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LOCAL AND GENERAL. Sunday was the first anniversary of A PLEASANT DINNEK. IRON WORKS. JUDGE DEABTS SPEECH PERSONAL ITKMS. the Samoa naval disaster. are in demand. Taro patch fiddles Thr KxuploytKr of th Virtu of Thro Delivered at a Banquet to Fourteen whale ships were standing ii. the Member Mrs. Richard Ivow, mother of Mm. CbackTbng now signs the firm on the harbor on fcundav atternoon. Co. KntcrtMurtl. of the Hawaiian on ? tit. Mr. lavtr Busy EstabUshmentMacHnery Being Itar March Win. G. Irwin, accompanied by Iror oa of Wing Wo Tai Co, Following 3oae Hon. Paul Isenberg made the trip from Thursday evening Mr. Theo. II. are tho remnrktt of Hon. 31. Mr. A. J. Ivors, arrived on tho Australia Danes gave a dinner at the Hamilton Msdefortha New Sugar Works P. Deady, U. S. District Judgo of Ore the Supremo Court law Bremen, Goruiany, to Honolulu intwen-tv-fo- ur is v I.re books for House, to the gentlemen in the Honolulu gon, tho banquet givun by Chlof Jus- and a guest at tho residonco of Hon. on Australia. davs. at Wailuku, Maui. at library were received the office and establishment of Messrs. Theo. tice Judd to tho members of tho Bar Wm. G. Irwin. Mrs. Ivors will remain Mr. H. "VV. Schmidt has resumed the Eear-Adniir- al L. A. Kimberlyhas been H. Da vies & Co. The interior of the March 7, 1S90: here several mouths. Norway ordered to as President of the Naval larse dininc hall was tastily decorated Mr Chief Justice and gentlemen of functions of Consul fur and act Soiup Particular of Youhk' l'ntcuu Tho .Misses G. E. and I. R. Stiles of Sweden Board of Inspection and Survey. with English and Hawaiian flags, on the the Hawaiian Bar, brethren I mav say table were exquisite bouquets of flowers Now in Ue An Eletria Light I'lnnt of tho Hawaiian Bar, for although wo Oborlin, arrived on tho Australia. They find ti Our readers will in this issue Mr. A. T. Atkinson, Inspector-Gener- al and ferns, which taken altogether made About to ho 1'laccd lu the servo under different flags, thoy are havo accepted positions on tho staff of, f extracts troru the report ol the of Schools, returned on Saturday frvm a a very pretty and effective scene. "Work Th Manager quite akin, and wo sight tho samo prece- tho Mnkawno Femalo Somlnary Parnell Conitnisstcn. were : tour anions: the schools on . Those who sat down to dinuer dents, expound and administer tho samo Mr. A. S. Messrs. Theo. H. Davies, Thomas R. Trip to Hawaii. law down to tho last Hawaiian Report. lliutwell, who arrived In Mr. W. E. H. Deveriil has been ap- One of the attractions on the street Walker, F 31 Swanzy, R. J. LilUe, W. As our worthy host has said this San Francisco on tho Zealandia, loft for pointed deputy jailer at Oahu Prison in last week was the fine Nornian stallion H. Baird, T. R. Kevworth, A. Cockburn, evening, in 1S49I crossed tho plains to Boston on Fobruary 22d, via tho Sunset place of C. Kingsley. Thursday afternoon a representative H. Capt. Growl, driven by Mr. Paul Isen- J.C.Cook, E. P. Low, W.F.Wilson, that "land of promise," Oregon, and on route. berg. of the Advertiser paid a visit to tho David Morton, W G Sinslehurst, A L. arriving there it seemed to mo that Hon. The Alameda took for San Francisco C. W. Mist, of land was what V. Knudsen, member elect of the fr post office, on Sunday, 6.S40 Mr. Arthur Johnstone editor of the Atkinson, H. J. Waibel, office tho Honolulu Iron Works for tho nearest neighboring from the D. Kellet, W. B. McCubbin, A. Hat we tho "Sandwich Legislature, left San Francisco for Boa-to-n letters and 1,477 packages of papers. Elele newspaper was arrested on a war- P. the purpose of obtaining some particu- called Islands;" field, H. B. Atkins, W. Penally. R. G. there was a constant intercourse going Fobruary 24th, and expects toar-riv- o rant charging him with libel. He gave lars from the manager, Hon. Alex. bail for his appearance. Moore, J. Herlihy, H. Roth. D. Hoapili on between them, we got our coffee and back so as to bo in Honolulu May 1. A reception was given to Mr. John Young, of his recent trip on the island of M. and Sir Thomas Esmonde and C. A. F. Gardiner. Hon. Alex. sugar from them, and as I say it scorned Mr. J. A. Hopper arrived in San Fran- Dillon. P., Young Mr. Clive also soon after their arrival in San Francisco. A hich wind prevailed the greater and Davies were Hawaii. A chance for an interview to mo commercially that tho Sandwich cisco from Now York February 26th, and part of Sunday, and the dust was flying invited guests, being the only two out- looked rather dubious as Mr. Young was Islands was tho "nearest country to was at tho Occidental. He will return side of the establishment. Oregon. 