The Burke Library Archives (Columbia University Libraries) Union Theological Seminary, New York Missionary Research Library Archives: Section 6 Finding Aid for Isaac Taylor Headland Papers, [1890?] - 1939 Portrait of Headland from 1914; Image Credit:The Burke Library Archives (Columbia University Archives) at Union Theological Seminary, NYC Finding Aid prepared by: Gregory Adam Scott, April 2010 Summary Information Creator: Isaac Taylor Headland, 1859 - 1942 Title: Isaac Taylor Headland Papers Inclusive dates: [1890?] - 1939 Bulk dates: [1900?] - [1910?] Abstract: As a missionary, professor and college president, Headland collected portraits of everyday life, people, and important personages in China, including images of Beijing, military forces involved in the Boxer Rebellion, and the Qing Imperial family. Size: 1 box, 0.25 linear feet Storage: Onsite storage Repository: The Burke Library Union Theological Seminary 3041 Broadway New York, NY 10027 Phone: 212-851-5612 Fax: 212-851-5613 Email: [email protected] MRL 6: Isaac Taylor Headland Papers, [1890?] - 1939 2 Administrative Information Provenance: The source and accession date of this collection are undocumented. However the papers have been stamped by the Missionary Research Library, indicating that they were accessioned to that Library before 1976, when the MRL was closed and its holdings were accessioned to the Burke Library archives. Access: Archival papers are available to registered readers for consultation by appointment only. Please contact archives staff by phone, fax or email [email protected], as far in advance as possible. Access Restrictions: The collection is unrestricted to readers. Certain materials however are in a fragile condition, and this may necessitate restriction in handling and copying. Preferred Citation: Item description, MRL 6: Isaac Taylor Headland Papers, box # and folder #, The Burke Library Archives (Columbia University Libraries) at Union Theological Seminary, New York. Biography Isaac Taylor Headland was born on August 16, 1859 in Freedom, PA. In 1888 he graduated with an A.B. from Mount Union College, and in 1911 he was also awarded an honorary Ph.D. In October 1890, he arrived in China as a missionary under the auspices of the American Methodist Episcopal Mission. He was posted to Beijing, the capital of Imperial China, and worked as professor of science at Peking University. On June 11, 1894 he married Marian Sinclair, a doctor who served as physician to many aristocratic families in Beijing. Marian also treated the Empress Dowager Cixi 慈 禧太后, then the political ruler of China. Headland was associated with the Education Association of China, the Peking Missionary Association, and the YMCA. From 1901 to 1904 he served as president of the Anglo-Chinese College 鶴齡英華書院 in Fuzhou 福州. He also published numerous articles and books, many of which made use of the photographs in this collection. His publications include Chinese Mother Goose, 1900; Chinese Heroes, 1902; Court Life in China, 1909; By-products of Missions, 1912; and China’s New Day, 1912. After he returned to America, he taught comparative religion at Mount Union College from 1914 to 1937. He died on August 2, 1942 in Alliance, Ohio. A number of pieces of Chinese art in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston were donated by him. Collection Scope and Content Note The collection consists of photographs and clippings from published works depicting people and scenes associated with China and Christian missions in China. The images include formal studio portraits and street scenes. Many historical personages and locations are depicted, but most of the photographs are undated, and many lack identifying information. Gregory Adam Scott 12/15/10 MRL 6: Isaac Taylor Headland Papers, [1890?] - 1939 3 The photographic portraits which have already been identified include those of: Name / Title Dates Description Shanqi, the 10th prince Su 肅親王 1866 - 1922 Led the attempted 1917 restoration Zhang Xun 張勳 1854 - 1923 Qing loyalist general Wang Wenshao 王文韶 1830 - 1908 Prominent late-Qing official Zhou Fu 周馥, 1837 - 1921 Viceroy of Liangguang The Xuantong Emperor 宣統皇帝 1906 - 1967 Puyi, the last Emperor of China The First Prince Chun 醇賢親王 1840 - 1891 Father of Puyi Prince Pujie 溥傑 1907 - 1994 Younger brother of Puyi Prince Pulun 溥伦 1869 - 1925 Nephew of the Guangxu Emperor Moses and Nelly Parmelee 18?? - 18?? Missionaries to Armenia George Herber Jones 1867 - 1919 Missionary to Korea In addition, there are many portraits of Chinese people and Western missionaries that were clipped from publications. The correspondence in folder 17 consists of personal correspondence between Headland and other missionaries and teachers, as well as correspondence regarding Peking University’s endowment. Processing Metal clips and staples were removed from materials and folded items were flattened. Materials were placed in new acid-free folders and boxes. Photographs were placed in Mylar envelopes while clippings were placed in acid-free paper folders. The first two original copies of photographs were kept in place, and any additional copies were moved to folder 18. Gregory Adam Scott 12/15/10 MRL 6: Isaac Taylor Headland Papers, [1890?] - 1939 4 Contents list Series Box Folder Contents 1 1 1 Signature Card 1 1 2 General Clippings and Drawings, [190?] 