NATIONAL] 7/ f hc>'£> '■ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. , — This Book is the property of H.B.M. Government and is to he kept in safe custody by the person to whom it has been Issued. ; [Crown Copyright Reserved.^ 18n Autlioritn. =====—V SUPPLEMENT TO THE MONTHLY ARMY LIST. JULY, 1915. PROMOTIONS, APPOINTMENTS, ETC., GAZETTED, AND DEATHS OF OFFICERS REPORTED, BETWEEN 1st & 30th JUNE, 1915. LISTS OF SOLDIERS’ BALANCES UNCLAIMED. « LONDON: PRINTED UN*N I? TH*; AUTHORITY OF HIS MAJESTY'S sfATIONERY OFFICE, BY J. J. KELIHER & CO., LTD., MABSHALSEA ROAD, S.E. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY This Book is the property of H.B.M. Government, and is to be kept in safe custody by the person to whom it has been issued. [ Crown Copyright Reserved.'] IB 5 Autljoritg. SUPPLEMENT . TO THE MONTHLY ARMY LIST. JULY, 1915. PROMOTIONS, APPOINTMENTS, ETG., GAZETTED, AND DEATHS OF OFFICERS REPORTED, BETWEEN 1st & 30th JUNE, 1915. LISTS OF SOLDIERS’ BALANCES UNCLAIMED. LONDON: PRINTED UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF HIS MAJESTY’S STATIONERY OFFICE, BY J. J. KELIHER & CO.. LTD., MARSHALSEA ROAD, S.E. 93234—Wt. —16221-12,000- 7/15-J. J. K. & Co, Ltd, 1 Promotions, Appointments, &c 3 PROMOTIONS, APPOINTMENTS, &c., since last Publication. War Office, 30 June, 1915. REGULAR FORCES. COMMANDS AND STAFF. Staff Captains. Capt. B. Ussher, Jjeins. R., from an Offr. of a Co. of Gent. Cadets, R. Mil. Coll., and to remain teed. (Gaz. 1 June) lOMaylS Maj. flon. J. Dawnay, D.S.O., ret. pay. (Gaz. 1 June) .. .. .. 22Feb. Brigade Commanders. Bt. Col. G. H. Thesiger, C.B., C.M.O., Rif. Brig., and to be temp. Brig.-Gen., vice Col. (temp. Brig.-Gen., C. B. Westmacott, S.iB.ffi. to the King. (Gaz. l June) 5May Col. E. Makins, D.S.O., and to be temp. Brig.-Gen., vice Maj.-Gen. C. J. Briggs, G.B. (Gaz. 1 June) HMay „ Brigade Majors. Capt. W. H. Johnston, R.E., vice Bt. Maj. J. T. Weatherby, Oxf. and Bucks. L.I. (Gaz. 1 June) .. : 2May Capt. H. C. L. Howard, 16 Lrs., vice Maj. B. i>. Fisher, D.S.O., 17 Lrs. (Gaz. 1 June) 4May „ Staff Captains. Capt. F. R. Woollcomhe, R.A., vice Capt. D. Paige, R.A. (Gaz. 1 June) SApr. Maj. H. Hale, Terr. Force Res , vice Capt. G. H. Chubb, Res. of Off. (Gaz. 1 June) 25Apr. Capt. O. H. Tidhury, Midd’x R. (Gaz. l June) SOApr. Capt. J. G. Lowther, 11 Hrs. (Gaz. 1 June) .. 5May Capt. E. W. S. Balfour, D S.O , 6 D.G., vice Maj. A. H. C. Kearsey. D.S.O., 10 Hrs. (Gaz. 1 June) HMay Base Commandant. (Graded for purposes of pay as an A-A-G.) Col. J. S. Nicholson, C.B., C.M.O., D.S.O. (Gaz. l June) lApr. Commandant on the Lines of Communications. iGraded for purposes of pay as an A-A-G.) Lt.