, -- '"f 4 - t SK-Jfr- WiWyS HAWAIIAN WAZETTB. TUESDAY, MARCH U, IbUu. LOCAL AND GENERAL. Sunday was the first anniversary of A PLEASANT DINNEK. HONOLULU IRON WORKS. JUDGE DEABTS SPEECH PERSONAL ITKMS. the Samoa naval disaster. are in demand. Taro patch fiddles Thr KxuploytKr of th Virtu of Thro Delivered at a Banquet to Fourteen whale ships were standing ii. the Member Mrs. Richard Ivow, mother of Mm. CbackTbng now signs the firm on the harbor on fcundav atternoon. Co. KntcrtMurtl. of the Hawaiian on ? tit. Mr. lavtr Busy EstabUshmentMacHnery Being Itar March Win. G. Irwin, accompanied by Iror oa of Wing Wo Tai Co, Following 3oae Hon. Paul Isenberg made the trip from Thursday evening Mr. Theo. II. are tho remnrktt of Hon. 31. Mr. A. J. Ivors, arrived on tho Australia Danes gave a dinner at the Hamilton Msdefortha New Sugar Works P. Deady, U. S. District Judgo of Ore the Supremo Court law Bremen, Goruiany, to Honolulu intwen-tv-fo- ur is v I.re books for House, to the gentlemen in the Honolulu gon, tho banquet givun by Chlof Jus- and a guest at tho residonco of Hon. on Australia. davs. at Wailuku, Maui. at library were received the office and establishment of Messrs. Theo. tice Judd to tho members of tho Bar Wm. G. Irwin. Mrs. Ivors will remain Mr. H. "VV. Schmidt has resumed the Eear-Adniir- al L. A. Kimberlyhas been H. Da vies & Co. The interior of the March 7, 1S90: here several mouths. Norway ordered to as President of the Naval larse dininc hall was tastily decorated Mr Chief Justice and gentlemen of functions of Consul fur and act Soiup Particular of Youhk' l'ntcuu Tho .Misses G. E. and I. R. Stiles of Sweden Board of Inspection and Survey. with English and Hawaiian flags, on the the Hawaiian Bar, brethren I mav say table were exquisite bouquets of flowers Now in Ue An Eletria Light I'lnnt of tho Hawaiian Bar, for although wo Oborlin, arrived on tho Australia. They find ti Our readers will in this issue Mr. A. T. Atkinson, Inspector-Gener- al and ferns, which taken altogether made About to ho 1'laccd lu the servo under different flags, thoy are havo accepted positions on tho staff of, f extracts troru the report ol the of Schools, returned on Saturday frvm a a very pretty and effective scene. "Work Th Manager quite akin, and wo sight tho samo prece- tho Mnkawno Femalo Somlnary Parnell Conitnisstcn. were : tour anions: the schools on Hawaii. Those who sat down to dinuer dents, expound and administer tho samo Mr. A. S. Messrs. Theo. H. Davies, Thomas R. Trip to Hawaii. law down to tho last Hawaiian Report. lliutwell, who arrived In Mr. W. E. H. Deveriil has been ap- One of the attractions on the street Walker, F 31 Swanzy, R. J. LilUe, W. As our worthy host has said this San Francisco on tho Zealandia, loft for pointed deputy jailer at Oahu Prison in last week was the fine Nornian stallion H. Baird, T. R. Kevworth, A. Cockburn, evening, in 1S49I crossed tho plains to Boston on Fobruary 22d, via tho Sunset place of C. Kingsley. Thursday afternoon a representative H. Capt. Growl, driven by Mr. Paul Isen- J.C.Cook, E. P. Low, W.F.Wilson, that "land of promise," Oregon, and on route. berg. of the Advertiser paid a visit to tho David Morton, W G Sinslehurst, A L. arriving there it seemed to mo that Hon. The Alameda took for San Francisco C. W. Mist, of land was what V. Knudsen, member elect of the fr post office, on Sunday, 6.S40 Mr. Arthur Johnstone editor of the Atkinson, H. J. Waibel, office tho Honolulu Iron Works for tho nearest neighboring from the D. Kellet, W. B. McCubbin, A. Hat we tho "Sandwich Legislature, left San Francisco for Boa-to-n letters and 1,477 packages of papers. Elele newspaper was arrested on a war- P. the purpose of obtaining some particu- called Islands;" field, H. B. Atkins, W. Penally. R. G. there was a constant intercourse going Fobruary 24th, and expects toar-riv- o rant charging him with libel. He gave lars from the manager, Hon. Alex. bail for his appearance. Moore, J. Herlihy, H. Roth. D. Hoapili on between them, we got our coffee and back so as to bo in Honolulu May 1. A reception was given to Mr. John Young, of his recent trip on the island of M. and Sir Thomas Esmonde and C. A. F. Gardiner. Hon. Alex. sugar from them, and as I say it scorned Mr. J. A. Hopper arrived in San Fran- Dillon. P., Young Mr. Clive also soon after their arrival in San Francisco. A hich wind prevailed the greater and Davies were Hawaii. A chance for an interview to mo commercially that tho Sandwich cisco from Now York February 26th, and part of Sunday, and the dust was flying invited guests, being the only two out- looked rather dubious as Mr. Young was Islands was tho "nearest country to was at tho Occidental. He will return side of the establishment. Oregon. 