1 1 3 Chinese Modes and Manners: Parents and Children - Clippings and Photographs, [190?] 1 1 4 Landscapes - Clippings and Photographs, [190?] 1 1 5 Chinese Modes and Manners - Clippings and Photographs, [190?] 1 1 6 Chinese Modes and Manners - Children -- Clippings and Photographs, [190?] 1 1 7 Chinese Modes and Manners - Clippings and Photographs, [1900? - 1907] 1 1 8 Soldiers - Photographs, 1901 - [190?] 1 1 9 [FRAGILE] Cities, Monuments, Buildings, Paintings - Photographs, [190?] 1 1 10 Peking University Students and Others - Photographs, [190?] 1 1 11 Peking University - Photographs, [190?] 1 1 12 The Missions Building, Shanghai - Photograph, [192?] 1 1 13 The Temple of Heaven - Photographs, Clippings, [19??] 1 1 14 Personalities - Photographs, [19??] 1 1 15 Missionaries - Photographs, [19??] 1 1 16 Missionary Portraits and Articles - Clippings, [19??] 1 1 17 Clippings, Correspondence, [190?] - 1939 1 1 18 Duplicate Photographs: Original Copies from ff 1 - 17 Gregory Adam Scott 12/15/10 .
History in the Making Volume 8 Article 7 January 2015 Manchus: A Horse of a Different Color Hannah Knight CSUSB Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Asian History Commons Recommended Citation Knight, Hannah (2015) "Manchus: A Horse of a Different Color," History in the Making: Vol. 8 , Article 7. Available at: This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the History at CSUSB ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in History in the Making by an authorized editor of CSUSB ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Manchus: A Horse of a Different Color by Hannah Knight Abstract: The question of identity has been one of the biggest questions addressed to humanity. Whether in terms of a country, a group or an individual, the exact definition is almost as difficult to answer as to what constitutes a group. The Manchus, an ethnic group in China, also faced this dilemma. It was an issue that lasted throughout their entire time as rulers of the Qing Dynasty (1644- 1911) and thereafter. Though the guidelines and group characteristics changed throughout that period one aspect remained clear: they did not sinicize with the Chinese Culture. At the beginning of their rule, the Manchus implemented changes that would transform the appearance of China, bringing it closer to the identity that the world recognizes today. In the course of examining three time periods, 1644, 1911, and the 1930’s, this paper looks at the significant events of the period, the changing aspects, and the Manchus and the Qing Imperial Court’s relations with their greater Han Chinese subjects.
Transformation of the Dualistic International Order Into the Modern Treaty System in the Sino-Korean Relationship
International Journal of Korean History (Vol.15 No.2, Aug.2010) 97 G Transformation of the Dualistic International Order into the Modern Treaty System in the Sino-Korean Relationship Song Kue-jin* IntroductionG G Whether in the regional or global scale, the international order can be defined as a unique system within which international issues develop and the diplomatic relations are preserved within confined time periods. The one who has leadership in such international order is, in actuality, the superpowers regardless of the rationale for their leading positions, and the orderliness of the system is determined by their political and economic prowess.1 The power that led East Asia in the pre-modern era was China. The pre- modern East Asian regional order is described as the tribute system. The tribute system is built on the premise of installation, so it was important that China designate and proclaim another nation as a tributary state. The system was not necessarily a one-way imposition; it is possible to view the system built on mutual consent as the tributary state could benefit from China’s support and preserve the domestic order at times of political instability to person in power. Modern capitalism challenged and undermined the East Asian tribute GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG * HK Research Professor, ARI, Korea University 98 Transformation of the Dualistic International Order into the ~ system led by China, and the East Asian international relations became a modern system based on treaties. The Western powers brought the former tributary states of China into the outer realm of the global capitalistic system. With the arrival of Western imperialistic powers, the East Asian regional order faced an inevitable transformation.
