
Spoorweg- woordenboek


2e druk

Peter Gutter 1e druk, mei 2012 2e uitgebreide en herziene druk, augustus 2016

CIP-GEGEVENS ISBN 978-90-818932-3-7 NUR 626

Uitgegeven via de website www.nvbs.com van de

Postbus 1384, 3800 BJ Amersfoort

© Peter Gutter 2016

Deze uitgave is met de meeste zorg tot stand gekomen. Indien deze toch onjuistheden blijkt te bevatten, kunnen uitgever en auteur daarvoor geen aansprakelijkheid aanvaar- den. Aan deze uitgave kunnen geen rechten worden ontleend. Overname van gegevens uit deze uitgave is toegestaan mits de bron wordt vermeld. INHOUDSOPGAVE / CONTENTS

Inleiding...... p. 4 Tekens en afkortingen...... p. 5 NATO spelalfabet...... p. 5 Conversietabel...... p. 6 Tijd...... p. 7 Nederlands-Engels Spoorwegwoordenboek...... p. 9 Literatuur...... p. 264 INLEIDING / INTRODUCTION

Dit woordenboek laat zien wat er kan gebeuren als een leraar Engels later trein- dienstleider wordt. Spoorwegvaktaal is al een wereld op zich, die voor mij nog interessanter werd toen ik me begon te verdiepen in de Engelse vertalingen daarvan. Zo kon ik twee vakgebieden tegelijk bijhouden: spoorwegen en de Engelse taal. Op diverse Nederlandse railverkeersleidingsposten heb ik, naast mijn werk als treindienstleider, omroepmedewerkers geholpen met hun Engels. Ook heb ik buitenlandse collega’s (zoals uit Engeland, de Verenigde Staten en Zuid-Afrika) rondgeleid door het Nederlandse spoorbedrijf. Vooraf had ik aante- keningen gemaakt hoe ik de diverse systemen en processen het beste in het Engels kon uitleggen. Ik merkte onder mijn Nederlandse collega’s veel belang- stelling voor die aantekeningen, want er is nauwelijks Nederlands-Engelse documentatie op het gebied van spoorwegvaktaal. Daarom ben ik in 2005 be- gonnen met het schrijven van dit spoorwegwoordenboek. Overigens is dit boek een privé-project van mijzelf en geen officieel document.

Het gebruik van het Engels wordt bij de spoorwegen in Europa steeds belang- rijker. Daarom zal dit woordenboek zeer van pas komen in de communicatie met buitenlandse collega’s en reizigers. Ook is dit boek interessant voor iedereen die belangstelling heeft voor spoorwegen en/of de Engelse taal. Dit woordenboek bevat de Engelse vertalingen van ruim 8800 Nederlandse spoortermen, onder- verdeeld in ongeveer 3900 trefwoorden en meer dan 4900 subtrefwoorden.

Hierbij wil ik mijn collega’s van ProRail, NS Reizigers, NMBS, Railion, NedTrain en Strukton bedanken voor de informatie die ik in de loop der jaren van hen heb ontvangen. Daarnaast hartelijk dank voor de vele aanvullingen op de eerste editie van dit woordenboek. Ook ben ik erg blij met de waardevolle adviezen van mijn collega’s van de Great North Eastern Railway en (Groot- Brittannië), de (Verenigde Staten) en Queensland Rail (Australië).

Hoewel ik dit woordenboek met de grootst mogelijke zorg heb geschreven, kunnen er natuurlijk zaken zijn die ik over het hoofd heb gezien. Suggesties en aanvullingen zijn daarom meer dan welkom, en kunnen gestuurd worden naar [email protected]

Veel plezier toegewenst met het gebruik van dit woordenboek!

Peter Gutter, augustus 2016. Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 5


~ herhaling van trefwoord(en) / swung dash, replaces the headword(s) ± ongeveer hetzelfde / approximately the same Am vooral in de Verenigde Staten / mainly in the United States Aust vooral in Australië / mainly in Australia Br vooral in Groot-Brittannië / mainly in Great Britain form formeel / formal inf informele term die alleen regionaal of binnen bepaalde afdelingen of beroepsgroepen wordt gebruikt / informal term that is only used regionally or within specific departments or professional groups ™ handelsmerk / trade mark [ ] afkortingen tussen vierkante haakjes zijn spoorse verkortingen in het Engels / square brackets indicate specific railway abbreviations in English  subtrefwoord(en) / derivation(s) of headword(s)


A Alfa N November B Bravo O Oscar C Charlie P Papa D Delta Q Quebec E Echo R Romeo F Foxtrot S Sierra G Golf T Tango H Hotel U Uniform I India V Victor J Juliett W Whiskey K Kilo X X-ray L Lima Y Yankee M Mike Z Zulu Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 6


Engels Metrisch Engels → Metrisch Metrisch → Engels inch cm 2,54 0,3937 foot m 0,3048 3,2808 yard m 0,9144 1,0936 chain m 20,1168 0,0497 mile km 1,60934 0,62137 Zeevaarteenheden / Units of length (nautical) cable length km 0,1829 5,4681 nautical mile km 1,8532 0,5396 Vlaktematen / Units of area square inch cm2 6,4516 0,15500 square foot m2 0,09290 10,7639 square yard m2 0,83613 1,19599 acre ha 0,40469 2,47105 square mile km2 2,58999 0,38610 Inhoudsmaten / Units of volume cubic inch cm3 16,3871 0,06102 cubic foot 0,02832 35,3147 cubic yard m3 0,76456 1,30795 Inhoudsmaten (vloeistoffen) / Units of capacity (fluids) pint l 0,56826 1,75975 gallon (Br) 1) l 4,54609 0,21997 gallon (Am) 2) l 3,78541 0,26417 barrel hl 1,63659 0,61103 petroleum barrel hl 1,588 0,62972 Massa-eenheden / Units of weight dram g 1,77185 0,56438 ounce g 28,3495 0,03527 pound kg 0,45359 2,20462 stone kg 6,35029 0,15747 quarter kg 12,7006 0,07874 hundredweight kg 50,8023 0,01968 long ton (Br) 3) ton 4) 1,01605 0,98421 short ton (Am) 5) ton 0,9071 1,10231 Snelheidseenheden / Units of velocity feet per second m/s 0,3048 3,28084 miles per hour km/u 1,60934 0,62137

NOTEN / NOTES: 1) Een Britse gallon wordt ook wel “Imperial gallon” genoemd. 1 Britse gallon = 1,20095 Amerikaanse gallon. 2) 1 Amerikaanse gallon = 0,83267 Britse gallon. 3) 1 long ton = 1.016 kg = 1,120 short ton. Omdat een Britse ton groter is dan een Ame- rikaanse, wordt een Britse ton “long ton” genoemd en een Amerikaanse “short ton”. 4) 1 metrische ton = 1.000 kg = 0,9842 long ton = 1,1023 short ton. Een metrische ton wordt in het Engels ook wel “tonne” of “metric ton” genoemd. 5) 1 short ton = 907 kg = 0,8928 long ton. Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 7


In het Engels zijn er twee gangbare manieren om te zeggen hoe laat het is: 07:05 seven O five / five past seven 07:10 seven ten / ten past seven 07:15 seven fifteen / (a) quarter past seven 07:25 seven twenty-five / twenty-five past seven 07:30 seven thirty / half past seven 07:35 seven thirty-five / twenty-five to eight 07:40 seven forty / twenty to eight 07:45 seven forty-five / (a) quarter to eight 07:50 seven fifty / ten to eight 08:00 eight o’clock

De meeste Britten gebruiken de aanduidingen minutes past en minutes to voor tijden die tussen de vijfminuutverdeling liggen: zeven (minuten) over tien seven minutes past ten drie (minuten) voor vier three minutes to four twee (minuten) voor half zes twenty-eight minutes past five

Bij het benoemen van de tijd op het hele uur gebruikt men in het Engels voor het woord uur altijd o’clock: Het is twee uur. It is two o’clock.

In andere gevallen wordt hour gebruikt: Hij reist twee uur. He two hours.

In de spreektaal wordt het woord past vaak weggelaten: See you at half three. (=... half past three).

In het Amerikaans wordt vaak het woord after gebruikt in plaats van past: tien over zes ten after six Amerikanen zeggen echter geen half after, maar (net als de Britten) half past.

In het Amerikaans kunnen of, before en till ook gebruikt worden in plaats van to: twintig voor drie twenty of three / twenty before three / twenty till three

In het spoorbedrijf wordt veel gebruik gemaakt van de ‘twenty-four hour clock’. In de spreektaal gebruikt men in het Engels daarentegen vooral de ‘twelve-hour clock’. Bijvoorbeeld: The next from platform 5 is the seventeen fifty-three departure for Amsterdam. “What time does it leave?” “Seven minutes to six.”

Indien nodig kunnen tijden ook aangegeven worden door er in the morning / afternoon / evening bij te zeggen. In een meer formele stijl gebruikt men ook wel Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 8 afkortingen als a.m. (= ante meridiem, ’s ochtends vóór 12 uur) en p.m. (= post meridiem, ’s middags en ’s avonds): 09:00 nine o’clock in the morning / nine a.m. 21:00 nine o’clock in the evening / nine p.m. Andere voorbeelden: half negen ’s ochtends eight thirty a.m. veertien uur two p.m. tien uur veertig ’s ochtends ten forty a.m. twintig uur twintig eight twenty p.m.

Overigens worden de aanduidingen a.m. en p.m. niet in omroepberichten ge- bruikt. Stel dat de stoptrein naar Amsterdam van 14:00 uur een paar minuten vertraging heeft. Dan kan bijvoorbeeld worden omgeroepen: “The two o’clock all-stations service to Amsterdam is a few minutes late.” Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 9

A aankomen  ( ~ op station) to arrive; de intercity naar komt aanbod-afhankelijke inzet demand over enkele ogenblikken aan op actuated; demand responsive spoor vier the intercity service to aanbod-afhankelijk vervoer on- Rotterdam will arrive in a few mo- demand service; demand mode ments at platform four; aan de kant nemen hier volgt een mededeling voor reizi-  ( ~ van een trein) to side- a gers zojuist aangekomen met de train; form to divert a freight or slow vertraagde trein uit Brussel op spoor passenger train to a loop or , to drie this is an announcement for pas- make way for a fast train; to place (a sengers who just arrived at platform train) in a loop; form to place in a three with the delayed service from layby, to allow another train to pass Brussels on the running line; Am inf to lay-out; aankomst arrival Br inf (put) in the cupboard; Br inf aankomstperronstaat train arrival (put) down the slot; Br inf to dike; indicator  (aan de kant genomen trein) side- aankomstspoor arrival track; recep- tracked (train); Br inf pounded; Br inf tion track; reception siding; Am in- down the slot bound track; Am receiving track aandrijfas driving aankomststation arrival station; aandrijfsysteem propulsion system; destination station traction system aankomsttijd arrival time; time of aan- en afvoerroute access route arrival; aan- en afvoertijd access time de internationale trein uit Brussel, ~ aangedreven as driven axle; 11:06, komt over enkele ogenblikken powered axle binnen op spoor 5 the eleven O six aangegeven maximale belasting international train from Brussels will  (maximale belading van bijv. een arrive in a few moments at platform wagen) marked vehicle capacity five; aangename dienst de intercity uit Amsterdam, ~ 23:45  ( ~ van treinpersoneel) Am inf uur, heeft een vertraging van onge- candy run veer een kwartier the intercity from aanhaakkoelaggregaat clip-on unit Amsterdam, due to arrive at (a) quar- aanhaken zie aankoppelen ter to twelve, is about fifteen minutes aanhanger trailer late; aanhangwagen zie aanhanger  ( ~spreiding) arrival time distribu- aanhoudende remkracht tion;  ( ~ bij hellingafwaarts rijden) hol-  (geplande ~ ) scheduled time of ding-braking effort; holding force; arrival; brake holding strength  (geschatte ~ ) estimated time of aanhoudende remming holding arrival [ETA]; braking  (verwachte ~ ) expected time of aanhoudhalte zie halte op verzoek arrival [ETA] aanjager aankondigingssein train-announ-  ( ~ van stoomlocomotief) blower cing signal Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 10 aankondiging van overweg (level chanical method for relaying existing crossing) approach detection track under traffic conditions without aankondiging van treinen interrupting the flow of traffic;  ( ~ aan reizigers of personeel)  (‘uit de zij’-methode, welke wordt train announcing toegepast als er al een spoor aanwe- aankoppelen to couple; to couple zig is; de materialen kunnen dan up; to add (a wagon); addition of a over dit spoor worden vervoerd en wagon; to hook on; to hook up; form zijwaarts op de juiste plaats worden to link vehicles to form a train; Am inf gelost) side method of track con- to make a joint; Am inf to pin; Br inf struction; line method, used to tie on; when new track is laid next to the  ( ~ met automatische koppeling) existing track Am inf to janney; aanliggende wisseltong closed  ( ~ van de locomotief voor de point; closed tongue trein; loc tegen trein zetten, ofwel ‘er aanligkracht van stroomafnemer tegenaan zetten’) coupling of the lo- adherence pressure; contact pres- comotive on head of train; inf to back sure (of the ) down aanloop take-off run aanleggen van een spoorlijn to aanloop-remweerstandschakelaar build a railway traction brake controller; form trac- aanlegmethode tion-braking rheostatic controller  ( ~ van een spoorlijn) method of aanloopweerstand starting resis- track construction; railway construc- tance tion method; track construction aannemer contractor; method;  (proces~ ) track maintenance er bestaan diverse ~n voor ballast- (process) contractor; Maintenance spoor there are various construction Contractor [MC]; methods for ballasted track:  (spoorweg~ ) railway trackworks  (Amerikaanse methode, waarbij contractor; inf railway contractor voorgemonteerde spoorsegmenten aanrijding collision; ± accident; door kranen op hun plaats worden Am inf run-in; gehesen) prefabricated track laying;  ( ~ met persoon) Br form Person American method of track construc- Under Train [PUT]; Br form Person tion; form track construction method Under A Train (this term is usually consisting of lifting prefabricated used to inform passengers); inf walk track panels into place by heavy of death; cranes;  ( ~ met wegverkeer) traffic acci-  (‘over de kop’-methode, als er nog dent [TA]; helemaal geen spoor aanwezig is;  ( ~ tussen treinen) train collision; alle materialen worden aangevoerd Br inf pitch-in; via het nieuwe spoor zelf) telescopic  (frontale ~ tussen treinen) head- method of track construction; on collision (of two ); end-on  (PQRS-methode, zonder hinder collision; Am inf head ender; Am inf voor het treinverkeer) PQRS method cornfield meet; of track construction; form Plasser™  ( ~ van de zijkant ofwel ~ in de Quick Relaying System; form a me- flank) sideways-on collision; slanting Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 11 collision; cornering (at points); taking  ( ~ hebben op ) connect with; cor- slantwise; Br inf side swipe; respond (of trains);  (niet-ernstig aanrijden; licht raken;  (de ~ missen) miss the connec- schampen) to touch slightly; tion;  ( ~ met suïcidaal persoon ofwel  (een ~ afwachten) to wait for a ‘springer’) (train) track suicide; Br connection; to await a connection; form Person Under Train [PUT]; Br  (een ~ overnemen) to maintain a form Person Under A Train (this term connection is usually used to inform passen- aansluitingsstation gers); Br inf One Under  (station waar aansluiting wordt aanrijden van een overweg gegeven) connecting station;  (bijv. bij rijrichtingsstoring) train  (station waar lijnen samenkomen) approaching a at station; junction [JCN, JCT, caution speed in order to safely acti- JT] vate the relevant approach detector aansluitingswissel junction points (for example during a directional in- aantal reizigers revenue passenger terlocking failure) emplacements aanrijdsecties van overwegen le- aanvoerlijn feeder line; line of com- vel crossing approach sections munication [LOC]; form aanschrijving service instruction; carrying feeder traffic  ( ~ betreffende werkzaamheden aanvraag spoorwegvervoer rail op de baan) Br Possession Strategy bid Notice [PSN]; Br Major Project No- aanwijzing tice [MPN]; instruction of engineer’s  ( ~ van treindienstleider; lastge- occupation; advice of works in pro- ving) train order; Am inf flimsy; Am gress; inf tissue;  ( ~ voor bijzonder vervoer of voor een ~ is een lastgeving welke wordt trein buiten profiel) manifest; special gegeven door bevoegd spoorweg- working arrangements; form advice personeel, meestal een treindienst- of special consignment; leider a train order is a paper order  (vervoers~ ) traffic advice issued by an authorized member of aanslagbout stop pin; stop bolt railway operating staff, usually a rail aanslagring thrust ring; locating traffic controller; ring; stop ring een ~ houdt duidelijke en specifieke aanslagspoorstaaf van een wissel instructies in met betrekking tot stock rail (of a switch) treinbewegingen a train order gives aansluitende cabotage consecutive clear and specific instructions regar- cabotage; form transport by profes- ding the operations of trains; sional carriers from another state,  (rijden met ~en of lastgevingen) connecting to road transport (trains) running under caution aansluitende (spoor)lijn connecting aanwijzing AKI/AHOB train order line for malfunctioning automatic level aansluitende trein connecting train crossings; aansluiting (passenger) connection; nadat deze aanwijzing is afgegeven, form correspondence (of trains); moet de machinist tijdig snelheid  ( ~ hebben) connect; verminderen tot maximaal 10 km/u ... Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 12

when this train order is issued, the aanwijzing VR train driver has to limit his speed in  (aanwijzing Voorzichtig Rijden) time to 10 kilometres per hour cautious-running order; inf caution maximum; ticket; form train order for driving ... herhaald fluitsein geven ... give a carefully sequence of whistle signal blasts; aanzetkracht starting tractive power; ... en stoppen als de veiligheid van starting tractive effort het verkeer dit vordert and stop aanzet-remweerstandschakelaar should traffic safety so demand traction brake controller; form trac- aanwijzing SB tion-braking rheostatic controller  (aanwijzing Snelheid Begrenzen) aarden to ground; to earth; slow order; form speed limitation or-  ( ~ van de bovenleiding) earthing der due to infrastructural reasons; the catenary; to provide an earth form order to run at reduced speed; aardfout frame fault; ground fault; Am inf speedo earth fault aanwijzing STS aardingsinstallatie earthing system;  (aanwijzing Stoptonend Sein) grounding system train order to pass a signal at dan- aardingspunt earthing point; desig- ger; Br to Apply the Rule; Br inf to nated earth(ing) point [DEP]; form a trip past; location on the OLE at which earth- een ~ wordt afgegeven wanneer het ing cables can be attached, subject betreffende sein niet bediend kan to stringent safety requirements be- worden a train order to pass a signal ing carried out, without unintentional at danger is issued when a specific damage being caused to the over- signal cannot be cleared; head line equipment met een ~ wordt de machinist opge- aardingsschakelaar earthing dragen een specifiek stoptonend switch; grounding switch; sein voorbij te rijden with a train or-  (nood~ ) emergency earthing der to pass a signal at danger, the switch train driver is instructed to pass a aardkabel earthing cable specific signal at danger; aardlekstroom earth current nadat deze aanwijzing is afgegeven, aardsluitingsbeveiliging protection moet de machinist achter het sein against accidental earthing rijden op zicht ... when this train or- aardstok earthing rod; earthing pole; der is issued, the train driver has to earthing stick drive the train at sight; aardverbinding earth connection ... de wissels voorzichtig berijden abonnement met een snelheid van maximaal 10  (plaatsbewijs) season ticket; ± km/u ... carefully take switches with zone ticket; Br subscriber’s ticket; a speed not exceeding 10 kilometres Am commutation ticket; Br inf perio- per hour; dical ticket; ... en rekening houden met het niet  (gewoon ~ , benaming in België goed functioneren van de overwegen voor een traject- of net~ voor de ge- thereby taking possible crossing mal- wone prijs) ordinary season ticket; functions into consideration  (houder van ~ ) passholder; Am inf stockholder; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 13

 (jaar~ ) annual (rail) pass; back of a semaphore signal to indi-  (maand~ ) monthly (rail) pass; cate the position of the arm;  (traject~ ) ± zone ticket;  ( ~ van een lichtsein; sterlicht)  (week~ ) weekly (rail) pass back light of the signal; abonnementhouder season-ticket  ( ~ van een trein; sluitsein) tail holder; passholder; Am inf commu- light (of a train); tail end light; rear ter; Am inf stockholder end light; Am marker lamp; last vehi- abonnementskaart season ticket; cle marker Am commutation ticket achterste deel van de trein abonnementverkoop subscrip-  (het ~ ) the rear part (of the train); tion form the rear section of the train absolute remweg absolute braking achterste treindeel the rear part of distance the train; form the rear section of the absoluut blokstelsel absolute block train [AB]; absolute block system [ABS]; achteruit rijden running in reverse; absolute block signalling [ABS]; form reverse running; a system of controlling rail traffic een 4-8-8-2 gelede stoomlocomotief where, under normal operations, on- is in feite een 2-8-8-4 welke stan- ly one train is allowed in a block at a daard achteruit rijdt a 4-8-8-2 articu- time lated steam is effectively absoluut stopsein absolute stop a 2-8-8-4 that always runs in re- signal verse; acceptatietest zie testrit  ( ~ met een dieselloc met één ca- achteraan instappen bine, zoals locserie 2200) for-  ( ~ , in omroepbericht) u wordt ward; verzocht achteraan in te stappen  ( ~ met een dieselloc met één ca- please board (at) the rear part of the bine, zoals locserie 2400) train; trail; lead  ( ~ , als aanduiding in CTA-bak) achterzijde van de trein the rear of board at rear the train (with rear signal or last ve- achteren hicle marker, buffers and/or coupler)  (naar ~ , in trein) aft adembeschermingsapparatuur achter het sein past the signal; Protective Breathing Equipment de hele trein is ~ the rear of the train [PBE] is past the signal adhesie (wrijving) adhesion; achterkant van het wissel switch  (effectieve ~ ) true adhesion; heel; form the point at which the  (totale ~ van een locomotief) total switch radius and the turnout radius adhesion (of a locomotive) meet tangentially; inf heel adhesiecoëfficiënt adhesion coef- achterlicht ficient; coefficient of adhesion; form  ( ~ van een armsein) signal back- the ratio, when there is no slipping, light; between the tangential force and the het ~ wordt getoond aan de achter- force along the normal to the point of zijde van een armsein om de stand contact of and rail van de seinarm aan te geven the adhesiegrens maximum adhesion signal backlight is displayed at the Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 14 adhesieverbeteraar adhesion im- afliggende wisseltong open point; prover; form a material which im- open tongue proves the adhesion of the train afloophelling gravity incline; wheel on the rail  ( ~ van rangeerheuvel) ADOB gradient; Am switching  (automatische dubbele overweg- aflosdienst bomen) automatic double barrier  (“de aflos”) relief crew; [ADB] crossing; automatic full barrier  (“de aflosser”) relief employee; crossing; form four-quadrant level relief colleague; Br millman; Am inf crossing protection chain gang; Am inf dog catchers AED aflossing van personeel relief  (automatische externe defibrilla- aflosstation voor locomotieven lo- tor) automated external defibrillator comotive changing point afblazen afneembare laadbak mobile con-  ( ~ of afspuien van stoomloco- tainer; swop body; swap body motief) to de-sludge a steam loco- afremmen to brake (a train); to slow motive; down; to reduce speed; Br to apply  ( ~ van stoom) to blow off steam; (the) brakes; Am to set brakes; Br inf to let off steam; to pull the air; Br inf to pull the  ( ~ van werkzaamheden; werk- string(s); Am inf to ram a shot of air zaamheden geen doorgang doen under the ; Am inf to swing a vinden) to call off (works); bug; Am inf to wing her; de werkzaamheden aan het spoor  (gecombineerd ~ ) composite bra- zijn afgeblazen the works have been king; simultaneous combined bra- cancelled king; afdichtingsmateriaal (voor gevaar-  (gemengd ~ ) composite braking; lijke stoffen) leak sealing equipment simultaneous combined braking; (for hazardous substances)  (pompend ~ ) cadence braking afdoppen afrijden  (van knoppen op het tableau van  ( ~ van een sein) to take a signal; de treindienstleider) zie verhinderen Br to drop a track; form the process afgekruist sein masked signal; form whereby a train de-energizes a track signal with not-in-use sign; circuit on passing a signal and enter-  (ongeldigheidskruis op sein) St. ing a section; Andrew’s cross; form signal not-in- de trein reed het sein af the (train) use sign driver took the signal afkomend spoor afschakelen  (met aflopende kilometrering) up-  ( ~ van een bovenleidinggroep) to line interrupt a catenary section afkoppelen to uncouple; to hook off; afschakelvonk break spark to cut-off; to separate (a wagon); Am afseinen van een trein to report the inf to pull the pin; Br inf to tie off; Br departure of a train; inf to tie ’em off  ( ~ per telex) advance traffic infor- afleidend wissel trailing points; re- mation [ATI], in which information a- verse points bout trains is passed from yard to yard by telex Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 15 afslijting van de spoorstaaf rail  ( ~ tussen de seinen) signal spa- wear cing; afsluitbord fixed stop signal; Am  ( ~ tussen dwarsliggers) distance end-of-track stop sign; ± dead signal between sleepers; sleeper spacing; afsluitklep flood valve Am tie spacing; afsluitlantaarn ± signal permanently  ( ~ van begin- tot eindpunt) at the danger or ‘on’ position throughout distance; afspaninrichting  ( ~ van voorsein tot hoofdsein,  ( ~ van bovenleiding) tensioning ofwel waarschuwings~ ) warning pulley; balance weight anchor distance; pre-signalling distance; [BWA]; turnbuckle; wire strainer ten-  (as~ ) wheelbase; sioning device; section support; inf  (blok~ ) block interval; clearance block and tackle distance; form length of a block sec- afspanmast van bovenleiding end tion; tensioning post (of contact line) de volgende trein kan op blok~ ach- afspanner van de rijdraad tension- ter die goederentrein aan the next ing pulley; turnbuckle; wire strainer train may follow that freight train at tensioning device; section support; clearance distance; inf block and tackle;  (buffer~ ) distance between buf-  (automatische ~ ) automatic ten- fers; sion regulator (of contact line)  (gemiddelde ~ hart op hart van de afspanning van bovenleiding line dwarsliggers) average sleeper-spa- tensioning; bracing of contact lines; cing; staying of contact lines  (gemiddelde reis~ ) average trip afspuien length;  (afblazen van stoomlocomotief) to  (maximale rem~ ) maximum bra- de-sludge a ; to king distance; drain a boiler  (minimale rem~ ) safe stopping afspuipercentage distance;  (afblazen van stoomlocomotief)  (minimum ~ tussen treinen) clear- rate of extraction ance; form the minimum distance afstand distance; between trains;  ( ~ door trein afgelegd) train mile-  (minimum ~ tussen trein en objec- age; ten langs de baan) zie profiel van  ( ~ hart op hart van draaistellen; vrije ruimte; radstand) distance between pi-  (naderings~ ) approach distance; vots; bogie pivot pitch;  (noodremweg~ ) emergency bra-  ( ~ hart op hart van twee dwars- king distance; form the distance a liggers) distance between two slee- train requires to decelerate from the pers; sleeper spacing; Am tie spa- permissible speed to a dead stop un- cing; der emergency braking;  ( ~ hart op hart van twee sporen)  (onderlinge ~ tussen treinen) ve- distance between centres of tracks; hicle distance; vehicular gap; follow-  ( ~ tussen de binnenvlakken van ing distance; spacing distance; de wielbanden) distance between  (pendel~ ) commuting distance; ; form the distance from someone’s Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 16 place of residence to his place of  (waarnemings~ van seinlichten) work; sighting distance (of signal lights);  (reis~ ) trip length;  (waarschuwings~ ofwel ~ van  (rem~ ) braking distance [BD]; voorsein tot hoofdsein) warning dis- stopping distance; tance; pre-signalling distance;  (remweg~ ) braking distance [BD];  (zicht~ ) visual distance; visibility  (rij~ ) separation; form the dis- afstootspoor loose-shunting line; tance between two trains (not coup- fly-shunting line led) following each other; afstoten  (sein~ ofwel de onderlinge ~ tus-  ( ~ van wagen bij rangeren) loose sen seinen) distance between sig- shunting; shunting without coupling; nals; signal ; to propel a wagon ahead (of the lo-  (spoor~ ) midway between tracks; co); inf pushing off; throwing; Br form  (spoor~ van een wielas, ofwel de to shunt by uncoupling wagons from ~ tussen de railaanloopzijden van de the loco and allowing them to roll into wielflenzen) wheel gauge; form dis- position by their own momentum; Am tance between the inside surfaces of kicking shunting; Am inf kicking; Am flanges; inf to kick; Br inf flying shunt; Am inf  (stations~ ) distance between sta- to drop tions; aftakkend spoor diverted line; diver-  (stations~ rijden) form situation ted track; branch line; connecting where safety demands the distance line; junction line; branch track; form between stations as a minimum se- diverging track at a junction; paration between consecutive trains;  ( ~ op of naar raccordement) con-  (stop~ vóór een sein) stopping necting cut-off; junction cut-off distance in front of a signal; aftakking zie aftakkend spoor  (tarief~ ofwel de ~ voor het bere- aftrappen zie afkoppelen kenen van de vracht) chargeable dis- afvallen tance;  ( ~ ofwel stroomloos worden van  (tijds~ ) time distance; relais) relay drop; form relay de-  (veilige ~ ) safe distance; energization; over enkele minuten passeert langs  ( ~ van sein) drop to stop; to fall spoor 5 een trein met hoge snelheid. back to stop; inf to change from Wilt u op veilige afstand van de per- green to red; to go back (of a signal); ronrand blijven? in a few minutes will  (sein dat voor de neus van de ma- run through at platform five a train at chinist afvalt) signal going back in high speed. Please stay at a safe the driver’s face distance from the edge of the plat- afvalvertraging van relais con- form; trolled drop-away; controlled drop-  (veiligheids~ ) collision avoidance out distance; form the minimum permis- afvoerroute egress distance sible distance between two separate afvoertijd egress time trains following each other on the afwerken van de ballast to crib the same track, to prevent collisions un- ballast; to toe the ballast; to profile der emergency braking conditions; the ballast; inf boxing up  (vervoers~ ) distance carried; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 17 afwijking dienstregeling bunching; Emergency On Call Coordinator platooning [EOCC]; afzetcontainer mobile container  (auto met zwaailichten waarmee afzonderlijke lichten independent de ~ uitrukt naar een calamiteit) Br lamps Rail Incident Command Vehicle agglomeratie-regionet network for [RICV]; Rail Response Vehicle short and medium distances [RRV] aggregaat algemene bedieningsinrichting ge-  (voor opwekken van elektriciteit) neral control auxiliary power unit [APU]; emergen- algemene verlichting cy power generator; genset; power  ( ~ op het station) general lighting unit; power generator; inf unit (at the railway station) AHOB ALI  (automatische halve overweg-  (automatische lichtinstallatie) zie boominstallatie) automatic half bar- AVIO riers [AHB]; automatic half-barrier ALI-B level crossing [AHBLC]; automatic  (automatische lichtinstallatie met half-barrier crossing [AHBC]; Am inf boom) automatic traffic lights with Wig-wag; barrier for level crossings  (mini-~ ) Mini Automatic Half Bar- alleenreizend kind unaccompanied rier [mini-AHB] crossing child; unaccompanied minor [UM] AKI alleenreizende kinderen unaccom-  (automatische knipperlichtinstal- panied children latie) automatic open crossing alleenreizende minderjarige unac- [AOC]; form fully signalled crossing companied minor [UM] with flashing lights and warning bells alternatief vervoer zie vervangen- (but without barriers); Am grade de bussen crossing flashers without gates; Am alternatieve route substitute route ungated grade crossing flashers; Am ambulancetrein ambulance train; form sign with signal Red Cross train lights; Am inf crossbuck with flash- Amerikaans draaistel ers; ± Br automatic open level cros-  ( ~ zoals bij de locserie 2200) sing remotely monitored [AOCR] Pennsylvania bogie; form a bogie akoestisch waarschuwingssein with a cast frame resting on audible warning signal swan neck beams connecting the AL zie Algemeen Leider alarmering alerting service Amerikaanse koppeling Janney alarmfase alert phase coupler alarminstallatie alerting unit; alert ampèrage amperage; strength; cur- unit rent alarmpaneel failure warning panel ampèremeter ampere meter; am- alertering alerting service meter Algemeen Leider Br railway officer- Andreaskruis bij overweg warning in-charge [ROIC]; ± Emergency Res- cross; Am crossbuck sign; form le- ponse Coordinator; ± Br Emergency vel crossing warning cross Operations Coordinator [EOC]; ± Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 18

angstloc route controller; automatic route-set-  (extra reserveloc bij vervoer van ting signalling gevaarlijke ladingen of voor konink- armsein semaphore signal; qua- lijke trein) inf extra just-in-case drant signal; Br inf peg; upper qua- (dead) engine; inf just-in-caser drant signal; lower quadrant signal; ankerklem van bovenleiding mid- Somersault (signal); Br inf Lartigue point anchor [MPA] signal; Br inf board; anti-blokkeerinrichting slip-slide  ( ~ als voorsein) semaphore war- control; anti-skid ning signal; Br fish tail; anti-oploop inrichting anti-climber;  (defect ~ ) Br drooping arm; Br form an anti-telescoping device used drooping signal; on rail cars consisting of a corruga-  ( ~ dat veilig gezet is; ~ in de ted plate secured to the end sill. As stand “voorbijrijden toegestaan”) adjacent cars come together, the clear position of the semaphore; Br corrugations are forced into each pegged (signal); other, thus confining the shock of  (seinbeeld van een ~ ) position of collision to the underframe a semaphore; anti-vacuümklep  (seinmelder van ~ ) signal repeat-  ( ~ van stoomlocomotief) snifting er; arm repeater [AR]; valve; snifter valve  (stoptonend ~ ) stop position of AOB the semaphore signal; stop aspect of  (automatische overpadboomin- the semaphore; form horizontal (po- stallatie) automatic barriers for bar- sition of) quadrant signal row crossings AR-net zie agglomeratie-regionet A-onderzoek local level railway arriveren to arrive safety incident investigation as apparatuur equipment;  (aandrijf~ ) driving axle;  (adembeschermings~ ) Protective  (aangedreven ~ ) driven axle; Breathing Equipment [PBE]; powered axle;  (bevrijdings~ ) (hydraulic) rescue  ( ~ van drijfwerk) axle; shaft; tools; inf Jaws of Life™;  (drijf~ ) driving shaft;  (reddings~ ) rescue devices; res-  (holle ~ in de aandrijving van elek- cue tools; trische locomotieven) tubular shaft;  (tijdelijke waarschuwings~ bij  (kruk~ ) crankshaft; werkzaamheden) movable automatic  (loop~ ) trailing axle; warning device  (naloop~ ) trailing axle; ARI  (niet-aangedreven ~ ) trailing axle;  (automatische rijweginstelling) au- non-driven axle; idle axle; tomatic routing system [ARS] (auto-  (primaire of drijvende ~ ) input matically setting the points and shaft; primary shaft; clearing the signals along the track);  (secundaire of gedreven ~ ) dri- automatic route setting [ARS]; Auto- ven shaft; secondary shaft; matic Routesetting System [ARS];  (voorloop~ ) leading axle Automatic Train Routing [ATR]; auto- asafstand wheelbase matic track controller; automatic asbak  ( ~ van stoomlocomotief) ash pan Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 19

asbelasting load per axle; weight assistent-(proces)manager assis- per axle; axle load; tant manager; Br inf Little Sir Echo;  (dynamische ~ ) dynamic axle Br inf His Master’s Voice load; form the load exerted on a ATB track by one wheelset, one axle plus  (automatische treinbeïnvloeding) two wheels, together with any un- [ATC]; form sprung axle-mounted equipment of a automatic train control system (that rail vehicle when in motion; effects the control of train speed);  (meetsysteem dat de ~ van een form automatic train stopping device; passerende trein kan bepalen) Br form automatic system Wheel Impact Load Detector [WILD] (primarily for stopping trains); Aust asbest asbestos Br Automatic Train Protection [ATP]; asbreukwagen transport bogie; Automatic Train Operation [ATO]; Br auxiliary truck; auxiliary towing car; [AWS]; inf Dolly™ Am [PTC]; asdruk load per axle; weight per Automatic Train Supervision [ATS]; axle; axle load; Driver’s Reminder Appliance [DRA];  (maximum~ ) maximum load per Br Train Protection and Warning axle; maximum admissible axle load System [TPWS]; ± cab warning sys- asindeling tem; form a fail-safe system which  ( ~ van spoorvoertuig) axle ar- invokes an emergency braking up to rangement; ; a standstill in cases where over- wheel configuration speed is detected without braking aslast zie asbelasting activation from the driver within a few aslasttonnage axle load tonnage seconds; form signal-based train asopstelling zie asindeling speed control system; aspot axle box; Br inf journal box; DRA is een ~-systeem in de machi- axle journal; axle bearing; wheel nistencabine dat de machinist waar- bearing schuwt als deze een stoptonend sein assenduwer axle pusher unit (to passeert DRA is a cab warning sys- move a wheel resting on the rail by tem which functions when the driver its ) passes a signal at danger; assenteller(systeem) PTC is een Amerikaans ~-systeem [AXC]; axle counter module [ACM]; dat voorkomt dat treinen de toege- wheel-counting apparatus; wheel- stane snelheid overschrijden PTC is counting device; an American system that prevents  (blok / blokstelsel met ~ ) axle- trains from going over the speed counter [AXC] permissive block; limit;  (registrerende assenteller) axle- het Britse TPWS is een ~-systeem in counting and recording device; het materieel dat in de gaten houdt  (spoormagneet voor ~ ) axle- of een trein met te hoge snelheid op counting [AXC] magnet; een stoptonend sein af rijdt, en zet  (verwerkingseenheid van ~ ) axle een snelremming in als dat zo is the counter evaluator [ACE] British TPWS is on-board equipment which detects if a train is approach- ing a signal at danger at too high a Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 20

speed, triggering an emergency lows; faulty TPWS on-board equip- brake application; ment; ± faulty cab warning system  ( ~ met continubeïnvloeding) con- ATB-VV tinuous automatic train-running con-  (ATB Verbeterde Versie) ± Br trol; Train Protection and Warning Sys-  ( ~ met puntbeïnvloeding) inter- tem [TPWS] mittent automatic train-running con- autokraan truck mounted trol; autolaadkraan loader crane  (spoorlijn zonder ~ ) rail line with- automaat out train control signalling; Am inf  (heuvel~ , computer voor auto- matische heuvelinrichting) automatic ATB-baanstoring defective lineside marshalling controller; automatic train control system, with signal(s) point-setting apparatus for marshal- indicating either a higher or lower ling yards; speed than circumstances allow  (kaart~ ) ; Ticket ATB-beschikbaarheidsstoring de- Vending Machine [TVM]; automatic fective lineside train control system, fare collection [AFC]; automated indicating a lower speed than cir- ticketing system; Br inf auto; Br cumstances allow Passenger-Operated Ticket Machine ATB-cabinesein cab signal; auto- [POMS]; Br All-Purpose Ticket matic cab signal; form a signal within Issuing System [APTIS]; Br Auto- the cab of a locomotive or train matic Passenger Ticket Issuing Sys- giving indications to the driver for the tem [APTIS]; control of his train  (keer~ voor rijweginstelling) zie ATB-code Automatic Train Control stuurrelais; code; ATC code  (koffie~ ) coffee machine; ATB Eerste Generatie continuous-  (parkeer~ ) parking meter; inductive automatic train control with  (seinen in de ~ ) automatic wor- cab signals king of a route ATB-materieelstoring cab signal automatisch blok automatic block displaying either a higher or lower (with track circuits); fixed block speed than the lineside signal al- automatisch blokstelsel automatic lows; faulty TPWS on-board equip- block system; absolute permissive ment; ± faulty cab warning system block signal system; automatic sec- ATB-plus-plus zie ATB-VV tion; Am Automatic Block Signaling ATB-remming zie snelremming [ABS] ATB-veiligheidsstoring automatisch cabinesein zie ATB-  ( ~ aan de baan) defective train cabinesein control system with the lineside sig- automatische kaartcontrole ticket nal indicating a higher speed than gate; platform barrier circumstances allow, causing a dan- automatische koppeling Am auto- gerous situation; matic coupler [A/C]; automated  ( ~ aan het rollend materieel) cab coupler; Br Aust automatic coupling signal displaying a higher maximum [A/C]; autocoupler (with a central speed than the lineside signal al- buffer); form mechanical latching de- vice for coupling rail cars together Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 21 upon impact; instanter coupling; Am  (automatisch werkend sein zon- Knuckle coupler; Am Janney Coup- der P) semi-automatic signal; ler; Br Buckeye™ coupling; Br Tight- een automatisch werkend sein zon- lock™; inf Wedgelock™; Br inf BSI™ der P blijft stop tonen, zelfs als het (abbreviation of Bergische Stahl In- blok erachter vrij is, totdat het expli- dustrie, a manufacturer of automatic ciet opdracht krijgt uit de stand stop couplings); Br inf ghoul; te komen a semi-automatic signal re-  (volledig ~ ) multi-function coupler mains at danger, even if the block a- [MFC]; fully automatic coupler; head is clear, until explicitly instruc- Scharfenberg™ coupler; form auto- ted to clear; matic coupler that makes all connec-  (systeem dat werkt met ~ ) Nor- tions between the rail vehicles (me- mal Clear System; permissive sig- chanical, air brake and electrical) nalling system; without human intervention, in con- in een systeem met ~ staan de sei- trast to autocouplers which just nen veilig zolang de baan vrij is in a handle the mechanical aspects permissive signalling system the automatische noodrem (automatic) main running signals display a clear rapid emergency brake [AREB, REB] aspect at all times when it is safe automatische omroep auto-slaaptrein car-sleeper train; inf  ( ~ op stations) ± Br Automatic car-sleeper Train Announcement System [ATAS] AVIO automatische rembekrachtiger re-  (automatische verkeerslichtinstal- tardation controller latie voor overwegen) automatic traf- automatische rijweginstelling zie fic lights for signalled crossings ARI avondspits (evening) peak hour automatische treinaankondiging automatic advice of the approach of a train automatische treinbeïnvloeding zie ATB automatisch werkende seinen au- tomatic signals; automatic signalling; permissive signalling; form signals which do not require specific action by a signaller or automatic route set- ting equipment in order to show a proceed aspect;  (P-sein, permissief sein) permis- sive signal; Am automatic signal of the Restricted Proceed variety; ± draw-up signal; een P-sein komt uit de stand stop zodra het blok erachter vrij is an automatic signal will clear once the block ahead of it has been proved clear; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 22

B  (toestand ~ ) condition of track [COT];  (veelsporige ~ ) multiple line rail- baak way;  ( ~ naast spoor) warning sign; vi-  (vlakke ~ ) level section; sual warning; beacon; countdown  (vrije ~ ) open line; open track; the board; countdown marker board Right-of-way; trackage; Br line; Br baan line outside the station; ± Br the run-  (spoor~ ) Br Aust railway; (rail- ning line; ± Br the Line; inf the main way) track; (railway) line; Am rail- line; Am inf stem; Am inf Boulevard; road; Am inf ribbons; Am inf streak of Am inf race track; inf the free track rust; baanbed roadbed  (de hoofd~ ) the main line; baanbedsaneringsmachine road-  ( ~ met dubbel spoor) double bed rehabilitation machine; form track; roadbed formation and rehabilitation  ( ~ met enkel spoor) single track; machine  (banket van de ~ ) track bench; baanberm siding; verge  (berg~ ) mountain railway; baanbouw railway construction;  (ceintuur~ ) circle railway; Am track construction belt-line; baanhelling track inclination  (inspecteur ~ ) baanindeling track arrangement inspector; Br Permanent Way Sec- baanlocomotief main-line locomo- tion Supervisor [PWSS]; Am track tive; Am road locomotive; road en- inspector; Br movements manager; ± gine Area Track Engineer [ATE]; baanonderhoud track maintenance;  (langs de ~ , bijv. mensen of die- care of the track; railway mainte- ren) along the track; nance; Am Maintenance of Way er spelen kinderen langs de baan bij [MOW]; Br Permanent Way Mainte- kilometer 38.8 there are children nance [PWM] playing along the track near kilo- baanopzichter Track Supervisor metre-post 38.8; [TS];  (langs de ~ , bijv. seinen) lineside;  (assistent-~ ) Assistant Track Su- trackside; Am wayside; pervisor [ATS] de seinen die langs de baan staan baanprofiel railway section; track the lineside signals; the trackside section signals; Am the wayside signals; baanrelais track relay  (lokaal~ , spoorweg van plaatse- baanruimer track clearer; rail guard; lijk belang) local railway; sweeper; inf life guard  (monteur ~ ) track man; form in- baanschuiver track clearer frastructure technician; baansectie portion of a line; section  (opbreken van de ~ bij werkzaam- of a line heden) stripping the road; form re- baansplitsing branching of a line moval of old track and ballast (in pre- baanstoring zie ATB-baanstoring paration for relaying); baanvak section (of line); interloc-  (ring~ ) circle railway; Am belt- king route; form a route between two line;  (tandrad~ ) ; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 23

opposing signals; stretch Back Office of railway; Am stem  ( ~ van ProRail) ± Br Incident baanvak besturingssysteem fixed Coordination Centre [ICC] block control system bagage luggage; Am baggage; baanvakbeveiliging interlocking om veiligheidsredenen verzoeken wij [IXL]; route interlocking u uw ~ niet onbeheerd achter te la- baanvak beveiligingssysteem ten for security reasons, you are re- block signal system quested not to leave your luggage baanvak bezet indicatie zie bezet- unattended; spoormelding  (mankerende ~ ) missing luggage; baanvakcontroleur track inspector  (overbevonden ~ , onafgehaalde baanvakgegevens line characteris- ~ ) left luggage; abandoned luggage; tics unclaimed luggage; Am left baggage baanvakgrenzen interlocking limits bagagedepot left-luggage room baanvakleider line controller bagagedienst luggage service; Am baanvak overgang block joint baggage service baanvaksignalering block signal- bagagekantoor luggage registration ling; Am block signaling office; Am baggage office baanvaksnelheid line speed; speed bagagekar zie bagagewagen limit; linespeed limit; form the maxi- bagagekluis automatic luggage loc- mum permitted speed at which trains kers may run on a given stretch of railway bagage motorwagen motor bag- when not subject to any other in- gage car struction or restriction; bagagerek  ( ~ rijden) to run at line speed; Br  (in rijtuig) overhead stowage; lug- even time; Am inf to highball; gage rack; luggage shelves; Am  (een boog met ~ berijden) to take baggage rack; a curve at speed  (dwarsgeplaatste ~ken boven de baanvaksnelheidsbord line speed zitplaatsen) transverse luggage sign racks above the seats baanvaktekening track plan; railway bagagerijtuig luggage van; brake- section drawing; ± Br Map(s) of Rail- van; Am baggage car way Lines [MARLIN] bagageruimte cargo compartment; baanvaktoewijzing routing Am baggage hold baanwachter trackman; railway bagagewagen guard; inf flagman  (bagagekar op perrons) luggage baanwerkers track workers; railway trolley; cart; Br Universal workers; lengthmen; rail gang; Br Trolley Equipment / British Railways workgroup; trackmen; Aust perma- Utility Transport Equipment nent way gangers; form men working [BRUTE]; form large wire cage on on the railway; Am inf steel gang; wheels used for moving luggage, Aust inf perway gangers; newspapers and mail bags around  ( ~ betrokken bij spoorwegaanleg) on station platforms; rail-laying gang; plate layers  (rijtuig) luggage van; brake-van; Am baggage car Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 24 bak  (elasticiteit van de ~ ) resilience of  ( ~ van een gelede trein) section the ballast; of an articulated train;  (gehorde ~ ) screened ballast;  ( ~ van treinstel, met motor) car;  (grind~ ) gravel ballast; een elektrisch treinstel bestaande uit  (laterale weerstand van de ~ ) bal- twee ~ken a two-car EMU (electric last lateral resistance; multiple unit);  (loswerken van de ~ ) to scarify  ( ~ van treinstel, zonder motor) the ballast; trailer; non-powered unit (in diesel  (modderige ~ ) slurried ballast; multiple unit [DMU] or EMU sets);  (opnieuw aanbrengen van de ~ ) form passenger vehicle without a re-ballasting the track; power unit of its own;  (opnieuw gebruikte ~ ) recycled  (rijtuig~ ) coach body; body of ballast; returned ballast; form ballast coach which has been separated from un- baken visual warning; beacon; wanted fine material and made avail-  ( ~ als aanduiding van de nade- able for re-use in the track; ring van een voorsein) countdown  (schoonmaken van de ~ ) clean- marker ing of the ballast;  (steenslag~ ) broken stone bal-  ( ~ in HSL-spoor) Br beacon; Br last; crushed stone ballast; ballast balise; Am tag; form passive trans- chips; ponder used in non-continuous auto-  (uitgezeefde ~ uit een ~hormachi- matic train protection systems ne; horsel) spoil; screenings; form balkon screenings; form bal-  ( ~ van rijtuig) entrance vestibule; last cleaner spoil; inf fines; entry vestibule  (van ~ voorzien ofwel ‘ballasten’) ballast ballasting; ; Br inf ballasting; Br inf stoning; slag;  (vergruisde ~ ) spoil; ballast fines;  (aanbrengen van de ~ ) ballasting;  (vernieuwing van de ~ ) re-ballas- form packing of the track (with bal- ting of the track; sifting of the ballast; last);  (vervuilde ~ ; vuile ~ ) contamina-  (afgewerkte ~ ) spoil; spent bal- ted ballast; incrusted ballast; choked last; inf crock; inf muck; ballast; foul ballast; inf dirty ballast;  (asfaltlaag / asfaltbeton ter ver-  (vervuilde en vergruisde ~, veelal vanging van ~laag) full depth over- gemengd met ingewaaid zand) spoil; layment; form ballast fines including wind-  ( ~ onder de dwarsliggers) bottom blown debris; inf crock; inf muck; ballast; form ballast below the soffit  (zand~ ) sand ballast level of sleepers; ballast aanstampen  ( ~ van platte ronde stenen)  (handmatig) packing of the bal- shingle ballast; inf pebbles; last;  (bovenkant van de ~ ) crown of  (machinaal) tamping of the ballast ballast; top of ballast; ballast-afwerking  (diepte van het reinigen van de ~ )  (ballast onder profiel brengen) depth to which ballast is screened; cribbing of the ballast; to profile the  (dikte van de ~ ) depth of ballast; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 25

ballast; to toe the ballast; to regulate ballasthouweel tamping pick; hand the ballast; inf boxing up beater; form pickaxe with a flat- ballast-afwerkmachine ballast pro- ended tine to hammer the ballast into filing machine; ballast profiler; ballast place cribbing machine; ballast toe ma- ballastkering ballast retainer chine; ballast regulator; Am ballast ballastlaag layer of ballast; plow; inf regulator; Br inf Brush™;  (bovenste ~ ) top ballast; form Am inf Kershaw™ ballast above the underside of the ballastbed sleeper bed; crest; bal- sleepers; form the ballast which con- last; road bed; track bed; underlayer; stitutes the layer which can be form the ballast on which the sleep- tamped; crib ballast; shoulder bal- ers are laid; last; inf boxing-in ballast;  ( ~ van grind) gravel bed; under-  (onderste ~ ) bottom ballast; form layer of gravel; ballast below the soffit level of sleep-  ( ~ van steenslag) underlayer of ers of a track ballast; ballastloos spoor slab track; bal-  (flank van het ~ ) ballast shoulder; lastless track; paved track; paved  (teen van het ~ ) toe of the ballast concrete track [PACT]; form track ballastbedverdichter ballast conso- without ballast or sleepers, suppor- lidating machine; ballast consolidator ted by a continuous reinforced con- ballastbedverdichtingsmachine crete slab; ballast consolidating machine; bal-  (spoor met ingegoten dwarslig- last consolidator gers) cast-in sleeper track; cast-in ballastdistributie- en profileerma- sleeper system; form rail mounted on chine ballast distributing and profi- pre-cast concrete sleepers; inf Rhe- ling machine da™ track; ballastgraaf- en hormachine bal-  (spoor met ingegoten spoorsta- last-scarifier and screening machine; ven) embedded rails; form embed- ballast excavator and screening ma- ded rail construction [ERC] chine ballastloze ingeklemde spoorstaaf ballastgraafmachine ballast-clear- form elastically embedded rail inte- ing machine; ballast-scarifier; ballast grated in a concrete slab that sup- excavator; Br inf Traxcavator; inf ports the rail continuously without Drott™ any mechanical fixation; inf Nikex™ ballastgrader ballast grading ma- rail; inf Nikex™ system chine [BGM] ballastmatten ballast mats ballastgrader en -verdichter ballast ballast onder profiel brengen grading and consolidating machine;  (ballast-afwerking) to profile the Br inf Bruff™ grader ballast; to toe the ballast; inf boxing ballastgradering ballast grading up ballasthamer hand tamper ballastparameters ballast parame- ballasthark ballast fork; screening ters fork ballastploeg zie ballast-afwerkma- ballasthormachine ballast cleaning chine machine [BCM]; ballast screener; ballastprofiel ballast profile; ballast ballast-screening machine [BSM] shoulder Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 26

ballastprofileermachine ballast pro-  17-ton mackerel (ballast hopper filing machine; ballast profiler; ballast with centre chutes) [ZMV]; toe machine; ballast regulator  19-ton catfish (ballast hopper wa- ballastreinigingsmachine ballast- gon) [ZEV]; cleaning machine [BCM]; ballast  20-ton clam (spoil wagon) [ZCV]; cleaner; undercutter; ballast under-  20-ton crab (open ballast wagon cutter; Automatic Ballast Cleaner with fixed sides) [ZBV, ZCV]; [ABC]; Br Matisa Ballast Cleaner™  20-ton crawfish (side-tipping bal- [MBC]; Br Matisa Automatic Ballast last wagon) [ZJV]; Cleaner™ [MABC]; Br inf Matisa™  20-ton dace (open ballast wagon (irrespective of manufacturer); Br inf with fixed sides) [ZCV]; riddler  20-ton egret (ballast, spoil and ballastruggen crown of ballast; top sleeper wagon) [ZCV]; of ballast  20-ton grampus (open ballast and ballastschep scoop; track shovel spoil wagon) [ZBO, ZBP, ZBQ, ZBV, ballastspecificatie ballast specifica- ZBW]; tion  20-ton gudgeon (ballast wagon); ballastspoor ballasted track  20-ton herring (ballast wagon with ballast-stabilisator ballast stabili- centre chutes only) [ZLV]; sing machine; ballast stabiliser;  20-ton lamprey (open ballast wa-  (dynamische ~ ) dynamic track gon) [ZBO]; stabiliser [DTS]; form an on-track  20-ton rudd [ZBA]; machine for accelerating the conso-  21-ton merdog (ballast hopper) lidation of recently reballasted track [ZFV]; ballastverdelingssysteem ballast  21-ton tope (spoil wagon) [ZCV, distribution system [BDS] ZDV]; ballastwagen  24-ton dogfish (ballast hopper wa-  ( ~ van werktrein) ballast wagon; gon) [ZFV, ZFW]; ~s zijn er in diverse gewichtsklassen,  25-ton gannet (ballast hopper wa- oplopend van 10 tot 80 ton, die in het gon); Engels allemaal hun eigen benaming  25-ton seahare (open ballast wa- hebben there are ballast wagons in gon) [ZCA]; various weight classes, ranging from  25-ton seahorse (open ballast and 10 to 80 tons, that all have their own spoil wagon) [ZCA]; names in English:  25-ton trout (ballast hopper wa-  10-ton starfish (dropside open gon with centre and side discharge) ballast wagon) [ZCO]; [ZFO];  12-ton cockle ( fitted  27-ton barbel [ZKV]; with ballast ploughs);  27-ton carp (dropside open ballast  12-ton sole (dropside open ballast wagon) [ZBA]; wagon) [ZCA, ZCO];  31-ton pike (dropside open ballast  14-ton ling (open ballast wagon) wagon) [ZAA]; [ZCO];  31-ton pollock (wagon carrying  14-ton mermaid (tipping ballast ballast and sleepers) [ZCA]; wagon) [ZJV];  31.5-ton bass (wagon for the car- riage of general materials) [ZDA]; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 27

 32-ton coalfish (open ballast and  (hellende ~ ) inclined sole-plate; spoil wagon) [MHA]; Am inclined tie-plate;  33-ton doorand;  (railonderlegplaatje tussen rail-  33-ton limpet (open ballast and voet en ~ of tussen railvoet en spoil wagon) [MKA, ZKA]; dwarsligger) rail pad; form a resilient  34-ton heron (open ballast wa- medium fitted between a rail and the gon) [YCV]; supporting baseplate or between a  34-ton turbot (open ballast and rail and the supporting sleeper spoil wagon) [YCV, YCW]; bedding van de dwarsliggers slee-  38-ton gunnel; per bed  40-ton seacow (hopper ballast bedding van de spoorstaaf rail bed wagon) [YGA, YGB]; bediend gebied area served; sta-  40-ton sealion (ballast hopper wa- tion; form section with points bet- gon) [YGH]; ween the entry signals of a station  40-ton stingray (ballast hopper bediend sein wagon) [YGA, YGB];  (geen automatisch werkend sein)  40-ton walrus (ballast hopper with controlled signal; form non-passable both centre and side chutes) [YGV]; signal; form a signal which must not  50-ton whale (ballast hopper with be passed without the express per- both centre and side chutes) [YBA, mission of the signaller; YHA];  (systeem dat werkt met bediende  54-ton Auto Ballaster (ballast hop- seinen) ± Junction Signalling; ± Nor- per) [HQA, JJA]; mal Danger System; form signalling  56-ton halibut (open ballast wa- system in which signals are kept at gon) [YCA]; danger and indicate clear only as  58-ton whelk ( used required for the passage of a train for materials) [YNO]; bediend spoor signaled track; con-  80-ton octopus (self-discharging trolled track ballast hopper wagon, part of the bedienen Plasser & Theurer BDS Ballast Dis-  ( ~ van wissels en seinen) to set tribution System) [YDA] the points and signals; to operate the ballastziftmachine ballast screener; signals and points; ballast-screening machine [BSM]  ( ~ van armsein) to operate the barrijtuig bar coach; cafetaria car semaphore; Br inf to peg-up; basistarief basic fare;  ( ~ van het sein) to operate the  ( ~ kaartje) ordinary ticket signal; beddingfreesmachine sleeper ad-  ( ~ van het wissel) to reverse the zing machine points; to throw over the points; to beddingsplaat set the points; Am inf to bend the  (onderlegplaat tussen railvoet en ; Am inf to bend the rails; Am inf dwarsligger) baseplate; (rail) bearing to bend the rust plate; sole-plate; Am tie-plate; bediener operator  ( ~ voor elastische railbevestiging) bediening ™ baseplate; form a base-  (afzonderlijke ~ ) isolated control; plate designed to be fitted with elas- individual control; tic rail fastenings; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 28

 ( ~ in multiple schakeling; bestu-  ( ~ in stoomlocomotief) locomotive ring in treinschakeling) multiple-unit boiler backplate; Am backhead; control; multiple- control  ( ~ op de seinzaal) signal box; [MU]; Signalling Display System [SDS];  ( ~ op afstand) remote control; desk  ( ~ ter plaatse) local control; bedieningsstang control rod  ( ~ van overwegen) control of le- bedieningstoestel power-operated vel crossings; signal box; power signal box;  ( ~ voor beide rijrichtingen moge-  ( ~ met drukknoppen) push-button lijk, bijv. van een trek-duwtrein) re- interlocking frame; versible control;  ( ~ met rijweginstelling) route-  (drukknop~ ) push-button control; lever signal box; touch control;  ( ~ met stelknoppen) switch-type  (éénmans~ ) One Person Opera- interlocking frame; tion [OPO]; Driver-Only Operation  ( ~ met voor elke beveiligings- [DOO]; one-man operation; one-man inrichting een afzonderlijke bedie- driving; form a train controlled entire- ningshendel) signal box with indivi- ly by the driver; dual levers;  (krachtvoertuig~ ) driving of trac-  ( ~ voor “eNtrance-eXit” relaisbe- tion vehicles; veiliging; NX-post) “eNtrance-eXit”  (locomotief~ ) driving of locomo- (NX-type) free lever signal box; tives;  ( ~ voor relaisbeveiliging; AR-  (sein~ ) control of signals; toestel) all-relay interlocking box;  (verhinderen van ~ en/of rijwegin-  ( ~ voor relaisbeveiliging met sec- stelling van of over infra-elementen) tiegewijze vrijkoming van de rijweg) to dagger; to lock up; free-lever signal box;  (verhindering van ~ van infra-ele-  ( ~ voor seininrichtingen met on- ment zoals sein of wissel) control derlinge koppeling) interlocking in- locking device; locking bar; stallation;  (verhindering van meer dan één-  (elektrisch ~ ) electrical signal malige ~ ) rotation interlocking; con- box; form all-electric interlocking ap- ditional interlocking; paratus;  (voertuig~ ) driving of vehicles;  (elektro-mechanisch ~ ) electro-  (wissel~ ) switch operating; point mechanical signal box; operating; switch operation  (elektro-pneumatisch ~ ) electro- bedieningshendel operating lever; pneumatic signal box; working lever;  (mechanisch ~ ) mechanical inter-  ( ~ van wissel) point lever locking installation; bedieningsinrichting steering con-  (NX-~ ) “eNtrance-eXit” (NX-type) trol free lever signal box bedieningsknop control knob bedien(ings)voorschriften bedien(ings)paneel  ( ~ voor infra-elementen; B-voor-  ( ~ in machinistencabine) control schriften) Operating Rules; stand; driving controls; operating  ( ~ voor locomotieven en kracht- control; voertuigen) driving instructions; trac- tion unit operator’s manual Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 29

bedienscherm belasting  ( ~ van treindienstleider) Opera-  (aangegeven maximale ~ , bijv. tor’s Control Unit [OCU] van een wagen) marked vehicle ca- bediensysteem control system; pacity;  ( ~ voor seinen) Signalling Control  (as~ ) load per axle; weight per System [SCS] axle; axle load; bedientableau zie tableau  ( ~ op buiging; buig~ ) flexure bedradingsschema (schematic) wi- pressure; ring diagram  ( ~ van de spoorstaaf) load on the bedrijfsarts Br railway medical offi- rail; cer; Am Aust company doctor; Br inf  ( ~ waarbij de spoorstaaf wordt head shrinker beschadigd) crushing effort; bedrijfsgereed operational  (druk~ ) compressive stress; bedrijfsremstand  (feitelijke ~ ) operating load;  (stand “matig remmen” van rem-  (maximale ~ , bijv. van een wa- kraan van machinist) position for mo- gen) limit loads; derate / gradual application of brake  (ontwerp-uur~ ) design hourly vo- (of driver’s brake valve) lume; form the total traffic flow in bedrijfstijd vehicle time trains per hour which a railway sys- bedrijfsuur vehicle hour tem is designed to carry; bedrijfsverliezen delivery losses;  (trek~ ) tractive force; tensile load; operational wastes tensile stress; beeldscherm monitor; computer  (veilige ~ ) permissible load; per- monitor; missible stress; safe load  (gespecialiseerd ~ , bijv. van trein- belastingsfactor load factor dienstleider) dedicated display belastingsgraad load factor begeleid gecombineerd vervoer belastingsklasse load classification; accompanied combined transport  (militaire ~ ) military load classifi- begeleidingsrijtuig Br police/escort cation [MLC] van [RPW] belastingsproef load test; loading begeleiding van treinen train man- test ning belasting verkeersverbinding link beha volume  (oftewel bh, als afkorting van het belbus subscription ; club bus; woord ‘beschermhoes’, of bescherm- dial-a-bus; dial-a-ride plaat, van automatische koppeling) belemmering van de treinenloop coupling cover; Scharfenberg coup- obstruction to running; traffic inter- ling cover ruption Beheerste Toelating zie werkplek- Belgisch wissel automatic points beveiligingsklasse bel(len) op overweginstallatie level belading freight; cargo; load; load- crossing bell(s); (crossing) warning ing; on-loading; bell(s)  (normale ~ ) standard load benuttingsgraad degree of utiliza- tion; utilization rate Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 30

BEPAC operable in relation to expected de-  (bediensysteem voor paletten en mand centrale treinaanwijzers) control pa- beschikbaarheidsstoring zie ATB- nel/control system for the platform beschikbaarheidsstoring (station) indicators beschikbaarheidstijd periods of a- beperkt openbaar vervoer limited vailability service beslagen ruit clouded window bereikbaarheid accessibility bestemming destination; beremming braking capacity reizigers met ~ Rotterdam kunnen berging gebruik maken van de sneltrein naar  ( ~ van materieel na ongeval) Roosendaal, vertrektijd 15 uur 43 recovery van spoor 5 passengers with desti- bergingsmaterieel recovery equip- nation Rotterdam can take the fifteen ment forty-three fast service to Roosen- bergspoorweg mountain railway daal from platform five bericht message; bestemmingshalte destination stop  (nader ~ ) unknown delay; bestemmingsstation terminal; des-  (omroep~ ) announcement; tination station hier volgt een correctie op het vorige besturingslaag system control level (omroep)bericht this is a correction besturingsniveau system control le- to the last announcement; vel  (ontruimings~ voor stations) e- bestuurde baan permanent way mergency evacuation announce- [PW]; inf P way; inf Per Way; Aust inf ment; perway; guideway; form the track  (treinveiligheids~ ) train safety and the supporting structure on message; which trains and which pro-  (veiligheids~ ) safety message vides lateral control berijden van een wissel to run over bestuur(der)scabine zie machinis- a point; to take a point; to take a tencabine switch; betaalde reis revenue passenger  ( ~ met de punt mee, ofwel het trip wissel uitrijden) to trail the point; to betaalkast fare box pass the point trailing; betalende reiziger revenue passen-  ( ~ tegen de punt) to pass the ger point facing; to run over the facing beton concrete; point  (dwarsliggers van ~ ) concrete bescherming tegen lawines sleepers;  (bijv. muur) avalanche protection  (getrild ~ ) vibrated concrete; beschermplaat van automatische  (gewapend ~ ) reinforced con- koppeling coupling cover; Scharfen- crete; ferro-concrete; berg coupling cover  (giet~ ) poured concrete; beschikbaar available  (licht of poreus ~ ) porous con- beschikbaarheid availability crete; beschikbaarheidspercentage fleet  (spoorbrug van ~ ) concrete rail- availability; form the extent to which way bridge; the required number of trains are Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 31

 (stamp~ ) lean concrete; compac- working in either direction according ted concrete; rammed concrete; to traffic requirements; inf Bi-di; tamped concrete;  (dubbelspoor~ ) double track sig-  (voorgespannen ~ ) pre-stressed nalling; one-way signalling; one-way concrete working; one direction working; betrouwbaarheid aansluiting con-  (enkelspoor~ ) reversible working; veyance dependability; form the pro- two-way working; either direction bability that passengers arriving at working; Bi-Directional Signalling stations, whether the system opera- [BIDS]; inf Bi-di; tion is interrupted or not, will com-  (linkerspoor~ ) distant signal sys- plete their trips without excessive tem; delays  (overspannings~ ) overvoltage beugel zie pantograaf protection; beurt zie onderhoudsbeurt  (relais~ ) relay interlocking [RI]; beveiligd controlled  (werkplek~ ) engineer’s occupa- beveiligd links zie linkerspoorbevei- tion safety; site safety liging beveiligingsniveau system safety beveiligd secundair spoor con- supervision level trolled siding; form a siding which is beveiligingssysteem (railway) safe- governed by signals under the con- ty system; signalling system; trol of a rail traffic controller, signaller  (baanvak ~ ) block signal system or operator beveiligingstechniek safety engi- beveiligen to secure; to protect; to neering safeguard bevelpost van rangeerterrein yard beveiliging safety and security; con- control office; yard office trol; signalling; Am signaling; bevelvoerder van de brandweer die sporen zitten in de ~ those zie brandweercommandant tracks are controlled / those tracks bevoegd competent; authorized; are signaled; certificated; entitled;  (aardsluitings~ ) protection a-  (de ~e instanties) the appropriate gainst accidental earthing; authorities  (automatische ~ van de treinen- bevoegdheid competence; power loop) automatic protection of train bevoegdverklaring licence running; bevoorrading procurement; supply  (baanvak~ ) interlocking [IXL]; bevoorradingsvervoer supply route interlocking; transport  (bovenleiding~ bij stroomloze bevrachten to charter bruggen) auto dropper; pan catcher; bevrachting cargo; load; freight; af-  (computergestuurde ~ ) Computer freightment Based Interlocking [CBI]; bevrachtingsovereenkomst con-  (dubbel/enkelspoor~ ) Bi-Direc- tract of affreightment tional Signalling [BIDS]; reversible bevrijdingsapparatuur (hydraulic) working; reversible line; two-way rescue tools, including cutters, working; either direction working; spreaders, door busters and rams; form a section of track signalled for inf Jaws of Life™ Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 32 bewaakte overweg zie spoorweg- bij falen veilig zie faalveilig overgang bijplaatsen zie combineren beweegbaar puntstuk bijslijpen grinding; re-grinding;  ( ~ van meerdelig wissel) moving  ( ~ van spoorstaven) dressing of nose; swingnose; form moveable rails point frog bijsturing bewijs van goedkeuring approval  (B~ Materieel en Personeel) certificate Transport Control [TC] Bewijs van Toegang tot Spoor- bijtende stoffen corrosive agents wegterreinen bijwagen  (BvT) Access Permit [AP]; Track  ( ~ van tram) trailer Visitor Permit [TVP]; form admission coach pass to railway premises; ± yard ad- bijzetten van een wagen zie aan- mission pass; ± railway identity card; koppelen ± authority card bijzonder vervoer exceptional con- bezet binnenkomen signment; exceptional transport; spe-  ( ~ met geel knipper) double doc- cial consignment; Br exceptional king; load [EXLO] with speed or route res-  (ophefbare richtingsuitsluiting die trictions; form a load with a size, ~ mogelijk maakt) nose to nose loc- weight or preparation entailing spe- king cial difficulties regarding the facilities bezet spoor occupied [OCC] track; or equipment of the railway systems occupied line; occupied section; to be used Train on Line [TOL] bindtouw lashing rope; lashing; form bezetspoorlampje block occupancy rope for securing wagon loads indication; track occupancy light; binnenkomen ‘track in use’ signal; reminder appli-  ( ~ van trein) to arrive; ance; track indicator; form device to de vertraagde internationale trein uit alert signallers that sections of tracks Brussel is zojuist binnengekomen op are occupied by trains spoor 5 the delayed international bezetspoormelding block occupan- train from Brussels has just arrived cy indication; ‘track in use’ signal; at platform five  (ten onrechte ~ ) Shows Occupied binnenkomst When Clear [SOWC]  ( ~ van een trein op een station) bezetspoorsignalering zie bezet- arrival; form entry of a train into a spoorlampje station bezettingsdichtheid occupation binnenlands vervoer inland trans- density port bezettingsgraad binnenlandse reis domestic voyage  ( ~ van reizigerstreinen) seat-load binnennemen van een trein to ac- factor; passenger load factor; load cept a train; to allow a train to enter; factor; occupancy; form traffic carried to bring a train into a station; to admit by passenger trains; form seat occu- a train into a station; pancy coefficient  (het binnennemen van treinen) re- biel, biels zie dwarsliggers ception of trains bielslegmachine tie placer Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 33 binnenseinen van een trein advice  (rem~ ) brake lining; of train arrival; form to report the arri-  (rood ~je op overzichtsscherm val of a train in its entirety van treindienstleider) detector bar; binnenvuur  (spoorsectie~ ) section blocking;  (in stoomlocomotief) furnace;  (stoot~ ) zie stootjuk;  (gegolfd ~ , zoals in stoomloco-  (stop~ ) carstop; stop block; rail- motieven met een Lentz-ketel) corru- stop; supporting block; wagon stop gated furnace block; wheel chock; wheel stop; bladeren op het spoor leaf fall / leaf  (stopontspoor~ ) scotch block; debris on the track; Br Leaves on the derailing device; ± derailing block; ± Line [LOTL]; form a situation where stop block; derailer; derailing stop; the normal level of adhesion bet- Am ; Am wheel crowder; Am inf ween rail and wheel has been re- toad; duced by contamination with fallen  (telefonisch ~ ) telephone block leaves blokafstand clearance distance; bladveer laminated spring; leaf block interval; form length of a block spring; clamping spring section; blauwe lamp de volgende trein kan op ~ achter die  (stopplaatssein) ± Position Light goederentrein aan the next train may Signal [PLS]; ± approach light; ± Br follow that freight train at clearance inf creeper; ± Br inf cat’s eyes distance blauwe walm blokbesturingssysteem moving  ( ~ van dieseltrein) clag block system; form an automatic blazer train control system permitting trains  ( ~ van stoomlocomotief) blower to be spaced on a track according to bliksemafleider lightning arrester; relative speed and train location  ( ~ voor de bovenleiding) zie sou- blokkering line-blocked; form a lé block interlocking which prevents the blikseminslag stroke of lightning release of a section entry signal, until bloemenstalletje ‘line clear’ has been given by the for-  ( ~ op station) florist’s; flower shop ward signal box; blok  (weg~ ) road block  (automatisch ~ ) automatic block blokmelder block repeater (with track circuits); fixed block; blokpost signal cabin; ;  (begin van het ~ ) entry to a block block signal box; form intermediate section; train distancing point;  ( ~ met assentellers) axle-counter  (achterliggende ~ ) block post in [AXC] permissive block; rear; inf rear box;  ( ~ op de vrije baan) section  ( ~ aan het eind van een blok- block; block section; reeks) end block station;  (het ~ is veilig) the section is  ( ~ met assenteller) block signal clear; box with axle counter;  (kraanfundatie~ ) crane base;  (tussen~ ) intermediate block crane foundation block; post;  (permissief ~ ) fixed block; per-  (voorliggende ~ ) block post in missive block (with track circuits); advance; inf forward box Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 34 blokstelsel block system; block;  (registrerend ~ ) recording block  (absoluut ~ ) absolute block [AB]; instrument; absolute block system [ABS]; abso-  (seinhuis met ~ ) manual signal lute block signalling [ABS]; box  (absoluut permissief ~ ) absolute blokverband van seinen block pro- permissive block [APB]; ving; form a block interlocking which  (automatisch ~ ) automatic block prevents the sending of a ‘section (system); absolute permissive block clear’ indication for a train to the rear signal system; automatic section; Am box, until the signals covering the Automatic Block Signaling [ABS]; block section entered by the train  (automatisch ~ met lichtseinen) have been replaced to danger and automatic colour-light block; locked in this position  (automatisch ~ met lichtseinen blokvrij waarbij de seinen worden ontstoken  (stop wegens wachten op “ ~ ”) bij nadering van een trein) approach- stop to maintain block distance lighted colour-light automatic block; blokwachter block post keeper  ( ~ met assentellers) axle-counter blusmiddelen zie brandblusmidde- [AXC] permissive block (system); len  ( ~ met gecodeerde stromen) co- blusstof extinguishing agent ded current block section; blusvloeistof fire extinguishant  ( ~ met medewerking van de trein) bocht lock and block;  ( ~ in spoorbaan) zie boog  ( ~ met seinen niet onder blok- bochtige spoorlijn winding line verband) non-interlocked block; tele- bochtwissel curve points; form phone block; points located in a track curve  ( ~ met seinen onder blokver- boemeltreintje zie stoptrein band) interlocked block; line clear boerenoverpad zie landelijk over- release; pad  (gesloten ~ ) permissive block boete penalty fare; fine; form a fare (system); to be paid by passengers who travel  (gesloten ~ met geïsoleerd spoor) without a valid ticket, or beyond the track-circuit permissive block (sys- stations covered by their tickets tem); bollenwagen  (handbediend ~ ) manual block;  (silowagen voor poedervormige  (koppeling met het ~ ) block signal stoffen) silo wagon for the convey- interlocking; interlocking with the ance of traffic in powder form block system; bom bomb;  (permissief ~ ) automatic block  (niet-gesprongen ~ ) unexploded system; permissive block; absolute ordnance [UXO] permissive block signal system bomdemontage bomb disposal [APB] bomdemonteerploeg bomb squad; bloktoestel block equipment; block Bomb Disposal Squad; Bomb Dis- instrument; block apparatus; manual posal Team; Ordnance Disposal Unit switchbox; form power signal box bommelding, bom-melding bomb with individual levers; alert; bomb scare; bomb warning  (hendels van ~ ) rotary levers; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 35

B-onderzoek regional level railway Warning Board [AWB] for level cros- safety incident investigation sings; boog  ( ~ “bijzonder gevaarpunt”) war-  (begin van ~ in een wissel) star- ning indicator [WI]; Br inf Morpeth ting point of curved portion of a Board; switch;  ( ~ langs de spoorbaan) lineside  (bocht in spoorbaan) curve; sign; curved track;  ( ~ “omschakelen spanning”) war-  ( ~ in wissel) curved portion of a ning sign of traction system change- switch; over;  ( ~ met contrarail) checked curve;  ( ~ “stroomafnemers neerlaten”) form a length of curved track fitted sign to lower pantographs; with a continuous check rail;  ( ~ “stroomafnemers omhoog”)  (een ~ met baanvaksnelheid berij- sign to raise pantographs; den) to take a curve at speed;  ( ~ voor spoorvoertuigen met  (wissel~ ) switch radius; stroomafnemers) sign related to  (wissel in een ~ ) switch and cros- electrification; sing work with main line curved  (cijfer~ ) (blauw stopbord op per- boogbrug arched bridge; arch ron met wit nummer dat het aantal bridge bakken van de trein aangeeft) stop boogstraal radius of a curve board; Br Car Stop; form a board in- boordcomputer on-board computer dicating where the train should stop; bord  (E-~ , Einde tijdelijke snelheids-  (A-~ , Aanvang tijdelijke snel- beperking) T-board, marking the ter- heidsbeperking) C-board, marking mination of a temporary speed res- the commencement of a temporary triction; termination board; termina- speed restriction; commencement tion indicator; form a lineside sign in- board; speed-restriction warning dicating the end of a temporary signal; warning to slow down; speed restriction;  (afsluit~ ) fixed stop signal; Am  (fluit~ ) Br whistle board (“Sound end-of-track stop sign; ± dead signal; Whistle”) [SW]; form a sign at the  (ATB-~ ; ATB-baansein) sign rela- trackside warning that a whistle ted to ; sign related to should be sounded; Am whistling Automatic Warning System; AWS post; sign;  (grens~ of afsluit~ bij werkzaam-  (ATB-inschakel~ ) ‘Commence- heden) Possession Limit Board ment of Cab Signalling’ sign; [PLB];  (ATB-naderings~ ) Warning of  (kanaalomschakel~ voor de Tele- commencement of Cab Signalling; rail) Br Cab Secure Radio Channel  (ATB-uitschakel~ ) ‘Termination of sign; Br CSR Channel sign; form a Cab Signalling’ sign; lineside sign telling the driver to  (baanvaksnelheids~ ) line speed change the channel on their Cab sign (meaning “resume line speed”); Secure Radio [CSR] to the number ± acceleration sign; shown;  ( ~ “aankondiging overweg”) level crossing warning sign; Br Advance Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 36

 (ken~ , zoals kilometerbord of triction; sign related to permissible seinnummerbord) sign related to speed; operations;  (snelheidsverminderings~ ) fixed  (kenteken~ , bijv. bordje “P” aan distant, marking service braking dis- een seinpaal) reference plate; tance from permanent speed restric-  (klap~ , schijfsein) disc signal; tion; warning indicator [WI] for reduc-  (L, A en E-~en) C&T indicators; Br tions of speed; advance warning in- signs related to Temporary Speed dicator [AWI]; Am inf easy sign; Restrictions [TSRs] and Emergency  (stationsnaam~ op perron) station Speed Restrictions [ESRs]; form name totem; Br inf Flying Sausage; illuminated indicators showing the  (stop~ ) dead signal; stop board; ± Commencement and Termination of fixed stop signal; temporary speed limits; working-site  (stop~ met onder~ ) stop board signal; form temporary speed restric- with supplementary sign; tion signs; form speed signal for  (stroomafnemer~ ) pantograph track working sites; Am slow flag; operating signal;  (L-~, Langzaam rijden i.v.m. tijde-  (tijdelijk snelheids~ ) speed indi- lijke snelheidsbeperking) working- cator for temporary speed restriction; site signal, marking service braking  (uitschakel~ elektrische tractie) distance from temporary speed res- dead-section warning signal for elec- triction; Am slow flag; tric traction; neutral section warning  (matrix~ ) matrix sign; indicator;  (onder~ ) supplementary sign;  (verken~ ; nadering van een per-  (opschakel~ ) acceleration sign; ron voor reizigers op remwegaf-  (rangeergrens~ ) limit of shunt stand) sign indicating a passenger signal [LOS]; platform within stopping distance;  (S-~ ; stop~ ) dead signal; stop  (waarschuwings~ ) caution board; board; ± fixed stop signal; Br warning board [WB]; danger  (S-~ met onder~ ) stop board with board supplementary sign; borging safetying  (sein~ ) zie tableau; borgmiddel locking device  (seinnummer~ ) signal identifica- borgpen fuse pin tion plate; form the plate affixed to a borgveer lock ring; snap ring signal bearing the signal number; boring met schroefdraad threaded  (snelheidsaanduidings~ ) speed recess board; speed indicator [SI]; bosbouwspoorweg Br Aust logging  (snelheidsbeperkings~ ) speed railway; Am logging railroad; Am restriction board; fixed distant; Am inf lumber line; Am lumber railroad; Am easy sign; inf logging road  (snelheidsbeperkings~ bij tijdelijke bosrailbaan zie bosbouwspoorweg snelheidsbeperkingen) zie L, A en E- botsing zie aanrijding ~en; botsploeg  (snelheids~ ) speed board; speed  (herstelploeg in werkplaats) indicator [SI], marking the com- breakdown gang; damage group; Am mencement of permanent speed res- inf wreck crew; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 37

 (hersporingsploeg) re-railing  ( ~ met in dwarsrichting schuine gang; Aust Response hangdraden) inclined overhead con- Unit; Am inf wreck crew tact line; curved catenary; bout bolt;  ( ~ met verticale hangdraden)  ( ~ met kop en moer) bolt with vertical overhead contact line; head and nut;  (draagkabel van ~ ) carrying ca-  ( ~ met vierkante kop) square- ble; carrier; Br catenary; Am mes- headed bolt senger wire; bovenbergruimte zie bagagerek  (dwarsdraadophanging van de ~ ) bovenbouw superstructure; cross-wire suspension of the catena-  ( ~ van het spoor) permanent way ry; [PW]; inf P way; inf Per Way; Aust inf  (elektrische trein die onder de ~ perway; inf trackwork; form perma- vandaan is) Br stuck on the dead; nent way supported by the road bed  (hangdraad van ~ ) dropper wire; and consisting of ballast and track- drop wire; auxiliary wire; dropper; work hanger; bovenbouwparameters permanent  (hangdraadklem van ~ ) hanger way parameters; inf P way parame- anchor; ters  (hangklem van ~ ) suspension bovenleiding overhead contact sys- grip; catenary suspension grip; tem [OCS]; Br overhead line equip-  (hoofddraagkabel van ~ ) main ment [OLE, OHLE]; Br overhead carrying cable; Am messenger; equipment [OHE]; overhead line  (hulpdraagkabel van ~ ) auxiliary [OHL]; Aust overhead wiring [OHW]; carrying cable; Am auxiliary messen- overhead wire; Am catenary (sys- ger; tem); overhead contact wire system;  (leidingonderbreker van ~ ) sec- Overhead Catenary System [OCS]; tion insulator; overhead contact line; overhead  (losse hangdraad van ~ ) loose catenary distribution system [OCDS]; hanger; compound catenary; aerial contact  (naar beneden trekken van de ~ , (line); Br inf knitting; bijv. door pantograaf van trein) bring-  (aarden van ~ ) earthing the cate- ing down overhead lines; nary; to provide an earth; de ~ is naar beneden gekomen the  (afspaninrichting van ~ ) tension- overhead lines have been brought ing pulley; balance weight anchor down; [BWA]; section support; inf block and  (naspaninrichting van ~ ) stretch- tackle; ing device; wire stretcher; contact  (afspanning van ~ ) line tension- line stretcher; ing; staying of contact lines;  (overbruggingsleiding van ~ ) by-  (afstandhouder van ~ ; pijp of pass feeder (of contact line); bridging draad voor zijwaartse aftrek van feeder; rijdraad) brace; contact line brace;  (rijdraad van ~ ) contact wire  (ankerklem van ~ ) midpoint an- [CW]; traction wire; conductor wire; chor [MPA]; OHLE cable (overhead line equip-  ( ~ met draagkabel in kettinglijn) ment cable); catenary; overhead contact line; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 38