1 do not know that am sorry with his family in tho Mr. T. Clive Davies has donned a suit around in consequence, quite a contrast head and ears over and has I Zealandia. of blue denim and may be seen any day to the weather of last week. A inairuificent spread was provided by to see it, but it is tho fact that what is Miss Lottio Alexander loft San Fran- his was at work at a lathe at the Honolulu Iron Host Johnson, and those present were been siuce return. However, he called tho "Spreckels treaty" has como cisco February 27th for Europe to join Works. The new steel crusier , loud in their praise of the excellent man- able to grant a few moments. Mr. Young in since and intercepted us, and that her brother's (S. F. Alexander) family, which is to be the flag ship of Admiral ner in which it was served. Following absent on the island of Hawaii trade now goes by wavof San Francisco and will spopd Easter in Rome, Italy. The Hawaiian Rand plsyedforanhour Brown, is expected to be ready to was menu: was make the Duriug and we are not so intimato with the Judge Dole and wife havo gone to Riv- Thursday morning at the residence of her first cruise about May 1st . socr. nearly three weeks. that time ho Hawaiian Islands as we were before. erside to visit Georgo H. Dolo, formerly H. R. Hi Princes LiKuokaktni, Wash- Consomme aux Asperges. visited all the plantations on the wind Judjw 3IcCully related tho fact that of Kauai. ington place. An important sale of Crown land leases Creme de la Crenie. ward slope of the island, viz. : Wsuakea, Bishop and Leo arrived on a vessel that 3Ir. 31. Louisson and family are wilt ta&e place, at L. J. Levey's auction FISH. Wainaku, Papaikou, Pepeekeo, Honomu, was on its way to Oregon and stopped at residing in San Francisco, nil well. Mr. The nrst school ?essio the year of rooms, on March 24th. Full particulars Pond Mullet, Sauce aux Capres. the public schools closes on. .fcrHlav, rTKEES. two at Hakalau, Ookala, Paauhau, these islands." 1 know the vessel well, L. expects to visit Honolulu in April. in an advertisement elsewhere.v Cousul-Gener- Aurii 11th, and there will be vacation Squab, Sauce Choud de Volatile. Houokaa, Kukuihaele, Xiulii, Halawa, it was tho old bark "Henry" com- al McKinley has nearly SSth. During Fricassie Chicken. Shrimp Curry. Kohala, Star Mill, Union Mill and Hawi. manded by one,of these trading, traf- recovered from his bad accident of a until tbe last Fridav nisht, someone en- Orange Ice. tered C. J. McCarthy's billiard rooms Many of these plantations contemplate ficking captains with a stock of goods broken leg, though the fracture still The partiealar at:atioe of oar readers KOAST. important changes and improvements going out from Oregon. Ho had a na- causes pain times. Yet he is at tho from the rear and carried off about forty Turkey. Bread Sauce. at i? called to the statement ot the Mutual after the present crop is harvested. Mr. tive of this island as a sort of major San Francisco , wharf on tho arrival of Cotapttay of New York, dollars from the safe, which had not been Filet de Bceuf, Sauce Madero. ate Insurance locked. Ham aux Epinard. Young said that the crops all along were do a o around a cook, and his house each Honolulu steamer to welcome pas- z another coiomn Silad Eusf. looking well and promising for the com- was known throughout the city for hos- sengers ashore, and at the consulate, March 14 was the forty-sixt- h anni- year. There was one great advan- pitality, presided over by this Hawaiian corner of California and Battery Bo."o Fresh Asparagus Hawaiiennes, Sauce ing streets, Aceordiag to the Post a Boston versary of the birth of Humbert Kina Holla ndaise. Mr. Young's visit, gave an op- or "Kanaka" as we called him there in he can always bo ready to sign (he artless inscription, "cigars I., tage in it found, assist bears of Italy. The Italian flai: was flying all , VEGETABIJS. portunity for the managers to consult 1S49. The old bark in ' 60 got down to such as need advice or information re- and ckrareue- - sold oa the Sabbath' for day over the office of Mr. F. A.Schaefer, Cauliflower. , Stewed Tomatoes. with him in regard to anticipated the mouth of the Columbia river with a garding tho islands or any other