wm'wm- m m ILf ••' M . — <*» «*» FOOTBALL RETURNS EAST LANSING ... Spntpm lQil *************** * ^e^e Men Qaue AU * **•*•****••*••* Raymond Kazimer Kukoski, 1940 Clay Underwood Bullis, 1940 41, entering from Huntington Woods, Michigan. His wife and parents survive. Raymond K. Kukoski, first lieutenant Capt. Clay U. Bullis, of the Army Air in the Army Air Forces, was killed in Forces, was reported killed in action in Hugh Even Mosher, 1938 action in the South Pacific area on March the North African area on March 24, 28, 1943. Lt. Kukoski entered from 1944. Capt. Bullis was graduated from Capt. Hugh E. Mosher, of the Army Stambaugh, Michigan, and was gradu the School of Science and Arts on June Air Forces, was killed in action in the ated from the School of Agriculture on 10, 1940, entering from Portland, Michi South Pacific area on May 19, 1944. June 10, 1940. gan. He is survived by his mother; a Already the recipient of the Air Medal, brother, Lt. Col. Harry J. Bullis, '37; and he was posthumously awarded a bronze a sister, Helen Bullis Oldt, '37. Fred Niffenegger, Jr., 1940 oak leaf cluster to the medal. Capt. Mosher was graduated from the School Fred Niffenegger, Jr., captain in the Charles Paul DeRose, 1943 of Science and Arts on June 13, 1938, Army Air Forces, was killed in an air entering from Lansing. He is survived plane accident in England on July 8, Charles P. DeRose, second lieutenant by his father, his wife, and a son. 1943. Capt. Niffenegger was enrolled in in the Army Air Forces, was killed in business administration during 1938-39, action over Europe on April 11, 1944.
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