
Respiratory Manifestations of

John M. James, MD

ABSTRACT. may present with a variety of food allergy, the notion that food allergy may play a symptoms that generally involve immu- role should be acknowledged and investigated. noglobulin E -mediated responses. Exposure is In the overall evaluation of patients with specific typically through ingestion, but in some cases, respiratory symptoms that are thought to be the of airborne food particles may trigger these reactions. result of an adverse food reaction, numerous allergic, Upper and lower respiratory tract reactions are often a as well as nonallergic, causes must be considered in significant component of multisystem, anaphylactic reac- the (Table 1). The main objec- tions. However, chronic or isolated or induced by food is unusual. It is important to recognize tive of this review is to summarize the scientific that food allergy in early childhood is a marker indicat- literature concerning the role of food allergy in re- ing an increased risk to develop respiratory allergy. The spiratory tract symptoms. Specific circumstances in role of food allergy in otitis media is controversial and which food allergy should be considered as a cause probably is extremely rare. Likewise, asthmatic re- for respiratory tract symptoms are highlighted. This sponses to food additives can occur but are uncommon. information should provide a practical foundation Studies using blinded oral food challenges have demon- on which the pediatrician and related health care strated that can elicit airway hyperreactivity and professional may evaluate patients with respiratory asthmatic responses. Therefore, an evaluation for food tract manifestations that could be attributed to food allergy should be considered in patients who are at risk, allergy. including those with recalcitrant or otherwise unex- plained , severe asthma exacerbations, asthma trig- EPIDEMIOLOGY gered after ingestion of particular foods, and asthma that The true prevalence of respiratory tract symptoms is accompanied by other manifestations of food allergy (eg, , moderate to severe atopic ). induced by food allergy has been difficult to ascer- Pediatrics 2003;111:1625–1630; food allergy, asthma, ana- tain. In general, there is an erroneously inflated pub- 4 phylaxis, bronchial hyperresponsiveness. lic perception of food allergy-induced asthma ; therefore, it is understandable that many associations have been made between the ingestion of certain ABBREVIATIONS. FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 second; foods and food additives and respiratory tract symp- IgE, ; MSG, . toms. Individual perceptions of allergy are often not substantiated when food challenges are used to con- utaneous and gastrointestinal symptoms con- firm patient histories.5,6 The incidence of confirmed stitute the most commonly observed acute food-induced respiratory reactions induced by food and chronic clinical manifestations of food al- is estimated to be between 2% and 8% in children C1 lergy. Although food-induced respiratory symp- toms are less frequent, their presence, usually in TABLE 1. Selected Disorders in the Differential Diagnosis of conjunction with symptoms in other systems, Food-Induced generally indicates a more severe disease manifesta- 2,3 Nasal symptoms tion. In fact, asthmatic reactions triggered by food Allergic allergy constitute a more worrisome symptom com- (environmental ) plex because they are usually observed in fatal and Food allergy near-fatal reactions after food ingestion.2,3 More chal- Nonallergic Gustatory rhinitis ( from spicy food/heat) lenging than acute respiratory responses to foods, (viral, bacterial) chronic respiratory complaints such as rhinitis and Inflammatory response ( with asthma, which may be attributed to food allergy, are eosinophilia) particularly difficult to evaluate. Although the vast Vasomotor rhinitis majority of these symptoms will not be related to Foreign body Lower airway symptoms Allergic Extrinsic asthma From the Colorado Allergy and Asthma Centers, PC, Fort Collins, Colo- Food allergy rado. Anaphylaxis Received for publication Sep 11, 2002; accepted Oct 30, 2002. Heiner’s syndrome Address correspondence to John M. James, MD, Colorado Allergy and Nonallergic Asthma Centers, PC, 1136 E Stuart St, Ste 3200, Fort Collins, CO 80525. Intrinsic asthma E-mail: [email protected] Infection PEDIATRICS (ISSN 0031 4005). Copyright © 2003 by the American Acad- Irritant foreign body emy of Pediatrics.