{Jobs}1028jw/makeup/0470854243ffirs.3d The Last Empress The She-Dragon of China Keith Laidler {Jobs}1028jw/makeup/0470854243ffirs.3d {Jobs}1028jw/makeup/0470854243ffirs.3d The Last Empress {Jobs}1028jw/makeup/0470854243ffirs.3d {Jobs}1028jw/makeup/0470854243ffirs.3d The Last Empress The She-Dragon of China Keith Laidler {Jobs}1028jw/makeup/0470854243ffirs.3d Published in the UK in 2003 by JohnWiley & Sons Ltd,The Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester,West Sussex PO19 8SQ, England Telephone (þ44) 1243 779777 Email (for orders and customer service enquiries): [email protected] Visit our Home Page on or Copyright # 2003 Keith Laidler All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or byany means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise, except under the terms of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act1988 or under the terms of a licence issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd, 90 Tottenham Court Road, LondonW1T 4LP,UK, without the permission in writing of the Publisher. Requests to the Publisher should be addressed to the Permissions Department, JohnWiley & Sons Ltd,The Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester,West Sussex PO19 8SQ, England,[email protected],orfaxedto(þ44) 1243770620. This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold on the understanding that the Publisher is not engaged in rendering professional services. If professional advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. Keith Laidler has asserted his right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act1988, to be identified as the author of this work.
Daily Life for the Common People of China, 1850 to 1950
Daily Life for the Common People of China, 1850 to 1950 Ronald Suleski - 978-90-04-36103-4 Downloaded from Brill.com04/05/2019 09:12:12AM via free access China Studies published for the institute for chinese studies, university of oxford Edited by Micah Muscolino (University of Oxford) volume 39 The titles published in this series are listed at Ronald Suleski - 978-90-04-36103-4 Downloaded from Brill.com04/05/2019 09:12:12AM via free access Ronald Suleski - 978-90-04-36103-4 Downloaded from Brill.com04/05/2019 09:12:12AM via free access Ronald Suleski - 978-90-04-36103-4 Downloaded from Brill.com04/05/2019 09:12:12AM via free access Daily Life for the Common People of China, 1850 to 1950 Understanding Chaoben Culture By Ronald Suleski leiden | boston Ronald Suleski - 978-90-04-36103-4 Downloaded from Brill.com04/05/2019 09:12:12AM via free access This is an open access title distributed under the terms of the prevailing cc-by-nc License at the time of publication, which permits any non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited. An electronic version of this book is freely available, thanks to the support of libraries working with Knowledge Unlatched. More information about the initiative can be found at Cover Image: Chaoben Covers. Photo by author. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Names: Suleski, Ronald Stanley, author. Title: Daily life for the common people of China, 1850 to 1950 : understanding Chaoben culture / By Ronald Suleski.
The Burke Library Archives, Columbia University Libraries, Union Theological Seminary, New York Missionary Research Library Archives: Section 6 Finding Aid for Isaac Taylor Headland Papers, [1900?] - 1939 Portrait of Headland from 1914; Image Credit: The Burke Library at Union Theological Seminary, Columbia University in the City of New York. Finding Aid prepared by: Gregory Adam Scott, April 2010 Reviewed and Updated by Brigette C. Kamsler, February 2014 with financial support from the Henry Luce Foundation Summary Information Creator: Isaac Taylor Headland, 1859 - 1942 Title: Isaac Taylor Headland Papers Inclusive dates: [1900?] - 1939 Bulk dates: [1900?] - [1910?] Abstract: As a missionary, professor and college president, Headland collected portraits of everyday life, people, and important personages in China, including images of Beijing, military forces involved in the Boxer Rebellion, and the Qing Imperial family. Size: 1 box, 0.50 linear feet Storage: Onsite storage Repository: The Burke Library Union Theological Seminary 3041 Broadway New York, NY 10027 Email: [email protected] MRL 6: Isaac Taylor Headland Papers, [1900?] - 1939 2 Administrative Information Provenance: The source and accession date of this collection are undocumented. However the papers have been stamped by the Missionary Research Library, indicating that they were accessioned to that Library before 1976, when the MRL was closed and its holdings were accessioned to the Burke Library archives. Access: Archival papers are available to registered readers for consultation by appointment only. Please contact archives staff by email to [email protected], or by postal mail to The Burke Library address on page 1, as far in advance as possible Burke Library staff is available for inquiries or to request a consultation on archival or special collections research.
