hc>'£> '■


This Book is the property of H.B.M. Government and is to he kept in safe custody by the person to whom it has been Issued.

; [Crown Copyright Reserved.^ 18n Autlioritn. =====—V SUPPLEMENT TO THE MONTHLY ARMY LIST. JULY, 1915.





This Book is the property of H.B.M. Government, and is to be kept in safe custody by the person to whom it has been issued.

[ Crown Copyright Reserved.'] IB 5 Autljoritg.


JULY, 1915.





93234—Wt. —16221-12,000- 7/15-J. J. K. & Co, Ltd, 1

Promotions, Appointments, &c 3


since last Publication.

War Office, 30 June, 1915. REGULAR FORCES.

COMMANDS AND STAFF. Staff Captains. Capt. B. Ussher, Jjeins. R., from an Offr. of a Co. of Gent. Cadets, R. Mil. Coll., and to remain teed. (Gaz. 1 June) lOMaylS Maj. flon. J. Dawnay, D.S.O., ret. pay. (Gaz. 1 June) ...... 22Feb. Brigade Commanders. Bt. Col. G. H. Thesiger, C.B., C.M.O., Rif. Brig., and to be temp. Brig.-Gen., vice Col. (temp. Brig.-Gen., C. B. Westmacott, S.iB.ffi. to the King. (Gaz. l June) 5May Col. E. Makins, D.S.O., and to be temp. Brig.-Gen., vice Maj.-Gen. C. J. Briggs, G.B. (Gaz. 1 June) HMay „ Brigade Majors. Capt. W. H. Johnston, R.E., vice Bt. Maj. J. T. Weatherby, Oxf. and Bucks. L.I. (Gaz. 1 June) .. : 2May Capt. H. C. L. Howard, 16 Lrs., vice Maj. B. i>. Fisher, D.S.O., 17 Lrs. (Gaz. 1 June) 4May „ Staff Captains. Capt. F. R. Woollcomhe, R.A., vice Capt. D. Paige, R.A. (Gaz. 1 June) SApr. Maj. H. Hale, Terr. Force Res , vice Capt. G. H. Chubb, Res. of Off. (Gaz. 1 June) 25Apr. Capt. O. H. Tidhury, Midd’x R. (Gaz. l June) SOApr. Capt. J. G. Lowther, 11 Hrs. (Gaz. 1 June) .. 5May Capt. E. W. S. Balfour, D S.O , 6 D.G., vice Maj. A. H. C. Kearsey. D.S.O., 10 Hrs. (Gaz. 1 June) HMay Base Commandant. (Graded for purposes of pay as an A-A-G.) Col. J. S. Nicholson, C.B., C.M.O., D.S.O. (Gaz. l June) lApr. Commandant on the Lines of Communications. iGraded for purposes of pay as an A-A-G.) Lt.-Col. F. C. L. Hulton, Res. of Off., vice Col. A. G. Thomson, C.B. (Gaz. 1 June) 25Apr. Commandant of an Administrative District. (Graded for purposes of pay as an A-A-G.) Col. A. G. Thomson, C.B. (Gaz. 1 June) 25Apr. Staff Captain. Capt. R. T. Cooper, N. Mid. Mtd. Brig. A.S.C., Terr Force. (Gaz. 2 June) IMay Commandant on the Lines of Communications. (Graded for purposes of pay as a the W.O.) Lt.-Col. F. C. L. Hulton, Res. of Oft, vice Col. A. G. Thomson, C.B. (Gaz. 2 June.) Dated 25 Apr. 15. (Substituted for the notification which appeared in Gaz. of 1 June, 15.) The undermentioned temp, appts. are made at the W.O. Staff Captains. (And to be temp. Capts.) Frederick Henry Browning. (Gaz. 4 June) .. 17Apr. C. E. Williams. (Gaz. 4 June) 4May The undermentioned temp. appt. is made Staff Captain. Capt. C. J. Heath, R.A., and to be seed., vice Maj. C. B. Simonds, Res. of Off. (Gaz. 4 June) lApr. Brigade Commanders. Col. W. R. B. Doran, O.B., D.S.O., and to be temp. Brig.-Gen. (Gaz. 5 June) 10 May Bt. Col. C. E. Pereira, C. Gds., and to he temp. Brig.-Gen. whilst so empld., vice Col. (temp. Brig.-Gen.) A. J. Chapman, C.R. (Gaz.TJune) .. ISMay Brigade . Capt. E. P. Dorrien-Smith, D.S.O., Shrops. LX, vice Bt. Lt.-Col. Hon. L. J. P. Butler, X. Gds. (Gaz. 7 June) 23Mar. Staff Captains. 2nd i.t. W. B. Little, 1/9 Bn. (Terr.) Durh. IJ.I,, vice Lt. F. C. H. Carpenter, 1/8 Bn. (Terr.) Durh. L.I. Gaz. 7 June) ...... IMay Capt. R. H. Woods, K.R. Rif. C., and to be seed., vice Capts. A. I.. Moulton-Barrett, R. (Gaz. 7 June) ...... UMay Brigade Commander. Bt. Col. E. Pearce-Serocold, K. R. Rif. C., and to be temp. Brig.-Gen. whilst so empld., vice Maj.-Gen. B. J. C. Doran, C.B. (Gaz. 8 June) .... 1 * 4 Promotions, Appointments, &c,


,, • TT IT „ . „ „ Staff Captain. M 1 -0 ret notmcationn^i‘fD.nnnn which,f.h?^ appeared” ’(Gaz. in Gaz. of 8 27 June,) May 15.)Dated 6 May 15. (Substituted for the The undermentioned temp. appt. is made ,„, xr i, . Military Attache (Extra). Col.r H. TLe Roy-LeW1S,T C. B., D.S. 0., Ret. List, Terr. Force. (Gaz. 8 June) 18Mayl5 T* -r ^ „ Staff Captains. !;*• ^• O- Lassetter, 5 Bn York B„ Terr. Force. (Gaz. 9 June) ISApr. Capt. W. A. C. Lloyd, 7 Bn. W. York R., Terr. Force. (Gaz. 9 June) 18Apr. The undermentioned temp. appt. is made:— ^ ^ Inspector of Royal Engineers. M ((fazniO jmi^andt)aCl1’ 0'P>" D-S'0” vice Co1- (^“P- Brig.-Gen.) G. M. Heath, D.S.O. 18May n i XT xx „ „ . Staff Captain. Capt. N. H. C. Russell, Wore. Yeo., Terr. Force. (Gaz. 11 June) .. IMay The undermentioned temp. appt. is made:—

, ,, Tr xr XT Garrison Adjutant. ' einpld ' Gia^U^June)011 °f S'AWca r)ef' Porce' and to be temp. Capt. whilst so lOApr.

ijt.-i.oi.r x TT. id-xx H.a L.x Ravensnaw,x, , C.M.O.,Brigade Conn. Rang.,Commanders. and to be temp. Brig.-Gen whilst so i i vwe Col. (temp Brig. Gen.) R. C. Boyle. C.B. (Gaz. 12 June) 19May Lt.-Col. A. B. Ritcnie. C.M.G., Sea. Highrs., and to be temp. Brig.-Gen. whilst so empld m r‘C? Coh't'^P-. Brig.-Gen.) E. G. Grogan. C.B. fGaz. 12 June). . P ’ 20May A n y ndt0 b tein L" w T x, ' ?t , ? P Brig.-Gen. whilst so empld., vice Col! (temp. Brig.-Gen.) F. W. J. Caulfeild, ret. pay, Ind. Army, (Gaz.12 June) .. 8June TT x x x. T-, Tx — . Capt. L. P. Evans, R. Highrs.. vice Maj. W. A. Blake, Wilts. R. (Gaz. 12 June) .. 3May m T, x x, XT ™ Staff Captain. ^en(Ga^ai2 June) Porrep’17 ^erv-) Bn. L’pool R„ and to be transferred to the Gen. List. 13May The undermentioned temp. appt. is made :—

Col.Col TTH. COOTTOXCooper, C.M.O.,o TT x, Colonelin ret. pay. (Gaz.Charge 14 ofJune) Territorial Force Records. 25 May Gen. Sirox -r,B. M.xx xxHamilton, K.C.B.,Commander, K.C. V.O. Ripon (Gaz. Training 15 June) Centre. 7June xx Tx xxx XT . XT Staff Captains. Lt' Hudson, Tern Force^e^^uiazl'lSHi^^0'’ Telr; Porce vice Capt. R. C. Donaldson- ; 28May The undermentioned appt. is made :— Temp. Capt. C. W. Jones, 4 Bn. R. W. Fus., Terr. Force. (Gaz. 16 June) .. 29May The undermentioned temp, appts. are made „ x, , _ , xx . Inspector of the Territorial Force. C1(Gazmf7 June)' Gen' D' A- Macfarlan6' °-B-’ D s-0 < and to retain his temp. rank. 11 June XT x xx XT x. Brigade Majors. Capt. H. E. R. R. Braine, R. Muns. Fus., vice Bt. Maj. @. P. Heywood, C.Gds. (Gaz. June) .. ., # Cspt. R. S. Follett, Rif. Brig., vice Capt. J. E. Munby, York. L.I.”(Gaz. 21 June)’ 23 May 28 May XT x xx xx xxxT,x „ Staff Captams. 1'T^ 7 -- 50 Canadian R.. vice Capt. E. W. Pope, R. Canadian R. (Gaz.2Uune 25 Apr 21 June)CaPfc’ J* ^ ’ •M■ere

x, . XT X, x HT x Director of Recruiting. B?se.nof Off ’GaT2! June?’ C’F’0;’ C S ’.Re8' °f 0ff- vice Ma^Gen- F’ Campbell, ISJune Promotions, Appointments, &c. 5

REGULAR FORCES—contd. COMMANDS AND STAFF—ooraM. The undermentioned temp. appt. is made ■ • Commander. Col. T. W. Powles. ret. nay. (Gaz. 24June) ...... 6Feb.l5 Q.-M. and Hon. Maj. C. Innes, relinquished his grading as StafI Capt. (Gaz. 24 June) .. 3Feb. Brigade Commander. Col. G. de S. De Lisle, and to be temp. Brig.-Gen. whilst so empld. (Gaz. 25 June) .. ITJune Staff Captain. Capt. C. O. Adair, Res. of Off. (Gaz. 25 June) ...... 3Decl4 The undermentioned temp. appt. is made Inspector. Territorial Force. Col. (temp. Brig.-Gen.) A, J. Chapman, C.B., and to retain his temp. rank. (Gaz. 25 June) 21Junel5

Remount Depot. Edgar Danes Shimeld to he temp. Qr.-Mr. with the hon. rank of Lt. (Gaz. 25 June) .. 26June Brigade Majors. Capt. C. O. Langley, 6 Bn. S. Staff. R. Terr. Force, vice Capt. A. E. B. Ind, 6 Bn. N. Staff. R., Terr. Force. (Gaz. 26 June) ...... • 17 Apr The appt. of Bt. Maj. H. J. N. Davis, Conn. Rang., notified in the Gaz of 15 June 15, is post-dated to 29 May 15. (Gaz. 26 June). Maj. K. H. Gregory, R.A., and to he seed. (Gaz. 26 June)...... 3.Tuno Staff Captain. 2nd Lt. R. F. Walden, R.F.A., and to he seed. (Gaz. 26 June) ...... ITJune Commander of a District. Bt. Col. H. D. Thorold, Res. of Off., vice Col. P. R S. Churchward, C.S. (Gaz. 28 June).. ISJune Brigade Commanders. Col. H. O’Donnell, from Comd. of a District, and to he temp. Brig.-Gen. whilst so empld. (Gaz. 29 June) ...... •• 9June , Col. (temp. Brig.-Gen.) F. P. English, and to retain his temp, rank whilst holding the appt. (Gaz. 29 June) ...... •• ■■ 19Junt.

PERSONAL STAFF. Aides-de-Camp. 2nd Lt. P. G. E. Warhurton, H.A., and to be seed. (Gaz. 1 June) .. 24Mar. Lt. N. E. Wood, 7 Lond. Brig., K.F.A. Terr. Force, vice Maj. H. Halo, Terr. Force Res. (Gaz. 1 June) 25Apr. Capt. D. C. Gilroy, 3 Hrs. Spec. Res. (Gaz. 1 June) 4May Lt. Sir B. S. Brooke, Bt., 10 Hrs., vice Lt. Hon. J. N. Bigge, K. R. Rif. C. (Gaz. 1 June) .. 7 May 2nd Lt. J. Lord Wodehouse, 16 Lrs. (Gaz. 2 June) .. 20May Assistant Military Secretary. Capt. S. H. Pollen, Res. of Off., from an A-D-C. (Gaz. 3 June) 14May Aides-deCamp. 2nd Lt. J. R. I. Brooke, Wessex R.G.A., Terr. Force. (Gaz. 7 June) do. XA. P. S. Fraser-Tytle , R.A., and to be seed. (Gaz. 7 June) 15May Lt. T. C. Kewley, 4 Bn. York. R., Terr. Force. (Gaz.9June) .. .. lOMay The undermentioned temp, appts. are made:— Aides-de-Camp. 2nd Lt. H. A. Pelly, 7 Hrs., and to he seed. (Gaz. 10 June) .. ,„ Uune ilapt. A. A. Mackintosh, R.H.G. (Gaz. 14 June) 4May Capt. F. W. U. Cosens, 5 Bn. R. Fus., and to be seed. (Gaz. 14 June) .. * .. 5June Assistant Military Secretary. Maj. F. G. Cardew, ret. pay, Ind. Army, from an A-D-C. (Gaz. 15 June) .. 7June Aides-de-Camp. Capt. H. F. G. Carter, York. L.I., from an Asst, Prov. Marshal. (Gaz. 17 June) .. 4June Qr.-Mr. and Hon. Maj, R. Pillinger, ret. pay. (Gaz. 19 June) 8 J une 2nd Lt. T. Ainsworth, 11 Hrs., Spec. Res. (Gaz. 21 June) .. 7May .Temp. Lt. W. L. H. Roberts, attd. 1 Dns. (Gaz. 21 June) .. 22May 2nd Lt. J. C. Kinmont, t am’n llighrs., and to be seed. (Gaz. 22 June) iMay 2nd Lt. R. A. Dobb, R.A., and to be seed. (Gaz. 22 June) .. 13May Capt. F. L. Makgill-Crichton-Maitland, Gord. Highrs. (Gaz. 22 June) .. 3June Capt. L. C. Rattray, 6 Bn. K.R Rif.C., and to be seed. (Gaz. 24 June) 19June The appt. of Capt. J. Thomson, Res. of Off., notified in the Gaz. of 21 Aug. 14, is cancelled (Gaz. 26 June)

GENERAL STAFF. Staff Officers, 1st Grade. Maj. F. W. L. S. H. Cavendish, 9 Lrs.,vice Maj. C. B. Thomson, R.E. (Gaz. 1 June) 26Feb. Maj. P. D. FitzGerald, D.S.O., 11 Hrs., and is granted the temp, rank of Lt.-Col., vice Lt.- Col. (temp. Brig.-Gen.) A. A. Kennedy, C.M.G1., 3 Hrs. (iiaz.lJune) .. 4May Ma). G. V. Hordern, K.R. Rif. C., and to be temp. Lt.-Co)., vice Maj. L. Hume-Spry,D.S.O., W. York R. (Gaz. 1 June)...... ,, .. .. lOMay 6 Promotions, Appointments, &c

KEGULAR FORCES—oo»M. COMMAITDS AND STAFF—COntd. GENERAL STAFF—conict. 2nd Grade. Maj. C. Bonham-Carter, R. W. Kent R., vice Maj. O. H. Pedley, Res. of Off. (Gaz. 1 June) 23Apr.lo Maj. B. D. Fisher, D.S.O., 17 Lrs., vice Maj. P. D. FitzGerald, D.S.O., 11 Hrs. (Gaz. 1 June) 4 May 3rd Grade. Capt. E. S. Chance, 2 D.G., vice Capt. H.C. L. Howard, 16 Lrs. (Gaz. 1 June) do. General Staff Offfeer, 1st Grade.? Hon. Brig.-Gen. R. C. B. Lawrence, C.B., ret. pay. (Gaz. 2 June) .. 25May 2nd Grade. Maj. F. W. L. S. H. Cavendish, 9 Lrs., vice Maj, C. B. Thomson, R.B. (Gaz. 2 June) Dated 26 Feh. 15. (Substituted for the notification which appeared in Gaz. of 1 June 15) Maj. D. B. Maurice, P. i.O , R. Berks R , from a G.S.O., 3rd grade, in succession to Capt. R. J. FitzG. Ingham, R.A. (Gaz. 2 June) .. 17 May Lt.-Col. H. B. Roherts, R.A. and to be seed., in succession to Maj. S. J. Jervis, S. Staff. R.’ (Gaz. 2 Juneh 20May The undermentioned temp. appt. is made General Staff , 3rd Grade. Louis Cassel, and to be temp. Capt., vice Capt. F. W. Thicknesse, R.A. (Gaz. 2 June) .. 21 May General Staff Officer, 1st Grade. Maj. S. W. King, 17 Inf., Ind. Army, and to be temp. Lt.-Col. (Gaz. 3 June) 23May 2nd Grade. Capt. W. S. Whetherly, 7 D.G, (Gaz. 3 June) 8May 3rd Grade. Capt. K. H. Bruce, Gord. Highrs., and to be seed. (Gaz. 1 June) .. HMay General Staff Officer, 2nd Grade. Lt.-Col. C. P. Higginson, C.iff.G., D.B.O., Shrops. L.I. (Gaz. 7 June) SJune 3rd Grade. Capt. P. R. C. Groves, Shrops. L.I., and to be seed., vice Capt. H. H. Hughes-Hallett, N. Staff. R. (Gaz. 7 June) 22Apr. Capt. C. Bovill, R.A., and to be seed., vice Capt. H. C. T. Dowdinsr, R.A. (Gaz. 7 June) .. do. Capt. F. J. Lemon, W York R.. and to be seed. (Gaz,9June) Dated 14 Apr. 15. (Substi- tuted for the notification which appeared in Gaz. of 28 May 15). 2nd Grade. Maj. S. J. Jervis, S. Staff. R. (Gaz. 10 June) 26May The undermentioned temp, appts. are made:— General Staff Officer, 2nd Grade. Maj. R. Bright, E. Kent R., vice Maj. F. EL G. Stanton, R.A. (Gaz. 10 June) 29May Attached General Staff. Lt. H. E. Iromonger, R. W. Surr. R., to be an Adjt., O.T.C., and to be seed., vice Capt. J. Rainsford-Hannay, R. W. Surr. R. (Gaz. 10 June) .. 26 May General Staff Officers, 1st Grade. (Gaz. 12 June.) Dated 20 May 15:— Maj. D. M. Watt, 2 Rif. Ind. Army. Bt. Maj. (temp. Lt.-Col.) H. R. M. Brooke-Popham, Oxf. and Bucks. L.I.. from a Wing Comm. R.F.C., and to retain his temp, rank, vice Bt. Lt.-Col. F. H. Sykes, 15 Hrs. 2nd Grade. Lt. Col. R. St. G. Gorton, R.A., vice Maj. G. V. Hordern, K. R. Rif. C. (Gaz. 12 June) .. 8 M ay Maj. D. M. Watt, 2 Gurkha Rif., Ind. Army. (Gaz. 12 Juno) 17May Lt.-Col. F. J. Duncan, O.M.O., D.8.O., R. Scots, vice Maj. L. H. Thornton, Rif. Brig. (Gaz. 12 June) 2 May General Staff Officer, 2nd Grade. Maj. W. H. C. Davy, Midd’x R., vice Lt.-Col. St. G, B. Armstrong, R.M.L.I. (Gaz. ISjJune) SJune The undermentioned temp. appt. is made at the W.O.:— General Staff Officer, 1st Grade. Bt. Col. W. D. Bird, D.S.O., R. Ir. Rif., A.D.C. to The King, vice Bt. Lt.-Col. W. A. White, Conn. Rang. (Gaz. 15 June) do. The undermentioned appts. are made :— General Staff Officers, 2nd Grade. Bt. Lt.-Col His Serene Highness Prince A. A. F. W. A. G. of Teck, Q.C.B., G.C.V O * D.S.O. (Gaz. 16 June) 2SOctl4 Maj. B. D. L. G. Anley, D.S.O., Manch. R. (Gaz. 16 June) . 8Junel5 Capt. W. H. Deedes,, K.R. Rif.C., from 3rd Grade, vice Lt.-Col. C. H. M. Doughty Wvlie. C.R.. C.JI.fJ., killed in action. (Gaz. 17 June) 27Apr 3rd Grade. Capt. 1 M Smith, Som.L.I., from Spec. Serv. Offr., vice Capt. W. H. Deedes, K.R.Rif.C. (Gaz.L June) J 27Apr Cavi* A. W. C. P chardson Bedf. R., from an Instr. at a Sch. of Musk. (Gaz. 17 June) SJune Promotions, Appointments, &c. 7

REGULAR FORCES—conld. COMMANDS AND STAFF-COMM. GENERAL STALE— The undermentioned temp. appt. is made at the W.O. General Staff Officer, 3rd Grade. , Capt. A. I., Earl Percy, ret. pay, vice Maj. C. H. Lovoson, D.S.O., 18 Hrs. (Gaz, 17 June) 7Junel5 The undermentioned appt. is made General Staff Officer, 3rd Grade. Capt. J. D. Lyons, Res. of Off. (Gaz. 18 June) ...... ,, .. .. 25May The undermentioned temp, appts. are made at the W.O. General Staff Officers, 3rd Grade. Capt. A. D. Legard., K.R.Rif.C., and to be seed. (Gaz. 18 June) ...... 29May Lt A. C. M. B. Ffsof. Acheson, Res. of Off. (Gaz. 18 June)...... 7June General Staff Officers, 1st Grade. Maj. R. W. Hare, D.S.O.. Norf. R., and to be temp. Lt.-Col. whilst so empld., vice Lt.-Col. C. E. Corkran, C.iff.G., G.Gds. (Gaz.l9June) ...... ISJune 2nd Grade. Maj. H. R. Gumming’, Ourh. L.I. (Gaz. 19 June) ...... HJune 3rd Grade. Maj.. A. P. Barry, W. Som. Yeo., Terr. Force, in succession to Capt. F. H. Harvey, E. York. R. (Gaz. 19 June) ., ...... " 8June -General. Lt.-Col. E. D. Lord Loch, C.M.O., M.V.O., D.S.O., G.Gds., and to be temp. Brig.-Gen. whilst so empld. (Gaz. 21 June) .. .. HM ...... 27May General Staff Officers, , 1st Grade. Bt. Lt!-Col. J. R. E.Charles, D.S.O., R.E., in succession to Lt.-Col. H. D. de Pr6e, R.A. (Gaz. 21 June) ...... 28May 2nd Grade. Maj. A. G. Stuart, 40 Pathans, Ind. Army. (Gaz. 21 June) ...... IMar Bt. Maj. C. P. Heywood, C Gds., vice Bt. Maj. (temp. Lt.-Col.) A. J. G. Moir, R.Scots. (Gaz. 21 June) ...... 23May Bt. Lt,--Col. J A. Longridge, 43 Erinpura'Regt., Ind. Army, vice Bt. Lt.-Col. J. R. E. Charles, R.S.O., R.E. (Gaz. 21 June) ...... 28May

Capt. W. W. T. Torr, W. York. R., vice Oapfc H, E. R. R. Braine, R. Muns. Fus. (Gaz. 21 June) ...... 23May Capt. R. J. FitzG. Ingham, R.A. (Gaz. 21 June) ...... 29May General Staff Officers, 2nd Grade. Maj. H. de C. O'Grady, 59 Seinde Rif., Ind. Army, from a Brig.-Maj. (Gaz. 22 June) .. 15Decl4 Maj. H. J. Tilney, Res. of Off. (Gaz. 22 June) ...... 26Mayl5 3rd Grade. Temp. Maj. G. H. H. Freeman, vice Capt. H. S. Oppenheimer, L’pool R. (Gaz. 22 June) Uune General Staff Officer, 2nd Grade. Bt. Lt.-Col. G. B. Hughes, 50 Regt. (Canada). (Gaz. 23 June) .. .. ,, .. 27May Brigadier-Generals. (Gaz. 24 June.) Dated 7 Nov. 14:— Col. (temp. Brig.-Gen.) G. M. Harper, C.B. D.S.O. Col. (temp. Brig.-Gen.) G. M. W. Macdonogh, C.B. The undermentioned temp, appts. are made at the W.O. General Staff Officers, 2nd Grade. Maj. C. H. Leveson, D.S.O., 18 Hrs., from 3rd Grade, in succession to IVaj. Hon. C. H. C. Guest, 1 Dns. (Gaz.24June) ...... ,. .. .. 3June 3rd Grade. Capt. H. de Putron, Manch. R. (Gaz. 24 June) ...... 5June General Staff Officer, 3rd Grade. Capt. R. M. G. Tulloch, D.S.O., R. W. Kent R. (Gaz. 25 June) ...... 22June General Staff Officer, 2nd Grade. Maj. F. G. Fuller, R.E. (Gaz. 26 June) ...... l6June 3rd Grade. Capt. M. Magniac, Lan. Fus., from a Brig. Maj. (Gaz. 26 June) ...... l6June Generai Staff Officer, 1st Grade. Bt. Col. C. J. Vines, ret. pay, vice Col. F. T. Henstoek, Res. of Off. (Gaz. 28 June) .. lOJune ' General Staff Officers, 1st Grade. Lt.-Col. A. Blair,' D.S.O., K.O. Sco. Bord., vice Lt.-Col. D. J. M. Fasson, C.B., R.A. (Gaz. 29 June) ...... 24June 2nd Grade. Maj. F. H. G. Stanton, R.A., vice Maj. S. W. King, 17 Inf., Ind. Army. (Gaz. 29 June) .. 31May Maj. C. M. De Gruyther, Res. of Off., from the 3rd Grade. (Gaz. 29 June) ,, .. 30Jun'e Promotions, Appointments, &c.

REGULAR FORCES—conM. COMMANDS AND STAFF—coraid. SPECIAL APPOINTMENTS. (Graded for purposes of pay as an A.A.-G.) LL-Col. E. O. Smith, C.JILG., from tho h.p. list. (Gaz. l June) 7Mayl5

(Graded for purposes o'pay as Staff Capts.) Bt. Col. J. S. Pelly, D.S.O., ret. pay. 'Gaz. 1 June) .. 9May Bt. Col. F. Amher, ret. pay. (Gaz. 1 June) 13May

Draft-Conducting Officers. (Graded for purposes of pay as Staff Lts., 2ud Cl.) Maj. F. C. O. Johnson, ret. pay, R. M. L.I. (Gaz. 1 June; 7 May Maj. R. L. C. Brooker, ret. pay. (Gaz. 1 June) 8May Temp. Capt. F. B. Dampen, 9 (Serv.) Bn. E. Lan. R., and to he transferred to the Gen. List. (Gaz. l June) lOMay

(Gaz. 1 June.) Dated 11 May 15:— Lt.-Col. and Hon. Co). Richard Arthur Moore-Stevens, late 3 Bn. . R. (Mila.), and to be temp. Maj. R. H. Manley, late temp. Maj. 8 (Serv.) Bn. Leic. R., and to be temp. Maj. Maj. G. F. Holiand, ret. pay. Col. F. J. de Gex, C.B., to be Dep. Insp.-Gen of Communications, and to be temp. Brig.- Gen., vice Col. (temp. Brig.-Gen.) J. E. Capper, u.B. (Gaz. 1 June) ...... SMay

(Graded for purposes of pay as a G.S.O., 3rd Grade.) Maj. E. G. Thompson, Res. of Off., vice Lt.-Col. R. St. G. Gorton, R.A. (Gaz. 1 June) lOMay

„ (Graded for purposes of pay as a Staff Lt„ 2nd Cl.) Lt. G. M. Darragh, 3 Bn. R. Lane. R. (Gaz. 1 June) SMay

Deputy Judge Advocate-General. (Graded for purposes of pay as a D.-A.-A.-G.) Capt. C. B. M. Hodgson, 3 (Res.) Bn. R.W. Surr. K., and to be seed. (Gaz. 2 June) 22Feb.

Draft-Condueting Officers. (Graded for purposes of pay as Staff Lts., 2nd Cl.) Temp. Lt,. R. W. T. Hogg (2nd Lt., ret. Ind. Army), 10 (Serv.) Bn. Hamps. R., and to be transferred to the Gen. List. (Gaz, 2June) ...... 7May C. R, Oswold-Brown, late temp. Maj. 12 (Serv.) Bn. Manch. E„ and to be temp. Maj. (Gaz. 2 June) ...... do. Bt. Col. C. J. W. Grant, 1)0), ret. pay, Ind. Army. (Gaz. 2 June) ...... SMay A. H. As imore, late temp. Capt. 9 (Serv.) Bn. R. Lane. R., and to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 2 June) ...... l2May Col. A. M. Paterson, ret. pay. (Gaz. 2 June) ...... 25May F. J.. McEwan, late temp. Capt. 12 (Serv.) Bn. High. L.I., and to be temp. Capt. rGaz. 2June) ...... 26May Maj. H. N. Couchman, Res. of Off. (Gaz. 2 June) 29May

(Graded for purposes of pay as a Staff Lt., 1st Cl.) Maj. A. T. Morse, ret. pay. (Gaz. 3 June) ...... 25May

Draft-Condueting Officers. _ (Graded for purpo»es of pay as Staff Lts, 2nd Cl.) Capt. H. A. S. Wright, Res. of Off. (Gaz. 3 June) .. 12 May Temp. Capt. H. H. Davies, 9 (Serv.) Bn. Bord. R., and to be transferred to the Gen. List. (Gaz.3June) ...... ,, 17May

„ . (Graded for purposes of pay as a Staff Lt., 1st Cl.) Frederick John Salmon, and to be temp. Lt. iGaz.lJune) ...... 5June

Draft-Conducting Officers. (Graded for purposes of pay as Staff Lts., 2nd Cl.) (Gaz. 5 June.) Dated 8 May 15 :— Capt. A. J. Gore, ret. pay. W. S. Woodhouse, late temp. Maj., 12 'Serv.) Bn. Manch. R., and to be temp. Maj. David Clark, late lemp. Capt., 9 (Serv.) Bn. York and Lane. R., and to be temp. Capt, Lt.-Col. and Hon. Col. George Alexander Fleming Hughes Le Fleming, late 3 Bn. Bord. R., and to be temp. Maj. (Gaz. 5 June.) Dated 9 May 15:— Henry Curties, late temp. Lt.-Col., 11 (Serv.) Bn. R. War. R., and to be temp. Maj. Temp. Capt. C. G. H. Newington, 9 (Serv.) Bn. E. Surr. R., and to be transferred to the Gen. I ist. Capt. H. C. Boys, ret. psy, Ind. Army. (Gaz. 5 June) .. ..» lOMav Lt.-Col. (Hon. Col.) W. Terry, Unattd. List, Spec. Res. (Gaz. 5 June) ., ,, llMay

(Gaz. 5 June.) Dated 12 May 15 Lt.-Col. C. G. Nurse, ret. pay, Ind. Army, ((apt, A, F. Campbell-Johnston, ret, pay. Promotions, Appointments &c 9



T, „ , ., (Gaz. SJune.) DatedlSMaylS:— JJL.-COI. and H°n. Col. S. II. Karl Bathurst, G.M.G. < Hon. Lt.-Col. in Army), late 4 Bn. Glouc R. (Mila.), and to be temp. Maj. A61"?- ^aPt. R. Church, 12 (Serv.) Bn. Hamps. R ,and to be transfen'ed to the Gen. List. Or.-Mr. and Hon. Mai. A. J. West, Surrey Yeo., Terr. Force, and to be temp. Capt. 1 emp. Capt. G. Rowhottom, 10 (Serv.) Bn. N. Lan. R., and to be transferred to the „ Gen. List. (Gaz. S June) .. 14Mayl5 H. W. Lumb, late temp. Mai. s (Serv.) Bn. SuH. R., and to be temp. Maj. (Gaz. 6 June) 15May lemp. Capt. E. Chisenhall-Marsh, 12 (Serv.) Bn. Midd’x R,, and to be transferred to the Gen. List. (Guz. 5June) 17May Temp. Capt. J. Robinson, 11 (Sorv.) Bn. R.W. Fus., and to be transferred to the Gen. List. (Gaz. 5 June 23 May Lt.-Col. and Hon. Col H. M. Nicholls, Unattd. List, Spec. Res. (Gaz. 5 June) .. 24 May flannlton Sanford, late Lt., 5 V. B. R. Scots, and to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 5 June).. 27 May Lt.-Col. G. H. ArbuthnOt, ret. pay, Ind. Army. (Gaz. 5 June) Uune

m „ (Gaz. 5 June ) Bated 2 June 15 Temp. Maj. E. C. Ker-Scym'er, 12 (Serv.) Bn. Arg. and Suth’d Highrs., and to be trans- ferred to the Gen. List. R. H. Croft Montague, late Capt., Cape Col. Defence Corps, and to be temp. Capt. * -r . ,, (Graded for purposes of p iy as a G.S.O., 3rd Grade). 2nd Lt. (temp. Capt.) T. J. G. Gardiner, 3 Bn. Bord. R., and to remain seed. (Gaz. 7 June 2June _ , , (Graded for purposes of pay as a Brig.-Gen.). Col. (temp. Brig.-Gen.) Charles Delme-Radcliffe, G.V.O., C.B., C.M.Q., and to retain his temp, rank whilst so empld. (Gaz. 8 June) 25 May „ (Graded for purposes of par as aG.S.O., 3rd Grade). Capt. (temp. Maj.) C. E. Birch, 7 (Serv. j Bn. R. Berks. R., vice Capt. T. W. Dickie, 4 Bn. R.Dub. Fus. (Gaz. 8 June) do. Capt. S. S. Dillon, D.S.O., R. Ir. Rif., and to be seed. (Gaz. 8 June) 2 June (Graded for purposes of pay as a Staff Lt., 2nd Cl.) lemp. Capt. W. H. T. E. Crawley, 11 (Serv.) Bn. R. War. R., and to be transferred to the Gen. List. (Gaz. 8 June) .. 25May Draft-Conducting Officers. (Graded for purposes of pay as Staff Lts., 2nd Cl.) W. W. Gascoyne, and to be temp. Capt. whilst so empld. (Gaz. 8 June) .. 12May (Gaz. 8 June.) Dated 13 May 15 Maj. (Hon. Lt.-Col.) R. B. Firman, D.S.O., ret. list, Aid to be temp. Maj. whilst so empld. Maj. H. E. Cotterill, ret. pay, Ind. Army. J. W. H. T’itzg’erald, and to be temp. Maj. whilst so empld. Bt. Col. H. G. Sutton, ret. pay, Ind. Army. (Gaz. 8 June).. 15 May Lt.-Col. A. D. Pixley, ret. list, and to bo temp. Maj. whilst so empld. (Gaz. 8 June) 20May (Graded for purposes of pay as Stall Capts.) Lt.-Col. H. P. Moulton-Barrett, Res. of 03, (Gaz. 9 June) OMay (Gaz. 9 June.) Dated 12 May 15 Lt.-Col. G. Staunton, Res. of Off. I Lt.-Col. J. K. O’Meagher. Bt. Col. A. H. Wood, ret. pay. I Draft-Conducting Officers. (Graded for purposes of pay as Staff Lts., 2nd Cl.) Lt.-Col. R. J. Norris, D.S.O., ret. pay. (Gaz. 9June) 12May Lt.-Col. G. H. J. Moore, ret. pay, Ind. Army. (Gaz. 9 June) 13 May Maj. F. E. Y. Taylor, ret. pay. (Gaz. 9 June) 14 May Claude Somerset Allfrey, and to be temu. Capt. (Gaz. 9 Juno) 21May Maj. W. M. Wynlham Quin, C.B., D.S.O., ret. list (Hon. Col. late Glam. Yeo., Terr. Force). (Gaz. 9 June) 22 May (Graded for purposes of pay as a Staff Lt., 2nd Cl.) Temp. 2nd Lt. G. R. Barclay, 7 (Serv.) Bn. Sufi R„ and to be transferred to the Gen. List. (Gaz. 10 June) 26May

Draft-Conducting Officers. (Graded for purposes f pay as Staff Lts., 2nd Cl.) Temp. Lt. W. Betts, 11 (Serv.) Bn. Wore. R , and to be transferred to the Gen. List. (Gaz.10.lune) HMay Bt. Col. A. E. S. Searle, ret. pay, led. Army. (Gaz. 10 June) 18 May

(Gaz. 10 June.) Dated 2 June 15 Col. H. S. Wheatley, C.B., Unempld. Supern. List, Ind. Army. Capt. L. C. L. Davidson, Res. of Off. Hon. Maj. O’N. Segrav.-, D.S.O., and to be temp. Maj. whilst so empld. (Gaz. 10 June) .. 4J une

(Graded for purposes of pay as a Staff Capt.) Temp. Capt. M. H. M. Lamb. (Gaz. 11 June.) Dated 1 Mar. 15. (The notifications regarding this Offr. in the Gazs. of 12 and 23 Apr. 15, are cancelled.) 10 Promotions, Appointments, &c.


COMMANDS AND STAM—COKM. SPECIAL APPOINTMENTS—coreid. (Graded for purposes of pay as G.S.O., 3rd Grade.) Lt.-Col. S. M Gully, ret. list. (Gaz. 12 June) 21Mayl5 Lt. J. A. MacDonald, Res. of Off., from 3 Res. Regt. of Cav. (Gaz. 12 June) 26 May Capt. H. E. Spencer, Res. of Off., from 12 Res. Regt. of Cav. (Gaz. 12 June) 27May

(Graded for purposes of pay as Staff Lts., 1st Cl.) The date of appt. of Maj. A. T. Morse, ret. pay, is 10 May 15, and not as stated in Gaz. of 3 June 15. (Gaz. '2 June.) (Gaz. 12 June.) Dated 19 May 15 Bt. Col. G. A. Gott, Xnd. Army I Col. A. N. Lysagdit, ret. pay. Col. W. Heaton, ret. pay. (Gaz. 12 June.) Dated 22 May 15 Bt. Maj. A. G. Leonard, ret. list. Commy. and Hon. Capt. T. Y. Macey, ret. pay, Ind. Army Depts. Capt. H. F. R. Despard. ret. pay. Hon. Walter Yarde-Buller, late Lt. 1 Devon Vol. Art., and to be temp. Lt. Lt.-Comdr. F. J. Davis, R Naval Res. (Gaz. 12 June.) Dated 25 May 15 Lt.-Col. J. W. B. Meade, Unempld. Supern. List, Ind. Army. Col. (Hon. Maj.-Gen.) J. E. Dickie, C.B., ret pay. Robert Tvmdall Gibbs, late Capt. Madras Vol. Gds., and to be temp. Capt. Capt. G. Hume-Wrlght, Bangalore Rif Vols. Oomdr. E. H. Currey, ret. pay, R.N. Bt. Col. C. F. St. C. Anstruther-Thomson, M.V.O., D.S.O., ret. pay. (Gaz. 12 June) 26May (Gaz. 12 June.) Dated 30 May 15 Edward Champion Wade Hannan, late Lt. 56 Foot, and to be temp. Lt. Maj. A. C. F. Bourchier, ret. pay, Ind. Army.

(Graded for purposes of pay as Staff Lt., 2nd Cl.) Basil Wilfrid Bennett, and to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 12 June) 7June Draft-Conducting Officers. (Graded for purposes of pay as Staff Lts., 2nd Cl.) C. G. Fairfax Adams, late Capt. 3 Bn Gord. Highrs. (Mila.), and to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 12 June) ISMay (Gaz. 12 June.) Dated 25 May 15 Lt.-Col. J. C. W. Erck, Ind. Army. Maj. J. H. B. Eckford, ret. pay, Ind. Army. Maj. A. McD. Moore, ret. pay. 'Gaz. 12 June) ...... 3June J. H. Reynolds, late Capt. G. Gds., and to be temp. Maj. (Gaz. 12 June) •June (Graded for purposes of pay as Staff Lt.. 2nd Cl.) C. W. Firebrace, late Capt., W. Som. Yeo., Terr. Force, and to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 14 June) 7May (Graded for purposes of pay as a G.S.O., 3rd Grade). Lt. H. B. Wilbraham, Terr. Force Res. (Gaz. 15 June) .. .. 31 May (Graded for purposes of pay as Staff Capt.) Bt. Col. R. C. C. Cox, ret. pay. (Gaz. 15 June) lOMay Draft-Conducting Officers. (Graded for purposes of nay as Staff Lts., 2nd Cl.) C. Kennard, late temp. Maj., 10 (Serv.) Bn. R.Highrs., and to be temp.Maj. (Gaz.15 June) 19May Maj. R. W. M. Blake, ret. pay (Lt.-Co)., late 3 Bn. R. War. R.) (Gaz. 15 June) .. 23May Temp. Maj. T. C. Benson (Capt. ret. pay;, 7 (Serv.) Bn. 8 Bord., and to be trans- ferred to the Gen. List. (Gaz. 15 June) .. 25May T. Shepard, late temp. Maj., 11 (Serv.) Bn.R.War.R , and to be temp. Maj. (Gaz.15 June) 4 June Maj. P. J L. Tottenham, ret. pay. (Gaz. 15 June).. SJune The date of appt. of temp. Capt. C. 8. Allfrey is 10 May 15, and not as stated in Gaz. of 9 June 15. (Gaz. 15 June.) (Graded for purposes of pay as Staff Lts., 2nd Cl.) Temp. Lt. E. E. de Satgd. (Gaz. 16 June) .. 8June F. Adams, and to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 16 June) .. lOJune Draft-Conducting Officers. (Graded for purposes of pay as Staff Lts., 2nd Cl.) Maj. J. L. Orr, ret. pay, Ind. Army. (Gaz. 16 June) ...... 18May Bt. Col. F. White, D.S.O., ret. pay, R.M.L.I. (Gaz. 16 June) ISMay Lt.-Col. E. Harrison, 2 Vol. Bn. Norf. R„ and to be temp. Maj. (Gaz. 16 June) .. 21 May Temp. Lt. L. A. F. Upward, 11 (Serv.) Bn. N. Lan. R., and to be transferred to the Gen. List. (Gaz. 16 June) .. 26May Maj. J. F. Wolseley, Res. of Off. (Gaz. 16 June) 28May Capt. R. N. S. Lewin, ret. pay. (Gaz. 16 June) Uune Promotions, Appointments, «&c ll

.REGULAR FORCES—coraM. COMMANDS AND STATO—coreid. SPECIAL APPOINTMENTS—COMM. (Gaz. 16 June.) Dated 1 June 15 Bt. Col. H. B. Vaughan, ret. pay, Ind. Army. Capt. R. J. B. Parkinson, Ret. List. Hon. Lt.-Col. H. P. Levita, late Impl. Yeo., and to be temp. Ma]. Col. H. T. W. Allatt, ret. pay. (Gaz. 16 June) ...... 7Junel5 (Gaz. 16 June.) Dated 7 June 15 Lt.-Col. and Hon. Col. R. T. Carew, late Waterford R.F. Res. Art., and to be temp. Maj. George A. H. Howard, late Lt., R. W. Fus., and to be temp. Capt, (Gaz. 16 June.) Dated 8 June 15 :— Ma.1. (Lt.-Col.) A. W. Gamble, ret. pay. Walter Raleigh Kerr, and to be temp. Capt.

(Gaz. 16 June.) Dated 9 June 15 :— Lt.-Col. and Hon. Col. C. H. Rees, late 2 Vol. Bn. R. W. Fus., and to be temp. Maj. E. L. Skinner, and to be temp. Lt. (Graded for purposes of pay as Staff Lts., 2nd Cl.) And to be temp. 2nd Lts. :— A. B. Nugent. (Gaz. 17 June) 8.1une W. R. Patterson. (Gaz. 17 June) lOJune Draft-Conducting Officers. (Graded for purposes of pay as Staff Lts., 2nd Cl.). (Gaz. 17 June.) Dated 18 May 15 :— Lt.-Col. J. S. G. Manera, ret. pay. Ind. Army. C. Scarf, late temp. Capt., 11 (Serr.) Bn. W. York. R., and to be temp. Capt. L. E. Fawcus, late temp. Lt.-Col., 19 (Sery.) Bn. North’d Pus., and to be temp. Maj. (Gaz.l7June; 19 May Bt. Col. W. H Lowry, ret. pay, Ind. Army. (Gaz. 17 June) 21May Capt. W. A. Grant, late Res. of Off. (Gaz. 17 June) 7 June (Gaz. 17 June.) Dated 8 June 15 :— Bt.-Col. Hon. R. H. Bertie, C.B., ret. pay. (Gaz. 17 June) John Thompson, late temp. Maj. 9 (Serv.) Bn. S. Lan. R., and to be temp. Maj. (Gaz. 17 June) (Graded for purposes of pay as a Staff Lt., 1st Cl.) Thomas Belhaven Henry Cochrane, and to be temp. Capt. (Qaz. 18 June) .. .. 22May

(Graded for purposes of pay as a Staff Lt., 2nd Cl.) The date of appt. of temp. Capt. C. W. Firebraoe is 7 June, and not as stated in Gaz. of 14 June 15. (Gaz. 18 June.) Draft-Conducting Officers. (Graded for purposes of pay as Staff Lt., 2nd Cl.) (Gaz. 18 June.) Dated 19 May, 15:— George Service, late temp. Capt. 11 (Serv.) Bn. Sco. Rif., and to be temp. Capt. Alfred E. Speer, late Capt. 3 Bn. Wore. R. (Mila), and to be temp. Capt. Lt.-Col. G. W. Johnson, ret. pay, Ind. Army.. 20May Angus B. Hay, late Maj. Transvaal Sco. Vols., and to be temp. maj. Uune Capt. C. E. Birch, Res. of Off., relinquishes the temp, rank of Maj. in 7 Bn. R. Berks R., on appt. to the Staff. (Gaz. 19 June) ...... 25 May Draft-Conducting Officers. (Graded for purposes of pay as Staff Lts., 2nd Cl.) Lt.-Col. E. Barrett, late 2 V.B. R. W. Surr. R„ and to be temp. Maj. (Gaz. 19 June) 37May Temp. Capt. G. E. Harcourt, 7 (Serv.) Bn. Oxf. and Bucks L.I., and to be transferred to the Gen. List (Gaz. 19 June) 7June Temp. Capt. C. Moore, 13 (Serv.) Bn. R. War. R„ and to be transferred to the Gen. L/st. (Gaz. 19 June).. ,...... 13June (Graded for purposes of pay as a G.S.O., 1st Grade.) Maj. C. H. Foulkes, D.S.O., R.E.,and to be temp. Lt.-Col. while so empld. (Gaz. 21 June) 27 May (Graded for purposes of pay as G.S.O., 3rd Grade.) Capt. W. A. T. Bowly, Dorset R. (Gaz. 21 June) 7 May Hon. Lt.-Col. J. J. Carrick, 96 Lake Superior R., for special duty in connection with the Canadian Contgt. (Gaz. 21 June; 28May (Graded for purposes of pay as a Staff Captain.) Capt. C. E. D. Bridge, R.A., and to be seed. (Gaz. 21 June) 10 Feb. (Graded for purposes of pay as Staff Lts. 1st Cl.) Temp. Cap'. S. F. Lord Calthorpe. (Gaz. 21 June) .. 14Apr. Col. H. S. Andrews-Speed, ret. pay. (Gaz. 21 June) 3lMay Lt-Col. A,C. Chapman, Mussoorie Vol. Rif. (Gaz. 21 June) do. Arthur Cooper, late Lt. 18 Middx. Vol. Rif. Corps, and to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 21 June) ” do. Col. T. A. Cregan, ret. pay. (Gaz. 21 June) Uune Capt. and Hon. Maj. M. H. Stack, rot. list. (Gaz. 21 June) 4 June Capt. and Hon. Maj. C. A. Alexander, ret. list. (Gaz. 21 June) .. .. " “ 5June 12 Promotions, Appointments, do.


ATTACHED TO HEADQUARTER UNITS. Brigade Major. Maj. H. C. D. Jarrett, 19 Punjabis, Ind. Army, from a Staff Capt., vice Maj. F. J. Radford, Res. of Off. (Gaz. 1 June) 22Mayl6 . Brigadier General. Lt.-Col. C. M. Ross Johnson, C.JI.S., D.S.O., R.A., and to be temp. Brig.-Gen., yice Col. (temp. Brig.-Gen.) H. H. Butler. (Gaz. 1 June).. lOMay Chief Engineers. Maj.-Gen. S. R. Rice, C.B. (Gaz. 1 June) 26 Jan. Co). C. Godhy, ana to be temp. Brig. Gen. (Gaz. 1 June) .. 12Apr. Co', (temp. Brig.-Gen.) J. E. Capper, C.B., and to retain his temp. rank. (Gaz. 1 J une) 9May Brigade Commander. Col. W. E. O’Leary, and to be temp. Brlg.-Gen. (Gaz. 2 June.) 22May Brigade Major. Lt. R. S. Wllsone, R.F.A., Terr. Force. (Gaz. 3 June) 2tMay Staff Captains. Capt. F. R. Woolcoxnbe, R.A., and to be seed., in succession to Capt. D. Paige, R.A. (Gaz. 4 June). Dated 3 Apr. 15. (Substituted for the notification which appeared in Gaz. of 1 June 13). Capt. J. Rowley, 1 Northumbrian Brig., R.F.A., Terr. Force. (Gaz. 4 June) 26Apr. Brigad ie: -G eneral. Col. C. E. Lawrle, D.S.O., from R.A., and to be temp. Brig.-Gen. (Gaz. 5 June) .. 3Jnne Chief Engineer. Col. (temp. Brig.-Gen.) G. M. Heath, D.S.O., from In^pr. of R.E., and to retain his temp, rank. (Gaz. 5 June) 7 May Brigadier-General. Lt -Col. D. Arhuthnot, and to be temp. Brig.-Gen. whilst so employed, and to be seed., vice Col. (temp. Brig.-Gen.) A. W. Gay, /l.S.O. (Gaz. 7 June) 9 May Brigade Commander. The date of appt. of Bt. Col. (temp. Brig.-Gen.; E. Pearce-Serocold, K.R. Rif. C., is 3 June 15. (Gaz. 9 June.) Staff Captains. Capt. C. Newington, Bedf. R., and to be seed., vice Maj. H, C. D. Jarrett, 19 Panjabis, Ind. Army. (Gaz.lOJune) Uune Capt. B. Ritchie, Res. of Off. (Gaz.lOJune) 4 June Brigade Commander. (Graded for purposes of pay as an A.-A.-G.) Lt.-Col. and Hon. Col. H. C. Cholmondeley, C'.Ii., and , o be temp. Col., vice Lt.-Col. (Maj. Res. of Off.) E. FitzG. M. Wood, D.S.O., Lond. Brig., R.G.A., Terr. Force. (Gaz. 11 June) lOMay Promotions, Appointments, &c. 13

REGULAR FORCES—eonM. (COMMANDS AND STAFF—COtltd. ATTACHED TO HEADQUABTEB UNITS—coreW. Chief Engineer. Maj.-Gen. F. M. Glubt), C.B., U.S.O. (Gaz. 12 June)...... 12Mayl5 Staff Captain. Capt. J. M. Colohester-Wemyss, R. Scots. (Gaz. 14 June) ...... Brigade Majors. Bt. Maj. H. J. N. Davis, Conn. Rang., vice MaJ M. L. Hornby, D.S.O., ret. pay, Ind. Army. (Gaz. 15 June) ...... 2SMayl5 Bt. Maj. O. H. L. Nicholson, D.S.O., W. Yorks. R„ vice Maj. C. W. Wilson, D.S.O., Res. of Off. (Gaz.ISJune) ...... lOJune Biigade Commander. Bt. Col. A. Martyn, R. W. Kent R., and to he temp. Brig.-Gen., vice Hon. Brig.-Gen. (temp. Brig.-Gen.) J. H. Roett, C.B,, ret. pay. (Gaz.ISJune) ...... SJnne Assistant, Provost Marshal. (Graded for purposes of nay as a Staff Capt.) Lt. V. G. R. Panton, R. Suss. R. (Gaz. 17 June) ...... 4June Brigade Commander. Bt. Col. J. Hasler (since killed in action), E. KentR., and to be temp. Brig.-Gen. (Gaz. ISJune) ...... 25Feb. Brigade Majors. Capt. R. W. Harling, Bucks Bn. Oxf. and Bucks. L.I., Terr. Force, vice Lt.-Col. E. R. Morton, Ind. Army. (Gaz. 19 June) ...... 29Apr. Maj. H. H. Hanworth, 5th Loud. Brig. R.F.A., Terr. Force. (Gaz. 19 June) .. .. 9May Capt. K. J. Lambert, 9 Bn. Durh. L.I., Terr. Force. (Gaz. 19 June) ...... 12May Brigade Commanders. Lt.-Col. R. B. Stephens, Rif. Brig., and to bi temp. Brig.-Gen. whilst so employed, vice Col. (temp. Brig.-Gen.) A. W. G. L. Cole, C.B., D.S.O. (died of wounds). (Gaz. 21 June) 9May Lt.-Col. H. S. Ainslie, C.Jf.G., North’d. Fus., and to be temp. Brig.-Gen. whilst so em- ployed, vice Ma,.-Gen. W. N. Congreve, ©.(J., C.B., iif.F.O. (Gaz. 21 June) .. 29May Lt.-Col. T. T. Pitman, C.B., 11 Hrs., and to be temp. Brig.-Gen. whilst so employed, vice Maj.-Gen HON. C. E. Bingham, C.F.O., C.B. (Gaz. 21 June) ...... 30May Chief Engineer. Lt.-Col. A. C. de L. Joly de Lotbiniere, O.S.I, C.I.E., R.B)., and to he temp. Brig.-Gen. whilst so employed. (Gaz. 23 June) ...... 12 Dee.14 Assistant Provost Marshal. (Graded for purposes of pay as a Staff Capt.) Capt. F. Gardner, 7 (Serv.) Bn. Shrops. L.I., and to be transferred to the Gen. List. (Gaz.23June) ...... 3iune 5 Division Commander. Maj. Gen. Bon. F. Gordon, C.B., D.S.O. (Gaz. 25 June) 17J une Brigadier-General. Col. (temp. Brig.-Gen.) S. C. U. Smith, and to retain his temp, rank whilst so empld. (Gaz. 26 June) .. 16June Chief Engineer. Col. A. C. Painter/and to he temp. Brig.-Gen. whilst so empld. (Gaz. 26 June) .. dr. Brigade Major. Bt. Maj. H. F. Montgomery, R.M.L.I., vice Maj. C. L. R. Petrie, Res. of Off. (Gaz. 28June) ...... ». 21 June Brigadier-General. Lt.-Col. D. J. M. Fasson, C.B., R.A., and to he temp. Brig.-Gen. whilst so erapld. (Gaz. 29June) 24June

ADJUTANT-GENERAL’S AND QUARTERMASTER-GENERAL’S STAFF. Assistant Adjutant and Quartermaster-Generals. Maj. F. J. Marshall, Sea. Highrs., and to be temp. Lt.-Col. (Gaz. 1 June) .. .. 27Apr. Lt.-Col. H. W. Wilberforce, C.B., 2 D.G. (Gaz, 1 June) ...... 30Apr. Deputy Assistant Quartermaster-Generals. Maj. R. H. D. Tompson, D.S.O., R.A., vice Maj. (temp. Lt. Col.) C. R. Woodroffe, R.A. (Gaz. 1 June) ...... 24Apr. Maj. C. W. Macleod, A.8.C. (Gaz. 1 June) ...... 27Apr. Maj. R. R. Gubbins, D.S.O., Res. of Off., vice Maj. C. W. Macleod, A.S.C. (Gaz. 1 June).. 28Apr. Temp. Maj. J. W. Fraser,4 Bn. Sea. Highrs., Terr. Force (Maj. Res. of Off.) (Gaz.l June) 4May Capt. T. C. Fitzhugh. Iff.F.O., Res. of Off. (Gaz. 1 June) ...... 5May Assistant Provost Marshal. (Graded for purposes of nsy as a Staff Capt.) Capt. J. A. Henderson, Res. of Off. (Gaz. l June) ...... 2May Deputy Assistant Quartermaster-Generals. Maj. S. J. Donovan, A.S.C., vice Maj. W. J. Anderson, Res. of Off. (Gaz. 2 June) .. 17May Temp. Maj. J. Williams, Mon. R., Terr. Force. (Gaz. 2 June) ...... 26May 14 Promotions, Appointments, &c


AD.IUTANT-GENEEAL’S AND QUABTEBMASTEB-GENEBAL’S STAFF—conid. Assistant Provost Marshal. r , , , , (Graded for purposes of pay as a Staff Capt.) E. J. Solano, and to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 2 June) .. 25Mayl5 n i r T, Assistant Adjutant and Quartermaster-General. Col. J. R. Mathewes, Ind. Army. (Gaz. 3 June) 17May Assistant Provost Marshal.

r xr r. TT -u T-, , (Graded for purposes of pay as a Staff Capt.) 3 June) °rnby’ DUke °f ,LanCaSter'8 °wn Yeo-’ Terr. Force, from an A.D.C. (Gaz. 23 May Assistant Provost Marshal.

i ,,, , T > „ (Graded for purposes of pay as a Staff Capt) GAz of 1 June is *1* 4 jlTef63' °f ^ ‘S 38 D0W descrlbed’ and 11 ot as stated in

The undermentioned temp, appts. are made

., . T, ~„ Deputy Assistant Adjutant-General. Map C. B. Simonds, Res. of Off., from a Staff Capt. (Gaz. 4 June) lApr. Deputy Adjutant-General.

^ ^ xr . xir T (Graded for purposes of pay as a Brig.-Gen.) C(GazH5 .Tune) J.0llns011’ Bt-’ from an Asst- Adjt.-Gen., and to be temp. Brig.-Gen. 29May Lt.-CoI.Txn.Txcxx E. S. Burder, Res. of Off.^ Assistant vice Col. Adjutant-General. (temp. Brig.-Gen.) F. J. De Gex, G.B. (Gaz 7 June) ...... * ## 12May Majtr , L.T TTH. Thornton, 6 DeputyBn. (Res.) Assistant Rif. Brig., Quartermaster-General. vice Maj. G. M. Molloy, 34 Poona Horse, J nd. Army. (Gaz. 7 June) , ...... ’ 17May Assistant Provost-Marshal.

Temp.rr Capt.i G. x,R. xIrwin, , (Graded 9 (Serv.) for Bn. purposes R. Ir. Fus., of pay and as to a beStaff transferred Capt.) to the Gen. List. (vTciz. 7 June) .. .. tt 18May The undermentioned temp. appt. is made:—

T * xx , xx X, Assistant Adjutant-General. Lt.-Col. Sir H. B. Thornhill, K.C.I.E., ret. pay, Ind. Army. (Gaz. 7 June) .. 22May Ti xx . xx xx „ x. Assistant * diutant and Quartermaster-General. Lt.-Col. Hon. H. S. Davey, Res. of Off., from 8 Res. Regt. of Cav. (Gaz. 8 June) .. 28May xx , x xx xx Deputy Assistant Adjutant and Quartermaster-General. Maj. L. E. Kennard, Res. of Off., from 14 Res. Regt. of Cav. (Gaz. 8 June) do. xx x . x, „ „ Deputy Assistant Adjutant and Quartermaster-General. Capt. A. E. S. Clarke, M.V.O., Res. of Off., from a D.A.Q.-M.-G. (Gaz. 9 June) .. 2lMay Assistant Provost Marshals. xx x xx xx „ (Graded for purposes of pay as Staff Capts.) Capt. F. H. Garraway. 11 Bn. Loud. R., Terr. Force, vice Lt. J. W. Fitzherbert Brockholes. (Gaz. 10 June) 9May Maj. G. R. Macnab, Gord. Highrs. (Gaz. 10 June) .. " Capt. G. M. Horn, 3 Bn. (Res.) Bord. R., vice temp. Capt. F. R. B. Liehenrood. (Gaz 24May 10 June) ......

Deputy Assistant Adjutant-General. The appt. of Maj. E. O. Wathen, Res. of Off., notified in Gaz. of 23 Apr. 15, is antedated to 8 Jan. 15. (Gaz. 11 June.)

Assistant Adjutant and Quartermaster-Generals. Maj. (temp. Lt.-Col.) J. B. G Tullooh, Yorks. L.I., and to retain his temp, rank, vice (*e™P-Drlg.-Gen.) H. S. L. Ravenshaw, C.M.O., Conn. Rang. (Gaz. 12 June).. Bt. Col. P. J R. Cramptpn, ret. pay, from a D.A.Q.-M.-G. in succession to Maj. D’O. B 19May Dawson, S. Lan. R. (Gaz. 12 June) ...... ,, .. _ ” 6 June The undermentioned temp. appt. is made at the W.O. :— x,. xx j xx X. . „ Deputy Assistant Adlutant-General. Bt. Maj. Hon. R. A. Camphell, Res. of Off. (Maj. 2 Lovat’s Scouts Yeo., Terr. Force), vice Maj. (temp. Lt.-Col.) P. E. Lewis, R.A. (Gaz. 12 June) .. .. 23Mar. x, xx xx „ x. Deputy Assistant Quartermaster-General. Capt. H. G. Seth-Smith, A.S.C. (Gaz. 15 Juno).. HJnne The undermentioned temp. appt. is made :— xx x xx xx xx „ Deputy Assistant Adjutant-General. Capt. C. M. H. Massey, Res, of Off. (Gaz. 15 June) SJnne Promotions, Apoointments,

REGULAR FORCES—conic*. COMMANDS AND STAFT—conic*. ADJDTANT-GKNEEAL’S AND QUAKTEBMASTEB-GBNBEAL’S STAFF—conic*. Deputy Assistant Adjutant-General. 9Junel5 Capt. A. L. Davis, Res. of OH. (Gaz.ieJune) .. Deputy Assistant Quartermaster-General. Capt. H. N. Young, R. Innis. Fus. (Gaz.ieJune) 11J une Assistant Adjutant and Quartermaster-General. Lt.-Col. P. W. D. Brockman, ret. pay. (Gaz. IQJune) .. 12 June Deputy Assistant Adjutant and Quartermaster-General. Maj. E. I.D. Gordon, R. Sc. Fus., vice Maj. T. S. Lambert, E. Lan. R. (Gaz. l» June) 14 June Deputy Adjutant and Quartermaster-General. Col. E. R. O. Ludlow, C.ii., and to be temp. Brig.-Gen. whilst so employed. (Gaz. 27May 21June).. Assistant Adjutant and Quartermaster-Generals. Bt. Maj. (temp. Lt.-Col.) A. J. G. Moir, R. Scots, and to retain his temp, rank whilst so employed, vice Col. M. W. J. Edye, Res. of Of*. (Gaz. 21 June).. .. 22 May Col. S. D. Gordon, ret. pay, Ind. Army. (Gaz. 21 June).. 11 June Deputy Assistant Adjutant-General. Capt.W. K.Venning', D. of Corn. L.I., in succession to Bt. Maj. J/B.Wells, D.S.O., N. Lan. R. (Gaz. 21 June) 26 May Deputy Assistant Adjutant and Quartermaster-Generals. Capt. S. H. J. Thunder. North’n R., vice Maj. (temp. Lt.-Col.) J. B. G. Tulloeh, Yorks. L.I. (Gaz. 21 June) .. 24May Maj. H. L. Alexander, Dorset R. (Gaz. 21 June) 31May Assistant Quartermaster-General. Maj. B. Atkinson, R.A., and to be temp. Lt.-Col. whilst so empld. (Gaz. 21 June) .. 31 May Assistant Provost-Marshals. (Graded for purposes of pay as a Deputy Assistant Adjutant-General.) Capt. C. P. Graham, D.S.O., Welsh R. (Gaz. 21 June) 28May (Graded for purposes of pay as a Staff Capt.) Temp. Maj. C.V. Godfrey, 15 (Serv.) Bn. Lan. Fus., and to be transferred to the Gen. List. (Gaz. 21 June) .. 20Apr. Assistant Adjutant and Quartermaster-Generals. Maj. A. J. G. Moir, R. Scots, and to be temp. Lt.-Col. whilst so empld., vice Col. M. W. J. Edye, Res. of Off. Dated 22 May 15. (Substituted for the notification which appeared in Gaz. of 21 June 15.) (Gaz. 22 June). Lt.-Col. J. H. A. Annesley, D.S.O., 6 D.G. (Gaz. 22 June) ...... HJune Maj. J. R. Fraser, C.M.O., ret. pay, and to be temp. Lt.-Col. whilst so empld. (Gaz. 22 June ...... ' 16 June Deputy Assistant Adjutant and Quartermaster-Generals. (Gaz. 22 June.) Dated 15 June 15:— Lt. A. Burns, 9 Arg. and Suthd. Highs. Terr. Force, and to be temp. Capt. whilst so empld. Maj. A. J. Mitchell. Res. of OH. .. Deputy Assistant Quartermaster-General. Capt. N. Wintle, A.S.C. (Gaz. 22 June).. The undermentioned temp. appt. is made :— Assistant Provost-Marshal. (Graded for purposes of pay as a Staff Lt, 1 Cl.) Harry Anthony Van Bergen, and to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 22 June) .. 21 May Deputy Assistant Adjutant and Quartermaster-Generals. Capt. C. C. Blackburn, Res. of Off. (Gaz. 23 June) Uune Maj. A. W. C. McFall, ret. pay. (Gaz. 23 June) .. 16June Assistant Adjutant and Quartermaster-General. Maj. M. F. Halford, York and Lane. R„ and to be temp. Lt.-Col. whilst so empld. (Gaz. 24 June) ...... , 14 June Deputy Assistant Adjutant and Quartermaster-General. Maj. N. E. B. Belairs, R.A., and to be seed. (Gaz. 24 June) .. 21June Deputy Assistant Quarlffirmaster-General. Capt. T. W. Ryan, A.S.C. (Gaz. 25 June) 22June Deputy Assistant Adjutant and Quartermaster-General. Maj. W. J. Anderson, Res. of Off. (Gaz. 26 June) 16 June Assistant Quartermaster-General. Col. T. J. Kearns, C.B., 1 Lond. Div. Train, A.S.C., Terr. Force. (Gaz. 26 June) do. Assistant Provost-Marshal. (Graded for purposes of pay as a D.-A.-A.-G.) Temp. Maj. A. S. V. Hume, Sco. Hse. Yeo., Terr. Force. (Gaz. 26 June) .. ,. do. Captain-Instructor in Gunnery. Lt. (Dist. Off.) 0. W. Tompkins, R.A., and to be seed. (Gaz. 26 June).. 30Mar 16 Promotions, Appointments, &c


ADJUTANT-GENERAL’S AND QUAETEEMASTEB-GENERAL’S STAFF—contd. Assistant Provost-Marshal. TV,rmi emp. Lt.rt Hon.Mr*W W. Yarae-Buller,fpurposes and to ofbe |)*ytemp. as Capt.a Staff (Gaz.Captain.) 28 June) 17Junel5 deputy Adjutant and Quartermaster-General. Hoi Hrig.-Gen. (ternp. Bng.-Gen.) J. H. Poett, C.B., ret. pay, and to retain his temp, rank whilst so empld. (Gaz. 29 June) .. .. . ■ _ 16June Lt,OoJ. A W. 23June 8 K aB *• , - ' ’: »•** 24J une

MMI f IT Deputy Assistant Quartermaster-General. M leetWOOti Hesketl1 Duke of 29 June) ’ Lancaster’s OWJI Yeo., Terr. Force. (Gaz. 18June

HEADQUARTERS OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES AND DEPARTMENTS, Railway Transport Officer. it A TT (Graded for purposes of pay as a Staff Capt.) Lt. (Dist, Oftr.) A. H. Wales, R.A., and to he temp. Capt. (Gaz. 1 June) .. 23 Mar. The undermentioned temp, appts. are made- Inspector of Quartermaster-General’s Services TT CM TT nr T* ^®J,aded for purposes of pay as a D A-Q-M G.) Lt'f pmp7'^Tmaa/;Fal^-ax'LuUcy’T'?<- Ees- of 0fr ’ aucl t0 b« temp. Maj. (Gaz. Gaz. of 22 Apr 15) APr'16' ,8llbstltuted for the notification which appeared in . Directors of Railway Transport. Maj. H. P^l) °f SUPPlie9 and Tran9’) Maj. R. M. Johnson, R.A. (Gaz. 1 June) 6 May do. Assistant Directors of Railway Transport. (Graded for purposes of pay as A-Q-M-G.) hT « TO- TT- (Gaz. I June. Dated 6 May 15:— Mo ■ R-E.,vice Maj. H. F. E. Freeland, M.V.O., R.E. E Maj.M a H.CJ V.'C. T. Hildyard,-E-, Res. vice of Maj. OH. R. M. Johnson, R.A. Deputy Assistant Directors of Railway Transport , Graded for purposes of pay as D-A-Q-M-G.) xtr T, ,, ,, (Gaz. 1 June.) DatedSlOct.ll:— Maj.W.K. Russell, R.E. | Maj. C. F. Birney, R.E. ^ (Gaz. l June.) Dated 6 May 15:— Capt. R-H.w Stallard, R.B., vice Maj. W. K. Russell, R.E. Capt. L. Fraustadt, R E„ vice Maj. C. L. Magniac, R.E. vlce Maj H T Hild yard Res of 0fI cllt L: H owen, R.E: - ' ' ' ’ ‘ - Maj. S. S. Blnny, D 3.0., Res. of OH. Maj. R. II. Isacke, Res. of Off. Temp. Capt, H. YV. G. Dansey. _ Railway Transport Officers. (Graded for purposes of pay as Stafl Lts., 1 Cl.) mTemp. Lt.TT. C. T,k. TTHatchell, A , Gen.(Gaz. List.l June.) Dated| 2 MavTemp. 15•— Lt. H. S. Glass, Gen. List. Railway Transport Officers. (Graded for purposes of pay as Staff Lts., 1 Cl.) „ _ T And to be temp. Lts.:— George Henry Loftus Allen. (Gaz. 2 June) 14May T, , . , „ . . (Gaz. 2 June.) Datedl6Mayl5:— Frederick William Rmght Blackwell. | Warren Kirkham Guest Williams. The undermentioned temp. made:— Deputy Assistant Director of Suuulies and Tmnsnm-ii Maj. K.D. Mackenzie, A.S.C., vice Maj.T.B. Lord, A.S.C. (Gaz. SJune) 21Apr. , j r Rail'vn,y Trausport Officer. Robert Guest, and„ n Ato be(Graded temp. forDt. purposes(Gaz. 4 June)of pay as a Stafl Lt„ 1st Cl.) l9May Railway Transport Officers.

for r os Capt.Pnm F.P wW. D.n Hamilton, Terr. Force h“ Res.P es(Gaz. of pay 5 June) as a Staff.. Capt.).. 8May < ,r l < end it A n 9 ^ii ln?e Phrposes of pay as Staff Lts., ist Cl.) and to be temp. Lts,l 2 d(GazA5 June)Elll0tt’ 11 Serv‘) Bn‘ Glouc. R„ and to ha transferred to the Gen. List. 18May Promotions, Appointments, &c 17

REGULAR FORCES—coraici. COMMANDS AND STAFF—oonW. HKADQUAETEBS OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES AND DEPARTMENTS contd. (Gaz. sJune.) Dated 25 May 16:— Thomas Gladstone Curnow. I Frank Alexander Sargent.

Railway Transport Officers. (Graded for purposes of pay as Staff Lts., 1st Cl.) 19Mayl5 John William Bonsor, and to he temp. Lt. (Gaz. 7 June) .. 22May Thomas F. Davey, and to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 7 June)

Railway Transport Officer. (Graded for purposes of pay as a Staff Lt., 1st Cl.) 25May Alexander G. Bond, and to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 9 J une)

Railway Transport Officers. (Graded for purposes of pay as Staff Lts., 1st Cl.) (Gaz. 12 June.) Dated 16 May 15 :— Temp. Lt. E. L. Gaskin. I Temp. Lt. S. J. Bruford. 18May Temp. Lt. P. J. Birch. (Gaz.12 June) Temp. Lt. R. Simmonds. (Gaz. 12 June) SOMay Temp. Lt. Hon. W. L. C. Walrond, A.S.C. (Gaz. 12 June) .. 23May

And to be temp. Lts.^ A _ Temp. 2nd Lt. V. D. Bercot, (14 (Serv.) Bn. R. Fus., and to be transferred to the Gen. List. (Gaz. 12 June) 15May Samuel J. Burbidge. (Gaz. 12 June) 25 May Morgan C. Macfarlane. (Gaz. 12 June) 29May

Railway Transport Officer. (Graded for purposes of pay as a Staff Lt., 1st Cl.) Leonaid D. Potts, and to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 14 June) ...... •• •• *iMay

Railway Transport Officers. (Graded for purposes of pay as Staff Capt.) Ma]. C. B. Collings, Res. of Off. (Gaz. 15 June) 1 Jun®

(Graded for purposes of pay as Staff Lts., 1st Cl.) And to be temp. Lts. Francis T. Clinging. (Gaz. 15 June) ...... •• •• •• •• 26May Charles H. Culross. (Gaz. 15 June) ...... <• •• •• •• 2June

The undermentioned appts. are made :— Railway Transport Officer. (Graded for purposes of pay as a Staff Lt., 1st Cl.) Gerald Kelley, and to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 16 June)...... •• •• 28May

Railway Transport Officers. (Graded for purposes of pay as a Staff Capt.) Bt. Ma]. N. Burrows, ret. pay from temp. Maj. 7 (Serv.i Bn. N. Lan. R. (Gaz. 17 June).. 25May

(Graded for purposes of pay as a Staff Lt., 1 CD Capt. D. F. Wormald, 1 Bn. Lend. R., Terr. Force. (Gaz. 17 June) l2May

Railway Transport Officer. (Graded for purposes of pay as a Staff Lt., 1 Cl.) William H. Hall, and to be temp. Lt. (Gaz.lsJune) ...... •• .• 2June

Deputy Directors of Supplies. (Graded for purposes of pay as Assistant Directors of Supplies and Transport, and to be temporary Cols, whilst so employed.) Gaz. 21 J une. Dated 13 May 15 : — Lt. Col. A. K. Seccombe, D.S.O., A.S.C. I Lt. Col. Hugh F. Brooke, C.M.G., Lt.-Col. F. M. Wilson, A.S.C. I A.S.C.

Assistant Directors of Supplies. (Graded for purposes of pay as Assistant Quartermaster-Generals.) Lt.-Col. J. W. M. Morgan, A.S.C. (Gaz. 21 June) .. 5 May (And to be temporary Lieutenant-Colonels whilst so employed.) (Gaz. 21 June) Dated 13 May 15:— Maj. F. J. Reid, A.S.C. Maj. J. L. JeSS8 A. 8.C. Maj. H. Cracroft, A.S.C. 18 Promotions, Appointments, &c

REGULAR FORCES—contd. COMMANDS AND Suxm—contd. HEADQUARTERS OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES AND HEPARTMENTS—contd. Deputy Assistant Directors of Supplies. (Graded for purposes of pay as Deputy Assistant Quartermaster-Generals.) (Gaz. 21 June) Dated 13 May 15 Ma). C. R. T. Annesley, A.S.C. Ma Maj. J. H. Fessenden, A.S.C. Capt- j.) C. W. Edwards,

Assistant Directors of Transport. (Graded for purposes of pay as Assistant Quartermaster-Generals, and to be temp Lt -Cols whilst so emp oyed.) Maj. H. M. Caddell, A.S.C. (Gaz. 21 June) Maj. H. R. Hayter, A.S.C. (Gaz. 21 June) .. 13Mayl5 SJune Deputy Assistant Director of Transport.

as l T t J Deputy Assistant Quartermaster-General.) Lt. (temp. Capt.) H. M. Gale, A.S.C. (Gaz. 21 June) l3May Railway Transport Officers.

Mai C T w uwn (Graded for purposes of pay as a Staff Capt.) jviaj. A,, i. w. iorth, ret. pay. (Gaz. 22 June) .. .. 2lApr.

m o ... (Graded for purposes of pay as Staff Lts., l Cl.) '•Cant apt PWW. S. Ford, 4 Bn. E. Surr.4 ^ R., ■Rand‘^0 'toF usbe -’seed.Terr -*’(Gaz.orce 22- June)(Gaz. 22 June) 7 June 15June Military Forwarding Officer.

IT R A 4. (Graded for purposes of pay as a Staff Lt., 1 Cl.) H. B. Durrant, and to be temp. Lt. whilst holding the appt. (Gaz. 26 June) .. 14June Deputy Assistant Director of Railway Transport.

Oswaldna-njaiA L.T ’(or Mathias, late I'Urjiost'S Capt. of3 Bn. pay Welsh as a Deputy R , and Assistant to be temp. Quartermaster-General Capt. (Gaz. 28 June)] ) ISJune Railway Transport Officer.

T t T. (Graded for purposes of pay as a Staff Lt., 1 Cl.) 4 11 b6 8 6Cd t0 be t0m LtwhU?tsoempW: ^GSTAC)® - ^ . . -’ ^ ^ 21May Deputy Assistant Director of Railway Transport.

mTemp. Capt.,, . H.TI W. Perkins,„ (Graded from for a Railwaypurposes Trans. of pay Off. as a D-A-O-M-G.)(Gaz. 29 June) .. ISJune Railway Transport Officer.

capt.rant b.R E.w Douglas,Tinno-w, ret., (Gradedpay. (Gaz. for 29purposes June) of pay aa a Staff Capt.) ISJune

HEADQUARTERS FOR EMBARKATION DUTIES. Assistant Military Landing Officers.

Capt.rpnt F.w nG. Senior. 3o Bn.D (GradedE. York. forR. purposes(Gaz. 1 June) of pay as Staff.. Capts.). a t , Iac enzi Bn Sea 2May 2r P vP-^ i§f £ ®' l ' - Highrs., Terr. Force. (Gaz. 1 June) .. 4May Maj. F. D.G. (Gaz. 1 June) .. .. „ .. C. Hunter, 4 5May Assistant Embarkation Staff Officer.

rnnt « IT n -Cftt rn (Graded for purposes of pay as a Staff Capt.) Capt. G. H. D. Birt, Terr. Force Res. (Gaz. 2 June) .. 19May Assistant Embarkation Staff Officer.

6ed 0r D XT v, v,/ x purposes of pay as a Staff Capt.) Temp. Maj. R. N. Darhieshire, Notts,T and Derby R. (Gaz. 14 June) The undermentioned appts. are made Assistant Embarkation Staff Officer.

P A xi tr (Graded for purposes of pay as a Staff Capt.) (Gaz H)‘june?0War


COMMANDS AND STAM—coraici. HEADQUABTKRS FOB EMBARKATION DUTIES—coreZd. Embarkation Stall Officer. (Graded for purposes of pay as a D-A-Q-M-G.) Maj. A. Dibley, Res. of Off. (Gaz. 19 June) 14Mayl5

Assistant Embarkation Staff Officer. (Graded for purposes of pay as a Staff Capt.) Capt. (Hon. Maj.) G. Pilcher, Res. of O0. (Gaz. 19 June) 7June

Assistant Embarkation Staff Officer. (Graded for purposes of pay as a Staff Capt.) Temp Capt. (Hon. Maj.) D. S. Browne, 8 (Serv.) Bn. R. Sc. Fus„ and to be transferred to Gen. List. (Gaz. 29 June) ...... 7June

STAFF IN INDIA. DIVISIONAL STAFF. To be a Deputy Assistant Adjutant General. Capt. N. E. Howell, 82 Punjabis, vice Capt. R. M. Tyler, Durh. L.I. (Gaz. 4 June) 8Feb.

PERSONAL STAFF. To be Aides-de-Camp to His Excellency the Governor of Bengal. Capt. W. P. Ocock, 10 Bn. Midd’x K., vice Lt. K. L. Mackenzie, Ind. Army Res. of Off. (Gaz. 4 June) ...... • • ■ , ■ . VI o •' T ’' lApr. 2nd Lt. D. Balfour, Lothians and Border Horse, vice Capt. J. A. Purdey, 21 Lrs. (Gaz. 4 June) 14Apr.

ROYAL FLYING CORPS. Central Flying School. Instructor. Lt (temp. Capt.) E. L. Conran, 21 Lrs., from a Flight Comdr., and to retain his temp, rank whilst so empld., vice Capt. F. F. Waldron, 19 Hrs. (Gaz. 10 June) Uune

Military Wing. The undermentioned appts. are made Flight Commanders. Lt. L. Da C. Penn-Gaskell, Norf. R., from a Flying Offr., and to be temp. Capt. J7Apr. 6 May Lt. D!EA Stodart, Spec. Res., from a Flying Offr., and to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 1 June) .. Lt. (temp. Capt.) L. S. Metford, Spec. Res., from an Equipment Offr., and to retain his temp. rank. (Gaz. 1 June)...... , ■■ •' ■■ 12May Lt. J. A. Cunningham, R.A., from a Flying Offr., and to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 1 June) .. IBMay Flying Officers. 2nd Lt. E. L. Gossage, R.A., and to be seed. (Gaz. 1 June).. 13May (Gaz. 1 June.) Dated 14 May 15 Snd Lt. H. B. R. Grey-Edwards, R.A.. and to be seed. 2nd Lt. J. B. McCrindle, 7 Bn. Gord. Highrs., Terr. Force. 2nd Lt. G. Merton, Spec Res. Equipment Officer. 2nd Lt. N. Goldsmith, R.A., from an Asst. Equipment Offr., and to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 1 June) 17May The undermentioned appt. is made Flying Officer. Temp. 2nd Lt. H. B. R. Grey-Edwavds. R.A. (Gaz. 4 June.) Dated 14 May 15. (Substituted for the notification which appeared in the Gaz. of 1 June 15.) The undermentioned appt. is made:— Assistant Equipment Officer. 2nd Lt. L. M. Bennett, Spec. Res. (Gaz. 5 June) ...... 5May The temp. appt. of Capt. (temp Maj.) S. D. Massy, 29 Punjabis, Ind. Army, as a Squadron Comdr., is antedated to 21 Mar. 15. (Gaz. 7 June.) The undermentioned appts. are made:— Flight Commanders to be Squadron Commanders, and to be temp. Majs. whilst so empld. Capt. P. B. Joubert de la Ferte, R.A. (Gaz. 7 lune) .. 25May Capt. H. T. Lumsden, Cam’n Highrs. (Gaz. 7 June).. 27May

Flight Commanders. Lt. (temp. Capt.) C. S. Burnett, Res. of Off., from a Wing Adjt., and to retain his temp, rank whilst so empld. (Gaz. 7 June) .. ., ., ,, .. 24 May Promotions, Appointments, &c.


ROYAL FLYING COMS-COHM. Military Wing—contd. From Flying Officers.

T.t, v IT M TT (Gaz. 7 Jane.) Dated 25 May 15 Capc'lL ’Kodwenm\VHYork ' and t0 be temp' Capt- whiIst 80 empld- Lt' W O' R' I^- fnd to pe temP- Capt. whilst so empld. It a'r F-;,„^ch> J°rk- Rj and to be temp. Capt. wuilst so empld. CapLE/^ua, Alcan

Flying Officers.

Temn i + T r, „ , (Caz. 7June.) Dated 25 May 15 Bn Manch and to be 2ndLtut. as. Ww. Caws,CawTInec Spec. Res.RLT^ ' ' F”| 2nd Lt.transferred C. F. Collett, to Gen. Spec. List Res.

The undermentioned temp. appt. is made

Flight Commander.

Par,! ™ m ( Capt. (temp, Maj.) H. F. Wood, 9 Lrs. Spec. Res. (Gaz. 7 June)? 26Mayl5

Military Wing. The undermentioned appts. are made

rn T TXT .. _ Wing Commander. M vice ViF Maiw0"la ^ua(iror; Comdr., and to be temp. Lt.-Col., (Gaz 9 June) (tS P'Lt'G h H' B' M’ Brook0'p°Pham, Oxf. and Bucks. L.I. ’ " " •• •• •• •• •• ...... 27May Flying Officers.

* r. r., , „ T. (Gaz. 9 Jane.) Dated 22 May 15 1 ar 6 3 Bn ona f !' TT 9} T ’ Corn. L.I., and to be seed. ^ad Ct- H. M. Goode, 2 County of Lond. Yeo., Terr. Force, 2nd Lt. O. D. Filley, Spec. Res. | 2nd Lt. M. E. Lane, Spec Res.

Maj. C.^ Mellor,,, R.E.,„ from a G.S.O.,Flight 3rd Grade, Commander. at the W.O. (Gaz. 10 June) .. 25May „ . „ „ ... „ Squadron Commander. empll' afIzA0ajun^r'’frOm.anInStr'C-P-S-’an(lto be temp- MaJ‘ whllst 90 Uune

„ r, .. .. Wing Adjutant. Capt. B. C. Fellows, ret. pay, Ind. Army. (Gaz. 11 June) 17May The undermentioned appt. is made: —

T,t r, ,, , Tr „ , Wing Commander (Supernumerary). Bt. Lt.-Col. F. H. Sykes, 15 Hrs., from a G.S.0.1st Grade. (Gaz. 12 June) 26 May The undermentioned appts. are made

Flying Officers.

6az 14 June) T t P r. w • t • i - - Dated 31 May 15 and to be ^id ’ 3 Bn' N‘ Lan- E-’ | 2ud Lt- L‘ F‘ Pase. Spec. Res.

„ . Equipment Officer. Maj. S. B. Smith, 6 Bn. Glouc. R., Terr. Force. (Gaz. 14 June) .. 21 May The undermentioned temp. appt. is made

rr.lemp. Lt.T * pC. TVD. M. Campbell,~ and Equipmentto be temp. Officer.Capt. (Gaz. 14 June) 26May

2nd Lt. M.m- aSpicer. , XTNorth’n tv, T,R„ andAssistant to be seed, Equipment iGaz. 14Officers. June) 2nd Lt. E. A. E. Wood, Spec. Res. (Gaz. 14 June) lOApr. 25 May 2nd Lt. H. K. Maxwell, Spec. Res. (Gaz. 14.June) .! '' " Capt. R. C. Donaldson-Hudson, Terr. Force Res. (Gaz. 14 June) 28 May 29May

„ . Tt i Ti T> (Gaz. 11 June). Dated 31 May 15 2nd Lt. A. B. Rendall, Spec. Res. | 2nd- - Lt.- ■ C.- Barber, Spec. Res. 2nd Lt. G. 8. Peacock, Spec. Res. 2nd Lt. S. A. Hebden, Spec. Res, Promotions, Appointments, &o 21

REGULAR FORCES—oorafd. ROYAL FLYING COKPS-coreid. Military Wing—coratd. The undermentioned appts. are made:— Flying Officers to be Flight Commanders. (Gaz. 18 June.) Dated 25 May 15:— Lt. N. C. Spratt, Spec. Res., and to be temp. Capt. whilst so empld. Capt. T. W. C. Carthew, 4 Bn. Bedf. R. Flying Officers. (Gaz. 18 June.) Dated 4 Juno 15:— Lt. H. A. P. Disney. 2 Bn. Cambridgeshire R., Terr. Force. 2nd Lt. W. Reid, 6 Bn. L’pool R., Terr. Force. The undermentioned Serjt.-Majs. to be Qr. Mrs., with the hon.rankof Lt. (Gaz. 21 June.) Dated l June 15 :— Egbert John Parker. Stanley John Payne.

The undermentioned appt. is made :— Assistant Equipment Officer. 5Junel5 Lt. T. W. P. L. Chaloner, 4 Bn. York R., Terr. Force. (Gaz. 22 June)

The undermentioned appts. are made :— Flying Officers.

(Gaz. 24 June.) Dated 10 June 15 :— „ . „r „ . Temp. 2nd Lt. J. C. Quinnell, R.A. I gR«q 2nd Lt. H. E. van Goethem, Spec. Res. I Chamberlain, Spec. Res.

Flying Officers to be Flight Commanders. (Gaz. 25 June.) Dated 11 June 15 : —

Lt PG A ^Mappleheck, D.S.O., L’pool R.. and to be temp. Capt. whilst so empld. Lt! A! S. Barratt, R.A., and to he temp. Capt. whilst so empld. Lt V A. Barrington-Kennett, Spec. Res., and to be temp. Capt. whilst so empld. Lt! (temp. Capt.) J. B. T. Leighton, S. Gds., and to retain his temp. rank. Lt W. C Adamson, Spec. Res., and to be temp. Capt. whilst so empld. Lt. J L. Kinnear, L’pool R., and to be temp. Capt. whilst so empld. 2nd Lt. C. C. Wigram, Spec. Res., and to be temp. Capt. whilst so empld. Capt. D. W. Powell, North’n R. "Flying Officers. 2’iMay 2nd Lt. Hon. O. M. Guest, Lothians and Border Horse Yeo. Terr Force. (Gaz. 25 June).. SJune Temp. 2nd Lt. B. P. Greenwood. Gaz. 25 June) .. .. •• ••

(Gaz. 25 June.) Dated 11 June 15:— Mai F. W. Richey, R.A., and to be seed. Cant. R. A. Cooper, Hamps. Yeo. Terr. Force. 2nd Lt. T. Game, 4 Bn. Conn. Rang., and to be seed. 2nd Lt. F. L. Mond, 6 Lond. Brig., R.F.A., Terr. Force. 2nd Lt. W. J. C.Kennedy-Cochran-Patnck, Bit. Brig., and to be seed.

(Gaz. 26 June.) Dated 7 June 16:— x „ Lt. M. J. Ambler, 14 Hrs., and to be seed. | 2nd Lt. L. W. Learmount, Spec. Res.

The undermentioned appt. is made :— Wing Adjutant. Bt Maj. E. B. Gordon, Northd. Fus., vice Capt. A. B. Bnrdett, York and Lane. K., who ’ resumes his appt. as a Fit. Commr. (Gaz. 29 June) 28Apr.

CAVALRY. 1st Life-Guards^ ^ ^ Crawford Greene, from 12 Res. Regt. of Cav., to be temp. 2nd Lt. 19May (Gaz.SJune) The undermentioned Gent. Cadet, from the R. Mil Coll., to he 2nd Lt. :— 16June Patrick Stirling Guthrie. (Gaz. 15 June)

1St 22May ^^mi^LL^wTporTano be temp. Capt. whilst serving with the Regt. (Gaz. 1 June) .. do. Lt Frederick Layard Reeves, Ceylon Mtd. Rif., to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 9 June/ .. •• 2nd Lt. Hon. J. P. B. O. Mitford, from War. Yeo., Terr. Force, to bo temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. SJune 4 1 Capt B* HA. Corbet, Res. of Off., 1 L.G., to be temp. Maj. whilst serving with Reserve 16June Regts. ofCav, (Gaz. 15 June) .. 22 Promotions, Appointments, &c.

REGrTJLAK FORCES—contd. CAVALBY—conM. 2nd Life Guards.

be te ,lp Capt (Gaz Teimi ?w °uP B’ / ' - -1 June) 9Mayl5 “ Junel *' I W' W.‘ Bndges’ from 8 Res- of Cav., to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz! Temp. 2nd Lt. J. Smith, from 5 Res. Regt. of Cav., to he temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 5 June) 15Dec.l4 ISMaylS ThTiifl—etth(GSjun1-)A- G' Murray-Smith’Which - Gaz. of 9 Dec. h ips I 0 be Lt 2nd Lt. R.£• £S. Stancliffe,=l °, ;J from- Spec.(Gaz. Res., T9 June) to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 26 June) 18Mar. 12June 2nd Life Guards (Reserve Regiment)

24May SJune Royal Horse Guards.

C Con b 9nH^V vH: l 0 *0 be Capt. (Gaz. 7 June) 15May to be Ltm?Gaz. 7 Tun'e^ B’ We,ldovor

Royal Horse Guards (Reserve Regiment)

Temh?s t^pLtrFn6kmP(4V. ti Jurmj Ba.C.k’ 7 ^ Regt; °f C--’ls transferred, and retains 2June The undermentioned to be temp. 2nd Lts •—

il er lr om Res Temn1 emp. 2nd Lt.I ^ H.H J. Buckmaster,m, l ’ t lfrom ’ 12R^t- Res. ofRegt. Cav. of (Gaz.Cav. 14(Gaz. June) 14 June).. do. 4Juno

The e n G n C t be t P Ma33 whilst serving witb (GazF27j u n ?) ta te§^ J ^ e i5 ?™ - ‘ Res. Regts. of CaV.

6S 0t 0fl E H G , f i - ’ - ' - Lt- of°Caw aia^Ifif^ne) °f °fl7.t0 be ,temp- Gapt' wbilst serving with Res. Regts. 22June 3rd (Prince of Wales’s) Dragoon Guards.

6nl C adetS fr0m tI,e R M11 DI^W JuneT- - - - Coll, to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 15 June.) Montagu Vines Thornely Mott. | Leslie Frank Bowater.

5th (Princess Charlotte of Wales’s) Dragoon Guards.

^"Trainingl’enlrl^fG^ltjune WRh GyC.1.iSt Corps, and is apptd. (Adjt. of a 27May 6th Dragoon Guards (Carabiniers). CapV J- N- Preston-Whyte to be Capt. (Gaz. 7 June) 2nd Lt. (temp. Lt.) A. K. Charlesworth to be Lt. (Gaz. 7 June) ISApr. do. Th7 nm T*.'‘n'°,n«'f Geut. Cadet from the R. Mil. Coll, to be 2nd Lt •— Gerald Kingston Mooney. (Gaz. 15 June) .. .. _ 16June 2nd Dragoons (Royal Scots Greys).

Th DUantedrin6ejune1d;-ent- CadetS fl'°m the R' Mil’ Co11' to be 2nd (Gaz. 15 June.) Alexander Wardrop Ewing Crawford. | Henry John Cator.

1st (Royal) Dragoons. 2nd Lt. H. E. F. de Trafford to be Lt. (Gaz. 19 June) 14May 4th (Queen’s Own) Hussars. Francis Henry Ash (University Candidate) to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz 5 June ) Dated 93 ten u but not to carry pay or allowances prior to 6 June 15. d 3 Jan’14’

Th6Datdde,i6 June°°lf-Gent- CadetS fr°m th6 R- M11’ Co11-to be 2nd (Gaz. 15 June.)

Harold mnfeTQu'n"01'1'18011- | Roger Bridge Johnson. 2nd Lt. A. E. Wass. from 8 Hrs., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 26 June) IFeb. 5th (Royal Irish) Lancers. s,1“ »,0t“.W*zM?Lc;. hSS01",0 ^ “a Lt-«»*» “ »•««• «Nr 2nd Lt. A. H L. Tompkins resigns his commn. (GazVl4 June) 21 May , i rzU1 ’ R'OO 18 sec


6th (Innisk111 iI)ragoo^ Gent> Ca(jetiS from the R. Mil. Coll, to bo 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 15 June.)

I>atGUin David Young. I Thomas Martin Mountford Hilder Thomas Dudley Longworth Dames. I

(^r^ic^h^jag Alexander McWilliam to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 3 Ji ne).. .. 23Feb.l5 Temp. Lt. G. H. Moorhead to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 17 June) 3May

7th (Queenvra) Hussars.^ D s o^ on oompieti0n of his period of service in comd., is retained on the Active List, under the provs. of Art. 120, R. Wt. for Pay and Promn., H. (Gaz. 25 June)

9th (Queen’s Royal) Lancers The undermentioned Lts. to be Capts.1,:— A. C. S. Bovill. (Gaz. 19 June) (Gaz. 19 June) Dated 25 May 15 "Ft TJ Benson I -b• G. Peek. G H. Phipps-Hornby, and to remain seed. I L. W. Diggle, and to remain seed, 27May F.’ S. Crossley. (Gaz. 19 June)

loth (Prince of Wales’s Own Royal) Hussars. Capt. E. H. W. Williams to be Maj. (Gaz. 7 June) .. .. 15 May do. Lt (temp. Capt.) R. C. Gordon-Canning to be Capt. (Gaz. 7 June)

mil (1 ygr“ .°A 1 e'lf G1 cgifSrili't 1 i e II’Id Lt. and is seed, for service with the Rhodesian Forces (Gaz. 15 June)

Uth (King’s) Hussars. Capt. R. W. Hewitt to be Maj. (Gaz. 19 June) ...... 14May do. Supern. Capt. V. H. Seeker is restd. to the estabt. (Gaz. 19 June)

15th undermentioned Gent. Cadet from the R. Mil. Coll, to be 2nd Lt. Victor Charles Isherwood Bradshaw. (Gaz. 15 June) ..

r < n 16th (■ ^e^.pi1Q^i^i“ g^bg|jitnted for the notification which appeared in Gaz. 22 Dec. 14. (Gaz.

Ltf-CoL M. L. MacEwen, on completion of his period of service in comd., is retained ’ on the Active List, under the provs. of Art. 120, R. Wt. for Pay and Promn. 19Dec.l4 20Mayl5 2nd Lt. J. Lord Wodehouse is seed, for service on the Staff. (Gaz,12June)

18th (Queen Mary’s Own) Hussars. 14May Capt. C. J. Thackwell, D.S.O., to be Maj. (Gaz. 7 June)

19th (Queen Alexandra’s Own Royal) Hussars. . . , Lt. G. W. Dobson, from h.p. list, is restd. supern. to estabt. and is placed for precedence next below J. C. W. Francis. (Gaz.4June) ...... •• •• 15Apr.l5 Capt. H. O’S. F. Tanner to be Maj. (Gaz. 7 June) ...... 14May Supern. Capt. G. E. O. F. Lambart is restd to the estabt. (Gaz. 7 June) .. 15Apr. Lt. (femp. Capt ) G. Osborne to be Capt. (Gaz. 7 June) 14May 2nd Lt. (temp. Lt.) C. H. Tremayne to be Lt. (Gaz. 7 June) do. The undermentioned Gent. Cadets from the R. Mil. Coll, to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 15 June.) Dated 16 June 15 Leslie Holman I Allan Carlile Wingate.

20th H pronin. to the rank of Maj. of Capt. E. W. P. Love is antedated to 2 Bept. 14. (Gaz. 2 June).

RESERVE REGIMENTS. 1st Reserve Regiment. , . „ Maj. H. Hoare, Res. of Off., to be 2nd in Command. Gaz. 28 June) ...... n

2nd Reserve Regiment. _ , , „ ^ . ... Lt. J. B. Grant, Spec. Res. of Off., 2 D.G., to be temp, Capt, whilst serving with Res. Regts. ofCav. (Gaz. 4 June) ...... •• •• •• 1 The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. whilst serving with Res. Rgts. of Cav. (Gaz. 24 June.) Dated 5 June 1915 A. J. K. Todd, Spec. Res. of Off. 2 D.G. I R. T. Stratton, Spec. Res. of Off., 6 Dns. 24 Promotions, Appointments, d&c

RBGULAR FORCES—conta. CAVALRY—contd. KESERVE REGIMENTS—coraZd. 3rd Reserve Regiment. Lt. J. E. Harrison, Spec. Res. of Off., 3 D.G., to be Adjt. (Qaz. 1 June) !7Mayl5 7th Reserve Regiment. The undermentioned temp. 2nd Lts to be temp. Lts. whilst serving with Res. Rgts. of Cav.

D. Thwaites.

8th Reserve Regiment.

Ten?Qaz?l June) F‘ Beaumont relinquishes his commn. on appt. to the R.N. Air Serv...... 2Jnne 9th Reserve Regiment.

Ter28 June)1"1' R.' C' Marsh t0 be temP- whilst serving with Res. Rgts. of Car. (Gas. 4June

h Reserve Regiment.

n e ff H 3 to be 2nd ln Com<1 Oapt.'c' Barcl“y Res'ofOI? io Wr° f ^ / -’ , l - (Gaz. 5 June) 29Gct.l4 Cav. (Gaz s’june) T" 10Hrs" fo be temP- MaJ- whilst serving with Res. Regts. of OJunelS Lt' ReiZ: of' CavBa(Gaih June)' 0ff;’.10 Hr®;’to b® temp- Gapt- ^bilst s®rvlnS with Res. do. ^eil(Gaz?2SIJune'.)Ijet*ll)rl

12th Reserve Regiment.

"XWeTK ^ serving W. L. O. Parker. | M. E. C. Baggallay | R. N. Barren.

Reserve Regiments.

Lt' Re^sAofkCav!'J,0Ga6z3: S June)0"".5.LrS" *.° bC tbmp- Capt-’ wbIlst serving with Res. llJune

to be t I lp 2nd Lt JamesJame^GUbe^Kidu Gilbert Kidd to be temp. 2nd), i Lt.) (Gaz.- 19 June)16 June) .. 6.1une 8 June The undermentioned to be temp. 2nd Lts. Robert Band (Gaz. 22 June) Charles Emil Gunther. (Gaz. 22 June) ” 9June llJune Thomas Webster Graham (Gaz. 24 June).. Leonard Morrogh-Ryan (Gaz. 24 June) .. " '' 12June 13 June


E‘ 1)'. A^Mcavor!0 (Gazn4AJSuneBUPt' ^ t0 be temp' llt-’ ln succession to temp. Capt. W lt be an As t Su t l.Iune VrnYr A a w ? - P -- and'to be temp. Lt.' (Gaz.'? June) 3 June 8 e t l b e a 8l pt f Capt k s W^ight 8 Bn '^u?h T T t l -’ ro.m 1st Asst. Supt. (Gaz. 10 June).'.' " 4June 10 June) ’ • Darb- L I ' t0 be a Dlst- Remt. Oflr., and to be seed. (Gai! IMay

101 une f S d bt wblls Temp. Capt. ?S'?r R, p Butler' Rf to vr * employed. (Gaz. 16 June).. 8 June Squadfon. (Gaz 21 June) ’ mP' Maj' Wbilst eon‘ma«ding a Remount 13Apr. COl M ret Pay be an (Gaz 2'5?une)’ .' ’ ^ . Asst. Comdt.Vvice Lt.-Col. A. L. Tisdall/ret. pay'. 22June The undermentioned to be Supts.: — ei(Gaz.a25 '.TuneP)' 8tandish’ from Asst. Supt. to be temp. Maj. whilst holding the appt 19 June 17June

do. 19June 21 June Promotions, Appointments, &c 25

REGULAR FORCES—oorefcJ. ROYAL REGIMENT OF ARTILLERY. „ ' 2nd Lt. L. J. McCartney, R.G.A., to be Lt. (Diet. Offr.) (Gaz. 4 June)T 5Junel5 The undermentioned to be temp. Qr.-Mrs., with the hon. rank of Lt. (Gaz. 9 June) DatedGeorge 10 June Gordon. 15:— I James Burns.„ Johnwhich Gordon appeared to be temp. in Gaz. Qr.-Mr. of 9 June.) with the(Gaz.ISJune) lion, rank of Lt... (Substituted.. for notification 10 June Major (Dist. Oft.) J. Wells Is retained on the Act. List under the provs of Arts. 120and 12 May Capt.522, (Dist. R. Wt. Ofl.)J. for Pay Hunter and Promn,to be Maj. 14. (Dist.(Gaz. Off.) 23 June) (Gaz. 23 June) .. do. Lt. (Dist. Off.) E. R. Cope to be Capt. (Dist. Off.) (Gaz. 23 June) .. do. The undermentioned to be Lts. (Dist. Offs.) (Gaz. 29 June.) Dated 30 June 15 Serjt.-Maj. (Artillery Clerk) Arthur John Hesketh. | Suptdg. Clerk Cecil Mason. Royal Horse and Royal Field Artillery. „ . <• ir±.,„ i Tnnoi 2nd Lt. Y. F. Ealand, from l Wessex Brig. R.F.A. mTerr. lorce,to be 2nd TLt. (Gaz. 1 June) 12Feb. The undermentioned Stafl-Serjts. from ind. Ord. Dept., to be 2nd Lts. 26Apr. Thomas Morland Johnson. (Gaz. 2 June) 14 May George A. Clark. (Gaz. 2 June) ...... 3June Batt. Serjt.-Maj. Patrick Flanagan to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 2 June) .. •• Maj. Maj.(Gaz. and 2Hon. June) Lt.-Col. D. Watson, late 1 Lanark. R.G.A. (Yols.) to be temp. do. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 2 J.June) K. McLeod. Dated 3 June 15 F. C. Merrett. E. Curry. L.D. Burton.Nelson,.®® T. Marshall. The undermentioned to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 2 June) Dated 3 June 15 Temp. 2nd Lt. W. E. Heydeman. I Harry Smith. 2nd Lt. G. H. Oakes. The undermentioned to be temp. 2nd Lts. 25 Apr. EdmundStanley Augustus Mills Harwood. Webb. (Gaz. 22 June)June) .... 8May Richard Cornwall Jones. (Gaz. 2 June) .. lOMay William Forsyth Craig. (Gaz. 2 June) .. HMay (Gaz. 2 June) Dated 12 May 15 •— Daniel MacKay. | Robert Askew Abraham. Edward Percy Hope. (Gaz. 2 June) Dated 20 May 15 Alfred Hirst Watkins. I Ernest Arnold Lovell Cook. (Gaz. 2 June) Dated 24 May 15:— _ Joseph Henry Henderson. Alexander William Fryar McEwan George Edward Kingsley Bemand. Richard Fitz Power. Clement Richard Chown. Geoffrey Hobson. Harry Arthur Dade. Gaetan Ogier d’lvry. Percy James McKle Hale. Leonard Edwards. Theas first stated Christian in Gaz. name of 21 of May temp. 15. Capt.(Gaz. James 3 June.) S. Williams is as now described, and not Lt.-Col. (temp. Brig.-Gen.) C. M. Ross-Johnson, C.M.G., D.S.O., is seed, whilst empld. on the Staff. (Gaz. 4June) .. lOMay The undermentioned Lts. to be temp. Capts. (Gaz. 4 June.) Dated 5 June 15:- R. C. Freer. C. W. Campbell. C. F. K. Marshall. H. A. S. Wurtele. G. E. W. Franklyn. H. F. Heywood, R.G.A. The undermentioned temp. Lts. to be temp. Capts. (Gaz. 4 June.) Dated 5 June 15 — O. Hart. C. H. E. Wilson. C. B. Marshall. R. W. M. H. Philp. D. N. Japp. J. Hughes. L. H. Simmons. S. W. Nicholson. TheHon. undermentioned Oliver Frederick 2nd Lts.George to beStanley, temp. Lan.Lts. :—Hrs. Yeo. Terr. Force. (Gaz. 4 June) Uune (Gaz. 4 June.) Dated 5 June 15 :— J. J. J. Bell. j J. V. Amos. A. Woolgar. R. E. Kane. G. Pallant. The undermentioned to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 4 June.) Dated5Junel5:— Temp.2nd Lt. R. H. Bingham. I Thomas Albert Wright. William Barrett. Julian Ernest French Harley, Francis R. Berresford. 26 Promotions, Appointments, &c.

REGULAR FORCES—conM. Roxal Regiment of Aetileebt—oore^d. Royal Horse and Royal Field Artillery—eo»

REGULAR FORCES—oonM. Royal Regiment of Aeiillery—coreM. Royal Horse and Royal Field Artillery—conid. TheHubert undermentioned Gardiner. to(Gaz. he temp. S June) 2nd .. Lts...... 17Mayl5 j Clarence Townley Barton. (Gaz, 9 June) ...... isMay (Gaz. 9 June.) Dated 31 May 15 Herbert Edward Threlfall. | Harold Frederiek Lockyer. Guy Sanders. Claud Arthur Bloor. Gordon Herbert Clementson George Holt. | (Gaz. 9 June.) Dated 2 June 15 Frederick William Elliott. I Thomas Mac Lean Jasper. Hugh Cossart Baker. (Gaz. 9 June) ...... lo.lune 2nd Lt. Edward Walker Coren, from Spec. Res., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 10 June) .. .. 25May 2nd Lt. G. H. Colson to be temp. Capt. whilst training Artillery reinforcements at a Base. (Gaz. 10 June) ,...... 24Apr. Lt. R. F. Parker, Res. of Off., to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 10 June) ...... HJune The initials of Capt. D. H. K. Hunter, promoted Maj., are as now described and not as stated in Gaz. of 8 June L5. (Gaz. 11 June). 2nd toLt. carry John pay Sigismund «r allowances Arthur, prior from to Spec.12 June Res. 16. (Univ.(Gaz. Candidate),11 June) to be.. 2nd Lt.,.. but not.. 15Dec.l4 Temp. 2nd Lt. S. G. H. Stanhope-Powers relinquishes his commn. (Gaz. 11 June) .. 12Junel5 The undermentioned Wt. and N.C.O.’s to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 12 June.) Dated 13 June 15 Serjt.-Maj. Henry Barrett. Balt. Serjt.-Maj. Arthur Cecil Williams. Batt. Serjt.-Mat. Frederick John Vyle. Batt. Serjt.-Maj. Richard John Jane. Batt. Serjt -Maj. Francis Spratt. Batt. Serjt.-Maj. William Lead. Batt. Serjt.-Maj. James Wright. Batt. SerjC-Maj. Henry Louis Fitsell. Batt. Qr.-Mr. Serjt. Albert Roberts. Batt. Sent.-Maj. William Walter Le Batt. Serjt.-Maj. Thomas Payne. Mere Goff. Batt. Serjt.-Maj. William Sands. Batt. Serjt.-Maj. Valentine Macnamara. Batt. Serjt.-Maj. Arthur . Batt. Serjt.-Maj. Edmund . Batt. Serjt.-Maj. Frederick Stannard. Serjt. John Samuel Bicknell Ridge. Batt. Serjt.-Maj. Patrick Christopher Serjt. Ernest Davis. Whittle. Serjt. George Arthur Rickards. Batt. Serjt.-Maj. William Jay. Serjt. Frederick Smith. Batt. Serjt.-Maj. William Green. Berjt. Bertram Scott Ison. Batt. Serjt.-Maj. Ernest Albert Edward Serjt. Richard Langford. Hart. Serjt. Charles Battle. Batt. Serjt.-Maj. Thomas Charles Foster. Serjt. Cecil Francis Mullin. Batt. Serjt.-Maj. Henry Brow ling. Serjt. Samuel Dawson. Batt. Serjt.-Maj. Harry Wolsey. Corpl. Arthur David Evans. 2nd Lt. C. Bell to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 12 June) .. 13 June The undermentioned to be temp. Lts. 2nd Lt. G. Woodward. (Gaz. 12 June) 27May (Gaz. 12 June.) Dated 13 June 15 2nd Lt. T. Kay. |! Edward Llewellin. William Heron Berwick. Temp. 2nd Lt. P. C. A. Markey relinquishes his commn. 7 May 15. (Substituted for the notification which appeared in Gaz. of 6 May 15.) (Gaz. 12 June). The promn. of temp. 2nd Lt. C. G. Woodward, notified in the Gaz. of 26 May 15, is can- celled. (Gaz. 12 June.) TheLeonard undermentioned Charles Boling. to be temp. (Gaz. 2nd 12 Lts.June) ...... AJune Temp. 2nd Lt.C. Halstrary Scott, from 9 (Serv.) Bn. Oxf. and Bucks. L.I. (Gaz.12 June)' 13June 2nd Lt. K. T. Gooch, from Spec. Res., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 14 June) ...... l5Feb. Thenotified promn. in of Gaz. Staff of 2Serjt. June, Thomas15, is cancelled. Morland (Gaz.Johnson, 15 June.) Ind. Ord. Dept., to be 2nd Lt., Temp.Staff Serjt. Maj. RobertR. W. L.Johnson, Dunlop, Ind. C.I.E. Ord. (Lt.-Col. Dent, toand be Hon.2nd Lt. Col., (Gaz. Bombay 15 June) Vol. Rif.),.. from ii. 26Apr Bn., Lond. R., Ter. Force, to be temp. Lt.-Col. (Gaz. 15 June),. .. .. 3June The F.undermentioned Pavey. temp. Lts. to be temp. Capts.I (Gaz.A. 15E. June.)Reed. Dated 16 June 15 T. J. Bailey. The undermentioned to be temp. Capts. (Gaz. 15 June.) Dated 16 June 15:— Lt. L. Browning. 2nd Lt. (temp. Lt.) A. Williams. 2nd Lt. (temp. Lt.) H. J. Campbell. ! Temp. Lt. W. H. M. Dow. Henry F. Mills, late Lt. R.F.A. Spec. Res., to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 15 Jur .. ISJune 28 Promotions, Appointments, &c. KEGULAR FORCES-ctmta Royal Regiment of Aettleeby—co;j«c«. Royal Horse and Royal Field Artillery—corn'd. ThecaaPa?teUe0da 'S. 15 Jun^)' °f E' E‘ B1UinKto“- which appeared In Gaz. of 21 Apr. 15, is reiJune!f Lt‘ D; U' M°rton ^qulshes his commn. on account of ill-health. (Gaz. 15 Tlie 1 > b6 temi> 2nci Bts- 16Junel5 Charle8 Sutherlaml ' 'Gaz.I 15 June.)George HenryDated Lewis7 June Marcusis Samuel. (Q AlbanGuy Raymond Henley OlafEverill. Manbey. a^ 15 June.) Datedj 8 JuneJohn 15 J ercival Stokes. Thei ncancCeCdn T^fl^J^eh' W‘ CamPbe11’ Which aWeared in the Gaz. of 4 June 15, Maj.S G. R. Barley, ret. pay, to be temp. Lt.-Col. (Gaz. 17 June) T 26 Apr. heGilbert undermentioned Lumley Johnstone, to be temp. late Capts. Lt. R.F.A. — (Gaz 17 Tnnei • • • e y-Kes-of Off. (lafe Imp. Yeo.), from 5 Res. Reg. of'Cav. "(Gaz. 17 June')’ 8 June ISJune Th U e n P LtS - Dated 9 JunoEdward 15 Taylor Scott. nd L ^. t- D- J. Barker to be temp. Lt. (Gaz 18 June) lOMar. Batt.Serj.-Maj. Charles Deacon to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 21 June) 22June Th cTptTHGoslhi^^es^or38- (GaZ- 21 June)- Dated 22 TeTorcea)Pfrfm”i L."g?’(Re?Regt.Pn

KEGULAK POECES—contd. Royal Regiment oe Aetillk uy—contd. Royal Horse and Royal Field Artillery—conW.‘ The undermentioned to be temp. 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 23 June). Dated 24 June 15 2nd Lt. R. A. Beckett, 2 County of London Yeo. Terr. Force. Arthur M. Champion. Sir Gerald Stanhope Hanson, Bt., late Lt. 4 V.B. Oxf. L.I., to be temp. Capt. (Ghz. 24 June) 25Junel5 TheArthur undermentioned William Jones. to be temp. 2nd Lts. (Gaz.| 24 June).Frank Dated Cecil 15 Jones. June 15 Ma], C. F. G. Washington to be Lt.-Col. (Gaz. 26 June) 28June Lt. G. H. Hedley, from Durh. R.G.A., Terr Force, to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 26 June) .. 7June Capt. P. T. C. Herbert (Res. of Off.) to be temp. Maj. (Gaz. 26 June) 27 June The undermentioned Lts. to be temp. Capts. (Gaz. 26 June). Dated 27 June 15 E. J. Bather. | A. T. H. Hayes. The undermentioned to be temp. Capts. (Gaz. 26 June;. Dated 27 June 15 Temp. Lt. P. Caine. George Bridges, D.S.O., late 2nd Lt. Derby Imp. Yeo. TheA. undermentioned W. Austin. 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 26'June). Dated 5 June 15 J. Fraser. J.S. Warne.Browning. R. P. West. R. W. Taylor. E. A. Eddeuden. W. F. H. Rowe. Herbert C. Worrall. (Gaz. 26 June) do. Temp. Lt. J. C. Symonds, from A.S.C., to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 26 June). .. do The undermentioned to be temp. 2nd Lts. Robert Langhorne Ellis. (Gaz. 26 June).. 16Apr. Robert Gilroy Bannerman.(Gaz. 26 June). Dated| 21 MayDavid 15 Alexander Fleet. Edward Greaves Elliott. (Gaz. 26 June)...... 22May Edwin Alban Atkins. (Gaz. 26 June). Dated| 2ndJoseph June 15 Julius Kino. John Miller Gow. (Gaz. 26 June). DatedI 18 JuneGilbert 15 Henry Widgery. Herbert James Birtwistle. Harold Marshall Taylor. Joseph Dook. The undermentioned Capts. to be temp. Majs. (Gaz. 29 June). Dated 30 June 15 Hon. B. J. Russell, Res. of OH. | William Frederic Parsons, Res. of Off. The undermentioned to be temp. Capts. (Gaz. 29 June). Dated 30 June 15 Ben Auret, late Capt. Transvaal Hse. Art. Temp. 2nd Lt. F. S. Evans, from 9 Res. Regt. of Cav. The undermentioned to be temp 2nd Lts. Matthew Kenneth Jones. (Gaz. 29 June) ...... 28May (Gaz. 29 June). Dated 9 June 15 Wellington Dixon Cook. I Thomas George Tanner. David Miller. (Gaz. 29 June). Dated 21 June 15 Philip White. Harold Francis Sylvester King. Herbert Brittain. Joseph Ernest Sheppard. Royal Field Artillery. The undermentioned temp. 2nd Lts. relinquish their commns. H. W. Pegram. (Gaz. 1 June) 2 June J. E. Ind. (Gaz. 4 June) .. 5June 2nd Lt. (on prob.) A. F. Smith to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 9 June) .. IMay The undermentioned to be temp. 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 11 Jane.) Dated 12 June 15 Temp. 2nd Lt. W. R. Forrester, from 11 (Serv.) Bn. Gord. Highrs. Temp. 2nd Lt. W. L. Scott, from 9 (Serv.) Bn. R. W. Surr. R. TheTemp. undermentioned 2ii(l Lt. B. Armstrong,be temp. 2nd from Lts. 11 (Gaz.(Serv.) 15 Bn.June.) Gord. Dated Highrs. 16 June 15 — Temp. 2nd Lt. D. F. McMath, from 11 (Serv.) Bn. Gord. Highrs. The undermentioned temp. 2nd Lt. relinquishes his commn,:— J. T. Caird. (Gaz. 15 June) ...... 16June 30 Promotions, Appointments, dbc,

.REGULAR FORCES—coraid. Royal Regiment ob Artillery—eoraid. Royal Field Artillery—coraid. TheTemp. iindermentioned 2nd Lt. H. be Barfoot, temp. 2ndfrom Lts. 10 (Serv.)(Gaz. Bn.18 June.) Leic. RDated 19 June 15 — Temp. 2nd Lt. J. Dickinson, from 10 (Serv.) Bn. Gord. Hifrhrs Temp. 2nd Lt. C. G. Toogood, from 7 (Serv.) Bn. Line. R. Temp. 2nd Lt. H. C. Richardson, from 11 (Serv.) Bn. N. Lan. R. The rerious Gaz'-— the nndei'meiltloned 2nd Lt-ls as now stated, and not as shown in E. P. Turner. (Gaz. 18 June) .. Douglas James Madeley to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 22 June)' 21,127Jan.l5 une The undermentioned temp. 2nd Lt. relinquishes his commn •— T. C. Williams. (Gaz. 22 June) 23June The undermentioned to be temp. 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 25 June.) Dated 6 April 15 •— Edwi^Rimsell Cottier?1 | Robert Charles Yule Guilfoyle. (Gaz. 25 June .. 29Apr. Edgar FyfeV^lUers0 Perkins- | Qeoree Eo^ert Bertie Williams. TheTemp. undermeutioned 2nd Lt. J. A. to Murdock,be temp. 2ndfrom Lts. 9 fServ.) (Gaz. Bn. 29 June.)E. Kent Dated R 30 June 15 Temp. 2nd Lt. H. Fisher, from 15 (Serv.) Bn. R. Fus. Temp. 2nd Lt. R. T. Hopcroft relinquishes his commn. (Gaz. 29 June) SOJune Royal Garrison Artillery. Capt.H. Crichton, Res. of Off., to be temp. Maj. (Gaz. 2 June) .. TheCapt. undermentioned Frank Younger to be Blair, temp. Singapore Capts. (Gaz. Yol. 2Art. June.) Dated 3 June 15 Charles W. A. Arthur, late CaptJS Bn. (Extra Res.) R. Muns. Fus. 2nd Lt. H. A. Wright to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 2 June).. TheAct. undermentioned Co.-Serjt. Maj. to Cecilbe 2nd Rawson Lts. (Gaz. Webster. 4 June.) Dated 5 June 15:— Serjt. James Kirkcaldy. The2nd undermentioned Lt. F. Farley. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 4 June.)| DatedTemp. 5 2nd June Lt. 15 A. :— A. Lermit. Temp. Qr.-Mr. and Hon. Lt. H. J. Nind to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 5 June) The undermentioned to be temp. 2nd Lts. :— Henry Bernard Edwards. (Gaz. 9 June).. 31May 2nd Lt. A. N. Bye, R. Guernsey Art. and Eng. Miia. (Gaz. 9 June) 10J une Temp. 2nd Lt. C. B. Grey to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 10 June) .. The undermentioned Wt. and N.C.O.’s. to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 12 June.) Dated 13 June 15:- Serjt.-Maj. ThomasAlfred Standing. Kelly. Co. Sorjt -Maj. Francis George Anglin Murphy. Co. Serjt.-Maj. Ernest . Serjt. Frederick Ernest Chamberlain. Serjt. Ernest Albert Evans. Temp. Capt. E. Aldridge to be temp. Maj. (Gaz. 17 June).. ISJune TheLt.-Comdr. undermentioned John Maver to be temp.Willcocks, Lts. retd.(Gaz. R. 17 N. June.) Dated 18 June 15:— Thomas John Henry Jullien. Thei^’ hristian ^®3 2ljd^Lt. Frederick Charles Crouch are as now described, and not as stated Temp. Capt. C. A. Vaux, from the Lon. List, to be temp. Capt. (Gaz.21.Tune) .. Temp. Lt. G. L. Kirkpatrick relinquishes his commn. 22Junedo. AK?GazW23 June)Pipe’ Mal' 2 Ij<>W' Brig'’ K'F'Terr- Force> to be tenip- Capt. Frederick Wiiliam Henderson, late Lt. 1 Forfar. R.G.A. (Yols.),'to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 24June 24 JuriG) ...... ## Leonard George Steers to be temp. 2nd Lt. ’("Gaz.24june)” 2SJune11 May Lewisd Dunn Newitt to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. #5 June) - 25.1une 7," Lt. F. F. Labouchere-Sparling, from the Cork R.G.A., to be 2nd Lt. ‘(Gaz. 26 June).'. 7 June 2nd. -Lt. A. E. Jordon to bo to nip. Lt. (Gaz. 26 June) 27.1une The second Christian name of 2nd Lt. Cecil Lawson Webster is as now described, and not as stated m the Gaz. of 4 June. (Gaz. 29 June). 2nd Lt. W. A. Moore to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 29 June) 30.Tune Promotions, Appointments, <&c. 31

REGULAR FORCES—conic?. CORPS OF ROYAL ENGINEERS. ArthurTemp. Capt. Douglas W. B.Lumb Carter, to be from temp. 6 (Serv.)2iid Lt. Bn.(Gaz. S. Walesl June) Bord., .. to temp... Capt.. (Gaz... 2Junel5 Henry2 June) Whitaker to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 2 June) ...... 3 Junedo. TheGaz. surname of 13 ofOct. temp. 14. Maj.(Gaz. P. 3 June.)T. R. Kellner is as now described, and not as stated in The undermentioned to be temp. Capts. Temp. Capt. A. Simpson, from the Gen. List. (Gaz. 4 June) .. IMay Lt. E. W. E. Kempson, Unattd.(Gaz. List, 4 June.) Terr. Dated Force. 5 June 15 Gerard William Williams. Temp. 2nd Lt. E. M. Tabor to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 4 June) .. 5 June Temp. Lt. E. M. Tabor to be Adjt. (Gaz. 4 June) 5June The undermentioned to be temp. Capts. Walter Edward Thornhill. (Gaz. 5 June) 25 May Lt. R. F. Morkill, Canadian Eng. (Gaz. 5 June) 6June TheWilliam undermentioned Lyall Taylor. to be temp. 2nd Lts. (Gaz.| 5 June.)George Dated Baxter. 11 May 15: Jesse John Neal. (Gaz. 5 June) .. 18May Nicholas John MacWilliam. (Gaz. 5 June) 6J une The undermentioned to be temp. Majs.:— Capt. H. L. Meyrick, Res. of Off. (Gaz. 8 June) 15Jan. John Stewart Wilson. (Gaz. 8 June) 25May The undermentioned to be temp. Caots. •— Frederick Harry Greenhough. (Gaz. 8 June) 12May Charles John Baxter Bryden. (Gaz. 8 June) 24 May Charles Hudson to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 8 June) 18May The undermentioned temp. 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts and Adjts. A. S. Mart. (Gaz. 8 June).. lApr. W. R. Chawner. (Gaz. 8 June) 9 June The undermentioned to be temp. 2nd Lts. Sydney O’Grady Cotton. (Gaz 8 June) .. 25May Walter Henry Keane Gyles. (Gaz. 8 June) 25May George McLean. (Gaz. 8 June.) Dated 9 June 15 Lt. Charles Antony Ablett, 58 Westmount Rif.,I CanadianJames Mila. Bertram Francis Cooper. Wulff Henry Grey to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 9 June) 28May The undermentioned to be temp. Lts, (Gaz. 9 June). Dated 26 May 15:— ValentineGeorge Knight. Alexander (Gaz. Large. 9 June). .. | Douglass Dudley Dawson. Temp. Capt. E. M. de L. Carolin, from 12 (Serv.) Bn. Yorks L.I. to be temp.’ 2nd Lt lOJune (Gaz. 9 June). The Christian names of Qr.-Mr. and Hon. Lt. Reginald Herbert Jesty are as now lOJune described, and not as stated in Gaz. of 13 Jan. 15. (Gaz. 9 June) :— The undermentioned temp. 2nd Lts. relinquish their commns. :— W. P. B. Draper. (Gaz. 9 June).. lOJune Henry Stock Hayden to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 10 June) . HJune TheWilfrid undermentioned Eric Davies. to be temp. 2nd Lts. (Gaz.I lOJune).Colin DatedRobert 11 Jamieson June 15 •—Watt. Kenneth George Davies. Temp. Lt. R. C. Hebden to be Adjt. (Gaz. 10 June). 20Mar. TheArthur undermentioned Gordon Haigh to be temp. 2nd Lts. (Gaz.I 11 WilliamJune). DatedGeoffrey 12 JunePitt Cobbett.15-— ’' 12June Charles James Johnson Reed. | Herbert John Hill. Cyril Carr to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz 12 June). .. 13 June The promn.appeared of temp. in Gaz. Mai. of (Col.11 May ret. 15, Vols.) is antedated D. Campbell to 5 Apr. to be15. temp.(Gaz. Lt.-Col,15 June). which The undermentioned temp. Capts. to be temp. Majs.:— Victor M. Ban-ington-Ward, from ll (Serv.) Bn. S. Lan. R. ‘(Gaz. 15 June) 2 June W. H. Prescott. (Gaz. 15 June) .. 16 June Francis Flood Page, late Lt. 3 Bn. Dorset K„ to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 15’June) 11 May The undermentioned temp. Lts. to be temp. Capts. (Gaz. 15 June). Dated 16 June 15 •— J. W. Tomlinson. | e. T. Garland. The undermentioned to be temp. Lts.:— William Henry Fountain. (Gaz. 15 June) Frederick Guy Trevenen Adams. (Gaz. 15 June) .! " 288May May Temp. 2nd Lt. W. S. Rapley, from 24 (Serv.) Bn. R. Fus. (Gaz. 15 June) .. 16 June Promotions, Appointments, &c.

REGULAR FORCES—ooraM. Cobps op Royal Engikeebs—coreid. The undermentioned to be temp. 2nd Lts. Edward Erie Billlngton. (Gaz. 15 June'.. 31 Mar. 15 Hubert Joseph Benlans. (Gaz. 15 Junei.. 31 May Temp. Lt. H. A. Gale to be Adjt. (Gaz. 15 June) 23May The undermentioned Cadets and ex-Cadets of the O.T.C. to be temp. 2nd Lts. 15 June.) Dated 16 June 15 (Gaz. Herbert Charles Anthony. Henry Walker Lane. Harry Lloyd-Morrls. Ronayne Bray Jennings. Charles Gage Seeley. Michael Andrew Doyle. Thomas Bevil Greenfield. Adam Cowan. Jeremiah O’Sullivan. James Shelly. The undermentioned to be temp. 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 15 June.) Dated 16 June 15:— James Mitchell Halley. Alexander Henderson Soutar. Hugh Morley Lewis. Hamo Sassoon. Charles William Gage. Stephen Frederick Weeks. Douglas Warren Pollock. Alfred Douglas Robinson. GeorgeAlfred WhittingtonWilliam Frederick Cooper. Ridout-Evans. Leonard Lowther Williams. Harold George Mitford Barton. Francis Hugh Walls. Arthur Melvill Close. Goldie Fraser Anderson. George Read Allen. Herbert Wallis Coales. Charles Gordon Kemp-Small. Frederick Cecil Kerry. Reuben Henry Conran. DavidArthur Raeside William Ferguson. Bruce-Joy. Cyril Lett Boucher. Oswald Arthur Dod. Frederic . Dennis Baker. Frederic William Campion Sawyer. Robert Murray. The transfer of temp. Capt. W. B. Carter, notified in Gaz. of 2 June 15, is antedated to 26Mayl5. (Gaz. 17 Jane.) The undermentioned to be temp. Capts. Austin Dickson Ryeroft Aldred, late Lt. Oxf. and Bucks. L.I. (Gaz. 17 June) .. 15May 2nd Lt. W. Sharp, R.E. Terr. Force. (Gaz. 17 June) ...... 2June Temp. Lt. D. MacJ. Stewart. (Gaz. 17 June) ...... isjune TheOwen undermentioned Coore Mein, to late be Lt.temp. l Bn. Lts. Mon. (Gaz. R. Terr.17 June.) Force. Dated 18 June 15:— William Henry Hunt, late Lt. Impl. Yeo. The undermentioned to be temp. 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 17 June.) Dated 10 May 15 :— Mark Scott Duncan Day. ! William Martin Ronald Vouberg. Gilbert Hart to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 18 June) ...... 19June The date of transfer of temp. 2nd Lts. A. R. C. Jenks and R. F. Palmer (Lond. Gaz. dated 17 Nov. 14) should read 18 Nov. 14. (Gaz. 18 June) The undermentioned to be temp. Majs. Temp.Maj. C. Capt. Y. Bellamy, W. H. Prescott.Terr. Force (Gaz. Res., 21 Gen. June) List. .. (Gaz. 21 June)...... 22June7June The undermentionedE. T. Garland. temp. Lts. to be temp. Capts.I (Gaz.J. W. 21 Tomlinson.June.) Dated 22 June 15 Temp. 2ndQr.-Mr. Lt. J.and C. Hon.Shepherd Lt. R. to Benfield be temp. to Lt. be and temp. Adjt. Capt. (Gaz. (Gaz. 21 June)21 June) ...... The undermentioned temp. Lts. to be Adjts. (Gaz. 21 June.) Dated 22 June 15 V. Myer. | H. A. Gale. Charles Vincent Bellamy, from Maj. Terr. Force Res., Gen. List, to be temp. Maj. (Substituted for the notification which appeared in Gaz. of 21 June 15). (Gaz. 23 June) ...... JJune The appt. of W. E. Thornhill to a temp. Captcy., notified in Gaz. of 5 June 15, is antedated to 21 May 15. (Gaz. 23 June.) The undermentioned to be temporary Capts. :— 2nd Lt. J. Hay, 1 Lovat’s Scouts, Terr. Force. (Gaz. 23 June) .. ., .. 22May GeorgeQr. and LionelHon. Capt.Jameson, J. J. lateJacobs, Lt. R.E.ret. pay,(Gaz.23.Tune) to be temp. ..Capt. ..whilst ..employed .. as an.. 24June Instr. at the Schl. of Mil. Eng. (Gaz. 23 June) ...... 24June The undermentioned to be temp. Lts :— 2nd Lt. F. T. Hinsley, R.G.A. Spec. Res. (Gaz. 23 June) ...... 27May Temp. 2nd Lt. J. L. Partington. (Gaz.23June) ...... 9June Capt. R. F. J. Weeks, Kolar Gold Field Vols. (Gaz. 23 June) ...... 24June Robert John Sidney Clark to be temp. 2ud Lt. (Gaz. 23 June) Dated 23 Feb. 15. John(Substituted William Pender for the Chalmers notification to be which temp. appeared 2nd Lt. in(Gaz. Gaz. 23 ofJune) 24 Apr. Dated 15.) 10 Apr. 15. (Substituted for the notification which appeared in Gaz. of 17 Apr. 15.) Temp. 2nd Lt. O. R. Lyster,lrom 8 Res. Regt. of Cav., to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 23 June) 24June Lightly Stapleton Simpson to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 24 June) .. .. ,. ,, 7June Promotions, Appointments, Ac. 33 tEGULAB FORCES—eonid. ’oeps op Royal Engineees—con The notifications referring to the nnderraentionefi Offs, which appeared inGaz. of 21 Junel6, are cancelled. (Gaz. 24 June) Temp. Capt. W. H. Prescott. | Temp. Lt. J. W. Tomlinson. Temp. Lt. E. T. Garland. Temp. Lt. H. A. Gale. The undermentioned to he temp. 2nd Lts. Geoffrey FUzLouis Trench. (Gaz. 24 June) ...... 3Mayl5 AllenHenry Stephen Fowler. Quartermaine.(Gaz. 24 June) (Gaz. 24 June) .. .. ’. " ” ’ 2June Temp. 2nd Lt. G. FitzL. Trench to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 24 June.) !! !! !! lOJune29May TheCharles undermentioned Potts. to be temp. 2nd Lta. (Gaz.i 25 June.)Lionel Dated George 26 June William 15 Hill (late 2nd Lt., R.E. Spec. Res.). The undermentionedJ. B. H. Doyle. 2nd Lts. to be Lts. (Gaz. 26 June.) Dated 9 June 15:— E. H. de ~L. Greenwood.' G. H. S. Kellie. E. F. Tickell. J. A. P. Englis. K. McC. Cave. R. L. Withington. J. Batho. O. D. Atkinson. J. C. P. Tosh. C.A. D.PankV. Strong. (since died of wounds). G. E. Grimsdale. A. R. R. Woods. I. S. O. Playfair. D. FitzJ. Fitzmaurice. W. J. Norman. S. W. Kirby. C. H. H. Vulliamy. A. J. Ransford. E. W. Ruse. L. E. Travers. G. D. De’Ath. A. Y. D. Wise. F. E. Orange-Bromehead. F. B. Barker. A. C. McIntosh. K. J. Lee. H. G. Eady, S. J. Armstrong. R. D. Pank. J. A. N. MacE. Scobie. C.H. Sleigh.P. W. Hutson. H. E. Hebbert. W. F. Pattinson. R. I. Musson. R. C. Christie. H. A. J. Parsons. J. Kiggell. A.J. 8.V. Baines.Anderson. B. C. Dening. J. D. Inglis. R. MacK. Scobie. N. D. R. Hunter. W. E. Hamblin. E. W. Pert. L. J. MacLean. A. W. Gordon. N. M. Vibart. E. H. M. Clifford. Temp. Capt.T. W. W.R. M.Haycraft. Hayman to be temp. Maj. (Gaz. 26 June) The undermentioned to be temp. Capts.:— 13May Temp. Lt. J. McEwan Martin. (Gaz. 26 June) Temp. 2nd Lt. L. Delphin. (Gaz. 26 June) .. .. ,, .. ” ” 13May The undermentioned to be temp. Lts.:— 7 June HenryGeorge Kingstone Douglas Tanner, Murray. late (Gaz. Lt. R.E.,26 June) Terr. Force. (Gaz. 26 June) 17May Cuthbert Grasemann. (Gaz. 26 June) 2Jone Hugh Harper to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz.«C6 June) .. !! " ” lOJune Qr.-Mr. and Hon. Lt. E. J. New retires on ret. pay. (Gaz. 28 June) .’. " I3May The undermentioned to be temp. Capts. (Gaz. 29 June.) Dated 30 June 15 :— 29 June Temp. Lt. A. J. Smith. I Temp. Lt. W. A. T. Kidd, from I 13 (Serv.) Bn. R. Suss. R. The undermentioned to be temp. Lts. :— Frank Lionel Cassels. (Gaz. 29 June) .. 15May , (Gaz. 29 June.) Dated 30 June 15:— Charles Hutton. i Henry Charles Calderwood Sidney James Moorhouse. Walkem, late Lt. R. Can. E. The undermentioned to be temp. 2nd Lts. :— Temp. 2nd Lt. H. R. Seaorook, from 8 (Serv.) Bn. Notts, and Bucks. L.I 29June) 21June Duncan Greame McLea. (Gaz. 29 June) 30June Mvisional Engineers. 121st (Field) Company. The undermentioned to be temp. Lts. :— 2ndHerbert Lt. H. Edward J. Palmer. Hyde Harrison.(Gaz. 3 June) (Gaz. 3 June) .. Uan. 2nd Lt. R. J. A. Jameson, from 5 Bn. (Res.) R. Muns. Fus. (Gaz. 3 June) 24Apr. 122nd (Field) Company. 26Apr. ThomasTemp. Lt. Forbes C. C. YoungA. Hardie to be to temp. Lt. Capt.(Gaz. (Gaz.3 June) 3 June) IMar. 150th (Field) Company. 0May Temp. ('apt. J. C. Boyle, from 122nd Fd. Co., to be temp. Mai. (Gaz. 3 June) IMar. Charles Richard Jndd to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 3 June) 26Mar. h Divisional Signal Company. Temp. 2nd Lt. A. V. Heywood to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 3 June) IMar. 34 Promotions, Appointments, Ac.

REGULAR FORCK8-eonM. FOOT GUARDS. Grenadier Guards. Thepromn. to the rank of Lt. of the undermentioned 2nd Lts. is antedated as follows. (Gaz. 7 June) A. V. L. Corry to 5 Jan. 16. W. J. Earl of Dalkeith to 2fl Jan.16. F. C. St. Aubyn to 16 Jan. 16. A. 8. L. St. John Mildmay to 27 Jan.16. G. G. Gunnis. (Gaz. 7 June.) | To 80 Jan.Hon. 15 F.:~ O. H. Eaton. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. (temp. Lts.) to be Lts G. F. R. Hirst. (Gaz. 7 June) C. E. M. Ellison. (Gaz. 7 June) .. 12Mar.8Feb 16 G. P. Bowes-Lyon. (Gaz. 7 June).. 13Mar. The undermentioned Gent. Cadets from the R. Mil. Coll, to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 15 June.) Dated 16 June 15:— Francis Charles Lyon. i Frederick Arthur Montague I Browning. Lt. (temp. Capt.) C. H. Greville to be Capt. (Gaz. 19 June) 4May MaJ. (temp. Lt.-Col.) G. S. Clive, D.S.O., to be Lt.-Col. (Gaz.29June) 20May Coldstream Guards. 2nd Lt. Cecil Edward Philip Green, from Spec. Res., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 1 June).. 2nd Lt. Hon. Charles Hubert Francis Noel, from Spec. Res., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 2 June) 17Maydo. The undermentioned Gent. Cadet from the R. Mil. Coll, to be 2nd Lt. Arthur Barley Bridge. (Gaz. 15 June) .. The date of the appt. of temp. Capt. C. M. King is 15 Mar. 16, and not as stated in Gaz. of 28 Apr. 16. (Gaz. 23 June.) Capt. J. H. Bracklehurst Is seed, for service with the Egyptian Army. (Gaz. 25 June) .. 3Apr. Supern. Capt. H. D. Bentinck is restd. to the estabt. (Gaz. 26 June) 9Apr. Scots Guards. TheHon. undermentioned Victor Alexander Gent. Charles Cadet from Harbord. the R. (Gaz.Mil. Coll,15 June) to be 2nd Lt. Irish Guards. The undermentioned to be temp. Qr.-Mr. with the hon. rank of Lt. Bernard Joseph Tinckler. (Gaz. 9 June).. The undermentioned Gent. Cadet from the R. Mil. Coll, to be 2nd Lt.: — Raymond Ernest Coxon. (Gaz. 16 June).. Welsh Guards. Hon. Col. G. R. C. Lord Harlech, Ret. List, to comd. the Regt. and Regtl. District, and to be temp. Col. whilst so empld. (Gaz. 19 June) 16J une TheHo». following E. F. Morgan Offs, toto bebe 2ndcomm'ssioned, Lt. (Gaz. 26 with June) rank and precedence as under :— 27June To be temp. MaJ. H. H. Bromfield, from temp. Maj., 9 (Serv.) Bn. S. W. Bord. (Gaz. 26 June) .. 11 May To be temp. Capt. J. V. Taylor, late Capt. Welsh R. (Gaz. 26 June) 28A pr. To be temp. Lts. A. E. Price. (Gaz. 26 June) 25Apr. W. C. Lord Newborough, from temp. Lt,, 17 (Sery.) Bn. Durh, L.I. (Gaz. 26 June) 26Apr. E. R. Martin Smith. (Gaz. 26 June) 27 Apr. J. Randolph, from Lt. 1/6 Bn. Norf, R., Terr. Force. (Gaz. 26 June) 14May To be temp. 2nd Lt. N. G. Wells. (Gaz. 26 June) 27Apr. fNFANTRT. The Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment). 2nd Lt. Alexander Robertson, from Spec. Res., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 14 June) 14 May The undermentioned Lts. to be Capts. •— J. A. Burke. (Gaz.l9June) 14Apr. (Gaz. 19 June.) Dated 13 May 15 :— R. Scott-Moncrieff, and to remain seed. I H. F. M. Worthington-Wilmer. The undermentioned Lts. to be Capts., supern. to estabt. (Gaz. 19 June.) Dated 10 June 15 :— J. W. Laidlay. I L. Errington. The undermentioned from 28 Bn. Lond. R. to be temp. 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 22 June.) Dated 11 June 15 :— Pte. F. Soinoey. I Pte. C. D. Mayo. Pte. D. Pease. Pte. B. P. Cuxson. Pte. C. A. Petherbridge. Promotions, Appointments, dbc 35 REGULAR FORCES—conM. IKFAITTRY—contd. The Queen’s (Royal West Surrey Regiment). ThDUantedrwJuneTod-ent' CadetS fr0m the R> MU- Co11' to be 2nd Lt8' (Gaa. 15 June.) ^^eS^^m. | §Mrrfne 8tGCr°ert0n HarlBnd- Capt. A. M. Tringham, D.S.O., to be Maj. (Gaz. 19 June) g The “^mentioned from the 28th Bn. Loud. R. to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. ’22 June.) IflMayls Pte. H. Battiscombe. The Buffs (East Kent Regiment). Lt. (temp, capt.; D. K. Anderson to be Gapt. (Gaz. 7 June) 6May u. I? . W. Alien.iIiit*oned *° bo temP- Capts. (Gaz.I 7 June.)C F' ADated T’Arrv 28 Apr. 15 ■*— 2ndLt (temp. Lt.)W.R. Da\ds tobeLt. (Gaz. 7 June) „ 28Apr. rh er entloned 2nd Lts to be «W. T. Stone.«“ ' temp. Lbs. 1 (Gaz. 7 HJune.)_ jj stock. Dated 28 Apr. 15 •— Th0cmicefllledi0?Gahz1C9Yune?red GaZ- °f 7 Jlme 15’ concernIng 2nd Lt. H. R. Stock, is ^VatedW Tune11!^-611*’ CadetS tr°m the R' Mil' Co11- to be 2nd ^ remain supern. | H. C. DJchb.’ ^ t0 rei"ain SSCd- TheL. undermentioned K. Hibbert. Lts. to be temp; Capts. | (Gaz. 7 June.)j p shpIIav Dated 11 Mav 15■- 2nd Lt. (temp. Lt.) W. Taylor to be Lt. (Gaz. 7 Jane) .. 4May The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to bo temp. Lts. (Gaz. 7 June.) Dated 11 May is0 • W.G R. Carter. R. Beaumont. I p j pnvoy- ■’ • The undermentioned Gent. Cadet from the R. Mil. Coll, to be 2nd Lt •— John Ashworth Barraclough. (Gaz. 15 June) .. 18J ne Ma). E. M. Morris, from Devon. R., to be Lr.-Col. (Gaz 19 June) "" 10 May The undermentioned 2nd Lts. (temp. Lts.) to be Lts. G. R. B. Beaumont. (Gaz. 19 June) 4May H. Healey. (Gaz. 19 June) UMay The Northumberland Fusiliers. Lt. E. L. Sailer to be Capt. (Gaz. 7 June) lOMay The undermentioned Gent. Cadet from the R. Mil. Coll, to be 2ud Lt •— Theophilus Charles Lys Redwood. (Gaz. 15 June) .. .. ‘ ’ 18J une The Ud9 t ne ( a d n a ,r m 28 Lond K be 2 d 8 (GaPte.™ B.J^ K.e°) B. ffilBarber.] ju?el5 !i ° | Lce.-Corpl.' ' L. Partington. “ U - The Koyal Warwickshire Regiment. TheDatedri6ejun0eni5d:-ent' CadetS fr°m the R' MiI- 0oU-t0 be 2nd 1‘1*- 16 June.) Norman Cornwall McAliece. I Gerald Mark Carter. James Frederick Gamble. | Arthur Clifford Giles. ThDatedru June"9--1'0'11 thC mh Bn‘ L°nd' R' t0 be temp- 2nd Lts' (Gaz' 22 Julle-> i. ^e.S.W.W.Canno1,. I Pte. P. H. Diemer. Lt. R. H. Bally, from L’pool. R. to be Capt. (Gaz 26 J une) |.. .. lOJune Promotions, Appointments, &c

REGULAR FORCES—etmM. XWPAKTRT—contd. The ( Regiment). 2nd Lt. A. R. Whistler, Unatt. List, Ind. Army, to be temp. Lt. whilst serving with the Regiment. (Gaz.llJune) 13Mar.l5 The undermentioned Gent. Cadets from the R. Mil. Coll, to be 2nd Lt. Robert Leslie Gault May. (Gaz. 15 June) 16.1 nne The undermentioned 2nd Lt. of the Unattd. List for the Ind. Army to be temp. Lt. whilst attd. to the Regt: — C. S. Lynden-Ball. (Gaz. 21 June) 2FeW. ThePte. undermentioned C. Blackwell, tofrom be temp.Hon. Art.2nd Lt.Co. (Gaz. 22 June.) Dated 11 June 15 The King’s ( Regiment). 2nd Lt. N. E. V. Kynaston to be Lt. (Gaz. 7 June) .. .. HMar. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. of the Unattd. List for the Indian Army to be temp. Lts. whilst attd. to the Regt. (Gaz. 21 June.) Dated 5 March 15 A. I. G. McConkey. I H. R. Briggs. A. A. E. Filose. | F. C. Lyddon (since killed in actioi The undermentioned Wt. Off. to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 29 June.) Dated 17 June 15 :— Serjt.-Maj. Alfred G. Rogers, from E. Surr. R. • The Norfolk Regiment. The undermentioned Lts. to be Capts., supern. to estabt. (Gaz. 19 June.) Dated 10 June 15: — L. W. Blakiston. 1 R. C. Nixon. E. F. V. Briard. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. and temp. Lts. to be Lts. (Gaz. 19 June):— C. B. Swift. Dated 2 Apr. 15, but to rank for seniority without pay or allowances from 18 Feb. 15, with precedence next below H. J. Bullock. (Gaz. 19 June.) Dated 15 April 15 :— H. P. M. Berney-Ficklln, and to remain I O. G. W. G. Lywood, and to remain supern. seed. I C. 8. Abbott. 2nd Lt. W. G. Evans is placed on the h.p. list on account of ill-health. (Gaz. 22 June) 23June The undermentioned from 28 Bn. London R. to be temp. 2nd Lts. Gaz. 22 June.) Dated 11 June 15:— Pte. E. W. Martin. ! Pte. J. S. Lorimer. Pte. A. B. L. Klein. The undermentioned Wt. Offrs. to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 29 June.) Dated 17 June 15:— Qr.-Mr.-Serjt. Walter Parsley. | Qr.-Mr.-Serjt. Arthur John Clarke. The Lincolnshire Regiment. The undermentioned 2nd Lts., Unatt. List, Ind. Army, to be temp. Lts. whilst serving with the Regt. (Gaz.llJune.) Dated 2 Feb. 15 :— H. T. de la Motte, with precedence I M. 8. Teversham, with precedence next below H. Marshall. | next below R. D. Crosby. TheDated undermentioned 16 June 15 :— Gent Cadets, from the R. Mil. Coll., to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 15 June.) William Elliott Bartram. I Albert Leslie Neale. Leonard Barratt Folker. TheDated undermentioned 11 June 15 :— from 28 Bn. Lond. R. to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 22 June.) Pte. R. F. C. Seott. The Devonshire Regiment. Gent. Cadet Eric Tremayue Buller, from R. Mil. Coll., to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 1 June) 12May 2nd Lt. W. L. Clegg, from o.-p. list, is rastd. to the estabt., and is placed for precedence next below E. G. Roberts. (Gaz. 3 June) do. Lt. (temp. Capt) J. A. Park to be Capt. (Gaz. 7 June) ...... 20 Apr. The u dermentioned Gent. Cadet from the R. Mil. Coll, to be 2nd Lt. Gerard Parker. (Gaz. 15 June) ...... 16jime Lt. (temp. Capt.) G. E. Prior to be Capt. (Gaz. 19 June) 6 May The undermentionedDated 10 June Lts.15 :— and temp. Capts. to be Capts. supern. to estabt. (Gaz. 19 June.) A. G. N. Belfield. F. J. C. Holdsworth. R. H. Anderson-Morshead. 8. H. Yeo. O. M. Parker. G. A. Anstey. F. R. Cobb. A. St. J. M. Kekewich. Lt. (now Capt.) F. R. C >Lb is seed, for emplt. with the A. 8ig. Serv. (Gaz. 23 June) SMay 2nd Lt. H. 4. Bacon, from Gen. List, to be 2nd Lt., and to be seed, whilst extra-regtlly. empld. (Gaz. 23 June) ...... , 38ept. Promotions, Appointments, &c 87

REGULAR FORCES—oontd. INTAXTBY—COntd. The Suffolk Regimenf. TheGated undermentfoned 16 June 15 :— Gent. Cadets from the R. MU. Coll, to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 15 June.) ArthurWilliam Cecil Gordon French. Carrington. |I AlecWilliam Albert Rowland Johnson. Marshall. The undermentioned from 28 Bn. Lond. R. to be temp. 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 22 June.) Gated Pte. O. P. Pulverman. | pte. E. C. Foulsham. Somerset Li£ht Infantry. (Prince Albert’s) Temp. 2nd Lt.eC- Raymond but not Paul to Johnes (Univ. Candidate) to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 2 June) 2ndn I Lt.rl Douglas, Howard Gwyn carry McCrirlck, pay or allowances from 5 Bn. prior (Unlv. to 3Candidate) June 15. to be 2nd Lt. , 'tV17'. r » .Gated 23 Jan. U, but not to carry pay or allowances prior to 6 June 16. 2nd Lt. H. A. Romilly to be Lt. (Gaz. 7 June) 18Mayl5 TheGated undermentioned 16 June 15:— Gent Cadets from the R. MU. Coll, to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 15 June.) Thomas Edward Gregory Corln. | John Lambton Oliver. Capt. (now Maj.) P. M. Wardlaw to be temp. Ma). (Gaz. 19 June) .. 27 Aug. 14 Capfc.((iaz. A. 19H. June). Yatman to be Maj., temp, from 11 Nov. 14, substantive from 27 Nov. 14. The promn. to the rank of temp. Capt. of Lt. F. S. -Bradshaw Is antedated to 27 Aug. 14. (Gaz. 19 June.) Lt. (temp. Capt.) F. 8. Bradshaw 'since killed in action) to be Capt. (Gaz. 19 June) 27Nov. The promn. to the rank of Capt. of the undermentioned Lt s. is antedated as follows. (Gaz. 19 June) G. W. MilesLawson to to20 20Dec. Dec. 14. 14. | 8. v. Wasbrough to 28 Dee. 14. The undermentioned Lts. to be Capts. (Gaz. 19 June.)~Dated 24 Feb. 15 H. C. Dickinson, and to remain seed. | W.. M. Sutton, Adit G. N. Atkinson. | The10 undermentioned June 15 : — Lts. to be Capts. supern. to estabt. (Gaz. 19 June.) Dated v. H. B. Majendie. r. h. E. Bennett. S' R. V. Montgomery. S' I' W'wu.** , | C. A. Williams. G. E. M. Whtttuck.w j. b. Taylor. F.S' D.£' Bellow.5 atts. R.V. b.B. Denny.Roche. G. P. Steer. The undermentioned N.C.O.’s to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 29 June.) Dated 17 June 15 Serjt. Frank Seamark, from Dorset R. I Serjt. Alexander Dodds. Serjt. Frank Crowsley. The Prince2nd Lt.of Wales’sL. G. W. Own Hamber, (West Unattd.Yorkshire List, Regiment). Ind. Army, to be temp. Lt, whilst serving with the Regt. (Gaz. 11 June) .. SDec.H The undermentioned Gent Cadet from the R. Mil. Coll, to be 2nd Lt. Edward Percival Cropper. (Gaz. 15 June) lOJnnelS Lt. H. Freeman, from 4 bn., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 23 June) .. 3 June The East Yorkshire Regiment. The undermentioned Lts. to be Capts. J. B. L. Noel. (Gaz. 7 June) ...... ,, ,, 8May A. E, C. Cart de Lafontalne. (Gaz. 7 June) ...... 9May 2nd Lt. E. F. Pipe to be Lt. (Gaz. 7 June) 8Feb. The undermentioned Gent. Cadets from the R. Mil. Coll, to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 15 June) DatedJohn 16 PryorJune 15 Puxon Peregrine. Charles Edward Crowne. Percy Claud Jacomb Smith. Lt. N. V. Blacker to be Cap*. (Gaz. 19 June) . 23May Ma]. J. L. J. Clarke to be Lt.-Col. (Gaz. 22 June) 27 Mar. The undermentioned from 28 Bn. London R. to be temp. 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 22 June.) Dated 11 June 15 Pte. W. 0. Green Pte. L. G. Hannaford. The Bedfordshire Regiment. Thewith undermentioned the Regt. (Gaz. 2nd 11 Lts., June.) Unattd. Dated List, 30 Oct.Ind. 14 Army, to be temp. Lts. whilst serving F. Powell. 1 A. C. Curtis. A. F. Logan, with precedence next below T. M. G. Horsford. (Gaz. 11 June) 9D6C.14 The undermentioned Gent. Cadet from the R. Mil. Coll, to be 2«d Lt. Alfred Victor Nicholson. (Gaz. 16 June)...... „ 16Junel6 38 Promotions, Appointments, dtc.