Downloaded from www.aappublications.org/news by guestPEDIATRICS on October 2, Vol. 2021 111 No. 6 June 2003 1625 and adults with asthma.7,8 The epidemiology of gastrointestinal symptoms) during acute allergic re- food-induced respiratory allergy is best considered actions to foods and rarely occurs in isolation.9,17 In among 3 types: respiratory reactions during 1) food- addition, rhinitis induced by oral food challenges is induced anaphylaxis, 2) food-induced rhinitis, and 3) more frequently observed in infants and young chil- food-induced asthma. dren than in adults. Overall, isolated rhinitis is rarely a symptom of food allergy. Food-Induced Respiratory Reactions as a Component of Many patients associate the ingestion of cow Anaphylaxis and other dairy products with an increase in the Egg, milk, , soy, fish, , and tree nuts production and thickness of nasal secretions. This are the most common food allergens that are impli- association often cannot be attributed to a specific cated in respiratory reactions and confirmed in well- allergic reaction. Pinnock et al18 investigated the re- controlled, blinded food challenges.5,9–11 A recent lationship between milk intake and produc- investigation summarized data from a voluntary reg- tion in adult volunteers challenged with rhinovi- istry of 5149 individuals, mostly children, with pea- rus-2. Milk and dairy product intake was not and/or .12 Respiratory reactions, associated with an increase in upper or lower respi- including trouble , wheezing, throat tight- ratory tract symptoms of congestion or nasal secre- ness, and , were reported in 42% and tions. Overall, no statistically significant association 56% of respondents as part of their initial reactions to was detected between milk and dairy product intake and tree nuts, respectively. One half of the and symptoms of mucus production in healthy reactions involved Ͼ1 , and registrants adults, whether asymptomatic or symptomatic with with asthma were significantly more likely than infection. Taking this a step further, an- those without asthma to have severe reactions (33% other investigation used a randomized, crossover, vs 21%; P Ͻ .0001). double-blind, placebo-controlled trial to examine the As mentioned above, respiratory symptoms, espe- effects of dairy products in patients who perceived cially asthmatic reactions, induced by food allergens that their asthma worsened with the ingestion of are a very worrisome and dramatic group of clinical these products.19 For both forced expiratory volume symptoms because they have been frequently ob- in 1 second (FEV1) and rate, served in fatal and near-fatal reactions after food there was no statistically significant differences in the ingestion.2,3,13 These symptoms typically include group means between active challenges and placebo pruritus in the oropharynx, (eg, laryn- challenges. Taken together, these data suggest that it geal edema), , cough, dyspnea, wheezing, and is unlikely that dairy products have a specific effect dysphonia. In a survey of 6 fatal and 7 near-fatal in patients with isolated rhinitis or a bronchocon- anaphylactic reactions after food ingestion, all pa- strictor effect in patients with asthma. tients had asthma and respiratory symptoms as part of their clinical presentation. The foods responsible Asthma Induced by Food Allergy for these serious reactions were peanut, tree nuts, Like rhinitis, asthma is rarely an isolated manifes- egg, and cow milk.3 Another report summarized tation of food allergy, but food-induced asthma is acute allergic reactions to peanut and/or tree nuts in observed during systemic allergic reactions to food. 122 atopic children. Overall, 52% had lower respira- In one investigation, 300 consecutive patients with tory tract symptoms as part of their overall reac- asthma (age range: 7 months–80 years) were evalu- tions.14 ated in a pulmonary clinic.7 Twenty-five (12%) pa- The causal foods may differ by geographical re- tients had a history of food allergy suggested by gion and local cuisine. A recent investigation from clinical symptoms and/or positive tests of food-spe- Italy summarized the clinical characteristics and cific immunoglobulin E (IgE) . Food-in- treatment of 113 episodes of acute anaphylaxis trig- duced wheezing was documented in 6 (2%) of the gered by different agents including food allergens cases; all of the cases were children aged 4 to 17 (8%).15 The most frequent symptoms involved the years. In another investigation, 140 children who respiratory tract (90%). Specific foods identified as were aged 2 to 9 years and had asthma were triggers included mustard, mussels, , soy, screened by clinical history and testing for food- peanut, and fish. In summary, the presence of specific IgE antibodies.20 Of these children, 32 under- asthma is a risk factor for severe, food-induced ana- went blinded food challenges: 13 (9.2%) had food- phylaxis; respiratory symptoms