SFCA Annual Report 2020
THE VOICE OF SIXTH FORM EDUCATION ANNUAL REPORT 2019 – 2020 WELCOME A year when the sector came together to celebrate success and face up to significant challenges. The year started, hot on the heels of another summer increase its reserves, ensuring that it is even more of examination success, with young people in sixth well-placed to provide robust support for the sector form colleges outperforming their counterparts in in the future. almost every other sector in most key indicators, with very good news emerging from the government’s When Covid-19 introduced its new set of particular spending round. An uplift in the base rate, albeit challenges, the sector and the association responded less than had been called for, was the first for with their accustomed energy, creativity, resilience almost a decade and reflected the tremendous and unity. Colleges migrated successfully to a digital impact of the Raise the Rate campaign, in which curriculum; they looked after countless vulnerable SFCA had brought together schools and colleges young people, and all their staff; they adapted in an unprecedented coalition of partners sharing a to the fast-changing landscape and made every common determination to address post 16 funding effort to ensure as many as possible could return to levels. Further, SFCA successfully pressed for a broad college at the earliest opportunity. SFCA delivered interpretation of high value / high cost courses that a digital summer, continuing with almost all its would deliver important additional funding streams scheduled activities, including the Art Exhibition and for the sector. the Summer Festival, and supporting all regional, network and council meetings so that the SFCA With a Secretary of State who had first-hand family remained in touch, united, and supporting experience of a sixth form college education, and each other.
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