-Col. F. C. L. Hulton, Res. of Off., vice Col. A. G. Thomson, C.B. (Gaz. 1 June) 25Apr. Commandant of an Administrative District. (Graded for purposes of pay as an A-A-G.) Col. A. G. Thomson, C.B. (Gaz. 1 June) 25Apr. Staff Captain. Capt. R. T. Cooper, N. Mid. Mtd. Brig. A.S.C., Terr Force. (Gaz. 2 June) IMay Commandant on the Lines of Communications. (Graded for purposes of pay as a D-A.A-G.at the W.O.) Lt.-Col. F. C. L. Hulton, Res. of Oft, vice Col. A. G. Thomson, C.B. (Gaz. 2 June.) Dated 25 Apr. 15. (Substituted for the notification which appeared in Gaz. of 1 June, 15.) The undermentioned temp, appts. are made at the W.O. Staff Captains. (And to be temp. Capts.) Frederick Henry Browning. (Gaz. 4 June) .. 17Apr. C. E. Williams. (Gaz. 4 June) 4May The undermentioned temp. appt. is made Staff Captain. Capt. C. J. Heath, R.A., and to be seed., vice Maj. C. B. Simonds, Res. of Off. (Gaz. 4 June) lApr. Brigade Commanders. Col. W. R. B. Doran, O.B., D.S.O., and to be temp. Brig.-Gen. (Gaz. 5 June) 10 May Bt. Col. C. E. Pereira, C. Gds., and to he temp. Brig.-Gen. whilst so empld., vice Col. (temp. Brig.-Gen.) A. J. Chapman, C.R. (Gaz.TJune) .. ISMay Brigade Major. Capt. E. P. Dorrien-Smith, D.S.O., Shrops. LX, vice Bt. Lt.-Col. Hon. L. J. P. Butler, X. Gds. (Gaz. 7 June) 23Mar. Staff Captains. 2nd i.t. W. B. Little, 1/9 Bn. (Terr.) Durh. IJ.I,, vice Lt. F. C. H. Carpenter, 1/8 Bn. (Terr.) Durh. L.I. Gaz. 7 June) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. IMay Capt. R. H. Woods, K.R. Rif. C., and to be seed., vice Capts. A. I.. Moulton-Barrett, Dorset R. (Gaz. 7 June) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. UMay Brigade Commander. Bt. Col. E. Pearce-Serocold, K. R. Rif. C., and to be temp. Brig.-Gen. whilst so empld., vice Maj.-Gen. B. J. C. Doran, C.B. (Gaz. 8 June) .... 1 * 4 Promotions, Appointments, &c, KEGULAK FORCES— COMMANDS AND STAFF—coreCd. ,, • TT IT „ . „ „ Staff Captain. M 1 -0 ret notmcationn^i‘fD.nnnn which,f.h?^ appeared” ’(Gaz. in Gaz. of 8 27 June,) May 15.)Dated 6 May 15. (Substituted for the The undermentioned temp. appt. is made ,„, xr i, . Military Attache (Extra). Col.r H. LeT Roy-LeW1S,T C. B., D.S. 0., Ret. List, Terr. Force. (Gaz. 8 June) 18Mayl5 T* -r ^ „ Staff Captains. !;*• ^• O- Lassetter, 5 Bn York B„ Terr. Force. (Gaz. 9 June) ISApr. Capt. W. A. C. Lloyd, 7 Bn. W. York R., Terr. Force. (Gaz. 9 June) 18Apr. The undermentioned temp. appt. is made:— ^ ^ Inspector of Royal Engineers. M ((fazniO jmi^andt)aCl1’ 0'P>" D-S'0” vice Co1- (^“P- Brig.-Gen.) G. M. Heath, D.S.O. 18May n i XT xx „ „ . Staff Captain. Capt. N. H. C. Russell, Wore. Yeo., Terr. Force. (Gaz. 11 June) .. IMay The undermentioned temp. appt. is made:— , ,, Tr xr XT Garrison Adjutant. ' einpld ' Gia^U^June)011 °f S'AWca r)ef' Porce' and to be temp. Capt. whilst so lOApr. ijt.-i.oi.r x TT. id-xx H.a L.x Ravensnaw,x, , C.M.O.,Brigade Conn. Rang.,Commanders. and to be temp. Brig.