JRBttULAR FORCES—conid. X UF ANTET—COntd. The Bedfordshire Regiment—co»ifd. Capt. H. S. Poyntz to be Maj. (Gaz. 19 June) 18Mayl6 Lt. (temp. Capt.) G. Bignell to be Capt. (Gaz. 19 June) lOMay 2nd Lt. H. E. Carey, from 3 Bn., to be 2nd Lt. Gaz. 26 June) HMay The Leicestershire Regiment. ThePhillip undermentioned Arthur Bentley Gent. Wrixon.Cadet from (Gaz. the 15 R. June) Mil. Coll,. to be 2nd Lt.:— do. The Royal Irish Regiment. Thewith undermentioned the Reaiment. 2nd (Gaz. Lts. 11Unattd. June.) List,Dated Ind. 11 Army,Dee. 14:— to be temp. Lts. whilst serving G. A. G. Young, with precedence next below E. C. Guinness. J. W. Davidson, with precedence next below G. A. G. Young. The undermentioned Gent. Cadet from the R. Mil. Coll, to be 2nd Lt. :— Isaac William Usher. (Gaz. 15 June) 16 June The promn. to the rank of temp. Lt. of 2nd Lt. C. ap I. Damon, notified in Gaz. of 27 Apr. 15 is cancelled. (Gaz, 18 June.) The undermentioned Lts. to be Capts. (Gaz. 19 June.) Dated 26 May 15: — H. D. Harvey-Kelly, D.S.O., and to remain seed. P. J. G. Gordon Ralph. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. of the Unattd. List forthe Ind. Army to be temp. Lts. whilst attd. to the Regt. (Gaz. 21 June.) Dated 13 Feb. 15 :— R. G. Reed. I J. C. Johnson. Alexandra, Princess of Wales’s Own (Yorkshire Regiment). The undermentioned Gent. Cadet from the R. Mil. Coll, to be 2nd Lt. :— William Douglas Clayton. (Gaz. 15 June) do. Maj. and Bt. Lt.-Col. W. H. Young, from E. York. R., to be Lt.-Col. (Gaz. 18 June) 15 May The undermentioned N.C.O. from 28 Bn. Lond. R. to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 22 June.) Dated 11 June 15 :— Serjt. C. F. Webb. TheQr.-Mr.-Serit. undermentioned Thomas Wt. Off.Charles and N.C.O.’s.Goode. to beI 2nd Lts.Serjt. (Gaz. Philip 29 June.) Glow, fromDated Dorset. 17 June: R. Col.-Seijt. Thomas Hayes,from E.Surr. R. I The Lancashire2nd Lt. Geoffrey Fusiliers. Bernard Vores, from Spec. Res., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 1 June) 2nd Lt. W. Appleby to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 4 June) .. 17Mar.15Feb. i apt, H. Shaw to be Maj. (Gaz. 7 June) 17 May Lt. H. W. Sayres to be Capt. (Gaz. 7 June) .. do. 2nd Lt. (temp. Lt.) L. A. A. Reid to be Lt. (Gaz. 7 June) 2May Thewith undermentioned the Regt. (Gaz. 2nd 11Lts., June.) Unattd. Dated List, 30 Jan.Ind. 15Army, :— to be temp. Lts. whilst serving M. R. Roberts. L. J. Harrison (since killed in action). Qr.-Mr.-Serjt. Henry Edward Chaney, from Sch. of Musk., to be 2nd Lt., and to be seed, for service with the R.F.C. Dated 4 Dec. 14, but not to carry pay or allowances pri r to 10 Feb, 15. (Substituted for the notification which appeared in Gaz. of 9 Feb. 15.) (Gaz. 25 June.) The Royal Scots Fusiliers. TheDated undermentioned 16 June 15:— Gent. Cadets from the R. Mil. Coll, to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 15 June. Walter Maynard Syfret. | Edmund HakewiU Smith. The Cheshire Regiment. 2nd Lt. N. Freeman, from D. of Corn. L.I., to be Capt. (Gaz. 7 June) lOFeb. The undermentioned Gent. Cadets from ttie R. Mil. Coll, to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 15 June) Dated 16 June 15 :— Herbert Edwin Quale. | Maurice Sinclair Adshoad. The undermentioned from 28 Bn. Lond. R. to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 22 June.) Dated 11 June 15-: — Pte. W. E. Hartley. « Lt. B. Cuff, from York. B., to be Capt. (Gaz. 26 June) ...... ,, ,, lOIune Col.-Serjt. George Elliss Nelson to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 26 June) 27Jun« Promotions, Appointments, dbc 39

REGULAR FORCES—coreftJ. INFAITTBY—OOntA. The Royal Welsh Fusiliers. The appt. to a 2nd Ltcy. of Gent. Cadet F. S. Bibby, from R. Mil. Coil., which appeared in Gaz. of 11 May 15, is cancelled. (Gaz. 1 June.) 2ndCapt. Lt. D. H. Powell N. Loch, to be Unettd. Maj. (Gaz.List., 7 Ind.June) Army, to be. temp. Lt. whilst.. serving.. ..with the.. ITMaylfi Regt. (Gaz. 11 June.) Dated 31 Oct. 14, with precedence next below M. S. Richardson. Capt. J. Cuthbert, from 3 Spec. Res. Bn., to be Capt. (Gaz. 12 June) ...... iFeb. TheDated undermentioned 16 June 15:— Gent. Cadets from the R. Mil. Coll, to be 2nd Lt8. (Gaz 15 June.) Henry Dorath Tudor Morris. I John Eric Hartley Bibby. Arthur Chaplin Banks. | John Percival Townsend. The undermentioned from 28 Bn. Lond. R. to be temp. 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 22 June.) Dated 11 June 15 •— Pte. W. A. Richards. | Pte. H. E. Farmer. Lt. G. L. Compton-Smith, from York. R., to be Capt. (Gaz. 26 June) ,. .. .. lojune The South Wales Borderers. 2nd Lt. C. W. C. Shipley to be Lt. (Gaz. 7 June) ...... 24Jan The undermentioned Gent. Cadets from the R. Mil. Coll, to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 15 June.) Dated 16 June 15:— Francis John Twysden Dickinson. | Richard Borlase Jenkins. The undermentioned from 28 Bn. Lond. R., to be temp. 2nd J,t. (Gaz. 22 June.) Dated 11 June 15:— Pte. L. D. Saunders. The King’s Own Scottish Borderers. Lt.Supern. A. C. Capt.Campbell C. Wade to be is Capt. restd. to(Gaz. the 7estabt. June) (Gaz... 7 June)...... 24Mar.8Maj The(Gaz. following 11 June) is substituted :— for the notification which appeared in Gaz. of i Apr. 16. Lt.-Col. C. M. Stephenson, on completion of his period of service in command of a Bn., is retained on the Active List under the provisions of Art. 120, Rl. Wt. for Pay and Promn. 14. The undermentioned Gent. Cadets from the R. Mil. Coll, to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 15 June ) Dated 16 June 15:— George Sbarman Oldfield. I Philip Berkeley Anderson. Ronald Hugh Woollatt. | Guy Philip Randall. TheMa). promn.*. Plair, to D.S.O.,the rank to beof Lt( apt. roi. of Lt.(Gaz. A. 17 C. June) Campbell .. is antedated.. ., to 28.. Apr. 15... (Gaz.. 28Apr 19 June.) Capf.L. D. Spencer to be Mai. (Gaz. 19 June) .. do. The undermentioned Lts. to be Capts. : — H. T. Cruickshank. (Gaz. 19 June) ,, .. do. .1. K. B. Campbell, and to remain(Gaz. 19 seed. June.) 1Dated 3 C.May S. 16Stirling-Cookson. :— G. H. M. Lindsay. (Gaz. 19 June).. .. 5 June JA. B. C. Lake to be Capt. supern. to estabt. (Gaz. 19 June) .. .. lOJune The Oameronians (Scottish Rifles). Gent. Cadet Francis Stephen Bibby, from R. Mil. Coll., to be 2nd I.t. (Gaz. 1 June) .. 12May The undermentioned Gent. Cadets from the R. Mil. Coll, to be 2nd JAs. (Gaz. 15 June ) Dated 16 June 15 :— John Eric MacLennan. I ' Thomas Kinsella Burton. John Brebner Bullen. The undermentioned 2nd Lis. (temp. Lts.) to be Lts. :— D. B. Duncan. (Gaz. 19 June) .. .. ., 11 Mar. James Conway. (Gaz. 19 June) ...... 9JMay The undermentioned 2nd Lts. of the Unattd. List for the Ind. Army, to be temp. Lts whilst attd. to the Begt. :— D. A. Christie. (Gaz. 21 June.) | Dated 4F. Nov. R. R.14. Bucher.:— The Royal Inni'-killing Fusiliers. 2nd Lt, E. L. Hill is seed, for emplt. with the A. Sig. Serv. (Gaz. 4 June).. 9May Ma). B. J. Buckley to be Lt.-Col. (Gaz. 5 June) lOMsy Capt. G C. Grazebrook to be Maj. (Gaz. 5 June) do. 2nd Lt. J. McGivern to bo Lt. (Gaz. 7 June),, HMay 2nd Lt. A. R. Moxsy, from 4 Bn., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 8 June) ...... 25 May TheDated undermentioned 16 June 15 :— Gent. Cadets from the R. Mil. Coll, to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 15 June.) Charles Edward Hastings Medhurst. I Harold Vougham Von Siichim Maurice James Peel Scully. | Thorne. I Forde Leathley. Capt. J. N. Crawford to be Maj. (Gaz. 19 June) 28May 40 Promotions, Appointments, &c

REGULAR FORCES—oonM. INFAKTBY— OOntd. The Gloucestershire Regiment. MaJ. K. M. Dayie to be Lt.-Col. (Gaz. 11 June) HMaylS The undermentioned Gent. Cadets from the R. Mil. Coll, to be 2nd Lts. Dated 10 June 15:— (Gaz. 15 June ) Newnham RobertClive Charsley. Anthony Beale. I WilliamRobotham.^ Douglas The undermentioned Lts. and temp. Capts. to be Capts. :— H. E. de R. Wetherall. (Gaz. 19 June) ...... • lOMay (Gaz. 19 June.) Dated 11 May 15 J. A. L. Cannier. | M. W. Halford. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. (temp. Lts.) to be Lts. T. R. A. Morris. (Gaz. 19 June) .. 9Feb. C. F, L. Templer. (Gaz. 19 June),. lOMay Capt. J. R. Wethered to be Maj. (Gaz. 22 June' 11 May The undermentioned from 28 Bn. Lond. R. to be 2nd Lt. :— Pte. J. E. S. Wakeley. (Gaz.22June) ...... ll.lune Lt. D. Duncan is seed, for service as a Brig.Mach. Gun Oflr. (Gaz. 23 June) 17May The WorcestershireThe promn. the rank of Maj. of Capt. E. W. Boyd-Moss, D.S.O., is antedated to 7 Jan. 15 (Gaz. 1 June.) Capt. M. R. Walsh to be Ma)., (Gaz. 1 June).. 15Mar. The undermentioned Lts. to be Capts. (Gaz. 7 June.) Dated 1 May 15 :— C.J. G.Deakin, Collins, and and to torema'n remain seconded. seconded. I J. V. Bridges. (Gaz. 7 June.) Dated 10 May 15:— C. A. Wythes. I H. Gordon. W. D. Bush. The undermentioned Gent. Cadets from the R. Mil. Coil, to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 15 June.) Dated 16 June 16 :— Charles Noel Harris. I John Charles Morley Balders. Leonard Kingdom. The undertnentioned Lts. to be Capts.:— R. Heymanu. (Gaz. 19 June) ...... ; lOMay R. B. H. Horsfield. (Gaz. 19 June) 24May Lt. C. S. Field to be Capt. supern. to estabt., ana to remain seed. (Gaz. 19 June) lOJune The promn. to the rank of Capt. of the undermem ioned Lts. is antedated as follows E. C. R. Hudson. (Gaz. 19 June.) To 7 Jan. 15 (Gaz. 19 June.) To 4 Feb. 15. J. H. Pelly. I E. A. Haskett-Smith to 15 Mar. 15. T. H. O. Crawley (since killed in action). | (Gaz. 19 June.) To 19 Apr. 15. J. M. Graham. J. V. Godfray, supern. The East I ancashire Regiment. H. J. H. Pakenham, from 4 (Extra Res.) Bn. Lane. Fus., to be Capt. (Gaz. 4 June) 15 Mar. The nndermentioned Capts. to be Ma]s. •— G. T. Seabroke. (Gaz. 7 June) .. • ...... iOMay G. E. M. Hill. (Gaz. 7 June) ...... 14May The undermentioned Gent. Cadets from the R. Mil. Coll, to be 2nd Lis. (Gaz. 15 June). Dated 16 June 15 :— Thomas Edward Coney Fisher. | Ralph N evill Russell. Lt. G. E. Chadwick is seed, for service as a Brigade Machine Gun Offr. (Gaz. 21 June.) .. 17May The undermentioned from 28 Bn. Lond. R. to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 22 June.) Dated 11 Jane 15:— Pte. H. W. M. Thomas. I Pte. J. M. Clarke. Pte. A. Wheate. Lt. A. C. Marsh, from S. Lan. R., to be Capt. (Gaz. 26 June) lOJune The EastSuprm. Surrey Capt. Regiment. F. S. Montague-Bates is restd. to the estabt. (Gaz. 4 June) 2nd Lt. Cholenor McCrae Humphry Mannington Caffyn, from 4 Bn., to be 2nd Lt. 9 Jan. (Gaz. 14 June) 33May TheDated undermentioned 16June,15:— Gent. Cadets from the R. Mil. Coll, lo be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 15 June) Edward Guy Fricker. | Denys Julian Allfree. Maj. W. N. R. Gilbert-Cooper to be Lt.-Col. (Gaz. 16 June) ...... 3May Promotions, Appointments, Ac. 41

RfiOULAfi FORCES—contd, I itjaittby—contd. The Duke of Cornwall’s Light Infantry. The apot. to a 2nd Ltey. of Gent. Cadet B. T. Buller, from R. Mil. Coll., which appeared in Gaz. of 11 May, 15, is cancelled. (Gaz. 1 June). The undermentioned Gent. Cadets from the R. Mil. Coll, to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 15 June). Dated 16 June 15 Charles Henry Hugh Chesney Cook. | Herbert Samuel Penny Blair. The promn. to the rank of Capt. of Lt. (temp. Capt.) I. B. H. Benn is antedated to 31 Mar. 15. (Gaz. 19 June.) The undermentioned Lts. to he Capts. (Gaz. 19 June.) Dated 12 Apr. 15 F. Vf. L. Bissett, and to remain seed. | T. E. Blsdee. The Duke of Wellington’s (West Riding Regiment). The undermentioned Gent. C adet from the R. Mil. Coll, to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 15 June). Dated 16 June 15 Jocelyn Ernie Sydney Patton Bradford. The undermentioned Lts. to be Capts. supern. to estabt. (Gaz. 19 June.) Dated 10 June 15:— R. A. Scott. I B. G. Gatacre. R. J. A. Henniker. C. W. G. Ince, Adjt. A. E. Miller. I The promn. to the rank of Lt. of the undermentioned 2nd Lts. is antedated as follows (Gsz. 19 June):— C. Bathurst to 25 Aug. 14. I G. T. Fleming to 25 Oct. 14. O. Price to 18 Sept. 14 E. J. Y. Grevetlnk to 12 Nov. 14. A. O. L. Davis to 9 Oct. 14. I St. J. T. Faulkner to 8 Dec. 14. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. and temp. Lts. to be Lts. :— (Gaz. 19 June.) Dated 11 Dec. 14 G.F. H.P. Sleigh.Fraser. I D. Paton. H. G. Henderson. (Gaz. 19 June) .. .. ISDec.H J. V. Gibson. (Gaz. 19 June) 9Feb.l5 W. O. Edwards. (Gaz. 19 June) HFeb. A. H. Cheetham. (Gaz. 19 June) 19Apr. The undermentioned to be temp. 2nd Lt. :— Pte. P. R. J. Henry, from A.S.C. (Gaz. 22 June).. . HJune The undermentioned N.C.O. to be 2nd Lt. t Col.-Serjt. Arthur Walker. (Gaz. 29 June) ITJune The Border Regiment. The undermentioned Gent. Cadets from the R. Mi*. Coll, to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 16 June). Dated 16 June 15 :— Hayman John Joyce. I Frank Stanley Layard. Joseph Harold Brendan Warren. MaJ. A. S. W. Moffat (since killed In action) to be Lt.-Col. (Gaz. 22 June) .. .. 3May The undermentioned from 28 Bn. Lond. R. to be 2nd Lt. :— Pte. W. N. Beaumont. (Gaz. 22 June) ...... ll.Tune Lt. M. Manly, from York. R., to be Capt. (Gaz. 26 June) ...... lOJune The . Lt. E. H. Preston to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 4 June) ...... 15May The undermentioned Lts. and temp. Capts. to be Capts., supern. to estabt. (Gaz. 19 June.) Datedw. 10Burgess. June 15 :— I V. B. C. Dashwood. W. D Downes. A. L. Thomson. L. Lamotte. I W. H. W. Apperley. Supern. Lt. W. D. Downes is restd. to the estab. (Gaz. 19 June) ...... 23Jan. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be Lts. (Gaz. 19 June.) Dated 10 June 15 M. Wellington. I F. Y. Goring. TheSerjt. undermentioned Edward K. Cormody.N.C.O. to be(Gaz. 2nd Lt.29 June) :— ...... ITJune The Hampshire Regiment. 2nd Lt. Christopher Moor, from 3 Bn., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 1 June)...... iSFeb. The surname of 2nd Lt. T. Holdway is as now described, and not as stated in Gaz. of 28 May 15. (Gaz. 8 June). Col. S. C. F. Jackson, D.S.O., on completion of his period of service in comd. of a bn., is retained on the Active List, under the prove of Art. 120, Rl. Wt. for Pay and Promn. 14. (Gaz. 14 June) 24Mar. The promn. to the rank of Maj. of Capt. Hon. L. C. W. Palk is antedated to 29 Nov. 14. (Gaz. 14 June). TheDated undermentioned 16 June 15ra Gent. Cadets from the R. Mil. Coll, to be 2nd—* Lts. (Gaz. 15 June.) William Athelstan Hiddingh. I Norman Prynn. Robert Leslie Childlaw Roberts. I 42 Promotions, Appointments, Ac

REGULAR FORCES—oo»<<*. ImuxTnr-contd. The South Staffordshire Begiment. 2nd Lt. (temp. Lt.) S. Harper to be Lt., with precedence next below J. R. T. Turner Gaz. lJune) Mai. F. H. Parkin is placed on the h.p. list, on account of ill-health. (Gaz. 10 June) 26May4Mar.lS The undermentioned 2nd Lts. Unattd. List, Ind. Army, to be temp. Lt*, whilst serving with the Regt.* A. P. ff. Churchill, with(Gaz. precadence XI June.) next Dated below 1 H.Mar. J. 15:Burke. — G. M. F. Hewat, with precedence next below A. f. ft. Churchill. D. G. M. Robinson (since killed in action), wdh precedence next below J. R. T. Turner. Lt. Geoffrey Seville Reinhardt Schon, from 3 Bn., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 14 June) .. 29 May Capt. J. S. N. de Joux to be Maj. (Gaz.l9June) 15May TheJ. undermentioned C. Chaytor. Lts. to be Capts. (Gaz. 19| June.) l.Dated p. Stephenson, 20 Apr. 15 :— and to remain supern. W. J. T. Shorthose, and to(Gaz. remain 19 June.)seed. Dated 15 May 15:— J. A. Richmond, and to remain seed. H. K. Shore. The promn. to the rank of Lt. of the undermentioned 2nd Lts. is antedated as follows (Gaz. 19 June):— A. A. E. Gyde to 18 Dec. 14. | G. T. Miller to 21 Jan. 15. (Gaz 19 June.) To 1 Feb. 15. 2nd^ TLt.^ G. Willoughby.H. Osborne to be Lt. Dated 1 Mar.| 15, withH. precedenceJ. Burke. next below J R T Turner. (Gaz. 19 June.) Temp. 2nd Lt. A. P. Prior, from A.S.C., to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 23 June) 10A pr. TheJune undermentioned 15 :— 2nd Lts., from 4 Bn., to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 26 June.) Dated 11 B-W. Hall.Hall. I D. M. Williams. The Dorsetshire Regiment. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be- Lts. :— L. H. Wiltshire. (Gaz. 7 June.) .. 27Jan. C. T. Leach. (Gaz 7 June) 15Apr. Colr.-Serjt. Charles George Miller to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 9 June).. lOJune Lt. E. A. R. Gore-Browne to be Capt., and to remain seed. (Gaz. 19 June) 2Apr The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be Lt®. — G. Wheeler. (Gaz. 19 June) 15Apr H. G. Tuck. (Gaz. 19 June) 3May Capt. W. F. G. Willis remains seed, for service with the A. Cyclist Corps. (Gaz. 21 June) 27Nov.14 Lt. Robert Vaughan Kestell-Cornish, from 3 Bn., bo be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 23 June) 7Junel6 The Prince of Wales’s Volunteers (South Lancashire Regiment). Co. Serjt.-MaJ. Thomas Varley to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 9 June) 10 June Capt. J. Martin, from R. Ir. Rif,, to be Capt. (Gaz 19 June) 20June Capt. E. F. D. Nicholson to be Adjt , vice J. B. Allsopp. (Gaz. 24 June) 25,1 une Lt. R. C. F. Salter (since killed in action) to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 26 June) 15 May The undermentioned Wt.Off. and N.C.O. to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. ?9 June.) Dated 17 June 15 Qr.-Mr.-Serjt. Alfred Francis Smith. | Col.-Serjt. Edward Joseph Earle. The Welsh Regiment. The undermentioned Lts. to be Capts. :— B. T. Phillips. (Gaz. 7 June) 25 K pr. G. S. Brewis. (Gaz. 7 June) 26Apr. 2nd Lt. Lewis Henry Todd Walker, from 3 Bn. Bord. R., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 8 June) . .' do. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. (temp. Lts.) to be Lts.:— A. Leach. (Gaz. 19 June) .. .. ,. .. .. 19Apr. A. R. G. Peck. (Gaz.l9June) .. ,, ,, lOMay The (Royal Highlanders). Capt. J. A. Durio is seed, for service as an Adjt. Terr. Force. (Gaz. 3 June) iMay TheD. undermentioned B. Mackintosh, Lis. and to remainbe Capts. seed. (Gaz. 7 IJune.) DatedR. C. Anderson. 3 May 15:— Co. Qr.-Mr.-Serjt. Henry Bowie to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 9 June) 10 June TheDated undermentioned 16 June 15: —Gent. Cadets from the R. Mil. Coll, to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 15 June) AlistairWalter Alexander Gilroy. MacLean. | GeraldRoderick John Charles Sinclair. Macpherson. Supern. Capt. L. P. Evans is rest, to the estabt. (Gaz. 18 June) lOMay Capt. C. C. West is seed, for service under the Col, Off, (Gaz. 19 June) 19May Promotions, Appointments, &c. 43

REGULAR FORCES—conid. Infantry—oontd. The Black Watch (.Royal Highlanders)—co»

KBGOXjAH KOKOKS-oontd. tefFAWTBY—COM td. The Northamptonshire Regiment—coreM. The restoration to the estabt. of Capt. S. H. J. Thunder, notified in Gaz. of 7 June 15, is cancelled. (Gaz. 17 June.) The undermentioned End Lts. to be Lts. R. A. Philpot (Gaz. 19 June) B. Eden (since killed in action). (Gaz. 19 June) .. 14Mar.l521 Mar. Maj. A. C. Buckle, from S. Staff. R„ to be Lt.-Col. (Gaz. 23 June) 2June Princess Charlotte of Wales’s (Royal Berkshire Regiment). Maj. H. M. Pinch (since killed in action) to be Lt.-Col. (Gaz. 7 June) Maj. (temp. Lt.-Col.) P. W. Poley. D.S.O., to be Lt.-Col. (Gaz. 7 June) 30Apr. The promn. to the rank of Maj. of Capt. A. G. Macdonald is antedated to 30 Apr. 15. lOMay (Gaz. 7 June.) Capt. W. B. Thornton to be Maj. (Gaz. 7 June) do. The undermentioned Lts. to be Capts. D. A. Macgregor (since killed in action). (Gaz. 7 June).. SOApr. A. D.„ Gordon. (Gaz. 7 June.) Dated 10 May 15 C. St. Q. O. Pullbrook-Leggett, Adjt. | C. P. Wheeler. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. (temp. Lts.) to be Lts. A. J. Bowles. (Gaz. 7 June) do. G.„ P. M. Hall. (Gaz. 7 June.) Dated| 10 MayE. N. 15) Getting. Maj. H. M. Pinch, D.S.O. (since killed in action) to be Lt.-Col. (Gaz. 9 June ) Dated 31 Apr. 15. (Substituted for notification which appeared in Gaz. of 7 Juno 15.) The undermentioned 2nd Lts., Unattd. Ust, Ind, Army, to be temp. Lts., whilst serving with the Regt. C. S. Searle. (Gaz. 11 June) ...... lOMar. R. B. E. Upton, with precedence next below C. W. Battye. (Gaz. 11 June) l9Mar. The undermentioned Gent. Cadets from the R. Mil. Coll, to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 15 June ) Dated 16 June 15 Benjamin Stanley Robinson. | Andrew Brand Septimus Hawkes. | Austin Uvedale Morgan Hudson. 2nd Lt. J. P. Cruise is p’aced on the h.-p. list on account of ill-health. (Gaz. 21 June) .. 22June Co.-Serjt-Maj. Harold Thomas Forster to be 2nd Lt.i (Gaz. 24 June); 25June The Queen’s Own (Royal West Kent Regiment). Co. Serjt.-Maj. William Wood to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 9 June) .. lOJune The undermentioned Gent. Cadet, from the R. Mil. Coll., to be 2nd Lt.:— Kenneth Arthur Annesley Norris. (Gaz. 15 June) L6June TheJ. undermentioned K Kay Lts. to be Capts. supern. to estabt.W. (Gaz. Newton 19 June.) Dated 10 June W. P. MacNeace. The undermentioned from 28 Bn. Lond. R. to be temp. 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 22 June.) Dated 11 June 15 Pte. D. R. Leatherdale | Pte. R. S. Walters. The undermentioned N.C.O. to be 2nd Lt. Col.-Serjt. James Mills. (Gaz. 29 Juno) .. 17June The King’s Own (Yorkshire Light Infantry). Lt. G. C. Wynne to be Capt. Dated 6 Feb. 15, with precedence next below T. Reynolds (Gaz. 15 June). The undermentioned Gent. Cadet, from the R. Mil. Coll., to be 2nd Lt. •— Alfred Reginald Ramsden. (Gaz. 15 June) 16June The undermentioned to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 22 June.) Dated 11 June 15 : — Pte. S. Hallam, from York. Hrs. The King’s ( Light Infantry). The undermentioned Capts. to be Majs. (Gaz. 7 June.) Dated 13 May 15 C. W. Battye, D.S.O. I (j. E. Atchison. The undermentioned Lts. to be temp. Capts. (Gaz. 7 June.) Dated 26 Apr. 15 •— C. D. Harris, and to remain seed. | L. H. Torin. The undermentioned Lts. and temp. Capts. to be Capts. R. A. Eakin. (Gaz. 7 June.) ...... 29 Apr. C. D. Harris, and to remain(Gaz. seed. 7 June.) Dated| 13 MayH. G.15 C. Colville. The undermentioned Gent. Cadet, from the R. Mil. Coll., to be 2nd Lt. Reginald Gresham Thomson. (Gaz. 16 June.) 16June Co -Serjt. Owen Underhill to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 17 June) 18June Promotions, Appointments, &c. 45

KEaULAR FORCES—cowid. Infantry—oontd. The King’s Shropshire Light Infantry—contd. The undermentioned Lts. to he Capts. supern. to estabt. (Gaz. 19 June.) Dated 10 June,15:— L. H. Tortn. I W. H. C. Mansfield, D.S.O., and to H. 8. Collins. remain seed. R. Fort, and to remain superu. P. C. Higgins, and to remain seed. F. H. R. Maunaell. A.C.L.D. Lees, andto remain seed. The undermentioned N.C.O. and Men from the 28 Bn. Lond. R. to he temp. 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 22 J une.) Dated 11 June 15:— Pte. J. G. Payne. Pte. H. R. Booth. Pte. A. A. Elder. Lce.-Corpl. M. A. Koch. Pte. A. Thorne-Waite. The DukeThe ofundermentioned Cambridge’s Own Gent. ( Cadets from Regiment).' the R. Mil. Coll, to he 2nd Lts.:— (Gaz. 15 June.) Dated 15 June 15 :— Myles William Yon Winckler. * I Colin David Brodie. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. and temp. Lts. to Lts. (Gaz. 11 June:— M. D. FitzGibhon, with precedence next below R. H. Brodie 12Dec.l4 T. C. Sharp ... 21 Jan. 15 E. R. Rushton ...... 8Feb. The undermentioned N.C.O. and Man from the 28 Bn. Lond. R. to be temp. 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 22 June.) Dated 11 June 15:— „ Pte. R. C. Mellish. I Lce.-Corpl. C. G. Rayment. The King’sLt. (temp. Royal Capt.) Rifle H.Corps. 0. Curtis to be Capt. (Gaz. 7 June) .. lOMay The undermentioned Gent. Cadet from the R. Mil. Coll, to be 2nd Lt. Victor Norman Erskine Howard Vincent. (Gaz. 15 June) ISJune Capt. and Bt. Maj. H. Wake, D.S.O., to be Maj. (Gaz. 19 June.) 18May The undermentioned Lts. and temp. Capts. to be Capts. :— 11 May H.F. W.M. Cavendish-Bentinck.B. de Sales la l erriere. (Gaz. (Gaz. 19 19June.) June.) 17May C. T. Ellison. (Gaz. 19 June.) 18May E. G. W. Bourke, and to remain supern. (Gaz. 19 June.) .. do. ThePte. undermentioned T. McK. Hughes. from 28(Gaz. Bn. 22Lond. June) R. to be temp. 2nd Lt. :— lUune The Duke of ’s (Wiltshire Regiment). The undermentioned Gent. Cadets, from the R. Mil. Coll., to be 2nd Lts. | (Gaz. 15 June.) Dated 16 June 15: - James John Chichester. I Henry Richard Hicks. Samuel Reginald Parsons. I The Manchester Regiment. „ . , „ . „ . . Maj. (temp. Lt.-Col.) J. C. Crawford to be Lt.-Col. (Gaz. 14 June.) Dated 27 Apr. 15, but R.rank N. forHardcastle, seniority, D.S.O.,without to pay be Maj.or allowances, (Gaz.llJune) from 10.. Mar. 15. 27Apr Lt. J. S. Harper to be Capt. (Gaz. 14 June) .. do. TheJ. undermentioned C. Richardson, 2ndand remain to be Lts.seed. (Gaz. |14 June.)J. DatedH. Grlndel. 27 Apr. 15:— TheWilliam undermentioned Thomas DonaldGent. Cadet Wickham. from the(Gaz. R. Mil.15 June) Coll., to be 2nd Lt, :— 16 June The undermentioned Lts. to be Capts. snpern. to estabt. (Gaz. 19 June.) Dated 10 June 15:— . , A. J. Scully. | L. C. Bostock, and to remain seed. W. R. Freeman, and to remain seed. | B. G. Atkin, and to remain seed. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. of the ITnattd. List for the Ind. Army to be temp. Lts. whilst attd. to the Regt. (Gaz. 21 June.) Dated 1 Apr. 16:— A. H. H. Rice. I G. F. Bunbury. H. S. Hambleton. The PrinceCapt. of H. Wales’s C. Bridges (North is Staffordshireseed, for service Regiment). as an Adit., Terr. Force. (Gaz. 4 June) .. 12Ma 2nd DatedLt. K. 11 Nov.o. B 14,Harding with precedence to be temp. next Lt. belowwhilst R. serving E. Hodgson. with the Regt. (Gaz. 11 June) The undermentioned Gent. Cadets from the R. Mil. Coll, to be 2nd Lts, (Gaz. 15 June) Dated 16 June 15 :— Edward Campbell. I Arthur Egerton Hodge. TheCol.-Serjt. undermentioned Joseph N.C.O.John Mumford. to be 2nd Lt.(Gaz. :— 29 June) 17 Jun Promotions, Appointments, &c. REGULAR FORCES—contd. INFAKTEY—COntd. The York and Lancaster Regiment. Serjt.-Maj.MaJ. W. F. ClemsonHarry Mansfield to be Lt.-Col. Lee, from (Gaz.TJuae) Sch of Musk., to be Snd Lt. (Gaz. 2 June).. 25Apr.SJuneli Maj. T. T. Gresson, D.S.O., to be Lt.-Col. (Gaz. 19 June) IMay The undermentioned Lts. to be Capts. supern. t H.F.H. A. A. L. Gordon. Cole-Hamilton. I The . TheundermentionedLts.tobeE. H. Gilpin. Capts.supern. to1 estabt. A.(Gaz. G. de19 June.)Bunsen. Dated 10 June 15:— J.R. F.C. Warren,Smith. and to remain seed. J.G. G.Hayes, Marker, and and to remain to remain supern. seed. W.J. A. B. Churchill, Twist. and to remain seed. A.W. J.A. Clifton. Grey-Wilson, and to remain seed.

The Highland Light Infantry. The undermentioned Lts. and temp. Capts. t,o be Capts. (Gaz. 7 June.) Dated 17 May 15:— J.W. McD. G. S. Latham,Mitchell, and and to to remain remain seed. seed. ||. J. F.A. Anderson,Balfour. and to remain supern. Theas second now described, Christian nameand not of asCo. stated Serjt.-Maj. in Gaz. William of 4 June James 15. (Gaz.McBeath, 10 June.) apptd. 2nd Lt., is The undermentioned 2nd Lts., Unattd List, Ind. Army, to be temp. Lts. whilst serving withJ. the L. McIntoshRegt. 'Gaz. (since 11 June.) killed InDated action.) 28 Dec. | 14 :— D. St. V. Gordon. TheC. undermentioned W. Hooper. Lts. (temp Capts.) to be Capts.I (Gaz.C. J. Wallace.19 June.) Dated 17 May 15 :— 2nd Lt. A.(temp.Lt.) Watkyn-Thomas T. W. Findlay to be toLt. be DatedLt. (Gaz. 14 May 19 June) 15, but .to rank for seniority without or allowances(Gaz. 19 June.) from the 22 Dec. 14, with precedence next below R. C. Guthrie-

IMay 28Apr.

TheDated undermentioned 16 June 15:— Gent. Cadets from the R. Mil. Coll, to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 15 JackKenneth Ronald Straker. Lewis Mackenzie. I Walter Nugent Sherlock. Capt. L. Holland to be Maj. (Gaz. June 19) .. TheR. undermentioned G. Barlow. (Gaz. 2nd 19 Lts. June) (temp. Lts.) to be Lts. :— 9Nov.l4 B.C. E.Stewart. Baird. (Gaz.(Gaz. 1919 June)June) 2lNov.13Nov ,s an Adjt., Terr. Force. (Gaz. 7 June) .. .. IMaylt The undermentioned 2nd Lts., Unattd. List, Ind. Army, to be temp. Lts. whilst serving with the Regt. (Gaz. 11 June.) Dated 11 Dee. It— A. D.E. S.P. Miller-Stirling,Campbell, with withprecedence precedence next belownext below J. P. A.Boyd. M. B. Norman. TheDated undermentioned 19 June 16:— Gent. Cadets from the R. Mil. Coll, to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 16 June.) Lt R.Edward A. Welfe- Henry Murray, Granville from Farquhar. S. Lan. R., to beI Capt.James (Gaz.26June) Reid McGregor. .. lOJune Promotions, Appointments, &c REGULAR FORCES—eontd. IjrPAJTTBT—oontd. The(Gaz. promn. 7 June):— to the rank of Lt. of the undermentioned 2nd Lts. Is antedated as follows 2nd Lt. D.H. A.Leah Fletcher to be 12 (Gaz.Feb. 15.7 June.) DatedI 22 Feb.W. 15, Gordon with precedence to 16 Feb. below 2nd W.Lt. Gordon.A. A. Gemmell to be Lt. temp, from 27 Feb. 15, substantive from 16 Mar. 15, but to rankbelow for A. P.seniority Gordon-Cummlng. without pay or(Gaz. allowances 7 June.) from 16 Dec. 14, with precedence next 2nd 7 Lt.June.) J. Pringle to be Lt. temp, from 15 Mar. 16, substantive from 22 Mar. 15. (Gaz. TheDated undermentioned 16 June 16 Gent. Cadets from the R. Mil. Coll, to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 15 June.) Lt. R. N.Thomas Stewart Cecil to be Boyd. Capt. (Gaz. 19 June) | Hugh Murray Grant. The RoyalLt. (temp.Irish Rifles. Capt.) C. J. Newport to be Capt. (Gaz. 7 June) ...... •• lOApr. TheT. undermentioned Ivey. 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. I (Gaz. 7 June.)E. J. Hoare. Dated 15 Mar. 15 C.M. J.C. Wakefield. Kearns. I S. V. Morgan. Thewith undermentioned the Regt. 2nd Lts. Unattd. List, Ind. Army, to be temp. Lts. whilst serving O. B.precedence Maeausland next (since below killed K. L. in Gordon. action). (Gaz. 11 June.) Dated 13 Mar. 16, with (Gaz. 11 June.) Dated 14 Mar. 15 D.R. F.H. Hubert.L. Minchin. I C. H. below Bales, H. with R. F. precedence Sullivan. TheVictor undermentioned Thomas Forsyth. Gent. Cadet(Gaz. 15from June) the .. R. Mil... Coll,.. to be 2nd.. Lt...... 16June Lt. (temp. Capt.) E. M. Thomas to be Capt. (Gaz. 24 June)...... lOMay Thenext undermentioned below P. A. O. 2nd Leask. Lts. (temp.(Gaz. 24 Lts.) June):— to be Lts. Dated 15 Mar,15, with precedence M.T. Ivey.C. Kearns. I1 E.C. J. Hoare.Wakefield Princess Victoria’s Royal Irish Fusiliers. TheJ. undermentioned F. R. Massy Westropp. 2nd Lts. (Gaz.(temp. 7 Lts.)June) to be Lts. 26 Jan. 2ndA. Low. Lt. James(Gaz. Campbell7 June) Henry from 5 Bn. R. Dub. Fus. to be 2i l Lt. (Gaz, 8 June) 25May8May o be temp. 2nd Lt.:— 11 June The ConnaughtThe undermentioned Rangers. Gent. Cadets from the R. Mil. Coll, to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 16 June) DatedJohn 16 CharlesJune 15:— Thomas McCarthy. | Stamford Walter Sepplngs Wright. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. and temp. Lts. to be Lts. (Gaz. 19 June.) Dated 11 Dec. 14:— W. H.Bruen. Rees. I T. Cheadle. B.L. C. Badham.O’D. Douglas. (Gaz. (Gaz.19 June) 19 June) ...... 17Dee.l422Feb.l6 F. D. Foott. (Gaz. 19 June.) Dated| 30 T.Apr.'15. Booth. Princess Louise’s (Argyll andTSutherland Highlanders). The12 promn. Dec. 14. to (Gaz.the rank7 June). of Capt. of Lt. (temp. Capt.) : . J. W. Clark Is antedated to The undermentioned Lts. (temp. Capts.) to be Capts. (Gaz. 7 June) Dated 22 Jan 15. J.Lt. L. VUliers G. Irvine. Montague Price, from 3 Bn, Sea.| Highrs.W. G. to Campbell, be 2nd Lt. and (Gaz. to remain8 June) supern whichDated appeared4 May with in seniorityGaz. of 3 as May from 15.) 14 Aug. 14. (Substituted for the notification 16 June 48 Promotions, Appointments, &c. REGULAR FORCES— I NT ANTE Y—GOntd, The Pr C e al S L r g ment (R al u . co! ^ R ’? wh?Jf n c A °y Canadians).W ' o„H; r:,.™ * B«™1 in comd. of a 28Mayl5 ’'“V.-g'gSSIor. “ '» - 22Tan. A. J. Jennings. (Gaz. r June) .'. 8Feb. ?• 0n (Gaz. 7 June) .. l5Feb. x *™ * ■5^“ ^ ^ * (Gaz. 7 June).. 16Feb. J. F. Marsland. (Gaz. 7 June) 27Apr. The U r Gent CadetS fr0m the R M111 Col! to be 2nd Lts D atedJohni6 JuneArthur l^- Geoffrey’ Vowler. | ‘ - Charles- Leonard Parlett- (Gaz. Heming15 June) Lt. E. H. M. de Stacpoole to he Capt. (Gaz. 19 June) ISMay The e nti0ned Lt8 t0 be Ca ts juneL. ™D.- Daly. ' P - supern. to estabt. (Gaz. is June.) Dated 10 W. S. Caulfeild. V. W. H. Venour, andto remain R. C. D. Small, and to remain seed. H. seed.W. Andrews, and to remain supern. The Roval Munster Fnsiliers. Capt. E. P. Conway to be Maj. (Gaz. 7 June) lOMay ThesoUNov™en(Gaze<7 jSne)^- t0 be Lt8" temp- fr0m Au*”14’ Bubstantive from 8: HKcS£ce killed ln action)- | ^ 3nd(Gaz.^'Ju'n?) °,:Rei"y to be Lt- temP- troni 17 Sept. 14, substantive from 17 Dec. 14. Theis date 1 Oct. of promn.14, and notto the as ranknotified of temp. in Gaz. Lt. of of 7 2ndJune Lts. 15 J (GazH SusrrueandA 9gjSne.) A ’ PR - HTT- °n’Roim, ReIlly The e Cadet ('nl n lah u from the R. Mil. Coll, to be 2nd Lt. r. C°lf R op Callander. (Gaz. 15 June) .. 16.Tune Lt. G. R. Prendergast te be Cape. (Gaz. 19 June) .. 4May ThewhndteraTtednttoThe Regt.^—" 0f th6 UQattd- List for tha Army to be temp. Lts. H. C. Des Voeux. (Gaz. 21 June) 24 Apr. E. R. S. Dods. (Gaz. 21 June) Dated 8 May_ ^ 15 Lt. G. Kennedy, from N. Staff. R„ to be Capt. I (Gaz. 26 D.June) D. Gracey. The Royal Dublin Fusiliers. Co. Sent.Alai. Samuel James Diamond, from I. Gds., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 4 June) 51 une Lt. A. F. R. Power, from 5 Lrs., to be Lt. (Gaz. 10 June) 28 Apr. MaLta.ColB'(Gatz.CnJuneTP'.COl,) C: F- Ronler’ a Gen. Staff Off., 1st Gde., to be TheDantedri6ejn1n0eni5--ent CadetS fr°m the R- MiL Co11- to be 2nd Lts- (Gaz. 15 June.) Walter1 Henry Al*exande'r°Dmn,ano, | J°hn ArthUr Har0ld Taylor- The Rifle Brigade (The Prince Consort’s Own). TheDated ejun0eni5 •-ent' CadetS fr0m th® R' Mil- Co11-to be 2nd Lts- (Gaz. 15 June.) Thomas™ James Bolle Bosvlle. | Hugh Johnstone. Tbe^idPTmentiQned^from 28 Bn. Lond. R„ to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 22 June) Service Battalions. Th canPcPelied° jS™- 38 MaJ’ °f C’ Adatr’ n°tlfled in Qaz- of 27 °ct' is he a C0 m n 38 Capt f F S Hor9ley notified ln Gaz of2 N ^ iB ^elled.^Gaz. 6 j une) to be - ° ' - ’ - °v. 14, f J;t A’ < h i0 ,pearbd temp.m Capt. Dated 25 Sept. 14. (Substituted AithurArtbnr EsmondFsmnn8^al Martelli,t^H latei ? Capt. ^ Ind. Vols., Gaz. to of be 24 temp.Sept. Capt.14.) (Gaz. (Gaz. 9 12June.) June).. 29May Th8eaSceiled.a Vg^z! 19° June.')38 ^ U- °f J' P' St6wart’ noblfled 1“ Gaz. of 17 Sept. 14, is Temp. Lt, W. A. Mosling relinquishes his commn. (Gaz 21 June.) 22 June Promotions, Appointments, &c 49

REGULAR FORCES—conid. fonrANTRY—contd. Service Battalions—cottid. TheGun undermentioned Offrs. Dated Offrs. 22 June are 15transferred : — to the Gen. List, on appt. as Brig. Maekiae Temp. Cants. C. S. Tuke, 9 Bn. R. Highrs. B D. Parklnson-Cumine, 7 Bn. R.Ir. Fna. Temp. Lts. M. E Denny, 11 Bn. Arg. and Suth’d. Highre. ,T. S. H. Moore, 6 Bn. R. Dub. Fus. J. Sealield-Grant, 7 Bn. K.O. Sco. Bord. The appt. to a temp, commn. as Capt. of Hon. 2nd Lt. E. T. L. Jenkins, notified in •az, ef 22 Sept. 14, is cancelled. iGaz. 22 June.) 298ept.l4 Lt. A.(Substituted L. Donaldson, for the from notification 5 Bn. Devon which R., appearedTerr. Force, in he of temp 4 Nov. Lt. 14.) (Gaz. 2S June) .. 2ndLt.Arg. J. and R. Snth’d.Manderson, Highrs.), from to 6 beBn. temp. Devon Lt. R.,(Gaz. Terr. 24 ForceJune.) (now temp. Capt. 11th Bn. 150ct. 13th Battalion, The Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment. The undermentioned temp. Lts. to be temp. Capts. (Gaz. l June.) Dated 1 May li — J. H. Glover. | G. S. Robertson. M. Halcrow. The undermentioned temp. 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 1 June.) Dated 1 May 15:— R. A. McFarlane. I D. M. Tomlinson. I. A. G. Ferguson. I Maj. (temp. Lt.-Col.) H. B. P. Nash, on vacating the comd., relinquishes his temp. rank. tGaz.24June) ...... •• .. 22 May 15 15th Battalion,Noel Blanco The RoyalWhite Scotsto be temp.(Lothian 2nd Regiment) Lt. (Gaz. (1st10 June) Edinburgh). 28 May 16th Battalion,David Goodall The Roval Strachan Scots to(Lothian be temp. Regiment) 2nd Lt. (Gaz.(2nd Edinburgh).22 June) 14May Temp. 2nd Lt. D. G. Strachan to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 25 June) do. Temp. 2nd Lt. J. Miller, from 11 Bn. Gord. Highrs., to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 29 June) .. Uune 8th Battalion,Temp. Qr.-Mr.The Queen’s and Hon. (Royal Lt. WestW. H. Surrey Stacey Regiment). to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 14 June) 12May 9th Battalion, The Queen’s (Royal West Surrey Regiment). The undermentioned temp. Lts. to be temp. Capts. (Gaz. 6 June.) Dated 20 May 15:— S. H. Holland. I C. King. B. V. Falle. I 0th Battalion, The Queen’s (Royal West Surrey Regiment) (Battersea). Lt. A. Lawrence, Gord. Highrs., to bs Adjt. (Gaz. 26 June).. 15Jime 6th Battalion,Temp. TheLt. H.Buffs W. (EastBrodie Kent to be Regiment). temp. Capt. (Gaz. 28 June) .. 17 May Temp. 2nd Lt. C. E. H. Druitt to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 28 June) do. 7th Battalion, The Buffs (East Kent Regiment). SJune Temp. Capt.2nd Lt. C. F.K. Phillips Black, fromto be 13temp. Bn. Lan.Lt. (Gaz.Fus., 18to June)be temp. .. Capt. (Gaz. 16 June) 6Mar. Temp. Lt. M. Hammond, from 13 Bn. Lan. Fus., to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 22 June).. 8 June 8th Battalion,Temp. 2ndThe Lt. Buffs G. L.(East Samuelson Kent Regiment). to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 12 June) IMay Temp. Capt. P. St. G. Kelton relinquishes his commn. on account of ill-health. (Gaz. 25June) 26 June 9th Battalion,The undermentioned The Buffs (East temp. Kent Lts. Regiment). relinquish their commns. (Gaz. 19 June) Dated 20 June 15:— Herbert A. Neild. j C. F. Pursey. Temp. Capt. A. E. Colley, from 8 Bn., to be temp. Capt. (Gaz, 23 June) 9 June 7th Battalion, The King's Own (Royal Lancaster Regiment). The undermentioned temp. Lts. to be temp. Capts. (Gaz. 2 June) Dated 1 Mar. 15:— W. M. Hoyle. f E. A. Kendall. The undermentioned temp. 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 2 June) Dated 1 Mar. 15:— O. G. Hunt. I R. N. Nunn. Temp. Lt. H. G. Davies to be temp. Cant. (Gaz. 7 June) IMay ■ Tamp. 2nd Lt. B-D. Pridia to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 7 June) .. .. ., ,. do. 50 Promot ons, Appointments, Ac

REGULAR FORCES—contd. IVYkvsvs—contd. Service Battalions—contd. 8th Battalion, The King’s Own (Royal Lancaster Regiment) Temp. Lt. F. W. G. Hamilton to be temp. Capt. (Gar. 25 June) .. Temp. 2nd Lt. S. A. G. Taylor to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 25June) loth Battalion, The King’s Own (Royal Lancaster Regiment). Temp. Lt. A. Smith to be temp Capt. (Gaz. 18 June) 27Apr. 8th Battalion, The Northumberland Fusiliers. Temp. Capt. G. A. L. Baton, from Gen. List, to be temp. Capt. (Gaz 17 June) 8 May Temp.Lt. A. H. Jamas to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 28 June) 8 June Temp. 2nd Lt. L. Smith to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 28 June) do. 9th Battalion, The Northumberland Fusiliers. Temp. Lt. H. B. Knott to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 22 June) The undermentioned temp. 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Qaz. 22 June.) Dated 1 June 1* • Unne a. d. nasiarn. I P. D. Robinson. 10th Battalion, The Northumberland Fusiliers. TheP. undermentioned A. B. Cherry. temp. 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts (Gaz. 25 June) Dated 9 June 15:— R. Cuthbertson. A. L. Harrison. 11th Battalion, The Northumberland Fusiliers. Temp. Lt. T. H. Inman to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 15 June) 5May 13th Battalion, The Northumberland Fusiliers. Temp. Capt. T. S. Palmer relinquishes his commn. (Gaz. 24 June) 25 June 14th Battalion, The Northumberland Fusiliers (Pioneers). Temp. 2nd Lt. L. N. L. Davidson to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 14 June) 18Apr. 15th Battalion, The Northumberland Fusiliers. Robert Benjamin Mitchell to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 11 June) George Reginald Charles Heale, late Lt, Imn. Yeo., to be temo ( ( r,.,. ?5May28 May Temp. Capt. P. K. Waite relinquishes his column (Gaz 19Tune). 20June 16th Battalion, The Northumberland Fusiliers (Newcastle) Temp. 2nd Lt. D. Irvin to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 9 June) 14 May Temp. Capt. A. W. Uttle to be temp. Maj. (Gaz. 26 June).. 2 June rh e n n n emP Lt8 t0 b6 temp Cai ts Git 7 Dated 2 JUne 15 = Tde c 8. pay ntM ' ' ' f ' ' ( V yT^tt The undermentioned temp. 2nd Lts. to be temp Lts (Gaz. 25 June) Dated 2 June 15 L. B. Proctor. I J. H. AJams. F. A. George. R H. Worthington. Temp. Capt. G. Nesbit to be Adjt. vice temo. Capt. K. S. O’Brien (Gaz. 29 June) Temp. Lt. E Thompson to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 29 June) .. 27do. Apr Temp. 2nd Lt. W. Lunn to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 29 June) do. 17th Battalion, The Northumberland Fusiliers (N.E.R., Pioneers) T1 IJan.i'',C!,n \15,rV and not as stated in Gaz. of 4of Feb. the 15.undermentioned (Gaz. 17 June):— temp. Lts. bears date G B. Thompson. | H- y. Philips. T"tTllTiine6l5.6"(Gm!ef-—@^ “ Apr'15’ bUt not t0 car^' Neville Blackmore Paddon. | Thomas Bernard Hare. 18th Battalion, The Northumberland Fusiliers (1st Tyneside, Pioneers) TheY. undermentioned B. Rogers. (Gaz temp. 5 June) Lts. to be temp. Capts. •— F.G. Wilson. (Gaz. 5 June) .. .’ ” " 15Apr. The undermentioned temp. 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts • - 16May R. Wood. (Gaz 5 June) lApr. W. T. McQuilleh. (Gaz.sJune) .. 16Apr. (Gaz. 5 June) Dated 16 May 15 .1. W. Vasey. H. W. Coombs. R. G. Helsby. N. Smith. Temp. Capt. T. Reay to be Adjt. (Gaz. 24 June) 26May 18th Battalion, The Northumberland Fusiliers (2nd Tyneside Pioneers) Charies Herbert Cooke to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 9 June? 27May Oliver Henry Chefflns to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 12 June) 29 May Charles Day Lockwood to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 22 June) »June Promotions, Appointments. &c. 51

REGULAR FOR CEB—oontd. iNFAXTBY—COntd. Service Battalions—con?d. 2Jth Battalion, The Northumberland Fusiliers (1st Tyneside Scottish). Frederick Nixon to be temp, tnd Lt. (Gaz. 2 June).. 28Apr.l6 TheA. undermentioned E. Gregg. temp. 2nd Lts. to be temp.I Lts. (Gaz.A. E. 15 Head. June) Dated 13 Mar. 15 A. G. Young. (Gaz. 15 June) .. .. HMar. 21st Battalion, The Northumberland Fusiliers (2nd Tyneside Scottish). Temp. Capt. A. G. Niven to be temp. Maj. (Gaz. 18 June) .. 30May 22nd Battalion, The Northumberland Fusiliers (3rd Tyneside Scottish). Wilfrid Charles Beardall to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 7 June) 7 Jan. Hubert Watts to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 8 June) 19Mav 23rd Battalion, The Northumberland Fusiliers (4th Tyneside Scottish). The undermentioned to be temp. 2nd Lts. James Colin Moorwo< d. (Gaz. 7 June) .. 19Apr. Leslie Williams. (Gaz. 7 June) 12May Temp. 2nd Lt. .1. W. C. Leech, from 13 Bn., to be temp. 2nd I.t. (Gaz. 21 June) 7 June 24th Battalion, The Northumberland Fusiliers (1st Tyneside Irish). John Lawler Donnelly to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz.lJunei Charles Montague Goodall to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz.2June) lOMay16Apr. Kenneth Mackenzie to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 7 June) ]6Jan. 261,h Battalion, The Northumberland Fusiliers (2nd Tyneside Irish). The undermentioned to be temp. 2nd Lts. Andrew Maitland. (Gaz. 4 June) .. 6 Jan. Frederick Rowland Allison. (Gaz. 4 June) 3Feb. William Leonard Hopps. (Gaz. 4 June) .. 3Mar. Thomas Stephens Charlesworth. (Gaz. 4 June) .. 4 Mar. John Robert Taylor. (Gaz. 4 June) Dated| 6 Mar.John 15 George Kirkup. Robert William Wright. (Gaz. 4 June) .. Thomas Richard Groom. (Guz. 4 June) .. 24Mar.lOMar. Daniel McElduff. (Gaz. 4 June) .. 28Mar. George Embleton Fox Pollard to be temp. Capt. (Gaz.ISJune) .. 24Mar. The undermentioned temp. Lts. to be temp. Capts. (Gaz. 18 June) Dated 1 June 16 P. A. Murray. I J. Foley. The undermentioned temp. 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. C. W. C. Hutton. (Gaz.ISJune).. 24Apr. (Gaz. 18 June) Dated 1 June 15 J. Bainbridge. C. Rowell. W. R. Slack. F. R. Allison. J. A. Hately. J. R. Lunn. J. H. Lambert. R. F. Fryars. 26fcli Battalion, The Northumberland Fusiliers (3rd Tyneside Irish). Frederick Lewis Vernon to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 3 June) 25 Jan The undermentioned to be temp. 2nd Lts. : - Foster Stephenson. (Gaz.3June) 25.Tan. Norman Maccoy. (Gaz. 3 June) .. 22 Feb. George Malcolm Stuart McAlister. (Gaz. 3 June) .. 8Mar. Temp. 2nd Lt. F. Stephenson to be temp. Capt. (Gaz 3 June) 2May The undermentioned temp. 2nd Lts. to be temp. Capts. J. H. Hedley. (Gaz. 5 June) IMay R, Falkons. (Gaz. 5 June) 3May Temp. 2nd Lt. W. L. C. Shackleton to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 5 June) .. 21Apr. TheHugh undermentioned Percy McConway, to be temp. but not 2nd to L!s. carry (Gaz. pay 9or June) allowances Dated prior 8 Apr. to 1518 Apr. 15 Andrew Sebastian O’Connor, but not to carry pay or allowances prior to 12 Apr. 15. Herbert . | Patrick Joseph Murphy. Archibald McCaw, but not to carry pay or allowances prior to 12 Apr. 15. Michael John Murray. William Patrick Murray, but not to carry pay or allowances prior to 12 Apr. 15. Temp. 2nd Lt. R. Johnstone, from 16 Bn., to be temp, 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 16 June) 27 A pr. The undermentioned temp 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. J. L. Young. (Gaz. 28 June) 3 May N. Maccoy. (Gaz. 28 June 4May O. 8. Dix. (Gaz. 28 June; ...... J. 5 May 52 Promotions, Appointments, &c.

RBGULAK FORCES—c^nM. IlTFAJTTET—eonM. Service Battalions— 2Tth Battalion,The undermentioned The Northumberlaad to be temp. Kasiliers 2nd Lts.:— (4tU Tyneside Irish), Frederick Arthur Hobbs. (Gaz. 2June) .. Harold Etbelwald Cream. (Gaz. 2 June).. 2827Apr.l5 Apr. Temp. Capt. A. 8. O’Brien, from 16 Bn., to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 15 June).. 27Apr. John Joseph McCormack to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 26 June) 20 May 11th Battalion, The Royal Warwickshire Regiment. Temp. Lt. S. Sproston‘relinqnishes his eommn. on account of ill-health. (Gaz. 3 June) 4Jnne Andrew Bollick to be temp. Capt. (Gaz.ISJune) .. 12 Feb. Temp. Lt. E. L.Ronth to be temp. Cant. (Gaz.25June) 25May Temp. 2nd Lt. H. W.E. Barwell to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 25 June) do. 13th Battalion, The Royal Warwickshire Regiment. Temp. 2nd Lt. O. V. M, Roxby to be temp. Lt. 'Gaz. 2 Jone) 11 May James C. Hughes-Bonsall, late Lt. 3 Bn. Suft. R. (Mil.), to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 24 June) .. 16Jnne 14th Battalion, The Royal Warwickshire Regiment (1st Birmingham). TheBarry initials Leslie of Higgins temp. he temp.T. K. Barnsley2nd Lt. (Gaz.are as2 June)now described, and not as stated in 5 May Gaes. of 16 Dec. 14, and 10 Feb. 15. (Gaz. 3 June.) The promn. of temp. 2nd Lt. A. E. Wilson to the rank of temp. Lt.,notiftedin the Gaz. of (Substituted28 Feb. 15, is forantedated the notification to 27 Jan. which 15, appearedwith precedence in Gaz. ofnext 11 Mar. below 15). H. (Gaz. S. Mathews. 12 June ) 15bh Battalion,The undermentioned The Royal Warwickshire temp. Lts. to Regiment be temp. (2ndCapts. Birmingham). C. A. Bill. (Gaz. 21 June) Uan. C. W. Barnes. (Gaz. 21 June) 17Mar. The undermentioned temp. 2nd Lts. to he temp. Lts. (Gaz. 21 June) Dated 3 Oct. 14:— E. A. Slade. I R. I. Gough. (Gaz. 21 June). Dated 1 Jan. 15 :— G.C. W.M. Turner.Davis. (Gaz. 21 June) I W. L. Hemus. 26Jan. (Gaz. 21 June) Dated 27 Jan. 15:— T. E. Ruhery. I A. H. Tatlow. P. Broughton. (Gaz. 21 June) 17 Mar. Harold Bowater Large to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 22 June) lOMay 16th Battalion. The Royal Warwickshire Regiment (3rd Birmingham.) TheS undermentioned G. H. Mason. (Gaz.temp. 9 2ndJune) Lts. to be temp. Lts. :— IMay F. Dingley. (Gaz. 9 June).. 2May M.J. Martin. (Gaz. 9 June) 3May J.Arch.A B. P. Roberts.(Gaz.9June) (Gaz.9June) ...... * 5May4May G. R. Byrne. (Gaz. 9 June) 6May TheNeville undermentioned George Yardley. to be temp. (Gaz. 2nd 17 Lts.June) .. 22May Rowland Evan Basil Rowland. (Gaz. 17 June) .. 30May (Gaz. 17 June) Dated 3 June 15 •— Ronald George Farquhar. I Victor Salter Cooke. Harold Richard Billington. I Temp.2lJune) 2nd lit. 8. C. Parkes relinquishes his commn. on account of ill-health. (Gaz. 22June 8th Battalion,Capt. T. The G. CopeRoyal to Fusiliers be temp. (City Maj. of (Gaz.London 14 June)Regiment). 12Apr. lefck Battalion,The undermentioned The Royal Fusilier* to be temp. (City 2nd of London Lts. (Gaz. Regiment). 7 June.) Dated 6 May 15 :— Frank William Silvester Shutes. I Charles Pratt. The undermentioned tube temp. 2nd Lts. (Gaz 16 June) Dated 18 May 16:— Leonard Bgmont Fletcher. I Lawrence Ernest Harris. Martin Arthur Heathcote to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 23 June) SMay Battalion, The Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regiment). TheD. undermentioned L. Blackford. temp.(Gaz. 32nd June) Lts. to he temp. Lts. :— H. Yeats. (Gar. 3 June) .. 30Mar.lOMar. A. G. Tanner. (Gaz. 3 June) 20Apr. Temp.Gun Capt. Cfer. R.(Gaz. B. Goodden 2* June) is ..transferred to the Gen. List for seryice as a Brig. Machine 29June Promotions, Appointments, &r. 53

REGULAR FORCES—oontd. INPANTRY—eontd. Service Battalions—conid. 13th Battalion, The Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regiment). Temp.(Gaz.9June) 2nd Lt. H. W. P. Newall is removed from the Service for absence without leave. 18Apr.l5 Temp. 2nd Lt. A. E. D. Bliss to he temp. Lt. (Gaz.ISJune) 30Mar. Col. F. P. Hutchinson, C'.B., Indian Army, relinquishes the comd. (Gaz. 23 June) 8june The appt. of Lt. H. A. Scarlett, Res. of Off., to be Ad]t., and his promn. to the temp, rank of Capt., notified in Gazs. of 30 Nov. 14 and 9 Dec. 14 respectively, are antedated to Temp.14 Oct. 2nd 14.Lt. S.(Gaz. M. Adler24 June.) to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 24 June) .. 14 Apr. 14th Battalion, The Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regiment). Cuthbert Winter to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 15 June) 7June 16th Battalion, The Royal Fnsiliers (City of London Regiment). Temp. 2nd Lt. A. G. Pape, from 22 Bn., to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 5 June) 9Jan. 17th Battalion, The Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regiment) (Empire). Ernest Courtenay Parry to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 1 June).. 11 May Temp. Lt. 8. J. M. Hole to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 5 June) ISMay (Gaz. 5 June.) Dated 18 May 15 The undermentioned temp. 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. E. Roper. W.E. Richmond.A. Garratt. R. C. L. Cronbach. C. W. Sewell. I 18th Battalion,Hugh William The Royal Gosling Fusiliers to be temp.(City of2nd London Lt. (Gaz. Regiment) 4 June) (1st .. Public Schools). 4May 20th Battalion, The Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regiment) (3rd Public Schools). 19 June Temp. 2ndCapt. Lt. A. M. L. H.Ladenburg M. Hunter relinquishes to be temp. his Lt. commn. (Gaz. 24(Gaz. June) 18 June) .. 10 May 22nd Battalion, The Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regiment) (Kensington). TheW. undermentioned J. Phythian-Adams, temp. Adjt.Lts. to be temp. Capts.i (Gaz.A. 5MacDougall. June.) Dated 25 Feb. 16 Temp. 2nd Lt. B. F. Woods to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 17 June) .. 30 Jan. 23rd Battalion,The undermentioned The Royal Fusiliers to be temp. (City 2nd of LondonLts. (Gaz. Regiment) 9 June.) (1st Dated Sportsman’s). 25 May 15:— Norman Allen Lewis. Eric Francis Howard Taylor. John Charles Fenton. Cecil Bernard Hayward. Archifiald John Hall Kennedy. George Connock Lovibond. Nelson Firth. Temp.(Gaz. Capt. 12 June) O. H. M. Williams is removed from the Service for absence without leave. 7 Mar. Temp. Capt. A. H. Church relinquishes his commn. (Gaz. 18 June) .. 19 June TheGeorge undermentioned Richard Nicolaus. to be temp. 2nd Lts. (Gaz.I 28 June.)William Dated John 29 May Stevenson. 15 Arthur Gwilym Rees. 24th Battalion,Ralph Anthony The Royal Durand Fusiliers to be (City temp. of 2ndLondon Lt. Regiment)(Gaz. 2 June).. (2nd Sportsman’s). 9Mar. Temp.Dated Lt. 20G. Jan.T. Edwards, 15. (Substituted from 12 Bn. for Welsh the notificationR., to be temp. which 2nd appeared Lt. (Gaz. in 7Gaz. June.) of 27 May 15). lOMay Darwin d’Abo to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 7 June) 19June RonaldTemp. Capt. Alan W.Cunningham C. K. Pechell Graham relinquishes to be temp. his commn.2nd Lt. (Gaz.(Gaz. 2118 June)June) .. fMay Temp. 2nd Lt. R. Gason relinquishes his commn. on account of ill-health. (Gaz. 22 June) 23Jnne The notification regarding temp. 2nd Lt. A. L. Berry, which appeared in the Gaz. o Cecil29 PalmerApr. 15 Harveyis cancelled. to be temp.(Gaz. 2nd28 June) Lt. (Gaz. 28 June) .. 25 May Bt. Col.29 June) A. de B. V. Paget relinquishes comd. of the Bn. on account of ill-health. (Gaz. 19June 25th Battalion,Temp. Capt. The RoyalE. B. B.Fusiliers Williams (City relinquishes of London hisRegiment) commn. (Frontiersmen). on account of ill health. (Gaz. 2 June' ...... •• .. SJnne 54 Promotions, Appointments, &c

REGULAR FORCES—con^rf, INFAKTRT—contd. Service Battalions—core<<2. 15th Battalion, The King’s (Liverpool Regiment) Temp. Lt. H. J. C. Willmott, from A. Ord. Dept., to b ) temp. Lt (Gaz. 16 June) . .. 24MayU 17th Battalion, The King’s Liverpool Regiment) (1st City). Henry C. King, late Lt. 58 Foot, to be temp. Maj. (Gaz. 25 June) .. Ifi.iune 18th Battalion, The King’s (Liverpool Regiment) (2nd City) Th U nder m e n 0 n< t 0 b0 temP 2nd G 8 15 Temp.G o Lt.r d o nS.B C.rew Jonese r go relinquishes, dS ' his ^ commn. ' ^ on account oVifl-heSth^ ?Gazin 9 June) .. lOJune 19th Battalion, The King's (Liverpool Regiment) (3rd City). Richard William Vaughan-Roberts fco be temp. 2nd Lt. (Qaz Ifi June) 5) line The i e d t 0 be t6mP 2 d US (QaZ 21 Jan joS^ ^o b ert s - " - i ^T%\yl^yt 20th Battalion, The King’s (Liverpool Regiment) (4th City) ThemrdoirLeal;!r,eedr.t0 ^ '0mP' 2nd Us' (CTaf’ 8 ll>- Geoffrey Starrs Sutton. | Joseph Walter Musker. 7 Apr. 15 John Gilbert Nixon to be temp. 2nd Lt (Gaz. 12 June) lemp. 2nd Lt. J. Dearden relinquishes his commn. on account of ill-health." (Gaz ‘28 June) 16Mar. 29June 1st Dock Battalion, The King’s (Liverpool Regiment). G. Tattersall to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 1 June) .. 5May 9th Battalion, The Norfolk Regiment. Temp. 2nd Lt. W. V. Coates to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 15 June) .. 16 Mar. 10th Battalion, The Norfolk Regiment. TbeilTuneT5e?-0ned temP’ CaPt9‘ reline Bn., Te r 8 B n 0rt anC R t0 00mmanA the Bn TK^omvac^r (Garn J u neT ! !: ' ;’ ” 3J un« Temp. Capt. F. W. Jennings relinquishes his commn. (Gaz. 12 June) Temp. Capt. P. N Clark (incorrectly described as P. M. Clark in the Gaz of 11 Ian isi ISJune relinquishes his commn. (Gaz. 15 June)...... “ «az. 01 li Jan. 15), 7th Battalion, The Lincolnshire Regiment. Temp. Lt. C. Legard to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 2 June) temp. Lt. A. S. L. Grove to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 4 June) .. lApr. The undermentioned temp. 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. :— 16Mar. D. G. T. Tacon. (Gaz. 4 June) .. 25Feb. A. P. H. Squire. (Gaz. 4 June) .. lApr. 10th Battalion, The Lincolnshire Regiment (Grimsby) Temp. Lt. C. H. Bellamy to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 28 June) lApr. 9th Battalion, The Devonshire Regiment. The undermentioned temp. 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. •— J.W. Palmer. (Gaz. 7 June) iFeb. A. F. Mills. (Gaz. 7 June) 2Feb. G, Underhill. (Gaz. 7 June) .. ” ” " 3Feb. 11th Battalion, The Devonshire Regiment. William Spearman, late Lt. 5 Bn. Terr. Force, to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 5 June) 17May 7th Battalion, The Suffolk Regiment. a rd fro m B 6.1une TeZ'lemp. T.T M.M C.n Thomas^ ’ tot 9be temp.»- York.Capt. R(Gaz. l,o be28 temp.June) Lt. (Gaz. 24 June) .. 19 May 8th Battation, The Suffolk Regimen’. The ui^ermentinned temp. Lts. to be temp. Capts. (Gaz. 29 June) Dated 23 Apr it • o. w. caru. I c y Booth Promotions, Appointments, Ac 55

REGULAR FORCES—conta. Infantry—contd. Service Battalions—corald. 9th Battalion,The a opt. The to aSuffolk temp, Regiment.commn. as Capt. ol A. P. Mack (incorrectly described as A. F. Mack in Gaz. ol 29 Sept. 14), is antedated to 22 Sept. 14. (Gaz. 4 June.) TheLionel undermentioned Ensor. (Gaz. temp. 15 June) Lts. to be temp. Capts. 27Mar.lS (Gaz. 15 June.) Dated 17 May 15 FAR. Hedges, Adjt. I H. F. Law. P. L. Scudamore. I TheJ. undermentioned T. C. Fallowes. temp.(Gaz. 2nd 15 June).. Lts. to be temp. Lts. :— 27 Mar. (Gaz. 15 June.) Dated 17 May 15 :— C. F. Boyts. I R. . 10th Battalion, The Suffolk Regimen.l. 11 June Temp. 4Capt. apt. C.J.A. P. CatlingRichardson relinquishes relinquishes his commn. his commn. (Gaz. (Gaz. 14 Jane) 10 June) .. ISJune Temp. Capt. H. W. Booker, from 9 Bn., to be lemp. Capt. (Gaz. 21 June) 8June lith Battalion, The Suffolk Regiment (Cambridgeshire). 3May ColinTemp. Coley Capt. to H. be W. temp. Stace, 2nd from Lf . 8 (Gaz.Bn., to 4 June)be temp. Capt. (Gaz,7June) 15Apr. Charles Brian Nichols to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 7 June) .. 16May Andrew Cecil Teller to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz.llJnne) 14May The undermentioned temp. Lts. to be temp. Capts. (Gaz. 17 June.) Dated 1 June 15:— C. E. Townley. I A. E. Seddon TheI. undermentioned D. Claughton. temp. 2nd Lts. to be temp.I Lts. .(Gaz. A. H. 17 Wrixon. June.) Dated 1 June 15:— R. C. Grey. I N. B. Bagenal. Frederick Charles Shaw to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 28 June) 27May 7th Battalion,Temp. 2ndPrince Lt. Albert’sE. B. Hatt (Somerset to be temp. Light Lt. Infantry). (Gaz 7 June) 20May 9th Battalion,The surname The Prince ol temp. ol Walls’s Capt OwnA. M. (West Pearkes Yorkshire is as nowRegiment). described, and not as stated in Gazs. of 16 Sept. 14, 27 J an. 15, and 19 Apr. 15. (Gaz. 8 June) 10th Battalion, The Prince ol Wales’s Own (West Yorkshire Regiment.) The undermentioned to be temp. Capts. (Gaz. 22 June.) Dated 1 May 15 : — Temp. 2nd Lt. L. G. Peters. I Temp. Lt. D. L. Ingpen. The undermentioned temp. 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 22 June.) Dated 1 May 15 J. F. Maidlow. I K. S. Rudd. 11th Battalion,Temp. Lt. The R. PrinceJ. Whittall ol Wales’s relinquishes Own (West his commn. Yorkshire (Gaz. Regiment). 29 June) ...... 3'Jnne 16th Battalion,Henry Samuel The Prince Bridel ol toWales’s be temp. Own 2nd (West Lt. Yorkshire(Gaz. 7 June) Regiment) (1st ). IFeb. Temp. Capt. E. C. M. de Pledge to be Adjt. (Gaz. 17 June).. 17May Richard Dickson Preston to be temp. 2nd Lt (Gaz. 22 June) oJune The notifications regarding the undermentioned, which appeared in Gaz. ol 4 Dec. 14, are cancelled.Robert Edward(Gaz. 26 Chapman.June):— I Thomas Will y. 16th Battalion, The Prince ol Wales’s Own (West Yorkshire Regiment) (1st Bradford). The undermentioned to be temp. 2nd Lts.:— Francis Martello Gray. (Gaz. 8 June) ...... 16 May Sydney Barton Newlands. (Gaz. 8 June)...... 18 May William Russell to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 11 June) ...... 1J une Temp.28Juue) Capt. T. L. Rhodes relinquishes his commn. on account ol ill-health. (Gaz. 29June 17th Battalion, The Prince ol Wales’s Own (West Yorkshire Regiment) (2nd Leeds). Lt. Col. H. A. Moore (Ind. Army), from 9 Bn E. York. R., to commd. the Bn., vice temp. 4Jane EricLt.-Col. Joseph W.Woods Pollard, to be vacated temp. 2nd on appt.Lt. ( commd. 18 June) an Ini. Base Depbt. (Gaz. 14 June) lOApr. The undermentioned to be temp. 2nd Lts. Herbertallowances Stovin prior Mercer. to 2 June,(Gaz. 15.24 June.) Dated 18 May 15, but not to carry pay or Arthur Seymour Tadman. (Gaz. 24 June.) Dated 19 May 15, but not to carry pay or allowances prior to 2 June 15. John . (Gaz. 24 June.) Dated 20 May 15, but not to carry pay or Stanleyallowances Lucas Hitchen,prior to 11 June(Gaz. 15.24 June) .. 7.1 une 56 Promotions, Appointments, &c

REGULAR FORCES—oore^d. INPAITTET—COntd. Service Battalions—coreid. 18th Y0lk8hUe Kegiraent) <2nd Bradford;. Walter Peace. (Gaz. 9 .Tone) Harry Leslie Dalby. (Gaz. 9 June) .. ” ;; '' 24Mayl5 Louis Campbell Baines to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 12 June) 25May e 0 Bai le t0 b0 tem 9Mar. „ Th;,,dH«othe notifications;- ' whichv.- l. appearedb-J^apt. in the (Gaz. Gazs. 12 ofJune) 19 Apr. Dated 15, and1 Apr. 1 Mav15. y (Substituted15 ) for Cecil Horace Case Keevil to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 14 June) The^urname of temp 2nd Lt-H L. Dailey is as now described, and not as stated in Gaz. 28 May Temp. 2nd Lt. F. P. Nowell, from 13 Bn., to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 24 June) O.Tune 7th Battalion, The East Yorkshire Regiment. Temp. Capt. F. G. S. Cary to be temp. Maj. (Gaz. 21 June) 26May 9th Battalion, The East Yorkshire Regiment. Temp. Maj.Map T.E. G.Gioster H. Smyth, relinquishes from 7th his Bn., commn. to be temp. on account Mai. (Gaz.of ill-health. 18 June) (Gaz 12 June) lalmie26Mav Temp. Capt. A. H. Gardner relinquishes his comma. (Gaz. 23 June) .. . . 24June 10th Battalion, The East Yorkshire Regiment (1st Hull) The undermentioned to be temp. 2nd Lis. (Gaz. 3 June.) Dated 18 Mav 15 ■- Alfred??f™S™ Viotti5?RK Rhodes.D!Se11, I .HimCecil PercyCooper Norfolk. Spink. ' Daniel Dugdale. | Edward Cecil Vickers. Temp. Lt. E. B. Coatsworth to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 9 June) The undermentioned temp. 2nd Lts. to be temn. Lts. (Gaz. 9 June.) Dated 29 Jan. 15 D. W. O. Palmer. G. W. S. England. B. N. Rice. R. A. Flintoff. Jocelyn Arthur St. Clair Richardson to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 10 June) 26May 11th Battalion, The East Yorkshire Regiment (2nd Hull). Temp. Capt. W. H. Wilberforce to be temp. Maj. (Gaz. 7 June) Uan. Temp. Lt. G. M. Stevenson to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 7 June) IMar. The undermentioned temp. 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 7 June.) Dated 1 Mar 15 •— Ernest Leslie Williams. | Edward Cargill. ‘ ' William Henry Hall to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 19 June) 7 June 12th Battalion, The East Yorkshire Regiment (3rd Hull). Robert Harold Beckh to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 7 June) .. HMav Peter Jocelyn Lambert to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 19 June) . lOMay 13th Battalion, The East Yorkshire Regiment (4th Hull). Algernon Montague Wilson Masm to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 7 June) 19Mar. Temp. Capt. J. C. R. King to be temp. Maj. (Gaz. 7 June).. IMay The undermentioned temp. Lts. to be temp. Cat ts. A. J. Stather. (Gaz. 14 June) IMay C. W. Waite. (Gaz. 14 June) lOMay T. H. F. G. Truman. (Gaz. 14 June) ...... 15May The undermentioned temp. 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. F. W. Lawe. (Gaz. 14 June) O. Coope. (Gaz. 14 June) .. IMay B. K. C. Ranson. (Gaz. 14 June)...... ,. lOMay L. A. Rutterford. (Gaz. 14 June) ...... ” 16May C. M. Billington. (Gaz. 14 June) .. 25May20May 6th Battalion, The Bedfordshire Regiment. The undermentioned to be temp. Capts.: — Lt. J. C. A. Kirch. (Gaz. 7 June) .. 26Mar. Temp. Lt. D. H. Blake. (Gaz. 7 June; lApr. Temp. 2nd Lt. R. C. Carthew to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 7 June) do. The dates of appt. to temp. 2nd Ltcies. of the undermentioned are as now stated, and not as previously notified in earlier Gazs, (Gaz. 11 June). C. Chamier, 24 Sept. 14. | D. H. Blake, 30 Sept. 14j Temp. Lt. P. A. Irving to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 25 June) .. 22May Temp. Capt. W. J. Rix is transferred to A. Cyclists Corps. (Gaz. 29 June) do. Promotions, Appointments, &c. 57

REGULAR FORCES—cojtftf. INFAWTBY—contd. •errice Battalions—co»M. 7fch Battalion, The Bedfordshire Kegnnent.. , , ,, ,,, Lt.-Col. A. H. Allenby, Ind. Army, relinquishes his eommd. of the Bn. (Gaz. 18 June)T .. 24Mayl5 Maj.G.and toI). be Price, temp. W. Lt. York Col. R., (Gaz. from ISJune) a Recruiting .. Staff.. Off. (Cl. ID,.. to commd... ' the Bn., 10 June The Gazs.initials of 28of Oct.temp. 14 Capt.and 25 J. Nov. L. Sharpies14. (Gaz. are 18 June)as now described, and not as stated in the Temp.commn. Maj. E.on Digbyaccount (Capt., of ill-health. Res. of Off.,(Gaz. Commonwealth 29 June) Mil. Forces), relinquishes his SOJune 8th Battalion,Temp. Lt.The N. Bedfordshire T.vrer to be temp.Regiment. Capt. (Gaz. 4 June) 8May Temp. 2nd Lt. .t. S. Greer to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 4 June) do. 9th Battalion,Temp. Capt.The BedfordshireW. F. Dew relinquishes Regiment. his commn. on account of ill health. (Gaz. 29 June) SOJune 6th Battalion, The Leicestershire Regiment. 20May Temp. 2ndLt. andLt. J.Adjt. H. HopewellW. W. Mawson to be ba temp.lit. (Gaz. Capt. 7 June)(Gaz. 7 June) do. 7th Battalion,Temp. 2ndThe Lt. Leicestershire H. W. H. Tyler Regiment. to be temp. bt. (Gaz. 11 June) 2Feb. 8th Battalion, The Leicestershire Regiment. TheW. undermentioned McCutchcon. temp.(Gaz. Lts.7 June) to be.. temp. Capts. 19Apr. F. Ward. (Gaz. 7 June) 29Apr. R.S.M. White. (Gaz. 7 June) 21 May TheT. undermentioned L. Warner. (Gaz. temp. 7 June) 2nd Lts. to.. be temp... Lts...... 29Apr. .1. F. W. Popham. (Gaz. 7 June) ...... 215U±y Mai.H. F. P. J. Bell,Radford, ret. Ind.Res. Army.of Off., to(Gaz. command 26 June) the Bn. and to be temp. Lt.-Col., vice Lt.-Col. 12.1tine 9th Battalion,Temp. Capt.The Leicestershire A. W. L. Trotter, Regiment. from 10 Bn., to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 21 June) l.Tune loth Battalion,Temp. Capt. The LeicestershireT. V. Dickinson, Regiment. from 8th Bn., to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 14 June) 29 May 6th Battalion, The Royal Irish Regiment. , TheMila., appt notifiedto a temp, in Gazcommn. of 22 as Mar. Maj. 15, of is C. antedated E. Lloyd to (Hon. 14 Feb. Lt.-Col., 15, with 2 Bn.precedence R. Guernsey next below H. P. E. Parker, but not to carry pay or allowances prior to 6 Mar 15. (Gaz. 7 June.) The undermentioned Offs, of the R. Guernsey Mila, to be temp. 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 28 June.) Dated 18 Apr. 16 2nd Lt. J. E. Windrum. I 2nd Lt. M. H. C. Slaytor. 6th Battalion,'Temp. Capt.Alexandra, W. R. PrincessPeel to be of Adjt., Wales’s vice Own temp. (Yorkshire Capt. F. Regiment).C. Shelmerdine. (Gaz. 12 June) 26 May The undermentioned temp. Lts. to be temp. Capts. (Gaz. 14 June.) Dated 16 May 15 : — R. Randerson. I G. G. Currey. A. C. T. White. I The undermentioned temp. 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 14 June.) Dated 16 May 15 A. E. Hall. I M. B. Lambert. C. H. Dawnay. I I. McL. Wilson. Wilfrid Hubert Chapman, late Capt. 4 Bn. (Mila.), to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 28 June) 3lMay th Battalion, Alexandra, Princess of Wales’s Own (Yorkshire Regiment). Capt. W. B. Hunton, Spec. Res., to be temp. Maj. (Gaz. 3 June) .. 13Mar The undermentioned temp. Lts. to be temp. Capts. do. S.L. B.W. Kay.Goldsmith. (Gaz. 3 June)(Gaz. 3 ..June) . 5Ap* TheC. undermentioned W. Lamb. Gaz. temp. 3 June) 2nd Lts. to.. be temp.. . Lts.:—...... ^ 13Mar. F. W. Crabtree. (Gaz. 3 June) 6Apr. . '1 hedated appt. toto 26a temp,Dec. 14, commn. with precedence as Capt. of next E. V. above Slater, R. notiliedA. Young. in Gaz.(Gaz. of 223 Mar. June.) 15, is ante- 58 Promotions, Appointments, &c.

REGULAR FORCES—cowM, IXFANTRT—COntd. Service Battalions—co 9th Alexandra, Princess o( Wales’s Ow.i (Yorkshire Regiment) J emp. Lt. A. C. Lames to be temp Capt. (Gaz. 3. June) IMayll Th temP LtS t0 be temP Us ( a F! tfeSr ' ^ - i ’ « ^J?-]e'c)c Dated 1 May ,5 ' 10th Battalion Alexandra, Princess of Wales’s Own (Yorkshire Regiment ) Temp'i emp. 2nd l'tLt.W J.f ID.l?"H? Hawkinswl'Sha to/‘d beKt° ten Lt.J°- I'aPt-(Gaz. 26(Gaz. June) 26 June) 14June 1 + do. . Mth n^orop^^t^F'fch^lmlmerdfne', from to be tenipfC^ptf^Cto.' 14 Ju„e, 26 May 12th Battodion^ (Gaz^I J^une)*'.^™611^/'^668 ,S,*de ^>l®neers); 24May The undermentioned to be temp. 2nd Lts :— Raymond Cooper. (Gaz. 15 June) 25 May (Gaz 18 June AlexanderJohn Colbert. Shaw to he temp.’ 2nd Lt.’> (Gaz.Dated 21 1 June)June 15:-^ Cro*hy- 31 May 9th Battalion, The Lancashire Fusiliers. Temp. Capt. J. H. T. Evans, from 13 Bn., to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 15 June) TheTemp. undermentioned Lt. E. Elwell. to bo(Gaz. temp. 29 Cants June)' •— .. . Lt. H. E. F. Travers. (Gaz. 29 June) 23Feb. Th Un e n e t 0 ne,, 2nd t0 be Lt8 Uune L H. o sborn e ^ I - ^'29H. H. Pegrum. June,. Dated 1 Jane .5 10th Battalion, The Lancashire Fusiliers. Temp. Lt. £. F Phiibrick to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 26 June) 1 May 3th Battalion, The Lancashire Fusiliers, Temp. Capt. E. B. London, from 10 Bn., to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 4 June) .. ISMay TheF. undermentioned J. J F. McDowell. temp. (Gaz. Lts. 11to June)be temp. Capts.:— 8 May G. A, Bradshaw. (Gaz. 11 June) .. ISMay TheH. undermentioned N. Negretti. (Gaz. temp. li 2nd June) Lts. to.. be temp. Lts •- 8 May l.Carr (Gaz. ll June.) Dated 13 May 15 :— Temp. Capt. J. A. McCulloch to be Adjt. (Gaz. 26 June)P' S.' B‘ SchoolinK; 15th Battalion, The Lancashire Fusiliers (1st Salford). P e ntl0ne


REGULAR FORCES— IKPANTET—-COntd. SefTioe Battalions—aonld. 9th]Battallon, The Royal Scots Fusiliers The underm entioned temp. Lts. to be temp. Capts. A. D. Gibb. (Gaz. 4 June) ...... lFeb.15 B' whfchnapepeare&dafo Gaz."of *10 May 15.1) Apr‘ ^ for ^e notification CaP 0 S L I A m e iaqUiSheS hi9 aPpt aS AdJt n cUing?obe empld w?thti1e Bn: "Gaz 22 finS! . ' - °. 20May 8th Battalion, The Cheshire Regiment.

al 0 25May t.Sr&«k ;? Lt..0„K' Toiri’jS'.) ' raHn'qulshee the' do. 9th Battalion, Th© Choahire RGj2fim8nt. Temp. Capt. R. M. C. Ruxton to be temp. Maj. (Gaz. 7 June) The undermentioned temp. Lts. to be temp. Capts. 20Apr. T (Gaz. 18 June.)— ^Symons. (Gaz. 18 June) 1 .. A‘Seraber.g- The er entioned temp 2nd Lts t0 be tem Lt3 Gaz 15May ii.r? wwatts.^ ' - P-| -

REGULAR FORCES—eonid. INFANTRY—COJlM. Service Battalions—coreM. 13th Battalion, The Royal Welsli FnsUiers (1st North Wales). A drlan Hamilton Silverton Barrett to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz.Uuae) 24Ajir.l5 Temp. 2nd Lt. G. Jenkins to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 3 June) lOMay't M ay Geoftrey Roose Paton to bo temp. 2 id Lt. (Gaz. 7. June) .. .. 30Apr. Temp. 2nd Lt. E. L. Hill , from 12 Bn., to bi temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 11 J»A9) 8May Temo.Temp. Lt.Oapt. L. J.H. R.Ayer Har to wlckebe temp. relinquishes Capt. (Gaz. his 17 a June)'pt as Adjt. (Gaz. 14 June) 19May Howel Tegid Edwards to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 23 June) .. .. IMay Theophilus Beynon to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 28 June) 8May 14th Battalion, The Roya Welsh Fusiliers. 2.8Apr. Ber ram Broom Catterid to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 2 June) 25Jan. EvanCapt. PughA. W, JonesAnacombe, to be temp.Unatt. 2nd Li-nTerr. Lt. (Gaz. Force, 4 June) to be temp. Lt. ..(Gaz. 3.. June) 15May Temp. 2nd Lt. J. Jack, from 11 Bn„ to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 16 June) .. 27 May Maurice Vaughan-Roberts to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 28 June) HFeb. 15th Battalion, The Royal Welsh Fusiliers (1st London Welsh). 13Apr. Henry Jackson Harris bo be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaa. 1 June) .. 17Apr. Temp. Lt. W. A. Howells to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 5 June) .. do. Temp.William 2nd Marychurch Lt. H. Pritchard Morgan to to be be temp. temp. Lt. 2nd (Gaz. Lt. (Gaz.5 June) 7 June). _ .. 23Apr, Benjamin Thomas to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 12June) ISMar. TheEmlyn undermentioned Thomas Morgan. to be temp. (Gaz. 2ud 28 Lts.June).. .. 61Apr. Noel Osborne-Jones. (Gaz. 23 June) 14May Hugh Vulcan Williams to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 28 June) .. HFeb. 16th Battalion, The Royal Welsh Fusiliers. (Gaz. 7 June) Dated 1 May 15: — TheThomas undermentioned Samuel Ernest to be temp.Parry. 2nd Lts. | Robert Leighton Parker. 17th Battalion,Thomas TheArthur Royal Hughes Welsh to Fusiliers be temp. (2nd2nd Lt.North (Gaz. Wales). 1 June).. 8May Temp. 2nd Lt. W. L. Griffith to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 3 June)., 16May levan Lloyd Mostyn to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 4 June) ,, ITMay The undermentioned to be temp. Lts. 5Feh Temp. Lt. O. E. Roberts, from 16 Bn. (Gaz. 7 June) .. HMar. Lt,.David J. Blackwall, Charles Rowe from to Terr. be temp. Force 2nd Res., Lt. Gen. (Gaz. List. 10 June)(Gaz. 7 June) lOMay TheAlfred undermentioned James Benedict to be Josephtemp. 2nd Allen. Lts. :(Gaz. — 16 June) .. .. 7Ma»y William George Williams. (Gaz. 16 June) ...... 31May Theantedated appt. to a totemp, 15 Feb. commn. 15. (Gaz. as 2nd23 June.) Lt. of G. W. Jones, notified in «az. ef 15 Apr. 15, is TheHerbert undermentioned Campbell. to ( temp. 23 June) 2nd Lts. :-r...... •• 19 j John Robert Jones. (Gaz. 23 June) ...... 19) The undermentioned temp. Lts. to be temp. Capts. :— llMar. J.W.L. Blackwall. Griffith. (Gaz.(Gaz. 25 25 June) June) 17May The undermentioned temp. 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 25 June.) Dated 1 May 15 :— C. H. Jones. I S. Alltree. D. P. Oliver. I John Cynlais Evans to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 28 June) ...... ,, SJune 18th Battalion, The Royal Welsh Fusiliers (2nd London Welsh). 26.1 pr. William Edward McNamara to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. l June) .: 3lMar. Thomas Jones to be temp. Qr.-Mr. with the hon. rank of Lt. (Gaz. sjeme) 3May , Gwynne Rhys Edmunds to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 7 June).. 26 May Temp.George Maj. Bvrtle I. Bowen,to be temp. from 2nd 15 Bn.,Ijt. to(Gaz. bs temp. 16 June) Maj. .. (Gaz. 18,1 aste) 8Feb. The undermentioned to be temp. 2nd Lts. :— 4Jut*e EmrysTemp. 2ndLloyd Lt. Davies. D. W. Morgan,(Gaz. 22 from June) 12 Bn... Welsh K. fGa.z. 22 .1 u»

REGULAR FORCES—conid. IlTFAKTBT—COTltd, Service Battalions—conid. 18th Battalion, [he Royal Welsh Fusiliers (2nd London Welsh)—coadd. Arthur Edward Capall. (Gaz. 23 June.) Dated 10 May is:- Hywel Carey Edmunds. Donald Crowle Ellis. The undermentioned to he temp. 2nd Lts •— David Percy Jones. (G-az. 28 Junai Lionel Lewis Price. (Gaz. 28June) 24 May 15 Cyril Nadolig Down. (Gaz. 28 June) 26 May The undermentioned to be temp. 2nd Lts • — 27 May Cecil Raymond Roberts. (Gaz 29 June) l9May John Barrows Martin. (Gaz. 29 June) 27 May 19th Battalion, The Royal Welsh Fusiliers. The undermentioned to be temp. 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 7 June) Dated 3 May 15 John Edmunds Edwards. I Evan John Jones. Ogwen Lloyd Boberts to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz 11 June) .. 21May The undermentioned to be temp. 2nd Lis. Dated 19 Apr. 15, bat not to carry pav or allowancesArthur ouhelynprior to theMorris, dates 20 specified May 15. against| theirHarold names (Gaz.Ward-Jones, 22 June) 7 •-June 15. The undermentioned te be temp. 2nd Lts. John Williams. (Gaz. 22 June.) Dated 19 Apr. 15 :— Pmlip Ernest Williams. Robert Thomas Hugh Ellis. Daniel David Phillips. Robert Charles Evans. Frank Hargraves. (Gaz. 22 June) •June Stuart Wallace Adam to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 23 June) .. 8May 4th Battalion, The South Wales Borderers. Temp. Lt. J. B. Blaxland to be temp, Capt. (Gaz. 14 June) IMay 5th Battalion, The South Wales Borderers (Pioneers). Temp. 2nd Lt. B. O. Jones to be temp. Lt (Gaz. 4 June) .. 22May 6th Battalion, The South Wales Borderers (Pioneers). T0I t W K C RalSt0:1 relinqUisties his commn on accoun 9^fuiuo ' ' ' ' ‘ t °f ill-health. (Gaz. lOjun Thej. undermentioned j>. a. James. temp. Lts. to be temp. Capts.I (Gaz.F. J.25 EasJune). erbrook. Dated 1 June 15 •— The an 0 n6d temP 2nd Lt8 t0 b temp Lts (Gaz 25 June> Datea 1 R‘.G L.RatSur Eskell. yv' ' ' ° I' - E- M- ' Cox• - June 16 :- 7th Battalion, The South Wales Borderers. The appt. to a temp, commn. as Lt. ol C. E. Williams, antedated to 23 Mar. 15. (Gaz. 8 June.) notified in Gaz. of 19 Apr. 16. is 8th Battalion. The South Wales Borderers. Then. nndermentioned u. uown. temp. Lts. to be temp. Capts.[ (Gaz. j26 Casey.June.) Dated 5 June is •— TheG. undermentioned M. Haydon. temp. 2nd Lts. to be temp.I Lts. (Gaz. 26 June.) Dated 5 June 15: T. G. Wood. C.M. B.W. Felton. Brown. 19th Battalion, The South Walei Borderers (1st Gweut). The undermentioned to be temp. 2nd Lt*. :— Arthur Galsworthy. (Gaz. 2 June) 12Feb. Henry Mond. (Gaz. 2 June) 9Apr. Percival Stanley Busheli. (Gaz. 2 June).. 23Apr. Tei d Lt H K Bud en frora Gen Lis,J 9 Bn Som 19jun ) " ’ ' * ' ' < - ’ L.I.), to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 12May The undermentioned to be temp. 2nd Lts :— Frederick Robert Edward Kenward. (Gaz. 22 June) 20 Vpr. Harold Francis Scnofleld. (Gaz. 22 June) 8June Temp. Lt. T. H. Morgan to bo temp. Capt. (Gaz. 25 June).. l Dec.14 PromotionsL Appointments, &c^ 63

KBQULAR FORCES—oottM. IFFAJTTJIT—OOntd. Service Battalions—eonW. lltli Battalion,- John Richards The South to he Wales temp. Borderers2nd Lt, ((-Hz. (2nd 4flwent). June) ...... MApr.15 Harry Franklin Hardeman to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 21June) ...... 4June The Benjaminundermentioned Evan Stedman to be temp. Davies. 2nd Lts.(Gaz. 23 June) ...... 8May Urias Bromley Edwards. (Gaz. 23 June)...... 12May (Gaz. 23 June.) Dated 14 May 15 William Henry Albert Wilkins. I John Rowland Morris. Frank Pierce. I Sydney Pritchard. Ernest Goldsmith to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 28 June) ...... 24May Temp. 2nd Lt. S. A. MUler-Hallett, from 9 Bn., to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz.29.Tune) .. 12May The undermentioned 2nd Lts. (On prob.), from 3 Bn., to be temp. 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 29 June.) Dated 14 May 15 L. R. Lewis. I C. E. Browning. 2nd Lt. (on prob.) G. Woodcock, from 3 Bn. E. York. R., to be temp. 2«d Lt. (Gaz. 29 June) ...... HMay 12th Battalion, The South Wales Borderers (3rd Gwent). Temp. Lt. H. C. Rees, from 10 Bn. Bedf R.. to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 12 June) 12 May The undermentioned to be temp. 2nd Lts.:— Martin Hugh Webb. (Gaz.23.Tune) .. .. 28 A pr. (Gaz. 23 June.) Dated 10 May 15 John Wright Foreman. | Harold Charles Lloyd. Oscar David Morris. The undermentioned to be temp. 2nd Lts. George Douglas Page. (Gaz. 28 June) 24 Mar Herbert Ernest Brighton. (Gaz. 28 June) .. ‘ do. Charles Meyrick Pritchard. (Gaz. 28 June) 31May William Ernest Brown. (Gaz. 28 June) Uune Bartholomew Francis Murphy to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 29 June) 28 May 7th Battalion, The King’s Own Scottish Borderers. The appt. to a t-mp. commn. as Lt. of T. Blackburn (now temp. Capt.), notifled in Gaz. Temir.of 27 Lt. Oct. J. B.14, Watersis antedated to be totemp. 8 Oet. Capt. 14. (Gaz.(Gaz. 45 June.)June) 23 Apr. Temp. 2nd Lt. J. M. Sellar to be temp. Lt. (Gaz.SJune) .. do.

8th Battalion,Capt. G. The M King’sHannay, Own Res. Scottish of Off. toBorderers. be temp. Maj. (Gaz.SJune) ...... 12May TheS. undermentioned S. Lang. (Gaz.SJune) temp. Lts. .. to be.. temp. ..Capts...... 16Apr. H. H. Smith. (Gaz.SJune) ...... 12May The undermentioned temp. 2nd Lts. to bo temp. Lts. W.F. J. Thomson. G. Rolland. (Gaz.SJune) (Gaz. 8 June) ...... 14Apr.16Apr. Temp. Lt. W. W. Home to be temp, Capt. (Gaz. 22 June) ...... 5June

8th Battalion,Temp. Capt.The King's W. J. Grant,Own Scottish from 8 Bn.,Borderers. to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 23 June) ...... do.

11th Battalion,Temp. Lt. The J. CameroniansT.,Dawson to (Scottishbe temp. Capt.Rifles). (Gaz. 4 June) ...... HMay The undermentioned temp. 2nd Lts. to bo temp. Capts. (Gaz. 4 June) Dated 14 May 15 F. W. Scongal. I H. McGhee. D. R. Orr.

12th Battalion,Temp. Lt. The C. CameroniansP. Chater to be(Scottish temp. Capt. Rifles). (Gaz.SJune) ...... 2lMay The undermentioned temp. 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 8 June) Dated 21 May 16 N. A. Dojgart. I D. B. Keith. G. C. Webster. I Temp. Lt. J. H. Sinclair relinquishes his commn. (Gaz. 29 June) .. 30June 64 Promotions, Appointments, &o

BfiGOLAK FORCES—•on**. IHPARTEY—ConM. Serviee Battalions—#oni i Baker. Henderson Harrison. (Gaz.| 17 June)Haldane Frankland Bell. 21 Apr. James MeMeshan. (Gaz. 17 June) 23 Apr. (Gaz. 17 June.) Dated 26 Apr. 15 JohnCharles Moore Patrick Montgomery Joseph Irvine. Charles Love Crockett. Frederick William Davidson. (Gaz. 17 June) Robert Matthew Boyle. (Gaz. 17 June) .. SOApr.27Apr. Cecil Alexander Crowe. Gaz. 17 June) .. 5May William James Lowe Flood. (Gaz. 17 June) 12May John James Glenn. (Gaz. 17 June) 20 May 7th BattaUon, The Gloucestershire Regiment. Temp. 2nd Lt. M. B. Shaw to be temp. Lt. («az. 2 June) .. 12Apr. 8th Battalion, The Gloucestershire Regiment.1 2nd Lt. G. W. Fry to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 28 June) 3June Temp. Lt. S. G. Pollock relinquishes his commn. on aacount ef ill-health. (Gaa. 22 June) 8Apr. 10th Battalion, The Gloucestershire Regiment. Temp. Lt. W. R. Paterson to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 6 June) 20M ay The nndernaentioned teisip. Sad Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 6 June.) Dated 20 May 15 •— C. A. Bymeas. f a. 8. Whitworth. —*- Promotions, Appointments, &c.

BEGULAR FORCES-oo»M. [KFANTBY—COntd, Service Battalions—cojiM. 13th Battalion, The Gloucestershire Regiment cForest o! Dean, Pioneers). 14Mayla John Douglas Mitchell to he temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz.lJune) .. 22 May PercyTemp. Ernest Lt. C. W.Howard Parish Saunders to be temp. to be Capt. temp. (Gaz.2nd Lt. 9 June) (Gaz. 8.. June)...... ITApr. The undermentioned to be temp. 2nd Lis. 22Apr. Sidney Thomas Wilkins. (Gaz. 11 June).. 25 May BertramRobert Powley Jewison Wild. Lamplugh. (Gaz. 11 (Gaz.June) 11 June)...... • •• •• •• 27May (Gaz. 11 June.) Dated 28 May 15 Philip Stanley Edwards. ! Reginald Bennett. John Douglas Mitchell to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 15 June.) Dated 14 May 15. (Substituted for the notification which appeared in Gaz. of 1 June 15.) The undermentioned temp. Capts. to be temp. Majs. 8Apr. L. F. W. Willson. (Gaz. 18 June) 25 May W. H. Drummond. (Gaz. 18 June) ...... •• 26 May Temp. Lt. M. J. Jones to be Adjt. and temp. Capt. (Gaz. 18 June) .. iMay lolo Aneurin Williams to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 18 June) Uune ArthurDudley HerbertEdward MozleyBritten toto bebe temp.temp. 2nd2nd Lt.Lt. (Gaz.(Gaz. 2622 June)June) ...... 9 June 14th Battalion, The Gloucestershire Regiment (West of England). _ The undermentioned temp. Lts. to be temp. Capts. (Gaz. 7 June.) Dated 10 May 15. G. B. Witts. I B. M. Vernon. lOMay Temp. 2nd Lt. C. Hancock to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 7 June) .. 2 June Edward Seymour Cooper to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 12 June) .. 9 June Alfred Biggs James to be temp. X,t. (Gaz. 15 June) .. .. •• 4 June EricReginald John FrancisLester ShuiflebothamMoon to be temp. to be2nd temp. Lt. 2nd(Gaz. Lt. 23 June)(Gaz. 21 J une) Uune Temp. 2nd Lt. F. H. Blake, from 8 Bn. R. Sco. Fus., to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 28 June) .. 14June 11th Battalion, The . stated and not as Thepreviously date of appt. notified to temp. in earlier 2nd Ltcy. Gaz.:— of the undermentioned is as now J. N. Here path. (Gaz. 11 June) 27Nov.14 TheP. undermentioned A. Leicester. (Gaz. temp. 29 2nd June) Lts. to.. be temp. Lts. l?Mayl5 J. H. Gurney. (Gaz. 29 June) 29May 12th Battalion, The Worcestershire Regiment. ^ ^ . . „ . „ „ . . . Temp. Lt. M. E. J. Wingfield-Stratford to be Ad]t„ vice temp. Capt. E. B. Amphlett.loH Ga lOMay Capt(Gaz.A. 17VT" June) Kittermaster,.. from’.. Unattd... List,•• Terr.•• Force,•• to lie temp. Capt. 13May 13th Battalion,Temp. Capt. The J.Worcestershire E. Denman relinquishes Regiment. his commn. on account of ill-health. (Gaz. ISJune) 19June 7th Battalion, The East Lancashire Regiment. The undermentioned temp. Lts. to be temp. Capts. (Gaz. 7 June.) Dated 20 May 15:- H. O. Collyer. H. T. Kingdom P. L. Brierly. The undermentioned temp. 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 7 June.) Dated 20 May 15 H, W. House. j J. Poore. J. W. Cox. J. S. Wyllie. E. G. Edwardes. I 8th Battalion, The East Lancashire Regiment. The notification regarding temp. 2nd Lt. S. Douglas, which appeared in Gaz. of 21 Dec. 14, is cancelled. (Gaz. 24 June.) 9th Battalion, The East Lancashire Regiment. Temp. Capt. B. M. Heldman relinquishes his commn. (Gaz. 15 June) 16 June 10th Battalion, The East Lancashire Regiment. . , Temp. Lt. (now temp. Capt.) R. D. E. McMahon to be Adjt. (Gaz. 5 June) 18Dec.l4 28Mayl& TheC. undermentioned A. Munro-Faure. temp. (Gaz. 2nd 17 Lts. June) to be temp. Lts. 19May J. S. Hewat. (Gaz. 17 June) 28May 3 66 Promotions, Appointments, &c.

REGULAR FORCES—contd. XNS'AH'TBY—oontd. Service Battalions—coreid. 10th Battalion, The East Surrey Regiment. Temo. Maj. W. R. Larkins relinquishes his commn. (Gaz. 6 June) Temp. Lt. W. L. Bishop relinquishes his commn. (Gaz. 19 June) .. 206Junel5 June 11th Battalion, The East Surrey Regiment. Temp. Maj. J. F. Arcedeckne-Butler, from 7 Bn., to be temp. Maj. (Gaz. 11 June) 28May 12th Battalion, The East Surrey Regiment (Bermondsey). Temp. Capt. L. F. Beatson, from 17th Bn. K.R.Rif. C., to comd. the Bn., and to be temp. Lt.-Col. (Gaz. 22 June.) ...... , ...... 31May 7th Battalion, The Duke of Cornwall’s Light Infantry. Hon. Lt. Theophilus Rudolph Jackson, late Imp. Yeo., to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 8 June) 25May TheO. undermentioned L. Hancock. (Gaz. temp. 18 Lts. June.) to be.. temp. Capts. J. B. Macmillan. (Gaz. 18 June.)...... , Uune The undermentioned temp. 2nd Li.s. to be temp. Lts. 2 June E. G. Milward. (Gaz. 18 June.) 1 June C. W. Thomas. (Gaz. 18 June.) ., 2 June loth Battalion, The Duke of Coxnwall’s Light Infantry (Cornwall Pioneers). John Shepheard Whitworth to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 21 June) 14June Temp. 2nd Lt. F. Bullen, from 7 Bn., to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 24 June) .. 17 May Temp. 2nd Lt. C. H. Reynolds, from 7 Bn., to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 28 June) 9June 9th Battalion, The Duke of Wellington’s (West Riding Regiment). Temp. Lt. F. J. F. Cullinan to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 3 June) ...... 28Apr. 10th Battalion, The Duke of Wellington’s (West Riding Regiment). The undermentioned temp. 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 28 June). Dated 3 Feb. 15:— H. L. Waite. I L. N. Phillips. Temp. Lt. G. R. C. Heale, from 15 Bn. North’d Fus., to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 28 June) .. ISJune 6th Battalion, The Border Regiment. The undermentioned temp. Lts. to be temp. Capts. (Gaz. 16 June) Dated 17 May 16 :— K. M. Chance. | F. C. Clegg. The undermentioned temp. 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. : — G.K. Leach. (Gaz. 15 June) 15May B. R. Durlacher. (Gaz. 15 June) .. 17May 7th Battalion, The Border Regiment. Capt. N. F. Jenkins, 3 Bn. (Hon. Lt.-Col., late Mila.), to be temp. Maj. (Gaz. 1 June) .. 24Mar. Temp. Capt. W. R. Foran, from 11 Bn. Sufl. R., to be temp. Maj. (Gaz. 11 June) .. .. 31May Temp. Lt. C. G. Page to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. ISJune) ...... 29May 8th Battalion, The Border Regiment. Temp. Capt. J. F. Clark (incorrectly described as J. F. Clarke in the Gaz. of 17th Dec. 14) relinquishes his commn. on account of ill-health. (Gaz. 29 June) ...... 30June loth Battalion, The Border Regiment. Temp. 2ndLt. T.Lt. G. N. Sneppard D. v\ Miams to be to temp. be temp. Capt. Lt. (Gaz.(Gaz. 2 2May).. May ...... 12Maydo. Temp. Lt. J. K. Foster-Melliar, from 9 Bn., to be temp. Lt. ,Gaz. 6June) .. .. 17May 11th Battalion, Tho Border Regiment (Lonsdale). TheKenneth undermentioned Charles be temp. 2nd Lts. (Gaz.| 5 June.)Fred DatedParmenter. 12 May 15:— 8th Battalion,Temp. Lt.The H. Royal P. Drinkwater Sussex Regiment relinquishes (Pioneers). his commn. (Gaz. 9 June) ...... lOJune Temp. 2ndMaj. Lt. B. D.N. J.Olney Capper relinquishes to be temp. his Lt. commn. (Gaz. on 10 accountJune) of ill-health... .. (Gaz... 11 June, 12June5Mar. 9ih Battalion, The Royal Sussex Regiment. Temp. 2nd Lt. A. H. C. Lowe to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 26 June) ...... 28May 10th Battalion. The Royal Sussex Regiment." Temp. Capt. E. L. Greenhow, from 8 Bn., to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 4 June) .. .. 26May 11th Battalion, The Royal Sussex Regiment (1st South Down). Temp. 2nd Lt. P. W. M. Orme, from Gen. List (10 Bn. R. Suss. R.), to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 14 June) ...... 20May Ronald Henry Richards to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 22 June) ...... 21May Promotions, Appointments, &c. 67

.REGULAR FORCES—conM. INFANTKY—COntd. Service Battalions—conic?, 12th Battalion, The Royal Sussex Regiment (2nd South Down). Theances undermentioned prior to 3 June to be 15. temp. (Gaz. 2nd 15 June):—Lts. Dated 1 Apr. 15, but not to carry pay or allow- Arthur Clarence Albert Scates. I Henry Kircher Knight. Arthur Zillwood Warner. I Leonard Leighton Moody. Johnprior Mercer to 10 toJune be 15.temp. Gaz. 2nd 21 Lt. June) Dated 1 Apr. 15, but not to carry pay or allowances 13th Battalion (3rd South Down). John Stanley Gasson to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 21 June) .. 20Mayl5 10th Battalion, The Hampshire Regiment. Temp. 2nd Lt. P. C. Williams to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 7 June) 19May Temp. Lt. G. E. Hellyer to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 19 Juno) .. ITMay Temp. 2nd Lt. E. Dupree to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 19 June) do. 11th BattalionTemp. Capt.(Pioneers) A. E. TheBall Hampshire relinquishes Regiment his commn. (Gaz. 25 June) 26 June 12th Battalion, The Hampshire Regiment. TheH. undermentioned F. S. Prior. (Gaz. temp. 5 June) Lts. to be temp. Capts. 5 May H. E. Warry. (Gaz. 5 June) 8May Temp. 2nd Lt. F. H. W. Guard to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 5 June) 13May TheC. undermentioned A. Macartney. temp.(Gaz. 2nd5 June) Lts. to.. be temp. Lts. 5May G. Mitchell. (Gaz. 5 June) 8May Hth BattalionTemp. 2nd (1st Lt. Portsmouth) E. M. Green The to Hampshirebe temp. Lt. Regiment. (Gaz. 28 June)...... lOJune 7th Battalion,Temp. Lt.The E. South A. Hume Staffordshire to be temp. Regiment. Capt. (Gaz. 18 June) ...... 17May Temp. 2nd Lt. F. J. D. Linder to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 18 June) ...... do. Temp.Gen. Mai. List. E. (Gaz.C. P. 26 Bridges June) .. on appt... as Brig... Machine.. Gun.. Offr.,.. is transferred.. .. to the.. do. 8th Battalion,The promn. The South to the Staffordshire temp rank Regiment.of Capt. of temp. Lt. C. H. N. Hardinge, notified in Gaz. of 12 Apr. 15, is cancelled. (Gaz. 3 June). TheA. undermentioned R. Katon. (Gaz. temp. 3 June) Lts. to be temp. Capts. :— 25Feb. W. B. Adams. (Gaz. 3 June) ...... 8Mar. Temp. 2nd Lt. A. F. Smyly to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 3 June) .. do. Temp. Lt. R. P. Burnett to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 11 June) .. 12May Temp. 2nd Et. E. O. Whitfield, to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 11 June) do. Temp. Capt. R. G. Raper to be temp. Maj. (Gaz. 26 June) .. 31 May Temp. Lt. E. W. Wood to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 26 June) do. Temp. 2nd Lt. T. T. Birrell to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 26 June).. do. 9th Battalion,Temp. 2ndThe Lt. South A. Reid-Kellett Staffordshire to Regiment be temp. Lt.(Pioneers). (Gaz. 25 June) UunelS Temp. Capt. M. L. Freeth to be temp. Maj. (Gaz. 28 June) 14May 10th Battalion,Temp. Capt. The SouthH. Moreland Staffordshire is transferred Regiment. to the Gen. List. (Gaz. 4 June) 14May 11th Battalion,Temp. Lt. The C. SouthVoss, Staffordshirefrom 9 Bn. to Regimentbe temp. Lt. (Pioneers). (Gaz. 28 June) ...... ; 14 June 7th Battalion,Temp. Lt.The F. Dorsetshire M. Drake to Regiment. be Adjt. (Gaz. 19 June) .. 18May 7th Battalion,Temp. Lt.The J. Prince S. McClinton of Wales’s to beVolunteers temp. Capt. (South (Gaz. Lancashire 7 June).. Regiment... .. 16May Temp. 2nd Lt. J. G. Murdoch to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 7 June) do. 9th Battalion,Temp. Lt.The J. Prince H. Storey of Wales’s to be temp. Volunteers Capt. (South(Gaz. 26Lancashire Jane) .. Regiment). 2 May 11th Battalion,Frederick The Crathorne Prince of to Wales’s be temp. Volunteers Lt. (Gaz (South7 June).. Lancashire .. Regiment).. (St... Helen’s,.. Pioneers)... 21May Albert Edwyn Hopwood to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 7 June) ...... lApr. Adolphus Herbert Henry Rice to be temp. Qr.-Mr. with the hon. rank of Lt. (Gaz. Thomas21 June) Bevan to.. be temp... 2nd.. Lt. (Gaz... 22.. June) ...... ••.. .. 13June6May Maj. F. O. Evans, late 5 Bn. Ches. R., Terr. Force, to be temp. Maj. (Gaz. 25 June) .. 130ct.l4 Temp. Capt. R. F. Bury, from 9 Bn. Essex R„ to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 29 Jnne) .. .. 14junel5 3 * 68 Promotions, Appointments, &c.

EEGULAR FORCES—coreM. INPANTBY—Contd. Service Battalions—coniri. 5 9th Battalion,Temp. Lt.The E. Welsh P. Talbot Regiment. to he temp. Capt. (Gaz. 24 June) .. 1 May 15 Temp. 2nd Lt. W. Arnold to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 24 June) .. .. do. 12th Battalion.Wilfred JohnThe Welsh Poynter Regiment. to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 21 June) .. 11 May 13th Battalion, The Welsh Regiment (2nd Rhondda). TheNeville undermentioned Lancaster to Shaw. be temp. (Gaz. 2nd Lts1 June) :— 18 Apr. Arthur Thirkell Price. (Gaz. 1 June- .. 20Apr. William James Quin, late Capt. 3 (Spec. Res.) Bn., to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 9 June) 24Apr. Temp. 2nd Lt. P. C. D. Evans to b« temp. Lt. (Gaz. 10 June) 22Apr.HApr. Thomas Paterson Purdie to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 10 June) HMay HenryDuncan Robert Wilfred Radford, Panton late to be Lt. temp. 3 (Spec. Capt.. Res.) (Gaz. Bn., 21 to June) be temp. .. Capt. (Gaz. 18 June) 12May TheTom undermentioned Arthur Lloyd-Rees. to be temp. (Gaz. 2nd 23 Lts. June) 24Apr. Taliesin Millar. (Gaz. 23 June) .. 5May John Douglas Dunkley to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 28 June) .. 2May 14th BattalionDavid John () Roderick The to Welsh be temp. Regiment. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 16 June) .. 27Apr. 15th Battalion, The Welsh Regiment (Carmarthenshire). TheIT. undermentioned H. Thomas. (Gaz. temp. 10 2nd June) Lts. to be temp, Lts. 30Dec.l4 H. H. Morris. (Gaz. 10 June) 7Mar.l5 (Gaz. 10 June.) Dated 8 Mar. 15:— T. L. Stewart. I D. G. Williams. G. A. Griffiths. (Gaz. 10 June) 31Mar. William George Williams to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 12 June) ...... 31Mar. The undermentioned to be temp. 2nd Lts. :— Eric Wiltshire. (Gaz. 23 June) ...... 14Jan. (Gaz. 23 June.) Dated 1 Apr. 15 :— Amos John Skelding. I Frank Roberts. HamiltonThomas Landman. Samuel John Lloyd. (Gaz. 23 June)I .. Arthur.. Douglas.. Jones...... 4Apr. 16th Battalion,Leonard The Tregaskis Welsh toRegiment be temp. (Cardiff 2nd Lt. City).(Gaz. 1 June) ...... 14Apr. Stanley Miles to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 2 June) ...... 31Mar. Richard Gregory Lloyd to be temp. 2nd Lt (Gaz. 11 June)...... 17May The undermentioned temp. 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 18 June.) Dated 1 June 15. :— T. O. Jones. I A. W. Gwyn. L. A. P. Harris. I William Jenkin Richards to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 22 June) ...... IMay TheCharles undermentioned John Joseph to beLaverock. temp. 2nd (Gaz. Lts.:— 29 June) ...... IMay William Gordon Beavan. (Gaz. 29 June) ...... 2May 17th Battalion,Temp. 2nd The Lt. WelshC. Y. Lyne, Regiment from 9(1st Bn. ).S. W. Bord., to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 18 June) .. 24Feb. Temp. Lt. H. V. Hinton to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 25 June) ...... lOMay The undermentioned temp. 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 25 June.) Dated 1 June 15 I. A. Naunton-Morgan. j A. E. Grant. H. P.C. G.E. Gough.Sankey. (Gaz. 25 June) .. .. I .. C. ..V. Lyne...... 2June 18th Battalion,Arthur EdwinThe Welsh Webb Regiment to be temp. (2nd 2nd Glamorgan). Lt. (Gaz. 1 June) .. 14 Apr. TheAlbert undermentioned Alonzo Gavin. to be (Gaz.temp. 4 2ndJune) Lts. :— 13Apr. Herbert Eynon. (Gaz. 4 June) 18Apr. Reginald Bowles. (Gaz. 4June) .. 26Apr. John Edward William Lucas. (Gaz. 4 June) 27Apr. Robert Henry Seaborn to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 10 June) .. 30Apr. The undermentioned to be temp. 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 11 June ) Dated 11 May 15:- Horace Guy Docker. I William Noah Rees. William Felix Donald Crocker. (Gaz. 11 June) .. 19May Promotions, Appointments, &c. 69

REGULAR FORCES—contd. INEANTRY—COTltd. Service Battalions—conM. 18th Battalion, The Welsh Regiment (2nd Glamorgan)—cdretd. TheEdwin undermentioned Brindley Jory. to be (Gaz.tamp. IdJune) 2nd Lts. 21.Apr.15 Henry Ivor Coe. (Gaz. 14June) ...... 22Apr. Peter Albert Lewis. (Gaz. 14 June) ...... 23Apr. Hubert Melville Williams to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 22 June) 19Apr. David John Rowlands to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 23 June) .. 3May The undermentioned temp. 2nd Lts. to bo temp. Lts. (Gaz. 24 June) E. R. Bond. 3 June 15. I E. H. Richards. 6 June 15. H. R. Wood. 4 June 15. R. D. 8. Sparkes. 7 June 15. J. G. Jones. 5 June 15. I E. W. Edwards. 8 June 15. Lt.-Col.temp. and Lt.-Col. Hon. Col.(Gaz. H. 28 R. June) Homfray, ret., late 2 V.B., to comd. the Bn., and to be 4Fob. 19th Battalion,Harry Douglas The Welsh Whalley Regiment. to be temp. (Glamorgan, 2nd Lt. (Gaz.Pioneers)— 1 June).. 17Apr. Reginald John Eldred to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 2 June) .. 27Apr. Temp. Capt. J. O. James to be temp. Maj. (Gaz. 9 June) .. 2Apr. The undermentioned to be temp. 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 9 June.) Dated 3 May 15 Joseph Parr Emett. I Charles Frederick Taylor. 8May Lewis Edwards. (Gaz 9 June) ...... •• .. •• lOMay RichardTemp. Capt. Howell R. L.Davies George, to befrom temp. 15 Bn. Lt. R.(Gaz. W. Fus., 18 June) to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 11 June) 2Apr. Temp.(Gaz. 2nd 18 Lt.June) H. E. Thomas, from Gen. List (10 Bn. E. Lan. R.), to be temp. 2nd Lt. 12May The undermentioned to be temp. 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 23 June):— Reginald Arthur Phillips. 8 May 15. Lt. GeorgeCanadian Porteous, Mil. Forces. Corps 4of May Guides, 15. Thomas Hughes Lunt. 10 May 15. William Augustus Rhys Richards. Harold Cedric Williams. 13 May 15. 4 May 15. Leonard Wynne Paynter. 15 May 15. 20th Battalion,Charles TheWilliam Welsh Neville Regiment to be temp.(3rd Glamorgan). Qr.-Mr. with the hon. rank of Lt. (Gaz. 16 June) 17May 9th Battalion,Temp. Lt. The R. Black E. Harvey Watch to (Royal be Adjt., Highlanders). vice temp. Capt. J. Gilchrist. (Gaz. 7 June) .. 23Apr. 10th Battalion,The undermentioned The Black Watch temp. (Royal Lts. to Highlanders). be temp. Capts. A J. Waller. (Gaz 7 June) 14Apr. W. Stewart. (Gaz. 7 June) 20Apr. TheR. undermentioned M. Don. (Gaz. temp. 7 June) 2nd .. Lts. to be temp. Lts. 14Apr. I. C. Sanderson. (Gaz. 7 June) .. 20Apr. 11th Battalion, The Black Watch (Royal Highlanders), Ma). H. G. Wolrige-Gordon, Res. of Uff., is transferred from 10 Bn. (Gaz. 11 June) 29May 5th Battalion, The Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry. TheL. undermentioned W. Sweet-Escott. temp. (Gaz.2June) 2nd Lts. to be temp... Lts.:—...... 13May (Gaz. 2 June) Dated 20 May 15 * H.F. Clarke. I J. M. H. Jackson. 6th Battalion, The Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry. The undermentioned temp. 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts.:— V. J. F. Lack. (Gaz. 4 June > 5Feb. G. E. Middleditch. (Gaz. 4 June) .. 2SMar. 8th Battalion, The Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry (Pioneers). TheG. undermeniioned Bartrum. (Gaz. temp. 9 June) Lts. to be ..temp. Capts...... , lOMay C. A. Garden. (Gaz. 9 June) ...... ' HMay TheC. undermentioned S. W. Rayner. temp.(Gaz. 92nd June) Lts. to.. be temp. Lts. lOMay E. F. Medcaif. (Gaz. 9 June) HMay 9th Battalion,Temp. Lt.The D. Essex Freeman Regiment. to be temp. Capt. (Gaz.22June) ...... 5June 70 Promotions, Appointments, &c.

REGULAR FORCES—conitl. Infantry—contd. Service Battalions—conM. 13th Battalion, The Essex Regiment (West Ham). Bernard Robert Page to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 2 June) ...... 27Apr,15 Temp. Lt. J. D. Paterson to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 17 June) ...... SJune The undermentioned temp. 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 17 June) Dated 8 June 15 C. G. Carson. I N. Lang. H. S. W. Taunton. S. E. Collier. Temp.F. J.2nd Trumble. Lt. R. E. Howell, from 9 Bn. E. Surr. R., to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 22 June) .. SJune 12th Battalion, The Sherwood Foresters (Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regiment) (Pioneers). Temp. Lt. and Adjt. N. G. Pearson to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 2 June) ...... 17May Temp. 2nd Lt. W. H. Mitchell to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 2 June) ...... do. 13th Battalion, The Sherwood Foresters (Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regiment). Hon. Capt. Hon. H. W. W. Horsley-Beresford, late Capt. 4 Bn. (Mila.), to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 14 June) ...... 12May 14th Battalion, The Sherwood Foresters (Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regiment). The appt. to a temp, commn. as Capt. of B. W. B. Bell-Bathurst, notified in Gaz. of 22 Apr. 15, is antedated to 16 Dec. 14. (Gaz. 14 June.) 15th Battalion, The Sherwood Foresters (Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regiment)— (Nottingham)— Temp. 2nd Lt. H. C. Cutts, from 10 Bn. Line. R., to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 1 June) .. 13May TheWilliam undermentioned Hurst Sherwin. to be temp. (Gaz. 2nd 10 LtsJune) :— ...... 27May Walter John Cridge. (Gaz. 10 June) ...... 31May Temp. Maj. R. N. S. Gordon, from 13 Bn. Lan, Fus., to be temp. Maj. (Gaz. 12 June).. Uune The appt. to a temp, commn. as 2nd Lt. of R. W. Smart, notified in Gaz. of 19 Apr. 15, is antedated to 1 Apr. 15. (Gaz. 14 June.) Arthur Robinson Butler to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 22 June) ...... 29Apr. Patrick Joseph Kent to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 26 June) ...... 16June 16th Battalion,(Chatsworth The Rifles)— Sherwood Foresters (Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regiment)— The undermentioned to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. SJune.) Dated 5 May 15:— Thomas Oliver Kirlew. I Robert Arthur Butt. Noel Houghton. I William George Constable. Temp. 2nd Lt. R. F. Truscott, from Gen. List (13 Bn. Hamps. R.) to be temp. 2nd Lt. Robert(Gaz. Henry 7 Jun«) Ellis to be temp... 2nd Lt.. (Gaz... 10 June)...... HMay4May Temp. Lt. L. S. Rowan, from 9 Bn. R.W. Kent R., to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 15 June) .. Uune TheJ. undermentioned G. Cooke, from 14temp. Bn. 2nd(Gaz. Lts. 24 to June) be temp. .. Lts... ■— ...... IMay G. W. R. Chibnall, from 12 Bn. (Gaz. 24 June) ...... SJune The undermentioned to be temp. 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 26 June.) Dated 13 June 15: - Temp.Robert Capt. Leslie J. Barnes, Illingworth. from 11 Bn. R. War. R.,I to be temp.Douglas Capt. Wilfrid (Gaz. Stevens. 29 June) .. 23une 7th Battalion, The Loval North Lancashire Regiment. Temp.Capt. and 2nd Bt.Lt. Maj.M. Thomas N. Burrows, to be temp.Res. of Capt. 08., to(Gaz.29June) be temp. Maj. (Gaz... 17 June)...... 3Apr.l56Cct.l4 8th Battalion,Temp. Capt. The LoyalW. Milne North is transferred Lancashire to Regiment. the Gen. List. (Gaz. 4 June) ...... 12Decl4 9th Battalion,The surname The Loyal of temo. North Capt. Lancashire W. H. M. Regiment.Wlenholt is as now described, and not as stated in Gazs. of 29 Oct. 14 and 28 Jan. 15. (Gaz. 1 June.) 10th Battalion,Temp. Lt. The R. E.Loyal Besant North to beLancashire temp. Capt. Regiment. (Gaz. 5 June) ...... 20Mayl5 Temp. 2nd Lt. H. St. H. Peskett to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 17 June) ...... 26May 11th Battalion,Temp. Lt. The T. R.Loyal Beaumont, North Lancashirefrom 10 Bn., Regiment. to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 7 June) ...... 17Apr. Temp. Lt. T. R. Beaumont relinquishes his commn. (.Gaz.VJune) . .. .. SJune Thenotified appt. to in a Gaz.temp, of commn. 23 Apr. as15, Lt. is antedatedof C. B. Loudoon-Shand to 6 Feb. 15. (Gaz. (now 9 June.)temp. 2nd Lt. A.S.C.), Promotions, Appointments, &c. 71

REGULAR FORCES—coreM. Infantry—contd. Service Battalions—contd. 5th Battalion,Temp. Capt.The NorthamptonshireH. Mitton (attd.) is Regiment apptd. to the(Pioneers). Bn. (Gaz. 26 June) 9Mayl6 6th Battalion,Temp. Lt. The H. Northamptonshire B. Simpson to he temp. Regiment. Capt. (Gaz. 9 June) .. 19A pr. Temp. 2nd Lt. O. B. t'almer to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 9 June) .. do. 8th Battalion,Clifford TheFrederick Northamptonshire Toulmin Bullock Regiment. to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 1 June) ISMay 7th Battalion,Temp. Lt.Princess S. A. Pike Charlotte to be temp.of Wales’s Capt. (Royal(Gaz. 21Berkshire June) Regiment). 29 May 9th Battalion,Temp. Capt.The Queen’sL. F. S. SpaldingOwn (Royal to be West Adjt. Kent Gaz. Regiment). 23 June) 25Apr. 10th Battalion, The Queen’s Own (Royal West Kent Regiment) (Kent County). Maj. A. W. Martyn, ret. pay, to comd. the Bn. and to be temp. Lt.-Col. (Gaz. 1 June) 6May Uth Battalion,John Doe The to be Queen’s temp. Qr-Mr.Own (Royal with theWest hon. Kent rank Regiment) of Lt. (Gaz. (Lewisham). 2 June) ...... 20May Temp. Lt. E. S. Holland, from 13 Bn. R. Suss. R„ to be temp. U. (Gaz. 12 June) .. 31May Temp. 2nd Lt. A. E. Dickinson, from 10 Bn. E. Surr. R„ to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 14 June) do. ThePeter undermentioned Clarke-Richardson. to be temp. (Gaz. 2nd 28 Lts. June) ...... • •• 2Jane Cecil Brabant Smith. (Gaz. 24 June) ...... ITJune 7th Battalion,Temp. Lt.The A. King’sW. Studd Own to (Yorkshirebe temp. Capt. Light (Gaz. Infantry). 11 June) ...... 29May 8th Battalion, The King’s Own (Yorkshire Light Infantry). Thepreviously date of appt. notified to a earlier 2nd Gazs.Lt. of the undermentioned is as now stated and not as W. L. Browne. (Gaz. 11 June) ...... 6Dee. 10th Battalion, The King’s Own (Yorkshire Light Infantry). The undermentioned temp. Lts. to be temp. Capta. (Gaz. 2 June). Dated 5 May 15 C. Bethell. I E. R. Santer. The undermentioned tamp. 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lte. (Gaz. 2 June). Dated 6 May 15:— I. L. Harrison. I C. F. W. Wait. Temp. 2nd Lt. E. A. Franklin to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 29 June) ...... 5May 11th Battalion,Temp. Lt. The A. King’s V. Laver, Own from (Yorkshire 10 Bn., toLight be temp. Infantry). Lt. (Gaz. 15 June) ...... Uune 12th Battalion,Temp. Lt. The R. King’sJ. McMullin Own (Yorkshire to be temp. Light Capt. InfantryXMioers, (Gaz. 5 June) . Pioneers)...... 20May Temp. 2ndLt. S.Lt. G. F. Newton U. White to beto temp. and Lt.temp. (Gaz. Capt. 5 June)(Gaz. ..n June)...... 14Maydo. Temp. Lt. G. S. Lsach to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 10 June) ...... 20May The undermentioned temp. 2nd Lts. to be temn. Lts. (Gaz. 10 June . Dated 20 May 15 :— H. D. Gaunt. I J. A. Hudson. 7th Battalion, The King’s (Shropshire Light Infantry). TheF. undermentioned Johnston. tem£>. Lts. to be temp. Capts.I (Gaz.G. S. 28 Rangecroft. June.) Dated 1 May 15 :— The undermentioned temp. 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 28 June.) Dated 1 May 15 :— F. N. Rust. I G. F. Silvester. 8th Battalion,Temp. Capt.The King’s G. H. (Shropshiretlunt relinquishes Light Infantry).his commn. (Gaz. 9 June) .. 10 June 9th Battalion,Temp. Capt.The King’s C. W. Daubeny,(Shropshire from Light 7 Bn., Infantry). to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 3 June) 24May Temp. Lt. A. W. S. Wagner, from 5 Bn., to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 14 June) .. 27 May 11th Battalion, The Duke of Cambridge’s Own (Middlesex Regiment). 20May Temp. Lt.2nd J. Lt. H. W. Piper E. G. to Henkel be temp. to temp. (Gaz. Lt. 17(Gaz. June) 17 June).. do. 13th Battalion,Temp. Lt. The B. DukeWells of to Cambridge’s be temp. Capt. Own (Gaz.(Middlesex 2,lune) Regiment). IMay Temp. 2nd Lt. K. O. Fearon to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 2 June).. do. Temp. Lt. P. T. Chevallier to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 22 June) Uune Temp. 2nd Lt. E. C. Matthews to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 22 June) do. 72 Promotions, Appointments, &c.