 (rijdraad van ~ bij trambaan) trol- bovenleidingwissel overhead ley wire; switching device  (spanningloze ~ ) dead overhead boven straatniveau above grade; wire; suspended; above the ground sur-  (spoor met ~ ) electrified line; face  (verbindingsklem van rijdraad) BP zie buiten profiel splice fitting; contact wire clamp; BP-regeling zie vervoersregeling contact wire connector; brancard stretcher  (voedingsklem van ~ ) contact line brandalarm fire alarm feeder clamp; brandbaar inflammable; flammable  (zachte dwarsdraadophanging brandbare goederen inflammable van de ~ ) flexible ; form flexi- goods ble cross-span suspension; head brandbare stoffen flammable span of the contact line; agents  (zijwaartse aftrek van rijdraad) brandbestendig fire resistant brace; contact line brace; registration brandbestrijding fire fighting arm brandbestrijdingsmiddelen zie bovenleidingbeveiliging brandblusmiddelen  ( ~ bij stroomloze bruggen) auto brandblusapparaat fire-extinguisher dropper; pan catcher brandblusinstallatie fire extin- bovenleidinggroep catenary sec- guishing system tion; brandblusmiddelen fire-fighting  (spanningloze ~ ) dead catenary appliances; fire-fighting equipment section; segment of dead catenary brandblusser zie brandblusappa- bovenleidingmast catenary pole; raat catenary support branddetector fire detector element bovenleidingmontagewagen zie branddeur hefbordeswagen  (brandbestendige deur) fire(proof) bovenleidingportaal arched cate- door; nary support; portal catenary sup-  (nooddeur) emergency door; fire port; gantry support for catenary; exit  ( ~ voor enkelspoor) Single Track brandgevaar danger of fire Cantilever [STC]; brandgevaarlijk fire dangerous;  ( ~ voor dubbelspoor) Twin Track flammable Cantilever [TTC]; brandkraan fire hydrant; inf fire  (groot ~ voor drie of meer sporen cock; inf fire plug naast elkaar) catenary wire bridge brandlucht burning smell; smell of bovenleiding-schakelschema cate- burning; inf fire-stink nary connection scheme; circuit dia- brandmelder fire alarm; fire detec- gram tor; automatic fire detection [AFD] bovenleidingsspanning traction brandoefening fire drill current brandpreventie fire prevention bovenleidingssysteem overhead brandslang fire hose; hose pipe contact wire system; catenary sys- brandstof fuel; Am inf motion lotion; tem Am inf diesel juice brandstofmeter fuel gauge indicator Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 39

brandtrap fire escape than the standard 1,435 mm or 4 ft 1 brandweer Br fire brigade; Am fire 8 /2 inch department [FD]; fire service; breedte width; breadth; op last van de ~ wordt u dringend  (spoor~ ) (railway) gauge verzocht het station direct te verlaten B-relais by order of the fire brigade, you are  (beveiligingsrelais) safety relay requested to leave the station imme- breuk break; diately  ( ~ in de bovenleiding) faulty over- brandweerauto zie brandweerwa- head wire; broken overhead wire; gen  ( ~ in een gelaste verbinding) brandweercommandant fire chief weld breakage; weld failure; form Brandweer Inzetprocedure Rail welded-joint breakage; ± Br fire brigade procedures for rail-  ( ~factor) ultimate factor; way emergencies (in the Manual of  (brosheids~ , bijv. van spoorstaaf; Firemanship); brosse rail~ ) brittle fracture; de Officier van Dienst bepaalt of de  (draad~ ) wire-breakage; treindienst stilgelegd moet worden  (koppelings~ ) breakage of coup- en of de spanning van de bovenlei- ling; breaking of coupling; ding moet the officer-in-charge must  (lasplaat~ ) breakage of fish plate; consider whether to ask for trains to  (neiging tot ~ , begin van ~ ) ten- be stopped and the current cut off; dency to fracture; de hulpdiensten gaan pas het spoor  (spoorstaaf~ ) rail break; breaking in wanneer zeker is dat de bovenlei- of rail; rupture of rail; rail failure; rail ding spanningloos is en er geen defect; rail flaw treinbewegingen meer zijn none of bromwissel motor points operated the emergency services will go onto on site; Br inf hurdy gurdy the track until it is confirmed that the bron-en-bestemmingsonderzoek current is off and that all train move- origin-destination traffic survey [O&D ments have been stopped; survey]; origin and destination study alle brandweerlieden moeten er van- Brotan-ketel uit gaan dat het treinverkeer gewoon  ( ~ op stoomlocomotief) Brotan doorgaat en dat de bovenleiding on- fire-tube boiler; form cylindrical fire- der spanning staat totdat er absolute tube boiler with a water-tube firebox zekerheid is dat de gevraagde veilig- brug bridge; heidsmaatregelen getroffen zijn all  (betonnen ~ ) concrete bridge; firefighters should assume that trains  (beweegbare ~ ) movable bridge; are running normally with current on  (boog~ ) arched bridge; arch until there is definite confirmation bridge; that the safety measures requested  ( ~ met gerberliggers) cantilever have been taken bridge; brandweerwagen fire engine; fire  (draai~ ) swing bridge; turning truck bridge; form bridge with swing deck; brandwerend fire resistant  (dubbele ~ ) double bridge; breedspoor broad gauge; Am wide  (hang~ ) suspension bridge; gauge; form any wider  (hef~ ) lift bridge; aerial lift bridge; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 40

 (hersporings~ ) re-railing bridge; brugjuk bridge trestle; bridge yoke traversing beam; traversing unit; brugkraan bridge crane  (kabel~ ) cable bridge; form an bruglandhoofd bridge abutment overbridge built to carry cables over bruglas a railway;  ( ~ van spoorstaven) rail joint sup-  (kraan~ ) crane bridge; port; bridge joint  (laad~ ) loading bridge; end ramp; brugleuning bridge railing  (locomotiefweeg~ ) axle weigh- brugligger bridge girder bridge; brugonderhoud bridge mainte-  (rechte ~ ) straight bridge; nance;  (rol~ ) locomotive traverser; wa-  (monteur ~ ) certificated bridge gon traverser; transfer table; wagon mechanic; Am inf bridge hog travelling platform; Am car transfer brugopening bridge passage; table; bridge opening  (sein~ ) signal bridge; signal gan- brugpijler bridge pier; bridge pillar try; (signals on) bracket post; Am brugpost bridge control cabin (signal) gallery; brugrails bridge rails  (spoor~ ) Br Aust railway bridge; brugreling bridge railing Am railroad bridge; brugsein bridge signal  (spoorweg~ ) Br Aust railway brugvloer bridge flooring bridge; Am railroad bridge; bruikbaarheidsduur service life;  (spoorwegdraai~ ) railway turning form the length of time during which bridge; railway swing bridge; a train or a system can be operated  (stalen ~ ) steel bridge; before breakdown  (stroomloze ~ ) dewired (railway) bruinkoolbriket brown coal bri- bridge; form railway bridge with an quette; lignite briquette electrical gap; buffer buffer;  (vakwerk~ ) lattice girder bridge;  ( ~ met holle plunjer) plunger buf- truss-bridge; fer;  (verkeers~ ) road bridge; Am  (centrale ~ ) centre buffer; highway bridge;  (evenwichts~ met dwarsveer)  (weeg~ ) weigh-bridge; Am inf compensating buffer with transverse chicken coop spring brugaandrijving bridge drive bufferafstand distance between buf- brugbaan zie brugdek fers brugbalk bridge beam bufferbalk buffer beam brugbeproeving bridge test bufferbalkschoor buffer brace brugbouw bridge construction bufferhoogte height of buffers; brugclassificatie classification of  (verschil in ~ ) different heights of bridges buffing gear brugdek bridge deck bufferhuls buffer guide; buffer case; brugdoorgang cut of bridge buffer box brugfundering bridge foundation bufferkop buffer head bruggenbouw bridge building bufferplaat buffer plate bruggenhoofd abutment; bridge bufferplunjer buffer rod; buffer head shank; buffer spindle; buffer plunger Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 41

bufferpot buffer case; buffer casing  (het ~ zijn van een voertuig) im- bufferring buffer shoe mobilisation of a vehicle; unavailabi- bufferschijf buffer disc; buffer head lity of a vehicle; bufferstand buffer height  (duur van het ~ staan van een lo- bufferstang zie bufferplunjer comotief) period during which a loco- bufferstempel buffer disc; buffer motive is out of service head buitendienststelling bufferveer buffer spring  ( ~ van een spoor bij werkzaam- bufferwagen heden) Engineer’s Occupation (of a  (extra wagen die om veiligheids- track); Possession; Track Posses- redenen tussen loc en trein zit) bar- sion; Engineer’s Possession; taking rier vehicle [BV]; buffer car; barrier out of service; under controlled con- wagon [RBA, RBB, RBV, RBX, RNA, ditions; Br inf Blockage; RNB]; inf buffer; Am form an empty  (het weer in dienst geven / ‘terug- vehicle placed between loco and geven aan de treindienstleider’ van train for safety reasons; Br form any een spoor na een ~ ) to relinquish a vehicle used as a barrier, such as Possession; to hand the line back to the hoppers of sand placed between the signaller; locomotive and wagons conveying  (geplande ~ ) Br confirmed period nuclear waste; possession plan [CPPP]; form a  ( ~ , reizigersmaterieel) dummy planned possession for a specific pe- coach; barrier coach; buffer coach riod for a geographical area or line of buffetrijtuig buffet car; Br buffet route, which has been agreed by all coach [RSB]; Br refreshment car relevant parties; (with buffet section) [RFB]; Br res-  (grote en/of langdurige ~ ; grote taurant/buffet car [RUB]; Br kitchen/ infra-onttrekking door werkzaamhe- buffet car [RKB]; inf restaurant car den) Blockade; buffetwagen zie buffetrijtuig  (tijdens een ~ ) under controlled buienradar weather radar conditions; buigmoment bending moment  (werkzaamheden onder ~ ) works buigspanning bending stress under controlled conditions; works buiten dienst out of service [OOS]; within a possession;  (het ~ hebben van een spoor in Groot-Brittannië zijn er drie soor- t.b.v. werkzaamheden) to manage a ten buitendienststellingen in Great Possession; Britain, Possessions are available in  (het ~ nemen van een spoor t.b.v. three main varieties: werkzaamheden) to take a Posses- - werkplekbeveiligingsklasse Be- sion; heerste Toelating (BT) ± an Occupa-  (het ~ zijn van een spoor t.b.v. tion taken between trains and given werkzaamheden) Engineer’s Occu- up whenever a train needs to run pation (of a track); Possession taken over the affected section (this variety of a track; Absolute Possession; En- is called a T2 or T12 Occupation); gineer’s Possession; inf occupation; - werkplekbeveiligingsklasse Buiten-  (spoor dat ~ is) track(s) in a Pos- dienststelling (BD) ± a Possession session; inf occupation; taken for an agreed period without the facility to run trains in the area Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 42 during that period until the holder of buurtgoederentrein pick-up goods the Possession decides to relinquish train; slow goods train it (this variety is called a T3 Posses- buurtreindienstleider neighbouring sion, Absolute Possession or Engi- rail traffic controller; neighbouring neer’s Possession); signaller - ~ van zijsporen a Possession taken buurtstation branch-line station; inf of Sidings (this variety is called a T4 off-line station Possession) BV zie bijzonder vervoer buiten gebruik out of use [OOU]; B-voorschriften (currently) not in use; Br inf Blocked;  (Voorschriften voor de Bediening  ( ~ zijnd spoor) blocked line; form van wissel- en seininrichtingen, niet- a portion of a line which is temporari- locatiegebonden algemene bedie- ly closed to the passage of trains ningsbeschrijvingen) Operating buiten profiel out of gauge [OOG]; Rules form a term used to describe a load BV-regeling zie vervoersregeling on a rail vehicle which infringes the BVS of the intended route  (Bedien(ings)voorschriften van and whose movement on the railway Beveiligingsinrichtingen van stations, would be subject to special condi- een locatiegebonden aanvulling op tions; de B-voorschriften) Br Sectional Ap-  ( ~ zijn; profieloverschrijding) foul- pendix [SA]; form document descri- ing of the gauge; out of gauge; bing the , lines, speeds,  (lading ~ ) out of gauge load junctions, and signalling types; Br [OOG Load]; form very wide load Signal Box Special Instruction (in- which exceeds the loading gauge; inf structions that may exist in a specific oversize load; signal box, that are only applicable to  (voertuigen ~ ) out of gauge ve- that location and are supplementary hicles [OOG Vehicles] to the Rule Book / Operating Rules); busdienst bus service in Groot-Brittannië bevat de BVS ook bushalte informatie over materieeltoelating, businzet zie vervangende bussen perronlengtes en bijzondere bedien- bussen ; bare infra in Britain, the Sectional  (inzet van ~ bij verstoringen of Appendix also contains information werkzaamheden) substitute bus ser- about the Route Availability [RA] of vice; alternative bus service; replace- stock, platform lengths and ment bus service; Br bustitution; special workings;  (bel~ ) subscription buses; club  ( ~ wijzigingsbladen) ± Br Periodi- buses; cal Operating Notice [PON] (a quar-  (vervangende ~ bij verstoringen of terly publication giving details of alte- werkzaamheden) substitute bus ser- rations to the Rule Book and Sec- vice; alternative bus service; replace- tional Appendices) ment bus service; Br bustitution busstation bus terminal bustaxi minibus; jitney; inf jeepney busvervoer bus transport buurpost adjacent signal box [ASB] Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 43

C pected to traverse a railway line or station during a specified time pe- riod, usually expressed as trains per cabine zie machinistencabine hour cabinekaart Cab Pass [CP]; driver’s capaciteitsaanbod in tonnen ton cab permit; form document allowing offered the holder to travel with the train capaciteitsbeperkte toedeling ca- driver in the driving cab pacity restrained assignment [CRA] cabinesein zie cabinesignaal cascadeschakeling van spoor- cabinesignaal cab signal; form a relais cascade connection; cascade signal within the cab of a locomotive control; form cut-section of track cir- or train giving indications to the cuit driver for the control of his train cataphotesein zie reflecterend sein cabinesignalering cab signal; form ceintuurbaan zie ringbaan signal repetition on the locomotive cementtrein calamiteit  ( ~ waarbij de lading vervoerd  ( ~ op het spoor) major railway ac- wordt in silowagens) cement train; cident; emergency situation; hazard-  ( ~ waarbij de lading vervoerd ous situation; wordt in overdekte onderlossers) als de treindienstleider een onregel- cement hopper train; inf Covhop matigheid met gevaarlijke stoffen cement train; krijgt gemeld, moet dat als een ~ be-  ( ~ waarbij de lading verpakt is in schouwd worden whenever the rail zakken) bagged cement train traffic controller is notified of a ha- Centraal Bureau voor het Interna- zardous materials irregularity, it has tionale Vervoer per Spoorweg to be considered an emergency situ- Central Office for International Rail- ation; way Transport [OCTI] de treinramp bij Harmelen was een ~ centrale bedieningspost centra- waarbij twee treinen frontaal op el- lized control point kaar botsten the Harmelen train dis- centrale deurvergrendeling central aster was a major railway accident door locking [CDL] involving two trains colliding head- centrale schakelpost on;  ( ~ voor elektrische energie) cen- een gaslek langs het spoor is een ~ tral control point (for electric power); waarbij het treinverkeer wordt stilge- switching station; Br electrical control legd a gas leak along the track is a room [ECR]; Am central control post hazardous situation in which train [CCP]; Am tie station traffic is suspended centrale verkeersleiding Centra- calamiteitenorganisatie Emergency lized Traffic Control [CTC]; Am con- Response Organization; Incident solidated control Management certificering certification calamiteitenstaf (rail) (Railway) chef chief; head; Emergency Response Management  ( ~ Seinwezen) Br Director of capaciteit capacity; Signalling & Telecoms Engineering  (mogelijke ~ ) possible capacity; [DoS&TE]; Br Chief Signal & Tele- form the maximum rate of flow at communications Engineer [CS&TE]; which trains can be reasonably ex- Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 44

Br Chief Signal and Telegraph En- circuit gineer [CS&TE];  (stroomkring) circuit;  ( ~ van de trein) train conductor;  ( ~ met gelijkstroom) DC circuit; senior conductor; ± train manager; direct current circuit; form a railway employee who super-  ( ~ met gepolariseerde relais) cir- vises the train crew and collects fare; cuit with polarized relays; Am inf Master of the Cars; Am inf  ( ~ met pulserende spanning) pul- train captain; Am inf swellhead; Am sating current circuit; inf big ox; Am inf skipper;  ( ~ met tweebenige spoorisolatie)  ( ~ van de Dienst van Exploitatie) double-rail current ; Br Chief Traffic Superintendent; Am  ( ~ met voeding via condensator) Traffic Manager; capacity alternating current circuit;  ( ~ van de Dienst van Tractie)  ( ~ voor wisselvastlegging) ground Chief Motive Power Engineer; track point lock;  ( ~ van de Dienst van Weg en  (controle~ ) checking circuit; pro- Werken) Br Infrastructure Mainte- ving circuit; nance Manager [IMM]; Br Chief Civil  (gecodeerd ~ ) coded circuit; Engineer [CCE]; Aust Chief Perma-  (gelijkstroom~ ) DC circuit; direct nent Way Engineer; Am Chief Engi- current circuit; neer Maintenance of Way;  (gesloten televisie~ op stations)  ( ~ van de Onderhoudsdienst) Br closed circuit television; form a local Chief Maintenance Superintendent; television system used for the super- Am Maintenance Manager; vision of traffic movements in sta-  ( ~ van het Rijkstoezicht op de tions; Spoorwegen) Br Chief Inspecting  (hoogfrequent ~ ) overlay track Officer of Railways [CIO], the Head circuit [OTC]; of the Railway Inspectorate;  (niet-kritisch ~ ) nonvital circuit;  (depot~ rollend materieel) shed form any circuit, the function of which foreman; does not directly affect the safety of  (groeps~ ) group manager; Br inf train operations; groupie;  (veiligheids~ ) protective circuit;  (sectie~ van de weg) district per-  (wisselstroom~ ) AC circuit; alter- manent-way inspector; nating current circuit  (stations~ ) station master; Am classificatie classification; Station Agent; Br inf trail boss; Br inf  ( ~ van passagiers) passenger boss man classification cijferbak CMK  ( ~ bij lichtsein) speed control sig-  (Centrale Meldkamer van de nal; speed indicator [SI]; numeral; ± spoorwegpolitie) zie meldkamer theatre-type indicator codegever flasher relay; rocker cijferbord switch; tumbler switch; inf flip-flop  (blauw stopbord op perron met wit cognossement bill of lading; ship- nummer dat het aantal bakken van ping bill de trein aangeeft) stop board; form a combineren board indicating where the train  (koppelen) to couple; form to should stop couple wagons or coaches together; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 45

to couple up; to hook on; to hook up;  (zuiger~ ) piston compressor Am inf to janney; Am inf to make a computerstoring computer failure joint; Am inf to pin; Br inf to ghoul; Br condensator inf to tie on; Am add  ( ~ in relaishuis) capacitor commies toezicht zie perronopzich- condensor ter  ( ~ van stoomlocomotief) conden- compartiment compartment; ser  (tussenschuifdeur in een ~ ) sli- C-onderzoek railway accident inves- ding door in a compartment; tigation; national level railway safety u vindt de treinstelnummers boven incident investigation; de tussenschuifdeuren in uw ~ you ~en zijn meestal uitgevoerd na ern- can find the train unit numbers above stige incidenten waarbij de spoor- the sliding doors in your compart- wegveiligheid in het geding is geko- ment men, zoals na botsingen trein-trein, compensatielas brand in een trein, ontsporingen en  ( ~ voor langgelaste spoorstaven) onregelmatigheden met gevaarlijke stress transition length; expansion stoffen national level railway safety joint; expansion compensating joint; investigations have usually been feathered joint; adjustment switch; carried out after incidents which form expansion device for continu- have seriously jeopardized railway ously welded rails; form overlap or safety, such as into train collisions, scarf joint installed in continuous train fires, and irregula- welded rails [CWR] where these rities with hazardous substances have not been constructed to with- conducteur train conductor; pas- stand the longitudinal forces im- senger train conductor; ticket inspec- posed by changes in rail tempera- tor; ticket collector; Br Revenue Pro- ture; expansion switch; inf breather tection Inspector [RPI]; Br guard; rail- length; inf breather switch; inf breath- way guard; Am conductor; Br inf er; inf Brogden joint gripper; Am inf skipper; Am inf swell- complete lijn uitschakelen emer- head; Am inf big ox; Am inf brains; gency procedure in which all cate- Am inf brass buttons; Am inf cad; Am nary sections are switched off on a inf captain; Am inf train captain; Br given stretch of railway inf Christmas card; Br inf shark; Am compound schakeling compound inf grabber; Am inf con; Am ORC motor configuration (member of the Order of Railroad compressor Conductors); Am inf dinger; Am inf  ( ~ van luchtrem) air (brake) com- dude; Am inf Master of the Cars; Br pressor; Westinghouse™ pump; Br inf ticket snapper; Am inf stick; inf donkey; Am inf windjammer;  (reizigerstrein die zonder ~ rijdt)  (dubbelwerkende ~ ) double-ac- One-Person Operation [OPO]; form ting compressor; a train controlled entirely by its  (enkelzijdige ~ ) single entry com- driver; pressor;  (dienst van ~ ) Br inf on the back;  (lawaai van ~ ) compressor noise; Br inf Dido (an acronym for Day In, Am inf Spin Cycle; Day Out);  (roterende ~ ) rotary compressor; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 46

 (slaapwagen~ ) sleeping-car at-  (afstandhouder tussen ~ en te- tendant genoverliggende spoorstaaf) guard conducteursdienst staff provided to rail tie bar accompany or convoy trains controle control; check; conducteursverblijf  ( ~ op de “onveilige” stand van  ( ~ in trein) guard’s accommoda- een sein) “on” signal proving; tion; Am inf brain cage; Am inf draw-  ( ~ op de “veilige” en “onveilige” ing room stand van een sein) “off” and “on” conflicterende rijwegen conflicting signal proving; routes; incompatible routes; form  ( ~punt) control point; checkpoint; routes that are opposing, converging passing point; or intersecting, over which move-  ( ~ van apparatuur) checking of ments cannot be made simultane- an apparatus); ously without possibility of collision;  ( ~ van de seinverlichting) signal-  (niet-~ ) non-conflicting routes light proving; conflicterende routes zie conflicte-  ( ~ van wisselgrendel) facing point rende rijwegen lock proving; conflicterende treinbewegingen  (douane- en passen~ tijdens de conflicting movements; form any rit) customs and passport formalities movement of two trains that would in transit (on the train); force them to occupy the same sec-  (gedwongen ~ op wisselstand) tion of track; inf conflicting moves absolute control of the switch points; constructie construction  (ingangs~ ) additional ticket in- contactschoen contact shoe; form a spections (on the platforms); bar for collecting current from a con-  (kaart~ door conducteur) ticket in- ductor rail, along which it slides spection; Br inf grip; Am inf to lift; Am container container; freight contai- inf to uplift; Am inf to lift tickets; ner; transport container; form inter-  (gecontroleerd worden door con- modal transport unit [ITU] ducteur) Br inf to be gripped; containerdraagwagen container  (uitgangs~ ) additional ticket in- wagon; container vehicle; container spections (on the platforms); [IEB]; container flat [FFA,  (ultrasoon~ van de spoorstaaf) ul- FGA, FGB]; Br [FEV, FEW]; trasonic checking; form ultrasonic rail  ( ~ die leeg is) empty flat car; Br flaw checking; ultrasonic rail flaw de- empty Conflat; Am inf baretable tection [URFD]; continustopmachine continuous  (wissel~ ) switch position indica- ; continuous action tor; point detector; tamping machine [CAT]  (wisselstand~ ) point detection; contractvervoer subscription ser-  (wissel uit de ~ ) points not in con- vice trol contragewicht controlecircuit checking circuit; pro-  ( ~ van een handwissel) zie wis- ving circuit selkloot controlemeting condition survey contrarail controlepad langs de spoorbaan  (bijv. in bogen) guard rail; check four-foot way; cess side; side rail; Br inf false rail; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 47 controleremming safety control ap- wordt) the appearance of a train on plication; penalty application; form the (train) indicator board; Br inf (the brake application activated by one of train) on the board; the following train safety devices: the wegens een storing aan het informa- overspeed control, the reset safety tiesysteem tonen de treinaanwijzers control [RSC] or the safety control boven de perrons mogelijk foutieve foot valve informatie due to a failure in the in- controleschieter formation system, the indicators a-  ( ~ van een wissel) detector rod bove the platforms may not show controlestang correct information  ( ~ van een wissel) detector blade CTA-bak zie CTA controlestroomkring checking cir- cuit; proving circuit controleur Travelling Ticket Inspec- tor [TTI]; roving inspector; form an official who checks the validity of tic- kets on trains and in paid areas of stations correctie  ( ~ van omroepbericht) correction; hier volgt een ~ (op het vorige be- richt) this is a correction (to the last announcement) coupé compartment; half-compart- ment; coupé;  ( ~ in slaaprijtuig) private compart- ment;  ( ~rijtuig) ;  (stilte~ ; stiltezone in trein) quiet area; Aust Quiet Carriage; inf silent box;  (werk~ ) working area; Br inf office compartment creosoot creosote; kreosote; form an extract of coal tar used to impreg- nate softwood sleepers to slow the onset of fungal decay;  (ketelwagen voor ~ ) creosote tank wagon CTA  (centrale treinaanwijzer) platform indicator; indicator above the plat- form; inf Isolectra™; train describer; train indicator board;  (trein die “in de bakken hangt”, m.a.w. die op de CTA getoond Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 48

D [DDW]; faulty train; Am Br cripple; Am inf cripple train; Am inf Bad Or- der; Br inf Dead; Br inf Do-it-yourself dagelijks forensisme zie woon- kit; Br inf dud; Br demi-condition; Br werkverkeer inf demic; Br inf red carded; Aust inf dagjaargemiddelde average annual (train) in the cactus; Aust inf cactus; daily (rail) traffic; form the total yearly  (formulier voor rapportage van ~ , rail traffic volume divided by the in te vullen door de machinist) Br number of days in the year trouble card dagkaart daily pass defibrillator defibrillator dagmaat clearance; form the dimen- depot sion available for trains on a bridge  ( ~ voor rollend materieel) train dagretour day return fare; day depot; shed; loco shed; running return ticket; inf ordinary return; shed; engine shed; Motive Power  (gereduceerd ~ ) cheap day return Depot [MPD]; fare  (bagage~ ) left-luggage room dagstand depotchef  ( ~ van lichtsein) high light inten-  ( ~ rollend materieel) shed fore- sity (of a colour-light signal); high man signal light intensity derailleerbalk zie stopontspoorblok daluur off-peak; base period; form derailleerspoor derailing track the time of day during which sche- derailleertong zie ontspoortong dules are not influenced by peak-pe- derailleerwissel zie ontspoortong riod demands deraillement zie ontsporing damwand retaining wall; flank wall derailleren zie ontsporen dashboardlampje panel light derde rail de-acceleratie coëfficiënt braking  ( ~ voor stroomvoorziening, bijv. rate; form the negative rate of van de metro) current-collecting rail; change of speed of a train as pro- conductor rail; Conductor Rail Equip- duced solely by the action of its bra- ment [CRE]; current rail; ; king system contact rail; electrified third rail; bot- decentraal regelingssysteem de- tom-contact third rail; Am power rail; centralized control system conduit track; live rail; slot rail; box- decentrale verkeersleider (DVL) beam; traction current rail; inf DC zie verkeersleider rail; inf hot rail; inf positive rail; Br inf decentrale verkeersleiding (DVL) pozzy rail; Br inf juice rail; Br inf neg- zie verkeersleiding gy rail; Br inf neggy; ± ground-level defect power supply;  ( ~ aan spoorbaan) faulty track;  (stroomafname middels ~ ) third- defect track; defective track; rail current collection; form a system  ( ~ aan systeem) failure; whereby power is picked up through  ( ~ aan trein) breakdown a shoe operating downward against defecte trein defective train; a train the top of the current rail breakdown; faulty train; Out of Order detectie zie spoordetectie [OOO]; Aust inf train in the cactus deur door; defect mat(erieel) defective train; Defective, Damaged or Worn vehicle Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 49

de ~en niet openen voordat de trein  (verbindings~ ) communicating stilstaat do not open the doors be- door; fore the train stops;  (vleugel~ of tweevleugelige ~ )  (brandbestendige ~ ) fireproof swing door; double door; two-leaved door; fire door; door;  (brand- of nood~ ) emergency  (vlucht~ ) emergency door; fire door; fire exit; exit;  ( ~ tussen machinistencabine en  (vouw~ van rijtuig) articulated treinbalkon) inf J-door; door; folding door  (dubbele vouw ~en in rijtuigen) deurenmalheur twin articulated doors;  (deurproblemen bij reizigerstrein)  (duw~ ) push door; air doors not closing properly; Br inf  (instap~ van rijtuig of treinstel) en- sticky doors try door; entrance door; deurvergrendeling door locking  (klap~en, zoals in getrokken ma- system; terieel en in veel Duitse rijtuigen)  (centrale ~ ) central door locking slam doors; inf Pintsch™ slam [CDL] doors; dienst  (kopwand~ in rijtuig) end door;  (te verrichten ~ ) duty;  (lamp ~en dicht) closed doors in-  (in actieve ~ ) on active duty; dicator [CDI, CD]; Br Right Away In-  ( ~ op de eerste trein van de dag; dicator [RAI]; pilot light; bij aanvang reizigersdienst) duty co-  (noodbediening ~en) door valves vering first train of the traffic day; Br [DV]; dead early;  (nood~ ) emergency door; fire  ( ~ op de laatste trein van de reizi- exit; gersdienst) duty covering last train of  (ontgrendelen van de ~en van rei- the traffic day; Br dead late zigerstrein) Br to open up (train dienstbeschrijving zie dienstrooster doors); dienstdoend  (pneumatische ~en) air doors;  ( ~e beambte) official in charge  (pneumatische ~en bij DD-AR en dienstindeling rostering of staff; ar- mDDM) (bi-parting) plug doors; rangement of shifts; duty rostering  (rijtuig~ ) carriage door; dienstjaren years of service  (schuif~en, zoals bij Mat ’54) sli- dienstkaartje ding doors; centre opening doors; bi-  ( ~ van machinist) (driver’s) duty parting doors; plug doors; sheet; Br diagram; form the itinerary  (schuif~en, zoals in veel metro- of a particular driver treinen) sliding pocket doors; dienstmededeling staff announce-  (tussenschuif~ in een comparti- ment; service announcement ment) sliding door in a compartment; dienstovergave handing over of du- u vindt de treinstelnummers boven ty de tussenschuif~en in uw comparti- dienstovergaveboek Occurrence ment you can find the train unit Book; form a book used by signallers numbers above the sliding doors in to record any occurrences that may your compartment; have happened during their shift; ± Br Train Register (the book in which Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 50

a signaller records movements of dienstregelingsplanning schedule trains, details of disconnections, pos- adherence sessions and other irregularities) dienstregelingssnelheid scheduled dienstoverpad barrow crossing speed; normal running speed dienstpad service path; service dienstreis duty tour; official journey road; dienstrooster duty sheet; time  (controlepad / schouwpad langs sheet; roster; duty roster; rota; de spoorbaan) four-foot way; cess  (grafisch ~ ) staff roster side; cess; side path dienstruimte service space dienstregeling public timetable; Am dienstvaardig schedule; Br timetable [TT]; Br inf  (materieel dat klaar is om te rij- The Book; den; rijvaardig) in working order; in in verband met extreme weersom- running order; workable standigheden rijden de treinen niet dienstvoorschriften standing or- volgens ~ due to exceptional ders; standing instructions weather conditions, trains cannot run diepladerwagen according (to) the timetable;  ( ~ voor zwaar vervoer) low-floor  (afwijking ~ ) bunching; platoon- wagon (for carrying heavy machine- ing; ry); well wagon; bogie well wagon  (buiten zijn ~ rijdende trein) train [IDB]; Br Lowmac [XLO, XLP, XLQ, not running to time; Br out of course XLV] train; Am out of schedule train; out of diesel-elektrische loc(omotief) schedule running; diesel-electric loco(motive)  (dynamische ~ ) dynamic schedu- diesel-elektrisch treinstel diesel- ling; form the process of modifying [DEMU] train routes and/or schedules to diesel-hydraulische loc(omotief) accommodate service requests as diesel-hydraulic loco(motive); Br inf they occur; oil slosher  (trein met krappe ~ ) train with a dieselisatie tight timing; train with strict running  (het overgaan op dieseltractie; schedule; verdieseling van de spoorwegen)  (zich niet houden aan de ~ ) non- of the railways observance of the timetable diesellocomotief ; dienstregelingsbiljetten zie vertrek- Br inf tractor; Br inf paraffin burner; staten Br inf growler; Br inf cronk; Br inf dienstregelingspad train path; gronk; Br inf egg timer;  (foutief ~ ; foutief in het plan inge-  ( ~ met de cabine in het midden) legde trein) off sheet; center cab diesel locomotive;  (nieuw ~ voor bestaande trein; op-  ( ~ met één cabine) single-cab nieuw ingelegde trein) off the book; diesel locomotive; form train (service) running out of  ( ~ met één cabine, waarbij de timetable order; motorruimte smaller is dan de cabi-  (opnieuw inleggen van een ~ voor ne, zoals de locserie 6400) Am hood een bestaande trein in het plan) for- unit; form diesel locomotive with a cing a path body that is less than full-width, ex- Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 51 cept for the cab, with walkways on  (starten van een ~ ) starting up of the outside of the locomotive; a diesel engine; cranking of a diesel  ( ~ met één cabine, zoals de loc- engine; serie 2200) Am with wide  (tweetakt ~ ) two-stroke (cycle) cab; diesel engine;  ( ~ met één cabine, zoals de loc-  (viertakt ~ ) four-stroke (cycle) serie 2400) Am hood unit with set- diesel engine back cab (with a high long hood on dieselspoor zie niet-geëlektrificeerd the front side of the cab and a high spoor short hood on the rear); dieseltractie diesel traction;  ( ~ met hydromechanische over- de spoorwegen waren overgescha- brenging) diesel hydro-mechanical keld op ~ the railways had changed locomotive; over to diesel traction / the railways  ( ~ met turbine-aandrijving) turbo- had become dieselled diesel locomotive; dieseltreinstel  ( ~ met twee cabines) ; [DMU]; Br inf bog unit; Br inf bog Am ; standard; Br inf boggo; Br inf bug  ( ~ voor werktrein) ballast engine; unit; engineer’s loco;  ( ~ dat erg vuil is of stinkt) Br inf  (lawaaiige ~ ) noisy diesel loco- cart motive; Br inf hellfire; dikte-afwijking  (trein met drie diesellocs ervoor)  ( ~ in bovenleiding of spoorstaaf) train hauled by three diesel locomo- thickness variation tives; Am inf three-bagger; Directoraat-Generaal Goederen-  (veel olie verbruikende ~ ) inf oil- vervoer guzzler; inf Abadan (naam afgeleid  (DGG) Directorate-General for van de Iraanse oliehaven) diesel-mechanisch diesel mechani- dispatcher cal [DM]  ( ~ op rangeerterrein) zie rangeer- diesel-mechanisch treinstel diesel dienstleider mechanical multiple unit [DMMU] dodelijk letsel fatal injury dieselmotor diesel engine; dodeman zie dodemansknop;  ( ~ gemonteerd op het draaistel)  (voetknop van ~ ) dead man’s conventional bogie motor; pedal; Driver’s Safety Device foot  ( ~ ingebouwd in de rijtuigbak) plate; DSD foot plate; safety control conventional motor fitted in the rail- foot valve; Am safety control foot car body; pedal  ( ~ met drukvulling) turbo-charged dodemansknop deadman’s handle; diesel engine; pressure charged die- deadman’s button; deadman’s sel engine; supercharger motor; switch; deadman’s control; vigilance  ( ~ met voorkamer) indirect injec- device; vigilance control; acknow- tion diesel engine; ledgement button; safety control  (ondervloer ~ voor treinstellen) valve; form Driver’s Safety Device underfloor diesel engine for ; [DSD], ensuring that the train stops if the driver collapses; Driver Vigilance Device [DVD]; Driver Vigilance Sys- Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 52 tem [DVS]; Vigilance System [VS]; doorseinen to report that a train has Am form acknowledging lever (to passed through; form to report that a acknowledge that the train driver has train has passed a specific point observed a restrictive signal); form a doorslaan van drijfwielen slipping safety device that requires continu- of driving wheels; skidding of driving ous pressure or movement to remain wheels activated, used to detect the inatten- doorwisselen Br to divert a train; tion or disability of a train driver and Am to switch over a train; to cross to automatically stop the train if that over; to turn out is the case; inf Deadman doorzetten doodlopend spoor dead-end line;  (het ~ bij rangeren) continuous dead-end track; stub track; terminal throwing track; spur track dop doodlopend zijspoor blind track;  (op tableau van de treindienstlei- dead-end siding; der, om een infra-element ‘af te dop-  (niet-~ ) through siding [TS] pen’ ofwel te verhinderen voor bedie- dood spoor blind track; dead-end ning) Br reminder appliance; lever siding collar; inf collar; form a device used doorgaande treinkabel train line; by a signaller to remind him/her that form cable to maintain electrical a particular lever, switch or button continuity between all coaches of a must not be operated, often because train that device is protecting an Engi- doorgaand rijtuig through carriage; neer’s Possession through coach douanekantoor customs facilities doorgaand spoor through-line draadbreuk wire-breakage; doorgang met vouwbalgen (inter-  (controleapparaat voor ~ ) wire- communicating) bellows gangway breakage lock; broken wire locking doorkomsttijd (intermediate) pas- device sing time draagas carrying axle doorloopkop draagkabel  ( ~ van IC3) driver’s cab mounted  ( ~ van bovenleiding) carrying above a through gangway cable; carrier; Br catenary; Am mes- doorrijden senger wire; Am messenger cable  (een trein laten ~ ) to pass a train draaischijf through  ( ~ bij locomotiefdepot) loco door rood zie STS turntable; Am inf merry-go-round; Br doorschieten inf launching pad;  (het per ongeluk voorbijrijden van  (wagen~ ) wagon turntable een stoptonend sein) to overrun a draaistel Br bogie; Am truck; signal (at danger); to ignore a signal ~len kunnen onderverdeeld worden at danger; form to pass a signal in in loopdraaistellen (zonder aange- the stop position; to run past a stop dreven assen) en motordraaistellen signal; Br inf to hit a stick; Am inf to (met één of meer aangedreven as- run a board sen) can be categorized in trailer bogies (without driven axles) Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 53 and motor bogies (with one or more the railway crane, in order to carry driven axles); most of the weight of the crane  (achterste ~ ) rear bogie; during its transport; Br inf Stokes  (Amerikaans ~ , zoals bij de loc- bogie; serie 2200) Pennsylvania bogie;  (Jakobs-~ ) Jakobs bogie; Ja- form a bogie with a cast steel frame kobs-type bogie; form a bogie placed resting on swan neck beams con- between two carbody sections; form necting the axles; a type of rail vehicle bogie commonly  (asafstand van een ~ ) bogie found on articulated railcars, , pitch; wheel-base of a bogie; and the LINT, TGV and  (bestuurbaar ~ ) steerable bogie; trains; form a bogie with steered axlesets  (loop~ ) trailer bogie; carrying which improve ride comfort, and de- bogie; crease noise, wear, and tractive re-  (meeloop~ ) trailing bogie; sistance;  (motor~ ) motor bogie; Am power  ( ~ met geperst frame) pressed- truck; steel bogie;  (rijtuig op ~len) bogie coach;  ( ~ met kokerbalkframe) bogie  (Schlieren-~ ) Schlieren bogie; with dished frame;  (tijdelijk ~ dat gebruikt wordt in  ( ~ met stavenframe) bar frame werkplaatsen) accommodation bo- bogie; gie;  ( ~ voor goederenwagens) freight  (twee-assig ~ ) two-axle bogie; car bogie; freight car truck; Am inf  (tweede ~ ) second bogie; Bettendorf (bogie);  (tweede ~ ofwel volg~ ) trailing  (dragend ~ ) unpowered bogie; bogie; form a bogie without propulsion mo-  (verwisselbare ~len) - tors; able bogies;  (drie-assig ~ ) three-axle bogie;  (vooroplopend ~ van locomotief)  (drijf~ bij dieseltractie) motor leading bogie of a locomotive; Am truck; leading truck;  (gemotoriseerd ~ ) motored bogie;  (voorste ~ ) leading bogie; form a bogie operated by an electric  (wagen op ~len) bogie wagon motor, which is connected to the [BAA, BAB, BBA]; Am truck car; axles by means of gears, used under  (zwanehalsdrager van ~ ) longitu- rail motor cars and (diesel-)electric dinal suspension beam; swan-neck ; bearer  (hartlijn van het ~ ) centre line of draaistelbevestiging bolster beam; the bogie; bolster; truck bolster; bogie bolster  (hoekuitslag of hoekverdraaiing draaistelframe bogie frame van het ~ ) (angular) displacement of draaistelverankeringen bogie sus- bogie; clearance of the bogie; Am pensions (to be used for bogies truck swing; which are not firmly attached to the  (hulp~ , voor spoorwegkranen) vehicle after an accident) relieving bogie [RB]; weight-relieving draaistroom bogie; form one of several bogies  (driefasenwisselstroom) three- which are coupled to both ends of phase current; rotary current Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 54

draaistroomlocomotief rotary-cur-  ( ~ die twee of meer wielen met rent locomotive elkaar verbindt) jackshaft; form an in- drainageniveau drainage level termediate shaft between the driving draineergreppel wheels of a locomotive;  ( ~ langs het spoor) rubble drain;  ( ~ van stoom- of dieselloc) coup- drain; ditch; trench ling rod; exterior rod; Am side rod; draisine  ( ~ specifiek van stoomloc) con-  ( ~ zonder motor) push-car; truck necting rod; trolley; platelayer’s trolley; form rail  ( ~ specifiek van dieselloc) Am trolley without a motor; form track car galloping rod without a motor; drijfstangenstelsel rodding; loco-  (gemotoriseerde ~ ; motorlorrie) motive rodding track motor car; powered rail trolley; druk motorized inspection trolley; draisine;  ( ~ bijv. in remsysteem) pressure track inspection trolley; Am railroad drukknoptoestel inspection car; Am gang car; inf  ( ~ voor rijweginstelling) signal Skate; Am inf trackcar; Am inf box with key routing; signal box with speeder; Am inf putt-putt; inf Trak- push-button routing; push-button sig- rat™; Am inf golf cart; Am inf Buda™ nal box; push-button signalling appa- Car; Am Aust inf Geismar™ Motor ratus; Power Signal Box [PSB]; inf Car; Power Box  (met de hand voortbewogen ~ ) drukmeter pressure gauge; mano- push-car; form hand-propelled rail meter trolley; inf manumotive; drukregelaar governor; pressure  ( ~ met pompmechanisme; pomp- regulator lorrie) pump truck; pump trolley Drummond-ketel driefasenmotor three-phase alter-  ( ~ op stoomlocomotief) Drum- nating current motor mond boiler; form boiler with cross driehoeken van een trein to turn water tubes in the firebox round a train; dubbeldekker zie dubbeldeksmate-  (keerdriehoek voor het ~ ) rieel (afgeleid van de letter Y); Br triangle dubbeldeksmaterieel Br Double driestandssein Aust Br two-block Deck (passenger coach); Am Bi- indicator; Am three-block indicator Level (car); form passenger train driestandsseingeving Aust Br two- with two levels of seating block indication; Am three-block dubbele bezetting indication  (dubbele bemanning) double crew drievoudige locomotief triple loco- dubbele dienst double shift (sixteen motive; form three coupled locomo- hours of duty); Br inf double bubble tives used for hump service in shun- dubbele expansielocomotief com- ting yards pound steam locomotive; form steam drijfas driving axle; drive shaft; input locomotive in which the high pres- drive shaft; sure stage is attached to the boiler  (stoomlocomotief met één ~ ) frame, with a low pressure engine in single-driver front of this on its own frame, taking drijfstang main rod; driving rod; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 55

the exhaust from the rear engine; inf  (seinbeeld bij de NMBS) double Mallet locomotive yellow, meaning “be prepared to stop dubbele las at the next signal”  ( ~ tussen spoorsecties) double dubbel geel knipper rail-joint  (seinbeeld bij de NMBS) double dubbele motorwagen form two yellow flashing, meaning “be pre- semi-permanently coupled rail cars pared to stop at the next signal” (sig- that share a motor and must there- nal at right-hand side of right-hand fore be operated as ; inf mar- track for trains routed along that ried pair track in the contraflow direction) dubbel/enkelspoor(beveiliging) re- dubbel geel met cijfer 4 versible working; reversible line; two-  (seinbeeld bij de NMBS) double way working; either direction work- yellow with speed indicator, meaning ing; form double tracks signalled for “proceed at maximum speed of 40 two-way working; form a section of km/h and be prepared to stop at the track signalled for working in either next signal” direction according to traffic require- dubbel geel met cijfer 4 en witte ments; Bi-Directional Signalling keper [BIDS]; inf Bi-di  (seinbeeld bij de NMBS) double dubbele tractie yellow with speed indicator and white  (gekoppeld rijden van locomotie- chevron, meaning “proceed at maxi- ven, elk bediend door een machinist; mum speed of 40 km/h and be pre- voorspan) double heading; assisted pared to stop at the next signal. You running; paired running of locomo- are routed to the right-hand track; tives, each operated by a driver; the next signal is located on the form train hauled by two locomo- right” tives, each driven by its own crew dubbel gestapeld container- dubbel geel vervoer double-stack container  (seinbeeld in Nederland, voor- transport heen o.a. bij Heerhugowaard) double dubbel kruis scissors crossover; yellow; inf double yolk; scissors crossing; inf scissors; form het Nederlandse seinbeeld dubbel connections between two parallel geel betekende “afremmen tot halve tracks in both directions, crossing dienstregelingssnelheid” en later ook each other at their centres “rekenen op stoptonend sein op ten- dubbelkruiswissel zie Engels minste remwegafstand” the Dutch wissel double yellow signal aspect meant dubbelloc twin unit locomotive “reduce speed to half of normal run- dubbelspoor double track; double ning speed” and later also “expect track railway; two track line; inf two the next signal to be red and at least track railway; double line; double- at braking distance”; track line; Am inf double iron; het Britse seinbeeld dubbel geel is  (dubbelsporige hoofdlijn) double- vergelijkbaar met geel met knippe- track main line; rend cijfer in Nederland in Britain, a  (wissel voor overgang van enkel- double yellow [YY] aspect is a preli- op ~ ) points leading from single to minary caution aspect; double line Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 56 dubbelspoorbeveiliging double ties; Am railroad ties; Am inf dor- track signalling; one-way signalling; mientes; one-way working; one direction wor- de spoorwegen bestaan bij de gratie king; van ~ the railways exist by virtue of Verkeerd Spoor rijden is in Neder- there being sleepers; land links en in België rechts rijden  (banderen van houten ~ ) hoop- bij ~ , waarvoor een lastgeving nodig ing; binding (sleepers); is Wrong line working is a reversal  (bereiden of impregneren van ~ ) of working on a railway with one-way impregnation of sleepers; signalling, in the on the  (boormaten voor ~ ) drilling- left and in on the right-hand dimensions for sleepers; track, for which Wrong Line Orders  (bovenkant van de ~ ) upper sur- must be issued faces of the sleepers; dubbelspoorkruising scissors cros-  (brug~ ) bridge sleepers; sing; double crossover; form a rail-  (duoblok ~ ) zie tweebloksdwars- way crossover having linking tracks ligger; in both the direc-  ( ~ bestaande uit betonnen kop- tions pen en zigzagverbindingen) zig-zag duoblok dwarsligger zie tweebloks- sleepers; dwarsligger  ( ~ onder spoorstaaflas) joint duplex-locomotief duplex type loco- sleepers; motive  ( ~ voor toepassing in wissels) duwdeur push door switch sleepers; Am switch ties; duwen van trein  (geïmpregneerde ~ ) treated slee-  ( ~ door locomotief) to propel a pers; train; inf propelling; form using a lo-  (gekoppelde ~ ) twin sleepers; comotive to push a train from the  (houten ~ ) wood sleepers; woo- rear; den sleepers; timber sleepers; inf  ( ~ voor een rangeerbeweging) timbers; setting back; form to push a train  (ingegoten ~ ) pre-cast sleepers; from the rear for a shunting move- cast-in sleepers; ment  (inkepen van de ~ ) adzing of duwtrein push-pull train; push/pull sleepers; to adze sleepers; formation  (inkepingen van de ~ ) sleeper duwtreinstel zie duwtrein grooves; rail seats (on the sleepers); DVL  (kop van ~ ) sleeper ends;  (decentrale verkeersleiding) zie  (kunststof ~ of ~ van gerecycled verkeersleiding plastic) railway sleepers made from dwarsbalk transverse member recycled plastic; hybrid plastic rail- dwarsliggerboormachine sleeper way ties; composite plastic railway drilling machine; sleeper drill sleepers; dwarsliggeromhulling soffit pad  (las~ ) joint sleepers; dwarsliggeronderlegplaat under  (monoblok~ ; betonnen ~ uit één sleeper pad stuk) concrete sleepers; precast dwarsliggers Br (track) sleepers; sleepers; form concrete monoblock railway sleepers; Am ties; Am cross- ties; monobloc(k) sleepers; form Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 57 sleepers consisting of a single pre-  (uitgraven van ~ ) to clear slee- stressed concrete unit; pers of ballast;  (nagespannen ~ , van beton)  (uitzweten van creosoot door ~ ) post-tensioned sleepers; sweating of the creosote;  (niet correct onderstopte ~ ) incor-  (verdeling van ~ ) spacing of slee- rect track packing; form incorrect pers; sleeper spacing; packing of ballast under sleepers;  (verduurzamen van houten ~ ) imperfectly packed sleepers; inf bracing of sleepers; loose packed sleepers;  (vervangen van ~ ) resleepering  (onder de ~ ) below sleeper bot- [RS]; complete resleeper(ing); tom [BSB];  (voorgespannen ~ , van beton)  (onderkant van ~ ) soffit; sleeper pre-tensioned sleepers; prestressed bottom [SB]; sleepers;  (onderstoppen van de ~ ) to pack  (zwevende ~ ) pumping sleepers; the ballast under the sleepers; to dancing sleepers; pack the sleepers; packing of sleep-  (zweven van de ~ ) strength fail- ers; Am tamping ties; Am to tamp the ure of the track; decomposition of the ties; track; pumping of the track  (opvul~ ) spot sleepers; dwergsein zie laaggeplaatst sein  (ruimte tussen ~ ) crib; form the dynamische dienstregeling dyna- space between adjacent sleepers; mic scheduling; form the process of  (scheef liggen van ~ ) displace- modifying train routes and/or sche- ment of the sleepers; skew of the dules to accommodate service re- sleepers; quests as they occur  (spoor met Y-type ~ ) Y-tie track;  (stabiel onderstopte ~ ) stable packed sleepers;  (stalen ~ ) steel sleepers;  (stalen ~ van het Y-type) Y- shaped ties; Y steel ties;  (stapelen van ~ ) stacking of slee- pers;  (tussen~ ) intermediate sleepers;  (tweebloks~ ofwel ~ bestaande uit twee betonblokken verbonden met een buis) twinblock ties; twin block concrete sleepers; Am bi-block ties; bi-block (concrete) sleepers; form ties consisting of two concrete rail supports joined by a steel bar; form concrete-block and steel tie-bar sleepers;  (uit de haak liggen van ~ ) dis- placement of the sleepers; skew of the sleepers; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 58

E EHBO  (Eerste Hulp bij Ongelukken) First Aid; form Emergency First Aid; Basic EBO Life Support [BLS]  (elektrisch bediende overweg- EHBO-koffer First-Aid box boominstallatie) electrically operated EHBO-post First-Aid station barrier level crossing EHBO-termen First-Aid terminology: EBP  (ademhaling) breathing;  (elektronische bedienpost, relais-  (astmatische aanval) asthma at- beveiliging met elektronische bedie- tack; ning) conventional relay interlocking;  (behandeling) treatment; all-relay electric interlocking  (bel een ambulance) call an am- economische capaciteit economic bulance; capacity; form the amount of traffic  (bescherm het slachtoffer) protect above which a railway system be- the casualty; comes profitable within the scope of  (bevriezingsverschijnselen) frost- a cost/benefit analysis bite; EEG-typegoedkeuring EC type-  (bewusteloos) unconscious; approval  (bewusteloosheid) unconscious- eenheidslading unit load; palletised ness; load; prepacked unit  (bezeren) hurt; injure; éénmansbediening One Person  (bij bewustzijn) conscious; Operation [OPO]; Driver-Only Opera-  (bloeding) bleeding; tion [DOO]; one-man operation; form  (borstcompressies) (external) car- a train controlled entirely by the dri- diac compression; ver; form train in sole charge of dri-  (botbreuken) fractures; broken ver; form the operation of a complete bones; train by a single person, who func-  (brandwonden) burns; tions as driver, conductor and/or  (defibrillator) defibrillator; form au- guard tomated external defibrillator [AED]; éénrichtingsysteem one-way sys-  (elektrische schok) electric shock; tem  (ernstige bloeding) severe bleed- eerdere storing ing;  (vanwege een ~ ) due to an ear-  (flauwvallen) to faint; lier failure  (getroffen worden door elektrische eerste hulp First Aid stroom) electrocution; eerste trein  (haal langzaam adem) breathe  ( ~ van de reizigersdienst; aan- slowly; vang reizigersdienst) first train (of the  (hartaanval) heart attack; traffic day); Br inf dead early  (hartmassage) (external) cardiac eerstvolgende trein compression;  (de ~ ) the next train; the next ser-  (hartslag) heartbeat; vice  (hoofdletsel) head injury; egalisatielaag selected fill  (inwendige bloeding) internal bleeding;  (letsel) injury; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 59

 (mond-op-mond beademing) arti- Amsterdam CS is de ~ van deze ficial respiration; artificial ventilation; trein Amsterdam Central Station is to give rescue breaths; mouth-to- where this train service will terminate mouth resuscitation; eindpunt exit point; terminus; termi-  (oogletsel) eye injury; nal  (overgeven) to vomit; eindsein  (pleister) plaster;  ( ~ van een rijweg) end signal (of  (polsslag) pulse; a route);  (reanimeren) to resuscitate;  (fictief ~ ) fictitious end signal  (reanimatie) resuscitation; form e- eindstand mergency cardiopulmonary resusci-  (van wissel) correspondence; tation;  (wissel niet in de ~ ) points out of  (shock) shock; correspondence; points not correctly  (slagaderlijke bloeding) arterial set; points not properly home; point bleeding; blades not fully home  (stabiele zijligging) recovery posi- eiswissel interlocked points; interde- tion; pendent points for flank protection  (stelp het bloeden) control bleed- ejecteur ejector; exhaust ejector; ing; form a suction draught system for  (stikkende reiziger) choking pas- steam locomotives; senger;  (Giesl-~ ) ; form suc-  (thoraxcompressie) (external) car- tion draught system where the exist- diac compression; ing blast pipe in a steam locomotive  (uitgebreide medische hulp) Ad- is replaced by several small diverg- vanced Life Support [ALS]; ing blast pipes, enabling a saving in  (verband) bandage; dressing; coal and an increase in power  (verbandgaas) sterilized gauze; EK-kar zie motorperronwagen  (vergiftiging) poisoning; elastisch ingegoten dwarsliggers  (verstikking) asphyxiation; block track system; Low Vibration  (wondverzorging) stabilization of Track™ [LVT]; form elastically em- injuries and wounds; bedded concrete sleepers enclosed  (zich bezeren) to hurt oneself; in rubber; form sleepers fitted with  (zich verstuiken) to sprain one’s rubber boots placed in position and ankle; cast into place; inf Sonneville™  (zonnesteek) sunstroke; track; inf Edilon™ track; inf Edilon™  (zwakke pols) weak pulse block system; EHOB  (Stedef-spoor) Stedef™ system;  (elektrisch bediende halve over- Stedef™ track; form concrete wegboominstallatie) electrically ope- sleepers laid in concrete cavities on rated half-barrier crossing elastic pads and protected by shoes eigenlijke vervoerder subcontrac- elastisch ingegoten spoorstaaf tor; actual carrier; form third party elastically embedded rail who performs the transport elastisch ondersteunde spoorsta- eindbestemming terminus; terminal; ven elastically supported rails destination; final destination; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 60

elektrisch bedieningstoestel elec- elektrotechnisch electrical trical signal box emplacement yard elektrische koppeling electric inter- energieafname-eenheid power locking take-off unit elektrische locomotief electric lo- energievoorziening co(motive); Br inf juice wagon; Am  ( ~ van de bovenleiding) Traction inf juice bug; Am inf juice hog; Br inf Supply System [TSS] washing machine; Engelsman zie Engels wissel  ( ~ met de cabine in het midden) Engels wissel form with a cen-  (dubbelkruiswissel) inside double tral driving cab; inf ; slip; inf Englishman; inf double  ( ~ met twee cabines, zoals de slip(s); form a diamond crossing fit- locserie 1600) cab unit; Am boxcab ted with four slip switches to provide elektrische railremmen electro- additional directional facilities, in magnetic shoe brakes; electromag- which the slip switch toes lie bet- netic rail brakes; form a braking sys- ween the common crossings; form a tem in which the braking effort is ob- diamond crossing with connections tained by the friction of electromag- between both tracks in both direc- nets applied to the rails tions; elektrische scheidingslas zie ES-  ( ~ met binnenliggende tongen) las double slip on straight tracks; elektrische tractie electric traction;  ( ~ met buitenliggende tongen) Br inf on the juice; double slip crossing; double slip; Br  (gesloten voor ~ ) Br blocked to double compound; Br form diamond electric trains/traction [BTET] with double slip roads; elektrische tram electric tram(way)  ( ~ met kruisbeweging) double elektrische trein electric train; turnout junction with switches  (elektrisch treinstel) electric multi- worked by separate levers; ple unit [EMU]; Br inf dusty bin; Br inf  ( ~ met parallelbeweging) double silent death; Br inf flashbox; inf turnout junction with switches spark; inf sparker; Br inf sparkler; Br worked by the same lever; inf milk float; Br inf juicer  (half ~ ; ‘halve Engelsman’) inside elektrisch grendel electric lock; Br single slip; inf slips; single slip; inf Annett’s lock half Englishman; inf half slip; form a elektrisch zicht Cab Display Unit diamond crossing fitted with two slip [CDU]; form device which displays switches to provide an additional di- the electronic messages from the au- rectional facility, in which the slip tomatic train control system to the switch toes lie between the common driver crossings; elektromagnetisch electromagnetic  (half ~ met buitenliggende tongen) elektronica electronics diamond with single slip; elektronisch electronic  (meegebogen ~ ) outside double elektronisch koppelen electronic slip on similar flexure curves, with si- coupling milar flexure slip roads; elektrotechniek electrical engineer- ing Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 61

 (meegebogen half ~ ) outside  (permanent gekoppelde ~s) per- single slip on inside of similar flexure manently coupled ore cars; Am inf curves; miniquad;  (tegengebogen ~ ) outside double  (lichte ~ ) mine slip, one slip road off straight tracks, ervaren spoorman/-vrouw a rail- one slip road off curved tracks; way employee with very long ser-  (tegengebogen half ~ ) outside vice; Am inf rusty rail single slip on straight track, tracks ES-las curved beyond obtuse crossing  (elektrische scheidingslas) insu- enkele reis (biljet) Br single (ticket); lated / isolated rail joint [IRJ]; insu- Am one-way (ticket) lated block joint [IBJ]; inf block joint; enkelspoor single track; single line;  (gelijmde ~ ) glued insulated joint single-track line; Am inf single iron; [GIJ]; inf glued joint  ( ~ rijden) single line working etiketten voor gevaarlijke stoffen [SLW]; form the (temporary) use of Hazchem symbols; one track for traffic working in both  (bijtende stof) corrosive agent; directions;  (brandbaar gas) flammable gas;  (wissel voor overgang van ~ op  (explosieve stof) explosive; dubbelspoor) points leading from  (giftig gas) toxic gas; single to double line  (licht ontvlambare stof) highly enkelspoorbeveiliging reversible flammable agent; working; two-way working; either di-  (ontvlambare vloeistof) inflamma- rection working; signalling for two- ble liquid; way running; Bi-Directional Signal-  (radioactieve stof) radioactive ling [BIDS]; inf Bi-di agent; enkeltje zie enkele reis (biljet)  (samengeperst gas) compressed enkelvoudig licht single-function gas lamp etmaalgemiddelde enkelvoudig knipperlicht single-  (jaarlijks ~ ) average annual daily flashing light; form a flashing signal (rail) traffic; form the total yearly rail light exhibiting only single flashes traffic volume divided by the number which are repeated at regular inter- of days in the year vals etmaalintensiteit EOD  (gemiddelde ~ ) average daily  (Explosieven Opruimingsdienst (rail) traffic Defensie) Explosive Ordnance Dis- ETO posal  (baanvak met Eén Trein Onder- ernstig letsel serious injury weg, vanwege ontbreken van bevei- ertsoverslagbedrijf ore tranship- liging) One Train Working [OTW]; ment trade form a method of signalling on a ertstrein ore train; mineral train; single line where only one train at a  (zware ~ ) heavy mineral train time is permitted ertswagen ore wagon; ore car; mi- Europees Netwerk van Spoorweg- neral wagon [ZHV]; Am inf Jenny; politiediensten European Network Am inf Jimmy; of Railway Police Forces [RAILPOL] Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 62

Europees Spoorwegbureau Euro- explosievendeskundige bomb dis- pean Railway Agency [ERA] posal expert; Am bomb technician; Europese Federatie van Spoor- Br ordnance examiner wegaannemers European Federa- Explosieven Opruimingsdienst zie tion of Railway Trackworks Contrac- EOD tors [EFRTC] explosieve stoffen explosives Europese Verordening betreffende exprestrein through train; express de rechten en plichten van trein- (train); Br express passenger train; reizigers European Regulation on Br Class 1 train; ± intercity train rail passengers’ rights and obliga- extra rit fill-in (service); form switch tions into service on one route from an- EV zie energievoorziening other evacuatie extra trein push-in train; (passen-  ( ~ van een trein) evacuation of a ger) special train; inf extra train; form train; a train not included in a timetable  ( ~ na een bovenleidingbreuk) extreme weersomstandigheden evacuation of a train due to a broken exceptional weather conditions overhead wire excentrische bout  (koppeling tussen trekstang en trekschieter in wisselsteller) eccen- tric bolt exhaustinjecteur exhaust-steam in- jector expediteur carrier; freight forwarder exploderen to explode exploitatie operating; operation;  (Dienst van E~ ) Operating De- partment;  ( ~ onder rangeervoorwaarden; ~ met rijden op zicht) operating under shunting regulations;  (spoorlijn in ~ ) line operated; line open to traffic;  (spoorlijn niet in ~ ) line not opera- ted; line closed to traffic;  (spoorlijn waarvan de ~ gestaakt is) line out of use; line closed down exploitatie-eenheid operating de- partment explosie explosion explosief explosive explosiegevaar danger of explosion explosieven explosives;  (opblazen met ~ ) blasting by ex- plosives Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 63

F feitelijke vervoerder subcontractor; actual carrier; form third party who performs the transport faalveilig fail-safe; fail-active; form fictief eindsein fictitious end signal quality of a dynamic system for re- fietsenrekken (bi)cycle racks maining safely operational after any fiets(en)rijtuig bicycle coach; bike single failure coach fabrieksspoor factory siding; works fietsenstalling bicycle shed; bicycle siding; form industrial siding, gated- shelter; Am bike park; Am (bi)cycle off from the running lines store factor fijnkolen  (belastings~ ) load factor;  (gewassen ~ ) washed small coal;  (bezettings~ van reizigerstreinen) washed slack; seat-load factor; passenger load fac-  (ruwe of ongewassen ~ ) rough tor; load factor; occupancy; form traf- small coal; unscreened small coal; fic carried by passenger trains; form lump coal; slack; seat occupancy coefficient;  (stofkool) small coal; pea coal;  (breuk~ ) ultimate factor; nutty slack  (veiligheids~ ) safety factor flank van het ballastbed ballast facultatieve rit spare train path shoulder facultatieve stop optional stop flankverdichter sleeper-end consoli- facultatieve trein optional train ser- dator vice; special train; train run as a spe- flens cial  (wiel~ ) flange of wheel; wheel fail-safe flange; flange  (bij falen veilig) zie faalveilig flensopening flangeway; fase  (minimum ~ ) minimum flangeway  (alarm~ ) alert phase; flenswiel flanged wheel; Br Aust rail-  (één~ collectormotor) single- way wheel; Am railroad wheel; phase commutator;  ( ~ van rail/wegvoertuig) guide  (één~stroom) single-phase wheel; rail wheel current; flessehals zie verkeersknelpunt  (F~ Eén afkondigen; “niks meer flikkerlicht zie knipperend seinbeeld sturen”) to stop accepting (trains) un- fluit whistle; til further notice; cease accepting  (lastgeving F~ ) whistle signal or- (trains) without assent; Br inf stop- der; inf whistle order; ping the job; interrupting the train  (noodrem~ ) emergency whistle; service; Br inf goose;  (rangeer~ ) shunter’s whistle; “Fase Eén!” “Stop the job!”; “Ob-  (signaal~ ) signal whistle; struction Danger!”; Br inf “Six Bells”;  (stoom~ )  (F~ Eén afkondigen bij een ont- fluitbord Br whistle board [SW]; sporing) Br inf “Good Old England!” form a sign at the trackside warning (exclamation uttered at a derailment) that a whistle should be sounded; fasenomvormer phase converter Am whistling post; feitelijke belasting operating load feitelijke rijtijd actual driving time Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 64

“Sound Whistle” (tekst op Brits fluit- marker(s); Br headcode (in Engeland bord, vandaar de afkorting SW voor gaan ~ vaak vergezeld van een ver- een whistle board) licht treinnummer voorop de trein); fluitsein whistle (signal); horn signal; Am inf blizzard lights; Am inf mar- (train) horn blast; blast; kers;  ( ~ geven) sound a whistle; inf  ( ~ in de vorm van één enkel licht; crow; Br blow up; locomotieflantaarn) locomotive head de machinist gaf een ~ the train lamp; locomotive head light; form a sounded its horn; train or locomotive exhibiting one  ( ~ geven bij vertrek) whistle off; headlamp; Am inf (one) flashing eye;  (herhaald ~ geven) give a se- Am inf glimmer; quence of whistle signal blasts; inf  ( ~ in de vorm van drie lichten) crow form a train or locomotive exhibiting fluitsignaal whistle signal; three headlamps; Br inf triple crown;  (vertrekbevel d.m.v. ~ ) warning;  (trein met incorrecte ~ ) Br inf  (wanneer het ~ gegeven wordt als blunderbuss vertrekbevelsein) when the warning funiculaire zie kabelspoorweg sounds flyover Br flyover; Am ; viaduct; overbridge [OB] forensen commuters; rail commu- ters; ± short distance passengers; Br inf rabbits forensentrein suburban train; com- muter train forensenverkeer zie woon-werk- verkeer forensisme zie woon-werkverkeer formeerspoor  (spoor voor treinsamenstelling) train formation track foutanalyse failure analysis foutief ingelegde trein off sheet fouttolerant deel fail-operational feature; form those features of a rail- way system which can fail without interrupting normal operations franco wagen free on rail [FOR] frontale botsing  ( ~ tussen treinen) head-on colli- sion (of two trains); end-on collision; Am inf head ender; Am inf cornfield meet frontlicht(en) zie frontsein(en) frontsein(en) head end marker(s); head light(s); front signal(s); front Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 65

G gebruik maken  ( ~ van een spoornetwerk) to make use of a railway system; gang  ( ~ van een trein) to take a train;  ( ~ in coupérijtuig) corridor; u kunt ~ van de intercity naar Rotter-  (ouderwets coupérijtuig zonder ~ ) dam, vertrektijd 10 uur 36 van spoor oldfashioned compartment coach 5 you can take the ten thirty-six inter- with no corridor; Aust inf dog-box city service to Rotterdam from plat- ganghendel form five  ( ~ van stoomlocomotief) rever- gecombineerd rail-wegvervoer sing lever; reverser handle; Am rail- combined road- road key gecombineerd remmen gangpad aisle; form the clear  (gemengd remmen, elektrisch en passage between rows of seats mechanisch) composite braking; si- gasdetector (toxic) gas detector multaneous combined braking; form gashendel throttle handle; power mixed electro-mechanical braking; lever form a braking system combining gaslek gas leak; gas leakage; electrical and mechanical braking er is een gaslek in de wisselverwar- gecombineerd remsysteem com- ming there is a gas leak in the bined braking system switch-heating system gecombineerd stoot- en trekwerk gasturbine gas turbine; combined draw and buffing gear  ( ~motor) gas turbine engine gecombineerd vervoer combined gasturbine-elektrische locomotief transport [CT]; intermodal transport; gas turbine locomotive with electric form transport in which more than transmission one carrier is used, for example gasturbineloc(omotief) gas turbine road, rail and sea loco(motive); Br inf Kerosene Castle gecombineerd weg-railvervoer GE Piggyback transport; Am form trans-  (goederenemplacement) goods port of complete truck trailers on rail- yard; freight yard; freight marshalling road yard; ; sorting yard; gederfde vracht not-realized freight Am inf field; Am inf garden gedoofd sein dark signal; black geautomatiseerde kaartverkoop light; black signal; Br inf black oil; automatic fare collection  ( ~ als gevolg van een kapotte gebogen voorruit lamp) burnt out lamp on a main  ( ~ bijv. van ICE-treinen) curved signal windscreen gedrag van de spoorstaaflassen gebrek behaviour of the (rail) joints  ( ~ aan wagens) shortage of wa- geduwde trein push-pull train; push/ gons; pull formation;  (materieel~ ) shortage of rolling  (duwen van trein door locomotief) stock; to propel a train; to push a train from  (tijd~ ) lack of time the rear gebroken spoorstaaf zie spoor- gedwongen oponthoud zie ge- staafbreuk dwongen vertraging Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 66

gedwongen vertraging fixed delay; than the braking distance required form the delay to which (optional) for a regular deceleration to the lo- trains may be subjected according to wer speed imposed, but an uninter- the circumstances rupted brake application guarantees geëlektrificeerd baanvak zie that the order given by the next sig- geëlektrificeerd spoor nal can be carried out in time” (if geëlektrificeerd spoor electrified train speed equals or is lower than line; inf catenary railway; Br inf (line) the speed indicated by the speed in- on the juice; dicator: “permission to proceed at  (niet-~ ) non-electrified line; inf the speed indicated by the speed in- non-catenary railway dicator”); ± Delayed Yellow; form geel knipper yellow preliminary caution indication;  (seinbeeld in Nederland voor rij- inf preliminary caution den op zicht) yellow flashing aspect geel sein (in a signal); flashing yellow, mean-  (seinbeeld in Nederland “snelheid ing “permission to drive on sight at a verminderen en rekenen op stop”) maximum speed of 30 km/h, in order caution indication; caution signal; to be able to stop before next signal yellow aspect, meaning “reduce showing red or at any point as track speed to 40 km/h in order to be able may be occupied”; precaution signal to stop before the next signal which (for an on-sight route); intermediate may show red”; form a signal aspect platform signal; which indicates to a driver that the  (met ~ naar bezet spoor) calling- next signal may be displaying a stop on route; inf call-on; form a route aspect; caution position; caution as- from a signal into a section that is pect; warning position; warning as- already occupied by another train; pect; ± Br form single yellow (as- form a signalled route by which the pect); Am inf yellow eye signaller can permit a train to enter geel seinbeeld zie geel sein an occupied section geel vest (yellow) HV clothing; (yel- geel met cijfer low) high visibility vest [HVV]; inf  (seinbeeld in Nederland) yellow (yellow) Hi-vis jacket; inf (yellow) Hi- aspect with speed indicator, meaning vis vest; (yellow) high visibility warn- “reduce speed to that indicated by ing jacket; inf (yellow) reflective vest; the speed indicator, whereby the lo- Br inf (yellow) Diddy Vest; Br inf Yel- wer speed imposed must be reached low Peel before the next signal” (if train speed geel voorsein equals or is lower than the speed in-  (seinbeeld in Nederland) distant dicated by the speed indicator: “per- signal showing cautionary yellow; mission to proceed at the speed indi- yellow warning signal; Br inf ginger cated by the speed indicator”) ’un geel met knipperend cijfer geënclencheerd interlocked;  (seinbeeld in Nederland) yellow  ( ~ sein) dependent signal; inter- aspect with flashing speed indicator, locked signal; meaning “reduce speed to that indi-  ( ~ wissel) interlocked points cated by the speed indicator. The Gegarandeerde Waarschuwing zie distance to the next signal is shorter werkplekbeveiligingsklasse Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 67 gegrendeld wissel locked points gekoppeld sein interlocked signal; gehandicapte handicapped person; dependent signal Br Person with Reduced Mobility gekoppeld wissel coupled points [PRM]; Br Mobility Impaired Person gelagerd journalled [MIP]; gelaste railverbinding welded bond u wordt verzocht deze zitplaatsen geldigheidsbereik ticket validity aan personen met beperkte mobiliteit area; form the service area of the ter beschikking te stellen please give system for which a up these seats to people with re- ticket is valid duced mobility; geldigheidsduur  (ernstig ~ ) severely handicapped;  ( ~ van vervoersbewijs) (ticket) form a person whose disability ne- validity time; form the period during cessitates special provisions in res- which a ticket remains valid pect of seating on public transport; gelede locomotief articulated loco-  (geestelijk ~ ) mentally handi- motive capped person gelede wagen articulated wagon; geïntegreerde pneumatische ver-  ( ~ voor vervoer van auto’s) arti- binding culated car transporter  ( ~ in Scharfenberg-koppeling) geleed treinstel articulated car automatic connector coupling pneu- gelegenheidsreiziger matic trainlines  occasional rider (a public trans- geïntegreerd tarief coordinated port passenger who uses the system fare; form the coordination of fare only occasionally); systems between two or more trans-  optional rider (a public transport port authorities passenger who does not have a geïsoleerde las compelling reason to travel, but may  ( ~ tussen twee spoorsecties) in- be induced to travel if the transport sulated rail joint [IRJ]; section insula- facility is convenient) tor; inf block joint; Br inf Flying Duck; geleide locomotief Am Aust con- inf Benkler™ joint; Br inf Tenconi™ trolled unit; form unit equipped with a joint diesel engine controlled by the con- geïsoleerd spoor insulated track trolling unit rails geleiderails geïsoleerde spoorsectie insulated  ( ~ in wissels; strijkregels) (wheel) section guide rails; guard rails; check rails; gekanteld spoorvoertuig over- raised check rails; flangeways; form turned rail vehicle lead rails; form wing rails, at the geklemd wissel (semi-)permanently open spaces in crossings, which pre- locked points; clamped switch vent derailment; form rails provided gekoppeld rijden van locomotie- alongside running rails to give guid- ven ance to flanged wheels by restricting  ( ~ elk bediend door een machi- lateral movement of the wheels; Br nist; dubbele tractie) assisted run- inf cover checks; inf gut rails; inf bel- ning; paired running of locomotives, ly rails each operated by a driver Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 68 gele vertrekstaten current rotary motor with the field  ( ~ op perrons) yellow departure and armature windings electrically timetables (on the platforms); yellow connected in parallel train departure indicators (on the gelijkstroom-spoorstroomloop platforms); timetable posters; time- direct current track circuit table sheets; Am time bills (poster- gelijmde isolatielas size timetables on the platforms);  (tussen spoorstaven) glued insu- de juiste informatie vindt u op de ~ lated joint [GIJ]; inf glued joint you will find the correct information geltrein rail adhesion train; Traction on the yellow train departure time- Gel Applicator [TGA] vehicle; sandite tables vehicle [SDV]; Br sandite train; form gelijkrichter rectifier; a train equipped to apply rail adhe-  (droge ~ ) dry rectifier; sion compound during the leaf fall  ( ~ met één anode) single-anode season rectifier; ignitron-type rectifier; geluidshinder noise pollution  ( ~ met glazen vat ofwel glas~ ) geluidsoverlast noise pollution glass tank rectifier; geluidswal noise barrier  ( ~ met halfgeleiders) semi-con- gemengde goederentrein zie goe- ductor rectifier; derentrein  ( ~ met metalen vat) metal tank gemengde remming zie gecombi- rectifier; steel bulk rectifier; neerd remmen  ( ~ met roosterbesturing) pola- gemengde trein mixed traffic train; rized grid rectifier; Am combination train  (gloeikathode~ ) thermionic recti- gemiddelde etmaalintensiteit ave- fier; rage daily (rail) traffic  (kwikdamp~ ) mercury arc recti- gemiddelde reisafstand average fier; mercury vapour rectifier; trip length  (seleen~ ) selenium rectifier; gemiddelde snelheid average  (silicium~ ) silicon rectifier speed (between stops) gelijkrichterlocomotief rectifier lo- gemiddelde storingstijd mean comotive downtime gelijkrichterwagen mobile rectifier gemiddelde vertragingstijd mean unit time of delay [MTOD] gelijkstroom direct current [DC] gemiddelde voertuigbezetting ave- gelijkstroommotor direct current rage train occupancy; form the ave- motor; rage number of passengers aboard a  ( ~ met seriebekrachtiging) direct train current series motor gemiddeld onderhoudsinterval gelijkstroom seriemotor direct cur- mean time between maintenance rent series motor; direct current elec- [MTBM] tric motor with excitation in series; gemiddeld reparatie-interval mean form a direct current rotary motor time to repair [MTTR] with the field and armature windings gemiddeld tarief average fare electrically connected in series gemiste vracht zie gederfde vracht gelijkstroom shuntmotor direct gemotoriseerd draaistel motored current shunt motor; form a direct bogie; form a bogie operated by an Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 69 electric motor, which is connected to Dead In Train [DIT] the axles by means of gears, used gesloten goederenwagen Br goods under rail motor cars and (diesel-) van; Br covered wagon [ILA, ILB, electric locomotives IMA, IMB, KVB]; Am ; Aust geplande aankomsttijd scheduled louvre van; freight van; covered van; time of arrival; Br inf van; de ~ van deze trein is 12:15 uur this  ( ~ voor stukgoederen) Br closed train is due to arrive at (a) quarter bogie van (for parcels); past twelve  ( ~ voor troepenvervoer) Am troop geplande buitendienststelling Br sleeper confirmed period possession plan gesloten televisiecircuit [CPPP]; form a planned possession  ( ~ op stations) closed circuit tele- for a specific period for a geographi- vision [CCTV]; form a local television cal area or line of route, which has system used for the supervision of been agreed by all relevant parties traffic movements in stations geplande gemiddelde snelheid gesloten vervoer block train; full schedule speed; planned average trainload; form a freight train speed assembled at one place, with one geplande stop compulsory stop; sort of cargo, and proceeding to one scheduled stop destination geplande vertrektijd scheduled gespecialiseerd beeldscherm time of departure;  ( ~ bijv. van treindienstleider) de- de ~ van deze trein is 12:45 uur this dicated display train is due to depart at (a) quarter to gespreksdiscipline call discipline one gestoord malfunctioning; faulty; out gereduceerd dagretour cheap day of order; return fare  ( ~e overweg) faulty crossing; gereduceerd tarief discount fare; form malfunctioning automatic level  (een reductie op het tarief verle- crossing; nen, of achteraf toestaan) to grant a  ( ~ sein) defective working of sig- rebate nal; signal failure; bobbing signal; gereedmaken trein vehicle inspec-  ( ~ lichtsein dat meerdere kleuren tion and brake test [VIBT] tegelijk toont) Br inf fairyland geregeld vervoer regular service; gestrande trein train in trouble; form scheduled service train in difficulties geschatte aankomsttijd estimated getik op de spoorstaafeinden ham- time of arrival [ETA] mering of the rail ends geschatte reisduur estimated e- getrokken mat(erieel) trailer stock; lapsed time [EET] locomotive-hauled stock; inf coaches geschatte vertrektijd estimated and wagons time of departure [ETD] getrokken reizigerstrein passenger gescheiden regelsysteem hierar- train with a locomotive (on the front); chical control system loco-hauled passenger train; locomo- gesleepte locomotief cold locomo- tive-hauled coaching stock [LHCS]; tive; inactive loco; inoperative loco; Br inf proper train (not a unit); cold engine; inf dead engine; Am Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 70

 ( ~ met vooraan en achteraan de gevaarsein(en) emergency indica- trein een loc) form to have a locomo- tor(s); danger warning sign(s); war- tive at both ends of a train to obviate ning sign(s); hazard sign(s) the need to either propel or run gevaarsetiket danger label; label for round; Br inf top and tail dangerous goods; Hazchem symbol getrokken trein locomotive-hauled gevaarsidentificatienummer train [LHT]  (GEVI) Hazchem placard (orange gevaarlijke goederen dangerous placard indicating that a wagon is goods [DG]; form the substances carrying a hazardous chemical) and articles referred to in the Agree- geventileerde wagen ventilated wa- ment concerning the international gon carriage of Dangerous goods by gevonden voorwerp lost property Road and rail [ADR] gewenste geometrie nominal geo- gevaarlijke stoffen hazardous sub- metry stances; hazardous chemicals; ha- gewicht weight; zardous materials;  (adhesie~ ) adhesion weight;  (etiketten voor ~ ; gevaarsetiket-  (bruto getrokken ~ ) gross trailing ten) danger labels; labels for danger- weight [GTW]; form the maximum ous goods; Hazchem symbols; possible weight of a train excluding  (bijtende stof) corrosive agent; locomotive(s);  (brandbaar gas) flammable gas;  (bruto~ ) gross weight;  (brandbare stof) inflammable  (dienstvaardig ~ ) curb weight; agent;  (eigen ~ of dood ~ ) dead weight;  (explosieve stof) explosive;  (geremd ~ van de trein; aanwezig  (gevaar voor besmetting opleve- geremd ~ ) total weight to be braked; rende stof) offensive agent; braked weight of the train;  (giftige stof) poisonous agent;  (getrokken ~ van een trein) trailing  (giftig gas) toxic gas; weight; form the weight of a train ex-  (licht ontvlambare stof) highly cluding the locomotive(s); flammable agent;  ( ~ in rijvaardige staat) weight in  (ontvlambare vloeistof) inflamma- working order; weight in running or- ble liquid; der;  (radioactieve stof) radioactive  ( ~ per eenheid van vermogen) agent; weight per unit of power;  (samengeperst gas) compressed  ( ~ van de lading, berekend) gas; charged weight of load;  (voor zelfontbranding vatbare  ( ~ van de lading, werkelijk) actual stof) substance liable to spontane- weight of load; effective weight of ous combustion load; gevaarlijke stoffen informatie  (ledig ~ van spoorwegvoertuig;  (reglementen voor informatie over tarra) unladen weight; tare weight; en verpakking van gevaarlijke stof- tare; empty weight; dead weight; fen) Chemical Hazard Information  (maximaal toegestaan ~ , volgens and Packaging Regulations [CHIP] reglementen) maximum authorized gevaarpunt danger point weight; permissible maximum weight; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 71

 (maximaal toelaatbaar ~ , tech- glijden nisch gezien) crush capacity;  ( ~ door geblokkeerde wielen) sli-  (maximum tonmeter~ ) maximum ding because of braked wheels; skid- concentrated weight per metre; ding; Br inf dancing; Br inf picking  (netto trein~ ) payload; net weight the wheels up hauled; glijplaat  (tonmeter~ over de buffers)  ( ~ van wissel) slide plate; inf weight per metre run between buf- Switchglide™; form base plate of fers; points  (totaal geladen ~ ) gross laden glijstoelen weight [GLW];  ( ~ van wissels) slide chairs; point  (totaal getrokken ~ ) gross trailing slots; Am roller riser slide plates; weight [GTW]; (switch) heel blocks  (totaal trein~ inclusief krachtvoer- gloeiende aspot zie hete aspot tuig) total weight of a train; form total goederen goods; cargo; freight; gross load of a train  (bederfelijke ~ ) perishable goods; gewone trein  (brandbare ~ ) inflammable  (trein volgens dienstregeling) re- goods; gular train; form a train specified in a  (breekbare ~ ) fragile goods; timetable  (douane~ ) goods under customs gezichtsbereik line of sight; form bond; goods under customs seal; the unobstructed line from the train  (gevaarlijke ~ ) dangerous goods driver to the target needed to ob- [DG]; form the substances and ar- serve obstructions and trackside in- ticles referred to in the Agreement structions in time to respond with the concerning the international carriage correct driving action of Dangerous goods by Road and Giesl-ejecteur Giesl ejector; form rail [ADR]; suction draught system where the  (massa~ , zoals ertsen) heavy existing blast pipe in a steam loco- traffic conveyed in bulk, such as mi- motive is replaced by several small nerals; diverging blast pipes, enabling a  (onverpakte ~ ) unpacked goods; saving in coal and an increase in  (overlaad~ ) goods to be tran- power shipped; giftige stoffen toxic agents  (overslag~ ) goods to be tran- giftig gas toxic gas shipped; gladde sporen slippery track(s);  (poedervormige ~ ) traffic in pow- form abnormal rail head conditions; der form; form a situation where the normal  (stort~ ) goods in bulk; bulk level of adhesion between rail and freight; wheel has been reduced by conta-  (stuk~ ) part load traffic; Am less mination such as fallen leaves or than carload freight [LCL]; grease;  (verpakte ~ ) packed goods; pack-  (bladeren op het spoor) leaf fall / aged goods; leaf debris on the track; Br leaves on  (verwerking van ~ ) handling of the line [LOTL] goods; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 72