matters. medicinal pervoses only." the Italian Consul. Pomuie de Terre au Beurre et aux Fines alterations and improvements. load of valuable lumber on it bound for 3Ir. Robt. J. Creighton is still confined Herbes. San and old man who of ENTREMETS. The reporter then went through the Francisco, the to his house by tho fracture of his leg A new invoice the Hartman steel News was received by the W. G. Hall, of wire, and cocoa door mats, crockery and Vanilla Ice Cream. Snow Pudding. works, visiting each shop. It revealed used to be mate it I think, went some two months ago. It was a com- Saturday morning, that the barkentine Strawberry Short Cake. the fact that, as usual, the full staff of downstairs to play cards and drink whis- pound fracture from which he has suf- glassware has just been received by the Ella was a total loss at Mahukona. It Pacific Hardware Company. FruitCake. Chocolate Uake. Sponge Cake. hands are employed, and are as busy as key; they anchored the ship but she fered very greatly. was feared that she would not weather Macaroons. Confectionery. bees preparing machinery for several went ashore and that was the Inst of Hon. Paul Neumann arrived in New the late southerlv storm. DESsEKT. plantations, to be placed as soon as the her, lumber and all. York February daughter. Mr. Thos. . Wall, after traveling Grapes. 26th, with his 1 around considerably in the States, says Apples. Bananas. Pine Apples. present crop has been harvested Great I have enjoyed myself during my short Miss Eva Neumann, who has been Seven Chinese were confirmed at St. Assorted Xuts. Raisins. stay in these islands very much. f he is glad to get back to Honolulu. Andrews Cathedral Sunday afternoon by Tea and Coffee. activity prevails in all the departments I studying in Europe. They are on their There is no climate to equal this. of the works, and some very important have been the recipient of a great deal of way back to the islands. the. Bishop. They are members of the During the dinner the Royal Hawaiian kindness and hospitality and considera- Rev. H. H. Gowen's congregation and changes and additions to the machinery 3Ir. J. M. Oat, who has lately sold out Washington Bee of Military Band, Prof H. Berger, leader, and tools belonging to the concern are tion from the citizens ot this place, for his book business in Oakland, is well and In the recent date were presented by that gentleman. fol- Wilcox Celso stationed in the grounds played the being made, some of which are worthy of which I take this occasion to return my hearty, and might be takep for is a ietter from E. W. to lowing programme of music: a San Cssar Moreno, in which Wilcox states A Chinaman when asked last week if notice. sincere thanks. I have not seen as much Francisco alderman, only that he looks he expects to be in the Cabinet. he had 1. March Honolulu Bercer An electric light plant of seventy-fiv- e of the country as I had desired, but I longingly to Hawaii and its evergreen thai paid his taxes, produced a re Overture Fra Diavolo .Auoer ceipt belonging to a native. The tax col- lights, sixteen candle power each, is on have seen a good deal, and I am very sunny shores. The beh of a new cell for Waiak'ea 3. Waltz --My Queen ..Coote will much pleased with The climate is the lector does not" approve of that method 4. Selection Bohemian Girl.. ..Balfe hand and being put in. The plant it. From London, advices report that the roiled from on ten-hor- Westing-hous- e live mill, off a dray the wharf of dotng business, and the Chinaman is 5. Gavotte Welcome ..Kluss be driven by a power magnificent and I could here forever young Hawaiian Princes are doing well. Tuesday was non-payme- for would and smashed to pieces. under arrest for nt of taxes. 6. Polka The Roval Hussars .Hertel engine, and all is being put in if it was not the mosqnitos. I Prince Kawananakoa the elder, is in an The Honolulu Iron Works are at work. 7" Selection Pinafore .Sullivan readiness for the usual night work which have to learn to endure them. agricultural school in England, where he on a new oae. Breeders of stock are referred to th'e 5. Galop Come Again .. Faust at times is unavoidable in the Honolulu I have examined a little of the work- is being taught farm work, to plow, plant new advertisement elsewhere of the uou care me vii:eeii, niwau ruum. Iron Works. ings of the 3Iissionaries here, I have and harvest grains, to take care of horses, An action for $20,000 damages has atalae Breeding Ranch, of