of the Santa Monica Bay Telephone Santa Monica Evening Outlook company. Santa Monica Evening Outlook This organisation stages some form of entertainment every month How much that we want lies within reach. If we only take it And and the committee In charge con­ THRIFT IN THE HOUSEHOLD 1 do not mean steal it. I mean extend an open hand and receive what ls sisting of Mrs. M. Anderson, H. WHAT THRIFT IS AND IS NOT: True thrift Is the maklag ot VMS) offered; ln other words honor the prophet In his own country. About a Snyder and Mr. Sheppard an­ best of what on* haa in strength. Urn* or money; getting 100 par e*nt bs month ago I read an Article ln an eastern magazine which fired my nounced that everyone waa so one's re'atlons with lift Thrift Is an appreciation and application ot —Ml interest because it offered help to the ailing. It was written by a repu­ pleased with the affair last even­ accumulative force of Uttle thlnga Thrift Is a constructiv* for**: waata table physician and It explained the ing that they will continue holding is its destructive opposite. Sometimes thrift ia saving, going without! their dances in the Venice ball­ rometlmea thrift ls spending, but al­ wonder* of scientific diet and the hava tried to make her understand room. Those attending this gay ways It y aa partners Coffee merely physically attraced. If you Clifford Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. velous diet might be obtained. loved each other you would be abl* in horaevnaklng; unfortunately, too And I .waited impatiently for the Dickson, Miss Josephine Gardner often they have no respect for nor SHRIMP COCKTAIL! B to exert enough self control to be and Mr. J. Kay. shrimp is used, wash, oook aad re- reply. reasonably considerate and appreciation of the power that lies In tim* H came, written ln a in their hands, and therefore fall to move shells. Remov* ineetinal v*Uri courteous which It is obvious and break into smaU plea—. Half clear, curious hand, on the back of neither of you are. .. sy is bad Germany Has Banned realise -he possibilities of the ma­ my letter; and when I had read it terial with whloh they work, and nil chilled cocktail glass.a Hit enough, but added tn high temper one-half cup tomato catsups i I bent over my desk and laughed and a childish disposition to quarrel Exiled Red Leader their servants have 'mltated then, long and loud. "A prophet is not and have deeplsed economy aa blespoon fresh grated It makes a devil's brew for any one teaspoon saK and a few without honor save in his own coun­ marriage. I think you better break BERLIN, April II <_P).—The Ger­ stinginess, which ts quite another try and among his own people." matter. Stinginess la selfishness. If ot Tohaeoo sauce. Chill aad pus thl* thing off and each of you try man cabinet after a brief'meeting one and on*-half tablespoon* oS Truly he la not; for th* man who to marrv somebody who ls sane. officially announced today that lt you notice, you will find ths givers had written the book which In­ hnd declined the request of Leon among the thrifty. What they have dressing over each cocktail aad gar*. Q.—I was born and reared in the Trotzky, soviet exile, for a visa to nish with sprig of parsley. spired the article which intrigued East. Mother and I came west By LUCY CLAIRE not wastfd they share with-others. ms lives within a short drive of Fashion Export for Centrsl Press his passport which would permit Few persons waste do'la re at a time, BONED STUFFED SHOULD-* when ta'her died and we are ln him to enter Oermany. The decision OF LAMB: Order a foreouartaa my horn*. I hav* been treated love with Southern California. We snd Evening Outlook but they waste many cents. 'n hi* hospital, and his name la a Among the People In the hat silhouette of nsw spring was made yesterday but making lt Thers ls no thrift ln saving when out from spring Iamb, boned at tba have met some charming women public was not decided upon until market; fill boned meat wtth broom household work among my -frienda and yet wo are a little lonesome models, Interest focuses on brims, the value of the article saved Is lees To be sure, I had known of his today. thsn the expense of saving tt Some­ stuffing, roll, sew and akowar Intai and homesick. I know all th* boy* juat at It focuses on skirts ln the The following brief communique shape. Arrange on rack la as I know of people who and girls ln the small town where dress si'houette. Crowns on the times there is more thrift in throw­ have rather marvelouely been bene­ You Know was issued: "The cabinet has con­ ing away than In saving. For in­ ing pan, sprinkle with aalt w* lived. Recently I went to a the­ larger hats—larger as compared to sidered the question of Leon Trotz­ dredge with flour and roast In a hot fitted by following his diet. But atre. I was hardly seated when a By MARJORIE OALBRAITH stance to save bread crumb* and to Ui* cloch*. but not th* garden va­ ky's entering Gerninny. After an •ven; basting frequently wtth hoe he la ao near by, so familiar a fig­ man ln a sailor's un'form mot down use five eggs together wtth milk, dripping allowing ton minutea ta ure, that he simply did not reg­ riety—ar* medium, while on the exhaustive investigation of all the sugar and heat to make a bread besid* me and pu.hed his knee Mr. and Mrs. Albert Johnson ot al weeks her*, left yesterday for circumstances, he cabine has de th* pound for roasting. Remov* ta ister as the Inspiration of that mag- against mine. I moved away and cloche they ar* atiU snug fitting. elded no to grant his request. He pudding, when egg* are high ln hot serving platter. Add tour tafela* nzine article, rd refused honor ho moved over closer to m*. I then lit Twenty-fourth street, Santa Bakersfleld where they plan to visit Flat effects I ntrlmming ar* used, price, just to aav* the bread crumba Monica, announce the arrival of for some tim* on business. The baa been notified accordingly." spoons flour to dripping wher* honor was due because the changed my aeat and h* followed. usually .n applique ot Incrustation, on why we should feel that way? on to San Diego. pleased to learn that Miss Jeanette sides extending over the ears, tike sldede over by Hugh Evans. Final Then It will he equally effective. The Warren School Perry of 047 Twentieth street, Santa the model of red bakou, shown at meringue, made by beating wbltaa Can you give me anv logloal ree*- arrangements for the event will be It ia very thrift.*** to cook with­ of three egga until atlff. adding twa 780 Fourth Street Phone 22648 Monica, is recovering following an the upper right. completed at a meeting to be held son why we should fell that way? Mrs. F. S. Walden of Salt Lake out recipes unless one has cooked tablespoon* powdered augar. •prttt-. Kindergarten and All Grades I don't want to grew too sensi­ operation recently at the Santa Coats Responsible April 20 at the home ot K. B. Rivers, se much that with her experience City who has been visiting ln the Monica hospital. kle with granulated Outdoor Classes a Feature tive about lt. Outside of this little Bay District for one month as the The new* coats are another enthusiastic sponsor. she haa learned to measure by eye lightly brown tn moderate annoyanc* wo ar* Tory happy. house guest of her brother-in-law doubtless responsible for the down and feet Also, lt la thriftless for Eighth Year In 8anta Monica Miss Laura Llnck Evans of La at the back movement of the new ono who haa much cooking to do Phyllis and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Mesa drive, Santa Monica, and Miss A—You ar* probably sensitive Prior of B57 Twelfth street, Santa spring hats, although frequently the Heiress Elopes not master th* principles of cook­ Elizabeth Kelley of Third street, •>eck brim ls discovered folded back ing that she may becime independ­ about H because lt is unusual, most Monica, left today for her home In left the Bay District yesterday to men being taller then their wives. that city. to th* almost brtmless model at th* ent ot recipes. A go id cook knows Urban Seminary drive to Berkeley. Miss Evans and nape of the neck. In the larger om soon as ahe reads a recipe Many people ar* super-sensitive Miss Kelley will stop at Davis about anything whloh attracts at­ type hat models the manipulation whether or not It Is worth cooking: 307 Wash. Ave., S. M. Dr. and Mrs. J. D. Toung and son, where they will visit Miss Evans' of brim most frequently seen la tention. I would not give too much James Moore Toung, and Mrs. thers Is a law of porportkms and af­ Phen* 23669 brother, Louis Evans, who is a stu­ something like the two hats at the finity governing th* combination of thought to this matter. Bom* of Young's father. Rev. M. K. Little, dent at the Davis university, and for Girls. Ideal Environment the happiest couples I ever knew ower left and right That at the food materials, and the lee* money CU» NEW BAKERS* Select Day and Boarding School who arrived In the Bay District will attend * fraternity dance be­ left Is cf natural Bankok, with were those where the wife was tal­ about 10 days ago, and who have ing given there. From Davis they ;*ou hofro to spend on food, the more ler than the husband. Nothing can groups of fine tuckings dividing the it is to your advantage to know the 1349*4* STREET been the house guests of Mr. and will go on to Berkeley where they crown and brim Into four section*. be done about it except adjust Mrs. Ben Bolton at their home, 1921 will be the guesta of Miss Alethea law* of cooking and how to apply one's self. You better be glad that Two tones of orange velvet ribbons, them. Thrift doe* not put slice* of PHONE 2S81S Home Maternity Service Clover Field boulevard, Santa Mon­ Marten of Santa Monica at the Del­ circling the crown and tied In a there Is nothing mere the matter ica, during their stay here, left to­ ta Zeta sorority house. Miss Evans bread, hlives or stale loaves, bits of Rental Sick Room Supplies than a difference In height with the tailored tow at the side, constitute vegetables, cheese, bones, and scraps day for their home in Fort Worth, and Miss Kelley plan to be gone the only trim. Hourly Nursing extra Inches on the wrong side. Texas. about a week. of meat into the garbage pall. CAKES Colon Irrigations Q.—Do you think it 1* right and In the hat at the lower right the Thrift appreciate* that a oold potato Surgical Dressings A—That's fine. I, too, appreciate '-ongar back brim ls featured. This represents the amount that potato Delicious ia Flavor th* peon Mexicans are flocking ln The many friends in the Bay Dis­ Miss Dorothy Moody, whose home trict of John Hart, son of Mr. and model is of white lir.en straw em- costs plus th* expense for heat to and Popular in Prica Kathleen Guest here? Recently a Mexican ectvool Is ln San Diego and who has been nrotdered ln black silk, with black oook It; li knowa that a loaf of cake was built right across from our Mrs. R. S. Hart of 016 Euclid street. spending this week ln the Bay Dis­ 1128 16th St. Phones 26205-26068 Santa Monica, will be Interested ribbon encircling the crown, and a •polled or bread burned, anything 60c and Up house and ruined the property. trict as the house guest of Miss flat bow on top. The crown Is ma­ and pleased to learn that he ls re­ Virginia Leigh of Seventeenth that carelessness ha* left to become Coffee Mooea. Rolled rwnmiimiiiiiiiim Many of the men draw American nipulated to give the one-eye effect sour or worthless, ret resent* an ex­ Chocolate, Pineapple. Milk pay checks and get drunk on booze covering at his home following a street, Santa Monica, will leave on serious operation at the Loamshler of some of the smaller hats, through penditure of money equivalent to Chocolate, Fudge Oak* brought across the border. Mexico Sunday for her home In the south •*> drop fold over the right eye. This hospital recently. ern city. Mlsi Eunice Tracey of Los what U will cost to replace and Orange Cream aad toaay gets the tourist's money and we get type of hat ls becoming to the cook It others. the Mexican paupers. What do you Angeles, another house guest at the Woman who cannot wear th* brim- Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Dunlap Leigh residence, will remain at Miss Ther* can be no real happlneoa ln think? A. S. 'ess front model, aa th* manipula­ a home where the outgo is the same of Fifteenth street, Santa Monica, Leigh's home until the return of tion leave* an inch or more of brim A.—I think th* Mexican* would and their house guests, their son- her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. where it fold* back. not be here if the whites did not in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Leigh who are visiting in the south­ employ them. But r'mm they are Donald R. Stanley, formerly of ern part of the state, indefinitely on A few of the latest Parts models her* w* can't let them starv* and Santa Monica but who are now business. show a tendency to turn abruptly It is not wise to maintain them making their permanent home ln up In the back, and ons by Reboux wholly through charity. Also no Oakland, left this morning for San Mr. and Mrs. James Harter of has t'le space below filled ln with nation 1* better off keeping Its Diego and Agua Caliente where Ocean avenue, Santa Monica, left chenille curls. Perhapa thla Is a an invitation to a few par­ people In lgnoranoe. It ls too bad they plan to visit for a short time. the Bay District today on a two style ln contemplation of the grow­ about your property, but owning Mr. and Mrs. Stanley have been months' business and pleasur* trip ing bob with ita two Inches of ticular women to meet Miss property ln a rapidly crowing com­ spending a week In the Bay Dis­ growth rolled or curled at the nape in eastern statea. Mr. and Mrs. of the neck. munity is alwaya a gamble. You trict as the guests of Mr. and Mr*. Harter plan to go first to New V. Cecil of Primrose House, can't tell when something is go­ Dunlap. York wiicre they will remain for ing to bo put up close to you that •several <*eeks a* the house guests sons, Walden and Charles Mae- New York will destroy th* valu*. There ls Mr. and Mrs. Lee Relyea of 041 of Mr. Harter's sister, Miss Lois Laughlin, formerly ot Philadelphia, no us* getting mad about It We Venexia avenue, Venice, announce Harter who makes her home ln that ars among the recent arrivals in ths Mrs. Willette Allen Smith of COMEWHERB In Santa Monica must accept those things or make the arrival of their small daughter city. Bay District Mra MacLaughlln and ther* ar* women of consider­ faws to change them. the wealthy Sharon family Mlsa Mary Lee Relyea, who was her two sons ars making their per­ able consequenc*. who ar* die- born Tuesday morning, April t, at of Piedmont, Cal., was Q-—"S. M. K." asked for some­ Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Carrlck of manent home at 444 Twelfth street tressed by unsolved problems of th* thing to remove cod liver oil from the Santa Monica hospital. The 112S Twenty-third atreet, Santa Santa Monica. Mra MacLaughlln Is married in Reno to Rob­ baby garments. On* of my baby's young lady weighs eight pounds. Monica, had as their house guests the sister of Mra Frank M. Prior ert M. Smith while his at­ •kin. Mia* Cecil of Primrose quilts got cod liver oil on it. I Mrs. Relyea. before her marriage, for several days th* early part of of (67 Twelfth street House, manufacturers of the famous washed It out gasoline, soap and was Miss Mary Tobin, well-known this week, Mr. Carrick's cousin, torney asked lor a continu­ Prlmros* Toilet Preparations, l* Photographs water, but nothing seemed to touch member of tha Bay's younger set. Mrs. Scott Spires and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Wilson of ance of the suit of Smith's here la Santa Monica to ad visa Miss Sara Spires who make their Fourteenth street Santa Monica, former wife for back ali­ these women. She may be inter-* of Quality Mr. and Mrs. William Stone of home ln Richmond, California. snd their house guests, Mr. and mony. Sixth street, Santa Monica, and Mrs. William Tracey of San Fran­ •clewed tomorrow at Bartholomew> At Popular Prices their house guests, their son and William Washburn, son of Mrs. cisco, left today to spend the week­ Drug Store . . . (no charge la mud* daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mra. C. Limna Washburn who resides in end touring In the southern part of for this counsel) . . . Third and Sittings Evenings W. Stone who arrived in the Bay Third street, Santa Monica, left the the state. Mr. and Mrs. Tracey are Santa Monica Boulevard. A tew by Appointment District recently from their home in Bay District several days ago for the parents of Mrs. Wilson. Portland, Oregon, to visit for sever- Neah Bay, Washington, where he minute** chat wtth Miss Cecil will Phone 23808 plana to remain ln the future. Mr. BRING THEIR OWN be gratefully remembered for, It Finally I poured turpentine on Washburn plans to go Into business HOBOKEN, N. J.. April If. <*•>•- years. She Is gifted -with expert It let It stand a few minutes and ln the northern city. Th* Chamber of Commerce objects knowledg* of her profession and then rubbed it between my hand*. to the conduct of th* Park Avenue has mads tens of thousands of If your speaker makee your re. Afterwards I washed lt with soap The many friends in the Bay Dis­ carriage trade that comes to Ho- women la aim—ar alrenaastancea. trict of Mrs. J. A. Calvin of 1064 boken to see old-time melodrama dio tltP yeu should hear a modern and water and it turned out beauti­ sposker and Investigate the im­ •fry happy Indeed. Tomorrow i* Photographer PHONE fully. Another Reader. Sixth atreet Santa Monica, will be revived. The chamber's newspaper provement In olarity and volume. A.—That's fine.I, too, apppreclate Interested and pleased to learn that notes a tendency toward what Mlaa Cecil'a laat day hare, California Ave. your cooperation, because I was she is recovering at the Santa Mon borders on rowdyism and cheap Radio Service Co. leaves for New Tork. 8unday. 21871 lea hospital following an accident buffoonery of wags, many of whom at Sixth earnestly looking for something to 146S Fourth Street and OR CALL AT TERMINAL help people whose garments have which she met wtth recently. are fortified wtth cheap stimulant •ANTA MONICA been spoiled by oil and you have not alt of which la. obtained ln Fourteenth and Montana 717 S. M. Blvd. supplied th* necessary Information. I Mrs. George 8. MacLaughlln and Hobokea. IL W$M$&£S$W®'?i^^r' •'v-7.". PPP^ipipW^Pi SANTA MONICA EVENING OUTUX)K FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 1929

NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE STOCKS EASIER CREDIT BRWGSM NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE BONDS STOCK MARKET UPTURN By SmsslaWf Press CORPORATION 10N-S —tob um Close . WnrtOBK. April IX UPr-Sm- B SUsB Ul Uioat Sal** HigD ta* Uioa* aiab Low M • __» towioc to tits complete dosing list D M M KftTnew pita A. 103% 103% 103% af today, transactions on thj Mew 1* Mlas Kan a T*S .... 47B MB ttft MEW YORK* April tt. C*V-Definite signs of easing credit 14 Australia to SS .... B5% SB IIH M Deere a Os pf Ts ....tttB 1MB 1MB I de tf t* 1MB 1MB 103B A do pf 4%a 78 D .... SB M Australia to BT .... 88 MH MH Vork Stock exchange. Figures In- 1 Delaware a tttt M..U7 Wl MT conditions, coupled with a continuance of favorable trade 8 Abraham ftrans 5Hs.H0 MBH MH do 1st to"...... ttH B Australia 4Hi M ... MH M . 88% 4 Dal Lack a W 7b ....ttt ttttt —§ 13 Missouri Pacific ttft ftft ttB •__'•___ dlcating the Bomber of shares gold 4 do pf W ...... IM ttlft lttft 1 Adam* Bip tttt 4s. 85% SSH do pi tttt ...... < M 3 Austria Otd 7s tt ...103% MB ltt% t Detroit Bdlaon Is ...tttB 3M 3MB news, fvnlshed the background for a broad advance ln 8 A—a Chal Ss 37 ....88% 88% wa Mo Pao rft te tt A, MH ssa repreeent hundreds. 1 Devoe a Ray A S.SSb MV* MB MB • Mohawk Cot Mills IBa 71 TtB WB a Am Chain sf db to.. 87 87 do ta TT P ...... IM M0 Mont Ward IBs Uftt Uftt UTtt prices ln today's stock market. Despite rather heavy week­ 88% 88% S* - S4 ss B STOCKS 31 Dome Mine* U , ftt 8% jtt iitt Cotton OO Se 88 if to ta tt O 4 Drat Sa tt ...... USB 110% UMI M Meon Motor Ott ..... *B SB SV* IM M% STH St Batavlan Pet 4%s 48. 81% fitt SIH Sotm —«r» t«» end profit taking and sporadic bear selling of asms of ths 3 Aa Cyan Ba 43 .. .103% USH Mo PM asa tt ...... TS 3 Bavaria •%• tt .... MH tttl S4V* 1 Dunhtll Inter 4a .... tttt fttt tott tt Matt Lett Coal dtt.* ftt ftt *B 1 Am Mach—Pdr tt . • SO B0 ssa Mont P rfs 5sA43... MH M A I 4o deb tt ...... ,11TB 117% Uttt 13 Motion Plct Capital .. M tt MB speculative Issues, prices of a long ••' Sftt Nat Oaa 8%a 43 M STH STH 101 a Belslum tt tt ...... ttf IMH MfH .100% 100% do ta D tt...... M 14 Belslum to M ...... MtH tttH NTH Smtsssomeeom to M% ft da Pen d Nem 14%b..lH tft ttl t ttft* Meter A ...... toll ttB 1*% Utt of stocks were pushed up 1 to , . _ I Am Smalttns ta .. .IMH ios% 108H Morris ft Co UNHa. 7* ttH t Motor Prod 3s 133 ttt 1MB 1 Am Oaaar Rat ta , B0 in ttt M% 7 Belt Stab Ln 7s M. IM MfH ftt 1 Adams Express • ....SH MS nearly 9 pointa, with at least a dewen Bottle Company .108% IMH 14 Belslum BHs tt ...ttftt III ttf • Advance Rome* .... §1% M ttH • 11 Motor Wheel Sa ttft 43% 41 33 Am TelAT 8%a .., .MSH tt|% MfH N M SSH 4 Advanoe ttamslr pt . WH ttt. tttt t Eastman Kodak tt ..ttttt 171 !_ M Manas Oor* Aa ...TOB H% M% moving into new high ground for the r——w I ttB MIT col ts 48 103% Namm ft Son tttt... 103ttH% 103M%% 103% M Belslum to 58 ...... ttf MH MS t% |_ 4 Eaton All* A Spr M. ft HB **B .MfH IttH tt Ahusaanda Lead .... S N fSSS. Announces Change 38 Am TAT sf ta tt .. . 88% ttH 1M% Nassau B con 4a stp. 57 67 If a Bsntaa to tt TttH ttt lit BTH tott 1 Eitlngon Bchitd ttto • • II ttft II 35 Am T*T col 4s ... IttH Nat Dairy IHMS 99% 94% M 3 Berlin City 8%s M .. 87 OT BT tt Mr Reduction no* ..101% M Elee Auto UM 4Hb.. 1*7*4 1MB M Naah Motor* ta INtt MB IM Call money renewed ft 9 per cent .. 88% 88 M Alas Rubber ...... BH *_£ •% 147 MS Mf 11 tta WWAElec ta 103% Sft Bad 8%s47...... ttH tt N II Berlin Oltr tt M .... ttH M MH 0% IS Electric B0M ...... tttt MB 1SB tt Nash Ch & St L 7s..IM and then dropped to 8 aa banks, In Merger Plans tn i aa 1 Btl— City Elec-f %.. il 81% 81% 1*1 Alaska Juneau Itt m M Rational Acme stt la. attt 1 Am Wrttlns Itt* I ..SttH 333 SSH Nt Bl* Mex4s77asd... 13% 13% UH 74 • Pow a Itt H ad.. fitt tttt ttft Mtt Ittt which have been accumulating funds __ __ 35 Anacon On* 7a II National Tubs ta....101% tttH tttH 2 Bosatf to 48 MtH tMH IMH t Albany PWrap Pas., tt ttH„ tt 1MB 1MB t Nat Bellas Haas 51 M Anacon Cop ta 88 . .104% 104% 88 I Bolivia to 4T ...... 103 101% IM I fa tf Ts HMtt tt National Biscuit Tb .IM toft H ttt anticipation of the heavy mid-: W. H. Bossart. president of Owens 1 Ans Chll Nitrate 7.. 87 08% S3 New Ens TftT5«.....lM 108 111 tt tt hem a oaa a ttttt MM 1 Bee Stor Batt ta .... fttt tttt Htt 333 N O Pu8v5SCttS3A... 83% 83 83% 5 Bolivia 7s II ...... M M M S1H a W% 1 Bndloott Johnson ta.. 73B tttt ttft Ut HH Caah Reg A tt .Uf Mttt ttt month payment next Monday, Bottle Company m a letter lo stock- ll Ana * Oa OH SHf «-. tt M% 14 Bordeaux to M ....IM MH IM t1 AmeradAUU Chaa lCor Htpa * t .....171. % ITS IT1H M Rat Dairy Prod Is ...IttB 134MSB Ultttt t a Arm ft Oa rlest 4%.. 80% 80% 104% to ta H B MMM 4 Am Asri Chem ..... Mi­ tt mm I da tf tt ....ttftt MSB lttft seized an opportunity IB employ. holders regarding the acquisition ot MH N O Tex&Mex5%i....lM% IMH 1M% S Brasll to 41 ...... 106% 1M% 1MB toj 7 Engtn Pub far* te ... tttt I MM Dept aft Ut tf ft WB SSB S5% I ATA—P sen 4a ...... 83% 83% 39 Braxll 6Hs 28-57 .... 94V* 93% M 1 Am Bank Hot* Sa ll* ttt MB MB ft Rtt Distill Prod ttft tttt ttft thee funds s% highly profitable tltt Illinois Glass Company states M ATStSP adl tt ...... M S4H do MSB tt O IMH IM ttt ISO Am Beak Mote tt I tttt ttVk tttt 3 Equtt Ott Bids Is ... Mtt Mtt Mtt rates over ttlf week-end. that tilt latter f**mpwfy will receive H NYC ft HR deb to...IMH IMH 105% 10 Braxll BHs SMS ... MH 93H 94% M Equitable Trust 12s..730 TM 4 fo pf M tttt tttt 1 A C Una att fftt .. 8t% 85% M Brasll O By S3 tt II. MH 98 MH 1 Am Beet Susat .... M*. tt M ttt I Rat Enam a Stamp U 64 M 64 . Time money which has been on a in exchangf fer assets est amount 84 A C Line lst sld 4s.. 81 80% 80% it rf ft imp 6s....104% tMH tttH 1 Aa Beet Sas tt ••• M« MH tt* M lt Pollanabe* Broa tttk. t7B 71B It H Y Steam ST tf 7a. .111B Ultt 111B 8 Beth Steel rfss ts. ..100H 100 ttf 98% MH ii M 5 Am Internal new 64 tttt tt do 16 pf 6s M M M Reserve bank ratio, and from 71.5 to be eliminated, will result ln sub- N T W ft Bost 4Hs. SIH ttH 81% 14 Chile Mts Bk BHa .. WH 96 88% «H « * SSH ttt Stt FUm A tt ...... Mft MB 8 Beth Steels am to 34.100 100 lSfH NLAOPow Bf II A....101H U Oh—I Mtt Bk tttB IT. tfH 1 Am La Fran©e*roaa •tob 2* Freeport T*ia* 4s ... fill ««% 8 Norfolk ft Wert 10b. 196% 1MB 1MB to 7S4 per oont for tht system aa a stantlal savings to the company, 80 Boston ft Maine 5s tt tt% 94 INH 101% 101% if ffH M Am Uss * Ultt Itt ttt tott tt% I df tf Si MB 51B 52% tia Norfolk ft Sth MA... 84 M *4 T ttttt* Mts Bk 8 81 .. ttH 81 81% whole, alao helped to revive bullish The combined balance sheet of tttt 8 Bot Cos Mils IHs .. 87% IM do eon 4s MH 3 Chile H tt IMH 1 Am Loco pt T ...... 11* 11* Ut Q ttft 1 North Am Edls tf ts.lOlB 101 Mtft 1 BOW Sttt Hotels tt ,. 88% SSH 94 WH na 1MB ttl I Am MaehAPdy 4 ..Itt Itt Mt t Oabrlel Snub A ..... ttft tttt ttft 63% confidence. two companies December SI show Nor Am Cem 6Hs40.. SSH tt Chile tt W 83 93% MB 4 North OM MSSf .... ttft HB 31 Bkln EdCityl seRnR tott Bt •. •.10 M0 H sm tfH Nor Am Ed5Hs63....101% M 88 tt Chile to 83V* MH t Am MM— t ...... SS­ «S* t Oardner Motor 14 M M 5 orthern Psetfle to...Mtft 101 Vi Ultt Directors of tttt Chicago Federal total assets of $47,498,475. The total 7 Bkln Edl sen to A. .104 ill MH 93 tt dtt Btt O** ptt 1 n 9 tt 41 Oeneral Am Tank M. MB tttt j to ftt ta ttf IM IM ut MH do 5s 67 IM IMH UIH IT Chile to Bl Peb .... 83 WH 83 itta Piano ptd .... at Reserve bank meeting today teU current liabilities amount to $17,- U Brkln Man Tran to.,85 % B Ohio TftL SsA.... 101V* 10 Chile Ss 61 Sept .... 88% 93% 44 MB MH 7 Oeneral Asphalt .... 70B tott WB a orwalk Tire a Rub.. 5% •B itt t Saf neAP eon 4%s .. 88% H ioo MH IM 93 14 Am P * Lst la... I do pf ta .. US US lowed ttlf action of tttt New Tork 258.717 including $11,905,324 lnven- Nor PM tt B 111% 11 Chin Qov Ry 6s 51 .. ttH M 83% .'!l00•ttt%t 1W.4 100H ...... Itt 13 By Prod Coke lltt ..US M% IM Nor Pac rf Im 5«O..101% 1 Cologne IB* W .... tt 4 40 • pet ptd «.. f Oeneral Cable tttt dlrectors yesterday in making no torles. US 95 V* ut uta W MH t to Stt A SH T MAM ...IM Itt 100 o 23% ttB Nor Pac 4% 86% UIH 111% f Colombia to 37-81 ., 88 ... 9 !•_. 2 Itt SB change In the 5 per cent rediscount C aiH Nor Pac BT ttttl to . M% if Colombia to 28-61 .. tttl ttH M 1 do stt A Mad t. 10 Oeneral Ciear to ... tott ttft M t oa wen supply nil 83B 8 Cal Pet 5s N M IIMI UIH 101% STH 4 Am Radiator *...... n *OB tt to General Elee 8b . MB M Nor Pac ton 3s ...»tt MH M% 1 Colom Aatt Bk ts 47 . W SI M .. .23* 333% tttll 1 Omnibus Oorp Itt W ra 1 Camasuey Bus 7a . 83 tt Nor ftat po to B.,104% 2 Colom MtH Bk 7s M. M 87% M to ttt 1 ...1MB Uttt 1MB 3 do gpl .M ... UB lift Utt 69 Ralls were among tttt ffw tmpor- Swedish Match a oan int ar *%* so .. n% Mtt M% STH ITH w t Am tttort _tp «... 4 Oppenhelm Collins 4i tttt tt Htt ftat ff to A .ItiH M 84 B Colom Mtge Bk 7s 47. S3 M ...ttt 1** Itt tt o oaa tt pf a M.12SB 1MB ltttt Itt Orpheum oire up tt. Ti WB MB tant groups whioh failed to partici- Comoanv Reveals 10 do IHs M 83% ttH 93% tt Comp Aat VmM 39 .. 73 93% M 14 Am Republic* ...... 112 IB Itt MB S ff 4Hs UM 85 M M IttH 104V* 1 tta Seating >.,...... ttt ut iu 80 do 87 tf A to ... tt Otis Steel fttt IMH IMH 8 Comp Aa Sara 7Hs.. w Tf N ... MB fl •_, 100 do tf B ft ...IMtt ltttt ltttt 4 Owens Bottle M .... 87 pate extensively in tttt upturn. Bf- V*Uiuptsuy dvevcttta 1 Can Nor 4%s ...... 85% 85%M H O 5 Copenhas 4%s M ., 94 % SSB tt 1 Am Ship a Com.. ... tttt Mtt Mtt ... tt tt W Iftt MB a Oaa Pae SHs ItH 87% 97% Ohio Blv lst 5s36... 88% 89% MH 83 MttB Ship Bids ».. 11 Oeneral Mills Is .. HB 88B cent sluggishness of these issues Is Big 1928 Profits 15 Copenhas IBa 53 .. ttH 94 ... # * * ...If TT TT 18 do deb 4e ., 85 85 M Otto Riv Edl to,,,.USH 1M% 106% 1 OordOba City 7s 87 .. 84% MB M 49 Am Smelt 4 14,. I do pf ta ...MB Mtt tttt 9 33 HB attributed to thf growing specula­ 1 Cent of Oa to 88% 88%M H Old B coal 0W Ss.. 89 M 88 STH ... M tt tt tt Ota MH tttt) •• ttt 1% S Oordoba Pv Htt .. M MH 4 do ptd T ...ttttt IMft UtB 1 Paciflo Coast tttt w.auiutive belie- f tha—x=t ttlf forthcomin— g -Report Ot ttlf Swedish Match 4 do S%8 .....104% 103 IMH Ore Sh lln rfg 4s.. MH MH MH 4 Costa ttM tt 81 ,. 84V* SSH MH M Aa Bteel Mrs S.....1M. B 1MB Ut T d* Tft ff ft ...... Mtt ttB MB W Pacific Oas a El Is. ttft US 1MB O'Fallon case decision by the hows 0 SO Cent IHo to iotv« 100% Otto Bteel to IMH 1MW1MH MH II ...ttttt UtB IHB 10 Oen Out AM tot 3s 88 MB United itates Supre^cWTtnikht. Company s • ™°°"».g*™*** * 101 v« 30 Cuba SHS tt ...... Ul tt do ntd 7 M Pacific Mills SSB 48,96136Miu 1 kroner ($13,121,700) for 5 Certainteed 6%s 48 . 88% 88% «9% I Cundlna Marca IBs . 83% IM tta 4* Am Sugar Ref ... ttB M *7H 33 o«n Rail Masai M. . SSB to at 1 Pacific Oil StOtt ... lft 65 B H not definitely settle thf trouble '"" * •*"**— '«••*»*•»- *-~ 31 Chesap Cor M 47.... 88% 89% 13% IM ...U1B Ul ttttt 1 Oen Retract 3* .... W Packard Mo 3%b xd.129% Uft 11 1928 compared with 40,436,616 99% e Czeche to tt 110 4 do ptd 7 MB MB ttB some valuation and rate problem. 14 Ches * O attt 4%a .. 98% 95% 95% PM OM Bl ta UIH ltl 101V* 1 Czech to IS IMH 109% ttH 1 Am Tel a Cable 1... . ttB MB tt U Olllette Baf Raf to..Ultt Mttt IU I Pan-Am Petroleum ,. Ntt fftt MB OU Shares Sell WeU kroner ($0,837,013) for 1927. This Sf ff ttt IHS 30 .... 88% MH MH 109% tt do t ..107 106H 1MB 249 do B Iftt 61 MB PM PL lst rfs M... WH MV* MH 110 2 Olmbel Bros , WB MB MMB B Extension of gasoline price ad­ is an increase of over 21 per cent. B Oil ft Alton SHs M. ttH ttH •TH Pao TT ta BT IMH IMH IMH 109H t Am Ttt t ,MB MB MB t Panhandle Prod a R Utt If 10% A remarkable growth hat been M • do SHs ttf ...... ft if If D .230% ltttt tttB IH Ollddfn Oe lBb .... MB MBIMt t 136 Paratn Fam Lasky 3s MB UB vances brought fresh buying Into Pao TT rts ta 63 ..IttH IMH IMH 4 do B t li do prl pf 7s ,1MB IM48 SB shown ln the company's earnings t do to ott SIH «*% WH Pan AmPT ta 1934.. 105% tMH IttH 12 Danish Mun ISA .IttH IttH IMH 1 Am Type Fdri t... .1MB tto IMtt » > 47B I Park a Tllford 3a... tttt tt tt the oil shares, but the early gains 15 O B ft Q rfs ta A. .104 103% IN 10 Danish Me IsB ...IMH UIH IMH .MSB IM IM 28 Oobel Adolph Ine .. 47B..61 % 33 Park Otah Mines .SO. 10% 40 B during the past eight years, accord­ Paa Am PW ta IMS. 97 MV« VI t do ptd 7 MB 40 were held to a point or two. United 18 do 4%s It .87% 97% Parmut Bway IH ..111% 101% 101% 3 Denmark tt 42 ....103% IttH 103 V* 4 Aa *w win aa* ta .ttt tto >«i 352 Oold Dust IB* M*A tt ' 1373 Pathe Exchange ... 10% MB 1* ing to advices cabled from Stock­ if IM H Ooodrich BP Co 4s.. tttt tttt W do A lltt States Steel common was again in a fa mn 4a MH MH Para Pam Lai 6*47. MH 98% MH I Denmark IH 55 ,„.1MH MSH 4 Aa Wool ttd .1MMB 1MB 1MB UtB Htt 81% holm. The dlrectois have proposed M do SHs HI dtt...... 83% 90% Park Lex SHs ...... 31V* 81% 10 Denmark 4% M tt.. 96% t*H . Utttt ttB HB 208 Ooodyear T & Rub..137% llltt 38 Patlno Mln R SB aw WB lift Utt the forefront of the advance, sia 81% **_* t Aa WH Pap etfa.. T do lst pf 7s j..,..ltttt 1MB 103B a dividend of 10 per cent to be paid 8 Chl ft E Dl Ss 81 ..83 ttH aPthe Bs Ta W wa . ttH TB Till t Dom Rep sf IH 41. 95% 95% M% t do * pet ptd «... MB MB MB M M M Peerless Motor 16'i Tttt tttt touching a new high on tttt current U Obi Ot Ws to 87 83 1 Dom ttd 1% 2840. 93% 93% U U I Gotham B Ro* Itt*. • *0 41 3 Penlek RR Ford .... attt 93 to shareholders in thf near future ai% Pane DU jaa 41 .. 93% 93%M H M% 4 tta tons* Uttn... STB tltt S3 Radio Corporation com- tt CMASP (SB 4HS S. If 67 Penn RR 7s 30 101% MlH UIH 1 Dread f f to 41 ttt lis IM 1 ds stt MB Mtt MB M Oraham Paige MH ... ttft 37B MB 1 Penn Dixie .ment ... 19V. 98% upswing, which together with the previously IS . fo ten 4s A M 88% 93%_ I DB Indta I II Ma.. 101 36% S«H I do etfa 37% lltt U Penn RR SB 7SB 1MB 1MM B 93% Penn RR fold SHs .US 108 IM lit - til 44 Anaconda Cop t 11 Granby Con Mln ta xd 83 92 18 do 5s 75 ...... 93 84 » Pen aa aaa tatt...utH IOSV* IMH fitt tott I Orand Onion ...... tttt 1 Pere Marq pf 8 .. 93 HB Mft mon again told Close to par after i „_,,. .„f„i.i_ *iv\**„* _,« c -__» _._.-.* 83% 91H 17 Anchor Cap .... MB MB IM Pere Mare pr pf 5.. 99% tt do edj 51 SOW... .. ttH Pen BR ts M 103% 102 102 P I'UttM*.t 1«1V« UtHB 3 do pf M MB tttt MB Mft S Ohl ft NO Wss 7s ..101% 101si%a ttH 18 Andes Oop M .75 ttB MV* 87 44 1 Philadelphia Co Tb..lttft cropped out ln some of tttt other ttH Penn RB tH tt 38% 88%98 % S Wat ft 4* exwar... 95% MH 88% M Arche»Dan If 4. MB WB I Grant (WT) Co te .1MB UtB 114% 44 44 on ttlf share capital of 279,000,000 1 do m 6s 87 ..,., ..IMH 104% 101% Phila Rrd OI ttttl UO USH tttt ttB MB li Ot Her Ry pf te . • 1MB IM W Phila Rdg Coal a Ir Hft 31% radio Issues earlier in the week. 104% 8 Plnlshd sft 7*50 ., MH tt 99 tt Archer-Dan M 4 Mtt 1 1MB 1 Philip Mori* 1 MB MB kroner. The directors further pro­ B do ll 6s tt ... ., M 89 Pere Mara Rr 6% .UIH 1WH 181% 11 Finland IH M 88% M MH 1 Armour Del fH MB MB ^^^I dop^ f etf 8s .IM Wlft ltttt M New high records for thf year 17 do4Hs Wtt stp .. .. 93% 93% 99 Phila Oo ta ST M 87V* 97% MH UB 145 ot Ntt te Or* etf ttt* II siv* SIB W Phillips Jones 3 .... 44 aiB pose tho usual interim dividend for 93% 4 Pram I Dev THM..104 IM IM 15 4* Of tn A.... 14 HB 11 Pierce Arrow A tttt Itt itt were established by a variety of Is­ 1929 of 5 per eent to be paid during M Chlcaso Ry Is ,., .. 81V* ttH Phil ttM tH ST ... 88% 98V, MH 17 France 7% t IUH ttl. Ill 14 do ot ni a...,...., nt Ttt 82 at W Sugar 2.80s... 39B MB SS M sues including American Can, Bur­ 73 OR T * P 4%8 tt, .. 80% 90 SIH Phil Bsad CI ts ... 88 M M Uf 107% UH 7* tt do pf 7s Ut Uttt 1UB 10 Pierce Arrow pf .... lift M the latter half of tha year. 50 France Ts 49 tttH f do of 111 pfd 7 tt ttt roughs Adding Machine, Olldden 3 do asn to .. ss ss M Plilllip Pst BH M... N 81H 93 1 French Nat SS fStt. UIH UIH UIH t Arnold Const Corp... tttt tm MB 11 Oram Oan Oop ta....UTtt 1MB 163V* II puna on i 81 ttt tt do rfs 4s SS Portland ry tott ... MH MH96 % MB t Oulf States Steel ls. tt% 66 65 1 Pierce OU tf W Ntt 81 Company, Stromberg Carburetor, 30 C T R ft 8 E Inc ts . 8388% 88SS%H 93% M Porto Rto am to to,.ltt% IM IM 1 Artloom Oorp S...... tttt TTB 96 B M 4 AIM Dry {Ms IB 53. SSB Mtt B 13 Pierce Petrel 4B ua Texas Oulf Sulphur, united Aircraft General Motors Net 1 Chl OB Sta to 44 ...101% UIH 88% M Postal Tel Cab 6s5S. 93% tt 93% o M 4 PUIibury Flour l.M.. 51% M in and Yellow Truck and Coach. 7 c * w lad SHs sa ..101% 101% UIH S Pressed stl car ta... 95% 96% M% 1 Oar O Or bk 50.... tt M% MH t tout attt MB W Hack Water IB* .... VI IT M 84 105 % 10 Auociated Oil 3 MB M Hahn Dept Stores ... Wtt 43% Mtt 10 Pittsburgh Bteel tf T tttt tttt Earnings $60,000,000 4 Chile Oop ta 47 ... M 86% IttH 1 Pub tor Bl O II ...ttt IM 103 U Oer C Att to 38 ... SSH IMH ,1 .Pltts&Wes t Ta Ry S.131 tttt 5 OCCftSt Lift to A... 89% HH 3 Put Ser El 4% 67.. 98 M 98 S3 Oar tt Bk 6s M ...106V* UTH 117H 3 Atohlson T&8P tt.. .300tttttV UtB 1MB I do pf «Bs ltl 99 B SSB 88 MH MH fttt ouif a w i.... . M4>B« MB MB N Hanna Co 1st pf Ts.. 95 M Mtt 3261 PortPo*tuPostaom l Ri Tel—CaSo Am bTo Tb pf.ltt A. S7MBB Ult45%t lttttottt 3 OCOftStL dtt 4Hs SI 81% 88V* 89% U Pub 8a NJ 4% 48. ..177 ITT lTf I Oer Osa H MH WW 117% MB 61V* LOS ANGELES LIVESTOCK Street estimates place Oeneral 8 do tft 4Hs E 77.. 84% 94% I Punta Ales su Ts.... TTH TT ' TTH a Oar Oan B Sstt .. 