 (volumineuze ~ ) bulky goods;  ( ~ welke sneller mag rijden dan form goods large in relation to weight 75 mijl per uur) Br Class 3 train (de- goederenclassificatie general clas- ze aanduiding wordt ook gebruikt sification of merchandise [GCM]; voor Britse posttreinen); classification of goods; Am classifi-  (langzaam rijdende ~ ) Br Class 8 cation of freight train; Am drag; goederendienst goods traffic; goods  (snelle ~ ) Br Class 3 train (deze service; freight traffic; freight service aanduiding wordt ook gebruikt voor goederenemplacement zie GE Britse posttreinen); Am inf time goederenlocomotief goods engine; freight freight locomotive goederentreinlocomotief goods en- goederenloods goods depot; goods gine; freight locomotive shed; Am freight shed; Am freight goederenverkeer freight; freight house traffic; Br inf goods (traffic) goederenmanifest cargo manifest; goederenvervoer zie goederenver- goods manifest; form document lis- keer ting all cargo consignments on board goederenvervoerder freight opera- a train ting company [FOC] goederenrangeerterrein zie GE goederenwagen, goederenwagon goederenspoor goods line; Br wagon; Br ; Am freight goods loop; form freight only line; car; Br form freight vehicle; form a track solely for use by trains  (gesloten ~ ) Br goods van; Br conveying freight; covered wagon [ILA, ILB, IMA, IMB,  (rit met reizigerstrein over een KVB]; Am boxcar; Aust louvre van; spoor dat normaal alleen ~ is) form a freight van; covered van; Am closed passenger train traveling over track car; Br inf van; that does not have regular passen-  ( ~ met hoge wanden, voor stort- ger service; Am inf Rare Mileage goederen) high-sided open wagon goederentrein freight train; cargo [OHB, OHV, OWV]; train; Br goods train; Am inf rattler;  ( ~ met lage zijwanden) low-sided  (gemengde ~ ) Mixed Freight open wagon; Train [MFT]; form a freight train with  ( ~ met neerklapbare zijschotten) a mixture of car types and cargos; wagon with hinged sides; wagon with Am inf manifest; Am inf manifest drop sides [OAA, OBA, OCA]; freight;  ( ~ met rongen) bolster wagon;  ( ~ voor korte afstanden) local wagon with stanchions; Br osprey cargo train; Am inf dog; Am inf short [YKA]; dog;  ( ~ met schuifwanden) curtain-  ( ~ welke niet sneller mag rijden sided van [IUA, IUB, IYX, VHA]; dan 35 mijl per uur) Br Class 8 train  ( ~ op draaistellen) bogie wagon (deze aanduiding wordt ook gebruikt [BAA, BAB, BBA]; voor Britse werktreinen);  ( ~ voor los gestorte zware goede-  ( ~ welke tussen de 35 en 45 mijl ren) wagon for the carriage of heavy per uur mag rijden) Br Class 7 train; bulk traffic;  ( ~ welke tussen de 45 en 60 mijl  (open ~ ) open wagon [MDA, per uur mag rijden) Br Class 6 train; MFA, MLA, PNA, POA, POO, POV]; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 73 gondola [IEA]; Br hake [ZBA]; Br grijsrijden dropping a short; Br inf mackerel [ZMV]; Br minnow [ZCO]; Dumb-bell Fraud Br urchin [ZCA]; Br whelk [YNO]; inf grind gravel; Opens;  (afval~ bij het horren van de bal-  (platte ~ ) flat car; freight flat; flat last, veelal gemengd met ingewaaid wagon [PFA, PFB, PFV, PFW, PFX, zand) spoil; inf crock; inf muck; XDV, XFQ, ZVO, ZVP, ZVQ, ZVR,  (ballast~ ) ballast gravel; ZVV, ZVW, ZVX]; Br salmon [YFA,  (fijn ~ ) flint chips; ballast chip- YMA, YMB, YMO, YSA, YWA, YXA] ping; Gottwald™ zie kraanwagon  (gebroken ~ ) crushed gravel; bro- graafmachine excavator; ken gravel;  ( ~ die zowel op rails als op de  ( ~ bestaande uit platte ronde ste- weg kan rijden) Road Rail Excavator; nen) shingle ballast; inf pebbles; form a rubber tyred road rail 360º ex-  ( ~ uit een groeve) quarry gravel; cavator with auxiliary rail wheels and  (grof ~ ) coarse gravel; equipment; Br inf Rubber Duck; Br  (modderig ~ ) slurried gravel; inf Atlas™; Am inf Hopto-Digger™;  (rivier~ ) river gravel; Am inf Warner & Swasey™  (steenslag) broken stone ballast; graanwagen grain car; grain hopper crushed stone ballast; ballast chips; [CGO, CGP, CGV, PBB, PBF]; Am  (uitgezeefd ~ bij ballastvernieu- inf Big John wing; horsel) spoil; grendel  (vergruisd ~ ) spoil;  (elektrisch ~ ) electric lock; Br An-  (vuil ~ ) choked gravel; foul gravel nett’s lock; grindbed gravel bed; underlayer of  ( ~ op een wissel, bijv. bij vrijgave gravel rangeren) point lock; groefrails  ( ~ op een wissel, dat door een  (tramrails; rails voor gesloten seinhuiswachter met een sleutel be- trambaanconstructie of spoor ver- diend wordt) Br key locking; zonken in bestrating) grooved rails;  (schieter van ~ ) interlocking bar broca rails; grooved girder rails; grendelhendel van wissel point tramway rails; channel rails; locking lever  (loopgroef in ~ voor de wielflen- grendelen van het wissel to lock zen) flange way; flange groove the points groen boven geel grendelknop  (seinbeeld bij de NMBS) (vertical)  ( ~ van spoorbrug) bridge locking green over yellow, meaning “proceed lever; but be prepared to stop at the se-  ( ~ van wissel) point locking lever cond next signal” grendelstang van wissel lock bar; groene lamp point locking bar  (‘lamp deuren dicht’) closed doors greppel indicator [CDI, CD]; Br Right Away  ( ~ langs het spoor) rubble drain; Indicator [RAI]; pilot light; form an in- ditch; trench; drain dicator lamp informing the train dri- greppelgraafmachine mechanical ver that platform work is complete trencher; Am inf Gradall™ and that the train doors are safely shut Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 74 groen geel horizontaal vest [HVV]; inf (green) Hi-vis jacket;  (seinbeeld bij de NMBS) horizon- inf (green) reflective vest; (green) tal green-yellow aspect, meaning high visibility warning jacket; Br inf “next signal is at clear but carries a green Diddy Vest speed restriction” groep groen geel verticaal  (bovenleiding~ ) catenary section  (seinbeeld bij de NMBS) (vertical) groepschef group manager; Br inf green over yellow, meaning “proceed groupie but be prepared to stop at the se- gronddienst zie storingsmonteur cond next signal” grondmechanica soil mechanics groen knipper grondverzet earth moving  (seinbeeld bij de NMBS) green grondverzetmachine earth moving flashing aspect, meaning “proceed; equipment; earth moving machine; next signal is exhibiting a proceed earth mover aspect” (signal at right-hand side of groot mechanisch gereedschap right-hand track for trains routed  (stopmachines e.d.) On Track along that track in the contraflow di- Machine [OTM]; Br inf Big Yellow rection); Machine [BYM]; Am inf Yellow Ca-  (seinbeeld in Nederland) green valry; flashing aspect; flashing green,  (machinist van ~ ) machine con- meaning “permission to proceed at troller [MC] 40 km/h”; groot onderhoud  ( ~ met cijfer; seinbeeld in Neder-  ( ~ aan spoorwegmaterieel) heavy land) flashing green with speed indi- maintenance; form major overhaul of cator, meaning “permission to pro- railway vehicles ceed at the speed indicated by the groupage consolidation of cargo speed indicator” groupagevervoer joint cargo (trans- groen knipper acht port)  (seinbeeld in Nederland) flashing green with speed indicator “8”, meaning “permission to proceed at 80 km/h” groen P-sein  (seinbeeld) running signal; green permissive signal, meaning “permis- sion to proceed at the speed indica- ted by fixed speed signs along the line” groen sein  (seinbeeld) clear signal; proceed aspect; green aspect; Am inf green eye; Br inf clear pop groen seinbeeld zie groen sein groen vest  ( ~ van Algemeen Leider) (green) HV clothing; (green) high visibility Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 75

H halve Engelsman  (half Engels wissel) inside single slip; inf slips; single slip; inf half Eng- haakbout zie spoorspijker lishman; inf half slip; form a diamond haakplaat voor spoorstaven crossing fitted with two slip switches hooked sole-plate; Am hooked tie- to provide an additional directional plate facility, in which the slip switch toes Hacousto™ zie omroepsysteem lie between the common crossings; HAHOB  ( ~ met buitenliggende tongen)  (halfautomatische halve overweg- diamond with single slip; boominstallatie) ± automatic half bar-  (meegebogen ~ ) outside single rier crossing locally monitored slip on inside of similar flexure [ABCL]; ± automatic half barrier cros- curves; sing remotely monitored [ABCR]  (tegengebogen ~ ) outside single HAKI slip on straight track, tracks curved  (halfautomatische knipperlicht- beyond obtuse crossing installatie) ± (half-)automatic open hameren op de spoorstaven crossing locally-monitored [AOCL]  ( ~ door wielen met vlakke plaat- halfautomatisch sen) hammering of rails by flat  (van overwegboominstallatie) wheels half-automatic; handbediende overwegboomin-  (van sein) semi-automatic stallatie Manually Controlled Bar- half Engels wissel zie halve En- riers [MCB]; Br Manned level cros- gelsman sing, Gated and Hand operated halfuursdienst fixed cycle operation [MGH]; Br Manned, Gated, Worked HALI mechanically, level crossing [MGW]  (halfautomatische lichtinstallatie handbediende wissels hand-opera- voor overwegen) (half-)automatic ted points; hand-thrown switches; flashing lights for level crossings switches operated by hand; hand le- halte intermediate station; road sta- ver switches; manual points; inf hand tion; roadside station; inf train stop; points Am inf track stop; Br inf flag halt; Br handboek inf flag stop; Am inf shack; inf whistle  (H~ Machinist) Driver’s Rule stop; Book; Am inf Company Bible;  ( ~ met volledige verkeersbe-  (H~ Treindienstleider) Br Signal- voegdheid) station; ler’s General Instructions [SGI]; form  ( ~ op verzoek; aanhoud~ ) Br the document setting out the proce- halt; demand stop; ; dures to be followed by signallers; form an unmanned station at which Rule Book (the publication detailing trains usually only call by request the general responsibilities of all staff halterende trein stopping train; engaged on the railway system, and de stoptrein naar Zwolle halteert nor- the specific duties of certain types of maal gesproken op spoor 2 normally staff such as train drivers and signal- the all-stations service to Zwolle lers); Operating Publication (a docu- stops at platform / track two ment detailing how the signaller should deal with situations); Signal Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 76

Box Instructions; Am inf Company HBHOB Bible;  (handbediende halve overweg-  ( ~ voor het Seinwezen) ± Br Sig- boominstallatie) manually operated nal Maintenance Handbook; half-barrier crossing  ( ~ voor spoorwegpersoneel) Br heel Engels wissel zie Engels wis- Working Manual for Rail Staff; sel  (handelen volgens ~ bij stopto- hefboom van de regulateur nend P-sein) zie STS  (‘lat’ van de regulateur op een handrem hand brake stoomloc) control lever; handseinen hand signalling; hefbordeswagen tower wagon;  (iemand ~ die geeft; handseinge- scaffold truck; Br Mobile Elevating ver) handsignaller [HS] Work Platform [MEWP]; Br inf Per- handwissels zie handbediende wis- maquip Trolley™ sels hefkussen air bag uprighting device hangdraad for ; (high-pressure) lif-  ( ~ van bovenleiding) dropper ting bag; inf Vetter™ wire; drop wire; auxiliary wire; drop- heftruck forklift per; hanger; helling  (losse ~ ) loose hanger  (afloop~ ) gravity incline; HAOB  (afloop~ van rangeerheuvel)  (halfautomatische overpadboom- shunting gradient; Am switching installatie) half-automatic barriers for grade; barrow crossings  (bepalende ~ ; treinlast) ruling up- harmonica zie vouwbalg gradient; Am ruling grade; hart op hart  ( ~ in spoorbaan) track inclination;  (afstand ~ draaistellen; radstand) gradient; ramp; distance between bogie pivots; bogie  ( ~ van spoorstaaf) ; rail incli- pivot pitch; nation; form the inward inclination of  (afstand ~ van twee dwarsliggers) a rail; distance between two sleepers; slee-  ( ~ 1:20 van spoorstaaf) 1/20 cant per spacing; Am tie spacing; (of rail);  (afstand ~ van twee sporen) dis-  (maximale ~ ) maximum gradient; tance between centres of tracks; steepest gradient; form the maxi-  (gemiddelde afstand ~ van de mum incline on a railway; dwarsliggers) average sleeper-  (oplopende ~ ) bank; up-grade spacing hellingafwaarts (rijden) (running) hartstuk zie puntstuk downhill; descent; form running haven Br harbour; Am harbor down a gradient; Am form running havenspoorlijn harbour siding, down a grade; gated-off from the running lines  ( ~ waarbij de tractie wordt HAVIO uitgeschakeld) Br inf to run downhill  (halfautomatische verkeerslicht- without working steam; Am to drift; installatie voor overwegen) zie HALI Am inf Mexican overdrive hellingmaximum van een adhesie- baan maximum gradient of an adhe- sion railway Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 77 hellingpromillage gradient ratio  ( ~ horizontaal) repeating signal, hellingremkracht zie aanhoudende meaning “associated signal is dis- remkracht playing red or flashing yellow” hellingweerstand slope resistance herprofilering van spoorstaven helm planing of rails; re-profiling of rails  (zoals gedragen bij werkzaamhe- herroepen den aan het spoor; bouw~ ) hard hat  ( ~ van sein) to cancel (a signal); hendelinrichting to cape (a signal); to release a  ( ~ voor individuele wissel- en signal; form to place the signal at seinbediening) power signal box with “stop” or “danger”; form to put a individual levers signal to the danger aspect (in an hendels van bloktoestel rotary le- emergency); vers;  ( ~ van rijweg) to cancel a route;  (omgelegd hendel van bloktoe- to release a route; form cancellation stel) reversed lever of a route herballasten van het spoor re- herroepknop cancellation device; ballasting of the track; Emergency Replacement Switch  (machine voor het ~ ) machine for [ERS]; form switch allowing the rail re-ballasting the track traffic controller to put a signal to the herdisselen van dwarsliggers re- danger aspect in an emergency adzing sleepers hersporing re-railing; form the ac- herhaald fluitsein geven zie fluit- tion of lifting or jacking a derailed sein train back onto the track; herhaald signaal repeater signal  (hydraulische vijzel voor ~ van herhalingssein advance warning een ontspoorde trein) hydraulic jack; signal; repeating signal; banner re- locomotive jack peater [BR] (to repeat the indication hersporingsbalk zie hersporings- of the next normal signal in ad- brug vance); form advance warning signal hersporingsbrug re-railing bridge; indicating that the next stop signal, traversing beam; traversing unit which may be out of view, is at dan- hersporingsdienst re-railing service ger; form repeater signal in situations hersporingsgereedschap re-railing where the main signal cannot be equipment clearly seen in sufficient time; form a hersporingsploeg re-railing gang; signal provided on the approach to a re-railing unit; breakdown gang; Am main signal to give an advance war- inf wreck crew ning of the aspect being displayed by hersporingsslof re-railing ramp; re- the main signal; ± fog repeater; ± railing frog banner signal; ± Br inf cat’s eyes; ± herstelling co-acting signal; ± coupled signal; inf  (grote ~ van reizigersmaterieel, repeater; ofwel H 3) major overhaul of coach-  ( ~ diagonaal) repeating signal, ing stock; meaning “associated signal is dis-  ( ~ van trein na een ongeval) re- playing an aspect better than flash- pairing; overhauling; ing yellow”;  (kleine ~ ) casual repairs; minor repairs; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 78

 (lopende ~ ) running repairs;  (wagenversneller bij het ~ ) wa-  (periodieke ~ ) periodical repairs; gon accelerator periodical overhaul (of coaches and heuvelrangeerterrein zie rangeer- wagons); heuvel  (spoed~ ) urgent repair; heuvelrangeren hump shunting;  (tussentijdse ~ van locomotieven, gravity shunting; humping; rijtuigen en wagens, ofwel H 1) inter-  (snelheidsregeling ~ , zoals bij de mediate overhaul (of locomotives, locserie 2200) hump control coaches and wagons) heuvelreminstallatie ; Am herstelwerkzaamheden car retarder; primary retarder (with  ( ~ na een ongeval) repairs (after clamps inside the rails to slow the an accident); form restoring a railway wagons as necessary) to its initial state when damage has heuvelschakeling been caused (by an accident)  ( ~ op dieselloc) hump control hervatting van de treindienst switch  (na onregelmatigheid) to resume heuvelsein humping signal; normal working (after an irregularity);  (seinbeeld van een ~ ) position of form Normal Working Resumed a humping signal [NWR] heuvelseinpaal humping signal hete aspot overheated axle journal; hevige sneeuwval heavy snowfall overheated axle bearing; overheated HGB wheel bearing; Am hot box; hot axle  (hoofdgebouw van de spoorwe- box gen) headquarters (organisation) of hete aspotdetector hot axle box de- the railways; Br British Railways tector [HBD, HABD] Board [BRB]; Br inf The Ivory Tower hete wielendetector hot wheel de- (Brits equivalent van de Inktpot in tector [HWD] Utrecht); Br inf The Kremlin (nick- heuvel zie rangeerheuvel name for British Rail headquarters) heuvelautomaat hijskraan crane  (computer voor automatische hijsoog lifting lug heuvelinrichting) automatic marshal- hijspunt hoist point ling controller; automatic point-set- hinder hindrance ting apparatus for marshalling yards hoedje heuvelen  (beschermplaat van automatische  ( ~ van goederenwagens) hump koppeling) coupling cover; Scharfen- working; to hump shunt; gravity berg coupling cover shunting; form to run wagons off by hoeklantaarn zie sluitseinlantaarn gravity; form to pass wagons over a hoekverdraaiingsweerstand angu- hump; humping; hump shunting; Br lar rotation resistance; inf bang them up; de ~ geeft meer zekerheid tegen deze wagen niet ~ do not hump this spoorspatting the angular rotation car; resistance provides more security  (seinbeeld “ ~ ” van heuvelsein) against thermally induced track mis- position of a humping signal, mean- alignment ing “permission to hump shunt”; hoekverhouding van een wissel crossing angle in a switch Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 79

hogesnelheidstrein high-speed rail network, fed by subsidiary and train [HST] branch lines; inf through line; inf hogesnelheidswissel high-speed through track; inf Through Road; inf crossover The Main; Br inf The Quick; Am inf holle dijk above-ground tunnel; main iron; Am inf High Iron; Am inf de Schipholspoortunnel is een voor- main stem; Am inf race track; Br inf beeld van een ~ the Schiphol rail- The Lawn; way tunnel is an example of an  (lijn met meer dan vier hoofdspo- above-ground tunnel ren) multiple-track line holle rail box-beam hoofdverkeersleiding zie verkeers- Hondekop leiding  (Mat ’54) ‘Doghead’ EMU hoofdwerkplaats zie werkplaats hoofdbaan zie hoofdspoor hoogfrequent circuit zie hoogfre- hoofdbesturingsknop master con- quente spoorstroomloop troller hoogfrequente spoorstroomloop hoofdconducteur train conductor; overlay track circuit [OTC] senior conductor; Br Traincrew Su- hoog groen pervisor [TCS]; ± train manager; form  (seinbeeld in Nederland) green a railway employee who supervises running line signal, meaning “permis- the train crew and collects fare; Am sion to proceed at the speed indica- inf Master of the Cars; Am inf train ted by fixed speed signs along the captain; Am inf swellhead; Am inf big line”; signal permitting high-speed ox; Am inf skipper running; Br inf blue one; Br inf bow- hoofddirectie van de spoorwegen ling green; Br inf double peg; Br inf railway board; Br Board of Directors double pegged of British Railways; Br British Rail- Hoogovens ways Board [BRB]  (Koninklijke Nederlandsche ~ en hoofdgebouw van de spoorwegen Staalfabrieken nv) Royal Dutch Steel zie HGB Works; hoofdgenerator main generator dat is een kalktrein voor de hoog- hoofdinspecteur baan Chief Per- ovens that is a lime train bound for manent Way Inspector [CPI] the steel works hoofdlijn zie hoofdspoor hoogovenslakkenwagen slag wa- hoofdmonteur master mechanic; gon form chief mechanical engineer; hoogspanning high tension; high  ( ~ Seinwezen) ± Br Signal voltage Maintenance Engineer [SME] hoogspanningskabel high-tension hoofdreservoir cable  ( ~ van luchtremsysteem) main hoogspanningsleiding high-voltage reservoir; form reservoir that sup- line; plies air to the air brake system  (leiding voor zeer hoge spanning) hoofdsein main signal; running sig- line under very high tension nal; stop signal hoogspanningsruimte hoofdspoor running line; main line;  ( ~ in locomotief) high voltage cu- main track; trunk line; form a railway bicle; Br inf death chamber line which is an important spine in a Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 80 hoogspanningsverdeelstation screenings; inf fines; form ballast high-tension substation cleaner screenings; form ballast hoogtebegrensde spoorkraan cleaner spoil  ( ~ voor werkzaamheden onder houdspanning holding voltage bovenleiding) height limited crane H-sein stop signal for heavy freight (for working below catenary) trains hoogtebegrenzer van spoorkraan Huckepack(vervoer) Piggyback crane height limiter; form crane (freight transport system); intermodal height limiting device traffic; hoogteligging van het spoor track  (trein of wagen voor ~ ) Road- level; Railer; spine wagon; pocket wagon;  (correctie van de ~ ) adjustment of Am Trailer on Flat Car [TOFC]; form track level wagon with a recessed pocket for hoogwerker tower wagon; inf hy- the axle/wheel assembly of a semi- draulic arm trailer; Am Container on Flat Car horcircus [COFC]; Am inf pig train  (combinatie van ballastgraaf- en hulpkruk van een wissel hand hormachine, ballast-stabilisator, bal- crank lastverdichter, ballast-afwerkmachine hulploc(omotief) assisting engine; en stopmachine) combined working assisting loco; Am helper; Br inf of ballast scarifier and screener, snapper; Br inf hooker-on; stabilizer, consolidator, profiler and  (rijden met ~ ) banking; form the mechanical tamper; assisted running in which one of the  (ballastdistributie-eenheid van ~ ) locomotives is at the rear of the train ballast distribution unit; hulpremunit auxiliary braking unit  (graafmechanisme van ~ ) ballast hulprijcontroller excavating unit;  (bijv. op locserie 1100) auxiliary  (silo-eenheid van ~ ) hopper unit; controller ballast hopper unit; hydrauliekolie hydraulic oil;  (transporteenheid van ~ ) material  ( ~-voorverwarming) hydraulic oil conveyor; ballast conveyor preheating horizontaal groen-geel hydraulische dommekracht zie hy-  (seinbeeld bij de NMBS) horizon- draulische vijzel tal green-yellow aspect, meaning hydraulische vijzel hydraulic jack; “next signal is at clear but carries a  ( ~ voor hersporen van spoorweg- speed restriction” materieel) re-railing jack; telescopic hormachine zie ballasthormachine jack; lifting jack; locomotive jack; inf horren Lukas™;  ( ~ van de ballast) to screen the  ( ~ voor hersporen van twee-assig ballast; screening of the ballast; re- spoorwegmaterieel) tilting jack for re- moval of old ballast; inf opening out; railing two-axle rail vehicles Br inf dinting; Br inf riddling hydraulisch hersporingsgereed- horsel schap hydraulic re-railing equipment  (afval bij het horren van de bal- last; door de hormachine uitgezeefde vervuilde en vergruisde ballast) spoil; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 81

I indrukken van de trein closing up of the vehicles industriegebied industrial area ICE Inter City Express industrielocomotief industrial loco- ijsafzetting ice accretion; ice-up motive; Internal Unit [IU]; Am inf yard ijzel hog; Am inf Plymouth™; Am inf Ply-  ( ~ aan bovenleiding) black ice on mouth™ ; the overhead wire  (kleine ~ ) Am inf gas buggy; Am IJzeren Rijn ‘Iron Rhine’ (railway); inf critter; Am inf dinky; Am inf Brook- ‘Steel Rhine’; form partially inopera- ville™; Am inf Brookville™ switcher tive freight railway connecting the industriespoor industrial siding, port of (Belgium) and Mön- gated-off from the running lines chengladbach () via the industrieterrein industrial site Dutch towns of Weert and Roermond in- en uitzetperiode(s) in beweging zetten van een trein  ( ~ voor rail/wegvoertuigen) drive- starting a train; to start a train; to on drive-off time (for road/rail vehi- move a train; cles); form time needed to drive hoe een trein in beweging gezet road/rail vehicles on and off the track wordt hangt af van soort, lengte, ge- in- en uitzetplek Road Rail Access wicht, helling(shoek), toestand van Point [RRAP]; form drive-on drive-off het spoor en de mate van speling in location; inf access to rail; de trein starting a train depends on een overweg wordt vaak gebruikt als type, length, weight, grade, condition ~ a level crossing is often the place of rail, and the amount of slack in the where road/rail vehicles are driven train on and off the track inbufferen van de trein closing up infobalie zie informatiebalie of the vehicles informatiebalie information desk inchecken infra zie infrastructuur  ( ~ met OV-chipkaart) to check in; infrabeheer infrastructure manage- vergeet niet in- of uit te checken ment please do not forget to check in or infradefecten infrastructure failures out infra-elementen infrastructure ele- Incidentenbestrijding ments  ( ~ van ProRail) Br Rail Incident infra-onttrekking Response Team;  ( ~ t.b.v. werkzaamheden) particu-  (gevaarlijke-stoffenteam van de lar stretches of line allocated to engi- afdeling ~ ) Hazardous Materials neer’s occupation Response Team [HMRT]; Hazardous infrastructuur infrastructure Materials Team [HMT]; inf Hazmat infrastructuurbeheerder zie tracé- team; beheerder  (voertuig van de afdeling ~ ) Br Infrastructuurregister Register of Rail Incident Response Unit Infrastructure [RINF] incidentverslag incident report ingang entrance in dienst komen ingangscontrole additional ticket in-  ( ~ van spoor na werkzaamheden) spections (on the platforms); restoration of service Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 82 er wordt ~ gehouden bij spoor 4 en 5  ( ~ van een voor- of volgtrein; additional ticket inspections are ta- treinverdubbeling) duplication of a king place at platforms four and five train; provision of a relief train ingegoten dwarsliggers pre-cast inlichtingenpersoneel zie service- sleepers; cast-in sleepers; medewerkers  (spoor met ~ ) cast-in sleeper inrichting track; cast-in sleeper system; form  (afspan~ van de bovenleiding) rail mounted on pre-cast concrete tensioning pulley; balance weight sleepers; inf Rheda™ track anchor [BWA]; section support; inf ingegoten spoorstaven embedded block and tackle; rails; form embedded rail construc-  (algemene bedienings~ ) general tion [ERC] steering control; ingezette treinen operating fleet;  (anti-oploop~ ) anti-climber; form the total number of trains on a  (automatische blok~ ) automatic rail system at any point in time, block installation; assigned to the provision of public  (automatische knalsein~ ) auto- transport service matic detonator; inhaalspoor passing track; turnout  (bedienings~ ) steering control; [TO, T/O]  (compensatie-~ ) zie compensa- inhalen to pass; to overtake; form tielas; the overtaking of one train by an-  (dodemans~ ) deadman’s handle; other travelling in the same direction  (herroepings~ ) cancellation de- inklinking vice;  ( ~ van de bodem; bodemdaling)  (houtbereidings~ ) sleeper im- subsidence; settling; soil subsidence; pregnation plant; settlement; consolidation;  ( ~ tegen wielblokkering) slip-slide  ( ~ of verzakking van een spoor- control; anti-skid device; baan) settlement of track;  ( ~ tot wijziging van de remwer- de ~ van een spoorbaan onder de king) brake change-over; brake ad- belasting van treinen is niet gelijkma- justing device; tig, en dit leidt tot onregelmatigheden  ( ~ voor automatische treinbeïn- in de spoorgeometrie the settlement vloeding) automatic train stopping of track under trains’ loads is not uni- device; automatic train control [ATC]; form, and this induces irregularities automatic warning system [AWS]; in ;  ( ~ voor controle van de wissel-  ( ~ van een spoordijk) subsi- stand) point detector; dence; settlement; consolidation;  ( ~ voor instellen van een rijweg) form downward movement of an em- track controller; route controller; bankment after completion of the  ( ~ voor treinaankondiging) train railway describer; inleggen  ( ~ voor volgordedwang van be-  ( ~ van trein in het plan) introduc- dieningshandelingen) block proving; tion of a train; to introduce a train; to  (kolenlaad~ ) coal-handling plant; schedule a train; book to run;  (kwiteer~ van dodeman) Driver Vi- deze trein is ingelegd in het plan this gilance Device [DVD]; alerting de- train is booked to run; vice; vigilance device; Br form vigi- Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 83

lance and deadman device; inf alert- line; checking the permanent way er; inf watchdog; (by surfacemen); form visual inspec-  (meld~ ) announcing device; tions carried out on foot, covering the  (naspan~ van de bovenleiding) track and including an inspection of stretching device; wire stretcher; other lineside items; Br inf walking contact line stretcher; the length;  (noodrem~ ) trip cock; form a me-  ( ~ van de trein voor vertrek) vehi- chanical device located on a train cle inspection and brake test [VIBT]; which, when hit by a wayside train Fitness to Run [FTR] examination; stop, causes an emergency brake  ( ~ van seinen, door het Seinwe- application; zen) Br Signalling Infrastructure Con-  (ontgrendel~ ) recoil device; re- dition Assessment [SICA]; setting device; drawback device;  (ultrasoon~ van de spoorstaaf) ul-  (ontspoor~ ) derailer; trasonic checking; form ultrasonic rail  (overlaad~ ) trans(s)hipment in- flaw checking; ultrasonic rail flaw de- stallation; tection [URFD]  (overslag~ ) trans(s)hipment in- inspectiedienst inspectorate stallation; inspectierijtuig Track Inspection  (sein~ ) signalling device; Coach [TIC]  (sper~ voor een bedieningsor- inspectietrein inspection and analy- gaan; verhindering op bedienbaar sing unit infra-element zoals sein of wissel) Inspectie Verkeer en Waterstaat control locking device; locking bar;  (IVW) Transport and Water Ma-  (spoorstaaflas~ ) rail welding nagement Inspectorate Netherlands; (work)shop; ± Br Railway Inspectorate [RI]; ± Br  (treinwas~ ) train-washing plant; Her Majesty’s Railway Inspectorate carriage washer [CW]; carriage [HMRI]; ± Am Federal Railroad Ad- washing machine [CWM]; ministration [FRA]; ± Aust Australian  (vergrendel~ ) locking apparatus; Rail Authority  (waakzaamheidscontrole~ van inspectievoertuig dodeman) Driver Vigilance Device  ( ~ voor de bovenleiding) catenary [DVD]; vigilance device; Br form vigi- inspection vehicle; lance and deadman device  (rail~ ) Track Inspection Vehicle inrijder zie inrijsein [TIV]; track inspection trolley; Am inrijsein entry signal; home signal railroad inspection car inspecteur baan Am Permanent instappen Way Inspector [PI]; Br Permanent  ( ~ in trein) to board (a train); Way Section Supervisor [PWSS]; boarding (a train); to enter a coach; Am track inspector; Br movements to enter a train; manager; Br Inspecting Officer of  (achteraan ~ ) to board at the rear Railways [IOR]; ± Area Track Engi- part of the train; (als aanduiding in neer [ATE]; ± Br District Engineer CTA-bak) board at rear; [DE]  (niet ~ , als aanduiding in CTA- inspectie inspection; bak) do not board;  ( ~ van de baan, door schouw- ploeg) track patrols; inspection of the Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 84

 (vooraan ~ ) to board at the front tional Office of Railway Documenta- part of the train; (als aanduiding in tion [BDC] CTA-bak) board at front; internationaal profiel international u wordt verzocht achteraan in te gauge stappen please board (at) the rear internationaal spoorwegvervoer part of the train; international carriage by rail u wordt verzocht niet in deze trein te internationaal transport trans- stappen please do not board this boundary movement; form the trans- train fer of passengers and goods across instellen van een rijweg route set- national boundaries ting; route control; setting up a route; Internationaal Verbond van Eige- calling a route; Am to make a road; naren van Particuliere Goederen- routing wagens International Union of Pri- instructie door LWB COSS Brief; vate Wagon Owners / International COSS Briefing; Task Briefing [TB]; Union of Wagon Keepers [UIP] form a brief given by the Controller of internationaal vervoer international Site Safety [COSS] to all members of transport; form the transport between the workgroup explaining the Safe points of departure and destination System of Work [SSOW] situated in the territory of two coun- Integra™ push-button signalling ap- tries paratus; signal box with push-button Internationale Maatschappij voor routing; signal board; signalling con- Spoorwegkoeltransport Internatio- trol desk; inf Power Box nal Railway Company for Refrigera- integrale verkeersbeheersing com- ted Transport [INTERFRIGO] prehensive traffic management internationale reis international vo- intercity inter-city service; through yage train; Am inf main tracker; Am inf Internationale Rijtuigvoorschriften non-stop (service) International Coach Regulations intercom intercom [RIC] intercontainervervoer zie gecombi- Internationale Spoorwegcongres- neerd rail-wegvervoer vereniging International Railway Intergouvernementele Organisatie Congress Association [AICCF] voor het Internationale Spoorweg- Internationale Spoorwegunie Inter- vervoer Intergovernmental Organi- national Union of Railways [UIC] sation for International Carriage by internationale trein international Rail [OTIF] train intermodaal vervoer zie gecombi- Internationale Unie van Medische neerd vervoer Diensten van de Spoorwegen In- intermodale transporteenheid zie ternational Union of Railway Medical container Services [UIMC] Internationaal Comité voor het Internationale Verbindingsgroep Vervoer per Spoor International van Spoorweginspecties van de Rail Transport Committee [CIT] Overheden International Liaison Internationaal Documentatiebu- Group of Government Railway In- reau van de Spoorwegen Interna- spectorates [ILGGRI] Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 85

Internationale Vereniging van Fa- crossing); form drive-on procedure; brikanten van Rollend Materieel inf access to rail; International Association of Manufac-  (in- en uitzetten van rail/weg-voer- turers of Rolling Stock / International tuig) form drive-on drive-off proce- Association of Rolling Stock Builders dure; [AICMR]  (rail/wegvoertuig dat na ~ gereed Internationale Vereniging van Ge- is voor dienst op de rails) rail mode; bruikers van Particuliere Spoor- form a road/rail vehicle set up for use aansluitingen International Associa- on the rails, with rail wheels de- tion of Users of Private Sidings ployed, steering locked and appropri- [AIEP] ate lighting lit Internationale Voorschriften voor inzettijd pull-out time; form the time Goederenwagens International Wa- at which the train driver must leave gon Regulations; form Regulations the yard or depot to begin his run Concerning the International use of inzetwaarde fleet availability; form Goods Wagons [RIV] the extent to which the required Internationale Voorschriften voor number of trains are operable in re- het Goederenvervoer per Spoor lation to expected demand; form the International Regulations Concerning number of trains operated divided by the Transport of Goods by Rail [PIM] the number of trains scheduled to be invalide zie gehandicapte operated invalidenwagentje invalid vehicle isolatielas insulated joint; inzet van bussen  (geconstrueerde ~ ) fabricated in-  ( ~ bij verstoringen van de trein- sulated joint dienst of werkzaamheden) substitute isolator insulator; Br inf biscuit; bus service; alternative bus service;  (afspan~ van bovenleiding) an- replacement bus service; Br bustitu- chorage insulator (of contact line); tion  (dwarssteun~ van bovenleiding) inzetplaats zie inzetplek bracket insulator (of contact line); inzetplan  (hang~ ) suspension insulator;  (dienstregeling) Am schedule; Br  ( ~ aan bovenleiding) contact line timetable [TT] insulator; ± globe strainer; inzetplanning zie dienstregelings-  (kap en klep~ van bovenleiding) planning cap-and-rod insulator (of contact inzetplek line);  ( ~ voor rail/wegvoertuigen) Road  (verankerings~ van bovenleiding) Rail Access Point [RRAP]; drive-on anchorage insulator (of contact line) location; form location where ve- isolerende spoorstaaflas insulated hicles can be put on track; inf access rail joint [IRJ]; insulating rail joint; in- to rail; sulated joint een overweg wordt vaak gebruikt als Isolectra™ zie CTA ~ a level crossing is often the place IVW zie Inspectie Verkeer en Water- where vehicles are put on track staat inzetten  ( ~ van rail/wegvoertuig) to drive up onto the track (often at a level Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 86

K  (draag~ van bovenleiding) carry- ing cable; carrier; Br catenary; Am messenger wire; kaapstaander  (dwarsdraag~ van bovenleiding)  ( ~ voor het trekken van wagens transversal carrying cable; traverser; of rangeerdelen) capstan; towing  (geïsoleerde ~ ) insulated cable; gear; Am car puller;  (gewapende ~ of gepantserde ~ )  (elektrische ~ ) electric capstan; armoured cable; sheathed cable;  (hydraulische ~ ) hydraulic cap- shielded cable; ironclad cable; stan  (glasvezel~ ) fibre optic cable kaapstand zie kaapstaander [FOC]; kaartautomaat ticket machine; Tic-  (hoofddraag~ van bovenleiding) ket Vending Machine [TVM]; auto- main carrying cable; matic fare collection [AFC]; automa-  (hoogspannings~ ) high-tension ted ticketing system; Br inf auto; Br cable; Passenger-Operated Ticket Machine  (hulpdraag~ van bovenleiding) [POMS]; Br All-Purpose Ticket Issu- auxiliary carrying cable; ing System [APTIS]; Br Automatic  (koper~ ) copper cable; Passenger Ticket Issuing System  (kortsluit~ ) short-circuit cable; [APTIS]  (kraan~ ) crane cable; kaartcontrole  (langsdraag~ van bovenleiding)  ( ~ door conducteur) ticket inspec- longitudinal carrying cable; tion; Br inf grip; Am inf to lift; Am inf  (optische ~ ) fibre optic cable to uplift; Am inf to lift tickets; [FOC];  (gecontroleerd worden door con-  (staal~ ) steel cable; ducteur) Br inf to be gripped  (verbindings~ ) connecting cable; kaartcontroleur zie conducteur  (voedings~ ) feeder cable; feeder; kaartje zie vervoerbewijs  (voorgeschreven spanning van kaartlezer een ~ ) rated voltage of a cable  ( ~ op poortje of paal) reader at a kabeldiefstal cable theft; wire theft; gate or pole;  (diefstal van kabels en metalen)  ( ~ voor OV-chipkaart) reader; cable and metal theft  (NS-~ ) NS reader kabelgeul cable trough; form electric kaartprinter cable conduit  ( ~ van de loketmedewerker) Tic- kabelgoot electric cable trough(ing) ket Office Machine [TOM] kabelspoorweg ; form kaartverkoop fare collection railway; form inclined plane kabel cable; railway; inf cliff railway;  (aard~ of aardings~ ) earthing ca-  (aandrijfschijf van ~ ) driving pul- ble; ley;  (bewapening van ~ ) cable  (aandrijfstation van ~ ) driving sta- sheathing; tion (of a cable railway);  (coaxiale ~ ) concentric cable;  (aandrijftrommel van ~ ) driving coaxial cable; drum (of a cable railway);  (doorgaande trein~ ) train line;  (keerstation van ~ ) line-end sta- form cable to maintain electrical con- tion; tinuity between all coaches of a train; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 87

 (omkeerschijf van ~ ) pulley for  (plaatskaarten~ ) ticket-window; changing direction of the rope Am ticket office; Br inf booking office kabeltrein cable train; form funicular kartonnen treinkaartje Edmondson train ticket kadespoor dock line; quay line keepmachine tie adzer; adzing ma- kalktrein lime train; Am inf dirt chine; form a machine for preparing dauber (deze term wordt ook ge- seatings for the rails, railplates or rail bruikt voor treinen die fosfaat ver- chairs on track sleepers voeren) keerautomaat voor rijweginstel- Kameel ling zie stuurrelais  (de ~ , voormalig NS directierij- keerlus terminal loop tuig, later recreatierijtuig) (self-pro- keertijd layover time; form the time pelled) railway board coach; inf CEO allowed at the end points of a line coach; (self-propelled) recreation between arrival and departure for coach turning the vehicles, recovery of kanaalomschakelbord delays, preparing for the return trip,  ( ~ voor de Telerail) Br Cab Se- and ensuring passenger connections cure Radio Channel sign; Br CSR kenbord Channel sign; form a lineside sign  ( ~ zoals een kilometerbord of telling the driver to change the chan- seinnummerbord) sign related to nel on their Cab Secure Radio [CSR] operations to the number shown kenlicht marker light kangoeroevervoer kentekenbord  (gecombineerd rail-wegvervoer)  ( ~ zoals het bordje “P” aan een combined road-rail transport seinpaal) reference plate kangoeroewagen Kangaroo-type keper wagon for combined road-rail trans-  (V-vormige ~ ) chevron port keperbaken beacon with chevron(s), kantelbak body-tilt coach; form meaning “reduce speed to 40 km/h coach with a mechanism ensuring and proceed with a speed depending the car body tilt needed to limit late- on visibility and braking capacity, in ral acceleration, permitting higher order to be able to stop before the speeds in curves next signal at danger” kantelbaksysteem tilting system; ketel form system ensuring that a train tilts  ( ~ van stoomlocomotief) boiler; inwards by up to 8 degrees when tra-  (ankerloze ~ ) launch-type boiler; velling through curves  (de ~ van een stoomloc voeden) kantelinrichting zie kantelbaksys- to fill the boiler teem ketelbelasting kantine zie personeelskantine  ( ~ van stoomlocomotief) boiler kanting pressure;  (van spoorstaaf) crosslevel  (rijden met maximale ~ ) running kantoor office; at maximum boiler pressure  ( ~ van opzichter) zie verblijf van keteldruk opzichter;  ( ~ van stoomlocomotief) boiler pressure; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 88

 (toelaatbare ~ ) authorized boiler Keuringsvoorschriften voor Sein- pressure; test pressure of boiler wezeninstallaties Br Signal Works keteloplegging Testing Handbook [SWTH] (the Net-  ( ~ van stoomlocomotief) boiler work Rail company standard which support sets out the procedures for testing ketelwagen tank wagon [IBA, ICA, signalling installations) ICX, TIA, TIB, TIG, TIQ, TIR, TIW]; kiepbare ballastwagen tipping bal- rail tanker; Am tanker; Am inf can; last wagon Am inf thermos; Am inf thermos bot- kiepkar tle;  ( ~ voor smalspoor) tip truck; tip  (crashbestendige ~ voor gevaar- wagon; inf tub; inf coal tub lijke stoffen) Enhanced Crash Resis- kiezel zie grind tant Tank [ECRT]; kilometerpaal kilometre-post; Br  (geknikte ~ ) whale belly car; mile marker post; Am milepost  ( ~ voor aardolieproducten / ben- kilometerpunt zie kilometrering zine) Br petroleum tanker truck; kilometerverlies lost kilometres;  ( ~ voor afgewerkte motorolie) form train-kilometres which are sche- tank wagon for spent lube oil [ZRO]; duled but are not actually worked,  ( ~ voor brandgevaarlijke produc- because of failures and delays in the ten) Br Class A (a tank wagon for service carrying flammable products with a kilometrage flashpoint below 23ºC); Br Class B (a  ( ~ van rollend materieel) Vehicle tank wagon for carrying flammable Miles Travelled [VMT] products with a flashpoint between kilometrering kilometre post; kilo- 23ºC and 61ºC); meterage; mileage point; mile mar-  ( ~ voor creosoot) creosote tank ker; Br mile marker post; Am Mile- wagon; post [MP]; mileage;  ( ~ voor gasvormige producten)  (verspringende ~ , zoals bij split- tank wagon for the carriage of gas; singen) milepost sequence change  ( ~ voor melk of melkproducten) kinderkaartje ticket for children; milk tank wagon [TMV]; child’s ticket  ( ~ voor olieproducten) oil tank kinderwagen baby carriage wagon; Br inf bomber; Am inf oil can kiosk kiosk kettinghor(machine) ballast-scari- klapbord fier and screening machine; inf bal-  (schijfsein) disc signal last cleaner; Br inf riddler; klapper  (ballastdistributie-eenheid van ~ )  (een met modder vervuild stuk ballast distribution unit; ballast dat normaal gesproken tot lig-  (graafmechanisme van ~ ) ballast gingsproblemen leidt) bog hole; excavating unit;  (knalsein, bep. gevaarsein) track  (ketting van ~ ) cutter bar; detonator; rail detonator; Br banger;  (silo-eenheid van ~ ) hopper unit; Br detonator; Am torpedo; detonator ballast hopper unit; placer; form detonating signal; Br inf  (transporteenheid van ~ ) material cracker; Br inf det; conveyor; ballast conveyor Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 89

 (onderdeel van een stopmachine, form detonating signal; Br inf crack- om de stopbreedte bij te stellen) er; Br inf det; Br inf shot; flaps  (automatische ~inrichting) auto- klapperlegger zie knalsein matic detonator; klapstoeltje  (een ~ of klapper afrijden) to ex-  ( ~ op treinbalkon) tip-up seat; fol- plode a detonator; Am to explode a ding seat torpedo klapwissel automatic points; inf gas knalsignaal zie knalsein bag points; knelpunt  ( ~ met veer) spring points; spring  (verkeers~ ) traffic bottleneck; crossing; spring switch form a constriction along a travelled klembout clamp bolt; clamping bolt; railway which limits the number of clinch bolt; pinch bolt trains which can proceed down- klemhuis stream from its location  ( ~ van elastische railbevestiging) knik in het spoor distorted rail(s); Pandrol™ housings of the baseplate; track distortion; crippled rail; buck- rail clip housings ling; wrinkling; form a rail with a short klemmen van een wissel abrupt kink in it; form lateral flexion;  (vastzetten van de wisseltongen) form track fault; inf hump; inf bump; (semi-)permanent locking of the inf kink; inf rough ride switch blades; switch clamping; to knippen van een plaatsbewijs to clamp a switch punch a ticket; to clip a ticket klemplaat knipperend seinbeeld flashing as-  (spoorstaafbevestiging) adjusting pect (in a signal); intermittent visual clip; sleeper clip; signal;  (verende ~ ) spring steel sleeper  ( ~ bij de NMBS) flashing aspect; clip contraflow signal (signal at right- kleurenonderscheidingsvermogen hand side of right-hand track for fitness to distinguish between co- trains routed along that track in the lours; capacity for differentiating co- contraflow direction); lours  (onderbroken knipperlicht) inter- kleur(en)wisselaar mittent quick flashing light  (bep. type lichtsein) movable- knipper en spreider roundel light unit; searchlight signal;  ( ~ behorende bij bevrijdingsappa- searchlight type colour-light signal; ratuur) cutting device and spreader; form a colour light signal with a sing- inf Jaws of Life™ le lamp and lens, behind which a sli- knipperlicht flasher; ding spectacle plate with coloured  (rode ~en bij spoorwegovergang) glasses moves to give the aspect (red) crossing signal lights; Am cros- klinknagel rivet sing flashers; Am alternating cross- kloot zie wisselkloot buck flashers knalsein knipperrelais flasher relay; rocker  (bep. gevaarsein) track detonator; switch; tumbler switch; inf flip-flop rail detonator; Br banger; Br detona- kniptang tor; Am torpedo; detonator placer;  ( ~ voor plaatsbewijzen) ticket punch; ticket clippers; form clippers Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 90

for tickets; form punch for tickets; Am kolentip wagon tipper; wagon tip- inf pliers; Br inf gripping ping plant; Am dumper; Am freight knooppunt railway junction [JCN, car dumper JCT, JT]; demerge; ± main station kolentrein coal train; Am inf black koeiekop snake; Am inf coal drag;  (richtingindicator voor rijweg door  ( ~ voor de hoogovens) coal train wissel; richtingssein) Junction Route bound for the steel works; Indicator [JRI]; Junction Direction In-  ( ~ voor electriciteitscentrales) dicator [JDI]; diverging junction sig- coal train delivering to power sta- nal; splitting signal; junction indicator tions; Br inf merry-go-round train [JI]; Br Position Light Junction Indica- [MGR] tor [PLJI]; Multi-Lamp Route Indica- kolenvoorraad coal supplies; coal tor [MLRI]; route indicator [RI]; preli- stocks minary route indicator [PRI]; form kolenvoorziening coaling; form re- (white) route indicator lights to inform plenishment of coal supplies the driver which route has been set kolenwagen coal wagon; coal hop- up by the signaller for his train at the per [HAA, HBA, HCA, HDA, HFA, junction ahead; Br inf feathers; Br inf HMA, HNA, JMA]; coke hopper lunar lights [HCO, HCP, HCV]; Am inf battle- koeienvanger wagon  ( ~ op locomotief) cattle catcher; koninginnedag the Queen’s birth- Am cowcatcher; Am inf pilot plow; day Aust roobar (afkorting van ‘kangaroo koninklijke trein Royal Train; bar’); form obstacle deflector; inf  (locomotief voor ~ ) royal train en- lifeguard gine; royal engine; Br inf Royal Toas- koelwagen refrigerator wagon; refri- ter; gerated wagon; Am iced ; Am  (extra reserveloc / angstloc voor inf iced truck; inf reefer; Am inf free- ~ ) inf extra just-in-case (dead) en- zer; Am inf riff gine; inf just-in-caser; koersbord ; destina-  (rijtuig van ~ ) Br Royal Train tion board; destination panel Coach [ROY] koersrollen train indicators; train koolfrontlocomotief working face describers locomotive; form an underground mi- koffieautomaat coffee machine ning locomotive used to collect wa- koffiekamer zie personeelskantine gons near to the working face to koffiepauze coffee-break form them into trains kogellager roller bearing; ball bear- koolzuuralarm fire extinguishing ing gas alarm kolenbevoorrading coaling; form koper copper; replenishment of coal supplies  (geel ~ , messing) brass kolenlaadinrichting coal-handling koperdiefstallen copper thefts; plant  ( ~ waarbij het vooral kabels be- kolen laden treft) copper cable thefts (including  ( ~ van stoomlocomotief, ) lines) to coal the locomotive; to take in coal koperdraad copper wire koplading railway end loading Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 91

kop maken zie ombouwen  (directe ~ van wissels en seinen) koppel tractive effort at wheel-guide- direct interlocking; dead interlocking; way interface  (elektrische ~ in beveiligingssys- koppelen teem) electric interlocking;  ( ~ van rollend materieel) to coup-  (elektrische ~ tussen treinstellen) le; to couple up; form to couple wa- electric connection; gons or coaches together; form to  (handbediende ~ ) manual coup- link vehicles to form a train; to add (a ler; wagon); to hook on; to hook up; Am  (hoofd~ ) main coupling; inf to make a joint; Am inf to pin; Br  (hydraulische ~ ) hydraulic coup- inf to tie on; Br inf to ghoul; ling;  ( ~ van seinen en wissels; enclen-  (klauw~ ) claw coupling; dog cheren) to lock; to interlock; coupling; jaw coupling; toothed  ( ~ met automatische koppeling) coupling; to couple automatically; Am inf to  ( ~ met het blokstelsel) block sig- janney; nal interlocking; interlocking with the  (niet strak ~ ) to couple loose; block system;  (strak ~ ) to couple rigidly  ( ~ tussen seinen en wissels) in- koppeling terlocking [IXL];  ( ~ van rollend materieel) Br Aust  ( ~ voor volgordedwang) sequen- coupling; coupling gear; Am coupler; tial interlocking; Am inf pin; Am inf joint; Am inf link  (korte ~ ) tight coupling; close and pin; coupling;  ( ~ tussen seinen en wissels) in-  (lang maken van de ~ ) lengthen- terlocking; ing of the coupling; stretching of the  (aandraaien van ~ ) to tighten the coupling; coupling;  (losdraaien van de ~ ) to release  (Amerikaanse ~ ) Janney coupler; the coupling; form to disengage the  (as~ ) transmission shaft coupling; coupling; to loosen the coupling; driving shaft coupling;  (mechanische ~ ) mechanical  (automatische ~ ) Am automatic coupler; mechanical coupling device; coupler [A/C]; automated coupler; in-  (niet strakke ~ ) loose coupling; stanter coupling; Br Aust automatic  (nood~ ) emergency coupling; coupling [A/C]; auto-coupler (with a emergency drawbar; Br inf thunder- central buffer); form mechanical lat- bird; ching device for coupling rail cars  (normale ~ tussen seinen en wis- together upon impact; Am Knuckle sels) normal interlocking; coupler; Am Janney coupler; Br  (pomp~ ) pump coupling; Buckeye™ coupling; Br Tightlock™;  (post~ tussen railverkeersleidings- inf Wedgelock™; Br inf BSI™; Br inf posten) ± Adjacent Signalbox Link ghoul; [ASL]; ± Adjacent Signal Box Proto-  (automatisch ontkoppelende ver- col Converter [ASBPC]; warmings~ ) automatic release heat-  (remluchtslang~ ) brake-hose ing coupling; coupling;  (borg~ ) safety coupling;  (directe ~ ) direct coupling; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 92

 (Scharfenberg-~ ) Scharfenberg between the driving wheels of a loco- coupling; Scharfenberg coupler; fully motive; automatic coupler (for multiple units);  ( ~ specifiek van stoomloc) con-  (scharnierende ~ ) articulated necting rod; coupling;  ( ~ specifiek van dieselloc) Am  (schroef~ ) screw coupling; Am galloping rod screw coupler; koppelwagen  (seinarm~ ) coupling of signal  (goederenmaterieel) match wa- arms; gon [RFO, RFQ]; match truck;  (slang~ ) hose coupling; pipe  (reizigersmaterieel) translator coupling; coach  (speling in de ~en) play of coup- kopspoor dead end track; terminal lings; slack of couplings; track; stub track; spur track;  (stijve ~ ) rigid coupling;  ( ~ voor rangeerwerk)  (transverse~ ) bridge coupling kop/staart verlichting marker(s); (used for joining together two re- form the front and rear signals car- railing bridges); re-railing bridge con- ried by a train or locomotive, usually nection element; in the form of lights  (verwarmings~ ) heating coupling; kopstation railhead; dead-end sta-  (voedingswater~ ) feedwater-pipe tion; stub-end station; Am stub termi- coupling; nal  (voertuig~ ) coupling of vehicles; kop van de dwarsligger end of  (volledig automatische ~ ) multi- sleeper function coupler [MFC]; fully automa- kop van de spoorstaaf tic coupler; Scharfenberg™ coupler;  (railkop) head; head of rail form automatic coupler that makes kop van de trein head of the train; all connections between the rail ve- front of the train hicles (mechanical, air brake and e- korting lectrical) without human intervention,  ( ~ op vervoerbewijs) reduced in contrast to autocouplers which just rate; reduced fare handle the mechanical aspects; kortingkaart reduced-fare pass; Br  (wagen~ ) wagon coupling; railcard;  (wissel~ ) connection to points  (vervoerbewijs aangeschaft met koppelingsbeugel looped coupling een ~ ) Br Privilege Ticket [PT]; Br inf link; bent coupling ring; inf “D” link Priv; koppelingsbreuk breakage of coup-  (houder van ~ ) Am inf stockhol- ling; breaking of coupling der; koppelingshaak drawbar; hooked  ( ~ voor 65+) Br inf twirly (in En- bar for coupling purposes geland geeft zo’n kaart pas ná de koppelklaar zijn to be in a position ochtendspits recht op reizen met kor- for coupling ting. Houders van de kaart vragen koppelomvormer torque converter daarom vaak onzeker aan de con- koppelstang ducteur “Am I too early?” Vandaar de  ( ~ van stoom- of dieselloc) coup- naam van de 65+ kortingkaart, twirly) ling rod; exterior rod; Am side rod; kort keren form to hold a train (usu- jackshaft; form an intermediate shaft ally at a reversing point so that it Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 93

omits a round trip in order to restore kortstondige spanningsdaling vol- it to correct timing); Br to leave a tage dip train over kostentoewijzing cost projection kortsluiting short circuit; electrical kraagbout chair screw; collar screw; short sleeper screw; Am screw spike (with kortsluitkabel form short-circuit ca- square head); Am form rectangular ble, used to short out track circuits head screw spike; Aust coach screw; by connection across the rails in sleeper bolt; inf bolt; inf stepped pin; times of emergency; Track Circuit inf shoulder pin; Am inf spike; Aust Operating Clips [TCOC]; Br inf track inf dog spike; circuit clip  ( ~ voor de bevestiging van hou- kortsluitlans ten dwarsliggers bij overwegen)  (zelfsignalerende ~ , ZKL) self- chair screw for securing level cros- detecting shunt bar; shunt bar; Track sing timbers; Br LX chairscrew Circuit Operating Device [TCOD]; kraagbout(aan)draaimachine short circuiting bar; Br inf shorting power wrench; Br impact wrench; bar; sleeper-screw driving machine; een ~ simuleert de aanwezigheid sleeper-screw driver; form motor- van een trein door kortsluiting in de driven sleeper-screw driver; form spoorstroomloop te veroorzaken a power wrench which automatically self-detecting shunt bar simulates gives the right degree of tightening to the presence of a train by providing the sleeper bolts; short circuit;  (draagbare ~ ) hand held power een ~ zorgt voor een veilige blokke- wrench; form a compressed air, elec- ring van een spoorsectie, ter be- trically or petrol powered, hand held scherming van het personeel bij rotary device used to fit, tighten or werkzaamheden a shunt bar ensures remove chair screws; the safe blocking of a track section,  (rijdende ~ ) wheeled power in order to protect construction and wrench; form equipment powered by maintenance teams; an internal combustion engine used  (een ~ plaatsen) to place a shunt for removing or fitting chairscrews, of bar on the track; to install a shunt bar the type supported on a double- between the rails; flanged two-wheel carrier with an je kunt nu je ~en plaatsen you may outrigger fitted with a single wheel now install your shunt bars; running on the opposite rail; Br inf de ~ signaleert niet the shunt bar bedstead; inf Geismar™ power does not appear on the track dia- wrench; gram / the shunt bar does not drop  ( ~ met benzinemotor) petrol on powered impact wrench; Br inf kortsluitstroom short-circuit current; Bance™ wrench fault mode current kraagboutsleutel box spanner; kortsluitwaarde van het geïsoleer- screw key; fly spanner; screw dolly; de spoor drop shunt of a track cir- T-spanner; form a T-handled, two cuit man tool for tightening or removing kortste route minimum path chairscrews kraagschroef zie kraagbout Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 94 kraan off-track crane; inf Atlas™; Am inf  (auto~ ) truck mounted crane; Hopto-Digger™;  (autolaad~ ) loader crane;  ( ~ op rupsbanden) crawler crane;  (brand~ ) fire hydrant; caterpillar crane; crane on caterpillar  (draaibare ~ ) rotatable crane; luf- tracks; fing crane; revolving crane;  ( ~ op truck, die zowel op de weg  (drijvende ~ ) floating crane; als op rails kan rijden) truck mounted  (een ~ bedienen) to operate a crane; travelling crane; road/rail truck crane; crane; on-track/off-track crane; Am  (een ~ draaien) to slew a crane; to inf Little Giant™; Am inf Cline™; Am swing a crane; inf Grove™; Am inf Link-Belt™; Am  (een ~ opstellen) to set up a inf Pettibone™; Am inf Trakrane™; crane;  ( ~ voor laden van erts) ore-  (giek~ ) crane; form a conventio- loading crane; nal lifting crane where the load is  ( ~ voor opslagplaats) stockyard suspended by cable via a jib; crane;  (grijper~ ) clamshell crane; grab  ( ~ voor zeer zware lasten) giant crane; grabbing crane; crane;  (haven~ ) harbour crane;  ( ~wagon) rail dedicated crane;  (hefvermogen van ~ ) lifting power  ( ~wagon voor hersporing bij (of a crane); ongevallen) breakdown crane (wa-  (hijs~ ) crane; gon); Br railway breakdown crane; Br  (hoogtebegrensde ~ voor werk- railway recovery crane; Am (railroad) zaamheden onder bovenleiding) rerail crane; Am wreck crane; Am height limited crane (for working be- wrecking derrick; Am Aust Br inf Big low catenary); Hook;  (hydraulische ~ ) hydraulic crane;  ( ~wagon voor werkzaamheden  ( ~locomotief) crane locomotive; aan het spoor) crane wagon; rail-  ( ~ met arm) jib crane; mounted crane; Am crane car; Am  ( ~ met drie schoren) derrick derrick car; inf Gottwald™; Br inf crane; Coles™;  ( ~ met grijpklauwen) claw crane;  (laad~ ) loader crane;  ( ~ met hoogtebegrenzing) height  (locomotief~ ) locomotive crane; limited crane (for working below ca-  (locomotiefhef~ ) locomotive lifting tenary); crane;  ( ~ met hoogte- en zijwaartse be-  (mobiele ~ ) mobile crane; grenzing) crane with specific limits  (motorrail~ ) zie spoorwegkraan; for the movements of the boom with  (ongevallen~ ) breakdown crane regard to height and movement to (wagon); heavy breakdown crane; the side; Am wrecking crane; Am derrick car;  ( ~ met vaste giek) fixed-boom Am Aust Br inf Big Hook; Am wreck- crane; ing derrick;  ( ~ op autochassis) truck mounted  (portaal~ ) gantry crane; crane;  (rem~ ) air brake valve; brake  ( ~ op lorries; ‘krol’) road/rail cock; driver’s brake valve; crane; road/rail excavator; on-track/ Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 95

 (rups~ ) crawler crane; caterpillar kraanbaan crane gantry crane; crane on caterpillar tracks; kraanbestuurder zie kraanmachinist  (schroot~ ) claw crane; kraanbrug crane bridge  (spoor~ , spoorweg~ ) railway kraancabine crane driver’s cabin; crane; rail crane; rail dedicated crane cabin crane; crane wagon; track crane; Am kraandrijfwerk crane drive mecha- railroad crane; Am crane car; gene- nism; crane working gear ral purpose crane [GPC]; Br inf Co- kraandrijver zie kraanmachinist wans Sheldon™; Br inf Gottwald™; kraandrijverskooi zie kraancabine Br inf Coles™; Br inf Jones™; Br inf kraanfundatieblok crane base; Grafton™; crane foundation block  (spoorwegongevallen~ ) break- kraanhaak crane hook down crane (wagon) [ZIA, ZIB, ZIP, kraanhijsbeweging crane hoisting ZIR, ZIV]; Br railway breakdown motion crane; Br railway recovery crane; Am kraankabel crane cable (railroad) rerail crane; Am wreck kraankat crane crab; crane trolley crane; Am derrick car; heavy break- kraankatrol crane pulley block down crane; Am wrecking crane; Am kraanlast crane load wrecking derrick; Am Aust Br inf Big kraanlocomotief Hook;  (locomotief of rangeersik die voor-  (sprei / vlucht / reikwijdte van ~ ) zien is van een kraan) crane locomo- outreach; spread; working radius; tive;  (stoom~ ) steam crane; het verschil tussen een ~ en een lo-  (stoomlocomotief~ ) zie stoomrail- comotiefkraan is als volgt the diffe- kraan; rence between a crane locomotive  (stoomrail~ ) steam rail crane; and a locomotive crane is as follows:  (stoomwagendraai~ ) zie stoom- een ~ is min of meer een normale lo- railkraan; comotief, die als extra van een kraan  (telescoop~ ) telescopic crane; Br is voorzien. Een voorbeeld zijn de inf Iron Fairy™; sikken die door de NS met een klei-  (truck~ ) truck mounted crane; Am ne hydraulische kraan werden uitge- inf Grove™; Am inf Link-Belt™; Am rust a crane locomotive is more or inf Pettibone™; Am inf Little Giant™; less a normal locomotive which is fit-  (verrijdbare ~ ) mobile crane; tra- ted with a crane as optional equip- velling crane; ment. An example are the rail motor  (wagon~ ) wagon crane; tractors that were fitted with a small  (wal~ ) quay crane; shore crane; hydraulic crane by Netherlands Rail- waterside crane; wharf crane; ways;  (zelfrijdende ~ ) self-propelled een locomotiefkraan is speciaal als crane; kraan ontworpen, en is gemonteerd  (zelfrijdende spoorweg~ ) Br loco op een zelfrijdende onderwagen. Het crane; Am locomotive crane; motorvermogen is afgeleid van de  (zware ~ ) heavy duty crane hijsfunctie en is vergeleken met het kraanarm jib; crane jib; form arm of vermogen van een locomotief van the crane hetzelfde gewicht erg bescheiden a kraanarmkop jib head locomotive crane is specially de- Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 96

signed as a crane, and is mounted  (diesel~ ) diesel tractive unit; on a self-propelled undercarriage. Its  (elektrisch ~ ) electric tractive unit; engine power is derived from the  ( ~en) tractive stock; motor units; crane’s lifting function and is rather  ( ~ met afzonderlijk aangedreven modest compared with that of a loco- assen) motor vehicle with indepen- motive of the same weight dent axles; kraanloopkat travelling trolley of  ( ~ met gekoppelde assen) motor crane vehicle with coupled axles; kraanmachinist crane controller  ( ~ voor meer dan twee systemen) [CC]; crane driver; crane operator; multi-system tractive unit; inf crane slinger; inf slinger  ( ~ voor twee frequenties, 50 Hz – 2 kraan op lorries zie krol 16 /3 Hz) tractive unit using two sys- kraanponton crane pontoon tems of frequency, single-phase 50 2 kraanrijmotor crane travelling mo- cycle and 16 /3 Hz; tor; crane traverse motor  ( ~ voor twee gelijkspanningen, kraanwagen, kraanwagon 1500 V-3000 V) tractive unit using  (spoorwegkraan) railway crane; two systems of direct current, 1500 rail dedicated crane; Am railroad V-3000 V; crane; Am crane car; general pur-  ( ~ voor twee systemen, 1500 V pose crane [GPC]; Br inf Coles™; Br gelijkspanning en de fase 50 Hz) inf Cowans Sheldon™; tractive unit using 1500 V direct  ( ~ voor werkzaamheden aan het current and 50 cycle single-phase spoor) crane wagon; Am derrick car; current; rail mounted crane; inf Gottwald™;  (stoom~ ) steam engine Br inf Coles™; Br inf Jones™; krachtvoertuigbediening driving of  ( ~ voor het hijsen van spoorsta- traction vehicles ven e.d. bij werkzaamheden) track krachtvoertuigpersoneel driving relaying crane [YJB, YJO, YJP]; side crew rail loader; Br inf Arneke™; kritieke spoorstaaftemperatuur cri-  ( ~ voor hersporing bij ongevallen) tical rail temperature [CRT]; form the breakdown crane (wagon) [ZIA, ZIB, rail temperature to which continuous ZIP, ZIR, ZIV]; Am (railroad) rerail welded rail may be allowed to rise crane; Am derrick car; heavy break- before measures to protect trains down crane; Am wreck crane; Am must be taken wrecking crane; Am wrecking der- krol rick; Br railway breakdown crane; Br  (kraan op lorries) road/rail crane; railway recovery crane; Am Aust Br Road Rail Excavator; on-track/off- inf Big Hook track crane; inf Road Railer [RR]; krachtstroomcontroller power form a rubber tyred road rail 360º ex- switchgroup cavator with auxiliary rail wheels and krachtstroommotor zie driefasen- equipment; Br inf Rubber Duck; Br motor inf Atlas™; Am inf Hopto-Digger™; krachtvoertuig traction unit; tractive Am inf Warner & Swasey™ unit; motive power unit; traction ve- krom spoor hicle; motor vehicle; motor unit;  ( ~ in een wissel) deflecting sec-  ( ~en) tractive stock; tion; switching section Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 97 kruier luggage porter  (geconstrueerd ~ ) built-up obtuse kruierij op een station porterage crossing with both rails straight; service; porter service at a station  (geconstrueerd ~ met gebogen kruisende rijwegen conflicting benen) built-up obtuse crossing with routes; incompatible routes; form both rails curved; routes that are opposing, converging  (gegoten ~ ) cast obtuse crossing; or intersecting, over which move-  ( ~ van kruising) splice rail; ments cannot be made simultane-  (twee ~ken samen van een En- ously without possibility of collision; gels wissel of kruising) obtuse cros-  (niet-~ ) non-conflicting routes sing kruising crossing [XING]; kruiswissel scissors crossover;  (dubbele ~ ) obtuse crossing; double crossing double crossing; ; krukdetectie  (enkele ~ ) single crossing; com-  ( ~ van wissel) (point) crank de- mon crossing; tection  (gelijkvloerse ~ van spoorbaan en krukken autoweg) Br level crossing [LC]; rail-  ( ~ van wissels) to crank (points) way crossing; Am railroad crossing; krukzekerheidsslot op een wissel Am grade crossing; inf highway cros- point lock sing; kuilwagen well wagon; bogie well  (gewone ~ ) common crossing; wagon [IDB]  (haakse ~ ) right-angle crossing; kunstwerk  ( ~ tussen twee sporen) cross-  (technisch ~ , zoals een brug) over; double crossing; form two swit- structure ches, with track between them, con- kurkrubber necting two nearby and usually pa-  (tussen railvoet en onderlegplaat) rallel tracks; rubber bonded [RBC]; corkrub-  ( ~ van sporen) crossing of tracks; ber; track crossing;  ( ~plaat, tussen railvoet en onder-  (ongelijkvloerse ~ ) Br flyover; Am legplaat) corkrubber pad overpass; over track crossing [OTX]; kwartierdienst fixed cycle operation  (opgebouwde gewone ~ ) fabrica- kwiteerinrichting ted common crossing; built-up com-  ( ~ van dodeman) vigilance de- mon crossing; vice; Driver Vigilance Device [DVD];  (opgebouwde ~ ) built-up cros- alerting device; Br form vigilance and sing; deadman device; inf alerter; inf  (rechte ~ ) diamond crossing on watchdog straight tracks; kwiteerknop  (scheve ~ van sporen) oblique  ( ~ van dodeman) vigilance de- crossing; diamond crossing vice; alerting device kruisingshoek crossing angle kruispunt crossing; cross road kruisstuk diamond crossing; Switch & Crossing Unit [S&C Unit]; double frog; form built-up obtuse crossing; inf diamond; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 98

L laadperron bank; loading platform; form goods loading deck laadplan loading plan L, A en E-borden C&T indicators; laadprofiel loading gauge form illuminated indicators showing laadpunt loading point; loading site the Commencement and Termina- laadstation loading station tion of temporary speed limits; form laadterrein loading site temporary speed restriction signs; laadtijd loading (lead) time form temporary speed restriction laadvermogen pay load boards; form lineside indicators for laaggeplaatst sein drawing a driver’s attention to the  (dwergsein) ground signal; presence of an Emergency Speed Ground Position Light Signal [GPLS]; Restriction [ESR]; form speed sig- Ground Position Light [GPL]; signal nals for track working sites; form mounted at track level; dwarf signs related to TSRs and ESRs (ground) signal; dwarf signal which (Temporary Speed Restrictions and features red, yellow, and green in a Emergency Speed Restrictions); triangle shape; ± signal to control emergency indicators; working-site low-speed movements; Br inf creep- signals; Br Emergency Warning In- er; (dwarf) shunt signal; ± calling-on dicators [EWI]; Am slow flags; Br inf signal; (colour light) subsidiary sig- Metal Mickey; nal; shunt ahead signal; inf dwarf; Br  (A-bord, Aanvang tijdelijke snel- inf billy; Br inf dolly; Br inf dod; Br inf heidsbeperking) C-board, marking dodd; Br inf dummy; Am inf runt; Am the commencement of a temporary inf Tri-Color dwarf; Br inf Tommy; Br speed restriction; commencement inf Tommy Dodd board; speed-restriction warning sig- laag groen nal; warning to slow down;  (seinbeeld in Nederland) dwarf  (E-bord, Einde tijdelijke snelheids- signal displaying a green aspect, beperking) T-board, marking the ter- meaning “permission to proceed at mination of a temporary speed res- 40 km/h” triction; termination board; termina- laagspanningsleiding low-voltage tion indicator; form a lineside sign in- line dicating the end of a temporary laatste rit late run; form run which is speed restriction; scheduled after the end of the nor-  (L-bord, Langzaam rijden i.v.m. mal daily operating period; Br inf tijdelijke snelheidsbeperking) wor- dead late king-site signal, marking service bra- laatste trein king distance from temporary speed  ( ~ van de reizigersdienst) last restriction; Am slow flag train of the traffic day; late run; Br inf laadbrug end ramp dead late laadeenheid swap body; loading ladderwagen ladder trolley; ladder unit; container truck laadkist container; freight container; lading cargo; load; transport container  (bijzondere ~ ) exceptional load laadklasse loading class [EXLO]; laadkraan loader crane  (kop~ ) (railway) end loading; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 99

 ( ~ buiten profiel) out of gauge de seinen die ~ staan the lineside load [OOG Load]; signals; the trackside signals; Am the  ( ~ van goederenwagen) the load wayside signals in a freight car; Am lading; langs het spoor zie langs de baan  (zij~ ) side ramp langsligger longitudinal sleeper ladingmal loading gauge langzaam rijden slow running; to lamp deuren dicht closed doors in- operate at low speed; Am inf to dicator [CDI, CD]; Br Right Away In- coon; Br inf to count the sleepers; dicator [RAI]; pilot light; form an indi- Am inf to count ties; cator lamp informing the train driver  ( ~de trein) Am inf way train (niet that platform work is complete and te verwarren met ‘slow train’ dat that the train doors are safely shut stoptrein betekent); lampje aarde  ( ~de goederentrein) Am drag  (aardfoutverklikkerlampje) frame lans fault indicator  (zelfsignalerende kortsluit~ ) self- landelijk overpad occupation cros- detecting shunt bar; shunt bar; Track sing; occupation level crossing; cros- Circuit Operating Device [TCOD]; sing leading to private property; short circuiting bar; Br inf shorting  (“boerenoverpad”) field to field bar; crossing; accommodation crossing; de ~ signaleert niet the shunt bar form Accommodation Level Crossing does not appear on the track dia- [ALC]; Aust farm crossing; form level gram / the shunt bar does not drop crossing provided for the use of a on; landowner whose property was divi-  (een ~ plaatsen) to place a shunt ded when the railway was built; inf bar on the track; to install a shunt bar cattle arch; inf cattle creep between the rails; landelijke verkeersleider (LVL) zie de LWB mag nu zijn ~en plaatsen verkeersleider the Controller of Site Safety [COSS] landelijke verkeersleiding (LVL) zie may now install his shunt bars verkeersleiding las lange lengtes  (aluminothermische ~ ) alumino-  (spoorstaven) long lengths of rails thermic weld; Amoterm™ weld; langgelaste spoorstaven continu- Delachaux™ weld; Railtech™ weld; ously welded rails [CWR]; long- inf Thermit™ weld; form a welded welded rails [LWR]; form continuous permanent butt joint made between lengths of rails; Am ribbon rails two rail ends using the solidification langs de baan of molten metal;  (bijv. mensen of dieren) along the  (brug~ van spoorstaven) rail joint track; support; bridge joint; er spelen kinderen ~ bij kilometer  (compensatie~ voor langgelaste 38.8 there are children playing along spoorstaven) stress transition length; the track near kilometre-post 38.8; expansion joint; expansion compen-  (bijv. seinen) lineside; trackside; sating joint; feathered joint; adjust- Am wayside; ment switch; form expansion device for continuously welded rails; inf breather length; inf breather; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 100

 (composiet~ ) composite joint; inf  (spoorstaaf~ met ~platen) fish- Exel™ joint; plated (rail) joint; fish-plating with  (defecte ~ ) defective weld; inf wet free heads; plated joint; fished joint; weld; ordinary joint; tight joint; Am head  (defecte spoorstaaf~ ) faulty joint; free joint bars; defective joint; lack of fusion; inf  (stomp~ ) straight joint; end joint; black hole; inf hot tear(s); butt joint;  (dilatatie~ ) feathered joint; form  (stoten van een wiel op een ~ ) chamfered joint for long-welded rails; kick of a wheel on a rail joint; bounce scarfed joint; expansion joint; of a wheel on a rail joint;  (dubbele ~ tussen spoorsecties)  (tegenover elkaar liggende ~sen) double rail joint; square rail joints; opposite rail joints;  (ES-~ ofwel elektrische schei-  (thermiet~ ) thermit welded joint; dings~ ) insulated / isolated rail joint form aluminothermic welded joint; [IRJ]; insulated block joint [IBJ]; inf  (verspringende ~sen) staggered block joint; rail joints;  (geïsoleerde ~ tussen twee spoor-  (verzakking van de ~sen) depres- secties) insulated joint [IJ]; insulated sion of rail joints; block joint [IBJ]; section insulator; Br  (voegwijdte van de ~ ) gap at inf Flying Duck; joint; rail expansion gap;  (isolerende spoorstaaf~ ) insula-  (vonkstuik~ ) zie stomplas; ting rail joint; insulated rail joint [IRJ];  (zwevende ~ ) bridge rail joint; insulated joint; overhanging joint; suspended rail  (lage ~ ) low rail joint; joint  ( ~ aan de voorkant van het wis- lasapparaat welding set; welding sel) end of stock rail next to swit- equipment; welder; ches;  (elektrisch ~ ) arc welding set;  ( ~ met van elkaar afliggende  (reduceerventiel van ~ ) pressure dwarsliggers) spaced sleeper rail regulator joint; lasbrander welding torch  ( ~ met tussenruimte) fish-plating lasbril welding goggles with free heads; fishplated rail joint; lasdwarsligger joint sleeper plated joint; fished joint; ordinary laserwagen laser trolley joint; tight joint; Am head free joint lasnaad weld; bars;  (vastheid van de ~ ) strength of  (lijm~ ) glued insulated joint [GIJ]; weld  (montage~ ) construction joint; lasopening zie uitzettingsopening  (ondersteunde spoorstaaf~ ) lasplaten ; fishing plates; double sleeper rail joint; supported rail splices; Am joint bars; Am splice rail joint; bars;  (rail~ ) rail joint;  (doorgezette ~ ) fish-plates with  (scheidings~ tussen secties in de adjustment for wear; spoorbaan) section joint; block joint;  (het aanbrengen van ~ ) fish-  (spoorstaaf~ ) joint [JT]; rail joint; plating; inf to fish the plates; Am ap- rail weld; plying joint bars; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 101

 (hoek~ ) angle fish-plates; Am  (smelt~ ) fusion welding; angle bars;  (smelt~ onder druk) combined  (isolerende ~ ) insulating fish- fusion and pressure welding; plates; Am insulated joints;  (split~ ) expansion switch;  (nood~ ) emergency fish-plating;  (stomp~ ) butt welding; emergency clamp fishplates; Br inf  (stuik~ ) pressure welding; night caps;  (thermiet~ ) thermite welding  (opgeknapte ~ ) renovated fish- [TW]; thermit welding; plates; Am reformed bars;  (uitgloeien van de spoorstaafver-  (opgeperste ~ ) re-stamped fish- binding na het ~ ) to normalise the plates; welded joint; form to re-heat the joint  (overgangs~ ) cranked fish-plates; after welding; Am spliced bars;  (uitzettings~ ) expansion joint; ex-  (ruimte tussen het lijf van de pansion switch; spoorstaaf en de ~ ) play between  (zuurstof-acetyleen~ onder druk) web of rail and fish-plates; oxy-acetylene pressure welding; inf  (tongwortel~ ) heel fish-plates; Oxweld™  (versterkte ~ ) reinforced fish- lasser welder plates; lastgeving  (vlakke ~ ) flat fish-plates  ( ~ van treindienstleider) train or- lasrail fish-plate rail der; Am inf flimsy; Am inf tissue; lasrugplaat baseplate  (rijden met ~en) (trains) running lasrups welding bead; welding under caution seam; weld seam; run; bead lastgeving AKI/AHOB lassen welding; to weld;  (lastgeving wegens niet normaal  (acetyleen~ ) oxy-acetylene wel- functioneren van AKI/AHOB) train or- ding; oxy-fuel welding; oxy welding; der for malfunctioning automatic le- Am gas welding; vel crossings  (autogeen~ met zuurstof-acety- lastgeving DAS leenvlam) autogenous welding; oxy-  (lastgeving Doorrijden bij stopto- acetylene welding; nende Automatische Seinen) train  (continu-weerstand~ ) seam wel- order for passing automatic signals ding; continuous welding; at danger  (elektrisch ~ ) arc welding; electri- lastgeving F cal welding;  (lastgeving Fluit) whistle signal or-  (elektrisch stomp~ ) flash butt wel- der; inf whistle order ding; lastgeving KR  ( ~ met gasvlam) gas welding;  (lastgeving Kruising) crossing or-  ( ~ met vloeipoeder) submerged der; form train order for specific arc welding; crossovers  ( ~ met zuurstof-waterstofvlam) lastgeving ROZ oxy-hydrogen welding;  (lastgeving Rijden op Zicht) dri-  ( ~ onder druk) pressure welding; ver’s cautious-running slip; form or-  (op~ ) building up by welding; re- der to drive the train on sight, vigilant surfacing by welding; Am surfacing; for any obstructions on the line a-  (punt~ ) spot welding; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 102 head, ready to stop at any obstruc- lawaaierig zie lawaaiig tion lawaaiig noisy lastgeving SB ledig mat zie leeg mat(erieel)  (lastgeving Snelheid Begrenzen) leeg mat(erieel) slow order; form speed limitation or-  (ledig rijdend goederenmaterieel) der due to infrastructural reasons; empty stock; empty wagons; a train form order to run at reduced speed; of empties; Am inf speedo  (ledig rijdend reizigersmaterieel) lastgeving ST empty running; empty stock; empty  (lastgeving Stoppen) stopping or- coaching stock [ECS]; Br Empty der; form notice giving authority to Coaching Stock [ECS] train; empty stop carriage stock [ECS]; Br Non- lastgeving STS Passenger Carrying Coaching Stock  (lastgeving Stoptonend Sein) train [NPCCS]; Br Class 5 train; form the order to pass a signal at danger running of a motor coach train with- lastgeving TTV out passengers or luggage; form  (lastgeving Telefonisch Toestem- carriage(s) not in passenger service; ming Vragen) train order for telepho- Am inf deadhead; inf Empty [ETY, nic starting permission MT] lastgeving V leeg materieel kilometers non-  (lastgeving Vertrekken) departure revenue kilometres order leegschoppen lastgeving VDS  ( ~ van reizigerstrein) zie leeg-  (lastgeving Vermindering Dienst- trekken regelingssnelheid) train order for re- leegtrekken ducing scheduled speed  ( ~ van reizigerstrein) form de- lastgeving VR training passengers, especially when  (lastgeving Voorzichtig Rijden) a defective train has to be taken out cautious-running order; inf caution of service; to unload passengers; to ticket; form train order for driving set down; to detrain; Br inf tip-out; Br carefully inf tipping ’em out lastgeving VS lege goederentrein a train of emp-  (lastgeving Verkeerd Spoor) ties; Am drag; Am inf glory Wrong Line Orders [WLO] lege rit deadhead; form moving a re- laswagen venue vehicle without passengers or  ( ~ voor inzet bij spoorstaafbreu- cargo on board ken) Br Broken Rail Emergency Ve- legitimatiebewijs authority card; hicle [BREV]; identity card  ( ~ voor werkzaamheden) motor leidende locomotief trolley with welding equipment; mo-  ( ~ qua remkracht; locomotief met bile welding plant leidende rem) leading unit; leading lat van de regulateur brake unit; form unit, with live brake  (hefboom van de regulateur op equipment, from which the driver een stoomloc) control lever; Johnson controls the brake equipment of all Bar locomotives; lawaai noise; a lot of noise Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 103