are a common and induced respiratory symptoms, and 8 (5.7%) had important indicator of severe food-induced anaphy- specific asthmatic reactions documented during food laxis; and a short list of common foods are often challenges. Only 1 patient had asthma as the sole implicated.2,16 symptom during a positive food challenge. It is in- teresting that the patients with food allergy and Rhinitis-Induced Food Allergy asthma were generally younger and had a medical Adverse nasal symptoms, especially rhinitis, are history of . Oehling et al21 reported sometimes attributed to food ingestion. Nasal symp- that food-induced bronchospasm was present in toms, especially rhinitis, accounted for 70% of the 8.5% of 284 children with asthma. The majority of the respiratory symptoms observed in children who un- allergic sensitization occurred in the first year of life derwent double-blind, placebo-controlled food chal- and was caused by a single food, especially egg. lenges.17 Rhinitis typically occurs in association with Finally, Businco et al22 evaluated 42 children (age other clinical manifestations (ie, cutaneous and/or range: 10–76 months) with atopic dermatitis and

1626 SUPPLEMENT Downloaded from www.aappublications.org/news by guest on October 2, 2021 . Eleven (27%) of these patients devel- TABLE 2. Estimated Prevalence of Food Allergy–Induced oped asthmatic symptoms during a positive food Asthmatic Reactions challenge; in 6 children, these asthma exacerbations Clinical Population Estimated Prevalence were the only adverse symptom observed. General population of children 5.7% The prevalence of food-related wheezing seems to with asthma be highest in the youngest patients with atopic dis- Infants with cow milk allergy 29% ease. Hill et al23 in Australia studied 100 children Food-induced wheezing during 2%–24% (mean age: 16 months) who had clinical histories of acute reactions –induced wheezing Ͻ5% adverse reactions to cow milk. The children were Patients with atopic dermatitis 17%–27% separated into 3 distinct groups based on symptoms. The first group consisted of 27 infants who reacted acutely to cow milk ingestion (29% had lower airway prevalence of food allergy-induced asthmatic reac- responses on oral challenges) and had cow milk- tions in different patient populations. specific IgE antibodies. A second group consisted of 53 infants with primarily non–IgE-mediated gastro- Increased Risk of Respiratory Allergy Among Patients intestinal reactions to cow milk challenges. Only 4% With Food Allergy in this group experienced lower airway symptoms. Allergic sensitization to egg in infancy has been The third group included 20 patients characterized identified as a predictor for respiratory tract allergic with late-onset reactions to oral challenges with cow disease later in life. For example, investigators from milk. The majority of these patients had chronic the Isle of Wight recently reported on a 4-year fol- asthma or atopic dermatitis, and 50% had wheezing low-up of a birth cohort of 1218 children in whom 29 after the milk challenges. Likewise, an investigation (2.4%) developed .26 Increased respiratory from Turkey confirmed that food allergy can elicit allergy (eg, rhinitis, asthma) was associated with egg asthma in children younger than 6 years, but the allergy (odds ratio: 5.0; 95% confidence interval: 1.1– incidence is low (4%), even for major food allergens 22.3; P Ͻ .05) with a positive predictive value of 55%. such as egg and cow milk.24 Furthermore, the diagnosis of concomitant eczema Over 2 consecutive decades, 598 children with pul- increased the positive predictive value to 80%. The monary disease were evaluated at the National Jew- investigators concluded that egg allergy in infancy, ish Center for Immunology and Respiratory Medi- especially when associated with eczema, increases cine.25 Of the 410 (69%) children with a history of the risk of respiratory allergy in early childhood. In asthma, 279 (68%) had a history of food-induced addition, Rhodes et al27 conducted a prospective asthma. There were positive food challenges in 168 birth cohort study in England of subjects at risk for (60%) of the 279 patients. This investigation docu- asthma and . Of the 100 infants of atopic par- mented that 67 (24%) of the 279 children with a ents who were recruited, 73 were followed up at 5 history of food-induced asthma had a positive years, 67 were followed up to 11 years, and 63 were blinded food challenge that included wheezing. The followed up to 22 years. Skin sensitivity to hen’s egg, most common foods responsible for these reactions cow milk, or both in the first 5 years of life was were peanut (19), cow milk (18), egg (13), and tree predictive of asthma (odds ratio: 10.7; 95% confi- nuts (10). It is interesting that only 5 (2%) of these dence interval: 2.1–55.1; P ϭ .001; sensitivity: 57%; patients had isolated wheezing. specificity: 89%). Food and respiratory