which Mr. the course of the evening. Mr A new steel boiler of superior construc- read a good deal of the early history of milk cows, make butter and cheese, been bv D. M. Crowley- - against In and enteral Paul R. Isenberg is the proprietor. Theo. H. Davies made a very happy tion, sixty-five-hor- se power, is nearly this country from the works of Mrs. in short all the routine of English tbe Hawaiian Gazette Company for libel, farm Horses are broke in and trained, a first-cla- ss speech, in w hich he referred to the foun- ready for setting in position This boiler Thurston, Mr. Jarvis, 3Irs. Judd and life. Tho j'ounger Prince, Kalanianaole, by pebiishiDs an article in the Adver- & alternately Miss Bird with all her extravagance and February man being kept on the ranch for dation of the house of Theo. H. Davies is to be used in the works is in a commercial college in London, tises oii 5th. that purpose. Co., and said how glad he was to see so with the one now in use, so that any ac- all her wealth of genius. where he is being initiated in the mys- old occupy- to may not interfere book-keepin- g MK-i-sip- many of the employees still cident the boiler In Oregon there were two counter teries of and all the various Mr. Paine, the ra&naser ot the Tram The Supreme Court of pi has ways Company, was present during theJ ing their positions with the progress of the work in the forces at work, commerce and trade, branches of mercantile business, with a affirmed jase ruirain s sentence ior -- inquest at the Mutton House on the body. 3Ir. T. R. Walker also made a few re- shops. 3Iissionaries and t ' a i farmers view to make fiimself useful in some prize fighting He must serve two The boiler making department has "' employment on ot ttie yonor native dot who was run payf200 fine. marks. about the same tim., the Missionaries in Honolulu, his return, moaths'timeand John The remainder of the evening, after been increased in efficiency by tho addi- first three years hence. orer br the water cart on Sunday. L-- Sullivan was to have had his case de- and then traders. The traders the dinner, was spent in a social man- tion of a new and larger steam engine to The re- cided on Monday, March 10th, and it was would merely represent the commerce of Princess Kaiulani was alo At a meeio of tike commissioned ner. Several capital songs weresung, run the tools, a steam riveting machine this day; they were as a class half ported very well, pur.-uin- g her studies in thought his sentence will also be con- accompaniments. All changes officers of the Honolulu Rifles, held on firmed 3Ir. Berger playins the and a plate planer. such pirate and half trader. They left no one of the best educational institutions tie ka at the Armor?. V. V. Asniord The occasion was much enjoyed by all must necessarily be made between sea- mark on the shore, they did their busi- of England was aoBHtmted for OeocelrecetVfrtehf The steel steamship Mbnowai was present, and it is very gratifying to record sons. ness on the decks of their vessels 3Ir. Alfred Fowler of the firm of John votes to seven for H. F. Hebb&rd. launched on the Clyde in the early part the existence of such a pleasant feeling Among the new plantation machinery and then went away, but they are both Fowler & Co., England, arrived on tho ot the month, she is for the Union between employer and employees. being manufactured, were noticed sev- illustrations of how the English-speakin- g Australia, and h the guest of Col. G. W. The officers of the Peoples' Ice fc Stearnslrip Company of Xew Zealand, eral large sugar mill rollers fitted with race has colonized the whole world Macfarlane, H. M.'s Chamberlain. Companv for the ensuing vear which has the contract for carrying the Coghlan Court-Mnrtiale- il. steel shafts and pinions, spur wheels of through the Jagency of Christianity and The steamship Zealandia brought '-- -9 W Yiee- - mails fiom San Francisco to Australia, larire dimensions, parts of vacuum pans gone seventy-fiv- e saloon passengers, forty of Preside. 0 Smith: Secretary Tracv ordered a court-marti- al commerce, thevhave hand in hand 1 Jo. ..Austin; Secretary, G.P. which contract was sublet to J D. 