 ( ~ qua trekkracht) controlling unit; lichthoogtecorrectiewaarden form unit from which the driver con-  (bij het lichten van een spoor) lift- trols the locomotives of the working ing correction values units lichtmast lighting pylon; lighting leider der werkzaamheden Site mast Person in Charge [SPIC]; Engi- licht ontvlambaar highly flammable neering Supervisor [ES]; Br Senior licht ontvlambare stoffen highly Person in Charge of Possession flammable agents [SPICOP]; Br Person in Charge of lichtsein Position Light Signal [PLS]; Work [PICOW] colour-light signal; multi(ple)-aspect leider werkplekbeveiliging zie LWB signal [MAS]; multiple-aspect colour- leidingonderbreker light signal; light signal;  ( ~ van de bovenleiding) section  ( ~ met cijferbak) speed control insulator; signal; colour-light signal with speed  ( ~ die eruit ligt) faulty section in- indicator; colour-light signal with nu- sulator; defective section insulator meral; Br multi(ple)-aspect signal lengte over alles overall length with theatre-type indicator; lengte over de buffers overall  ( ~ met drie lenzen / kleuren, zo- length als een Nederlands hoofdsein) three L- en H-seinen freight train signals aspect signal; form a colour-light sig- (applicable to designated freight nal capable of displaying three as- trains only, to avoid stopping them pects individually; on rising gradients unless the line is  ( ~ met kleurwisselaar) searchlight clear throughout) type colour-light signal; Lentz-ketel  ( ~ met meer dan één gekleurd  ( ~ op stoomlocomotief; ankerloze licht) multi-unit type colour-light sig- ketel met gegolfd binnenvuur) Lentz nal; boiler; form launch-type boiler with a  ( ~ met twee lenzen / kleuren, zo- corrugated furnace; Am Vanderbilt als een Nederlands voorsein) two boiler aspect signal; form a colour-light sig- Lentz-kleppenmachine nal capable of displaying two as-  ( ~ in stoomlocomotief) Lentz pop- pects individually pet ; form Lentz poppet lift valves worked by rotary cam gear  ( ~ in station) lift; Am elevator lesrijtuig instruction coach ligging van het spoor track align- lichte ertswagen mine gondola ment; licht- en stopmachine (automatic)  (verbeteren van de ~ ) to re-align tamping-levelling machine; tamping the track; to adjust the track; rectifi- and regulating machine cation of alignment lichten van een spoor lifting / rais- ligrijtuig coach with reclining berths; ing of a track; track raising; coach with couchettes;  (het op de juiste hoogte brengen lijf van de spoorstaaf web of (the) van de rails) levelling of the track; inf rail; form the thin part of the rail bet- levelling; form lifting and levelling of ween the base and the head the track lijmlas tussen spoorstaven glued insulated joint [GIJ]; inf glued joint Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 104 lijn heel; points/switch for left hand turn-  ( ~ volgens dienstregeling) line; out; form an established transport con-  (normale of primaire of rechtdoor- nection between two terminals, along gaande stand van ~ ) left hand turn- which passengers can travel; out in the normal position; form left  ( ~ in transportsysteem) transport hand switch closed [LHSC] way connection; form the connection LM zie leeg mat between two points in a transport loc system  (locomotief) loco; Aust inf lokey; lijndienst fixed route Am inf bus; Am inf jack; Am inf hog; lijnsignalering lineside signalling; Am inf pig; Am inf mill; Am inf duster; Am wayside signaling  (dubbel~ ) twin unit locomotive; lijnwerkplaats vehicle maintenance  (radio~ ) remote-control loco; re- and repair shop; Br Traction Mainte- mote-controlled loco; radiographical- nance Depot [TMD]; Br depot; Am ly operated loco Maintenance Facility; locloods zie remise  ( ~ voor getrokken materieel) locomotief locomotive; engine; loco; shop for light repairs to trailer stock Am inf pig; inf beast; Am inf pig iron; liniaal  (aandrijvende ~ in het midden van  ( ~ van linialenkast) interlocking de trein, zoals bij dubbeldekstreinen) bar loco positioned in the centre; double linialenkast shunt; form loco propelling two sets  (bep. type bloktoestel in seinhuis) of coaches, each set coupled to the interlocking frame; multi-lever elec- loco; Br inf sandwich train; tric control apparatus; form power  (accumulator~ , accu~ ) battery- signal box with interlocking bars; po- driven locomotive; wer signal box with individual levers;  (angst~ ) inf extra just-in-case inf locking box (dead) engine; inf just-in-caser; linialenstelsel  (baan~ ) main-line locomotive; Am  ( ~ in linialenkast) interlocking road locomotive; road engine; gridiron  (compound~ ) compound locomo- linkerspoorbeveiliging distant sig- tive; nal system  (diesel~ ) diesel locomotive; linkerspoorrijden left hand running  (diesel-elektrische ~ ) diesel elec- linkse kruising left hand crossing; tric locomotive; left hand common crossing; form a  (diesel-hydraulische ~ ) diesel hy- crossing in which the splice rail is on draulic locomotive; the right hand side of the point rail  (diesel-mechanische ~ ) diesel linksleidend wissel switch leading mechanical locomotive; to the left  (draaistroom~ ) rotary-current lo- links wissel left hand points; left comotive; hand turnout [LHTO]; Am left-hand  (drievoudige ~ ) triple locomotive; ; form a turnout in form three coupled locomotives used which the lateral set is in the left for hump service in shunting yards; hand stock rail when viewed from the  (dubbele ~ ) double locomotive; switch toe looking towards the switch Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 105

 (duplex-~ ) duplex type locomo- near to the working face to form tive; them into trains;  (elektrische ~ ) electric loco(mo-  (koude ~ ) cold locomotive; cold tive); Br inf juice wagon; Am inf juice engine; inactive loco; inoperative lo- bug; Am inf juice hog; Br inf washing co; Am Dead In Train [DIT]; form en- machine; gine not under steam or power; inf  (enkelvoudige ~ ) single-unit loco- dead engine; motive;  (kraan~ ) crane locomotive;  (gasturbine~ ) gas turbine loco-  (leidende ~ qua remkracht; loco- (motive); Br inf Kerosene Castle; motief met leidende rem) leading  (gelede ~ ) ; unit; leading brake unit; form unit,  (geleide ~ ) Am Aust controlled with live brake equipment, from unit; controlled motor unit; form unit which the driver controls the brake equipped with a diesel engine con- equipment of all locomotives; trolled by the controlling unit;  (leidende ~ qua trekkracht) con-  (gelijkrichter~ ) rectifier locomo- trolling unit; form unit from which the tive; driver controls the engines of the  (gesleepte ~ ) cold locomotive; working units; cold engine; inactive loco; Am Dead  ( ~ aan het eind of in het midden In Train [DIT]; inf dead engine; van een zware goederentrein) Am  (goederen~ ) goods engine; distributed power unit [DPU]; freight locomotive;  ( ~ die geleased is) locomotive  (goederentrein~ ) goods engine; owned by a leasing company; Br inf freight locomotive; Porterbrook™; Am inf Rent-a-Wreck;  (heuvel~ ) hump locomotive;  ( ~ in opzending) cold locomotive;  (hoogdruk~ ) high-pressure loco- cold engine; inactive loco; inopera- motive; tive loco; Am Dead In Train [DIT]; Br  (hulp~ ) assisting engine; assis- One Engine in Steam [OEIS]; form ting loco; Am helper; relief engine; engine not under steam or power; inf emergency locomotive; Br inf snap- dead engine; per; Br inf hooker-on;  ( ~ met accumulatoren) battery-  (ignitron~ ) ignitron locomotive; driven locomotive; accumulator loco-  (industrie~ ) industrial locomotive; motive; works locomotive; Internal Unit [IU];  ( ~ met de cabine in het midden, Am inf yard hog; Am inf Plymouth™; zoals de serie 6400) loco with a cen- Am inf Plymouth™ switcher; tral(ly placed) cab; centre cab diesel  (kleine industrie~ ) Am inf gas loco; loco with steeple cab; inf ca- buggy; Am inf critter; Am inf dinky; mel; inf camelback; inf camel loco; Am inf Brookville™; Am inf Brook- Br inf janus; Br inf Clayton™; Am inf ville™ switcher; Mother Hubbard;  (kleine ~ ) Am inf peanut roaster;  ( ~ met draaiende omvormer- Am inf dinky; groep) rotary-converter locomotive;  (koolfront~ ) working face locomo- form locomotive fitted with rotary- tive; form an underground lo- converter set; comotive used to collect wagons  ( ~ met éénfase collectormotoren) single-phase commutator locomo- Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 106

tive; form locomotive with single- motive consisting of two permanently phase commutator motors; coupled motor units;  ( ~ met éénfase wisselstroom/ge-  (meervoudige ~ bestaande uit drie lijkstroom omvormer) locomotive with units) three-unit locomotive; form lo- AC/DC motor converter set; comotive consisting of three perma-  ( ~ met enkelvoudige expansie) nently coupled motor units; simple-expansion locomotive;  (mijnbouw~ ) mining locomotive;  ( ~ met enkelvoudig frame / on-  (omvormer~ ) current-conversion derstel) single frame locomotive; locomotive; converter locomotive; single underframe locomotive;  (opdruk~ ) banking locomotive;  ( ~ met leidende rem) leading unit; banking engine; Am booster loco- leading brake unit; form unit, with live motive; Am pusher locomotive; Am brake equipment, from which the dri- helper; ver controls the brake equipment of  (op hol geslagen ~ ) a loco mo- all locomotives; ving without a driver on board; inf  ( ~ op draaistellen) bogie engine; runaway train; Am ; Am inf bogie locomotive; wild cat;  ( ~ van goederentrein) goods en-  (opzend~ ) cold locomotive; cold gine; freight locomotive; engine; inactive loco; inoperative  ( ~ voor gemengde dienst) all-pur- loco; Am Dead In Train [DIT]; form pose locomotive; mixed traffic en- engine not under steam or power; inf gine; form passenger and goods dead engine; locomotive;  (oververhitter~ ) superheated  ( ~ voor koninklijke trein) royal steam locomotive; (train) engine; Br inf Royal Toaster;  (perslucht~ ) pneumatic locomo-  ( ~ voor meer dan twee systemen) tive; compressed-air locomotive; multi-system locomotive; compound air locomotive; Am inf  ( ~ voor overdrachtsverkeer) Dinky; transfer locomotive;  (radiografisch bediende ~ ) re-  ( ~ voor twee frequenties) dual- mote-controlled loco(motive); tele- frequency locomotive; control locomotive; Am remote con-  ( ~ voor twee systemen) dual- trol locomotive [RCL]; form radio- current locomotive; graphically operated locomotive;  ( ~ voorzien van motoren met di-  (rangeer~ ) Br shunter; Br shun- recte voeding) direct-motor locomo- ting loco; Am switcher; yard locomo- tive; form locomotive fitted with di- tive; yard engine; Am switch engine; rect-driven motors; switch locomotive; switching locomo-  (losrijdende ~ ) zie losse loc; tive; Br inf Hunslet™; Br inf bumper;  (losse ~ ) light locomotive; light Br inf beetle crusher; Br inf pilot; Am engine [LE]; engine running light; inf inf yard hog; Am inf goat; Am inf light running; form the running of a Puddle Jumper; Am inf dummy; locomotive not coupled to a train;  (rangeer~ van fabriek of werk-  (meervoudige ~ bestaande uit plaats) industrial locomotive; works twee units) double-unit locomotive; locomotive; articulated locomotive; form loco-  (reizigerstrein getrokken door een ~ ) passenger train with a locomotive Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 107

(on the front); loco-hauled passenger  (turbine~ ) turbine-driven locomo- train; locomotive-hauled coaching tive; stock [LHCS]; Br inf proper train (not  (tweesysteems~ ) dual-system lo- a unit); comotive;  (reizigerstrein~ ) passenger loco-  (versterkings~ voor opdruk, voor- motive; span e.d.) assisting locomotive; as-  (rem~ ) brake locomotive; sisting engine; Am booster locomo-  (reserve~ ) standby locomotive; tive; Am helper; reserve engine; emergency locomo-  (vuurloze stoom~ ) fireless loco; tive; form a locomotive kept on form locomotive fed with steam from standby, ready to rescue a failed an external source; train; Br inf thunderbird;  (zware goederen~ ) heavy freight  (Shay-~ ) Shay geared locomo- locomotive tive; geared steam locomotive; Am locomotief-asindeling zie asinde- inf sidewinder; ling  (smalspoor~ ) narrow-gauge loco- locomotiefbediening driving of lo- motive; comotives; operation of locomotives  (sneeuwruimende ~ ) snow swee- locomotiefbestand composition of per; Br snowplough [ZZA]; sleet loco- the locomotive stock motive; Am snow dozer; Am bucker locomotiefdepot engine shed; run- plow; Am snowbucker; Am inf snow ning shed; locomotive depot; loco broom; depot; [MPD];  (sneltrein~ ) express locomotive; Am inf pig pen express engine; locomotiefframe locomotive under-  (stoom~ ) steam locomotive; carriage; locomotive underframe steam engine; Am inf tea kettle; inf locomotiefhefkraan locomotive lif- kettle; Am inf old girl; Am inf calliope; ting crane Br inf cart; Am inf hayburner; Am inf locomotief in opzending cold loco- girl; Br inf coal engine; Am inf smo- motive; cold engine; inf dead engine; ker; Br inf ash tray; inactive loco; inoperative loco; Am  (tandrad~ ) rack-rail locomotive; Dead In Train [DIT]; form a locomo-  (tank~ ) (steam) ; tive which may form part of a train tank engine; form a steam locomo- but which is not providing traction tive that carries its water in one or power; Br inf dead; more on-board water tanks;  (een ~ laten meerijden) the move-  (tank~ met kraan) crane tank ment of an inactive loco as part of a [CT]; form a steam tank locomotive train; to haul an inoperative loco; to fitted with a crane; haul dead; to haul a dead engine;  (tender~ ) tank locomotive; Am form movement of an engine not un- double end locomotive; der steam or power; Am Dead In  (trein~ ) main-line locomotive; Am Train [DIT]; Br One Engine in Steam road locomotive; [OEIS]  (trein met aan beide uiteinden locomotiefketel locomotive boiler een ~ ) a train with a loco at each locomotiefkraan Br loco crane; Am end; Br inf top and tail; locomotive crane; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 108

 ( ~ op draaistellen) bogie locomo- loden tive crane [BLC]  ( ~ van een gesloten goederenwa- locomotieflantaarn locomotive gen) zie verzegelen head lamp; locomotive head light; logistiek logistics; front marker; Am inf blizzard light; door ~e problemen kan de stoptrein Am inf (one) flashing eye; Am inf naar Rotterdam van 14 uur 15 van- glimmer daag niet rijden due to logistical pro- locomotiefloods locomotive depot; blems the quarter past two all-sta- locomotive shed; tions service to Rotterdam will not  (een locomotief in de loods zet- run today; ten) to shed a locomotive; to garage  ( ~e keten) logistics chain a locomotive; to stable a locomotive lokaal vervoer local service; form a locomotiefproefstand locomotive rail service that stops at every station testing plant on the route locomotiefrijvergunning locomo- loket Am ticket office; ticket-window; tive running permit Br inf booking office locomotiefspoor engine track; en- loketmedewerker ticket issuing gine line; engine road; Am locomo- clerk; ticket clerk; booking clerk; Br tive track; depot line; form a track for inf Desk Jockey the transfer of locomotives between lokettist zie loketmedewerker a Motive Power Depot [MPD] and a loopas idler axle; idler; non-powered station axle locomotiefvijzel locomotive jack loopbrug footbridge [FB] locomotiefweegbrug axle weigh- loopgroef voor de wielflenzen bridge flange way; flange groove locomotiefwerkplaats engine looppad langs het spoor cess; works; locomotive workshop form the area either side of the locomotiefwisseling locomotive railway immediately off the ballast change-over; form change-over of shoulder, which usually provides a traction units of a train safe area for workers to stand in locomotievenpark loco(motive) fleet when trains approach locomotor loopschouw  (kleine rangeerlocomotief, in Ne-  ( ~ van sporen en wissels, door derland ook wel ‘sik’ of ‘rangeersik’ schouwploeg) track patrols; inspec- genoemd) (light) rail motor tractor; tion of the line; checking the perma- light shunter; form light two-axle nent way (by surfacemen); patrolling; diesel shunter; Br inf jacko; Br inf form visual inspections carried out puggies; Br inf dolly; Br inf donkey; on foot, covering the track and in- Am inf yard goat cluding an inspection of other line- loc omrijden to shunt a loco from side items; form walking along the the front of a train to behind it; Run line to check for defects and adjust- Round [RR]; a Run Round proce- ments needed; Br inf walking the dure; Am inf to Dutch drop length locserie class; loopvlak de 6400-serie class 6400  ( ~ van de spoorstaaf; rijspiegel) tread of rail; rail surface; rail crown; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 109

running edge [RE]; form running sur- loswerken van de ballast to scarify face of the rail; form part of the rail the ballast head contacted by vehicle tyres, ex- L-sein speed restriction signal for tending from the gauge corner to the heavy freight trains back edge corner; contact surface; LSP zie linkerspoorrijden bearing surface; lucht loopwerk running gear  ( ~ in remsysteem van trein) brake lorrie push-car; truck trolley; plate- air; Am inf breeze; Am inf wind layer’s trolley; form hand-propelled luchtcompressor air compressor; rail trolley; form rail trolley without a  ( ~ van remsysteem) air (brake) motor; form track car without a mo- compressor; Westinghouse™ pump; tor; inf manumotive; Br inf donkey; Am inf windjammer;  (pomp~ ) pump truck; pump  (lawaai van ~ ) compressor noise; trolley Am inf Spin Cycle los- en laadspoor loading and un- luchthaven airport loading siding; team track luchthoorn air horn losmaken luchtleiding  (afkoppelen) to uncouple; to hook  ( ~ van remsysteem) pneumatic off; to cut-off; to separate (a wagon); trainline Am inf to pull the pin; Br inf to tie off; luchtlekkage leakage of air; Br inf to tie ’em off  ( ~ bij defect aan remsysteem) air losrijdende locomotief zie losse loc escaping from the trainline; air esca- losse kraagbouten loose bolts; form ping from the brake system; (air) under-tightened chair screws; leakdown;  ( ~ aandraaien) to tighten loose  ( ~ bij beschadiging aan remsys- bolts teem) severed brake pipe; severed losse loc light engine [LE]; light lo- trainline comotive; form any self-contained lucht pompen locomotive not coupled to, drawing  ( ~ in remsysteem; de treinleiding or propelling another vehicle; vullen; de rem bedrijfsklaar maken)  (rijden als ~ ) light-engine running; to fill the brake; to recharge the air engine running light; inf light running; reservoirs (in a train); to set a brake form the running of a locomotive not in operating position; Br inf to pump coupled to a train; up  (losse dieselloc) Light Diesel [LD]; luchtrem air brake (system); air  (losse e-loc) Light Electric [LE]; pressure braking system; pneumatic  (losse stoomloc) Light Steam brake; train line; lossen van de remmen to release  ( ~systeem) form the complete the brake; system of brake pipes through a  (“lossen!” of ook wel “remmen train; inf Westinghouse™ brake sys- los!”) release the brake! tem;  (graduerend ~ ) to release the  (hoofdreservoir van ~ ) main air- brakes gradually; reservoir; main air-brake reservoir;  (trapsgewijs ~ ) to release the  (hulpreservoir van ~ ) auxiliary brakes progressively brake reservoir; losstation unloading station Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 110

 (persluchttank of persluchtvat van Briefing [TB]; form a brief given by ~ ) brake air tank; the Controller of Site Safety to all  (schakelreservoir van ~ ) control members of the workgroup ex- cylinder; plaining the Safe System of Work  (voorzien van ~ ) air braked; form [SSOW] equipped with an automatic brake actuated by compressed air luikendakwagen wagon with folding roof luxerijtuig de luxe coach; saloon coach [SAL]; Am Pullman car; Am LVL  (landelijke verkeersleiding) zie verkeersleiding LWB  (leider werkplekbeveiliging) Con- troller of Site Safety [COSS]; Protec- tion Controller [PC]; Br Person in Charge of Possession [PICOP]; Res- ponsible Person on Site [RPOS]; Br form Holder of the Possession; Am safety foreman; Br Engineering Su- pervisor [ES]; Br Engineering Super- visor in Charge of Work [ESICOW] (the person nominated to manage the safe execution of works within an engineering work site); form the per- son responsible for setting up a safe system of work at a work site on or near the line or at the lineside; de ~ is verantwoordelijk voor de vei- ligheid van het gehele buitendienst- gestelde gebied the Person in Charge of Possession is responsible for the safe and correct establish- ment of the protection of the entire possession; de ~ zorgt ervoor dat het spoor tijdig aan de treindienstleider wordt terug- gegeven the Person in Charge of Possession ensures that the line is handed back to the signaller at the due time;  (veiligheidsinstructie door ~ ) COSS Brief; COSS Briefing; Task Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 111

M  (continustop~ ) continuous tamp- ing machine; continuous action tamping machine [CAT]; maaltijdbon meal ticket; Am inf pie  (dwarsliggerboor~ ) sleeper dril- card ling machine; sleeper drill; machine machine;  (graaf~ ) excavator;  (automatische licht- en stop~ )  (greppelgraaf~ ) mechanical tren- automatic tamping and levelling ma- cher; Am inf Gradall™; chine;  (grondverzet~ ) earth moving  (baanbedsanerings~ ) roadbed re- equipment; earth moving machine; habilitation machine; earth mover;  (ballast-afwerk~ ) ballast profiling  (keep~ ) tie adzer; adzing ma- machine; ballast profiler; ballast toe chine; form a machine for preparing machine; ballast regulator; Am bal- seatings for the rails, railplates or rail last plow; Am inf Kershaw™; chairs on track sleepers;  (ballastbedverdichtings~ ) ballast  (kettinghor~ ) ballast-scarifier and consolidating machine; ballast con- screening machine; inf ballast clean- solidator; er;  (ballastdistributie- en profileer~ )  (kraagbout(aan)draai~ ) power ballast distributing and profiling ma- wrench; Br impact wrench; sleeper- chine; screw driving machine; form motor-  (ballastgraaf- en hor~ ) ballast- driven sleeper-screw driver; scarifier and screening machine; bal-  (licht- en stop~ ) (automatic) tam- last excavator and screening ma- ping-levelling machine; tamping and chine; regulating machine;  (ballastgraaf~ ) ballast-clearing  ( ~ voor het verwijderen van vast- machine; ballast-scarifier; ballast ex- zittende Pandrol™ clips) hydraulic cavator; extractor for jammed Pandrol™ clips;  (ballasthor~ ) ballast screener; inf Panpuller; ballast-screening machine [BSM];  (nivelleer~ ) zie ballast-afwerkma-  (ballastprofileer~ ) ballast profiling chine; machine; ballast profiler; ballast toe  (onderhouds~ ) zie spooronder- machine; ballast regulator; houdsmachine;  (ballastreinigings~ ) ballast-clean-  (onderstop~ ) zie stopmachine; ing machine [BCM]; ballast cleaner;  (onderstop-, nivelleer- en richt~ ) undercutter; ballast undercutter; Au- combined working of mechanical tomatic Ballast Cleaner [ABC]; Br tamper, ballast profiler and re-lining Matisa Ballast Cleaner™ [MBC]; Br machine; Eng inf Duomatic™; Matisa Automatic Ballast Cleaner™  (overzicht van de ~ ) general view [MABC]; Br inf riddler; of the machine;  (ballastzift~ ) ballast screener;  (rechtspoorstop~ ) straight track ballast-screening machine [BSM]; tamping machine;  (beddingfrees~ ) sleeper adzing  (schift~ ) track (re-)lining machine; machine; gauge-setting machine;  (bielsleg~ ; bielslegger) tie placer;  (spoorboutaandraai~ ) zie kraag- bout(aan)draaimachine; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 112

 (spoorbouw~ ) track renewal and machinerollers maintenance machine [TRAMM]; Br  ( ~ voor zijlings verplaatsen van inf Big Yellow Machine [BYM]; Am inf ontspoord materieel) roll(er) car- Yellow Cavalry; riages for side shifting derailed ve-  (spoorombouw~ ) track renewal hicles; form equipment for lateral machine; displacement; lateral displacing  (spooronderhouds~ ) permanent equipment way machine; rail mounted mainte- machinist engine driver; train driver; nance machine [RMMM]; engineman; driver; train operator; Br  (spoorstaafboor~ ) rail drilling ma- loco driver; Am engineer; Am train chine; rail drill; Br inf Rotabroach™; engineer; Br inf locoman; Br inf  (spoorstaafbuig~ ) rail bender; rail woodentop; Am locomotive engineer; bending machine; Am inf pig mauler; Am inf hog maul-  (spoorstaafdoorslijp~ ) rail cutting er; Am inf hogger; Am inf hoghead; wheel; rail cutting disc; rail cutter; Am inf grunt; Am inf eagle eye; Am Am rail cropper; form abrasive disc inf runner; rail cutting machine;  (bevoegdheidsbewijs van ~ ) certi-  (spoorstaaflas~ ) rail welding ma- fication of train drivers; chine;  (leerling-~ ) apprentice driver;  (spoorstaafschaaf~ ) rail-planing learner driver; Am student engineer; machine;  (leerling-~ op een stoomloc) loco-  (spoorstaafslijp~ ) rail grinding motive fireman; machine [RGM]; grinder;  ( ~ die niet bij aanvang dienst  (spoorstaafzaag~ ) rail cutting ma- aanwezig is) Br inf absent rider; chine;  ( ~ die te hard rijdt) Am inf glory  (stop- en richt~ ) tamping/lining hunter; Am inf cowboy; Aust inf machine; speed merchant;  (stop-, licht- en richt~ ) (automa-  ( ~ die zeer bekwaam is) Am inf tic) tamper-leveller-liner; highball artist;  (stop~ voor ballast) mechanical  ( ~ motortractie) rail-car driver; tamper; tamping machine; track  ( ~ op een elektrisch treinstel of ~ tamping machine (to compact ballast elektrische tractie) motorman; Am under the sleepers); form tamping cab operator; form driver of an elec- and lining machine; ballast tamper; tric tractive unit; form driver of an packing machine; Am tamper; Br inf EMU; Am inf juice hogger; shrimp; Br inf Plasser™; inf Uni-  ( ~ op een stoomlocomotief) mat™; inf Matisa™; Br inf Jack steam engine driver; Am inf boiler Pak™; Br inf Waltzing Matilda; Br inf head; Am inf Big-E; Am inf big hand- whirlybird; le man; Am inf boiler washer; Am inf  (wisselricht~ ) zie wisselschift- whistle pig; Am inf plug puller; machine;  ( ~ op groot mechanisch gereed-  (wisselschift~ ) switch (re-)lining schap, zoals stopmachines e.d.) ma- machine; point shifting machine; chine controller [MC]; machine ope-  (wisselstop~ ) points and crossing rator; tamping machine  ( ~ van goederentrein) goods train driver; Am freight engineer; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 113

 ( ~ van metro) motorman; Am magneettrein zie zweeftrein commuter engineer; magneetzweefbaan track;  ( ~ van stoptrein) Am commuter maglev guideway; form magnetic le- engineer; vitation track; inf maglev line;  (reizigerstrein zonder conducteur,  (actieve baan, met de elektromag- waarbij de ~ chef van de trein is) neten in de baan) active track (with One Person Operation [OPO]; Dri- the electromagnets in the track); ver-Only Operation [DOO]; form a  (passieve baan, met de elektro- train controlled entirely by the driver; magneten in de trein) passive track form train in sole charge of driver; (with the electromagnets in the train)  (het bij rangeerwerk uit het zij- magneetzweeftrein zie zweeftrein raam leunen van de ~ ) inf to win- magnetisch spoor magnetic track dowhang; manometer pressure gauge; mano-  (tweede ~ op een locomotief) as- meter; sistant driver; Am helper  (luchtdruk~ ) compressed-air machinistencabine (driver’s) cab; gauge driving cab; driving position; Am en- markeringslicht marker lamp; end- gineer’s cab; outline marker lamp (fitted to a rail  (deur tussen ~ en treinbalkon) inf vehicle or train) J-door; massa  ( ~ op stoomloc) driver’s footplate;  (maximale ~ ) maximum mass; Am engineer’s cab; Am inf kitchen  (technisch toelaatbare ~ ) techni- machinistenhuis cally permissible mass;  (cabine op stoomloc) driver’s foot-  (toegestane maximum~ ) maxi- plate; Am engineer’s cab; Am inf kit- mum authorized mass chen materieelgids machinistenremkraan driver’s  ( ~ voor het verhelpen van storin- brake valve; Am engineman’s brake gen aan het materieel) traction unit valve; inf driver’s valve troubleshooting manual Machinisten Richtlijn inzake Taal- materieelmanager zie matman eisen Grensbaanvakken Directive materieelomloop operation of rol- as regards Language Requirements ling stock; turn-round of rolling stock; for Train Drivers in Cross Border  (voorwaarden voor de ~ ) vehicle Operations; operating conditions volgens deze Richtlijn moet de taal- materieelrapport van reizigerstrein kennis van machinisten hen in staat guard’s journal; Am conductor’s stellen actief en doeltreffend te com- wheel report municeren onder normale omstan- materieelstoring zie ATB-materieel- digheden, in moeilijke situaties en in storing noodsituaties this Directive stipulates materieeltekort shortage of rolling that the language skills of train dri- stock vers must be such that they can materieeltoelating Route Availabili- communicate actively and effectively ty [RA] of rolling stock in routine, degraded and emergency matman rolling stock manager situations matrixbord matrix sign magneetrem magnetic brake Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 114

maximale bedrijfsstop full service mechanische stoker mechanical stop; form a train stop achieved by a stoker brake application, other than emer- medische keuring medical exami- gency application, that develops the nation maximum service brake rate medisch onderzoek medical exami- maximale helling maximum gra- nation dient; form the most severe incline meegebogen Engels wissel out- on a railway side double slip on similar flexure maximale massa maximum mass curves, with similar flexure slip roads maximale remafstand maximum meegebogen half Engels wissel braking distance outside single slip on inside of similar maximale remkracht maximum ser- flexure curves vice braking; full service braking; meerdelig wissel form a non-emergency brake appli-  ( ~ met beweegbaar puntstuk) cation which gives the maximum movable crossing; swing nose cros- service brake rate sing [SNX]; form track crossing with maximum bedrijfssnelheid maxi- moving nose, providing a continuous mum train operating speed; maxi- running rail and thus allowing higher mum operating speed; form the high- speeds est overall speed at which a train or meerijdend meetvoertuig floating rolling stock can be safely operated car under the prevailing conditions meerkanaalsschrijver maximumkoppel maximum torque  (boordcomputer van een stopma- value chine) multi-channel recorder maximum snelheid Permissible meerrittenkaart multifare ticket; Speed [PS]; speed limit; max sus- form a transport ticket which is valid tained speed; speed maximum; pos- for a number of trips ted speed; form the established meet- en controlewagen testing speed limit for a particular section of coach; Track Recording Coach a transport route [TRC]; Br inf Whitewash Coach maximum toegestaan gewicht per- meet- en inspectietrein inspection missible maximum weight and analysing unit; Track Recording maximum trajectsnelheid operating Unit [TRU]; Br New Measurement speed Train [NMT] maximum veilige snelheid Maxi- meetrit measuring run; mum Safe Speed [MSS]; form the  (uitvoeren van een ~ ) to carry out highest speed a train can achieve a measuring run without becoming unstable meettrein testing coach; Br mea- MBO surement train;  (mechanisch bediende overweg-  (bovenbouw~ ) Track Recording boominstallatie) mechanically opera- Coach [TRC]; Track Recording Unit ted barrier crossing; Br Manned, [TRU]; Track Recording Vehicle Gated, Worked Mechanically, Level [TRV]; Crossing [MGW]; Br Locally Con-  ( ~ voor de GSM-R) radio cover- trolled Manned Level Crossing [LC] age test train; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 115

 ( ~ voor het opsporen van gebre- subway car; Am subway coach; Am ken aan de spoorstaaf d.m.v. wervel- inf washboard (vanwege de geribbel- stroommeting) Eddy current train de zijkanten van veel Amerikaanse [ECT]; metrotreinen)  ( ~ voor spoorgeometrie) geome- MHOB try car; Track Recording Vehicle  (mechanisch bediende halve- [TRV]; Br Track Testing Car [TTC]; overwegboominstallatie) mechani-  (ultrasoon ~ ) ultrasonic test unit cally operated half-barrier crossing [UTU]; ultrasonic inspection unit micheline (railautomobiel) rail car meldkamer fitted with solid or pneumatic tyres  ( ~ van de spoorwegpolitie) emer- middenspoor middle road gency centre; communications room; middenvoetbrugsein Amsterdam- incident room; control centre; Aust type ground signal that can only dis- alarm station play red and white aspects metaalmoeheid metal fatigue; form mijnbouwlocomotief mining loco- the progressive and localized struc- motive tural damage that occurs when a mijnspoorweg metal part is subjected to repeated militair basis spoorwegnet basic stresses or loadings, ultimately re- military rail network sulting in fracture militaire trein military train; meterspoor zie smalspoor  (gepantserd rijtuig, gepantserde metro underground railway; tube; Br wagen) armour plate wagon [XAO, inf the Underground; Am subway; Br XAP, XAQ]; metropolitan railway; Am rail rapid  (gesloten goederenwagen voor transit [RRT]; Am heavy rail transit troepenvervoer) Am ; [HRT]; ± intra-urban train service;  (gesloten wagen voor munitiever- op station Sloterdijk komen trein, ~ voer) ammunition van; en tram samen at Sloterdijk Station  (militaire bevoorradingstrein) sup- trains, metros and trams come to- ply train; gether;  (munitietrein) ammunition train; in Antwerpen kozen de ingenieurs Am ammo train; uiteindelijk voor een nieuwe meng-  (pantsertrein) armoured train; vorm van de tram en de ~ , namelijk  (spoorweggeschut) (heavy) rail- de “premetro” in Antwerp, the engi- way gun; Am railroad gun; railway neers finally opted for a novel hybri- howitzer; railway artillery; form a disation between tramway and un- large artillery piece mounted on a derground, namely the “underground specially designed railway wagon; tramway”;  (trein voor vervoer van militair ma-  (samenlooptraject van tram en ~ ) terieel) train carrying military equip- railway section used by both trams ment; and metros  (troepen- en bevoorradingstrein) metrolijn tube railway; underground troop and supply train; railway  (troepentrein; trein voor het ver- metromachinist zie machinist voer van militairen) troop train; metrotrein(stel) rail transit car; Br  (verlofgangerstrein) leave train; underground unit; metro train; Am Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 116

 (wagen voor vervoer van buskruit routes are established through the en andere explosieven) gunpowder use of modularised route elements van [CXO, CXP, CXV] such as signals, switches and track militaire wegclassificatie military sections load classification monitoring van vertragingen re- militair spoorvervoer military trans- cord of delay to trains port by rail; monoblokdwarsligger monobloc(k)  (procedures voor ~ ) Standard sleeper; form a sleeper consisting of NATO Agreements for military trans- a single prestressed concrete unit port by rail [STANAG] monorail (railway); guide- militair treinnummer train identifica- way beam tion number monorailstation monorail station mini-AHOB Mini Automatic Half Bar- monorailsysteem monorail system rier [mini-AHB] crossing; montagewagen een ~ is meestal een omgebouwde  ( ~ voor werkzaamheden aan de Automatische Knipperlichtinstallatie spoorbaan) motor trolley; on-track/ a Dutch Mini Automatic Half Barrier off-track service vehicle; crossing is usually a converted Auto-  ( ~ voor werkzaamheden aan de matic Open Crossing installation bovenleiding; hefbordeswagen) to- minimale bochtdiameter minimal wer wagon; scaffold truck; Br Mobile curve radius Elevating Work Platform [MEWP]; Br minimale remafstand safe stopping inf Permaquip Trolley™; distance  (zelfrijdende bovenleiding~ ) over- min vier head line motorcar; OHL motorcar  (trein die vier minuten te vroeg is) monteur mechanic; Br adjuster; fit- form a train running four minutes ter; early against the timetable; Br four  (hoofd~ ) master mechanic; form up chief mechanical engineer; missen  (kraan~ ) crane fitter; crane tech-  (de trein ~ ) to miss the train; to nician; lose the train  ( ~ baan) track man; form infra- mist fog; structure technician;  (dichte ~ ) dense fog; thick fog  ( ~ brugonderhoud) certificated mistsein fog signal; Br railway fog bridge mechanic; Am inf bridge hog; signal; Br inf cracker  ( ~ Seinwezen) track man; form mistseinwachter fogsignalman Signalling Technician; infrastructure mobiele lasinstallatie mobile weld- technician; ± Br Signalling Mainte- ing plant nance Assistant [SMA]; Am signal moderniseren van rollend mate- maintainer; Br keyman; rieel to modernise / to renovate / to  (onderhouds~ ) maintenance me- remodel / to rebuild / to recondition / chanic; Br adjuster; Am maintainer; to reconstruct the rolling stock; Am to  (storings~ voor rollend materieel) revamp the rolling stock rolling stock repair man; rolling stock modulaire diagramtechniek dia- serviceman; Br inf bogie man; ± Am grammatic interlocking; form an in- inf carman; Am inf car whack; Am inf terlocking system by which train Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 117

tonk; Am inf car toad; Am inf car tink- motor; nose-suspended motor; form tonk; a railway vehicle traction motor sus-  (storings~ van het Seinwezen) pended from its nose and from the track man; Br keyman; form Signal- axle; ling Technician; infrastructure tech-  ( ~ met compensatiewikkelingen) nician compensated motor; motor  ( ~ met doorstroomspoeling of  (asynchroon~ ) asynchronous mo- langsspoeling) uniflow scavenging tor; engine;  (diesel~ ) diesel engine;  ( ~ met omkeerspoeling of dwars-  (diesel~ met drukvulling) turbo- spoeling) loop scavenging engine; charged diesel engine;  ( ~ met weerstandsverbindingen)  (diesel~ met voorkamer) indirect motor with armature resistance con- injection diesel engine; nections;  (draaistroom~ ) three-phase mo-  ( ~ onder de vloer, bij motorrijtui- tor; gen) underfloor engine (for railcars);  (driefasen~ ) three-phase alterna-  ( ~ voor pulserende stroom) undu- ting current motor; lating current motor;  (elektro~ ) electric motor;  (tractie~ ) traction motor;  (gasturbine~ ) gas turbine engine;  (verbrandings~ ) internal combus-  (gelijkstroom~ ) direct current mo- tion engine; tor; DC motor;  (wissel~ ) switch motor;  (gelijkstroom~ met seriebekrach-  (wisselstroomcollector~ ) alterna- tiging) zie gelijkstroomseriemotor; ting current commutator motor;  (gelijkstroomserie~ ) direct current  (wisselstroom~ ) alternating cur- series motor; direct current electric rent motor; AC motor motor with excitation in series; form motordienstwagen motor luggage a direct current rotary motor with the van [MLV] field and armature windings electri- motorlorrie track motor car; track cally connected in series; inspection trolley; motorized inspec-  (gelijkstroomshunt~ ) direct cur- tion trolley; motorized track inspec- rent shunt motor; form a direct cur- tion vehicle [MTIV]; powered rail trol- rent rotary motor with the field and ley; rail gang trolley; motor gang trol- armature windings electrically con- ley; Am gang car; inf Skate; Br inf nected in parallel; Wickham™; inf Trakrat™; Am inf  (gesynchroniseerde inductie~ ) putt-putt; Am inf golf cart; Am inf mo- synchronous induction motor; torcar; Am inf speeder; Am inf track-  (kraanrij~ ) crane travelling motor; car; Am inf Buda™ Car; Am Aust inf crane traverse motor; Geismar™ Motor Car; Am Aust inf  (krachtstroom~ ) zie driefasenmo- Geismar™ tor; motorperronwagen (motorized)  (meerfasenwisselstroom-inductie- platform trolley; tractive motor truck; ~ ) alternating-current polyphase in- (motorized) luggage trolley; goods duction motor; trolley; form electric truck for hand-  ( ~ in tramophanging) axle-hung ling parcels or luggage; Br inf con- motor; nose-and-axle-suspended ker; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 118

 ( ~ met rekkenwagen of transport- gether; Br inf double bucket; double karren) trolley with racks headed; double heading; two (or motorpostrijtuig more) locos hauling one train;  (‘mP’) ± Motor Parcels and Mail  ( ~ waarbij alle cabines naar vo- Van [MPMV]; self-propelled rail ve- ren wijzen) Am form a lashup of mul- hicle for the postal service; ± electric tiple locomotives with all cabs facing parcels unit [EPU] forward; Am inf (riding) Elephant- motorrijtuig style;  ( ~ in treinstel) Driving Motor car  (permanent gekoppelde locs) Am [DM] in a multiple unit set; inf Cow & Calf  ( ~ met accu’s) battery-operated rail car motortreinstel motor train unit [MTU]; motor train set; rail motor unit; motor set; form a group of railway vehicles including at least one motor vehicle and forming a self- contained unit, indivisible in service, of a reversible motor-coach train motortrekker voor bagagekarren motorized platform trolley; tractive motor truck; motorized luggage trol- ley; trolley with racks; form electric truck for handling parcels or luggage; Br inf conker motorvermogen engine power motorwagen rail car; motor coach; motor coach train; autocoach;  (dubbele ~ ) form two semi-per- manently coupled rail cars that share a motor and must therefore be ope- rated as a unit; inf married pair multimodaal transport multimodal transport; form carriage of goods by two or more modes of transport multimodaal verkeersknooppunt multimodal traffic hub multimodaal vervoerssysteem multimodal transport system multiple rijden  ( ~ van locomotieven) multiple working; multiple-unit train control [MU]; tandem working; inf coupled running; inf coupled locos; Br inf to multi-up; Am form a lashup of multi- ple locomotives; inf locos running to- Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 119

N Nederlandse Spoorwegen  (de NV ~ ) Netherlands Railways; Railion Nederland was voortgeko- naastliggend spoor adjacent track; men uit de goederentak van de ~ adjacent line; neighbouring track; Railion Nederland emerged from the neighbouring line goods wing of Netherlands Railways; nachtdienst Strukton maakte tot oktober 2010  (nachtploeg) night-shift; deel uit van de fiscale eenheid van  ( ~ hebben) be on night-duty; inf de ~ until October 2010, Strukton night-owl service time; Br inf birth formed part of the fiscal unit of control hours; Netherlands Railways;  (vergoeding voor ~ ) night-shift de president-directeur van de ~ the allowance; Br inf dark money President of (the) Netherlands Rail- nachtnet night-service; all-night rail- ways; way service; Br inf boozer; Br inf Vo-  (de spoorwegen in Nederland in mit Special; Am inf Drunkard; Am inf het algemeen; het Nederlandse owl service spoorwegnet) (the) Dutch railways; nachtposttrein night mail train; Br de Nederlandse spoorwegen hebben inf Night Mail een hoge mate van veiligheid bereikt nachtstand the Dutch railways have achieved a  ( ~ van lichtsein) low light intensity high level of safety (of a colour-light signal); low signal neerlaten van stroomafnemers to light intensity lower pantographs nachttrein night train nemen nachtwaker night-watchman  (een trein ~ ) to take a train; nachtwerk night-work u kunt ook de intercity naar Rotter- nader bericht unknown delay dam ~ van spoor 5 you can also take nadere informatie further informa- the intercity service to Rotterdam tion; from platform five; u wordt zo spoedig mogelijk nader  (aan de kant ~ van een trein) to geïnformeerd further information will side-track a train; form to divert a follow as soon as possible freight or slow passenger train to a naderingsafstand approach dis- loop or siding, to make way for a fast tance train; to place (a train) in a loop; form naderingssectie approach section to place in a layby, to allow another naspangewicht van de bovenlei- train to pass on the running line; Am ding counterweight for tightening inf to lay-out; Br inf (put) in the cup- overhead contact line; Am pull-off for board; Br inf (put) down the slot; Br tightening catenary inf to dike; naspaninrichting van de boven-  (aan de kant genomen trein) side- leiding stretching device; wire stret- tracked (train); Br inf pounded; Br inf cher; contact line stretcher; contact down the slot line tensioning device netto tonkilometer net ton-kilometre NATO spelalfabet NATO phonetic netto treingewicht payload; net alphabet weight hauled Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 120

netwerk een gedeelte van de ontspoorde  (spoorwegnet) railway system; trein kwam in het ~ terecht a section rail(way) network; trackage; Am rail- of the derailed train came onto the road network; adjacent track;  (Europees N~ van Spoorwegpoli- gelukkig zag de machinist van de tiediensten) European Network of trein die over het ~ naderde dat zijn Railway Police Forces [RAILPOL]; spoor versperd was en kon hij zijn  (optisch ~ ) optic network trein tijdig tot stilstand brengen fortu- netwerkanalist ± Traffic Regulator nately, the driver of the train ap- netwerkbesturing Network Ma- proaching the site on the adjacent nagement Centre [NMC]; network track noticed that the track was management; inf network control; Br blocked, and was able to halt his Operations Control; Br Regional train in time; Control Office [RCO]; Br Network  (binnen PVR komen van het ~ ) Rail Regional Control Office; ± Br encroaching on the free space for Railway Operational Centre [ROC]; ± the adjacent track; fouling of the Br Network Operations Centre [NOC] clearance gauge for the neighbour- netwerkbestuurder ing track traffic supervisor niet-geëlektrificeerd spoor non- netwerkverkeersleiding zie net- electrified line; Br line blocked to werkbesturing electric trains [BTET]; inf non-cate- neutrale sectie van rijdraad insu- nary railway lated section of contact line niet-geënclencheerd wissel non- neutrale stand interlocked points  ( ~ van remkraan van machinist) niet-geïsoleerd spoorgedeelte neutral / lap position (of driver’s neutral (track) section; dead (track) brake valve) section nevenlijn niet-herroepbaar sein non-releas-  (spoor met een relatief lage maxi- able signal mumsnelheid) branch line; form track niet-herroepbare rijweg non-releas- with a relatively low maximum able route speed; inf side track; niet heuvelen het belang van ~en en kleine sta-  (aanduiding op railvoertuig) not to tions voor het functioneren van het be hump shunted; form an instruc- totale spoornetwerk is groot branch tion on a rail vehicle which is neither lines and small railway stations are to be passed over a hump nor gravi- essential to the operation of the rail- ty shunted; way network as a whole; deze wagen ~ do not hump this car; hoofd- en nevenlijnen main lines and  (seinbeeld “ ~ ” van heuvelsein) branch lines; no hump shunting; form position of a  (vernieuwde ~en) expanded humping signal, meaning “no hump branch lines shunting” nevenspoor niks meer sturen  (naastliggend spoor) adjacent  (Fase Eén) Obstruction Danger track; adjacent line; neighbouring (the message sent from a signal box track; neighbouring line; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 121 to adjacent signal boxes to stop all er werd aan de ~ getrokken the e- trains); Br inf Six Bells; mergency cord was pulled; “Fase Eén!” “Stop the job!”; “Ob- de ~ kan pas gelost worden wan- struction Danger!”; Br inf “Six Bells”; neer de trein stilstaat the emergency  (Fase Eén afkondigen bij een ont- brake can only be released after sporing) Br inf “Good Old England!” standstill; (exclamation uttered at a derailment) de ~ kan in geval van snelheidsover- nivelleermachine zie ballast-afwerk- schrijding worden gelost wanneer de machine snelheid binnen de begrenzing ligt nivelleersysteem levelling system the emergency brake in the case of nivellering levelling; compensation; overspeed can be released when the profiling; speed is within limits;  (elektronische lengteprofiel~ )  (automatische ~ ) (automatic) ra- electronic longitudinal level compen- pid emergency brake [AREB, REB]; sation;  (lossen van de ~ ) releasing the  (elektronische peilmaat~ ) electro- emergency brake nic versine compensation noodremhandgreep alarm signal nood emergency; handle; ± emergency brake handle alleen gebruiken in geval van ~ use noodreminrichting trip cock; form a only in case of emergency mechanical device located on a train noodaggregaat stand-by power unit which, when hit by a wayside train noodbediening deuren stop, causes an emergency brake  (systeem voor ~ in reizigerstrein) application door valves [DV] noodremkastje alarm-signal case noodgeval emergency; form case of noodremming sharp braking; emer- emergency gency braking [EB]; form braking to a noodkoppeling stop under emergency conditions;  ( ~ voor treinstellen) emergency  ( ~ door ATB) heavy stop; safety coupling; emergency drawbar; Br inf control application; penalty applica- thunderbird tion; form brake application activated noodlasplaten emergency fish- by one of the following train safety plating; bridging pieces; emergency devices: the overspeed control, the bridging pieces; emergency clamp reset safety control [RSC] or the fishplates; inf emergency plates; Br safety control foot valve; inf night caps  ( ~ door machinist) emergency noodoplossing temporary solution; braking; sharp braking; (to make an) provisional solution emergency stop; Br inf to go one noodrem emergency brake [EB]; back; Am inf to wipe the clock; Am safety brake; Br Passenger Emer- inf to send the needle right round the gency Alarm Brake [PEAB]; emer- dial; Br inf to give it the lot; Br inf to gency cord; form a secondary bra- give her the lot; form to make an king system which functions inde- emergency brake application; form pendently of the service brake, to braking to a stop under emergency use in case of emergency; inf com- conditions, usually at a higher retar- munication cord; dation rate than that obtained with a maximum service brake application; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 122

 ( ~ door reiziger) to pull the emer- drop the button; Br inf to drop the gency brake; Br inf to pull the deadman’s; Br inf to drop the handle handle; form to use the passengers’ noodstoprem emergency stop- emergency brake handle; switch brake  ( ~ in gang zetten; een ~ trigge- noodstopschakelaar emergency ren) to set the train into emergency; stop switch  ( ~ van zware goederentrein op noodstroomaggregaat emergency een helling of voorbij H-sein) heavy power generator stop of a freight train past a point of nooduitgang emergency exit no return; Am inf to die noodverlichting emergency lighting noodrem reactietijd emergency normaal remmen service braking brake reaction time; form the time normaalspoor standard gauge 1 elapsed between the happening of (1,435 mm or 4 ft 8 /2 inch); standard an emergency and the moment track gauge; when full emergency deceleration is  (tractie-eenheden voor ~ ) stan- reached, including reaction and dard gauge powered units; brake response time  (wielstellen voor ~ ) wheelsets for noodrem vertragingswaarde emer- standard track gauge gency deceleration rate; Emergency normaal tarief basic fare Braking Deceleration curve [EBD]; normale bedrijfsvoering normal form the level of deceleration when a operation train must stop in case of emergency normale belading standard load noodremwegafstand emergency normale remming om te stoppen braking distance; form the distance a stopping braking; braking to a stop train requires to decelerate from the normale rijsnelheid zie dienstrege- permissible speed to a dead stop lingssnelheid under emergency braking NS zie Nederlandse Spoorwegen noodsituatie emergency situation nutsbedrijf public utility noodstop emergency stop; heavy NX-bedieningstoestel “eNtrance- stop; dead stop; inf brick wall stop; eXit” (NX-type) free lever signal box  ( ~ door ATB) train protection NX-post “eNtrance-eXit” (NX-type) stop; form a train stop activated by free lever signal box the automatic train protection sys- NX-systeem route control signalling; tem; “eNtrance-eXit” route control signal-  ( ~ door noodreminrichting langs ling; interlocking route control; form a de baan) wayside initiated emergen- system of in which cy braking; form emergency braking the movement of one or two buttons initiated by a wayside trip cock; or levers clears the signals and sets  ( ~ door noodremtrekking) emer- the points for a complete route gency stop; form the stopping of a train by emergency brake applica- tion;  (een ~ maken) to make an emer- gency stop; Am inf to goose; Br inf to cosh it; Br inf to drop the lot; Br inf to Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 123

O de rijtuigen van deze trein rijden van- daag in omgekeerde volgorde (dit in tegenstelling tot de treinsamenstel- OBE-blad track and yard alignment lingsinformatie op het perron) the (drawing); form track and yard wor- coaches of this train will run in a re- king drawing; inf track blueprint; verse order today (this in spite of the  (schematische emplacements- train composition information on the tekening; sporenschema) track plan; platform) track model omgekeerde samenstelling reverse Obelix zie ongevallenkraan formation obstakel op de baan obstruction on omgekeerde volgorde reverse or- the track der OCCR omgeleid  (Operationeel Controlecentrum  ( ~e trein) diverted (train); rerou- Rail) Br Railway Control Centre ted (train); [RCC] deze trein zal worden ~ en niet stop- ochtendspits (morning) peak hour pen te this train will be di- OGB zie ongevallenbestrijding verted and not call/stop at Haarlem olieafscheider omgooien  ( ~ van stoomlocomotief) oily wa-  ( ~ van wissel) zie omleggen ter filtering equipment omkeerbeweging reverser; oliekoeler oil cooler  ( ~ met tandwielen) olieopslag oil storage omleggen ombouwen  ( ~ van wissel) to reverse the  (“kop maken”) to reverse (a train); points; to operate a switch; form to reversal (of a train); changing ends throw over the points; form operating (on the train); turnround; turning a switch to one position or the other; back; setting back; Am inf to horse to set the points; Br to set the switch; over; lining a turnout; inf to throw the  ( ~ van een trein in de hoofdwerk- switch; Am inf to bend the iron; Am plaats) refurbishment of a train; inf to bend the rails; Am inf to bend  (snel ~ of kop maken) quick turn- the rust; round;  ( ~ van wissel door de werking  (snel ~ of kop maken m.b.v. een van de trein) throwing of the points extra machinist in de achterste cabi- by the train ne) to double end; omleiden  (snel ~ of kop maken m.b.v. een  ( ~ van trein) to divert (a train); to machinist die al op het perron ge- reroute (a train); reedstaat) Br stepping up; Br step- deze trein zal worden omgeleid en ping back; niet stoppen op station Schiphol this  (snel ~ of kop maken m.b.v. een train will be diverted and not call/stop overstappende machinist van een at Schiphol Airport andere trein) Br to drop back omleiding ombouwtrein zie spoorombouwtrein  ( ~ van treinverkeer) (temporary) omgekeerde rijtuigvolgorde diversion (of traffic); deviation (of coaches in a reverse order; traffic) Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 124 omloop omroepen  ( ~ van materieel) operation of rol-  ( ~ door stationsomroep) to an- ling stock; turn-round of rolling stock nounce a train; omloopsnelheid round-trip speed;  ( ~ door conducteur in de trein) to form the round-trip distance divided call a train over by the time needed to complete the omroepinstallatie van een station trip loudspeaker installation in a station omlooptijd omroepmedewerker announcer;  ( ~ van materieel) round-trip time; form station announcer cycle; turnaround time; turn-round omroepsysteem time;  ( ~ in trein of op station) public ad-  ( ~ van een wissel) point opera- dress system ting time omroepversterker public address omlopen en vastleggen van wis- (system) amplifier sel(s) omschakelbord Telerail Br CSR  ( ~ bij rijweginstelling) setting the Channel Sign; Cab Secure Radio points; Channel Sign; form a lineside sign  (sturen of “omgooien” van wissel) telling the train driver to change the to reverse the points; form to throw channel on their Cab Secure Radio over the points; form operating a [CSR] to the number shown switch to one position or the other; to omslagpunt break-even point set the points; Br to set the switch; omweg deviation lining a turnout; inf to throw the onbeladen wagen unladen wagon switch; Am inf to bend the iron; Am onbelaste wagen non-load carrying inf to bend the rails; Am inf to bend wagon; unladen wagon; form wagon the rust; under no-load conditions  (wissel terugsturen in oorspronke- onbemande locomotief lijke stand) to set the points (again);  (op hol geslagen ~ ) a loco mo- Am inf to close the gate ving without a driver on board; inf omrangeren zie loc omrijden runaway train; Am coaster; Am inf omreisadvies zie reisadvies wild cat omrijden zie loc omrijden onbemande trein omroep  (op hol geslagen ~ ) a train mo-  (de ~ ) zie omroepmedewerker; ving without a driver on board; inf  (automatische ~ op stations) ± Br runaway train; Am coaster; Am inf Automatic Train Announcement Sys- wild cat tem [ATAS] onberemd railvoertuig unfitted rail omroepbericht announcement; vehicle; form a rail vehicle which is hier volgt een ~ voor de heer John not equipped with a continuous auto- Smith uit Londen this is a message matic brake system for Mister John Smith from London; onbewaakte overweg zie spoor- let u op de ~en voor wijzigingen wegovergang please take notice of the announce- onderbord supplementary sign ments onderbouw  ( ~ van het spoor) substructure of the track Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 125

onderbreken van een stroomkring  (dagelijks ~ van locomotieven) to open a circuit current maintenance of locomotives; onderbreker routine maintenance; Am running  (elektrisch) contact breaker; inter- repairs of locomotives; rupter; insulator;  (gemechaniseerd weg~ ) mecha-  (leiding~ van de bovenleiding) nical track maintenance; mechanised section insulator track maintenance; onderbrekingsvonk break spark  (gepland ~ ) scheduled mainte- onderbroken knipperlicht intermit- nance; tent quick flashing light  (groot ~ aan spoorwegmaterieel) onderdoorgang heavy maintenance; form major  (weg onder spoorweg door) un- overhaul of railway vehicles; der-crossing; underpass; under-  (klein ~ ) light maintenance; bridge [UB]; Am undergrade cros-  (periodiek ~ ) servicing; routine sing; inf flyunder; inf dive-under; maintenance; inf annual repairs;  (aftakkend spoor onder hoofd-  (planmatig ~ ) systematic main- spoor door) burrowing junction; form tenance; a junction where one or more diverg-  (procesmatig ~ ) systematic ing lines are carried under the main (track) maintenance; cyclic mainte- line(s) to avoid conflicting move- nance; form track maintenance acti- ments vities carried out at regular intervals, ondergronds underground; below irrespective of actual need; grade  (spoor~ ) track maintenance; ondergrondse trambaan under- maintenance of the track ground ; sub-surface railway onderhoudsbeurt restorative main- onderhoud tenance  (A-~ van elektrische locomotie- onderhoudsinterval time between ven) current maintenance (of electric maintenance; locomotives);  (gemiddeld ~ ) mean time bet-  (B-~ van getrokken materieel) in- ween maintenance [MTBM] spection and/or overhaul (of trailer onderhoudsmachine zie spooron- stock); derhoudsmachine  (C-~ ) general overhaul; onderhoudsplan maintenance plan  ( ~ aan de spoorbaan) track main- onderhoudsploeg zie spooronder- tenance; maintenance of the track; houdsploeg care of the track; railway mainte- onderhoudsproces maintenance nance; Am Maintenance of Way process [MOW]; Br Permanent Way Mainte- onderhoudsrooster maintenance nance [PWM]; plans  ( ~ aan rollend materieel) mainte- onderhoudsvoorschriften nance of rolling stock;  ( ~ voor rollend materieel) Vehicle  (brug~ ) bridge maintenance; Maintenance Instructions [VMI]; Ve-  (buitengewoon ~ ) extraordinary hicle Maintenance and Overhaul In- maintenance; form restoring a rail- structions [VMOI]; way to its initial state when damage  ( ~ Seinwezen) ± Br Signal Main- has been caused; tenance Handbook; ± Br Section E Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 126

(the part of the Rule Book concerned  ( ~ voor zand) sand hopper; hop- with the failure, maintenance and re- per of sand; hopper sand wagon newal of signalling equipment) onderstation onderhoudswerkplaats zie werk-  ( ~ met volledige reserve) main plaats substation; onderhoudswerkzaamheden  ( ~ voor energievoorziening) sub-  ( ~ aan de spoorbaan) track station (with rectifiers and transfor- maintenance; mers); converter station; feeder sta-  (verrichten van kleine ~ aan de tion [FS]; rotary substation; Br inf spoorbaan) to fettle; minor mainte- sub; Br inf cathedral; nance; fettling  ( ~ voor frequentie-omvorming) onderlegmateriaal substation for frequency conversion;  (onder dwarsligger) sleeper pad-  ( ~ zonder reservegroep) subsidi- ding; under sleeper pads; ary substation het aanbrengen van ~ onder de onder stoom brengen dwarsliggers vermindert de zijdeling-  ( ~ van stoomlocomotief) to put se weerstand van het spoor met on- the engine in steam; to raise steam; geveer een derde the installation of Br inf to gas up pads under sleepers reduces the la- onder stoom houden teral resistance of the track by ap-  ( ~ van stoomlocomotief) keeping proximately one third; (the engine) under pressure  (elastisch ~ ) resilient sleeper onder stoom (zijn) padding; inf Getzner™ pads  ( ~ van stoomlocomotief) a loco in onderlegplaat steam; to be at full (steam) pressure;  (tussen spoorstaaf en dwarslig- to run with a full head of steam; Br ger) baseplate; (rail) bearing plate; inf on the blood; Br inf kettle on the sole-plate; Am tie-plate; boil; Am inf (to carry a) white feather  (elastische ~ ) resilient pad; onderstopmachine zie stopmachine  (gewone ~ ) common / ordinary onderstop-, nivelleer- en richt- baseplate; machine combined working of  (hellende ~ ) inclined sole-plate; mechanical tamper, ballast profiler Am inclined tie-plate; and re-lining machine; Eng inf  (rubber ~ ) rubber pad Duomatic™ onderliggend spoorwegnet secon- onderstoppen van de dwarslig- dary rail network gers form to consolidate the ballast onderlinge afstand under the sleepers;  ( ~ tussen treinen) vehicle dis-  (handmatig ~ ) packing of the bal- tance; vehicular gap; following dis- last; (track) packing; packing of tance; spacing distance sleepers; to pack the sleepers; onderlosser bottom discharge wa-  (machinaal ~ ) tamping of the bal- gon; last; (track) tamping; form to com-  ( ~ voor ballast) hopper ballast pact ballast under the sleepers; Am wagon; tamping ties; Am to tamp the ties  ( ~ voor grind of kolen) hopper; onderstopper zie stopmachine hopper wagon; Am dump car; onderstopping sleeper packing; ballast packing; track-packing; bal- Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 127

last consolidation; form packing of ongelijkvloerse kruising Br flyover; ballast; Am overpass; over track crossing  (onderzoek van de ~ van dwars- [OTX]; viaduct; overbridge [OB]; form liggers, bijv. opsporen van zwevende grade separated junction; burrowing dwarsliggers) testing of the sleeper junction; packing; examination of the sleeper ongeval accident; inf breakdown; packing;  (arbeids~ ) working accident;  (niet correct onderstopte dwarslig-  (berging van materieel na ~ ) re- gers) incorrect track-packing; form covery; incorrect packing of ballast under  (exploitatie~ ) operating accident; sleepers; imperfectly packed sleep-  (herstelwerkzaamheden na een ers; inf loose packed sleepers; ~ ) repairs (after an accident); form  (stabiel onderstopte dwarsliggers) restoring a railway to its initial state stable packed sleepers when damage has been caused by onderzoek an accident;  (A-~ ) local level railway safety in-  (plaats van een ~ ) scene of an cident investigation; accident;  (B-~ ) regional level railway safety  (spoorweg~ ) railway accident; inf incident investigation; railway breakdown;  (bron- en bestemmings~ ) origin-  (verkeers~ ) traffic accident destination traffic survey [O&D sur- ongevallenbestrijding accident vey]; origin and destination study; control; accident response; accident  (C-~ ) railway accident investiga- management; tion; national level railway safety inci-  (de afdeling ~ ofwel OGB) acci- dent investigation; dent control department; Br Rail Inci-  (medisch ~ ) medical examination; dent Response Unit; Am Aust Rail  ( ~ van de onderstopping van Emergency Response; Am Railroad dwarsliggers, bijv. opsporen van Emergency Response Service; zwevende dwarsliggers) testing of ± Aust State Rail Fire Service; the sleeper packing; examination of de afdeling O~ is verantwoordelijk the sleeper packing; voor het vrij baan maken na een ca-  ( ~ van een aangelegenheid) lamiteit op het spoor the Accident briefing of a case; Control department is responsible for  (reis~ ) travel survey; origin-desti- clearing the track after a major rail- nation traffic survey [O&D survey]; way accident; origin and destination study; de afdeling O~ assisteert (over-  (reizigers~ ) rider survey; passen- heids)hulpdiensten bij redding en be- ger survey; strijding, ondersteunt vervoerders bij  (rem~ van wagens) overhaul of de evacuatie van reizigers en maakt the brake; vrij baan na een aanrijding of ontspo-  (spoorstaaf~ ) rail examination ring the Accident Control department Onderzoeksraad voor Veiligheid assists (government) emergency Dutch Safety Board; ± Br Rail Safety services with rescue and accident and Standards Board [RSSB] response, supports rail carriers with ongecontroleerd spoor unsignaled the evacuation of passengers, and track Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 128

clears the track after a collision or onmiddellijke directe stop zie derailment; noodstop  (bergingseenheid van de ~ ) rail- onregelmatigheid irregularity; way incident recovery unit;  (de ~ van het vervoer) the irregu-  (bots- of hersporingsploeg van de lar nature of the traffic; ~ ) re-railing gang; Aust Derailment  ( ~ met gevaarlijke stoffen) hazar- Response Unit; Am inf wreck crew; dous materials irregularity;  (snelle uitrukeenheid van de ~ ) als de treindienstleider een ~ met ge- emergency response unit; vaarlijke stoffen krijgt gemeld, moet  (wagenpark van de ~ ) Accident dat beschouwd worden als een cala- Control vehicle fleet miteit whenever the rail traffic con- ongevallenkraan breakdown crane troller is notified of a hazardous ma- (wagon) [ZIA, ZIB, ZIP, ZIR, ZIV]; Br terials irregularity, it has to be consi- railway recovery crane; Br railway dered an emergency situation; breakdown crane; Am derrick car;  (rapport van ~ , RVO) advice of ir- heavy breakdown crane; Am wreck regularity; notice of irregularity crane; Am wrecking crane; Am Aust ontblokken to unblock; to clear; to Br inf Big Hook; Am wrecking der- free rick; ontblokkingsmelder release indica-  ( ~ op truck, die zowel op de weg tor als op rails kan rijden) travelling ontgraven van het spoor clearing crane; mobile crane; road/rail truck ballast from the track crane; on-track/off-track crane; Am ontgrendelen to unlock; to release; inf Little Giant™; Am inf Cline™; Am  ( ~ van deuren van reizigerstrein) inf Grove™; Am inf Link-Belt™; Am release of door blocking; Br to open inf Pettibone™; up (train doors)  (sprei / vlucht / reikwijdte van ~ ) ontgrendeling outreach; spread; working radius  ( ~ van deuren van reizigerstrein) ongevallenrisico accident risk release of door blocking; Br opening ongeveer about; form approximately up (train doors); (in omroepberichten leidt het woord  ( ~ van een rijweg) releasing a ‘approximately’ dikwijls tot misver- route; route release; form release of standen bij non-native sprekers van the route locking; de Engelse taal)  ( ~ van het wissel) release of the onjuist sein points  (sein dat een seinbeeld toont dat ontgrendelinrichting recoil device; niet in het Seinenboek voorkomt) resetting device; drawback device faulty signal aspect; form signal dis- ontheffingsbewijs permit; exemp- playing an aspect not described in tion certificate; licence the Signal Code ontkoppelen uncouple onkruidverdelgingstrein weed- ontplofbare stoffen explosives killing train; weedkiller coach [KCA]; ontploffen to explode form a train equipped with a liquid ontploffing explosion chemical spray system used in the ontploffingsgevaar danger of ex- control of weeds on the track and plosion control of vegetation in the cess strip Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 129

ontruimen track, if necessary, by derailing a ve-  ( ~ van station / trein) to evacuate hicle in an assigned direction; (a station / a train)  (ontspoord door de werking van ontruiming evacuation een ~ ) derailed at ; Br ontruimingsbericht inf in the slough  ( ~ voor stations) emergency eva- ontspoorwissel zie ontspoortong cuation announcement; ontsporen to derail; form to come om veiligheidsredenen wordt u drin- off the rails; Am to fall off the tracks; gend verzocht dit station te verlaten inf to bounce off the tracks; inf to (via de dichtstbijzijnde uitgang) for jump the rails; inf to jump the tracks; security reasons, you are urgently Aust to leave the rails; Aust inf to requested to leave this station (by leave the tracks; Am inf to hoptoad; the nearest exit); Am inf to ditch; op last van de brandweer wordt u  (een trein laten ~ ) to derail a dringend verzocht het station direct train; form to cause a rail vehicle to te verlaten by order of the fire bri- lose contact with the guidance and gade, you are requested to leave the support system of a railway track; inf station immediately to send a train off the rails; Am inf to ontruimingssignaal evacuation sig- ditch a train; nal; inf slow whoop  (trein of locomotief die al eerder ontspoord derailed; wrecked; inf on ontspoord is of vaak de neiging heeft the ground; Br inf on the deck; Br inf om te ~ ) loco with a tendency to on the floor; Br inf off the pipes; Br derail; Am inf mud digger inf off the road; Br inf in the dirt; Am ontsporing derailment; inf in the ditch; Br inf Good Old Eng- de ~ is veroorzaakt door het breken land; Br inf hitting dirt; Br inf Off; inf van een as bij één van de wagens terra firma (vooral bij ontspoortong / the derailment was caused by a bro- especially at trap points) ken axle on one of the wagons; ontspoorde trein derailed train de machinist heeft de ~ pas waarge- ontspoorinrichting derailer; derail- nomen toen de locomotief heftig ging ing stop; trap point; form an assem- schudden the train driver noticed the bly of switch half sets intended to de- derailment only when the locomotive rail rail vehicles in the event of their began to jolt severely; unauthorised movement;  ( ~ bij hoge snelheid) high-speed  (dubbeltongs ~ ) Double Tongue derailment; Trap Point [DTT];  ( ~ in een bocht) curve derailment;  (enkeltongs ~ ) Single Tongue Am inf daisy chain; Trap Point [STT]  (punt van ~ ) Point of Derailment ontspoortong derailing points; de- [POD]; form the precise point where railer; catch points [CP]; runaway the first wheel derailed catch points; safety points; trap ontsteking bij nadering approach point(s); Am derail switch; Am switch signal lighting; form system whereby point derail; Br inf man trap; Br inf the lighting of one or more signals is traps; form half switch intended to controlled by the approach of a train provide protection from an adjacent ontstoringsdienst fault-clearing ser- vice; repair service Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 130

onttrekking zie infra-onttrekking er zit een machinist op de trein there onttrekkingstekening is someone in the chair; there is  ( ~ t.b.v. werkzaamheden) zie someone at the controls; railinfra-onttrekkingstekening  (rangeerder ~ ) Br inf on the ontvlambare stoffen inflammable front(s) agents; op drift raken van een wagen to  (licht ~ ) highly flammable agents break away; breaking away of a wa- ontvlambare vloeistof inflammable gon liquid opdrukken ontwerptekening baan en empla-  (rijden met opdruk) pusher opera- cement zie OBE-blad tion; banking; form the running in ontwerpintensiteit design capacity; which a locomotive is added to the form the volume of rail traffic in trains rear of a train to assist in its propul- per hour which permits reasonable sion flow characteristics opdrukloc(omotief) banking loco- ontwerpplan sketch planning motive; banking engine; banker; Am ontwerpsnelheid design speed; booster locomotive; Am pusher loco- form the speed which determines the motive; Am helper; layout of a new railway in plan  (rijden met ~ ) propelling move- ontwerp-uurbelasting design hourly ment; inf reverse running; form meth- volume; form the total traffic flow in od of running in which a manned lo- trains per hour which a railway sys- comotive, whether coupled or not, is tem is designed to carry located at the rear of the train and Ontwerpvoorschriften voor de propels it Spoorwegbouw ± Br Track Design openbaar vervoer public transport Manual [TDM] service; public transport system; onveilig sein zie stoptonend sein public passenger transport services; onveiligvaller Br revenue service; government-  (sein) semi-automatic signal operated system; Am mass transit; onvoorwaardelijk sein absolute Am public transit; stop signal  (beperkt ~ ) limited service oorzaak en gevolg analyse failure openbaar vervoer autoriteit pas- mode and effects analysis senger transport authority; Am transit opbreken van de spoorbaan dis- authority mantling of the track; removal of the openbare vervoerder public carrier; track; public transport operator  ( ~ bij werkzaamheden) stripping opengereden wissel split points; the road; form removal of old track Am switch run through; form points and ballast (in preparation for relay- forced open ing) open goederenwagen open wagon op de bok [MDA, MFA, MLA]; gondola  (in de machinistencabine) (machi- openrijdbaar wissel trailable points nist ~ ) Br inf on the handle(s); Br inf openrijden van een wissel to force in the chair; open the points; to burst open the points; to split the points; Am to run Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 131 through the switch; form trailing-point  ( ~ van spoorstaven) building up movement of rails; re-surfacing of rails; open vervoerbewijs  ( ~ van wielbanden) building up of  (kaartje zonder datum) open tic- tyres; re-surfacing of tyres ket; form passenger ticket that does op last van not have a specified date  ( ~ politie, brandweer) by order of op- en voorbijlopen zie inhalen (the police, the fire brigade); operationeel operational; de treindienst is stilgelegd ~ de  ( ~ bereik) operating range; brandweer the fire brigade has  ( ~ oponthoud) operational delay asked for trains to be stopped; form opgebroken (spoor)lijn dismantled the train service has been suspen- track ded by order of the fire brigade opgeheven oplegger (semi-)trailer; truck trailer  ( ~ trein in het plan) cancelled; Br oplegstoel voor spoorstaaf rail inf caped; chair deze trein is ~ (deze trein rijdt van- oplegvlak van de spoorstaaflas daag niet) this train service has been seat of rail joint cancelled (this train will not run to- oploop vertraging blocking-back day) opnieuw ingelegd(e trein) opgelegde snelheid command  (ander pad voor bestaande trein) speed; form the speed imposed up- off the book; train (service) running on a train by the automatic train con- out of timetable order; trol system  (opnieuw inleggen van een be- opheffen staande trein in het plan, na aan-  ( ~ van trein in het plan) to cancel vraag van vervoerder voor een ander (a train); cancellation of a train; Br pad) forcing a path; form Cancel At Point of Entry  (foutief ingelegde trein) off sheet [CAPE]; Br inf to cape (a train) oprangeren Am inf to open the gate op hol geslagen locomotief a loco oprijden tot het sein to proceed to moving without a driver on board; inf the signal; form to move the train at runaway train; Am coaster; Am inf caution speed to the signal wild cat oprijsein calling-on signal op hol geslagen trein a train mo- opruimingswerkzaamheden clear- ving without a driver on board; inf ing work runaway train; Am coaster; Am inf oproep hoog zie overuren wild cat opschakelbord acceleration sign op het matje komen form to see the opschakelen to wind up; form to manager over a misdemeanour; Br move the handle of the master con- inf to go down the road; Br inf to go troller of a train from the off position up the road to a motoring position; Am inf to wi- opjutsein den; inf to open the throttle  (hoofdsein achter een uitrijsein op opslagplaats stockyard hetzelfde station) ± urging signal; ± opsteken advanced starting signal  ( ~ van stoomlocomotief) to fire a oplassen building up / re-surfacing locomotive by welding; Am surfacing; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 132

opstellen  (een rijtuig uitzetten ofwel in ~ la-  ( ~ op een zijspoor) stabling; side ten meerijden wegens gebreken) to tracking; form turning off (wagons in- detach a coach to a siding) opzendlocomotief cold locomotive; opstelspoor siding; carriage siding cold engine; inactive loco; inopera- [CS]; stabling siding; storage siding; tive loco; Am Dead In Train [DIT]; form a siding used to store trains a- form movement of an engine not waiting their next turn of duty; under steam or power; inf dead en-  (opstelling van een trein op een gine ~ ) stabling of a train at a siding; Am opzetframe voor pallets pallet col- setting out of a train; lar  ( ~ dat aan beide zijden toegan- opzichter supervisor; operating su- kelijk is) through siding [TS]; form pervisor; Br controller; siding with entry from either direction  (baan~ ) Track Supervisor [TS]; opstelterrein holding yard; storage  ( ~ van rangeerterrein) yardmas- yard; stabling zone; storage sidings; ter [YM]; yard foreman; yard mana- departure sidings; ± depot; form ger [YM]; yard supervisor; Br yard group of sidings where passenger controller; inf head shack; Am inf trains are held before return to ground hog; Am inf dinger; service;  (assistent-~ van rangeerterrein)  ( ~ van oud materieel) old material assistant yardmaster; Am inf jam depot; used material depot buster; opstoken  (nacht~ van rangeerterrein) night  ( ~ van stoomlocomotief) firing a foreman; Am inf moonlight merchant; steam loco; Am inf to bail; Am inf  ( ~ bij werkzaamheden) works bake a cake; Br inf on the shovel foreman; works inspector; op tijd zie ‘plus nul’  (perron~ ) platform supervisor; opzending platform inspector; Br inf runner;  (loc in ~ ) cold locomotive; cold  (stations~ ) station ticket collector; engine; inf dead engine; inactive lo- platform inspector; co; inoperative loco; Am Dead In  (tractie~ ) locomotive running Train [DIT]; form a locomotive which foreman may form part of a train but which is opzwaaien not providing traction power; Br inf  (het ~ van een trein, bijv. door dead; rangeerder) hand signals; hand sig-  (een loc in ~ laten meerijden) the nalling movement of an inactive loco as part oranje vest of a train; to haul an inoperative loco;  ( ~ van veiligheidsman) (orange) to haul dead; to haul a dead engine; HV clothing; (orange) high visibility Am Dead In Train [DIT]; Br One En- [HV] vest; inf (orange) Hi-vis jacket; gine in Steam [OEIS]; inf (orange) reflective vest; (orange)  (een treinstel uitzetten ofwel in ~ high visibility warning jacket; Br inf laten meerijden wegens gebreken) to orange Diddy Vest; Br inf Orange detach a multiple unit; to withdraw a Peel unit; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 133

oriënteren ment concerning the International  ( ~ voor treindienstleiders en leer- Carriage of Goods by Rail [CIM]; ling-machinisten; “wegleren”, ook wel  (tarief~ ) tariff agreement; “baanvakken” genoemd) learning the  (vervoers~ ) transport agreement; road; inf to cab carriage agreement; transport con- OS-blad zie seinbeeldenkaart tract; form contract of carriage oscillerende stroomkring oscilla- overgangsboog transition curve; ting circuit form a curve whose radius of curva- OTC-sectie section with overlay ture changes uniformly with the dis- track circuit [OTC] tance travelled along the curve OvD Rail overgangstarief coordinated dis-  (Officier van Dienst Rail; Officier count fare van Dienst ProRail) zie Algemeen overgangstijd Leider  (interval tussen treinen) time bet- overbeladen overloaded ween trains; form interval between overbelasten to overload trains; Br margin overdrachtsverkeer overkapping roof;  ( ~ bijv. tussen de hoogovens en deze trein stopt buiten de ~ this train de hoofdbaan) transfer movements stops at the open platform (e.g. between the steel works and overlaadinrichting trans(s)hipment the main railroad) installation overdragende spoorweg transferor overlaadstation trans(s)hipment railway station; transhipment yard; Am trans- overdrukventiel outflow valve; dis- fer station charge valve overloopbrug overeenkomst  ( ~ in vouwbalg tussen rijtuigen)  (bevrachtings~ ) contract of af- step flaps (in gangway between freightment; coaches); gangway floor plate  (douane~ ) customs agreement; overlooproutes connecting routes  (O~ betreffende het Internationale overloopwissels diverting points; Vervoer van Reizigers en Bagage connecting points per Spoor) Agreement concerning overlopen the International Carriage of Passen-  (een trein van één spoor op een gers and Baggage by Rail [CIV]; ander laten ~ ) Br to divert a train;  (O~en inzake het Gebruik van Am to switch over to another track; Voertuigen in het Internationale to switch a train over; to cross over; Spoorwegverkeer) Contracts of Use to turn out of Vehicles in International Rail Traf- overnemende spoorweg transferee fic [CUV]; railway  (O~ inzake het Gebruik van de In- overpad frastructuur bij Internationaal Spoor-  (“boeren~ ”) field to field crossing; wegvervoer) Contract of Use of Infra- accommodation crossing; form Ac- structure in International Rail Traffic commodation Level Crossing [ALC]; [CUI]; Aust farm crossing; form level cros-  (O~ inzake het Internationale sing provided for the use of a land- Goederenvervoer per Spoor) Agree- owner whose property was divided Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 134 when the railway was built; inf cattle  (betaling van ~ ) overtime pay- arch; inf cattle creep; ments; Am inf mountain pay;  (dienst~ ) barrow crossing;  (‘Oproep Hoog’, in dienst geroe-  (landelijk ~ ) occupation crossing; pen worden op een rustdag, of de occupation level crossing; crossing betaling daarvoor) Br inf Penalty leading to private property; Payment [PP]; form extra pay for  (perron~ ) foot-crossing between working a rest day platforms; oververhitter  ( ~ dat niet vaak gebruikt wordt)  ( ~ van stoomlocomotief) super- Br inf Sleeping Dog Crossing; heater; form system improving ther-  (voetgangers~ , voetgangersover- mal efficiency by eliminating water weg) Footpath Crossing [FP]; Aust droplets suspended in the saturated rail pedestrian crossing steam; overpadhek wicket gate; barrow  (verzamelkast van ~ ) superheater crossing side gate collector; overslag trans(s)hipment  (vlambuizen~ ) smoke-box super- overslagbedrijf transhipment trade heater overslaginrichting trans(s)hipment oververhitterelement superheating installation coil overslagstation trans(s)hipment overvol station; transhipment yard; Am trans-  ( ~ station / trein / perron) over- fer station crowded station / train / platform; overspanningsbeveiliging over-  ( ~le reizigerstrein) overcrowded voltage protection train; Br inf mega-wedged (train); overstap transfer; form passenger form an extremely overcrowded interchange train; overstappen to change (trains); to  (een trein met een buitengewoon change into another train; groot aantal reizigers) a train with an ~ in Amsterdam (voor de trein naar exceptional number of passengers Haarlem) change at Amsterdam (for overweg zie spoorwegovergang Haarlem); overwegbomen barrier arms; level u kunt gebruik maken van de inter- crossing barriers; level crossing city naar Den Haag van 14 uur 32 gates; (railway) crossing gates; Am van spoor 5, en in Leiden ~ you can crossing arms; Am railroad barriers; take the fourteen thirty-two intercity Am railroad gate(s); Am train gates; service to from platform boom arms; Aust boom gates; Aust five, and change at Leiden; boom barriers;  ( ~ binnen betaalzone)  (automatische dubbele ~ ) auto- transfer; matic double barrier crossing;  ( ~ op hetzelfde perron) cross-  (automatische halve ~ ) automatic platform change; to change trains half barriers [AHB]; automatic half- cross-platform barrier level crossing [AHBLC]; auto- overstaptijd transfer time matic half-barrier crossing [AHBC]; overuren (maken) (working) over- Am inf Wig-wag; time; Br inf Land of Plenty; Br inf on the ham; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 135

 (automatische ~ ) automatic bar- overzicht seinbeeldrelaties zie riers; automatic barrier crossing seinbeeldenkaart [ABX]; automatic gates; overzichtsscherm  (defecte ~ ) defective level cros-  ( ~ van treindienstleider) track sing gates; diagram; track plan; illuminated dia-  (halfautomatische ~ ) ± automatic gram; Br Train Describer [TD]; barrier level crossing locally-moni-  (detailinfo van het ~ ) detailed sig- tored [ABCL]; nal box diagram (showing the exact  (halve ~ ) half barriers; layout of the area controlled, with lo-  (handbediende halve ~ ) manually cation of signals and position of operated half-barrier crossing; trains)  (handbediende ~ ) Manually Con- OV-kaart ± travel card; Br inf rover trolled Barriers [MCB]; Br Manned card; level crossing, Gated and Hand ope-  (houder van ~ ) ± travel card hol- rated [MGH]; Br Manned, Gated, der; Am inf stockholder; Worked mechanically, level crossing  ( ~ voor studenten) ± student tra- [MGW]; lifting barriers; lifting gates; vel card  (hele ~ ) full barriers; O-voorschriften de overwegen ter hoogte van km  (Voorschriften voor het Onder- 30.5 en km 34.3 hebben hele ~ the houd van wissel- en seininrichtingen) level crossings at km 30.5 and km ± Br Section E (the part of the Rule 34.3 have full barriers; Book concerned with the failure,  (mechanisch bediende ~ ) mecha- maintenance and renewal of signal- nically operated barrier crossing; ling equipment)  ( ~ die naar beneden zijn) lowered barrier arms;  (wip~ ) lifting gates; lifting barriers overweg met bedienkastje voor treinpersoneel Traincrew Operated [TCO] level crossing; Trainman Ope- rated [TMO] level crossing; form a level crossing where the train driver and/or guard operate the barrier(s) overwegstoring crossing malfunc- tion; faulty crossing; form malfunctio- ning automatic level crossing;  ( ~ door treinopvolging) crossing malfunction due to interval between trains overwegwachter crossing atten- dant; level crossing attendant [LXA]; crossing keeper; inf gate-keeper;  (verblijf van ~ ) crossing box overzicht retourleidingen Return Circuit Plan [RCP] Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 136