1 do not know that am sorry with his family in tho Mr. T. Clive Davies has donned a suit around in consequence, quite a contrast head and ears over and has I Zealandia. of blue denim and may be seen any day to the weather of last week. A inairuificent spread was provided by to see it, but it is tho fact that what is Miss Lottio Alexander loft San Fran- his was at work at a lathe at the Honolulu Iron Host Johnson, and those present were been siuce return. However, he called tho "Spreckels treaty" has como cisco February 27th for Europe to join Works. The new steel crusier California, loud in their praise of the excellent man- able to grant a few moments. Mr. Young in since and intercepted us, and that her brother's (S. F. Alexander) family, which is to be the flag ship of Admiral ner in which it was served. Following absent on the island of Hawaii trade now goes by wavof San Francisco and will spopd Easter in Rome, Italy. The Hawaiian Rand plsyedforanhour Brown, is expected to be ready to was menu: was make the Duriug and we are not so intimato with the Judge Dole and wife havo gone to Riv- Thursday morning at the residence of her first cruise about May 1st . socr. nearly three weeks. that time ho Hawaiian Islands as we were before. erside to visit Georgo H. Dolo, formerly H. R. Hi Princes LiKuokaktni, Wash- Consomme aux Asperges. visited all the plantations on the wind Judjw 3IcCully related tho fact that of Kauai. ington place. An important sale of Crown land leases Creme de la Crenie. ward slope of the island, viz. : Wsuakea, Bishop and Leo arrived on a vessel that 3Ir. 31. Louisson and family are wilt ta&e place, at L. J. Levey's auction FISH. Wainaku, Papaikou, Pepeekeo, Honomu, was on its way to Oregon and stopped at residing in San Francisco, nil well. Mr. The nrst school ?essio the year of rooms, on March 24th. Full particulars Pond Mullet, Sauce aux Capres. the public schools closes on. .fcrHlav, rTKEES. two at Hakalau, Ookala, Paauhau, these islands." 1 know the vessel well, L. expects to visit Honolulu in April. in an advertisement elsewhere.v Cousul-Gener- Aurii 11th, and there will be vacation Squab, Sauce Choud de Volatile. Houokaa, Kukuihaele, Xiulii, Halawa, it was tho old bark "Henry" com- al McKinley has nearly SSth. During Fricassie Chicken. Shrimp Curry. Kohala, Star Mill, Union Mill and Hawi. manded by one,of these trading, traf- recovered from his bad accident of a until tbe last Fridav nisht, someone en- Orange Ice. tered C. J. McCarthy's billiard rooms Many of these plantations contemplate ficking captains with a stock of goods broken leg, though the fracture still The partiealar at:atioe of oar readers KOAST. important changes and improvements going out from Oregon. Ho had a na- causes pain times. Yet he is at tho from the rear and carried off about forty Turkey. Bread Sauce. at i? called to the statement ot the Mutual after the present crop is harvested. Mr. tive of this island as a sort of major San Francisco , wharf on tho arrival of Cotapttay of New York, dollars from the safe, which had not been Filet de Bceuf, Sauce Madero. ate Insurance locked. Ham aux Epinard. Young said that the crops all along were do a o around a cook, and his house each Honolulu steamer to welcome pas- z another coiomn Silad Eusf. looking well and promising for the com- was known throughout the city for hos- sengers ashore, and at the consulate, March 14 was the forty-sixt- h anni- year. There was one great advan- pitality, presided over by this Hawaiian corner of California and Battery Bo."o Fresh Asparagus Hawaiiennes, Sauce ing streets, Aceordiag to the Post a Boston versary of the birth of Humbert Kina Holla ndaise. Mr. Young's visit, gave an op- or "Kanaka" as we called him there in he can always bo ready to sign (he artless inscription, "cigars I., tage in it found, assist bears of Italy. The Italian flai: was flying all , VEGETABIJS. portunity for the managers to consult 1S49. The old bark in ' 60 got down to such as need advice or information re- and ckrareue- - sold oa the Sabbath' for day over the office of Mr.
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