'and vacuum evaporating apparatus, to bring up the morals and prosperity of wuum are arm unriy-eig- ht 's;dnt, Xavy-yar- d ior mis piace, 19-kn- ot to convene at the Mare Island t istle ; TreftS' r, C.R. Bishop ; Auditor, Spreckels & Bros She is a boat. vacuum cleaning pans, etc., which were the people. It is not a kind of Christianity go on to Auckland and Sydney. T W. Hobrot on March 13tb, to try Commander Jos- said to be for the new sugar works at that goes down to the native, that goes She brings also steerage passengers. The Australia took her departare for eph B. Coghlan late of the TJ. S. Ship Wailuku, Maui, This new sugar factory to him and stays with him, but it goes to We welcome back Hons. Paul Isen- Mr George Augustus Sala, well-kno- the San .Francisco at noon Friday with 3Iohican, on two charges, one of conduct is in part a copy of the one at Honomu, bim and brings him up to the standard berg of the firm of H. Hackfeld & Co. English journalist, who visited forty-on- e steerage pas-semre- rs, cabin and sixty prejudicial to good order and naval dis- n awan, uui naving a six insieau ui u of the plane on which it is, and I have and H. 31. Whitney, manager of this islands about five years ago, wa re--i and a cargo of pro- the domestic cipline, and the other a violation of na- five roller mill, all 30x60 inches. The tound a great deal ol similarity exists be- paper, who are both looking well. Mr. --ntly married to Miss Stannard, a liter- duce. The bond was on the wharf and " val regulations. The specifications refer to two last pairs of rollers will be fitted tween these islands and Oregon in this isenberg has been elected as Noble from ary lady. His Albert re- played brother, Sala, a number of selections previous Cog- with Young's Automatic feeder. The respect. can see all through this Kauai, a position which he, like Mr. sides Napoopoo, HawaiL the writing of a letter by Comdr. I at to the steamer leaving the dock. Most hlan to the editor of the Vailejo Chron- boilers are to be fitted with Young's ex- country the indelible marks of the bene- Widemann, held for several years under of the passengers were decorated with most im- We pleasure icle from Honolulu, criticising, the ad- haust steam super heaters, and fit that Christianity has wrought through the old Constitution, having been ap- take much in announcing Ieis. proved and instead of the the engagement of Mr. R. D. Walbridge, ministration of naval affairs in general furnaces, the missionaries that came here from the pointed by King Lunalilo in 1873. navy-yar- d wasteful open steam cleaners Young's old face is of the poputar and efficient manager of the Commander Edwin 31 Shepard of 3nd that of the at Mare Island . (Applause.) But of An and familiar that J. vacuum cleaner is to be adopted, bo that M. Oat, who looks younger Wailuku Sugar Company, to iliss the Tj S. S. 3Iohican and "avel Cadet in particular. This letter was printed course in a civilized country there must certainly and lady in the Chronicle and copied in several all the improvements so far introduced be something besides the missionary. more jovial than when he left some three Parke, a young held in much William W. Phelps were presented to by the Honolulu Iron Works Company, years respect society circles in this com- Majesty at Thursday. Eastern journals, and created a good deal There must be commerce, there must be or four since to make his fortune in His Iolani Palace, with the exception of the dinusion tube, in California. we greet munity. Hon. L. U. Resi- of comment at the time. In his letter freedom and there must be government, Mort., you. J. Stevens, s 3Iinister well-know- will be embodied in the new Wailuku Mr. H. Wicbman, the n dent, His Ex. Jona Austin, ilinister of Commander Coghlan abused everybody and the missionary must take his place, F. William Ewing, the famous baseball in authority apparently, and this, togeth- plantation sugar mill. not be all and-a- ll in the government, jeweler, returns with his bride, whose Foreign Affairs, 3Ir. Jas. W. Robertson. In the several departments of the Iron eatcher, was offered $10,000 a year for Colonel er with some of his subsequent utteran- and this country is passing through that marriage in Oakland was noted last New and R. H. Works were to be seen parts of Young's week. is three years to play with the York Baker were present at the audience. ces, forms the basis of the charges. stage. But I think that the people of 3Irs. W an accomplished National League baseball club. He The court is composed of the following diffusion tube being put into shape for this country are not aware of the tact musician and will be an acquisition to positively refused the offer, stating that 3Ir. H. M. Stanley bad not arrived at officers ; Commodores A. E. K. Benham a trial at the Waiakea Mill this summer. that the first people that became their Honolulu Society. he would stick to his original contract Zanzibar many hours before he received and John Irwin; Captains George C. The patentee feels confident of success teachers, their leaders, and introduced 3Ir. C. S. Noyes is editor of one of the with the Brotherhood leazue. a number of offers to lecture at excep- Remey, John C. Watson and John W with his latest invention, and is anxious them to Christianity, were people of Washington papers, the " Star," and tionally large fees from various enter- Phillip; Commanders Louis Kempffand to have the apparatus thoroughly tested high wisdom and benevolence and in- visits these islands to gratify a long-cherish- ed li An editorial in the Ylsalia, Cal., prising people in London and elsewhere. Nicol Ludlow; and -Commander- s before recommending it to other pro- dustry who taught them to take care of wish. He is accompanied by Delta of February 2&th, on Hawaiian Perhaps the most tempting offer 3Ir. Thomas Perry and Charles H. gressive sugar manufacturers. themselves and live in this world as well his daughter, Miss Noyes. affairs, concludes as follows: "The pre- Stanley has yet received is (says the Stockton, with Lfenten3nt William E. A marine boiler for the steam tugEleu as they could, I do not think they realize Mr G. V. Forman and wife of Buffalo, sent Ministry have made the Govern- London correspondent of the Birmins- - Sewell as Jude Advocate. is in course of construction, also several that fact. I draw a good many parallels N Y., 3Ir J. W. Whiting and wife of ment stable and have restored prosperity i ham Postj one of $15,000, to speak about land boilers of various kinds. in my mind between this government San Francisco and others also come to to all channels of business. will be nali-a-cmuc- moulding shop is busy depart- It in ot matter into a phono- 3Iartler on Hawaii. The a and our government in thejStates. In spend a few weeks for pleasure and snsaie to attempt to undo what they ment. The wonder is that so many some respects there are few health. graph. On Tuesday, March 11th, a Japanese countries have accomplished-- " castings can be turned out in quality your equal. I say it fairly. In most of Rev. W. H. Whitehead of 3Ianchester, The Secretary of the 3a vy has recom- and his wife and other prisoners were be equal to any in the world. A number of power England, "en route for Australia, is a for the cities of the Union the judicial J The Paradise of the Pacific March mended to Congress that Cadet Cf H. ing from men were at work on a model for casting by who are temperance lecturer of some note, who is containing among other things taken Waiohinu to Naalehu in is exercised men elected at at, Jackson, who failed on his fipal examin- charge of a policeman. The Japanese and a large vacuum pan at the time of our short intervals to serve for meager sal- has spent some years laboring with the ar.d"s on the Nuuana Pali, Volcano, ation, be promoted to ensign. The rea- visit. Temperance League. and his wife were walking along a short dis- aries on the Supreme Bench. There is a Irih trie Kamehameha Schools, Flora son of this is that Jackson did well on behind the On Altogether the Hawaiian planters are chance of opinion going on in the Rev. J. H. Laurie is a Scotch Presby- of islands, of Ha-- tance others. nearing fiuna the statement board the Trenton at Samoa, and by Xaalehu the policeman on turning round, to be congratulated in having such an country on that point; it is manifesting terian missionary en route to the New 41 .Ulan rostal savings uanK, personal reason of shipwreck, loss of books, etc., establishment as Honolulu Iron - is -- saw the Japanese woman on the ground. the itselt in everj- direction, but the evil has Hebrides group. He accompanied I social notes, etc-- Copies at the he had not the opportunity to study as Works at their command day or night, will You with his wife and child jkstores Williams' It was found that the man had stabbed not been cured ; I think it be. and J. J. had his competing classmates. Thus, his wife in the breast and then tried to with a never tiring corps of excellent are to be congratulatedron having started Rev. John Golden, an Irish Roman for first time since war of the re-- who as if pas- k H". Kimball President of the the the kill himself. The woman died before a mechanics, sometimes seem upon the right