CITY NEWS HONEST NEWS- HONEST VIEWS'" HONEST ADVERTISING CENTS Established October 13, 1875 and Weat Los Angeles Tribune 1 Each Day's Paper Better Than ths Last VOLUME LIV SANTA MONICA, CALIFORNIA. FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 1929 NUMBER 102 &fi*mrmr*4*^^^^ 5 a FAR FLUNG I Concentrate U.S. Troops on Mexican Line i LINE • iiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiu iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimii tiiimiiiiiiiiiimiiiiii 1111111111111111111111111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII iiiiiiiiiiniiimiiii. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII By Robt. P. Holliday In response to a demand that couldn't be denied, the Leviathian has gone wet. It has long been a mystery how any American passenger ship SAY AIMEE ADMITTED CARMEL TRIP could operate without a bar. UIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIU lUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII llllllll.llllllllllll. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII iitiimiiiiiiimiiiit IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII tiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiii It is safe to say that seventy per cent of our American tourists are spurred on toward Europe -with great glasses of lager and smaller Turn tb Bay Area in Torso Murder Investigation glasses of vintage cham­ pagne as the lure. Inasmuch as they are anxious to start Metis Club Expects Crowd When Transmountain their drinking as soon as pos­ sible it is no wonder that a Field Guns . Dr. Frederick Woellner Speaks Posse Sent Highway Pushed Mrs. Wiseman-Sielatf in majority of them have spurned the dry American Jump into your car or jump any club could hear.'' Dr. Woellner is in th* department By Association ships. to the phone and mak* a res­ ervation today for th* Man'* of education in ths University Arrive at of California in Lee Angelss. "Reseda to the Sea, Incor­ Strange as it may seem, club dinner next Tu**d*y •ve­ To Bridge Testimony Before Senate "Th* ectively retired" is e porated" is th* name of a naw rting in th* Firet Presbyterian our American tourists have new term Mr. Clerk ha* in­ organization in th* San Fer­ forgotten how to drink. It church. vented to d**crib* many of nando valley that ia promoting would seem that with all the Thia is ths advice of officers Santa Moniea'a b**t citisens. a highway and bridle path liquor floating around this Naco Today of th* club and Walter Clark, "A fins specimen of the active­ acro.s the valley and over who will be toastmastar for ly retired," he say*, "ia E. G. Near Palms Tells oi Hardy Interview th* mountains into Santa Mon­ country no one could pos­ th* evening. Unlets you get Carlisle of 415 Twenty-first ica canyon by way of Rustic sibly forget how to handle 1500 Infantrymen Sent to under th* wire with c reserva­ street, who i* chairman of th* Salesman Reports Seeing i canyon. The R««*da News, in Defense Wins a Point in Ruling Out Her alcohol. But that's the Bisbee, Arizona; More tion at one* you may be die- membership committee of th* thi* week's iss.ie, present* a appointed. A big attendance is Men'* club. His 50 year*' ex­ Cars Parked Near double page advertisement in Alleged Affidavit That She Was Mys­ trouble. Over here people Cavalry on Way expected. Dr. Frederick Woell­ perience in th* management of Lonely Spot promotion of the project. drink to get drunk. Over ner, humorist, lecturer and au­ on* of tho largest fir* insur­ Chambers of commerce and tery Madame X there they sip their wine or thority on education, will be ance companies in th* world other organisation* and indi­ Federals Carry th* speaker. ha* fitted him to handl* this Seek Missing vidual in th* valley Join in beer in an effort to make one "Thi* ought to be th* big­ work with a tact and vigor expressing in this advertise­ I WOMAN APPEARS TO BE NERVOUS drink last as long as possible. Fight to Rebels gest gathering in th* history that are making the Men's club ment their support for th* An American tourist hurried of th* club," aaid Mr. Clark to­ one ef the largest and most highway. active In th* country. The** Parts of Body Declares Judge Smiled When Asked If Hei day. "Or. Woellner it so en­ It will bring valley resident* on by his prohibition appe­ who attend th* Man'* club Horsemen Charge Escobar tertaining and he pours so Second Week of Search t* the Santa Monica b*ach*s tite, will gulp down a whole banquet Tuesday evening will Really Believed Angelus Temple Evan­ much wisdom regarding hu­ in 20 minute*, according te Troops; Capture 100 find Mr. Carlisl* a* active aa a Finds Officers Admitted­ bottle of champagne, while a man being* snd lit* into ua •om* estimate*. Loa Angeles young politician