P  (aanligkracht van ~ ) adherence pressure; contact pressure (of the pantograph); P+R  (afklappen van ~ ) slipping; form  (parkeren en reizen) form subur- dewiring of the pantograph; ban station facility for rail commu-  (neerlaten van ~ ) to lower the ters, with car parks close to the plat- pantograph; forms; form provision of car parks at  ( ~ omhoog, tegen de rijdraad) to stations to encourage motorists to raise the pantograph; (train) with use railway services; Br Park’n’ Ride raised pantograph; picking up trac- [P&R]; park-and-ride; Am inf Kiss’n’ tion current; Br inf (to be) on juice; Ride; Am inf Kiss & Ride  (schuitje of slijtstrip op ~ ) panto- pad graph wearing strip; pantograph con-  (controle~ langs de spoorbaan) tact strip; pantograph slipper; form four-foot way; cess side; side path; (carbon surface of) the insert on top  (dienst~ langs de spoorbaan) ser- of the pantograph; vice path; service road;  (situatie waarbij de ~ het contact  (goederen~ in dienstregeling) heeft verloren met de rijdraad) de- freight path; wirement; form incident in which the  ( ~ van trein in dienstregeling) pantograph of an electric locomotive path; form planned routing and ti- or multiple unit has lost contact with ming of a train over specific lines; the contact wire of the overhead line  (optimaal ~ ) optimum path; form equipment route of travel between two stations papierprikken zie schoonmaken which has the least accumulation of perronsporen time, distance or other parameters to parallelweg service road; frontage traverse road palet parkeerautomaat parking meter  (treinaanwijzer in stationshal) parkeergarage parking space Passenger Information Display [PID]; parkeerhaven parking zone Passenger Rail Information Display parkeermeter parking meter Equipment [PRIDE] parkeerplaats parking place; pallet pallet; form a raised platform, parking area; parking; Am parking lot normally made of wood, facilitating parkeerterrein resting facility; rest the handling of goods by fork-lift area trucks; particuliere spooraansluiting pri-  ( ~ met overstekende vloer) wing vate siding; Am industry track; form pallet track which is linked up with, but palletisering palletization; palletizing does not belong to the railway enter- palletkist box pallet; pallet box; Am prise, so that an industrial or port pallox establishment can be served by rail paneel panel without transhipment; pantograaf  (aftakking naar ~ ) connecting cut-  (stroomafnemer) pantograph; cur- off rent collector; bow collector; top con- tact; Br inf panto; Br inf pan; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 137 particulier rijtuig privately owned peilglas ; Am inf private var-  ( ~ in stoomlocomotief) water nish [PV] gauge; water glasses; form transpa- passagier zie reiziger rent water level tube; water level passagieren gauge; inf sight glass;  ( ~ voor spoorwegpersoneel) On in de Tweede Wereldoorlog was het Company’s Service [OCS]; form uni- stukslaan van de peilglazen in de ca- formed employees travelling in pas- bine een veel gebruikte manier om senger accommodation while on du- stoomlocomotieven onbruikbaar te ty; Br inf on the cushions; Br inf on maken in the Second World War, the mahogany smashing the water level gauges in passagiersruimte passenger space the cab was a common way to dis- passagiersservice passenger ser- able steam locomotives vice pendelaars zie forensen passeerdetector motion detector; pendelafstand commuting distance; dynamic movement detector; pas- form the distance from someone’s sage detector place of residence to his place of passerende trein run through; form , intentionally passing a station pendelen to commute platform because there is no sche- periodieke trein non-regular train duled stop; periodiek onderhoud servicing; over enkele minuten passeert langs routine maintenance; inf annual re- spoor 5 een trein met hoge snelheid. pairs Wilt u op veilige afstand van de per- permanente spoorkraan zie kraan- ronrand blijven? in a few minutes will wagon run through at platform five a train at permissief blok fixed block; permis- high speed. Please stay at a safe sive block (with track circuits) distance from the edge of the plat- permissief blokstelsel automatic form block system; absolute permissive pauze recreation break block signal system PBT-ploeg permissief lichtsein permissive  (Proces Bijzondere Taken; PBT- light; “stop and proceed” light team) Travelling Ticket Inspectors permissief sein [TTI]; roving inspectors; form a team  (automatisch werkend sein) auto- of officials who check the validity of matic signal; permissive signal; sig- tickets on trains and in paid areas of nal on open line; Am form automatic stations; Aust form roaming staff who signal of the Restricted Proceed check tickets on trains or at stations; variety; ± draw-up signal Br inf zoo keepers; Br inf scuds; Br permissief stop inf jumpers; Br inf Flying Squad; Br  (licht ter aanduiding van ~ ) “per- inf Flying Angels; Aust inf snappers; missive” light  (lid van een ~ , PBT’er) travelling perron platform; form passenger ticket inspector; Br inf goldie; Aust inf platform; form station platform; snapper de sneltrein naar Rotterdam, vertrek- PCA zie procesaannemer tijd 15 uur 26 van spoor vier, vertrekt aan het einde van het ~ (dit is buiten Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 138 de overkapping) the fifteen twenty- but are placed either side of the level six fast service to Rotterdam, from crossing; platform four, will depart from the  (toegang tot het ~ ) access to the end of the platform (this is outside platform; the roof / at the open platform);  (tussen~ ) intermediate platform;  (aankomst~ ) arrival platform; Am  (vertrek~ ) departure platform; Am in-track platform; out-track platform;  (centraal ~ ) centre platform; is-  (zij~ ) ; form a plat- land platform; form a platform loca- form with track on one side ted between two tracks; perronkaartje platform ticket  (eiland~ ) centre platform; island perronkap roof; platform; form a platform located bet- deze trein stopt buiten de ~ this train ween two tracks; stops at the open platform;  (hoog ~ ) high platform; elevated  (kleine ~ ) platform shelter; roofing platform; perronklok zie stationsklok  (laad~ ) bank; loading platform; perronlengtes platform lengths form goods loading deck; perronopzichter platform supervi-  (laag ~ ) low platform; sor; platform inspector; Br inf runner  (lang ~ ) full platform; form a plat- perronoverpad foot-crossing bet- form that can accommodate the full ween platforms length of the train; perronrand edge of the platform;  (los~ ) unloading platform; platform edge;  (nood~ ) temporary platform; houd afstand van de ~ keep back  (onoverdekt ~ ofwel ~ zonder from the platform edge; overkapping) open platform; un- over enkele minuten passeert langs covered platform; spoor 5 een trein met hoge snelheid.  (overdekt ~ ofwel ~ met overkap- Wilt u op veilige afstand van de ~ ping) covered platform; blijven? in a few minutes will run  (overlaad~ ) transhipment plat- through at platform five a train at form; Am transfer platform; high speed. Please stay at a safe  (overvol ~ ) overcrowded platform; distance from the edge of the plat-  ( ~s in bajonetligging) staggered form platforms; perronspoor platform line; station  (provisorisch hulp~ ) temporary track; platform road; Br platform; Am platform; Am emergency platform; track; form track serving a passenger  (station met lange ~s) full platform platform; station; form a railway station where de trein vertrekt van ~ vier the train the platform(s) can accommodate leaves from platform four / track four the full length of the train; perrontunnel platform tunnel; pe-  (station met niet tegenover elkaar destrian underpass liggende ~s, vanwege aanwezigheid perronzijkant platform nosing; form van een overweg) staggered plat- the projecting edge of a station plat- forms; form an arrangement at a form station where the platforms are not persluchtlocomotief pneumatic lo- placed opposite each other, espe- comotive; compressed-air locomo- cially if a level crossing is present, Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 139 tive; compound air locomotive; Am de ~s stoppen de ballast onder de inf Dinky dwarsligger en zorgen zo voor een personeel staff; railway staff; per- stabiel ballastbed the tamping tines sonnel; pack the ballast under the sleeper to  (inlichtingen~ ) zie servicemede- produce a stable sleeper bed werkers; pickelkast, pikkelkast  (perron~ ) zie servicemedewer-  (van stopmachine) tamping unit kers; piekbelasting peak demand; form  (reserve~ ) spare staff; inf spare the largest number of passenger trainmen; inf Canteen Cowboys; Br trips or passenger kilometres during inf caught for a job; a specific period  (rijdend ~ ) train crew; form per- pijpenplaat sonnel on vehicles and trains;  ( ~ in rookkast van stoomlocomo-  (spoorweg~ ) railway staff; railway tief) tube plate; employee(s); Am inf Rail(s);  ( ~ in vuurkist van stoomlocomo-  (tekort aan ~ ) shortage of staff; tief) firebox tube plate  (trein~ ) train crew; pilotering pilot working; piloting (of  (wal~ ) zie servicemedewerkers trains) personeelsdossier personal record plaatsbewijs zie vervoerbewijs (of an employee); Br inf crime sheet plaatskaartenkantoor zie loket personeelskantine staff canteen; plaatskilometer place kilometre; messroom; form railway refreshment passenger place kilometre; form a room; Br inf piggery; Am inf red unit of rail system performance onion; Am inf eatum up plakbriefhouder personeelstrein personnel train;  (plakbrievenraampje op voertui- staff train; form train for personnel gen) label rack; Am card rack transport plan personeelsverblijf Br inf shanty; Am  ( ~ waar de treindienstleider mee inf bull pen werkt) Working Timetable [WTT]; persoonlijke veiligheid personal form the version of the timetable for safety and security; form a measure use by signallers, giving full details of of the adequacy of public transport all trains, including empty coaching systems to protect passengers, em- stock [ECS] movements ployees, and the general public; planjaar design year; form a future  ( ~ langs het spoor) Personal year for which transport plans are Track Safety [PTS] tested Persoonlijke Waarneming zie planologische goedkeuring plan- werkplekbeveiligingsklasse ning permission; form the official per- pickel, pikkel mission required to carry out a parti-  (stopvoet van stopmachine) tamp- cular development ing tine; tamping head; inf tine; form platgooien a spade-ended tool, fitted to the  ( ~ van stroomafnemers) to lower tamping banks of tamping machines, pantographs designed to force and consolidate platte goederenwagen flat car; flat ballast under the sleepers of the wagon [PFV, PFW, PFX, XDV, XFQ, track being tamped; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 140

ZVO, ZVP, ZVQ, ZVR, ZVV, ZVW, portaalkraan gantry crane ZVX] portofoon walkie-talkie; form porta- plein square ble radio telephone apparatus; form ploegbaas gang foreman; portable transmitter-receiver  ( ~ wegonderhoud) foreman gan- post ger; track chargeman; engineering  (achterliggende blok~ ) block post supervisor; form foreman in charge in rear; inf rear box; of a permanent way gang; Br inf bal-  (bevel~ van een heuvelrangeer- loon; Am inf ballet master; Br inf puff- station) marshalling yard control ler; Br inf ganger; Am inf straw boss office; yard office; Am classification PLP yard control office;  (procesleider perron) platform su-  (blok~ ) block post; block signal pervisor box; signal cabin; form intermediate plus nul train distancing point;  (trein die op tijd is) on time; accor-  (brug~ ) bridge control cabin; ding timetable; Am inf on the adver-  (buur~ ) adjacent signal box tised [ASB]; plus tien  (centrale bedienings~ ) centra-  (trein die tien minuten te laat is) lized control point; centralized control ten minutes late; Br ten down box [CCB]; pneumatische rem air brake (sys-  (centrale schakel~ ) zie schakel- tem); air pressure braking system; en meldcentrum; pneumatic brake; train line; inf Wes-  (EHBO-~ ) First-Aid station; tinghouse™ brake  (elektronische bedien~ , relaisbe- pneumatische verbinding veiliging met elektronische bedie-  ( ~ in Scharfenberg-koppeling) au- ning) conventional relay interlocking; tomatic connector coupling pneuma- all-relay electric interlocking; tic trainlines  (heuvel~ ) hump cabin; Am hump politie bij de trein police assistance; tower;  ( ~ vanwege spoorlopen, vanda-  (NX-~ ) “eNtrance-eXit” (NX-type) lisme e.d.) police assistance be- free lever signal box; cause of Trespass and Vandalism  ( ~ H) zie seinhuis; [T&V];  ( ~ met drukknoptoestel) push-  ( ~ vanwege agressieve reizigers) button signal box; inf police assistance because of pas-  ( ~ met pneumatische wisselbe- senger action; form police assistance diening) electro-pneumatic signal because of disruption of train servi- box; ces due to unreasonable behaviour  ( ~ T ofwel ~ treindienstleider) by passengers railway control tower; signalling cen- poortjes tre [SC]; signal box [SB]; Power Sig-  ( ~ op stations) Automatic Ticket nalling Centre [PSC]; Signalling Con- Gates [ATG]; Br Automatic Ticket trol Centre [SCC]; Railway Control Barriers [ATB]; gates; ticket gates; Centre [RCC]; signal cabin; Am inf platform barriers switch tower; inf rail control; Am popz zie perronopzichter tower; Am inf beehive; Br inf The portaal zie bovenleidingportaal Nerve Centre; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 141

 ( ~ voor centrale wisselbediening) procesaannemer Maintenance Con- signal box [SB]; signal cabin; inter- tractor [MC]; track maintenance (pro- locking cabin; Am tower; cess) contractor; Br Infrastructure  ( ~ voor trein- of rangeerbewegin- Maintenance Company [IMC]; form a gen) operating control point; company entering into a contract  (rangeer~ ) signal box [SB]; signal with the railway administrator to un- cabin; interlocking cabin; Am tower; dertake the maintenance of specified  (sein~ ) signal box [SB]; lines  (tussenblok~ ) intermediate block Proces Bijzondere Taken zie PBT- post; ploeg  (verkeersleidings~ ) railway con- procesleider perron zie PLP trol tower; signalling centre [SC]; Po- procesleiding zie procesleidings- wer Signalling Centre [PSC]; Signal- systeem ling Control Centre [SCC]; Integrated procesleidingssyteem Electronic Control Centre [IECC]; Am  ( ~ van treindienstleider) the pro- dispatch control; inf signal box; inf cessing system; form computerized rail control; Am inf switch tower; Am rail traffic control system, depending tower; Am inf beehive; Br inf The on complete diagrams of the track Nerve Centre; layout and records of the position of  (voorliggende blok~ ) block post in trains; ± Total Operations Processing advance; inf forward box System / Total Operating Processing Post21 zie VPT System [TOPS], a computerized postkoppeling freight information and traffic control  ( ~ tussen railverkeersleidingspos- system; ± Br Centralized Traffic Con- ten) ± Adjacent Signalbox Link trol [CTC], in which the signalling of [ASL]; ± Adjacent Signal Box Proto- a railway is undertaken from one col Converter [ASBPC] control point, using illuminated dia- posttrein mail train; Br Class 3 train; grams showing the position of any Am inf Pony Express trains on the line, operating the sig- potje nals and points and setting up non-  (aankondiging van overweg) (le- conflicting routes for any train move- vel crossing) approach detector; ment  (spoorstaafcontact voor onveilig- procesmatig onderhoud van het vallen van een sein) signal replacer spoor systematic track mainte- prikspanning-spoorstroomloop nance; cyclic maintenance; form high voltage impulse [HVI] track cir- track maintenance activities carried cuit out at regular intervals, irrespective printplaat printed circuit board of actual need; [PCB];  (jaarplan voor ~ ) Br annual pos-  ( ~ insteekeenheid) printed circuit session plan [APP]; ± Br annual re- board rack [PCB rack] newal of way programme; prioriteit  (ontwerp-jaarplan voor ~ ) Br draft  ( ~ spoorweggebruik) movement annual possession plan [DAPP]; priority  (periodiek plan voor ~ ) ± Br draft procedure ruim uitschakelen zie period possession plan [DPPP] ruim uitschakelen proces-verbaal official report; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 142

 ( ~ opgemaakt door conducteur)  (spoorkop~ ) head profile; form warrant; the cross-sectional shape of the  ( ~ opmaken) to report on a per- head of a rail; son; form to draw up a report concer-  (spoorstaaf~ ) rail profile; ning a person;  (standaard laad~ ) standard load-  ( ~ van bevinding) factual report; ing gauge for freight wagons; Br  ( ~ van een overtreding) report on W6A; infringement of regulations;  (transiet~ ofwel laad~ “T”) univer-  ( ~ van ontvangst; overnamerap- sal gauge; port) acceptance report; reception  (vignole rail~ ) Vignole rail profile; report;  (wielband~ ) tyre profile  ( ~ van regeling) adjusting state- prop voor dwarsliggers sleeper ment plug; treenail proefbedrijf zie proefrit proportionele nivelleer- en hefin- proefrit trial run; operational demon- stallatie proportional levelling and stration; check ride lifting system proefritbaanvak experimental line; ProRail line used for experiments  (spoorbeheerder) infrastructure profiel controller; railway administrator; ± Br  (baan~ ) railway section; track Network Rail [NR]; ± Br Railtrack section; [RT] (Railtrack was replaced by Net-  (ballast~ ) ballast profile; work Rail in 2002); ± Aust State Rail  (buiten ~ ) out of gauge [OOG]; Authority [SRA]  (extrusie~ ) press-drawn metal P-sein section;  (permissief sein) permissive sig-  (inkepings~ van de dwarsliggers) nal; signal on open line; ± draw-up adzing gauge; signal; ± Br intermediate block signal  (internationaal ~ ) international [IBS]; form passable signal; form a gauge; signal which can be passed without  (kinematisch omgrenzings~ ) ki- specific permission from the signal- nematic gauge; ler, provided certain conditions are  (laad~ ) loading gauge; load-limit met; Am form automatic signal of the gauge; Restricted Proceed variety;  (lengte~ ) longitudinal level;  (systeem dat werkt met P-seinen)  (omgrenzings~ voor voertuigen) Normal Clear System; permissive maximum loading gauge; vehicle signalling system; gauge; in een systeem met P-seinen staan  ( ~ van vrije ruimte) safe distance de seinen veilig zolang de baan vrij factor; clearance; free space; clear- is in a permissive signalling system ance diagram; ; the main running signals display a structure clearance; form a clear clear aspect at all times when it is space of 5 ft or 1.52 metres each safe; side of the track; form minimum dis-  (kentekenbord aan een ~ ; het tance between vehicle clearance en- bordje “P”) permissive signal refe- velope and trackside objects; rence plate  (rail~ ) rail profile; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 143

punctualiteit on-schedule perfor-  ( ~ compleet met strijkregels) mance; punctual arrival and depar- crossing track; ture of trains; form the passage of a  ( ~ met beweegbare vleugel) mo- train past a check point at the time vable crossing; swing nose crossing scheduled plus or minus a pre-selec- [SNX]; movable frog; switch diamond ted tolerance; Br inf Time and Time [SD]; puntstuk  ( ~ met verlengde vleugel) built-up  ( ~ van wissel) points crossing; inf common crossing with right hand ex- nose; form crossing tended parallel wing; point; crossing nose [XN]; fine point  ( ~ van kruising) point rail; [FP]; point frog; switch diamond  (theoretisch punt van het ~ ) inter- [SD]; common crossing; inf acute section of gauge line; inf theoretical crossing; Aust V-rail; inf frog; form nose; the point where one side of the turn-  (voorkant van het ~ ) nose of ing out track intersects with the op- crossing posite side of the through track; puntwissel facing crossover; form a een wissel kan beschreven worden rail crossover in which the points aan de hand van de richting waarin face the direction of traffic on each of de trein rijdt t.o.v. het ~ points are the tracks being joined described as facing or trailing accor- PVR ding to whether the train passes over  (profiel van vrije ruimte) safe dis- them from toe to heel of a switch, or tance factor; clearance; free space; heel to toe respectively; clearance gauge; clearance diagram;  (achterkant van het ~ ) switch end structure gauge; form a clear space of a turnout; of 5 ft or 1.52 metres each side of  (beweegbaar ~ ) moving nose; the track; form minimum distance swingnose; form moveable point between vehicle clearance envelope frog; and trackside objects;  (geconstrueerd ~ ) built-up cros-  (inbreuk op het ~ ) encroachment sing; form built-up common crossing on the clearance gauge; fouling of with both rails straight; the clearance gauge;  (geconstrueerd ~ met één gebo-  (binnen ~ komen van het neven- gen been) built-up common crossing spoor) encroaching on the free with one rail curved; space for the adjacent track; fouling  (geconstrueerd ~ met twee rechts of the clearance gauge for the neigh- gebogen benen) built-up common bouring track; crossing with both rails curved;  ( ~ voor de bovenleiding, bijv. in  (gegoten ~ ) cast common cros- een tunnel) contact-system gauge; sing with both rails straight; cast cen- electrification gauge (for example in tre block crossing [CCBC]; a tunnel);  (gegoten ~ met twee rechts gebo-  ( ~ voor de stroomafnemers) gen benen) cast common crossing clearance gauge for pantographs; with both rails curved;  ( ~ voor stroomrail) contact-rail  (niet-doorlopend been van een gauge geconstrueerd ~ ) wing rail; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 144

R at the open space in a crossing, which prevents derailment;  (holle ~ ) box-beam; Raad van Toezicht op de Spoor-  ( ~las) zie spoorstaaflas; wegdiensten ± Br Railway Safety  ( ~profiel) zie spoorstaafprofiel; and Standards Board [RSSB]  ( ~voet) zie spoorstaafvoet; Raad voor de Transportveiligheid  (veiligheids~ ) check rail; guard ± Am National Transportation Safety rail Board [NTSB] railaanloopzijde van de wielflens raccordement private siding [PS], inside surface of the flange gated-off from the running lines; Am railauto road/rail vehicle [RRV]; on- industry track; Am tap line; Am inf track/off-track vehicle; form highway- Low Iron; railway vehicle; inf two-way vehicle;  (aftakking naar ~ ) connecting cut- inf Unimog™; Am inf Nordberg™; off Am inf Fairmont™; Am inf Hyrail™; raccordementhouder owner of pri- Am inf Hi-Rail™; vate siding  ( ~ gereed voor dienst op de rails) raccordementsspoor private siding rail mode; form a road/rail vehicle set [PS]; junction cut-off up for use on the rails, with rail radioactieve stof radioactive agent wheels deployed, steering locked radiografisch bediende locomotief and appropriate lighting lit; zie radioloc  ( ~ gereed voor rijden over de radiografische treindetectie wire- weg) road mode; form a road/rail ve- less train detection hicle prepared for travel by road, with radioloc remote-control loco; re- rail wheels retracted, steering un- mote-controlled loco; Am remote locked and normal lights activated control locomotive [RCL]; tele-control railautomobiel locomotive; form radiographically  (micheline ~ ) rail car fitted with operated locomotive solid or pneumatic tyres radstand wheel base; railbevestiging  (afstand hart op hart draaistellen)  (spoorstaafbevestiging) rail fas- distance between bogie pivots; bogie tening; form any device used to se- pivot pitch cure rails into chairs, baseplates or raffinaderijspoor refinery track directly to sleepers, timbers or bear- rail rail; ers;  (derde ~ voor stroomvoorziening,  (directe ~ ) direct fastening; direct bijv. van de metro) conductor rail; fastened track; form a rail fastening Conductor Rail Equipment [CRE]; system in which the rail is fastened current rail; third rail; electrified third directly to its supporting sleeper, tim- rail; bottom-contact third rail; Am ber, bearer or bridge deck without power rail; conduit track; live rail; slot baseplates or chairs being used; rail; box-beam; Br inf pozzy rail; Br  (elastische ~ ) resilient (rail) inf juice rail; ± ground-level power fastening; inf elastic rail fastening; supply; inf elastic rail support; inf rail clip; inf  (geleide~ in wissel; strijkregel) Pandrol™ clip; inf Fastclip™; inf guide rail; check rail; form wing rail, pigtail; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 145

 (indirecte ~ ) indirect fastening; powered rail trolley; inf Skate; Br inf form a in which Wickham™; Am inf Nordberg™; inf the rail is carried in a chair or base- Trakrat™; Am inf speeder; Am inf plate which, in turn, is fastened di- motorcar; Am Aust inf Geismar™ rectly to a timber, sleeper or bearer; Motor Car; Am inf trackcar; Am inf de klassieke indirecte ~ is de rughel- putt-putt; Am inf golf cart; Am inf Bu- lingplaat met klembouten the classi- da™ Car; cal indirect (rail) fastening is the  ( ~ zonder motor) rail trolley with- baseplate with clamping bolts; out a motor; track car without a mo-  (isolerende ~ ) insulating rail con- tor; nection; insulating rail fastening;  (met de hand voortbewogen ~ )  (licht aangedraaide ~ ) loose rail hand-propelled rail trolley; pump trol- fastening; ley; inf manumotive  (vast aangedraaide ~ ) tight rail railinzet fastening  ( ~ van rail/wegvoertuig) to drive railbevestigingssysteem rail fast- up onto the track (often at a level ening system crossing); form drive-on procedure; self-propelled rail car inf access to rail railgebonden materieel track- railisolatietester rail insulation test- bound equipment; rail dedicated er equipment; rail mounted equipment; railkop form equipment designed to be  (kop van de spoorstaaf) head; operated on-rail head of rail; railgebonden voertuig track-bound  (afschilfering van de ~ ) shelling; vehicle; rail dedicated vehicle; form form a rail defect in which the run- vehicle designed to be operated on- ning surface of a rail breaks out as a rail series of shallow flakes railhellingshoek cant; form the in- railkraan zie locomotiefkraan ward inclination of a rail railkussen Railinfrabeheer railway infrastruc-  (oplegstoel voor spoorstaaf) rail ture management; ± Permanent Way chair Department [PWD] raillas zie spoorstaaflas railinfra-onttrekkingstekening raillijf  ( ~ t.b.v. werkzaamheden) engi-  (ziel van de spoorstaaf) web; web neer’s occupation drawing of (the) rail; form the thin part of the railinfra(structuur) railway infra- rail between the base and the head structure; permanent way [PW]; Railned shore; (railway) track(s); the running  ( ~ inclusief afdeling Spoorweg- lines and sidings of a railway veiligheid) ± Br Office of the Rail Re- railinspectievoertuig track inspec- gulator / Office of Rail Regulation tion vehicle [TIV]; track inspection [ORR]; ± Am Federal Railroad Admi- trolley; nistration [FRA]; ± Aust Australian  (gemotoriseerd ~ ) motorized in- Rail Authority spection trolley; motorized track in- railonderlegplaatje spection vehicle [MTIV]; Am railroad  ( ~ tussen railvoet en beddings- inspection car; rail trolley; draisine; plaat of tussen railvoet en dwarslig- Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 146

ger) rail pad; form a resilient medium railtracking is walking along aban- fitted between a rail and the support- doned railroads and searching for ing baseplate or between a rail and remnants of disappeared railroads the supporting sleeper railverbinder voor tractiestroom railplan track diagram; track plan; il- traction bond luminated diagram railverkeersleiding rail(way) traffic railrem rail brake; Am car retarder control railrembek brake clip; brake gripper; railverkeersleidingspost railway inf gripper control tower; signalling centre [SC]; railremmen shoe brakes; rail brakes Power Signalling Centre [PSC]; Sig- railrunner nalling Control Centre [SCC]; Traffic  (kinderkaartje) ticket for children Control Centre [TCC]; Railway Con- (usually at reduced cost) trol Centre [RCC]; Integrated Electro- railslijpvoertuig rail grinding unit nic Control Centre [IECC]; Am dis- [RGU]; rail grinder; form a rail vehicle patch control; inf signal box; inf rail designed to grind out corrugations control; Am inf switch tower; Am and other irregularities from the tower; Am inf beehive; Br inf The heads of railway rails; inf Speno™ Nerve Centre train railverschuivingswaarden track railspijker zie spoorspijker displacement values railspoel reactance bond railvervoer zie spoorvervoer railstaaf zie spoorstaaf railvoertuig rail mounted vehicle; railstop wheel stop; wheel chock rail vehicle railszekering rail anchor; form a de- railvoet vice to anchor railway track in order  (voet van de spoorstaaf) foot; foot to prevent rail creep of (the) rail; base of the rail railtang zie spoorstaaftang railvrachtauto Br road-rail lorry; Am railtender(service) trolley catering road-rail truck service; rail catering (trolley) (ser- rail/wegvoertuig road/rail vehicle vice); refreshment trolley; On Board [RRV]; on-track/off-track vehicle; Services [OBS]; on-train catering Road Railer [RR]; form highway- services; form sale of light refresh- railway vehicle; inf two-way vehicle; ments by attendant circulating on Br inf Unimog™; Br inf Bruff™; Am train; Br form service of teas at inf Fairmont™; Am inf Nordberg™; seats; Br Rail Gourmet™;  ( ~ voor rangeerwerk) Track- vandaag is er geen ~ aanwezig op mobile™; Am inf Whiting™; Switch- de ICE naar Keulen today there is no Mobile™; Am inf Cline™; catering service on the ICE to Co-  ( ~ gereed voor dienst op de rails) logne; rail mode; form a road/rail vehicle set  (medewerkster van ~ of treinkel- up for use on the rails, with rail ner) catering attendant circulating on wheels deployed, steering locked train; Br inf trolley dolly and appropriate lighting lit; railtracken railtracking;  ( ~ gereed voor rijden over de ~ is het lopen langs verlaten spoorlij- weg) road mode; form a road/rail nen en het op zoek zijn naar over- vehicle prepared for travel by road, blijfselen van opgebroken spoorlijnen Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 147

with rail wheels retracted, steering Br inf pimple; Br inf gridiron; Br inf unlocked and normal lights activated knuckle; Br inf kip rangeerbeweging shunt; shunt rangeerlocomotief shunting engine; movement; shunting movement; shunting locomotive; switch locomo-  (een ~ maken) marshalling; Am tive; switching locomotive; Br shun- inf to drill; Br inf to take the dolly ter; Br shunting loco; Am switcher; rangeerbundel set of sorting sidings yard locomotive; Am switch engine; rangeerdeel set of wagons; set of yard engine; Br inf Hunslet™; Br inf coaches; rake of wagons bumper; Br inf beetle crusher; Br inf rangeerder shunter; yard switch- pilot; Am inf yard hog; Am inf goat; man; Am yardman; Am switchman; Am inf Puddle Jumper; Am inf dum- form an employee responsible for my; moving cars in a railway depot or  (kleine ~ ) Br inf jacko; Br inf pug- yard; Am inf switch monkey; Br inf gies; Br inf dolly; Br inf donkey; Am dummy chucker; Am inf pin puller; Br inf pup; Am inf yard goat; inf hooker; Am inf herder; yard  ( ~ van fabriek of werkplaats) in- brakeman; Am inf goat herder; Am dustrial locomotive; works locomo- inf club winder; ± brakeman; Am inf tive; Internal Unit [IU]; Am inf yard mule; Am inf nipper; Br inf cutter-up; hog; Am inf Plymouth™; Am inf Am inf deadhead; Am inf dropper; Plymouth™ switcher Am inf pin lifter; Am inf stopper pul- rangeermachinist zie rangeerder ler; Am inf stinger; rangeermeester shunting inspector  ( ~ werkzaam op het terrein van rangeerplan shunting programme een werkplaats) Am hostler rangeerremkraan shunting brake rangeerdienst shunting; shunting valve operations; Am switching; rangeerrobot mobile shunting ma-  (‘naar de ~ verbannen worden’) chine shunting work, to which drivers are rangeerschok shunting impact posted after committing disciplinary rangeersein shunting signal; shunt offences; Br inf criminal link signal; shunting pole; independent rangeerdienstleider shunting super- shunt; Br inf shunt; Br inf Newcastle visor; yardmaster [YM]; switching hook; Br inf dod; Br inf dodd; Br inf master; yard supervisor; Am dispat- dummy; cher; Am train dispatcher; Br yard  ( ~ als dwergsein op rangeerter- controller; Am inf towerman; Am inf rein) dwarf shunting signal; Br tonnage hog; inf head shack ground disc signal; rangeerdienstreglement Br Section  ( ~en op locomotief of treinstel) J (the part of the Rule Book con- ditch lights; shunting marker lamps cerned with shunting) rangeersik zie locomotor rangeergrensbord limit of shunt sig- rangeerspoor shunting track; mar- nal [LOS] shalling siding; shunting route; Am rangeerheuvel hump; hump yard; side track; ± lead track; Br inf dod- marshalling mound; hump in a gra- ger; vity yard; form incline for train sor-  ( ~ voor laden en lossen van goe- ting; form summit in a gravity yard; derenwagens) reception siding; re- ception track Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 148

rangeerstation marshalling station; rangeren marshalling yard;  (het werkwoord ~ ) to shunt; Am  (horizontaal gelegen ~ ) flat mar- to switch; shalling yard;  (het werkproces ~ ) shunting;  ( ~ op doorlopende helling; hel- marshalling; switching; form the ling~ ) gravity marshalling yard movement of railway vehicles to po- rangeerstoplantaarn shunt(ing) sition or stable them, or to make up stop-signal lamp; ± Br shunt signal; or split up train formations; Am inf to Br inf Littl’un work the yards; Am inf to shuffle; Am rangeerterrein yard; shunting yard; inf to drill; Br marshalling yard; Am switching  (“ ~ verboden”) shunting forbid- yard; Am switchyard; inf primary den; switching forbidden yard; rangeringen shunting; een ~ is een sporennetwerk voor het  (eindpunt~ ) terminal shunting samenstellen van treinen en/of het RAPIE wegzetten van wagens en ander  (Regionale Afstemming Productie spoorwegmaterieel a yard is a net- Infra-Exploitatie) Br Possession work of tracks used for assembling Planning System [PPS]; ± Br Com- trains and/or storing cars and other puter Assisted Maintenance Plan- railway equipment; ning System [CAMPS]; Br form data- treinbewegingen op een ~ zijn over base of planned possessions owned het algemeen ongecontroleerd en by the railway administration but ac- met beperkte snelheid movement on cessible to Track Renewal and Infra- yard tracks is generally unsignaled structure Maintenance Companies and limited to restricted speed; rayonbureau district control office  ( ~ in gebruik als opstelterrein) rayonchef district manager; area holding yard; departure sidings; form manager group of sidings where passenger reanimatie emergency life support; trains are held before return to ser- resuscitation vice; rechtse kruising right hand cros-  ( ~ voor goederen; goederen- sing; right hand common crossing; emplacement) goods yard; freight form a crossing in which the splice yard; freight marshalling yard; clas- rail is on the left hand side of the sification yard; sorting yard; Am inf point rail field; Am inf garden; rechtsleidend wissel switch leading  (hoofdspoor op ~ ) the main track to the right in a marshalling yard, from which rechts meegebogen wissel right other tracks branch off; Am ladder; hand switch on similar flexive curve Am inf lead recht spoor rangeervoorwaarden shunting re-  ( ~ in wissel) main section; gulations; straight track section; through sec-  (exploitatie onder ~ ; exploitatie tion met rijden op zicht) operating under rechts rijden right hand running shunting regulations rechts tegengebogen wissel right rangeervrijgave zie grendel hand switch with contra flexive curve Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 149

rechts wissel points/switch for right car; form commuter hand turnout; right hand points; right multiple unit; inf Sprinter train hand turnout [RHTO]; Am right-hand reglement regulations; railroad switch; form a turnout in  (dienst~ ) service regulations; which the lateral set is in the right  (exploitatie~ ) operating rules; hand stock rail when viewed from the operating regulations; switch toe looking towards the switch  (Internationaal R~ betreffende het heel; Vervoer van Containers per Spoor)  (normale of primaire of rechtdoor- International Regulations concerning gaande stand van ~ ) right hand turn- the Carriage of Containers by Rail out in the normal position; form right [RICO]; hand switch closed [RHSC]  (R~ betreffende het Internationaal rectificatie Gebruik van Particuliere Wagens)  ( ~ van omroepbericht) zie correc- Regulations concerning the Interna- tie tional Haulage of Private Owners’ redding en bestrijding emergency Wagons by Rail [RIP]; response and rescue  ( ~ betreffende het vervoer per reddingsapparatuur rescue devi- spoorweg) regulations concerning ces; rescue tools carriage by rail; referentietarieven reference tariffs  (R~ Veilig Werken aan de railin- reflecterend sein signal fitted with fra) ± Railway Safety Regulations for reflectors engineer’s occupation; reflecterend vest zie veiligheidskle-  (R~ voor het wederzijds gebruik ding van Rijtuigen en Bagagewagens in reflectielijnen zie veiligheidsmarke- het Internationale Verkeer) Regula- ring tions governing the reciprocal Use of reflectorpaaltje delineator; form Carriages and Brake-vans in Interna- marker post with a reflective device tional Traffic [RIC]; regelbare weerstand rheostat  (R~ voor het wederzijds gebruik regelgeving zie voorschriften van Wagens in het Internationale regelsnelheid pace Verkeer) Regulations governing the regio region reciprocal Use of Wagons in Interna- regionaal groeimodel regional tional Traffic [RIV]; growth model  (sein~ ) Signal Code; Am Signal regionaal spoorwegsysteem re- Rulebook; signal regulations; railway gional rail system; form a passenger signalling regulations railway system generally connecting regulateur suburban areas with their central  (automatische luchtdruk~ ) auto- cities, whereby the right-of-way may matic compressor adjuster; be shared with freight service  (automatische remdruk~ ) self-ad- regionaal transport commuter justing brake gear; transportation; transit service; area-  (automatische verlichtings~ voor wide service rijtuigen) automatic light-regulation regionaal vervoer regional transport for coaches; regiotreinstel commuter unit; Am unit; inf commuter train; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 150

 (automatische verwarmings~ voor reischeque Br traveller’s cheque; rijtuigen) automatic heat-regulation Am traveler’s check for coaches; reiscomfort travel comfort  (centrifugaal ~ ) centrifugal regu- reisdoel form trip purpose; inf desti- lator; nation  (direct / indirect werkende ~ ) di- reisduur zie reistijd rect / indirect acting regulator; reiseenheid travel unit; form the  ( ~ van diesellocomotief) regula- element of a transport system which tor; throttle; carries passengers, for example, a  ( ~ van stoomlocomotief) control single vehicle or train lever; reis- en verblijfskosten hotel and  (veiligheidsdruk~ ) pressure regu- travelling expenses lating valve reisfrequentie trip frequency; form reis the number of trips of a specified  ( ~ per trein) journey; passenger type, per unit of time trip; reisgenoot travelling companion  (afstel van een ~ ) abandonment reisgezelschap travelling party; tour of a journey; group; party of travellers  (afzien van een ~ ) to abandon a reiskosten travelling expenses journey; reiskostenvergoeding  (betaalde ~ ) revenue passenger  (regeling voor ~ ) refund for travel trip; expenses;  (binnenlandse ~ ) domestic vo-  (het bedrag aan ~ ) travel allow- yage; ance  (dienst~ ) duty tour; official jour- reisonderzoek travel survey; origin- ney; destination traffic survey [O&D sur-  (enkele ~ ) single journey; Am vey]; origin and destination study; one-way trip; form the collection of data describing  (goede ~ !) a pleasant journey! travel characteristics of given groups  (heen~ ) outward journey; of passengers  (hij is op ~ ) he is (away) on a reisorganisatie tour operator journey; reisplanner ± Br Train Service Data  (internationale ~ ) international Base [TSDB] (a computer system voyage; holding details of all scheduled rail  (op ~ ) on a journey; passenger services)  (op ~ gaan naar Brussel) be lea- reissnelheid journey speed; travel ving for Brussels; speed; form schedule speed; form  (rond~ ) round-trip; overall travel speed; inf trip speed  (terug~ ) return journey; reistijd travelling time; journey time; homeward journey trip time; form elapsed journey time; reisadvies travel advice form overall travel time; form in- reisafstand trip length; motion time;  (gemiddelde ~ ) average trip houdt u rekening met een langere ~ length please note that delays may occur; reisbiljet zie vervoerbewijs  ( ~ van rollend materieel) form reisbureau travel agency wheel turning time Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 151

reisverzekering travel insurance  (cascadeschakeling van spoor~ ) reiswekker travel alarm cut-section of track circuit; reiswieg carry-cot  (code-volgspoor~ ) code-following reisziek travel-sick track relay; reisziekte motion sickness; travel-  (differentiaal~ ) balancing relay; sickness  (droog ~ voor kleine stromen) dry reizen to travel relay; reiziger passenger  (elektrodynamisch ~ ) moving-coil reizigerskilometer (rail) passenger- relay; electrodynamic relay; kilometre [PKM]; form unit of mea-  (elektronisch ~ ) electronic relay; sure representing the transport of  (gelijkstroom~ ) direct-current one passenger by rail over a dis- relay; DC relay; tance of one kilometre; Am passen-  (gepolariseerd ~ ) polarized relay; ger-mile [PMI]  (impuls~ ) step relay; reizigersmaterieel passenger stock;  (kiep~ met scharnierend anker) coaching stock; Am passenger e- unbiased polarised relay; quipment  (knipper~ ) flasher relay; rocker reizigersonderzoek rider survey; switch; tumbler switch; inf flip-flop; passenger survey; form a survey of  (langzaam werkend ~ ) slow-ac- the passengers of public transport ting relay; vehicles  (maximaal~ voor elektrische loco- reizigersrijtuig zie rijtuig motieven) overload relay for electric reizigersstation station; passenger locomotives; station  (meld~ voor stroomonderbreking) reizigerstrein passenger train; Am power cut-off relay; inf window train;  (neutraal ~ ) non-polarized relay;  (getrokken ~ ) passenger train  (nulspannings~ voor elektrische with a locomotive (on the front); loco- locomotieven) voltage relay for elec- hauled passenger train; locomotive- tric locomotives; hauled coaching stock [LHCS]; Br inf  (ontgrendel~ ) release relay; proper train (not a unit)  (polair ~ ) polarised relay; reizigersverkeer  (primair ~ ) primary relay;  (reizigersdienst) passenger traffic;  ( ~ dat de rijweginstelling bevei- coaching traffic ligt) relay for route setting protection; reizigersvervoer passenger trans-  ( ~ in werking zetten) activate the port relay; relais relay;  ( ~ met één magnetisch circuit)  (aantrekking of bekrachtiging van single-element relay; het ~ ) relay excitation; Picking Up;  ( ~ met ogenblikkelijke werking)  (aardsluitings~ ) earthing relay; instantaneous relay;  (afvallen ofwel stroomloos worden  ( ~ met scharnierend anker) un- van het ~ ) relay drop; form relay de- biased polarised relay; energization; Dropped Away [DA];  ( ~ met sterkstroomcontacten) sig-  (beschermings~ ) protective relay; nal relay;  (beveiligings~ ofwel B-~ ) safety  ( ~ met twee magnetische circuits) relay; two-element relay; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 152

 ( ~ met vergrendeling) latching relaiscontact relay contact type relay; relaishouder relay holder  ( ~ met verlaagde werking) time relaishuis ± Signal Equipment delay relay; time lag relay; Room  ( ~ tegen onsymmetrische belas- relaiskast relay box; relay frame; ting) out of balance relay; relay rack; relay bay;  ( ~ zonder anker) relay without ar-  ( ~ van het Seinwezen) Br loca- mature; tion cabinet [LOC]; Br inf diddy box  (rijdraad~ voor elektrische loco- relaisraam relay rack; relay bay motieven) voltage relay for electric relaisrek relay rack; relay bay locomotives; relaisschakeling relay connection  (secundair ~ ) secondary relay; relaisspoel relay coil  (sein~ ) signalling switch; relaisstation link transmitter; relay  (spoor~ ) track circuits [TC]; track station relay(s) [TR]; relaisvoet relay socket  (spoorvrijmeldings~ ) track-re- relaiswerking relay action lease relay; relaiswikkeling relay winding  (stuur~ ofwel J-~ ) control relay; relatie intensiteit-dichtheid funda-  (tast~ van tweesysteemslocomo- mental diagram; form graphical re- tieven) system-sensitive device for presentation of the relation between dual-system locomotives; the mean flow and the mean density  (thermionisch ~ ) thermionic relay; on a railway section for a given time  (tijd~ , bijv. van overweg) time re- interval lay; time-delay relay; time lag relay; relatie snelheid-intensiteit speed- timer relay; slow-release relay; flow relation; form representation of  (traag ~ ) slow-operating relay; the flow of rail traffic in the form of a  (tussen~ ) intermediate relay; mathematical relationship between  (veiligheids~ ) safety relay; the flow and the speed  (vertraagd werkend ~ ) time relay; rem brake (system); braking system; slow-acting relay; slow-release relay; brake equipment; time-delay relay;  (automatische inwerkingstelling  (wisselstroom~ ) alternating cur- van de ~men) automatic application rent relay; AC relay of the brakes); relaisanker relay armature;  (automatische nood~ ) rapid e-  (aangetrokken of bekrachtigd ~ ) mergency braking; energized relay armature; Picking  (automatische ~ ) automatic Up; inf armature up; brake;  (afgevallen ~ ) demagnetized re-  (bestemmings~ ) stopping preci- lay armature; de-energized relay ar- sion braking; form controlled braking mature; Dropped Away [DA] to stop a train at a precise point; relaisbesturing relay steering  (blokken~ ) shoe brake; relaisbeveiliging relay interlocking  (directe ~ met dubbel remcircuit) [RI]; relay interlocking system; direct-action two-circuit brake;  ( ~ met elektronische bediening,  (direct lossende luchtdruk~ ofwel elektronische bedienpost) conventio- niet-trapsgewijs losbare ~ ) direct- nal relay interlocking release brake; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 153

 (doorgaande ~ ) continuous  (recuperatie~ ofwel ~ met ener- brake; gieterugwinning) regenerative brake;  (elektrische ~ ) electric brake;  ( ~ met differentiaallosklep) diffe-  (elektrische rail~men) electromag- rential brake; netic shoe brakes; electromagnetic  ( ~ met dubbele blokken) double rail brakes; inf shoe brakes; form a shoe brake; clasp brake; block braking system in which the braking brake; effort is obtained by the friction of  ( ~ van het laatste voertuig) end electromagnets applied to the rails; brake;  (elektrische weerstands~ ) dyna-  (schijf~ ) disc brake; mic brake; rheostatic brake;  (schroef~ ) screw brake;  (elektromagnetische ~ ) electro-  (snel~ ) rapid brake; quick-acting magnetic shoe brakes; electromag- brake; netic rail brakes; inf shoe brakes;  (trapsgewijs losbare ~ ) graduated form a braking system in which the brake; form brake with graduating braking effort is obtained by the fric- power on release; tion of electromagnets applied to the  (vacuüm~ ) vacuum brake; rails;  (vaste ~ ) blocked brake; form de-  (elektropneumatische ~ ) electro- fective air brakes which have locked pneumatic brakes [EP, EPB]; into the full emergency position; Am  (hand~ ) hand brake; inf dynamiter;  (Henry ~ ofwel direct werkende  (zelfwerkende ~ ) automatic brake niet-automatische luchtdruk~ ) direct- remafstand braking distance [BD]; acting brake; additional brake; stopping distance; form total stop- through brake; ping distance;  (hydraulische ~ ) hydraulic brake;  (maximale ~ ) maximum braking  (indirecte ~ ) indirect-action brake; distance;  (locomotief met leidende ~ ) lead-  (minimale ~ ) safe stopping dis- ing brake unit; form unit, with live tance brake equipment, from which the dri- rembekrachtiger ver controls the brake equipment of  (automatische ~ ) retardation con- all locomotives; troller  (luchtdruk~ ) compressed-air rembekrachtigingsklep shuttle brake; valve;  (lucht~ ) air brake (system); air  (dubbele ~ ) dual shuttle valve pressure braking system; pneumatic rembesturingspaneel brake control brake; train line; compressed-air panel brake; inf Westinghouse™ brake; remblok brake lining  (magneet~ ) magnetic brake; remcapaciteit braking capacity  (nood~ ) emergency brake [EB]; remdruk braking pressure; brake  (onbruikbare ~ ) brake out of or- pressure; der; unserviceable brake;  (de ~ regelen) to regulate the  (op de ~ zetten van een trein) Br brake pressure inf to tie down; Br inf to tie ’em down; remhandwiel brake lever  (piepende ~men) grinding brakes;  (rail~ ) rail brake; Am car retarder; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 154

remhuis apply (the) brakes; Am to set brakes;  ( ~ op goederenwagen) zie rem- Br inf to pull the air; Br inf to pull the mershuisje string(s); Am inf to ram a shot of air reminrichting zie remsysteem under the wheels; Am inf to swing a remise bug; Am inf to wing her;  ( ~ voor spoorwegmaterieel) loco  (gecombineerd ~ ) composite bra- shed; engine shed; train depot; run- king; simultaneous combined bra- ning shed; loco depot; Motive Power king; Depot [MPD]; form covered storage  (gemengd ~ ) composite braking; building for rail cars; ± yard; Am inf simultaneous combined braking; barn; Am inf pig pen;  (pompend ~ ) cadence braking  ( ~ voor trams) Am street car remmer brakeman; form a member barn; Am car barn of a train crew whose duties include remklep brake release valve; operating hand brakes and track  ( ~ achteraan trein) Am Flashing switches Rear End Device [FRED] for mea- remmershuisje suring train air line pressure  ( ~ op goederenwagen) brake ca- remkraan air brake valve; brake bin; brakeman’s cabin; Am brake- cock; man’s  ( ~ van machinist) driver’s brake remming brake application; braking; valve; Am engineman’s brake stand;  (aanhoudende ~ , hellingafwaarts) Am engineman’s brake valve; Am air holding braking; regulating valve; inf driver’s valve;  (ATB-~ ) safety control applica-  (rangeer~ ) shunting brake valve tion; penalty application; form brake remkraanstanden positions of the application activated by one of the driver’s brake valve; valve positions following train safety devices: the remkracht braking effort; overspeed control, the reset safety  (aanhoudende ~ ) holding braking control [RSC] or the safety control effort; holding force; foot valve;  (helling~ ) holding braking effort;  (bedrijfs~ ) normal brake applica- holding force; tion;  (maximale ~ ) maximum service  (controle~ ) safety control applica- braking; full service braking; form a tion; penalty application; form brake non-emergency brake application application activated by one of the which gives the maximum service following train safety devices: the brake rate overspeed control, the reset safety remleiding van trein air brake pipe control [RSC] or the safety control [ABP] foot valve; remlocomotief brake locomotive  (gemengde ~ , elektrisch en me- remluchtslang brake-hose; chanisch) composite braking;  ( ~koppeling) brake-hose joint; simultaneous combined braking; brake-hose connecting nipple; brake- form mixed electro-mechanical bra- hose coupling king; form a braking system combi- remmen ning electrical and mechanical bra-  (afremmen) to brake (a train); to king; slow down; to reduce speed; Br to Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 155

 (nood~ , door ATB) heavy stop;  (snel~ ) heavy stop; emergency safety control application; penalty application; emergency braking; application; form brake application sharp braking; form brake application activated by one of the following train at maximum reduction in air pres- safety devices: the overspeed con- sure, to stop a train as quickly as trol, the reset safety control [RSC] or possible; Br inf Caley stop; Br inf the safety control foot valve; Euston stop;  (nood~ , door machinist) emer-  (snel~ door ATB) safety control gency braking [EB]; sharp braking; application; penalty application; form (to make an) emergency stop; Br inf brake application activated by one of to go one back; Am inf to wipe the the following train safety devices: the clock; Am inf to send the needle right overspeed control, the reset safety round the dial; Br inf to give it the lot; control [RSC] or the safety control Br inf to give her the lot; form to foot valve; make an emergency brake  (trapsgewijze ~ ) gradual brake application; form braking to a stop application; gradual braking; under emergency conditions, usually  (vol~ ) full application of the at a higher retardation rate than that brake; full brake application; full obtained with a maximum service braking brake application; remonderzoek van wagens over-  (nood~ , door reiziger) to pull the haul of the brake; emergency brake; Br inf to pull the  (klein ~ ) intermediate overhaul of handle; form to use the passengers’ the brake emergency brake handle; rempercentage effective braking po-  (nood~ van zware goederentrein wer; form percentage of braking po- op een helling of voorbij H-sein) hea- wer vy stop of a freight train past a point remproef brake test; brake trial; of no return; Am inf to die;  (kleine ~ ) partial trial of the brake;  (normale ~ om te stoppen) stop-  ( ~ bij gereedmaken materieel) ping braking; braking to a stop; vehicle inspection and brake test  (ontijdige ~ ) ill-timed braking; [VIBT];  (regelbare ~ ) progressive and  ( ~ bij stilstand) stationary brake graduated braking; form braking test; standing brake test; which can be easily regulated with  ( ~ tijdens de rit) running test of sufficient precision; the brakes  ( ~ om afstand te bewaren, door remschakelaar brake cutout; bra- railrem na rangeerheuvel) distance king switchgroup; form a device braking; spaced braking; which releases the brakes of a train  ( ~ tegen teruglopen) brake power either entirely or in part of end wagons (to arrest break- remschoen skid; skid-pan; drag away); shoe; brake shoe; Am rail skid; Am  ( ~ voor snelheidsvermindering) car stopper; Am track skate; Am gradual braking (to slow down); chocking skid; braking device; ± stop  ( ~ zonder schokken) smooth bra- block king; brake action without shock; remsein brake signal remslang brake-hose Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 156

remslangverbindingsstuk brake- reserveloc(omotief) standby loco- hose joint; brake-hose connecting (motive); reserve engine; emergency nipple; brake-hose coupling locomotive; form a locomotive kept remslof zie remschoen on standby, ready to rescue a failed remstootjuk friction element buffer train; Br inf thunderbird stop; arrestor buffers; sliding buffer reservepersoneel spare staff; inf stop; friction ; form energy spare trainmen; inf Canteen Cow- dissipation type buffer; inf Rawie™ boys; Br inf caught for a job stop; inf Rawie™ buffer stop reserve rijtijd contingency time; remsysteem braking system; brake form the difference between the mi- system; braking device; nimum vehicle trip time and the  (gecombineerd ~ ) combined bra- scheduled trip time for the purpose king system of compensating for any delays remversteller brake-rod adjuster reservering reservation;  (automatische ~ ) automatic voor deze trein is een ~ verplicht for brake-gear adjuster this train a reservation is required; remvoering brake lining u wordt verzocht niet in te stappen remwagen brake-van; Am caboose zonder ~ please do not board with- remweerstand brake resistor; dyna- out reservation mic braking resistor; reserveringsbewijs seat-reserva-  ( ~ van rijdende trein) brake resis- tion voucher tance restauratie zie stationsrestauratie remweg stopping distance; braking restauratierijtuig restaurant car; distance [BD]; restaurant coach; cafetaria car; di-  (absolute ~ ) absolute braking dis- ning car; buffet car; Am inf diner; Br tance inf Grill Express; Br inf griddle car; remwegafstand braking distance  ( ~en zijn er in diverse typen, die [BD] in het Engels allemaal hun eigen be- remwerking brake action naming hebben): remzand brake sand; inf braking - Buffet Coach [RSB]; sand; form sand used to the im- - Rail Gourmet™ [RG]; provement of the braking action; Am - Refreshment Car (With Buffet Sec- inf seashore; Am inf sugar; inf loco- tion) [RFB]; motive faithful sand - Restaurant Car [RSO, RVO]; remzandstrooier sand distributor; - Restaurant/Buffet Car [RUB]; Am sand box; Br loco sand dome; - Restaurant First Class Coach [RF]; sand nozzle; inf sander - Restaurant First Class Modular reparatie repairing; repairs Coach [RFM]; reparatie-interval - Restaurant First Class  (gemiddeld ~ ) mean time to re- (Without Kitchen) [RFO]; pair [MTTR] - Restaurant Kitchen/Buffet Coach reparatiespoor repair track; facility [RKB]; track; Am rip track - Restaurant Kitchen Coach [RK]; reparaties ter plaatse field mainte- - Restaurant Lounge Buffet Coach nance [RLB]; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 157

- Restaurant Miniature Buffet Coach richtinstallatie lining unit [RMB]; richtmeetwagen alignment measu- - Restaurant Miniature Buffet First ring unit Class Coach [RMBF]; richtsysteem lining system - Restaurant Miniature Buffet (Trol- richtwagen lining trolley ley/Buffet) Coach [RMBT] rijafstand separation; form the dis- restauratiewagen zie restauratierij- tance between two trains (not coup- tuig led) following each other ret-machinist zie rangeerder rijcontroller retour zie retourbiljet  ( ~ van dieselloc) master control- retourbiljet Br return ticket; Am ler round trip; round-trip ticket; Br inf rijden running; to run; rounder; Br inf boomerang deze trein zal wegens technische retourleiding return circuit; problemen niet ~ this train will not  (overzicht ~en) Return Circuit run due to technical problems; Plan [RCP]  (achteruit ~ ) running in reverse; retourstroom reverse running;  ( ~ door de spoorstaven bij elektri-  (baanvaksnelheid ~ ) to run at line sche tractie) track return; rail return speed; Br even time; Am inf to high- retourstroomleiding return-current ball; conductor  (geduwd ~ ) reverse running; pro- retourstroomverbinding pelling movement;  ( ~ aan spoorstaaf) railbond;  (gekoppeld ~ van locomotieven,  ( ~ achter de lasplaat langs) rail- elk bediend door een machinist; dub- bond covered by fish plate bele tractie) assisted running; paired retourtje zie retourbiljet running of locomotives, each opera- retter zie rangeerder ted by a driver; revisie overhaul;  (grijs~ ) Br inf dropping a short; Br  (kilometer~ van reizigersmateri- inf Dumb-bell Fraud; eel, ofwel H 2) intermediate overhaul  (hellingafwaarts ~ ) running down- (of passenger stock) hill; descent; form running down a revisie-interval time between over- gradient; Am form running down a hauls [TBO] grade; richten  (het ~ van de treinen; treinenloop)  ( ~ van het spoor) straightening of running (of trains); the track; shifting of the track; re-  (in treinschakeling ~ ) zie multiple alignment of the track; (re-)lining of rijden; the track;  (klaar om te ~ ; rijvaardig) in  (spoorstaven ~ ) to straighten rails working order; in running order; richtingindicator diverging junction workable; signal; splitting signal; junction indi-  (langzaam ~ ) slow running; to cator operate at low speed; Am inf to richtingsschakelaar zie rijrichting- coon; Br inf to count the sleepers; wals Am inf to count ties; richtingssein diverging junction sig-  (linkerspoor~ ) left hand running; nal; splitting signal; junction indicator  (links ~ ) left hand running; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 158

 (multiple ~ van locomotieven)  (stationsafstand ~ ) form situation multiple working; multiple-unit train where safety demands the distance control [MU]; tandem working; inf between stations as a minimum se- coupled running; inf coupled locos; paration between consecutive trains; Br inf to multi-up; Am form a lashup  (tijd~ ) time-trialling; of multiple locomotives; inf locos run-  (verkeerd spoor ~ ) on Wrong ning together; Br inf double bucket; track; Wrong line working; Br Wrong double headed; double heading; two Direction Movement [WDM]; Am (or more) locos hauling one train; wrong road movement; form Wrong  (op~ tot het sein) to proceed to Direction Working; form a reversal of the signal; form to move the train at the normal direction of working on a caution speed to the signal; railway with one-way signalling; form  (rechts ~ ) right hand running; a train movement made in the direc-  ( ~ met afgesloten stoom) running tion for which signals are not provi- with the regulator closed; drifting; Am ded; form train movements made in coasting; the direction opposite to that of the  ( ~ met dienstregelingssnelheid) normal signalled direction; form run- normal running; ning on the Wrong track; inf to run  ( ~ met een trekduwtrein) push- bang road; inf bang road running; Br pull running; inf bang road; Am inf dark track; Am  ( ~ met hulploc) banking; form the inf Wrong iron; Am inf Wrong road; assisted running in which one of the  (vooruit ~ ) forward running; a- locomotives is at the rear of the train; head running;  ( ~ met lastgevingen / aanwijzin-  (voorzichtig ~ ) to drive carefully; gen) (trains) running under caution; cautious running; driving carefully; to  ( ~ met opdruk) banking; Am run at reduced speed; pusher operation;  (zwart~ ) dodge fare; evading  ( ~ op zicht) running at sight; run- ning under caution; cautious running; rijdende trein moving train; form to drive a train on sight (vigilant  (haastig / niet voorzichtig van een for any obstructions on the line a- ~ springen) to bail off a moving train; head, ready to stop at any obstruc-  (in een ~ springen; in een ~ stap- tion); Am inf smoking in; looking out pen) to take a train on the fly; to for (the smoke of) any opposing jump onto a moving train; form to train; board a moving train;  ( ~ van een extra trein) special  (op een rijdende loc klimmen) to running; climb into a moving locomotive;  ( ~ volgens dienstregeling) run-  (van een ~ springen, bijv. door ning on time; rangeerders) to jump off a moving  (spanning-aarde ~ ) accidental train transmission of electricity from a live rijdend materieel zie rollend materi- catenary section to a dead section eel via the pantographs of a train; rijdend personeel train crew; form  (stapvoets ~ ) running dead slow; personnel on vehicles and trains form to travel forwards as slowly as possible without actually stopping; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 159

rijden op zicht  (zijwaartse aftrek van de ~ )  (ROZ) running at sight; running brace; contact line brace; registration under caution; cautious running; arm form to drive a train on sight (vigilant rijdraadaftakking overhead switch; for any obstructions on the line a- contact line switch; head, ready to stop at any obstruc-  ( ~ met afspanning aan dezelfde tion); Am inf smoking in; looking out zijde) overhead junction knuckle (of for (the smoke of) any opposing contact line); train;  ( ~ met kruisende afspanning)  (exploitatie met ~ ; exploitatie on- overhead junction crossing (of con- der rangeervoorwaarden) operating tact line) under shunting regulations; rijdraadkruising overhead crossing;  ( ~ naar bezet spoor) calling-on contact line crossing route; inf call-on; form a route from a rijdraadophanging signal into a section that is already  ( ~ met hangdraden) pendular occupied by another train; form a suspension (of contact line); signalled route by which the signaller  (rijdraad met kettinglijnophanging) can permit a train to enter an occu- catenary suspension; overhead con- pied section; tact line;  (rijweg voor ~ ) on-sight route;  (stijve ~ ) rigid fastening (of con-  (seinbeeld voor ~ ) yellow flashing tact line); aspect (in a signal); flashing yellow;  (zachte ~ ) flexible fastening (of precaution signal (for an on-sight contact line); resilient fastening; route); intermediate platform signal  (zigzagophanging van rijdraad) rijdraad polygonal catenary  ( ~ van bovenleiding) contact wire rijdraadspanning catenary voltage; [CW]; contact line; traction wire; con- contact wire voltage ductor wire; inf overhead line; rijdraadvernieuwing contact wire  ( ~ bij trambaan) trolley wire; renewal; renewal of catenary  (afstandhouder van ~ ) brace; rijkruk power-type lever contact line brace; Rijkstoezicht op de Spoorwegen  (dwarsafspandraad van ~ ) cross- ± Br Railway Inspectorate [RI] span adjuster; cross-span counter- rijrichting direction of traffic; balance (of contact line);  (tegengestelde ~ ) direction oppo-  (elektrische trein die onder de ~ site to that of the (train) traffic vandaan is) Br stuck on the dead; rijrichtingcontroller selector hand-  (slijtvlak van de ~ ) sliding surface le; form switch which sets up direc- of the contact wire; wearing surface tion of locomotive movement (of the contact wire); rijrichtingkeuze zie rijrichtingcon-  (verbindingsklem van ~ ) splice fit- troller ting; contact wire clamp; contact wire rijrichtingsstoring directional inter- connector; locking failure  (zigzagverschuiving van de ~ ) rijrichtingsvastlegging directional staggering of the contact wire; interlocking rijrichtingwals reverser; form rever- sing switch group Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 160 rijrichtingwisselaar  (directie~ ) railway board coach;  ( ~ bij linkerspoorbeveiliging) inf CEO coach; switch-back  (doorgaand ~ ) through carriage; rijsnelheid running speed through coach; Am through passen- rijspiegel ger car;  (loopvlak van spoorstaaf) tread of  (doorgangs~ ) vestibule coach; rail; rail surface; form running sur- form intercommunicating coach; face of the rail  (D-trein~ ) long-distance coach; rijstand  (dubbeldeks~ ) Br Double Deck  ( ~ van remkraan van machinist) passenger coach; Am Bi-Level car; running position (of driver’s brake form passenger coach with two le- valve) vels of seating; rijtijd in-motion time; wheel turning  (eerste klas coupé~ met zijgang) time; driving time; running time; tra- Br corridor first class coach [FK]; first velling time; class side ;  (feitelijke ~ ) actual driving time;  (fiets~ , fietsen~ ) bicycle coach;  (reserve ~ ) contingency time; bike coach; form the difference between the  (gepantserd ~ ) armour plate minimum vehicle trip time and the coach [XAO, XAP, XAQ]; scheduled trip time for the purpose  (getrokken reizigersmaterieel) of compensating for any delays passenger car; railway carriage; Am rijtuig coach; (rail) car; Br railway car; Am railroad carriage; coach; car; carriage; Am ; passenger coach; passenger ve-  (algemeen bruikbaar ~ ) all-pur- hicle; Am inf glass car; Am Br inf pose coach; cushions;  (bagage~ of bagagewagen) lug-  (gevangenen~ ) prison van; gage van; brake-van; Am baggage  (halfmetalen ~ ) semi-metallic car; coach;  (bar~ ) bar coach; cafetaria car;  (het achterste ~ van de trein) the  (begeleidings~ ; politie~ ) Br po- rear coach (of the train); the last lice/escort van [RPW]; coach (of the train);  (buffet~ ) buffet car; refreshment  (het voorste ~ ) leading coach; car; Br buffet coach [RSB]; Br res- leading car; taurant/buffet car [RUB]; Br kitchen/  (het voorste ~ van een getrokken buffet car [RKB]; Br refreshment car reizigerstrein) head end car; with buffet section [RFB];  (hoofdlijn~ , geschikt voor gebruik  (coupé~ ) compartment coach; op hoofdlijnen) main-line coach;  (coupé~ met zijgang) side corridor  (houten ~ ) coach with wooden coach; body;  (dienst~ ) service coach;  (inspectie~ ) Track Inspection  (diesel motor~ ) diesel railcar; Coach [TIC];  (diesel-elektrisch motor~ ) diesel-  (intercity~ ) express coach; electric railcar;  (keuken~ ) kitchen car;  (diesel-mechanisch motor~ ) die-  (les~ ) instruction coach; sel-mechanical railcar;  (lichtmetalen ~ ) lightweight metal coach; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 161

 (lig~ ) coach with reclining berths; senger coach; passenger vehicle; coach with couchettes; couchette Am inf glass car; Am Br inf cushions; car;  (reserve~ ) stand-by coach; spare  (luxe~ ) de luxe coach; saloon coach; reserve coach; coach [SAL]; Am Pullman car; Am  (restauratie~ ) restaurant car (de parlor car; Britse officiële aanduidingen hiervoor  (meet- en controle~ ) testing zijn RF, RSO en RVO); cafetaria car; coach; Track Recording Coach ; buffet car; Br buffet coach [TRC]; Rail Flaw Detection Vehicle [RSB]; Br restaurant/buffet car [RFDV]; Br inf Whitewash Coach; [RUB]; Br kitchen/buffet car [RKB]; Am inf Sperry™ Coach; Br refreshment car (with buffet sec-  (meet~ ) testing coach; track tion) [RFB]; Am inf diner; Br inf Grill checking coach; Express; Br inf griddle car [RG]; Br  (motorpost~ ofwel ‘mP’) ± Motor Rail Gourmet™ [RG]; Parcels and Mail Van [MPMV]; self-  ( ~ bestaande uit één comparti- propelled rail vehicle for the postal ment, zonder coupé’s) open coach; service; ± electric parcels unit [EPU];  ( ~ met 1e en 2e klasse) compo-  (motor~ ) railcar; site coach;  (motor~ in treinstel) Driving Motor  ( ~ met automatische koppelin- car [DM] in a multiple unit set; gen) coach with automatic couplings;  (motor~ met accu’s) battery-ope-  ( ~ met buffet) buffet car; Br buffet rated rail car; coach [RSB]; Br restaurant/buffet car  (observatie~ ) observation (rail) [RUB]; Br kitchen/buffet car [RKB]; car; observation carriage; observa- Br refreshment car with buffet sec- tion coach [OBS]; Am observation tion [RFB]; saloon; Am ;  ( ~ met coupé’s) compartment  (ouderwets coupé~ zonder gang) coach; oldfashioned compartment coach  ( ~ met drie klassen: eerste, twee- with no corridor; Aust inf dog-box; de en derde klas) tri-composite  (panorama~ ) observation (rail) coach; form a passenger coach with car; observation carriage; observa- segregated areas for First Class, Se- tion coach [OBS]; Am observation cond Class and Third Class; saloon; Am dome car;  ( ~ met klapdeuren die nogal hard  (particulier ~ ) privately owned dichtklappen, zoals bij Duitse rijtui- passenger car; private car; Am inf gen vaak het geval is) Br inf (Ger- private varnish [PV]; man) slam door stock;  (post~ ) mail van;  ( ~ met middenbalkon) centre-  (postsorteer~ ) Travelling Post door coach; Office [TPO];  ( ~ met middendoorloop) coach  (Pullman~ ) saloon coach [SAL]; with centre gangway; open-aisle Am Pullman car; Am parlor car; coach; centre-aisle coach;  (recreatie~ , zoals bijv. voormalig  ( ~ met niet in draaistellen onder- NS directierijtuig ‘de Kameel’) (self- gebrachte assen) non-bogie coach; propelled) recreation coach;  ( ~ met zijgang) side-corridor  (reizigers~ ) passenger car; rail- coach; way carriage; Am car; coach; pas-  ( ~ op draaistellen) bogie coach; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 162

 ( ~ van gemengde constructie,  (woon~ voor baanwerkers; ver- bijv. staal-lichtmetaal) vehicle of blijfswagen) staff/dormitory vehicle mixed construction (e.g. steel and [ZPO, ZPP, ZPQ, ZPR, ZPV]; form lightweight metal; coach for accommodation of men  ( ~ van koninklijke trein) Br Royal working on the railway; Am outfit car; Train Coach [ROY]; workmen’s sleeping coach; living  ( ~ voor voorstadsverkeer) sub- van; Am boarding car; urban coach;  (zelfrijdend ~ ofwel railbus) self-  (salon~ ) saloon coach [SAL]; Am propelled rail car; parlor car;  (zieken~ ) hospital car; Red Cross  (slaap~ ) [SLE, coach SLEP]; couchette (car) [SLF, SLK, rijtuigbak superstructure of a coach SLS]; inf sleeper; Am inf snoozer; rijtuigkilometer coach-kilometre  (slaap~ met speciale voorzienin- rijtuigsleutel carriage key; Berne gen voor gehandicapten) sleeping key; Am inf company jewelry car with disabled facilities [SLED]; rijtuigverwarming carriage heating  (sneltrein~ ) express coach; rijtuigvolgorde formation;  (spoor~ ) railway wagon; de ICE naar Frankfurt rijdt vandaag  (stalen ~ ) all-metal coach; in een gewijzigde ~ the ICE to  (stoom~ of stoommotor~ ) steam Frankfurt will run in a different forma- railcar; tion today;  (stuurstand~ ) control trailer; dri- de eersteklas rijtuigen bevinden zich ving trailer [DT, DTB, DTCO, DTF, vooraan/achteraan de trein the first- DTS]; cab car; driving cab car; Dri- class coaches are situated at the ving Van Trailer [DVT]; coach with front/rear part of the train; driving cab; Am “A” unit; Am form un-  (omgekeerde ~ ) coaches in a re- motored car with driving cab; Br form verse order a car devoid of traction equipment rijvaardig but fitted with a driving cab;  (klaar om te rijden; dienstvaardig)  (tractiemeet~ ) dynamometer car; in working order; in running order;  (tussen~ van treinstel) centre trail- workable er (of a motor-coach train set); rijweerstand  (twee blijvend gekoppelde ~en)  ( ~ optredend bij rijden van een twin articulated vehicles; trein) train resistance; form resis-  (tweede klas coupé~ met zijgang) tance to forward motion Br corridor second class coach; se- rijweg route; form non-conflicting cond class side corridor coach; route;  (uitzicht~ ) ; obser-  (conflicterende ~en) conflicting vation carriage; observation coach routes; incompatible routes; form [OBS]; Am observation saloon; Am routes that are opposing, converging dome car; or intersecting, over which move-  (verbouwd ~ ) converted coach; ments cannot be made simultane-  (versterkings~ ) supplementary ously without possibility of collision; coach; extra coach;  (geblokkeerde ~ ) blocked route;  (vier-assig ~ ) coach with four  (gecontroleerde ~ ) controlled axles; route; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 163

 (gelijktijdig mogelijke ~ ) compati-  ( ~ van hoofdspoor naar zijspoor) ble route; simultaneously possible to switch a train into a siding; Am inf route; to open the gate  (gereserveerde ~ ) reserved rijwegtrigger route;  ( ~ in ARI) route-setting trigger  (herroepen van een ~ ) to release (together with associated signal and a route; point movements)  (instellen van een ~ ) setting a rijwegvasthouding route locking route; setting up a route; to set up a (before the signal has been passed); route; to call a route; calling a route; route holding; to prepare a route; Am to make a  (vasthouding van de doorrijweg road; totdat deze door de trein is verlaten)  (kruisende ~ ) zie strijdige ~ ; through route locking; Br Train Ope-  (niet-herroepbare ~ ) non-releas- rated Route Release [TORR] able route; rijwegvastlegging bij nadering ap-  ( ~indicatie) route signalling; proach (route) locking  ( ~ ingesteld voor doorgaand rijwielstalling zie fietsenstalling verkeer met automatische ringbaan circle railway; Am belt-line; seinbediening) non-stick route;  ( ~ aansluiting) circle railway con-  ( ~ op zicht) on-sight route; nection  ( ~trigger in ARI) route-setting risicoclassificatie hazard classifica- trigger; tion; form classification of hazards,  (strijdige ~en) conflicting routes; usually into four categories or levels: incompatible routes; form routes that negligible, marginal, critical, and ca- are opposing, converging or inter- tastrophic secting, over which movements can- risiconiveau hazard level not be made simultaneously without risicowaarschijnlijkheid hazard possibility of collision; probability; form the statistical pro-  (tegengestelde ~ ) opposing bability that a hazard can exist at a route; specified time  (voorkeurs~ ) priority route rit ride; trip rijweginstelling route setting; route ritduur ride time; form the time that control; setting up a route; calling a a passenger spends aboard a train route; Am to make a road; routing; while it is in motion (time for interme-  (ARI ofwel automatische ~ ) auto- diate stops included) matic routing system [ARS] (automa- ritlengte ride length; form the dis- tically setting the points and clearing tance travelled by a passenger in a the signals along the track); Automa- train between boarding and alighting tic Routesetting System [ARS]; Auto- Robel-trein ± Continuous Welded matic Route Setting [ARS]; Automa- Rail Train [CWRT, CWR Train]; ± tic Train Routing [ATR]; automatic Long Welded Rail Train [LWRT, route controller; automatic route-set- LWR Train]; form a rake of specially ting signalling; adapted rail vehicles capable of  ( ~ van zijspoor naar hoofdspoor) transporting long strings of rail to site to switch a train out of a siding; Am and unloading them using a gantry inf to open the gate; mounted grab system; ± Br Sleeper Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 164

Delivery Train [SDT]; ± Br inf The rood boven wit Slinger  (seinbeeld bij de NMBS) red over Robert-ketel white aspect on shunting signal,  ( ~ op stoomlocomotief, bep. type meaning “proceed” waterpijpketel) Robert’s style water- rood knipper tube boiler with coiled tubes  (seinbeeld in België) red flashing rode lamp aspect (signal at danger at right-  ( ~ bij stootjuk, ingekort spoor hand side of right-hand track for e.d.) red signal lamp trains routed along that track in the rode vlag contraflow direction);  ( ~ van Seinwezen of machinist)  (seinbeeld in Nederland voor red signal(ling) flag werktreinen) red flashing aspect for roestig spoor works trains  (gedurende langere tijd niet bere- rood sein den spoor) rusty track; a little-used  (seinbeeld) zie stoptonend sein line; Not in Regular Use [NIRU]; Am rood seinbeeld zie stoptonend sein inf high-grass line rood weekend double rest rolbrug locomotive traverser; wagon rood wit traverser; transfer table; wagon tra-  (seinbeeld bij de NMBS) red over velling platform; Am car transfer ta- white aspect on shunting signal, ble meaning “proceed” rollager roller bearing rooie pit rollagerdraagpot roller-bearing axle  (rood seinbeeld) red coloured sig- box; nal light; inf red signal; inf red light;  (eindring van ~ ) shoulder ring Am inf ruby; Am inf cherry; Am inf rollend materieel rolling stock [RS]; red eye rail-mounted vehicles; rookkast  ( ~ in de zin van krachtvoertuigen  ( ~ van stoomlocomotief) smoke- en getrokken voertuigen) rolling box stock, tractive and trailer; rookkastsproeier smoke-box  ( ~ op draaistellen) bogie stock; sprinkler Am double truck equipment; rookmelder smoke detector; smoke  ( ~ specifiek voor vervoer van rei- alarm; smoke warning; form smoke zigers) coaching stock detector element rolstoel wheelchair rookvanger ventilating shaft roltrap rookverbrander smoke absorbing rondje rond de kerk Br inf one- device rounder route route; train route; path; rondreis round-trip;  (aan- en afvoer~ ) access dis-  ( ~ vervoerbewijs) round-trip ticket tance; rong zie wagenrong  (afvoer~ ) egress distance; rongenwagen wagon with stan-  (alternatieve ~ ) substitute route; chions; Br osprey [YKA]  (conflicterende ~s) conflicting rood blokje routes; incompatible routes; form  ( ~ op overzichtsscherm van trein- routes that are opposing, converging dienstleider) detector bar or intersecting, over which move- Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 165 ments cannot be made simultane- incident, ensuring at least two elec- ously without possibility of collision; trical isolations between the dead  (kortste ~ ) minimum path; section(s) and those that are alive;  (optimale ~ ) optimum path; form  (afschakelbetrouwbaarheid bij ~ ) route of travel between two stations interruption reliability which has the least accumulation of ruitenwisser (wind)screen wiper; time, distance or other parameters to Am window wiper; traverse;  (kapotte ~ ) faulty screen wiper;  (overloop~s) connecting routes defective window wiper routebelastingsplan route load rukkende bewegingen van een plan; form graphical representation trein of a network which shows traffic vo-  ( ~ bijv. wanneer de koppelingen lumes niet strak genoeg zijn) surging ac- routebesturing interlocking; route tion / slack action of the vehicles in a interlocking train (e.g. when the couplings are too routebesturingssignalering route loose); control signalling; interlocking route  (rukkende beweging van stoomlo- control comotieven) backward movement / routecapaciteit route capacity; form back-up movement of steam locomo- the number of passenger trips which tives can be carried out on a specific rail- rupskraan crawler crane; caterpillar way route in a specified period of crane; form crane on caterpillar time tracks routeclassificatie route classifica- rupsvoertuig caterpillar vehicle; tion tracked vehicle; inf crawler route-exploitatiekilometers route ruststroom quiescent current kilometres ruststroomprincipe quiescent cur- route-indicator route indicator rent principle routetijdtabel timetable [TT] rusttijd rest period routevastlegging route assignment RVO routevaststelling determination of  (rapport van onregelmatigheid) the route; fixing of the route advice of irregularity; notice of irregu- routeverdeling route split larity ROZ zie rijden op zicht RVW rughellingplaat baseplate;  (Reglement Veilig Werken aan de  ( ~ met klembouten) baseplate railinfra) Railway Safety Regulations with clamping bolts for engineer’s occupation; Br Safe rugplaat voor spoorstaven ribbed System of Work [SSOW] (an ar- sole-plate; baseplate; Am ribbed tie- rangement of precautions which en- plate sure that track workers are exposed ruim uitschakelen to least possible risk)  ( ~ van de bovenleiding) ± Br Emergency Isolation procedure; form emergency procedure in which all relevant catenary sections are switched off around the scene of an Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 166

S schaft(en) meal relief; meal break; Br inf bait; Br inf lemon time; Am inf to take minutes; Am inf go to beans; samengeperst gas compressed gas Am inf on the spot; Am inf peck; Br samengestelde trein permanently form time taken for refreshments; Br coupled train; multiple unit [MU]; form refreshment break; Am inf to tie train set up; samengevoegde sporen assem-  (voedsel dat tijdens ~ wordt ge- bled track nuttigd) refreshments; Br inf jock; Br samenstelling inf navvies’ wedding cake  ( ~ van goederentrein) trainload; schakel- en meldcentrum  ( ~ van reizigerstrein) (train) for-  (SMC) central control point (for mation; Am (train) consist; electric power); Br electrical control deze trein heeft vandaag een andere room [ECR]; Am central control post ~ dan gebruikelijk this train will run in [CCP]; switching station; sectioning a different formation today; point; Am tie station; ± Technical  (afwijkende trein~ ) different for- Centre; mation;  (bedieningsdeskundige van het  (lichte ~ van een trein) light train ~ ) Electrical Control Operator composition; [ECO]; electrical control room ope-  (omgekeerde trein~ ) reverse for- rator [ECRO] mation; schakeling  (zware ~ van een trein) heavy  ( ~ van krachtvoertuigen in trein- (train) composition schakeling, ofwel multiple ~ ) coup- SAV zie secundaire arbeidsvoor- led running of motor vehicles waarden schakelkast control box; control ca- S-bord binet; switch box;  (stopbord) dead signal; stop  ( ~ van het Seinwezen) Br inf did- board; ± fixed stop signal; dy box  ( ~ met onderbord) stop board schakelschema diagram of connec- with supplementary sign; Br Stop tions; wiring diagram; and await instructions [SAI];  ( ~ van de bovenleiding) catenary  (onderbord bij ~ , dat de machinist connection scheme; contact line sec- opdraagt contact op te nemen met tioning diagram; circuit diagram treindienstleider, opzichter of ran- schakelstation van de bovenlei- geerdienstleider) supplementary ding sign; inf notice; form supplementary  (bedieningspost van bovenleiding- sign with an instruction to traincrew schakelaars) switching station; sec- to contact the signaller or yard con- tioning point; Am tie station troller for instructions before pro- schakelwals ceeding beyond the stop board  ( ~ van elektrische trein) master schade damage; controller (of an electric train); drum-  (melding van ~ ) advice of da- type controller; drum switch mage; damage note; schamelwagen timber carrying truck  ( ~ door ongeval) accidental da- schampen to touch slightly mage Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 167

Scharfenberg-koppeling Scharfen- schiften berg coupling; Scharfenberg coupler;  (het spoor ~ ) to shift (or move) fully automatic coupler (for multiple the track in a transversal direction; units);  ( ~ of uitlijnen van het spoor) shif-  (beschermhoes of beschermplaat ting of the track; re-alignment of the van ~ ) coupling cover track; re-lining of the track; lining of scheidingslas the track  ( ~ tussen secties in de spoor- schiftgereedschap gauge-setting baan) section joint equipment; track-lining equipment scheidingssectie schiftmachine track (re-)lining ma-  ( ~ tussen rijdraden met verschil- chine; gauge-setting machine lende spanningen) gap section; form schiftmarkering alignment marker phase break between two succes- schiftmethode lining method sive contact lines, each fed at diffe- schiftslag lateral distortion of the rent voltages track; inf doglick scheluw schiftsysteem lining system  (kromgetrokken) twisted; warped schiftwagen lining measuring trolley scheluw spoor twisted track; Schmidt-oververhitter een railvoertuig moet zodanig zijn  ( ~ van stoomlocomotief) Schmidt ontworpen dat de ontsporingsveilig- superheater heid op ~ gegarandeerd is a rail ve- schoonmaken perronsporen hicle shall be designed to ensure  (‘papierprikken’) cleaning of sta- safe running on twisted track tion tracks scheluwte van het spoor distortion schoorsteen of the track; track twist; inf twist;  ( ~ van stoomlocomotief) chim-  (toelaatbare ~ ) distortion tole- ney; Am smoke stack; ejector; diffu- rance of the track ser; (smoke) exhaust scheur schorsen to suspend from duty;  ( ~ in een spoorstaaf) crack; form  (geschorst) suspended from duty; rail defect; rail flaw; Br inf stood down  ( ~ in metaal) flaw; crack (in the schouwen metal);  ( ~ van sporen en wissels, door  (begin van een ~ in een spoor- schouwploeg) track patrols; inspec- staaf) incipient crack; tion of the line; checking the perma-  (hardings~ ) fissure forming du- nent way (by surfacemen); form visu- ring hardening; al inspections carried out on foot, co-  (ontstaan van ~en in een spoor- vering the track and including an in- staaf) formation of cracks; spection of other lineside items; form  ( ~en van dwarsliggers) to split walking along the line to check for sleepers defects and adjustments needed; Br schieten voorbij een rood sein inf walking the length; overrunning of a signal (at danger);  ( ~ van sporen en wissels, door passing a signal in the stop position; machinist) examination of line; form running past a stop signal use of train or loco to run slowly over schieter a section of line to check for da-  ( ~ van grendel) interlocking bar Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 168 mage, obstruction or other risks to schrijvermeetwagen recorder mea- safety; suring trolley  (warmweerschouw van de baan) schrijverspanwagen recorder ten- hot weather patrol; heat patrol; form sioning trolley special track patrols undertaken du- schrikstrepen ring periods of high rail tempera-  (veiligheidsmarkering, signale- tures, to detect track buckles ringsstrepen voorop trein of locomo- schouwer tief) safety marking; safety stripes;  ( ~ van de baan) patroller; track warning stripes; safety striping; patroller; inf trackman; (track) sur-  ( ~ zwart en geel, bijv. op een lo- faceman (checking the permanent comotief) black and yellow warning way); (track) ganger; Am (track) pa- stripes; inf wasp stripes; trolman; form a person who carries  ( ~ zwart en wit, bijv. op een lo- out routine track inspections to check comotief) black and white warning the track and those parts of struc- stripes; Am inf zebra stripes tures visible from the track, for new schroefkoppeling screw coupling; and worsening defects and to carry screw coupler; out specified minor maintenance  (zwengel van ~ ) coupling-screw tasks; Br inf keyman; Br track walker; lever Am inf gandy dancer; Br inf clip schroefremhandkruk brake-screw basher; Br inf key basher; handle  (warmweer~ ) Br Critical Rail schroefspijker zie kraagbout Temperature Watchman [CRTW] schroefspil schouwopdracht  ( ~ van koppeling) coupling screw;  ( ~ van treindienstleider aan ma- coupling-screw lever; coupling crank; chinist) (track) examination order inf cotter schouwpad schrootkraan claw crane  ( ~ langs het spoor) cess; track schrootwagen, schrootwagon asset walkway metal wagon [MFB, MSA]; schouwploeg surfacemen; track- scrap steel wagon [JXA, SSA]; scrap men; inf lengthmen; track inspection iron wagon; scrap wagon team schuitje op pantograaf schouwrapport track inspection re-  (slijtstrip) pantograph wearing port; Br 3 Day slip (report sheet used strip; pantograph contact strip; pan- by patrollers to report rail defects tograph slipper; form (carbon surface which, in the opinion of the patroller, of) the insert on top of the panto- are sufficiently serious to require in- graph spection by a supervisor within three sectie zie spoorsectie days) sectiechef van de weg district per- schouw van de weg inspection of manent way inspector; Br Permanent the line Way Section Manager [PWSM]; ± Br schraaptrein Permanent Way Maintenance Engi-  ( ~ bij ijzel aan de bovenleiding) neer [PWME] de-icing train; de-icing car; ice secundaire arbeidsvoorwaarden scraper [IS]; sleet locomotive; Br inf fringe benefits sleet brush; Br inf horse unit Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 169 sein signal; fixed signal; Aust Br inf  (dwerg~ ) ground signal; Br stick; Br inf board; inf bull’s eye; Ground Position Light Signal [GPLS]; uw ~ komt er zo bij your signal will Br Ground Position Light [GPL]; be cleared shortly; your signal will be dwarf signal; signal mounted at track pulled off in a minute; your route will level; be set shortly; your train will be  (eind~ van een rijweg) end signal cleared shortly; (of a route); ~tje komt er bij your route is being  (emplacementsgrens~ ) limit of set; signal will be cleared shortly; yard signal (often an entry signal);  (aankondigings~ ) train-  (fictief eind~ ) fictitious end signal; announcing signal;  (fictief ~ ) fictitious signal;  (absoluut stop~ ) absolute stop  (fluit~ ) whistle (signal); horn sig- signal; nal; (train) horn blast; air horn blast;  (absoluut stoptonend licht~ ) ab-  (front~ ) head end marker; head solute stop light; light; headcode; front signal; front  (achter het ~ ) past the signal; marker;  (afgedekt ~ ) masked signal; con-  (fysiek ~ ) physical signal; cealed signal;  (gedoofd ~ ) dark signal; black  (afgekruist ~ ) masked signal; signal; black light;  (afvallen van ~ ) drop to stop; to  (geënclencheerd ~ ) dependent fall back to stop; signal; interlocked signal;  (akoestisch ~ ) acoustic signal;  (gekoppeld ~ ) dependent signal; audible signal; interlocked signal;  (akoestisch waarschuwings~ )  (gekoppelde ~en) coupled sig- audible warning signal; nals;  (arm~ ) semaphore signal; sema-  (geluids~ ) acoustic signal; audi- phore; quadrant signal; Somersault ble signal; (signal); Br inf peg;  (gestoord ~ ) bobbing signal;  (automatisch ~ ) automatic signal;  (gevaar~ ) emergency indicator;  (automatisch blok~ ) automatic  (grens~ ) limit of yard signal (often block signal; an entry signal);  (bediend ~ ) controlled signal;  (H-~ ) stop signal for heavy freight  (bel~en) bell code signalling; trains;  (blok~ ) block signal;  (hand~ ) hand signal;  (blok~ met meer dan twee sein-  (herhalings~ ) banner repeater beelden) multiple-aspect block sig- [BR]; repeater signal; advance war- nal; ning signal; repeating signal; ± ban-  (brug~ ) bridge signal; ner signal; ± co-acting signal; ± fog  (cabine~ ) cab signal; repeater; ± coupled signal; inf re-  (cataphote~ ) zie reflecterend peater; sein; het Nederlandse “herhalingssein”  (draagpaal van een ~ ) signal herhaalt niet maar voorspelt the post; Dutch “repeating signal” predicts  (driestands~ ) Aust Br two-block rather than repeats; indication signal; Am three-block in-  (herhalings~ diagonaal) repeat- dication signal; ing signal, meaning “associated sig- Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 170

nal is displaying an aspect better  (middenvoetbrug~ ) Amsterdam- than flashing yellow”; type ground signal that can only dis-  (herhalings~ horizontaal) repeat- play red and white aspects; ing signal, meaning “associated sig-  (mist~ ) fog signal; nal is displaying red or flashing yel-  (niet-herroepbaar ~ ) non-releas- low”; able signal;  (herroepen van een ~ ) to cancel  (onjuist ~ ofwel een ~ dat een (a signal); seinbeeld toont dat niet in het Sei-  (heuvel~ ) humping signal; nenboek voorkomt) faulty signal as-  (hoofd~ ) main signal; running sig- pect; form signal displaying an as- nal; stop signal; pect not described in the Signal  (hooggeplaatst ~ ) elevated sig- Code; nal; main running signal;  (onveilig ~ ) danger signal; stop  (hoorn~ ) horn signal; signal; illegal aspect signal;  (inrij~ ) entry signal; home signal;  (onvoorwaardelijk ~ ) absolute  (knal~ , bep. gevaar~ ) track deto- stop signal; nator; rail detonator; Br banger; Br  (opeenvolging van de ~en) suc- detonator; detonator placer; Am tor- cession of signals; sequence of sig- pedo; form detonating signal; Br inf nals; cracker; Br inf det;  (opjut~ ofwel een hoofd~ achter  (knipper~ ) flashing light signal; een uitrij~ op hetzelfde station) ± ur- Am flasher light signal; ging signal; ± advanced starting sig-  (laaggeplaatst ~ ) dwarf signal; nal; ground signal; signal mounted at  (oprij~ ) calling-on signal; track level;  (optisch ~ ) optical signal; visual  (L-~ ) speed restriction signal for signal; visible signal; heavy freight trains, meaning “next  (optisch waarschuwings~ ) visible signal is displaying an ‘H’-sign”; warning signal;  (LED-~ ) LED signal; form colour-  (overweg~ voor het wegverkeer) light signal illuminated by means of level-crossing road signal; LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes);  (P-~ ) automatic signal; signal on  (L- en H-~en) freight train signals open line; permissive signal; Am (applicable to designated freight form automatic signal of the trains only); Restricted Proceed variety; ± draw-  (licht~ ) Position Light Signal up signal; [PLS]; colour-light signal; multi(ple)-  (permissief licht~ ) permissive aspect signal [MAS]; light signal; light; “stop and proceed” light;  (licht~ met cijferbak) speed con-  (permissief ~ ) automatic signal; trol signal; colour-light signal with permissive signal; speed indicator; colour-light signal  (permissief stop~ ) stop and pro- with numeral; Br multi(ple)-aspect ceed signal; permissive signal; signal with theatre-type indicator;  (plaatsing van de ~en op een em-  (mechanisch ~ ) mechanical sig- placement) positioning of signals; nal;  (plaatsing van de ~en van een seingroep op gelijke hoogte) arrangement of the signals in line; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 171