plan, and that is to have Catholic priest, is returning to his r J. ( belhon, has real officelike could for of assigned Sister conduct suc doctor reached the spot, and the man, af they get along without sleep, a Court that is independent, and no torate in Auckland, after a visit to the Boari Health has m contest com- clang of of Rose Gertrude to the leper receiving ceeded the with student latest accounts, was in a bad condition, the the hammer and the whir Court or judge could be indepen- old country and to relatives in America. petitors. but may recover. An inquest was held the machinery is to be heard day and dent who has not got a decent salary Hon. Paul Neuman had visited Wash- stat.oa at Haiihi, where at the present Sunday time Dr. Lutx the specialist is at work. on the body of the woman, the jury re- night, excepted, for months at a and a permanent tenure of office ington, and at latest advices had gone to sta- A ev Central Station. turning a verdict that she came to her time. I do not care how good a man may be Florida with Claus Spreckels and some There are twenty lepers there at the ' tion. A cottage" will be built for Sister The 3Iinister of the Interior calls for death at the hands of her husband. naturally, or great a man is naturally, if capitalists to see the re- 31. 31. S. Zealandia. from goes on claimed sugar lands belonging to the Gertrude and other arrangements made plans and estimates for the erection of a the day he the Bench and Supreme Court At The Royal Mail Steamship Zealandia commences to discharge bis duties he is Distons of Philadelphia. for her comfort. Central station for the Honolulu Fire Chambers. arrived from San Francisco Saturday looking around to see what his chances By. the Zealandia there have arrived a Secretary Windom has awarded to Department, on the lot at the comer of BEFORE HIS HONOR JUSTICE BICKERTON. for the next term are, he cannot be a number of whale, ship masters to join Cin-3nna- 11 :30 HaH's Safe and Lock Companv of tL Beretania and Fort streets. The plans 3Io5day, 3Iar. 10. night at o'clock, with 40 cabin and good judge. Neither is he independent their ships at this port. We notice the a contract for constructing steel-line- d and estimates should be sent in before Antonio Moranha vs. John Broad. 21 steerage passengers, and 368 tons if he has to beg, for he cannot live on names of Capt. Cook of the Andrew vaults, including two doors in the of size Bill for dissolution and accounting. The tran- his family decently nicks, Capt. Fisher of bark Alaska; June 1st, and a specification the Court cargo for Honolulu. She had in trust and support the Mint beBding at San Francisco. 3Ir. T. of building other particulars can orders certain property divided the Colonies, without borrowing or begging or taking Capt. Kelly of the Eliza, Capt. Knowles the and between the parties. H. 2f. Castle sit for 38 cabin and W. Hobron is the aaent in Honolulu for be learned of the Superintendent of Pub-h-e for 28 steerage passengers and 513 tons favors from any man. He ought to be of tbe Lydia, Capt. Millard of the James plaintiff; Rosa for defendant. Stam-bou- the Hall's Safe and Lock Company, and Works in Honolulu, and at the office A. of freight. Left San Francisco 3Iarch able to follow the example of your Allen, Capt. E. Smith of the bark l, BEFORE HIS HOKOE JUSTICE H'CCIXT. Bar-sto- w, 9 is always on hand at his office to re- of the Hawaiian Consul in San Fran- 8th, at 4 p. u In crossing the bar ex- worthy Chief Justice and entertain his and Capt. Devoll of the It. H. ceive orders. cisco. For plan selected the sum of Tuesday, 3Iarch 11. very friends, than be entertained by now on the way out from New the L. A. Thurston. 3Iinister of Interior, perienced heavy sea, strong, S. W rather $400 will be paid and $100 for the next wind and heavy squalls. March 9th to them. (Applause.) He ought to have Bedford. Some of these vessels will sail The San Francisco Examiner of Feb'y George Roes, Anditor-Genera- L best Further particulars will be found vs. J. light westerly heavy salary that would make him indepen- direct for the Arctic Oceans, others will 23d says : Captain Joseph B. Coghlan Petition for a writ of mandamus. 