allergy are A total of 320 children who had atopic dermatitis also closely associated because sensitization to pollen and underwent blinded food challenges at Johns can result in food-allergic reactions to Hopkins Hospital were monitored for respiratory and vegetables with homologous proteins (pollen- reactions.17 The patients, ages 6 months to 30 years, food syndrome).28 were highly atopic and had multiple allergic sensi- tivities to foods, and more than one half had a pre- PATHOGENESIS vious diagnosis of asthma. Food allergy was con- Immune responses mediated by specific IgE anti- firmed by blinded challenges in 205 (64%) of these bodies to food allergens are the most widely recog- patients; almost two thirds of these patients experi- nized mechanism for food-induced respiratory tract enced respiratory reactions during their positive symptoms.29 These antibodies bind to high-affinity food challenges (nasal, 70%; laryngeal, 48%; pulmo- IgE receptors on and mast cells nary, 27%). Overall, 34 (17%) of 205 children with throughout the body, including the upper and lower positive food challenges developed wheezing as part respiratory tract. The establishment of IgE-bearing of their reaction. Furthermore, 88 of these patients cells in the nasal or bronchial mucosa during the were monitored with pulmonary function testing allergic sensitization process sets the stage for their during positive and negative food challenges. Thir- activation during subsequent exposure.30 teen (15%) developed lower respiratory symptoms, When antigen binds to multiple IgE antibodies on a including wheezing; however, only 6 patients had a or , these cells become activated, Ͼ 20% decrease in FEV1. As documented in the in- which leads to and release of proin- vestigations cited earlier, wheezing as the only man- flammatory mediators such as , tryptase, ifestation of the respiratory reaction was rare. , and . These mediators In summary, these results suggest that respiratory are responsible for the immediate allergic reaction symptoms may be provoked in a subset of patients characterized by vasodilatation, con- with asthma. Table 2 provides a comparison of the traction, and mucus secretion, which in turn leads to

Downloaded from www.aappublications.org/news by guest on October 2, 2021 SUPPLEMENT 1627 the different clinical symptoms observed in the re- concluded that food allergy is an unlikely cause of spiratory tract. increased airway hyperresponsiveness.33 Eleven These specific mediators can also contribute to adults with asthma, a history of food-induced late-phase allergic reactions that occur 4 to 8 hours wheezing, and positive prick skin tests to the sus- after an immediate allergic response. Mast cell-de- pected foods were evaluated. An equal number of rived mediators can cause endothelial cells to up- patients had increased airway hyperresponsiveness, regulate their expression of adhesion molecules for which was determined by methacholine inhalation , basophils, and . In addi- challenges, after blinded food challenges to either tion, tryptase may activate endothelial cells, increas- food allergen or placebo. Unfortunately, the small ing vascular permeability. Leukocytes are then number of patients investigated and the lack of en- drawn to the airways during a relatively symptom- vironmental controls before the repeat methacholine free recruitment phase, where they release challenges limited the certainty of their conclusions. and tissue-damaging proteases that contribute to the late-phase response, including congestion in allergic OTHER FOOD-INDUCED RESPIRATORY rhinitis and in asthma. Chronic SYNDROMES eventually produces airway hyperre- Serous Otitis Media Induced by Food Allergy sponsiveness. Specific T cells also generate a memory Serous otitis media has multiple causes, the most response, which may contribute to the exacerbation prominent of which is viral upper respiratory tract of asthma symptoms on reexposure to certain stim- infection. Allergic inflammation in the uli. may cause eustachian tube dysfunction and subse- Although the primary route of exposure to food quent otitis media with effusion. A role for food that can cause or exacerbate respiratory symptoms allergy in recurrent serous otitis media has been (eg, asthma) is oral ingestion, asthmatic responses proposed; however, this association has been over- may also occur from direct inhalation of aerosolized estimated and is controversial.9,34 Respiratory atopy particles that contain allergenic food. For example, (eg, allergic rhinitis, allergic asthma) may be the highly allergic people may react when exposed to more important predisposing factor than food al- clinically relevant levels of allergenic food in a sea- lergy alone.35 In contrast, another report cautiously food restaurant or when fish, shellfish, or eggs are suggests that in a subset of infants with recurrent cooked in a confined area.29 Moreover, patients