C HAPTER 14 Wheat as an Allergen: Baker’s Asthma, Food and Wheat Pollen Allergy Alicia Armentia1, Eduardo Arranz2, José Antonio Garrote2,3, Javier Santos4 1 Allergy Unit. io !ortega University !os"ital. #alladolid. S"ain. 2 $BG&. University o' #alladolid(CS$C. #alladolid. S"ain. 3 Clinical *a+oratory ,epartment. io !ortega University !os"ital. #alladolid. S"ain. 4 Gastroenterology ,epartment. io !ortega University !os"ital. #alladolid. S"ain. aliciaarmentia-gmail.com,
[email protected],
[email protected], .aviersantos _ //-0otmail.com ,oi1 0tt"122dx.doi.org214.35262oms.262 How to !te th!s ha"ter Armentia A, Arranz E, Garrote JA, Santos J. Wheat as an Allergen: Baker’s Asthma, Food and Wheat Pollen Allergy. In Arranz E, Fernández-Bañares F, Rosell CM, Rodrigo L, eña AS, editors. Advances in the Understanding of Gluten elated Pathology and the Evolution of Gluten"Free Foods. Barcelona, Spain: OmniaScience; 2'(). p. 4+,-4--. 463 A. Armentia, E. Arranz, J.A. Garrote, J. Santos A # s t r a t 7ood incom"ati+ilities affect a""ro3imately 248 o' t0e "o"ulation and can +e caused +y allergy. &any "lant "roteins act as sensitizing agents in 0umans u"on re"eated ex"osure. 90eat is a "rominent allergen source and is one o' t0e causes o' +a:er;s ast0ma, food and "ollen allergy. <n t0e +asis o' differential solu+ility, =0eat grain "roteins 0ave +een classified as salt(solu+le al+umins and gluten fraction or "rolamins, =0ic0 include gliadins and glutenins. %ot0 "roteins sources 0ave +een im"licated in t0e develo"ment o' =0eat 0y"ersensitivity.