81 WH STH Itt Atlantic Refining |„ 8______^^8 tttB 1MB_ 1 Hartman Corp A 2s.. tttt MB WB I6 PortPrairio eRl eOU&Oa Ass Toi b ,B. . tlWBB 98% MH 88% H Atlantic Sat pf T. ...116 . USttttB toUS B 2* Mtt 4 Prairie Pip* Line ... 56 B Mtt Hogs 300, holdovers 300; slow, Motors corporation net for first I Cleve On Tana«% 1M% 94% IT Put* oil 6% 37 98 87V* BTH 1 Good Hop TS 41 97% tt do B 1.20a WB MB 22% 1 Purity Bak Mtt .. M M M 13 Ot Con EI 9 too 44. 98% HH MH 4 Atlas Powder 4 ...... »1H tl86BH tlt87%t T Hawaiian PI ne 2s .., W 39 Pressed Steel Car . ttft early sales about steady; two loads quarter at around $60,000,000 or $1.35 18 Colon Oil to 38...... 104 IM 1M% tt «H to tt 1 Pressed Btl Car pf T tttt 78% f Lt ft TtM 5s. . 93% 93% 93% I df ft M 86% M% 1 Otto Pneu Tool .... fftt SOB 1 Onl* Leaf Iff _..•> 1 Otah Pow ft Lt 5s.. MH 88% H t ChlC jme T pf ne3% MH Mtt tott IM Btand oil NJ ll ... . 69 V* 57% 69 aa omv net lataMS...,.7 4 74 74 1 Cavanaush Dobbs ... 33Si 33% IIM II Illinois Bell Tsl to. .Itt 103H 103% • sia 81 do to M 87 MB MH 4 Chic 1 Laclede Ga* M ....Mitt Mttt SMtt IM Stead oil MT l.M. . 43% ttft . Sttt Mtt Mtt 8 Oelottt Oo tt S*% 85V* . 87% 87% BTH 1 OtU Pow ft Lt S%s. H MH M f Ohio Rk Is Pa Ss ...1MB 127V* UTtMBt 1 Lett Oil a Trana ... 31 MB SOB 6 Stand fM Otel ,. > Itt ttft I Onl» i * Had...... »*% 1 minois Oent Itta . at to tH* is WH MO Chle Yd Oa Is ..... tt tttt tttt 141 SB tf Otah Oaa is . tttl tltt tttt IS City Stores nsw 31% MH 3 do rtt 4s tt V US Uf Tt Lambert Co 5Bb .. .142% IM IM stand Pat (Has tf . IS 6 .305 80S 308 35 Oroiley Radio 100% 87 31 .as w M 8 t Ohlcke Cot oil Sa... tttt ptt tltt 3S Le* ttta tt Rubber.. tttl tt Utt M 3SOU1 P * L A $ 88 1 do 4s tt ...... *1% 91% sta 1 Salvador to tt ...... IM **_> M% 3 staley Oo Art Ifft tift . tt tttt tttt 7 Curtis Pub Sa 11* 118 1 do col tr 4s t3... • »% *»% •*% 1 VirebUVertlentea Bs ySu tos 7s .. .IMH IM 103% 10 Child* Oo 3.M MB 53 lltt I Lehigh tort Cera 3% 53 63 53 1* StewaM tttt Spe 6s.138 uttif t attfttm 118 . **% ita ssa tl Santa ff Ars ft 43... as% BTH STH W Chrysler OM t* .... tttt MB M W do pf 7s ...... 110 UO 110 3 Duplaa Silk U 34% MH24 % l BI Steal dtt IHa .. . *<% 96% 98% 5 SM Paulo Otr IBs BT STH ill IM 1 Cluet Peabod M .... 62V, 62B Mtt M Stromber Carbu taS Hft tt M I 8% SH 1 do pf to 88% 88% 105% 1MB 3 Lehlsh Val 3%i .... tttt Ntt 91B 53 studebak Oor Ma . S3 SIB 11 4 Vadsco Oorp ...... MH 3 *lrr**|a**j| Steel 5s .. .US 101% UIH 1 Wabash rft IHs m76 . .Itt 101% Uf 11 SM Paulo St Sa M..1M t Cooa Ool a 6s ttttt IM Ul 3 Submarine Boat ... ao Vanadium Of tb ffHt tttt 85* 4 Brans Auto L SHa ... «3 (3 tt Interb R Trans 7a .04 tt 8* .IM ttt MS 1 Sao Paulo St BS 38. .108% M% M% a Lena a Fink nod tt WB M SSB Jtt •ft IB 1 Fashion Park Aasn .. 70 tt •3 M M I Collins Alkaaa 59 68 56 a Um a usen Ttt tt STB 87% ITB 13 Sun oil eo la as Uft I Van Raalta 33 33 S3 M do to . M 65 BBH S to Sd to . 97 BT 87 I Sao Paulo St to M .. M% 14 Colorado ftt It* .. ft MB 45% t do B tt , iftt to MB 37 Superior OU lft lft n 10 do lst ptd ...... SI 81 81 1 Krueser * Toll rts.. \ H 70 It to rft to .71% TS 71% 10 do 5s B 78 . 87 87 87 7 Sax Pub Wks H 43 ,. Nil SSH B3% M Col Bo 2nd pf 4.... H HB Mtb M Lima Locomotive ... M to MB 32 Superior SU ...... 73 SB SB t Vtek Chemical 4.... tt MH M 3 Lehlsh Valley Ooal.. St% IfH a 37 do (ft Ss sta.... 71 70 71 1 IHs Ott . MB 86% t Sax Pub Wks fH* St. 83% MH M% S Colum Os tt M .. .Itt 139 V* IM 16 Sweet* Am te tt 5 Vlrf Otto Chem.... ten MH ia% I Link Bait Itt 84% 64% 37 18 Int Cemeat 5s 48... 105% 105 IM 1 Saxon Bt Mts I 7s . .94% 104 Iff U Colum Oas al new.. 56V. 56 5* M Lluld flatt W ...... tttt to tt 23V* ittt i Wash Water few to. .ttt Itt tsP*a ttH 71 Loew's 3b tttt « IB 1 Symington .,,..... 7 7 33 V* I V-O Ob Tpetprsttf.. MMM 8 Motet Products rts .. 4* 41 84% 10 Bit Ot MM Sdl Ss... M M M 3 W Penn Pow 6s A. ..IM H 100% 1MB 9 Seine ft tt W4H 78% Ut Colum Graph 70% MB MB M Left Ine ttt aft 3 Symington A Uft Utt Utt a do a pet pte pfd a Bl 81 11 3 Pirelli Co 3 8« R 53% 48 S do Itt to 104% 104% 1M% .ttt US Itt ' 31 Serb! tCs ttM 7s S3.. 70H MH MH . 3 Colum Carb ttt ....tta tttB 133% itt 78 WH 70% 62% SI Stt Match Ss 4T ... 88 95% 95% I BMnyetsu El 6%s 53 . MH tMH IMH W Long Bed Lumber A. M «7 ISO ttf can DeUnnlaf... I Radio pf 8 ta 78% 77% 101% ttt % IttH 10 Western Elee 5* ... 103 • U Commer Credit tt .. 60B MB M T if ff a ft ft ft tt Southern Oal Edits rts 3 3 7* S IBter Mer Mar sf Ss 4 West Md 6%a A tt. .tts. M uMsH 93 1 Siemens Si Hal 8HS.1MH MH 98% UO Com Cred ttt tf •%. n ft SI T Lorlllard Pierre Oo .. SStt to ft M ss 84% tt 93 MH S Louie-ana Oil SH ... Utt tttt I Telau t os rap te .... 5 Spencer Kelloss ISO.. Vt% ITH 3 5 Int Paper rft toA. . 7 do 4s . 76% ttH 10 Bolssons to M RH ttB U Oom Inv Tru 4a ...MSB 1MB 1*3% 14ft lltt Uft 1TB 1TB 37% 3 do art 6s A 93 tt tt 9% IMH 1MB tt fa tf ttM •• T Tenneis Oop Ob U. W S Spier pf A 3s M 48% 93% 93% . 87% STH ttH | Styrla Ts M 83% 1 Com Invert TtM ool MB MB 4i (S Tf Tews Oorp 3s ...... tttt MV* UB ... *S% M M M U lat T«T dab 4||s '•1% 13 Sweden tt II .103% tttH 103% 1 Com In Tt tH PfCH MB MB MB 6 Loula'Oa* a El A Itt tttt Mtt Ntt 81% a S Wabash Sf 10 Warner Qulnlan rts.. % H I Western Union SHs. .ttt IM IM 23 Ldlum Bteel ta tttt SSB MO Tens Oulf suiph W. 17 Waldorf an 1 %....,... 3* ttH 34 5 Webster Elsenlohr ...ttH »* H 135 do cvt 4%a 38.... .131% 130V. 130% tt do 5s 1M1 ..*,,,', .1MB tMH 101V* U Stt** 5%J M ..MSB S Commer Bolv 8s 85V* MB tttt 69 41 Ttt Pec Coal oil tft. MB 1SB MB 130 129% 1MB HB If Walworth Oa 1.S0...... tttt 87% 37% S Weil O A 8 pt new 4s tt M M ft 1 W Va C ft C 6s M. .ttH ftH 37% t MB ttB • Comwlth Pow Ss . H MB I TM Pa LanTrfeew .. 1TB ITtt Ifft 3 Toho tt P Ss M .... 99% IS Oonde Na.t Ptt 3. MMM ttft UB UB s Ward sit s ... UH 10 ttH I Wllcoi Rich B M 3*H (4 1 K C Pt S ft Mem ta.. M M M 5 Wheel Btl BHs tt .. . M% 99V* 99% 87 tt MB MB 25B 17 Mack Truck* ta ....ltttt ttt 3 Thatcher Mfg ..._.. Ill Warner Broa Stt. ...107 Itt tttH I AS* Rad tt S B ... 47% 48% 1 Wh B*f O BHs w 87 .111 IM 102 7 Tokyl Cltq SHs St ., tttl tt Oonsol Nairn .... TTft 1 Thatcher cvt pfS.M. ttft UB MV* MH 18 K C Pow ft Lt to... 101 UIH MB 1 Tokyn City 5s 53 .... tttl _B WH t Oonsrega Cigar te., 7S tt n 4 Macy R H Co la.....Itt 1MB 1MB 38% S do HS ttH 47% ttH 1 Assd Pharel Ind 84% ||H 5 K O Southern rfs to. 86 95% BSH 1 Wlck-Spenc Stl 8ft If tt 46 tf M M 3 Madison Sq Gar Itt. MB 1SHIMf ttttt t Tha Pair eo 841 ... to Sf * Warner Qulnlan S StH MH 11% 4*% , 48 M 56 Toyka El Lt 6s 53 .. 90% 83 88 t Oonsrega Citar ts . .71 tt tt 70 Tf 33% 3 Bohn Al m Brass ....IUH 114% 84% 4 do lst 3s 73 73 tt tt tt Magma Cop 4a ..... tttt I Third ave rr 32 ttft $ Warren 9*9 m Vttf.. If 17*. 1* 7 Wilson ft Oo lst tt, .IUH 101% tttH 7 TrondhJem 5Hi St S tt STH 1 Oonley Tin foil stpd. m B tt I Malllnion a Oo ..... 38B 14 B tttt IT ttd* water Aiao oil . 46 10 Bora Warner ttta ttt IUH IK O Terta lit 4s.... S7 »7 «7 t Tyrol Hy El P Ttto 44 STB STH T COBS Os ttt Pf «%• MB •SV* HB I Manhallin Elee Sup. tttt UB tttt if Tide wat acco ett • . MB ttft wtt 10 Wesson O It tttt 4.HI4 •ftt ttV 33 Atl Ret rts 1% 1% 1*3 8105 Kas Oas tt Bl to.... 104% IM IBS _ t Corn fU Int pfS .. 3* tttt iitt Tl 73 3 Tld* wat ad M ... •U 18% MB 1 West Dalr» Prod A4. S3 53 53 I Slat Rob M pc IIH H% I Keystone V*t to 81 91 91 St Tnsstown S&T ta M.lMH 1MB 0 MB M Manhattan Ry std 7s tt is tosa tm IM Oonsol Os* Is IM tM uttt M do mod std ta .... Mil tttt SStt tt Tlmken Roll Beart .. SIB i 9 1 do B ...... MH 38H tt% 3 Olldden rtt 3% IH 1 Klnss Co El 4s itpd tt tt W 6 USS Copenh to 19... 98% MB • Conaol OW Mpf M.. tttt MB Mft Hft Hft 11% MH MB 1 Manhattan Shirt tt.. tt as tt 17 Tobacco prod M ... 3 Western Maryland... 44% 43% 43% S Bares Body .Mil 51 1 O St Wk SHs 81 A W 88% MB MB • 1 Oca ttt Cub* ptt.. SS S3 'tt 3 I Tobacco prod A Tt. aatt lift 17V* 1 Weatern Pacific pf... MMM 10 Int Pap rts % % SH £ 1 to SHs 51 O war.. 85% M M t Market Bt Bf ...... 3 3 utt 10B MB ' 1 Lack Bteel to M IN IM IM FOKE1UN BONUS S Oonsol TexUl ...... Jtt Jtt IB ttt Marland OS ._.....• tott stt 34 Transco Oil M W Penn 11 7% pf t.ltt Uf 107 I Jordan Mtrs rts .... % % 53% 1 Lac tttB MB BHs. ...103% 103% IMH 1 to 8%s 81 O ex-war M STH I Contain ear A l.M . 17B 1TB tttt 4 Trlco Prod IB tttt 10B MB Itta Pae rtt IH 1% % M% I 4 Contain Cor B M .. t 1 Martin Rockwell SBb 73 Tl ntt 9 44% S do 8% pf f 87 MH 87 30 UB ft M f Bid tott B7% 87% BTH 1 Upper AUSt SHs 87 .. STH SS___Hs ttr •ft tt Marmon Motor 48 TTft tott 73 1 Trans Tra eoa Ml. ft 10 do 7% pf 7 ...... IUH itta uta 3 Newport Co .44% 44% H 3 TlttfB Cft N 4Hl ... M 88 88 a os** aet a M •t I MarUn Parry ... . tttt lltt 1 Truico *tl 1Mb ... UB MB 47 West Onion TH 8... 1*4% tttH IMH 3 Rep Brass tt 48% _Ht 7 Iff V Pa con 4s WM SS 64% 88 IB Akershui ta tt .... . 86% tttt *__ St Uruguay tott BfH IB MB May Dept Blorfes . ITB ittt «*% MH sm tt Oiat bak S ...... MMB Mtr B M 47 47 77 WeiUnsb Air Br 3.. M MH 48*4 3 Rep Brass A 105 104 a Leh ttd B Tar ta 54.101 tft Ml 1 Am Mont SU 7s tt.,. 84% 94% MH ? M tOsat Bak tf tt tttt Maytag to ..*... < 14 MB 0 .110% HIB Uf M Wssttb StH Mft 4.150% ttt ltt% I Spaldlns A O .65 55 IS tt Loews tm to ex-war mm 88 98% 5 Antloqula 7s 48 A .. . 83 8 Venetian Pr M Bk TB BIB TBB TtMB tttt do tf war ta. . SSB M IM Undarwood IU* IN is • tt Caottn Oan IB . tttt .1MB 117% 1MB 1 do 1st pf 4 143 ttt 14t 1 Sf Mf ita ...... 50% 50% 5 Lorlllard Co 6Hs 37 . HH WH ttH It do 7i 45 B . MH ttIf 3 Vienna Oltr tttt.* tttt ttOstt (to tf Ta IM til IM McCall Oorp 4a . . ITtt tt SSB 3* Onto Carb ta ... . 81% 81 lift 1$ Weston Hee Instrumt 18% MH MH 4 Sparks Wlthlnston.. .17*% Itt M I Aytlooula 7s 45 O.. • M sMs ttH sm •IB McCrory ft B ta fftt 43% tt Onto oU Cal te . MH s do ta sia na WH tt U Westph o a P to M ttH MOMtte las tt... Mtt tttt .tto .Mtft IM IM 1 Wbaellns Ms L Brie... 78 7* tt I Stewart Warner new 87 ftH 17 Antlquola 7a 48 D , > *S Bl 93 MB tt do cvt pf Itt tttt 1 Onto PM 111 .... . Uft Htt tott t Wh aatt* ou a..... aaa a aa I Antlosula lst Ts 57.. 88 M lift .118 ttt a On Pae pf 4* .... 5 Standard San ctfs ... M ffH I Lout* ft Nash tt ....IttH 101% 101% tt 8 okohoms fa tt MB MH SIH Mi « tt 1 McKeegport Tin 4s... ffft 1" .134 ltttt 133% 18 White Motor Oo 1.. 48% ttH tttt » Ott Aircraft 85% IfH ..83% «3% 1 Ontloqula M H 67 . . M% 89% SSH Mitt Milk MttMftt tttt IM a Union tan ear ta ttft Mft MB IS Wh k Mln fpa etf 3a tia M tttl m I McKesson a Rob M0 61 MB (Ml Clsar it M 3 Onl Air pf 78% tt t7 M • • M 88 S Antloaula ad H BT . . M M M Ml MB MB t MeKaft1 t Bab tf SB* ST 61 1 Onlt Olsar • PM f..Hf IM ttf I White Saw Mach..... 33 ttH SI t Woolworth asw wl .. 88% 88% I Manhat Ry con to ... BSH 83% ttH09 V* 4 Arsentlns ton*. .IMH M* 100H O. S GOVEKNMBNI BONOS tott M W 1 Mf**. Oo _ tt 61 3M United Dyewood 1 do ff 4 ttH 48H 48% 48% • MH M • S9% MH IT a* e% a 4 do 3d 4a t arasnuns MMB. ttB ttt Liberty SHi SS-St. M.3 SMI M WT Mft H ttl Meilcan B**b OU ... H tt tl do pfd T ,„...,.. tttt ttto Mtk t Wllcoi OH it Oas.... ttH tt% 33% ttH 4 McCrory tt SHs 41..taa a IMH T sag to fft la Ml... . SSH tt SSH MB MB UB tt Miami Copper la ... MB H H On E Ooal Ttetfsl.. M Willys Oterld 1JB... MH tt% MV* Total SfttS ..408.430 toll _73*_ - •* 11 do lst 4%S MB MS MS MV* tttt . 48 «% tt Previous day—3.101.880 71% ttlttt Mldvalt Bde toSt l...... ert ta ... . 88 MH *9 M Aff Btt ffl tt Oct... . ttH SBB 99% 113 do ttt tttt tins. M.l* M.14 . UB 11 11 tt Mld-Oontln P*t te .. II tttt 4 United Pr SBb .1S»»4 iH ttl 4 Wilson * Oo ...... 8H 8Vi fH WI tt**MU Bw R aid ft sL Bls oht tat B10I ffH ttt tt Ars sf to tt May ..MS SSH . MB M M t Mlddte Mates OS .. Mtt tt• * United Paperbd . tttt ai tttt t fa A 18% 18% ttH Week Off t, 408, ttt •Mi SSH tiSSt H 3 Treasury SHt SMB. 107.34 UTM 10TS4 M aa Ttt aso-4.B78.000 1 M ft tt Leon to 34 .. M M M T tott tt-M .MM! 1SS.1S 1SS.1S , MB Mft tttt t M eet ...... tot 4 17 OS Cart Ir P a . MH tttl tttt i do pf M st ee U to ttt rft tt ...... 33H SSH ttH .ltttt ltttt Ht f Midi fuel ftt pf lib. SB -Jtt __' a do 1st pfd l.M... 8 Woolworth Oo S 311% 310% 311% Jan. 1 to fate—833,183.808 siiSSHi • »ttH% t to IHa ttttjs . w.4 SM tr.t ttf ** . tftt lltt MH I Tear aso—338.334.700 B M8P ft 88 Mar std to M MH MH t do IB* tt-tt ..SIS fM SM t Milter Rubber 1MB MB 4SS DUtrlb 8 Wrlsht Aero S Ill Ml 348% S to Ut eoa to TBH TBB ttH • fttt MB tttt SMI fftt I Mlnneap a M laate . Ml II1MI B ftt M Un Hate* —(pro** . to 14 14 I S wnsley Jr Was 3%b. 71% tl tttt Two years asa U I.HI Ml tt .. I* I $l| II FRIDAY. -APR1M2. 19» SANTA MONICA EVENING OUTLOOK PAO! TWENTY-* Something About Propellersfor Plane Send U.S. Troops Arnstein in Toils Los Angeles Stock Exchange Furnishsd by Banka, Huntlay 4. Ce. Fruit 1329 Third Street—At tf 2 o'Clock Models in Rotary-JuniorHigh Contest HAMMOND, La.. April 11.—Gen- For Border Duty «ral ralna over tha Louisiana straw­ Today Today berry belt, accompanied by cooler Stocks High Low Last Stocks Hlgfc _fW weather, have proved Of arrest (Continued from Page 1) value to the crop now being mark­ Barnadall Oil A 44'« ._ _ Union Assoeiatss _ 11H If % Bl_ ) >M-**- -W . eted and have secured an abundant Bolaa Chlea Oil A 120 110 tit Union Oil Cal 81% IIH 11% garrison shortly before 11 o'clock Buckeye Un pfd 14 _ _ second crop. Growers say they have LOS ANQSLSf CURS BXCHANS- Calif Bank US...- 188 .- _ V7 \ added millions of dollars to the with sis or eight empty saddles. Stocka me* Law Douglas Arerft Inc.-. II% IIH 81H value of the fruit. Shipments now They reported they thought one Bandlnl Pat 1% _. — Emseo D * E SIH .... • •^—*__v_ _ are totalling 100 cars a day. trooper had been killed, and aev­ Big Jim Mi net If ._. . Seeur lst Nat 121 142 . l.*H 148 t ^ eral wounded, how serloualy they Bol Chle Oil B 111 _ jff ^-_r I, A Inv 210 \ >w**? Steel did not know. Mar-Millan Pet _ 41H 40 H « Chap I C eom H% _ _ TOrNGSTOWN, Ohio, April 1J. Mascot Oil 176 CI Neon El Prod. IT It ft % 0 —While demand for large -sise pipe Mar Nat Bk |2I 211 Diamond Elee 41 _ ___ s * Guns Menace Town Occl Pet com J0O Fnkker Airplane II _ .* ' Is still falling off, due to curtail­ NACO, Arts., April 12 W).—While Pac Fin com 111 Cladding McBean _. ITU 11% M% *M _.--* '*%_.- Oloba Pet Corp 7*4 __ _ ment of oil field drilling operations. four Mexican rebel .75 mm. guns Pac Nat Co ._ 38 < Incoming orders for small pipe for Rep Pet new S«4 Hancock Oil com A-.. 43 \ 41% 41% menaced this nervous border town 42-i 42 Italo Pet Corp 10% If lt _—«A building operations are coming ln j Richfield Oil 4SVi 1 early today a sound of reassurance Rio Grande Oil 40H 3»H l.H Klnner A A M 410 !Tt ttf _ briskly. However, only about half So Cal Ed com 6«H s« S«H Lockheed Arcft new. 18% 11% 11% $>^y__2\. the pipe mills are actively engaged to American citizens was rumbling Ro Cal Ed 7«_ pfd 29 28 % It Maddux Airline 11% 11 11 t J out of Texas—United States cavalry So Cal Ed *% pfd 25*4 Mex Seaboard Oil _ 80 48% If at present. So Cal Ed 5 _ pfd 24 _ ... Samson TAR _ 21% 2S»4 11% 'c__x and artillery. This military move­ Standard Oil <"nl •*•'_ 7»«4 7»<4 Sunnyside Cona I T% I ment by the United States was ex­ Livestock Tranaamerica Corp..IMH 133V» 133H Unlv Con Oil ._1!0 ITl Iff CHICAGO, April 12.—It Is esti­ pected further to invite Mexican at­ v...,< mated by the Horse Association of tention to the international "dead­ America that there are now 19.500,- line" which U. S. infantry has 000 horses and mules on farms In drawn along the border and which The Business World Today this country and 700,000 tractors. 18 combat planes have been under­ Nicky Arnstein, nationally scoring from the air for several known New York charac­ Rubber days. By J. C. ROYLE .1 per cent The demand for boxet. TORONTO, April 12. — Sales of Half a thousand soldiers of the ter, has been arrested with Special Corraapondent of Outlook | ^^^g ca8M an<1 eontalnart la rubber goods manufactured ln On­ Seventh U. S. cavalry left Fort two others on a charge of Copyright. 1929. Consolidated Press: !arger than ey(,r bef0re> whne thf tario are running 20 per cent ahead Bliss. Texas, yesterday for Hachlta, taking $32,700 belonging NEW TORK. April 12.