 (plaatsing van de ~en van een  ( ~ uit de stand stop) clear signal; seingroep op verschillende hoogte) free aspect signal; legal aspect sig- arrangement of the signals in brac- nal; kets;  ( ~ van vertrek) starting signal;  (rangeer~ ) shunt(ing) signal;  ( ~ “voorbijrijden toegestaan”) shunting pole; clear signal;  (rangeergrens~ ) limit of shunt  ( ~ voor dekking van treinen) signal; train-protecting signal;  (reflecterend ~ ) signal fitted with  ( ~ voor snelheidsvermindering) reflectors; signal to reduce speed; speed-  (rem~ ) brake signal; restriction signal; Am inf easy sign;  (richtings~ , bijv. koeiekop) Junc-  ( ~ voor terugzetten) backing-sig- tion Route Indicator [JRI]; Junction nal; Direction Indicator [JDI]; diverging  ( ~ voor tijdelijke snelheidsbeper- junction signal; splitting signal; junc- king, zoals L, A en E-borden) C&T tion indicator [JI]; Br Position Light indicators; form illuminated indicators Junction Indicator [PLJI]; route indi- showing the Commencement and cator [RI]; form (white) route indica- Termination of temporary speed li- tor lights to inform the driver which mits; working-site signal; form speed route has been set up by the signal- signal for track working sites; Am ler for his train at the junction ahead; slow flag; Am inf easy sign; ± Br inf target (a device giving a vi-  (slinger~ bij overweg) wig-wag sual indication of the direction in signal for level crossings; which points have been set); Br inf  (sluit~ ) rear signal; tail light; tail feathers; end light; rear light; rear end light;  (schijf~ , bijv. klapbord) disc sig- last vehicle marker; form the light in- nal; dicating the end of the train; Am  (schijfvormig stop~ ; bep. ran- marker lamp (on trains); inf red geer~ ) stop signal disc (for shunt- marker; ing);  (spoorgedeelte achter een ~ ) ad-  (secundair ~ , bijv. rangeersein of vance of a signal; afsluitlantaarn) subsidiary signal;  (spoorgedeelte vóór een ~ ) ap-  ( ~ langs de vrije baan) main run- proach to a signal; ning signal; permissive signal;  (stoppen voor ieder ~ ) stopping  ( ~ met gekleurd licht) colour-light at all signals; Br inf stick-to-stick run- signal; ning;  ( ~ met knipperlicht) flashing-light  (stopplaats~ , blauwe lamp) ± po- signal; Am flasher-light signal; sition light signal [PLS]; ± approach  ( ~ met meervoudige of dubbele light; Br inf cat’s eyes; Br inf creeper; bediening) slotted signal;  (stop~ ) stop signal;  ( ~ met positielichten) position  (stoptonend ~ ) signal at danger; light signal [PLS]; Br inf cat’s eyes; illegal aspect signal; stop signal;  ( ~ op een seinbrug) overhead form signal in the stop position; signal; signal on bracket post;  (tijd~ ) time signal;  (tussenblok~ ) intermediate block signal [IBS]; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 172

 (uitrij~ ) starting signal; exit signal;  (waarschuwings~ ) “warning” sig-  (vast ~ ) fixed signal; nal;  (vast vertrek~ ) fixed departure  (waarschuwings~ bij lage water- signal; stand in ketel van stoomlocomotief)  (vast waarschuwings~ met bete- supply warning device; feed warning kenis “bezet spoor” of “stoppen bij device; low-water alarm; eerstvolgende post”) calling-on sig-  (wissel~ ) points signal; switch nal; signal  (veilig ~ ) free aspect signal; legal seinafstand distance between sig- aspect signal; nals; signal headway  (veilig komen van ~ ) release (of a seinarm signal); Br inf drop off (of a signal);  ( ~ van armsein) (semaphore) sig-  (vertrekbevel~ d.m.v. armgebaren nal arm; fishtail arm; Am inf paddle of met vertrekstaf) departure signal; seinarmkoppeling coupling of sig- hand signal; Am inf to give a high- nal arms ball; seinbediening control of signals;  (vertrekbevel~ d.m.v. fluitsignaal)  (automatische ~ op doorgaande warning; sporen van een station) automatic  (vertrekbevel~ d.m.v. lamp) Am route-locking; inf to use the shiner;  (de technische middelen voor ~ )  (vertrekbevel~ d.m.v. vlag) flag the operation of signals; Br Aust (rail- signal; way) signalling; Am (railroad) signal-  (vertrekbevel~ , spiegelei of ver- ing; power signalling; trekstaf van conducteur) baton; train  (elektrische ~ ) electric control of starting baton; signals;  (vertrek~ ) departure signal;  (gecentraliseerde ~ ) centralized  (vervangings~ ) substitute signal; control of signals; emergency signal;  (mechanische ~ ) mechanical  (virtueel ~ ) form authorisation signalling; form signalling which is point in the interlocking process; inf operated solely by human muscle virtual signal; power, no external power assistance  (voor~ ) distant signal; warning being provided; signal;  (werkproces van ~ ) control of sig-  (voorbij het ~ ) past the signal; nals; clearing the signal(s)  (voorwaardelijk ~ ) permissive sig- seinbeeld aspect; signal aspect; nal; (signal) position; (signal) indication;  (voorwaarschuwings~ van een form an indication displayed by a sig- voor~ ) outer distant signal; nal; form the valid indication of either  (vorm~ ) position light; a colour light signal or a semaphore voorbeelden van vormseinen zijn het signal displayed to the driver of a dwergsein, het herhalingssein en de train; cijferbak bij een lichtsein examples het is mogelijk dat de machinist sein of position lights are the ground sig- 254 niet bewust heeft waargenomen nal, the repeater signal and the thea- of dat hij het ~ verkeerd heeft ont- tre-type indicator; houden it is possible that the driver did not consciously observe signal Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 173

254 or that he incorrectly recalled the seinbordes bracket post; form sig- signal as he saw it; nals on bracket post  ( ~ “snelheid verminderen en re- seinbrug signal bridge; (signals on) kenen op stop”) caution position; bracket post; signal gantry; gantry caution aspect; warning position; sign; overhead sign; overhead sig- warning aspect; nal; Am (signal) gallery;  ( ~ van een armsein) position of a  (sein op een ~ ) overhead signal; semaphore; signal on bracket post  ( ~ voor aankomst op bezet seindrukknopapparaat zie tableau spoor) intermediate platform signal; Seinenboek Signal Code; Am Signal yellow flashing aspect; flashing yel- Rulebook low; precaution signal (for an on- seinenreglement zie seinreglement sight route); sein- en wisselstoring signal and  ( ~ “voorbijrijden toegestaan”) switch failure clear position; clear signal; signal seingever displaying a clear aspect; signal dis-  (persoon) signaller; playing ‘Off’ indication; “Proceed”;  (toestel) signal box clear; legal aspect; free aspect; seingeving Br Aust (railway) signal-  (terugval van ~ ofwel verandering ling; Am (railroad) signaling; van een ~ in restrictieve zin) altera-  (automatische ~ ) automatic sig- tion of a signal aspect in a restrictive nalling; permissive signalling; Normal sense; Clear System;  (verandering van ~ ) change of  (continusysteem ~ ) continuous aspect [COA]; alteration of a signal signalling; aspect  (driestands~ ) two-block indica- seinbeeldenkaart tion; Am three-block indication;  (OS-blad; overzicht seinbeeldre-  (elektrische ~ ) electric signalling; laties) Aspect Sequence Chart  ( ~ betreffende meer dan één [ASC]; Signalling Diagram; form a blok) multiple block signalling; diagram showing the relationships  ( ~ door belseinen) bell-code sig- between aspects on adjacent sig- nalling; nals, and the aspect sequence seen  ( ~ met behulp van satellieten) sa- by train drivers on all possible tellite signalling; routes; ± Signalling Scheme Plan  ( ~ met drie aspecten: groen, [SSP] geel, rood) three-aspect signalling; seinbeeldrelaties relationships bet-  ( ~ met rijwegindicatie) route sig- ween aspects on adjacent signals nalling; seinbeeldvolgorde aspect se-  ( ~ met snelheidsregeling) speed quence; form the successive signal control signalling; aspects seen by a train driver  ( ~ volgens het continusysteem) seinbel signal bell continuous signalling; seinbeweging signal operation; sig-  (snelheids~ ) speed signalling nal working system seinboek zie Seinenboek seinhefboom signal lever; seinbord zie tableau Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 174

 (onderwegsper van een ~ ) device seinlicht light aspect; signal light; to enforce completion of lever move-  (helderheid van een ~ ) brightness ment; of a signal light; brilliance of a signal  (slot van een ~ ) lock for signal le- light; ver  (lichtsterkte van een ~ ) lumi- seinhendel zie seinhefboom nance of a signal light; seinhoorn  (verblindingsgrens van ~en) maxi-  ( ~ van veiligheidsman) signal mum dazzle (of signal lights) horn seinmast signal mast; signal post seinhuis signal box [SB]; switch to- seinmelder off and on signal pro- wer; Br signal cabin; Am tower; Br inf ving; block post;  ( ~ van armsein) signal repeater;  ( ~ geplaatst op een brug boven arm repeater [AR] de sporen) bridge signal box; seinmethode signalling method  ( ~ met bloktoestel) manual signal seinmotor signal machine; box;  ( ~ met ontkoppelinrichting) signal  ( ~ op rangeerterrein of goederen- machine with disengager emplacement; post H) control cabin; seinnummer signal number; Br inf  (verantwoordelijkheidsgebied van peg number een ~ ) dispatching area of a signal seinpaal signal post; post; box) semaphore; Br inf stick; Br inf doll; seinhuisinstallatie signal box instal-  (telefoon bij ~ ) signal post tele- lation phone [SPT] seinhuiswachter ; signal- seinpalendraad ler; pointsman; Am switchman; Br inf  (trekdraad voor bediening van bobby; Br blockman; Br inf fogman; armseinen en wissels) signal wire; Br inf fog signalman; Am leverman; form steel wires linking the signal Am inf lever jerker; Br inf foggey; Br handles in the signal box to the signal lineman; Am inf towerman; semaphore signals and switches  (hoofd~ ) chief signalman seinpost signal box [SB] seininrichting signalling device; seinreglement Signal Code; Am  (automatische ~ ) automatic stop Signal Rulebook; signal regulations; device signal instructions; railway signalling seininstallatie signalling installation; regulations; Br Section C (the part of signalling unit; the Rule Book concerned with sig-  ( ~ bij armseinen) semaphore nals) seinkleur signal colour; signal as- seinrelais signalling switch pect seinstand signal position; signal as- seinklok signal bell pect; signal indication seinknop signal-circuit controller; seinstelsel Br Aust signalling sys- signal lever tem; Am signaling (system); seinlantaarn signal lamp;  (automatisch ~ ) automatic signal-  (draagbare ~ voor personeel) sig- ling; nal lamp; Br inf Aladdin; Am inf bug  (elektrisch ~ ) electric signalling torch; Am inf shiner; Am inf haybur- system; ner Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 175

 ( ~ met drie aspecten: groen, seinwachter signalman; signaller; geel, rood) three-aspect signalling pointsman; Am switchman; Br inf system; bobby; Br blockman; Br inf fogman;  ( ~ met rijwegindicatie) route sig- Br inf fog signalman; Am leverman; nalling system Am inf lever jerker; Br inf foggey; Br seinstoring signal(ling) failure; de- signal lineman; Am inf towerman fective working of signals; Br inf stick Seinwezen ± Signal & Electrical En- trouble gineering [S&E]; Br Signalling & Te- seinsysteem Br Aust signalling sys- lecoms Engineering [S&TE]; Br Sig- tem; Am signaling system nal & Telecommunications [S&T] seintechnische maatregelen signal (vanwege de afkorting S&T ook wel equipment measures; form technical bijgenaamd ‘Sick and Tired’); measures, usually taken by a track  (chef ~ ) Br Director of Signalling man, to block the setting of routes & Telecoms Engineering [DoS&TE]; and the operation of infrastructure  (hoofdmonteur ~ ) ± Br Signal elements, for the protection of an En- Maintenance Engineer [SME]; gineer’s Occupation of a track  (monteur ~ ) track man; form Sig- seintechnische zekerheid signal nalling Technician; ± Br Signalling safety Maintenance Assistant; Am signal seintoestel signalling apparatus; maintainer; Br keyman; signalling device  (storingsdienst van het ~ ) fault- seinverklikkerlampje signal indica- clearing service; inf loose gang tor Seinwezencommissie ± Br Signal- seinverlichting signal lighting; ling & Telecoms Engineering Board  (controle van de ~ ) signal light [S&TEB]; ± Br Signal Sighting Com- proving; mittee [SSC]  (helderheid van de ~ ) brightness Seinwezendossier Br Approval and of signal lighting; brilliance of signal Issues Record [AIR]; form document lighting; used to describe modifications, ver-  (lichtsterkte van de ~ ) luminance sions and approvals during the sig- of signal lighting; nalling design process  ( ~ door middel van gas) signs seinzaal rail control room; (railway) illuminated by propane systems; control office; (train) control office;  ( ~ hoog; dagstand van lichtsei- Traffic Control Centre [TCC]; Train nen) high light intensity (of colour- Control Centre [TCC]; ± Br Train light signals); high signal light inten- Operating Centre [TOC]; traffic con- sity; trol office; Signalling Control Centre  ( ~ laag; nachtstand van lichtsei- [SCC]; signalling centre; Power Sig- nen) low light intensity (of colour-light nalling Centre [PSC]; Am dispatch signals); low signal light intensity; control (office); inf rail control; inf  (verblindingsgrens van de ~ ) Operating Floor; Br inf brains; Br inf maximum dazzle (of signal lights) The Nerve Centre; Am inf tower seinvlag signal(ling) flag servicebalie service counter seinvolgorde sequence of signals servicemedewerkers seinvoorschrift signal instruction;  ( ~ op perrons) (railway) informa- signal regulation tion personnel; (railway) service staff Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 176

(on the platforms); Br inf staff on the slalommen tussen overwegbomen pitch door driving around lowered barrier servicewagen technical support van arms; form zigzag around the bar- Shay-locomotief Shay geared loco- riers of a level crossing; Am to drive motive; geared steam locomotive; around lowered gates; Am to slalom Am inf sidewinder around the gates signaalfluit signal whistle sleepbeugel van tram current-col- signaalhoorn signal horn lector bow signaallamp signal light sleep- en contactleiding zie rij- signaal langs de baan trackside draad signal; Am wayside signal sleepleiding zie rijdraad signaallicht signal light; signalling sleepstuk light; indicator  ( ~ voor stroomafname van signaalschijf signal disc stroomrail, bijv. van de metro) signalering plough; contact shoe; collector shoe;  (detectie van trein of kortsluitlans conductor rail shoe; third-rail collec- in spoorstroomloop) to appear on the tor; slipper-holder; form a bar for col- track diagram; Br inf to drop on (of a lecting current from a conductor rail, train) along which it slides; form shoe and signaleringsstoring monitoring sys- mounting; form a system whereby tem fault; power is picked up through a shoe  ( ~ waarbij in een sectie geen operating downward against the top spoorbezetting getoond wordt terwijl of the current rail; inf slipper; Br inf dat wel moet) Shows Clear When pigtail; Occupied [SCWO]; false clear;  ( ~houder; stroomafnemer van  ( ~ waarbij in een sectie spoorbe- metro) bow-shaped slipper holder zetting getoond wordt terwijl die er sleutelkastje niet is) Shows Occupied When Clear  (overweg met ~ voor treinperso- [SOWC] neel) Traincrew Operated level cros- signaleringsstrepen zie schrikstre- sing; Trainman Operated [TMO] level pen crossing; signaleringssysteem monitoring  ( ~ van overweg) key switch system; slijpen van spoorstaven grinding of  (incident~ ) incident monitoring rails; rail grinding system; Br British Rail Incident Moni- slijpschijf grinding wheel; toring System [BRIMS]  (door~ ) cutting disc; sik zie locomotor  (haakse slijper, bijv. voor spoor- sjortouw zie bindtouw staven) cut-off wheel; rail cutter; (rail) slaaprijtuig sleeping car [SLE, cutting wheel SLED, SLEP]; couchette (car) [SLF, slijptrein rail grinder; rail grinding SLK]; inf sleeper; Am inf snoozer train [RGT]; inf Speno™; Speno train slaaptrein sleeping car train; inf slijtage wear; sleeper  ( ~ aan de spoorstaaf) rail wear; slag van de wisseltongen switch inf chipping; inf spalling; opening; switch travel Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 177

 ( ~ aan wisselrails) wear-initiated  (S~ Rollend Materieel) rolling switch rail damage; inf fraying; inf stock lubrication instructions fretting smering greasing; lubrication slijtstrip op stroomafnemer smoorschuif  (schuitje op pantograaf) panto-  ( ~ van stoomlocomotief) register; graph wearing strip; pantograph con- damper; flap tact strip; pantograph slipper; form sneeuwploeg (carbon surface of) the insert on top  (sneeuwruimende locomotief) of the pantograph snowplough [ZZA]; sleet locomotive; sluitsein(en) rear signal(s); tail end snow sweeper; Am snow dozer; Am light(s); rear end light(s); Am marker inf snow broom; Am bucker plow; lamp(s) (on trains); form the light(s) Am snowbucker; indicating the end of the train; Am inf  (roterende sneeuwruimer) rotary marker(s); last vehicle marker(s); inf snowplough red marker(s); sneeuwruimende locomotief zie  ( ~ van goederentrein) Last Vehic- sneeuwploeg le indicator(s); LV indicator(s); Aust sneeuwschuiver snowplough with battery-operated guard [BOG]; ± Am blades; End of Train Device [ETD]; form a  ( ~ op locomotief) snow plow; pilot red lamp or small board attached to plow the last wagon of a train, to indicate snelbus express bus service; bus that the train is complete; rapid transit; ± intercity bus  (knipperend ~ van goederentrein sneldienst express transit; express of werktrein) oscillating tail end light; service Am inf Mars light; Am inf strawberry snelheid speed; patch;  (baanvak~ ) line speed; speed li-  (staartschijf; sluitseinbord) tail mit; linespeed limit; form the maxi- disc (on a train) mum permitted speed at which trains sluitseinlantaarn tail lamp (of a may run on a given stretch of railway train) when not subject to any other in- smalspoor narrow-gauge railway; struction or restriction; form any track gauge narrower than  (baanvak~ rijden) to run at line 1 the standard 1,435 mm or 4 ft 8 /2 speed; Br even time; Am inf to high- inch; ball;  (meterspoor) metre gauge; Am  (beperkte ~ ) restricted speed; meter gauge; form a track with a  (dienstregelings~ ) scheduled width of one metre speed; normal running speed; smalspoorloc(omotief) narrow-  (gemiddelde ~ ) average speed gauge loco(motive); Am inf dinky (between stops); SMC zie schakel- en meldcentrum  (geplande gemiddelde ~ ) sche- smeeroliefilter lube oil filter dule speed; planned average speed; smeerschema lubrication chart  (hoge ~ ) high speed; smeervoorschriften lubrication in-  (maximum bedrijfs~ ) maximum structions; Am lubrication orders; Am train operating speed; maximum inf lube orders; operating speed; form the highest overall speed at which a train or rol- Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 178 ling stock can be safely operated un-  (aanduiding van een ~ ) restricted der the prevailing conditions; speed aspect;  (maximum ~ ) Permissible Speed  (permanente ~ ) Permanent [PS]; speed limit; max sustained Speed Restriction [PSR]; speed; speed maximum; posted  (sein dat een ~ aangeeft) signal speed; form the established speed requiring reduction of speed; Am inf limit for a particular section of a easy sign; transport route;  ( ~ vanwege toestand baan) con-  (maximum traject~ ) operating dition of track speed restriction speed; [COTR]; Br inf COT speed; form a  (midden~ oftewel een ~ van 60 tot speed restriction imposed because 90 km/u) Am medium speed (30 of the poor condition of the track; m.p.h.); Am limited speed (45  (tijdelijke ~ ) Temporary Speed m.p.h.); Restriction [TSR]; Temporary Res-  (normale rij~ ) normal running triction of Speed [TRS]; Emergency speed; Speed Restriction [ESR];  (normale ~ ) normal speed;  (vooraankondiging van een ~ )  (opgelegde ~ ) command speed; restricted approach speed aspect form the speed imposed upon a train snelheidsbeperkingsbord zie snel- by the automatic train control sys- heidsverminderingsbord tem; snelheidsbewaking overspeed pro-  (regel~ ) pace; tection; overspeed control  (reis~ ) journey speed; travel snelheidsbord speed;  (snelheidsaanduidingsbord)  (rij~ ) running speed; speed board; speed indicator [SI]  ( ~ bij uurvermogen) one-hour snelheidseenheid unit of velocity speed; speed at one-hour rating snelheidsgrens limitation speed snelheid begrenzen to reduce snelheidsmeter speed indicator; speed; Br inf to check down; speed recorder; speed-recording de-  (aanwijzing of lastgeving ~ ) slow vice; speedometer; Am inf Dutch order; form speed limitation order clock; due to infrastructural reasons; Am inf  (registrerende ~ ) speed recorder; speedo; speed recording indicator; recording  ( ~ vanwege toestand baan) track speedometer; tachometer condition speed restriction snelheidsregelaar pace setter snelheidsbeperking (track) speed snelheidsregeling speed control; restriction; Br restriction of speed  ( ~ heuvelrangeren, zoals bij de [ROS]; speed limitation; inf slack; locserie 2200) hump control; form any imposed reduction of per-  (seingeving met ~ ) speed control missible speed; signalling de machinist moet de ~ handhaven snelheidsvermindering slackening totdat de laatste wagen het E-bord of speed; slowing down; gepasseerd is the train driver shall  (sein voor ~ ) signal to reduce respect the speed restriction until the speed; speed-restriction signal; Am rear end of the train has overpassed inf easy sign; the end of the speed restriction; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 179

 ( ~ zonder stoppen) slowing down or none); fast service; rapid train; without stopping through train; ± non-stop train; Am snelheidsverminderingsbord fixed inf dice train; Br inf streaker distant; warning indicator [WI] for re- snijbranden oxy-fuel cutting ductions of speed; advance warning snijbrander blowpipe; inf cutting indicator [AWI]; form a lineside sign torch; inf blowtorch; torch cutter; placed at the appropriate braking oxygen acetylene cutter distance, giving a driver sufficient snijketting time to decelerate to the reduced  (ketting van hormachine) cutter permissible speed concerned; Am inf bar; easy sign;  (gat waarin de ~ van een horma-  ( ~ bij tijdelijke snelheidsbeperkin- chine wordt ingebouwd) cutter bar gen) zie L, A en E-borden hole snelremming heavy stop; emergen- SOR zie Spoorwegongevallenraad cy application; emergency braking; soulé protection against lightning for sharp braking; form brake application overhead line equipment; OHL light- at maximum reduction in air pres- ning arrester sure, to stop a train as quickly as sov possible; Br inf Caley stop; Br inf  (spoorwegontspanningsverblijf) Euston stop; zie personeelskantine  ( ~ door ATB) safety control appli- spanning voltage; tension; cation; penalty application; form  (afval~ van een relais) drop-away brake application activated by one of value (of a relay); drop-out value; the following train safety devices: the  (bedrijfs~ ) working voltage; nor- overspeed control, the reset safety mal voltage; control [RSC] or the safety control  (beproevings~ ) test voltage; foot valve  (bovenleidings~ ) traction current; snelremstand  (buig~ ) bending stress;  ( ~ van remkraan van machinist)  (doorslag~ ) puncture voltage; emergency application position (of breakdown voltage; disruptive volt- driver’s brake valve) age; sparking voltage; snelschakelaar quick-action circuit  (effectieve begin~ ) effective initial breaker; circuit breaker [CB]; quick- voltage; break cutout; quick-break switch;  (effectieve ~ ) effective voltage;  ( ~ die eruit ligt) action of circuit virtual voltage; root mean square breaker(s); CB action [RMS] voltage; sneltram light rail rapid transit; light  (gelijk~ ) DC voltage; direct cur- rapid transit [LRT]; light rail [LR] rent voltage; sneltramdienst light rail service; ra-  (hoog~ ) high tension; pid transit service  (houd~ ofwel minimale werk~ ) sneltramvervoer light rail transit holding voltage; [LRT]  (inwendige ~ in de spoorstaaf) in- sneltrein fast train; semi-fast train / ternal rail stress; semi-fast passenger train / inf semi-  (kortstondige ~sdaling) voltage fast (a train that stops only at selec- dip; ted stations, rather than all stations Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 180

 (krimp~ van metaal) shrinking the gap between two sections and stress; contraction stress; re-energise an isolated section of the  (kritieke ~ ) critical voltage; overhead line equipment  (laad~ ) charging voltage; spanningloos dead; form indication  (laag~ ) low voltage; that a voltage is not applied; non-  (lage ~ ) low voltage; voltage; Br inf DC isolation;  (minimale ~ ) holding voltage; mogen de bovenleidinggroepen 461  (nominale ~ ) rated voltage; en 465 ~ geschakeld worden? may  (omschakelen van ~ ) traction catenary sections 461 and 465 be system change-over; switched off?  (onder ~ ) alive; under tension; de bovenleidinggroepen 461 en 465 with current on; charged with electri- zijn nu ~ catenary sections 461 and city; 465 are now dead / isolated;  (onder ~ brengen van bovenlei-  ( ~ schakelen, ~ maken) to switch ding) to charge the catenary; off (a catenary section); to cut off  (onder ~ staand) alive; live; under current; to isolate; form to terminate tension; electricity; form to isolate a section of de bovenleidinggroepen 450 en 451 line; form to disconnect the electrical staan weer onder spanning catenary supply from a section of line; form to sections 450 and 451 are alive / un- disconnect the traction current from der tension again; an electrified section of track, either  (ontlaad~ ) discharge voltage; in an emergency or in connection  (overslag~ ) flash-over voltage; with engineering works; spark-over voltage;  ( ~ ten behoeve van werkzaamhe-  (piek~ ) crest voltage; peak volt- den) form line that has had the elec- age; tricity terminated as a temporary  (pulserende ~ ) pulsating current; measure to permit work to be carried  (rijdraad~ ) catenary voltage; form out contact wire voltage; spanningloze bovenleidinggroep  ( ~sverlaging d.m.v. transforma- dead catenary section; section of tor) reduction in voltage; transforma- dead catenary; form catenary section tion of current; that has had the electricity termina-  (te hoge ~ ) excess voltage; ted; form isolated section of line  (voedings~ ) feeding voltage; spanningloze scheidingssectie  (voorgeschreven ~ van een kabel)  ( ~ van rijdraad) neutral section rated voltage of a cable; (of contact line)  (wegvallen van de ~ ) current fail- spanningsdaling voltage drop; ure; lack of current;  (kortstondige ~ ) voltage dip  (werk~ ) holding voltage; spanningsval voltage drop;  (wissel~ ) AC voltage; alternating  (kortstondige ~ ) voltage dip current voltage; alternating voltage spanwagen tensioning trolley spanning-aarde rijden accidental spatting zie spoorspatting transmission of electricity from a live speling catenary section to a dead section  ( ~ in de koppelingen) play of via the pantographs of a train; form couplings; slack of couplings; situation where a train may bridge  ( ~ in de trein) slack in the train; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 181

 (rukkende bewegingen van een hij werkt bij het ~ he works for the trein door ~ in de koppelingen) surg- railways; ing action / slack action of the vehic-  (aankomst~ ) arrival track; recep- les in a train (when the couplings are tion track; reception siding; Am in- too loose) bound track; Am receiving track; spiegelei  (afkomend ~ , met aflopende kilo-  (vertrekstaf of vertrekbevelsein metrering) up-line; van conducteur) baton; train starting  (afstoot~ ) fly-shunting line; baton  (aftakkend ~ ) diverted line; diver- spitsuur peak hour; rush hour ted track; branch line; connecting spitsuurbelasting peak hour pro- line; junction line; branch track; ductivity; form the number of passen-  (bediend ~ ) signaled track; con- ger trips or passenger kilometres trolled track; carried by a railway system or train  (bedienings~ ) line serving a si- during the peak hour ding; splitsen  (been van het ~ ) stretch of rails;  ( ~ van treinstellen) to split up a  (berijdbaar ~ ) track open for traf- train; to uncouple; to hook off; cut- fic; off; breaking loose of a train; division  (beveiligd secundair ~ ) controlled of a train; to divide (a train); Br inf to siding; tie off; Br inf to tie ’em off;  (bezet ~ ) occupied [OCC] track; in Utrecht wordt deze trein gesplitst occupied line; occupied section; in een gedeelte voor Rotterdam Cen-  (breed~ ) broad gauge; broad- traal en een gedeelte voor Den Haag gauge line; Am wide gauge; form Centraal in Utrecht this train will be any track gauge wider than the stan- 1 split up into a part for Rotterdam dard 1,435 mm or 4 ft 8 /2 inch; Central Station and a part for The  (depot~ ) depot line; form a line Hague Central Station; which provides a connection bet-  (station waar een trein wordt ge- ween a running line and a depot; splitst) station at which a train is split  (derailleer~ ) derailing track; up  (diesel~ ) zie niet-geëlektrificeerd splitsing spoor;  ( ~ in spoorbaan) junction [JCN,  (dood ~ ) blind track; dead-end si- JCT, JT]; fork junction; branching ding; (off); inf fork;  (doodlopend ~ ) dead-end line;  ( ~ van treinen) splitting up of dead-end track; stub track; terminal trains track; spur track; dead-end siding; spoor  (doorgaand ~ ) main line; through-  (het ~, de railinfra) track; railway line; main track; through-track; track(s); form the running lines and  (draaischijfsporen) radiating sidings of a railway; tracks (around a turntable);  (het ~, het spoorbedrijf) Br Aust  (dubbel ~ ) double track; double railway company; inf the railways; line; Am inf double iron; Am railroad (company); form railway  (dubbel/enkel~ ) reversible work- administration; Br inf British Rail; ing; reversible line; Bi-Directional Signalling [BIDS]; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 182

 (enkel ~ ) single track; single line;  (krom ~ in een wissel) deflecting Am inf single iron; section; switching section;  (fabrieks~ ) factory siding; works  (kruis~ ) passing track; siding; form industrial siding, gated-  (laad~ ) loading siding; off from the running lines;  (laad- en los~ ) reception siding;  (geëlektrificeerd ~ ) electrified reception track; loading and unload- line; inf catenary railway; Br inf (line) ing siding; Am team track; on the juice;  (lengte ~ ) track panel; track  (geïsoleerd ~ ) insulated track length; track span; rails;  (lichten van het ~ ) surfacing of  (goederen~ ) goods line; goods the track; raising of the track; level- track; Br goods loop; form freight on- ling of the track; ly line; form a track solely for use by  (locomotief~ ) engine track; en- trains conveying freight; gine line; engine road; Am locomo-  (haven~ ) harbour siding, gated- tive track; depot line; form a track for off from the running lines; the transfer of locomotives between  (hart van het ~ ) centre of the a Motive Power Depot [MPD] and a track; station;  (heuvel~ ) hump track (on a mar-  (los- en laad~ ) reception siding; shalling yard); Am lead track (on a reception track; loading and unload- classification yard); ing siding; Am team track;  (hoofd~ ) running line; main line;  (magnetisch ~ ) magnetic track; main track; trunk line; Br fast track;  (meter~ ) metre gauge; Am meter inf through line; inf through track; inf gauge; form a track with a width of Through Road; inf The Main; Br inf one metre; The Quick; Am inf main iron; Am inf  (midden~ ) middle road; High Iron; Am inf main stem; Am inf  (mijn~ ) mine railway; race track; Br inf The Lawn;  (naastliggend ~ ) adjacent track;  (industrie~ ) factory siding; works adjacent line; neighbouring track; siding; form industrial siding, gated- neighbouring line; off from the running lines;  (neven~ ) adjacent track; adjacent  (inhaal~ ) passing track; passing line; neighbouring track; neighbour- siding; turnout [TO, T/O]; ing line;  (kade~ ) dock line; quay line;  (niet-geëlektrificeerd ~ ) non-elec-  (knik in het ~ ) distorted rail(s); trified line; inf non-catenary railway; track distortion; buckling; wrinkling;  (normaal~ ) standard gauge 1 crippled rail; form lateral flexion; form (1,435 mm or 4 ft 8 /2 inch); a rail with a short abrupt kink in it;  (omloop~ ) loop line; form track fault; inf hump; inf bump;  (omloop~ naast de rangeerheu- inf kink; inf rough ride; vel) hump-avoiding line; Am run-  (kolenlaad~ ) coaling road; Am round; coal track;  (omrij~ ) loop line; form a length of  (kop~ ) dead-end track; terminal track for a locomotive to run round a track; stub track; spur track; train of rail vehicles;  (kop~ voor rangeerwerk) head-  (onbediend ~ ) unsignaled track; shunt; uncontrolled track; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 183

 (onderbouw van het ~ ) substruc-  (roestig ~ ) rusty track; a little- ture of the track; used line; Not in Regular Use  (oneffenheden in het ~ ) uneven- [NIRU]; Am inf high-grass line; ness of the track;  (rubbergelagerd ~ ) rubber sup-  (ongecontroleerd ~ ) unsignaled ported track; track; uncontrolled track;  (samenstellings~ voor goederen-  (opgaand ~ , met oplopende kilo- treinen) marshalling track; sorting si- metrering) down line; ding;  (opstel~ ) siding; carriage siding  (scheluw ~ ) twisted track; [CS]; storage siding; reserve siding;  (smal~ ) narrow-gauge railway; Br empty stock track; ± stabling narrow-gauge line; form any track track; stabling siding; facility track; gauge narrower than the standard 1  (opstel~ voor rechtstreekse bin- 1,435 mm or 4 ft 8 /2 inch; nenkomst) entry line over facing  ( ~ beveiligd voor beide richtingen points; op een meersporig baanvak, ofwel  (opstel~ te bereiken met zaag- “dubbel/enkelspoor”) track for either beweging) entry line over trailing direction working; track for two-way points; working; Am reversible track;  (overlaad~ of overslag~ ) tran-  ( ~ buiten een emplacement om, shipment siding; Am transfer line; ter ontlasting) loop line;  (passeer~ op enkelsporig baan-  ( ~ dat bijna niet gebruikt wordt) vak) ; form a length of infrequently used line; Br Not in Re- track to allow one train approaching gular Use [NIRU]; Am inf high grass another train on a single line to pass; line;  (perron~ ) platform track; platform  ( ~ dat niet meer gebruikt wordt) line; station track; platform road; Br redundant track; Am abandoned rail- platform; Am track; form track ser- road; form track which is surplus to ving a passenger platform; operational requirements but is still de trein vertrekt van ~ vier the train in situ; leaves from platform four / track four;  ( ~ met bovenleiding) electrified  (raccordements~ ) private siding line; Br line with overhead contact [PS]; junction cut-off; branch line; system; inf catenary railway; Br inf branch track; connecting line; con- (line) on the juice; necting cut-off;  ( ~ met ingegoten dwarsliggers)  (rangeer~ ) shunting track; mar- cast-in sleeper track; cast-in sleeper shalling siding; shunting route; de- system; form rail mounted on pre- parture siding; service track; sorting cast concrete sleepers; inf Rheda™ line; Am classification yard line; Am track; side track; ± lead track; Br inf dod-  ( ~ met Y-type dwarsliggers) Y-tie ger; track;  (recht ~ in een wissel) main sec-  ( ~ op aflopende helling) track on tion; straight track section; through a falling gradient; Am down grade section; track;  (reparatie~ ) repair track; facility  ( ~ voor kruising en inhaling) pas- track; Am rip track; sing track;  (“ ~ vrij”) “line clear”; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 184

 ( ~- en wegvervoer) combined rail  (vertrek~ ) departure track; depar- and road transport; ture line; departure siding;  ( ~ zonder verbindingsplaten)  (verzakking van het ~ ) subsi- Continuous Welded Rail [CWR]; dence of the track; track distortion;  ( ~ zonder wissels en kruisingen)  (verzand ~ ) sanded track; silted track without switches and crossings; track; plain line [PL];  (viaduct~ ) aerial railway; elevated  (stations~ ) station track; railway; inf Skytrain;  (tegen~ ; contre-voie) contraflow  (voegloos ~ ) Continuous Welded working; Wrong line working; form a Rail [CWR]; reversal of the normal direction of  (voorgebouwde lengte ~ ) pre-as- working on a railway; sembled track section;  (tijdelijk enkel~ ) temporary single  (wacht~ ) holding track; turnout track; [TO, T/O];  (toegangs~ ) entry line; departure  (wacht~ voor goederentreinen) siding; approach track; leading-in goods loop; line;  (was~ of spoel~ ) train washing  (toeleidend ~ ) entry line; depar- track; ture siding; approach track; leading-  (wissel~ ) turnout [TO, T/O]; in line; switch track;  (treinsamenstellings~ ) train-for-  (zakking van het ~ ) track subsi- mation track; sorting line; formation dence; settling of the track; siding;  (zettingsvrij ~ ) slab track; floating  (uithaal~ ) turn-out track [TO slab track [FST]; track, T/O track]; backing-out track;  (zijdelingse weerstand van het ~ )  (verbindings~ ) connecting track; lateral resistance of the track; chord track; curve track; connecting  (zij~ ) siding; ; secon- line; junction line; loop line; dary track; relief siding; layby; turn-  (verdeel~ , vanaf rangeerheuvel) out road; secondary line; turnout splitting-up siding; siding for splitting [TO, T/O]; Br loop; Am side track trains; siding for breaking up trains; spooraannemer zie spoorwegaan-  (verkeerd ~ rijden) Br Wrong Di- nemer rection Movement [WDM]; Am wrong spooraansluiting rail connection; si- road movement; on Wrong track; ding; Wrong line working; inf bang road  (particuliere ~ ) private siding; running; Am inf Wrong road; Br inf form track which is linked up with, bang road; form Wrong Direction but does not belong to the railway Working; form a train movement enterprise, so that an industrial or made in the direction for which sig- port establishment can be served by nals are not provided; form a rever- rail without transhipment sal of the normal direction of working spoorabonnement zie abonnement on a railway with one-way signalling; spoorafstand midway between Am inf dark track; Am inf Wrong iron; tracks; distance between running  (versperd ~ ) blocked track; lines; space between the tracks; six blocked line; foot way; six foot side; Am track spa- cing; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 185

 ( ~ van een wielas) wheel gauge the barrier arms are descending; Am spoorbaak warning sign; visual the gates are closing; warning; beacon; countdown board;  (de ~ zijn naar beneden) the bar- countdown marker board rier arms are lowered / closed; Am spoorbaan Br Aust railway; Am rail- the gates are lowered; road; (railway) track; Am road; Am  (overweg met ~ die naar beneden inf ribbons; Am inf streak of rust zijn; overweg die gesloten is ofwel spoorbalken zie dwarsliggers ‘dicht ligt’) crossing with lowered bar- spoorbeambte zie spoorwegbeamb- rier arms; te  (de ~ gaan weer omhoog) the bar- spoorbeheerder railway administra- rier arms are going up again; form tor; infrastructure controller the barrier arms are ascending a- spoorberm siding; verge gain; Am the gates are opening a- spoorbezetting line occupation; gain; track occupancy  (met de hand bediende ~ ) lifting spoorbezettingsgrafiek track occu- barriers; lifting gates; pation diagram; train graph; form  (rode lampen of knipperlichten op chart showing occupation of tracks; ~ ) boom arm lights form a graphical representation of spoorboog zie boog train movements over a section of spoorboot zie spoorpont line in terms of time and distance spoorborgbout track fastening spoorbezettingslampje spoorbout sleeper screw; screw  (bezetspoorlampje) block occu- spike (with square head); bolt; pancy indication; track occupancy stepped pin; shoulder pin; inf spike; light; ‘track in use’ signal; reminder Aust inf dog spike appliance; track indicator; form de- spoorboutaandraaimachine zie vice to alert signallers that sections kraagbout(aan)draaimachine of tracks are occupied by trains spoorbouw railway construction; spoorbezettingsmelder track indi- track construction cator; vehicle-on-line indicator spoorbouwmachine track renewal spoorbiel, spoorbiels zie dwarslig- and maintenance machine gers [TRAMM]; Br inf Big Yellow Machine spoorbiljet zie vervoerbewijs [BYM]; Am inf Yellow Cavalry spoorboekje train timetable [TT]; spoorbreedte gauge; track gauge railway guide; Br Great Britain Time- spoorbrug Br Aust railway bridge; table [GBTT]; Br Great Britain Pas- Am railroad bridge senger Railway Timetable [GBPRT] spoorbuffer zie stootjuk spoorbomen barrier arms; level spoorconstructie track construction crossing barriers; level crossing spoorcontact gates; (railway) crossing gates; Am  (vast ~ voor treinbeïnvloeding) crossing arms; Am railroad barriers; contact ramp Am railroad gate(s); Am train gates; spoorcontroleur rail gauge mea- boom arms; Aust boom gates; Aust surement tool; track gauge; Am form boom barriers; railroad track gauge and level for  (de ~ gaan naar beneden) the measuring rail superelevation on barrier arms are going down; form curves; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 186

 ( ~ voor het meten van wissels en spoorlijn kruisingen) switch and crossing  (spoorweg) Br Aust railway; Am gauge railroad; spoordam railway dam  (spoorwegverbinding) rail line; Br spoordetectie to appear on the Aust railway line; Am railroad line; track diagram; track circuit indication;  (aansluitende ~ ) connecting line; Br inf to drop on (of a train);  (berg~ ) mountain railway;  (incorrecte ~ ) incorrect track cir-  (concessie voor de uitoefening cuit indication van de dienst op een ~ ; beheers- spoordienst zie treindienst recht over een ~ ) railway conces- spoordijk rail(way) embankment sion; form right to manage a (rail- spoorfanaat zie spoorwegfanaat way) line; spoorfiets  (drukke ~ ) busy line;  (bep. soort draisine) railbike; rail  ( ~ met druk verkeer) line carrying bicycle; railway pedal car; form rail- heavy traffic; line carrying dense traf- cycle draisine; form pedal-powered fic; rail-cycle; Am railroad track bicycle  ( ~ met weinig verkeer) line carry- spoorgedeelte achter een sein ad- ing light traffic; light-traffic line; vance of a signal  ( ~ voor hoge aslasten) heavy spoorgedeelte vóór een sein ap- haul line; Am heavy haul railroad; proach to a signal  ( ~ zonder ATB) rail line without spoorgeometrie track geometry; train control signalling; Am inf dark  (absolute ~ ) Absolute Track Geo- territory; metry [ATG];  (verpachte ~ ) leased line  (controlesysteem voor ~ ) Track spoorlopen track walking; railway Geometry Control System [TGCS]™; trespassing; Am railroad trespassing;  (meettrein voor ~ ) geometry car Br walking on the railway track; Am spoorgids zie spoorboekje walking along train tracks; Am rail- spoorhaas trainman; Am railroader; road track walking; Am inf Rail ~ is levensgevaarlijk track walking is spoorhotel railway hotel extremely dangerous; spoorhouweel zie ballasthouweel de spoorwegpolitie voert campagne spoorkaartje zie vervoerbewijs tegen ~ the railway police are con- spoorkaliber rail gauge template ducting a campaign against walking spoorklok zie stationsklok on the track (Britse vertaling); spoorkop zie spoorstaafkop the railroad police is conducting a spoorkosten cost for rail transport; trespass abatement enforcement railway transportation cost campaign (Amerikaanse vertaling); spoorkraan zie spoorwegkraan “Loop niet langs het spoor. Levens- spoorkrans zie wielflens gevaarlijk!” “Don’t walk on the rail- spoorkruising crossing of tracks; way track. It’s extremely danger- track crossing; crossing of lines ous!” (tekst op Brits waarschuwings- spoorlegger tracklayer bord); spoorlichter rail lifting jack; track “Stay away from the tracks. Stay off, jack stay away, stay alive” (tekst op Ame- spoorligging track alignment rikaans waarschuwingsbord); Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 187

“Be safe! Stay away from railway Am tool train (with re-railing equip- lines” (tekst op Brits waarschuwings- ment); Am tool truck (with re-railing bord); equipment); ± breakdown train; ± Am “Keep out of danger – Stay off the wreck train; ± Rail Incident Res- track!” (tekst op Brits waarschu- ponse Unit; ± Aust Derailment Res- wingsbord); ponse Unit; self-propelled railway “Stay off the line and stay alive!” module (with re-railing equipment); (tekst op Australisch waarschuwings- een ~ is een zelfrijdende container bord); op flenswielen, welke is uitgerust “Het spoor is geen speeltuin” “Play- met reddings- en hersporingsmate- ing around the track is just plain rieel a railway module is a self-pro- whack” (slogan op Amerikaans waar- pelled container with flange wheels, schuwingsbord); which is fitted with rescue and re-  (bekeuring wegens ~ ) Am rail- railing equipment; road trespassing citation; ~s zijn zeer specialistische railvoer-  (railtracken) railtracking; tuigen voor reddings-, hersporings- ~ is het lopen langs verlaten spoorlij- en bergingswerk op het spoor rail- nen en het op zoek zijn naar over- way modules are highly specialist blijfselen van opgebroken spoorlijnen units designed to be operated on-rail railtracking is walking along aban- for rescue, re-railing and recovery doned railroads and searching for operations on the rail network; remnants of disappeared railroads  (truck met laadkraan, waarop de ~ spoorloper track walker; Am rail- vervoerd wordt) ± ERU carrier vehic- road trespasser; form trespasser on le (with loader crane) the tracks; spoormodule bepakkingslijst rail- “Tegen de tijd dat een machinist een way module equipment list; ± Emer- ~ ziet, is het al te laat” “By the time a gency Response Unit [ERU] equip- locomotive engineer sees a trespas- ment list: ser on the tracks, it’s too late” (tekst  (aardstokken; aardingsstokken) op Amerikaans waarschuwingsbord) earthing rods; earthing poles; earth- spoormaat zie spoorcontroleur ing sticks; spoormal distance gauge; distance  (acetyleenfles) acetylene cylinder; ruler; gauge measure; spacing  (adembeschermingsapparatuur) gauge; spacing ruler Protective Breathing Equipment spoorman railway employee; rail- [PBE]; wayman; Am railroader; Am inf  (afdichtingsmateriaal voor gevaar- trainman; Am inf Rail; lijke stoffen) leak sealing equipment  (ervaren ~ ) a railwayman with for hazardous substances; very long service; Am inf rusty rail  (afzetlint; waarschuwingslint) bar- spoormelder rier tape; blocking tape; warning  ( ~ op tableau van heuvelpost) tape; announcement transmitter; cut des-  (aggregaat) auxiliary power unit criber [APU]; power unit; emergency power spoormodule generator; genset; inf unit;  ( ~ van NedTrain) ± (road/rail) Emergency Response Unit [ERU]; ± Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 188

 (asbreukwagen) transport bogie;  (haakse slijper, bijv. voor doorslij- auxiliary truck; auxiliary towing car; pen van spoorstaven) cut-off wheel; inf Dolly™; rail cutter; (rail) cutting wheel; rail  (assenduwer) axle pushing de- cutting disc; Am rail cropper; vice; axle pusher unit (to move a  (hefkussen) air bag uprighting de- wheel resting on the rail by its vice for rolling stock; (high-pressure) flange); lifting bag; inf Vetter™;  (bahco’s) adjustable wrenches;  (hersporingsbalk) re-railing  (ballasthark) ballast fork; bridge; traversing beam; traversing  (ballasthouweel) tamping pick; unit; hand beater;  (hersporingsbrug) re-railing  (ballastschep) scoop; track sho- bridge; traversing beam; vel;  (hersporingsslof) re-railing ramp;  (bergingsmaterieel) recovery e- re-railing frog; quipment;  (hijsbanden) hoist belts; hoisting  (betonschaar) bolt cutter; belts; lifting belts;  (bevrijdingsapparatuur) (hydrau-  (hijshaak) hoist hook; lic) rescue tools, including cutters,  (houten blokken) wooden blocks; spreaders, door busters and rams;  (hydrauliekslangen / hydroslan- inf Jaws of Life™; gen) hydraulic hoses;  (bezem) broom;  (hydraulische pomp / hydrauliek-  (bijl) Br axe; Am ax; pomp) hydraulic pump; pumping unit  (bouwlamp) temporary site light- generating hydraulic pressure; hy- ing; floodlight; emergency floodlight; draulic power system; inf Power  (brandblusmiddelen) fire-fighting Pack™; equipment;  (hydraulische schaar en spreider)  (breekijzer) crowbar; gooseneck; hydraulic cutting device and spread- Aust Br inf jemmy; er;  (dommekracht) hydraulic jack;  (hydraulisch hersporingsgereed-  (doorslijpschijf) cutting disc; schap) (hydraulic) re-railing equip-  (doppensets voor vijzel) stacking ment; sets;  (hydraulische leidingen) high-  (draagbare lampen) hand lamps; pressure hoses;  (draaistelverankeringen) bogie  (jerrycan diesel) jerrycan with suspensions; form suspensions to be diesel fuel; used for bogies which are not firmly  (jerrycan drinkwater) jerrycan with attached to the vehicle after an acci- potable water; dent;  (kantelapparatuur) uprighting de-  (EHBO-koffer) first aid box; vice for rolling stock; claw jack for  (explosieveilige zaklamp; vonk- uprighting of rolling stock; vrije zaklamp) explosion-proof torch;  (keggen) wedges; chocks; explosion-protected torch;  (kettingzaag) chainsaw;  (gereedschapskist) tool box; tool  (knipper en spreider, behorende kit; bij bevrijdingsapparatuur) cutting de-  (grondanker) ground anchor; vice and spreader; inf Jaws of Life™;  (ladder) ladder; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 189

 (lasapparaat) welding equipment;  (transverse) traversing beam; re- welder; railing bridge; traversing unit;  (lepelkoevoet) claw bar;  (transversekoppeling) bridge  (luchtcompressor) air compressor; coupling for joining together two re-  (machinerollers voor zijlings ver- railing bridges; re-railing bridge con- plaatsen van ontspoord materieel) nection element; roll(er) carriages for side shifting de-  (trap) stepladder; railed vehicles; form equipment for  (trekeenheid) pulling device; haul- lateral displacement; lateral displa- age device; displacing jack; haulage cing equipment; equipment for moving rail vehicles  (pneumatische tent) pneumatic with locked axles; form pulling device tent; for moving rail vehicles with locked  (poederblusser) dry chemical ex- axles and for pulling apart vehicles tinguisher; which are locked together due to an  (portofoons) walkie-talkies; accident;  (railhaak) rail hook;  (U-balk) channel iron; channel  (reddingsapparatuur) rescue devi- beam; U-beam; ces; rescue tools;  (verbandkoffer) first aid box; first  (regenkleding) rain gear; aid kit;  (schuifeenheid) lateral displacing  (vijzel) re-railing jack; telescopic equipment; side traversing system; jack; lifting jack; locomotive jack; inf traversing beam; re-railing bridge; inf jack; inf Lukas™; Lukas™;  (vijzel voor hersporen van twee-  (schuimblusser) foam fire ex- assig spoorwegmaterieel) tilting jack tinguisher; for re-railing two-axle rail vehicles;  (snijbrander) blowpipe; inf cutting  (voorhamer) sledgehammer; torch; inf blowtorch; torch cutter; oxy-  (vulblokken) filling blocks; gen acetylene cutter;  (watertank) water tank;  (spanbanden) clamping straps;  (werklamp) worklight; work lamp;  (spijkertrekker) spike puller; (rail)  (wisselklem) switch clamp; switch spike extractor; point clamp; form switch point lock-  (spoorlichter) rail lifting jack; track ing device; jack;  (zuurstoffles) oxygen cylinder  (spoorstangen) rail bars; spoormodulematerieel ± Emergen-  (spreider) hydraulic spreader; inf cy Response Unit [ERU] equipment Jaws of Life™; spoornet zie spoorwegnet  (staalkabels) steel cables; spoorombouwmachine track re-  (stalen platen) steel plates; newal machine  (steekwagen) Br hand trolley; spoorombouwtrein track renewal moving trolley; Am hand truck; train; Track Renewal Train [TRT];  (stophout) chock; wooden support Track Relaying Train [TRT]; track for axle pushing device; stacking set; relaying machine [TRM]  (stuurstand voor hydraulische vij- spooronderhoud track mainte- zels) control console; control unit; nance; Br Permanent Way Mainte- control table; control desk; nance [PWM]; Am Maintenance of  (takel) hoist; block and tackle; Way [MOW]; care of the track; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 190

 ( ~swerkzaamheden) engineering  ( ~trekker) rail spike extractor; (works)  (verende ~ ) elastic rail spike spooronderhoudsmachine perma- spoorstaaf rail; nent way machine; rail mounted  (aanslag~ van een wissel) stock maintenance machine [RMMM] rail (of a switch); spooronderhoudsploeg track main-  (afgebladderde ~ ) flaked rail; tenance gang; track maintenance form exfoliated rail; workers; sectionmen; Am inf steel  (afslijting van de ~ ) rail wear; gang; Br inf wet bedders  (belasting van de ~ ) load on the spoorpont train ; railway ferry rail; spoorrail rail  (bevestiging van de ~ op de spoorrelais track circuit [TC]; track dwarsligger) fixing of the rail to the relay [TR]; sleeper; fastening of the rail to the  (cascadeschakeling van ~ ) cut- sleeper; section of track circuit  (binnenzijde van de ~ ) gauge spoorrijtuig railway wagon side of the rail; spoorsectie block section; section  (bovenkant van de ~ ) upper sur- of track; block; face of the rail;  (de ~ is bezet) the block is ‘on’;  (buitenzijde van de ~ ) field side of  (de ~ is verlaten) the block is ta- the rail; form non-gauge face of the ken ‘off’; the section is cleared; rail;  (geïsoleerde ~ ) insulated section;  (dubbelkop~ ) bull-headed rail;  ( ~blok) section blocking; bull head rail [BH]; inf Bull Head;  ( ~-indeling) division in sections;  (elastisch ingegoten ~ ) elastically section arrangement; sectioning of embedded rail; tracks;  (elastisch ondersteunde ~ ) elasti-  ( ~-isolator) section insulator cally supported rail; spoorsegmenten track segments;  (gebogen ~ ) curved rail; track panels;  (geïsoleerde ~ ) insulated rail;  (voorgemonteerde ~ ) prefabrica-  (gewicht van de ~ ) weight of rail; ted track panels  (haarscheur in een ~ ) hair crack spoorspatting (in a rail);  ( ~ door zonnewarmte) crooked-  (helling van de ~ ) canting of the ness of the track; lateral buckling of rail; tilting over of the rail; the track; track buckle; form lateral  (herprofilering van spoorstaven) displacement of the track; form ther- planing of rails; re-profiling of rails; mally induced track misalignment;  (hoogte boven bovenkant ~ ) form rails distorted by the heat of the height above the upper surface of sun; form a rail distortion or misalign- the rails; ment of a magnitude which will pre-  (keren van spoorstaven) turning sent a significant safety risk; inf sun of rails; kink; inf buckling; Am inf sunbuckle;  (kop van de ~ , ofwel railkop)  (de spoorstaaf spat; de spoorstaaf head; head of rail; knikt uit) the rail buckles  (kruipen van de ~ ) rail creep; spoorspijker rail spike; inf spike; creeping of the rail; Aust dog spike; Aust inf dog; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 191

 (langgelaste ~ ) long-welded rail;  (ziel van de ~ , ofwel raillijf) web; continuously welded rail; web of (the) rail; form the thin part of  (lijf van de ~ , ofwel raillijf) web; the rail between the base and the web of (the) rail; form the thin part of head; the rail between the base and the  (zingende ~ ) corrugated rail; roar- head; ing rail  (loopkant van de ~ ) inside edge spoorstaafanker Br rail anchor; Am of the rail; gauge side of the rail; anti-creeper; form a device firmly at-  (loopvlak van de ~ ; rijspiegel) tached to the base of a rail and bear- tread of rail; rail surface; rail crown; ing against a sleeper, to keep the rail running edge [RE]; form running sur- from moving longitudinally under traf- face of the rail; fic  (markeringen met verf of krijt op spoorstaafbevestiging zie railbe- de zijkant van een ~ ) fletching; flec- vestiging king; Marking Up; spoorstaafboormachine rail drilling  (naastliggende ~ met de rijrichting machine; rail drill; Br inf Rota- mee) rail in advance; broach™  (naastliggende ~ tegen de rijrich- spoorstaafbreuk rail break; rail fail- ting in) rail in rear; ure; rail defect; broken rail; rail flaw;  (normaal profiel ~ ) normal profile  (noodreparatie van een ~ ) bridg- rail; ing piece; broken rail ramp; form an  (pas~ ) make-up rail; closure rail; assembly used to span the gap bet-  (reserve~ ) spare rail; ween the adjacent ends of a broken  (rijvlak van de ~ ) rail crown; run- rail to allow trains to pass over the ning surface; break at reduced speed  (slijtage van de ~ door berijden) spoorstaafbuigmachine rail ben- Rolling Contact Fatigue [RCF]; inf der; rail bending machine; headwear;  (hydraulische ~ ) hydraulic rail  (slijtvlak van ~ ) wearing surface bender; inf Jim Crow; inf Crow of rail; spoorstaafclassificatie rail classifi-  ( ~ met golfslijtage) corrugated cation rail; roaring rail; spoorstaafconditioneringssys-  ( ~ met loopvlakgebreken) eroded teem rail conditioning system rail; spoorstaafcontact rail contact  (toelaatbare afslijting van de ~ ) spoorstaafdoorslijpmachine rail rail wear tolerance; cutting wheel; rail cutting disc; rail  (tussen~ in wissel) closure rail; cutter; Am rail cropper; form abrasive  (vermoeidheid of metaalmoeheid disc rail cutting machine van de ~ ) rail fatigue; spoorstaafisolering rail insulation  (vervangings~ ) spare rail; spoorstaafkop head of rail; rail  (vignole~ ) flat bottom rail [FB]; head; inf head; flange rail;  (afbreken van stukjes van de ~ ,  (voet van de ~ , ofwel railvoet) bijv. door metaalmoeheid of slijtage) foot; foot of (the) rail; base of the rail; breaking out; form detachment of  (walsmerk van een ~ ) rolling pieces of the rail head; mark (of a rail); Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 192

 (afronding tussen bovenkant en spoorstaaflangsverbinding rail zijkant van de ~ ) gauge corner; rail bonding shoulder; form the curved profile of spoorstaaflas rail joint; joint [JT]; the rail head between the running  (gedrag van de ~sen) behaviour surface and the running edge; of the (rail) joints;  (beschadigen van de ~ door te  (hoogteverschil in ~sen ofwel hoge wieldruk) crushing; form defor- hoogteverschil van spoorstaafein- mation of a rail head caused by ex- den) dip at rail joints; cessive wheel loads;  (isolerende ~ ) insulating rail joint;  (beschadigingen aan de opper- insulated rail joint; insulated joint; vlakte van de ~ ) bruising (of a rail);  ( ~ met lasplaten) fish-plated joint; form damage caused to the surface  (ondersteunde ~ ) double sleeper of a rail as a result of impacts, usual- rail joint; supported rail joint; ly from the misuse of tools and e-  (oneffenheden bij de ~sen) un- quipment or by the crushing of bal- evenness at the (rail) joints; last particles on the rail head by the  (stoten van een wiel op de ~ ) passage of vehicle wheels; inf scabs; bounce / kick of the wheel on the inf scars; (rail) joint;  (binnenzijde van de ~ ) gauge  (uit de haak liggen van ~sen) dis- face; running edge; running face; placement of the rail joints; skew of form the side of a rail head which the rail joints faces towards the opposite running spoorstaaflasinrichting rail welding rail of the same track; (work)shop; rail welding depot  (bovenkant van de ~ ) top of the [RWD]; Br pre-assembly depot [PAD] rail; running surface; rail level; form spoorstaaflasmachine rail welding top of the track formation; machine  (buitenzijde van de ~ ) back edge; spoorstaaflengte length of rail; back face; back of head; field face;  (normale ~ ) standard length of field side; outside edge [OE]; form rail the outside face of a rail when in- spoorstaafonderzoek rail examina- stalled in track; form the non-running tion; edge side of the rail head;  (ultrasoon ~ ) ultrasonic checking;  (helling van de ~ ) head inclina- form ultrasonic rail flaw checking; ul- tion; form the divergence from the trasonic rail flaw detection [URFD] vertical of the centreline of the upper spoorstaafprofiel rail profile; portion of a rail;  ( ~meter) device for measuring  (hoogte van de ~ ) height of the wear on rails head of a rail; spoorstaafruimer guard-iron; rail  (slijtage aan de bovenkant van de guard; Am cowcatcher; Am inf pilot ~ door berijden) headwear; head plow; Aust roobar (afkorting van checking [HC]; form rolling contact ‘kangaroo bar’) fatigue in the central portion of the spoorstaafschaafmachine rail- rail head; planing machine  (zijdelingse afsplijting van de ~ ) spoorstaafslijpmachine rail grind- crushing of the rail head ing machine [RGM]; rail profile grinder; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 193

 (draagbare ~ ) portable rail grind-  ( ~ met gepolariseerd relais) track ing machine circuit with polarized relay; spoorstaafstaal rail steel  ( ~ met pulserende spanning) pul- spoorstaafstang rail pinch bar; rail sating-current track circuit; lifter  ( ~ met tweebenige spoorisolatie) spoorstaaftang double-rail (current) track circuit;  (voor oppakken van een spoor-  ( ~ met voeding via condensator) staaf) rail lifter; rail tongs; inf rail capacity alternating-current track dogs; inf rail nips circuit; spoorstaaftrekker rail slewing de-  ( ~ met wisselstroom) alternating vice current track circuit; AC track circuit; spoorstaafverbinding zie spoor-  ( ~ voor wisselvastlegging) ground staaflas track point lock; spoorstaafvoet rail foot; rail base  (storing of defect in ~ ) track cir- spoorstaafzaag rail saw; cuit failure [TCF];  ( ~machine) rail cutting machine  (vastlegging door middel van ~ ) spoorstroom track circuit current; track locking; form locking by track signal current; form a low voltage circuit; current passing through either one de ~ vormt een beveiligingssysteem rail (known as single rail track circuit) dat werkt middels een stroom die per or both rails (double rail track circuit) sectie onder lage spanning door de for train detection and signalling pur- ene spoorstaaf wordt geleid en via poses; een spoorrelais door de andere  (gecodeerde ~ ) coded track cir- spoorstaaf weer terug, zodat een ge- cuit current sloten circuit ontstaat track circuits spoorstroomkring zie spoorstroom- are a safety system involving passing of a low voltage electric cur- spoorstroomloop track circuit [TC]; rent through one of the running rails track circuit block [TCB]; current of a section of line, then via a track track circuit; Am bond wire; relay and back through the other rail,  (gecodeerde ~ ) coded track cir- thus completing the circuit; cuit; coded-current track circuit; als er zich een trein in de sectie be-  (gelijkstroom-~ ) direct-current vindt, wordt de stroom kortgesloten track circuit; DC track circuit; door de wielen en assen van de  (hoogfrequente ~ ) overlay track trein, zodat het spoorrelais afvalt circuit [OTC]; should a train be on the line, this sig-  (kortsluiten van de ~ door de wie- nal current will take the shorter path len en assen van de trein) shunting through its wheels and axles, thus of track circuits by train wheelsets; demagnetizing (de-energizing) the  (preventieve shuntwaarde van track relay; een ~ ) prevent shunt of a track cir- in geval van een stroomstoring of cuit; kortsluiting valt het relais ook af en is  (prikspanning-~ ) high voltage im- op die manier dus faalveilig should pulse [HVI] track circuit; there be an electrical failure or acci-  ( ~ met enkelbenige spoorisolatie) dental short circuit, the relay is also single-track circuit; de-energized, thus fail-safe; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 194

op deze manier kunnen treindienst-  (mechanische ~ ) mechanised leiders elke trein in elke sectie moni- track renewal; toren by this means signallers can  (systeem voor ~ ) renewal of way be informed on track diagrams of the system; Br Computerised Renewal presence and progress of a train on of Way System [CROWS] any section; spoorvervoer rail transport; trans- als de ~ continu is, is automatische port by rail; railage; carriage by rail; seinbediening mogelijk if track cir- Am railroading cuiting is continuous, automatic sig- spoorverwijding increase of track nalling is possible; gauge; excess width of the track de ~ zorgt er ook voor dat wissels gauge; vastgelegd worden in een rijweg  ( ~ welke zo ontworpen is, zoals track circuits also enable points to be in bogen) gauge widening; form the secured against movement under or designed increase of track gauge on in front of an approaching train some curves to ease the passage of spoortorsie track twist rail vehicles; spoortunnel Br Aust railway tunnel;  (onvoorziene ~ , zoals door slijta- Am railroad tunnel; Am inf black ge) gauge spread; inf road spread; hole; form an increase in track gauge  ( ~ bestaande uit één tunnelbuis) brought about by wear or deteriora- single bore tunnel; tion of the track components or be-  ( ~ bestaande uit twee tunnel- cause of high lateral forces buizen) twin bore tunnel; spoorverzakking track distortion;  ( ~ voor de metro) tube tunnel; Br track subsidence inf pipe; spoorviaduct zie spoorwegviaduct  (uitmonding van de ~ ) tunnel spoorvracht railage; rail freight; rail mouth; cargo  (veiligheidseisen ~s) Technical spoorwachter trackman; railway Specifications for Interoperability re- guard; inf flagman lating to the Safety in Railway Tun- spoorwagen, spoorwagon railway nels [TSI-SRT]; car; railway wagon; wagon  (vluchtnis in ~ ) recess; refuge spoorweg Br Aust railway; Am hole railroad; train tracks; Am inf pike; spoorverbinding Br Aust railway  (het spoorbedrijf) Br Aust rail- connection; Am railroad connection ways; railway administration; Am spoorverdubbeling railroad (company); Am inf circus;  (het leggen van een tweede  (aangrenzende ~ ) neighbouring spoor) laying of a second track; railway administration; adjoining ad- doubling of the track ministration; spoorverhoging track elevation; rail  (berg~ ) mountain railway; elevation  (bosbouw~ ) Br Aust logging rail- spoorvernauwing tightening of the way; Am logging railroad; Am lumber gauge; narrowing of the track line; Am lumber railroad; Am inf log- spoorvernieuwing track renewal; ging road; track relaying; renewal of the track;  (elektrische ~ ) electric railway; renewal of way [ROW]; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 195

 (kabel~ ) cable railway; form funi-  (ervaren ~ ) a railway employee cular railway; form inclined plane rail- with very long service; Am inf rusty way; inf cliff railway; rail  (lokale ~ ofwel ~ van plaatselijk spoorwegbeambten railway staff belang) local railway; spoorwegbegroting railway budget;  (mijn~ ) mine railway; Br Rail Budget; form annual financial  (ondergrondse ~ ) underground statement [AFS] of the railways railway; spoorwegbouw railway construction  (overdragende ~ ) transferor rail- spoorwegbrug railway bridge way; Spoorwegbureauverordening Re-  (overnemende ~ ) transferee rail- gulation establishing a European rail- way; way agency  (stads~ ) urban railway; city rail- spoorwegcentrale railway power way; Br metropolitan railway; Am rail station rapid transit [RRT]; intra-urban train spoorwegcentrum railway centre service; spoorwegconcessie railway con-  (tandrad~ ) zie tandradbaan; cession;  (transit~ ) transit administration;  (concessie voor aanleg en exploi- intermediate (railway) administration; tatie van een spoorweg) concession  (verhoogde ~ ) ; for the construction and exploitation inf skytrain of a railway spoorwegaanleg railway construc- spoorwegdam zie spoordam tion; track-laying; inf work on the rail- spoorwegdienst railway service way; spoorwegdijk zie spoordijk  (baanwerkers betrokken bij ~ ) spoorwegemplacement railway rail-laying gang; plate layers; Am inf yard steel gang spoorwegen spoorwegaannemer railway track-  (het spoorwegbedrijf) Am railroad works contractor; inf railway contrac- (company); Br Aust railway; form rail- tor; Br form Track Renewal and In- way administration; inf the railways; frastructure Maintenance Company; Am inf the railroad(s); Br inf British Br Track Renewal Company [TRC]; Rail;  (procesaannemer) Maintenance hij werkt bij de S~ he works for the Contractor [MC]; track maintenance railways; (process) contractor; Br Infrastruc- de ~ bestaan bij de gratie van dwars- ture Maintenance Company [IMC] liggers the railways exist by virtue of spoorwegaansluiting railway con- there being sleepers; nection  (een dicht net van ~ ) a complex spoorwegarbeiders zie baanwer- network of railway lines kers spoorwegfanaat ; Br inf bash- spoorwegarts zie bedrijfsarts er; inf track basher; Br inf gricer; Br spoorwegbeambte railway em- inf Anorak; Am inf fucking rail nut ployee; Am railroader; Br inf rail- [FRN]; Am inf Roster Shooter; Aust wayman; Am inf trainman; inf Gabby; Aust inf Gunzel; hij is een ~ en staat langs het spoor met camera en notitieboekje he is Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 196 doing some railfanning (Amerikaan-  (rollend ~ ) rolling stock [RS] se vertaling); spoorwegmuseum railway museum  (overenthousiaste ~ ) railfan spoorwegnet rail(way) network; rail- whose enthusiasm appears exces- way system; trackage; Am railroad sive; Am inf foamer; network;  ( ~ die de treinnummers noteert  (onderliggend ~ ) secondary rail van treinen die hij heeft gezien) a network railfan who writes down numbers of spoorwegonderhoud railway main- trains he has seen; Aust inf number tenance nicker; Aust inf number shark spoorwegonderneming zie spoor- spoorweggeschut (heavy) railway wegmaatschappij gun; Am railroad gun; railway howit- spoorwegongeval railway accident; zer; railway artillery; form a large ar- train crash tillery piece mounted on a specially spoorwegongevallenkraan zie on- designed railway wagon gevallenkraan spoorweghaven rail port Spoorwegongevallenraad railway spoorwegkaart railway map accident investigation council; ± Br spoorwegkantine zie personeels- Rail Accident Investigation Board kantine [RAIB] spoorwegknooppunt railway junc- spoorwegopzichter zie tracébe- tion; demerge; railway centre; ± main heerder station spoorwegovergang Br level cros- spoorwegkraan railway crane; rail sing [LC]; Br Aust railway crossing; crane; rail dedicated crane; crane Am grade crossing; inf highway cros- wagon; track crane; Am railroad sing; Am railroad crossing; Am road- crane; Am crane car; general pur- way grade crossing; Am railroad pose crane [GPC]; Br inf Cowans grade crossing; inf road crossing; Sheldon™; Br inf Gottwald™; Br inf Am inf rail grade; Coles™; Br inf Jones™; Br inf  (bewaakte ~ ) signalled railway Grafton™ crossing; protected level crossing spoorwegkruising crossing [PLC]; Br gated level crossing [GLC]; spoorwegligger railway sleeper barrier crossing; Br guarded level spoorweglijn railway line crossing [GLC]; Am protected grade spoorwegmaatschappij railway crossing; Br protected railway cros- company; railway enterprise; Am sing; railroad; Am railroad company; form  (onbewaakte ~ ) unprotected level railway administration; crossing [ULC]; Br Open Level Cros-  (beheervoerende ~ ) managing sing [OLC]; Br Open Crossing [OC]; administration; Br unguarded level crossing; Br form  ( ~ welke bij een unie is aange- level crossing without signals; Br sloten) administration party to a rail- form an unmanned level crossing way union without barriers or road traffic warn- spoorwegmagnaat railway mag- ing lights and equipped only with nate; Am railroad magnate signs; Br unguarded railway cros- spoorwegmaterieel railway equip- sing; Br ungated level crossing; Am ment; unprotected grade crossing; Br un- Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 197 protected railway crossing; Am un- spoorwegpersoneel railway staff; gated crossing; Br inf unattended le- railway employee(s); Am inf Rail(s) vel crossing; spoorwegpolitie Br railway police;  ( ~ bediend door overwegwachter) Am railroad police; Br transport po- controlled crossing; manually con- lice; Br trolled crossing; manned level cros- [BTP]; Br inf Boys’ Club (bijnaam van sing; Manually Controlled Barriers de British Transport Police); [MCB]; Br Locally Controlled Manned  ( ~ bij maatschappijen die ook Level Crossing [LC]; metrolijnen hebben) Am transit po-  ( ~ bediend vanuit een railver- lice; keersleidingspost, zoals de ~ te  ( ~beambte, ~agent(e)) railway Naarden-Bussum) Br CCTV level police officer; railway policeman/- crossing; form a level crossing ar- woman; Am transport police officer; rangement where the signaller ob- Am inf railroad cop; Am inf railroad serves the status of the crossing by patrolman; Am inf ’bo chaser (’bo is means of CCTV (Closed Circuit Te- afgeleid van het Amerikaanse woord levision), checking to see if the cros- hobo dat zwerver betekent); Am inf sing is clear before lowering the bar- Cinder Dick; Am inf Yard Bull; Am inf riers; Am local control unit [LCU]; Gumshoe; Am inf Railroad Bull;  ( ~ dicht houden door de positie  ( ~ Hondenbrigade) Railway Po- van een trein) to foul a level cros- lice Canine Unit; Dog Support Unit sing; [DSU]; Police Dog Unit [PDU]; Am inf  ( ~ die gesloten is ofwel ‘dicht ligt’) K-9 unit (de aanduiding K-9 is afge- crossing with lowered barrier arms; leid van het woord canine dat  ( ~ met middensectie) level cros- hond(s) betekent; het is de verkorte sing with wrong direction controls; schrijfwijze van de uitspraak van dat  (rode knipperlichten bij ~ ) (red) woord); crossing signal lights; Am crossing  (Europees Netwerk van S~diens- flashers; Am alternating crossbuck ten) European Network of Railway flashers; Police Forces [RAILPOL]; “Wacht tot het rode licht gedoofd is.  (patrouilleren door ~ ) to patrol; Er kan nog een trein komen” “An- Am inf to rustle; Am inf to rustle the other train coming if lights continue bums to show” (tekst op Brits waarschu- spoorwegraad zie Raad van Toe- wingsbord); zicht op de Spoorwegdiensten “Another train coming if lights conti- spoorwegrecherche zie spoorweg- nue to flash” (tekst op Brits waar- politie schuwingsbord) spoorwegrechercheur railway de- Spoorwegpensioenfonds Dutch tective; Am railroad detective; Am Railway Pension Fund; Br Railways railroad police investigator Pension Scheme [RPS]; Br British spoorwegsabotage rail(way) sabo- Rail Pension Fund [BRPF]; Br Rail- tage; train sabotage; Am train wreck- pen; Br British Rail Pension Scheme ing; Am form the wilful obstruction of [BRPS]; Am Railroad Retirement or tampering with the permanent Program; Am Railroad Retirement way, works, rolling stock, structures Board [RRB] or equipment, resulting in an acci- Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 198

dent to a train or damage to the rail-  (algemene ~ ) general railway road; Br form criminal interference strike with any part of the working machi- spoorwegstation railway station; nery of a railway with the object of  (ondergronds ~ ) underground rendering it inoperative; station tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog spoorwegstelsel railway system; werd vaak geprobeerd om Duitse rail(way) network; trackage; Am rail- troepen- en bevoorradingstreinen te road network laten ontsporen, rails weg te halen, spoorwegtarieven bruggen op te blazen en locomotie-  ( ~ m.b.t. goederenvervoer) rail- ven onklaar te maken during the Se- way rates; goods tariffs; rail freight cond World War, many attempts charges; were made to derail German troop  ( ~ m.b.t. reizigersvervoer) railway and supply trains, to cut tracks, blow fares; passenger fares bridges, and disable locomotives; spoorwegtechniek railway engi-  (doorknippen of weghalen van ko- neering; railway technics; railway peren kabels, zoals die voor de be- technology diening van seinen) cutting or remo- spoorwegtelefoonnet railway tele- ving copper cables such as railway phone system signal lines; spoorwegtelegraaf railway tele-  (lamleggen van het seinsysteem) graph crippling / paralysing control of sig- spoorwegterrein railway precincts; nals; crippling the signalling system; railway premises  (laten ontsporen van een trein) to spoorwegtoegang railway entrance derail a train; Am inf to ditch a train; spoorwegtraject railway section  (losdraaien van kraagbouten) to spoorwegtroepen railway troops; loosen collar screws; railway forces; Am railroad troops;  (onklaar maken van locomotie- form a special railway unit in the en- ven) to disable locomotives; gineering corps of the army; in de Tweede Wereldoorlog was het de ~ zijn troepen van de genie, be- stukslaan van de peilglazen in de ca- last met de aanleg, het onderhoud bine een veel gebruikte manier om en eventueel de vernieling van stoomlocomotieven onklaar te ma- spoorwegen the railway troops are ken in the Second World War, part of the army corps of engineers smashing the water level gauges in and are responsible for the construc- the cab was a common way to dis- tion, maintenance and if necessary able steam locomotives; the destruction of railways;  (opblazen van spoorbruggen) Am de ~ zorgen voor de instandhouding to blow up railroad bridges; Br to van het spoor voorafgaand aan en blow railway bridges; tijdens militaire operaties, het organi-  (weghalen van rails) to tear up seren van tijdelijke stations en be- tracks; to displace rails; to cut tracks scherming en herstel van railinfra- spoorwegsein railway signal structuur the railway troops keep the spoorwegstaking railway strike; tracks in order during and in prepa- de ~ van 1944 the Dutch railway ration for military operations, orga- strike of 1944; nize makeshift disembarkment Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 199

points, and protect and reconstruct  ( ~ min groefwijdte, ofwel de af- rail infrastructure stand tussen binnenkant spoorstaaf spoorwegtunnel railway tunnel en binnenkant van de strijkregel be- spoorwegvakbond rail union horende bij de tegenoverliggende spoorwegveiligheid railway safety; spoorstaaf) space between operative rail safety; face of check rail and running edge ~ komt er niet per ongeluk rail safety of further rail in a crossing; doesn’t happen by accident;  (internationale ~ ) international  (Afdeling S~ van Railned/ProRail) (railway) gauge Department of Rail Safety; Rail Safe- Spoorwijzer ty Department; ± Br Office of the Rail  (baanvaktekening voor machinis- Regulator [ORR]; (de Afdeling S~ ten) railway section drawing (train van het voormalige British Rail heet- driver’s copy) te Railway Safety); spoorwijziging platform alteration;  (Europese Richtlijn inzake S~ ) change of platform; European Directive on Safety on the  (voorbeeld van omroepbericht bij Community’s Railways; ~ ) de stoptrein naar Rotterdam van  (Raad voor de S~ ) Br Rail Safety 14 uur 15 vertrekt vandaag van & Standards Board [RSSB] spoor vijf the quarter past two all- Spoorwegveiligheidsrichtlijn Rail- stations service to Rotterdam will de- way Safety Directive part from platform five today spoorwegverbinding railway con- spoorzichtbaak grade stake; level nection indicator spoorwegverkeer rail(way) traffic SpoPo zie spoorwegpolitie spoorwegvervoer rail(way) trans- sporenbundel set of tracks; group port of lines; fan of sidings spoorwegviaduct (railway) viaduct; sporenschema  (weg onder spoorweg door; on-  (schematische emplacements- derdoorgang) undercrossing; under- tekening) track plan; track model pass; underbridge [UB]; Am under- sporentableau track diagram grade crossing; inf flyunder; inf dive- spreider zie bevrijdingsapparatuur under; springen  (weg over spoorweg heen) over-  (voor de trein ~ ) (to commit sui- bridge [OB]; overhead crossing; Br cide by) jumping before a train; flyover; Am overpass (committing) track suicide; train track spoorwegvoertuig railway vehicle suicide; Br jumping under a train; Br spoorwegwachter zie spoorwachter jumping in front of a train; Br form spoorwegwerkers zie baanwerkers jumping into an oncoming train’s spoorwegwerkplaats railway works; path; inf train jumping; inf kissing railway workshop trains Spoorwegwet Railways Act springer spoorwegwetgeving railway legisla-  (suïcidaal persoon) suicide; train tion; railway law jumper; suicide jumper; Br form pas- spoorwijdte senger action; Br form Person Under  (spoorbreedte) track gauge; rail- Train [PUT]; Br form Person Under A way gauge; Train (this term is usually used to in- Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 200

form passengers); self-murderer; inf standplaats place of work quitter; Am inf track pizza; Br inf standplaatstoelage residential al- jumper; Br inf One Under; lowance in zijn dertig dienstjaren als machi- stapelplaats (railway) stockyard; nist had hij twintig keer te maken met storing space; ~s he had twenty One-Unders in his  ( ~ zoals in Crailoo) Br Central thirty years as a train driver; Materials Depot [CMD]  (als de wanhoopsdaad van een ~ stapvoets dead slow; running dead mislukt) an attempted suicide; inf slow; form to travel forwards as slow- bowled; form if a suicidal move does ly as possible without actually stop- not come off ping Sprinter zie regiotreinstel startpunctualiteit punctual depar- sproeitrein zie onkruidverdelgings- ture of the first trains of the traffic trein day staal steel station (railway) station; Am train staalkrullen steel shavings station; Am inf spill; Am inf castle; staalspaanders steel shavings; Am inf depot; form a section with ~ in een spoorstaaflas kunnen leiden points between entry signals; tot een bezetspoormelding steel  (aankomst~ ) arrival station; des- shavings in a rail joint may lead to a tination station; block occupancy indication  (aansluitings~ ofwel ~ waar aan- staanplaats stand; sluiting wordt gegeven) connecting in deze trein zijn geen ~en there is station; no standing in this train  (aansluitings~ ofwel ~ waar lijnen staanplaatscapaciteit standing ca- samenkomen) junction station; junc- pacity; form the number of standing tion [JCN, JCT, JT]; passengers who can be accommo-  (aflos~ voor locomotieven) loco- dated in a train with a full load motive changing point; staartlantaarn zie sluitseinlantaarn  (behandelings~ van een goede- staartschijf rentrein) staging point for a goods  (sluitseinbord) tail disc (on a train) train; Staatsmijnen Dutch State Mines  (bestemmings~ , voor goederen) staatsspoorwegen state railways receiving station; staatssteun aan spoorwegonder-  (bestemmings~ , voor reizigers) nemingen State aid for railway un- terminal; destination station; dertakings  (bus~ ) bus terminal; stadsspoorweg urban railway; city  (buurt~ ) branch-line station; railway; Br metropolitan railway; Am  (centraal ~ ) central station; main rail rapid transit [RRT]; intra-urban station; Am chief station; train service  (depot~ ) home station; staking strike;  (douane~ ) customs station; form  (in ~ gaan) go on strike; station with customs facilities;  (in ~ zijn) be out on strike;  (drenk~ ) watering station for live-  (tijdelijke ~ van het vervoer) traffic stock; suspension;  (eind~ ) terminal; destination sta-  (wilde ~en) unofficial strike tion; terminal station; terminus; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 201