ZHOU Xuexi Zhōu Xuéxī 周学熙 1866–1947 Qing and Republican Official
◀ ZHOU Enlai Comprehensive index starts in volume 5, page 2667. ZHOU Xuexi Zhōu Xuéxī 周学熙 1866–1947 Qing and Republican official Zhou Xuexi was an official in the late Qing the Lan-chou Official Mining Co. (1907, merged with the dynasty (1644– 1912) and early Republic of Kaiping Colliery to form the Kailian Mining Adminis- China (1912– 1949). After retiring from public tration in 1912), and the Beijing Waterworks (1908). Into service he championed north China’s indus- the republican period he served as Yuan’s chief aide in economic affairs and as minister of finance (1912– 1913, trial development, rivaling the reputation of 1915– 1916). He joined the Nationalist Party (Guomind- Zhang Jian, another magnate who operated ang) briefly to push through the controversial Reorga- his industrial conglomerate at Nantong near nization Loan, a ₤25,000,000 political loan granted in Shanghai. 1913– 1914 from England, France, Germany, Russia and Japan in support of Yuan Shikai. However, Zhou’s resistance to Yuan Shikai’s mo- hou Xuexi was born in Nanjing, although his narchial bid and Beijing’s factional politics soon forced father, Zhou Fu, a noted provincial governor in his resignation. Although subsequently he received ap- the Self-Strengthening Movement (a period of pointments such as national director of the Cotton De- institutional reforms during the Qing dynasty), kept an velopment Administration (1919), he increasingly pursued ancestral home at Zhide (now Dongzhi) in Anhui Prov- private industrial development and investment, begin- ince. In 1886 the younger Zhou began his bureaucratic ning with the Guangqin Spinning and Weaving Mill in career as an attaché at the Bureau of Irrigation and Trans- Wuxi in 1917. culture April 2015 / PAGE 5 Doing business with China and the Chinese people: a conversation on cultural challenges, part 4 By Chang Wang and Joe Pearman, contributors Editor’s note: This is the continuation of the six-part conversation series on doing business with mainland China (excluding Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan) and the Han Chinese living within mainland China. It describes some of the ins and outs of interacting with Chinese individuals or firms in the contexts of cross-border communications and negotiations. Through this conversation, the authors hope to help the business community become aware of the miscommunication that stems from the “parallel universes” the American and the Chinese inhabit, to expose the hidden rationales underscoring the official narratives of Chinese history, and to reveal cultural and linguistic misunderstandings that frequently occur during the process of finding “common ground.” Last month’s “Hidden Rules?” illustrated the workings of a “shadow code.” This month’s conversation on guanxi will clarify the meaning of the term; and how foreigners often miss the subtleties involved. Watch for the continuation of the series in the next two issues where the authors will discuss ti-yong, and additional resources that will help you gain a greater understanding of China and the Chinese way. “Guanxi, 關係” by the same standard as children. Wang: Moving on to another facet Pearman: It strikes me that there of “hidden rules,” you may have heard could be another facet to the persecution of the case of GlaxoSmithKline. GSK, of GSK. I remember reading that back as it’s commonly called, is a British when Mexico was run as a one-party pharmaceutical company.