—The lum-|vane ties and native runners were em­ found the police and deputy sheriffs Thit situation to heightened by Mexican. Lower California, yester­ ployed in the search for tht mist­ admittedly baffled. Their one hope­ the remarkable judgment which has SANTA MONICA CAL/ day afternoon. Two more planes ing plane which att tht moment of ful clue, hinging on the disappear­ been used by the southern pine and its success had begun to appear un­ were expected by the federals in a ance ot Laura Bell Nicholson, hemlock producers who normally availing. day or two, one a large bomber said known also as Laura Bell Clark and supply the middlewest They art Fig. in The men were known to have lit. to have been purchased at San her butcher boy friend, Robert Ber­ keeping both production and ship­ fm tit food and to bt down In a wild Diego, California. nard, alias Robert Lenard, was ex­ ments below new business. Tht call .and' Inaccessible region Inhabited by Tht United Statea planea, which ploded yesterday when Mrs. Nichol­ for mint timbers has marked the wild savages, alwaya most inhos­ are based at Fort Huachuoa, 30 son walked into the sheriff's office resumption of operations In the aoft School and Service Club Officials Give Hints fully and making surt it ls per­ pitable to white men. These things mllea from here, have been making and explained that she nad gone to coal fields and thla haa been a more pendicular to the surface. In the had led many to believe they would two daily patrols up and down tbe live at 117 Venice boulevard after dominant factor in the copper and HAlMJtD" for Boys Who Would Build never be found alive If found at all. border from Agua Prleta to No­ her landlady had ejected her tor lead properties both ln the Joplin 13 case of a pint propeller, m bench A steamer will leave Broome, gales. The planet ordinarily com­ failure to pay rtnt district and the Inter-mountain lb SAN FRANCISCO Miniature Airships and hand drill may bt used, but Western Australia, this afternoon plete tht entire patrol circuit with­ zone. with balsa propellera the wood la so for the mouth of tht Glenelg rlvtr out landing at any border point Export Business Miff—imp ***** to pick up the stranded Southern Paul Edward Oarber, author of this series of articles on building and soft that an ordinary pin can be The export business of tht wttt flying model aircraft, is a former TJ. S. air mall pilot. He was also a Cross filer, sighted there by the Two more carloads of barbed Jury Is Instructed in **«i pushed through lt, wire have been crossed from the coast has felt soma little effect tester of parachutes and has leaped many times from swiftly moving Wt are next concerned with the airplane Canberra today. It la about 250 miles distant by sea. United Statea Into Naoo, Sonora, Marine Bank Forgery from a prospective advance In Im­ planea. Mr. Garber has constructed many flying models and models of edge which may be left rectangular .SANDUK0 to extend and improve the wire en­ port lumber rate to Japan and be­ many of the great airplanes which have helped to make aviation history. as ahown ln sketch HI figure n or \OS**-U4mfi tanglements In front of the federal Instructions to the jury hearing cause of the ttrlkt In Austria. But He serves the Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C, as assistant tapered either from one side or from the demand for douglaa fir tn Japan curator of engineering which Includes aeronautics, and was director of Will Install Newly trenches. Tht trenches themselves the charges of grand theft, forgery both sides, as ln IV and V. A rectan­ and conspiracy against E. J. Toung,' would not be entirely eliminated, the first National Playground Miniature Aircraft tournament at Mem­ gular edge produces a slow-turntng art btlng timbered to withstand Elected Officers possible shelling by rebel artillery. geologist, and hit secretary, Mrs. even if the heavy duty were Im­ phis. Tennessee. He Is the author of "Building and Flying Model Air­ prop, good for duration: a tapered posed, and after all that country Casualties on the rebel side were Luella Smith, were delivered this craft" blade turns faster and Imparts takes only some 10 per cent ot the Installation of newly elected offl­ unknown. Asked regarding them, morning by tht superior court ln NO. 5—HOW TO MAKE MODEL speed to tht model. The blank cut coast production ot this wood. cera will be staged at a dinner- federal cavalrymen showed their Los Angeles. The case was deliber­ AIRCRAFT PROPELLERS (see figure II), select a rectangular out to shown In VI. dance tomorrow evening by the San­ ated shortly afterward. The pair Is The white and sugar pint produc­ By PAUL EDWARD QARBER Sketches VII. to XI. show how teeth and said "Muchos." Half of block of wood having the length, ta Monica Optimist Club at the Mir­ the rebel prisoners disarmed and on accused of presenting forged notes ers of California art ln excellent 717 Santa Monloa Blvd. Model Aircraft Consultant, Play. width and thickness of the pro­ the blank It carved. It will be no­ amar Hotel. The program will start and deeds to tht Marine bank of position, with orders exceeding Telephone 81871 ground and Recreation Association ticed that the curved edge Is chosen foot were sent ln ahead of tht re­ Santa Moniea. peller needed. Lay the piece on Its at 7:30 o'clock. Jamea de Bordt will turning cavalry and others were be­ Santa Monica aa collateral for those of a year ago by aomt 11 per of America, and Author ef "Building side and draw diagonals on its face for the entering edge of the prop. Ttf So. Broadway. Los Anfslst act as toastmaster. ing brought under guard around the loans. cent, while stocks have decreased Telephone VArtfIke ttft. and Plying Model Aircraft" from corner to corner. These should This Is ln accordance with best re­ Edward Perlne, widely known ln west shoulder of San Jose mount*, in. Propellers are often spoken of aa Intersect at the center, and at that sults as curved entering edges have the Bay District as a capable speak­ Arms, ammunition and a supply of air screws, and that title explains point drill a hole for the shaft. Next, proved to be better than straight er, will deliver the principal address. Assaulted Mother; their action by indicating that they saw down the diagonals almost to ones. In sketch VII. the carving Is Following tht dinner there will be a clothing, shoes and other equipment screw their way through the air just the center but leave a little wood started: a gouge may be Used In­ danoe. The new offlcera are: Ira were reported by the cavalrymen Is Declared Insane as a corkscrew when turned moves there for the hub. Carve the blades, stead of a knife If care to taken not Miller, president; Howard Blanch­ also te have been captured. through a cork. However, because using a sharp penknife and cutting to cut too deep. The wood la cut ard, first vice-president; Harry Most of the prlsonera appeared to Although lt was represented that air ts not a solid like cork, pro­ from the upper edge to the opposite away from the upper edge to tho Wells, aecond vice-president; Ches­ bt Taqul and Mayo Indiana Col­ the lunacy commission haa declared pellers do not advance with 100 per lower edge of each blade, which opposite lower edge, curving the ter Baake, third vice-presidents; onel Floret was In command of the her Insane, dismissal of an assault cent efficiency, but "slip" a certain when finished should bt slightly blade slightly as ahown In sketch Robert Wilson, fourth vlct-prtsl federal horsemen, who, tired of with deadly weapon charge againat amount This slip is reduced by curved as shown. Put a needle IX. Next, carve the same sldt of dent; and W. B. Blackburne, secre­ waiting for the rtbelt to show Sadie Brown, 49, who shot her 81- careful designing and proper rela­ through the shaft hole and balance tht opposite blade, put a needle ln tary-treasurer . themselves again ln front of Naco year-old mother, because she "saw tion between the propeller and the blades. Because tht pointed tht hub and balanct the blades sallied forth in search of them. The too much of her" must await filing plane. ends of the Langley propeller are evenly, then sandpaper smooth. The over and ambrolded to tht huh. If cavalrymen, not sufficiently strong of « formal report, Municipal Judge Inefficient, these ends should now bt other sides art cut aa shown ln necessary It may bt reinforced hy numerically to attempt aa attack on William D. McConnell of Los An­ Upon the propeller hinges the rounded off, after which the prop sketch X. As the blade nears com­ gelea ruled today. success or failure of a model's per­ Indenting tht bend and laahlni.. tht main rebel camp to tht south­ is again balanced. The completed pletion, be careful to not cut Two or three washers art slipped east, near General Fauato Topete's formance. The design should be propeller blades should be very thin through In your eagerness to make correct the carving well done and on tht shaft which to than paaaed troop train at Nina Oro, slipped out so that when held before a light a thin blade. Tht progress In cut­ through tha bearing. Finally tht Unconscious 24 Hours the balance perfect. Propellers are they will be pinkish, but gradually ot tht wtat trenches and galloped ting can bt watchtd by frequently propeller to revolved to make rare carved from any of the light woods thickening Into tht hub. over the rocky hillsides toward Ban Traffic Victim Dies holding the blade to the light and lt rune true. Pedro, circling San Joss mountain such as apruce, pine, bass, poplar Wright Blank noticing by the plnkness of the and fir, although balsa Is perferable If tht proptlltr to uaed oa a on tht west they came upon tht After remaining unconscious for The last sketch In figure II shows wood how thin it la becoming. pusher model, the hook ot tht shaft rtbtlt on the Nogalts road, and for racing models. The first step ls When finished It should bt slightly almost 24 hours attar being struck Will vou the choice of design and size; next how a Wright blank may be laid will bt on tht convex aldt of tbe charged into them. by an automobile at Vine street and out by drawing tht second diagonal less than 1/11 of an Inch In thick­ blade; If on a tractor. It will ba oa Hot Battle cornea tha making of the blank and ness, gradually increasing to the Hollywood boulevard early yester­ from points equidistant from each tht concavt aldt. Figure IV. ahowa Tht battle raged hotly for some finally the carving. The first step hub; the outer two-thirds should be day. Miss Cornelia MacCloskey, 25, ts covered by the plans of the model end, but this, as well as any other tho most efficient method of plac­ time before tht rebel soldiers began daughter of Dr. Richard C. Mac­ invest blade pattern, may easily be laid out uniformly thin. The propeller to ing propellers on a twin-pusher which you hava selected for con­ again balanced and sandpapered to throw down their arms and beg Closkey, 1211 North Mansfield ave­ by following the method Illustrated model. It ls assumed that the pro­ nue, Loa Angeles, died today at the struction. and the hub cut down aa much as for quarter from th* federal horse­ ln figure III, where the Columbia pellers have curved entering edges Hollywood hospital. Various Pattorna possible to reduce weight but not men whirling and circling and rain­ The blank Is the piece from which type Is taken as an example. Sketch and that the model ls being ob­ ing lead upon them from the brush. I shows the piece ot wood from at the expense of strength. The pro­ served from tht rear. The propellers the propeller la carved and its pellers of record-making models First reports to reach Naco from blades may be of various patterns. which the propeller Is to be carved. should turn upward and outward to Uniform Building It may be aa large or larger than have hubs as thin as 1/8 of an Inch, the scene of the fight were that the Figure I shows several blade pat­ give best results. In the case of rebels had deserted and turned the finished blank. A line is drawn but for the model-maker's first ef­ twin propellera, both should bal­ Code Becomes Law terns which represent modern us­ upon it, slightly longer than the forts he should have a thicker hub themselves over to the federal cav­ age. Sketch I shows the Langley ance ln weight and have similar alry when lt approached. propeller diameter. A pattern of to avoid the possibility of breakage. blade curvatures; this will insure Santa Monloa today ls one ot the IT IS never lee tarty te atart a feed type, made famous through Its use Tht federal cavalrymen, when the desired blade consisting of the Some prefer to cover the tips with that, other thing* being equal, the California cities that has a uni­ for your youngater*a tducttion. on the successful aircraft of the they returned, denied this. Th* hub and blade, which should be as silk to prevent breakage, which Is model will fly straight. form building code. The city coun­ For Inataneti An investor in thle pioneer Samuel Plerpont Langley. long as the radius of the propeller, a good idea but It must be done prisoners, they said, did not surren­ Sketch II is that adopted by the If you wish to learn how to make cil this morning passed the neces­ Association it paying a aum equal fa ls then cut from cardboard and a neatly to keep down the skin fric­ der until they were forced to do so sary ordinance putting lt Into ef­ 10c a day fer hia baby bey. By the Wright brothers and might be de mark made on the end. A pin ts tion. Dope ls the best adhesive for three and four bladed propellers at the points of rifles. Tbey Indi­ acrlbed M a Langley type with one and bent wood propellers, see my fect and placed on file the numer­ time that bey ia SI ho will havt paid pushed through the center of the this, and covering of one side to cated that the rebela fought stub­ ous bookt of specifications that in f73t, while hia tavinge will have a corner cut off. Sketch III shows the hub and then stuck Into the center sufficient. "Building and Flying Model Air­ bornly and In the end threw down Columbia type, which Is similar to a craft," chapter V. go with It matured value ef SHOOJO* whlth will of the line on the block. The mark their arms only to aavt their own be immediately available te pay Par Wright, but with Ita corners round- As the model-maker progresses, Is laid over the line and tht outline Right Hand the boy-a education tr glvt Mat a atart ad off. Sketch IV shows tbe type he will find that propellera art a ttts*. of the pattern Is drawn on the block. The foregoing description applies File First Protests in but i note. uaed extensively by tha United Next swing the pattern around JO to a right-handed propeller; a left- very Important part of his product States navy on Ita man-carrying that the mark Is over the opposite handed one ls carved by making the He will learn that different models Against Trolleyway With pianos. It differs from the Colum­ end of the line as shown ln sketch cuts ln the opposite direction; that require different propellers and that bia ln having both edges rounded. II. and afaln draw the outline. This ls, the blank would be laid as In a propeller that may produce reo Tht flrat prottett against the Safety &s. Sketch V la the. Diamond pattern method Insures the blades being ords on tht ont modtl will not do Trolleyway opening Improvement Q% sketch VI. and the cutting done Which perforata well. Sketch VI ls alike and opposite. from the upper right-hand edge to for another. Inversely speaking, a wort flltd today. They are from tha Carter typo, which differs from model that will not fly with one J. B. QUI. ef San Bernardino, who Under Stata Supervision CENTURY! The blank Is now cut out. The the lower left-hand edge. A right- tht Diamond In that tha projection hand and a left-hand oropeller art type of propeller may perform owna tight lota, bt states, and Mra. of tha leadlqg edge la advanced Ideal tool for this ls a band saw. splendidly with another typt, ao lt Harriet Kilns of Santa Monloa, but If one ts not available, a key­ shown ln Figure IV. from that of tne trailing edge. It is behoovta each constructor to atudy who lists four and ent halt lota. NITED BUILDING 8fi6SANTAM0NlCAa_^ hole or coping aaw will do. or an Figure V. shows how the propel­ "MAKJB TOUR uaed on many of the thln-bladed ordinary straight saw can be used ler to fastened to the frame of the and experiment ln order to obtain Advoeatta of the project state U LOAN Association SAVINGS GET OU* SANTA MONICA CAL. metal propellera that are ao effi­ for the major cuts—the final shape model by meana ot the abaft and the best results. that thty are getting many tlgntrt AND WORK" cient on full aiaed-planes. All of being made with a knife. bearing. In tht Illustration a bent- Now watoh tor tho next article of the protests te take tbtlr namts tf Btvtrly Hills Phons S361S the abova designs are popular, but Next Step nail bearing is shown lashed to the which will tell you how tt con- oft aad that thty tttl much en- tha Langley la the easiest to lay out conragtd with the outlook. The The next step is to urlll a hole frame. The shaft to passed through atruct your flrat plant, tha 626 Santa Monica Blvd. •nd carve. tha hub with IU projecting tad btnt foot" Soitntiflo ModtL laat day for tbe pretttt If April II. to lay fut tht Langley "prop" through tht huh, doing thia fart - BP nrann| RAGE TWENTY-TWO SANTA MONICA EVENING OUTLOOK FRIDAY APRIL 12, 1929 23285—Classified Advertising Headquarters for Saifta Monica Bay District BUSINESS SERVICE EMPLOYMENT AUTOMOTIVE AUTOMOTIVE RENTALS 32 CLASSIFIED CHIROPRACTORS 74 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES 90 AUTOMOBILES TOR SALE |M AUTOMOBILES POR SALE 130 POR RENT ALL 81CK PEOPLE that call at our KOBA DAYWORK CO. Apsrtmtntt, Furnished ADVERTISING office within f daya wfll be given a landscape gardening, genl. housework HEADQUARTERS FREE X-RAT EXAMINATION, ex­ N. M. 32005. 2.137 So. Pontius Special—Special plaining exact eaase of their sick­ BAY DISTRICT EMPLOY AGENCY 'fr^ MAIN OFFICE ' ' ness, fret ef churn* or obligation. 1*.'. H. M. blvd. Phone 11174 Prices Slashed-Need Room Only $27.50 Per Month MM Third Street. Santa Monica. Wehlngsr X-RAT Chiropractors. Beats anything in Santa Monica for Phone 18285 Suit* 28 Security Bank Bldg., Ith at. 79 thf price. SAWTELLE BRANCH and 8. M. blvd. I'hone 28428. Dr. H. SITUATIONS WANTED GUY G. BUNDY, Pioneer Bay District Studebaker Beautiful . furnished singles, • Wtth IIW Santa Monica blvd. Phone llltt H. Rhodes. P. C. In chante. Male dressing room, dinette, living room, SUBSCRIPTION RATES EXP. Scotch gardener wants work. Dealer, Recommends the Following Reconditioned kitchen, bath. Free use laundry rm., Delivered Sf carrier In Santa Mon­ Specializing in lawns. 1025 Westgate hot water, CLEAN, SUNNY, ica, Ocean Park, Sawtelle, Brentwood, 35 CONTRACTORS, BUILDERS ave., Brentwood, ^^ GETS: CHEERFUL, convenient to largo aed Pacific Palisades, 60c par month. open market, bus and tar line only By mall tSo par month. On street aaf Plant and Estimates Furnished. GENERAL maintenance man wlshea These cars may be sold on very easy terms, as we bandit our own contracts. half block. Jantf Court Apt., 1118 work; clubs, hotel., apartments; ief- Me brokerage. stands 2c per copy. II. A. KLABUNDE erences, 252 strand, Ocean Park. lfth'tt. (Payable in advance) 101 Broadway. Phone 292*1 Those rates apply also to tht Saw- specifIcatlons made to j CARPENTER work, day or contract. STUDEBAKER DICTATOR (4-door sedan), very clean, and perfect mechan­ PLANS and ically, all kinds Ot extras, an up to date aad modern automobile. 1200 down. BEAUTIFUL AND NEW ten^Evenin^^^bunei^^______i_i Box 700 Brentwood Rts Estimate furnished. Ph. 62H20. Large living room, built-in Mater and order P. O. JAPANESE day work, genl. house- E. M. HARRIS. BUILDER, reliable, STUDEBAKER Duplex ROADSTER Looks and runs like a new ear. Fully portable bed, large bedrm., lota of Thf Santa Monloa Publishing Com­ rea», 1*24 Colby, Wawtell*. Ph. 11781. 'leatilnar by pompt. Worker. Ph. 82870. closet room. Tile bath, shower, kitch­ pany reserves tht right tf correctly equipped. A real bargain. 