Chapter i

Royalty Lili'uokalani, Queen of Hawai'i, 1891-1893 Princes David Kawananakoa and Jonah Kuhi5 Kalaniana'ole, nephews of Kalakaua's queen, Kapi'olani, and by royal pro- clamation heirs to Hawai'i's throne

Members of Lili'uokalani's last cabinet John F. Colburn, minister of the interior William H. Cornwell, minister of finance Samuel Parker, minister of foreign affairs Arthur P. Peterson, attorney general

Friends and advisers of Lili'uokalani Paul Neumann, attorney, former cabinet member Charles B. Wilson, marshal of the kingdom Samuel Nowlein, of the Queen's Royal Guard John A. Cummins, retired planter Joseph O. Carter, clerk, Bishop and Co. bank Herman Widemann, former cabinet member Dr. George Trousseau, physician to the royal family Archibald S. Cleghorn, Lili'uokalani's brother-in-law and father of Princess Ka'iulani

xv Important Characters

Robert W. Wilcox, leader of the Liberal party, self-styled "pro- fessional revolutionist," not always a supporter of the queen

Leaders in establishing the Provisional Government

Sanford Ballard Dole, associatejustice of Hawai'i's supreme court, president of the Provisional Government Lorrin A. Thurston, attorney, member of the monarchy's last legislature, prime mover in the overthrow, later P.G. minister to the Samuel M. Damon, member of the P.G. advisory council, later of the executive council Henry E. Cooper, member of the P.G. advisory council William O. Smith, law partner of Lorrin Thurston, member of the executive council John H. Soper, former marshal of Hawai'i (1890-1891), com- mander of P.G. military forces Captain C. W. Ziegler, commander of the Rifles Henry von Werthern, commander of the Drei Hundert John L. Stevens, United States minister to Hawai'i Captain G. C. Wiltse, commander of the U.S.S. Boston

Chapter 2

James H. Wodehouse, British Commissioner and Consul General in Hawai'i Commissioners sent to Washington by the Provisional Government Charles L. Carter, attorney William R. Castle, attorney Joseph Marsden, agriculturist Lorrin A. Thurston (already identified, Chapter 1) William C. Wilder, president, Wilder Steamship Co.

Commissioners sent to Washington by Lili'uokalani

Paul Neumann (already identified, Chapter 1) Prince David Kawananakoa (already identified, Chapter 1) E. C. Macfarlane, businessman (G. W. Macfarlane & Co.)

xvi Important Characters Chapter 3 John 'Ena, member of the P.G. advisory council Clarence W. Ashford, attorney, once a leader in the Reform party, now a royalist Henry Berger, organizer and director of the Royal Hawaiian Band

Chapter 4 John E. Bush, royalist editor of Ka Leo J. K. Iosepa members of the kingdom's last legislature J. Ka'uhane who adhered to the Reform party and the Provisional Government James H. Blount, President Cleveland's special commissioner to investigate the overthrow William D. Alexander, professor at O'ahu College ()

Chapter 5 Albert S. Willis, U.S. minister to Hawai'i, succeeding Blount Sereno E. Bishop, clergyman, teacher, engineer, diarist, and cor- respondent Claus Spreckels, sugar planter, financier, friend of Lili'uokalani Rear Admiral J. S. Skerrett, U.S. Naval commander at Honolulu Admiral John Irwin, successor to Skerrett Carl Widemann, clerk, finance department

Chapters 7-9 Lt. Col. J. H. Fisher, successor to Soper as commander of the republic's National Guard Edward G. Hitchcock, marshal of the Republic of Hawai'i

Royalists in revolt against the republic

Haole leaders: Charles T. Gulick, business agent and notary^ public William H. Rickard, retired sugar planter from Honoka'a, Hawai'i

xvii Important Characters William T. Seward, Civil War veteran, "secretary" to John Cummins Thomas B. Walker, son-in-law of Cummins Hawaiians and part-Hawaiians: Henry Bertelmann, contractor and builder George Townsend, watchman and engineer, Honolulu Fire De- partment Charles Warren, first sergeant in King Kalakaua's guard Lot Lane and others of the Lane family Robert Haku'ole Sylva J. W. Bipikane, hack driver, member of the 1892 legislature John Li'ili'i Kahoeka and his brother Kauli, caretakers at Mauna Loke, Waimanalo Others helping the royalists: Captain Matthew Martin of the schooner Wahlberg Captain William Davis of the steamer Waimanalo , owner of Sans Souci hotel at WaikikT John Wise, friend of Prince Kuhio Carl Widemann (already identified, Chapter 5) Louis Marshall and William H. G. Greig, friends of Carl Wide- mann

Chapters 10 and II

For the republic Robert Waipa Parker, captain of police Arthur M. Brown, assistant marshal Tim Murray, officer in the Citizens' Guard James B. Castle, member of the Citizens' Guard Alfred Castle, cousin of James B. Castle

Royalists in the field under Samuel Nowlein and Robert Wilcox Charles Bartow Joe Clark Io'ela Kiakahi Solomon Kupihea Robert Palau

xviii Important Characters

Tom Poole Pükila Hoa Casablanca Ulukou William Widdifield

Chapters 12 and 13

For the republic

Albert Francis Judd, chief justice William Austin Whiting, president of the military commission William A. Kinney, judge advocate

Royalists on trial (not already identified)

Volney V. Ashford, brother of Clarence Ashford (Chapter 3) Charles Clark, guard at Washington Place