12th, winds and a in oar By Authority column The S. E. sea; 13th, fresh N. E. wind and dent, and a permanent tenure of office. cruise westward as lar as the Japan Sea arrived on the Australia from Honolulu petition alleges that the Auditor-Gener- al detached from sea; 14th, strong S W. wind and sea Now I make bold to say that I have before going north. yesterday. He has been . refuses to aodit certain hills presented to representing report Oar Band l Coln Attxj-- with heavy rain saualls ; 15th, light N. looked through the Courts and I hare 3Ir. Edward S. Taylor, the Mohican and ordered to at him for salaries of guards of prisoners at and the firm of Baldwin, Taylor & Co., comes court-martia-l. W. wind and sea, light rain squalls. The heard the community talk, I have ITare Island for trial by Several months 3go the 3Iinister of Hiloand Puna incurred during the month with hia hav- Zealandia coaled while in port and sailed examined it, and there is not, I believe, on business connected firm, His of&ase. as charged, consists of of January, 1890, he claiming half-a-doze- well-know- n Foreign Affairs received letters from that such Colonies 11 :15 but a n States the Union which sneceeds the old and ing written a letter to a Vailejo news- bills should charged to specific for the Sunday morning at in 3IinneapoIis, Minn., and Portland, Or., be the o'clock. where there is a Court that is as much bouse of Allyne & White of San Fran- paper preferring charges against certain appropriation for public work upon respect from cisco, one of tho oldest firms in the lubri- of with for permission for the Royal Hawaiian entitled to the community oSeers the navy in connection which the persons concerning whom such A YTedding. as the Supreme Court of the Hawaiian cating oil trade in that city. done He also well-know- work on the 3Iohican. Band to visit those places. The request bills have been incurred are at the time is 31r. John Bergstrom, son of a n gave navy general overturning. 31r. Jame3 3IcQueen of the Hawaiian Kingdom. It not because these men the a from 3Iinneapolis has been refused be being engaged upon. are so much better than other men ; is San Francisco pipe organ builder, Company, 3Iiaa it too away, while Berger Argument was heard and decision Transfer and Pauline because they are favorably situated. and 3Ir. John Ashdown, a piano and 3Bss Rezina young cause it is far 3Ir. ey Rotbschikl, a lady reserved. Deputy-Attorn- A. P. Peter- of Port Tvwnsend, will start from there has received permission to go to Portland Louis were united in marriage 3Iarcb 12 Circumstances make men and unmake organ tuner, were among the arrivals on North Pacific Industrial Asso- son for the 'Government; F. 3L Hatch the residence of 3Ir3. A. them. They will be independent with a the Zealandia. S March 17th on a tour of the globein where the for respondent. last, at J. 3ii attempt to beat all previous records. ciation will bold an exhibition the latter Rodanet, Hotel street. The ceremony permanent tenure of office and a decent 31 iss 31. Kelly, who has charge of the Or. competence. millinerj' department the Popular Citizens have subscribed $3,000 toward part of September. The Band will be Police Court. was performed by the Rev. E. at the trip. Miss Rothschild will travel absent from the Kingdom about six or Beckwith, D. D., in the presence of I do not feel like taking up yonr time 31illinery House, Fort street, returned Satchdat, March 15. en- f ard over the Canadian Pacific, and seven weeks. The boys are entitled to a only the immediate relatives and friends further, gentlemen. I am much obliged on the mail steamer, after having a to leave on tne same day that months vacation and they will enjoy it 3Ianuel Silva, of the Bay Horse saloon, of the contracting parties. 3Iiss Louis for the attention you have given me, and joyed a pleasant vacation of two months JuBtice on the Coast. Hie r rsncxs xrain is announcea to by going to Portland. We shall miss charged with selling liquor to a woman, sister cf the bride was bridesmaid and I am much obliged to tbe Chief sail from Tacoma westward. Roths- our esteemed bandmaster 3nd his excel- he being a retail dealer, was found guilty 31r. H. R. Hitchcock best man. After for giving me the opportunity of making Sister Rose Gertrude and Mis Sweet, 3Ii3 tbe Examiner correspondent, child expects to make the trip in sixty-on- e lent Band, very much, but no one will and fined $250 frith ?5.50 costs. Appeal the ceremony, congratulations were these remarks and for making me bis rearn4 days. - begrudge them the outing. noted. tendered, and refreshments served. guest this evening. I bom a visit to Molakai Sunday inorninf .

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