.REGULAR FORCES—coreM. Infantet—contd. Service Battalions—conid. 14th Battalion, The Duke of Cambridge’s Own (Middlesex Regiment). The undermentioned temp. Lts. to be temp. Capts. Oaz. 8 June.) Dated 20 May 15 C. Middleton. I A. L. W. Stevens. H. A. L. Price-Davies. The undermentioned temp. 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 8 June.) Dated 20 May 15 H. Major. D. W. Parkes. A. L. Jackson. Y. C. Dodgson. E. W. Merchant. Temp. Capt. E. Morse, from 13 Bn., to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 21 June) ...... 3Junel5 17th Battalion,Temp. Capt. The DukeA. H. ofBurgoyne, Cambridge’s from Own 17 Bn. (Middlesex L’pool R., Regiment) to be temp. (Football) Capt. (Gaz. 2 June) .. 17May Edgar Charles Lee to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 7 June) ...... 19May TheFred undermentioned Noel Stansfeld. to be temp. 2nd Lts. (Qaz.I 8 June.)Cecil Dated William 24 Apr. Hardman. 15 •— 3 May 15 John Francis Engleburtt. Lionel Arthur Bradstreet. 7Mayl5 John Cosmo Clark. Edward Benjamin Durnford Brunton to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 16 June)...... 3May William Hendry to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 19 June)...... 8,Tune James Beadnell Skerry to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 22 June)...... HMay 18th Battalion, The Duke of Cambridge’s Own (Middlesex Regiment) (1st Public Works, Pioneers). The undermentioned to be temp. 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 8 JuneJ Dated 14 M ay 15 WaPer John Simmonds. Denis Chamberlain Buckingham. Ernest Bell Moliett. HubertStanley Kenyonvv illiam Banks.Cooper. Basil Grosvenor Vaughan- Williams. 23 May 15. Sydney Milson MacGuire to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 16 June) ...... 24May The undermentioned temp. Lts. to be temp. Capts. (Gaz. 17 June) Dated 5 May 15:— G. Steele. | W. H. Coles. W. Wade. I H. F. Hill. The undermentioned temp. 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 17 June.) Dated 29 May 15:— C. A. Jenner. I J. W. Young. (Gaz. 17 June.) Dated 1 June 15:— C. G. M. Hatfield. I P. H. Lawless. The Johnundermentioned Frank Chapman. to be temp.(Gaz. 2nd17 June) Lts. :—...... 4.Tune William John Smallman. (Gaz. 17 June) ...... 7.1une Charles Deleay to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 17 June) ,...... HMay The undermentioned to be temp. 2nd Lts. :— William Henry Poole. (Gaz. 19 June) ...... SMay (Gaz. 19 June) Dated 10 May 15 :— Roy Grosvenor Thomas. I James St. John Palmer Berryman. Temp. 2nd Lt W. H. Poole to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 19 June.) Dated 1 June 15, with precedence next below C. G. M. Hatfield. Lt.-Col. J. S. Skinner, Res. of Off., Canadian Mil. Forces, to be temp. Maj. (Gaz. 22 June) Uune Roland Terence Ayers to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 22 June) ...... 28May Charles John Melvin to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 24 June) ...... 25May 19th Battalion, The Duke of Cambridge’s Own (Middlesex Regiment) (2nd Public Works, Pioneers). John Henry Mason to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 4 June) ...... ,. SMay TheGordon undermentioned Oswald Down. to be temp. 2nd Lts. (Gaz.| 10 June.)Alexander Dated Douglas 13 May 15:—Rae. Temp. 2nd Lt. H. V. Slayton, from 9 Bn. Yorks. L.I., to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 16 June).. lJune Temp. Capt. E. Atkins to be temp. Maj. (Gaz.l9June) ...... 17May The undermentioned to be temp. Capts. :— Temp. 2ndLt. J.Lc. H. G. Mason.Boulton, (Gaz. from 1918 June)Bn. (Gaz... 19 June)...... 16May4May Temp. Lt. F. J. Browne. (Gaz. 19 June) ...... 17May The undermentioned to be temp. Lts. :— Francis John Browne. (Gaz. 19 June) ...... 6May Temp. 2nd Lt. H. S. Emery, from 18 Bn. (Gaz. 19 June) ...... 17May Temp. 2nd Lt. S. M. Macguire, from 18 Bn. (Gaz. 19 June) ...... Uune Oliver Leslie Roberts to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 19 June) ...... 21May David Carvalho Solomon to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 28 June) ...... 29Apr. Charles James Baines to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 29 June) ...... 20May Promotions, Appointments, &c. 73

REGULAR FORCE8—conM. Infantry—contd. Service Battalions—conM. 20th Battalion,Maj. and The Hon. Duke Lt.-Col. of Cambridge’s M. B. B irnand Own (ret.,(Middlesex late 3 Bn.Regiment) Sufi. R.), (Shoreditch). to commd. the Bn., and to he temp. Lt.-Col. (Gaz. 29 June) ...... ISJunelS 21st Battalion, The Duke of Cambridge s Own (Middlesex Regiment) (Islington). Lt.-Col.George Healey E. St. A. Meakin Wake, to Ind. be temp.Army Qr.-Mr.,Supern. List,with theto commd. hon. rank the of Bn. Lt. (Gaz.(Gaz. 23 22 June) June) .. 21May2June Lt.-Col. E. St. A. Wake (ret. Ind. Army), to commd. tne Bn. Dated 2 June 15. (Sub- stituted for the notification which appeared in Gaz. of 23 June 15.) (Gaz. 29 June). 8th Battalion, The King’s Royal Rifle Corps. Lt. andthe Bn.temp. (Gaz. Capt. 23 G. June) R. Dubs .. relinquishes.. ..his temp,.. rank.. on ceasing.. to.. be empld... with.. 2lNov.l4 10th Battalion,Temp. Lt. The F. EnglandKing’s Royal to be Rifletemp. Corps.Capt. (Gaz. 22 June) ...... 5Apr.l5 Uth Battalion,Temp. Lt. The B. King’sFitzG. Royal Wilson Rifle to be Corps. temp. Capt. (Gaz. 2 June) ...... 15May 12th Battalion,Temp. Capt. The H.King’s E. J. Royal Hewitt Rifle to beCorps. temp. Maj. (Gaz. 2 June) .. .. 25 Jan. The undermentioned temp. 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 7 June.) Dated 3 Feb. 15:— Temp.R. Chaworth-Musters.Lt. L. R. A. Bate to be temp. Capt. (Gaz.I 22 June)L. B... Fisher. 12Apr. 13th Battalion, The King’s Royal Rifle Corps. Temp.Lt.-Col. Maj. A.R. Blewitt.C. Chester-Master (Gaz.22June) to commd. .. the Bn.,.. and to.. be temp... Lt.-Col.,.. vice.. temp... 9June Temp. Lt.-Col. (Ma1. Res. of Off.) A. Blewitt, on vacating the commd., relinquishes his temp. rank. (Gaz. 22 June) ...... do. 14th Battalion,Louis Paine The toKing’s be temp. Royal Capt. Rifle (Gaz.Corps. 12 June) ...... 24May 15th Battalion, The King’s Royal Rifle Corps. Thepreviously date of appt. notified to a earlier 2nd Gazs.Lt. of the undermentioned is as now stated and not as D. A. Scott. (Gaz. 11 June.) 9 Mar. 16th Battalion,Clifford AkhurstThe King’s Hayes Royal to Riflebe temp. Corps 2nd (C.L.B.) Lt. (Gaz. 10 June).. 15May 17th Battalion,Newson TheLittlewood King’s GarrettRoyal Rifle to be Corps temp. (B.E.L.) Capt. (Gaz. 8 June) 25Apr. John Ernest Arthur Hurd to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 9 June) 24May Tom Boevey Barrett to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 12 June) lOMay TheWalter undermentioned Roland Cartwright, to be temp. late Capts. Capt. 7 (Spec. Res.) Bn., R. Fus. (Gaz. 16 June) 17May Charles Rosweil Martin. (Gaz. 16 June) 26May Horace Francis Joyce to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 16 June) ...... 22May The undermentioned to be temp. 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 16 June) Dated 25 May 15:— Marcus Francis Hecht. I Reginald George Taylor. Arthur John Powles-Curtis. I Capt. A. B. Fry, from Terr. Force Res. Gen. List, to be temp. Maj. (Gaz. 18 June) 15May Capt. L. F. Beatson, from Terr. Force Res., Gen. List, to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 18 June) lOMay John Jenkins to be temp. Qr.-Mr., with the hon. rank of Lt. (Gaz. 18 June) 17May 18th Battalion,Ernest Morris The King’s to be temp. Royal Lt. Rifle (Gaz. Corps. 28 June) 7June 8th Battalion,George TheJohnson Duke to of be Edinburgh’s temp. Lt. (Gaz.(Wiltshire 5 June) Regiment)...... 2lMay 11th Battalion,Temp. Lt. The G. ManchesterE. Meugens be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 5 June) .. 17May The undermentioned temp. 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 5 June.) Dated 17Mayl5:— E. McA. Reidy. I H. S. Painter. The undermentioned temp. Capts., from 14 Bn., to be temp. Capts. 27May J. H.M. Rymer.Stevens. (Gaz.(Gaz. 11 11 June) June) 29May Temp. Lt. M. B. Bolton to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 23 June) .. .. SJune Temp. 2nd Lt. S. H. Marsland to:be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 23 June) do 74 Promotions, Appointments, &c

REGULAR FORCES—contd. INFANTRY—COntd, Service Battalions—coreid. 12th Battalion,Temp. Capt. The ManchesterE. J. McFarlane Regiment. to be temp. Maj. (Gaz. 26Jane) 12Mayl5 13th Battalion, The Manchester Regiment. Temp. Maj. H. Y. Purcell relinquishes his commn. (Gaz. 1 June) 2June 14th Battalion,Temp. Capt. The ManchesterL. St. J. Brodrick, Regiment. from 13 Bn., to he temp. Capt. (Gaz. 1 June) 17May Temp. Capt. F. J. Farrelly relinquishes his commission. (Gaz. 1 June) .. 2June Thepreviously date of appi. notified to temp. in earlier 2nd Lt.Gazs. of the undermentioned is as now stated and not as M. F. Willis. (Gaz. 11 June) ...... 170ot.l4 16th Battalion, The Manchester Regiment (1st City). TheJohn undermentioned Henry O’Connell to be detemp. Courcy Lts. Macdonnell. (Gaz. 2 June) .. HMayl5 Thomas Anthony Havelock Nash. (Gaz. 2 June) 13May Maj.j. C. C. L. Crawford, R. Petrie, vacated. D.S.O., ret.(Gaz. piy, 28 June)to commd. .. the Bn., and to he temp. Lt.-Col., vice 21 June 17th Battalion,Joseph Nansen The Manchester to be temp. Regiment 2nd Lt. (Gaz.(2nd 1City). June) .. 21 Apr. The undermentioned temp. Capts. to be temp. Majs.: Uan. J. K. Aitken. (Gaz. 9 June) 2 Jan. J. J. Whitehead. (Gaz. 9 Jane) .. .. •• .. (Gaz. 15 June) 12May Temp. Lt.2nd N.Lt. Yaudrey M. W. Brown, to be temp. from Capt.14 Bn., ( be temp.18 June) 2nd Lt. 1J une 18th Battalion,Temp. Capt. The ManchesterG. Lupton to Regiment be temp. (3rdMaj. City). (Gaz. 3 June) 12 May The undermentioned temp. Lts. to be temp. Capts. (Gaz. 3 June.) Dated 12 May 15. Temp.C. Henshall.2nd Lt. R. S. England to be temp. Lt. (Gaz.I 3 June.)S. E. Woollam. do. 19th Battalion,Temp. Capt. The ManchesterE. H. Howe Regimentto be temp. (4th Maj. City). (Gaz. 11 June) 23Mar. The undermentioned temp. Lts. to be temp. Capts. (Clhz. 12 June.) Dated 26 May 15 F. W. Royle. W. M. Clarke. J. A. Hislop. R. C. Mather. J. W. Myers. Bt. Col. E. A. Kettlewell, ret. pay, Ind. Army, relinquishes comd. of the Bn. on account of ill-health. (Gaz. 14 June) .. .. •- • •• y ,, ■■ 4June Temp.Bt. Lt.-Col.Col. E. A.Sir Kettlewell. H. B. Hill, Bt.(Gaz (Bt. 14 Maj. June) ret pay),.. from 23.. Bn., to.. comd. the Bn., vice do. Willoughby Willard Smith to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 16 June.) •• •• •• •• 3June Tne promn. to the rank of temp. Maj. of temp. Capt. E. H. Howe, notified in the Gaz. of 11 June 15, is antedated to the 18 Mar. 15. (Gaz. 28 June.) 21th Battalion, The Manchester Regiment (5th City). Temp. Lt. (now.temp. Capt.) F. Bryant to be Adjt. (Gaz 21 June) .. _ .. 9Feb. TheTT undermentioned Lomas temp. 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz.w- B -21 Bagshaw. June.) Dated 5 June . F.Nicholls. C. H. B. Shepherd. W. C. Cooper. I 21st Battalion, The Manchester Regiment (6th City). , , » .. . „ ... The undermentioned temp. Lts. to be temp. Capts. (Gaz. 5e June.)T TDated 3 Apr. 15. H. B. Swallow. I N. Flummer. 18 May Thenotified appt. to in a Gaz. temp, of 27commn. Jan. 15, as is Qr.-Mr.antedated with to 5the Dec. hon. 14. rank(Gaz. of 18 Lt.June.) of R. Waterhouse, 22nd Battalion,Temp. Capt. The ManchesterA. E. W. Mason Regiment is transferred (7th City). to the Gen. List. ;Gaz. 7 June) HApr. TheT. undermentioned Worthington. temp.(Gaz.9June) Lts. to be temp. Capts.: 25Apr. A. B. Bland. (Gaz.9June) 26Apr. C. M. Lloyd. (Gaz. 9 June) 12May The undermentioned to be temp. 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 15 June.) Dated 1 Apr. 15: HaroldHerbert Williamson Grimwood. Royle to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz.I 22 June)Reginald Walter Bowly. 20May Temp. 2ndLt. V. Burchillto betemp. Lt. (Gaz. 28 June) .. IfiApr. Promotions, Appointments, cfcc. 75

REGULAR FORCES—conM. llTPAITTBT—OOntd. Service Battalions—co»Zd. 23rd Battalion, The Manchester Regiment (8th City). Engelbert Lutyens Rothwell Horley to he tamp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 4 June) 22Mayl5 Temp. 2r>d Lt. J. S. Fouikes to be temo. Lt. (Gaz. 12 June).. 20May Oswald Vaughan Jones to be lemp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 18 Jane) .. 31May Temp. 2nd Lt. F. E. Rowland to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 21 June) Uune Ernest Lennox Dunand to be temp. 2nd. Lt. (Gaz. 22 June) 7 June 24th Battalion, The Manchester Regiment (Oldham). Temp. Lt. F. Wolfenden to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 5 June) .. IMay The undermentioned temp. 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 5 Jane.) Dated 1 May 15 J. H. Chadwick. C. H. Lee. B. Robertson. j 8th Battalion, The Prince of Wales’s (North Staffordshire Regiment). The undermentioned temp. 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. vGaz. 2 June.) Dated 20 Apr. 15 J.G. Leese.R. Ford. I| P.J. L.B. Pearson.Parves. The undermentioned temp. Lts. to be temp. Cants. (Gaz. 22 June.) Dated 20 May 15:— F. A. S. Gibson. | E. W. Reading. The undermentioned temp. 2nd Lts. to be temp.Lts. (Gaz. 22 June.) Dated 20 May 15:— F. H. Woolliscroft. I A. G. Lamplugh. W. H. Lucus. I 9th Battalion, The Prince of Wales’s (North Staffordshire Regiment). The date of appt. to temp. 2nd Lt, of the undermentioned, are as now stated, and not as previously notified in earlier Gazs. :— H. H. Whytehead. (Gaz. l^June) 5J an. 10th Battalion, The Prince of Wales’s (North Staffordshire Regiment). Percy Harold Jenks Blakemore, late Capt., S. African Mtd. Irreg. Forces, to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 10 June) 20May 11th Battalion, The Prince of Wales’s (North Staffordshire Regiment). The undermentioned temp. 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 12 June.) Dated 5 June 15 :— C R. Planche-Hearn. I R. Hodgkinson. R. K. Powell. I P. B. Shute. Temp. Lf. A. M. Trevor-Roper relinquishes his commn. (Gaz. 15 June) .. 16 June Temp. Maj. J. J. C. A. O’Sullivan, from 8 Bn., to be temp. Major. (Gaz. 19 June.) 14 June Temp. 2nd Lt. A. Russell, from 3 Res. Regt. of Cav., to be temp. 2nd. Lt. (Gaz. 21 June) 22June 6th Batta’ion, The York and Lancaster Regiment. Temp. Capt. F. T. Fletcher, from 11 Bn., to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 12 June) 29 May 8th Battalion, The York and Lancaster Regiment. Temp. Maj. W. E. Tayler is transferred to the Gen. List. (Gaz. 1 June) 28Mar, 11th Battalion, The York and Lancaster Regiment. Thomas Evans to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 2 June) 6 May 12th Battalion, The York and Lancaster Regiment iSheffield). Herbert Dalby Reeve to bo temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 7 June) 2'Apr. Cedric Arthur Jackson to be temp. 2nd Lt. sGaz. 8 June) .. 28 May Temp. Lt. N. L. Tunbridge to be Adjt. (Gaz. 9 June) 29Mar. The undermentioned temp. 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. •— C. H. Woodhouse. (Gaz. 9 June) ,. 17Mar. H. W. Pearson. (Gaz. 9 June) 18Mar. R. D. Berry. (Gaz. 9 June) IMay F. W. S. Storry. (Gaz.9June) 2May 13th Battalion, The York and Lancaster Regiment (1st Barnsley). Temp. Lt. S. T. Brass to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 5 June) Ralph Armstrong to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 12 June) May Temp. Lt. J. Broderick to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 15 .1 une) .. 1 Jnne Temp. 2nd Lt. H. Dart to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 15 June) 15MaylApr. Temp. Lt. H. Dart to be Adjt. (Gaz.lS.lune) 15May Steohen Oswald Sharp to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 16 June) 27 Nov.14 Douglas Roy Hinckley to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 22 June) HMayl5 76 Promotions, Appointments, &c.

EUGULAR FORCES—ooraM. IITFANTEY—COfltd. Service Battalions—contd. 14th Battalion, The York and Lancaster Regiment (2nd Barnsley). The undermentioned to be temp. 2nd Lts. Harold Quest. (Gaz. 7 June) ...... HMaylS Duncan Fairley. (Gaz. 7 June) ...... 18May The undermentioned temp. Lts. to be temp. Capts, (Gaz. 14 June.) Dated 13 May 15 T. P. Quest. | A. V. Nutt. W. C. Hankinson. I F. F. McKenna. The undermentioned temp. 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 14 June.) Dated 1 May 15 T. H. Broomhall. I H. W. Sames. C. H. Oliver. C. V. Fitton. L. King. | Robert Goodburn to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 26 June) 9 June Temp. Qr.-Mr. and Hon. Lt. J. W. Challice to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 28 June) 11 June 11th Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry (Pioneers;. Temp. Lt. A. W. Dawson to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 8 June) .. .. 17May The undermentioned temp. 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 8 June.) Dated 17 May 15 I. A. Leeson. I R. S. M. Rigby. R. L. S. Pemberton. The promn. to the temp, rank of MaJ. of temp. Capt. A. E. Collins, D.S.O., notified in Gaz. of 18 May 15, is antedated to 15 Mar. 15. (Gaz. 15 June.) 13th Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry. TheE. undermentioned Borrow. Adjt. temp.(Gaz. 26Lts. June) to be .. temp. Capts. 2lMay W, Miles. (Gaz. 26_June) .. 5 June TheA. undermentioned F. B. Howard. temp.(Gaz. 2nd26 June) Lts. to.. be temp... Lts.%...... 21May E. A. P. Wood. (Gaz. 26 June) SJune 14th Battalion,Temp. Lt. The H. DurhamM. Phillips Light to be Infantry. temp. Capt. (Gaz. 3 June) .. 27Apr. The undermentioned temp. 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 3 June.) Dated 27 Apr. 15:— C. M. Hodgson. | M. S. Thompson. G. F. Stringfellow. I G. A. Richardson. Temp. Capt. S. S. Wilson relinquishes his commn. (Gaz. 25 June) 26 June 16th Battalion,Temp. 2nd The Lt. Durham E. Stafford Light to beInfantry. temp. Lt. (Gaz. 12 June) .. 13May Temp. Capt. W. Thompson relinquishes his commn. on account of ill-health. (Gaz. 23 June) 2 4 June Temp. Maj. E. F. Gales, from 12 Bn., to be temp. Maj. (Gaz. 26 June) If June 2nd whichLt. B. appearedStafford toin bethe temp. Gaz. ofLt. 12 DatedJune 15.) 13 May(Gaz. 15. 28 June.)(Substituted for the notification 17th Battalion,Temp. Capt. The DurhamM. Wayman Light toInfantry. be Adjt., vice temp. Capt. H. D. Dryden-Smith. (Gaz. 23June) ...... 22 May 18th Battalion (1st County), The Durham Light Infantry. Lt. 4J. Oct. B. 14.Hughes-Games, (Substituted forfrom the unaitd. notification List. whichTerr. appearedForce, to in be Gaz. temp. of 4 Nov.Capt. 14.) Dated(Gaz. 18 June.) Joseph Henry Chaplin to be temp. Qr.-Mr. with the hon. rank of Lt. (Gaz. 26 June) 14 June 19th Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry (2nd County), Temp. 2nd Lt. C. H. Rollston, from Gen. List, to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 2 June) 6May Col. A. W. Newbold, Ind. Army, to comd. the Bn. (Gaz. 4 June) .. 30May Temp. Lt. P. B. Jones, from 16 Bn. Northd. Fus., to be temp. Lt. (Gaz.IJune) .. 14 May 17May ArnoldAlbert DavidKirk SteelTrechmann to be temp. to be 2nd temp. Lt. 2nd(Gaz. Lt. 14(Gaz. June) 7 June) 3 June TheTemp. undermentioned Lt. P. B. Jones. to be temp. Capts. (Gaz. |21 June.)Temp. Dated5Junel5:— 2nd Lt. G. E. D. Warmingt( Temp. Qr.-Mr. and Hon. Lt. H. Perry, from 19 Bn. North’d Fusiliers, to be Adjt. and temp. Capt. (Gaz. 23 June) 30May The undermentioned temp. 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 28 June.) Dated 15 June 15 B. C. Baty. J. W. Waller. R. C. Taylor. F .C. Bootiman. T. Kinch. W. R. James. W. J. Oliver. E. Cameron. Promotions, Appointments, &c. 77

I BEGULAR FORCES—oowid. INPA1TTBY—OOlltd. Service Battalions—eonM. 15th Battalion, The Highland Light Infantry (1st Glasgow). Ernest James Nicol to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. Uune.) Dated 25 Mar. 15, but not to carry pay or allowances prior to 17 May, 15. 24Mayl5 John Christopher Baton to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 7 June) to carry pay or allowances Johnprior Mackenzie to 1 June to temp.(Gaz. 2nd22 June.) Lt. Dated 25 Mar. 15, but not

16th Battalion,The undermentioned The Highland to Light be temp. Infantry 2nd Lts. (2nd Glasgow).(Gaz. 24 June) Dated 7 June 15 : — Archibald Mackenzie. Abey Irvine. Daniel Alexander Mackay. John Robert Caldwell Philips. Samuel Wyness Hutcheon. James Miller. John Ferguson. Tnomas Neilson. 17th Battalion, The Highland Light Infantry (3rd Glasgow). The undermentioned to be temp. 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 9 June) Dated 26 May 15 . Allan Gow Marshall.Tnmfia Wnerht. Fraser. James Wright Fraser. George Gartly Henderson. William Alexander Herron. Francis Henry Pooley. Anker Stuart Elsworth. John Lawson McConnell. Edward Dobson. David George Younger, John Neilson Carpenter. George Bruce Walker. 18th Battalion,Archibald The Currie Highland Macgowan Light toInfantry be Adjt. (4th and Glasgow). temp. Capt. (Gaz. 7 June) .. .. 19Apr. John Davidson to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 7 June) ...... 23Apr. TheJames undermentioned Stewart. iGaz. to be 7June)temp. Lts.:— .. •• •• •• •• . •• 25Mar. Louis10 MayBenjamin 15. (Gaz. West. 7 June)Dated 25 Mar. 15, but not to carry pay or allowances,, prior. to. Robert W illiam Hobble. Dated 21 Apr. 15, but not to carry pay or allowances prior to 21 May 15. (Gaz. 7 June) 24Apr, Qr.-Mr. and Hon. Lt. John Kirk, Terr. Force Res. (Gaz. 7 June) 28 Apr. William Wilson Young. (Gaz.7June) .. 3May DouglasRobert Dagger. Maclagan. (Gaz. (Gaz. 7 June) 7 June) .. 26May TheWilliam undermentioned Speirs Barr. to be Datedtemp. 2nd7 Apr. Lts.:— 15, but not to carry pay or allowances,, prior. to, John19 NormanMay 15. Ferguson,(Gaz. 7 June! i Gaz. 7 June) .. .. •• •• •• •• •• 7Apr. Alexander Meikle McCallum. Dated 7 Apr. 15, but not to carry pay or allowances Adamprior Walker to 21 Apr.Kelly. 15. (Gaz.(Gaz. 7 7June) June) do. James Barrie. (Gaz. 7 June) 19Apr. (Gaz. 7 June.) Dated 21 Apr.Alexander 15:— McCall. FrederickWilliam Devereux St. George-Yorke. Bryan (Gaz. June 7) [ 27Apr. Alfred Joseph Mayer. (Gaz. June?) 7May John Kennedy to be temp. Qr.-Mr., with the hon. rank of Lt. (Gaz. 7 June) 24Apr. Georgeprior Jackson to 1 June to 15. be (Gaz.temp. 12 Lt. June.) Dated 2 May 15, but not to carry„ pay . or. allowances. . William Findlay Morrison Macara to be temp. 2nd Lt. Dated 6 May 15 but not to carry pay or allowances prior to 28 May 15. (Gaz. 12 June.) 3May JamesTemp. DavidMaj. W. McWilliam Gillespie, tofrom be temp.16 Bn. 2ndto be Lt. temp. (Gaz. Maj. 23 June) (Gaz. 29 June).. .. »« •• ll.Tune on, uaHijlinn Seaforth Highlanders (Ross-shire Buffs, The Duke of Albany’s). 18May TheMai surnameN A Thompson of temp. to Lt.-Col. comd. N.the A. Bn., Thomson and to beis astemp. now Lt.-Col. described, (Gaz. and 5 June)not as stated. . in■■ Gaz. of 5 June 15. (Gaz. 16 June.)

loth Battalion.Temp. Lt. Seaforth I. H. S. Highlanders Jameson, from (Ross-shire 7 Bn., to beBuffs, temp. The Lt. Duke (Gaz.JJune) of Albany’s). 15May John Fenton to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 17 June).. 26May

8th Battidlom The^ilordon IhjWaiid,!] s.. ^ Canlln9 (Capt. Res. oI 0ff.) is as now described and not as stated in Gaz. of 14 Nov. 14. (Gaz. 25 June.) 78 Promotions, Appointments, Ac

REGULAR FORCES—oonW. Infantry—contd. Service Battalions—conid. 9th Battalion, The Gordon Highlanders (Pioneers). The undermentioned temp. 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 9 June.) Dated 1 May G. B. Gourlay. | J. A. R. Durham. RonaldTemp. Lt.Douglas R. D. RobertsonRobertson to to he be temp. temp. Lt. Capt. (Gaz. Dated 21 June).. 14 Oct. 14... (Substituted.. .. for the 23Sept.l4 notification which appeared in Gaz. of 16 Nov. 14.) (Gaz. 21 June.) Temp. Lt. N. B. Macmillan to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 29 June) ...... 5Feb.l6 11th Battalion, The Gordon Highlanders. Temp. Maj. A. G. Smith relinquishes his commn, (Gaz. 15 June) ...... 16 June 7th Battalion, The Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders. Capt.Temp N.Lt. McLeod H. B. Johnstone (late Capt., to Calcutta be temp. Light Capt. Horse',(Gaz. 6from June) Terr. Force.. Res.,.. Gen... List, to.. iMay be temp. Maj. (Gaz.l2June) .. ,...... l7Feb. The promn to the rank of temp. Maj. of temp. Capt. N. McLeod, notified in the Gaz. of 24 Feb. 15, is cancelled. (Gaz. 12 June.) 8th Battalion, The Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders. Temp. Capt. A. D. Forbes-Gordon, from 6 Bn., to be temp. Capt. (Gaz, 5 June) .. .. 24May 6th Battalion, The Royal Irish Rifles. TheTemp. promn. 2nd Lt. to A.the A. rank G. Gillespie of temp. toCapt. be temp. of temp. Capt. 2nd Lt.(Gaz. A. 7A. June) G. Gillespie, .. .. notified .. in Gaz... 8June of 7 June 15, is cancelled. (Gaz. 26 June.) 7th Battalion, The Royal Irish Rifles. The surname of temp. Lt. W. A. Cliff-McCulloch is as now described, and not as stated in Gaz. of 11 May 15. (Gaz. 1 June.) 9th Battalion, The Royal Irish Rifles (West Belfast). The following heading is substituted for that which appeared in Gaz. of 27 Oct. 14 :— The undermentioned appts. and temp, ranks are approved •— John Campbell Douglas to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 3 June) ...... lOMar. The undermentioned temp. 2nd Lts., from 17 Bn. (Res.), to be temp. 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 3 June) Dated 11 May 15 :— J. F. Stevenson. | J. Martin. The undermentioned to be temp. 2nd Lts. Keith William Gould. (Gaz. 17 June) ...... 20Apr. John Philip Pomeroy. (Gaz. 17 June) ...... ", 22May 10th Battalion, The Royal Irish Rifles (South Belfast). The following heading is substituted for that which appeared in the Gaz. of 27 Oct. 14 The undermentioned appt. and temp, rank are aooroved:— Maj. A. Pearse, Res. of Off., R.A.M.C., to be temp. Maj. (Gaz. 3 June) .. .. IMay The nndermentioned to be temp. 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 3 June) Dated 20 May 15 William J, Tipping, from 17 Bn. (Res.) I William O. Green, from 17 Bn. (Res.) William E. Lawless, from 17 Bn. (Res.) (Gaz 3 June) .. .. ., .. .. 21May The undermentioned to be temp. 2nd Lts.:— James Moir. (Gaz. 17 June) ...... , .. lApr. William Harvey Cecil Rainier. (Gaz. 17 June) ...... " 23May 11th Battalion, The Royal Irish Rifles (South Antrim). The following heading is substituted for that which appeared in the Gaz. of 27 Oct. 14 The undermentioned appt. and temp, rank are approved:— Charles Hedley Howard Orr to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 3 June)...... 20May Temp. 2nd Lt. A. F. Smyly to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 3 June) ...... SMar. 13th Battalion, The Royal Irish Rifles (County Down). Col. W. H. Savage, Ind. Army, to comd. the Bn. Dated 21 Sept. 14. (Substituted for the notification which appeared in Gaz. of 27 Oct. 14.) (Gaz. 17 June.) Temp. Lt. J. S. Davidson to be temp. Capt. (Gaz 17 June) ...... 17May The undermentioned to be temp. 2nd Lts. :— Nicholas Stephen Hatch. (Gaz. 17 June) ...... 20Apr. William Worsley Ashcroft. (Gaz. 17 June) ...... 26May Promotions, Appointments, Ac. 79

REGULAR FORCES—contd. INPAITTKY—Contd. Service Battalions—contd. 14th Battalion, The Royal Irish Rifles (Young Citizens). ^ ^ , The date of appt. to a temp, commn. as^Znd^Lt. of the undermentioned is 16 Oct. 14,and "not as stated in Gaz. of 5 Mar. )5. (Gaz. 3 June) K. L. Lack. W. 3F. Bn.) Darling (since transferred Robertnotification Renwick which to he appeared temp. Lt. in Gaz.(Gaz. of 3 19June.) Feb. 15).Dated 1 Jan. 15. (Substituted for the William J. W. Carson to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 3 June.) Dated 31 Dec. 14. (Substituted Herbertfor the Cansdale notification to be which temp. appeared2nd Lt. ( Gaz. 17 ofJune) 23 Jan. 15). 12Mayl5 15th Battalion,Ivor Ronald The RoyalGillespie Irish to beRifles temp. (North 2nd Lt. Belfast). (Gaz. 17 June) .. 14Apr. The(Gaz. undermentioned 17 June) Dated temp. 1 June 2nd 15:- Lts. from 17 (Res.) Bn., to be temp. 2nd Lts. E. St. G. Harpur. J W-McCay. H. de la M. Harpur. I *McCay. 16th BattalionTemp. 2nd (2nd Lt. County F. S. PardoeDown, Pioneers).to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 17 June) ...... •• IFeb. TheEdward undermentioned George B tooadbridge. be temp. 2nd(Gaz. Lts. 17 June) 7 May Walter Norman Swan. (Gaz. 17 June) .. 15 Apr. Wilfred Stratton Holloway. (Gaz. 17 June) .. .. •• •• •• 7May 17th Battalion,Temp. Capt. The RoyalJ. F. A. Irish Shell Rifles to be (Reserve). temp. Maj. (Gaz. 3 June).. 20May The undermentioned to be temp. Capts. 12Apr. Temp. 2ndCapt. Lt. D. C. C. G. Lindsay, F. Wheeler. from 9(Gaz. Bn. 3(Gaz. June) 3 June)...... lOMay Temp. 2nd Lt. A. D. B. Scott. (Gaz. 3 June) 20May The undermentioned temp. 2nd Lts. to be temp Lts. (Gaz. 3 June.) Dated 20 May 15 .1. Thompson. W. E. Reid. R. E. S. Spender. J. Kankin. F. E. Cox. W. Somers. E. V. Longworth. 18May Charles Henry Deacon to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 3 June) .. •• •• ■ 21 May Temp. 2nd Ltf D. B. Walkington, from 10 Bn., to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 3 June). 4 June Edward William Collinson Griffith to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 17 June) 1 :— TheWilliam undermentioned James Irwin. to be temp. 2nd Lts. (Gaz.I 17 June.)Jack Moore Clarke..^iL Temp. 2nd Lt. W. R. Martin, from 10 Bn. (Gaz. 17 June) Uune

18th Battalion, The Royal Irish Rifles (Reserve). (Gaz. 3 June) .. l4May GeorgeLt.-Col. Hewsonand Hon. to Col. be temp. S. A. Capt.M. Bruce, (Gaz. ret. 3 Spec. June) Res., .. to be.. temp. ••Maj. do. TheJames undermentioned Sinclair Adair. to be temp.(Gaz. 32nd June).. Lts.: .. 19Mar. (Gaz. 3 June.) Dated 19 Apr. 15 _ , Ernest Stecksma. Thomas Richardson Hepple. Allan John McClellan. Then undermentioned to be temp. Capts.; 9Apr. Temp.Francis Capt. Charles St. A.Forth. Wake, (Gaz. C.M.O.. 17 June)from 14.. Bn. (Gaz... 17 ••June) .. 27 May Temp. Qr.-Mr. and Hon. Lt. G. Holmes, from 14 Bn. (Gaz. 17 June) 29 May The undermentioned to be temp. 2nd Lts.: 22Apr. JamesStanleyYeates. Hollywood. (Gaz. (Gaz. 17June) 17 June) ...... •• •• 5May Charles Elliott Wilson. (Gaz. 17 June) .. .. •• 2lMay John Mackey Briggs to be Adjt. and temp. Capt. (Gaz. 17 June) .. 24May -th Battalion,Temp. Lt.Princess W. G. Victoria’sE. Longworth_ (Royal is transferredIrish Fusiliers) to the Gen. List (Gaz. 9 June) 28Apr. The date of appt. to temp. 2nd Lt. of the undermentioned, is as now stated and not as previouslyC.A. LePeton. notified in(Gaz. earlier 11 June)Gaz.: .. , 238ept.l4 80 Promotions, Appointments, &c.

REGULAR FORCES—contd. IlTPAlfTBY—COntd. Service Battalions— 8th Battalion, Princess Victoria’s (Royal Irish Fasiliers). Temp. Lt. T. Wallace to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 7 June) The undermentioned temp. 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. IMaylS K. M. Wallace. (Gaz. 7 June). Dated 1 May 15. V. P. Ward. J. G. Andrews. 9th Battalion, Princess Victoria’s (Royal Irish Fasiliers) (County Armagh). Temp. Lt. C. H. Ensor to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 17 June) do. ThinGaz of 277) ct2 if L(GazS 17 June? Johnston Is as now described, and not as stated The undermentioned temp. 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 17 June.) Dated 1 May 15 • X M. Stronge. | J-A. Johnston. The undermentioned to be temp. 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 17 June.) Dated 22 May 15 •— ?fmfErfyw t‘.Ge0^eShiillngt0nCather- I George Clawson Dickson. Robert Taylor1 Mmutgomerie. | WiUiam Fitz«erald Eeid- 5th Battalion, The Connaught Rangers. Temp. Lt. R. J. H. Shaw to be temp, Capt. (Gaz. 9 June) .. lOJune 10th Battalion, Princess Louise’s (Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders). James Edmund Macmillan (since promd. temp. Lt.) to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 28 June).. 50ct.l4 12th Battalion, Princess Louise’s (Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders). Temp. Capt. H. G. Ditcham to be temp. Maj. (Gaz. 28 June) The undermentioned temp. Lts. to be temp. Capts. (Gaz. 29 June) Dated 1 June 15 •— 29Mar.l5 J. u. vireeniujl. | j# jy[mer Temp. 2nd Lt. J. H. Innes to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 29 June) .. IMar. 13th Battalion, Princess Louise’s (Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders) Temp. Lt. M. D Graham, from 10 Bn., to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 9 June) 14May 7th Battalion, The Prince of Wales’s Leinster Regiment (Royal Canadians). Temp. 2nd Lt. J. H. M. Staniforth to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 9 June) 24May 7th Battalion, The Royal Munster Fusiliers. Lt M amSOn ret Ind Army to comd the Bn vic ' (Gaz 4 June) ’ ' ' ’ - '> e Lt.-Col. J. K. O’Meagher. 9 May Temp. Lt. J. V. Dunn to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 4 June) . . " ” 25Apr. TheW. undermentioned H. Coate, and totemp. remain 2nd seed.Lts. to be temp.| Lts. (Gaz.H. C. 4 June.)Lawrence. Dated 25 jfprv 15-— 8th Battalion, The Royal Munster Fasiliers. TheBn , h not ththon 7th,7j! as stated¥ in■ Williamson, Gaz. of 4 June ret. 15. Ind. (Gaz. Army, 10 June.)is apptd. to comd. is the 8th and 8th Battalion, The Royal Dublin Fusiliers. Temp. Capt. E. H. C. P. Bellingham to be temp. Maj. (Gaz. 3 June) lApr. Temp. Lt. R. F. vyest, to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 3 June) do. Temp. 2nd Lt. W. S. Drury to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 3 June) .. do. 11th Battalion, The Rifle Brigade (The Prince Consort’s Own). Temp. Lt. R. F. Ould to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 7 June) 18May TheH. undermentioned Johnstone. temp 2nd Lts. to be temp.| Lts. (Gaz.G. A. 7 Collins.June.) Dated 18 May 15 •- 12th Battalion, The Rifle Brigade (The Prince Consort’s Own) TheH. undermentioned Parker-Jervis. temp. 2nd Lts. to be temp.| Lts. (Gaz.F G 5 RJune.) R Sf.«r>hnna Dated 26 Mar 15 •- Lt. E. A. Hodson to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 18 June) .. Temp. 2nd Lt. R. A. C. Foster to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 18 June) 26Mar.17 May 13th Battalion, The Rifle Brigade (The Prince Consort’s Own). Temp Lt. H. H. de Laessoe (o be temp. Capt. (Gaz. li June) lApr. 15th Battalion, The Rifle Brigade (The Prince Consort’s Own) Te^casfon7oBr h7sCse?vi0cef.e7Gil.Tjunt)!r0m theArmy’The ^G ^ving no further Promotions, Appointments, &c. 81

KEGULAR FORCES—contfci. Ihtantby-oouM. Service Battalions— 16th Battalion, The Rifle Brigade (The Prince Consort’s Own). (St. Paneras). The undermentioned to he temp. Capts. William James King, and to be Adjt. Dated 10 Apr. 15, but not to carry pay or allowances prior to 19 Apr. 15. (Gaz. 3 June.) (Gaz. 3 June.) Dated 10 Apr. 15 Temp. Lt. C. J. Brooman-White, from I Montague Abrahams. El’ezerGen. Shepherd List. Neill to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 3 June)I Oswald.. Blunden,...... 10Apr.l5 Sidney Spencer Fishe to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 3 June) ...... 24Apr. Lawrence Augustus Whitby to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 15 June)...... , 4May The undermentioned to be temp. 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 15 June) Dated 24 Apr. 15, but not to carry pay or allowances prior to the dates specified against their names:— Thomas Bruce Brown, 3 May 15. I Nathan Bright Risley, 27 May 15. Lewis Henry Beesley to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 15 June) ...... 24Apr. The undermentioned to be temp. 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 15 June.' Dated 21 May 15, but not to carry pay or allowances prior to 4 June 15 Rupert Reeve Tattersall. | Charles Rashleigh Ronaldson. The31 undermentioned May 15:— temp. 2nd Lts. to be temp. 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 15 June.) fiated R. E. O. Goetz, from 8 Bn. Bedf. R. | B. Brown, from 11 Bn. War. R. Cecil Whiley to be temp. 2nd lit. (Gaz. 21 June) ...... lOMay Temp. 2nd Lt. T. H. Bishop, from 11 Bn. R. War. R., to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 24 June) HJune

ARMY CYCLIST CORPS TRAINING CENTRE. 2ndCapt. Lt. J. A.C. Webb,Burnett, 5 D.G., D.S.O., to beto betemp. temp. Lt. Maj.whilst (Gaz. holding 2 June) the appt. of.. Adjt. .. (Gaz. ..19 June).. 20.Tune17May

ARMY CYCLIST CORPS. The undermentioned Offr. is seed, for service with the A. Cyclist Corps : — 2nd Lt. H. M. Brown, Res. of Off., Leic. R. (since killed in action). (Gaz. 2 June.) Dated 23 Dec. 14. (Substituted for the notification which appeared in Gaz. of 17 Apr. 15.) The undermentioned Officers, now seed, from Serv. Bns., are transferred:— (Gaz. 9 June.) Dated 10 June 15:— Temp. Maj. A. O. Vaughan, 14 Bn. North’d Fus. Captains. J. L. Gordon (Res. of Off.), 10 Bn. I K. E Jopp (Res. of Off.), 7 Bn. Arg. & Suth’d Highrs. | Leins. R. Temp. Capts. B. S. James, 5 Bn. R. Ir. Regt. J. C. Cooke, 8 Bn. Sea. Highrs. G. L Andrew, 11 Bn. Ches. R. R. McDongall, 10 Bn. Yorks L,I. C. H. M. John», 11 Bn. Durh. L.I. A. M. C. Hollist, 8 Bn E. Kent R. H. S. Cobb, 10 Bn. Gord. Highrs. J. J. Darlow, 12 Bn. Ches R. M. A. Towler. 6 Bn. D. of Corn. L.I. G. L. Pyman, 8 Bn Yorks L.I. F. Smith, 9 Bn. E. Lan. R. C. H. Smith (Lt., Res. of Off.), 8 Bn. Glouc. R. Temp. Lts. B. G. Small, 11 Bn. Manch. R. A. R. Thackrah, 9 Bn. Lane. Fus. H. A. Woods, 8 Bn. Shrops. L.I. B. -8. Tuke. 5 Bn. R. Innis.C, G. Fus. Bellord, 8 Bn. Shrops. L.I. G. H. Walker, 10 Bn. Ches. R. N. Keith, 7 Bn, York & Lane. R. W. E. Collins, 11 Bn. Lane. Fus. C. G. L. Du Gann, 9 Bn, N. Staff. R. J. H. P. Lindesay, 9 Bn. N. Lan. R. R. S. Maxwell, 8 Bn. E York. R. C. D. Richards, 11 Bn. Arg. & Suth’d H. N. Roberts, 8 Bn. R. Dub. Fus. Highrs. J. L. C. Colquhoun, 6 Bn. Leins. R. H. D. Harrison, 10 Bn. Durh. L.I. H.W. N.Moore, Wright, 8 Bn. 9 Yorks.Bn. York. L.I. R. R.M. A.G. MacLean,Hepburn, 77 Bn. Oxf.D. of & Corn. Bucks L.I. L.I. F. W. Heaton, 8 Bn. York. & Lane. R. H. G. Smith, 7 Bn. Norf. R. W. H, Coate, 7 Bn. R. Muns. Fus. 82 Promotions, Appointments, &c.


MOTOR MACHINE-GUN SERVICES. Temp. 2nd Lt. S. J. Plastow, from 15 (Serv.) Bn. K.R.Rif. C., to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 1J nne) ...... sMay Capt. H. J. G. Bird, Res. of Off., to be temp. Maj. (Gaz.3June) ...... 2Jan. The undermentioned temp. Capts. to be temp. Majs. (Gaz. 3 June.) Dated 2 Jan. 15 R. J. Colson. | J. E. Alkin. The undermentioned temp. 2nd Lts, to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 3 June.) Dated 1 Mar. 15 T. G. L. Davies. | L. J. Croxford. F. D. Stevens. C. A. Midgley. W. G. B. McKechnle. H. A. Grayson. G. Ingham H. D. Why brow. Temp.C. W.2nd Clark. Lt. A. Gray, from 12 (Serv.) Bn. Lan. Fus., to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 7 June.) The undermentioned temp. 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 7 June):— A. Gray. 6 May 15. i P. L. O. Guy. 9 May 15. Oapt.Temp. J. Capt. S. Archer, A. E. fromCarr, War.from K.H.A.,13 Bn Lan. Terr. Fus., Force, to beto temp. Capt. Capt. (Gaz. (Gaz. 8 June).. 9 ' une) .... 27MayHMay Temp. 2nd Lt. A. W. Furbank, from 10 (Serv.) Bn. E. Surr. R., to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 9 June) ...... 3June Temp. 2nd Lt. G. S. Grant, from 10 (Serv.) Bn. Leic. R., to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 18 June) ...... I9june Frank Henry Thompson to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 29 June) ...... 29June Promotions, Appointments, &c. 83

REGULAR FORCES—coraid. Inpantby—contd. General List. The undermentioned to he temp. 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 1 June.) Dated SI May 15 Stanley Lowndes Clark. William Anderson. Arthur Clarence Cockcroft. Thomas Curr Angus. Edward Curwen. Tom Turner Binns. William Darling. Clifford Bostoek. William Edwin Dennis. William Mark Dodd. Edgar Edminson. CharlesMaurice WilliamMalcolm Hardie. Grice. James Gauntlett. George William Minter Harpley. William David Goodall. John Macnah. John Henry Japeth Hampson. Edmund Trevor Martin. Adam Fraser Hutchison. Alan Middleton. Herbert James. Henry Joseph Moon. Hamish Maclardy. George Hugh Recknell. Francis Swinnerton McNicoll. Charles Grant Robertson. Charles Edward Malpass. James Rodger. Arnold Roy Mather. Frank Proom Robson. James Reginald Spence Morris. Robert Walter Theodore Gordon Scott. Edward Arthur Dyrnoke Parry. John Sharp. Scandrebt. Henry Charles Smith. Archibald William Stroud. Thomas Lumsden Taylor. Eric Hubert Noel Stroud. Archibald Turnbull. Gerald Symington. John Turner. Hugh Browne Taylor. William Norman Wallis. Frank Richard Thompson. George Lawrence Watkinson. John Gray Waldie. Leonard Wright. William Watson. Thomas Farquharson Andrew. (Gaz. 1 June.) Dated 1 June 15 Kenneth Anns. Raymond George Fonteyn. Christopher Armstrong. Louis Percy Forster. Oswald Maurice Musgrave Birks. ArthurSydney WardaleFreedman. Furbank. ArthurStewart Wilmot Frank Bywaters.Carr. Allan Sidney Hayfleld. Donald John Stuart Chapman. Desmond Moubray Jeffreys. Harold Fisher. (Gaz. 1 June.) Dated 31 May 15 Louis John Baxter. Thomas Lowe Millar. Allan Brodie. Ralph Gore Scott. Alexander Michie Buttar. Hugh Perronet Thompson. Thomas William Denholm Hay. Graham Noble Thomson. Harold Drewett Jensen. John Maclaren Watson. (Gaz. 1 June.) Dated 1 June 15:— Robert Seaton MacGregor. William Alfred Martin Austin. Walter McIntyre. Mark Moyle Brodie. John Ford McLeod. Frederick Howard Harry Buchanan. John M Her (from Unattd. List, Robert Hunter Cameron. Terr. Force). Alexander Campsie. Arthur Mitchell. Robert Duncan Duff. George Bulteei Moir-Byres. Robert Gordon. Ernest Charles Osborne. David Burns Hamilton. Reginald George Plumb. William Ronaldson Hoggan. James Sinclair Rankin. Harold John Langhorn. John Russell-Jonos. DavidWilliam Crawford James Lowe. Moore Lindsay. Alexander Davidson Stuart. Kenneth Macdonald. Temp. Qr.-Mr. and hon. Lt. R. H. Smith relinquishes his commn. (Gaz. 1 June.) 2J unel6 The undermentionedDated 31 May 15 to be temp. Qr.-Mrs., with the hon. rank of Lt. (Gaz. 1 June.) Temp. 2nd Lt. A. Jamieson. I Frank Crewe. Dated 2 June 15. John George Wisher. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. relinquish their commns. (Gaz. 1 June.) Dated 2 June 15:— R. D. Thomson. W. B. Franklin. A. W. L. Barlow. G.R. F.I. Mapleton.De pard. J. Cotton. A. O. Williams. The temp. 2nd (Gaz. Ltcies 1 June) of the undermentioned, which appeared in Gazs. as stated, H. McCormick. 27 Oct. 14. E. F. Gunning. 14 May 15. E. C. McCankie. 27 Apr. 15. E. A. Bailey. 21 May 15. 84 Promotions, Appointments, &c.

REGULAR FORCES—contd. IITFANTET—Contd. General hisi-contd. The undermentioned to be temp. 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 4June.) Dated 3 June 15 Stanley Beswiek. William Alexander Sanderson. Jamea Henry Brookes. Arthur Charles Slaughter. WilliamRichard NolbertStanley Brown.Burton. Roy Gunter Smith. Frank Reginald Chapman. William Shutileworth Standring. Hugh Patrick Capstlck. HenryClifford Bartholomew Arthur Stark. Tunnard. Gilbert Anderson Cocks. David Ethelstone Davies. Harold Tom Coneybeare. John Dye he. Reginald Charles Stuart Cundy. Gerald Fitz-Simmons. WilliamJohn Hankinson Curwen. Darlington. John Howard Francis. Harry Entwistle. Daniel Idwal Hopkins. Louis J ames Farey. Robert Selwyn Humphreys. Alexander Moncriefl Finlayson. Thomas Spenser James. Watson Henry Foggo. John Clarence Jinks. Ayshford Price Hamilton. Alan Wilson Johns. Benjamin Harris. Cledwyn Owen Jones. Harry Victor Hart. Isaac Ernest Jones. Alfred Greenhow Relph Hawkes. William James Jones. Douglas Hertz. Arthur James Latham. Tom Jones Jackson. Frank Light. Stephen Henry Johnson. Albert William Mackey. George Jude. HaroldGeorge ClaudiusNeal. Peerman. Reginald Butler Kershaw. John Thomas Arthur Reynolds. Geoflrey Edward Legge Arthur Ford Shepherd. James Keggen Maddrell. Sidney Charles Shepherdson. James Shepley Middleton. Reginald Udell Thomas. Norman Garth Myers. David George Tudor. William Ernest Nash. Archibald Carr Williams. AndrewJohn Duckworth Joseph O’Byrne. Price. Harry Percy Mountford Williams. Arthur John Reeves. Harry Willis. Frank Sylvester Ringham. Percy Trueman Dale. (Gaz. 4 June.) Dated 4 June 15:— Frederick Ambler. William Charles Annable-Dainton. Stanley Howarth. Percival Robert Anderson. John Hunter. Frederick Barrett. (9 May 15.) Norton Beville Hutchinson. William Curtis Bolton. George Alexander Lawson-Brown. Henry Alan Bowker. JamesFrank William Looby.Lillie. Stanley Oliver Brand. Orrie Briggs. Louis Edward Joseph Maude. Henry Roland Broomhead Broomhead. John William Miller. Eric Robert Matthew Brown. Harman Bone Milton. Hugo Oathcart Cowell Carver. George Francis Nightingale. Alfred Langton Champion. Cyril Gascoigne Piggford. Walter Clarkson. Henry Arnold Porter. Eric Arnold Cleaver. Leonard Edwin Keade. Joseph Craig. JohnBertram Lewis Reed. Richard. John Basil Crawford. Arthur John Riley. Thomas Benedict Crow. Herbert Trevor Rowell. Hugh Douglas Davidson. Anson St. Clair-Ford. Harry Atkinson Dinsdale. Roy Ellis Shearn. Robert Forster. George William Silk. John Maurice Foster. Tom Sparshott. James Ronald Foster. William Ernest Aston Smith. Reginald Frederick Frazer. Albert Ernest Tomlinson. Frederick John Gibbs. Alfred Henry Burt Tyrrell. Joseph Arthur Greenfield. Hubert Henry Wade. Harold Llewelyn Griffith. Robert Percy Watson. Henry Glaze Hall. Harold Robert Wa'es. Noel Thomas Hartley. Herbert George Webb. Thomas George Graudon Heenan. Gilbert Ashton West. Reginald Church Hewson. George Wilson. George Fredrick Hinchliff. Henry Charles Wooton Woolley. (Gaz. 4 June.) Dated 3 J une 15 :— FrederickArnold Feaver William Atkinson. Bartholomew. Luke P. K. Fisher. Leonard Frederick Bittles. FrederickClaude Arundel William Gill. Girvan. Andrew McGregor Cant. Richard Henry Goddard. William Gustavus McIntyre Cranko. Joseph Wolfe Goldman. John Cromie. Ernest John Lantsbery Groar. Edwyn David Dickson. Patrick Riddle Grey. James Wilkie Dunlop. Arthur Hume Gunion. Eric Noel Eskell. Walter Hagen. Promotions, Appointments, &c. 85

JEGULAR FORCES—coraW. I.'FAM TRT—COntd. Ksebal List—aontd. James Kennedy Hall. Harold Paulley. Philip James Hall. David Aubrey Recordon. George English Hamill. Aurfryn Mudie Rees. James Arthur Hart. Herbert Frederick MeCune Reid. Charles Edward Howard. Robert Miller Richford. Arthur Ferguson Ingram. Allan Robin. Ernest Jones. James Herbert Scott. James Elkin Kerr. Arthur Courtis Skewes. Henry Vivian Lake. Cyril Ridgeway Stephens. Augustus Lewis Lemerle. Adam Knowles Stewart. William Hnightley Leonard. Frederick William Sword. Henry i ’larke MeClenaghan. Ernest Simpson Lowry Tees. Arthur Mansfield. Howard Simson Tindall. Richard Vivien Morris. Sydney Prout Tozer. John Philip Morse. William Trotter. Herbert Stanley Openshaw. Alexander Watt. Arthur Padmore. The undermentioned N.C.O.’s. and Men from 28 Bn., Lond. R., unless otherwise stated, to be temp. 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 4 June.) Dated 26 May 15 Pte. E. R. M. Fryer (from Hon. Art. Co.) Pte. F. J. Dale. Pte. T. P. Brocklehurst. Serjt. A. W. Wilde (from 9 Bn. Pte. M. Strode. Lond. R.) Pte. F. H. Moore. Pte. B. J. Kerchner. Pte. A. L. Brown. Pte.Pte H.T. D.A. Parkes.Cundall. Pte. J. B. M. Walsh. Lce.-Corpl. C. A. Hogg (from A.S.C.) Pte. R. H. Maddock. Pte. F. A. Lott. Pte. G. Wilkins. Pte. F. J. Pullen. Pte. N. Allen. Lce.-Corpl. A. Holmes (from 9 Bn. Pte. W. H. Jacques. Lond. R.) Pte. R. O. Pearson. Pte. L. H. Glencross. J’orpl. C. F.Wrighttfrom R.E.) Pte. F. G. Stribling. Pte. H. P. Allanson. Pte. W. W. G. Stables. Pte. E. H. Box. Pte. J. A. B. Gemmel. Pte. D. L. Gates. Pte. W. C. Adams. Pte. J. C Hollinrake. Pte. G. G. Paine. Lce.-Corpl. F. A. Jenkins. Trooper B Russell (from 1 L.G.) Pte. A. M. Mieyille. Trooper A. Pritchard (from 1 L.G.) Pte. E. W. O’F. Lynam. Pte. C. L Pearn. Pte. W. A. Stanwell. Pte. H. Grugeoo. Pte. F. Falkner Lee. Pte. A. A. Tippett, Lce.-Corpl. L. H. Nott. Pte. B. O. Chapman. Pte. F. E. Hatfield. Pte. A. H. Robert s. Pte. A. J. Way (from A.S.C.) Pte. A. Brooks (from No. 5 Motor Lce.-Corpl. J. Soutal (from A.S.C.) Amb. Convoy, 2nd Army.) Pte. R. Newcombe. Serjt. E. W. Moore (from 9 Bn. Pte. C. R. Chandler. Lond. R ) WriterPte. A. M.E. Cottam.R. Dell (from R.N. Vol. Lce.-Corpl. W. Young (from 14 Bn. Res.) Lond. R. Pte. S. J. D. Woodyear. Serjt. A. R. Harvey-Bathurst (from Pte. C. J. Hoskins (from R.A.M.C.) A.S.C.) Pte. J. Mudge. The undermentioned temp. 2nd Lts. relinquish their commns. (Gaz. 4 June.) Dated 5 JuneJohn 15 Frederick Edmund Worlledge Basil Dagleish Smith. William Alfred Elias. Joshua Clarkson. Hector McColl Robertson. John Ward Cox. Andrew Laing. Wilfred Vivian Wilkinson, The appt. to temp. 2nd Lteies. of the undermentioned, which appeared in Gazs. as stated, is cancelled.John Hope (Gaz. Wood. 4 June):—14 May 15. I Ewan William Edwards. 11 May 15. Robert Maule. 6 Nov. 14. I Stephen William Black. 11 May 15. The undermentioned temp. Qr.-Mrs. and hon. Lts. relinquish their commns. Johnappeared S. Milne. in Gaz.(Gaz. of 154 June.)Dec. 14.) Dated 16 Dec. 14. (Substituted for that which John Mackenzie. (Gaz. 4 June) ...... 5Junel5 The Harryundermentioned Britton. 2 to June be temp. 15. Qr.-Mrs. with Ihon. rankJohn of Cook.Lt. (Gaz. 5 June 4 June) 15. : — The undermentioned to be temp. 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 9 June). Dated 7 June 15 Henry Lee Betts. Ezra Herbert Hyman. John Wyatt Case. Thomas William Stuart Inight. Harry Colwell Gay. Michael Meyer Melinsky. Hugh Marsden Gibbs. Walter Morris. George Samuel Hatch. Cyril Arthur Berry Noel. Douglas Markham Hutchins. Arthur Reginald Merrett Palm r 86 Promotions, Appointments, &c.

REGULAR FORCES—oontd. Iapantby—contdt Gbnbbal List—contd. (Gaz. 9 June.) Dated 10 J una 15 Henry Talbot Alexander. Jonn Henry Ruslibrooke Alexander. AlfredEdward John Joseph Martin. Mare. William Arthur George Austin. Arthur Walter Kyrle Money. Thomas Claude Bennett. Alfred Paul Morgan. William Henry Bennett. George Murphy. George Lewis Redner Bodington. Edward Russell Noble. CyrilFrederick Francis Lewis Carew-ttughes. Brooks. Philip Harold Perkins. William John Corrigan. Harold Hugh Price. Gearies Vicior Cox. Charles Loudon St. Hill. Gerald Crocke r. Reginald Ivor Scorer. John Henry Crowe. William Harold Scorer. Reginald Harry Day. Arthur Cyril Everett Snell. Cyril Deakin. Harold Pummerscale. John Grant Downton. Christopher Vincent Nithsdale Vine. Wilfrid Bell ttdmonds. Frederick Waite. Thomas keatnerstone. Frank Waterhouse. Reginald Henry Gambell. Henry Weston-Webb. Eric Peace Hall. James Frederic Edwin Winder. George Middleton Haslam. Malcolm Wykes. Richard Philip Hrarson. George Frederick William Zimmer. Sidney Walt r Hoole. Horace Acomb. Sydney Faulkner Horns. Philip George Alexandre. Charles Morgan Jenkins. William Behne Ash. Thomas Burton Jones Donald Simpson Bell. Percival William Bernard Lawrence. Robert Blake Bingham. Alfred Frederick Liddle. . Bevis Carr Blakeway. Harold Edward Makins. James Edward Borrell, Leonard George Mar; in. Robert Hubert Francis Bradley. Bertram Ernest Newton. WalterGeorge RoscampHarold Coaton. Burn. Lucius James Francis O’Brien. Ralph Hall Corby. Harry Stanley Parker. James Crawford. Arthur Raymond Penny. Harold Cecil Eves. James Lewis Pulleyn. Thomas May Fletcher. Harold George Reed. William Golder. Clifford William Saunders. Percy Gerrard Gough. WiliiamFrank Stone. Francis Stacey. Robert, Donald Green. Frank Henry Talbot. Percy Gregory. Bertram Walter Taylor. William Harwood Harland. Leonard William Taylor. Gerald Haslam. Herbert William Thompson. AlfredErnest JabezHenry Hobley. Whitford Higginbotham. Sidney Tomlinson. Charles Vernon Hole. William Horace Trattles. Charles Ward Jackson. Arthur Geoffrey Turner. Ernest .Tubi ng. William Frederick Fouracre Venner. Hugh Lawson. Leonard Woodford. Wesley Lawson. Charles BeHjamln Woodley. Reginald Reed Leawood. Cecil Norman Whitehouse. William Eric Limont. Horace Heptonstall Backhouse. William Alfred McErvel Bernard B inks. . John Bindford Barnett. George Henrv Mather. ErnestRobert MackenzieAlfred Beattie. Bell. Harry Meadows. Leonard George Bolton. Herbert Ogden. Frank Chandler Clark. Alexander Swinton Paterson Charles Frederick Cran. Norris Pickthall. Ambrose Bat ham Cross. Arthur Ramsden. Wilfred Soencer Dane. JamesErnest Scott.Robson. John Leslie Fellows d’Arcy. Bertram John Vivian Stone. Arnold .1. Daye. Bryan Meredith Storey. Oliver Howard Dixon. Ernest Thompson. William George Evans. Thomas Leonard Timperley. William Mayes Fry. William Edwin Thorpe Ward. Ellwocd Gilderthorp. Robert Parker Musgrave Whitham. Philip Thomas Wilson Grant. Arthur Leonard Rowland Yapp. Sydney Gurteen. Denis John Yeaman. JohnGeorge Huntington. Bertram Hanne. Ronald A-hley-Smith. Henry Gordon Hay Jan. Adrian Reginald Bailey. Demetri Jarintz'iff. Leonard George Bavly Ernest Claude Keevil. Arthur Nnel Binglev Arthur Kirby. JohnVictor Fazell Wilson Browne. isratuuu. Bartle Leathlean. Reginald Carlvon Bruce. WilliamLionel Louis Albert Lelon. Michael Leidig. Percival Themes Burgess Harold Uversidge. AlexanderFrederic John Ian ButcherChesney John Lowe. Brrald Disston Clark Promotions, Appointments, &c 87

®G(JLAR FORCES—oontd. JPAKTEY—contd. BKBBAIi lAsi—aontd. Cecil Vandepeer Clarke. John Humphreys. Jack Albert Cooper. Geoffrey Hyams. William Freeman Cooper. Daniel S. Jay. Arthur John Crease. WilliamLewis Edison Percy Letcher. Lipscomb. Hew Dalrymple. John Thomas London. John Raniiall Darwall. Humphrey Dod Lynes. Harry Noel Davies. Victor Braine Marsh. Stuart Arthur Meadows Dobson. Arnold Warden Middleditch. Ernest Edward Dowling. James Milward. HaroldAlexander Frederick Dunkley. Downie. Angus Milchelson. Thomas Stuart Evans. Brian Montague Osborne. Harry Feather. John Verney Raynes Owen. Walter James Fisher. Stanley James Peatfleld Alexander Charles Owen Fowler. Leonard Alfred Keece-Heal. Donald Richard Frazer. Walter Reeve. Clifford John Austin Freeman. William Daw Rowe. Robert Fryer. William Herbert Stewart, George Alexander Gardiner. DonovanIvan Maltravers Ernest Stockbridge.Sully. ArthurHarold DudleyJohn James. Grove. Percival Hamilton Thomson. John Moore Ascroft Glover. Cecil Francis Umney. Herbert Goad. Clifford Cyril Webb. Archibald Robert Hall. Sydney Harold Wigmore. Cyril Graham Hallam. Wilfrid Gordon Wilson. Thomas Howard Hetherington. Gerald Talbot Connors. 3 Dec. 14. Horace Lingard Hume. Roland William Huxter. 12 May 15. The undermentioned to he temp. Qr.-Mr. with the hon. rank of Lt. Harry Edwin Newton Niblett. (Gaz. 9 June) ...... •• •• lOJunelo Temp. Qr.-Mr. and Hon. Lt. D Pratt relinquishes his commn. (Gaz. r9 June.l Dated 8 Apr. 15. (Substituted for notice which appeared in Gaz. of 9 Apr. 15). relinquish their commns. (Gaz. 9 June.) Dated The10 undermentioned Jan. 15:— temp. 2nd Lts. F. E. J. Morse. J. E. L. Talbot. M. H. Raymond. G. Nicolls. F. Goodburn-Buffey. J. B. Binns. S. H. Rowland. W. E. Marsden. G. V. Wellesley. Theis appt. cancelled. to temp. (Gaz. 2nd 9Ltcies. June):— of the undermentioned, which appeared in Gaz. as stated, C. E. Randell. 10 Nov. 14. J. R. Foster. 4 June 15. C. G. Robertson. 1 June 15. J. M. Foster. 4 June 15. - J. S. Rankin. 1 June 15. W. T. Lyons. 6 Nov. 14. The undermentioned to be temp. 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 11 June.) Dated 11 June 15 Archibald Borwick. Cecil Frederick George Humphries. Douglas Scott Dalrymple Clark. John David Jenkins, Walter Fergusson Crawford. f'harles Stanley Kerin. Ian Cumming. Malcolm Henry MacLucas. William Ai gus Douglas. Alexander Scott Reid. John Findlay. Claude Eugene Rooke. William George Hay. - David Alexander Soutar. (Gaz. 11 June.) Dated 12 June 15 Charles Herbert Alderson. Joseph Norman Hall. 10 May 15. Herbert Ashworth. Frank Hartley Norman Butler Baker. Leona'-d Arthur Hirst. Thomas Harold Bennett. Cecil Frederick George Hobbs. Walter Robinson Bradley. Neville Hobson. John William Broughton. William Beveridge Ibbitson. Harry Brake. FrederickRaymond ArthurAlbert Johnson.Kendrick. Gerald John Lloyd Burton. Harry Gray Leaver. Edwin Bush. Ernest James Leedle. Stanley Carhart. Charles Dainton Lumsden. AlexanderWilliam Clarke. Clegg. Joseph Francis McCormack. Lancelot Glanville Creagh. Percy Alexander Margetts. Joseph William de Burgh. George Reginald Percy. George Wilfrid Ellis. Edgar Perham. Percy Bryant Everett. 10 May 15. Tom Pilling. Richard Hedly Vicars Fisher. Sydney Frank Platt. Albert Wedgwood Foster. Arthur Ernest Ray. Frederick Gilliat. Cecil Howard Roueh. Frederick Meinerts Hahn. Aubrey Lyttelton Moote Shftehan. Alfred Thomas Herbert Hall. Alfred Hutt. 88 Promotions, Appointments,

REGULAR FORCES—ooreW. IlfPAlTTBY—oontd. GF.NBRAr, List—conid. Thei2 Jun™™—°ne

JEQULAR FORCES—comM. HPANtby—contd. ■nebal List—contd. The undermentioned to he temp. 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 15 June.)Evan Dated-14 Llewellyn June Roberts. 15:— Gilbert James Baker. Alfred Arthur Kenneth Rudd. Roger Coghlan Broughton. Noel Pendlebury Sandiford. Henry Edward Broadhent. Frederick Charles Saxon. Richard Rivers Bullmore. Tom Osinbrook Scarrott. rharles Herbert Carter. Harold Lee Shaw. Matthews Johnstone Dunlop. Harold Shuker. John Francis Fitzgerald. Stanley Crawford Smith. Cecil Frederick Everson. Walter Norman Smith. Harold Graham. Jack Cyril Stlmson. Raymond Harkness. Lather James Swallow. Thomas Ernest Hulme. George William Symes. Frank Kite. George Taylor. AlfredCharles Lay. Aikin Lawford. William '1 onks. Donald McIntosh McCubbing. Albert Edward Tunaley. Montague Vivian Miles. Thomas Geoffrey Moore Ward. John William Morrail. William James White. George Ernest Richardson. The appt. to temp. 2nd Ltcies. of the undermentioned, which appeared in Gaz. as stated, is cancelled J. B. Hughes-Games, 1 Dec. 14. F.William Waterhouse, flams White,9 June 1515. June 15. S.A. C.Kirby, Shepherdson, 9 June 15. 4 June 15. Charles William Joseph Cronin, 15 June 15. H. Liveisidge, 9 June 15. The undermentioned to be temp. 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 18 June.) Dated 17 June 15 Robert Munro. I Conrad Esdaile Tyrrell Lewis. Michael Francis Casey. The undermentioned Cadets and ex-Cadets of the O.T.C. to be temp. 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 18 June.)Alfred DatedJoseph 17 Aibon. June 15 :— Wilfred Innes Pocock. Charles Frederick Nelson Ambrose. David Daulton Richards. William Finlay Bigger. Egbert Wilfred George Simpson. Ernest Duff. David Walker. William Hadkiss. Arthur Edward Warren. Reginald Ivor McKay. Ernest Gerald Wilson. Bernard Middleton. Robert Keith Young. The undermentioned to be temp. 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 18 June.) Dated 17 June 15 Frank Andrew. John Aubrey Rodin Mayell. William Alexander Andrew. Alick Stuart McLaurin Monteath. Ernest John Amor. Morton. Richard Aopleton. Ralph Albert Negus. Leonard William Barber. Laurence Nendick. Leslie Walton Bassnett. Edgar Isaac Newgass. Lewis Digby Mansergh Beard. William Oates. George William Bellamy. Harry Percy Greenwood Oliver. Felix Berry. Louis Graham Page. John Kirkpatrick Patterson. Hedley Herbert Berry. Jack Peate. RobertWilliam Blagden. Birch. William Vaughan Pettit. Walter Lane Pinnieer. Christopher Basil Brewer. Frederick James Foulton. Douglas Archibald Guillan Brown. Harold John Priestland. Thomas Edward Carling. Robert Rae. Stanley Darrell Houghton Clarke. Percival Reader. WalterWilliam Parkes Alfred Cooper.Thomas Crofts. Harold Alfred Robinson. Marten Cave Duplock. Herbert James Rogers. Walter Falrlie. John Alfred Rogers. Edward Fincham. Jacob Sutcliffe Ruttle. Roderick William Gates. Willard Mercer Bennett Skinner. Joseph Greenwood. Frederick Sheward Smith. Wallace Bernard Hamilton. Harold Ebsworth Snow. Charles Edgar Hastie. William Benjamin Spencer. Harry Tuson Heneker. Vincent Hamilton Stewart-Macleod. Ernest Henry Heppenstall. Charles Frederick Stirling. Valentine Francis Herbert Hugill. Robert Owen Victor Thomas. Philip Giles Hutson. James Ronald Thomson. Charles Bernard Jackson. Francis Edward Tierney. Eric Ody Johnson. Richard Creswell Vaughan. William Kaneen. Seamour Wales-Smith. John Speir Kerr. Rowland Henry Wood. 1 eonard Henry Lanham. Philip Sydney Woolley. Charles Leonard Leuty. Norman Stanley Wright. Walter Lewis. Arthur George Francis Wyatt. Baldwyn Lowick. James David Young. Thomas Patrick McBreen. James Young. Erskine Maclean. 90 Promotions, Appointments, &c. REGULAR FORCES—conid. IKPAKTBT—contd. Gbnbbal List—contrt. The undermentioned Cadets and ex-Cadeta 18 Jane.) Dated 17 June 15 of the O.T.C. to be temp. 2nd Lts. (Gaz. Edward Hardy Boggls. Robert Goldie Miller. JeanMatthew Pierre Burnside. Colin. Stanley Cole Ponter. Walter Elmsiie Hawkins. John William Walters. Albert James Little. Evelyn John Hedley Wise. The undermentioned to be temp. 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 18 June.) Dated 17 June 15 Ernest Walter Barry. William James Brown Bayne. Alfred Leslie Holbrook. Albert John Beach. George William Holderness. John William Page Beard. Frank.Tefcoate. Herbert Ross Briggs. Stanley Kelsey. John Callie. Edward Godfrey King. Henry Maxwell Cockle. John James Wilder Lassetter. Charles Paul Cooke. George Martin. John Hampton Corbett. JohnWilliam Percival Meadows. Morkam. William Gluyas Norman Cutts. Henry James North. Edward Farrell. Thomas Edward Arthur O’Malley. Alfred Montague Foley. David Edmunds Rees. Archibald William Gill. Glyn Roberts. Albert Charles Godding. Thomas Stokes. Sydney George Hague. Lancelot William Walker. Frank Har ley. Norman George Wright. The date of appt. to temp. 2nd Ltcies. of the undermentioned is as now stated and not as shown in previous Gazs. :— C. B. Dodds. 7 Dec. 14. | h. E. Wood. 1 Oct. 14. The undermentioned temp. 2nd Lts. 19 June 15 relinquish their eommns. (Gaz. 18 June.) Dated Alexis Coulson Bond. Andrew MacFadyen Houston Fergus. Frank Henry Haigh. I John Francis Geoghegan. The appt. to temp. 2nd Ltcies. of the undermentioned, which appeared in Gazs. as stated, is cancelled. (Gaz. 18 June) G. A. Gardiner. 9 June 15. I N.G. Myers. 4 June 15. B. C. Blakeway. 9 June 15. B.M. Osborne. 9 June 15. W. H. Bennett. 9 June 15. Temp. Qr.-Mr. and Hon. Lt. W. Walton relinquishes his commn. (Gaz. 18 June) . The undermentioned to be Frank Fox. 16 June 15. temp. Qr.-Mrs., with the hon. rank of Lt. (Gaz. 18 June) Robert v’air. 17 June 15. William Hunt. 19 June 15. The undermentioned to be temp. 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 22 June.) Dated 17 June 15 Adrian Abrahams. Chester Bishop Kydd. .1 ames George Avent. Gerald Lenton. George Haddon Bailey. Frank Stanford Martin. Albert William Bonome. Stanley Hopkins Mason. Thomas Sydney Carmichael. Francis John Miller. Joseph Stanley Collingwood. Henry Heacock Monsell. Frederick George Oamment. Donald Eustace Preece. Allan SalusburyNapierMcNab Davenport. Albert Henry Press. KeithFrederick John Austin Detmold. Day. William Ewart Price. Gerald Sandiford Featherstone-Griffln. George Reuben James Ramsb jtham. Arnold Free. Warren Pye Ratcliff. Edward Victor Garrad. WilfredAlbert Stanley Hugh Rilett. Ra#ner. Philip Henry Thomas Goddard. Stanley Dudley Roddick. Arthur Reynault Gordon. Horace Richmond Royston. Sydney James Graham. Harry Skelton. Walt er John Harper. Arthur Simmonds. Frederick James Humphrey Hedges. William Gordon Simmons Reginald Frederick Hewitt. Dudley Sampson Blyth Starnes. JohnRichard Harold .Tame* James. Housden. Cecil Walter Thomas. Walter Leverton Jessopp, Louis Schreiber Vaney. Robert Arthur Jones. Irwin Price Venner. John Kilby. Charles Basil Stanley Woodford. (Gaz. 22 June 15.) Dated 21 June 15 Leslie Harry Cleverdon. I Henry Edwin Apps. Promotions, Appointments, &c 91

EGULAR FORCE S—ooraM. NPANTEY—con^d. •eheeal List—conW. (Qaz. 22 June.) Dated 22 JuneHoward 15 Annesley Chappie. Leonard Cherry. Montague William Clark. HowardThomas SidneyKenneth Dumbreck. Elnhinstone. Valentine Edmund Scaer Curtis. Arthur Edward Griffin. Cecil Lewis Drake. Frederick William David Grundy. William David Ferguson. Arthur Baldwin Hayward. Louis Herbert Furniss. Reeinald James Lucking. Cecil John Garnham. Sidney Maynard Idiens. Archibald Pearce. Harry Solomon Littlewood. Richard Pennington. Frederick William Marshall. Joseph Edward Smith. Reginald Charles Nunn. Hugh Liddell Thompson. Henry Carl Osborne. WalterLawrence James David Beswetherick. Watts. Stanley George Outwin. Laurence Oliver Brown. Joseph Norton Pebody. William Ernest Cranmer. Frederick Leonard Pulleyn. Cuthbert Cyril Baldwin Dorman. Fred Wilson. William Alfred Goodall Esdaile-Green. Spencer Wilfrid Ados. • Charles Eustace Goad. Bernard Armine Frederic Astley. Frederick Collins Granger. William George Baker. Arthur Crawford Lee. Sydney Charles Barker. Montague Nodes Lello. Frederick Henry Bawden. Frank Lucas. Cuthbert Caumont Bazell. Perceval Drewett Lucas. Edward Poole Coles. Herbert Francis Frederick Montague. Walter Macaulay Eicke. William George St. Leger Montague. Cyril Hughes Hallett. John William Raven. William Henry Hooper. Frederick Joseph Reading. Herbert Victor Horton. Theophilus Garfield Skyrme. William Edward Ladd. Joseph Frank Walton. Dennis John Frederick MacCarthy. Francis Henry William Webb. George James Mitchell. Georae Francis Walker Yeates. Stanley Russell Spurin. Norris Irven. Reginald Arthur Wesson. Woodburn Archie Robert Bartleman. Francis William Yelf. James Taylor Broomfield. Leonard Smith. 30 Jan. 16. Frank Bertie Buxton, The undermentioned Cadets and ex-Cadets of the O.T.C. to be temp. 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 22 June.) Dated 22 June 15 Basil Hauxwell Ryder. Victor Gordon Cogswell. John Francis Cuthbert Bashforth. Harold Linklater Colville. George Cornwall. StuartEric Demetrius Leighton Gregory.Heard. John Ayres England. William Alfred Herbert. Philip Arnold Gibbons. George Ronald Honey. Ernest Gowdridge. Reginald Bertram Lloyd. Lewis James Pehard Laycock. Leonard Cridland Morris. Huw Ifor Lloyd. «enjamin Perkins. George Raymond Kewley. Lionel John Treleaven Polgreen. Frank Reginald Matthews (Gaz. 22 June.) Dated 21 June 15 : — Wilfred Aubrey Brewer. | Edward Owen Rutter. The22 undermentioned June.) Dated IS members June 15 of the Inns of Court O.T.C. to bo temp. 2nd Lts. (Gaz. WilliamJohn Ward Norman Walters. Legg. I ClaudeRalph Urquhart William Marshall.Rutherford. Edmund Lancelot Wright. (Gaz. 22 June.) Dated 21 June 15: — Alfred James Barrow. Albert Thomas Metcalfe. Cedric Humphrey Bennett. Allan Duncan Morris. Thomas Brownrigg. Reginald Neville Thomson Naish. Frederic William Caton. Harold Quinney. Norman Reseigh Cosgrove. Hector Stuart. Harold Crowhurst. Horace James Henry Toms. Charles William Cudemore. Henry John Van Druten. Andrew Pearson Davidson. Oliver John Wade. John Alfred Halford. Francis Willie Wilkinson. Harold Robert Hudlestone. Richard William Digby Wingfield. The undermentioned temp. 2nd Lts. relinquish their commns. (Gaz. 22 June.) Dated 23 June 15 Thomas Gordon Steven. I Gerald Alexander Wheeler. Cecil Cadogan Elborough. I Charles O’Hagan. The appt. to temp. 2nd Ltcies. of the undermentioned which appeared in Gaz. as stated is cancelled 15Junel5 .1.P. ,T.Maxwell. Donnelly. (Gaz. (Gaz. 22 June)22 June) .. do. L.W. Barber. (Gaz. 22 June).. IS June 23 June ArthurTemp. Qr.-Mr.Mark to and be temp. hon. Lt.Qr.-Mr., J. N. Deletowith the relinquishes hon. rank ofhis Lt. commn. (Gaz. 22(Gaz. June) 22 June) 21 June 92 Promotions, Appointments, Ac.

REGULAE FORCES—conM. IlTPAITTET—COntd. Qenkkal List—contd. The undermentioned to he temp. 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 25 June) Dated 19 Apr. 15 James Robert Ainslie. Norman Crosland Ampt. Henry Francis Coghlan Horsfall. Alfred Philip Jasper Armstrong. Hugh Gilbert Howes. William Arthur de Lannoy Yates Bain- Cyril Canning Humphris. brigge. Adrian Le Patowrel Jones. Eric William Baldwin. Maurice Layton. Edgar Lance Banfield. Arthur Trevor D’Arcy Long. Keitn Joy Barrett. William McCulloch.. Wilfrid Bigwood. Donald Patrick Macdonald. Ethelbert George Bland. .1 ack Manning. Anthony Walter Bowles. Reginald Ernest Martin. John Neville Brameld. Frank James L« nham Mayger. Leslie Robert Brookes. HenryLeslie JohnFrederick Meagher. Koy Messenger, Richard Clive Me Bryde Broun. Colin McLaren Miller. Frederick Stuart Buchanan. Ceoflrey Arthur Nevett Mitchell. ArthurSidney VictorHamilton Burrow. Gordon Campbell. Hugh ueorge Montgomerie. Neil Leslie Campbell. Keith Ayton Morris. Sidney George Chaoman. George Noel Irving Morrison. William Robert Cheshire. William Hay Morrison. Frederick Hay Christison. FrederickNiall Joseph Bennie Mullarkey. Muir. HenryIan Hugh Bass Mackay Churchill. Clarke. James Oliphant. George Coe. Gerald Ernest Overbury. John Stanley Gordon Collier. Christopher Owen. Charles Augustus Copland. Ronald Anderson Paterson. Cook. Alfred Walter Peacock Philip Aubrey Cornish. Cecil Marmaduke Pickthall. Reginald Eric ('ranfield Henry Stewart Powell. Harold John Creaney. Harold Cliflord Pyper. Charles ** alter Dann. Douglas Gunnell wand. Fred Davie. Donald Herbert Rose. James Wynyard Davison. Benjamin Franklin Rowe. Charles William Eastgate-Smith. Henry Freeman Russell. Roger Eastwood. Arthur Cyril Saxton. Humphrey Pennefather Evans. Arthur Herbert Scrivener. Eric Angus McAlister Franklin. George Cecil Sloane-Stanley. Eric Lionel Fraser. Humphrey Henry Sloane-Stanley. Richard Rodney Gibbs. Frank Oliver Sprinks. Douglas Vincent Gibson. Francis Brown Douglas Stalker. Maurice Gordon. Arthur Kenneth Tarbet. P-rcy Gourd. Edmund Alec Tarbet. Arch Grant. Frederick Charles Ternent. Arthur Ivory Gripper. Frank Monk Mason Troup. Patrick Michael James Guaran. Henry Eugene Voyce. John Iveson Tennant Harrison. JohnHerbert Webster. Gordon Wace. Cecil Ernest Hawes. Allan Willis. Wilfrid Ernest Hobday. Frank Alexander Wilson. Trevor Noel Holmden. Straun Wright-Smith. James Cuthbert Holmes. John Flockton Wyndham. The undermentioned Cadets and ex-Cadets of the O.T.C. to be temp. 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 25 June.) Dated 24 June 15:— Kenneth Arthur Gosnell. Wilfrid Wallace Drake. Hugh Granville Le Ray. Cecil Pollock Hirst. LutherGeorge SinglehurstThomson. Ward. Donald Pople. Arthur Warrington Allkins. William Francis Scott. Edward Charles Coxwell. Howard Edgar Tipper.

(Gaz, 25 June.) Dated 25 June 15 Black. James Alfred Philp. David Buchanan. James Charles Scarth. Alexander Wylie Burgess. Charles Drummond Schulze. JohnThomas Lees James Burton. Campbell Crawford, Peter Milne Speed. Hugh Henry Trussler Davies. Daniel Sutherland. Arthur John Elpinstone. Robert Tully. James Lovat Hosack Fraser. Alexander Turnbull. Nelson Jones. John Dora Williamson. Archibald Dunerik McEachran. Douglas John Bowie Wilson. Promotions, Appointments, &c. 93

REGULAR FORCES-corafd. INFAHTBY—OOtltd. General hist—eontd. The undermentioned to he temp. 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 25 June.) Dated 24 June 15 Oeorge Kenneth Steinberg. Sidney Loder Andrews. Ernest George Austin Waigh. Arthur Arnold-.Tones. Ronald William Ailsa Watts. Frederick <'ecii Barlow. John Grierson Gordon Wilson. Thomas Billows Bellamy. Percival Edgar Argyle. Robert Hamilton Bunting. St. John Salmon Backhouse. Basil Collins. John Ellis Bingham. Bertram Crone. Henry Grafton Chapman, Svdney John Dickinson. Thomas Norman Chard. William Barnard Drake. Oliver Charles Clutterbuck. Norbert William Durrant. Theodore Algernon Coech. Harry Albert Glucksman. Edgar Harold Burke Coster Henry Edmonds. Stanley Adolphus Richard de Leschery. Reginald Harrison. Henry Onslow Evans. SimonRobert RaohaelLeslie Hyman. Jacobs. James Harold Gandon. Richard Walter James. Harold Grabham. Henry John Nancarrow. James Thomas John Holiom. Philip James Osmer. Ernest Harvey Adolphus Lockwood. Herbert Stanley Palmer. FrankReginald Prothero. Percy Poole. Douglas Keith McLean Peel. Charlie Rowden Radford. Guy Richardson. John Newcombe Spokes. JohnHenry Turreil James Saunders.Rudgley. Charles Edward Richard Thomas. Wilfred Taylor Sawyer. Harold Riviere Waller. James Frederick Sparks. Albert Edward Marshall. 21 June. James Baynton Starky. (Gaz. 25 June 15.) Dated 25 June 15 Hugh Dalrymple Alexander. George Lindsay. Ebenezer Mitchell Anderson. Sutherland Robert Macdonald. William Blacklock. Nathan Pursell McGavin. Thomas Pow Blades. Alexander Donald Mackay. Hugh Mitchell Kirkwood Brown. Angus Durham MacKenzie. William George Buchan. Lachlan MacKinnon. Charles Mundy Castle. John McLaren. John Campbell Cattanach. William McLaren. Arthur Chalmers. Albert Martin. Leonard Arthur Colbert. James Reid Maxwell. Thomas Cornford. Douglas Archibald Millar. Peter James Dunn. Thomas Greenlees Muir. Angus Hugh Munro. HughEdward Evelyn-Wood. William Forrest. Thomas Orr. Thomas Gibson. Gerald Hubert Paton. Gibson. Philip Reid Paul. Reginald John Giles. Norman McLeod MacDonald Philip. Humphrey Blaikie Goudie. Cecil Malcolm Rait. Kenneth Gauldie. John Robson. Alfred Louis Calbraith Hamilton. John Wilton Sheridan. John Henry Harris. Irvine Armstrong Sinclair. Robert Jardine. Herbert Westbrook Smith. William Alexander Johnston. James Smith. Andrew narrower Kay. James Stewart. Henry Thomas Ross Kerr. David Gerard Colvin Wakeham. James Ketchin. Arthur Cecil Wilson. Robert Dyet Lambert. Ninian James Wilson. James Heggie Lauder. Frank Waterhouse. (Gaz. 25 June).. .. 26Jnnel5 The undermentioned temp. 2nd Lt. relinquishes his commn. Edward Albert Routledge. (Gaz. 25 June) ...... do.

The appt. to temp. 2nd Ltcies. of the undermentioned, which appeared in the Gaz. as stated, is cancelled. (Gaz. 25 June) C. N. B. Rigby. (Gaz. 6 Nov. 14.) J. W. Morrall. (Gaz. 15 June s15.) J. W. Fryer. (Gaz. 19 Jan. 15.) J. E. Row. (Gaz. 9 Mar. 15.) L. G. Patient. (Gaz. 4 May 15.) F.C. B.H. Buxton.Perry. (Gaz.(Gaz. 15 22 June June 15.) 15.) H.R. M.G. Raynor.Stone. (Gaz.(Gaz. 14 21 May May 15.) 15.) E. P. Coles. (Gaz. 22 June 15.) C. A. B. Noel. (Gaz. 9 June 15.)

» 94 Promotions, Appointments, &c

REGULAR FORCES—coretffj. Xnfaijtby—coutd. Gbwkbal List—conM. The undermentioned Cadets and ex-Cadets of (Gaz. 29 June.) Dated 29 June 15 the O.T.C. to be temp. 2nd Lts. Charle< Pelham Gardner Aldrich. Edward Leicester Stuart Astwood. Harry David Belford. Cecil Horace Brinsmead. William Edward Brandt. Frank Evan Click. David Dower. Henry Cuthbert Hopkyns. Thomas Richard Franklin. Walter Stephen Fox. Reginald Edward Ernest Groner. Leonard Roger Batten Pearce. MarkSamuel Hovell. Whitehead Howarth. Herbert Stanley Single. Harold North Hunt. JohnCyril JaHarry nes Spiers.Millet Toy. . Arthur Llewellyn Williams. Isadora David Marks. Harry Barrington Harwell. John Kinder Swallow. The undermentioned to be temp. 2nd Lbs. (Gaz. 29 June.) Dated 29 June 15 Francis John Norman Bastable. Stanley Currington. Edward John Bowls. Walter Arthur Davis. Arthur John Bullock. Frank Sydney Cedric de Grehl. William Henry Chaplin. John Francis Dilling. Arthur Victor Edwards. George Harry Doughty. Henry Charles Fein. George Amos Fox. Alfred Hewlett-Smith. Thomas Gordon Gribble. Herbert Hugh Lavers. William Hubert Hall. William Joseoh Ernest Mark. Frederick JohnHansell. Frederick Alexander Morrell. Horace William Harriman. John Alexander Murdocke. Percy George Harvey. Graham Knight Palmer. Herbert Haslam. Eric Frank Rogers. William Henry Hayhoe. Cecil Thomas S ickings. Walter Geoffrey Horsileld. Percy Clement William Tatton-Tatton. Walter imison. Albert Arthur Twiddy. Alfred Denzil Jennison. Heroert John Adcock. Arthur Dudley Maitland. James Nicol Allan. John Marshall. Cecil Morgan Burkitt Boulter. Benjamin Ewart Brown. Reginald Nicol. Sidney John Brown. Benjamin Ritson. Bertram Burnley. Edgar Smith. Ralph Darker Butterell. Wallace Sproule. Frederick Alan Chapman. Charles Francis Swann. John Clarke. Arnold Wright. William James Holbrook. (Gaz. 29 June) 25 June Horace James Beesley. (Gaz. 29 June) 16 June The appt. to temp. 2nd Ltcies. of the undermentioned, which appeared in the Gaz. as stated, is cancelled (Gaz. 29 June) Gerald Haslam. (Gaz. 9 June 15.) WalterLe-die William Norman Hefferman. Smith. (Gaz. (Gaz. 15 June 15 June 15.) 15.) Reginald Neville Thomson Naish. (Gaz. 22 June 15.) Arthur Sydney Green. (Gaz. 15 June 15.) James Alfred Philp. (Gaz. 25 June 15.) The undermentioned to be temp. Qr.-Mrs., with the hon. rank of Lt. (Gaz. 29 June) Temp. 2nd Lt. W. H. Fowler 27Junel6 Temp. 2nd Lt. A. F. Nutting 30J one The appt. of temp. Qr.-Mr. and hon. Lt. G. Leonard, notified in the Gaz. of 26 Mar. 15, is antedated to 3 Mar. 15. (Gaz. 29 June.) AMENDMENTS. Lond. Gaz., 21 Aug. 14. (Gaz. 1 June) For Arthur Joseph Bradney Shaw-Hellin read Arthur Joseph Bradney Shaw-Hellier. In Lond. Gaz. of 21 Mar. 15. (Gaz. 9 June) For Donald Horaai read Ronald Horan. For D^ O. Barrett read D. O. Barnett.(Gaz. 9 June.) Dated 2 Mar. 15:— For W. V. Trutshawe read W. (Gaz.V. Trubshawe. 9 June.) Dated: 26 Mar. 15 :— In Lond. Gaz. of 11 May 15. (Gaz. 11 June.) Dated 20 Nov. 14 :— For John Daniel Ballantyne read John Daniel Bannatyne. (Gaz. 11 June) For Charles Barton Randell read Charles Barton Randall. In Lond. Gaz. of 28 Aug. 14. (Gaz. 15 June ) Dated 4 Dec. 14 :— For Hiegle Barrow Hill read Hugh Burrow Hill.

« Promotions, Appointments, &c. 95

REGULAR FORCES—eoraM. Ilf PANTBY—COntd. Amendments - contd. For Eirate Rhodes Parker read(Gaz. Hirste 15 June.) Rhodes Dated Parker. 22 Dec. 14 For Henry Allen Maynard Derny(Gaz. read 15 HenryJune.) AllenDated Maynard 1 Dec. 14:— Denny. For Geoffrey Hugh Radley read Geoffrey(Gaz. Hugh 15 June)Hadiey. : — In Lond. Gaz. of 16 Mar. 15. (Gaz. 18 June) :— For W. S. Blunder read W. S. Blunden. For G. G. Tyler read G. C. Tyler. Gaz. of 2 Mar. 15 For A. N. Horsfoll read A. M. Horsfall. For F. J. Page read F. T. Page. For J. M. Clarke read G. M. Clarke. For T. H. Winterbottom read O. D. Winterbottom. For Pte. G. Mortin read Pte. G. Morten.Gaz. of 26 Mar. 15 :— For Lce.-Corpl. E. S. Molyneaux read Lce.-Corpl. E. S. Molyneux. For Pre. E. B. N. Granger read Pfe. B. E. W. Granger. For Pte.Corp). G. H.F. A.L. SamucDick read read Pte. Corpl. G. F.A. G.J. Dick.gamut. Gaz. of 13 Apr 15:— For Pte. R. T. Hodgkinson read Pte. R. J. Hodgkinson. For Pte. H. K. Prosser read Pte. H. K.Gaz. Prossor. of 27 Apr. 15 :— Gaz. of 14 May 15:— For Pte. A. V. C. Flemlng-Sands read Poe. A. J. T. Fleming-Sands. In Lond. Gaz. of 21 May 15. (Gaz. 22 June):— For C. A. Lothbridge read C. A. Lethbridge. In Lond. Gaz. dated 9 Mar. 15. (Gaz. 25 June) :— For William Martin Stanton read William Martin Stantan. Dated 21 May 15 :— For John Beach read John Beech. The appt. of temp. 2nd Lt. A. B. Derrick. 11 (S) Bn. E. Surr. R , is antedated to 10 Feb. 15. (Gaz. 25 June. In Lond. Gaz. of 2 Mar. 15 (Gaz. 29 June) :— For G. Wornam read S. H. Wornum.

THE ARMY SERVICE CORPS. Benjamin Thomas Harding to be temp. Qr.-Mr., with the hon. rank of Lt.

BEGULAK FORCES—con<<2. The aemt Seeyice Coeps—oontd. The undermentioned to he temp. 2nd Lts. Eohert Gair Swanson. (Gaz. 2 June) Frank Courtney MacLauchlan. (Gaz. 2 June) .. .. ” ” ” 22Mar.19Mar.l5 Horace Reginald. Davey. (Gaz. 2 June.) DatedI 7 Apr.Thomas 15:— Laurence Fox. GeorgeThomas Murray. Copeman Dyball. | ThomasWilliam AubreyNoel Heath Simmons. Stretch. Archibald Drummond Thomson. | Richard Melyille Eidridge. Leslie Jack Vivian Bathurst. (Gaz. 2 June) 19Apr. Victor Barnett. (Gaz. 2 June) 25Apr. Leonard Tegetmeier. (Gaz. 2 June) 28Apr. James Gilman. 30 Apr. 15. (Gaz. 2 June) :— Thomas Hodgson Liddell. 5 May 1 MarkStuart Herbert Cartmell. Mav. 30 Apr.3 May 15. 15 Alfred6 May Robert 15 Lucian Jameson. Aubrey West. 4 May 15. Bertram Henry Wallis. 7 May 15. (Gaz. 2 June ) Dated 8 May 15 :— Frederick Augustus Cooche. William Victor Sloan. JohnMartin Fox. Harcourt Waters. William James Primet Woakes. Henry Charles Richard Cullen. Adrian Rupert O’Connor-Glynn. Raymond Gilbert White. (Gaz. 2 June.) Dated 10 May 15: — Frederick Cecil Pheysey. ’ Edward Tyler Lovegrove. Algernon Salisbury Butler. Charles Eric Rainy Pennington. Francis Richard w oodley. John Patchell Watson. Aubrey Ernest Herbert Deschamps Brian Laidley Dowling. Woollard. Barold Chamney Acheson. Ernest Charles Ward. EricReginald Miller Fortescue Woodhead. Dalgety. Lionel George Everson Harrisson. Guy Pritchard Burton. St. John George Sampson. (Gaz. 2 June.) Dated 11 May 15 :— Geoffrey Aylmer Goodman. Herbert William Davies. Reginald Joseph Foster. Philip Gordon Gould. 12 May 15. (Gaz. 2 June.) Dated 13 May 15 :— Thomas Light Sulivan. I Bernard Mead Wallis. (Gaz. 2 Juue.) Dated 14 May 15:— Francis Thomas Pomeroy. Archibald Maitland Geesing. Ted Alexander Montague Smith.(Gaz. 2 June.) Dated 15 May 15 :— Ronald WoodroHe Enrique Sutton. Moore Orr. 17 May 15. 2nd Lt. P. G. Bamber, 4 Bn. Devon. R., Terr. Force, to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 2 June) 30Apr. Temp. Lt. A. Davidson to be Adjt. (Gaz. 2 June) 24May David Costello to be temp. Qr.-Mr. with the hon. rank of Lt. (Gaz. 2 June) 3June JamesCapt. E.J. BurkeE. J. toMorrison, be temp. Res. Qr.-Mr. of Off., with to the be hon.temp. rank Maj. of Lt.(Gaz. (Gaz. 4 June) 3 June) Dated 19 Oct. 14 4June (Substituted for the notification under “ Memoranda” in Gaz. of 18 May 15). Capt. and Hon. Mai. R. Murdoch, late R. Ir. Regt., to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 4 June) Temp. Lt. A. J. Mann, from 7 (Serv.l Bn. E. Lan. R„ to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 4 June) 17May The initials of temp. Lt. H. P. Robertson, promoted to the rank of temp. Capt., are as 3May described, and not H. J., as stated in the Gaz. of 20 May 15. (Gaz. 4 June) Temp. 2nd Lt. W. R. McTaggart relinquishes his commn. (Gaz. 4 June).. The undermentioned to be temp. 2nd Lts.: - 2nd Lt. W. D. Parker, A.8.C. Terr. Force. (Gaz. 4 June) 15May Temp. 2nd Lt. C. Triscott, from 2nd Bn.Notts, and Derby R. (Gaz. 4 June) .. 19May The appt. of temp. 2nd Lt. T. H, McDowell, notified in Gaz. of 2 Apr. 15, is cancelled. (Gaz. 5 June). Capt. M. S. M. Dennis, late R. Garr. R., to be temp. Maj. (Gaz. 8 June) .. 17May The undermentioned temp. Insprs. of Mech. Trans, and Hon. Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz 8 June.) Dated 8 May 15:— G. E. Lloyd. I R. H. Giblett. F. H. Bale. Temp. Lt. F. H. Bale to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 8 June) .. .. 9June William Henry Carter to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 9 June) IMay The undermentioned to be temp. Lts.:— Edward Thomas C«x. (Gaz. 9 June) ...... lOMay William Hugh Hart. (Gaz. 9 June.) Dated 15 May 15 :— Walter Bridges. Cyril Vivian Jones. (Gaz, 9 June.) Dated 17 May 15:— HarryHerbert George William Hewitt, Lewin. late Capt, A.S.C., Terr, Force. Promotions, Appointments, &c 97

REGULAR FORCES—contd. The Abmy Service Couvs.—o^ntd. William Herbert Nash. (Gaz. 9 June.) Dated 19 May 15 Maurice Birley. Francis Joseph Moorat. Arthur Batchelor. James Lees. Geoflrey Norman. Maurice Pierre Ward. Herbert Henry Levy. Stanley William Cornwell. Robert Thomas Duncan. (Gaz. 9 June.) Dated 20 May 15: — Henry Hubard Harper. Bobert Matthew Thomson. Norman Mcleod Bragging. Alfred Lewis Davies. (Gaz. 9 June.) Dated 22 May 15 Harvey George de Montmorency-Prior. Hugh Joseph Lawrence. Owen Harry Weekes. John Christopher Godby. (Gaz. 9 June.) Dated 26 May 15 Charles Egerton Mott. | George Thomas Bell. Cadet Ralph Henley Speed, O.T.C. (Gaz. 9 June) 19Mayl5 The undermentioned Cadets and ex-Cadets, O.T.C., to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 9 June) Harold Newton Lowe. 19 May 15. I Hugh William Caley 22 May 15. William Hernert Seymour. 21 May 15. | (Gaz. 9 June.) Dated 24 May 15 Sydney John Wilkinson. John Edgcnmbe Doyle. John Cole Chaloner. Victor Arthur Strauss. William Salmond Robinson. Herman Alexander Scott. (Gaz. 9 June.) Dated 25 May 15 •— David Dudley Galbraith. George Seaver. John Montgomery Hamilton. Thomas Amyrald Wray Purefoy. The undermentioned to be temp. 2nd Lts. Montague Meyer. (Gaz. 9 June) .. 20Feb. Wellington Armstrong Pope. (Gaz. 9 June) 6May (Gaz. 9 June.) Dated 7 May 15 Alfred James Atkings. I Frederick James Catling Dickson. Harold George Fisher MacDonald. | Frederick Cecil Atkin Allday. Leonard Armitage. (Gaz. June 9) ...... ,, lOMay • (Gaz. 9 June.) Dated 15 May 15 Vincent Bernard Beaumont. | Walter Lawrence Nelson. (Gaz. 9 June.) Robert George Merry. Dated 17th May : — Philip Edward de Clermont. Henry Giffard Smith. Mark Anthony Toomey. Horatio William Mervyn Jones. Rowland Burden Key Matterson. William Simpson Traynor. Oswold Atherton Fleming. Kenneth Jackson Turner. Harold Relph Middlemost. George Noel Prescott Wheelhouse. Robert William Allen. Percy Stuart Ransom. Rupert Eric Benson. Cecil de Grey Murray, late Lt. 3 Bn. David Heoburn. York and Lane. B. Gerald Edward O’Kelly. Geoffrey Mclnnes Thomas, late 2nd Ernest Cecil Frederick. Lt. 3 Bn. R.WL Fus. (Gaz. 9 June.) Dated 19 May 15:— Percy Brodby, I Robert Douglas Shaw. (Gaz. 9 June.) Dated 20 May 15:— Edward George Hay. George White Kelly. Rowland Griffiths. William Morrison Gibb. Charles Roy Chadwick. Percival Henry Crespigny Plrani. (Gaz. June 9) 21May (Gaz. 9 June.) John Williams. Dated 24 May 15 :— Arthur Venn Groenstreet. Albert Cecil Taylor L’Estrange. Henry Ersklne Beveridge. Guy Allan Perry. Frank Annesley Gordon Paul Gore. Ernest Wi liam Parry Davies. Reginald Charles Oriel Viveash. James Oswold Twinberrow. Ivan Theodore Vlagto. Thomas Freeman Vernon. Henry Taverner Miller. Eric Chenevix-Treneh. Sidney Howard Lambert. Colin Spencer James. Gambier Baptist Edward Noel. Patrick Jinn Hanham. John Cockburn Curtjs. Andrew Richard Fagan Murdoch. Noel Frederick Pemberton-Pigott, Claud Herbert Watson. Thomas Roberts. Gordon Duncan Thomson. Harris Davenport McRae-GaUa\yav. Arthur Willan Keen. Mervyn Eccles Bradley. ThomasHarold Claud Howell Tree. French. Guy Beijjamip Reeve, Francis Beresford Glostor, 4 98 Promotions, Appointments, &c.

REGULAR FORCES—cojifd. Army Service Corps.—core<<2. (Gaz. 9 June.) Dated 25 WalterMay 15:— Napier. Albert Edwin Ashworth. Henry Gaunter Hewetson. Alexander George Coekburn Wayman. Bertram le Mesuvier Andrew. Henry Sunley. Guy Dart Atherton. JohnDouglas LeonardPatchett Tylecote. Cort. Ralph Oliver Hamlet. Leslie Robert Walton. Noel Wilshire Geddes. William McGowan. Robert Little Stevenson. Richard Williamson. Harvey Lean Hollard. John Henry Lawrence. The undermentioned to he temp. 2nd Lts. (Gaz 9 June.) Dated 10 June 15: Temp. 2nd Lt.P.G.Lt. H. Kennedy, B. Ford, from from 7 11(Serv.) (Serv.) Bn. Bn. Som. R. War L.I. R. Temp. Qr.-Mr. and Hon. Lt. W. Bullock, from 11 Bn. K.R. Rif. C. (Gaz. 9 June).. lojnneis 2nd Lt. Horace Stevens Woodward, from 5 Bn. Midd’x R., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 10 June) 21 May The undermentioned Capts. to be temp. Majs. (Gaz. 10 June.) Dated 6 Jan. 15:— H. B. Haddon-Smith. I F. W. Beall. (Gaz. 10 June.) Dated 27 Jan. 15 :— G. E. Hodder. C. L. St. J. Tudor. Temp. Cant. A. E. H. Eliot relinquishes his eommn. on account of ill-health, (Gaz. 13.1 une Temp. LG Richard Huyshe Eliot, from Spec. Res., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 14 June) .. 31 May TheS. undermentioned R. Docking. (Gaz. temp. 15 Capts.June) to temp... Majs.:.. .. •• •• •• ' •• 20May P. S. Inskipp. (Gaz.15.Tune) ...... •• • ■ •• . 1«.T one Capt. J. W. Flavell, 5 Bn. S. Staff. R., Terr. Force, to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 15 June).. IMar. TheH. undermentioned J. Cavanagh. temp. Lts. to be temp. Capts. (Gaz.R. 15C. June.)Evans. Dated 1 May 15. G. O. Mitchell. F. G. Sellwood. W. E. Wallis. (Gaz. 16 June.) DatedI 3 MayT. E. 15:— Sinclair. V.C. V.C. H.Hoo'ey. Beaman. H. W. L. McCall. H. E. Watson. M. Elphinstone. 5 May 15. (Gaz. 15 June.) Dated 8 May 15 •— G. R. Kelly. | C. E. Cruikshank. (Gaz. 15 June.) Dated 14 May 15:— G. M. Gibson. | H. C. Pearson, (Gaz. 15 June.) Dated 16 June 15 :— P. Izod. ; H. W. Segrave. F. Hodsoll. ! A. H. Hartigan. Lt.L.S. Clark, Res. of 08., to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 15 June) ...... 3M»y The initials of temp. Lt. A. E. A. Short, pr moted to the rank of temp. Capt., are as now described, and not as stated in Gaz. of 20 May 15. (Gaz. 15 June.) The undermentioned temp 2nd Lts. to be temp. Capts. :— 22 Apr. A.C. Holman.A. Scanlan. (Gaz. (Gaz. 15 June)15 June) 12May The undermentioned temp. 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 15 June.) Dated 20 Apr.15: - A. Williams. G. C. Evans. (Gaz. 15 June.) Dated 24 Apr. 15:— - D. S. Robertson. | F. D. Livingstone. (Gaz. 15 June.) Dated 28 Apr. 15:— R. E. Salter. ! B. Reyner. C. R. Radclyffe. A. H. Maycock. f (Gaz. 15 June.) lated 1 May 15:— R. L. Rad ord. EC. . J.D. Tindell-Green.Yencken. R. H. Wallace-Williamson. W. K. Warren. R.D. J.H. Truter. Dale. J. R. Brown. 2 May 15. C. A. Riordan. (GAz. 15 June). Dated 3 May 15:— R. G. Lockhart-Jervis. I G.J. DE Miehell.W .Ward. 7 May 15. R Wilkie. R. R. Woodcock. 15 May 15. H.Moulray-Read. iGaz, 15 June). Dated 21 May 15. H. Roberts. I E. f. Short. V. Comfort. L. D. B. Monier Williams. 16 June 15, K, L, Harding. Promotions, Appointments, &c, 39

REGULAR FORCES—contd. Tee Akmy Seeyice Cokes.—coraid. The Christian name of temp. 2nd Lt. James 'Williams is as now described, and not John, as stated in Gaz. of 9 June 15. (Gaz. 15 June.) The undermentioned Gent Cadets from the R. Mill. Coll, to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 15 June). Dated 16 June 15:— Edward Murray Bates. | John Elbridge Cobb. Joseph Keith o’Moore Farrell. i TheTemp. undermentioned 2nd Lr. J, E. to Spurway,be temp. 2ndfrom Lts. 7 (Serr.) (Gaz. Bn. 15 JS. une.) Staff. DatedR. 16 June 15 :— Temp. 2nd Lt. W. A. L. Ricketts, from 9 (Serv.) Bn. R. Berks. R. Capt. and Hon. Maj. F. J. Jenkins, late 1 V. Bn. Middl’x R. to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 16 June) Cadet Gentleman, O.T.C. to be temp. Lt. (.Gaz. 16 June) 1925 MaylSMay The undermentioned Cadet and ex-Cadet, O.T.C. to be temp. 2nd Lt. :— Sandford Oswald Barnsdale. (Gaz. 16 June) 24 M ay Jean Antoine Kurten. (Gaz. 16 June) .. 26May TheGerald undermentioned O’Donovan. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 16I June.)Theodore Dated 24 Charles May 15:— Lemmens. John Banks O’Halloran. James Lionel Whitty. (Gaz. 16 June.) Dated 25 May 15 :— Henry Croly Phipps. Rawdon Hastings St. Barbe Laurie. Roderick Robertson Mackenzie.(Gaz. 16 June.) DatedI 26 MayHarry 15 Gordon:— Shelton. Frederick George Johns. Ralph Johnson. (Gaz. 16 June.) Dated| 27 HerbertMay 15:— Hunter. Harold Lovelace Carter. | Thomas Alfred Higgins. 28 May 15. Edwin George Hatton-Freemantle.(Gaz. 16 June.) Dated 31 May 15: — Lionel Melville Clark. Max Davy Flemmich. George Albert Mason. Cuthbert Harris. William Arthur Stanley Handcock. Reginald Ernest Duke. 2 June 15. The undermentioned to be temp. 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 16 June.) Dated 12 May 15:— Thomas Reginald Low. | Stanley Noel Carter. Bernard Bletsoe Wright. (Gaz. 16 June ) I Dated 13Bernard May 15 Bradbury:— Winter. Percdval George Stone Clark. | John Louis Lyons. 22 May 15. Roland Hayes Brander. (Gaz. 16 June.) I Dated 24Albert May 15Joseph :— Thomas. Kenneth Carmichael Leedham Fuller. John Trump Dunn. Charles Leigh-Pemberton. Lewis Dunbar Tandy. (Gaz. 16 June.) j Dated 25MayChristopher 15 :— Horsley Whitelegge. Thomas Ernest Cobbald. Reginald Blair Trenfield. Alick Byass. | Arthur Lawrence Hobhouse. (Gaz. 16 June.) Dated 26May 15 :— William Aubrey Davies Prust. John Pegg. Ernest Harry Mitchell. Carlton William Docking. Edward Lyndup Dickln. (Gaz. 16 June.) Dated 27 May 15 :— William Heathcote Tayleur. Albert Frederick . George Charles Marlowe Dauneey. Robert Wyllie Mason. 28 May 16. Harold Pemberton. Robert Gerald Gray. 29 May 15. Horace Rowland Goddard.(Gaz. 16 June 14.) Dated 31 May 15 :— Edgar Charles Behrens. Claude Kirkland. Temp. Lt.2nd H. Lt. C. Clarke,P. F. Thorne from 10 relinquishes (Serv.) Bn. S.his Staff. comma, R., to onbe temp.account Lt. of (Gaz.ill-health. 17 June.) (Gaz. .. 29May Temp.17June.) 2nd Lt. A... M. Allen,.. from.. 8 (Serv.) Bn.., Bedf. ..R., to be.. 2nd Lt. (Gaz... 17 June.)...... IS.Iune2June Maj. W. A. Bailey, ret, pay, Ind. Army, to be temp. Capt, (Gaz. 18 June.) .. .. SlMay 4* 100 Promotions, Appointments, &c.

&BQULAE FORCES—coreM. The Abut Sebtice Cobps—cobM. The undermentioned to be temp. Lts. (Caz. 18 June.) Dated 31 May 15 Courtenay Traice Lindsay. I William Henry Todd George Lewis Haskard. (Gaz. 18 June ) Dated l June 15 Hubert Vyel Juan Cary-Barnard. John Faithful Irvine Fortescue. George William Herbert Whelan. Gordon Wright Anderson. Alfred Johnson, late Trans.(Gaz. Off. 18and June.) Hon. Lt.Dated 2 Northumbrian 2 June 15 F. Amb. R.A.M.C., T.F. James Hugh Turnbull MeMurtrie | Robert Theophilus Datton Sayle (Gaz. 18 June.) Dated 3 Jnne 15 Bertram Ernest Westerman. j William Ernest Lonnon. (Gaz. 18 June.) Dated 5 June 15 ReginaldT? f Michael Roberts, late Lt. 2 V.B., I James Lynch O’Connor. David James Younger. (Gaz. 18 June.) Dated| 7 JuneEdward 15 William Fitzgerald.' Doherty. | John Purser Hunter. TheJohn undermentioned Augustus Saunders. to be temp. 22 2ndApr. Lts. 15. (Gaz. 18 June) Walter James Hill-Cathrine. 8 May 15. Charles Bruce Robertson. 18 May 15. (Gaz. 18 June.) Dated 19 May 15.: - Phillip Etheridge Blackman. I Stuart Monnington Horsfall Kempe. Henry Cave Fidgeoo. (Gaz. 18 June.) Dated 20 May 15 George Howden Fidgeon. I Geoffrey Herbert Savage. Arthur Frederick Baker. Reginald Haworth. 22 May 15. (Gaz. 18 June.) Dated 23 May 15 Kenneth Andrew Millar Inglis. Charles Stewart. (Gaz. 18 Jtne.) Dated 31 May 15:— Arthur Vere Tabor, late temp. Lt. 8 (Serv.) Basil Salmon Backhouse. Bn. Oxf. & Bucks. R. Edwin \ alentine Murray Powell. Hugh Coventry I’Anson. Reginald Hallam Siuddert. Joseph Cundell. Vivian Seaton Gray. Russell Balfour Clarke. Walter Geoffrey Earl. Geoffrey Cosens. Cadet Robert Hastings Thomas, Dub. Univ. Frank Forbes-Leith. O.T.C. (Gaz. 18 June.) Dated 1 June l£ Harold Lancelot Ball. Ha old Boyce Miles. Ernest Reginald Seccombe. Ernest Cale. 2 June 15. Ormonde Boulton, late Lt. (Gaz.2 Bn., 18 Lond. June.) K. Dated 3 June 15 Geoffrey Henry Luuton. , Terr. Force. Thomas Harold McDowell. William Oscar Prescott. Robert Grafton Gale. GeoffreyCharles EdmundHugh Simpson. Harper. 4 5June June 15. 15. Rowland Dawson Battye. Edward L’Estrange Harvey. 7 June 16. Temp. 2nd Lt. C. Verdyn, from 17 (Serv.) Bn., Dui-h. L.I. to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 18 J une).. ,. .. ,, .. .. laJunel Temp. Lt. Maurice J. Bagshawe, from 10 (Serv.) Bn. R. Suss.11 R., to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 21 June 15) ...... ,, .. 21May The undermentioned to be temp. 2nd Lts. Temp. 2nd Lt. L. D. Lusrd, from Gen. List. (Gaz. 21 June) 14May Temp. 2nd Lt. William B. Roberts, from 10 (Serv.) Rn., R. War. R. fGaz. 21 .Tone) 25 May Lt.Temo. Charles 2nd Lt. Vere Richard Bennett, F. Norland, from 3 Bn.from R. 7 (Serv.)Berks. Bn.,R., toDorset be 2nd R. Lt.(Gai. uatou XL Jane) o ueo. 14,.. 3.1 une with seniority as from 14 Aug. 14. (Substituted for the notification which appeared in Gaz. of 13 Oct. 14). The full names of the undermentioned Offrs. are as now described, and not as stated in Gazs. of 21 Oct. 14 and 20 May 15 Temporary Honorary Captains— George Herbert du Cros. | William Ernest du Cros. Temporary Honorary Lieutenant— Stephen Lyne-Stephens. 2nd Lt. Frederick David Harold Burcher, from 7 Bn, Wore. R. to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 23 June.) 29May Temp. Capt. F. J. de Andrade, from 9 (Serv.) Bn. R. Muns. Fus., to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 23 June.) .. 0. .. 31 May Promotions,'Appointments, Ac. 101

REGULAH FORCES —contd. The Army Service Corps—conjd. The undermentioned 2nd Lta. (temp. Lts.) to be temp. Capts.!-“ (Gaz. 23 June.) Bated 1 June, lo C. Coekburn, F. II. Macneile-Dixon. H. B. B. Butler. A. R. Smith B. C. D. S. Carter. C. W. Richards. C. C. Labey. T. W. Richardson. T.J. A.E. G.Longridge. Lynn. W. d’A. Collings. B. S. Unwin. J. M. P. Rowlandson. E. D. M. Heriot-Htll. P. S. Whitcombe. Temp. Lt. F. Cookson, from Gen. List, to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 23 June.) Bated! June 15 — The undermentioned Cadets O.T.C. to be temp. Lts.:— Capel_ Hereward Price. (Gaz. 23 June.) Bated 7 June 15 : — James Hesketh Brisbane Carnegie. Victor Lindemere. 8 June 15. The undermentioned Cadets and ex-Cadets, O'T.C. to be temp. 2nd Lts. Reginald Bu Cane Wilkinson. (Gaz. 23 June.) .. .. 7Junel5 „ (Gaz. 23 June.) Bated 10 June 15 Ernest William Andrew Kennedy Ion George Wakely. RonaldHutchison. Hill. Bolton Charles Waller. 12 June 15 Charles Arthur Shrubbs. (Gaz. 23 June.) Bated 14 June 15 Henry Cecil Hextall. Malcolm Charteris Johnston. Bonald Melville Livingston Macassey. Thomas Stokes Bustard. The undermentioned to be temp. Lts.:— James Ernest Mason. (Gaz. 23 June) .. 4June Alan Spencer Bousfield, late Lt. 3 Bn. N. Stafl. R. (Gaz. 23 June) V .. 5 June Walter Sutherland„ Wilkinson.(Gaz. 23 June ) Bated 7 June 15 :— James Evershed Agate. Henry Alexander Mett. Walter Robert Creighton. William Philip Scott. _ _ (Gaz 23 June. Bated 10 June 15 ;— HenryGeorge EdwardLeopold Kennedy.Adolphus Bawson. i George Nicolet. Arthur Stretton Gaye. John Curwen Ford. George Gould Weitzmann, late 2nd Lt. 3 Bn. N. Staff. R Bertram Budley Hamilton Fleming. (Gaz. 23 June ) .. .. HJune Bryan Edward Figgis. (Gaz. 23 June.) .. .. 12 June Otto^ Tennent^ Eastman„ Fieiligrath.(Gaz. 23 June.) Bated 14 June 15. :— Robert Percy Redman, late Lt. 4 Bn. Wilts. R., Terr. Force. The undermentioned to temp, be 2nd Lts. Aubrey Lennard Stokes. (Gaz. 23 June.) Bated 25 May 15. :— Cyril Francis Naylor. Philip Warbarton Purser. Frederick William Hallett.)Gaz. 23 June.) Bated 28 May 15 :— Ralph Lancelot Gawen Errington. George Brown Macdonald. „ (Gaz. 23 June.) Bated 30 May 15 — Herbert Jefferson. Charles Phillip Tebbitt. 3 June. Geoffrey Francis Walter Spencer. I Charles Frank Lochner. 5 June. ... (Gaz. 23 June.) Bated 7 June 15 .— Alfred Cnarles Wright. Harold William Curling. John Charles Hampden Lucy. Norman Leslie Petrides. Edmund Loftus Macnaghten. Lynar Frederick Summers. Thomas McCheane. Frank Coward. Louis Emelins Billon-Kelly. George Charles Claridge. ArthurKenneth Charles Whetstone. Champion Rawlins. Ronald Keisey-Jones. Godden Hildebrand Colegrave. Frederick William Whittell Holt. Peter Bouglas Leckie. Charles outram Henfrey Leslie Charles Munro. Ronald Victor Menzies. Edward Ernest Frevillier. Walwyn Evan Oakley Evans. Hugh_ Corby Savage:' (Gaz. 23 June.) Bated 10 June 15. — Henry Pearce Corbould. William Howard Curtis Galt, late 2nd Lt. Edward Reginald Herbert Plaistowe. 4 Bn. R. Ir. Rif. 102 Promotions, Appointments, &c

KEGKTLAjR FOECES—oonfd. The Abmx Sebvice Cones—contd, (Gaz. 28 June.) Dated 11 June 15 Allen James Elphlnstone. Hubert Cyril Best. Stanley Walter Rowles. Horace Sionnach Cocks. (Gaz. 23 June.) Dated 14 June 15. — Arthur Helmuth Flemmich. William Stanley Maile. Henry Leonard Herbert Andrews. Henry Mortimer Albert Woolf. Charles Mead. Reginald Frank Matthews. James Boyd Dudgeon. Frederick Thomas Browne. Hope Brankston Vlney. Albert Hamilton. Nicholas James Hannen. Norman Lang Smith. Frank Shaw Bond. Percy Septimus Bartlett. Edward Warrick. George Ansell Downie. Ernest St. Clair Robinson. Frank Aidan Long. William Berry. Maurice Bradley. Harold Evelyn Holding. Cyril Theobald Fitzgerald. Collinson Charleton Aylmer. Evelyn Latimer Coaks. Hugh Arnold Henson. WHiiamAubrey George Ewart Gwyn.Little. Cecil Douglas Wells. Raleigh George Aubrey Chapman. Esmond Burton. James Woodland Douglas Norman. Archibald St. John MacCall. Humphrey Pulleine. Cecil Stevens. Frederick Henry Mossop. Edward Rupert Scott. Harold Charles Edward Oliver. Thomas .loseph Mary Murray. Kenneth Gould Sampson. Robert WaUer Malcolm Bannerman. Tom Grose. EricGerald Methven Edward Musson. Thomas Davidson. The surname of temp. Lt. E. G. Hatton-Fremantle is as now described, and not as stated in Gaz. of 16 June 16. (Gaz. 24 June.) The undermentioned 2nd Lts. (retaining their temp, ranks as shown in the footnotes) to be JAs. (Gaz. 26 June.) Dated 22 May 15 +C. E. Davis. I +C. H. Keane. +D. Turnbull. (Gaz. 26 June.) Dated 9 Juno 15:— tF. H. Macneile Dixon. M. S. Stewart. tW. H. Sealy. +J.+W. T. B. Field, Flook. Adjt. tA. R. Smith. +C. A. Keays. tC. W. Richards. +P. A. Arden. A. C. Chibnall. ' +D. W. Boileau. tT. W. Richardson, Adjt. tH. G. J. Daubeny. tW. d’A. Collings. +P. B. Fleming. tL M P. Rowlandson. +C. J. Martin. tP- S. Whitcombe. +H. F. Frazer. tH. H. Dempsey. ?E. ft. M. Morton. tJ. A. Edgell. $G. W. Grasett. tF. A. McLaren. G. D. Stewart. tA. C. Cooper. +F. S. Clover. tA. Routledge. +D. F. L. Campbell. tP. Poxsll. +H. J. C. Hawkins. tH. Crail. +A. F. St. C. Collins. tA. Boden. tC. Cockhurn. tW. Piper. iH. B. B. Butler. tW.tJ. H. Masters. Kemp. JP. R. Goldingham. tH, Cowan. $E. C. D. S. Carter. tE T. Hyland. tH. R. Dobb. tW. E. Crossby. tE. A. Wanton. tE. H. Manners. tG. C. Labey. tA. D. Sears. tJ.tT. A.E. G.Loogridge. Lynn. tJ. B. Wheater. tE. S. Unwin. tW. C. Bigg. tE. D. M. Heriot-Hill. + Temp. Capt. 30 Nov. 14. t Temp. Lt. 1 May 15. Temp. Lt. N. W. Mayne, to he temp. Capt. (Gaz. 26 June.) iMaylS The undermentioned temp. 2nd Lts. to be temp. Capts. A. J. Taylor. (Gaz. 26 June.) lApr. (Gaz. 26 June.) Dated 1 Apr. 15 A. F. Lobb i S. B. Bennett. C. E. Ftaaeon, (Gaz. 26 June.) ...... • .• •• 31May J. L. Prichard (Gaz 26 June.) ...... •• •• 5June The promn. to the rank of temp. Capt. of temp. Lt. 0. K. Boyd, notified in Gaz. of 7 May li, is antedated to the 14 Mar. 15 Promotions, Appointments, &c. 103

REGULAR FORCES—coreM. The Army Service Co&vs—contd. The undermentioned temp. Lts. to be temp. Capts. J. C. Symonds. (Gaz. 26 June.) .. 28Apr.l5 (Gaz. 26 June.) Dated 17 May 15:— F. F. Rogers. I E. C. Symons. E. D. B. Steel. S. G. Simpson. C. P. Oswald. A. W. D. Jones. (Gaz. 26 June.) 19May G. F. Stayton. (Gaz. 26 June) 29 May H. C. Greenfield (Gaz. 26 June).. 30May (Gaz. 26 June.) Dated 1 June 15:— F. W. Flack. I R. W. Cousins. T. G. Pace. | W. L. G. Foster. L. McN. Hewitt. (Gaz. 26 June).. SJune N. G. Thwaites. (Gaz. 26 June).. 4 Juno F. Conan. (Gaz. 26 June.) ...... 13,Tune A. C. Benson. (Gaz. 26 June.) DatedI 15 JuneW. H. 15:— C. Bullen. W. L. A. Russell. (Gaz. 26 June.) DatedI 27 JuneG. Barnett. 15 :— T. P. Ellis. Nathaniel William Mayne, late 2nd Lt. R. Mun. Fus. to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 23 June) 6Aug.l4 The undermentioned temp. 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts.:— N. B. Y. Casey. (Gaz. 26 June)...... 20Feb.l5 A. R. Lapthorn. (Gaz. 26 June.) DatedI 1 AprilG. 15 :—McDermott. H. G. V. Miller. (Gaz. 26 June.) Dated 1 May 15:— D. Macpherson | W. Le L. Edwards. A. S. Larkin. (Gaz. 26 June.) DatedI 5 MayG. F.15:— McCarthy. N. Russell. | M. N. Clarke. S. J. Adams. (Gaz. 26 June) 6 May (Gaz. 26 June.) Dated 12 May 15:— G. F. Rawson. | W. Lumb. C. G. H. Dawkins. (Gaz. 26 June) K. W. Fraser. (Gaz. 26 June) ...... 17May18May W. B. Tisdall (Gaz. 26 June.) DatedI 20 MayM. R. 15:— McGregor-Turnbull. W. E. Sandys. R. F. Bryant. (Gaz. 26 June) ...... 25May (Gaz. 23 June.) Dated 31 May 15 :— R. H. Cameron. | A. C. Estall. W. C. Flight. (Gaz. 26 June.) DatedI 1 JunoS. S. 15:—G. Chivers. J. 8. W. Anderson. | J.W. Stevens. 5 June 15. (Gaz. 26 June.) Dated 6 June 15:— J. V. Carden. G. A. Burnett. 7 Jane 15. B. E. Aylwin. J. Shearman. 9 June 15. (Gaz. 26 June.) Dated 27 June 15 :— J. R. Cassidy. I W. J. Carless. B. W. F. Farrell. H. S. Mitchell. Temp. 2nd Lt. E. G. Kaines-Thomas relinquishes his commn. on account ol ilhhealth. (Gaz. 26 June) ...... 27June 2nd Lt. R. A. Bonham Christie, N. Som. Yeo., Terr. Force, to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 26 June) ...... 3June The undermentioned temp. 2nd Lts., from Gen. List, to be temp. 2nd Lts.:— (Gaz, 23 June.) Dated 5 June 15 :— H. Appleyard. j A. W. Gomme. 2nd Lt. H. B. Evans, Unatt. List, Terr. Force, O.T.C.(to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 26 June) 5,Tune The full name of temp. Lt. Hon. William Lionel Charles Walrond is as now described, and. not as stated in Gaz. of 5 Jan. 15. (Gaz. 28 June). Jiupert Simpson, late Lt. A.S.C., to be temp. Capt, (Gaz. 29 June) 15 Juno 104 Promotions, Appointments, &c.

BBOULAR FORCES—contd. The Abut Sbbvice Cobps—conM. The undermentioned to be temp. Lts.

KUO ©LAE FOKOES—ccmM, A&Mr Mjbdxcax, SEBVlCB—OOraid. Rajal Army Medical Corps—contd. fGaz. l June.) Dated 23 Mar. is Noman Edward Packer, M.B. Eustace Townley Pinhey, M.B. JohnCharles Thomson Owen Donovan, Anderson, M.B. M.B. Norman Wallord Broughton, M.B. Robert Burnside Carter, M.B. Sydney William Gardiner Ratcliff, Eric Phillip Blashki, M.B. M.B. John Lloyd Digby, M.B. Clive Farranridge, M.B. Norman McAlister Gregg, M.B. Arthur Wilmot Raymond, M.B. Harold John Penny, M.B. (Gaz. 1 June.) Dated 26 Mar. is John Joseph O’Neill, M.B. Brian William Wibberley, M.B. Bruce Maitlann Carruthers,(Gaz. M.B. 1 June) Dated 4 Apr. 15 Gordon Alick Renwick, M.B. Charles Horsfall Armitage, M B. John Roberts MaeCulloch, M.B. FrancisCharlesReginaldRaistonHuxtable.M.R. James Fahy, M.B. Charles Goldborough Adams, M.B. I Hugh Alton Chandos Wall, M.B. i Walter Francis Stewart Yeates, M. B. I Archibald Warden Graves Murray, W.B. (Gaz. 1 June.) Dated 6 Apr. 15 Ernest Robertson, M.B. Alexander Hugh Melville, M.B. Basil Walter Cohen, M.B. Frederick Harold Moran, M.B. Norman Charles Talbot, M.B. Archibald Simpson Anderson, M.B. Colin Hasler Martin, M.B. Harold Whitfield Ward, M.B. (Gaz. l June.) Dated 7 Apr. 15 Hugh Meyrick Meyrick-Jones, M.D. I William Stuart Hawthorne, M.B. Lewis Wilson Shelly. (Gaz. 1 June) ' •• •• •• ...... 24Mayl5 The undermentioned to be temp. Lts. whilst serving with the Brit. R.C. Hosp., Netley •— Gordon Normanby Brandon. (Gaz. 1 June) ISMay William Burt. (Gaz. 1 June) ...... ’’ 23May The undermentioned to be temp. Qr.-Mrs., with the hon. rank of Lt. George Jackson. (Gaz. 1.Tune) .. 17May William Moore. (Gaz. 1 June) ISMay Capt.Samuel D. Gregg S. beThomson temp. Qr.-Mr„ is placed with on the the hon. h.p. rank list onof Lt.completion (Gaz. 2 June)of 10 years’ service do. with the Egyptian Army. (Gaz. 3 June) .. 20Apr. The surname of temp. Lt.-Col. J. V. Blachford, M.D., is as now described, and not as stated m the Gaz. of 18 May 15. (Gaz. 3 June.) The appt. of A. McL. Cato as temp. Maj., which appeared in the Gaz. of 18 May 15, is Elwincancelled. Harral Thomas(Gaz. 3 June.)Nash to be temp. Maj. whilst empld. at the Lord Derbv War’ Hosp. (Gaz. 3 June.) Temp. Lt. G. M. Huggins, F.R.O.S., to be temp. Capt. (Gaz'.'s June) 24Mar. Lt. J. F. Hutton, M.B., relinquishes his temp, commn. on account of iii-health. 20May (Gaz. 3 June) 26 Mar. Lt. ,T. P. Brown, M.D., relinquishes his temp, commn. (Gaz. 3 June) . . ” lOMay The undermentioned to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 3 June) Cuthbert Arnold Verge, M.B., 4 Apr. I Denis Fitzgerald O’Kelly. 22 Apr. Horace Carlos Barr. 25 Apr. (Gaz. 3 June.) Dated 27 Apr. 15 Robert James Ledlie, M.B. Reginald Tom Cox, M.B. Colin More Geddie, M.B. John Howe, M.B. Frank Jubb. W illiam Ritchie Main. John Harry Hebb, M.B. Alfred Hardman Mountcastle. John Bowes, M.D. William Francis Gordon Scott. Charles Coventry, M.B. Arthur Sydney Webley. Oliver Heath, M.B. (Gaz. 3 June) Dated 28 Apr. 15 John McKenzie, M.B. James Ash. Hassell Dyer Field. Richard John Batty, M.B. Walter Edward Cooper. John Harry Saunders, M.B. Robert Hanham Cox, F.R.C.S.I. Thomas Harold Phillips. Charles Crerar M.B. John Joseph McConnell. 30 Apr. 15. Stanley Denovan Adam. Lewis Edward Barnett, M.B., F.B.C.S. William Wallace, M.D. 10 May 15. The undermentioned Serjt.-Majs. to be Qr.-Mrs., with Dated 5 June 15 the hon. rank of Lt. (Gaz. 4 June.) Charles Frederick Houston. Robert Ashton. JohnArthur Henry McCreeth. McClelland. Harry Steele. . David Watt. 106 Promotions, Appo'ntrrents, &c.

MEGULAR FORCES-conW. A KMY MBDICAL SE It VICE—Coiltfi, Royal Army Medical Corps—could The uodermentTioned are granted temp. hon. rank whilst serving with the Brit. R. C. Society in France:— As Lieutenant-. I,eonard Nicholas Robinson, A/./). (Gaz. SJune) GJunelS As Major. do. .Sir CharlesDavid Hardie, George irat.,Jarvis. ALD., (Gaz. to beSJune) temp. Maj. (Gaz. SJuue) 4Apr. Capt.empld. John with Charles the Davies,Fd. Ambs. H.D., ot 434 Bn.Div. R. (Gaz.W. Fus., SJune) Terr. Force, to be temp. Maj. whilst 12May TheHenry undermentioned Mainwaring to Holt, be temp. Home Capts. Hosps. Res. (Gaz. SJune) 27Apr. George Blacker, M.D., F.R.c.S. (Gaz. 5 June) .. XMay The undermentioned to be temp. Lts. Charles Frederick Strange. (Gaz. SJune) 6Apr. Thomas Dymock Kennedy, Af.B. (Gaz. 5 June).. ISA pr. William Sinclair Stevenson, D. (Gaz. 5 June).. 30Apr. (Gaz. 5 June.) Dated 1 May is William Robert Watt, M.B. Clayton Campbell Harris. Alexander Dancan. Thomas Henry Harker, M.D. Roland Danvers Brinton, M.D. Montagu David Eder. Henry Hugh Rose Clarke. Robert Park, M.D. Arthur Matthey. Eliot Watson Blake. George Douglas Kerr. Bernard Pickering, M.B.' Edward Patrick Carey, M.B. Harold Heafford Proudfoot, M.B. George Stephen Ware, M.B. James Thomas Macnamara. James Francis Wolfe, M.B. Archibald George Kirwood Ledger, M.D. Samuel Wyborn. Alan Randle, M.D. Roy Mackenzie Stewart, M.B. Robert Alexander MacKenzie Macleod, M.D. Henry Spinks. Benjamin Henry Shaw, M.D. Thomas Forbes Brown Reid, M.B. Howel Gabriel Gwyn Jeffreys. Frederick William Rowland, M.D. TheJohn undermentioned Robinson, Home to be Hosps.temp. Qr.-Mrs.,Res. (Gaz. with 5 June) the hon. rank.. of Lt...... 27Apr. Frederick Herbert Middleton. (Gaz. 5 June) ...... 21May TheArthur undermentioned Neve, F..R.C.S. to be E

REGULAR FORCES—eojticf. Abut Medical Sebvice—conirf. Royal Army Medical Corps—eonid. The undermentioned to be temp. Majs. Maj. Robert Thomas Hughes, Welsh Divl. Train, A.S.C. (Gaz. 8June) 17 May 15 Maj. Nathaniel Samuel Manning, F.R.O.S.I., 6 Bn. Devon R. (Gaz. 8 June) .. 18May Maj. Edward Burdett Pooley, 4 Bn. R. Lane. R. (Gaz. 8 June) 19May The undermentioned to he temp. Capts.:— Capt. Sidney Herbert, from 9 (Serv.) Bn. Bedf. R. (Gaz. 8 June) 14 May Capt. C. V. Bulstrode, Shrops. R.H.A. (Gaz. 8 June) .. 18May TheGazs. names of ofthe the dates undermentioned shown against temp. their Lts. names. are as(Gaz. now 8described, June): — and not as stated in William K. Calwell, Jf.B. 27 Oct. 14. | Robert McGowan Service, Jf.D. Benjamin Sweeten, M.B. 3 May 15. I 10 May 15. Alfred Wills to be temp. Lt. whilst serving with the Brit.R.C. Hosp., Netley. (Gaz.8 June) 7 June The undermentioned to be temp. Qr -Mrs., with the hon. rank of Lt,:— Benjamin Barnett Rhodes. (Gaz. 8 June) ...... 25 May Thomas Newling. (Gaz. 8 June) ...... ’’ 28May Temp. Capt. B. L. Gowlland, M.B., late Maj. R.G.A., Terr. Force, to be temp. Maj. (Gaz. 9June) Qr.-Mr. and Hon. Maj. H. Spackman is retainedjon the Active List under Art. 120, R.Wt ll.Tune for Pay and Promn., and to be supern. (Gaz. 9 June) .. do. The undermentioned to be temp. Qr.-Mrs., with the hon. rank of Lt.:— William Frederick Watterton. (Gaz. 9 June) 25May Thomas Johnstone. fGaz. 9June) ...... ,. ” ’’ 28May The’undermentioned Majs. to be temp. Lt.-Cols. :— William A. Turner, R.A.M.C., Terr. Force. (Gaz. 11 June) 28 May Charters James Symonds, U.D., F R.C.S., R.A.M.C., Terr. Force. (Gaz. 11 June) 1.1 uno The undermentioned to be temp. Capts. :— Denis Murphy, M.B., late Capt., R.A.M C., Spec. Res. (Gaz. 11 June) 3May Prank A.fred Amphlett (Jolmden, M.B , D.8.O. (Gaz. 11 June) do. William John Gow, Jlf.D. (Gaz.HJune) .. : 6 May Ralph Bodkin Mahon, iif.D., F.JS C.S. (Gaz. 11 June) .. 7 May Temp. Lt. E. C. Peake, M.B. relinquishes his commn. on account of ill-health. (Gaz. HJune) 21 May The undermentioned to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 11 June.) Alfred Adams, M.D. Dated 3 May 15 :— Robert Ferguson Russell, M.B. William Russell, M.B. Mark Stewart Fraser, M.D., F.R.C.S. FrancisM. x. George MacNeill Simpson, Edin. Rowland Hamer, M.B. Gerald Holroyde. Henry Edwardes Griffiths, F.R.C.S. Dallas Gordon Perry, M.D., F.R.C.S. Edin. Edin. Richard Walton Long. Thomas Ewart Ashley. Edward Thomas Larkam, M.D. )(Gaz. 11 June.) Dated 4 May 15:— William Harrison MacKinlay, M.B. I James Richardson Spensley. Cyril Rodney Holtz Crawford. Henry Murray Agnew. Ernest Camden Pratt. George Gardner, M.D. Alic Phillips. Andrew Walker Forrest, M.B. Robert James Bonis. John Bruce Baird, M.B. Arthur Hamilton Tovey. John Dorrington Batt. Robert Spears. (Gaz. 11 June.) Dated 5 May 15 :— John Frederick Broughton, M.B. Guy Nasmith Mottram. Wyger Harmens, M.B. Jocelyn Langton Waller. (Gaz. 11 June.) Dated 6 May 15 :— John James Robertson, M.B. ; Hugh Hadfield Carleton, M.D. Charles Broderick Pearson, M.D. Stephen Frederick Lynch, F.R.C.S. (Gaz. 11 June.) Dated 7 May 15:— William Fraser, M.B. Ernest Goodwin Rawlinson, M.D. Frank Barney Gorton Stableford. Daniel Kelly. GeraldThomas Sholto GeoHrey Douglas. Elsworth, M.D. Edward John Morton, M.B., F.R.C.S.Edin. John Pole Kitson, M.B. Edwin Arthur Cleveland Swainson, M B. Patrick Joseph Murphy. Cecil Bennett. Ernest Haines Walker, M.B. Charles Samson Thomson, M.D. Mearns Alexander Milne. M.B. John William Innes, M.B. James Coutts, M.B. Benjamin Jones, M.D. Anthony John McCreadie, M.B. Robert Reid Pirrie, M.D. George Miller. Leo Lane. Robert; MacNab Marshall, M.D. Donald McFarlane Livingstone, M.D. Harold Webb. John Wilson McCagie. Charles Leslie Grove Powell. John Brownlee Milne, M.B. James Muirhead, M.B. 108 Promotions, Appointments, &c.

REGULAR FORCES—contd. Abmy I-Iemcai, Service—corefd. Royal Army Medical Corps—ooreid. Noel In stone, M.B. JosephF.R.C.S. Bernard Dawson, M.D., Andrew Serjeant McNeil. Herbert Maughan Brown, M.D.\ Ernest Theophilns Roberts, M.D. Augustns Joseph Hickey. Ronald John Bruce, M.H. Richard Hubert Mercer, M,B. Joseph Michael Morrissey, Robert Reid Duncan, M.B, F.R.C.S. I. (Gaz. 11 June.) Dated 8 May 15 :— Henry Francois Vandermin, M.D. Philip Cyril Powter Cloake. Albert William Duncan Coventon, CharlesGeorge Norman,Putnam Symonds.M.B. M.D, F.R.C.S. Archibald Guelph Holdsworth Smart, M.B. Ernest George Douglas Pineo. Percy Knowles Muspratt, M.B...... 9Mayl6 The undermentioned Oils, of the Canadian A. Med. Corps to be temp. Lts.:— (Gaz. 11 June.) Dated 10 May 15:— Maj. Norman King Wilson, M.B. MurrayI' rederick Hulme Johnson Paterson. Livingston, M.B. George Chambers Anglin, 31.B. Capts. John Nelson Humphrey, M.B. John Vassie Brown, M.B. Keith Myrie Benoit Simon, 31.B. Rebert Werden Tennent. James Franklin McLay, M.B. John Jordon Field, M.B. Richard Henry Bonny castle, M.B. Lts.:— Lionel Montrose Dawson, M.D. William Samuel Pickup, M.D. Warren Augustus Dakin, M.D. William James Morden Marcy. James Edward Knox, M.B. Frank Muir Walker. M.B. Oswald John Day, M.B. Herbert Wilfred Kerfoot. Kenneth George McKenzie, M.B. John George McLeod, M B. Victor Howard McWilliams, M.B. Ernest Victor Frederick, M.B. Frederh k James Colling, M.B. Alfred Hope Macklin, M.B. Henry Crassweller, M.H. Albert Franlin Mavety, M.B. Oliver William Colbeck, M.B. Richard Earl Horkins, M.B. Frank Howard Wheeler, M.D. George Norman Uric, M.D. John Harold White, M.D. Ross Lester Shields, M.B George Walker Manning Smith, M.D. John Joseph Middleton, M.B. Archibald Henderson, M.B John LeKoy Mavety, M.D. Thomas Oswald Hutton, M.B. James Willis Sutherland, M.B. Charles Goldie Sutherland, M.B. Joseph Austin Evans, M.B. The undermentioned to be temp. Qr.-Mrs., with the hon. rank of Lt. (Gaz. 11 June) Dated 14 May 15 :— William David Ballan. I Arthur Bridges. Mai. R. H. Mills-Roberts, C.M.G., F.R.C.S. Edin., 6 Bn. R.W. Fus., to be temp. Lt.-Col. whilst empld. with a Fd. Amb. of 43rd Div. (Gaz. 12 June) ...... 2Dec.U The undermentioned to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 12 June.) Dated 10 May 15:— Leopold Ernest Valentine Every-Clayton, GuySydney Alfred Charles Wyon, Hillyard M.B. Moberley. M.D., F.R.C.S. Denis Gratwicke Halsted, M. n. George Henry Russell. Charles Richard Verling-Brown, M I). Sydney Waddell, M.B. Oswin Shields, M.D. John Dodds Marshall, M.B. Henry Yellowlees, M.B. Lionel Augustine Joseph Graham. John Coffey, F. R.C S. Edin. Alexander Bruce Gordon, M.D., F.R.C.S. Edin. Austin Threlfall Nankivell, 31. D. George Henry Keane, 3I.D. Richard Henry King, M.D. Stanley Victor Percy Pill. George Pollock, 31.D. James Felton Hammond. Robert McLaren Wishart, William Arthur Anderson, M.B. William Wallace Wood, M.B. Charles Reidy, M.D. Charles Harold Bloxsome. John Maxwell Taylor, 3I.B. James Todd Dickson, M.B. William Richard Morris, M.B. John Melville Elliot, M.B. William Patrick Cooney. John Munro Campbell, M.B. John Dixon. John Buchanan, M.B. FrankAlexander Radclifle, Church M.B. Brodie McMurtrie, M.D., D’Arcy Irvine Hamilton. F.R.C.S Edin. Harold Ernest Pierpoint Yorke. William Stewart, M.B. John Miller Young, 31.B. Harry Tudor Newling. Kenneth John Aveling, M.B. Howard Ebenezer Collier, M.B. (Gaz. 12 June.) Dated 11 May 15 :— Harry Lawrence Attwater, M.B,, F.R.C.S. I Cecil Rutherford, M.B. Promotions, Appointments, <&c. 109

REGULAR FORCES—contd. Army Medical Service—eonM. Royal Array Medical Corps—coreM. (Gaz. 12 June.) Dated 12 May 15 George Stoddart, M.B. Sidney John Rown'ree. Herbert Bates. M.B. James Alexander Wood Watts, M.B. Samuel Frederick Holloway. Albert Victor Craig, M.B. Frank Edward McGee. Gordon Wilfred Ritchie Rudkin. Edward Irving Pownoli Pellew. Herbert Michael Moran, M.B., F.R.C.S. WilliamGeorge Amos Henry Varistn, McKinstry, M.B. Hf.fl. E

BEGULAR FORCES—conta, Akmy Medical Seetice—oow«d. Royal Army Medical Corps—coraid. The nndermentioned temp. Lts. relinquish their commns.:— R. F. Ferris. (Gaz. I5June) 14Mayl5 J.J. Keirans. (Gaz. 15 June) Uune The undermentioned to he temp. Lts. Walter Amsden. (Gaz. 15 June) . 24 Nov. 14 Lt. James Rurgess Woodrow, M.D., Canadian A. Med. Corps. '(Gaz. is’june) 24Apr,15 Conrad Loddiges. (Gaz. 15 June).. IMay (Gaz. 15 June.) Dated 15 May 15:— John Hardwick Thornley, M.B. Thomas Readman. n HenryRobert BrownBroom, Ellon, M.D. M.B. Francis Riley, M.D., F.R .S. John Douglas Wilkinson. Herbert Douglas Smart, M.D. Sol Cross, M.B. Daniel Stewart, M.D. Burke Cuppage, M.B. David Taylor, M. R. Archibald Penrhyn Bowdler, M.B. William Wilson Wood, M.B. David Thomas Crichton Frew, M.B. Herbert Kidson Wallace, M.D. Alfred John Davoren, M.B. John Wilson, M.B. Edward Hamilton Bruce Fox. James MaeGregor Johnson, M.D. Hight Blundell, M D. John Joseph Pentony, M.B. Albert Cameron, M.B. John Newton Martin. Andrew Wilson Cochrane. Alexander Farquhar, M B. William Ashley Graves Cluffo, M. D. Leonard Owen Weinman. Robert Donald Jf. D. Gilbert Winter Dryland. Tom Henry Trevethan Frampton. George Habgood. Francis William Fawssett, M.B. GeorgeBentley Hobson Moore Hunter, Thompson. M.B. James Edgar Hewlett, M.B. Archibald MacMillan. James MeAvoy, M.D. Arthur Henry Thomas, M.B. ArchibaldMurdo Duncan Underwood MacKenzie, Millar, M.B. William Francis Blewitt. Andrew Brown McPherson, M.B. FrederickIvon Henry George Skipwith Beatty, Hawes, M.B. M.B. Arthur Robert Moore. William Albert Wheeldon. M.B. Thomas McCririck, M.D. Alfred W hitby. Willie Oliver, M. 8. George Wheldale Stanley. Victor John Ruttledge, M.B. Henry Richard Rigby. William Bates. (Gaz. 15 June.) Dated 17 May 15 Robert Joseph Weidner. M.B. Penrose Lanyon Watkin-Williams, William R. Thomas, M D. F.R.C.S. Edin. James Hamilton Fleming. Samuel Edgar Martin, M.B. William Reid, M.B. Alan Renata Green, M.B. James Alexander MacLaren, M.D. Maurice Hereward Cane. William Deane. Henry John MacKay Adams, M.B. Alexander Joseph Dempsey, M.B. Francis James Wheeler. Thomas Bennett, M.B. John Carr Osburne, M.B. Cecil Lionel Lakin, M.D. James Maxwell, •Tames William Hutton. HoraceEdgar James Bagster Tyrrell, Wilson. Kenneth Gillies, M.B. William Alexander Milne, Jf.B. Robert Grant, M.B. Joseph Dudley Ben]afleld, M.D. George William Bennett Waters. Reginald Power, James Robert Burn, M.B. Frank Davidson Johnson. Burford Noel Norman. Albert Eraest Henton. Sidney Herbert Booth, M.D. William Robert Honeybnrne, M.D. Murdo Maclean, M.B. William John Gilmour Henderson, Alexander Johnston Wilson, F.B.G.S. M.B. Edln. Joseph Green, M.B. James Joseph Foley. Wilbye Cooper. Alfred Robert Sieveking. West. David Joseph Miller, M.l). Geoffrey Clarke, M.D. William Wilson Jameson, M.D. Lt. Alexander Barnett Brook,, John Erwood Forster, M.D. 4 Bn. Sea. Highrs. Terr. Force. John Mandall Coates, M.D.(Gaz. 15 June.) Dated 18 May 15 David Lawrie, M.B. Cecil William Wilson. John Miles Chambers. (Gaz. 15 June.) Dated 19 May 15: - Robert Hamilton. M.D. George McNeill, M.B.,F.R.C.S.Edtn. Herbert Waiker Sinks, Thomas Stanley Rippon. William Doyle, Noel Florentine Rowstron, Jf.B. John Anderson, Jf.B. AlexanderAlgernon Verling, Sweet Wilson, Jf.B. Jf.B. Stanley Batchelor. William Frederick Rhodes. Alfred Hollier Clough Norman Tattersall, M.D. George John Fraser, Jf.B. William Leitrim Clements, Jf.B. Harold Stanley < Troves Frederick Ernest Chapman, Jf.B. Lancelot Raoul Lempriere, Trevor Hayman Fowler. Robert McLean, Jf.B. Guilio Hamilton. Arthur Conyers Inman, Jf.B., to be temp. hon. Lt. (Gaz. 15 June)...... aJune Promotions, Appointments, &c. ill

REGULAR FORCES—twiiti. Abmy Mbdical Service—contd. Royal Army Medical Corps—coraid. Temp. Lt. T. M. Watt, ilf.B., relinquishes his commn. (Gaz. 16June) ...... lMar.15 The undermentioned to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 16 June.) Dated 14 Apr. 16.— Walter Cecil Marsden. HaroldRobert KennethRobert Dew. Birnie, M.B. M.B. Thomas Edwin George, M.B. Jack Morlet, M.B. Alfred John Trinca, M.D. Albert Weigall, M.B. Raymond William Ryan, M.B. George rliflord Scantlebury, M.B. Nigel Lovat Prichard, M.B. James Garnet Sleeman, M.B. William AlexanderArthur Bowman, Hamilton M.B. Birreli, WilliamHenderson, Alfred M.B. Leslie Harrison M.B. Albert Wilber Bretherton, M.B. William Rogerson, M.B. Cyril Checchi, M.B. Wilberforce Stephen Newton, M.B. Frank William Augustus Ponsford, M.B. George Chadwell Bury, M.B. Qr.-Mr. and Hon. Maj. H. J. F. Audus is retained on the Active List under the provs. of Art. 120 R. Wt. for Pay and Promn., and to be supern. (Gaz. 16 June) .. .. ITJune The undermentioned to be temp. Ma)s. (Gaz. 17 June.) Dated 7 JunelS:— George Harry Melville Dunlop, M.D., I Henry Alexis Thomson, iif.D., F.R.C.P I F.R.G.S. The undermentioned N.C.O.’s and Men of the Canadian A. Med. Corps to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 17 June.) Dated 26 May, 15 Serjt. Robert Beattie Martin. Pte. Thomas Daily Cumberland, M.B. Serjt. Harry Roy Smith, M.B. Pte. Donald Thomas Fraser, M.B. Serjt. Paul Michael O’Sullivan, M.B. Pte. Richard Collier Coatsworth, M.B. Serjt. Louis Edwin Williams, M.D. Pte. Harry Karl Groff, M.D. Serjt. David Edmund Staunton Pte. Louis Emile Belcourt, M.D. Wishart, M.B. Pte. Morley Edward Gorman, M.B. Serjt. Gerald Allison, M.B. Pte. Maurice Round Helliwell, M.B. Corpl. Clifford M. Keiller, M.D. Pte. Thomas Harold Crews, M.B. Corpl. David Emerson Scott, M.D. Pte. William Ray Hodge, M.B. Corpl. Stanley Stafford Ball, M.B. Pte. Harold Parrish Hamilton, M.B. Lce.-Corpl. Herbert Carl Martin, Pte. Frederick Walter Clement, M.B. M.B. Pte. A>hol Alexander Moon, M.B. Lce.-Corpl. Thomas Harold Douglas Pte. Stanley Young Walsh, M.B. Storms, M.B. Pte. Arthur McKnightBell, M.B. The name of temp. Lt. William S. Stalker, M. is as now described, and not as stated in Gaz. of 7 June, 15. (Gaz. 17 June.) The undermentioned to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 19 June). Dated 20 April 15• Francis William Stone, M.B. Johnston Hughston, M.B. Frank Harold imoney, M.B. Charles Humphrey Lloyd, M.B. Arthur E-nest Stenning, M.B. Cecil Gordon McAdam, M.B. Michael Harold Sorokiewich, M.B. Roy Baldwin Minnett, M.B. Robert Walton Hogg, M.B. FrederickLt. Fraser Hall, Baillie Jif.R., Gurd, to beM.D., temp. Canadian hon. Lt. A. whilst Med. servingCorps. with(Gaz. the19 June) St. John .. Amb. Brig. SJiMie Hosp. (Gaz. 19 June) lOJune James Wilcocks to be temp. Qr.-Mr., with the hon. rank of Lt. (Gaz. 19 June) 7June Alexander Johnstone, M.D., to be temp. Maj. (Gaz. 21 June) 27 Wa^ Temp. Capt. 8. G. L. Catchiove, M.B., relinquishes his commn. (Gaz. 21 June) .. ll.Tune Capt. William McConaghy is seconded for service with the Egyptian Army. (Gaz. 21 June) 5 June The undermentioned to be temp. Capts. Arthur George Whttehorne-Cole (Gaz.21June) ...... iMay Walter Sydney Lazams-Barlow, M.D. (Gaz. 21 June) ...... 22May The undermentioned to be temp. Lts. William Moore Skipworth Robinson. (Gaz. 21 June) ...... iMay JohnDominick Joseph John Middleton, Cannon, M.B.iif.B. (Gaz.(Gaz. 2121 June)June) ...... lOMay12May (Gaz. 21 June). Dated 20 May 15 I Stephen Galt Trail, M.B. Samuel Lloyd Corry, M.B. Frank Melville Harvey. Malcolm Macnicol, M.D. Tudor Benson Evans, M.B. PercyEdgar Templeton.Roe Lyth, M.B. 112 Promotions, Appointments, &c.

