Jenő Hajnal: National Identity Is Our Most Valuable Treasure
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Minister Ružić Meets with Representatives of Europe Insists on Rights of the National Minority National Minorities – Councils Serbia Respects These Rights 38 Minority Newjuly 2s 017 Jenő Hajnal: National Identity Is Our Most Valuable Treasure Participants in the Regional “Rose”- a Symbol NDI Roma Program Visit the and First Association Assembly of AP Vojvodina with Ruthenians HIGHLIGHT EDITORIAL 38 Minister Ružić Meets with Repre sentatives Rich ness i n Diver sity of the National Minority Do bar dan, mi rëdita, jó na pot, добър ден, bun ă ziua... B u njevac Councils Dužijan ca, Rut henian “Red Rose“, uniq ue Vlach customs , Rom a music , colourfu l Slovak natio na l costumes, kulen saus a ge from On July 25, in the Pal ace Serbia, Minister of Public Administration and Local Self- Pet rovac… – are on ly few of the featur es of the multina tional and m ulti cultural m osa ic of ou r coun try . Gover nment, Brank o Ruž ić, met with the represe ntatives of the natio na l mi - There is n o nee d to em phasize that nu merous minorities have nority co uncils in o rder to be i nformed lived in these lands together for centuries. Our politicians and about t he activ ities of the n ational mi - numero us foreign v isit ors fre quently p oint to th is fa ct. T he Au - nority counc ils an d the mo st imp ortant tonomous Province of Vojvodina is an unique example of multi - challenges they face in their work. national environm ent, and h as been reco gnized as a “Sma ll Eu - rope” du e t o its e xcepti o nal compos ition. With t he ob jective to rais e aw a reness of the ge n eral p ublic on Delegation of the the richnes s of ou r co un try in diversities – l ing uisti c, c ul tural, European Commission co nfessional, a nd on the im portan c e of preservation of this ex - Visits th e Office of Hu man clusive fortune, the Office of Human and Minority Rights an d Min o rity Rights laIunch ed the ca mp aig n “To gethe r W e Are S erbia” on July 1. The camp aign h a s a promotio nal video , with participa t ion of nu - On July 11, at the Palace Serbia, the merous member s o f na tional min oritie s in their traditional n a - Director of the Office of Human and tional costumes. The campaign will last until December 10, the Minority Rig hts, Suzana Paunović, met zbog toga with the representativ es of th e Exper t Inšter nat ional Day of H uman R ights . On this da y last y ear, th e Mission of th e Europ e an Comm ission, first F air o f Nationa l Minoriti es was organize d by the Office of Human and Minority Rights. During this event, members of na - in order to exchange information on the measu res ta ken for social in clusion tional minorities presented their culture, their gastronomy, their customs. što uzdišemo za „starletama“ koje of Roma men and women in the Re - s public of Serbia. Although we started this editorial by festivals and customs, we sho uld not create a f alse pict ure a bou t t he natio nal m inorities in Serbia. Li ves of na tional m ino r ities ar e far from be ing just Renewal of German about singing and dancing. Yes, many problems have been re - solv ed, bu t ther e a re quite a fe w that a re still passed on f rom Cultur e one yea r to anoth er. T h es e are t he problem s in th e four fun da - The German National Alliance, a non- me ntal area s: cu ltur e, educat ion , informatio n, an d officia l use political or ganization o f the Ger ma n of langu age and alphabet. Will the expected amendments to minorit y in Serbi a, with h eadqua rters the Law on the National Minority Councils and the Law on Pro - in Subot ica, estab lished coop eration tection of Rights a nd Fre edom s of Na tional M inoriti es fa cil itate w ith the City of Zrenjanin, whe re they even tual res olution of t hese pro blems is yet to b e seen . opened an af filiate on July 5, which will evolve int o a perma nent office in the near future. On this occasion, Rudolf Vajs, the or - ganization’s President, visited Zrenjanin with his associates, and, in the Town 30 d iffer ent national m inorities live in Serbia Hall, took part in the pre sentation of the activities and cultu ral events the GNA will orga nize in Z renjanin. The Exh ibi tion “B ro wsing Time - J ew ish Maga zines in Serb i a from 1888 to 2016”Opened in the National Library of Serbia On July 21, the e xhibition “Browsing Time – Jew ish Magazines in Serbia fr om ewsle er for all 188 8 to 2016”, b y a uth or Biljana