with otitis media, IgG complexes with food antigens, par- may experience similar reactions ticularly cow milk proteins, may contribute to the when they are exposed to peanut dust on airline middle ear inflammation in this disorder.36 Obvi- flights that serve peanut snacks.31 ously, more data obtained from well-controlled in- Airway Hyperresponsiveness Induced by Food Allergy vestigations are needed before general recommenda- tions can be made regarding this association. Until In a subset of food-allergic children, the chronic better data are available, the routine testing for food ingestion of a food to which one is allergic may result allergy in patients with otitis media is not recom- in increased airway hyperresponsiveness despite the mended. absence of acute symptoms on ingestion. In one spe- cific investigation, 26 children with asthma and food allergy were evaluated for changes in their airway Food-Induced Pulmonary Hemosiderosis (Heiner’s hyperresponsiveness before and after blinded food Syndrome) challenges.32 Airway hyperresponsiveness was mea- In 1960, Heiner and Sears37 reported in infants a sured with standardized methacholine inhalation syndrome that consisted of recurrent episodes of challenges both at baseline (ie, before blinded food associated with pulmonary infiltrates, challenges) and 4 hours after the food challenge. Of hemosiderosis, gastrointestinal loss, iron-defi- the 22 positive blinded food challenges, 12 involved ciency anemia, and failure to thrive. This rare chest symptoms (cough, laryngeal reactions, and/or syndrome is most often associated with a non–IgE- wheezing). Another 10 positive food challenges in- mediated to cow milk proteins. Al- cluded laryngeal, gastrointestinal, and/or skin though peripheral blood eosinophilia and serum pre- symptoms without any chest symptoms. Significant cipitins to cow milk are commonly observed, the increases in airway hyperresponsiveness occurred in specific immunologic mechanisms responsible for 7 of the 12 patients who experienced chest symptoms this disorder are not known. The diagnosis is sug- gested when milk precipitins are demonstrated and during positive food challenges. Decreases in FEV1 were not generally observed in these 7 patients dur- elimination of the milk leads to subsequent resolu- ing the food challenges; however, significant changes tion of symptoms. in airway hyperresponsiveness could be detected in the majority of patients who experienced chest Respiratory Symptoms Induced by the Inhalation of symptoms during a positive challenge. These data Food Allergens indicate that food-induced allergic reactions may in- Occupational exposures to airborne food allergens crease airway hyperresponsiveness in a subset of can result in chronic asthma. For example, baker’s patients with moderate to severe persistent asthma asthma is caused by an occupational exposure to despite the absence of symptoms immediately after airborne cereal grain dust. Patients with this disorder ingestion. experience cough and after the In contrast, an investigation of adults with asthma inhalation of proteins while baking. Affected

1628 SUPPLEMENT Downloaded from www.aappublications.org/news by guest on October 2, 2021 patients usually have positive skin tests to extracted TABLE 3. Role of Food Allergy in Respiratory Disease: Key wheat proteins.38 Inhalation of lupine flour may also Points be an important cause of allergic sensitization in 1. Acute food-induced respiratory tract symptoms are typically exposed workers and may actually give rise to occu- accompanied by either cutaneous or gastrointestinal pational asthma and food allergy.39 Three patients symptoms. 2. Chronic, isolated food-induced respiratory tract symptoms reported work-related symptoms immediately after are uncommon. being exposed to lupine. Prick skin test results with 3. Egg, milk, peanut, soy, fish, shellfish, and tree nuts are the an extract of lupine flour were positive in all most common food allergens confirmed to elicit respiratory patients; lupine-specific IgE antibodies were de- reactions. 4. Allergic sensitization (positive tests) or clinical reactions to tected in 2 subjects. It is interesting that 1 patient foods in infancy predict the later development of respiratory underwent a bronchial provocation with lupine seed and asthma. flour extract and experienced an immediate fall (up 5. Food-induced asthma is more common in young pediatric patients than in older children and adults. to 25%) in FEV1. In children as well as adults, nonoccupational ex- 6. Children with atopic dermatitis, especially those with food reactions confirmed during blinded food challenges, are at posures to airborne food particles can also elicit re- increased risk for food-induced asthma. spiratory reactions, usually during cooking or ma- 7. Food-induced allergic reactions may increase airway nipulation of the food. Allergic reactions associated hyperresponsiveness