REGULAR FORCES—contd. Asur Medical Sekyices—coreM. Royal Army Medical Corps—co»Zc£. Ellis Gordon Goldie, M.D. (Gaz. 21 J une). Dated 21 May 16 James Murray Duff Mitchell, M.D. Thomas Trevor Apsimon, M.B. George Peter Taylor, M.B. HenryMaurice Glendinning Uoysius Power, Davison, M.B. M.D. JohnEdmond Ch»rles Ryan. Michell. John Cl rk, M.B. John Low, M.B. William O’Brien, M.B. Edward Beresford Ceilings. Thomas Kirkwood, M.B. Albert Edward Blackburn, M.D. Allen Edgar Thompson, M.D. Francis nderson, M.B. .Augustus Beauchamp Northcote, M.D. John Anderson,■ M.B. James Samuel Richard We r. James Montgomery Anderson, M.D. HenryRobert RichardCharles Hurry.De Lacey, M.B. Edward Scott White. Claude Robinson Lucas. „ (Gaz. 21 June). Dated 22 May 15:— Frederic William Waudby Griffin, M.D. Daniel Charles Evans. Alexander Newton Clemenger. I He.bert Frank Willington. Israel Allaun. Gaz. 21 June.) Dated 24 May 15 James Lawson Williams, M.D. Gerald Henry Davy, M.B. William Henry Warwick, M.B. Frank Ernest Reynolds. Roy Barley Clayton. Charles Brehmer Heald, M.D. James_ Cunningham,„ M.B. (Gaz. 21 June;) Dated 25 May 15 Lancelot Gordon McCone, M.B. John Lyn Dimond, M.B. Bernard Geoffrey Klein, M.D. Dan Arthur Powell. James Davidson MacKay, M.B. Arthur Edward Clarke. Henry Donald Welply, M.B. Robert Hugh Drennan, M.B. William Taylor B chan, M.B. ArthWilfred r NoelAntel Houghton, aaston. M.B. Ernest Coleman, M.B. Herbert Playfo.d Sheppard, JohnRobert Gordon James Smith Allsopp, Macpnerson, M.B. M.B. Raymond Alexander Hannay Atkinson, M.B. John Proctor, M.B. Allan Massey, M.B. Donald Mclutvre, JI.R. William Rice Meredith. David Charles Welsh, M.B. Francis Joseph Sadler, M.D. Arthur Leslie Walters. Spenver Churchill, William Leoingham Christie, M.D.,F.R.C.S. Douglas Allan. Watts Edmondson. (Gaz. 21 June.) Dated 26 May 15 Charles Salkeld, M.B. Hew William Scott-Wilson,, Arthur John Clayton. Arthur Geoffrey Shera, John Koble Milne Dickie, M.D.,F.B.C.S. Edln. Dated 2? May 15 Arthur Edward Lyster, M.D. Hugh James McCurrick. James Lochhead Gregory, M.B. Charles Samuel Woodd. Lester Ernest Ashley Ernile. William Edward Nickolls Dunn, M.B. William Minty Badenoch, Patrick Aloysius Doyle. Richard Nunn, M.D. Kirsop Bainbridge James Vickers, Sidney Winslow Woollett. George Brown Crawford, M.D. Thomas Hutchinson. David Fettes, M.B. Andrew Philip, M.D. Barron Norman Sinclair, M.B. AdamNelson Brown, West Jenltin. M.B. James Leslie Callaghan. Arthur James Lewis, M.D, William Hunter Brown, . ,, „ (Gaz. 21 June. Dated 28 May 15 Arthur Hill Laird, M.B. William Duncan Lawrie, M.D., F.R.G.S. Edln, Malcolm Mauson, M.B. William Sibbald Campbell, Harold Willis Scawin. Norman Alexander Aylmer Hughes. RobertMark O’Brien. Scott, M.B. Douglas Craig, Kenneth Fraser, M.D. Percy Charles Garrett. Leslie Gordon Tait, Leslie Wilson Evans, M.B. George Kirk.vood Allan, Reginald Norman Ponitt. James Hender on Yule, David Watt Torrance, M.D. John Alexander Mortimer, M.D. JohnReginald Barron Inglts Scott, Douglas, M.B. James Finlay Alexander, Thomas_ Joseph Lydon, M.B.iGaz. 21 June.) Dated 29 May 15 Frederick William Campbell. AndrewPaul Ransome Louis Krogh,Browning. M.B. William Johnston Symes, M.B. Dated 31 May 15 Robert Brookes. Michael Abdy Collins, — i —.— ife—^ Promotions, Appointments, &c. 113

RJSGULAlt FOKCBS—conid. Aemt Medical Seeyxces—core^d. Royal Army Medical Corps—coraid. Ralph Marsh de Mowhray to be temp. Lt. whilst serving with the Brit. Red Cross Hosp., Netley. (Gaz. 21Jnne) ...... 27Apr.l6 Arthur Conyers Inman, M.JS., is granted tempy. the hon. rank of Lt. (Gaz. 21 June) .. 14June Temp.Bernhard Lt. EhrenfriedT. Kay, B., Myers, Ma). R.A.M.C.,M.D., to be Terr. temp. Force, Maj. to whilst be temp. serving Maj. with(Gaz. the 23 June)N.Z. Aux. .. 24June Hosp. (Gaz. 23 June; ...... do. The undermentioned to he temp. Capts. James Walker Beattie, M.I). (Gaz. 23 June) ...... Uune Temp. Lt. H. Wiltshire, iH.B. (Gaz. 23 June) ...... 21June Temp. Lt. V. P. Foote relinquishes his commn. on account of ill-health. (Gaz. 23 June),. 15June Lt. Ronald Russell Scott, M.B., Canadian A.M.C., to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 23 June) .. 22May The undermentioned N.C.O.s and Men ef the Canadian A. Med. Corps, to be temp. Lts. Corpl. Ernest Lachopelle, M.B. (Gaz. 23 June) ...... , 2June Staft-Serjt. George Frederick(Gaz. Laing, 23 June.) M.B. Dated 4 JunePte. Lee15 Smith, 3I.D. Serjt. Robert Stanley Armour, 31.B. Pte. Cecil Owen Walsh, 31.D. Serjt. Phillinpe Bernard Belanger, M.B. Pte. Francis Sharpe Walcott, 31.D. Serjt. John Ranson Howitt, M.B. Pte. Frederick Russell Kirkham, 31.B. Serjt. Otto De Muth, M.D. Pte. Benjamin Franklyn Macnaughton, Serjt. f'ecil Darling Kean, M.D. M.D. Serjt. Harold Francis Hope Eberts, 31.D. Pte. William Templeman, M.D. Pte. Albert Davis Sharp, M.D. Pte. Lavell Hall Leeson, M.D. Pte. Harold Clifford Wert, M.D. Pte. Irving Daniel Ramsay, 31.D. The undermentioned to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. James Renfrew White, M B. 23 June.) HughDated McMillan 1 June 15 Donaldson. M.B. Joseoh Jopling Brown, 31.B., F.R.C.S. Alfred Vella, M.B. Edin. George Younger Richardson, M.D. Maberlev Squire Esler. Frederick James Dixon, M.B. William John Patterson, M.B. John Wright, M.B. Donald George Macleod Munro, M.D. Francis Gerrard Hamilton Cooke. Frederick George Gibbs. Archibald Stevenson, 3I.D. John Lindesay Pearce, M.B. John Alexsnder Wilson, M.B. Oswald John William Adamson. Hugh Charles Mary McManus, M.B. George Spencer Armitage Bishop, M.B. Leonard Horner Bryson, M.D. Edward William Anderton, M.B. Henry MacCormac, M.B. James O’Dowd Egan. Harold Herbert Tanner, M.B. Claude Alfred Heath Gee, M.B. John Young, M.B. Robert Cunyngham Brown, M.D. Donald Mackinnon, M.B. FelixWilliam Arthur George Kerr, Southey, M.B. M.B. William Kelman Macdonald, M.D. George Alexander Pringle, M.D. George Edwin Davidson, M.B. Bartholomew Langran. Leslie Valentine, M.B. Robert Phillip Garrow, M.D. Francis Heatherley, M.B., F.R.C.S. George Barton McCaul, M.D. John Crighton Bramwell, M.B. Patrick Gerald Tuohy, M.B. CyrilCecil WilliamSearle Gideon. Bond. John Richard Rygate. James Charles McWalter, M.B. Francis Garland Collins. Leander Lowrie Fyfe, 31.B. Andrew Blair Aitken, M.D., F.R.C.S. Oliver Bruce. Reginald Ambrose Facey. Charles Wolfe Hamilton, M.D. Henry Saunders. Algernon Meyrick Alban James. Butler Hogan. William Leslie Hay. Robert Rutherford, 31.B. John Lewis Anderton Grout. Robert Daniel Bridger. Arthur Trower. Thomas George Stevens, F.R.C.S.I. Joseph Hambley Rowe, M.B. John George Garson, M.D. Edmund Neptune Russell, 31.B. Samuel Greenwood. Arthur Carlile Sturdy, F.R.C.S. Dan Tenison. Thomas George Smith Hodson, M.D. Donald Carmichael Thomas. James Laird, M.B. Charles Jerome Tlsdall, M.B. Francis McKee, M.B., F.R.C.S.I. John Joseph Gibb, M.B. Theodore John Phillips, M.B. William Robinson, M.B. Alan Murdoch. Francis William Garrad, M.D. William Enraght. Hugh Roker Evans, M.D. John Geddes Scott. Malcolm William Stewart-Smith, M.B. George Eric Beggs. Andrew Cochrane, M.B. (Gaz. 23 June). Dated 2 June 15 Murtaugh James Houghton,. I Vincent Frederick Lennane. Percy William Moore, M.B. Richard Lewis. (Gaz. 23 June), Dated 3 June 15:— Herbert Georg# Willis, M.B. Thomas Heywood, M.D. William George Brett. Charles Vivian Cornish, F.R.C.S. Gerald Septimus Samuelson, M.D. I Edin. 114 Promotions, Appointments, &c

REGULAR FORCES—coreM. Aemt Medical Services—core

BE0ULAR FORCES—conW. ABMT CHAPIiAINS Depaktment—oore^d. (Gaz. 11 June.) Dated 14 May 15 Rev. Walter Amery. I Rev. James William Giffin. Rev. Canon Charles Vereker Chester Atkinson. _Ret>. John Kellie. (Gaz. 11 June) ...... ISMayiS (Gaz. 11 June.) Dated 20 May 15 Rev. Austin Russell. , Rev. Archibald James Hicks- Rev. Vincent Mason. I Gowar. (Gaz. 11 June.) Dated 22 May 15 Rev. Frederick Basil Kerr Thompson. Rev. Algernon Leslie Ivens. Rev. William Marshall Tait. (Gaz. 11 June.) Dated 25 May 15:— Rev. Henry James Watney. ! Rev. George Laurence Craven. Rev. Joseph Reardon. Rev. Charles Lamont. Rev. G. Lionel Smith. (Gaz. ll June.) Dated 26 May 15 Rev. John Attkins Pickworth. I Rev. Geoffrey Maynard Evans. Rev. Edward Victor Blackburne. Re-. Philip Thomas Byard Clayton. Rev. Alfred Llewelyn Jones. Rev. Vernon Clough. (Gaz. 11 June.) Dated 28 May 15:— Rev. Charles S. Rose. I Rev. Thomas Struthers Symington. Ren. Dugald Clark. (Gaz. 11 June) ...... 29May Reo. Cecil Leigh Money-Kyrle. (Gaz. 11 June) ...... SIMay (Gaz. 11 June.) Dated 1 June 15:— Ren. Gilbert Arthur Barclay. | Ren. Henry Cecil Hargreaves. TheRen. undermentioned E. A. Tichborne. temp. (Gaz. Chapins, 11 June) to the Forces.. ceased.. to.. perform.. duty.. :— .. .. IFeb. Ren. O. St. M. Weld-Forester. (Gaz. 11 June) .. .. ., ,. .. .. IMar. The date of appt. of Rev. A. J. E. Harris-Rivett is 12 Feb. 16, and not as stated in Gaz. of 19 Mar. 15. (Gaz. 11 June). The name of Rev. Stanley Austin is as now described, and not as stated in Gaz. of 29 May 15. (Gaz. 11 June). The undermentioned to be temp. Chapins, to the Forces, 4 Cl. :— Ren. Fred Leonard Hines. (Gaz. 19 June) Ren. Charles Edgar Matthews. (Gaz. 19 June) .. So23Apr. Apr. Ren. Henry Stirling Marshall. (Gaz. 19 June) 22May Ren. Albert Ernest Laurie. (Gaz. 19 June) 24May Ren. Joseph Kelly. (Gaz.l9June) 25May Ren. Thomas Lowery. (Gaz. 19 June) 29May (Gaz. 19 June.) Dated 31 May 15:— Rev. Arthur Kenelm Swallow. I Ren. Garnham G. West. (Gaz. 19 June.) Dated 1 June 15:— Ren. John Austin Wartzberg. I Ren. Charles Shakerley Coldwell. Ren. Charles Frederick Arabin Wimberley. I (Gaz. 19 June.) Dated 2 June 15:— Ren. Frederick William Cha rle i Woollett. I Ren. James Geddes Ritchie. Ren. William A. Mowat. I Ren. Henry John Chapman. (Gaz. 19 June.) Dated 3 June 15 :— Rev. George Edward Bourne. I Ren. Edwin W. Smith. Ren. William Henry Bayley.(Gaz. 19 June.) Dated[ 4 JuneRev. 15Clifford :— Wood. Ren. John Gordon Thornton. Ren. Sydney William Letcher Ren. Bartholomew S. Wilson. I Richards. Ren. Stanley Mottram Rankin. (Gaz. 19 June) ...... 5.1 one lien. E. Osborn Martin. (Gaz. 19 June) ...... 7,Tune Ren. Patrick McMenamin. (Gaz. 19 June) ...... 8June The undermentioned temp. Chapins, to the Forces ceased to perform duty :— Ren. B. A. Greene. (Gaz. 19 June) 28May Ren. E. Cornwall Jones. (Gaz. 19 Jane) .. 31 May The initials of the Rev. G. K. Hackett are as now described, and not as stated in Gaz. of 8 May 15. (G.iz. 19 June.) The undermentioned to be temp. Chapins, to the Forces, 4 Ci. :— Ren. William Jasper Robinson. (Gaz. 28 June) .. 20Mar. (Gaz. 28 June.) Dated 24 Apr. 15:— Ren. George H. Donald, Chapin, to the i Rev. H. Reid, Chapin, to the Terr. Terr. Force. I Force. Ren. George Ross Vallings. (Gaz. 28 June) ...... ,. 27Apr. Ren. Ranald Macdonald. (Gaz. 28 June) ...... 29Apr. Ren. Cyril Joseph Burnell. (Gaz. 28 June) ...... IMay 116 Promotions, Appointments, Ac.

KBGtrLAK FORCES-corata. Army Chaplains’ Department—comm. Rev.„ George„ Frederick„ , Walters.(Gaz. 28 June.) Date

i. ^ . .. 1 rbes-(Gaz. 28 June.) Dated 8 June 15•— Rer!Rev'. GeraldDonafd LloydFmser Morrell. ° I Re«.ReV' FrankHorace Shettle Sturt. Colson.

t T3 , gham^ (Gaz.Hamer 28 June.) Dated9Junel5:- Reunev. Dv. Go. RossRoss. - |I RisvRe». SidneyGarth RwartFremlyn Minnear. Streatfeild. Rev.„ Frederick„ . John Hazeldine.(Gaz. 28 June.) Dated 10 June 15 :— Rev. Alexander Macrae. Rev. Percival Robert Ferris. Rev._ Charles „. (Gaz. 28 June.) Dated 11 June 15:— Rev. John Garfield Roberts. Rev. William Field.

Rev. Ernest Godfrey Jaquet.T (Gaz. 28 June.) Dated| 12 JuneT?ev .tobn15 :- SlmncnnJ t on Ren. Edward Percival Woolleombe. (Gaz. 28 June) ’.. .. ISJune i»„ . (Ga*. 28 June.) Dated 14 June, 15:— Ren! Tom TnieardHaine^?^6886- | ^ Francis Ren. Charles Arthur Winder. (Gaz. 28 June) 15June p,,.. a.ov.-v, /a (Gaz. 28 June.) Dated 17 June 15:— ^Longrid'gea °Wen Carwlthen j ^Brough8 Slianley Bl'omfleld The(Gaz.i28 jun^T GaZ' °f 21 May 1S’ re=arclinB the Rev- James Ferguson is cancelled. Th',o15t-<^nP' Insprs’ 04 Works> wibh the hon. rank’of Lt. (Gaz. Henry Honm'd Pepp®r- | Jack Robert Yelf. The U nd e n n 0

SSGDLAR FORCES—contd. IRMY ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT. The undermentioned Lt.-Cols. to be temp. Ord. Offrs., 1 Cl., with the temp, rank ot Col. A. 8. Baker, Ord. Offr.,2 Cl. ((iaz.2June) 17 May 15 R. S. Hamilton, Ord. Off., 2 Cl. (Gaz. 2 June) ...... •• 18May The undermentioned Dep. Commies, of Ord. and Hon. Capts. to he temp. Commies. Ord. with the temp. hon. rank of Ma], (Gaz. 2JuneOG. JDatedT. Craik. 20 May IS W. H. Biggs. J. Wesr. E.H. J.Tristem. Leegett. G. W. Haynes. W. G. Weeks. T. W. Faason. H. C. Bindley. W. G. Cockburn. The undermentioned Asst. Commies, of Ord. and Hon. Lts. to be temp. Dep, Commies, of Ord. with the temp. hon. rank of Capt. (Gaz. 2 June.)E. O.Dated Collison. 20 May 15:-— W. H. Townsend. C. W. Cowdrey. G.W. A. J. Palmer.Beckwith. W. Townsend. E. G. Spinks. The undermentioned to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 2 June) Elias Geoffrey Davies. 18 May 15. 1 T. H. Edwards. 17 May 15. The undermentioned Ord. Offrs., 3rd Cl., to be temp. Ord. Offrs., 2nd Cl., with the temp, rank of Lt.-Col. Maj. D. C. Faichnie. (Gaz. 4 June) .. 1 loOct.14 MaJ.and Bt. Lt.-Col. O. C. Sherwood. (Gaz. 4 June) .. 22Mayl6 The undermentioned Dep. Commies, of Ord. and Hon. Capts. to be temp. Commies, of Ord., with the temp. hon. rank of Maj. (Gaz. 4 June.) Da*ed 24 May 15 J. Murphy. I A. A. Gibson. Asst. Commy of Ord. and Hon. Lt. T. Rodliffe to be temp. Dep. Commy. of Ord., with the 20May temp. hon. rank of Cant. (Gaz. 4 June) .. 22 May Temp. 2nd Lt. H. Minck, from Gen. List, to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 4 June) .. 26May Temp. Lt. H.F. B.Weleh-Thornton, Short to be temp. from Capt. A.S.C., (Gaz. to be5 June) temp. Lt. (Gaz. 8 June) 14 B ay Maj.Lt.-Col. H. L. Wethered, whilst so empld.Ord. Offr., (Gaz. 3 Cl., 9 June) to be temp... Ord. Offr., 2 CL, with the temp, rank of 17May (Gaz. 11 June.) Dated 27 May 15 The undermentioned to be temp. Lts. Reuben Allan Denmark. Aubrey Lind Allwood. Horace Alvarez de Courcy Pereira. GeraldLancelot Debnam Edey Hall. Baker. Thomas William Godsell. Walter Merritt. TheMaeh. undermentioned 1 CL, with the Insprs, hon. ofrank Ord. of Mach.Maj. 2(Gaz. CL, and11 June.) hon. Capts.,Dated 19to Maybe Insprs. 15 of Ord. J.J. Mills. | W. J. P. Rodd. E. J. J. Britton. (Gaz. 11 June) ...... 23May Dep.the Commy. temp. hon.of Ord. rank and of Hon.Maj. Capt.(Gaz. F.17 H.Jane) Buekland .. to be., temp... Commy... of Ord.,.. with.. 4June Temp. Lt. R. C. McNab to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 17 June) ...... 7June The undermentioned to be temp. Lts. Alexander Duncan Chisholm. (Gaz. 17 June) ...... 3)May Philip William Ponting. (Gaz. 17 June) ...... 4June (Gaz. 18 June.) Dated 4 June 15 TheRobert undermentioned Kerr. to be temp. Lts. Reginald Proudfoot. Douglas James Hewett. Reuben Roberts. Hollowell Headley. Sydney Ives. Daniel O’Neill. Arthur George Tarran. Hugh Menzies. , William Henry Lang. Charles Walter Dawson. Frank Walter Hart. Temp. Lt. S. Skelton, from Gen. List, i ;o ba temp. Lt. (Gaz. 21 June) 31May Insp. of Ord. Mach., 1 CL, and Hon. Capt. H. Rudd, ret. pay, to be Hon. Maj. (Gaz. 22 June) oJune The following notification is substituted for that which appeared in Gaz. of 11 June 15:— TheMaeh., undermentioned 1 CL, with theInsps. hon. of rank Ord. of Mach., Capt. 2 (Gaz.CL, and 22 June.) Hon. Capts.,Dated 19to May be Insps. 15:— of Ord. J. J. Mills. I W. J. P. Rodd. B. J. J. Britton. (Gaz. 22 June) ...... 23May Temp. Lt. J. A. W. Johnston to be temp. Capt. (Gaz.23June) ...... 24June Arthur Hugh Colquhoun to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 23 June) ...... 9June The undermentioned Serjt.-Majs. (Armament Artificer Section), from A Ord. Corps, Datedto be 24Asst. June Insps.15 :— of Ord. Mach., with the hon. rank of Lt. (Gaz. 23 June.) George James Reid. I William Smith. John James Charles Benson. Walter William Harman Benjamin Graves. | William George Birkle. 118 Promotions, Appointments, &c,

REGULAR FORCES—centd. Army Ordnance Department—coraid. The a 0 n n ent 2., June,r^ i 15,iV isi antedated of the undermentioned to 27 Apr., 15. (Gaz. to be 24 temp. June):— Lts., which appeared in Gaz. of E. G. Davies. | t. Edwards. Stanley Charles Weston to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 24 June).. 25Junel5 The undermentioned to be temp. Lts. Barrfe Spencer. (Gaz. 26 June) John Chadwick Brooks. (Gaz. 26 June) .. 11 June Temp. Capt. F. R. G. Hoare, temp. Ord. Offr., 4 CL, to be temp.' Ord. Offr 3 CL, with ISJune the temp, rank o( Maj. (Gaz. 29 Juno) ., .. " 17June The rm t ed Asst of„^®, Ord., with®?f i°iJ, the temp.t - hon.Commies, rank of Capt.jOrd and Hon. Lts. to be temp. Deputy Commies,^ Albert Fulcher. (Gaz. 29 June) 14June J. W. Dunne. (Gaz. 29 June) .. ISJune The29 JunreTIDatedd16C>TuneeiT--ASSt' Comraies' of 0rd ’ with ,he hon. rank of Lt. (Gaz. R.B. J.Burgham. Collingwood. H. Mason. J. Hall. C. Jones. J. Webster. W. Boyce. J. Charlton. H. .Tarmain. J. Kelly. . ARMY PAY DEPARTMENT. TheThomas undermentioned Egerton be temp. Lts. (Gaz 12| June.) HerbertDated 10 Arthur June 15 Baker. •— OVERSEAS CONTINGENTS. Canadian Artillery. The undermentioned Capts. to be temp. Majs. (Gaz. 10 June.) Dated 19 May 15 J. A. MacDonald. I D. A. White. TheH-M undermentioned Dunlop. Lts. to be temp. Capts. (Gaz.| 10 .1 j.une.) . Armour.Da ed 19 Mav 15 •— J. C. Ball. D Canadian Engineers. M. B. W. Smith Rewse to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 5 June) 9 May Automobile Machine Gun Brigade. Maj. R. Brutinel to be temp. Lt. Col. (Gaz. 15 June) 2 June Divisional Cyclist Company. Lt. C. G. Childs to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 21 June) 3rd Canadian Infantry Battalion (Toronto Regiment). 5June The undermentioned to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 5 June.) Dated 9 May 15 •— H. G Kerr. A. G. Eddis. S. A Reddock. J M. Dymord. F. H. Marani. A. R. Macdonald. 4th Canadian Infantry Battalion. The undermentioned to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 5 June.) Dated 9 May 15 A. A. White. A. G. Scott. 5th Canadian Infantry Battalion. The undermentioned to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 5 June.) Dated 9 May 15 G. P. Bowie. I E. J. Gook. T. Dumaille. B. C. Quinan. 7th Canadian Infantry Battalion (British Colombia Regiment). TheH. undermentioned S. Clarke. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 5 June.)T DatedH. E. Thomas,9 Mav 15 • vv. A. Casey. 8th Canadian Infantry Battalion (90th Rilies). The undermentioned to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 5 June.) H. Wearne. I DatedA. R. 9thBawden. May 15 : — H. C. Brayflcld. E. Platt. 10th Canadian Infantry Battalion. The undermentioned to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 5 June.) Dated 9 May 15 R. G. Good. E. E. Rickhard. 12th Canadian Infantry Battalion. The undermentioned Capts. to be temp. Mals. (Gaz. 14 June.) Dated 19 May 15 — C. K. Fraser. H. G. Deedes. P. D. Gowan. W. L. MacWilliam, Promotions, Appointments, &c 119

SEGULAK FORCES- conta. Overseas ContingeKts—oontd. 3th CanadianThe undermentioned Infantry Battalion to be temp.(Royal Lts. Highlanders (Gar.. 5 June.) of Canada). Dated 9 May 15 J. D. McPherson. | P. R- Rowan. KennethS. V. Brittain.Mathowaon to be temp. Bt. (Gaz.’SJune)I H. R. Powell. .. 39 May 15 4th CanadianThe undermentioned Infantry Battalion to be (Royaltemp. Lts. Montreal (Gaz. Regiment). 5 June.) Dated 9 May 15:— R. Wbrral. I G. Leighton. C. B. Price. i The name of temp. Lt. Gordon Ernest Leighton is as now described, and not as stated in the Gaz. of 5 June 15. (Gaz. 12 June). Paymr. and Hon. Capt. A. C. P. Winslew relinquishes his temp, commn. (Gaz. 15 June) 16 June 7th CanadianLt..I. Bartlett Infantry relinquishes Battalion. his temp, commn. (Gaz. 8 June) 8May Lt. L. R. Cutten to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 16 June) ...... •• •• •• 22Sept.l4 ird Battalion,Shirley G.Canadian Dixon to Infantry. be temp. Paymr., with the hon. rank of Lt. (Gaz. 2 June) SMaflo Canadian Army Veterinary Corps. Capt. J. J. Mccany relinquishes his temp, commn. (Gaz. 3 June) .. 7May

INDIAN ARMY. The King has approved the transfer of the undermon'ioned Offr., Ind. Army, to the temp.Lt. H W. P. M. List:- K. Dickinson. (Gaz. 4 June) 25May The King has approved the removal from the Service of the undermentioned Offr. of the Ind. Army:— Capt. H. S. Smart. (Gaz. 4 June' 29Dec.l4 j] The King has approved the promn. of the following Offrs. of the Ind. Army :— Majors to be Lieutenant-Colonels. (Gaz. 8 June.) Dated 24 Apr. 15. W. P. Bannerman, 31 Lrs. 1 H. A. Carl«ton, 90 Punjabis. G. R. Cassels, 35 Sikhs. J. H.Dept. Peck, Cantonment Magistrates’ G. A. Becher, 8 Cav. . (Gaz 8 June) 27Apr.l6 Lieu'enant to be Captain. H. J. Huxford, 125 Rif. (Gaz.SJune) 25Apr. 2nd Lieutenants to be Lieutenants. G. N. Vansittart, 39 Central Ind. Horse. (Gaz. 8 June) 21Arr. (Gaz. 8 J nne.) Dated 22 Apr. 15 C. H. D. Passy, 24 Punjabis. R. H Stable, 122 Rajputana Inf. G. Uloth, 28 Lt. Cav. R. MacG. M. Lockhart, 51 Sikhs. I. J. Hughes, 9 Gurkha Rif. V. Cambier, 30 Lrs. F. W. Messervy, 9 Horse. A. F. G. Forbes, 18 Lrs. G. D. Baines. 33 Lt. Cav. G.E. Lennox,J. C. Ashmore, 37 Dogras. 10 Gurkha Rif. I. F. G. Hall, 25 Cav. R. J. N. Norris, 7 Rajputs. E.J. W.K. B.Bird, Tindall, 29 Punjabis. 7 Rajputs. H. C S. Minehin, 52 Sikhs. V. W. K. M ackinnon, 53 Sikhs. L.I. E.A. R.Stuart, Weir, 123 126 Rif. Baluchistan Inf. C. E. Stuart-Prince, 59 Scinde Rif. A. G. Hunter, 32 Lrs. B.A. J. Tisdall,P. Mawdsley, 74 Punjabis. 17 Cav. R.F. E.D. Lemarchand,Smith, 33 Punjabis. 5 Gurkha Rif. G. B. Harvey, 5 Cav. D. Beanlan l, 22 Punjabis. E. W. D Vaughan. 2 Lrs. D. A G. Dallas, 36 Horse. N. H. Rogers, 4 Gurkha Rif. G. St. .1. Robinson, 88 Carnatic Inf. G. D. Payne, 98 Inf. A. C. Pegg, 93 Burma Inf. B. W. Browning, 9 Bhopal Inf. The K ing has approved the grant of temp, rank in the Ind. Army to the undermentioned gentlemen To be temporary Captain. Percy Whereat Mabbett. (Gaz.SJune) 23Apr. To be temporary Lieutenant. CyrilTedman. (Gaz.SJune)...... do. The King has approved the resignation of the Service by the undermentioned Offr. of the Capt.Ind. Army:— P. E. Collen. (Gaz.SJune) ...... ,...... SOApr. Theundermentioned King has approved gentleman the grant :— of the temp, rank of Capt. in the Did. Army to the Albert Gottleib Puech. (Gaz. 25 June) .. ,, ...... 7May 120 Promotions, Appointments, &c. KEGULAK FORCES—contd. UNATTACHED LIST FOR INDIAN ARMY. OOr- *"• Da..., Li., 2nd Lt. S. F. Ormsby. (Gaz. 4 June.).. 7Mayl5 ’’‘'Wd™ JTOenie5

BEGULAR FORCES—contd. INDIAN SUBORDINATE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. The(Gaz. KING 8 June.) has approved the promn. of the following Offrs. of the Ind. Suh. Med. Dept. To be Senior Assistant Surgeons with the Honorary rank of Lieutenant. 1st Cl. Asst. Surg. A. E. Almeida.Dated 19I Mar. 15.1st Cl. Asst. Surg. A. .Beale. TheMed. KING Dept. has approved(Gaz. 8 June) the retirement of the undermentioned Offr. of the Ind. Sub. Sen. Asst. Surg. and Hon, Capt. T. W. Minty ...... 26Mar,15 INDIAN ARMY DEPARTMENTS. The25 Kins June) has approved the promn. of the following Offrs. of the Ind. Army Depts. (Gaz. Deputy Commissary with the honorary rank of Captain to be Commissary with J. Duggan. (Gaz. 25 June)the honorary.. .. rank of.. Captain...... 15Apr. Assistant Commissary with the honorary rank of Lieutenant to be Deputy Commissary with the honorary rank of Captain. J. G. Coleburt. (Gaz. 25 June) ...... do. To be Assistant Commissary with the honorary rank of Lieutenant. Condr. Ernest Edgar Hewes. (Gaz. 25 June)...... do. ROYAL MARINE LIGHT INFANTRY. Capt. H.E. S.F. MairisP. Rees, to Maj., isvice absd. Barber. in the (Gaz.estabt., 1 June) vice Mairis, .. promoted... (Gaz... 1 June).. 14Maydo. Capt. F. H. Griffiths to be Maj., vice Muller (killed in action). (Gaz. 1 June) .. .. SMay Capt. H. N. H. Houghton to be Ma]., vice Armstrong (killed in action). (Gaz. 1 June) .. lOMay Lt. E.R. J.C. B.A. TaggGlunicke is granted is granted the temp,the temp, rank rank of Capt. of Capt. (Gaz. (Gaz. 8 June) 11 June) ...... 13MaySMay Capt. A. C. Barnby is granted the temp, rank of Maj. whilst holding the appt. of Sqdn. Comdr. in . (Gaz.ISJune) ...... 27May Gen. Sir William Thompson Adair, K.C.B., is placed on the Ret. List on account of age, under the provs. of O. in C. of 29 Nov. 81. (Gaz. 25 June.) Lt.-Gen. A. F. Gatliff to be Gen., vice Adair, retired. (Gaz. 25 June.) Maj.-Gen. E. L. McCausland to be Lt.-Gsn., vice Gatliff, promoted. (Gaz. 25 June.) Col. Comdt. (temp. Brig. Gen.) C. L. Gordon to be Maj.-Gen., vice McCausland, pro- moted. (Gaz. 25 June.) Col. 2nd Comdt. C. E. E. Ctirtoys to be Col. Comdt., and is granted the temp, rank of Brig.-Gen. whilst in comd. of the Plymouth Div., vice Gordon, promoted. (Gaz. 25 June.) Lt.-Col. F. W. Luard to be Col. 2nd Comdt., vice Curtoys, promoted. (Gaz. 25 June.) Maj. and Bt. Lt.-Col. G. J. H. Mullins to be Lt.-Col., vice Luard, promoted. (Gaz. 25 June.) Capt. T. O. H. Lees to be Maj. on the Supern. List, vice Mullins,promoted. (Gaz. 25 June.) Capt. H. A. H. Jones to be Maj., vice Lees, supern. (Gaz. 25 June.) All dated 21 June 15. The undermentioned supern. Capts. are absd. in the estabt. Capt. R. Sinclair, vice Billing (killed in action). (Gaz. 25 June) ...... l7June Capt. (temp. Maj.) Charles(Gaz. Erskine 25 June.) Risk, Datedvice Lees, 21 June promoted. 15 Capt. H. R. Brewer, vice Jones, promoted. ROYAL MARINES. Serjt.-Maj. Thomas Hills, R. Mar. Art., to be Lt. (Gaz. 1 June) .. 14May The undermentioned to be temp. 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 1 June) Dated 18 May 15 Henry Claude Torrens. | Arthur Lionel Rose. David L. Robinson. (Gaz. 1 June) .. lOMay Martin Walter Craig. (Gaz. 1 June.) Dated 22 May 15 Robert Thomas Rackham. Neville Isidore Lion. Edmund John Solomon. Edward Lysons Lunt. Rawden Henry Pitt West. Ralph R. Campion Temp. 2nd Lt. P. R. Selby, to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 1 June) .. 27Mar. The undermentioned temp. 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 1 June) Dated 10 May 15 Adrian Dingli. | Richard Lionel Moore. The undermentioned Wt. Offrs. to be Lts. Serjt.-Maj. James Alfred Gates, R. Mar. L.I., vice Moxham, killed in action. (Gaz, 1 June) .Serjt.-Maj. James Frederick Sutcliffe, R. Mar. L.I., vice Sanders, killed in action. SMay JGa?. IJupe) ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, tf f. 122 Promotions, Appointments,

REGULAR FORCES—contd. Royai. Marines—co»M. The undermentioned ret. Offr. is apptd. to the Res. of Off. •- Maj. W. J. Langford, R. Mar. L.I. (Gaz. 1 June) • • ...... 27Mayl5 Temp. 2nd Lt. T. S. Dick to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. i June) ! ...... 26May . To be Temporary Lieutenants, R.M. „ „ , , (Gaz. 4 June.) To date 11 May 15 Temp! lub-Lt, D. J.AMrfdge. | Teml)- 8ub‘Lt- RN-VR- S' A' >^^lelon. (Gaz. 4 June.) To date 16 May 15 Serjt. John Alston Sevan. I Actg. Serjt. Walter Robinson Tollast. r. ^ T° be Temporary Honorary Lieutenant and Quartermaster, R.M. f’enr9 Mar.Qr.-Mr.-Serjt. 15. Harry Garth Braybrooke, R.F.R., Cl. A. (Gaz. 4 June.) To date C.P.O. James Christie, R.N.V.R. (Gaz 4 June.) To date 8 May 15. C.P.O. Richard Talbot Travers. (Gaz. 4 June.) To date 14 May 15. T,1 R-M., has been accepted. (Gaz. 4 June.) To To be Temporary Captains, R.M. (Gaz. 4 June.) To date 23 May 15: — Temp. Lt. J. Goring, R.M. Temp. Lt. C. L. Chapman, R.M. The undermentionedhards to be temp. Capts. (Gaz. 8 June) Dated 13 May 15 •— r r t' w ®*c.lhson - I Temp. Lt. E B. Carpenter. Lt. D.n J. SGowney,- D.S.C.„ „ _ Temp. Lt. C. P. Goodden. TheLionel undermentioned M arren TV oodroffe. temp. 2nd Lts. to bo temp. Lts.| (Gaz.Charles 8 June) Hugh Dated Frederick 13 May Woolley. 15 •— Thei3?llayI15e-nti0ned Wt* and N-C-°,s*’ R* Mar- L-1-’ tobitemp. Lts. (Gaz. 8 June). Dated Serjt.-Maj. Thomas Henry Clarke. Ac'g. Serjt.-Maj. James Thomas Galliford. Serjt.-Maj. Edward Bastin. Acig. Serjt.-Maj. Thomas Arthur Goldring. Actg., Serjt.-Maj. William Alfred Acts, Qr.-Mr.-Serjt. George James Kenny. Actg.Pinkerton. Serjt.-Maj. Alfred Charles Miller. Actg. Qr.-Mr.-Serjt. Charles White. Actg. Serjt.-Maj, Albert William Actg. Qr.-Mr.-Serjt. Ernest Frederick Lindsell Staughton. The undermentioned to be temp. 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 11 June) Edwin Cohen. i Oscar Louis Young.6 Francis . | Temp. Sub-Lt. George Douglas Lowdell, R. N. Yol. Res., R. N. Div. (Gaz. 11 June) .. The undermentioned to be temp. Lt. 31 May 15 Temp. Sub-Lt. Henry Charles Walcot, R. N. Vol. Res., R. N. Div. (Gaz. 11 June) The undermentioned to be temp. 2nd Lt. Francis Geoffrey Eliot. (Gaz. ll June) 29May Th e P R N Vo1 ReS R N Div to be temp ®Ga^TjHenryreT^a\Td Francis Angold.29 Ma^ ' ' | ' ”Sydney ‘ ' Fisher'’ Smith. - ^ ^ l^anraddL^iryMSoaoYeyer- | D“DCan Bo^ Submarine Miners. The undermentioned to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 15 June) Dated 3 June 15 ThormasWWa1te(rmZSer3t-’ R- Mar') | Ge0ffiey E1,i0tt SaIter- To be Temporary Majors, R.31. Temp.rr Capt. R. G. Aston, R.M.„ (Gaz. 15 June.) To| date 13Temp. May 15:—Capt. G. E. Morgans, R.M. To be Temporary Captains, R.M. (Gaz. 15 June.) To date 13 May 15: Temp. Lt. L. H. Rugg, R.M. Temp. Lt. J. W. Revell, R.M. To be Temporary Lieutenants, K.M. _ , (Gaz. 15 June.) To date 13 May 15:— Serjt.Hnrit’ John James Baton-Shore.qi I| Serjt. JohnArnold Halliwell Howarth Mawson. Roe. (Gaz. 15 June.) To date 31 May 15: Temp. Snb-Lt. Alfred Edward Stocks, Temp. Sub-Lt. Walter W. Primrose R.N.V.R. R.N V.R. Temp. Sub-Lt. Albert Henry Hugh Saver, John Fyall Leslie Barclay, /LN.Y.R, Fred Collins. Promations, Appointments, &c. 123

KEGULAK FORCES—co«M, RoYAt Marines-coreM. Submarine Miners—ooraid. (Gaz. 15 June.) TodatezJunelS:— StanleyTemp. 2nd Fremantle Lt. B. J. Mort.Pelham, R.M. I Temp. 2nd Lt. A. J. Thorneloe, R.M. To he Temporary Hon. Lieutenant and Quartermaster, R.M. C.P.O. William John Reynolds, R.N.V.R. (Gaz. 15 June.) To date 2 June 15. To be Temporary 2nd Lieutenant, R.M. 2nd Corpl. Edward Cecil Scrimshire. (Gaz. 15 June.) To dale 31 May 15. The temp, commn as 2nd Lt. R.M. of S. A.Termination. Currin is terminated from 25 Apr. 15, this Offr. having been apptd. temp. Lt. R.N.V.R. (Gaz. 15 June.) To be Temporary Lieutenants, R.M. William John Balfeur-Murphy.(Gaz. 15 June.) To| date 6 LawrenceJune 15 Stuart Malcolm. To be Temporary Major, R.M. Temp. Capt. T. C. Aveling, R.M. (Gaz. 15 June.) To date 6 aune 15. To be Temporary Lieutenant, R.M. Arthur Edward Sprado Wooldridge. (Gaz. 15 June.) To date 6 June 15. The undermentioned temp. 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 22 June.) Dated 10 June 15 Edward Cyril Barnes. | Heroert Asquith. The undermentioned to be temp. 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 22 June.) Dated 10 June 15:— William Leslie Surman. | Herbert Clixby Barnes. The undermentioned to be temp. Lt.:— Temp. Lt. Harry Llewellyn Whale, R.N. Yol. Res. (Gaz. 25 June) ...... 12Junel5 The Robertundermentioned Edward Barkley. to be temp. 2nd Lts. (Gaz.| 25 June.)Sidney Dated Stretton. 13 June 16 A'laude Archibald Hepburn. (Gaz, 25 June) ...... UJune The undermentioned proby. 2nd Lts. are granted the temp, rank of Lts.— (Gaz. 25 June.) Dated 27 Mar. 15 AllanCharles Whitworth. Allen Feely. Osbert Moore Hawoith-Booth. Godfrey Edward Wildman-Lushington. Staunton Alastair Field. Henry Bolton Welman. Ernest Wynniatt Husey. Daniel Broadwood. GeorgeNeville WalpoleByron Ward. Winthrop Denman-Dean. Temp. 2nd Lt. P. AHard, Je.JLTo ( Temporary 29 June) Lieutenants,.. .. R.M...... 9Mar. Alfred George Watson. (Gaz. 29 June.) To| date 17 JamesJune 15 Hassall. :— The undermentioned Temp. Sub.-Lts., R.N. Vol. Res., R.N. Div., to be Temp. 2nd Lts. Wilfrid Barnard Mitchell. (Gaz. 29 June.) Dated| 18 JuneHarold 15 :—Hutchinson. Charles William Watson. Edward Arnold Abigail. Dennis Bridges Stevens. | Harold Ledger Keating. The undermentioned to be temp. 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 29 June.) Dated 18 June 15 :— Ralph Scudamore Wilkie. | Ernest John Shuter. (Gaz. 29 June.) Dated 20 June 15:— Arthur Courtenay Donne. ) Leonard Francis Nour e. Lance Amary Unwin. The temp, cominns. as 2nd Lts. of the undermentioned are terminated from the 26 June 15. (Gaz. 29 June 15) James Henry Grane Cunliffe. I Donaid Thomas Tyrer. The temp, commn. as Lt., R.M., of L'onel H. Mander is terminated, he having been appointed to a temp, commn. as 2nd Lt. in the A.S.C. (Gaz. 29 June.) To date 27 June 15. iOYAL MARINE FORCES. Capt. A. F. Simsor, Res. of Off., R. Mar,, is granted the temp, rank of Maj. .. ,. lOJune iSTABLISHMENTS. iCHOOL OF MlLITAKY ENGINEEBING. The undermentioned temp. appt. is made :— Qr.-Mr. and Hon. Lt. G. W. Crombie, R.E.,Quartermaster. vice Qr.-Mr. and Hon. Lt. W. J. Shaw, R.E. (Gaz. 7 June) .. .. ,, ...... 25May 124 Promotions, Appointments, dfcc.

Regular forces—comm. Armt Seevice Corps Trainiwo Establishment. The undermentioned temp. appt. is made Instructor. 2nd Lt. (temp. Capt.) C. A. Keays, A.S.C., vice Maj. A. J. Anderson, A.S.O. (Gaz. 26June)...... ItJuneli Royal Military College. The undermentioned temp. appt. is made Officer of a Company of Gentlemen Cadel s. Capt. J. h. G. Burnett, D.S.O., Gord. Highrs., and to be seed., vice Capt. B. Ussher, Leins. R. (Gaz. 2 June) ...... ,, 19 May The undermentionedCommander temp. of a appt.Company is made of Gentlemen Cadets (General Staff Officer.) Capt. H. W. McCall, York. R., from an Offr. of a Co. of Gent. Cadets, and to be temp, Maj whilst so empld., vice Capt. J. T. Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes, R.W. Kent R. (Gaz.HJune) 5May Ordnance Factories. Special Appointment. (Graded for purposes of pay as an Offr. in Charge of Danger Buildings.) Temp. 2nd Lt. W. H. Rawles. (Gaz. 7 June)., 21 May Inspection Staff. The undermentioned temp. appt. is made Assistant to the Chief Inspector. 2nd Lt. F. C. Prime, R.A., and to be seed. (Gaz. 2 June) 15May The undermentioned temp. appt. Is made Assistant Inspector. Lt.-6ol. W. J. Clarke, ret. pay. (Gaz. 4 June) ...... HMay The undermentioned temp, appts. are made Deputy Chief Inspector. Lt.-Col. C. E. Phipps, R.A., from a temp. Insp. (Gaz. 8 June) .. 24Apr. (Inspectors. Maj. K. C. Laurie, R.A., from an Asst. Insp. (Gaz. 8 June) 24Apr. Maj. F. M, Rickard, R.A., from an Asst. Insp. (Gaz. 8 June) .. 5May Maj. C. R. B. Owen, R.A., and to be seed. (Gaz. 8 June) ITMay Assistant to the Chief Inspector. 2nd Lt. W. Hales, R.A., and to be seed. (Gaz. 8 June) .. 15 May Retention Barracks. The undermentioned temp. appt. is made Commandant (2nd Class). Capt. R. C. Hamilton, 3 Bn. R. War. R., and to be seed. (Gaz. 19 June) 16May The undermentioned temp. appt. is made 1st Class Governor. Maj. T. H. M. Green, D.S.O. (Gaz. 26 June) 3June MEMORANDA. 2nd Lt. H. H. Grindley, R.F.A., Terr. Force, is granted the temp, rank of Lt. whilst holding the appt. of Railway Trans. Offr. (Gaz. 1 June).. Lt.-Col. C. 8. Prichard, D.S.O., North’n R., to be Col. (Gaz. 1 June.) Dated 2 June 15, but 9Mar.l5 with seniority from 15 Dec. 14. Maj. V. A. F. C. Visct. Churchill, G.C.V.O., Oxf. Yeo. Terr. Force, to be temp. Col. (Gaz.lJune) Capt. J. Crookenden, E. Kent R., to be temp. Maj. 'Gaz. 2 June) 270ct,14 Temp. Capt. A. E. Robertson, from 9 (Serv.) Bn. R. W. Kent R., is transferred to the lMar.15 Gen. List. (Gaz. 2 June) .. 11 May The undermentioned to be temp. Capts. Ernest V. L. Wardle, D.S.O., late Capt. York. R. (Gaz. 2 June) 30Apr. Hon. Maj. Harry Hone, late Qr.-Mr., 4 Bn. Essex R., Terr. Force. (Gaz. 2 June) . SMay Capt. and Hon. Maj. G. J. L. Ellis, late 2 V.B. D. of Corn. L.I. (Gaz. 2 June) 10 May Lt. and Hon. Capt. C. G. MannerS-Sutton, late Medway Div. R.E. (Mila.) (Gaz. 2 June) ITMay Promotions, Appointments, do. 125 fiBGULAE FORCES- contd. M KMOBAIfDA—conid. The undermentioned to be temp. Lts. H.C. Hony. (Gaz. 2June) ...... 7Apr. . Henry H. Fentem, late Lt. 6 Bn. Ches. R. (Gaz. 2 June) . !. 20Apr,15 Frederick Chester, late temp. Lt. 9 (Serv.) Bn. Gloue. R, (Gaz. 2 June) 13May H. A. H. Hoyland. to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 2 June) j .. l3Feb. The undermentioned relinquish their temp, commns. on ceasing their emplt. as Recruiting Offs. (Gaz. 3 June.) Dated 30 Apr. 15 Lt.-Col. H. Hurlbutt. | Capt. A. N. Wyatt. Ernest Gold to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 3 June) ...... 4 June The undermentioned to be temp. Lts.:— Arthur Bernard Wills Rust. (Gaz. 3 June) 14May John Murray. (Gaz. 3 June) ...... ” 19May A. E. M. Geddes. (Gaz. 3 June) .. 4June Piers D. Power to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 3 June) .. .. ” 26Mar. The undermentioned temp. Capts. are transferred to the Gen. List. (Gaz. 4 June.) Dated X Jan.15:— T. J. D. Atkinson, from 5 (Serv.) Bn. G. W. Nugent, from 6 (Serv.) Bn. R. Ir. Fus. , R. Ir. Rif. Henry George Norris to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 4 June) 5June Maxwell Hicks to be temp. Hon. Lt. (Gaz. 4 June) iMay Temp 2nd Lt. L.T. Wilson, from R.G.A., is transferred to the Gen. List. (Gaz. 4 June) 24May Frederick W. G. Bolton to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 4 June).. S.Tune The undermentioned to be temp. Hon. 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 4 June) :— Ernest Lewis. 21 Apr 15. | Edward F. Wyer. 1 May 15. The undermentioned Lt.-Cols. to be Cols (Gaz. 5 June.) Dated 17 May 15:— A. H. S. Goff, R.A. I L. G. F. Gordon, D.S.O., R.A. TheHenry undermentioned Charles Hony to be (not temp. 7 Apr. Lts. 15, ( stated 5 June.) in Gaz. Dated of 2 June1 Mar. 15.) 15 •— William Hough. | E. Keeling. 16 May 15. John Thompson. | The undermentioned to be temp. 2nd Lts. :— Temp. 2nd Lt. R. E. Slade, from TJnattd. List, Terr. Force, O.T.C. (Gaz. 5 June) Harold Woods. (Gaz. 6 June) 18May14May Gavin„ . „K. Gilchrist.„ „ (Gaz. 5 June.) Dated| 6 JuneMorgan 15 :— Thomas. J. R. Maclean. | Wyndham Deedes. Capt. G. A. Bulkley to be temp. Maj. whilst empld. at a Depot. (Gaz. 7 June) 18May The undermentioned to be temp. Lts. :— William Meeke. (Gaz. 7 June) .. 21 May Edwin Picton. (Gaz. 7 June) 22May Temp. Lt. G. H. B. Dent relinquishes his column. (Gaz. 8 June) !! " X " 7Dec.l4 2nd Lt. S. J. Cole, Wilts. R., to be temp. Lt. whilst serving in the W.A.F.F. (Gaz.8 June) 12Mayl5 Edward Turner Mead to be8 temp. Lt. (Gaz. sJunei . .. Uune (Ciaz. 8 June.) -T (Serv.) Bn.j R. War. R., is transferred to the Gen. List. Henry C. H. Scott to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 8 June) 9June The undermentioned to be temp. Capts. :— Temp. Lt. H. Allison, Remount Serv. (Gaz. 9 June) 4,1 une jt Temp.P T Lt.e W C. errH. L.K Cazalet.r< (Gaz.n 9 June) HJune J ;Tv L , r a '’ ' ° 'e Bes., Ge . List. t° be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 9 June)'.’. do. 2nd1 Lt. C. H. Spencer, 11 (Serv.) Bn.. York. R., is transferred to Gen. List. (Gaz. 9 June) do. Gen. Sir R. C. Hart, ©.(J., K.C.B., K.C.V.O., is retained on the Active Listunderthe preys, of Arts. 120, 522 and 523, Rl.Wt. for Pay and Promn. (Gaz. 11 June) do. lApr. 28 May 15. (Gaz. 11 June.) A}'FaY' t0 ,,,e t'emP- Maj. whilst empld. as 2nd-in-Cemd. of the Malay States Guides. (Gaz. 11 June) 18Mar.l4 The undermentioned to bo temp. Majs. :— Ijt- mdt an<1 HOn Co1 Ralph Harve llJune) ’ ' ' y Lyon, late 1 V.B. Essex R. (Gaz. 22Apr.l5 John M. Gill, late Maj., 3 Bn. Devon R. ”(Gaz. 11 June)” ” ” 19May The undermentioned to be temp. Capts. •— Harry Gordon Fellowes-Gordon, late Capt., 3 Bn. Gord. Highrs. (Gaz. 11 June) IMar. T . T „ (Gaz. 11 June.) Dated 22 May 15:- Conn. Rang8’ te CaPt'’ 4 Bn' | Ri<“ G°0de’ late Temp. Lt. W. Jepson Turner. (Gaz.llJune) .. 7J une 126 Promotions, Appointments, &c.

REGULAR FORCES—contd. M KMOIiANDA—contd. The undermentioned to be temp. Lta. John Stewart Marshall Connell. (Gaz. llJune) Gordon Georee Michael Tyson. (Gaz. 11 June) .. 3Mayl5 Arsemo Joseph Pinto-Leite, late Lt., R.A. (Gaz. 11 June) " ” 7May William Allan Grieve to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. ll June) 15 May COl r 0r(1 TMr nf O d.4;. Stores,- ®ept.,W.O. to(Gaz. be temp. i2June) Brig.-Gen. whilst empld. as Deputy lApr. Michael Albert Sullivan to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 12 June) .. .. ^ ” " 12May TheDatedri61May0f5e--N'C'0'’S’MOt°r Cyclists' H E ’ to be temP- Lts. (Gaz. 12 June.) Corpl.Corn!' S.s’T J.i 'iS.niSi5'Bruford. |i Corpl.r’orpl. P.R. J.Simmonds. Birch. 18 May20 May 15. 15. The lerme lt on e,i Col i are provs."“: of, Arts.I ; 120, andJ -522 Rl.Wt. retained for onPay the and Active Promn., List, 14:— supern. to estabt., under the P. A. Fortescae, C.B. t Gaz. 14 June) Ten ri en c lOApr. •rorce.S^ ^(Gaz.- ■14 June) ?°per. C.B.. M. V.O., D.S.O., comdg, U/lst Lond. Div., Terr! 21Apr. Temp Brif'-Gen E. K. Daubeney, D.S.O. (Gaz. 14 June) V. 23 May Paul R. S. Churchward, C.B., comdg. No. 6 Dist. (Gaz. u June).. 13June G t0 be t6mp Lt Co1 whi,st empld as ““a G-S^.Tst Grade ^Gat. fi Junef’ ^ - - - ' 26May CaPRauWty^rnrsy^G4zPHJu°ne)e temP' Mai- whil3t empld. as a Dep. Asst.’Dir. of Pre I k P Well 00d lat6 CaPt 10 ( ery ) Bu N Lau E to 15 June ?Gaz. l4 June) T. ’ ' ® ' ' - - - ^ temp. Capt! 8Mar. Th0nlITOe Tme^i«we B Mt a 16June Lt'. ' '‘ " ' ”; ‘: “ «;)'» the do. The undermentioned to be temp. Lts. 0nP «May ArSmr^Tw'inan'pauL ^OG^'l* June) ; (^-15 June) ...... Uune Qr Staff^apL^it the W.O.^^az^ie' june)11 *i0 b6 temp- Capt- " hnst empld’ as a The undermentioned to be temp. Lts. 2nd Lt. J. German. (Gaz. 16 June) 21 May L. Walford. (Gaz. 16June) .. .. " " 8 June t emp 2nd Lts (Gaz 16 June 1 Roland 1\ illiam Whittall., 1 ' - |- Kenneth- Gated Edwin 8 June Whittall. 15: - Qr.-Mr. and Hon. Capt. W J. Bennett, A.S.C., to be Hon. Maj. (Gaz. 16 June) L J< 1 PUUer Commissionp 26 May ' Maj. (GaznTjfinei ’ r of the Brit. S.A. Police, to be temp. 18 May The undermentioned to be temp. Capts. •— Maj M. J R Dundas, late 3 Bn. E. Kent R. (Gaz. 17 June) .. Slr b > eSWOr i Anl3yn Bt ] 31May 17U ' ’ -. ate Capt. 8 Bn. D. of Corn. L.I. (Mila.). (Gaz. 2 June The undermentioned to be temp. Lts. whilst empld. with the K. Afr. Rif. •— GeoHrey Redaway King. (Gaz. 17 June) . 2Dec.l4 Arthur Henry Gee. (Gaz. 17 June) .. " ” 30Jan,15 *0 bote«iP.U. whilst empld. at a Remt. Depot. (Gaz. 17 June) Te, P L e a S P 9 Serv ferre^to theGrn.L?sr ( Gaz.n J^’ < .) Bn. D. of Corn. L.I.. is trans- ISJune L 8t Moul ei 21May ' wflliam^NoIfpn^Fff^VWilliam Noel Cunliffe to beK temp.; Capt.™ ? whilstVol. Kif., empld. to be as temp. a Remt. Capt. Off. (Gaz! (Gaz. 18 18June) June) ..! 1 12June Promotions, Appointments, &c. 127

REGULAR FORCES—contd. M EMOBAHDA—OOntd. The undermentioned to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 18 June.) Dated 2 May 15 C. E. Hatchell. I H. S. Glass. Fredericknotification Hames which to be appeared temp. Lt. in Gaz.(Gaz. of 18 11 June.) May 15.iDated 8 May 15. (Substituted for the George Snowden Storey to be temp. Lt. whilst empld. as a Remt. Off. (Gaz. 18 June) .. 2nd Lt. O. L. Hargreaves, from 8. Gds., Spec. Res. of Off., Suppy. List, to be transferred l2Jnnel5 to the Gen. List. (Gaz. 18 June) .. UJune Lt.-Col. (local Col.) H. H. Austin, C.M.O., D.S.O., R.E., to be temp. Brie. Gen. whilst lApr. Maj.Comdt., and Hon. Cadet Lt.-Col. Coll., Quetta. W. T. Lovering,(Gaz. 19 June) late Cornwall Art. Vols., to be temp. Maj. (Gaz. 19 June) 22May The undermentioned to be temp. Capts. William Bakes Moorhonse. late Capt. 2 V. B. W. York. R. (Gaz. 19 June) 6May Capt. and Hon. Maj. C. R. Sibley, late 1st Cadet Bn. R. Fus. (Gaz. 19 June) 17Feb. The undermentioned to be temp. Lts. Norman G. P. de C. Tronson, late Lt. 1 Bn. Leic. R. (Gaz. 19 June) .. ISAugll S.H. Davis. (Gaz. 19 June) 1 May 15 G. M. Hamilton. (Gaz. 19 June.) DatedI 20 C.June P. Wilson.15 O. R. M. Kelly. i Arthur E. Marley to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 19 June) 20June Qr.-Mr.Maj.-Gen. and Sir Hon. J. L. Capt. Keir, F. K.C.B J. Grimbly , to be be Hon.Lt.-Gen. Maj. (Gaz.(Gaz. 21 19 June) June) do. Col. (temp. Brig.-Gen.) Hon. F. Gordon, C.B., D.S.O., to be temp. Maj.-Gen. (Gaz. 21 27 May June) Lt.-Col. C. S. Dodgson, A.S.C., to be temp. Col. (Gaz. 21 June) ITJnne Maj. H. E. Garstln, R.A., to be temp. Lt.-Col. whilst holding the appt. of Asst. Dir. of 13May Ord. Serv. (Gaz. 21 June) ...... SOct.ll TheMaj. undermentioned J. M. Young, to A.S.C. be temp. Lt.-Cols. (Gaz.| 21 June.)Maj. DatedM. Moore, 13 May A.S.C. 15:— Maj. Hon. R. French, Glouc. R. (Gaz. 21 June) ...... 22,Tunel5 Temp. Capt. S. Orpen, from 14 (Serv.) Bn. Hamps. R., is transferred to the Gen. List. (Gaz. 21 June) ...... Uune Temp. Lt. R. H. B. Gwynn, from R.G.A., is transferred to the Gen. List. (Gaz. 21 June) 19May The promn. to temp. Lt. of temp. 2nd Lt. M. Spicer, notified in Gaz. of 22 May 15,is can- celled. (Gaz. 21‘June.) The undermentioned to be temp. Lts. SydneyWilfred JosephRichard Smith. Matthews. (Gaz. 21(Gaz. June) 21 June)...... 25May24May Bt. HuntleyCol. (temp. Gordon Brig. HydeGen.) Cowell.J. R. Longley, (Gaz. 21 from June) E. ..Surr. R.,.. to be.. Col. ..(Gaz. 22.. June... 28May Dated 21 June 15, but with seniority from 15 Dec. 14. The undermentioned relinquish their commns. Temp. Maj. F. R. Gregson. (Gaz. 22 June) ...... 22Nov.l4 Temp. Capt. E. G. Short. (Gaz. 22 June) ...... 3Nov. The undermentioned to be temp. Capts. : — James F. Davison, late Capt., 3 Bn. R. Higbrs. (Gaz. 22 June) ...... 12Sept. William F. Tremayne, late Capt. 4 D.G. (Gaz. 22 June) ...... 22Mayl5 The undermentioned to be temp. Capts. whilst empld. with the Remt. Serv. (Gaz. 22 June.) Dated 14 June 15 : — A. H. Hornby. I E. Hilton-Gardner. Frederic Turner, late Lt. 2 V.B. R. Fus., to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 22 June) ...... 27May The undermentioned Qr.-Mrs. and Hon. Capts. to be Hon. Majs. (Gaz. 22 June.) Dated 23 June 15 P. McDonnell, R. ir. Fus. I A. Wheeler, R.A.M.C. H. P. Wakefield, R.A.M.C. | The appt. of the undermentioned to be temp. Qr.-Mrs. and Hon. Lts., notified in Gaz. of 9 Sept.Charles 14, is Burnleycancelled. Belt. (Gaz. 22 June)°i.k[ James Newton. - With reference to the lists of appts. to temp. 2nd Ltcies. published in Lond. Gaz. dated 19 Jan. 15, 11 Feb. 15, 2 Mar. 15, 5 Mar. 15. 26 Mar. 15, 13 Apr. 15 (page 3588), 27 Apr. 15, 14 May 15, and 4 June, 15, under the following or similar heading;—“ The under mentioned N.C.O.’s. and Men of 28 Bn., Lond. R., unless otherwise stated, to be temp. 2nd Lts. ” ; these Offrs. are apptd. as temp. 2nd Lts. of the regiments under which their names will appear in next issue of the Monthly Army List, with effect from date of their appts. as temp. 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 22 June) Anthony M. Caccia to be temp. Maj. (Gaa. 23 June) ...... 24June WilliamTemp. 2nd Alfred Lt. A. Helyar Hibbert, to be from temp. R.G.A., Lt. ( transferred 23 June) to the.. Gen... List. ..(Gaz. 23.. June),... 13June3June Qr.-Mr. and Hon. Capt. J. Barry, ret. pay, to be Hon. Maj. (Gaz, 23 June) ,, 24June TheLt. uadermentioned J. P. W. Davies, are 11 transferred Bn. Gloue. toR. the (Gaz. Gen. 21 List'.— Juno) .. .. - ...... 17 A or, Lt. W. G. E. Longworth, 7 Bn. R. Ir. Fus. (Gaz. 24 June) .. .. ' .. .. 28'pr 2nd Lt. C. Baldwin, 11 Bn, Glouc, B, (Gaz. 24 June) ,, ,, », ,, „ do. 128 Promotions, Appointments, &c.

REGULAR FORCES—comM. Mbmoeaitda— The undermentioned to be temp. Lts. whilst empld. with the W. A. F. F. (Gaz. 24 June ) Dated 27 Mar. 15 2nd Lt. P. S. Emerton, 4 Bn. R. War. R. 2nd Lt. C. C. R. Lacon, 4 Bn. R. War. R. 2nd Lt. J. H. Barrett, 3 Bn. R. Lane. R. The undermentioned to he temp. 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 24 June.) Dated 4 June 15 J.Edward O’Donel. Minchin. I| GeorgeStephen Farrell. H. Moynagh. Lt.-Col. R. M. Poore, D.8.O., 7 Hrs., to be Col. Dated 26 June 15, but with seniority from 15 Dec. 14. (Gaz. 25 June.) Temp. Lt. S. J. Clifford to be temp. Capt. whilst empld. with K. Afr. Rif. (Gaz. 25 June) 2nd Lt. R. F. Henry, 15 (Serv.) Bn. R. Ir. Rif., is transferred to the Gen. List on appt. to 3Sept.l4 the Stafl. (Gaz. 25 June) .. 16Sept. Claude Barrow to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 25 June).. 26J unel5 Maj. SirR. E. A. Home,K. F. Rich, D.S.O., Bt., R.A., ret. pay,to be to temp. Lt.-Col. Lt.-Col. whilst (Gaz. Acting 26 June) Commdt., .. lird.” Coil." 27 June (Gaz. 26 June) ...... e .. Col. L. C. Jackson, C.J/.G'., ret. pay, to bo temp. Brig.-Gen. (Gaz.28Jnne) do. Temp. Capt. F. Lark, 10 (Serv.) Bn. Suff. R., is transferred to the Gen. List. (Gaz 29June 28 June) do. Thecancelled. appt. to a temp.(Gaz. 28Ltcy. June.) of George Snowden S orey, notified in Gaz of 18 June 15, is Temp. Lt. J. K. Foster-Melliar, 10 Bn. Bofd. R , is transferred to the Gen. List. (Gaz. 28 June) do. E. J. Smith to be temp. Lt. whilst empld. as a Remt. Offr. (Gaz. 28 June)" 21,Tune The undermentioned Native Offr., Ind. Army, is grarted the hon. rank of Capt. on retirement:— Ressaidar Mirza Karim Beg, ilf.F.O., Sardar Bahadur, late 20 Deccan Hse. (Gaz. 28 June) 29June Temp. Capt. H. G. Fenwick relinquishes his commn. (Gaz. 29 June) 23Jun6 The appts. of the undermentioned temp. Capts. (Gaz. 29 June) Spec. List, are antedated as follows. J. R. W. Blake, to 7 Oct. 14. C. W. Paulet Slade, to 14 Apr. 15. W. A. Cascaden, I.S.O.,to 24 Nov. 14. | E. Pellier Johnson, to 15 Apr. 15. The appt. to the rank of temp. Lt.of J. G. Hurd-Wood,iwhich appeared in Gaz. of 13 Oct. 14, is dated 12 Oct. 14. (Gaz. 29 June.) Temp. 2nd Lt. Hon. A. J. W. Keppell to he temp. Lt. (Gaz. 29 June) SiJune Temp. Hon. Lt. M. Hicks to be temp. Hon. Capt. (Gaz. 29 June) .. 18 Jan. Temp. Lt. W. T. David, A.O.D., is transferred to the Gen. List. (Gaz. 29 June) UMay GENERAL RESERVE OF OFFICERS. CAVALRY. 2ndCapt. Lt. J. C.W. Kerr F. Tarleton, to be Lt. Res.(Gaz. of 16Offs., June) 6 Dns., relinquishes his commn. (Gaz. 29 June) 1 31May Lt. Hon. M. F. S. Howard relinquishes his commn. on account of ill-health. (Gaz 29 SOJune June) do. INFANTRY. Lt. H. T. Pomfret to be Capt. (Gaz. 9 June) 21 May John Black, late R. Lane. R., to he Lt. (Gaz. 21June) 21Jnne OFFICERS' TRAINING CORPS. 2nd Lt. E. A. Godson is transferred from Cav. 13 June Promotions, Appointments, &c. 129

SPECIAL RESERVE OF OFFICERS. CAVALRY. North Irish Horse. Lt. E. Despard resigns his commn. (Gaz. 11 June)...... 12Junel5 King Edward’s Horse (The King’s Oversea Dominions Regiment). Ma). H. O. Corlotte is placed on the h.p. List. (Gaz. 4 June) ...... SJune The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.):— Robert Girvan. (Gaz. 29 June) ...... 27June

ROYAL GARRISON ARTILLERY. The Antrim.Albert Victor Kerrison to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) (Gaz. 23 June) Dated 18 June 15. (Sub- stituted ior notification which appeared in Gaz. of 17 June 15). The Cork.The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.):— Harold Renier Bath. (Gaz. 22 June) ...... 19June Arthur Crosbie to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) (Gaz. 23 June) Dated 11 June 15. (Sub- stituted for notification which appeared in Gaz. of 16 June 15). CORPS OF ROYAL ENGINEERS. Royal Anglesey. The undermentioned member of the Inns of Court O.T.C. to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) Alfred Henry Garratt. (Gaz. 16 June) ...... Ig.Tune The undermentioned ex-Cadet of the O.T.C. to bo 2nd Lt. (on prob.) Lawrence Henry Pope. (Gaz. 24 June) ...... 25June The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.): - Francis Joseph Heyes. (Gaz. 29 June) ...... SOJone The Royal Monmouthshire. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) Robert Dillon Trinder Lowe. (Gaz. 1 June) ...... 2June Francis Vyvyan-Roblnson (from Unattd. List, Terr. Force). (Gaz. 4 June) .. .. Uune 2nd Lt.W. H. Crawford-Clarke to be Lt. (Gaz. 23 June) ...... lOMay Postal Section. CecilTemp. James Lt. A. MilesPayne to to be be temp. temp. 2nd Capt. Lt. (Gaz.(Gaz. 34 June)June) ...... 20May12May Stuart Herbert Hunt to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. SJune) ...... 24viay Temp. Lt. W. T. Brain to be Capt. (Gaz.llJune) ...... 6May Percy Gibson Bennell to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 28 June) ...... 17June Motor Cyclist Section. Corpl. W. N. Gurdon to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 22 June) ...... 28May Alfred Tozer to be temp. 2nd Lt. (Gaz.29June) ...... SOJune

INFANTRY. 3rd Battalion, The Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment). The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) (Gaz. 1 June.) Dated 1 June 15. (They are ro join the Sch. of Instrn. at Edinburgh (Lothian) commencing 5 Juna 15, Norman Victor Leslie-Melville. | James Armour Fieming. * The undermentioned 2nd Lts. (on prob.) are confirmed in their rank. (Gaz. 3 June) J. MacK. Campbell. | H. B. Lumsden. The undermentioned Cadet or ex-Cadet of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.):— Max Louis Robinson. (Gaz. 10 June) ...... HJune The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.):— Sebright Edward Coffin. (Gaz. 10 Juno) ...... do. 2nd Lt. W. Y. F. Fleming is seed, for service with the Admiralty. (Gaz. 17 June) ., isJune The undermentioned 2nd Lts. (on prob.) are confirmed in their rank (Gaz. 17 June) :— T. E. A. Buchan-Hepburn. I E. A Treherne. E. D. Crossman. E. A. C. Fulton. J. H. Cochrane. 1 F. R. Ritchie. 5 130 Promotions, Appointments, Ac.

SPECIAL RESERVE OF OFFICERS—contd. Infantry—coraicL 3rd Battalion, The Queen’s Own (Royal West Surrey Regiment). The undermentioned member of the Inns of Court O.T.C. to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) :— Cyril Cliftord Talboys. (Gaz. 1 June) 2J unel5 The undermentioned 2nd Lts. (on prob.) are confirmed in their rank. (Gaz. 3 June) ;— E. D. Donnell. | p. Gurrey. Theare undermentioned to attend the Sch. to beof Instrn.2nd Lta. at (onNorwich, prob.) commencing(Gaz. 7 June.) 11 JuneDated 16) 7 :— June 15. (They HaroldJames Waters Edgar EthelredEarnscliHe Peacock. Avern. | Charles Ffolliott Denning. TheE. undermentioned G. H. Robyns. 2nd Lts. (on prob.) are confirmedI Robertson.their rank. (Gaz. 8 June) :— F. M. Evans. Theto undermentioned join the Sch. of be 2nd at OxfordLt. (on University, prob.) (Gaz. commencing 9 June.) Dated 14 June 19 16)June :— 15. (He is Stanley Edward Lukyn. The W.undermentioned A. Phillips, and Lts. to toremain be Capts. seed. (Gaz. 11| June.) G.Dated A. White. 13 Apr. 15:— The undermentioned Cadet or ex-Cadet of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.):- Nevil Ford Furze. (Gaz. 11 June) .. 12 J une Lt. B. E. Leader to be Capt, (Gaz. 15 June).. 22May The undermentioned members of the Inns of Court O.T.C. to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) (Gaz. 17 June) Dated 18 June 15:— James Gray Stevens Morrison. Walter John Warrell-Bowring. Nigel Dennistoun Scott. Ernest Edward Johnson. Ernest William Edwards. John Sowerby Milner. Charles Routledge McWhinnie. William Stranger. Robert Edward Adeney. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. (on prob.) are confirmed in their rank. (Gaz. 17 June):- D. S. Parsons. B. H. Hayes. H. L. Hartill. A. W. Portal. (Gaz. 22 June) H.F. C.W. Clubb. Goldberg. E. C. Thorneycroft. (Gaz. 22 June) 2nd Lt. H. J. P. Thompson, from Suppy. List, to be Lt. (Gaz. 24 June) 130ct.l4 The undermentioned Cadet or ex-Cadet of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.):- Gerald Drury Gonville Bottomley. (Gaz. 25 June) 26Junel5 3rd Battalion, The East Kent Regiment. The undermentioned member of the Inns of Court O.T.C. to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) Leslie Guy Carman. (Gaz. 1 June) 2 June The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) They are to attend the Sch. of Instrn. at NorwichJohnRussell. commencing 11 June 15. (Gaz. 7 June.)| DatedAlexander 7 Jnne John 15:— Hanmer. The undermentioned Cadet or ex-Cadet of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) He is to join the Sch. of Instrn. at Bury St. Edmunds, commencing 12 June 15 :— Noel Adair Harper. (Gaz. 7 June) ...... SJune The undermentioned 2nd Lt. (on prob.) is confirmed in his rank :— N. E. Wood. (Gaz. 8 June) TheArthur undermentioned Henry Goodall. to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) | (Gaz. 11 JohnJune.) Hastings Dated 12Dinsmore. June 15 :— The undermentioned Cadet or ex-Cadet of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.): — Archibald Duncan Campbell Macaulay. (Gaz. 11 June) 12June TheRobert undermentioned Lester Rigby. to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) | (Gaz. 11Carleton June.) DatedStuart 12 Whitlock. June 16: — The undermentioned 2nd Lt. (on prob.) is confirmed in his rank (Gaz. 22 June) :— C. R. Fay. The undermentioned Cadets or ex-Cadets of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) (Gaz. 25 June.) Dated 26 June 15:— Robert Jephson Hilary. | Jack Chester. 3rd Battalion, The King’s Own (Royal Lancaster Regiment). The undermentioned 2nd Lts. (on prob.) are confirmed In their rank :— D. M. Brown. (Gaz. 3 June.) G. C. Jackson. (Gaz. 8| June.) B. Peers. Lt. G. M. Darragh is seed, for service on the Staff. (Gaz. 10 June) 8 May The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.):— Christopher Other Wright. (Gaz. 14 June) .. ,, 15 June Promotions, Appointments, dbc. 131

SPECIAL RESERVE OF OFFICERS-ccmM. IKFANTBY—OOntd. 3rd Battalion, The King’s Own (Royal Lancaster Regiment) —contd. TheG undermentioned L. Chesney. 2nd Lt. (on prob.) is eonflrmed in his rank. (Gaz. 22 June) •— Lt. R. P. F. D. MacGrath is removed from the Army, The King having no further occasion for his services. (Gaz. 26 June.) .. 27 Junel TheG. undermentioned Moon-Williams. 2nd Lt. (on prob.) is confirmed in his rank (Gaz. 29 June)’ 3rd Battalion, The Northumberland Fusiliers. The undermentioned Lts. to be Capts. (Gaz. 4 June.) Dated 26 Feb. 15 5'R. Vj'C. £'Koddam. I G. E. MaxwellDarley-Waddilove. Lyte, Res. of Off. C. L. C. Hodgson. | H. H. Prideaux. The undermentioned Cadet or ex-Cadet of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) He is ]0'n the Sen. of Instrn. at Tynemouth, commencing on 15 June 15 Alfred Forest Scott. (Gaz. 9 June) .. lOJnne 3rd Battalion, Royal Warwickshire Regiment. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) St. Edmunds, commencing 12 June IS:— He is to join the Sch. of Instrn. at Bury Eustace Rayne Parmiter. (Gaz. 7 June) 8June The undermentioned Cadet or ex-Cadet of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) Samuel George Pickering. (Gaz. 10 June) HJune The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) — Temp.Edmund 2nd Lt. Henry T. F. Maurice Lucas, from Eldridge. 10 (Serv.) (Gaz.’10 Bn., toJune) be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) '(Gaz. 10 June)’.’. do. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.)• 14Feb. Ernest Ralph Nutting. (Gaz. 14 June) .. „ HJune The undermentionedlkll t0n 2nd Lts. (on prob.) are confirmed in their rank. (Gaz. 22 June) •— I C. V. ^Morris.js - I J.C.H. P. Johnson. Blunt. J. R. Landon. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to bo Lts; R. Cory-Wright. (Gaz. 23 June) .. 25Apr. R. P. N. Towle. (Gaz. 23 June) 9 May The e t C a ex CadetS f the 0-T C to be 2nd Lts (on 25"unerFrankD Penroseated 26 TFeastune Pr- ' ° | ' Joseph‘ Cecil Smith.- Prob.) (Gaz. William Percy Gilbert McGeoch. | 4th Battalion, Royal Warwickshire Regiment. The undermentioned Cadet or ex-Cadet of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lt. (on nrob ) •— William Robert Leslie Horton. (Gaz. 10 June) ...... HJuno The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) •— Arnold William Harwood. (Gaz. 10 June) ,. .. : do. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) Rosser Marriott Dean. (Gaz. 16 June) .. 17.1 une »th Battalion) The Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regiment). TheSch. undermentioned of Instrn. at Chatham,to be 2nd commencing Lts. (on prob.) 12 June, (Gaz. 15:— 7 June). They are to attend the Erskine Josiah Eccles. 4 Jane 15. | Sidney James Parker. 8 June 15. The(Gaz. undermentioned 9 June.) Dated Cadet 10 June or ex-Cadet15. He is of to thejoin O.T.C.,the Sch. toof 2nd at Lt.Oxford (on Univer-prob ) sity, commencing 14 June, 15:— Neil Mathieson Pearson. Thejoin undermentioned the Soli, of Instrn. to be 2ndat Oxford Lt. (on University, nrob.) (Gaz. commencing 9 June.) Dated 14 June 10 15June • — 15. He is to Frederic Leslie Dunwell. Temp. 2nd Lt. E. C. Cheshire, from 14 (Serv.) Bn., to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) (Gaz. 14 June) The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.):— 9Feb. Geoffrey Dunean Stephens. (Gaz. 25 June) 26June The undermentioned 2nd Lts. (on prob.) are confirmed in their rank. (Gaz 29 June) •— T. Robertson. | J. p. n. Simpson. Sth Battalion, The Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regiment). Theto undermentioned join the Sch. of toInstrn. be 2nd at Lts. Bury (on St. prob.) Edmunds, (Gaz. commencing7 June.) Dated 12 June 8 June 15:— 15. They are Arthur Josiah Lord. | John Harry Jacobs. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.):— Leslie Ambrose Dunt. (Gaz. 11 June) .. 12,1une 5* 132 Promotions, Appointments, Ac.

SPECIAL RESERVE OF OFFICERS-coraid. INFANTRY—COntd. 7th Battalion, The Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regiment). Theattend undermentioned the Seh. of toInstrn. be 2nd at Lt. Norwich, (on prob.) commencing (Gaz 7.Tune.) 11 June Dated15 7 June 15. He is to Max Wallace Brown. Thejoin undermentioned the Sch. of Instrn. to be 2ndat Harwich, Lt. (on prob.) cemmencing (Gaz. 7June.) 12 June 15Dated : — S June 15. He is to Stephen Lewis Pettit. The undermentioned Cadet or ex-Cadet of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) (Gaz. 7 June.) Dated 8 June 15. He is to join the Sch. of Instrn. at Bury St. Edmunds, commencing 12 June 15:— Noel Charles Whittall. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) (Gaz. 9 June.) Dated 10 June 15. They are to join the Seh. of Instrn. at Oxford University, commencing 14 June 15:— Frederick James Morgan. ; I John Henry Arundel Godolphin St. Aubyn. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) :— Kenneth Edwards Hawkins. (Gaz. 14 June) ...... UJunelS Bi d Battalion, The King’s (Liverpool Regiment). The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) (Gaz. 4 June.) Dated 5 June 15. They are to join the Srh. of Instrn. at Liverpool, commencing 11 June 15:— Kenneth James Mackenzie Baines. I Stanley Herbert Bowley. Henry Ibbotson. I Edward Geoffrey Randal MacDonnell. Temp. 2nd Lt. John A. Jameson, from 12 (Serv.) Bn. Lan. Fus., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz.WJnne) 22Sept.l4 The undermentioned Cadet or ex-Cadet of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) :— Er-ic Albert Mendlam Cleveland. (Gaz. 21 June) ...... 2lJune!5 The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) (Gaz. 21 June.) Dated 21 June 15 : - Philip Lewis Hogan. | Vivian Gray. The undermentioned 2nd Lt. (on prob.) is confirmed in his rank. (Gaz. 22 June) :— H. V. Gregory. 4th Battalion, The King’s (Livei'pool Regiment). Tlie undermentioned 2nd Lts. (on prob.) are confirmed in their rank. (Gaz. 8 Juno.):— H. W. P. Cutting. I W. Audas. J. S. Hutchings. H. T. Fishenden. G. D. H. Atkin. Capt. W. Stanford-Samuel is seed, for service with W.A.F.F. (Gaz. 12 June) .. .. 17Apr. Brd Battalion, The Norfolk Regiment. The sarname of 2nd Lt. C. W. Back is as now described, and not as stated in Gaz. of 23 May. (Gaz. 1 June) The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) (Gaz. 7 June). Dated 7 June 15. He is to attend the Sch. of Instrn. at Norwich commencing 11 June 15:— Leslie Carl Wendt. TheDated undermentioned 8 June 15. He Cadet is to orjoin ex-Cadet the Sch. of of the Instrn. O.T.C. at to Harwich, be 2nd Lt. commencing (on prob.) (Gaz. 12 June 7 June) 15:— Richard George Daniels. Thejoin undermentioned the Sch. of Instrn. to be at2nd Harwich Lt (on prob.) commencing (Gaz, 712 June). June 15:—Dated 8 June 15. Be is to William Orr Hampton. Thejoin undermentioned the Sch. of Instrn. to be at2nd Bury Lt. (onSt. Edmunds,prob.) (Gaz. commencing 7 June). Dated 12 June 8 15June : — 15. He is to John Townsend Tutin. Temp. 2nd Lt. E. L. West, from 9 (Serv.) Bn. to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) (Gaz. 10 June) .. lApr. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) :— H;rnest William Popplewell Fulcher. (Gaz. 11 June) ...... 12.Tune Frank Robert Wail, (Gaz. 14 June) ...... 14June The undermentioned Cadet or ex-Cadet of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) : — Henry Webster. (Gaz. 16 June) ...... 17.Tune The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) :— Eugene Patrick Albert Lambert. (Gaz. 16 June) ...... do. The notification of the appt. of J. T. Tutin to a 2nd Ltcy, which appeared in Gaz. of 7 June 15, is cancelled. (Gaz. 16 June). The undermentioned Cadet or ex-Cadet of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lt. Von prob.): - Frederick Entwistle. (Gaz. 25 June) .. ., ., .. 26June Promotions, Appointments, &c. 133 SPECIAL RESERVE OF OFFICERS—coreid, INFANTEY—contd. ird Battalion, The Lincolnshire Regiment. Th0c!1EtlNmcIiopOered 2nd Lt' (°n prob)’ is contlrniec! in his rank. (Gaz. 3 June) 2nd Lt. H. W. G. Avenell, from Line. Yeo. Terr. Force, to be Capt. (Gaz. 4 June) SJuuels Thejoin undermentioned the Sch. of Instrn. to he at2nd Bury Lt. (on St. prob.)Edmunds, (Gaz. commencing 7 June). Dated 12 June 8 June 15-— 15 He is to Lenox William McClure John. The undermentioned Cadet or ex-Cadet of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lt. (on prob ) •- John Livingston Barnicot. (Gaz. 11 June) _ '' W ay I t e 12June T he undei mentioned, /, ’ ? 2nd„ Capt., Lts. 3(on Bn., prob.) E. York. are confirmed R„ to be their (Gaz. rank 29(Gaz. June) 29 June)’’ SOJune lv. r. Tindal. | g (j Woodcock. ird Battalion. The Devonshire Regiment. The(G?dTjune!)nDat"deTjune0lf5:-e InnS °f C°Urt °-T-C- t0 bS 2nd Lts- (on prob-> Edwa^Frtn^sGwynne Davies. | Leslie Vesey‘ The undermentioned Cadet or ex-Cadet of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lt. (on prob ) (Gaz 7 36 iS t0 i0in th6 SCh f lnstrn at coTmU^j'StArnold James Pople. ' ° ' B-y MdS The d n i01 e fc be Lt joini^ the^^ Sch.i ofl ?Instrn. ? at Bury- J-onSt. Edmunds,prGb.) (Gaz. commencing 7 June.) Dated12 June 8 15June •— 15. He Is to Arthur James Esdaile. TheG. undermentioned b. D. Carver. (Gaz.2nd Lt. 8 June.) (on prob.) is confirmed in his rank The undermentioned Cadet or ex-Cadet of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) (Gaz 9 He iS t0 3 in the Sch of Instrn at lommencinfllJuneTs:-Henry Cardew Woolicombe. ° ‘ ‘ Oxfo^dUniversity! Th e ne mbe r 0 6 f C Urt ,T C t0 b6 2ml Lt< ,0n prob ) Temp.yaf"st 2nd Lt.H D.?GTz Ditmas,i o j fromu neO 11 (Serv.)° Bn.,° to °be 2nd’ - Lt. (on prob.) (Gaz. -10 June) The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) 27Jan. Temp.John 2nd Archibald Lt. Aubrey Rennie. J. F. Prynne,(Gaz. 14 from June) 11 (Serv.).. Bn., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 16 June) 14 June The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) 9Nov.l4 Samuel Hector Munro. (Gaz. 21 June) The undermentioned Cadet or ex-Cadet of the O.T.C. to he 2nd Lt. (on prob.) •- 22.Tunel5 John Spence McGowan. (Gaz. 25 June) .. 26.1 une •d Battalion, The Suffolk Regiment. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob ) •— Herbert Victpr Lee. (Gaz. l June) 2.1 une Theattend undermentioned the Sch. of toInstrn. be 2nd at Lt. Norwich, (on prob.) commencing (Gaz 7 June U June ) Dated 15 •- 7 Tnno is ' He•cr„ ‘S t0 Gilbert Frank Igglesden. Theattend undermentioned the Sch. of toInstrn. be 2ndLt. at Harwich, (on prob.) commencing (Gaz. 7 June.) 12 June Dated 15: 8 June 15 He is to Leslie Clarence Whitcombe. Temp. 2nd Lt Frank W. Rix, from 10 (Serv.) Bn., to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) (Gaz. 9 June).. lOMar. The undermentioned Lts. to be Capts. (Gaz. ll June.) Dated 24 ipr 15 •— J.I'm Thackeray. I W.R. B.L WLlewpllvn Roshbro'oke. 2nd Lt. R. G. Prichard (since killed in action) to be Lt. (Gaz. 11 June) ' 2Feb. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) (Gaz. 11 June.) Dated 12 June 15 •— Hugh^Eames Wortley?" I Richard Leslie Algernon Bryant. Capt. E. F. Hausburg to be Maj. (Gaz. 12 June) 19May The undermentioned 2nd Lts. (on prob.) are confirmed in their rank. (Gaz. 22 June)

28.) une 134 Promotions, Appointments, &c

SPECIAL RESEKVE OF OFFICERS—eonid. Infantry—contd. 3rd Battalion, Prince Albert’s (Somerset Light Infantry). TheDated undermentioned 8 June IS. CadetThey orare ex-Cadot to join of the the Sch.O.T.C. of toInstrn. bo 2nd at Lt. Bury (on prob.) St. Edmunds, (Gaz. 7 June.) com- mencingNorman 12 June Finnis 15 Herapath. I Alan Newman Pictor. The undermentioned Cadet or ex-Cadet of theO.T.C. tobe 2nd Lt. (onprob.) (Gaz.9June.i Dated 10 June 15. He is to join the Sch. of Instrn. at Oxford University, commencing 15 June 16:— Eric Vernon Smith. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) (Gaz. 9 June.) Dated 10 June 15. They are to join the Sch. of Instrn. at Oxford University, commencing 14 June 15 George Ernest Lower. I Lionel George Windebank. The undermentioned 2nd Lt. (on prob.) is confirmed in his rank. (Gaz. 22 June) :— A. A. Stead. 3rd Battalion, The Prince of Wales’s Own (West Yorkshire Regiment). The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) (Gaz. 9 June.) Dated 10 Jnno 15. They are to join the Sch. of Instrn. at Tynemouth, commencing on 15 June 15 :— Hugh Pater. I Edward Goddard King. The undermentioned Cadets or ex-Cadets of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) (Gaz. 25 June) Dated 26 June 15;— Harold Blakeney Davies. I Arthur Edmund Wright Stead. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) :— John Duckworth Irving. (Gaz. 25 June)...... •• 26Junel5 4th Battalion, The Prince of Wales’s Own (West Yorkshire Regiment). The undermentioned 2nd Lt. (on prob.) is confirmed In his rank. (Gaz. 8 June) :— A. F. lago. The undermentioned Cadet or ex-Cadet of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) (Gaz. 9 June.) Dated 10 June 15. He is to join the Sch. of Instrn. at Tynemouth, commencing 15 June )5:— Roland Charles Richardson. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) (Gaz. 9 June.) Dated 10 June 15. He is to join the Sch. of Instrn. at Tynemouth, commencing 15 June 15 :— Henry Lindau Pearson. The undermentioned Cadet orex-Cadet of the O.T.C. tobe2ndLt.(onprob.) (Gaz.9 June). Dated 10 June 15. He is to join the Sch. of Instrn. at Oxford University,commencing 14 June 16 :— Frank Stephenson. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) (Gaz. 9 June.) Dated 10 June 15, He is to joinArthur the ReginaldSch. of Instrn. Cowdery. at Oxford University', commencing 14 June 15:— Lt. R. B. Leach to be Capt. (Gaz. 21 June) ...... lApr. 2nd Lt. J. N. Alexander to be Lt. (Gaz. 21 June) ...... • do. TheReginald undermentioned Bodman CadetNewman. or ex-Cadet (Gaz. 21 of June) the O.T.C. .. to be.. 2nd Lt... (on prob.).. :— •• •• 22 June The undermentioned 2nd Lt. (on prob.) is confirmed in his rank. (Gaz. 22 June) :— L. A. G. Flint. TheFred undermentioned Langford Warren. tobe 2nd Lts. (on prob.) I(Gaz. 25 June.)Edward DatedAlexander 26 June Cook. 15:— 3rd Battalion, The East Yorkshire Regiment. Temp. Lt. F. A. Stacpole, from 7 (Serv.) Bn., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 1 June) .. .. 2 June TheE. undermentioned S. Rerrie. 2nd Lts. (on prob.) are confirmedI inG. theirB. White. rank. (Gaz. 8 June) :— H. G. Dickens. I Capt. F. G. Senior is seed, for service on the Staff. (Gaz. 10 June).. 2May The undermentioned to he 2nd Lt. (on prob.) :— Edward Wilfrid Estridge. (Gaz. 14 June) ...... •• 14June The undermentioned 2nd Lt. (on prob.) is confirmed in his rank. (Gaz. 22 June) :— H. C. Guthrie. TheArthur undermentioned Douglas Hewland, member of(Gaz. the Inns29 June) of Court O.T.C. to.. be 2nd.. Lt. (on•• prob,):—•• 30June Promotions, Appointments, &c 135

SPECIAL RESERVE OF OFFICERS-coalcJ. Infantry—contd. 3rd Battalion, The Bedfordshire Regiment. Lt. S. Tahor to be Capt. (Gaz. 1 June) 17 Mar,15 The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be Lts. (Gaz. 1 June.) Dated 1 May 15 R. A. B. Orlebar. W. J. N. Little. R. O. Wynne. T.R.J. Mulligan. C.F. A.V. Parker.S. Morris. E. W. Coulson-Mayne. W. R. Nottidge. J. W. H. T. Douglas. H. A. W. Pearse. E.C. H.S. M.Douglas. Poyntz. Theare undermentioned to attend the Sch. to be of 2nd Instrn. Lts. (onat Harwich, prob.) (Gaz.commencing 7 June.) 12 JuneDated 15 8 June 15. They Robert Newell Mayne. | Ronald Johnstone Haye. Edward Sidney Chawner Grune, late Lt. Bedf. R., to be Capt. (Gaz. 13 June) 13June The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.)-— Arthur Pemberton Methuen. (Gaz. 16 June) 17June The notification of the appt. of R. N. Mayne to a 2nd Ltcy., which appeared in Gaz. of 7 June 15, is cancelled. (Gaz. 16 June) The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.):— Charles Haywood. (Gaz. 21 June) 22J une The undermentioned Cadet or ex-Cadet of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) — Christopher Blake. (Gaz. 25 June) 26June 4th Battalion, The Bedfordshire Regiment. TheJune.) undermentioned Dated 8 June Cadet 15. orHe ex-Cadet is to join of the the Sch. O.T.C. of Instrn. to be 2ndat Harwich, Lt. (on commencingprob.) (Gaz. on 7 12 June 15:— Arthur Charles Ingram. Sidney Lionel Paston-Cooper, late 2ndLt. of the Bn. to be Lt. (Gaz. 11 June) .. 12June The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) :— Archibald Young. (Gaz. 11 June) do. The undermentioned Cadet or ex-Cadet of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) (Gaz. 11 , June.) Dated 12 June 15 :— Robert Graham Ferguson. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) :— Geoffrey Arthur Anstee. (Gaz. 11 June) .. do. The undermentioned ex-Cadet of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) :— Arthur Norris Marshall. (Gaz. 14 June).. 14June The undermentioned Cadet or ex-Cadet of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.):— Douglas Daintry Warren. (Gaz. 21 June) 22 June The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) (Gaz. 25 June.) Dated 26 June 15 :— John Harris Ekin Sandford. | John Brodie. 3rd Battalion, The Leicestershire Regiment. The undermentioned 2nd Lt. (on prob.) is confirmed in his rank :— N. G. Salmon. (Gaz. 3 June.) The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) (Gaz. 7 June.) Dated 7 June 15. He is to attend the Sch. of Instrn. at Norwich, commencing 11 Juno 15:— William Earl Hughes. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) (Gaz. 7 June.) Dated 8 June 15. They are to join the Sch. of Instrn. at Bury St. Edmunds, commencing 12 June 15 :— Kingsley Fox Veasey. | George Harry Gristwood. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. (on prob.) are confirmed in their rank. (Gaz. 8 June) :— R. E. S. Lodge. | G. H. Salmon. The undermentioned Cadet or ex-Cadet of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lt. (on prob ) (Gaz. 11 June.) Dated 12 June 15 :— Howard William James Brooker. 2nd Lt. G. O. C. Tabberer is placed on the h.-p. List on account of ill-health. (Gaz. 17 June) IS.Tune The undermentioned Lts. to be Capts. (Gaz. 26 June.) Dated 7 June 15 :— A. S. McIntyre. | A. S. Drewe. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. (on prob.) are confirmed in their rank. (Gaz. 26 June) A.K. E.H. Kent.Pegg. I T. R. Longcroft. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be Lts. (Gaz. 26 June.) Dated 7 June 15 :— A. H. Howell. T. R. Longcroft. K. H. Pegg. 1 R. E. S. Ledge. A. E. Kent. I G. H. Salmon. 136 Promotions, Appointments, &c

SPECIAL RESERVE OF OFFICERS-conM. iNrANTEY—contd. 3rd Battalion, The Royal Irish Regiment. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to he Lts. W..H. Flinn. (Gaz. SJune.) Dated 24 Apr. 15 D. S. Smyth. W. P. Hinton. A. L. Ramsay. R. H. Frankenberg. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) (Gaz. 7 June.) Dated 8 June 15. jmn the Seh. of Instrn. at Bury St. Edmunds, commencing 12 June 15:— He is to Charles Joseph Morris. TheL undermentioned O MeOaii. 2nd Lts. (on prob.) are confirmedi inJ. their P. Delaney. rank. (Gaz. 8 June) W. C. L. Shee. | ^ Tod. the(Gaz. appt. 12 of June.) C. J. Morris to a 2nd Ltey., which appeared in Gaz. of 7 Juno 15, is cancelled. The undermentioned Lts. to be Capts. D. Foulkes, (Gaz. 15 Jane). Dated 29 May 15 C. F. T. O’B. ffrench. W. L. C. Moore-Brabazon. The undermentioned Lt., R.A.M.C., to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) Samuel Griffin. (Gaz. 16 June) 17Junel5 The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) (Gaz. 16 June.) Dated 17 June 15 William Arthur Dickson. I Vincent Howard Andre Knox. Joseph John Raverty. (Gaz. 25 June) 26.1line Robert William Popham Bell, late Capt. 4 Bn., to be Capt."(Gaz. 29 June)' 30June 4th Battalion, The Royal Irish Regiment. 2nd Lt. (on prob.) A. W. Anderson is confirmed in his rank, and to be Lt. (Gaz. 2 June)., 8May 3rd Battalion, Alexandra, Princess of Wales’s Own (Yorkshire Regiment). 1 heare undermentioned to join the School to be Instrn. 2nd Lts. at Scarborough,(on prob.) (Gaz. commencing 4 June.i 8 DatedJune 15:— 5 June 15. They Henry Joseph Whiting. | ] an Kenneth Thomson. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) (Gaz. 9 June.) Dated 10 June 15. He is to join the hch. of Instrn. at Tynemouth, commencing 15 June 15:— Robert Masters Somerset. Tiie10 undermentioned June):— member of the Inns of Court O.T.C. to be 2nd Lt. (on lprob.) (Gaz. Hugh Lowenberg Constable. Capt. A. T. Thorne is seed, for employment under the Admiralty. (Gaz. 12 June) 17May The undermentioned Cadet or ex-Cadet of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) :— Hugh Blackhall Laird. (Gaz. 25 June) .. 26.1 une 1 he undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) (Gaz. 25 June.) Dated 26 June 15 :— John Trlckett. | Arthur Galen Hillaby. 3rd Battalion, The Lancashire Fusiliers. 1 heare undermentioned to join the Sch. to of be Instrn. 2nd Lts. at Bury(on prob.) St. Edmunds (Gaz. 7 commencing June.) Dated 12 June8 June 15:— 15. They Ernest Jackson. | Archibald Pollock. 2nd Lt. J. R. Wilkinson to be Lt. (Gaz. 25 June) 2Feb 2nd Lt. (on prob.) M. N. Coury resigns his comm, on account of ill-health." (Gaz.'29 June) 30June I heG. undermentioned C. Pepper. 2nd Lt. (on prob.f is confirmed in his rank. (Gaz. 29 June) :— 4th Battalion, The Lancashire Fusiliers. The undermentioned to he 2nd Lts. (on prob.) Maurice Twemlow Nunnerley. (Gaz. 1 June.) Dated 21 May 15 :— „. ... (Gaz 4 June.) Dated 5 June 15 Trwi. „ at ,ey t0 J°ln Seh.; of Instrn. at Liverpool, commencing 11 June 15. Thom^SMXa. I Edlnund R°“- T6 2 red6F Ck 8 Jones from 14 7Gaz '^ium'‘>^ * ’ (Serv.) Bn., to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) 26Feb Th< n 1 d r ex Caclets of tl,e June.TGeoi Datedge Edward21 Jnne Condiiffo. IS*— ‘ | O.T.C. Lewisto be 2ndWilliam Lts. (onRogers. prob.) (Gaz. 21 Promotions, Appointments, &c 137

SPECIAL KESEBVE OF OFFICEES-ooraM. Infantry—contd. 3rd Battalion, The Royal Scots Fusiliers. The undermentioned Cadet or ex-Cadet of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lt. (on urob ) ■— Andrew Sturrock. (Gaz. lOJune) ..... HJunel5 The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) Cyril Martin Hadden. (Gaz. 10 June) do. The name of Lt. John Eric Findlay-Hamilton is as now described and not as stated in Gaz. of 1 Sept. 14. (Gaz. 26 June.) 3rd Battalion, The Cheshire Regiment. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.)- Arthur Edward Cotton. (Gaz. 1 June) 18May ... (Gaz. 4 Jane.) ArchibaldJ b°y Balfour are to Stewart.loin the Sch.10 May of Instrn. 15 at Liverpool, commencing 11 June 15. Gerald Thomas Bolye. 14 May 15 BernardHorace George Duckworth. Atkin. 5 5June June 15 15 Frederick Henry Warren. 5 June 15 Harold Russell Bladon. 5 June 15 Ty ls, , in the, „ el1 (Gaz. 7 June.) Hughxr Martin., ^9Wilkinson ® - ..°f Instrn. at Bury St. Edmunds, commencing 12 June 15. 8 June The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) He is to join the Sch. of Instn. at Tenby, commencing on 14 June 15. Ernest Stanley Thomas. (Gaz. 9 June) .. 17May TheGaz. date of of 21 the May appt. 15. of(Gaz. 2nd Lt.10 June.)(on prob.) R. B. Turner is 12 Apr. 15, and not as stated in 2nd Lt. (on prob.) H. H. Nicholson is confirmed in his rank. (Gaz. 16 June.) The date of the appt. of 2nd Lt. (on prob.) H. M. Wilkinson is 24 May 14. and not as pre- viously stated in Gaz. of 7 June 15. (Gaz. 16 June.) The undermentioned Cadet or ex-Cadet of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) John Flack. (Gaz. 21 June.) 21 June TheHenry undermentioned Sidney Dove. to he 2nd Lts. (on prob.). | (Gaz. 21William June.) JamesDated Stimpson.21 June 15):— The date of the appt. of 2nd Lt. (on prob.) H. G. Atkin is 19 May 15, and not as previously stated in Gaz. of 4 June 15. (Gaz. 21 June,) The notification24 May 14, asreferring stated into Gaz.2nd Lt.of 16H. June M. 15.Wilkinson (Gaz. 21 should June.) read “24 May 15,” and not The undermentioned 2nd Lt. (on prob.) is confirmed in his rank. (Gaz. 29 June):— C. G. Edwards. 3rd Battalion, The Royal Welsh Fusiliers. TheH. undermentioned M. Robertson. 2nd Lts. (on prob.) are confirmed| in(}. their D. Edwards. rank. (Gaz. l June):— N. G. C. McClellan. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be Lts. (Gaz. 1 June.) Dated 5 May 15 :- H. M. Robertson. | R. Von R. Graves. N. G. C. McClellan. | F. Holden. 2nd Lt. G. D. Edwards to be Lt. (Gaz. 2 June) 5 May The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) (Gaz. 4 June.) Dated 5 Juno 15 :— RaymondThey Archibald are to join Robert the Sch.Hollingbery. of Instrn. atI Liverpool,Arthur commencing George Lord. 11 June 15. Edmund Arthur Sykes. The undermentioned member of the Inns of Court O.T.C. to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) •— Edward Vaughan-Jones. (Gaz. 10 June.) 2nd Lt. A. W. G. Martin resigns his commn. on account of ill-health. (Gaz 11 June) 12,1une 3rd Battalion, The South Wales Borderers. The undermentioned member of the Inns of Court O.T.C. to be 2nd Lt (on prob.) (Gaz Uune.) Dated 2 June 15:— Wilfred E mond Robertson. Thejoin undermentioned the Sch. of Instrn. to be 2ndat Bury Lt. (onSt. Edmunds,prob.) fGaz. commencing 7 June.) Dated 12 June 8 June15 : — 15. He is to Cyril Gordon Phillips. Theare undermentioned to join the Sch. to of be Instrn. 2nd Lts. at Tenby,(on prob.) commencing (Gaz. 9 Jnne.i 14 June Dated 5: - 10 June 15. They 2nd Lt. William(on nrob.) Henry J. Chamberlain Maxwell Pierson. is confirmed inI his rank.W .Iter (Gaz. James 16 Jure.) Rhoades. Temp. 2nd Lt. Aston French, from R.F.A., to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) Dated 17 June 15, but with seniority as from 20 Nov. 14. (Gaz. 16 June.) The21 undermentioned June.) Dated 21 Cadets June 15:-or ex-Cadets of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) (Gaz. Frank Henry Trefor Watton. | Arthur Denis Worsley Lowe, The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) :— David Leslie Davies, (Gaz. 25 June) ,, ,, ,, ,, 26June 138 Promotions, Appointments, &c

SPECIAL RESERVE OP OFFICERS—eontd. INFANTBY—contd. 3rd Battallion, The King’s Own Scottish Borderers. Tlie undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) (Gaz. 1 .Tune.) Dated 1 June 15. They are Rogerto join Dolbeythe Sch. of Instrn. at Edinburgh I (Lothian),Ian commencing Archibald Sawers 5 June Scott. 15:— Ralph John McTaggart Elliot. The undermentioned 2nd Lt. (on prob.) is confirmed in his rank, (Gaz. 3 June) J. M. G. Brown. The undermentioned Cadets and ex-Cadets of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) (Ga-z. 10 June.) Dated 11 June 15:— Robert Gemmell Miller McDougall. I Julius Diamond. Thomas Hutson. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) (Gaz. 10 June.) Dated ll June 15 — Ronald MacDonald Ebenezer King. Harry Ronald Collier. The undermentioned member of the Inns of Court O.T.C. to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.):— Henry Edwin Goodwin Yarrow. (Gaz. 17 June)...... 18.Tunel5 The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) :— Douglas Grant. (Gaz. 24 June) .. 21.1 u no 3rd Battalion, The Cameronians (Scottish Rifles). The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be Lts. :— G C. Pirie. (Gaz. 2 June) ...... 12Mar. J. Connal. (Gaz. 2 June) ...... 5May The undermentioned 2nd Lt. (on prob.) is confirmed in his rank. (Gaz. 8 June) •— J. W. S. Gray. Lt. J. A. H. Stansfeld to be Oapt. (Gaz. 15 June) ., 19May Capt. R. W. F. Fullarton to be Ma). (Gaz. 26 June) ...... lNov.14 4th Battalion, The Cameronians (Scottish Rifles). 2nd Lt. (on prob.) C. D. F. Leighton is confirmed in his rank. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be Lts. (Gaz. 10 June.) Dated 17 May 16:— C. D. F. Leighton. E. G. Wightwick. W. M. H. Pollen. J. W. Kennedy. H.G. P.E. Thornton.Wightwick, and to remain seed. R. Keltie. F. A. Williamson. W. Burt. The undermentioned Cadets or ex-Cadets of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) (Gaz 10 June.) Dated 11 June 15 :— Peter Taylor. | Robert John Liddle. Robert Girvan. TheWilliam undermentioned Hetherington to be 2ndHeron. Lts. (on prob.) I (Gaz, 10Duncan June.) Mitchell.Dated 11 June 15 :- Robert Percy Dale. Temp. 2nd Lt. J. J. Dempsey, from 13 (Serv.) Bn. to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) (Gaz. 22 June).. 3Mar.l5 The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) .— Cecil Augustine Maguire. (Gaz. 25 June) ...... 26June The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob). :— John Wallis Drummond Lawrie. (Gaz. 26 June) 28May The undermentioned 2nd Lts. (on prob.) are confirmed in their rank. (Gaz. 29 June) •— F. W.F- Rodger.Wallace. | r. N. Paisley. The Christian names of 2nd Lt. (on prob.) John Hollis Drummond Lawrie are as now described, and not as stated in the Gaz. of 26 June 15. (Gaz. 29 June). 3rd Battalion, The Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. (on prob.) are confirmed in their rank. (Gaz. 3 June) •- J. 8. Irvine. | W. D. Gulland. J. O. Plummer. The undermentioned Cadet or ex-Cadet of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) •— Cyril Robert William Stacey. (Gaz. 14 June) ...... „ 15June The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.). Cyril Bland Aylward. (Gaz. 14 June) .. .. do. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) :— George Harry Rumley. (Gaz. 16 June) .. l7June The undermentioned 2nd Lt. (on prob.) is confirmed in his rank. (Gaz. 29 June):— A. C, U. Stanley. Promotions, Appointments, &c. 139

SPECIAL RESERVE OF OFFICERS-coreld. IlTFAITTBY—Gontd. 4th Battalion, The Royal Iiiniskllling Fusiliers. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) s— Cyril James Coggins. (Gaz. 1 June) ...... 5Mayl5 The25 notificationMay 15, is cancelled. of the apnt.(Gaz. 1of June). M. O. Sheridan, which appeared in Gaz. of The undermentioned 2nd Lts. (on prob.) are ccnfirmed in their rank. (Gaz. 8 June) G.W. Hawksley.N. Harrison. I| O.F. Holmes.J. White. The undermentioned Cadet of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) (Gaz. 10 June) William Hugh Hunter. The undermentioned Cadet or ex-Cadet of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) Mark William McDonald. (Gaz.liJune) ...... 15June TheJohn undermentioned Rankin Mcllroy. to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) (Gaz.| 14 June.)Walter DatedSamuel 15 Wyborn.June 15 The undermentioned Cadet or ex-Cadet of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.):— George Richard Lancelot Baillie. (Gaz. 25 June) ...... 26June Geoffrey St. John Knight, late Lt. 4 Bn. (Mil.), to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.), With seniority as from 24 Feb. 15, but not to carry pay and allowances prior to 11 May 15. Substituted for the notification in Gaz. of 10 May 15. (Uaz. 25 June.) 3rd Battalion,The undermentioned The Gloucestershire Cadet orRegiment. ex-Cadct of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) Reginald Edward Woolly. (Gaz. 4 June)...... lJune Theattend undermentioned the Sch. of toInstrn. be 2nd at Lt. Norwich, (on prob.) commencing (Gaz. 7 June) 11 June Dated 16 7 Juno 15. Ho is to Donald King Higgs. The undermentioaed to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) (Gaz. 7 June) Dated 8 June 15. They are to attend the Sch. of Instrn. at Chatham, commencing 12 June 15 Thomas Edward Mears Guest Smith. | Arthur James Marsfleld Grieves. Alan Archibald Fisher-Smith. TheArthur undermentioned Thomas Cook. to be 2nd(Gaz. Lt. 11 (onJune) prob.) ...... ,, 12June The undermentioned Cadet or ex-Cadet of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.):— Walter Marcus Valentine Edinger. (Gaz. 11 June) ...... do. The surname of Reginald Edward Woolley is as now described, and not as stated in Gaz. dated 4 June 16. (Gaz. 18 June.) The notification of the appt. of W. M. V. Edinger to a 2nd Ltcy., which appeared in Gaz. of 11 June 15, is cancelled. (Gaz. 22 June). 5th Battalion, The Worcestershire Regiment. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) (Gaz. 4 June) Dated 5 June 15. He is to join the Sch. of Instrn. at Liverpool, commencing 11 June 15 :— Howard George Hill. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) (Gaz. 7 June) Dated 8 June 15. He is to join the Sch. of Instrn. at Bury St. Edmunds, commencing 12 June 15 :— Samuel Birt Simpson. The undermentioned to bo 2nd Lt. (on prob.) (Gaz. 9 June) Dated 10 June 15. He is to join the Sch. of Instrn. at Oxford University, commencing 14 June 15 :— John Crossfield Scott. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be Lts. (Gaz. 15 June) Dated 21 May 15 A. F. Birch-Jonos. G. J. B. Atkinson. C. J. Hart. F. S. Isaac. T. G. Stokes. C. D. Field. G. L. Waters. | C. F. Baldwyn. T. H. Little. R. F. Dunnett. 6th Battalion, The Worcestershire Regiment. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) (Gaz. 7 June.) Dated 8 June 15. They are to joinFrederick the Sch. Neville of Instrn. Conran »t Bury Smith. St. Edmunds,| commencingThomas William 12 June Luby. 15:— The undermentioned 2nd Lts. (on prob.) are confirmed in their rank. (Gaz 8 June) :— D. G. Jones. I O. V. Arnold. E. S. Pink. I H. G. Parkes. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) (Gaz 9 June) Dated 10 June 15. He is to join tiie Sch. of Instrn. at Oxford University, commencing 14 June 15 :— Harry Davis Hayden. 140 Promotions, Appointments, &c

SPECIAL RESERVE OF OFFICERS—cowta. Infantry—contd. 6th Battalion, The Worcestershire Regiment—con^. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. (dn prdb.) are coniirmed in their rank. (Gaz. 17 June):— F. H. F. Booth. C. J. Killeen. (I. T. Uren. W. P. Wilson. J.B. W.C. Gr.G. Clarke.Adlard. T. G. Parke 3. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) Stanley Stephen Harris. (Gaz. 21 .Tune).. 22Juuel5 The undermentioned Cadet or ex-Cadet of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lft (on prob.) — Philip Neville Dingley. (Gaz. 25 June) .. 26June 3rd Battalion, The East Lancashire Regiment. Theto undermentioned loin Hie Sen. of toInstrn. be 2nd at Lts. Bury (on St. prob.) Edmunds, (Gaz. commencing 7 June.) Dated 12 June 8 June 15 15. They are Norman Watson Brown. | Cecil Leigh Hutchinson. The9 undermentionedJune.) Dated 10 Cadet June or16. ex-CadetHe is to of join the the O.T.C. Sch. toof beInstrn. 2nd Oxford(on prob.) University, (Gaz. commencingHarold Edward 1 < June Leslie 16:— Mellersh. TOni6 1une)Lt' Richard N' Keyser’ from 10 (Serv.) Bn., to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) (Gaz. I he rrn 11 nt0 2nd Lts lon 13Nov.l4 ’ Williamvl!m^ *(Erl ‘?.Bridson 'i®Lowe. - prob.). I(Gaz. 25 NevilleJune.) CropleyDated 26 Swift. June 15 3rd Battalion, The East Surrey Regiment. Capt.with W. seniority V. T. Gripper, cext below from R.Suppy. B. Hope. List, to be Capt. (Gaz. 1 June.) Dated 1 Oct. 14, 1 he date of seniority of Lt. L. H. C. Shuttleworth is 16 Feb. 15, and not as stated in Gaz. of 15 May 15 (Gaz. 1 June.) Lt. A. E. No man to be Capt., and to remain seed. (Gaz. 4 June) .. 24Mar,15 The undermentioned Cadet or ex-Cadet of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) (Gaz. 7 11 June jj-. e<* 1 ^une I*** attend the Sch. of Instrn. at Norwich, commencing Wilfrid Vernon Bowen Hughes. Theattend undermentioned the Sch. of be 2nd at Norwich,Lt. (on prob.) commencing (Gaz. 7 June.)11 June Dated15 7 June 15. He is to Victor Gordon Hill. Tlie <1 rrl ei ti0 a 0 be L OI prob ) joini^ the^ lSch.5 of^ Instrn.'i at BuryV St. Edmunds,l, - (Gaz. commencing 7 June.) 12Dated June 8 15:— June 15. He is to Temp. 2ndJulius Lt. TindalH. Tripp, rym. from 10 (Serv.) Bn, to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) (Gaz. 10 Juno) The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be Lts. (Gaz. 11 June.) Dated 1 May 15 !•a. r.» lEckstein.0f9lej:- |I F.R- WatsonM. Garth. (since killed in action). The undermentioned Cadet or ex-Cadet of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) Ebenezer Kenneth Robins. (Gaz. 11 June,) ...... The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) ■— Joiin William Whybrow. (Gaz. 11 June) John Roxbrough Stacey. (Gaz. 14 June).. ” \\ ” " do. Lt J l ISJune - ^;c d - J-^easurM to be Capt. with seniority next below S. C. W. Smith, and to remain TheR. undermentioned S. St. G. Mayne. Lts. to be Capts. (Gaz. 171 June). J.Dated D. R. 24Bryant. Mar.16 C.R- F../ Champion.I Jingwall. | W. H. S. Dunlop.y 2nd Lt. (on prob.) G. L. Vickers is confirmed in his rank. (Gaz. 17 June). The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be Lts. G. D. Robinson, (Gaz. 17 June) Dated 1 May 15 J. Newington (since killed in action). R. H. H. Jackson. E. Newington. E. W. Bowyer-Bower. G. L. Vickers. J. W. L. Ellis. H. F. B. Garrett. E. D. Fitz Gerald. The undermentioned temp. Lts. from 10 (Serv ) 18 June 15 Bn. to be Lts. (Gaz. 17 June) Dated Sydney Smith. 1 Edward Clinton Smith. Promotions, Appointments, &c 141


SPECIAL RESERVE OF OEFICERS-conta. IITFANTRY—COntd. 3rd Battalion, The Border Regiment. , The undermentioned Cadet or ex-Cadet of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lt. ion prob.) Gaz. 7 June.) Dated 7 June 15. He is to attend the Sch. of Instrn. at Norwich, commen- cing 11 June 15:— Bernard Gordon Stokes. Theattend undermentioned the Sch. of toInstrn. be 2nd at Lt. Norwich, (on prob.) commencing (Gaz. 7 June.) ll June Dated15•— 7 June 15. He is to Robert Edmund Croall. TheH. undermentioned P. D. Helm. 2nd Lis. (on prob.) are confirmed in their rank. (Gaz. ll June) J. Horsley (since killed in action) T. Wallace. H. Owen (since killed in action.) H. R. Wight. C. E. H. James. A.G. W.R. M.Sutcliffe. Dove. R. B. Pirrle. A. E. Mulholland. S. H. H. James. R. F. Millard. T. J. G. Gardiner. R. W. Chetham-Strode. 'the undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be Lts. (Gaz. 11 June.) Dated 8 Apr. 15 s— N. Castle. T. L. Wilson. H. P. D. Helm. G. R. M. Dove. J.H, Horsley Owen (since (since killed killed in in action). action). E. R. Chetham-Strode. C. E. H. James. A.R. W.F. Newdigate.Sutcliffe. S.R. H.B. H.Pirrie. James. A. E. Mulholland. T. J. G. Gardiner, and to remain seed. J. S. Kennedv. T. Wallace. G.R. F.N. Millard.Fraser. H. R. Wight. L. H. T. Walker. D. S. Richardson (since killed in action) R. W. Chetham-Strode. The undermentioned Cadet or ex-Cadet of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) (Gas 11 June.) Dated 12 June 15 John Thwaytes. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) (Gaz. 11 June.) Dated 12 June 15 Thomas Lmaker Kendall. | Alfred Jones Croft. The following notification is substituted for that which appeared on page 8850 of the LondonWilliam Gazette Bayford dated Butler, 31st October, 3rd Battalion, 19H:— The Border Regiment. (Gaz. 17 June.) Dated 13th October, 1914. Capt. G. M. Horn is seed, for service on the staff. (Gaz. 19 June) .. 4,Tunel5 The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.):— Gerald Francis Hamilton Moore. (Gaz. 23 June) 24June 3rd Battalion, The Royal Sussex Regiment. The undermentioned Cadets or ex-Cadets of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) (Gaz. 7mencing June.) llDated June 7 15 June 15. They are to attend the Sch. of Instrn. at Norwich com- John Tunstall Burdett. | Dudley Stuart Glenister. Theto undermentioned attend the Sch. toof befnstr. 2nd Norwich, (on prob.) commencing (Gaz. 7 June.) ll June Dated 15 :— 7 June 15. They are Colin Moncrieff Campbell Taylor. | Gerald Chamberlain Mole. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.' (Gaz. 7 June.) Dated 8 June 15. He Is to attend the Sch. of Instrn. at Harwich, commeneing'12 June 15 :— Leslie James Morgan. Theto undermentioned attend the Sch. to of be Instrn. 2nd Lts. at Chatham,(on prob.) commencing(Gaz. 7 June.) 12 JuneDated 15 8:— June 15. They are William Wild Moore. | Harold Pearce Mole. _He is. xto join the, Sch. of Instrn.(Gaz. 9at June.) Oxford Dated University, 10 June commencing 15 14 June 15 :— Basil Hampton Charles Clark. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) (Gaz. 11 June.) Dated 12 June 16 Donald Carnegie Duncan. The undermentioned ex-Cadet of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) Eric Douglas Constant (Gaz. 26 June) ...... 28 May The undermentioned 2nd Lt. (on prob.) is confirmed in his rank. (Gaz. 29 June.) :— D. C. Rutter. 3rd Ba^aiion, The Hampshire Regiment. The undermentioned member of the Inns of Court O.T.C. to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) Gaz. Unce.) Dated 2 June 15 3idney Francis Clayton. Promotions, Appointments, &c. 143

SPECIAL KE8BRVB OP OFFICERS—oowW. IKF^NIBY—contd. 3rd lattalion, The Hampshire Regiment—oorefei. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on proh.) (Gnz. 9 June.) Dated 10 June 15. He is to joinRichard the Seh. Eustace of Instrn. Stockdale at Oxford Gregson. University, commencing 11 June 15 The undermentioned to tie 2nd Lts. (on prob.) (Gaz. 10 June.) Dated 11 June 15 : John Henry Bell. Fendali Powney Thompson. Neville Eden Cohbald. Thomas Herbert White. Joseph Bardell Line. The dates of appt. of the undermentioned 2nd Lts. (on prob.) are as now steted and not as notified in Gaz. of 10 June 15 r— 25Mayl5 F.N. P.E. Thompson.Cobbold. (Gaz. (Gaz. 21 21June.) June.) ...... ••.• .... •••• •• •• 26May Tie undermentioned 2nd Lts. (on prob.) are confirmed in their rank. (Gaz. 22 June.) : — H. J. G. Icke. I H. M. E. Bradshaw.

G. B. Saunders. Tin undermentioned 2nd Lts. (on prob.) are confirmed in their rank. (Gaz. 8 June) :— L B. Gibson. I 9- Calvert. > B. M. Powell. A. D. Johnson. C. W. Macfie. The indermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) (Gaz. 9 June.) Dated 10 June 15. They aie to join the Sch. of Instrn. at Tynemouth, commencing 15 June 15:— Charles Trevor Eaton. I Alfred Mallet West. Thonas James Lenon, late 2nd Lt. of the Bn., to be Lt. (Gaz. 21 June) .. 22June The uidermentioned Cadets orex-Cadets of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) (Gaz. 21 nine) Dated 22 June 15:— Geoffrey Briggs. 26 June lidney Thomas Hine. (Gaz. 25 June) Cecil William Bloomfiold. Iric Lewin Naylor. 4th Battalion, T e South Staffordshire Regiment. The undementioned Cadet or ex-Cadet of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) :— HoraoGuiton. (Gaz. 10June) .. ll.Tune 3rd Battalion,The undementioned Th Dorsetshire Capts. Regiment. to be Majs. (Gaz. 1 June.' Dated 2 Feb. 15;— E. B. Role. | H. C. C. Batten. The undernentloned Lts. to be Capts. (Gaz. 1 June.) Dated 2 Feb. 16 :— C. E. S.Bull. I P. W. Vasey. 23Apr. 2nd H. (on Visey. ireb.) H.(Gaz. L. 1Watkins June) is confirmed.. .. in his ..rank. ..(Gaz. 1 ••June.) The andernentioned 2nd Lts. to be Lts. (Gaz. 1 June.) Dated 2 Feb. 15:— 4. C. O’S. Cree I H. L. Watkins. Charles 7. O. Bartlett. (Gaz. 1 June) do. Tie undermentioned members of the Inns of Court O.T.C. to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) (Gaz.Douglas 1 June.) Lindsey. Dated 2 June 15:— Alan Dlx-Lewls. Basd William Purland Kirby. Leslie Park. Lancelot Hull Sheffield. Francis Edward Bostock. Kenneth Brodie. Crosby Russell Swanson Turner. Walter Henry Clark. Charles Mollet. The undermentioned Cadet or ex-Cadet of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lt. (on probO (Gaz. 7 June.) Dated 8 June 15. He is to join the Sch. of Instrn. at Bury St. Edmunds, commencing 12 June 15:— Hubert John Swann. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) (Gaz. 7 June.) Dateds June 15. They are to attend the Sch. of Instrn. at Bury St. Edmnnds, commencing 12 June 15 :— Frederick James Steele. I Hubert Dinwoodie. Malcolm Alexander Fraser. confirmed in their rank. (Gaz. 8 June) :— The undermentioned 2nd Lts. (on prob.) are G. A. Turner. J. L. Toyne. N. C. Blakeway. W. A.R. Smellie.Fuller. C. V. Rawlinson. R. Drayton, H. K. L. Stathara 114 Promotions, Appointments, &c.

SPECIAL RESERVE OF OFFICERS-conM. INFANTBY—-Contd. 3rd Battalion, The Dorset Regiment—co*M. The undermentioned Cadets or ex-Cadets of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lts. (on proh.) (Gaz. 9 June.) Dated 10 June 15. They are to join the Sch. of Instrn. ac Oxford University, commencing 14 June 15 Frederick Trevor Hawkins. | Maurice Osmond Evans. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) (Gaz. 9 June.) Dated 10 June 15. They are Williamto join theSch. Ernest ofWoodthorpe. Instrn. at Oxford University, Frankcommencing Cyril Hastwell. 14 June 15 : — Charles Edward Wrigglesworth. ReginaldRobert Cornthwaite. Charles Wills. Phillip Horace Lovell Nutt. John Cragg Dunn. Erie Victor Torr. Victor Cornelius Holland. TheJohn undermentioned Ernest Vivian member Rathbone. of the (Gaz.Inns 10of June)Court O.T.C... to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.):— Temp. 2nd Lt. R. G. W. N. Tinley, from 11 (Serv.) Bn. Hamps. R., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. lOJune) ...... 29lov.l4 The notification which appeared in Gaz. of 10 June 15, should read “ Temp. Lt. Robert G. W. N. Tinley,” and not “ Temp. 2nd Lt.” as therein stated. (Gaz. 16 June.) 2nd Lt. (on prob.) F. G. Chapman is seed, for service'with the A. Ord. Dept. (Gaz. 18 June) 5Junel5 The undermentioned ex-Cadet of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) (Gaz. 23 June) Dated 24 June 15» Robert Archibald Dixon. TheGeorge undermentioned Joseph Somerset to be 2nd Hubbard. Lts. (on prob.) I (Gaz. 23 SidneyJune) HerbertDated 24 Horsford. June 15 Donald Frank Walker. I The undermentioned Cadets and ex-Cadets of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) (Gaz. 25 June) Dated 26 June 15 Kilcowisie Sigismund Courtenay. I Leonard William John Baugh. The Frederickundermentioned Charles to Dixon. be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) I (Gaz. 25Harry June) EdwardDated Gill.26 June 15 William Leonard Chown. I Douglass Scott St. Andrew McCulliCh. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. (on prob.) are confirmed in their rank. (Gaz. 29 June):— C. S. Bower. R. B. Webster. W. A. S. Blucke. W. E. Young. H. Q. Garner. H. C. Butcher. C. P. B. Sawyer. 3rd Battalion,The undermentioned The Prince of Wales’s2nd Lt. (onVolunteers prob.) is (South confirmed Lancashire in his rank. Regiment.) (Gaz. 3 June) R. Lodge. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) (Gaz. 4 June.) Dated 5 June 15. Theyire to join the Sch. of In4trn. at Liverpool, commencing 11 June 15 Frederick James Lockington. I Maurice Lewis George Richareon. John Stevenson Stubbs. I William Francis Roach. William Morice McGeagh. Lt.Temp. D. A.2nd Hann Lt. F. resigns A. Dashwood, his commn. from on 9 (Serv.)account Bn. of be 2nd Lt.(Gaz. (on prob.)11 June) (Gaz... 10 (une).. 12June2Apr. _ The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) Frederick William Parkes. (Gaz. 14 June) ...... •• 4June Temp. 2nd Lt. Alan S. Wilson, from 14 (Serv.) Bn. Lan. Fus., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 16 Jure.) TDec.H Temp. 2nd Lt. Ronald A. V. Cheers, from 11th (Serv.) Bn., to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) (Gaz. 16 June) .. iApr.15 The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) (Gaz. 21 June.) Dated 22 June 15:— John Basil Viner. Temp.from 2nd 7 (Serv.)Lt. H. Bn.,I. Locke to be (described 2nd Lt. (on on prob.). page 1837(Gaz. of Gaz.22 June.) dated 23 Feb. 15, as H... I. Lock, 23Fb. Temp. 2nd Lt. D. Dunham, from 10 (Serv.) Bn., to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) (Gaz. 22 June.).. 7Aj-. Frederica William Sullivan Locke,late Lt. Wicklow R.G.A. Mil., to be Lt. (Gaz. 28 Jane.) 29,1 ue The undermentioned 2nd Lt. (on prob.) is confirmed in his rank. (Gaz. 29 June) :— G. R. A. Case. 3rd Battalion, The Welsh Regiment. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) (Gaz. 7 June.) Dated 8 June 15. He is to join the Sch. of Instrn. at Bury St. Edmunds, commencing 12 June 15:— Thomas Charles Sebastian Huss. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. (on prob.) are confirmed in their rank. (Gaz. 8 June) H. C. James. I A. P. Bellhouse. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) (Gaz. 9 June.) Dated 10 June 15. He is to join the Sch. of Instrn. at Tenby, commencing 14 June 15:— Llewelyn Watkins Edwards. The undermentioned 2nd Lt. (on proh.) is confirmed in his rank, (Gaz. 22 June):— J. O, Turnbull, Promotions, Appointments, &c 145

SPECIAL RESERVE OF OFFICERS-coreJd. lUFANTBY—COntd 3rd Battalion, The Black Watch (Royal Highlanders), '1 he undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) (Gaz. Uune.) Dated 1 June 15. They are to join the Sch.rola of Instrn. at Edinburgh (Lothian), commencing 5 Jane 15 Oapt.r. * Hun.rr A. ^D. Murrayy -Dickson. to be Maj. (Gaz. 2 June)| James Dawson. lApr.15 TheJ undermentionedJL. -Paton. 2nd Lt. (on prob.) is confirmed in his rank. (Gaz. 3 June) ThelOJ'ine.) undermentioned Dated 11Cadets June 15and ex-Cadets of the O.T.C. to be 2nia Lts. (on prob.) (Gaz. Thomas Ernest Reid. | John Jeff. TheSydney undermentioned Herbert William to be 2nd Crawford. Lts. (on prob.) I (Gaz. 10John June.) Henry Dated Cotterill. 11 June 15 : — Rowland Smart CampbeU. | William MacPherson. TheHubert undermentioned St. Lawrence to be Feilding. 2nd Lt. (on prob.) (Gaz. 24 June.) Dated 25 June 15 3rd Battalion The Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry. Gapt. C. A. Cardwell is seed, for service on the Staff. (Gaz. l June) 22Feb. Thej undermentionedio the Sch. of Instrn. to be at2nd Oxford Lt. (on University, prob.) (Gaz. commencing 9 June.) Dated14 Jane 10 15:— June 15. He is to James Arthur Kellet. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) (Gaz. 10 June.) Dated 11 June 15 i\u,g?on Roper WaYts. | Theodore Richard Milford. 2nd Lt. (on prob.) A. F. Evetts is confirmed in his rank, and to be Lt. (Gaz. 11 June) .. 24Apr. l h<,rrU,n (Gaz. 14 June.) Dated 11 June 15 Paul Seccombe Caulfeild CamPbell. j John William Hugo Fussell. TheLeonard undermentioned Joseph Rock. to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) (Gaz. 16 June.) Dated 17 June 15 1 ei W T Coles ,rom 10 Sel v 22 Jumn*’ ‘ ‘ ’ ( ' -> Bn. Leic. R., to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) (Gaz. 23Apr. J hewnHoWilliamIiiI1 r?Harriettion.e< Holiday.y'0i ^e 2nd •on P10b-) (Gaz. 23 June.) Dated 24 June 15 The l ei 0 d C < , ix Ca,let of the T c 25 JunejFrederickDa tedRichard26 June Croc’ombe. 1i ;i ' °- - -1° be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) (Gaz. TheBUeI?nardlWi^h1^0.bte ^ LtA (pp Prob-) /Gaz. 25 June.) Dated 26 June 15 iasUa£iaFAefc?nroTward™ | Thomas Hamilton Reddy. .3rd Battalion, The Essex Regiment. Tlieto uniiermentioned attend the Sch. toof bcInstrn. 2nd Lts. at Harwich, (on prob.) commencing (Gaz. 7 June.) 12 June Dated 15:— 8 June 15. They are Hubert Julius de Reuter. Howard Kilb >rne Harris. EdwardRobert Humphrey Medley Sant. Binney. George Alfred Lee Graham. Donald Hasell Weaver. John Hicks. John Herbert Victor Wilmott. He Frederick WiflianAHicks™' at B“ry St' E commencing 12 June 15:- The undermentioned 2nd Lts. (on prob.) are confirmed in their rank. (Gaz. 8 June) G r' I V J- Longton. L.?' Pegler.p;^ir | - Millard.Finlinson. Then June J6 Dateddi2Cjaune °r4X-Cadet of the °-T-C- t0 be ^nd Lt. (on prob.) (Gaz. John Marlar. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) Wallace John Shields. (Gaz. 11 June) 12.T une Herbert Howard Butler. (Gaz. 14 June).. " ” J4.T me™GazfdatedV'jun^lA ' (Gaz^’lAju^e'l?)01* 13 aS n°W described’ ^ TheDaItedr2™Juneni5:-a

SPECIAL KESERVE OP OFFICERS-corcM. Infantry—contd, 3rd Battalion, The Sherwood Foresters (Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regiment). The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) (Gaz. 1 June) Dated 2 June 15 Frank Edwin Bennett. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) (Gaz. 9 June.) Dated 10 June 15. They are to join the Sch. ot Instrn. at Tynemouth, commencing 15 June 15:— Frank Robinson. I Leslie Vernon Foster. Reginald Guy Pearse. I TheJohn undermentioned Spencer Trevor Cadets Andrews. and ex-Cadets (Gaz. 24 ofJune.) the O.T.C. be 2nd.. Lts. ..(on prob.): — 25Junel5 (Gaz. 25 June.) Dated 26 June 15 :— Marmaduke Marshall Shaw, ! Louis Anthony Loup.

4th Battalion, The Sherwood Foresters (Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regiment). Temp.(Gaz.sJune) Capt. S. H. F. Hole, from Gen. List, to be Cap!., and is seed, for emplt. on the Staff. 9June The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) (Gaz. 9 June.) Dated 10 June 15. He is to join the Sch. of Instrn. at Tynem .nth, commencing 15 June 15:— Gerald Herbert John Swift. The notification of the appt. of C. J. Phillips to a 2nd Ltcy. which appeared in Gaz. of Lt. 6T. May H. Hudson15, is cancelled. to be Capt. (Gaz. (Gaz. 9 June.) 10 June) 28May TheJ. undermentioned P. McGeagh. 2nd Lts. to be Lts. (Gaz. I 10 June.)C. DatedH. G. Millis.28 May 15: — 2nd G.Lt. F. (on March. prob.) H. J. G. Garner resigns.1 his commn. (Gaz. 29 June) SO.Tune

3rd Battalion, The Loyal North Lancashire Regiment. ^ The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) (Gaz. 7 June.) Dated 8 JuneT 15. Theyare to attendHarry theWilliam Sch. ofGifford. Instrn. at Harwich, commencingI Eric 12 Gladding. June 15 :— Gordon Arthur Gifford. The undermentioned Cadets and ex-Cadets of the O.T C. to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) (Gaz. 11 June.)William Datedl2 Ernest JuneMartin. 15:— EdwardA „George ttHooper. William Hill Nesfield. I 2nd Lt. (on prob.) J. S. Cunven is confirmed in his rank. (Gaz. 12 June.) The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be Lts. (Gaz. 12 June.) Dated 15 May 15 :— S. Waterworth. | D. R. Curwen. Temp.^nt^L^Lawrence G. Holt, from 9 (Serv.) Bn., Bedf. R„ to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) (Gaz,16June) 9NOV.14 TheGeorge undermentioned Herbert Harrison. Cadet or ex-Cadet(Gaz. 25 June) of the O.T.C... to be.. 2nd Lt... (on prob.).. :— .. .. 25Junel5

3rd Battalion,Lt. A. M. The Henniker Northamptonshire to be Capt. Regiment.(Gaz. 1 June) ...... ; 14May * The undermentioned Cadets and ex-Cadets of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) (Gaz. 4 June.) Dated 1 June 15:— Christopher Charles Page. Bernard Cuthbert Gillott. John Gervase Wood. NormanAlbert Joseph Archibald Rowland. Chambers. Basil Frederick Harland. William Edward Beaumont. Hubert Essame. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) (Gaz. 7 June.) Dated 7 June 15. He is to joinGeorge the Sch. Colet of Instrn. Totton. at Norwich, commencing 12 June 15 :— The undermentioned 2nd Lt. (on prob.) is confirmed in his rank. (Gaz. 8 June.) :— G. P. Yarnell. TheCyril undermentioned Stewart Greenwood. to be 2nd (Gaz.Lt. (on 11 prob.) June) :— 12J une TheClaude undermentioned Joseph John Cadet Brown. of the (Gaz. O.T.C. 12 toJune) be 2nd Lt... (on prob.):—.. .. •> ISJune TheRalph undermentioned Baton Taylor. Cadet (Gaz. or ex-Cadet 25 June) of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lt. (on prob,) :— ,, 26June Promotions, Appointments, &c. 147

SPECIAL RESERVE ©F OFFICERS—cowM. INFANTBY—COUtd. 3rd Battalion, Princess Charlotte of Wales’s (Royal Berkshire Regiment). 2nd Lt. (on prob.) R. H. G. Trotter is confirmed In his rank, and to be Lt. (Gaz. 1 June) 28Apr,15 TheFrancis undermentioned Gordon ShirreH. member (Gaz. of the1 June) Inns ..of Court.. O.T.C... to be.. 2nd Lt... (on ..prob,):— .. 2.1une TheEdward undermentioned Eric Sturges. to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) I(Gaz. 10 ThomasJune.) DatedllGeorge Benger. June 15:— Frank Mathews Masters. i Alexander Guy Campbell Rice. (Gaz. 14 June) ...... HJune TheReginald undermentioned Oscar Gartside Cadet orBagnall. ex-Cadet (Gaz. of the 24 o.T.C.June; to be.. 2nd Lt... (on prob.).. :—.. .. 25June 2nd (Gaz.Lt. (on26 June) prob.) F. J. Harding is removed from the Army for absence without leave.2 7June 3rd Battalion, The Queen’s Own (Royal West Kent Regiment). The undermentioned 2nd Lt. (on prob.) is confirmed in his rank. (Gaz. 3 June) :— E. J. Fulcher. Theattend undermentioned the Seh. of toInstrn. he 2nd at Lt. Norwich, (on prob.) commencing (Gaz. 7 June.) 12 June Dated 15 : — 7 June 15, He is to Hubert Saxton Besant. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) (Gaz. 7 June.) Dated 8 June 15. He is to attend the fleh. of Instrn. at Chatham, commencing 12 June 15 :— Edwin John Coltman. Tlie undermentioned 2nd Lt. (on prob.) is confirmed in his rank. (Gaz. 8 June) :— K. Sheriff. TheTemp. undermentioned Lt. Charles to Tuff, be Capts. from 9 (Serv.)(Gaz. 11 Bn. June.) Dated 12 June 15 Capt. Hugh Sydenham Vere Hodge, from Unatt. List, Terr. Force. The undermentioned Cadet or ex-Cadet of the O.T.C to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) :— Cecil Capel Berger. (Gaz. 11 June) ...... 12Jnne TheBertram undermentioned William Hougham.member of the(Gaz. Inns 12 ofJune) Court O.T.C... to.. be 2nd.. Lt. (on.. prob.).. :— .. ISJune The date of appt. of Capt. C. Tuff is 9 June 15, and not as stated in Gaz. of 11 June 15. (Gaz. 15 June.) The undermentioned 2nd Lts. (on prob.) are confirmed in their rank. (Gaz. 17 June) J. H. Ashton. I G. J. Joel. F. T. Mansfield. I The15, notification is cancelled. of the(Gaz. appt. 21 June.)of Sir J. H. Heaton, Bf., which appeared in Gaz. of 29 Apr. TheWilliam undermentioned Esme Montague to be 2nd Stuart. Lt. (on (Gaz.prob.) 25 :— June) ...... 26.1une 3rd Battalion,The undermentioned The King’s Own to be(Yorkshire Lts. (on prob.)Light Infantry).are confirmed in their rank. (Gaz. 3 June) :— N. Cardwell. I T. S. Glover. N. Sales. Lt. A. J. Golding is dismissed from His Majesty’s Service by sentence of a General Court Martial. (Gaz. 9 June) ...... 2lApr. TheWilliam undermentioned Ronald Lord. to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) (Gaz.I 11 June.)Richard Dated Jefferson 12 June Butler. 15 :~ Wilfred Martindale. The undermentioned ex-Cadet of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.):— Keith Paterson. (Gaz. 14 June) ...... 14June The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. fon prob.) :— Percival Lambert. (Gaz. HJune) ...... do. Capt. S. F. Huth resigns his commn. (Gaz. 25 June) ...... 26June TheVerney undermentioned Leo Sunderland. to be 2nd (Gaz. Lt. (on28 June).. prob.) :— ...... 29.Tune 2nd Lt. (on prob.) W. T. Sales resigns ids commn. on account of ill-health. (Gaz. 29 June) 30June 3rd Battalion, The King’s (Shropshire Light Infantry), The notification of the appt. of M. T. Nunnerley to a 2nd Ltcy. which appeared in Gaz. of 20 May 15, is cancelled. (Gaz. 1 June.) 'fhe undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (on proh.) (Gaz. 7 June.) Dated 8 June 15. They are to attend the Sch. of Instrn. at Bury St. Edmunds, commencing 12 June 15: - Cyril Wellesley Sparrow. I Reginald Francis Scarlett Parry. 148 Promotions, Appointments, &c.