Albahari, and ONE n the NBS bibliographer, was opened in the National L ibrary of Serbi a. For the fir st time, all publications of the Jews in Serbia are presented in a chronological and comprehensive way. Minority News Portal OUR INTERVIEW: JENŐ HAJNAL, PRESIDENT OF THE NATIONAL COUNCIL OF THE HUNGARIAN NATIONAL MINORITY National Identity Is Our Most Valuable Treasure Photo: Andrazs Otosz ccording to the official data, 59% of the Hungarian national minority in Serbia live in its northern province, constituting absolute majority in some of the municipalities. These municipalities include Kanjiža, Ada, Senta, Bačka Topola, Čoka and Mali Idjoš. Subotica is the educational, cultural and political centre of the Vojvodina Hungarians, where the head office of the Hungarian National Mi - nority Council is also located. We talked to the President of the Hungarian National Minority Council, Jenő HAajnal, for this issue of the Minority News. Hungarian national minority is the largest and financial, to the work of the National Mi - minority in Vojvodina and Serbia. Can we nority Council and every individual who con - say that it is the best organized minority, siders himself a member of the Hungarian too? national community. The support of the mother country and its geographical close - The Hungarian minority is the largest in Vo - ness are very important, and this is not some - jvodina, it constitutes 13% of the overall pop - thing that all national communities have. ulation. The organization of our national mi - Through its political representation, the Al - nority arises from the need to resolve a liance of Vojvodina Hungarians, the Hungar - number of issues, above all in the following ian national community is included in all leg - four areas: culture, education, public infor - islative bodies, from the National Assembly mation, and official use of language and al - to municipal assemblies, as well as in the ex - phabet, as provided by the Law on the Na - ecutive power bodies on the Republic, Provin - tional Minority Councils. Due to a large cial, and municipal level. We believe that this number of members of our community, we is very important, as, in resolving the issues have numerous educational, cultural, and of the community, we need to be present on media institutions, and, in light of the afore - all levels. mentioned, we also have adequate adminis - trative and legislative resources to manage Many minorities have common problems – and finance these institutions. The Hungarian lack of text books in their mother tongue, National Minority Council has a broad net - shortage of media in their languages… Does work of collective bodies, from committees the Hungarian community face similar prob - to consultative boards, and we try to engage lems, too? as many members of our community as pos - sible in the decision making process on all tures. Thus, the minority’s essence, regardless Certainly, the problems are, if not the same, critically important issues. And critically im - of difficulties and conflicts, becomes a source very similar, but the instruments for resolving portant issues are all issues relevant for our of new values. these problems are different. For instance, community – from educational issues to the text book publishers in Serbia do not pub - The Hungarian National Minority Council rep - lish textbooks for professional/expert subjects problems in regard to the official use of our resents a stronghold in the life of Hungarian language. in national minority languages, as the need families, youth, pedagogues, Hungarian civil for these textbooks is minimal, they are used Every national community is specific. What society, cultural associations, schools, the - by a small number of high school students, makes the Hungarian community different atres, libraries, and media. At the same time, and as a result, the teachers use the textbooks from the others, and what do you have in by bridging the main obstacle to the accom - in the Serbian language, and students use common with the other minorities? plishment of members of national minorities their notes when they study. It is not eco - – an isolation caused by the linguistic and nomically sustainable to translate these text - The Hungarian community in Vojvodina be - cultural barriers, it represents a link between books from the Serbian to the Hungarian lan - lieves that its national identity is its most valu - an individual, a member of the Hungarian guage, and it would also take a very long time able treasure.