in patients with moderate to severe with airborne fish particles have been reported in asthma and may do so without inducing acute asthma 40 symptoms. patients with . This report highlighted 8. The role of food allergy in otitis media, particularly in children who reported allergic reactions on inciden- patients without other manifestations of atopy (eg, atopic tal inhalation of fish odors or fumes. Of the 21 pa- dermatitis, allergic rhinitis) is controversial and probably is tients evaluated, 9 had wheezing or rhinitis alone extremely rare. and 3 had respiratory and cutaneous symptoms to- 9. Asthmatic reactions to food additives can occur but are very uncommon. gether. Methods of exposure included boiling or fry- 10. Respiratory symptoms, especially asthmatic reactions, 31 ing fish and simple exposure to fish. Sicherer et al induced by food allergens are considered risk factors for reported a series of peanut-allergic patients who ex- fatal and near-fatal reactions. perience adverse respiratory reactions when they are exposed to peanut dust on airline flights that serve peanut snacks. Another report focused on 3 patients -containing foods (eg, dried fruits, wines) have who developed asthma and rhinitis provoked by been shown to cause bronchospasm and severe asth- exposure to raw but not cooked green and matic attacks in patients with sensitive asthma.1 chards in a nonoccupational environment.41 The in- vestigators observed very minor differences of IgE CONCLUSION reactivity between nitrocellulose-blotted raw and In summary, studies have established a pathogenic boiled green extracts. role for food allergy in the development of respira- tory tract symptoms. Acute food-induced respiratory Food Additives and Respiratory Symptoms reactions are typically accompanied by cutaneous A high percentage of patients with asthma per- and gastrointestinal symptoms as a component of ceive that food additives contribute to worsening of systemic anaphylaxis. There are also circumstances their respiratory symptoms42; however, well-con- when isolated rhinitis or asthma is induced by foods, trolled investigations in this area have reported a but these are uncommon. An overview of the role of prevalence rate well below 5%.7,9 For example, there food allergy in respiratory tract disease is summa- is conflicting evidence that patients with asthma are rized in Table 3. Allergic sensitization to foods in more likely to have adverse effects from monoso- infancy is a risk factor for respiratory tract allergic dium glutamate (MSG) compared with the general disease, including asthma, later in life. Table 4 high- population.43 Woods et al44 designed a randomized, lights key clinical features that may indicate that an double-blind, placebo-controlled, MSG challenge evaluation for food allergy should be considered. protocol for identifying early and late asthmatic re- Finally, asthma is a significant risk factor for life- actions. They were unable to demonstrate MSG-in- threatening food-allergic reactions. Among patients duced immediate or late asthmatic reactions in a who experienced life-threatening food hypersensitiv- group of 12 adults who had asthma and perceived ity reactions, the vast majority had a history of that this food additive negatively affected their over- asthma. With this in mind, practice parameters for all asthma control. In addition, these investigators the diagnosis and treatment of asthma have recently observed no significant changes in bronchial hyper- highlighted the potential role of food allergy in responsiveness or soluble inflammatory markers (eg, asthma in some patients.46 cationic , tryptase) during this challenge protocol. Another investigation used dou- TABLE 4. Features That May Indicate the Need for Evalua- ble-blind, placebo controlled oral challenges with tion of Food Allergy in Patients With Asthma MSG in subjects with histories of adverse reactions to 45 1. Recalcitrant or otherwise unexplained acute, severe asthma this food additive. This study failed to demonstrate exacerbations upper or lower respiratory symptoms. However, 22 2. Asthma triggered after ingestion of particular foods (36.1%) of the 61 subjects had confirmed adverse 3. Patients with asthma that is accompanied by other reactions to MSG, including headache, muscle tight- manifestations of food allergy (eg, anaphylaxis, moderate to ness, numbness, generalized weakness, and flushing. severe atopic dermatitis)

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Pediatrics is the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. A monthly publication, it has been published continuously since 1948. Pediatrics is owned, published, and trademarked by the American Academy of Pediatrics, 345 Park Avenue, Itasca, Illinois, 60143. Copyright © 2003 by the American Academy of Pediatrics. All rights reserved. Print ISSN: 1073-0397.

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