SPECIAL RESERVE OF OFFICERS-eoraid. Infantry—contd. 3rd Battalion, The King's (Shropshire Light Infantry) - contd. The undermentioned Cadet and ex-Cadet of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) Gaz. 9 June.) Dated 10 June 15. Tney are to join the Sch. of Instrn. at Tenby, commencing on 14 June 15 John Victor Church. I John Alberic Everard Upton. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) (Gaz. 9 Juno.) Dated 10 June 15. They are to join the Sch. of Instrn. at Tenby, commencing 14 June 15 Hamilton Hofman Scott. I Hamilton Vincent O’Meara. Frank Lindsay Platt. I Edward Cecil Gwinear Lanyon. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. (on prob.) are confirmed in their rank. (Gaz. 17 June) : — C. S. Astbury. i G. K. Lloyd. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) Henry Cecil Trumpler. (Gaz.aiJune) ...... 21Junel5 The undermentioned 2nd Lts. (on prob.) are confirmed in their rank. (Gaz. 22 June) H. A. Robinson. | V. H. Pocock. 5th Battalion, The Duke of Cambridge’s Own (Middlesex Regiment). The undermentioned member of the Inns of Court O.T.C. to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) Felix Victor Beevor. (Gaz. 1 June) ...... , 2Juue The undermentioned Cadet or ex-Cadet of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) (Gaz. 7 June.) Dated 7 June 15. He is to attend the Sch. of Instrn. at Norwich, commenc- ing Douglas11 June 15 Cutbush. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob ) (Gaz. 7 June.) Dated 7 June 15. He is to attend the Sch. of Instrn. at Norwich, commencing 12 June 15: — Richard Wilcock Sellers. The undermentioned to be 2nd L's. (on prob.) (Gaz. 7 June.) Dated 8 June 15. They are to attend the Sch. of Instrn. at Chatham, commencing 12 Juno 15: — William Herbert Saddington. I Francis William Norton Collingwood. He isGordon to join Henry the Sch. James. of Instrn. at Bury St. Edmunds, commencing 12 June 15 The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) (Gaz. 11 June.) Dated 12 June 15 Edward Ralph Spoflorth. | Arthur Henry Winn Sampson. TheHarry undermentioned Brindley Barnes. to be 2nd (Gaz. Lts. 16on June) prob. :.. — ...... 17.Tune Nigel Bruce Levy. (Gaz. 21 June) .. .. 22June The undermentioned 2nd Lts. (on prob.) are confirmed in their rank. (Gaz. 22 June):— F. G. Downing. I H. Hewett. F. R. Walker. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) :— Charles Stewart Davis. (Gaz. 23 June) .. 24J une The undermentioned Lts. to be Capts. (Gaz. 24 June) Dated 3 Apr. 15:— L. .1. Hudleston. L. G. Coward. J. H. Schooling. H. C. Ellis. W. C. Dobbs. W. S. Meeke. S. J. Belsham. TheJohn undermentioned Kenneth Gordon Cadet Apperly. or ex-Cadet (Gaz. of 25the June).. O.T.C. to be.. 2nd Lt... (on prob.).. :— .. .. 26June TheGordon undermentioned Standley be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) I (Gaz. 25 GeorgeJune.) DanielDated Cowie.26 June 15:— Edward George Grogan. I Douglas Colquhoun. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. (on prob.) are confirmed in their rank. (Gaz. 29 J une): - R. C. Boorman. | P. M. Marks. H. R. F. Butterfield. I C. E. Going. Cth Battalion, The Duke of Cambridge’s Own (Middlesex Regiment). The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be Lts. (Gaz. 2 June.) Dated 1 Apr. 15 :— C.G. H. Scriven.R. West. I E.L. G.A. Hill.P. Day. G. V. Tate. I E. L. O. Baddeley. The undermentionedattend the Sch. ofto Instrn. be 2nd atLt. Norwich, (on prob.) commencing (Gaz. 7 June.) 12 J uneDated 15 :— 7 June 15. He Is to Kenneth Tod. Promotions, Appointments, &c. 149

SPECIAL KESERVE OF OFFICERS—coreM. INPANTBY—COntd. 6th Battalion, The Duke of Combrulge’s Own (Middlesex Regiment)—at Hid. The undermentioned Cadet or ex-Cadet of the O.T.C. to be ind Lt. (on prob.) (Ga7,.7.Tune.) Dated 8 June 15. He is to join the Sch. of Instrn. at Harwich, commencing 12 June 15 : — Walter Edwin Stockley. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) (Giaz. 7 June.) Dated 8 June 15. He is to attend the Sch. of Instrn. at Chatham, commencing 12 June 15: — Ernest Hilliard Davies. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) Edgar John O’fflahertie Ross. (Gaz. 11 June) .. 12,Tunel5 Edward Standish King. (Gaz. 21 June) .. 22 June * The undermentioned Lts. to be Capts. (Gaz. 23 June.) Dated 20 Mar. 15:— L. M. Williams. | D. D. Goldingham. A. Freeland. O. R. F. Johnston. B. R. Newman. I H. W. M. Potter. The undermentioned Cadet or ex-Cadet of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) :— Spencer Furlong Parker. (Gaz. 25 June).. 26June 5th Battalion, The King’s Royal Rifle Corps. The undermentioned member of the Inns of Court O.T.C. to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.):— Granville Harry Wingfield. (Gaz. 4 June) ...... Uune Thejoin undermentioned the Sch. of Instrn. to be 2ndat Oxford Lt. (on University,prob.) (Gaz. commencing 9 June.) Dated 14 June 10 June15:— 15. He is to Albert Cash Store. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.):— Henry Earlam Johnson. (Gaz. 16 June) ...... 17June TheA. undermentioned K. H. Wyndham. 2nd Lts. (on prob.) are confirmed| inC. their S. Bgerton-Green. rank. (Gaz. 22 June) :— R. G. W. Bewicke-Copley. The undermentioned Lts. to be Capts. (Gaz. 24 June.) Dated 6 May 15:— H. S. Altham, and to remain seed. I H. F. E. Smith. 6th Battalion, The King’s Royal Rifle Corps. The undermentioned 2nd Lt. (on prob.) Is confirmed in his rank. (Gaz. 3 June) : — B. H. Sumner. The undermentioned Cadets and ex-Cadets of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lts (on prob.) Gaz. 4 June.) Dated l June 15:— Reginald Binyon Whitehead. j Maurice William Peters. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) (Gaz. 7 June) Dated 7 June 15. They are to attend the Sch. of Instrn. at Norwich,commencing H June 15 :— Charles Gordon Reed. j William Frederick Augustin Leonard Arthur Blackett. I Chambers. The undermentioned to bo 2nd Lts. (on prob.) (Gaz. 7 June.) Dated 8 June 15. They are to attend the Sch. of Instrn. at Chatham, commencing 12 June 15 :— Henry Redmayne Holme. | Robert Astley Franklin Eminson. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be Lts. (Gaz. 11 June.) Dated 16 May 15 : — J-J. 5'B. 9,-,Ellis. Lodley. | Hon.j. e. M.L. Skinner.M. St. Aubyn, and to I remain seed. The undermentioned Cadet or ex-Cadet of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) (Gaz. 11 June) :— PelhamWalter Scott DonovanRavenscroft.. Glegg ...... i2June29May The following notification is substituted for that which appeared in Gaz. of 11 May 15 : — Temp. 2nd Lt. W. Dunkels, from General List, to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.). (Gaz. 16 June.) Dated 23 May 15, but with seniority as from 1 Oct. 14. The notification of the appt. of H. A. Dolby, which appeared in Gaz. of 20 Apr. 15, should read 3 Bn. Leic. R.” and not “ 3 Bn. Leins. R.” as therein stated. (Gaz. 16 June.) After the words (on prob.) which appear under the heading Infantry on page 5619 of Gaz. dated 10 June 15, read:—Dated 11 June 15. (Gaz. 16 June.) The undermentioned Cadet or ex-Cadet of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lt. (on prob. :— Cecil Barclay Hibbert. (Gaz. 21 June) ...... 22June The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) :— Arthur Clements Heberden (from Dnattd, List Terr. Force). (Gaz. 21 June) .. .. do. 150 ♦ Promotions, Appointments, dbc.

SPECIAL KESERYE OP OFFICERS— INFANTEY—COTltd. 6th Battalion, The King’s Royal Rifle Corps—oo/ii'd. The undermentioned Cadets or ox-Cadets of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Ltsl. ton prob.) (Gfli: 25 June.) Dated 26 June 15 George Montague Warren Bulkeley-Hughes. Robert Evelyn Sandford Poole. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) Edgar Newton Paul. (Gaz. 25 June) ...... ,, 26,Tunela Thomas Patrick McDowell. (Substituted for that which appeared in Gaz. of 24 June 15.) Frederick(Gaz.28June) Gordon de Satge,.. late.. Acting.. Sub-Lt... R.N.,.. to be.. Lt. (Gaz... 29 June)...... HJune25June 3rd Battalion, The Duke of Edinburgh’s (Wiltshire Regiment). Temp. 2nd Lt. G. Cartwright, from 8 (Serv.) Bn. to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) (Gaz. 3 June.) 5Feb. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) (Gaz. 9 June.) They are to join the Sch. of Instrn. at Oxford University, commencing 14 June 15:— Ernest Lionel Squire. 28 May 15. I Mackilligan. I 10 June 15. Temp. 2nd Lt. E. G. Mack, from 8 (Serv.) Bn., to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) (Gaz. 10 Jure) 270ct.l4 TheDated undermentioned 14 June 15:— ex-Cadets of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) (Gaz. 11 June.) Christopher Lancelot Usher. | John Eric Binns. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) :— William Walter Morrice. (Gaz. 14 June) ...... ,, 14Junel5 The undermentioned member of the Inns of Court O.T.C. to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) :— Edward Cyril Clegg. (Gaz. 17 June) ISJune The undermentioned Cadet or ex-Cadet of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) :— Temp.Norman 2nd Lt. Victor F. C. Kent.Whiting, (Gaz. from 21 8June) (Serv.) Bn.,.. to be. 2nd Lt... (Gaz... 21 June)...... 22 June Temp. Lt. F C Whiting, from 8 (Serv.) Bn., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 23 June.) Dated 16 Oct. 14 14Jan. (Substituted for the notification which appeared in Gaz, of 21 June 15.) The26 undermentiened June.) Dated 26 Cadets June 15and :— ex-Cadets ef the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) (Gaz. Edmund Alfred Carrington. I Harold Henry Martyn, Richard Edward Elcho Skyrme. 3rd Battalion, The Manchester Regiment. TheFrederick undermemioned Herbert to Woodbridge be 2nd Lts. (from(on prob.) Inns I (Gaz. 21 EdwardJune.) DatedEly Riordan. 22 June 15 :— of Court O.T.C.). Theread: notification “3 Bn. referringManch. R.” to andS. A. not Marriott, “3 Bn. whichNorth’n appeared R.” as thereinin Gaz. stated.of 28 Mav, (Gaz.23 15, should June.) The undermentioned Cadet or ex-Cadet of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lt. (on prob. :— Sydney Pritchard Davies. (Gaz. 25 June) ...... ,, .. .. 26June The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) :— Reginald Emile Roach. (Gaz. 25 June) ...... ,, ,, do. 4th Battalion, The Manchester Regiment. Thejoin undermentioned the Sch. of Instrn. to be 2ndat Bury Lt. (on St. prob.)Edmunds, (Gaz. commencing 7 June.) Dated12 June 8 June15 :— 15. He is to Gilbert Lye. The undermentioned Cadet or ex-Cadet of the O.T.C. to bo 2nd Lt. (on prob.) :— William Stuart Macgowan. (Gaz. 11 June) ...... i2June The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be Lts. (Gaz. 23 June.) Dated 4 May 15 :— A. J. Sloman. I M. C. Paterson. A. A. Harrison. A. R. Guinness. L. H. Lion. | F. Y. Hollingworth. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) :— Herbert John Sidney Reynolds. (Claz. 25 June) ...... 26June 3rd Battalion,The undermentioned The Prince of Wales’s2nd Lts. (North(on prob.) Staffordshire are confirmed Regiment). in their rank. (Gaz. 4 June):— G. D. Chew. I G. W. Rogers. J. H. Des Voeux. Theare undermentioned to join the Sch. to of be Instrn. 2nd Lts. at (onTynemouth, prob.) (Gaz. commencing 9 June.) 15Dated June 15:—10 June 15. They Charles Alan Stuart Booth. I Firstbrook Clarke. Frederick Stanley Murray. I Leonard Stockton-Smith. Lt. L. Walker to be Capt. (Gaz. 10 June) 15 May Promotions, Appointments, &c. 151

SPECIAL KESERVE OF OFFICERS-conta. Infantry—coutd. 4th Battalion, The Prince of Wales’s (North Staffordshire Regiment). The undermentioned 2nd Lts. (on prob.) are confirmed in their rank. (Gaz. 4 June):— I). C. Isaac. I J. MacAllister. T. R. Parry. 8. W. Sillem. R. B. Howell. I K. G. Mappin. TheFrancis undermentioned Ernest Ashton to be Schnadhorst.2nd Lt. (on prob.) (Gaz. 25 June) ...... 26Junel5 3rd Battalion,Capt. D. The T. YorkWelsh and to beLancaster Ma], (Gaz. Regiment. 2 June)...... IFeb. The undermentioned Lts. to be Capts. (Gaz. 2 June.) Dated 17 Feb. 15 J. Horlington. I H. J. Birch. S. Lucas. I The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be Lts. (Gaz. 2 June.) Dated 2 Feb. 15 T. K. Shaw, and to remain seed. I L. A. K. Halcomb. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. (on prob.) are confirmed in their rank. (Gaz. 4 June) G. H. Highfield. I W. H. Adsetts. L. C. Cresweli. I. C. Findlay. W. P. Hildred. I T. H. Morris. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. ton prob.) (Gaz. 7 June.) Daied 8 June 15. He is to join the Sch. of Instrn. at Bury St. Edmunds commencing 12 June 15 Joe Vernon Medley. The9 undermentionedJune 15.) Dated Cadets10 June or 15. ex-Cadets They are of theto joinO.T.C. the to Sch. bo 2ndof Instrn.Lts. (on at prob.) Tynemouth (Gaz. commencing 16 June 15:— Richard Inger Mozley. I Percy Hampson Allen. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) (Gaz. 9 June.) Dated 10 June 15. They are Oliverto join Brydenthe Sch. Bell. of Instrn. at TynemouthI commencingReginald 15 June Kerry. 15 The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) (Gaz. 9 June.) Dated 10 June 15. They are Alfredto join Lushington the Sch. of Instrn.Mather. at Oxford UniyersityI Alfredcommencing Maltravers 14 June Herepath. 16 The undermentioned Cadet of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) (Gaz. 10 June) Frank Lanes. TheSamuel undermentioned Kerr Breingan. to be 2nd(Gaz. Lt. 14(on June) prob.) ...... 14June TheRonald undermentioned John Land. Cadet (Gaz. or 16ex-Cadet June) of the.. O.T.C... to be.. 2nd Lt.. (on prob.)...... 17June TheVictor undermentioned Malcolm Robson. to be 2nd (Gaz. Lt. (on16 June)..prob.):— ...... do. TheHarold undermentioned Faulder member(Gaz. 17 June)of the Inns.. of ..Court O.T.C... to.. be 2nd.. Lt. (on.. prob.).. .. 18,Tune The undermentioned 2nd Lt. (on prob.) is confirmed in his rank. (Gaz. 22 June) R. H. Cowing. The Gaz. notification of 13 May 15, seedg. 2nd Lt. T. K. Shaw for service with A. Big. Serv., is cancelled. (Gaz. 24 June.) The25 undermentioned June.) Dated 26 Cadets June 15or ex-Jadets of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) (Gaz. James Barnett Montagu. I Edward Stanley Griffin. TheThomas undermentioned Ruble Fawsitt. to be 2nd (Gaz. Lt. (on28 June) prob.) ...... 29June 3rd Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. (on prob.) are confirmed in their rank. (Gaz. 8 June.) W. Davison. I R. K. Robson. Lt. withE. W. seniority Appleby, as from from the 27 Oct.Suppy. 14. List, to be Lt. (Gaz. 12 June.) Dated 13 June, 15, TheWilliam undermentioned Gordon Legat. to be 2nd(Gaz. Lt. 14(on Juue) prob.):— ...... 14June Charles Richard Shirreff, from temp. Lt. 12 (Serv.) Bn., to be Capt, (Gaz, 29 June.) (Substituted for the notification which appeared in Qa*. of 7 Decl4.) ,, .. ?3Qct. 14 152 Promotions, Appointments, &c

SPECIAL RESERVE OF OFFICERS-ooraM. Infantry—contd. 4th Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry. 2nd Lt. J. C. P. Barkas to be Lt. (Gaz. 2June) ...... HMar.15 TheD. undermentioned F. C. Bacon. 2nd Lt. (on prob.) is confirmed in his rank. (Gaz. 8 June):— Theto undermentioned join the Sch. of toInstrn. be 2nd at Lts. Tynemouth (on prob.) commencing (Gaz. 9 June.) 15 June Dated 15:— 10 June 15. They are RichardGeoffrey BoothPeirson. Broughton. | Robert Andrew Garrett. The undermentioned Cadet or ex-Cadet of the O.T.C. to be 2nd L*. (on r rob )• - Anstey Ross Jacob. (Gaz. 26 June) 26June 3rd Battalion, The Highland Light Infantry. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) (Gaz. 1 June.) Dated 1 June 15. He is to jom the Sch. of Instrn. at Edinburgh (Lothian), commencing 5 June 15: Thomas Frederick Phillips. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. (on prob.) are confirmed in their rank. (Gaz 4 June) J. H. F. Stephen. | J.G. Stephen. The undermentioned Cadets or ex-Cadets of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) (Gaz. 10 June. Dated 11 June 15:— James McLellan. | Thomas Short Cunningham. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) (Gaz. 10 June.) Dated 11 June 15 — Leslie . | William Balfour Anderson. The notification of the appt. of C. H. Thornton to a 2nd Ltcy., which appeared in Gaz. of 19 May 15, is cancelled. (Gaz. 21 June.) The undermentioned Cadet or ex-Cadet of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) •— William Graham Notman. (Gaz. 25 June' do 4th Battalion, The Highland Light Infantry. 2nd Lt. (on prob.) F. S, Leslie is confirmed in his rank. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be Lts. F. S. Leslie. (Gaz. 1 June.) Dated 5 Apr. 15:— A. A. Macfarlane-Grieve. | A. B. Porter. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) (Gaz. 4 June.) Dated 5 June 15. He is to join the Sch. of Instrn. at Liverpool, commencing 11 June 15:— William Alexander Hewes Lindsay. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. (on prob.) are confirmed in their rank. (Gaz. 4 June) — M. A. C. Hunter. | h. T. B. Boshell. The undermentioned Cadet or ex-Cadet of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) — Robert McIntosh McKean. (Gaz. 10 June) llJune The name of Capt. Charles Strangman Hancock is as now described, and not as stated In Gaz. of 5 May 15. (Gaz. 22 June.) The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) :— Robert Smith Steedman. (Gaz. 24 June) 25June The undermentioned Cadet or ex-Cadet of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) Philip Frederick Hood WTlson. (Gaz. 25 June) 26June The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) :— William Stuart Elliott. (Gaz. 25 June) .. do. 3rd Battalion, The Seaforth Highlanders (Ross-shire Buffs, The Duke of Albany’s). The undermentioned members of the Inns of Court, O.T.C., to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) (Gaz. 1 June ) Dated 2 June 15:— Lewis Rose. I James Leslie Fraser. Lawrence Gjers. Stanley Philin Angus Bousfield. William Scott Watson. | Reginald Walter Charles Gla-sborow. Theundermentionedto join the Sch. of toInstrn. be 2nd at Lts Edinburgh (on prob.) (Lothian) (Gaz. 1 commencing,June.) Dated 5 1June June 15:— 15. They are Douglas Gordon White. | William Wallace Henderson Tait. Capt. W. K. Mackenzie to be Maj. (Gaz. 10 June) .. 2Feh. Lt. W. F. Arbuthnot to be Capt. (Gaz. 1C June) 7 May The undermentioned Cadets and ex-Cadets of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) (Gaz. 10 June.) Dated 11 June 15 :— Al-xander Ritchie Davidson. | Edward Horatio McKay. Temp. 2nd Lt. R. H. Brodie, from 9 (Serv.) Bn., to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) (Gaz. lb June) .. lOMar. The undermentioned Cadet or ex-Cadet of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) :— Donald Gordon Coutts. (Gaz. 16 June) .. 17 June The undermentioned 2nd Lts. (on prob.) are confirmed in their rank. (Gaz. 22 June) : — A. St. C. Jameson. | J. W. E. Dickson. The undermentioned Cadet or ex-Cadet of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.' :— Lancelot George McBride. (Gaz. 25 June) 26June Promotions, Appointments, &c. 153

SPECIAL RESERVE OF OFFICERS—coreict. Infantry—contd. 3rd Battalion, The Gordon Highlanders. Temp. 2nd Lt. C. M. Brown, from 11 (Serv.) Bn., to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) (Gaz. 9 June) 9NOV.14 The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) (Gaz. 11 June.) Dated 11 June 15:— Allan Ebenezer Ker. 1 Douglas Gordon. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) :— Bertram Stewart Chedburn. (Gas. 16 June) ...... 17Junel5 The undermentioned member of the Inns of Court O.T.C. to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) : — Walter Howden Lyell. (Gaz. 17 June) ...... 18.1 une The undermentioned 2nd Lts. (on prob.) are confirmed in their rank. (Gaz. 22 June) :— A. A. Webster. F. A. G. Gillies. W. T. Harragln. I. C. M cPherson. H. S. Blunt. W. A. Dyke. A. D. Bell-Irvlng. A. J. Davidson. W. J. M. Beardmore. L.K. M.S. Gordon.Powell. A. E. Russell. G. H. Gordon. A. G. Greig. F. G. Stranack. W. G. Mackay. The undermentioned Lts. to be Capts. iGaz. 23 June.) Dated 1 April 15 A. E. F. Morison. I D. Mactavish. 2nd Lt. A. J. Davidson to be Lt. (Gaz. 23 June) 16May The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) Alexander McLuckie. (Gaz. 24 June) ...... 25 June The undermentioned Cadet or ex-Cadet of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) :— Hugh Dobbie Carless. (Gaz. 25 June) ' .. 26June The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) (Gaz. 25 June.) Dated 26 June 15 :— Ralph Risk. | Arthur John Edward Carey. The notification of the appt. of Alexander McLuckie to a 2nd Ltcy., which appeared in Gaz. of 24 June 15, is cancelled. (Gaz. 26 June.)] 3rd Battalion, The Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders. The undermentioned Cadets or ex-Cadets of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) (Gaz. 10 June.) Dated u June 15:— Harold Cameron Maclean. | William Wallace. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) (Gaz. 10 June.) Dated 11 June 15:— WalterDouglas Elliot. Edward Brodie. II John McCallum. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) :— William James Thomson. (Gaz. 16 June) ...... 17June The undermentioned Cadets or ex-Cadets of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) (Gaz. 25 June.) Dated 26 June 15 :— James Guthrie Gibson. | Arthur Lyndon Evelyn. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.):— David William Gray. (Gaz. 25 June) ...... 26June 3rd Battalion, The Royal Irish Rifles. 2ndLt. G.Lt. T. (on Whitla prob.) to R. be A. Capt. N. Bulloch (Gaz. is2 June)confirmed .. in his.. rank,.. (Gaz... 2 June.)...... 8May The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be Lts. (Gaz. 2 June.) Dated 8 May J5 :— T. F. Ingram. D. Kirkpatrick. C. J. Love. A. McLaughlin.action.) (Since killed in G.C. W.B. Williams.Webb. R. A. N. Bulloch. G. C. Robb. R. .T. Ramsey, and to remain seed. G. H. Coey. F. C. P. .ioy. Ernest ffrench-Mullen, late Lt. of the Bn., to be Capt. (Gaz. 11 June) .. .. 12June The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) (Gaz. 14 Jnne 15.) Dated 15 June 15:— Thomas Godfrey Mason. I Edward Victor Manico. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) :— William Leonard Price Dobbin. (Gaz. 25 June)...... „ 26June 4th Battalion, The Royal Irish Rifles. The undennentioned 2nd Lts. (on prob.) arc confirmed in their rank.) A. T. H. Pinkerton. (Gaz. 4 June) I J. L. Muir. (Gaz. 8 June.) The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) (Gaz. 14 June.) Dated 15 June 15:— Patrick McMahon. | Herbert Wilson O’Reilly. The undermentioned Cadet or ex-Cadet of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) Kevin Elphick. (Gaz. 25 June) ...... do. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) :— John Dermot McClatchie. (Gaz. 25 June.) ...... do. 154 Promotions, Appointments, &c.

SPECIAL RESERVE OP OFFICERS— contd. Infant by—contd. 5th Battalion, The Royal Irish Rifles. The notification pi the appt. of .1. W. C. Colquhoan to a 2nd Ltcy. which appeared in Gaz. of 19 May 15. is cancelled. (Gaz. 9 June.) Capt. T. M. Morton is restored to the estab. (Gaz. 11 June) BAug.14 The notification of the appt. of P. II. Ravenscroft to a 2nd Ltcy., which appeared in Gaz. of 28 May 15, is cancelled. (Gaz. 11 June.) The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to the Lts. (Gaz. 12 June.) Dated 22 May 15-— i-E. H.Workman. Butler. I R. Gribben. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) 'Gaz. 14 June.) Dated 15 June 15 Alfred Francis James Nicholson. Ronald Douglas Williams. Robert Charles Galloway. Harold Jeffrey McConnell. The undermentioned Cadet or ex-Cadet of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lt. (on prob ) •— Ernest George Boas. (Gaz. 24 June) .. 25J unel5 The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.):— William Robert Barrows. (Gaz. 25 June) .. 2(i.l unc 3rd Battalion, Princess Victoria’s (Royal Irish Fusiliers). TheM. undermentioned S. H. Atkinson. 2nd Lts. (on prob.) are confirmed| theirF. H. rank.Mansfield. (Gaz. 4 June) (Gaz. S June.) M. S. H. Atkinson. J. A. Mansfield. The undermentionod to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) (Gaz. 14 June.) Dated 14 June 15 Leonard Marriott Davenport. Edward Kennedy Walkington. Reginald George Preston. Frank Henry Grear. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. (on prob.) are confirmed in their rank. (Gaz. 17 June) • . W. Golding. R. Brennan. W. Sparkes. s E. T. Owles. (Gaz. 22 June). The Christian names of 2nd Lt. (on prob.) Ernest Trafford Owles are as now described and not as stated in Gaz. of 16 Mar. 15. (Gaz. 25 June.)

4th Battalion,The undermentioned Princess Victoria’s 2nd Lts. (Royal to bo Irish Lts. Fusiliers).(Gaz. 3 June.) R. L. Vance. I Dated 13 Feb. 15 W. A. Colhoun. J. D. Leahy. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be Lts. F. G. Schute. (Gaz. 10 June) 14Feb. (Gaz. 11 June.) Dated 1 May 15. H. A. H. Warnock. I H. A. Vernon. The undermentioned ex-Cadet to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) (Gaz. 10 June) : — Robert Forsythe Pepper TheHenry undermentioned Hall Cosgrove. to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) (Gaz.I 14 June.)Owen BenedictDated 15 McManus. June 15:— William James Best. The undermentioned Lts. to be Capts. (Gaz. 15 June.) Dated 29 May 15:— O. C. F. Rogers. | A. F. West.

3rd Battalion, The Connaught Rangers. Capt. M. I. M. Cam obeli to be Maj. (Gaz. 2 June) ...... 8May Lt. I. H. Garvey to be Capt. (Gaz. 2 June) ...... d0. The undermentioned 2nd Lt. (on prob.) is confirmed in his rank. (Gaz. 4 June) : — A. J. H. Bourke. Capt. J. L. Jackson is seed, for service with the R.F.C. (Gaz. 15 June) ...... 17Nov.l4 The undermentioned Lts. to be Capts. (Gaz. 16 June.) Dated 8 May 15 :— , J. J. Kavanagh. | J. D’Arcy. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) :— Sidney Basil Minch. (Gaz. 16 June) .. ..' ...... i7Junel5 The undermentioned 2nd Lt. (on prob.) is confirmed in his rank :— N. S. B. Kidson. (Gaz. 22 June.) The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) :— George Andrew McDowell. (Gaz. 25 June) .. 26 June Promotions, Appointments, &c. 155


SPECIAL RESERVE OF OFFICERS—coreta. Infantry—contd. 4th Battalion, The Prince of Wales’s Leinster Regiment (Royal Canadians) "heinindthm|ni10IJeTdt0 be 2n^Lt-(on probJ (Gaz-9 June>- Dated io June 15 He is to J * WilfridlMafnIsenrpo“el?Xt0rd lTniversiti’’ com'neaeing M June 15 The er d ( e S 0 X< adetS f the T C to be 2nd 25JmEric™ CharlesDird Owen2GJnn Morphy.e l5:- ' ° | °- - William- Henderson Osborne.P^b.) (Caz. 5th Battalion, The Prince of Wales’s Leinster Regiment (Royal Canadians) I he undermentioned 2nd Lts. (on prob.) are confirmed in their rank.' (Gaz. 4 Jane.) ' ' • I P-St. G. Limbkin. (Gaz. 8 June) Join the Sch. of at Oxford^t. (on Univ. prob.) commencing (Gaz. 9 June.) 14 June Dated 15- — 10 June 15 He is to Lt. J. D.l-.inva Butler nl Kbe tdly. Capt. (Gaz. 12 June) .. 3rd Battalion, The Royal Munster Fusiliers. 22Mayl5 The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) James William Baldwin. (Gaz. 16 June) 17.Tune The undermentionedapt. and Hon. Maj. to beC. Majs.R. Leslie. (Gaz. 23 June.)| DatedCapt. 22 May M. R.15 Leeson-Marshall. The undermentioned Lts. to be Capts. (Gaz. 23 June.) Dated 15 Apr 15 •- T.'T.'MactL Stoker k'lled " action)- j M- 'T- O’Brien-Two'hig. 2nd Lt. G. L. M. McElligott to be Lt. (Gaz. 23 June) 15Apr. Th n d m idn t b ) are COnm med to the!r ra lk lGa z l3 Tune. Datedl5 APr75?- ' ' ' - to be Lts. R.C.&th. ' | J. W. Bennett. Tbe 1 d e f tbe T t0 b 2nd Lt (0n rob Hertert A^instrongf ( Gaz.^ June) ° °' '^ !. ;. " * 26June 4th Battalion, The Koyal Munster Fusiliers. Theaiear?to to rJoinmienn theth0B I7Sch.dh7f ofb Instrn.? 2?d at Tynemouth,Prob > Rn.,tobe 2nd Lt. (on prob.) (Gaz. 10 June) 28Sept.l4 TbS!S'temp. end2nd ftLt. P.D A. ®Byrne,y> from. the(Serv.) Gen. Bn., List, to tobe be2nd Lt. Lt. (Gaz.(on prob 12 June) ) (Gaz. .. 10 June) 10Mayl5 The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) (Gaz. 16 June.) Dated 17 June 15:— 13 June AlbertAiwt Thomas8 Hernon.f°re- I| GuyHerbert Vivyan Arthur Wickham. Sandys. Thyjdn™eD7ead267meS1507eI'Cadet3^ the °-T-C- b« 2nd Lts. (on prob.) (Gaz. Herbert Crosbie.t | Cecil Hollingsworth Graham The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) — Edward Elliott Lee. (Gaz. 25 June) 26June Promotions, Appointments, &c. 157

SPECIAL RESERVE OF OFFICERS-ccmid. Infantry—coraM. 4th Battalion,MaJ. J. A.The Meldon Royal toDublin be Lt.-Col. Fusiliers. (Gaz. 5 June) ...... 20Mayl5 2nd Lt. W. T. Scott to be Lt. (Gaz. 7June) ...... 2lMay The undermentioned Cadet or ex-Cadet of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lt. (o o prob.) (Gaz. 7 June) Dated 7 June 15. He is to attend the Sch. of Imtrn. at Norwich, commencing 11 June 15:- William Haughton Murphy. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) (Gaz. 7 June) Dated 7 June 15. He is to attend the Seh. of Instrn. at Norwich, commencing 11 June 15:— James Acland Dunn. The undermentioned to be 2nd L's. (on prob.) (Gaz. 11 June) Dated 12 June 15 Erskine Whyte Beveridge. | Walter Ian Black. 2nd Lt. F. R. Curry to be Lt. (Gaz. 12 June) ...... do. TheWilliam undermentioned Geoffrey bo 2nd(Gaz. Lt. 21(on June) prob.): .. — ...... 22June The undermentioned Cadets or ex-Cadets of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lt3. (on prob.) (Gaz. 25 June.)Frank HuDated26Junel5: ?h Tilney Stonex. — | William Ruddock Kidd. TheBrian undermentioned Wallie Edwards. to be 2nd(Gaz. Lt. 25(on June) prob.) .. :— ...... 26.Tune 5th Battalion, The Royal Dublin Fusiliers. The undermentioned ex-Cadet of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) :— Aubrey Lindsay Hammond. (Gaz. 11 June) ...... 12Juue The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) (Gaz. 11 June) Dated 12 June 15 :— Edward Peter Paul Cloney. | Robert Eugene Tighe. 5th Battalion, The Rifle Brigade (The Prince Consort’s Own). The undermentioned Cadet or ex-Cadet of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lt. (on nrob.):— He is to attend the Sch. of Instrn. at Norwich, commencing 11 June 15:— John Ernest Wills Lomas. (Gaz. 7 June) ...... 7June The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.). (Gaz. 7 .Tone.) Dated 7 J une 15. They are to attend the Sch. of Instrn. at Norwich, commencing 11 June 15:— Frederick Gurnev Salter. I Stephen Knowles. Cecil Douglas Gilbey Franklin. I John Cecil Burbidge. Maurice Hemmant. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. (on prob.) are confirmed in their rank. (Gaz. 8 June) :— F. S. W. Raikes. I J. H. B. Rodney. G. P. Cable. | The undermentioned ex-Cadet of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) : — Edward Carr Davenport. (Gaz. 11 June)...... 12June The date of the appt. of the undermentioned 2nd Lts. (on prob.) is 15 May 15, and not as stated in Gaz. of 7 June 15. (Gaz. 21 June) C.M. D.Hemmant. G. Franklin. I J.S. C.KnowUs. Burbidge. 2nd Lt. Con prob.) Hon. James Henry Bertie Rodney is as now described and not as stated in Gaz. of 1 S^pt. 14. (Gaz. 23 June.) 6th Batlalion, The Rifle Brigade (The Prince Consort’s Own). Tim date of the appt. of the undermentioned 2nd Lts (on prob.) is as now stated, and not as notifiedH. D. Barnard in previous .. Gazs... of 14 ..and 29 Apr.,.. and.. 21 May.. 15. (Gaz... 5 June):—.. .. 8Apr. L. B. Leech ...... do. HughC. H. B.Francis Grant Russell Smith,.. from Dnatt. List,.. Terr. Force...... The7 undermentionedJune). Dated 8 JuneCadets 15 :—and ex-Cadets of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.). (Gaz. They are to attend the Sch. of Instrn. at Chatham, commencing on 12 June 15. John Whiteley Mallinson. I Francis Billington. Leonard Saunders Chamberlen. Frai k Dalziel Adam. Clarence Willett Tait. The undermentioned 2nd Lt. (on prob.) is confirmed in his rank :— C. M. Beazley. (Gaz. 8 June). Capt. Malcolm Graham White, from Terr. Force O.T.C. to be Lt. (Gaz. 18 June) .. 19.Tune The date of the appt. of the undermentioned 2nd Lts. (on prob.) is 15 May 15, and not as previously stated in Gaz. of 7 June 15. (Gaz. 21 June) :— J. W. Mallinson. | F. Billington. L. S. Chamberlen. 1 F. D. Adam. C. W. Talt. I The undermentioned Cadet or ex-Cadet of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) :— Denison Giles Daubeney. (Gaz. 24 June) ...... ,, 25Juhq The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) (Gaz. 24 June.) Dated 25 June 15 : — Thomas Patrick McDowell, | Thomas Maybury Lunham, 158 Promotions, Appointments, &c

SPECIAL RESERVE OP OFFICERS—oonirt. SUPPLEMENTARY TO REGULAR UNITS OR CORPS. ROYAL PLYING CORPS Military Wing. Temp. Lt. Lawrence Tiioma,s George Mansell, from the Gen. List, to bo Lt„ and to retain nis appt. as temp. Asst. Inspr., Aeronautical Inspn. Dept. (Gaz. 2 June) 3Junel5 The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) (Gaz. 4 June.) Dated It May 15 JohnDouglas Gordon Archibald McEwen. Colquhoun Symington. Esca Houghton Colman. (Gaz. 4 June) .. 14 May The undermentioned 2nd Lts. (on prob.) are confirmed in their rank. (Gaz 8 June) O. D. Filley. I E. A. E. Wood. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) Robert Gordon Gould. (Gaz. 8.June) Sacheverell Arthur Hebden. (Gaz. 8 June) .. .. * .. 7Mav Harold Richard Johnson. (Gaz 8,Tune)...... 22May17May Rex George Bennett. (Gaz. 8 June) ...... _ ] Uune The undermentioned 2nd Lts. (on prob.) are confirmed in their rank. (Gaz. 10 June) •— C. P. Collett. | S. W. Caws. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) Arthur Thomas Whitelock. (Gaz. 10 June) 22May George Edmund Heygate Pincham. (Gaz. 10 June) 24 May Herbert Sanford Ward. (Gaz. lOJune) .. 25May Elliott Irvine Bingham. (Gaz. 10 June) . Uune The undermentioned 2nd Lts. (on prob.) are confirmed in their rank. H. K. Maxwell. I G. S. Peacock. (Gaz. 12 June):— S. A. Hebden. | c. Barber. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) Stanley Thomas Welch. (Gaz.l2June) .. 26 May Gerrit Porbes. (Gaz. t2June) 28 May William Horace Thomas Rampling-Rose.(Gaz. 12 June.) DatedI 1 JuneSamuel 15 Eric Neal. Herbert Anseln Oxenham. I The undermentioned 2nd Lts. (on prob.) are confirmed in their rank. (Gaz 16 June.): L. P. Page. | A. B. Rendall. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) : — Basil Charles McEwen. 28 May 15. (Gaz. 16| June.) Oscar Greig. 29 May 15. (Gaz. 16 June.) Dated 1 June 15 Charles Edwin Wardle. | Keith Day Pearce Murray. Archibald Montgomery Low.(Gaz. 16 June.) Datedj 2 JuneEric 15 Brant Broughton. William Douglas Stock Sanday. The undermentioned 2nd Lt. (on prob.) is confirmed in his rank. (Gaz. 16 June): - L. M. Bennett. TheHerbert undermentioned Augustus to Johnston. be 2nd Lts. 31 (onMay prob.) 15. (Gaz.| 21 June):—Walter Edwin Baylis.« 14 June 15. 2nd Lt. (on prob.) R. E. A. W. Hughes-Chamberlain is confirmed in his rank. (Gaz. 22 June.) Walter2nd Lt. Vernon(on prob.) Palkiner H. E. van to be Goethem 2nd Lt. is(on confirmed prob.) (Gaz. in his 23 rank.June) (Gaz. 24 June.) 14.Tune George B. Bulman to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 24 June) do. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) Reginald Francis Bemdge Baynes. (Gaz. 24 June) 5.1 une Edward Arthur Beckton Rice. (Gaz. 24 June) .. 8 June Colin Defries. (Gaz. 24 June) ISJune 2ndHubert Lt. (onLe Jeuneprob.) toL. beW. 2nd Learmount Lt. (on prob.) is confirmed (Gaz. 25in June) his rank. .. (Gaz. 28'June. 29Dec.l4 The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) William Tom Lloyd Allcock. (Gaz. 28 June) Ernest William John Payne. (Gaz. 28 June) 21,Tunei2Junei5 The undermentioned 2nd Lts. (temp. Capts.) to be Lts. and to retain their temp. rank. (Gaz. 29 June.) Dated 24 Apr. 15 F.C. Jenkins. I A. Huggins. P. R. Grace. | R. H. Collier. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be Lts. (Gaz. 29 June.) Dated 24 Apr. 15 A. Payze. | G. H. Eastwood. J. C. Joubert de la Ferte. J. J. Hammond. E. K. Davies. | O. Mansell-Moulin. Promotions, Appointments, Ac 159

SPECIAL RESERVE OF OFFICERS—coraid. Supplementary to Regular Units or Corps—conM. -contd. Military Wing—contd. (Gaz. 29 June.) Dated 30 June 15 T.«• V.C. Smith.R. Mumby. A.H. E.Burchall. Snape. R. Orme.B. Bourdillon. C.T. E.P. Ogden.Robertson. J.F. E.Jolly. Storey. A.J. w.M. Griffith.Cott. H T. Musker. S. H. B. Harris. B. F. R. ldFeU. A. G. Clark. F.G- L.C- Scholte.®o ; L. M. Bennett. Gardiner Greene Hubbard to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) (Gaz. 29 June).. .. 11J unelS CAVALRY. 1st Life Guards. Lt. W. G. M. Marq. of Tweedale to be Capt. (Gaz. 16 June) 21 Oct. 14 2nd Lt. Robert Emmet, from Warwick Yeo., to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) (Gaz. 16 June) 5Junel5 1st (King’s) Dragoon Guards. Lt. A. A. Crossley to be Capt. (Gaz. 26 June) 5Aug.l4 2nd Dragoon Guards (Queen’s Bays). 2nd Lt. (on prob.) A. J. K. Todd is coniirmed in his rank. (Gaz. 24 June.) 3rd (Prince of Wales’s) Dragoon Guards. The undermentioned Lts. to be Capts. (Gaz. 25 June.) Dated 18 Nov. 14 N. K. Worthington. | T. S. Kingham. 1st (Royal) Dragoons. Temp. 2nd Lt. John Francis Houston-Boswall, from 3 Res. Regt. of Cav., to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) (Gaz. 16 June) .. 78ept. 2nd Dragoons (Royal Scots Greys). Temp. 2nd Lt. Charles Houston-Boswall, from 3 Res. Regt. of Cav., to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) (Gaz. 16 June).. do. 3rd (King’s Own) Hussars. Lt. G. Baynes to be Capt. (Gaz. 25 June) .. 3lDec. 4th (Queen’s Own) Hussars. 2nd Lt. M. F. Radclyfle to be Lt. (Gaz. 24 June) ...... lOSept. 5th (Royal Irish) Lancers. 2nd Lt. Hb». I. J. L. Hay to be Lt. (Gaz. 24 June) ., .. .. ,, lOOct. 6th (Inniskilling) Dragoons. 2nd Lt. (on prob.) R. T. Stratton is confirmed in his rank. (Gaz. 24 June.) 11th (Prince Albert’s Own) Hussars. Temp. 2nd Lt. H. D. R. Margesson, from 12 Res. Regt. of Cav., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 3 June) 13Nov. The undermentioned ex-Cadet of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) (Gaz. 3 June) Dated 1 June 15 Hon. Victor Alexander Bruce. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. (on prob.) are confirmed in their rank. (Gaz. 28 June) : — W. L. O. Parker. I R. N. Barran. M. E. C. Baggallay. 12th (Prince of Wales’s Royal) Lancers. TheJ. undermentioned H. Leehe. 2nd Lts. to be Lts. (Gaz. |24 June.)G. DatedM. Brown. 1 Sept. 14 13th Hussars. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.). Norman Leslie Moon. (Gaz. 3 Juno) .. .. Uunel5 16th (The Queen’s) Lancers. Lt. Lord H. W. Holmpatrick to be Capt. (Gaz. 24 June) .. .. 19DCC.14 ROYAL ARTILLERY. Royal Field Artillery. The undermentioned ex-Cadet of the O.T.C. tolbe 2nd Lt. (on prob.) (Gaz. 1 June ) Dated 26 May 15:— Legh Chichele Hoskins Master. 160 Promotions, Appointments, &c.

SPECIAL RESERVE OF OFFICERS—coreta. Supplementary to Regular Units of CoBPs-contd. Royal Aetilleey—cowid. Royal Field Artillery—con-id. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) (

SPECIAL RESERVE OP OPPICERS-coreid. Supplementary to Regular Units or Cobps—oon?d. Royal Artillery—coreid. Royal Garrison Artillery—coreM. The undermentioned to he 2nd Lts. (on prob.) (Gaz. 3 June) Dated 1 June 16:— Adrian Consett Stephen. Ernest Monkhouse Rogers-Tillstom Richard Norman Wallis. (member of Inns of Court O.T.C.) Eric Douglas Doyle. James Allan St. Clair Stewart. Thomas Townsend Radmore. Noel Nash. Samuel Stuart Sharpe (member of Richard William Cattell. Inns of Court O.T.C.) John Duncan Carson. Julius Morrice. William James Reid. John Stanley Morrice. Leslie Frederick Horne. William Joseph Weldon. Lawrence Robert Martin. Harold Lyall Mason. The undermentioned Cadet of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) :— Vivian Thorning Saunders. (Gaz. 6 June) 3Junel5 The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) Geoffrey Grice. (Gaz. 5 June) ...... do. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) Ernest Daniel Hailey. (Gaz. 8 June) 4 J une Francis Churchill Still. (Gaz. 8 June) .. 5 June The undermentioned 2nd Lt. (on prob.) is confirmed in his rank. (Gaz. 8 June):— F. S. Smith. The notification of appt. of E. G. Lawford to a 2nd Ltcy. which appeared in Gaz. of 10 May 15 is cancelled. (Gaz. 9 June) The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) (Gaz. 10 June) Dated 8 June 15 :— William Denis Stevens. I Archibald Davidson Peacock. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) (Gaz. 12 June) Dated 9 June 15 :— Alfred Newton Dickson. I J ohn Victor Wlscher. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) (Gaz. 16 June.) Dated 11 June 15 :— Arthur Crosble. | George Aubrey Ellis. TheFrancis undermentioned Claude Butcher. to be 2nd Lts. (on• prob.) | (Gaz. 17 AlbertJune.) VictorDated Kerrison. 15 June 15 :— Colin Unwin Gill,from Inns of CourtO.T.C. | TheArthur undermentioned Broughton to Edge be 2nd (ex-Cadet Lts. (on O.T.C.) prob.) | (Gaz. 22 PercyJune.) Trevelyan Dated 17 Rowe. June 15 :— Francis Thomas Galloway. TheClare undermentioned Valentine Baker. to be 2nd(Gaz. Lt. 22(on June) prob.) .. :— 19J une The undermentioned Cadets and ex-Cadets of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) (Gaz. 24 June.), Dated 22 June 15 :— Richard Julian de Labalmondiere I William Greenwood Mitchell. TheHenry undermentioned Ernest Elliott. to be (Gaz.2nd Lt. 24 (on.June) prob.) :— 22June The undermentioned ex-Cadets of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) (Gaz. 26 June.) Dated 24 June 15 :— David Brice. I Bernard Henry Lionel Green. TheNorman undermentioned Hamilton-Smith. to be 2nd Lt.(Gaz. (on 28 prob.) June) :— 24June ROYAL ENGINEERS. The promn. of the undermentioned 2nd Lts. to Lts., notified in Gazs. of 27 Jan. 15 and 20 May 15, is antedated to 5 Aug. 14. vGaz. 13 June) R. A. B. Smith. I G. P. Hall. P. Mob. Cran. A. C. Griffin. J. H. Morris. W. R. Burford. T.P. Linnell. D. H. Hammonds. W. E. R. Gurney. Cadet Henry Walter Cowling, Edin. Univ. Contg., O.T.C., to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) (Gaz. 11 June 2nd lOJune)Lt. (on prob.) .. F. Nicholls.. resigns.. his commn..... (Gaz. 18 ..June) ...... 19 June Theto promn. 5 Aug. of 14. Capts. (Gaz. J. 29 A. June.) A. Pickard and C. E. Fishbourue (since deceased) is antedated FOOT GUARDS. Grenadier Guards. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) (Gaz.lJuno.) Dated2Junel5:— Temp.Archibald 2nd Lt. ThomasR. 8. Corkran Ayras-Ritchie. to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.)I (Gaz.lJuno)Thomas Abdy Combe. 9May Promotions, Appointments, Ac. 163 SPECIAL RESERVE OF OFFICERS —contd. SUPPLEMENTABY TO REGULAR UNITS OB COBPS— Foo* G UABDS—oonffi. Grenadier Guards—cojiM. l heof 290May 15“gSIVjumT “ B'Ponsonby ls 25 May 16> a»d "Ot as stated in Gas. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob ) •— Edward Eustace Miller. (Gaz.4June) .. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) IJunelO Ralph Windsor Parker. (Gaz. 12 June).. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.)-— ISJune Alan Hawtrie Tompson. (Gaz. 17 June).. 18 June TheH. undermentioned F. C. Crookshank. 2nd Lt.(Gaz. (on 22 prob.) June). is confirmed in his rank •- 2nd Lt. (on prob.) Hon. I. A. Charteris, from 6 Bn. K.R.Rif.C to be 2nd r.t (nv, m-nh , l)ated23 June 15, but with seniority as from 27 Feb. 15. (Gaz. 22 June) ' prob.) Lindsay Eyres Parker, late 2nd Lt. (on prob.), to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) (Gaz. 23 June) 8Mar. The U e t0 b6 LtS f n Pr0b>) fQaZ 24 J UnC) Dated 25 MichaelM ichaefchanm Chapman.fln ^ ' ° |, - Mervyn, Adrian Touehet June 15 :-Ridley. Coldstream Guards. ZndlLJune° Pr0b ) R' Weld'Blunde11 resigns his commn. on account of ill-health. (Gaz. 2nd Lt. T. A. Tapp to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 2 June) .. 2June The undermentioned 2nd Lts. (on prob.) are confirmed in their rank. (Gaz 8 June) •— ISApr. O.n «G. Style.«t8,nZie8, 1I Rc.- HD.- W.P- Pease.Parish. ' 0 d • The undermentioned ex-Cadet of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.)1 •- Christopher Arthur Vian. (Gaz. 10 June) .. _ _ The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.)* 7June Joseph Clive Piggott. (Gaz. 12 June) .! 2nd Lt. H. C. St. J. Thompson, from Gen. List, to be 2nd Lt. (on'prob.) "(Gaz 21 June")J una,) lOJune Gated 21 June 15, but with seniority as from 8 Sept. 14. TheJ. undermentioned R. Woods. (Gaz. 2nd 22 Lt. June.) (on prob.) is confirmed in his rank :- Capt.R. Sharpiey, from No. 2 Co., Home Counties Div. Train, A.S.C., Terr Force to b« 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 28 June.) Gated 29 June 15, but with seniority as from 4 Aug. 14. * Scots Guards. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) :— Archibald Henry Reginald Primrose. (Gaz. 1 June) 2 June '''‘'G^ofioXr^: 0(Ga^tj^e.r°b') D' H' 18 23’Mar-16’ and nofc ^ TheT. undermentioned G. F. Paget 2nd Lts. (on prob.) are confirmed in their rank. (Gaz. 10 June) C. C. B. Rochfort. W. A. Boyd. J. Balfour J. Mackenzie (since killed in G. L. Tyringham. action). Hon. A. P. Methuen. L. R. C. Grury-Lowe. G. S. Barclay. O. G. Stephenson (since killed in R. E. F. Maitland. M. G.action). Coats. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to lie Lts (Gaz. 10 June.) Gated 28 Jan. 15 :— T. G. F. Paget. H. F. Atkinson-Clark. C. H. Seymour. N. M. Fergusson. C. C. B. Rochfort. A. C. Hope. J. Balfonr. W. A. Boyd. Hon. R. H. B. Norton. L. Norman. Hon.G. L. A. Tyringham. P. Methuen. L. A. Jarvis. G. S. Barclay. J. Mackenzie (since killed in H. C. Hammersley. action). Hon. R. Bethell. L. R. C. Grury-Lowe. R. Coke, D.S.O. G. G. Stephenson (since killed in W. H G. Ewart. M. G.action). Coats. G. E. V. Crutchley. W. G. W. Garforth (sinee killed in R. S.E. Oormer.F. Maitland. action). 2nd Lt. Hon. R. Coke, G.S.O., to be Lt. with seniority next below Hon R Bethell iCtiv Gaz^oMO Juneish* 'Tan' 15' (Sabstit“ted ^ notiflcat^'whic^lppi'ar^Tn Temp. 2nd Lt. Arnold John Thompson to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.) (Gaz 14 Tune ) Datou Thompson.”V1°aS,yn0fcitied0n Page 2I05’ Lond- dated 2 Mar iTas “a g! N1C290jaunt) B' Lf0hm“e’ fro™ t0mp' CaPt-* 10 (Sery.) Bn. W. Rid. R., to be Lt. (Gaz. SOJune 6* 164 Promotions, Appointments, dtc

SPECIAL RESERVE OP OFFICERS—corefe*. Supplementary to Reoulae Units or Corps—co»m. Foot Guards—coraid. Irish Guards. TheRobert undermentioned Hannay. to(Gaz, be 2ndUune) Lts. (on.. prob.) 30Junel5 Thomas Pakenham Law, (Gaz. 4 June) ...... •• Uune 2nd Lt. H. Montgomery, from 6 Res. Regt. of Cav., to be Lt. (Gaz. 10 June) HJune TheJoseph undermentioned Dollar. (Gaz.loJune) to be 2nd Lt. (on.. prob.):—.. .. •• •. •• •• • Temp.prob.) 2nd Lt.(Gaz. Cyril 11 June).H. Brew, Dated from 12 14 June (Serv.) 15, Bn.but Notts,with seniority and Derby. as from R„ to7 2nd 14. Lt. (on Capt. W. J. J. E. M. Everard is placed on the h.p. list on account of ill-health. (Gaz. 12 June) ...... •• •• •• , •• •• •• , •• 13.1ane 2nd Lt. Hon. R. Westenra resigns his commn. on account of ill-health. (Gaz 12 June) .. do. Temp.Dated 2nd 17 Lt. June Denys 15, butH. H.with Grayson, seniority from as from4 Bn. 15 Lan. Aug. Fus„ 14. to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 16 June.) 2nd Lt. Hon. Patrick Julian Harry Stanley Ogilvy, from Fife and Forfar Yeo., Terr. * orce, tocation be 2nd which Lt. (onappeared prob.) in(Gaz. Gaz. 18of June.)23 Oct. 14.)Dated 6 Oct. 14. (Substituted for the notiii- The undermentioned 2nd Lts. (on prob.) are confirmed in their rank. (Gaz. 24 June) :— H. A. V. St. G. Harmsworth. J. R. Ralli. L. S. Straker. E. W. Campbell. P. F. Graham. R. Rankin. S. G. Tallents. D. C. Parsons. A. H. Blom. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be Lts. (Gaz. 24 June)A. DatedC. w. 19Innes. May 15:— H. A. V. St. G. Harmsworth. A. H. Blom. F. H. Witts. J. R. Ralli. L.R. S.B. Straker.H. Kemp. E. W. Campbefl. F. F. Graham. * R. Rankin. D. W. Gunston. R. S. G. Paget. C. Pease. A. W. L. Paget. S. G. Tallents, D. C. Parsons. TheBasil undermentioned Bernard Watson. to be 2nd(Gaz. Lt. 24(on June) prob.):— .. 25June Welsh Guards. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lt. (on prob.):— Ralph Smith. (Gaz. 10 June) ...... •• •• o •• ^ • 11 June TheG. undermentioned C. L. Insole. 2nd Lts. (on prob.) are confirmedI inH. their J. Sutton. rank. (Gaz. 26 June) :— E. G. Mawby. I The following Offrs. are commissioned with rank and precedence as under :— To be Maj.:— Lt.-Col. F. W. E. Blake, late 3 Bn. R. Suss. R. (Gaz. 26 June) ... 21Apr. C. C. L. Fitzwilliams, from temp. Capt.To beA.S.C. Capts. (Gaz. :— 26 June) .. .. 30 Apr. Humphrey Dene, from temp. 2nd Lt., 13 Res. Regt. of Cay. (Gaz. 26 June) 3May To be Lts.:— 2nd Lt. E. G. Mawby. (Gaz. 26 June) . ... •• • 28Apr. B. C. Williams-EUis, from temp. Lt., 17 (Serv.) Bn. R. Fus. (Gaz. 26 June) 29Apr. (Gaz. 26 June) Dated 16 June 15 :— 2nd Lt. G. C. L. Insole. I 2nd Lt. H. J. Sutton. To be 2nd Lts. :— 28Apr H.2nd M. Lt. Martineau, R. Smith (onfrom prob.) Lt., 3 (Gaz.Bn. R. 26 Berks. June) R. (Gaz... 26 June) .. 29Apr. N. Newall (on prob.) (Gaz. 26 June) .. .. •• 7 May J. L. W. Crawshay, from 2nd Lt., Sco. Hse. Yeo., Terr. Force. (Gaz. 26 June).. 14May INFANTRY. The Queen’s (Royal West Surrey Regiment). The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be Lts. (Gaz. | 11 June)F. DatedT. Burkitt. 20 Nov. 14:— J.C. M.Cooner. Rose-Troup. F. R. W. Hunt. C. Rushell. ' R. G. Heinekey. T. Tanqueray. B. E. Davies. W. R. C. Green. The Buffs2nd (East Lt. H. Kent R. Raikes Regiment). to be Lt. (Gaz. 16 June) 24 Dee.14 The King’s2nd Lt.Own A. (Royal G. W. BroadhurstLancaster Regiment). to be Lt. (Gaz., 24 June) 2Feb.!5 Promotions, Appointments, &c. 166

SPECIAL RESERVE OF OFFICERS—oontd. SWFPMMETrTABT TO REGHTCAR UNITS OR CORPS—COntd. INFANTRY—CWltd. The Northumberland Fusiliers. Lt. B. E. Hervey-Bathurst to be Capt. (Oaz. 4 June) 10Sept.l4 2nd Lt. (on prob.) L. S. Proctor resigns his commn. (Oaz. 18 June) 19Junel5 Theji!?dermentioned Cadets or ex-Cadets of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lts. (on prob.) • - William Horace Salt. (Gaz. 21 June) .. ' 22June ;, John Ronald Steel. (Gaz. 25 June) 26June 22 The Royal Warwickshire Regiment. The undermentioned Cadet or ex-Cadet of the O.T.C. to be 2nd Lt. (on nrob ) ■ Kenneth Lloyd Mole. (Gaz. 10 June) HTune John Loftus Otway Mansergh, late Lt., R. Ir. R„ to'be Lt. "(Gaz. 18 June" l9June 2ndLt. O.Lt. H. (on. D. prob.)Coats Martineauxbe Capt. (Gaz. is eonfli'med 28 June) in his... rank.' ’(Gaz. 28 June)" 21 Oct.14 The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be Lts. (Gaz. 28 June) Dated 19 Dec. 14 •- IF-N.P. S. Brindley. Surgey. | E.C. Martineau.M. James. The Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regiment). The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be Lts. S.C. W.H. Bunker.Russell. (Gaz. 2424 June) 6Nov. The date of promn. to Lt. of 2nd Lt. C. H. Russell ISMar.lfl Gaz. of 24 June 15. (Gaz. 29 June). is 2 Feb. 15, and not as stated in the The King’s (Liverpool Regiment). TheD. undermentioned W. Rosling. 2nd Lts. to be Lts. (Gaz. 24| June) A.Dated R. Nichols. 11 Mar 15 •- The Lincolnshire Regiment. ■ 2nd Lt. H. Ingoldby to be Lt. (Gaz. 24 June) 24Dee.i4 The Prince of Wales’s Own (West Yorkshire Regiment). 2nd Lt. J. Gill to be Lt. (Gaz. 24 June) The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be Lts. 4Mar.l5 G. Milner. (Gaz. 26 June) Dated 4 Mar. 15 J. C. Perkins. G. N. Stockdale. The East Yorkshire Regiment. 2nd Lt. (on prob.) A. W. Rhodes is confirmed in his rank, and to be Lt. (Gaz. 24 June) 2Feb. Alexandra, Princess of Wales’s Own (Yorkshire Regiment). 2nd Lt. N. E. Lee to be Lt. (Gaz. 24 June) .. l7Sept.i4 The South Wales Borderers. 2nd Lt. E. M. Graham (since died of wounds) to be Lt. (Gaz. 24 June) ]5Dec. The King’s Own Scottish Borderers. 2nd Lt. A. L. Y. Dering to be Lt. (Gaz. 24 June) 9Nov. The Cameronians (Scottish Rifles). 2nd Lt. L. J. Barley to be Lt. (Gaz. 17 June) 2nd Lt. (on prob.) H. Morris is confirmed in his rank, and to'be Lt." (Gaz June) 2Feb.l6do. Lt. L. J. Barley to be Capt. (Gaz. 25 June) .. 19Apr. The Gloucestershire Regiment. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be Lts. W. F. Watkins. (Gaz. 25 June) Dated 20 Jan. 15:— M. Kershaw. H. Cox. The Worcestershire Regiment. 2nd Lt. C. Fyson to be Lt. (Gaz. 24 June) 5Aug.l4 TheiOMiyt15Sen(Gazy24fJ2unekt' C' C" Henry iS ? Feb U' and not as stated >'■>' «az. of The East Lancashire Regiment. TheR. undermentioned W. Palmer. 2nd Lts. to be Lts. (Gaz. 24 June) Dated 12 Nov. 14 J. W. Pendlebury. W. A. Salt. The East Surrey Regiment. Lt. W.allowances V. T. Gripper prior toto 2be Feb. Capt. 15. (Gaz. 1 June.) Dated 1 Oct. 14, but not to carry pay or 2nd Lt. H. G. p. Orendeu to be Lt. (Gaz. 11 June) iMayis 166 Promotions, Appointments, Ac.

SPECIAL RESERVE OF OFFICERS—cemta. SUPPLKMEITTABT TO REGULAR UNITS OB CORPS—COntd. Infantry—oontd. The Duke of Cornwall’s Light Infantry. Lt. A. F. H. Mills to be Capt. (Gaz. 24 June) 5Aug.l4 The Royal Sussex Regiment. 2nd Lt. R. T. Shaw to be Lt. (Gaz. 24 June) .. 20Nov. The Dorsetshire Regiment. 2nd Lt. H. L. Chapman to be Lt. (Gaz. 25 June) 12Mar.l5 The Black Watch (Royal Highlanders). Temp. Lt. C. C. Erskine-Bolst, from 11 (Serv.) Bn., to be Lt. (Gaz 12 innee,) > Datonl at,oa 13 June 15, but with seniority as from 24 Nov. 14. The Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry. 2nd Lt. G. T. Button to be Lt. (Gaz. 28 June) loDec.14 The Essex Regiment. Lt. G. R. Howard, D.S.O., to be Capt. (Gaz. 24 June) lfiMar.15 The Princess Charlotte of Wales (Royal Berkshire Regiment). Tnc^ntlcrnienlicmed 2nd Lt. (on prob.) is confirmed in his rank. (Gaz. 8 June) 2nd Lt. H. D. Steed to be Lt. (Gaz. 24 June).. 31 Mar. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be Lts. (Gaz. 28 June) Dated 9 Dec. 14 •— Y. R. D. Wigan. | 0. M. Moore. The date of the promn. to Lt. of 2nd Lt. H. D. Steed, notified in the Gaz. of 24 June 15, is 9 Dec. 14, with seniority next below G. M. Moore. (Gaz. 28 June) The Duke of Cambridge’s Own (Middlesex Regiment). The undermentioned Lts. to be Capts. (Gaz. 24 June) Dated 3 Apr. 15 B. V. Sim (since died of wounds). A. .1. Dubois. Tll0 1I flerrnel n rl 2 ncl Lts (on 28no June)i Dated^'2 ? 1 Jan.T 15:—- prob.) are confirmed in their rank, and to be Lts. (Gaz. J. H. Piper. | p. q. Edwards. The King’s Royal Rifle Corps. 2nf] *on prob.) J. F. E. Goad is confirmed in his rank, and to be Lt. (Gaz. 24 June) .. Uan. 2nd Lt. (on prob.) A. E. Villiers is confirmed in his rank, and to be Lt. (Gaz. 28 June) 13.1 an. The Manchester Regiment. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be Lts. (Gaz. 24 June) A. K. Wilson (since deceased). I Dated 29 Sept. 14 E. R. Blane. ; J. R. Gwyther. Lt. G. A. Boyle to be Capt. (Gaz. 25 June) .. 2Feb. The Durham Light Infantry. The(Gaz. undermentioned 9 June.) Dated Cadets 10 June and 15. ex-Cadets They are of to thejoin O.T.C. the Sch. to of be Instrn. 2nd Lts. at Tynemouth, (on prob.) commencing 14 June 15:— Edward Oliver Cutter. I Cuthbert Green. Norman Richardson. | John Bernard Mayman Skelton. The Highland Light Infantry. 2nd Lt. C. E. C. Hill to be Lt. (Gaz. 24 June),, .. ,, 2Feb The u dermenW m J.,. 2,Thomson. < e

TERRITORIAL FORCE. YEOMANRY. Ayrshire (Earl of Garrick’s Own). Ed.William A. B. Edward Stock toCliff-McCulloch be Adjt., vice to Lt, be 2ndJ. C. Lt. Arthur, (Gaz. lJune)who relinquishes .. the.. appt... (Gaz... BApr.15 7 June) 16May Lt. H. J. J. Howie to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 8 June) ...... do. Lt. C. S. B. Renshaw to he temp. Capt. (Gaz. 19 June) ...... 5June 2ndCapt. Lt. C. H. G. Lord MacAndrew Kennedy is to seed, he temp. for duty Lt. with(Gaz. Lowland 19 June) Mtd... Brig,.. as Brig... Mach... Gun.. do. Offr. (Gaz. 26 June) ...... do. Bedfordshire. Lce.-Corpl. Francis Bernard Cavalier, from Inns of Court O.T.C., to he 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 3 June) ...... lJune Pte. Erie William Woodhams, from Inns of Court O.T.C., to ho 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 3 June) do. Berks (Hungerford). Louis Emslie Montennis to he 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 7 June) ...... SJune TheTemp. surname 2nd Lt. of T. 2nd Nottidge, Lt. L. fromE. Monteuuts Res. Reg., 1is L.G., as nowto he described,2nd Lt. (Gaz. and 19not June) as previously.. .. 20June stated. (Gaz. 19 June). Buckinghamshire (Royal Bucks Hussars). The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to he temp. Lts, E. T. M. McDougal. (Gaz. 4 June) A. P. Wernher. (Gaz. 4 June) 21Apr.lApr. Lt. N. Mackinnon to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 7 June) .. SIMar. Arthur2nd Lt. AndrewJ. S. Russell Sidney to be\ illar temp. to 2nd(Gaz. Lt. 7 (Gaz.June) 14.. June) . HMar. Cyril John Clegg to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 17 June) 20May26May Hugh Salmon Backhouse to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 18 June) SJune Serjt. Frank Higgens to he 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 26 Jnne) .. 27.Tune Cheshire (Earl of Chester’s). Gerald Ulick Garvan to he 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 9 June) 24Apr. Pte. Arthur Richard Edghill to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 9 June) 10 June Denbighshire (Hussars). Maj. E. W. Tate, Ret. List, Vols., to be Maj. (temp.), with pay and allowances of a Capt. (Gaz. 19 June) ., ...... 20May The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be Lts. (Gaz. 19 June) Dated 19 May 16 J. B. Springman. | J. J. L. Williams. Derbyshire (Hussars). Lt. J. R. Rooper to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 1 June) ...... 8May Edward Henry Ores wicke Rawlinson (late Lt. Impl. Yeo.) to he Capt. (temp.) (Gaz.SJune) 14May Maj. H. F. Gretton resigns his comnm. on account of ill-health. (Gaz. 21 June) .. .. 22June Maj. C. V. Congreve, from Notts. (Sheiwood Rangers) Yeo., to be Maj. (temp.) (Gaz. 21 June) ...... do. Pte. Albert Brendon Holland, from R. 1 Devon Yeo., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 22 June) .. 23May Royal 1st Devon. Charles Travis Clay to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 7 June) .. ,...... SJune The undermentioned Lts. to be temp. Capts. (Gaz. 17 June) Dated 18 June 15 L. Heathcoat-Amory. I W. C. Braddon. Cadet2nd Serjt. Lt. (Gaz.l9June)Edward William ..Seymour, .. from.. Eton ..Coll. Contg.,.. .Tun... Div... O.T.C.,.. to he.. 20June Dorset (Queen’s Own). 2nd Lt. C. S. Beachcroft to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 9 Juno) ...... lOJune The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 15 June.) Dated 17 Nov. 14 Sir T. E. K. Lees, Bt., and to remain seed, | G. M. Dammers. Essex. The(Gaz. appt. 1 ofJune.) 2nd Lt. L. 0. Chaplin bears date 29 Apr. 15, and not as previously stated. The undermentioned to he 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 10 Jnne.) Dated 11 June 15:— Squad.-Serjt.-MaJ.Archer. Roland Robert II Squad.-Serjt.-Maj.Stanley Driver. Thomas Theantedated appt. of 28 A.Sept. G. Gold14. ( a Captcy.,16 June.) which appealed in Lond. Gaz. of 2 Oct. 14, is Capt. M. L. Yoatherd, 7 Hrs., Adit. Yorks Dns. Yeo., to bo Adjt., vice Capt. A. R. Steele, 4 Hrs. (Gaz. 26 June) ...... 18 June Promotions, Appointments, &c. 169 TERRITORIAL FORCE—coreM. Yeomanby—contd. Fife and Forfar. Thomas Herdman Inglis to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 1 June) 22Mayl5 TheSerjt. undermentioned John Wilson to Arnott. be 2nd Lts.:—(Ga,z. 5 June) Serjt. John Thomas Martin. (Gaz. 5June) 4May Pte. Cecil Gosman Duncan. (Gaz. 5 June) 6 Junedo. Serjt. Albert Percival Hammond, from Suff. Yeo. (Gaz. 5 June) do. Robert Alexander Andrew to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 14 June) 20May Capt. J. V Webb to be temp. Mai. (GazlfiJune) .. 30Apr. Lt. H. W. V. Temperley to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 16 June) .. do. 2nd Lt. F. B. H. Cox to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 16 June)...... '.I ’ do 6 JN. J. Bengough. t> temp. Lts. | (Gaz. 16t> June) o LumsdenJjUmsaen Dated 17 June 15 ■ A. G. S. Miller. | ' Lt. N. J. Bengough is seed, for serv. with the R.F.C. (Gaz. 26 June) 18 June Glamorgan. benjamin Day to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. l June) .. 6May 2nd Lt. B. Day to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 1 June) do. 2nd Lt. C. O. Strick to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 9 June) .. 8May Gloucestershire (Royal Gloucestershire Hussars). Fredwick>WiUiam Beresford Cripps (late Lt. K. R. Rif. C.) to be Lt. (temp.) (Gaz Lt. F. W. B. Cripps to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 7 June) Uunedo. Wyndhamd Alexander Smith to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 9.Tune) 7June ?? J'*'Brooks resigns his commn. on account of ill-health. ’ (Gaz. 19 June)' 20June Herbert Wenman Wykeham-Musgrave to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 19 June) 29 May Hampshire (Carabiniers). aP r SS 9 R6S CaV Kegt to 1)0 vlce ° (Ga^' ?lune) ° ’ ’ ‘ " Cap*- J- J- Headman, 2 D.G. 13May JohnSerjt. MorrisonWilliam Georgeto be 2nd Hedges Lt. (Gaz. to be 32nd June) Lt. ..(Gaz. 7 June).' 26May Papt. H. A. Franklyn is seed. (Gaz. 14 June) SJune Lt. J. H. Gunner to be temp, Capt. and Adjt., vice Capt Henry A. Franklyn. (Gaz. 21 May 14 June) do. Temp. 2nd Lt. F. C. S. Wilkins'/from R.F.A.,'to be 2nd Lt. '(Gaz. 18 June)" 19June Capt. R. A. Cooper is seed, for service with the R.F.C. (Gaz 24 June) HJune Surg.-Capt. H. A. Ahrens to be Surg.-Maj. (Gaz. 26 June).. 21Mar,

TheFrederick undermentioned Stewart to Francis be 2nd (lateLts. 2nd(Gaz. Lt. 14 1 June.)W.Kent Dated Vols ) 15 June 15 : Gerald Arthur Sheppard (late Lt. Kimberley Corps). Royal EastSamuel Kent Frederick (The Duke Baker of Connaught’s Blackwell to Own)be 2nd (Mounted Lt. (Gaz. Rifles). 1 June) Maj. (Lt.-Col. ret.) W. J. Mackeson, from 1 Res. Regt. of Cav., to be Lt.-Col. (temp ) " 18 May (Ciaz. 9June) ...... Capt. F. M. C. Cobb to be temp. Maj. (Gaz. 14 June)’4 " lOJune 2nd Lt. C. Murdoch to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 14 June) 7Apr. 2ndFrank Lt. NoelR. W. Tufl Mitchell to be 2nd to be Lt. temp. (Gaz. Lt. 14 June)(Gaz. 14 June) U.U. Lt 0 a < H n C01 E Frewen C B ret list Terr l.Tune '22 Ju ne) ° ' ' ' ’ - " ' - - Force, to be Maj'.'(temp.) (Gaz. 23.1 une John Clayton Beadle to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 26 June) !! ” lOJune West Kent (Queen’s Own). Lt.-Col. H. G. R. Lord Nevill, ret. list., Terr. Force Gate S . Yeo.) to be Lt.-Col. (temp.) with pay and allowances of a Capt. (Gaz. 1 June) 2June Lanarkshire (Queen’s Own Royal Glasgow and Lower Ward of Lanarkshire). Capt. A. MaeG. Connell to be temp. Maj. (Gaz. 9 June) Uune Thestated.m(Gaz.216 June f' A' G‘ de Janasz is as n°wdescribed, and not as previously The undermentioneu to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 18 June.) Dated 15 June 15 William Smith. I George Scott Smith. DriverjRonaid Maitland Dinwiddie, from Low. Divl. Sig. Co., li.E„ to be 2nd. Lt. (Gaz 170 Promotions, Appointments, &c.

'MBBITOBTAL FOKCB-oonfal. Ybomakrt—contd. Lanoashire Hussars. 2nd Lt. Hon. O. F. G. Stanley is seed, whilst holding a temp, commn. in R.A, (Gaz. 16 June) l.IunelS Duke ol Lancaster’s Own. Cadet Edward Ellis Anson, trom Winchester Coll. Contg., Jun. Div. O.T.C., to he 2nd Lt. (Gaz. Uune) 2June Pte. Harold Horner Thompson, from Denbigh. Yeo., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 1 June) „ do. The undermentioned Capts. are seed, for service with the Ind. Cav. (Gaz. 9 June.) Dated 10 June 15 C. H. S. Shepherd-Cross. | C. F. Birley. The undermentioned Lts. to be temp. Capts. (Gaz. 9 June.) Dated 5 Aug. 14 J. E. Greenall. | D. H. Bates. 2nd Lt. R. L. Greenshields to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 9 June) .. .. ., .. .. 6Feb. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 9 June.) Dated 14 May 15 C. R. Hartley. | F. N. Pereira). Lt, J. W. Fitzherbert-Brockholes is restd. to the estabt. (Gaz. 16 June) .. .. 9May Leicestershire (“Prince Albert’s Own”). The date of appt. of 2nd Lt. J. W. Payne is 3 Feb. 16, and not as previously stated. (Gaz. 7 June.) Serjt. William George Wakefield to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 8 June) .. .. . sJune Hugh Logan to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 19 June) ...... " ” 20June Capt.Pte. Herbert C. N. Newton Castleman to be Lushington temp. Maj. to(Gaz. be 2nd 24 Lt.June) (Gaz. 22.. June)...... ,. ”.. "” 23Junei3May Lincolnshire. Capt. E. Larken to be temp. Maj. and Ad]t. (Gaz. 3 June) ...... 29Apr. Lt. C. B. Darley to be temp. Capt. (Gaz.SJune) ...... ,, do. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 3 June). Dated 14 May 15 •— J. F. E. Crowder. I J, W. B. Hunt. F. F. Kendzior. Pte. Arthur Victor Lobban, from Lanark. Yeo. to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 7 June) ., .. 8June Capt. T. C. Trollope is seed, for serv. with the Ind. Cav. (Gaz. 14 June) ,. .. .. isjune The date of appt. of 2nd Lt. A. V. Lobban is 26 May 15, and not as previously stated. (Gaz. 15 June.) The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 21 June.) Dated 8 June 15:— R. A. Besso. I T. M. M. Storey. J. R. O’B. Steward. Maj. Hore. H. G. Heneage, D.S.O., Res. of OHs., to be Lt.-Col. (temp.). (Gaz. 24 June) .. 25June City of LondonLt. J. Rooke-Oowell, (Rough Riders). from 9 Bn. Shrops. L.I ,to be Lt. (temp.) (Gaz. 4 June) Lt. J, Rooke-Cowell to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 4 June) 24Maydo. WaltervGeorge William Hudson to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 4 June) 5 June Capt. C. F. Cape to be temp. Maj. (Gaz. 11 June) .. 7Apr. Maj. G. V. Clarke, D.S.O., to be temp. Lt.-Col. (Gaz, 26 June) 27June Lt. M. Godfrey to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 26 June) lApr. 1st County of London (Middlesex, Duke of Cambridge’s Hussars). George James Cherry (late Regt. Serjt.-Maj.) to be 2nd Lt. (Qaz. Uune) 20Apr. 2nd Lt. G. J. Cherry to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 1 June) do. 2ndLt. A. S. Cawthorne, from Norf. Yeo., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 1 June) 2June 2nd Lt. D. P. Clark, to be temp. Lt. (Gaz.SJune) 17 May 2nd Lt. A. R. S. Nutting takes senioritynext below 2nd Lt. A. H. Dalton. (Gaz. 8 June) lOct.14 2nd Lt. H. H. Belsey to be temp, Lt. (Gaz. 14 June) 2lMayl5 William Willsher (late Regt. Serjt.-Maj.) to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 14 June.) Uune 2nd Lt. W. Wilsher to be tempCapt. (Gaz. 14 June) ...... do. 2nd County of London (Westminster Dragoons). Lt. G. J. Hogg to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 4 June) 6Nov.l4 Pte. John Major Leslie Bostock to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 5 June) 6,Tunel5 2nd Lt. H. M. Goode is seed, for service with the R.F.C. (Gaz. 16 June) 22 May 3rd CountyHarold of London Henry Harris(Sharpshooters). (late Lt.. Terr. Force Res., Gen. List) to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 5 June) do. Louis Joseph Purgold to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz 11 June),...... 31May The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 19 June.) Dated 23 Mar. 15 Thomas Jtaule Egerton Wetherall. 1 Leonard Butterfield. Promotions, Appointments, &c 171 TBKRITORIAL RORCR—con^d, Yeomawby—ctmM. Lothlans and Border Horse. °- M. Quest In seed. (Gaz. 8 June) tt ,, 28Mayig ^Jexander Henderson Otto to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 9June) .. 31May William Francis Scott-Kerr to be ^dU. (Gaz. 23 June) .. SQMay 2nd ht. R. S. Darling to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 28 June) .. .. ” " 26May 1st Lovat’s Scouts. Francis Ralph Wilgress to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 17 June) 5Apr. t/apt. J. St. John Seeker to be temp. Maj. (Gaz. 22 June) 9June 2nd Lovat’s Scouts. John Jackson Mounsey t» be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 15 June) jV6 rl e lte aat6 Cadet Beanmont Co11 27May be 2nd^t. *Gaa?22 juM) - Contg., Juii.' Div. o'.T.C., to 16June Montgomeryshire. Hugh Player to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 1 June) .. IMay Lt. G. Dugdale to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 4 June) .. ' 5June Howardd a d HepburnV It r apto beer 2ndbe Lt. 2nd (Gaz.Lt 9 June) . ' do. ?„ 7r ^ J ^ ?» 9t S - (Gaz. 9 June).. " do. 2ndLt. P. R. P. Verdon.from 5 Bn. Manch. R., tobe 2ndLt. (Gaz. 16 June) !! 17June The1. undermentioned L. Thomas. 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. | (Gaz 22 June).Woosnam. Dated 16 May 15 Norfolk (The King’s Own Royal Regiment). The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 9 June.) Dated 7 June 15 Pte. Albert0r Yeomans Gimson, from Inns of Court O.T.C. Lce.-Corpl.r o i AlfredJohn Henry Brnest Michell, Lionel fromSkinner, Inns from of Court Inns ofO.T.C. Court O.T.C. Rte. John Gilbert Overman to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 19 June) 20J une The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 24 June.) Dated 5 June 15 •- Serjt.Squadron Robert Qr -Mr.Stanley Serjt. Hall. Thomas William Palmer. N orthamptonshire. The er e U n 2 L s be Lts {Gaz 5 t>ir.S'lr C.c E.i^ St.qi J.? I?v rederick,0 af , f 'Bt. - -\ June-) G.Dated T. S. Horton.6 June 15 1 he^undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 8 June.) Dated 9 June 15 J Lt. J. L. Cross to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 17 June) Stevenson. IsJune Northumberland, (Hussars).S leyis est lolb T«J^;ar^-D JoneJ fI' 01 d-s eestabt. (Gaz. 8 June) 28Mar. LTrVpd-M-?• !’ £ ? Pec-List,tobe2ndLt. (Gaz. 8 June) 9 June 2nd Lt. G. Henderson to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 19 June) 6Jnne Nottinghamshire2nd Lt. H. M.(Sherwood Woodhouse Rangers). to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 9 June) 28May NottinghamshireCapt. Sir M. (South Bromley-Wilson, Notts Hussars). Rf.,to be temp. Maj. (Gaz. 1 June) -a The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 7 June.) Dated 24 May 15 22May P 2nd^R? Reynard to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. u'June) ' Sbuttleworth. 3June Oxfordshire (Queen’s Own Oxfordshire Hussars). Cant ab1 8t.afto/d t° be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 4 June) 5June Capt. G. B. Schuster to be Adjt. (Gaz. 8 June) lOMay John Philip Higgs to be 2nd Lt. ( Gaz. 9 June) Uune Pembroke (Castlemartln). TIle7dJune.f)aPPt' °f Lt'C' G' S' Barnes is 2 Jau- 15, and not as previously stated. (Gaz. l l‘e(Gaz!'21 Vunej*' J' G‘ Howe11-whioh appeared in Lond. Gaz. of 4 Dec., 14 is cancelled. Lt.Pj: LnM?Kn'H^hTso?- R)p'Vd 0farT«nVRK-Vols'’A° be GaPt- (temp.) Gaz.22June) 19May (Gaz. 23 .Tune) h . ’ R f.' n1 °ff'’ to be Adjt-'vlce Gapt. E. H. W. Williams, 10 Hrs. U P i S 1 1 0inP ra k f apt 1 the Terr i orba whU 11 June ’ holdingtim'app lof^Adjt! "(Gaz .^i^J*unef ' ” ° ? ‘ “.’ - ' ^ do.

172 Promotions, Appointments, &c.

TBfiRITORIAL FORGB—ooraW. Yeomanry—con

TERRITORIAL FORCE—coreW. Y KOMANKY—ccmM. 19.1unel5 Welsh Horse.^ratton to be temp. Capt. (ttaz. S June) .. 4May Frederick Allen Tomkins to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz.9June) •• •• •• rl' A. IMar. Capt.Pte. Herbert G. R-Pryse Wynn to Jones, be temp. from Mai. Montgomeryshire (Gaz. 22 Jane) Yeo.,.. to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 19 June) »17 May Lt. W. D. Thomas to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 22 June) 21 May 2nd Lt. E. Southby to be temp. Lt. (Gaz.22June) .. do. Westmorland and Cumberland. „ ^ T , Tnnoi 5May George St. Vincent Pawson to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. X June) .. •• 9 •• 3May Charles George Washington Alderson Charters to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. June) .. (Gaz. Temp. Lt. P. P. Curtis, 14 Res. of Cav., to be Adjt., vice Gapt. T. b. Irwin, J l)ns. 10 J une Pte2Joseph Creighton Jenkins to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 22 June) 23 June Rnval Wiltshire (Prince of Wales’s Own Royal Regiment). y The surname of 2nd Lt. R. E. Hawkings is as now described, and not as announced in The^order^of sen6iorUy of the undermentioned 2nd Lts. is as now stated, and not as announced in Loud. Gaz. of 6 May 15. (Gaz. 7 J"^ Hawkings_ John MorleyC. H. beBunbury. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 18 June) .. I 19.1 une WorcestershireLt. I. M., (The Fisc*. Queen’s Windsor, Own is Worcestershire seed. (Gaz. 4 June) Hussars). 30 Jan. IMay The,'date^ of^app^of1 theSunderrmmt'ionedn2nd Lts!’is 5 Aug. 14, and not as preTionsly stated-i (Gaz.28 June):- 0. L. Blew (now temp. Capt.) sir J. H. Jaifray, Bt. Yorkshire Dragons (gueen^sOwnbr Koroe) (Hon c in th0 Army) 0. Brook, from 2 K. Edward’s Horse, to be Lt.-Col. (temp.) (Gaz. 11 June) .. 12 June Edgar Athole Scales to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 14 June) .. -. 3.1une 2nd Lt. E.W. Brook relinquishes his commn. (G»z. 21 June) „ i 14May Maj. and Hon. Lt.-Col. (now temp. Lt.-Col.) C. H. Simpson to be Capt. (temp.) (Gaz. 6Aug.l4 Lt. L. R'clay. from Terr. Force Res.,' 'to be Lt. Dated 5 Aug. 14,' 'and not as previously Lt. W J. Barnett to be temp. Capt. and Adjt., vice Ma]. W. T. Lipscomb. (Gaz. 28 29Junel5 Bombr'shadforth Haldane Unwin, from the R.Can.Hse.Art., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 28 June) ISJune Yorkshire Hussars (Alexandra, Princess of Wales’s Own). Capt. Hon, H. C. Vane to be temp. Maj. (Gaz. 14 June) IMay Last Riding he Arrny Everard Joseph Stourton (late Lt. Lan. Hrs,, Impl. Yeo.) to be Lt. 12 June (temp.) (Gaz. 11 June) .. yT do. Lt.Capt. E. J.J. E.Stourton M. Robinson to be temp. Is seed, Capt. for service(Gaz. with11 June) the Ind. Cav... (Gaz. 14 June)• ".. 15June CYCLIST COMPANIES, DIVISIONAL MOUNTED TROOPS. Arnold Gervis Joslin to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 17 June) .. •• , 'A„ ,1] XSJnne Corpl. Herbert Samuel Knight, from 7 Bn. Devon R., to be 2nd TLt. (Gaz. 22 J une) 23June Dated 15 June 15:— „ , ^ The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 14 June.) Lee.-Corpl. Henry Keay Robertson, Thomas Baillie Porteous. from City of Dundee (Fortress) Stallfrom Serjt. High. Randall Cyclist St. Bn.Clair Grant, Eng Wilfrid Harrison. John Brown Hay. Pte. Elmer Ernest Crooks, from 3 High. Fd. Arab. R.A.M.C. 15 June 2ndWilliam Lt. T. Watson B. Porteous to be to2nd be Lt. temp. (Gaz. Lt, 15(Gaz. June) 14 J une) 16 June anThe surname of 2nd Lt. T. H. Clendinning is as now described, and not as stated in Lond. Gaz. of 28 Apr. 15. (Gaz. 1 June.) The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. 3 June Robert Thomson Cunningham. (Gaz. 28 June .. •• •• T " 29June Serjt. William Joseph Chalmers, from 9 Bn. High. L.I. (Gaz. 28 June) do. Pte! William Buchanan, from 9 Bn. High. L.I. (Gaz. 28 June) do. 2nd JamesLt. W. ScottJ. Chalmers Hall. (Gaz.28June)to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 28 June) do. 174 Promotions, Appointments, Ac


TERRITORIAL FORCE—confd. ROYAL FIELD ARTILLERY. 1st East Anglian Brigade. TheJ. undermentioned H. Falcon. (Gaz. 2nd 11 Lts. June) to be temp... Lts.:—.. .. •• •• •• 23Mayl5 C. H. Gowing. (Gaz. 11 June) .. .. •• , • • 12June27May ThomasPte. Samuel Willie Ralph Greenwood Brown, tofrom be 2ndNorf. Lt. Yeo., (Gaz. to he16 June)2nd Lt. (Gaz. 11 June).. 17June ThePte. undermentioned William Bee, tofrom be 2ndInns Lts. of Court(Gaz. O.T.C. 21 June.) Dated 22 June 15 : ValentinePte. William Stevens Beresford Bland to Hobbs, be 2nd fromLt. (Gaz.R.E. Kent21 June) Yeo...... 29 June 2nd East Anglian Brigade. Pte. Arthur Greville Penfold, from 14 Bn. Lond. R., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 5 June) 6 June Dated 9 June 15 The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 8 June.) Leonard Samuel Griggs. Squad. Serjt.-Maj. Frederick Easterford, j Corpl. Thomas George Alderson, Arthurfrom EssexMorris. Yeo. jI from 14 Bn. Lond. R. Pte. Charles Flower Parsons, from Essex Yeo., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 10 June) .. .. HJune Lt. A. D. J. Higgs to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 19 June) 20 June The undermentioned Offrs. are restd. into the estabt. (Gaz. 23 June.) Dated 26 Feb. 15:— Lt. A. R. Duff. I 2nd Lt. C. G. Duff. Lt. H. G. Tibbs. I The undermentioned Offrs. are seed, for service with the E. Lan. Brig., R.F.A. (Gaz. 23 June.) Dated 26 Feb. 15 Lt. A. G. Duff. 2ndLt. C. G. Duff. Lt. H. G. Tibbs. Lt. J. P. M. Hibbert to be temp. Maj. (Gaz. 26 June) 6May 3rd East Anglian (Howitzer) Brigade. (Gaz. 8 June.) Dated 9 June 15:— TheEdward undermentioned Aveling Baines. to be 2nd Lts. Reginald Charles Ward. Lt. H. L. Tracey to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 16 June) 17June Alfred Oastell Deck to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 24 June) 25Juue 4th East Anglian Brigade. 6 June Lt. R. L. Jones to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 5 June) do. 2nd Lt. P. R. Croft to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 5 June) .. .. 9June Norman MacLeod Lawrance to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz.sJune) .. .. 21 May Lt.Capt. R. O.C. Allhusen,Foot to be from temp. Lond. Capt. Brig. (Gaz. R.F.A., 26 June) to be Capt... (Gaz... 9 June).. 27Jnne 1st HighlandMaj. J. Brigade. E. Rae to he temp. TLt. ^ Col. (Gaz. 7 June) 21 May The undermentioned Lts. to be temp. Capts. (Gaz. 7 June.) Dated 21 May 15 :- W. G. Craigen. | R. J. Anderson. R. S. Wilsone, and to remain seed. I Lt. Dated(now 3Capt.) Apr. 15.R. (SubstitutedS. Wilsone foris seed,the notice on appt. which as appeared Adjt., Hdqrs.,in Lond. Gaz.High. of Div.7 May Art. 15.) George^faii^Smith (late Cadet, Uppingham Sch. Contg., .Tun. Div. O.T.C.) to he 2nd 12May Temp.’(Gaz. CaptHL^S. 17 June) WUsone is seed, whilst holding the appt. of Brig. Maj., High. Divl. Art. 21May TheDouglas undermentioned Alexander to Dunningham. be 2nd Lts.:— (Gaz. 17 June) 2June Jacob Lodewijh du Preez. (G»z. 17 June) 5 June Austyn James Claude Fyfe. (Gaz. 17 June) 7June John Elder Todd. (Gaz. 17 June) .. .. -. .. •• „ , •• . •• do. John Peregrine Robertson White (late Capt. 1 Aberdeenshire R.G.A. (Vols.)) to be Capt. (temp.) (Gaz.26June) .. .. . ■ 5 June 2nd Lt. J. O. Skea to be Adjt., vice Maj. F. W. Kay. (Gaz. 26 June) 11,1 une 2nd jbseph'crosland Mellor, from Edinburgh University Contg., Sen. Div., O.T.C., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 2 June) ...... _ •• /• •• , •• do. Serjt. James Moncur Andrew, from Fife and Forfar Yeo., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 11 June) .. 12June The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 12 June):— George Hammond Lord. 14 June 15. I Peachy Wilson Johnston. 16 JuneT 15. Douglas Nicoil. 16 June 15. I , „ , . ,, . , Cadet Norman McPherson, from St. Andrews Univ. Contg., 0Sen. TADiv. O.T.C.,rn to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 19 June) 20J une 176 Promotions, Appointments, &c

TBRKITOHIAIi FORCE—eontd. Rotai, Field Abtillbet—ooratd. 3rd Highland (Howitzer) Brigade. The appt. of 2nd Lt. W. S. Robertson bears date 30 Sept. 14, and not as stated In Lond. Gaz. of 28 Oct. 14. (Gaz. 1 June.) 2nd Lt. W. S. Robertson to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 17 June) ...... l7Junel5 The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 19 June.) Dated 19 June 15 Randal Grierson Kincaid. | George Arbuthnot Thomson. Lt. A. T. Dawson to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 21 June)...... l9May 1st Home Counties Brigade. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts.:— R. M. Cumberlege. (Gaz. 26 June) ...... leJune C.H. S.J. Reed.Chart. (Gaz.(Gaz. 26 26 June) June) ...... iTJuneisJune 2nd Home Counties Brigade. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. Ralph Alston Ingram. (Gaz. 8 June) ...... 7Iune John Colin Jonsson Nicol. (Gaz. 8 June) ...... 9,Tune Serjt. Arthur George Smith to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz.lOJune) ...... llJune 4th Home Counties (Howitzer) Brigade. 2nd Lt. E. H. Mitchell to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 19 June) ...... 20June 1st East Lancashire Brigade. 2nd posting.Lt. (temp. (Gaz. Lt.) T.2 June) H. Walmsley .. relinquishes.. .. the.. temp,.. rank of.. Lt. on.. alteration in,, llApr. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 2 June.) Dated 4 May 15 C. Marwood. I T. Finch. Neville Bullough Stirrup to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 18 June) ...... 24May 2nd East Lancashire Brigade (The Manchester Artillery). The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 2 June.) Dated 29 Apr. 16 H. M. Weyman. | T. Carson. Cadet(Gaz. John 2 June) Harold Charlton,.. from.. Durh... Univ... Contg.,.. Sen... Div... O.T.C.,.. to be.. 2nd Lt... SJune James David Bell to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 9 June) ...... l5Apr. Pte. Geoffrey Livy Owen, from 1 County of London Yeo., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz.9June) lOJune 3rd East Lancashire Brigade (The Bolton Artillery). William Roger Holmes Walker to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 16 June) .. ,, .. .. lApr. Alexander Congreve Sandys to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 16 June) ...... loApr. th East Lancashire (Howitzer) Brigade (The Cumberland Artillery). Francis Robert Hill (late Capt. of this Unit) to be MaJ. (temp.) (Gaz. 2 June) .. .. iMay 2nd Lt. T. N. Paisley to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 9 June) ...... 8May Owen David Griffiths to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 9 June) ...... 3May TheNorman undermentioned Clark. to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 14 June.)I DatedRobert 20 OwenApr., 15Watson. Cadet Wilfred Jasper Fawcitt, from Durh. Univ. Contg., Sen. Div. O.T.C. (Gaz. 14 June) IS.fune Richard William Bell to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 18 June) ...... 17May 1st WestMaj. Lancashire A. N. Walker Brigade. is seed, for service with the R.A.M.C. (Gaz. 16 June) .. .. ,, 22May Capt. G. B. Johnson to be Maj. (Gaz. 18 June) ...... 17May 2nd WestLt. LancashireW. W. Aikman'to Brigade. be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 18 June) ...... do. George Fisher Toulmin to be Capt. (temp). (Gaz. 18 June)...... ]9May 3rd West Lancashire Brigade. Pte. Harold Cecil Dumbell. from 10 Bn. L’pool R., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 2 June) .. .. 26May Noel Joseph Chamberlain to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 26 June) ...... 3May 4th West Lancashire (Howitzer) Brigade. 2nd Lt. A. B. Gay is restd. into the estabt. (Gaz. 15 June) ...... 14May Walter IJndesay Richardson to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 19 June) ...... Uune 2nd Lt. W. L. Richardson to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 19 June) ...... do. 2nd I t. (temo. Lt. inthe Army)H.H. Grindley is seed, whilst holding the appt. of Railway Trans. Offr. (Gaz. 19 June) ...... ,. .. .. 9Mar. 2nd Lt. T. W. Snow, from 16 Bn. Lond. R., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 19 June) ...... 20June 1st LondonHarold (City William of London) Farley Brigade. to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 7 June)...... SJune 2nd London Brigade. The transfer of the undermentioned Capts from the Terr. Force Res. is antedated ;to 5 Aug. 14. (GazSJune):— F. S. Jackson (now Maj.) I E. P. Nickolls. Capt. C. E. F. Gaitskell is seed. (Gaz.9Jnne) ...... 17Apr. Lt. G.R. J.T. GriffithsLee to be to temp. fe Capt., Capt. and (Gaz. to remain 11 June) seed. (Gaz... 9 ..June) ...... 28Apr.31May Capt. R. T. Lee to be Adit (Gaz. 11 June) ...... do. Lt. R. W. Martell to be Capt. (Gaz. 19 June) ...... 16May Harry Tremearne to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 19 June) ...... 14May Robert Henry Johnston to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 21 June) ...... 8June Promotions, Appointments, &c 177 TERBITOKIAL FORCE—contd Royal Fntu) Artuxeby—oojtfd. 3rd London Brigade. Lt. C. B. Notley to be Adjt. (Gaz. 4June) .. Lt. J. H. Squire to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 5 June) .. IMaylS 1 n R 2nd Lt 5 J e 106J May une EdWiHNd TMlbury0°b?Ind *Ltf''^Gsfz^.TuneP " " ’ ™ > 17May Cad2ndTOt!Se(1GyazSn0JOune?ear - do. The[ 1T appt.) of 2nd Lt. E. R. Gregory is antedated to 15 Apr. iV. (Gaz 14 June ) do. , ® d- Ct-R- A. Saunders is seed, for service with t he R.F.C. (Gaz. 16B June) A (GaZ 19 June) 9Mar. Lt.DrtTer fs. E.John Wood Middleton is seed, whilstUnderwood holding to bethe ^it° appt. of (Gaz.A D C 19 to June) a G O O i? \ - f - ’' "i t ' 25 ^pr. Serjt. William Henry Charles Baker to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 19 June) 20Junedo. Serjt. Arthur Scott Wilkinson, from the Notts. Yeo., to be 2nd Lt. ’ ’(Gaz. 24 June)' .’.' 25June 8th London (Howitzer) Brigade. Lit. H. W. Hamlett to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 4 June) 2nd Lt. H. Bowditch to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 4 June) - 6June Corpl. George Alfred Kingdon, from 14 Bn. Lond. R„ to be 2nd Lt IMay Bombr.^Arthur Leonard Lawther, from 2 E. Ang. Brig. R.F.a to(Gaz. be 112nd June) Lt. (Gaz. 12June do. Lt. E.N.FitzG. Cooper to be Adjt. (Gaz. 14 June).'.' 4June Serjt. F. W. J. Thomas to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 26 June) 21June 1st Lowland Brigade. Th d e t 9n t be 2nd Lts (Gaz 1 June V;"Malcolm1 ^ Glenr?, i Kidston.^ °t - ' | -) RatedHenry 2 June Cooper 15 Gardham. Theundermentioned 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 1 June.) ^Dated 2 June 15 Alexander Hay to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. l June).. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 2 June.) Dated 3 June 15-- FrancisSerjt. John Patrick McCracken Grant Carron.Rutherford, from A.V.C. Terr0 r ' Force° Ce ' The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts (Gaz. 2 June.) Dated 3 June 15 John McCracken Rutherford. I Francis Patrick Grant Carron. Thomas Gibson Brown to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 7 June) William Carnon to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 9 June) 8 June 2nd Lt. W. Carnon to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 9 June) lOJune George Allen Robinson to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 9 June) do. ), with pay and do. 3 June (Gaz. 15 June) 24May 12June 178 Promotions, Appointments, &c.

TERRITORIAL FORCE-oonta. Royal Field Artilleby—confd. 2nd fj.'tfnaxd Augustus Lucas King, from. Glasgow Univ. Contg., Sen. Div. O.T.C., to be e May 15 2ndLt. (Gaz. 1 June) 7 May 2ndAndrew Lt. L. Hutchison A. L. King to tobe be 2nd temp. Lt. Lt.(Gaz. (Gaz. 1 June) 1 June) 30Apr. 2nd Lt. A. Hutchison to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 1 June) do. The date of appt. of 2nd Lt. T. T. Anderson is 13 Mar. 15, and not as stated in Lend. Gaz. Alexanderof 7 Apr. McAuslan 15. (Gaz. to 14 beJune.) 2nd Lt. (Gaz.ISJune) .. 16J une Cadet Alexander Boyd Williamson, from Edinburgh Univ. Contg., Sen. Div. O.T.C., to be 23June Capt.2nd R. Lt. Hood (Gaz. to be22 June.)temji. Maj. (Gaz.23June) ...... 24June 3rd LowlandJohn Armour Brigade. Wotherspoon to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz.ISJune) .. do. 2nd Lt. J. A. Wotherspoon to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 15 June) do. Lowland (Howitzer) Brigade. MaJ. Walter Rounafell Brown, from Terr. Force Res., to be MaJ, (temp.) (Gaz. 11 June) 12June North Midland Brigade. 3 June 2ndBatt. Lt. Serjt.-MaJ. J. H. Wilson, William from Robinson 4 Bn. Line. to beR„ 2nd to be Lt. 2nd (Gaz. Lt. (Gaz.5June)2 June) 25Feb. Pte. Thomas Ridley Hetherington, from 14 Bn. Lond. R., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 5 June) 6 June The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts.:— IMay R.P. St.N. Dixey.G. C. Westby. (Gaz. 11(Gaz. June) 11 June) SMay H. D. de M. Carey. (Gaz. 11 June) lOMay J.H. Wilson. (Gaz. 11 June). 12 May The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. IFeb. D S. Vigo. (Gaz. 23 June) 9Feb. F. M. Carus-Wilson. (Gaz. 23 June) IMar. W. G. Marshall. (Gaz. 23 June) .. do. B. Sharpley. (Gaz. 23 June) do. V.T. B.G. Rowe.R. Eagan. (Gaz.23June) (Gaz. 23 June) ...... do. Hon. R. G. Lyttleton. (Gaz. 23 June) do. R. N. Store. (Gaz.23June) HMay d North Midland Brigade. ^ _ St George Richards Waller D’Arcy-Evans to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 11 June) 16 May 2nd Lt. R. E. Morris-Eyton to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 14 June) 3May The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts.:— IMar. G.H. Campbell. (Gaz. 23R June) . Mather. (Gaz. 23 June) do. C.C. Watson. (Gaz. 23 June) C. G. Lewthwaite. (Gaz. 23 June) lApr. G. L. Wright. (Gaz.23June) ...... „ •. x (Gaz. Lt.-Col.24 June) and Hon... Col... T. M... Favell,•• ret.•• list, Terr.•• Force,•• to ••be MaJ.•• (temp.) 15Apr. 3rd NorthCapt. Midland F. H. L.Brigade. Meynell to be MaJ. (Gaz. 3 June) lOMay Lt. C. J. Salt to be Capt. (Gaz. 3 June) do. TheC. undermentioned E. Hickman. (Gaz.2nd Lts. 4 June) to be temp. Lts.:— 20 May P. B. Smith. (Gaz. 4 June) 21May Percy Adshead. (Gaz. 4 June) .. .. •• 25 May SerJt. Harry Saint, from 28 Bn. Lond. R„ to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 4 June) 5 June Henry Martin Booth to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz.ISJune) .. 18 June (Gaz. 23 June):— TheT. undermentioned W. Cave. 5Feb.l5 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. C. R. Anson. 5Feb.l5. D. R., Visct. Sandon. SFeb.lS. J. G. Anson. 4Mar.l5. 4th NorthArthur Midland Trevor (Howitzer)Sitwell to beBrigade. 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 1 June) .. 6Mar MaJ. W. G. Phillimore, ret. pay (late R.A.), to be Maj. (temp.) (Gaz. 21 June) 19 Apr. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 23 June) :— N. R. B. Eddowes. 5 Feb.15. J. M. Spurrier. 12Mar.l5. J. H. N. Cattle. SFeb.lS. F. M. Joyce- 5Mayl5. A, F. Dufton. lMar.15. I Promotions, Appointments, &c. 179 TERRITORIAL FORCE—coraM. Royal Field Aetilleey—comM. 1st South Midland (Gloucestershire) Brigade Pte. Percy Trevelyan Rowe, from N. Som. Teo., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 7 June) T 8junel5 he undermentioned Lts. to be temp. Capts. (Gaz. 8 June.) Dated 9 June 16 J. P.'jenkfns?r<1' j J. S. Harrison. IIarris to b Maj. W. C. Swayne, frome Unattd. temp. Lt. List (Gaz. for the 8 June) Terr. Force,. to be Maj. (temp!)' (Gaz-. 11 June) 9 J une er i Perc IMay ?. iV«AV- / Cecil Bish0p t0 he 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 22 June) 23June Cdd2ndLt!la(Gazar241June7den’ fr°m University of Lond- Contg., Sen. Div. O.T.C., to be 2nd South Midland Brigade Lt. H. D.D ru b' e te -T 5y , »P- Capt. (Gaz. 4 June) 24May 2nd Lt. W.W H. Taylor to be Adjt., vice Capt. T. R. Alston. (Gaz. 5 June) .7 6June 'rhe^mdermentionedP. M. D. Wynter. 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 5 June) Dated 6 June 16 C. T. Jones. J. T. James. N. M. Penny. W. H. Taylor. J. R. A. Evans. M. F. S. Jewell. ad enry Smlth ^ Gaz?9°June)' ’ Birmingham Univ. Contg., Sen. Div. O.T.C., to be 2nd Lt. 27May Lce^CorpL Frank Henry Hooper, from Hon. Art. Co., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 11 June) 28May Lt. R. C. G. Lyon is restd. to the estabt. (Gaz.lsJune) .. !. .. .. 7 15May 3rd South Midland Brigade. The undermentioned t9 be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 2 June). Dated 31 Mav 15 n er tP e 0r Ltph E c R H^ddow.^dl from& S. Mud.m vi Ammn.I Col., toGeorge be Lt. Edward(Gaz. 4 June)Gordon Assinder. 16VIay Reginald VictorHarrison Caddick Edwards, to be 2nd from Lt. Staff.(Gaz. Yeo., 11 June) to be 2nd Lt. '(Gaz. 4 June)' 6June George Thomas Juckes to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 15 June) SOMay William John Watkins to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 19 June) 14 June The^indermentioned 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 26 June) Dated 8 June 15 20June Li P.-Huggins.- | !;£fmpesaon. 4th South Midland (Howitzer) Brigade. 2nd Lt. A. M. Scott to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 14 June) .. Th0 n r 0n6d 2nd LtS-10 be temp-Lts Gaz UMay M G! ^,iml ‘ < - !5 June).d Datedn 16 June 15 Pte. Lionel Charles Lyster, from Hon. Art. Co., to be 2nd Lt" (Gaz' |8 Tnnei l2June Capt S. R. FieWtobetemp. Mai. (Gaz. 19 June) (Gaz. 18 June) .. 20June 2nd Lt. G. O. Peirce to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 26 June) .. 7 7 7 Uune 1st Northumbrian Brigade. The secdg. of Capt. J. Rowley is post-dated to 26 Apr. 15. (Gaz. 8 June) Capt. J. Rowiey to be Maj. (Gaz. 17 June.) .. o June; 20May Noel Staflord Robinson to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 17 June.) HMay 2nd Northumbrian Brigade. Alexander Smith to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 4 June) 25May LCe(Gaz!I4 June)nan G®°rge Mlnta Mason, from E.--Rid. of Yorks. Yeo.-,-to be-2nd Lt. The^undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 11 June). Dated 12 June 16:— 5 June J." Ness-Walker. - | T w'^Watson ^^W'^o^nc^fK6’'1- F?.r0e’ £° b'e ™ 4th Northumbrian (County of Durham) (Howitzer) Brigade. Lt. G. Clephan to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 11 June) 12June George Herbert Carter to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz, 18 June) 27 May 1st West Hiding Brigade. ^ai2nd Lt.aD(Gazf2 June)(lat® Cadet, Hlghgate Sch. Contg., Jun. Div. O.T. C.) to be - - 20May Bp b® temp. Lt. (Gaz.4 June) 17May Capt. G. C. Peake to be temp. Maj. (Gaz. 5 June) .. 24May Haiold Crowther Ashby to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 14 June) 2June The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz I June) Dated 14 June 15:— Robert Bremner Fowler. 1 Robert Jonas Plummer. 180 Promotions, Appointments, &c.

TERRITORIAL FORCE-eowfei. Royal Field Abtilleby—co»«d. 2nd West Riding Brigade. Lce.-Corpl. Tom Cyril Moxon, from Yorirs. Dns. Yeo., to be lit. (Gaz. 9 June) .. UunelS ClarenceCapt. E. B.Anthony Osborn, Gadie from tothe be Terr. 2nd Lt.Force (Gaz. Res., 14 to June) be Maj. (temp.) (Gaz. 15 June) 2June Charles Selborne Walker (late Lt. 2 W. Rid. of York R.G.A. (Vols.) to be Lt. (temp.) 15 June (Gaz. 21 June) 28May Lt. C. S. Walker to be temp. Cant. (Gaz. 21 June) ...... do. Pbe. Harold George Armitage, from Yorks Dns. Yeo., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 2ti June) ISJune 4th West Riding (Howitzer) Brigade, Lt. A. J. Cummings to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 5 June) .. IBM ay 1st Welsh (Howitzer) Brigade. Maj. R. E. Tomlin Money-Shewan, ret. pay, to be Maj. (temp.) (Gaz. 9 June) lOJune Lt. S. Hooper to be Capt. (Gaz.l9June) 16May Capt. F. H. Edwards, to be Adjt. (Gaz. 19 June) lOMay 2nd Lt. W L. Davis, to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 19 June) .. .. l6May 2nd Lt. R. L. Jones, from the Terr. Force Res., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 19 June) 17.Nov.14 2nd Welsh Brigade. Lt.-Col. F. J. Gavin, ret. pay, to be Maj. (temp.) (Gaz. 9 June) Capt. R. W. C. Treasurer to be temp. Maj. (Gaz. 9 June) .. do. 2nd Lt. F. B. Bennett to be temp. Capt. and Adjt. (Gaz. 9 June) .. 13Mayl5do. 2nd Lt. H. G. Thomas, from Bucks. Yeo., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 28 June) 29 June Cheshire Brigade. Batt. Serjt.-Maj. James Cox, from Shrop. R.H.A., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 2 June) .. 3 June The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 14 June) E.W. H.G. Edleston.Hinds, and 10to May be Adjt. 15. 10 Apr. 15. I F.H. Hughes.J. Seeds. 1010 May May 15.16. D. F. Lord. 10 May 15. Herjt. Walter Edward Grey, from 4 Welsh Brig., R.F.A., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 14 June) Pte. Percy George Calvert Jones, from 2 Welsh Brig.,R.F.A,,to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 14 June) 15 Junedo. Lt. H. M. Parry, to be Capt. Gaz. 18 June) .. IMay 4th Welsh Brigade. Thomas Arthur Eaves (late Lt. of this Unit), to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 2 June).. 30Apr. 2nd Lt. T.H. A.H EavesWade toto be be temp. temp. Capt.Lt. (Gaz.(Gaz. 9 June)2 June) ...... do. The appt. of 2nd Lt. R. Garrett is postdated to 29 May 16. (Gaz. 10 June.) 5May Capt. G. N. Wade to be temp. Maj. (Gaz. 19 June) ...... 16May CharlesLt. N. H. Bernard Davies toFrancis be temp. (late Capt. Trans. and Adjt.Off. and (Gaz.19.Tune) Hon. Lt. 1 Welsh Fd. Amb., R.A.M.C.), 12May to be Lt. (temp.) (Gaz.24June) .. 25 June 1st Wessex Brigade. TheLeonard undermentioned Beckwith to Blyth. be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 22 June.)I DatedEdward 23 June Woodley 15 :— Bedford Pim Edgar Buckton Lister. I 2nd Wessex (Howitzer) Brigade. Pte. Leonard Parker Mew, from Welsh Divl. Sig. Co., R.E., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 4 June) Capt. A. J. Hartnall to be Maj. (Gaz. 16 June.) 23May6May Capt. F. Y. M. Jackson, from Ches. Brig., R.F.A., to be Capt. (Gaz. 16 June) .. 17June TheD. undermentioned H. Harrison. 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. I (Gaz. 26J. June.) E. A. Whitman.Dated 27 June 15 T. A. Rand. | 3rd Wessex Brigade. George Francis Cockram Warry to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 2 June) 3June Lce.-Corpl. Thomas Leslie Chew, from Inns of Court O.T.C., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 4 June) 5June The following announcement is substituted for that which appeared under the heading 1st Wessex Brig., R.F.A. (Gaz. 28 June):— The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. Dated 23 June 15 Leonard Beckwith Blyth. | Edward Woodley Bedford Pim. Edgar Buckton Lister. 4th Wessex Brigade. Pte. Charles Saint Lo Auber, from R. 1st Devon Yeo., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 4 June) do. Serjt. Cyril Sanders Carr, from R. 1st Devon Yeo., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 10 June) .. HJune The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 17 June) Dated 18 June 16 Pte. Arthur Trimble, from R. 1 Devon Yeo. Lce.-Corpl. Harry Trimble, from R. 1 Devon Yeo. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 19 June) Dated 20 June 15 Bombr.Serjt. Wilfred Derek Bishop,Foster Mitchell, from R. 1from Devon Devon Yeo. R.G.A. Pte. John Leslie Payton, from S. Mid. Div. Train, A.S.C Pte. John Frank Challice, from R. 1 Devon Yeo. Pte. Edmund Henry Body, from R. 1 Devon Yeo Promotions, Appointments, &c.

TflRRITORIAL FO ROE—coni at. Royal Field Aetilleey—coreid. East Anglian Divisional Ammunition Column. HMaylS Maj.Capt. Arthur H. G. fliske, Reade from Braid, 1 E. ret.Ang. pay, Brig., to he to Lt.-Col. be Capt. (temp.) (Gaz. 5 (Gaz.June).. 2 June).. 19May Capt. (temp. Maj.) M. H. Kemsley, from 2 E. Ang. Brig., relinquishes the temp do. Maj. on alteration of posting. (Gaz. 5 June) do. Oapt. A. G. Agnew, from 4 E. Ang. Brig., to be Capt. (Gaz. 5 June) do. 2ndLt.Lt. S. G. A. Cooper, G. Gould, irom from 3 E. 2 Ang.E. Ang. Brig., Brig., R.F.A.,to to be2nd be Lt. Et. (Gaz.(Gaz. 5 5 .lone June) do. 2nd Lt. M. M. C. Howard, from 3 E. Ang. Brig., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz.5 June) do. 2nd Lt. F.D. C.J. MowerAitehison, to be from temp. 2 E. Lt. Ang. and Brig., Adjt. to(Gaz. be 2nd 14 Lt.June) (Gaz. 5 J une) 30May HighlandArthur Divisional Fred Collins Ammunition Bentley Column. to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 10 June)...... •• HJune Corpl. John Peter Dippie Grant, from Lothians and Border Horse Yeo., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 14 June) 15 June South Midland2nd Lt. H. Divisional G. Wicks, Ammunition from 3 S. Mid. Column. Brig., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 4 June) 21Mar. Welsh Divisional2nd Lt. B. AmmunitionC. Cobb, from Column. Shrops. R.H.A., to be Capt.„ , (temp.), , (Gaz. 21 June) 22June West Riding Divisional Ammunition Column. The appt. of 2nd Lt. E. N. Fairburn is antedated to 30 Jan. 15. (Gaz. 11 J une.) Sqdn.(Gaz. Qr.-Mr.-Serjt. 11 June) John Edward Edmondson, from York. Hrs. Yeo., to be 2nd Lt. The appt. of 2nd Lt. W. B, Haynes is antedated to 4 Feb. 15. (Gaz. 16 June). ROYAL GARRISON ARTILLERY. East Anglian (Essex). . T, ,, 4.1 une Lce.-CorplPte. Laurence Frederick Colston Dargie, Bidler, from from Denbighshire 5 Bn. Glouc. R.,Yeo., to beto 2ndbe 2ndLt. Lt.(Gaz. (Gaz. 3 June) 16 June.) ITJune Serjt. Percival Thompson, from North’d (Hrs.) Yeo., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 26 June) 27June HighlancHFifeshireb^^ Badenoch, from Edinburgh Univ. Contg., Senr. Divn. O.T.C., to be 2ndLt. (Gaz. 8 June) 9June Home Counties (Kent). n r Corpl. Clement James, from 5 Bn. Notts, and Derby. R., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 7 June) 24May 2nd Lt. A. W. Rickards to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 22 June) 12June 2nd Lancashire.Leslie Bland Dufton to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 12 June) .. 29 Apr. 2nd Lt. L. B. Dufton to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 12 June) do.

PteLt.K. John N. BellArthur to Sedgwickbe temp. Capt.Powell, (Gaz. from 14 14 June) Bn. Lond. R., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 4 June). .... 5JuneIMay 2ndLeonard Lt. J. WilliamP. Jordan Jones to be to temp. be 2nd Lt. Lt. (Gaz.(Gaz. 14 15 June) June) ...... 12Juno42May 2nd Lt. L. W. Jones to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 15 June) ...... do. lj0 0 „nd Qj. .jjr gerjt james Robert Bedwell to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 28 June) 20June Lowland (City of Edinburgh.) TheHenry undermentioned Scott Dove. to ( 2nd 7 Lts.:—June) .. .. •• •• •• _ . 15May Pte Russell Boyack, irom the Lothians and Border Horse Yeo. (Gaz. 7 June)T 8June Edwin Archibald Bell (late Lt., Trans. Oflr. 3 High. Fd. Amb.) to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 19 June.) 20Apr. North Midland (Staffordshire). m T . Batty. Qr.-Mr.-Serjt. Robert James Watson Magill, from 5 Lond. Brig., B.F.A., to be 12 June 2nd Lt. Gaz. 11 June) ...... 26May Charles EdwardWilliam PlattParker to to be be 2nd 2nd Lt. Lt. (Gaz.(Gaz. 19 19June) June) ...... 29May 2nd Lt. J. A. B. Orquhart to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 23 June) 5Feb. South Midland (Warwickshire). 22.) line Col.Capt. H. P. T. P. Scott Burbush Yates, to temp. pay, toMaj. be Capt.(Gaz. 21.June)(temp.) (Gaz... 26 June) .. HJune 182 Promotions, Appointments, &c.

TERBITORIAIi FORCE—confd. Royal Gaeeison Aetilleby—comM. Northumbrian (North Riding). Capt. and Hon. Maj. W. Fleming,ret. list, Terr. Force, to beCapt. (temp.) (Gaz. 1 June)., 6 Apr. 15 East Riding.Frank Kenneth Keighley (late Cadet Lce.-Corpl. Hymers Coll. Contg., Jun. i)iv. O.T.C.) tobeZndLt. (Gaz.17 June.) ISJune West Riding. William Guthrie Forbes to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz.llJune) 29May 2nd Lt. I. N. Ware to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 14 June) .. 20May Edgar James French to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 21 June) .. 11 June Clyde. Capt. A. J. R. Paul to be Ad]t. (Gaz. 5 June) ...... 4 May Cornwall (Duke of Cornwall’s). The undermentioned Lts. to be temp. Capts. (Gaz. 4 June.) Dated 22 May 15 R. H. Read. I R. W. Rice. M. C. D. Cordeaux. | J. Edwards-Moss. Co. Serjt.-Maj. Nicholas Charles Richards to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 5 June) 6June Capt. P. Best resigns his commn. (Gaz. 12 June) .. 23Apr. Actg.-Bombr. Edward William Cuff, from Devon. R.G.A., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 22 June) .. 23.1 une 2nd Lt. Cecil L. Burns to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 28 June) 29 Juno Devonshire. Actg.-Bombr. Arthur Eastwood Nichols to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 14 June) 15.1 une George Duncan Brooke to be Lt. (temp.) (Gaz. 19 June) ...... 20June TheWilliam undermentioned Edward Cyril to be Hope. 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 21 June.)I DatedRupert 22 JuneLeslie 15 Bicknell. John Augustine Green. Capt. A. J. P. Scaife is restd. to the estabt. (Gaz. 22 June).. 30May Dorsetshire. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 21 June.) Dated 22 June 15 Corpl. Raymond Charles Merchant Frost, from Dorset Teo. Kenneth Belben Anderson. Durham. Basil Luis Denton to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 19 June) Reginald Percy Hart to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 22 June) .. 23June20June James Bruce Graham to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 23 June) 8 June East Riding. Edward Kenneth Locking (late Cadet Corpl., Bridlington Grammar Sch. Cont., Jun. Div. O.T.C.) to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 23 June) 5.1 une Arthur Denholm Carmichael to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 23 June).. do. Essex and Suffolk. Lt. R. H. Platts is seed, under para. 112, Terr. Force Regns. (Gaz. 22 June) 3May Forth. The undermentioned temp. Capts. to be Capts. (Gaz. 8 June.) Dated 5 Aug. 14 W. B. Wyllie. | J. Thorburn. The undermentioned temp, Lts. to be Lts. J. D. L. Melrose. (Gaz.SJune) .. 5Aug.l4 • J. R. Payn. (Gaz.SJune) HAug. The order of seniority of the undermentioned 2nd Lts. is as now shown, and not as stated in Lend. Gaz. of 26 Apr. 15. (Gaz. 14 June) K. G. McLean. | T. A. Martin. The undermentioned 2nd Lts to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 26 June.) Dated 1 June 15 W. D. Boyd. G. W.Wallace. L. W. Innes. G. Logan. J. T. Watling. A, F. Sfdford. Aubrey William Hooper date Cadet Cambridge University Contg., Sen. Div. O.T.C., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 26 June) 12Junel5 Hampshire. Capt.The appt. G. Grove-Blackwell of 2nd Lt. M. G. isYoung restd. is to antedated the estabt. to 12(Gaz. Sept. 7 June)14. (Gaz. 8 June.) llNov.14 George Frederick Nuthall to be 2nd Xjt. (Gaz.SJune) 9Junel5 , Albert Brierley to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 19 June).. 2GMay Maj. E. J. E. Fear to be temp. Lt.-Col. (Gaz. 21 June) 22 June Capt.The undermentioned F. V. Bagshaw toLts. be totemp. be temp. Maj. Capts.(Gaz. 21(Gaz. June) 21 June) Dated 22 June 15 do. C. S. King. I M. D. W. E. B. Levien. F. C. Hamilton. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 21 June) Dated 22nd June 15 A. D. Field. I W. R. Coates. S. E. Gudgeon. | F. H. Warr. Promotions, Appointments, &c. 183

TBRKITORIAXj FORCB—conZd. ROTAI. QABBISON ABTILIiBBY—contd. Kent. Temp. 2nd Lt. G. H. Baxter, from 9 (Serv.) Bn. York & Lane. R., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. SJune) 9Junel5 Lancashire and Cheshire. 2nd Lt. P. B. Erers-Swindell to be Lt. (Gaz. 2 June) ...... 27Apr. Pembroke. 2nd Lt. JTore. G. H. Bdwardes is seed. (Gaz.9Jcme) ...... ,, 20May North Scottish. George James Riddell, jun., to be 2nd Jjt. (Gaz. 4 June) 21May Lt. J. Anderson to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 7 June) SJune Thecancelled. seedg. of Lt.(Gaz. I. L. SJune.) F. Macbeth, whieh was announced in Lond. Gaz. of 25 Mar. 15, is Sussex. George Lenny Norsworthy to be 2nd Lt. ((Gaz. 5 June) ...... 17May 2nd Lt. J. G. C. Perrett-Toung to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 22 June) ...... 23June Tynemouth. 2nd Lt. W. I. Nicholson to be Lt. (Gaz. 11 June) ...... i2June TheKenneth undermentioned Joseph Reader. to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 14 June)| DatedRobert 15 June Royal 15 Minnikin.

ROYAL ENGINEERS. East Anglian Divisional Engineers. 1st FieldBenjamin Company. Donald Hewitt Bean to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz.lJune) ...... 26May 2nd Lt. E. W. Jones to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 2 June) ...... l5May Pte. Sydney Harold Wilson, from Suff. Yeo., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 7 June) .. .. SJune Lt. W. H. Fielding to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 15 June) ...... Uune 2nd Field Company. 2nd Lt. I. L Thatcher to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 2 June) ...... i6May Highland Divisional Engineers. 1st Field Company. Pte.(Gaz. William 11 June) Maurice .. Carmichael,.. .. from ..the Inns.. of ..Court ..O.T.C., .. to be ..2nd Lt... mune Cadetto beLce.-Corpl. 2nd Lt. James(Gaz. 11 McLagan, June) B.So.,.. from.. Glasgow.. Univ... Contg.,.. Sen... Div... O.T.C.,.. do. Capt. J. B. Mavor to be temp. Maj. (Gaz.ISJune) ...... iSApr. 2nd Lt. J. C. Lindsay to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 15 June) ...... do. Graham Ferguson Paterson to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 16 June) ...... ,, iMay 2nd SapperField Company. Harry Storey Tawse, from 6 Co., Divl. Eng., 2 Canadian Div., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. SJune) ...... ;. .. 9June The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 16 June.) Dated 16 June 15 Sapper Walter George McFayden. I George Donald Grant. Alexander Ross Fyfe. Home Counties Divisional Engineers. 1st FieldLt. R. Company.W. O. Hartridge to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 2 June) ...... SJune 2nd Lt. E. R. H. Beaman to be temp. Lt. (Gaz.l4June) ., ...... i5Jnne 2nd Lt. S. P. Whelan to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 21 June) ...... 22June 2nd Field Company. Corel.Capt. (temp. Charles Maj.) Wyatt W. Hughes,C. Hawke from relinquishes Suss. Yeo., the to betemp, 2nd rankLt. (Gaz.of Maj. 1 June) on alteration.. in.. 20Apr. posting. (Gaz. 7 June) ...... ,, ISMay Arthur Thomas Parker to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 8 June) ...... „ HMay Louis Charles Kemp to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 11 June) ...... asMay Lt. J. W. Ticehurst to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 17 June) ...... isJune West Lancashire Divisional Engineers. 1st (The St. Helens) Field Company— The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be Lts. (Gaz. 9 June.) Dated 7 May 15:— D. S. Thorne. I L. Pickering. 2nd The(The undermentioned St. Helens) Field 2nd Company. Lts. to be Lts. (Gaz. 9 June) Dated 7 May 15 W. A. Johnston. | C. Wall. Pte. Alastair Mackinnon Kennedy, from 2 High. Fd. Co. R.E., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 9 June) lOJune The dates of appt. of the undermentioned 2nd Lts. are as stated against their names, and not as notified in Lond. Gaz. of 2nd Jan. 15 :— C. Wall. (Gaz.22June) ...... ' .. ,, iDec.14 E. S. Wilding. (Gaz. 22 June) ...... ,, 2lDec. Capt. W. F. Dixon-Nuttall to be temp. Maj. (Gaz. 23 June) .. „ .. 9Apr.i5 184 Promotions, Appointments, &c

TERRITORIAL FORCE-conW. ROYAL Engineebs—coreid. 1st London Divisional Engineers. Jst 2ndField Lt. Company. F. G. P. Gedge to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 22 June) Robert Shaw MacPhail to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 23 June) 12.Tunel5HJune 2nd SapperField Company.Robert Francis Niven, from 1 East Anglian Fd. Co.|R.E., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 26 June) ...... 27Jun1! 2nd LondonThe appt.Divisional of Capt. Engineers. E. V. Spencer is antedated to 19 Mar. 15. (Gaz. 11 June.) 3rd Field Company. Pte. Gerald Eckett Dunnage, from 28 Bn. Lend. R., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 8 June) .. 9June CadetO.T.C., Corpl. to beStanley 2nd l,t. Gordon (Gaz. 19Killingback, Juno) from the ITniv. of Lond. Contg., Sen. Div. Cadet Frank Reginald Heading, from the Univ. of Lond. Contg., Sen. Div. O.T.C., to be 20June 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 26 June) Cadet Howard Gray Downes, from the Univ. of Lond. Contg., Sen. Div. O.T.C., to be 2nd 27June Lt. (Gaz. 26Juue) ...... do. 1th Field Company. Lce.-Corpl. Percival Thompson, from 3 Lond. Fd. Co., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 1 June) 2June 2nd Lt. H. S. Longsdon to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 3 June) 3May Lce.-Corpl. Will Legg, B.Sc., from 28 Bn. Lond. R., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 5 June) .. 6June Cadet(Gaz. Reginald 15 June) David Walker, from Univ. of Lond. Contg., Sen. Div. O.T.C.. to be 2nd Lt. Staughton Charles Archelus Lathbridge, from W. Kent Yeo., to be 2nd Lt. 16 June (Gaz. 16 June) 17.Tuna William Banbury Perkins to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz.26June) l6June Lowland Divisional Engineers. 1st Field Company. Capt. W. Downs is restd. to the estabt. (Gaz. 8 June) .. lOMay Thecancelled. appt. of 2nd(Gaz. Lt. 22J. June) D. Sanderson, which appeared in Lond. Gaz. of 14 Apr. 15, is 2nd Capt.Field T.Company. M. Kidd to be temp. Maj. (Gaz. 9 June) .. Uune Lt. M. J. D. Laird to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 9 June) ,. do. North Midland Divisional Engineers. 1st 2ndField Lt. Company. F. Fisher to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 9 June) .. 29May 2nd Lt. J. L. Miller to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 11 June) ...... 24 May TheCyril undermentioned Lett Boucher, to 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 16 June.)\ DatedJohn 31 Edgar May 15 Taylor. 28Mav HaroldBasil Charlton Taylor, DeaconA.M.I.C.E., to be to 2ndbe 2ndLt. Lt.(Gaz. (Gaz. 24 June) 22 June) 9,Tune The appt. of 2nd Lt. C. L. Boucher, A.M.I.C.E., which appeared in Lond. Gaz. of 16 June 15, is cancelled. (Gaz. 26 June.) 2nd Lt.Field P. E.Company. Welchman to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 8 June) do. 2nd Lt. H. S. Dickson, from 4 Bn. Line. R., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 8 June) .. do. 2nd Lt. E. E. Rouse to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 9 June) .. 29May The date of transfer of 2nd Lt. H. S. Dickson is 22 Mar. 15, and not as previously stated. (Gaz. 18 June.) TheG. undermentioned C. Robertson. 2nd(Gaz. Lts. 22 toJune) be temp. .. Lts...... 4June D. E. E. Richardson. (Gaz. 22 June) 9June South Midland Divisional Engineers. 1st 2ndField Lt. Company. J. H. Savory to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 9 June) .. 24 May Sapper George Herbert Gibbs to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 19 June). 20June 2nd Col.-Serjt.Field Company. George WalterjWarr, from.6 Bn. R. Suss. R., to be 2nd Lt.jJjUGaz. 24 June.) .. 19June Promotions, Appointments, &c. 185

TERRITORIAL PORCB-oonW. Royal Engineebs—comM. Northumbrian Divisional Engineers. 1st Field Company. TheCharles undermentioned Miller Potts. to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 7 .lune.)I DatedHarold 21 May Hamilton. 15 TheW. undermentioned H. 8. Tripp. (Gaz. 2nd Lts. 28 June) to be temp... Lts. 2Junel5 J. H. Forster. (Gaz. 28 June) SJune G. K. Walker. (Gaz. 28 June) 6June 2nd Field Company. TheJohn undermentioned Clayton Collingwood to be 2nd Bruce Lts. (Gaz... 7 June) 21May Serjt. Walter James Smith, from North’d Teo. .. SJune Arthur Harrison Raine to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 21 June) 9June The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. 31May T. Forster. (Gaz. 28 June).. Uune L. H. Douglas. (Gaz. 28 June) 3june G.E. D.M. Case.Hume (since(Gaz. 28killed June) in action.) (Gaz. 28 June) 4June West Riding Divisional Engineers. Thepreviously date of promn.stated. of(Gaz. the 24undermentioned June) temp. Capts. is 12 May 15, and not as G. D. Aspland. I A. C. Howard. 1st Field Company. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 1 June) Dated 31 Mar. 15 J.W. H. Adamson. Simpson. I E.H. A.W. O. Webster. Wever. Capt.E. F.W. L. A. Price Humphreys. to be temp. Maj. (Gaz. 3 June) ...... 27Mar. John Brown Corrie Cameron-Mitchell to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 3 June) ...... 15Mar. TheC. undermentioned L. Price. Lts. to be temp. Capts. (Gaz.I 7 June)G. D. DatedAspland. 27 Mar. 15 2nd Field Company. Lt. E. J. Walthen to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 1 June) .. 31Mar. 2nd Lt. A. C. Howard to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 1 June).. do. Lt. A. C. Howard to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 7 June) .. do. 2nd Lt. A. Barlow to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 1 June) do. 2nd Lt. C. Butler to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 11 June) 14May Lt. A. F. Hobson to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 17 June) .. 18June 2nd Lt. G. W. M. Borns to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 17 Juno) do. Welsh Field Company, Welsh Divisional Engineers. Arnold Walters Davies to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 1 June) ...... 5May Cheshire Field Company, Welsh Divisional Engineers. The date of appt. of 2nd Lt. R. H. Smith is 27 Jan. 16, and not as previously stated. (Gaz. 1 June) Norman Marshall Halcombe to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 9 June) ...... 6May Capt. H. E. Trubshaw to be temp. Maj. (Gaz.9,Tune) ...... 14May Capt. M. S. Hanmer to be temp. Maj. (Gaz. 19 June) ...... 18May Francis Milverton Drake to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 19 Juno) ...... do. Serjt. Frederick Webster, from Lan. (Fortress) Eng., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 19 June) .. 20June Corpl. William Harwood Moon, from Welsh Dlvl. Sig. Co., R.E , to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 19 June) ...... do. Wessex Divisional Engineers. 1st Field Company. Francis George Collins to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 17 June) ...... 17.Tnne 2nd Field Company. Pte. William John Lockett, from Hon. Art. Co., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 2 June) .. .. SJune East Anglian Divisional Engineers. Signal Company. 2nd Lt. A. H. Carnt, from 1 Fd. Co., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 22 June) .. 17Apr. 186 Promotions, Appointments,

TEKBITOBIAL FOBCE—contd. JRotai, Bsqikebrs—contd. Signal Company, Home Counties Divisional Engineers. Bertram James Leslie Hall to be 2nd hi. (Gaz. 3 June) Lt. A. A. Saunders to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 8 June).. 20Mayi59June Pte. James Edward Bothwell, from 9 Bn. High. L.I., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. lo June) 23May Capt, E. C. Bartlett to be temp. Maj. (Gaz. 11 June) 12June West Lancashire Divisional Engineers. Signal Company. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be Lts. (Gaz 9 June). Dated 7 May 15 •— Pt®-Carlton D Artois,. . from Lond. Electrical Eng.,I to beE. 2nd Mount. Lt. (Gaz. 9 June) .. Sent. Biehard James Owen, from ban. (Fortress) Eng., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 9 June) ” 17MayIMay LeslieThe date Reginald of appt. Vaughan of 2nd be (now 2nd temp.Lt. (Gaz. Lt.) 9P. June) Doig is 7 Dec. 14, and not as previously do. stated. (Gaz. 23 June.) 1st London Divisional Engineers. Signal2n Company. d Lt. G. E. Carpenter to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 14 June) 25May 2nd Lt. J. M. Hastings, from 7 Bn. Lond. R., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 26 June) 27June North Midland Divisional Engineers. Signal Company. Serjt. Colin Arthur Maguire, from Staff. Yeo., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 5 June) .. .. 21May West Riding Divisional Engineers. Signal Company. The date of appt. of 2nd Lt. A. B. Glover is 14 Jan. 15, and not as previously stated. (Gaz. 7 June). Lt. R. T. Greaves, from 7 Bn. W. Rid. R., to be Lt. (temp.) (Gaz. 16 June) ,, .. l7June London Signal Companies (Army Troops). Reginald Robert Guido Mann to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 6 June) 6June Scottish Signal Companies (Army Troops). John Carson Cuthbert to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 15 June)...... Uune Southern Signal Companies (Army Troops). 2nd Lt. Harold Dickinson to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 15 June) ...... 20May Western Army Troops Signal Company. Geoffrey William Paley Ashmore to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 8 June) ...... 9June Lt. A. O. Laurie relinquishes his commn. (Gaz. 24 June) ...... 26June 2nd Mounted Divisional Signal Squadron. Arthur Gerald Dalton to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 21 June) ...... 22June Cinque Ports (Fortress) Engineers. Pte. Henry Gordon Atkin-Berry, from 28 Bn. Lond. B., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 11 June) .. 12June Cornwall (Fortress) Engineers. Pte. Ernest Gordon, from 28 Bn. Lond. R., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 24 June) 25June Devonshire (Fortress) Engineers. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 1 June) A. I. Polack. 28 Apr. 15. I A. F. Lord. 1 May 15. G. C. Stedham. 28 Apr. 15. H. R. 8. Shires. 1 May 15. W.J. Butler. 28 Apr. 15. | H. L. Bazalgette. 1 May 15. i 2nd Lt. R. Kateley is seed. (Gaz. 8 June) ...... 2June No. 1 Works Company. Herbert James Bull to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 19 June) ...... 20June No. 2 Works Company. 2nd Lt. G. B. E. Truscott to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 11 June) ...... lApr. Corpl. John Paul Cussons Done, from 28 Bn. Lond. R., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 19 June .. 20June No. 5 Electric Lights Company. Horace Leslie Hodgson to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 7 June)., .. ,» ...... * sJune City of Dundee (Fortress) Engineers. Cadet Lce.-Corpl. Ernest Guthrie Ritchie, from the St. Andrew’s Univ. Contg., Sen. Div. O.T.C., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz.SJune) 4fune Promotions, Appointments, &c. 187

TBRRITOKIAIj FORCE—conM. Royal Estoiweers— Durham (Fortress) Engineers. James Aitken (late Qr.-Mr. and Hon. Lt. Tyne Electrical Eng., to he 2nd Lt, (Gaz.3 June) 4Junel5 Lt. H. Eccles to he temp. Capt. (Gaz. 14 June) ...... HMay 2nd Lt. J. B. Thompson to he temp. Lt. (Gaz. 14 June) ...... do. The undermentioned to he 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 22 June.) Dated 14 May 15 John Wilson Hays. | William Armstrong Wedgwood. Corpl. William Ernest Reed, from Tyne Electrical Engineers, to he 2nd Lt. (Gaz 24 June) 25June No. 1 Company. Alexander MacKenzie (late Surg. Capt., R.A.M.C.) to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 15 June) .. .. 31May No. 2 Company. John Bradley Phillipson to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 24 June) ,, it 21June City of Edinburgh (Fortress) Engineers. No. Archibald1 Works Company.Douglas Donald (late Cadet Corpl..Edinburgh Univ. Contg., Sen. Div O T C ) to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 4 June) ...... if •• 24May TheFrederick undermentioned William to Anderson. be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 16 June) Cadet James Cowie Brown, from Edinburgh Univ. Contg., Sen. Div. Q.T 6 (Gaz Uune 16 June).. 17 June James Gordon Goodfellow to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 17 June) 8 June No. 2 Electric Lights Company. Sapper Thomas Lightbody, from London Electrical Eng., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 2 June) ".. 3,Tune The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 16 June.) Dated 5 June 15 Wilfrid Guild Normand. | Albert Russell. Glamorgan (Fortress) Engineers. 2nd Lt. H. M. Vivian, from the Welsh DM. Signal Co., R.E., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 15 June) 16.Tune Hampshire (Fortress) Engineers. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. Harold William Pink, A.M.I.G.E., A.M.I.E.E. (Gaz. 26 June) .. Herbert Reginald Cowley. (Gaz. 26 June) 15May Edward James Jarvis. (Gaz. 26 June) 18June Maurice Howard Gaitskell. (Gaz. 26 June) ...... ’’ do. Pte. Harry Duncan Hendry, from 28 Bn. Lond. R. (Gaz. 26 June) 27Junedo. Pte. Tudor Huab Davies, from 28 Bn. Lond. R. (Gaz. 26 June) do. Pte. Walter Austen Neumann Smith, from 28 Bn. Lond. R. (Gaz. 26 June) do. Kent (Fortress) Engineers. Capt. .T. W. Punter is seed. (Gaz. 3 June) .. 9Dec.l4 Charles Leopold Troyte Griffith, A. M. Inst. C. E., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 3 June) 3Junel5 2nd Lt. C. L. T. Griffith, A. M. Inst. C. E.. to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 3 June) do. TheHarold name Burton of Lt. Gates G. S. to Steedbe 2nd is Lt. as now(Gaz. stated, 8 June) and .. not as announced in Lond.' Gaz. of 20May 27 May 15. (Gaz. 19 June.) No. 1 Company. Lce.-Corpl.George Albert Napier Kitching, from Hon.Art. Co., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 14 June) Uune No. 2 Company. Pte. Sydney Arthur Smith, from R. E. Kent Yeo., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 11 June) .. lOMay No. 8 Company. Serjt. Frank Rob Wray, from 5 Bn. Lond. R„ to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 8 June) 20May No. 7 Works Company. George William Lyon to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz, 8 June) .. Uune Renfrewshire (Fortress) Engineers. No. 1 Company. Alexander Wilson Miller (late Cadet, Glasgow Acad. Contg., Jun. Div. O.T.C., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 11 June) ...... ,, 12May East Riding (Fortress) Engineers. 2nd Lt. A. J. Beckett to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 2 June) ...... ISMav 2nd Lt. M. B. U. Dewar is seed. (Gaz.SJune) ...... ,, Uune No. 2 Electric Lights Company. Charles M. Bostock date Lt., Terr. Force Res., Gen. List) to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 15 June).. 16J une 188 Promotions, Appointments, &c.

TERRITORIAL FORCE—oonta. Royal Engineers—coraM. London Electrical Engineers. TheSapper undermentioned Ian Scott be 2nd Lts. (Gaz.2June.)| DatedSecond 3 June Corporal 15:— John Withers Mason. 2nd Lt. K. Engelbach is seed, for service with the Bxpy. Force. (Gaz. 17 June) .. .. 3Junel5 Tyne Electrical Engineers. Lt. G. L. L. Russell to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 3June) ...... ,, ,, 5Feb. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 3 June.' Dated 5 Feb. 15 D. A. Williamson. I W. Hall. R. L. Wood. Qr.-Mr. and Hon. Lt. J. Aitken resigns his commn, (Gaz. 3 June)...... 4June The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 22 June) Dated 23 June 15 :— , Corpl. Cyril Arthur Charles Aitkins. | Corpl. Rooksby.