He lived one of the strangest lives in history... | Yaakov Astor From Emperor To Pauper From emperor to prisoner in his own palace to a real prisoner accused of major war crimes to a penniless commoner, Aisin-Gioro Puyi led one of the strangest lives of the 20th century… if not of all time. Inheriting the longest-standing empire in history, his world fell apart when he was still a little boy during a tumultuous series of revolutions and wars. His entire life was a roller coaster of the most extreme highs and lows… until at the end he finally achieved some happiness. Read about the remarkable life of the last Emperor of China. 38 | ZMAN • May 2017 ZMAN • Iyar 5777 | 39 ugust 1946. A seemingly unremark- who lived in the northeast of China. They able man takes the stand in front of a had been ruling the vast country since 1644. Awar-crimes tribunal in Tokyo. Despite all appearances, he is no ordinary person. quietly in this palace in Beijing. His father And his story is one of the most remarkable wasFor thethe firstemperor’s two years brother, of his Zaifeng. life, Puyi However, lived in history. dramatic events sweeping China were about “My name is Aisin-Gioro Puyi,” he tells to change the little boy’s life forever. the court, as a hush comes over it. “In 1908, I Since the 1800s, industrial and political was Emperor of China.” revolutions were spreading worldwide. Indeed, he is the last emperor of a world- Through it all, China remained a backward, conquering dynasty stretching back to a feudal society.
UC Berkeley UC Berkeley Electronic Theses and Dissertations
UC Berkeley UC Berkeley Electronic Theses and Dissertations Title Balancing Rites and Rights: The Social and Cultural Politics of New-Style Weddings in Republican Shanghai, 1898-1953 Permalink Author Cowden, Charlotte Publication Date 2011 Peer reviewed|Thesis/dissertation Powered by the California Digital Library University of California Balancing Rites and Rights: The Social and Cultural Politics of New-Style Weddings in Republican Shanghai, 1898-1953 By Charlotte Lucia Cowden A dissertation submitted in partial satisfaction of the Requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in History in the Graduate Division of the University of California, Berkeley Committee in Charge: Professor Wen-hsin Yeh, Chair Professor Andrew Barshay Professor Patricia Berger Spring 2011 Balancing Rites and Rights: The Social and Cultural Politics of New-Style Weddings in Republican Shanghai, 1898-1953 Copyright 2011 by Charlotte Lucia Cowden Abstract Balancing Rites and Rights: The Social and Cultural Politics of New-Style Weddings in Republican Shanghai, 1898-1953 by Charlotte Lucia Cowden Doctor of Philosophy in History University of California, Berkeley Professor Wen-hsin Yeh, Chair During the Republican Era both ceremonial rites and legal rights were redefined simultaneously, but not necessarily in concert. This work traces the evolution and implications of the “new-style” wedding ceremony, which at its most basic was defined by the choice of one’s own spouse and the elimination of a dowry. Focusing on Shanghai, I examine the tension, negotiation and collaboration between Republican policies, market forces, and the practices of urban residents to illustrate the relative power of the fledgling state in the face of new-style ceremonies and their combined effect: a war against the traditional wedding.
Knowledge Development: Cinema in China Prior to WWI
Meimei Xu Knowledge Development: Cinema in China prior to WWI Knowledge Development: Cinema in China prior to WWI Inaugural-Dissertation Zur Erlangung der Doktorwürde der Philosophischen Fakultät der Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität zu Bonn Vorgelegt von Meimei Xu aus Zhejiang, VR. China Bonn 2016 Gedruckt mit der Genehmigung der Philosophischen Fakultä t der Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms -Universität Bonn Zusammensetzung der Prü fungskommission : Prof. Dr. Harald Meyer, Institut für Orient – und Asienwissenschaften (Vorsitzender) Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Kubin, Institut für Orient –und Asienwissenschaften (Betreuer und Gutachter) Prof. Dr. Ralph Kauz, Institut für Orient –und Asienwissenschaften (Gutachter) Prof. Dr. Veronika Veit, Institut für Orient –und Asienwissenschaften (weiteres prüfungsberechtiges Mitglied) Tag der mündliche Prüfung: 17. 02. 2016 TABLE OF CONTENTS Figures and Charts.................................................................................................... iii Convention and Abbreviations ................................................................................. iii Acknowledgements .................................................................................................. iv Abstract ..................................................................................................................... v Introduction ............................................................................................................... 1 Chapter 1. Magic Lantern, 1843-1897 ....................................................................