

Step by Step Separation of Skull Models according to Prof. Dr. Dr. J.W. Rohen COMPLEX CRANIAL ANATOMY - ® Nature is our Model Somso Modelle UP TO 18 PARTS STEP BY STEP SEPARATI Gegr. 1876

With the help of this series of skull models “The Anatomy of the Human Skull” the Skull Anatomy becomes transparent.

This series of skull models comprises 5 different aspects: 1.) The skull model can be dismantled into 14 parts. 2.) The skull model can be dismantled into 14 or 18 individual which are differently coloured. 3.) The dismantable skull with the masticatory muscles. 4.) The dismantable skull with the and tentorium cerebelli. 5.) The dismantable skull with cervical and hyoid .

Each one of these model concepts offers its own didactic approach and has been developed for various specialist fields.

The synthetic cranium in question can be dismantled into up to 18 individual bones, which have been moulded from the bones of natural human skull. The individual bones can be joined together easily at the natural joining positions by way of plug connections. In this way the complicated mosaic of the skull is rendered comprehensible in an impressive manner, i.e. by mounting or dismantling it step by step.

The model is suitable for students of human or dental medicine, biologists, physicians and teachers. With the aid of this model, they can rapidly obtain a spatial (three-dimensional) image of the structure of the cranium, whereby the possibility of mounting certain sections of the cranium individually if required can also facilitate comprehension considerably. ON

Educational competence

Educational competence Since over 125 years, SOMSO has produced original models aimed

at the highest educational standards. Accurate in every detail and dimension makes a lifelike training and teaching possible.


Natural size, made from SOMSO-Plast after Prof. Dr. Dr. J. W. Rohen, De- partment of Anatomy, University of Erlangen. The model is constructed from 14 individual parts, which can easily be dis- mantled and put back to- gether by way of inter- connecting plugs. The , and the two temporal bones form the basis of the skull; the two parietal bo- nes and the attach to the anterior of the sphenoid bone. The fa- cial part of the skull is then completed through attach- ment of the right and left , each of which also includes the lacrimal, nasal and palatine bones. Facial and cranial bones are con- nected to each other on each side by the , which in the model is a separate element that can be individually remo- ved. The is fixed into sockets on either side of the skull through a hin- ge-. Weight: 700 g THE DISMANTABLE SKULL AFTER P ® Nature is our Model Somso Modelle NOW ALSO AVAILABLE WITH MUSC Gegr. 1876 ROFESSOR DR. DR. J.W. ROHEN LES OF MASTICATION AND FALX CEREBRI

QS 8/6 · FALX CEREBRI The 14 or 18 piece skull model can also be supplied with a transparent plastic falx cereberi with tentorium cerebelli. Marked on the falx cerebri is the position of the sinuses of the dura mater ( durae matris) as well as of the Pacchioni granulations on the sinus sagit- talis superior. The pathways of the venous and the can be clearly regognized.

Frontally the falx cerebri is fastened to the and superior at the ; the tentorium can be supported laterally by the pyramidal crest and anterior in the region of the . However, it can be completely removed easily so that not only the structure of the dura duplications but also the position of the sinus (blue) of the dura mater can be clearly seen. Weight: 66 g THE DISMANTABLE SKULL AFTER PROFESSOR DR. IN 18 PIECES AND MUSCLES OF MASTICATION,FA

QS 8/218 · 18-PIECES MODEL QS 8/2C+M · OF THE KULL S 14-PIECES MODEL Natural size, made from SOMSO-Plast, OF THE SKULL WITH after Prof. Dr. Dr. J. W. Rohen, Depart- ment of Anatomy, University of Erlan- MUSCLES OF MASTICA- gen. The model comprises 18 elements TION AND CERVICAL corresponding to the natural bones. VERTEBRAL COLUMN Apart from the cranium (frontal, pa- rietal, occipital and sphenoid bones), AND the bones of the viscerocranium (eth- Natural size, made from moid bone, , , zygo- SOMSO-Plast, after Prof. Dr. matic bone, maxilla and mandible) and Dr. J. W. Rohen, Department the can be remo- of Anatomy, University of ved and reassembled to form the com- Erlangen. As QS 8/2, but plete skull. Weight: 640 g with the 4 muscles of mastica- tion and cervical vertebral column and hyoid bone. Weight: 1.720 kg

Moreover the skull (18-pieces) with muscles of mastication, cervical verte- bral column and hyoid bone is available under article number QS 8/218C+M and the coloured versions are available with article number QS 8/3C+M (14-pieces skull) as well as QS 8/318C+M (18-pieces skull).

QS 8/318 · 18-PIECES MODEL OF THE SKULL Natural size, made from SOMSO-Plast, after Prof. Dr. Dr. J. W. Rohen, Depart- ment of Anatomy, University of Erlan- gen. The model comprises 18 elements corresponding to the natural bones. Weight: 640 g DR. J.W. ROHEN NOW ALSO AVAILABLE LX CEREBRI AND CERVICAL VERTEBRAL COLUMN

QS 8/3C · 14-PIECES MODEL OF THE SKULL WITH CERVICAL VERTEBRAL COLUMN AND HYOID BONE Natural size, made from SOMSO-Plast, after Prof. Dr. Dr. J. W. Rohen, Depart- ment of Anatomy, University of Erlan- gen. Version as QS 8/3 but with cervical vertebral column and hyoid bone. Weight 1.220 kg

QS 8/3M · 14-PIECES MODEL OF THE SKULL WITH MUSCLES OF MASTICATION Natural size, made from SOMSO-Plast, after Prof. Dr. Dr. J. W. Rohen, Depart- ment of Anatomy, University of Erlan- gen. Version as QS 8/3 but with the 4 masticatory muscles. Weight: 715 g

The 18-pieces model of the skull with muscles of mastication has the article number QS 8/318M. Lower with four muscles of mastication

QS 8/218M · 18-PIECES MODEL OF THE SKULL WITH MUSCLES OF MASTICATION Natural size, made from SOMSO-Plast, after Prof. Dr. Dr. J. W. Rohen, Depart- ment of Anatomy, University of Erlan- gen. Version as QS 8/218 but with the QS 8/1 · 4 masticatory muscles. Weight: 715 g METAL STAND WITH BASE The 14-pieces model of the skull with Suitable for the SOMSO skull models. muscles of mastication has the article Height: 19 cm., width: 18 cm., depth: number QS 8/2M. 18 cm., weight: 300 g; Illustration of the stand with the skull model see QS 8/3C COMPLEX CRANIAL ANATOMY IN 14 PART STEP BY STEP SEPARATION

QS 8/4 · TRANSPARENT CASE Hinged and made out of transparent synthetic material. Suitable for SOMSO . Weight: 900 g

QS 8/3 · 14-PIECE MODEL OF THE HUMAN SKULL Natural size, made from SOMSO-Plast after Prof. Dr. Dr. J. W. Rohen, Department of Anatomy, University of Erlangen. The same model as QS 8/2, but in colour. Here, the individual bones are identified by different colours. This version of the model eases learning of the shape and size of the individual bones and thereby assists in the understanding of the mosaic-like structure of the human skull. Weight: 700 g Special leaflet A 171/2, copyright by Marcus Sommer Somso Modelle 10/2003

Please ask for our special catalogue A 79/4 Artificial Bone Models, Extremities and . In this 40-page catalogue you will find our com- plete range of artificial bone models and functionalmodels.

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