INFANTRY. 4th Battalion2nd Lt. (Queen’sJ. Paterson Edinburgh to be Adjt. Rifles), (Gaz. The 18 June)Royal Soots.. (Lothian.. Regiment)...... l9June Capt. E. T. Skae to be temp. Maj. (Gaz. 19 June) ...... isMay Qr.-Mr. and Hon. Maj. P. Cameron, Ret. List., Terr. Force, to be Qr.-Mr., with the hon. rank of Maj. (Gaz. 22 June) ...... l9May The seedg. of 2nd Lt. J. C. Si mpson, which was announced in Lond. Gaz. of 18 Jan. 15, is cancelled. (Gaz. 22 June) 5th Battalion (Queen’s Edinburgh Rifles), The Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment). Capt. F. P. Shepherd is seed, whilst empld. as Asst. Instr. at the Sch. of Instr., Hd.-Qrs. Lothian I of. Brig. (Gaz. 8 June) ...... 25May Maj. J. H. Cooper to be temp. Lt.-Col. (Gaz. 21 June) ...... 22May Lt. F. C. Godsmark to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 23 June) ...... do. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. R. M. Ireland. i (Gaz. 23 June.) Dated 22 May 15 .1. W. K. Darling. A. B. Johnston. F. D. Hislop. .1. H. Walker. J. B. P. Dobie. W. G. Bassett. Capt. D. H. Watson to be Adjt. (Gaz. 24 June) do. 6th Battalion, The Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment). 1 Capt..I. A. L. Turner, from 8 Bn. R Scots, to be’Capt." (temp.), with seniority from 14 Sept. 14, but not to draw pay and allowances prior to 1 May 15. (Gaz. 2 June.) The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 23 June.) Dated 24 June 15 :— Serjt. Thomas Thomson. I Serjt.William Booth Rennie Morren. Serjt. Matthew Peacock. The following announcement is substituted for that which appeared in Lond. Gaz. of 2 June 15. (Gaz. 23 June.) :— 14Capt. Sept. J. 14,A. buth. Turner, not to fromdraw 8pay Bn. and R. Scots,allowances to be priorCapt. to(temp.', 19 Jan. with 15. seniority from 7th Battalion, The Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment). Capt. H. Rose to be temp. Maj. (Gaz. 18 June) ...... i4May Edward Hugh Rose (late Cadet Lce.-Corpl., Sedbergh Sch. Contgt., Jun. Div., O.T.C.) to be2ndLt. (Gaz. 22 June)...... i2June 8th Battalion, The Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment). Maj. R. W. Tweedie to be temp. Lt.-Col. (Gaz. 18 June) ...... 23May Capt. J. Tait to be temp. Maj. (Gaz. 18 June) ...... i9May The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 22 June) Dated 12 June 15 William Holmes Ivory. | James Graham Mylne. Sydney Macdonald to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 23 June) ...... leJune WalterQr.-Mr. Ernestand Hon. Thorburn Maj. W. (late E. Thorburn Qr.-Mr. and resigns Hon. his Maj.) commn. to be Capt.(Gaz. (temp.) 28 June) (Gaz. ..28 June).. lJunedo. TheRobert undermentioned Orr. (Gaz. to 28 be June) 2nd Lts. :—., ...... ,, .. l4June Francis Alexander Burnet. (Gaz. 28 June) ...... do. Pte. JosephCharles Train Ross Gray,Baxter, from from 9 Bn.Lothians R. Scots. and Border(Gaz. 28 Horse June) Yeo... (Gaz... 28 June).. ...". 29.Tunedo. GeorgePte. Abram Johnston Douglas, ” 'hegor. from 9 Bn.(Gaz.28June) R. Scots. (Gaz. .. 28 June)...... do. Alexander Bremi.c. tewart. (Gaz. 28Jun< ) ...... ,, ,, do. William Fleming uliphant Morrison, (G , 28 June) .. .. ,, .. do, Promotions, Appointments, &c. 189

TEKBITORIAL, FORCE-confeJ, INFAJTTEY—COntd. 9Ch (Highlanders) Battalion, The Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment). The undermentioned to be2nd Lts. (Gaz. 10 June.) Dated 11 June 15 Serjt. Crawford Jamieson. Ralph Frank Rhodes. Serjt. Thomas Stevenson. I Pte. James Allan McDonald. Maj. C. T. Gordon to he temp. Lt.-Col. (Gaz. 24 June) ...... 20Mayl5 10th (Cyclist) Battalion, The Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment). James Grant to he 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 5 June) ...... 15May Pte. Andrew James Garland, from Sco. Horse Yeo., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 23 June) .. 24,Tune 4th Battalion, The Queen’s (Royal West Surrey Regiment). Capt. and Adjt. Kenneth A. Oswald to he temp. Maj. (Gaz. 1 June) ...... do. GeoffreyPeter Bellinger Peake Allen Brodie (late to he Cadet 2nd Lt.Corpl. (Gaz. Tonbridge 2 June) Sch. Contg.,.. Jun... Div... O.T.C.).. to he.. Uune 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 2 June) ...... 3.Tune Pte.LeopoldArthurBarthorpEdenborough, from Hon. Art. Co., to he 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 3 June) 29May Lancefield Beaumont Howell to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 8 June) ...... Wane George Alexander lonides to he 2nd Lt. (Gaz.lOJune) ...... 2lMay Norman Leslie MacLennan to he 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 18 June) ...... 12June TheAlexander undermentioned Green he 2nd Lts.(Gaz.22June) ...... , .. .. 21.Tune ArthurPte. Harry Byfield William Frost Carter, (late Cadet, from 28Whitgift Bn., Lond. Grammar R. (Gaz. Sch. 22 Contg.,June) Jun... Div.,.. O.T.C.).. 23June (Gaz. 22 June) ...... do. Lt. T. S. Smith to he temp. Capt. (Gaz. 23 June) ...... 24.Tune 2nd Lt. Y. F. Samuelson to he temp. Lt. (Gaz. 23 June) ...... do. Philin Henry Cutler to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 23 June) ...... do. Pte. Herbert Patrick McCabe, from 14 Bn., Lond. B., to he 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 23 June) .. do. Lt. B. H. Williams to he temp, Capt. (Gaz. 28 June) ...... 17May The undermentioned 2nd Lts to he temp. Lts. J. McG. McNaught. (Gaz. 26 June) ...... do. A. K. Boyd. (Gaz. 26 June) ...... 18May 5th Battalion, The Queen’s (Royal West Surrey Regiment). Lce.-Corpl. Henry Colhorne Brown, from 28 Bn. Lond. R., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 5 June) .. 6June William Eric Willson (late Cadet, Charterhouse Sch. Contg., Jun. Div. O.T.C.) to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 5 June) ...... do. Lce.-Corpl. Charles Edward Farncomb Searle, from 25 Cyclist Bn., Lond. R., to he 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 18 June) ...... 8June Capt. A. F. Tredgold to be temp. Maj. (Gaz. 26 June) ...... 24Apr. Lt. R. H. Twining to he temp. Capt. (Gaz. 26 June) ...... 17May The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to he temp. Lts. (Gaz. 26 June) Dated 15 June 15 L. Bruce Charles. I E. Herbert. 4th Battalion,The undermentioned The Buffs (East Lts. Kent to he Regiment). temp. Capts. A.W. W.J. Thomas.gangster. (Gaz.(Gaz. 23 23 June) June) ...... 3MayIMay TheG.S. undermentioned Dixon. 1 May 2nd 15 Lts. to he temp. Lts. I (Gaz. 23G. June) C. Bateman. 3 May 15 L. G. Skey. 1 May 15 L. Doubleday. 3 May 15 C. H. Cursons. 3 May 15 I G. Spickernell. 3 May 15 Lt. RkG. Taunton to he temp. Capt. (Gaz. 26 June) ...... 26Apr. 5th (The Weald of Kent) Battalion, The Buffs. (East Kent Regiment). The promn. of Capt. A. G. A. Adam is temp., and not as announced in the Lond. Gaz. of 4 May 15.) (Gaz. 2 June.) Cadet William Edward Rolston, from Cambridge University Contg., Sen. Div. O.T.C., to be2ndl,t. (Gaz. 2 June) ...... SJune 2nd Lt. W. E. Rolston to he temp. Lt. (Gaz. 2 June)...... ,. .. do. Capt. C. P. Kingsland to be temp. Maj. (Gaz. SJune) ' ...... 8May The undermentioned Lts. to he temp. Capts. (Gaz. 8 June.) Dated 1 May 15 A. T. Loyd. i D. R. Edwardes-Ker. 2nd Lt. J. E. Spickernell to he temp. Lt. (Gaz. SJune.) ...... IMay Edwin Buss to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 8 June) ...... ,. SJune Serjt. Charles William Jemmett to he 2nd Lt. (Gaz.lOJune) ...... 25May Pte. Charles William Fiske, from R. E. Kent Y’eo., to he 2nd Lt, (Gaz. 17 Jane) .. .. ISJune Oscar Dean Maxted to he 2nd Lt. (Gaz. ISJune) ...... do. Pte. Norman Percy Marks, from 14 Bn. Lond. R., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 23 June) .. .. 24June 4th Battalion,John Welch The King’sto be 2nd Own Lt. (Royal (Gaz.l2June) Lancaster Regiment)...... 13June Maj. E. B. Pooley is seed. (Gaz. 15 June) ...... 19May JA, J, Finlay to he temp, Capt, (Gaz, 19 June) ., .. ., ...... (12May 190 Promotions, Appointments, Ac.

TERRITORIAL FORCE—cowfcl. INPAJTFBY—OOntd. 6th Battalion, The King’s Own (Royal Lancaster Regiment). John William Boddy to be 2nd Lt. (Gas. 3 June) IMaylS Pte. Frank Bastard, trom 28 Bn, Lond. R„ to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. lOJune) HJune Maj. B. W. Hogarth resigns his commn. (Gaz. 12 June) .. 25 May Capt. E. Atkinson to be Adjt. (Gaz. 18 June) 17June The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 19 Jnne) : — JosephWilliamEdwards William Westhead. Burdett. 1724 May 15. |I William Harry Hodgson. 31 May 15. 4th Battalion,Frederick The William Northumberland Cox to be 2ndFusiliers. Lt. (Gaz. 17 June) James Lorentz Henderson to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 22 J une) IMay Frederick Jonathan Ire to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 24 June) 15May7June 5th Battalion, The Northumberland Fusiliers. John William Cameron to be 2nd Lti. (Gaz. 3 June) do. Capt. A. Irwin to be Maj. (Gaz. 9 June) ...... , .. 27Apr. Lt. F. J. Kinseila to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 9 June) do. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to temp. Lts. (Gaz. 9 June) J. McLellan. 27 Apr. 15. I R. K. Steele. 2 May 15 G. B. Gill. 27 Apr. 15. ! Lt.The C. surname H. Digby-Seymour of 2nd Lt. Saundersbe temp. as now(Gaz. stated, 15 June) and not “ Sanders,” as announced 27 May in Lond. Gaz. of 13 Oct. 14. (Gaz. 23 June). 6th Battalion, The Northumberland Fusiliers. Pte. George Rowell, from Inns of Court O.T.C., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 3 June) Pte. George Cecil Colling, from 28 Bn. Lond. R., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 8 June) HMay12May The undermentioned 2nd Lts. (temp. Capts.) relinquish the temp, rank of Capt. on alteration in posting. (Gaz. 15 June.) Dated 7 May 15 G. F. Bell. I R. C. Dunford. T. Sopwith. | K. M. Drummond. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. (temp. Lts.) relinquish the temp, rank of Lt. on alteration in posting. (Gaz. 15 June.) Dated 7 May 15 W. H. Price. I W. H. Bainbridge. H. D. K. Davies. I Paul Colbeck (late Capt. 3 V.B., North’d Fus.) to be Lt. (temp.). (Gaz. 17 June).. 21 May Lt. P. Colbeck to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 17 June) ...... do. Lt. Alfred Temperley to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 24June) 26Apr. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be temp. Capts. (Gaz. 24 June) Dated 26 May 15:- G. E. Wilktnsoa. I W. Anderson. G. F. Bell. | The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 24 June) T.C. Tweedy. 26 Apr. 15 | N. B. Ramsay. 26 May 15 E. A. Fawcus. 26 Apr. 15 I F. M. McLaren. 27 May 15 7th Battalion, The Northumberland Fusiliers. 2ndLt. P.Lt. C. (temp. Swan Capt.)resigns E. his Nixon commn. relinquishes on account the of ill-health.temp, rank (Gaz. of Capt. 3 June) on alteration in 4June posting. (Gaz. 4 June) 5 June The undermentioned temp. Lts. relinquish their commns., and to be 2nd Lts , with seniority as from 22 Feb. 15, on alteration in posting. (Gaz. 4 June.) Dated 6 June 15 A. J. Trinder. I C. G. A. Burnett. The appt. as 2nd Lt. of P. R. Essex bears date 12 Mar. 15, and not as previously stated. (Gaz. 8 June.) The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. Cadet Frank Roberts, trom Leeds Univ. Contgt., Sen. Div., O.T.C. (Gaz. 16 June) .. 26May AlanCadet John Osmund Keefe Smith, Pigott from (late Leeds Cadet, Univ. Shrewsbury Contgt., Sen. Sch. Div., Contgt., O.T.C. Jun. (Gaz. Div., 16 June)O.T.C.). .. IMay (Gaz. 16 June) .. Cadet Frederick Oswald Outhwaite, from the Oxford Univ. Contgt., Sen. Div., 2June O.T.C. (Gaz. 16 June) ...... do. Pte. James Hubert Cecil Swinney to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 17 June) .. .. ISJune The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 24 June) Dated 20 May 15 L. Edwards. I G. H. Mouat. E. H. Watson. E. H. F. Blumhardt. A. N. Smith. Pte. Alexander Cookburn Allison Steven, from the Sig. Sec., Lothian Inf. Brig., to be 2ndLt. (Gaz. 28 June) ...... ISJune Promotions, Appointments, &c. 191


TBRKITORIAL FORCE—coraid. ISTAMTKT—OOreM. 6th (Rifle) Battalion, The King’s (Liverpool Regiment)—coreM. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be Lts. E. L. Oliver. (Gaz. 15 June) ...... 13Mar.l5 M. Todd. (Gaz. 15 June) .. 5May F. S. E. Bardsley. (Gaz.ISJune) do. Capt. A. T. Miller to be Adjt. (Gaz. 16 June) 17June Lt. G. Birket^ to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 19 June) .. ., 14May Lt. P. G. F. Parker to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 19 June) 17May The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 19 June.) H. E. Barrow. 14 May 15. I L. G. May. 17 May 16. A. G. Eccles. 14 May 15. 2nd Lt. W. Reid is send, whilst employed with the R.F.C. (Gaz. 24 June).. 4 June 7th Battalion, The King’s (Liverpool Regiment). The appt. of 2nd Lt. C. A. Baan bears date 31 Dec. 14, and not as stated in Lond. Gaz. of 13 May 15. (Gaz. 3 June.) Alfred Eric Chandler to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 8 June). .. .. Uan. 2nd Lt. A. E. Chandler to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 8 June) ...... do. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. Reginald D’Arcy Nesbit. (Gaz. 8 June) .. 8Feb. Herbert Watson. (Gaz. 8 June) .. 9Feb. Edmond Cotter Hodgins. (Gaz. 8 June) do. 8th (Irish) Battalion, The King’s (Liverpool Regiment). 2ndPte. Lt.Harry B. R. Christopher Collison to Burbridge, be temp. Lt. from (Gaz.SJune) 6 Bn. Sea. Highrs., .. to be ..2nd Lt... (Gaz.., 3 June).. l4Dee.l44Junel5 The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 10 June.) Dated 10 May 15 H. C. Manley. I J. S. Matthews. Lt. H. S. Duder to be Adjt. (Gaz. 16 June) ...... , .. .. l7June 9th Battalion, The King’s (Liverpool Regiment). Col. Sir R. Eccles, Bt., ret. pay (late Oxf. and Bucks. L.I.), to be Lt.-Col. (temp.) (Gaz. 17 June) ...... 18June Capt. J. W. B. Hunt to be temp. Maj. (Gaz. 19 June) 12 May The undermentioned Lts. to be temp. Capts. (Gaz. 19 June A. W. Fulton. 12 May 15. | C. G. Pilkington. 15 May 15. P. G. A. Lederer. 12 May 15. | T. Orford. 15 May 15. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 19 June) L.W. F.R. Milner. Perry. 77 Mar.Mar. 15.15. J. L. Lee-Jones. 15 May 15. H. O. Daniel. 7 Mar. 15. H. H. Wilkinson. 15 May 15. H. W. Newton. 13 Mar. 15. W. A. Williams. 15 May 15. B. W. Howroyd. 13 Mar. 15. J. H. Halliwell. 15 May 15. J. L. Chester. 12 May 15. G. Brodbelt. 15 May 15. S. S. Fausset. 15 May 15. P. H. Parker. 15 May 15. loth (Scottish) Battalion, The King’s (Liverpool Regiment). The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 15 June.) Dated 13 Apr. 15 L. G. Wall. | W. S. Turner. Lt. C. B. Glynn to be Adjt. (Gaz. 16 June) .. 17Ju*6 The undermentioned Lts. to be temp. Capts. A. P. Dickinson. (Gaz. 19 June.) Dated 12 May 15 C. B. Glynn. I K. D. R. Morrice. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 19 June.) Dated 12 May 15 A. McD. Doughty. I D. Brown. Serjt.-Maj. Donald Dickson Farmer, B®, to be Qr.-Mr. with the hon. rank of Lt. (temp.) (Gaz. 19 June) 20.T une The undermentioned to be 2nd Lta. (Gaz. 19 June.) Dated 20 June 15:— Ronald Johnston McKinnell. | Pte. Erie Kirkland Glazebrook. Pte. Leonard Binning Mill. | 4th Battalion, The Norfolk Regiment. ThomasO.T.C.), Frederick to be 2nd Southall Lt. (Gaz.SJune) (late Cadet Lce.-Corpl... ..Charterhouse .. ..Sch. Contgt.,.. Jun... Div... 22May Lt.-Col. and Hon. Col. H. G. Barclay, M.V.O., Ret. List, Terr. Force, to be Maj. (temp.) (Gaz. 7 June) ...... 8June 2ndLt. H.Lt. M. Sir Taylor T, R. isBerney, seed, whilstBt., to doingbe temp. duty Lt. as Brig.(Gaz. Mach.19 June) Gun Offr. (Gaz... 8 June)...... 22May9June Lt. A. E. W. Bacon is placed on the temp. h.p. List on account of ill-health. (Gaz. 21 June) 22,Tune Pte. Benjamin Francis Holmes to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 22 June) ...... 23June Lt. J. H. Brain to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 24 June) ...... 25June Capt. J. H. Brain to be Adjt. (Gaz. 24 June) .. .. ., ...... do. Pte. Wilfrid Basil Ling to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 28 June) ...... 29June Promotions, Appointments, dbc 193 TERRITORIAL FORCE-confcZ. Infantry — contd. 5th Battalion, The Norfolk Regiment. AigernonPjrederiek Bird (late Cadet, Foisted Sch. Contg., Jun. Diy. O.T.C.) to be 2nd Lt. Murray Barclay Buxton to be 2nd Lt.'' (Gaz.'s June) 4June2Junel5 CaptRT.B.rHairtoebePtemlOWMea1.r0rGIanzn? JfuSe°)Urt °'T'C- *° be2"d Lt‘ '('Gaz- 3‘- do. The a P P 0 2 L Blabery WhiCh appeared lp SJune Sydneyca n cClaudelie d. Larn(Gaz to 11 be Fun® 2nd )Lt. (Gaz.' 12 June) .. LondV Gaz. of 18 Sept. 14, is ISJune P r' ■ The d i0ned 2nd LtS t0 b6 t6mP LtS (GaZ 19 6 1 Th" Farrar ' ' '| ' C dn"McKaehran- Dated 28 May 15 James Howard Williams to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 28 June) ' - 29June 6th Battalion, The Devonshire Regiment. Ernest Priestley Giles to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 4 June) SJune M6a0MfFe8cdfr°(I&LB?i ?une)C?rn ^t0 b!.2nd (Ga^3 ISJune The undermentioned 2ml Lts. to bo Lts, (Gaz. 19 June.) Dated20Junel5;- ISMfay F'c'soutbcombe, I ' P-B. Johnson, 194 Promotions, Appointments,

TERBITOKIAL FORCE-eo»«d. INTANTET—COTltd. ?th (Cyclist) Battalion, The Devonshire Eegiment. Thein undermentioned posting. 'Gaz. 2nd6 June.) Lts. (temp.Dated Lts.) 6 June relinquish 15 the temp, rank of Lt. on alteration R. A. Ball. j G. G. Bellamy. C. H. D. King. ! The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 5 June 15.) Dated 27 Mar. 15: — G. A. W. Monk. C. W. Mayer. M. J. Tosswlll. C. E. Pridham. J. 8. Puttoek. F. R. H. Greenbank. W. H. Vetch. Andrew Alexander lonides to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 5 June) 6Junel5 Corpl. Francis William Chick to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 5 June) .. do. Lt. A. J. Brearley to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 12 June) 15May The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 12 June.) Dated 31 May 15 Pte.from Ronald Inns Alexander of Court Richardson,O.T.C. I Wilfred Densham. 4tJ» Battalion, The Suffolk Regiment. Colr.-Serjt.Sidney William Charles Muttingley Hudson toto bebe 2ndQr.-Mr. Lt. with(Gaz. the 3 June) hon. rank.. of Lt... (Gaz... 1 June)...... 2Junedo. The undermentioned Lts. to be Capts. (Gaz. 10 Jane) : — H.C. Catchpole.Prettv. 11 Mar11 Mar. 15. 15. I H.M K.A. Turner. 1412 Mar. 15. H. F. Ling. 12 Mar 15. I J. W. Pain. 22 Mar. 15. (Gaz. 10 June) TheL. undermentioned J. Richards. 11 2nd Mar. Lts. 15. to be Lts. R. S. Barnes. 12 Mar. 15. J. G. Frere. 11 Mar. 15. D. Pretty. 14 Mar. 15. F. J. C. Ganzoni. 12 Mar. 15. H. M. Brown. 22 Mar. 15. L. E. Milburn. 12 Mar. 15. W. H. M. Pattison. 23 Mar. 15. 11 June Lt.Pte. B. Eric St. JohnJ. Glanfleld Harding, to befrom Capt. 14 Bn. (Gaz. Lond. 11 June)R., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 10 June) 12 Mar. 2nd Lt. G. W. Stebbings to be Lt. (Gaz. 11 June) do. Pte. Evelyn Hawtrey Enraght, from Welsh Bord. Mtd. Brig. Fd. Amb., R.A.M.C., to be 31May Harold2ndLt. Ridley (Gaz. Hooper 15 June) to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 17 June).. ISJune Capt. E. P. Clarke, to be Adjt. (Gaz. 18 June) 19.Tune Neville Haywood Smith to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 22 June) 23June Pte. Alfred Edgar Moorsom, from 1 E. Ang. Fd. Amb. R.A.M.C., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. do. 22 June) .. .. 24.T une AustinVictor LeopoldErnest Moss Stevens Coles Bedwell to be 2ndto be Lt. 2nd (Gaz.'23 Lt. (Gaz. June) 24 June) 25June Bbh Battalion,Corpl. Thomas The Suffolk Field Regiment. Tomlinson, from 4 Bn. Leic. R., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 3 June) 4June Oapt. and Adjt. G. H. Long to be Maj. (temp.), with pay and allowances of a Capt. and 5J une 2nd Adjt.Lt. R. (Gaz.L. Andrews 4 June) to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 4 June) do. Pte.Frederick Garland Roach, from Suff. Yeo., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 5 June) 6,Tune Pte. Horatio Francis Horton to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 8 June) .. 9June Pte. Cecil Albert Edward Horton to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 8 June) do. HJune CadyLt.-Col. Byford and be Col 2nd G. Lt. L. (Gaz.Andrewes, 15 June) ret. list.. (Vols.), to be Maj. (temp.) (Gaz. 10 June) 161 une Pte. Harry Thomas Harvey, from 6 Bn. Suff. R., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 22 June) .. .. 23Junedo. Lce.-Corpl.Gerald Salmon Arthur Gough, Charles to be Hargrave 2nd Lt. to(Gaz. be 2nd22 June) Lt. (Gaz.. 22,. June) do. 2nd Lt. E. M. Ashton to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 23 June) HJune 2nd Lt. W. M. Heald is seed, for duty with the A. Ord. Dept. (Gaz. 23 June) .. .. 14June •th (Cyclist)2nd Lt. Battalion, C. N. A. SharlandThe Suffolk to temp. Lt. (Gaz. 23 June) ...... Uune 4th Battalion, Prince Albert’s (Somerset Light Infantry). The announcementLond. Gaz. of of 16 theOct. appt. 14, is ascancelled, Capt. of and D. theJ. McLaren,following substituted:—which was announced in Lt. D. J. McLaren to be temp, Capt. (Gaz. 12 June) ...... lOct.14 Hugh Charles Musgrove Leir to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 18 June) ...... 29Mayl5 The B.undermentioned S. Morse. Lts. to be temp. Capts. (Gaz.I 19 June)F. DatedW. Morley. 28 May 15 :— H. A. E. Roberts. I th Battalion,Lt. F. J. Prince Harris Albert’s is absd. (Somerset into the estabt. Light Infantry).(Gaz. 12 June) ...... 25Mar. Lt. W*. P.Pulman to be temp. Capt, (Gaz. 19 June)...... 28May The appt, as 2nd Lt. of R. O. Hobhouse bears date 20 Oct. 14, and not as stated iji Lond, Gat, of 26 Nov, u, (Gaz, 23 June), Promotions, Appointments, &c. 195 TERRITORIAL FORCE—coreM. Infantry—coreM. 5th Eattalion, The Prhice of Wales's Own (West Yorkshire Regiment). Th0FUrnfitt^r?wnrv;n0 *1? 2nd Lts‘ e temp Lt S U June) 25 May 2ndoSn Ltr A. E. BoothS i!. ito Jbe .temp.- Lt.- (Gaz.

Lt. A. J.K YatesB y to be1)6 temp. tem Capt. (Gaz. 16 June) .. ) 17June o ^ Vi »; z? lS *9 P- Gap*- (Gaz. 19 June) .. 5,1 une ■^^•TA^tobetemp.Capt. (Gaz. 22 June) .. 4 May 2nd Lt. F. Boult to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 22 June) lOOct.14 4th Battalion, The East Yorkshire Regiment. The i 0f d Lt T Wright Which a eare(i Howard(Gazl Rollett'2 uM )to be' 2nd' Lt. "(Gaz. 3 June)..PP « Rond. Gaz. of 29 Sept. 14, is cancelled. Th n e nti ( Sh the temp rank f Lt on ^ postHl g (Gaz.Tjune.) Dat^Junf R?- ' ° ’ "Heration E.L'aveeracekn' I P-Gosschalk. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. Bernard Kirby Gibson. (Gaz. 4 June.) Dated 11 May 15 Harold Oughtred, John Alwin Oughtred, __—_ 196 Promotions, Appointments, &c

TBRRITOEIAL FORCE—oontd. Iffaktet—eontd. 4th Battalion, The East Yorkshire Regiment—ooretd. 2n<1 d t mp Lt Jackson relinquish ^Ktheir, ?temp,- rank’ respectively) on alteration K. of A. posting. Wilson-Barkworth (Gaz 7 June) and H. E. 8Jnnel5 Maurice Spencer date Lt. 4 V. Bn. R. W. Kenr, R.) to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz! 8 June? " 27May Joseoh Edward Danthorpe Stickney to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 8 June)' 9June •Lt.Arthur W. B.Reginald Holiday Barr to he to temp. be 2nd Capt. Lt. (Gaz.(Gaz. 915 June) June) 7Jnne John Warren Davis to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz.ieJune) 25 May 2nd Lt. J. W. Davis to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 16 June) 31 May The undermentioned Lts. to be Capts. (Gaz. 17 June) do. cSsH3 Judge. ^Apr. 15. | Edmond Holtby. 18 May 15. TheH. undermentioned A. Westrope. 22nd May Lts. 15. to be Lts. (Gaz. I 17 June)jsj. a. Thorn 4 Mav 15 M. Huntley. 4 May 15. G W A ToddTd "d4 MayMov'ip; 15 Gilbert Vivian to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 19 June) .. ' ' ' - Charles Capes Boyle to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 22 June) 17June Serj 6 and not - ^ated in Lond. TheLdonCde0iat?eof28PtA^?in4d ls 6 Aug'14’ and not as stated in < d < I 28 Jun6) 22Jan. 2nd'Lt. E.j! Saner t^be^mrip. C^)t!^(Gaz?K ^ ^ ^ ^ - do. Pte. Harold Holloway Theobald, from the H.A.C., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 28 June) 29,Tune 4th Battalion, the Leicestershire Regiment. Capt. L. E. Hall is seed, whilst doing duty with the Depot, S. Staff. R. (Gaz. 2 June) 16Mar. ThePte. undermentioned Philip Kenneth to beBlunt. 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 5 June).| DatedCharles 18 May Herbert 15: Wagstaff. Capt. R. W. Bedingfleld to be Adjt. (Gaz. 8 June) The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 8 June) 9.Tune Lce.-Corpl. Robert Eric Pochin. Dated 20 May 15 Charles Jenkinson to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 17 June) Pte. Herbert Roy Pochin. Maj. R. E. Martin, from 5 Bn., to be Lt.-Col. (temp.)--(Gaz’is June) 1 June The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 23 June.) Dated 24 June 15:- 23May Serjt. Oswaid Healy Cox, from 4 Bn. | Pte. Alfred Victor Coleman, from ajcio. I Leio - "Ypn - Serjt. Alan Skefflngton Neale to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 28 June).. .. 17May 9th Battalion, The Leicestershire Regiment. Pte. Richard Dudley Clowser, from Lond. Rif. Brig., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz 1 June) Arthur Henry Dawes to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 5 June) . iwaz. uunej 2June Cad J 1 311 Brittaln from Lond TJniv 6June (Ga z°8 June? ' ’ - - Contg., Sen. Div! O.T.c!, to be’2nd Lt. 29Apr. Uune <*■»> do. 'lo'l "■ M”“ 10 1*. »»a nol stated l„'„d. Gas. The undermentioned Lts. to be temp. Capts. (Gaz. 19 June.) Dated 27 May 15:- H. G. Burden. 1 E. L. Moore. W. M. Peacock. G. T. Shipston. Harold Green to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 22 June) 23June 4th Battalion, Alexandra, Princess of Wales’s (Yorkshire Regiment). 2udLt.P. P. Stevens, from 8 Bn. Midd’x R„ to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 5 June) .. lia 1I t , arth lat6 Caiiet Cll 6June ?Gaz 5 June! '’ igwell Sch. Contg., Jun. Div. O.T.C.) to be 2nd 1 do. L.G VV. Samuolsontobe Capt. (Gaz. 8 June) X ” ” " 13May Promotions, Appointments, &c. 197 tBRRITOBIAL FORCE—contd. iNTANTKT—COntd. 4th Battalion, Alexandra. Princess of Wales’s (Yorkshire Regiment)—confd, The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. G.H.G. D. Gardner.Scott. (Gaz. (Gaz. 8June) 8 June) ...... 13May9Mayl5 Oliver Gilbert Grace to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 9 June) ...... 7June TheCadet undermentioned Kenneth Lloyd to be Harris, 2nd Lts. from Lond. TJniv. Contg.,Sen. Div. O.T.C. (Gaz.loJune) 31May Cadet Lce.-Corpl.Alec Sbanley_Wood, Herbert fromCharles Lond. Hale, TJniv. from Contg., Lond. Sen. Univ. Div. Contg., O.T.C. Sen.(Gaz. Div., 10 O.T.C. June) 3June CadetO.T.C. Serjt. (Gaz. Thomas 10 June) Richard .. Kisbey.. Ginger,.. ..from Lond... Univ... Contg.,.. Sen... Div... dc. • Lt. T. C. Kewley is seed, whilst acting as A-D-C., Personal Stafl. (Gaz. 15 June) .. .. lOMay Harold2nd Lt. loloMorris Aneurin Thomas Williams, to be 2nd from Lt. 13(Gaz. (Serv.) 19 Bn.June) Glouc. R.,.. to be ..2nd Lt... (Gaz... 18 June).. 19June17June 6th Battalion,Lt. H. R. Alexandra, Chapman Princess to be temp. of Wales’sCapt. (Gaz.Own (Yorkshire3 June) Regiment)...... 17May The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 5 June.) Dated 17 May 15 H. H. Sykes. I W. R. Harkess. E.W. M.E. Robson.E. Garrod. H. S. Lambert. Leslie Bedford Walker to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 6 June)...... 26May Pte.Maj. FrankJ. Mortimer Green, to from be temp. E. Rid. Lt.-Col. of York. (Gaz. Yeo., 22 toJune) be 2nd Lt... (Gaz. 8 June)...... l8Apr.9June TheV. undermentioned A. RadcliSe. 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. I (Gaz. 22E. June.) C. Clutterbuck. Dated 1 June 15 The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 22 June) GeorgeLee.-Corpl. Barker. R. Gates. 20 June 23 15.June 15. I Lce.-Corpl. J. S. Palliser. 23 June 15. JohnGeorge Hume Frederick to be Qr.-Mr.Vahey to with be 2ndthe Lt.hon. and rank Adjt. of Lt.(Gaz. (Gaz. 23 June)23 June) ...... 24JunellJune Temp.posting. Lt. H. (Gaz.P. Bagge 28 June) reverts .. at his.. own request.. to.. the rank.. of ..2nd Lt. ..on alteration.. in.. 15May 5th Battalion, The Lancashire Fusiliers. 2nd posting.Lt. (temp. (Gaz. Lt.) 2 C.June) W. Laughlin. relinquishes.. .. the.. temp,.. rank ..of Lt. ..on alteration.. in.. llApr. Henry Rice t» be Qr.-Mr. with the hon. rank of Lt. (Gaz. 10 June) ...... 27May 6th Battalion,2nd Lt. The(temp. Lancashire Lt.) J. TaylorFusiliers. relinquishes the temp, rank of Lt. on alteration in posting. Capt.(Gaz. B. W.2 June) Shaw vacates the appt... of ..Adjt. ..(Gaz. 12.. June)...... isJunellApr. 7th Battalion,2nd Lt. The(temp. Lancashire Lt.) J. B. Fusiliers.Leech relinquishes the temp, rank of Lt. alteration in posting. 2nd (Gaz.Lt. H. 2 June) G. Bell is seed, whilst empld. with the E. Lan. Div. Sig. Co., R.E. (Gaz. Golr.-Serjt.18 June) Henry .. Schofield.: to be Qr.-Mr. with the hon. rank of Lt. (Gaz. 28 June) The undermentioned Ptes. from the Duke of Lancaster’s Own Yeo., to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 28 June)Donald Marshall. 1 Kenneth Mudie. ’8th Battalion,Lt. B. Macpherson The Lancashire to be Fusiliers. temp. Capt. (Gaz. 10 June) IMay 2nd Lt. R.D. G.Alderson Bird to to be be temp. temp. Lt. Lt. (Gaz.(Gaz. 19 10 June) June) .. 19May7May The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 19 June) WilliamFrancis Whittaker.Gregory Terry. 18 June18 May 15. 15. I Pte.Yeo. Norman 20 June Smart, 15. from Ches. (th Battalion, The Royal Scots Fusiliers. 198 Promotions, Appointments, &c

TEKRITOKIAL FORCE—coreM. IKFANTEY—COreW. 5th Battalion, The Royal Scots Fusiliers. . __ . .. Maj. Peter Fraser Mackenna, from Terr. Force Res. Gen. Inst, to be Maj. (temp.) (Gaz 6 June) ...... •• •• •• •• •• •• •• 6Junel5 4th Battalion, The Cheshire Regiment. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 10 June) 13May Reginald Norman Pratt .. 8J une Lionel George Homewood Heaver ...... „ •• 11 June Serjt.-Maj.Kenneth Burrell John Runcimanto be 2nd Lt. to be(Gaz. Qr.-Mr. 28 June) with the hon. rank of Lt. (Gaz. 10 June) 23June 6th (Earl of Chester’s) Battalion, The Cheshire Regiment. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts.:— 3 June Pte.William Stanley Cullimore. Pickering (Gaz. Norman, 3 June) from 23 Bn. Lond. R. (Gaz. 3 -June) .. 4.Tune Pte. John Eric Breeze, from 10 Bn. L’pool K. (Gaz. 3 June) do. Andrew Blythen to be Qr.-Mr. with the hon. rank of Lt. (Gaz. 3 June) .. 3June 2nd Lt. L. Hinton to be Lt. (Gaz. 10 June) .. 8 May The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. SJune WilliamPte. John Edgar Duncan Durrad. Salmon, (Gaz. from 10 4June) Bn. Ches... R. ..(Gaz. 10.. June) HJune Serjt. Herbert Edis Ratcliffe, from 4 Bn. Ches. R. (Gaz.10.Tune) do. h 6fch HattaBon, j p whilst doing duty with theWelsh Divi.Cyclist Co. (Gaz. 5 June) 21 May Percy Butlin to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 10 June) SJune Lt. J. C. Hoyle to be Capt. (Gaz. 12 June) . l2Apr. 2nd Lt. W. L. Read to be Lt. (Gaz. 12 June) ISJune The undermentioned Lts. to be temp. Capts. (Gaz. 22 June.) Dated 17 May 15 J. Bottomley. C. Hardman. 7th Battalion,Lce.-Serit The Arthur Cheshire Alexander Regimetft. McKay to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. l0 June)T . ,,, 11 June 2nd Lt. H. Foster is seed, whilst serving with the Welsh Divl. Cyclist Corps. (Gaz 23June do. Lt.Pte? C. Jdhn Irwin Oscar to be Laybourne, temp. Capt. from (Gaz. 10 Bn. 23 June)L’pool R., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 22 .Tune) 22Apr. 2nd Lt. F. White to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 23 June) do. 4th (Denbighshire)Capt. J. C. Davies Battalion, is seed. The Royal(Gaz. 5Welsh June) Fusiliers. 12May The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 5 June.) Dated 27 Apr. 15 T. C. W. Minshall. E. R. Greer. 2nd D.Lt. S. R. Jones. C. Evans to be Lt. (Gaz.loJune), I .. .. lOMay Capt. C. W. Jones is seed, as Staff Capt., attached to Headqr. Units. (Gaz. 22 June) 29May 6th (Flintshire) Battalion, The Royal Welsh Fusiliers. The appt. of Capt. I. Taylor, which appeared m Lond. Gaz. of 2 Oct. 14, is canceuea. Capt.(Gaz. F. Corbett5 June.) to be temp. Maj. (Gaz.„ 10 June) 8 May TheT. undermentioned O. Griffith. Lts. to be temp. Capts. (Gaz. 10 June)S-S-£ Hatedr"8le/,- 24 Apr. 15 : — D G D J. Jones. ! P. F. Knightley. Qr.-Mr. Serjt. George James Vale to be Qr.-Mr., with the hon. rank of Lt. (Gaz. 10 June) HJune The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 23 June.) Dated 16 Nov. 14 G. A. Horner. H.M. Davies. Lt. H.R. J.O. Owens Williams. to be temp. Capt. (Gaz.,, 28 June)T I .. T. Bate... .. 29June 6th (Carnarvonshire and Anglesey) Battalion, The Royal TVelsh Fusiliers. ,. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to bo temp. Capts. (Gaz.R 3 DJune. ) Hated 22 Apr. 15 . H. F. D. Turner. I - - Bnercliffe. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 3 June.) Dated 22 Apr. 15 A.. P.-n L.t Wood. I.l. G.(t. Roberts.itooerts. H. T. F. Russell. W. B. Weluter. L. H. B. Turner. R. C. L. Davies. Lt. R. G. Williams-EUis is seed, whilst holding the appt. as Purchasing Offr. to the A.S.C. 7Apr. Z 2May Qr.-Mr and Hon. Capt'.' T. Armstrong is granted th'e hon. rank of Maj. (Gaz. 4 J line) 8Feb. Lt J Cemlyn-Jones is seed, for duty with the R.F.C. (Gaz. 10 June) 24Apr, William Williams to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 10 June) .. .. •• •• 11 June Pte. Noel Gilbert, from 1 Newfoundland Regt., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 10 June) 9May Maj.Pte. RichardR. H. M. John Roberts, Lunt C.M.G., Roberts relinquishes to be 2nd Lt. his (Gaz.commn. 23 June)(Gaz. 16 June)•• ••.. :• 24.1une Serjt.-Maj. Thomas Deane to be Qr.-Mr. with the hon. rank of Lt. (Gaz. 23 June)T do. Promotions, Appointments, dtc. 199

TBEBITOKIAL FORCE—oojtfd. iH'i'ANTKY—COntd, 7th (Merioneth and Montgomeryshire; Battalion, The Royal Welsh Fusiliers. 2nd Bt. w. B. R. King is seed, under the conditions of para. 112, Terr. Force Regns. (Gaz. 2June) ...... 15Mar.l5 herjt.Lt. R. Mauneem. dqnes-Evans Pryce Parry, to be fromCapt. Montgomeryshireand Adjt."(Gaz. 10Yeo., June) to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 10 June) IMar. Pte. Bertram Baker Silcock, from 28 Bn. Lond. R„ to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 10 June) .. HJune Capt. B. H. E. Beadon to be Adjt. (Gaz. 23 June) .. " 28 do.M ar. Brecknockshire Battalion, The South Wales Borderers Robert Trevor Griffiths to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 3 June) The appt. of MaJ. T. G. Powell bears date 23 Oct. 14, and not as stated in Lond. Gaz of 14Mar. 20 Nov. 14. (Gaz. 7 June.) 4th (The Border) Battalion, The King’s Own Scottish Borderers. Oapt. A L. Dickson to be Adjt., vice Maj.W. J. Mabbott. (Gaz. 8 June) .. 24 May Alexander Watson Harvie to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 8 June) Sjune Or. Mr. and lion. Maj. J. Sanderson resigns his commn. (Gaz. 19 June) .. 20June (late Qr.-Mr. and hon. Maj.) to be Maj. (temp.) (Gaz. 19 June) .. do. 5th Battalion, The King’s Own Scottish Borderers Pte. Thomas Dick Craig, from Lanark. Yeo., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 10 June) HJune Lt. J. Neilson to be temp. Capt. and Adjt. (Gaz. 24 June) .. 25June 5th Battalion, The Cameronians (Scottish Rifles). Qr.-Mr.-Serjt. Joseph Ollerenshaw, from 9 Bn. High. L.L.tobe Qr.-Mr., with the hon. rank of Lt. (Gaz. 22 June) 8June Colin Syme Wright to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 24 June) !! I.' ” 12June 6th Battalion, The Cameroniansannouncem (Scottish Rifles). 28 Oct. 14 l— ent is substituted for that which appeared in Loud. Gaz. of The appt. to a 2nd Ltcy. of W. S. Robertson, which appeared in Lond. Gaz. of 13 David^ Thomasm Oct. Boyd14, is tocancelled. be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. >,Gaz. 1 June.) 4June) 3June TheChristopher undermentioned Rocks. to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 17 June.) Dated 18 June 15 Lt.t i J W Forsyth toMitchell be Adjt. (late (Gaz. Cadet 24 June) Serjt. Glasgow High Sch. Contg.,Jun.Div. . O.T.C.) 9June Gorpl. Clare Flower Spackman Millar to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 24 June) 25 June 7th Battalion, The Cameronians (Scottish Rifles). Capt. J. R S. Lesiie, from Terr. Force Res., to be Maj. (temp.) (Gaz. 17 June) .. 15May 2nd Lt. J. Kirkwood to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 17 June) 21May Lt. J. Kirkwood to be Adjt. (Gaz. 17 June) . .... do. Pte. Richard John Catlin, from 14 Bn. Lond. R„ to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 18 June) 19June 2nd Lt. R. J. Catlin to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 18 June) .. do. Lt. J. B. Anderson to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 19 June) Uune TheA. undermentioned J. McGuffle. 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. <1 Gaz. 19 June.)A, Muir. Dated 1 June 15 A.E. Goodall-Copestake.Dunlop. M R Gavin Serjt. William Brooks Wiltshire to be Qr.-Mr., with the hon. rank of Lt. (Qaz. 23 June) capt. J. A Smith is seed, for duty as Brig. Machine Gun Offr. to the Sco. Rif. Inf. Brig. 21May (Gaz. 28 June) 27May 8th Battalion, The Cameronians (Scottish Rifles). Capt. andJ. M. Adjt. Hannan J Robertson-Johnston to be temp. Maj. (Gaz. to be 8 June)temp. Maj., with pay and allowances of a 21 May Capt. and Adjt. (Gaz. 16 June) .. lApr. 1 lie 1! 11 (lermenlioned 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 16 June.) Dated 1 Apr. 15:— | A. S. Bilsland. C.'K Findfay^b" | «. H. Moir. 4th (City of 'Battalion, The Gloucestershire Regiment. Eric Leslie Bird to be 2nd Lt. (Qaz. 4 June) George Arthur Turner to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz, 4 June) .V 3June (temP’ E. E. Polack relinquishes the temp, rank of Lt. on alteration in 5 Jane posting. (Gaz. 5 June) 6June r c 19^ TJ Plu^ to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 5 June) . .' ii do. ; “» , FHibson 11111Smith t0 beto ternpbe 2ndL Lt.t (Gaz. 8 June) SJune niaif r 'I?68 S,)ege^, f. om Bristo1- - ( 7 8 June) .. do. ° 8 Jun™ ' Q '- Contg., Sen. Div.,O.T.C., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 19 May ArthurCyril Lincoh) William Reed Haywood to be 2nd to 2nd (Gaz. Lt. 10(Gaz. June) 8 June) !! !! " 5 June d0re Hudson 4June ° 11 June) Harrison (late Serjt. 7)st Fd. Co. R E.) to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. lOJune Q-Qastle to be Capt. (Gaz. 12 June) .. IMay fw '' o°^ey to be Lt- (Gaz. 12 June) 21 Apr. ?nd Lt. F. W, Ward to be Lt. (Gaz, 12 June) IMay 300 Promotions, Appointments, &c.

TERRITORIAL FORCE—contd. ISTANTRY—COnfcJ. 4th (City of Bristol) Battalion, The Gloucestershire Regiment—corefci. Hubert George Baker to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 16 June) ...... uJunels Capt. C. Pierce vacates the appt. as Adjt. (Gaz. 17 June) ...... SJune Capt. C.D. Pierce G. Barnsley to be temp. is seed,Lt.-Col. whilst (Gaz. doing 17 June).. duty as Adjt... of 1 S. Mid... Div., Inf... Base.. do. Depot. (Gaz. 17 June) ...... do. Richard Lowe to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 19 June) ...... 16June Lt. L. G. Parkinson to be Capt. (Gaz. 26 June) ...... 2June 6th Battalion, The Gloucestershire Regiment. 2nd Lt. .1. A. Case is removed from the Terr. Force. (Gaz. 1 June) ...... do. 2nd Lt. E. C. Egerton, a (Serv.) Bn. Glouc. R., to be Adjt. (Gaz. 16 June)...... ITJune Lce.-Corpl.The appt. of Richard 2nd Lt. A.West T. MitchesonBowen to be bears 2nd (Gaz. 1 Oct. 17 14, June) and not.. as previously.. .. stated... 18June The(Gaz. name 21 of June.) 2nd Lt. and Adjt. F. C. C. Egerton is as now described, and not as stated in Lend. Gaz. of 16 June 16. (Gaz. 23 June.) 6th Battalion, The Gloucestershire Regiment. 2nd Lt. E. McFarlane, from 18 (Serv.) Bn. R. Fus., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 2 June) 3June Capt. H. Twiggs, from Terr. Force Res. tobe Capt. (temp.) (Gaz. 8 June) 8May George Moulder to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 8 June) .. 6June 2nd l.t. G. Moulder to be temp Capt. (Gaz. SJune) do. Joseph Guest Holman to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 8 June) .. 12 May 2nd Lt. J. G. Holman to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 8 June) do. Mervyn Oliver Pragnell to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. SJune) 13May The undermentioned Lts. to be temp. Capts. (Gaz. 19 June) W. M. Lowick IMay G. H. Riseley 5May M. S. Wilkins 7 May C. J. P. C. Jowett .. 20May The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 19 June) H. E. Rudman .. .. 30Apr. W. D. Costin IMay R. A. Young ...... do. L. J. Thomas do. Arnold Wigmore Tratman to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 28 June) 29June 7th Battalion, The Worcestershire Regiment. James Walter Douglas Melhuish to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 11 June) lOJune Capt. E. F. Dusautoy to be Maj. (Gaz. 12 June) 13May Lt. H. Adshead to be Capt. (Gaz. 12 June) .. do. 2nd Lt. H. G. W. Wood to be Lt. (Gaz. 12 June) ...... do. 2nd Lt. F. D. H. Burcher to be Lt. (Gaz. 12 June) .. do. 2nd Lt. G. G. Watson to be Lt. (Gaz. 12 June) do. The appt. of 2nd Lt. G. T. Pearson, which appeared in Lond. Gaz. of 25 Aug. 14, is cancelled. (Gaz. 12 June) TheSamuel undermentioned Ernest Lloyd. to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 16 June.)I DatedPte. Harold14 Apr. 15:—Cuthbert Brooksbank Kenneth Charles Baxter. Brown, from 1st S. Mid. Mtd. Edward Lloyd Mortimer Francis. | Brig. Fd. Arab., R.A.M.C. Lt. H. McCombie, from Birmingham Univ. Contgt., Sen. Div. O.T.C., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 17 June) ...... isJune John Corbett Jones (late Col.-Serjt.) (Actg. Serjt.-Maj.) to be Qr.-Mr., with the hon. rank of Lt. (Gaz. 18 June) ...... 4June The undermentioned 2nd Lts. (temp. Lts.) relinquish the temp, rank of Lf. on alteration in posting. (Gaz. 28 June.) Dated 29 June 15:— J. C. Humphries | R. A. Leighton. th Battalion, The Worcestershire Regiment. Serjr.-Maj. Samuel Boyd Bolshaw-Hammond to be 2nd I,t. iGaz. 5 June)...... 20May 2nd Lt. S. B. Bolshaw-Hammond to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 5 June) ...... do. Lt. S. B. Bolshaw-Hammond to be Adjt. (Gaz. 5 June) ...... do. TheLt. undermentioned C. S. Lousada. to be temp. Capts. (Gaz.I 8 June.)2nd Dated Lt. J. 18B. MayGraham. 16 :— Pte. Frederick William Leeke, from 10 Bn. L’pool R., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 8 June) .. 12May RobertPte. Nathaniel Stewart MillerShelmerdine, to be 2nd from Lt. 3(Gaz. Lond. 10 Fd.June) Amb., .. R.A.M.C.,.. .. to be.. 2nd Lt... (Gaz... gJnne 10 June) 11 June The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be Lts. H. R. Holcroft. (Gaz.l7June) ...... iTMar. B, L. Evers. (Gaz.HJune) ,, .. ,, ,, ,, ,, ,. iSMay Promotions, Appointments, dec. 201 TERRITOKIAL FORCE—contd. Ihfazttby—contd. 4th Battalion,Lt. (temp. The Capt.) East LancashireH. W. Whalley Regiment. relinquishes the temp, rank of Capt. a alteration In Lt. B.posting. Ormerod (Gaz. to he 2 June) temp. Capt. fGaz. 3 June) UApr.154Apr. Qr.-Mr.Robert WoodSerjt. toRobert be 2nd Nathan Lt. (Gaz. Weatherbnrn 10 June) to.. be Qr.-Mr., with the hon. rank of Lt. (Gaz. IP June RichardlOJune) Thompson .. to be.. 2nd Lt... (Gaz... 22 June)...... •• •.•• “"““o19May 5th Battalion, The East Lancashire Regiment. EdgarPte. Denham Raymond Walker, Xjsw tofrom be 2ndHon. Lt. Art. (Gaz. Co., 3to June) be 2nd ..Lt.; (Gaz... 1 June)...... 7Apr.5May Pte. FrankCecil Currie, Marshall from Craston, 10 Bn. L’poolfrom 6 R.,Bn. toManch. be 2nd R„ Lt. to ( 2nd 10 Lt. June) (Gaz. 3.. June)...... llJune4June • Capt.William C. H.Henry Cowling. Hewltt-Dean Ret. List, to 2nd Force, Lt. ( be 19Maj. June) (temp.) (Gaz... 22.. June) ...... 14Mar.21May TheE.M. undermentioned Wright. Lts. to be temp. Capts. (Gaz.1 22 June.)TTH. "P. Cain,Dated 11 May 15 TheF. undermentioned Y. Jobling. 2nd Lts. t o be Lts. (Gaz. |22 June.)A. H.Dated Nelson. 11 May 15 The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 22 June.) Dated 11 May 15 H.T. H.P. Nelson.G. Grey. ]j J. F.H. Baker.J. Barker. PhilipJ. P. Gilbert Carter. Lancaster to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 22 June) 6th Battalion, The East Surrey Regiment. Capt.Lt. C. R.B. G.Little Hue-Williams to be temp. to Capt. be temp. (Gaz. Maj. 8 June) (Gaz. 8 June) .. 2nd Lt. J.H. E. P. C. Chadw.vk-Healey Stroud to be temp. to be Lt. Lt. (Gaz.(Gaz. 8 22June) June) .. The(Gaz. appt. 24 of June.) 2nd Lt. D. Graham, which appeared in Loud. Gaz. of 23 Oct. 14, is cancelled. 6th Battalion, The East Surrey Regiment. 2ndLt. G.Lt. F. G. Elmslie K. Jefferson to be absd. Capt. into the(Gaz. estabt. 22 June) (Gaz.l2June) .. TheR. undermentioned R. Onyon. 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. I (Gaz. 22P. June.) Lyle. Dated 30 Oct. 14 : — 4th Battalion.Pte. Wilfrid The DukeD’Ambrumenil of Cornwall’s from Light the 28 Infantry. Bn. Lond. R., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 4 June) Lt. viceT. W. Maj. Ashton B. B. to Newcombe. be Adjt. for (Gaz.loJune)duty with the Devon and Cornwall Inf. Brig. Prov. Bn., 19May Lt.Capt. T. H.W. L.Ashton Cowlard to be is temp.seed, forCapt. duty (Gaz. as Staff 19 June) Capt. .. (Gaz. ..15 June).. 19MayUan. The undermentioned Lts. to be temp. Capts. (Gaz. 23 June.) Dated 24 June 15 H.R. N.Tresawna. Poeock. I H. H. Trusted. TheM. undermentioned K. T. Sandys. 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. I (Gaz. 23 C.June.) M. Thomas. Dated 24 June 15 5th Battalion,Maj. and The Hon. Duke Lt.-Col. of Cornwall’s N. Gray Light resigns Infantry. his commn. owing to ill-hea—, „ Co. permissionSerjt.-Maj. toCyril retain Ernest his rankButler, and 4 wear D. of the Corn. prescribed L.I., to 2nd Lt. (Gaz.(Gaz. 3 June)4 June) .. 5June JosephPercy B Morley arold Garland Prisk to (late be 2nd Lt. Lt. 1 V.B. (Gaz. D. 5of June) Corn. L.I.) to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 12 June) 13Junel8May Lce.-Corpl.Percival Geach Howell to be Vernon 2nd Lt. Mabbott, (Gaz. 16 from June) R. 1 Devon Yeo.,to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 12 June) LeslieGr. Horace Spry LevertonEwart Ross, to be from 2nd Devon Lt. (Gaz. R.G.A., 26 June) to be 2nd.. Lt. ..(Gaz. 22 June) 4th Battalion, The Duke of Wellington’s (West Riding Regiment). TheJohn undermentioned Conway Blatchford. to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 3 June.)( Dated20Mayl5:—Arthur Clifford Illingworth (late CadetUniversity Alfred Kirk, Contg., from Sen.the Leeds Div. I Contg.,Cadet, Jun.Uppingham Div. O.T.C.) School FrankO.T.C. Lewin. i Neville Thompson Farrar. 202 Promotions, Appointments, &c.

TERRITORIAL VORCE-eontd. iNFANlKY—COW id. 4th Battalion, The Duke of Wellington’s (West Riding Regiment)—ct/wM. The undermentioned to he 2nd Lts.:— Gilbert Vasey. (Gaz. 8 June) 26 May 15 Edward Vernon Blakey. (Gaz. 8 June) .. 27 May Robert Hornby Porter. (Gaz. 8 June) .. do. George Alfred Turner Vials (late Cadet, Wellingborough Sch. Contg., .Tun. Div. O.T.C.) Georgeto be McGregor 2nd Lt. (Gaz.Fletcher 10 June) (late Cadet Corpl. Wellington Coll. (Salop) Contg., Jun. Div. 28 May O.T.C.) to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz.lOJune) 3'May ThePte. undermentioned John William to Holt, be 2nd from Lts. 5 Bn.(Gaz. 12 June.)| DatedPte. Robert 13 June Cyril 15 Purvis. W. Rid. R. Pte. Howard Sadler Hatch, from York Mtd. Brig. Fd. Amb., R.A.M.C., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 16 June) 5.T une Wright Smith to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 18 June) .. 2 June Pte. Frank Chisnall, from 10 Bn. L’pool R.. to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 19 June) .. 20Jnne 2nd Lt. G. W. J. Learoyd to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 22 June) 30May The appt. of 2nd Lt. M. H. King bears date 27 Sept. 14, and not as previously stated. (Gaz. 23 June.) Lt. E. Womersley is seed, whilst doing duty with No. SSaction, W. Rid. Div. Sig. Co. (Gaz.24June) 14 June The(Gaz. appt. 26 of June.) 2nd Lt. W. B. B. Yates bears date 27 Sept. 14, and not as previously stated. Lt. C. Clarkson to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 28 June) .. iMay Lce.-Corpl. Philip Bartholomew Walton to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 28 June) 4June Cadet Robert Max Skelsey, from the Leeds University Contg., Sen. Div. O.T.C., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz.28June) HJune Sth Battalion, The Duke of Wellington’s (West Riding Regiment). Qr.-Mr. and Hon. Lt. P. Thomson resigns ids commn. (Gaz. 10 June) do. Peter Thomson (late Qr.-Mr. and Hon. Lt.) to be Lt. (temp.). (Gaz.lOJune) do. Lt. P. Thomson to be temp. Capt. (Gaz.lOJune) .. do. Joseph Walker Hirst (late Cadet JColr.-Serjt., Epsom Coll. Contgt., Jun. Div. O.T.C.) to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 16 June).. 4 June TheLond, date ofGaz. the of appt. 13 May as 2nd15. Lt.(Gaz. of J.18 C.June.) F. Ambler is 29 Mar. 15, and not as stated in 6th Battalion, The Duke of Wellington’s (West Riding Regiment). Pte. William Maude Flaxlngton to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 3 June) 17May Corpl. Thomas Booth to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz.lOJune) .. 26 May Pte. Augustus Shaw Stewart, from 9 Bn. R. Scots, to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 15 June) . 3 June The appts. of the undermentioned 2nd Lts. are antedated as follows. (Gaz. 19 June):— T. Brayshaw 25NOV.14 B. G. Buxton 20.Tan 15 K. Ogston .. do. H. H. Rishworth .. do. J. S. Clapham do. S. Taylor do. D. F. Peacock do. P.F. Stuck.. do. Alexander Osborne Bonnar to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 19 June) 5 June Hampton Wildman Parker (late Cadet Lce.-Corpl., Christ’s Hosp. Contgt., Jun. Div. O.T.C.) to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 22 June) ll.Tune The undermentioneii2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 24 June) H. J. L. Willink* 14June C. E. Gray .. 15.1 une George Oliver Wood to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 28 June) 8 June Cadet Man Pringle Smith, from Leeds Univ. Contgt., Sen. Div. O.T.C., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 28 June) 15June

7th Battalion,The undermentioned The Duke of Wellington’s 2nd Lts. to be (West temp. Riding Lts. (Gaz.Regiment). 19 dune) T. C. Rapp. 14 Apr. 15. I R. Rapp. 30 May 15.

4th (CumberlandAlfred Henry and Willink Westmorland) to be Oapt. Battalion, (temp.) The (Gaz. Border 22 June) Regiment. .. 24May The undermentioned Capts. to be temp. Majs. (Gaz. 23 June.) Dated 2 June 15 A, Davidson. I G. H Heelis Promotions, Appointments, &c 203

TERRITORIAL FORCE^-conM. IKFANTEX—Contd. 5th (Cumberland) Battalion. The Border Regiment Arthur Thomas Bennett to be 2nd Lt. (Qaz. 10 .Time) H.TuMelS Edwin Harley Jackson to be 2nd Lt. (Caz. 28 June) lOJune 4th Battalion, The Royal Sussex Regiment Lt. S. K. Reid to be Capt. (Gaz. 4 June) Joh from 5 June /' Suss. Yeo., to be 2nd Lt. '(Gaz. 9 June) 10 June Frederickd 5 GeorgeG u Gouldd t0 be to tem be 2ndL Lt. (Gaz. 10 June) . . Uune ?Jl ^ a •5' rr?1S lfr< m 4 Br I)evonP- t- p(Gaz. 10 June).. do. Gnr0^ uuiSS ;To]T ;'nston ! to. l:be 2nd Lt.- -.,(Gaz. to be 122nd June) Lt. (Gaz. 10 June) ll.Tune 61 Louis Isicholas Cor(ien tol:,e r Mr (Gaz. 15 Uune ^ * June) * ^* Q *‘ *5 with the hon. rank of Lt. 16.1 nne 2nCd'i^0 TPTTJiT?im Hubert Robinson, from Suss. Yeo„ to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 18 June)J 19 June 2nd Lt. J. H. Robinson to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 18 June) do. ^^"ated™Juneni5^-?fceS',fr0m InnS °f Co,’rt °-T-c- tube 2nd Lts (Gaz. 18 June.) William Archibald Foy. Leslie Norman Lisby. Robert Cecil Horne. Frank Henry Dear. 5th (CinqueLee -Coipl. Ports) EdwardBattalion, Carhsh, The Royal from 6Sussex Bn. R. Regiment. Suss. R., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 3 June).. The undermentioned Lts. to be temp. Capts. (Gaz. 8 June.) Dated 9 May 15:- 13May T:?Pti (4LpC0Vrti1°P.C tl0 be M;'1- (Gaz- 15 '(nnc) - E'G;Brama11- 19May j R Cap*-0 be (Gaz. 15 June) .. do. ?nVTt n^ ^TW-19 ‘^P; Papt. .(Gaz. 23 June) e) 28May Pte.xl* Arthur* * V‘ Benjamin Wilkinson, ^ccd. whilst from doing ILA.C.fto duty with be 2ndthe ALt. O C(Gaz/ls (Gar June?94 Tnnai .'.' 14 June 11 June 6th (Cyclist) Battalion, The Royal Sussex Regiment. W I m I T 09 1 Bombr Ma £?J 2pJind CeorgeLt? (Ga?. Arthur8 June) Davenport' .!* to be ’2nd Lt.lvern (Gaz. Coll. 3 June)Contgt., Jun. Div. O.T.C.) to be 6May OT a Li: 20May ME ftW •” «"»•> e.Tunedo. 9 June r ,rr^an °Pp^nhe,m t?,be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 8 June) •• " do. Lce.-Corpl. Francis Vmcenti Hickson to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 9 June) .. do. The undermentioned Lts. to be Capts. (Gaz. 15 June.) Dated l Mar. 15 17Apr. ^ ' I J* Nathan (temp.) The^ndorrnentioned 2nd Lts. to be Lts. (Gaz. 15 June.) Dated 1 Mar. 15: - E. L. Lewis. ‘ | H. S. Moore (temp.) JfVW- Lwlie Scott, from Suss. Yeo., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 22 June) 2.3 June 25 June a $&g ~ 29 June 4tli Battalion, The Hampshire Regiment. Gr. Leonard Robert Trivess Coward, from Hamps. R.G.A., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz 4 June) 5 June The K i e n t S8UbStitUtedf0r that which a eared 2l'Mari? ran(Gr ?2Jun0n e, :i PP « Loud. Gaz. oi Daniel G. Andrews^ •^(late1 • Qr-MrH. andG. Andrews Hon. Maj.) resigns to be his Capt. commn (temp.') (Gaz. 12 June) 22 Maydo. 5th Battalion, The Hampshire Regiment. ■Ltmes Ross Reid to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 10 June) il?? Hon- Maj. G. E. M. Ruffell resigns his commn. (Gaz 12 Tunei 27May (^e°('Gaz.E2 June) Standay Huffell (late Qr,Mr. and Hon/Maij2toTe) Capt.'(temp.) 13June do. Harold Richard Christmas to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 12 June) 28May Theann“eedf 2(Gaz*2?juna)' Spencer-Sralth 18 as I10w described, and not as previously Colr.-Serjt. James Bertie McGovern to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 21 June) 22 June 6th (Duke of Connaught’s Own) Battalion, The'Hampshiro Regiment Hewy Lushington Forbes-Leith to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 4 June) Wilfred Brownlow Hewett to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 17 June) . 20May Theundementioned 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 18 June.) Dated l May 15:- 3 June I J. E. Read, 204 Promotions, Appointments, &c.

TERRITORIAL FORCE-ooreid. INF1NTET—COntd, 7th Battalion, The Hampshire Regiment. 5Junel5 Pte. James Graham McFarlane Black, from 13 Bn., Bond. R., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 4 June) 23Apr. Conrad Ossian Pearce to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz.SJune) .. llJune Serjt.2nd Lt. James A. W. Henry S. Allen Lawrence to be temp. King, Lt. from (Gaz. Suss. 15 Yeo.,June) to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 10 June) IMay Cadet(Gaz. Brian 18 June) Mead, from Reading Univ. Coll. Contg., Sen. Div. O.T.C., to be2ndLt. 19June Gordon Lewis Thorne to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 22 June) .. 9J une Wilfred Sampson Morse to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 28 June) ...... 16June 8th (IsleThe of undermentionedWight Rifles, '‘Princess to be 2nd Beatrice’s”)Lts. (Gaz. 4 Battalion,June.) Dated The 22Hampshire May 15:— Regiment. Herbert Pakeman. | Pte.E. Leigh Kent Rigby R. Coke, from 5 Bn. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 4 June.) Dated 22 May 15 H. Pakeman. I L. R. Coke. JohnAlfred Wykeham Olaf Hytten Deverell to be 2ndto be Lt. 2nd (Gaz. Lt. 4(Gaz. June) 8 June) ...... 2 1May5May Pte. Frederick Charles Mottley Raymond, from the Canadian Expeditionary Force, to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 15 June) 16June Lt.Capt. G. G.C. RaymondLoader to tobe resign temp. hisCapt. commn. (Gaz.ISJune) (Gaz. 19 June)...... 22Mar.16May 9th (Cyclist)John PercivalBattalion, Mlchell The Hampshire to be 2nd Lt. Regiment. (Gaz.ISJune) ...... IJune Capt. D’A. L. Rose to be Mai. (Gaz. 26 June) ...... 26May Lt. W. R. Buchanan-Riddell to be Capt. (Gaz.26June) ...... do. 5th Battalion, The South Staflordshire- Regiment. loMay Lt. H. Pochin to be Capt. (Gaz 8 June) 2lMay Lt. D. A. Clarke to be Adjt. f (Gaz. 9 June) .. lNov.14 2ndCapt. Lt. J. J.W. B. Flavell Hutton is to seed. be Lt. Gaz. (Gaz. 15 June)22 June) .. 16Mayl5 Pee. John Parry Thorne to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 22 June) ISJune 2nd Lt. F. Eglington to be Lt. (Gaz. 26 June) 10 May 6th Battalion, The South StaHordshire Regiment. 15May 2ndFrederick Lt. F. MichaelM. A. Webster Annesley to beWebster temp. be 2nd(Gaz. Lt. 3 (Gaz.June) 3 ..June) . do. Capt. F. Holcroft to be temp. Maj. (Gaz. 10 June) .. llJune Capt. H M. M. Smyth to be Adjt. (Gaz. 10 June) .. 15June2lMay Hon.Arthur Walter Frederick Bennet Brown Wrottesley to be 2nd to 2nd(Gaz. Lt. 17(Gaz. June) 16 June) Unne 4th Battalion, The Dorsetshire Regiment. CharlesThe appt. d’Orsay of 2nd Johnson Lt. M. E. Whitehead K. Westlake to beIs cancelled,2nd Lt. (Gaz. (Gaz. 19 June)9 June) .. 20June 2nd Lt. J. E. Ogle to be Lt. (Gaz. 22 June) .. 23June 4th Battalion.Malcolm The Fyers Prince Bell of to Wales’s be 2nd VolunteersLt. (Gaz. 3(South June) Lancashire Regiment). 2lApr. Kenneth Leslie Gordon to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 3 June).. .. .■ •• 24Apr. Patrick Emmet Sarsfleld Hackett to be Qr.-Mr.. with the hon. rank of Lt. (Gaz. 3 June) 23Apr. The undermentioned Lts. to be temp. Capts. (Gaz. 15 June) Dated 16 June 15 :— L. S. Henshall. 1 Apr. 15. C. H. Robertson. 1 May 15. A. Skinner. 19 Apr. 15. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 15 June) Dated 16 June 15 K. C. G. Wray. 1 Apr. 15. | F. H. Preedy. 1 May 15. Lt. W.A. BurgessK. Armstrong. to be Adjt. 19 Apr. (Gaz.ISJune) 15...... _ .. •• . •• 17June Capt. (temp. Maj.) M. Woods relinquishes the temp, rank of Maj.on alteration in posting. 9Mar. Capt.(Gaz.ISJune) H.G. Roberts to temp... Maj. .. (Gaz.ISJune)•• do. Capt. R. Smith resigns his commn. (Gaz. 26 June) 27June

5th Battalion,Pte. Thomas The Prince Morris of Donald, Wales’s fromVolunteers 6 Bn. High. (South L. Lancashire1., to be 2nd Regiment).Lt. (Gaz. 3 June) 4 June Lt. J. Tennant to be temp. Capt., and to remain seed. (Gaz. 19 Jane) 14Nov.l4 The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 22 June.) Dated 15 May 15 D. J. S. Sinclair. I J. A. Crowe. C. H. Rowed. Fred Brook to be Qr.-Mr., with the hon. rank of Lt. (Gaz. 22 June ,. 18Mayl5 2nd Lt. T, G. S. Alder, from the 8 Bn. L’pool R., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 28 June) .. .. 29June Prorrmtinne Ann/->iM + ^«^4.» o -

TKRKITORIAL FORCE—oonid. iNPANTBY—COntd. 4th Battalion, The Welsh Regiment. to t>0 2ndLt. (Gaz.lo June, UJuneia Su' he temp. Capt. ! Craz. 22 June) ’’ ■' •• •• •• ISOct.U of WJuntw?’ (Gaz^ajJnel C’d6 8663 13 29 Mar'15’ a"d not’aa ^ted In Lond. Gaz. 28'Tan-15 5th Battalion, The Welsh Regiment. 2nd Lt. T. G. L. Phillips to be Lt. (Gaz. 15 June) .. Uune TheTUEdM rr1lsi0ned 2nd LtS- to be temp. Capts. (Gaz 18 June.) Dated 3 Feb. is H. C. Downing.™ Langman. T'W-^ld- I t! C. H? Berry. Th0B.B! Jones.Jonrese ntl°ned 2nd LtS•t0 b6 temp' Lts- (Gaz- 18 Jnne-) Dated 3 Feb. 15 A. T. Davies. A.I. C.H. Kenshole. Lee. R. Picton-Warlow. W. F. O. Price. C. Davis. E. G. le B. Banks, eV r anb ll0 as 0 be 2lQ<1 L Pte.Sf ?,Richard-^ /,T Guy 2lSt. Quintin,^ . fromt. 28(Gaz. Bn. Lond.22 Jnne).. R., to be 2nd Lt. ’ '(Gaz. 22 June'/ 19May 23 June 6th (Glamorgan) Battalion. The Welsh Regiment. 623 Oc0tWMg aGazTjCune6)-I13 substit"ted for that which appeared in Lond. Gaz. of Lt. A. G^rdy^Mj^ ((Ga0zC4a5une)eChUanaland Eifl6S) to be CaPfc- (t«™P-) • • 240et.l4 . IMaylS 4th (City of Dundee) Battalion, The Black Watch (Royal Highlanders). Ge'orge^irfdaDotna]ditoI>be

5th Battalion, The Black Watch2 (Royal Highlanders). James Cullen to be nd Lt. (Gaz. 4 Jane) .. SJune n^&JiC?lle?tobebo^ temp.djt. (Gaz. Capt. 4 June)(Gaz. 4 June)...... ” dp. 1 Cammln from dq. rank o^Lt ^Gfz.^ June) ^ * Bn. R. Highrs. tobe Qr”Mr., with hon. do, (Gai'8jun6) ;; 9 June ll.Tunedo. 19.Tune 00 J BayerS Eet Llst Terr 23.Tune 26 June? '. „ ' ’ - ’ ' Force, to be'Capt."(temp.'). (Ga'z. 15 June James Douglas MacDowell to'be 2ndLt. (Gaz. 26 June) i.' " ” do.' 6th (Perthshire) Battalion, The Black Watch (Royal Highlanders) 22 Feb. l5 (Gaz i0 jider) dat° 18 F0b-15, and not as stated In Lond. Gaz. of Lt. D. B. Calcisr is arestd.rn 8 toesl thed estabt.t0 the estabt(Gaz. 10 June) oapt.Cant' DD. StrathairnISh ! to! Kbe Adjt.A H, (Gaz. 15 June)- (Gaz. .. 15 June),. .’... “ •• Il”flltne1 one 7th (F1,e> Battalion, The Black Watch (Royal Highlanders). PDep6t (Gaz i Junef'WhU8t emPld' 38 Adjt- t0 the Hi^h- Div- Terr. Force Inf. Base Jam S d0 D, g a i t Capl: K rkCaldy EiKh Scb Con 22Apr. Williambe C?pt. held temp.)to be 2nd?& Lt.a z: iXne(Gaz. 15) June)' V. ‘ ^' O.T.C.) to 30Apr. 2nd Lt. W. Reid to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 16 June) do. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 15 June.) Dated 30 Apr. 16: do. Alfred RobertJ hnDavidson. Galt John Vivian 2Boothby. Rowan, from 9 Bn. High. L.I ' Charlton Frederick Davies. John ITMay 206 Promotions, Appointments, Ac,

TERRITORIAL FORCE—eojiM,. IlfFAHTBY—COntd. 7th (Fife) Battalion, The Black Watch (Royal Highlanders)—corefcf. ThePte. undermentioned Hugh Price Henderson, to be 2nd Lts. from (Gaz. 9 Bn. 17 R. June.) Scots. Dated 11 June 15 Pte. Alexander Hunter, from Fife and Forfar Yeo. Capt. George Harrison Ballantyne, from 8 Bn. R. Scots, to be Capt. (temp.) and Adit. (Gaz. 22June) 10Mayl5 Lt. R. MacK. Munro, from Unattd. List, to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 22 June) 23June 2nd Lt. R. MacK. Monro to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 22 June) do. The undermentioned Capts. to be temp. Majs. (Gaz. 23 June.) Dated 20 May 15 A. Lawson. | J. L. Macpherson. The undermentioned Lts. to be temp. Capts. (Gaz. 23 June.) Dated 20 May 15 P. L. Playfair. I J. C. Penny. G. L. MacEwan. | G. G. Kirke. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 23 June.) Dated 29 May 15 H.R. J.Sharp. Ross. F. M. Richardson. F. G. Shand. C. G. Crawshay-Ralston. G. E. Monkland. R. E. W. Adkins. 4th Battalion, The Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry. 2nd Lt. A. N. Andrews to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 4 June) Robert Nigel Carew Hunt to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 4 June) 5 June Herbert Morden-Wright to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz.loJune) 19May Joseph Herbert Zeder to be 2nd Lt (Gaz. 12 June) .. lOJnne William James Lindsay Wallace to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 12 June) IMay Lt. Hon. L. J. E. Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes to be temp. Capt. and to remain seed. (Gaz. Uune 17 June) Corpl. John Guy Raymond Miller, from 28 Bn. Lond. R., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 18 June) .. 27Gct.l4 Lt. F. B. Jones to be Capt. (Gaz. 19 June) .. 19.Tunel513May 2nd Lt. H. A. Wilsdon to be Lt. (Gaz. 19 June) do. The date of the appt. as Lt.-Col. (temp.) of A. Stockton, is 30 Apr. 15, and not as stated in Lond. Gaz. of 29 May 15. (Gaz. 19 June.) Capt. W. F. B. R. Dugmore, D.S.O., ret. pay, to beJLt.-Col. (temp.) (Gaz. 24 June) 3May Buekinghamshire Battalion, The Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry. Pte. Percy Edward Wells, from Inns of Court O.T.C., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 8 June) Arthur Pole Godfrey to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 12 June) .. 9.1 une Richard Rowland to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz.12 June) 2June Charles Hall to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 18 June) 3 June Ernest William Long, from 8 Bn. R. War. R., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 19 June) 18,Tune 2nd Lt. E. W. Long to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 19 June) .. 20 June Capt. R. W. Harling is seed, whilst serving as Brig.-Maj., attd. to Headquarters Units. do. (Gaz. 28 June) 29Apr. Roland Burton Hudson to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 28 June) 26 June 4th Battalion, The Essex Regiment. Frank Foster Chapman to be Qr.-Mr., with the hon. rank of Lt. (Gaz. 10 June) .. 27May 2nd Lt. D. D. R. Dale to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 12 June).. 15Apr. Edwin Barrett to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 12 June) .. 13June Capt. P. A. Landon is seed, for service on the Staff. (Gaz. 15 June) 14Apr. Serjt. George Gauld Gordon Johnstone, from 14 Bn. Lond. R., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 24 June) 25June 5th Battalion.Capt. J. The M. HeronEssex be temp. MaJ. (Gaz. 9 June) ...... 17 May Capt Guy Jefferys Hornsbv-Wright, from Felsted Sch. Contg., Jun. Div. O.T.C., to be Maj.(temp.) (Gaz. 15 June) ...... l6June Theantedated appointment to 17 of Feb. 2nd 15.Lt. H.(Gaz. F. 23Box, June.) which appeared in Lond. Gaz. dated 27 Mar. 15, is Alexander Waller to be Qr.-Mr., with the hon. rank of Lt. (Gaz. 24 June) .. .. 5June #th Battalion,Mai G. TheF. H. Essex McDonald Regiment. to be temp. Lt.-Col. (Gaz. 1 June) ...... 6May Capt. B. J. Ward to be temp. Ma.i. (Gaz.lJune) ...... do. Qr.-Mr.-Serjt. Frederick Richard Johnson to be Qr.-Mr., with the hon. rank of Lt. (Gaz. 2June) ...... s.Tune Pte. Douglas Kenneth Best, from 5 Bn. Lond. R. to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 3 June) .. .. 19May TheCecil undermentioned Arthur Rayner. to be (Gaz.2nd Lts. 4 June) ...... 14May Co. Serjt.-Maj Charles William Randal], from 14 Bn. Lond. R, (Gaz. 4 June) .. do. Pte. George Alfred Stowers, from 5 Bn. Lond. R. (Gaz. 4 June) ...... ISMay Capt. J. A. Walker is seed, whilst doing duty as Brig. Mach. Gun Offr. (Gaz. 12 June) 22May Pte. Robert Cecil Macnaughtan, from 5 Bn Lond. R to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 15 June) .. 16Jun'e Cadet Donald Munro Walmsley, from Univ. of Lond. Contg., Sen. Div. O.T.C. to be Pte.2ndLt. Hubert (Gaz.David 15 Bentliff, June) from.. Inns.. of Court.. O.T.C., to 2nd ..Lt. (Gaz... 18 June)...... 19,Tunedo. Temp. Maj. E. A. Clubb to be Maj. (Gaz. 24 June) ...... 15Mar. Pte. Leslie Ernest Amsdon, from W. Kent Yeo., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 24 June) .. .. 25 June Promotions, Appointments, &c 207

TBKRITORIAL FORCE—comM. IKFABTTBT—COntd. 7th Battalion, The Essex Regiment. Pte. Frank Llewellyn Thomas, from 23 Bn. Lorid. R. to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 4 June) .. 5 Junelfr 2nd Lt. A. Young to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 8 June) 28Apr. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. F. W. W. Hearn. (Gaz. 9. June) .. E. N. Alford. (Gaz. 9 June) 23 Jan. W. R. Barrett. (Gaz. 9 June) 2Mar. Qr.-Mr.-Serjt. George David Matthews to be Qr.-Mr., with the hon. rank of lit. (Gaz. 3Mar, 10 June) HJuna Edwin Richard Charles Edmonds to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 21 June) 7 June 8th (Cyclist) Battalion, The Essex Regiment. TheC. undermentioned E. V. Porter. 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. | (Gaz. 2 June).y. h Wise Dated 14 Apr. 15 •— Lce.-Corpl. James Edward Thompson to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 4 June).’. 5 June Archibald Borthwick Spens to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 8 June) .. 9june Clement Alfred Grist to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 8 June) do. Lce.-Corpl. Stuart Riviere Calkin, from 14 Bn. Lond. R„ to be 2nd lit. (Gaz 21 June) laJnne The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts G. O. Biunwin-Hales. (Gaz. 24 June) .. Uune E. Herdman. (Gaz. 24 June) 25 June M. T. L. Travers. (Gaz. 24 June) .. do. H. W. Orfeur. (Gaz. 24 June) do. 5th Battalion, The Sherwood Foresters (Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regiment). Maj. G. A. Lewis to be temp. Lt.-Col. (Gaz. 11 June) Capt. W. H. C. Clay to be temp. Maj. (Gaz. 11 June) 21 May Lt. H.Claye to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 11 June) .. .. ‘ " Capt. T. N. Winning is restd. to the estabt. (Gaz. 18 June) 1 Feb. The date of appt. as 2nd Lt. of E. A. Crossley is 24 Oct. 14, and not as stated in Lond. Gaz. of 16 Nov. 14. (Gaz. 18 June.) 2nd Lt. F. G. Robinson to be Lt. (Gaz. 22 June) 9June Alfred Tatam Prince to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 23 June) i. ” 5 June 6th Battalion, The Sherwood Foresters (Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regiment). Capt. T. C. Toler, from Terr. Force Res., Gen. List, to be Capt. (temp.) (Gaz. 5 June) 3Xar. Capt. T. C. Toler to be temp. Maj. (Gaz. 5 June) .. do. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. G. J. Edmunds. (Gaz. 5 June.) Dated 22 Mar. 15 J. S. Sampson. C. A. Brown. G. K. K. Maughan. J. L. Percival. E. M. Jellicoe. A. B. Wallis. Co. Serjt.-Maj. Frank Brindley to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 8 June)R. W. Cash. Capt. C. B. Johnson to be Adjt. (Gaz. 10 June) 9Juu* Lt. V. O. Robinson to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 10 June) .. " ” llJune5May Lt. C. J. Wheatcroft to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 14 June) 15 June 2ndCapt. Lt. E. W. B, Jackson Johnson to Is be seed, Lt. (Gaz.whilst 17 doingJune).. duty as Dep. Dir. of "Railway Trans (Gaz IsJune 19 June) 5May 7th (Robin Hood) Battalion, The Sherwood Foresters (Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regiment) The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 5 June) Lionel Dare Mordle (late Cadet, Felsted Sch. Contg., Jun. Div., O T.C ) 14May Darral Percy Millar Clarke (late Cadet, Nottingham Univ. Comg., Sen. Div.’O.T.C.') l5May Pte. Richard Henry Wathes, from Notts, and Derby. Mtd. Brig. Sig. Troop, to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. lOJune) llJune Lt L. C. Brewill to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 19 June) !! 17May William2nd Lt. M. Robert Rook Hodgsonto be temp. lies Lt. (late (Gaz. 2nd 19Lt. June) Princess Patricia’s CanadianL.I.) to be 2nd do. Lt. (Gaz. 19 June).. 2nd Lt. W. R. H. lies to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 19 June) .V lJunedo. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. Leonard William Wilde. (Gaz. 22 June)...... 7Juna Lce.-Corpl. James Noelken Burford, from 4 Bn. Leic. R., (Gaz.'22 June) " ” 9June 8th Battalion, The Sherwood Foresters (Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regiment) TheR. undermentioned Whitton. 7 May 2nd 15. Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 6 June): G. Wright. 7 May 15. H.J. R.A. H.Hewitt. Whiston. 14 May14 May 15, 15, B. C. Huntsman. 14 May 15, H. C. Daffen. 14 May 15. 208 Promotions, Appointments, &c.

TEKKITOKIAL FORCE—conW. IireAlfTET—coraici. 8tli Battalion, The Sherwood Foresters (Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regiment)—oo»(d. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 10 June.) Dated 11 June 15 • — Rte. Reginald Thomas Skinner, from Inns of Court O.T.C. Pte. Arthur Frank London, from Inns of Court O.T.C. Pte. Herbert Read Peerless, from Inns of Court O.T.C. Pte.Ete. HenryWilliam Irving Peter Newton. Duff, from Inns of Court O.T.C. The1 undermentionedrf S1 n or 2nd Lts. to he temp. Lts. (Gaz. 10 June.) Dated 11 June 15: — 2nd„ , Lt.K G.;-, H.5i ?,F. Paylmg1- to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 23I June) A. F. London. Philip Crawshaw Hemingway to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 23 June).. 229Junel5 June Pte. Alfred Bedford, from Hon. Art. Co., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 23 June) 24 June Pte. Fred Edgar Kebblewhite, from Inns of Court O.T.C., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 23 June) .. do. 4th Battalion, The Loyal North Lancashire Regiment. Anthony Dyson Camming to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 8 June) lApr. Myles Proctor-Gregg to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 10 June) .. 2May Capt. W. K. Kershaw to be Adjt. (Gaz. 16 June) 17 June 6th Battalion, The Loyal North Lancashire Regiment. 2nd Lt. H. A. Richardson to be Lt. (Gaz. 12 June) .. 8May Capt. J. W. Hough to be Adjt. (Gaz. 16 June) IT.Tune 4th Battalion, The Northamptonshire Regiment. PhilipLt. J. H. George Collier Sneath to be temp.(late Cadet, Capt. Univ.(Gaz. Coil.4 June) Sch. Contg., Jun. Div. O.T.C.) to be 2nd Lt 5 June (Gaz. 4 June) 21 May Capt, and Hon. Maj. G. S. Eunson to be temp. Maj. (Gaz. 28 June)’ 29June Capt.James N. Chalcraft B, Butlin (late to be Cadet Adjt. Corpl.(Gaz.28June) Wellingborough .. Grammar.. ..Sch. Contg.,.. .fun... Div.” do. O.T.C,), to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz, 28 June) 14 June 4th Battalion, Princess Charlotte of Wales’s (Royal Berkshire Regiment). Pte. Edward St. George Hewetson, from Inns of Court O.T.C., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 2 June) 3 June Lce.-Serjt. Walter Reginald Cox. from 9 Bn. Lond. R., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz 4 June) i June Maj. M. Wheeler to be temp. Lt.-Col. (Gaz. 12 June) 13 June 2nd Lt. C. R. M. F. Cruttwell to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 12 June) 4May The appt. as 2nd Lt. of P. S. Corbould which was announced in Lond. Gaz. of 22 Sept 14. is cancelled. (Gaz. 12 June.) Lt. 8. Boyle to be Capt. (Gaz. 15 June) 17 May Francis Marie Joseph White to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 22 June) .. 30Nov.l4 Eric John Poyer Lewis to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 23 June) 22.Tunel5 The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 24 June) Dated 25 June 15 :— O. J. Dowson. G. E. Whelpton. H. C. Meysey-Thompson. A. N. Palmer. R. V. C. Freeth. J. A. Reeves. G. W. Davis. Ernest Oliver Cavan Lambart to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 24 June) 25 June George Sholto Ripley Webb to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 28 June) . 29 June 4th Battalion, The Queen’s Own (Royal West Kent Regiment). Pte. Eric Stanhope Nicoll, from 30 Bn. Canadian Expeditionary Force, to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 10 June) Maj. J. D. Laurie to be temp. Lt.-Col. (Gaz. 15 June) HJune Capt. H. Smlthere to be temp. Maj. (Gaz. 26 June).. 25Apr.16 June Capt. F. Johnson to be Adjt. (Gaz. 26 June) do. Harrie Horace Dell to be Qr.-Mr. with the non. rank of Lt, (Gaz. 26 June) 27June 5th Battalion, The Queen’s Own (Royal West Kent Regiment), Pte. Edgar Lindley Jones, from 5 Bn. Lond. R., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 23 June) 8June Eric Garton King to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 24 June) 12June 4th Battalion, The King’s Own (Yorkshire Light Infantry). The Christian names of Maj. Frederick William Lyons are as now described, and not as announced in Lond. Gaz. of 21 May 15. (Gaz. 8 June,) Lt.Cadet G. Chetwynd-StapyltonAlbert Ewan Earle, from is absd. the the ofestabt. Lond. Contg.,(Gaz. 15 Senr.June) Div. .. O.T.C., to be 2nd Lt. 16June (Gaz. 22 June) Capt. H. C. Chalker is seed, whilst doing duty with the Depot of the Yorks. L.i. (Gaz. 9June 23June) .. ,, ,, ,, ,, 24 June Promotions, Appointments, &c. 209


TBRKITOKIAL FORCE—eonid. INPAWTEY—contd. 9th Battalion, The Duke of Cambridge’? Own (Middlesex Regiment). w°nel L°tU1s Fa}ek- from.28 Bn. Lond. R., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 3 June) PfceioJu1ne '; Hon. Art. Co., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 10 June) llJune yfJ;a °; Raj?.?; Horn Terr. Force Res. Gen. List, to be Lt.-Col. (temp.) (Gaz. 12 June) Uune 9 Py A- Pjidlips. from Terr. Force Res. Gen. List, to be Maj. (temp.) (Gaz. 12 June) do. Lt wmateMytt0 Wlcks Capt.from 3Terr Bn. Bedf.Force R.) to be Mai. (temp.) (Gaz. 15 June) 16J une d’ 15Tuae)L4 ' ’ - Res., Gen. List, to be Capt. (temp.) (Gaz. do. ?n0- - Albert Regan, from Terr. Force Res., Gen. List, to be Lt. (temp.) ’ (Gaz 15 June)’ do. Dt Arthur Sydney Parr-Head, from 8 Bn. Midd’x R., to bo 2nd Lt. (Gaz 15 June) do. r d U d BalI lntine m 8 B 1 SJune Jnclfnd'r Lit.t pE. W.w Ballantine to :be temp.f ’ R? Lt. (Gaz."- Midd’x. 17 June) R„ to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 17’June).. do. Pte. Philip Richard John Grinham, from 8 Bn. Midd’x. R.,'to be 2nd Lt. ’ '(Gaz. 17 June" do. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. William Branch Johnson. (Gaz. 18 June) 16 June Percy John Cowan. (Gaz. 18 June) 19 June TyndallVictor Andrew Lethbridge. De Eier (Gaz. McLaglen. 18 June) (Gaz. 18 June) do. 0w n do. RH'-r t e Sidney Cole, from R. E. Kent Yeo. (Gaz. 18 June) do. 2n(l Lt. R. H. Forster to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 19 June) 20Juue Capt. A. P. Holiler to be Maj. (Gaz. 28 June) lDec.14 TheH. undermentioned H. Bagnall Lts. to be temp. Capts. (Gaz.| 28 June.)F. R. Gifford.Dated 1 Dec. 14 The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. •— H. E. Templer. (Gaz. 28 June) .. do. P. C. Lisle. (Gaz. 28 June) .. ** 16Dec. Pte. Charles Forsyth Bulmer, from West Kent Yeo., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 28 June) 29Junel6 4th Battalion, The Duke of Edinburgh’s (Wiltshire Regiment). The appt. as Maj. of Capt. O. H. Herries-Crosbie bears date 29 Sept. 14, but not to carry Richard or allowances Charles Maynardprior to 11 Buckley, Dec. 14. from(Gaz. N. t June.)Som. Yeo., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 10 June) llJune Herbert Stanley Starkey to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 15 June) ...... 16June The surname of Capt. F. Ludlow Wood is as now described, and not “Ludlow-Wood ” as announced in Lond. Gaz. of 27 Mar. 15. (Gaz. 16 June.) Lt. N. J. Awdry to be temp. Capt. (Gaz.22June) .. 23 June TheG. undermentioned G. Hoare. 2nd Lts to be temp. Lts. (Gaz.] 22 June)G. A. Laverton.Dated 12 Dec. 14 TheGaz. surname of 10 June of 2nd 15. Lt. (Gaz. R. C. 26 M. June.) Buckby is as now described, and not as stated in Lond. Promotions, Appointments, &c. 211

TERRITORIAL FORCE—cojiid. IHPANTBY—COntd. 5th Battalion,2nd Lt. The(temp. Manchester Lt.) G. 8. LundRegiment. relinquishes the temp, rank of Lt. on alteration in posting. (Uaz. 2June) ...... •• .. •• .. •• •• UApr.15 Lt.Frederick W. H. Ridge.fromWelshDivl.William Coupe to be 2nd Train, Lt. (Gaz. A.S.C., 3June) to be Lt. (temp.).. . (Gaz.4June) .. .. 5.1une5May Eric Robert Lamb to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 22 June) ...... 15May 0th Battalion, The Manchester Regiment. Thecancelled. appt. as 2nd(Gaz. Lt. 9of June.) J. E. Macmillan, which appeared in Lond. Gaz. of 11 Sept. If, is Lt. S. F. Collier to be Adjt. (Gaz. 15 June) ...... •• .. ■■ •• 16June 2nd Lt. (temp. Lt.) E. F. Thorburn relinquishes the temp, rank of Lt. on alteration In posting (Gaz. 17 June) ...... •• 19Mar. 7th Battalion,Capt. A. The E. F.Manchester Fawcns is Regiment. restd. to the estabt. (Gaz.4.Tune) ...... lOFeb. Qr.-Mr.-Sorjt.Thomas Gittins to be Qr.-Mr., with the hon. rank of Lt. (Gaz. 10 June) HJune The restoration to the estabt. of Captain E. F. Fawcus bears date 24 Mar. 15, and not as stated in Lond. Gaz. of 4 June 15. (Gaz. 23 June.) 8th (Ardwick) Battalion, The Manchester Regiment. 2nd Lt. (temp. Lt.) R. B. Yeld relinquishes the temp, rank of Lt. on alteration in posting. (Gaz. 2 June) ...... •• 13Apr. The undermentioned Capts. to be temp. Majs. (Gaz. 3 June.) Dated 21 Apr. 15:— F. A. Howarth. I T. S. Beaumont. TheA. undermentioned J. Crewe. Lts. to be temp. Capts. (Gaz.| 3 June.)M. W. DatedA. Williams. 21 Apr. 15 C. Higham. 1 The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 3 June.) Dated 21 Apr. 15 D. A. G. B. Ryley. I A. Bowen. R. H. King. I G. Macdougall. Lt. (Gaz.G. Macdougall 3 June) to Adjt., yice.. Capt. F. A. Howarth who has vacated the apfct.2 1Apr. Cyrus Radcliffo Eller to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz.3June) ...... 28Fen. Sidney Salomon to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 3 June) ...... 6Mar. 1'te. Richard Valentine Dormer Kirby, from 6 Bn. Manch. R.,to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 3 June) 4June The date of appt. as 2nd Lts. of J. R. Makinson, G. McDougall and A. Forbes, is 10 Oct. 14, 2nd andLt. J.not D. as Lawrence stated in relinquishes Lond. Gaz. ofhis 11 commn. Nov. 14. (Gaz.(Gaz. 21 15 June) June.) ...... 14May Capt. A. Rawlinson resigns his commn. (Gaz. 24 June) ...... 25June 9th Battalion,Bernard The Harold Manchester Brister toRegiment. be 2nd Lb. (Gaz. 10 June) ...... loJune Pte. George Eyes Hayward from 6 Bn. Manch. R., bo be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 10 June) .. .. 11 June Pte. Robert Jacomb Norris Dale, from 28 Bn. Lond. R.. to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 16 June) .. ISJune loth Battalion, The Manchester Regiment. Lt. (temp. Capt.) J. H. Clegg relinquishes the temp, rank of Capt., on alteration in Pte.posting. Leonard (Gaz.Huff, 2from June) 6 Bn.. Manch... R., to.. be 2nd ..Lt. (Gaz... 3 June)...... 13Apr.4June Qr.-Mr.-Serjt. Arthur Gilbert Wynne to be Qr.-Mr., with the hon. rank of Lt. (Gaz. 10 June) ...... •• -• .. .. HJune Pte. ThomasRobert Morrow Faulkner, Carson, from from6 Bn. 6 Manch. Bn. Manch. R., to R., be to 2nd be Lt. 2nd (Gaz.Lt. (Gaz. 10 June) 10 June)...... 5th Battalion,Leslie Thomas The Prince Wood of toWales’s be 2nd (North Lt. (Gaz. Staffordshire 3 June) Regiment)...... 21Mav Lce.-Corpl. Herbert Edward Emery to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 3 June) ...... 4June 2nd Lt. W. H. Wood to be temo. Lt. (Gaz. 5 June) ...... 2cSApr. Co. (Gaz.Qr.-Mr. 8 June) Serjt. William.. Henry.. Percival.. Loney.. to be Qr.-Mr... with.. the ..hon. rank.. of Lt. 9.Tane Serjt.Capt. P.Clarence F. Ellis Richard to be Adjt. Goss ( be 2nd10 Jane).. Lt. (Gaz. 10.. June) ...... 15Apr.3lMay The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 17 June.) Dated 3 May 15 WalterW. A. Meakin Bowers. to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 17 June) | .. C. H... Robingon...... 12May The date of appt. as Qr.-Mr. and Hon. Lt. of W. H. P. Loney is 15 Apr. 15, and not as stated in Lond. Gaz. of 8 June 15. (Gaz. 23 June.) The promn. to Lt. of 2nd Lt. W. W. Scrivener, which was announced in Lond. Gaz. of 15 May 15, is cancelled. (Gaz. 24 June.) 212 Promotions, Appointments, do.

TERRITORIAL FORCE—conJd. Infantry—coraid. 6th Battalion, The Prince of Wales’s (North Staffordshire Regiment). ge C 1 Lt (temp ) (Gaz 7 Lt. G c H™bot S^Lmp.Capt. ^ ;. ;. ; •; 19Mayl5do. The a 1 B- Ind WhiCh apt,eared in Lond Gaz is ?anceUedard '?Gaz°'8 Junef'-’ ’ - - '9 May 15. w'n WHiamBerCy & Allportfr tom beClift 2ndn Lt.C0U (Gaz.Contgt 9 June)Jun D.v (Gal 9 J^e . *’ ° ° - -’ ’ ' - O.T.C., to be 2nd Lt. do. Pte.Lt. L. Hubert R. Thoday, Arthur to Blurt be temp. on Plant Capt. to and be 2ndto remain Lt. (Gaz. seed. 10 June)'(Gaz. 12 June) HJune The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. 23Apr. Alfred. tan 1 oy Henry Paeklngton Matthews. Mole. (Gaz.(Gaz. 23 23 June) June) 26May 22 June William Henry Fisher. (Gaz. 23 June) .. do. 4th (Hallamshire) Battalion, The York and Lancaster Regiment Capt. L. J. Coombe to be temp. Maj. (Gaz. 3 June) The n ti0ned LtS t0 b0 ljemp Capts IMay w po lr ' ' ,. (Gaz. W3 June.)S M DatedBeeb 25 Mar. 15— L. H. ™Barber. | ' ‘ - y- The^ndermentioned 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz 3 June). Dated 25 Mar. 15 llCaS Richardu e r Hughkm HerfordMainprlce to t0be be2nd 2nd Lt. Lt (Gaz. 8 June) ■ 26May S P , lx?^ l; Bagshaw from Lond- ’ Dated 25 June 15 :_ Frank'chopelind^1’ Telford’ from the Durb- Univ. Contg., Sen. Div. O.T.C. rhe b 2nd Lts (Gaz 28 ' StanleysmnfeTp? Crawfordaw°fn®n Srnith.«° -^ - - i DatedCecil 29 TjaiTrATi**o June 15 T’cP'rma« fT"nDurhHR.IS.A.Ct°I'Tayl0r’ fromtbe Wilfred Grey Jacks Promotions, Appointments, &c. 213

TERRITORIAL FORCE—contd. INFANTBY—COntd. 8th Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry. Lt. T. F. Brass to he temp. Capt. (Gaz. 16 June) 3 Junel5 (Gaz. 16 June.) Dated 3 June 15 The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to he temp. Lts. P. C. Newcombe. A.17. L.A. Wilson.Ritson. 8. McM. Wadham. J. H. C. Herald. George Herbert Johnson to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 17 June) 25 May James Falshaw Hobson to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 22 June) 20June 9th Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry. , 4.1une George Tettrell Coulson to be Qr.-Mr„ with the hon. rank of Lt. (Gaz. 3 June) .. 8May 2ndWilliam Lt. W. Henry B. Little Tweddell is seed, to forbe 2ndduty Lt. as Staff(Gaz. Capt. 5 June) (Gaz. 15 June).. IMay Thomas Swallow Humble to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 19 June) 4May Capt. F. J. Lambert is seed, whilst serving as Brig. Maj., Durh. L.I. Brig. (Gaz. 28 June) 12May The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. Uune NormanRobert Clark Halliday Thomas. Woodall. (Gaz. (Gaz. 28 June) 28 June) do. William Roy Senior Catcheside. (Gaz. 28 June)...... 25June 5th (CityCapt. of Glasgow) A. K. Smith Battalion, to be Adjt. The Highland(Gaz. 4 June).. Light Infantry. 7May The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. Walter McCallum Clow (late Cadet Merehiston Castle Sch. Contg., Jun. Div. O.T.C.) 17May (Gaz.lJune) 3June SamuelSerjt. Adrien Campbell. Espinasson (Gaz. 4Barbe, June) from.. 9 Bn... High... L.I. ..(Gaz. --4 June).. .. 5 June TheG. undermentioned D. Maclellan. Lts.(Gaz. to 18 be June) temp. .. Capts. 2oMay R. Gardner. (Gaz. 18 June) do. TheE. undermentioned K. Anderson. 2nd Lts. to be t emp. Lts. (Gaz.I 18 June.)A. M. Turner.Dated 25 May 15 W. McLeish. I M. S. Rankin. 2nd Lt. C. W. Leith to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 26 June) 7June 2nd Lt. E. P. Rutherford to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 26 June) do. TheJohn undermentioned Anderson Ogilvy. to be 2nd(Gaz. Lts 28 June) .. 28May Lce.-Corpl. Frank Drummond, from the Inns of Court O.T.C. (Gaz. 4June Pte.28 Louis June) Allen Javelot Barbe, from the Ayrshire Yeo. (Gaz. 28 June) lOJune do. AlexanderRobert Dearness Mather. to be(Gaz. Qr.-Mr. 28 June) with the hon. rank of Lt. (Gaz. 28 June) 17May 6th (City of Glasgow) Battalion, The Highland Light Infantry. Pte. Wilfred Hudson Aikman, from 4 Bn. R. Scots, to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 5 June) .. 6 June Qr.-Mr.-Serjt. Walter George Taylor, from the 5 Bn. High. L.I., to be Qr.-Mr. with the hon. rank of Lt. (Gaz. 26 June) ., 27 June The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts.: - Donald Cargil Daly (late Midshipman R. N. Vol. Res.) (Gaz. 28 June) 12June James Marshall Scott. (Gaz. 28 June) 17June George Ritchie. (Gaz. 28 June) .. do. James Ferguson Stewart. (Gaz. 28 June) do. 7th (Blythswood) Battalion, The Highland Light Infantry. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 2 June.) Dated 1 June 15 Henry Rawson Taggart. I Serjt. Noel Morven Campbell. Ernest Milton, I Capt. W. R. Grieve to be Adjt. (Gaz. 22 June) 24May Robert Cowper to be Qr.-Mr. with the hon. rank of Lt. (Gaz. 22 June) 4June The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 28 June.) Dated 29 June 15:— Pte. John Bickerton Clyde Robertson, from the 5 Bn. Sco. Rif. Serjt. James McMillan King, from 5 Bn. Sco. Rif. Cadet Corporal William Matr, from the Glasgow University Contgt., Sen. Div. O.T.C. Cadet J Hines Frederick Strachan, from the Glasgow University Contgt., Sen. Div. O.T.C. Pjie, Robert McGregor Cleland Crawford, from 1 Lowland Fd. A mb., R.A.M.C, 214 Promotions, Appointments, &c

TERRITORIAL FORCE—contd. I INFANTRY—COntd. 9th (Glasgow Highland) Battalion, The Highland Light Infantry. TheJohn undermentioned Raymond Sloss. to be 2nd-Lts. (Gaz. SJune.)i DatedJohn 18 TennentApr 15 •— Cranston. Norman EadiG. Lt. W. M. Todd to be Capt. (Gaz. 11 June) .. 2nd Lt. A. C. Murray to be temp, Lt. (Gaz. 11 June) 12Junel5 Harry Brownlie Kidston to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 18 June) do. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 19 June.) Dated 8 June 15 ” 7 June Co.Thomas berjt.-Maj. Menzies Robert Burton. Joseph Berthwick.,1 to be 2nd WilliamLt. (Gaz. Fatrlie 22 June) Alexander. the apots. of 2nd Lts. T. A. Gray and A. Wingate bear date 14 Jan 15, and not as stated 31 May in the Lond. Gaz. of 23 Jan. 15. (Gaz. 26 June) 4th (Ross Highland) Battalion, Seaforth Highlanders (Ross-shire Buffs, The Duke of Albany’s) Capt.Ferguson relinquishes his temp, rank of Capt. on alteration in posting. (Gaz. lOct.14 Donald Ferguson (late Capt.) to be 2nd Lt., with seniority as from 2 Get. 14. (Gaz.'l June) 2Junel5 Noel Sutherland to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 1 June)...... IflMay Lt.Pte. R. Geoffrey H. H. Will Keith to Burnhambe Instr. of to Musk be 2nd Lt.(Gaz. (Gaz. 2 June) 3 June) .. ISMay Donald Grant to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. SJune) .. 4 Junedo. Lce.-Cornl.Charles Hamilton William Drummond Thomson to to bebe 2nd 2nd Lt.l.t. (Gaz.(Gaz. 4,Tune) 10 June) .. 25 May Capt. D. A. Mackenzie is seed, whilst doing duty as Asst. Mil. Landing Off. (Gaz.’l2 June) HJune4May C-apt. G. M. Cameron to be temp. Maj. (Gaz. 15June) _ - 20May 2nd Lt. W. G. C. Hanna, from the Seo. Horse Yeo., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 17 June) ISJune The following announcements are substituted for that which appeared in the Lond Gaz of l June 15. (Gaz. 18 June) Capt. D Ferguson relinquishes his temp, rank of Capt. on alteration in posting Uune Donald Ferguson (late Capt.) to be 2nd Lt., with senority as from 5 Oct. 14 ..’ do. 2nd Lt. D. Ferguson to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 19 June) 19Apr. 2nd Lt. G. W. Damon to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 19 June) 12May The undermentioned Lts. to be temp. Capts. (Gaz. 22 June.) Dated l June 15 •— R.J.P. H. Davidson. H. Will. | G. E. Mackenzie. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. D. H. Haugh. (Gaz. 22 June.) Dated l June 15 A. M. C. Finch. G. W. K. MacPhersou. E. W. R. Finch. M. Henderson. E. Masters. W. Holmes. Serit.-Maj. James Glass to be Qr-.Mr. with the hon. rank of Lt. (Gaz. 23 June) 24 June 2nd Lt. K. Macleod to be Lt. (Gaz. 24 June) 24 May Harry Reginald Hipwell (late Lt. 3 V.B. Bedf. R.) to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 24 June) 25 June TheCo. undermentioned Qr.-Mr.-Serjt. Davidto be 2nd McKenzie Lts. (Gaz. Clark, 28 June.)| DatedLce.-Corpl. 29 June Dering 15 •— Addison, from the 4 Bn. Cam n Highrs. 2nd Lt David McK. Clark to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 28 June) .. 5th Tl e Buffs,' l SutherlandThe Duke ofand Albany’s). Caithness Highland) Battalion, Seaforth Highlanders (Ross-shire Bertie Hencher (late Colr.-Serjt. Instr.) to be Qr.-Mr. with the hon. rank of Lt. (Gaz 12 June) 27May 2nd Lt. C. S. M. Swanson to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 24 June) IMay Lt. C. S. M. Swanson to be Adit., vice Maj. P. W. McLean. (Gaz. 24 June) 25 June TheWalter undermentioned Mundell. to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 28 June.)| DatedJoseph 26 JuneMcKay. 15:— 6th (Morayshire) Battalion, Seaforth Highlanders (Ross-shire Buffs, The Duke of Albany’s) Maj. J. G. Smith to be temp. Lt.-Col. (Gaz. 1 June) 2.1 une Serjt. William Hugh McKilligan to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 2 June) SJune George Felix Bennett to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 10 June) .. 11 Juno Temp. Maj. in the Army C. E. Johnston to be Maj. (temp.)”(Gaz. 15 June) loMay The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 15 June.) Dated lo June 15 •— Norris Melville MacKay. | Lce.-Corpl. Harold Bruce Lendrum. Corpl. William George Anderson to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 16 June) 17June James Bliss to be 2nd Lt. (Ga

TEKRITOKIAL FORCE—cora^d. Infants y—contd. 5th (Buohan and Formartln) Battalion, The Gordon Highlanders. Ma]. William Ernest Hutchison, from Terr. Force Res., to he Mai. (temp.) (Gaz. 7 June) HMayia William Christie Alexander to be Qr.-Mr., with the hon. rank of Lt. (Gaz. 7 .Tune) 2 June Capt. and Hon. Maj. C. W. Bruce, ret. list, Terr. Force, to beCapt. (temp.) (Gaz. 10 June) 12Mar. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 18 June.) Dated 19 June 15:— Co. Qr.-Mr. Serjt. Thomas Peter. I Pte. Robert William Ferguson, Pte. Edward , from from 4 Bn. of this Regt. 14 Bn. Lond. R. I Norman Macljeod, Earl of Caithness, to be Capt. (temp.). (Gaz. 23 June) .. 22May Cadet John Calder Wood, from Lond. Univ. Contg., Sen. Div. O.T.C., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 23June) 24 June 6th Battalion, The Gordon Highlanders. TheSerjt. undermentioned James Wilson. to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 3 June.)I Corpl.Dated Alexander 4 June 15:— Norman MacQueen. Lt. L. S. P. Davidson to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 4 June) 30Apr. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz, 4 June.) Dated 30 Apr. 15:— J. S. Brander. T. A. Sellar. J. R. W. Gillan. W. J. C. Fleming. llMay 2nd Lt. R. W. Moodie to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 5 June) le.Tune Serjt. Alexander Strachan Archibald to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 15 June) D.Tune Capt.Pte. William J. Dawson Kemp to be Leggatt temp. fromMaj. Sco.(Gaz. Horse 19 June) Yeo., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 17 June) .. Uune The undermentioned to be temp. Capts. (Gaz. 19 June.) Dated 1 June 15:— Lt. E. B. Thomson. I 2nd Lt. G. Minty. 2nd Lt. G. Gray. I The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 19 June.) Dated 1 June 15: — A. K. Petrie Hay. I Y. W. Swaine. J. B. Turnbull. Donald MacDuff to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 28 Jane) 29.Tune 7th Battalion,Robert TheGordon Gordon Lindsay Highlanders. to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 12 June) ...... •• 15. Tune Corpl. Norman William Meldrum, from 4 Bn. of this Regt., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 22 June).. 16. T une Charles Herbert Knight to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 23 June) 18 June 4th Battalion, The Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders. 2June George Alfred Boswell to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 3 June) .. 4 June 2ndCharles Lt. N.Finlav G. Bremner McGillivray resigns to behis 2nd commn. Lt. (Gaz. (Gaz. 3 June)7 June) .. 8.1 une The announcement of transfer to the Terr. Force Res. of Lt.-Col. E. Campbell, which appeared in Lond. Gaz. of 8 Jan. 15, is cancelled, and the following is substituted : Lt.-Col. E. Campbell is placed on temp. h.p. list, on account of ill-health. (Gaz. 8.Tan. Co. Qr.-Mr.-SerR.9June) James.. MacKenzie,.. .. from 5.. Bn. Sco... Rif.,•• to 1 e 2nd•• Lt. (Gaz.lOJune)„ * * 11 June Donald Noble (late Cadet Corpl., Edinburgh Acad. Contg., Jun. Div. O.T.C.) to be 2nd Lt. do. (Gaz.lOJune) ...... •• ...... lOJnne Capt.Alan PercyE. Hugonin Marshall to be (late Adjt., Pte. vice Eton Capt. Coll. R. Rif. MacLean. Vols.) to (Gaz. be 2nd 15 It.June) (Gaz. 12 Jun e) 21 May Pte. Claude Courtney, from 28 Bn. Lond. R., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 15 June).. 16June Douglas Thwaite Milne to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 16 June) 14June Act. Serjt.- Maj. Frederick William Oakley to be Qr.-Mr., with the hon. rank of Lt. (Gaz. 13June Cadet John King, from the Leeds tfniv. Contg., Sen. Div. O.T.C., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. ISJune Donald17 June) Wishart .. to be 2nd Lt... (Gaz. 18 June).. 19 June James Smith to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 18 June) - ...... do. Lt.-Col. (Bt. Col., ret. pay) O. S. Smyth, D.S.O., from 4 Bn. Sea. Highrs., to be Lt.-Col. (temp.) (Gaz. 19 June) 20May The undermentioned Capts. to be temp. Majs. (Gaz. 19 June.) Dated 20 May 15 D. Ross, and to remain seed. | M. Mackenzie. TheI. undermentioned Mackay. (Gaz. Lts.19 June).. to be temp. ..Capts...... i8May C. Campbell. (Gaz. 19 June) ISJune J. MacPherson. (Gaz. 19 June) ...... do. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts.:— 12Apr. J.A. F.Sutherland. McLaren. (Gaz.(Gaz. 19 June) ...... ISMay F. E. Laughton. (Gaz. 19 June) .. ISJune A. Mackenzie. (Gaz.lOJune) do. 216 Promotions, Appointments, &c.

TBEEITOEIAL FORCE-contd. Ikfaktet—contd. 4th Battalion, The Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders-coratd. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. Norman Campbell. (Gaz. 22 June) Fte.Donald William Noble. Birnie (Gaz. Falconer, 22 June) from 4 Bn. Gord. Eights.'' (Gaz. 22 June)' 14JuneluJuuelS The undermentioned to be 2nd Dts. (Gaz. 28 June.) Dated 29 June 15 — 23Jnne Pte'9 BngHighaLT. Henderson’ | Pte ISd^r Duncan Menzies, Archibald Thomson Hendry. | .fr0m 14 Bn- Xj0nd- R- 5th Battalion, Princess Louise’s (Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders) t'n?T8 r w<\?h0n*1S

TERRITORIAL FORCE—ctmid, Ibtpantby—contd. 3rd Battalion, The Monmouthshire Regiment. Frederick White to he Qr.-Mr., with the hon. rank of Lt. (Gaz. 3 June) .. .. 4Jnnel5 John Cyril Thomas to he 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 12 June) .. 13June Richard Frederick Hill Baker Gahh to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 18 June) .. .. 19Apr. 2ndThe Lt.undermentioned R. F. H. B. Gabb to be to 2ndbe temp.Lts. (Gaz.Capt. 18(Gaz. June.) 18 June)Dated .. 19 Apr. 15 do. William Clifton Raymont. I John Trevelya/n Phillips. The undermentioned Lts. to be temp. Capts. (Gaz. 22 June.) Dated 14 May 15 A. G. Newman. | N. C. Batten. The Cambridgeshire Regiment. Percival Gordon Kirk to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 8 June) .. 8May Lce.-Corpl. Ivor Llewellyn Williams, from 1 Bn. Mon. R., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 9 June) .. lOJune Capt. E. 8. Peck to he temp. Maj. (Gaz. 11 June) .. 12,Tune The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 11 June.) Dated 22 May 15 H. A. R. Crookham. I A. I. Adam. R. C. Yerrinder. Pte. Reginald Charles John Mare, from City of Lond. Yeo., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 11 June) do. Hugh Donald Boyd to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 12 June) 13June The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 10 June.) Dated 11 June 15: - Arthur James Seaber Dick. Cadet Francis Clayton, from the Cambridge Univ. Contg., Sen.Div. O.T.C. Capt. A. V. Hill is seed, whilst empld. as Brig. Musk. Instr. to the Norf. and Suff. Inf. Brig. (Gaz. 17 June) Frank Sutherland Scruby (late Lt., Aldeciham Schl. Contg., Jnn! Div. O.T.C.) to be 2nd Uune Lt. (Gaz. 17 June) IP June 2nd Lt. F. 8. Scruby to he temp. Capt. (Gaz. 17 June) do. The undermentioned Lts. to be temp. Capts. A. B. Fletcher. (Gaz. 19 June) 16Mar. H. C. Few. (Gaz. 19 June) ...... “ 6Apr. A. A. Seaton. (Gaz. 19 June) 10 Apr. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be tamp. Lts. Sfr H. G. T. Butlin, Rf. (Gaz. 19 June) .. 16Mar. C. L. Corfleid. (Gaz.l9June) do. E. R. Wood. (Gaz. 19 June) 6Apr. E. H. Hopkinson. (Gaz. 19 June) lOApr. W. Shaw. (Gaz. 19 June) 6May K. C. Gill. (Gaz. 19 June) . do. Lt. F. C. Jonas to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 21 June) ...... 22May 2ndAlfred Lt. Gordon B. W. Rowe Wills to(late be temp.Cadet, Lt. Cambridge (Gaz. 21 Univ.June) Contg., .. Sen... Div... O.T.C.).. to be.. 2nd Lt... do. (Gaz. 22 June) 23June The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 24 June.) Dated 25 June 15 Cadet Allan Battersby Jameson, from Cambridge University Contg., Sen. Div O.T.C. Claude William Mawby (late Cadet, Cambridge University Contg., Sen. Div. O T.C ) Geoffrey Barker.

1st (CityCapt. of London) D. F. P.Wormald Battalion, Theis seed, London whilst Regiment doing duty (Royal as RailwayFusiliers). Staff Offr. Central Force. The(Gaz. appt. 2 ofJune) 2nd Lt. S... E. Smith.. bears.. date 21 Nov. ..14, and.. not as ..stated in Loud. Gaz. of 12May 9 Feh. 15. (Gaz. 2 June.) The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 3 .June) Dated 3 Jun. 15 Walter Ken rick Lister. | Arthur Venning Lister. James Alexander Marshall. (Gaz. 3 June) .. 4June George James Ludwig Menges. (Gaz. 3 June) do. Capt. E. V. Well by, from 4 Bn. Lond. R. to be Maj. (temp.) (Gaz. 4 June) 5 June Lce.-Corpl. Gerald Stanley Hill, from 4 Bn. Lond. R., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 7 June) S.Tune Lt. J. D. Crosthwaite to be Capt. (Gaz. 8 June) 32May The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts.

TERRITORIAL FORCE--<;o«£(I. I-NEANTOY—COiltd. 1st (City of London) Battalion, The London Regiment (Royal FusiliersJ-coaW. Th S?dedn™mnFi?thd t0 b6 2nd LtS’ (Gaz' 19 June-' Dated 20 15:- Pte.Lce.-Corpl. Harold Bernard Brace Tate, Campbell from 14Cook, Bn. fromLond. 28 R. Bn. Lond. R. Lt. H. B. Crowe relinquishcn his commn. (Gaz. 24 June) i5Sept.i4 ^G^fllX'^ 2(nGdaz.t24LJune.)Palk 13 9 Apr- 15’ and n0t as’ stated ^ Lond'. A.lfr!d Co aIson Stevens, from 5 Bn. Lond. R„ to be 2nd Lt (Gaz 24 Tunel 2nd T tfwliR^?dreW T Si;eur’ from 4 Bn- Lond. R„ to be 2nd Lt (Gaz 24 June) 25Junol5do. 2nd Lt. W. D. Vernon, from 4 Bn. Lond. R„ to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 28 June)' . .. 29June 2"d Dated 18 June 15 Jjangiey.I'anglev Oarleton George |I Serjt.from Percy 4 Bn. HastingsLond. R. Langley, Pte. John Bernard Pittman, from 14 Bn. Lond. R„ to be 2nd Lt (Gaz 22 Tone) (GaZ 22 June) 23 June Alec. James WhUt^e^nd LL ^z.Kne) ' , ^• '• do. 19.Tune '^VsXtel S^LMd^Ga^^is^May^is?11 (G^u!^ JunoJ e*;0n '8 " n°W deBCribed’ and not 8rd(ca h ^f^WG^rK «^ , Ttme) 4June M^. C?^.1 W^Taylor^frmn l^l'm^fiOndfRfj^o'be'Ltf-b^i! ("tenijf^iGuz.^Juiie^^j16^ i: do. Iheundermentioned Lts. to be temp. Capts. (Gaz. 8 June.) Dated 30 Apr. 15 SJune g! H. Edwards. | c.'L Page6™6' Banner Hermit" a Ifr®si®ns his commn. on account of ill-health. (Gaz. 8 June) 9.1 une PK> June) b t Alfred Ge01Ve Sorrell, from Home Cos. Divl. Eng., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. The und^mentioned to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 11 June.) Dated 12 June 16 11 June Corpl.rwVxi ??Horace0l!!, w-mWilliam ^Percy Carnegie£ ' to be 2nd Lt. Lt. (Gaz.(Gaz. 15 15 June) Jane).. . " do. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. do. Henry Escott Codrington Collins. (Gaz. 22 June) 21June Pte.Perciva! William Robert Stanley Henri. Thomas, (Gsz. 22from June) 5 Bn.. Lond. R. (Gaz. 22 June) do. 23June <0 2 "WswRwar***"' “- Y“"’ ^,Kfccramp ’ 27June va.,«, 4th (City of London) Battalion, The London Regiment (Royal Fusiliers) 29 June Gaz e) 4 June AlfredfeWe^^ Bath to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 10 June) ( - 3 June) . 20Apr. 0 b e em HJnne A.Coili n \tobctemp., \ P- U.Lt.-Col. (Gaz. (Gaz.12 June) 11 June) .. ..f. ;; 12,Tune A nt ) Ad: t 22 May 5'^Ld y IIm,® ?,?,t ' - (Gaz. 12 June) .. .. do. °y “®t ^ G Gilbertbert 0 toet beemp 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 12 Jnne) 13.1 one InHi T^^a'f L n J'U ,? , e r0m- Lt. 6Bn(Gaz.Lond 12 June)R t o be r do. Capt.Lt H.(Gaz J. T. lfjuDuncan-Teapenf) to: be temp. -Maj. '(Gaz.’ ’ 15 June) Q --Mr., with the hoi,."rank o do. 28Apr. ThesUnEdlfiroTtent28 l^r.^' t0 be temp-Capts- (Gaz.ISJnnei:- " H, W, Weatherbee. ?9 Apr, 15. J A L.' ^ong gMay l5? Pr’15 ’ Promotions, Appointments, &c. 219

TERKITOKIAI. FORCE—coitid. Infantry—contd. 4th (City of London) Battalion, The London Regiment (Royal Fusiliers)—corafd. The undermentioned 2nd be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 15 .Tune) J. R. Pyper. 28 Apr. 15. | Eric Giles, 30 Apr. 15, Thein undermentioned posting 2nd Lts. (temp. Lts.) relinquish the temp, rank of Lt. on alteration W. R. Collins. (Gaz. 17 Jane) ...... 8Mayl5 D.L. G.C. Rix.Cooke. (Gaz. (Gaz. 17 June)17 June) ...... 26Apr.5May TheCo. undermentioned Qr.-Mr.-Serjt. toCharles be 2nd Gaskin, Lts. (Gaz. from 17 2 June.)Bn. Lond. Dated R. 18 June 15 Co.Lce.-Corpl. Qr.-Mr.-Serjt. Richard John Kenneth Harvey Caparn, Wright. from 5 Bn. Lond. R. Gr.Pte. Bryan Vidor Frank Cecil LawsonDonaldson, Yeoman, from 18from Bn. 4 Lond. Loud. R.(Howitzer) Brig. R.F.A. Pte. Cecil Arthur Speyer, from Hon. Art. Co. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 17 June.) Dated 18 June 15 C. Gaskin. | J. H. Wright. Gr. Ernest William Monk, from 3 Lond. Brig., R.F.A., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 28 June) .. 29.Tune 5th (City of London) Battalion, The London Regiment (London Rifle Brigade). Frank rWilliamson to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz.3June) ...... 4Jone 2nd Lt. F. W illiamson to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 3 June) ...... do. Theare appts. cancelled. of the undermentioned(Gaz. 4 June) 2nd Lts., which appeared in ;Lond. Gaz. of 1 May 15, A. S. Wimble. | H. R. W. Gooding. 2ndIvor Lt.Reginald ti. E. S.Pogose Fursdon to be to 2nd be Lt. temp. (Gaz. Lt., 7 withJune) seniority .. below.. Lt... H. G. ..Vincent. .. 5June (Gaz.l2June) ...... siMar. Lt.Co. A.Serjt.-Maj. T. B. de CologanPeter Titley is restd. to be to 2nd the Lt. estabt. (Gaz. (Gaz. 16 June) 17 June) ...... l7Jnne30May 2nd Lt. (temp. Lt.) G. D. F. Keddie relinquisnes the temp, rank of Lt. on alteration in posting. (Gaz.17 June) ...... 29May The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 18 June.) Dated 8 May 15 Co.Corpl. Serjt.-Maj. Edwin Charles Sidney Wills.Martin Lines. I Serjt.Corpl. MauriceGeoffrey Wray.Greenwood . Serjt. Frank Dallas Charles. 6th (City of London) Battalion, The London Regiment (Rifles). Capt. and Adjt. F. G. Tucker to be temp. Maj. (Gaz. 2 June) ...... l3June The date of appt. of 2nd Lt. V. Simmonds is 26 Apr. 15, and not as stated in Lond. Gaz. Of 20 May 15. iGaz. 2June.) The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 2 June.) Dated. 3 June 15 Pte. Gilbert Cotton, from 28 Bn. Lond. R. I Pte. Reginald Job Heath Brown, Eric Douglas Stokes. from Inns of Court O.T.C. Ernest Clay to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 10 June) Uune 2nd Lt. E. Clay to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 10 June) do The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 17 June.) Dated 18 June 15 Pte. JohnHenry James Rowland Ball, Woodcock. from 5 Bn. Lond. R. |I GeofireyPte. Hubert William Charles Hammond. Glayzer. Capt. E. W. Hughes is seed, whilst empld. as Brig. Mach. Gun Offr. (Gaz. 19 June.) 17May The undermentioned Lts. to be Capts. G. W. Ashby. (Gaz. 19 June) do. F. L. Goord. (Gaz. 19 June) 18May The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. H. E. Eve. (Gaz. 22 June).. 4Api'. J. W. Wiskar. (Gaz. 22 June) 18May A. J. Sedgley. (Gaz. 22 June) do. Arthur Frederick Wood to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 22 June) .. .. 21 June The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 24 June.) Dated25,)unel5:— Serjt. Ernest Alfred Upcott. I Pte. Alfred Bernard Westcombe, Pte.Lond. John R.Norman Terry, from 28 Bn.. from 28 Bn. Lond. R. 2nd Lt. E. E. Worrall, from 12 Bn. R. Fus., tobe 2ndLt. (Gaz. 26 June) .. 27June 7th (City of London) Battalion, The London Regiment. Sapper Vlrgilius Patrick Hannon, from Lond. Big. Cos., R.E., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 3 June) 4June 2nd Lt. A. R. Wallis, from 5 Bn. N. Lau. R., to be 2nd Lt. (Uaz. 7 June) .. 8.T une Lt. L. E. Peppiatt to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 17 June) 17Apr. TheM. undermentioned W. Godson. Lts. to be temp. Capts. (Gaz.| 26 June.)B. F. Ayrton.Dated 23 Apr. 15:— 8th (City of London) Battalion, The London Regiment (Post Office Rifles). ThejindermentionedEdgar Penney. to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 10 June.) Dated 8 June 15:— Edgar Frere. Harold Ross Marsden. Harold Oswald Webb. Harry Selwood Hewett. 220 Promotions, Appointments, &c.

TERRITORIAL EOROE-conM. Infantry—contd. 8th (City of London) Battalioti, The London Regiment (Rost ©dice RiflesJ-oonfd. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 11 June) Dated 19th i- Pfe. Christopher Rahere Webb, from 28 Bn, Lend R. (GazT 11 June) 0 Pte. William Henry Randell Blacking, from 28 Bn. Lond. R. (Gaz. 1li June) Frankthe unAermentioned Hardwick to be Lts. 2nd to Capts.(Gaz. 15(Gaz. June) 10 June.) .. Dated 30 May 15 •—.lime), 16Junel5 ii. is. Jrowell* I t a Webster * 2nd Lt. H. Peel to be Lt. (Gaz. 16 June) .. .. . - 30 May TheVV. undermentioned rs. Kirkland. 2nd Lts. to be Lts. (Gaz. I 17 June.)rt Datedivr Ti 28 May 15•-' Capt. A. Maxwell to be Maj. (Gaz. 19 June) .. .. • M. B. Portman. 20June The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be Lts, (Gaz, 22 June):— G. N. Clarke. 23 Mar. 15. I A. S. Thomas. Btli (County of London) Battalion, The London Regiment (Queen— Victoria’s 25 Rifles) Mar. 15. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz3 June). Dated 3 mIv 15 — | I: ■ JuS"’ “• "a “* " i» Lona. xthstsrSna “• 3■■ 224 June May ,o - Uune tSiSmi ihTSJW’frt.s ffsat*- ^ •• **'“■ *« » i-» 13June Capt. R.'J- W.[i: WarrenGox to beto Adjt MaJ. , vice (Gaz. Capt. 17 L. June) H. Marten. (Gaz. 17 June) " 12 May The undermentioned to be temp. Capts. (Gaz. 17 June) •— 21 Apr. ( S 2l Apr 15 RwLt. H. Shepherd.k^!!a 21ol Apr.i 15.1\ - I| 2ndLt. J.Lt. M. G. Burchell. H. Woolley, 26 Apr.V.C. 15.27 Apr The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 17 June) J. C. Holms. 21 Apr. 15. I d P’orsvtb A nr R:H0Samp2s1otPr281Apr.l5. | W. Upward. 29 Apr. 15. Pte. Reginald Yorath Sanders to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 19 June) ThoW. undermentioned Goodmge. 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. | (Gaz. 22VV. June.) S. Stranack. Dated 28 Mav 15 •—' lotli (County of London) Battalion, The London Regiment (Hackney) Lt. A. E Packham, from 1 Bn. Lend. R„ to be Capt (temp.) '(Gaz. 4 June) Squadron;SerJt-Maj. Joseph Williain Steptoe, from 2nd Lovat’s Scouts Feo., to be Qr- Mr. with the hon. rank of Lt. (Gaz. 12 June) ^ iSJune Geoffrey Noel Holt to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 17 June) 4June TheLee.-Corpl. undermentioned James toMyles be 2nd Spankie, Lts. (Gaz. from 22 14 June.) Bn. Lond. Dated R. 23 June 15 •— Pte. Gwyn Joy, from 5 Bn. Lond. R. 11th (County of London) Battalion, The London Regiment (Finsbury Rifles) Lt. J. E. Heinig to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 1 June) 21Apr. 2nd Lt. J. A. Stanbrook to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 1 June) do. Pte. Francis Charlton Lawrence, from 28 Bn. Lond. R., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 7 June) 8June Sent. Ronald Douglas Hargrave, from 7 Bn. Lond. R., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 10 June) HJune Pte. Erie Edward Smart, from Hon. Art. «o„ to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 11 June) 12May Pte. Arthur Henry Searle, from 9 Bn. Lond. R., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 11 June) 12June The2? A^g *14PP(\}az ^June T W' Clark ls 5 Aug- 14’ and not as stated in Lond. Gaz. of The date of appt. as 2nd Lt. of H. H. A. Goldschmidt is 10 Apr. 15, and not as stated in Corpl.Lond. Arthur Gaz. Camilloof 6 May Soutten, 16. (Gaz. from 12 June.)28 Bn. Lond. R., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 12 June) The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 17 June.) Dated 5 June 15 •— T. H. C. Blaikie. | F. J F A HeileersS Capt.Wilfrid F. Scotter H. Garraway Owen tois seed,be Lt. as (temp.) Asst. Prov.-Marshal(Gaz. 19 June) . Hdqr.'Units'.’ (Gaz' 22 June) 22May 12th (County of London) Battalion, The London Regiment (The Rangers). 9May Capt.Regns. G. W. (Gaz.Monier-Williams 3 June) ...... is seed, under the conditions' of Para. 112, Terr Force Cadet Edward George Downing Liveing, from the Oxford Univ. Contg., Sen. Div.' O.T C' 14May to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 3 June) ...... ,, _ ’ 4,Tune The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 10 June) Rifln. Francis Cecil Howard, from 9 Bn. I Lond. R. 31 May 15. Richard Leonard Wood. 8 June 15. Wilfrid Grosvenor Parker. 1 June 15. Lionel Warren Hart. do. Lt. G. H. B. Brotchie to be Adjt. (Gaz. 12 June) 22 Apr. Serjt. William Charles Owen to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 19 Juue) .. 8 June Pte. Norman Philip De Saulles, from Inns of Court O.T.C., to be 2nd Lt.’ (Gaz. ”22 June) ISJune Promotions^ Appointments, &c 221

TERRITORIAL FORCE—contd. Imtantby—coraid. 13th (County of London) Princess Louise’s Kensington Battalion, The tendon Jtegihient. 2nd Lt. A. E. Watts to be temp. Lt. (Gaz.2June) .. l9May!5 Lt. A. E. Watts to be Adjt. (Gaz. 2Jane) do. Lt. C. N. C. Howard to be Capt. (Gaz. 8.Tune) 15May The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 8 June):— H.E. Holland. 1 May IS | E. G. Parton. 9 May 15. G. H Leigh. 2 May 15. W. A. Penn. 9 May 15. J. E. Lewin. 9 May 15. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts, (Gaz. 11 Jane.) Hated 1 June 15 C. T. Tate. E. R. Kisch. A.W. M.G. Rosevear.Mager. P. E. Leggett. Pte. John Hier Mason, from Princess Patricia’s L.I., Canadian Expy. Force, to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 17 June) ISJune 14th (County of London) Battalion, The London Regiment (London Scottish.) Serjt. Jamea Frederick Hay to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 2 June) .. 3June The reversion to 2nd Lt. of temp. Capt. H. L. Syer, which appeared in the Lond. Gaz. of 27th Apr. 15, is cancelled. (Gaz. 15 June.) Capt. G. C. K. Clowes to be temp. Maj. (Gaz. 15 June) 16 June TheLt. undermentioned H. A. H. Newington. to be temp. Capts. (Gaz, |15 June.)2nd Hated Lt. H. 16 L. June Grant. 15 : — The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 15 June.) Bated 16 June 15 C. C. Taylor. I. E. Snell. W. H. Anderson. N. L. Mackie. F. C. Walker. M. W. Tait. Maj. and Hon. Lt.-Col. R. W. L. Bunlop, C.I.E., is restd. to the estabt. (Gaz. 18 June) 30Apr. 15th (County of London) Battalion, The London Regiment (Prince of Wales’s Own Civil Service Rifles i. Bouglas Hugh Miall to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 4 June) .. 3June Frederick Thomas Bailey to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 4 Jnne) 5 June TheSerjt. undermentioned William Leslie to be Courts 2nd Lts. Rathbone. (Gaz. 5 June.)I HatedLee.-Corpl. 6 June 15:— Rowland Clarence Cheesman. Corpl. Paul Bavenport to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 10 June) llJuna Pte. Bonald Castle, from Hon. Art. Co. (Inf.), to bo 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 11 June) 12 June Pte. Cyil Arthur Berry Noel te be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 15 June) .. 16June Lt.. C. J. Bowen to be Adjt. (Gaz. 18 June) .. 31 May Capt. W. T. Kirkby to be temp. Maj. (Gaz. 19 June) .. .'. ” ” 17May Lt. T. L. Adamson to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 19 June) do. 2nd Lt. R. Middleton to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 19 June) do. Capt. E. A. Coles is seed, for service with 2 Lond. Bivl. Cyclist Co. (Gaz. 22 June) IMay Lt. A. W. Gaze to be Adjt., vice Capt. E. A. Coles. (Gaz. 22 June) do. 16th (County of London) Battalion, The London Regiment (Queen’s Westminster Rifles). The undermentioned Lts. to be temp. Capts. (Gaz. 9 June.) Bated 4 Mar. 15 :— S. G. L. Bradley. | W. M. Henderson-Scott. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 9 June.) Bat ed 7 Apr. 15 :— M. E. Trollope. | H. F. Mott. B. H. Hutchison. | H. F. Grizelle. The appt. as 2nd Lt. of C. M. Sclanders bears date 14 Jan. 15, and not as previously stated. (Gaz. 11 June). Pte. Frederick Horace Gearey, from Lond. Mtd. Brig. Fd. Amb. R.A.M.C., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 17 June) 18.1 une 17th (County of London) Battalion, The London Regiment (Poplar and StepnevRifles). The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 2 June.) Bated 3 June:— G. H. TathamPaton. I R. T. Badson. K. G. Groves. Lce.-Corpl. Louis Alfred Ekins, from 14 Bn. Lond. R., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 5 June) 6June Pte. Cyril Henry Underwood, from 28 Bn. Lond. R., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 7 June) 8June George Gregory Wise to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 7 June) .. HJune Lt. T. Medwin to be Adjt. (Gaz. 17 June) SJune 2nd Lt. A. Williams to be Lt. (Gaz. 17 June).. do. Corpl.Rupert Archibald Le Grice ElersEdwin (late Stubbs, Maj. from4 Bn. 16 S. Bn. istaff. Lond. R.), R„ to beto 2nd (temp.) Lt. (Gaz.' (Gaz. 18 June)19 June) .. 19June Lt.-Col. and Hon. Col. H. B. Hans-Hamilton, from the o err. Force Res. Gen. List, to be SJune Lt.-Col.. with pay and allowances of a Maj. (Gaz. 21 June) 2nd Lt. G. J. R. Elford to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 22 June) ...... , . 22.1une8.1 line The transfer from the Terr. Force Res. Gen. List of Lt.-Col. and Hon. Col. H. B. Hans Hamilton bears date 1 June 15, and not as previously stated. (Gaz, 28 June.) 222 Promotions, Appointments, &c.