et e conven­ gelist Was Kidnaped Frenchman is disposing of Prisoners thet he muet be counted one ef ly Still Baffled city and eounty aid will b* the greatest attraction* that tion." one tiny glass of liquor. NACO, Ariz., April 12. • fked in furthering the under­ SACRAMENTO, April 12. (AP)—With Mrs. Lorraine Santa Monica police were taking. John L. S. Cook*, *ec- Wisi-man-Sielpff on the stand testifying that she arranged (AP)—An American battery, r*t*ry of th* Santa Monica- today drawn into the investi- Ocean Park Chamber of Com­ with Judge Carlos S. Hardy to produce a "Miss X" in the We had lunch with a prom­ consisting of 93 men and g a t i o n surrounding tbe inent Long Beach citizen at three officers, under com­ Southern Cross Aviators merce, at the meeting of hi* Aimee Semple McPherson kidnaping case, the prosecution i search for the murderer of a director* Monday will atk th* wan blocked today in its attempt to enter as evidence a copy the Miramar yesterday. It mand of Lieut. Thomas F. | woman whose torso was appointment of two r*pr*s*n- was the first time he had ta.lv** te **rv* a* members ef of the affidavit the Carmel mystery woman was said to Dundy, arrived here early found in the Los Angelee been here since the close of today from Fort Bliss, Tex., Safe; Two Searchers Lost the incorporation that wilt d*- havo signed stating that she accompanied Kenneth Orml­ Baron Long's Sunset Inn. He river when Albin Lundstedt, vote itself to building th* ston to the artist colony. with four French .75 mms. salesman for the Libby, Mc­ highway. was amazed of course at the for border duty. The woman appeared nervous and unwilling to discuss growth of Santa Monica, hut Rivals of Kingsford-Smith Are Believed to Neill and Libby Packing cor­ the ordeal before her beyond saying that she intended tak­ he was sad when he looked at Soldier* on Way Be Down in Wilds of Northern poration, informed Chief of ing the witness stand end telling alt EL PASO, Tex., April 12. (IP)— Police Clarence E. Webb of seeing ahe knows about the evangelist s our beaches. Approximately 500 soldiers from Part of Australia two cars parked near the bridge at Hits Police Car; kidnaping atory. Fort Bliss here were on the march Ccntlnella boulevard and tl. Re­ 23 Hours Now She declared there was no doubt In Long Beach there is no to Hachlta, Vt. M., today to be •MELBOURNE. Victoria, April 12. (,-TV-Two royal air tore* planes left in her mind that Mra. McPherson dondo tracks near Palms about was in Carmel during her disap­ private sand. The city has available with the 150 cavalrymen here to-lay to search for Lieutenant Keith Anderson and Uobert Hitch­ midnight Thursday. The occupants moved heaven and earth to cock, lort in an i.ttempt to find the Southern Cross fliers. 40 Days in Jail Takes You to pearance more than two yeare ago, already stationed there, to protect Thi* first stop of the air force machines was expected to be Alice of the cars were acting mysterious­ that Mrs. McPherson and , her keep the beach in the hands American lives and property on the Springs in the southern part of the northern territory. The Anderson- ly and Lundstedt told the chief that mother, Mrs. Minnie Kennedy, told of the public and the reward Arizona-Mexico border in the event Hitchcock plane has not been reported since it left Newcastle waters, in their peculiar actions caused him Alleged Drinker Denied Al­ St Louis, Mo. her so and that nothing could con­ of a battle between opposing forces to call attention of the Incident to vince her to tho contrary. has been tremendous. He tfie northern part of northern territory. ternative Fine by ST. LOUIS, April 12. (Spa- in the Mexican revolution. LOCATE FLIERS •liis wife. Mrs. Wlseman-Sielaff was at one said the one complaint he cial)—Traevl time b»tw**n St. time named as the mysterious The troops who departed yester­ SYDNEY, N. S. W., April 12. Cp!—-After being lost 11 days in one Two of the men, Lundstedt snlil, Judge Loui*, Kansas City end Loe heard about Santa Monica were emerging from under the "Madame X" companion of Ken­ day, included two battalions of field of tr.e wildest and most inhospitable regions of the world, Captain Angel** will be reduced to e neth Ormlston, radio operator, in was the lack of public sand. artillery and-the remainder ot the Charles Kingsford Smith and his three companions ot the airplane bridge just as his car drove up, SUBDUED AFTER RUN matter of hour* instead of Carmel during the period of Mrs. We have all heard it and we Seventh. Cavalry. The detachment Southern Cross were located today by the plane Canberra, tho largest of while two other persons stepped daya whan th* f**d*r air line McPherson's disappearance.
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