1225 down. en, Frlgldalre, out months' lease. classify or if alas advertisements er to 71 SITUATIONS WANTED Party going east. 1127-A llth tt. reject and refund a meant paid, aat 36 STUDEBAKER Big I PHAETON, (certified. Hat been completely overhauled win not be responsible tor more than CORSETS Semsjm la our Studebaker Service department, and ls perfect, reflnlshed, lots of ape fnoorrtc* Insertion ef any ad or­ LADY without family Uta would like extras. 3225 down. LIVIN^TON APTS. dered for morettan onetime. KPIRELLA corsets, corseltttts,lln- position at companion and nurse; Well located, singles, doubles, steam Kfiif. Mra. , Automobilss lngton ave. Phone 28113. 1 DEATH * FUNERAL NOTICES CROWN FENCE CO., W01 s. M. •*^ *'***'^** *» *»****»*^*****^*^^fMW^w^w»^^rfvv day, AprU 15. at 8:20 a, m., from the Old MATTRESSES made Ilka NEW, FOR SALE—Good business, can show good profits; Vt down, bal. easy. Federal Bond and Mtge, Co., of 8. M. rado. Phone 63541. Flrat salo Wad- '15— 'TO* Phaeton, Calif, top. DOUBLE APTS.. STEAM HEAT. chapel ot o. A. Klrkeiie and Com­ for only I2.S0; BACK SAME DAT. Suite 1-7 Security Bid. Wt. 13363 nesday. April 17th. pany. Requiem mast 9 a. m., at St. Box springs renovated 18,60. INNER Other Interests. Box 101 Outlook. IDEAL LOCATION. PHONE 31647. Clement's Catholic church. Inter­ SPRGS. placed in your eld stvle PICTURES for plaques, framing and And 8 Other Good Values FURN. lower front apt., suitable for ment Calvary cemetery. mattress for 111.95. Ph. 14018 for rep­ HI LEA8E8 FOR SALE 88 MONEY WANTED decorating, artists' studies, assorted couple. $25. 2507 3rd st. resentative. 109 Santa Monica blvd. Hotel and Apartment Haul slses, sale price So tech, sale on plo- MANDELL'S for BEDDING. ture frames. 1453 3rd St. 4 RMS., mod., home-like, shower batb, HOTCHKISS—Arthur N. Hotchklss. FURNITURE lease, 8 apts., cor., blook 11760 TO 14000 on well located I rm. TERMS—NO BROKERAGE service porch 130. 101: 2nd st. stucco Westwood bungalow. Prlv, Aged tl years. Husband of Mrs. from beach. Rent ISO mo. Fine in­ BROADWAY LUGGAGE SHOt* " BEAUTIFUL single apartments; all Mary B. Hotchklss, aad father uf 81 NURSERIES, LANDSCAPINO come. 11000 terms. Mr. Greene, till party preferred. Phone S. M. 32007. Trunks, suitcases, and all leather conveniences; lie. 888 Euclid. Mra. Mabel Lucille Geisel. Mrs. Eve­ Main St.. Ocean Park, owner. $15,000 ON Wilshire owner; private goods, take old trunk In exch., low lyn Brulngton, Paul. Francis A . prices. 223 Broadway. Arthur-Brereton Motors, Inc. BEAUTIFUL stucco court single; sun parties. T. E. Merrill, 1ST N. Car* parlor, garage. 883.60. 817 10th st. Samuel and Vera HotchkIss. Services 82 MONEY TO LOAN son Road. Beverly Hllla. OX. 4226. FOR SALES—Domestic electric sewing Saturday at 2 p. art., under the aus­ machine $35; 1 4 ft oak show eaat, 3rd and Wilshire and 1515 Santa Monica Blvd. BUNGALOW court apt, 3 rms., new pices of Santa Monica Lodge. No. Roae bushes —, 35c each, I for 11.00 Resl Eatate WANT 11600. Will pay 10%, good se­ furn. Cor, llth & Washington, 8. M, lot, B. P. 0. Elks, at the Memorial Orangt trees ...... ti.ll each curity. Box 806 Outlook. plate top. Palisades Glass and Mirror Phones 28211 and 29337 Shop. Ill Broadway. Ph, 24478. 154. 2ND ST.—AptS., rms., with and chapel of Todd and Leslie. Asters, /.inn. us, Stocks, Snaps, tto.. gar. 26c per dozen. WHITE coat, flannel jacket, oxfords, without bath, cont bot water. Wt Ars Pleased to Announce That AUTOMOTIVE and ballets, almost like new, child SPURLOCK—Mrs. Anna E. Spurlook. 181 FOR RENT Aged 87 years. Mother of Wm. T. TWENTT-EIGHTH ST. NURSERY, Si^^y<^^^w. 10. Phone 381117 and Sue Spurlock, Mrs. F. M. Rublee, FINEST pulverised dairy fertiliser. Houses, Unfurnithtd 2264 21th at. The Bankers Life Company 90 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Used Cars Abbott N. and Cecil B. Spurlock. Re­ JUST SO. OP PICO. PH. 65513 also horse manure, Buy from old re- EIGHT rm. house, ft bedrms., corner mains at the parlors of Todd and of Des Moines. Iowa liable Oliver Park. Phone 64539. With An 19th and Delaware, unfurnished. $30. Leslie BIG BARGAINS FERTILIZER, cow and sheep mixed. Closing sale, Mtt plants and shrub- has made arrangements to 100% pure guaranteed,! 100 lb. sacks F. Herren purchase tts first mortgage Buy With Safety for $5. Ph. OLympia 1114. FUNERAL DIRECTORS must go. loans In the Lot Angelaa dis­ O.K. 625 S. M. blvd. Phone 21199 JAMES NURSERY trict from OUT company. We USED 1138 18TH ST., 8 rms. house, 2 bed­ 1107 Venice blvd.. Venice. have, therefore, ample funds Reconditioned and One Easy washer, cheap. That Counts rooms, garden, tto,. Rent $45. MENDENHALL available for three or five Ont Horton washer, cheap. LAWRENCE & BASTEDO Sewing machines, Vacuum Cleaners Phont 33344. 53 FIANO TUNING year loans at Guaranteed , Funeral Home Renting, repairing, servicing all r-akes (8) '17 Chevrolet coupes? $30—NEAR Clover Field, high, dry* Ttl* Fourth St., Ph. Still ADAMS & NEECE, '81 "I" cylinder Whippet coupe—3495. clean, modern 4 rm. cottage, h, w. HOLLAND DUTCH piano technician. 2923 Main St., Ofetan Park. Ph. 18817 '25 Chevrolet sedan? floors, dble. garage, back fenced, PRICE-DANIELS, INC. Tuning, voicing, repairing of pianos. Used Cars '88 Chevrolet roadster? Formerly Fred J. Finch Co., Inc. Peter Jansen, 1683 Ocean ave. 25240. FOR household goods at a bargain. lawn, water. 2417 28th st. Broadway Bargain House. Ph.* 81810. And many others at bargain prtcea. AMBULANCE SERVICE A. L. CUMMINGS. Piano Tuning and Packard I sedan ...... $1250 MODERN 6 rm. and gar., tile bath, SAWTELLE. PHONE 82B72 Regulating. Jackson-Stltt Music Co., Interest on homes and small Buick master six - $1100 FERTILIZER—Best for lawns. Dellv. h. W, floors, fenced yard, $30. In­ WILSHIRE FUNERAL HOME 1447 8rd st. Ph. IUH. Baal. 11140. apartments. Willys-Knight . $1250 2 yards 88. Prlckett's Dairy. 11348. quire 1418 17th st. Phone 23017. 1519 Wilshire blvd. Cadillac sedan „•__..„..—.. 11180 SHAVINGS—S. M. Planing Mill Co., Burkhardt Chevrolet Co. Phone 31383 5-ROOM house, close to school and John C. Boggs, Stanley J. Straw. Studebaker sedan ...•„.-..,•—. -1700 1140 llth tt Ph. 14106. 1178! 8. M. blvd., SawteUe. stores; 1118 Fourteenth St See O. A. KIRKELIE A CO. 55 PHOTOGRAPHY Beverly Hills Securities Nash sedan . ,,.,',,ITU owner at 1087 Eleventh St. SM Main at Phone 61102 Chrysler roadster ...... $825 5 RM. duplex, newly decorated, ga« TWO Bunnell Photo Studios, S. M. at Corporation 101 WANTED—Mitcttltntout MERCHANDISE RENTALS 1018 9th at. Ambulance Service. Ocean Park Newberry's; Sawtelle, 11610 S, M. rage. TODD A LESLIE Phone 21042 blvd. Photos for less, lust as good. 444 North Beverly Drive See Us First ELECTRIC washing machine. Mutt bt 180 WANTED TO RENT 132 FOR RENT cheap. Box S01 Outlook. 106 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Miscellaneous 7th SHARand ArlsonaP & NOLAN, Santa. MonicaPh. 61868, Calif. . Housea, Furnished Funeral Directors. Ambulance 56 PLATING OXford 7093, Beverly Hills MAU. Gulbransen elee. reproducing TWO young business women desire OUR FINANCE DEPT. Carl R. Henderson 102 FURNITURE—For Salt piano, coat MOO, like new, 8180. room near beach, beginning May 3. THREE completely furnished bun­ Will solve your Wilshire at 17th, Santa Monica Bench aad rolls. BAT K. SCHAFER, Writs 1215 Maryland St., Los Angeles. galows, each 4 rooms, $27 to $37; also FLORISTS SILVER PLATING CONSTRUCTION A REFINANCING NEW Kinney Rome du luxe sprg. 1101 Ith, oorner Broadway. Phone 4 rooms partly furnished $26. Corner SANTA MONICA PLATING WORKS Regular $25, for ...... $20.00 122 FOR RENT Of ltth and ARIZONA. For infor­ PROBLEMS. New 2-pc. jac. upholt. set _...... $59.50 88457. _ Oxidizing, Silverware Mid antiques. Amortised loans aa low as 111 month* Rooms, Furnishsd mation Phone 22333. Keeney's Flower Shop 1101 Santa Monloa blvd. Ph. 23097. '27 Nash Special 6 Coupe New 3-burner A. B. stove „ $14.00 TROMBONE!, 3126; silvfr Coim for ly. Maximum time Ut months. New 4 bflratr A. B. stove ...... $16.00 f75; cello |50; Violins, old, new 110 FOR RENT—Furn, bedroom, bath ad­ OR IRD ST. AT ARIZONA Reflnlshed In beautiful new dust- New 60 lb. 3 door up. Repairs, barts, supplies, all_tn- joining. 1137 Ith st. 4 RM. furn. Spanish bung, overstuffed Phone 24060 59 ROOFING proof cedar brown Duco, new bal­ New Simmons day bed ...... $9.50 atrumentf, Geo. G. Goodman, Vlo- furniture, elee. refrigerator, garage, The Coast Mutual Building- loons. Fully equipped. Disc wheels. lln Maker. 502 Broadway. , ROOMS, ting, or dble., II wk. up, fer 160, on lease. Open for inspection. |150 down. New good oak rockers ...... $5.00 gentlemen, also apt. 1814. 3rd atreet. MAUSOLEUMS TOU can make your old leaky roof Loan Association Used A. B. side oven range...... $15.00 PIANOS FOR RENT. |3, II, |4, IB, ff For further information Phone 65906. leak-proof by using Used 6 ft. extension table ...... $3.50 CHEERFUL furnished rm. tn private Mr. Bobb. Liquid Asbestos of Loa Angeles. mo. Rtnt paid applies on Purchase. home; close to transp. 1233 15th St. For Thoso Who Care! Cemeat Call 24011. S. M. Agency. 616 S. M. blvd. '26 Chevrolet Landau Sedan Used library table ...... $5.00 Jackson's, 1417 Ird St. Ph. 21116. 4 RMS. and sunporch, garage, near WOODLAWN MAUSOLUEM ROOF LEAK! CaU 23374. For com- Looks and runs like a nsw ear, many Used refrigerator, 3 door ...... $15.00 PIANOS for rent 88 month and up. NICE front rm. for gentleman, very ocean and all transportation. Adulta Crypta art now ready la ear saw Used white enamel refrigerator ... $9.00 reasonable. 8184 Ith st. preferred. Cheap rent. 236 Blck- >o*ltlon & wood shingles, repair wk. HOME LOANS extras. The very best of transporta­ Apply rant oa purchase later. T. S. Mausoleum by the peaceful Pacific. tion. $120 down. Used 5-pc. reed breakfast set....$16.00 Gamble, 716 Colo.. Union Storage Co. LARGE front, adj. bath, continuous nell ave._ Phone 28255. WOODLAWN MAUSOLEUM, Ittb Payable Used good chairs, each ...... $1.00 ————-——_—-____-! I I • la-BC hot water, near 3 busses. 1147 6th St. FREE rental service to tenants, Mrs. and Pico blvd. Phone 22154. 60 SANITARIUMS, NURSES $10 PER MONTH—110 FOR EACH flOOO BORROWED AND MANY OTHERS FROM 150 UP. 106 RADIO SUNNY room for lady, with kitchen Paul, with E. T. Yates, Realtor, 1D« No lump sum payments. See Evans privileges. 117. 984-A Stt at. surance. Loans. Ill Santa Monica 11 LOST AND FOUND BATTLE CREEK treatments ln your Appraisals made ln 21 hours. Supplltt, Accttaorltf blvd. Phone 25511 or 31711. home. Mrs. Nelson. 1111 16 at., 21661. PHONS VANDIKE—2.84. Nash LIsed Car Lot lilt 3rd st.. 8. M. Phone 31434 A REAL RADIO BARGAIN! Yeju Wf 168 FOR RENT 4th and Broadway.. Phone 22155 VAUGHAN'S—COME IN SURE mean u, avsry word of it, tool Wt do Chas. A. Tegner, Rentals LOST—Boston terrier, white between SYNDICATE MORTGAGE COMPANY THIS WEEK. Housskeeping Rooms—Furnishsd Septa, neck, legs and end tf twisted 62 SPECIAL NOTICES 404 ASSOC REALTY BLDG., Eleventh and S. M. blvd. not know of a better electric radio 814 Santa Monica blvd. Phone 21711 tall, dark brlndle over back. License CTH ANO OLIVE, LOS ANGELES. loot purchased large "close out" of under $100 than the new A. C. TWO hstkpg. rms., with bath, in rear, For Rentals Consult 'II CHEVROLET, 4 door sedan, in tht new, magnificent davenport sets in '•JACKSON BELL," 861.80, and cheat. 843 Lincoln blvd. Ph. 26043. No. 817. Ph. Miss Schroff, 35809— SPECIAL attention taken on men's mohair, to be sold at unheard of L. M. FORD mUK. SMALL, INC. 22085. Reward. vary best of condition throughout. Folks, tt Is complete at that price. 114 S. M. blvd. Phone 23421 and ladies' alterations. Tailoring. Total prict $350, on liberal G. M. A. prices; also a lot of small Chinese, Built-in "Fidelity Speaker," "Artu- LOST—Valuable papers, title to L. A. BANFORD 3, MOSK,,1411 3rd ft. 6 % MONEY C. terms. French and Belgium rugs. rua Tubes," no aerial or ground 124 ROOMS ANO BOARD NEW English stuooo, 8' rms., 3 bsd- •property, on 3rd at. Phone 22891. Immediately available ln practically OAKLAND-PONTIAC LOT I'h Is shipment includes a let of new needed, and IT IS FULLY GUARAN­ rms., attract, furn., dble. gar., lawn 924 4th st. B. WL EMPLOYMENT unlimited amounts on Improved prop* Corner ltth and 8. M. blvd. high claaa walnut chiffoniers, dress­ TEED! Phone us for FREE DEM­ ROOM, board and garage. Can ac- cared for. $135. 414 14th St. Ph. 28159. LOST—Black handbag containing ertles in approved localities at Inter­ ers and vanities. ONSTRATION P" TOUR HOME. oommodate 5 or 6 mora young men. CLEAN, attractive, 3 rm. cottage, est rates as low as 6V_ and t% per MODEL "A" Ford tudor sedan, can­ Now is your opportunity to obtain Club plan, Itt pot week. Handy to about Sit. Miss Carson. Ph. 11117. not be told from a new car, new car Terms If desired, FRED AMES' garage, ideal location, adults. 70 HELP WANTED—Mate annum. You Incur no obligations In some real high class furniture at RADIO BARGAIN HOUSS, CORNER Clover Field, ocean and amuse­ 104814 8th st. Inq. 1118 Lincoln blvd. discussing the matter with us. guarantee. Substantial discount. prices everyone can afford,' ments. 25443rd St.. OP. Ph 6277S. R. M. HUFFORD, INC., Ford Dealer 14TH ST. and BROADWAY, S. M. 1S LEGAL NOTICES YOUNO man over 18, wltb motorcycle If you need anything In furniture Phone 28683. Federal Bond & Mtge. Co. 1117 S. M. blvd. come to Vaughan'a this week. ATTRACTIVE double and single rms.; Mrs. Webster, Rentals to deliver telegrams, |80 par month. A large assortment ot Ind-band "a- gar.; ocean View, home-cooked meals. 624 Santa Monica blvd. Phone 23431 I WILL not be responsible for any Apply 11276 Santa Monica bivd., OF BANTA MONICA DE KOTO USED CAR DEPARTMENT VAUG HAN'S. 1331 Lincoln blvd., dlos, elee. and battery sets, man 118 Washington am, S. M. H748. debts contracted by my wife, Malvlna Sawtelle. 1114 S. M. blvd. Santa Monica. Open evenings. models to choose from, your own 3 RMS. and laundry rm., comp. furn. Griffin, after thtt date, April 10, We Handle All Forms of Goed Used Cars at Reduced Prices ROOMS, $2.50 to $4; board 31 per day. Call after S. Ph. Sim. 1148-A 17th. WANT I Boy Scouts, energetic and PRIVATE party will sell at a fraction price. New all-eleitrlc radios 13. up Homa cooking. IIM 14th st. Also 5 rm. unfurn.. 1238 20th st. 1929 wining to work, at 407 Georglna ave., of value: Handsome walnut dining First class repairing es all makes (Signed) EARL W. GRIFFIN. to dig dandelions on Saturday. Real Estate Financing GRAHAM-PAIGE Used Car Offers. set, green decorated bedroom set, Battery sets elee rifled. Open ttl, ROOM and board for men. 1850 10th 3 BEDRM. house, good condition, fur* W. A. STILL WELL twin beds, walnut bedroom ftt, dble. I p. m. 10600 W. Plct at Parnell. st. Ph. 11937. ntshed or unfurnished to suit ten­ CARRIER boys wanted from 11 to 14 CITIZENS MORTGAGE 1010 S. M. blvd. Phone 14710 bed, aeveral rugs, targe mahogany li­ ROOM and board for man; good home ant. 3005 Butler ave. BUSINESS SERVICE yeara eld, Must have bicycles. Stt brary desk, carved Queen Anne chair, JOIN Wally's Radio Shop Service MAfWWMNW Mr. Linden. Santa Monica Outlook. AND SECURITIES CO. DE SOTO aedan, late model, 6 wire Club. Only 31 aar month lives you conking. ID and 110 week. 1433 9th st. NICELY furn. S rms., reas. Adults, Wheels, wlndwlngs, etc. Buy equity. walnut fireside bench, etc. Call 34384. expert service day or night. 10% off Call 187; i Barry ave. Ph. 81811. WANT elderly man! good home, small 811-K Strand st„ O. P. On premises from 2 until 4 aft- 125 ROOMS AND BOARD 26 AUTOS FOR HIRE wages, light work. 1>. M. Greene, MIS 222 Santa Monica Blvd. ernoons. 618 Palisades ave-. on all accessories to club members. NEWLY fur- with ovtratf'd: 4-roonj 1926 CHEV. touring, splendid condi­ Philco Agency, 11436 Santa Monica Ftr* Childrsn bungalow. Ph. 29325. 815 llth St. Main st.. Ocean Park. 4-PIECE ivory bedrm. aet, 7-po. Wal- blvd.. SawteUe. Phone 32809. TOU DRIVE. Hour, day, week, mo. We Solve Your Problems tion. 3 new tires, bargain. $120. 283or>, MOTHER'S care and training for your s RM. bungalow, overstuffed furn, , AUTO RENTAL CO., Sad aad 8. M. nut bedrm- aet; .-piece overstuffed; BARGAINS IN USED RADIOS garage. 1733-C 9th St. blvd. Phones: Day 28206; nlte 25155. We makt loans on vacant and Im­ CHRYSLER Ti roadster, practically all white enamel gas range, electric child: private, home; reasonable. 71 HELP WANTED—Female proved real estate; alao buy trust new. will sell $1491. Ill Marguerite. washer, pottery, wheel chair for sale Agent for Crosley and Jackson-Bell Ph. 61178. 8003 4th St. Ocean Park. a RMS. and bath, completely furnish' deeds and real estate contracts. 1118 FORD coupe, $30. 1631 Sawtelle or rent. 11980 Santa Monica blvd., SPERRT'S RADIO SERVICE. td, near ocean. W0. 987 hj 3rd tt 80 BEDDING RECEPTIONIST-SECRETARY, some See MR. BRENKE. Expert Service. Singer Agency. knowledge of stenography and type* blvd., Sawtelle. SawteUe. 632 S. M. hlvd. Phone 38301 126 HOTELS STRICTLY modern ; room house, $30. writing necessary, preference given 201 S. M. hlvd.. Ind at. Ph. 14774 SACRIFICE complete 6 rms. furni- RADIOLA M. with table, cone Apply 1041 36th St. 8. M. BEST made mattresses, all slses. all to ono experienced In medical office. MONEY TO LOAN 93 AUTOMOBILES WANTED ture, curtains, kitchen ware, every­ speaker, complete In your home, 345. BOULEVARD HOTEL, Santa Monica SUNNY, clean, 4 room house, garage, prices, aprings, bedsteads, pillows; Call between 7 and 8 this evening, to any amounts on flrat mortgage. thing, leaving for east Tuesday RAT E. SCHAFER, 1501 Ith, corner and Sawtelle blvds. Strictly modern. reasonable. 1028 6th st. moth-proofing, sterilising, renovate 204 Medical Bldg.. HT Wilshire. Improved Ot vacant. Low rates. morning. Can before. 705 Boccaccio Rates to permanent guests. Ph. 81061 . mattress with new cover 15. Santa Quick action. Cfurttoua service. Con­ Broadway. Phone 38487. 3 RMS. partly fura., 903 Feedral ave.. WANTED—-10 extra ready-to-wear HIGHEST cash prices for ave.. Venice. 1150 MAH. Victor phonograph with Westgate. 