TERRITORIAL FORCE -contd. Infantry—contd. 18th (Comity of London) Battalion, The London Regiment (London Irish Rifles). The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (Gais. 2 June.) Dated 3 June Pte. Henry Arthur Staples, from Inns of Court O.T.C. florpl. William Roscoe Strahan, from Inns of Court O.T.C. Pte. William Stephen Carruthers, from Inns of Court O.T.C. 2ndLce.-Serjt. Lt. E. N. Cuthbert Wanklyn Strover to be Williams,temp. Lt. from(Gaz. 21 4Bn. June) Lond. R., to be 2nd Lt.' fGaz 4 June) 22Mayl5 Pte. Sidney England Charlton, from Hon. Art Co., to be 2nd Lt. tGaz 5 June) 5 June Richard Edmund Anthony Mallet to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 7June) 6.1 une Pte Charles Edward Judd, from 28 Bn. Lond R., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz 11 June) 12.18June une Corpl. Percy Francis Fitzgerald Keane to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 16 June) .. 1 17J une The undermentioned Lts. to be Capts. (Gaz. 17 June) Dated 9 Mar. 15 S. J. Hutchinson. | B McM Mahon 2nd Lt. E. Steele to be Lt. (Gaz. 17 June) .. .. c u. Mahon. 25Apr. Capt.Serjt. J.Frank E. Payton Reginald to be Chapman Adjt. (Gaz. to be 22 2nd June) Lt. (Gaz. 19 June) Uune Pte. Stanley Macbeth, from Terr. Force Res. Gen. List, to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 22 June) 237 June 19th (County of London) Battalion, The London Regiment (St. Pancras) The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 3 June.) Dated 4 June 15 •— Pte. John Henry Fewings, from 15 Bn. Lond. R. Cadet Geoffrey Owen Pike, from Haileybury Coll. Contg., Jun. Div. O.T.C. Robert Eden Richardson to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 4 June) Pte. Mark Noble Buttanshaw, from 12 Bn. Lond R., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 4'junei ” 20May Allan Ramsay Ferrier to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 5 June) .. 6June Pte. Cyril Horace Hamilton Chichester Scott Harden, froiii W. Kent Yeo., to be 2nd Lt 6June (Gaz. 7 June) The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 8 June.) Dated 25 Mav 15 •— C. R. B. Playford. C. H. Fair ' C.W.Rickeard. C. S. Williamson. 5F. c.W. G Eames. Dartford. y.j. a.Bowering. A. Elgood. Lce.-Corpl. Dennis Clayton Gambell, from Suss. Yeo., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 12 June) ThePte. undermentioned George Henshell to be Sehonfleld, 2nd Lts. (Gaz.from 16R. June.) Glasgow Dated Yeo. 17 June 15 •— Harold Eustace Sawyer Smith. Staff.-Serjt. Louis Percy Linden, from A.S.C., Terr. Force. Theof announcement 16 June 15, is ofcancelled, the appt. and as 2ndthe Lt.following of L. P. substituted Linden, which :— appeared in Lond. Gaz Staff.-Serjt. Louis Percy Linden, from A.S.C. Terr. Force, to be Or .-Mr. with the hon.h r»n rankto of Lt.T P t(Gaz. dnrw 0023 June)..^ 1 ^ ’ 17June 20th (County of London) Battalion, The London Regiment (Biackheath and Woolwich) James Alfred Charles Hasslacher to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 2 June) 19Feb. Capt. W. M. Craddock to be Adjt. (Gaz. 4 June) 8Mar. Pte. George Primrose Weston to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 10 June) . HJune The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 15 June) F. W. L. Robertson. 1 June 15. | E. C. L. Robertson. 1 June 15. Pte. Leslie William Needham, from 28 Bn. Lond. R., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz 15 June) 19J une Cyril William Renton to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 22 June) .. SJune 21st (CountyThe undermentioned of London) Battalion. 2nd Lts. The to beLondon temp. Regiment Lts. (Gaz. (1st 4 Juno.)Surrey Rifles)Dated 5 June 15 •— H. E-A. Everest.Milton. | w. J. A. Underwood. Serjt. John Prior Exall, from 16 Bn. Lond. R., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 4 June) 2nd Lt. A. G. Macdonald to be Inst, of Musk. (Gaz. 16 Jund) 5.1 .me Capt. A. J. Walter to be Adjt. (Gaz. 18 June) 17June Gustav Lassen Mellin to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 23 June) .. " ‘‘ ’’ " 1017May June 22nd (County of London) Battalion, The London Regiment (The Queen’s). Lt- ^j ^ ^ay'vard is secd- under the conditions of Para. 112, Terr. Force Regns. (Gaz. l ( 16Dec.i4 Lt. R. F. Hayward to be temp Capt., and to remain seed. (Gaz 3 June)!! " \\ 20Mayl5 The date of appt. of Qr.-Mr. and Hon. Lt. W. Puttock is 10 Apr. 15, and not as stated In Lond. Gaz. of 28 May 15. (Gaz. 5 June.) Pte. Leslie Ernest Randall, from the Inns of Court O.T.C., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz 7 June) The undermentioned, 0 er 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz, 14 June) Dated 27 May 15 •— D.S S F.-5 Kelly.JT - I| A.C. H.P. Kingham.R. Grant. Lt. H. E. Green to be Capt. (Gaz. 17 June) .. 25 May 2nd Lt. E. F. Ambler to be Lt. (Gaz. 17 June) do. Pte. Douglas Ibbetson Brassey, from Hon. Art. Co., to be 2nd Lt. ’(Gaz. 19 June)!! !! 15 June Reginald Ratcliffe King to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 24 June) 11 June Promotions, Appointments, &c. 223

TERRITORIAL FORCE-coreid. IRFANTBY—COntd. 23rd (County ol London) Battalion, The London Regiment. Serjt.-Maj. Arthur Henry Alldridge to he Qr.-Mr. with the hon. rank of Lt. (Gaz. 4 June) SJunelS The undermentioned Lts. to he temp. Capts. (Gaz. 8 June.) Dated 13 May 15:— D. C. L. Ward, | A G. Pemberton. Pte. Leon de Barr Kelsey, from Inns of Court O.T.C., to he 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 10 June) .. 11 June Serjt.Pte. Reginald Edgar James Clarence Windows, Crew, from 16Cycl. Bn. Corps,Lond. 2R., Lond. to be Dlv., 2nd be(Gaz. 2nd Lt.16 June)(Gaz. .. 15 June).. ITJunedo. Lce.-Corpl.Pte. Edmund Edward Millar, Sydney from 14 Potter, Bn. Lond. from R., 16 be Lond. 2nd Lt.R.. to(Gaz. be 2nd 19 June) Lt. (Gaz. .. 17 June).. .. ISJune20June Pte. Cliflord Dudley, from Hon. Art. Co., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 22 June) ...... 23June 24th (County of London) Battalion, The London Regiment (The Queen’s). Capt. H. B. Dewsbury to be Ad]t., vice Capt. N. Marks. (Gaz. 4 June) The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 4 June) Dated 12 May 15 SJune A. B. Denham-Cookes. I A. Harrison. N. A. C. Cousins. James Hodges Drake to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 4 June) do. Capt. N. Marks to be temp. Maj. (Gaz.12.Tune) 13June Pte.Ernest Eric Daryll Terence Hine Hugh to be Warner, 2nd Lt. from (Gaz. 28 Bn.19 June) Lond. ..R., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 15 June) 16June The undermentioned Lts. to be temp. Capts. (Gaz. 24 June.) Dated l June 15 7 June TheC. Christian E. Rhodes. name of Capt. (Adjt.) Herbert B.I DewsburyA. G. is Cousins. as now stated, and not as announced in Lond. Gaz. of 4 June 15. (Gaz. 26 June.) 25th (County of London) Cyclist Battalion, The London Regiment. Act. SerJt.-MaJ. Thomas Herbert Harrison to bo 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 5 June) ...... 6June Corpl.Lt. N. FrederickC. Gillett toJuler be Capt. Doggett (Gaz. to be22 2ndJune) Lt. .. (Gaz. ..16 June)...... I7.1unelojune Pte. Thomas Joseph William Jones, from 28 Bn. Lond. R„ to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 22 June).. 23.Tune 2nd Lt. V. F. C. McC. Collins to be Lt. (Gaz. 26 June) ...... 7June 28th (County of London) Battalion, The London Regiment (Artists’ Rifles). 2nd Lt. A. .1. Child to be temp.Itt. (Gaz. 15 June) ...... 16,Tune Pte. William Lee Hankey tojbe 2nd Lt. (Gaz.28June) ...... 29June Inns of Court Officers Training Corps. Lt. H. E. Iremonger, R. W.Surr. R., is granted the temp, rank of Capt. in the Terr. Force whilst holding the appt. of Adjt. (Gaz. 11 June) ...... 20Mar. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be Lts. (Gaz. 18 June.) Dated 8 June 15 A. E. A. Duller. I E. C. K. Clarke. H. L. Geare. The appt. as Adjt. of Lt. H. E. Iremonger, R. W. Surr. R., bears date 26 May 15, and noi as previously stated. (Gaz. 22 June.) The Regiment. TheB. undermentioned .I. N. Gripper. 2nd(Gaz. Lts. SJune) to be temp,.. Lts...... IMar, (Gaz. SJune.) Dated 9 June 15:— H, J. Le Mare, I B. Milburn. P. L. Ransom. C. M. Down. R. G. Berwick. I P. Drayson. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 10 June): Reginald Brooks Pawle. 8 June 15. I Pte. Arthur Thomas Lantsbery Grear, John Warner Smith. 8 June 15. from Inns of Court O.T.C. 11 June 15. Pte. Erie Butler Smallwood, from Inns Hugh Lewis Pawle. 8 June 15. of Court O.T.C. 11 June 15. Pte. Henry Symons, from 2 Bn. Lond, R. 11 June 15. The undermentioned Lts. to be Capts. (Gaz. 11 June.) Dated 12 June 15 W.V. H.O. Palmer.Times. I G. E. Whitfield. Pte. Horace Frederick Fuller, from 12 Bn. Lond B., to be Qr.-Mr., with the hon. rank of Lt. (Gaz. 17 June) 2nd Lt. H. J. Gripper resigns his commn.'on account of ill-health. ,i !?W - * “P- CUP*- (Gaz. 11 June) 12June Joseph Edward Gripper to be 2nd Lt. ^Gaz. 26 June) .. ” 27 June ARMY SERVICE CORPS. 1st Mounted Division. The^ermentioned Lts. are seed. (Gaz. 1 June.) Dated 21 May 15 2nd Lt. S. cfcooper is seed. (Gaz. 1 June) .. 1 .. B'L; E-Burton. 2nd Mounted Divisional Supply Column. 21 May Tho^undermentioncd 2nd Lts. to be Lts. and remain seed (Gaz. 5 June.) Dated 6 June 15 E. I. Short. L- Hardmg. 2nd Lt. P. Hooper to be Lt. (Gaz. 5 June) .. 1st Mounted Division, Headquarters, Eastern Mounted Brigade 6June eantedated 24 ApnT ^Gaz^f JuneO^011 appeared ln Lorld. Gaz. of 6 May 15, is Headquarters, 1st Mounted Division. Headquarters, North Midland Mounted Brigade. ( apt. R. T. Cooper is seed, for service on the Staff. (Gaz. 5 June).. IMay Headquarters, 2nd South Midland Mounted Brigade 2nd Lt H. E. Hatt to be Lt. (Gaz. 5 June) . ' 28May 2nd Lt. R. M. Argles to be Lt. (Gaz. 26 June) ISJune Headquarters, Notts, and Derby. Mounted Brigade. Lt. C. E. Brown to be Capt. (Gaz. 5 June) .. 25May Headquarters, Scottish Horse Mounted Brigade. Lt. E. A. Hunter to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 5 June) .. 26Feb. Hamish Hood Forbes to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 16 June) .. 28Apr. Headquarters, PSouth Walesole Mounted Brigade. - D? ’ Dorn 2 Home Cos. Brig., R.F.A., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 16 June) 17June 2nd Lt. J. S. Allen to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 26 June) 25May Headquarters, 1st South Western Mounted Brigade. Lt. E. L. H. B. Harman to be Capt. (Gaz. 21 June) .. 14Apr. Headquarters, 2nd South Western Mounted Brigade. 2nd Lt. C. S. Whitfield to be Lt. (Gaz. 26 June) 27 June East Anglian Divisional Train. Headquarters Company. 2ri? S,- T- Phipps to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 3 June) .. 17May Lt2nd Lt.v W. D. Parker is)e seed. (Gaz. 3 June) .. ISMay :,l ; B-Fetlcy to t temp. Capt,. (Gaz. 3 June)" 17May 2n

TERRITORIAL FORCE-conta. Thb Abmy Sebvicb Gouts—contd. Highland Divisional Train. Capt. A. L. Mackay to be Adjt., vice Capt. D. Glass. (Gaz. 5June) .. 26Mayl5 Lt. W. Allan to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 5 June) ...... do. Robert Smith Aitchison to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 7 June) do. Alexander Taylor to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 11 June) 17May 2nd Lt. A. Taylor to be temp.Lt. (Gaz. ll June) do. John Dods to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 11 June) 24May 2nd Lt. J. Dods to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 11 June) do. Serjt. Charles Andrew Scott to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 26 June) .. .. " 27June Headquarters Company. Owen Keith Beattie to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 9 June) 31May Home Counties Divisional Train. No. Lt.1 (Headquarters) W. R. Bucknall Company. relinquishes his cominn. (Gaz. 9 June) >. 14May Hedley Percy Hovenden to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 26 June) .. .. 26 June No. 2 Company. The undermentioned 2nd Lts, to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 5 June.) Dated 6 June 15 G. H. Cautherley. | C. E. Penney. No. 8 Company. TheD. undermentioned L. Wallis. 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. | (Gaz. 5 k.June.) M. Thompson.Dated 24 May 15 East Lancashire Divisional Train. 2nd Lt. (temp. Lt.) R. Clark relinquishes the temp, rank of Lt. on alteration in posting (Gaz. 2 June) ...... __ 13Apr. 2nd Lt. J. C. Lyle to be temp. Lt. and Adjt. (Gaz. 2 June) .. .. , 5May 2nd Lt. C. E. Williams, from 6 Bn. Welsh R., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 26 June) 27.Tune No. The1 Company. undermentioned 2nd Lt. to be temp. Lt. W. O. Spafford. (Gaz. 2 June) 28A pr. No. 2 Company. . The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. P. Milbourne. (Gaz. 2 June) ...... 30Apr. P. Marsden. (Gaz. 2 June) .. .. ” " 3May No. 3 Company. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. W. A. Findlay. (Gaz. 2 June) ...... ,, IMay G. E. Worthington. (Gaz. 2 June) ...... ” " ” 2May No. 4 Company. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. C. H. Davies. (Gaz. 2 June) 29 Apr. A. Clarke. (Gaz. 2 June) ...... ,. ” ” 4May West Lancashire Divisional Train and Supply Column. The undermentioned are seed. (Gaz. 1 June.) Dated 21 May 15 Maj. J. T. Picton. 2nd Lt. K. Ellison. Capt. K. P. Taylor. 2nd Lt. T. S. Hampson. Lt. C. E. Gibbs. 2nd Lt. E. H. Pattinson. Lt. E. H. Williamson. 2nd Lt. J. F. Reid. Robert Marsh Leonard (late Trans. Offr. and Hon. Lt., 1 West Lan. Fd. Amb.) to be Lt. (Gaz. l June) 2 June Maj. J. H. S. Tee is seed. (Gaz. 15 June) .. 16.1 nne TheJ. undermentioned Lawrence. 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. | (Gaz. 15C. June) Milnes. Dated 23 May 15 •— 2nd LondonBayard Divisional E. T. Randall Train. (late Trans. Offr. and Hon. Lt., 4th Lond. Fd. Amb., R.A.M C ). to be Lt. (temp.) (Gaz. 1 June; 2.Tune TheWiUiam undermentioned George Handcock. to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 4 June.)| DatedJohn 25 Horatio Mar. 15 Thurston. William Hedley Jay (late Trans. Offr. and Hon. Lt., 6 Lond. Fd. Amb.) to be Lt. (temp.) (Gaz.sJune) ...... 9June Lt. W. H. Whittington to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 21 June) Uune 2nd Lt. J. D. Rogers to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 22 June) do. Lowland Divisional Train. James Thin to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 7 June) 29May Stuart Erskine Murray to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 7 June).. 8 June Lt. N. M. Sbirlaw to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 8 June) Uune Temporary 2nd Lt. H. M. Ash, from the A.S.C., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 8 June) " 9 June Robert Walker (late Lt., 1 Regt., Kitchener’s Fighting Scouts) to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 19 June) 2June 2nd Lt. R. Walker to be temp. Maj. (Gaz. 19 June) .. do. No. 3 Company, Lowland Divisional Train. 2nd Lt. D. M. Coley resigns his commn. (Gaz. 11 June) 12 June 226 Promotions, Appointments, &c

TEKRITORIAL FORCE-conM. The Abmy Sekvioe Coeps—coreid. Headquarters Company, North Midland Divisional Train. 2nd Lt. J. B. Webb to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 5June) .. 20Mar.l5 No. 4 Company. Staff-Serjt. George Simmons to be 2nd Lt. Gaz. 2 June) .. 3June North Midland Divisional Train. The appt. of Lt. S. R. Thornbery as Adjt. is antedated to 13 May 15. (Gaz. 16 June.) 2ndLt. G. S. Seaward, from 6 Bn. E. Surr. R., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 16 June 15) 17June South Midland Divisional Train. 2nd Lt. H. Green to be Lt. (Gaz. 3 June) 4 June TheT. undermentioned A. Trollope. 2nd Lts. to be Lts. (Gaz. | 6 June.) Datedf. Chamberlen' 1 May 15 — Staff Serjt.-Mai. Ernest Oliver Watts to be 2od Lt. (Gaz. 5 June) 6June ErnestSerjt. Charles Albert BramblebyLeslie Stiff, (latefrom Qr.-Mr. War. Yeo., and toHon. be 2ndLt., Lt. War. (Gaz. Yeo.) 16 toJune) be Lt.' (temp ) (Gaz 17June 21 June) 22.1 une Lt. E. A. Brambleby to be temp. Maj. (Gaz. 21 June) do. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be Lts. (Gaz. 26 June) Dated 27 June 15 •— J.•J- G. Tovey.Kandali. | Hon. W. J. French.' Northumbrian Divisional Train. No. Roland1 Company Wasteneys - Smith to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 9 June) 20 May Serjt. Alexander Kelly Robertson Baton to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 5 June) 6 June West Riding Divisional Train. Capt. M. J. G. Alderson, from Terr. Force Res., Gen. List, to be Capt (temp.) (Gaz. £ J11116) •• .. .. '' 2nd Lt. Hon. Eustace de Yarburgh Bateson, from 7 Bn. W. Rid. li'., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz’ do. 7June) The date of appt. of 2nd JA. C. Burnett is 18 Jan. 15, and not as announced in the Loud 16Dec.l4 Gaz. of 26 Apr. 15. (Gaz. 26 June.) Welsh Divisional Train. Stanley Perrins Willis to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 1 June) .. 21Mar,15 The following are seed. (Gaz. 1 June.) Dated 21 May If; — Maj. F. H. Norbury. I Lt. T. Marshall. Capt. H. G. James. 2nd Lt. S. P. ’Willis. Lt. W. F. Robertson-Reid. | 2nd Lt. E. Morris Capt. J. H. Gettins to be temp. Maj. (Gaz. 2 June) .. 26 Apr. The undermentioned Lts. to be temp. Capts. (Gaz. 2 June.) Dated 26 Apr 15 •— Frederick William Stevens. | John Wattleworth 2nd Lt. and Adjt. J. Lawford to be temp. Capt. and Adjt. (Gaz. 2 June) .. do. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be Lts. (Gaz. 2 June.) Dated 26 Apr. 15 S. H. Armitage. I G. L. Gately. GarfieldN. F. WarringtonDyke. to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 2 June)| W. E. Brock. William John Ackland (late Trans. Offr. and Hon. Lt. 3 Welsh Fd. A mb!, R.A M C ) to do. be Lt. (Gaz. 3 June) ...... ,, ' 4 June Maj. R. T. Hughes Is seed. (Gaz. 15 June) ...... 17May 2nd Lt. J. A. Pughe-Morgan, from 7 Bn. R.W. Fus., to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 16 June) 17.Tune The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. (Gaz. 26 June.) Dated 1 May 15 •— A. J. A. Riley. | J. H. Nott. ARMY MEDICAL SERVICES. Capt. W. J. Hoyten, M.D., from 1 E. Ang. Fd. Amb., to be Dep. Asst. Dir. of Med. Serv , S. Mid. (Res.) Div., with the temp, rank of Maj. (Gaz. 1 June) 13Mar. Lt.-Col.Med. F. Serv., E. Fremantle, E. Ang. Div.,M.R., viceF.R.C.S., Maj. fromE. C.Sanitary Freeman, Service, M.D.. to who be Dep.vacates Asst. the Dir appt. of (Gaz.SJone) Maj.W. C. Murray, M.B., from1 1 Low. Fd. Arab., to be Dep. Asst. Dir. of Med. Serv., Low 20May Maj.(Res.) E. C. Div.Freeman, (Gaz. M.D., 15 June Res... of Off.,...... from Dep. Asst. Dir. of Med. Serv., to be Asst 25May Dir. of Med. Servs., E. Ang. Div., with the rank of Col. (Gaz. 19 June) Lt.-Col. D. L. Hamilton, F.R.C.S. (Edin.), from 2 Home Cos. Fd. Amb., to lie Den. Asst’ 20Apr. Dir. of Med. Servs., Home Cos. Div. (Gaz. 22 June) 12May ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL CORPS. Highland Mounted Brigade Field Ambulance. The date of appt. of Trans. Offr. andHon. Lt. C. Riggall is 14 Apr. 15, and not as stated in Lond. Gaz. of 7 May 15. (Gaz. 2 June). William Hubert Milligan (late Cadet, University of Lond. Contg., Sen. Div. OTC) tobeLt. (Gaz. 26 June) .. 14June Lt. J. Bx-oadfoot, M.B., resigns his commn. on account of ill-health. (Gaz. 20 June) 24 May Promotions, Appointments, &c. 227 TBKRITORIAL FORCE—oonid. Rotal Abmt Medical Cobps—conM. Nortli Midland Mounted Brigrade Field Ambulance. b(GazHf^unr8 ^ Cade‘ SerJt., Cambridge Univ. Congt., Sen. Div. O.T.C.) to be Lt. 17Mayl5 Notts and Derby Mounted Brigade Field Ambulance. ¥ B t0 tem GuvWittnn Anifii.*;t0 bke VLt + b®, P> MaJ. (Gaz. 7 June) .. 4May . - (Gaz. 15 June).. 15 May 27June 2June

Y.0„ t0 b. 0>Bt. (0 ; - 5 June Q of Lt (Gaf. 23Ju?eT0ld War0’ 'Y™ ®' Ang' Pd; Amb-;i° ^-Mr./with hon. rank 1st Highland Field Ambulance. 23June 1-C hry ti t0 be pUR . ® « Bt- (Gaz. 12 June) .. . 21May HenryOapt. Begg,Howie, M.B.,, to beto temp.(Gaz. Mai. 28 June) (Gaz . 14 June)' ;; lApr. 3rd Highland Field Ambulance 29Apr. Ale e Re M (late Lt St Alexanderto be Lt Brown(Gaz Jamieson,? June)^^- .17.R., to be Lt. ’ '(Gaz.‘Andrews 7 June) Univ. Contg., Sen. Div. O.T.C.), SJune l,t. E. A. Bell resigns his commn. (Gaz. 19 June) .. do. 2nd Home Counties Field Ambulence. 20Apr. A A to be iu V temp. Lt.-Col. (Gaz 1 .Tune) i6May BeoiaRA^'ru^ir^e^f T7 & »'*« ^n. rank of Lt/ (Gaz! V June/ SJune :ird Home Counties Field Ambulance. 19May 1 Fra Cl s Williamw?!},) WalkerT?r , Molyneux Maxwell, to M.D.,be Lt. to ( Lt 1 June)(Gaz 5 June) 9 Mar. Michael Arthur Curry to be Lt. (Gaz 10 June). " " HMay 1st East Lancashire Field Ambulance. 28Apr. Lr. J-Bruce, .W.R., to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 8 June) fr m 2 Lan Fd Amb to b 16 Jan. rSfLt (Gaz.^June)^’ ° ’ ’ -' ® Qr.-Mr! with the lion/ 21May 8 * 228 Promotions, Appointments, &c.

TERRITORIAL FORCE—contd. Royal abmy Medical Corps—conid. 3rd East Lancashire Field Ambulance. Lt. K. W. Jones, M.D., to be Capt. and to remain seed. (Gaz. 5 June) 17Sept.T4 Wilfred Edwin Bothwell, M.B., to be Lt. (Gaz. 19 June) 26Apr.l5 1st West Lancashire Field Ambulance. Trans. Offr. and Hon. Lt. R. M. Leonard resigns his commn. (Gaz. 1 June) 2June 2nd West Lancashire Field Ambulance. Capt. W. L. Hawksley, M.B., to be temp. Maj. (Gaz. 1 June) UApr. Thieiens, M.R., to be Lt. (Gaz. 11 June) .. 28Apr. William Francis Young, M.B., to be Lt. (Gaz. 19 June) .. 9May 3rd West Lancashire Field Ambulance. Bertram Whewell Hogarth, M.B. (late Maj. 5 Bn. R. Lane. R.) to be Maj. (temp.) (Gaz. 12June) ...... 25May 1st London (City of London) Field Ambulance. Capt. T. S. Worboys, from Attd. to Units other than Med. Units, to be Capt. (temp.) (Gaz. 16 June) ...... -. .. .. 16Jnne Capt. D. S. Sutherland, M.H., from Attd. to Units other than Med. Units, to be Capt. (temp.) (Gaz. 15 June) ...... do. Thomas Ainsworth Townsend, to be Lt. (Gaz. 24 June.) ...... 25 June Lt. A. D. Griffith, Jf.H.,, to be Capt. (Gaz. 26 June.) 22 May 4th LondonTrans. Field OBr. Ambulance. and Hon. Lt. B. E. T. Randall resigns his commn. (Gaz. 1 June) .. .. 2June 5th London Field Ambulance. „ _ Lt.-Col. Edward Lloyd-Wllltams, from Terr. Force Res., to be Lt.-Col. (temp ) (Gaz. 5 June) ...... 23Dec.l4 Qr.-Mr.-Serjt. Robert William Monro, from Lond. Mtd. Brig. Fd. Amb., to be Qr.-Mr. with the hon. rank of Lt. (Gaz. 7 Junei SJunelS Capt. ,T. H. Dixon, M.D., to be temo. Maj. (Gaz. 14 June) .. 22 May Robert Waller Baron, M.B., to be Lt. (Gaz. 26 June) ...... 31 May 6th London Field Ambulance. Trans. OBr. and Hon. Lt. W. H. Jay resigns his commn. (Gaz. 8 June) 9June 1st LowlandAlexander Field GrahamAmbulance. Buchanan, M.B,, to be Lt. (Gaz. 7 June) 6May Serjt.-Maj. John Graham Hanson to be Qr.-Mr., with the hon. rank of Lt. (Gaz. 7 June) 4May William Ballantine Stewart, M.B., to be Lt. (Gaz. 26 June) SJune 3rd LowlandCapt. FieldJ. Young, Ambulance. M.B., F.B.C.S., to be temp. Maj. (Gaz. 1 June) IMay Cadetto beAlbert Trans. James OBr., Lanewith landsthe hon. Innes, rank from of Lt. Edinburgh (Gaz. 12 June) Univ. Contg., Sen. Div. O.T.C., 13.1line Neil Scott, M.B., F.R.C.S., to be Lt. (Gaz. 26 June.) 7 Jnne 3rd NorthLt. MidlandC. S. Lee Field is restd. Ambulance. to the estabt. (Gaz. 16 June) ...... 12 May Arthur Stanley Parsons to be Qr.-Mr., with the hon. rank of Lt. (Gaz. 24 June.) 13 May The appt. of Thomas Lovett, M.B., as Lt., which was announced in the Lond. Gaz. of 5 Mar. 15, is cancelled. (Gaz. 26 June.) 2nd SouthSidney Midland John FieldSapey Ambulance. Bowd to be Qr.-Mr. with the hon rank of„ Lt. , (Gaz. 19 June.) 1 June 1st Northumbrian Field Ambulance. „ „ 12.1 une EdwardSerjt.-Maj. Turton Robert (late Singleton Capt. 6 be E. Trans. York. Oflr.,R.) to with be Maj. the (temp.)hon. rank (Gaz.14 of Lt. June)(Gaz. 11 .. June) .. 15 June 2nd NorthumbrianChristopher F’ieldRogers, Ambulance. M.B., to be Lt. (Gaz. 18 June) ITMay Ma.j J. McD. Nicoll, M.B., to be temp. Lt.-Col. (Gaz. 26 June) 27June 3rd NorthumbrianJohn Gray (lateField Maj. Ambulance. 6 Bn, Durb. L. I.), to be Maj., , (temp.)„ , (Gaz. 22 June) .. 20Mar. Ernest Moore Grierson to be Qr.-Mr. with the hon. rank of Lt. (Gaz. 26 June) 17May 1st West Riding Field Ambulance. 16J une Charles Suffield Brown, iif.B., to be Lt. (Gaz. 15 June) 27 June Qr.-Mr.-Serjt.Thomas Ingham N. MillsHarrison to be to Lt. be Qr.-Mr.(Gaz. 26 with June) the ..hon. rank.. of ..Lt. (Gaz.■■ 26 June) 29May 2nd WestAlexander Riding FieldAnderson Ambulance. to be Lt. (Gaz. 15 June) 20May Alfred George Hebblethwaite to be Lt. (Gaz. 26 June) 6May Promotions, Appointments, &c. 229

TKRRITORIAL FORCE—contd. Royal Army Medical Coups—contd. 3rd West Riding Field Ambulance. William Sneddon, M.B., to be Lt. (Gaz. 15 June) ...... ,, .. 21Mayl5 1st WelshWilliam Field Isaac Ambulance. Thompson (late Co. Serit.-Maj. 10 (Serv.) Bn. S. Wales Bord.) to be Qr.- Mr. with the hon. rank of Lt. (Gaz. 8 June) ...... 22May Trans. Off. and Hon. Lt. C. B. Francis resigns his cominn. (Gaz. 24 June) .. .. 25June 2nd WelshLt. C.Field W. C.Ambulance. Myles, M.I?., to be Capt. (Gaz. 8 June)...... 21Apr. The following announcement Is substituted for that which appeared injthe Lond. Gaz. of 27 Jan. 15 Qr.-Mr.-Serjt. Frederick Howard Green to be Trans. Off. with the hon. rank of Lt. (Gaz. 26 June) ...... 28Jan. 3rd WelshTrans. Field Offr. Ambulance. and Hon. Lt. W. J. Ackland resigns his commn. (Gaz. 3 June) .. .. 4June Capt. C. L. Isaac from Attd. to Units other than Medical Units, to be Capt. (temp.) (Gaz. 26 June) ...... 24Apr. 2nd WessexJohn FieldWalter Ambulance. Slaughter, ret. Fleet Surg., R.N., to be Maj. (temp.) (Gaz. 26 June.) .. 27 June 1st Eastern General Hospital. Henry Samuel Crichton Starkey to be Capt., whose services will be available on mobilization. (Gaz. 7 June) ...... 8.1une 2nd Eastern General Hospital. Ernest Fryer Ballard, M.Ji., to be Lt. (Gaz. 18 June) ...... 3June 2nd London General Hospital. Capt. M. Horne, Jif.R., is seed. (Gaz. 15 June) ...... 14June 2nd London (City of London) General Hospital. Maj. C. J. Symonds, M.D., F.R.C.S., is seed, whilst holding a temp, commn. in the R.A.M.C. (Gaz. 17 June) ...... Uune Capt. C. A. Ballance, M.V.O., M.B., F.H.C.S., is seed, whilst holding a temp, commn. in Ashleythe R.A.M.C.Skefflngton (Gaz. Daly, 17 toJune) be Capt.,.. whose.. services.. will.. be available.. on mobilisation.. .. isMay (Gaz. 24 June) ...... 25June Lt.Capt. K. F.B. J. Clarke, Smith, from theF.R.C./S., 1 N. Mid. to beFd. Maj. Amb., (Gaz. to be 26 Lt. June.) (Gaz. 26 June)...... 27.TuneUune 3rd London General Hospital. The date of appt. of Qr.-Mr. and Hon. Lt. T. D. Cameron is 6 May 15, and not as stated in Lond. Gaz. of 21 May 15. (Gaz. 8 June.) Lionel Beale Clarke to be Lt. (Gaz. 24 June) ...... 26May Vincent Zachary Cope to be Capt., whose services will be available on mobilisatiou. Reginald(Gaz. 26Smith June) (late .. Capt... 4 Bn. ..S. Lan. R.,.. to be Capt.,.. whose.. services.. will.. be available.. .. Uune on mobilisation. (Gaz. 26 June) ...... 26June 4th London General Hospital. EdwardMaj. W. A.Beilis Turner, Clayton Jf.jD., to is .be restd. Capt., to the whose estabt. services (Gaz. will 1 June) be available.. on.. mobilization... .. 6May (Gaz. 7 June) ...... sJune Capt. T. C. English, M.B., F.R.C.S., is seed, for service with the Expeditionary Force. George(Gaz. John 16 June).. Jenkins, ..M.B., F.R.C.S.,.. .. to be.. Capt.,.. whose .. services .. will available.. on.. isJune mobilisation. (Gaz. 24 June) ...... 25June 1st Northern General Hospital. William Stott, JI.JS., to be Lt. (Gaz. 1 June) ...... 14Mav William Arthur Slater, M.B. (late Cadet Durh. Univ. Contg., Sen. Dry. O.T.C.), to be Lt. (Gaz. 15 June) ...... > ...... Uune James Ackworth Menzies, M.D., to be Lt. (Gaz. 16 June) ...... 2oMay Thomas Smirk Fercival Parkinson, M.B., to be Lt. (Gaz. 24 June) ...... 7.1une 2nd Northern General Hospital. John Kay Jamieson, M.B., to be Maj. (temp.) on the permanent personnel. (Gaz. 7 June) 13May The undermentioned to be Capts. whose services will be.available on mobilization. (Gaz. 7 June.) Dated 10 May 15:— Alfred Herbert Horsfall, D.8.0., M.B. I Matthew John Stewart, M.H. Harold Dobson(late Maj. Pickles, Australian M.B. Med.(late Corps).Cadet, Leeds| Univ.Herbert Contg., James Senr. Macvean, Div. O.T.C.), M.B. to be JamesLt. Blacklay(Gaz. 7 June) Lockerbie, . M.B., F.R.C.S. ..Edin., be Capt., whose services.. .. will be.. sJune available on mobilization. (Gaz. 11 June) ...... ,, ,, 15May 230 Promotions, Appointments, <£c.

TERRITORIAL FORCE—contd. Royal Abmy Medical Corps—coniM. 2nd Northern General Hospital—coretd. Ma'l(GazAL6CJune?nd’ M'B'' F-R-c-s-'is S0C<1- for service with the Expeditionary Force. TheGaz. date of of 7appt June of 15. Lt. (Gaz.H. D. 27 Pickles,June.) M.B., is 18 May 16, and not as stated in Lond. The undermentioned to be Capts. whose services will he available on mobilisation-— William Maxwell Munby,Jf.TJ.,(Gaz. 26 June.) F.Jl.C.S. Dated | 17 MavWilliam 15:— Gough, M.B., F.B.C.S. 3rd Northern General Hospital. The undermentioned to be Lts. (Gaz. 24 June.) Dated 25 June GordonTheodore Fowler Allen, Stones, Jf.R. M.B. I| William.If.B., WilfredF.It.C.S. Nicholas (Edin.) King, 4th Northern General Hospital. Copl. F. E. Withers is seed, for service with the Expeditionary Force. (Gaz. 16 June) 25May 5th Northern General Hospital. The undermentioned to be Capts., whose services will be available on mobilization. (Gaz. 1 June.) Dated 7 May 15 HenryEyerard Mason, Harrison. M.D. M.B. | Neville Ivens Spriggs, M.B., F.R.C.S. Alfred Ernest Payne, M.B., to be Capt., whose services will be available on mobilization. (Gaz. 5 June) 12May 1st ScottishClifford General Thiselton Hospital. Bell, M.B., to be Capt., whose services will be available on mobiliza- tion. (Gaz. 15 June) Robert Richards, M.B., to be Capt., whose services will be available on mobilization 21May (Gaz. 15 June) 29 May 3rd Scottish General Hospital. David Watson, M.B., to be Capt., whose services will be available on mobilization. (Gaz 12 June) ...... , 20May 1st SouthernRalph GeneralFitzJames Hospital. Sawyer to be Qr.-Mr. with the hon. rank of Lt. (Gaz. 1 June) Frederick William Ellis, M.D., F.R.C.S.. to be Lt.-Col. (temp.), whose services will be available on mobilization. (Gaz. 3 June) . .... 27Apr. ThomasJohn Barron Wilson, to be M.D.. Qr.-Mr. F.R.C.S.. with theto be hon. Capt., rank whose of Lt. services (Gaz. 3will June) be available on mobiliza- do. tion. 'Gaz. 15 June) William Kirkpatrick, M.D.. to be Maj., whose services will be available on mobilisation Uune The ( 19of June) appt. of Qr.-Mr. and Hon. Lt. R. FitzJ.’Sawyer,'is 15 May 15,"and not do. as stated m the Lond. Gaz. of 1 June 15. (Gaz. 22 June.) Albert Frederick Walters, to be Qr.-Mr. with the hon. rank of Lt. (Gaz. 24 June ) do. t Aubrey Radford, ilf.B., to be Lt. (Gaz. 26 June.) do. 2nd Southern General Hospital. Capt. E. W. H. Groves, M.D., F.R.C.S., is seed, for service with the Expeditionary Force (Gaz. 16 June) Capt. J. M. Fortescue-Brickdale, M.D., is seed, for service with the Expeditionary Force 14 May (Gaz. 16 June) ...... _ 29May 3rd Southern General Hospital. Capt. A. G. Kewley, from 1 N.Mid. Fld.Amb., to be Capt., whose services will be available on mobilisation. (Gaz. 19 June) .. 20,Tune Capt. E. W. S. Rowland is seed, for duty at Reading War Hospital." (Gaz’. 26 June) !! 27June 4th Southern Genera] Hospital. Francis Edward Price, F.R.C.S. Edin., to be Capt., whose services will be available on mobilization. (Gaz. 15 June) .. .. Thomas Mitchell Jamieson to he Capt. whose services will be available on mobilisation 22Apr. (Gaz. 24 June.) 4June 5th Southern General Hospital. WilliamCapt. J. H.Young P. Fraser, oodburn Jif.iB., tois beseed. Capt. (Gaz. whos'e 12 June)services will lie available on mobilisation 21May (Gaz. 26 Jnue) 27June 1st WesternWalter General Charles Hospital. Oram, M.D., to be Capt., whose services will lie available on mobilization. (Gaz. l June) 19Apr. Charles Philip Brentnall to be Lt. (Gaz. 1 June) lApr. Maj.Leslie J. Oldershaw M. Beattie, to he Lt.from (Gaz. 3 Northera 1 June) Gen... Hosp.,.. to be” Mai. “(Gaz." 5" June)** " ’* TOApr. Edgar Stevenson, M.B., to be Capt., whose services will be available on mobilization. 6. fun (Gaz. 8 June) Ernest Edwin Sparrow to be Qr.-Mr. with the hon.'rank of Lt. (temp.) '(Gaz. 8 .Tune) V. 2Mar, rhomas Porter McMurray, M.B., to be Capt., whose services will be available on 22May mobilization. (Gaz. 11 June) .. 3Feb. Promotions, Appointments, &c 231

TERRITORIAL FORCE— Royal Abmy Medical Cobir— L’nd Western General Hospital. FB C S! to be Ca )t ^Kiaz^^lunef" ’ ' ‘ ’' l -’ whose services will be available on mobilization. 20Apr.l5 Judson Sykes Biiry, i ‘b. Gate Maj. in'this Unit), to be Maj! (Gai.'sJune) 21Apr. ^°TGaz n Line) "^ R'C S" to be CaPt.,whose services will be available on mobilization! EdwardAlbert Williams to be Lt. (Gaz. 11 jime) iMay Frank Chadwick, M.B., to be Lt. (Gaz. 19 June) do. 3rd Western General Hospital. Gilbert Innes Strachan, M.D., to be Lt. (Gaz.S.Tune) 20May SanitaryCapt. Service. A C. Farquharson, M.D., from Attached to Units other than Medical Units, to be Sanitary Offr., No . Cumbrian (Res.) Div. (Gaz. 19 June) 2Apr. 1st London (City of London! Sanitary Company. Vincent Philip Norman (Lt. Ind. Med. Serv.) to be Lt. (Gaz. 3 June) 5Apr. WaLor Donald Crmithers, iH.R., to be Lt. •'Gaz. 28 June) .. 1 June 2nd London Sanitary Comoany. The date of appt of Lt. O. H. Peters, M.B., is 15 Apr 15, and not as stated in Lend. Gaz of 6 May 15. (Linz. 2 June.) James Ma.r, Jf.P., to be Lt. (Gaz. 15 Juno) ...... 24May Alfred Carl on Williams to be Lt. (Gaz. 15 June) .. 25 May East Anglian Divisi’onal Sanitary Section. Walter Francis Coi-licld, M.D. (late Capt. 2nd Lond. Sanitary Co.), to be Capt. (Gaz. 20Jnne North Midland Divisional Sanitary Section. Adam White J7./.‘.. to be Lt. (Gaz. 26 June) 2May West Riding Divisional Sanitary Section. Capt. C. B. M . s-Blundeil, *7.0., from list of Sanitary Offs, available on mobilization, to be capt Gaz. l June) .. .. 2June Welsh Divisional !■ anitary Section. Capt. R. P nudfoot, .17.0., from Sanitary Ser., to be Capt. (Gaz.!2l June),, 22 June East Anglian Casualty Clearing Station. The anm uncement of the appr,. of R. V. Slattery as Lt., which appeared in Lond. Gaz of 21 May 15, is cancelled. (Gaz. 12 June.) Maj. J. H. Dauber, M.l!., Z(’.R.C.S.,to be Lt.-Col. (Gaz. 19 June) .. 11 May Lt. F. W. Lewis (late Surg. Capt., S.Afr.Constab.), to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 21 June) 31 Mar. Highland Ca1 ualty Clearing Station. John innes, J/.R. (lato ( apt. 2 High. Fd. Amb.), to be Capt. (temp.) (Gaz. 1 June); 7 May James McLean Macfarlsne, l/.D., to be Lt. (Gaz. 15 June) 26Apr. Serit. William Charles to be Gr.-Mr. with the hon. rank of Lt. (Gaz 18 June) " 6 May John Alexander Innes, J/.7?., to be Lt. (Gaz.28Juae) " " . 3 June John Dow, Jf.R., to bo T,t. (Gaz.26June) .. .. .! ” " ll.Tnne West Lancashire Casualty Clearing Station. Cnd(Gazh19 Tmio1?0^^ Homerve11’from Unlv- of Lond. Contg., Sen. Div. O.T.C.,tobe Lt 1st London Casualty Clearing Station. 27June Et. A. HM-’emberton, horn Attached to‘ifnits"other than Med!'Units, to be Lt'.' (Gaz. m 2nd London Casualty Clearing Station. 25 June Andrew Tynan Swan, M.B., to be Lt. (Gaz. 15 June) Northumbrian Casualty Clearing Station. 17May Maj. W. A. Wetwan to be temp. Lt.-Col. (Gaz. 1 June) 12May Welsh Casualty Clearing Station. Maj. C. R. White, M.B., from 2 Welsh Fd. Amh., to be Lt.-Col. (temp.) (Gaz. 15 June) Capt. P. J. McGinn, from 1 Welsh Fd. Amb., to be Capt. (Gaz. 15 June) .. .. 29Apr. The undermentioned to be Lts. (Gaz. 15 June.) Dated 29 Apr. 15 — do. Lt.Et. J.O. J.Nyhan, E. Biggs, from from Attached Attached to Units to Units other other than than Med. Med. Units Units. John Anderson, M.Ii 2S2 Promotions, Appointments, dbc

TEEBXTOKIAL FORCE-oonfd. Royal Army Medical Corps—co»

TERRITORIAL FORCE—cokM. UNATTACHED LIST FOR THE TERRITORIAL FORCE. 2nd Lt. D. C. Thomas, Chigwell Set. Contgt, .Tun.Div. O.T.C., ceases to hold a commn. in Cadetthe Samuel Terr. Force. Ralph (Gaz.Christopher I June) St. George Johnston, St. Colum'ha’s Coil. Contgt., Jun. 2Junel5 Div. O.T.C., to he 2nd Lt., lor service with the Contgt. (Gaz. 1 June) .. do. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. for service with the Denstone Coll. Contgt .Jun. Div O.T.C. (Gaz. l June.) Dated25Apr.l5:— Cadet Serjt. Bernard Webb. | Cadet Serjt. William Edward Hayward. Robert Kerr (late Cadet Serjt. Edinburgh Univ. Contg., Sen. Div. O.T.C.), to be 2nd Lt for service with the inf. unit of that Contgt. (Gaz. 2 June) ...... ] 14May The undermentioned to be 2od Lts. (temp.), for service with Glasgow High Sch. Contg., William Douglas. (Gaz. 2 June) lApr. Kenneth McIntosh (late Cadet Serjt. of this Contgt.) (Gaz. 2 June) do. Herbertfor service Edward with Adams that Contg.(late Capt. (Gaz. Dulwich 3 June) Coll. Contgt.,.. .Tun... Div... O.T.C.. ) to ,.be Cant., Harold Davis Littler to be 2nd Lt., for service with L’pool Coll. Contg., Jun. Div O T.c" ISMay Joshua(Gaz. Davies 3*lune) to be 2nd Lt. (temp.), for service with Forest Sch Contg., Jun. Div." 28Apr. (Gaz. 4 June) Cadet Serjt. Edward Charles Edgar, Manchester Univ. Contg., Sen. Div ! O T c’ to be HApr. Cadet2nd Corpl. Lt., for William service Evelyn with that Wylie, Contg. Dublin (Gaz. Univ. 7 June) Contg., Sen. Div. O.T.C., to be 2nd Lt S.Iune GeorgeforservicewiththeA.S.C. Hamilton to be 2nd Lt. Unit(temp.), of that for serviceContg. with(Gaz.SJune) George Heriot’s Sch. Coiitg , Jun. 9.1 une CadrtDiv.O.T.C. Lce.-Corp. (Gaz. John 11 Andrew June) Hardle, from Edinburgh Univ. Contg., Sen. Div O T d’ 12J une to be 2nd Lt. (temp.) for service with George Heriot’s Sch. Contg.. Jun. Div. O.T C William(Gaz. Henry 11 June) Nicholls, Jun. (late Cadet, Berkhamsted Sch. Contg., Jun. Div. 6!t.C., to do. be 2nd Lt., for service with Hertford Grammar Sch. Contg , Jun. Div. 6 T.C Cadet(Gaz.l2June) William Blair Morton, Belfast Univ. Contg., Sen. Div., O.T.C., to lie 2nd Lt.(temn’) 13 June , supern. to the estabt., for service with the inf. unit of that Contg. (Gaz. 17 June) Cadet Corpl. Alan Stewart Patten. R. Agricultural Coll. Contg., Sen.. Div.“ O.T.C., to be ISJune 2nd Lt. (temp.), for service with that Contg. (Gaz. 22 June) 23June do. for service with that Contg. (Gaz. 22 June) do. Cadet Co. Serjt.-Maj. Donald Diederick Schwarck, Birmingham Univ. Contg., Sen Div.. nit O.T.C., to be 2nd Lt. for service with that Contg. (Gaz. 23 June) .. ’ 24June OFFICERS TRAINING CORPS. Bristol University Contingent, Senior Division. Lt. J. W. McBain to be Capt. (temp.), and to comd. the Contg. (Gaz. 24 June) .. IMay Cambridge University Contingent, Senior Division. 2nd Lt. E. O. Vulliamy to be temp. Lt. (Gaz. 22 June) .. 23June Dublin University Contingent, Senior Division. Lt. E. H. Alton to be Capt. (temn.) (Gaz. 23 June) .. .. Uune Leeds University Contingent, Senior Division. Lt. (temp.) W. H. Perkins to be local Capt. (Gaz. 22 June) .. .. 9June TheA. undermentioned E. Woodhead. 2nd Lts. to be local Lts. | (Gaz. 22 r.June) J. h. DatedF. Watherston. 9 June 15 University of London Contingent, Senior Division. Lt. A. C. G. Egerton to be Capt. (temp.) (Gaz. 21 June) ...... 31May Aldenham School Contingent, Junior Division. 2nd Lt. G. C. F. Mead to be Lt. (temp.) (Gaz. 12 June) .. do. Denstone College Contingent, Junior Division. 2nd Lt. J. L. Smith to be Lt. (temp.) (Gaz. 1 June) .. 25Apr. Eton College Contingent, Junior Division. 2nd Lt. F. G. Mirtteld, from the King’s School (Canterbury) Contg., .Tun. Div., O.T.C , to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 22nd June) ...... ' _ _ ’ .. 23 June Felsted School Contingent, Junior Division. Lt. R. P. Medley to be Capt. (Gaz. 28 June).. .. 29June George Heriot’s School Contingent, Junior Division, 2nd Lt. (temp.) G. Hamilton is granted the local rank of Lt. (Gaz. 11 June) ... 12June King’s School (Bruton) Contingent, Junior Division. 2nd Lt. G. C. Dover to be Lt. (Gaz. 12 June) .. 13.) une 234 Promotions, Appointments, Ac,

TERRITORIAL FORCE—co/iW. Officers Training Cosps-contd. Oakham School Contingent, Junior Division. Maj. F. R. S. Cosens, 4 Bn. Devon R.,‘ceases to serve with the Contg. (Gaz. 24 Juno) Liverpool College Contingent, Junior Division. 25Junel5 Temp. 2nd Lt. R. W. Wright to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 17 June) .. Marlborough College Contingent, Junior Division. 8J»n. LL-Col. (Gaz. 8 June) Lt. l.C. G. SandfprdtobeCapt. (temp.) (Gaz.sJnne) .. " ” " 28May St. Edward s School Contingent, Junior Division. do. 2nd Lt. F. Barnes to be Lt. (temp.) (Gaz. 7 June) .. St. Paul’s School Contingent, Junior Division 27Apr. 2nd Lt. J. A. Carpenter to be Lt. (temp.) (Gaz.11 June) 11 May Sir Roger Manwood’s School Contingent, Junior Division 2nd Lt. A. C. Johnson to be Lt. (temp.) ,Gaz. 1 June) 2.1 une Wilson’s School Contingent, Junior Division. Temp. 2nd Lt. T. H. Knight to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 22 June) 3Nov.’4 TERRITORIAL FORCE RESERVE. Yeomanry. Capt. P. A. Mackenzie-Ashton resigns his commn. (Gaz. 7 June) .. 8Jnnel5 Lt.-Col. G. B. Wmeh, from R. E. Kent Yeo., to be Lt.-Col. (Gaz. 9 June) .. ” 10June Royal Garrison Artillery. Capt. C. F. Green, from Tynemouth R.G.A., to be Capt. (Gaz. 24 June) 25.T une Royal Engineers. Lt. .1. A. Brawn, from 2 Fd. Co. N. Mid. Divl. Eng., to be Lt. (Gaz. is June) 17June Infantry. *; Y,' H0anI' rTOUJ A Bll; Essex R.. to be Lt.-Col. (Gaz. 2 Jmml .. 3Jnne Maj. W. A.■ Mackie,l from 7 Bn. Essex R„ to be Maj. (Gaz. 2 June) 23May (Gazd4?S£e)MaJ'Fre - anc. James, from l S. Western Mtd. Brig. Fd. Amb., to be GOl1 TT 5 -TI ^KayW0- d (Iate AsSt* r kD1 °f Lt.f Med(Gaz, lServs June) S Mld Div ) do. 2i June ) ° ' '- ° - '’ - - - to be Col. (Gaz. 22June General List. TheGaz.e26 Apr'lS ' °(Gazll'luueL) Hepworth is 22 Mar- 15- instead of as stated in Loud. The undermentioned to be Lts.: - Ca< 6 Xand0r Reginald Pole from Ulliv of Lond Div?OTc' ^G^z 2 Jime) ’ ' - Contg., Sen. lOiMav Sen: Dlv 0VT C 1 do. Fr^der^k'oi^^Jd^Iis^m^^^fa^i^Line)'^Frederick William Harding to be Lt. (Ga'z. 2 June) ' - ' ««'“• *'"«> "• 14 May l

S Pte.Her beri 16 Sep, : '''‘GazIVLj^'lo:1 ^z.'g^nue^133011 ‘S 15 Nov‘ 14’and not as ^ated in Lond. TheD. undermentioned P. Dixon. (Gaz. 2nd 9 June)Lts. to be Lts •— E. Greenacre. (Gaz. 9 June) 3May H. Sanderson. (Gaz. 9 June) do. W.A. Pitt. (Gaz. 9 June) .. do. T. L. Villiers. (Gaz. 9 June) lOMay J. Jenkins. Gaz. 9 June) 28May Anderson 19 May L.t ■ S-£,Y. Wakefield.■ (Gaz.- (Gaz. 9 June) 9 June)' Uune The undermentioned to be Lts. do. JohnSilvester Dickman Pullin. Grubb. (Gaz. (Gaz.9 June) 9 June) .. 23Apr. ,f'h”mas Eahdle Starkey (late Capt. Nott.'Yeo. '(Gaz. 9 June) "' 19May a P <(jaz 1 2lMay Frederickrhom s Malcolm William Webster Glover. (late(Gaz. Lt. 9 June4 (Voi.) - Bn L’pool R (Gaz ' June) Pte. Francis Smalley Dockray. (Gaz. 9 June) 29Maydo. lOJune Majl'lJunI)' M0rl6y’ 4 Ees- Eegt- of Cav., to be Maj., Adj't., and Qr.-Mr. (Gaz. n :e t0 )e d t an r 20Nov.l4 Sfrfr'/'w'p"C PT'»’ r !tobe ^ Jtem- d Q --Mr- (Gaz. 11 June) '.'. 12Junels rnliii'c,^; 'i ’ P- CapC (Gaz. n June; 20May Charles Stanley Haughton to be Lt. (Gaz. 11 June) 19May Arthur Richard Vemple to oe Lt. (Gaz. 11 June) " " 22May JaniesEdward Fletcher Ackroyd Riddell to be Lt. to be(Gaz. 2nd 14Lt. June) (Gaz. 11 June')’ • • 30Apr. re eUe W b Lt Uune «^ wn,P T ^ 2. - (Gaz. 14 June) .'.' 28May Serjt.n Lt Williamr Daniel8 Lewis resi Roberts,ns his from 4 Bn. R.W. Fus to he T.t tm'.,.. . 16 June The undermentioned‘ ' tog be 2nd commn. Lts. •— on account of’ill-healtli. (Gaz. 14 June) ” do. 11 5 15 JamesJanies^ichartBlafr! Brand Tavlor. 19 il^lal Mar is if5' ' I' John Seymour Eyton.Hankin8 20 QApr.n- 2SApr is. - Henry Frederick Ball. 19 Mar i s Walter Gerald Orriss. 20 Mar. IS. ArthurFrederick William Williamson. Fagan. 2322 Mar. Mar is.'is I1 Serju.Devon Fleetwood R. is JuneMay, 15.from 7 Bn. 236 Promotions, Appointments, &c.

TERRITORIAL FORCE—oontd. Territorial Force Reserve—cen

TERRITORIAL FORCE—oontd. Tereitorial Forcb Reserve—con^^. General List—oorM. The, following announcement is substituted for those which appeared in Lond. Gazs. of the 19 May 15 and 11 June 15: — William Cnnlifle Pickersgill Jay to be Capt. (Gaz. 22 Juno) .. .. IMaylS The date of appt. of Maj. W. H. MacGeorgo is 4 May 15, and not as stated in Lond. Gaz. of 15 June 15. (Gaz. 22 June J The following announcement is substituted for that which appeared in Lond. Gaz. of 27 Apr. 15, under the heading of Durham R.G. A. (Gaz. 24 June) William Saunders to be Lt. ,...... „ 13Apr. TheLt. undermentioned A. E. Spender. to(Gaz. be Capts.:— 26 June) 2nd Lt. H. M. Farrington. (Gaz. 26 June) ...... Uunedo. Lt. E. C. Cooper-Brown. (Gaz. 26 June) ...... 27June Lt. A. W. Dickson. (Gaz. 26 June) .. : ...... do. Lt. A. H. Vaughan-Williams. (Gaz. 26 June) ...... do. The date of appt. of Lt. A. R. Pole is 16 Apr. ) >, and uot as stated iu Lond. Gaz. of 1 June 16. (Gaz. 26 June.) The date of appt. of Lt. J. E. Brown is 21 May 15, and not as stated in Lond. Gaz. of 29 May 15. (Gaz. 26 June.) William Whately Fennell to be Lt. (Gaz. 28 June)’...... 4.1une The undermentioned to be 2nd Lts. (Gaz. 28 June.) Dated 2 June 15 William Percy Ward (late Capt., Devon j Arthur Sherman Everett. 29Junel5 Impl. Yeo.). James Craig. 29 June 15. William Frederick Greenwell. MEMORANDUM. The appts. or promns. of Offrs. which have been announced in Lond. Gaz. since 5 Aug. 14, consequent upon the expansion of the Terr. Force, are to be temp, in all cases, except appts. in the lowest rank and appts. or promns. made to iill vacancies on the permanent estabt. (Gaz. 24 June.) VOLUNTEER CORPS. 1st North Riding of Yorkshire Royal Garrison Artillery (Volunteers). Hon. Col. Rt. Hon. Lawrence, Marquis of Zetland, K.T., whose resignation was announced in Lond. Gaz. of 2 Apr. 09, is granted permission to retain his rank and to wear the prescribed uniform. (Gaz. 10 June.) 238 Promotions, Appointments, &c.

ORDER OF THE GARTER. {Extract from the London Gazette, dated %rd June, 1915.) CENTRAL CHANCEKY OF THE ORDERS OF KNIGHTHOOD. St. James's Palace, KW., T’ho Vr^r/i v, „ v. . 0 H Ma est June, 1915. ofappoint Khartoum, Ffeld MbrslialK.P., O C?!^Right B OM ^Honoiirable^it^THG t ^ nt ™ °h Herbert,i? J y’sEarl Birthday, Kitchener to Most Noble Order of the GartOT." °-c-M^-eO.C.l.E.,to be a Knight of the


{Extract from the London Gazette, dated 3rd June, 1915.) ***** War Office, ^ the MaJErquwry't1ogthe1kingF-a’ ^^"Kh/g^GeTgt^Xn^ancers, Indian Army, MaRreg!mentXnerayisYaeff,wnaarnOffl0c1e0nel R- E' H' James’ Lo^‘' North Lancashire ^"^djut^nt-tleneraf for^Mcibil/zation^Wa.^Om’ee^' Frlth’ Eoya‘ Assistant Captain C. F. Aspinall, Royal Munste?FusmeTs^c'enwal Staff, War Office.

PROMOTIONS FOR SERVICE IN THE FIELD. {Extract from the London Gazette, dated 1st June, 1915.) War Office, REGULAR FORCES. Isf June, 1915. ^b^or'^i^itf^in'um^E^id1:^* and Non'Commissi°T,fid Off!oers to be Second Lieutenants Koyal Regiment of artillery. Royal Horse and Royal Field Artillery. Battery Serjeant-Major Thomas William Prevett. Dated 8th May, 1915. Infantry. The Royal Irish Regiment. Corporal Louis Murphy, from Royal Flying Corps. Dated 12th May, 1915 The Royal Scots Fusiliers. Acting Serjeant-Major George William Webster. Dated 29th April, 1915. The Cheshire Regiment. COnDaated l^M6^I"''SSrjea'11 ArthUr Blackab^ The Bedfordshire Regiment. iMie York and Lancaster Regiment. Company Serjeant-Major George Philip Munson Datpd 28th Anrii 101* C"TO fseXnri^0r Preder,Ck Light infantry. Promotions, Appointments, &c. 239

Promotions for Service in the Vim,v—confd. Corps of Royal Engineers. Serjeant R. Sephton, from Motor Cyclist Section, Indian Cavalry Corps, to be temporary Lieutenant for service in the Field. Dated 6th May, 1916. Private(Artists’Rifles), J. L. M. Moore, to be from temporary 28th (County Second of Lieutenant London) Battalion, for service The in Londonthe Field. Regiment Dated 12th May, 1915. The undermentioned to be temporary Second Lieutenants for service in the Field Infantry. The Duke of Edinburgh’s (Wiltshire Regiment). Dated 11th February, 1915. Private Edward Townley Peel, from Honourable Artillery Company. Private John Hugh Vaudrey Barker-Mill, from Honourable Artillery Company General List. Corporal Alfred Ellison, from Corps of Royal Engineers. Dated 11th May, 1915. Corporal R. R. Newstead, from 10th (Scottish) Battalion, The King’s (Liverpool Regiment). Dated 14th May, 1915. {Extract from, the London Gazette, dated Wb June, 1915.) War Office,bth June, 1915. REGULAR FORCES. The undermentioned Warrant and Non-Commissioned Officers to be Second Lieutenants for service in the Field Royal Regiment of Artillery. Royal Horse and Royal Field Artillery. Saddler-Corporal Luckey Lockwood. Dated 12th May. 1915. Battery Serjeant-Major John James Armitage. Dated 19th May, 1915. Royal Garrison Artillery. Serjeant Robert George Coiquhoun. Dated 15th May, 1915. Infantry. The Border Regiment. Acting Serjeant-Major John Beckett. Dated 15th May, 1915. Company Serjeant-Major Charles Henry Davis (since killed in action). Company Serjeant-Major George William Nathaniel Rowsell. The King’s Own (Yorkshire Light Infantry). Lance-Serjeant Henry Overrill Tomkins, from Coldstream Guards. Dated 16th May, 1915. The York and Lancaster Regiment. Quartermaster-Serjeant Charles Richard Atkinson. Dated 16th May, 1915. The Highland Light Infantry. Company Serjeant-Major William JohnDated McBeath,16th May, 1915.from The Cameronians (Scottish ActingRifles). Company Serjeant-Major Alexander Hutton, from The Cameronians (Scottish Rifles). .The King’s Royal Rifle Corps. Lance-Serjeantin the Field. ThomasDated 16thHenry May, Spanton 1915. to be temporary for service General List. Corporal Herbert William Sewell, from Honourable Artillery Company, to be temporary Lieutenant for service in the Field. Dated 14th May, 1915, {Extract from, the London Gazette, dated 227id June, 1915.) ****** War Office, 22nd June, 1915. REGULAR FORCES. The undermentioned Warrant and Non-Commissioned Officers to be Second Lieutenants for service in the Field Royal Regiment of Artillery. Royal Horse and Royal Field Artillery. Dated 26th May, 1915. ActingCorporal Bombardier Henry Eaton. Richard Henry Percy Hayward. Battery Quartermaster-Serjeant JamesDated Bourne. 27th May, 1915. 240 Promotions, Appointments, &c.

Promotions for Service in the Field—cojiM. Royal Regiment of Artillery—cokm. Royal Garrison Artillery. Battery Quartermaster-Serjeant Frederick Wallace Smith. Dated 25th May, 1915. Infantry. The Northumberland Fusiliers. Lance-Serjeant Benjamin Grew, from Scots Guards. Dated 29th May 1915. The Norfolk Regiment. The Cheshire Regiment. ACtDated mhMaSye,riM5nt'Maj0r HUgh MacIaren Paton’ ^om The Manchester Regiment. The Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers. _ „ ®®r^eant''Maj°r,Taines Fredrick Plankett, from The^Royal Irish Regiment. Dated 23 May, 1915 The GordonCorporal Highlanders. George Wallace Nelson. Dated 24th May, 1915. The Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders. Quartermaster-Serjeant William Lincoln Douglas Gibson. Dated 21 May 1915 The Royal Irish Rifles. Serjeant J. M. McIntosh. Dated 27th May, 1915.

(Extract from the London Gazette, dated 29£/t Jmie, 1915.)

War Office, REGULAR FORCES. 29th June, 1915. Thefo?8wWceenin°the Krf-t ^ Non-Commlssioned Officers to be Second Lieutenants Royal Regiment of Artillery. Royal Horse and Royal Field Aritllery. BatterySerjeant-Major Serjeant-Major Thomas WilliamWilkins. James Dated Count. 30th May,Dated 1915.. 31st May, 1915. , . Dated 8th June, 1915. Battery Qaartermaster-SerjeantSerjeant-Major Lionel Gordon Harry Bonner.Abrahams Hibbert. SerjeantBattery Serjeant-Major Arthur Edward George James HaroldWright. Smith. Serjeant Edward Carter. Infantry. The Cheshire Regiment. Serjeant John Roseigh, from Coldstream Guards. Dated 29th May, 1915. The Prince of Wales’s Leinster Regiment (Royal Canadians). Serjeant-Major Patrick Shaw. Dated 6th June, 1915. Corps of Royal Engineers. Te^euateLSDL0nDater7&Ma9?5elPhin’ fr°m G6neral Li8t’ fc° be temPorary Second General List. The undermentioned to be temporary Lieutenants :— 1 r r f om I c aI TemporaryTeJ?nnrB^'«?^’^ Second TlLieutenant’ 5 ? R.U J.l Cavalry Woodcock. Corps Dated Signal 6th Company. June, 1915. Dated 3rd J une, 1915

SPECIAL RESERVE OF OFFICERS. Reserve Units. Corps of Royal Engineers. Motor Cyclist Section. C irporal Harold James Banyard to be temporary Second Lieutenant. Dated 7th June, ms. ****** Promotions, Appointments, &c 241

REWARDS FOR SERVICE IN THE FIELD. . (Extract from the London Gazette, dated 23rd, June, 1915.) ****** War Office, 23rd June, 1915. His CrossMajesty to the Kingundermentioned has been graciously Officers, pleasedNon-commissioned to approve of Officers the grant and of Man the Victoriafor most conspicuous bravery and devotion to duty Lieutenant-Colonel Charles Hotham Montagu Doufirhty-Wylie, C.B., C.M.O., Headquarters Staff, Mediterranean Expeditionary Force. Captain Garth Neville Walford, Brigade Major, Royal Artillery, Mediterranean Expeditionary Force. On 26th April, 1915, subsequent to a landing having been effected on the beach at a point on the Gallipoli Peninsula, during which both Brigadier-General and Brigade Major had been killed, Lieutenant-Colonel Doughty-Wylieand Captain Walford organized and led an attack through and on both sides of Thethe villageenemy’s of positionSedd-el-Bahr was very on stronglythe Old ('aheld lie and at entrenched,the top of the and hill defended inland. with concealed machine-guns and poms-poms. It was mainly due to the initiative, skill and great gallantry of these two Officers that the attack was a complete success. Both were killed in the moment of victory. Captain Francis Alexander Caron Scrimger, Canadian Army Medical Service, Medical Officer, 14th Battalion, Royal Montreal Regiment. On the afternoon of 25th April, 1915, in the neighbourhood of Ypres, when in beingcharge heavilyof an advanced shelled dressinghy the enemy,station inhe some directed farm underbuildings, heavy which fire werethe removal of the wounded, and he himself carried a severely wounded Officer out of a stable in search of a place of greater safety. When he was unable alone to carry this Officer further, he remained with him underfire till help could be obtained. During the very heavy fighting between 22nd and 25th April, Captain Scrimger amongdisplayed the continuouslywounded at the day front. and night the greatest devotion to his duty Lieutenant Gaorge Rowland Patrick Roupell, 1st Battalion, The East Surrey Regiment. For most conspicuous, mn an gallantry and devotion to duty on April 20th, 1915, when Hill 60, ;pwhichj dingwas subjecteda company to aof most his severebattalion bombardment in a front throughout trench on the day. Though wounded in several places, he remained at his post and led his company in repelling a strong German assault. During a lull in inthe returning bombardment to his he trench,had his whichwounds was hurriedly again beingdressed, subjected and then to insisted severe bombardment.weakened, lie wentTowards back toevening, his battalion his headquarters,company being represented dangerously the situation to his Commanding Officer, and brought up reinforcements, thesepassing reinforcements backwards and he forwards held his overposition ground throughout swept by the heavy night, fire. and Withuntil his battalion was relieved next morning. This young Officer was one of the few survivors of his company, and showed a magnificent example of courage, devotion and tenacity, which un doubtedly inspired his men to hold out till the end. No. 1539 Colour-Serjeant Frederick William Hall, 8th Canadian Battalion. On 24th April. 1915, in the neighbourhood of Yprea, when a wounded man who was lying some 15 yards from the trench called for help, Company Serjeant- Major Hall endeavoured to reach him in the face of a very heavy enfilade tire which was being poured in by the enemy. The first attempt failed, toand give a Non-commissioned assistance were bothOfficer wounded. and private Company soldier whoSerjeant-Major were attempting Hall then made a second most gallant attempt, and was in the act of lifting up the wounded man to bring him in when he fell mortally wounded in the 242 Promotions, Appointments, &c.

Rewards fob Service in the FiEin—contd. Victoria Gross-conM. No. 9539 Lance-Serjeant Douglas Walter Belcher, l-5th (City of London) Battalion, The London Regiment (London Rifle Brigade). On the early morning of 13th May, 1915, when in charge of a portion of an advanced breastwork south of the Wieltje-St. Julien Road during a very fierce and continuous bombardmeut by the enemy, which frequently blew in the breastwork, Lanee-Serjeant Belcher with a mere handful of men elected to remain and endeavour ro hold his position after the troops near him had been withdrawn. By his skill and great gallantry he maintained his position during the day, opening rapid fire on the enemy, who were only 150 to 200 yards distant, whenever he saw them collecting for an attack. There is little doubt that the bold front shown by Lance-Serjeant Belcher prevented the enemy breaking through on the Wielije Road, and averted an attack on the flank of one of our divisions. No. On24066 23rd Lance-Corporal April, 1915, in Frederickthe neighbourhood Fisher, 13th of CanadianSt. .Tulien, Battalion. lie went forward with the machine gun, of which he was in charge, under heavy Are, and most gallantly assisted in covering the retreat of a battery, losing four men of his gun team. Later, after obtaining four more men, he went forward again to the firing line and was himself killed while bringing his machine gun into action under very heavy Are, in order to cover the advance of supports. No. 2052 Private William Mariner, 2nd Battalion, The King’s Royal Rifle Corps. During a violent thunderstorm on the night of 22nd May, 1915, he left his trench near Cambrin, and crept out through the German wire entanglements till he reached the emplacement of a German machine gun which had been damaging our parapets and hindering our working parties. After climbing on the top of the German parapet he threw a bomb in under the runningroof of theaway. gun Afteremplacement about a quarterand heard of an some hour groaning he heard and some the of enemy them coming back again, and climbed up on the other side of the emplacement and threw another bomb among them left-handed. He then lay still while the Germans opened a heavy fire on the wire entanglement behind him, ownand ittrench. was only after about an hour that he was able to crawl back to his Before starting out he had requested a serjeant to open Are on the enemy’s trenches as soon as he had thrown his bombs. Rifleman Mariner was out alone for one and a half hours carrying out this gallant work. ****** (Extract from London Gazette dated June 1915,) ****** War Office, 29th June, 1916. His Majesty the Kins has been graciously pleased to approve the grant of the Victoria Cross to the undermentioned Officers, Non-commissioned Officers and Men Lieutenant John George Smyth, 15th Ludhiana Sikhs, Indian Army. For most conspicuous bravery near Richebourg L’Avoue on 18th May, 1915. With a bombing party of 10 men, who voluntarily undertook this duty, he overconveyed exceptionally a supply ofdangerous 96 bombs ground,to vdthin after 20 yards the ofattempts the enemy’s of two position other parties bad failed. , . . Lieutenant Smyth succeeded in taking the bombs to the desired position with the aid of two of his men (the other eight having been killed or wounded), and to effect his purpose he had to swim a stream, being exposed the whole time to howitzer, shrapnel, machine gun and rifle Are. Jemadar Mir Dart, 55 Coke’s Rifles (Frontier Force), attached 57th Wilde’s Rifles (Frontier Force). ermost conspicuous bravery and great ability at Ypres on 26th April, 1915, when he led his platoon with great gallantry during the attack, and Officersafterwards were collected left) and variouskept them parties under of histhe command regiment until (when the noretirement British was ordered. emadar Mir Cast subsequently on this day displayed remarkable courage in helping to carry eight British and Indian Officers into safety, while exposed to very heavy fire. No. 7709 Lance-Corporal William Angus, 8th (Lanark) [Battalion, The Highland Light Infantry (Territorial) Force). For most conspicuous bravery and devotion to duty at Givenchy on the 12th June, 1915, in voluntarily leaving his trench under very heavy bomb and rifle Are, and rescuing a wounded Officer who was lying within a few yards of the enemy’s position. ^ Lance-Corporal Angus had no chance whatever in escaping the enemy s fire when lundertaking this very gallant action, apd in effecting the rescue he sustained about 40 wounds from bombs, some of them being very serious. Promotions, Appointments, cfec. 243

Rewards for Service in the Field—cowid. Victoria Cross—c

Rewards for Service in the Field—coraM. . {Extract from the London Gazette, dated 23rd June, 1915.) ****** CENTRAL CHANCERY OF THE ORDERS OF KNIGHTHOOD. Lord Chamberlain’s Office, St. James’s Palace, S.W. 23rrt June, 1915. Theorders King forhas the been following graciously promotions pleased, onin, theand occasion appointments of His Majesty’sto, the Most Birthday, Honourable to give Order of the Bath, for services rendered in connection with Military Operations in the Field. The promotions and appointments to date from the 3rd inst. To beCross, an Additional of the said Member Most Honourable of the Military Order Division of the First Class, or Knights Grand General Sir Douglas Haig, K.C.B., K.C.I.E., K.C.V.O., A.D.C.-General, Colonel 17th (Duke of Cambridge's Own) Lancers. To bemanders Additional of the Members said Most of Honourablethe Military OrderDivision of the Second Class, or Knights Com- Major-General Edward Ritchie Coryton Graham, C.B., Colonel, The Cheshire Regiment. Malor-General Thomas Lethbridge Napier Moriand, C.B., D.S.O. Major-General Thomas D’Oyly Snow, C.B. Major-General Francis , C.B. Major-General (temporary Lieutenant-General) Henry Hughes Wilson, C.B., D.S.O. Major-General Henry Fuller Maitland Wilson, C.B. To bethe Additional said Most MembersHonourable of the Order:— Military Division of the Third Class, or Companions, of Colonel (temporary Major-General) Richard Wapshare, Indian Army. Colonel (temporary Brigadier-General) Frederick William George Wadeson, Indian Army. Colonel (temporary(temporary Brigadier-General)Brigadier-General) ArthurClaud William Edward Jacob, Aveling Indian Holland, Army. M'V.O., D.S.O. Colonel (temporary Brigadier-General) AlfredRicardo Stokes, Dartnel D.S.O. Petrie. Lieuten-mt-ColonelColonel (temporary Brigadier-General)and Brevet Colonel Harry Edmund Neptune Howard Sargent, Gorges, D.S O.D.S.O., Com- mandant West African Regiment. Colonel Owen Cadogan Wolley-Dod, D.S.O. Colonel (temporary Brigadier-General) Alexander Stanhope Cobbe, t3.(£., D.S.O., A.D.C., Indian Army. Colonel (temporary Brigadier-General) Frederic James Heyworth, D.S.O. Colonel (temporary(temporary Brigadier-General) ArthurSherwood Lynden Dlghton Lynden-Bell, Browne. C.M.G. Colonel Sinclair Westcott, C.M.G., Army Medical Service. Colonel (temporary Brigadier-General) Robert St. Clair Lecky. Colonel Robert James Geddes, D.S.O., M.B., Army Medical Service. Colonel (temporary Brigadier-General) Robert Wanless-O’Gowan. Colonel Sydney Henry Powell. Colonel Lochinvar Alexander Charles Gordon. Colonel (temporary Brigadier-General) Arlington Augustus Chichester, D.S.O. Colonel (temnorary Brigadier-General) William Arthur Robinson. Colonel Henry Joseph Everett. Colenel (temporary Brigadier-General) Evan Eyare Carter, C.M.G., M.V.O. Colonel Maurice Percy Cue Holt, D.S.O. Colonel James Meek, M.D., Army Medical Service. Colonel Thomas Heron, Retired Pay, Army Ordnance Department. Colonel (temporary Brigadier-General) Samuel Henry Winter, Retired Pay. Colonel William Travers Swan. M.B., Army Medical Service. Brevet Colonel George Richard Tyrell Bundle, Retired Pay, Royal Artillery. Colonel Howard Carr, M.D., Army Medical Service. Colonel (temporary Brigadier-General) Edward Feetham. ColonelLieutenant-Colonel Samuel Guise Laurence Moores, George Army MedicalFrank Gordon Service. D.S.O., Royal Artillery. Lieutenant-Colonel Vincent Alexander Ormsby, Indian Army. Lieutenant-Colonel James McCall Maxwell, Royal Artillery. Lieutenant-Colonel Richard Philipps Lee, Royal Engineers Lieutenant-Colonel (temporary Brigadier-General) George de Symons Barrow, Indian Army. Promotions, Appointments, &c. 245

Kewabds fob Sebvice in the Field— Obdeb of the Bath—ooraid. Lieutenant-Colonel (tempoary Brigadier-General) .lohn Henry Twiss, Royal Engineers. Lieutenant-Colonel Charles Stewart Prichard, D.S.O., The Northamptonshire Lieutenant-ColonelRegiment. (temporary Brigadier-General) Harold Arthur Lewis Tagart, D.S.0,15th Hussars. Lieutenant-Colonel Robert William Hawthorn Ronaldson, The Highland Light Infantry. Lieutenant Colonel Frederick Maurice Wilson, Army Service Corps. Lieutenant Colonel George Tompler Widdicombe. Indian Army. Lieutenant-Colonel Frederick Annesley Dudgeon, The Prince of Wales’s Volunteers (South Lancashire Regiment). Lieutenant-ColonelRegimeirt). Richard Fowler-Butler, The Royal Fusiliers (City of London Lieutenant-Colonel Wilfred William Ogilvy Beveridge, D.S.O., M.B., Royal Army Medical Corps. Lieutenant-Colonel (temporary Colonel) William Price, Director of Army Postal Services, Royal Engineers, Special Reserve. Lieutenant-Colonel Percy de Sausmarez Burnev, Retired Pay, Royal Artillery. Lieutenant Colonel Henry Allan Roughton May, The London Regiment (Artists’ Lieutenant-ColonelRifles (Territorial (temporary Force). Colonel) Sir Wilmot Parker Herrlngham, M.D., Army Medical Service (Territorial Force). Temporary Colonel Sir Almroth Edward Wright, M.D., F.R.C.S.I., F.R.S., Army Medical Service. Temporary Colonel Frederic Francois Burghard, M.D., F.R.C.S., Army Medlca Service (Territorial Force).

CANADIAN FORCES.Colonel (temporary Brigadier-General) Arthur William Currie, 2nd Canadian Infantry Brigade, Colonel (temporary Brigadier-General) Malcolm Smith Mercer, 3rd Canadian Infantry Brigade. Colonel (temporary Brigadier-General) Richard Ernest William Turner, Lieutenant-ColonelD.S.O., 1st Canadian (temporary infantry Brigade.Brigadier-General) Henry Edward Burstall, Divisional Artillery, 1st Canadian Division. Lieutenant-Colonel and temporary Colonel Gilbert Lafayette Foster, Canadian Army Medical Corps.

NEW ZEALANDColonel FORCES. EdwardWalter Clervaux Chaytor, New Zealand Stafl Corps, Mediterranean Expeditionary Force (Staff).

AUSTRALIAN FORCES. Lieutenant-Colonel Neville Reginald Howse, 39.CL, Mediterranean Expeditionary Force (Staff). ****** 246 Promotions, Appointments, &c.

Rbwabds fob Sebvice in the Field—contd. ORDER OF SAINT MICHAEL AND SAINT GEORGE.

(Extract tram, the London Gazette, dated '23rd June, 1915.)

Chancery of the Order of Saint Michael and, Saint George, Downing Street, 23rd June, 1915 ssiHasliiilgfass T° nisUnguishedOrTer6:- °f th° FIrst Class’ or Kni^ts Grand Cross of the said Most General S/y* Horace Lockwood Smith-Horrien G O ft ri a n i ’,,1 mu Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Begiment ’ ’ °-' Colone1’ Th« Lientenant-GeneralCommanding Indian Sir ArmyJames Corps, Willcocks, British K.C.BExpeditionary KGS IFoi^ KG MG' ’ n v n ’ 10 Mo.^llIisCnguishe^Order?—he Second Class> °r Knights [Commanders of the said Lieutenant-General Sir John Grenfell Maxwell, K.C.B. C.V O CMG n s' n rrhe Force in Egypt^ ^60^1 (I^oyal HiShianders), Genera! Officer Commanding Ma] r 1 P 1 Utena t G I era ) Sir Cecil M^read v B:cT AdArt1ntnmutai n ? lI ? 5 i Frederick Nevil M Hnr ( ■’ al it;General,lt BritishW eralJ Expeditionary Force A'Force. al.f CB’’ c/°'’ * % sT !na?i''Indian TArmy, MediterraneanWilliam Riddell Expeditionary Birdwood, T° CnguisAedSrdeff-h01'8 °fthe ThIrd Class, or Companions of the said Most Dis- TheRecergjdJcdin Morrow Simms, D.D., K.H.C., Principal Chaplain to the Forces, C0lMeJ.0emP0rary Rrigadier-Generalj Wellesley Lynedoch Henry Paget, C.B., e O r J B 0 al ra nOi3 J hn De GeX aB Co!oS el^^esM as sy^^K c!B ^ o ° ’ ' h^Tainli^De0^rtme4b°Urne’ ^ Gh^ia t0 ^e Forces, 1st Class, Army ^C^ apTaTnt^Department6118011 Jaffray’ ChaPlain to th0 Forces, 1st Class, Army 'rhectsr"chaplaPrngs' Depa?LMe^tPherSOn’ ChapIaln t0 the Forces’l9t Colonel ColquhSfnGmnthMifr Bonller’ F'S'C'V'S" ^ Veterinary Service. Colonel John^A^d^^nD^ly6111617 Wrigbt’ Chlef En^aeer, Egypt.

C'B-' ^-^umbcrland Divisional ° reGred^ay0^^ Bri8adier-Geiieral) Francis Sudlow Garratt, C.B., D.S.O., Brement?l0nel Courtonay Bourchier Vyvyan, C.B., retired pay, East Kent Regi- 11“iSK3wSyiLtaff 0o'"'1 H“"

Lieutenant-Colonel ''Villiam Bentley Buckle, Army Pay Department. Force).Frederick CK °CavendishHonorableavendisl1' 6tll Battalion, Royal Lancaster Regiment Lord (Territorial Richard Lieutenant Colonel 4igern0" Hamilton Stanuus Goff, Royal Artillery. torfal Force? 1 H y Wlckham’ The Northamptonshire Yeomanry ( Terri- Lieutenant-CoionelFredBric Gustav Lewis, 13th Princess Louise’s Kensington Lieutenant ComntiLA01Vi0rl Hegiment (Territorial Force). Kensington RoyaLFusillBr^(Territorial*Fore^°WeB’^rd Battalion’The Regiment. ,ker 4Ch City f Dundee Battalion R al Lieut^laSfTimfoHalW. enant-Colone 1 Colquhoun Scott’ Dodgson, ° Army Service Corns’ °y High- Lieutenant-Colonel Herbert Graham Stainforth, Indian Army. P Promotions, Appointments, &c. 247

Rewards for Service in the Field—coreW. Order of S r Michael and St. George.—oon.M. t Lieutensmt-Oolonel Rupert Sholbred, I6tli Battalion, The London Regiment, Queen’s Rifles (Territorial Force). Lieutenant-Colonel Robert Sydney Hamilton, Army Ordnance Department. fiieufcenant-Oelonel Philip Geoffrey Twining, M.V.O., Royal Engineers. Lieutenant-Colonel Frederick George Langham, 5th Battalion, The Royal Sussex Lieutenant-ColonelRegiment (Territorial Arthur Force). Slade Baker, Army Ordnance Department. Lieutenant-Colonel Valentine Murray, Royal Engineers. , . Lieutenant-Colonel David Aubrey Callender, The Royal Scots (Lotbian Regj- ment). LieutenantRegiment. Colonel William Tankerville Monypenny„ , . Reeve,„ . The Leinster Lieutenant-Colonel Tom Harry Finch Pearse, The Cheshire Regiment. Lieutenant-Colonel Robert Hall Hayes, Middlesex Regiment. Lieutenant-Colonel Campbell Coffin, Royal Engineers. Lieutenant-Colonel FrederickDavid Henry Potts, Drake-Brockman, Royal Artillery. Indian Army. Lieutenant-Colonel .Toseph Oates Travers, D.S.O., Devonshire Regiment. Lie itenant-Colonel Reginald Burge Shipley, 9th Battalion, The London Regi- Lieutenant-Colonelment, ’s Thomas Rifles Owen (Territorial Marden, Welsh Force), Regiment. I .ieutenant-Colonel Frederick Thornhill Ravenhlll, Royal Artillery. Lieutenant-ColonelLieutenant-Iiolonel JohnHenry Patrick Arthur Cumberlege Peyton Lindsay, Hennessy, Indian Indian Army. Army. Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas Walter Viscount Hampden, Hertfordshire Regiment (Territorial Force). , , * r. , Lieutenant-Colonel David James Mason MacFarlane, 4th Ross Highland Battalion,■ Seaforth Highlanders (Territorial Force). Lieutenant-Colonel Philip Richard Wood, Royal Irish Fusiliers. Lieutenant-Colonel Ralph Glyn Ouseley, D.S.O.. Royal Artillery. Lieutenant-Colonel Alban Randall < rofton Atkins, Army Service Corps. Lieutenant-Colonel Charles Harford Bowle-Evans, M.B., Indian Medical Service. 1 lentenant-ColonelHighland Light InfantryCharles Crawford(Territorial Murray, Force). 9tn Glasgow . Highland^ . Battalion, Lieutenant-Colonel Robert James Bridgford, D.S.O., Shropshire Light Infantry. Lieutenant-Colonel Charles Hesketh Grant Moore, D.S.O., Indian Army. Lieutenant-Colonel Nathaniel Melhulsh Comins Stevens, Indian Army. Major and Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel John Campbell, D.S.O., Cameron High- Lieutenant-Colonellanders. Hamilton Lyster Reed, Ij-®-, Eoyal Artillery. Lieutenant-Colonel Arthur Dugdale, Oxfordshire Hussars Yeomanry (Territorial Force). Lieutenant Colonel Frank Wall, Indian Medical Service. Lieutenant-Colonel OrlandoGilbert Stewart George Crawford,Gunning, IndianM.D., Royal Army. Army Medical Corps. Lieutenant-Colonel Walter Edmund Kerrich, retired pay, Royal Artillery (Indian Ordnance Department). . ^ , Lieutenant-Colonel Edward Treffry, Honourable Artillery Company (Territorial Lieutenant-Colonel Alfred Danvers Bayliffe, 12th Battalion, The London Regiment, I,ieutenant-ColonelThe Rangers (Territorial William QuintyneForce). Winwood, D.S.O., 5th Dragoon Guards. Lieutenant-Colonel (temporary Colonel) George Tom Molesworth Bridges, D.S.O., 4th Hussars. „ . . „ ^ Lioutenant-Colonel Henry Worsley Worsley-Gough, 3rd Battalion, Ihe Mon- mouthshire Regiment (Territorial Force). Lieutenant-Colonel Charles Edward Stewart, Royal Highlanders. Lieutenant-Colonel Wilfred Spedding Swabey, Army Service Corps. Lieutenant-Colonel Beresford Cecil Molyneux Carter, Liverpool Regiment. Lieutenant-Colonel Ernest Wright Alexander, B®, Royal Artillery. Lieutenant-Colonel George Ross Marryat Church, Royal Artillery. Liouteoant-Colonel William Basil Emerv, Royal Artillery. Lieutenant-Colonel Godfrey Bingham Hinton, Royal Artillery. Lieutenant-Colonel GrahamHenry Edward Henry TheodoreWhalley Nicholson, Kelly, Royal Royal Artillery. Artillery. Temporary Lieutenant-Colonel (Rear-Admiral, retired) Gerald Charles Adolphe Marescaux, Deputy Assistant Quartermaster-General (Base). Lieutenant-Colonel Charles William Compton, Somerset Light Infantry. Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas Ogilvie, 4th Battalion, The Gordon Highlanders Lieutenant-Colonel(Territorial Force). Jonathan Roberts Davidson, 10th_ „Scottish ^ Battalion,^ I he Liverpool Regiment (Territorial Force). Lieutenant-Colonel Stuart Rodger Kirby, 6th Dragoon Guards. Lieutenant-Colonel David Ramsay Sladen, D.S.O., The King s Own Scottish Lieutenant-ColonelBorderars. Percy Alexander Turner, West Riding. , „Regiment. , Lieutenant-Colonel Alister Fraser Gordon, D.S.O., Gordon Highlanders. Lieutenart-Colonel James Attenborough, 2nd Battalion, The London Regiment, Lieuteiiant-ColonelKoval Fusiliers (TerritorialHugh Stanley Force). Thurston, Royal Army Medical. Corps. 248 Promotions, Appointments, &c

Kewabds fob Service in the Field—cobW. @rdeb OF St. Michael and St. George—cojiM. I ie 1 B n Uth BaU ali0,, Tne London Ee linent JjicntcnaTit-OolonBl' LSn1?X hStevenson^eMt^YFo?ce? Lyle Cummins,’ M.D.,' Royal’ Army Medical* Corns ’ Lieutenant-Colonel Percy Evans, M.B., Royal Army Medical Corps P Lieutenant-Colonel Harold Ben Fawcus, M.B., Royal Army Medical Corns L Med?cal"(Corps1 Thomas Herbert John Chapman Goodwin, D.S.O.,Royal Army Lieutenant-Colonel John Chailes Baron Statham, Royal Army Medical Corns Lieutenant-Colonel Arthur Lisle Ambrose Webb, Royal Army Medical CornsP MajorLieutenant-Colonel Reginald Salter William Weston, Percival Manchester Monkhouse. Regiment. M.V.O., Royal Artillery ' MRegimOTt0rary Lleutenant-Colonel> Percy Umfreville, Royal West Kent Major James Hawkins-Whitshedr Pollard, Royal Scots Fusiliers. Major Henryn , v ErnestJ na sW( alshe,an ( an SouthDllke Staffordshireof Regiment. Major FrederickI- ® 1 ' i , Welsley, , Hunt,r T ’ Army Veterinary Cornwall’s Corps.Light Infantry.' Major Cranley Charlton Onslow, Bedfordshire Regiment. Major JuliantI','1' NormanMayne Young, Ramsay Army Cowie, Service D.S.O., Corns. Dorsetshire Regt. Major (temporary Lieutenant-Colonel) Evan Gibb, D.S.O., Army Service CornsP Major Janies Fitzgerald Martin, M.B., Royal Army Medical Corps M 3S^ssexnRe0gSnBleUtenant'C0l°nel) J°hn ,iartholot"ew Wroughton, Royal Mnlnr ^cott Worthing ton, M.V.O., Royal Army Medical Corps. Army8mPOrary Lleutenant't'oloneP Henry Edward ap Rhys Pryce, Indian Ma r t t a eI) L Ui8 JameS LipS6tt K yaI Irisl1 Ke i m1entrXScanaen,y Pa e dSk nFmces ° ' ° « - Mom ' ??p®ov?e A,fle? .PHertfordshired FitzGerald, D.S.O., RegimentReserve of (Territorial Officers, Royal Force). Artillery. "^aswass^arvafe"* An"“ - ■>«**

Majora Erroll Mervyn de Smidt, Army Ordnance Department. ^Major ^ CharlesLloyd Newton Giencairn Jones-Bateman, Hill, D.S.O., NorfolkRoyal Berkshire Regiment. Regiment. 1 e,Royair Artillery”3,11* COl°nel Gilbert Palkin2ham dayton, Reserve of Officero, CANADIAN FORCES. Lieutenant-Colonel Robert Gilmour Edwards Leckie, 16th Canadian Battalion Lieutenant-Colone! Frederick Samuel Lampson Ford, Canadian Army Medical * * Promotions, Appointments, &c. 249 rewards for Service in the Field—oowirf. Extract from the London Gazette, dated 23rd June 1915. •*•***** War once, 23rd June, 1915. His HonoursMajesty andthe KingRewards lias forbeen Distinguished graciously pleased Service toin approvethe Field, of withthe undermentionedeffect from 3rd STAFF. June, 1915, inclusive : — Colonel (temporary Brigadier-General)To beR. Major-Generals.A. K. Montgomery, C.B., D.S.U. Colonel (temporary Brigadier-General) E. C. Ingouville-Williams, C.B., D.S.O. Colonel (temoorary(temporary Brigadier-General) .1.R. E.J. Capper,Pinney. C.B. Colonel (temporary Brigadier-General) E. A. Fanshawe, C.B. Colonel (temporary Brigadier-General) G. M. Kirkpatrick, C.B. Colonel (temporary Brigadier-General) H. E. Stanton, C.B., D.S.O., A.D.C. Colonel (temporary Major-General) G. T. Forestier-Walker, C.B., A.D.C. Colonel (temporary Brigadier-General) C. T. Dawkins, C.B., C.M.G. Colonel (temporary(temporary Brigadier-General)Brigadier-General) W.R. H.Fanshawe, Rycroft, C.B.. C.B., D.S.O. C.M.a. Colonel (temporary Brigadier-General) P. E. F. Hobbs, C.B., C.M.O. Colonel (temporary Brigadier-General) The Honourable F. Gordon, C.B., D.S.O. Brevet Colonel (temporary Brigadier-General) W. R. Marshall (from the Nottingham shire and Derbyshire Regiment). Colonel (temporary Major-General) G. H. Fowke, C.B. Colonel (temporary Brigadier-General) E. M. Perceval, C.B., D.S.O. Colonel (temporary Major-General) W. P. Braithwaite, C'.B. ColonelC.M.O., (temporary D.S.O. Brigadier-General) The Honourable W. Lambton, C.V.O.. C.B.. Colonel (temporary Brigadier-General) C. M. Dobell, C.M.G., D.S.O., A.D.C. Colonel (temporary Brigadier-General) F. S. Maude, C.B., C.M.O., D.S.O. Lieutenant-Colonel (temporary Brigadier-General)To be Brevet Colonel. L. J. Bols, C.B., D.S.O., Dorsetshire Regiment. Lieutenant-Colonel H. G. Casson, C.M.G., South Wales Borderers. Lieutenant-Colonel W. H. Greenly, C.M.G., D.S.O., 19th Hussars. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel (temporary Brigadier-General) A. R. Hoskins, D.S.O., North Staffordshire Regiment. Lieutenant-Colonel (temporary Brigadier-General) W. B. B. James, C.I.E., M.V.O., Indian Army. Lioutenant-ColonelIndian Army. (temporary Brigadier-General) H. J. M. MacAndrew, D.S.O., Lieutenant-Colonel (temporary Brigadier-General) H. J. Marrable, King’s Own York- shire Light Infantry. Major and Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel (temporary Colonel) F. B. Maurice, C.B., Nottiug- hamshire and Derbyshire Regiment. Lieutenant-Colonel A. F. Sillem, late Worcestershire Regiment. Lieutenant-ColonelRegiment. (temporary Colonel) E. G. Sinclair-MaeLagan, D.S.O., Yorkshire Lieutenant-Colonel (temporary Brigadier-General) W. E. B. Smith, D.S.O., Lincoln- shire Regiment. Lieutenant-Colonel (temporary Brigadier-General) W. M. Southey, C.M.G., Indian Army. Lieutenant-Colonel (temporary Brigadier-General) H. C. C. Uniacke, Royal Artillery. Lieutenant-Colonel R. E. Vaughan, Indian Army. Lieutenant-Colonel W. de. L. Williams, D.S.O., Hampshire Regiment. Lieutenant-Colonel (temporary Colonel) T. B. Wood, Royal Artillery (attached 1st Canadian Division Staff. Major and Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel A. Skeen, Indian Army. To be Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel. Major (temporary Colonel) W. H. Anderson, Cheshire Regiment. Major J. S. J. Baumgartner, East Lancashire Regiment. Major E. N. Broadbent, King’s Own Scottish Borderers. Major (temporary Colonel) B. H. H. Cooke, Rifle Brigade. Major (temporaryH. F. E. Freeland, Lieutenant-ColoneDP. M.V.O., Royal O.Engineers. Hambro, 15th Hussars. Major G. V. Hordern, King’s Royal Rifle Corps. Major E. M. Jack, Royal Engineers. Major (temporary Lieutenant-Colonel) G. D. Jebb, D.S.O., Bedfordshire Regiment. Major R. M. Johnson, Roval Artillery. Ma'or A. A. MeHardy, D.S.O., Royal Artillery. Major (temporary Lieutenant-Colonel i P. P. de B. Radcliffe, Royal Artillery. Major (temporary Lieutenant-Colonel) F. F. Ready, DSO., Royai Berkshire" Regiment. Major A. G. Stuart, Indian Army. Major R. L. B. Thompson, Royal Engineers. Major H. L. Tomkins, D.S.O., Indian Army. Major E. V. Turner, Royal Engineers. Major (temporary Lieutenant-Colonel) M. H. E. Welch, Royal Irish Regiment. Major F. W. Wilson, F.H.C.V.S., Army Veterinary Corps. 250 Promotions, Appointments,

.Rewards for Service in the Field—cokM. To be Brevet Major.

Captain C. J. DeVeToli, We^’Yorilhire’Kegiment.1"6 LigU ln,a,ltry- Captain E. P. Dorrien-Smith, P.S.O., Shropshire Light Infantry CaptaiSwLapcain vy.I HU.?0 M.Mr pPreestun,rS?e3f0r) E Somerset« R' Pit.z PLighta.trick, Infantry. Loyal North Lancashire Regiment. C aptain The ^Hon. Gol A..dfi ™ Henley,41' 1)llkc 5thof Cornwall’s Lancers. Light Infantry. Captain B. P. Lefroy, D.S.O., Royal Warwickshire Regiment Captainrwtin ITH. Needham,M Ma*tland Gloucestershire Makgill Crichton, Kegiment Royal Scots Fusiliers. Captain W.W Pitt Taylor, D.S.O., Rifle Brigade. Captain H. S. Rogers, Shropshire Light Infantry. CaptainCamaiS nQ. 'NN.r 'r?T.] 'c?Smyth-Osbourne,eg*iiV?V D-s-°- Highland Devonshire Light Regiment. Infantry, CaptainOoSto-” N.xt IW.wB Webber,w eJ!ey’ ?Koyaloyal WestEngineers. Surrey Regiment. Captain J.C. N.G. Brown,Wickliam, 7th D.S.O.,Battalion, Norfolk Manchester Regiment. Regiment (Territorial Force). To be Companions of the Distinguished Service Order. Major H. L. Alexander, Dorsetshire Regiment. Major H. B. D. Baird, Indian Army. Major W. A. Blake, Wiltshire Regiment. Majora or J. E. S. Brind, Royal Artillery. MajorvJ ? J. Charteris,Caddell, Royal Army Engineers. Service Corps. ft, p Li l an f 1 , e, G s c,ivfi is Major H.A ?.F. ^’7^hFraser, c r21st: !rth Lancers., ;^;,c° .’" ’ - - >- Major P. W. Game, Royal Artillery. Major G. F B. Goldney, Royal Engineers. Major D. M. Griffith, Royal Engineers. Major H. HU1, K WefsIfFusmerl.*8^^ l8t Ca,,adian Division’ Sta£f '- Major R. Hutchison, 4th Dragoon Guards. Major W. E. Ironside, Roval Artillery. Major F.R. S.H. Irvine, Johnson, M.B., Royal Royal Artillery. Army Medical Corps.P 061-9 Royal Art,llery (lat MajorMljorR. R. K.C.wTukin; Lynch Staunton, Indian RoyalA^my® Artillery.’ ^"-adian Division, Staff). Major C. W. Ma deod, Army Service Corps. Ma;or J. L. Mowbray, Royal Artillery. Major A. T. Paley, Rifle Brigade. Maj'or .1. A. Scarlett, Royal Artillery. Major H. C. Smith, Royal Engineers. Malor I. Stewart, Scottish Rifles. Major J. H. K. Stewart, Indian Army. Major G. H. Stobart, Reserve of Officers, Royal Artillery. Major W. H. Trevor, East Kent Regiment. M a] or H? A^ Walker^Royatpu^iliers.13 ^ ^ Vaughan’ Indian Army. hire an<1 BuCkinghamshi e CaptainM^jor^CL E. A^W^iri’^^Dra^on W. Cox, Royal Engineers. Guards. r Infantry. Captain J. G. Dili, Leinster Regiment. Captain W. J, Dugan, Worcestershire Regiment. Captain R. H. Haining, Royal Artillery. Captain H. R. Headlam, York and Lancaster Regiment. Captain R. J. T. Hildyard, Royal West Kent Regiment. Captain L. Holland, Seaforth Highlanders. Captain R. G. H. Howard-Vyse, Royal Horse Guards. Captain G. G. Liddell, Leicestershire Regiment S^Pvain C. Mansel Jones, t).(T Reserve of Officers, West Yorkshire Regiment, Captain C.O. Ogston,H. North, Gordon Lan. ashireHighlanders. Fusiliers. Captain G.F. Phillips, Duke of Cornwall’s Light Infantry. Captain L. F. Renny, Royal Dublin Fusiliers. Captain J. J. B. Tapley, Army Yeterinary Corps. Captain E. G. L. Thurlow, Somerset Light Infantry. Captain J. P. Villiers Stuart, Indian Army. Captain B. Walcot, Royal Engineers. Captainrr * • H.-rr rI. t,R. Allfrey, „Somerset Awarded Light Infantry.the . Captain B. de L. Brock, Indian Army. Captain P Dwver, M.B., Royal Army Medical Corps Captain R. T. Fellowes, Rifle Brigade. / Promotions, Appointments, &c.

Rewards for Service in the Field— Awarded the Military Cross—contd. Captain J. S. S. P. V. Viscount Gort, M.V.O., Grenadier Guards, Captain Lord D. M. Graham, Royal Artillery. Captain M. A. Hamer, Indian Army. Captain O. C. Herbert, Reserve of Officers, Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders. Captain A. J. Hunter, King’s Royal Rifle Corps. Captain 0. C. Lucas, Royal Artillery. Captain W. L. Palmer, 10th Hussars. Captain H. M. Pryce-,Tones, Coldstream Guards. Captain S. H. J. Thunder, Northamptonshire Regiment. Captain H. W. L. Waller, Royal Artillery. Captain A.M. P.R. Wavell, Walsh, RoyalWorcestershire Highlanders. Regiment. Lieutenant G. H. Straker, 15th Hussars. Lieutenant H. L. Watkis, Indian Army. Lieutenant J. L. Willcocks, Royal Highlanders. Lieutenant-Colonel and Brevet-ColonelTo be Extra Aides-de-Camp G. H. Thesiger, to C.B., the C.M.G.,King. 4th Battalion, The Rifle Brigade. Major and Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel H. M. Trenchard, C.B., D.S.O., Royal Scots Fusi- liers, and Royal Flying Corps, and to be Brevet Colonel. Royal Flying Corps. Captain (temporary Major) W. D. Beatty,To be RoyalBrevet Engineers. Major. Captain (temporary Major) S. D. Massy, Indian Army. Brevet Major (temporaryTo be Lieutenant-Colonel)Companions of the DistinguishedH. R. M. Brooke-Popham, Service Order. Oxfordshire and CaptainBuckinghamshire T. W. C. Oarthew, Light BedfordshireInfantry. Regiment (Special Reserve). Awarded the Military Cross. Lieutenant (temporary Captain) B. T. James, Royal Engineers. Lieutenant (temporary Captain) R. M. Vaugnan, Royal inniskilling Fusiliers. Lieutenant (temporary Caotain) F. A. Wanklyn, Royal Artillery. Lieutenant G. L. Cruikshank, Gordon Highlanders. Second Lieutenant J. F. Lascelies, Rifle Brigade. I Royal Horse Guards. Surgeon-Major B. ToPares. be a Companion of the Distinguished Service Order. Quartermaster and Honorary LieutenantAwarded C.the E. Military Harford. Cross. 1st (King’s) Dragoon Guards. No. 5786 Acting Serjeant-Major R.Awarded M. Holmes. the Military Cross. 2nd Dragoon Guards (Queen’s Bays). Captain H. W. Hall. Awarded the Military Cross. Second Lieutenant F. Milnes. 1th (Royal Irish) Dragoon Guards. • Major H. S. Sewell.To be Companions of the Distinguished Service Order. Captain H. S. Hodgkin, attached 1st Battalion, Cheshire Regiment. Second Lieutenant R. .1. F. Chance.Awarded the Military Cross. 5th (Prince Charlotte of Wales’s) Dragoon Guards. Captain C. H. Blackburne, D.S.O. To be Brevet Major. Promotion to Lieutenant (Extra Regimental Promotion). Second Lieutenant C. Pooley. 6th Dragoon Guards (Carabiniers). Captain P. H. Compton. Awarded the Military Cross. 1st (Royal) Dragoons. Captain G. P. L. Cosens, attached EgyptianTo be Brevet Army. Major. 3rd (King’s Own) Hussars. Lieutenant-Colonel (temporary Brigadier-General)To be Brevet Colonel. A. A. Kennedy, C.M.G. Second Lieutenant ftemporary Lieutenant)Awarded the J. MilitaryH. Eliot. Cross. 252 Promotions, Appointments, &c.

Rewards for Service in the Field—oon

Rewards for Service in the Fieed—coraid. Awarded the Military Cross, Captain W. F. Armstrong. Captain T. H. Carlisle. Captain 8. D. Douglas-.Tones. Captain The Honourable R. E. Grosvenor. Captain H. O. Hutchison. Captain H. H. .Toll. Captain C. L. Knyvett. Captain K. W. lamb (Reserve of Officers). Captain J.R. Penrose.H. Rowe. Captain H. K. Sadler. Captain D. le P. Trench. LieutenantCaptain E. J.W. V. G. Delahaye. Wilson. Lieutenant (temporary Captain) T. J. Hutton. Lieutenant C. M. Lister. Lieutenant A. Maxwell. Lieutenant R. H. Studdert. .. t> Lieutenant (temporary Captam) J. A. Turner, 40th Batteiy. Second Lieutenant R. A. Archer (attached Royal B lying Corps). Second Lieutenant J. F. Batten. Second Lieutenant J. D. Edge. Second LieutenantLieutenant H.(temporary W. F. B. Farrer.Lieutenant) G. Harbordlr (attached 1st Canadian Division). Second Lieutenant D. N. Morgan. Second Lieutenant D. J. St. C. Mullaly. Second Lieutenant O. W. Sherwell (Special Reserve). Second Lieutenant R. A. Watson. Second Lieutenant W. S. Wingate Gray. To be Lieutenant-Colonel in Reserve of Officers. Maior H. W. M. Parker. Maior F. C. Poole, D.S.O. To be Captain In Special Reserve. Lieutenant T. C. Usher. Honourable Artillery CompanyTo be (Territoriala Companion Force). of the Distinguished. Service Order.. Major A. L. Ward. Awarded the Military Cross._ Captain M. G. Douglas. Royal Engineers. To be Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel. Major D. M. FitzG. Hoysted. Major A. R. C. Sanders. Major A. F. Sargeaunt. Major C. Russell-Brown. Major C. E. G. Vesey. Major J. R. White. To he Brevet Major. Captain B. C. Battye. Captain W. H. Johnston, To be Companions of the Distinguished Service Order. Major G. H. Addison. Major P. K. Betty. Major L. F. Blandy. Major G. H. Boileau. Major A. Brough. Major R. G. Earle. Major C. E. P. Sankey. Major C. B. O. Symons. Captain R. V. Doherty Holwell. Captain H. G. Gandy. Awarded, the Military ^Cross. Captain H. H. Bateman. Captain K. E. Edgeworth. Captain C. O’R. Edwards. Captain H. W. Herring. Captain G. B. Pears. Captain F. Preedy. Captain J. Watson. Lieutenant E. E. Calthrop. Lieutenant B. C. Denlng. Lieutenant K. I. Gourlay. Lieutenant W. F. Hanna. Lieutenant G. A.Le LedinghamQ. Martel. (Territorial Force). Lieutenant J. H. Stafford. Lieutenant M. W. T. Webb. Second Lieutenant K. McC. Cave. Second Lieutenant A. J. Parkes (Special Reserve). Second Lieutenant E. F. Tickell. Second Lieutenant N. M. Vibart 254 Promotions, Appointments, &c

Rewards fob Service in the Field—con«d. Special Reserve. No... 27470 Company „Serjeant-Major , Awarded G. B. Bowstead the Military (Postal Cross. Section). Territorial Force. Major, J.T M.,, Arthur,... To 1sthe LowlandCompanions Field of Company.the Distinguished Service Order. Major E. H. Varwell, Wessex Divisional Signal Company. Captain„ . . J. E. Tindall, 1st HomeAwarded Counties the Field Military Company. Cross. SeC170thCompany.13 F' P' LaCy (Weatm0''lan

Rewards fok Service in the Field—coreid. Awarded the Military Cross. Captain A. B. Woodgate (Special Reserve). The Northumberland Fusiliers. To be a Companion of the Distinguished Service Order. Major E. M. Moulton-Barrett. Awarded the Military Cross. Captain O. B. Foster. Lieutenant B. G. Gunner. LieutenantSecond Lieutenant R. C. H. W. Roddam Anderson (Special (Territorial Reserve). Force). To be Honorary Major. Quartermaster and Honorary Captain A. Landen. The Royal Warwickshire Regiment. Captain S. H. N. Coxon (TerritorialAwarded Force). the Military Cross. Captain C. T. Tomes. Lieutenant .T. S. T. Weston (Special Reserve), attached 1st Battalion, Royal Berkshire Regiment. The Royal f'usiliers (City of London Regiment.) To be Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel. Major (temporary Lieutenant-Colonel) W. F. Sweny, commanding 2nd Battalion, East Yorkshire Regiment. To be a Companion of the Distinguished Service Order. Major R. G. Heley-Hutchinson. Awarded the Military Cross. Captain G. E. Hawes, attached 3rd (City of London) Battalion, The London Regiment (Territorial Force.) Captain R. Hewlett. Captain G. M. Lee (Reserve of Officers.) Captain R. H. Pipon. No. 10803 Serjeant-Major H. Savill. The King’s (Liverpool Regiment.) Captain B. McKinnell (TerritorialAwarded Force.) the Military Cross. Lieutenant G. W. Miller. The Norfolk Regiment. Awarded the Military Cross. Lieutenant R. W. Patteson. The Lincolnshire Regiment. Quartermaster and Honorary CaptainTo be E. Honorary W. Skinner. Major. To be a Companion of the Distinguished Service Order. Major H. E. R. Boxer. Captain F. 8. Whinney. Awarded the Military Cross. Captain E. H. Impey. The Devonshire Regiment. Major J. D. Ingles. Tolbe Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel. Awarded the Military Cross. Lieutenant (temporary Captain) G. E. R. Prior. Lieutenant F. R. Cobb. Lieutenant W. A. Fleming. No. 2808 Regimental Serjeant-Major W. Pritchard. The Suffolk Regiment. Captain E. L. Brown (Territorial AwardedForce.) the Military Gross. Captain E. C. T. B. Williams. No. 5146 Serjeant-Major O. W. Parkinson. Prince Albert’s (Somerset Light Infantry). / Captain W. M. Sut ton. Awarded the Military Cross. Lieutenant R. H. E. Bennett. Second Lieutenant C. E. W. Birkett (Reserve of Officers), attached 1st Battalion, King’s Royal Rifle Corps. The Prince of Wales’s Own (West Yorkshire Regiment). To be Brevet Major. Captain P. L. Ingpen. Awarded the Military Cross. Captain The Honourable B. M. O. S. Foljambe. Captain W. T. C. Huffam (Special Reserve). 256 Promotions, Appointments, &c

Rewards for Service ih the Field-comM. The Bast Yorkshire Regiment. Captain A. R. Kino.To he a Companion of the Distinguished Service Order. Second„ j, -r.Lieutenant . J.r Brindley. Awarded the Military Cross. Second Lieutenant N. L. C. De Rinzy. The Bedfordshire Regiment. To be Brevet Major. Captain W. R. H. Dann (Adjutant, 5th Battalion, Loyal North Lancashire Regiment). To be a Companion of the Distinguished Service Order. Captain C. B. Cumberlege. Awarded the Military Cross. Captain J. H. G. Baird, 4th Extra Reserve Battalion. Captain F. H. Bdwards. The Leicestershire Regiment. Major,, , B. C. Dent. To be Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel. Major,, . H._ S.„ „Smith. To be a Companion of the Distinguished Service Order. Captain D. L. Weir. Awarded the Military Cross. The Royal Irish Regiment. Awarded the Military Cross. Lieutenant (temporary Captain) A. P. Pargiter. Lieutenant (temporary Captain) D. H. Pratt. Alexandra, Princess of Wales’s Own (Yorkshire Regiment). To be a Companion of the Distinguished Service Order. Captain B. H. Leatham. Captain W. K. Rollo. Awarded the Military Cross. The Lancashire Fusiliers. Captain A. J. W. Blencowe. Awarded the Military Cross. The Royal Scots Fusiliers. Major„ D. H. A. DickTo (Special be Companions Reserve). of the Distinguished Service Order. Captain A. G. Bruce. Lieutenant J. L. Drummond (SpecialAwarded Reserve). the Military Cross. The Cheshire Regiment. Captain C. de W. Woodyer. Awarded the Military Cross. The Royal Welsh Fusiliers. Major (temporary Lieutenant-Colonel)To be Brevet J. B. Lieutenant-Colonel. Cockburn, attached 1st Battalion, Nigeria MajorRegiment. O. De L. Williams, D.S.O. Captain J. R. M. Minshull Ford. To be Brevet Major. Captain C. S. Owen. To be a Companion of the Distinguished Service Order. Captain J. A. C. Childe-Freeman.Awarded the Military Cross. Captain A. L. Samson. The South Wales Borderers. Major A. J. Reddle. To be a Companion of the Distinguished Service Order. Captain A. M. O. J. Lloyd. Awarded the Military Cross. Lieutenant T. R. Allaway (Special Reserve), attached 2nd Battalion Welsh Regiment. The King’s Own Scottish Borderers. To be Brevet Major. Captain G. Hilton. To be a Companion of the Distinguished Service Order. Major P. A. V. Stewart Awarded the Military Cross. Second Lieutenant R Gillespie. Promotions, Appointments, &c.

Rewards for Service in the Fifed contd, The Cameronians (Scottish Rifles). To he Honorary Captain. Quartermaster and Honorary Lieutenant J. Graham. Major. ,T.„ G. Chaplin.„ . To be Companions ot the Distinguished Service Order. Captain E. B. Ferrers. Captain F. A. C. Hamilton, Awarded the Military Cross. The Gloucestershire Regiment. Captain G. B. Bosanquet. Awarded the Military Cross. Captain A. C. Yicary. Second Lieutenant B. H. TVaddy (Special Reserve), attached 2nd Battalion, Bedford- shire Regiment The Worcestershire Regiment. Major G. C. Lambton, D S.O, To be Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel. Captain F. E. Davies. Awarded the Military Cross. Captain C. S. Linton. CaptainNo. 3496 Serjeant-MajorE. W. Buckler, C.6th Hodgldnson. Battalion (attached 3rd Battalion). The East Lancashire Regiment. Lieutenant-Colonel C. L. Nicholson.To be Brevet-Colonel. To be a Major,r . H.T, Maclear.„ , Companion of the Distinguished Service Order. Captain„ . . K.Tr H.TT L. Arnott.. ,, Awarded the Military Cross. Second Lieutenant .T. W. Pondlebury (Special Reserve). The East Surrey Regiment. Lie-tenant E. G. H. Clarke. Awarded the Military Cross. Lieutenant T. H. Darwell. The Duke of Cornwall’s Light Infantry. Captain„ C.,, B.,, Scott.To be a Companion of the Distinguished Service Order. Captain W. iv. \ enning, attachedAwarded 12th Battalion, the Military The Cross. London Regiment (Territorial Force . Lieutenant E. H. Carkeet James. Lieutenant O. Pearce Edgcumbe. The Duke of Wellington’s (West Riding Regiment). Major W. E. M. Tyndall, D.S.O.To be Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel. Captain B. J. Barton, D.S.O. To be Major in Reserve of Officers. Second Lieutenant T. Hutton. Awarded the Military Cross. The Border Regiment. Captain H. I’. Chads. Awarded the Military Cross. Lieutenant G. P. L. Drake-Brockman. LieutenantNo. 5180 cerjeant-Major W. Kerr. V. H. S. Davenport. The Royal Sussex Regiment. To be Honorary Captain. Quartermaster and Honorary Lieutenant T. A. Jones. To be a Companion of the Distinguished Service Order. Major R. J. A, Terry, M.V.O. Awarded the Military Cross. Captain G. L. Courthope (Territorial Force). Captain F. N. Grant (Territorial Force). Lieutenant F. J. A. Dibdin (Special Reserve), attached 2nd Battalion, Welsh Regiment. 258 Promotions, Appointments, &c

Rewards fob Service in the Field—fonM. The Hampshire Regiment. To be'a Companion of the Distinguished Service Order. Captain J. D. M. Beckett. The South Staffordshire Regiment. To be a Companion of the Distinguished Service Order. Captain F. S. N. Savage-Armstrong. Awarded the Military Cross. Captain J. C. Chaytor. Lieutenant C. W. Evans; Lieutenant .T. S. Townshend. Second Lieutenant W. Draycott Wood. The Dorsetshire Regiment. To be Brevet Major. Captain O. M. T. Frost, attached 8th Signal Company, Royal Engineers. Awarded the Military Cross. Captain R. E. Partridge. Second Lieutenant F. J. Morley. Second Lieutenant C. H. Morris. No. S537 Serjeant-Major J. Pell. The Prince of Wales’s Volunteers (South Lancashire Regiment). Awarded the Military Cross. Lieutenant W, E. N. Burltom The Welsh Regiment. Awarded the Military Cross. Lieutenant W. G. itewett; The Black Watch (Royal Highlanders). To be a Companion of the Distinguished Service Order. Major H. H. Sutherland. Awarded the Military Cross. Captain R. E. Anstruther. Lieutenant I. M. Bruce-Gardyne (Territorial Force). The Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry. To be Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel. Major A. J. F. Eden. To be a Companion of the Distinguished Service Order. Captain H. M. Dillon. Awarded the Military Cross. Lieutenant (temporary Captain) W. G. Tolson. The Essex Regiment. To be Honorary Captain.^ . Quartermaster and Honorary Lieutenant S. Freestone. To be a Companion of the Distinguished Service Order. Captain L. O. W. Jones. Awarded the Military Cross.„ No. 5120 Serjeant-Major R. A. Baldwin. The Sherwood Foresters (Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regiment). To be a Companion of the Distinguished Service Order. Major C. R. Mortimore. Awarded„ ^ the^ Military Cross. Quartermaster and Honorary Captain F. Tomlinson. The Loyal North Lancashire Regiment. Awarded the Military Cross. Captain J. Dare. Captain S. T. Lueey. The Northamptonshire Regiment. Awarded the Military Cross. Captain H. D. S. O’Brien, attached 1st Battalion, Nigeria Regiment. Promotions, Appointments, &c 259

Rewards for Service in the Field—ooraM. Princess Charlotte of Wales’s (Royal Berkshire Regiment), To be Companions of the Distinguished Service Order. Major W. B. Thornton, Captain A. E. F. Harris. Awarded the Military Cross, Captfin C. St. Q. O. Fallbrook-Leggatt, D.S.O. Lieutenant E. E. N. Burney. The Queen’s Own (Royal West Kent Regiment). Major P. M, Robinson, C.M.O. To be Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel, Captain E. F. Moulton-Barrett. Awarded the Military Cross. The King’s Own (Yorkshire Light Infantry). Major. C. R. I. Brooke, To be a Companion of the Distinguished Service Order, Captain M. F. Day. Awarded the Military Cross, Captain C. R. T. Thorp (Signal Senice). Lieutenant T. Wells (Special Reserve). No. 4204 Serjeant-Major J. Moore. The King’s (Shropshire Light Infantry), Major J. A Stnck. To bo Companions of the Distinguished Service Order. Major C. E. Atchison. Captain H. A. R. Hoffmeister, Awarded the Military Cross. Captain F. « P. Philips ^Special Reserve), attached 1st Battalion, Manchester Regiment Lieutenant J. O. Farrer. The Duke of Cambridge's Own (Middlesex Regiment), Captain M. Browne. Awarded the Military Cross, Captain H. M. Meylor, 5th Battalion (attached 4th Battalion). Lieutenant A. G. Cade. Lieutenant L. .1. Hudleston, 5th Battalion. Lieutenant W. S. Meeke, 5th Battalion (attached 2nd Battalion, Royal Munster Fusiliers) The King’s Royal Rifle Corps. To be Honorary Captain, Quartermaster and Honorary Lieutenant A. Harman. To bo Companions of the Distinguished Service Order, Major H. F. W. Bircham. Captain W. S. W. Parker-Jervis. Captain F. G. Willan. Awarded the Military Cross. Captain H. .1. Flower, attached 16th Battalion, Hie London Regiment (Territorial Forcej. uaptam .J. r. r ranks. Captain H. C. Ponsonby. Captain L. C. Rattray (Special Reserve). Captain R. H. Woods (15th Brigade, Machine Gun Officer). Lieutenant G. A. Fisher. Lieutenant A. C. LLoyd. No.Temporary 3044 Serjeant-Major 2nd Lieutenant T. Brasier. T. B. J. Mahar. No. 7686 Bandmaster W. J. Dunn. The Duke of Edinburgh’s (Wiltshire Regiment). Captain E.„ L.r Makin., To be a Companion of the Distinguished Service Order. Captain P. S. L. Beaver. Awarded the Military Cross. Captain E. H. Broome. Captain B. H. Goodhart. The Manchester Regiment. ,, . . T „Ir . Awarded the Military Cross, Captain J.C. R.D. Heelis.Irwin. ; LieutenantNo. 3154 Regimental B. G. Atkin, Serjeant-Major attached West W. AfricanFinney, Regiment 9* 260 Promotions, Appointments, &c.

Rewards foe Service in the Field—conid. The Prince of Wales’s (North Staffordshire Regiment). Lieutenant J. W. L. S. Hobart. Awarded the Military Cross. The York and Laneaster Regiment. To be Breiet Major. Captain G. McD. Pratt. To be Companions of the Distinguished Service Order Lieutenant-Colonel W. F. Clemson. Captain A. V. Jarrett. Awarded the Military Cross. Captain P. H. C. Collins. No. 3166 Serjeant-Major W. Cholerton. The Durham Light Infantry. Major J. A. Crosthwaite. To be Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel. To be a Companion of the Distinguished Service Order. Captain L. C. Soltau-Symons, attached 5th Battalion, Northnmborland Fusiliers (Terri- torial Force). Awarded the Military Cross. Captain W. H. Godsal. Second Lieutenant W. F. L. Oliver. The Highland Light Infantry. Awarded the Military Cross. Captain A. K. Reid (Territorial Force). Captain F. S. Thackeray. Lieutenant (temporary Captain) C. J. Wallace. The Seaforth Highlanders (Ross-shire Buffs, The Duke of Albany’s). To be Brevet Colonel. Lieutenant-Colonel (tempora y Brigadier-General) A. B. Ritchie, C.J/.G. Awarded the Military Cross. Oapta’n R. Horn. The Gordon Highlanders. To be Companions of the Distinguished Service Order. Captain H. P. Burn. Captain L. Gordon. Awarded the Military Cross. Captain I. G. Fleming (Tcritoriul Force). Captain ,T. .Bartho omew (Special Reserve). The Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders. To be Brevet Major. Captain A. D. Macphe son. To be a Companion of the Distinguished Service Order. Captain C. H. Campb 11, attach.d 14th Battalion, The London Regiment (Territorial Force). Awarded the Military Cross. Lieutenant R. N. Stewart. Second Lieutenant J. f-iffen. Second Lieutenant A. Sutherland (Territorial Force). The Royal Irish Rifles. Awarded the Military Cross. Captain F. R. W. Graham. Lieutenant G. I. Gartlan. No. 5710 Regimental Serjeant-Major W. Carroll. Princess Victoria’s (Royal Irish Fusiliers). To be Brevet Major. Captain G. Bull. Captain M. J. FurneU. To be a Companion of the Distinguished Service Order. Major P. Gould. Awarded the Military Cross. Lientenant J. F. Hodges. Promotions, Appointments, &c. 261

Rewards for Service in the Field—conW. The Connaught Rangers. Awarded the Military Cross. Captain M. I. M. Campbell (Special Reserve), attached 2nd Battalion, Welsh Regiment, Princess Louise’s (Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders). Captain A. R. Boyle. Awarded the Military Cross. Captain ,T. H. Young. Lieutenant .T. C. Aitken. Second Lieutenant R. G. Moir. The Prince of Wales’s Leinster Regiment (Royal Canadians). Major,, . G.„ M.. Bullen-Smith.„ To be a Companion of the Distinguished Service Order Captain ,T. V. Meredith. Awarded the Military Cro: s. Lieutenant ,T. L. Whitty. Lieutenant J. P. Marsland. The Royal Munster Fusiliers. Capt.„ „M. W. L. Hawkes, 4th (ExtraAwarded Reserve) the Battalion. Military Cross. The Royal Dublin Fusiliers. Lieutenant J. MacN. Dickie. Awarded the Military Cross. The Rifle Brigade (The Prince Consort’s Own). To be Brevet Colonel. Lieutenant-Colonel (temporary Br gadier-General) R. B. Stephens. To be Honorary Captain. Quartermaster and Honorary Lieutenant L. Eastmead. Maior .1. Harington.To be Companions of the Distinguished Service Order. Captain (temporary Lieutenant-Colonel) H. C. Buller, attached Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry. Awarded the Military Cross. Captain The Honourable E. Coke, attached 13th Battalion, The London Regiment (Territorial Force). Captain H. Moore-Gwyn. Captain R. Pigot. Captain C. F. T. Swan. Lieutenant G. W. Barclay. The Monmouthshire Regiment (Territorial Force). Captain A. H. Edwards. Awarded the Military Cross. Second Lieutenant R. B. Comely. The London Regiment (Territorial Force). To be a Companion of the Distinguished Service Order. Major A. S. Bates, 5th City of London Battalion (London Rifle Brigade). Awarded the Military Cross. Second Lieutenant A. R. Moore, 4th City of London Battalion (Royal Fusiliers) Captain R. H. Husev, 5tn City of London Battalion (London Rifle Brigade) Captain S. J. M. Sampson, 9th County of London Battalion (Queen Victoria’s Rifle Lieutenant J. Paterson, 14th County of London Battalion (London Scottish) The Hertfordshire Regiment (Territorial Force). Major F. Page. To be a Companion of the Distinguished Service Order. Captain L. F. Smeathman. Awarded the Military Cross. The West India Regiment. Awarded the Military Cross. Lieutenant H, J, Minniken, attached West African Regiment. 262 Promotions, Appointments, &c

Rewards for Service in the Field—conM. Army Service Corps. To be Brevet Major. Captain (temporary Major) .1. Bloimt-ilmwiddie. Captain (temporary Major) M. S. Brander. To be a Companion of the Distinguished Service Order. Major L. D. Inglefield. Awarded the Military Cross. Captain (temporary Major) E. H. Fitzherbert. Captain (temporary Major) C.H. Le,T. Solomon.B. Goldney. Captain F. A. spencer. Dieutenant (temporary Captain) .T. C. Armstrong. Lieutenant (temporary Captain) H. M. Gale. Lieutenant (temporary Captain) U. S. Holden. Second Lieutenant C. E. 8. Dobbs. Lieutenant H. R. Glen (Special Heserve.) QuartermasterNo. M/16857 Mechanist and Honorary Serjeant-Major Lieutenant C. Clements.F. W. Burdett. No. S/16259 Staff Serjeant-Major J. Connell. No. MS/479 Staff Serjeant-Major W. E. Spalding. No. S/13748 Staff Serjeant-Major W. W. Woods. To be Honorary Major. Quartermaster and Honorary Captain D. McCallum. Royal Army Medical Corps. To be Brevet Colonel. Lieutenant-Colonel H. Ensor, D.S.U., M.B., Staff. Lieutenant-Colonel M. H. G. Fell, Staff. To be Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel. Major J. S. Bostock, M.B. To be Companions of the Distinguished Service Order. Lieutenant-Colonel J. Poe, 31.B. Major R. V. Cowey. Major T. E. Fielding, M.B. Captain C. G. Browne. Captain H. St M. Carter, 31.D. Captain T. J. Crean, tj-®. (Reserve of Officers). Captain R. Gale, M.B. Captain P. A. Lloyd Jones, 31. B. Captain O. W. McSheehy, M.B. Temporary Captain O. Richards, 31.D., F.R.C.S., L.B.C.P. Awarded the Military Cross. Captain W. Darling, 31.B., F.R.C.S. (Special Reserve). Captain G. F. Dawson, 31.B., attached 2nd Battalion, Royal Highlanders. Captain H. L. Howell. Captain J. B. Jones, M.B. Captain E. J. Kavanagh, 31.B. Captain J. W. C. Stubbs, M.B. Captain H. F. Vellacott, F.R.C.S. (Special Reserve). Captain N. T. Whitehead, 31.B. Captain H. G. Winter. Lieutenant W. McM. Chesney, 31.B. (Special Reserve). LieutenantTemporary LieutenantR. A. Preston, D. D.M.B. Craig, (Special M.B. Reserve;. Temporary Lieutenant F. T. Hill. Temporary Lieutenant H.P. W.G. James,Janion. M.D. Temporary Lieutenant W. H. Lister. Temporary Lieutenant I. C. Maclean, 31.D. Temporary Lieutenant P. Smith. No. 8268 Serjeant-Major G. B. Walker. To be Honorary Major. Quartermaster and Honorary Captain W. N. Archibald. Quartermaster and Honorary Captain A. Lunney. Royal Army Medical Corps (Territorial Force)" , Awarded the Military Cross. Quartermaster and Honorary Lieutenant J. Carr, West Rid nv. Quartermaster and Honorary Lieutenant H. Dugdale, 3rd East Lancashire Field Ambulance. To be Honorary Captain. Quartermaster and Honorary Lieutenant C. W. Hearn, 3rd Wessex (attached 26th Field Ambulance). Promotions, Appointme ts, &c. 2f 3

Kewards for Service in the Field—con^rt. Tho undermentioned Ladies are awarded the Decoration of the Royal Red Cross:— Queen Alexandra’s Imperial Military Nursing Service. Matron, Mist F. M. Hodglns. Matron, Miss H. W. Reid. Sister,Matron, Mist Miss A. G. F. M. W. Richards. Byers (Acting Matron). StaffSister, Nurse, Mis* J.Ji/i-s H. Congleton.M. ('. Oorbishley (Acting Sister). Sister, Miss H. Hartigan. Staff Nurse, Miss C. MacK. MacRae (Acting Sister). Staff Nurse, Miss K. M. Mathews (Acting Sister). Sister, Miss G. M. Smith. Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service (Reserve). Miss N. Adler. Miss E. G. Barrett. Miss E. M. Hansard. Miss C. Elston. Miss .1.L. BarclayM. Thurling. Smith. Queen Alexandra’s Military Nursing Service for India. Lady Superintendent, Miss P. F. Watt. Territorial Force Nursing Service. Miss H. G. Palin. Miss A. H. Ivin Miss E. A. Jackson. Miss P. M. Morris. Miss C. Webber. Civil Hospitals Reserve. Miss I. E. M. Barbier, Royal Infirmary, Bristol. Miss S. C. McIntosh, Royal Infirmary, Edinbuivb. Miss M. Clark, Royai Southern Hospital, Liverpool. Miss M. A. Doherty, Dr. Steeven’s Hospital, Dublin. Miss E. T. Ferguson, Royal infirmary, Perth. Miss F. Harley, St. Thomas’s Hospital, London. Miss K. Johnston, City of Dublin Hospital, Dublin. Miss V. M. Kiddle, Guy’s Hospital, London. Miss E. M. Le Sueur, University College Hospital, London. Miss M. Oakey, General Hospital, Birmingham. Miss L. O. Peet, Derby Royal Infirmary, Derby. Miss A. Wainwright, The London Hospital, London. British Red Cross Society. Principal Matron, Miss N. Fletcher. Australian Nursing Service. Matron, Miss I. Greaves. Canadian Nursing Service. Matron, Miss E. Campbell. Army Chaplains’ Department. Awarded the Military Cross. Chaplain The. Reverend W. Keatinge, Roman Catholic. Chaplain The Reverend W. Drury, M.A., Church of England. Chaplain The Reverend J. P. Molony, Roman Catholic. Cnaplain The Reverend W. H. Abbot, Church of England. Chaplain The.The Reverend J.A. E.E. Adams,Popharn, Presbyterian. Church of England. , Chaplain The Reverend A. T. Cape, Wesleyan. To be Chaplain to the Forces (2nd Class). Chaplain (3rd Class) The Reverend H. C. Meeke, M.A., Presbyterian. To be Chaplain to the Forces (3rd Class). Chaplain (4th Class) The Reverend Henry Marshall, Church of England- Chaplain (4th Class) The Reverend J. R. Walkey, M.A., Church of England Chaplain (4th Class) The Reverend M. P. McCready, M.A., Church of England Army Ordnance Department. To be Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel. Major F. W. R. Hill, D.S.O. To be a Companion of the Distinguished Service Order. Commissary of Ordnance and Honorary Major W. W. Blades. Awarded the Military Cross. Captain W. H. McN. Campbell, Royal Artillery. InspectorAssistant Commissaryof Ordnance ofMachinery, Ordnance 2nd and Class, Honorary and Honorary Lieutenant Captain S. N. Smith. P. W. M. Sparey 264 Promotions, Appointments, &c. Rewards for Service in the Field—conM. 4th Cavalry. C,, aptain, . G.,, Howson.,, Awarded the Military Cross. 20th Deccan Horse. Lieutenant„. , ' F. B. N. Tinley. Awarded the Military Cross. 25th Cavalry (Frontier Force). Awarded the Military Cross. Lieutenant J. Nethersole. attached 2nd Life Guards. 1st King George’s Own Sappers and Miners. Awarded the Military Cross. CaptainCap'ain P.E. C.F. S.,T. Hobart,Hill, Royal Royal Engineers. Engineers. 14th King George’s Own Ferozepore Sikhs. To be a Companion of the Distinguished Service Order. Captain .1. A. S. Daniel!, attached 15th Ludhiana Sikhs. 15th Ludhiana Sikhs. Lieutenant Colonel .1. Hill, D.S.O. To be Brevet Colonel. Lieutenant A. E. Barstow. Awarded the Military Cross. 34th Sikh Pioneers. Captain C. E. Hunt. Awarded the Military Cross. 39th Garhwa! Rifles. To be a Companion of the Distinguished Service Order. Captain G. W. Burton. Jemadar, Bishan Sing Rawat. Awarded the Military Cross. Jemadar Sangram Sing Negi. 41st Dogras. To be a. Companion of the Distinguished Service Order. Lieutenant-Colonel H. AV. Cruddas. ^ LieuT . cnant E. L. E. Lindop. Awarded the Military Cross. 47th Sikhs. To be Brevet Colonel. Lieutenant-Colonel H. L. Richardson. 55th Coke’s Rifles (Frontier Force). Awarded the Military Cross. Lieutenant F. C. De Butts, attached 31st (Divisional Signal) Company. 57th Wilde’s Rifles (Frontier Force). Major T. J. AVillans.To be a Companion of the Distinguished Service Order. Lieutenant E. K. Fowler. Awarded the Military Cross. Subaaar Arsla Khan, I.O.M. 58th Vaughan’s Rifles (Frontier Force). To be a Companion of the Distinguished Service Order. Major A. G. Thomson. 59th Scinde Rifles (Frontier Force). To be Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel. Major (temporary Lieutenant-Colonel) T. L. Leeds. Lieutenant J. A. M. Scobie. Awarded theMilitary Cross. 96th Berar Infantry. Captain C. H. Jardine, attached nth BhopalTo he Brevet Infantry. Major. 107th Pioneers. Captain E. B. Mangin. Awarded the Military Cross. Promotions, Appointments, &c. 265 liEWARDS FOR SERVICE IN THE FIELD—OOnM. 121at Pioneers. To be a Companion of the Distinguished Service Order . Captain A. T. Sheringham, attached 107th Pioneers. 123rd Outram’s Rifles. Awarded the Military Cross. Captain W. Odell, attached 125th Napier Rifles. Lieutenant C. F. F. Moore, attached 4th Gurkha Rifles. 129th Duke of Connaught s Own Baluchis. To be a Companion of the Distinguished Service Order. Major J. A. Hannyngton, C.M.O. Lieutenant F. M. Griffith-GrifBn. Awarded the Military Cross. Lieutenant H. V. Lewis. 2nd King Edward’s Own Giirkha Rifles (The Sirmoor Rifles). Major E. R. P. Boileau. To be Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel. Captain A. D. Smith. Awarded the Military Cross. Lieutenant E. J. Corse-Scott. 4th Giirkha Rifles. To be a Companion of the Distinguished Service Order. Captain M. T. Cramer-Roberts. Supply and Transport Corps. To be Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel. Major W. F. Smith (Meerut Divisional Train). To be a Companion of the Distinguished Service Order. Major A. K. Heyland. Indian Medical Service. To be Brevet Colonel. Lieutenant-Colonel W. W. White, M.D. To be a Companion of the Distinguished Service Order. Captain J. Taylor, M.II., attached 1st Battalion, 39th Garhwal Rifles. Captain ,T. S. O’Neill. M.B. Awarded the Military Cross. No. 298 Second Class Sub-Assistant Surgeon Ramkrishna Ganpat Shinde, attached 1st Battalion, 39th Garhwal Rifles. Canadian Forces. To be Companions of the Distinguished Service Order. Lieutenant-Colonel W. W. Borland, 14th Canadian Battalion. Lieutenant-Colonel G. B. Hughes, 1st Canadian Division, Staff. Lieutenant-Colonel H. Kemmis Betty, 1st Canadian Division, Staff. MajorLieutenant,-Colonel .1. Ballantyne, F. 4th O. CanadianW. Loomis, Battalion. 13th Canadian Battalion. Major G. Godson-Godson, 16th Canadian Battalion. Major W. B. M. King, 10th Battery, 3rd Canadian Artillery Brigade. Major F. A. Lister, Canadian Divisional Signal Company. Major W. R. Marshall, 15th Canadian Battalion. Major H. H. Matthews, 8th Canadian Battalion. Major G. S. T. Pragnell, 5th Canadian Battalion. Captain C. G. Arthur, 10th Canadian Battalion. Captain (temporary Major) H. A. Chisholm, Canadian Army Medical Corps. Captain (temporary Lieutenant-Colonel) J. H. MaeBrien, 1st Canadian Division, Staff. Captain A. Macphail, 1st Field Company, Canadian Engineers. Captain T. H. McKillip, Canadian Army Medical Corpus. Captain ,T. H. Parks, 1st Canadian Battalion. Awarded the Military Cross. Captain G. M. Alexander, 15th Canadian Battalion. Captain A. K. Haywood, Canadian Army Medical Corps, attached 3rd Canadian Battalion, Captain J. H. Lyne Evans, 3rd Canadian Battalion. Captain A. G. 'turner, 2nd Canadian Battalion. Lieutenant C. E. Crabbe. Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry. Lieutenant H. F. H. Hertzberg, 2nd Field Company, Canadian Engineers. Lieutenant N. G. M. McLeod, 8th Canadian Battalion. Lieutenant .1. H. Scandrett, 12th Battery, 3rd Canadian Artillery Brigade. Lieutenant .1. M. Scott, 8th Canadian Battalion. Lieutenant R. H. Webb, Canadian Army Service Corps. No. 24001 Regimental Serjeant-Major .1. Jeffrey, 13th Canadian Battalion. ***** * 266 Promotions, Appointments, &c. Kkwabds for Service in the FiELD-con/rf. distinguished service order. {Extract from the London Gazette dated 'Ard June, 1915.)

lo be Companions of the Distinguished Service Order

llfipipifissssss01 ™*' ilajor.1.Aioi C.H. S. Denton, Brand, llthBrigade Australian Major, 3rdInfantry Infantry Battalion Brigade (West iAustralian Australia} Forees) MajorATa nr J. HeaneHart, Wellington4th Australian Battalion, Infantry 17th Battalion (Ruahine) (New Re«imlnt, South New Zeaiand Poices.Forces Ma 0 1Cth AU8tralian In w «rn A«^eil F R c s Ne * >*>y Battello^South Austrada, AlSlnr 1' ^0°^ Wv - - - - w Zealand Medical Corps. \iaw tf' 14thAustralian Infantry Battalion (Victoria) ^ ^ E- AtkinsonZealand 1st Battalion, Engineers The Cerritorial Royal Inniskilling Force. Fusiliers. PInfantryBatfalion) (QueensiandfMediCal 0or^ (atta^hud 9t>' Australian P a l C rItChley Salm0n8 n The Koyal Munster Captainz eriand G. W.FMces Geddes,). 1st 'Battalion,° The’ Royal Munster Fusiliers PisiHers (attached New Caotain cR. Haworth, 1st Battalion, The Lancashire Fusiliers ’ Lieutenant- Ridings,H. D. O’Hara, 1st Battalion, 1st Battalion, The Royal The RoyalInnisktlling Dublin Fusiliers Fusiliers. ****** [Extract from the London Gazette, da+ed 2Wi June, 1915). * * * * * m ‘ ‘taeasssrecognition of their gallantry and devotion to duty»sBfs&wtsgx&a: in the Field " tr 111 Major Douglas Rykert McCuaig, 13th Canadian Battalion. FOr 1 ,ie 01 allantr and v?,loi 'A ^ * °c®5slon.y wlle, abilityu some between men of 22nda battalion and 2

MILITARY CROSS. [Extract jrom the .London Gazette, dated. Ard June, 1915.) * * * * * 1 de„ *la,M l,oei' Sraeiousiy pleased to approve of the following rewards for g-illanlrv Promotion'*, Appointments, &c. 267 liEWARDS FOR SERVICE IN THE FIELD—CORffi. Military Cross—co»M. Captain H. C. Crozier, 1st Battalion,Awarded The the Royal Military Dublin Cross. Fusiliers. Captain H. A. Kirby, Royal Artillery (26th Jacob’s Mountain Battery). Captain ,T. K. G. Magee. 4th Australian Infantry Battalion (New South Wales). Captain A. G. L. Pepys. 1st Battalion, The Essex Regiment. Captain C. R. Richardson, 2nd Australian Infantry Battalion (New South Wales). Captain J. W. A. Simpson, 13th Australian Infantry Battalion (New South Wales). Captain .1. A. Wallingford, New Zealand Staff Corps. Lieutenant W. D. Bush, 4th Battalion, The Worcestershire Regiment. Lieutenant A. P. Derham, Sth Australian Infantry Battalion (Victoria). Lieutenant C. Fortescue, 9th Australian Infantry Battalion (Queensland). Lieutenant L.R. B.G. L.Legge, Seckham, 13, h Australian 1st Batta'ion, Infantry The LancashireBattalion (New Fusiliers. South Wales). Lieutenant A. J. Shout, 1st Australian Infantry Battalion (New South Wales). Second Lieutenant (temporary Lieutenant) G. G. Needham, 1st Battalion, The Lan- No. cashire8/1048 Serjeant-Major Fusiliers. A. W. Porteous, 10th (North Otago) Regiment, New Zealand No. Forces.96 Serjeant-Major D. Smith, 5th Battalion, 2nd Australian Brigade. (Extract from London Gazette, dated 29/A, June, 1915.) His Majesty the King has been graciously pleased to confer the Military Cross on the undermentionedField Officers, in recognition of their gallantry and devotion to duty in the Captain Paul Pechell, 2nd Battalion, The Essex Regiment. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty on 26th April, 1915, near St. Jolien. When the men of his company were overcome by asphyxiating gas, he and a Non-commissioned Officer remained in their trench with a mere handful of men and drove back the advancing Germans. Lieutenant (temporary) Philip Dunstan Bishop, attached The King’s African Rifles. For conspicuous gallantry and ability on the 9th September, 1914, when in command of a post at Karonga, Nyasaland. His party consisted of about 10 Europeans and 50 native soldiers and police, and these were attacked by a forcontabout 350 men from German East Africa, with three machine guns. I.Temenant Bishop defended his position for four hours with great success until the arrival of a relieving column, when the enemy were com- pletely defeated and their guns captured. Lieutenant Eliott Nial Evelegh, Royal Engineers. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. At the commencement of andthe warwas he sent was home. wounded In in

DISTINGUISHED SERVICE CROSS. (Extract from the London Gazette, dated ?>rd June, 1915.) Admiralty, 3rd June, 1915. The King has been graciously pleased to give orders for the following appointments to the Distinguished Service Order and for the award of the Distinguished Service Cross in respect of the undermentioned Officers, in recognition of their services with the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force * # * * * * To receive the Distinguished Service Cross. Lieutenant James Cheetham, Royal Marine Light Infantry, Chatham Battalion, Royal Marine Brigade, Koval Naval Division. * 268 Promotions, Appointments, &c


(Extract from the London Gazette, dated 3rd June, 1915.) ****** CENTRAL CHANCERY OF THE ORDERS OF KNIGHTHOOD. Lord Chamberlain’s Oijlce, r St. James’s Palace, S. H . 3rd June, 1915. The King has been graciously pleased, on'the occasion of His Majesty’s Birthday, to mve orders for the following promotions in, and appointments to, the Most Honourable Order of the Bath To be an Ordinary Member of the Military Division of the First Class, or Knights Grand Cross, of the said Most Noble Order General Sir Bruce Meade Hamilton, K.C.B., K.C.V.O., Commanding 1st Army, Central Force. ■ ’ To be Ordinary Members of the Military Division of the Second Class, or Knights Commanders, of the said Most Honourable Order:— Major-General William Henry Birkbeck, C.B., C.M.G., Director of Remounts War Office. Lieutenant-GeneralGuards, Director-General Edward Cecilof the Bethune, Territorial C.V.O., Force, C.B., War ColonelOffice. 4th Dragoon Lieutenant-Generaling-in-Chief, Southern William Command. Pitcairn Campbell, C.B., General Officer Command Major-Generaltions and Works, George War Kenneth Office. Scott-Moncrieff, C.B., C.I.E., Director of Fortifica- Lieutenant-General Henry Bulckley Burlton Watkis, C.B., Indian Army. To be Ordinary Members of the Military Division of the Third Class, or Companions, of the said Most Honourable Order Surgeon-General Thomas Martin Corker, M.D., K.TI.P. Major-General Charles Irwin Fry, Indian Army. Major-General Walter Charles Hunter-Blair. Colonel (temporary Brigadier-General) Coventry Williams. Colonel Edward Douglas Brown-Synge-Hutchinson, 13.{T. Colonel William Robert Stewart, Assistant Director of Fortifications and Works War Office. Colonel Reginald Salmond Curtis, C.M.G., D S.O., Assistant Adjutant-General for Royal Engineers, War Office. f Colonel (temporary Brigadier-General) William George Hamilton, D.S.O. Colonel (temporary Brigadier-General) Duncan Alwyn Macfarlane, D.S.O. Colonel (temporary Brigadier-General) Alfred Horsford Bingley, Indian Colonel Richard Henry Ewart, C.J.E., D.S.O., A.D.C., Indian Army. Colonel (temporary Brigadier-General) William George Lawrence Beynon, D.S 0 Indian Army. Colonel (tsmporary Brigadier-General) Edward Mabbott Woodward. Colonel (temporary Brigadier-General) Alexander Beamish Hamilton. Colonel Walter Coote Hedley, General Staff, War Office. Colonel (temporary Brigadier-General) the Honourable Alan Richard Montagn- Stuart-Wortley, D.S.O., Director of Movements, War Office. To be an Ordinary Member of the Civil Division of the Third Class, or Companions, of the said Most Honourable Order Colonel John Arthur Edelsten, V.D., late Secretary of the West Lancashire talion,Territorial The ForcePrince Association of Wales’s Volunteers and formerly (South Commanding Lancashire 1stRegiment). Volunteer Bat- Promotions, Appointments, &o. 269

Order of the Bath—conid. (Extract from the London Gazette, dated' 3rd June, 1915) ****** CENTRAL CHANCERY OP THE ORDERS OP KNIGHTHOOD. Lord Chamberlain s Office, St. James’s Palace, S. iir., 'ird June,, 1915. The King has been graciously pleased, on the occasion of His Majesty’s Birthday, to give orders for the following apoointments 'o the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, in recognition of the services of the undermentioned Officers during the war To be Additional Members of the Civil Division of the Third Class, or Companions, of the said Most Honourable Order:— Colonel Edward Hamilton Seymour, Deputy Director of Equipment and Ordnance Stores, War Office. Colonellery, theWar HonourableOffice. Francis Richard Bingham, Assistant Director of Artil- Colonel Francis Torriano Fisher, Superintendent of the Royal Gunpowder and Small Arms Factories. Colonel-Harold Stephen Langhorne, Army Ordnance Depariment.

Lord Chamberlain’s Office, St. James's Palaos,3rd June, S. II'., ISIS. The King has been graciously pleased, on the occasion of His Majesty’s Birthday, to give orders for the following appointments to the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, in recognition of the services of the undermentioned gentlemen during the war : — ****** To be an Additional Member of the Civil Division of the Third Class or Companions of the said Most Honourable Order Herbert James Creedy, Esq., M.V.O., Private Secretary to the Secretary of State for War. 270 Promotions, Appointments, &c

ORDER OF THE STAR OF INDIA. (Extract from, the London Gazette, dated 3rd June, 1915.) ****** India Office, 3rd June, 1915. Ther»^v?t(lh?9iibe*ngraclous^pleased’ on the occasion of His Majesty’s Birthday, to the^tar of^ndia1-—Pr0m°tl0nS aDd aPP°,ntm0nts to. the Most Exalted Order of To be Knights Commanders of the said Most Exalted Order ****** Lieutenant-Coionel Alexander Fleetwood Pinhey, C.S.I., C.I.R., Indian Army Indian Political Department, Resident, Hyderabad. ’ ^imy, innian ****** . . . ^ , Tobe Companions of the said Most Exalted Order waddy IMvMon, Burma." Hardin"e Bliott’ Indian Army, Commissioner of thelrra- ****** MaOrdnancTin^ndia* Charles Ochiltree Stuart, Royal Artillery, Director-General of Lleutenant-Colonel ArmineBrereton Dew, C.I.E., Indian Army, Indian Political Depart- ment, Political Agent, Kalat, Baluchistan. * opaiu

ORDER OF ST. MICHAEL AND ST. GEORGE. (Extract from the London Gazette, dated 3rd June, 1915.) ****** Chancery of the Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Downing Street, 3rd June, 1915. The King has been graciously pleased to give directions for the following promotions in and appointments to the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint (ieorge:— To be Ordinary Member of the Second Class, or Knights Commanders of the said Most Distinguished Order:— His Honour Lieutenant-Colonel John Strathearn Hendrie, C.V.O., Lieutenant Governor of the Province of Ontario. ****** Colonel the Honourable Charles Preston Crewe, C.B., Member of the House of Assembly of the Union of South Africa. ****** Colonel George Leuchars, C.M.G., D.S.O., Member of the House of Assembly of the Union of South Africa: Minister of Commerce and Industries, 1911-1912. * * * * * * To be Ordinary Members of the Third Class, or Companions of the said Most Distinguished Order:— Brigadier-General Dudley Howard Ridout, R.E.; in recognition of services during the recent disturbances at Singapore. ****** To be an Additional Member of the Third Class, or Companions of the said Most Distinguished Order, for services in connection with military operations in Togo- Major Frederick Carkeet Bryant, R.A. Promotions, Appointments, &c.

Obdeb of Si. Michael and St. George—eonta. Chancery of the Order of Saint MichaelDowning and Saint Street, Georye, 3rd June, 1915. Theand KING appointments has been graciously to the Most pleased Distinguished to give directions Order lor of the Saint following Michael promotion and Saint in, George * * * To Distinguishedbe Ordinary OrderMembers of the Third Class, or Companions of the said Most Lieutenant-Colonel Oswald Arthur Gerald FitzGerald, Personal Military Secre- tary to the Secretary of State for War.

ORDER OF THE INDIAN EMPIRE. (Extract from the London Gazette, dated ird June, 1915.)

India Office, 3rd June, 1915. Tim K i \T« has been graciously pleased, on the occasion of His Majesty’s Birthday, to 18make the following promotions in and appointments to the Most Eminent Order o the IndianEmpire:— •=£**■*** To be Knights Commanders of the said Most Eminent Order:— ****** Lieutenant-Colonel John Ramsay, C.8./., O.I.E., Indian Political Department, Agent to Lieuten^nt^oloimf¥en:j^^Io?eswortJinSylies!)1C8Jf.G.,, Indian Political Depart- meat, Consul-General, Kashgar. To be Companions of the said Most Eminent Order

Lieuten^m-C&lV^ve^^ennyt'indian Army, Inspector-General of Poiice, Punjab. * * Lieutenant-ColonelSuperintendent, GeneralCecil Charles Hospital, Stewart Rangoon, Barry, Burma. Indian Medical Service, Medical

St.. Ome«. »d Gr.Se> Arm, Headquarters. ****** Colonel Charles Henry Cowie, Royal Engineers, Agent, North-Western State Railway. ****** Lientenant-Colonel Joseph Windham, Indian Army, Indian Political Department, Resident, Western Rajputana States. * * * i iAiitenant-ColonelSuperintendent ofCharles Survey Henryof India, Dudley and latelyRyder, in D.S.O., charge Royal Turoo-Persian Engineers, frontierDeputy Commission, Survey Detachment. * * 272 Promotions, Appointments, &c.