-Gen whilst so i i vwe Col. (temp Brig. Gen.) R. C. Boyle. C.B. (Gaz. 12 June) 19May Lt.-Col. A. B. Ritcnie. C.M.G., Sea. Highrs., and to be temp. Brig.-Gen. whilst so empld m r‘C? Coh't'^P-. Brig.-Gen.) E. G. Grogan. C.B. fGaz. 12 June). P ’ 20May A n y ndt0 b tein L" w T x, ' ?t , ? P Brig.-Gen. whilst so empld., vice Col! (temp. Brig.-Gen.) F. W. J. Caulfeild, ret. pay, Ind. Army, (Gaz.12 June) .. 8June TT x x x. T-, Tx — Brigade Major. Capt. L. P. Evans, R. Highrs.. vice Maj. W. A. Blake, Wilts. R. (Gaz. 12 June) .. 3May m T, x x, XT ™ Staff Captain. ^en(Ga^ai2 June) Porrep’17 ^erv-) Bn. L’pool R„ and to be transferred to the Gen. List. 13May The undermentioned temp. appt. is made :— Col.Col H.TT Cooper,COOTTOX C.M.O.,o TT x, Colonelinret. pay. (Gaz.Charge 14 ofJune) Territorial Force Records. 25 May Gen. Sirox B.-r, M.xx Hamilton,xx K.C.B.,Commander, K.C. V.O. Ripon (Gaz. Training 15 June) Centre. 7June xx Tx xxx XT . XT Staff Captains. Lt' Hudson, Tern Force^e^^uiazl'lSHi^^0'’ Telr; Porce vice Capt. R. C. Donaldson- ; 28May The undermentioned appt. is made :— Temp. Capt. C. W. Jones, 4 Bn. R. W. Fus., Terr. Force. (Gaz. 16 June) .. 29May The undermentioned temp, appts. are made „ x, , _ , xx . Inspector of the Territorial Force. C1(Gazmf7 June)' Gen' D' A- Macfarlan6' °-B-’ D s-0 < and to retain his temp. rank. 11 June XT x xx XT x. Brigade Majors. Capt. H. E. R. R. Braine, R. Muns. Fus., vice Bt. Maj. @. P. Heywood, C.Gds. (Gaz. June) .. ., # Cspt. R. S. Follett, Rif. Brig., vice Capt. J. E. Munby, York. L.I.”(Gaz. 21 June)’ 23 May 28 May XT x xx xx xxxT,x „ Staff Captams. 1'T^ 7 -- 50 Canadian R.. vice Capt. E. W. Pope, R. Canadian R. (Gaz.2Uune 25 Apr 21 June)CaPfc’ J* ^ ’ •M■ere<a•itll, Lems. K., vice Capt. R. S Follett, Rif. Brig. (Gaz. Capt. C. O. V. Gray, Sea. Highrs., vice Captl S. H. j*. Thunder, North’n R. (Gaz.2lJune) 29May do. Camp Commandant. XT x x. x, (Graded for purposes of pay as a D-A.A-G.) Capt. 0. B. Foster, North’d Fus. (Gaz. 21 June) .. do. xx x . Tx „ Staff Captains. Lt. L. A. Hawes, R.A., and to be seed. (Gaz. 22 June) Capt. V. A. Nye, Ches. R.. (Gaz. 21 June) .. 29May Capt. <Et. ret. nay) G. N. Fitzjolin, Wore. R„ Spec. Res. (Gaz. 22 June) " 9 June lOJune Capt. P. Galsworthy, R. Fus., and to be seed., vice Capt B de L. Cazenove,^ 3 Bn.’ it. Scots (Gaz. 22 June) ISJune The undermentioned temp. appt. is made :— x x TT X, xx XT „ Staff Captain. Lt. E. B. K. Cope, A.S.C. (Gaz. 22 June) .. 16.1une The undermentioned temp. appt. is made at the W.O. :— x, . XT X, x HT x Director of Recruiting. B?se.nof Off ’GaT2! June?’ C’F’0;’ C S ’.Re8' °f 0ff- vice Ma^Gen- F’ Campbell, ISJune Promotions, Appointments, &c. 5 REGULAR FORCES—contd. COMMANDS AND STAFF—ooraM. The undermentioned temp.
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