111. . Monica Matt trass and Pillow Factory, sult BABY buggies, high ohalrs, child's 127 POR RENT 16«6 lltt at. Phone lllft. salesladies, with experience, for spe­ small radio (built-in), 135. RAT B. SUNNYt rms., completely furn., very cial event. Apply at once, Mr. Sachs, your car or equity. chairs, rockers and settees, Otoe yd.. SCHAFER, 1501 4th, corner Broad- Flats, Unfurnished reas. to right party. 1484 14 th Coast Outfitting Co., 424 Santa Mon* Gandy Investment Co. crib beds, one tricycle, anything and Way. Phone 22457. at. SI BU8INE68 NOTICES lea blvd. 1110 Third street. Phono 11 IIP YOUNG and TURNER, everything at VICKERY'S, 9109 Saw- PLEAS, I rm-) newly dee., lge. yd. 20S telle blvd,. Sawtelle. Open eves. RADIO TRADING SHOP Free Rent to April 15 ft from 8. M. blvd. 1413 17th st NEAT Protestant woman as mother's THREE to I year straight or long 4 room, wall bed, nook, range, garage, CONSULT Mrs. Florence Forrest, re- term paymt, loans with I year stay. 831 Santa Monica Blvd. NEW and used furniture bought, sold, New and uaed parts, supplies, and SMALL rear cottage, clean, comfort­ helper, no cooking or trashing, wages Lending 80* of appraisal. Ph 18535. sets. 308 Ploo blvd. like new. 1031 7th St. Ph. 23137. able, garage. Inq. 1443 llth Bt * nowned mentalist and delineator of ttsi private room, Palisadee oooTtifi HAVE I fully paid Il60 Ufa mem- and exchanged at M unn's, 11771 8. M. LARGE living ' tint., large bedrm., positive facts, past, present and fu­ Mesa Road, Santa Monica Canyon. 11700, FIRST lien, city properly. Con­ bersnips In Sta Brtese Beach. club. blvd.. Sawtelle. Phone 31744. RADIOS at cost price, will sacrifice 4 RM. mod, stucco, I beds, overstuffed ture. 2926 Ocean Front, O. P. 15129. sider vacant. Private party. 2731-C WUl trade for down payment on au­ sample lot of all-eleetrlc radios, new­ closets, dressing rm. and bath, nicely furn., gar. 1013 Broadway. WANTED—An exp. girl for housewk. tomobile.. Call BOB FT IK. 11285. est styles. 10600 No. Pico, finished, 135 and 340. Including gar., Must like children, $50. 179 S. Rock­ lib st. 63968. Unfinished Furniture near S. M. Mvd., 1326% 14th si. TWO bedrms* lge. m. rm., Inst ingham ave., Brentwood Park. I'h. MONEY TO LOAN EQUITY f rm. bungalow, near Flro- water heater, garage. 911 4th st. atone Tire Co., for lot In Santa Monl­ Bay Cities Cabinet Shop. 938 Pico. ATTRACTIVE 4 rnu flat with garage, Stat. 9 to 11 a. in. SIERRA BOND ft MORTGAGE CO. 106 SWAPS reasonable. 1111-A 9th at 3 RMS., mod., nook, bath, newly furn., oa atar Catholic church. Address GREAT demand for second-hand furn good location. 125. 1337 14th. at SALESLADIES and solicitors. We pay fllf Santa Monloa blvft. Phone *_36_1 8036 Crockett blvd.. L. A. Best prices paid. Phone 62609. T. D large pay chocks weakly. New Wh* f 150 LIFE membership, Sea Breese 128 FOR RENT NICELY furn. 3 rms. Classified Ads 12000 TO loan on flrat mortgage se­ TOUR oar or equity for cash. TSt- Stewart. 307 Holllster ave.. O. P. Beach club. What have youT Phone and batb, ga- division Juat opened. Call 9 to 11 curity at I'.t. 11410 8. It. blvd.. Met, Apartmtntt, Unfurnithtd rage. 1114 10th st. a. m.. II Dudley ave.. venlos. ridge A Orr. 1800 8. M. blvd. CASH FOR FURNITURE. CALL 68609. 32ND ST—No. 2665. New, Ideal 4 rra. 4 RMS., 1 bedrm., built-in bed, wash COOK for small high class coffee 83 SANTA MONICA FURNITURE CO., CHOW dog. Swap (or 'what have Sth St., S. M. FOR THE EVENING EDITION MONEY TO LOAN 230 BROADWAY. PH. III4I. you? Phon* 14338. tunny apt. in bungalow court, auto­ ______1532H OF THS OUTLOOK RECEIVED shop. If to 8. Oo not reply unless you Automobllss 94 ACCESSORIES AND PARTS matic heat aad all modern improve­ SIX room house. 3 bedrms., complete­ can oook good home foods. Bos 803 USED FURN. BOUGHT AND SOLD. SWAP lunch atand on heavy travel- ly furnished. 954 Fifth st. S, H. Outlook. In. Ph. 33458. ments, garage, ocean sad mountain CYLINDER reaming outfit (Davis), ltl» THIRD ST. PHONE 26414. aa highway, close view, 335. Take bus Ith and S. M. EXCLUSIVE resi., i rm. hung., flrepl. A-l SHIRT ironer, no other need ap­ AUTO LOANS nearly naw. 118. 101 Grant st. WIU. trade fint oabln tltt for good Mvd. Ii twin beds, adiflts. 410 Palisades. Until II a. m., ply. Bergen's Swiss Hand Laundry, If In need of money aee us, CASH FOR FURNITURE. CALL electrlo washing machine. Ph. 25583. 128 Aahland ave.. O. P. Furniture Mans VAUOHAN'S. 26001. BRIGHT sunny I rooms, bath, nook; FIVE room bungalow, 8 bedrooms, Same Day MERCHANDISE DEAUVILLE Beach membership for garage—325; adults only. Fine loca­ close In. 1248 Ith St. Easy Way to Loan FURNITURE, ruga, aprings. aaat» radio or waahlnr machine. Ph. 22348. tion. Bee Mr. Jamea (Owner), 734 78 HELP WANTED Diamond Loans. tresses, gaa stove, etc. 1237 10th at. Santa Monica Blvd. 3 RM. cottage, nook, bath/ saragtk F«R THS SUNDAY EDITION Mate and Female 100 FOR SALE—Misctllantoua 135. 1447 Stanford at. SUPER FINANCE CO. FURNITURE, living, dining, bedrm. 110 DOGS, BIRDS, OATS 5 RM. apt.. I large bedrma., drapes OF THS OUTLOOK RECEIVED SANTA MONICA EMPLOY AGECY, aultes. heaters, vac., tugs 522 17th st. and extra had ta living room. Apply THREE and f rm. houses, gar. ni ttl Santa Monica blvd. Ph. 25688 LAWN fertiliser, cured, treated; no and 330. 2022 ^ Broadway avt. IBS. Ballard, 1817 Sth at. Ph. 1*755. SACRIFICE Scotoh terrier, female, I 911 10th st. Traveling comp., 1160; genl. maids Wttd seed. Shaver Dairy. 63070. NEW S rm. apt., aQ modern conven­ 7 RMS., 4 bedrms., near ocean, l6f JKO-aso^ookk^r^tlBO^ha^lSO^^ AUTO LOANS 104 SEWINO MACHINES months' old. Ph. 81438. month, 927 3rd st. Until 5 p.m. Any modal oar. Highest appraisals. LINEN riding habit, sise SS. Cost Hf. iences. 1114 Westgate ave., Sawtelle. Bell 15. Nevtr worn. Ph. 31551. , 2037 Beloit ave. _. Money Immediately, 111 POULTRY, RABBITS 164 FOR RENT Saturday 74 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES R. K. HALL BAUSCH and LOMB 10 power binoc­ SEWING MACHINES ATTRACTIVE 3 and 4 rm. apta, with Sttfftt, Butlntta Slfas TELEPHONE 1100 So. Hope at. L. A. WE. 8635 ulars, reasonable. Box 104 Outlook. For RENT, REPAIRED and SOLD on garages. 827 San Vicente Mvd. C. E. MORRIS EMPLOY. AGENCY. easy terms, all makes. RHODE ISLAT.D REDS, 18 hens, die FOR lease" or reut, 3 stores, 26x55. oa Serving Employer and Employe. TELEPHONE YOUR CLASSIFIED WE buy, aell and exchange. American HAWLEY'S SEWINO MACH. SHOP. rooster, 3 docen ring neck doves. 1437 S RM apt., ice box, stove, bed. Ap- corner 16th fad S. M. blvd., low rtafa Ith and Broadway. S. M. 28701. ADS—23285 Furniture Co., 2401 Main. Ph. 11210. 3711 Main at. Phont UMI Stanford, ply IU 10th st. Ph. 34759, i FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 1929 SANTA MONICA EVENING OUTLOOK PAGE. TWENTY- ——————______-———MSM Height Limit Buildings to Change Santa Monica Skyline

Guaranty Building THE REAL ESTATE BAROMETER" Specials for Today by: -i- -l "On the Boulevard," in the heart of downtown "MOVING DAY and all that thsrt-in-it," Ernest Blenk. Fourth Strttt, where adaquttt tpace and accommodationa W. W. Bennett M. B. Rapp •5 Santa Monica many people have watched with htm, Sterttary and Trtasursr of tht Ssnta Monica Bay have been secured. Mr. Blenkhorn it kttnly interacted in S. L. Berkley Ed B. Conliss District Rttlty Beard, informs us, it scheduled ftr tomor­ tht building sotivities about town, and it mott ardent in interest the razing of the old buildings on the row. Afttr four years at No. Fourteen, Fourth Strttt R. G. Lowdermilk Brentwood C. C. Estates site where the Bay Cities Guaranty Building will Arceds, tht offices tf tht local Rttlty Botrd will bt mfvtd hit asturtnet that Santt Moniet ntvtr before haa offered J. A. McHenry to Suits 211-212 in tht Mills-Frtstr Building at 1S43

REAL ESTATE I REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE I REAL ESTATE OFFERINGS "The Home De Luxe" A Real Estate Board Appraisal Lot Specials I stucco units (I furnished), and 8 garagqp, 100x150 feet. WORTHY OF CONSIDERATION Just Completed on This Beautiful Boulevard Beautiful English brick, 7 rooms, I bedrooma, I gas furnace*, 2-car garag*. Income Beautiful lawn and ahrubbery. Wii.'d on 10th st. south of Washington ..|4.2IMI.«*/ f**_ Acres Vslenela and Navel Oranges, on main highway. Pries 117..".00 Sub­ EXCLUSIVE AGENT. 60x150 on 14th St. . 8.400 W ject to $3500, due 2 years. Will trade for residence or Income property. 922 San Vicente south of Montana .....-.- Remember this 7H acres Is no JUNK! Will Prove the Value of These Properties Bungalow Court. 5 unlta (new), all rented; good Income. Each unit consists Overlooking the oreau and canyon amidst gorgeous surrounding* that guaran­ Residence of 4 rooms, and bath, and all modern improvements. Owner has 116,000 tee future value. Thia wondtrfu, 9 room Mediterranean type home consists 1048-1050 FOURTH STREET 10x110 north of Alta on 14th street , equity In thla court, and will trade for lots or residence. of extra large living room, dining room, entry hall with tiled floor and wind­ 60x160 north of Marguerlta on llth atreet . $.500 0* Busings Building on one of our beat business streets, consisting of store and ing stairs, kitchen, breakfast toom. four large bedrooma and den, larg* $50,000—Will Consider Some Exchange apartment. Absolutely the cheapest piece of bualneas property ln San­ dressing room, tl.r.e tiled bathrooms, glass enclosed step-tn-sbower, elec­ Montana Business Frontage ta Monica, at 116,000. $3500 cash, balance on easy terma. tric refrigerator, unit heating system. 2-car garage, enclosed patio with pool, 2214 GLYNDON AVE. "•.0x100 weat of 15th street .$10.AAA M beautiful shrubbery and landscaping, larg* lot, and offered for much less 60xl0TV» west of Euclid, eornw .. U.eOO M tlmn any similar home amidst such Ideal surroundings. Remember th* $2000 Cash WUl Handle address, 322 San Vlcent* boulevard. SEE MR. DEEBANK WITH KOCH REALTORS OPEN 2 TO I P. M. W. W. Bennett M. B. Rapp 13 .3 Fifth Street Phone 21129-26152 G. A. HOGAN, Builder 141$ Montana avenue. Phone* Hill i •mtt fill l»th st Phon* 26171 504 Wilshire Boulevard Phone 22511

440 18th St. 611 21st Place 'Cute Little House—$2000 Impossible) 365 Twenty-third Street NORTH 09 MARGUERtTA New 7 room Spanish bungalow, lge. No. We Really Have It living rm„ gumwood finish, large That'* th* total prioe. Three room* JUST COMPLETED In Gillette's Regent Square dining rm., and kitchen, breakfast and bath, California houae. with lg*. I bedrooms TWO-STORY I ROOMS AND PRESSING ROOM, I BATHS, CALIFORNTA room, ieeless refrigerator, elee. con­ garage. I,ot 40x130. Paved street 1 Acre, Clear s til* batha. ARCHITECTURE, FEATURING GENUINE MATERIALS AND PROD­ •SWO-STORT HOUSE, of SPANISH STUCCO DESIGN. 4 bedrooms and two trolled furnace, beautiful decorations, and sewer all paid. In Venice, half Furnac* heat- UCTS. CIRCULAR TII.E STAIRCASE. UNIT FURNACE. _KNUIN» hatha, many novel designs and strictly modern; beautiful grounds, with Jiuarter sawed oak floors with sub- block from the P. E. ahort line, and In Brentwood Heights. Will tak* In- VITREOUS CHINA PLUMBING, FIXTURES IN COLOR. RED 8EAJU double garage. loor. Best location. Price reduced 4 blocks from th* high school. Bank come property in Santa Monica. ELECTRIC WIRING, WROUGHT IRON LIGHTING FIXTURES; ARTIS­ loaned $1000 on this. TERMS If de­ $12,500 THIS HOME ia offered for less than It could be reproduced. to 110,500. TIC PAINTING AND DECORATIONS IN SUBDUED COLORS. VENETIAN sired. "WHY PAY RENT7" PLATE GLASS MIRRORS. GENERAL ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION. Nearly new 1-story *t*ae*«, $14,500 408 17th St. (near Carlyle) between Carlyl* and Oeorgina LANDSCAPING SUPREME. WONDERFUL NEW 2-STORY Fine Furnished Cabin at avenu*. Terms mad* to suit responsible parties. SPANISH HOUSE, JUST COM­ Chas. A. Tegner Location—the finest residential block In all of Santa PLETED. ESTAB. AND ACTIVE SINCE 1901 June Lake SHOWN BT APPOINTMENT ONLT THROUGH 7 large rms., 3 bedrms., 2 batba, beau­ 314 S. M. blvd. Phon* 21716 237 16th Monica. Price, $18,500. terms. tiful decorations, equal to higher a sportsman's paradise, has 8 bed­ priced housea; if Interested In buy­ rooms, big fireplace, lot 100x137. Mahogany trim In living rm., H. A. Klabunde. Builder Ed B. Conliss ing thia la worthy of Inspection, Lincoln Blvd. Business Zone Property la clear. Will tak* clear t-car garag*, sprinkling sys­ raoif-Dttti 1 Santa Monica vacant. Must be priced tem. 106 BROADWAY, SANTA MONICA. ^^ IIP* Ocean avenue. Phone 21110 open dally, I to 5 p. ra. Specially priced at $13,500. Cut to $13,500 right, aa cabin is at 14000. TF YOU NEED A LARGE HOME DO Here's a good I room bouse, on Lin­ NOT FAIL TO SEE THIS. TO do a general real eatate coln blvd., between Wilshire and business ln an efficient man­ 702 26th Street Arixona, coned for business. POSI­ 242 21st Street Exchanges ner ia our aim. W* try to ob­ Lovely 2-story Spanish, corner lot, TIVELY th* cheapest plec* between Open daily from 10 to 5 BRAND NEW—$6850 wonderful trefs on St., atucco fence Broadway and Wilshir*, on this Just computed. • na•. •*•*»*•"'••. ***•*•*£_§ I clear lots situated in Brent-wood tain prices fair to both buyer to rear of lot, 7 rooms, 3 bedrooms, Bulling Bros. bedrms.. I tile baths. P«rcj_»_»«l*- and seller. Your Inquiries for Cros*town Artery. Good for home, Phon* 21411 o'clock and Westwood. Price 116,000. Trade properties will be Intelligently 2 baths, large living room, tile en­ or business, whll* waiting for IN­ 324 Wilshir*. I bedroom Spanish stucco tures, mahogany trim, Frifloaw* for income and assume to 125,000. answered. trance, breakfast room, etc., origi­ CREASE. $13,500. That's All. home, 3 tiled batha, electric larg* wat*r eoftsn*r, laundry aim nally priced at $13,500; come and In­ Norton & Stormes, Realtors control furnac* and General storage room In garage; sprtaMara, frotn and r*ar; 10 ft. lot; _*l~». wit* Santa Monica Income property. No. of spect and make an offer; terms can 1582 San Vlcent* blvd. Ph. 11108 Electric lee box. Located at Wilshire blvd. Trice |U,B00. Tied* be arranged. 2249 22nd at. turning space; n*ar San Vtosata. for Loa Angeles home or vacant to S. L. Berkley T*rms. Prlc*. 117,100. 115,000. 1002 Montana ave. Phone 24196 $8000 Lawrence ot Bastedo Seeing Is Believing I Bedrooma, Furnace, Frlgldalre. This Is an Investment IA acres apples and pears. Tehachapi. New Spanish type, 2 full complete Open From 2 to 5 1834 Sth at. Phone 23344 Let Me Show You baths, basement, large kitchen with Just completed. A New Beautiful SEE YOUR BROKER Prlc* |7500. Clear. Will add other Frlgldalre. living room with flrepl., property and trade for L. A. home to * Oh, the Terms I have thre* I rm. modern houses In breakfaat room, lawn and sprinkling BUNGALOW COURT J. J. VERPLANK 116,000. different localities; 2 ar* completely system, double garage, electric con­ furnished; any one ran be bought for trolled furnace. Open. 1820 Pacific. 907 18th Street Wm. C. Carter. Owner (ARCHITECT-BUILDER) • room home, Glendale. Price 17000. A six room house, cor. lot, 2 blocks no. less than 16000. Will consider some Phon* 24711. Trade for Bay District horn* or va- of Wilshire. Only 13950; |500 cash. VISTA IS A FINE PLACE CHAMBERLAIN COMPANY, There ar* 3 individual bungalows and Phone 11811. FOR CITRUS OR AVO­ exchange. No information given over 624 Santa Monica blvd. Phone 28431 N aant to earn* value. CADOS, and as such offers an phone. I slngt* apta. over 4 aara«**._» - t rooms, bath and garage. H block COMH 1187.50 per month. *T}°* exceptional opportunity with $17,600. Open tor inspection dally. AND MANY OTHERS. north S. M. blvd., for $2600; 1500 its present low prices and easy SEE 554 10THST. Brentwood Park Lots cash. Both in Santa Monica. Bring your banker or your realtor. A See MR. W. R. THOMAS, wltb A Lot for Your Money 100x171 BRENTWOOD COUNTRY CLUB terms. Finest climate in th* J. J. Barrett world—a distinct advantage to 2627 S. —. blvd. bargain at 110.600. 12000 cash. 7 rms., Y*s, It'a a steal—'•0x110, ocean view 110x111 ESTATES G A. BREESE the grower. You can buy any I large bedrms., i tile baths, a mod­ Charles Nielsen, Realtor and everything. Prlc* 11760, 1660 cash 100x201 12632 San Vicente blvd. Phone 22927 2S10 8. M. blvd. Phone 24367 sized parcel from two acres al new home you will be proud to 721 8. M. blvd. Ph. 16111 handles, bal. straight mtg*. I yeara. 120x310 11513 Beverly blvd. Phone 23566 up, to fit your requirements. FOUR-FLAT bldg., furn.. and I ga­ own. Open 10 a. m. to I p. m. Noble My tim* and motor la at your serv­ Cornar 100x211 Vista is fastest growing orch­ rages, n. w. cor. Ocean Park blvd. Campbell, owner, 16684. ice; no obligations. Phon* 16601. Canyon rim. 1% WE ADVISE TOU TO BUY S. M. SACRIFICE business frontage on Ird ard empire in California to­ and Beverly av*. A real good buy trees ___ blvd. business property NOW, while St., betwsen Broadway and Colorado. day. Ninety mllea south L. A. at 117,600. WUl consider exchange WANT clear lot In S. M. for my Take a Look R. G. Lowdermilk MR. BURKE, with >rlces are low. Come In and talk Will aell on* or more lota at sacri­ Free Vista booklet gives de­ on home or residence lots. S. M. equity In modern I room stucco bun­ V. A Mae*ch*r. 141 No. Bristol am ft over. fice price per front foot and give any tailed information. Address preferred. This Is exceptionally good. galow north of Wilshire blvd. Will (25 Euclid. On* of thos* seven room, PHONS 12841 CHARLES NIELSEN, REALTOR, terms you want. If Interested, aee Edw. G. Hart Inc., 724 Van DAVID A. FEARON. make very close cash price for right 3 bedroom house* that whin you tak* 1 728 Santa Monica blvd. me at once. I am going to let some­ Nuys Bldg., Loa Angeles. Ill Santa Monica blvd. Ph. 22141 priced lot. Jarvis, owner, 628 Tenth. aJook you will want to move In 330 22nd Street thing go and lt will be a real steal. Phon* 24246. right now. Th* prioe Is right—for Beautiful unique Spanish homa. 1- 2020 California Ave. Lovely I room Spanlah bungalow, S Topanga Canyon Robert Jarvis with M. B. Rapp, 1415 CHICAGO OWNER SAYS the buyer—and th* tirmi ean be ar­ story, I larg* rm*., 4 bedrma , tiled Montana. Phone 21112. ranged to ault Open. baths, furnace heat, larg* plate bedrooma, larg* living rm., dtnlnc I bedrooms, modern. "Sell" my 13600 lot for |8100. I need WANT to trad* clear lot for equity rm.. and kitchen, breakfaat room, WM. C. CARTER, OWNER, the money! It Is near Marguerlta, In well located email home here. glass studio window, wonderful view |301 Wilshire. Ph. 21692 CORNER lot; total frontage on two of mountains and ocean. Must be furnac* heat, lawn sprinkler, rear WE'LL EXCHANGE ITl streets 400 ft., In beautiful HUNT­ west of llth st. See Geo. C. Leach, 30 acre* Antelope Valley for property Wilshire Realty Co. inspected to be appreciated Price and front. Price reduced to |7M*| WHAT HAVE YOU? INGTON PALISADES, only $6000; with bare. only 114,600. Open 2 to 6 daily. $760 cash, balance as rant. III a mot 3 BEDROOMS BARGAIN REALTY CO. more than half an acre and $1200 CHARLES NIELSEN. REALTOR, J. A. McHENRT 2801 Wilshir*. Phone 31299 OWNER. 