(d etract f rom the London Gazette, dated 3rd June 1915.)

ranean Expeditionai-y Force). lne 0PerB!,lons ln the Dardanelles (Mediter- * * * * * % No. 94 Staff Serjeant-Mai (Queensland). or M. E. E. Corbett, 15th Australian Infantry Battalion ****** N0-«afl SerJeant-Ma]°r A'Stee,'9th Australian Infantry Battalion (Queens-

****** No. 4096 Serjeant-Major T. Holdway, 2nd Battalion, The Hampshire Regiment. ****** J?0 6 C 8erjeaUt Maj0r w Magco lst knu n1r FBs^iieM. ' ' ’ The R-yal Innis- Promotions, Appointments, Ac. 27a

Rewards for Service in the Field—coraM. Distinguished Conduct Medal—cor**.

{Extract from the London Gazette, dated 3rd June, 1916.)

* * # * His MAJESTY THE KING has been graciously, pleased to approve ol tlie award of the Distinguished Conduct Medal to the undermentioned Warrant Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers and Men, for acts of gallantry and devotion to Duty.

Regi- mental Rank. Action for which commended. No. * * * * Amour, J. 2nd Battalion, For conspicuous gallantry at Neuve 8937 | ActingCompany N orthamptonshire Chapelle on 13th March, 1915, when he Serjeant- Regiment took command of the company after Major his Officer had fallen, and handled the men with much ability against a very heavy counter-attack by the enemy. * * Company Ashworth, R. 2nd Battalion, For conspicuous gallantry and resource Serjeant- Lancashire Fusi- atWhen Le Bizetthe billets on 15th belonging February, to 1915.Ills Major liers company were set on Are by the enemy’s incendiaryof men and shells, extinguished he collected the a partyfires, under the continuous shell Are of the enemy. * *• * * * Burns, A, . 3rd Hussars For gallantry and coolness in the 4013 j SquadronSerjeant- trenches near Kemmel, from 20th to Major 22nd November, 1914, when he located and silenced many snipers. * * * % Squadron Coss, A. F. For conspicuous gallantry near Ypres Serjeant- 2nd Dragoon Guards from 11th to 17tb November, 1914, when Major he led a party and succeeded in killing going17 of the out enemy, by night and subsequentlyunder Are and for bringing 3 wounded men into cover. Has shown a Ane example of devotion to duty during the campaign. Squadron Croft, H. 5th Dragoon Guards For conspicuous gallantly at Zillebcke Serjeant- on 27th February, 1915, when he crept Major over his parapet on a bright moonlight night and silenced a German advanced post. He has been noted for courage and enterprise on previous occasions. * * * * Company Dooley, T. 2nd Battalion, The For conspicuous gallantry and marked Serjeant- Leicestershire ability near Neuve Chapelle from 1 th Major Regiment to 13th March, 1915. Showed great resource in the able handling of Ills men under heavy Are, and also in strengthening the positions captured from the enemy. 274 Promotions, Appointments, &c

Kewakds fob Seevice in the Field—contd. Distinguished Conduct Medal—oo»Zd.

Action for which commended.

Fisher, C. J. 2nd Battalion, Northampton- For conspicuous gallantry at Neuve shire Keglment. tookChaoelle command on 13th ofMarch, the company 1915, when after he menhis Officer with muchhad fallen ability and against handled a very the heavy counter-attack by the enemy. Quarter- Fitzpatrick, T. W. 1st Battalion, Royal mastcr- Irish Regiment For conspicuous gallantry and ability jSerJeant (now lieutenant at Mons on 23rd August, 1914, when he and Adjutant 2nd collected a party of 50 men and held Battalion) the crossenemy roads under against heavy a largemachine force gun of and rifle Are. On this occasion he obtained one of our broken abandoned machine guns, repaired it with the assistance of one man, and brought it into action again. * * * Quarter- Gilbert, C.'J. Bid Hussars.. master- Forvices gallant throughout conduct the and campaign, invaluable especi- ser- Serjeant ally from 13th to 18th February, 1915, atwhilst Ypres. the regiment was in the trenches * Company Glover, S. 2nd Battalion, For conspicuous gallantry and marked Serjeant - Royal Irish Fusi- ability at St. Eloi on 14th March, 1915. Major liers. After his Officer had been killed he took command of the company, and although cut off from our supports and repulsedalmost encircled three of theirby the attacks enemy, in thehe ourmost positions gallant manner, being main'ainedwhich resnlted until in relief arrived, when the Germans were driven off.

4472 Serjeant Goddcn, F. .. 15th Hussars For conspicuous gallantry, marked abil- (nowron Squad-Ser- ity, and resource, consistently shown jeant- atthroughout Rozoy onthe 6thcampaign, Heptembsr, especially 1914, Major) when he took his troop through a strong German flank-onard on a recon- ! na'ssance, and brought back valuable ! information under heavy rifle lire. On the 14th November, when the squadron was heavily shelled, and all but 13 of hethe remainedhorses in hiswhli troop one hadother been man killed, to attend on the wounded, having sent back the remainder of his troop. * * * * * * 5470 Company Hanwright, T. 2nd Battalion. For conspicuous gallantry near St Eloi Serjeant- Duke of Cornwall's on 14th March 1915, when he remained Major Light Infantry with two other men defending the mound after his Officer and all the men of the detachment had been killed or wounded. Company Serjeant-Major Hanwright was previously brought to notice for his gallant conduct. * * * fit iff 4720 Squadron Hawgood, C. B. Serjeant- 4th Hussars For gallantry and marked abilily con- Major whichsistently his displayedregiment inhas every been engaged.action in * * * * * Promotions, Appointments, &c. 275

Rewards foe Service iw the Field—csntd. Distinguished Conduct Medal—cowm.

Action for which commended.

For gallantry and valuable service' at inNeuve keeping Chapelle up the onsupply 12th ofMarch, ammuni- 1915, tion by day and organizing stretcher formanceparties by of night. his duties In the he cheerfulshowed a per-fine example. * * 6th (Banf. and Don- For conspicuous gallantry at Neuve side) Battalion, Gordon Highland- Chapelle on 13th March 1915, when ho ers (T.F.) duringshowed thea fineattack example although to hishimself men severely wounded. * * 1st Battalion, Liver- For conspicuous gallantry during our pool Regiment 1915,attack in endeavouringat Givenchy toon cutloth the March, wires ten yards from the enemy’s trenches, and for attempting to bring up more men after the first line had all been killed or wounded. Subsequently ren- dered great assistance in organizing a second party for an assault later in the day. * iff 1stIrish Battalion, Regiment Royal Forof conspicuous14th-15th March, gallantry 1915, on during the night our attack on the mound at St. Eloi, when he led his men with great courage and ability until practically all were wounded. On the next day Company voluntarilySerjeant-Major with anotherKelsey wentman andout broughttwo of the in enemy. the wounded, including * * * * Company Kepner, J. A. 1st Battalion, Wilt- f or conspicuous gallantry at Spanhroek Serjeant- shire Regiment Molen on the 12th March, 1915. During Major the assault he showed great determin- ation, and controlled his men, whilst under very heavy fire, with ability, although himself badly wounded. * iff * * iff Acting Kershaw, O. H. 1st Battalion, Lein- Company ster Regiment For conspicuous gallantry and ability at Serjeant- 1915,St. Eloi when on hethe tooknight a ofpatrol 15th onMarch, his Major own initiative, examined the trenches captured by the enemy and brought back valuable information whilst under close fire. * * * Comp any King, J. B. 2nd Battalion, For conspicuous gallantry on the night Serjeant- Devonshire Regi of 12th-13th March, 1E15, when he res- Major ment cued a wounded man from within 60 yards of the enemy’s trenches. Has shown conspicuous skill in the hand- ling of his men. * * 276 Promotions, Appointments, do.

Rkwaeds foe Service in tee Field—eonW. Distinguished Conduct MEDAD—cowid. Kegi- mental No. Rank. Name. Corps. Action for which commended. 6006 Company Land, F. W. 2ndBattalion,North- For conspicuous gallantry at Neuve Serjeant- amptonshire Regi- Major ment tookChapelle ' ommand on 13th of March, the company 191s, when after he his Officer had fallen, and handled the men with much ability against a very heavy counter-attack by the enemy. * * * * * 6611 Company Malms, C. H. 1st Battalion Scot- For conspicuous gallantry on the night Serjeant- tish Rifles of 24th-26th March, 1915, in carrying a Major wounded man from within 30 yards of the enemy’s trenches into cover under very heavy and accurate fire. Compan v - Serjeant - Major Malins has been braverybrought onto pa'rolnotice dutyfor his and consistent for good 7531 Company Mann, .1. W. 2nd Battalion, work as a sniper. Serjeant- King’s Own Scot- For gallantry, initiative and coo’ness on Major tish Borderers thehe handled18th April, his 1915,men atwith “ Hill great 60,” ability when at a critical time during the tight for possession of the hill. * # * * * * 6055 Company McBeath, W. J. 2nd Battalion, Scot- For conspicuous gallantry and ability Serjeant- tish Rifles at Neuve Chapelle from 10th to nth Major March, 1915, in persistently carrying on the attack after his Officers had been killed. * * * * * * 9827 Serjeant- Metcalfe, C. E. Depot, West Riding For conspicuous gall»n!rv, abilify, and Drummer Regiment resource, on 8th Novembe , 1914, at (Acting (attached 2nd Ypres. When our attack had failed, Company Battalion) and all the Offleers had fallen, he took Serjeant- charge of the company and counter- Major) attacked the enemy with complete success—he was himself wounded. * * * * * iff 33 Acting Murray, C. A. l/3rd (City of Lon- For gallant conduct during the assault Company don) Battalion,The on the German trenches at Neuve Serjeant- London Regiment Chapelle on loth March, 1915, and again Major (Royal Fusiliers on the following 'day during the T.F.) enemy’s counter-attack. * * * * iff 5653 Serjeant- Parker, S. J. 1st Battalion, Wilt- For conspicuous gallantry on 26th Major shire Regiment October, 1914, at Neuve Chapelle, when he led his men with great ability, and recaptured 169 yards of our lost trenches, after his Officer had been severely wounded. Serjeant - Major Parker subsequently returned to the wounded Officer, who was lying out under fire, and removed himintocover. * -* * * * * Company Raven, G. E. 1st Battalion, Hert- For conspicuous gallantry at Givenchy Serjeant- on the night of 13th-14tn March, 19lf, Major fordshire Regi- in rescuing a corporal of the King’s ment (T.F.) Royal Rifle Corps, who was lying wounded close to the enemy’s breast- work, whilst exposed to heavy fire. Company Serjeant-Major Raven has been noted on other occasions for his com*age and ability. iff * * iff iff iff Promotions, Appointments, &c. 277

Kewards for Service in the Field— Distinguished Conduct Medal—conM. Regi- mential No. Action for which commended. 7935 | Company Reid, A. ,T. 1st Battalion, East ; Serjeant- Surrey Regiment For conspicuous gallantry and valuable I Major 1915,service when at he“Hill went 60” out on of 20thhis trenchApril, across the open and broug'ht up am- munition and reinforcements on three occasions. The ground traversed by Company Serjeant-Major Reid was constantly swept by very severe machine gun and shell fire. * Serjeant Robson, A.. and Battalion,Royal For conspicuous gallantry at St. Eloi (Acting Irish Fusiliers on 14th March, 1915, when almost Company encircled by the enemy, he held the Serjeant- trench against superior numbers with Major) marked ability, and by his determina- tion and example greatly contributed to the complete success which was eventually attained. * * * Company Saunders, A. 4th Battalion, Rifle For conspicuous gallantry at St. Eloi Serjeant-Major Brigade on 15th March, 1915, when he con- intinned three at places his duty in theafter leg, being bringing wounded up men to the attack and encouraging them by his gallant example of de- votion to duty. * * * Company Sutherland, D. W. 2nd Battalion, The For conspicuous ability and gallantry Serleant- Leicestershire from 10th to 13th March, 1915. near Major Regiment Neuye Chapelle, in leading and con- trolling his men during the engage- ment, after many Non-commissioned Officers of his company had become devotioncasualties. to dutyShowed and atireless fine example energy. of Company Tait, T. 4th Battalion, Rifle For conspicuous gallantry at St. Eloi Serjeant- Brigade on 15th March, 1915, In leading his Major company in the attack in the most gallant manner, after all the Officers had been killed or wounded. * * * Serjeant (now Ward, L. 2nd Battalion,Royal For conspicuous gallantry and ability Company Irish Fusiliers at St. Eloi on 14th March, 1915. When Serjeant- all the officers and the Company Major) wounded,Serjeant-Major he collected had been the menkilled who or were left, and, on being forced by tookenfilade up Areanother to abandon position, his which trench, he held until assistance arrived. Squadron Warren, J. C, Queen's Own Ox- For conspicuous gallantry on 3rd Novem- Serjeant- fordshire Hussars ber, 1914. at Wulverghem, when he Major took a prominent part with two Troopers lu crawlii g up a field to fill a gap in the line of ' renches, under very heavy shell fire. Has been noted for voluntarily undertaking dangerous and difficult work. * * * 278 Promotions, Appointments, &c.

Rewabds fob Service in the FiET,r>—canid. Distinguished Conduct Medal—coraid. {Extract from the London Gazette of the 2%rd June, 1915.) ****** His Majesty The King has been graciously pleased to approve of the award of the Distinguished Conduct Medal to the undermentioned Warrant Officers, Non- commissioned Officers and Men, for acts of gallantry and devotion to duty whilst serving with the Expeditionary Force In France and Flanders. The particulars of the acts of gallantry will be published in the London Gazette on an early date 198 Company Serjeant-Major E. W. Abbott, 1st Battalion, Hertfordshire Regiment, Territorial Force. ****** T/13248 Company Serjeant-Major A. A. Anderton, Army Service Corps. ****** 5580 Company Serjeant-Major G. Ariss, 1st Battalion, Royal Warwickshire Regiment. ****** 4953 Company Serjeant-Major C. Asplin, 2nd Battalion, Northamptonshire Regiment. ****** S/15318 StaB-Serjeant-Major F. C. Avis, Army Service Corps. * * * * * * 9187 Infantry.Acting Company Serjeant-Major R. Boll, 1st Battalion, Highland Light ****** 8937 Regiment.Acting Company-Serjeant-Major W. Blackman, 2nd Battalion, East Surrey ****** 9136 Company Serjeant-Major T. Brannan, 1st Battalion, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment). * * * * * * 8021 Company Serjeant-Major A. Brown, 1st Battalion, East Kent Regiment. ****** 8881 Acting Company-Serjeant-Major B. Butcher, 2nd Battalion, Royal Sussex Regiment. ****** 1128 Company Serjeant-Major G. E. Clay, 3rd Battalion, King’s Royal Rifle Corps. ****** ISOTO Serjeant-Major A. E. Clifton, Canadian Army Medical Corps. ****** 2384 Company Serjeant-Major T. Corry, 1st Battalion, Irish Guards. ****** 59085247 CompanyCompany Serjeant-Major Ser.eant-Major A. Curtis.J. Dallaway, 2nd Battalion, 2nd Battalion, Rifle Brigade. Royal Sussex Regiment. ****** 77 Serjeant-jMajor.T. J. Dawkins, 2nd Battalion, Royal Warwickshire Regiment. ****** 8073 Company Serjeant-Major W. S. Dingley, 1st Battalion, Duke of Cornwall’s Light Infantry. ****** 12391 Company Serjeant-Major W. G. Foster, 4th Battalion, Royal Fusiliers. ****** 7525 Company Serjeant-Major G. Garrett, 1st Battalion, Bedfordshire Regiment. ****** 6658 Company Serjeant-Major C. Gates, 2nd Battalion, Suffolk Regiment. ****** Promotions, Appointments, &c. 279 Rewabds fob Sbbvicb in the Field—conM. Distinguished Conduct Medal—corelti. 621.3 Company Serjeant-Major L. Green, 1st Battalion, Royal Warwickshire Regiment. * * % * * Hi- 8513 Company Serjeant-Major F. Greenwood, 1st Battalion, Royal Fusiliers 164 Company Serjeant-Major C. Gregory, 2nd Battalion, Lancashire Fusiliers. ****** 16046 Acting Company-Serjeant-Major B. Grimes, Royal Garrison Artillery (4th Division). ****** ' 9284 Company Serjeant-Major T. Groggins, 2nd Battalion, Border Regiment. ****** 9623 Acting Company Serjeant-Major A. Hawkins, 1st Battalion, Bedfordshire Regiment. ****** 5794 Company Serjeant-Major C. Hopkins, 2nd Battalion, Gloucestershire Regiment. ****** .6970 Acting Oolour-Serjeant T. Hudson, 2nd Battalion, Oxfordshire and SBuek- inghamshire Light Infantry.

3539 Serjeant (Acting Company Serjeant-.Major) W. .1. Jeffrey, 3rd Battalion Loyal 6460 NorthCompany Lancashire Serjeant-Major Regiment J. H. (attached Johnson, 1st2nd Battalion!. Battalion, Lincolnshire Regiment

8078 Company SerJeant-MalorF. Lelliot, 1st Battalion, Royal Lancaster Regiment 7657 Company Serjeant-Major J. Lemon, 2nd Battalion, Manchester Regiment. ****** 310 Company Serjeant-Major J. Marnie, l/5th (Angus and Dundee) Battalion The Royal Highlanders, Territorial horoe. ****** 6233 Company Serjeant-Major B. Martin, 2nd Battalion, Lancashire Fusiliers. ****** 4438 Company Serjeant-Major A. Mayston 2nd Battalion, Worcestershire Regiment. ****** 4314 Company Serjeant-Major G. McCallum, 2nd Battalion, Cameron Highlanders. ****** 7788 Company Serjeant-Major E. Owens, 1st Battalion, Cheshire Regiment. ****** 1479 Company Serjeant-Major J. Pattison, l/5th (Angus and Dundee) Battalion, The Royal Highlanders, Territorial Force. ****** M./17553 Company Sc 'cant M.ijo A. Phipps, Army Service Corps. 980 Promotions, Appointments, &c.

Rewards for Service in the Field—coreM. Distinguished Conduct Medal—co»M. 6805 Company Serjeant-Major B. G. I’ort, 2nd Battalion, Bast Kent Regiment. * *--*** * 849 Company Serjeant-Major H. Potter, 1st Divisional Cyclist Company, Army Cyclist Corps (late Royal West Surrey Regiment). ****** 26648 Company Serjeant-Major (now L'eutenant) C. B. Price, 14th Canadian Battalion. ****** 5379 Serjeant-Major I). A. Rigby, 5'.h Battalion, Scottish Rifles Territorial Force. 7017 Highlanders.Company Serjeant-Major F. Robb, 1st Battalion, Argyll and Sutherland ****** 8276 Company-Serjeant-Major M. Sayers, 1st Battalion, East Lancashire Regiment. ****** 8384 Company Serjeant-Major T. H. Scott, 2nd Battalion Welsh Regiment. 9879 Company Serjeant-Major A. Scrase, 1st Battalion, Rifle Brigade. * * * * * * 5542 Company Serjeant-Major (now Second Lieutenant) W. Sheay, 2nd BaValion, Yorkshire Regiment. ****** 7284 Company Serjeant-Major T. F. Slim, 3rd Battalion, Worcestershire Regiment. ****** 3829 Battery Serjeant-Major ,T. Smith, 43rd Battery, Royal Field Artillery. ****** 6'JOO Borderers.Company Serjeant-Major J. .1. Stewart, 2nd Bat'alion, King’s Own Scottish ****** 5913 Regimental Serjeant-Major A. Sutherland, 1st Fattalion.Seaforth Highlanders. ****** 6740 Acting Company Serjeant-Major E. Tabb.lst Battalion, Deyonshire Regiment. ****** 5638 Company Serjeant-Major .T. P. Tighe, 1st Battalion,*Royal Iris i Regiment. ****** 9182 Company Serjeant-Major H. Webb, 1st Battalion, Worcestershire Regiment. 5796 Company Serjeant-Major W. Webb, 2nd Battalion. Suffolk Regiment, ' * * * * * , 6252 Company Serjeant-Major W. Weeks, 1st Battalion, Welsh Regiment. ****** 4423 Company Serjeant-Major W. F. Westeott, 2nd Battalion, West Yov. shire Regiment. ****** 6622 Company Serjeant- Major C. Withers, 1st Battalion, South Staffordshire Reg ment. * * * * * * 8183 Company Serjeant-Major A. Worsley>, 1st Battalion, Royal Lancaster Regiment. ****** 9483 Company Serjeant-Major H. Wright, 3rd Battalion, Middlesex I egiment. Promotions, Appointments, &c 281

Rewards for Service ik the Field—coraM. Distingiiished Conduct Medal—co«W. {Extract from, the London Gazette, dated 30th June, 1915) ****** War Office, 30th June, 1915, His DistinguishedMAJESTY THE Conduct KING Medal has tobeen the graciouslyundermentioned pleased Warrant to approve Officers, of Non-commissionedthe award of the Officers and Men, for acts of gallantry and devotion to duty, whilst serving with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders. This list appeared in the London Gazette dated 23rd June, 1915. mentalRegi- Rank. Name. No. Corps. Action for which commended. 198 C ompany Abbott, E. W. 1st Battalion, Hert- Serjeant- fordshire Regi- For conspicuous gallantry and marked Major ment (T.F.) ability at Cuinchy on 6th February, in1915. supporting He rendered the attack invaluable under aservice heavy hisshell men, Are, whom and showed ho handled a flue withexample much to ability. * * *- * * * T/13248 Company Anderton, A. A. Army Service Corps For conspicuous gallantry and con- Serjeant- tinuous good service, especially at Major Pont Arcy on the 14th September, i9i4, towhere, bring with in the great wounded courage, while he assistedexposed to a very heavy fire. * * * * * 5580 Company Ariss, F. 1st Battalion, Royal For great zeal and devotion to duty from Serjeant- Warwickshire the commencement of the campaign, Major Regiment especially in the trenches at St. Yves. Company Serjeant-Major Ariss has sei a splendid example to the men of his Company. * * * * * 4953 Company Asplin, C. .. 2nd Battalion, During the attack on Neuve Chapelle he l Serjeant- Northampton- commanded a half - company with Major shire Regiment great gallantry and ably assisted h s otherCompany Officers Commander, had been killed. after all the * * * S/1531S Staff Ser- Avis, S. O Army Service Corps For gallant, conduct and ability at Nouve jeant- Chapelle from 10th to 13th March, Major 1915, where he was wounded but con- tinued to work until ordered away. This Non-commissioned Officer has performed consistently good work, * * * * * * 9187 Acting Bell, K. 1st Battalion, High- For conspicuous gallantry near NY res Company land Light Infan- on the 25th April, 1915, when he left tire Serjeant- try advanced trenches under very heavy Major shell and rifle fire and helped to bring ammunition to the firing line, 9 ammunitionout of 10 of beingthe men wounded. carrying theOn another occasion, during the attack near Ypres on 1st May, with great coolness he organized and brought forward reinforcements to the firing line under heavy lire. * * * * * * 282 Promotions, Appointments, &c. Kewasds fob Si! it vice in the Field—conM. Distinguished Conduct Medal—ooreid.

Action for which commended.

For consistently siallant condnot. This fineNon-commissioned example in continually Officer performinghas set a acts of self-aacrillce and devotion to duty under fire, such as bringing in wounded men. * * * For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty near St. Eloi on 24th February, 1915, on a moonlight night, while oiir trenches were being relieved, and the enemy were pouring in a heavy Sre, in theattending 11th March, to wounded 1915, while in the attending open. On a mortally-woundedished trench, Company man Serjeant-Major in an unfin- head,Brannan but, was displaying himself tvoundedgreat fortitude, in the would only leave the trench after being ordered by his Company Commander. * * * For conspicuous zeal and devotion to duty. By his untiring energy and his example throughout the campaign. Companydone much Serjeant-Major to keep up the spiritBrown of hasthe men of his company. He was severely wounded wh'le repairing a breach made by shells in the parapet. # For conspicuous gallantry on the 29th January, 1915, at Cuinchy. During an attackheavy machine-gunon the keep, he,Are, while bombed under the a enemy, and was largely instrumental in defeating the attack. He has, on many occasions throughout the cam- paign, rendered valuable service, and has invariably shown great courage, resource and devotion to duty. * * For conspicuous gallantry on 15th February, 1915, in going out by daylight under fire to assist in bringing In edwounded Officer men.has been This noted Non-commission- for consistent good work and has set a fine example to his men when under Are. * * * For conspicuous gallantry, coolness and devotion to duty at Vlamertinghe on 27th April, 1915, in assisting to move wounded from the church to a place of safety whilst under Are. Promotions, Appointments, &c. 283

Rewards for Service in the Field—conM. Distinguished Conduct Medal—coraid

Action for which commended..

1st Battalion, Irish For conspicuous gallantry and resource Guards hasthroughout frequently the performedwhole campaign. acts requir- He ing the greatest courage under heavy fire, and has shown a splendid example of zeal and devotion to duty. * * * 2nd Battalion, Rifle For gallant conduct at Neuve Chapelio on 12th March, 1915. During the attack, Brigade when three out of four officers were wounded, he continued with great abil- ity and fine example to lead the com- pany on. For conspicuous gallantry on the 30th 2nd Battalion, Royal October, 1914, at Ypres, when he recon- Sussex Regiment noitred in front of his company up to the German lines. He has been noted for his courage, resource, and ability throughout the campaign, and in the shownmost dangerous a fine example situations of cheerfulness has always and devotion to duty. * * * 2nd Battalion, For conspicuous gallantry, on 18th Dawkins, J .1. December, 1914, at Rouges Bancs, shireRoyal Regiment Warwick- where he on three occasions took messages under heavy fire. He also undercollected difficult and brought circumstances. in the wounded * * * * 1st Battalion Duke For conspicuous gallantry and ability Company Dinglcy, W. S. of Cornwall’s especially in leading patrols. He has Serjeant- Light Infantry bombed the enemy’s trenches on Major several occasions with hand grenades.

Company Foster, W. G. 4th Battalion, Royal For conspicuous zeal and devotion to Serjeant- Fusiliers duty throughout the war. Major * * * Garrett, G.. 1st Battalion, Bed- For conspicuous devotion to duty and Company fordshire Regi- gallantry under tire. He has set an Serjeant- ment example of cheerfulness atid zeal under Major difficulties. * # * * Company Gates, C. .. 2nd Battalion, Suf- For conspicuous devotion to duty Serjeant- folk Regiment throughout the campaign, notably at Le Gateau, where he showed great Major gallantry in fetching ammunition. * * * Green, L .. 1st Battalion, Company Royal Warwick- For great zeal and devotion to duty from Serjeant- shire Regiment the commencement of the campaign, Major especiallyCompany inSerjeant-Major the trenches atGreen St. Yves. has set a splendid example to the men of his company. * * * 284 Promotions, Appointments, &c

Rewards eor Service in the Field— Distinguished Conduct Medal—cojiM.

Action for which commended.

1st Battalion, Royal For consistently good workandde' ot'on Fusiliers to duty. Company Serjeant-Major readyGreenwood to volunteer has uhown for himselfany dangerous as ever duty. * * Gregory,

Acting Hudson, T. 2nd Battalion, Ox- For conspicuous gallantry on the 4th Colour- fordshire and October, 1914, on the Aisne, when, the Scrjeant telephone wire having been cut, lie LightBuckinghamshire Infantry. volunteered to carry a message under heavy shell fire, and subsequently re- moved a severely wounded man from the trenches under the same fire. * * Serjeant (Acting Jeffrey, W.. 3rd (attached 1st For conspicuous gallantry and ability at Company Bn.) Battalion, La Quinque Rue, on the 21st December, Serjeant- Loyal North Lan- 1914. when he led a night attack on the Major) cashire Regiment. enemy’s trenches. By his power of heleadership, succeeded courage in turning and thefine enemy example, out tance.of their trench for a considerable dis- Promotions, Appointments, &c. 285

Rewards for Service in the Field—conid. Distinguished Conduct Medal—con

Action for which commended.

2nd Battalion, Lin- For conspicuous courage and coolness colnshire Regi- displayed at Neuve Chapelle on 10th ment. heavyMarch, Hre,1915, he when, reorganised in the facethe ofmen a under his command. * * * 8073 j Company Lelliot, F. .. 1st Battalion, Royal For gallant conduct and excellent work ; Serjeant- Lancaster Regi- throughout the winter in the trenches. Major ment. Company Serjeant-Major Lelliot’s zeal, enterprise and example have had great effect on the men, and he has shown himself as always ready for any dangerous work, such as laying out wire entanglements, repairing parapets, etc. * * * Company Lemon, J. 2nd Battalion, Man- For conspicuous devotion to duty during Serjeant- the campaign. His coolness and Major chester Regiment resource under fire set a fine example to his subordinates. iff 310 Company For conspicuous zeal and ability. The J Serjeant- Mamie, J... l/5(Angusand llnn- general hearing of this Non-com- Major dee) Battalion, missioned Officer and the devotion to Royal High- duty shown by him have set a fine landers (T.F.) example to the men. # f#f * * Company 2nd Battalion, Lan- For conspicuous courage and ability dis- Serjeant- Martin, E. . played from the commencement of the cashire Fusiliers campaign. Company Serjeant-Major Ma^ or Martin has shown great bravery under fire and has been most devoted to his duties. * -3f Mayston, A. For conspicuous gallantry and ability 143! CompanySerjeant- 2nd Battalion, Wor- throughout the campaign. At Mons Major cestershirement Regi- he brought in a wounded man under a heavy fire. On the 18th September, 1914, on the Aisne he, under a heavy fire, after digging out a soldier buried by a shell, applied artificial respira- tion, thereby saving his life, and on theAisne, 20th he September,collected, re-organised,1914, also on andthe took the command of two Companies, all the Officers having been killed, and performed invaluable services.

Company McCallum, G. 2nd Battalion, For conspicuous gallantry and resource Serjeant- Cameron ' H i g h - while in command of a trench. At La Major landers playedBrasserie great on courage15th March, and 1915,resource he dis- in extinguishing a petrol fire by rolling on it, saving a building from destruc- tion, and being severely burned in the act. * % 286 Promotions, Appointments, &c. Rewards foe Service in the Field—co»£d. Distinguished Conduct Medal—conM.

1st Battalion, Che- For conspicious gallantry and devo shire Regiment tion to duty throughout the cam- paisn, notablv at Ypres on I6(h November, 1914, when he brought enemy,back underonly heavy80 yards fire away,from thean beenabandoned left in amachine wench. gun wihch had * Company Serjeant- Pattison, J. l/5th (Angus and For conspicuous zeal and ability. The Major talion,Dundee) Royal Bat- general bearing of this Non-com- Highlanders(T.F.) tomissioned auty shown Officer by andhim thehave devotion set a fine example to the men. * * * M/17553 Company Phipps, A. Army Service Corps For conspicuous zeal and devo'ion MajorSerjeant- to duty at nl 1 times, and for valuable trainingassistance and in discipline connection of his with column. the * 6605 Company Port, E. G. and Battalion, East For consnicuous gallantry near Ypres Serjeaiit- Kent Regiment on 3rd May, 1915, in holding on to a Major trench to the last, covering the position.retirement Theof enemy,his men of towhom another he killed many, were only a few yards away. * * Company Serjeant- Potter, H. IstDivisionalCyclist For conspicuous gallantry and marked Major CycliotComnany Corps.Army ability. The efficiency of his Cyclist (Late Royal West energyCompany he oweshas displayedmuch to thein zealthe per-and Surrey Regiment) formance of his duties. On many occasions he showed great coolness and bravery under a heavy fire. * * * Company Price, C. B. Hth Canadian Bat- For conspicuous gallantry and devotion Serjeaht-Majorfnow talion to duty at St. Julien, in gouig to the Lieutenant) assistancepatrol, had ofbeen a woundedman who, by whileGermans on whom he had encountered. Company shootingSerjeant-Major the two Price German* went whoout, hadand wounded him, brought in the man, undoubtedlyduct all through saving the hisaction life. was His of con- the most meritorious and self-sacrificing kind. * Serjeant- Rigby, D. A. 5th Bat*alien. Scot- For conspicuous ability and devotion to Major tish Rifles (T.F.) duty. Serjeant-Major Rigby has per- formed excellent work. Company! Robb, F. 1st Battalion,Argyll Serjeant- and Sutherland For conspicuous gallantry on 17th Major Highlanders February, 1915, in taking an important undermessage a toheavy the firingfire atline close in daylight range. wasCompany wounded Serjeant-Major on 6th April, Robb, 1915, whohas performed most valuable work in the trenches. * Promotions, Appointments, &c. 287

Retouds fob Service in the Field—coreM. Distinguished Conduct Medal—coraW.

Company Sayers, M. .. 1st Battalion, East For great gallantry displayed at various Serjeant- Lancashire Regi- times in taking out wiring and scouting Major ment parties at Le Cheer. Company selfSerjeant-Major always ready Sayers to volunteer has shown for him-any dangerous work. * -* * 8384 Company Seott, T. H. 2nd Battalion, For conspicuous gallantry on the 25th Serjeant- Welsh Regiment Major January, 1915, at Givenchy, when he undertook up a reservevery heavy supplies Are. of ammunition Company Scrase, A. 1st Battalion, Rifle For conspicuous gallantry on all occa- Serjeant- Brigade sions. His great courage under lire Major and untiring energy have been the means of setting an excellent example. * 0 * * 5542 Company Sheay, W. 2nd Battalion.York- For conspicuous devotion to duty. ' He Serjeant- shire Regiment Major skillcommanded and resource his Company from 30th with October great (now 2nd to 15th November, 1914, after all Lieutenant) the Officers had been killed or wounded. * * * * 72r4 Company Slim, T. F. 3rd Battalion, Wor- For conspicuous gallantry during the Serjeant- cestershire Regi- campaign, notably on 15th October, Major ment 1914, near Richebourg St. Vaast, when he went out and brought in a severely beingwounded himself Officer wounded undervery in doing heavy so. fire, * * * * * 3829 Battery Smith, ,T. 43rd Battery, Royal For conspicuous courage and coolness Serjeant- Field Artillery at Houplines Mairie Tower on 28th Major February, 1915, while employed on observation work. In spite of the fact that the Tower was several times hit by shell Are. this Warrant Officer stuck to his post in the Tower top. * * Company Stewart, J. ,T. 2nd Battalion, For conspicuous ability and devotion to Serjeant- King’s Own Scot- Major tish Borderers dutyOn Octooer since 13th,the beginning 1914, he took of commandthe War. of a half-company and acted with great judgment;when all the also Officers on20th of December, his Company 1914, had been killed or wounded, he rallied and took command of the Company. * * * Regimental Sutherland, A. 1st Battalion, Sea- For gallant conduct and ability while in Serjeant- fonh Highlanders command of a platoon; also when at Major Neuve Chapelle, from 10th to 13th March, 1915, he took charge of the ammunition Supply, under heavy shell fire, with marked success. * * *■ 288 Promotions, Appointments, do,

Rewards for Service in the Field—ooraM. Distinguished Conduct Medal—coreta.

Acting 1st Battalion, For conspicuous gallantry and coolness Company Devonshire Regi- in the trenches, notably on loth March, Serjeant- ment 1915, when under heavy shell fire he Major dug out men who had been buried. * * * * * Company Tighe, ,T. P. 1st Battalion, Royal For conspicuous courage and devotion MajorSerjeant- Irish Regiment to duty displayed at St. Eloi on the outnight a partyof 14tn of February, stretcher 1915,bearers in leading under a heavy fire, to bring in wounded. * * * * Company Webb, H. . 1st Battalion, AVor- Serjeant- eestershire Regi- For conspicuous gallantry and devotion Major ment to duty at Neuve Chapelle on 11th and ing12th messagesMarch, 1915. to inall continually companies carry- and Brigade Headquarters, under fire, and always getting his messages through. * * Company AVebb, W. 2nd Battalion, Serjeant- Suffolk Regiment For conspicuousn devotion to duty Major throughoutLe Oateau, twheree campaign, he showed notably great at gallantry in fetching ammunition. Company Weeks, AAr. 1st Battalion, Welsh For conspicuous gallantry and devotion '•erjeant- Regiment Major into voluntarilyduty near Ypres going onoutafter 18th April, an attack 1915, and bringing in the body of Lieutenant Davis.Weeks hasCompany previously Serjeant been noted - Major for his courageous behaviour. * * * * Company Westcott, W. F. 2nd Battalion, West For conspicuous devotion to duty on Serjeant- Yorkshire Regi- loth March, 1915, at Neuve Chapelle, Major ment when, after his officers were wounded, he performed their work as well as his own with great zeal. * * * Com pany Withers. C. 1st Battalion, South Serjeant- Staffordshire Regi For conspicuous energy and devotion to Major ment ofduty reorganising since v ovember, the battalion. 1914, in the work * * * Company AVorsley, A. 1st Battalion, Royal Serjeant- Lancaster Regi- For conspicuous gallantry and ability Major ment throughout the winter in the trenches. zeal,Company enterprise Serjeant and -example Major AVorsley’shave had hasgreat kept effect good on command.the men, over whom lie * Company AATright, H. 3rd Battalion, Mid- For conspicuous courage and devotion Serjeant- dlesex Regiment to duty at Ypres on 13ih February, Major 1915, when, after being wounded in the head, he refused to leave his trench but remained until his company was relieved. During the whole of the night 13th-14th February the trench was subjected to a very heavy fire from artillery, machine gun and infantry. * *■ Deaths, 289


Lieutenant-General. Hands, W., u.s.I. Ind. Army 24Apr.l5 Major-Generals. Abadie, H. R., C.B., ret. pay .. .. ,, t# Chelsea 9Mayl5 Bally, Hon. Maj.-Gen. W., ret. pay, late North’n R. 9Mayl5 Brown, Hon. Maj.-Gen. C. L., ret. pay, late Ind. Army Esher ,, 3DApr.l5 Govan, Hon. Maj.-Gen. C. M., ret. pay, late R. A. Musselburgh .. IPMaylS iRHadow, P. E., ret pay, late R. (Mad.) A. Hereford 15Mayl5 Hastings, F. E., C.B., ret. Ind. Army 2Mayl5 JERoberts, Hon,. Maj.-Gen. G. R., ret. Ben. S. 0. 23Marl5 Slmonds, Hon. Maj.-Gen. R. S., ret. Ben. S. C...... 18Apr,15 Brigadier-Generals. Lee, temp. Brig.-Gen. N., Hon. Col. 6 Bn. Manch. R. Of wounds received in action 22Junel5 Nugent, Col. (Temp. Brig.-Gen.) G. C„ M.V.O. Killed in action ., ,. 31Mavl5 Colonels. Bloomfield, Hon. Col. A. F. F., ret. pay, late Ind. Army 21Apr.l5 Bvanson, Hon. Col. R. C., ret. pay, late Ind. Army .. 29Apr.l5 Patteson, Hon. Col. H. T. S., yd, 6 (Cyclist) Bn. Norf. R. (ret. Yols.) ...... Norwich 29Mayl5 JETyndall, Hon. Col. G., ret. pay, late Ind. Army 1 May 15 Lieutenan Baker, O. C., R. Ir. Rif. .. .. ,, Killed in action 9Mayl5 Becher, H. C., 1 Bn. Can. Contgt. Killed in action 15Junel5 (^Bertram, Bt. Lt.-Col. C. P„ Adjt., ret. pay, late 9 Lan R.V.C. Newton Abbot HMaylS Browne, L. J., ret. pay, late Ind. Army 16Mayl5 Carden, D. A., 7 Bn. Arg. & Suth’d Highrs. (MaJ. Sea. ghrs.) Of wounds received in action 25Mayl5 Cunliffe, T. H„ 9 Bn. Manch. R. .. Hayward’s Heath .. 25Mayl5 Da Costa, B. R., ret. Ind. Med. Serv. 14Mayl5 Elliott, A. W., ret. pay, tofe Line. R. Ilfracombe .. 24Mayl5 Fallows, J. A., 8 Bn. Lan. Fus. .. Killed in action 6Junel5 Hannan, H. M., 8 Bn. Sco. Rif. Killed in action 21Junel5 Heys, W. G., 8 Bn. Manch. R. Killed in action 4Junel5 Kingston, G. B., R.E. Of wounds received in action 16Junel5 Hooper, Hon. Lt.-Col. S. H., late Glam. R. Fd. Res. Ar (Capt. Res. of OH.) (D.A.A.G.) 31Mayl5 Hyslop, M. R., ret. pay. late Lelc. R. Woking 2Junel5 Jacques, F. A., 14 Sikhs Killed in action Jessop, J. W., 4 Bn. Line. R. Killed in action 5Junel5 Hitching, Bt. Lt.-Col. C. W. R., ret. R. Mar. Dunstable 19Mayl5 Loveband, A., C.M.G., R. Dub. Fus. Killed in action 25Mayl5 Macdonald, Bt. Lt.-Col. C. E., ret. pay, R. Mar... London If JunelS Macpherson, T. R. M., ret. Ind. 8.C. 20Mayl5 ®Moflatt, W. H., ret pay (Mil. Knt. of Windsor).. Windsor 20J unel5 Moore-Lane, Hon. Lt.-Col. M„ C.B., ret. pay, late R.A. Worthing 22Mayl5 10 290 Deaths.

Lieutenant-Colonels—conti. Pease, Hon. Lt.-Col. J. R„ late Yorks. R. P. Res. A. (Empld R.G.A.). Lymington ...... 17Mayl5 Robertson, G. A., u.s.l. Ind. Army .. .. TMarlS Simon, Sir R. M„ Knt., M.D., R.A.M.C. (T.P.) Steele, G. P., C.AT.G., l Dns. Of wounds received in acti

Majors. Adcock, St. J„ 3 Bn. Leins. R. lattd. 1 Bn. N. Lan. R.) .. Killed in action .. 9Mayl5 Archibald, W., R.E. Of wounds received in action 18Junel5 Baddeley, E. L., 8 Bn. Lan. Pus. .. Killed in action .. 6Junel5 Battye, H. M., 5 .. Killed in action Bayly, R. H. R., Auckland Bn. N.Z. Contgt. Killed in action Blomfield, C. G. M., R. War. R Killed in action 9Jun.l5 Bruce, J. E.'L., R.G.A. Killed in action 29Mayl5 Byng, Hon. L. P. G., ret. pay, late R.H.G. Avening 27Mayl5 Chambers, W. T., R.A...... : Of wounds received in action 2Junel5 Copeland, F., 69 Punjabis ...... Killed in action 6—7Junel5 Cowan, A. G., 74 Punjabis (attd. 53 Sikhs) Killed in action UunelS Drought, G. T. A., R.P.A... Of wounds received in actio 14Junel5 Elliot, G. R., ret. pay, late Sea. Highrs. .. Twickenham 3Junel5 Powlie, C. W. L., 6 Bn. Gord. Highrs. Killed in action 39Mayl5 Fraser, W. A. C., Dorset R. 13Junel5 Graham, D. M. L., 2 Austrln. L.H. Killed in action '*riffith, J. G., 32 Lrs. Killed in action 24Mayl5 Guthrie-Smrth, W. M., ret. Ind. Army 30Apr.l5 Hay, S. M. C.. ret. Ind. Army 23Mar.l5 Hughes, A., 7 Bn. L’pool R Killed in action 17Mayl5 Johnson, R. D., 3 Bn. (attd. 2 Bn.) R. Dub. Fus... Killed in action 25Mayl5 f).C-Johnston, W. H., R.E. Killed in action 8J unel5 King, A. B. 7 Bn. Arg. & Suth’d. Highrs. . Of wounds received inaction Lang, H. A., 4 Bn. Wore. R. Killed in action 9Junel5 Lewis, C. H., A.S.C 28Mayl5 Lloyd, J. P. S., 6 Bn. N. Staff. R Killed in action 19Junel5 McArthur, How. Maj. J., ret pay.. Hessle 2Junel5 Marsh, G. S., ret pay, lute R.A. Glasgow Uunel5 Meyer-Griffith, H. W. G. Dnattd. List (T.F.) (Capt. Res. of Off.) Killed in action 28Mayl5 Mills, J. B., Austrln. Field Art. .. Of wounds received in action Percy, W. F., ret pay fate Norf. R. 12Junel5 Price, R., Otago Bn. N.Z. Contgt. Killed in action 20Mayl5 Quinn, H., 15 Bn. Austrln. Contgt. Killed in action Roberts, I. d’E., R.F.A. Killed in action Shaw, D. P., 6 Bn. Sco. Rif. Killed in action 16-18Junel5 Smith, A. F. B., 5 Bn. Bord. R. .. Kil'ed in action 16J uneis Staveacre, J. H., 7 Bn. Manch. R. Killed in action Taylor, J. C., R.A.M.C. (attd. 4 Bn. R. Sco. Pus.) Of wounds received in action Tenaille, D. .1., 5 Bn. Can. Contgt. Killed in action 26Mayl5 Villiers-Stuart, C.H.,56 Rif. Headq’rs Austrln.& N.Zealand Divn. Killed in action Uniacke, Maj. (temp. Lt.-Col.) R, P., R. Innis. Fus. A cci dentally killed .. . 27Mayl5 Wright, G. B. Can, R.E. .. ,, .. ,, Killed in action, ,. . 21Mayl5 Deaths. 291

Captains Abbott, T. A., R.F.A Killed in action 24Mayl5 Amphlett, E. B., 12 Bn. Wore. R. (attd. R. Eus.).. Killed in action 4Junel5 Anson, H. P. R., 1 Bn. (attd. 8 Bn.) Midd’x. R. .. Killed in action .. 24 -25Mayl5 Bage, E. F. R., Austrln. Divisional. Eng. Killed in action Bagshawe, L. V. (3 Bn. K.O. Seo.Bord. (atld. iBn. North’d Fu Killed in action 16Junel5 Bain, D. Me L., 3 Bn. (attd. 2 Bn.) Gord. Highrs. Killed in action 3Juael5 Baillie, I. H., 4 Bn. Caran. Highrs. Of wounds received in action 22Mayl5 Bazley. W. N., 6 Bn. Manch. R. .. Of wounds received in action 23Mayl5 Bell, A. M. MacG., R. Sc. Fus Of wounds received in action 28Apr.l5 Birdwood, C. W. B., 6 Gurkhas Of wounds received in action 7.1 unel5 Bluck, A. C., Auckland Mtd. Rif., N.Z. Contgt. .. Killed in action Blyth, R. C. P., Gloue. R. (attd. R. Fus.) Killed in action 4.1unel5 Bolton, H. H. *5 Bn. E. Lan. R Of wounds received action 25Mayl5 Booth, W. L., 6 Bn. Lond. R. Of wounds received action 28Mayl5 Boswall, J. D., 10 Bn. Sea. Higbrs. (attd. Essex R.) Killed in action 6Junel5 Bowes-Wllson, G. H., 4 Bn. York. R Killed in action 17J unel5 Brabazon, Hon. E. W. M. M., D.S.O., C. Gds. Killed in action 17Junel5 Brooke, R. R. M., Oxf. & Bucks. L.T. Killed in action Brown, F. S., 5 Bn. Manch. R. Killed in action 26Mayl5 Brown, G., 8 Bn. L’pool R. Killed in action Brown, J., 6 Bn. Sco. Rif. Killed in action -18 J unel5 Brown, W. K., 5 Gurkhas .. Killed in action Buckler, E. W., 6 Bn. (attd. 3 Bn.) Wore. R. Killed in action 16Junel5 Bush, W. D., 4 Bn. Wore. R. Killed in action 4Junel5 Cameron, K. B.,ret. pay, late Arg. & Suth’d Highrs. 5Mar.l5 Campbell, I. F.. 2 Bn. Austrln. Contgt. Of wounds received in hetion Carver, O. A., 2 E. Lan. Meld Co. R.E. Of wounds received in action 7J unel5 Chapman, J., 5 Bn. Leic. E Of wounds received in action 30Mayl5 Christian, A. G., 1 Bn. Austrln. Contgt. ,, Killed in action Christie, J. H., 4 Bn. R. Ir. Regt.,.. Killed in action 24Mayl5 Clegg, J. H., 10 Bn. Maneh. R. Of wounds received in action Court, W. H. R„ 9 Lrs Killed in action 24 VI ay 15 Crofton, H. L., R. Innls. Fus. Killed in action 22Mayl5 Cunliffe, T. H. W., Lan. Fus. Kill d in action 4Junel5 Darche, A. R , 4 Bn. Can. Contgt. Of wounds received in action 25 May 15 Dean, J. S., 7 Bn. L’pool R. Of wounds received in action 27Mayl5 East, H. J., York. & Lane. R. Killed in action 10Mayl5 Edgar, R. G., 6 Bn. Manch. R...... Killed in action —JunelS Edwards, A. N., 9 Lrs. Died of Gas Poisoning 25Mayl5 Egglestone, V. J., Otago Bn. N. Z. Contgt. Killed in action 6J unel5 Erskine, W. A., R.G.A Killed in action 24 May 15 Fairclough, R. J., 5 Bn. L’pool R. Of wounds received in action 30Mayl5 Finegan, H. M., 8 Bn. L’pool R. Killed in action .. 16i-18Junel5 Forrester, R. E., R. Highrs. Killed in action 15Junel5 Francis, J., 5 Bn. R. War. R. Killed in action 3.Tunel5 Frandi, A., Wellington Bn. N. Z. Contgt. Of wounds received in action French, C. A., R. Ir. Regt. .. Of wounds received in action UunelS Friedberger, W. S., 5 Bn. (attd. 3 Bn.) R. Fus. Killed in action 25Mayl5 Gill, F. M., 24 Bn. Lond. R. Killed in action .. 25 26Mayl5 Gould, F. H„ Midd’x R. .. Accidentally killed 6.Ionel5 Gouldlng, J. H„ Canterbury Bn. N. Z. Contgt. .. Killed in action 6Junel5 10* 292 Deaths,

Captains Oontd. Grant, F. N., 5 Bn. K. Suss. R. Killed in action .. .. 9Mayl5 Greig, W. E., 5 Bn. L’pool R. Of wounds received in action 27Mayl5 VglGrenfell, F. O., 9 Lrs Killed in action .. .. 24Mayl5 Grenfell, Hon. J. H. F„ D.S.O., 1 Dns. Of wounds received in action 26Mayl6 Hamer, F., 9 Bn. Manch. R. Killed tn action .. .. 7Junel5 Hartley, J. B., K.O. Sco. Bord. Killed in action .. .. 4Junel5 Harvey, E. G., Wilts. R. .. Killed in aaiion .. 16Junel5 Henderson, E. L. H., R. Mans. Fus. Of wounds received in action 20Mayl5 Hepburn, A. J., 8 Bn. Manch. R... Killed in action .. .. — Hill, P. G. P., 1 Bn. Austrln. Contgt. Of wounds received in action — Holt, J., 6 Bn. Manch. R. Killed in action .. .. — Hooke, F. M. R., 6 Bn. Austrln. Contgt... Killed in action 2Junel5 Houlker, W. Canterbury Bn. N.Z. Contgt. Of wounds received in action Humphrey, E. S., 8 Bn. Lan. Fus. Killed tn action .. .. 5Junel5 Huntriss,H. E., Bedf. R... Of wounds received in action 17Mayl6 Innes-Hopkins, J. R., 5 Bn. Can. Contgt. Killed in action 25Mayl5 Jackson, S. F., 6 Bn. Manch. R. .. Killed in action Jarrett, A. V., D.S.O., York & Lane. R. Of wounds received in action 22Junel5 Jenklnson, J. W., 12 Bn. Wore. R. (attd. R. Fus Killed in action 4.1 unel5 Kessler, E., 6 Bn. Manch. R. Killed in action .. Lawry, C., Canterbury Bn. N.Z. Contgt... Of wounds received in action Lawson, F. H. t.T. F. Reserve) Killed in action .. ..22' ■25Mayl5 Le Blond, R. C. G., 12 Bn. Rif. Brig. Salisbury 16Mayl5 Lenke, E., R.F.A. Of wounds received in action 25Junel5 Leslie, W. A., Austrln. Field Art. Of wounds received in action Logan, A., 4 Bn. R. Sc. Fus. .. Killed in action Lupton, M., 7 Bn. W. York. R. Killed tn action 19Junel5 McGee, C. E , 5 Bn. Can. Contgt. Killed in action 26Mayl5 Mackay, E. R., 13 Bn. Arg. & Suth’d Highrs. Killed in action 6Junel5 McKinnell, B., 10 Bn. L’pool R. .. Killed in action 16Junel5 Maclear, B., R. Dub. Fus. Killed in action 25Mayl5 McMeans, E. D., 8 Bn. Can. Contgt. Killed in action 22Mayl5 McRae, A. W., 14 Sikhs Killed in action Mathison, G. C., 5 Austrl’n Med. Corps... Of wounds received in action Meysey-Thompson, Hon. C. H. M., Rif. Brig. Of wounds received in action 17Junel5 Mitchell, J. M., 7 Bn. R. Scots. Gretna .. 22Mayl5 Moore, R. H. H., Bord. R. .. Killed in action 5Junel5 Morrison, T. E., Can. Eng. Killed in action 15Junel5 Murphy, E. H., 5 Bn. (attd. 2 Bn.) Leins. R. Of wounds received in action 6Mayl5 Murray, C. J. C.. 6 Bn. Sco. Rif Killed in action ., 16 -18J unel5 Mylne, E. G., I. Gds. Of wounds received in action 12Junel5 Nugent, Hon. W. A., 15 Hrs. Of wounds received in action 29Mayl5 O’Callaghan, G. A., R. Ir. Regt. .. Died of gas poisoning 25Mayl5 Oldfield, E. G. W., 8 Bn. Manch. R. Killed in action Owen, G. W., 10 Bn. Manch. R. Killed in action Phillips, L., Welsh R. Killed in action 25Mayl5 Phillips, M. A., R.F.A Killed in action 21 May 15 Pickersgill-Cunliffe, J. C., 6 Bn. (attd. 1 Bn.) Wore. R. Killed in action 4Junel5 Pilkington, H. B., 6 Bn. Manch. R. Killed in action Povah, F., R. Scots Killed in action 16J unel5 Radford, A. L., 9 Bn, L’pool R. (attd. 8 Bn. Lan. Fus.) Killed in action .. Deaths. 593

Captains—conti Ealey, W. H. Q., 3 Bn. (attd. 2 Bn.) York. E. Killed in action ,, .. 15Junel5 Eathbone, A. E., 3 Bn. (attd. 2 Bn.) S. Lan. E. Of wounds received in action 24,Tunel5 Eenton, W. G. F., 1 D.G Killed in action .. 2Junel5 Eevell, E. A., Essex E. , Of ivounds received in action 12Junel6 Eichardson, E. H. B., 3 Bn. Wilts. E. Killed in action .. .. l5Junel5 Eobertson, J. F.,ret. pay, lateConn. Eang. (Maj. 11 Bn. Hamps. ) Dublin ...... 12Mar.l5 Eobins, G. G., 3 Bn. (attd. 1 Bn.) E. York. E. Died of gas poisoning .. 7Mayl5 Eoddam, E. C. H., 3 Bn. (altd. 1 Bn.) North’d Fus. Killed in action .. .. 16Junel5 Eogers, H. M., 5 Bn. Manch. E. .. Of wounds received inaction 25Mayl5 Eose, H. J., 8 Bn. Manoh. E. Killed in action .. .. 4Junel5 Enddook, E. H. M. 13 Bn. Wore. E. Killed in action .. .. — Bussell, D. Ii., 8 Bn. Lond. E. Of wounds received in action 23Mayl6 Eylands, E. V., 7 Bn. Manoh. E. .. Killed in action .. .. 29Mayl5 Savatard, T. W., 7 Bn. Manoh. E. .. Killed in action .. .. 29Mayl5 Shepheard, P., Essex K. Killed in action .. 6Junel5 Smith, G. J. L., 1 Bn. Can. Contg. Killed in action .. ,. ISJunelS Sparling, S. J. B. (temp. Maj.) 57 Bifs., attd. B.N.D. Killed in action .. — Spedding, A. V., Otago Bn. N.Z. Contgt. .. Killed in action .. .. 20Mayl5 Sim, B. V., Spec. Ees. (attd. 4 Bn.) Mldd’x E. Of wounds received in action 7Mayl5 Stannard, W. L., 5 Bn. S. Lan. E. Killed in action .. .. 3-6 May 15 Stewart, E. H., 10 Bn. Can. Contgt. Killed in action .. 24Mayl5 Sugden, H., 9 Bn. Manoh. E. Of wounds received in action — Talbot, A. D„ Lan. Fus. Killed in action .. 3Junel5 Thomas-O’Oonel, G. O’D. F„ E. Fus. Killed in action ,, .. 16Junel5 Townshend, S. L., 16 Bn. Austrln. Contgt. Killed in action .. .. — Trembath, A. E„ 16 Bn. Lond. E. Killed in action .. 26Mayl5 Tullis, E. B., 7 Bn. Arg. & Suth’d Highrs. Of wounds received in action 25Mayl5 Turner, G., 5th Gurkhas .. Killed in action .. .. — Twining, C. F. H., 3 Bn. (attd. 1 Bn.) Hamps. B Killed in action .. .. 3Mayl5 Ussher, B., Leins. E. Killed in action .. .. — Walker, O. B., 12 Bn. Wore. E. (attd. B. Fus.) Killed in action .. 4Junel5 Wallack, G. T., 2 Bn. Austrln. Contgt. Killed in action , .. — Warmington, J. N., 14 Bn. Can. Contgt. .. Killed in action .. .. 20Mayl5 Waterhouse, B., 7 Bn. Lan. Fus. Killed in action .. .. 7Mayl5 Webb-Bowen, H. I., E. W. Fus. Of wounds received in action 24Mayl5 Wells, G. F., E.E Of wounds received in action 16Junel5 Whalley, H. W., 4 Bn. E. Lan. E. Killed in action .. .. 4,Tunel5 Whitfield, J. L., 4 Bn. N. Lan. E. Of wounds received in action 23Junel5 Whytehead, H. E. A., 5 Gurkhas Killed in action ,. .. 22Mayl5 Wickham, J. D. D., Lino. E. Of wounds received in action 22Junel5 Williams, I. H. J., E. Fus... Of wounds received in action SJunelS Wilson, J. C., 3 Bn. Austrln. Contgt. Of wounds received in action — Wood, C. L., 18 Hrs. Killed in action .. 24Mayl5 Wood, J. L., D.S. 0., Ees. of Off., 18 Hrs. .. Of wounds received in action HJunel5 Woodham, C. B., D.S.O., D. of Corn. L.I... Killed in action .. .. ISJunelS Wreford-Brown, C. W., D.S.O., North’d Fus, Killed in action .. .. 25Mayl5 Wright, H. G., 8 Bn. Notts. & Derby. E. .. Killed in action .. 6Junel5 Lieutenants. Allen, .1. H., 13 Bn. Wore. E. Killed in action .. 6Junel5 Anderson, J. M., 3 Bn. (attd. 2 Bn.) E. Scots Killed in action ..;17-18Junel5 294 Deaths

Lieutenants—contA. Anderson, K. A., 15 Bn. Austrln. (Jontgt.,. Killed in action Atherley, C. E., 11 Bn. Yorks L. I. Of wounds received in action Atkinson, G. J. B., 5 Bn. Wore. R. .. .. Killed in action Atkinson,5L. E. M„ 3 Bn. (attd. 2 Bn.) R. Berks. R. Killed in action 9Mayl5 Bailey, H. (Dist. Offr.) R.A. Killed in action 25Mayl5 Barber, R. C., R.F.A. London j 25Mayl5 Barclay, W. K., 7 Bn. R. Highrs. .. Of wounds received in action 20Junel5 Barton, H. P., 2 Bn. Austrl’n Contgt. Killed in action Bastedo, A. C., 1 Bn. Can. Contgt. Killed in action .. .. Battersby, A. W., 4 Bn. Conn. Rang. .. Killed in action 8 June 15 Beall, R. D„ R.P.A. Killed in action 4Junel5 Beauelerk, N. A. de V., 12 Bn. (attd. 2 Bn.) Essex R. Killed in action Beddy, R. L., 5 Gurkhas .. Of wounds received inaction Benson, H. C., 9 Bn. Rif. Brig. ' Killed in action .. ., 22Junel5 Bentley, F. M., 3 Bn. (attd. 2 Bn.) Gord. Highrs... Killed in action 18Junel6 Berlein, C. M., 5 Bn. Oxf. & Bucks. L.I. .. Killed in action 16Junel5 Berry, W. H. S., 4 Bn. R. Innis. Fns. (attd. R. Ir. Regt. Killed in action 25Mayl5 Bolitho, W. T. M„ 19 Hrs. .. KiUed in action 24Mayl5 Bolton, J., 5 Bn. E. Lan. R. .. .. Of wounds received in action 6Junel5 Bourke, E. G. W., 9 Bn. K. R. Rif. C. Killed in action 16Junel5 Bourns, C., 6 Bn. (attd. 4 Bn.) Rif. Brig. .. Killed in action 25Mayl5 Bradley, S„ SuS. R. Killed in action 25Mayl5 Brice, H. C., 4 Bn. Leic. R. Of wounds received in action HJunelS Brock, H. F„ 3 L.H., Austrln. Contgt. Killed in action Brownless, J. W., A.Y.C. .. Of wounds received in action IDJunelS Burnard, D. R., Aucklaud Bn. N.Z. Contgt. Of wounds received in action Buscombe, R. F. E., 7 Bn. Can. Contgt. .. Killed in action 19Junel5 Cameron, N. D., Wellington Mtd. Rif., N.Z. Contgt. Killed in action Campbell, F. W., 1 Bn. Can Contgt. Of wounds received in action 19J unel5 Cargo, J. R., Wellington Bn. N.Z. Contgt. Killed in action 3J unel5 Carpenter, I). R., Auckland Bn. N.Z. Contgt. Of wounds received in action Carr, E. J. A., 5 Bn. R. Lane. R. .. Of wounds received in action ISMaylS ; Chalcraft, G. A., 4 Bn. W. York. R. (attd. 2 Bn. W. Rid. R.) Died of gas poisoning 7 May 15 Chalmers, R., 15 Bn. Lond. R. Of wounds received in action 25Mayl5 Chilton, F., 3 Bn. Arg. & Suth’d Highrs. (attd. 2 Bn. Hamps. R.) Killed in action fclark, C. L., 3 Bn. Can. Contgt. Of wounds received in action 17Junel5 Clarke, H. J., 3 Bn. (attd. 1 Bn.) R. Berks. R. Killed in action 17Mayl5 Clegg (Temp. Lt.), J., 10 Bn. Manch. R. .. Of wounds received in action 25Mayl5 Coker, C. J., Welsh R Killed in action 22Junel5 Couve, H. T. L., 8 Bn. Austrln. Contgt. .. Killed in action Cowan, H. R., Wellington Bn. N.Z. Contgt. Of wounds received in action Cox, C. R. M., 14 Bn. Austrln. Contgt. .. .. Killed in action Crawford, E., 3 Bn. (attd. 2 Bn.) R. Innis. Fus. .. Diedwounds of gas poisoning and 27Mayl5 Cremen, L. F., 14 Sikhs Killed in action ,, Cummins, H. W., 4 Bn. York. R. .. Killed in action 24Mayl5 Cunningham, R. K., 1 Bn. Austrln. Contgt. Killed in action .. .. Curlewis, G. L., 16 Bn. Austrln. Contgt. .. Killed in action Currie, J. M., 5 Bn. Can. Contgt. .. Killed in action 25Mayl5 Davidson, H. R., 3 Bn. (attd. 1 Bn.) High. L.I. .. Killed in action 18Mayl5 Dawkins, W. H., Austrln. Divnl. H’grs. .. Killed in action Deaths.

Lieutenants—fiontd. Deighton, F. H., K.O. Sco. Bord Of wounds received in action l8Junel5 Dill, J. R., 69th Punjabis .. Killed in action .. .. 6-7Junel5 Dixon, A. E. B., 5 Bn. N. Lan. R. .. Of wounds received in action 6Junel5 Dobson, A. F. 0., 8 Bn. Notts. & Derby. R. Killed in action .. .. 15JunelS Duncan, G. G., 10 Bn. Can. Contgt. Killed in action .. .. 24Mayl5 Durston, N. H., 16 Bn. Austrln. Contgfc. .. Of wounds received in action — Duthie, R. L., Otago Bn. N.Z. Contgt. Of wounds received in action 12Mayl5 Earle, J. Y., Notts. & Derby R. and W. Afr. Front. Fee. Killed in action .. .. 20Junel5 Eddis, A. G., 3 Bn. Can. Contgt. .. Killed in action .. .. 27Mayl5 Edgington, R. W. L., 6 Bn. R. War. R. Killed in action .. .. 4Junel5 Ellis, B. H., 5 Bn. Shrops. L.I. Killed in action .. .. 16Junel5 Ellwood, C. H., 4 Bn. Line. R. Killed in action .. .. 2Junel5 Emerson, P. T., Wellington Mtd. Rif., N. Z. Contgt. Killed in action .. .. — Farquharson, F. L., 6 Bn. Gord. Highrs. .. Killed in action .. .. 3Junel5 Farrier, C. P., 10 Bn. Austrln. Contgt. Killed in action .. .. — Findlay-Hamilton, J. E., 3 Bn. (attd. 2 Bn.) R. Sc. Fus. Killed in action .. .. 16Junel5 Fleming, G. M., Hf.B., R.A.M.C. .. Killed in action .. .. 16JunelS Forbes-Sempill, Hon. R. A., 5 Bn. Gord. Highrs. .. Of wounds received in action 2Junel5 Forsythe, A. E., Canterbury Bn. N. Z. Contgt. .. Of wounds received in action — Fox, W. H.,4 Bn. S. Staff. R. (attd. Bedf. R.) Killed in action .. .. 16Junel5 Fowlo, L. R., 14 Sikhs Killed in action .. .. — Frater, R. A., Auckland Bn. N. Z. Contgt. Of wounds received in action — Freemantle, W. G., 7 Bn. Manch. R. Killed in action .. .. 4JunelS Frost, E. L., 4 Bn. S. Lan. R. Killed in action .. .. 16Junel5 Gage, (temp. Capt.) B. A. H., R.F. t. Of wounds received in action 29Mayl5 Gordon, G. N., 1 Bn. Can. Contgt. Killed in action .. .. 15JunelS Graham, C., 5 Bn. Bord. R. Killed in action .. .. 27Mayl5 Graham, M. H., 3 Bn. (attd. 2 Bn.) York R. Killed in action .. .. ISJunelS Gray, J., Wellington Bn. N.Z. Contgt. Of wounds received in action Gray, M. N., 3 Bn. (attd. 1 Bn.) Sco. Rif. .. Of wounds received in action 21Junel5 Green, F. D. L., Can. Field Art. .. Killed in action .. .. 2JunelS Griffiths, F. N. G., 10 Bn. Manch. R. Of wounds received in action 2Junel5 Gunter, F. J., 11 Hrs. Killed in action .. 24Mayl5 Hadow, G. F., York R. Killed in action .. .. 15Junel5 Haldane, R. P., 6 Bn. R. Highrs. .. Of wounds received in acffo»13-14Junel5 Hall, S., 8 Bn. Manch. R. .. Killed in action .. .. 4Junal5 Hall, W. E., 5 Bn. R. Fus Killed in action .. .. 23Mayl5 Hamilton, I. K., 3 Bn. (attd. 1 Bn.) R. War. R. .. Killed in action .. .. 2Junel5 Hamilton. W. H., 14 Bn. Austrln. Contgt. Killed in action Hamilton-Dalrymple, J. R., K.O. Sco. Bord. Killed in action .. .. 23Apr.l6 Harris, J. W., 3 Bn. (attd. 1 Bn.) Line. R. Killed in action .. .. 3Junel5 Harrison, C. R., 3 Bn. (attd. 2 Bn.) Leic. R. Of wounds received in action 23Mayl5 Harter, C. J., R. Fus. Killed in action .. 16Junel5 Hatfield, R. B., 8 Bn. Lond. R. .. .. Of wounds received in action 25Mayl5 Helliwell, J. G., 1 Bn. Can. Contgt. Killed in action .. .. 15 JunelS Heywood, S., 8 Bn. Manch. R. Killed in action .. .. 4JunelS Hill, J., 15 Bn. Austrln. Contgt. .. Killed in action .. .. — Hobson, A. C., 2 L.G. Killed in action .. .. ISMaylS Holden, N. V., 6 Bn. Lan. Fus. Of wounds received in action 4Junel5 Hornby, G., 7 Bn. Can. Contgt. Killed in action .. .. 25Mayl5 Horsford, T. G. M., Bedf. R. .. ,, ,, Killed in action ., ., leJunelS 296 Deaths.

Lieutenants—conid. Horaley, J., 3 Bn. (attd. 2 Bn.) Bord. R. .. Killed in action .. .. 16 May 1 Hull, L. H. R„ 21 Bn. Bond. R Killed in action .. .. 25-26Mayl5 Humbert, E. G. J., 9 Bn. R. Berks. R. Of wounds received in action 8Junel5 Ingram, W. H., 8 Bn. Manch. R Killed inaction .. .. 4Junel5 Innes, A. B., 7 Bn. Gord. Highrs Killed in action .. ..16-18Junel5 James, C„ Auckland Mtd. Rif. N. Z. Contgt. Killed in action ,, .. — James, C. A., l Bn. Can. Contgt Killed in action 16Junel5 James, G. E., 8 Bn. Austrln. Contgt. Killed in action James, G. S., 5 Bn. Manch. R. Killed in action 4-5Junel5 Johnston, J. A. M., 6 Bn. Austrln. Contgt. Of wounds received in action 19Mayl5 Jones, L. P„ 9 Bn. R. Berks. R. (attd. R. Innis. Fus.) Of wounds received in action 6Junel5 Jordan, J., 9 Bn. (attd. 2 Bn.) S. Wales. Bord. Of wounds received in action Joy, F. S. P., 3 Bn. (attd. 2 Bn.) R. Ir. Rif. Killed in action 16Junel5 Keiran, R. C„ 6 Bn. Austrln. Inf... Of wounds received in action — Keith, P. H., 8 Bn. Sco. Rif. Killed in action .. ..16-18Junel5 Kerr, H. G., 3 Bn. Can. Contgt. .. .. Killed in action .. .. 25Mayl5 Knowles, H., 6 Bn. W. Rid. R. Accidentally killed .. .. 30Mayl5 Kretchmar, E. H., 16 Bn. Austrln. Contgt. Killed in action .. ., — Laws, B. C., 3 Bn. (attd. 1 Bn.) York & Lane. R. Of wounds received in action 25Mayl5 Leary, E., R. Ir. R... Of wounds received in action 21Junel5 Legard, G. P., North’d Fus. Killed in action 8Mayl5 Leitch, A. E. G., 15 Bn. Austrln. Contgt. .. Killed in action Leland, W. A., 10 Bn. Bedf. R. Killed in action 4Junel5 Lewis, M. H„ 4 Bn. R. Sc. Fus Of wounds received in action Lewis, S. E., 10 Bn. Can. Contgt. .. Killed in action 24Mayl5 Liebenthal, L. G., 8 Bn. Cam’n Highrs. (attd. Essex R.) Killed in action 4Junel5 Little, E. M., 15 Bn. Austrln. Contgt. .. Killed in action Lloyd, L. J. B., Shrops. L.I. Killed in action 27Apr.l5 Logan, P., Auckland Mtd. Rif., N.Z. Contgt. Of wounds received in action Luckett, J. S., R. Ir. Regt. Died of gas poisoning 24-25Mayl5 Machean, D. G. F., Gord. Highrs... Killed in action 18Junel5 McDonald, D. B„ Wellington Mtd. Rif., N.Z. Contgt Of wounds received in action 6Junel5 MacDonald, J. W., 1 Bn. Can. Contgt. Killed in action MacKay, A. H., 5 Bn. Can. Contgt. Killed in action 22Mayl5 MacKenzie, G. A. G., 16 Bn. Can. Contgt. Killed in action 21Mayl5 MacKenzie, J., Spec. Res., attd. 2 Bn. S. Gds. Killed in action 16Mayl5 MacLehose, N. C., 8 Bn. Lond. R... Killed in action 26Mayl5 McLoughlin, J. P., 4 Bn. R. Dub. Fus. (attd. R. Ir. Regt.) Died of gas poisoning 25Mayl5 Macrury, N„ 11 Bn. R. Highrs. (attd. K. O. Sco. Bord.) Killed in action 4Junel5 McWilliams, S. A., 9th Austrln. L.H. .. Of wounds received in action Marsden, R., 8 Bn. Manch. R. Killed in action 4Junel5 Maule, R., 5 Bn. R. Scots .. Killed in action 27Mayl5 Maurice, F. D., Canterbury Bn., N. Z. Contgt. Of wounds received in action Meade, R. J. F. P., 14 Sikhs Killed in action Meek, J., 7 Bn. Durh. L.I. .. Killed in action 26Mayl5 Meikle, D., 5 Bn. Can. Contgt. Kitted in action 25Mayl5 Melville, W. W., 6 Bn. (attd. 2 Bn.) K. R. Rif. C Killed in action 9Mayl5 Menteath, C. B. S., Wellington Bn., N. Z. Contg Kille i in action Miller, J. E. B„ 5 Bn. (attd. 1 Bn.) R. Ir. Rif. Of wounds received in action 24 May 15 Monks, C. P., R.F.A. Spec. Res. .. Killed in action .. .. 17Junel5 Moran, G. C., 5 Bn. (attd. 2 Bn.) R. Dub. Fus Died of gas poisoning ,, 26Mayl5 Deaths. 297


Lieutenants—contd. Taylor, A. C. B., 6 Bn. Manch. R... Killed in action —Junel5 Taylor, G. P., 15 Bn. Can. Contgt... Taylor, W. F., 3 Bn. (attd. 1 Bn.) E. Kent R. Killed in action .. 8Junel5 Tennant, W. G., Strathcona’s Horse, Can. Contgt. Killed in action .. .. 25Mayl5 Tetlow, L. M„ 7 Bn. W. Rid. R Killed in action .. .. 29Mayl5 Thewlis, H. D., 7 Bn. Manch. R. .. Killed in action Thompson, J. A. K., 10 Bn. Can. Contgt. .. Killed in action .. .. 24 May 15 Thorburn, E. F., 6 Bn. Manch. R... Killed in action .. .. — JunelS Todhunter, G., 10 Bn. Can. Contgt. Killed in action .. .. 20Mayl Tranter, J. L., 1 Bn. Can. Contgt... Killed in action .. 15Jnnel5 Trenchard, F. A., R.F.A...... ,. Killed in action .. .. 24Mayl5 Trlnder, A. J., North’d Fus. Killed in action .. .. 16Junel5 Trotter, M. C., 2 L.H., Austria. Contgt. .. f.. Killed in action Turner, N. P. J., 3 Bn. (attd. 1 Bn.) S. Wales Bord. Of wounds received in action 10Mayl5 Turner, W. S., 10 Bn. L’pool R. Killed in action .. 16Junel5 Vaughan, H. W. H., 10 Bn. R. Lane. R. (attd. R. Fus.) .. Killed in action .. .. 25-27Mayl5 Vine-Hall, N. F., 13 Bn. Austrln. Contgt. .. Of wounds received in action — Walters, H. J., 2 Bn. Mon. R. Killed in action .. .. 5Mayl5 Warde, B. E. D., 6 Bn. (attd. 4 Bn.) R. Fus. Killed in action .. .. 16Junel5 Wareham, A. G., 15 Bn. Austrln. Contgt. .. .. Killed in action Warne, W. M., R.G.A Killed in action .. .. 22-23Mayl5 Watson, D. G., R.A.M.C. .. Of wounds received in action 5Junel5 Watt, C., Wellington Mtd. Rif., N.Z. Contgt. Of wounds received in action — Welchman, E. L., Line. R. .. .. Of wounds received in action 24Aug.l4 West, C. H. R„ 6 Bn. (attd. 4 Bn.) Midd’x R Killed in action 3Junel5 Westwood, A. C., 7 Bn. R. Highrs. Killed in action 16-18 J unel5 White, J., 2 Bn. Hamps. R. Killed in action 4Junel5 Williams, A. M., 7 Bh. Notts. & Derby. R. Killed in action 16Junel5 Williams, T. W., 3 Bn. North’n R. (attd. 1 Bn. N. Lan. R.) Killed in action 9 May 15 Wolf, P., 4 Bn. E. Lan. R. .. Killed in action 4 JunelS Womersley, J. W., 8 Bn. Manch. R. Killed in action 4Junel5 Wood, K. E., 23 Bn. Lond. R. Of wounds received in action 27Mayl5 Woodward, C. F., R.W. Fus. Of wounds received action 13Mayl5 Young, E. T., 6 Bn. Maneh. R. Killed in action .. —JunelS 2nd Lieutenants Ainley, K. E. D., 1 E. Lan. Fd. Co., R.E. .. Killed in action .. .. — Aitkens, A. R. K., 7 Bn. Lond. R...... Of wounds received in action 3lMayl5 Ascroft, R. G. L., 10 Bn. Maneh. R. Killed in action .. .. 4,Tunel5 Austin, O., R. Suss. R. Killed in action .. .. 9Mayl5 Avery, T., Shrops. L.I. (temp. Capt. 5 Bn.) Killed in action .. .. IBJunelS Aynsley, R. W., 5 Bn. N. Staff. R. .. Of wounds received in action ISJunelS Baines, F. A. F., K. R. Rif. C...... Killed in action .. .. 25Mayl5 Ballard, M. A., 23 Bn. Lond. R. Of wounds received in action 29Mayl5 Banister, C. W., R. Fus...... Killed in action .. .. 16JunelS Barber, J. C., 10 Bn. L’pool R. Killed in action .. .. 16JunelS Barfoot, G. A., Wore. R. Killed in action .. .. 21 JunelS Bavin, N. B., 3 Bn. (attd. 2 Bn.) Essex R... Killed in action .. .. 23Mayl5 Black, Temp. 2nd Lt, T. L., attd. R.E. .. Killed in action .. 2Junel6 Blackaby, A., Ches. R...... Killed in action .. 17Mayl5 Boles, H. F., 17 Lrs. Of wounds received in action 24Mayl5 Deaths. 299

2nd Lieutenants—contd. Bone, G. D., R. Highrs. Killed in action .. .. 9Mayl5 Bookless, J. D., 4 Bn. Cam’n Highr j. Of wounds received in action 24Mayl5 Boosey, R. G., 4 D.G. Killed in action .. .. 22-24Mayl5 Bostock, H. W., 6 Bn. S. Staff. R. .. Killed in action 12Junel5 Boydell, W. V., 8 Bn. Lan. Fus. Of wounds received in action SJunelS Bradshaw, B., Bord. R. Killed in action HJunelS Bridge, D. G. C., R. Berks. R. Of wounds received in action 23Mayl5 Brinckman, D., R. Ir. Fus. Killed in action 10Junel5 Brook, A. C„ 5 Bn. Manch. R. Killed in action Brooke, W. A. G.,6 Bn. Lond. R. .. Killed in action .. ,. 14Junel5 Brooks, R. C., 6 Bn. Manch. R. Killed in action —JunelS Broome, L. G., R. Scots. .. Of wounds received in action 5Junel5 Brown, F. W., 5 Bn. S. Lan. R. Killed in action 4Mayl5 Brown, G. S. R. J., 3 Bn. (attd. 1 Bn.) R. Sc. Fus Of wounds received in action 22Mayl5 Brown, T. F., 7 Bn. Manch. R. Killed in action 30Mayl5 Buchanan, R. B., 5 Bn. R. Sc. Fus. Of wounds received in action Burley, L. J., 3 Bn. Austrln. Contgt. Of wounds received in action Byng, H. G., Bord. R. Killed in action 16Mayl5 Cadenhead, G., 3 Bn. (attd. 2 Bn.) Cam’n Highr Killed in action 10Mayl5 Campbell, I. P., Cam’n Highrs. .. Killed in action .. ,. 9Mayi Carter, H., North’d Fus. .. Killed in action ISJunei Cass, H. L., 3 Bn. S. Wales Bord. .. Killed in action Chapman, Temp. Lt. H.,5R. W. Fus. Of wounds received in action 30Mayl5 Chaytor, A. K., 6 Bn. (attd. 3 Bn.) Wore. R. Of wounds received in action 26Mayi5 Cholmeley, H. R., R.F.A. .. Of wounds received in action 14Junel5 Clarke, H. R. E., 15 Bn. Lond. R. .. Of wounds received in action 3Junel5 Clifford, A. C., Res. of Off., (attd. 3 D.G.) .. Killed in action Uunel5 Compton Smith, R. N., 6 Bn. Manch. R. .. Of wounds received in action Considine, C. D., 6 Bn. R. Dub. Fus. Killed in action 25 May 15 Cooke, C. E„ 3 Bn. (attd. 1 Bn.) R. Ir. Fus. Killed in action 25Mayl5 Coren, E. W., R.F.A. Spec. Res. Of wounds received in action 15Junel5 Corkran, R. 8., G. Gds. Spec. Res. Of wounds received in action HJunelS Cortis, J. H„ 3 Bn. (attd. 2 Bn. Wilts. R. .. Killed in action Cox, J. J., Leie. R. .. Of wounds received in action 29Mayl5 Creed, C. O. G. Gds. Spec. Res. .. Of wounds received in action 2Junel5 Cromie, M. F., 3 Bn. (attd. 2 Bn.) Hamps. R. Killed in action 4Junel5 Crowe, H. A., 1 Bn. Lond. R. Of wounds received in action Uunel5 Crowther, L. T„ 5 Bn. W. Rid. R. . Killed in action . 15Junel5 Daman, G. W., 4 Bn. Sea. Highrs. Killed in action . 24Mayl5 Dashwood, Temp. 2nd Lt. L. A., Oxf. & Bucks. L.I. . 16Mayl5 Davis, C. H., Bord. R. Killed in action . 25Mayl5 Davis, W. A., 4 Bn. N. Lan. R. Killed in action .15 16Junel5 Dawson, W. H. M. W., Ches. R. .. Killed in action 25 May 15 Delmege, Temp. Lt. J. O’G., 4 D.G. Died of gas poisoning . 27Mayl5 Des Vceux, H. C., Unattd. List Ind. Army Of wounds received in action 11 JunelS Dickenson, L. A. F. W., 4 Bn. Bedf. R. (attd. R. Ir. Rif.) Of wounds received in action lOMaylS Donald, A. ,T. I., 6 Bn. Manch. R. .. Killed in action —JunelS Drake, H. M., 8 Bn. L’pool R. Of wounds received in action 17Junel5 Dudley, C. L., 7 Bn. Manch. R. Killed in action Dudley, W. J., 4 Bn. R. Fus. Killed in action 16Junel5 Dunlop, C. D. H., 10 Bn. L’pool R. Killed in action 18Junel5 300 Deaths.

2nd Lieutenants- contd. Dunnet, D., 5 Bn. Sea. Highrs. Killed in action Emmott, J. B., lOjBn. Maneh. B. .. Killed ■ n action Fairbairn, G. E., 10 Bn. Durh. L.I. Of wounds received in action 20June25 Farmer, J. T., K.K. Klf. C|.. Killed in action .. 9Mayl5 Field, C. D., 5 Bn. Wore. R. Killed in action .. 4Junel5 Fowler, Temp. 2nd Lt. K. R., R.F.A. Killed in action .. 3Junel5 Fox, G., R.F.A Of wounds received in action 24Mayl5 Fraser, V. M. D., 5 Bn. Ches. R. .. Of wounds received in action 3Junel5 French, V. D., 5 Bn. Shrops. L.I. .. Of wounds received in action 17Junel5 Gardiner, C. T., R. Fus. Of wounds received in action UunelS Gaselee, A. M„ 15 Hrs. Spec. Res. Killed in action .. 27Mayl5 Geddes, A. A. F., 3 Bn. (attd. 2 Bn.) R. Sc. Fus. Killed in action .. 16,Tunel5 Gerds, Temp. 2nd Lt. F. N„ R.E. .. Killed in action .. UunelS Green, F. C., Line. R. Killed in action . .16-17Junel5 Gresson, J. E., 3 Bn. (attd. 2 Bn.) Ches. R. Killed in action .. 24-25Mayl5 Hall, J. R. F., R. Dub. Fus. Killed in action .. 25 May 15 Hammond, D. W., E. Kent R. Killed in action .. 25Mayl5 Handley, H. E., 23 Bn. Lond. R. .. Killed in action .. 25-26Mayl5 Harding, L. C., R.G.A. Of wounds received in action 18Junel5 Hardwick, W. W., 5 Bn. (attd. 2 Bn. ) Midd’x R. Of wounds received in action HJunelS Hare, J. M., 6 Bn. Durh. L.I. Killed in action .. 24 May 15 Harrison, Temp. Lt. L. .1., Unattd. List, Ind Army (att Killed in action .. 25Mayl5 8 Lan. Fus.) Haythornthwaite, R. N., Spec. Res. (attd. 2 Bn.) E. Kent R. Killed in action .. .. 25Mayl5 Hqyward, B. R„ R.F.A. .. .. Killed in action .. .. 6Junel5 Heal, C. H., S. Wales Bord. Of wounds received in action Halm, F., 8 Bn. Manch. R... Killed in action .. .. 4Junel5 Herman-Hodge, J. P., 4 Bn. Oxf. & Bucks. L.I. Killed in action .. .. 28Mayl5 Heywood, T. A., 4 Bn. E. Lan. R. .. Of wounds received in action 6Junel5 Hill, J. R., 3 Bn. (attd. 2 Bn.) Durh. L.I. .. Killed in action .. .. 3Junel5 Hoare, W. G., H.A.C. Killed in action .. .. 16Junel5 Hobbs, H. E., North’d Fus. Killed in action .. .. 25Mayl5 Holden, L., 4 Bn. S. Lan. R. Killed in action .. .. 10.Tunel5 Hollins, W. H., 8 Bn. Notts. & Derby. R. .. Killed in action .. .. 15Junel5 Hudson, A. H., 9 Bn. Manch. R. .. Of wounds received in action — Hudson, C. H., L’pool R. .. Killed in action .. .. 16Mayl5 Hume, Temp. Lt. G. M., R.E. Killed in action .. .. 12Junel5 Hurst-Brown, D., R.F.A. .. Of wounds received in action 15.Tunel5 Hutchinson, E. F., 4 Bn. York. R... Of wounds received in action 24Mayl5 Irish, E., 5 Bn. W. York R. Killed in action .. .. 20Junel6 Janasz, J. G. G„ 3 Bn. Dorset R. (attd. 2 Bn. Wilts. R.) Killed in action .. .. 15Junel5 Johnson, C. C., R.E.' Killed in action .. .. 7Junel5 Johnson, P. C., 8 Bn. Manch. R. .. Killed in action .. 16Mayl5 Jones, B. I. L., S. Wales Bord. Killed in action .. ,, — Jones, F., 9 Bn. Manch. R. Killed in action ,. 24Mayl5 Jones, L. M., 3 Bn. (attd. 1 Bn.) R. W. Fus. Killed in action .. .. 16 May! 5 Judd, Temp. 2nd Lt. F. G. K„ R. Dub. Fus. Killed in action .. .. 25Mayl5 Kemp, C. J., 5 Bn. R. Scots Killed in action .. .. 25Mayl5 Kempston, R. J., R. Dub. Fus. Killed in action .. 25Mayl5 Kennedy, G. McC., 6 Bn. Sco. Rif.. : Killed in action .. ,.16-18Junel5 King, A. D. C„ 18 Hrs. Spec. Res... Killed in action .. ,, 24Mayl5 Kirk, T., 10 Bn. Manch. R. Killed in action .. .. 4Junel5 Deaths, 301

2nd Lieutenants—conti. Kirtland, J., E. Surr. K. .. Killed in action ,, .. 12Mar.l5 Krohn, N. A., Bord. R. Killed in action .. .. 16Mayl5 Lambert, F. H., Hamps. R. Of wounds received in action 7Junel5 Lawrence, B. L., Mldd’x R. Killed in action .. .. UunelS Lawrence, O. J., 8 Bn. Lend. R. .. Killed in action .. 26Mayl5 Le Merchant, S. H., 6 Bn. (attd. 3 Bn.) R. Fus. .. Of wounds received in action 25Mayl5 Lintott, R., 5 Bn. Lend. R. Killed in action .. 3Mayl5 Llarena, E. F., Suff. R. Killed in action .. .. 19Junel5 Lodge, G. A. B., 8 Bn. Lan. Fus. ., Killed in action .. .. 6Junel5 Loring, R. N., 5 Bn. (attd. 3 Bnj Wore. R. Killed in action .. ,, ISJunelS Loxton, C. E. H., 5 Bn. N. Staff. R. Of wounds received in action 23Mayl5 Lunnon, G. J., D. of Corn. L. I. .. Killed in action 23Apr.l5 Lynch, H. F., R. W. Fus. .. Killed in action . 16Mayl5 McClenaghan, A. B. P., Wilts. R. .. Killed in action . 16Junel5 Macdonald, C. G., 6 Bn. Sco. Rif. .. Killed in action ,16-18Junel5 Macfle, C. W., 3 Bn. S. Staff. R. (attd. 2 Bn. Bedf. R.) .. Killed in action . 16Junel5 McGregor, M., 3 Bn. (attd. 2 Bn.) Ches. R. Killed in action . 25Mayl5 McIntosh, J. M., R. Ir. Rif. Killed in action . 16Junel5 Mackay, C. L., Wore. R. (attd. Manch R.) Of wounds received in action 7Junell McKinley, J. G., R.G.A. Spec. Re_s. (attd. R.E.) .. Of wounds received in action 3Junel5 Malcolm, W. N., R.E. Of wounds received in action 12Junel5 Marsham-Townshend, F., Spec. Res., attd. (2 Bn(. S. Gds. Killed in action .. .. 16Maya Martin, B. C. D., 13 Bn. Wore. R. .. Killed in action .. .. 4Junel5 Mason, K. R., 4 Bn. Suff. R. Killed in action .. .. 21Junel5 Mead, Temp. 2nd Lt. B. W., R. Fus...... , Of wounds received in action 2Junel5 Meade, W. W., 6 Bn. (attd. 3 Bn.) Wore. R. Killed in action .. 21Junel5 Merriles, J. S., 5 Bn. R. Scots Killed in action .. .. — Middleton, A. C., 8 Bn. Lan. Fus. ,. Of wounds received in action HJunelS Miller, R., 7 Bn. Austrln. Conf. Of wounds received in action 21Mayl5 Mills, T. R., 6 Bn. Manch. R. Killed in action .. .. —JunelS Moir, J. A. A., Arg. & Suth’d Highrs. Killed in action .. .. 16Junel5 Moon, B. O., 8 Bn. Lond. R. Killed in action .. .. 24Mayl5 Morse, A. P., 3 Bn. (attd. 2 Bn.) D. of Corn. L.I... SJunelS Morrogh, F. M. D., 4 Bn. R. Muns. Fus. .. Killed in action Muir, B., 6 Bn. (attd. 3 Bn.) Wore. R. Killed in action Nevinson, H. K. B., 10 Bn. Manch. R. .. .. Of wounds received in action B02 Deaths.

2nd Lieutenants—conti. Necholson, H. H., 3 Bn. (attd. 2 Bn.) Ches. R. Killed in action 24Mayl5 O’Sullivan, H. H., 6 Bn. N. Staff. R. Killed in action 10Junel5 Parkes, H. G., 6 Bn. (attd. 4 Bn.) Wore. Killed in action .. ., 4Junel5 Paterson, A. F., 4 Bn. Cam’n Highrs. Of wounds received in action 5Junel5 Pike-Stephenson, D. P„ 4 Bn. N. Staff. R. (attd Ches. R.) Of wounds received in action 24Mayl5 Poole, H. E. A., 11 Hrs. Of wounds received in action 2Junel5 Potter, R., N. Lan. R. Killed in action .. 9Mayl5 Powell, L. M., 3 Bn. (attd. 1 Bn.) Qord. Highrs. Killed in action .. ISJunelu Prentice, J. R., 3 Bn. (attd. 2 Bn.) Suff. R, Killed in action . ,18-19Junel5 Price, Temp. 2nd Lt. H. S., R. Fus. .. .. 24Mayl5 Rapp, R., 7 Bn. W. Rid. R. Killed in action .. .. iSJunelS Rawsthorn, E., 4 Bn. N. Lan. R. .. Killed in action .. .. 16-18JunelS Reed, R., Devon R. Killed in action .. .. 24Mayl5 Reeves, G. F. J., 3 Bn. Hamps. R... Killed in action .. .. — Richmond, C. L., 5 Bn. North’d Fus. Killed in action .. .. 25Mayl5 Riddle, F. E. L., Oxf. & Bucks L.I. Killed in action .. .. 16Mayl5 Roberts, E. W., 7 Bn. Lan. Fus. .. Killed in action .. ., 6Junel5 Roberts, T., 3 Bn. (attd. 2 Bn.) Ches. R. Killed in action .. ,. 25Mayl5 Robinson, A. E., R. Sc. Fus. Killed in action .. .. 16Junel5 Robinson, H. S. S., 3 Bn. (attd. 2 Bn.) K. O. Sco. Of wounds received in action 9Junel5 Bundle, C. N., S. Wales Bord. Killed in action .. .. — Salmon, C. G., 3 Bn. (attd. 2 Bn.) Notts. & Derby Killed in action .. .. l4Junel5 Savage, J. B., R. W. Fus. .. Killed in action .. .. 16Mayl5 Savile, G. K., 4 Bn. Glouc. R. Killed in action .. .. 20Junel5 Sealy, C. F. N. P , 7 Bn. R. Fus Killed in action .. .. 25Mayl5 Sellers, J. H., 3 Bn. (attd. 2 Bn.) North’d Fus. Killed in action .. .. 25Mayl5 Senhouse, O. W. P., 2 Bn. C. Gds... Killed in action .. .. ISJunelS Sheriff, K., 3 Bn. R. W. Kent R. (attd. 2 Bn. Bor R.) Of wounds received in action 23Junel5 Shine, H. P., R. Ir. Fus. Killed in action 24Mayl5 Simpson, H. G.,9 Bn. D. of Corn. LJ. (attd. 1 Bn R. Innis. Fus Killed in action 6Junel5 Simpson, J., 4 Bn. Gord. Highrs. .. Of wounds received in action 21Junel5 Skipwith, G. A., R.F.A. Killed in action .. .. 16Junel5 Smith, C. J. D., G. Gds. Spec. Res. Killed in action .. .. 16Junel5 Smith, C. T., attd. 3 D.G Of wounds received in action 22Mayl5 Smith, G. H., 11 Bn. Austrln. Contgt. Killed in action .. .. — Spartali, M., 3 Bn. S. Wales Bord... Killed in action ., .. HJunel5 Deaths. 303

2nd Lieutenants—aonii. Stamford, G. M., Wilts. R Killed in action .. .. 15Junel5 Stansfeld-Smith, L., Wilts. R. Accidentally killed .. .. l3Junel5 Stansfleld, F., 5 Bn. E. Lan. R. Of wounds received in action — Steele, R. K., 5 Bn. North’d Pus. .. Killed in action .. ,. 22-25 .May 15 Stephenson, D.G., S. Gds. Spec. Res. Killed in action .. ISMaylS Stevenson, P. W. J., 23 Bn. Bond. R. Of wounds received in action 25Mayl5 Steward, C., 3 Bn. (attd. 2 Bn.) Shrops. L Killed in action .. ., 25Mayl5 Stein, C. H., 7 Bn. Arg. & Sutli’d Hlghrs. Killed in action 25Mayl5 Stockdale, A. W. S., 7 Bn. Durh. L. 1. Killed in action .. .. 24Mayl5 Street, L. W., 3 Bn. Austrln. Contgt. Killed in action Stringer, A. E., 9 Bn. Manch. R... Killed in actioti 7Junel5 Sugden, C. B., 4 Bn. Yorks. L.I. .. Killed in action 25 May 15 Suttie, W. C., 7 Bn. Arg. & Sutli’d Highr Killed in action 25Mayl5 Swinton, E., R.P.A. (Spec. Res.) .. Of wounds received in action 28Mayl5 Sykes, G. W., 7 Bn. W. York. R. .. Killed in action 25Mayl5 Tennent, O. M., W. York. R. Killed in action 16Junel5 Thomas, D. G., 3 Bn. (attd. 2 Bn.) R. Dab. Pus. Killed in action .. 25 May 15 Thompson, H. W. B. L., 11 Bn. Austrln. Inf. Killed in action Thornton, R. W., 4 Bn. R. Sc. Fus. Killed in action 16Junel5 Topham, H. A. C., Unattd. List, Ind. Army (attd R.) Of wounds received in action 25Mayl5 Townsend, Temp. 2nd Lt. S. J., 2L.G. Killed in action l3Mayl5 Trimming, H. W. N., R.F. A. Accidentally killed .. 15Mayl5 Turnbull, L., 3 Bn. (attd. 2 Bn.)Bedf. R. Killed in action .. ,, 16Junel5 Vaughan, J. M., R. Pus. .. Of wounds receivedlin action 27Mayl5 Waite, P. M., 4 Bn. Leic. R. Killed in action .. . 7Junel5 Walker, T. C.,5 Bn. Manch. R. .. Killed in action . 4-5Junel5 Webster, G. W., R. Sc. Pus. Killed in action .15-16.Tunel5 Williamson, J. S., Lan. Pus. Killed in action . 25Apr,15 Wilson, J. B„ 6 Bn. Sco. Rif. Killed in action ,16-18Junel5 Windsor, Temp. 2nd Lt. L. St. L., Suff. R. Killed in action . HJunelS Wishart, W. R., 6 Bn. Sco. Rif. Of wounds received in action 17Junel5 Woodiwiss, I. N., Line. R. and R.P.C. Killed in action 10Mayl5 Wyatt,G.,6 Bn.Lan. Fus... Of wounds received in action 24Mayl5 Yarrow, E. F., 7 Bn. Arg. & Suth’d Highr Killed in action 8Mayl5' Young, M. 0. N. R., R. Dub. Pus. .. Of wounds received in action 25Mayl5 Young, W. H., 6 Bn. Glouc. R. Of wounds received in action 30Mayl5 For the entry appesring in the Supplement to the June Aimy List read Bailey. 2nd Lt. C. A., 4 Bn. W. York. R. (attd. 2 Bn. W. Rid. R.) Killed in action 5Mayl5 304 Deaths.

Quarter Masters. Bailey, Hon. Lt. R. P„ Yorks. Hrs. .. 30Mayl5 Guningham,Hon. Lt. W. J., Shrops. Yeo. London .. 18Mayl5 Jarrett, Hon. Lt. T., ret. pay Macclesfield .. .. HMaylS Law, Hon. Capt. C. R., ret. pay, late A.S.C. Ipswich Wishart, Hon. Maj. W. H., ret. pay, late A.S.C. .. Glasgow .. 27Mayl5

Riding Master. Hughes, Hon. Maj. F. G., ret. pay, late 6 Dns...... Hampton Wick .. 28Mayl5

Paymaster. Jft.Palmer, Hon. Maj. W., ret. A.P.D...... London SJunelS

Surgeon-Qenerals. Hay, G. W. R., M.R, ret. Ind. Med. Serv. 26Mayl5 Payne, A. J., M.H., ret. Ind. Med. Serv. .. 21Mayl5

Deputy Surgeon-General. ©.Rose, Hon. Dep. Surg.-Gen. H. J., Brig. Surg. ret. Med. Dept. London 2J unels

Brigade Surgeon Lieutenant-Colonel. Ferguson, F., M.D., ret. pay, late A. Med. Staff ...... 10Mar.l5

Brigade Surgeon. Gumming, Hon. Brig. Surg. K. W., M.D., ret. pay, late Surg.- Maj. Med. Dept...... London .. 28Mayl5

Chaplains. Blakeway, Ren. P. J. T. (1st CL), attd. 1st Lond. Yeo...... 16Junel5 Hackett, Rev. ,T., D.D. (1st CL), ret. pay ...... Lyme Regis . .. 29Mayl5 Molesworth, Rev. T., M.A. (1st CL), ret. pay Alton 12Mayl5 Deaths. 305

Inspector of Army Schools. Robertson, Hon. Maj. G., ret. pay...... Edinburgh .. 3Junel5

Commissary of Ordnance. Richards, Hon. Capt. C. S., rat. A.O.D...... St. Michael .. 21 May 15

Assistant Commissary. Guerdon, Hon. Lt. T., ret. pay, late Ind. Army Dept. 15Apr.l5

Warrant Officers. Bennett, Serjt.-Maj. A., R. Huns. Fus. .. Killed in action Bowler, Schmr. (1st Class) J. H., ret. pay Wiston 4Mayl5 Eastwood, Serjt,-Maj. J. H., ret. pay, late Rif. Brig. Calcutta SOct.14 Leigh, Serjt.-MaJ. T., ret. pay, late R.E. .. Bedminster ,. 3Junel5 Lewis, Serjt.-Maj. G., Yorks. L.I... Killed in action Mendez, Condr. T. S., ret. pay, late, A.O.C. Plumstead .. 4Mayl5 Mullinger, Serjt.-Maj. R., ret. pay, late A.S.C. .. Exminster .. 3Mayl5 O’Mahoney, Serjt.-Maj. W., R. Dub. Fus. Killed in action Oxley, Suptg. Clerk C., ret. pay, late B.E. London 26 May 15 Taylor, Serjt.-Maj. H. T., Lan. Fus. Killed in'action

The undermentioned Officers have been reported .“Missing, believed Killed.’’ Anderson, Maj. A. S., 10 Bn. L’pool R. 16Junel5 Foucar, Maj. J. L., 12 Bn. Lond. R... 8Mayl5 Kirkpatrick, Maj. E. H., Oxf. & Bucks. L.I. 306 Deaths

The undermentioned Officers have been reported “ Missing, believed killed.’’ Graham^Capt. J., 10 Bn. L’pool R. .. Wolfe, Capt. G., 10 Bn. R. Scots. 3Junel5 Masters, Lt. G. E., 89th Punjabis (attd. 14th Sikhs) Walford, Lt. L. N., 12 Bn. Lond. R... 8Mayl5 Ballinger, 2nd Lt. F. A., 4 Bn. L’pool R...... Bullen, 2nd Lt. W. F., 10 Bn. L’pool R. Dalbiac, 2nd Lt. C. J. S., North’d Fus. Hazard, 2nd Lt. D. T., 3Bn. (attd. 2 Bn.) Shrop. L.I. Sweet, 2nd Lt. J. L. L., R. So. Fus......

The undermentioned Officers have been unofficially eported killed or died of wounds Capt. F. W. W. T. Attree, Suff. R. Killed in action Capt. M. A. N. Becher, K.O. Sco. Bord. .. Capt. H. G. Bryant, D.S.O., Shrop. L.I. .. Vied of wounds 25 Apr. 15 Capt. C. E. He La Pasture, S. Gds. Killed in action Capt. R. S. Fletcher, North’d Fus. Killed in action 2Nov.l4 Capt. C. A. Grazebrook, 6 Bn. (attd. 1 Bn.) K.R. Rif. C. Killed in action 10Mar.l5 Capt. R. V. Harvey, 7 Bn. Can. Contgt. .. Died of wounds whilt of War Capt. A. L. Prince, N. Lan. R. Killed In action 30Mayl5 Capt. F. H. Saker, 4 Bn. (attd. 2 Bn.) Conn. Rang. Killed in action Capt. E. C. Stafford-King-Harm an, I. Gds. Killed in action Lt. C. Z. de la P. Beresford, North’n R. .. .. ' Killed in action Lt. G. M. Bradley, 6 Bn. Rif. Brig. (attd. Welsh R.) Killed in action Lt. (temp. Capt.) G. K. Molineux, North’d Fus. Killed in action Lt. G. V. F. Monckton, S. Gds Kille l in action 2nd Lt. E. F. Mackenzie, R. Scots. Killed in action 14D6C.14 2nd Lt. T. P. A. Ritchie, 6 Bn. (attd. 4 Bn.) Rif. Brig. Killed in action 2nd Lt. H. C. L. Smith, Notts. & Derby. R. Killed in action 8Gct.l4 2nd Lt. H. E. Weld, S. Gds Killed in action 2nd Lt. C. W. Williams-Wynn, C. Gds Deaths. 307


2nd Lt. D. H (>. Northcote, 3 Bn. E. Kent R„ attd. Wilts. R., previously reported “ killed,” is now reported “ missing, believed killed.” Lt. J. H. Brough, 8 Bn. Midd’x R„ previously officially reported “killed,” is now unofficially reported “ wounded and prisoner o£ war.” Lt. (temp. Capt.) F. H. Black, 4 Bn. (attd. 1 Bn.) R. War. R., previously reported “missing, believed killed,” is now reported “ killed,” 25 Apr. 15. Capt. W. H. Coulson, 8 Bn. Durh. L.I., previously officially [reported “killed,” is now unofficially reported to be a prisoner ot war. 2nd Lt. D. A. McDonald, 12 Bn. Sco. Rif., previously reported “killed” as 2nd Lt. D. A. McDonald, 5 Bn. R. Scots, is now reported “wounded only.” 2nd Lt. F. W. Voelcker, Shrops. L.I., previously reported “ killed in action,” is now unofficially reported to be a prisoner of war. Lt. F. D. Brown, 8 Bn. Durh. L.I., previously reported “died of wounds,” is now reported to be alive. The surname of 2nd Lt. K. Bales, Bord. R., is as now stated, and not as published in the list of deaths in the Supplement to the June Army List. The name of 2nd Lt. B. E. Hodge, 3 Bn. (attd. 1 Bn.) Suff. R., should be as now described, and not 2nd Lt. D. E. (irose-il odge, as reported in the June issue. The description of Lt.-Col. (Hon.-Col.) L. F. Clarke,’D.S.O., vd. is as now stated, and not as previously reported. The description of Brig.-Gen, W. T. Bridges, K.C.B., C.M.G., Austria. Contgt., is as now stated, and not as previously reported.

The ranks of the undermentioned OfErs. are as now stated Lt.-Col. H. M. Finch, D.S.O., R. Berks. R. Lt. D. S.'.Richardson, 3 Bn. (attd. 2 Bn.) Bord. R Lt.-Col. A. S. W. Moffat, Bord. R. Lt. R. T. Shaw, R. Suss. R. Spec. Res. Capt. D. A. MacGregor, R. Berks. R. Lt. D. G. Stephenson, S. Gds. Spec. Res. Capt. A. E. Norman, 3 Bn. E. Surr. R. and Army Lt. F. Watson, 3 Bn. (attd. 1 Bn.) E. Surr. R. Cyclist Corps. Lt. A. E. C. R. Visct. Wendover, R.H.G. Lt. B. Eden, North’n R. Lt. A. K. Wilson, Manch. R. Spec. Res. Lt. E. M. Graham, S. Wales Bord. Spec. Res. Temp. Lt. F. C. Lyddon, Unattd. List, Ind. Army Lt. L. A. Jarvis, S. Gds. Spec. Res (attd. L’pool R.) Lt. C. S. King, R. Muns. Fus. Temp. Lt. O. B. Macausland, Unattd. List, Ind. Lt. J. Mackenzie, S. Gds. Spec. Res. Army (attd. R. Ir. R.) Lt. A. McLaughlin, 3 Bn. (attd. 1 Bn.) R. Ir. Rif.) Temp. Lt. J. L. Macintosh, Unattd. List, Ind. Lt. J. Newington, 3 Bn. E. Surr. R (attd. Ches. R. Army (attd. High. L.I.) Lt. H. Owen, 3 Bn. (attd. 2 Bn.JBord. R. Temp. Lt. G. M. Robinson, Unattd. List, Ind. Lt. R. G. Pritchard, 3 Bn. (attd. 1 Bn.) Sufi. R. Army (attd. S. Staff.'R.) 308 Deaths.

Memoranda—covAA. EThe date ot death of the undermentioned Officers is as now stated and not as previously reported: • Lt.-Col. O. G. Godfrey-Faussett, D.S.O., Essex R. Killed in action .. 2Mayl5 Maj. G. S. Adams, Lan. Fus. Killed in action HMaylS Maj. C. T. W. Grimshaw, D.S.O., R. Dub. Fus. Killed in action .. 26 Apr. 15 Maj. E. Leigh, Hamps. R... Killed in action IMaylS Maj. H. J. Sammut, Essex R. Killed in action 2Mayl5 Capt. D. Y. F. Anderson, R. Dub. Fus. .. Killed in action 25Apr.l5 Capt. T. H. O., Crawley, 4 Bn. Wore. R. .. Killed in action 6Mayl5 Capt. G. C. Deans, 4 Bn. Wore. R... Killed in action 6Mayl5 Capt. E. C. Dorman, R. Muns. Fus. Killed in action IMaylS Capt. G. M. Dunlop, R. Dub. Fus... Killed in action 25Apr.l5 Capt. W. D. Hepburn, 5 Bn. R. Scots Killed in action ., 28Apr.l5 Capt. W. F. Higginson, R. Dub. Fus. Killed in action 25Apr.l5 Capt. F. K.Leslie, R. Fus... Killed in action ., 25Apr.l5 Capt. D. A. Lindsay, 5 Bn. R. Scots. Killed in action 2Mayl5 Capt. J. D. Macintosh, 5 Bn. R. Scots Killed in action 6Mayl5 Capt. D. W. Pollock, 4 Bn. Wore. R. Killed in actio* 6Mayl5 Capt. W. Russell, 5 Bn. R. Scots. .. Killed in action 2Mayl5 Capt. T. D. Shafto, R. Fus. Killed in action 2Mayl5 Lt. R. Bernard, R. Dub. Fus. Killed in action 26Apr.lo Lt. R. V. C. Corbet, R. Dub. Fus. .. Killed in action 25Apr.l5 Lt. R. de Lustgnan, R. Dub. Fus... Killed in action 25Apr.l5 Lt. R. E. G. A. de Trafford, R. Fus. Killed in action 25Apr.l5 Lt. W. M. M. Gilliland, R. Ilnnis. Fus Killed in action 28Apr,15 Lt. W. A. Kerr, 5 Bn. R. Scots Of wounds received in actio 28Apr.l5 Lt. G. E. G. Pollard, R. Muns. Fus. Killed in action 25Apr.l5 Lt. J. V. Scudamore, R. Fus. Killed in action 25Apr.l5 Lt. J. H. Smith, 5 Bn. R. Scots Killed in action .. 2Mayl5 2nd Lt. W. Andrews, R. Dub. Fus. Killed in action 25Apr. 15 2nd Lt. C. H. Brickland, R. Fus. .. Killed in action ., 25\pr,15 2nd Lt. W. A. Buckworth, R. Innis. Fus... Killed in action .. 8Mayl5 Rev. W Finn, 89 Fd. Amb. (attd. R. Dub. Fus.) Killed in action 25Apr.l5 Soldiers’ Ba ances Unclaimed. S09

SOLDIERS’ BALANCES UNCLAIMED. In pursuance of “ The Regimental Debts Act, 1893,” notice is hereby given that there is avail- able for distribution amongst the Next of Kin or others entitled, the sum of money set opposite to the name of each of the deceased Soldiers named in the lists which are published with this notice in the London Q-azette and the “ Army List,” and are also to be seen at the Regimental Depots throughout the . Applications from persons supposing themselves entitled as Next of Kin should be addressed by letter to “The Secretary, War Office, Park Buildings, St. James’s Park, London, S.W.,” and marked outside “ Effects." R. H. BRADE. War Office, June 93, 1915.

List CCCCLXXXIY of the Names of deceased Soldiers whose Personal Estate is held for distribution amongst the Next of Kin or others entitled.—Effects 1914-1915. Regiment, &c. £ s. d. Adams, S. .. Private 1st Battalion Devonshire Regiment 7 11 4 2nd Battalion Worcestershire Regi- 2 8 8 Akast, W. .. Private ment Alexander, J. Private 2nd Battalion Seaforth Highlanders 0 16 5 Ali .. Private West African Regiment 17 3 Private 2nd Battalion York and Lancaster 4 4 10 Anderson, W. Regiment Arthur, R. V. Private 3rd Battalion Coldstream Guards .. 8 16 6 Bardell, W. .. Bombardier “ D ” Battery Royal Horse Artillery 17 4 Barker, W. ,. Serjeant .. 1st Battalion Gloucestershire Regi- 12 19 9 ment Barlow, A. .. Private 2nd Battalion Manchester Regiment 6 11 9 Barrett, J. .. Private 3rd Battalion Connaught Rangers.. 4 0 4 Bateman, J. Private 2nd Battalion Highland Light In- 0 18 3 fantry Battey, H. .. Private 2nd Battalion York and Lancaster 10 10 9 Regiment Battle, T. P. Private 3nd Battalion King’s Royal Rifle 15 13 11 Corps Bennett, O... Corporal .. 12th Battery Royal Field Artillery.. 5 15 Blunden, A. E. Private 1st Battalion Duke of Cornwall’s 0 12 4 Light Infantry Boddy, A. ,T. Lance-Corporal 4th Battalion Middlesex Regiment 4 0 0 Bond, H. Private 2nd Battalion South Lancashire 2 2 9 Regiment Bonghen, H. J. Private 3rd Battalion King’s Royal Rifle 2 10 4 Corps. Boyle, J. Private 1st Battalion Gordon Highlanders.. 0 8 7 Brett, P. Private 2nd Battalion Royal Dublin Fusiliers 7 14 Bridger, W. C. Private 1st Battalion West Yorksire 6 7 11 Regiment Bromage, H... Private .. 2nd Battalion Worcestershire Regi- 4 19 8 ment Brown, A. ., Private let Battalion Royal Highlanders .. 6 16 9 Brown, A. Private 1st Battalion Gordon Highlanders.. 4 13 1 310 Soldiers’ Balances Unclaimed

Regiment, &c. Amount. £ s. d. Erown, D. Private 2nd liattalien Royal Irish Rifles 12 4 3 Brown, E. Private 3rd Dragoon Guards 12 4 9 Brown, G. Private 4th Battalion Royal Fusiliers 6 2 11 Bull, H. A. Private j 1st Battalion Wiltshire Regiment 3 7 2 Burge, A. W. Quartermaster- Serjeant 12th Battery Royal Field Artillery 3 18 2 Burrows, J. .. Private 3rd Battalion Worcestershire Reg ment 3 19 Burton, R. .. Private 1st Battalion West Yorkshire Reg ment 3 15 6 Butler, C. A. V. Private 1st Battalion Gloucestershire Reg ment 5 7 0 Byrne, M. .. Private 2nd Battalion Leinster Regiment 7 14 6 Cameron, D... Private 3rd Battalion Royal Highlanders 2 0 4 Carlin, O. Corporal 2nd Battalion Royal Scots .. 3 5 0 Casey, R. Private Depot, Army Veterinary Corps 0 4 5 Carill, E. .. Private 2nd Battalion King’s Own Yorkshire Light Infantry 0 7 8 Chadwick, S. Gunner 124th Battery Royal Field Artillery 3 7 0 Chapman, P. C. Corporal 4th Dragoon Guards 5 0 2 Charlton, H,. Private 1st Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers 4 10 10 Clark,P. Private 2nd Battalion Durham Light In- fantry 1 13 10 Clint, A. Private 2nd Dragoon Guards 4 12 7 Cole, C. Private 1st Battalion Duke of Cornwall’s Light Infantry 0 7 5 Cole, E. W. .. Corporal 1st Battalion Northamptonshire Regiment 2 3 0 Connor, P. .. Gunner 89th Battery Royal Field Artillery 9 19 10 Connors, M. .. Private 2nd Battalion South Lancashire Regiment 4 10 0 Cooksley, T. S. Gunner 60th Battery Royal Field Artillery 4 18 11 Cooper, W. .. Private 1st Battalion Coldstream Guards 1 18 6 Corrigan, J. .. Private 2nd Battalion Royal Scots .. 5 16 3 Creaney, T. .. Private 2nd Battalion Seaforth Highlanders 10 18 0 Crltchlow, S. Bugler 2nd Battalion Durham Light In- 7 18 Cunningham, W. Private fantry 1stderers Battalion South Wales Bor- 5 2 4 Cutts, W. .. Private 2nd Battalion Royal Irish Rifles .. 0 18 8 Dale, D. Private 2nd Battalion Worcestershire Regi- 3 13 10 Dalton, J. Private 1stment Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers 5 11 8 Davies, T. Sapper No. 11 Field Company Royal En- gineers 3 8 3 Davis, O. J. .. Gunner 13th (Reserve) Battery Royal Field Artillery 2 6 9 Dawson, W. .. Private 20th Hussars 3 7 3 Dean, S. E. .. Lance Serjeant 3rd Battalion Worcestershire Regi- ment 2 13 6 Devey, G. S... Private 2nd Battalion Worcestershire Regi- ment 7 11 11 Devine, P. Private 1st Battalion Northamptonshire Regiment 3 17 8 Docherty, C. Private 2nd Battalion Highland Light In- fantry 0 19 4 Soldiers’ Balances Unclaimed. 311

Eank. Regiment, &c. £ s. d. Donnelly, T... 2nd Battalion Royal Inniskilling 3 15 6 Private Fusiliers Donovan, W. Private 1st Battalion Devonshire Regiment 1 18 7 Dowson, W. H. Private 2nd Battalion Royal Sussex Regi- 4 14 4 ment Dunbar, J. . Private 2nd Battalion Royal Scots .. 8 4 7 Dunlop, W. . Private 3rd Battalion Highland Light In- 2 9 1 fantry Dunne, C. Private 1st Battalion East Lancashire Regi- 5 10 10 Edwards, 0. . Corporal 1stment Battalion Rifle Brigade 15 19 6 Edwards, G.. Driver 32nd Brigade Royal Field Artillery 0 14 11 Edwards, J. . Private 2nd Battalion King’s Own Scottish 3 13 0 Ewart, J. Private Borderers 4 17 7 Camelkilling Corps Fusiliers) School (Royal Innis- Ewart, J. Private 3rd Battalion Royal Scots .. 2 2 9 Fair, J. Private 2ud Battalion Durham Light Infan- 4 0 8 Fair, J. Private 2ndtry Battalion Royal Scots.. 3 18 10 Farrell, J. Pxivate 2nd Battalion Royal Welsh Fusiliers 3 5 9 Fitch, H. Private Army Service Corps.. 21 9 6 Fitzpatrick, rJ Private 2nd Battalion Lancashire Fusiliers 16 1 Foley, M. Private 1st Battalion Royal West Surrey 3 8 2 Regiment Foley, P. Private 9th Battalion Scottish Rifles 2 0 9 Foreman, H.. Private 1st Battalion Royal Scots Fusiliers 4 2 1 Forsyth, J. . Private 1st Battalion Gordon Highlanders.. 3 12 0 Foster, J. Private 20th Hussars.. 0 17 1 Fraser, J. Gunner 121st Battery Royal Field Artillery 5 16 Fraser, P. Private 1st Battalion Gordon Highlanders.. 5 0 0 Freeman, J. . Private 3rd Battalion Royal Fusiliers 3 15 11 Friend, A. J.. Shoeing-Sm ith 9th Lancers .. 9 10 Fuller, W. . Private 2nd Battalion South Lancashire 5 4 10 Regiment Gallagher, J. Private 2nd Battalion Royal Scots .. 6 3 1 Gammon, A. Private 2nd Battalion Worcestershire Regi- 4 1 10 ment Garty, S. Trooper 20th Hussars (attached Royal 7 1 10 Horse Guards) George, A. W. Lance-Corporal 1st Battalion Gordon Highlanders 19 6 Giffney. L. Wheeler-Corporal. IS 16 0 No.Artillery 36 Company Royal Garrison Glasgow, T. . Private Depht Yorkshire Regiment.. 2 0 0 Gorky, J. Private 2nd Battalion Leinster Regiment . 8 12 Gormley, D. . Private 1st Battalion Royal Scots Fusiliers 5 5 6 Gough, F.G.. Private 2nd Battalion Wiltshire Regiment.. 12 10 6 Graham, J. . Private 2nd Battalion South Lancashire 6 9 0 Regiment Oraham, W. . Private 1st Battalion Gordon Highlanders.. 4 3 10 Granger, A. Private 2nd Battalion Seaforth Highlanders 5 18 6 Qreen, J. Private 1 2ndBorderers Battalion King’s Own Scottish 3l2 Soldiers’ Balances Unclaimed

Eegiment, &c. Amount. Grogan, W. P. Gunner £ s. d. SthBattteryKoyameldW. Lancashire Howitzer ArtilleryUth Brigade) 2 18 10 Hadfleld, E. .. Private 2nd Battalion Cheshire Eegiment .. 3 13 5 Halford, H. .. Private 1st Battalion Scots Guards,, ,, 10 18 1 Hall, J. Private 2nd Battalion King’s Own York- shire Light Infantry 5 19 1 Halloran, T. O. Bombard! 46th Battery Eoyal Field Artillery.. 7 19 3 Halsey, H. J. Private 15th Hussars 6 14 10 Hamilton, W. Private 2nd Battalion Eoyal Scots .. 14 0 Hammond, W. J. Private 1st Battalion South Wales Borderers 3 8 6 Harrison, T... Private 2nd Battalion York and Lancaster 0 19 4 Haskey, S. .. Private 1st EegimentBattalion Eoyal Warwickshire Eegiment 5 10 1 Haslehurst, E. J. Gunner 114th Battery Koyal Field Artillery 4 17 9 Hebbron, E. H. Private 1st Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers 19 2 6 Henderson, A. Private 1st Battalion Eoyal Highlanders .. 4 8 6 Hillier, A. Private 1st Battalion Wiltshire Eegiment.. 5 6 8 Hinchcliffe, C. Private 1st Battalion Scots Guards.. 1 5 7 Hoban, W. .. Private 3rd Battalion Coldstream Guards .. 4 11 0 Hoey, P. Corporal 2nd Battalion Eoyal Irish Eegiment 1 16 2 Holmes, P. .. Driver “ M ” Battery Eoyal Horse Artillery 4 4 9 Holmes, E. .. Private 2nd Battalion South Lancashire Eegiment 5 5 1 Hoskins, H. P. Bombardie 56th Battery Eoyal Field Artillery.. 8 14 9 Hubbard, J. G. Driver 119th Battery Eoyal Field Artillery 3 19 3 Hudson, J. T. Private 1st Battalion West Yorkshire Eegiment 0 13 1 Hunt, K. A. .. Private 1st Battalion Gloucestershire 3 1 1 Hunter, G. E. Private 8thEegiment Battalion King’s Eoyal Eifle Corps 2 7 0 Hurst, E. Private 3rd Battalion Cheshire Eegiment .. 3 13 5 Innes, W. Private 2nd Battalion Seaforth Highlanders 0 11 8 Isaacs, E. T... Private 2nd Dragoon Guards 3 8 9 Isaacs, H. .. Private 2nd Battalion Eoyal Sussex Eegiment 4 5 3 Janes, A. E. .. Private 1st Battalion Duke of Cornwall’s Light Infantry 19 0 Jefferson, W, Lance-Corporal 18th Hussars 11 4 10 Jephcott, O... Private 1st Battalion Eoyal Warwickshire Eegiment 6 8 6 Johnson, P. .. Private 3rd Battalion Yorkshire Regiment 2 11 0 J ohnston, G.., Private Eoyal Scots Fusiliers .. 8 0 9 Jones, D. E. .. Private 4th Battalion Eoyal Welsh Fusiliers 2 0 0 Jones, E. Trooper 20th Hussars (attached Eoyal Horse Guards) 7 11 3 Jones, I. Private 3rd Battalion Eoyal Welsh Fusiliers 3 13 8 Jordin,T. Private 2nd Battalion Seaforth Highlanders 8 13 1 Kanes, A. Private 2nd Battalion Manchester Eegiment 0 11 4 Soldiers’ Balances Unclaimed 313

Name. Bank. Regiment, &c. Amount.

Keith, C. McK. Private 2nd Battalion King’s Own Scottish £ s. d. Borderers 2 18 4 Kelly, P. Private 2nd Battalion Royal Scots .. 5 0 2 Kennedy, A. J. Private 1st Battalion Northumberland 6 2 6 Kiddie, W. W. Fusiliers Private 2ndB’rderers Battalion King’s Own Scottish 8 2 10 King, E. Private 1st Battalion Gloucestershire Regi- ment 4 13 10 King, ,T. Private 2nd Battalion Durham Light In- fantry 4 6 2 Knowles, A. .. Private 2nd Battalion Royal Lancaster Regiment 15 19 8 Knox, G. Private 3rd Battalion Gordon Highlanders 16 3 Kyte, E. Private 2nd Battalion Worcestershire Regi- ment 12 13 6 Langham, B. Private 1st Battalion Royal Lancaster Regi- ment 4 19 5 Lark, A. P. Private 1st Battalion Royal West Surrey Regiment 6 5 4 Earner, G. H. Private 1st Battalion Gordon Highlanders 3 12 0 Law, J. Private 2nd Battalion Royal Scots .. 5 8 1 Lawson, A. .. Private 1st Battalion Royal Scots Fusiliers 3 17 5 Lee, I. ' Acting-Serjeant 1st Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers 16 5 9 Lees, W. Private 2nd Battalion Royal Scots .. 5 7 11 Leith, W. A... Private 1st Battalion West India Regiment 87 17 8 Lethbridge, F. Private 3rd Battalion Coldstream Guards .. 2 18 9 Lethbridge, F. W. Private 1st Battalion Duke of Cornwall’s Light Infantry 4 10 Lindsay,.!. .. Private 2nd Battalion Royal Scots .. 4 13 Lodder, A. .. Serjeant .. 1st Battalion Wiltshire Regiment .. 16 19 3 Lush, E. G. .. Private 1st Battalion Wiltshire Regiment .. 14 8 1 Lusher, W. H. Private 3rd Battalion Worcestershire Regi- ment 6 8 4 Lygo, A. E. .. Private 2nd Battalion Highland Light Infantry 5 15 Lymer, T. Private 9th Battalion North Staffordshire Regiment 2 9 8 Lyons, J. Gunner 52nd Battery Royal Field Artillery.. 3 4 3 McCluskey, J. Private 1st Battalion Royal Highlanders .. 4 15 2 McCourt, J. .. Private 1st Battalion Scottish Rifles 7 2 1 McDermott, P. Trooper 6th Dragoon Guards (attached 2nd Life Guards) 17 7 McGregor, F. Private 1st Battalion West Yorkshire Regiment 2 14 Mclnnes, J. .. Private 1st Battalion Royal Highlanders .. 8 10 6 Mclver, W. .. Private 1st Battalion Scots Guards .. 5 13 4 McKay, M. .. Private 1st Battalion Gordon Highlanders.. 3 12 1 Mackenzie, J. Piper 1st Battalion Scots Guards .. .. 7 10 McLean, A. .. Gunner No. 4 Mountain Battery Royal Garrison Artillery 11 2 7 McNally, B... Private 2nd Battalion Scots Guards ,, • 7 4 314 Soldiers’ Balances Unclaimed

Regiment, &e. £ s. d. McQuattie, R. Lance-Corporal 1st Battalion Royal Highlanders .. 5 2 5 Mallon, R. .. Private 2nd Battalion Royal Scots Fusiliers 4 19 10 Marshall, L. .. Gunner 48th Battery Royal Field Artillery .. 10 7 1 Martin, W. H. Driver 121st Battery Royal Field Artillery 3 12 7 Mathews, H. S. Bombardier 89th Battery Royal Field Artillery.. 20 19 8 Meese, V. J. .. Private 2nd Battalion Worcestershire Regiment 1 12 6 Melvell, R. .. Private 1st Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers 15 1 0 Merritt, T. .. Corporal .. 2nd Battalion South Lancashire 6 2 1 Metherill, H. Private 1st RegimentBattalion Duke of Cornwall’s Light Infantry 0 15 4 Milne, F. J. .. Private Honourable Artillery Company 3 5 11 Mitchell, S. .. Serjeant .. 2nd Battalion King’s Own Scottish Borderers 0 16 3 Moger, A. Private 1st Battalion Devonshire Regiment 0 15 6 Moon, J. Private 1st Battalion Royal Highlanders .. 13 8 9 Moore, R. Lance-Corporal 2nd Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers 2 6 4 Morey, L. Private 2nd Battalion Coldstream Guards .. 112 Corley, J. Private 2nd Battalion Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regiment 15 9 2 Morris, A., alias Rodgers, F Private 1st Battalion Royal Warwickshire 4 6 5 Morris, J. Private 5thRegiment Battalion King’s Shropshire Light Infantry 2 0 8 Morrison, J. .. Private 1st Battalion Gordon Highlanders.. 0 13 3 Morrison, R. Private 2nd Battalion Cameron Highlanders 6 4 9 Moult, F. Lance-Corporal 2nd Battalion Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regimen. 4 6 8 Mullins, G. E. Corporal . No. 70 Field Company Royal Engineers 2 17 7 Munro, J. A. Private 2nd Battalion Cameron Highlanders 5 15 Murray, J. Serjeant .. 2nd Battalion Seaforth Highlanders 2 16 11 Murray, M. Private 1st Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers 4 3 7 Neill, C.E. Corporal .. 1st Battalion Royal Highlanders .. 12 9 9 Nolan, H. Private 12th Lancers.. 6 15 2 Nugent, J. T Private 1st Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers 3 15 8 Nutt, L. Private 3rd Battalion Worcestershire Regi- ment 4 9 5 O’Donnell, J. Private 2nd Battalion King’s Own Scottish Borderers 1 19 5 O’Donnell, T. Private Royal Munster Fusiliers 10 0 O’Neill, M. .. Private 2nd Battalion Royal Dublin Fusiliers 2 1 10 Orr, T. A. .. Private 1st Battalion Royal Highlanders .. 2 4 5 Palmer, A. .. Driver 26th Battery Royal Field Artillery . 6 6 7 Parker, R. W. Private 1st Battalion West Yorkshire Regiment 9 15 4 Partridge, J. S. Private .. No. 169 Company Army Service Corps 11 3 6 Soldiers’ Balances Unclaimed 315

Rank. Regiment, &c. Amount. £ s. d. Paton, J. Private 1st Battalion Gordon Highlanders 1 9 11 Paton, W. Lance-Serjeant 3rd Battalion Royal Highlanders .. 2 18 3 Peacock, G. H. Private 3rd Battalion Coldstream Guards .. 3 19 5 Pearson, P. .. Private 1st Battalion Royal Lancaster Regi- 3 9 1 ment Perks, W. E... 1st Battalion South Wales Bor- 2 19 4 Private derers Pettit, C. G. 1st Battalion South Wales Bor- 5 9 9 Private derers Pert, J. E, 3rd Battalion South Wales Bor- 4 0 3 Private derers Pickard, P. .. 1st Battalion West Yorkshire Regi- 7 13 10 Lance-Serjeant ment Pickard, J. T. Corporal .. 1st Battalion Royal Pusiliers 4 17 8 Pinch, T. Lance-Corporal 2nd Battalion Royal Scots .. 4 3 9 Pitts, J. Driver .. 65th Battery Royal Field Artillery.. 4 9 9 Port, W. Private 1st Battalion East Kent Regiment.. 15 2 7 Porter, J. 2nd Battalion King’s Own Scottish 9 0 0 Lance-Corporal Borderers Price, A. E. .. Private 1st Battalion Worcestershire Regi- ment 5 9 2 Price, H. 3rd Field Ambulance, Royal Army 5 4 3 Private Medical Corps Prowse, A. J. Private 3rd Hussars.. 8 12 1 Rae, A. T. Serjeant 1st Battalion Gordon Highlanders.. 2 11 8 Reynolds, W. Serjeant “ A ” Battery Royal Horse Artillery 5 0 0 Rhodes, W. W. 3rd Battalion West Riding Regi- Serjeant .. ment 8 16 0 Richards, G. 3rd Field Ambulance Royal Army Private Medical Corps 2 0 0 Richards, G. W. Bombardier “ L ” Battery Royal Horse Artillery 4 3 6 Rice, J. Private 2nd Battalion Connaught Rangers.. 3 1 0 Ritchie, J. Private 1st Battalion Gordon Highlanders.. 4 13 3 Robertson, H. .. Private 1st Battalion Gordon Highlanders . 2 12 1 Robertson, J. G. Private 2nd Battalion King’s Own Scottish Borderers 0 18 8 Robinson, W. Private 2nd Battalion Royal Inniskilling 14 18 11 Pusiliers Robson, T. .. Private 3rd Battalion Coldstream Guards 7 7 4 Rodgers, P. (alias Morris, A.) Private 1st Battalion Royal Warwickshire Regiment 4 6 5 Rogers, P. .. Private 1st Bn. South Wales Borderers 3 7 4 Rose. J. Serjeant No.eers 4 Signal Company Royal Engin- 35 7 9 Ross, J. Private 2nd Battalion Seaforth Highlanders 6 12 10 Ross, J. Private 1st Battalion Gordon Highlanders . 2 15 5 Rousset, A. J. Serjeant .. No. 1 Siege Battery Royal Garrison Artillery 23 19 10 Rowe, J. T. .. i, Acting-Serjeant 1st Bn. Northumberland Pusiliers 16 12 6 Rowles, F...... , Private 2nd Battalion Middlesex Regiment 8 11 2 Ruddy, T. Private 3rd Battalion Yorkshire Regiment,. 16 1 Russell, W.G. Private 1st Bn. Royal West Surrey Regiment 4 3 4 316 Soidiers’ Balances Unclaimed.

Regiment, &e.

Ruthven, W. . Lance- Corporal 2nd Battalion King’s Own Scottish £ s. d. Borderers 2 11 8 Ryan, H. B. .. Private 1st Bn. West Riding Regiment 21 17 8 Saunders, B... Private 1st Bn. East Yorkshire Regiment . 2 11 5 Sayer, H. G. .. Lance-Corporal 1st Bn. East Kent Regiment 4 12 7 Schutz, J. .. Private 2nd Bn. Highland Light Infantry . 5 9 9 Score, J. Corporal .. 1st Battalion Royal Fusiliers 3 13 1 Scott, A. H. .. Trumpeter Royal Horse Guards 9 13 9 Screeney, M. Private 1st Battalion Scots Guards.. 7 11 4 Shannon, G. .. Private 2nd Bn. Worcestershire Regiment. 9 7 7 Sharratt, A. .. Private 1st Bn. Northumberland Fusiliers. 4 15 4 Shilling, T. J. Private 1st Battalion Royal Highlanders . 3 12 3 Sira, G. Private 1st Battalion Gordon Highlanders. 4 3 Simmons, W. H. Private 2nd Bn. Royal Welsh Fusiliers 17 8 6 Simpson, A. .. Private 1st Battalion Northamptonshire 6 5 6 Skinner, A. .. Staff Quarter- Regiment master Serjeant Army Pay Corps 14 18 2 Sloan, J. Private 1st Battalion Royal Scots Fusiliers 3 8 9 Smale, T. Private 3rd Battalion Coldstream Guards .. 3 16 7 Smellie, J. Private 2nd Battalion Seaforth Highlanders 4 12 8 Smith, E. Private 1st Battalion East Kent Regiment 3 17 10 Smith, J. J. .. Private 12th Lancers.. 4 11 10 Smith, T. .. Private 2nd Battalion Worcestershire Regi- ment 10 19 10 Smitheram, E. Private 1st Battalion Gloucestershire Regi- ment 4 0 2 Smythe, H. .. Lance-Corporal 4th Hussars,. .. .. 6 10 9 Somerville, F. Sapper No. 3 Fortress Coy. Royal Engineers 5 18 Soutar, A. .. Private 2nd Battalion Royal Highlanders .. 6 0 9 S outer, 0. Private 2nd Battalion Highland Light In- fantry 1 10 9 Southgate, A. Private 2nd Battalion Yorkshire Regiment 8 19 5 Stagg, R. J. .. Private 1st Battalion Wiltshire Regiment.. 5 15 1 Stagg, W. Private 1st Battalion Wiltshire Regiment.. 14 7 2 Steggles, H... Private 2nd Battalion Essex Regiment 2 17 10 Stewart, A. .. Private 2nd Battalion Seaforth Highlanders 6 12 7 Stewart, D. .. Private 1st Battalion Royal Highlanders .. 4 2 6 Stewart, H. .. Private 2nd Battalion Highland Light In- fantry 6 8 7 Stewart, J. B. Private 1st Battalion Gordon Highlanders.. 3 19 11 Stinchcombe, W. J. Private 1st Battalion Gloucestershire Regi- ment 4 19 11 Stokes, W. .. Private 1st Battalion King’s Royal Rifle Corps ...... 3 12 7 Soldiers’ Balances Unclaimed. :$17

Regiment, &c. £ s. d. Stone, J. (alias Warner, A. E.) Corporal .. 1st Battalion Dorset Regiment 7 17 10 Suffolk, H. .. Sapper “K” Cable Section Royal Engineers Summers, J. Private 1st Battalion West Yorkshire Regi- ment 5 6 6 Swanson, J. T. Private 2nd Dragoon Guards 4 11 11 Taylor, P. S. Corporal .. “ L ” Battery Royal Horse Artillery 6 4 6 Tevenin, M. Private 2nd Battalion Durham Light In- fantry 2 13 9 Thomas, T. E. Private .. 5th Battalion Liverpool Regiment.. 3 3 4 Thomas, W. .. 2nd Battalion Worcestershire Regi- Private ment 16 0 Thompson, A. Private 2nd Battalion Scottish Borderers .. 4 6 6 Thornton, J. MoL. Private 1st Battalion Gordon Highlanders 1 7 11 Tibbett, S. E. Private 1st Battalion Rifle Brigade.. 4 17 7 Titcombe, T. Private 1st Battalion Wiltshire Regiment.. 25 15 8 Townson, T. .. Private 1st Battalion Scottish Rifles 1 17 2 Trotter, E. .. Private 1st Battalion Gordon Highlanders.. 14 2 3 Turner, A. .. Private 2nd Battalion York and Lancaster 6 0 11 Tye, W. Private 2ndRegiment Battalion Durham Light In- fantry 3 5 11 Van, B. W. .. Private Essex Regiment .. .. 0 13 3 Vowles, W. J. Private 2nd Battalion Border Regiment 6 7 4 Wadsworth, H. Private 1st Battalion West Yorkshire Regi- ment 0 9 11 Wakolin, J. Lance-Corporal .. 1st Battalion Scottish Rifles 6 13 4 Walker, H. .. Private 2nd Battalion King’s Own Scottish Borderers 3 17 0 Ward, A. Private North Staffordshire Regiment 1 11 9 Warner, A. E. (alias tone, Corporal 1st Battalion Dorsetshire Regiment 7 17 10 Watering, W. E. Company Serjeant- Major 2nd Battalion Royal Scots .. 15 13 6 Woake, E. A. Private 2nd Battalion Coldstream Guards .. 5 10 11 Weavill, A. .. Private 3rd Battalion Leicestershire Reg - ment 1 10 9 Webb, F. Private 1st Battalion East Surrey Regiment 5 17 10 Webster, R. .. Private 1st Battalion Gordon Highlanders.. 2 7 0 Welsh, P. Company Serjeant- 2nd Battalion King’s Own Scottish Major Borderers 24 13 7 West, J. Private 4th Battalion Royal Fusiliers 7 8 7 Westoott, G. A. Serjeant .. 1st Battalion West Yorkshire Regi- ment 11 18 7 Whiffen. J. .. Private 2nd Battalion Essex Regiment 3 18 7 White, J. Private Royal Scots Fusiliers 16 6 Whittle, J. .. Private 1st Battalion Loyal North Lanca- shire Regiment 6 3 6 Wilson, H. .. Private 1st Battalion King’s Own Scottish 5 4 11 Wood, J. Gunner 3rdBorderers East Lancashire Brigade Royal Field Artillery 1 18 10 Woolley, E. .. Private IstBatt. Northumberland Fusiliers 0 9 5 318 Soldiers’ Balances Unclaimed,

\st Re-Publication of List CCCCLXXIY of the Names of deceased Soldiers whose Personal Estate is held for distribution amongst the Next of Kin or others entitled. —Effects 1913-1914. Regiment, 4c. £ s. d. Adamson, J... Private 2nd Battalion Lancashire Fusiliers 14 13 6 Bates, E. Driver 49th Battery Royal Field Artillery.. 2 17 Gunner 4 11 1 Gibson, A. H. No.Artillery. 1 Company, Royal Garrison Hart, R. Lance-Corporal 2nd Battalion Yorkshire Regiment 3 15 9 Honeybul, C. A. Lance-Serjeant 1st Battalion Royal Welsh Fusiliers 1 19 8 Johnson, C. F. Private 1st Battalion Dorsetshire Regiment 6 8 6 Gunner 1 13 1 McDonald, W. A. No.Artillery 33 Company Royal Garrison Wood, W. .. Private 1st Battalion Royal Scots Fusiliers 2 18 1

2nd Re-Publication of List CCCCLXIV of the Names of deceased Soldiers whose Personal Estate is held for distribution amongst the Next of Kin or others entitled. —Effects 1912-1913. Name. Rank. Regiment, &c. £ s. d. Clark (or Phillips), W. A. Lance-Corporal Military Mounted Police .. 6 12 3 George, F. .. Corporal .. Depot Wiltshire Regiment 4 9 1 3rd Battalion Royal Inniskilling 11 19 5 Lamb, W. Private Fusiliers Phillips (or Clark), W. A. Lance-Corporal Military Mounted Police .. 6 12 3 Selby, G. E Private Middlesex Regiment, attached to 2 10 11 No. 35 Company R.A.M.C. 15 6 Stapley, W. J. Driver-Wheeler No.Corps 27 Company Army Service

3rd Re-Publication of List CCCCLIV of the Names of deceased Soldiers whose Personal Estate is held for distribution amongst the Next of Kin or others entitled.—Effects 1911-1912. Name. Regiment, &c. Amount. £ s. d. Barnett, E. .. Private 9th Lancers.. 7 6 8 Coombs, H. .. Private 2nd Dragoons 3 19 7 Davis, W. Bandsman 1st Battalion Royal Scots Fusiliers 9 1 10 Evans (alias Hall), J. Private 1st Battalion Yorkshire Regiment.. 9 5 3 Galloway, T... Private 11th Hussars 1 12 8 Hall, (alias Evans), J. Private 1st Battalion Yorkshire Regiment 9 5 3 Hall, W. J Bandsman 21st Lancers.. 3 15 0 Hart, J. Private 2nd Battalion Royal Scots Fusiliers 3 10 2nd Battalion Duke of Cornwall’s 20 6 1 Huber, (alias Hunter), J. Corporal Light Infantry Wallace, S. .. Private 2nd Battalion Cameron Highlanders 0 10 2 Soidiers’ Balances Unclaimed. 319

Uh Re-Publication of List CCCCXLIV of the Names of deceased Soldiers whose Personal Estate is held for distribution amongst the Next of Kin or others entitled.—Effects 1910-1911,

Regiment, &e. Amount. £ s. d. Brenan (or Branan), C. Private 2nd Battalion Leinster Regiment 3 7 4 Brown, J. (alias Dawson, A. F.) Gunner 75th Battery Royal Field Artillery.. 17 6 Butler, J. Gunner No. 81 Company Royal Garrison .. Artillery 3 9 2 Dawson, A. F. (alias Brown, J. Gunner 75th Battery Royal Field Artillery.. 17 6 Delahunty, W. Private 1st Battalion Royal Irish Regiment 81 5 9 Donnelly (alias Randle), W Boy 12th Lancers 4 2 3 McCarthy, F. Private 73rd Foot 5 4 6 Powell, A. Private 2nd Battalion East Surrey Regiment 37 7 2 Randle (alias Donnelly), W Boy 12th Lancers.. 4 2 3 Ross, G. Gunner No. 81 Company Royal Garrison Artillery 19 2 3 Smith. J. J. .. Private 1st Battalion Lancashire Fusiliers 13 14 2 Tully, P Private f7th Foot 0 16 3 Walker, T. .. Private 1st Battalion South Lancashire Regiment 10 4 11

Sth Re-Publication of List CCUCXXXIV of the Names of deceased Soldiers whose Personal Estate is held for distribution amongst the Next of Kin or others entitled.—Effects 1909-1910.

Name. Rank. Regiment, Sc. Amount. £ s. d. Anderson, G.. Gunner 91st Battery Royal Field Artillery .. 9 16 11 Atkinson, T. Barnett, T.alias .. Driver No. 33 Company Army Service Corps 2 19 9 Crowther, St. J. V. .. Private 18th Hussars 2 10 2 Dwyer, P, Private 2nd Bn. Royal Dublin Fusiliers .. 1 18 6 Jones (alias Wadhams), A Private 2nd Bn. East Yorkshire Regiment.. 7 13 10 McKee, J. Serjeant Royal Irish Fusiliers and Southern Nigeria Regiment (West African 9 6 0 Frontier Force) Wadhams (alias Jones) A. Private 2nd Bn. East Yorkshire Regiment.. 7 13 10 Wright, T. .. Store-Serjeant Bengal Ordnance Department 45 14 9 320 Soldiers’ Balances Unclaimed.

&th Re-Publication of List CCCCXXIY of the Names of deceased Soldiers whose Personal Estate is held for distribution amongst the Next of Kin or others entitled.—Effects 1908-1909.

Regiment, &c. £ s. d. Collins, h. .. Corporal Royal Garrison Regiment .. 7 18 Cowen, W. .. Sapper Royal Anglesey Royal Engineers (Militia) 19 2 Dale, J. W. .. Driver 145th Battery Royal Field Artillery 2 4 4 Hamilton, H. Sapper 58th Company Royal Engineers 22 0 1 Harrison, R. G. Private 5th Victoria Mounted Rifles 14 14 3 Jackson, W. .. Trooper South African Light Horse . 2 4 11 Lees, J. S. Serjeant 1st Battalion Royal Scots .. 9 17 Lord, A. Private 1st Battalion West India Regiment 33 5 8 McDonald, G. Driver 10th Battery Royal Fieldi Artillery.. 3 13 5 McGhee, A. .. Private 2nd Battalion Cameron Highlanders 14 12 4 McKenzie, J. Private 3rd Battalion South Wales Borderers 0 2 2 O’Brien, (.alias Sliney, A.), J Private 4th Battalion Royal Munster Fusiliers 0 3 4 Plckess, H. .. Corporal 51st Battery Royal Field Artillery 11 2 2 Santima Private West African Regiment 10 5 Sliney (alias O’Brien, J.), A Private 4th Battalion Royal Munster Fusiliers 0 3 4 2nd Battalion King’s Own Scottish Walters, J. C. Lance-Corporal Borderers .. 16 5 10 Williams, or Wiliamson, A Private 1st Battalion Cameron Highlanders 9 14