 (goederen~ ) goods station;  (schakel~ van de bovenleiding) freight station; Am freight depot; paralleling point (of the contact line);  (grens~ ) frontier station; Am bor-  (splitsings~ ofwel een ~ waar een der station; lijn zich splitst) branch-off station;  (groepshoofd~ ) railhead;  (spoorweg~ ) railway station;  (hoofd~ ) central station; main  ( ~ met doorgaande sporen) station; Am chief station; through station;  (hoogspanningsverdeel~ ) high-  ( ~ met lange perrons) full plat- tension substation; form station; form a railway station  (klein ~ ) roadside station; inf where the platform(s) can accommo- whistle stop; inf train stop; Am inf date the full length of the train; shack;  ( ~ van afgifte) issuing station;  (knooppunt~ ) ± main station;  ( ~ van herkomst) originating sta-  (kop~ ) railhead; dead-end sta- tion; tion; stub-end station; Am stub ter-  ( ~ van vertrek, voor goederen) minal; terminus station; Am terminal forwarding station; depot;  ( ~ van vertrek, voor reizigers) de-  (laad~ ) loading station; parture station;  (los~ ) unloading station;  ( ~ van vertrek, voor rollend mate-  (metro~ ) underground station; rieel) origin station;  (mijn~ ) mining depot;  ( ~ voor reizigers- en goederen-  (ondergronds spoorweg~ ) under- verkeer) mixed passenger and ground station; goods station;  (onder~ voor energievoorziening)  ( ~ waar een andere trein voorbij- substation (with rectifiers and trans- gereden kan worden) overtaking sta- formers); converter station; Br inf tion; Am passing point; sub; Br inf cathedral;  ( ~ waar een trein wordt gesplitst)  (opstel~ ) holding yard; departure station at which a train is split up; sidings; storage sidings; ± depot;  ( ~ waar treinen kop maken) re-  (overlaad~ ) trans(s)hipment sta- versing station; tion; transhipment yard; Am transfer  ( ~ waar treinen worden samen- station; gesteld) formation yard; Am make-up  (overslag~ ) trans(s)hipment sta- yard; tion; transhipment yard; Am transfer  (stop~ van een trein) stopping sta- station; tion; Am stop-off point;  (overvol ~ ) overcrowded station;  (tijdelijk ~ voor militaire doelein-  (rangeer~ ) marshalling station; den) makeshift disembarkment point; marshalling yard;  (trefpunt op het ~ ) (railway sta-  (regelings~ voor militaire trans- tion) meeting point; porten) regulating station;  (tussengelegen ~s) intermediate  (reizigers~ ) station; railway sta- stations; stations in between; tion; passenger station; Am train sta- deze trein stopt op alle tussengele- tion; gen ~s this train will call at all sta-  (relais~ ) link transmitter; relay tions in between; station; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 202

deze trein stopt niet op tussengele- stationsorder standing orders; stan- gen ~s this train will not call at sta- ding instructions tions in between; stationsoverkapping roof; form  (tussenliggende ~s) stations in overall span of a station between; stationsrestauratie station buffet  (tussen~ ) en route station; inter- stationsverlichting general lighting mediate station; (at the railway station)  (verdeel~ van ledige wagens) steenslag crushed stone sorting station for empty wagons; Am stelinrichting adjusting device distribution station for empties; stelknop locking lever; interlocking  (verdeel~ voor energievoorzie- lever ning) switching station; distributing stelknoptoestel zie linialenkast substation; stellen van rijtuigen of wagens  (vormings~ ) marshalling yard; provision of coaches or wagons;  (water~ ) water supply point; supply of coaches or wagons  (zeehaven~ ) harbour station stellerstangen stationnement stopping time; sta-  ( ~ van wissel) point rods; throw tion stop; dwell time; stabling of a rods; (point) operating rods; switch train; form the length of time occu- rods; point wedges; form point ope- pied by a station stop rating stretchers; Br form switch stationsafstand distance between drive rods stations; Steunmaatregelen Spoorwegen  ( ~ rijden) form situation where European Regulation on the granting safety demands the distance bet- of aids for Transport by Rail ween stations as a minimum sepa- stilleggen van de treindienst to ration between consecutive trains suspend train traffic; to stop rail traf- stationsboekhandel station book- fic; to halt train traffic; Am to delay stall train traffic; Am to stall train traffic; stationschef station master; Am de treindienst is stilgelegd op last Station Agent; Br inf trail boss; Br inf van de brandweer the fire brigade boss man has asked for trains to be stopped; stationschefskantoor station mas- form the train service has been sus- ter’s office pended by order of the fire brigade; stationshal station hall; main hall (of Am train traffic is temporarily delayed the station); entrance hall; ticket hall; due to fire department activity booking hall; form circulating area; stiptheidsactie work-to-rule; form concourse een ~ voeren work to rule stationsklok ; railway stoken to fire; to stoke clock stoker stationsnaambord  ( ~ op stoomlocomotief) fireman;  ( ~ op perron) station name totem; loco fireman; stoker; Am inf bake- Br inf Flying Sausage head; Am inf fireboy; Br inf banjo stationsomroep zie omroepmede- player; Am inf bell ringer; Am inf big werker smoke; Am inf blackie; Am inf coal stationsopzichter station ticket col- heaver; Br stoker; Br inf coolie; Am lector; platform inspector inf dust raiser; Am inf strong arm; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 203

Am inf soda jerker; Am inf diamond  ( ~capaciteit) boiler output; cracker; Am inf diamond pusher;  ( ~druk) boiler pressure;  (een luie ~ ) Br inf glassback;  ( ~ met geforceerde circulatie)  (mechanische ~ ) mechanical sto- forced-circulation boiler ker stoomkracht steam power stoom steam; stoomleiding steam pipe; steam  (de locomotief onder ~ brengen) piping to put the engine in steam; to raise stoomlocmachinist steam engine steam; Br inf to gas up; driver; Br steam loco driver; Am inf  (het smoren van de ~ ) throttling boiler head; Am inf Big-E; Am inf big of steam; to throttle steam; to baffle handle man; Am inf boiler washer; steam; Am inf whistle pig; Am inf plug puller  (onder ~ houden van stoomloco- stoomlocomotief steam locomotive; motief) keeping (the engine) under steam engine; Am inf tea kettle; inf pressure; kettle; Am inf old girl; Am inf calliope;  (onder ~ zijn van stoomlocomo- Br inf cart; Am inf hayburner; Am inf tief) a loco in steam; to be at full girl; Br inf coal engine; Am inf smo- (steam) pressure; to run with a full ker; Br inf ash tray; head of steam; Br inf on the blood;  (dubbele expansie ~ ) compound Br inf kettle on the boil; Am inf (to steam locomotive; form steam loco- carry a) white feather; motive in which the high pressure  (oververhitte ~ ) superheated stage is attached to the boiler frame, steam; with a low pressure engine in front of  (rijden met afgesloten ~ ) running this on its own frame, taking the ex- with the regulator closed; drifting; Am haust from the rear engine; inf Mallet coasting; locomotive;  ( ~ aflaten) to blow off steam;  (houtgestookte ~ ) wood-burner;  (uitlaat~ ) exhaust steam; waste  (kleine ~ ) Br bunker; steam;  (oliegestookte ~ ) oil-fired steam  (verzadigde ~ ) saturated steam; locomotive; wet steam  ( ~ in opzending) cold engine; inf stoomafsluiter steam valve dead engine; form engine not under stoomdom steam dome; form dome steam; housing the regulator valve of a  ( ~ met de cabine in het midden) steam locomotive camelback locomotive; center-cab stoomdruk steam pressure; locomotive; form steam locomotive  (te hoge ~ ) overpressure; exces- with the cab half-way along the sive steam pressure boiler; inf center cab; stoomfluit steam whistle  ( ~ met één drijfas) single-driver; stoominlaat steam inlet  ( ~ met oliestookinrichting) oil-bur- stoomketel boiler; ning locomotive; oil-burning engine;  (cilindrische ~ ) cylindrical boiler;  ( ~ met tandwieloverbrenging)  (nuttig effect van ~ ) boiler output; geared steam locomotive; Shay boiler efficiency; geared locomotive; Am inf side-  (pruimen of opdragen van ~ ) to winder; prime (a boiler); Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 204

 ( ~ met verticale ketel) vertical-  ( ~ met zuigerschuiven) piston- boilered steam loco; Br Am inf Cof- valve distribution; piston-valve gear; fee Pot; piston-valve motion;  ( ~ zonder condensatie) non-con-  (verstelhefboom voor ~ ) rever- densing steam engine; sing lever;  ( ~ zonder tender, die water en  (voorloophefboom voor ~ ) combi- kolen zelf meevoert) tank engine; nation lever; lap-and-lead lever; Am double end locomotive;  (Walschaerts-~ ) Walschaerts  (standaard achteruit rijdende ~ ) valve gear Br bunker first; Am ; stoomverdelingsmechanisme een 4-8-8-2 gelede stoomlocomotief  ( ~ van stoomlocomotief) steam is in feite een 2-8-8-4 welke stan- distribution system; valve gear daard achteruit rijdt a 4-8-8-2 articu- stoomverzamelkast lated steam locomotive is effectively  ( ~ van stoomlocomotief) steam a 2-8-8-4 that always runs in re- collector verse; stoomwagendraaikraan zie stoom-  (vuurloze ~ ) fireless loco; form railkraan locomotive fed with steam from an stootblok zie stootjuk external source; stootbok zie stootjuk  (zware ~ voor goederentreinen) stootjuk Br buffer stop(s); Am bump heavy steam locomotive for hauling stop; track buffer stop; rail buffer freight trains; inf Mallet; Am inf Big stop; Am bumping post; end-of-track Boy stop; Br dead-end; Am inf bumper; stoomlocomotiefkraan zie stoom- inf stubbing post; Br inf blocks; Br inf railkraan buffers; Br inf stop block; Br inf stoommeter steam gauge; steam stops; indicator  (doodlopend spoor met aan het stoompijp steam pipe eind een ~ ) dead-end line; stoomrailkraan steam rail crane  (spoorvoertuig dat tegen een ~ is stoomreduceerklep steam-pressure gezet) stationary rail vehicle left in reducing valve contact with a buffer stop; Br inf on stoomtoevoer admission of steam the stops stoomtractie steam traction stootwerk buffing gear; stoomtrein zie stoomlocomotief  (gecombineerd stoot- en trek- stoomverdeling steam distribution; werk) combined draw and buffing valve gear (of a steam locomotive); gear  (regeling van de ~ ) timing of the stop stop; halt; valve gear;  (facultatieve ~ ) optional stop;  ( ~ met bakschuiven) slide-valve  (het sein in de stand “ ~ ” brengen distribution; slide-valve gear; slide- ofwel herroepen) to place the signal valve motion; at “stop” or “danger”;  ( ~ met grote schuifslag) long  (het sein uit de stand “ ~ ” bren- stroke distribution; gen) to clear the signal; to pull off the  ( ~ met kleppen) poppet-valve dis- signal; tribution; poppet-valve gear; poppet-  (sein dat uit de stand ~ is) free as- valve motion; pect signal; legal aspect signal; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 205

 ( ~ volgens dienstregeling) service  (continu~ ) continuous tamping stop; machine; continuous action tamping  ( ~ wegens wachten op “blokvrij”) machine [CAT]; stop to maintain block distance;  (pneumatische ~ ) pneumatic tam-  (vaste ~ ) compulsory stop per; pneumatic packing machine; stopafstand vóór een sein stopping  (rechtspoor~ ) straight track tamp- distance in front of a signal ing machine; stopblok carstop; stop block; sup-  ( ~ die één dwarsligger tegelijk porting block; railstop; scotch block; kan onderstoppen) single bank tam- wheel chock; wheel stop; wagon per; inf single banker; form a tamp- stop block; ing machine fitted with one tamping  (beweegbaar ~ ) movable scotch bank per rail and capable of tamping block one sleeper at a time; stopbord dead signal; stop board; ±  ( ~ die twee dwarsliggers tegelijk fixed stop signal; kan onderstoppen) double bank  ( ~ met onderbord) stop board tamper; inf double banker; form a with supplementary sign tamping machine capable of tamping stop- en richtmachine tamping/li- two sleepers at the same time; ning machine  ( ~ die zowel op de rails als op de stopijzer tamping tine; tamping weg kan rijden) off-trackable tamper; head; inf tine Aust inf Brad™; stopkast  (wissel~ ) points and crossing  (van stopmachine) zie pickelkast tamping machine stopknop stopontspoorblok derailer; derailing  ( ~ voor tractiemotor op diesel- stop; scotch block; ± derailing block; elektrische loc) motor cut-out switch ± stop block; derailing device; Am stop-, licht- en richtmachine (auto- derail; Am wheel crowder; Am inf matic) tamper-leveller-liner toad stopmachine stoppen  (voor ballast) mechanical tamper;  ( ~ van trein op station) to stop; tamping machine; track tamping ma- form to call; chine (to compact ballast under the deze trein zal ~ op alle tussengele- sleepers); form tamping and lining gen stations this train will stop/call at machine; ballast tamper; packing all stations in between; machine; Am tamper; Br inf shrimp; deze trein stopt niet op tussengele- Br inf Plasser™; inf Unimat™; inf gen stations this train will not stop/ Matisa™; Br inf Jack Pak™; Br inf call at stations in between; Waltzing Matilda; Br inf whirlybird; deze trein zal worden omgeleid en  (aansturingssysteem van ~ ) Au- niet ~ op station Schiphol this train tomatic Lining Control [ALC]; will be diverted and not stop/call at  (automatische licht- en ~ ) auto- Schiphol Airport; matic tamping and levelling machine;  ( ~ van de ballast onder de spoor- automatic tamping and regulating baan, handmatig) packing of the bal- machine; last; (track) packing;  ( ~ van de ballast onder de spoor- baan, machinaal) tamping of the bal- Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 206

last; (track) tamping; form to com- afgevallen door de gerelateerde stop pact ballast under the sleepers; van de trein in Britain, rule G 7 en-  ( ~ vóór het sein) to stop short of ables a driver to pass a (defective) the signal automatic signal at danger after re- stopper(tje) zie stoptrein setting a tripcock arm which has stopping stop; been knocked off by the related train  (plotselinge of ruwe ~ , met een stop; schok tot stilstand komen) sudden de trein mag dan zeer langzaam in stop; abrupt stop; beweging gebracht worden, waarbij  (verschoven ~ t.a.v. stoptonend de machinist moet kunnen stoppen sein, dat voorbij gereden mag wor- voor elke belemmering, en waarbij den met de verplichting snelheid te de normale snelheid niet eerder mag verminderen tot rijden op zicht en worden hervat dan bij het bereiken rekenen op stop) stop at a signal van een veilig sein the train may placed at a distance from a station then be moved very slowly, with its stopplaatssein zie blauwe lamp driver ready to stop at any obstruc- stopstabbam tion, not resuming normal speed until  (combinatie van stopmachine, a clear signal is reached ballast-stabilisator en ballast-afwerk- stoptonend sein danger signal; stop machine) combined working of me- signal; absolute stop signal; signal at chanical tamper, ballast stabilizer danger; illegal aspect signal; form and ballast profiler signal in the stop position; stop posi- stoptonend tion of the signal; stop aspect of the  (van sein) stop aspect; stop signal signal; the signal is ‘On’; form signal aspect; form most restrictive aspect requiring a train to come to an abso- stoptonend armsein stop position lute stop; signal displaying danger of the semaphore signal; stop aspect (‘On’) indication; red aspect (rood of the semaphore; form horizontal seinbeeld); inf red signal; inf red (position of) quadrant signal; form a light; Am inf red board; Am inf red semaphore signal showing the signal eye; arm in the horizontal position and the  (aanwijzing ~ ) train order to pass red spectacle glass illuminated a signal at danger; stoptonend lichtsein a colour light  (het sein is uit de stand stop) the signal showing a red / stop aspect; signal is pulled ‘Off’; form a signal in the ‘On’ position  (aanblik van een emplacement bij stoptonend P-sein automatic signal nacht, met veel rode seinen) Am inf at danger; permissive signal at dan- strawberry patch; form a yard at ger; night with many red signal lamps vi-  (handelen volgens handboek bij sible; ~ ) to pass an automatic signal at  (voorbijrijden / passeren van een danger under ‘stop and proceed ~ ) to pass a signal on red; overrun- (rule)’; ning of a signal (at danger); passing in Groot-Brittannië stelt reglement G a signal in the stop position; running 7 de machinist in staat om een past a stop signal; form Signal (defect) P-sein te passeren na het Passed At Danger [SPAD]; Br inf to resetten van een remhendel, die is hit a stick; Am inf to run a board Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 207

stoptrein all-stations service; Br  (sein- en wissel~ ) signal and stopping passenger train; Br Class 2 switch failure; train; inf slow train; inf local passen-  (sein~ ) signal(ling) failure; defec- ger train; Am inf accommodation tive working of signals; Br inf stick train; inf All Stations; Am inf plug run; trouble; Br District Line train; Br inf clock-  (spontane ~ ) instantaneous fail- work; inf stopping train; Br inf slow ure; stopvoet  ( ~ aan systeem) system failure;  (van stopmachine) zie pickel  ( ~ aan trein) breakdown; train storing breakdown;  (ATB-baan~ ) defective lineside  ( ~ in spoorstroomloop) track cir- train control system, with signal(s) cuit failure [TCF]; indicating either a higher or lower  (stroom~ ) power failure; electrical speed than circumstances allow; failure; power supply problems; Br inf  (ATB-beschikbaarheids~ ) defec- Daylight Saving; tive lineside train control system, in-  (stroomvoorzienings~ ) power fail- dicating a lower speed than circum- ure; power supply problems; form e- stances allow; lectric power supply failure;  (ATB-materieel~ ) cab signal  (technische ~ ) technical problem; displaying either a higher or lower technical failure; speed than the lineside signal al-  (vanwege een eerdere ~ ) due to lows; faulty TPWS on-board equip- an earlier failure; ment; ± faulty cab warning system;  (voedings~ ) power failure; form  (ATB-veiligheids~ aan de baan) electric power supply failure; defective train control system with  (wissel- en sein~ ) switch and sig- the lineside signal indicating a higher nal failure; speed than circumstances allow,  (wissel~ ) switch failure; points causing a dangerous situation; failure  (ATB-veiligheids~ aan het rollend storingsdienst fault-clearing ser- materieel) cab signal displaying a vice; repair service; higher maximum speed than the  ( ~ van het Seinwezen) fault- lineside signal allows; faulty TPWS clearing service; inf loose gang; on-board equipment; ± faulty cab  ( ~ voor rollend materieel; grond- warning system; dienst) Br assistance to failed trains  (bedrijfs~ ) operating trouble; [AFT]  (brug~ ) bridge malfunction; storingsmonteur  (computer~ ) computer failure;  ( ~ voor rollend materieel) rolling  (localisering van een ~ ) localiza- stock repair man; rolling stock ser- tion of a fault; localization of a failure; viceman; Br form assistance to failed  (opheffing van een ~ ) breakdown trains [AFT]; Br inf bogie man; ± Am repairs; breakdown service; inf carman; Am inf car whack; Am inf  (overweg~ ) crossing malfunction; tonk; Am inf car toad; Am inf car tink- faulty crossing; tonk;  (rijrichtings~ ) directional interlock-  ( ~ van het Seinwezen) track man; ing failure; Br keyman; form Signalling Techni- Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 208

cian; infrastructure technician; Am  (losse ~ , op afzonderlijke stoelen signal maintainer of platen bevestigd) check rail held in storingsoorzaak cause of a disturb- position with check chairs ance strijkspoorstaaf storingstijd downtime;  ( ~ van een wissel) outer straight  (gemiddelde ~ ) mean downtime lead rail storingsveilig fail-safe strippenkaart stripe ticket; ticket storingsverklikker(lampje) failure strip; inf strip card; form a strip made indicator up of a number of tickets stremming wegens versperring stroefmakende gel voor glad stoppage of traffic (due to obstruc- spoor sandite; form rail adhesion tion) compound; Am form a sand and anti- strijdige rijwegen conflicting routes; freeze gel applied to the rail head to incompatible routes; form routes that improve traction and/or braking dur- are opposing, converging or inter- ing the leaf fall season; Br form a vis- secting, over which movements can- cous gel containing sand (to assist not be made simultaneously without wheel-rail adhesion) and stainless possibility of collision steel (to maintain the shunting of strijkregel guide rail; wheel guide track circuits by wheelsets) rail; guard rail; check rail; raised stroom check rail; flangeway; form wing rail,  (aanloop~ in de bediening van at the open space in a crossing, elektrische voertuigen) pick-up cur- which prevents derailment; form a rent; current before notching; rail provided alongside a running rail  (draai~ ofwel driefasenwissel~ ) to give guidance to flanged wheels three-phase current; rotary current; by restricting lateral movement of the  (éénfase~ ) single-phase current; wheels;  (Foucaultse ~ ) Eddy current [EC];  (afstand tussen binnenkant spoor-  (gecodeerde spoor~ ) coded staaf en binnenkant van de ~ beho- track-circuit current; rende bij de tegenoverliggende  (gelijk~ ) direct current [DC]; spoorstaaf, ofwel spoorwijdte min  (pulserende spoor~ ) impulse groefwijdte) space between opera- track-circuit current; tive face of check rail and running  (spoor~ ) track circuit current; edge of further rail in a crossing;  (stuur~ ) control current;  (afstand tussen de binnenkanten  (tractie~ ) traction current; Br inf van de tegenover elkaar liggende ~s juice; in een kruising) back-to-back space  (tweefasenwissel~ ) two-phase in a crossing; form space between current; “operation” face of wing rail and ope-  (wervel~ ) Eddy current [EC]; rative face of opposite check rail;  (wissel~ ) alternating current [AC];  (bevestigde ~ ) check rail with  (zwak~ ) weak current check block and bolt fastenings; stroomafname  (hoorn van de ~ in een kruising)  ( ~ van bovenleiding) current col- opening of wing rails in a crossing; lection;  ( ~ middels derde rail) third-rail current collection Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 209 stroomafnemer stroomrail  ( ~ bovenop elektrisch treinstel of  (bovenleiding op spoorbruggen) elektrische locomotief) pantograph; overhead conductor rail; overhead ; bow collector; top current rail; contact; Br inf panto; Br inf pan;  ( ~ voor stroomvoorziening van de  ( ~ van metro; sleepstuk) plough; metro; derde rail) third rail; electrified contact shoe; collector shoe; con- third rail; bottom-contact third rail; ductor rail shoe; form a bar for col- Am power rail; conduit track; live rail; lecting current from a conductor rail, slot rail; conductor rail; Conductor along which it slides; form shoe and Rail Equipment [CRE]; current rail; mounting; form a system whereby box-beam; Br inf pozzy rail; Br inf power is picked up through a shoe juice rail; ± ground-level power sup- operating downward against the top ply; of the current rail; Br inf pigtail  (klem van ~ ) conductor rail an- stroomafnemerraam bow frame chor stroomafneming power collection; stroomrailcollector third-rail collec- collection of current tor; contact shoe; collector shoe; stroomkring circuit; electric circuit; conductor rail shoe; plough; slipper-  (controle~ ) checking circuit; pro- holder; Br inf pigtail ving circuit; stroomsterkte amperage; current;  (hoofd~ van elektrische locomo- current flow; strength; tief) power circuit; main circuit; trac-  (bedrijfs~ , of de ~ in de tractie- tion circuit; stroomkring) normal operating am-  (hulp~ ) auxiliary circuit; perage; normal operating current;  (onderbreken van ~ ) to open a normal operating strength circuit; stroomstoring power failure; electri-  (oscillerende ~ ) oscillating circuit; cal failure; power supply problems;  (primaire ~ ) primary circuit; Br inf Daylight Saving  (rem~ ) brake-current circuit; stroomtoevoer current supply  (secundaire ~ ) secondary circuit; stroomvoorziening power supply;  (spoor~ ) track circuit [TC]; current current supply track circuit; Am bond wire; stroomvoorzieningssectie power  (stuur~ ) control circuit; supply section  (tractie~ ) traction circuit; stroomvoorzieningsstoring electric  (veiligheids~ ) protective circuit power supply failure stroomloos de-energized; without STS current  (voorbijrijden van stoptonend stroomloze brug dewired (railway) sein) overrunning of a signal at dan- bridge; form railway bridge with an ger; passing a signal in the stop po- electrical gap; sition; running past a stop signal;  (bovenleidingbeveiliging bij een  (ten onrechte een sein voorbijrij- ~ ) auto dropper; pan catcher den) to overrun a signal; stroomloze situatie dewirement  (passeren van een stoptonend sein, met aanwijzing ~ ) train order to pass a signal at danger; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 210

 ( ~ per ongeluk; doorschieten) to subballastlaag overrun a signal at danger; to ignore  (laag van asfaltbeton onder het a signal; form Signal(s) Passed At ballastbed) underlayment Danger [SPAD]; Br inf to hit a stick; supplement Am inf to run a board;  (aanvullingsplaatsbewijs) supple-  ( ~ als bewuste handeling, bijv. na mentary ticket; additional ticket een lastgeving ~ ) to pass a signal at suppletiebiljet change of class danger; Br inf to trip past; voucher  (per ongeluk vertrekken door rood SWID uitrijsein) accidentally start against a  (Seinwezen InstallatieDossier) red signal; form file containing Cable Route  (handelen volgens handboek bij Plans [CRP] and Approval and Is- stoptonend P-sein) to pass an auto- sues Records [AIR] (documents matic signal at danger under ‘stop used to describe modifications, ver- and proceed (rule)’ sions and approvals during the sig- stukgoed(eren) general cargo; nalling design process) packaged goods; SWOD stukgoederen worden vervoerd in  (Seinwezen OverzichtsDossier) kisten, kratten, vaten of balen gene- form file containing track and yard ral cargo is transported in boxes, alignment drawings, Return Circuit crates, barrels or bags Plans [RCP], and Aspect Sequence stuk spoorstaaf rail section Charts [ASC] sturing geven van een wissel zie symmetrisch wissel symmetrical omleggen points; symmetrical switch; split stuurcontroller manually-operated switch; equal split switch; inf split switchgroup; master controller turnout stuurklep control valve stuurrelais  (J-relais, o.a. in gebruik als keer- automaat voor rijweginstelling) con- trol relay stuurstand control stand stuurstandrijtuig control trailer; dri- ving trailer [DT, DTCO, DTF, DTS]; cab car; driving cab car; Driving Van Trailer [DVT]; Am “A” unit; Am form unmotored car with driving cab; Br form a car devoid of traction equip- ment but fitted with a driving cab; Br form an unpowered rail vehicle having a driving cab at one end stuurstroomcontroller pilot control- ler stuurstroomkring control circuit Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 211

T tankplaat  ( ~ voor dieseltreinen) fuelling point; form refuelling installation taakgroep grade; tanktransportwagen tank transpor-  (anciënniteit in de ~ ) seniority in ter; form a wagon adapted to carry the grade army tanks tableau tankwagon zie ketelwagen  (bedienings~ ) instrument board; tarief control panel;  ( ~ m.b.t. reizigersvervoer) fare;  (optisch controle~ ofwel signale-  (aanhangsel tot een ~ ) appendix rings~ met lampindicatie) illuminated to a tariff; diagram; visual control panel;  (basis~ ) basic fare;  (sporen~ ) track diagram;  (basis~ kaartje) ordinary ticket;  ( ~ op de seinzaal) signal board;  (gemiddeld ~ ) average fare; signal switchboard; push-button sig-  (gereduceerd ~ ) discount fare; nalling apparatus; signal box; Signal-  (kaartje tegen trein~ ) excess fare ling Display System [SDS]; Signal- ticket; ling Control System [SCS]; signalling  (normaal ~ ) basic fare; control desk; form signal apparatus  (overgangs~ ) coordinated dis- with push-button geographical cir- count fare; cuitry; inf Power Box (deze term  (speciaal ~ ) special fare; wordt ook gebruikt ter aanduiding  ( ~aanpassing) tariff amendment; van het systeem Integra™); Power  ( ~verlaging) tariff reduction; Signal Box [PSB]; ± power frame;  (trein~ ) excess fare  ( ~ voor centrale bediening) cen- tarieven tralized control panel  ( ~ m.b.t. goederenvervoer) rail- talud slope; embankment; incline; way rates; freight rates;  (hellingshoek van het ~ ) gradient  ( ~ m.b.t. reizigersvervoer) fare; of slope; angle of slope; railway fare;  (rand van het ~ ) crest of slope  (marge~ ) bracket tariffs tandrad cogwheel TAWA tandradbaan rack railway; rack rail;  (tijdelijke automatische waarschu- cog railway; form rack-and-pinion wingsapparatuur bij werkzaamhe- railway den) movable automatic warning tandradlocomotief rack-rail locomo- device tive; rack locomotive technische problemen technical tandradspoorweg zie tandradbaan problems; tandwiel cogwheel deze trein zal wegens ~ niet rijden tankinstallatie refuelling installation this train will not run due to technical tanklocomotief (steam) tank loco- problems motive; tank engine; form a steam lo- Technische Specificaties voor In- comotive that carries its water in one teroperabiliteit Technical Specifica- or more on-board water tanks; tions for Interoperability [TSI];  ( ~ met kraan) crane tank [CT];  ( ~ m.b.t. de subsystemen “Bestu- form a steam tank locomotive fitted ring en Seingeving” van het spoor- with a crane wegsysteem in de Europese Unie) Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 212

Technical Specifications for Interope- rability relating to the subsystem rability relating to the “Control-Com- “Rolling Stock – Noise” [TSI-NOI]; mand and Signalling” subsystems of  ( ~ m.b.t. het subsysteem “Rol- the rail system in the European lend Materieel – Goederenwagens” Union [TSI-CCS]; van het spoorwegsysteem in de Eu-  ( ~ m.b.t. de toegankelijkheid van ropese Unie) Technical Specifica- het spoorwegsysteem in de Unie tions for Interoperability relating to voor gehandicapten en personen the “Rolling Stock – Freight Wagons” met beperkte mobiliteit) Technical subsystem of the rail system in the Specifications for Interoperability re- European Union [TSI-WAG]; lating to accessibility of the Union’s  ( ~ m.b.t. het subsysteem “Rol- rail system for persons with disabili- lend Materieel – Locomotieven en ties and persons with reduced mobi- Reizigerstreinen” van het spoorweg- lity [TSI-PRM]; systeem in de Europese Unie) Tech-  ( ~ m.b.t. het subsysteem “Ener- nical Specifications for Interoperabili- gie” van het spoorwegsysteem in de ty relating to the “Rolling Stock – Lo- Europese Unie) Technical Specifica- comotives and Passenger Rolling tions for Interoperability relating to Stock” subsystem of the rail system the “Energy” subsystem of the rail in the European Union [TSI-L&P]; system in the European Union [TSI-  ( ~ m.b.t. het subsysteem “Tele- ENE]; maticatoepassingen ten dienste van  ( ~ m.b.t. het subsysteem “Exploi- passagiers” van het trans-Europees tatie en Verkeersleiding” van het spoorwegsysteem) Technical Speci- spoorwegsysteem in de Europese fications for Interoperability relating Unie) Technical Specifications for In- to the subsystem “Telematics appli- teroperability relating to the “Opera- cations for passenger services” of tion and Traffic Management” sub- the trans-European rail system [TSI- system of the rail system in the Euro- TAP]; pean Union [TSI-OPE];  ( ~ m.b.t. het subsysteem “Tele-  ( ~ m.b.t. het subsysteem “Infra- maticatoepassingen voor goederen- structuur” van het spoorwegsysteem vervoer” van het spoorwegsysteem in de Europese Unie) Technical Spe- in de Europese Unie) Technical Spe- cifications for Interoperability for the cifications for Interoperability relating “Infrastructure” subsystem of the rail to the “Telematics applications for system in the European Union [TSI- freight” subsystem of the rail system INF]; in the European Union [TSI-TAF];  ( ~ m.b.t. het subsysteem “Onder-  ( ~ m.b.t. Veiligheid in Spoortun- houd” van het trans-Europees hoge- nels van het spoorwegsysteem in de snelheidsspoorwegsysteem) Techni- Europese Unie; Veiligheidseisen cal Specifications for Interoperability Spoortunnels) Technical Specifica- relating to the “Maintenance” subsys- tions for Interoperability relating to tem of the trans-European high- the Safety in Railway Tunnels of the speed rail system [TSI-HS]; rail system of the European Union  ( ~ m.b.t. het subsysteem “Rol- [TSI-SRT] lend Materieel – Geluidsemissies”) technische storing technical failure; Technical Specifications for Interope- door een ~ is er geen treinverkeer Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 213 mogelijk tussen Haarlem en Leiden to allow signaller and train driver to due to a technical failure there is no communicate safety critical infor- train service possible between Haar- mation; ± Br Railway Telephone lem and Leiden [RAILTEL] project; tegenaan  (kanaalomschakelbord voor de ~ )  (loc tegen trein zetten, ofwel ‘er ~ Br Cab Secure Radio Channel sign; zetten’; aankoppelen van de locomo- Br CSR Channel sign; form a line- tief voor de trein) coupling of the side sign telling the driver to change locomotive on head of train; inf to the channel on their Cab Secure back down Radio to the number shown tegengestelde rijrichting direction telescoopkraan telescopic crane; Br opposite to that of the (train) traffic inf Iron Fairy™ tegenover elkaar tenderlocomotief tank locomotive;  (twee treinen ~ ) opposing trains; tank engine; Am double end locomo- deadlock tive; form steam locomotive which tegenovergestelde wissels contra- carries its own fuel and water flexure switches; form opposite flex- ten onrechte bezetspoormelding ure switches; form switches in which Shows Occupied When Clear the curves of the diverging tracks are [SOWC] of opposite direction or hand; inf off terugreis return journey; homeward the back; inf off the outside journey tegenspoor terugzetten  (contre-voie) contraflow working;  ( ~ van trein) to set (the train) Wrong line working; form a reversal back; to move (the train) back; of the normal direction of working on  (het ~ ) backing movement; a railway  (teruggezette trein) backed-up tegenstrijdige signalen opposing train signals; form wayside signals which testrit operational demonstration; inf govern train movements in opposite test run directions on the same track thermietlas thermit welded rail joint; tegentrein train passing in opposite form aluminothermic welded joint direction; train running in opposite thermietlassen thermite welding direction; Am opposing train [TW]; thermit welding tekort aan materieel shortage of rol- tijd time; ling stock de trein is op ~ the train is on time; tekort aan personeel shortage of treinen rijden niet op ~ , maar op staff rails trains don’t run on time, but on telefoon bij seinpaal signal post te- rails; en als ze dan op ~ rijden, dan lephone [SPT]; form a telephone is dat perron-geluk and if they do run near to a signal post which allows on time, that is a platform for happi- contact to be made with the control- ness; ling signalbox only  (aan- en afvoer~ ) access time; telegraafpaal telegraph pole  (aankomst~ ) arrival time; time of Telerail train radio; driver to con- arrival; troller radio; Br Cab Secure Radio  (afvoer~ ) egress time; [CSR]; form a radio system provided  (bedrijfs~ ) vehicle time; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 214

 (beschikbaarheids~ ) periods of  (op ~ ofwel ‘plus nul’) on time; availability; according timetable; Am inf on the  (doorkomst~ ) (intermediate) pas- advertised; sing time;  (overgangs~ ; interval tussen  (elektronische wacht~ ) delay treinen) time between trains; form time; interval between trains; Br margin;  (feitelijke rij~ ) actual driving time;  (overstap~ ) transfer time;  (gemiddelde storings~ ) mean  (reis~ ) travelling time; journey downtime; time; trip time; form elapsed journey  (gemiddelde vertragings~ ) mean time; form overall travel time; form time of delay [MTOD]; in-motion time;  (geplande ~ van aankomst) sche-  (reserve rij~ ) contingency time; duled time of arrival; form the difference between the mi-  (geplande ~ van vertrek) sche- nimum vehicle trip time and the duled time of departure; scheduled trip time for the purpose  (geschatte ~ van aankomst) esti- of compensating for any delays; mated time of arrival [ETA];  (rij~ ) in-motion time; wheel tur-  (geschatte ~ van vertrek) estima- ning time; running time; travelling ted time of departure [ETD]; time; driving time;  (instel~ van een rijweg) route-  (rust~ ) rest period; setting time;  (storings~ ) downtime;  (inzet~ ) pull-out time; form the  (verblijf~ van wagens) standing time at which the train driver must time (of wagons); leave the yard or depot to begin his  (vertragings~ ) time of delay run; [TOD];  (keer~ ) layover time; form the  (vertrek~ ) time of departure; de- time allowed at the end points of a parture time; Am inf shining time; line between arrival and departure  (wacht~ ) waiting time for turning the vehicles, recovery of tijdbesparend time-saving delays, preparing for the return trip, tijdelijk enkelspoor temporary sing- and ensuring passenger connec- le track tions; tijdelijke snelheidsbeperking Tem-  (laad~ ) loading (lead) time; porary Speed Restriction [TSR];  (noodrem reactie~ ) emergency Temporary Restriction of Speed brake reaction time; form the time [TRS]; Emergency Speed Restriction elapsed between the happening of [ESR]; Br Emergency Restriction of an emergency and the moment Speed [ERS, EROS]; when full emergency deceleration is in Groot-Brittannië wordt een ~ opge- reached, including reaction and legd om de veiligheid van treinen te brake response time; handhaven wanneer de toestand van  (omloop~ ) round-trip time; cycle; de baan verslechtert of als de berijd-  (omloop~ van een wissel) point baarheid van een brug dit vereist, en operating time; ook als veiligheidsmaatregel voor  (omloop~ van materieel) turn- personeel door treinen langzamer te round time; turnaround time; laten rijden bij werkzaamheden in Britain, a Temporary Speed Restric- Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 215

tion is imposed to maintain the safety reporting numbers through a train of trains when the track quality dete- describer); ± Br Train Running Sys- riorates or the integrity of a bridge is tem [TRUST] (a British Rail compu- doubtful, and also as a personnel ter system) safety measure by reducing train toedeling speeds past work sites;  ( ~ van infracapaciteit) assign-  (punt waar een ~ begint) com- ment; mencement [C]; form the point at  (alles-of-niets ~ ) all-or-nothing which a temporary speed restriction assignment; begins;  (capaciteitsbeperkte ~ ) capacity  (punt waar een ~ eindigt) termina- restrained assignment [CRA] tion [T]; form the point at which a toedelingsplan assignment plan temporary speed restriction ends toegang tijdgebrek lack of time  ( ~ tot de perrons) access to plat- tijdnood time shortage forms; tijdrelais  ( ~ tot een rijtuig) access to a  ( ~ van overweg) time delay relay; coach; time-lag relay; timer relay  ( ~ tot het spoorwegterrein) ac- tijdrijden time-trialling cess to railway premises; tijdrovend time-consuming  (Bewijs van T~ tot Spoorweg- tijdsafstand time distance terreinen; BvT) admission pass to tijdsdruk pressure of time railway premises; ± yard admission tijdsduur length of time; pass; ± railway identity card; ±  ( ~ spoorgebruik) railway clear- authority card ance time toegangsdraaihek fare registering tijdsein time signal turnstile tijdslimiet time-limit; deadline toeleidend spoor entry line tijdstip (point in) time toerentalregelaar tijdverlies loss of time  (op diesellocomotief) governor; tijdverspilling waste of time engine speed limiter; engine speed tijd/wegdiagram transport plotting governor; engine control governor; diagram; form diagram with a spider  (beschermingssysteem tegen te network on which the trips are hoog toerental) engine overspeed summed and plotted; governor  (lijn op ~ ) composite desire line toeslag supplement; express fare; tijdwijziging change of schedule excess fare; TNV voor deze trein geldt een ~ a sup-  (treinnummer volgsysteem) Train plement for this train is compulsory / Describer system [TD] (triggering required; route-setting, and operating indica- voor deze trein is een ~ verplicht for tors to show passengers the destina- this train a supplement is required; tions); train indicator system; train  (trein met verplichte ~ ) train for identification system; Br Automatic which a supplement is required; form Train Reporting [ATR] (an electronic train on which a supplement is system for reporting train move- payable ments based on the passage of train Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 216

toeslagbiljet supplement; supple- Area Civil Engineer [ACE]; ± Regio- ment ticket nal Civil Engineer [RCE]; ± Area toestand baan condition of track Mechanical and Electrical Engineer [COT]; [AM&EE]  (slechte toestand van de baan) Trackmobile™ zie rail/wegvoertuig distorted track; poor condition of the tractie motive power; track; Am bad rail conditions;  (dubbele ~ , ofwel gekoppeld rij-  (snelheidsbeperking vanwege ~ ) den van locomotieven, elk bediend condition of track speed restriction door een machinist; voorspan) dou- [COTR]; Br inf COT speed; form a ble heading; assisted running; paired speed restriction imposed because running of locomotives, each opera- of the poor condition of the track ted by a driver; form train hauled by toestemming spoorgebruik road two locomotives, each driven by its clearance; movement credit own crew toilet toilet; lavatory Tractie en Materieel tongen zie wisseltongen  (Dienst van ~ ) Mechanical and tonnageklassen voor wagenladin- Electrical Engineer’s Department gen tonnage conditions for complete tractiemotor traction motor; wagon loads  (stopknop voor ~ op diesel-elek- tonkilometer ton-kilometre; trische locomotief) motor cut-out  (beschikbare ~ ) ton-kilometre switch provided; tractieopzichter locomotive running  (getrokken bruto ~ ) gross ton- foreman kilometre trailing; tractiesleutel boss key  (netto ~ ) net ton-kilometre; tractiestroom traction current; Br inf  (tarief~ ) ton-kilometre charged; juice  (totale bruto ~ ) gross ton-kilome- tractiestroomkring traction circuit tre worked (including locomotive); tractiestroomnet traction system;  (vervoerde bruto ~ ) gross ton- traction network kilometre hauled tractie-uitval tonkilometervervoer revenue ton-  (trein met ~ ) drop out (of train kilometre [RTK] motors); Br inf dead tot nader order until further notice tractieverlies [UFN]  (trein met ~ ) a train suffering tracé Loss of Power [LOP]; a train losing  (spoorlijn) alignment; track layout; motive power; a train stalling motive  (route; dienstregelingspad) train power; Am inf dying train; path;  (trein die vanwege ~ alleen nog  ( ~ zonder baanbedekking) bal- met halve tractie kan rijden) Am drag last-free trackwork; form open track- traject work where the sleepers are suppor-  (afgelegde afstand) journey; run; ted directly by a concrete roadbed distance covered; tracébeheer permanent way ma-  (reisweg, route) trip; route; way; nagement  (spoorlijn) stretch of railway; Am tracébeheerder infrastructure mana- stem ger; permanent way manager; ± tram tram; tramcar; Am streetcar Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 217

trambaan tramway; Am street rail-  (ambulance~ ) ambulance train; way Red Cross train; tramrails grooved rails; broca rails;  (auto-slaap~ ) car-sleeper train; grooved girder rails; tramway rails;  (ballast~ ) ballast train; channel rails;  (beladen ~ ) loaded train;  (loopgroef in ~ voor de wielflen-  (buurtgoederen~ ) pick-up goods zen) flange way; flange groove train; slow goods train; tramweg tramway; Am street railway  (defecte ~ ) defective train; a train transformator transformer breakdown; faulty train; transformatorstation substation;  (doorgaande ~ ) express train; transformer station  (dubbeldeks~ ) Br Double Deck transitoverkeer transit traffic (passenger coach); Am Bi-Level; transport transport;  (eerste ~ van de dag; aanvang  (gecombineerd rail-weg~ ) com- reizigersdienst) first train (of the traf- bined road-rail transport; fic day); Br inf dead early;  (gecombineerd weg-rail~ ) Piggy-  (eerstvolgende ~ ) the next train; back transport; Am form transport of the next service; complete truck trailers on railroad  (elektrische ~ ) electric train; Br inf flatcars; silent death; inf spark; inf sparker; Br  (internationaal ~ ) transboundary inf sparkler; Br inf juicer; movement; form the transfer of  (erts~ ) ore train; mineral train; passengers and goods across  (even ~ ) up-train; even number national boundaries; train;  (multimodaal ~ ) multimodal trans-  (expres~ ) through train; express port; form carriage of goods by two train; Br express passenger train; Br or more modes of transport Class 1 train; ± intercity train; transportpeloton transport platoon  (extra ~ ) special train; transport weerstandswaarde  (facultatieve ~ ) optional train ser-  (onvolledige benutting) transport vice; special train; train run as a spe- impedance; disutility cial; transverse traversing beam; re-rail-  (foutief ingelegde ~ ) off sheet; ing bridge; traversing unit  (geblindeerde ~ ; pantser~ ) ar- transversekoppeling bridge coup- moured train; ling (used for joining together two re-  (gelede ~ ) articulated train; railing bridges); re-railing bridge con-  (gel~ ) rail adhesion train; Traction nection element Gel Applicator [TGA] vehicle; sandite treeplank footboard (of a railway vehicle [SDV]; Br sandite train; carriage); stepboard;  (gemengde goederen~ ) mixed  (korte ~ ; opstaptrede) step; tail freight train [MFT]; Am inf manifest; board; Am inf manifest freight;  (lange ~ ; loopplank) continuous  (gemengde ~ ) mixed traffic train; running board Am combination train; trefpunt  (gestrande ~ ) train in trouble;  ( ~ op het station) meeting point form train in difficulties; trein train; Br inf lift;  (getrokken ~ ) locomotive-hauled  (aansluitende ~ ) connecting train; train [LHT]; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 218

 (gewone ~ , ofwel ~ volgens  (luxe ~ met een naam, zoals de dienstregeling) regular train; form a Rheingold Express) named train; train specified in a timetable; crack train;  (goederen~ ) freight train; cargo  (magneet~ ) magnetic levitation train; Br goods train; Am inf rattler; train; inf maglev;  (goederen~ welke niet sneller  (meet- en inspectie~ ) inspection mag rijden dan 35 mijl per uur) Br and analysing unit; Class 8 train (deze aanduiding wordt  (meet~ ) testing coach; test train; ook gebruikt voor Britse werk-  (metro~ ) Br underground unit; treinen); Am subway car; Am inf washboard  (goederen~ welke tussen de 35 (zo genoemd vanwege de geribbelde en 45 mijl per uur mag rijden) Br zijkanten van veel Amerikaanse me- Class 7 train; trotreinen);  (goederen~ welke tussen de 45  (militaire ~ ) military train; en 60 mijl per uur mag rijden) Br  (militaire ~ ; pantser~ ) armoured Class 6 train; train;  (goederen~ welke sneller mag  (militaire ~ ; troepen~ ) troop train; rijden dan 75 mijl per uur) Br Class 3  (militaire ~ ; verlofgangers~ ) train (deze aanduiding wordt ook ge- leave train; bruikt voor Britse posttreinen);  (militaire ~ , voor vervoer van mili-  (hogesnelheids~ ) high-speed tair materieel) train carrying military train [HST]; equipment;  (hulp~ of ongevallen~ ) break-  (nacht~ ) night train; down train; Am wrecking train;  (naderende ~ ) oncoming train;  (inspectie~ ) inspection and analy-  (ombouw~ ) zie spoorombouw- sing unit; trein;  (internationale ~ ) international  (omgeleide ~ ) diverted train; train;  (onbemande ~ of op hol geslagen  (kabel~ ) cable train; form funicu- ~ ) a train moving without a driver on lar train; board; inf runaway train; Am coaster;  (kalk~ ) lime train; Am inf dirt Am inf wild cat; dauber (deze term wordt ook ge-  (oneven ~ ) down train; odd num- bruikt voor treinen die fosfaat ver- ber train; voeren);  (onkruidverdelgings~ ) weed-kil-  (kolen~ ) coal train; Am inf black ling train; snake; Am inf coal drag;  (ontspoorde ~ ) derailed train;  (laatste ~ van de reizigersdienst)  (opnieuw ingelegde ~ ) train (ser- last train of the traffic day; Br inf vice) running out of timetable order; dead late; off the book;  (leegmaterieel~ ; lege reizigers~ )  (overvolle reizigers~ ) overcrow- train of empty stock; inf Empty [ETY]; ded train; Br inf mega-wedged; form  (lege goederen~ ) a train of emp- an extremely overcrowded train; ties; Am drag; Am inf glory;  (passerende ~ ) run through; form  (luxe ~ ) de luxe train; train, intentionally passing a station platform because there is no sche- duled stop; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 219

over enkele minuten passeert langs  (spoorombouw~ ) track renewal spoor 5 een trein met hoge snelheid. train; Track Relaying Train [TRT]; Wilt u op veilige afstand van de per-  (sproei~ ) weed-killing train; ronrand blijven? in a few minutes will  (stoom~ ) zie stoomlocomotief; run through at platform five a train at  (stop~ ) all-stations service; Br high speed. Please stay at a safe stopping passenger train; Br Class 2 distance from the edge of the plat- train; inf slow train; inf stopping train; form; Am inf accommodation train; Am inf  (pendel~ ) shuttle-service train; plug run; Br District Line train; Br inf  (periodieke ~ ) non-regular train; clockwork;  (personeels~ ) personnel train;  (stukgoederen~ ) train hauling staff train; service train; form train for part-load traffic; Am less-than-car- personnel transport; load train [LCL];  (post~ ) mail train; Br Class 3  (tegen~ ) train passing in opposite train; Am inf Pony Express; direction; train running in opposite di-  (proef~ ) test train; rection; Am opposing train;  (reizigers~ ) passenger train; Am  (teruggezette ~ ) backed-up train; inf window train;  ( ~ die als personeel alleen de  (Robel-~ ) ± Continuous Welded machinist heeft) driver-only train Rail Train [CWRT, CWR Train]; ± [DOT, DO Train]; Long Welded Rail Train [LWRT,  ( ~ die uit louter locomotieven be- LWR Train]; form a rake of specially staat) a train of exclusively locomo- adapted rail vehicles capable of tives; Am inf overhaul; transporting long strings of rail to site  ( ~ met aan beide uiteinden een and unloading them using a gantry locomotief) a train with a loco at mounted grab system; each end; Br inf top and tail;  (samengestelde ~ ) permanently  ( ~ met drie diesellocs ervoor) Am coupled train; multiple unit [MU]; inf three-bagger; train set;  ( ~ met verplichte toeslag) train for  (schraap~ bij ijzel aan de boven- which a supplement is required; form leiding) de-icing car; ice scraper [IS]; train on which a supplement is pay- de-icing train; sleet locomotive; Br inf able; sleet brush; Br inf horse unit;  ( ~ met voorspan) double-headed  (seizoen~ ) seasonal service; train;  (slaap~ ) sleeping car train; inf  ( ~ volgens dienstregeling) regular sleeper; train;  (slijp~ ) rail grinder; rail grinding  ( ~ voor afvoer van afgewerkte train [RGT]; inf Speno™; Speno ballast) spoil train; train;  (trek/duw~ ) push-pull train; pull  (snel~ ) fast service; (semi-)fast and push train; push/pull formation; train; rapid train; through train; non- reversible train; stop train; Am inf dice train; Br inf  (ultrasoon~ ) ultrasonic inspection streaker; unit; Ultrasonic Test Unit [UTU];  (Speno slijp~ ) rail grinder; rail  (vee~ ) cattle train; Am stock train; grinding train [RGT]; inf Speno™;  (vertraagde ~ ) delayed train; train Speno™ train; not running to time; Br form out of Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 220

course train; Am form out of sche- treinbesturing train control; dule train;  (automatische ~ ) automatic train  (vervangende ~ ) substitute train; operation [ATO]  (videoschouw~ ) (mobile) video treinbestuurder zie machinist inspection unit; treinbeweging train movement;  (volbelaste ~ of geheel bezette ~ )  ( ~ op hoofdspoor) mainline fully-loaded train; movement;  (volg~ ) relief train; extra train; Am  (conflicterende ~en) conflicting second section train; Am conditional movements; form any movement of train; Am form extra section train fol- two trains that would force them to lowing the regular train; occupy the same section of track; inf  (voorstads~ ) suburban train; Am conflicting moves; commuter train;  (niet-toegestane ~ , bijv. wanneer  (voor tijd rijdende ~ ) train not run- een trein gaat rijden zonder dat er ning to time; Br form out of course een rijweg voor is ingesteld) un- train; Am form out of schedule train; authorised movement; form a train  (voor~ ) relief train; extra train; Am movement which has not been form extra section train preceding authorised by the signaller and for the regular train; which there is no route set  (vuilnis~ ) garbage train; Br inf treinbotsing zie aanrijding bin-liner; treinbrief railway letter  (werk~ ) engineer’s train; work(s) treinbriefzegel railway letter stamp train; permanent way train; Br Class treinchef zie hoofdconducteur 8 train; treinconducteur zie conducteur  (zware goederen~ ) heavy freight treincontrole zie kaartcontrole train; Am inf drag; Am inf jigger; treincontroleur zie conducteur  (zweef~ ) magnetic levitation train; treincoupé zie coupé inf maglev treindeel part of a train; part of the treinaankondiging train; train section; set of coaches;  (automatische ~ ) automatic raft of wagons; raft of coaches; rake advice of the approach of a train; of wagons; train set; form section of  (inrichting voor ~ ) train describer; a train; Br inf cut;  (telefonische ~ ) telephonic advice  (het achterste ~ ) the rear part of treinaansluiting zie spoorwegaan- the train; form the rear section of the sluiting train; treinaanwijzer  (het laatste ~ ) the rear part of the  (centrale ~ op het perron) zie CTA train; form the rear section of the treinabonnement zie abonnement train; treinassistent (train) attendant; fare  (het voorste ~ ) the front part of collector; (assistant) ticket inspector; the train; form the front section of the Br guard; railway guard; Br inf (assis- train tant) gripper; Br inf ticket snapper treindepot train depot; shed; loco treinbalkon vestibule area (of a rail- shed; running shed; engine shed; way car) Motive Power Depot [MPD] treinbegeleider zie conducteur treindetectie train detection; train treinbeïnvloeding zie ATB appearing on the track diagram; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 221

track circuit indication; form the proof  (belemmering van de ~ ) obstruc- of the presence or absence of trains tion to running; traffic interruption; on a defined section of line; Br inf to  (volgen van de ~ ) supervision of drop on (of a train); train running  (geen ~ ; ten onrechte geen be- treinensloperij zie treinsloperij zetspoormelding) false clear; form an treinfanaat zie spoorwegfanaat incorrect track circuit indication given treinferry ; Am railroad fer- when a track circuit shows clear but ry a train is present on the track at that treinfrequentie frequency of trains location; treingeleider zie conducteur  (radiografische ~ ) wireless train treingewicht weight of a train; detection;  ( ~ exclusief krachtvoertuig) ton-  ( ~systeem) train detection sys- nage of a train; tem  (netto ~ ) payload; net weight treindichtheid frequency of trains hauled; treindienst train service; train run-  (totaal ~ ) total gross load of a ning; timing (of trains); running (of train trains); treinkaartje zie vervoerbewijs  (hervatting van de ~ ) Normal treinkaper train hijacker Working Resumed [NWR] treinkaping train hijacking; hijacking treindienstleider Br rail(way) traffic of a train; controller [RTC]; traffic controller; de ~ bij De Punt the train hijacking at signaller; Am dispatcher; Am train De Punt; dispatcher; Am inf towerman; Br inf de kaping van een trein bij Wijster in brains; Br inf controller; Am inf 1975 was de eerste ~ ter wereld the moving spirit; inf signalman; Dutch train hostage crisis near the een ~ gaat over de seingeving en is village of Wijster in 1975 was the first verantwoordelijk voor de veilige en train hijacking in the world efficiënte uitvoering van de treinen- treinkelner loop in een bepaald gebied a rail  (medewerker van railtender- traffic controller is in charge of rail- service) catering attendant circula- way signalling and responsible for ting on train; train steward; the safe and efficient operation of the  (medewerker in restauratierijtuig) railway within an assigned territory; dining car steward; rail catering at-  ( ~ op knooppunt of groot station) tendant Am station inspector treinkenmerk train description code treindienstleiding rail(way) traffic treinkilometer train-kilometre; form control unit of measure representing the treindienstreglement Traffic In- movement of a train over one kilo- structions; traffic regulations metre trein door rood zie STS treinlading train-load trein(en)freak zie spoorwegfanaat treinleiding air brake (system); train treinenloop train service; train run- line; air brake pipe [ABP]; form the ning; timing (of trains); running (of complete system of brake pipes trains); through a train; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 222

 (de ~ vullen) to fill the brake; to re- railway accident in the history of the charge the air reservoirs (in a train); Netherlands; Br inf to pump up de ~ bij Harmelen zorgde voor ver- treinlocalisatie train detection snelde invoering van het ATB-sys- treinmachinist zie machinist teem bij de Nederlandse Spoorwe- treinmaterieel zie spoorwegmate- gen the Harmelen train disaster rieel spurred the installation on Dutch rail- trein met voorspan double-headed ways of the system of automatic train train protection known as ATB treinnummer train running number; treinrapport journey report set number; train identifier; Am Train treinregelaar zie treindienstleider ID; ± train number; Br Train Descrip- treinregeling zie dienstregeling tion [TD]; train description number treinreiziger train passenger [TDN]; Br Train Reporting Number; treinroof train robbery  (militair ~ ) train identification treinrover train robber number treinsabotage zie spoorwegsabota- treinnummermelder train identifica- ge tion system treinsamenstelling consist; form the treinnummer volgsysteem zie TNV consist of a train; treinongeluk train crash; Am train  ( ~ van goederentrein) trainload; wreck; rail(way) accident; form a train composition; type of disaster involving one or  ( ~ van reizigerstrein) (train) for- more trains mation; Am (train) consist; treinopvolging sequence of trains; deze trein heeft vandaag een andere headway; form interval between two samenstelling dan gebruikelijk this trains train will run in a different formation treinpad today;  (in plan of dienstregeling) train deze trein heeft vandaag een andere path; form an allocation in the work- rijtuigvolgorde this train will run in a ing timetable for a train of a particu- different formation today; lar type, but which may not necessa- deze trein is korter dan gebruikelijk rily run; form planned routing and ti- this train is of reduced length; ming of a train over specific lines; inf  (omgekeerde ~ ) reverse forma- path; tion  (goederenpad in dienstregeling) treinschakeling multiple unit opera- freight path tion; multiple-unit train control [MU]; treinpersoneel train crew;  (in ~ rijden) zie multiple rijden  (lid van het ~ ) member of the treinsloperij train-breaking yard train crew; inf guard treinsoort type of train treinramp train disaster; rail disas- treinspotter train spotter; Br inf Ano- ter; rak; inf track basher; Am inf fucking de ~ bij Harmelen in 1962 was het rail nut [FRN]; Am inf Roster Shooter ernstigste treinongeluk in de Neder- treinstel multiple unit [MU]; multiple landse geschiedenis the Harmelen unit set; motor train unit [MTU]; (mo- train disaster of 1962 was the worst tor) train set; motor set; form reversi- ble motor-coach train; rail motor set; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 223

motor-coach train set; Am railcar; decorate; Am inf to ride the rods; Am form a set of coaches; inf train unit; inf to ride high; Am inf catching out; inf unit; Br inf bug unit; Br inf Flying form to travel on the roof of a train; Bananas;  ( ~ op een goederentrein) riding  (diesel-elektrisch ~ ) diesel elec- on the outside of a freight train; Am tric multiple unit [DEMU]; freight hopping  (diesel-hydraulisch ~ ) diesel hy- treinsurfer train hopper; train surfer; draulic multiple unit [DHMU]; Am inf deckhand  (diesel-mechanisch ~ ) diesel me- treinsurveillant (train) attendant; chanical multiple unit [DMMU]; fare collector; (assistant) ticket in-  (diesel~) diesel multiple unit spector; Br guard; railway guard; Br [DMU]; Br inf killer; Br inf bog unit; Br inf (assistant) gripper; Br inf ticket inf bog standard; Br inf boggo; Br inf snapper bug unit; treintarief excess fare;  (elektrisch ~ ) electric multiple unit  (kaartje tegen ~ ) excess fare tic- [EMU]; electric train; Am electric rail- ket car; Br inf lecky; treintoilet lavatory (cubicle); Br inf een elektrisch ~ bestaande uit twee fairy glen bakken a two-car EMU (electric mul- treinveerboot zie treinferry tiple unit); treinveiligheidsbericht train safety  (geleed ~ ) articulated car; message; train report; train record;  (motor~ ) motor train unit [MTU]; form every message directly related motor train set; rail motor unit; motor to the safety of rail traffic; set; form a group of railway vehicles  (aannemen; toestaan dat een including at least one motor vehicle trein mag vertrekken) acceptance; and forming a self-contained unit, in- form the action of giving permission divisible in service, of a reversible for a train to proceed to another sec- motor-coach train; tion;  (regio~ ) commuter unit; Am rapid  (afseinen; doorgeven dat een transit unit; commuter rail car; form trein is vertrokken) to report the de- commuter multiple unit; inf Sprinter parture of a train; train;  (binnenseinen van een trein) ad-  ( ~ bestaande uit twee bakken) vice of train arrival; form to report the twin unit; twin car; twinset train; form arrival of a train in its entirety; two-car multiple unit; Am two railroad  (doorseinen van een trein) to re- cars which are permanently coupled; port that a train has passed through; Br a twinset of coaches; inf twinset; form to report that a train has passed Am inf married pair; a specific point;  (tussenrijtuig van ~ ) centre trailer  (post die ~en wisselt) train recor- (of a motor-coach train set) ding point; train reporting point; treinsteward zie treinkelner  (toestemming vragen om een treinsurfen train hopping; train surf- trein door te sturen) offering; to offer ing; train hitching; riding on the roof on a train to the next signal box; inf of a wagon; riding on the outside of a to ask the road; Br inf ‘Be Ready’; train; Br to ride the bars; Am inf form the process by which a signaller decking; Am inf to deck; Am inf to asks permission from the signaller Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 224

beyond to allow a train into another  (aanzet~ ) tractive effort on star- section; ting;  (toestemming vragen om met een  (adhesie~ ) tractive effort in rela- trein binnen te komen) to request tion to adhesion; permission for a train to proceed;  (continu ~ ) continuous tractive ef-  (vragen of een trein mag vertrek- fort; ken) to request permission for a train  ( ~ aan de trekhaak) draw-hook to depart tractive effort; drawbar tractive effort; treinverdubbeling  ( ~ aan de wielband of wielom-  (inleggen van een voor- of volg- trek) tractive force at the (wheel) rim; trein) duplication of a train; provision  ( ~ bij uurvermogen ofwel ~ vol te of a relief train houden gedurende 1 uur) hourly treinverkeer rail traffic; train service rating treinverkeersleider zie treindienst- trekschieter leider  (van wissel) connecting rod treinvervoer zie spoorvervoer trekstang treinverwarming train heating; car-  (van wissel) stretcher bar; drive riage heating; Br form carriage and bar; point rod; throw rod; point ope- railcar heating rating rod; switch rod; point wedge; treinvrije periode form point operating stretcher  ( ~ t.b.v. geplande werkzaamhe- trekwerk draw gear; Am draft gear; den) No Train Period [NTP]; engi- traction gear; neering hours; Br out of traffic hours  (gecombineerd stoot- en ~ ) com- [OOTH]; Br inf White Period bined draw and buffing gear; treinwachter zie conducteur  ( ~ met wrijvingsdemping) friction treinwasinrichting train-washing draw gear; Am friction draft gear plant; carriage washer [CW]; car- tremelwagen riage washing machine [CWM]  (onderlosser voor ballast) hopper treinwasinstallatie zie treinwas- ballast wagon inrichting trillingsdemper vibration damper treinziek train sick; motion sick; trillingsdemping deadening of vi- travel sick brations; vibration damping trekdraad voor seinen en wissels trillingshinder vibration hindrance signal and point wire tripleklep trek/duwtrein push-pull train; push/  ( ~ van rem) distributor valve; pull formation; pull and push train; triple valve reversible train; form a conventional troepenvervoer troop transport locomotive or motorcar and a set of trolley bus cars including one or more control truckstel zie draaistel trailers from which the locomotive or TSB motorcar can be controlled  (tijdelijke snelheidsbeperkingen, trekken of overzicht daarvan) Temporary  (vervoeren) to haul Speed Restriction(s) [TSR]; Tempo- trekkracht tractive effort; tractive rary Restriction(s) of Speed [TRS]; force; Emergency Speed Restriction(s) [ESR]; Br Emergency Restriction(s) Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 225 of Speed [ERS, EROS]; ± Br Periodi- tussenoververhitting intermediate cal Operating Notice [PON]; ± Br En- superheating gineering Notice [E-Notice] (a docu- tussenplaatje voor spoorstaven ment, published quarterly and week- resilient sleeper-pad; Am resilient tie- ly and issued as required, giving pad details of possessions, temporary tussenrijtuig van treinstel centre speed restrictions and alterations to trailer (of a motor-coach train set) the operational infrastructure of the tussenspoorstaaf railway);  ( ~ in een wissel) closure rail;  ( ~ weekpublicatie) ± Br Weekly  (gebogen ~ ) curved closure rail; Operating Notice [WON]; ± Br Week-  (rechte ~ ) straight closure rail ly Engineering Notice [WEN]; Br inf tussenstation en route station glossies; TVP zie treinvrije periode  (voorschriften betreffende tijdelij- tweebloksdwarsligger ke snelheidsbeperkingen) Br Section  (dwarsligger bestaande uit twee U (the part of the Rule Book con- betonblokken verbonden met een cerned with Emergency Speed Res- buis; duoblok dwarsligger) twin-block trictions [ESRs], Permissible Speeds tie; twin block ; Am [PS] and Temporary Speed Restric- bi-block tie; bi-block (concrete) tions [TSRs] sleeper; form tie consisting of two tunnel tunnel; concrete rail supports joined by a het licht aan het einde van de ~ kan steel bar; form concrete-block and een naderende trein zijn the light at steel tie-bar sleeper the end of the tunnel may be an on- tweespanningsmaterieel dual volt- coming train; age stock  ( ~ bestaande uit één tunnelbuis) tweesysteemslocomotief dual-sys- single bore tunnel; tem locomotive  ( ~ bestaande uit twee tunnelbui- tyfoon zen) twin bore tunnel  (luchthoorn van trein) train horn; tunnelnis recess; refuge hole air horn; pneumatic (train) horn; train tunnelventilatie air horn; Am inf Nathan™ horn; inf  ( ~ door afzuiging) forced ventila- klaxon; tion;  (bedienknop van ~ ) horn valve;  (natuurlijke ~ ) natural ventilation  (bevroren ~ ) frozen air horn; turbinelocomotief turbine-driven lo-  (loeien van ~ ) to blare; comotive de ~ loeide the train sounded its horn tussengelegen stations intermedi- tyfoonverwarming air horn heating ate stations; typegoedkeuring type-approval  (alle ~ ) all stations in between; deze trein stopt op alle ~ this train will call at all stations in between; deze trein stopt niet op ~ this train will not call at stations in between tussenliggende stations  (alle ~ ) all stations in between Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 226

U  ( ~ voor goederenwagens) UIC classification of goods wagons;  ( ~ voor reizigersrijtuigen) UIC UIC zie Internationale Spoorwegunie classification of railway coaches UIC-classificatie UIC-identificatieaanduiding  ( ~ voor asindelingen van locomo-  ( ~ van krachtvoertuigen) UIC tieven) UIC axle classification; form identification marking for tractive UIC classification of locomotive stock wheel arrangements; uitchecken de ~ wordt gebruikt voor de beschrij-  ( ~ met OV-chipkaart) to check ving van de asindeling van locomo- out; tieven, treinstellen en trams the UIC vergeet niet in- of uit te checken classification is used for describing please do not forget to check in or wheel arrangements of locomotives, out multiple units and trams; uit de controle in de ~ staat de aanduiding Bo’Bo’  (wissel ~ ) points not in control voor de asindeling van een locomo- uit de haak liggen tief met twee twee-assige draaistel-  ( ~ van dwarsliggers) displace- len waarin de assen onafhankelijk ment of the sleepers; skew of the door tractiemotoren worden aange- sleepers; dreven in the UIC classification,  ( ~ van spoorstaaflassen) dis- Bo’Bo’ denotes a locomotive with placement of the rail joints; skew of two bogies, each with two powered the rail joints axles individually driven by traction uit de rails lopen zie ontsporen motors; uit de stand stop de kleine letter “o” achter de drijfwiel-  (sein dat ~ is) clear; clear signal; hoofdletter betekent dat de assen signal displaying a clear aspect; free onafhankelijk worden aangedreven aspect signal; signal displaying ‘Off’ door separate tractiemotoren the indication; the signal is ‘Off’; the sig- lower-case “o”, suffixing the driving nal is pulled ‘Off’; “Proceed”; signal wheel capital letter, means that the indicating clear; signal indicating axles are individually driven by sepa- clear/proceed; clear position; legal rate traction motors; aspect signal; in de ~ staat de aanduiding B’B’ voor  (het sein ~ brengen) to clear the de asindeling van een locomotief signal; to pull off the signal met twee twee-assige draaistellen uit de trein zetten waarin de aangedreven assen on-  ( ~ van zwartrijder door conduc- derling gekoppeld zijn in the UIC teur) to throw (a fare dodger) off a classification, B’B’ denotes a loco- train; Am inf to ditch motive with two bogies, each with uit de zij-methode side method of two powered axles connected by track construction; tram line method driving gears; (used when new track is laid next to in de ~ betekent een apostrof dat de the existing track) assen in een draaistel zijn onderge- uiterste wissel van een station en- bracht in the UIC classification, a try points prime sign means that the axles are uitgang exit mounted on a bogie; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 227

uitgangscontrole additional ticket uitrijden van een wissel inspections (on the platforms)  (een wissel met de punt mee be- uitgelopen wielband tyre with wi- rijden) to trail a point; to pass a point dened tread trailing uitgereden wissel trailing points uitrijder zie uitrijsein uitgezeefde ballast spoil; screen- uitrijsein starting signal; exit signal; ings; inf fines; form ballast cleaner  (per ongeluk vertrekken door rood screenings; form ballast cleaner spoil ~ ) accidentally start against a red uitgloeien van de spoorstaafver- signal binding uitrollen  ( ~ na het lassen) to normalise the  (de trein laten ~ ) to coast; Am to welded joint; form to re-heat the joint drift; Br inf to run (downhill) without after welding working steam; Am inf Mexican over- uitgraven van dwarsliggers to drive clear sleepers of ballast uitrukken uithaalspoor turn-out track [TO  ( ~ van spoormodule of Ongeval- track, T/O track], backing-out track lenbestrijding) turn out; uit het zijraam leunen  ( ~ van brandweer) turn out; fire  ( ~ van de machinist, bij rangeer- turnout; werk) inf to windowhang  ( ~ van politie) call out; uitheuvelen gravity shunting; gravity de spoorwegpolitie moest ~ the rail- sorting; hump shunting; fly shunting; way police were called out loose shunting uitschakelbord elektrische tractie uitlaatstoom exhaust steam; waste dead-section warning signal for elec- steam tric traction uitlijnen van het spoor shifting of uitschakelen to turn off; to switch the track; re-alignment of the track; off; (re-)lining of the track  (complete lijn ~ ) emergency pro- uitloop cedure in which all catenary sections  ( ~ van trein) coasting; drifting are switched off on a given stretch of uitlopen railway;  ( ~ van trein) coasting; drifting  (ruim ~ van de bovenleiding) uitmonding van spoortunnel (rail- emergency procedure in which all way) tunnel mouth relevant catenary sections are uitrangeren switched off around the scene of an  ( ~ door afstoten) zie uitstoten; incident, ensuring at least two elec-  ( ~ met gebruikmaking van hel- trical isolations between the dead ling) zie uitheuvelen; section(s) and those that are alive  ( ~ op vlak terrein) flat shunting; uitstappen form shunting on level tracks;  ( ~ uit trein) to get off (the train); to  ( ~ van een goederentrein naar alight from a coach; bestemming) splitting up of a goods  (het ~ ) deboarding train uitstoten shunting by pushing off wagons; fly shunting Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 228 uitval van tractie uitzweten van creosoot door  (trein met ~ ) drop out (of train dwarsliggers sweating of the creo- motors); Br inf dead sote by sleepers uitwisselen, vervangen to replace; ultrasooncontrole van de spoor- to exchange staaf ultrasonic checking; form ultra- uitzetplek sonic rail flaw checking; ultrasonic  ( ~ voor rail/wegvoertuigen) drive- rail flaw detection [URFD] off location; inf access to road ultrasoontrein ultrasonic test unit uitzetten [UTU]; ultrasonic inspection unit  (een wagen, rijtuig of treinstel ~ uniform uniform ofwel in opzending laten meerijden Unimat™ zie stopmachine wegens gebreken) to withdraw a wa- Unimog™ gon; to detach a coach; to detach a  (‘Universal Motor Gerät’) zie rail- multiple unit; to withdraw a unit; auto  (uit het spoor zetten van rail/weg- uurvermogen hourly rating; one- voertuig) to drive off the track (often hour rating at a level crossing); form drive-off procedure;  (rail/wegvoertuig dat na ~ gereed is voor rijden over de weg) road mode; form a road/rail vehicle pre- pared for travel by road, with rail wheels retracted, steering unlocked and normal lights activated uitzettingslimiet  (van spoorstaven) expansion limit uitzettingsopening  (tussen spoorstaven) expansion gap uitzetting van het spoor expansion of the rails uitzichtbelemmerende objecten view-obstructing objects;  (waarschuwingslichten bij ~ ; WUBO) fixed automatic warning de- vice for view-obstructing objects uitzichtbelemmering obstacle to vi- sibility; form interference with visibili- ty uitzichtrijtuig observation car; ob- servation carriage; observation coach [OBS]; Am observation sa- loon; Am dome car uit zichzelf in beweging gekomen trein runaway train Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 229

V veewagen, veewagon ; Am ; Am inf cow crate;  ( ~ voor vervoer van pluimvee) car vakbondsacties used to transport live poultry; Am inf  (staking) union actions; strike cackle crate vaste rem(men) blocked brake(s); veilig form defective air brakes which have  ( ~ als aanduiding dat er geen ge- locked into the full emergency posi- vaar is) all-clear; clear; tion; Am inf dynamiter;  ( ~ in de zin van beschermd tegen  (warmlopen van de remblokken gevaar) safe; secure; als gevolg van ~ ) heating of the  ( ~ in de zin van gevaar voorko- brake shoes mend) safe; secure; vast kruis  ( ~ in de zin van toegestaan) per-  ( ~ in spoorbaan) diamond cros- missible; safe; sing; flat crossing; Am frog  (bij falen ~ ) fail-safe; vastlegging  (de spoorbaan is ~ ) the line is  (elektrische rijrichtings~ ) electric clear; directional interlocking;  (faal~ ) fail-safe;  (elektrische ~ van een ingestelde  (het blok is ~ ) the section is clear; rijweg) electric route interlocking;  (storings~ ) fail-safe;  (knop voor ~ van wisselstraat of  ( ~ seinbeeld) zie uit de stand rijweg) route lever; route handle; key stop; lever; ik ga u zo ~ zetten I’ll clear your  (permanente ~ van een rijweg, signal in a minute; bijv. bij uitgeschakeld station) non- u krijgt zo ~ your route will be set stick working of a route; automatic shortly; your signal will be cleared in working of a route; a minute;  (richtings~ ) directional interloc- zet maar ~ (you can) clear that signal king; veilige belasting permissible load;  ( ~ van een bedieningsorgaan af- permissible stress; safe load hankelijk van de stand van andere veilig-gebruiksduur safe-use life bedieningsorganen) conditional loc- veiligheid king;  ( ~ als aanduiding voor veilige  ( ~ van infra-elementen bij rijweg- toestand) safety; security; instelling) interlocking [IXL]  ( ~ als aanduiding voor toestel of vastrechtbewijs half-fare (season) systeem) safety device; authority card  (elektrische ~ ) fuse; safety fuse; vast spoorcontact  ( ~ bij of in het werk) work safety;  ( ~ voor treinbeïnvloeding) contact  ( ~ tegen te hoge spanning) ex- ramp cess voltage cut-out; vast wissel dumb switch  (persoonlijke ~ ) personal safety veelsporige baan multiple line rail- and security; form a measure of the way adequacy of public transport sys- veerboot ferry tems to protect passengers, employ- veerwissel spring points ees, and the general public; veetrein cattle train; Am stock train Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 230

 (voor de ~ ) for safety; for safety veiligheidsinrichting safety appli- reasons ance; safety device veiligheidsbericht safety message; veiligheidsinstructie door LWB form every message related to the COSS Brief; COSS Briefing; Task prevention of danger in and by the Briefing [TB]; form a brief given by rail traffic system the Controller of Site Safety [COSS] veiligheidsbril safety goggles; safe- to all members of the workgroup ex- ty glasses; inf goggles plaining the Safe System of Work veiligheidscertificering [SSOW]  ( ~ voor baanwerkers) track safety veiligheidskleding safety clothing; certification; Br Personal Track Safe- high visibility [HV] clothing; high visi- ty [PTS] Certification bility vest [HVV]; inf Hi-vis vest; inf veiligheidscoëfficiënt safety coeffi- Hi-vis jacket; inf reflective clothing; cient high visibility warning jacket; Br inf veiligheidscondensator safety ca- Diddy Vest; Br inf Yellow Peel pacitor veiligheidsklep veiligheidscontact safety contact  ( ~ van stoomlocomotief) safety veiligheidsdeur safety door valve; veiligheidsdraad fuse wire  ( ~ bij leidingbreuk) pipe-break veiligheidsdrukregulateur pressure valve; regulating valve  ( ~ van een luchtpomp) air pump veiligheidseisen safety conditions; escape valve safety requirements; veiligheidskritisch safety critical;  (V~ Spoortunnels) Technical Spe-  ( ~e werkzaamheden) Br Safety cifications for Interoperability relating Critical Work [SCW] to the Safety in Railway Tunnels veiligheidsmaatregel security mea- [TSI-SRT] sure veiligheidsfactor safety factor veiligheidsmaatregelen precautio- veiligheidsgeschikt safety certified; nary measures; precautions; safety  ( ~e baanwerkers) track-safety measures; security measures; certified railway workers  ( ~ van de treindienstleider) zie veiligheidsglas shatterproof glass; verhindering safety glass; security glass veiligheidsman veiligheidsgraad degree of safety  ( ~ bij werkzaamheden aan het veiligheidsgrens limit of safety spoor) site warden [SW]; site look- veiligheidshalve for reasons of out; flagman; Br inf lookout man; safety lookout [LO, L/O]; Br handsignalman veiligheidshek [HSM]; form a certified person whose  ( ~ bij werkzaamheden aan het duties are to watch for and to give an spoor) safety fence; mobile safety appropriate warning of approaching fence trains; Br inf flaggy; Am inf rag wa- veiligheidshelm safety helmet; ver;  ( ~ zoals gedragen bij werkzaam-  (waarschuwing van ~ dat er een heden aan het spoor; bouwhelm) trein nadert) form shouted warning of hard hat a train approaching; Br “One on!” Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 231 veiligheidsmarge margin of safety; veiligheidsstroomkring protective safety allowance; safety margin; se- circuit curity margin veiligheidstoestel safety appliance; veiligheidsmarkering safety device  ( ~ voorop trein of locomotief; ook veiligheidstreinbericht zie treinvei- wel ‘schrikstrepen’ genoemd) safety ligheidsbericht marking; safety stripes; safety stri- veiligheidsuitschakeling safety cut- ping out; safety trip veiligheidsoriëntatie veiligheidsventiel safety valve  ( ~ voor baanwerkers) contractor veiligheidsvoorschriften safety in- orientation on track safety; track structions; safety regulations; safety safety certification; Br Contractors rules; Safety Case [CSC]  (algemene ~ ) general safety re- veiligheidsoverwegingen gulations  (uit ~ ) for safety reasons; for se- veiligheidsvoorziening safety mea- curity reasons sure; safety precaution veiligheidsrail check rail; guard rail veiligheidsweerstand safety resis- veiligheidsredenen security rea- tor sons; veiligheidszone safety zone om ~ vertrekken er geen treinen van veilig komen spoor 5 for security reasons, no  ( ~ van een sein) release (of a trains will leave from platform five; signal); Br inf drop off (of a signal) om ~ verzoeken wij u dringend dit veilig sein clear signal; station te verlaten for security rea-  (armsein) form a semaphore sig- sons, you are urgently requested to nal showing the signal arm in either leave this station; the raised position or lowered posi- om ~ verzoeken wij u uw bagage niet tion and the green spectacle glass il- onbeheerd achter te laten for securi- luminated; ty reasons, you are requested not to  (lichtsein) form a colour light sig- leave your luggage unattended nal showing a green / proceed as- veiligheidsrelais safety relay pect; form a signal in the ‘Off’ posi- veiligheidsschakelaar safety cut- tion out; safety switch veilig zetten veiligheidsschoenen safety shoes  ( ~ van een sein) clear; clearing a veiligheidsstoring signal; to clear a signal; to pull off a  (ATB-~ aan de baan) defective signal; form to change from ‘on’ to train control system with the lineside ‘off’ (clear) indication; Br inf to drop signal indicating a higher speed than off (of a signal); form to place a sig- circumstances allow, causing a dan- nal in the ‘Off’ position; form to offer gerous situation; a train forward  (ATB-~ aan het rollend materieel) veldverzwakkingsschakelaar shunt cab signal displaying a higher maxi- controller mum speed than the lineside signal verandering van seinbeeld change allows; faulty TPWS on-board equip- of aspect [COA]; alteration of a sig- ment; ± faulty cab warning system nal aspect; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 232