13344 Open 1 to 6 dally. Owner. Pb. IBS, 1713 Wilshire blvd. Pbone 21.-I down will handle It Write Box i>3S. 728 S. M. blvd. Phone 25881 till 8. M. blvd, 11810 $6850 any not* or notes, or tndsbtedness SAVINGS BANK OF LOS AM* Kew modern stucco bungalow, two cent (7%) per annum, from Decem­ Under and by virtue of an order not bo connected with the business 7 RMS., tile bath, extra toilet, 2-car mentioned as secured thereby may OELES, baths, large living room with fire­ garage, patio, lovely garden and REAL ESTATE ber 16th, 1926, and all sums ad­ of sale and decree of foreclosure which will be continued by W. D. place, I bedrooms with closets. Won­ fruit trees, decorations up to the and sale, issued out of th* Superior Flynn and J. F. Ryno. declare all sum* secured thereby (SEAL) derful kitchen with Frigldalre, dble. minute. Will consider paper or clear vanced or expended under the terms 152 REAL ESTATE FIRMS Court of the County of Los An­ W. PETE SKOV. Immediately duo and payable and By HALCOTT B. THOMAS. garage. 1324 Grant st. Open for In- lot. 627 17th st. Phone owner, 24393 of said Deed of Trust, wltb Intereat Vie* President apectlon. Phone 23431. for appointment. as therein provided; and geles, of the State of California, on J. F. RYNO, to require th* Trust** to sell the th* 19th day of March A. D. 1929. W. D. FLYNN. property thereby granted; and By J. W. BACHMAN. M. B. RAPP WHEREAS, said Deed of Trust Asst. Trust OffloWW RENTALS REAL ESTATE provides that. If there ls a default in the above entitled action, wherein WHEREAS. VICTOR R. TWIST, 416 Montana Phones 21111—Willi Jennie Tcatch, the above named NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF owner and holder ot said note haa 134 FOR RENT in the payment of any of the sums 141 LOTS—For Sala NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE secured thereby, upon application of plaintiff, obtained a judgment and PARTNERSHIP declared the whol* of aaid principal NOTICE OF SALE OF RIAL IS* Stores, Business Sites PT-189-588 the owner and holder of said note, decree of foreclosure and sale NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN sum due and payable and has de TATE UNDER EXECUTION 115—STUCCO store, betw. S. M blvd. INCOME LOTS, Ninth at., north of WHEREAS, by a Deed of Trust, the Trustee shall give notice and against Anders C. Nelson and Vera that th* co-partnership heretofore manded that said Trustee shall sell ' Marshal'* Sala N*. and Broadway. 1448 5th. Ph. 26239. Wilshire. Price $3000 each. Nelson, husband and wife, de­ RESIDENCE corner, north of Mon­ dated June 15th, 1921, recorded July sell so much of the property aa existing between STANLEY LE8H- the premises granted by aald Deed Mrs. Martin Elchert, Plaintiff, tm. fendants, on the 26th day of March of Trust to accomplish tb* objects REAL ESTATE tana ave. 671.X1G0. Price $3850. 19th. 1921. ln Book 6241, Page 139 shall be necessary to satisfy the in­ ER and DON MARGHERIO un­ John C. Edwards, Defendant RESIDENCE lot betw. Georglna and of Official Records of Los Angeles debtedness sscured thereby; and A. D. 1929, for the sum of Two der the firm nam* of "SANTA of th* Trust therein expressed; and Carlyle, 60x160. Price $$151. Thousand Seven Hundred Forty- By virtu* of an execution laauaS County, California, to which record WHEREAS, said EMMA K. AL­ MONICA GARAGE" and under* the WHEREAS, aald VICTOR R. 140 HOUSES—For Sale seven and 66/100 ($2747.65) Dollars out of the Municipal Court, City «S reference la hereby made, T. J. Mc- BERT, by reason of the breach and firm name of "REO SANTA MON­ TWIST, being th* owner and holder Gold Coin or lawful money of the Los Angeles. County of Los Ang*- Thos. V. Prentice NAMARA, INC., a corporation. R. default In the payment, as stated, ICA COMPANY" which aaid co­ of satd not* and satd Deed of Trust, AND ASSOCIATES-REALTORS United States, which said decree lao, Btata of California, wharoW A. TAPPAN and LOLA M. TAP- has requested California Trust partnership was engaged in a gen­ did record in th* offlc* ot the Seventh and Montaan. Phone 22443 was, on the 28th day of March A. D. Mrs. Martin Elchert. Plaintiff, an* WHOOPEE! PAN, his wife, A. L. HINES and Company, to rive notice and sell eral garage, repairing and motor County Recorder of Los Angeles 1129, recorded in Judgment Book John C. Edwards, Defendant, **poa MABEL C. HINES, his wife, did said property, or ao much thereof car agency business at 1537 Ocean County, (being th* County wherein The N. W. corner of 4th and Wash­ 655 of said Court, at page 184. I am a judgment rendered the 2Srd day ington for sale. Price $40,000. lOOx grant and convey the property as shall be necessary to sell to pay Avenue, City of Santa Monica, Loa the real property covered by said 143 INCOME PROPERTY commanded to sell all that certain of November. A. D. 1111. for th« 160 ft. therein and hereinafter described to all of the Indebtedness secured and Angelea County. State of California, Deed of Trust, and hereinafter de­ This is the best buy In Santa Monica. lot, piece or parcel of land situate, sum of Five Hundred and n*/t°S $400 CASH, balance easy, I unit court, CALIFORNIA TRUST COMPANY, expenses Incurred necessary to the haa been this day dissolved hy mu­ scribed, la situate,) * notice of Andy C. Fulks, lying and being in the City of Dollars lawful money of the UntteS Inquire 1835 llth St. a Corporation, as Trustee, with execution of said Trust. tual consent; Stanley Lesh*r ls breach of obligation and of hia elec­ 4 RM. modern, rear apt. or court site. power of sale, to secure, among Santa Monica, County of Los An­ retired from said partnership firm States, besides costs and interact. 1 Santa Monica Realty Co. NOW, THEREFORE, notice la tion to sell or cause to be sold the Banjaini118^7tlisti^^^^^^^ other things, the payment of that geles, Stat* of California, and and business conducted under th* have levied upon all the right, tltla* MM 3rd S . rhone 21376 hereby given that the California property to satisfy said obligation, claim and Interest of said 149 WANTED TO PURCHASE one certain promissory note, ln fa­ bounded and described aa follows: above names, but the said Don Mar- which notlee was recorded tn* Ith vor of GEORGE C. ALBERT and Trust Company, by virtue of the gherlo will continue the business at dant, John C. Edwards, ot, te 729 16th St. Real Estate Lot Ten (10) of Tract Number day of January, 1929, In Book 8974. EMMA E. ALBERT, his wife as authority vested in it as Trustee, the same plaoe and under the same to the following described roal oa* INCOME lot, w. 8th St.. north Wash. Seventy-three Hundred Thirty- Page 74, Official Records. Los An­ A beautiful three bedrm. house, open joint tenants, with right ot sur­ will aell, at public auction, to the firm names. tate, situate In tb* County of Loa Give location, price and terms. Box five, In tbe City of Santa Monica, geles County, State of California. every afternoon 1 to 5. 608 Outlook. vivorship, and other sums of money highest bidder, for cash In Gold Angeles, state of California, anS Alao a wonderful corn* riot ln Brent­ County of Los Angreles, State of Dated: Santa Moni-Ja. California, advanoed and Interest thereon; and Coin of the United States, on Tues­ NOW THEREFORE, notice, is bounded and described aa follows! wood Park, cheap. 150 EXCHANGES day, May 7th, 1929, at the hour of California, a* per map recorded ln March 21. 1919. hereby given that the undersigned. WILSHIRE REALTT CO. Lot 108. Hollywood Valley VWW| Real Eatata WHEREAS, there has been a de­ eleven o'clock A. M. of said day, Book 78, Pago 16 of Maps, In th* STANLEY LESHER, CITIZENS NATIONAL TRUST A SMt Wilshire. Ph. 12291 Tract, as per map recorded tn Book fault in the payment of the quar­ at the Western Front Entrance of Office of th* County Recorder of DON MARGHERIO. SAVING 8 BANK OF LOS AN­ 10. page 192 of Mapa. in tb* offlc* terly Installment of Interest which the Court House. 250 North Broad­ said County. GELES, by virtue of th* authority of the County Recorder of tb* A GOOD BUY CHICKEN RANCH was due March ISth, 1927, and sub­ way, In the City of and County of In it vested aa Trustee wtll sell at Juat completed, 2 story stucco tile Together with the tenements, NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE County of Los Angeles, Stat* oi sequent installments of Interest; Los Angeles, State of California, all public auction to the. highest bidder roof, 4 bedrma. and 3 batha and I acre corner on Sherman Way, be­ hereditaments and appurtenances NO. 5430 California, also: Lot 57. Tract N<_. apt. above 2-car garage, 10 ft. lot. tween Van Nuys and Reseda, one and by reason of such default the Interest conveyed to lt by tha for cash in United States Gold Coin thereunto belonging, or ln any wise WHEREAS, BEVERLY HOLD­ 5859. as per map recorded in Boost ltlO Pearl St., 8. M. $12,500 terms. modern bungalow and two-story ten­ EMMA E. ALBERT, the owner and aforesaid Deed of Trust In and to on Tuesday the 10th day of April, ant house: equipment for 4000 laying appertaining. INGS COMPANY, a Corporation, 62. Pages 10 and 11 of Maps, te UM Phone owner, S. M. 21163. Open 7-1 holder of said note and Trust Deed, the following described property, 1929, at the hour of 11:00 o'clock A. p. m. hena, brooder house for 6000 chickens, PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY by a Deed of Trust dated tb* 29th office of the County Recorder of th* all kinds of fruit; gas, water and in accordance with the provisions situate ln the City of Santa Monica, M. of said day at the Western Front OIVEN That, on Mon. the 29lh day day of May, 1928, recorded In Book County of Los Angelea, Stat* ot electricity. Cash price $21,600. Will thereof, on October llth, 1928, ex­ County of Los Angeles, State of Entrance of th* Court Hous* in th* Real Bargain! consider Santa Monica home or In­ of April, A. D. 1929. at 12 o'clock, 8638, Page 351, Official Records, Lo* California. T room house, garage, beautiful yard, ercised her option and declared the California, to-wlt: Angeles County, State ot California, City ot and County of Los Angeles, come north of Santa Monica blvd., M. of that day In front of the Court PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBT Only )8900. for equity of $16,000. May assume 1 full amount of indebtedness secured did grant and convey the property State of California, the Interest Lot Twenty-four (24) and the House door of the County of Los GIVEN, That I will, on Wednesday mtge. Phone 692-W Van Nuya or by said Trust Dead immediately due therein and hereinafter described to conveyed to It by the aforesaid Deed 702 14th St. write P. O. Box 371, Reseda. Calif. Easterly half of Lot Twenty-five Angeles, Broadway entrance, I will, th* Sth day of May. A. D. 1919, al and payable, and did demand that (25) of Carl F. Schadera Seaside tn obedience to aald order of sale CITIZENS NATIONAL TRUST A of Trust, ln and to the real prop­ Phone owner day—29292. WANT late make atandard automo­ said Trustee sell the property erty therein described, situate in 11 o'clock A. M. of that day, te bile to $750, coupe preferred, to ap­ Terrace Tract, ln the City of San­ and decree of foreclosure and sale, SAVINGS BANK OF LOS ANGE­ granted by said Deed of Trust to LES, as Trustee, to secure among the City of Santa Monica. County of front of th* Court Hous* of th* LOOK AT THIS ply on 50x246 clear $1500 lot, near ta Monica. County of Los Angeles, sell the above described property, or County of Los Angeles, Broadway } • room stucco, $250 down, |30 per mo. Montana and San Vlcent*, balanc* satisfy the obligations secured State of California, as per map other things the payment to VIC­ Los Angeles, State of California, aa $15 mo. Elliott. Box 806 Outlook. so much thereof as may be neces- entrance, sell at public auction, foe A wonderful chance to get a home thereby, and. In accordance with recorded tn Book 17, Pages 10 and ssry to satisfy said Judgment, with TOR R. TWIST, or order, of one follows: that you can pay for, at a bargain. ATTRACTIVE bungalows, Westwood the provisions of Section 2924 of tbe cash lawful money of the UnlteS 11 of Maps, ln the office of the interests and costs, etc., to the promissory note In the sum of "Lot Six (I) of Tract No. 7077, PORobsonR SALE—Cos, 1700 Picoy .4-room Phon, e l-bedroo63670. m and South Gate, for vacant or Im­ Civil Code of the State of Califor­ States, all the right, title, claim aaS County Recorder of said County, highest and beat bidder, for cash 12000.00 due two (2) years after date as per map recorded ln Book 78, house and garage, on rear of wonder­ proved elsewhere. Submit. Owner, nia, cause to be recorded in the of­ Interest of said defendant, John Q. ful Income lot: near Wilshire; will S. M. 32007. or so much thereof as shall be Oold Coin or lawful money of the with Interest at the rate of twelve Page 87 of Maps, in th* office of fice of the County Recorder of Los Edwards of, in and to tbe abov* da* sacrifice, completely furniabed. Se* HOME In Pomona for home ln Santa necessary to pay all principal, in­ United States. (12%) per cent per annum from the County Recorder of aaid Angeles County, California, a no­ scribed property, or so much ttmrom owner at 1017 Eleventh at. Monica. 1004 S. Park, Pomona. terest, advances, charges, costs Dated this Sth day or April, 1929. date, payable quarterly; and County." tice of said breach and default and of aa may be necessary to rata* *u_s BEVEtJ lovely rms., I bedrms., tile and Truetee'a fees, due and un­ WM. I. TRAEOER. bath and shower, basement, unit election to cause the property de­ WHEREAS, derault has been To pay tbe principal sum of ficlent to satisfy aald Judgment* 152 REAL ESTATE FIRMS paid, secured by said Deed of Sheriff of Los Angeles County. heat; must sacrifice; $5950; terms. scribed in said Deed of Trust to be made in the payment ot said prom­ $2000.00 and Interest th*r*on at th* with Interest and costs, etc. to tM 2956 Inglewood blvd., Mar Vista. Ph. Trust. By W. D. OILMAN, sold In accordance with the provis­ issory not* in that th* quarterly In­ rate of 11% per annum from August highest and best bidder. B. M. 71121. Dated April 8th. 1929. Deputy Sheriff. Bulling Bros. ion* thereof to satisfy said obliga­ stallment ot Interest du* November 29th, 1938 to th* date of sale; sums Dated this llth day of AprU. Ill* SACRIFICE—7 rm. Span, stucco, 3 CALIFORNIA TRUST COMPANY, MESSRS. MACFARLANE, SCIIAE- bedrooms, I baths, unit heat. 1311 Ill S. M. blvd. Phone 11461 tion, which Notice of Default and 29th, 1928. haa not been paid, nor advanced, expenses of *al* and CHARLES R. THOMAS. « FER. HAUN * MULFORD, Pacific at. ED B. CONLISS Election to Sell was duly recorded By B L. SMITH. any portion thereof, leaving unpaid Trustee* Fe*. Terma ot aale, cash Marshal of th* Munlotp^| SACRIFICE equity attract. 5 room (Seal) Vice President. Plaintiffs Attorneys. on said note the principal sum of ln United States Oold Coin. Court. City of Loa IngtlaS, HOI Ocean avenue. Phoue 21111 on January Ith, 1929. ln Book 7395. bunga.. Westwood. Owner S. M. 32007 Page 161 of Official Reoorda of said Attest F. H. SCHMIDT, $2000.00 and interest thereon at the IN W1TNE88 WHEREOF, said County of Loa Angelea, -*---- ' BEST buy In Sawtelle, 5 rm. houae, Assistant .Secretary. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF rat*, of 12% per annum from August dblejgarage^lTls^liuleTjv*^^^ F. Herren County; and CITIZENS NATIONAL TRUST * of California. lit Santa Monica Blvd. Pb. WW PARTNERSHIP 21th. 1928; and also sums advanced SAVINGS BANK OF LOS AN­ By F. H. BRAKESUHLER. Rogers fit Ashford WHEREAS, ther* is now due and NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE We beg to Inform you that th* under the provisions of said Deed of GELES, has duly authorised this Assistant Marshal. 141 LOTS—Par Sala partnership heretofore existing be­ Trust are owing and unpaid; and MM Montana. REALTOR8. Ph. 16171 unpaid on account of the indebted­ SHERIFF'S SALE NO. 271727 notice as Trustee by the signature GEORGE A. JUDSON, OCEAN FRONTAGE—Demand atead- ness becured by aaid Deed of Trust Order of Sala and Decree ef Fore­ tween W. D. Flynn. W. Pot* 8k -*v WHEREAS, said De«d of Trust of ita Vic* President and attested by Plaintiffs Attorney. ily increasing. We have a few bar- W. W. Bennett the sum of Forty Thousand and closure and Sale And J. F. Ryno at 1414 second provides that 1f breach or default ita Assistant Trust Officer, who haa 11-19-26-1 lna for shrewd buyer*. K. Dryden, M4 Wilshire blvd. Ph. 12511—IMH no/100 Dollars (140,000.00) principal Jennie Tcatch. Plaintiff, vs. An­ Street, commonly known as Genera" be made in ttte performance of guy aff'xed Ita seal at Los Angelea thla Raltor, 1811 Ocean Front. Venle*. Oarage, was terminated March II, obligation for which said Deed of It day of April, ill*. Alaska haa som* tt* btea V_tew lot. 22nd at., north of Carlyle, Lawrence and Bastedo of said note, together with interest ders C. Nelson and Vera Nelson, •IIM. Owner. __, Mttt. IIM Mb at, ISI44 thereon at Uta rat* of seven per husband and wife, Defendants. UM. Hereafter W. Pata Skov will Truat la aeevrity. then the holder of C1V1ZEN8 NATIONAL TRUST * ranch**.

_x<^__ mmmLWfwmm*w*wfW^^


KOPR, KMIC, KGFJ — Records, NOW THEY CAN WED INVADE CAST seven houra, Hijacker Kills PHILADELPHIA, April U (*).— VIEWS ASSAULT ON NAW BERKELEY, Calif, April IS. (JP) 1A.M. Frank H. Thomas, 72, and Isabella —California, here they come, moan KPLA—Records, five hours. Two Racketeers college athleUcs on tha eastern C. Oliver, tl, bave obtained a mar­ MIT PRO.RAJ1S OX FEATURES DETROIT, April U UP).—Two De­ seaboard. Two crews are going ta. •HI Singing Sandman (KGO—6). riage license, one day after Mlaa igaSPgsilK troit racketeers started ' out, ap­ Poughkeepsle and a track team to Secretary of Agriculture Arthur M. WHERE THEY ARE • P. M. Oliver's mother died at 90. -"Mother parently unarmed, to "get** the man Philadelphia. Hdye and Senator Lynn J. Fraz­ who hijacked their "blind pig" at KFW»-Sai H, S15.6 m. KFWB—"Happy" ~_rry Oelse, ier of North Dakota apeak (KGO forbad* my marrying tin after aba KHJ—MO ke, S1M m. 4 a. m. today and were slain by the songs. —7:M). • died," explained Miss Oliver. "She hijacker two hours later. KFI-440 ke, 46S.5 m. KHJ—"A Night te Italy,** musical Jean Ooldkette'a orchestra (WON maintained I would hav* plenty ot You'll subscribe KMTR, KFLA—670 kc, 526 m. The dead men are Earl Reming­ •_ jntinuity. —1:18). time after that." - ton. 35, aad Gordon Teter, tft. Both KNX—7060 kc, 285.5 m. KFI—Max Dotte'a orchestra: Mar- "Footlights," Gall Taylor, soprano; have criminal records. to this— . KTM, KELW—780 kc, 364.4 m. ttaret O'Dea, contralto; Edward Gwynfi Jones, tenor (KOW— W Remington and Teter found the KOER—1370 kc, 218-8 m. Randall, baritone. 9:10), KNX—Tbs Bookworms. gunman, whom they apparently aft*' KFOX—1250 ke, 230.9 m. KMTR—Paul Finstelns orchestra. Jack and Gene (WLW—1:30). KFOX—Eva Balfour, blues; Heinle eused ef hijacking their place of String trio (KOA—9:30). KMIC—1120 kc, 267.7 m. KTM—Hawaiian string quartet.. . Dorner, tenor. MOO In a cabaret. An argument fol­ KNX—Bert Buttcrworth's • comedy Tucker's band (KOL—11:15). lowed and finally one of the men KFVD—700 kc, 226.3 m. KEJK—Records. KGFH—1000 ke, 299.8 m. and song. Mixed quartet (KOMO—11:30). suggested that they "settle tt In the bigger KEJK—1170 kc, 2503 m. KOFJ—Rae Silverman, blues; i'.M, street"* e Esther Kahm, piano,' TOMORROW KHJ—Orchestra and soloists. Residents of tbo district heard jf FQZ--B60 ke, 348.6 m. KMIC—Country Jane, old songs. 0 A. M. KOFJ—700 kc 811.1 m. KFI—Spanish songs, Julia Hodges. three shots and looking out ef win­ the pudding, 8:30 P. M. KFI—Sylvia's musical program. dows saw tha gunman bending over 5 P. M. KFWB—Concert orcheatra. KPLA—Breakfast frolic. KTM—Lola, the mystic Teter'a prone body on the sidewalk. KHJ—Baron Keyes, "The Story KMIC—Loren Powell's orchestra; KFDV—Dan Maxwell, Scotch com- KEJK—Mixed quartet . *e*yl*y*» ^^% *%mm%kRa fired two more shots into the Man.** mixed quartet. *_llan KMTIt—Spanish program, Senorita body and then chased Remington, the KFI—Big Brother Son. KOFJ—Maurice Menge'e orchestra. KFQJ—Albert Keglovich, violin; Luisa Lujan. who fled between housea aad down KEJK—U. 8. C. "Music Apprecia­ 9 P. M. Blanche Cooper, piano. KFOX—Health talk. aa alley. One more shot was fired. tion." KFWB—Harmony Hawaiian trio; KFQ5-—Clella Collins, talk. KGFH, KFQZ—Records. Remington's body was found on a harder KELW—Harry Casey and Ray Ann Grey, popular songs. KFOX—Hawaiian trio. 2:15 P. M. •-*• • WJt nearby street. Bailey, violin and organ. _/:>• KHJ—Charlea Shepherd's sym­ KTM, KNX, KEJK — Records. KFWB—Baseball game, Wrlgley ". A**« * • ' The slayer returned to his parked to cook KFQZ—Jean Cowan, popular songs, phony orchestra. 9:30 A. M. Field. automobile and drove slowly away. Tad Mossman. KVI—Male quartet and dialogue. KGFH—Marcia'a piano requests. 2:30 P.M. :vjy* ; Poliee have found no further trace IdKBWiSB bulk-roasted coffee KOER—Aunt Ruth's children's KTM—"Mission TOW," concert or* KFQZ—Hawaiian trip, KFI—Amphlon trio;. Sylvia Margo­ _ Kf~. ._ * _«•.. ._» _. •"*«__ of him. hour. chestra. KEJK, KGFJ, KGER—Records. lin, contralto. can't bl roasted as evenly ss KFOX—String trio. KMTR—Herman Kenln's dance or­ 10 A. M. KTM—Santa Monica municipal Hills Bros. Coffee which panes KNX, KOFH, KOFJ, KMIC — chestra. KFWB—Harmony hour. band. Lucas Gonzales, federal commander, and aides standing on Deny Protests on through the roasters by a con­ Records. KEJK—Symphony orchestra. KNX—Town crier. KFVD—Dane* orchestra. a machine gun nest at the front as rebel Mexicans tinuous process—a few pounds 5:30 P. M . KKQZ—Alfred Marlon, song stor­ KELW—Frank Joselyn's requests. KOFH—Marcia'a piano requests. charge the trenches around the border town. Westwood Sewer KHJ—Concert quintet. ies; Ruth Mlchaelson, bluea. KFOX—Spanish music. KFQZ—Jack Dunn's orchestra. at a time. No other roasting KFI—Glen Edmund's collegiate or- KFOX—Dane* orcheatra; Eva KEJK—Records. KOER, KFOX — Long Beach mu­ Plans for sewering Westwood process can produce tuch s rich, , chestra. Balfour, blues. 10:30 A. M. nicipal band. . boulevard and Ohio avenue sewer nnifoim flavor. KPLA—Artistic ensemble. 9:30 P. M. KF2—Intercollegiate crew regatta, 3PM Poverty and Illness Held Out Motion district ln Westwood aad for in­ KEJK—Health talk. KFWB—Vlncenzo Pomcttl's or­ University ot California vs. KHJ—"Chaste* tbs Blues," Charlie Cause Ax Tragedy stalling ornamental lights in Hunt­ KOFJ—Dick Moder's Bandoliers. chestra. Washington University. Wellman. Picture Job Bolt ington drive south, between Llfur KFI—Robert Hurd, tenor:] Purcell KNX—Home economics. and Eastern avenues, Lot Angeles, KFOX—Negro entertainers. KPLA—Dance orchestra. NB WTOBK, April 12. CSV-Die. moved forward today after Los An­ HILLS BROS 6 P. M. Mayer's trio. KFOX—Dance music. KEJK—Hollywood Harmony trio. His own story buried under an stracted by poverty and falling: avalanche of prosecution teslmony geles city council's action in deny­ KHJ—Organ recital, Wesley Tour- KMTR—Woodwind ensemble. KGFH, KEJK—Recorda, KFVD—George Redman's orches­ ing; protests against both projects. tellott*. KMIC—Harry Lewis, uke and 11 A. M. tra. health, police were Informed, Fred­ and a past record of similar arrests COFFEE Hearing of appeals against con­ KFI—Charles Magnante, accordion­ aongi Peggy Price, blues; Marie KFVD—Marlon Gay, songs. KFQZ—Records. erick Robinson, 62, struck his El to cause a verdict of guilty against SHA from tm arte. ist: Dalhart ttto; Harold San- and Eddie, piano duets. KOER—Rhythm Makers, firming the assessment for improv­ •Ml vacuum met. 3:30 P. M. year old sister, Mra. Emily Lowe, him on two counts of disturbing the ing Hubbard avenue between Mul- Butty mttui w*k $_ Sard's orchestra. KQER—Mrs. Robert Kins trey, KEJK—Records. KFI—Glen Edmund's collegiate or­ on tbo head with an axe today and peace, Rubin Kohn, SI, today was to holland and Fourth streets was con­ tmotf. KMTR—String trio. contralto. 11:30 A. M. chestra. tinued until April IS. KNX—Organ recital, Florence La- 9:46 P. M. KEJK—U. 8. C. lecture, "Educa­ KTM—Piano selections. then tried to hack tale own bead come before Municipal Judge It. Him Mae. KNX—Fight broadcast, Homer tional Administration." 4 P. tt. ott in their Brooklyn home. Morgan Galbreth, Los Angeles, for KELW—Billy Baron, banjo, song; Sheridan vs. John de Roche, KOFH—Book chat, Alma J. Dan- KHJ—"Book," Walter Brown Mur­ sentence. Dinners, 60c end 40c 40e Lunch Soothe for Ladies 19 P. M. A neighbor who broke down the Mart* Hocking, organ. ford. ray. door at first thought Mra. tow* Kohn, who lives at 1814 Temple KGER—Dance orchestra. KFWB—Amos 'n Andy; Jackie NOON KPLA—"The Melodlans." street, was specifically accused of KFOX—Dance orchestra, Taylor's orchestra. KHJ—Concert, orchestra. KOFH—Siesta hour, string trio and dead but it later developed ahe was accosting Lillian Kltchell, 3508 Louie's Cafe KEJK—Records. KHJ—Earl Burtnett's orcheatra KH—Department . of Agriculture vocalist. still living, though in a critical con­ Floral drive, and Carmen Sohaeffer, Formerly Chef 6:30 P. M. and trio, talk, "Raising Hay or Buying it KOER—Dance orchestra. dition. Brother and sister were 3T1S Maple avenue, Los Angeles, on Santa Monica Athletic Club KFWB—Harry Jackson's Enter - KFI—Frank Ellis' Trocaderans. taken to a hospital with fractured the street and offerlnv them posi­ GOOD FOOD AT REASONABLE PRICES for the Dairy,". Market reports. KFVD, KTM, KEJK, KFQZ -Rec­ 2700 MAIN ST, COR. HILL ST., OCEAN PARK * UUners. KPLA—-Herman Kenln's "Dancing Aaron Gonzales, pianist-composer. ords. skulls. tions ln motion pictures. KNX—Mala quartet;" instrumental Strings." KOFH—Organ recital. 4:30 P. M. quartet. KTM—Serenadera; Hal* Hooper, KELW—California string quintet. KHJ—Playground department pro­ KFOX—Male quartet ballads, KOFJ—Ra* Silverman, blues; Es­ gram. | 7 P. M. KEJK—Orchestra and soloists. ther Kahm, piano. KFI—Village Four mal* quartet. KFWB—Dance band. KGFH—Dance orchestra. KMIC—Len Nosh's country boys. KOER—Edna Bond, bluea. KHJ—Concert orchestra. KFQZ—Jack Dunn's orcheatra, KFOX—"Gene and BUI," violin and KFOX—Dance music. KFI—Dance orchestra. KFOX—Rhythm Makera. guitar. 6 P. M. KNX—Group of songs by Ernest 10:30 P. M. KEJK, KPLA—Records. KHJ—Baron Keyes, "Th* Story R. Ball. KNX—Gus Arnheim's orcheatra. 12)30 P. M. Man." KMTR—Lambert Murphy, tenor. KOER—Dick Seay's orcheatra. KFI—Dance orchestra. KFI—Big Brother Don. KBLW — Neapolitan trio; Hugh KOFJ—Male quartet; film star's KEJK—Dance orchestra and solo­ KPLA—Vio Meyers' orchestra. Wellington Murtyn. ten-or. night, ists. KFQZ—Jean Cowan, popular LEE E YOUNGS MARKETS KMIC—Jaw Kymphonlsts. 11 P. M. KNX—W. F.Alder, travelogue. songs, SATURDAY APRIL U KOFJ—Albert Keglovich, violin; KFWB—Roy Fox's orchestra. KFOX—Foster Rucker, baritone. KELW — Dav* Ward, songs; Bill Fourteenth and Wilshire 1921 2716-18 Main St., Ocean Park Blanche Cooper, piano. KTM—Ted Hedlger'a varieties. 1 P. M. Smalley, piano. Phones 23225-23271 Phone 61184 KGER—Re-educating the grown* Kl'LA—Golden Gate Gypsies. KHJ-Dance orchestra. KGER — Aunt Ruth's children's •_ up*. KFOX—"Cheese and Crackers" KTM—Organ recital, Bertie Kober. hour. KFOX—"Em And Clem," songs. club. KKQZ—Al Cajal, pianist and solo­ KFOX—-String trio. GROGAN'S CHOICE OLIVES, 7:30 P. M. KEJK—Recorda, requests. ists. KNX, KOFH, KOFJ, KEJK, KFWB—Jean Leonard, piano solos. MIDNIGHT KFOX—String quartet. KMIC—Records. Sego Milk, large can, 3 for..... 25c quart can 29c KHJ—"Bob and Betty," musical KHJ—Wesley Tourtelotte, organist, KOFJ—Records. 6:30 P. M. Net often do yeu get a bargain like this. continuity. and variety. 1:30 P. M. KHJ—Concert quintet. Something You Will Be Delighted With KMTR—Old-time melodies. KMTR—'Eight-Ball" frolic. KHJ—Charlie Wellman's vocal re­ KFI—Mildred Hunt, contralto; KGER—Long Beach municipal KEJK—Louise Howatt, piano and quests. Marimba band. MONARCH TOFFEE, OA Electric Light Globes, 50 watt. .20c i some. vocal requests. KFI—Dicky Thomae and Berta KOFJ—Dick Moder's Bandoliers. Mb. can _ *J*7C KNX—Records. Hill, harmony girls. KFOX—Negro entertainers. New ie ttt* time te change year lights. New globes will save KFOX—Rhythm Maker*. Regular 60c yeu money on your light bill. COUNTRY GENTLEMAN CORN, o OP No. 2 can L for _DC Natlenal Club brand. Del Monte Salad Points * 350 Men's Normanna Kippered Herring ENNA JETTICK n SPONBERGS Collar-Attached Tall can .2 for 55c Health Shoe DH^njMENT Shirts 18c, 2 for 35c RE UMBERTO OLIVE OIL, no I40_-I0THIL>D ST./ANTA MONICA A fine Kippered Pith. A whole meal in a e*n» >«v In broadcloth and Vs phtt csn uOC *ybr women who want tojs- Broadway batiste. New importation of thte choice Italian oil. J snd do.without fatigue/ 1 Plain colors, checks, stripes and novelty ef­ Ben Hur Dripco Deal fects. Good style. Sizes Sugar, 10 lbs. 52c Look like a SPRING 14 to 17. 1 Dripco Tricolator ....'. $2.00 l______C. and H. POWDERED SUGAR, 1 lb. B.H. Drip Coffee -57 1-lb. package ... 3 for 25c Million MJollors $125 C. and H. BROWN SUGAR, COATS 1-lb. package ... 3 for 25c Exceptional values and Mfor $1.00 Did you get one of our Liquid Veneer Mopa last , Cost but 1 You wtll enjey yaur eup ef Java all the more when made week? If not, got one now. smart models in new Each • with a Dripco. Regular $1.00, Special 75c s tweeds and Kasha cloth, BLUE POINT BUTTER WAFERS, $5°°to $6 ° tailored or fur trimmed in large package 17c Mandarin Chow Mein Noodles, per can 18c the light Spring shades. For salad*, aoups er cheese. 2 for 35c The New Mandarin Chop Suey, 9-oz. can 23c .Values to $25.00. Mandarin Chop Suey, 18-oz. cant ...., 40c Bare-Leg Hose Dorado Club Silver Fizz Mandarin Soy Sauce, per bottle.... 23c For Summer Wear College Inn Bean Sprouts, 9-oz oan 12c The sheerest of ths CALIFORNIA BREAKFAST JAMS, $ 14.85 shser in a pure silk Perdoz. 12-oz. bottle ...... 25c number. You may buy It mixes and howl All pure strawberry, raspberry or orange marmalade. mrnrn^ your hose here in the Mary full knowledge of de­ WASH DRESSES pendable ' merchandise VEGETABLE DEPARTMENT We can satisfy the moet exact­ at moderate price. ing taste with Enna Jet ticks English prints with organdie or contrast­ Extra Fancy Pismo Beach Peas, 3 lb.. 25c Mustard Greens, 5 bunches ... .10c se they sre carried in a big ing trims in the vivid new patterns. Few Variety of modish patterns A models with long sleeves. Large selec­ $125 Extra Fancy New Potatoes, 3 lbs 25c Green Onions, 2 bunches 5c I Style to Fit Every Eye. tion to choose from _, 1 Large Artichokes,4for... —25c Oranges Are Going Up—Here's a Good Buy $1.95 Pair Extra special. Regular 10c. Full Lug Box of Oranges 40c As^Smm Celery Hearts, per bunch ...... 10c These are good siae juice orenges. Complete Showing of Coachella Valley Grapefruit, dozen 30c m*^s\^m7 Summer Shades in Bunch Vegetables, 3 bundles . .10c Small but extra fancy fruit. Double Pointex a m FOURTEENTH and Owned and Operated Betsy by Leo H. Young Rayon Hose WILSHIRE. MEAT DEPARTMENT Style depends on ftt as weU ss Millinery pattern. We can fit you to Now on display! perfection. Enna Jetticks are A complete All the best shades for Frying Rabbits, Extra Fancy. 40c lb. carried in all widths and sizes showing ot new Spring wear. A pretty from Extra Narrow te Extra straws in the au­ Wide. thentic colors stocking in double sponsored by the pointed heel. Special— Shoulder Veal Roast... il lb. Shoulder of Lamb...!.. 30c Th. Textile Color Card Association for summer 1929! Steer Pot Roast Sei. Pork Loin Roast 35c Ih. VATST Here are the enchanting large hair hats, sisols and 1* AD Spring Shades novelty straw body hats. Beautiful creations. Hats 49c 3SCAL Pure Lard, 2-lb. pkgs.... 35c fascinatingly trimmed, with lace, flowers tf_f QC Sirloin Tip Roast and ribbons. Only - *\¥to*J*J u