 (terugval van seinbeeld ofwel ~ in heden) substitute bus service; alter- restrictieve zin) alteration of a signal native bus service; replacement bus aspect in a restrictive sense service; Br bustitution verankering van het spoor anchor- verbussing zie verbussen ing of the track verdeelleiding distribution main verantwoordelijkheidsgebied van verdeelstation een post area under control of a sig-  ( ~ voor energievoorziening) nal cabin switching station; distributing sub- verbanddoos First-Aid box station verbandgaas sterilized gauze verdichting van de ballast ballast verbandtrommel First-Aid kit consolidation verbindingsplaten verdieseling van de spoorwegen  ( ~ tussen spoorstaven) fish- dieselisation of the railways; plates; Am splice bars; Am angle in de jaren zestig van de vorige bars; shins; eeuw waren de meeste nationale  (spoor zonder ~ ) Continuous spoorwegen in de wereld groten- Welded Rail [CWR] deels verdieseld by the 1960s most verblijf van opzichter national railway systems throughout  ( ~ op rangeerterrein) yardmas- the world had become largely ter’s office; yard office; yard fore- dieselled; man’s cabin; Am inf buzzard’s roost; de spoorwegen waren overgescha- Am inf wisdom box; Am inf beehive; keld op dieseltractie the railways had Am inf bull pen; Am inf madhouse; changed over to diesel traction Am inf gas house; Am inf knowledge verder box; Am inf stock pen  (reizigers naar Rotterdam en ~ ) verblijf van seinwachter/wissel- passengers for Rotterdam and on- wachter pointsman’s hut; Am inf wards jawbone shack Verdrag Inzake het Internationale verblijfswagen Spoorwegvervoer Convention con-  ( ~ voor baanwerkers) form coach cerning International Carriage by for accommodation of men working Rail [COTIF] on the railway; Am outfit car; work- vergrendeld wissel locked points men’s sleeping coach; living van; Am vergrendeling boarding car; Aust Workmen’s  (deur~ ) door locking system; Sleeper; form on-site work crew ac-  (elektrische ~ ) electric interloc- commodation; Aust inf Bug Hut king; verblindingsgrens van seinlichten  (onderlinge ~ ) reciprocal interloc- maximum dazzle (of signal lights) king; verbouwen van rollend materieel  (relais met ~ ) latching type relay; to renovate / to remodel / to rebuild /  ( ~ of vastlegging in de omgeleg- to recondition / to reconstruct / to de stand) reverse interlocking; modernise the rolling stock; Am to  (wissel~ ) locking of points; point revamp the rolling stock lock; facing point lock [FPL]; (facing) verbussen point bar; locking bar  ( ~ van treinreizigers bij verstorin- vergrendelingsveer locking spring gen van de treindienst of werkzaam- Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 233

vergrendelinrichting locking appa-  (gewenste ~ op de voorste span- ratus wagen) target superelevation at the verhinderen front tensioning trolley;  ( ~ van bediening en/of rijwegin-  (normale ~ ) normal banking con- stelling van of over infra-elementen) ditions; to dagger; to lock up; to block the  (overgangsfase tussen spoor in ~ setting of routes; to block the opera- en vlak spoor) transition phase bet- tion of infrastructure elements; ween canted and level track;  ( ~ ofwel ‘afdoppen’ van knoppen  (overgang van de ~ ) rate of op het tableau van de treindienstlei- change of cant; cant gradient; rate of der) to lock up a particular lever or gain of elevation [RGE]; form the button on a signal board with a lever rate at which the cant changes in a collar, often because that device is specified length; protecting an Engineer’s Possession  (spoor in ~ ) canted track; verhindering  (werkelijke ~ ) actual supereleva-  ( ~ op bedienbaar infra-element tion zoals sein of wissel; sperinrichting verkantingshelling superelevation voor een bedieningsorgaan) control ramp locking device; locking bar Verkeerd Spoor (rijden) on Wrong verhinderingen plaatsen track; Wrong line working; Br Wrong  ( ~ op bedienbare infra-elementen Direction Movement [WDM]; Am zoals seinen of wissels) zie verhin- wrong road movement; Wrong-direc- deren tion running; Am inf Wrong Road; Br verkanting cant; superelevation; inf bang road; Br inf wrong direction; banking; form the amount by which form Wrong Direction Working; form one rail of a curved track is raised a reversal of the normal direction of above the other running rail; working on a railway with one-way wanneer een stilstaand railvoertuig signalling; form a train movement op spoor in ~ staat, leunt het op de made in the direction for which sig- vering whenever a stationary rail ve- nals are not provided; form running hicle stands on a canted track, its on the Wrong track; form train move- body leans on its suspension; ments made in the direction opposite er moet voor worden gezorgd dat to that of the normal signalled direc- brandbare vloeistof bij normale ~ niet tion; Am inf dark track; Am inf Wrong uit de vulleidingen of andere openin- iron; inf to run bang road; Br inf bang gen kan lekken it must be ensured road running; that flammable liquid cannot escape ~ is links rijden bij dubbelspoorbevei- from filler pipes or other openings liging, waarvoor een lastgeving VS under normal banking conditions; nodig is Wrong line working means a de grootste ~ op elk baanvak wordt reversal of the normal direction of vermeld in het Infrastructuurregister working on a railway with one-way the highest cant on a section of line signalling, for which Wrong Line Or- shall be published in the Register of ders [WLO] must be issued; Infrastructure [RINF];  (lastgeving ~ ) Wrong Line Orders [WLO] Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 234

Verkeer en Waterstaat verkeersregeling traffic control; traf-  (Ministerie van ~ ) Ministry of fic regulation Transport and Public Works verkeersregels traffic rules verkeerscapaciteit movement capa- verkeersspits traffic peak city verkeersstoring traffic disturbance verkeersintensiteit traffic flow verkeersstroom traffic flow verkeersknelpunt traffic bottleneck; verkeersteken road sign; traffic sign form a constriction along a travelled verkeersveiligheid traffic safety railway which limits the number of verkeersvolume volume of traffic trains which can proceed down- verkeersvoorschriften Highway stream from its location Code; traffic regulations verkeersleider ± Traffic Regulator; ± verklikkerlampje indicator lamp Chief Traffic Controller; ± Traffic Su- verlaten spoorlijn redundant track; pervisor; form supervisor in a large Am abandoned railroad signal box who decides local priori- vermogen power; output; ties in train working and who gives  (aanzet~ ) starting power; directions to the signallers;  (continu~ ) continuous output;  (decentrale ~ ) regional rail traffic continuous rating; supervisor;  (dienst~ van een motor) service  (landelijke ~ ) traffic rating (of a motor); supervisor  (effectief ~ ) effective power; verkeersleiding rail traffic control;  (hef~ van een kraan) lifting power  (centrale ~ ) central rail traffic con- (of a crane); trol; centralized traffic control [CTC];  (laad~ ) pay load; Am consolidated control;  (maximum~ ) maximum power;  (decentrale ~ ) regional rail traffic  (motor~ ) engine power; control;  (nominaal ~ ) rated output; nomi-  (hoofd~ ) central rail traffic control; nal rating;  (landelijke ~ ) national rail traffic  (rem~ ) braking power; control  (uur~ ) hourly rating; one-hour ra- verkeersleidingspost railway con- ting; trol tower; signalling centre [SC]; Po-  ( ~ aan de trekhaak) drawbar po- wer Signalling Centre [PSC]; Traffic wer; Control Centre [TCC]; Signalling  ( ~ aan drijfwielomtrek) rating at Control Centre [SCC]; Railway Con- wheel-rim; trol Centre [RCC]; Integrated Electro-  ( ~ per gewichtseenheid) power- nic Control Centre [IECC]; Am dis- to-weight ratio patch control; inf signal box; inf rail vernieuwing control; Am inf switch tower; Am  (ballast~ ) renewal of the ballast; tower; Am inf beehive; Br inf The  (rijdraad~ ) contact wire renewal; Nerve Centre renewal of catenary; verkeerslichten traffic lights  (spoor~ ) track renewal; renewal verkeersmiddel means of transport of way [ROW]; verkeersongeval traffic accident  ( ~ van rollend materieel) renewal verkeerspatroon traffic pattern of rolling stock versperd spoor blocked track Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 235 versperring obstruction; form Line  ( ~ van rijdend voertuig; afrem- Blocked [LB] (signifying that trains ming) deceleration are stopped, with no traffic passing vertragingstijd time of delay [TOD]; over the section of line in question);  (gemiddelde ~ ) mean time of de- er was een ~ the line was tied up; lay [MTOD]  (stremming wegens ~ ) stoppage vertrek departure of traffic vertrekbevel departure order; form versperringsmaatregel (train ser- order of departure vice) diversion regulation; Br dia- vertrekbevelsein Br (to give the) gram of (possible) route combina- Right Away [RA]; form an indication tions given by a guard to the train driver verstelhefboom that they may move off from a station  ( ~ voor stoomverdeling) reversing if it is safe to do so; lever  ( ~ d.m.v. fluitsignaal) warning; versterkingslocomotief  (wanneer het fluitsignaal gegeven  ( ~ voor opdruk, voorspan e.d.) wordt als ~ ) when the warning assisting locomotive; assisting en- sounds; gine; Am booster locomotive; Am  ( ~ d.m.v. armgebaren en/of ver- helper trekstaf) hand signals; departure vertraagd delayed; over time; hand signal; Am inf to give a high- de trein is ~ the train is (running) ball; late;  ( ~ d.m.v. lamp) Am inf to use the  ( ~ of vervroegd rijden van een shiner; trein) Br out of course train; train not  ( ~ d.m.v. vlag) flag signal running to time; Am out of schedule vertrekbundel op rangeerterrein running set of departure sidings (on a mar- vertraging shalling yard)  ( ~ van trein volgens de dienstre- vertrekken to depart; to leave; geling) delay;  (een trein doen ~ ; een trein af- de trein heeft ~ the train is (running) zenden) to dispatch a train; late;  (lastgeving V~ ) departure order; de intercity van 10 uur 25 naar Rot-  (per ongeluk ~ door rood uitrij- terdam heeft een ~ van ongeveer sein) accidentally start against a red tien minuten the ten twenty-five inter- signal; city service to Rotterdam is about ten  (te laat ~ ) to start late minutes late; vertrekperronstaat train departure  ( ~ eruit rijden) Make Up Time; indicator form the action of driving as fast as vertrekproces possible to regain the time lost du-  ( ~ van reizigerstrein) the Right ring a previous delay; Away [RA]; platform work  (gedwongen ~ ) fixed delay; form vertreksein departure signal; the delay to which (optional) trains  (vast ~ ) fixed departure signal may be subjected according to the vertrekseinlicht Br Train Ready To circumstances; Start [TRTS] indicator; white depar-  (met ~ aankomen) to arrive late; ture light on the platform; Br Off Indi-  (oploop ~ ) blocking-back; cator; form an illuminated indicator Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 236

on a platform to inform the guard and vervoer transport; traffic; form con- platfom staff that the signal beyond veyance; form carriage; form routing the train is Clear (‘Off’) and that it is (of trains or goods); safe to give the Right Away [RA] to  (aanbod-afhankelijk ~ ) on-de- the driver mand service; demand mode; vertrekstaf  (aanneming ten ~ ) acceptance  ( ~ van conducteur) baton; train for carriage; starting baton  (alternatief ~ ) zie vervangende vertrekstaten bussen;  (gele of blauwe ~ op perrons) yel-  (begeleid gecombineerd ~ ) ac- low (blue) departure timetables (on companied combined transport; the platforms); (yellow) train depar-  (beperkt openbaar ~ ) limited ser- ture indicators (on the platforms); vice; timetable posters; timetable sheets;  (bevoorradings~ ) supply trans- Am time bills (poster-size timetables port; on the platforms);  (bijzonder ~ ) exceptional con- de juiste informatie vindt u op de ge- signment; exceptional transport; spe- le ~ you will find the correct informa- cial consignment; form a load with a tion on the yellow train departure size, weight or preparation entailing timetables special difficulties regarding the faci- vertrektijd time of departure; depar- lities or equipment of the railway sys- ture time; Am inf shining time; tems to be used; de geplande ~ van deze trein is  (binnenlands ~ ) inland transport; 09:15 this train is due to depart at  (bus~ ) bus transport; nine fifteen / (a) quarter past nine;  (contract~ ) subscription service; deze trein vertrekt van spoor zes  (dienst~ ) traffic conveyed on rail- this train leaves from platform six way service; non-revenue earning vervangen, uitwisselen to replace; traffic; Am deadhead traffic; to exchange;  (dubbel gestapeld container~ )  ( ~ van dwarsliggers) resleepering double-stack container transport; [RS];  (gecombineerd rail-weg~ ) com-  ( ~ van alle dwarsliggers op een bined road-rail transport; bep. stuk spoor) complete resleep-  (gecombineerd ~ ) combined er(ing); continuous resleepering; transport [CT]; intermodal transport; form replacing all the sleepers within form transport in which more than a specified length of track one carrier is used, for example vervangende bussen road, rail and sea;  (inzet van bussen bij verstoringen  (gecombineerd weg-rail~ ) Piggy- of werkzaamheden) substitute bus back transport; Am form transport of service; alternative bus service; re- complete truck trailers on railroad placement bus service; Br bustitution flatcars; vervangende trein substitute train  (geregeld ~ ) regular service; vervangingssein substitute signal; scheduled service; emergency signal  (gesloten ~ ) block train; full train- load; form a freight train assembled Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 237

at one place, with one sort of cargo,  (gedeeltelijke terugbetaling van and proceeding to one destination; de prijs van het ~ ) partial refund of  (goederen~ ) freight traffic; Br inf fare; goods (traffic);  (geldigheid van een ~ ) validity of  (Huckepack~ ) Piggyback (freight a ticket; transport system); intermodal traffic;  (houder van een ~ ) holder of a  (intercontainer~ ) zie gecombi- ticket; ticket holder; neerd rail-wegvervoer;  (internationaal ~ ) international tic-  (intermodaal ~ ) zie gecombineerd ket; vervoer;  (militair ~ ) Forces ticket;  (internationaal ~ ) international  (niet-overdraagbaar ~ ) non-trans- transport; form the transport between ferable ticket; points of departure and destination  (ongebonden ~ ) station-of-origin situated in the territory of two coun- ticket; form a graduated-fare ticket tries; which shows the station of origin and  (kangoeroe~ ) zie gecombineerd value only, to any destination within rail-wegvervoer; that fare from the originating station;  (koel~ ) refrigerated traffic;  (ongeldig maken van ~ ) to cancel  (lokaal ~ ) local service; form a rail a ticket; form to deface a ticket; service that stops at every station on  (open ~ , kaartje zonder datum) the route; open ticket; form passenger ticket  (militair spoor~ ) military transport that does not have a specified date; by rail;  (soort ~ ) ticket type; form fare tic-  (multimodaal ~ ) multimodal trans- ket type; port; form the carriage of goods by  (terugbetaling van de prijs van het two or more modes of transport; ~ ) refund of fare;  (openbaar ~ ) public transport;  (verlopen ~ ) expired ticket; out of public transport service; date ticket;  (rail~ ) rail(way) transport; trans-  (vervalst ~ ) falsified ticket; port by rail; railage; Am railroading;  ( ~ geldig over een vastgestelde  (reizigers~ ) passenger transport; reisweg) ticket valid over one fixed  (spoor- en weg~ ) combined rail route; and road transport;  ( ~ geldig over verschillende reis-  (spoor~ ) rail(way) transport; wegen) ticket valid over alternative transport by rail; railage; Am rail- routes; roading;  ( ~ met reductie) reduced fare tic-  (troepen~ ) troop transport; ket; privilege ticket;  ( ~ van personeel) personnel  ( ~ tegen halve prijs) half-price tic- transport; ket; half-fare ticket;  (zwaar ~ ) heavy haulage  ( ~ tegen treintarief) excess fare vervoerbaar transportable ticket; vervoerbewijs ticket; train ticket;  ( ~ tegen volle prijs) full-fare tic- wilt u uw ~ gereed houden? please ket; have your tickets ready;  ( ~ voor personeel) free pass; staff pass (affording free travel); Am inf monkey money Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 238

vervoerder railway company; rail  (zijdelingse ~ van de ophoging) carrier; transport operator; carrier; side-slip of the embankment train operating company [TOC]; inf verzakte lassen low joints; operator;  (het lichten van ~ ) rectifying of  (eigenlijke ~ ) subcontractor; ac- low joints tual carrier; form third party who per- verzand spoor silted track forms the transport; verzegelen  (feitelijke ~ ) zie eigenlijke ver-  ( ~ van een gesloten goederen- voerder; wagen) to plumb (a box car); form to  (goederen~ ) freight operating place under seal company [FOC]; verzoekwissel (semi-interdepen-  (openbare ~ ) public carrier; dent) points for optional flank protec-  (spoor~ ) railway company; train tion operating company [TOC] via via vervoeren to transport; form to route viaduct viaduct; (trains or goods)  (weg onder spoorweg door; on- vervoer per spoor zie spoorvervoer derdoorgang) under-crossing; under- vervoer per trein zie spoorvervoer pass; underbridge [UB]; Am under- vervoersaanbod supply of transport grade crossing; inf flyunder; inf dive- vervoersmiddelen means of trans- under; port  (weg over spoorweg heen) over- vervoersplicht obligation to carry bridge [OB]; overhead crossing; Br vervoersregeling flyover; Am overpass  ( ~ voor bijzonder vervoer of voor videoschouwtrein (mobile) video trein buiten profiel) manifest; special inspection unit working arrangements; form advice vierkante wielen of special consignment; Br train ar-  (treinwielen met vlakke plaatsen) rangements; Br inf train minutes form wheels worn unevenly; flat vervoerssysteem transport system; wheels; inf square wheels; Br inf  (multimodaal ~ ) multi-modal clogs on; transport system  (trein of rijtuig met ~ ) Br inf Boun- vervoerswijze mode of transport cy Castle; vervorming van het spoor distor-  (vlakke plaatsen op treinwiel) tion of the track; warping of the track; wheel flats track distortion vignoleprofiel zie vignole railprofiel vervrachter freight forwarder vignole rail, Vignoles rail verwarmingssysteem (train) heat-  (bep. type spoorstaafprofiel) flat ing system bottom rail; flat bottom [FB]; flange verzakking rail; inf Vignoles rail  ( ~ van de lassen) depression of vignole railprofiel Vignole rail pro- rail joints; low joints; file  ( ~ van het spoor) subsidence of vijfenzestig-plussers elderly pas- the track; track distortion; track sub- sengers; Br inf Bert and Ada sidence; vijzel  ( ~ van spoorstaven) depression  ( ~ voor hersporen van spoorweg- of rail(s); materieel) re-railing jack; telescopic Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 239 jack; lifting jack; hydraulic jack; loco-  ( ~toevoer) feed water supply motive jack; inf Lukas™; voertuigbezetting train occupancy;  ( ~ voor hersporen van twee-assig  (gemiddelde ~ ) average train oc- spoorwegmaterieel) tilting jack for re- cupancy; form the average number railing two-axle rail vehicles of passengers aboard a train vlakke baan level section voetbrug footbridge [FB] vlakke plaatsen voetgangersoverpad zie voetgan-  ( ~ op treinwiel) wheel flats; gersoverweg  (treinwielen met ~ ) form wheels voetgangersoverweg Footpath worn unevenly; flat wheels; inf Crossing [FP]; Aust rail pedestrian square wheels; Br inf clogs on; crossing  (hameren op de spoorstaven door voetgangerstunnel pedestrian un- wielbanden met ~ ) hammering of derpass rails by flat wheels voetknop vlak naast het spoor right on the  ( ~ van dodeman) dead man’s tracks pedal; Driver’s Safety Device [DSD] vlambuis foot plate; safety control foot valve;  ( ~ in ketel van stoomlocomotief) Am safety control foot pedal flue (in locomotive boiler) voetplaat vlampijpen  ( ~ van stoomlocomotief) driver’s  ( ~ van stoomlocomotief) fire footplate; Am inf kitchen tubes; boiler tubes voet van de spoorstaaf vlampijpketel  (railvoet) foot; foot of (the) rail;  ( ~ van stoomlocomotief) fire-tube base of the rail; flange of rail boiler volbelaste trein vlampijpwals tube expander  (geheel bezette trein) fully-loaded vleugel train  (van wissel) wing rail; inf wing volgeboekt fully booked; vliegveld zie luchthaven de internationale trein naar Brussel vliegwiel flywheel is ~ (er zijn geen staanplaatsen) the vloerhoogte van goederenwagen international train to Brussels is fully floor height booked (there is no standing in this voeding train)  (afzonderlijke ~ van sporen met volgordedwang elektrische tractie) independent feed-  (koppeling voor ~ ) sequential in- ing of tracks; terlocking  (batterij~ van de seinen) feeding volgtrein relief train; extra train; Am of signals by means of batteries; second section train; Am conditional  (elektrische ~ ) electric power train; Am form extra section train fol- supply; lowing the regular train  (permanente ~ van de lichtseinen) volledig automatische koppeling permanent supply to signals; no- multi-function coupler [MFC]; fully break power supply; automatic coupler; Scharfenberg™  ( ~ van de bovenleiding) feeding coupler; form automatic coupler that of the contact line makes all connections between the voedingswater feed water; rail vehicles (mechanical, air brake Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 240

and electrical) without human inter- a train order to pass a signal at dan- vention, in contrast to autocouplers ger, the train driver is instructed to which just handle the mechanical as- pass a specific signal at danger; pects  (per ongeluk ~ ) to overrun a sig- voltmeter nal; to ignore a signal at danger;  ( ~ in machinistencabine van elek- form Signal(s) Passed At Danger trische trein) current indicator; Br inf [SPAD]; Br inf to hit a stick; Am inf to juice box run a board; vonkenvanger  (per ongeluk vertrekken door rood  ( ~ op schoorsteen van stoomlo- uitrijsein) accidentally start against a comotief) spark arrestor red signal; vooraan instappen  (ten onrechte ~ ) to overrun a sig-  ( ~ in omroepbericht) u wordt ver- nal; zocht vooraan in te stappen (please)  (handelen volgens handboek bij board (at) the front part of the train; stoptonend P-sein) to pass an auto-  ( ~ als aanduiding in CTA-bak) matic signal at danger under ‘stop board at front and proceed (rule)’ vooraankondiging previous notice; voorbrengen van een treinstel to  (zonder ~ ) without notice bring a multiple unit into the station; voorbijrijden toegestaan form to bring a set of coaches into  (sein “ ~ ”) clear; clear signal; sig- the station nal displaying a clear aspect; free voor de paal lopen zie voor de aspect signal; signal displaying ‘Off’ rooie lopen indication; the signal is ‘Off’; “Pro- voor de rooie lopen ceed”; signal indicating clear; signal  (tot stilstand komen voor een rood indicating clear/proceed; clear posi- sein) to approach and stop at a sig- tion; legal aspect signal; nal; to get tripped by a red light / red  (het sein in de stand “ ~ ” bren- signal; Br inf to draw up to the peg; gen) to clear the signal; to pull off the to be held at a stop signal; Br inf on signal the block voorbijrijden van een sein to pass voor de trein gaan staan zie sprin- a signal; passing a signal; running gen past a signal; voor de trein springen zie springen  (toestemming voor het ~ ) form voor het sein houden held at a stop permission to go past a signal signal, line congested; signal kept at voorbijrijden van stoptonend sein danger; Br inf on the block to pass a signal on red; overrunning voorijlende waarschuwingslichten of a signal at danger; passing a sig- advance road traffic warning lights nal in the stop position; running past for signalled railway crossings a stop signal; voorkant  ( ~ als bewuste handeling, bijv. na  ( ~ van een locomotief) front part een aanwijzing STS) to pass a signal of a locomotive; at danger; Br inf to trip past; bij een dieselloc met één cabine is met een aanwijzing STS wordt de de motorruimte altijd de ~ on a machinist opgedragen een specifiek single-cab diesel locomotive, the stoptonend sein voorbij te rijden with engine room is always the front part; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 241

 ( ~ van een wissel) switch toe; inf by Rail of Military Explosives Regula- switch tip; inf toe tions voorkopverdichter sleeper end voorsein distant signal; warning sig- consolidator nal; auxiliary signal; warner; Br inf voorloophefboom back board; Br inf back signal; Br inf  ( ~ voor stoomverdeling) combi- back’un; Br inf back stick; nation lever; lap-and-lead lever een voorsein in Nederland is een voorman lichtsein dat geen rood kan tonen,  ( ~ op rangeerterrein) foreman maar alleen geel of groen a distant shunter; yard foreman; signal in the Netherlands is a colour  ( ~ bij werkzaamheden aan het light signal which cannot display a spoor) foreman (of a track gang); red aspect; it is a two aspect signal track chargeman; engineering super- only capable of displaying yellow or visor; Br inf balloon; Am inf ballet green; master; Br inf ganger; Br inf puffler;  (indien het ~ een armsein is) Br Am inf straw boss fish tail; Br inf notched arm; voorrang priority; right of way  (geel ~ ) Br inf brown one voorschriften regulations; voorspan  (bedien~ of bedienings~ voor in-  (gekoppeld rijden van locomotie- fra-elementen) Operating Rules; ven, elk bediend door een machinist;  (bedien~ of bedienings~ voor lo- dubbele tractie) assisted running; comotieven en krachtvoertuigen) dri- paired running of locomotives, each ving instructions; operated by a driver  (dienst~ ) standing orders; stand- voorstadslijn suburban line ing instructions; voorstadstrein suburban train; Am  (overeenkomstig de ~ ) according commuter train to regulations; voorste bak  (rangeer~ ) Br Section J (the part  ( ~ van treinstel) head end of the Rule Book concerned with voorste deel shunting);  (het ~ van de trein) the front part  (sein~ ) signal instructions; signal (of the train); form the front section of regulations; Am Signal Rulebook; Br the train Section C (the part of the Rule Book voorste rijtuig concerned with signals);  (het ~ van een getrokken reizi-  (veiligheids~ ) safety instructions; gerstrein) head end car safety regulations; safety rules; voorste treindeel the front part of  (verkeers~ ) Highway Code; traffic the train; form the front section of the regulations; train  (V~ ter voorkoming van gevaar bij voortrein relief train; extra train; Am overwegen; ~ betreffende overwe- form extra section train preceding gen) ± Br Section L (the part of the the regular train Rule Book concerned with level cros- vooruit rijden forward running; a- sings); head running;  (V~ voor het vervoer van militaire  ( ~ met een dieselloc met één ca- explosieven per spoor) Conveyance bine, zoals locserie 2200 met huif voorop) hood lead; hood forward; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 242

 ( ~ met een dieselloc met één ca-  (bekleding van ~ ) gangway-bel- bine, zoals locserie 2400 met motor- lows cover; Am gangway diaphragm; ruimte voorop) long hood lead; long gangway canvas; hood forward; short hood trail  (doorgang met rubberbalgen tus- voorwaardelijk sein permissive sig- sen twee rijtuigen) rubber gangway nal connection; form pneumatically- voorwarmer sprung rubber intercommunicating  ( ~ van voedingswater door uit- gangway connection; laatstoom) exhaust-steam pre-heater  (doorgang met ~en) bellows voorzichtig rangeren gangway; form intercommunicating  (wagen “ ~ ”) wagon to be shun- bellows gangway; ted with care  (metalen loopplaten in de ~ ) step voorzichtig rijden to drive carefully; flaps cautious running; form running under VPT caution; to run at reduced speed;  (‘Vervoer Per Trein’; Post21; een  (lastgeving of aanwijzing ~ ) cau- verzameling van systemen gericht tious-running order; inf caution ticket; op verkeersleiding, treindienstleiding form train order for driving carefully en planning) ± Br Automated System voorzijde van de trein the front of of Railway Control [ASRC] the train (with head end marker/head vrachtbrief consignment note; (car- light, buffers and/or coupler) go) manifest; waybill (for a loaded voorzorgsmaatregel cautionary wagon); Am inf willie measure vrij baan maken vordering  ( ~ na een calamiteit op het spoor)  ( ~ van conducteur) ± excess fare to clear the track (after a major rail- ticket; Am inf hat check way accident) vorkheftruck forklift; fork lift truck vrijbalk stabling limit; stabling limit vormsein position light; signal; shunting limit signal voorbeelden van ~en zijn het dwerg- vrijbiljet railway pass sein, het herhalingssein en de cijfer- vrije baan bak bij een lichtsein examples of po-  (de ~ ) open line; open track; the sition lights are the ground signal, Right-of-way; trackage; Br line; ± Br the repeater signal and the theatre- the running line; Br the Line; inf the type indicator main line; Am inf stem; Am inf Boule- vouwbalg vard; Am inf race track; inf the free  (flexibele verbinding tussen twee track; rijtuigen) communication bellows; in Groot-Brittannië maakt men bij de gangway bellows; gangway between spoorwegen geen onderscheid tus- coaches; corridor connection (giving sen ~ en bediend gebied in Britain, access to the next car); bellows the railways do not distinguish bet- gangway; bellows; articulated joint; ween line (outside the station) and form flexible covered gangway con- stations (a section with points bet- nection between two coaches; Am ween the entry signals of the station) diaphragm; through gangway; vrije baanruimte structure gauge; vehicle clearance gauge Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 243

vrij en onbelemmerd free and un- route; form release of the route loc- obstructed; king de LWB gaf het spoor weer ~ in vrijmakingsknop release lever dienst the Person in Charge of Pos- vrijvervoerbewijs free pass; staff session [PICOP] handed the line pass (affording free travel); Am inf back to the signaller free and unob- monkey money; structed  (reiziger met ~ ) Am inf deadhead; vrije ruimte zie profiel van vrije Am inf stockholder ruimte vuilnistrein garbage train; Br inf bin- vrijgave (rangeren) zie grendel liner vrijkomen vuurdeur  (automatisch ~ van de gehele rij-  ( ~ in stoomlocomotief) firebox weg) route locking with no sectional door release; vuurkist  (sectiegewijs automatisch ~ van  ( ~ van stoomlocomotief) firebox; de rijweg) sectional release route  (achterplaat van ~ ) firebox back locking; sheet;  ( ~ van rijweg) route release;  (buiten~ ) outer firebox;  ( ~ van rijweg met tijdvertraging)  (frontplaat van ~ ) firebox throat delayed release; sheet;  (tijdloos of onmiddellijk ~ van rij-  (pijpenplaat in ~ ) firebox tube weg) sudden route release; direct re- plate; lease  (rooster van ~ ) grate; vrijmaken  (topplaat van ~ ) crown plate;  ( ~ van de hoofdsporen) clearing crown sheet; roof of firebox of main lines; vuurloze stoomloc fireless loco(mo-  ( ~ van de sporen) clearing of the tive); form locomotive fed with steam tracks; to clear the tracks; from an external source  ( ~ van een wissel of kruising) VVV crossing over points;  (Vereniging voor Vreemdelingen-  ( ~ van een wisselstraat of rijweg) verkeer) ± Tourist Information Office to release a route VVW vrijmaking  (Voorschrift Veilig Werken, t.b.v.  (koppeling voor sectiegewijze au- werkzaamheden aan de spoorbaan) tomatische ~ van de doorrijweg) sec- ± Railway Safety Regulations for en- tional release route locking; gineer’s occupation; ± Br Safe Sys-  (mechanische ~ van een wissel- tem of Work [SSOW]; Br Section T straat of rijweg) release (of a sec- (the part of the Rule Book concerned tion); with the arrangements for taking,  (vertraagde ~ ) time release; managing and relinquishing Occupa-  ( ~ met tijdvertraging) time re- tions and Possessions) lease;  ( ~ van een sein, in noodgeval) emergency release (of a signal);  ( ~ van wisselstraat of rijweg) route release; cancellation of the Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 244

W “Another train coming if lights conti- nue to flash” (tekst op Brits waar- schuwingsbord); waakzaamheidscontroleinrichting “Wil je blijven leven, wacht dan even”  ( ~ van dodeman) vigilance device “Attention! Be alert for train move- waakzaamheidsknop ment. Look, Listen and Live” (tekst  ( ~ in machinistencabine) vigi- op Amerikaans waarschuwingsbord); lance button “Onbewaakte overweg” “Crossing No waarnemingsafstand Gates” (tekst op Brits waarschu-  ( ~ van seinlichten) sighting dis- wingsbord) tance (of signal lights) waarschuwingslampje warning waarnemingsfout error of observa- light; signal light tion waarschuwingssignaal warning waarschuwen to warn signal waarschuwing warning waarschuwingssysteem hazard waarschuwingsafstand alert  (afstand van voorsein tot hoofd- waarschuwingszoemer warning sein) warning distance; pre-signalling buzzer distance wachtdienst stand-by for emergen- waarschuwingsapparaat annuncia- cy duties; Br operations on-call duty tor; warning device management; waarschuwingsbel warning bell  ( ~ van de vervoerder) Br Mobile waarschuwingsbevel warning order Operations Manager [MOM] (an waarschuwingsbord caution board; Operations manager who provides Br warning board [WB]; danger first line response to incidents) board; wachthuisje shelter  ( ~ bij overweg) (level) crossing wachtkamer zie wachtruimte caution board; wachtruimte waiting room “Let op trein”, “Let op de treinen” wachtspoor holding track; turnout “Beware of trains” (tekst op Brits [TO, T/O]; waarschuwingsbord);  ( ~ voor goederentreinen) goods “Look for trains” (tekst op Australisch loop waarschuwingsbord); wachtsporen storage sidings; “Railroad crossing: Stop, look, and  (een bundel ~ ) a set of storage listen” (tekst op Amerikaans waar- sidings schuwingsbord); wachtteken waiting signal “Use your brain, look out for a train” wachttijd waiting time; (tekst op Amerikaans waarschu-  (elektronisch) delay time wingsbord); wagen, wagon wag(g)on; Br railway “Warning! Watch out for trains” (tekst wagon; Br wagon; Am railroad car; op Brits waarschuwingsbord); Am car; “Wacht tot het rode licht gedoofd is.  (bagage~ ) luggage van; Am bag- Er kan nog een trein komen” “An- gage car; other train coming if lights continue  (ballast~ van werktrein) ballast to show” (tekst op Brits waarschu- wagon [ZBA, ZBO, ZBP, ZBR, ZBV, wingsbord); ZBW]; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 245

 (ballast~ met vaste zijwanden)  (erts~ ) ore wagon; ore car; mine- ballast wagon with fixed sides; ral wagon [ZHV]; open mineral wa-  (begeleidings~ voor politie) police/ gon [MAA, MAB, MEA, MFA, MHA, escort van [RPW]; MTA]; Am inf Jenny; Am inf Jimmy;  (beremde ~ ) braked wagon;  (erts~ , voor vervoer van ijzererts)  (bollen~ ofwel silo~ voor poeder- hopper [HJO, HJV, HKV]; vormige stoffen) silo wagon for the iron ore tippler [MSO]; conveyance of traffic in powder form;  (franco ~ ) free on rail [FOR]; powder wagon [PCA, PCB];  (gelede ~ ) articulated wagon;  (bovenbouwmeet~ ) track-recor-  (generator~ ; energie~ met diesel- ding coach [TRC]; aggregaat) generator van [VYA,  (buffer~ ) barrier vehicle [BV]; buf- VYX]; fer car; barrier wagon [RBA, RBB,  (gepantserde ~ ) armour plate wa- RBV, RBX, RNA, RNB]; inf buffer; gon [XAO, XAP, XAQ]; Am form an empty vehicle placed  (gesloten goederen~ ) Br goods between loco and train for safety van [ILA, ILB, IMA, IMB, KVB]; Br co- reasons; Br form any vehicle used as vered wagon; Am boxcar; Aust lou- a barrier, such as the hoppers of vre van; freight van; covered van; sand placed between locomotive and Am closed car; Br inf van; wagons conveying nuclear waste;  (geventileerde ~ ) ventilated wa-  (buffer~ , reizigersmaterieel) gon; dummy coach; barrier coach; buffer  (giet~ voor de staalindustrie) mol- coach; ten iron carrier;  (buffer/koppel~ ) barrier/match  (goederen~ ) wagon; Br goods wagon [KBO, KBV]; wagon; Am freight car; Br form  (cement~ ) cement wagon; ce- freight vehicle; ment hopper [CPV]; form wagon for  (Huckepack~ ) Road-Railer; Pig- cement traffic; gyback wagon [KOA]; spine wagon  (cement~ op draaistellen) bogie [KDA]; pocket wagon; cement wagon [JCA, JDA, PDA];  (huur~ ) hired wagon; Am leased  (containerdraag~ ) container wa- car; gon; container vehicle; container flat  (ketel~ ) tank wagon [IBA, ICA, wagon [IEB]; Br container flat [FFA, ICX, TIA, TIB, TIG, TIQ, TIR, TIW, FGA, FGB, KGA, KHA]; Br Conflat TTF, TUA]; rail tanker; Am tanker; [FEV, FEW]; Am inf can; Am inf thermos; Am inf  (dieplader~ voor zwaar vervoer) thermos bottle; low-floor wagon (for carrying heavy  (ketel~ voor creosoot) creosote machinery); well wagon; bogie well tank wagon; wagon [IDB]; Br Lowmac [XIQ, XLO,  (ketel~ voor gasvormige produc- XLP, XLQ, XLV]; ten) tank wagon for the carriage of  (draagschnabel~ ) gas; [FRO];  (ketel~ voor gevaarlijke stoffen)  (dubbeldeks~ voor autovervoer) Enhanced Crash Resistant Tank double deck car carrier [FQA, PLA, [ECRT]; PQA, WIA]; Am bi-level rack car;  (ketel~ voor melk of melkproduc- ten) milk tank wagon [TMV]; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 246

 (ketel~ voor olieproducten) oil  (luikendak~ ) wagon with folding tank wagon; Br inf bomber; Am inf oil roof; can;  (motordienst~ ) motor luggage  (ketel~ voor vloeistoffen) rail tan- van [MLV]; ker; tank wagon for the carriage of  (onderlosser~ ) hopper wagon; liquids;  (onderlosser~ voor ballast) hop-  (kiep~ ) tipping wagon; tip-up wa- per ballast wagon; ballast hopper gon; tippler [PTA]; [ZEO, ZEV, ZFA, ZFO, ZFP, ZFV,  (kiepbare ballast~ ) tipping ballast ZFW]; wagon;  (onderlosser~ voor grind of kolen)  (koel~ ) refrigerator wagon; refri- hopper; hopper wagon; coal hopper gerated wagon; [IIB, [HHA, HSO, HTA, HTO, HTP, HTV, IIX]; inf reefer; Am inf freezer; Am inf HUO, HXA, HYA]; Am dump car; riff;  (open goederen~ ) gondola [IEA];  (koel~ voor zeevisvervoer) fish  (open ~ ) open wagon [MDA, van [VFW]; MFA, MLA, PNA, POA, POO, POV];  (kolen~ ) coal wagon; coal hopper Br hake [ZBA]; Br mackerel [ZMV]; [HAA, HBA, HCA, HDA, HFA, HMA, Br minnow [ZCO]; Br urchin [ZCA]; HNA, JMA]; coke hopper [HCO, Br whelk [YNO]; HCP, HCV]; Am inf battlewagon;  (overdekte onderlosser~ ) co-  (koppel~ , goederenmaterieel) vered hopper wagon [CEA, CGA]; Br match wagon [RFO, RFQ]; match Covhop [CCO, CCP, CCV]; truck;  (overdekte onderlosser~ voor ver-  (koppel~ , reizigersmaterieel) voer van suiker) wa- translator coach [REA, REQ]; gon for sugar [CHO, CHP, CHV,  (kraan~ ) railway crane; rail dedi- CZO, CZP, CZV]; inf Covhop Sugar; cated crane; crane wagon; general  (particuliere ~ of P-~ ) privately- purpose crane [GPC]; bogie crane owned wagon; Private Owner wa- [YOB, YOP, YOR, YOV]; Am crane gon; PO wagon [IPA, IPB, IPX]; car; Am railroad crane;  (platte goederen~ ) flat wagon  (kraan~ voor hersporing bij onge- [PFA, PFB, PFV, PFW, PFX, XDV, vallen) breakdown crane; breakdown XFQ, ZVO, ZVP, ZVQ, ZVR, ZVV, crane wagon [ZIA, ZIB, ZIP, ZIR, ZVW, ZVX]; platform wagon; flat car; ZIV]; Br railway recovery crane; Am freight flat; Br salmon [YFA, YMA, (railroad) rerail crane; Am wrecking YMB, YMO, YSA, YWA, YXA]; derrick; Am Aust Br inf Big Hook;  (platte ~ met draaistellen) flat bo-  (kraan~ voor werkzaamheden aan gie wagon; bogie flat wagon; het spoor) crane wagon; track  (platte ~ voor vervoer van vracht- relaying crane [YJB, YJO, YJP, wagens) freight flat for commercial YJW, YJX]; Am crane car; Am der- vehicles [FMA]; rick car; rail mounted crane; inf Gott-  (postbagage~ ) brake van with wald™; Br inf Coles™; special compartment for mail;  (kuil~ ) well wagon; bogie well wa-  (rem~ ) brake van [YTV, ZTO, gon [IDB]; ZTP, ZTQ, ZTR, ZTV]; Br guard’s  (lichte erts~ ) mine gondola; van; Am caboose; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 247

 (rongen~ ) bolster wagon; wagon sleeping coach; living van; Am with stanchions; Br osprey [YKA]; boarding car;  (rongen~ op draaistellen) bogie  (verdwaalde ~ ) wrongly-routed bolster wagon [BCA, BCO, BCP, wagon; BCV, BCW, BDW, BEV, BFA, BHW];  (verwarmings~ ) heating van;  (ruwijzer~ ) bottle car; heating wagon;  (schamel~ ) wagon with radial bol-  ( ~ met beweegbaar dak) wagon ster; with opening roof; opening-roof wa-  (schroot~ ) scrap metal wagon gon; [MFB, MSA]; scrap steel wagon  ( ~ met draaistellen) bogie wagon [JXA, SSA]; scrap iron wagon; scrap [BAA, BAB, BBA]; Am truck car; wagon;  ( ~ met één of meer kiepbakken)  (schuifdak~ ) wagon with sliding wagon with tipping bucket(s); roof; sliding-roof wagon;  ( ~ met hoge wanden; kolen~ )  (silo~ ) silo wagon; high-sided open wagon [OHB, OHV,  (silo~ voor poedervormige stoffen) OWV]; silo wagon for the conveyance of  ( ~ met lage zijwanden) low-sided traffic in powder form; powder wagon open wagon; [PCA, PCB];  ( ~ met neerklapbare zijschotten)  (slakkenpan~ ) slag ladle wagon; wagon with hinged sides; wagon with  (slakken~ ; hoogoven slakken~ ) drop sides [OAA, OBA, OCA]; slag wagon;  ( ~ met niet in draaistellen onder-  (sluit~ ; achterste ~ ) tail wagon; gebrachte assen) non-bogie wagon; rear wagon;  ( ~ met remhuis) wagon with  (sluitbagage~ ) rear brake-van; brake cabin; Am caboose;  ( ~ met schuifwanden) curtain-  (sproei~ voor onkruidbestrijding) sided van [IUA, IUB, IYX, VHA]; weedkiller coach [KCA, KCV, KCX,  ( ~ met tweezijdig kiepbare bak) PPV]; wagon with side tipping bucket; gon-  (stal~ ; paarden~ ) horse-box; dola (wagon);  (tanktransport~ ) tank transporter;  ( ~ met vaste tussenwanden) in- bogie tank-carrying flat wagon [KFB]; ternal partition wagon; form a wagon adapted to carry army  ( ~ met verwisselbare wielstellen tanks; of assen) wagon with interchange-  (tank~ ) zie ketelwagen; able axles;  (tremel~ ) hopper ballast wagon;  ( ~ voor graanvervoer) grain car;  (vat~ voor wijn) cask wagon (for grain hopper [CGO, CGP, CGV, wine); tun wagon; PBB, PBF]; Am inf Big John;  (vee~ ) cattle wagon; cattle van  ( ~ voor los gestorte zware goede- [VCV]; Am stock car; Am inf cow ren) wagon for the carriage of heavy crate; bulk traffic;  (verblijfs~ voor baanwerkers)  ( ~ voor transport van buskruit en staff/dormitory vehicle [ZPO, ZPP, andere explosieven) gunpowder van ZPQ, ZPR, ZPV]; form coach for ac- [CXO, CXP, CXV]; commodation of men working on the  ( ~ voor transport van radioactieve railway; Am outfit car; workmen’s stoffen) atomic flask carrier [FOA, Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 248

FOB]; nuclear flask wagon [FNA,  ( ~ voor vervoer van warme giet- FNB, KUA, XJB, XKB, XKV]; hot blokken) wagon for the carriage of core nuclear flask wagon [KMX]; hot ingots;  ( ~ voor transport van spoorsta-  (water~ ) water carrying wagon ven en/of dwarsliggers) rail (and [XAA]; sleeper) wagon; sleeper carrying wa-  (wielstellen~ ) wagon for the car- gon [KRA, OSA]; Br ‘brill’ [YAA]; Br riage of axles; ‘cod’ [ZAV]; Br Stumec™ Wagon  (zand~ ) sand wagon [MTV, USV]; [YFA]; Br ‘sturgeon’ [YBA, YBB,  (zelflosser~ ) Self-Discharging YBO, YBP, YBQ]; Br ‘tench’ [YPA]; Train [SDT]; self-discharging wagon; Br ‘tunny’ [ZCO, ZCV]; form (bogie) hopper wagon; gondola (wagon); Am wagon for carrying rails and slee- dump car; Am ; hopper; pers; Am inf cradle;  ( ~ voor vervoer van auto’s) car  (zijkiep~ voor ballast) side-tipping transport wagon; car-carrier; auto- ballast wagon [ZJV]; side tippler mobile carrier; Am auto rack; car [JQA]; Am side-dump ballast car; transporter; Am inf mobile parking  (zwenkdak~ ) wagon with lateral- lot; sliding roof  ( ~ voor vervoer van bananen) ba- wagenbak superstructure of a wa- nana van [VNV]; gon  ( ~ voor vervoer van betonnen pa- wagenbovenbouw carriage body len) concrete beam wagon [XCA]; wagendak carriage roof  ( ~ voor vervoer van boomstam- wagendraaischijf wagon turntable men) timber wagon [BSW, UTV]; wagengroep raft of wagons  ( ~ voor vervoer van opleggers; wagenidentificatienummer car Huckepack~ ) Piggyback wagon identification number [CARINO] [KOA]; Road-Railer; spine wagon wageninhoud capacity of wagon [KDA]; pocket wagon; Am Trailer on wageninspectieloods carriage in- Flat Car [TOFC]; form wagon with a spection shed recessed pocket for the axle/wheel wagenkilometer car kilometer assembly of a semi-trailer; wagenkieptoestel wagon tipping  ( ~ voor vervoer van ruwijzer op device het Hoogovensterrein) bottle car; wagenkipper wagon tipper  ( ~ voor vervoer van staalrollen) wagenklasse class of wagon ; wagenkoppeling wagon coupling  ( ~ voor vervoer van staalrollen, wagenlading wagon load op draaistellen) bogie steel coil wa- wagenlijst van goederentrein con- gon [BEA, BIA]; sist; guard’s journal; Am wheel re-  ( ~ voor vervoer van staalrollen, port; form a list of the vehicles ma- op draaistellen, met huif) bogie co- king up a train vered steel coil wagon [BKA]; wagenloods wagon shed  ( ~ voor vervoer van voorgemon- wagenmeester Carriage and Wagon teerde spoorsegmenten) panel car- Examiner [CWE]; Am car inspector; rier; form a bogie wagon with a flat Br wheel tapper; Am inf car knocker; deck for transporting prefabricated Am inf galvaniser; Am inf hot foot track panels; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 249 wagenonderstel bogie; carriage wangedrag frame  ( ~ van reizigers) form Trespass wagenpark rolling stock [RS] and Vandalism [T&V]; form unrea- wagenrong stanchion; side stan- sonable behaviour by passengers; chion; upright; form upright of wa- inf passenger action; gon;  (vertraging die veroorzaakt wordt  (gaffelvormige ~ ) forked stan- door ~ van reizigers) form disruption chion; of train services due to unreasonable  (scharnierende ~ , neerklapbaar) behaviour by passengers articulated stanchion; hinged stan- warmweerschouw hot weather pa- chion trol; heat patrol; form special track wagenschot panelling patrols undertaken during periods of wagenschroefbout coach screw high rail temperatures, to detect wagentype type of car; wagon type track buckles wagentypecode wagon type code; warmweerschouwer Br Critical Rail Br Car Kind Temperature Watchman [CRTW] wagenveer carriage spring wasinrichting zie treinwasinrichting wagenventilatie carriage ventilation wasstraat zie treinwasinrichting wagenverdeling distribution of wa- water nemen gons  (bijtanken van stoomlocomotief) wagenverwarming carriage heating to water the locomotive; to take in wagenvracht wagon load water wagenweegtoestel wagon balance; waterstandaanwijzer wagon weighing device; wagon  ( ~ in stoomlocomotief) water level weighing bridge gauge; form lining for water level wagenwerkplaats car shop; car- gauge; water-gauge indicator; water riage shop; carriage works; depot level indicator; workshop; Wagon Repair Depot  (peilglas in stoomlocomotief) wa- [WRD] ter glasses; transparent water level wagonfabriek wagon works tube; water gauge wagonkraan wagon crane watervoorraad water supplies; wa- wagonlading wagon load ter reserves wagonwiel carriage wheel; wagon watervoorziening watering; form re- wheel plenishment of water supplies walkraan quay crane; shore crane; WBI waterside crane; wharf crane  (werkplekbeveiligingsinstructie) walm dense smoke; safety instructions for engineer’s  (blauwe ~ van dieseltrein) clag occupation; ± Br RT9909 COSS Walschaerts-stoomverdeling Form (COSS Record of Arrange-  (in stoomlocomotief) Walschaerts ments and Briefing Form, including valve gear details of protection to be recorded); walsschakelaar drum controller; cy- ± Br Risk Minimisation [RIMINI] Form lindrical controller WC toilet weersomstandigheden weather conditions;  (slechte ~ ) bad weather; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 250

 (vanwege ~ ) due to weather con-  ( ~ voor treindienstleiders, waarbij ditions wordt meegereden in de machinis- weerstand tencabine; bij de spoorwegen ge-  (aanloop~ ) starting resistance; bruikt men hiervoor ook het werk-  (dempings~ ) damping resistance; woord “baanvakken”) cab riding  (elektrische ~ ) electric resistance; weglopen van een wagen to break  (Ohmse ~ ofwel gelijkstroom~ ) away; breaking away of a wagon ohmic resistance; wegonderhoud track maintenance;  (regelbare ~ ofwel rheostaat) railway maintenance; Br Permanent rheostat; Way Maintenance [PWM]  (rem~ ) brake resistor; dynamic wegonderhoudsdienst permanent- braking resistor; way maintenance department  (rem~ van rijdende trein) brake re- wegpromoveren to kick somebody sistance; upstairs  (rij~ optredend bij rijden van een wegwerkers zie baanwerkers trein) train resistance; form resis- wegwijzer voor de machinist tance to forward motion;  (baanvaktekening) railway section  (rol~ ) resistance to rolling; drawing (train driver’s copy)  (specifieke trein~ , kg/t) specific werkplaats railway works; railway train resistance (lb./t.); workshop;  (trein~ op horizontale rechte  (bovenbouw~ ) permanent way baan) train resistance on level and workshop; Am maintenance of way tangent track; shop;  (veiligheids~ ) safety resistor;  (depot~ , kleine wagen~ ) depot  ( ~ bij in beweging komen van een workshop; trein) breakaway force of a train;  (herstel~ ) repair shop;  (zijdelingse ~ ) lateral strength  (hoofd~ ) main workshop; weerstandscontroletoestel voor  (hoofd~ voor reparaties e.d. aan spoorstaven device for measuring rollend materieel) central repair facili- rail resistance ty; Br (loco) workshop; Am Repair wegbekendheid Facility; Am shop;  ( ~ voor machinisten) local experi-  (hoofd~ voor rijtuigen en wagens) ence; main repair shop (for hauled stock);  (machinist met ~ ) pilotman;  (lijn~ voor onderhoud aan rollend  (machinist zonder ~ ) train driver materieel) vehicle maintenance and without local experience; Br inf bun- repair shop; Br Traction Maintenance ny Depot [TMD]; Br depot; Am Mainte- Wegenverkeerswet Highway Code nance Facility; Weg en Werken  (lijn~ voor getrokken materieel)  (Dienst van ~ ) Civil Engineer’s shop for light repairs to trailer stock; Department; Am Way and Structures  (rijtuig- en wagen~ ) carriage and Department wagon works; Am car shop; wegleren  (spoorweg~ ) railway workshop;  ( ~ voor machinisten) learning the  (wagen~ ) car shop; carriage road; road learning; inf to cab; shop; carriage works; Wagon Repair Depot [WRD] Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 251 werkplek plaining the Safe System of Work  ( ~ bij werkzaamheden aan het [SSOW] spoor) worksite; engineering work- werkspanning site  (minimale ~ ofwel houdspanning) werkplekbeveiliging engineer’s oc- holding voltage cupation safety Werkspoor werkplekbeveiligingsinstructie zie  (Nederlandsche Fabriek van WBI Werktuigen en Spoorwegmaterieel) werkplekbeveiligingsklasse occu- Dutch Equipment and Rolling Stock pation safety category; Factory;  ( ~ Beheerste Toelating (BT)) ± an de e-locs serie 1200 van de NS wa- Occupation taken between trains ren ontworpen door Baldwin in de and given up whenever a train needs Verenigde Staten en gebouwd in Ne- to run over the affected section (in derland door ~ the NS class 1200 e- Britain, this variety is called a T2 or lectric locomotives were designed by T12 Occupation); Baldwin in the United States and  ( ~ Buitendienststelling (BD)) ± a built by the Dutch Werkspoor factory Possession taken for an agreed peri- werktrein engineer’s train; engineer- od without the facility to run trains in ing train; work(s) train; permanent the area during that period until the way train; Br Class 8 train (deze aan- holder of the Possession decides to duiding wordt ook gebruikt voor Brit- relinquish it (in Britain, this variety is se goederentreinen welke niet snel- called a T3 Possession, Absolute ler mogen rijden dan 35 mijl per uur); Possession or Engineer’s Posses- Br form any train comprising vehicles sion); used in connection with engineering  ( ~ Gegarandeerde Waarschu- or similar works. This includes on- wing (GW)) occupation safety cate- track machines; gory whereby a competent person  (wagen in ~ voor transport van holding current certification gives ap- spoorstaven en dwarsliggers) ‘stur- propriate warning of trains approach- geon’, a 50-ton bogie wagon for car- ing a workgroup; rying rails and sleepers, used by en-  ( ~ Persoonlijke Waarneming gineers; (PW)) ± Individual Working Alone  (wagen in ~ voor transport van [IWA]; form a person certificated to ballast) ballast wagon work alone on or near the line and werktreinbegeleider pilotman; con- able to look up every five seconds voyer; convoy man; Am pilot (the type of tasks which can be car- werkvoorbereider Contractor’s Res- ried out by the individual is limited ponsible Engineer [CRE] and the individual is responsible for werkzaamheden his/her own safety)  ( ~ aan het spoor) works; engi- werkplekinstructie door LWB neering works; work on the railway COSS Brief; COSS Briefing; Task track; Briefing [TB]; form a brief given by  ( ~ aan de bovenleiding) work on the Controller of Site Safety [COSS] the overhead wires; to all members of the workgroup ex- Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 252

 ( ~ onder buitendienststelling) the track in question from one direc- works under controlled conditions; tion or the other works within a possession; Wickham™ zie railinspectievoertuig  (herstel~ na een ongeval) repairs wiebertje zie WIBR (after an accident); wiegbalk zie draaistelbevestiging  (onderhouds~ aan de spoorbaan) wiel wheel; track maintenance; engineering  (draag~ of loop~ ) ; (works); Am idler;  (opruimings~ ) clearing work;  (drijf~ ) ;  ( ~ tussen de treinenloop door) Br  (flens~ ) flanged wheel; Br Aust Between Trains [BT]; form arrange- railway wheel; Am railroad wheel; ments where work is carried out in  (flens~ van rail/wegvoertuig) the intervals between trains passing guide wheel; rail wheel; a site; Br inf Margin  (gevleugeld ~ , in veel landen het werkzone length; symbool van de spoorwegen)  ( ~ bij procesmatig onderhoud) winged wheel; form particular stretch of line alloca-  (naloop~ ) ; ted to track maintenance  (slingering van een ~ ) warping of Whyte-notatie ; a wheel; de ~ wordt gebruikt in Noord-Ameri-  (tand~ ) cogwheel; gear wheel; ka, het Verenigd Koninkrijk en Ier- toothed wheel; land voor de beschrijving van de as-  (vierkante ~en; vlakke plaatsen op indeling van stoomlocomotieven the treinwiel) form wheels worn uneven- Whyte notation is used in North ly; flat wheels; inf square wheels; Br America, the UK and Ireland for des- inf clogs on; Br inf Bulgarian wheels; cribing steam locomotive axle ar-  (vlieg~ ) flywheel; rangements;  (voorloop~ ) ; de ~ wordt ook gebruikt voor de be-  (wagon~ ) carriage wheel; wagon schrijving van Britse rangeerlocomo- wheel tieven the Whyte notation is also wielband tyre (of wheel); used for describing shunters in the  (borst van ~ ) lip of tyre; UK;  (omgekrompen ~ ) shrunk-on tyre; de ~ telt het aantal voorloopwielen, separate tyre; daarna het aantal drijfwielen, en ten-  (omkrimpen van de ~ om de velg) slotte het aantal naloopwielen, waar- pressing on the tyre; tyring a wheel; bij de nummers gescheiden worden  (opnieuw afdraaien van de ~ ) to door koppeltekens the Whyte nota- turn / re-turn the tyre; tion counts the number of leading  (profiel van de ~ opnieuw af- wheels, then the number of driving draaien) to re-tread the tyre; wheels, and finally the number of  (sprengring van ~ ) tyre clip; tyre trailing wheels, groups of numbers clasp; spring ring; spring clip; being separated by dashes  (uitgelopen ~ ) tyre with widened WIBR tread  (waarschuwingsinstallatie op wielblok carstop; wheel chock bruggen) signal indicating on the bridge that a train is approaching on Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 253

wielblokkering  ( ~-indicator) wheel slip light;  (inrichting tegen ~ ) anti-skid de-  ( ~preventiesysteem) Wheel Slide vice Prevention [WSP] system; Wheel wieldruk wheel load; Slip Prevention [WSP] system  (beschadigen van de spoorstaaf- wielstel set of wheels kop door te hoge ~ ) crushing; form wijziging change deformation of a rail head caused by WILO excessive wheel loads;  (waarschuwingsinstallatie voor  (te hoge ~ ) excessive wheel load landelijke overwegen) fixed automa- wielenbank wheel lathe tic warning device for occupation wielflens flange of wheel; wheel crossings flange; flange; wipoverwegboom lifting barrier; lift-  (aanlopen van de ~ tegen de ing gate spoorstaafkop) striking of the flange wipschakelaar rocker switch; tumb- against the head of rail; the flange ler switch; inf flip-flop presses against the rail; wissel point switch; track switch; Br  (afgesleten ~ ) worn flange; flange point(s); Am switch; Am switch gear; worn thin; Br inf sneck; Am inf turnout;  (oplopen van de ~ tot bovenop de het woord “turnout” wordt in de spoorstaafkop) climbing the rail; volksmond wel gebruikt voor de aan- wheel unloading; overriding of the duiding van een ~ hoewel dit tech- rail by the wheel flange; mounting of nisch gezien incorrect is although the wheel flange on the rail; form the technically incorrect, the word “turn- action of a rail wheel being driven up out” is sometimes popularly used to the running face of a rail, resulting in denote points; a derailment; het woord “turnout” verwijst eigenlijk  (railaanloopzijde van de ~ ) inside naar een wisselspoor of zijspoor, surface of the flange; soms inclusief een wissel the word  (scherpgelopen ~ ) sharp flange “turnout” actually denotes a switch (due to wear); track or siding, sometimes including  (scherplopen van de ~ ) sharpen- points; ing of the flange;  (aansluitings~ ) junction points;  ( ~ schuurt tegen de spoorstaaf)  (afleidend ~ ) trap points; the flange grinds on the rail; the  (bedienen van een ~ ) to operate flange rubs on the rail; a switch; inf to throw a switch; switch  ( ~ van normaal profiel) normal operating; point operating; switch flange operation; form operation of switch- wielgeleider zie strijkregel es; form throwing-over the points; to wielnaaf hub; boss of wheel set the points; Am inf to bend the wielslip slipping wheels; (train or lo- iron; Am inf to bend the rails; Am inf co suffering from) wheel slip; wheel to bend the rust; slide; skidding; Br inf dancing; Br inf  (Belgisch ~ ) automatic points; picking the wheels up; Br inf to lose  (bijzonder ~ ) special points; its feet;  (bocht~ ) curve points; form points de loc heeft last van ~ the loco has located in a track curve; lost her feet; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 254

 (bovenleiding~ ) overhead switch-  (geklemd ~ ) (semi-)permanently ing device; locked points; clamped switch;  (brom~ ) motor points operated on  (gekoppeld ~ ) coupled points; site; Br inf hurdy gurdy;  (gemotoriseerd ~ ) powered  (centraal bediend ~ ) remote-con- switch; motor operated points; motor trolled points; worked points; form power operated  (derailleer~ ) zie ontspoortong; points; form a switch operated by  (drieweg~ ) three-way switch; means of a point machine; inf motor double turnout; points;  (dubbelkruis~ ) zie Engels wissel;  (gewoon ~ ) standard points; sim-  ( ~dwarsligger) switch sleeper; ple points; switch tie;  (half Engels ~ ) inside single slip;  (ééndelig ~ ) simple points; inf slips; inf half slip; single slip; inf  (eis~ ) interlocked points for flank half Englishman; form a diamond protection; crossing fitted with two slip switches  (elektrisch bediend ~ ) power ope- to provide an additional directional rated points; motor points; facility, in which the slip switch toes  (Engels ~ of dubbelkruis~ ) inside lie between the common crossings; double slip; inf double slip; form a  (half Engels ~ met buitenliggende diamond crossing fitted with four slip tongen) diamond with single slip; switches to provide additional direc-  (handbediend ~ ) hand-operated tional facilities, in which the slip points; hand-thrown switch; hand switch toes lie between the common lever switch; hand-operated switch; crossings; form a diamond crossing manual points; form points operated with connections between both by hand; inf hand points; tracks in both directions; inf English-  (hand~ ) zie handbediend wissel; man;  (hand~ met contragewicht) weigh-  (Engels ~ met binnenliggende ted points; tongen) double slip on straight  (heel Engels ~ ) zie Engels wissel; tracks;  (het berijden van een ~ ) to run  (Engels ~ met buitenliggende over a point; to take a point; to take a tongen) double slip crossing; double switch; slip;  (het uiterste ~ van een station)  (Engels ~ met kruisbeweging) entry points; double turnout junction with switches  (het ~ met de punt mee berijden, worked by separate levers; ofwel het ~ uitrijden) to trail the point;  (Engels ~ met parallelbeweging) to pass the point trailing; double turnout junction with switches  (het ~ tegen de punt berijden) to worked by the same lever; pass the point facing; to run over the  (enkel ~ ) point switch; simple facing point; points; split switch; inf single turnout;  (het ~ uitrijden) to trail the point; to  (gebogen ~ ) curved points; pass the point trailing;  (geënclencheerd ~ ) interlocked  (hogesnelheids~ , met beweeg- points; baar puntstuk) points with moving  (gegrendeld ~ ) locked points; nose; high-speed crossover; high- speed turnout; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 255

 (klap~ ) automatic points; face the direction of traffic on each of  (klap~ met veer) spring points; the tracks being joined;  (kruis~ ) scissors crossover;  (rechtsleidend ~ ) switch leading double crossing; to the right;  (linksleidend ~ ) switch leading to  (rechts meegebogen ~ ) right the left; hand switch on similar flexive curve;  (links meegebogen ~ ) left hand  (rechts of links tegengebogen ~ ) switch on similar flexive curve; right hand or left hand switch with  (links ~ ) left hand points; left contra flexive curve; hand turnout [LHTO]; Am left-hand  (rechts ~ ) points/switch for right railroad switch; points/switch for left hand turnout; right hand turnout hand turnout; [RHTO]; Am right-hand railroad  (lucht~ ) zie rijdraadaftakking; switch; right hand points;  (mechanisch ~ ; niet gemotori-  (sturing geven van een ~ ) to ope- seerd ~ ) mechanical points; form a rate a switch; to reverse the points; switch which is operated mechani- form to throw over the points; form cally without any form of power ope- operating a switch to one position or ration; the other; to set the points; Br to set  (meegebogen Engels ~ ) outside the switch; lining a turnout; inf to double slip on similar flexure curves, throw the switch; Am inf to bend the with similar flexure slip roads; iron; Am inf to bend the rails; Am inf  (meegebogen half Engels ~ ) out- to bend the rust; inf to throw a side single slip on inside of similar switch; flexure curves;  (symmetrisch ~ ) symmetrical  (meegebogen ~ ) curved turnout; points; symmetrical switch; split curved switch; switch; equal split switch; inf split  (meerdelig ~ met beweegbaar turnout; puntstuk) movable crossing; swing  (tegen de punt bereden ~ ) facing nose crossing [SNX]; points with mo- points; ving nose;  (tegengebogen Engels ~ ) outside  (niet geënclencheerd ~ ) non- double slip, one slip road off straight interlocked points; tracks, one slip road off curved  (niet gemotoriseerd ~ ) zie me- tracks; chanisch wissel;  (tegengebogen half Engels ~ )  (‘omgooien’ van een ~ ) form to outside single slip on straight track, throw over the points; inf to throw a tracks curved beyond obtuse cros- switch; sing;  (ontspoor~ ) zie ontspoortong;  (ter plaatse bediend ~ ) manually  (opengereden ~ ) split points; Am operated points; points operated on switch run through; form points site; forced open;  (twee ineengeschoven ~s ofwel  (openrijdbaar ~ ) trailable points; een K-~ ) tandem switch; inf tandem  (overloop~s) diverting points; con- turnout; three-throw turnout; necting points;  (uiterste ~ van een station) entry  (punt~ ) facing crossover; form a points; rail crossover in which the points  (uitgereden ~ ) trailing points; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 256

 (vast ~ ) dumb switch;  ( ~ met voorkeursstand) automatic  (vaste rail in een ~ ) stock rail; points; side rail;  ( ~ met voorkeuzestand) automa-  (veer~ ) spring points; tic points;  (vergrendeld ~ ) locked points;  ( ~ niet in de eindstand) points out  (verschoven drieweg~ rechts- of correspondence; points not cor- links) tandem turnout with double bi- rectly set; points not properly home; lateral switches; half-open position of the switch; point  (verschoven meegebogen drie- blades not fully home; weg~ links) tandem turnout, both  ( ~ uit de controle) points not in switches to left; control;  (verschoven meegebogen drie-  ( ~ uitsluitend voor rangeerbewe- weg~ rechts) tandem turnout, both gingen) shunting points; switches to right;  ( ~ voor overgang van enkel op  (vertakkings~ ) diverging points; dubbel spoor) points leading from  (verzoek~ ) (semi-interdependent) single to double line; points for optional flank protection;  (zelfstellend ~ ) automatic points;  ( ~ dat toegang geeft tot raccorde-  (zwikveer~ ) hand-operated spring ment) main line to yard switch; points without counterbalance  ( ~hout) switch sleeper; switch tie; wisselbediening switch operating;  ( ~ in ‘abnormale’ stand) points in point operating; switch operation; reverse position; form operation of switches; form  ( ~ in de ‘afleidende’ stand) trap throwing-over the points; to set the points; trailing points; reverse points; points; Am inf to bend the iron; Am  ( ~ in de ‘kromme’ stand) trailing inf to bend the rails; Am inf to bend points; reverse points; the rust;  ( ~ in de ‘rechte’ stand) facing  (toestel voor ~ ) point operating points; apparatus;  ( ~ in een boog) switch and cros-  (toestel voor ~ met trekdraad) loc- sing work with main line curved; king frame with wire gear  ( ~ met flauwe hoek) points with a wisselbegin start of a turnout small turnout angle; wisselbezem points brush  ( ~ met individueel aangedreven wisselbocht curve of switch tongen) split switches; wisselboog switch radius; form the  ( ~ met na elkaar bewegende ton- radius of the curve from the tangent gen) semi-independent points; points point to the running edge at the end with flexible tongue(s); of the switch planing to the tangent  ( ~ met onafhankelijke tongver- point to the running edge at the grendeling) semi-independent point switch heel tongues; wisselcontrole switch position indi-  ( ~ met scharnierende tongen) cator; point detector rigid points; form heel-type rigid wisseldetectie switch detection points; wisseleinde switch end; end of a  ( ~ met verende tongen) points turnout with flexible tongues; wissel- en seinstoring switch and signal failure Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 257

wisselgrendel facing point lock wisselschiftmachine switch (re-)li- wisselgrendeling locking of points ning machine; point shifting machine wisselgrendelknop facing point lock wisselsein switch signal; point indi- circuit controller cator; points signal; signal point indi- wisselhartstuk zie puntstuk cator wisselhefboom switch lever wissels en kruisingen switches wisselhendel and crossings [S and C, S&C]; form  (in seinhuis) point handle; points and crossings [P&C]; form  (bij het wissel) point lever; hand switch and crossing units; Br inf hea- lever vy work; Br inf connections; Br inf fit- wisselhout tings; Br inf special work; Br inf thick  (dwarsligger voor toepassing in work wissels) switch sleeper; Am switch wisselsignaal switch signal; point tie indicator; points signal; signal point wisselklem switch clamp; switch indicator point clamp; form switch point lock- wisselslot point lock ing device wisselsluiting point locking wisselkloot wisselsmeren switch lubrication; lu-  (contragewicht van een handwis- brication of switches; Br inf point oil- sel) points counterbalance ing; greasing points wisselkoppeling connection to wisselspanning AC voltage; alter- points nating current voltage; alternating wisselkrabber points scraper voltage wisselkruis scissors crossing; doub- wisselspanningscomponent alter- le cross-over; nating component  (symmetrisch ~ ) scissors cros- wisselspanningsmeter AC voltme- sing ter wisselkruk points crank; points key; wisselspoor turnout [TO, T/O]; Am inf company jewelry switch track wissellaadbak zie afneembare laad- wisselstand position of points; bak switch position; position of switch; wissellantaarn switch indicator  (abnormale ~ of afleidende ~ of lamp; switch point lamp; switch point omgelegde ~ of secundaire ~ ) re- light versed position; points in reverse po- wissellegger, wisselligger switch sition; open turnout; reverse switch sleeper position; form a turnout which is set wisselmiddelpunt heel of switch for the diverging route; wisselmotor switch motor; point mo-  (inrichting voor controle van de ~ ) tor; point machine point detector; wisselomzetting reversing the  (normale ~ of primaire ~ of recht- points; throwing over the points doorgaande ~ ) normal position of wisselrail switch rail points; closed turnout; form a turnout wisselrichtmachine zie wisselschift- set for the normal route, usually the machine straight one wisselrollen switch rollers wisselstandaanwijzer point indica- tor; form a device giving a visual indi- Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 258

cation of the direction in which points wisselstraatvastlegging have been set; Br inf target;  ( ~ bij nadering) approach route  (mechanische ~ ) mechanical locking point indicator wisselstratencomplex station grid- wisselstandcontrole point detection iron wisselstandwijzer route indicator wisselstroom alternating current wisselstang point rod; throw rod; [AC]; point operating rod; switch rod; point  (driefasige ~ ) rotary current; wedge; form point operating stretch- three-phase current; er  ( ~ gelijkrichten) rectify an alterna- wisselsteller point mechanism; ting current; point machine;  (sinusvormige ~ ) sinusoidal alter-  (elektrische ~ ) electric motor nating current; driven point mechanism  ( ~aanzetweerstand) AC starter; wisselsteller(kast) point machine alternating current starter; wisselsteller met kruk point ma-  ( ~circuit) AC circuit; alternating chine with hand crank current circuit; wisselstopmachine points and  ( ~motor) alternating current mo- crossing tamping machine tor; wisselstoring switch failure; form  ( ~relais) alternating current relay; defective working of switches;  ( ~techniek) alternating current  ( ~ door slecht weer) the blocking engineering; and freezing of points mechanisms  ( ~toestel) alternating current ap- in severe weather paratus; wisselstraat station gridiron; set of  ( ~transformator) alternate current points; group of points; Br form transformer; switch and crossing layout;  ( ~veld) AC field;  (in railinfrastructuur) form a series  ( ~waarde) AC value; of switch and crossing units laid in  ( ~weerstand) AC resistance; dy- succession across a number of run- namic resistance ning lines; Br inf ladder; Am inf gate; wisselsturing  (in rijweg voor trein) form the main  (sturen en vastleggen van wissel) or primary route through a set of to set the points; Am inf to bend the points; straight road (route through a iron; Am inf to bend the rails; Am inf set of points, not necessarily in a to bend the rust; straight line);  (wissel terugsturen in oorspronke-  (stelsel van kruisende wisselstra- lijke stand) to set the points (again); ten) group of scissor crossings throwing-over the points; Am inf to wisselstraatknoppen route levers; close the gate  (koppeling van ~ ) locking of route wisseltongcontact point control levers switch wisselstraatkruk route lever wisseltongcontroleur wisselstraatseinknop tinerary lever  (apparaat) switch-blade detector; wisselstraatvasthouding through  ( ~ aan spoorstaaf gekoppeld) route locking plunger proving of switch blades; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 259

 ( ~ aan tong gekoppeld) facing  (klapperen van de ~ ) joggle for point lock stretcher straight-cut switches; wisseltongen point blades; switch  (niet aansluitende ~ ) half-closed rails; point tongues; tongues of point; points; the points are half-open; the inf tongues; tongue rails; switch switch is half-open; blades; switch tongues; switch toes;  (niet met elkaar gekoppelde ~ ) in- form the moveable rails in points, dependently worked point blades; which incorporate the ‘sharp’ end to  (rechte ~ ) straight tongues of (a) guide the wheels of a train; point; de niet-beweegbare spoorstaven in  (slag van de ~ ) switch opening; een wissel worden ‘stock rails’ ge- switch travel; noemd stock rails are the lengths of  (verende ~ ) spring switch blades; fixed running rail against which the spring tongues; blades of the switch rails bear;  ( ~ met scharnierend worteleind;  (aanliggende ~ ) closed point; wissel met scharnierende ~ ) rigid closed tongues; switch; form rigid switch heel type  (afliggende ~ ) open point; open wisseltongslot chair lock; form de- tongues; vice which locks the tongues of a  (afstand tussen tongspits en aan- switch in the appropriate direction vang boogstraal in dezelfde wissel- wisseltongspits point of a switch tong) distance between nose and tongue fine nose in a switch; wisseltrekstang point rod; throw  (gapen van de ~ ) points out of rod; point operating rod; switch rod; correspondence; points not correctly stretcher bar; drive bar; point wedge; set; points not properly home; half- form point operating stretcher open position of the switch; point wisseltype switch type blades not fully home; wisselvastlegging point lock(ing);  (gekoppelde ~ ) point blades form the setting of points in a route; linked by stretcher bars;  (spoorstroom voor ~ ) ground  (halve tongbeweging; wisseltong track point lock met aanslagspoorstaaf) half of a pair wisselverbinding cross-over; track of switches; connection; track junction; junction  (halve tongbeweging; wisseltong [JCN, JCT, JT]; met beweegbaar worteleinde) half-  (enkelvoudige ~ ) single cross- set of switches with pivoted switch over; heel;  ( ~ in een boog) cross-over bet-  (halve tongbeweging; wisseltong ween curved tracks with left hand met vast worteleinde of verende crossings; tong) half-set of switches with flexi-  ( ~ met rechtse wissels) cross- ble switch heel; over between straight tracks with  (het niet goed aansluiten van de right hand crossings ~ ; wissel niet in de eindstand) points wisselvergrendeling locking of out of correspondence; points not points; point lock; point locking; correctly set; points not properly facing point lock [FPL]; (facing) point home; half-open position of the bar; locking bar switch; point blades not fully home; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 260 wisselverwarming point heater;  (knipperende ~ ) flashing ‘X’, ap- points heating; switch heater; switch- plicable to freight and other designa- heating (system); ted trains only, meaning “warning  (elektrische ~ ) Electric Points signal for steady ‘X’” Heating [EPH]; electric pad heater; woon-werkverkeer (daily) commu-  (elektrische ~ ; lint~ ) electric strip ting heaters; WUBO  ( ~ op gas) gas point heater  (waarschuwingslichten bij uitzicht- wisselwachter pointsman; points belemmerende objecten) fixed auto- operator [PO]; signalman; Am matic warning device for view-ob- switchman; Am inf cherry picker; Am structing objects inf cinder cruncher WIT Y  (waarschuwingslichten in tunnels) signal indicating in the tunnel that a Yarrow-ketel train is approaching on the track in  ( ~ op stoomlocomotief) Yarrow’s question from one direction or the water-tube boiler other Y-draad witje zie WIT  (hulpdraagkabel van bovenlei- wit licht zie wit sein ding) auxiliary catenary wire wit sein Y-type dwarsliggers Y steel ties;  (wit seinbeeld bij vrijgave range- Am Y-ties; Y-shaped ties ren) shunt ahead signal;  (wit seinbeeld bij middenvoetbrug- sein) lunar light(s); white light(s);  (wit seinbeeld bij voorsein) Zwe- den is het enige Europese land waar een wit seinbeeld in een voorsein “veilig” betekent en groen “afrem- men” Sweden is the only European country which uses the white light for “Proceed” and the green light for “Caution” at distant signals wit seinbeeld zie wit sein witte G  (seinbeeld in Nederland) signal applicable to freight and other desig- nated trains only, meaning “the tun- nel entry speed must not be exceed- ed” witte lamp zie wit sein witte X  (seinbeeld in Nederland) steady ‘X’, applicable to freight and other designated trains only, meaning “stop at signal”; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 261

Z Mail Van [MPMV]; ± electric parcels unit [EPU];  ( ~ rijtuig ofwel railbus) self-pro- zakkenroller pickpocket; pelled rail car let op uw eigendommen, er zijn ~s zelfsignalerende kortsluitlans zie op dit station watch your luggage kortsluitlans carefully, there are pickpockets in zelfstellend wissel automatic points this station zeskantbout hex bolt; form bolt with zakking van het spoor track subsi- a hexagonal or six sided head; hex dence; settling of the track head cap screw zandkist zetting  ( ~ voor remzand in locomotief) Br  (inklinking van de bodem; bodem- loco sand dome; Am sand box daling) subsidence; settling; soil sub- zandstrooier zie remzandstrooier sidence; settlement; consolidation zandwagen, zandwagon open sand zettingsvrije plaat floating slab wagon [USV] zettingsvrij spoor slab track; float- zeecontainer maritime container; ing slab track [FST] shipping container; ocean container; zicht visibility; line of sight; form the inf sea container; form intermodal unobstructed line from the train dri- container ver to the target needed to observe zeehavenstation harbour station obstructions and trackside instruc- zelflosser tions in time to respond with the cor-  (bep. type wagen voor bijv. grind, rect driving action; kolen of kalk) Self-Discharging Train  ( ~ op de spoorbaan) visibility; [SDT]; self-discharging wagon; hop- sighting distance; per wagon; hopper; gondola (wa- in de mist was het ~ verminderd tot gon); Am dump car; Am inf cradle ongeveer 100 meter visibility was zelfrijdend self-propelled; down to about 100 metres in the fog;  ( ~ directierijtuig, zoals “De Ka-  (elektrisch ~ ) Cab Display Unit meel”) self-propelled railway board [CDU]; form device which displays coach; the electronic messages from the  ( ~e bovenleidingmontagewagen) automatic train control system to the overhead line motorcar; OHL motor- driver; car;  (goed ~ ) good visibility;  ( ~e kraan) self-propelled crane;  (rijden op ~ ) running at sight;  ( ~e onderwagen van locomotief- form to drive a train on sight (vigilant kraan) self-propelled undercarriage for any obstructions on the line a- (of a locomotive crane); head, ready to stop at any obstruc-  ( ~e spoormodule) self-propelled tion); railway module (with re-railing equip-  (rijweg op ~ ) on-sight route; ment);  (slecht ~ ) poor visibility  ( ~e spoorwegkraan) Br loco zichtafstand visual distance; visibili- crane; Am locomotive crane; ty  ( ~ motorpostrijtuig ofwel ‘mP’) zichtbaar visible self-propelled rail vehicle for the postal service; ± Motor Parcels and Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 262

ziel van de spoorstaaf to place (a train) in a layby; Br to  (raillijf) web; web of (the) rail; form place (a train) in a loop; Br inf (to put the thin part of the rail between the a train) in the cupboard; Br inf to base and the head dike; zigzaglas  (trein die naar een ~ gaat) train  (spoor voorzien van ~ ofwel man- passing onto a branch line; Br inf gaanrups voor gegarandeerde trein- train going round the corner; detectie, gebruikt bij hoogfrequente  ( ~ dat aan beide zijden toeganke- spoorstroomloop) track circuit conti- lijk is) through siding [TS]; form si- nuity welding; form manganese line ding with entry from either direction; on track, used to more accurately  ( ~ dat bijna niet gebruikt wordt) determine the position of a train or little-used siding; Not in Regular Use track occupancy on infrequently [NIRU]; inf rusty siding; Am inf high used lines or sections with an over- grass; Am inf high grass line; Br inf lay track circuit [OTC]; inf wavy line mothballed; on track; inf wiggly wire; inf zig-zag  ( ~ op of naar fabrieksterrein, in- welding; inf zig-zag dustriespoor) factory siding; works zigzagophanging van rijdraad po- siding; form industrial siding (gated- lygonal catenary off from the running lines); zijdelingse weerstand van het  ( ~ voor defect materieel) siding spoor lateral resistance of the track; allocated to cripples; cripple siding; het plaatsen van elastisch onderleg- Am cripple road; form a siding set materiaal onder de dwarsliggers ver- aside for the storage and/or repair of mindert de ~ met ongeveer een der- defective rail vehicles; Am inf bad de the installation of pads under order track; Br inf bone yard; Am inf sleepers reduces the lateral resis- rip track; Am inf scrap yard; tance of the track by approximately  ( ~ voor groot mechanisch ge- one third reedschap zoals stopmachines) Br zijlijn connecting line tamper siding; zijperron side platform; form a plat-  ( ~ voor laden en lossen van goe- form with track on one side derenwagens) reception siding; re- zijspoor siding; branch line; Br loop; ception track; loading and unloading Am side track; refuge siding; relief siding; team track siding; layby; turnout road; turnout zijwaartse aftrek van de rijdraad [TO, T/O]; brace; contact line brace; registration  (doodlopend ~ ) dead-end siding; arm stub; zingende spoorstaaf corrugated  (lang ~ ) long single siding; Br inf rail; roaring rail Burma Road; zitbank  (leeg ~ op goederenemplace-  ( ~ in rijtuig) seat; ment) Am alley;  (beklede ~ ) upholstered seat;  (niet-doodlopend ~ ) through si-  ( ~ met omklapbare rugleuning) ding [TS]; reversible seat  (op een ~ zetten van een trein) to zit- en staanplaatskilometer place stable a train; to shunt back a train; kilometre; passenger place kilome- to turn off a train; Am to park a train; Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 263 tre; form a unit of rail system perfor- zware ongevallen major accidents; mance  ( ~ waarbij gevaarlijke stoffen zijn zitplaats betrokken) major accidents involving  ( ~ in rijtuig) seat; dangerous substances u wordt verzocht deze ~en aan per- zwartrijden ; ticket eva- sonen met beperkte mobiliteit ter be- sion; form fare abuse; inf dodge fare; schikking te stellen please give up evading fares these seats to people with reduced zwartrijder fare evader; fare beater; mobility; form fare-dodging passenger; inf fare  (gereserveerde ~ ) reserved seat; dodger; Am inf blanket stiff; Aust inf  (klap~ ) folding seat; black rider; Br inf rabbit  (verstelbare ~ ) reclining seat; ad- zweeftrein magnetic levitation train; justable seat inf maglev train; inf maglev; form a zitplaatsbezettingsgraad seat load train using magnets to create both lift factor and propulsion zitplaatskilometer seat-kilometre zwikveerwissel provided  (handbediend wissel zonder con- zonnekap tragewicht, met bekrachtiging door  ( ~ op lichtsein) shade; lens een veer) hand-operated spring shade; hood; form shade over the points without counterbalance; signal head; Am form lens hood on ~s zijn te vinden op het raccorde- railroad signals; Am inf Darth Vader ment van de Hoogovens bij Velsen (due to its vague resemblance to the hand-operated spring points without helmet of Darth Vader from Star counterbalance can be found at the Wars) Steel Works’ private sidings near zuiging Velsen  ( ~ van langsrijdende treinen) suc- tion effect (of passing trains) zwaailicht warning light; rotating beacon; revolving light; emergency light; flashing light; Am emergency warning light; Am inf flashing berry;  ( ~en) emergency vehicle lighting;  (met ~en aan) with lights flashing; Am inf with berries flashing;  (met ~ en sirene) with lights and sirens; Am inf Code 3;  (blauw ~ ) blue flashing light;  ( ~balk, over de gehele breedte van de auto) lightbar; Am inf Aerody- nic™ zwaar vervoer heavy haulage zwabberlas zie zigzaglas zwakstroom weak current zware goederentrein heavy freight train; Am inf drag; Am inf jigger Peter Gutter, Spoorwegwoordenboek Ned-Eng [2e druk], pag. 264


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Dow, Andrew. Dow’s dictionary of railway quotations. Baltimore, Maryland: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2006.

Ellis, Iain W. British railway track, volume 9: Track terminology. Brentwood, Engeland: Permanent Way Institution, 2004.

Glover, John. Modern railways dictionary of railway industry terms. Hersham, Engeland: Ian Allan, 2005.

Hitt, Rodney. Electric railway dictionary. Novato, Californië: N.K. Gregg, 1972.

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Jackson, Alan A. The railway dictionary. Stroud, Engeland: NPI Media Group, 2006.

McKenna, Frank. Glossary of railwaymen’s talk: A compendium of slang terms old and new used by railwaymen. Oxford, Engeland: Ruskin College, 1970.

Railway Age’s comprehensive railroad dictionary. New York: Simmons-Board- man, 2002.

Schmid, Felix, en Watson, Charles. Railway lexicon. Birmingham, Engeland: University of Birmingham/Network Rail, 2011.

Schulte, Christopher F. Dictionary of railway track terms. Omaha, : Simmons-Boardman, 1993.

Sheppard, Harvey. Dictionary of railway slang. Ilminster, Engeland: Somerset Education Committee, 1970.

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UIC railway dictionary: English-German-French. Parijs: Union Internationale des Chemins de Fer, 2000.

Vocabulary of terms used by the permanent way department: French-German- English-Italian. Parijs: Union Internationale des Chemins de Fer, 1975.